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Papers for Friday, Jan 31 2025

Naoya Ozaki, Yuki Akiyama, Akira Hatakeyama, Shota Ito, Takuya Chikazawa, Takayuki Yamamoto

DESTINY+ is a planned JAXA medium-class Epsilon mission from Earth to deep space using a low-thrust, many-revolution orbit. Such a trajectory design is a challenging problem not only for trajectory design but also for flight operations, and in particular, it is essential to evaluate the impact of operational uncertainties to ensure mission success. In this study, we design the low-thrust trajectory from Earth orbit to a lunar transfer orbit by differential dynamic programming using the Sundman transformation. The results of Monte Carlo simulations with operational uncertainties confirm that the spacecraft can be successfully guided to the lunar transfer orbit by using the feedback control law of differential dynamic programming in the angular domain.

Frankel et al (2020) reported that the rate of diffusion in angular momentum by stars in the disk of the Milky Way was about ten times faster than the rate of heating, which places a stringent requirement on the nature of disk star scattering. In a recent posting, Hamilton et al (2024) integrated orbits of test particles in a Galactic model that included transient spirals, and found that the ratio of the rates heating to radial migration in their calculations was generally larger than reported by Frankel et al. They concluded that the observed slow heating rate poses a significant challenge to dynamical models of the Milky Way and seemed to require revision of our current theories of spiral structure. Here we show that that our earlier models of radial migration we published in 2002, after correction for 3D motion, account naturally for the finding of Frankel et al, but leave little room for additional heating by mechanisms other than transient spirals.

Isabel Medlock (1), Daisuke Nagai (1 and 2), Daniel Anglés Alcázar (3), Matthew Gebhardt (3), ((1) Department of Astronomy Yale University, (2) Department of Physics Yale University, (3) Department of Physics University of Connecticut)

In the age of large-scale galaxy and lensing surveys, such as DESI, Euclid, Roman and Rubin, we stand poised to usher in a transformative new phase of data-driven cosmology. To fully harness the capabilities of these surveys, it is critical to constrain the poorly understood influence of baryon feedback physics on the matter power spectrum. We investigate the use of a powerful and novel cosmological probe - fast radio bursts (FRBs) - to capture baryonic effects on the matter power spectrum, leveraging simulations from the CAMELS projects, including IllustrisTNG, SIMBA, and Astrid. We find that FRB statistics exhibit a strong correlation, independet of the subgrid model and cosmology, with quantities known to encapsulate baryonic impacts on the matter power spectrum, such as baryon spread and the halo baryon fraction. We propose an innovative method utilizing FRB observations to quantify the effects of feedback physics and enhance weak lensing measurements of $S_{8}$. We outline the necessary steps to prepare for the imminent detection of large FRB populations in the coming years, focusing on understanding the redshift evolution of FRB observables and mitigating the effects of cosmic variance.

Rosa M. Mérida, Gaia Gaspar, Marcin Sawicki, Yoshihisa Asada, Gregor Rihtaršič, Guillaume Desprez, Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Roberta Tripodi, Chris J. Willott, Maruša Bradač, Gabriel B. Brammer, Kartheik G. Iyer, Nicholas S. Martis, Adam Muzzin, Gaël Noirot, Ghassan T. E. Sarrouh, Vladan Markov

We report the discovery of a $z\sim7$ group of galaxies that contains two Little Red Dots (LRDs) just 3.3 kpc apart, along with three satellite galaxies, as part of the Canadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey (CANUCS). These LRDs are massive ($M_\star\sim10^{10}\,M_\odot$) and dusty (A(V) $>1$ mag) whereas the three satellites are lower-mass objects ($M_\star\sim10^{8-9}\,M_\odot$) subject to low dust attenuations. The spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of this LRD pair show strong evidence for a Balmer Break, consistent with a recent ($\sim 100$ Myr) quenching of star formation. In contrast, the satellites are compatible with a recent-onset ($\sim 100$ Myr), ongoing burst of star formation. LRD1's SED is consistent with a dust-free AGN as the source of the UV excess in the galaxy. The optical continuum would be powered by the emission from an obscured post-starburst and the AGN at a subdominant level. LRD2's SED is more ambiguous to interpret, but it could also be indicative of a dust-free AGN. The proximity of the two LRDs suggests that their interaction may be responsible for their recent star formation histories, which can be interpreted as environmental bursting and quenching in the Epoch of Reionization.

Planetary nebulae (PNe) and their luminosity function (PNLF) in galaxies have been used as a cosmic distance indicator for decades, yet a fundamental understanding is still lacking to explain the universality of the PNLF among different galaxies. Models for the PNLF have generally assumed solar metallicities and artificial stellar populations. In this work, we investigate how metallicity and helium abundances affect the PNe and PNLF, and the importance of the initial-to-final mass relation (IFMR), to resolve the tension between PNLF observations and models. We introduce PICS (PNe In Cosmological Simulations), a PN model framework that accounts for metallicity and is applicable to realistic stellar populations from cosmological simulations and observations. The framework combines stellar evolution models with post-AGB tracks and PN models to obtain PNe from a parent stellar population. We find that metallicity plays an important role for the resulting PNe: old metal-rich populations can harbor much brighter PNe than old metal-poor ones. We show that the helium abundance is a vital ingredient at high metallicities and explore the impact on the PNLF of a possible saturation of the helium content at higher metallicities. We present PNLF grids for different stellar ages and metallicities, where the observed PNLF bright end can be reached even for old stellar populations of 10 Gyr at high metallicities. Finally, we find that the PNLFs of old stellar populations are very sensitive to the IFMR, allowing for the production of bright PNe. With PICS, we have laid the groundwork for studying how different models affect the PNe and PNLF. Two central ingredients for this are the metallicity and helium abundance. Future applications of PICS include modeling PNe in a cosmological framework to explain the origin of the universal PNLF bright-end cutoff and use it as a diagnostic tool for galaxy formation.

J.M. Bestenlehner, P.A. Crowther, C. Hawcroft, H. Sana, F. Tramper, J.S. Vink, S.A. Brands, A.A.C. Sander

The proximity & low dust extinction of the Magellanic Clouds provides an ideal environment for metal-poor massive stars to be studied in detail. The HST ULLYSES initiative has provided exquisite ultraviolet spectroscopy of a large sample of OB stars in the Magellanic Clouds, and its legacy value has been enhanced through the acquisition of optical VLT/XShooter spectroscopy (XShootU). We aim to determine the spectral types and physical properties of 122 LMC & 103 SMC OB stars observed via XShootU. Physical parameters are required for these to serve as templates in spectral libraries of metal poor massive stars. We also aim to identify double-lined binaries and OeBe stars for which analysis requires non-standard treatment. We apply a pipeline designed to analyse large spectroscopic samples of hot luminous stars to XShootU spectroscopic datasets, together with grids of synthetic model spectra computed with the non-LTE atmospheric code fastwind at LMC & SMC metallicities. We determine physical and wind properties of 97 LMC & 77 SMC massive stars, ranging from O2 to B9 subtypes, representing the majority of the XShootU OB sample (OeBe & candidate SB2 systems are excluded). Results are broadly in agreement with previous optical spectroscopic studies, with evolutionary masses spanning 12-117 Msun in the LMC & 11-74 Msun in the SMC. We determine a revised Teff-spectral type calibration for Magellanic Cloud stars, identify stars with peculiar radial velocities, and compare wind properties of high luminosity O stars with dense winds, revealing ~0.27 dex higher wind momenta of LMC stars with respect to SMC counterparts. Incorporating the recent empirical metallicity dependence of Z^0.22 for wind velocities, this suggests a mass-loss dependence of Z^0.5 for luminous O stars. Studies incorporating ultraviolet mass-loss diagnostics are required for OB stars with weak winds and/or low luminosities.

Richard M. Feder, James J. Bock, Yun-Ting Cheng, Asantha Cooray, Phillip M. Korngut, Shuji Matsuura, Chi H. Nguyen, Kohji Takimoto, Michael Zemcov, CIBER collaboration

Precise, unbiased measurements of extragalactic background anisotropies require careful treatment of systematic effects in fluctuation-based, broad-band intensity mapping measurements. In this paper we detail improvements in methodology for the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER), concentrating on flat field errors and source masking errors. In order to bypass the use of field differences, which mitigate flat field errors but reduce sensitivity, we characterize and correct for the flat field on pseudo-power spectra, which includes both additive and multiplicative biases. To more effectively mask point sources at 1.1 $\mu$m and 1.8 $\mu$m, we develop a technique for predicting masking catalogs that utilizes optical and NIR photometry through random forest regression. This allows us to mask over two Vega magnitudes deeper than the completeness limits of 2MASS alone, with errors in the shot noise power remaining below $<10\%$ at all masking depths considered. Through detailed simulations of CIBER observations, we validate our formalism and demonstrate unbiased recovery of the sky fluctuations on realistic mocks. We demonstrate that residual flat field errors comprise $<20\%$ of the final CIBER power spectrum uncertainty with this methodology.

