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Papers for Thursday, Feb 11 2021

Papers with local authors

Adrian E. Bayer, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Elena Massara, Jia Liu, David N. Spergel, Licia Verde, Benjamin Wandelt, Matteo Viel, Shirley Ho

15 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

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Paper 3 — arXiv:2102.05049
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2102.05049

We quantify the information content of the non-linear matter power spectrum, the halo mass function, and the void size function, using the Quijote N-body simulations. We find that these three statistics exhibit very different degeneracies amongst the cosmological parameters, and thus the combination of all three probes enables the breaking of degeneracies, in turn yielding remarkably tight constraints. We perform a Fisher analysis using the full covariance matrix, including all auto- and cross-correlations, finding that this increases the information content for neutrino mass compared to a correlation-free analysis. The multiplicative improvement of the constraints on the cosmological parameters obtained by combining all three probes compared to using the power spectrum alone are: 137, 5, 8, 20, 10, and 43, for $\Omega_m$, $\Omega_b$, $h$, $n_s$, $\sigma_8$, and $M_\nu$, respectively. The marginalized error on the sum of the neutrino masses is $\sigma(M_\nu)=0.018\,{\rm eV}$ for a cosmological volume of $1\,(h^{-1}{\rm Gpc})^3$, using $k_{\max}=0.5\,h{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$, and without CMB priors. We note that this error is an underestimate insomuch as we do not consider super-sample covariance, baryonic effects, and realistic survey noises and systematics. On the other hand, it is an overestimate insomuch as our cuts and binning are suboptimal due to restrictions imposed by the simulation resolution. Given upcoming galaxy surveys will observe volumes spanning $\sim 100\,(h^{-1}{\rm Gpc})^3$, this presents a promising new avenue to measure neutrino mass without being restricted by the need for accurate knowledge of the optical depth, which is required for CMB-based measurements. Furthermore, the improved constraints on other cosmological parameters, notably $\Omega_m$, may also be competitive with CMB-based measurements.

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Paper 36 — arXiv:2102.05420
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2102.05420

We present a revised characterisation of the previously discovered transiting planet systems HATS-34 and HATS-46. We make use of the newly available space-based light curves from the NASA TESS mission and high-precision parallax and absolute photometry measurements from the ESA Gaia mission to determine the mass and radius of the planets and host stars with dramatically increased precision and accuracy compared to published values, with the uncertainties in some parameters reduced by as much as a factor of seven. Using an isochrone based fit, for HATS-34 we measure a revised host star mass and radius of $0.952_{-0.02}^{+0.04}M_S$ and of $0.9381\pm0.0080R_S$, respectively, and a revised mass and radius for the transiting planet of $0.951\pm0.050 M_J$ and $1.282 \pm0.064 R_J$ respectively. Similarly, for HATS-46 we measure a revised mass and radius for the host star of $0.869\pm0.023M_S$, and $0.894\pm0.010 R_S$, respectively, and a revised mass and radius for the planet of $0.158 \pm0.042 M_J$, and $0.951 \pm 0.029 R_J$, respectively. The uncertainties that we determine on the stellar and planetary masses and radii are also substantially lower than re-determinations that incorporate the Gaia results without performing a full re-analysis of the light curves and other observational data. We argue that, in light of Gaia and TESS, a full re-analysis of previously discovered transiting planets is warranted.

All other papers

We present a spatially resolved analysis of ionized gas at the nuclear region of the nearby galaxy NGC 1068. While NGC 1068 has been known to have gas outflows driven by its active galactic nucleus (AGN), more complex kinematical signatures were recently reported, which were inconsistent with a rotation or simple biconical outflows. To account for the nature of gas kinematics, we performed a spatially resolved kinematical study, finding a morphologically symmetric pair of approaching and receding gas blobs in the northeast region. The midpoint of the two blobs is located at a distance of 180 pc from the nucleus in the projected plane. The ionized gas at the midpoint shows zero velocity and high velocity dispersion, which are characteristics of an outflow-launching position, as the two sides of a bicone, i.e., approaching and receding outflows are superposed on the line of sight, leading to no velocity shift but high velocity dispersion. We investigate the potential scenario of an additional AGN based on a multiwavelength data set. While there are other possibilities, i.e., X-ray binary or supernova shock, the results from optical spectropolarimetry analysis are consistent with the presence of an additional AGN, which likely originates from a minor merger.

Zhoujian Zhang (1), Michael C. Liu (1), William M. J. Best (2), Trent J. Dupuy (3 and 4), Robert J. Siverd (3) ((1) Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI, USA, (2) Department of Astronomy, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA, (3) Gemini Observatory/NSF's NOIRLab, Hilo, HI, USA, (4) Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, UK)

ApJ, in press. 27 pages including 6 figures and 5 tables

We present a search for new planetary-mass members of nearby young moving groups (YMGs) using astrometry for 694 T and Y dwarfs, including 447 objects with parallaxes, mostly produced by recent large parallax programs from UKIRT and Spitzer. Using the BANYAN $\Sigma$ and LACEwING algorithms, we identify 30 new candidate YMG members, with spectral types of T0$-$T9 and distances of $10-43$ pc. Some candidates have unusually red colors and/or faint absolute magnitudes compared to field dwarfs with similar spectral types, providing supporting evidence for their youth, including 4 early-T dwarfs. We establish one of these, the variable T1.5 dwarf 2MASS J21392676$+$0220226, as a new planetary-mass member ($14.6^{+3.2}_{-1.6}$ M$_{\rm Jup}$) of the Carina-Near group ($200\pm50$ Myr) based on its full six-dimensional kinematics, including a new parallax measurement from CFHT. The high-amplitude variability of this object is suggestive of a young age, given the coexistence of variability and youth seen in previously known YMG T dwarfs. Our four latest-type (T8$-$T9) YMG candidates, WISE J031624.35$+$430709.1, ULAS J130217.21$+$130851.2, WISEPC J225540.74$-$311841.8, and WISE J233226.49$-$432510.6, if confirmed, will be the first free-floating planets ($\approx2-6$ M$_{\rm Jup}$) whose ages and luminosities are compatible with both hot-start and cold-start evolutionary models, and thus overlap the properties of the directly-imaged planet 51 Eri b. Several of our early/mid-T candidates have peculiar near-infrared spectra, indicative of heterogenous photospheres or unresolved binarity. Radial velocity measurements needed for final membership assessment for most of our candidates await upcoming 20$-$30 meter class telescopes. In addition, we compile all 15 known T7$-$Y1 benchmarks and derive a homogeneous set of their effective temperatures, surface gravities, radii, and masses.

Devontae C. Baxter, M. C. Cooper, Sean P. Fillingham

11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Observations suggest that satellite quenching plays a major role in the build-up of passive, low-mass galaxies at late cosmic times. Studies of low-mass satellites, however, are limited by the ability to robustly characterize the local environment and star-formation activity of faint systems. In an effort to overcome the limitations of existing data sets, we utilize deep photometry in Stripe 82 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, in conjunction with a neural network classification scheme, to study the suppression of star formation in low-mass satellite galaxies in the local Universe. Using a statistically-driven approach, we are able to push beyond the limits of existing spectroscopic data sets, measuring the satellite quenched fraction down to satellite stellar masses of ${\sim}10^7~{\rm M}_{\odot}$ in group environments (${M}_{\rm{halo}} = 10^{13-14}~h^{-1}~{\rm M}_{\odot}$). At high satellite stellar masses ($\gtrsim 10^{10}~{\rm M}_{\odot}$), our analysis successfully reproduces existing measurements of the quenched fraction based on spectroscopic samples. Pushing to lower masses, we find that the fraction of passive satellites increases, potentially signaling a change in the dominant quenching mechanism at ${M}_{\star} \sim 10^{9}~{\rm M}_{\odot}$. Similar to the results of previous studies of the Local Group, this increase in the quenched fraction at low satellite masses may correspond to an increase in the efficacy of ram-pressure stripping as a quenching mechanism in groups.

Alessandro Lupi, Zoltan Haiman, Marta Volonteri

15 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, submitted to MNRAS

The presence of massive black holes (BHs) with masses of order $10^9\rm\, M_\odot$, powering bright quasars when the Universe was less than 1 Gyr old, poses strong constraints on their formation mechanism. Several scenarios have been proposed to date to explain massive BH formation, from the low-mass seed BH remnants of the first generation of stars to the massive seed BHs resulting from the rapid collapse of massive gas clouds. However, the plausibility of some of these scenarios to occur within the progenitors of high-z quasars has not yet been thoroughly explored. In this work, we investigate, by combining dark-matter only N-body simulations with a semi-analytic framework, whether the conditions for the formation of massive seed BHs from synchronised atomic-cooling halo pairs and/or dynamically-heated mini-haloes are fulfilled in the overdense regions where the progenitors of a typical high-redshift quasar host form and evolve. Our analysis shows that the peculiar conditions in such regions, i.e. strong halo clustering and high star formation rates, are crucial to produce a non-negligible number of massive seed BH host candidates: we find $\approx1400$ dynamically heated metal-free mini-haloes, including one of these which evolves to a synchronised pair and ends up in the massive quasar-host halo by $z=6$. This demonstrates that the progenitors of high-redshift quasar host haloes can harbour early massive seed BHs. Our results further suggest that multiple massive seed BHs may form in or near the quasar host's progenitors, potentially merging at lower redshifts and yielding gravitational wave events.

Sebastian Turner, Małgorzata Siudek, Samir Salim, Ivan K. Baldry, Agnieszka Pollo, Steven N. Longmore, Katarzyna Małek, Chris A. Collins, Paulo J. Lisboa, Janusz Krywult, Thibaud Moutard, Daniela Vergani, Alexander Fritz

Submitted to MNRAS, revised following referee's comments. 22 pages, 15 figures

The colour bimodality of galaxies provides an empirical basis for theories of galaxy evolution. However, the balance of processes that begets this bimodality has not yet been constrained. A more detailed view of the galaxy population is needed, which we achieve in this paper by using unsupervised machine learning to combine multi-dimensional data at two different epochs. We aim to understand the cosmic evolution of galaxy subpopulations by uncovering substructures within the colour bimodality. We choose a clustering algorithm that models clusters using only the most discriminative data available, and apply it to two galaxy samples: one from the second edition of the GALEX-SDSS-WISE Legacy Catalogue (GSWLC-2; $z \sim 0.06$), and the other from the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS; $z \sim 0.65$). We cluster within a nine-dimensional feature space defined purely by rest-frame ultraviolet-through-near-infrared colours. Both samples are similarly partitioned into seven clusters, breaking down into four of mostly star-forming galaxies (including the vast majority of green valley galaxies) and three of mostly passive galaxies. The separation between these two families of clusters suggests differences in the evolution of their galaxies, and that these differences are strongly expressed in their colours alone. The samples are closely related, with star-forming/green-valley clusters at both epochs forming morphological sequences, capturing the gradual internally-driven growth of galaxy bulges. At high stellar masses, this growth is linked with quenching. However, it is only in our low-redshift sample that additional, environmental processes appear to be involved in the evolution of low-mass passive galaxies.

