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Papers for Friday, Mar 12 2021

Papers with local authors

Seth J. Kimbrell, Amy E. Reines, Zachary Schutte, Jenny E. Greene, Marla Geha

21 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

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Paper 9 — arXiv:2103.06289
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2103.06289

We present a study of 41 dwarf galaxies hosting active massive black holes (BHs) using Hubble Space Telescope observations. The host galaxies have stellar masses in the range of $M_\star \sim 10^{8.5}-10^{9.5}~M_\odot$ and were selected to host active galactic nuclei (AGNs) based on narrow emission line ratios derived from Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy. We find a wide range of morphologies in our sample including both regular and irregular dwarf galaxies. We fit the HST images of the regular galaxies using GALFIT and find that the majority are disk-dominated with small pseudobulges, although we do find a handful of bulge-like/elliptical dwarf galaxies. We also find an unresolved source of light in all of the regular galaxies, which may indicate the presence of a nuclear star cluster and/or the detection of AGN continuum. Three of the galaxies in our sample appear to be Magellanic-type dwarf irregulars and two galaxies exhibit clear signatures of interactions/mergers. This work demonstrates the diverse nature of dwarf galaxies hosting optically-selected AGNs. It also has implications for constraining the origin of the first BH seeds using the local BH occupation fraction at low masses -- we must account for the various types of dwarf galaxies that may host BHs.

A.U. Abeysekara, A. Albert, R. Alfaro, C. Alvarez, J.R. Angeles Camacho, J.C. Arteaga-Velazquez, K.P. Arunbabu, D. Avila Rojas, H.A. Ayala Solares, V. Baghmanyan, E. Belmont-Moreno, S.Y. BenZvi, R. Blandford, C. Brisbois, K.S. Caballero-Mora, T. Capistran, A. Carraminana, S. Casanova, U. Cotti, S. Coutino de Leon, E. De la Fuente, R. Diaz Hernandez, B.L. Dingus, M.A. DuVernois, M. Durocher, J.C. Diaz-Velez, R.W. Ellsworth, K. Engel, C. Espinoza, K.L. Fan, K. Fang, H. Fleischhack, N. Fraija, A. Galvan-Gamez, D. Garcia, J.A. Garcıa-Gonzalez, F. Garfias, G. Giacinti, M.M. Gonzalez, J.A. Goodman, J.P. Harding, S. Hernandez, J. Hinton, B. Hona, D. Huang, F. Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, P. Huntemeyer, A. Iriarte, A. Jardin-Blicq, V. Joshi, D. Kieda, A. Lara, W.H. Lee, H. Leon Vargas, J.T. Linnemann, et al.
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Paper 43 — arXiv:2103.06820
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Paper 43 — arXiv:2103.06820

Cosmic rays with energies up to a few PeV are known to be accelerated within the Milky Way. Traditionally, it has been presumed that supernova remnants were the main source of very-high-energy cosmic rays but theoretically it is difficult to get protons to PeV energies and observationally there simply is no evidence to support the remnants as sources of hadrons with energies above a few tens of TeV. One possible source of protons with those energies is the Galactic Center region. Here we report observations of 1-100 TeV gamma rays coming from the 'Cygnus Cocoon', which is a superbubble surrounding a region of OB2 massive star formation. These gamma rays are likely produced by 10-1000 TeV freshly accelerated CRs originating from the enclosed star forming region Cygnus OB2. Hitherto it was not known that such regions could accelerate particles to these energies. The measured flux is likely originated by hadronic interactions. The spectral shape and the emission profile of the Cocoon changes from GeV to TeV energies, which reveals the transport of cosmic particles and historical activity in the superbubble.

All other papers

Václav Pavlík, Enrico Vesperini

6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters

We present the results of a study aimed at exploring the evolution towards energy equipartition in star cluster models with different initial degrees of anisotropy in the velocity distribution. Our study reveals a number of novel aspects of the cluster dynamics and shows that the rate of evolution towards energy equipartition (1) depends on the initial degree of radial velocity anisotropy -- it is more rapid for more radially anisotropic systems; and (2) differs for the radial and the tangential components of the velocity dispersion. (3) The outermost regions of the initially isotropic system evolve towards a state of `inverted' energy equipartition in which high-mass stars have a larger velocity dispersion than low-mass stars -- this inversion originates from the mass-dependence of the tangential velocity dispersion whereas the radial velocity dispersion shows no anomaly. Our results add new fundamental elements to the theoretical framework needed to interpret the wealth of recent and upcoming observational studies of stellar kinematics in globular clusters, and shed further light on the link between the clusters' internal kinematics, their formation and evolutionary history.

Nicholas Z. Rui, Newlin Weatherford, Kyle Kremer, Sourav Chatterjee, Giacomo Fragione, Frederic A. Rasio, Carl L. Rodriguez, Claire S. Ye

3 pages, 1 figure, to submit to AAS journals

Recently, \citet{vitral2021does} detected a central concentration of dark objects in the core-collapsed globular cluster NGC 6397, which could be interpreted as a subcluster of stellar-mass black holes. However, it is well established theoretically that any significant number of black holes in the cluster would provide strong dynamical heating and is fundamentally inconsistent with this cluster's core-collapsed profile. Claims of intermediate-mass black holes in core-collapsed clusters should similarly be treated with suspicion, for reasons that have been understood theoretically for many decades. Instead, the central dark population in NGC 6397 is exactly accounted for by a compact subsystem of white dwarfs, as we demonstrate here by inspection of a previously published model that provides a good fit to this cluster. These central subclusters of heavy white dwarfs are in fact a generic feature of core-collapsed clusters, while central black hole subclusters are present in all {\em non\/}-collapsed clusters.

Rodrigo Luger, Eric Agol, Fran Bartolić, Daniel Foreman-Mackey

61 pages, 17 figures. To be submitted to AAS journals

We derive efficient, closed form, differentiable, and numerically stable solutions for the flux measured from a spherical planet or moon seen in reflected light, either in or out of occultation. Our expressions apply to the computation of scattered light phase curves of exoplanets, secondary eclipse light curves in the optical, or future measurements of planet-moon and planet-planet occultations, as well as to photometry of solar system bodies. We derive our solutions for Lambertian bodies illuminated by a point source, but extend them to model illumination sources of finite angular size and rough surfaces with phase-dependent scattering. Our algorithm is implemented in Python within the open-source starry mapping framework and is designed with efficient gradient-based inference in mind. The algorithm is 4-5 orders of magnitude faster than direct numerical evaluation methods and about 10 orders of magnitude more precise. We show how the techniques developed here may one day lead to the construction of two-dimensional maps of terrestrial planet surfaces, potentially enabling the detection of continents and oceans on exoplanets in the habitable zone.

Ruediger Pakmor, Yossef Zenati, Hagai B. Perets, Silvia Toonen

14 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRAS, comments welcome

Normal type Ia supernovae (SNe) are thought to arise from the thermonuclear explosion of massive ($>0.8$ M$_\odot$) carbon-oxygen white dwarfs (WDs), although the exact mechanism is debated. In some models helium accretion onto a carbon-oxygen (CO) WD from a companion was suggested to dynamically trigger a detonation of the accreted helium shell. The helium detonation then produces a shock that after converging on itself close to the core of the CO-WD, triggers a secondary carbon detonation and gives rise to an energetic explosion. However, most studies of such scenarios have been done in one or two dimensions, and/or did not consider self-consistent models for the accretion and the He-donor. Here we make use of detailed 3D simulation to study the interaction of a He-rich hybrid $0.69\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$ HeCO WD with a more massive $0.8\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$ CO~WD. We find that accretion from the hybrid WD onto the CO~WD gives rise to a helium detonation. However, the helium detonation does not trigger a carbon detonation in the CO~WD. Instead, the helium detonation burns through the accretion stream to also burn the helium shell of the donor hybrid HeCO-WD. The detonation of its massive helium shell then compresses its CO core, and triggers its detonation and full destruction. The explosion gives rise to a faint, likely highly reddened transient, potentially observable by the Vera Rubin survey, and the high-velocity ($\sim 1000\,\mathrm{km s^{-1}}$) ejection of the heated surviving CO~WD companion. Pending on uncertainties in stellar evolution we estimate the rate of such transient to be up to $\sim10\%$ of the rate of type Ia SNe.

A.S. Parikh, N. Degenaar, J.V. Hernandez Santisteban, R. Wijnands, I. Psaradaki, E. Costantini, D. Modiano, J.M. Miller

10 pages, 1 table, 4 figures, published in MNRAS. This arXiv version includes the changes described in the paper erratum

The accretion behaviour in low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) at low luminosities, especially at <E34 erg/s, is not well known. This is an important regime to study to obtain a complete understanding of the accretion process in LMXBs, and to determine if systems that host neutron stars with accretion-heated crusts can be used probe the physics of dense matter (which requires their quiescent thermal emission to be uncontaminated by residual accretion). Here we examine ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray data obtained when EXO 0748-676, a crust-cooling source, was in quiescence. Our Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy observations do not detect the far-UV continuum emission, but do reveal one strong emission line, Civ. The line is relatively broad (>3500 km/s), which could indicate that it results from an outflow such as a pulsar wind. By studying several epochs of X-ray and near-UV data obtained with XMM-Newton, we find no clear indication that the emission in the two wavebands is connected. Moreover, the luminosity ratio of Lx/Luv >100 is much higher than that observed from neutron star LMXBs that exhibit low-level accretion in quiescence. Taken together, this suggests that the UV and X-ray emission of EXO 0748-676 may have different origins, and that thermal emission from crust-cooling of the neutron star, rather than ongoing low-level accretion, may be dominating the observed quiescent X-ray flux evolution of this LMXB.