Richard M. Feder, James J. Bock, Yun-Ting Cheng, Asantha Cooray, Phillip M. Korngut, Shuji Matsuura, Jordan Mirocha, Chi H. Nguyen, Kohji Takimoto, Kohji Tsumura, Ryan Wills, Michael Zemcov, CIBER collaboration

We present new anisotropy measurements in the near-infrared (NIR) for angular multipoles $300<\ell<10^5$ using imaging data at 1.1 $\mu$m and 1.8 $\mu$m from the fourth flight of the Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER). Using improved analysis methods and higher quality fourth flight data, we detect surface brightness fluctuations on scales $\ell<2000$ with CIBER auto-power spectra at $\sim14\sigma$ and 18$\sigma$ for 1.1 and 1.8 $\mu$m, respectively, and at $\sim10\sigma$ in cross-power spectra. The CIBER measurements pass internal consistency tests and represent a $5-10\times$ improvement in power spectrum sensitivity on several-arcminute scales relative to that of existing studies. Through cross-correlations with tracers of diffuse galactic light (DGL), we determine that scattered DGL contributes $<10\%$ to the observed fluctuation power at high confidence. On scales $\theta > 5'$, the CIBER auto- and cross-power spectra exceed predictions for integrated galactic light (IGL) and integrated stellar light (ISL) by over an order of magnitude, and are inconsistent with our baseline IGL+ISL+DGL model at high significance. We cross-correlate two of the CIBER fields with 3.6 $\mu$m and 4.5 $\mu$m mosaics from the Spitzer Deep Wide-Field Survey and find similar evidence for departures from Poisson noise in Spitzer-internal power spectra and CIBER $\times$ Spitzer cross-power spectra. A multi-wavelength analysis indicates that the auto-power of the fluctuations at low-$\ell$ is bluer than the Poisson noise from IGL and ISL; however, for $1' <\theta < 10'$, the cross-correlation coefficient $r_{\ell}$ of nearly all band combinations decreases with increasing $\theta$, disfavoring astrophysical explanations that invoke a single correlated sky component.

A promising solution to the Hubble tension is a local void that is roughly 20% underdense out to 300 Mpc, as suggested by galaxy number counts in the near-infrared. Gravitationally driven outflows from this KBC void might inflate redshifts enough to solve the Hubble tension, a scenario explored in detail by Haslbauer et al. We obtain predictions for the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) observables in their best-fitting void models and a control model that assumes the homogeneous $Planck$ cosmology. We compare these models against our compilation of available BAO measurements from the past twenty years. We find that the quality and quantity of available measurements are best using the isotropically averaged distance $D_V$. Taking its ratio with the expected value in the control model yields good agreement with unity at high redshift, but a discrepancy appears that systematically grows with decreasing redshift. Assuming independent uncertainties, the 41 considered $D_V$ observations give a total $\chi^2$ of 70.5 for the control void-free model, while the void models give only $44.8 - 46.7$ depending on the density profile. This represents a reduction in overall tension from $3.0\sigma$ without a void to $1.0\sigma - 1.2\sigma$ in the void models. The $\chi^2$ differences are smaller when considering measurements of the angular BAO scale or its redshift depth, but the void-free model provides the worst fit in all cases. Overall, our results suggest that recent hints of BAO observables deviating from expectations in the homogeneous $Planck$ cosmology could indicate a local void, which was motivated by considerations unrelated to BAO data or the Hubble tension.

Maria Georganti, Christian Knigge, Noel Castro Segura, Knox S. Long, Gulab C. Dewangan, Srimanta Banerjee, Robert I. Hynes, Poshak Gandhi, Diego Altamirano, Joseph Patterson, David R. Zurek

We present ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopic observations covering three distinct accretion states of the low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) MAXI J1820+070: the luminous hard state, a hard-intermediate state and the soft state. Our observations were obtained during the 2018 eruption of MAXI J1820+070 with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and AstroSat observatory. The extinction towards the source turns out to be low - $\rm E_{B-V} = 0.2 \pm 0.05$ - making it one of the best UV accretion laboratories among LMXBs. Remarkably, we observe only moderate differences between all three states, with all spectra displaying similar continuum shapes and emission lines. Moreover, the continua are not well-described by physically plausible irradiated disc models. All of this challenges the standard reprocessing picture for UV emission from erupting LMXBs. The UV emission lines are double-peaked, with high-ionization lines displaying higher peak-to-peak velocities. None of the lines display obvious outflow signatures, even though blue-shifted absorption features have been seen in optical and near-infrared lines during the hard state. The emission line ratios are consistent with normal abundances, suggesting that the donor mass at birth was low enough to avoid CNO processing ($\rm M_{2,i} \lesssim 1.0 - 1.5 {\mathrm M_{\odot}}$). Finally, we study the evolution of UV variability in our time-resolved HST observations (hard and hard-intermediate states). All UV power spectra can be modelled with a broken power-law, superposed on which we tentatively detect the $\simeq 18$s quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) that has been seen in other spectral bands.

Rare events of large-scale spatially-correlated exponential random fields are studied. The influence of spatial correlations on clustering and non-sphericity is investigated. The size of the performed simulations permits to study beyond-$7.5$-sigma events ($1$ in $10^{13}$). As an application, this allows to resolve individual Hubble patches which fulfill the condition for primordial black hole formation. It is argued that their mass spectrum is drastically altered due to co-collapse of clustered overdensities as well as the mutual threshold-lowering through the latter. Furthermore, the corresponding non-sphericities imply possibly large changes in the initial black hole spin distribution.

Antonin Borderies, Benoît Commerçon, Bernard Bourdon

Dust grains play a crucial role in the modeling of protostellar formation, particularly through their opacity and interaction with the magnetic field. The destruction of dust grains in numerical simulations is currently modeled primarily by temperature dependent functions. However, a dynamical approach could be necessary to accurately model the vaporization of dust grains. We focused on modeling the evolution of dust grains during star formation, specifically on the vaporization of the grains by chemisputtering. We also investigated the evolution of non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic resistivities and the Planck and Rosseland mean opacities influenced by the grain evolution. We modeled the evolution of the dust by considering spherical grains at thermal equilibrium with the gas phase, composed only of one kind of material for each grain. We then took into account the exchange processes that can occur between the grains and the gas phase and that make the grain size evolve. We considered three materials for the grains: carbon, silicate, and aluminum oxide. Given a temporal evolution in temperature and density of the gas phase, we computed the evolution of a dust grain distribution. We observed a significant dependence of the sublimation temperature of the carbon grains on the dynamical evolution of the gas phase. The application of our method to trajectories where the temperature and density of the gas decrease after the sublimation of a portion of the grain distribution highlights the limitations of current vaporization prescriptions in simulations. The dynamical approach leads to more accurate results for the carbon grain quantity when the temperature and density of the gas evolve quickly. The dynamical approach application to collapse and disk evolution is then foreseen with its integration into hydrodynamic simulations.

Ahmed Shaban, Rongmon Bordoloi, John M. O'Meara, Keren Sharon, Nicolas Tejos, Sebastian Lopez, Cédric Ledoux, L. Felipe Barrientos, Jane R. Rigby

We report the small-scale spatial variation in cool ($T\sim 10^4 K$) Mg II absorption detected in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of a star-forming galaxy at $z\approx 0.8$. The CGM of this galaxy is probed by a spatially extended bright background gravitationally lensed arc at $z = 2.76$. The background arc continuously samples the CGM of the foreground galaxy at a range of impact parameters between 54-66 kpc. The Mg II absorption strengths vary by more than a factor of two within these ranges. A power-law fit to the fractional variation of absorption strengths yields a coherence length of 2.7 kpc within these absorption lines. This suggests a high degree of spatial coherence in the CGM of this galaxy. The host galaxy is driving a strong galactic outflow with a mean outflow velocity $\approx$ -179 km/s and mass outflow rate $\dot{M}_{out}\geq 64_{-27}^{+31} M_{\odot}yr^{-1}$ traced by blueshifted Mg II and Fe II absorption lines. The galaxy itself has a spatially extended emission halo with a maximum spatial extent of $\approx$ 33 kpc traced by [O II], [O III] and $H\beta$ emission lines. The extended emission halo shows kinematic signatures of co-rotating halo-gas with solar metallicity. Taken together, these observations suggest evidence of a baryon cycle that is recycling the outflowing gas to form the next generation of stars.

The circumstellar liquid-water habitable zone guides our search for potentially inhabited exoplanets, but remains observationally untested. We show that the inner edge of the habitable zone can now be mapped among exoplanets using their lack of surface water, which, unlike the presence of water, can be unambiguously revealed by atmospheric sulfur species. Using coupled climate-chemistry modelling we find that the observability of sulfur-gases on exoplanets depends critically on the ultraviolet (UV) flux of their host star, a property with wide variation: most M-dwarfs have a low UV flux and thereby allow the detection of sulfur-gases as a tracer of dry planetary surfaces; however, the UV flux of Trappist-1 may be too high for sulfur to disambiguate uninhabitable from habitable surfaces on any of its planets. We generalise this result to show how a population-level search for sulfur-chemistry on M-dwarf planets can be used to empirically define the Habitable Zone in the near-future.

