Locally authored papers of the past 5 days

This is the list of the papers for the past 5 days that include local authors affiliated with Princeton University's Astrophysical Sciences department.

Papers with local authors from 2025-01-10

How the environment of the host galaxy affects the formation of multiple populations (MPs) in globular clusters (GCs) is one of the outstanding questions in the near-field cosmology. To understand the true nature of the old GC MPs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), we study the Ca--CN--CH photometry of the old metal-poor LMC GC NGC 2257. We find the predominantly FG-dominated populational number ratio of $n$(FG):$n$(SG) = 61:39($\pm$4), where the FG and SG denote the first and second generations. Both the FG and SG have similar cumulative radial distributions, consistent with the idea that NGC 2257 is dynamically old. We obtain [Fe/H] = $-$1.78$\pm$0.00 dex($\sigma$=0.05 dex) and our metallicity is $\sim$0.2 dex larger than that from the high-resolution spectroscopy by other, due to their significantly lower temperatures by $\sim$ $-$200 K. The NGC 2257 FG shows a somewhat larger metallicity variation than the SG, the first detection of such phenomenon in an old LMC GC, similar to Galactic GCs with MPs, strongly suggesting that it is a general characteristic of GCs with MPs. Interestingly, the NGC 2257 SG does not show a helium enhancement compared to the FG. Our results for the Galactic normal GCs exhibit that the degree of carbon and nitrogen variations are tightly correlated with the GC mass, while NGC 2257 exhibits slightly smaller variations for its mass. We show that old LMC GCs follow the same trends as the Galactic normal GCs in the $\Delta$W$_{\rm CF336W,F438W,F814W}$, $N_{\rm FG}/N_{\rm tot}$, and $\log M/M_{\rm \odot}$ domains. Our result indicates that the environment of the host galaxy did not play a major role in the formation and evolution of GC MPs.

Marc Hon, Saul Rappaport, Avi Shporer, Andrew Vanderburg, Karen A. Collins, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Richard P. Schwarz, Khalid Barkaoui, Samuel W. Yee, Joshua N. Winn, Alex S. Polanski, Emily A. Gilbert, David R. Ciardi, Jeroen Audenaert, William Fong, Jack Haviland, Katharine Hesse, Daniel Muthukrishna, Glen Petitpas, Ellie Hadjiyska Schmelzer, Norio Narita, Akihiko Fukui, Sara Seager, George R. Ricker
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Paper 63 — arXiv:2501.05431
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Paper 63 — arXiv:2501.05431

We report the discovery of BD+05$\,$4868$\,$Ab, a transiting exoplanet orbiting a bright ($V=10.16$) K-dwarf (TIC 466376085) with a period of 1.27 days. Observations from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) reveal variable transit depths and asymmetric transit profiles that are characteristic of comet-like tails formed by dusty effluents emanating from a disintegrating planet. Unique to BD+05$\,$4868$\,$Ab is the presence of prominent dust tails in both the trailing and leading directions that contribute to the extinction of starlight from the host star. By fitting the observed transit profile and analytically modeling the drift of dust grains within both dust tails, we infer large grain sizes ($\sim1-10\,\mu$m) and a mass loss rate of $10\,M_{\rm \oplus}\,$Gyr$^{-1}$, suggestive of a lunar-mass object with a disintegration timescale of only several Myr. The host star is probably older than the Sun and is accompanied by an M-dwarf companion at a projected physical separation of 130 AU. The brightness of the host star, combined with the planet's relatively deep transits ($0.8-2.0\%$), presents BD+05$\,$4868$\,$Ab as a prime target for compositional studies of rocky exoplanets and investigations into the nature of catastrophically evaporating planets.

Papers with local authors from 2025-01-09

Disha Bandyopadhyay, Debasish Borah, Nayan Das
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2501.04076
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2501.04076

We study the possibility of producing axion dark matter (DM) via misalignment mechanisms in a non-standard cosmological era dominated by ultra-light primordial black holes (PBH). While the effect of PBH domination on the production of axion via vacuum misalignment is known assuming the PBH evaporation to proceed according to Hawking's semi-classical (SC) approximation, we go beyond these simplest possibilities to include kinetic misalignment of axion and backreaction effect of emitted particles on the PBH themselves, referred to as the memory-burden (MB) effect. We show that, depending upon the type of misalignment mechanism and PBH evaporation regime, the axion as well as PBH parameter space consistent with the observed DM relic changes significantly having interesting implications for axion detection experiments. PBH also offer complementary detection prospects via gravitational wave due to PBH density fluctuations and excess radiation due to emission of hot axions within reach of future cosmic microwave background experiments.

