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Papers for Wednesday, Mar 17 2021

L.Inno, H-W. Rix, K. Z. Stanek, T. Jayasinghe, E. Poggio, R. Drimmel, A. Rotundi

21 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables fully available in electronic form. Submitted to ApJ. Any comment is welcome

We present a well-defined and characterized all-sky sample of classical Cepheids in the Milky Way, obtained by combining two time-domain all-sky surveys: Gaia DR2 (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018) and ASAS-SN (Shappee et al. 2014). We first use parallax and variability information from Gaia to select ~30,000 bright (G<17) Cepheid candidates with M_K<-1. We then analyze their ASAS-SN V-band lightcurves, determining periods, and classifying the lightcurves using their Fourier parameters. This results in ~1900 likely Galactic Cepheids, which we estimate to be >90% complete and pure within our adopted selection criteria. This is the largest all-sky sample of Milky Way Cepheids that has such a well-characterized selection function, needed for population modeling and for systematic spectroscopic follow-up foreseen with SDSS-V. About 130 of these Cepheids have not been documented in the literature even as possible candidates.

Marco Padovani (1), Alexandre Marcowith (2), Daniele Galli (1), Leslie K. Hunt (1), Francesco Fontani (1) ((1) INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze - Italy, (2) LUPM-Université de Montpellier - France)

9 pages, 6 figures, accepted by A&A

Recently, there has been an increased interest in the study of the generation of low-energy cosmic rays (CRs; < 1 TeV) in shocks situated on the surface of a protostar or along protostellar jets. These locally accelerated CRs offer an attractive explanation for the high levels of non-thermal emission and ionisation rate, $\zeta$, observed close to these sources. The high $\zeta$ observed in some protostellar sources is generally attributed to shock-generated UV photons. The aim of this article is to show that when synchrotron emission and a high $\zeta$ are measured in the same spatial region, a locally shock-accelerated CR flux is sufficient to explain both phenomena. We assume that relativistic particles are accelerated according to the first-order Fermi acceleration mechanism and compute $\zeta$ and the non-thermal emission at cm wavelengths. We then apply our model to the star-forming region OMC-2 FIR 3/FIR 4. Using a Bayesian analysis, we constrain the parameters of the model and estimate the spectral indices of the non-thermal radio emission. We demonstrate that the local CR acceleration model makes it possible to simultaneously explain the synchrotron emission along the HOPS 370 jet within the FIR 3 region and $\zeta$ observed near the FIR 4 protocluster. Our model constrains the magnetic field strength (~250-450$~\mu$G), its turbulent component (~20-40$~\mu$G), and the jet velocity in the shock reference frame for the three non-thermal sources of the HOPS 370 jet (~350-1000 km s$^{-1}$). Beyond the modelling of the OMC-2 FIR 3/FIR 4 system, we show how the combination of continuum observations at cm wavelengths and molecular transitions is a powerful new tool for the analysis of star-forming regions: these two types of observations can be simultaneously interpreted by invoking only the presence of locally accelerated CRs, without having to resort to shock-generated UV photons.

Luis Welbanks, Nikku Madhusudhan

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Atmospheric retrievals of exoplanetary transmission spectra provide important constraints on various properties such as chemical abundances, cloud/haze properties, and characteristic temperatures, at the day-night atmospheric terminator. To date, most spectra have been observed for giant exoplanets due to which retrievals typically assume H-rich atmospheres. However, recent observations of mini-Neptunes/super-Earths, and the promise of upcoming facilities including JWST, call for a new generation of retrievals that can address a wide range of atmospheric compositions and related complexities. Here we report Aurora, a next-generation atmospheric retrieval framework that builds upon state-of-the-art architectures and incorporates the following key advancements: a) a generalised compositional retrieval allowing for H-rich and H-poor atmospheres, b) a generalised prescription for inhomogeneous clouds/hazes, c) multiple Bayesian inference algorithms for high-dimensional retrievals, d) modular considerations for refraction, forward scattering, and Mie-scattering, and e) noise modeling functionalities. We demonstrate Aurora on current and/or synthetic observations of hot Jupiter HD209458b, mini-Neptune K218b, and rocky exoplanet TRAPPIST1d. Using current HD209458b spectra, we demonstrate the robustness of our framework and cloud/haze prescription against assumptions of H-rich/H-poor atmospheres, improving on previous treatments. Using real and synthetic spectra of K218b, we demonstrate the agnostic approach to confidently constrain its bulk atmospheric composition and obtain precise abundance estimates. For TRAPPIST1d, 10 JWST NIRSpec transits can enable identification of the main atmospheric component for cloud-free CO$_2$-rich and N$_2$-rich atmospheres, and abundance constraints on trace gases including initial indications of O$_3$ if present at enhanced levels ($\sim$10-100x Earth levels).

Mélanie Chevance (Heidelberg University), J. M. Diederik Kruijssen (Heidelberg University), Steven N. Longmore (LJMU)

11 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Accepted to ApJ Letters

Recent studies have shown that the radii and masses of adjacent planets within a planetary system are correlated. It is unknown how this 'peas-in-a-pod' phenomenon originates, whether it is in place at birth or requires evolution, and whether it (initially) applies only to neighboring planets or to all planets within a system. Here we address these questions by making use of the recent discovery that planetary system architectures strongly depend on ambient stellar clustering. Based on Gaia's second data release, we divide the sample of planetary systems hosting multiple planets into those residing in stellar position-velocity phase space overdensities and the field, representing samples with elevated and low degrees of external perturbation, respectively. We demonstrate that the peas-in-a-pod phenomenon manifests itself in both samples, suggesting that the uniformity of planetary properties within a system is not restricted to direct neighbors and likely already exists at birth. The radius uniformity is significantly elevated in overdensities, suggesting that it can be enhanced by evolutionary effects that either have a similar impact on the entire planetary system or favour the retention of similar planets. The mass uniformity may exhibit a similar, but weaker dependence. Finally, we find ordering in both samples, with the planet radius and mass increasing outwards. Despite its prevalence, the ordering is somewhat weaker in overdensities, suggesting that it may be disrupted by external perturbations arising from stellar clustering. We conclude that a comprehensive understanding of the 'peas-in-a-pod' phenomenon requires linking planet formation and evolution to the large-scale stellar and galactic environment.

Xuheng Ding, Kai Liao, Simon Birrer, Anowar J. Shajib, Tommaso Treu, Lilan Yang

7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

Strongly lensed explosive transients such as supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, fast radio bursts, and gravitational waves are very promising tools to determine the Hubble constant ($H_0$) in the near future in addition to strongly lensed quasars. In this work, we show that the transient nature of the point source provides an advantage over quasars: the lensed host galaxy can be observed before or after the transient's appearance. Therefore, the lens model can be derived from images free of the contamination from bright point sources. We quantify this advantage by comparing the precision of lens model obtained from the same lenses with and without point sources. Based on the Hubble space telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) observation with the same sets of lensing parameters, we simulate realistic mock datasets of 48 quasar lensing systems (i.e., adding AGN in the galaxy center) and 48 galaxy--galaxy lensing systems (assuming the transient source is not-visible but the time delay and image positions have been or will be measured). We then model the images and compare the inferences of the lens model parameters and $H_0$. We find that the precision of the lens models (in terms of the deflector mass slope) is better by a factor of 4.1 for the sample without lensed point sources, resulting in an increase of $H_0$ precision by a factor of 2.9. The opportunity to observe the lens systems without the transient point sources provides an additional advantage for time-delay cosmography over lensed quasars. It facilitates the determination of higher signal-to-noise stellar kinematics of the main deflector, and thus its mass density profile, which in turn plays a key role in breaking the mass-sheet degeneracy and constraining $H_0$.

Sebastian Trujillo-Gomez, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Marta Reina-Campos

21 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Feedback and comments welcome

In addition to their low stellar densities, ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) have a broad variety of dynamical mass-to-light ratios, ranging from dark matter (DM) dominated systems to objects nearly devoid of DM. To investigate the origin of this diversity, we develop a simple, semi-empirical model that predicts the structural evolution of galaxies, driven by feedback from massive star clusters, as a function of their departure from the mean SMHM relation. The model predicts that a galaxy located $\gtrsim 0.5$ dex above the mean relation at $M_{\rm halo}=10^{10}M_{\odot}$ will host a factor of $\sim 10-100$ larger globular cluster (GC) populations, and that feedback from these GCs drives a significant expansion of the stellar component and loss of DM compared to galaxies on the SMHM relation. This effect is stronger in haloes that collapse earlier and have enhanced star formation rates at $z\gtrsim2$, which leads to increased gas pressures, stellar clustering, and mean cluster masses, and significantly enhances the energy loading of galactic winds and its impact on the DM and stellar orbits. The impact on galaxy size and DM content can be large enough to explain observed galaxies that contain nearly the universal baryon fraction, as well as NGC1052-DF2 and DF4 and other isolated UDGs that contain almost no DM. The trend of increasing galaxy size with GC specific frequency observed in galaxy clusters also emerges naturally in the model. Our predictions can be tested with large and deep surveys of the stellar and GC populations in dwarfs and UDGs. Because stellar clustering drives the efficiency of galactic winds, it may be a dominant factor in the structural evolution of galaxies and should be included as an essential ingredient in galaxy formation models.

An excess of 511 keV photons has been detected from the central region of the Milky Way. It has been suggested that the positrons responsible for this signal could be produced through the Hawking evaporation of primordial black holes. After evaluating the constraints from INTEGRAL, COMPTEL, and Voyager 1, we find that black holes in mass range of $\sim(1-4)\times10^{16}$ g could potentially produce this signal if they make up a small fraction of the total dark matter density. If primordial black holes are responsible for the observed 511 keV signal, then we should expect several hundred black holes to reside within the Solar System. This class of scenarios should be testable with proposed MeV-scale gamma-ray telescopes such as AMIGO or e-ASTROGAM.