F. D. Priestley, P. C. Clark, S. E. Ragan, S. Scibelli, M. T. Cusack, S. C. O. Glover, O. Fehér, L. R. Prole, R. S. Klessen

Complex organic molecules (COMs) are widely detected in protostellar and protoplanetary systems, where they are thought to have been inherited in large part from earlier evolutionary phases. The chemistry of COMs in these earlier phases, namely starless and prestellar cores, remains poorly understood, as models often struggle to reproduce the observed gas-phase abundances of these species. We simulate the formation of a molecular cloud, and the cores within it, out of the diffuse interstellar medium, and follow the chemical evolution of the cloud material starting from purely-atomic initial conditions. We find that the formation of both gas- and ice-phase COMs precedes the formation of cores as distinct objects, beginning at gas densities of a few $10^3 \,{\rm cm}^{-3}$. Much of this COM-enriched material remains at these relatively modest densities for several Myr, which may provide a reservoir for accretion onto planet-forming discs in later evolutionary stages. We suggest that models of core and disc chemistry should not ignore the complex dynamical evolution which precedes these structures, even when studying supposedly late-forming molecules such as CH$_3$OH and CH$_3$CN.

A. de Burgos, S. Simón-Díaz, M. A. Urbaneja, G. Holgado, S. Ekström, M. C. Ramírez-Tannus, E. Zari

Massive stars play a very important role in many astrophysical fields. Yet, some fundamental aspects of their evolution remain poorly constrained. In this regard, there is an open debate on the width of the main-sequence (MS) phase. We aim to create an updated Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram that includes a volume-limited and statistically significant sample of massive stars. Our goal is to use this sample to investigate the extension of the MS, including information about projected rotational velocities ($v\sin i$) and the spectroscopic binary status. We combine spectroscopic parameters derived with FASTWIND stellar atmosphere code and Gaia distances to obtain stellar parameters for 876 Galactic luminous O- and B-type stars gathered within the IACOB project. We use the ${\tt iacob-broad}$ tool to derive $v\sin i$ estimates and multi-epoch spectra to identify single/double-line spectroscopic binaries (SB1/SB2). We present an HR diagram for 670 stars located within 2500pc balancing completeness and number. We evaluate the extension of the MS in terms of the drop in the relative number of stars as a function of effective temperature ($T_{\rm eff}$). We find a consistent boundary at $\approx$22.5kK within the full range of luminosities that we use to delineate the terminal-age main sequence (TAMS). We obtain a smooth decrease of the highest $v\sin i$ with $T_{\rm eff}$ along the MS, likely limited by the critical velocity. We consider this effect combined with a lower expected fraction of stars beyond the MS as the best explanation for the lack of fast-rotating objects in the post-MS region. Our results favor low to mild initial rotation for the full sample and a binary past for the tail of fast-rotating stars. The prominence of SB1/SB2 systems in the MS, and the 25% decrease in the relative fraction of SB1 systems when crossing the TAMS can further delineate its location.

We present our implementation of non-reflecting boundary conditions in the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code LaRe3D. This implementation couples a characteristics-based boundary condition with a Lagrangian remap code, demonstrating the generality and flexibility of such non-reflecting boundary conditions for use with arbitrary grid-based MHD schemes. To test this implementation for perturbations on a background state, we present simulations of a hot sphere in an angled magnetic field. We then examine a series of simulations where we advect a spheromak through a non-reflecting boundary condition at four speeds related to the fast and slow magnetosonic speeds and the Alfven speed. We compare the behavior of these simulations to ground truth simulations run from the same initial condition on an extended grid that keeps the spheromak in the simulation volume at all times. We find that the non-reflecting boundary condition can lead to severe, physical differences developing between a simulation using a non-reflecting boundary and a ground truth simulation using a larger simulation volume. We conclude by discussing the origins of these differences.

Chenoa D. Tremblay, Jared Sofair, Lucy Steffes, Talon Myburgh, Daniel Czech, Paul B. Demorest, Ross A. Donnachie, Alex W. Pollak, Mark Ruzindana, Andrew P.V. Siemion, Savin S. Varghese, Sofia Sheikh

Developing algorithms to search through data efficiently is a challenging part of searching for signs of technology beyond our solar system. We have built a digital signal processing system and computer cluster on the backend of the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico in order to search for signals throughout the Galaxy consistent with our understanding of artificial radio emissions. In our first paper, we described the system design and software pipelines. In this paper, we describe a postprocessing pipeline to identify persistent sources of interference, filter out false positives, and search for signals not immediately identifiable as anthropogenic radio frequency interference during the VLA Sky Survey. As of 01 September 2024, the Commensal Open-source Multi-mode Interferometric Cluster had observed more than 950,000 unique pointings. This paper presents the strategy we employ when commensally observing during the VLA Sky Survey and a postprocessing strategy for the data collected during the survey. To test this postprocessing pipeline, we searched toward 511 stars from the $Gaia$ catalog with coherent beams. This represents about 30 minutes of observation during VLASS, where we typically observe about 2000 sources per hour in the coherent beamforming mode. We did not detect any unidentifiable signals, setting isotropic power limits ranging from 10$^{11}$ to 10$^{16}$W.

We present optical integral field unit (IFU) observations of the Mystic Mountains, a dust pillar complex in the center of the Carina Nebula that is heavily irradiated by the nearby young massive cluster Trumpler 14. With the continuous spatial and spectral coverage of data from the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), we measure the physical properties in the ionized gas including the electron density and temperature, excitation, and ionization. MUSE also provides an excellent view of the famous jets HH 901, 902, and 1066, revealing them to be high-density, low-ionization outflows despite the harsh environment. HH 901 shows spatially extended [C I] emission tracing the rapid dissociation of the photoevaporating molecular outflow in this highly irradiated source. We compute the photoevaporation rate of the Mystic Mountains and combine it with recent ALMA observations of the cold molecular gas to estimate the remaining lifetime of the Mystic Mountains and the corresponding shielding time for the embedded protostars. The longest remaining lifetimes are for the smallest structures, suggesting that they have been compressed by ionizing feedback. Our data do not suggest that star formation in the Mystic Mountains has been triggered but it does point to the role that ionization-driven compression may play in enhancing the shielding of embedded stars and disks. Planet formation models suggest that the shielding time is a strong determinant of the mass and orbital architecture of planets, making it important to quantify in high-mass regions like Carina that represent the type of environment where most stars form.

Mateus S. Souza, Ana M. Barcelos, Rafael C. Nunes, Özgür Akarsu, Suresh Kumar

The concept of a rapidly sign-switching cosmological constant, interpreted as a mirror AdS-dS transition in the late universe and known as the $\Lambda_{\rm s}$CDM, has significantly improved the fit to observational data, offering a promising framework for alleviating major cosmological tensions such as the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tensions. However, when considered within general relativity, this scenario does not predict any effects on the evolution of the matter density contrast beyond modifications to the background functions. In this work, we propose a new gravitational model in which the background dynamics predicted by the $\Lambda_{\rm s}$CDM framework are mapped into $f(T)$ gravity, dubbed $f(T)-\Lambda_{\rm s}$CDM, rendering the models indistinguishable at the background level. However, in this new scenario, the sign-switching cosmological constant dynamics modify the evolution of linear matter perturbations through an effective gravitational constant, $G_{\rm eff}$. We investigate the evolution of the growth rate and derive new observational constraints for this scenario using RSD measurements. We also present new constraints in the standard $\Lambda_{\rm s}$CDM case, incorporating the latest Type Ia supernovae data samples available in the literature, along with BAO data from DESI. Our findings indicate that the new corrections expected at the linear perturbative level, as revealed through RSD samples, can provide significant evidence in favor of this new scenario. Additionally, this model may be an excellent candidate for resolving the current $S_8$ tension.

A microlensing exoplanet search is a unique method for finding planets orbiting distant stars. However, in the past, the method used to analyze microlensing data could not deal with complex lens systems. The number of lenses was limited three or less. Positions calculations of images and integration of them suffered from severe round-off errors because of singularities. We developed a new algorithm to calculate the light curves of multiple lens systems. In this algorithm, fractal-like consecutive self-similar division (SSD) is used to find sparse images. SSD is also useful for integrating images to efficiently obtain magnifications. The new algorithm does not use root finding for the lens equation and is free from caustic singularities. There is no limit on the number of lenses. Compared to inverse-ray shooting, this method dramatically improves the computing time. The calculation can be adjusted to obtain either a high-precision final result or high-speed quick result. Although this new algorithm was developed for a microlensing planet search, its application to quasar microlensing is also expected. This paper discusses problems in the modeling of a multiple lens system and then presents the new algorithm in detail.

M. Dehghanian, N. Arav, M. Sharma, G. Walker, K. Johnston, M. Kaupin

Context. Quasar outflows play a significant role in the active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback, impacting the interstellar medium and potentially influencing galaxy evolution. Characterizing these outflows is essential for understanding AGN-driven processes. Aims. We aim to analyze the physical properties of the mini-broad absorption line outflow in quasar J1402+2330 using data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey. We seek to measure the outflows location, energetics, and potential impact on AGN feedback processes. Methods. In the spectrum of J1402+2330, we identify multiple ionic absorption lines, including ground and excited states. We measure the ionic column densities and then use photoionization models to determine the total hydrogen column density and ionization parameter of the outflow. We utilized the population ratio of the excited state to the ground state of N iii and S iv to determine the electron number density. Results. The derived electron number density, combined with the ionization parameter, indicates an outflow distance of approximately 2200 pc from the central source. Having a mass outflow rate of more than one thousand solar masses per year and a kinetic energy output exceeding 5 percent of the Eddington luminosity, this outflow can significantly contribute to AGN feedback. Conclusions. Our findings suggest the absorption outflow in J1402+2330 plays a potentially significant role in AGN feedback processes. This study highlights the value of DESI data in exploring AGN feedback mechanisms.