Steven L. Finkelstein, Micaela B. Bagley, Pablo Arrabal Haro, Mark Dickinson, Henry C. Ferguson, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Dale D. Kocevski, Anton M. Koekemoer, Jennifer M. Lotz, Casey Papovich, Pablo G. Perez-Gonzalez, Nor Pirzkal, Rachel S. Somerville, Jonathan R. Trump, Guang Yang, L. Y. Aaron Yung, Adriano Fontana, Andrea Grazian, Norman A. Grogin, Lisa J. Kewley, Allison Kirkpatrick, Rebecca L. Larson, Laura Pentericci, Swara Ravindranath, Stephen M. Wilkins, Omar Almaini, Ricardo O. Amorin, Guillermo Barro, Rachana Bhatawdekar, Laura Bisigello, Madisyn Brooks, Fernando Buitrago, Antonello Calabro, Marco Castellano, Yingjie Cheng, Nikko J. Cleri, Justin W. Cole, M. C. Cooper, Olivia R. Cooper, Luca Costantin, Isa G. Cox, Darren Croton, Emanuele Daddi, Kelcey Davis, Avishai Dekel, David Elbaz, Vital Fernandez, Seiji Fujimoto, Giovanni Gandolfi, Jonathan P. Gardner, Eric Gawiser, Mauro Giavalisco, Carlos Gomez-Guijarro, Yuchen Guo, Ansh R. Gupta, Nimish P. Hathi, Santosh Harish, Aurelien Henry, Michaela Hirschmann, Weida Hu, Taylor A. Hutchison, Kartheik G. Iyer, Anne E. Jaskot, Saurabh W. Jha, Intae Jung, Vasily Kokorev, Peter Kurczynski, Gene C. K. Leung, Mario Llerena, Arianna S. Long, Ray A. Lucas, Shiying Lu, Elizabeth J. McGrath, Daniel H. McIntosh, Emiliano Merlin, Alexa M. Morales, Lorenzo Napolitano, Fabio Pacucci, Viraj Pandya, Marc Rafelski, Giulia Rodighiero, Caitlin Rose, Paola Santini, Lise-Marie Seille, Raymond C. Simons, Lu Shen, Amber N. Straughn, Sandro Tacchella, Brittany N. Vanderhoof, Jesus Vega-Ferrero, Benjamin J. Weiner, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Peixin Zhu, Eric F. Bell, Stijn Wuyts, Benne W. Holwerda, Xin Wang, Weichen Wang, Jorge A. Zavala
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Paper 11 — arXiv:2501.04085
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Paper 11 — arXiv:2501.04085

We present the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) Survey, a 77.2 hour Director's Discretionary Early Release Science Program. CEERS demonstrates, tests, and validates efficient extragalactic surveys using coordinated, overlapping parallel observations with the JWST instrument suite, including NIRCam and MIRI imaging, NIRSpec low (R~100) and medium (R~1000) resolution spectroscopy, and NIRCam slitless grism (R~1500) spectroscopy. CEERS targets the Hubble Space Telescope-observed region of the Extended Groth Strip (EGS) field, supported by a rich set of multiwavelength data. CEERS facilitated immediate community science in both of the extragalactic core JWST science drivers ``First Light" and ``Galaxy Assembly," including: 1) The discovery and characterization of large samples of galaxies at z >~ 10 from ~90 arcmin^2 of NIRCam imaging, constraining their abundance and physical nature; 2) Deep spectra of >1000 galaxies, including dozens of galaxies at 6<z<10, enabling redshift measurements and constraints on the physical conditions of star-formation and black hole growth via line diagnostics; 3) Quantifying the first bulge, bar and disk structures at z>3; and 4) Characterizing galaxy mid-IR emission with MIRI to study dust-obscured star-formation and supermassive black hole growth at z~1-3. As a legacy product for the community, the CEERS team has provided several data releases, accompanied by detailed notes on the data reduction procedures and notebooks to aid in reproducibility. In addition to an overview of the survey and quality of the data, we provide science highlights from the first two years with CEERS data.

