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Papers for Thursday, Jan 14 2021

Papers with local authors

J.K. Barrera-Ballesteros, S.F. Sánchez, T. Heckman, T. Wong, A. Bolatto, E. Ostriker, E. Rosolowsky, L. Carigi, S. Vogel, R. C. Levy, D. Colombo, Yufeng Luo, Yixian Cao, the EDGE-CALIFA team

19 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS November 16 2020

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Paper 1 — arXiv:2101.04683
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Paper 1 — arXiv:2101.04683

We present the relation between the star formation rate surface density, $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$, and the hydrostatic mid-plane pressure, P$_{\rm h}$, for 4260 star-forming regions of kpc size located in 96 galaxies included in the EDGE-CALIFA survey covering a wide range of stellar masses and morphologies. We find that these two parameters are tightly correlated, exhibiting smaller scatter and strong correlation in comparison to other star-forming scaling relations. A power-law, with a slightly sub-linear index, is a good representation of this relation. Locally, the residuals of this correlation show a significant anti-correlation with both the stellar age and metallicity whereas the total stellar mass may also play a secondary role in shaping the $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ - P$_{\rm h}$ relation. For our sample of active star-forming regions (i.e., regions with large values of H$\alpha$ equivalent width), we find that the effective feedback momentum per unit stellar mass ($p_\ast/m_\ast$),measured from the P$_{\rm h}$ / $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ ratio increases with P$_{\rm h}$. The median value of this ratio for all the sampled regions is larger than the expected momentum just from supernovae explosions. Morphology of the galaxies, including bars, does not seem to have a significant impact in the $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ - P$_{\rm h}$ relation. Our analysis suggests that self regulation of the $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ at kpc scales comes mainly from momentum injection to the interstellar medium from supernovae explosions. However, other mechanism in disk galaxies may also play a significant role in shaping the $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ at local scales. Our results also suggest that P$_{\rm h}$ can be considered as the main parameter that modulates star formation at kpc scales, rather than individual components of the baryonic mass.

LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, Bela Abolfathi, Robert Armstrong, Humna Awan, Yadu N. Babuji, Franz Erik Bauer, George Beckett, Rahul Biswas, Joanne R. Bogart, Dominique Boutigny, Kyle Chard, James Chiang, Johann Cohen-Tanugi, Andrew J. Connolly, Scott F. Daniel, Seth W. Digel, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Richard Dubois, Eric Gawiser, Thomas Glanzman, Salman Habib, Andrew P. Hearin, Katrin Heitmann, Fabio Hernandez, Renée Hložek, Joseph Hollowed, Mike Jarvis, Saurabh W. Jha, J. Bryce Kalmbach, Heather M. Kelly, Eve Kovacs, Danila Korytov, K. Simon Krughoff, Craig S. Lage, François Lanusse, Patricia Larsen, Nan Li, Emily Phillips Longley, Robert H. Lupton, Rachel Mandelbaum, Yao-Yuan Mao, Phil Marshall, Joshua E. Meyers, Ji Won Park, Julien Peloton, Daniel Perrefort, James Perry, et al.

20 pages, 3 figures; 3 tables. To obtain data, visit the DESC Data Portal at this https URL

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Paper 29 — arXiv:2101.04855
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Paper 29 — arXiv:2101.04855

In preparation for cosmological analyses of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC) has created a 300 deg$^2$ simulated survey as part of an effort called Data Challenge 2 (DC2). The DC2 simulated sky survey, in six optical bands with observations following a reference LSST observing cadence, was processed with the LSST Science Pipelines (19.0.0). In this Note, we describe the public data release of the resulting object catalogs for the coadded images of five years of simulated observations along with associated truth catalogs. We include a brief description of the major features of the available data sets. To enable convenient access to the data products, we have developed a web portal connected to Globus data services. We describe how to access the data and provide example Jupyter Notebooks in Python to aid first interactions with the data. We welcome feedback and questions about the data release via a GitHub repository.

S. Grandis, J. J. Mohr, M. Costanzi, A. Saro, S. Bocquet, M. Klein, M. Aguena, S. Allam, J. Annis, B. Ansarinejad, D. Bacon, E. Bertin, L. Bleem, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosel, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, A. Choi, L. N. da Costa, J. De Vincente, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, J. P. Dietrich, P. Doel, T. F. Eifler, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, B. Floyd, P. Fosalba, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, E. Gaztanaga, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, N. Gupta, G. Gutierrez, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, T. Jeltema, K. Kuehn, O. Lahav, C. Lidman, M. Lima, M. A. G. Maia, M. March, J. L. Marshall, P. Melchior, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, R. Morgan, J. Myles, R. Ogando, A. Palmese, F. Paz-Chinchón, A. A. Plazas, C. L. Reichardt, A. K. Romer, E. Sanchez, et al.

20 pages, 16 figures

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Paper 37 — arXiv:2101.04984
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Paper 37 — arXiv:2101.04984

We perform a cross validation of the cluster catalog selected by the red-sequence Matched-filter Probabilistic Percolation algorithm (redMaPPer) in Dark Energy Survey year 1 (DES-Y1) data by matching it with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE) selected cluster catalog from the South Pole Telescope SPT-SZ survey. Using the mass information from the SZE signal, we calibrate the richness--mass relation above a measured richness $\hat\lambda>40$ using a Bayesian cluster population model. We find a mass trend $\lambda\propto M^{B}$ consistent with a linear relation ($B\sim1$), no significant redshift evolution and an intrinsic scatter in richness of $\sigma_{\lambda} = 0.22\pm0.06$. By considering two error models, we explore the impact of projection effects on the richness--mass modelling, confirming that such effects are not detectable at the current level of systematic uncertainties. At low richness SPT-SZ confirms fewer redMaPPer clusters than expected. We interpret this richness dependent deficit in confirmed systems as due to the increased presence at low richness of low mass objects not correctly accounted for by our richness-mass scatter model, which we call contaminants. At a richness $\hat \lambda=40$, this population makes up $>$12$\%$ (97.5 percentile) of the total population. Extrapolating this to a measured richness $\hat \lambda=20$ yields $>$22$\%$ (97.5 percentile). With these contamination fractions, the predicted redMaPPer number counts in different plausible cosmologies are compatible with the measured abundance. The mean mass from stacked weak lensing (WL) measurements suggests that these low mass contaminants are galaxy groups with masses $\sim3$-$5\times 10^{13} $ M$_\odot$ which are beyond the sensitivity of current SZE and X-ray surveys but a natural target for SPT-3G and eROSITA.

F. Cantalloube, C. Gomez-Gonzalez, O. Absil, C. Cantero, R. Bacher, M. J. Bonse, M. Bottom, C.-H. Dahlqvist, C. Desgrange, O. Flasseur, T. Fuhrmann, Th. Henning, R. Jensen-Clem, M. Kenworthy, D. Mawet, D. Mesa, T. Meshkat, D. Mouillet, A. Mueller, E. Nasedkin, B. Pairet, S. Pierard, J.-B. Ruffio, M. Samland, J. Stone, M. Van Droogenbroeck

36 pages, 27 figures. Proceedings of SPIE "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation" 2020

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Paper 48 — arXiv:2101.05080
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Paper 48 — arXiv:2101.05080

The Exoplanet Imaging Data Challenge is a community-wide effort meant to offer a platform for a fair and common comparison of image processing methods designed for exoplanet direct detection. For this purpose, it gathers on a dedicated repository (Zenodo), data from several high-contrast ground-based instruments worldwide in which we injected synthetic planetary signals. The data challenge is hosted on the CodaLab competition platform, where participants can upload their results. The specifications of the data challenge are published on our website. The first phase, launched on the 1st of September 2019 and closed on the 1st of October 2020, consisted in detecting point sources in two types of common data-set in the field of high-contrast imaging: data taken in pupil-tracking mode at one wavelength (subchallenge 1, also referred to as ADI) and multispectral data taken in pupil-tracking mode (subchallenge 2, also referred to as ADI mSDI). In this paper, we describe the approach, organisational lessons-learnt and current limitations of the data challenge, as well as preliminary results of the participants submissions for this first phase. In the future, we plan to provide permanent access to the standard library of data sets and metrics, in order to guide the validation and support the publications of innovative image processing algorithms dedicated to high-contrast imaging of planetary systems.

All other papers

Richard Kooij, Asger Grønnow, Filippo Fraternali

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The large temperature difference between cold gas clouds around galaxies and the hot halos that they are moving through suggests that thermal conduction could play an important role in the circumgalactic medium. However, thermal conduction in the presence of a magnetic field is highly anisotropic, being strongly suppressed in the direction perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. This is commonly modelled by using a simple prescription that assumes that thermal conduction is isotropic at a certain efficiency $f<1$, but its precise value is largely unconstrained. We investigate the efficiency of thermal conduction by comparing the evolution of 3D hydrodynamical (HD) simulations of cold clouds moving through a hot medium, using artificially suppressed isotropic thermal conduction (with $f$), against 3D magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations with (true) anisotropic thermal conduction. Our main diagnostic is the time evolution of the amount of cold gas in conditions representative of the lower (close to the disc) circumgalactic medium of a Milky Way-like galaxy. We find that in almost every HD and MHD run, the amount of cold gas increases with time, indicating that hot gas condensation is an important phenomenon that can contribute to gas accretion onto galaxies. For the most realistic orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the cloud motion we find that $f$ is in the range 0.03 -- 0.15. Thermal conduction is thus always highly suppressed, but its effect on the cloud evolution is generally not negligible.

C. Gouin, T. Bonnaire, N Aghanim

Submitted to A&A, 13 pages, 11 figures, comments are welcome

Matter distribution around clusters is highly anisotropic from their being the nodes of the cosmic web. Clusters' shape and the number of filaments they are connected to, i.e., their connectivity, should reflect their level of anisotropic matter distribution and must be, in principle, related to their physical properties. We investigate the influence of the dynamical state and the formation history on both the morphology and local connectivity of about 2400 groups and clusters of galaxies from the large hydrodynamical simulation IllustrisTNG at z=0. We find that the mass of groups and clusters mainly influences the geometry of the matter distribution: massive halos are significantly more elliptical, and more connected to the cosmic web than low-mass ones. Beyond the mass-driven effect, ellipticity and connectivity are correlated and are imprints of the growth rate of groups and clusters. Both anisotropy measures appear to trace different dynamical states, such that unrelaxed groups and clusters are more elliptical and more connected than relaxed ones. This relation between matter anisotropies and dynamical state is the sign of different accretion histories. Relaxed groups and clusters are mostly formed long time ago, and slowly accreting matter at the present time. They are rather spherical and weakly connected to their environment, mostly because they had enough time to relax and, hence, lost the connection with their preferential directions of accretion and merging. In contrast, late-formed unrelaxed objects are highly anisotropic with large connectivities and ellipticities. These groups and clusters are in formation phase and must be strongly affected by the infalling of materials from filaments.

Sankalp Gilda, Sidney Lower, Desika Narayanan

26 pages + 4 pages for appendix. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

Traditional spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting codes used to derive galaxy physical properties are often uncertain at the factor of a few level owing to uncertainties in galaxy star formation histories and dust attenuation curves. Beyond this, Bayesian fitting (which is typically used in SED fitting software) is an intrinsically compute-intensive task, often requiring access to expensive hardware for long periods of time. To overcome these shortcomings, we have developed {\sc mirkwood}: a user-friendly tool comprising of an ensemble of supervised machine learning-based models capable of non-linearly mapping galaxy fluxes to their properties. By stacking multiple models, we marginalize against any individual model's poor performance in a given region of the parameter space. We demonstrate \textsc{mirkwood}'s significantly improved performance over traditional techniques by training it on a combined data set of mock photometry of z=0 galaxies from the \textsc{Simba}, \textsc{EAGLE} and \textsc{IllustrisTNG} cosmological simulations, and comparing the derived results with those obtained from traditional SED fitting techniques. \textsc{mirkwood} is also able to account for uncertainties arising both from intrinsic noise in observations, and from finite training data and incorrect modeling assumptions. To increase the added value to the observational community, we use Shapley value explanations (SHAP) to fairly evaluate the relative importance of different bands to understand why particular predictions were reached. We envisage \textsc{mirkwood} to be an evolving, open-source framework that will provide highly accurate physical properties from observations of galaxies as compared to traditional SED fitting.

Andrey Vayner, Nadia L. Zakamska, Rogemar A. Riffel, Rachael Alexandroff, Maren Cosens, Fred Hamann, Serena Perrotta, David S. N. Rupke, Thaisa Storchi Bergmann, Sylvain Veilleux, Greg Walth, Shelley Wright, Dominika Wylezalek

18 Pages, 11 figures, 2 tabes, submitted to MNRAS

Quasar-driven outflows must have made their most significant impact on galaxy formation during the epoch when massive galaxies were forming most rapidly. To study the impact of quasar feedback we conducted rest-frame optical integral field spectrograph (IFS) observations of three extremely red quasars (ERQs) and one type-2 quasar at $z=2-3$, obtained with the NIFS and OSIRIS instruments at the Gemini North and W. M. Keck Observatory with the assistance of laser-guided adaptive optics. We use the kinematics and morphologies of the [OIII] 5007\AA\ and H$\alpha$ 6563\AA\ emission lines redshifted into the near-infrared to gauge the extents, kinetic energies and momentum fluxes of the ionized outflows in the quasars host galaxies. For the ERQs, the galactic-scale outflows are likely driven by radiation pressure in a high column density environment or due to an adiabatic shock. For the type-2 quasar, the outflow is driven by radiation pressure in a low column density environment or due to a radiative shock. The outflows in the ERQs carry a significant amount of energy ranging from 0.05-5$\%$ of the quasar's bolometric luminosity, powerful enough to have a significant impact on the quasar host galaxies. However, the outflows are likely only impacting the inner few kpc of each host galaxy. The observed outflow sizes are generally smaller than other ionized outflows observed at high redshift. The high ratio between the momentum flux of the ionized outflow and the photon momentum flux from the quasar accretion disk and high nuclear obscuration makes these ERQs great candidates for transitional objects where the outflows are likely responsible for clearing material in the inner regions of each galaxy, unveiling the quasar accretion disk at optical wavelengths.

