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Papers for Friday, Feb 26 2021

Papers with local authors

Alexander J. Dittmann, Matteo Cantiello, Adam S. Jermyn

17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ

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Paper 4 — arXiv:2102.12484
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2102.12484

Disks of gas accreting onto supermassive black holes are thought to power active galactic nuclei (AGN). Stars may form in gravitationally unstable regions of these disks, or may be captured from nuclear star clusters. Because of the dense gas environment, the evolution of such embedded stars can diverge dramatically from those in the interstellar medium. This work extends previous studies of stellar evolution in AGN disks by exploring a variety of ways that accretion onto stars in AGN disks may differ from Bondi accretion. We find that tidal effects from the supermassive black hole significantly alter the evolution of stars in AGN disks, and that our results do not depend critically on assumptions about radiative feedback on the accretion stream. Thus, in addition to depending on $\rho/c_s^3$, the fate of stars in AGN disks depends sensitively on the distance to and mass of the supermassive black hole. This affects where in the disk stellar explosions occur, where compact remnants form and potentially merge to produce gravitational waves, and where different types of chemical enrichment take place.

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Justin Alsing, Will Handley

5 pages, 2 figures, prepared for submission as an MNRAS letter

Nested sampling is an important tool for conducting Bayesian analysis in Astronomy and other fields, both for sampling complicated posterior distributions for parameter inference, and for computing marginal likelihoods for model comparison. One technical obstacle to using nested sampling in practice is the requirement that prior distributions be provided in the form of bijective transformations from the unit hyper-cube to the target prior density. For many applications - particularly when using the posterior from one experiment as the prior for another - such a transformation is not readily available. In this letter we show that parametric bijectors trained on samples from a desired prior density provide a general-purpose method for constructing transformations from the uniform base density to a target prior, enabling the practical use of nested sampling under arbitrary priors. We demonstrate the use of trained bijectors in conjunction with nested sampling on a number of examples from cosmology.

Omid Sameie, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Robyn Sanderson, Drona Vargya, Philip Hopkins, Andrew Wetzel, James Bullock, Andrew Graus

10 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcomed

We present a suite of baryonic cosmological zoom-in simulations of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) haloes within the "Feedback In Realistic Environment" (FIRE) project. The three simulated haloes have virial masses of $\sim 10^{12}\, \text{M}_\odot$ at $z=0$, and we study velocity-independent self-interaction cross sections of 1 and 10 ${\rm cm^2 \, g^{-1}}$. We study star formation rates and the shape of dark matter density profiles of the parent haloes in both cold dark matter (CDM) and SIDM models. Galaxies formed in the SIDM haloes have higher star formation rates at $z\leq1$, resulting in more massive galaxies compared to the CDM simulations. While both CDM and SIDM simulations show diverse shape of the dark matter density profiles, the SIDM haloes can reach higher and more steep central densities within few kpcs compared to the CDM haloes. We identify a correlation between the build-up of the stars within the half-mass radii of the galaxies and the growth in the central dark matter densities. The thermalization process in the SIDM haloes is enhanced in the presence of a dense stellar component. Hence, SIDM haloes with highly concentrated baryonic profiles are predicted to have higher central dark matter densities than the CDM haloes. Overall, the SIDM haloes are more responsive to the presence of a massive baryonic distribution than their CDM counterparts.

Christos Vourellis, Christian Fendt

26 pages, 16 Figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present simulations of thin accretion disks around black holes investigating a mean-field disk dynamo in our resistive GRMHD code (Vourellis et al. 2019) that is able to produce a large scale magnetic flux. We consider a weak seed field in an initially thin disk, a background (turbulent) magnetic diffusivity and the dynamo action. A standard quenching mechanism is applied to mitigate the otherwise exponential increase of the magnetic field. Comparison simulations of an initial Fishbone-Moncrief torus suggest that reconnection may provide another quenching mechanism. The dynamo-generated magnetic flux expands from the disk interior into the disk corona, becomes advected by disk accretion, and fills the axial region of the domain. The dynamo leads to an initially rapid increase in magnetic energy and flux, while for later evolutionary stages the growth stabilizes. Accretion towards the black hole depends strongly on the magnetic field structure that develops. The radial field component supports extraction of angular momentum and thus accretion. It also sets the conditions for launching a disk wind, initially from inner disk area. When a strong field has engulfed the disk, strong winds are launched that are predominantly driven by the pressure gradient of the toroidal field. For rotating black holes we identify a Poynting flux-dominated jet, driven by the Blandford-Znajek mechanism. This axial Poynting flux is advected from the disk and therefore accumulates at the expense of the flux carried by the disk wind, that is itself regenerated by the disk dynamo.

J. Sebastian Pineda, Allison Youngblood, Kevin France

Accepted to AAS Journals, paper 1 of series

M-dwarf stars are prime targets for exoplanet searches because of their close proximity and favorable properties for both planet detection and characterization. However, the potential habitability and atmospheric characterization of these exoplanetary systems depends critically on the history of high-energy stellar radiation from X-rays to NUV, which drive atmospheric mass loss and photochemistry in the planetary atmospheres. With the Far Ultraviolet M-dwarf Evolution Survey (FUMES) we have assessed the evolution of the FUV radiation, specifically 8 prominent emission lines, including Ly$\alpha$, of M-dwarf stars with stellar rotation period and age. We demonstrate tight power-law correlations between the spectroscopic FUV features, and measure the intrinsic scatter of the quiescent FUV emissions. The luminosity evolution with rotation of these spectroscopic features is well described by a broken power-law, saturated for fast rotators, and decaying with increasing Rossby number, with a typical power-law slope of $-2$, although likely shallower for Ly$\alpha$. Our regression fits enable FUV emission line luminosity estimates relative to bolometric from known rotation periods to within $\sim$0.3 dex, across 8 distinct UV emission lines, with possible trends in the fit parameters as a function of source layer in the stellar atmosphere. Our detailed analysis of the UV luminosity evolution with age further shows that habitable zone planets orbiting lower-mass stars experience much greater high-energy radiative exposure relative the same planets orbiting more massive hosts. Around early-to-mid M-dwarfs these exoplanets, at field ages, accumulate up to 10-20$\times$ more EUV energy relative to modern Earth. Moreover, the bulk of this UV exposure likely takes place within the first Gyr of the stellar lifetime.

Hayley Roberts (1), Jeremy Darling (1), Andrew J. Baker (2) ((1) University of Colorado, Boulder, (2) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)

14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

OH megamasers (OHMs) are rare, luminous masers found in gas-rich major galaxy mergers. In untargeted neutral hydrogen ($\mathrm{HI}$) emission-line surveys, spectroscopic redshifts are necessary to differentiate the $\lambda_\text{rest}=18$ cm masing lines produced by OHMs from $\mathrm{HI}$ 21 cm lines. Next generation $\mathrm{HI}$ surveys will detect an unprecedented number of galaxies, most of which will not have spectroscopic redshifts. We present predictions for the numbers of OHMs that will be detected and the potential "contamination" they will impose on $\mathrm{HI}$ surveys. We examine Looking at the Distant Universe with the MeerKAT Array (LADUMA), a single-pointing deep-field survey reaching redshift $z_\mathrm{HI}=1.45$, as well as potential future surveys with the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) that would observe large portions of the sky out to redshift $z_\mathrm{HI}=1.37$. We predict that LADUMA will potentially double the number of known OHMs, creating an expected contamination of 1.0% of the survey's $\mathrm{HI}$ sample. Future SKA $\mathrm{HI}$ surveys are expected to see up to 7.2% OH contamination. To mitigate this contamination, we present methods to distinguish $\mathrm{HI}$ and OHM host populations without spectroscopic redshifts using near- to mid-IR photometry and a k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm. Using our methods, nearly 99% of OHMs out to redshift $z_\mathrm{OH} \sim 1.0$ can be correctly identified. At redshifts out to $z_\mathrm{OH}\sim2.0$, 97% of OHMs can be identified. The discovery of these high-redshift OHMs will be valuable for understanding the connection between extreme star formation and galaxy evolution.

Behnam Javanmardi (Paris), Antoine Mérand (Garching), Pierre Kervella (Paris), Louise Breuval (Paris), Alexandre Gallenne (Concepción), Nicolas Nardetto (Nice), Wolfgang Gieren (Concepción), Grzegorz Pietrzyński (Warszawa), Vincent Hocdé (Nice), Simon Borgniet (Paris)

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal on 17-Feb-2021

The current tension between the direct and the early Universe measurements of the Hubble Constant, $H_0$, requires detailed scrutiny of all the data and methods used in the studies on both sides of the debate. The Cepheids in the type Ia supernova (SNIa) host galaxy NGC 5584 played a key role in the local measurement of $H_0$. The SH0ES project used the observations of this galaxy to derive a relation between Cepheids' periods and ratios of their amplitudes in different optical bands of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and used these relations to analyse the light curves of the Cepheids in around half of the current sample of local SNIa host galaxies. In this work, we present an independent detailed analysis of the Cepheids in NGC 5584. We employ different tools for our photometric analysis and a completely different method for our light curve analysis, and we do not find a systematic difference between our period and mean magnitude measurements compared to those reported by SH0ES. By adopting a period-luminosity relation calibrated by the Cepheids in the Milky Way, we measure a distance modulus $\mu=31.810\pm0.047$ (mag) which is in agreement with $\mu=31.786\pm0.046$ (mag) measured by SH0ES. In addition, the relations we find between periods and amplitude ratios of the Cepheids in NGC 5584 are significantly tighter than those of SH0ES and their potential impact on the direct $H_0$ measurement will be investigated in future studies.