Nathaniel Roth, Peter Anninos, P. Chris Fragile, Derrick Pickrel

We compare X-ray emission from several general relativistic, multi-frequency, radiation magnetohydrodynamic simulations of thin black hole accretion disks with different accretion rates and spins. The simulations were performed using the M1 closure scheme, resolved with twelve frequency (energy) bins logarithmically spaced from $5 \times 10^{-3}$ to $5 \times 10^3$ keV. We apply a general relativistic Monte Carlo transport code to post-process the simulation data with greater fidelity in frequency resolution and Compton scattering treatment. Despite the relatively few energy bins and Kompaneets approximation to Compton scattering utilized in the M1 method, we find generally good agreement between the methods. Both produce prominent thermal profiles with peaks around 2 - 2.5 keV, where agreement is particularly strong and representative of the soft state. Both also find weaker (lower luminosity) thermally sourced emission extending out to 100 keV due to the hotter innermost regions of the disks. Inverse Compton scattering becomes increasingly effective at hardening spectral outputs with increasing black hole spin, and becomes the dominant mechanism for photons that escape with energies between 10 to several hundred keV. At very high rates of spin the radiation flux in this upscattered component becomes comparable to the thermal flux, a phenomenon typically associated with intermediate states. Beyond $10^4$ keV, we observe faint, free-free emission from hot, optically thin coronal regions developing near the horizon, common to both spinning and nonspinning black holes.

Neutrino observatories such as IceCube, Cubic Kilometre Neutrino Telescope (KM3NeT), and Super-Kamiokande cover a broad energy range that enables the study of both atmospheric neutrinos and astrophysical neutrinos. IceCube and KM3NeT focus on a similar energy range, from a few GeV to PeV, and have conducted competitive work on the atmospheric neutrino flux, three-flavor oscillation parameter measurements, searches beyond the Standard Model, and investigations of cosmic-ray accelerators using high-energy astrophysical neutrinos. Recent IceCube findings of evidence of neutrino signals from NGC~1068 have triggered a series of follow-up studies. These studies provide evidence that a subset of Seyfert galaxies may produce high-energy neutrinos. The emerging candidates are NGC~4151, NGC~3079, CGCG~420-015, and Circinus Galaxy. Furthermore, a stacking analysis of 13 selected sources in the Southern Hemisphere reported a cumulative neutrino signal at 3.0\,$\sigma$, offering independent evidence that some X-ray-bright Seyfert galaxies could be potential high-energy neutrino sources. KM3NeT, still under construction, continues to accumulate data that will support future studies of astrophysical neutrino sources. However, with its currently deployed detection units, it has detected an ultra-high-energy event of several tens of PeV originating from approximately 1 degree above the horizon. This contribution highlights and summarizes recent findings from IceCube and KM3NeT in both neutrino physics and astrophysics.

As the nearest supernova (SN) observed since Kepler's SN of 1604, SN 1987A provides an unprecedented opportunity to study in detail the early evolution of supernova remnants (SNRs). Despite extensive studies through both observations and simulations, there is still an urgent need for a more effective approach to integrate the results from two sides. In this study, we conducted a detailed differential emission measure (DEM) analysis on the XMM-Newton observations taken in 2007 to 2021 to characterize the continuous temperature structure of SN 1987A, which can be better compared with simulations. The X-ray plasma exhibit a temperature distribution with a major peak at $\sim0.5$-$1$ keV and a high-temperature tail extending to $\gtrsim5$ keV. The emission measure (EM) of the major peak started to decline around 2014, while the EM of the tail continued increasing and appears to have formed a secondary peak at $\sim3$-$5$ keV in recent years. Our DEM results consistent well with simulations, which help to further identify the major peak as originating from the equatorial ring and the secondary peak as arising from the newly shocked ejecta. Together with the simulations, our DEM analysis reveals recent fading of the ring and brightening of the ejecta in X-rays from SN 1987A. Additionally, we observed a recent decrease in the centroid energy of Fe K line, providing further evidence of newly shocked ejecta.

Lei Sun, Salvatore Orlando, Emanuele Greco, Marco Miceli, Yiping Li, Yang Chen, Jacco Vink, Ping Zhou

Recent high-resolution X-ray spectroscopic studies have revealed unusual oxygen line ratios, such as the high O VII forbidden-to-resonance ratio, in several supernova remnants. While the physical origin is still under debate, for most of them, it has been suggested that this phenomenon arises from either charge exchange (CX) or resonant scattering (RS). In this work, we report the high O VII G-ratio ($\gtrsim1$) and high O VIII Ly$\beta$/Ly$\alpha$ ratio ($\gtrsim0.2$) found in multiepoch XMM-Newton RGS observations of SN 1987A. The line ratios cannot be fully explained by non-equilibrium ionization effects, CX, or RS. We suggest the absorption of foreground hot gas as the most likely origin, which plays the major role in modifying line fluxes and line ratios. Based on this scenario, we introduced two Gaussian absorption components at the O VII resonance line and the O VIII Ly$\alpha$ line and constrained the optical depth of the two lines as $\tau_{\rm OVII}\sim0.6$ and $\tau_{\rm OVIII}\sim0.2$. We estimated the temperature as $kT_{\rm e}\sim0.18$ keV and the oxygen column density as $N_{\rm O}\sim0.8\times10^{16}$ cm$^{-2}$ for the absorbing gas, which is consistent with the hot interstellar medium in the Galactic halo. Neglecting this absorption component may lead to an underestimation {of} the O abundance. We revised the O abundance of SN 1987A, which is increased by $\sim20\%$ compared with previous results. The N/O ratio by number of atoms is revised to be $\sim1.2$.

Alex Thomas, Natalie LeBaron, Luca Angeleri, Samuel Whitebook, Rachel Darlinger, Phillip Morgan, Varun Iyer, Prerana Kottapalli, Enda Mao, Jasper Webb, Dharv Patel, Kyle Lam, Kelvin Yip, Michael McDonald, Robby Odum, Cole Slenkovich, Yael Brynjegard-Bialik, Nicole Efstathiu, Joshua Perkins, Ryan Kuo, Audrey O'Malley, Alec Wang, Ben Fogiel, Sam Salters, Marlon Munoz, Ruiyang Wang, Natalie Kim, Lee Fowler, Philip Lubin

We present the TRansient Image Processing Pipeline (TRIPP), a transient and variable source detection pipeline that employs both difference imaging and light curve analysis techniques for astronomical data. Additionally, we demonstrate TRIPP's rapid analysis capability by detecting transient candidates in near-real time. TRIPP was tested using image data of the supernova SN2023ixf and from the Local Galactic Transient Survey (LGTS) collected by the Las Cumbres Observatory's (LCO) network of 0.4 m telescopes. To verify the methods employed by TRIPP, we compare our results to published findings on the photometry of SN2023ixf. Additionally, we report the ability of TRIPP to detect transient signals from optical Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) sources.

Wen-Fei Liu, Yuan-Bo Xie, Zhi-E Liu, Jin Qin, Kang Jiao, Dong-Yao Zhao, Tong-Jie Zhang

We present constraints on the baryonic matter density parameter, $\Omega_b$, within the framework of the $\Lambda$CDM model. Our analysis utilizes observational data on the effective optical depth from high-redshift quasars. To parameterize the photoionization rate $\Gamma_{-12}$, we employ a Bézier polynomial. Additionally, we approximate the Hubble parameter at high redshifts as $H(z)\approx 100h\Omega_m^{1/2} (1+z)^{3/2}$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. Confidence regions are obtained with $h=0.701\pm0.013$ and $\Omega_m = 0.315$, optimized by the Planck mission. The best-fit values are $\Omega_b =0.043^{+0.005}_{-0.006}$ and $\Omega_b = 0.045^{+0.004}_{-0.006}$, corresponding to an old data set and a new data set, respectively. And we test the non-parametric form of $\Gamma_{-12}$, obtaining $\Omega_b = 0.048^{+0.001}_{-0.003}$. These results are consistent with the findings of Planck at the 1 $\sigma$ confidence level. Our findings underscore the effectiveness of quasar datasets in constraining $\Omega_b$, eliminating the need for independent photoionization rate data. This approach provides detailed cosmic information about baryon density and the photoionization history of the intergalactic medium.

Through numerical experiments, we have predicted that if dark matter (DM) contains even a small fraction, $f_0\sim10^{-4}$, of primordial black holes (PBHs), during the formation of the gravitationally bound halo of a dwarf galaxy, these PBHs will concentrate in a region with a radius of about 10 pc, so that their local fraction will exceed 1%. Unlike previous studies of PBH migration to the centers of galaxies, the numerical experiments conducted here take into account the early formation of a massive "dress" of DM around the PBHs and the non-stationarity of the halo during its formation. Applying our results to models of heating stellar clusters in the Eridanus II and Segue I galaxies due to dynamical friction between stars and PBHs allows us to impose constraints on the abundance of PBHs that are two orders of magnitude stricter than previously thought.

