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Papers for Thursday, Feb 18 2021

Papers with local authors

Oliver H. E. Philcox, Zachary Slepian

18+9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Code available at this http URL

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Paper 3 — arXiv:2102.08384
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2102.08384

Conventional estimators of the anisotropic power spectrum and two-point correlation function (2PCF) adopt the `Yamamoto approximation', fixing the line-of-sight of a pair of galaxies to that of just one of its members. Whilst this is accurate only to first-order in the characteristic opening angle $\theta_\max$, it allows for efficient implementation via Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). This work presents practical algorithms for computing the power spectrum and 2PCF multipoles using pairwise lines-of-sight, adopting either the galaxy midpoint or angle bisector definitions. Using newly derived infinite series expansions for spherical harmonics and Legendre polynomials, we construct estimators accurate to arbitrary order in $\theta_\max$, though note that the midpoint and bisector formalisms themselves differ at fourth order. Each estimator can be straightforwardly implemented using FFTs, requiring only modest additional computational cost relative to the Yamamoto approximation. We demonstrate the algorithms by applying them to a set of realistic mock galaxy catalogs, and find both procedures produce comparable results for the 2PCF, with a slight preference for the bisector power spectrum algorithm, albeit at the cost of greater memory usage. Such estimators provide a useful method to reduce wide-angle systematics for future surveys.

Elizabeth Berzin, Amy Secunda, Renyue Cen, Alexander Menegas, Ylva Götberg

22 pages, 13 figures

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Paper 12 — arXiv:2102.08408
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2102.08408

While most simulations of the epoch of reionization have focused on single-stellar populations in star-forming dwarf galaxies, products of binary evolution are expected to significantly contribute to emissions of hydrogen-ionizing photons. Among these products are stripped stars (or helium stars), which have their envelopes stripped from interactions with binary companions, leaving an exposed helium core. Previous work has suggested these stripped stars can dominate the LyC photon output of high-redshift low luminosity galaxies. Other sources of hard radiation in the early universe include zero-metallicity Population III stars, which may have similar SED properties to galaxies with radiation dominated by stripped star emissions. Here, we use two metrics (the power-law exponent over wavelength intervals 240-500 \r{A}, 600-900 \r{A}, and 1200-2000 \r{A}, and the ratio of total luminosity in FUV wavelengths to LyC wavelengths) to compare the SEDs of simulated galaxies with only single-stellar evolution, galaxies containing stripped stars, and galaxies containing Population III stars, with four different IMFs. We find that stripped stars significantly alter the SEDs in the LyC range of galaxies at the epoch of reionization. SEDs in galaxies with stripped stars present have lower power-law indices in the LyC range and lower FUV to LyC luminosity ratios. These differences in SEDs are present at all considered luminosities ($M_{UV} > -15$, AB system), and are most pronounced for lower luminosity galaxies. We also find that SEDs of galaxies with stripped stars and Pop III stars are distinct from each other for all tested IMFs.

A. Fumagalli, A. Saro, S. Borgani, T. Castro, M. Costanzi, P. Monaco, E. Munari, E. Sefusatti, A. Amara, N. Auricchio, A. Balestra, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, J. Brinchmann, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Cledassou, C.J. Conselice, L. Corcione, A. Costille, M. Cropper, H. Degaudenzi, M. Douspis, F. Dubath, S. Dusini, A. Ealet, P. Fosalba, E. Franceschi, P. Franzetti, M. Fumana, B. Garilli, C. Giocoli, F. Grupp, L. Guzzo, S.V.H. Haugan, H. Hoekstra, W. Holmes, F. Hormuth, K. Jahnke, A. Kiessling, M. Kilbinger, T. Kitching, M. Kümmel, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, R. Laureijs, P. B. Lilje, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Marggraf, K. Markovic, R. Massey, M. Meneghetti, G. Meylan, L. Moscardini, S.M. Niemi, C. Padilla, S. Paltani, F. Pasian, K. Pedersen, et al.

15 pages, 16 figures

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Paper 56 — arXiv:2102.08914
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Paper 56 — arXiv:2102.08914

Aims. We investigate the contribution of shot-noise and sample variance to the uncertainty of cosmological parameter constraints inferred from cluster number counts in the context of the Euclid survey. Methods. By analysing 1000 Euclid-like light-cones, produced with the PINOCCHIO approximate method, we validate the analytical model of Hu & Kravtsov 2003 for the covariance matrix, which takes into account both sources of statistical error. Then, we use such covariance to define the likelihood function that better extracts cosmological information from cluster number counts at the level of precision that will be reached by the future Euclid photometric catalogs of galaxy clusters. We also study the impact of the cosmology dependence of the covariance matrix on the parameter constraints. Results. The analytical covariance matrix reproduces the variance measured from simulations within the 10 per cent level; such difference has no sizeable effect on the error of cosmological parameter constraints at this level of statistics. Also, we find that the Gaussian likelihood with cosmology-dependent covariance is the only model that provides an unbiased inference of cosmological parameters without underestimating the errors.

Papers reserved for later discussion

These are papers reserved by people for discussion at a later date. All reservations are kept for 2 days after the date of the reservation.

Jessica Sutter, Daniel A. Dale, Karin Sandstrom, J.D.T. Smith, Alberto Bolatto, Mederic Boquien, Daniela Calzetti, Kevin V. Croxall, Ilse De Looze, Maude Galametz, Brent A. Groves, George Helou, Rodrigo Herrera-Camus, Leslie K. Hunt, Robert C. Kennicutt, Eric W. Pelligrini, Christine Wilson, Mark G. Wolfire

To be published in MNRAS, 8 pages, 6 figures

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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08865
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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08865

The [CII] deficit, which describes the observed decrease in the ratio of [CII] 158 micron emission to continuum infrared emission in galaxies with high star formation surface densities, places a significant challenge to the interpretation of [CII] detections from across the observable universe. In an attempt to further decode the cause of the [CII] deficit, the [CII] and dust continuum emission from 18 Local Volume galaxies has been split based on conditions within the interstellar medium where it originated. This is completed using the Key Insights in Nearby Galaxies: a Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel (KINGFISH) and Beyond the Peak (BtP) surveys and the wide-range of wavelength information, from UV to far-infrared emission lines, available for a selection of star-forming regions within these samples. By comparing these subdivided [CII] emissions to isolated infrared emission and other properties, we find that the thermalization (collisional de-excitation) of the [CII] line in HII regions plays a significant role in the deficit observed in our sample.

C. Ginski, S. Facchini, J. Huang, M. Benisty, D. Vaendel, L. Stapper, C. Dominik, J. Bae, F. Menard, G. Muro-Arena, M. Hogerheijde, M. McClure, R. G. van Holstein, T. Birnstiel, Y. Boehler, A. Bohn, M. Flock, E. E. Mamajek, C. F. Manara, P. Pinilla, C. Pinte, A. Ribas

18 pages, 12 figures, published in ApJL on 18-02-2021

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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08781
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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08781

Gas-rich circumstellar disks are the cradles of planet formation. As such, their evolution will strongly influence the resulting planet population. In the ESO DESTINYS large program, we study these disks within the first 10 Myr of their development with near-infrared scattered light imaging. Here we present VLT/SPHERE polarimetric observations of the nearby class II system SU Aur in which we resolve the disk down to scales of ~7 au. In addition to the new SPHERE observations, we utilize VLT/NACO, HST/STIS and ALMA archival data. The new SPHERE data show the disk around SU Aur and extended dust structures in unprecedented detail. We resolve several dust tails connected to the Keplerian disk. By comparison with ALMA data, we show that these dust tails represent material falling onto the disk. The disk itself shows an intricate spiral structure and a shadow lane, cast by an inner, misaligned disk component. Our observations suggest that SU Aur is undergoing late infall of material, which can explain the observed disk structures. SU Aur is the clearest observational example of this mechanism at work and demonstrates that late accretion events can still occur in the class II phase, thereby significantly affecting the evolution of circumstellar disks. Constraining the frequency of such events with additional observations will help determine whether this process is responsible for the spin-orbit misalignment in evolved exoplanet systems.

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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08564
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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08564

Supersonic turbulence in the interstellar medium (ISM) is closely linked to the formation of stars, and hence many theories connect the stellar initial mass function (IMF) with the turbulent properties of molecular clouds. Here we test three turbulence-based IMF models (by Padoan & Nordlund 2002, Hennebelle & Chabrier 2008, and Hopkins 2012), which predict the relation between the high-mass slope ($\Gamma$) of the IMF, $\mathrm{d} N/\mathrm{d} \log M \propto M^{\Gamma}$ and the exponent n of the velocity power spectrum of turbulence, $E_v(k)\propto k^{-n} $, where $n\approx 2$ corresponds to typical ISM turbulence. Using hydrodynamic simulations, we drive turbulence with an unusual index of $n\approx 1$, measure $\Gamma$, and compare the results with $n\approx 2$. We find that reducing $n$ from 2 to 1 primarily changes the high-mass region of the IMF (beyond the median mass), where we measure high-mass slopes within the 95 per cent confidence interval of $-1.5<\Gamma<-1$ for $n \approx 1$ and $-3.7<\Gamma<-2.4$ for $n\approx 2$, respectively. Thus, we find that $n=1$ results in a significantly flatter high-mass slope of the IMF, with more massive stars formed than for $n \approx 2$. We compare these simulations with the predictions of the three IMF theories. We find that while the Padoan & Nordlund theory matches our simulations with fair accuracy, the other theories either fail to reproduce the main qualitative outcome of the simulations or require some modifications. We conclude that turbulence plays a key role in shaping the IMF, with a shallower turbulence power spectrum producing a shallower high-mass IMF, and hence more massive stars.

Elizabeth Berzin, Amy Secunda, Renyue Cen, Alexander Menegas, Ylva Götberg

22 pages, 13 figures

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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08408
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02/18/2021: arXiv:2102.08408

While most simulations of the epoch of reionization have focused on single-stellar populations in star-forming dwarf galaxies, products of binary evolution are expected to significantly contribute to emissions of hydrogen-ionizing photons. Among these products are stripped stars (or helium stars), which have their envelopes stripped from interactions with binary companions, leaving an exposed helium core. Previous work has suggested these stripped stars can dominate the LyC photon output of high-redshift low luminosity galaxies. Other sources of hard radiation in the early universe include zero-metallicity Population III stars, which may have similar SED properties to galaxies with radiation dominated by stripped star emissions. Here, we use two metrics (the power-law exponent over wavelength intervals 240-500 \r{A}, 600-900 \r{A}, and 1200-2000 \r{A}, and the ratio of total luminosity in FUV wavelengths to LyC wavelengths) to compare the SEDs of simulated galaxies with only single-stellar evolution, galaxies containing stripped stars, and galaxies containing Population III stars, with four different IMFs. We find that stripped stars significantly alter the SEDs in the LyC range of galaxies at the epoch of reionization. SEDs in galaxies with stripped stars present have lower power-law indices in the LyC range and lower FUV to LyC luminosity ratios. These differences in SEDs are present at all considered luminosities ($M_{UV} > -15$, AB system), and are most pronounced for lower luminosity galaxies. We also find that SEDs of galaxies with stripped stars and Pop III stars are distinct from each other for all tested IMFs.

