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Papers for Wednesday, Jan 27 2021

Yutaka Fujita, Aya Bamba, Kumiko K. Nobukawa, Hironori Matsumoto

8 pages, 4 figures

We report a discovery of diffuse X-ray emission around the supernova remnant (SNR) G106.3+2.7, which is associated with VER J2227+608 and HAWC J2227+610 and is known as a candidate for a PeV cosmic ray accelerator (PeVatron). We analyze observational data of Suzaku around the SNR and the adjacent pulsar PSR J2229+6114. We find diffuse X-ray emission that is represented by either thermal or non-thermal one. However, the metal abundance for the thermal emission is <0.13 Z_sun, which may be too small in the Milky Way and suggests that the emission is non-thermal. The intensity of the diffuse emission increases toward PSR J2229+6114 in the same way as radio emission, and it is in contrast with gamma-ray emission concentrated on a molecular cloud. The X-ray photon index does not change with the distance from the pulsar and it indicates that radiative cooling is ineffective and particle diffusion is not extremely slow. The X-ray and radio emissions seem to be of leptonic origin and the parent electrons may originate from the pulsar or its wind nebula. The gamma-ray emission appears to be of hadronic origin because of its spacial distribution. The parent protons may be tightly confined in the cloud separately from the diffusing electrons.

Yayaati Chachan, Eve J. Lee, Heather A. Knutson

submitted to AAS journals, 18 pages, 12 figures

The Rosseland mean opacity of dust in protoplanetary disks is often calculated assuming the interstellar medium (ISM) size distribution and a constant dust-to-gas ratio. However, the dust size distribution and the dust-to-gas ratio in protoplanetary disks are distinct from those of the ISM. Here, we use simple dust evolution models that incorporate grain growth and transport to calculate the time evolution of mean opacity of dust grains as a function of distance from the star. Dust dynamics and size distribution are sensitive to the assumed value of the turbulence strength $\alpha_{\mathrm{t}}$ and the velocity at which grains fragment v$_{\mathrm{frag}}$. For moderate-to-low turbulence strengths of $\alpha_{\mathrm{t}} \lesssim 10^{-3}$ and substantial differences in v$_{\mathrm{frag}}$ for icy and ice-free grains, we find a spatially non-uniform dust-to-gas ratio and grain size distribution that deviate significantly from the ISM values, in agreement with previous studies. The effect of non-uniform dust-to-gas ratio on the Rosseland mean opacity dominates over that of the size distribution. Spatially varying$-$that is non-monotonic$-$dust opacity creates a region in the protoplanetary disk that is optimal for producing hydrogen-rich planets, potentially explaining the apparent peak in gas giant planet occurrence rate at intermediate distances. Enhanced opacities within the ice line also suppress gas accretion rates onto sub-Neptune cores, thus stifling their tendency to undergo runaway gas accretion within disk lifetimes. Finally, our work corroborates the idea that low mass cores with large primordial gaseous envelopes ('super-puffs') originate beyond the ice line.

Keith R. Dienes, Fei Huang, Jeff Kost, Kevin Manogue, Brooks Thomas

10 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures

The distribution of primordial dark-matter velocities can significantly influence the growth of cosmological structure. In principle, one can therefore exploit the halo-mass distribution in order to learn about the dark sector. In practice, however, this task is both theoretically and computationally intractable. In this paper, we propose a simple one-line conjecture which can be used to "reconstruct" the primordial dark-matter velocity distribution directly from the shape of the halo-mass function. Although our conjecture is completely heuristic, we show that it successfully reproduces the salient features of the underlying dark-matter velocity distribution -- even for non-trivial distributions which are highly non-thermal and/or multi-modal, such as might occur for non-minimal dark sectors. Our conjecture therefore provides an operational tool for probing the dark sector which does not rely on the existence of non-gravitational couplings between dark and visible states.

Florian Kuhnel, Dominik J. Schwarz

6 pages, 3 figures

We argue that primordial black-hole formation must be described by means of extreme-value theory. This is a consequence of the large values of the energy density required to initiate the collapse of black holes in the early Universe and the finite duration of their collapse. Compared to the Gaussian description of the most extreme primordial density fluctuations, the holes' mass function is narrower and peaks towards larger masses. Secondly, thanks to the shallower fall-off of extreme-value distributions, the predicted abundance of primordial black holes is boosted by $10^{7}$ orders of magnitude when extrapolating the observed nearly scale-free power spectrum of the cosmic large-scale structure to primordial black-hole mass scales.

Manasvi Lingam, Abraham Loeb

6 pages; 0 figures; 1 table

At high redshifts, the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) was higher than its value today. We explore the possibility that life may have arisen early because the higher CMB temperature would have supplied the requisite energy for the existence of different solvents on the surfaces of objects. At redshifts of $z \lesssim 70$, after the first stars are predicted to have formed, a number of molecules (but not water) might have existed in liquid form over intervals of $\sim 10$ Myr to $\sim 100$ Myr. We delineate the challenges and prospects for life in the high-redshift Universe, and assess the various candidates for alternative biochemistries in this context -- of the options considered herein, we conclude that ethane is probably the most promising contender.

Jonah C. Rose, Paul Torrey, K.H. Lee, I. Bartos

11 Pages, 3 figures

The rate and location of Binary Neutron Star (BNS) mergers are determined by a combination of the star formation history and the Delay Time Distribution (DTD) function. In this paper, we couple the star formation rate histories (SFRHs) from the IllustrisTNG model to a series of varied assumptions for the BNS DTD to make predictions for the BNS merger host galaxy mass function. These predictions offer two outcomes: (i) in the near term: influence BNS merger event follow-up strategy by scrutinizing where most BNS merger events are expected to occur and (ii) in the long term: constrain the DTD for BNS merger events once the host galaxy mass function is observationally well determined. From our fiducial model analysis, we predict that 50% of BNS mergers will occur in host galaxies with stellar mass between $10^{10} - 10^{11}$ $M_\odot$, 68% between $4 \times 10^{9} - 3\times 10^{11}$ $M_\odot$, and 95% between $4 \times 10^8 - 2 \times 10^{12}$ $M_\odot$. We find that the details of the DTD employed does not have a strong effect on the peak of the host mass function. However, varying the DTD provides enough spread that the true DTD can be determined from enough electromagnetic observations of BNS mergers. Knowing the true DTD can help us determine the prevalence of BNS systems formed through highly eccentric and short separation fast-merging channels and can constrain the dominant source of r-process material.

Matthew W. Abruzzo, Greg L. Bryan, Drummond B. Fielding

21 pages + appendices, 17 figures, Submitted to ApJ. For associated movies, see this http URL

We introduce a simple entropy-based formalism to characterize the role of mixing in pressure-balanced multiphase clouds, and demonstrate example applications using Enzo-E (magneto)hydrodynamic simulations. Under this formalism, the high-dimensional description of the system's state at a given time is simplified to the joint distribution of mass over pressure ($P$) and entropy ($K=P/\rho^\gamma$). As a result, this approach provides a way for (empirically and analytically) quantifying the impact of different initial conditions and sets of physics on the system evolution. We find that mixing predominantly alters the distribution along the $K$ direction and illustrate how the formalism can be used to model mixing and cooling for fluid elements originating in the cloud. We further confirm and generalize a previously suggested criterion for cloud growth in the presence of radiative cooling, and demonstrate that the shape of the cooling curve, particularly at the low temperature end, can play an important role in controlling condensation. Moreover, we discuss the capacity of our approach to generalize such a criterion to apply to additional sets of physics, and to build intuition for the impact of subtle higher order effects not directly addressed by the criterion.

N. M. Pingel, D. J. Pisano, M. Ruzindana, M. Burnett, K. M. Rajwade, R. Black, B. Jeffs, D. R. Lorimer, D. Anish Roshi, R. Prestage, M. A. McLaughlin, D. Agarwal, T. Chamberlin, L. Hawkins, L. Jensen, P. Marganian, J. D. Nelson, W. Shillue, E. Smith, B. Simon, V. Van Tonder, S. White

28 ages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal

We present the results of commissioning observations for a new digital beamforming back end for the Focal plane L-band Array for the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (FLAG), a cryogenically cooled Phased Array Feed (PAF) with the lowest measured T_sys/eta of any PAF outfitted on a radio telescope to date. We describe the custom software used to apply beamforming weights to the raw element covariances to create research quality spectral line images for the new fine-channel mode, study the stability of the beam weights over time, characterize FLAG's sensitivity over a frequency range of 150 MHz, and compare the measured noise properties and observed distribution of neutral hydrogen emission from several extragalactic and Galactic sources with data obtained with the current single-pixel L-band receiver. These commissioning runs establish FLAG as the preeminent PAF receiver currently available for spectral line observations on the world's major radio telescopes.

Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Debra M. Elmegreen

7 pages, 5 figures, based on presentation at the Pontifical Academy of Sciences conference on Science and Survival: a focus on SARS-CoV-2 and connections between large-scale risks for life on this planet and opportunities of science to address them. this http URL

This paper presents a brief overview of how astronomy can help society in COVID-19 times, and the lessons that come from studying our place in the Universe and the global coordination of scientific and outreach activities. Several examples coordinated by the International Astronomical Union are presented.

D. Kleiner, P. Serra, F. M. Maccagni, A. Venhola, K. Morokuma-Matsui, R. Peletier, E. Iodice, M. A. Raj, W. J. G. de Blok, A. Comrie, G. I. G. Józsa, P. Kamphuis, A. Loni, S. I. Loubser, D. Cs. Molnár, M. Ramatsoku, A. Sivitilli, O. Smirnov, K. Thorat, F. Vitello

18 pages, 9 figured. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)

We present MeerKAT neutral hydrogen (HI) observations of the Fornax A group, that is likely falling into the Fornax cluster for the first time. Our HI image is sensitive to 1.4 x 10$^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$ over 44.1 km s$^{-1}$, where we detect HI in 10 galaxies and a total of 1.12 x 10$^{9}$ Msol of HI in the intra-group medium (IGM). We search for signs of pre-processing in the 12 group galaxies with confirmed optical redshifts that reside within our HI image. There are 9 galaxies that show evidence of pre-processing and we classify the pre-processing status of each galaxy, according to their HI morphology and gas (atomic and molecular) scaling relations. Galaxies yet to experience pre-processing have extended HI disks, a high HI content with a H$_2$-to-HI ratio an order of magnitude lower than the median for their stellar mass. Galaxies currently being pre-processed display HI tails, truncated HI disks with typical gas ratios. Galaxies in the advanced stages of pre-processing are HI deficient. If there is any HI, they have lost their outer HI disk and efficiently converted their HI to H$_2$, resulting in H$_2$-to-HI ratios an order of magnitude higher than the median for their stellar mass. The central, massive galaxy in our group underwent a 10:1 merger 2 Gyr ago, and ejected 6.6 - 11.2 x 10$^{8}$ Msol of HI that we detect as clouds and streams in the IGM, some forming coherent structures up to 220 kpc in length. We also detect giant (100 kpc) ionised hydrogen (H$\alpha$) filaments in the IGM, likely from cool gas being removed (and ionised) from an infalling satellite. The H$\alpha$ filaments are situated within the hot halo of NGC 1316 and some regions contain HI. We speculate that the H$\alpha$ and multiphase gas is supported by magnetic pressure (possibly assisted by the AGN), such that the hot gas can condense and form HI that survives in the hot halo for cosmological timescales.