Vedant Chandra, Kevin C. Schlaufman

16 pages, 5 figures, and 1 table in aastex63 format; accepted for publication in AJ

It is uncertain whether or not low-mass Population III stars ever existed. While limits on the number density of Population III stars with $M_{\ast} \approx 0.8~M_{\odot}$ have been derived using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) data, little is known about the occurrence of Population III stars at lower masses. In the absence of reliable parallaxes, the spectra of metal-poor main sequence (MPMS) stars with $M_{\ast} \lesssim 0.8~M_{\odot}$ can easily be confused with cool white dwarfs. To resolve this ambiguity, we present a classifier that differentiates between MPMS stars and white dwarfs based on photometry and/or spectroscopy without the use of parallax information. We build and train our classifier using state-of-the-art theoretical spectra and evaluate it on existing SDSS-based classifications for objects with reliable Gaia DR2 parallaxes. We then apply our classifier to a large catalog of objects with SDSS photometry and spectroscopy to search for MPMS candidates. We discover several previously unknown candidate extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars and recover numerous confirmed EMP stars already in the literature. We conclude that archival SDSS spectroscopy has already been exhaustively searched for EMP stars. We predict that the lowest-mass primordial-composition stars will have redder optical-to-infrared colors than cool white dwarfs at constant effective temperature due to surface gravity-dependent collision-induced absorption from molecular hydrogen. We suggest that the application of our classifier to data produced by next-generation spectroscopic surveys will set stronger constraints on the number density of low-mass Population III stars in the Milky Way.

Stephanie Tonnesen (1), Greg L. Bryan (1 and 2) ((1) Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, (2) Columbia University)

submitted to AAS Journals

Ram Pressure Stripping can remove gas from satellite galaxies in clusters via a direct interaction between the intracluster medium (ICM) and the interstellar medium. This interaction is generally thought of as a contact force per area, however we point out that these gases must interact in a hydrodynamic fashion, and argue that this will lead to mixing of the galactic gas with the ICM wind. We develop an analytic framework for how mixing is related to the acceleration of stripped gas from a satellite galaxy. We then test this model using three "wind-tunnel" simulations of Milky Way-like galaxies interacting with a moving ICM, and find excellent agreement with predictions using the analytic framework. Focusing on the dense clumps in the stripped tails, we find that they are nearly uniformly mixed with the ICM, indicating that all gas in the tail mixes with the surroundings, and dense clumps are not separate entities to be modeled differently than diffuse gas. We find that while mixing drives acceleration of stripped gas, the density and velocity of the surrounding wind will determine whether the mixing results in the heating of stripped gas into the ICM, or the cooling of the ICM into dense clouds.

Jonathan J. Fortney, Rebekah I. Dawson, Thaddeus D. Komacek

Invited review for JGR-Planets special issue "Exoplanets: The Nexus of Astronomy and Geoscience." Accepted for publication. 22 pages + 20 pages of references

We provide a brief review of many aspects of the planetary physics of hot Jupiters. Our aim is to cover most of the major areas of current study while providing the reader with additional references for more detailed follow-up. We first discuss giant planet formation and subsequent orbital evolution via disk-driven torques or dynamical interactions. More than one formation pathway is needed to understand the population. Next, we examine our current understanding of the evolutionary history and current interior structure of the planets, where we focus on bulk composition as well as viable models to explain the inflated radii of the population. Finally we discuss aspects of their atmospheres in the context of observations and 1D and 3D models, including atmospheric structure and escape, spectroscopic signatures, and complex atmospheric circulation. The major opacity sources in these atmospheres, including alkali metals, water vapor, and others, are discussed. We discuss physics that control the 3D atmospheric circulation and day-to-night temperature structures. We conclude by suggesting important future work for still-open questions.

Pratyush Anshul, Anand Narayanan, Sowgat Muzahid, Alexander Beckett, Simon L. Morris

20 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Using $HST$/COS observations of the twin quasar lines of sight Q$0107-025$A $\&$ Q$0107-025$B, we report on the physical properties, chemical abundances and transverse sizes of gas in a multiple galaxy environment at $z = 0.399$ across a transverse separation of $520$ kpc. The absorber towards Q$0107-025$B has $\log N(H I)/cm^{-2} \approx 16.8$ (partial Lyman limit) while the absorber towards the other sightline has $N(H I) \approx 2$ dex lower. The O VI along both sightlines have comparable column densities and broad $b$-values, whereas the low ionization lines are considerably narrower. The low ionization gas is inconsistent with the O VI when modelled assuming photoionization in a single phase. Along both the lines-of-sight, O VI and coinciding broad H I are best explained through collisional ionization in a cooling plasma with solar metallicity. Ionization models infer $1/10$-th solar metallicity for the pLLS and solar metallicity for the lower column density absorber along the other sightline. Within $\pm~250~km~s^{-1}$ and $2$ Mpc of projected distance from the sightlines 12 galaxies are identified, of which 3 are within $300$ kpc. One of them is a dwarf galaxy while the other two are intermediate mass systems at impact parameters of $\rho \sim (1-4)R_{vir}$. The O VI along both lines-of-sight could be either tracing narrow transition temperature zones at the interface of low ionization gas and the hot halo of nearest galaxy, or a more spread-out warm gas bound to the circumgalactic halo/intragroup medium. This latter scenario leads to a warm gas mass limit of $M \gtrsim 4.5 \times 10^{9}$ M$_\odot$.

José Luis Bernal, Licia Verde, Raul Jimenez, Marc Kamionkowski, David Valcin, Benjamin D. Wandelt

11 pages, 5 figures

The distance ladder using supernovae yields higher values of the Hubble constant $H_0$ than those inferred from measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and galaxy surveys, a discrepancy that has come to be known as the `Hubble tension'. This has motivated the exploration of extensions to the standard cosmological model in which higher values of $H_0$ can be obtained from CMB measurements and galaxy surveys. The trouble, however, goes beyond $H_0$; such modifications affect other quantities, too. In particular, their effects on cosmic times are usually neglected. We explore here the implications that measurements of the age $t_{\rm U}$ of the Universe, such as a recent inference from the age of the oldest globular clusters, can have for potential solutions to the $H_0$ tension. The value of $H_0$ inferred from the CMB and galaxy surveys is related to the sound horizon at CMB decoupling (or at radiation drag), but it is also related to the matter density and to $t_{\rm U}$. Given this observation, we show how model-independent measurements may support or disfavor proposed new-physics solutions to the Hubble tension. Finally, we argue that cosmological measurements today provide constraints that, within a given cosmological model, represent an over-constrained system, offering a powerful diagnostic tool of consistency. We propose the use of ternary plots to simultaneously visualize independent constraints on key quantities related to $H_0$ like $t_{\rm U}$, the sound horizon at radiation drag, and the matter density parameter. We envision that this representation will help find a solution to the trouble of and beyond $H_0$.

Chikako Yasui, Naoto Kobayashi, Masao Saito, Natsuko Izumi, Warren Skidmore

Accepted for publication in AJ

In deep near-infrared imaging of the low-metallicity (${\rm [O/H]}=-0.7$ dex) H II region Sh 2-127 (S127) with Subaru/MOIRCS, we detected two young clusters with 413 members (S127A) in a slightly extended H II region and another with 338 members (S127B) in a compact H II region. The limiting magnitude was $K=21.3$ mag (10$\sigma$), corresponding to a mass detection limit of $\sim$0.2 $M_\odot$. These clusters are an order of magnitude larger than previously studied young low-metallicity clusters and larger than the majority of solar neighborhood young clusters. Fits to the K-band luminosity functions indicate very young cluster ages of 0.5 Myr for S127A and 0.1-0.5 Myr for S127B, consistent with the large extinction (up to $A_V\simeq20$ mag) from thick molecular clouds and the presence of a compact H II region and class I source candidates, and suggest that the initial mass function (IMF) of the low-metallicity clusters is indistinguishable from typical solar neighborhood IMFs. Disk fractions of $28\% \pm 3\%$ for S127A and $40\% \pm 4\%$ for S127B are significantly lower than those of similarly aged solar neighborhood clusters ($\sim$50$\%$-60$\%$). The disk fraction for S127B is higher than those of previously studied low-metallicity clusters ($<$30 $\%$), probably due to S127B's age. This suggests that a large fraction of very young stars in low-metallicity environments have disks, but the disks are lost on a very short timescale. These results are consistent with our previous studies of low-metallicity star-forming regions, suggesting that a solar neighborhood IMF and low disk fraction are typical characteristics for low-metallicity regions, regardless of cluster scales.

David Rubin, Aleksandar Cikota, Greg Aldering, Andy Fruchter, Saul Perlmutter, Masao Sako

Submitted to PASP

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman) is an observatory for both wide-field observations and coronagraphy that is scheduled for launch in the mid 2020's. Part of the planned survey is a deep, cadenced field or fields that enable cosmological measurements with type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). With a pixel scale of 0."11, the Wide Field Instrument will be undersampled, presenting a difficulty for precisely subtracting the galaxy light underneath the SNe. We use simulated data to validate the ability of a forward-model code (such codes are frequently also called "scene-modeling" codes) to perform precision supernova photometry for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope SN survey. Our simulation includes over 760,000 image cutouts around SNe Ia or host galaxies (~10% of a full-scale survey). To have a realistic 2D distribution of underlying galaxy light, we use the VELA simulated high-resolution images of galaxies. We run each set of cutouts through our forward-modeling code which automatically measures time-dependent SN fluxes. Given our assumed inputs of a perfect model of the instrument PSFs and calibration, we find biases at the millimagnitude level from this method in four red filters (Y106, J129, H158, and F184), easily meeting the 0.5% Roman inter-filter calibration requirement for a cutting-edge measurement of cosmological parameters using SNe Ia. Simulated data in the bluer Z087 filter shows larger ~2--3 millimagnitude biases, also meeting this requirement, but with more room for improvement.