Mauro Stefanon, Rychard J. Bouwens, Ivo Labbé, Garth D. Illingworth, Pascal A. Oesch, Pieter van Dokkum, Valentino Gonzalez

Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome. See Fig. 2 & 3 for the stacks, Fig. 4 & 6 for the colors/age and Fig. 8 for the sSFR evolution

Deep rest-optical observations are required to accurately constrain the stellar populations of $z\sim8$ galaxies. Due to significant limitations in the availability of such data for statistically complete samples, observational results have been limited to modest numbers of bright or lensed sources. To revolutionize the present characterization of $z\sim8$ galaxies, we exploit the ultradeep ($\sim27$ mag, $3\sigma$) Spitzer/IRAC $3.6\mu$m and $4.5\mu$m data, probing the rest-frame optical at $z\sim8$, over $\sim200$ arcmin$^2$ of the GOODS fields from the recently completed GOODS Re-ionization Era wide-Area Treasury from Spitzer (GREATS) program, combined with observations in the CANDELS UDS and COSMOS fields. We stacked $\gtrsim100$ $z\sim8$ Lyman-Break galaxies in four bins of UV luminosity ($M_\mathrm{UV}\sim -20.7$ to $-18.4$) and study their $H_\mathrm{160}-[3.6]$ and $[3.6]-[4.5]$ colors. We find young ages ($\lesssim100$ Myr) for the three faintest stacks, inferred from their blue $H_\mathrm{160}-[3.6]\sim 0$ mag colors, consistent with a negative Balmer break. Meanwhile, the redder $H_\mathrm{160}-[3.6]$ color seen in the brightest stack is suggestive of slightly older ages. We explored the existence of a correlation between the UV luminosity and age, and find either no trend or fainter galaxies being younger. The stacked SEDs also exhibit very red $[3.6]-[4.5]\sim0.5$ mag colors, indicative of intense [OIII]+H$\beta$ nebular emission and SFR. The correspondingly high specific star-formation rates, sSFR$\gtrsim10$Gyr$^{-1}$, are consistent with recent determinations at similar redshifts and higher luminosities, and support the co-evolution between the sSFR and the specific halo mass accretion rate.

Alberto Masini, Annalisa Celotti, Paola Grandi, Emily Moravec, Wendy L. Williams

8 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

Giant Radio Galaxies (GRGs) are the largest single structures in the Universe. Exhibiting extended radio morphology, their projected sizes range from 0.7 Mpc up to 4.9 Mpc. LOFAR has opened a new window on the discovery and investigation of GRGs and, despite the hundreds that are today known, their main growth catalyst is still debated. One natural explanation for the exceptional size of GRGs is their old age. In this context, hard X-ray selected GRGs show evidence of restarting activity, with the giant radio lobes being mostly disconnected from the nuclear source, if any. In this paper, we present the serendipitous discovery of a distant ($z=0.629$), medium X-ray selected GRG in the Bo\"otes field. High-quality, deep Chandra and LOFAR data allow a robust study of the connection between the nucleus and the lobes, at a larger redshift so far inaccessible to coded-mask hard X-ray instruments. The radio morphology of the GRG presented in this work does not show evidence for restarted activity, and the nuclear radio core spectrum does not appear to be GPS-like. On the other hand, the X-ray properties of the new GRG are perfectly consistent with the ones previously studied with Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL at lower redshift. In particular, the bolometric luminosity measured from the X-ray spectrum is a factor of six larger than the one derived from the radio lobes, although the large uncertainties make them formally consistent at $1\sigma$. Finally, the moderately dense environment around the GRG, traced by the spatial distribution of galaxies, supports recent findings that the growth of GRGs is not primarily driven by underdense environments.

Iva Laginja, Remi Soummer, Laurent M. Mugnier, Laurent Pueyo, Jean-Francois Sauvage, Lucie Leboulleux, Laura Coyle, J. Scott Knight

32 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in JATIS

This paper introduces an analytical method to calculate segment-level wavefront error tolerances in order to enable the detection of faint extra-solar planets using segmented telescopes in space. This study provides a full treatment of spatially uncorrelated segment phasing errors for segmented telescope coronagraphy, which has so far only been approached using ad hoc Monte-Carlo simulations. Instead of describing the wavefront tolerance globally for all segments, our method produces spatially dependent requirements. We relate the statistical mean contrast in the coronagraph dark hole to the standard deviation of the wavefront error of each individual segment on the primary mirror. This statistical framework for segment-level tolerancing extends the Pair-based Analytical model for Segmented Telescope Imaging from Space (PASTIS), which is based uniquely on a matrix multiplication for the optical propagation. We confirm our analytical results with Monte-Carlo simulations of E2E optical propagations through a coronagraph. Comparing our results for the Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph designs for the Large UltraViolet Optical InfraRed (LUVOIR) telescope to previous studies, we show general agreement but provide a relaxation of the requirements for a significant subset of segments. These requirement maps are unique to any given telescope geometry and coronagraph design. The spatially uncorrelated segment tolerances we calculate are a key element of a complete error budget that will also need to include allocations for correlated segment contributions. We discuss how the PASTIS formalism can be extended to the spatially correlated case by deriving the statistical mean contrast and its variance for a non-diagonal aberration covariance matrix. The PASTIS tolerancing framework therefore brings a new capability that is necessary for the global tolerancing of future segmented space observatories.

Charlotte R. Avery, Stijn Wuyts, Natascha M. Förster Schreiber, Carolin Villforth, Caroline Bertemes, Wenjun Chang, Stephen L. Hamer, Jun Toshikawa, Junkai Zhang

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 27 pages, Fig 7 & 8 for scaling wind strength with drivers, Fig 10 for master scaling

In this work, we investigate the strength and impact of ionised gas outflows within $z \sim 0.04$ MaNGA galaxies. We find evidence for outflows in 322 galaxies ($12\%$ of the analysed line-emitting sample), 185 of which show evidence for AGN activity. Most outflows are centrally concentrated with a spatial extent that scales sublinearly with $R_{\rm e}$. The incidence of outflows is enhanced at higher masses, central surface densities and deeper gravitational potentials, as well as at higher SFR and AGN luminosity. We quantify strong correlations between mass outflow rates and the mechanical drivers of the outflow of the form $\dot{M}_{\rm out} \propto \rm SFR^{0.97}$ and $\dot{M}_{\rm out} \propto L_{\rm AGN}^{0.55}$. We derive a master scaling relation describing the mass outflow rate of ionised gas as a function of $M_{\star}$, SFR, $R_{\rm e}$ and $L_{\rm AGN}$. Most of the observed winds are anticipated to act as galactic fountains, with the fraction of galaxies with escaping winds increasing with decreasing potential well depth. We further investigate the physical properties of the outflowing gas finding evidence for enhanced attenuation in the outflow, possibly due to metal-enriched winds, and higher excitation compared to the gas in the galactic disk. Given that the majority of previous studies have focused on more extreme systems with higher SFRs and/or more luminous AGN, our study provides a unique view of the non-gravitational gaseous motions within `typical' galaxies in the low-redshift Universe, where low-luminosity AGN and star formation contribute jointly to the observed outflow phenomenology.

A. Jiménez-Rosales, J. Dexter, S.M. Ressler, A. Tchekhovskoy, M. Bauböck, Y. Dallilar, P. T. de Zeeuw, A. Drescher, F. Eisenhauer, S. von Fellenberg, F. Gao, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, M. Habibi, T. Ott, J. Stadler, O. Straub, F. Widmann

13 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Using general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accreting black holes, we show that a suitable subtraction of the linear polarization per pixel from total intensity images can enhance the photon ring features. We find that the photon ring is typically a factor of $\simeq 2$ less polarized than the rest of the image. This is due to a combination of plasma and general relativistic effects, as well as magnetic turbulence. When there are no other persistently depolarized image features, adding the subtracted residuals over time results in a sharp image of the photon ring. We show that the method works well for sample, viable GRMHD models of Sgr A* and M87*, where measurements of the photon ring properties would provide new measurements of black hole mass and spin, and potentially allow for tests of the "no-hair" theorem of general relativity.

Y. Cendes, K. D. Alexander, E. Berger, T. Eftekhari, P. K. G. Williams, R. Chornock

Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

We present detailed radio observations of the tidal disruption event (TDE) AT2019dsg, obtained with the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and spanning $55-560$ days post-disruption. We find that the peak brightness of the radio emission increases until ~200 days and subsequently begins to decrease steadily. Using the standard equipartition analysis, including the effects of synchrotron cooling as determined by the joint VLA-ALMA spectral energy distributions, we find that the outflow powering the radio emission is in roughly free expansion with a velocity of $\approx 0.07c$, while its kinetic energy increases by a factor of about 5 from 55 to 200 days and plateaus at $\approx 5\times 10^{48}$ erg thereafter. The ambient density traced by the outflow declines as $\approx R^{-1.6}$ on a scale of $\approx (1-4)\times 10^{16}$ cm ($\approx 6300-25000$ $R_s$), followed by a steeper decline to $\approx 6\times 10^{16}$ cm ($\approx 37500$ $R_s$). Allowing for a collimated geometry, we find that to reach even mildly relativistic velocities ($\Gamma=2$) the outflow requires an opening angle of $\theta_j\approx 2^\circ$, which is narrow even by the standards of GRB jets; a truly relativistic outflow requires an unphysically narrow jet. The outflow velocity and kinetic energy in AT2019dsg are typical of previous non-relativistic TDEs, and comparable to those from Type Ib/c supernovae, raising doubts about the claimed association with a high-energy neutrino event.