Edvige Corbelli, Giovanni Cresci, Filippo Mannucci, David Thilker, Giacomo Venturi

Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters, 8 pages, 3 figures

The origin and fate of the most extended extragalactic neutral cloud known in the local Universe, the Leo ring, is still debated 38 years after its discovery. Its existence is alternatively attributed to leftover primordial gas with some low level of metal pollution versus enriched gas stripped during a galaxy-galaxy encounter. Taking advantage of MUSE (Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) operating at the VLT, we performed optical integral field spectroscopy of 3 HI clumps in the Leo ring where ultraviolet continuum emission has been found. We detected, for the first time, ionized hydrogen in the ring and identify 4 nebular regions powered by massive stars. These nebulae show several metal lines ([OIII],[NII],[SII]) which allowed reliable measures of metallicities, found to be close to or above the solar value. Given the faintness of the diffuse stellar counterparts, less than 3 percent of the observed heavy elements could have been produced locally in the main body of the ring and not much more than 15 percent in the HI clump towards M96. This inference, and the chemical homogeneity among the regions, convincingly demonstrates that the gas in the ring is not primordial, but has been pre-enriched in a galaxy disk, then later removed and shaped by tidal forces and it is forming a sparse population of stars.

Geoffroy Lesur

13 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

(shortened) Planet forming discs are believed to be very weakly turbulent in the regions outside of 1 AU. For this reason, it is now believed that magnetized winds could be the dominant mechanism driving accretion in these systems. However, there is today no self-consistent way to describe discs subject to a magnetized wind, in a way similar to the $\alpha$ disc model. In this article, I explore in a systematic way the parameter space of wind-driven protoplanetary discs and present scaling laws which can be used in reduced models \`a la alpha-disc. Methods: I compute a series of self-similar wind solutions, assuming the disc is dominated by ambipolar and Ohmic diffusions. These solution are obtained by looking for stationary solutions in the finite-volume code PLUTO using a relaxation method and continuation. Results: Self-similar solutions are obtained for values of plasma beta ranging from 10^2 to 10^8, for several Ohmic and ambipolar diffusion strengths. Mass accretions rates of the order of 10^{-8} Msun/yr are obtained for poloidal field strength beta=O(10^4) or equivalently 1 mG at 10 AU. The resulting magnetic lever arms are typically lower than 2, possibly reaching 1.5 in weakest field cases. Finally, I provide a complete set of scaling laws and semi-analytical wind solutions, which can be used to fit and interpret observations. Conclusions: Magnetized winds are unavoidable in protoplanetary discs as soon as they are embedded in an ambient poloidal magnetic field. Very detailed disc microphysics are not always needed to describe them, and simplified models such as self-similar solutions manage to capture most of the physics seen in full 3D simulations. The remaining difficulty to get a complete theory of wind-driven accretion lies in the transport of the large scale field, which remains poorly constrained and not well understood.

Vardha N. Bennert, Tommaso Treu, Xuheng Ding, Isak Stomberg, Simon Birrer, Tomas Snyder, Matthew A. Malkan, Andrew W. Stephens, Matthew W. Auger

23 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, submitted to ApJ

The tight correlations between the mass of supermassive black holes ($M_{\rm BH}$) and their host-galaxy properties have been of great interest to the astrophysical community, but a clear understanding of their origin and fundamental drivers still eludes us. The local relations for active galaxies are interesting in their own right and form the foundation for any evolutionary study over cosmic time. We present Hubble Space Telescope optical imaging of a sample of 66 local active galactic nuclei (AGNs); for 14 objects, we also obtained Gemini near-infrared images. We use state-of-the-art methods to perform surface photometry of the AGN host galaxies, decomposing them in spheroid, disk and bar (when present) and inferring the luminosity and stellar mass of the components. We combine this information with spatially-resolved kinematics obtained at the Keck Telescopes to study the correlations between $M_{\rm BH}$ (determined from single-epoch virial estimators) and host galaxy properties. Our sample extends the correlation found for quiescent galaxies down to $M_{\rm BH}$ $\sim$ $10^7$ $M_{\odot}$ along a consistent line. The correlations are uniformly tight for our AGN sample, with intrinsic scatter 0.2-0.4 dex, smaller or equal to that of quiescent galaxies. We find no difference between pseudo and classical bulges or barred and non-barred galaxies. We show that all the tight correlations can be simultaneously satisfied by AGN hosts in the $10^7-10^9$ $M_{\odot}$ regime, with data of sufficient quality. The $M_{\rm BH}$-$\sigma$ relation is also in excellent agreement with that of AGN with $M_{\rm BH}$ obtained from reverberation mapping, providing an indirect validation of single-epoch virial estimators of $M_{\rm BH}$.

Wei-Chih Huang, Jui-Lin Kuo, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai

28 pages, 7 figures

We show that the impact of energy injection by dark matter annihilation on the cosmic microwave background power spectra can be apprehended via a residual likelihood map. By resorting to convolutional neural networks that can fully discover the underlying pattern of the map, we propose a novel way of constraining dark matter annihilation based on the Planck 2018 data. We demonstrate that the trained neural network can efficiently predict the likelihood and accurately place bounds on the annihilation cross-section in a $\textit{model-independent}$ fashion. The machinery will be made public in the near future.

Melaine Saillenfest, Giacomo Lari, Gwenaël Boué, Ariane Courtot

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Aims: It has recently been shown that the fast migration of Titan could be responsible for the current 26.7{\deg}-tilt of Saturn's spin axis. We aim to quantify the level of generality of this result and to measure the most likely sets of parameters. We also aim to determine the obliquity that Saturn will reach in the future. Methods: We explore a broad range of parameters and propagate numerically the orientation of Saturn's spin axis both backward and forward in time. Results: In the adiabatic regime, the likelihood of reproducing Saturn's current spin-axis orientation is maximised for primordial obliquities between about 2{\deg} and 7{\deg}. For a slightly faster migration than expected from radio-science experiments, non-adiabatic effects even allow for exactly null primordial obliquities. Starting from such small tilts, Saturn's spin axis can evolve up to its current state provided that: i) the semi-major axis of Titan changed by more than 5% of its current value, and ii) its migration rate does not exceed 10 times the nominal measured rate. In comparison, observational data suggest that the increase of Titan's semi-major axis exceeded 50% over 4 Gyrs, and error bars imply that the current migration rate is unlikely to be larger than 1.5 times its nominal value. Conclusions: If Titan did migrate substantially before today, tilting Saturn from a small obliquity is not only possible, but it is the most likely scenario. Saturn's obliquity is expected to be still increasing today and could exceed 65{\deg} in the future. Maximising the likelihood would also put strict constraints on Saturn's polar moment of inertia. However, the possibility remains that Saturn's primordial obliquity was already large, for instance as a result of a massive collision. The unambiguous distinction between these two scenarios would be given by a precise measure of Saturn's polar moment of inertia.

Adam Coogan, Alexander Moiseev, Logan Morrison, Stefano Profumo

30 pages, 7 figures

We outline the science opportunities in the areas of searches for dark matter and new physics offered by a proposed future MeV gamma-ray telescope, the Galactic Explorer with a Coded Aperture Mask Compton Telescope (GECCO). We point out that such an instrument would play a critical role in opening up a discovery window for particle dark matter with mass in the MeV or sub-MeV range, in disentangling the origin of the mysterious 511 keV line emission in the Galactic Center region, and in potentially discovering Hawking evaporation from light primordial black holes.

Laura Morselli, Alvio Renzini, Andrea Enia, Giulia Rodighiero

Letter accepted for publication on MNRAS

In this paper we present an attempt to estimate the redshift evolution of the molecular to neutral gas mass ratio within galaxies (at fixed stellar mass). For a sample of five nearby grand design spirals located on the Main Sequence (MS) of star forming galaxies, we exploit maps at 500 pc resolution of stellar mass and star formation rate ($M_{\star}$ and SFR). For the same cells, we also have estimates of the neutral ($M_{\rm HI}$) and molecular ($M_{\rm H_2}$) gas masses. To compute the redshift evolution we exploit two relations: {\it i)} one between the molecular-to-neutral mass ratio and the total gas mass ($M_{\rm gas}$), whose scatter shows a strong dependence with the distance from the spatially resolved MS, and {\it ii)} the one between $\log(M_{\rm{H_2}}/M_{\star})$ and $\log(M_{\rm{HI}}/M_{\star})$. For both methods, we find that $M_{\rm H_2}$/$M_{\rm HI}$ within the optical radius slightly decreases with redshift, contrary to common expectations of galaxies becoming progressively more dominated by molecular hydrogen at high redshifts. We discuss possible implications of this trend on our understanding of the internal working of high redshift galaxies.

Aylecia S. Lattimer (1), Steven R. Cranmer (1) ((1) University of Colorado-Boulder)

20 pages, 14 figures, 1 table

Radiation contributes to the acceleration of large-scale flows in various astrophysical environments because of the strong opacity in spectral lines. Quantification of the associated force is crucial to understanding these line-driven flows, and a large number of lines (due to the full set of elements and ionization stages) must be taken into account. Here we provide new calculations of the dimensionless line strengths and associated opacity-dependent force multipliers for an updated list of approximately 4.5 million spectral lines compiled from the NIST, CHIANTI, CMFGEN, and TOPbase databases. To maintain generality of application to different environments, we assume local thermodynamic equilibrium, illumination by a Planck function, and the Sobolev approximation. We compute the line forces in a two-dimensional grid of temperatures (i.e., values between 5,200 and 70,000 K) and densities (varying over 11 orders of magnitude). Historically, the force multiplier function has been described by a power-law function of optical depth. We revisit this assumption by fitting alternative functions that include a saturation to a constant value (Gayley's $\bar{Q}$ parameter) in the optically-thin limit. This alternate form is a better fit than the power-law form, and we use it to calculate example mass-loss rates for massive main-sequence stars. Because the power-law force multiplier does not continue to arbitrarily small optical depths, we find a sharp decrease, or quenching, of line-driven winds for stars with effective temperatures less than about 15,000 K.