Minju M. Lee, Ichi Tanaka, Daisuke Iono, Ryohei Kawabe, Tadayuki Kodama, Kotaro Kohno, Toshiki Saito, Yoichi Tamura

accepted for publication in ApJ

We revisit the cold gas contents of galaxies in a protocluster at z=2.49 using the lowest neutral atomic carbon transition [CI]$^3$P$_1$-$^3$P$_0$ from Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations. We aim to test if the same gas mass calibration applied in field galaxies can be applied to protocluster galaxies. Five galaxies out of sixteen targeted galaxies are detected in the [CI] line, and these are all previously detected in CO(3-2) and CO(4-3) and three in 1.1 mm dust continuum. We investigate the line luminosity relations between CO and [CI] in the protocluster and compare them with other previous studies. We then compare the gas mass based on three gas tracers of [CI], CO(3-2), and dust if at least one of the last two tracers are available. Using the calibration adopted for field main-sequence galaxies, the [CI]-based gas measurements are lower than or comparable to the CO-based gas measurements by -0.35 dex at the lowest with the mean deviation of -0.14 dex. The differences between [CI]- and the dust- based measurements are relatively mild by up to 0.16 dex with the mean difference of 0.02 dex. Taking these all together with calibration uncertainties, with the [CI] line, we reconfirm our previous findings that the mean gas fraction is comparable to field galaxies for a stellar-mass range of $\log(M_{\rm star}/M_\odot = [10.6, 11.3]$. However, at least for these secure five detections, the depletion time scale decreases more rapidly with stellar mass than field galaxies that might be related to earlier quenching in dense environments.

Thomas Wevers, Dheeraj R. Pasham, Sjoert van Velzen, James C.A. Miller-Jones, Phil Uttley, Keith Gendreau, Ronald Remillard, Zaven Arzoumanian, Michael Loewenstein, Ani Chiti

20 pages, 11 figures and 5 tables. The main results are shown in figs 4, 5, 6 and 10. Data such as processed lightcurves etc to reproduce figures will be made publicly available upon publication

Following a tidal disruption event (TDE), the accretion rate can evolve from quiescent to near-Eddington levels and back over months - years timescales. This provides a unique opportunity to study the formation and evolution of the accretion flow around supermassive black holes (SMBHs). We present two years of multi-wavelength monitoring observations of the TDE AT2018fyk at X-ray, UV, optical and radio wavelengths. We identify three distinct accretion states and two state transitions between them. These appear remarkably similar to the behaviour of stellar-mass black holes in outburst. The X-ray spectral properties show a transition from a soft (thermal-dominated) to a hard (power-law dominated) spectral state around L$_{\rm bol} \sim $few $ \times 10^{-2}$ L$_{\rm Edd}$, and the strengthening of the corona over time. Contemporaneously, the spectral energy distribution (in particular, the UV-to-X-ray spectral slope $\alpha_{ox}$) shows a pronounced softening as the outburst progresses. The X-ray timing properties also show a marked change, initially dominated by variability at long ($>$day) timescales while a high frequency ($\sim$10$^{-3}$ Hz) component emerges after the transition into the hard state. At late times ($\sim$500 days after peak), a second accretion state transition occurs, from the hard into the quiescent state, as identified by the sudden collapse of the bolometric (X-ray+UV) emission to levels below 10$^{-3.4}$ L$_{\rm Edd}$. Our findings illustrate that TDEs can be used to study the scale (in)variance of accretion processes in individual SMBHs. Consequently, they provide a new avenue to study accretion states over seven orders of magnitude in black hole mass, removing limitations inherent to commonly used ensemble studies.

Stellar models often use relations between the temperature $T$ and optical depth $\tau$ to evaluate the structure of their optically-thin outer layers. We fit a novel analytic function to the Hopf function $q(\tau)$ of a radiation-coupled hydrodynamics simulation of near-surface convection with solar parameters by Trampedach et al. (2014). The fit is accurate to within 0.82 per cent for the solar simulation and to within 13 per cent for all the simulations that are not on either the low-temperature or low-gravity edges of the grid of simulations.

Mattia Di Mauro

21 pages and 15 figures. Submitted to PRD. Comments are welcome

The excess of $\gamma$ rays in the data measured by Fermi-LAT from the Galactic center region is one of the most intriguing mysteries in Astroparticle Physics. This Galactic center excess (GCE), has been measured with respect to different interstellar emission models (IEMs), source catalogs, data selections and techniques. Although several proposed interpretations have appeared in the literature, there are not firm conclusions as to its origin. The main difficulty in solving this puzzle lies in modeling a region of such complexity and thus precisely measuring the characteristics of the GCE. In this paper, we use 11 years of Fermi-LAT data, state of the art IEMs, and the newest 4FGL source catalog to provide precise measurements of the energy spectrum, spatial morphology, position, and sphericity of the GCE. We find that the GCE has a spectrum which is peaked at a few GeV and is well fit with a log-parabola. The normalization of the spectrum changes by roughly $60\%$ when using different IEMs, data selections and analysis techniques. The spatial distribution of the GCE is compatible with a dark matter (DM) template produced with a generalized NFW density profile with slope $\gamma = 1.2-1.3$. No energy evolution is measured for the GCE morphology between $0.6-30$ GeV at a level larger than $10\%$ of the $\gamma$ average value, which is 1.25. The analysis of the GCE modeled with a DM template divided into quadrants shows that the spectrum and spatial morphology of the GCE is similar in different regions around the Galactic center. Finally, the GCE centroid is compatible with the Galactic center, with best-fit position between $l=[-0.3^{\circ},0.0^{\circ}],b=[-0.1^{\circ},0.0^{\circ}]$, and it is compatible with a spherical symmetric morphology. In particular, fitting the DM spatial profile with an ellipsoid gives a major-to-minor axis ratio between 0.8-1.2.

C. C. Kirkpatrick, N. Clerc, A. Finoguenov, S. Damsted, J. Ider Chitham, A. E. Kukkola, A. Gueguen, K. Furnell, E. Rykoff, J. Comparat, A. Saro, R. Capasso, N. Padilla, G. Erfanianfar, G. A. Mamon, C. Collins, A. Merloni, J. R. Brownstein, D. P. Schneider

16 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

SPIDERS is the spectroscopic follow-up effort of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV) project for the identification of X-ray selected galaxy clusters. We present our catalogue of 2740 visually inspected galaxy clusters as a part of the SDSS Data Release 16 (DR16). Here we detail the target selection, our methods for validation of the candidate clusters, performance of the survey, the construction of the final sample, and a full description of what is found in the catalogue. Of the sample, the median number of members per cluster is approximately 10, with 818 having 15 or greater. We find that we are capable of validating over 99% of clusters when 5 redshifts are obtained below $z<0.3$ and when 9 redshifts are obtained above $z>0.3$. We discuss the improvements of this catalogue's identification of cluster using 33,340 redshifts, with $\Delta z_{\rm{phot}} / \Delta z_{\rm{spec}} \sim 100$, over other photometric and spectroscopic surveys, as well as present an update to previous ($\sigma - L_{X}$) and ($\sigma - \lambda$) relations. Finally, we present our cosmological constraints derived using the velocity dispersion function.

Jennifer C. Yee, Weicheng Zang, Andrzej Udalski, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, Jonathan Green, Steve Hennerley, Andrew Marmont, Takahiro Sumi, Shude Mao, Mariusz Gromadzki, Przemek Mróz, Jan Skowron, Radoslaw Poleski, Michał K. Szymański, Igor Soszyński, Paweł Pietrukowicz, Szymon Kozłowski, Krzysztof Ulaczyk, Krzysztof A. Rybicki, Patryk Iwanek, Marcin Wrona, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Andrew Gould, Cheongho Han, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Youn Kil Jung, Hyoun-Woo Kim, In-Gu Shin, Yossi Shvartzvald, Sang-Mok Cha, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, Etienne Bachelet, Grant Christie, Markus P.G. Hundertmark, Dan Maoz, Jennie McCormick, Tim Natusch, Matthew T. Penny, Rachel A. Street, Yiannis Tsapras, Charles A. Beichman, et al. (35 additional authors not shown)

32 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables. Submitted to AAS Journals

We report the analysis of OGLE-2019-BLG-0960, which contains the smallest mass-ratio microlensing planet found to date (q = 1.2--1.6 x 10^{-5} at 1-sigma). Although there is substantial uncertainty in the satellite parallax measured by Spitzer, the measurement of the annual parallax effect combined with the finite source effect allows us to determine the mass of the host star (M_L = 0.3--0.6 M_Sun), the mass of its planet (m_p = 1.4--3.1 M_Earth), the projected separation between the host and planet (a_perp = 1.2--2.3 au), and the distance to the lens system (D_L = 0.6--1.2 kpc). The lens is plausibly the blend, which could be checked with adaptive optics observations. As the smallest planet clearly below the break in the mass-ratio function (Suzuki et al. 2016; Jung et al. 2019), it demonstrates that current experiments are powerful enough to robustly measure the slope of the mass-ratio function below that break. We find that the cross-section for detecting small planets is maximized for planets with separations just outside of the boundary for resonant caustics and that sensitivity to such planets can be maximized by intensively monitoring events whenever they are magnified by a factor A > 5. Finally, an empirical investigation demonstrates that most planets showing a degeneracy between (s > 1) and (s < 1) solutions are not in the regime (|log s| >> 0) for which the "close"/"wide" degeneracy was derived. This investigation suggests a link between the "close"/"wide" and "inner/outer" degeneracies and also that the symmetry in the lens equation goes much deeper than symmetries uncovered for the limiting cases.

Erik Rosolowsky, Annie Hughes, Adam K. Leroy, Jiayi Sun, Miguel Querejeta, Andreas Schruba, Antonio Usero, Cinthya N. Herrera, Daizhong Liu, Jérôme Pety, Toshiki Saito, Ivana Bešlić, Frank Bigiel, Guillermo Blanc, Mélanie Chevance, Daniel A. Dale, Sinan Deger, Christopher M. Faesi, Simon C. O. Glover, Jonathan D. Henshaw, Ralf S. Klessen, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Kirsten Larson, Janice Lee, Sharon Meidt, Angus Mok, Eva Schinnerer, David A. Thilker, Thomas G. Williams

Accepted to MNRAS. Catalogues, code, and atlas available at this http URL

We present improved methods for segmenting CO emission from galaxies into individual molecular clouds, providing an update to the CPROPS algorithms presented by Rosolowsky & Leroy (2006; arXiv:astro-ph/0601706 ). The new code enables both homogenization of the noise and spatial resolution among data, which allows for rigorous comparative analysis. The code also models the completeness of the data via false source injection and includes an updated segmentation approach to better deal with blended emission. These improved algorithms are implemented in a publicly available python package, PYCPROPS. We apply these methods to ten of the nearest galaxies in the PHANGS-ALMA survey, cataloguing CO emission at a common 90 pc resolution and a matched noise level. We measure the properties of 4986 individual clouds identified in these targets. We investigate the scaling relations among cloud properties and the cloud mass distributions in each galaxy. The physical properties of clouds vary among galaxies, both as a function of galactocentric radius and as a function of dynamical environment. Overall, the clouds in our target galaxies are well-described by approximate energy equipartition, although clouds in stellar bars and galaxy centres show elevated line widths and virial parameters. The mass distribution of clouds in spiral arms has a typical mass scale that is 2.5x larger than interarm clouds and spiral arms clouds show slightly lower median virial parameters compared to interarm clouds (1.2 versus 1.4).

Georgios E. Magdis (DAWN), R. Gobat, F. Valentino, E. Daddi, A. Zanella, V. Kokorev, S. Toft, S. Jin, K. Whitaker

Accepted for publication in A&A

We characterise the basic far-IR (FIR) properties and the gas mass fraction of massive (<log(M*/Msun)> ~ 11.0) quiescent galaxies (QGs) and explore how these evolve from z = 2.0 to the present day. We use robust, multi-wavelength (mid- to far-IR and sub-millimetre to radio) stacking ensembles of homogeneously selected and mass complete samples of log(M*/Msun) > 10.8 QGs. We find that the dust to stellar mass ratio (Md/M*) rises steeply as a function of redshift up to z~1.0 and then remains flat at least out to z = 2.0. Using Md as a proxy of gas mass (Mgas), we find a similar trend for the evolution of the gas mass fraction (fgas) with z > 1.0 QGs having fgas ~ 7.0% (for solar metallicity). This fgas is 3 - 10 times lower than that of normal star forming galaxies (SFGs) at their corresponding redshift but ~3 and ~10 times larger compared to that of z = 0.5 and local QGs. Furthermore, the inferred gas depletion time scales are comparable to that of local SFGs and systematically longer than that of main sequence galaxies at their corresponding redshifts. Our analysis also reveals that the average dust temperature (Td) of massive QGs remains roughly constant (< Td > = 21.0 \pm 2.0K) at least out to z ~ 2.0 and is substantially colder (~ 10K) compared to that of z > 0 SFGs. This motivated us to construct and release a redshift-invariant template IR SED, that we use to make predictions for ALMA observations and to explore systematic effects in the Mgas estimates of massive, high-z QGs. Finally, we discuss how a simple model that considers progenitor-bias can effectively reproduce the observed evolution of Md/M* and fgas. Our results indicate universal initial interstellar medium conditions for quenched galaxies and a large degree of uniformity in their internal processes across cosmic time.