Nikita Blinov, Matthew J. Dolan, Patrick Draper, Jessie Shelton

46 pages, 11 figures

We introduce simplified models for enhancements in the matter power spectrum at small scales and study their implications for dark matter substructure and gravitational observables. These models capture the salient aspects of a variety of early universe scenarios that predict enhanced small-scale structure, such as axion-like particle dark matter, light vector dark matter, and epochs of early matter domination. We use a model-independent, semi-analytic treatment to map bumps in the matter power spectrum to early-forming sub-solar mass dark matter halos and estimate their evolution, disruption, and contribution to substructure of clusters and galaxies at late times. We discuss the sensitivity of gravitational observables, including pulsar timing arrays and caustic microlensing, to both the presence of bumps in the power spectrum and variations in their basic properties.

Francisco X. Linares Cedeño, L. Arturo Ureña-López

6 pages, 3 figures. Matches published version in Astronomische Nachrichten

We study the cosmological evolution for a scalar field dark matter model, by considering a parameterization of the evolution equations that allow us to unify in a single parameter a family of potentials: quadratic (free case), trigonometric (Axion-like case), and hyperbolic. After exploring the cosmological dynamics of this model, we perform a statistical analysis to study the viability of such model in comparison with the standard Cold Dark Matter model. We found that the free case is preferred over the other scalar field potentials, but in any case all of them are disfavored by the cosmological observations with respect to the standard model.

Tom Seccull, Wesley C. Fraser, Thomas H. Puzia

15 pages, 4 figures, accepted to the Planetary Science Journal

Recent photometric surveys of Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) have revealed that the cold classical TNOs have distinct z-band color characteristics, and occupy their own distinct surface class. This suggested the presence of an absorption band in the reflectance spectra of cold classicals at wavelengths above 0.8 micron. Here we present reflectance spectra spanning 0.55-1.0 micron for six TNOs occupying dynamically cold orbits at semimajor axes close to 44 au. Five of our spectra show a clear and broadly consistent reduction in spectral gradient above 0.8 micron that diverges from their linear red optical continuum and agrees with their reported photometric colour data. Despite predictions, we find no evidence that the spectral flattening is caused by an absorption band centered near 1.0 micron. We predict that the overall consistent shape of these five spectra is related to the presence of similar refractory organics on each of their surfaces, and/or their similar physical surface properties such as porosity or grain size distribution. The observed consistency of the reflectance spectra of these five targets aligns with predictions that the cold classicals share a common history in terms of formation and surface evolution. Our sixth target, which has been ambiguously classified as either a hot or cold classical at various points in the past, has a spectrum which remains nearly linear across the full range observed. This suggests that this TNO is a hot classical interloper in the cold classical dynamical range, and supports the idea that other such interlopers may be identifiable by their linear reflectance spectra in the range 0.8-1.0 micron.

Gerrit S. Farren, Bruce Partridge, Rüdiger Kneissl, Simone Aiola, Rahul Datta, Megan Gralla, Yaqiong Li

24 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables, submitted to ApJ

We test the accuracy of ALMA flux density calibration by comparing ALMA flux density measurements of extragalactic sources to measurements made by the Planck mission; Planck is absolutely calibrated to sub-percent precision using the dipole signal induced by the satellite's orbit around the solar system barycenter. Planck observations ended before ALMA began systematic observations, however, and many of the sources are variable, so we employ measurements by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) to bridge the two epochs. We find the ALMA flux density scale (based on observations of Uranus) is consistent with Planck; for instance ALMA flux densities in Band 3 ($\sim$100 GHz) average $0.99 \pm 0.02$ times those measured by Planck. We also test the absolute calibration of both ACT and the South Pole Telescope (SPT), again with reference to Planck, as well as the internal consistency of Planck, ACT and SPT measurements of compact sources.

Daniel Sobral-Blanco, Camille Bonvin

6 pages, no figures

One of the main goal of large-scale structure surveys is to test the consistency of General Relativity at cosmological scales. In the $\Lambda$CDM model of cosmology, the relations between the fields describing the geometry and the content of our Universe are uniquely determined. In particular, the two gravitational potentials -- that describe the spatial and temporal fluctuations in the geometry -- are equal. Whereas large classes of dark energy models preserve this equality, theories of modified gravity generally create a difference between the potentials, known as anisotropic stress. Even though measuring this anisotropic stress is one of the key goals of large-scale structure surveys, there are currently no methods able to measure it directly. Current methods all rely on measurements of galaxy peculiar velocities (through redshift-space distortions), from which the time component of the metric is inferred, assuming that dark matter follows geodesics. If this is not the case, all the proposed tests fail to measure the anisotropic stress. In this letter, we propose a novel test which directly measures anisotropic stress, without relying on any assumption about the unknown dark matter. Our method uses relativistic effects in the galaxy number counts to provide a direct measurement of the time component of the metric. By comparing this with lensing observations our test provides a direct measurement of the anisotropic stress.

The rarity and deeply embedded nature of stars with masses larger than 8 solar masses has limited our understanding of their formation. Previous work has shown that complementing spectral energy distributions with interferometric and imaging data can probe the circumstellar environments of massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) well. However, complex studies of single objects often use different approaches in their analysis. Therefore the results of these studies cannot be directly compared. This work aims to obtain the physical characteristics of a sample of MYSOs at ~0.01" scales, at 0.1" scales, and as a whole, which enables us to compare the characteristics of the sources. We apply the same multi-scale method and analysis to a sample of MYSOs. High-resolution interferometric data, near-diffraction-limited imaging data, and a multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution are combined. By fitting simulated observables derived from 2.5D radiative transfer models of disk-outflow-envelope systems to our observations, the properties of the MYSOs are constrained. We find that the observables of all the MYSOs can be reproduced by models with disk-outflow-envelope geometries, analogous to the Class I geometry associated with low-mass protostars. The characteristics of the envelopes and the cavities within them are very similar across our sample. On the other hand, the disks seem to differ between the objects, in particular with regards to what we interpret as evidence of complex structures and inner holes. This is comparable to the morphologies observed for low-mass young stellar objects. A strong correlation is found between the luminosity of the central MYSO and the size of the transition disk-like inner hole for the MYSOs, implying that photoevaporation or the presence of binary companions may be the cause.

McKinley C. Brumback, Ryan C. Hickox, Felix S. Fürst, Katja Pottschmidt, John A. Tomsick, Jörn Wilms, Rüdiger Staubert, Saeqa Vrtilek

23 pages, 13 figures. Accepted to ApJ

We present a broad-band X-ray timing study of the variations in pulse behavior with superorbital cycle in the low-mass X-ray binary Her X-1. This source shows a 35-day superorbital modulation in X-ray flux that is likely caused by occultation by a warped, precessing accretion disk. Our data set consists of four joint XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of Her X-1 which sample a complete superorbital cycle. We focus our analysis on the first and fourth observations, which occur during the bright "main-on" phase, because these observations have strongly detected pulsations. We added an archival XMM-Newton observation during the "short-on" phase of the superorbital cycle since our observations at that phase are lower in signal to noise. We find that the energy-resolved pulse profiles show the same shape at similar superorbital phases and the profiles are consistent with expectations from a precessing disk. We demonstrate that a simple precessing accretion disk model is sufficient to reproduce the observed pulse profiles. The results of this model suggest that the similarities in the observed pulse profiles are due to reprocessing by a precessing disk that has returned to its original precession phase. We determine that the broad-band spectrum is well fit by an absorbed power law with a soft blackbody component, and show that the spectral continuum also exhibits dependence on the superorbital cycle. We also present a brief analysis of the energy resolved light curves of a pre-eclipse dip, which shows soft X-ray absorption and hard X-ray variability during the dip.

B. J. Anthony-Twarog (1), C. P. Deliyannis (2) . B. A. Twarog (1) ((1) Univ. of Kansas, (2) Indiana Univ.)

24 pages; 12 figures; accepted for Astronomical Journal

High-dispersion spectra in the Li 6708 Angstrom region have been obtained and analyzed in the old, metal-deficient cluster, NGC 2243. From Hydra spectra for 29 astrometric and radial-velocity members, we derive rotational velocities, as well as [Fe/H], [Ca/H], [Si/H], and [Ni/H] based on 17, 1, 1, and 3 lines, respectively. Using ROBOSPECT, an automatic equivalent width measurement program, we derive [Fe/H] = -0.54 +/- 0.11 (MAD), for an internal precision for the cluster [Fe/H] below 0.03 dex. Given the more restricted line set, comparable values for [Ca/H], [Si/H], and [Ni/H] are -0.48 +/- 0.19, -0.44 +/- 0.11, and -0.61 +/- 0.06, respectively. With E(B-V) = 0.055, appropriate isochrones imply (m-M) = 13.2 +/- 0.1 and an age of 3.6 +/- 0.2 Gyr. Using available VLT spectra and published Li abundances, we construct a Li sample of over 100 stars extending from the tip of the giant branch to 0.5 mag below the Li-dip. The Li-dip is well populated and, when combined with results for NGC 6819 and Hyades/Praesepe, implies a mass/metallicity slope of 0.4 solar-mass/dex for the high mass edge of the Li-dip. The A(Li) distribution among giants reflects the degree of Li variation among the turnoff stars above the Li-dip, itself a function of stellar mass and metallicity and strongly anticorrelated with a v_rot distribution that dramatically narrows with age. Potential implications of these patterns for the interpretation of Li among dwarf and giant field populations, especially selection biases tied to age and metallicity, are discussed.