Cameren Swiggum, Elena D'Onghia, João Alves, Josefa Großschedl, Michael Foley, Catherine Zucker, Stefan Meingast, Boquan Chen, Alyssa Goodman

12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present a phase-space study of two stellar groups located at the core of the Orion complex: Brice\~no-1 and Orion Belt Population-near (OBP-near). We identify the groups with the unsupervised clustering algorithm, Shared Nearest Neighbor (SNN), which previously identified twelve new stellar substructures in the Orion complex. For each of the two groups, we derive the 3D space motions of individual stars using Gaia EDR3 proper motions supplemented by radial velocities from Gaia DR2, APOGEE-2, and GALAH DR3. We present evidence for radial expansion of the two groups from a common center. Unlike previous work, our study suggests that evidence of stellar group expansion is confined only to OBP-near and Brice\~no-1 whereas the rest of the groups in the complex show more complicated motions. Interestingly, the stars in the two groups lie at the center of a dust shell, as revealed via an extant 3D dust map. The exact mechanism that produces such coherent motions remains unclear, while the observed radial expansion and dust shell suggest that massive stellar feedback could have influenced the star formation history of these groups.

Alex Bixel, Dániel Apai

29 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. Accepted to AJ

Next-generation space observatories will conduct the first systematic surveys of terrestrial exoplanet atmospheres and search for evidence of life beyond Earth. While in-depth observations of the nearest habitable worlds may yield enticing results, there are fundamental questions about planetary habitability and evolution which can only be answered through population-level studies of dozens to hundreds of terrestrial planets. To determine the requirements for next-generation observatories to address these questions, we have developed Bioverse. Bioverse combines existing knowledge of exoplanet statistics with a survey simulation and hypothesis testing framework to determine whether proposed space-based direct imaging and transit spectroscopy surveys will be capable of detecting various hypothetical statistical relationships between the properties of terrestrial exoplanets. Following a description of the code, we apply Bioverse to determine whether an ambitious direct imaging or transit survey would be able to determine the extent of the circumstellar habitable zone and study the evolution of Earth-like planets. Given recent evidence that Earth-sized habitable zone planets are likely much rarer than previously believed (Pascucci et al. 2019), we find that space missions with large search volumes will be necessary to study the population of terrestrial and habitable worlds. Moving forward, Bioverse provides a methodology for performing trade studies of future observatory concepts to maximize their ability to address population-level questions, including and beyond the specific examples explored here.

Andrzej T. Niedzielski, Eva Villaver, Monika Adamów, Kacper Kowalik, Aleksander Wolszczan, Gracjan Maciejewski

16 pages, 15 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics

We present the current status of and new results from our search for exoplanets in a sample of solar-mass, evolved stars observed with the HARPS-N and the 3.6-m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG), and the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) and the 9.2-m Hobby Eberly Telescope (HET). The aim of this project is to detect and characterise planetary-mass companions to solar-mass stars in a sample of 122 targets at various stages of evolution from the main sequence (MS) to the red giant branch (RGB), mostly sub-gaints and giants, selected from the Pennsylvania-Toru\'n Planet Search (PTPS) sample, and use this sample to study relations between stellar properties, such as metallicity, luminosity, and the planet occurrence rate. This work is based on precise radial velocity (RV) measurements. We have observed the program stars for up to 11 years with the HET/HRS and the TNG/HARPS-N. We present the analysis of RV measurements with the HET/HRS and the TNG/HARPS-N of four solar-mass stars, HD 4760, HD 96992 , BD+02 3313, and TYC 0434-04538-1. We found that: HD 4760 hosts a companion with a minimum mass of 13.9 MJ (a=1.14 au, e=0.23); HD 96992 is a host to a msin i=1.14 MJ companion on a a=1.24 au and e=0.41 orbit, and TYC 0434-04538-1 hosts an msin i=6.1MJ companion on a a=0.66 au and e=0.08$ orbit. In the case of BD+02 3313 we found a correlation between the measured RVs and one of the stellar activity indicators, suggesting that the observed RV variations may originate in either stellar activity or be caused by the presence of an unresolved companion. We also discuss the current status of the project and a statistical analysis of the RV variations in our sample of target stars.

The solar acoustic oscillations are likely stochastically excited by convective dynamics in the solar photosphere, though few direct observations of individual source events have been made and their detailed characteristics are still unknown. Wave source identification requires measurements that can reliably discriminate the local wave signal from the background convective motions and resonant modal power. This is quite challenging as these 'noise' contributions have amplitudes several orders of magnitude greater than the sources and the propagating wave fields they induce. In this paper, we employ a high-temporal-frequency filter to identify sites of acoustic emission in a radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulation. The properties of the filter were determined from a convolutional neural network trained to identify the two-dimensional acoustic Green's function response of the atmosphere, but once defined, it can be directly applied to an image time series to extract the signal of local wave excitation, bypassing the need for the original neural network. Using the filter developed, we have uncovered previously unknown properties of the acoustic emission process. In the simulation, acoustic events are found to be clustered at mesogranular scales, with peak emission quite deep, about 500 km below the photosphere, and sites of very strong emission can result from the interaction of two supersonic downflows that merge at that depth. We suggest that the method developed, when applied to high-resolution high-cadence observations, such as those forthcoming with Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), will have important applications in chromospheric wave-studies and may lead to new investigations in high-resolution local-helioseismology.

Michael Schimp (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration)

6 pages, 3 figures, Proceeding of the 10th International workshop on Very High Energy Particle Astronomy (VHEPA2019), submitted and to be published

While the Pierre Auger Observatory is a very successful instrument for ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) detection, it is increasingly used as part of various types of multi-messenger searches, in which it contributes with searches for air showers induced by atomic nuclei, neutrons, photons, and neutrinos. We present an overview of the multi-messenger activities of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The overview includes: searches for ultra-high energy photons and neutrinos detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory in coincidence with gravitational wave events detected by LIGO and Virgo; searches for correlations of the arrival directions of UHECRs detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory and high-energy neutrinos detected by IceCube and ANTARES; searches for Galactic neutrons; the multi-messenger campaign "Deeper, Wider, Faster", aiming for common observations of a variety of complementary instruments. We discuss the methods and results of these searches.

Previous studies that have considered the ocean circulation on Enceladus have generally assumed the salinity to be Earth-like. However, according to observations and geochemical constraints, the salinity of Enceladus' ocean is likely to be lower, and importantly, it is probably low enough to reverse the sign of thermal expansivity. We investigate the ocean circulation and stratification of Enceladus' ocean using a combination of theoretical arguments and simulations using the MITgcm. We find that, if the salinity is high, the whole ocean is unstratified, and convection dominates the entire ocean. However, if the salinity is low enough, there exists a stratified layer at the surface of the ocean. Such a layer can suppress the vertical flux of heat and tracers, thereby affecting the heat flux to the ice shell and leading to a vertical tracer mixing time scale in the stratified layer of at least hundreds of years. This time scale is inconsistent with a previous estimate of vertical ocean mixing of several years, based on the size of detected silica nanoparticles in the plumes, leading us to conclude that either the salinity of Enceldus' ocean is higher than previously suggested or the interpretation of silica nanoparticle observations has to be reconsidered.

Kazuhiro D. Kanagawa, Jun Hashimoto, Takayuki Muto, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Sanemichi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Mihoko Konishi, Hideko Nomura, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Ruobing Dong, Akimasa Kataoka, Munetake Momose, Tomohiro Ono, Michael Sitko, Michihiro Takami, Kengo Tomida

24 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 6 observations of dust continuum emission of the disk around WW Cha. The dust continuum image shows a smooth disk structure with a faint (low-contrast) dust ring, extending from $\sim 40$ AU to $\sim 70$ AU, not accompanied by any gap. We constructed the simple model to fit the visibility of the observed data by using MCMC method and found that the bump (we call the ring without the gap the bump) has two peaks at $40$ AU and $70$ AU. The residual map between the model and observation indicates asymmetric structures at the center and the outer region of the disk. These asymmetric structures are also confirmed by model-independent analysis of the imaginary part of the visibility. The asymmetric structure at the outer region is consistent with a spiral observed by SPHERE. To constrain physical quantities of the disk (dust density and temperature), we carried out radiative transfer simulations. We found that the midplane temperature around the outer peak is close to the freezeout temperature of CO on water ice ($\sim 30$ K). The temperature around the inner peak is about $50$ K, which is close to the freezeout temperature of H$_2$S and also close to the sintering temperature of several species. We also discuss the size distribution of the dust grains using the spectral index map obtained within the Band 6 data.

Joshua D. Thomas (1), Noel D. Richardson (2), J. J. Eldridge (3), Gail H. Schaefer (4), John D. Monnier (5), Hugues Sana (6), Anthony F. J. Moffat (7), Peredur Williams (8), Michael F. Corcoran (9 and 10), Ian R. Stevens (11), Gerd Weigelt (12), Farrah D. Zainol (11), Narsireddy Anugu (13, 14), Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin (15), Theo ten Brummelaar (4), Fran Campos (16), Andrew Couperus (1 and 17), Claire L. Davies (13), Jacob Ennis (5), Thomas Eversberg (18), Oliver Garde (19), Tyler Gardner (5), Joan Guarro Fló (20), Stefan Kraus (13), Aaron Labdon (13), Cyprien Lanthermann (3 and 15), Robin Leadbeater (21), T. Lester (22), Courtney Maki (1), Brendan McBride (1), Dogus Ozuyar (23), J. Ribeiro (24), Benjamin Setterholm (5), Berthold Stober (25), Mackenna Wood (1), Uwe Zurmühl (26) ((1) Clarkson University, (2) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, (3) University of Auckland, (4) Georgia State University, (5) University of Michigan, (6) Institute of Astrophysics KU Leuven, (7) Centre de Recherche en Astrophysique du Quebec, (8) University of Edinburgh, (9) CRESST II & X-ray Astrophysics Laboratory, (10) The Catholic University of America, (11) University of Birmingham, (12) Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn, (13) University of Exeter, (14) University of Arizona, (15) Institut de Planetologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble France, (16) Observatori Puig d'Agulles Barcelona, (17) Georgia State University, (18) Schnorringen Telescope Science Institute Waldbrol Germany, (19) Observatoire de la Tourbiére France, (20) Piera Barcelona Spain, (21) The Birches Torpenhow Wigton Cumbria, (22) Arnprior Canada (23) Ankara University, (24) Observatorio do Centro de Informacao Geoespacial do Exercito Lisboa Portugal, (25) VdS Section Spectroscopy Germany, (26) Giesen Lower Saxony Germany)

10 pages, 5 figures

We present updated orbital elements for the Wolf-Rayet (WR) binary WR 140 (HD 193793; WC7pd + O5.5fc). The new orbital elements were derived using previously published measurements along with 160 new radial velocity measurements across the 2016 periastron passage of WR 140. Additionally, four new measurements of the orbital astrometry were collected with the CHARA Array. With these measurements, we derive stellar masses of $M_{\rm WR} = 10.31\pm0.45 M_\odot$ and $M_{\rm O} = 29.27\pm1.14 M_{\odot}$. We also include a discussion of the evolutionary history of this system from the Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis (BPASS) model grid to show that this WR star likely formed primarily through mass loss in the stellar winds, with only a moderate amount of mass lost or transferred through binary interactions.