T. K. Garratt, K. E. K. Coppin, J. E. Geach, O. Almaini, W. G. Hartley, D. T. Maltby, C. J. Simpson, A. Wilkinson, C. J. Conselice, M. Franco, R. J. Ivison, M. P. Koprowski, C. C. Lovell, A. Pope, D. Scott, P. van der Werf

Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present new empirical constraints on the evolution of $\rho_{\rm H_2}$, the cosmological mass density of molecular hydrogen, back to $z\approx2.5$. We employ a statistical approach measuring the average observed $850\mu{\rm m}$ flux density of near-infrared selected galaxies as a function of redshift. The redshift range considered corresponds to a span where the $850\mu{\rm m}$ band probes the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of thermal dust emission in the rest-frame, and can therefore be used as an estimate of the mass of the interstellar medium (ISM). Our sample comprises of ${\approx}150,000$ galaxies in the UKIDSS-UDS field with near-infrared magnitudes $K_{\rm AB}\leq25$ mag and photometric redshifts with corresponding probability distribution functions derived from deep 12-band photometry. With a sample approximately 2 orders of magnitude larger than in previous works we significantly reduce statistical uncertainties on $\rho_{\rm H_2}$ to $z\approx2.5$. Our measurements are in broad agreement with recent direct estimates from blank field molecular gas surveys, finding that the epoch of molecular gas coincides with the peak epoch of star formation with $\rho_{\rm H_2}\approx2\times10^7\,{\rm M_\odot}\,{\rm Mpc^{-3}}$ at $z\approx2$. We demonstrate that $\rho_{\rm H_2}$ can be broadly modelled by inverting the star-formation rate density with a fixed or weakly evolving star-formation efficiency. This 'constant efficiency' model shows a similar evolution to our statistically derived $\rho_{\rm H_2}$, indicating that the dominant factor driving the peak star formation history at $z\approx2$ is a larger supply of molecular gas in galaxies rather than a significant evolution of the star-formation rate efficiency within individual galaxies.

William R. Coulton

8 pages, 4 figures

At linear order the only expected source of a curl-like, B mode, polarization pattern in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) is primordial gravitational waves. At second-order B modes are also produced from purely scalar, density, initial conditions. Unlike B modes from primordial gravitational waves, these B modes are expected to be non-Gaussian and not independent from the temperature and gradient-like polarization, E mode, CMB anisotropies. We find that the three point function between a second-order B mode and two first-order T/E modes is a powerful probe of second-order B modes and should be detectable by upcoming CMB experiments. We focus on the contribution to the three point function arising from non-linear evolution and scattering processes before the end of recombination as this provides new information on the universe at $z> 1000$. We find that this contribution can be separated from the other contributions and is measurable at $\sim 2.5 \sigma$ by CMB experiments with noise levels of $\sim 1 \mu$Karcmin and delensing efficiencies $\ge 90\%$, such as the proposed PICO satellite. We show that approximately half of the total signal arises from non-linearly induced vector and tensor metric perturbations, as evaluated in the Newtonian gauge. This bispectrum is a unique probe of these perturbations in the CMB, as their contribution to the power spectrum is suppressed. An important feature of this bispectrum is that the detectability will increase with decreasing experimental noise, in the absence of primordial B modes, provided that delensing efficiencies improve in parallel.

Han Gil Choi, Chanung Park, Sunghoon Jung

21 pages, 15 figures

Dark matter (DM) substructures at subgalactic scales ($M\lesssim 10^7 M_\odot $ or $k\gtrsim 10^3 \,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$) are pristine testbeds for DM. However, they remain unexplored yet, being typically too diffuse and dark to induce visible signals. We first show that such NFW subhalos can be detected individually with single-imaged diffractive lensing of chirping gravitational waves (GWs). Detection rates are expected to be ${\cal O}(10)$ per year at BBO and less at LISA, limited by small merger rates of heavy black-hole binaries and large required SNR $\gtrsim 1/\gamma(r_0) \sim 10^3$. Remarkably, by developing a general formalism for weak diffractive lensing, we find that the frequency dependence of lensing, what is actually the measurable effect, is due to shear $\gamma$ at the Fresnel length $r_F$. It not only provides useful insights but also offers a new way to measure mass profiles; the chirping $r_F \propto f^{-1/2}$ probes successively smaller length scales. Further, by completing the formalism with strong diffractive lensing, we generalize estimations for power-law profiles and demonstrate the idea of measuring profiles through small-scale shear.

Jack Burns, Gregg Hallinan, Tzu-Ching Chang, Marin Anderson, Judd Bowman, Richard Bradley, Steven Furlanetto, Alex Hegedus, Justin Kasper, Jonathan Kocz, Joseph Lazio, Jim Lux, Robert MacDowall, Jordan Mirocha, Issa Nesnas, Jonathan Pober, Ronald Polidan, David Rapetti, Andres Romero-Wolf, Anže Slosar, Albert Stebbins, Lawrence Teitelbaum, Martin White

14 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, response to DOE request for information on lunar farside radio telescope to explore the early universe. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1911.08649

An array of low-frequency dipole antennas on the lunar farside surface will probe a unique, unexplored epoch in the early Universe called the Dark Ages. It begins at Recombination when neutral hydrogen atoms formed, first revealed by the cosmic microwave background. This epoch is free of stars and astrophysics, so it is ideal to investigate high energy particle processes including dark matter, early Dark Energy, neutrinos, and cosmic strings. A NASA-funded study investigated the design of the instrument and the deployment strategy from a lander of 128 pairs of antenna dipoles across a 10 kmx10 km area on the lunar surface. The antenna nodes are tethered to the lander for central data processing, power, and data transmission to a relay satellite. The array, named FARSIDE, would provide the capability to image the entire sky in 1400 channels spanning frequencies from 100 kHz to 40 MHz, extending down two orders of magnitude below bands accessible to ground-based radio astronomy. The lunar farside can simultaneously provide isolation from terrestrial radio frequency interference, the Earth's auroral kilometric radiation, and plasma noise from the solar wind. It is thus the only location within the inner solar system from which sky noise limited observations can be carried out at sub-MHz frequencies. Through precision calibration via an orbiting beacon and exquisite foreground characterization, the farside array would measure the Dark Ages global 21-cm signal at redshifts z~35-200. It will also be a pathfinder for a larger 21-cm power spectrum instrument by carefully measuring the foreground with high dynamic range.

Shogo Ishikawa, Teppei Okumura, Masamune Oguri, Sheng-Chieh Lin

16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ

We present the clustering analysis of photometric luminous red galaxies (LRGs) at a broad redshift range, $0.1 \leq z \leq 1.05$, selected in the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program Wide layer. The CAMIRA algorithm yields $615,317$ LRGs over $\sim 124$ deg$^{2}$ with information of stellar masses and photometric redshifts, enabling to trace the redshift and stellar-mass dependence of the baryonic and dark halo characteristics of LRGs. The halo occupation distribution analysis reveals a tight correlation between the dark halo mass of central LRGs, $M_{\rm min}$, and the number density of LRGs independently of redshifts, indicating that the formation of LRGs is associated with the global environment. The halo mass $M_{\rm min}$ of the LRGs depends only weakly on the stellar mass $M_{\star}$ at $M_{\star} \lesssim 10^{10.75}h^{-2}M_{\odot}$ and $0.3<z<1.05$, in contrast to the $M_{\rm min}$--$M_{\star}$ relation for all galaxies including both red and blue galaxies. This is indicative of the dark halo mass is being the key parameter for the formation of LRGs rather than the stellar mass. Our result suggests that the halo mass of $\sim 10^{12.5\pm0.2}h^{-1}M_{\odot}$ is the critical mass for an efficient halo quenching due to the halo environment. A comparison between our observed halo masses and the hydrodynamical simulation indicates that the low-mass LRGs at $z\sim1$ increase their stellar masses one order magnitude across $z=1-0$ through mergers and satellite accretions, and large fraction of massive LRGs at $z<0.9$ evolve from massive green valley galaxies with short transition time scale.

L. Pattavina, N. Ferreiro Iachellini, L. Pagnanini, L. Canonica, E. Celi, M. Clemenza, F. Ferroni, E. Fiorini, A. Garai, L. Gironi, M. Mancuso, S. Nisi, F. Petricca, S. Pirro, S. Pozzi, A. Puiu, J. Rothe, S. Schoenert, L. Shtembari, R. Strauss, V. Wagner

RES-NOVA is a new proposed experiment for the investigation of astrophysical neutrino sources with archaeological Pb-based cryogenic detectors. RES-NOVA will exploit Coherent Elastic neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CE$\nu$NS) as detection channel, thus it will be equally sensitive to all neutrino flavors produced by Supernovae (SNe). RES-NOVA with only a total active volume of (60 cm)$^3$ and an energy threshold of 1 keV will probe the entire Milky Way Galaxy for (failed) core-collapse SNe with $> 3 \sigma$ detection significance. The high detector modularity makes RES-NOVA ideal also for reconstructing the main parameters (e.g. average neutrino energy, star binding energy) of SNe occurring in our vicinity, without deterioration of the detector performance caused by the high neutrino interaction rate. For the first time, distances $<3$ kpc can be surveyed, similarly to the ones where all known past galactic SNe happened. We discuss the RES-NOVA potential, accounting for a realistic setup, considering the detector geometry, modularity and background level in the region of interest. We report on the RES-NOVA background model and on the sensitivity to SN neutrinos as a function of the distance travelled by neutrinos.

Johannes Diehl, Jochen Weller

21 pages, 6 figures

In this paper we investigate the potential of current and upcoming cosmological surveys to constrain the mass and abundance of ultra-light axion (ULA) cosmologies with galaxy cluster number counts. ULAs, sometimes also referred to as Fuzzy Dark Matter, are well-motivated in many theories beyond the Standard Model and could potentially solve the $\Lambda$CDM small-scale crisis. Galaxy cluster counts provide a robust probe of the formation of structures in the Universe. Their distribution in mass and redshift is strongly sensitive to the underlying linear matter perturbations. In this forecast paper we explore two scenarios, firstly an exclusion limit on axion mass given a no-axion model and secondly constraints on an axion model. With this we obtain lower limits on the ULA mass on the order of $m_a \gtrsim 10^{-24}$ eV. However, this result depends heavily on the mass of the smallest reliably observable clusters for a given survey. Cluster counts, like many other cosmological probes, display an approximate degeneracy in the ULA mass vs. abundance parameter space, which is dependent on the characteristics of the probe. These degeneracies are different for other cosmological probes. Hence galaxy cluster counts might provide a complementary window on the properties of ultra-light axions.