Juliana Ehrhardt, Luis Thomas, Hanna Kellermann, Christine Freitag, Frank Grupp, Samuel W. Yee, Joshua N. Winn, Joel D. Hartman, Karen A. Collins, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Keivan G. Stassun, Paul Benni, Allyson Bieryla, Kylee Carden, Jacek Checinski, Dmitry V. Cheryasov, Brendan Diamond, Nicholas Dowling, Courtney D. Dressing, Emma Esparza-Borges, Phil Evans, Raquel Forés-Toribio, Akihiko Fukui, Steven Giacalone, Eric Girardin, Robert F. Goeke, Claus Goessl, Yuya Hayashi, Ulrich Hopp, Jon M. Jenkins, Isa Khan, Didier Laloum, Adam Lark, David W. Latham, Jerome de Leon, Alessandro Marchini, Bob Massey, Jose A. Munoz, Felipe Murgas, Norio Narita, Enric Palle, Riccardo Papini, Hannu Parviainen, Jan-Niklas Pippert, Adam Popowicz, Tyler Pritchard, Samuel N. Quinn, Manfred Raetz, Christoph Ries, Arno Riffeser, Arjun B. Savel, Sara Seager, Michael Schmidt, Stephanie Striegel, Gregor Srdoc, Chris Stockdale, Gaia Verna, David Watanabe, Carl Ziegler, Raphael Zöller
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Paper 33 — arXiv:2501.04383
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Paper 33 — arXiv:2501.04383

We report the confirmation and characterization of four hot Jupiter-type exoplanets initially detected by TESS: TOI-1295 b, TOI-2580 b, TOI-6016 b, and TOI-6130 b. Using observations with the high-resolution echelle spectrograph MaHPS on the 2.1m telescope at Wendelstein Observatory, together with NEID at Kitt Peak National Observatory and TRES at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory, we confirmed the planetary nature of these four planet candidates. We also performed precise mass measurements. All four planets are found to be hot Jupiters with orbital periods between 2.4 and 4.0 days. The sizes of these planets range from 1.29 to 1.64 Jupiter radii, while their masses range from 0.6 to 1.5 Jupiter masses. Additionally, we investigated whether there are signs of other planets in the systems but have found none. Lastly, we compared the radii of our four objects to the results of an empirical study of radius inflation and see that all four demonstrate a good fit with the current models. These four planets belong to the first array of planets confirmed with MaHPS data, supporting the ability of the spectrograph to detect planets around fainter stars as faint as V=12.

Several astrophysical and cosmological observations suggest the existence of dark matter (DM) through its gravitational effects, yet its nature remains elusive. Despite the lack of DM signals from direct detection experiments, efforts continue to focus on the indirect detection of DM from DM-rich astrophysical objects. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) are among the most promising targets for such searches. In this work, we aim to investigate the expected DM capture rate from the stellar component of 10 nearby DM-rich dSphs, assuming that the accumulated DM eventually annihilates into light, long-lived mediators (LLLMs) which decay into gamma rays outside the dSphs. We analyze nearly 16 years of {\it Fermi}-LAT data to search for DM annihilation through LLLMs, and, from the observed stacked flux upper limits, set limits on the DM-nucleon scattering cross section using model-independent methods. Additionally, we incorporate the Sommerfeld Enhancement (SE) effect into the DM annihilation process, obtaining bounds on the DM-nucleon scattering cross-section of $\sim~10^{-36} {\rm cm}^2$ for DM masses around 100 GeV. This allows us to explore an alternative avenue for exploring DM phenomena from dSphs and compare our results with the bounds reported by direct DM detection experiments and other celestial bodies.

Papers with local authors from 2025-01-08

Pulsar polarization profiles are critical for understanding their magnetospheric structures and radiation mechanisms. We present polarization profile measurements for 25 pulsars in globular clusters (GCs) from the observation of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). The diversity of polarization profiles shows complex magnetic structure and emission pattern of pulsars. Among these, the polarization profiles of 15 pulsars were firstly measured. M53A present a 57\% linear polarization ratio, being highest among these 25 GC pulsars. M15H present a 42\% circular polarization ratio, which is the highest among these 25 pulsars. The average ratios of circular and absolute circular polarization of these GC pulsars are -1\% and 10\% respectively, lower than normal pulsars measured with Parkes (\citealt{Oswald2023}), which are 5\% and 32\%, respectively. The Rotation Measure (RM) values of each pulsar were measured, giving the range of pulsar(s) from M3, M5, M15, M71, M53, NGC6517, NGC6539, NGC6760 being 8(1) to 16(1) rad $m^{-2}$, -1(2) to -4(6) rad $m^{-2}$, -70(2) to -76(1) rad $m^{-2}$, -480(14) rad $m^{-2}$ (M71A only), -2(1) rad $m^{-2}$ (M53A only), 187(1) to 212(2) rad $m^{-2}$, 109(1) rad $m^{-2}$ (NGC6539A only), and 102(1) to 129(4) rad $m^{-2}$. The GCs closer to the Galactic plane (GP) tend to have larger RM. This is consistent with previous study (\citealt{Hutschenreuter2022}).