F. Cullen, A. E. Shapley, R. J. McLure, J. S. Dunlop, R. L. Sanders, M. W. Topping, N. A. Reddy, R. Amorin, R. Begley, M.Bolzonella, A. Calabro, A. C. Carnall, M. Castellano, A. Cimatti, M/ Cirasuolo, G. Cresci, A. Fontana, F. Fontanot, B. Garilli, L. Guaita, M. Hamadouche, N. P. Hathi, F. Mannucci, D. J. McLeod, L. Pentericci, A. Saxena, M. Talia, G. Zamorani

18 pages, 11 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We present results from the NIRVANDELS survey investigating the gas-phase metallicity ($\mathrm{Z}_{\mathrm{gas}}$, tracing O/H) and stellar metallicity ($Z_{\star}$, tracing Fe/H) of 33 star-forming galaxies at redshifts $2.95 < z < 3.80$. Based on a combined analysis of deep optical and near-IR spectra, tracing the rest-frame far ultraviolet and rest-frame optical respectively, we present the first simultaneous determination of the stellar and gas-phase mass-metallicity relationships (MZRs) at $z\simeq3.4$. In both cases, we find that metallicity increases with increasing stellar mass ($M_{\star}$), and that the power-law slope at $M_{\star} \lesssim 10^{10} \mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ of both MZRs scales as $Z \propto M_{\star}^{0.3}$. Comparing the stellar and gas-phase MZRs, we present the first direct evidence for super-solar O/Fe ratios (i.e., $\alpha$-enhancement) at $z>3$, finding $\mathrm{(O/Fe)}\simeq (2.54 \pm 0.38) \times \mathrm{(O/Fe)}_{\odot}$, with no clear dependence on $M_{\star}$.

Mansi Dhuria, Viraj Karambelkar, Vikram Rentala, Priyanka Sarmah

55 pages, 8 figures

In the standard cosmology, it is believed that there are two weak and distinct band-limited absorption features, near 20 MHz ($z\sim70$) and 90 MHz ($z\sim15$) in the global cosmological 21 cm signal which are signatures of collisional gas dynamics in the cosmic dark ages and Lyman-$\alpha$ photons from the first stars at cosmic dawn, respectively. A similar prediction of two distinct band-limited, but stronger, absorption features is expected in models with excess gas cooling, which have been invoked to explain the anomalous EDGES signal. In this work, we explore a novel mechanism, where dark matter spin-flip interactions with electrons through a light axial-vector mediator could directly induce a 21 cm signal which is characteristically different from either of these. We find generically, that our model predicts a strong, broadband absorption signal extending from frequencies as low as 1.4 MHz ($z\sim1000$), from early in the cosmic dark ages where no conventional signal is expected, all the way up to 90 MHz, depending upon the epoch of star formation and X-ray heating. We find a rich set of spectral features that could be probed in current and future experiments looking for the global 21 cm signal. In standard cosmology and in excess gas cooling models the gas spin temperature as inferred from the absorption signal is a tracer of the gas kinetic temperature. However, in our model we find in certain regions of parameter space that the spin temperature and kinetic temperature of the gas evolve differently, and the absorption signal only measures the spin temperature evolution. Large swathes of our model parameter space of interest are safe from existing particle physics constraints, however future searches for short range spin-dependent forces between electrons on the millimeter to nanometer scale have the potential to discover the light mediator responsible for our predicted signal.

A. Miraval Zanon, P. D'Avanzo, A. Ridolfi, F. Coti Zelati, S. Campana, C. Tiburzi, D. de Martino, T. Muñoz Darias, C. G. Bassa, L. Zampieri, A. Possenti, F. Ambrosino, A. Papitto, M. C. Baglio, M. Burgay, A. Burtovoi, D. Michilli, P. Ochner, P. Zucca

12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

We present simultaneous multiwavelength observations of the 4.66 ms redback pulsar PSR J1048+2339. We performed phase-resolved spectroscopy with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) searching for signatures of a residual accretion disk or intra-binary shock emission, constraining the companion radial velocity semi-amplitude ($K_2$), and estimating the neutron star mass ($M_{\rm NS}$). Using the FORS2-VLT intermediate-resolution spectra, we measured a companion velocity of $291 < K_2 < 348$ km s$^{-1}$ and a binary mass ratio of $0.209 < q < 0.250$. Combining our results for $K_2$ and $q$, we constrained the mass of the neutron star and the companion to $(1.0 < M_{\rm NS} < 1.6){\rm sin}^{-3}i\,M_{\odot}$ and $(0.24 < M_2 < 0.33){\rm sin}^{-3}i\,M_{\odot}$, respectively, where $i$ is the system inclination. The Doppler map of the H$\alpha$ emission line exhibits a spot feature at the expected position of the companion star and an extended bright spot close to the inner Lagrangian point. We interpret this extended emission as the effect of an intra-binary shock originating from the interaction between the pulsar relativistic wind and the matter leaving the companion star. The mass loss from the secondary star could be either due to Roche-lobe overflow or to the ablation of its outer layer by the energetic pulsar wind. Contrastingly, we find no evidence for an accretion disk. We report on the results of the SRT and the LOFAR simultaneous radio observations at three different frequencies (150 MHz, 336 MHz, and 1400 MHz). No pulsed radio signal is found in our search. This is probably due to both scintillation and the presence of material expelled from the system which can cause the absorption of the radio signal at low frequencies. Finally, we report on an attempt to search for optical pulsations using IFI+Iqueye mounted at the 1.2 m Galileo telescope at the Asiago Observatory.

Robin Swanson, Masen Lamb, Carlos Correia, Suresh Sivanandam, Kiriakos Kutulakos

11 pages, 14 figures, Accepted to MNRAS

Predictive wavefront control is an important and rapidly developing field of adaptive optics (AO). Through the prediction of future wavefront effects, the inherent AO system servo-lag caused by the measurement, computation, and application of the wavefront correction can be significantly mitigated. This lag can impact the final delivered science image, including reduced strehl and contrast, and inhibits our ability to reliably use faint guidestars. We summarize here a novel method for training deep neural networks for predictive control based on an adversarial prior. Unlike previous methods in the literature, which have shown results based on previously generated data or for open-loop systems, we demonstrate our network's performance simulated in closed loop. Our models are able to both reduce effects induced by servo-lag and push the faint end of reliable control with natural guidestars, improving K-band Strehl performance compared to classical methods by over 55% for 16th magnitude guide stars on an 8-meter telescope. We further show that LSTM based approaches may be better suited in high-contrast scenarios where servo-lag error is most pronounced, while traditional feed forward models are better suited for high noise scenarios. Finally, we discuss future strategies for implementing our system in real-time and on astronomical telescope systems.

Ethan Savitch, Adam Frank, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, Jacob Haqq-Misra, Axel Kleidon, Marina Alberti

19 pages, 13 figures

We seek to model the coupled evolution of a planet and a civilization through the era when energy harvesting by the civilization drives the planet into new and adverse climate states. In this way we ask if triggering "anthropocenes" of the kind humanity is experiencing now might be a generic feature of planet-civilization evolution. In this study we focus on the effects of energy harvesting via combustion and vary the planet's initial atmospheric chemistry and orbital radius. In our model, energy harvesting increases the civilization's population growth rate while also, eventually, leading to a degradation of the planetary climate state (relative to the civilization's habitability.) We also assume the existence of a Complex Life Habitable Zone in which very high levels of $CO_2$ are detrimental to multi-cellular animal life such as those creating technological civilizations. Our models show that the civilization's growth is truncated by planetary feedback (a "climate dominated anthropocene") for a significant region of the initial parameter space.

B. Carry, P. Vernazza, F. Vachier, M. Neveu, J. Berthier J. Hanus, M. Ferrais, L. Jorda, M. Marsset, M. Viikinkoski, P. Bartczak, R. Behrend, Z. Benkhaldoun, M. Birlan, J. Castillo-Rogez, F. Cipriani, F. Colas, A. Drouard, G. P. Dudzinski, J. Desmars, C. Dumas, J. Durech, R. Fetick, T. Fusco, J. Grice, E. Jehin, M. Kaasalainen, A. Kryszczynska, P. Lamy, F. Marchis, A. Marciniak, T. Michalowski, P. Michel, M. Pajuelo, E. Podlewska-Gaca, N. Rambaux, T. Santana-Ros, A. Storrs, P. Tanga, A. Vigan, B. Warner, M. Wieczorek, O. Witasse, B. Yang

Accepted for publication in A&A

Dynamical models of Solar System evolution have suggested that P-/D-type volatile-rich asteroids formed in the outer Solar System and may be genetically related to the Jupiter Trojans, the comets and small KBOs. Indeed, their spectral properties resemble that of anhydrous cometary dust. High-angular-resolution images of P-type asteroid (87) Sylvia with VLT/SPHERE were used to reconstruct its 3D shape, and to study the dynamics of its two satellites. We also model Sylvia's thermal evolution. The shape of Sylvia appears flattened and elongated. We derive a volume-equivalent diameter of 271 +/- 5 km, and a low density of 1378 +/- 45 kg.m-3. The two satellites orbit Sylvia on circular, equatorial orbits. The oblateness of Sylvia should imply a detectable nodal precession which contrasts with the fully-Keplerian dynamics of the satellites. This reveals an inhomogeneous internal structure, suggesting that Sylvia is differentiated. Sylvia's low density and differentiated interior can be explained by partial melting and mass redistribution through water percolation. The outer shell would be composed of material similar to interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) and the core similar to aqueously altered IDPs or carbonaceous chondrite meteorites such as the Tagish Lake meteorite. Numerical simulations of the thermal evolution of Sylvia show that for a body of such size, partial melting was unavoidable due to the decay of long-lived radionuclides. In addition, we show that bodies as small as 130-150 km in diameter should have followed a similar thermal evolution, while smaller objects, such as comets and the KBO Arrokoth, must have remained pristine, in agreement with in situ observations of these bodies. NASA Lucy mission target (617) Patroclus (diameter~140 km) may, however, be differentiated.