Observations show that molecular gas in spiral galaxies is organized into a network of interconnected systems through the gravitational coupling of multi-scale hub-filament structures. Building on this picture, we model molecular gas in the galaxy NGC 628 as a gravitational network, where molecular clouds are represented as nodes. Through analyzing this network, we can characterize both the gravitational interactions and the physical properties of the clouds using geometry-based network metrics. A strong correlation is observed between the geometric and physical properties of the nodes (clouds). High-mass clouds tend to exhibit less clustering and greater average separations, suggesting that they generally have fewer neighbors. During their formation and evolution, high-mass clouds may deplete nearby gas via accretion or merging, leading to more isolated characteristics within the network. This aligns with observations showing a decrease in the virial ratio of molecular clouds as their mass increases. For clouds at different evolutionary stages, less evolved clouds with lower mass are typically found in tighter gravitational subnetworks, with closer proximity to neighboring clouds. As a result, they are more prone to accretion or merging during evolution.

The physical factors that influence the development of molecular cloud's density contrast are connected to those that affect star formation in the galaxy. For NGC 628 (M74), the proportion of high- and low-density contrast clouds initially increases with the distance to the galactic center ($R_{G}$) and then keeps relatively stable. Spiral arms, bubbles and magnetic fields are not responsible for the variations in density contrast observed among molecular clouds. The effects of shear and tides calculated from the galactic rotation curve consistently decrease as $R_{G}$ increases, and the shear effect can be neglected. We further studied the tidal effects of the neighboring material on each cloud using the tidal tensor analysis and the pixel-by-pixel computation, after combining molecular gas, atomic gas and stellar mass surface density maps. When $R_{\rm G} <$ 4 kpc, the tidal strengths derived from the pixel-by-pixel computation decrease as $R_{\rm G}$ increases, and then remains relatively constant when $R_{\rm G} >$ 4 kpc. This aligns well with the dependence of the proportion of high- and low-density contrast clouds on $R_{\rm G}$. Therefore, the tidal effects of neighboring material have a significant impact on the development of molecular cloud's density contrast. A key factor contributing to the low star formation rate in the galactic center is the excessive tidal influences from neighboring material on molecular clouds, which hinder the gravitational collapse within these clouds, resulting in low density contrasts. The tidal effects from neighboring material may also be a significant contributing factor to the slowing down of a pure free-fall gravitational collapse for gas structures on galaxy-cloud scales revealed in our previous works by velocity gradient measurements.

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) observed with the technique of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) are used as fiducial references on the sky to precisely measure the shape and orientation of the Earth. Their positions form a celestial reference frame that plays an important role in both astronomy and geodesy. This study investigates the accuracy and stability of the positions of the AGNs that are measured by simultaneous VLBI observations at 3.3, 5.5, 6.6, and 10.5 GHz. Based on position time series from dedicated geodetic solutions, we characterize the observed source position variations and identify the possible factors causing such variations. We find that the primary contributor is source structure for sources above 20-degree declination while the sensitivity of the observations to the declination coordinate predominates for sources below 20-degree declination. The position time series are further explored to derive more realistic uncertainties for the quad-band positions. Significant position offsets with respect to the positions at 2.2/8.6 GHz are found for 15% of the sources. For 6% of the sources, the offsets are larger than 0.8 milli-arcseconds. Source structure may be divided into two parts: the invisible structure (within the beam size) and the visible structure (on larger scales). The latter causes closure delays enlarging post-fit delay residuals in geodetic solutions whereas the former causes source position changes. Such position changes will contribute significantly to the offsets between radio and optical positions. Overall, this work highlights the necessity to have a specific quad-band catalog for processing operational quad-band observations.

Deep learning and convolutional neural networks in particular are powerful and promising tools for cosmological analysis of large-scale structure surveys. They are already providing similar performance to classical analysis methods using fixed summary statistics, are showing potential to break key degeneracies by better probe combination and will likely improve rapidly in the coming years as progress is made in the physical modelling through both software and hardware improvement. One key issue remains: unlike classical analysis, a convolutional neural network's decision process is hidden from the user as the network optimises millions of parameters with no direct physical meaning. This prevents a clear understanding of the potential limitations and biases of the analysis, making it hard to rely on as a main analysis method. In this work, we explore the behaviour of such a convolutional neural network through a novel method. Instead of trying to analyse a network a posteriori, i.e. after training has been completed, we study the impact on the constraining power of training the network and predicting parameters with degraded data where we removed part of the information. This allows us to gain an understanding of which parts and features of a large-scale structure survey are most important in the network's prediction process. We find that the network's prediction process relies on a mix of both Gaussian and non-Gaussian information, and seems to put an emphasis on structures whose scales are at the limit between linear and non-linear regimes.

We explore the implications of incorporating an Anti-de Sitter (AdS) vacua in the Dark Energy (DE) sector using the recent DESI BAO measurements in combination with Planck-2018 CMB, Pantheon-Plus(+SH0ES) supernovae and KiDS weak lensing data. We show that the presence of a {\it Negative Cosmological Constant} ($\Lambda < 0$, nCC) together with an evolving part (modelled by the CPL parametrisation) in DE sector allows a {\it non-phantom} region for the DE in the constrained parameter space consistent with different observational data. This essentially solves the problem of {\it phantom} behaviour in the DE sector which is difficult to obtain through reasonable field theory. The implications nCC in the DE sector for different cosmological tensions are also studied. Our findings highlight the importance of the presence of AdS in the DE sector for theoretical model building, especially in the context of quantum gravity theories, e.g. string theory.

Yuhang Yang, Qingqing Wang, Chunyu Li, Peibo Yuan, Xin Ren, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, Yi-Fu Cai

In this article we use the latest cosmological observations, including SNe, BAO, CC and RSD, to reconstruct the cosmological evolution via the Gaussian process. At the background level, we find consistency with the quintom dynamics for different data combinations and divide the characteristics of dark energy into three different categories, which are negative-energy dark energy, late-dominated dark energy and oscillating dark energy, respectively. Considering the effect of modified gravity on the growth of matter perturbations, the reconstruction results at the perturbative level show that we only need minor corrections to general relativity. Furthermore, we provide theoretical interpretation for the three different types of dynamical dark-energy behavior, in the framework of modified gravity, scalar fields, and dark-energy equation-of-state parametrizations. Finally, we show that all of these models can be unified in the framework of effective field theory.

J. Farihi, K.Y.L. Su, C. Melis, S. J. Kenyon, A. Swan, S. Redfield, M. C. Wyatt, J. H. Debes

This letter reports 12 novel spectroscopic detections of warm circumstellar dust orbiting polluted white dwarfs using JWST MIRI. The disks span two orders of magnitude in fractional infrared brightness and more than double the number of white dwarf dust spectra available for mineralogical study. Among the highlights are: i) the two most subtle infrared excesses yet detected, ii) the strongest silicate emission features known for any debris disk orbiting any main-sequence or white dwarf star, iii) one disk with a thermal continuum but no silicate emission, and iv) three sources with likely spectral signatures of silica glass. The near ubiquity of solid-state emission requires small dust grains that are optically thin, and thus must be replenished on year-to-decade timescales by ongoing collisions. The disk exhibiting a featureless continuum can only be fit by dust temperatures in excess of 2000K, implying highly refractory material comprised of large particles, or non-silicate mineral species. If confirmed, the glassy silica orbiting three stars could be indicative of high-temperature processes and subsequent rapid cooling, such as occur in high-velocity impacts or vulcanism. These detections have been enabled by the unprecedented sensitivity of MIRI LRS spectroscopy and highlight the capability and potential for further observations in future cycles.

Smaranika Banerjee, Anders Jerkstrand, Nigel Badnell, Quentin Pognan, Niamh Ferguson, Jon Grumor

To investigate spectra of kilonovae in the NLTE phase (t >=1week), we perform atomic calculations for dielectronic (DR) and radiative (RR) recombination rates for the light r-process elements: Se (Z = 34), Rb (Z = 37), Sr (Z = 38), Y (Z = 39), and Zr (Z = 40) using the HULLAC code. For the different elements, our results for the total rate coefficients for recombining from the ionization states of II to I, III to II, and IV to III vary between 10^{-13}-10^{-9} cm^3/s, 10^{-12}-10^{-10} cm^3/s, and 10^{-13}-10^{-10} cm^3/s, respectively, at a temperature of T = 10,000 K. We also provide fits to the ground state photoionization cross sections of the various ions, finding larger and more slowly declining values with energy in comparison to the hydrogenic approximation. Using this new atomic data, we study the impact on kilonova model spectra at phases of t = 10 days and t = 25 days using the spectral synthesis code SUMO. Compared to models using the previous treatment of recombination as a constant rate, the new models show significant changes in ionization and temperature, and correspondingly, in emergent spectra. With the new rates, we find that Zr (Z = 40) plays a yet more dominant role in kilonova spectra for light r-process compositions. Further, we show that previously predicted mid-infrared (e.g. [Se III] 4.55 \mum) and optical (e.g. [Rb I] 7802, 7949 A) lines disappear in the new model. Instead a strong [Se I] line is seen to be emerging at \lambda=5.03 \mum. These results demonstrate the importance of considering the detailed microphysics for modelling and interpreting the late-time kilonova spectra.