With the rapidly increasing rate of microlensing planet detections, microlensing modeling software faces significant challenges in computation efficiency. Here, we develop the Twinkle code, an efficient and robust binary-lens modeling software suite optimized for heterogeneous computing devices, especially GPUs. Existing microlensing codes have the issue of catastrophic cancellation that undermines the numerical stability and precision, and Twinkle resolves them by refining the coefficients of the binary-lens equation. We also devise an improved method for robustly identifying ghost images, thereby enhancing computational reliability. We have advanced the state of the art by optimizing Twinkle specifically for heterogeneous computing devices by taking into account the unique task and cache memory dispatching patterns of GPUs, while the compatibility with the traditional computing architectures of CPUs is still maintained. Twinkle has demonstrated an acceleration of approximately 2 orders of magnitude (>~100 times) on contemporary GPUs. The enhancement in computational speed of Twinkle will translate to the delivery of accurate and highly efficient data analysis for ongoing and upcoming microlensing projects. Both GPU and CPU versions of Twinkle are open-source and publicly available.

Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, Hyunseop Choi, Minghao Guo, Annabelle Richard-Laferrière, Carter Rhea, Marine Prunier, Helen Russell, Andy Fabian, Jonelle L. Walsh, Marie-Joëlle Gingras, Brian McNamara, Steve Allen, André-Nicolas Chené, Alastair Edge, Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais, Michael McDonald, Priyamvada Natarajan, Jeremy Sanders, James F. Steiner, Benjamin Vigneron, Anja von der Linden
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2501.03339
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2501.03339

We present Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph observations from the Hubble Space Telescope of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the center of PKS0745-191, a brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) undergoing powerful radio-mode AGN feedback ($P_{\rm cav}\sim5\times10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$). These high-resolution data offer the first spatially resolved map of gas dynamics within a SMBHs sphere of influence under such powerful feedback. Our results reveal the presence of highly chaotic, non-rotational ionized gas flows on sub-kpc scales, in contrast to the more coherent flows observed on larger scales. While radio-mode feedback effectively thermalizes hot gas in galaxy clusters on kiloparsec scales, within the core, the hot gas flow may decouple, leading to a reduction in angular momentum and supplying ionized gas through cooling, which could enhance accretion onto the SMBH. This process could, in turn, lead to a self-regulating feedback loop. Compared to other BCGs with weaker radio-mode feedback, where rotation is more stable, intense feedback may lead to more chaotic flows, indicating a stronger coupling between jet activity and gas dynamics. Additionally, we observe a sharp increase in velocity dispersion near the nucleus, consistent with a very massive $M_{\rm BH}\sim1.5\times10^{10} M_\odot$ SMBH. The density profile of the ionized gas is also notably flat, paralleling the profiles observed in X-ray gas around galaxies where the Bondi radius is resolved. These results provide valuable insights into the complex mechanisms driving galaxy evolution, highlighting the intricate relationship between SMBH fueling and AGN feedback within the host galaxy.

Luis Thomas, Guillaume Hébrard, Hanna Kellermann, Judith Korth, Neda Heidari, Thierry Forveille, Sérgio G. Sousa, Laura Schöller, Arno Riffeser, Claus Gössl, Juan Serrano Bell, Flavien Kiefer, Nathan Hara, Frank Grupp, Juliana Ehrhardt, Felipe Murgas, Karen A. Collins, Allyson Bieryla, Hannu Parviainen, Alexandr A. Belinski, Emma Esparza-Borges, David R. Ciardi, Catherine A. Clark, Akihiko Fukui, Emily A. Gilbert, Ulrich Hopp, Kai Ikuta, Jon M. Jenkins, David W. Latham, Norio Narita, Louise D. Nielsen, Samuel N. Quinn, Enric Palle, Jan-Niklas Pippert, Alex S. Polanski, Christoph Ries, Michael Schmidt, Richard P. Schwarz, Sara Seager, Ivan A. Strakhov, Stephanie Striegel, Julian C. van Eyken, Noriharu Watanabe, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Joshua N. Winn, Carl Ziegler, Raphael Zöller
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Paper 60 — arXiv:2501.03803
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Paper 60 — arXiv:2501.03803