Damien de Mijolla, Melissa Ness, Serena Viti, Adam Wheeler

Accepted by ApJ. code available at github.com/drd13/tagging-package

Modern astronomical surveys are observing spectral data for millions of stars. These spectra contain chemical information that can be used to trace the Galaxy's formation and chemical enrichment history. However, extracting the information from spectra, and making precise and accurate chemical abundance measurements are challenging. Here, we present a data-driven method for isolating the chemical factors of variation in stellar spectra from those of other parameters (i.e. \teff, \logg, \feh). This enables us to build a spectral projection for each star with these parameters removed. We do this with no ab initio knowledge of elemental abundances themselves, and hence bypass the uncertainties and systematics associated with modeling that rely on synthetic stellar spectra. To remove known non-chemical factors of variation, we develop and implement a neural network architecture that learns a disentangled spectral representation. We simulate our recovery of chemically identical stars using the disentangled spectra in a synthetic APOGEE-like dataset. We show that this recovery declines as a function of the signal to noise ratio, but that our neural network architecture outperforms simpler modeling choices. Our work demonstrates the feasibility of data-driven abundance-free chemical tagging.

Torrance Hodgson, Iacopo Bartalucci, Melanie Johnston-Hollitt, Benjamin McKinley, Franco Vazza, Denis Wittor

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We report on the discovery of a mysterious ultra-steep spectrum (USS) synchrotron source in the galaxy cluster Abell 2877. We have observed the source with the Murchison Widefield Array at five frequencies across 72-231 MHz and have found the source to exhibit strong spectral curvature over this range as well the steepest known spectra of a synchrotron cluster source, with a spectral index across the central three frequency bands of $\alpha = -5.97^{+0.40}_{-0.48}$. Higher frequency radio observations, including a deep observation with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, fail to detect any of the extended diffuse emission. The source is approximately 370 kpc wide and bears an uncanny resemblance to a jellyfish with two peaks of emission and long tentacles descending south towards the cluster centre. Whilst the `USS Jellyfish' defies easy classification, we here propose that the phenomenon is caused by the reacceleration and compression of multiple aged electron populations from historic active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity, so-called `radio phoenix', by an as yet undetected weak cluster-scale mechanism. The USS Jellyfish adds to a growing number of radio phoenix in cool-core clusters with unknown reacceleration mechanisms; as the first example of a polyphoenix, however, this implies the mechanism is on the scale of the cluster itself. Indeed, we show that in simulations, emission akin to the USS Jellyfish can be produced as a short-lived, transient phase in the evolution of multiple interacting AGN remnants when subject to weak external shocks.

Takafumi Ootsubo, Hideyo Kawakita, Yoshiharu Shinnaka

Accepted for publication in Icarus

We present mid-infrared observations of comet P/2016 BA14 (PANSTARRS), which were obtained on UT 2016 March 21.3 at heliocentric and geocentric distances of 1.012 au and 0.026 au, respectively, approximately 30 hours before its closest approach to Earth (0.024 au) on UT 2016 March 22.6. Low-resolution ($\lambda$/$\Delta \lambda$~250) spectroscopic observations in the N-band and imaging observations with four narrow-band filters (centered at 8.8, 12.4, 17.7 and 18.8 $\mu$m) in the N- and Q-bands were obtained using the Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer (COMICS) mounted on the 8.2-m Subaru telescope atop Maunakea, Hawaii. The observed spatial profiles of P/2016 BA14 at different wavelengths are consistent with a point-spread function. Owing to the close approach of the comet to the Earth, the observed thermal emission from the comet is dominated by the thermal emission from its nucleus rather than its dust coma. The observed spectral energy distribution of the nucleus at mid-infrared wavelengths is consistent with a Planck function at temperature T~350 K, with the effective diameter of P/2016 BA14 estimated as ~0.8 km (by assuming an emissivity of 0.97). The normalized emissivity spectrum of the comet exhibits absorption-like features that are not reproduced by the anhydrous minerals typically found in cometary dust coma, such as olivine and pyroxene. Instead, the spectral features suggest the presence of large grains of phyllosilicate minerals and organic materials. Thus, our observations indicate that an inactive small body covered with these processed materials is a possible end state of comets.

Shalini Ganguly, Daniel Proga, Tim Waters, Randall C. Dannen, Sergei Dyda, Margherita Giustini, Timothy Kallman, John Raymond, Jon Miller, Paola Rodriguez Hidalgo

Submitted to ApJ, 18 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables, videos of line profiles available on: this http URL

The warm absorbers observed in more than half of all nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) are tracers of ionized outflows located at parsec scale distances from the central engine. If the smallest inferred ionization parameters correspond to plasma at a few $10^4$~K, then the gas undergoes a transition from being bound to unbound provided it is further heated to $\sim 10^6$~K at larger radii. Dannen et al. recently discovered that under these circumstances, thermally driven wind solutions are unsteady and even show very dense clumps due to thermal instability. To explore the observational consequences of these new wind solutions, we compute line profiles based on the one-dimensional simulations of Dannen et al. We show how the line profiles from even a simple steady state wind solution depend on the ionization energy (IE) of absorbing ions, which is a reflection of the wind ionization stratification. To organize the diversity of the line shapes, we group them into four categories: weak Gaussians, saturated boxy profiles with and without an extended blue wing, and broad weak profiles. The lines with profiles in the last two categories are produced by ions with the highest IE that probe the fastest regions. Their maximum blueshifts agree with the highest flow velocities in thermally unstable models, both steady state and clumpy versions. In contrast, the maximum blueshifts of the most high IE lines in thermally stable models can be less than half of the actual solution velocities. Clumpy solutions can additionally imprint distinguishable absorption troughs at widely separated velocities.

Yu Qiu (1), Brian R. McNamara (2, 3, 4), Tamara Bogdanovic (5), Kohei Inayoshi (1), Luis C. Ho (1, 6) ((1) Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, (2) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo, (3) Waterloo Center for Astrophysics, University of Waterloo, (4) Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, (5) Center for Relativistic Astrophysics, School of Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, (6) Department of Astronomy, School of Physics, Peking University)

18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ

Outflows driven by active galactic nuclei (AGN) are an important channel for accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs) to interact with their host galaxies and clusters. Properties of the outflows are however poorly constrained due to the lack of kinetically resolved data of the hot plasma that permeates the circumgalactic and intracluster space. In this work, we use a single parameter, outflow-to-accretion mass-loading factor $m=\dot{M}_{\rm out}/\dot{M}_{\rm BH}$, to characterize the outflows that mediate the interaction between SMBHs and their hosts. By modeling both M87 and Perseus, and comparing the simulated thermal profiles with the X-ray observations of these two systems, we demonstrate that $m$ can be constrained between $200-500$. This parameter corresponds to a bulk flow speed between $4,000-7,000\,{\rm km\,s}^{-1}$ at around 1 kpc, and a thermalized outflow temperature between $10^{8.7}-10^{9}\,{\rm K}$. Our results indicate that the dominant outflow speeds in giant elliptical galaxies and clusters are much lower than in the close vicinity of the SMBH, signaling an efficient coupling with and deceleration by the surrounding medium on length scales below 1 kpc. Consequently, AGNs may be efficient at launching outflows $\sim10$ times more massive than previously uncovered by measurements of cold, obscuring material. We also examine the mass and velocity distribution of the cold gas, which ultimately forms a rotationally supported disk in simulated clusters. The rarity of such disks in observations indicates that further investigations are needed to understand the evolution of the cold gas after it forms.

T. R. Geballe, Yvonne Pendleton, Jean Chiar, Alexander G .G. M.Tielens

17 pages, 10 figures; accepted by ApJ 2021 March 10

We describe and discuss remarkable infrared spectra, covering key portions of the $2-5$ $\mu$m wavelength interval, of the probable OH/IR supergiant 2MASS J17470898$-$2829561 (2M1747), located in direction of the Sgr B molecular cloud complex within the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) of the Galaxy. This star was originally singled out for examination based on its suitability for spectroscopy of lines of H$_3^+$ in the CMZ. Analysis of the spectra shows that 2M1747 is deeply embedded within Sgr B1, with A$_V$ $\gtrsim$ 100 mag, making it the only star within Sgr B for which infrared spectra have been obtained at present, and thereby a unique infrared probe of the dense interstellar medium within the CMZ. Despite the high extinction, spectra of 2M1747 reveal a veiled photosphere in the $K$ band and circumstellar gas in the $M$ band, giving clues as to its nature. Its $ 3.5-4.0$ $\mu$m spectrum contains the strongest absorption lines of H$_3^+$ observed toward any object to date. The $4.5-4.8$ $\mu$m spectrum has impressively deep and wide absorption lines of interstellar CO, most of which arise in dense gas within Sgr B1. The $3-5$ $\mu$m spectrum also contains several solid state absorption features, which are characteristic of both dense and diffuse clouds, and which raise questions about the identifications of some of these features. We discuss the nature of the star, the extinction to it, the extinction law for dust in the CMZ, and the identifications of the various solid-state features and where they are produced along this complex line of sight.