F. D. Priestley, I. De Looze, M. J. Barlow

9 pages, 11 figures. MNRAS accepted 11/01/21

Grain growth by accretion of gas-phase metals is a common assumption in models of dust evolution, but in dense gas, where the timescale is short enough for accretion to be effective, material is accreted in the form of ice mantles rather than adding to the refractory grain mass. It has been suggested that negatively-charged small grains in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) can accrete efficiently due to the Coulomb attraction of positively-charged ions, avoiding this issue. We show that this inevitably results in the growth of the small-grain radii until they become positively charged, at which point further growth is effectively halted. The resulting gas-phase depletions under diffuse ISM conditions are significantly overestimated when a constant grain size distribution is assumed. While observed depletions can be reproduced by changing the initial size distribution or assuming highly efficient grain shattering, both options result in unrealistic levels of far-ultraviolet extinction. We suggest that the observed elemental depletions in the diffuse ISM are better explained by higher initial depletions, combined with inefficient dust destruction by supernovae at moderate ($n_{\rm H} \sim 30 {\rm \, cm^{-3}}$) densities, rather than by higher accretion efficiences.

Aims. We present MCFOST-art, a new non-local thermodynamic equilibrium radiative transfer solver for multilevel atomic systems. The code is embedded in the 3D radiative transfer code MCFOST and is compatible with most of the MCFOST modules. The code is versatile and designed to model the close environment of stars in 3D. Methods. The code solves for the statistical equilibrium and radiative transfer equations using the Multilevel Accelerated Lambda Iteration (MALI) method. We tested MCFOST-art on spherically symmetric models of stellar photospheres as well as on a standard model of the solar atmosphere. We computed atomic level populations and outgoing fluxes and compared these values with the results of the TURBOspectrum and RH codes. Calculations including expansion and rotation of the atmosphere were also performed. We tested both the pure local thermodynamic equilibrium and the out-of-equilibrium problems. Results. In all cases, the results from all codes agree within a few percent at all wavelengths and reach the sub-percent level between RH and MCFOST-art. We still note a few marginal discrepancies between MCFOST-art and TURBOspectrum as a result of different treatments of background opacities at some critical wavelength ranges.

Malaya Kumar Biswal M, Ramesh Naidu Annavarapu

Conference Presented: 3rd IAA/AAS SciTech Forum 2020 Cyber Edition held virtually at RUDN University, Moscow, Russia from 8-10 December 2020. Accepted by International Program Committee for publication in the Volume of Advances of the Astronautical Sciences. (Manuscript Number: IAA-AAS-SciTech2020-018). Paper holds 12 Pages, 07 Figures and 44 References

Mars is the next destination after Earth to support terrestrial life. Decades of Mars exploration has fascinated space explorers to endeavour for a human expedition. But human Mars enterprise is complicated than conventional mission as the journey is endowed with a profusion of distinct challenges from terrestrial planet to the planetary surface. To perceive and overcome the implications of interplanetary challenges, we conducted a study to manifest every challenge encountered during interplanetary transit from Earth to Mars. Our study concluded entire challenges were attributed to the options for trajectory correction and maneuvering, management of space vehicles, the hazards of exposure to galactic radiation, effects of crew health in a microgravity environment, deficit solar power production, hazards of nuclear elements, psychologic and health effects, interrupted communication interlink from the ground, the complication in fuel pressurization and management, recycling of space wastes, execution of the extra-vehicular activity, and Mars orbital insertion. The main objective of this paper is to underline all possible challenges and its countermeasures for a sustainable crewed mission beyond low earth orbit in forthcoming decades.

Malaya Kumar Biswal M, Noor Basanta Das, Ramesh Naidu Annavarapu

Conference Presented: 3rd IAA/AAS SciTech Forum 2020 Cyber Edition held virtually at RUDN University, Moscow, Russia from 8-10 December 2020. Accepted by International Program Committee for publication in the Volume of Advances of the Astronautical Sciences. (Manuscript Number: IAA-AAS-SciTech2020-019). Paper holds 10 Pages, 05 Figures and 40 References

The space challenges do exist at every stride on a human expedition to Mars that arise due to galactic natural phenomena and artificial technologies. This paper emphasizes on Mars orbital and planetary challenges encountered from orbit to the surface exploration. The Mars orbital challenges embrace hazards of cosmic radiation and asteroid impact in orbit, disrupted communication relay from the ground, the intelligence of planetary weather clearance, and execution of successful entry, descent, and landing. Comparably planetary challenge encompasses identifying scientific landing site, an intrusion of erratic environment and weather, complexity in in-situ resource extraction and exploitation, navigation and surface mobilization, and retarded communication from relay orbiters. The prime intent of this study is to present every prospective challenge and its recommendations impending human settlement on Mars.

J. A. Zavala, C. M. Casey, S. M. Manning, M. Aravena, M. Bethermin, K. I. Caputi, D. L. Clements, E. da Cunha, P. Drew, S. L. Finkelstein, S. Fujimoto, C. Hayward, J. Hodge, J. S. Kartaltepe, K. Knudsen, A. M. Koekemoer, A. S. Long, G. E. Magdis, A. W. S. Man, G. Popping, D. Sanders, N. Scoville, K. Sheth, J. Staguhn, S. Toft, E. Treister, J. D. Vieira, M. S. Yun

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We present the first results from the 2mm Mapping Obscuration to Reionization (MORA) survey, the largest ALMA contiguous blank-field survey to-date with a total area of 184 sq. arcmin and the only at 2mm to search for dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs). We use the 13 sources detected above 5sigma to estimate the first ALMA galaxy number counts at this wavelength. These number counts are then combined with the state-of-the-art galaxy number counts at 1.2mm and 3mm and with a backward evolution model to place constraints on the evolution of the IR luminosity function and dust-obscured star formation in the last 13 billion years. Our results suggest a steep redshift evolution on the space density of DSFGs and confirm the flattening of the IR luminosity function at faint luminosities, with a slope of $\alpha_{LF} = -0.42^{+0.02}_{-0.04}$. We conclude that the dust-obscured component, which peaks at z=2-2.5, has dominated the cosmic history of star formation for the past ~12 billion years, back to z~4. At z=5, the dust-obscured star formation is estimated to be ~35% of the total star formation rate density and decreases to 25%-20% at z=6-7, implying a minor contribution of dust-enshrouded star formation in the first billion years of the Universe. With the dust-obscured star formation history constrained up to the end of the epoch of reionization, our results provide a benchmark to test galaxy formation models, to study the galaxy mass assembly history, and to understand the dust and metal enrichment of the Universe at early times.

H.P. Osborn, D.J. Armstrong, L.D. Nielsen, Karen A. Collins, V. Adibekyan, E. Delgado-Mena, G.W. King, J.F. Otegi, N.C. Santos, S. B. Howell, J. Lillo-Box, C. Ziegler, Coel Hellier, C. Briceño, N. Law, A.W. Mann, N. Scott, G. Ricker, R. Vanderspek, David W. Latham, S. Seager, J.N. Winn, Jon M. Jenkins, Diana Dragomir, Dana R. Louie, Benjamin V. Rackham, Joel Villaseñor, Chris Burke, Tansu Daylan, Ares Osborn, D. Barrado, Dennis M. Conti, Eric L. N. Jensen, S. G. Sousa, S. Hoyer, D. A. Caldwell, Jeffrey C. Smith, David R. Rodriguez, Olivier D. S. Demangeon, Daniel Bayliss, Keivan G. Stassun, Susana C.C. Barros, Edward M. Bryant, D. J. A. Brown, P. Figueira, D.R. Anderson, R. West, F. Bouchy, S. Udry, Peter J. Wheatley, R.F. Díaz, D.L. Pollacco, M. Deleuil, C. Dorn, R. Helled, et al. (1 additional author not shown)

17 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication at MNRAS. HARPS RVs available at this https URL

We report the discovery of HD 110113 b (TOI-755.01), a transiting mini-Neptune exoplanet on a 2.5-day orbit around the solar-analogue HD 110113 (Teff = 5730K). Using TESS photometry and HARPS radial velocities gathered by the NCORES program, we find HD 110113 b has a radius of $2.05\pm0.12$ $R_\oplus$ and a mass of $4.55\pm0.62$ $M_\oplus$. The resulting density of $2.90^{+0.75}_{-0.59}$ g cm^{-3} is significantly lower than would be expected from a pure-rock world; therefore, HD 110113 b must be a mini-Neptune with a significant volatile atmosphere. The high incident flux places it within the so-called radius valley; however, HD 110113 b was able to hold onto a substantial (0.1-1\%) H-He atmosphere over its $\sim4$ Gyr lifetime. Through a novel simultaneous gaussian process fit to multiple activity indicators, we were also able to fit for the strong stellar rotation signal with period $20.8\pm1.2$ d from the RVs and confirm an additional non-transiting planet with a mass of $10.5\pm1.2$ $M_\oplus$ and a period of $6.744^{+0.008}_{-0.009}$ d.

Colin P. McNally, Francesco Lovascio, Sijme-Jan Paardekooper

20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Code available at this https URL

Planet formation via core accretion requires the production of km-sized planetesimals from cosmic dust. This process must overcome barriers to simple collisional growth, for which the Streaming Instability (SI) is often invoked. Dust evolution is still required to create particles large enough to undergo vigorous instability. The SI has been studied primarily with single size dust, and the role of the full evolved dust distribution is largely unexplored. We survey the Polydispserse Streaming Instability (PSI) with physical parameters corresponding to plausible conditions in protoplanetary discs. We consider a full range of particle stopping times, generalized dust size distributions, and the effect of turbulence. We find that, while the PSI grows in many cases more slowly with a interstellar power-law dust distribution than with a single size, reasonable collisional dust evolution, producing an enhancement of the largest dust sizes, produces instability behaviour similar to the monodisperse case. Considering turbulent diffusion the trend is similar. We conclude that if fast linear growth of PSI is required for planet formation, then dust evolution producing a distribution with peak stopping times on the order of 0.1 orbits and an enhancement of the largest dust significantly above the single power-law distribution produced by a fragmentation cascade is sufficient, along with local enhancement of the dust to gas volume mass density ratio to order unity.

Sijme-Jan Paardekooper, Colin P. McNally, Francesco Lovascio

20 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Code available at this https URL

Occurring in protoplanetary discs composed of dust and gas, streaming instabilities are a favoured mechanism to drive the formation of planetesimals. The Polydispserse Streaming Instability is a generalisation of the Streaming Instability to a continuum of dust sizes. This second paper in the series provides a more in-depth derivation of the governing equations and presents novel numerical methods for solving the associated linear stability problem. In addition to the direct discretisation of the eigenproblem at second order introduced in the previous paper, a new technique based on numerically reducing the system of integral equations to a complex polynomial combined with root finding is found to yield accurate results at much lower computational cost. A related method for counting roots of the dispersion relation inside a contour without locating those roots is also demonstrated. Applications of these methods show they can reproduce and exceed the accuracy of previous results in the literature, and new benchmark results are provided. Implementations of the methods described are made available in an accompanying Python package psitools.

Connor E. Robinson, Catherine C. Espaillat, James E Owen

18 pages, 11 figures

Photometric observations of accreting, low-mass, pre-main-sequence stars (i.e., Classical T Tauri stars; CTTS) have revealed different categories of variability. Several of these classifications have been linked to changes in $\dot{M}$. To test how accretion variability conditions lead to different light-curve morphologies, we used 1D hydrodynamic simulations of accretion along a magnetic field line coupled with radiative transfer models and a simple treatment of rotation to generate synthetic light curves. We adopted previously developed metrics in order to classify observations to facilitate comparisons between observations and our models. We found that stellar mass, magnetic field geometry, corotation radius, inclination, and turbulence all play roles in producing the observed light curves and that no single parameter is entirely dominant in controlling the observed variability. While the periodic behavior of the light curve is most strongly affected by the inclination, it is also a function of the magnetic field geometry and inner disk turbulence. Objects with either pure dipole fields, strong aligned octupole components, or high turbulence in the inner disk all tend to display accretion bursts. Objects with anti-aligned octupole components or aligned, weaker octupole components tend to show light curves with slightly fewer bursts. We did not find clear monotonic trends between the stellar mass and empirical classification. This work establishes the groundwork for more detailed characterization of well-studied targets as more light curves of CTTS become available through missions such as the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

Francisco Hernandez-Vivanco, Paul D. Lasky, Eric Thrane, Rory Smith, Debarati Chatterjee, Sarmistha Banik, Theo Motta, Anthony Thomas

Submitted to PRD

Neutron stars offer the opportunity to study the behaviour of matter at densities and temperatures inaccessible to terrestrial experiments. Gravitational-wave observations of binary neutron star coalescences can constrain the neutron-star equation of state before and after merger. After the neutron star binary merges, hyperons can form in the remnant, changing the behaviour of the neutron-star equation of state. In this study, we use finite-entropy equations of state to show that a post-merger remnant can spin up due to cooling. The magnitude of the spin-up depends on the neutron-star equation of state. If hyperons are present, the post-merger spin-up changes the peak gravitational-wave frequency by $\sim 540$ Hz, when the entropy per baryon drops from $s=2$ $k_B$ to $s=0$ $k_B$. If hyperons are not present, the post-merger spin-up changes by $\sim 360$ Hz, providing a gravitational-wave signature for exotic matter. We expect the same qualitative behaviour whenever temperature dependent phase transitions are triggered.