We report the discovery and characterization of two sub-Saturns from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (\textit{TESS}) using high-resolution spectroscopic observations from the MaHPS spectrograph at the Wendelstein Observatory and the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory. Combining photometry from TESS, KeplerCam, LCOGT, and MuSCAT2 with the radial velocity measurements from MaHPS and SOPHIE we measure precise radii and masses for both planets. TOI-5108 b is a sub-Saturn with a radius of $6.6 \pm 0.1$ $R_\oplus$ and a mass of $32 \pm 5$ $M_\oplus$. TOI-5786 b is similar to Saturn with a radius of $8.54 \pm 0.13$ $R_\oplus$ and a mass of $73 \pm 9$ $M_\oplus$. The host star for TOI-5108 b is a moderately bright (Vmag 9.75) G-type star. TOI-5786 is a slightly dimmer (Vmag 10.2) F-type star. Both planets are close to their host stars with periods of 6.75 days and 12.78 days respectively. This puts TOI-5108 b just inside the bounds of the Neptune desert while TOI-5786 b is right above the upper edge. We estimate hydrogen-helium envelope mass fractions of $38 \%$ for TOI-5108 b and $74 \% $ for TOI-5786 b. However, using a model for the interior structure that includes tidal effects the envelope fraction of TOI-5108 b could be much lower ($\sim 20\,\%$) depending on the obliquity. We estimate mass-loss rates between 1.0 * $10^9$ g/s and 9.8 * $10^9$ g/s for TOI-5108 b and between 3.6 * $10^8$ g/s and 3.5 * $10^9$ g/s for TOI-5786 b. Given their masses, this means that both planets are stable against photoevaporation. We also detect a transit signal for a second planet candidate in the TESS data of TOI-5786 with a period of 6.998 days and a radius of $3.83 \pm 0.16$ $R_\oplus$. Using our RV data and photodynamical modeling, we are able to provide a 3-$\sigma$ upper limit of 26.5 $M_\oplus$ for the mass of the potential inner companion to TOI-5786 b.

Papers with local authors from 2025-01-07

Pinjian Chen, Bingqiu Chen, Xuan Fang, Haibo Yuan, Baisong Zhang, Xiangwei Zhang, Jiarui Sun, Xiaowei Liu
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2501.02206
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2501.02206

Spectroscopic observations of various tracers in nearby galaxies, such as Andromeda (M31), play a crucial role in identifying and classifying individual stellar populations and nebular objects, thereby enhancing our understanding of galactic composition, environment, and dynamics as well as stellar evolution. While the LAMOST (Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope) survey of M31 has produced extensive datasets, a comprehensive catalog of emission-line nebulae, star clusters, and supergiants is yet to be completed. In this paper, we present a final catalog of 384 emission-line nebulae, 380 star clusters, and 375 supergiants and candidates in M31, as carefully selected and identified from the LAMOST spectroscopic database. These objects were classified using a random forest algorithm, followed by thorough visual examinations of their spectral characteristics as well as morphologies revealed by archive images. For emission-line nebulae, we measured radial velocities and relative fluxes of emission lines, enabling further classification of planetary nebulae and HII regions. Additionally, we identified 245 emission-line nebulae in M33. This work lays the data foundation for the study of M31, and offers valuable tracers to investigate M31's structure and evolution.

The field of astrophysics has long sought computational tools capable of harnessing the power of modern GPUs to simulate the complex dynamics of astrophysical phenomena. The Kratos Framework, a novel GPU-based simulation system designed to leverage heterogeneous computing architectures, is introduced to address these challenges. Kratos offers a flexible and efficient platform for a wide range of astrophysical simulations, by including its device abstraction layer, multiprocessing communication model, and mesh management system that serves as the foundation for the physical module container. Focusing on the hydrodynamics module as an example and foundation for more complex simulations, optimizations and adaptations have been implemented for heterogeneous devices that allows for accurate and fast computations, especially the mixed precision method that maximize its efficiency on consumer-level GPUs while holding the conservation laws to machine accuracy. The performance and accuracy of Kratos are verified through a series of standard hydrodynamic benchmarks, demonstrating its potential as a powerful tool for astrophysical research.