Ellis R. Owen, Alvina Y. L. On, Shih-Ping Lai, Kinwah Wu

31 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We investigate ionization and heating of gas in the dense, shielded clumps/cores of molecular clouds bathed by an influx of energetic, charged cosmic rays (CRs). These molecular clouds have complex structures, with substantial variation in their physical properties over a wide range of length scales. The propagation and distribution of the CRs is thus regulated accordingly, in particular, by the magnetic fields threaded through the clouds and into the dense regions within. We have found that a specific heating rate reaching $10^{-26}$ erg cm$^{-3}$ s$^{-1}$ can be sustained in the dense clumps/cores for Galactic environments, and this rate increases with CR energy density. The propagation of CRs and heating rates in some star-forming filaments identified in IC 5146 are calculated, with the CR diffusion coefficients in these structures determined from magnetic field fluctuations inferred from optical and near-infrared polarizations of starlight, which is presumably a magnetic-field tracer. Our calculations indicate that CR heating can vary by nearly three orders of magnitude between different filaments within a cloud due to different levels of CR penetration. The CR ionization rate among these filaments is similar. The equilibrium temperature that could be maintained by CR heating alone is of order $1~{\rm K}$ in a Galactic environment, but this value would be higher in strongly star-forming environments, thus causing an increase in the Jeans mass of their molecular clouds.

Shing-Chi Leung, Jim Fuller, Ken'ichi Nomoto

19 pages, 28 figures, submitted to Astrophysical Journal at 10 March 2021

The discovery of SN 2018gep (ZTF18abukavn) challenged our understanding of the late-phase evolution of massive stars and their supernovae (SNe). The fast rise in luminosity of this SN (spectroscopically classified as a broad-lined Type Ic SN), indicates that the ejecta interacts with a dense circumstellar medium (CSM), while an additional energy source such as $^{56}$Ni-decay is required to explain the late-time light curve. These features hint at the explosion of a massive star with pre-supernova mass-loss. In this work, we examine the physical origins of rapidly evolving astrophysical transients like SN 2018gep. We investigate the wave-driven mass-loss mechanism and how it depends on model parameters such as progenitor mass and deposition energy, searching for stellar progenitor models that can reproduce the observational data. A model with an ejecta mass $\sim \! 2 \, M_{\odot}$, explosion energy $\sim \! 10^{52}$ erg, a circumstellar medium of mass $\sim \! 0.3 \, M_{\odot}$ and radius $\sim \! 1000 \, R_{\odot}$, and a $^{56}$Ni mass of $\sim \! 0.3 \, M_{\odot}$ provides a good fit to the bolometric light curve. We also examine how interaction-powered light curves depend more generally on these parameters, and how ejecta velocities can help break degeneracies. We find both wave-driven mass-loss and mass ejection via pulsational pair-instability can plausibly create the dense CSM in SN 2018gep, but we favor the latter possibility.

Bo Zhang, Ming Zhu, Zhong-Zu Wu, Qing-Zheng Yu, Peng Jiang, You-Ling Yue, Meng-Lin Huang, Qiao-Li Hao

13 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

We present a pilot study of extragalactic HI 21-cm absorption lines using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). We observed 5 continuum sources with HI absorption features firstly identified in the 40% data release of the Arecibo Legacy Fast Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFA) Survey (ALFALFA), including two systems later detected by the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). Most of our observations were carried out during the FAST commissioning phase, and we have tested different observing modes, as well as data reduction methods, to produce the best spectra. Our observations successfully confirmed the existence of HI absorption lines in all these systems, including two sources that were marginally detected by ALFALFA. We fitted the HI profiles with single or double of Gaussian functions, and calculated the HI column densities of each source. The HI absorption profiles obtained by FAST show much higher spectral resolution and higher S/N ratio than the existing data in the literature, thus demonstrating the power of FAST in revealing detailed structures of HI absorption lines. Our pilot observations and tests have enabled us to develop a strategy to search for HI absorption sources using the data from the FAST extragalactic HI survey, which is one of the key projects undertaken at FAST. We expect that over 1,500 extragalactic HI absorbing systems could be detected with survey data, based on sensitivity level we achieved in pilot observations.

C.Kehrig, M.A.Guerrero, J.M.Vilchez, G.Ramos-Larios

7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Nebular HeII emission implies the presence of energetic photons (E$\ge$54 eV). Despite the great deal of effort dedicated to understanding HeII ionization, its origin has remained mysterious, particularly in metal-deficient star-forming (SF) galaxies. Unfolding HeII-emitting, metal-poor starbursts at z ~ 0 can yield insight into the powerful ionization processes occurring in the primordial universe. Here we present a new study on the effects that X-ray sources have on the HeII ionization in the extremely metal-poor galaxy IZw18 (Z ~ 3 % Zsolar), whose X-ray emission is dominated by a single high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB). This study uses optical integral field spectroscopy, archival Hubble Space Telescope observations, and all of the X-ray data sets publicly available for IZw18. We investigate the time-variability of the IZw18 HMXB for the first time; its emission shows small variations on timescales from days to decades. The best-fit models for the HMXB X-ray spectra cannot reproduce the observed HeII ionization budget of IZw18, nor can recent photoionization models that combine the spectra of both very low metallicity massive stars and the emission from HMXB. We also find that the IZw18 HMXB and the HeII-emission peak are spatially displaced at a projected distance of $\simeq$ 200 pc. These results reduce the relevance of X-ray photons as the dominant HeII ionizing mode in IZw18, which leaves uncertain what process is responsible for the bulk of its HeII ionization. This is in line with recent work discarding X-ray binaries as the main source responsible for HeII ionization in SF galaxies.

Moorits Mihkel Muru, Elmo Tempel

10 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in A&A

Aims. This work provides an analysis of how the galaxy number density of the input data affects the filaments detected with the Bisous filament finder and gives estimates of the reliability of the method itself to assess the robustness of the results. Methods. We applied the Bisous filament finder to MultiDark-Galaxies data, using various magnitude cuts from the catalogue to study the effects of different galaxy number densities on the results and different parameters of the model. We compared the structures by the fraction of galaxies in filaments and the volume filled by filaments, and we analysed the similarities between the results from different cuts based on the overlap between detected filamentary structures. The filament finder was also applied to the exact same data 200 times with the same parameters to study the stochasticity of the results and the correlation between different runs was calculated. Results. Multiple samples show that galaxies in filaments have preferentially higher luminosity. We found that when a galaxy is in a filament there is a 97% chance that the same galaxy would be in a filament with even more complete input data and about 85% of filaments are persistent when detecting the filamentary network with higher-density input data. Lower galaxy number density inputs mean the Bisous model finds fewer filaments, but the filaments found are persistent even if we use more complete input data for the detection. We calculated the correlation coefficient between 200 Bisous runs on the exact same input, which is 0.98. Conclusions. This study confirms that increased number density of galaxies is important to obtain a more complete picture of the cosmic web. To overcome the limitation of the spectroscopic surveys, we will develop the Bisous model further to apply this tool to combined spectroscopic and narrow-band photometric redshift surveys, such as the J-PAS.

R. K. Zamanov, K. A. Stoyanov, A. Kostov, A. Kurtenkov, G. Nikolov, G. Latev, M. F. Bode, J. Marti, P. L. Luque-Escamilla, N. Tomov, Y. M. Nikolov, S. S. Boeva


We present photometric and spectral observations of the symbiotic star ZZ CMi. We detect intranight variability - flickering and smooth variations in U band. The amplitude of the flickering is about 0.10-0.20 mag in U band. In the B band the variability is lower, with amplitude less than 0.03 mag. We also detect variability in the H-alpha and H-beta emission lines, and find an indication for outflow with velocity of about 120-150 km/s. The results indicate that ZZ CMi is an accretion powered symbiotic containing an M4-M6 III cool component with a white dwarf resembling recurrent novae and jet-ejecting symbiotic stars.

C. Zhang, Y. Wu, X.-C. Liu, Mengyao Tang, Di Li, Jarken Esimbek, S.-L. Qin

We performed a carbon-chain molecule (CCM) survey toward four low-mass outflow sources, IRAS 04181+2655 (I04181), HH211, L1524, and L1598, using the 13.7 m telescope at the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) and the 65 m Tian Ma Radio telescope at the Shanghai Observatory. We observed the following hydrocarbons (C$_2$H, C$_4$H, c--C$_3$H$_2$), HC$_{\rm 2n+1}$N (n=1,2), C$_{\rm n}$S (n=2,3), and SO, HNC, N$_2$H$^+$. Hydrocarbons and HC$_3$N were detected in all the sources, except for L1598, which had a marginal detection of C$_4$H and a non-detection of HC$_3$N (J=2--1). HC$_5$N and CCCS were only detected in I04181 and L1524, whereas SO was only detected in HH211. L1598 exhibits the lowest detection rate of CCMs and is generally regarded to be lacking in CCMs source. The ratio of N(HC$_3$N/N(N$_2$H$^+$)) increases with evolution in low-mass star-forming cores. I04181 and L1524 are carbon-chain-rich star-forming cores that may possibly be characterized by warm carbon-chain chemistry. In I04181 and L1524, the abundant CCCS can be explained by shocked carbon-chain chemistry. In HH211, the abundant SO suggests that SO is formed by sublimated S$^+$. In this study, we also mapped HNC, C$_4$H, c--C$_3$H$_2$, and HC$_3$N with data from the PMO. We also find that HNC and NH$_3$ is concentrated in L1524S and L1524N, respectively. Furthermore, we discuss the chemical differences between I04181SE and I04181W. The co-evolution between linear hydrocarbon and cyanopolyynes can be seen in I04181SE.

Guilherme Eduardo Freire Oliveira, Christian Maes, Kasper Meerts

The relaxation of a photon bath to thermal equilibrium via Compton scattering with electrons is described in the Kompaneets equation (1956). The equation is mostly known from studies of astrophysical plasmas, for its convergence to the Planck distribution and for explaining the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect changing the apparent brightness of the cosmic microwave background radiation. We revisit its derivation emphasizing its structure as a Kramers-Moyal diffusion approximation to the quantum Boltzmann equation or Master equation with stimulated emission. We do not assume that the Planck law is stationary in performing the continuum approximation but we emphasize the necessity of the flux or M{\o}ller factor to arrive at a continuity equation. On the other hand, the structure allows more general assumptions than originally envisioned by Kompaneets.