Sandro Tacchella, Charlie Conroy, S. M. Faber, Benjamin D. Johnson, Joel Leja, Guillermo Barro, Emily C. Cunningham, Alis J. Deason, Puragra Guhathakurta, Yicheng Guo, Lars Hernquist, David C. Koo, Kevin McKinnon, Constance M. Rockosi, Joshua S. Speagle, Pieter van Dokkum, Hassen M. Yesuf

30 pages, 12 figures + appendix, submitted to ApJ

We investigate the stellar populations for a sample of 161 massive, mainly quiescent galaxies at $\langle z_{\rm obs} \rangle=0.8$ with deep Keck/DEIMOS rest-frame optical spectroscopy (HALO7D survey). With the fully Bayesian framework Prospector, we simultaneously fit the spectroscopic and photometric data with an advanced physical model (including non-parametric star-formation histories, emission lines, variable dust attenuation law, and dust and AGN emission) together with an uncertainty and outlier model. We show that both spectroscopy and photometry are needed to break the dust-age-metallicity degeneracy. We find a large diversity of star-formation histories: although the most massive ($M_{\star}>2\times10^{11}~M_{\odot}$) galaxies formed the earliest (formation redshift of $z_{\rm f}\approx5-10$ with a short star-formation timescale of $\tau_{\rm SF}\lesssim1~\mathrm{Gyr}$), lower-mass galaxies have a wide range of formation redshifts, leading to only a weak trend of $z_{\rm f}$ with $M_{\star}$. Interestingly, several low-mass galaxies with have formation redshifts of $z_{\rm f}\approx5-8$. Star-forming galaxies evolve about the star-forming main sequence, crossing the ridgeline several times in their past. Quiescent galaxies show a wide range and continuous distribution of quenching timescales ($\tau_{\rm quench}\approx0-5~\mathrm{Gyr}$) with a median of $\langle\tau_{\rm quench}\rangle=1.0_{-0.9}^{+0.8}~\mathrm{Gyr}$ and of quenching epochs of $z_{\rm quench}\approx0.8-5.0$ ($\langle z_{\rm quench}\rangle=1.3_{-0.4}^{+0.7}$). This large diversity of quenching timescales and epochs points toward a combination of internal and external quenching mechanisms. In our sample, rejuvenation and "late bloomers" are uncommon. In summary, our analysis supports the "grow & quench" framework and is consistent with a wide and continuously-populated diversity of quenching timescales.

Yann Bouffanais, Michela Mapelli, Filippo Santoliquido, Nicola Giacobbo, Ugo N. Di Carlo, Sara Rastello, M. Celeste Artale, Giuliano Iorio

10 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, comments welcome

With the recent release of the second gravitational-wave transient catalogue (GWTC-2), which introduced dozens of new detections, we are at a turning point of gravitational wave astronomy, as we are now able to directly infer constraints on the astrophysical population of compact objects. Here, we tackle the burning issue of understanding the origin of binary black hole (BBH) mergers. To this effect, we make use of state-of-the art population synthesis and N-body simulations, to represent two distinct formation channels: BBHs formed in the field (isolated channel) and in young star clusters (dynamical channel). We then use a Bayesian hierarchical approach to infer the distribution of the mixing fraction $f$, with $f=0$ ($f=1$) in the pure dynamical (isolated) channel. We explore the effects of additional hyper-parameters of the model, such as the spread in metallicity $\sigma_{\text{Z}}$ and the parameter $\sigma_{\text{sp}}$, describing the distribution of spin magnitudes. We find that the dynamical model is slightly favoured with a median value of $f=0.26$, when $\sigma_{\text{sp}}=0.1$ and $\sigma_{\text{Z}}=0.4$. Models with higher spin magnitudes tend to strongly favour dynamically formed BBHs ($f\le{}0.1$ if $\sigma_{\text{sp}}=0.3$). Furthermore, we show that hyper-parameters controlling the rates of the model, such as $\sigma_{\rm Z}$, have a large impact on the inference of the mixing fraction, which rises from $0.18$ to $0.43$ when we increase $\sigma_{\text{Z}}$ from 0.2 to 0.6, for a fixed value of $\sigma_{\text{sp}}=0.1$. Finally, our current set of observations is better described by a combination of both formation channels, as a pure dynamical scenario is excluded at the $99\%$ credible interval, except when the spin magnitude is high.

Francesca Calore, Fiorenza Donato, Silvia Manconi

5+8 pages, 2+6 figures

We combine adaptive template fitting and pixel count statistics in order to assess the nature of the Galactic center excess in Fermi-LAT data. We reconstruct the flux distribution of point sources in the inner Galaxy well below the Fermi-LAT detection threshold, and measure their radial and longitudinal profiles. Point sources and diffuse emission from the Galactic bulge each contributes $\mathcal{O}$(10\%) of the total emission therein, disclosing a sub-threshold point-source contribution to the Galactic center excess.

Guillermo F. Abellán, Riccardo Murgia, Vivian Poulin

16+6 pages, 16 figures, comments welcome!

The '$S_8$ tension' is a longstanding discrepancy between the cosmological and local determination of the amplitude of matter fluctuations, parameterized as $S_8\equiv\sigma_8(\Omega_m/0.3)^{0.5}$, where $\sigma_8$ is the root mean square of matter fluctuations on a 8 $h^{-1}$Mpc scale, and $\Omega_m$ is the total matter abundance. It was recently shown that dark matter (DM) decaying into a massless (dark radiation) and a massive (warm DM) species, with a lifetime $\Gamma^{-1} \simeq 55~ (\varepsilon/0.007)^{1.4}$ Gyrs -- where $\varepsilon$ represent the mass-energy fraction transferred to the massless component -- can resolve the tension. Thanks to a new, fast and accurate approximation scheme for the warm species, we perform a comprehensive study of this 2-body decaying DM scenario, discussing in details its dynamics and its impact on the CMB and linear matter power spectra. We then confront the robustness of the resolution to the '$S_8$ tension' against a number of changes in the analysis: different $S_8$ priors, marginalization over the lensing information in Planck data, trading Planck high$-\ell$ polarization data for those from the SPTpol collaboration, and the inclusion of the recent results from the Xenon1T collaboration. We conclude that the preference for decaying DM, while entirely driven by the local $S_8$ measurements, does not sensibly degrade the fit to any of the cosmological data-sets considered, and that the model could explain the anomalous electron recoil excess reported by the Xenon1T collaboration.

Valentina Cesare, Antonaldo Diaferio, Titos Matsakos

22 pages, 12 figures, 8 tables. Submitted to A&A

We test whether refracted gravity (RG), a modified theory of gravity that describes the dynamics of galaxies without the aid of dark matter, can model the dynamics of the three massive elliptical galaxies, NGC 1407, NGC 4486, and NGC 5846, out to $\sim$$10R_{\rm e}$, where the stellar mass component fades out and dark matter is required in Newtonian gravity. We probe these outer regions with the kinematics of the globular clusters provided by the SLUGGS survey. RG mimics dark matter with the gravitational permittivity, a monotonic function of the local mass density depending on three paramaters, $\epsilon_0$, $\rho_{\rm c}$, and $Q$, that are expected to be universal. RG satisfactorily reproduces the velocity dispersion profiles of the stars and red and blue globular clusters, with stellar mass-to-light ratios in agreement with stellar population synthesis models, and orbital anisotropy parameters consistent with previous results obtained in Newtonian gravity with dark matter. The sets of three parameters of the gravitational permittivity found for each galaxy are consistent with each other within $\sim$1$\sigma$. We compare the mean $\epsilon_0$, $\rho_{\rm c}$, and $Q$ found here with the means of the parameters required to model the rotation curves and vertical velocity dispersion profiles of 30 disk galaxies from the DiskMass survey (DMS): $\rho_{\rm c}$ and $Q$ are within 1$\sigma$ from the DMS values, whereas $\epsilon_0$ is within 2.5$\sigma$ from the DMS value. This result suggests the universality of the permittivity function, despite our simplified galaxy model: we treat each galaxy as isolated, when, in fact, NGC 1407 and NGC 5846 are members of galaxy groups and NGC 4486 is the central galaxy of the Virgo cluster.

Ulrike Kuchner, Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca, Agustín Rost, Frazer R. Pearce, Meghan E. Gray, Weiguang Cui, Alexander Knebe, Elena Rasia, Gustavo Yepes

12 pages, 9 figures

Inferring line-of-sight distances from redshifts in and around galaxy clusters is complicated by peculiar velocities, a phenomenon known as the "Fingers of God" (FoG). This presents a significant challenge for finding filaments in large observational data sets as these artificial elongations can be wrongly identified as cosmic web filaments by extraction algorithms. Upcoming targeted wide-field spectroscopic surveys of galaxy clusters and their infall regions such as the WEAVE Wide-Field Cluster Survey motivate our investigation of the impact of FoG on finding filaments connected to clusters. Using zoom-in resimulations of 324 massive galaxy clusters and their outskirts from The ThreeHundred project, we test methods typically applied to large-scale spectroscopic data sets. This paper describes our investigation of whether a statistical compression of the FoG of cluster centres and galaxy groups can lead to correct filament extractions in the cluster outskirts. We find that within 5 R200 (~15 Mpc/h) statistically correcting for FoG elongations of virialized regions does not achieve reliable filament networks compared to reference filament networks based on true positions. This is due to the complex flowing motions of galaxies towards filaments in addition to the cluster infall, which overwhelm the signal of the filaments relative to the volume we probe. While information from spectroscopic redshifts is still important to isolate the cluster regions, and thereby reduce background and foreground interlopers, we expect future spectroscopic surveys of galaxy cluster outskirts to rely on 2D positions of galaxies to extract cosmic filaments.