Francesco Ubertosi, Myriam Gitti, Eleonora Torresi, Fabrizio Brighenti, Paola Grandi

18 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present the first X-ray dedicated study of the galaxy cluster A795 and of the Fanaroff-Riley Type 0 hosted in its brightest cluster galaxy. Using an archival 30 ks \textit{Chandra} observation we study the dynamical state and cooling properties of the intracluster medium, and we investigate whether the growth of the radio galaxy is prevented by the surrounding environment. We discover that A795 is a weakly cool core cluster, with an observed mass deposition rate $\lessapprox 14\,$ M$_{\odot}$yr$^{-1}$ in the cooling region (central $\sim$66 kpc). In the inner $\sim$ 30 kpc we identify two putative X-ray cavities, and we unveil the presence of two prominent cold fronts at $\sim$60 kpc and $\sim$178 kpc from the center, located along a cold ICM spiral feature. The central galaxy, which is offset by 17.7 kpc from the X-ray peak, is surrounded by a multi-temperature gas with an average density of $n_{\text{e}} = 2.14 \times 10^{-2}$ cm$^{-3}$. We find extended radio emission at 74-227 MHz centered on the cluster, exceeding the expected flux from the radio galaxy extrapolated at low frequency. We propose that sloshing is responsible for the spiral morphology of the gas and the formation of the cold fronts, and that the environment alone cannot explain the compactness of the radio galaxy. We argue that the power of the two cavities and the sloshing kinetic energy can reduce and offset cooling. Considering the spectral and morphological properties of the extended radio emission, we classify it as a candidate radio mini-halo.

The study of astrophysical plasma lensing, such as in the case of extreme scattering events, has typically been conducted using the geometric limit of optics, neglecting wave effects. However, for the lensing of coherent sources such as pulsars and fast radio bursts (FRBs), wave effects can play an important role. Asymptotic methods, such as the so-called Eikonal limit, also known as the stationary phase approximation, have been used to include first-order wave effects; however, these methods fail at Stokes lines. Stokes lines are generic features of a variety of lens models, and are regions in parameter space where imaginary images begin to contribute to the overall intensity modulation of lensed sources. Using the mathematical framework of Picard-Lefschetz theory to compute diffraction integrals, we argue that these imaginary images contain as much information as their geometric counterparts, and may potentially be observable in data. Thus, weak-lensing events where these imaginary images are present can be as useful for inferring lens parameters as strong-lensing events in which multiple geometric images are present.

Shuo Kong, Héctor G. Arce, Yancy Shirley, Colton Glasgow

accepted by ApJ

A sample of 1.3 mm continuum cores in the Dragon infrared dark cloud (also known as G28.37+0.07 or G28.34+0.06) is analyzed statistically. Based on their association with molecular outflows, the sample is divided into protostellar and starless cores. Statistical tests suggest that the protostellar cores are more massive than the starless cores, even after temperature and opacity biases are accounted for. We suggest that the mass difference indicates core mass growth since their formation. The mass growth implies that massive star formation may not have to start with massive prestellar cores, depending on the core mass growth rate. Its impact on the relation between core mass function and stellar initial mass function is to be further explored.

Hora D. Mishra, Xinyu Dai, Ping Chen, Jigui Cheng, T. Jayasinghe, Michael A. Tucker, Patrick J. Vallely, David Bersier, Subhash Bose, Aaron Do, Subo Dong, Thomas W. S. Holoien, Mark E. Huber, Christopher S. Kochanek, Enwei Liang, Anna V. Payne, Jose Prieto, Benjamin J. Shappee, K.Z. Stanek, Saloni Bhatiani, John Cox, Cora DeFrancesco, Zhiqiang Shen, Todd A. Thompson, Junfeng Wang

21 pages, 6 figures

Blazars are active galactic nuclei with their relativistic jets pointing toward the observer, with two major sub-classes, the flat spectrum radio quasars and BL Lac objects. We present multi-wavelength photometric and spectroscopic monitoring observations of the blazar, B2 1420+32, focusing on its outbursts in 2018-2020. Multi-epoch spectra show that the blazar exhibited large scale spectral variability in both its continuum and line emission, accompanied by dramatic gamma-ray and optical variability by factors of up to 40 and 15, respectively, on week to month timescales. Over the last decade, the gamma-ray and optical fluxes increased by factors of 1500 and 100, respectively. B2 1420+32 was an FSRQ with broad emission lines in 1995. Following a series of flares starting in 2018, it transitioned between BL Lac and FSRQ states multiple times, with the emergence of a strong Fe pseudo continuum. Two spectra also contain components that can be modeled as single-temperature black bodies of 12,000 and 5,200 K. Such a collection of "changing look" features has never been observed previously in a blazar. We measure gamma-ray-optical and the inter-band optical lags implying emission region separations of less than 800 and 130 gravitational radii respectively. Since most emission line flux variations, except the Fe continuum, are within a factor of 2-3, the transitions between FSRQ and BL Lac classifications are mainly caused by the continuum variability. The large Fe continuum flux increase suggests the occurrence of dust sublimation releasing more Fe ions in the central engine and an energy transfer from the relativistic jet to sub-relativistic emission components.

Nataniel L. Figueroa, Dmitry Budker, Ernst M. Rasel

Dark matter is one of the biggest open questions in physics today. It is known that it interacts gravitationally with luminous matter, so accelerometer-based searches are inherently interesting. In this article we present recent (and future) searches for dark matter candidates such as feebly interacting matter trapped inside the Earth, scalar-matter domain walls and axion quark nuggets, with accelerometer networks and give an outlook of how new atomic-interferometry-based accelerometer networks could support dark matter searches.

George Efstathiou

5 pages 3 figures

This paper investigates whether changes to late time physics can resolve the `Hubble tension'. It is argued that many of the claims in the literature favouring such solutions are caused by a misunderstanding of how distance ladder measurements actually work and, in particular, by the inappropriate use of distance ladder H0 priors. A dynamics-free inverse distance ladder shows that changes to late time physics are strongly constrained observationally and cannot resolve the discrepancy between the SH0ES data and the base LCDM cosmology inferred from Planck.

Rogemar A. Riffel, Marina Bianchin, Rogerio Riffel, Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann, Astor J. Schonell, Luis Gabriel Dahmer-Hahn, Natacha Z. Dametto, Marlon R. Diniz

18 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The near-infrared spectra of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) present emission lines of different atomic and molecular species. The mechanisms involved in the origin of these emission lines in AGN are still not fully understood. We use J and K band integral field spectra of six luminous ($43.1<\log L_{\rm bol}/({\rm erg s^{-1}})<44.4$) Seyfert galaxies (NGC 788, Mrk 607, NGC 3227, NGC 3516, NGC 5506 and NGC 5899) in the Local Universe ($0.0039<z<0.0136$) to investigate the gas excitation within the inner 100-300 pc radius of the galaxies at spatial resolutions of a few tens of parsecs. In all galaxies, the H$_2$ emission originates from thermal processes with excitation temperatures in the range 2400-5200 K. In the high line ratio (HLR) region of the H$_2$/Br$\gamma$ vs. [Fe II]/Pa$\beta$ diagnostic diagram, which includes 29 % of the spaxels, shocks are the main excitation mechanism, as indicated by the correlation between the line widths and line ratios. In the AGN region of the diagram (64 % of the spaxels) the H$_2$ emission is due to the AGN radiation. The [Fe II] emission is produced by a combination of photoionisation by the AGN radiation and shocks in five galaxies and is dominated by photoionisation in NGC 788. The [S IX]1.2523$\mu$m coronal emission line is present in all galaxies, and its flux distributions are extended from 80 to 185 pc from the galaxy nuclei, except for NGC 5899, in which this line is detected only in the integrated spectrum.

Robert Alicki, Alejandro Jenkins

6 pages, 1 figure

We show that convection in the stellar photosphere generates plasma waves by an irreversible process akin to Zeldovich superradiance. In the Sun, this mechanism is most efficient in quiet regions with magnetic fields of order one gauss. Most of the energy is carried by Alfven waves with megahertz frequencies, which travel upwards until they reach a height at which they dissipate via mode conversion. A power flux estimate shows that this mechanism offers a plausible explanation of how energy is persistently transported from the colder photosphere to the hotter corona.

Jaesub Hong, Jonathan Grindlay, Branden Allen, Daniel P. Violette, Hiromasa Miyasaka, Dean Malta, Jennifer Ovental, David Bordelon, Daniel Richter

14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are commonly used to efficiently process the signals from sensors and detectors in space. Wire bonding is a space qualified technique of making interconnections between ASICs and their substrate packaging board for power, control and readout of the ASICs. Wire bonding is nearly ubiquitous in modern space programs, but their exposed wires can be prone to damage during assembly and subject to electric interference during operations. Additional space around the ASICs needed for wire bonding also impedes efficient packaging of large arrays of detectors. Here we introduce the Through Silicon Vias (TSV) technology that replaces wire bonds and eliminates their shortcomings. We have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of implementing TSVs to existing ASIC wafers (a.k.a. a via-last process) developed for processing the X-ray signals from the X-ray imaging CdZnTe detectors on the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Small Explorer mission that was launched in 2012. While TSVs are common in the semiconductor industry, this is the first (to our knowledge) successful application for Astrophysics imaging instrumentation. We expect that the TSV technology will simplify the detector assembly, and thus will enable significant cost and schedule savings in assembly of large area CdZnTe detectors.