Nathan X. Roth, Stefanie N. Milam, Martin A. Cordiner, Dominique Bockelée-Morvan, Michael A. DiSanti, Jérémie Boissier, Nicolas Biver, Jacques Crovisier, Neil Dello Russo, Boncho P. Bonev, Chunhua Qi, Anthony J. Remijan, Steven B. Charnley, Erika L. Gibb, Miguel de Val-Borro, Emmanuël Jehin

We report the detection of CH$_3$OH emission in comet 46P/Wirtanen on UT 2018 December 8 and 9 using the Atacama Compact Array (ACA), part of the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). These interferometric measurements of CH$_3$OH along with continuum emission from dust probed the inner coma ($<$2000 km from the nucleus) of 46P/Wirtanen approximately one week before its closest approach to Earth ($\Delta$ = 0.089 -- 0.092 au), revealing rapidly varying and anisotropic CH$_3$OH outgassing during five separate ACA executions between UT 23:57 December 7 and UT 04:55 December 9, with a clear progression in the spectral line profiles over a timescale of minutes. We present spectrally integrated flux maps, production rates, rotational temperatures, and spectral line profiles of CH$_3$OH during each ACA execution. The variations in CH$_3$OH outgassing are consistent with Wirtanen's 9 hr nucleus rotational period derived from optical and millimeter wavelength measurements and thus are likely coupled to the changing illumination of active sites on the nucleus. The consistent blue offset of the line center indicates enhanced CH$_3$OH sublimation from the sunward hemisphere of the comet, perhaps from icy grains. These results demonstrate the exceptional capabilities of the ACA for time-resolved measurements of comets such as 46P/Wirtanen.

Olivera Latković, Atila Čeki, Sanja Lazarević

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

We present a statistical study of the largest bibliographic compilation of stellar and orbital parameters of W UMa stars derived by light curve synthesis with Roche models. The compilation includes nearly 700 individually investigated objects from over 450 distinct publications. Almost 70% of this sample is comprised of stars observed in the last decade that have not been considered in previous statistical studies. We estimate the ages of the cataloged stars, model the distributions of their periods, mass ratios, temperatures and other quantities, and compare them with the data from CRTS, LAMOST and Gaia archives. As only a small fraction of the sample has radial velocity curves, we examine the reliability of the photometric mass ratios in totally and partially eclipsing systems and find that totally eclipsing W UMa stars with photometric mass ratios have the same parameter distributions as those with spectroscopic mass ratios. Most of the stars with reliable parameters have mass ratios below 0.5 and orbital periods shorter than 0.5 days. Stars with longer periods and temperatures above 7000 K stand out as outliers and shouldn't be labeled as W UMa binaries. The collected data is available as an online database at https://wumacat.aob.rs.

J.B.R. Battat, C. Eldridge, A.C. Ezeribe, O.P. Gaunt, J.-L. Gauvreau, R.R. Marcelo Gregorio, E.K.K. Habich, K.E. Hall, J.L. Harton, I. Ingabire, R. Lafler, D. Loomba, W.A. Lynch, S.M. Paling, A.Y. Pan, A. Scarff, F.G. Schuckman II, D.P. Snowden-Ifft, N.J.C. Spooner, C. Toth, A.A. Xu

We demonstrate a new type of analysis for the DRIFT-IId directional dark matter detector using a machine learning algorithm called a Random Forest Classifier. The analysis labels events as signal or background based on a series of selection parameters, rather than solely applying hard cuts. The analysis efficiency is shown to be comparable to our previous result at high energy but with increased efficiency at lower energies. This leads to a sensitivity enhancement of one order of magnitude below a WIMP mass of 15 GeV c$^{-2}$ and a sensitivity limit that reaches down to a WIMP mass of 9 GeV c$^{-2}$, which is a first for a directionally sensitive dark matter detector.

Pieter J. de Visser, Steven A. H. de Rooij, Vignesh Murugesan, David J. Thoen, Jochem J. A. Baselmans

14 pages, 8 figures, including appendices

A noiseless, photon counting detector, which resolves the energy of each photon, could radically change astronomy, biophysics and quantum optics. Superconducting detectors promise an intrinsic resolving power at visible wavelengths of $R=E/\delta E\approx100$ due to their low excitation energy. We study superconducting energy-resolving Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs), which hold particular promise for larger cameras. A visible/near-infrared photon absorbed in the superconductor creates a few thousand quasiparticles through several stages of electron-phonon interaction. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the resolving power of MKIDs at visible to near-infrared wavelengths is limited by the loss of hot phonons during this process. We measure the resolving power of our aluminum-based detector as a function of photon energy using four lasers with wavelengths between $1545-402$ nm. For detectors on thick SiN/Si and sapphire substrates the resolving power is limited to $10-21$ for the respective wavelengths, consistent with the loss of hot phonons. When we suspend the sensitive part of the detector on a 110 nm thick SiN membrane, the measured resolving power improves to $19-52$ respectively. The improvement is equivalent to a factor $8\pm2$ stronger phonon trapping on the membrane, which is consistent with a geometrical phonon propagation model for these hot phonons. We discuss a route towards the Fano limit by phonon engineering.

Robin Wordsworth, Andrew H. Knoll, Joel Hurowitz, Mark Baum, Bethany L. Ehlmann, James W. Head, Kathryn Steakley

Published March 8 2021 in Nature Geoscience

Reconciling the geology of Mars with models of atmospheric evolution remains a major challenge. Martian geology is characterized by past evidence for episodic surface liquid water, and geochemistry indicating a slow and intermittent transition from wetter to drier and more oxidizing surface conditions. Here we present a new model incorporating randomized injection of reducing greenhouse gases and oxidation due to hydrogen escape, to investigate the conditions responsible for these diverse observations. We find that Mars could have transitioned repeatedly from reducing (H2-rich) to oxidizing (O2-rich) atmospheric conditions in its early history. Our model predicts a generally cold early Mars, with mean annual temperatures below 240 K. If peak reducing gas release rates and background CO2 levels are high enough, it nonetheless exhibits episodic warm intervals sufficient to degrade crater walls, form valley networks and create other fluvial/lacustrine features. Our model also predicts transient buildup of atmospheric O2, which can help explain the occurrence of oxidized mineral species such as manganese oxides at Gale Crater. We suggest that the apparent Noachian--Hesperian transition from phyllosilicate deposition to sulfate deposition around 3.5 billion years ago can be explained as a combined outcome of increasing planetary oxidation, decreasing groundwater availability and a waning bolide impactor flux, which dramatically slowed the remobilization and thermochemical destruction of surface sulfates. Ultimately, rapid and repeated variations in Mars' early climate and surface chemistry would have presented both challenges and opportunities for any emergent microbial life.

Xunchuan Liu, Y. Wu, C. Zhang, X. Chen, L.-H. Lin, S.-L. Qin, T. Liu, C. Henkel, J. Wang, H.-L. Liu, J. Yuan, L.-X. Yuan, J. Li, Z.-Q. Shen, D. Li, J. Esimbek, K. Wang, L.-X. Li, Kee-Tae Kim, L. Zhu, D. Madones, N. Inostroza, F.-Y. Meng, Tianwei Zhang, K. Tatematsu, Y. Xu, B.-G. Ju, A. Kraus, F.-W. Xu

32 pages, 15 figures

We searched for shocked carbon chain chemistry (SCCC) sources with C$_3$S abundances surpassing those of HC$_5$N towards the dark cloud L1251, using the Effelsberg telescope at K-band (18 -- 26\,GHz). L1251-1 and L1251-3 are identified as the most promising SCCC sources. The two sources harbor young stellar objects. We conducted mapping observations towards L1251-A, the western tail of L1251, at $\lambda$ $\sim$3\,mm with the PMO 13.7 m and the NRO 45 m telescopes in lines of C$_2$H, N$_2$H$^+$, CS, HCO$^+$, SO, HC$_3$N and C$^{18}$O as well as in CO 3--2 using the JCMT. The spectral data were combined with archival data including Spitzer and Herschel continuum maps for further analysis. Filamentary sub-structures labeled as F1 to F6 were extracted in L1251, with F1 being associated with L1251-A hosting L1251-1. The peak positions of dense gas traced by HCO$^+$ are misaligned relative to those of the dust clumps. Episodic outflows are common in this region. The twisted morphology of F1 and velocity distribution along L1251-A may originate from stellar feedback. SCCC in L1251-1 may have been caused by outflow activities originated from the infrared source IRS1. The signposts of ongoing SCCC and the broadened line widths of C$_3$S and C$_4$H in L1251-1 as well as the distribution of HC$_3$N are also related to outflow activities in this region. L1251-1 (IRS1) together with the previously identified SCCC source IRS3 demonstrate that L1251-A is an excellent region to study shocked carbon chain chemistry.

X.M. Huang, Qi Li, Aigen Li, J.H. Chen, F.Z. Liu, C.Y. Xiao

7 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS

Extremely elongated, conducting dust particles (also known as metallic "needles" or "whiskers") are seen in carbonaceous chondrites and in samples brought back from the Itokawa asteroid. Their formation in protostellar nebulae and subsequent injection into the interstellar medium have been demonstrated, both experimentally and theoretically. Metallic needles have been suggested to explain a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena, ranging from the mid-infrared interstellar extinction at ~3--8 micron to the thermalization of starlight to generate the cosmic microwave background. To validate (or invalidate) these suggestions, an accurate knowledge of the optics (e.g., the amplitude and the wavelength dependence of the absorption cross sections) of metallic needles is crucial. Here we calculate the absorption cross sections of iron needles of various aspect ratios over a wide wavelength range, by exploiting the discrete dipole approximation, the most powerful technique for rigorously calculating the optics of irregular or nonspherical grains. Our calculations support the earlier findings that the antenna theory and the Rayleigh approximation, which are often taken to approximate the optical properties of metallic needles are indeed inapplicable.