Allison Youngblood, J. Sebastian Pineda, Kevin France

Accepted to AAS Journals, Paper 2 of series

The HI Ly$\alpha$ (1215.67 $\unicode{xC5}$) emission line dominates the far-UV spectra of M dwarf stars, but strong absorption from neutral hydrogen in the interstellar medium makes observing Ly$\alpha$ challenging even for the closest stars. As part of the Far-Ultraviolet M-dwarf Evolution Survey (FUMES), the Hubble Space Telescope has observed 10 early-to-mid M dwarfs with ages ranging from $\sim$24 Myr to several Gyrs to evaluate how the incident UV radiation evolves through the lifetime of exoplanetary systems. We reconstruct the intrinsic Ly$\alpha$ profiles from STIS G140L and E140M spectra and achieve reconstructed fluxes with 1-$\sigma$ uncertainties ranging from 5% to a factor of two for the low resolution spectra (G140L) and 3-20% for the high resolution spectra (E140M). We observe broad, 500-1000 km s$^{-1}$ wings of the Ly$\alpha$ line profile, and analyze how the line width depends on stellar properties. We find that stellar effective temperature and surface gravity are the dominant factors influencing the line width with little impact from the star's magnetic activity level, and that the surface flux density of the Ly$\alpha$ wings may be used to estimate the chromospheric electron density. The Ly$\alpha$ reconstructions on the G140L spectra are the first attempted on $\lambda/\Delta\lambda\sim$1000 data. We find that the reconstruction precision is not correlated with SNR of the observation, rather, it depends on the intrinsic broadness of the stellar Ly$\alpha$ line. Young, low-gravity stars have the broadest lines and therefore provide more information at low spectral resolution to the fit to break degeneracies among model parameters.

D. J. M. Petit dit de la Roche, N. Oberg, M. E. van den Ancker, I. Kamp, R. van Boekel, D. Fedele, V. D.Ivanov, M. Kasper, H. U. Käufl, M. Kissler-Patig, P. A. Miles-Páez, E. Pantin, S. P. Quanz, Ch. Rab, R.Siebenmorgen, L. B. F. M. Waters

Accepted in A&A

Mid-infrared imaging traces the sub-micron and micron sized dust grains in protoplanetary disks and it offers constraints on the geometrical properties of the disks and potential companions, particularly if those companions have circumplanetary disks. We use the VISIR instrument and its upgrade NEAR on the VLT to take new mid-infrared images of five (pre-)transition disks and one circumstellar disk with proposed planets and obtain the deepest resolved mid-infrared observations to date in order to put new constraints on the sizes of the emitting regions of the disks and the presence of possible companions. We derotate and stack the data to find the disk properties. Where available we compare the data to ProDiMo (Protoplanetary Disk Model) radiation thermo-chemical models to achieve a deeper understanding of the underlying physical processes within the disks. We apply the circularised PSF subtraction method to find upper limits on the fluxes of possible companions and model companions with circumplanetary disks. We resolve three of the six disks and calculate position angles, inclinations and (upper limits to) sizes of emission regions in the disks, improving upper limits on two of the unresolved disks. In all cases the majority of the mid-IR emission comes from small inner disks or the hot inner rims of outer disks. We refine the existing ProDiMo HD 100546 model SED fit in the mid-IR by increasing the PAH abundance relative to the ISM, adopting coronene as the representative PAH, and increase the outer cavity radius to 22.3 AU. We produce flux estimates for putative planetary-mass companions and circumplanetary disks, ruling out the presence of planetary-mass companions with $L > 0.0028 L_{\odot}$ for $a > 180$ AU in the HD 100546 system. Upper limits of 0.5 mJy-30 mJy are obtained at 8 $\mu$m-12 $\mu$m for potential companions in the different disks.

S. M. Stach (CEA, Durham), I. Smail, A. Amvrosiadis, A. M. Swinbank, U. Dudzevičiūtė, J. E. Geach, O. Almaini, J. E. Birkin, Chian-Chou Chen, C. J. Conselice, E. A. Cooke, K. E. K. Coppin, J. S. Dunlop, D. Farrah, S. Ikarashi, R. J. Ivison, J. L. Wardlow

13 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We present an analysis of the spatial clustering of a large sample of high-resolution, interferometically identified, submillimetre galaxies (SMGs). We measure the projected cross-correlation function of ~350 SMGs in the UKIDSS Ultra Deep-Survey Field across a redshift range of $z=1.5-3$ utilising a method that incorporates the uncertainties in the redshift measurements for both the SMGs and cross-correlated galaxies through sampling their full probability distribution functions. By measuring the absolute linear bias of the SMGs we derive halo masses of $\log_{10}(M_{\rm halo}[{h^{-1}\,\rm M_{\odot}}])\sim12.8$ with no evidence of evolution in the halo masses with redshift, contrary to some previous work. From considering models of halo mass growth rates we predict that the SMGs will reside in haloes of mass $\log_{10}(M_{\rm halo}[{h^{-1}\,\rm M_{\odot}}])\sim13.2$ at $z=0$, consistent with the expectation that the majority of $z=1.5-3$ SMGs will evolve into present-day spheroidal galaxies. Finally, comparing to models of stellar-to-halo mass ratios, we show that SMGs may correspond to systems that are maximally efficient at converting their gas reservoirs into stars. We compare them to a simple model for gas cooling in halos that suggests that the unique properties of the SMG population, including their high levels of star-formation and their redshift distribution, are a result of the SMGs being the most massive galaxies that are still able to accrete cool gas from their surrounding intragalactic medium.

Alejandro Aguayo-Ortiz, Emilio Tejeda, Olivier Sarbach, Diego López-Cámara

15 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

In this work we revisit the steady state, spherically symmetric gas accretion problem from the non-relativistic regime to the ultra-relativistic one. We first perform a detailed comparison between the Bondi and Michel models, and show how the mass accretion rate in the Michel solution approaches a constant value as the fluid temperature increases, whereas the corresponding Bondi value continually decreases, the difference between these two predicted values becoming arbitrarily large at ultra-relativistic temperatures. Additionally, we extend the Michel solution to the case of a fluid with an equation of state corresponding to a monoatomic, relativistic gas. Finally, using general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, we study spherical accretion onto a rotating black hole, exploring the influence of the black hole spin on the mass accretion rate, the flow morphology and characteristics, and the sonic surface. The effect of the black hole spin becomes more notorious as the gas temperature increases and as the adiabatic index $\gamma$ stiffens. For an ideal gas in the ultra-relativistic limit ($\gamma=4/3$), we find a reduction of 10 per cent in the mass accretion rate for a maximally rotating black hole as compared to a non-rotating one, while this reduction is of up to 50 per cent for a stiff fluid ($\gamma=2$).

Spencer C. Wallace, Thomas. R. Quinn, Aaron C. Boley

17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

In circumstellar discs, collisional grinding of planetesimals produces second-generation dust. While it remains unclear whether this ever becomes a major component of the total dust content, the presence of such dust, and potentially the substructure within, it can be used to explore a disc's physical conditions. A perturbing planet produces nonaxisymmetric structures and gaps in the dust, regardless of its origin. The dynamics of planetesimals, however, will be very different than that of small dust grains due to weaker gas interactions. Therefore, planetesimal collisions could create dusty disc structures that would not exist otherwise. In this work, we use N-body simulations to investigate the collision rate profile of planetesimals near mean-motion resonances. We find that a distinct bump or dip feature is produced in the collision profile, the presence of which depends on the libration width of the resonance and the separation between the peri- and apocenter distances of the edges of the resonance. The presence of one of these two features depends on the mass and eccentricity of the planet. Assuming that the radial dust emission traces the planetesimal collision profile, the presence of a bump or dip feature in the dust emission at the 2:1 mean-motion resonance can constrain the orbital properties of the perturbing planet. This assumption is valid, so long as radial drift does not play a significant role during the collisional cascade process. Under this assumption, these features in the dust emission should be marginally observable in nearby protoplanetary disks with ALMA.

P. Wilson Cauley, Kevin France, Gregory J. Herzceg, Christopher M. Johns-Krull

15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to AAS journals on 02/24/2021

Measurements of gas mass in protoplanetary gas disks form the basis for estimating the conditions of planet formation. Among the most important constraints derived from disk diagnostics are the abundances of gas-phase species critical for understanding disk chemistry. Towards this end, we present direct line-of-sight measurements of H$_{2}$ and CO, employing UV absorption spectroscopy from $HST$-COS to characterize disk composition, molecular excitation temperatures, and spatial distribution in the circumstellar material around the Herbig Ae stars HK Ori and T Ori. We observe strong CO (N(CO) = 10$^{15.5}$ cm$^{-2}$; T$_{rot}$(CO) = 19 K) and H$_{2}$ (N(H$_{2}$) = 10$^{20.34}$ cm$^{-2}$; T$_{rot}$(H$_{2}$) = 141 K) absorption towards HK Ori with a CO/H$_{2}$ ratio ($\equiv$ N(CO)/N(H$_{2}$)) = 1.3$^{+1.6}_{-0.7}$~$\times$~10$^{-5}$. These measurements place direct empirical constraints on the CO-to-H$_{2}$ conversion factor in the disk around a Herbig Ae star for the first time, although there is uncertainty concerning the exact viewing geometry of the disk. The spectra of T Ori show CO (N(CO) = 10$^{14.9}$ cm$^{-2}$; T$_{rot}$(CO) = 124 K) absorption. Interestingly, we do not detect any H$_{2}$ absorption towards this star (N(H$_{2}$) $<$ 10$^{15.9}$ cm$^{-2}$). We discuss a potential scenario for the detection of CO without H$_{2}$, which deserves further investigation. The low abundance ratio measured around HK Ori suggests significant depletion of CO in the circumstellar gas, which conforms with the handful of other recent CO abundance measurements in protoplanetary disks.