Jennifer N. Larson, Gal Sarid

13 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, 2 appendices. Published (advance access) on 2/15/2021, see this https URL

We introduce here our new approach to modeling particle cloud evolution off surface of small bodies (asteroids and comets), following the evolution of ejected particles requires dealing with various time and spatial scales, in an efficient, accurate and modular way. In order to improve computational efficiency and accuracy of such calculations, we created an N-body modeling package as an extension to the increasingly popular orbital dynamics N-body integrator Rebound. Our code is currently a stand-alone variant of the Rebound code and is aimed at advancing a comprehensive understanding of individual particle trajectories, external forcing, and interactions, at the scale which is otherwise overlooked by other modeling approaches. The package we developed -- Rebound Ejecta Dynamics (RED) -- is a Python-based implementation with no additional dependencies. It incorporates several major mechanisms that affect the evolution of particles in low-gravity environments and enables a more straightforward simulation of combined effects. We include variable size and velocity distributions, solar radiation pressure, ellipsoidal gravitational potential, binary or triple asteroid systems, and particle-particle interactions. In this paper, we present a sample of the RED package capabilities. These are applied to a small asteroid binary system (characterized following the Didymos/Dimorphos system, which is the target for NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test mission)

Jiri Krticka, Achim Feldmeier

9 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Line-driven wind instability is expected to cause small-scale wind inhomogeneities, X-ray emission, and wind line profile variability. The instability can already develop around the sonic point if it is initiated close to the photosphere due to stochastic turbulent motions. In such cases, it may leave its imprint on the light curve as a result of wind blanketing. We study the photometric signatures of the line-driven wind instability. We used line-driven wind instability simulations to determine the wind variability close to the star. We applied two types of boundary perturbations: a sinusoidal one that enables us to study in detail the development of the instability and a stochastic one given by a Langevin process that provides a more realistic boundary perturbation. We estimated the photometric variability from the resulting mass-flux variations. The variability was simulated assuming that the wind consists of a large number of independent conical wind sectors. We compared the simulated light curves with TESS light curves of OB stars that show stochastic variability. We find two typical signatures of line-driven wind instability in photometric data: a knee in the power spectrum of magnitude fluctuations, which appears due to engulfment of small-scale structure by larger structures, and a negative skewness of the distribution of fluctuations, which is the result of spatial dominance of rarefied regions. These features endure even when combining the light curves from independent wind sectors. The stochastic photometric variability of OB stars bears certain signatures of the line-driven wind instability. The distribution function of observed photometric data shows negative skewness and the power spectra of a fraction of light curves exhibit a knee. This can be explained as a result of the line-driven wind instability triggered by stochastic base perturbations.

Ryan M. Lau, Samaporn Tinyanont, Matthew J. Hankins, Michael C. B. Ashley, Kishalay De, Alexei V. Filippenko, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Jon C. Mauerhan, Anthony F. J. Moffat, Anna M. Moore, Nathan Smith, Jamie Soon, Roberto Soria, Tony Travouillon, Karel A. van der Hucht, Peredur M. Williams, WeiKang Zheng

16 Pages, 7 Figures, 3 Tables, 1 Table Attachment, Submitted to AAS Journals

We present optical and infrared (IR) light curves of the enshrouded massive binary NaSt1 (WR 122) with observations from Palomar Gattini-IR (PGIR), the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), the Katzman Automatic Imaging Telescope (KAIT), and the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). The optical and IR light curves span between 2014 July and 2020 Oct., revealing periodic, sinusoidal variability from NaSt1 with a $P=305.2\pm1.0$ d period. We also present historical IR light curves taken between 1983 July and 1989 May that also indicate NaSt1 exhibits long-term IR variability on timescales of $\sim$decades. Fixed-period sinusoidal fits to the recent optical and IR light curves show that amplitude of NaSt1's variability is different at different wavelengths and also reveal significant phase offsets of $\sim18$ d between the ZTF $r$ and PGIR $J$ light curves.We interpret the $\sim300$ d period of the observed variability as the orbital period of a binary system in NaSt1. Assuming a circular orbit and adopting a range of combined stellar mass values in the range 20-100 M$_\odot$ in NaSt1, we estimate orbital separations of $\sim2$-4 au. We suggest that the sinusoidal photometric variability of NaSt1 may arise from variations in the line-of-sight optical depth toward circumstellar optical/IR emitting regions throughout its orbit due to colliding-wind dust formation. We provide an interpretation on the nature of NaSt1 and speculate that the mass-transfer process may have been triggered by Roche-lobe overflow (RLOF) during an eruptive phase of a Ofpe/WN9 star. Lastly, we claim that NaSt1 ceased RLOF mass transfer $\lesssim3400$ yr ago.

Akash Gupta, Hilke E. Schlichting

15 pages, 7 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome!

Past studies have demonstrated that atmospheric escape by the core-powered mass-loss mechanism can explain a multitude of observations associated with the radius valley that separates the super-Earth and sub-Neptune planet populations. Complementing such studies, in this work, we present a shortlist of planets that could be losing their atmospheres today if their evolution is indeed primarily dictated by core-powered mass-loss. We use Bayesian inference analysis on our planet evolution and mass-loss model to estimate the posteriors of the parameters that encapsulate the current state of a given planet, given their published masses, radii and host star properties. Our models predict that the following planets could be losing their atmospheres today at a rate $\gtrsim 10^7$ g/s at 50\% confidence level: pi Men c, Kepler-60 d, Kepler-60 b, HD 86226 c, EPIC 249893012 b, Kepler-107 c, HD 219134 b, Kepler-80 e, Kepler-138 d and GJ 9827 d. As a by-product of our Bayesian inference analysis, we were also able to identify planets that most-likely harbor either secondary atmospheres abundant with high mean-molecular weight species, low-density interiors abundant with ices, or both. The planets belonging to this second category are WASP-47 e, Kepler-78 b, Kepler-10 b, CoRoT-7 b, HD 80653 b, 55 Cnc e and Kepler-36 b. While the aforementioned lists are by no means exhaustive, we believe that candidates presented here can serve as useful input for target selection for future surveys and for testing the importance of core-powered mass-loss in individual planetary systems.

Alan P. Jackson, Steven J. Desch

24 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in JGR: Planets. Code available at this https URL

The origin of the interstellar object 1I/'Oumuamua has defied explanation. We perform calculations of the non-gravitational acceleration that would be experienced by bodies composed of a range of different ices and demonstrate that a body composed of N2 ice would satisfy the available constraints on the non-gravitational acceleration, size and albedo, and lack of detectable emission of CO or CO2 or dust. We find that 'Oumuamua was small, with dimensions 45 m x 44 m x 7.5 m at the time of observation at 1.42 au from the Sun, with a high albedo of 0.64. This albedo is consistent with the N2 surfaces of bodies like Pluto and Triton. We estimate 'Oumuamua was ejected about 0.4-0.5 Gyr ago from a young stellar system, possibly in the Perseus arm. Objects like 'Oumuamua may directly probe the surface compositions of a hitherto-unobserved type of exoplanet: "exo-plutos". In a companion paper (Desch & Jackson, 2021) we demonstrate that dynamical instabilities like the one experienced by the Kuiper belt, in other stellar systems, plausibly could generate and eject large numbers of N2 ice fragments. 'Oumuamua may be the first sample of an exoplanet brought to us.

Magnus Axelsson, Alexandra Veledina

10 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

The geometry of the inner accretion flow in the hard and hard-intermediate states of X-ray binaries remains controversial. Using NICER observations of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1820+070 during the rising phase of its 2018 outburst, we study the evolution of the timing properties, in particular the characteristic variability frequencies of the prominent iron K$\alpha$ line. Using frequency-resolved spectroscopy, we find that reflection occurs at large distances from the Comptonizing region in the bright hard state. During the hard- to soft transition, the variability properties suggest the reflector moves closer to the X-ray source. In parallel, the peak of the iron line shifts from 6.5 to ~7 keV, becoming consistent with that expected of from a highly inclined disc extending close to the black hole. We additionally find significant changes in the dependence of the root-mean-square (rms) variability on both energy and Fourier frequency as the source softens. The evolution of the rms-energy dependence, the line profile, and the timing properties of the iron line as traced by the frequency-resolved spectroscopy all support the picture of a truncated disc/inner flow geometry.

Steven J. Desch, Alan P. Jackson

29 pages, 1 figure. Companion to Jackson & Desch (2021), "1I/'Oumuamua as an N2 ice fragment of an exo-pluto surface. I. Size and compositional constraints"

The origin of the interstellar object 1I/'Oumuamua, has defied explanation. In a companion paper (Jackson & Desch, 2021), we show that a body of N2 ice with axes 45 m x 44 m x 7.5 m at the time of observation would be consistent with its albedo, non-gravitational acceleration, and lack of observed CO or CO2 or dust. Here we demonstrate that impacts on the surfaces of Pluto-like Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) would have generated and ejected ~10^14 collisional fragments--roughly half of them H2O ice fragments and half of them N2 ice fragments--due to the dynamical instability that depleted the primordial Kuiper belt. We show consistency between these numbers and the frequency with which we would observe interstellar objects like 1I/'Oumuamua, and more comet-like objects like 2I/Borisov, if other stellar systems eject such objects with efficiency like that of the Sun; we infer that differentiated KBOs and dynamical instabilities that eject impact-generated fragments may be near-universal among extrasolar systems. Galactic cosmic rays would erode such fragments over 4.5 Gyr, so that fragments are a small fraction (~0.1%) of long-period Oort comets, but C/2016 R2 may be an example. We estimate 'Oumuamua was ejected about 0.4-0.5 Gyr ago, from a young (~10^8 yr) stellar system, which we speculate was in the Perseus arm. Objects like 'Oumuamua may directly probe the surface compositions of a hitherto-unobserved type of exoplanet: "exo-plutos". 'Oumuamua may be the first sample of an exoplanet brought to us.

Tao Cai, Kwing L. Chan, Hans G. Mayr

Accepted to the Planetary Science Journal; 15 figures, 3 movies

Juno Mission to Jupiter has found closely-packed cyclones at the planet's two poles. The observation that these cyclones coexist in very confined space, with outer rims almost touching each other but without merging, poses a big puzzle. In this work, we present numerical calculations showing that convectively sustained, closely-packed cyclones can form and survive without merging for a very long time in polar region of a deep rotating convection zone (for thousands of planetary rotation periods). Through an idealized application of the inertial stability criterion for axisymmetric circulations, it is found that the large Coriolis parameter near the pole plays a crucial role in allowing the cyclones to be packed closely.

Kei E. I. Tanaka, Yichen Zhang, Kazuhito Motogi

7 pages, 4 figures, Published in the ngVLA-Japan Memo Series

The Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA) has excellent capabilities to unveil various dynamical and chemical processes in massive star formation at the unexplored innermost regions. Based on the recent observations of ALMA/VLA as well as theoretical predictions, we propose several intriguing topics in massive star formation from the perspective of the ngVLA. In the disk scale of $\lesssim$ 100 au around massive protostars, dust grains are expected to be destructed/sublimated because the physical conditions of temperature, shocks, and radiation are much more intense than those in the envelopes, which are typically observed as hot cores. The high sensitivity and resolution of the ngVLA will enable us to detect the gaseous refractories released by dust destruction, e.g., SiO, NaCl, and AlO, which trace disk kinematics and give new insights into the metallic elements in star-forming regions, i.e., astromineralogy. The multi-epoch survey by the ngVLA will provide demographics of forming massive multiples with separations of $\lesssim$ 10 au with their proper motion. Combining with observations of refractory molecular lines and hydrogen recombination lines, we can reproduce the three-dimensional orbital motions of massive proto-binaries. Moreover, the 1-mas resolution of the ngVLA could possibly take the first-ever picture of the photospheric surface of an accreting protostar, if it is bloated to the au scale by the high accretion rates of mass and thermal energy.