A plethora of observational data obtained over the last couple of decades has allowed cosmology to enter into a precision era and has led to the foundation of the standard cosmological constant and cold dark matter paradigm, known as the $\Lambda$CDM model. Given the many possible extensions of this concordance model, we present here several novel consistency tests which could be used to probe for deviations from $\Lambda$CDM. First, we derive a joint consistency test for the spatial curvature $\Omega_{k,0}$ and the matter density $\Omega_\textrm{m,0}$ parameters, constructed using only the Hubble rate $H(z)$, which can be determined directly from observations. Secondly, we present a new test of possible deviations from homogeneity using the combination of two datasets, either the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and $H(z)$ data or the transversal and radial BAO data, while we also introduce two consistency tests for $\Lambda$CDM which could be reconstructed via the transversal and radial BAO data. We then reconstruct the aforementioned tests using the currently available data in a model independent manner using a particular machine learning approach, namely the Genetic Algorithms. Finally, we also report on a $\sim 4\sigma$ tension on the transition redshift as determined by the $H(z)$ and radial BAO data.

Montserrat Villar-Martin, Bjorn Emonts, Antonio Cabrera Lavers, Enrica Bellocchi, Almudena Alonso Herrero, Andrew Humphrey, Bruno Dall'Agnol de Oliveira, Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann

32 pages, 39 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The role of radio mode feedback in non radio-loud quasars needs to be explored in depth to determine its true importance. Its effects can be identified based on the evidence of interactions between the radio structures and the ambient ionised gas. We investigate this in a sample of 13 optically selected type-2 quasars (QSO2) at z<0.2 with FIRST radio detections. None are radio loud. All show complex optical morphologies, with signs of distortion across tens of kpc due to mergers/interactions. The radio luminosity has an AGN component in 11/13 QSO2. It is spatially extended in 9 of them (jets/lobes/bubbles/other). The maximum sizes are in the range few kpc to ~500 kpc. Evidence for radio-gas interactions exist in 10/13 QSO2; that is, all but one with confirmed AGN radio components. The interactions are identified across different spatial scales, from the nuclear narrow line region up to tens of kpc from the AGN. Large scale low/modest power radio sources can exist in radio-quiet QSO2, which can provide a source of feedback on scales of the spheroidal component of galaxies and well into the circumgalactic medium in systems where radiative mode feedback is expected to dominate.

Itzhak Goldman

4 pages, 3 figures, under review in MNRAS

The observational structure function of the scintillations of the radio pulsar PSR B0950+08, was fitted, a decade ago, with a power law with index $1 \pm 0.01$. This was interpreted as an {\em appreciable deviation} from the, commonly observed index of $5/3$, expected for Kolmogorov turbulence. In this paper it is suggested that the observations are consistent with a Kolmogorov turbulence and that the {\em apparent} deviation is due to a turbulent region with an effective depth which is {\em comparable} to the observed lateral scales on the plane of the sky, spanned by the pulsar beam. Alternatively, the fitted index of $1$ is consistent with an underlying compressive turbulence and an even {\it smaller} depth. In the first interpretation the depth is $(5.5 \pm 1.8) \times 10^8 cm$. In the second one, the depth is $\lesssim 4\times 10^7 cm $. These estimates lend support for the existence of extremely thin, ionized scattering screens in the local interstellar cloud, that have been proposed a decade ago.

Rémi Bérard, Kremena Makasheva, Karine Demyk, Aude Simon, Dianailys Nuñez Reyes, Fabrizio Mastrorocco, Hassan Sabbah, Christine Joblin

Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, in press

Laboratory experiments are essential in exploring the mechanisms involved in stardust formation. One key question is how a metal is incorporated into dust for an environment rich in elements involved in stardust formation (C, H, O, Si). To address experimentally this question we have used a radiofrequency cold plasma reactor in which cyclic organosilicon dust formation is observed. Metallic (silver) atoms were injected in the plasma during the dust nucleation phase to study their incorporation in the dust. The experiments show formation of silver nanoparticles (~15 nm) under conditions in which organosilicon dust of size 200 nm or less is grown. The presence of AgSiO bonds, revealed by infrared spectroscopy, suggests the presence of junctions between the metallic nanoparticles and the organosilicon dust. Even after annealing we could not conclude on the formation of silver silicates, emphasizing that most of silver is included in the metallic nanoparticles. The molecular analysis performed by laser mass spectrometry exhibits a complex chemistry leading to a variety of molecules including large hydrocarbons and organometallic species. The reactivity of silver atoms/ions with acetylene was also studied in a laser vaporization source. Key organometallic species, AgnC2Hm (n=1-3; m=0-2), were identified and their structures and energetic data computed using density functional theory. This allows us to propose that molecular Ag-C seeds promote the formation of Ag clusters but also catalyze hydrocarbon growth. Throughout the article, we show how the developed methodology can be used to characterize the incorporation of metal atoms both in the molecular and dust phases. The reported methodology is a demonstration laying down the ground for future studies on metals of astrophysical interest such as iron.

Ryan-Rhys Griffiths, Jiachen Jiang, Douglas J. K. Buisson, Dan R. Wilkins, Luigi C. Gallo, Adam Ingram, Alpha A. Lee, Dirk Grupe, Erin Kara, Michael L. Parker, William Alston, Anthony Bourached, George Cann, Andrew Young, Stefanie Komossa

Submitted to ApJ. Code available at this https URL

The optical and UV variability of the majority of AGN may be related to the reprocessing of rapidly-changing X-ray emission from a more compact region near the central black hole. Such a reprocessing model would be characterised by lags between X-ray and optical/UV emission due to differences in light travel time. Observationally however, such lag features have been difficult to detect due to gaps in the lightcurves introduced through factors such as source visibility or limited telescope time. In this work, Gaussian process regression is employed to interpolate the gaps in the Swift X-ray and UV lightcurves of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 335. In a simulation study of five commonly-employed analytic Gaussian process kernels, we conclude that the Matern 1/2 and rational quadratic kernels yield the most well-specified models for the X-ray and UVW2 bands of Mrk 335. In analysing the structure functions of the Gaussian process lightcurves, we obtain a broken power law with a break point at 125 days in the UVW2 band. In the X-ray band, the structure function of the Gaussian process lightcurve is consistent with a power law in the case of the rational quadratic kernel whilst a broken power law with a breakpoint at 66 days is obtained from the Matern 1/2 kernel. The subsequent cross-correlation analysis is consistent with previous studies and furthermore, shows tentative evidence for a broad X-ray-UV lag feature of up to 30 days in the lag-frequency spectrum where the significance of the lag depends on the choice of Gaussian process kernel.

Milagros Colazo, Rene Duffard, Walter Weidmann

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The Gaia mission will provide the scientific community with high-quality observations of asteroids of all categories. The second release of Gaia data (DR2) was published in 2018 and consisted of 22 months of observations of 14,099 known Solar System objects, mainly asteroids. The purpose of this work is to obtain a catalogue of phase function parameters (H and G) for all the asteroids that are observed by the Gaia mission, and which were published in DR2. For this purpose, we introduced an algorithm capable of building this catalogue from the magnitude and UTC epoch data present in the DR2 database. Since Gaia will never observe asteroids with a phase angle of 0{\deg} (corresponding with the opposition), but with phase angles higher than 10{\deg}, we added data from ground observations (corresponding to small phase angles) and thus improved the determination of the $H$ and $G$ parameters of the phase function. In this case, we also build a catalogue of the parameters of the H, G1, G2 phase function. We compared our results of the H, G function with those of the Astorb database and observed that the level of agreement is satisfactory.

Claudia de Rham, Scott Melville, Johannes Noller

14+6 pages, 2 figures

Positivity bounds - constraints on any low-energy effective field theory imposed by the fundamental axioms of unitarity, causality and locality in the UV - have recently been used to constrain scalar-tensor theories of dark energy. However, the coupling to matter fields has so far played a limited role. We show that demanding positivity when including interactions with standard matter fields leads to further constraints on the dark energy parameter space. We demonstrate how implementing these bounds as theoretical priors affects cosmological parameter constraints and explicitly illustrate the impact on a specific Effective Field Theory for dark energy. We also show in this model that the existence of a standard UV completion requires that gravitational waves must travel superluminally on cosmological backgrounds.

Milagros Colazo, Juan Cabral, Martin Chalela, Bruno Sanchez

Submitted to Astronomy and computing

A trending astronomical phenomenon to study is the variation in brightness of asteroids, caused by its rotation on its own axis, non-spherical shapes, changes of albedo along its surface and its position relative to the sun. The latter behaviour can be visualized on a "Phase Curve" (phase angle vs. reduced magnitude). To enable the comparison between several models proposed for this curve we present a Python package called Pyedra. Pyedra implements three phase-curve-models, and also providing capabilities for visualization as well as integration with external datasets. The package is fully documented and tested following a strict quality-assurance workflow, with a user-friendly programmatic interface. In future versions, we will include more models, and additional estimation of quantities derived from parameters like diameter, and types of albedo; as well as enabling correlation of information of physical and orbital parameters.