T. Mineo, V. Fioretti, S. Lotti, S. Molendi, G. Lanzuisi, M. Cappi, M. Dadina, S. Ettori, F. Gastaldello, R. Amato

Low-energy protons entering the field of view of the XMM-Newton telescope scatter with the X-ray mirror surface and might reach the X-ray detectors on the focal plane. They manifest in the form of a sudden increase in the rates, usually referred to as soft proton flares. By knowing the conversion factor between the soft proton energy and the deposited charge on the detector, it is possible to derive the incoming flux and to study the environment of the Earth magnetosphere at different distances. We present the results of testing these matrices with real data for the first time, while also exploring the seasonal and solar activity effect on the proton environment. The selected spectra are relative to 55 simultaneous MOS and PN observations with flares raised in four different temporal windows: December-January and July-August of 2001-2002 (solar maximum) and 2019-2020 (solar minimum). The main result of the spectral analysis is that the physical model representative of the proton spectra at the input of the telescope is a power law. However, a second and phenomenological component is necessary to take into account imprecision in the generation of the matrices at softer energies.

Isaac C. Radley, Gemma Busquet, John D. Ilee, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Jaime E. Pineda, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, Enrique Macías, María José Maureira, Eleonora Bianchi, Tyler L. Bourke, Claudio Codella, Jan Forbrich, Josep M. Girart, Melvin G. Hoare, Ricardo Hernández Garnica, Izaskun Jiménez-Serra, Laurent Loinard, Jazmín Ordóñez-Toro, Linda Podio

Utilising JWST, ALMA and the VLA we present high angular resolution (0.06''- 0.42''), multi-wavelength (4 micron - 3cm) observations of the VLA 1623-2417 protostellar system to characterise the origin, morphology and, properties of the continuum emission. JWST observations at 4.4 micron reveal outflow cavities for VLA 1623 A and, for the first time, VLA 1623 B, as well as scattered light from the upper layers of the VLA 1623 W disk. We model the millimetre-centimetre spectral energy distributions to quantify the relative contributions of dust and ionised gas emission, calculate dust masses, and use spectral index maps to determine where optical depth hinders this analysis. In general, all objects appear to be optically thick down to ~90 GHz, show evidence for significant amounts (10's - 100's M_Earth) of large (>1 mm) dust grains, and are dominated by ionised gas emission for frequencies ~<15 GHz. In addition, we find evidence of unsettled millimetre dust in the inclined disk of VLA 1623 B possibly attributed to instabilities within the circumstellar disk, adding to the growing catalogue of unsettled Class 0/I disks. Our results represent some of the highest resolution observations possible with current instrumentation, particularly in the case of the VLA. However, our interpretation is still limited at low frequencies (~<22 GHz) and thus motivates the need for next-generation interferometers operating at centimetre wavelengths.

Recent observations by pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) such as NANOGrav, EPTA, PPTA, and CPTA suggest the presence of nanohertz stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB). While such signals could be explained by gravitational waves from a network of metastable cosmic strings (CSs), standard scenarios involving the Kibble-Zurek mechanism triggered by a thermal potential face significant challenges. Specifically, these scenarios predict a GWB spectrum inconsistent with the non-detection at higher frequencies by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) for CSs with relatively large string tension. It is also difficult to prevent the monopole forming phase transition just before the CS forming symmetry breaking, which spoils the CS network formation. In contrast, a delayed scaling scenario, where the CSs start to emit GWs at a later time due to the dilution during inflation, alleviates these issues. This scenario allows for a larger string tension while monopoles are sufficiently diluted such that the CS network safely forms. In this study, we clarify the spectrum of stochastic GWB from metastable CSs in the delayed scaling scenario, consistent with the PTA observations while satisfying the LVK constraints. Furthermore, we explore its potential signatures at frequencies accessible to other detectors such as LVK as well as LISA, Taiji, and TianQin or DECIGO and BBO. We also discuss the implications on inflation and underlying UV theories, such as the grand unified theories.

Context: How planets form in protoplanetary disks and what drives the formation of their seeds is still a major unknown. It is an accepted theory that multiple processes can trap dusty material in radially narrow rings or vortex-like structures, preventing the dust from drifting inwards. However, the relevant process for clumping this dusty material until it collapses under gravity still needs to be identified. One promising candidate is the streaming instability arising from the aerodynamic interaction between dust and gas once they reach similar densities. Aims: We investigate with a global disk model based on recent observational constraints if streaming instability can form dust clumps, which might gravitationally collapse. Further, our goal is to verify the observability of the produced structures using ALMA or ngVLA. Methods. For the first time, we present global 2D (R, z) hydrodynamic simulations using FARGO3D in which the dust is treated as a pressureless fluid. The disk model assumes stratification, realistic boundary conditions, and meaningful resolution to resolve the fast-growing modes. We choose two values for the total dust-to-gas mass ratio Z = 0.01 and Z = 0.02, compare the maximum clump density to the local Hill density, and compute the optical depth of the dust disk. Results: With a dust-to-gas mass ratio of Z = 0.01, we confirm previous streaming instability simulations, not showing the ability to form strong concentrations of dust clumps. With Z = 0.02, dense clumps form within 20 orbits, however reaching only 30% of the Hill density even following disk parameters from the massive protoplanetary disks GM Aur, HD163296, IM Lup, MWC 480, and TW Hya, which all share astonishingly similar surface density profiles.

Potential energy curves and matrix elements of radial non-adiabatic couplings of 2{\Sigma}+ and 2{\Pi} states of the NeH molecule are calculated using the electronic structure package MOLPRO, in view of the study of the reactive collisions between low-energy electrons and NeH+.

J. Zs. Mezei, A. Orban, S. Demes, M. Ayouz, A. Faure, P. Hily-Blant, Ioan F. Schneider


The investigation of the isotopic ratio of interstellar nitrogen -- $^{14}$N versus $^{15}$N -- is done, for explaining its variations observed for N2H+ in different interstellar and Solar environments. The goal is to produce cross sections and rate coefficients for electron impact dissociative recombination for different isotopologues of N$_2$H$^+$, since it was envisioned as a novel source that can lead to nitrogen fractionation. We calculate dissociative recombination cross sections and rate coefficients using the normal mode approximation combined with the R-matrix theory and vibronic frame transformation within the multichannel quantum defect theory for eight isotopologues containing both $^{14}$N, $^{15}$N and H, D. Our calculations show that the relative differences respective to the main isotopologue ($^{14}$N$_2$H$^+$) is below 1% for the hydrogen containing isotopologues, but reaches almost 30% for the heaviest deuterated isotopologue, leading us to the conclusion that according to the present status of the theory, dissociative recombination is not responsible for the peculiar $^{14}$N/$^{15}$N isotopic ratios of N$_2$H$^+$ observed in the different interstellar molecular clouds.

Csaba Kiss, Nóra Takács, Csilla E. Kalup, Róbert Szakáts, László Molnár, Emese Plachy, Krisztián Sárneczky, Róbert Szabó, Gyula M. Szabó, Attila Bódi, András Pál

Here we report on the identification of the three fastest rotating Jovian Trojans with reliable population assignment, using light curve data from the Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey mission, also confirmed by Zwicky Transient Facility data. For two of our targets the rotation periods are moderately below the previously accepted ~5 h Jovian Trojan breakup limit (4.26 and 4.75 h), however, the rotation period of (13383) was found to be P = 2.926 h, leading to a density estimate of $\rho$ $\approx$ 1.6 $g cm^{-3}$, higher than the generally accepted $\leq$ 1 $g cm^{-3}$ density limit of Jovian Trojans. If associated with lower densities, this rotation rate requires considerable cohesion in the order of a few kPa. The relatively high albedo (pV $\approx$ 0.11) and fast rotation suggest that (13383) may have undergone an energetic collision that spun up the body and exposed bright material to the surface.

Stephen P. Schmidt, Ryan J. MacDonald, Shang-Min Tsai, Michael Radica, Le-Chris Wang, Eva-Maria Ahrer, Taylor J. Bell, Chloe Fisher, Daniel P. Thorngren, Nicholas Wogan, Erin M. May, Piero Ferrari, Katherine A. Bennett, Zafar Rustamkulov, Mercedes López-Morales, David K. Sing

Sub-Neptunes are the most common type of planet in our galaxy. Interior structure models suggest that the coldest sub-Neptunes could host liquid water oceans underneath their hydrogen envelopes - sometimes called 'hycean' planets. JWST transmission spectra of the $\sim$ 250 K sub-Neptune K2-18 b were recently used to report detections of CH$_4$ and CO$_2$, alongside weaker evidence of (CH$_3$)$_2$S (dimethyl sulfide, or DMS). Atmospheric CO$_2$ was interpreted as evidence for a liquid water ocean, while DMS was highlighted as a potential biomarker. However, these notable claims were derived using a single data reduction and retrieval modeling framework, which did not allow for standard robustness tests. Here we present a comprehensive reanalysis of K2-18 b's JWST NIRISS SOSS and NIRSpec G395H transmission spectra, including the first analysis of the second-order NIRISS SOSS data. We incorporate multiple well-tested data reduction pipelines and retrieval codes, spanning 60 different data treatments and over 250 atmospheric retrievals. We confirm the detection of CH$_4$ ($\approx$ 4$\sigma$), with a volume mixing ratio of log CH$_4$ = $-1.15^{+0.40}_{-0.52}$, but we find no statistically significant or reliable evidence for CO$_2$ or DMS. Finally, we quantify the observed atmospheric composition using photochemical-climate and interior models, demonstrating that our revised composition of K2-18 b can be explained by an oxygen-poor mini-Neptune without requiring a liquid water surface or life.