S. Jin, H. Dannerbauer, B. Emonts, P. Serra, C. D. P. Lagos, A. P. Thomson, L. Bassini, M. Lehnert, J. R. Allison, J. B. Champagne, B. Indermuhle, R. P. Norris, N. Seymour, R. Shimakawa, C. M. Casey, C. De Breuck, G. Drouart, N. Hatch, T. Kodama, Y. Koyama, P. Macgregor, G. Miley, R. Overzier, J. M. Perez-Martinez, J. M. Rodriguez-Espinosa, H. Rottgering, M. Sanchez Portal, B. Ziegler

21 pages + Appendices, 9 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A

We report a detailed CO(1-0) survey of a galaxy protocluster field at $z=2.16$, based on 475 hours of observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We constructed a large mosaic of 13 individual pointings, covering an area of 21 arcmin$^2$ and $\pm6500$ km/s range in velocity. We obtain a robust sample of 46 CO(1-0) detections spanning $z=2.09-2.22$, constituting the largest sample of molecular gas measurements in protoclusters to date. The CO emitters show an overdensity at $z=2.12-2.21$, suggesting a galaxy super-protocluster or a protocluster connected to large-scale filaments with ~120 cMpc size. We find that 90% CO emitters have distances $>0'.5-4'$ to the center galaxy, indicating that small area surveys would miss the majority of gas reservoirs in similar structures. Half of the CO emitters have velocities larger than escape velocities, which appears gravitationally unbound to the cluster core. These unbound sources are barely found within the $R_{200}$ radius around the center, which is consistent with a picture in which the cluster core is collapsed while outer regions are still in formation. Compared to other protoclusters, this structure contains relatively more CO emitters with relatively narrow line width and high luminosity, indicating galaxy mergers. We use these CO emitters to place the first constraint on the CO luminosity function and molecular gas density in an overdense environment. The amplitude of the CO luminosity function is 1.6$\pm$0.5 orders of magnitudes higher than observed for field galaxy samples at $z\sim2$, and one order of magnitude higher than predictions for galaxy protoclusters from semi-analytical SHARK models. We derive a high molecular gas density of $0.6-1.3\times10^{9}$ $M_\odot$ cMpc$^{-3}$ for this structure, consistent with predictions for cold gas density of massive structures from hydro-dynamical DIANOGA simulations.

Anthony L. Pineci, Peter Sadowski, Eric Gaidos, Xudong Sun

Accepted to ApJ Letters

High-energy radiation from the Sun governs the behavior of Earth's upper atmosphere and such radiation from any planet-hosting star can drive the long-term evolution of a planetary atmosphere. However, much of this radiation is unobservable because of absorption by Earth's atmosphere and the interstellar medium. This motivates the identification of a proxy that can be readily observed from the ground. Here, we evaluate absorption in the near-infrared 1083 nm triplet line of neutral orthohelium as a proxy for extreme ultraviolet (EUV) emission in the 30.4 nm line of He II and 17.1 nm line of Fe IX from the Sun. We apply deep learning to model the non-linear relationships, training and validating the model on historical, contemporaneous images of the solar disk acquired in the triplet He I line by the ground-based SOLIS observatory and in the EUV by the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory. The model is a fully-convolutional neural network (FCN) that incorporates spatial information and accounts for the projection of the spherical Sun to 2-d images. Using normalized target values, results indicate a median pixel-wise relative error of 20% and a mean disk-integrated flux error of 7% on a held-out test set. Qualitatively, the model learns the complex spatial correlations between He I absorption and EUV emission has a predictive ability superior to that of a pixel-by-pixel model; it can also distinguish active regions from high-absorption filaments that do not result in EUV emission.

Mark D. Smith, Martin Bureau, Timothy A. Davis, Michele Cappellari, Lijie Liu, Kyoko Onishi, Satoru Iguchi, Eve V. North, Marc Sarzi, Thomas G. Williams

14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Supermassive black hole (SMBH) masses can be measured by resolving the dynamical influences of the SMBHs on spatially-resolved tracers of the central potentials. Modern long-baseline interferometers have enabled the use of molecular gas as such a tracer. We present here Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations of the elliptical galaxy NGC 7052 at 0.11 arcseconds (37 pc) resolution in the 12CO(2-1) line and 1.3mm continuum emission. This resolution is sufficient to resolve the region in which the potential is dominated by the SMBH. We forward model these observations, using a multi-Gaussian expansion of a Hubble Space Telescope F814W image and spatially-constant mass-to-light ratio to model the stellar mass distribution. We infer a SMBH mass of $2.5\pm0.3\times10^9\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$ and a stellar I-band mass-to-light ratio of $4.6\pm 0.2\,\mathrm{M_\odot/L_{\odot,I}}$ ($3\sigma$ confidence intervals). This SMBH mass is significantly larger than that derived using ionised gas kinematics, which however appear significantly more kinematically disturbed than the molecular gas. We also show that a central molecular gas deficit is likely to be the result of tidal disruption of molecular gas clouds due to the strong gradient in the central gravitational potential.

Rittick Roy, Askar B. Abdikamalov, Dimitry Ayzenberg, Cosimo Bambi, Shafqat Riaz, Ashutosh Tripathi

11 pages, 6 figures

Today we have quite stringent constraints on possible violations of the Weak Equivalence Principle from the comparison of the acceleration of test-bodies of different composition in Earth's gravitational field. In the present paper, we propose a test of the Weak Equivalence Principle in the strong gravitational field of black holes. We construct a relativistic reflection model in which either the massive particles of the gas of the accretion disk or the photons emitted by the disk may not follow the geodesics of the spacetime. We employ our model to analyze the reflection features of a NuSTAR spectrum of the black hole binary EXO 1846-031 and we constrain two parameters that quantify a possible violation of the Weak Equivalence Principle by massive particles and X-ray photons, respectively.

Eve V. North, Timothy A. Davis, Martin Bureau, Massimo Gaspari, Michele Cappellari, Satoru Iguchi, Lijie Liu, Kyoko Onishi, Marc Sarzi, Mark D. Smith, Thomas G. Williams

16 pages, 10 figures, MNRAS accepted

We present high-resolution (synthesised beam size 0."088x0."083 or 25x23 pc$^2$) Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) $^{12}$CO(2-1) line and 236 GHz continuum observations, as well as 5 GHz enhanced Multi-Element Radio Linked Interferometer Network (e-MERLIN) continuum observations, of NGC 0708; the brightest galaxy in the low-mass galaxy cluster Abell 262. The line observations reveal a turbulent, rotating disc of molecular gas in the core of the galaxy, and a high-velocity, blue-shifted feature ~0."4 (~113 pc) from its centre. The sub-millimetre continuum emission peaks at the nucleus, but extends towards this anomalous CO emission feature. No corresponding elongation is found on the same spatial scales at 5 GHz with e-MERLIN. We discuss potential causes for the anomalous blue-shifted emission detected in this source, and conclude that it is most likely to be a low-mass in-falling filament of material condensing from the hot intra-cluster medium via chaotic cold accretion, but it is also possible that it is a jet-driven molecular outflow. We estimate the physical properties this structure has in these two scenarios, and show that either explanation is viable. We suggest future observations with integral field spectrographs will be able to determine the true cause of this anomalous emission, and provide further evidence for interaction between quenched cooling flows and mechanical feedback on both small and large scales in this source.

S. J. D. Purser, S. L. Lumsden, M. G. Hoare, S. Kurtz

To be published in MNRAS. 20 pages main text (4 tables, 14 figures), 90 pages appendices (6 tables, 66 figures)

In conjunction with a previous southern-hemisphere work, we present the largest radio survey of jets from massive protostars to date with high-resolution, ($\sim 0.04^{\prime\prime}$) VLA observations towards two subsamples of massive star-forming regions of different evolutionary statuses: 48 infrared-bright, massive YSOs and 8 IRDCs containing 16 luminous (${\rm L_{bol}}>10^3\,{\rm L_\odot}$) cores. For $94\%$ of the MYSO sample we detect thermal radio ($\alpha \geq -0.1$ whereby $S_\nu \propto \nu^\alpha$) sources coincident with the protostar, of which $84\%$ (13 jets and 25 candidates) are jet-like. Radio luminosity is found to scale with ${\rm L_{bol}}$ similarly to the low-mass case supporting a common mechanism for jet production across all masses. Associated radio lobes tracing shocks are seen towards $52\%$ of jet-like objects and are preferentially detected towards jets of higher radio and bolometric luminosities, resulting from our sensitivity limitations. We find jet mass loss rate scales with bolometric luminosity as $\dot{m}_{\rm jet} \propto {\rm L_{bol}}^{0.9\pm0.2}$, thereby discarding radiative, line-driving mechanisms as the dominant jet-launching process. Calculated momenta show that the majority of jets are mechanically capable of driving the massive, molecular outflow phenomena since $p_{\rm jet}>p_{\rm outflow}$. Finally, from their physical extent we show that the radio emission can not originate from small, optically-thick \textsc{Hii} regions. Towards the IRDC cores, we observe increasing incidence rates/radio fluxes with age using the proxy of increasing luminosity-to-mass $\left( \frac{L}{M} \right)$ and decreasing infrared flux ratios $\left(\frac{S_{70 \rm \mu m}}{S_{24 \rm \mu m}}\right)$. Cores with $\frac{L}{M}<40\,{\rm L_{sol}}{\rm M_{sol}}^{-1}$ are not detected above ($5.8{\rm GHz}$) radio luminosities of $\sim1{\rm mJy\,kpc}^2$.