Stella Koch Ocker, James M. Cordes, Shami Chatterjee

13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) can be scattered by ionized gas in their local environments, host galaxies, intervening galaxies along their lines-of-sight, the intergalactic medium, and the Milky Way. The relative contributions of these different media depend on their geometric configuration and the internal properties of the gas. When these relative contributions are well understood, FRB scattering is a powerful probe of density fluctuations along the line-of-sight. Using FRB 121102 and FRB 180916 as case studies, we place an upper limit on the amount of scattering contributed by the Milky Way halo to FRBs. The scattering time $\tau \propto (\tilde{F} \times {\rm DM}^2) A_\tau$, where DM is the dispersion measure, $\tilde{F}$ quantifies electron density variations with $\tilde{F}=0$ for a smooth medium, and the dimensionless constant $A_\tau$ quantifies the difference between the mean scattering delay and the $1/e$ scattering time typically measured. Using a likelihood analysis we find $(\tilde{F} \times {\rm DM}^2)_{\rm MW, halo} < 250/A_\tau$ pc$^{4/3}$ km$^{-1/3}$ cm$^{-1/3}$. For an assumed halo $\widehat{{\rm DM}}_{\rm MW, halo} = 60 \pm 18$ pc cm$^{-3}$ we obtain $\tilde{F}_{\rm MW,halo}<0.03/A_\tau$ pc$^{-2/3}$ km$^{-1/3}$. By contrast, pulsar scattering and DMs imply $\tilde{F} \sim0.1$ pc$^{-2/3}$ km$^{-1/3}$ for the Galactic thin disk and $\tilde{F}\sim0.001$ pc$^{-2/3}$ km$^{-1/3}$ for the thick disk. The maximum pulse broadening from the halo is $\tau \lesssim 12$ $\mu$s at 1 GHz. We compare our analysis of the Milky Way halo with other galaxy haloes by placing limits on the scattering contributions from haloes intersecting the lines-of-sight to FRB 181112 and FRB 191108. Our results are consistent with haloes making negligible or very small contributions to the scattering times of FRBs.

Armando Riccardi

12 pages, 1 figure, INAF technical report

Adaptive mirrors based on voice-coil technology have force actuators with an internal metrology to close a local loop for controlling its shape in position. When actuators are requested to be disabled or slaved, control matrices have to be re-computed. The report describes the algorithms to re-compute the relevant matrixes for controlling of the mirror without the need of recalibration. This is related in particular to MMT, LBT, Magellan, VLT, ELT and GMT adaptive mirrors that use the voice-coil technology. The technique is successfully used in practice with LBT adaptive secondary mirror units.

Caroline Piro, Karen J. Meech, Erica Bufanda, Jan T. Kleyna, Jacqueline V. Keane, Olivier Hainaut, Marco Micheli, James Bauer, Larry Denneau, Robert Weryk, Bhuwan C. Bhatt, Devendra K. Sahu, Richard Wainscoat

13 pages, 7 figures

Manx objects approach the inner solar system on long-period comet (LPC) orbits with the consequent high inbound velocities, but unlike comets, Manxes display very little to no activity even near perihelion. This suggests that they may have formed in circumstances different from typical LPCs; moreover, this lack of significant activity also renders them difficult to detect at large distances. Thus, analyzing their physical properties can help constrain models of solar system formation as well as sharpen detection methods for those classified as NEOs. Here, we focus on the Manx candidate A/2018 V3 as part of a larger effort to characterize Manxes as a whole. This particular object was observed to be inactive even at its perihelion at $q$ = 1.34 au in 2019 September. Its spectral reflectivity is consistent with typical organic-rich comet surfaces with colors of $g'-r'= 0.67\pm0.02$, $r'-i' = 0.26\pm0.02$, and $r'-z' = 0.45\pm0.02$, corresponding to a spectral reflectivity slope of $10.6\pm 0.9$ %/100nm. A least-squares fit of our constructed light curve to the observational data yields an average nucleus radius of $\approx$2 km assuming an albedo of 0.04. This is consistent with the value measured from NEOWISE. A surface brightness analysis for data taken 2020 July 13 indicated possible low activity ($\lesssim0.68$ g $\rm s^{-1}$), but not enough to lift optically significant amounts of dust. Finally, we discuss Manxes as a constraint on solar system dynamical models as well as their implications for planetary defense.

Yuandeng Shen

40 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Royal Society A

The solar atmosphere is full of complicated transients manifesting the reconfiguration of solar magnetic field and plasma. Solar jets represent collimated, beam-like plasma ejections; they are ubiquitous in the solar atmosphere and important for the understanding of solar activities at different scales, magnetic reconnection process, particle acceleration, coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, as well as other related phenomena. Recent high spatiotemporal resolution, wide-temperature coverage, spectroscopic, and stereoscopic observations taken by ground-based and space-borne solar telescopes have revealed many valuable new clues to restrict the development of theoretical models. This review aims at providing the reader with the main observational characteristics of solar jets, physical interpretations and models, as well as unsolved outstanding questions in future studies.

Y. Cui, Y. Xin, S. Liu, P.H.T. Tam, G. Puehlhofer, H. Zhu

Context: The supernova remnant (SNR) G35.6-0.4 shows a non-thermal radio shell, however, no {\gamma}-ray or X-ray counterparts have been found for it thus far. One TeV source, HESS J1858+020, was found near the SNR and this source is spatially associated with some clouds at 3.6 kpc. Aims: To attain a better understanding of the origin of HESS J1858+020, we further investigate the association between SNR cosmic rays (CRs) and the clouds through the Fermi-LAT analysis and hadronic modeling. Methods: We performed the Fermi-LAT analysis to explore the GeV emission in and around the SNR. We explored the SNR physics with previously observed multi-wavelength data. We built a hadronic model using runaway CRs of the SNR to explain the GeV-TeV observation. Results: We found a hard GeV source (SrcX2) that is spatially coincident with both HESS J1858+020 and a molecular cloud complex at 3.6 kpc. In addition, a soft GeV source (SrcX1) was found at the northern edge of the SNR. The GeV spectrum of SrcX2 connects well with the TeV spectrum of HESS J1858+020. The entire {\gamma}-ray spectrum ranges from several GeV up to tens of TeV and it follows a power-law with an index of ~2.15. We discuss several pieces of observational evidence to support the middle-aged SNR argument. Using runaway CRs from the SNR, our hadronic model explains the GeV-TeV emission at HESS J1858+020, with a diffusion coefficient that is much lower than the Galactic value.

For 123 local galaxies with directly-measured black hole masses ($M_{\rm BH}$), we provide the host spheroid's S\'ersic index ($\rm n_{sph}$), effective half-light radius ($\rm R_{e,sph}$), and effective surface brightness ($\mu_e$), obtained from careful multi-component decompositions, and we use these to derive the morphology-dependent $M_{\rm BH}$--$\rm n_{sph}$ and $M_{\rm BH}$--$\rm R_{e,sph}$ relations. We additionally present the morphology-dependent $M_{\rm *,sph}$--$\rm n_{sph}$ and $M_{\rm *,sph}$--$\rm R_{e,sph}$ relations. We explored differences due to: early-type galaxies (ETGs) versus late-type galaxies (LTGs); S\'ersic versus core-S\'ersic galaxies; barred versus non-barred galaxies; and galaxies with and without a stellar disk. We detect two different $M_{\rm BH}$--$\rm n_{sph}$ relations due to ETGs and LTGs with power-law slopes $3.95\pm0.34$ and $2.85\pm 0.31$. We additionally quantified the correlation between $M_{\rm BH}$ and the spheroid's central concentration index, which varies monotonically with the S\'ersic index. Furthermore, we observe a single, near-linear $M_{\rm *,sph}$--$\rm R_{e,sph}^{1.08\pm 0.04}$ relation for ETGs and LTGs, which encompasses both classical and alleged pseudobulges. In contrast, ETGs and LTGs define two distinct $M_{\rm BH}$--$\rm R_{e,sph}$ relations with $\Delta_{\rm rms|BH}\sim\rm 0.60~dex$ (cf.\ $\sim$0.51~dex for the $M_{\rm BH}$--$\sigma$ relation and $\sim$0.58~dex for the $M_{\rm BH}$--$M_{\rm *,sph}$ relation), and the ETGs alone define two steeper $M_{\rm BH}$--$\rm R_{e,sph}$ relations, offset by $\sim$1~dex in the $\log M_{\rm BH}$-direction, depending on whether they have a disk or not and explaining their similar offset in the $M_{\rm BH}$--$M_{\rm *,sph}$ diagram. This trend holds using $10 \%$, $50 \%$, or $90 \%$ radii.(Abridged)

Di Xiao, Fayin Wang, Zigao Dai

29 pages, 12 figures, invited review on SCPMA, peer-reviewed version

In 2007, a very bright radio pulse was identified in the archival data of the Parkes Telescope in Australia, marking the beginning of a new research branch in astrophysics. In 2013, this kind of millisecond bursts with extremely high brightness temperature takes a unified name, fast radio burst (FRB). Over the first few years, FRBs seemed very mysterious because the sample of known events was limited. With the improvement of instruments over the last five years, hundreds of new FRBs have been discovered. The field is now undergoing a revolution and understanding of FRB has rapidly increased as new observational data increasingly accumulates. In this review, we will summarize the basic physics of FRBs and discuss the current research progress in this area. We have tried to cover a wide range of FRB topics, including the observational property, propagation effect, population study, radiation mechanism, source model, and application in cosmology. A framework based on the latest observational facts is now under construction. In the near future, this exciting field is expected to make significant breakthroughs.

Misako Tatsuuma, Akimasa Kataoka

16 pages, 16 figures, revised based on referees' comments, resubmitted to ApJ

The first step toward planet formation is coagulation of dust grains. Their growth may be halted, for example, by their collisional disruption, which is thought to explain the observed submillimeter--centimeter size of dust grains in protoplanetary disks. Here, we introduce another disruption mechanism by spinning motion of dust grains in planet formation. This mechanism has been discussed as rotational disruption for the interstellar dust grains. We theoretically calculate whether porous dust aggregates can be disrupted by their spinning motion and if it prohibits dust growth in protoplanetary disks. We assume radiative torque and gas-flow torque as driving sources of the spinning motion, assume that dust aggregates reach a steady-state rigid rotation, and compare the obtained tensile stress due to the centrifugal force with their tensile strength. As a result, we find that porous dust aggregates are rotationally disrupted by their spinning motion induced by gas flow when their mass is larger than $\sim10^8$ g and their volume filling factor is smaller than $\sim 0.01$ in our fiducial model, while relatively compact dust aggregates with volume filling factor more than 0.01 do not face this problem. If we assume the dust porosity evolution, we find that dust aggregates whose Stokes number is $\sim0.1$ can be rotationally disrupted in their growth and compression process. Our results suggest that the growth of dust aggregates may be halted due to rotational disruption or that other compression mechanisms are needed to avoid it.

Wensi Wang, Rui Liu

Accepted for publication in A&A

Context. It is well known that solar flares have broad impacts on the low atmosphere, but it is largely unknown how they affect sunspot waves and oscillations. It is also under debate as to whether the flare-induced photospheric changes are due to the momentum conservation with coronal mass ejections or due to magnetic reconnection. Aims. To shed light on the so-called "back reaction" of solar eruptions, we investigated how running penumbral waves (RPWs) at one foot of an erupting magnetic flux rope (MFR) responds to the rope buildup and subsequent erosion. Results. During the rope-buildup stage, the western foot of the rope, which is completely enclosed by a hooked ribbon, expands rapidly and consequently overlaps a sunspot penumbra. This converts the original penumbral field into the rope field, which is associated with a transient increase in electric currents flowing through the ribbon-swept penumbral region. During the rope-erosion stage, the rope foot shrinks as the eastern section of the hooked ribbon slowly sweeps the same penumbral region, where the rope field is converted into flare loops. This conversion induces mixed effects on the photospheric field inclination but heats up the low atmosphere at the footpoints of these flare loops to transition-region temperatures, therefore resulting in the post-eruption RPWs with an enhanced contrast in the 1600A passband and an extended bandwidth to low frequencies at 3-5 mHz, compared with the pre-eruption RPWs that peak at 6 mHz. Conclusions. This observation clearly demonstrates that it is the magnetic reconnection in the corona that impacts the low atmosphere and leads to the changing behaviors of RPWs, which, in turn, offer a new window to diagnose flare reconnections.

Arghyadeep Basu, Nirupam Roy, Samir Choudhuri, Kanan K. Datta, Debajyoti Sarkar

7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The definitive version will be available at this https URL

Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are considered to be one of the favoured dark matter candidates. Searching for any detectable signal due to the annihilation and decay of WIMPs over the entire electromagnetic spectrum has become a matter of interest for the last few decades. WIMP annihilation to Standard Model particles gives rise to a possibility of detection of this signal at low radio frequencies via synchrotron radiation. Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies (dSphs) are expected to contain a huge amount of dark matter which makes them promising targets to search for such large scale diffuse radio emission. In this work, we present a stacking analysis of 23 dSph galaxies observed at low frequency (147.5MHz) as part of the TIFR-GMRT Sky Survey (TGSS). The non-detection of any signal from these stacking exercises put very tight constraints on the dark matter parameters. The best limit comes from the novel method of stacking after scaling the radio images of the individual dSph galaxy fields after scaling them by the respective half-light radius. The constraint on the thermally averaged cross-section is below the thermal relic cross-section value over a range of WIMP mass for reasonable choices of relevant astrophysical parameters. Such analysis using future deeper observation of individual targets as well as stacking can potentially reveal more about the WIMP dark matter properties.