All other papers

Samuel Gagnon-Hartman, Yue Cui, Adrian Liu, Siamak Ravanbakhsh

15 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables; comments very welcome!

One of the critical challenges facing imaging studies of the 21-cm signal at the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is the separation of astrophysical foreground contamination. These foregrounds are known to lie in a wedge-shaped region of $(k_{\perp},k_{\parallel})$ Fourier space. Removing these Fourier modes excises the foregrounds at grave expense to image fidelity, since the cosmological information at these modes is also removed by the wedge filter. However, the 21-cm EoR signal is non-Gaussian, meaning that the lost wedge modes are correlated to the surviving modes by some covariance matrix. We have developed a machine learning-based which exploits this information to identify ionized regions within a wedge-filtered image. Our method reliably identifies the largest ionized regions and can reconstruct their shape, size, and location within an image. We further demonstrate that our method remains viable when instrumental effects are accounted for, using the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array and the Square Kilometre Array as fiducial instruments. The ability to recover spatial information from wedge-filtered images unlocks the potential for imaging studies using current- and next-generation instruments without relying on detailed models of the astrophysical foregrounds themselves.

Daniel DeFelippis, Nicolas F. Bouché, Shy Genel, Greg L. Bryan, Dylan Nelson, Federico Marinacci, Lars Hernquist

Submitted to ApJ. 15 pages, 10 figures. The TNG50 data is now publicly available at this https URL

The circumgalactic medium (CGM) contains information on gas flows around galaxies, such as accretion and supernova-driven winds, which are difficult to constrain from observations alone. Here, we use the high-resolution TNG50 cosmological magneto-hydrodynamical simulation to study the properties and kinematics of the CGM around star-forming galaxies in $10^{11.5}-10^{12}\;M_{\odot}$ halos at $z\simeq1$ using mock MgII absorption lines, which we generate by post-processing halos to account for photoionization in the presence of a UV background. We find that the MgII gas is a very good tracer of the cold CGM, which is accreting inwards at an inflow velocity of $\sim$50 km s$^{-1}$. For sightlines aligned with the galaxy's major axis, we find that MgII absorption lines are kinematically shifted due to the cold CGM's significant corotation at speeds up to 50% of the virial velocity for impact parameters up to 60 kpc. We compare mock MgII spectra to observations from the MusE GAs FLow and Wind (MEGAFLOW) survey of strong MgII absorbers ($EW^{2796\r{A}}_{0}>0.5 \; \r{A}$). After matching the equivalent width (EW) selection, we find that the mock MgII spectra reflect the diversity of observed kinematics and EWs from MEGAFLOW, even though the sightlines probe a very small fraction of the CGM. MgII absorption in higher-mass halos is stronger and broader than in lower-mass halos but has qualitatively similar kinematics. The median specific angular momentum of the MgII CGM gas in TNG50 is very similar to that of the entire CGM and only differs from non-CGM components of the halo by normalization factors of $\lesssim$ 1 dex.

Oliver Just (1, 2), Stephane Goriely (3), Hans-Thomas Janka (4), Shigehiro Nagataki (2, 5), Andreas Bauswein (1, 6) ((1) GSI Darmstadt, (2) ABBL RIKEN Saitama, (3) ULB Brussels, (4) MPA Garching, (5) iTHEMS RIKEN Saitama, (6) HFHF Darmstadt)

35 pages, 21 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Black-hole (BH) accretion disks formed in compact-object mergers or collapsars may be major sites of the rapid-neutron-capture (r-)process, but the conditions determining the electron fraction (Y_e) remain uncertain given the complexity of neutrino transfer and angular-momentum transport. After discussing relevant weak-interaction regimes, we study the role of neutrino absorption for shaping Y_e using an extensive set of simulations performed with two-moment neutrino transport and again without neutrino absorption. We vary the torus mass, BH mass and spin, and examine the impact of rest-mass and weak-magnetism corrections in the neutrino rates. We also test the dependence on the angular-momentum transport treatment by comparing axisymmetric models using the standard alpha-viscosity with viscous models assuming constant viscous length scales (l_t) and three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. Finally, we discuss the nucleosynthesis yields and basic kilonova properties. We find that absorption pushes Y_e towards ~0.5 outside the torus, while inside increasing the equilibrium value Y_e^eq by ~0.05--0.2. Correspondingly, a substantial ejecta fraction is pushed above Y_e=0.25, leading to a reduced lanthanide fraction and a brighter, earlier, and bluer kilonova than without absorption. More compact tori with higher neutrino optical depth, tau, tend to have lower Y_e^eq up to tau~1-10, above which absorption becomes strong enough to reverse this trend. Disk ejecta are less (more) neutron-rich when employing an l_t=const. viscosity (MHD treatment). The solar-like abundance pattern found for our MHD model marginally supports collapsar disks as major r-process sites, although a strong r-process may be limited to phases of high mass-infall rates, Mdot>~ 2 x 10^(-2) Msun/s.

Rimpei Chiba, Ralph Schönrich

12 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Galaxy models have long predicted that galactic bars slow down by losing angular momentum to their postulated dark haloes. When the bar slows down, resonance sweeps radially outwards through the galactic disc while growing in volume, thereby sequentially capturing new stars at its surface/separatrix. Since trapped stars conserve their action of libration, which measures the relative distance to the resonance centre, the order of capturing is preserved: the surface of the resonance is dominated by stars captured recently at large radius, while the core of the resonance is occupied by stars trapped early at small radius. The slow-down of the bar thus results in a rising mean metallicity of trapped stars from the surface towards the centre of the resonance as the Galaxy's metallicity declines towards large radii. This argument, when applied to Solar neighbourhood stars, allows a novel precision measurement of the bar's current pattern speed $\Omega_p = 35.5 \pm 0.8$ km/s/kpc, placing the corotation radius at $R_{CR} = 6.6 \pm 0.2$ kpc. With this pattern speed, the corotation resonance precisely fits the Hercules stream in agreement with kinematics. Beyond corroborating the slow bar theory, this measurement manifests the deceleration of the bar and thus the angular momentum transfer to the dark halo by dynamical friction. The measurement therefore supports the existence of a standard dark-matter halo rather than alternative models of gravity.

Cole Johnston (1, 2), Nicolas Aimar (1, 3), Michael Abdul-Masih (4, 1), Dominic. M. Bowman (1), Tim R. White (5, 6), Calum Hawcroft (1), Hugues Sana (1), Sanjay Sekaran (1), Karan Dsilva (1), Andrew Tkachenko (1), Conny Aerts (1, 2, 7) ((1) KU Leuven, (2) Radboud University Nijmegen, (3) Observatoire de Paris, (4) European Southern Observatory, (5) Sydney Institute for Astronomy | University of Sydney, (6) Stellar Astrophysics Centre | Aarhus University, (7) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)

Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 14 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables, 1 appendix (4 additional figures)

O-stars are known to experience a wide range of variability mechanisms originating at both their surface and their near-core regions. Characterization and understanding of this variability and its potential causes are integral for evolutionary calculations. We use a new extensive high-resolution spectroscopic data set to characterize the variability observed in both the spectroscopic and space-based photometric observations of the O+B eclipsing binary HD~165246. We present an updated atmospheric and binary solution for the primary component, involving a high level of microturbulence ($13_{-1.3}^{+1.0}\,$km\,s$^{-1}$) and a mass of $M_1=23.7_{-1.4}^{+1.1}$~M$_{\odot}$, placing it in a sparsely explored region of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Furthermore, we deduce a rotational frequency of $0.690\pm 0.003\,$d$^{-1}$ from the combined photometric and line-profile variability, implying that the primary rotates at 40\% of its critical Keplerian rotation rate. We discuss the potential explanations for the overall variability observed in this massive binary, and discuss its evolutionary context.

Kimberly Paragas, Shreyas Vissapragada, Heather A. Knutson, Antonija Oklopčić, Yayaati Chachan, Michael Greklek-McKeon, Fei Dai, Samaporn Tinyanont, Gautam Vasisht

accepted for publication in ApJL

The metastable helium line at 1083 nm can be used to probe the extended upper atmospheres of close-in exoplanets and thus provide insight into their atmospheric mass loss, which is likely to be significant in sculpting their population. We used an ultranarrowband filter centered on this line to observe two transits of the low-density gas giant HAT-P-18b, using the 200" Hale Telescope at Palomar Observatory, and report the detection of its extended upper atmosphere. We constrain the excess absorption to be $0.46\pm0.12\%$ in our 0.635 nm bandpass, exceeding the transit depth from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) by $3.9\sigma$. If we fit this signal with a 1D Parker wind model, we find that it corresponds to an atmospheric mass loss rate between $8.3^{+2.8}_{-1.9} \times 10^{-5}$ $M_\mathrm{J}$/Gyr and $2.63^{+0.46}_{-0.64} \times 10^{-3}$ $M_\mathrm{J}$/Gyr for thermosphere temperatures ranging from 4000 K to 13000 K, respectively. With a J magnitude of 10.8, this is the faintest system for which such a measurement has been made to date, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach for surveying mass loss on a diverse sample of close-in gas giant planets.

Cassandra Lochhaas, Jason Tumlinson, Brian W. O'Shea, Molly S. Peeples, Britton D. Smith, Jessica K. Werk, Ramona Augustin, Raymond C. Simons

25 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome!

The classical definition of the virial temperature of a galaxy halo excludes a fundamental contribution to the energy partition of the halo: the kinetic energy of non-thermal gas motions. Using simulations from the FOGGIE project (Figuring Out Gas & Galaxies In Enzo) that are optimized to resolve low-density gas, we show that the kinetic energy of non-thermal motions is roughly equal to the energy of thermal motions. The simulated FOGGIE halos have $\sim 2\times$ lower bulk temperatures than expected from a classical virial equilibrium, owing to significant non-thermal kinetic energy that is formally excluded from the definition of $T_\mathrm{vir}$. We derive a modified virial temperature explicitly including non-thermal gas motions that provides a more accurate description of gas temperatures for simulated halos in virial equilibrium. Strong bursts of stellar feedback drive the simulated FOGGIE halos out of virial equilibrium, but the halo gas cannot be accurately described by the standard virial temperature even when in virial equilibrium. Compared to the standard virial temperature, the cooler modified virial temperature implies other effects on halo gas: (i) the thermal gas pressure is lower, (ii) radiative cooling is more efficient, (iii) O VI absorbing gas that traces the virial temperature may be prevalent in halos of a higher mass than expected, (iv) gas mass estimates from X-ray surface brightness profiles may be incorrect, and (v) turbulent motions make an important contribution to the energy balance of a galaxy halo.

Thomas Bohn, Gabriela Canalizo, Sylvain Veilleux, Weizhe Liu

31 pages, 18 Figures, 13 Tables. Accepted by ApJ

We have obtained Keck NIR spectroscopy of a sample of nine M$_\star$ $<$ 10$^{10}$ M$_\odot$ dwarf galaxies to confirm AGN activity and the presence of galaxy-wide, AGN-driven outflows through coronal line (CL) emission. We find strong CL detections in 5/9 galaxies (55$\%$) with line ratios incompatible with shocks, confirming the presence of AGN in these galaxies. Similar CL detection rates are found in larger samples of more massive galaxies hosting type 1 and 2 AGN. We investigate the connection between the CLs and galaxy-wide outflows by analyzing the kinematics of the CL region, as well as the scaling of gas velocity with ionization potential of different CLs. In addition, using complementary Keck KCWI observations of these objects, we find that the outflow velocities measured in [Si VI] are generally faster than those seen in [O III]. The galaxies with the fastest outflows seen in [O III] also have the highest [Si VI] luminosity. The lack of $J$-band CN absorption features, which are often associated with younger stellar populations, provides further evidence that these outflows are driven by AGN in low mass galaxies.