Yuri Sato, Kaori Obayashi, Ryo Yamazaki, Kohta Murase, Yutaka Ohira

9 pages, 4 figures

Recently, ground-based Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes have reported the detection of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays from some gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). One of them, GRB~190829A, was triggered by the Swift satellite, and about 20000 s after the burst onset the VHE gamma-ray emission was detected by H.E.S.S. with ~ 5 sigma significance. This event had unusual features of having much smaller isotropic equivalent gamma-ray energy than typical long GRBs and achromatic peaks in X-ray and optical afterglow at about 1400 s. Here we propose an off-axis jet scenario that explains these observational results. In this model, the relativistic beaming effect is responsible for the apparently small isotropic gamma-ray energy and spectral peak energy. Using a jetted afterglow model, we find that the narrow jet, which has the initial Lorentz factor of 350 and the initial jet opening half-angle of 0.015 rad, viewed off-axis can describe the observed achromatic behavior in the X-ray and optical afterglow. Another wide, baryon-loaded jet is necessary for the later-epoch X-ray and radio emissions. According to our model, the VHE gamma rays observed by H.E.S.S. at 20000 s may come from the narrow jet through the synchrotron self-Compton process.

Manne Segerlund, Erin O'Sullivan, Evan O'Connor

7 pages + 6 pages of supplemental information, submitted to PRL, data and analysis scripts at this https URL

Neutrinos from a Galactic core-collapse supernova will be measured by neutrino detectors minutes to days before an optical signal reaches Earth. We present a novel calculation showing the ability of current and near-future neutrino detectors to make fast predictions of the progenitor distance and place constraints on the zero-age main sequence mass in order to inform the observing strategy for electromagnetic follow-up. We show that for typical Galactic supernovae, the distance can be constrained with an uncertainty of $\sim$5\% using IceCube or Hyper-K and, furthermore, the zero-age main sequence mass can be constrained for extremal values of compactness.

Axel Arbet-Engels, Dominik Baack, Matteo Balbo, Adrian Biland, Michael Blank, Thomas Bretz, Kai Bruegge, Michael Bulinski, Jens Buss, Manuel Doerr, Daniela Dorner, Dominik Elsaesser, Dorothee Hildebrand, Karl Mannheim, Sebastian Mueller, Dominik Neise, Maximilian Noethe, Aleksander Paravac, Wolfgang Rhode, Bernd Schleicher, Kevin Sedlaczek, Amit Shukla, Vitalii Sliusar, Roland Walter, Elan von Willert

10 pages, 8 figures, 1 table

The origin of the {\gamma}-ray emission of the blazar Mrk 421 is still a matter of debate. We used 5.5 years of unbiased observing campaign data, obtained using the FACT telescope and the Fermi LAT detector at TeV and GeV energies, the longest and densest so far, together with contemporaneous multi-wavelength observations, to characterise the variability of Mrk 421 and to constrain the underlying physical mechanisms. We studied and correlated light curves obtained by ten different instruments and found two significant results. The TeV and X-ray light curves are very well correlated with a lag of<0.6 days. The GeV and radio (15 Ghz band) light curves are widely and strongly correlated. Variations of the GeV light curve lead those in the radio. Lepto-hadronic and purely hadronic models in the frame of shock acceleration predict proton acceleration or cooling timescales that are ruled out by the short variability timescales and delays observed in Mrk 421. Instead the observations match the predictions of leptonic models.

Oliver Müller, Patrick R. Durrell, Francine R. Marleau, Pierre-Alain Duc, Sungsoon Lim, Lorenzo Posti, Adriano Agnello, Rúben Sánchez-Janssen, Mélina Poulain, Rebecca Habas, Eric Emsellem, Sanjaya Paudel, Remco F. J. van der Burg, Jérémy Fensch

16 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to APJ. Comments welcome

Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) are very low-surface brightness galaxies with large effective radii. Spectroscopic measurements of a few UDGs have revealed a low dark matter content, based on the internal motion of stars or globular clusters (GCs). This is in contrast to the large number of GCs found for these systems, from which it would be expected to correspond to a large dark matter halo mass. Here we present Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera Survey observations for the UDG MATLAS-2019 in the NGC5846 group of galaxies. Using images in the $F606W$ and $F814W$ filters, we trace the GC population two magnitudes below the peak of the GC luminosity function. Employing Bayesian considerations, we find a total of 37$\pm$5 GCs associated with the dwarf, which yields a large GC specific frequency of $S_N=84\pm 12$. Due to the superior image quality of the HST, we are able to resolve the GCs and measure their sizes, which are consistent with the sizes of GCs from Local Group galaxies. Using the linear relation between the total mass of a galaxy and the total mass of GCs we derive a halo mass of $1.3\pm0.2\times10^{11}$ M$_\odot$, corresponding to a mass-to-light ratio of over 1000. This suggests that either this UDG has an overly massive dark matter halo for its stellar mass, compared to other dwarfs -- though not as massive as the Milky Way -- or that the linear relation between the number of GCs and the dark matter halo mass breaks down for UDGs like MATLAS-2019. The high abundance of GCs, together with the small uncertainties, make MATLAS-2019 one of the most extreme UDGs, which likely sets an upper limit of the number of GCs for such objects.

Close-in gas giants are expected to have a strong magnetic field of $\sim 10-100$G. Magnetic fields in extrasolar giant planets are detectable by future radio observations in $\gtrsim 10$MHz and the spectropolarimetry of atomic lines. In contrast, the elusive interiors of exoplanets remain largely unknown. Here we consider the possibility of inferring the existence of the innermost cores of extrasolar giant planets through the detection of planetary magnetic fields. We simulated the long-term thermal evolution of close-in giant planets with masses of $0.2-10M_\mathrm{Jup}$ to estimate their magnetic field strengths. A young, massive gas giant tends to have a strong magnetic field. The magnetic field strength of a hot Jupiter is insensitive to its core mass, whereas the core strongly affects the emergence of a planetary dynamo in a hot Saturn. No dynamo-driven magnetic field is generated in a hot Saturn with no core or a small one until $\sim 10-100$Myr if metallization of hydrogen occurs at $\gtrsim 1-1.5$Mbar. The magnetic field strength of an evolved gas giant after $\sim 100\mathrm{Myr}$ is almost independent of the stellar incident flux. Detecting the magnetic field of a young, hot Saturn as a good indicator of its core may be challenging because of the weakness of radio signals and the shielding effect of plasma in the Earth's ionosphere. Hot Jupiters with $\gtrsim 0.4M_\mathrm{Jup}$ can be promising candidates for future ground-based radio observations.

K. Gazeas, S. Zola, A. Liakos, B. Zakrzewski, S.M. Rucinski, J.M. Kreiner, W. Ogloza, M. Drozdz, D. Koziel-Wierzbowska, G. Stachowski, M. Siwak, A. Baran, D. Kjurkchieva, D. Marchev, A. Erdem, S. Szalankiewicz

25 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables

This paper presents the results of a combined spectroscopic and photometric study of 20 contact binary systems: HV Aqr, OO Aql, FI Boo, TX Cnc, OT Cnc, EE Cet, RWCom, KR Com, V401 Cyg, V345 Gem, AK Her, V502 Oph, V566 Oph, V2612 Oph, V1363 Ori, V351 Peg, V357 Peg, Y Sex, V1123 Tau and W UMa, which was conducted in the frame of the W UMa Project. Together with 51 already covered by the project and an additional 67 in the existing literature, these systems bring the total number of contact binaries with known combined spectroscopic and photometric solutions to 138. It was found that mass, radius and luminosity of the components follow certain relations along the MS and new empirical power relations are extracted.We found that 30 per cent of the systems in the current sample show extreme values in their parameters, expressed in their mass ratio or fill-out factor. This study shows that, among the contact binary systems studied, some have an extremely low mass ratio (q < 0.1) or an ultra-short orbital period (Porb < 0.25 d), which are expected to show evidence of mass transfer progress. The evolutionary status of these components is discussed with the aid of correlation diagrams and their physical and orbital parameters compared to those in the entire sample of known contact binaries. The existence of very short orbital periods confirms the very slow nature of the merging process, which seems to explain why their components still exist as MS stars in contact confgurations even after several Gyr of evolution.

Naslim Neelamkodan, Kazuki Tokuda, Susmita Barman, Hiroshi Kondo, Hidetoshi Sano, Toshikazu Onishi

9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL)

We present the results of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observation in $^{12}$CO(1-0) emission at 0.58 $\times$ 0.52 pc$^2$ resolution toward the brightest HII region N66 of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The $^{12}$CO(1-0) emission toward the north of N66 reveals the clumpy filaments with multiple velocity components. Our analysis shows that a blueshifted filament at a velocity range 154.4-158.6 km s$^{-1}$ interacts with a redshifted filament at a velocity 158.0-161.8 km s$^{-1}$. A third velocity component in a velocity range 161-165.0 km s$^{-1}$ constitutes hub-filaments. An intermediate-mass young stellar object (YSO) and a young pre-main sequence star cluster have hitherto been reported in the intersection of these filaments. We find a V-shape distribution in the position-velocity diagram at the intersection of two filaments. This indicates the physical association of those filaments due to a cloud-cloud collision. We determine the collision timescale $\sim$ 0.2 Myr using the relative velocity ($\sim$ 5.1 km s$^{-1}$) and displacement ($\sim$ 1.1 pc) of those interacting filaments. These results suggest that the event occurred at about 0.2 Myr ago and triggered the star formation, possibly an intermediate-mass YSO. We report the first observational evidence for a cloud-cloud collision that triggers star formation in N66N of the low metallicity $\sim$0.2 Z$_{\odot}$ galaxy, the SMC, with similar kinematics as in N159W-South and N159E of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Li-Yang Gao, She-Sheng Xue, Xin Zhang

14 pages, 6 figures

We investigate an extended cosmological model motivated by the asymptotic safety of gravitational field theory, in which the matter and radiation densities and the cosmological constant receive a correction parametrized by the parameters $\delta_G$ and $\delta_\Lambda$, leading to that both the evolutions of the matter and radiation densities and the cosmological constant slightly deviate from the standard forms. Here we explain this model as a scenario of vacuum energy interacting with matter and radiation. We consider two cases of the model: (i) ${\tilde\Lambda}$CDM with one additional free parameter $\delta_G$ and (ii) e${\tilde\Lambda}$CDM with two additional free parameters $\delta_G$ and $\delta_\Lambda$. We use two data combinations, CMB+BAO+SN (CBS) and CMB+BAO+SN+$H_0$ (CBSH), to constrain the models. We find that, in the case of using the CBS data, neither ${\tilde\Lambda}$CDM nor e${\tilde\Lambda}$CDM can effectively alleviate the $H_0$ tension. However, it is found that using the CBSH data the $H_0$ tension can be greatly relieved by the models. In particular, in the case of e${\tilde\Lambda}$CDM, the $H_0$ tension can be resolved to 0.6$\sigma$. We find that as an interacting dark energy model, ${\tilde\Lambda}$CDM is much better than $\Lambda(t)$CDM in the sense of both relieving the $H_0$ tension and fitting to the current observational data.