Sonja O. Schobesberger, Tanja Rindler-Daller, Paul R. Shapiro

submitted to MNRAS, 27 pages, 7 figures

Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM), comprised of ultralight ($\gtrsim 10^{-22}$ eV) bosons, is distinguished from massive ($\gtrsim$ GeV), collisionless Cold Dark Matter (CDM) by its novel structure-formation dynamics as Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and quantum superfluid with wave-like properties, described by the Gross-Pitaevski and Poisson (GPP) equations. In the free-field (fuzzy) limit of SFDM (FDM), structure is inhibited below the de Broglie wavelength $\lambda_{\text{deB}}$, but resembles CDM on larger scales. Virialized haloes have solitonic cores of radius $\sim \lambda_{\text{deB}}$ that follow the ground-state attractor solution of GPP, surrounded by CDM-like envelopes. As a superfluid, SFDM is irrotational but can be unstable to vortex formation; outside of vortices it remains vorticity-free. We previously showed that halo cores can form vortices, from angular momentum expected during structure formation, if a strong enough repulsive self-interaction (SI) is present, which inhibits structure below a second length scale $\lambda_{\text{SI}}$, with $\lambda_{\text{SI}} > \lambda_{\text{deB}}$, suggesting FDM cores could not. FDM simulations later found vortices, but only outside halo cores, consistent with our suggestion. Extending our analysis now to FDM, we show explicitly that vortices should not arise in solitonic cores from angular momentum, modelling them as either Gaussian spheres or compressible, ($n = 2$)-polytropic, irrotational Riemann-S ellipsoids. For typical halo spin parameters, angular momentum per particle is below $\hbar$, the minimum required for one singly-quantized vortex in the center. Even for larger angular momentum, vortex formation is not energetically favoured.

Jiri Krticka, Jiri Kubat, Iva Krtickova

13 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Massive stars lose a significant fraction of mass during their evolution. However, the corresponding mass-loss rates are rather uncertain. To improve this, we calculated global line-driven wind models for Galactic B supergiants. Our models predict radial wind structure directly from basic stellar parameters. The hydrodynamic structure of the flow is consistently determined from the photosphere in nearly hydrostatic equilibrium to supersonically expanding wind. The radiative force is derived from the solution of the radiative transfer equation in the comoving frame. We provide a simple formula that predicts theoretical mass-loss rates as a function of stellar luminosity and effective temperature. The mass-loss rate of B supergiants slightly decreases with temperature down to about 22.5 kK, where the region of recombination of Fe IV to Fe III starts to appear. In this region, which is about 5 kK wide, the mass-loss rate gradually increases by a factor of about 6. The increase of the mass-loss rate is associated with a gradual decrease of terminal velocities by a factor of about 2. We compared the predicted wind parameters with observations. While the observed wind terminal velocities are reasonably reproduced by the models, the situation with mass-loss rates is less clear. The mass-loss rates derived from observations that are uncorrected for clumping are by a factor of 3 to 9 higher than our predictions on cool and hot sides of the studied sample, respectively. These observations can be reconciled with theory assuming a temperature-dependent clumping factor. On the other hand, the mass-loss rate estimates that are not sensitive to clumping agree with our predictions much better. Our predictions are by a factor of about 10 lower than the values currently used in evolutionary models appealing for reconsideration of the role of winds in the stellar evolution.

Andrea Silva, Danilo Marchesini, John D. Silverman, Nicholas Martis, Daisuke Iono, Daniel Espada, Rosalind Skelton

Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present a study of the incidence of active galactic nucleus (AGN) in a sample of major merging systems at 0.3<z<2.5. Galaxies in this merger sample have projected separations between 3 to 15 kpc and are selected from the CANDELS/3D-HST catalogs using a peak-finding algorithm. AGNs in mergers and non-mergers are identified on the basis of their X-ray emission, optical lines, mid-infrared colors, and radio emission. Among galaxies with adequate measurements to find potential AGNs, we find a similar fraction of AGNs in mergers (16.4%) compared to the fraction found in non-merging galaxies (15.4%). In mergers, this fraction is obtained by assuming that, in unresolved observations, only one of the merging galaxies is the AGN source. The similarity between the fractions is possibly due to the higher availability of cold gas at high redshifts, where the excess of nuclear activity as a result of merging is less important than at lower redshifts. Star-forming galaxies have a higher incidence of AGNs than quiescent galaxies. In particular, starbursts in mergers are the most common sites of AGN activity since they present higher AGN fractions and black hole accretion rates. We find no clear correlation between the black hole accretion rate and the galaxy properties (i.e., star-formation rate, stellar mass) in mergers and non-mergers. However, mergers seem to have a higher correlation with star formation than non-mergers, which possibly indicates that the merging process is starting to influence the star formation and AGN activity even at this pre-coalescence stage.

Duncan V. Mifsud, Zuzana Kanuchova, Peter Herczku, Sergio Ioppolo, Zoltan Juhasz, Sandor T. S. Kovacs, Nigel J. Mason, Robert W. McCullough, Bela Sulik

Peer-reviewed version accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews

Sulfur is the tenth most abundant element in the universe and is known to play a significant role in biological systems. Accordingly, in recent years there has been increased interest in the role of sulfur in astrochemical reactions and planetary geology and geochemistry. Among the many avenues of research currently being explored is the laboratory processing of astrophysical ice analogues. Such research involves the synthesis of an ice of specific morphology and chemical composition at temperatures and pressures relevant to a selected astrophysical setting (such as the interstellar medium or the surfaces of icy moons). Subsequent processing of the ice under conditions that simulate the selected astrophysical setting commonly involves radiolysis, photolysis, thermal processing, neutral-neutral fragment chemistry, or any combination of these, and has been the subject of several studies. The in-situ changes in ice morphology and chemistry occurring during such processing has been monitored via spectroscopic or spectrometric techniques. In this paper, we have reviewed the results of laboratory investigations concerned with sulfur chemistry in several astrophysical ice analogues. Specifically, we review (i) the spectroscopy of sulfur-containing astrochemical molecules in the condensed phase, (ii) atom and radical addition reactions, (iii) the thermal processing of sulfur-bearing ices, (iv) photochemical experiments, (v) the non-reactive charged particle radiolysis of sulfur-bearing ices, and (vi) sulfur ion bombardment of and implantation in ice analogues. Potential future studies in the field of solid phase sulfur astrochemistry are also discussed in the context of forthcoming space missions, such as the NASA James Webb Space Telescope and the ESA Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer mission.

O. Pezzi, F. Pecora, J. le Roux, N.E. Engelbrecht, A. Greco, S. Servidio, H.V. Malova, O.V. Khabarova, O. Malandraki, R. Bruno, W.H. Matthaeus, G. Li, L.M. Zelenyi, R.A. Kislov, V.N. Obridko, V.D. Kuznetsov

Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. The first part of the review will appear here in the following days. This work is supported by the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in the framework of International Team 405 entitled "Current Sheets, Turbulence, Structures and Particle Acceleration in the Heliosphere"

Our understanding of processes occurring in the heliosphere historically began with reduced dimensionality - one-dimensional (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) sketches and models, which aimed to illustrate views on large-scale structures in the solar wind. However, any reduced dimensionality vision of the heliosphere limits the possible interpretations of in-situ observations. Accounting for non-planar structures, e.g. current sheets, magnetic islands, flux ropes as well as plasma bubbles, is decisive to shed the light on a variety of phenomena, such as particle acceleration and energy dissipation. In part I of this review, we have described in detail the ubiquitous and multi-scale observations of these magnetic structures in the solar wind and their significance for the acceleration of charged particles. Here, in part II, we elucidate existing theoretical paradigms of the structure of the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field, with particular attention to the fine structure and stability of current sheets. Differences in 2D and 3D views of processes associated with current sheets, magnetic islands, and flux ropes are discussed. We finally review the results of numerical simulations and in-situ observations, pointing out the complex nature of magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in a strongly turbulent environment.

Pawan Kumar, Melinda Nagy, Alexandre Lemerle, Bidya Binay Karak, Kristof Petrovay

Accepted in ApJ; 13 pages,7 figures

The polar precursor method is widely considered to be the most robust physically motivated method to predict the amplitude of an upcoming solar cycle.It uses indicators of the magnetic field concentrated near the poles around sunspot minimum. Here, we present an extensive performance analysis of various such predictors, based on both observational data (WSO magnetograms, MWO polar faculae counts and Pulkovo $A(t)$ index) and outputs (polar cap magnetic flux and global dipole moment) of various existing flux transport dynamo models.We calculate Pearson correlation coefficients ($r$) of the predictors with the next cycle amplitude as a function of time measured from several solar cycle landmarks: setting $r= 0.8$ as a lower limit for acceptable predictions, we find that observations and models alike indicate that the earliest time when the polar predictor can be safely used is 4 years after polar field reversal. This is typically 2--3 years before solar minimum and about 7~years before the predicted maximum, considerably extending the {usual} temporal scope of the polar precursor method. Re-evaluating the predictors another 3 years later, at the time of solar minimum, further increases the correlation level to $r\ga 0.9$. As an illustration of the result, we determine the predicted amplitude of Cycle 25 based on the value of the WSO polar field at the now official minimum date of December 2019 as $126\pm 3$. A forecast based on the value in early 2017, 4~years after polar reversal would have only differed from this final prediction by $3.1\pm 14.7$\%.

S. Recchia, S. Gabici, F. A. Aharonian, V. Niro

Submitted to ApJ, 13 pages, 3 figures

Recently, a diffuse emission of 1-100 GeV $\gamma$-rays has been detected from the direction of Andromeda. The emission is centered on the galaxy, and extends for $\sim 100-200$ kpc away from its center. Explaining the extended $\gamma-$ray emission within the framework of standard scenarios for the escape of cosmic rays injected in the galactic disk or in the galactic center is problematic. In this paper, we argue that a cosmic ray origin (either leptonic or hadronic) of the $\gamma$-ray emission is possible in the framework of non standard cosmic ray propagation scenarios or in the case of particle acceleration taking place in the galaxy's halo. It would imply the existence of a giant cosmic ray halo surrounding M31, possibly powered by the galaxy nuclear activity, or by accretion of intergalactic gas. Remarkably, if cosmic ray halos, as the one observed around M31, are a common feature of galaxies, including our own, the interactions between cosmic ray protons and the Milky Way circumgalactic gas could also explain the isotropic diffuse flux of neutrinos observed by Icecube.

Zs. Kővári, K. Oláh, M.N. Günther, K. Vida, L. Kriskovics, B. Seli

3 pages, conference poster to Cool Stars 20.5

Superflares on giant stars have up to 100,000 times more energy than the high energy solar flares. However, it is disputed, whether scaling up a solar-type dynamo could explain such a magnitude difference. We investigate the flaring activity of KIC 2852961, a late-type spotted giant. We seek for flares in the Kepler Q0-Q17 datasets by an automated technique together with visual inspection. Flare occurence rate and flare energies are analyzed and compared to flare statistics of different targets with similar flare activity at different energy levels. We find that the flare energy distribution of KIC 2852961 does not seem to be consistent with that of superflares on solar-type stars. Also, we believe that in case of KIC 2852961 spot activity should have an important role in producing such superflares.

Jose J. Blanco-Pillado, Ken D. Olum, Alexander Vilenkin

5 pages, revtex

Recent work by Jenkins and Sakellariadou claims that cusps on cosmic strings lead to black hole production. To derive this conclusion they use the hoop conjecture in the rest frame of the string loop, rather than in the rest frame of the proposed black hole. Most of the energy they include is the bulk motion of the string near the cusp. We redo the analysis taking this into account and find that cusps on cosmic strings with realistic energy scale do not produce black holes, unless the cusp parameters are extremely fine-tuned.

A. T. Gallego-Calvente, R. Schoedel, A. Alberdi, R. Herrero-Illana, F. Najarro, F. Yusef-Zadeh, H. Dong, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, B. Shahzamanian, F. Nogueras-Lara, E. Gallego-Cano

Accepted for publication by A&A

We present high-angular-resolution radio observations of the Arches cluster in the Galactic centre, one of the most massive young clusters in the Milky Way. The data were acquired in two epochs and at 6 and 10 GHz with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA). The rms noise reached is three to four times better than during previous observations and we have almost doubled the number of known radio stars in the cluster. Nine of them have spectral indices consistent with thermal emission from ionised stellar winds, one is a confirmed colliding wind binary (CWB), and two sources are ambiguous cases. Regarding variability, the radio emission appears to be stable on timescales of a few to ten years. Finally, we show that the number of radio stars can be used as a tool for constraining the age and/or mass of a cluster and also its mass function.

Ricardo G. Landim

8 pages, 3 figures

In this paper we introduce the fractional dark energy model, in which the accelerated expansion of the Universe is driven by a non-relativistic gas (composed by either fermions or bosons) with a non-canonical kinetic term. The kinetic energy is inversely proportional to the cube of the absolute value of the momentum for a fluid with equation of state parameter equals to minus one, and whose corresponding energy density mimics the one of the cosmological constant. In the general case, the dark energy equation of state parameter (times three) is precisely the exponent of the momentum in the kinetic term. We show that this inverse momentum operator appears in fractional quantum mechanics and it is the inverse of the Riesz fractional derivative. The smallness of the observed vacuum energy is naturally explained through the integral of the Fermi-Dirac (or Bose-Einstein) distribution and the lowest allowed energy of the particles. Finally, a possible thermal production and fate of fractional dark energy is investigated.