K. Wagner, A. Boehle, P. Pathak, M. Kasper, R. Arsenault, G. Jakob, U. Kaufl, S. Leveratto, A.-L. Maire, E. Pantin, R. Siebenmorgen, G. Zins, O. Absil, N. Ageorges, D. Apai, A. Carlotti, É. Choquet, C. Delacroix, K. Dohlen, P. Duhoux, P. Forsberg, E. Fuenteseca, S. Gutruf, O. Guyon, E. Huby, D. Kampf, M. Karlsson, P. Kervella, J.-P. Kirchbauer, P. Klupar, J. Kolb, D. Mawet, M. N'Diaye, G. Orban de Xivry, S. P. Quanz, A. Reutlinger, G. Ruane, M. Riquelme, C. Soenke, M. Sterzik, A. Vigan, T. de Zeeuw

29 pages, 11 figures, published in Nature Communications

Giant exoplanets on wide orbits have been directly imaged around young stars. If the thermal background in the mid-infrared can be mitigated, then exoplanets with lower masses can also be imaged. Here we present a ground-based mid-infrared observing approach that enables imaging low-mass temperate exoplanets around nearby stars, and in particular within the closest stellar system, {\alpha} Centauri. Based on 75-80% of the best quality images from 100 hours of cumulative observations, we demonstrate sensitivity to warm sub-Neptune-sized planets throughout much of the habitable zone of {\alpha} Centauri A. This is an order of magnitude more sensitive than state-of-the-art exoplanet imaging mass detection limits. We also discuss a possible exoplanet or exozodiacal disk detection around {\alpha} Centauri A. However, an instrumental artifact of unknown origin cannot be ruled out. These results demonstrate the feasibility of imaging rocky habitable-zone exoplanets with current and upcoming telescopes.

M. Kramer, I.H. Stairs, V. Venkatraman-Krishnan, P.C.C. Freire, F. Abbate, M. Bailes, M. Burgay, S. Buchner, D.J. Champion, I. Cognard, T. Gautam, M.Geyer, L. Guillemot, H. Hu, G. Janssen, M.E. Lower, A. Parthasarathy, A. Possenti, S. Ransom, D.J. Reardon, A. Ridolfi, M. Serylak, R.M. Shannon, R. Spiewak, G. Theureau, W. van Straten, N. Wex, L.S. Oswald, B. Posselt, C. Sobey, E.D. Barr, F. Camilo, B. Hugo, A. Jameson, S. Johnston, A. Karastergiou, M. Keith, S. Oslowski

21 pages 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We describe the ongoing Relativistic Binary programme (RelBin), a part of the MeerTime large survey project with the MeerKAT radio telescope. RelBin is primarily focused on observations of relativistic effects in binary pulsars to enable measurements of neutron star masses and tests of theories of gravity. We selected 25 pulsars as an initial high priority list of targets based on their characteristics and observational history with other telescopes. In this paper, we provide an outline of the programme, present polarisation calibrated pulse profiles for all selected pulsars as a reference catalogue along with updated dispersion measures. We report Faraday rotation measures for 24 pulsars, twelve of which have been measured for the first time. More than a third of our selected pulsars show a flat position angle swing confirming earlier observations. We demonstrate the ability of the Rotating Vector Model (RVM), fitted here to seven binary pulsars, including the Double Pulsar (PSR J0737$-$3039A), to obtain information about the orbital inclination angle. We present a high time resolution light curve of the eclipse of PSR J0737$-$3039A by the companion's magnetosphere, a high-phase resolution position angle swing for PSR J1141$-$6545, an improved detection of the Shapiro delay of PSR J1811$-$2405, and pulse scattering measurements for PSRs J1227$-$6208, J1757$-$1854, and J1811$-$1736. Finally, we demonstrate that timing observations with MeerKAT improve on existing data sets by a factor of, typically, 2-3, sometimes by an order of magnitude.

Bin Chen (1), Marina Battaglia (2), Säm Krucker (2), Katharine K. Reeves (3), Lindsay Glesener (4) ((1) New Jersey Institute of Technology, (2) University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, (3) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, (4) University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)

12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Nonthermal sources located above bright flare arcades, referred to as the "above-the-loop-top" sources, have been often suggested as the primary electron acceleration site in major solar flares. The X8.2 limb flare on 2017 September 10 features such an above-the-loop-top source, which was observed in both microwaves and hard X-rays (HXRs) by the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA) and the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), respectively. By combining the microwave and HXR imaging spectroscopy observations with multi-filter extreme ultraviolet and soft X-ray imaging data, we derive the energetic electron distribution of this source over a broad energy range from $<$10 keV up to $\sim$MeV during the early impulsive phase of the flare. The best-fit electron distribution consists of a thermal "core" from $\sim$25 MK plasma. Meanwhile, a nonthermal power-law "tail" joins the thermal core at $\sim$16 keV with a spectral index of $\sim$3.6, which breaks down at above $\sim$160 keV to $>$6.0. In addition, temporally resolved analysis suggests that the electron distribution above the break energy rapidly hardens with the spectral index decreasing from $>$20 to $\sim$6.0 within 20 s, or less than $\sim$10 Alfv\'{e}n crossing times in the source. These results provide strong support for the above-the-loop-top source as the primary site where an on-going bulk acceleration of energetic electrons is taking place very early in the flare energy release.

Skanda Koppula, Victor Bapst, Marc Huertas-Company, Sam Blackwell, Agnieszka Grabska-Barwinska, Sander Dieleman, Andrea Huber, Natasha Antropova, Mikolaj Binkowski, Hannah Openshaw, Adria Recasens, Fernando Caro, Avishai Deke, Yohan Dubois, Jesus Vega Ferrero, David C. Koo, Joel R. Primack, Trevor Back

Third Workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada

Fine-grained estimation of galaxy merger stages from observations is a key problem useful for validation of our current theoretical understanding of galaxy formation. To this end, we demonstrate a CNN-based regression model that is able to predict, for the first time, using a single image, the merger stage relative to the first perigee passage with a median error of 38.3 million years (Myrs) over a period of 400 Myrs. This model uses no specific dynamical modeling and learns only from simulated merger events. We show that our model provides reasonable estimates on real observations, approximately matching prior estimates provided by detailed dynamical modeling. We provide a preliminary interpretability analysis of our models, and demonstrate first steps toward calibrated uncertainty estimation.

M. L. Buzzo, B. Ziegler, P. Amram, M. Verdugo, C. E. Barbosa, B. Ciocan, P. Papaderos, S. Torres-Flores, C. Mendes de Oliveira

Accepted for publication in MNRAS: 19 pages, 15 figures, 1 table

We present optical VLT/MUSE integral field spectroscopy data of the merging galaxy NGC 1487. We use fitting techniques to study the ionized gas emission of this merger and its main morphological and kinematical properties. We measured flat and sometimes inverted oxygen abundance gradients in the subsystems composing NGC 1487, explained by metal mixing processes common in merging galaxies. We also measured widespread star-forming bursts, indicating that photoionisation by stars is the primary ionization source of the galaxy. The kinematic map revealed a rotating pattern in the gas in the northern tail of the system, suggesting that the galaxy may be in the process of rebuilding a disc. The gas located in the central region has larger velocity dispersion ($\sigma\approx 50$ km s$^{-1}$) than the remaining regions, indicating kinematic heating, possibly owing to the ongoing interaction. Similar trends were, however, not observed in the stellar velocity-dispersion map, indicating that the galaxy has not yet achieved equilibrium, and the nebular and stellar components are still kinematically decoupled. Based on all our measurements and findings, and specially on the mass estimates, metallicity gradients and velocity fields of the system, we propose that NGC 1487 is the result of an ongoing merger event involving smallish dwarf galaxies within a group, in a pre-merger phase, resulting in a relic with mass and physical parameters similar to a dwarf galaxy. Thus, we may be witnessing the formation of a dwarf galaxy by merging of smaller clumps at z=0.

The properties of primordial curvature perturbations on small scales are still unknown while thoseon large scales have been well probed by the observations of the cosmic microwave backgroundanisotropies and the large scale structure. In this paper, we propose the reconstruction method ofprimordial curvature perturbations on small scales through the merger rate of binary primordialblack holes, which could form from large primordial curvature perturbation on small scales.

Hei Yin Jowett Chan, Elisa G. M. Ferreira, Kohei Hayashi

7 pages, 3 figures. Comments welcome

Fuzzy dark matter (FDM) is an attractive dark matter candidate motivated by small scale problems in astrophysics and with a rich phenomenology on those scales. We scrutinize the FDM model, more specifically the mass of the FDM particle, through a dynamical analysis for the Galactic ultra-faint dwarf (UFD) galaxies. We use a sample of 18 UFDs to place the strongest constraints to date on the mass of the FDM particle, updating on previous bounds using a subset of the sample used here. We find that most of the sample UFDs prefer a FDM particle mass heavier than $10^{-21}\mathrm{eV}$. In particular, Segue 1 provides the strongest constraint, with $m_\psi=1.1^{+8.3}_{-0.7}\times10^{-19}\mathrm{eV}$. The constraints found here are the first that are compatible with various other independent cosmological and astrophysical bounds found in the literature, in particular with the latest bounds using the Lyman-$\alpha$ forest. We also find that the constraints obtained in this work are not compatible with the bounds from luminous dwarf galaxies, as already pointed out in the previous work using UFDs. This could indicate that although a viable dark matter model, it might be challenging for the FDM model to solve the small scale problems.

Sagnick Mukherjee, Natasha E. Batalha, Mark S. Marley

21 Pages, 18 Figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)

Future space-based direct imaging missions will perform low-resolution (R$<$100) optical (0.3-1~$\mu$m) spectroscopy of planets, thus enabling reflected spectroscopy of cool giants. Reflected light spectroscopy is encoded with rich information about the scattering and absorbing properties of planet atmospheres. Given the diversity of clouds and hazes expected in exoplanets, it is imperative we solidify the methodology to accurately and precisely retrieve these scattering and absorbing properties that are agnostic to cloud species. In particular, we focus on determining how different cloud parameterizations affect resultant inferences of both cloud and atmospheric composition. We simulate mock observations of the reflected spectra from three top priority direct imaging cool giant targets with different effective temperatures, ranging from 135 K to 533 K. We perform retrievals of cloud structure and molecular abundances on these three planets using four different parameterizations, each with increasing levels of cloud complexity. We find that the retrieved atmospheric and scattering properties strongly depend on the choice of cloud parameterization. For example, parameterizations that are too simplistic tend to overestimate the abundances. Overall, we are unable to retrieve precise/accurate gravity beyond $\pm$50\%. Lastly, we find that even low SNR=5, low R=40 reflected light spectroscopy gives cursory zeroth order insights into cloud deck position relative to molecular and Rayleigh optical depth level.