Y. J. Lee, A. García Muñoz, A. Yamazaki, M. Yamada, S. Watanabe, T. Encrenaz

Supplementary Information is available this https URL &file=2020GL090577-sup-0001-Supporting+Information+SI-S01.pdf

The so-called unknown absorber in the clouds of Venus is an important absorber of solar energy, but its vertical distribution remains poorly quantified. We analyze the 283 and 365-nm phase curves of the disk-integrated albedo measured by Akatsuki. Based on our models, we find that the unknown absorber can exist either well-mixed over the entire upper cloud or within a thin layer. The necessary condition to explain the 365-nm phase curve is that the unknown absorber must absorb efficiently within the cloud scale height immediately below the cloud top. Using this constraint, we attempt to extract the SO$_2$ abundance from the 283-nm phase curve. However we cannot disentangle the absorption by SO$_2$ and by the unknown absorber. Considering previous SO$_2$ abundance measurements at mid-infrared wavelengths, the required absorption coefficient of the unknown absorber at 283~nm must be more than twice that at 365~nm.

Viral Parekh (SARAO/Rhodes University), Tatiana F. Laganá (Núcleo de Astrofísica, Universidade Cidade de), Ruta Kale (NCRA)

RXCJ0232.2-4420, at $z$ = 0.28, is a peculiar system hosting a radio halo source around the cool-core of the cluster. To investigate its formation and nature, we used archival {\it Chandra} and XMM-\textit{Newton} X-ray data to study the dynamical state of the cluster and detect possible substructures in the hot gas. Its X-ray surface brightness distribution shows no clear disruption except an elongation in the North-East to South-West direction. We perform the unsharp masking technique and compute morphology parameters (Gini, $M_{20}$ and concentration) to characterise the degree of disturbance in the projected X-ray emission. Both of these methods revealed a substructure, which is located at $\sim$ 1$'$ from the cluster core in the South-West direction. Previous spectral analysis conducted for RXCJ0232.2-4420 concluded that there are a short cooling time and low entropy at the cluster centre, indicating that the cluster has a cool core. Thus, we suggest that RXCJ0232.2-4420 may be a system where the core of the cluster is not showing any sign of disturbance, but the South-West substructure could be pumping energy to the detected radio halo via turbulence.

Giovanni Montani, Brunello Tirozzi, Nakia Carlevaro

11 pages, 9 figures

In this paper, we analyze the so-called Master Equation of the linear backreaction of a plasma disk in the central object magnetic field, when small scale ripples are considered. This study allows to single out two relevant physical properties of the linear disk backreaction: (i) the appearance of a vertical growth of the magnetic flux perturbations; (ii) the emergence of sequence of magnetic field O-points, crucial for the triggering of local plasma instabilities. We first analyze a general Fourier approach to the solution of the addressed linear partial differential problem. This technique allows to show how the vertical gradient of the backreaction is, in general, inverted with respect to the background one. Instead, the fundamental harmonic solution constitutes a specific exception for which the background and the perturbed profiles are both decaying. Then, we study the linear partial differential system from the point of view of a general variable separation method. The obtained profile describes the crystalline behavior of the disk. Using a simple rescaling, the governing equation is reduced to the second order differential Whittaker equation. The zeros of the radial magnetic field are found by using the solution written in terms Kummer functions. The possible implications of the obtained morphology of the disk magnetic profile are then discussed in view of the jet formation.

Diego de Pablos, David M. Long, Christopher J. Owen, Gherardo Valori, Georgios Nicolaou, Louise K. Harra

The role of small-scale coronal eruptive phenomena in the generation and heating of the solar wind remains an open question. Here, we investigate the role played by coronal jets in forming the solar wind by testing whether temporal variations associated with jetting in EUV intensity can be identified in the outflowing solar wind plasma. This type of comparison is challenging due to inherent differences between remote-sensing observations of the source and in situ observations of the outflowing plasma, as well as travel time and evolution of the solar wind throughout the heliosphere. To overcome these, we propose a novel algorithm combining signal filtering, two-step solar wind ballistic backmapping, window shifting, and Empirical Mode Decomposition. We first validate the method using synthetic data, before applying it to measurements from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and Wind spacecraft. The algorithm enables the direct comparison of remote sensing observations of eruptive phenomena in the corona to in situ measurements of solar wind parameters, among other potential uses. After application to these datasets, we find several time windows where signatures of dynamics found in the corona are embedded in the solar wind stream, at a time significantly earlier than expected from simple ballistic backmapping, with the best performing in situ parameter being the solar wind mass flux.

Anna V. Payne, Xudong Sun

8 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

Emerging dimming occurs in isolated solar active regions (ARs) during the early stages of magnetic flux emergence. Observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, it features a rapid decrease in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) emission in the 171 \r{A} channel images, and a simultaneous increase in the 211 \r{A} images. Here, we analyze the coronal thermodynamic and magnetic properties to probe its physical origin. We calculate the time-dependent differential emission measures for a sample of 18 events between 2010 and 2012. The emission measure (EM) decrease in the temperature range $5.7 \le \log_{10}T \le 5.9$ is well correlated with the EM increase in $6.2 \le \log_{10}T \le 6.4$ over eight orders of magnitude. This suggests that the coronal plasma is being heated from the quiet-Sun, sub-MK temperature to 1-2 MK, more typical for ARs. Potential field extrapolation indicates significant change in the local magnetic connectivity: the dimming region is now linked to the newly emerged flux via longer loops. We conclude that emerging dimming is likely caused by coronal heating episodes, powered by reconnection between the emerging and the ambient magnetic fields.

A. T. Barnes, J. D. Henshaw, F. Fontani, J. E. Pineda, G. Cosentino, J. C. Tan, P. Caselli, I. Jiménez-Serra, C. Y. Law, A. Avison, F. Bigiel, S. Feng, S. Kong, S. N. Longmore, L. Moser, R. J. Parker, Á. Sánchez-Monge, K. Wang

21(+6 in appendix) pages, 12(+3) figures, 3(+3) tables. Machine-readable versions of Table A1, A2 and A3 are available online. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) are potential hosts of the elusive early phases of high-mass star formation (HMSF). Here we conduct an in-depth analysis of the fragmentation properties of a sample of 10 IRDCs, which have been highlighted as some of the best candidates to study HMSF within the Milky Way. To do so, we have obtained a set of large mosaics covering these IRDCs with ALMA at band 3 (or 3mm). These observations have a high angular resolution (~3arcsec or ~0.05pc), and high continuum and spectral line sensitivity (~0.15mJy/beam and ~0.2K per 0.1km/s channel at the N2H+(1-0) transition). From the dust continuum emission, we identify 96 cores ranging from low- to high-mass (M = 3.4 to 50.9Msun) that are gravitationally bound (alpha_vir = 0.3 to 1.3) and which would require magnetic field strengths of B = 0.3 to 1.0mG to be in virial equilibrium. We combine these results with a homogenised catalogue of literature cores to recover the hierarchical structure within these clouds over four orders of magnitude in spatial scale (0.01pc to 10pc). Using supplementary observations at an even higher angular resolution, we find that the smallest fragments (<0.02pc) within this hierarchy do not currently have the mass and/or the density required to form high-mass stars. Nonetheless, the new ALMA observations presented in this paper have facilitated the identification of 19 (6 quiescent and 13 star-forming) cores that retain >16Msun without further fragmentation. These high-mass cores contain trans-sonic non-thermal motions, are kinematically sub-virial, and require moderate magnetic field strengths for support against collapse. The identification of these potential sites of high-mass star formation represents a key step in allowing us to test the predictions from high-mass star and cluster formation theories.

F. Fontani, A.T. Barnes, P. Caselli, J.D. Henshaw, G. Cosentino, I. Jiménez-Serra, J.C. Tan, J.E. Pineda, C.Y. Law

19 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, 1 appendix, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The 14N/15N ratio in molecules exhibits a large variation in star-forming regions, especially when measured from N2H+ isotopologues. However, there are only a few studies performed at high-angular resolution. We present the first interferometric survey of the 14N/15N ratio in N2H+ obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array towards four infrared-dark clouds harbouring 3~mm continuum cores associated with different physical properties. We detect N15NH+ (1-0) in about 20-40% of the cores, depending on the host cloud. The 14N/15N values measured towards the millimeter continuum cores range from a minimum of 80 up to a maximum of 400. The spread of values is narrower than that found in any previous single-dish survey of high-mass star-forming regions, and than that obtained using the total power data only. This suggests that the 14N/15N ratio is on average higher in the diffuse gaseous envelope of the cores, and stresses the need for high-angular resolution maps to measure correctly the 14N/15N ratio in dense cores embedded in IRDCs. The average 14N/15N ratio of 210 is also lower than the interstellar value at the Galactocentric distance of the clouds (300-330), although the sensitivity of our observations does not allow us to unveil 14N/15N ratios higher than 400. No clear trend is found between the 14N/15N ratio and the core physical properties. We find only a tentative positive trend between 14N/15N and the H2 column density. However, firmer conclusions can be drawn only with higher sensitivity measurements.

R. Ruffini, R. Moradi, J. A. Rueda, L. Li, N. Sahakyan, Y.-C. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Aimuratov, L. Becerra, C. L. Bianco, C. Cherubini, S. Filippi, M. Karlica, G. J. Mathews, M. Muccino, G. B. Pisani, S. S. Xue

Accepted for publication by MNRAS on March 5, 2021; in press

We recall evidence that long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have binary progenitors and give new examples. Binary-driven hypernovae (BdHNe) consist of a carbon-oxygen core (CO$_{\rm core}$) and a neutron star (NS) companion. For binary periods $\sim 5$ min, the CO$_{\rm core}$ collapse originates the subclass BdHN I characterized by: 1) an energetic supernova (the "SN-rise"); 2) a black hole (BH), born from the NS collapse by SN matter accretion, leading to a GeV emission with luminosity $L_{\rm GeV} = A_{\rm GeV}\,t^{-\alpha_{\rm GeV}}$, observed only in some cases; 3) a new NS ($\nu$NS), born from the SN, originating the X-ray afterglow with $L_X = A_{\rm X}\,t^{-\alpha_{\rm X}}$, observed in all BdHN I. We record $378$ sources and present for four prototypes GRBs 130427A, 160509A, 180720B and 190114C: 1) spectra, luminosities, SN-rise duration; 2) $A_X$, $\alpha_X=1.48\pm 0.32$, and 3) the $\nu$NS spin time-evolution. We infer a) $A_{\rm GeV}$, $\alpha_{\rm GeV}=1.19 \pm 0.04$; b) the BdHN I morphology from time-resolved spectral analysis, three-dimensional simulations, and the GeV emission presence/absence in $54$ sources within the Fermi-LAT boresight angle. For $25$ sources, we give the integrated and time-varying GeV emission, $29$ sources have no GeV emission detected and show X/gamma-ray flares previously inferred as observed along the binary plane. The $25/54$ ratio implies the GeV radiation is emitted within a cone of half-opening angle $\approx 60^{\circ}$ from the normal to the orbital plane. We deduce BH masses $2.3$-$8.9~M_\odot$ and spin $0.27$-$0.87$ by explaining the GeV emission from the BH energy extraction, while their time evolution validates the BH mass-energy formula.