In this paper we first investigate the equatorial circular orbit structure of Kerr black holes with scalar hair (KBHsSH) and highlight their most prominent features which are quite distinct from the exterior region of ordinary bald Kerr black holes, i.e. peculiarities that arise from the combined bound system of a hole with an off-center, self-gravitating distribution of scalar matter. Some of these traits are incompatible with the thin disk approach, thus we identify and map out various regions in the parameter space respectively. All the solutions for which the stable circular orbital velocity (and angular momentum) curve is continuous are used for building thin and optically thick disks around them, from which we extract the radiant energy fluxes, luminosities and efficiencies. We compare the results in batches with the same spin parameter $j$ but different normalized charges, and the profiles are richly diverse. Because of the existence of a conserved scalar charge, $Q$, these solutions are non-unique in the $(M, J)$ parameter space. Furthermore, $Q$ cannot be extracted asymptotically from the metric functions. Nevertheless, by constraining the parameters through different observations, the luminosity profile could in turn be used to constrain the Noether charge and characterize the spacetime, should KBHsSH exist.

Anshu Kumari, G. V. S. Gireesh, C. Kathiravan, V. Mugundhan, Indrajit V. Barve

25 pages, 31 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

A radio spectro-polarimeter was developed at the Gauribidanur radio observatory to study the characteristics of the polarized radio waves that are emitted by the impetuous solar corona in the 50 - 500 MHz frequency range. The instrument has three major components : a Cross-polarized Log-Periodic Dipole Antenna (CLPDA), an analog receiver, and a digital receiver (spectrum analyzer). This article elaborates the design and developmental aspects of the CLPDA, its characteristics and briefs about the configurations of the analog and digital receivers, setting up of the spectro-polarimeter, stage-wise tests performed to characterize it, etc. To demonstrate the instrumental capability, the estimation of the solar coronal magnetic field strength (B {\it Vs} heliocentric height), using the spectral data obtained with it, is exemplified. Throughout the above band, the CLPDA has a gain, return loss and polarization cross-talk of $\approx$ 6.6 dBi, $\lesssim$ -10 dB, and $\lesssim$ -27 dB, respectively. The design constraints, the procedure to tune its impedance and to minimize its dimension, etc. are elaborated. The analog receiver has a noise figure of $\approx 3$ dB and a receiver-noise-temperature ($T_{rcvr}$) of about 290 K. The receiver-flux-density ($S_{rcvr}$) is $\approx 5.3 \times 10^3 $, and $\approx 5.3 \times 10^5$ Jy at 50 and 500 MHz, respectively. The observed spectral data shows a Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Dynamic range of about 30 dB and 40 dB, respectively, at 50 MHz. The average polarization isolation / cross-talk of the CLPD varies from -30 dB to -24 dB over an azimuthal angle of $\pm 45^\circ$ with respect to the reference position angle ($0^\circ$). The average degree of circular polarization (DCP) is $\approx 100\%$ at the reference position and found to decrease gradually and reaches $\approx 80\%$ at an azimuthal angle of $\pm 45^\circ$.

D. Svinkin, D. Frederiks, K. Hurley, R. Aptekar, S. Golenetskii, A. Lysenko, A. V. Ridnaia, A. Tsvetkova, M. Ulanov, T. L. Cline, I. Mitrofanov, D. Golovin, A. Kozyrev, M. Litvak, A. Sanin, A. Goldstein, M. S. Briggs, C. Wilson-Hodge, A. von Kienlin, X.-L. Zhang, A. Rau, V. Savchenko, E. Bozzo, C. Ferrigno, P. Ubertini, A. Bazzano, J. C. Rodi, S. Barthelmy, J. Cummings, H. Krimm, D. M. Palmer, W. Boynton, C. W. Fellows, K. P. Harshman, H. Enos, R. Starr

Preprint version of Nature paper

Magnetars are young, highly magnetized neutron stars that produce extremely rare giant flares of gamma-rays, the most luminous astrophysical phenomena in our Galaxy. The detection of these flares from outside the Local Group of galaxies has been predicted, with just two candidates so far. Here we report on the extremely bright gamma-ray flare GRB 200415A of April 15, 2020, which we localize, using the Interplanetary Network, to a tiny (20 sq. arcmin) area on the celestial sphere, that overlaps the central region of the Sculptor galaxy at 3.5 Mpc from the Milky Way. From the Konus-Wind detections, we find a striking similarity between GRB 200415A and GRB 051103, the even more energetic flare that presumably originated from the M81/M82 group of galaxies at nearly the same distance (3.6 Mpc). Both bursts display a sharp, millisecond-scale, hard-spectrum initial pulse, followed by an approximately 0.2 s long steadily fading and softening tail. Apart from the huge initial pulses of magnetar giant flares, no astrophysical signal with this combination of temporal and spectral properties and implied energy has been reported previously. At the inferred distances, the energy released in both flares is on par with that of the December 27, 2004 superflare from the Galactic magnetar SGR 1806-20, but with a higher peak luminosity. Taken all together, this makes GRB 200415A and its twin GRB 051103 the most significant candidates for extragalactic magnetar giant flares, both a factor of five more luminous than the brightest Galactic magnetar flare observed previously, thus providing an important step towards a better understanding of this fascinating phenomenon.

Lewis Watt, Zoë Leinhardt, Kate Su

21 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

In this paper, we present results from a multi-stage numerical campaign to begin to explain and determine why extreme debris disk detections are rare, what types of impacts will result in extreme debris disks and what we can learn about the parameters of the collision from the extreme debris disks. We begin by simulating many giant impacts using a smoothed particle hydrodynamical code with tabulated equations of state and track the escaping vapour from the collision. Using an $N$-body code, we simulate the spatial evolution of the vapour generated dust post-impact. We show that impacts release vapour anisotropically not isotropically as has been assumed previously and that the distribution of the resulting generated dust is dependent on the mass ratio and impact angle of the collision. In addition, we show that the anisotropic distribution of post-collision dust can cause the formation or lack of formation of the short-term variation in flux depending on the orientation of the collision with respect to the orbit around the central star. Finally, our results suggest that there is a narrow region of semi-major axis where a vapour generated disk would be observable for any significant amount of time implying that giant impacts where most of the escaping mass is in vapour would not be observed often but this does not mean that the collisions are not occurring.

Oleksandra Ivanova, Vera Rosenbush, Viktor Afanasiev, Nikolai Kiselev

16, 13 figures, 2 tables

We present the results of photometry, linear spectropolarimetry, and imaging circular polarimetry ofcomet C/2009 P1 (Garradd) performed at the 6-m telescope BTA of the Special Astrophysical Observatory(Russia) equipped by the multi-mode focal reducer SCORPIO-2. The comet was observed at two epochspost-perihelion: on February 2-14, 2012 at r=1.6 au and {\alpha}=36 {\deg}; and on April 14-21, 2012 at r=2.2 au and {\alpha}=27 deg. The spatial maps of the relative intensity and circular polarization as well as the spectral distribution of linear polarization are presented. There were two features (dust and gas tails) orientedin the solar and antisolar directions on February 2 and 14 that allowed us to determine rotation periodof the nucleus as 11.1 hours. We detected emissions of C2 , C3 , CN, CH, NH2 molecules as well as CO+ and H2O+ ions, along with a high level of the dust continuum. On February 2, the degree of linear polarization in the continuum, within the wavelength range of 0.67-0.68 {\mu}m, was about 5% in the near-nucleus region up to near 6000 km and decreased to about 3% at near 40,000 km. The left-handed (negative) circular polarization at the level approximately from -0.06% to -0.4% was observed at the distances up to 3*10^4 km from the nucleus on February 14 and April 21, respectively.

Aldana Grichener, Noam Soker (Technion, Israel)

Will be sumbitted in two days to allow comments

We study high energy neutrino emission from relativistic jets launched by a black hole (BH) spiraling-in inside the envelope of a red supergiant (RSG), and find that such common envelope jets supernovae (CEJSNe) are a potential source for the ~10^15 eV neutrinos detected by IceCube. We first use the stellar evolution code MESA to mimic the effect of the jets on the RSG envelope, and find that the jets substantially inflate the envelope. We then study the propagation of jets inside the extended RSG envelope and find that in most cases the jets do not penetrate the envelope but are rather stalled. We show that such jets can accelerate cosmic rays to high enough energies to produce high energy neutrinos. While the neutrinos stream out freely, the gamma-rays that accompany the neutrino production remain trapped inside the optically thick envelope. This explains the lack of observational association between high energy neutrinos and gamma-rays.

Joseph John Fernández, Shiho Kobayashi, Gavin P. Lamb

11 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

Very long base interferometry (VLBI) radio images recently proved to be essential in breaking the degeneracy in the ejecta model for the neutron star merger event GW170817. We discuss the properties of synthetic radio images of merger jet afterglow by using semi-analytic models of laterally spreading or non-spreading jets. The image centroid initially moves away from the explosion point in the sky with an apparent superlumianal velocity. After reaching a maximum displacement its motion is reversed. This behavior is in line with that found in full hydrodynamics simulations. Since the evolution of the centroid shift and jet image size are significantly different in the two jet models, observations of these characteristics for very bright events might be able to confirm or constrain the lateral expansion law of merger jets. We explicitly demonstrate how $\theta_{\rm obs}$ is obtained by the centroid shift of radio images or its apparent velocity provided the ratio of the jet core size $\theta_{c}$ and the viewing angle $\theta_{\rm obs}$ is determined by afterglow light curves. We show that a simple method based on a point-source approximation provides reasonable angular estimates ($10-20\%$ errors at most). By taking a sample of structured Gaussian jet results, we find that the model with $\theta_{\rm obs} \sim 0.32$ rad can explain the main features of the GW170817 afterglow light curves and the radio images.

E. Burns, D. Svinkin, K. Hurley, Z. Wadiasingh, M. Negro, G. Younes, R. Hamburg, A. Ridnaia, D. Cook, S. B. Cenko, R. Aloisi, G. Ashton, M. Baring, M. S. Briggs, N. Christensen, D. Frederiks, A. Goldstein, C. M. Hui, D. L. Kaplan, M. M. Kasliwal, D. Kocevski, O. J. Roberts, V. Savchenko, A. Tohuvavohu, P. Veres, C. A. Wilson-Hodge

Accepted for publication in ApJL

Cosmological Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) are known to arise from distinct progenitor channels: short GRBs mostly from neutron star mergers and long GRBs from a rare type of core-collapse supernova (CCSN) called collapsars. Highly magnetized neutron stars called magnetars also generate energetic, short-duration gamma-ray transients called Magnetar Giant Flares (MGFs). Three have been observed from the Milky Way and its satellite galaxies and they have long been suspected to contribute a third class of extragalactic GRBs. We report the unambiguous identification of a distinct population of 4 local ($<$5 Mpc) short GRBs, adding GRB 070222 to previously discussed events. While identified solely based on alignment to nearby star-forming galaxies, their rise time and isotropic energy release are independently inconsistent with the larger short GRB population at $>$99.9% confidence. These properties, the host galaxies, and non-detection in gravitational waves all point to an extragalactic MGF origin. Despite the small sample, the inferred volumetric rates for events above $4\times10^{44}$ erg of $R_{MGF}=3.8_{-3.1}^{+4.0}\times10^5$ Gpc$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$ place MGFs as the dominant gamma-ray transient detected from extragalactic sources. As previously suggested, these rates imply that some magnetars produce multiple MGFs, providing a source of repeating GRBs. The rates and host galaxies favor common CCSN as key progenitors of magnetars.

O. J. Roberts, P. Veres, M. G. Baring, M. S. Briggs, C. Kouveliotou, E. Bissaldi, G. Younes, S. I. Chastain, J. J. DeLaunay, D. Huppenkothen, A. Tohuvavohu, P. N. Bhat, E. Gogus, A. J. van der Horst, J. A. Kennea, D. Kocevski, J. D. Linford, S. Guiriec, R. Hamburg, C. A. Wilson-Hodge, E. Burns

Magnetars are slowly-rotating neutron stars with extremely strong magnetic fields ($10^{13-15}$ G), episodically emitting $\sim100$ ms long X-ray bursts with energies of $\sim10^{40-41}$ erg. Rarely, they produce extremely bright, energetic giant flares that begin with a short ($\sim0.2$ s), intense flash, followed by fainter, longer lasting emission modulated by the magnetar spin period (typically 2-12 s), thus confirming their origin. Over the last 40 years, only three such flares have been observed in our local group; they all suffered from instrumental saturation due to their extreme intensity. It has been proposed that extra-galactic giant flares likely constitute a subset of short gamma-ray bursts, noting that the sensitivity of current instrumentation prevents us from detecting the pulsating tail, while the initial bright flash is readily observable out to distances $\sim 10-20$ Mpc. Here, we report X- and gamma-ray observations of GRB 200415A, which exhibits a rapid onset, very fast time variability, flat spectra and significant sub-millisecond spectral evolution. These attributes match well with those expected for a giant flare from an extra-galactic magnetar, noting that GRB 200415A is directionally associated with the galaxy NGC 253 ($\sim$3.5 Mpc away). The detection of $\sim3$ MeV photons provides definitive evidence for relativistic motion of the emitting plasma. The observed rapid spectral evolution can naturally be generated by radiation emanating from such rapidly-moving gas in a rotating magnetar.