We present and discuss three extremely rapid neutron-capture (r-)process enhanced stars located in the massive dwarf spheriodal galaxy Fornax. These stars are very unique with an extreme Eu enrichment at high metallicities. They have the largest Eu abundances ever observed in a dwarf galaxy opening new opportunities to further understand the origin of heavy elements formed by the r-process. We derive stellar abundances of Co, Zr, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Er, and Lu using 1-dimensional, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) codes and model atmospheres in conjunction with state-of-the art yield predictions. We derive Zr in the largest sample of stars (105) known to date in a dwarf galaxy. Accurate stellar abundances combined with a careful assessment of the yield predictions have revealed three metal-rich stars in Fornax showing a pure r-process pattern. We define a new class of stars, namely Eu-stars, as r-II stars (i.e., [Eu/Fe]$>1$) at high metallicities (i.e., $\mathrm{[Fe/H]}\gtrsim -1.5$). The stellar abundance pattern contains Lu, observed for the first time in a dwarf galaxy, and reveals that a late burst of star formation has facilitated extreme r-process enhancement late in the galaxy's history ($<4$ Gyr ago). Owing to the large uncertainties associated with nuclear physics input in the yield predictions, we cannot yet determine the r-process site leading to the three Eu-stars in Fornax. Our results demonstrate that extremely r-rich stars are not only associated to ultra faint low-mass dwarf galaxies, but can be born also in massive dwarf galaxies.

T. K. Chan, Tom Theuns, Richard Bower, Carlos Frenk

31 pages, 20 figures; submitted to MNRAS; Comments welcome

We present a new radiative transfer method (SPH-M1RT) that is coupled dynamically with smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). We implement it in the (tasked-based parallel) SWIFT galaxy simulation code but it can be straightforwardly implemented to other SPH codes. Our moment-based method simultaneously solves the radiation energy and flux equations in SPH, making it adaptive in space and time. We modify the M1 closure relation to stabilize radiation fronts in the optically thin limit which performs well even in the case of head-on beam collisions. We also introduce anisotropic artificial viscosity and high-order artificial diffusion schemes, which allow the code to handle radiation transport accurately in both the optically thin and optically thick regimes. Non-equilibrium thermochemistry is solved using a semi-implicit subcycling technique. The computational cost of our method is independent of the number of sources and can be lowered using the reduced speed of light approximation. We demonstrate the robustness of our method by applying it to a set of standard tests from the cosmological radiative transfer comparison project of Iliev et al. The SPH-M1RT scheme is well-suited for modelling situations in which numerous sources emit ionising radiation, such as cosmological simulations of galaxy formation or simulations of the interstellar medium.

Mike Walmsley, Chris Lintott, Tobias Geron, Sandor Kruk, Coleman Krawczyk, Kyle W. Willett, Steven Bamford, William Keel, Lee S. Kelvin, Lucy Fortson, Karen L. Masters, Vihang Mehta, Brooke D. Simmons, Rebecca Smethurst, Elisabeth M. Baeten, Christine Macmillan

First review received from MNRAS. Data at this https URL Temporary interactive viewer at this https URL

We present Galaxy Zoo DECaLS: detailed visual morphological classifications for Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey images of galaxies within the SDSS DR8 footprint. Deeper DECaLS images (r=23.6 vs. r=22.2 from SDSS) reveal spiral arms, weak bars, and tidal features not previously visible in SDSS imaging. To best exploit the greater depth of DECaLS images, volunteers select from a new set of answers designed to improve our sensitivity to mergers and bars. Galaxy Zoo volunteers provide 7.5 million individual classifications over 314,000 galaxies. 140,000 galaxies receive at least 30 classifications, sufficient to accurately measure detailed morphology like bars, and the remainder receive approximately 5. All classifications are used to train an ensemble of Bayesian convolutional neural networks (a state-of-the-art deep learning method) to predict posteriors for the detailed morphology of all 314,000 galaxies. When measured against confident volunteer classifications, the networks are approximately 99% accurate on every question. Morphology is a fundamental feature of every galaxy; our human and machine classifications are an accurate and detailed resource for understanding how galaxies evolve.

Measurements of cosmic ray electron+positron spectrum above 10 TeV with ground-based experiments is challenging because of the difficulty of rejection of hadronic extensive air shower background. We study the efficiency of rejection of the hadronic background with water Cherenkov detector array supplemented by muon detection layer. We show that addition of a continuous muon detection layer to the experimental setup allows to achieve a ~ 1e-5 rejection factor for hadronic background at 10 TeV and enables measurement of electron spectrum in 10-100 TeV energy range. We show that measurements of electron spectrum in this energy range do not require a high-altitude experiment and can be done with a sea-level detector.

In this paper I compare the quality of the fit of a simple power law model of cosmic expansion to the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. I analyze a data set consisting of cosmic chronometer, standard ruler, and standard candle measurements, finding that the $\Lambda$CDM model provides a better fit to most combinations of these data than does the power law model

M. García-Rivas, J. Jurcak, N. Bello González

Context. Analyses of magnetic properties on umbrae boundaries have led to the Jurcak criterion, which states that umbra-penumbra boundaries in stable sunspots are equally defined by a constant value of the vertical magnetic field, Bver_crit, and by 0.5 continuum intensity of the quiet Sun, Iqs. Umbrae with vertical magnetic fields stronger than Bver_crit are stable, whereas umbrae with vertical magnetic fields weaker than Bver_crit are unstable and prone to vanishing. Aims. To investigate the existence of a Bver_crit on a pore boundary and its role in the evolution of the magnetic structure. Methods. We analysed SDO/HMI vector field maps corrected for scattered light with a temporal cadence of 12 minutes during a 28-hour period. An intensity threshold (Ic = 0.55 Iqs) is used to define the pore boundary and temporal evolutions of the magnetic properties are studied there. Results. We observe well-defined stages in the pore evolution: (1)during the initial formation phase, total magnetic field strength (B) and vertical magnetic field (Bver) increase to their maximum values of 1920 G and 1670 G, respectively; (2)then the pore reaches a stable phase; (3)in a second formation phase, the pore undergoes a rapid growth in size, along with a decrease in B and Bver on its boundary. In the newly formed area of the pore, Bver remains below 1665 G and B below 1921 G; (4)ultimately, pore decay starts. We find overall that pore areas with Bver<1665 G, or equivalently B<1921 G, disintegrate faster than regions that fulfil this criteria. Conclusions. We find that the most stable regions of the pore, similarly to the case of umbral boundaries, are defined by a critical value of the vertical component of the magnetic field that is comparable to that found in stable sunspots. In this case study, the same pore areas can be equivalently well-defined by a critical value of the total magnetic field strength.

Richard Luhtaru (1), Paul L. Schechter (1 and 2), Kaylee M. de Soto (1) ((1) MIT Department of Physics, (2) MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research)

AASTeX v6.3, 12 pages with 2 figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal on 16 February 2021

Among known strongly lensed quasar systems, ~25% have gravitational potentials sufficiently flat to produce four images rather than two. The projected flattening of the lensing galaxy and tides from neighboring galaxies both contribute to the potential's quadrupole. Witt's hyperbola and Wynne's ellipse permit determination of the overall quadrupole from the positions of the quasar images. The position of the lensing galaxy resolves the distinct contributions of intrinsic ellipticity and tidal shear to that quadrupole. Among 31 quadruply lensed quasars systems with statistically significant decompositions, 15 are either reliably ($2\sigma$) or provisionally ($1\sigma$) shear-dominated and 11 are either reliably or provisionally ellipticity-dominated. For the remaining 8, the two effects make roughly equal contributions to the combined cross section (newly derived here) for quadruple lensing. This observational result is strongly at variance with the ellipticity-dominated forecast of Oguri & Marshall (2010).

Shannon M. MacKenzie, Samuel P.D. Birch, Sarah Horst, Christophe Sotin, Erika Barth, Juan M. Lora, Melissa G. Trainer, Paul Corlies, Michael J. Malaska, Ella Sciamma-O'Brien, Alexander E. Thelen, Elizabeth P. Turtle, Jani Radebaugh, Jennifer Hanley, Anezina Solomonidou, Claire Newman, Leonardo Regoli, Sebastien Rodriguez, Benoit Seignovert, Alexander G. Hayes, Baptiste Journaux, Jordan Steckloff, Delphine Nna-Mvondo, Thomas Cornet, Maureen Palmer, Rosaly M.C. Lopes, Sandrine Vinatier, Ralph Lorenz, Conor Nixon, Ellen Czaplinski, Jason W. Barnes, Ed Sittler, Andrew Coates

Submitted to the PSJ Focus Issue on Ocean World Exploration

Thanks to the Cassini-Huygens mission, Titan, the pale orange dot of Pioneer and Voyager encounters has been revealed to be a dynamic, hydrologically-shaped, organic-rich ocean world offering unparalleled opportunities to explore prebiotic chemistry. And while Cassini-Huygens revolutionized our understanding of each of the three layers of Titan--the atmosphere, the surface, and the interior--we are only beginning to hypothesize how these realms interact. In this paper, we summarize the current state of Titan knowledge and discuss how future exploration of Titan would address some of the next decade's most compelling planetary science questions. We also demonstrate why exploring Titan, both with and beyond the Dragonfly New Frontiers mission, is a necessary and complementary component of an Ocean Worlds Program that seeks to understand whether habitable environments exist elsewhere in our solar system.

K. J. Napier, F. C. Adams, K. Batygin

18 pages, 5 figures. Accepted to the Planetary Science Journal

Motivated by recent visits from interstellar comets, along with continuing discoveries of minor bodies in orbit of the Sun, this paper studies the capture of objects on initially hyperbolic orbits by our solar system. Using an ensemble of $\sim500$ million numerical experiments, this work generalizes previous treatments by calculating the capture cross section as a function of asymptotic speed. The resulting velocity-dependent cross section can then be convolved with any distribution of relative speeds to determine the capture rate for incoming bodies. This convolution is carried out for the usual Maxwellian distribution, as well as the velocity distribution expected for rocky debris ejected from planetary systems. We also construct an analytic description of the capture process that provides an explanation for the functional form of the capture cross section in both the high velocity and low velocity limits.