B. I. Ciocan, B. L. Ziegler, M. Verdugo, P. Papaderos, K. Fogarty, M. Donahue, M. Postman

31 pages, 20 figures

We reveal the importance of ongoing in-situ star formation in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in the massive cool-core CLASH cluster MACS 1931.8-2635 at z=0.35. Using a multi-wavelength approach, we assess the stellar and warm ionized medium components, spatially resolved by the VLT-MUSE spectroscopy, and link them to the molecular gas by incorporating sub-mm ALMA observations. We measure the fluxes of strong emission lines, allowing us to determine the physical conditions of the warm ionized gas. The ionized gas flux brightness peak corresponds to the location of the supermassive black hole and the system shows a diffuse warm ionized gas tail extending 30 kpc in N-E direction. The ionized and molecular gas are co-spatial and co-moving, with the gaseous component in the tail falling inward, providing fuel for star formation and accretion-powered nuclear activity. The gas is ionized by a mix of star formation and other energetic processes which give rise to LINER-like emission, with active galactic nuclei emission dominant only in the BCG core. We measure a star formation rate of 97 Msun/yr, with its peak at the BCG core. However, star formation accounts for only 50-60% of the energetics needed to ionize the warm gas. In situ star formation generated by thermally unstable intracluster medium cooling and/or dry mergers dominate the stellar mass growth at z<0.5 and these mechanisms account for the build-up of 20% of the mass of the system. Our measurements reveal that the most central regions of the BCG contain the lowest gas phase oxygen abundance, whereas the tail exhibits slightly more elevated values. The galaxy is a dispersion dominated system, typical for massive, elliptical galaxies. The gas and stellar kinematics are decoupled, with the gaseous velocity fields being more closely related to the bulk motions of the intracluster medium.

Joachim Janz, Heikki Salo, Alan H. Su, Aku Venhola

17 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

The transformation of late-type galaxies has been suggested as the origin of early-type dwarf galaxies in galaxy clusters. Venhola et al. analysed correlations between colour and surface brightness for galaxies in the Fornax cluster binned by luminosity or stellar mass. In the bins with $M_\star<10^8 {\rm M}_\odot$, the authors identified a correlation of redness with fainter surface brightness and interpreted it as a consequence of the quenching of star formation by ram pressure stripping in the dwarf galaxies. We carry out a corresponding analysis for the Virgo cluster and find great similarities in these correlations between surface brightness and colour for the two clusters, despite expected differences in the strength of the ram pressure. Furthermore, we extend the analysis to a wider range of optical colours for both clusters and contrast the results with expectations for fading and reddening stellar populations. Overall the slopes of the surface brightness-colour relations are consistent with these models. In addition the sizes of the early- and late-type galaxies at these low masses are comparable. These two results are compatible with a transformation scenario. However, when analysing early- and late-type galaxies separately, the consistency of the slope of the surface brightness-colour relations with the model expectations for fading and reddening stellar population applies only to the late types. The lack of this imprint for the early-type dwarfs calls for some additional explanation, for which we discuss several possibilities. Finally, the Virgo cluster is an atypical cluster with a low fraction of quiescent early-type galaxies at all galaxy masses despite its large cluster mass. (abridged)

Ginevra Favole, Antonio D. Montero-Dorta, M. Celeste Artale, Sergio Contreras, Idit Zehavi, Xiaoju Xu

12 pages, 8 figures

We use the IllustrisTNG300 hydrodynamical simulation to study the dependence of the galaxy two-point correlation function on a broad range of secondary halo and galactic properties. We construct galaxy mock catalogues using a standard sub-halo abundance matching scheme coupled with a secondary assignment between galaxy colour or specific star formation rate and the following halo properties: starvation redshift z$_{\rm starve}$, concentration at infall, dark matter density contrast $\delta_R^{\rm env}$, tidal anisotropy $\alpha_R$, and tidal overdensity $\delta_R$. The last two quantities allow us to fully characterise the tidal field of our haloes, acting as mediators between their internal and large-scale properties. The resulting mock catalogues return different levels of agreement with the IllustrisTNG300 measurements and strongly depend on the secondary halo property employed. Among all the secondary halo properties tested, we find that z$_{\rm starve}$ and $\delta_R$ are the ones that best trace the large-scale structure, producing reliable clustering predictions for different samples of red/blue and quenched/star-forming galaxies.

Mengfei Zhang, Zhiyuan Li, Mark R. Morris

20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ

A pair of non-thermal radio bubbles recently discovered in the inner few hundred parsecs of the Galactic center bears a close spatial association with elongated, thermal X-ray features called the X-ray chimneys. While the morphology, position, and orientation vividly point to an outflow from the Galactic center, the physical processes responsible for the outflow remain to be understood. The simulation results show that a hot gas outflow can naturally form and acquire a vertically elongated shape due to collimation by the magnetic pressure. In particular, the simulation with an initial magnetic field strength of 80 $\mu$G and a supernova rate of 1 kyr$^{-1}$ can well reproduce the observed morphology, internal energy and X-ray luminosity of the bubbles after an evolutionary time of 330 kyr. On the other hand, a magnetic field strength of 200 $\mu$G gives rise to an overly elongated outflow that is inconsistent with the observed bubbles. The simulations also reveal that, inside the bubbles, mutual collisions between the shock waves of individual supernova remnants produce dense filaments of locally amplified magnetic field. Such filaments may account for a fraction of the synchrotron-emitting radio filaments known to exist in the Galactic center.

Matteo Correnti, Paul Goudfrooij, Andrea Bellini, Leo Girardi

11 pages, 10, figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present the analysis of the colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) morphology of the ~ 800 Myr old star cluster NGC1831 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, exploiting deep, high-resolution photometry obtained using the Wide Field Camera 3 onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. We perform a simultaneous analysis of the wide upper main sequence and main sequence turn-off observed in the cluster, to verify whether these features are due to an extended star formation or a range of stellar rotation rates, or a combination of these two effects. Comparing the observed CMD with Monte Carlo simulations of synthetic stellar populations, we derive that the morphology of NGC1831 can be fully explained in the context of the rotation velocity scenario, under the assumption of a bimodal distribution for the rotating stars, with ~40% of stars being slow-rotators ($\Omega$ / $\Omega_{crit}$ < 0.5) and the remaining ~ 60% being fast rotators ($\Omega$ / $\Omega_{crit}$ > 0.9). We derive the dynamical properties of the cluster, calculating the present cluster mass and escape velocity, and predicting their past evolution starting at an age of 10 Myr. We find that NGC1831 has an escape velocity $v_{esc}$ = 18.4 km/s, at an age of 10 Myr, above the previously suggested threshold of 15 km/s, below which the cluster cannot retain the material needed to create second-generation stars. These results, combined with those obtained from the CMD morphology analysis, indicate that for the clusters whose morphology cannot be easily explained only in the context of the rotation velocity scenario, the threshold limit should be at least ~ 20 km/s.

J. Rodi, A. Tramacere, F. Onori, G. Bruni, C. Sánchez-Fernández, M. Fiocchi, L. Natalucci, P. Ubertini

The microquasar MAXI J\(1820+070\) went into outburst from mid-March until mid-July 2018 with several faint rebrightenings afterwards. With a peak flux of approximately 4 Crab in the \(20-50\) keV, energy range the source was monitored across the electromagnetic spectrum with detections from radio to hard X-ray frequencies. Using these multi-wavelength observations, we analyzed quasi-simultaneous observations from 12 April, near the peak of the outburst (\(\sim 23\) March). Spectral analysis of the hard X-rays found a \(kT_e \sim 30 \) keV and \( \tau \sim 2\) with a \texttt{CompTT} model, indicative of an accreting black hole binary in the hard state. The flat/inverted radio spectrum and the accretion disk winds seen at optical wavelengths are also consistent with the hard state. Then we constructed a spectral energy distribution spanning \(\sim 12\) orders of magnitude using modelling in \texttt{JetSeT}. The model is composed of an irradiated disk with a Compton hump and a leptonic jet with an acceleration region and a synchrotron-dominated cooling region. \texttt{JetSeT} finds the spectrum is dominated by jet emission up to approximately \(10^{14}\) Hz after which disk and coronal emission dominate. The acceleration region has a magnetic field of \( B \sim 1.6 \times 10^4 \) G, a cross section of \(R \sim 2.8 \times 10^{9} \) cm, and a flat radio spectral shape naturally obtained from the synchroton cooling of the accelerated electrons. The jet luminosity of \(> 8 \times 10^{37} \) erg/s (\(> 0.15L_{Edd}\)) compared to an accretion luminosity of \( \sim 6 \times 10^{37}\) erg/s, assuming a distance of 3 kpc. Because these two values are comparable, it is possible the jet is powered predominately via accretion with only a small contribution needed from the Blanford-Znajek mechanism from the reportedly slowly spinning black hole.

Erlin Qiao, B.F. Liu

9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by MNRAS

When neutrons star low-mass X-ray binaries (NS-LMXBs) are in the low-level accretion regime (i.e., $L_{\rm X}\lesssim 10^{36}\ \rm erg\ s^{-1}$), the accretion flow in the inner region around the NS is expected to be existed in the form of the hot accretion flow, e.g., the advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) as that in black hole X-ray binaries. Following our previous studies in Qiao $\&$ Liu 2020a and 2020b on the ADAF accretion around NSs, in this paper, we investigate the radiative efficiency of NSs with an ADAF accretion in detail, showing that the radiative efficiency of NSs with an ADAF accretion is much lower than that of $\epsilon \sim {\dot M GM\over R_{*}}/{\dot M c^2}\sim 0.2$ despite the existence of the hard surface. As a result, given a X-ray luminosity $L_{\rm X}$ (e.g., between 0.5 and 10 keV), $\dot M$ calculated by $\dot M=L_{\rm X}{R_{*}\over {GM}}$ is lower than the real $\dot M$ calculated within the framework of the ADAF accretion. The real $\dot M$ can be more than two orders of magnitude higher than that of calculated by $\dot M=L_{\rm X}{R_{*}\over {GM}}$ with appropriate model parameters. Finally, we discuss that if applicable, the model of ADAF accretion around a NS can be applied to explain the observed millisecond X-ray pulsation in some NS-LMXBs (such as PSR J1023+0038, XSS J12270-4859 and IGR J17379-3747) at a lower X-ray luminosity of a few times of $10^{33}\ \rm erg\ s^{-1}$, since at this X-ray luminosity the calculated $\dot M$ with the model of ADAF accretion can be high enough to drive a fraction of the matter in the accretion flow to be channelled onto the surface of the NS forming the X-ray pulsation.