Mariusz Tarnopolski, Volodymyr Marchenko

22 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables (one online only ancillary file); accepted in ApJ

We investigated the prompt light curves (LCs) of long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) from the Swift/BAT catalog. We aimed to characterize their power spectral densities (PSDs), search for quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs), and conduct novel analyses directly in the time domain. We analyzed the PSDs using Lomb-Scargle periodograms, and searched for QPOs using wavelet scalograms. We also attempted to classify the GRBs using the Hurst exponent, $H$, and the $\mathcal{A}-\mathcal{T}$ plane. The PSDs fall into three categories: power law (PL; $P(f)\propto 1/f^\beta$) with index $\beta\in(0,2)$, PL with a non-negligible Poisson noise level (PLC) with $\beta\in(1,3)$, and a smoothly broken PL (SBPL; with Poisson noise level) yielding high-frequency index $\beta_2\in(2,6)$. The latter yields break time scales on the order of 1--100\,seconds. The PL and PLC models are broadly consistent with a fully developed turbulence, $\beta=5/3$. For an overwhelming majority of GRBs (93\%), $H>0.5$, implying ubiquity of the long-term memory. We find no convincing substructure in the $\mathcal{A}-\mathcal{T}$ plane. Finally, we report on 34 new QPOs: with one or more constant leading periods, as well as several chirping signals. The presence of breaks and QPOs suggests the existence of characteristic time scales that in at least some GRBs might be related to the dynamical properties of plasma trajectories in the accretion disks powering the relativistic jets.

D. Mesa, S. Marino, M. Bonavita, C. Lazzoni, C. Fontanive, S. Perez, V. D'Orazi, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, N. Engler, T. Henning, M. Janson, Q. Kral, M. Langlois, S. Messina, J. Milli, N. Pawellek, C. Perrot, E. Rigliaco, E. Rickman, V. Squicciarini, A. Vigan, Z. Wahhaj, A. Zurlo, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, V. De Caprio, M. Feldt, L. Gluck, J. Hagelberg, M. Keppler, A.-M. Lagrange, R. Launhardt, A.-L. Maire, M. Meyer, O. Moeller-Nilsson, A. Pavlov, M. Samland, T. Schmidt, L. Weber

17 pages, 14 Figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS

Recent observations of resolved cold debris disks at tens of au have revealed that gaps could be a common feature in these Kuiper belt analogues. Such gaps could be evidence for the presence of planets within the gaps or closer-in near the edges of the disk. We present SPHERE observations of HD 92945 and HD 107146, two systems with detected gaps. We constrained the mass of possible companions responsible for the gap to 1-2 M Jup for planets located inside the gap and to less than 5 M Jup for separations down to 20 au from the host star. These limits allow us to exclude some of the possible configurations of the planetary systems proposed to explain the shape of the disks around these two stars. In order to put tighter limits on the mass at very short separations from the star, where direct imaging data are less effective, we also combined our data with astrometric measurements from Hipparcos and Gaia and radial velocity measurements. We were able to limit the separation and the mass of the companion potentially responsible for the proper motion anomaly of HD 107146 to values of 2-7 au and 2-5 M Jup , respectively.

Benoît Seignovert, Pascal Rannou, Robert A. West, Sandrine Vinatier

This study presents a 13 years survey of haze UV extinction profiles, monitoring the temporal evolution of the detached haze layer (DHL) in Titan's upper atmosphere (350-600 km). As reported by West et al. 2011 (GRL vol.38, L06204) at the equator, we show that the DHL is present at all latitudes below 55{\deg}N during the northern winter (2004-2009). Then, it globally sunk and disappeared in 2012. No permanent DHL was observed between 2012 and 2015. It's only in late-2015, that a new structure emerged from the Northern hemisphere and propagated to the equator. This new DHL is not as pronounced as in 2004 and is much more complex than the one observed earlier. In one specific sequence, in 2005, we were able to investigate the short time scale variability of the DHL and no major changes was observed. When both side of the limb were visible (dawn/dusk), we notice that the extinction of the DHL is slightly higher on the dawn side. Additionally, during a polar flyby in 2009, we observed the longitudinal variability of the DHL and spotted some local inhomogeneities. Finally, comparisons with UVIS stellar occultations and General Climate Models (GCMs) are both consistent with our findings. However, we noticed that the timing of the DHL main pattern predicted by the GMCs can be off by up to 30{\deg} in solar longitude. All these observations bring new perspectives on the seasonal cycle of Titan's upper atmosphere, the evolution of the DHL and its interaction with the dynamics.

The relative abundance of alpha particles with respect to proton, usually expressed as $A_{He}$ = ($n_\alpha/n_p$)*100, is known to respond to solar activity although changes in its behaviour in the last four solar cycles are not known. In this letter, by systematically analysing inter-calibrated $A_{He}$ data obtained from the first Lagrangian point of the Sun-Earth system, we show that $A_{He}$ variations are distinctively different in solar cycle 24 as compared to the last three cycles. The frequency of $A_{He}$ = 2-3% events is significantly higher in slow/intermediate solar winds in cycle 24 as opposed to the dominance of the typical $A_{He}$ = 4-5% events in the previous three cycles. Further, the occurrence of $A_{He}$ $\geq$ 10% events is significantly reduced in cycle 24. Not only that, the changes in delay of $A_{He}$ with respect to peak sunspot numbers are less sensitive to changes in solar wind velocity in cycle 24. The investigation suggests that the coronal magnetic field configuration started undergoing systematic changes starting from cycle 23 and this altered magnetic field configuration affected the way helium got processed and depleted in the solar atmosphere.

Sungwook E. Hong, Sangnam Park, M. James Jee, Dongsu Bak, Sangjun Cha

17 pages, 12 figures, submitted to ApJ

We introduce a novel method for reconstructing the projected matter distributions of galaxy clusters with weak-lensing (WL) data based on convolutional neural network (CNN). Training datasets are generated with ray-tracing through cosmological simulations. We control the noise level of the galaxy shear catalog such that it mimics the typical properties of the existing ground-based WL observations of galaxy clusters. We find that the mass reconstruction by our multi-layered CNN with the architecture of alternating convolution and trans-convolution filters significantly outperforms the traditional reconstruction methods. The CNN method provides better pixel-to-pixel correlations with the truth, restores more accurate positions of the mass peaks, and more efficiently suppresses artifacts near the field edges. In addition, the CNN mass reconstruction lifts the mass-sheet degeneracy when applied to sufficiently large fields. This implies that this CNN algorithm can be used to measure cluster masses in a model independent way for future wide-field WL surveys.

Lise du Buisson, Sara E. Motta, Rob P. Fender

9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables

We present a re-analysis of 47 Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the 11Hz accreting pulsar IGR J17480-2446 in Terzan 5 during its 2010 outburst. We studied the fast-time variability properties of the source and searched for quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in a large frequency range. General Relativity predicts that frame-dragging occurs in the vicinity of a spinning compact object and induces the precession of matter orbiting said object. The relativistic precession model predicts that this frame-dragging can be observed as QPOs with a characteristic frequency in the light curves of accreting compact objects. Such QPOs have historically been classified as horizontal branch oscillations in neutron star systems, and for a neutron star spinning at 11 Hz these oscillations are expected at frequencies below 1 Hz. However, previous studies of IGR J17480-2446 have classified QPOs at 35-50 Hz as horizontal branch oscillations, thus casting doubts on the frame-dragging nature of such QPOs. Here we report the detection of seven very low-frequency QPOs, previously undetected, with centroid frequencies below 0.3 Hz, and which can be ascribed to frame-dragging. We also discuss the possible nature of the QPOs detected at 35-50 Hz in this alternative scenario.

Toru Okuda, Chandra B. Singh

9 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in the MNRAS main journal

We examine radiative standing shocks in advective accretion flows around stellar-mass black holes by 2D radiation hydrodynamic simulations, focusing on the super-Eddington accreting flow. Under a set of input flow parameters responsible for the standing shock, the shock location on the equator decreases toward the event horizon with an increasing accretion rate. The optically thin and hot gas in the narrow funnel region along the rotational axis changes gradually into a dense and optically thick state with the increasingly dense gas transported from the base of the radiative shock near the equator. As a result, the luminosity becomes as high as ~ $10^{40}$ erg $s^{-1}$, and the radiation shows a strongly anisotropic distribution around the rotational axis and then very low edge-on luminosity as ~ $10^{36}$ erg $s^{-1}$. The mass outflow rate from the outer boundary is high as ~ $10^{-5}$ and $10^{-4}$ $M_{\odot} yr^{-1}$ but most of the outflow is originated through the radial outer boundary and may be observed over a wide wind region. The models show approximately black body spectra with a temperature of $5 \times 10^{6} - 3 \times 10^{7}$ K at the vertical outer boundary surface. The radiative shock models with the super-Eddington luminosities show a possible model for the superaccretor SS 433 and Ultraluminous X-ray sources with stellar-mass black holes.

J. Brand, A. Giannetti, F. Massi, J.G.A. Wouterloot, C. Verdirame

16 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables (1 only at CDS); accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics

To derive the properties of the dense cores in the galactic star-forming complex NGC6357 and to investigate the effects of an intense far-UV radiation field on their properties, we mapped the region at 450 and 850 micron, and in the CO(3-2) line with the JCMT. We also made use of the Herschel Hi-GAL data at 70 and 160 micron. We used Gaussclumps to retrieve 686 compact cores embedded in the diffuse sub-mm emission and constructed their SED from 70 to 850 micron, from which we derived mass and temperature. The estimated mass completeness limit is ~5Mo. We divided the observed area in an 'active' region, exposed to the far-UV radiation from the more massive members of three star clusters (411 cores), and a 'quiescent' region, less affected by far-UV radiation (275 cores). We also attempted to select a sample of pre-stellar cores based on cross-correlation with 70 micron emission and red WISE point sources. Most of the cores above the mass completeness limit are likely to be gravitationally bound. The fraction of gas in dense cores is very low, 1.4%. We found a mass-size relation log(M/Mo) ~ (2.0-2.4) x log (D/arcsec), depending on the precise selection of the sample. The temperature distributions in the two sub-regions are clearly different, peaking at ~25K in the quiescent region and at ~35K in the active region. The core mass functions are different as well, at a 2sigma level, consistent with a Salpeter IMF in the quiescent region and flatter than that in the active region. The dense cores lying close to the HII regions are consistent with pre-existing cores being gradually engulfed by a PDR and photoevaporating. We attribute the different global properties of dense cores in the two sub-regions to the influence of the far-UV radiation field.