Girish M. Duvvuri, J. Sebastian Pineda, Zachory K. Berta-Thompson, Alexander Brown, Kevin France, Adam F. Kowalski, Seth Redfield, Dennis Tilipman, Mariela C. Vieytes, David J. Wilson, Allison Youngblood, Cynthia S. Froning, Jeffrey Linsky, R. O. Parke Loyd, Pablo Mauas, Yamila Miguel, Elisabeth R. Newton, Sarah Rugheimer, P. Christian Schneider

37 pages, 22 figures, and 5 tables. A citation to Woods et al. (2009) in Table 5 was altered to plain text because of issues with Arxiv's AutoTex processing, but the full reference is preserved in the bibliography

Characterizing the atmospheres of planets orbiting M dwarfs requires understanding the spectral energy distributions of M dwarfs over planetary lifetimes. Surveys like MUSCLES, HAZMAT, and FUMES have collected multiwavelength spectra across the spectral type's range of Teff and activity, but the extreme ultraviolet flux (EUV, 100 to 912 Angstroms) of most of these stars remains unobserved because of obscuration by the interstellar medium compounded with limited detector sensitivity. While targets with observable EUV flux exist, there is no currently operational facility observing between 150 and 912 Angstroms. Inferring the spectra of exoplanet hosts in this regime is critical to studying the evolution of planetary atmospheres because the EUV heats the top of the thermosphere and drives atmospheric escape. This paper presents our implementation of the differential emission measure technique to reconstruct the EUV spectra of cool dwarfs. We characterize our method's accuracy and precision by applying it to the Sun and AU Mic. We then apply it to three fainter M dwarfs: GJ 832, Barnard's Star, and TRAPPIST-1. We demonstrate that with the strongest far ultraviolet (FUV, 912 to 1700 Angstroms) emission lines, observed with Hubble Space Telescope and/or Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer, and a coarse X-ray spectrum from either Chandra X-ray Observatory or XMM-Newton, we can reconstruct the Sun's EUV spectrum to within a factor of 1.8, with our model's formal uncertainties encompassing the data. We report the integrated EUV flux of our M dwarf sample with uncertainties between a factor of 2 to 7 depending on available data quality.

R. Paladini, J. C. Mottram, M. Veneziani, A. Traficante, E. Schisano, G. Giardino, E. Falgarone, J. S. Urquhart, D. L. Harrison, G. Joncas, G. Umana, S. Molinari

Accepted for publication to ApJ

Massive star formation occurs in the interior of giant molecular clouds (GMC) and proceeds through many stages. In this work, we focus on massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) and Ultra-Compact HII regions (UCHII), where the former are enshrouded in dense envelopes of dust and gas, which the latter have begun dispersing. By selecting a complete sample of MYSOs and UCHII from the Red MSX Source (RMS) survey data base, we combine Planck and IRAS data and build their Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs). With these, we estimate the physical properties (dust temperatures, mass, luminosity) of the sample. Because the RMS database provides unique solar distances, it also allows investigating the instantaneous Star Formation Efficiency (SFE) as a function of Galactocentric radius. We find that the SFE increase between 2 and 4.5 kpc, where it reaches a peak, likely in correspondence of the accumulation of molecular material at the end of the Galactic bar. It then stays approximately constant up to 9 kpc, after which it linearly declines, in agreement with predictions from extragalactic studies. This behavior suggests the presence of a significant amount of undetected molecular gas at R$_G$ $>$ 8 kpc. Finally we present diagnostic colors that can be used to identify sites of massive star formation.

Hideyuki Saio, Masao Takata, Umin Lee, Gang Li, Timothy Van Reeth

21 pages, 28 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The relation of period spacing ($\Delta P$) versus period ($P$) of dipole prograde g modes is known to be useful to measure rotation rates in the g-mode cavity of rapidly rotating $\gamma$ Dor and slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars. In a rapidly rotating star, an inertial mode in the convective core can resonantly couple with g modes propagative in the surrounding radiative region. The resonant coupling causes a dip in the $P$-$\Delta P$ relation, distinct from the modulations due to the chemical composition gradient. Such a resonance dip in $\Delta P$ of prograde dipole g modes appears around a frequency corresponding to a spin parameter $2f_{\rm rot}{\rm(cc)}/\nu_{\rm co-rot} \sim 8-11$ with $f_{\rm rot}$(cc) being the rotation frequency of the convective core and $\nu_{\rm co-rot}$ the pulsation frequency in the co-rotating frame. The spin parameter at the resonance depends somewhat on the extent of core overshooting, central hydrogen abundance, and other stellar parameters. We can fit the period at the observed dip with the prediction from prograde dipole g modes of a main-sequence model, allowing the convective core to rotate differentially from the surrounding g-mode cavity. We have performed such fittings for 16 selected $\gamma$ Dor stars having well defined dips, and found that the majority of $\gamma$ Dor stars we studied rotate nearly uniformly, while convective cores tend to rotate slightly faster than the g-mode cavity in less evolved stars.

Gustavo Arciniega, Mariana Jaber, Luisa G. Jaime, Omar A. Rodríguez-López

16 figures, two tables, 15 pages

Perhaps the most explored hypothesis for the accelerated cosmic expansion rate arise in the context of extra fields or modifications to General Relativity. A prevalent approach is to parameterise the expansion history through the equation of state, $\omega(z)$. We present a parametric form for $\omega(z)$ that can reproduce the generic behaviour of the most widely used physical models for accelerated expansion with infrared corrections. The present proposal has at most 3 free parameters which can be mapped back to specific archetypal models for dark energy. We analyze in detail how different combinations of data can constrain the specific cases embedded in our form for $\omega(z)$. We implement our parametric equation for $\omega(z)$ to observations from CMB, luminous distance of SNeIa, cosmic chronometers, and baryon acoustic oscillations identified in galaxies and in the Lymann-$\alpha$ forest. We find that the parameters can be well constrained by using different observational data sets. Our findings point to an oscillatory behaviour which is consistent with an $f(R)$-like model or an unknown combination of scalar fields. When we let the three parameters vary freely, we find an EOS which oscillates around the phantom-dividing line, and, with over 99$\%$ of confidence, the cosmological constant solution is disfavored.

Vincent G. A. Böning, Aaron C. Birch, Laurent Gizon, Thomas L. Duvall Jr

16 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Understanding convection is important in stellar physics, for example as an input in stellar evolution models. Helioseismic estimates of convective flow amplitudes in deeper regions of the solar interior disagree by orders of magnitude among themselves and with simulations. We aim to assess the validity of an existing upper limit of solar convective flow amplitudes at a depth of 0.96 solar radii obtained using time-distance helioseismology and several simplifying assumptions. We generated synthetic observations for convective flow fields from a magnetohydrodynamic simulation (MURaM) using travel-time sensitivity functions and a noise model. We compared the estimates of the flow with the actual values. For the scales of interest ($\ell<100$), we find that the current procedure for obtaining an upper limit gives the correct order of magnitude of the flow for the given flow fields. We also show that this estimate is not an upper limit in a strict sense because it underestimates the flow amplitude at the largest scales by a factor of about two because the scale dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio has to be taken into account. After correcting for this and after taking the dependence of the measurements on direction in Fourier space into account, we show that the obtained estimate is indeed an upper limit. We conclude that time-distance helioseismology is able to correctly estimate the order of magnitude (or an upper limit) of solar convective flows in the deeper interior when the vertical correlation function of the different flow components is known and the scale dependence of the signal-to-noise ratio is taken into account. We suggest that future work should include information from different target depths to better separate the effect of near-surface flows from those at greater depths. The measurements are sensitive to all three flow directions, which should be taken into account.

Anders Johansen (University of Copenhagen, Lund University), Thomas Ronnet (Lund University), Martin Bizzarro (University of Copenhagen), Martin Schiller (University of Copenhagen), Michiel Lambrechts (Lund University), Åke Nordlund (University of Copenhagen), Helmut Lammer (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

Science Advances, in press

Pebbles of millimeter sizes are abundant in protoplanetary discs around young stars. Chondrules inside primitive meteorites - formed by melting of dust aggregate pebbles or in impacts between planetesimals - have similar sizes. The role of pebble accretion for terrestrial planet formation is nevertheless unclear. Here we present a model where inwards-drifting pebbles feed the growth of terrestrial planets. The masses and orbits of Venus, Earth, Theia (which later collided with the Earth to form the Moon) and Mars are all consistent with pebble accretion onto protoplanets that formed around Mars' orbit and migrated to their final positions while growing. The isotopic compositions of Earth and Mars are matched qualitatively by accretion of two generations of pebbles, carrying distinct isotopic signatures. Finally, we show that the water and carbon budget of Earth can be delivered by pebbles from the early generation before the gas envelope became hot enough to vaporise volatiles.

S. Ataiee, W. Kley

22 pages (including appendices), Accepted for publication in A & A

The orbital distribution of exoplanets indicates an accumulation of compact Super-Earth sized planetary systems close to their host stars. Assuming an inward disc-driven migration scenario for their formation, these planets could have been stopped and eventually parked at an inner edge of the disc, or be pushed through the inner disc cavity by a resonant chain. This topic has not been properly and extensively studied. Using numerical simulations we investigate how much the inner planets in a resonant chain can be pushed into the disc inner cavity by outer planets. We perform hydrodynamical and N-body simulations of planetary systems embedded in their nascent disc. The inner edge of the disc is represented in two different ways, resembling either a dead zone (DZ) inner edge or a disc inner boundary (IB), where the main difference lies in the steepness of the surface density profile. The innermost planet has always a mass of 10 M_Earth, with equal or higher mass additional outer planets. A steeper profile is able to stop a chain of planets more efficiently than a shallower profile. The final configurations in our DZ models are usually tighter than in their IB counterparts, and therefore more prone to instability. We derive analytical expressions for the stopping conditions based on power equilibrium, and show that the final eccentricities result from torque equilibrium. For planets in thinner discs, we found, for the first time, clear signs for overstable librations in the hydrodynamical simulations, leading to very compact systems. We also found that the popular N-body simulations may overestimate the number of planets in the disc inner cavity.

Kun Xu (1), Yipeng Jing (1) ((1) SJTU)

11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present a two-dimensional (2D) Particle-Particle-Particle-Mesh (P$^3$M) algorithm with an optimized Green function and adaptive softening length for gravitational lensing studies in N-Body simulations. The analytical form of the optimized Green function $\hat{G}(\mathbf{k})$ is given. The softening schemes ($S$) are studied for both the PM and the PP calculations in order for accurate force calculation and suppression of the particle discreteness effect. Our method is two orders of magnitude more accurate than the simple PM algorithm with the {\it poor man's} Green function ($\propto1/k^2$) at a scale of a few mesh cells or smaller. The force anisotropy is also much smaller than the conventional PM calculation. We can achieve a force accuracy better than 0.1 percent at all scales with our algorithm. When we apply the algorithm to computing lensing quantities in N-Body simulations, the errors are dominated by the Poisson noise caused by particle discreteness. The Poisson noise can be suppressed by smoothing out the particle distribution, which can be achieved by simply choosing an adaptive softening length in the PP calculation. We have presented a criterion to set the adaptive softening length. Our algorithm is also applicable to cosmological simulations. We provide a \textsc{python} implementation \texttt{P3Mlens} for this algorithm.