Benedikt Schroer, Carmelo Evoli, Pasquale Blasi

10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physical Review D

The recent measurement of the spectra of heavy nuclei carried out with the AMS-02 experiment provided us with the most complete set of data on cosmic ray fluxes to date, and allowed us to test the standard model for the transport of these particles through the Galaxy to the finest details. We show that the parameters derived from lighter primary and secondary elements in the cosmic radiation also lead to a good description of the data on heavier nuclei, with no need to invoke different injection spectra for such nuclei, provided the whole chain of fragmentation is properly accounted for. The only exception to this finding is represented by iron nuclei, which show a very unusual trend at rigidity $\lesssim 100$ GV. This trend reflects in a Fe/O ratio that is at odds with the results of the standard model of cosmic ray transport, and is in contradiction with data collected by HEAO, ACE-CRIS and Voyager at lower energy. We speculate on possible origins of such findings.

Felipe Vargas, Fabio De Colle, Daniel Brethauer, Raffaella Margutti, Cristian G. Bernal

Initially classified as a supernova (SN) type Ib, $\sim$ 100 days after the explosion SN\,2014C made a transition to a SN type II, presenting a gradual increase in the H${\alpha}$ emission. This has been interpreted as evidence of interaction between the supernova shock wave and a massive shell previously ejected from the progenitor star. In this paper, we present numerical simulations of the propagation of the SN shock through the progenitor star and its wind, as well as the interaction of the SN ejecta with the massive shell. To determine with high precision the structure and location of the shell, we couple a genetic algorithm to a hydrodynamic and a bremsstrahlung radiation transfer code. We iteratively modify the density stratification and location of the shell by minimizing the variance between X-ray observations and synthetic predictions computed from the numerical model. By assuming spherical symmetry, we found that the shell has a mass of 2.6 M$_\odot$, extends from 1.6 $\times 10^{17}$ cm to $1.87 \times 10^{17}$ cm, implying that it was ejected $\sim 60/(v_w/100 {\rm \; km \; s^{-1}})$ yrs before the SN explosion, and has a density stratification decaying as $\sim r^{-3}$. We found that the product of metallicity by the ionization fraction (due to photo-ionization by the post-shock X-ray emission) %and/or the SN UV radiation is $\sim$ 0.5. Finally, we predict that, if the density stratification follows the same power-law behaviour, the SN will break out from the shell by mid 2022, i.e. 8.5 years after explosion.

Norita Kawanaka, Shiu-Hang Lee

8 pages, 5 figures

We discuss the acceleration and escape of secondary cosmic-ray (CR) nuclei, such as lithium, beryllium and boron, produced by spallation of primary CR nuclei like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen accelerated at the shock in supernova remnants (SNRs) surrounded by the interstellar medium (ISM) or a circumstellar medium (CSM). We take into account the energy-dependent escape of CR particles from the SNR shocks, which is supported by gamma-ray observations of SNRs, to calculate the spectra of primary and secondary CR nuclei running away into the ambient medium. We find that if the SNR is surrounded by a CSM with a wind-like density distribution (i.e., $n_{\rm CSM}\propto r^{-2}$), the spectra of the escaping secondary nuclei are harder than those of the escaping primary nuclei, while if the SNR is surrounded by a uniform ISM, the spectra of the escaping secondaries are always softer than those of the escaping primaries. Using this result, we show that if there was a past supernova surrounded by a dense wind-like CSM ($\sim 2.5\times 10^{-3}M_{\odot}~{\rm yr}^{-1}$) which happened $\sim 1.6\times 10^5~{\rm yr}$ ago at a distance of $\sim 1.6~{\rm kpc}$, we can simultaneously reproduce the spectral hardening of primary and secondary CRs above $\sim 200~{\rm GV}$ that have recently been reported by AMS-02.

Robert A. Fesen, Marcel Drechsler, Kathryn E. Weil, Xavier Strottner, John C. Raymond, Dan Milisavljevic, Bhagya M. Subrayan, Dennis di Cicco, Sean Walker, David Mittelman

23 pages, 17 figures; submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) with angular dimensions greater than a few degrees are relatively rare, as are remnants located more than ten degrees off the Galactic plane. Here we report the results of a UV and optical investigation of two previously suspected SNRs that are more than ~10 degrees in both angular diameter and Galactic latitude. One is the proposed G354-33 remnant discovered in 2008 through 1420 MHz polarization maps. GALEX far UV (FUV) emission and H$\alpha$ mosaics show the object's radio emission coincident with a nearly continuous 11 x 14 degree shell of thin UV filaments which surround a broad H$\alpha$ emission ring. Another proposed high latitude SNR is the enormous 20 x 26 degree Antlia nebula (G275.5+18.4) discovered in 2002 through low-resolution all-sky H$\alpha$ images and ROSAT soft X-ray emission. GALEX FUV image mosaics along with deep H$\alpha$ images and optical spectra of several filaments indicate the presence of shocks throughout the nebula with estimated shock velocities of 70 to over 100 km s$^{-1}$. We conclude that both of these nebulae are bona fide SNRs with estimated ages less than 10$^{5}$ yr despite their unusually large angular dimensions. Using FUV and optical spectra and images, we also report finding an apparent new, high latitude SNR (G249.2+24.4) approximately 2.8 x 4.2 degrees in size based on its UV and optical emission properties.

Bradford Snios, Daniel A. Schwartz, Aneta Siemiginowska, Małgosia Sobolewska, Mark Birkinshaw, C. C. Cheung, Doug B. Gobeille, Herman L. Marshall, Giulia Migliori, John F. C. Wardle, Diana M. Worrall

Submitted to ApJ, 15 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables

We present Chandra X-ray observations of 14 radio-loud quasars at redshifts $3 < z < 4$, selected from a well-defined sample. All quasars are detected in the 0.5-7.0 keV energy band, and resolved X-ray features are detected in five of the objects at distances between 1-12" from the quasar core. The X-ray features are spatially coincident with known radio features for four of the five quasars. This indicates that these systems contain X-ray jets. X-ray fluxes and luminosities are measured, and jet-to-core X-ray flux ratios are estimated. The flux ratios are consistent with those observed for nearby jet systems, suggesting that the observed X-ray emission mechanism is independent of redshift. For quasars with undetected jets, an upper limit on the average X-ray jet intensity is estimated using a stacked image analysis. Emission spectra of the quasar cores are extracted and modeled to obtain best-fit photon indices, and an Fe K emission line is detected from one quasar in our sample. We compare X-ray spectral properties with optical and radio emission in the context of both our sample and other quasar surveys.

Two methods for mass profiles reconstruction in disc-like galaxies are presented in this work, the first is done with the fit of the rotation curve based on the data of circular velocity which are obtained observationally in a stars system, while the other method is focused in the Gravitational Lensed Effect (GLE). For these mass reconstructions, two routines developed in the language of programming python were used: one of them is Galrotpy, which was built by members of the Galaxies, Gravitation and Cosmology group from the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and whose funtionality is applied in the rotation curves, the other routine is Gallenspy which was created in the development of this work and it is focused in the GLE. It should be noted that both routines perform a parametric estimation from the Bayesian statistics, which allows obtaining the uncertainties of the estimated values. Finally is shown the great power of combining galactic dynamics and GLE, for this purpose the mass profiles of the galaxies SDSSJ2141-001 and SDSSJ1331+3628 were reconstructed with Galrotpy and Gallenspy where these results obtained are compared with those reported by other authors regarding these systems. \textbf{Keywords:} Mass reconstructions, GLE, rotational curves, mass profiles, Gallenspy, Galrotpy.

Solar energetic particles (SEPs) accelerated from shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are one of the major causes of geomagnetic storms on Earth. Therefore, it is necessary to predict the occurrence and intensity of such disturbances. For this purpose we analyzed in detail 38 non-interacting halo and partial halo CMEs, as seen by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory /Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (SOHO/LASCO), generating SEPs (in >10 MeV, >50 MeV, and >100 MeV energy channels) during the quadrature configuration of the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) twin spacecrafts with respect to the Earth, which marks the ascending phase of solar cycle 24 (i.e., 2009-2013). The main criteria for this selection period is to obtain height-time measurements of the CMEs without significant projection effects and in a very large field of view. Using the data from STEREO/Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (STEREO / SECCHI) images we determined several kinematic parameters and instantaneous speeds of the CMEs. First, we compare instantaneous CME speed and Mach number versus SEP fluxes for events originating at the western and eastern limb we observe high correlation for the western events and anticorrelation for the eastern events. Next we investigated instantaneous CME kinematic parameters such as maximum speed, maximum Mach number, and the CME speed and Mach number at SEP peak flux versus SEP peak fluxes. Highly positive correlation is observed for Mach number at SEP peak flux for all events. The obtained instantaneous Furthermore, we conducted estimates of delay in time and distance between CME, SEP, and shock parameters. Comparative studies of the considered energy channels of the SEPs also throw light on the reacceleration of suprathermal seed ions by CME-driven shocks that are pre-accelerated in the magnetic reconnection.

Ailing Wang, Tao An, Sumit Jaiswal, Prashanth Mohan, Yuchan Wang, Willem A. Baan, Yingkang Zhang, Xiaolong Yang

8 pages, 3 figures. Acceptance for publication in MNRAS

Mrk~231 is the closest radio-quiet quasar known and one of the most luminous infrared galaxies in the local Universe. It is characterised by the co-existence of a radio jet and powerful multi-phase multi-scale outflows, making it an ideal laboratory to study active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback. We analyse the multi-epoch very long baseline interferometry data of Mrk~231 and estimate the jet head advance speed to be $\lesssim0.013\ c$, suggesting a sub-relativistic jet flow. The jet position angle changes from $-113^\circ$ in the inner parsec to $-172^\circ$ at a projected distance of 25 parsec. The jet structure change might result from either a jet bending following the rotation of the circum-nuclear disc or the projection of a helical jet on the plane of the sky. In the large opening angle ($\sim60^\circ$) cone, the curved jet interacts with the interstellar medium and creates wide-aperture-angle shocks which subsequently dissipate a large portion of the jet power through radiation and contribute to powering the large-scale outflows. The low power and bent structure of the Mrk~231 jet, as well as extensive radiation dissipation, are consistent with the obstruction of the short-length jet by the host galaxy's environment.