Michael Kretschmer, Avishai Dekel, Romain Teyssier

9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We address the puzzling observational indications for very "cold" galactic discs at redshifts $z \gtrsim 3$, an epoch when discs are expected to be highly perturbed. Using a high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulation, we identify such a cold disc at $z\sim 3.5$, with a rotation velocity to velocity dispersion ratio of $v_\phi/\sigma_r \simeq 5$ for the total gas. It forms as a result of a period of intense accretion of co-planar, co-rotating gas via cold cosmic-web streams. This thin disc survives for $\sim 5$ orbital periods, after which it is disrupted by mergers and counter-rotating streams, longer but consistent with our estimate that a galaxy of this mass ($M_\star\sim10^{10}\mathrm{M_\odot}$) typically survives merger-driven spin flips for $\sim 2-3$ orbital periods. We find that $v_\phi/\sigma_r$ is highly sensitive to the tracer used to perform the kinematic analysis. While it is $v_\phi/\sigma_r \simeq 3.5$ for atomic HI gas, it is $v_\phi/\sigma_r \simeq 8$ for molecular CO and H$_2$. This reflects the confinement of molecular gas to cold, dense clouds that reside near the disc mid-plane, while the atomic gas is spread into a turbulent and more extended thicker disc.

María Benito, Aneta Wojnar

8 pages, 2 figure, 2 tables. Comments are welcome

We present an analytical model for the evolution of brown dwarfs in quadratic Palatini f(R) gravity. We improve previous studies by adopting a more realistic description of the partially-degenerate state that characterizes brown dwarfs. Furthermore, we take into account the hydrogen metallic-molecular phase transition between the interior of the brown dwarf and its photosphere. For such improved model, we revise the cooling process of sub-stellar objects.

Magnetic monopoles have long been predicted in theory and could exist as a stable object in our universe. As they move around in galaxies, magnetic monopoles could be captured by astrophysical objects like stars and planets. Here, we provide a novel method to search for magnetic monopoles by detecting the monopole moment of the Earth's magnetic field. Using over six years of public geomagnetic field data obtained by the Swarm satellites, we apply Gauss's law to measure the total magnetic flux, which is proportional to the total magnetic charge inside the Earth. To account for the secular variation of satellite altitudes, we define an altitude-rescaled magnetic flux to reduce the dominant magnetic dipole contribution. The measured magnetic flux is consistent with the existing magnetic field model that does not contain a monopole moment term. We therefore set an upper limit on the magnetic field strength at Earth's surface from magnetic monopoles to be $|B_{\rm m}| < 0.13$ nT at 95% confidence level, which is less than $2\times 10^{-6}$ of Earth's magnetic field strength. This constrains the abundance of magnetically-charged objects, including magnetic black holes with large magnetic charges.

We present a general method to derive the appropriate Darmois-Israel junction conditions for gravitational theories with higher-order derivative terms by integrating the bulk equations of motion across the singular hypersurface. In higher derivative theories, the field equations can contain terms which are more singular than the Dirac delta distribution. To handle them appropriately, we formulate a regularization procedure based on representing the delta function as the limit of a sequence of classical functions. This procedure involves imposing suitable constraints on the extrinsic curvature such that the field equations are compatible with the singular source being a delta distribution. As explicit examples of our approach, we demonstrate in detail how to obtain the generalized junction conditions for quadratic gravity, $\mathcal{F}(R)$ theories, a 4D low-energy effective action in string theory and action terms that are Euler densities. Our results are novel, and refine the accuracy of previously claimed results in $\mathcal{F} (R)$ theories and quadratic gravity. In particular, when the coupling constants of quadratic gravity are those for the Gauss-Bonnet case, our junction conditions reduce to the known ones for the latter obtained independently by boundary variation of a surface term in the action. Finally, we briefly discuss a couple of applications to thin-shell wormholes and stellar models.

In this paper we analyze some interesting features of the thermodynamics of the rotating BTZ black hole from the Carath\'{e}odory axiomatic postulate, for which, we exploit the appropriate Pfaffian form. The allowed adiabatic transformations are then obtained by solving the corresponding Cauchy problem, and are studied accordingly. Furthermore, we discuss the implications of our approach, regarding the the second and third laws of black hole thermodynamics. In particular, the merging of two extremal black holes is studied in detail.

In this paper, as the first part of the third step of our study on developing data analysis procedures for using 3-dimensional information offered by directional direct Dark Matter detection experiments in the future, we present our double-Monte Carlo "scattering-by-scattering" simulation of the 3-dimensional elastic WIMP-nucleus scattering process, which can provide 3-D velocity information (the magnitude, the direction, and the incoming/scattering time) of each incident halo WIMP as well as the recoil direction and the recoil energy of the scattered target nucleus in different celestial coordinate systems. For readers' reference, (animated) simulation plots with different WIMP masses and several frequently used target nuclei for all functionable underground laboratories can be found and downloaded on our online (interactive) demonstration webpage (this http URL).

Chung-Lin Shan

34 pages, 27 figures (194 pdf plots, 3 png sketches), all simulation plots presented in this paper (and more) can be found "in animation" on our online (interactive) demonstration webpage ( this http URL )

In this paper, as the second part of the third step of our study on developing data analysis procedures for using 3-dimensional information offered by directional direct Dark Matter detection experiments in the future, we investigate the angular distributions of the recoil direction (flux) and the recoil energy of the Monte Carlo simulated WIMP-scattered target nuclei observed in different celestial coordinate systems. The "anisotropy" and the "directionality" ("annual" modulation) of the angular recoil-direction/energy distributions will be demonstrated. We will also discuss their dependences on the target nucleus and on the mass of incident halo WIMPs. For readers' reference, all simulation plots presented in this paper (and more) can be found "in animation" on our online (interactive) demonstration webpage (this http URL).

T. Washimi, T. Yokozawa, M. Nakano, T. Tanaka, K. Kaihotsu, Y. Mori, T. Narita

For the ground based gravitational wave (GW) detectors, lightning strokes in the atmosphere are one of the environmental noise sources. Some GW detectors are constructed or planned in the underground facilities and the knowledge that how lightning strokes affect to them is interested. In this paper, the lightning detection system in KAGRA is introduced and the properties of magnetic field measured inside and outside of the KAGRA tunnel is shown. One lightning induced event in the GW channel of KAGRA main interferometer is also exhibited. Finally, possible applications of lightning events for the GW experiments are discussed.

Georgios Lukes-Gerakopoulos, Vojtěch Witzany

44 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Invited chapter for "Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy" (Eds. C. Bambi, S. Katsanevas, and K. Kokkotas; Springer, Singapore, 2021)

The largest part of any gravitational-wave inspiral of a compact binary can be understood as a slow, adiabatic drift between the trajectories of a certain referential conservative system. In many contexts, the phase space of this conservative system is smooth and there are no "topological transitions" in the phase space, meaning that there are no sudden qualitative changes in the character of the orbital motion during the inspiral. However, in this chapter we discuss the cases where this assumption fails and non-linear and/or non-smooth transitions come into play. In integrable conservative systems under perturbation, topological transitions suddenly appear at resonances, and we sketch how to implement the passage through such regions in an inspiral model. Even though many of the developments of this chapter apply to general inspirals, we focus on a particular scenario known as the Extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI). An EMRI consists of a compact stellar-mass object inspiralling into a supermassive black hole. At leading order, the referential conservative system is simply geodesic motion in the field of the supermassive black hole and the rate of the drift is given by radiation reaction. In Einstein gravity the supermassive black hole field is the Kerr space-time in which the geodesic motion is integrable. However, the equations of motion can be perturbed in various ways so that prolonged resonances and chaos appear in phase space as well as the inspiral, which we demonstrate in simple physically motivated examples.

Viraf M. Mehta, Mehmet Demirtas, Cody Long, David J. E. Marsh, Liam McAllister, Matthew J. Stott

58 pages, 23 figures

We perform an extensive analysis of the statistics of axion masses and interactions in compactifications of type IIB string theory, and we show that black hole superradiance excludes some regions of Calabi-Yau moduli space. Regardless of the cosmological model, a theory with an axion whose mass falls in a superradiant band can be probed by the measured properties of astrophysical black holes, unless the axion self-interaction is large enough to disrupt formation of a condensate. We study a large ensemble of compactifications on Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, with $1 \leq h^{1,1} \leq 491$ closed string axions, and determine whether the superradiance conditions on the masses and self-interactions are fulfilled. The axion mass spectrum is largely determined by the K\"ahler parameters, for mild assumptions about the contributing instantons, and takes a nearly-universal form when $h^{1,1} \gg 1$. When the K\"ahler moduli are taken at the tip of the stretched K\"ahler cone, the fraction of geometries excluded initially grows with $h^{1,1}$, to a maximum of $\approx 0.5$ at $h^{1,1} \approx 160$, and then falls for larger $h^{1,1}$. Further inside the K\"ahler cone, the superradiance constraints are far weaker, but for $h^{1,1} \gg 100$ the decay constants are so small that these geometries may be in tension with astrophysical bounds, depending on the realization of the Standard Model.

T. de Boer, R. Busse, A. Kappes, M. Klasen, S. Zeinstra

23 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables

Dark matter (DM) scattering and its subsequent capture in the Sun can boost the local relic density, leading to an enhanced neutrino flux from DM annihilations that is in principle detectable at neutrino telescopes. We calculate the event rates expected for a radiative seesaw model containing both scalar triplet and singlet-doublet fermion DM candidates. In the case of scalar DM, the absence of a spin dependent scattering on nuclei results in a low capture rate in the Sun, which is reflected in an event rate of less than one per year in the current IceCube configuration with 86 strings. For singlet-doublet fermion DM, there is a spin dependent scattering process next to the spin independent one, which significantly boosts the event rate and thus makes indirect detection competitive with respect to the direct detection limits imposed by PICO-60. Due to a correlation between both scattering processes, the limits on the spin independent cross section set by XENON1T exclude also parts of the parameter space that can be probed at IceCube. Previously obtained limits by ANTARES, IceCube and Super-Kamiokande from the Sun and the Galactic Center are shown to be much weaker.