M. Grossi, D. R. Gonçalves, A. C. Krabbe, L. A. Gutiérrez Soto, E. Telles, L. S. Ribeiro, T. Signorini Gonçalves, A. R. Lopes, A. V. Smith Castelli, M. E. De Rossi, C. Lima-Dias, G. Limberg, C. E. Ferreira Lopes, J. A. Hernandez-Jimenez, P. K. Humire, A. L. Chies Santos, L. Lomelí-Nuñez, S. Torres-Flores, F. R. Herpich, G. B. Oliveira Schwarz, A. Kanaan, C. Mendes de Oliveira, T. Ribeiro, W. Schoenell

The metal content of a galaxy's interstellar medium reflects the interplay between different evolutionary processes such as feedback from massive stars and the accretion of gas from the intergalactic medium. Despite the expected abundance of low-luminosity galaxies, the low-mass and low-metallicity regime remains relatively understudied. Since the properties of their interstellar medium resemble those of early galaxies, identifying such objects in the Local Universe is crucial to understand the early stages of galaxy evolution. We used the DR3 catalog of the Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS) to select low-metallicity dwarf galaxy candidates based on color selection criteria typical of metal-poor, star-forming, low-mass systems. The final sample contains approximately 50 candidates. Spectral energy distribution fitting of the 12 S-PLUS bands reveals that $\sim$ 90\% of the candidates are best fit by models with very low stellar metallicities. We obtained long-slit observations with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph to follow-up a pilot sample and confirm whether these galaxies have low metallicities. We find oxygen abundances in the range $7.35<$ 12 + log(O/H) $< 7.93$ (5\% to 17\% of the solar value), confirming their metal-poor nature. Most targets are outliers in the mass-metallicity relation, i.e. they display a low metal content relative to their observed stellar masses. In some cases, perturbed optical morphologies might give evidence of dwarf-dwarf interactions or mergers. These results suggest that the low oxygen abundances may be associated with an external event causing the accretion of metal-poor gas, which dilutes the oxygen abundance in these systems.

Neutron stars provide an ideal theoretical framework for exploring fundamental physics when nuclear matter surpasses densities encountered within atomic nuclei. Despite their paramount importance, uncertainties in the equation of state (EoS) have shrouded their internal structure. For rotating neutron stars, the shape of their surface is contingent upon the EoS and the rotational dynamics. This work proposes new universal relations regarding the star's surface, employing machine-learning techniques for regression. More specifically, we developed highly accurate universal relations for a neutron star's eccentricity, the star's ratio of the polar to the equatorial radius, and the effective gravitational acceleration at both the pole and the equator. Furthermore, we propose an accurate theoretical formula for $(d\log R(\mu)/d\theta)_{\max}$. This research addresses key astronomical aspects by utilizing these global parameters as features for the training phase of a neural network. Along the way, we introduce new effective parameterizations for each star's global surface characteristics. Our regression methodology enables accurate estimations of the star's surface $R(\mu)$, its corresponding logarithmic derivative $d\log R(\mu)/d\theta$, and its effective acceleration due to gravity $g(\mu)$ with accuracy better than $1 \%$. The analysis is performed for an extended sample of rotating configurations constructed using a large ensemble of 70 tabulated hadronic, hyperonic, and hybrid EoS models that obey the current multimessenger constraints and cover a wide range of stiffnesses. Above all, the suggested relations could provide an accurate framework for the star's surface estimation using data acquired from the NICER X-ray telescope or future missions, and constrain the EoS of nuclear matter when measurements of the relevant observables become available.

Arghyadeep Basu, Aniket Bhagwat, Benedetta Ciardi, Tiago Costa

We investigate the variability of the UV luminosity function (UVLF) at $z > 5$ using the SPICE suite of cosmological, radiation-hydrodynamic simulations, which include three distinct supernova (SN) feedback models: bursty-sn, smooth-sn, and hyper-sn. The bursty-sn model, driven by intense and episodic SN explosions, produces the highest fluctuations in the star formation rate (SFR). Conversely, the smooth-sn model, characterized by gentler SN feedback, results in minimal SFR variability. The hyper-sn model, featuring a more realistic prescription that incorporates hypernova (HN) explosions, exhibits intermediate variability, closely aligning with the smooth-sn trend at lower redshifts. These fluctuations in SFR significantly affect the $\rm{M_{UV} - M_{halo}}$ relation, a proxy for UVLF variability. Among the models, bursty-sn produces the highest UVLF variability, with a maximum value of 2.5. In contrast, the smooth-sn and hyper-sn models show substantially lower variability, with maximum values of 1.3 and 1.5, respectively. However, in all cases, UVLF variability strongly correlates with host halo mass, with lower-mass halos showing greater variability due to more effective SN feedback in their shallower gravitational wells. The bursty-sn model, though, results in higher amplitudes. Variability decreases in lower mass haloes with decreasing redshift for all feedback models. This study underscores the critical role of SN feedback in shaping the UVLF, and highlights the mass and redshift dependence of its variability, suggesting that UVLF variability may alleviate the bright galaxy tension observed by JWST at high redshifts.

Alexander Eggemeier, Nanoom Lee, Román Scoccimarro, Benjamin Camacho-Quevedo, Andrea Pezzotta, Martin Crocce, Ariel G. Sánchez

Redshift-space distortions (RSD), caused by the peculiar velocities of galaxies, are a key modelling challenge in galaxy clustering analyses, limiting the scales from which cosmological information can be reliably extracted. Unlike dynamical or galaxy bias effects, RSD imprint features that are sensitive to non-linearities across all scales. Yet, no distinction between these effects is made by the state-of-the-art analytical approach - the effective field theory (EFT) - which applies the same perturbative expansion to each of them. This paper explores an alternative approach, where the non-perturbative nature of RSD is partially preserved, and compares its effectiveness against the EFT in analysing power spectrum and bispectrum multipoles from synthetic samples of luminous red galaxies, using the projected sensitivity of a Stage-IV galaxy survey. Our results demonstrate that this distinct treatment of RSD improves the robustness of model predictions for both statistics, extending the validity range of the EFT from approximately $0.2\,h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ to $0.35\,h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ for the one-loop power spectrum and from $0.1\,h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ to $0.14\,h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$ for the tree-level bispectrum. This leads to a significant enhancement in the precision of cosmological parameter constraints, with uncertainties on the Hubble rate, matter density, and scalar amplitude of fluctuations reduced by $20$-$40\,\%$ for the power spectrum multipoles alone compared to the EFT, and by $25$-$50\,\%$ for joint analyses with the bispectrum. The RSD treatment proposed here may thus play a crucial role in maximising the scientific return of current and future galaxy surveys. To support this advancement, all models for the power spectrum and bispectrum used in this work are made available through an extended version of the Python package COMET.

Juven Wang

arXiv:2006.16996 , arXiv:2012.15860 , arXiv:2302.14862 . The idea of topological leptogenesis has been presented by the author and circulated in his various seminars since the work done in 2020. This is a late follow-up writeup

In the standard lore, the baryon asymmetry of the present universe is attributed to the leptogenesis from the sterile right-handed neutrino with heavy Majorana mass decaying into the Standard Model's leptons at the very early universe -- called the Majorana fermion's leptogenesis; while the electroweak sphaleron causes baryogenesis at a later time. In this work, we propose a new mechanism, named topological leptogenesis, to explain the lepton asymmetry. Topological leptogenesis replaces some of the sterile neutrinos by introducing a new gapped topological order sector (whose low-energy exhibits topological quantum field theory with long-range entanglement) that can cancel the baryon minus lepton $({\bf B} - {\bf L})$ mixed gauge-gravitational anomaly of the Standard Model. Then the Beyond-the-Standard-Model dark matter consists of topological quantum matter, such that the gapped non-particle excitations of extended line and surface defect with fractionalization and anyon charges can decay into the Standard Model particles. In addition, gravitational leptogenesis can be regarded as an intermediate step (between Majorana particle leptogenesis and topological non-particle leptogenesis) to mediate such decaying processes from the highly entangled gapped topological order excitations.

Ajit Kumar Mehta, Digvijay Wadekar, Javier Roulet, Isha Anantpurkar, Tejaswi Venumadhav, Jonathan Mushkin, Barak Zackay, Matias Zaldarriaga, Tousif Islam

Most gravitational wave searches to date have included only the quadrupole mode in their search templates. Here, we demonstrate that incorporating higher harmonics improves the search sensitive volume for detecting binary black hole mergers, challenging the conclusion of previous studies. Using the $\tt{IAS-HM}$ detection pipeline, and the simulated (injection) signals from the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (LVK) collaboration, we quantify the improvement in sensitivity due to the inclusion of higher harmonics. This improvement is significant for systems with higher mass ratios and larger total masses, with gains in sensitivity even exceeding $100\%$ at certain high masses. We also show that, due to using a marginalized detection statistic, the $\tt{IAS-HM}$ pipeline performs roughly as well as its quadrupole-mode-only counterpart even for equal mass-ratio mergers, and its sensitive volume is either better than or comparable to that of the individual LVK pipelines.