Dian P. Triani, Manodeep Sinha, Darren J. Croton, Eli Dwek

12 pages, 8 figure, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We explore the relation between dust and several fundamental properties of simulated galaxies using the Dusty SAGE semi-analytic model. In addition to tracing the standard galaxy properties, Dusty SAGE also tracks cold dust mass in the interstellar medium (ISM), hot dust mass in the halo and dust mass ejected by feedback activity. Based on their ISM dust content, we divide our galaxies into two categories: ISM dust-poor and ISM dust-rich. We split the ISM dust-poor group into two subgroups: halo dust-rich and dust-poor (the latter contains galaxies that lack dust in both the ISM and halo). Halo dust-rich galaxies have high outflow rates of heated gas and dust and are more massive. We divide ISM dust-rich galaxies based on their specific star formation rate (sSFR) into star-forming and quenched subgroups. At redshift z=0, we find that ISM dust-rich galaxies have a relatively high sSFR, low bulge-to-total (BTT) mass ratio, and high gas metallicity. The high sSFR of ISM dust-rich galaxies allows them to produce dust in the stellar ejecta. Their metal-rich ISM enables dust growth via grain accretion. The opposite is seen in the ISM dust-poor group. Furthermore, ISM dust-rich galaxies are typically late-types, while ISM dust-poor galaxies resemble the early-type population, and we show how their ISM content evolves from being dust-rich to dust-poor. Finally, we investigate dust production from z=3 to z=0 and find that all groups evolve similarly, except for the quenched ISM dust-rich group.

B. Barbuy, H. Ernandes, S.O. Souza, R. Razera, T. Moura, J. Meléndez, A. Pérez-Villegas, M. Zoccali, D. Minniti, B. Dias, S. Ortolani, E. Bica

14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics

The globular cluster AL~3 is old and located in the inner bulge. Three individual stars were observed with the Phoenix spectrograph at the Gemini South telescope. The wavelength region contains prominent lines of CN, OH, and CO, allowing the derivation of C, N, and O abundances of cool stars. We aim to derive C, N, O abundances of three stars in the bulge globular cluster AL3, and additionally in stars of NGC 6558 and HP1. The spectra of AL3 allows us to derive the cluster's radial velocity. For AL3, we applied a new code to analyse its colour-magnitude diagram. Synthetic spectra were computed and compared to observed spectra for the three clusters. We present a detailed identification of lines in the spectral region centred at 15555 A, covering the wavelength range 15525-15590 A. C, N, and O abundances are tentatively derived for the sample stars.

Shraddha Surana, Yogesh Wadadekar, Divya Oberoi

This paper has been accepted in the ADASS 2019 proceedings. A talk on the same was given at the ADASS 2019 conference

Machine Learning algorithms are good tools for both classification and prediction purposes. These algorithms can further be used for scientific discoveries from the enormous data being collected in our era. We present ways of discovering and understanding astronomical phenomena by applying machine learning algorithms to data collected with radio telescopes. We discuss the use of supervised machine learning algorithms to predict the free parameters of star formation histories and also better understand the relations between the different input and output parameters. We made use of Deep Learning to capture the non-linearity in the parameters. Our models are able to predict with low error rates and give the advantage of predicting in real time once the model has been trained. The other class of machine learning algorithms viz. unsupervised learning can prove to be very useful in finding patterns in the data. We explore how we use such unsupervised techniques on solar radio data to identify patterns and variations, and also link such findings to theories, which help to better understand the nature of the system being studied. We highlight the challenges faced in terms of data size, availability, features, processing ability and importantly, the interpretability of results. As our ability to capture and store data increases, increased use of machine learning to understand the underlying physics in the information captured seems inevitable.

We report distance measurements for the Norma cluster based on the near-infrared $J$- and $K_s$-band Fundamental Plane (FP) relations. Our simultaneous $J$ and $K_s$-band photometry analyses were performed using 31 early-type galaxies in the nearby Norma cluster obtained using the 1.4 m InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF) at the South African Astronomical Observatory. Our final $K_s$-band FP sample consists of 41 early-type galaxies from the Norma cluster observed using the IRSF and the New Technology Telescope (NTT) at the European Southern Observatory. This is the largest cluster sample used for peculiar velocity studies in the Great Attractor region to date. From the $K_s$-band FP, we find a distance to the Norma cluster of $4915 \pm 121$ km s$^{-1}$. The implied peculiar velocity for Norma is $44 \pm 151$ km s$^{-1}$ which further supports a small peculiar velocity for the Norma cluster.

Karel Adámek, Peter Wortmann, Bojan Nikolic, Ben Mort, Wesley Armour

Published in the proceedings of ADASS XXX

Practical aperture synthesis imaging algorithms work by iterating between estimating the sky brightness distribution and a comparison of a prediction based on this estimate with the measured data ("visibilities"). Accuracy in the latter step is crucial but is made difficult by irregular and non-planar sampling of data by the telescope. In this work we present a GPU implementation of 3d de-gridding which accurately deals with these two difficulties and is designed for distributed operation. We address the load balancing issues caused by large variation in visibilities that need to be computed. Using CUDA and NVidia GPUs we measure performance up to 1.2 billion visibilities per second.

Ming H. Xu, James M. Anderson, Robert Heinkelmann, Susanne Lunz, Harald Schuh, Guang L. Wang

25 pages, 11 figures, and accepted for publication in Journal of Geodesy

The next-generation, broadband geodetic very long baseline interferometry system, named VGOS, is developing its global network, and VGOS networks with a small size of 3--7 stations have already made broadband observations from 2017 to 2019. We made quality assessments for two kinds of observables in the 21 VGOS sessions currently available: group delay and differential total electron content ($\delta$TEC). Our study reveals that the random measurement noise of VGOS group delays is at the level of less than 2 ps (1 ps = 10$^{-12}$ s), while the contributions from systematic error sources, mainly source structure related, are at the level of 20 ps. Due to the significant improvement in measurement noise, source structure effects with relatively small magnitudes that are not overwhelming in the S/X VLBI system, for instance 10 ps, are clearly visible in VGOS observations. Another critical error source in VGOS observations is discrete delay jumps, for instance, a systematic offset of about 310 ps or integer multiples of that. The predominant causative factor is found to be related to source structure. The measurement noise level of $\delta$TEC observables is about 0.07 TECU, but the systematic effects are five times larger than that. A strong correlation between group delay and $\delta$TEC observables is discovered with a trend of 40 ps/TECU for observations with large structure effects; there is a second trend in the range 60 ps/TECU to 70 ps/TECU when the measurement noise is dominant.

This paper investigates a spherically symmetric compact relativistic body with isotropic pressure profiles within the framework of general relativity. In order to solve the Einstein's field equations, we have considered the Vaidya-Tikekar type metric potential, which depends upon parameter K. We have presented a perfect fluid model, considering K<0 or K>1, which represent compact stars like SMC X-1, Her X-1, 4U 1538-52, SAX J1808.4-3658, LMC X-4, EXO 1785-248 and 4U1820-30, to an excellent degree of accuracy. We have investigated the physical features such as the energy conditions, velocity of sound, surface redshift, adiabatic index of the model in detail and shown that our model obeys all the physical requirements for a realistic stellar model. Using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations, we have explored the hydrostatic equilibrium and the stability of the compact objects. This model also fulfils the Harrison-Zeldovich-Novikov stability criterion. The results obtained in this paper can be used in analyzing other isotropic compact objects.

Joan Sola, Adria Gomez-Valent, Javier de Cruz Perez, Cristian Moreno-Pulido

7 pages, 2 tables and 2 figures

The cosmological term, $\Lambda$, was introduced $104$ years ago by Einstein in his gravitational field equations. Whether $\Lambda$ is a rigid quantity or a dynamical variable in cosmology has been a matter of debate for many years, especially after the introduction of the general notion of dark energy (DE). $\Lambda$ is associated to the vacuum energy density, $\rho_{\rm vac}$, and one may expect that it evolves slowly with the cosmological expansion. Herein we present a devoted study testing this possibility using the promising class of running vacuum models (RVM's). We use a large string $SNIa+BAO+H(z)+LSS+CMB$ of modern cosmological data, in which for the first time the CMB part involves the full Planck 2018 likelihood for these models. We test the dependence of the results on the threshold redshift $z_*$ at which the vacuum dynamics is activated in the recent past and find positive signals up to $\sim4.0\sigma$ for $z_*\simeq 1$. The RVM's prove very competitive against the standard $\Lambda$CDM model and give a handle for solving the $\sigma_8$ tension and alleviating the $H_0$ one.

Oliver Müller, Eva Schnider

8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, submitted to The Open Journal of Astrophysics

Countless low-surface brightness objects - including spiral galaxies, dwarf galaxies, and noise patterns - have been detected in recent large surveys. Classically, astronomers visually inspect those detections to distinguish between real low-surface brightness galaxies and artefacts. Employing the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and machine learning techniques, Tanoglidis et al. (2020) have shown how this task can be automatically performed by computers. Here, we build upon their pioneering work and further separate the detected low-surface brightness galaxies into spirals, dwarf ellipticals, and dwarf irregular galaxies. For this purpose, we have manually classified 5567 detections from multi-band images from DES and searched for a neural network architecture capable of this task. Employing a hyperparameter search, we find a family of convolutional neural networks achieving similar results as with the manual classification, with an accuracy of 85% for spiral galaxies, 94% for dwarf ellipticals, and 52% for dwarf irregulars. For dwarf irregulars - due to their diversity in morphology - the task is difficult for humans and machines alike. Our simple architecture shows that machine learning can reduce the workload of astronomers studying large data sets by orders of magnitudes, as will be available in the near future with missions such as Euclid.