R. Brasser, S. J. Mojzsis, S. C. Werner, O. Abramov

Accepted in Icarus after 5 rounds of review

Subsequent to the Moon's formation, late accretion to the terrestrial planets strongly modified the physical and chemical nature of silicate crusts and mantles. This alteration came in the form of melting through impacts, as well as the belated addition of volatiles and the highly siderophile elements (HSEs). Current debate centres on whether the lunar HSE record is representative of its whole late accretion history or alternatively that these were only retained in the mantle and crust after a particular time, and if so, when. Here we employ improved Monte Carlo impact simulations of late accretion onto the Moon and Mars and present an updated chronology based on new dynamical simulations of leftover planetesimals and the E-belt. We take into account the inefficient retention of colliding material. We compute the crater and basin densities on the Moon and Mars, the largest objects to strike these planets and the amount of material they accreted. Outputs are used to infer the mass in leftover planetesimals at a particular time period, which is then compared to the lunar HSE abundance. From this estimate we calculate a preferred lunar HSE retention age of ca. 4450 Ma which means that the modelled lunar mantle HSE abundances trace almost all of lunar late accretion. Based on our results, the surface ages of the lunar highlands are at least 4370 Ma. We find that the mass of leftover planetesimals with diameters Di<300 km at 4500 Ma that best fits the crater chronology is approximately 2x10^{-3} Earth mass (ME) while the mass of the E-belt was fixed at 4.5x10^{-4} ME. We also find that a leftover planetesimal mass in excess of 0.01 ME results in a lunar HSE retention age younger than major episodes of lunar differentiation and crust formation, which in turn violates geochemical constraints for the timing and intensity of late accretion to the Earth (Mojzsis et al., 2019).

V. Abbasvand (1), M. Sobotka (1), M. Švanda (1 and 2), P. Heinzel (1), W. Liu (1), L. Mravcová (2) ((1) Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (v.v.i.) Ondřejov, (2) Astronomical Institute of Charles University Prague)

10 pages, 8 figures, 1 table. Accepted for A&A

Aims: To study the heating of solar chromospheric magnetic and nonmagnetic regions by acoustic and magnetoacoustic waves, the deposited acoustic-energy flux derived from observations of strong chromospheric lines is compared with the total integrated radiative losses. Methods: A set of 23 quiet-Sun and weak-plage regions were observed in the Mg II k and h lines with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS). The deposited acoustic-energy flux was derived from Doppler velocities observed at two different geometrical heights corresponding to the middle and upper chromosphere. A set of scaled nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium 1D hydrostatic semi-empirical models (obtained by fitting synthetic to observed line profiles) was applied to compute the radiative losses. The characteristics of observed waves were studied by means of a wavelet analysis. Results: Observed waves propagate upward at supersonic speed. In the quiet chromosphere, the deposited acoustic flux is sufficient to balance the radiative losses and maintain the semi-empirical temperatures in the layers under study. In the active-region chromosphere, the comparison shows that the contribution of acoustic-energy flux to the radiative losses is only 10 - 30 %. Conclusions: Acoustic and magnetoacoustic waves play an important role in the chromospheric heating, depositing a main part of their energy in the chromosphere. Acoustic waves compensate for a substantial fraction of the chromospheric radiative losses in quiet regions. In active regions, their contribution is too small to balance the radiative losses and the chromosphere has to be heated by other mechanisms.

E. Zari, H.-W. Rix, N. Frankel, M. Xiang, E. Poggio, R. Drimmel, A. Tkachenko

19 pages, 21 figures; accepted for publication in A&A

[Abridged] Luminous hot stars dominate the stellar energy input to the interstellar medium throughout cosmological time, they are laboratories to test theories of stellar evolution and multiplicity, and they serve as luminous tracers of star formation in the Milky Way and other galaxies. Massive stars occupy well-defined loci in colour-colour and colour-magnitude spaces, enabling selection based on the combination of Gaia EDR3 astrometry and photometry and 2MASS photometry, even in the presence of substantive dust extinction. In this paper we devise an all-sky sample of such luminous OBA-type stars, designed to be quite complete rather than very pure, to serve as targets for spectroscopic follow-up with the SDSS-V survey. We estimate "astro-kinematic" distances by combining parallaxes and proper motions with a model for the expected velocity and density distribution of young stars; we show that this adds useful constraints on the stars' distances, and hence luminosities. With these distances we map the spatial distribution of a more stringently selected sub-sample across the Galactic disc, and find it to be highly structured, with distinct over- and under-densities. The most evident over-densities can be associated with the presumed spiral arms of the Milky Way, in particular the Sagittarius-Carina and Scutum-Centaurus arms. Yet, the spatial picture of the Milky Way's young disc structure emerging in this study is complex, and suggests that most young stars in our Galaxy ($t_{age}<t_{dyn}$) are not neatly organised into distinct spiral arms. The combination of the comprehensive spectroscopy to come from SDSS-V (yielding velocities, ages, etc..) with future Gaia data releases will be crucial to reveal the dynamical nature of the spiral arm themselves.

Fabio Fuschino, Riccardo Campana, Claudio Labanti, Lorenzo Amati, Enrico Virgilli, Luca Terenzi, Pierluigi Bellutti, Giuseppe Bertuccio, Giacomo Borghi, Francesco Ficorella, Massimo Gandola, Marco Grassi, Giovanni La Rosa, Paolo Lorenzi, Piero Malcovati, Filippo Mele, Piotr Orleański, Antonino Picciotto, Alexandre Rachevski, Irina Rashevskaya, Andrea Santangelo, Paolo Sarra, Giuseppe Sottile, Christoph Tenzer, Andrea Vacchi, Zampa Gianluigi, Nicola Zampa, Nicola Zorzi, Paul hedderman, M. Winkler, Alessandro Gemelli, Ifran Kuvvetli, Søren Møller Pedersen, Denis Tcherniak, Lucas Christoffer Bune Jensen

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-277

The X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer instrument on-board the THESEUS mission (selected by ESA in the framework of the Cosmic Vision M5 launch opportunity, currently in phase A) is based on a detection plane composed of several thousands of single active elements. Each element comprises a 4.5x4.5x30 mm 3 CsI(Tl) scintillator bar, optically coupled at both ends to Silicon Drift Detectors (SDDs). The SDDs acts both as photodetectors for the scintillation light and as direct X-ray sensors. In this paper the design of the XGIS detection plane is reviewed, outlining the strategic choices in terms of modularity and redundancy of the system. Results on detector-electronics prototypes are also described. Moreover, the design and development of the low-noise front-end electronics is presented, emphasizing the innovative architectural design based on custom-designed Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).

Charlotte H. Feldman, Paul O'Brien, Richard Willingale, Emile Schyns, Romain Roudot, Ray Fairbend, Julien Seguy, Hannah Natasha Lerman, Ian Hutchinson, Melissa McHugh, Alexander Lodge, Roisin Speight

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-283

The Transient High Energy Sources and Early Universe Surveyor is an ESA M5 candidate mission currently in Phase A, with Launch in $\sim$2032. The aim of the mission is to complete a Gamma Ray Burst survey and monitor transient X-ray events. The University of Leicester is the PI institute for the Soft X-ray Instrument (SXI), and is responsible for both the optic and detector development. The SXI consists of two wide field, lobster eye X-ray modules. Each module consists of 64 Micro Pore Optics (MPO) in an 8 by 8 array and 8 CMOS detectors in each focal plane. The geometry of the MPOs comprises a square packed array of microscopic pores with a square cross-section, arranged over a spherical surface with a radius of curvature twice the focal length of the optic. Working in the photon energy range 0.3-5 keV, the optimum $L/d$ ratio (length of pore $L$ and pore width $d$) is upwards of 50 and is constant across the whole optic aperture for the SXI. The performance goal for the SXI modules is an angular resolution of 4.5 arcmin, localisation accuracy of $\sim$1 arcmin and employing an $L/d$ of 60. During the Phase A study, we are investigating methods to improve the current performance and consistency of the MPOs, in cooperation with the manufacturer Photonis France SAS. We present the optics design of the THESEUS SXI modules and the programme of work designed to improve the MPOs performance and the results from the study.

Diego Götz, Stéphane Basa, Frédéric Pinsard, Laurent Martin, Axel Arhancet, Enrico Bozzo, Christophe Cara, Isabel Escudero Sanz, Pierre-Antoine Frugier, Johan Floriot, Ludovic Genolet, Paul Heddermann, Emeric Le Floc'h, Isabelle Le Mer, Stéphane Paltani, Tony Pamplona, Céline Paries, Thibaut Prod'homme, Benjamin Schneider, Chris Tenzer, Thierry Tourrette, Henri Triou

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-305

The Infra-Red Telescope (IRT) is part of the payload of the THESEUS mission, which is one of the two ESA M5 candidates within the Cosmic Vision program, planned for launch in 2032. The THESEUS payload, composed by two high energy wide field monitors (SXI and XGIS) and a near infra-red telescope (IRT), is optimized to detect, localize and characterize Gamma-Ray Bursts and other high-energy transients. The main goal of the IRT is to identify and precisely localize the NIR counterparts of the high-energy sources and to measure their distance. Here we present the design of the IRT and its expected performance.

José Luis Gasent-Blesa, Víctor Reglero, Paul Connell, Benjamín Pinazo-Herrero, Javier Navarro-González, Pedro Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, María Dolores Caballero-García, Lorenzo Amati, Claudio Labanti, Sandro Mereghetti, Filippo Frontera, Riccardo Campana, Mauro Orlandini, John Stephen, Luca Terenzi, Federico Evangelisti, Stefano Squerzanti, Michele Melchiorri, Fabio Fuschino, Adriano De Rosa, Gianluca Morgante

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-278

Within the scientific goals of the THESEUS ESA/M5 candidate mission, a critical item is a fast (within a few s) and accurate (<15 arcmin) Gamma-Ray Burst and high-energy transient location from a few keV up to hard X-ray energy band. For that purpose, the signal multiplexing based on coded masks is the selected option to achieve this goal. This contribution is implemented by the XGIS Imaging System, based on that technique. The XGIS Imaging System has the heritage of previous payload developments: LEGRI/Minisat-01, INTEGRAL, UFFO/Lomonosov and ASIM/ISS. In particular the XGIS Imaging System is an upgrade of the ASIM system in operation since 2018 on the International Space Station. The scientific goal is similar: to detect a gamma-ray transient. But while ASIM focuses on Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes, THESEUS aims for the GRBs. For each of the two XGIS Cameras, the coded mask is located at 630 mm from the detector layer. The coding pattern is implemented in a Tungsten plate (1 mm thickness) providing a good multiplexing capability up to 150 keV. In that way both XGIS detector layers (based on Si and CsI detectors) have imaging capabilities at the medium - hard X-ray domain. This is an improvement achieved during the current THESEUS Phase-A. The mask is mounted on top of a collimator that provides the mechanical assembly support, as well as good cosmic X-ray background shielding. The XGIS Imaging System preliminary structural and thermal design, and the corresponding analyses, are included in this contribution, as it is a preliminary performance evaluation.

Sandro Mereghetti, Giancarlo Ghirlanda, Ruben Salvaterra, Riccardo Campana, Claudio Labanti, Paul H. Connell, Ruben Farinelli, Filippo Frontera, Fabio Fuschino, Jose L. Gasent-Blesa, Cristiano Guidorzi, Michele Lissoni, Michela Rigoselli, John B. Stephen, Lorenzo Amati

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-276

The XGIS (X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer) is one of the three instruments onboard the THESEUS mission (ESA M5, currently in Phase-A). Thanks to its wide field of view and good imaging capabilities, it will efficiently detect and localize gamma-ray bursts and other transients in the 2-150 keV sky, and also provide spectroscopy up to 10 MeV. Its current design has been optimized by means of scientific simulations based on a Monte Carlo model of the instrument coupled to a state-of-the-art description of the populations of long and short GRBs extending to high redshifts. We describe the optimization process that led to the current design of the XGIS, based on two identical units with partially overlapping fields of view, and discuss the expected performance of the instrument.