Bruno Bucciotti, Vitor Cardoso, Adrien Kuntz, David Pereñiguez, Jaime Redondo-Yuste

The eikonal limit of black hole quasinormal modes (the large multipole limit $\ell \gg 1$) can be realized geometrically as a next-to-leading order solution to the geometric optics approximation, and also as linear fluctuations about the Penrose limit plane wave adapted to the lightring. Extending this interpretation beyond the linear order in perturbation theory requires a robust understanding of quadratic quasinormal modes for large values of $\ell$. We analyze numerically the relative excitation of quadratic to linear quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes, with two independent methods. Our results suggest that the ratio of quadratic to linear amplitudes for the $\ell \times \ell \to 2\ell$ channel converges towards a finite value for large $\ell$, in sharp contrast with a recent proposal inspired by the Penrose limit perspective. On the other hand, the $2 \times \ell \to \ell + 2$ channel seems to have a linearly growing ratio. Nevertheless, we show that there is no breakdown of black hole perturbation theory for physically realistic initial data.

In this paper we consider a new approach to unify inflation and the late universe with dark energy and dark matter formulated in a model that includes a non-Riemannian metric independent measure and a scalar field with spontaneously broken scale symmetry. Here first of all inflation is possible, which is then followed by a reheating oscillating period and this leads to the formation of all kind of particles, including fermions, which as the universe expands can contribute to the dark energy and the to the dark matter of the universe. During the inflationary epoch, we find different constraints on the parameter space associated to the effective potential of the scalar field from the observational data. After reheating the scalar field retraces its trajectory in field space but now the scalar field potential can be drastically modified by the effect of the fermions. In this sense, the present dark energy with its very small value in comparison to the inflationary phase which can be adjusted by choosing appropriately the parameter space of couplings of the Riemannian and non Riemannian measures to the fermions.

We investigate the Deser-Woodard model of nonlocal gravity involving four auxiliary scalar fields, introduced to explain the standard cosmological background expansion history without fine-tuning issues. In particular, we propose a novel approach to simplify the complex field equations within the proper tetrad frame, thereby recasting the original system into a more tractable equivalent differential problem. We show that, by only assuming the form of the $tt$ metric component, it is possible to reconstruct the distortion function of the gravitational model through a step-by-step procedure involving the use of either analytical, perturbative, or numerical methods. We then outline a potential strategy for solving the vacuum field equations in the case of a static and spherically symmetric spacetime. Specifically, we applied our technique to find three traversable wormholes supported purely by gravity, discussing then their main geometric properties. The obtained results provide a possible pathway for determining new compact object solutions while offering a deeper understanding of nonlocal theories of gravity.

The sky of astrophysical gravitational waves is expected to be quiet above $\sim 10{\rm kHz}$, which is the upper limit of characteristic frequencies of dynamical processes involving astrophysical black holes and neutron stars. Therefore, the ultrahigh ($\ge 10{\rm kHz}$) frequency window is particularly promising for detecting primordial gravitational waves, as isolating the contribution from the astrophysical foreground has always been a challenging problem for gravitational wave background detection at ${\rm nHz, mHz}$ and the audio band studied so far. While there are various types of detectors proposed targeting the ultra-high frequency gravitational waves, they have to satisfy the (loss-constrained) fundamental limits of quantum measurements. We develop a universal framework for the quantum limit under different measurement schemes and input quantum states, and apply them to several plausible detector configurations. The fundamental limits are expressed as the strength of gravitational wave background at different frequencies, which should serve as a lower limit for ultra-high frequency gravitational wave signal possibly detectable, to probe early-universe phase transitions, and/or other primordial gravitational wave sources. We discover that a GUT-motivated phase transition from $10^7-10^{10}\,\rm{GeV}$ can naturally lead to possibly detectable GW signals within the band of $\rm{kHz-MHz}$. For phase transition above $10^{10}\,\rm{GeV}$, the signals are however below the quantum limit and are thus not detectable. Ultra-high frequency GWs also provide a window to test topological defects such as domain walls and cosmic strings generated close to the GUT scale.

Combining an effective theory description of spin-1/2 dark matter (DM)-electron interactions in materials with linear response theory provides a powerful framework to model the scattering of DM, including in-medium effects, in detectors used for direct searches. Within this framework, we show that the rate of DM-induced electronic transitions in detector materials admits a theoretical upper bound under general assumptions on the underlying DM-electron coupling. In particular, our theoretical upper bound applies to models where DM couples to the electron density as well as the spin, paramagnetic and Rashba currents in materials, and arises from the Kramers-Kronig relations that constrain the analytic properties of the scattering rate. We evaluate our maximum rate formula numerically for Ar, Xe, Ge, and Si targets and find that Ge and Si detectors are closer to saturate this theoretical upper bound, but still far from saturation when DM couples to densities or currents which are different from the electron density. This motivates the exploration of a different class of materials to effectively probe such coupling forms.

Jonas Junker, Jiayi Qin, Vaishali B. Adya, Nutsinee Kijbunchoo, Sheon S. Y. Chua, Terry G. McRae, Bram J. J. Slagmolen, David E. McClelland

Coupled optical cavities, which support normal modes, play a critical role in optical filtering, sensing, slow-light generation, and quantum state manipulation. Recent theoretical work has proposed incorporating nonlinear materials into these systems to enable novel quantum technologies. Here, we report the first experimental demonstration of squeezing generated in a quantum-enhanced coupled-cavity system, achieving a quantum noise reduction of 3.5 dB at a normal-mode splitting frequency of 7.47 MHz. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the system's loss mechanisms and performance limitations, validating theoretical predictions. Our results underscore the promise of coupled-cavity squeezers for advanced quantum applications, including gravitational wave detection and precision sensing.

Tom Dooney, Harsh Narola, Stefano Bromuri, R. Lyana Curier, Chris Van Den Broeck, Sarah Caudill, Daniel Stanley Tan

Gravitational wave (GW) interferometers, detect faint signals from distant astrophysical events, such as binary black hole mergers. However, their high sensitivity also makes them susceptible to background noise, which can obscure these signals. This noise often includes transient artifacts called "glitches" that can mimic astrophysical signals or mask their characteristics. Fast and accurate reconstruction of both signals and glitches is crucial for reliable scientific inference. In this study, we present DeepExtractor, a deep learning framework designed to reconstruct signals and glitches with power exceeding interferometer noise, regardless of their source. We design DeepExtractor to model the inherent noise distribution of GW interferometers, following conventional assumptions that the noise is Gaussian and stationary over short time scales. It operates by predicting and subtracting the noise component of the data, retaining only the clean reconstruction. Our approach achieves superior generalization capabilities for arbitrary signals and glitches compared to methods that directly map inputs to the clean training waveforms. We validate DeepExtractor's effectiveness through three experiments: (1) reconstructing simulated glitches injected into simulated detector noise, (2) comparing performance with the state-of-the-art BayesWave algorithm, and (3) analyzing real data from the Gravity Spy dataset to demonstrate effective glitch subtraction from LIGO strain data. DeepExtractor achieves a median mismatch of only 0.9% for simulated glitches, outperforming several deep learning baselines. Additionally, DeepExtractor surpasses BayesWave in glitch recovery, offering a dramatic computational speedup by reconstructing one glitch sample in approx. 0.1 seconds on a CPU, compared to BayesWave's processing time of approx. one hour per glitch.

We investigate the realization of a nonsingular bounce within the framework of Myrzakulov \( F(R,T) \) gravity. This modified gravitational theory uses a non-special connection that combines both curvature and torsion, giving rise to an effective sector that can easily satisfy the violation of the null energy condition. We suitably choose the functions that parametrize the connection in order to be able to produce simple and matter bounce scale factors at the background level. Finally, we examine the evolution of scalar perturbations through the bounce using the Mukhanov-Sasaki formalism, and we calculate the power spectrum.

We study vorticity production in isothermal, subsonic, acoustic (nonvortical), decaying turbulence due to the presence of magnetic fields. Using three-dimensional numerical simulations, we always find that the resulting turbulent kinetic energy cascade follows the ordinary Kolmogorov phenomenology involving a constant spectral energy flux. For acoustic turbulence, the corresponding nondimensional prefactor is larger than the standard Kolmogorov constant due to an inefficiency in dissipating kinetic energy. We find that the Lorentz force can not only drive the direct production of vortical motions, but it can also facilitate the conversion of acoustic energy into vortical energy. This conversion is shown to be quadratic in the magnetic field strength and linear in the acoustic flow speed. By contrast, the direct production of vortical motions by the magnetic field is linear in the field strength. Our results suggest that magnetic fields play a crucial role in vorticity production in cosmological flows, particularly in scenarios where significant acoustic turbulence is prevalent. We also discuss the implications of our findings for the early universe, where magnetic fields may convert acoustic turbulence generated during cosmological phase transitions into vortical turbulence.