Compact groups (CGs) of galaxies appear to be the densest galaxy systems containing a few luminous galaxies in close proximity to each other, which have a typical size of a few tens kilopacsec in observation. On the other hand, in the modern hierarchical structure formation paradigm, galaxies are assembled and grouped in dark matter haloes, which have a typical size of a few hundreds of kiloparsec. Few studies have explored the physical connection between the observation based CGs and halo model based galaxy groups to date. In this study, by matching the largest local CG catalog of Zheng & Shen (2020) to the halo based group catalog of Yang et al. (2007), we find that the CGs are physically heterogenous systems and can be mainly separated into two categories, the isolated systems and those embedded in rich groups or clusters. By examining the dynamical features of CGs, we find that the isolated CGs have systematically lower dynamical masses than that of non-compact ones at the same group luminosity, indicating a more evolved stage of isolated CGs. On the other hand, the embedded CGs are mixtures of chance alignments in poor clusters and recent infalling groups (sub-structures) of rich clusters.

Marija R. Jankovic, James E. Owen, Subhanjoy Mohanty, Jonathan C. Tan

resubmitted to MNRAS after the referee report

Short-period super-Earth-sized planets are common. Explaining how they form near their present orbits requires understanding the structure of the inner regions of protoplanetary discs. Previous studies have argued that the hot inner protoplanetary disc is unstable to the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) due to thermal ionization of potassium, and that a local gas pressure maximum forms at the outer edge of this MRI-active zone. Here we present a steady-state model for inner discs accreting viscously, primarily due to the MRI. The structure and MRI-viscosity of the inner disc are fully coupled in our model; moreover, we account for many processes omitted in previous such models, including disc heating by both accretion and stellar irradiation, vertical energy transport, realistic dust opacities, dust effects on disc ionization and non-thermal sources of ionization. For a disc around a solar-mass star with a standard gas accretion rate ($\dot{M}$$\sim$$10^{-8}$M$_\odot$yr$^{-1}$) and small dust grains, we find that the inner disc is optically thick, and the accretion heat is primarily released near the midplane. As a result, both the disc midplane temperature and the location of the pressure maximum are only marginally affected by stellar irradiation, and the inner disc is also convectively unstable. As previously suggested, the inner disc is primarily ionized through thermionic and potassium ion emission from dust grains, which, at high temperatures, counteract adsorption of free charges onto grains. Our results show that the location of the pressure maximum is determined by the threshold temperature above which thermionic and ion emission become efficient.

N. Biver, D. Bockelée-Morvan, J. Boissier, R. Moreno, J. Crovisier, D.C. Lis, P. Colom, M. Cordiner, S. Milam, N.X. Roth, B.P. Bonev, N. Dello Russo, R. Vervack, M. A. DiSanti

35 pages, 16 figures, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics

We present the results of a molecular survey of comet 46P/Wirtanen undertaken with the IRAM 30-m and NOEMA radio telescopes in December 2018. Observations at IRAM 30-m during the 12-18 Dec. period comprise a 2 mm spectral survey covering 25 GHz and a 1 mm survey covering 62 GHz. The gas outflow velocity and kinetic temperature have been accurately constrained by the observations. We derive abundances of 11 molecules, some being identified remotely for the first time in a Jupiter-family comet, including complex organic molecules such as formamide, ethylene glycol, acetaldehyde, or ethanol. Sensitive upper limits on the abundances of 24 other molecules are obtained. The comet is found to be relatively rich in methanol (3.4 percent relative to water), but relatively depleted in CO, CS, HNC, HNCO, and HCOOH.

The recent gravity field measurements of Jupiter (Juno) and Saturn (Cassini) confirm the existence of deep zonal flows reaching to a depth of 5\% and 15\% of the respective radius. Relating the zonal wind induced density perturbations to the gravity moments has become a major tool to characterise the interior dynamics of gas giants. Previous studies differ with respect to the assumptions made on how the wind velocity relates to density anomalies, on the functional form of its decay with depth, and on the continuity of antisymmetric winds across the equatorial plane. Most of the suggested vertical structures exhibit a rather smooth radial decay of the zonal wind, which seems at odds with the observed secular variation of the magnetic field and the prevailing geostrophy of the zonal winds. Moreover, the results relied on an artificial equatorial regularisation or ignored the equatorial discontinuity altogether. We favour an alternative structure, where the equatorially antisymmetric zonal wind in an equatorial latitude belt between $\pm 21^\circ$ remains so shallow that it does not contribute to the gravity signal. The winds at higher latitudes suffice to convincingly explain the measured gravity moments. Our results indicate that the winds are geostrophic, i.e. constant along cylinders, in the outer $3000\,$ km and decay rapidly below. The preferred wind structure is 50\% deeper than previously thought, agrees with the measured gravity moment, is compliant with the magnetic constraints and the requirement of an adiabatic atmosphere and unbiased by the treatment of the equatorial discontinuity.

The absorption feature in the global spectrum is likely the first 21cm observable from the cosmic dawn, which provides valuable insights into the earliest history of structure formation. We run a set of high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations of early structure formation to assess the effect of non-linear structure formation on the maximum absorption level (i.e. assuming the spin temperature coupling is saturated) of the global 21 cm spectrum in the standard cosmological framework. We ignore the star formation and feedbacks, which also tends to reduce the absorption signal, but take into account the inevitable non-linear density fluctuations in the intergalactic medium (IGM), shock heating and Compton heating which can reduce the absorption level. We found that the combination of these reduced the maximum absorption signal by $\sim 15\%$ at redshift 17, as compared with the homogeneous or linearly fluctuating IGM. These effects have to be carefully accounted for when interpreting the observational results, especially when considering the necessity of introducing new physics.

J.A. Toalá, P. Jiménez-Hernández, J.B. Rodríguez-González, S. Estrada-Dorado, M.A. Guerrero, V.M.A. Gómez-González, G. Ramos-Larios, D.A. García-Hernández, H. Todt

14 pages, 11 Figures, 1 Table; Accepted to MNRAS

We present an infrared (IR) characterization of the born-again planetary nebulae (PNe) A30 and A78 using IR images and spectra. We demonstrate that the carbon-rich dust in A30 and A78 is spatially coincident with the H-poor ejecta and coexists with hot X-ray-emitting gas up to distances of 50$''$ from the central stars (CSPNs). Dust forms immediately after the born-again event and survives for 1000 yr in the harsh environment around the CSPN as it is destroyed and pushed away by radiation pressure and dragged by hydrodynamical effects. Spitzer IRS spectral maps showed that the broad spectral features at 6.4 and 8.0 $\mu$m, attributed to amorphous carbon formed in H-deficient environments, are associated with the disrupted disk around their CSPN, providing an optimal environment for charge exchange reactions with the stellar wind that produces the soft X-ray emission of these sources. Nebular and dust properties are modeled for A30 with Cloudy taking into account different carbonaceous dust species. Our models predict dust temperatures in the 40-230 K range, five times lower than predicted by previous works. Gas and dust masses for the born-again ejecta in A30 are estimated to be $M_\mathrm{gas}=(4.41^{+0.55}_{-0.14})\times10^{-3}$ M$_\odot$ and $M_\mathrm{dust}=(3.20^{+3.21}_{-2.06})\times10^{-3}$ M$_\odot$, which can be used to estimate a total ejected mass and mass-loss rate for the born-again event of $(7.61^{+3.76}_{-2.20})\times10^{-3}$ M$_{\odot}$ and $\dot{M}=[5-60]\times10^{-5}$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, respectively. Taking into account the carbon trapped into dust grains, we estimate that the C/O mass ratio of the H-poor ejecta of A30 is larger than 1, which favors the very late thermal pulse model over the alternate hypothesis of a nova-like event.

Debasish Mondal, Tanuka Chattopadhyay

13 pages, 19 figures, 10 tables, comments are welcome

In the present work we have developed a three-dimensional gravitational model of barred galaxies, in order to study orbital and escape dynamics of the stars inside their central barred region. Our gravitational model is composed of four components, central nucleus, bar, disc and dark matter halo. Furthermore we have analysed the model for two different types of bar potentials. The study has been carried out for a Hamiltonian system and thorough numerical studies have been done in order to categorize regular and chaotic motions of stars. We have seen that escape mechanism has only seen near saddle points ($L_2$, $L_4$ and $L_2^{'}$, $L_4^{'}$) of the Hamiltonian system. Orbital structures in $x$ - $y$ plane indicate that this escaping motion corresponds to the two ends of the bar. Classifications of orbits are found by calculating maximal Lyapunov exponent of the stellar trajectories corresponding to a specific initial condition vector. Poincar\'e surface section maps are studied in both $x$ - $y$ and $x$ - $p_x$ ($p_x$ is the momentum along $x$ - direction) plane to get a complete view of the escape properties of the system in the phase space. Also we studied in detail how the chaotic dynamics varies with mass, length and nature of the bar. We found that under suitable physical conditions the chaos plays a pivotal role behind the formation of grand design or poor spiral pattern for stronger bars and ring structures for weaker bars.