A. Vrublevskis (1), B. I. Ryabov (1), S. M. White (2) ((1) Ventspils International Radio Astronomy Centre and Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, (2) Space Vehicles Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, Kirtland AFB)

26 pages, 12 figures, submitted to "Solar Physics"

Motivated by dark coronal lanes in SOHO / EIT 284 {\AA} EUV observations we construct and optimize an atmosphere model of the AR 8535 sunspot by adding a cool and dense component in the volume of plasma along open field lines determined using the Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) extrapolation. Our model qualitatively reproduces the observed reduced microwave brightness temperature in the northern part of the sunspot in the VLA observations from 13 May 1999 and provides a physical explanation for the coronal dark lanes. We propose application of this method to other sunspots with such observed dark regions in EUV or soft X-rays and with concurrent microwave observations to determine the significance of open field regions. The connection between open fields and the resulting plasma temperature and density change is of relevance for slow solar wind source investigations.

Alexander W. Raymond, Daniel Palumbo, Scott N. Paine, Lindy Blackburn, Rodrigo Córdova Rosado, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Joseph R. Farah, Michael D. Johnson, Freek Roelofs, Remo P.J. Tilanus, Jonathan Weintroub

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a very long baseline interferometer built to image supermassive black holes on event-horizon scales. In this paper, we investigate candidate sites for an expanded EHT array with improved imaging capabilities. We use historical meteorology and radiative transfer analysis to evaluate site performance. Most of the existing sites in the EHT array have median zenith opacity less than 0.2 at 230 GHz during the March/April observing season. Seven of the existing EHT sites have 345 GHz opacity less than 0.5 during observing months. Out of more than forty candidate new locations analyzed, approximately half have 230 GHz opacity comparable to the existing EHT sites, and at least seventeen of the candidate sites would be comparably good for 345 GHz observing. A group of new sites with favorable transmittance and geographic placement leads to greatly enhanced imaging and science on horizon scales.

J. M. Pacheco-Arias, C. R. Carvajal-Bohorquez, Juan C. B. Pineda, L. A. Núñez

4 pages, 2 figures, conference

Cosmological simulations of structure formation are invaluable to study the evolution of the Universe and the development of galaxies in it successfully reproducing many observations in the context of the cosmological paradigm $\Lambda$CDM. However, there are remarkable discrepancies with observations that are a matter of debate. One of the most recently reported is the diversity of shapes in the rotation curves of dwarf galaxies in the local Universe which is in contrast to the apparent homogeneity of rotation curves in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Previous studies on similar problems have shown that sometimes can be alleviated by accounting for the impact of observational effects in the comparison. For this reason, in this work we present a set of controlled experiments to measure the impact that some systematic effects, associated with modeling the observation process in a realistic way, have on the diversity of synthetic rotation curves. Our results demonstrate that factors such as spectral power, spatial resolution and inclination angle, can naturally induce noticeable fluctuations on the shape of the rotation curves, reproducing up to $47\%$ of the diversity reported in the observations. This is remarkable, especially considering that we limited the sample to highly-symmetric disks simulated in isolation. This shows that a more realistic modeling of synthetic rotation curves may alleviate the reported tension between simulations and observations, without posing a challenge to the standard cosmological model of cold dark matter.

Erika Palmerio, Emilia K. J. Kilpua, Olivier Witasse, David Barnes, Beatriz Sánchez-Cano, Andreas J. Weiss, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Christian Möstl, Lan K. Jian, Marilena Mierla, Andrei N. Zhukov, Jingnan Guo, Luciano Rodriguez, Patrick J. Lowrance, Alexey Isavnin, Lucile Turc, Yoshifumi Futaana, Mats Holmström

50 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in Space Weather

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and solar energetic particles (SEPs) are two phenomena that can cause severe space weather effects throughout the heliosphere. The evolution of CMEs, especially in terms of their magnetic structure, and the configuration of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) that influences the transport of SEPs are currently areas of active research. These two aspects are not necessarily independent of each other, especially during solar maximum when multiple eruptive events can occur close in time. Accordingly, we present the analysis of a CME that erupted on 2012 May 11 (SOL2012-05-11) and an SEP event following an eruption that took place on 2012 May 17 (SOL2012-05-17). After observing the May 11 CME using remote-sensing data from three viewpoints, we evaluate its propagation through interplanetary space using several models. Then, we analyse in-situ measurements from five predicted impact locations (Venus, Earth, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Mars Science Laboratory en route to Mars, and Mars) in order to search for CME signatures. We find that all in-situ locations detect signatures of an SEP event, which we trace back to the May 17 eruption. These findings suggest that the May 11 CME provided a direct magnetic connectivity for the efficient transport of SEPs. We discuss the space weather implications of CME evolution, regarding in particular its magnetic structure, and CME-driven IMF preconditioning that facilitates SEP transport. Finally, this work remarks the importance of using data from multiple spacecraft, even those that do not include space weather research as their primary objective.

Roland Bacon, David Mary, Thibault Garel, Jeremy Blaizot, Michael Maseda, Joop Schaye, Lutz Wisotzki, Simon Conseil, Jarle Brinchmann, Floriane Leclercq, Valentina Abril-Melgarejo, Leindert Boogaard, Nicolas Bouché, Thierry Contini, Anna Feltre, Bruno Guiderdoni, Christian Herenz, Wolfram Kollatschny, Haruka Kusakabe, Jorryt Matthee, Léo Michel-Dansac, Themiya Nanayakkara, Johan Richard, Martin Roth, Kasper B. Schmidt, Matthias Steinmetz, Laurence Tresse, Tanya Urrutia, Anne Verhamme, Peter M. Weilbacher, Johannes Zabl, Sebastiaan L. Zoutendijk

28 pages, 19 figures

We report the discovery of diffuse extended Ly-alpha emission from redshift 3.1 to 4.5, tracing cosmic web filaments on scales of 2.5-4 comoving Mpc. These structures have been observed in overdensities of Ly-alpha emitters in the MUSE Extremely Deep Field, a 140 hour deep MUSE observation located in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Among the 22 overdense regions identified, 5 are likely to harbor very extended Ly-alpha emission at high significance with an average surface brightness of $\mathrm{5 \times 10^{-20} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} arcsec^{-2}}$. Remarkably, 70% of the total Ly-alpha luminosity from these filaments comes from beyond the circumgalactic medium of any identified Ly-alpha emitters. Fluorescent Ly-alpha emission powered by the cosmic UV background can only account for less than 34% of this emission at z$\approx$3 and for not more than 10% at higher redshift. We find that the bulk of this diffuse emission can be reproduced by the unresolved Ly-alpha emission of a large population of ultra low luminosity Ly-alpha emitters ($\mathrm{<10^{40} erg s^{-1}}$), provided that the faint end of the Ly-alpha luminosity function is steep ($\alpha \lessapprox -1.8$), it extends down to luminosities lower than $\mathrm{10^{38} - 10^{37} erg s^{-1}}$ and the clustering of these Ly-alpha emitters is significant (filling factor $< 1/6$). If these Ly-alpha emitters are powered by star formation, then this implies their luminosity function needs to extend down to star formation rates $\mathrm{< 10^{-4} M_\odot yr^{-1}}$. These observations provide the first detection of the cosmic web in Ly-alpha emission in typical filamentary environments and the first observational clue for the existence of a large population of ultra low luminosity Ly-alpha emitters at high redshift.

In the upcoming decades large facilities, such as the SKA, will provide resolved observations of the kinematics of millions of galaxies. In order to assist in the timely exploitation of these vast datasets we explore the use of a self-supervised, physics aware neural network capable of Bayesian kinematic modelling of galaxies. We demonstrate the network's ability to model the kinematics of cold gas in galaxies with an emphasis on recovering physical parameters and accompanying modelling errors. The model is able to recover rotation curves, inclinations and disc scale lengths for both CO and HI data which match well with those found in the literature. The model is also able to provide modelling errors over learned parameters thanks to the application of quasi-Bayesian Monte-Carlo dropout. This work shows the promising use of machine learning, and in particular self-supervised neural networks, in the context of kinematically modelling galaxies. This work represents the first steps in applying such models for kinematic fitting and we propose that variants of our model would seem especially suitable for enabling emission-line science from upcoming surveys with e.g. the SKA, allowing fast exploitation of these large datasets.

Gabriel Jung, Toshiya Namikawa, Michele Liguori, Dipak Munshi, Alan Heavens

22 pages, 12 figures

We investigate three-point statistics in weak lensing convergence, through the integrated bispectrum. This statistic involves measuring power spectra in patches, and is thus easy to measure, and avoids the complexity of estimating the very large number of possible bispectrum configurations. The integrated bispectrum principally probes the squeezed limit of the bispectrum. To be useful as a set of summary statistics, accurate theoretical predictions of the signal are required, and, assuming Gaussian sampling distributions, the covariance matrix. In this paper, we investigate through simulations how accurate are theoretical formulae for both the integrated bispectrum and its covariance, finding that there a small inaccuracies in the theoretical signal, and more serious deviations in the covariance matrix, which may need to be estimated using simulations.

David Droz, Andrii Tykhonov, Xin Wu, Francesca Alemanno, Giovanni Ambrosi, Enrico Catanzani, Margherita Di Santo, Dimitrios Kyratzis, Stephan Zimmer

16 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Journal of Instrumentation (JINST)

The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space-borne particle detector and cosmic ray observatory in operation since 2015, designed to probe electrons and gamma rays from a few GeV to 10 TeV energy, as well as cosmic protons and nuclei up to 100 TeV. Among the main scientific objectives is the precise measurement of the cosmic electron+positron flux, which due to the very large proton background in orbit requires a powerful particle identification method. In the past decade, the field of machine learning has provided us the needed tools. This paper presents a neural network based approach to cosmic electron identification and proton rejection and showcases its performances based on simulated Monte Carlo data. The neural network reaches significantly lower background than the classical, cut-based method for the same detection efficiency, especially at highest energies. A good matching between simulations and real data completes the picture.