The $\gamma$-ray spectrum of the source HAWC J1825-134 measured with the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory extends beyond 200 TeV without any evidence for a steepening or cutoff. There are some indications that the $\gamma$-rays detected with HAWC were produced by cosmic ray protons or nuclei colliding with the ambient gas. Assuming primary protons, we inquire which shape of the primary proton spectrum is compatible with the HAWC measurements. We find that the primary proton spectrum with the power-law shape of $\gamma_{p} = 2.2$ and the cutoff energy $E_{c-p} > 700$ TeV describes the data well. However, much harder spectra with $\gamma_{p}$ down to 1.3 and $E_{c-p}$ as low as 200 TeV also do not contradict the HAWC measurements. The former option might be realized if the accelerator is inside or very near to the $\gamma$-ray production zone. The latter option is viable for the case of a cosmic ray source which effectively confines low-energy ($E_{p} < 100$ TeV) accelerated protons.

Victor Doroshenko, Andrea Santangelo, Sergey Tsygankov, Long Ji

6 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&A

The soft gamma-ray repeater candidate SGR 0755$-$2933 was discovered in 2016 by Swift/BAT, which detected a short ($\sim$30 ms) powerful burst typical of magnetars. To understand the nature of the source, we present here an analysis of follow-up observations of the tentative soft X-ray counterpart of the source obtained with Swift/XRT, NuSTAR and Chandra. From our analysis we conclude that, based on the observed counterpart position and properties, it is actually not a soft gamma ray repeater but rather a new high mass X-ray binary. We suggest to refer to it as 2SXPS J075542.5$-$293353. We conclude, therefore, that the available data do not allow us to confirm existence and identify the true soft X-ray counterpart to the burst event. Presence of a soft counterpart is, however, essential to unambiguously associate the burst with a magnetar flare, and thus we conclude that magnetar origin of the burst and precise burst location remain uncertain and require further investigation.

Vaidehi S. Paliya, A. Domínguez, M. Ajello, A. Olmo-García, D. Hartmann

to appear in the ApJ Supplement series

We present a catalog of central engine properties, i.e., black hole mass (mbh) and accretion luminosity (ld), for a sample of 1077 blazars detected with the Fermi~Large Area Telescope. This includes broad emission line systems and blazars whose optical spectra lack emission lines but dominated by the absorption features arising from the host galaxy. The average mbh for the sample is $\langle \log~M_{{\rm BH,all}~msun} \rangle=8.60$ and there are evidences suggesting the association of more massive black holes with absorption line systems. Our results indicate a bi-modality of ld~in Eddington units (ld/ledd) with broad line objects tend to have a higher accretion rate (ld/ledd$>$0.01). We have found that ld/ledd and Compton dominance (CD, the ratio of the inverse Compton to synchrotron peak luminosities) are positively correlated at $>$5$\sigma$ confidence level, suggesting that the latter can be used to reveal the state of accretion in blazars. Based on this result, we propose a CD based classification scheme. Sources with CD$>$1 can be classified as High-Compton Dominated or HCD blazars, whereas, that with CD$\lesssim$1 are Low-Compton Dominated (LCD) objects. This scheme is analogous to that based on the mass accretion rate proposed in the literature, however, it overcomes the limitation imposed by the difficulty in measuring ld and mbh for objects with quasi-featureless spectra. We conclude that the overall physical properties of Fermi blazars are likely to be controlled by the accretion rate in Eddington units. The catalog is made public at this http URL and Zenodo.

Daisuke Nakauchi, Kazuyuki Omukai, Hajime Susa

23 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Magnetic fields play such essential roles in star formation as transporting angular momentum and driving outflows from a star-forming cloud, thereby controlling the formation efficiency of a circumstellar disc and also multiple stellar systems. The coupling of magnetic fields to the gas depends on its ionization degree. We calculate the temperature evolution and ionization degree of a cloud for various metallicities of Z/Zsun = 1e-6, 1e-5, 1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 1e-1, and 1. We update the chemical network by reversing all the gas-phase processes and by considering grain-surface chemistry, including grain evaporation, thermal ionization of alkali metals, and thermionic emission from grains. The ionization degree at nH ~ 1e15-1e19 /cm^3 becomes up to eight orders of magnitude higher than that obtained in the previous model, owing to the thermionic emission and thermal ionization of K and Na, which have been neglected so far. Although magnetic fields dissipate owing to ambipolar diffusion or Ohmic loss at nH < 1e15 /cm^3, the fields recover strong coupling to the gas at nH ~ 1e15 /cm^3, which is lower by a few orders of magnitude compared to the previous work. We develop a reduced chemical network by choosing processes relevant to major coolants and charged species. The reduced network consists of 104 (161) reactions among 28 (38) species in the absence (presence, respectively) of ionization sources. The reduced model includes H2 and HD formation on grain surfaces as well as the depletion of O, C, OH, CO, and H2O on grain surfaces.

Diaa E. Fawzy, Manfred Cuntz

12 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables; accepted by MNRAS

We present theoretical models of chromospheric heating for 55 Cancri, an orange dwarf of relatively low activity. Self-consistent, nonlinear and time-dependent ab-initio numerical computations are pursued encompassing the generation, propagation, and dissipation of waves. We consider longitudinal waves operating among arrays of flux tubes as well as acoustic waves pertaining to nonmagnetic stellar regions. Additionally, flux enhancements for the longitudinal waves are also taken into account as supplied by transverse tube waves. The Ca II K fluxes are computed (multi-ray treatment) assuming partial redistribution as well as time-dependent ionization. The self-consistent treatment of time-dependent ionization (especially for hydrogen) greatly impacts the atmospheric temperatures and electron densities (especially behind the shocks); it also affects the emergent Ca II fluxes. Particularly, we focus on the influence of magnetic heating on the stellar atmospheric structure and the emergent Ca II emission, as well as the impact of nonlinearities. Our study shows that a higher photospheric magnetic filling factor entails a larger Ca II emission; however, an increased initial wave energy flux (e.g., associated with mode coupling) is of little difference. Comparisons of our theoretical results with observations will be conveyed in forthcoming Paper II.

Tahere Parto, Shahrzad Dehghani, Atefeh Javadi, Elham Saremi, Jacco Th. van Loon, Habib Khosroshahi, Mohammad Taghi Mirtorabi, Hedieh Abdollahi, Mahtab Gholami, Seyed Azim Hashemi, Mahdieh Navabi, Majedeh Noori, Sima Taefi Aghdam, Maryam Torki, Mahshid Vafaeizade

International Conference Astronomical Surveys and Big Data 2 (ASBD-2), Proceeding paper, Volume 67, pp.232-235

The Local Group (LG) hosts many dwarf galaxies with diverse physical characteristics in terms of morphology, mass, star formation, and metallicity. To this end, LG can offer a unique site to tackle questions about the formation and evolution of galaxies by providing detailed information. While large telescopes are often the first choices for such studies, small telescope surveys that perform dedicated observations are still important, particularly in studying bright objects in the nearby universe. In this regard, we conducted a nine epoch survey of 55 dwarf galaxies called the Local Group dwarf galaxies survey using the 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma to identify Long-Period Variable (LPV) stars, namely Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) and Red Super Giant (RSG) stars. AGB stars formed at different times and studying their radial distribution and mass-loss rate can shed light on the structure formation in galaxies. To further investigate the evolutionary path of these galaxies, we construct their star formation history (SFH) using the LPV stars, which are at the final stages of their evolution and therefore experience brightness fluctuations on the timescales between hundred to thousand days. In this paper, we present some of the results of the Local Group dwarf galaxies survey.

Muryel Guolo-Pereira (1), Daniel Ruschel-Dutra (1), Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann (2), Allan Schnorr-Müller (2), Roberto Cid Fernandes (1), Guilherme Couto (3), Natacha Dametto (3), Jose A Hernandez-Jimenez (4) ((1) Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil (2) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (3) Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile (4) Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile)

20 pages, 13 Figs, Accepted for publication to the MNRAS

Galaxy mergers are central to our understanding of galaxy formation, especially within the context of hierarchical models. Besides having a large impact on the star formation history, mergers are also able to influence gas motions at the centre of galaxies and trigger an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). In this paper, we present a case study of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992, which together with NGC 2993 forms the early-stage merger system Arp 245. Using Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) integral field unit (IFU) data from the inner 1.1 kpc of the galaxy we were able to spatially resolve the stellar populations, the ionisation mechanism and kinematics of ionised gas. From full spectral synthesis, we found that the stellar population is primarily composed by old metal-rich stars (t $\geq$ 1.4 Gyr, $Z \geq 2.0$\zsun), with a contribution of at most 30 per cent of the light from a young and metal-poor population (t $\leq$ 100 Myr, $Z \leq 1.0$\zsun). We detect \halpha and \hbeta emission from the Broad Line Region (BLR) with a Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHM) of $\sim$ 2000\kms. The Narrow Line Region (NLR) kinematics presents two main components: one from gas orbiting the galaxy disk and a blueshifted (velocity $\approx$ -200\kms) outflow, possibly correlated with the radio emission, with mass outflow rate of $\sim$ 2 M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ and a kinematic power of $\sim$ 2 $\times 10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}$ (\Eout/\Lbol $\approx$ 0.2 per cent). We also show even though the main ionisation mechanism is the AGN radiation, ionisation by young stars and shocks may also contribute to the emission line ratios presented in the innermost region of the galaxy.

Andreas Irrgang, Markus Dimpel, Ulrich Heber, Roberto Raddi

Accepted for publication in A&A (Astronomy and Astrophysics)

Since the discovery of hypervelocity stars in 2005, it has been widely believed that only the disruption of a binary system by a supermassive black hole at the Galactic center (GC), that is, the so-called Hills mechanism, is capable of accelerating stars to beyond the Galactic escape velocity. In the meantime, however, driven by the Gaia space mission, there is mounting evidence that many of the most extreme high-velocity early-type stars at high Galactic latitudes do originate in the Galactic disk and not in the GC. Moreover, the ejection velocities of these extreme disk-runaway stars exceed the predicted limits of the classical scenarios for the production of runaway stars. Based on proper motions from the Gaia early data release 3 and on recent and new spectrophotometric distances, we studied the kinematics of 30 such extreme disk-runaway stars, allowing us to deduce their spatial origins in and their ejection velocities from the Galactic disk with unprecedented precision. Only three stars in the sample have past trajectories that are consistent with an origin in the GC, most notably S5-HVS1, which is the most extreme object in the sample by far. All other program stars are shown to be disk runaways with ejection velocities that sharply contrast at least with classical ejection scenarios. They include HVS5 and HVS6, which are both gravitationally unbound to the Milky Way. While most stars originate from within a galactocentric radius of 15kpc, which corresponds to the observed extent of the spiral arms, a group of five stars stems from radii of about 21-29kpc. This indicates a possible link to outer Galactic rings and a potential origin from infalling satellite galaxies.