Riccardo Campana, Fabio Fuschino, Claudio Labanti, Sandro Mereghetti, Enrico Virgilli, Valentina Fioretti, Mauro Orlandini, John B. Stephen, Lorenzo Amati

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-275. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2101.03017

The response of the X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer (XGIS) instrument onboard the Transient High Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) mission, selected by ESA for an assessment phase in the framework of the Cosmic Vision M5 launch opportunity, has been extensively modeled with a Monte Carlo Geant-4 based software. In this paper, the expected sources of background in the Low Earth Orbit foreseen for THESEUS are described (e.g. diffuse photon backgrounds, cosmic-ray populations, Earth albedo emission) and the simulated on-board background environment and its effects on the instrumental performance is shown.

Paul O'Brien, Ian Hutchinson, Hannah Natasha Lerman, Charlotte H. Feldman, Melissa McHugh, Alexander Lodge, Richard Willingale, Andy Beardmore, Roisin Speight, Paul Drumm

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-304

We are entering a new era for high energy astrophysics with the use of new technology to increase our ability to both survey and monitor the sky. The Soft X-ray Imager (SXI) instrument on the THESEUS mission will revolutionize transient astronomy by using wide-field focusing optics to increase the sensitivity to fast transients by several orders of magnitude. The THESEUS mission is under Phase A study by ESA for its M5 opportunity. THESEUS will carry two large area monitors utilizing Lobster-eye (the SXI instrument) and coded-mask (the XGIS instrument) technologies, and an optical-IR telescope to provide source redshifts using multi-band imaging and spectroscopy. The SXI will operate in the soft (0.3-5 keV) X-ray band, and consists of two identical modules, each comprising 64 Micro Pore Optics and 8 large-format CMOS detectors. It will image a total field of view of 0.5 steradian instantaneously while providing arcminute localization accuracy. During the mission, the SXI will find many hundreds of transients per year, facilitating an exploration of the earliest phase of star formation and comes at a time when multi-messenger astronomy has begun to provide a new window on the universe. THESEUS will also provide key targets for other observing facilities, such as Athena and 30m class ground-based telescopes.

Claudio Labanti, Lorenzo Amati, Filippo Frontera, Sandro Mereghetti, José Luis Gasent-Blesa, Christoph Tenzer, Piotr Orleanski, Irfan Kuvvetli, Riccardo Campana, Fabio Fuschino, Luca Terenzi, Enrico Virgilli, Gianluca Morgante, Mauro Orlandini, Reginald C. Butler, John B. Stephen, Natalia Auricchio, Adriano De Rosa, Vanni Da Ronco, Federico Evangelisti, Michele Melchiorri, Stefano Squerzanti, Mauro Fiorini, Giuseppe Bertuccio, Filippo Mele, Massimo Gandola, Piero Malcovati, Marco Grassi, Pierluigi Bellutti, Giacomo Borghi, Francesco Ficorella, Antonino Picciotto, Vittorio Zanini, Nicola Zorzi, Evgeny Demenev, Irina Rashevskaya, Alexander Rachevski, Gianluigi Zampa, Andrea Vacchi, Nicola Zampa, Giuseppe Baldazzi, Giovanni La Rosa, Giuseppe Sottile, Angela Volpe, Marek Winkler, Victor Reglero, et al. (15 additional authors not shown)

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-303

THESEUS is one of the three missions selected by ESA as fifth medium class mission (M5) candidates in its Cosmic Vision science program, currently under assessment in a phase A study with a planned launch date in 2032. THESEUS is designed to carry on-board two wide and deep sky monitoring instruments for X/gamma-ray transients detection: a wide-field soft X-ray monitor with imaging capability (Soft X-ray Imager, SXI, 0.3 - 5 keV), a hard X-ray, partially-imaging spectroscopic instrument (X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer, XGIS, 2 keV - 10 MeV), and an optical/near-IR telescope with both imaging and spectroscopic capability (InfraRed Telescope, IRT, 0.7 - 1.8 $\mu$m). The spacecraft will be capable of performing fast repointing of the IRT to the error region provided by the monitors, thus allowing it to detect and localize the transient sources down to a few arcsec accuracy, for immediate identification and redshift determination. The prime goal of the XGIS will be to detect transient sources, with monitoring timescales down to milliseconds, both independently of, or following, up SXI detections, and identify the sources performing localisation at < 15 arcmin and characterize them over a broad energy band, thus providing also unique clues to their emission physics. The XGIS system consists of two independent but identical coded mask cameras, arranged to cover 2 steradians . The XGIS will exploit an innovative technology coupling Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) with crystal scintillator bars and a very low-noise distributed front-end electronics (ORION ASICs), which will produce a position sensitive detection plane, with a large effective area over a huge energy band (from soft X-rays to soft gamma-rays) with timing resolution down to a few $\mu$s.Here is presented an overview of the XGIS instrument design, its configuration, and capabilities.

Lorenzo Amati, Paul T. O'Brien, Diego Götz, Enrico Bozzo, Andrea Santangelo (on behalf of the THESEUS Consortium)

Proceedings of the SPIE 2020, paper 11444-302

THESEUS is a space mission concept, currently under Phase A study by ESA as candidate M5 mission, aiming at exploiting Gamma-Ray Bursts for investigating the early Universe and at providing a substantial advancement of multi-messenger and time-domain astrophysics. In addition to fully exploiting high-redshift GRBs for cosmology (pop-III stars, cosmic re-ionization, SFR and metallicity evolution up to the "cosmic dawn"), THESEUS will allow the identification and study of the electromagnetic counterparts to sources of gravitational waves which will be routinely detected in the late '20s / early '30s by next generation facilities like aLIGO/aVirgo, LISA, KAGRA, and Einstein Telescope (ET), as well as of most classes of X/gamma-ray transient sources, thus providing an ideal synergy with the large e.m. facilities of the near future like, e.g., LSST, ELT, TMT, SKA, CTA, ATHENA. These breakthrough scientific objectives will be achieved by an unprecedented combination of X/gamma-ray monitors, providing the capabilities of detecting and accurately localize and kind of GRBs and may classes of transient in an energy band as large as 0.1 keV - 10 MeV, with an on-board NIR telescope providing detection, localization (arcsec) and redshift measurement of the NIR counterpart. A Guest Observer programme, further improving the scientific return and community involvement is also envisaged. We summarize the main scientific requirements of the mission and provide an overview of the updated concept, design (instruments and spacecraft) and mission profile.

Chris S. Hanson, Shravan Hanasoge, Katepalli R. Sreenivasan

7 pages, 3 figures, Accepted into ApJ

Normal-mode coupling is a technique applied to probe the solar interior using surface observations of oscillations. The technique, which is straightforward to implement, makes more use of the seismic information in the wavefield than other comparable local imaging techniques and therefore has the potential to significantly improve current capabilities. Here, we examine supergranulation power spectra using mode-coupling analyses of intermediate-to-high-degree modes by invoking a Cartesian-geometric description of wave propagation under the assumption that the localized patches are much smaller in size than the solar radius. We extract the supergranular power spectrum and compare the results with prior helioseismic studies. Measurements of the dispersion relation and life times of supergranulation, obtained using near surface modes (f and p$_1$), are in accord with the literature. We show that the cross-coupling between the p$_2$ and p$_3$ acoustic modes, which are capable of probing greater depths, are also sensitive to supergranulation.

I.V. Chashei, V.R. Lukmanov, S.A. Tyulbashev, M. Tokumaru

17 pages, 7 figures, 1 table (Solar Physics, accepted)

Results are presented of a comparison between solar wind speed estimates made using the time delays between 3 pairs of 327 MHz antennas at ISEE and estimates made by modeling the temporal power spectra observed with the 111 MHz BSA antenna at LPI. The observations were made for 6 years in the descending phase of solar cycle 24. More than 100 individual records were obtained for the compact source 3C48 and the extended and anisotropic source 3C298. The correlation between the daily speed estimates from 3C48 is 50%. Their annual averages agree within the error estimates and show the expected solar cycle variation. However the correlation between speeds from 3C298 is only 25% and their annual averages do not agree well. We investigate possible causes of this bias in the 3C298 estimated speeds.

Vivek Baruah Thapa, Monika Sinha, Jia Jie Li, Armen Sedrakian

14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D

In this work, we study the effect of (anti)kaon condensation on the properties of compact stars that develop hypernuclear cores with and without an admixture of $\Delta$-resonances. We work within the covariant density functional theory with the parameters adjusted to $K$-atomic and kaon-nucleon scattering data in the kaonic sector. The density-dependent parameters in the hyperonic sector are adjusted to the data on $\Lambda$ and $\Xi^-$ hypernuclei data. The $\Delta$-resonance couplings are tuned to the data obtained from their scattering off nuclei and heavy-ion collision experiments. We find that (anti)kaon condensate leads to a softening of the equation of state and lower maximum masses of compact stars than in the absence of the condensate. Both the $K^-$ and $\bar K^0$-condensations occur through a second-order phase transition, which implies no mixed-phase formation. For large values of (anti)kaon and $\Delta$-resonance potentials in symmetric nuclear matter, we observe that condensation leads to an extinction of $ \Xi^{-,0}$ hyperons. We also investigate the influence of inclusion of additional hidden-strangeness $\sigma^{*}$ meson in the functional and find that it leads to a substantial softening of the equation of state and delay in the onset of (anti)kaons.

M. L. Pretorius, D. M. Hewitt, P. A. Woudt, R. P. Fender, I. Heywood, C. Knigge, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, D. A. H. Buckley, H. L. Worters, S. B. Potter, D. R. A. Williams

MNRAS, accepted

Thorstensen (2020) recently argued that the cataclysmic variable (CV) LAMOST J024048.51+195226.9 may be a twin to the unique magnetic propeller system AE Aqr. If this is the case, two predictions are that it should display a short period white dwarf spin modulation, and that it should be a bright radio source. We obtained follow-up optical and radio observations of this CV, in order to see if this holds true. Our optical high-speed photometry does not reveal a white dwarf spin signal, but lacks the sensitivity to detect a modulation similar to the 33-s spin signal seen in AE Aqr. We detect the source in the radio, and measure a radio luminosity similar to that of AE Aqr and close to the highest so far reported for a CV. We also find good evidence for radio variability on a time scale of tens of minutes. Optical polarimetric observations produce no detection of linear or circular polarization. While we are not able to provide compelling evidence, our observations are all consistent with this object being a propeller system.