R. Moradi, Liang Li, J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, N. Sahakyan, Y. Wang

Submitted for publication on February 26, 2021

GRB 180720B, observed by {\it Fermi}-GBM, with redshift $z=0.653$, isotropic energy $E_{\rm iso}=5.92\times 10^{53}$ erg, and X-ray afterglow observed by the XRT onboard the Neil Gehrels Swift satellite, is here classified as a Binary-driven Hypernova I (BdHN I). BdHN I are long GRBs with a binary progenitor composed of a carbon-oxygen core (CO$_{\rm core}$) and a neutron star (NS) companion with orbital period $\sim 5$ min. The gravitational collapse of the CO$_{\rm core}$ generates a supernova (SN) and a new NS ($\nu$NS) at its center. The SN hypercritical accretion onto the companion NS triggers its gravitational collapse forming a black hole (BH). An electrodynamical process near the BH horizon leads to the long-lasting GeV emission with power-law luminosity $L_{\rm GeV}\propto t^{-1.19\pm0.04}$, powered by the BH rotational energy. Correspondingly, we determine the BH mass and spin. The $\nu$NS via its pulsar-like emission and fallback accretion injects energy into the magnetized SN ejecta generating synchrotron radiation. This explains the \textit{long-lasting} X-ray afterglow with power-law luminosity $L_X \propto t^{-1.48\pm 0.32}$, energized by the $\nu$NS rotational energy. We apply this to GRB 180720B determining the $\nu$NS magnetic field and spin. We also analyze the GRB 180720B emission observed by the High-Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.), at $100$-$440$ GeV energies, $10.1$-$12.1$ h after the Fermi-GBM trigger. We propose that this \textit{short-term} radiation of energy $2.4\times 10^{50}$ erg and duration $\sim 10^3$ s, is powered by a "glitch" event that suddenly injects relativistic electrons into the $\nu$NS magnetosphere during its slowing down phase.

R. Dastidar, K. Misra, M. Singh, A. Pastorello, D. K. Sahu, X. Wang, A. Gangopadhyay, L. Tomasella, J. Zhang, S. Bose, J. Mo, N. Elias-Rosa, L. Tartaglia, S. Yan, B. Kumar, G. C. Anupama, S. B. Pandey, L. Rui, T. Zhang, G. Terreran, P. Ochner, F. Huang

20 pages, 23 Figures, 3 figures in appendix, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present the photometric and spectroscopic analysis of three Type II SNe: 2014cx, 2014cy and 2015cz. SN 2014cx is a conventional Type IIP with a shallow slope (0.2 mag/50d) and an atypical short plateau ($\sim$86 d). SNe 2014cy and 2015cz show relatively large decline rates (0.88 and 1.64 mag/50d, respectively) at early times before settling to the plateau phase, unlike the canonical Type IIP/L SN light curves. All of them are normal luminosity SN II with an absolute magnitude at mid-plateau of M$_{V,14cx}^{50}$=$-$16.6$\pm$0.4$\,\rm{mag}$, M$_{V,14cy}^{50}$=$-$16.5$\,\pm\,$0.2$\,\rm{mag}$ and M$_{V,15cz}^{50}$=$-$17.4$\,\pm\,$0.3$\,\rm{mag}$. A relatively broad range of $^{56}$Ni masses is ejected in these explosions (0.027-0.070 M$_\odot$). The spectra show the classical evolution of Type II SNe, dominated by a blue continuum with broad H lines at early phases and narrower metal lines with P Cygni profiles during the plateau. High-velocity H I features are identified in the plateau spectra of SN 2014cx at 11600 km s$^{-1}$, possibly a sign of ejecta-circumstellar interaction. The spectra of SN 2014cy exhibit strong absorption profile of H I similar to normal luminosity events whereas strong metal lines akin to sub-luminous SNe. The analytical modelling of the bolometric light curve of the three events yields similar radii for the three objects within errors (478, 507 and 608 R$_\odot$ for SNe 2014cx, 2014cy and 2015cz, respectively) and a range of ejecta masses (15.0, 22.2 and 18.7 M$_\odot$ for SNe 2014cx, 2014cy and 2015cz), and a modest range of explosion energies (3.3 - 6.0 foe where 1 foe = 10$^{51}$ erg).

Several Type Ia supernova analyses make use of non-simultaneous regressions between observed supernova and host galaxy properties and supernova luminosity: first the supernova magnitudes are corrected for their light curve shape and color, and then they are separately corrected for their host galaxy masses. This two-step regression methodology does not introduce any biases when there are no correlations between the variables regressed in each correction step. However, correlations between these covariates will bias estimates of the size of the corrections, as well as estimates of the variance of the final residuals. In this work, we analyze the general case of non-simultaneous regression with correlated covariates to derive the functional forms of these biases. We also simulate this effect on data from the literature to provide corrections to remove these biases from the data sets studied. The biases examined here can be entirely avoided by using simultaneous regression techniques.

Nikolaos Georgakarakos, Siegfried Eggl, Dobbs-Dixon

Accepted for publication in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

Determining habitable zones in binary star systems can be a challenging task due to the combination of perturbed planetary orbits and varying stellar irradiation conditions. The concept of "dynamically informed habitable zones" allows us, nevertheless, to make predictions on where to look for habitable worlds in such complex environments. Dynamically informed habitable zones have been used in the past to investigate the habitability of circumstellar planets in binary systems and Earth-like analogs in systems with giant planets. Here, we extend the concept to potentially habitable worlds on circumbinary orbits. We show that habitable zone borders can be found analytically even when another giant planet is present in the system. By applying this methodology to Kepler-16, Kepler-34, Kepler-35, Kepler-38, Kepler-64, Kepler-413, Kepler-453, Kepler-1647 and Kepler-1661 we demonstrate that the presence of the known giant planets in the majority of those systems does not preclude the existence of potentially habitable worlds. Among the investigated systems Kepler-35, Kepler-38 and Kepler-64 currently seem to offer the most benign environment. In contrast, Kepler-16 and Kepler-1647 are unlikely to host habitable worlds.

Ming Sun, Chong Ge, Rongxin Luo, Masafumi Yagi, Pavel Jáchym, Alessandro Boselli, Matteo Fossati, Paul E.J. Nulsen, Michitoshi Yoshida, Giuseppe Gavazzi

31 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, submitted

The impact of ram pressure stripping (RPS) on galaxy evolution has been studied for over forty years. Recent multi-wavelength data have revealed many examples of galaxies undergoing RPS, often accompanied with multi-phase tails. As energy transfer in the multi-phase medium is an outstanding question in astrophysics, RPS galaxies are great objects to study. Despite the recent burst of observational evidence, the relationship between gas in different phases in the RPS tails is poorly known. Here we report, for the first time, a strong linear correlation between the X-ray surface brightness (SB$_{\rm X}$) and the H$\alpha$ surface brightness (SB$_{\rm H\alpha}$) of the diffuse gas in the RPS tails at $\sim$ 10 kpc scales, as SB$_{\rm X}$/SB$_{\rm H\alpha} \sim$ 3.6. This discovery supports the mixing of the stripped interstellar medium (ISM) with the hot intracluster medium (ICM) as the origin of the multi-phase RPS tails. The established relation in stripped tails, also in comparison with the likely similar correlation in similar environments like X-ray cool cores and galactic winds, provides an important test for models of energy transfer in the multi-phase gas. It also indicates the importance of the H$\alpha$ data for our understanding of the ICM clumping and turbulence.

William Misener, Hilke E. Schlichting

17 pages, 11 figures. Resubmitted to MNRAS after revision

Super-Earths and sub-Neptunes are commonly thought to have accreted hydrogen/helium envelopes, consisting of a few to ten percent of their total mass, from the primordial gas disk. Subsequently, hydrodynamic escape driven by core-powered mass-loss and/or photo-evaporation likely stripped much of these primordial envelopes from the lower-mass and closer-in planets to form the super-Earth population. In this work we show that after undergoing core-powered mass-loss, some super-Earths can retain small residual H/He envelopes. This retention is possible because, for significantly depleted atmospheres, the density at the radiative-convective boundary drops sufficiently such that thhe cooling time-scale becomes less than the mass-loss time-scale. The residual envelope is therefore able to contract, terminating further mass loss. Using analytic calculations and numerical simulations, we show that the mass of primordial H/He envelope retained as a fraction of the planet's total mass, $f_{ret}$, increases with increasing planet mass, $M_{c}$, and decreases with increasing equilibrium temperature, $T_{eq}$, scaling as $f_{ret} \propto M_{c}^{3/2} T_{eq}^{-1/2} \exp{[M_{c}^{3/4} T_{eq}^{-1}]}$. $f_{ret}$ varies from $< 10^{-8}$ to about $10^{-3}$ for typical super-Earth parameters. To first order, the exact amount of left-over H/He depends on the initial envelope mass, the planet mass, its equilibrium temperature, and the envelope's opacity. These residual hydrogen envelopes reduce the atmosphere's mean molecular weight compared to a purely secondary atmosphere, a signature observable by current and future facilities. These remnant atmospheres may, however, in many cases be vulnerable to long-term erosion by photo-evaporation. Any residual hydrogen envelope likely plays an important role in the long-term physical evolution of super-Earths, including their geology and geochemistry.