Michael S. Phillips, Jeffrey E. Moersch, Christina E. Viviano, Joshua P. Emery

A thermophysical model was developed to test the viability of 57 candidate hollow-forming volatiles within the hollow-formation model framework of Blewett et al. (2013). We find that the thermophysical properties of elemental sulfur (S) combined with the abundance of S on Mercury, make it the most likely hollow-forming volatile explored in this study. We propose a novel model for hollow formation in which a subsurface heat source drives sulfur-rich systems that deposit volatiles (importantly, S) in the near-surface at night within a "sulfur permafrost zone", and daytime solar heating drives sublimation to form hollows.

Greg Olmschenk, Stela Ishitani Silva, Gioia Rau, Richard K. Barry, Ethan Kruse, Luca Cacciapuoti, Veselin Kostov, Brian P. Powell, Edward Wyrwas, Jeremy D. Schnittman, Thomas Barclay

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission measured light from stars in ~75% of the sky throughout its two year primary mission, resulting in millions of TESS 30-minute cadence light curves to analyze in the search for transiting exoplanets. To search this vast data trove for transit signals, we aim to provide an approach that is both computationally efficient and produces highly performant predictions. This approach minimizes the required human search effort. We present a convolutional neural network, which we train to identify planetary transit signals and dismiss false positives. To make a prediction for a given light curve, our network requires no prior transit parameters identified using other methods. Our network performs inference on a TESS 30-minute cadence light curve in ~5ms on a single GPU, enabling large scale archival searches. We present 181 new planet candidates identified by our network, which pass subsequent human vetting designed to rule out false positives. Our neural network model is additionally provided as open-source code for public use and extension.

C. Pannetier, D. Mourard, P. Berio, F. Cassaing, F. Allouche, N. Anugu, C. Bailet, T. ten Brummelaar, J. Dejonghe, D. Gies, L. Jocou, S. Kraus, S. Lacour, S. Lagarde, J. B. Le Bouquin, D. Lecron, J. Monnier, N. Nardetto, F. Patru, K. Perraut, R. Petrov, S. Rousseau, P. Stee, J. Sturmann, L. Sturmann

CHARA/SPICA (Stellar Parameters and Images with a Cophased Array) is currently being developed at Observatoire de la C\^ote d'Azur. It will be installed at the visible focus of the CHARA Array by the end of 2021. It has been designed to perform a large survey of fundamental stellar parameters with, in the possible cases, a detailed imaging of the surface or environment of stars. To reach the required precision and sensitivity, CHARA/SPICA combines a low spectral resolution mode R = 140 in the visible and single-mode fibers fed by the AO stages of CHARA. This setup generates additional needs before the interferometric combination: the compensation of atmospheric refraction and longitudinal dispersion, and the fringe stabilization. In this paper, we present the main features of the 6-telescopes fibered visible beam combiner (SPICA-VIS) together with the first laboratory and on-sky results of the fringe tracker (SPICA-FT). We describe also the new fringe-tracker simulator developed in parallel to SPICA-FT.

K.G. Klein, J.L. Verniero, B. Alterman, S. Bale, A. Case, J.C. Kasper, K. Korreck, D. Larson, E. Lichko, R. Livi, M. McManus, M. Martinović, A. Rahmati, M. Stevens, P. Whittlesey

10 pages, 9 figures, accepted in ApJ

The hot and diffuse nature of the Sun's extended atmosphere allows it to persist in non-equilibrium states for long enough that wave-particle instabilities can arise and modify the evolution of the expanding solar wind. Determining which instabilities arise, and how significant a role they play in governing the dynamics of the solar wind, has been a decades-long process involving in situ observations at a variety of radial distances. With new measurements from Parker Solar Probe (PSP), we can study what wave modes are driven near the Sun, and calculate what instabilities are predicted for different models of the underlying particle populations. We model two hours-long intervals of PSP/SPAN-i measurements of the proton phase-space density during PSP's fourth perihelion with the Sun using two commonly used descriptions for the underlying velocity distribution. The linear stability and growth rates associated with the two models are calculated and compared. We find that both selected intervals are susceptible to resonant instabilities, though the growth rates and kind of modes driven unstable vary depending on if the protons are modeled using one or two components. In some cases, the predicted growth rates are large enough to compete with other dynamic processes, such as the nonlinear turbulent transfer of energy, in contrast with relatively slower instabilities at larger radial distances from the Sun.

Dario Fadda (1), Seppo Laine (2), Philip N. Appleton (2) ((1) SOFIA Science Center/USRA, (2) IPAC/Caltech)

19 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present new SOFIA [CII] and ALMA CO(J=1-0) observations of the nearby asymmetric barred spiral galaxy NGC 7479. The data, which cover the whole bar of the galaxy and the counter-arms visible in the radio continuum, are analyzed in conjunction with a wealth of existing visible, infrared, radio, and X-ray data. As in most normal galaxies, the [CII] emission is generally consistent with emission from cooling gas excited by photoelectric heating in photo-dissociation regions. However, anomalously high [CII]/CO ratios are seen at the two ends of the counter-arms. Both ends show shell-like structures, possibly bubbles, in H-alpha emission. In addition, the southern end has [CII] to infrared emission ratios inconsistent with normal star formation. Because there is little HI emission at this location, the [CII] emission probably originates in warm shocked molecular gas heated by the interaction of the radio jet forming the counter-arms with the interstellar medium in the galaxy. At two other locations, the high [CII]/CO ratios provide evidence for the existence of patches of CO-dark molecular gas. The [CII] and CO observations also reveal resolved velocity components along the bar. In particular, the CO emission can be separated into two components associated to gas along the leading edge of the bar and gas trailing the bar. The trailing gas component that amounts to approximately 40% of the gas around the bar region may be related to a minor merger.

D. Sebastian, P. P. Pedersen, C. A. Murray, E. Ducrot, L. J. Garcia, A. Burdanov, F. J. Pozuelos, L. Delrez, R. Wells, G. Dransfield, M. Gillon, B.-O. Demory, D. Queloz, A. H.M.J. Triaud, J. de Wit, E. Jehin, Y. Gómez Maqueo Chew, M. N. Günther, P. Niraula, B. V. Rackham, N. Schanche, S. Sohy, S. Thompson

16 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Proceedings of SPIE

SPECULOOS (Search for habitable Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars) aims to perform a transit search on the nearest ($<40$pc) ultracool ($<3000$K) dwarf stars. The project's main motivation is to discover potentially habitable planets well-suited for detailed atmospheric characterisation with upcoming giant telescopes, like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and European Large Telescope (ELT). The project is based on a network of 1m robotic telescopes, namely the four ones of the SPECULOOS-Southern Observatory (SSO) in Cerro Paranal, Chile, one telescope of the SPECULOOS-Northern Observatory (SNO) in Tenerife, and the SAINT-Ex telescope in San Pedro M\'artir, Mexico. The prototype survey of the SPECULOOS project on the 60~cm TRAPPIST telescope (Chile) discovered the TRAPPIST-1 system, composed of seven temperate Earth-sized planets orbiting a nearby (12~pc) Jupiter-sized star. In this paper, we review the current status of SPECULOOS, its first results, the plans for its development, and its connection to the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and JWST.

Filipe A. Ferreira, W. J. B. Corradi, F. F. S. Maia, M. S. Angelo, J. F. C. Santos Jr

5 pages, 4 figures, Accepted in MNRAS Jan-2021

We report the discovery of 34 new open clusters and candidates as a result of a systematic search carried out in 200 adjacent fields of 1x1 square degrees area projected towards the Galactic bulge, using Gaia DR2 data. The objects were identified and characterized by a joint analysis of their photometric, kinematic and spatial distribution, which has been consistently used and proved to be effective in our previous works. The discoveries were validated by cross-referencing the objects position and astrometric parameters with the available literature. Besides their coordinates and astrometric parameters, we also provide sizes, ages, distances and reddening for the discovered objects. In particular, 32 clusters are closer than 2 kpc from the Sun, which represents an increment of nearly 39% of objects with astrophysical parameters determined in the nearby inner disk. Although these objects fill an important gap in the open clusters distribution along the Sagittarius arm, this arm, traced by known clusters, appears to be interrupted, which may be an artifact due to the incompleteness of the cluster census.

Tim Lichtenberg, Dan J. Bower, Mark Hammond, Ryan Boukrouche, Patrick Sanan, Shang-Min Tsai, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert

Accepted for publication in JGR Planets; 23 pages, 10 figures; summaries available at this https URL (blog) and this http URL (video)

The earliest atmospheres of rocky planets originate from extensive volatile release during magma ocean epochs that occur during assembly of the planet. These establish the initial distribution of the major volatile elements between different chemical reservoirs that subsequently evolve via geological cycles. Current theoretical techniques are limited in exploring the anticipated range of compositional and thermal scenarios of early planetary evolution, even though these are of prime importance to aid astronomical inferences on the environmental context and geological history of extrasolar planets. Here, we present a coupled numerical framework that links an evolutionary, vertically-resolved model of the planetary silicate mantle with a radiative-convective model of the atmosphere. Using this method we investigate the early evolution of idealized Earth-sized rocky planets with end-member, clear-sky atmospheres dominated by either H$_2$, H$_2$O, CO$_2$, CH$_4$, CO, O$_2$, or N$_2$. We find central metrics of early planetary evolution, such as energy gradient, sequence of mantle solidification, surface pressure, or vertical stratification of the atmosphere, to be intimately controlled by the dominant volatile and outgassing history of the planet. Thermal sequences fall into three general classes with increasing cooling timescale: CO, N$_2$, and O$_2$ with minimal effect, H$_2$O, CO$_2$, and CH$_4$ with intermediate influence, and H$_2$ with several orders of magnitude increase in solidification time and atmosphere vertical stratification. Our numerical experiments exemplify the capabilities of the presented modeling framework and link the interior and atmospheric evolution of rocky exoplanets with multi-wavelength astronomical observations.