J. Cernicharo, C. Cabezas, Y. Endo, N. Marcelino, M. Agundez, B. Tercero, J. D. Gallego, P. de Vicente

Accepted for publication in A&A Letters

We report the detection in TMC-1 of the protonated form of C3S. The discovery of the cation HC3S+ was carried through the observation of four harmonically related lines in the Q band using the Yebes 40m radiotelescope, and is supported by accurate ab initio calculations and laboratory measurements of its rotational spectrum. We derive a column density N(HC3S+) = (2.0 +/- 0.5)e11 cm-2, which translates to an abundance ratio C3S/HC3S+ of 65 +/- 20. This ratio is comparable to the CS/HCS+ ratio (35 +/- 8) and is a factor of about ten larger than the C3O/HC3O+ ratio previously found in the same source. However, the abundance ratio HC3O+/HC3S+ is 1.0 +/- 0.5, while C3O/C3S is just 0.11. We also searched for protonated C2S in TMC-1, based on ab initio calculations of its spectroscopic parameters, and derive a 3sigma upper limit of N(HC2S+) < 9e11 cm-2 and a C2S/HC2S+ > 60. The observational results are compared with a state-of-the-art gas-phase chemical model and conclude that HC3S+ is mostly formed through several pathways: proton transfer to C3S, reaction of S+ with c-C3H2, and reaction between neutral atomic sulfur and the ion C3H3+.

Jakob T. Faber, Vishal Gajjar, Andrew P. V. Siemion, Steve Croft, Daniel Czech, David DeBoer, Julia DeMarines, Jamie Drew, Howard Isaacson, Brian C. Lacki, Matt Lebofsky, David H. E. MacMahon, Cherry Ng, Imke de Pater, Danny C. Price, Sofia Z. Sheikh, Claire Webb, S. Pete Worden

4 pages, 1 table. Submitted to RNAAS

We report polarization properties for eight narrowband bursts from FRB 121102 that have been re-detected in a high-frequency (4-8 GHz) Breakthrough Listen observation with the Green Bank Telescope, originally taken on 2017 August 26. The bursts were found to exhibit nearly 100% linear polarization, Faraday rotation measures (RM) bordering 9.3$\times$10$^4$ rad-m$^{-2}$, and stable polarization position angles (PA), all of which agree with burst properties previously reported for FRB 121102 at the same epoch. We confirm that these detections are indeed physical bursts with limited spectral occupancies and further support the use of sub-banded search techniques in FRB detection.

Serena Viti, Jonathan Holdship

Published as a chapter in "Machine Learning in Chemistry: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence"

Databases of gas and surface chemical reactions are a key tool for scientists working in a wide range of physical sciences. In Astrochemistry, databases of chemical reactions are used as inputs to chemical models to determine the abundances of the interstellar medium. Gas chemistry and, in particular, grain surface chemistry and its treatment in gas-grain chemical models are however areas of large uncertainty. Many reactions - especially on the dust grains - have not been systematically experimentally studied. Moreover, experimental measurements are often not easily translated to the rate equation approach most commonly used in astrochemical modelling. Reducing the degree of uncertainty intrinsic in these databases is therefore a prime problem, but has so far been approached mainly by ad hoc procedures of essentially trial and error. In this chapter we review the problem of the determination of accurate and complete chemical networks in the wider context of Astrochemistry and explore the possibility of using statistical methods and machine learning (ML) techniques to reduce the uncertainty in chemical networks.

Carlos Cabezas, Yasuki Endo, Evelyne Roueff, Nuria Marcelino, Marcelino Agúndez, Belén Tercero, José Cernicharo

This article was submitted to A&A Letters on 23/12/2020 and accepted for publication on 10/01/2021

Our observations of TMC-1 with the Yebes 40 m radio telescope in the 31.0-50.3 GHz range allowed us to detect a group of unidentified lines, showing a complex line pattern indicative of an open-shell species. {}The observed frequencies of these lines and the similarity of the spectral pattern with that of the 2$_{0,2}$-1$_{0,1}$ rotational transition of H$_2$CCN indicate that the lines arise from the deuterated cyanomethyl radical, HDCCN. Using Fourier transform microwave spectroscopy experiments combined with electric discharges, we succeeded in producing the radical HDCCN in the laboratory and observed its 1$_{0,1}$-0$_{0,0}$ and 2$_{0,2}$-1$_{0,1}$ rotational transitions. From our observations and assuming a rotational temperature of 5 K, we derive an abundance ratio H$_2$CCN/HDCCN=20$\pm$4. The high abundance of the deuterated form of H$_2$CCN is well accounted for by a standard gas-phase model, in which deuteration is driven by deuteron transfer from the H$_2$D$^+$ molecular ion.

Fabio Columbro, Paolo de Bernardis, Luca Lamagna, Silvia Masi, Alessandro Paiella, Francesco Piacentini, Giampaolo Pisano (for the Litebird Joint Study Group)

16 pages, 6 figures, SPIE Proceeding no. 11443-282

The LiteBIRD mission is a JAXA strategic L-class mission for all sky CMB surveys which will be launched in the 2020s. The main target of the mission is the detection of primordial gravitational waves with a sensitivity ofthe tensor-to-scalar ratio {\delta}r <0.001. The polarization modulator unit (PMU) represents a critical and powerful component to suppress 1/f noise contribution and mitigate systematic uncertainties induced by detector gain drift, both for the high-frequency telescope (HFT) and for the mid-frequency telescope (MFT). Each PMUs based on a continuously-rotating transmissive half-wave plate (HWP) held by a superconducting magnetic bearing in a 5K environment. In this proceeding we will present the design and expected performance of the LiteBIRD PMUs and testing performed on every PMU subsystem with a room-temperature rotating disk used as a stand-in for the cryogenic HWP rotor.

Nilkanth D Vagshette, Sachindra Naik, Neeraj Kumari, Madhav K Patil

8 pages, 3 figures and 1 table

We present imaging and photometric studies of the radio galaxy NGC 1316 (Fornax~A) using high spatial resolution near-ultraviolet (NUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) imaging telescopes of the first Indian multi-wavelength space observatory {\it AstroSat}. The residual maps of UV emission obtained from the subtraction of smooth models witness peculiar features within the central few kpc (1-2 kpc) region. The spatial correspondence between the radio emission maps and FUV imaging study reveal that the UV emitting sources are displaced away from the centre by the AGN outburst (radio jet). The presence of rims and clumpy structures in the outskirt of this galaxy delineate that the galaxy has acquired a large fraction of gas through merger-like events and is still in the process of settling. The estimates of the star formation rates (SFR) using FUV and NUV luminosities are found to be 0.15 M$_\odot$yr$^{-1}$ and 0.36 M$_\odot$yr$^{-1}$, respectively, and provide the lower limit due to the screen effect. The estimated lower rates of SFR in this galaxy probably represent its quenching due to the AGN driven outflows emanating from the central engine of NGC 1316.

Jane Lixin Dai, Giuseppe Lodato, Roseanne M. Cheng

Accepted for publication in Springer Space Science Reviews. Chapter in ISSI review, "The Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes," vol. 79

Accretion onto black holes is an efficient mechanism in converting the gas mass-energy into energetic outputs as radiation, wind and jet. Tidal disruption events, in which stars are tidally torn apart and then accreted onto supermassive black holes, offer unique opportunities of studying the accretion physics as well as the wind and jet launching physics across different accretion regimes. In this review, we systematically describe and discuss the models that have been developed to study the accretion flows and jets in tidal disruption events. A good knowledge of these physics is not only needed for understanding the emissions of the observed events, but also crucial for probing the general relativistic space-time around black holes and the demographics of supermassive black holes via tidal disruption events.

21cm radio signal has emerged as an important probe in investigating the Dark Age of the Universe (recombination to reionization). In the current analysis, we explore the combined effect of baryon - Dark Matter interaction, primordial black holes (PBH) on the 21cm brightness temperature. The variation of brightness temperature shows remarkable dependence on Dark Matter mass ($m_{\chi}$) and the baryon - Dark Matter cross-section ($\sigma_0$). We address a bound in the $m_{\chi}$ - $\sigma_0$ space in presence of PBH in the framework of three different Interacting Dark Energy (IDE) models of the Universe. The limits are estimated based on the observed excess ($-500^{+200}_{-500}$ mK) of 21cm brightness temperature by EDGES experiment. Eventually, a bound on PBH mass is also estimated for different values of Dark Matter mass and the IDE model coupling parameters and the compatibility of the IDE model constraints in the estimated bounds are also addressed.

Krzysztof A. Meissner, Hermann Nicolai

In a previous paper we have argued that primordial black holes can arise from the formation and subsequent gravitational collapse of bound states of stable supermassive elementary particles (gravitinos) during the early radiation era. Here we offer a comprehensive picture, describing the evolution and growth of the resulting mini-black holes through both the radiation and matter dominated phases until the onset of inhomogeneities, by means of an exact metric solving Einstein's equations. We show that, thanks to a special enhancement effect producing an effective horizon above the actual event horizon, this process can explain the observed mass values of the earliest giant black holes.

Martin G. H. Krause, Martin J. Hardcastle

8 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRAS

The ARCADE 2 balloon bolometer along with a number of other instruments have detected what appears to be a radio synchrotron background at frequencies below about 3 GHz. Neither extragalactic radio sources nor diffuse Galactic emission can currently account for this finding. We use the locally measured Cosmic ray electron population, demodulated for effects of the Solar wind, and other observational constraints combined with a turbulent magnetic field model to predict the radio synchrotron emission for the Local Bubble. We find that the spectral index of the modelled radio emission is roughly consistent with the radio background. Our model can approximately reproduce the observed antenna temperatures for a mean magnetic field strength B between 3-5 nT. We argue that this would not violate observational constraints from pulsar measurements. However, the curvature in the predicted spectrum would mean that other, so far unknown sources would have to contribute below 100 MHz. Also, the magnetic energy density would then dominate over thermal and cosmic ray electron energy density, likely causing an inverse magnetic cascade with large variations of the radio emission in different sky directions as well as high polarisation. We argue that this disagrees with several observations and thus that the magnetic field is probably much lower, quite possibly limited by equipartition with the energy density in relativistic or thermal particles (B = 0.2-0.6 nT). In the latter case, we predict a contribution of the Local Bubble to the unexplained radio background at most at the per cent level.

Maximilian von Wietersheim-Kramsta, Benjamin Joachimi, Jan Luca van den Busch, Catherine Heymans, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Marika Asgari, Tilman Tröster, Angus H. Wright

15 pages, 13 figures

Gravitational lensing magnification modifies the observed spatial distribution of galaxies and can severely bias cosmological probes of large-scale structure if not accurately modelled. Standard approaches to modelling this magnification bias may not be applicable in practice as many galaxy samples have complex, often implicit, selection functions. We propose and test a procedure to quantify the magnification bias induced in clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL) signals in galaxy samples subject to a selection function beyond a simple flux limit. The method employs realistic mock data to calibrate an effective luminosity function slope, $\alpha_{\rm{obs}}$, from observed galaxy counts, which can then be used with the standard formalism. We demonstrate this method for two galaxy samples derived from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) in the redshift ranges $0.2 < z \leq 0.5$ and $0.5 < z \leq 0.75$, complemented by mock data built from the MICE2 simulation. We obtain $\alpha_{\rm{obs}} = 1.93 \pm 0.05$ and $\alpha_{\rm{obs}} = 2.62 \pm 0.28$ for the two BOSS samples. For BOSS-like lenses, we forecast a contribution of the magnification bias to the GGL signal between the angular scales of $100$ and $4600$ with a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio between $0.1$ and $1.1$ for sources from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS), between $0.4$ and $2.0$ for sources from the Hyper Suprime-Cam survey (HSC), and between $0.3$ and $2.8$ for ESA Euclid-like source samples. These contributions are significant enough to require explicit modelling in future analyses of these and similar surveys.

Comets are the most primordial objects in our solar system which are made of icy bodies. Comets used to release gas and dust when it moves close to the Sun. The C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) is a large periodic comet that is moving in a near-parabolic orbit. The C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) is the brightest comet in the northern hemisphere after comet Hale-Bopp in 1997. Here we present the first interferometric high-resolution detection of the comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) using Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT). The observational frequency range is 1050-1450 MHz. We also detect atomic HI absorption line at $\nu$ = 1420 MHz ($\sim$6$\sigma$ significance) with column density $N(HI) = (1.8 \pm 0.09)\times 10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$. The continuum emission from the comet in meter wavelength arises from the large Icy Grains Halo (IGH) region. Significant detection of C/2020 F3 in $>$21 cm indicates the presence of large size of particles in the coma region of the comet.

Logan H. Jones, Michael J. Rosenthal, Amy J. Barger, Lennox L. Cowie

8 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to ApJ Letters

We report spectroscopic redshift measurements for three bright submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) in the GOODS-N field, each with SCUBA-2 850 micron fluxes > 10 mJy, using the Northern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA). Our molecular linescan observations of these sources, which occupy a ~7 arcmin$^2$ area outside of the HST/ACS region of the field, reveal that two lie at $z \sim$ 3.14 and thus likely belong to a previously-unknown overdensity of rare galaxies, which we shall refer to as a protocluster. In the remaining object, which is the brightest SCUBA-2 source in the entire GOODS-N, we detect line emission consistent with CO(7-6), [C I], and H2O at $z$ = 4.42. The far-infrared spectral energy distributions of these galaxies, constrained by SCUBA-2, NOEMA, and Herschel/SPIRE, indicate instantaneous SFRs $\sim4000 ~{\rm M_{\odot}~yr^{-1}}$ in the $z$ = 4.42 galaxy and $\sim 2500~{\rm M_{\odot}~yr^{-1}}$ in the two $z \sim$ 3 galaxies. These occupy a co-moving volume ~30 Mpc$^3$, making the protocluster one of the most compact, spectroscopically-confirmed episodes of simultaneous dusty starbursts. Based on our sources' CO line luminosities, we estimate $M_{{\rm gas}}\sim10^{11} M_{\odot}$ and find gas depletion timescales of $\tau_{{\rm depl}}\sim 50$ Myr, consistent with findings in other high-redshift SMG protoclusters.