Since physics of the dark sector components of the Universe is not yet well-understood, the phenomenological studies of non-minimal interaction in the dark sector could possibly pave the way to theoretical and experimental progress in this direction. Therefore, in this work, we intend to explore some features and consequences of a phenomenological interaction in the dark sector. We use the Planck 2018, BAO, JLA, KiDS and HST data to investigate two extensions of the base $\Lambda$CDM model, viz., (i) we allow the interaction among vacuum energy and dark matter, namely the I$\Lambda$CDM model, wherein the interaction strength is proportional to the vacuum energy density and expansion rate of the Universe, and (ii) the I$\Lambda$CDM scenario with free effective neutrino mass and number, namely the $\nu$I$\Lambda$CDM model. We also present comparative analyses of the interaction models with the companion models, namely, $\Lambda$CDM, $\nu\Lambda$CDM, $w$CDM and $\nu w$CDM. In both the interaction models, we find non-zero coupling in the dark sector up to 99\% CL with energy transfer from dark matter to vacuum energy, and observe a phantom-like behavior of the effective dark energy without actual "phantom crossing". The well-known tensions on the cosmological parameters $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$, prevailing within the $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, disappear in these models wherein the $\nu$I$\Lambda$CDM model shows consistency with the standard effective neutrino mass and number. Both the interaction models find a better fit to the combined data compared to the companion models under consideration.

Dominic McLoughlin, Katherine M. Blundell, Steven Lee, Chris McCowage

The classical nova YZ Reticuli was discovered in July 2020. Shortly after this we commenced a sustained, highly time-sampled coverage of its subsequent rapid evolution with time-resolved spectroscopy from the Global Jet Watch observatories. Its H-alpha complex exhibited qualitatively different spectral signatures in the following weeks and months. We find that these H-alpha complexes are well described by the same five Gaussian emission components throughout the six months following eruption. These five components appear to constitute two pairs of lines, from jet outflows and an accretion disc, together with an additional central component. The correlated, symmetric patterns that these jet/accretion disc pairs exhibit suggest precession, probably in response to the large perturbation caused by the nova eruption. The jet and accretion disc signatures persist from the first ten days after brightening -- evidence that the accretion disc survived the disruption. We also compare another classical nova (V6568 Sgr) that erupted in July 2020 whose H-alpha complex can be described analogously, but with faster line-of-sight jet speeds exceeding 4000 km/s. We suggest that classical novae with higher mass white dwarfs bridge the gap between recurrent novae and classical novae such as YZ Reticuli.

N. I. Shakura, D. A. Kolesnikov, P. S. Medvedev, R. A. Sunyaev, M. R. Gilfanov, K. A. Postnov, S. V. Molkov

10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

eROSITA (extended ROentgen Survey with an Imaging Telescope Array) instrument onboard the Russian-German `Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma' (SRG) mission observed the Her X-1/HZ Her binary system in multiple scans over the source during the first and second SRG all-sky surveys. Both observations occurred during a low state of the X-ray source when the outer parts of the accretion disk blocked the neutron star from view. The orbital modulation of the X-ray flux was detected during the low states. We argue that the detected X-ray radiation results from scattering of the emission of the central source by three distinct regions: (a) an optically thin hot corona with temperature $\sim (2-4) \times 10^6$ K above the irradiated hemisphere of the optical star; (b) an optically thin hot halo above the accretion disk; and (c) the optically thick cold atmosphere of the optical star. The latter region effectively scatters photons with energies above $5-6$ keV.

Reinhard Genzel

Nobel Lecture, December 8, 2020. 17 pages, 7 figures. Copyright: The Nobel Foundation

I try to describe the stepwise progress in proving that massive black holes do exist in the Universe. As compared to forty years ago, measurements have pushed the 'size' of the 4 million solar mass concentration in the Galactic Center downward by almost 10^6, and its density up by 10^18. Looking ahead toward the future, the question is probably no longer whether SgrA* must be a MBH, but rather whether GR is correct on the scales of the event horizon, whether space-time is described by the Kerr metric and whether the 'no hair theorem' holds. Further improvements of the VLT interferometer GRAVITY (to GRAVITY+) and the next generation 25-40m telescopes (the ESO-ELT, the TMT and the GMT) promise further progress. A test of the no hair theorem in the Galactic Center might come from combining the stellar dynamics with EHT measurements of the photon ring of SgrA*.

Josiah N. Purdum, Zhong-Yi Lin, Bryce T. Bolin, Kritti Sharma, Phillip I. Choi, Varun Bhalerao, Harsh Kumar, Robert Quimby, Joannes C. Van Roestel, Chengxing Zhai, Yanga R. Fernandez, Josef Hanuš, Carey M. Lisse, Dennis Bodewits, Christoffer Fremling, Nathan Ryan Golovich, Chen-Yen Hsu, Wing-Huen Ip, Chow-Choong Ngeow, Navtej S. Saini, Michael Shao, Yuhan Yao, Tomás Ahumada, Shreya Anand, Igor Andreoni, Kevin B. Burdge, Rick Burruss, Chan-Kao Chang, Chris M. Copperwheat, Michael Coughlin, Kishalay De, Richard Dekany, Alexandre Delacroix, Andrew Drake, Dmitry Duev, Matthew Graham, David Hale, Erik C. Kool, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Iva S. Kostadinova, Shrinivas R. Kulkarni, Russ R. Laher, Ashish Mahabal, Frank J. Masci, Przemyslaw J. Mróz, James D. Neill, Reed Riddle, Hector Rodriguez, et al. (4 additional authors not shown)

17 pages, 9 figures; Submitted to APJ Letters and under review

We observed Episodically Active Asteroid (6478) Gault in 2020 with multiple telescopes in Asia and North America and have found that it is no longer active after its recent outbursts at the end of 2018 and start of 2019. The inactivity during this apparation allowed us to measure the absolute magnitude of Gault of H_r = 14.63 +/- 0.02, G_r = 0.21 +/- 0.02 from our secular phasecurve observations. In addition, we were able to constrain Gault's rotation period using time-series photometric lightcurves taken over 17 hours on multiple days in 2020 August, September and October. The photometric lightcurves have a repeating $\lesssim$0.05 magnitude feature suggesting that (6478) Gault has a rotation period of ~2.5 hours and may have a semi-spherical or top-like shape, much like Near-Earth Asteroids Ryugu and Bennu. The rotation period of ~2.5 hours is near to the expected critical rotation period for an asteroid with the physical properties of (6478) Gault suggesting that its activity observed over multiple epochs is due to surface mass shedding from its fast rotation spun up by the Yarkovsky-O'Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack effect.

Juan Sebastian Bruzzone, Robert Weryk, Diego Janches, Carsten Baumann, Gunter Stober, Jose Luis Hormaechea

We present observations of the sudden outburst of the $\alpha$ Carinid meteor shower recorded with the Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar-Orbital System (SAAMER-OS) near the South Toroidal sporadic region. The outburst peaked between 21 UT and 22 UT on October 14, 2020 and lasted 7 days $(199^{\circ}\leq\lambda_{\odot}\leq 205^{\circ})$ with a mean Sun-centered geocentric ecliptic radiant of $\lambda_{g}-\lambda_{\odot}=271^{\circ}.04$, $\beta_{g}=-76^{\circ}.4$, and a geocentric speed of 33.3 km s$^{-1}$. Assuming a mass index value of $s=2.0$, we compute a peak 24 hour-average flux of 0.029 met. km$^{-2}$ hr$^{-1}$ to a limit of 9th magnitude, which is equivalent to a zenithal hourly rate (ZHR) of 5.7, and comparable to other established showers with similar mass indices. By further estimating the peak fluxes for other typical mass index values, we find that the outburst likely never exceeded a maximum ZHR of $\sim44$, well below the activity of other strong showers. The mean orbital elements resemble those of a short-period object: $a=3.5\pm0.1$ au, $q\simeq 1$ au, $e=0.72\pm0.02$, $i=55^{\circ}.8\pm0^{\circ}.3$, $\omega=1^{\circ}\pm 173^{\circ}$, $\Omega=21^{\circ}.7$, and are similar to those derived for two previous shower outbursts observed with SAAMER-OS at high southern ecliptic latitudes. Using the $D^{\prime}$ criterion did not reveal a parent object associated with this shower in the known object catalogues.

Anna Ciurlo, Mark R. Morris, Randall D. Campbell, Andrea M. Ghez, Tuan Do, Devin S. Chu

Accepted by ApJ

We present the first observational constraint on the Br-gamma recombination line emission associated with the supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy, known as Sgr A*. By combining 13 years of data with the Adaptive Optics fed integral field spectrograph OSIRIS at the W. M. Keck Observatory obtained as part of the Galactic Center Orbits Initiative, we extract the near-infrared spectrum within ~0.2'' of the black hole and we derive an upper limit on the Br-gamma flux. The aperture was set to match the size of the disk-like structure that was recently reported based on millimeter-wave ALMA observations of the hydrogen recombination line, H30-alpha. Our stringent upper limit is at least a factor of 80 (and up to a factor of 245) below what would be expected from the ALMA measurements and strongly constrains possible interpretation of emission from this highly under-luminous supermassive black hole.

Carlos Villacampa-Calvo, Bryan Zaldivar, Eduardo C. Garrido-Merchán, Daniel Hernández-Lobato

It is a common practice in the machine learning community to assume that the observed data are noise-free in the input attributes. Nevertheless, scenarios with input noise are common in real problems, as measurements are never perfectly accurate. If this input noise is not taken into account, a supervised machine learning method is expected to perform sub-optimally. In this paper, we focus on multi-class classification problems and use Gaussian processes (GPs) as the underlying classifier. Motivated by a data set coming from the astrophysics domain, we hypothesize that the observed data may contain noise in the inputs. Therefore, we devise several multi-class GP classifiers that can account for input noise. Such classifiers can be efficiently trained using variational inference to approximate the posterior distribution of the latent variables of the model. Moreover, in some situations, the amount of noise can be known before-hand. If this is the case, it can be readily introduced in the proposed methods. This prior information is expected to lead to better performance results. We have evaluated the proposed methods by carrying out several experiments, involving synthetic and real data. These include several data sets from the UCI repository, the MNIST data set and a data set coming from astrophysics. The results obtained show that, although the classification error is similar across methods, the predictive distribution of the proposed methods is better, in terms of the test log-likelihood, than the predictive distribution of a classifier based on GPs that ignores input noise.