Time-like linear dilaton triggers, at the classical level, the creation of closed folded strings at an instant. We show that in cosmology these instant folded strings induce negative pressure at no energy cost. Hence they seem to allow an era in which the energy density increases (decreases) while the universe is expanding (contracting). This and other aspects of instant folded strings suggest that they might shed new light on the origin of the arrow of time.

Luca Di Luzio, Guido Martinelli, Gioacchino Piazza

7 pages, 3 figures

We show that the commonly adopted hot dark matter (HDM) bound on the axion mass $m_a \lesssim$ 1 eV is not reliable, since it is obtained by extrapolating the chiral expansion in a region where the effective field theory breaks down. This is explicitly shown via the calculation of the axion-pion thermalization rate at the next-to-leading order in chiral perturbation theory. We finally advocate a strategy for a sound extraction of the axion HDM bound via lattice QCD techniques.

Yong Du, Jiang-Hao Yu

37 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, with auxiliary Mathematica notebook included

The number of relativistic species, $N_{\rm eff}$, has been precisely calculated in the standard model, and would be measured to the percent level by CMB-S4 in future. Neutral-current non-standard interactions would affect neutrino decoupling in the early Universe, thus modifying $N_{\rm eff}$. We parameterize those operators up to dimension-7 in the effective field theory framework, and then provide a complete, generic and analytical dictionary for the collision term integrals. From precision measurements of $N_{\rm eff}$, the most stringent constraint is obtained for the dimension-6 vector-type neutrino-electron operator, whose scale is constrained to be above about 195 (331) GeV from Planck (CMB-S4). We find our results complementary to other experiments like neutrino coherent scattering, neutrino oscillation, collider, and neutrino deep inelastic scattering experiments.

Heavy fields of Hubble scale order present during inflation contribute to the non-Gaussian signature for the three-point function of the inflaton. Taking into account that Hubble scale is around the scale of grand unified theory (GUT), this opens a possibility that the GUT scale signatures, which are very hard to be discovered at collider, might be detectable by using information from the precise observations of cosmic microwave background. We discuss a detactability of the $X, Y$ gauge boson present in any GUT in a framework of cosmological collider physics. Calculating one-loop contributions of $X, Y$ gauge bosons to the inflaton three-point functions, we find a remarkable result that one-loop diagram with interactions originated from the mass terms of $X, Y$ gauge bosons provides an enhancement factor expressed by the ratio between the $X, Y$ gauge boson mass and Hubble scale as $(m_X/H)^4$. In an estimation of the non-Gaussianity, this factor is crucial and its impact on the detactability of $X, Y$ gauge bosons is discussed.

We revisit the squeezed-limit non-Gaussianity in the single-field non-attractor inflation models from the viewpoint of the cosmological soft theorem. In the single-field attractor models, inflaton's trajectories with different initial conditions effectively converge into a single trajectory in the phase space, and hence there is only one clock degree of freedom (DoF) in the scalar part. Its long-wavelength perturbations can be absorbed into the local coordinate renormalization and lead to the so-called consistency relation between $n$- and $(n+1)$-point functions. On the other hand, if the inflaton dynamics deviates from the attractor behavior, its long-wavelength perturbations cannot necessarily be absorbed and the consistency relation is expected not to hold any longer. In this work, we derive a formula for the squeezed bispectrum including the explicit correction to the consistency relation, as a proof of its violation in the non-attractor cases. First one must recall that non-attractor inflation needs to be followed by attractor inflation in a realistic case. Then, even if a specific non-attractor phase is effectively governed by a single DoF of phase space (represented by the exact ultra-slow-roll limit) and followed by a single-DoF attractor phase, its transition phase necessarily involves two DoF in dynamics and hence its long-wavelength perturbations cannot be absorbed into the local coordinate renormalization. Thus, it can affect local physics, even taking account of the so-called local observer effect, as shown by the fact that the bispectrum in the squeezed limit can go beyond the consistency relation. More concretely, the observed squeezed bispectrum does not vanish in general for long-wavelength perturbations exiting the horizon during a non-attractor phase.

J. Praks, M. Rizwan Mughal, R. Vainio, P. Janhunen, J. Envall, P. Oleynik, A. Näsilä, H. Leppinen, P. Niemelä, A. Slavinskis, J. Gieseler, P. Toivanen, T. Tikka, T. Peltola, A. Bosser, G. Schwarzkopf, N. Jovanovic, B. Riwanto, A. Kestilä, A. Punkkinen, R. Punkkinen, H.-P. Hedman, T. Säntti, J.-O. Lill, J.M.K. Slotte, H. Kettunen, A. Virtanen

41 pages, 16 figures, accepted to Acta Astronautica, 2021

The design, integration, testing, and launch of the first Finnish satellite Aalto-1 is briefly presented in this paper. Aalto-1, a three-unit CubeSat, launched into Sun-synchronous polar orbit at an altitude of approximately 500 km, is operational since June 2017. It carries three experimental payloads: Aalto Spectral Imager (AaSI), Radiation Monitor (RADMON), and Electrostatic Plasma Brake (EPB). AaSI is a hyperspectral imager in visible and near-infrared (NIR) wavelength bands, RADMON is an energetic particle detector and EPB is a de-orbiting technology demonstration payload. The platform was designed to accommodate multiple payloads while ensuring sufficient data, power, radio, mechanical and electrical interfaces. The design strategy of platform and payload subsystems consists of in-house development and commercial subsystems. The CubeSat Assembly, Integration & Test (AIT) followed Flatsat -- Engineering-Qualification Model (EQM) -- Flight Model (FM) model philosophy for qualification and acceptance. The paper briefly describes the design approach of platform and payload subsystems, their integration and test campaigns, and spacecraft launch. The paper also describes the ground segment & services that were developed by the Aalto-1 team.

Philippe Brax, Clare Burrage

38 pages, 4 figures

Light scalar fields that couple to matter through the Higgs portal mediate long range fifth forces. We show how the mixing of a light scalar with the Higgs field can lead to this fifth force being screened around macroscopic objects. This behaviour can only be seen by considering both scalar fields as dynamical, and is missed if the mixing between the Higgs field and the scalar field is not taken into account. We explain under which conditions the naive "integrating out" procedure fails, i.e. when the mass matrix of the Higgs-scalars system has a nearly vanishing mass eigenvalue. The resulting flat direction in field space can be lifted at the quadratic order in the presence of matter and the resulting fifth force mediated by the Higgs portal can be screened either when the gravitating objects are large enough or their surface Newton potential exceeds a threshold. Finally we discuss the implications of these results for nearly massless relaxion models.

This work proposes a continuum-based approach for the propagation of uncertainties in the initial conditions and parameters for the analysis and prediction of spacecraft re-entries. Using the continuity equation together with the re-entry dynamics, the joint probability distribution of the uncertainties is propagated in time for specific sampled points. At each time instant, the joint probability distribution function is then reconstructed from the scattered data using a gradient-enhanced linear interpolation based on a simplicial representation of the state space. Uncertainties in the initial conditions at re-entry and in the ballistic coefficient for three representative test cases are considered: a three-state and a six-state steep Earth re-entry and a six-state unguided lifting entry at Mars. The paper shows the comparison of the proposed method with Monte Carlo based techniques in terms of quality of the obtained marginal distributions and runtime as a function of the number of samples used.

The US astronomy/astrophysics community comes together to create a decadal report that summarizes grant funding priorities, observatory & instrumental priorities as well as community accomplishments and community goals such as increasing the number of women and the number of people from underrepresented groups. In the 2010 US National Academies Decadal Survey of Astronomy (National Research Council, 2010), it was suggested that having to move so frequently which is a career necessity may be unattractive to people wanting to start a family, especially impacting women. Whether in Europe or elsewhere, as postdocs, astrophysicists will relocate every two to three years, until they secure a permanent position or leave research altogether. Astrophysicists do perceive working abroad as important and positive for their careers (Parenti, 2002); however, it was found that the men at equal rank had not had to spend as much time abroad to further their careers (Fohlmeister & Helling, 2012). By implication, women need to work abroad longer or have more positions abroad to achieve the same rank as men. Astrophysicists living in the United Kingdom prefer to work in their country of origin, but many did not do so because of worse working conditions or difficultly finding a job for their spouse (Fohlmeister & Helling, 2014). In sum, mobility and moving is necessary for a career in astrophysics, and even more necessary for women, but astrophysicists prefer not to move as frequently as needed to maintain a research career. To gather more data on these issues and to broaden the discourse beyond male/female to include the gender diverse as well as to include other forms of diversity, I designed the ASTROMOVES project which is funded through a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. Though slowed down by COVID-19, several interviews have been conducted and some preliminary results will be presented.

David Keitel, Rodrigo Tenorio, Gregory Ashton, Reinhard Prix

4 pages. Submitted to the Journal of Open Source Software. Software repository: this https URL

Gravitational waves in the sensitivity band of ground-based detectors can be emitted by a number of astrophysical sources, including not only binary coalescences, but also individual spinning neutron stars. The most promising signals from such sources, although not yet detected, are long-lasting, quasi-monochromatic Continuous Waves (CWs). The PyFstat package provides tools to perform a range of CW data-analysis tasks. It revolves around the F-statistic, a matched-filter detection statistic for CW signals that has been one of the standard methods for LIGO-Virgo CW searches for two decades. PyFstat is built on top of established routines in LALSuite but through its more modern Python interface it enables a flexible approach to designing new search strategies. Hence, it serves a dual function of (i) making LALSuite CW functionality more easily accessible through a Python interface, thus facilitating the new user experience and, for developers, the exploratory implementation of novel methods; and (ii) providing a set of production-ready search classes for use cases not yet covered by LALSuite itself, most notably for MCMC-based followup of promising candidates from wide-parameter-space searches.

Jose Nijaid Arredondo, Nicholas Loutrel

16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to CQG

Eccentric compact binaries pose not only a challenge for gravitational wave detectors, but also provide a probe into the nuclear equation of state if one of the objects is a neutron star. At the short pericenter passage, tidal interactions excite f-modes on the star, which in turn emit their own gravitational waves. We derive an analytic waveform for these stellar oscillations within the effective fly-by framework, modeling the emission to leading post-Newtonian order. At this order, the f-mode response can be written in a Fourier decomposition in terms of orbital harmonics, with the amplitudes of each harmonic depending on Hansen coefficients. Re-summing the harmonics of the f-mode results in a simple decaying harmonic oscillator, with the amplitude now determined by a Hansen coefficient of complex harmonic number. We compute the match ${\cal{M}}$ between the re-summed f-mode and numerical integrations of the tidal response, and find ${\cal{M}} > 0.97$ for systems with high orbital eccentriciy $(e > 0.9)$ and low semi-latus rectum $(p < 12 M)$. We further compare our model to modes generated from multiple pericenter passages under the effect of radiation reaction, and discuss issues related to the timing of pericenter passages and its impact on the model.