We show that in the Dirac-Milne universe (a matter-antimatter symmetric universe where the two components repel each other), rotation curves are generically flat beyond the characteristic distance of about 3 virial radii, and that a Tully-Fisher relation with exponent $\approx 3$ is satisfied. Using 3D simulations with a modified version of the RAMSES code, we show that the Dirac-Milne cosmology presents a Faber-Jackson relation with a very small scatter and an exponent equal to $\approx 3$ between the mass and the velocity dispersion. We also show that the mass derived from the rotation curves assuming Newtonian gravity is systematically overestimated compared to the mass really present. We also show that the Dirac-Milne universe, featuring a polarization between its matter and antimatter components, presents a behavior similar to that of MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics), characterized by an additional surface gravity compared to the Newtonian case. We show that in the Dirac-Milne universe, at the present epoch, the intensity of the additional gravitational field $g_{am}$ due to the presence of clouds of antimatter is of the order of a few $10^{-11}$ m/s$^2$, similar to the characteristic acceleration of MOND. We study the evolution of this additional acceleration $g_{am}$ and show that it depends on the redshift, and is therefore not a fundamental constant. Combined with its known concordance properties on SNIa luminosity distance, age, nucleosynthesis and structure formation, the Dirac-Milne cosmology may then represent an interesting alternative to the $\Lambda$CDM, MOND, and other scenarios for explaining the Dark Matter and Dark Energy conundrum.

T. Olander, U. Heiter, O. Kochukhov

20 pages, 11 figures. Accepted in A&A

M dwarfs are key targets for high-resolution spectroscopic analyses due to a high incidence of these stars in the solar neighbourhood and their importance as exoplanetary hosts. Several methodological challenges make such analyses difficult, leading to significant discrepancies in the published results. We compare M dwarf parameters derived by recent high-resolution near-infrared studies with each other and with fundamental stellar parameters. We also assess to what extent deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) for Fe and K influence the outcome of these studies. We carry out line formation calculations based on a modern model atmosphere grid along with a synthetic spectrum synthesis code that treats formation of atomic and molecular lines in cool-star atmospheres including departures from LTE. We use near-infrared spectra collected with the CRIRES instrument at the ESO VLT as reference observational data. We find that the effective temperatures obtained by the different studies mostly agree to better than 100 K. We see a much worse agreement in the surface gravities and metallicities. We demonstrate that non-LTE effects are negligible for Fe I in M-dwarf atmospheres but are important for K I. These effects, leading to K abundance and metallicity corrections on the order of 0.2 dex, may be responsible for some of the discrepancies in the published analyses. Differences in the temperature-pressure structures of the atmospheric models may be another factor contributing to the discrepancies, in particular at low metallicities and high effective temperatures. In high-resolution spectroscopic studies of M dwarfs attention should be given to details of the line formation physics as well as input atomic and molecular data. Collecting high-quality, wide wavelength coverage spectra of benchmark M dwarfs is an essential future step.

Sophie G. Anderson, Jason A. Dittmann, Sarah Ballard, Megan Bedell

27 pages, 16 figures, accepted into The Astronomical Journal

The planet-metallicity correlation serves as a potential link between exoplanet systems as we observe them today and the effects of bulk composition on the planet formation process. Many observers have noted a tendency for Jovian planets to form around stars with higher metallicities; however, there is no consensus on a trend for smaller planets. Here, we investigate the planet-metallicity correlation for rocky planets in single and multi-planet systems around Kepler M-dwarf and late K-dwarf stars. Due to molecular blanketing and the dim nature of these low mass stars, it is difficult to make direct elemental abundance measurements via spectroscopy. We instead use a combination of accurate and uniformly measured parallaxes and photometry to obtain relative metallicities and validate this method with a subsample of spectroscopically determined metallicities. We use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Anderson-Darling test to compare the compact multiple planetary systems with single transiting planet systems and systems with no detected transiting planets. We find that the compact multiple planetary systems are derived from a statistically more metal-poor population, with a p-value of 0.015 in the KS test, a p-value of 0.005 in the Mann-Whitney U test, and a value of 2.574 in the Anderson-Darling test statistic, which exceeds the derived threshold for significance by a factor of 25. We conclude that metallicity plays a significant role in determining the architecture of rocky planet systems. Compact multiples either form more readily, or are more likely to survive on Gyr timescales, around metal-poor stars.

A. Choplin, L. Siess, S. Goriely

17 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

Gathering observations report a growing number of metal-poor stars showing an abundance pattern midway between the s- and r-processes. These so called r/s-stars raise the need for an intermediate neutron capture process (i-process), which is thought to result from the ingestion of protons in a convective helium-burning region, but whose astrophysical site is still largely debated. We investigate whether an i-process during the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase of low-metallicity low-mass stars can develop and whether it can explain the abundances of observed r/s-stars. At the beginning of the AGB phase, during the third thermal pulse, the helium driven convection zone is able to penetrate in the hydrogen rich layers. The subsequent proton ingestion leads to a strong neutron burst with neutron densities of $\approx 4.3 \times 10^{14}$ cm$^{-3}$ at the origin of the synthesis of i-process elements. The nuclear energy released by proton burning in the helium-burning convective shell strongly affects the internal structure: the thermal pulse splits and after $\approx 10$ yr the upper part of the convection zone merges with the convective envelope. The surface carbon abundance is enhanced by more than 3 dex, leading to an increase of the opacity which triggers a strong mass loss and prevents any further thermal pulse. We show that specific isotopic ratios of Ba, Nd, Sm and Eu can represent good tracers of i-process nucleosynthesis. Finally, an extended comparison with 14 selected r/s-stars show that the observed composition patterns can be well reproduced by our i-process AGB model. However, such AGB models cannot account for the high level of enrichment of the giant r/s-stars in a scenario involving pollution by a former AGB companion.

Miguel Araya

10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to A&A. Comments welcome

Using data from the \emph{Fermi} Large Area Telescope we perform a detailed study of the GeV emission in the direction of G51.26+0.09 to constrain its origin, its possible relation to this SNR, the star-forming region G051.010+00.060 seen nearby in the sky, or the pulsars known in the region, and to derive the properties of the underlying cosmic ray particles producing the non-thermal radiation. We also study properties of the environment which could shed light on the nature of the source of the gamma rays. We compare the morphology of the gamma-ray radiation to that of the emission detected at radio wavelengths in previous observations. Modeling the measured spectrum and fluxes of the high-energy radiation allows us to derive the properties of the particle populations that could produce this emission in several possible scenarios. We use existing data from $^{13}$CO emission and neutral hydrogen emission to probe the environment, searching for possible morphological features associated to the gamma rays and SNR. We rule out the star-forming region G051.010+00.060 as the origin of the GeV emission. The correspondence seen between the gamma-ray and radio morphologies support an SNR scenario, where the object responsible is more extended than G51.26+0.09, or is made up of more than one unresolved SNR. Given the flat spectral energy distribution observed at GeV energies and the radio flux upper limits, we also rule out bremsstrahlung emission as the origin of the gamma rays. A pulsar wind nebula origin of the high-energy photons, associated to the pulsar PSR J1926+1613, cannot be ruled out or confirmed, due to its unknown parameters such as spin-down power and age, while the pulsars PSR J1924+1628 and PSR J1924+1631 are too far away to be the source of gamma rays.

Diptimoy Ghosh, Divya Sachdeva

5 pages, 2 figures

Ultralight dark photons predicted in several Standard Model extensions can trigger the superradiant instability around rotating black holes if their Compton wavelength is comparable to the Blackhole radius. Consequently, the angular momentum of the black hole is reduced to a value which depends upon the mass and spin of the black hole as well as the mass of the dark photon. We use the mass and spin measurements of the primary black holes in two recently observed binary black hole systems: GW190517 and GW190426_152155 to constrain dark photon mass in the ranges $1.7\times 10^{-14}{\rm\ eV}<m_{A'}<7.6\times 10^{-13}{\rm\ eV}$ and $1.3\times 10^{-13}{\rm\ eV}<m_{A'}<4.2\times 10^{-12}{\rm\ eV}$ respectively, assuming a timescale of a few million years from the time of formation of the binary black hole system to the time of their merger. We also discuss an interesting X-ray binary system, MAXI J1820_070, albeit with a relatively small value of the spin parameter.

Davide Gizzi, Christoffer Lundman, Evan O'Connor, Stephan Rosswog, Albino Perego

20 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables

We extend a neutrino transport approximation, called Advanced Spectral Leakage (ASL), with the purpose of modeling neutrino-driven winds in neutron star mergers. Based on a number of snapshots we gauge the ASL parameters by comparing against both the two-moment (M1) scheme implemented in the FLASH code and the Monte Carlo neutrino code Sedonu. The ASL scheme contains three parameters, the least robust of which results to be a blocking parameter for electron neutrinos and anti-neutrinos. The parameter steering the angular distribution of neutrino heating is re-calibrated compared to the earlier work (arXiv:1906.11494). We also present a new, fast and mesh-free algorithm for calculating spectral optical depths, which, when using Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), makes the neutrino transport completely particle-based. We estimate a speed-up of a factor of $\gtrsim 100$ in the optical depth calculation when comparing to a grid-based approach. In the suggested calibration we recover luminosities and mean energies within $25\%$. A comparison of the rates of change of internal energy and electron fraction in the neutrino-driven wind suggests comparable accuracies of ASL and M1, but a higher computational efficiency of the ASL scheme. We estimate that the ratio between the CPU hours spent on the ASL neutrino scheme and those spent on the hydrodynamics is $\lesssim 0.8$ per timestep when considering MAGMA2 (arXiv:1911.13093) as source code for the Lagrangian hydrodynamics, to be compared with a factor of 10 from the M1 in FLASH.

C. Bergmann, M. I. Jones, J. Zhao, R. Brahm, P. Torres, R. A. Wittenmyer, F. Gunn, K. R. Pollard, A. Zapata, L. Vanzi, S. Wang

15 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in PASA

We present 63 new multi-site radial velocity measurements of the K1III giant HD 76920, which was recently reported to host the most eccentric planet known to orbit an evolved star. We focussed our observational efforts on the time around the predicted periastron passage and achieved near-continuous phase coverage of the corresponding radial velocity peak. By combining our radial velocity measurements from four different instruments with previously published ones, we confirm the highly eccentric nature of the system, and find an even higher eccentricity of $e=0.8782 \pm 0.0025$, an orbital period of $415.891^{+0.043}_{-0.039}\,\mathrm{d}$, and a minimum mass of $3.13^{+0.41}_{-0.43}\,\mathrm{M_J}$ for the planet. The uncertainties in the orbital elements are greatly reduced, especially for the period and eccentricity. We also performed a detailed spectroscopic analysis to derive atmospheric stellar parameters, and thus the fundamental stellar parameters ($M_*, R_*, L_*$), taking into account the parallax from Gaia DR2, and independently determined the stellar mass and radius using asteroseismology. Intriguingly, at periastron the planet comes to within 2.4 stellar radii of its host star's surface. However, we find that the planet is not currently experiencing any significant orbital decay and will not be engulfed by the stellar envelope for at least another $50-80$ Myr. Finally, while we calculate a relatively high transit probability of $16\%$, we did not detect a transit in the TESS photometry.

A.V. Dodin, E.A. Suslina

11 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We find that dust clouds which eclipse young stars obscure the stellar disc inhomogeneously. In the particular case of CQ Tau, we find isolated optically thick structures with sizes $\lesssim0.6R_*$ and derive the typical $A_{V}$ gradient in the plane of the sky, finding it as high as a few magnitudes per stellar radius. The large extinction gradients and complex structure of the obscuring clouds lead not only to a noticeable Rossiter--McLaughlin effect, but also to complex and variable shaping of stellar absorption lines.