A. M. Ryan, P. T. Gallagher, E. P. Carley, M. A. Brentjens, P. C. Murphy, C. Vocks, D. E. Morosan, H. Reid, J. Magdalenic, F. Breitling, P. Zucca, R. Fallows, G. Mann, A. Kerdraon, R. Halfwerk

8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table

The solar corona is a highly-structured plasma which can reach temperatures of more than ~2 MK. At low frequencies (decimetric and metric wavelengths), scattering and refraction of electromagnetic waves are thought to considerably increase the imaged radio source sizes (up to a few arcminutes). However, exactly how source size relates to scattering due to turbulence is still subject to investigation. The theoretical predictions relating source broadening to propagation effects have not been fully confirmed by observations due to the rarity of high spatial resolution observations of the solar corona at low frequencies. Here, the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) was used to observe the solar corona at 120-180 MHz using baselines of up to ~3.5 km (corresponding to a resolution of ~1-2') during the partial solar eclipse of 2015 March 20. A lunar de-occultation technique was used to achieve higher spatial resolution (~0.6') than that attainable via standard interferometric imaging (~2.4'). This provides a means of studying the contribution of scattering to apparent source size broadening. It was found that the de-occultation technique reveals a more structured quiet corona that is not resolved from standard imaging, implying scattering may be overestimated in this region when using standard imaging techniques. However, an active region source was measured to be ~4' using both de-occultation and standard imaging. This may be explained by the increased scattering of radio waves by turbulent density fluctuations in active regions, which is more severe than in the quiet Sun.

K. Kubiak, K. Mužić, I. Sousa, V. Almendros-Abad, R. Köhler, A. Scholz

18 pages, 15 figure, accepted by A&A

The goal of this paper is to increase the membership list of the Chamaeleon star forming region and the $\epsilon$ Cha moving group, in particular for low-mass stars and substellar objects. We extended the search region significantly beyond the dark clouds. Our sample has been selected based on proper motions and colours obtained from Gaia and 2MASS. We present and discuss the optical spectroscopic follow-up of 18 low-mass stellar objects in Cha I and $\epsilon$ Cha. We characterize the properties of objects by deriving their physical parameters, both from spectroscopy and photometry. We add three more low-mass members to the list of Cha I, and increase the census of known $\epsilon$ Cha members by more than 40%, confirming spectroscopically 13 new members and relying on X-ray emission as youth indicator for 2 more. In most cases the best-fitting spectral template is from objects in the TW Hya association, indicating that $\epsilon$ Cha has a similar age. The first estimate of the slope of the initial mass function in $\epsilon$ Cha down to the sub-stellar regime is consistent with that of other young clusters. We estimate our IMF to be complete down to $\approx 0.03$M$_{\odot}$. The IMF can be represented by two power laws: for M $<$ 0.5 M$_{\odot}$ $\alpha = 0.42 \pm 0.11$ and for M $>$ 0.5 M$_{\odot}$ $\alpha = 1.44 \pm 0.12$. We find similarities between $\epsilon$ Cha and the southernmost part of Lower Centaurus Crux (LCC A0), both lying at similar distances and sharing the same proper motions. This suggests that $\epsilon$ Cha and LCC A0 may have been born during the same star formation event

K. J. Napier, D. W. Gerdes, Hsing Wen Lin, S. J. Hamilton, G. M. Bernstein, P. H. Bernardinelli, T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, J. Annis, S. Avila, D. Bacon, E. Bertin, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, M. Costanzi, L. N. da Costa, J. De Vicente, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, P. Fosalba, J. García Bellido, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, G. Gutierrez, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, B. Hoyle, D. J. James, S. Kent, K. Kuehn, N. Kuropatkin, M. A. G. Maia, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, R. Morgan, A. Palmese, F. Paz-Chinchón, A. A. Plazas, E. Sanchez, V. Scarpine, S. Serrano, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, M. Smith, E. Suchyta, M. E. C. Swanson, C. To, A. R. Walker, R. D. Wilkinson

19 pages, 14 figures

The apparent clustering in longitude of perihelion $\varpi$ and ascending node $\Omega$ of extreme trans-Neptunian objects (ETNOs) has been attributed to the gravitational effects of an unseen 5-10 Earth-mass planet in the outer solar system. To investigate how selection bias may contribute to this clustering, we consider 14 ETNOs discovered by the Dark Energy Survey, the Outer Solar System Origins Survey, and the survey of Sheppard and Trujillo. Using each survey's published pointing history, depth, and TNO tracking selections, we calculate the joint probability that these objects are consistent with an underlying parent population with uniform distributions in $\varpi$ and $\Omega$. We find that the mean scaled longitude of perihelion and orbital poles of the detected ETNOs are consistent with a uniform population at a level between $17\%$ and $94\%$, and thus conclude that this sample provides no evidence for angular clustering.

Jian Li, Ruo-Yu Liu, Emma de Ona Wilhelmi, Diego F. Torres, Qian-Cheng Liu, Matthew Kerr, Rolf Buehler, Yang Su, Hao-Ning He, Meng-Yuan Xiao

submitted to ApJL

The unidentified TeV source MGRO J1908+06, with emission extending from hundreds of GeV to beyond 100 TeV, is one of the most intriguing sources in the Galactic plane. MGRO J1908+06 spatially associates with an IceCube hotspot of neutrino emission, though not significant yet, indicating a possible hadronic origin of the observed gamma-ray radiation. Here we describe a multiwavelength analysis on MGRO J1908+06 to determine its nature. We identify, for the first time, an extended GeV source as the counterpart of MGRO J1908+06, discovering possibly associated molecular clouds (MCs). The GeV spectrum shows two well-differentiated components: a soft spectral component below $\sim$ 10 GeV, and a hard one (${\Gamma\sim}$1.6) above these energies. The lower-energy part is likely associated with the dense MCs surrounding the supernova remnant SNR G40.5-0.5, whereas the higher-energy component, which connects smoothly with the spectrum observed in TeV range, resembles the inverse Compton emission observed in relic pulsar wind nebulae. This simple scenario seems to describe the data satisfactorily, but raises questions about the interpretation of the emission at hundreds of TeV. In this scenario, no detectable neutrino flux would be expected.

Ronald M. Caplan, Cooper Downs, Jon A. Linker, Zoran Mikic

27 pages, 18 figures

The potential field (PF) solution of the solar corona is a vital modeling tool for a wide range of applications, including minimum energy estimates, coronal magnetic field modeling, and empirical solar wind solutions. Given its popularity, it is important to understand how choices made in computing a PF may influence key properties of the solution. Here we study PF solutions for the global coronal magnetic field on 2012 June 13, computed with our high-performance finite difference code POT3D. Solutions are analyzed for their global properties and locally around NOAA AR 11504, using the net open flux, open field boundaries, total magnetic energy, and magnetic structure as metrics. We explore how PF solutions depend on 1) the data source, type, and processing of the inner boundary conditions, 2) the choice of the outer boundary condition height and type, and 3) the numerical resolution and spatial scale of information at the lower boundary. We discuss the various qualitative and quantitative differences that naturally arise by using different maps as input, and illustrate how coronal morphology and open flux depend most strongly on the outer boundary condition. We also show how large-scale morphologies and the open magnetic flux are remarkably insensitive to model resolution, while the surface mapping and embedded magnetic complexity vary considerably. This establishes important context for past, current, and future applications of the PF for coronal and solar wind modeling.

Constant-rate inflation, including ultra-slow-roll as a special case, has been widely applied to the formation of primordial black holes with significant deviation from the standard slow-roll conditions at both the growing and decaying phases of the power spectrum. We derive analytic solutions for the curvature perturbations with respect to the late-time scaling dimensions (conformal weights) constrained by the dilatation symmetry of the de Sitter background and show that continuous momentum scaling generically occurs at the transition across different conformal dimensionalities. The temporal excitation of subleading states (with the next-to-lowest conformal weights) is recorded as the "steepest growth" of the power spectrum in the transition from slow-roll to constant-rate phases.

Crater chronologies are a fundamental tool to assess relative and absolute ages of planetary surfaces when direct radiometric dating is not available. Martian crater chronologies are derived from lunar crater spatial densities on terrains with known radiometric ages, and thus they critically depend on the extrapolation Moon to Mars. This extrapolation requires knowledge of the time evolution of the impact flux, including contributions from various impactor populations, factors that are not trivially connected to the dynamical evolution of the early Solar System. In this paper, we will present a new martian crater chronology based on current dynamical models, and consider the main sources of uncertainties. The new martian crater chronology is discussed using two interesting applications: Jezero crater's dark terrain (relevant to the NASA Mars 2020 mission) and the southern heavily cratered highlands. [abridged]

The discovery of 3C 273 in 1963, and the emergence of the Kerr solution shortly thereafter, precipitated the current era in astrophysics focused on using black holes to explain active galactic nuclei (AGN). But while partial success was achieved in separately explaining the bright nuclei of some AGN via thin disks, as well as powerful jets with thick disks, the combination of both powerful jets in an AGN with a bright nucleus, such as in 3C 273, remained elusive. Although numerical simulations have taken center stage in the last 25 years, they have struggled to produce the conditions that explain them. This is because radiatively efficient disks have proved a challenge to simulate. Radio quasars have thus been the least understood objects in high energy astrophysics. But recent simulations have begun to change this. We explore this milestone in light of scale-invariance and show that transitory jets, possibly related to the jets seen in these recent simulations, as some have proposed, cannot explain radio quasars. We then provide a road map for a resolution.

Zahra Sattari, Bahram Mobasher, Nima Chartab, Behnam Darvish, Irene Shivaei, Nick Scoville, David Sobral

10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We study the mass-metallicity relation for 19 members of a spectroscopically-confirmed protocluster in the COSMOS field at $z=2.2$ (CC2.2), and compare it with that of 24 similarly selected field galaxies at the same redshift. Both samples are $\rm H\alpha$ emitting sources, chosen from the HiZELS narrow-band survey, with metallicities derived from $\rm N2\ (\frac{\rm [NII] \lambda 6584}{\rm H \alpha})$ line ratio. For the mass-matched samples of protocluster and field galaxies, we find that protocluster galaxies with $10^{9.9} \rm M_\odot \leq M_* \leq 10^{10.9} \rm M_\odot$ are metal deficient by $0.10 \pm 0.04$ dex ($2.5\sigma$ significance) compared to their coeval field galaxies. This metal deficiency is absent for low mass galaxies, $\rm M_* < 10^{9.9} \rm M_\odot$. Moreover, relying on both SED-derived and $\rm {H\alpha}$ (corrected for dust extinction based on $\rm {M_*}$) SFRs, we find no strong environmental dependence of SFR-$\rm {M_*}$ relation, however, we are not able to rule out the existence of small dependence due to inherent uncertainties in both SFR estimators. The existence of $2.5\sigma$ significant metal deficiency for massive protocluster galaxies favors a model in which funneling of the primordial cold gas through filaments dilutes the metal content of protoclusters at high redshifts ($z \gtrsim 2$). At these redshifts, gas reservoirs in filaments are dense enough to cool down rapidly and fall into the potential well of the protocluster to lower the gas-phase metallicity of galaxies. Moreover, part of this metal deficiency could be originated from galaxy interactions which are more prevalent in dense environments.