Jiayin He, Houdun Zeng, Yi Zhang, Qiang Yuan, Rui Zhang, Jun Li
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Paper 44 — arXiv:2501.02720
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Paper 44 — arXiv:2501.02720

The diffuse gamma-ray emission from the Milky Way serves as a crucial probe for understanding the propagation and interactions of cosmic rays within our galaxy. The Galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission between 10 TeV and 1 PeV has been recently measured by the square kilometer array (KM2A) of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO). The flux is higher than predicted for cosmic rays interacting with the interstellar medium. In this work, we utilize a non-parametric method to derive the source count distribution using the published first LHAASO source catalog. Based on this distribution, we calculate the contribution of unresolved sources to the diffuse emission measured by KM2A. When comparing our results to the measured diffuse gamma-ray emission, we demonstrate that for the outer Galactic region, the contributions from unresolved sources and those predicted by models are roughly consistent with experimental observations within the uncertainty. However, for the inner Galactic region, additional components are required to account for the observed data.

Papers with local authors from 2025-01-06

Yonadav Barry Ginat, Michael L. Nastac, Robert J. Ewart, Sara Konrad, Matthias Bartelmann, Alexander A. Schekochihin
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2501.01524
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2501.01524

The matter power spectrum, $P(k)$, is one of the fundamental quantities in the study of large-scale structure in cosmology. Here, we study its small-scale asymptotic limit, and show that for cold dark matter in $d$ spatial dimensions, $P(k)$ has a universal $k^{-d}$ asymptotic scaling with the wave-number $k$, for $k \gg k_{\rm nl}$, where $k_{\rm nl}^{-1}$ denotes the length scale at which non-linearities in gravitational interactions become important. We propose a theoretical explanation for this scaling, based on a non-perturbative analysis of the system's phase-space structure. Gravitational collapse is shown to drive a turbulent phase-space flow of the quadratic Casimir invariant, where the linear and non-linear time scales are balanced, and this balance dictates the $k$ dependence of the power spectrum. A parallel is drawn to Batchelor turbulence in hydrodynamics, where large scales mix smaller ones via tidal interactions. The $k^{-d}$ scaling is also derived by expressing $P(k)$ as a phase-space integral in the framework of kinetic field theory, which is analysed by the saddle-point method; the dominant critical points of this integral are precisely those where the time scales are balanced. The coldness of the dark-matter distribution function -- its non-vanishing only on a $d$-dimensional sub-manifold of phase-space -- underpins both approaches. The theory is accompanied by $1\mathrm{D}$ Vlasov--Poisson simulations, which confirm it.

Pedro H. Bernardinelli, Gary M. Bernstein, T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, S. S. Allam, D. Brooks, A. Carnero Rosell, J. Carretero, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, T. M. Davis, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, S. Everett, B. Flaugher, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, E. Gaztanaga, R. A. Gruendl, G. Gutierrez, K. Herner, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, O. Lahav, S. Lee, J. L. Marshall, J. Mena-Fernández, R. Miquel, J. Myles, A. A. Plazas Malagón, S. Samuroff, E. Sanchez, B. Santiago, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, M. Smith, E. Suchyta, G. Tarle, D. L. Tucker, V. Vikram, A. R. Walker, N. Weaverdyck

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Paper 16 — arXiv:2501.01551
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2501.01551

For the 696 trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) with absolute magnitudes $5.5 < H_r < 8.2$ detected in the Dark Energy Survey (DES), we characterize the relationships between their dynamical state and physical properties -- namely $H_r$, indicating size; colors, indicating surface composition; and flux variation semi-amplitude $A$, indicating asphericity and surface inhomogeneity. We seek ``birth'' physical distributions that can recreate these parameters in every dynamical class. We show that the observed colors of these TNOs are consistent with 2 Gaussian distributions in $griz$ space, ``near-IR bright'' (NIRB) and ``near-IR faint'' (NIRF), presumably an inner and outer birth population, respectively. We find a model in which both the NIRB and NIRF $H_r$ and $A$ distributions are independent of current dynamical states, supporting their assignment as birth populations. All objects are consistent with a common rolling $p(H_r)$, but NIRF objects are significantly more variable. Cold classicals (CCs) are purely NIRF, while hot classical (HC), scattered, and detached TNOs are consistent with $\approx70\%$ NIRB, and resonances' NIRB fractions show significant variation. The NIRB component of the HCs and of some resonances have broader inclination distributions than the NIRFs, i.e. their current dynamics retains information about birth location. We find evidence for radial stratification within the birth NIRB population, in that HC NIRBs are on average redder than detached or scattered NIRBs; a similar effect distinguishes CCs from other NIRFs. We estimate total object counts and masses of each class within our $H_r$ range. These results will strongly constrain models of the outer solar system.