Quark-hadron continuity with two-flavor quarks that was proposed recently connects hadronic matter with neutron $^3P_2$ superfluidity and two-flavor dense quark matter. This two-flavor dense quark phase consists of the coexistence of the 2SC condensates and the $P$-wave diquark condensates of $d$-quarks, which gives rise to color superconductivity as well as superfluidity. We classify vortices in this phase. The most stable vortices are what we call the non-Abelian Alice strings, which are superfluid vortices with non-Abelian color magnetic fluxes therein, exhibiting so-called topological obstruction, or a non-Abelian generalization of the Alice property. We show that a single Abelian superfluid vortex is unstable against decay into three non-Abelian Alice strings. We discover that a non-Abelian Alice string carries orientational moduli of the real projective space $\mathbb{R}P^2$ corresponding to the color flux therein in the presence of the $P$-wave condensates alone. We calculate Aharanov-Bohm (AB) phases around the non-Abelian Alice string, and find that the 2SC condensates and string's orientational moduli must be aligned with each other because of single-valuedness of the AB phases of the 2SC condensates.

Timon Emken

28 pages + references, 18 figures, 2 appendices. The simulation code is available under this https URL , and version 0.1.0 is archived under this https URL

The direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter particles is hampered by their low energy deposits. If the maximum deposit allowed by kinematics falls below the energy threshold of a direct detection experiment, it is unable to detect these light particles. Mechanisms that boost particles from the galactic halo can therefore extend the sensitivity of terrestrial direct dark matter searches to lower masses. Sub-GeV and sub-MeV dark matter particles can be efficiently accelerated by colliding with thermal nuclei and electrons of the solar plasma respectively. This process is called `solar reflection'. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study of solar reflection via electron and/or nuclear scatterings using Monte Carlo simulations of dark matter trajectories through the Sun. We study the properties of the boosted dark matter particles, obtain exclusion limits based on various experiments probing both electron and nuclear recoils, and derive projections for future detectors. In addition, we find and quantify a novel, distinct annual modulation signature of a potential solar reflection signal which critically depends on the anisotropies of the boosted dark matter flux ejected from the Sun. Along with this paper, we also publish the corresponding research software.

The nonlinear memory effect is a fascinating prediction of general relativity (GR), in which oscillatory gravitational-wave (GW) signals are generically accompanied by a monotonically-increasing strain which persists in the detector long after the signal has passed. This effect presents a unique opportunity to test GR in the dynamical and nonlinear regime. In this article we calculate the nonlinear memory signal associated with GW bursts from cusps and kinks on cosmic string loops, which are an important target for current and future GW observatories. We obtain analytical waveforms for the GW memory from cusps and kinks, and use these to calculate the "memory of the memory" and other higher-order memory effects. These are among the first memory observables computed for a cosmological source of GWs, with previous literature having focused almost entirely on astrophysical sources. Surprisingly, we find that the cusp GW signal diverges for sufficiently large loops, and argue that the most plausible explanation for this divergence is a breakdown in the weak-field treatment of GW emission from the cusp. This shows that previously-neglected strong gravity effects must play an important role near cusps, although the exact mechanism by which they cure the divergence is not currently understood. We show that one possible resolution is for these cusps to collapse to form primordial black holes (PBHs); the kink memory signal does not diverge, in agreement with the fact that kinks are not predicted to form PBHs. Finally, we investigate the prospects for detecting memory from cusps and kinks with GW observatories. We find that in the scenario where the cusp memory divergence is cured by PBH formation, the memory signal is strongly suppressed and is not likely to be detected. However, alternative resolutions of the cusp divergence may in principle lead to much more favourable observational prospects.

James M. Cline, Avi Friedlander, Dong-Ming He, Kimmo Kainulainen, Benoit Laurent, David Tucker-Smith

28 pages, 10 figures

We study gravity wave production and baryogenesis at the electroweak phase transition, in a real singlet scalar extension of the Standard Model, including vector-like top partners to generate the CP violation needed for baryogenesis. The singlet makes the phase transition strongly first-order through its coupling to the Higgs boson, and it spontaneously breaks CP invariance through a dimension-5 contribution to the top quark mass term, generated by integrating out the heavy top quark partners. We improve on previous studies by incorporating updated transport equations, compatible with large bubble wall velocities $v_w$, to determine the friction on the wall, and thereby $v_w$ and the wall thickness, rather than treating these as free parameters. The baryon asymmetry is also computed with no assumptions, directly from the microphysical parameters. The size of the CP-violating dimension-5 operator is constrained by collider, electroweak precision, and renormalization group running constraints. We identify regions of parameter space that can produce the observed baryon asymmetry, and simultaneously produce gravitational waves that could be observed by future experiments. Contrary to standard lore, we find that for strong deflagrations, the efficiencies of large baryon asymmetry production and strong GW-signal can be positively correlated.

Yohei Ema, Ryusuke Jinno, Kazunori Nakayama, Jorinde van de Vis

25 pages, 6 figures

We study particle production and unitarity violation caused by a curved target space right after inflation. We use the inflaton field value instead of cosmic time as the time variable, and derive a semiclassical formula for the spectrum of produced particles. We then derive a simple condition for unitarity violation during preheating, which we confirm by our semiclassical method and numerical solution. This condition depends not only on the target space curvature but also on the height of the inflaton potential at the end of inflation. This condition tells us, for instance, that unitarity is violated in running kinetic inflation and Higgs inflation, while unitarity is conserved in $\alpha$-attractor inflation and Higgs-Palatini inflation.

Jean-François Fortin, Huai-Ke Guo, Steven P. Harris, Doojin Kim, Kuver Sinha, Chen Sun

Invited review, submitted to IJMPD. 58 pages, 11 figures. Comments welcome

We review topics in searches for axion-like-particles (ALPs), covering material that is complementary to other recent reviews. The first half of our review covers ALPs in the extreme environments of neutron star cores, the magnetospheres of highly magnetized neutron stars (magnetars), and in neutron star mergers. The focus is on possible signals of ALPs in the photon spectrum of neutron stars and gravitational wave/electromagnetic signals from neutron star mergers. We then review recent developments in laboratory-produced ALP searches, focusing mainly on accelerator-based facilities including beam-dump type experiments and collider experiments. We provide a general-purpose discussion of the ALP search pipeline from production to detection, in steps, and our discussion is straightforwardly applicable to most beam-dump type and reactor experiments. We end with a selective look at the rapidly developing field of ultralight dark matter, specifically the formation of Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs). We review the properties of BECs of ultralight dark matter and bridge these properties with developments in numerical simulations, and ultimately with their impact on experimental searches.

There is observational evidence that the spin axes of quasars in large quasar groups are correlated over hundreds of Mpc. This is found in the radio sector as well as in the optical range. There is not yet a satisfactory explanation of this "spooky" alignment. This alignment cannot be explained by mutual interaction at the time that quasars manifest themselves optically. A cosmological explanation could be possible by the formation of superconducting vortices (cosmic strings) in the early universe, just after the symmetry-breaking phase of the universe. We gathered from the NASA/IPAC and SIMBAD extragalactic databases the right ascension, declination, inclination, position angle and eccentricity of the host galaxies of 3 large quasar groups in order to obtain the azimuthal and polar angle of the spin vectors. The alignment of the azimuthal angle of the spin vectors of quasars in their host galaxy is confirmed in the large quasar group U1.27 and compared with two other groups in the vicinity, i.e., U1.11 and U1.28, investigated by Clowes2013. It is well possible that the azimuthal angle alignment fits the predicted azimuthal angle dependency in the theoretical model of the formation of general relativistic superconducting vortices, where the initial axial symmetry is broken just after the symmetry breaking of the scalar-gauge field.

$f(Q,T)$ gravity is a novel extension of the symmetric teleparallel gravity where the Lagrangian $L$ is represented through an arbitrary function of the nonmetricity $Q$ and the trace of the energy-momentum tensor $T$ \cite{fqt}. In this work, we have constrained a widely used $f(Q,T)$ gravity model of the form $f(Q,T) = Q^{n+1} + m T$ from the primordial abundances of the light elements to understand its viability in Cosmology. We report that the $f(Q,T)$ gravity model can elegantly explain the observed abundances of Helium and Deuterium while the Lithium problem persists. From the constraint on the expansion factor in the range $0.9425 \lesssim Z \lesssim1.1525$, we report strict constraints on the parameters $m$ and $n$ in the range $-1.13 \lesssim n \lesssim -1.08$ and $-5.86 \lesssim m \lesssim12.52$ respectively.

Alice and Boojums are both representative characters created by Lewis Carroll. We show that they possibly meet in cores of rotating neutron stars. Recent studies of quark-hadron continuity suggest that neutron superfluid matter can connect smoothly to two-flavor symmetric quark matter at high densities. We study how this can be maintained in the presence of the vortices. In the neutron matter, quantized superfluid vortices arise. In the two-flavor dense quark matter, vortices carrying color magnetic fluxes together with fractionally quantized superfluid circulations appear as the most stable configuration, and we call these as the non-Abelian Alice strings. We show that three integer neutron superfluid vortices and three non-Abelian Alice strings of different color magnetic fluxes with total color flux canceled out are joined at a junction called a Boojum.