Tidal forces are important for understanding how close binary stars and compact exoplanetary systems form and evolve. However, tides are difficult to model and significant uncertainties exist about the strength of tides. Here, we investigate tidal circularization in close binaries using a large sample of well-characterised eclipsing systems. We searched TESS photometry from the southern hemisphere for eclipsing binaries. We derive best-fit orbital and stellar parameters by jointly modelling light curves and spectral energy distributions. To determine the eccentricity distribution of eclipsing binaries over a wide range of stellar temperatures ($3\,000-50\,000\,$K) and orbital separations $a/R_1$ ($2-300$), we combine our newly obtained TESS sample with eclipsing binaries observed from the ground and by the Kepler mission. We find a clear dependency of stellar temperature and orbital separation in the eccentricities of close binaries. We compare our observations with predictions of the equilibrium and dynamical tides. We find that while cool binaries agree with the predictions of the equilibrium tide, a large fraction of binaries with temperatures between $6\,250\,$K and $10\,000\,$K and orbital separations between $a/R_1 \sim 4$ and $10$ are found on circular orbits contrary to the predictions of the dynamical tide. This suggests that some binaries with radiative envelopes may be tidally circularised significantly more efficiently than usually assumed. Our findings on orbital circularization have important implications also in the context of hot Jupiters where tides have been invoked to explain the observed difference in the spin-orbit alignment between hot and cool host stars.

Matteo Guainazzi (1), Alessandra De Rosa (2), Stefano Bianchi (3), Bernd Husemann (4), Tamara Bogdanovic (5), Stefanie Komossa (6), Nora Loiseau (7), Zsolt Paragi (8), Miguel Perez-Torres (9), Enrico Piconcelli (10), Cristian Vignali (11) ((1) ESA/ESTEC, (2) IASP/INAF, (3) Un. Roma Tre, (4) MPIA, (5) Georgia Institute of Technology, (6) MPIfR, (7) ESA/ESAC, (8) Joint Institute for VLBI, (9) IAA-CSIC, (10) Obs. Roma, (11) Un. Bologna)

Accepted on MNRAS, 17 pages, 9 figures

While theory and simulations indicate that galaxy mergers play an important role in the cosmological evolution of accreting black holes and their host galaxies, samples of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in galaxies at close separations are still small. In order to increase the sample of AGN pairs, we undertook an archival project to investigate the X-ray properties of a SDSS-selected sample of 32 galaxy pairs with separations $\le$150 kpc containing one optically-identified AGN, that were serendipitously observed by XMM-Newton. We discovered only one X-ray counterpart among the optically classified non-active galaxies, with a weak X-ray luminosity ($\simeq$5$\times$10$^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$). 59% (19 out of 32) of the AGN in our galaxy pair sample exhibit an X-ray counterpart, covering a wide range in absorption corrected X-ray luminosity (5$\times$10$^{41}$-2$\times$10$^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$). More than 79% of these AGN are obscured (column density $N_H>$10$^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$), with more than half thereof ({\it i.e.}, about 47% of the total AGN sample) being Compton-thick. AGN/no-AGN pairs are therefore more frequently X-ray obscured (by a factor $\simeq$1.5) than isolated AGN. When compared to a luminosity and redshift-matched sample of {\it bona fide} dual AGN, AGN/no-AGN pairs exhibit one order-of-magnitude lower X-ray column density in the same separation range ($>$10 kpc). A small sample (4 objects) of AGN/no-AGN pairs with sub-pc separation are all heavily obscured, driving a formal anti-correlation between the X-ray column density and the galaxy pair separation in these systems. These findings suggest that the galactic environment has a key influence on the triggering of nuclear activity in merging galaxies.

Models of particle physics that feature phase transitions typically provide predictions for stochastic gravitational wave signals at future detectors and such predictions are used to delineate portions of the model parameter space that can be constrained. The question is: how precise are such predictions? Uncertainties enter in the calculation of the macroscopic thermal parameters and the dynamics of the phase transition itself. We calculate such uncertainties with increasing levels of sophistication in treating the phase transition dynamics. Currently, the highest level of diligence corresponds to careful treatments of the source lifetime; mean bubble separation; going beyond the bag model approximation in solving the hydrodynamics equations and explicitly calculating the fraction of energy in the fluid from these equations rather than using a fit; and including fits for the energy lost to vorticity modes and reheating effects. The lowest level of diligence incorporates none of these effects. We compute the percolation and nucleation temperatures, the mean bubble separation, the fluid velocity, and ultimately the gravitational wave spectrum corresponding to the level of highest diligence for three explicit examples: SMEFT, a dark sector Higgs model, and the real singlet-extended Standard Model (xSM). In each model, we contrast different levels of diligence in the calculation and find that the difference in the final predicted signal can be several orders of magnitude. Our results indicate that calculating the gravitational wave spectrum for particle physics models and deducing precise constraints on the parameter space of such models continues to remain very much a work in progress and warrants care.

The axion mass receives a large correction from small instantons if the QCD gets strongly coupled at high energies. We discuss the size of the new CP violating phases caused by the fact that the small instantons are sensitive to the UV physics. We also discuss the effects of the mass correction on the axion abundance of the Universe. Taking the small-instanton contributions into account, we propose a natural scenario of axion dark matter where the axion decay constant is as large as $10^{15\text{-}16}$GeV. The scenario works in the high-scale inflation models.

We generalize gravitational particle production in a radiation-dominated $CPT$-symmetric universe to non-standard, but also $CPT$-symmetric early universe cosmologies. We calculate the mass of a right-handed "sterile" neutrino needed for it to be the cosmological dark matter. Since generically sterile neutrinos mix with the Standard Model active neutrinos, we use state-of-the-art tools to compute the expected spectrum of gamma rays and high-energy active neutrinos from ultra-heavy sterile neutrino dark matter decay. We demonstrate that the sterile neutrinos are never in thermal equilibrium in the early universe. We show that very high-energy Cherenkov telescopes might detect a signal for sterile neutrino lifetimes up to around 10$^{27}$ s, while a signal in high-energy neutrino telescopes such as IceCube could be detectable for lifetimes up to 10$^{30}$ s, offering a better chance of detection across a vast landscape of possible masses.

Veronica Guidetti, Francesco Muia, Yvette Welling, Alexander Westphal

16 pages + 9 pages of appendices, 7 figures, LaTeX, code to be released soon

Neural Networks (NNs) can be used to solve Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (ODEs and PDEs) by redefining the question as an optimization problem. The objective function to be optimized is the sum of the squares of the PDE to be solved and of the initial/boundary conditions. A feed forward NN is trained to minimise this loss function evaluated on a set of collocation points sampled from the domain where the problem is defined. A compact and smooth solution, that only depends on the weights of the trained NN, is then obtained. This approach is often referred to as PINN, from Physics Informed Neural Network~\cite{raissi2017physics_1, raissi2017physics_2}. Despite the success of the PINN approach in solving various classes of PDEs, an implementation of this idea that is capable of solving a large class of ODEs and PDEs with good accuracy and without the need to finely tune the hyperparameters of the network, is not available yet. In this paper, we introduce a new implementation of this concept - called dNNsolve - that makes use of dual Neural Networks to solve ODEs/PDEs. These include: i) sine and sigmoidal activation functions, that provide a more efficient basis to capture both secular and periodic patterns in the solutions; ii) a newly designed architecture, that makes it easy for the the NN to approximate the solution using the basis functions mentioned above. We show that dNNsolve is capable of solving a broad range of ODEs/PDEs in 1, 2 and 3 spacetime dimensions, without the need of hyperparameter fine-tuning.

We present a minimal extension of the left-right symmetric model based on the gauge group $SU(3)_{c} \times SU(2)_{L} \times SU(2)_{R} \times U(1)_{B-L} \times U(1)_{X}$, in which a vector-like fermion pair ($\zeta_L$ and $\zeta_R$) charged under the $U(1)_{B-L} \times U(1)_X$ symmetry is introduced. Associated with the symmetry breaking of the gauge group $SU(2)_{R} \times U(1)_{B-L} \times U(1)_{X}$ down to the Standard Model (SM) hypercharge $U(1)_Y$, Majorana masses for $\zeta_{L, R}$ are generated and the lightest mass eigenstate plays a role of the dark matter (DM) in our universe by its communication with the SM particles through a new neutral gauge boson "$X$". We consider various phenomenological constraints of this DM scenario, such as the observed DM relic density, the LHC Run-2 constraints from the search for a narrow resonance, and the perturbativity of the gauge couplings below the Planck scale. Combining all constraints, we identify the allowed parameter region which turns out to be very narrow. A significant portion of the currently allowed parameter region will be tested by the High-Luminosity LHC experiments.

R. A. Treumann, Wolfgang Baumjohann

Brief Communication

The quantum version of the Olbert distribution applicable to fermions is obtained. Its construction is straightforward but requires recognition of the differences in the nature of states separated by Fermi momenta. Its complement, the boson version of the Olbert distribution is also given.

Most water in the universe may be superionic, and its thermodynamic and transport properties are crucial for planetary science but difficult to probe experimentally or theoretically. We use machine learning and free energy methods to overcome the limitations of quantum mechanical simulations, and characterize hydrogen diffusion, superionic transitions, and phase behaviors of water at extreme conditions. We predict that a close-packed superionic phase with mixed stacking is stable over a wide temperature and pressure range, while a body-centered cubic phase is only thermodynamically stable in a small window but is kinetically favored. Our phase boundaries, which are consistent with the existing-albeit scarce-experimental observations, help resolve the fractions of insulating ice, different superionic phases, and liquid water inside of ice giants.

Martin Elvis, Alanna Krolikowski, Tony Milligan

One contribution of fifteen to a discussion meeting issue "Astronomy from the Moon: the next decades" published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A

Numerous missions planned for the next decade are likely to target a handful of smal sites of interest on the Moon's surface, creating risks of crowding and interference at these locations. The Moon presents finite and scarce areas with rare topography or concentrations of resources of special value. Locations of interest to science, notably for astronomy, include the Peaks of Eternal Light, the coldest of the cold traps and smooth areas on the far side. Regions richest in physical resources could also be uniquely suited to settlement and commerce. Such sites of interest are both few and small. Typically, there are fewer than ten key sites of each type, each site spanning a few kilometres across. We survey the implications for different kins of mission and find that the diverse actors pursuing incomptible ends at these sites could soon crowd and interfere with each other, leaving almost all actors worse off. Without proactive measures to prevent these outcomes, lunar actors are likely to experience significant losses of opportunity. We highlight the legal, policy, and ethical ramifications. Insights from research on comparable sites on Earth present a path toward managing lunar crowding and interference grounded in ethical and practical near-term considerations. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'Astronomy from the Moon: the next decades'.