Paola Grandi, Eleonora Torresi, Duccio Macconi, Bia Boccardi, Alessandro Capetti

16 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

It is generally thought that FRII Radio Galaxies host thin optically thick disks, while FRIs are powered by Advected Dominated Accretion Flows. The sources with an efficient engine are optically classified as High Excitation Radio Galaxies (HERGs) and those with an inefficient motor as Low Excitation Radio Galaxies (LERGs). Recently, the study of Radio Galaxies down to mJy fluxes has cast serious doubts on the LERG-FRI and HERG-FRII correspondence, revealing that many LERGs show FRII radio morphologies. The FR catalogs recently compiled by Capetti et al. (2017a,b) and Baldi et al. (2018) have allowed us to explore this issue in the local ($z\le 0.15$) mJy Universe. Our statistical study shows that the majority of nearby mJy objects are in a late stage of their life. FRII-LERGs appear more similar to the old FRI-LERGs than to the young FRII-HERGs. FRII-LERGs may be aged HERGs that, exhausted the cold fuel, have changed their accretion regime or a separate LERG class particularly efficient in launching jets. Exploiting the empirical relations which convert L$_{\rm [OIII]}$ and L$_{\rm 1.4~GHz}$ into accretion power and jet kinetic power, respectively, we observed that LERGs with similar masses and accretion rates seem to expel jets of different power. We speculate that intrinsic differences related to the black hole properties (spin and magnetic field at its horizon) can determine the observed spread in jet luminosity. In this view, FRII-LERGs should have the fastest spinning black holes and/or the most intense magnetic fluxes. On the contrary, compact LERGs (i.e. FR0s) should host extremely slow black holes and/or weak magnetic fields.

Maxim Goryachev, William M. Campbell, Ik Siong Heng, Serge Galliou, Eugene N. Ivanov, Michael E. Tobar

4 pages, 4 figures

This work describes the operation of a High Frequency Gravitational Wave detector based on a cryogenic Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) cavity and reports observation of rare events during 153 days of operation over two seperate experimental runs (Run 1 and Run 2). In both Run 1 and Run 2 two modes were simultaneously monitored. Across both runs, the 3rd overtone of the fast shear mode (3B) operating at 5.506 MHz was monitored, while in Run 1 the second mode was chosen to be the 5th OT of the slow shear mode (5C) operating at 8.392 MHz. However, in Run 2 the second mode was selected to be closer in frequency to the first mode, and chosen to be the 3rd overtone of the slow shear mode (3C) operating at 4.993 MHz. Two strong events were observed as transients responding to energy deposition within acoustic modes of the cavity. The first event occurred during Run 1 on the 12/05/2019 (UTC), and was observed in the 5.506 MHz mode, while the second mode at 8.392 MHz observed no event. During Run 2, a second event occurred on the 27/11/2019(UTC) and was observed by both modes. Timing of the events were checked against available environmental observations as well as data from other detectors. Various possibilities explaining the origins of the events are discussed.

We investigate the cosmological stability of light bosonic dark matter carrying a tiny electric charge. In the wave-like regime of high occupation numbers, annihilation into gauge bosons can be drastically enhanced by parametric resonance. The millicharged particle can either be minimally coupled to photons or its electromagnetic interaction can be mediated via kinetic mixing with a massless hidden photon. In the case of a direct coupling current observational constraints on the millicharge are stronger than those arising from parametric resonance. For the (theoretically preferred) case of kinetic mixing large regions of parameter space are affected by the parametric resonance leading at least to a fragmentation of the dark matter field if not its outright destruction.

We study the possibility that dark radiation, sourced through the decay of dark matter in the late Universe, carries electromagnetic interactions. The relativistic flux of particles induces recoil signals in direct detection and neutrino experiments through its interaction with millicharge, electric/magnetic dipole moments, or anapole moment/charge radius. Taking the DM lifetime as 35 times the age of the Universe, as currently cosmologically allowed, we show that direct detection (neutrino) experiments have complementary sensitivity down to $\epsilon\sim 10^{-11}$ $(10^{-12})$, $d_\chi/\mu_\chi \sim 10^{-9}\,\mu_B$ $(10^{-13}\mu_B)$, and $a_\chi/b_\chi \sim 10^{-2}\,{\rm GeV}^{-2}$ $(10^{-8}\,{\rm GeV}^{-2})$ on the respective couplings. Finally, we show that such dark radiation can lead to a satisfactory explanation of the recently observed XENON1T excess in the electron recoil signal without being in conflict with other bounds.

In order to explain the Late-times accelerated expansion of the Universe we must appeal to some form of Dark Energy. In the standard model of cosmology, the latter is interpreted as a Cosmological Constant $\Lambda$. However, for a number of reasons, a Cosmological Constant is not completely satisfactory. In this thesis we study Dark Energy models of geometrical nature, and thus a manifestation of the underlying gravitational theory. In the first part of the thesis we will review the $\Lambda$CDM model and give a brief classification of the landscape of alternative Dark Energy candidates based on the Lovelock theorem. The second part of the thesis is instead devoted to the presentation of our main results on the topic of Dark Energy. To begin with, we will report our studies about nonlocal modifications of gravity involving the differential operator $\Box^{-1}R$, with emphasis on a specific model and on the common behavior shared by this and similar theories in the late stages of the evolution of the Universe. Then we introduce a novel class of modified gravity theories based on the anticurvature tensor $A^{\mu\nu}$ (the inverse of the Ricci tensor), and assess their capability as source of Dark Energy. Finally, we will discuss a type of drift effects which we predicted in the contest of Strong Gravitational Lensing, which could be employed both to study the effective equation of state of the Universe and to constrain violations of the Equivalence Principle.

Stelios Karydas, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, Emmanuel N. Saridakis

15 pages, 4 figures

We propose an inflationary scenario based on the concurrent presence of non-minimal coupling (NMC) and generalized non-minimal derivative coupling (GNMDC), in the context of Higgs inflation. The combined construction maintains the advantages of the individual scenarios without sharing their disadvantages. In particular, a long inflationary phase can be easily achieved due to the gravitational friction effect owed to the GNMDC, without leading to trans-Planckian values and unitarity violation. Additionally, the tensor-to-scalar ratio remains to low values due to the NMC contribution. Finally, the instabilities related to the squared sound-speed of scalar perturbations, which plague the simple GNMDC scenarios, are now healed due to the domination of the NMC contribution and the damping of the GNMDC effects during the reheating era. These features make scenarios with nonminimal and derivative couplings to gravity successful candidates for the description of inflation.

Stefan Bender, Miriam Sinnhuber, Patrick J. Espy, John P. Burrows

13 pages, 6 figures; published in Atmos. Chem. Phys

We present an empirical model for nitric oxide NO in the mesosphere ($\approx$60--90 km) derived from SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartoghraphY) limb scan data. This work complements and extends the NOEM (Nitric Oxide Empirical Model; Marsh et al., 2004) and SANOMA (SMR Acquired Nitric Oxide Model Atmosphere; Kiviranta et al., 2018) empirical models in the lower thermosphere. The regression ansatz builds on the heritage of studies by Hendrickx et al. (2017) and the superposed epoch analysis by Sinnhuber et al. (2016) which estimate NO production from particle precipitation. Our model relates the daily (longitudinally) averaged NO number densities from SCIAMACHY (Bender et al., 2017a, b) as a function of geomagnetic latitude to the solar Lyman-alpha and the geomagnetic AE (auroral electrojet) indices. We use a non-linear regression model, incorporating a finite and seasonally varying lifetime for the geomagnetically induced NO. We estimate the parameters by finding the maximum posterior probability and calculate the parameter uncertainties using Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. In addition to providing an estimate of the NO content in the mesosphere, the regression coefficients indicate regions where certain processes dominate.

If the rounding errors are assumed to be distributed independently from the intrinsic distribution of the random variable, the sample variance $s^2$ of the rounded variable is given by the sum of the true variance $\sigma^2$ and the variance of the rounding errors (which is equal to $w^2/12$ where $w$ is the size of the rounding window). Here the exact expressions for the sample variance of the rounded variables are examined and it is also discussed when the simple approximation $s^2=\sigma^2+w^2/12$ can be considered valid. In particular, if the underlying distribution $f$ belongs to a family of symmetric normalizable distributions such that $f(x)=\sigma^{-1}F(u)$ where $u=(x-\mu)/\sigma$, and $\mu$ and $\sigma^2$ are the mean and variance of the distribution, then the rounded sample variance scales like $s^2-(\sigma^2+w^2/12)\sim\sigma\Phi'(\sigma)$ as $\sigma\to\infty$ where $\Phi(\tau)=\int_{-\infty}^\infty{\rm d}u\,e^{iu\tau}F(u)$ is the characteristic function of $F(u)$. It follows that, roughly speaking, the approximation is valid for a slowly-varying symmetric underlying distribution with its variance sufficiently larger than the size of the rounding unit.

Marek Cieślar, Tomasz Bulik, Małgorzata Curyło, Magdalena Sieniawska, Neha Singh, Michał Bejger

10 pages, submitted to A&A

Aims. We estimate the number of pulsars, detectable as continuous gravitational wave sources with the current and future gravitational-wave detectors, assuming a simple phenomenological model of evolving non-axisymmetry of the rotating neutron star. Methods. We employ a numerical model of the Galactic neutron star population, with the properties established by comparison with radio observations of isolated Galactic pulsars. We generate an arbitrarily large synthetic population of neutron stars and evolve their period, magnetic field, and position in space. We use a gravitational wave emission model based on exponentially decaying ellipticity - a non-axisymmetry of the star, with no assumption of the origin of a given ellipticity. We calculate the expected signal in a given detector for a 1 year observations and assume a detection criterion of the signal-to-noise ratio of 11.4 - comparable to a targeted continous wave search. We analyze the population detectable separately in each detector: Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, and the planned Einstein Telescope. In the calculation of the expected signal we neglect signals frequency change due to the source spindown and the Earth motion with respect to the Solar barycentre. Results. With conservative values for the neutron stars evolution: supernova rate once per 100 years, initial ellipticity $\epsilon_{0}$ = 1e-5 with no decay of the ellipticity $\eta$ = $t_\rm{hub}$ = 1e4 Myr, the expected number of detected neutron stars is below one: 0.15 (based on a simulation of 10 M stars) for the Advanced LIGO detector. A broader study of the parameter space ($\epsilon_{0}$ , $\eta$) is presented. With the planned sensitivity for the Einstein Telescope, and assuming the same ellipiticity model, the expected detection number is: 26.4 pulsars during a 1-year long observing run.

We study symmetry breaking and topological defects in a supersymmetric model with gauge group $\text{U}(2)$, which can be identified with the right-handed part $\text{SU}(2)_R \times \text{U}(1)_{B-L}$ of an extended electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model. The model has two phases of hybrid inflation terminated by tachyonic preheating where either monopoles and strings or, alternatively, dumbbells are formed. In the first case a stochastic gravitational wave background is predicted in the LIGO-Virgo band, possibly extending to the LISA frequency band and to nanohertz frequencies, which is generated by a metastable cosmic string network. In the second case no topological defects survive inflation and no stochastic gravitational wave background is produced.