K. Abe, P. Adrich, H. Aihara, R. Akutsu, I. Alekseev, A. Ali, F. Ameli, I. Anghel, L.H.V. Anthony, M. Antonova, A. Araya, Y. Asaoka, Y. Ashida, V. Aushev, F. Ballester, I. Bandac, M. Barbi, G.J. Barker, G. Barr, M. Batkiewicz-Kwasniak, M. Bellato, V. Berardi, M. Bergevin, L. Bernard, E. Bernardini, L. Berns, S. Bhadra, J. Bian, A. Blanchet, F.d.M. Blaszczyk, A. Blondel, A. Boiano, S. Bolognesi, L. Bonavera, N. Booth, S. Borjabad, T. Boschi, D. Bose, S .B. Boyd, C. Bozza, A. Bravar, D. Bravo-Berguño, C. Bronner, L. Brown, A. Bubak, A. Buchowicz, M. Buizza Avanzini, F. S. Cafagna, N. F. Calabria, J. M. Calvo-Mozota, S. Cao, S.L. Cartwright, A. Carroll, M. G. Catanesi, S. Cebriàn, M. Chabera, S. Chakraborty, C. Checchia, J. H. Choi, S. Choubey, M. Cicerchia, et al. (439 additional authors not shown)

20 pages, 7 figures. Article based on thesis published as arXiv:2002.01649 . Submitted to ApJ

Core-collapse supernovae are among the most magnificent events in the observable universe. They produce many of the chemical elements necessary for life to exist and their remnants---neutron stars and black holes---are interesting astrophysical objects in their own right. However, despite millennia of observations and almost a century of astrophysical study, the explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae is not yet well understood. Hyper-Kamiokande is a next-generation neutrino detector that will be able to observe the neutrino flux from the next galactic core-collapse supernova in unprecedented detail. We focus on the first 500 ms of the neutrino burst, corresponding to the accretion phase, and use a newly-developed, high-precision supernova event generator to simulate Hyper-Kamiokande's response to five different supernova models. We show that Hyper-Kamiokande will be able to distinguish between these models with high accuracy for a supernova at a distance of up to 100 kpc. Once the next galactic supernova happens, this ability will be a powerful tool for guiding simulations towards a precise reproduction of the explosion mechanism observed in nature.

I.M. Dremin

16 p., 4 Figs. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2008.13184 , arXiv:2006.12033

The intense emission of 511 keV photons from the Galactic center and within terrestrial thunderstorms is attributed to the formation of parapositronia' clouds. Unbound electron-positron pairs and positronia can be created by strong electromagnetic fields produced in interactions of electrically charged objects, in particular, in collisions of heavy nuclei. Kinematics of this process favours abundant creation of the unbound electron-positron pairs with very small masses and the confined parapositronia states which decay directly to two 511 keV quanta. Therefore we propose to consider interactions of electromagnetic fields of colliding heavy ions as a source of low-mass pairs which can transform to 511 keV quanta. Intensity of their creation is enlarged by the factor Z$^4$ (Z is the electric charge of a heavy ion) compared to protons with Z=1. These processes are especially important at very high energies of nuclear collisions because their cross sections increase proportionally to cube of the logarithm of energy and can even exceed the cross sections of strong interactions which may not increase faster than the squared logarithm of energy. Moreover, production of extremely low-mass $e^+e^-$-pairs in ultraperipheral nuclear collisions is strongly enhanced due to the Sommerfeld-Gamow-Sakharov (SGS) factor which accounts for mutual Coulomb attraction of non-relativistic electrons to positrons in case of low pair-masses. This attraction may lead to their annihilation and, therefore, to the increased intensity of 511 keV photons. It is proposed to confront the obtained results to forthcoming experimental data at NICA collider.

Kentaro Mogushi, Ryan Quitzow-James, Marco Cavaglià, Sumeet Kulkarni, Fergus Hayes

26 pages, 10 figures, 10 tables

Instrumental and environmental transient noise bursts in gravitational-wave detectors, or glitches, may impair astrophysical observations by adversely affecting the sky localization and the parameter estimation of gravitational-wave signals. Denoising of detector data is especially relevant during low-latency operations because electromagnetic follow-up of candidate detections requires accurate, rapid sky localization and inference of astrophysical sources. NNETFIX is a machine learning-based algorithm designed to remove glitches detected in coincidence with transient gravitational-wave signals. NNETFIX uses artificial neural networks to estimate the portion of the data lost due to the presence of the glitch, which allows the recalculation of the sky localization of the astrophysical signal. The sky localization of the denoised data may be significantly more accurate than the sky localization obtained from the original data or by removing the portion of the data impacted by the glitch. We test NNETFIX in simulated scenarios of binary black hole coalescence signals and discuss the potential for its use in future low-latency LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA searches. In the majority of cases for signals with a high signal-to-noise ratio, we find that the overlap of the sky maps obtained with the denoised data and the original data is better than the overlap of the sky maps obtained with the original data and the data with the glitch removed.

Mohamed Moussa, Homa Shababi, Ahmed Farag Ali

10 pages, 7 figures, revtex4, to appear in Physics Letters B

This paper concerned with the effect of generalized uncertainty principle (GUP) on the stochastic gravitational wave (SGW) background signal that produced during first order cosmological QCD phase transition in early universe. A modified formula of entropy is used to calculate the temporal evolution of temperature of the universe as a function of the Hubble parameter. The pressure that results from the recent lattice calculations, which provides parameterizations of the pressure due to $u,~d,~s$ quarks and gluons, with trace anomaly is used to describe the equation of state around QCD epoch. A redshift in the peak frequency of SGW at current epoch is calculated. The results indicate an increase in the frequency peak due to GUP effect, which improves the ability to detect it. Taking into account bubble wall collisions (BWC) and turbulent magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) as a source of SGW, a fractional energy density is investigated. It is found that the GUP effect weakens the SGW signal generated during QCD phase transition in comparison to its counterpart in the absence of GUP. These results support understanding the cosmological QCD phase transition and test the effectiveness of the GUP theory.

We demonstrate high fidelity enhancement of planetary digital elevation models (DEMs) using optical images and deep learning with convolutional neural networks. Enhancement can be applied recursively to the limit of available optical data, representing a 90x resolution improvement in global Mars DEMs. Deep learning-based photoclinometry robustly recovers features obscured by non-ideal lighting conditions. Method can be automated at global scale. Analysis shows enhanced DEM slope errors are comparable with high resolution maps using conventional, labor intensive methods.

We obtain the shadow cast induced by the rotating black hole with an anisotropic matter. A Killing tensor representing the hidden symmetry is derived explicitly. The existence of separability structure implies a complete integrability of the geodesic motion. We analyze an effective potential around the unstable circular photon orbits to show that one side of the black hole is brighter than the other side. Further, it is shown that the inclusion of the anisotropic matter ($Kr^{2(1-w)}$) has an effect on the observables of the shadow cast. The shadow observables include approximate shadow radius $R_s$, distortion parameter $\delta_s$, area of the shadow $A_s$, and oblateness $D_{os}$.

Vittorio De Falco, Emmanuele Battista, Salvatore Capozziello, Mariafelicia De Laurentis

17 pages, 4 figures, 2 Tables. Paper accepted on Physical Review D

We develop a model-independent procedure to single out static and spherically symmetric wormhole solutions based on the general relativistic Poynting-Robertson effect and the extension of the ray-tracing formalism in generic static and spherically symmetric wormhole metrics. Simulating the flux emitted by the Poynting-Robertson critical hypersurface (i.e., a stable structure where gravitational and radiation forces attain equilibrium) or also from another X-ray source in these general geometrical environments toward a distant observer, we are able to reconstruct, only locally to the emission region, the wormhole solutions which are in agreement with the high-energy astrophysical observational data. This machinery works only if wormhole evidences have been detected. Indeed, in our previous paper we showed how the Poynting-Robertson critical hypersurfaces can be located in regions of strong gravitational field and become valuable astrophysical probe to observationally search for wormholes' existence. As examples, we apply our method to selected wormhole solutions in different extended theories of gravity by producing lightcurves, spectra, and images of an accretion disk. In addition, the present approach may constitute a procedure to also test the theories of gravity. Finally, we discuss the obtained results and draw the conclusions.

C. Cattell, A. Breneman, J. Dombeck, B. Short, J. Wygant, J. Halekas, Tony Case, J. Kasper, D. Larson, Mike Stevens, P. Whittesley, S. Bale T. Dudok de Wit, K. Goodrich, R. MacDowall, M. Moncuquet, D. Malaspina, M. Pulupa

19 pages, 4 figures, 1 table

Observations of plasma waves by the Fields Suite and of electrons by the Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons Investigation (SWEAP) on Parker Solar Probe provide strong evidence for pitch angle scattering of strahl-energy electrons by narrowband whistler-mode waves at radial distances less than ~0.3 AU. We present two example intervals of a few hours that include 8 waveform captures with whistler-mode waves and 26 representative electron distributions that are examined in detail. Two were narrow; 17 were clearly broadened, and 8 were very broad. The two with narrow strahl occurred when there were either no whistlers or very intermittent low amplitude waves. Six of the eight broadest distributions were associated with intense, long duration waves. Approximately half of the observed electron distributions have features consistent with an energy dependent scattering mechanism, as would be expected from interactions with narrowband waves. A comparison of the wave power in the whistler-mode frequency band to pitch angle width and a measure of anisotropy provides additional evidence for the electron scattering by whistler-mode waves. The pitch angle broadening occurs in over an energy range comparable to that obtained for the n=1 (co-streaming) resonance for the observed wave and plasma parameters. The additional observation that the heat flux is lower in the interval with multiple switchbacks may provide clues to the nature of switchbacks. These results provide strong evidence that the heat flux is reduced by narroweband whistler-mode waves scattering of strahl-energy electrons.

Valerie Domcke, Yohei Ema, Kyohei Mukaida

18 pages + appendices, 5 figures

We point out an enhancement of the pair production rate of charged fermions in a strong electric field in the presence of time dependent classical axion-like background field, which we call axion assisted Schwinger effect. While the standard Schwinger production rate is proportional to $\exp(-\pi(m^2+p_T^2 )/E)$, with $m$ and $p_T$ denoting the fermion mass and its momentum transverse to the electric field $E$, the axion assisted Schwinger effect can be enhanced at large momenta to $\exp(-\pi m^2/E)$. The origin of this enhancement is a coupling between the fermion spin and its momentum, induced by the axion velocity. As a non-trivial validation of our result, we show its invariance under field redefinitions associated with a chiral rotation and successfully reproduce the chiral anomaly equation in the presence of helical electric and magnetic fields. We comment on implications of this result for axion cosmology, focussing on axion inflation and axion dark matter detection.

M. Aker, K. Altenmüller, A. Beglarian, J. Behrens, A. Berlev, U. Besserer, B. Bieringer, K. Blaum, F. Block, B. Bornschein, L. Bornschein, M. Böttcher, T. Brunst, T. S. Caldwell, L. La Cascio, S. Chilingaryan, W. Choi, D. Díaz Barrero, K. Debowski, M. Deffert, M. Descher, P. J. Doe, O. Dragoun, G. Drexlin, S. Dyba, F. Edzards, K. Eitel, E. Ellinger, R. Engel, S. Enomoto, M. Fedkevych, A. Felden, J. A. Formaggio, F. M. Fränkle, G. B. Franklin, F. Friedel, A. Fulst, K. Gauda, W. Gil, F. Glück, R. Grössle, R. Gumbsheimer, T. Höhn, V. Hannen, N. Haußmann, K. Helbing, S. Hickford, R. Hiller, D. Hillesheimer, D. Hinz, T. Houdy, A. Huber, A. Jansen, L. Köllenberger, C. Karl, J. Kellerer, L. Kippenbrock, M. Klein, A. Kopmann, M. Korzeczek, A. Kovalík, et al. (68 additional authors not shown)

36 pages with 26 figures

We report on the data set, data handling, and detailed analysis techniques of the first neutrino-mass measurement by the Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino (KATRIN) experiment, which probes the absolute neutrino-mass scale via the $\beta$-decay kinematics of molecular tritium. The source is highly pure, cryogenic T$_2$ gas. The $\beta$ electrons are guided along magnetic field lines toward a high-resolution, integrating spectrometer for energy analysis. A silicon detector counts $\beta$ electrons above the energy threshold of the spectrometer, so that a scan of the thresholds produces a precise measurement of the high-energy spectral tail. After detailed theoretical studies, simulations, and commissioning measurements, extending from the molecular final-state distribution to inelastic scattering in the source to subtleties of the electromagnetic fields, our independent, blind analyses allow us to set an upper limit of 1.1 eV on the neutrino-mass scale at a 90\% confidence level. This first result, based on a few weeks of running at a reduced source intensity and dominated by statistical uncertainty, improves on prior limits by nearly a factor of two. This result establishes an analysis framework for future KATRIN measurements, and provides important input to both particle theory and cosmology.