Eleonora Di Valentino, Supriya Pan, Weiqiang Yang, Luis A. Anchordoqui

15 pages, 3 figures

With the entrance of cosmology in its new era of high precision experiments, low- and high-redshift observations set off tensions in the measurements of both the present-day expansion rate ($H_0$) and the clustering of matter ($S_8$). We provide a simultaneous solution of these tensions using the Parker-Raval Vacuum Metamorphosis (VM) model with the neutrino sector extended beyond the three massless Standard Model flavours and the curvature of the universe considered as a model parameter. We constrain the parameter space employing the following data sets: {\it (i)}~the cosmic microwave temperature and polarization data from the Planck mission, {\it (ii)}~Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) measurements, and {\it (iii)}~the Pantheon sample of Supernovae type Ia. We find that the likelihood analyses of the physically motivated VM model, which has the same number of free parameters than the spatially-flat $\Lambda$CDM model, always gives a solution to the $H_0$ tension (even when BAO or Pantheon data are included) at the price of much larger $\chi^2$ than $\Lambda$CDM. The inclusion of massive neutrinos and extra relativistic species quantified through two well known parameters $\sum m_{\nu}$ and $N_{\rm eff}$, does not modify this result, and in some cases improves the goodness of the fit. In particular, for the original VM+$\sum m_\nu$+$N_{\rm eff}$ and the Planck+BAO+Pantheon dataset combination, we find evidence for $\sum m_{\nu}=0.80^{+0.18}_{-0.22}~{\rm eV}$ at more than $3\sigma$, no indication for extra neutrino species, $H_0=71.0\pm1.2$~km/s/Mpc in agreement with local measurements, and $S_8=0.755\pm0.032$ that solves the tension with the weak lensing measurements.

Siyao Xu, Yue Hu

16 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The interstellar turbulence is magnetized and thus anisotropic. The anisotropy of turbulent magnetic fields and velocities is imprinted in the related observables, rotation measures (RMs), and velocity centroids (VCs). This anisotropy provides valuable information on both the direction and strength of the magnetic field. However, its measurement is difficult especially in highly supersonic turbulence in cold interstellar phases due to the distortions by isotropic density fluctuations. By using 3D simulations of supersonic and sub-Alfv\'enic magnetohydrodynamic(MHD) turbulence, we find that the problem can be alleviated when we selectively sample the volume-filling low-density regions in supersonic MHD turbulence. Our results show that in these low-density regions, the anisotropy of RM and VC fluctuations depends on the Alfv\'enic Mach number as $\rm M_A^{-4/3}$. This anisotropy-$\rm M_A$ relation is theoretically expected for sub-Alfv 'enic MHD turbulence and confirmed by our synthetic observations of $^{12}$CO emission. It provides a new method for measuring the plane-of-the-sky magnetic fields in cold interstellar phases.

Oscar Macias, Harm van Leijen, Deheng Song, Shin'ichiro Ando, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Roland M. Crocker

20+4 pages, 12+3 figures. Comments welcome

The leading explanation of the $\textit{Fermi}$ Galactic center $\gamma$-ray excess is the extended emission from a unresolved population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in the Galactic bulge. Such a population would, along with the prompt $\gamma$ rays, also inject large quantities of electrons/positrons ($e^\pm$) into the interstellar medium. These $e^\pm$ could potentially inverse-Compton (IC) scatter ambient photons into $\gamma$ rays that fall within the sensitivity range of the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). In this article, we examine the detection potential of CTA to this signature by making a realistic estimation of the systematic uncertainties on the Galactic diffuse emission model at TeV-scale $\gamma$-ray energies. We forecast that, in the event that $e^\pm$ injection spectra are harder than $E^{-2}$, CTA has the potential to robustly discover the IC signature of a putative Galactic bulge MSP population sufficient to explain the GCE for $e^\pm$ injection efficiencies in the range $\approx 2.9$--74.1\%, or higher, depending on the level of mismodeling of the Galactic diffuse emission components. On the other hand, for spectra softer than $E^{-2.5}$, a reliable CTA detection would require an unphysically large $e^\pm$ injection efficiency of $\gtrsim 158\%$. However, even this pessimistic conclusion may be avoided in the plausible event that MSP observational and/or modeling uncertainties can be reduced. We further find that, in the event that an IC signal were detected, CTA can successfully discriminate between an MSP and a dark matter origin for the radiating $e^\pm$.

Aleksandra Olejak, Krzysztof Belczynski, Natalia Ivanova

16 pages, 8 figures, submitted do A&A, comments are welcome

The treatment and criteria for development of unstable Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) that leads to the common envelope (CE) phase have hindered the evolutionary predictions for decades. In particular, the formation of black hole-black hole (BH-BH), black hole-neutron star (BH-NS), and neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) merging binaries depends sensitively on the CE phase in classical isolated binary evolution model. All these mergers are now reported as LIGO/Virgo sources or source candidates. CE is even considered by some as a mandatory phase in the formation of BH-BH, BH-NS or NS-NS mergers in binary evolution. At the moment, there is no full first-principles model for development of CE. We employ the Startrack population synthesis code to test the current advancements in studies on stability of RLOF for massive donors to assess their effect on LIGO/Virgo source population. In particular, we allow for more restrictive CE development criteria for massive donors. We also test a modified condition for switching between different types of stable mass transfer. We show how the revised CE development criteria and modified condition to switch from thermal timescale mass transfer to nuclear timescale mass transfer affect BH-BH, BH-NS and NS-NS local merger rate density, fraction of unequal mass BH-BH and BH-NS mergers, and the shape of the mass distribution of BH-BH mergers. We find that the changes in highly uncertain assumptions on RLOF physics may significantly affect (i) local merger rate density, (ii) shape of the mass and mass ratio distributions, and (iii) dominant evolutionary formation (withand without CE) scenarios of LIGO/Virgo sources. Our results demonstrate that without sufficiently strong constraints on RLOF physics, one is not able to draw fully reliable conclusions about the population of double compact object systems based on population synthesis studies.

Pete Riley, Roberto Lionello, Ronald M. Caplan, Cooper Downs, Jon A. Linker, Samuel T. Badman, Michael L. Stevens

Parker Solar Probe (PSP) is providing an unprecedented view of the Sun's corona as it progressively dips closer into the solar atmosphere with each solar encounter. Each set of observations provides a unique opportunity to test and constrain global models of the solar corona and inner heliosphere and, in turn, use the model results to provide a global context for interpreting such observations. In this study, we develop a set of global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model solutions of varying degrees of sophistication for PSP's first four encounters and compare the results with in situ measurements from PSP, Stereo-A, and Earth-based spacecraft, with the objective of assessing which models perform better or worse. All models were primarily driven by the observed photospheric magnetic field using data from Solar Dynamics Observatory's Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument. Overall, we find that there are substantial differences between the model results, both in terms of the large-scale structure of the inner heliosphere during these time periods, as well as in the inferred time-series at various spacecraft. The "thermodynamic" model, which represents the "middle ground", in terms of model complexity, appears to reproduce the observations most closely for all four encounters. Our results also contradict an earlier study that had hinted that the open flux problem may disappear nearer the Sun. Instead, our results suggest that this "missing" solar flux is still missing even at 26.9 Rs, and thus it cannot be explained by interplanetary processes. Finally, the model results were also used to provide a global context for interpreting the localized in situ measurements.

The neutron skin thickness $\Delta r_{\rm{np}}$ of heavy nuclei is essentially determined by the symmetry energy density slope $L({\rho })$ at $\rho_c = 0.11/0.16\rho_0$ ($\rho_0$ is nuclear saturation density), roughly corresponding to the average density of finite nuclei. The PREX collaboration recently reported a model-independent extraction of $\Delta r^{208}_{\rm{np}} = 0.29 \pm 0.07$ fm for the $\Delta r_{\rm{np}}$ of $^{208}$Pb, which suggests a rather stiff symmetry energy $E_{\rm{sym}}({\rho })$ with $L({\rho_c }) \ge 55$ MeV. We demonstrate that the $E_{\rm{sym}}({\rho })$ cannot be too stiff and $L({\rho_c }) \le 73$ MeV is necessary to be compatible with (1) the ground-state properties and giant monopole resonances of finite nuclei, (2) the constraints on the equation of state of symmetric nuclear matter at suprasaturation densities from flow data in heavy-ion collisions, (3) the largest neutron star (NS) mass reported so far for PSR J0740+6620, (4) the NS tidal deformability extracted from gravitational wave signal GW170817 and (5) the mass-radius of PSR J0030+045 measured simultaneously by NICER. This allow us to obtain $55 \le L({\rho_c }) \le 73$ MeV and $0.22 \le \Delta r^{208}_{\rm{np}} \le 0.27$ fm, and further $E_{\rm{sym}}({\rho_0 }) = 34.5 \pm 1.5$ MeV, $L({\rho_0 }) = 85.5 \pm 22.2$ MeV, and $E_{\rm{sym}}({2\rho_0 }) = 63.9 \pm 14.8$ MeV. A number of critical implications on nuclear physics and astrophysics are discussed.

Nam-Yong Ghim, Ghil-Seok Yang, Hyun-Chul Kim, Ulugbek Yakhshiev

14 pages, 8 figures

We investigate the properties of baryonic matter within the framework of the in-medium modified chiral soliton model by taking into account the effects of surrounding baryonic environment on the properties of in-medium baryons. The internal parameters of the model are determined based on nuclear phenomenology at nonstrange sector and fitted by reproducing nuclear matter properties near the saturation point. We discuss the equations of state in different nuclear environments such as symmetric nuclear matter, neutron and strange matters. We show that the results for the equations of state are in good agreement with the phenomenology of nuclear matter. We also discuss how the SU(3) baryons masses undergo changes in these various types of nuclear matter.