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Papers for Monday, Apr 12 2021

Papers with local authors

With the recognition that fast flavor instabilities likely affect supernova and neutron-star-merger neutrinos, using simulation data to pin down when and where the instabilities occur has become a high priority. The effort faces an interesting problem. Fast instabilities are related to neutrino angular crossings, but simulations often employ moment methods, sacrificing momentum-space angular resolution in order to allocate resources elsewhere. How can limited angular information be used most productively? The main aims here are to sharpen this question and examine some of the available answers. A recently proposed method of searching for angular crossings is scrutinized, the limitations of moment closures are highlighted, and two ways of reconstructing angular distributions solely from the flux factors (based respectively on maximum-entropy and sharp-decoupling assumptions) are compared. In (semi)transparent regions, the standard closure prescriptions likely miss some crossings that should be there and introduce others that should not.

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A new mechanism for the origin of Saturn's rings is proposed for the first time. It includes the appearance of an additional third force - the force of diamagnetic expulsion of a diamagnetic ice particle after the emergence of the magnetic field of Saturn and the mechanism of magnetic anisotropic accretion. This force is acting together with force of gravity and centrifugal one on the particles within protoplanetary cloud. After appearance of the force of diamagnetic expulsion of ice particles, all their chaotic orbits start shifting to the magnetic equator plane, where the minimum of magnetic energy of the particles is observed. Every particle on the magnetic equator comes to a stable position, and it prevents its horizontal and vertical shift. The particles are trapped within three-dimensional magnetic well.

N. Moens, J. O. Sundqvist, I. El Mellah, L. Poniatowski, J. Teunissen, R. Keppens

14 pages, 10 figures Submitted to A&A

Radiation controls the dynamics and energetics of many astrophysical environments. To capture the coupling between the radiation and matter, however, is often a physically complex and computationally expensive endeavour. We develop a numerical tool to perform radiation-hydrodynamics simulations in various configurations at an affordable cost. We build upon the finite volume code MPI-AMRVAC to solve the equations of hydrodynamics on multi-dimensional adaptive meshes and introduce a new module to handle the coupling with radiation. A non-equilibrium, flux-limiting diffusion approximation is used to close the radiation momentum and energy equations. The time-dependent radiation energy equation is then solved within a flexible framework, accounting fully for radiation forces and work terms and further allowing the user to adopt a variety of descriptions for the radiation-matter interaction terms (the 'opacities'). We validate the radiation module on a set of standard testcases for which different terms of the radiative energy equation predominate. As a preliminary application to a scientific case, we calculate spherically symmetric models of the radiation-driven and optically thick supersonic outflows from massive Wolf-Rayet stars. This also demonstrates our code's flexibility, as the illustrated simulation combines opacities typically used in static stellar structure models with a parametrised form for the enhanced line-opacity expected in supersonic flows. This new module provides a convenient and versatile tool to perform multi-dimensional and high resolution radiative-hydrodynamics simulations in optically thick environments with the MPI-AMRVAC code. The code is ready to be used for a variety of astrophysical applications, where a first target for us will be multi-dimensional simulations of stellar outflows from Wolf-Rayet stars.

Keisuke Inomata, Evan McDonough, Wayne Hu

6 pages, 3 figures

Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) have entered the forefront of theoretical cosmology, due their potential role in phenomena ranging from gravitational waves, to dark matter, to galaxy formation. While producing PBHs from inflationary fluctuations naively would seem to require a large deceleration of the inflaton from its velocity at the horizon exit of CMB scales, in this work we demonstrate that an acceleration from a relatively small downward step in the potential that is transited in much less than an e-fold amplifies fluctuations as well. Depending on the location of the step, such PBHs could explain dark matter or the black holes detected by the gravitational wave interferometers. The perturbation enhancement has a natural interpretation as particle production due to the non-adiabatic transition associated with the step.

Richard J. Parker (1), Hayley L. Alcock (1), Rhana B. Nicholson (1), Olja Panić (2), Simon P. Goodwin (1) (1. University of Sheffield, UK, 2. University of Leeds, UK)

21 pages, 12 figures, 1 short appendix, accepted for publication in ApJ

Many theoretical studies have shown that external photoevaporation from massive stars can severely truncate, or destroy altogether, the gaseous protoplanetary discs around young stars. In tandem, several observational studies report a correlation between the mass of a protoplanetary disc and its distance to massive ionising stars in star-forming regions, and cite external photoevaporation by the massive stars as the origin of this correlation. We present N-body simulations of the dynamical evolution of star-forming regions and determine the mass-loss in protoplanetary discs from external photoevaporation due to far ultraviolet (FUV) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation from massive stars. We find that projection effects can be significant, in that low-mass disc-hosting stars that appear close to the ionising sources may be fore- or background stars in the star-forming region. We find very little evidence in our simulations for a trend in increasing disc mass with increasing distance from the massive star(s), even when projection effects are ignored. Furthermore, the dynamical evolution of these young star-forming regions moves stars whose discs have been photoevaporated to far-flung locations, away from the ionising stars, and we suggest that any correlation between disc mass and distance the ionising star is either coincidental, or due to some process other than external photoevaporation.

Hefan Li, Francois Hammer, Carine Babusiaux, Marcel S. Pawlowski, Yanbin Yang, Frederic Arenou, Cuihua Du, Jianling Wang

26 pages, 5 Figures, 6 Tables, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

Based on Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3), we estimate the proper motions for 46 dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) of the Milky Way. The uncertainties in proper motions, determined by combining both statistical and systematic errors, are smaller by a factor 2.5, when compared with Gaia Data Release 2. We have derived orbits in four Milky Way potential models that are consistent with the MW rotation curve, with total mass ranging from $2.8\times10^{11}$ $M_{\odot}$ to $15\times10^{11}$ $M_{\odot}$. Although the type of orbit (ellipse or hyperbola) are very dependent on the potential model, the pericenter values are firmly determined, largely independent of the adopted MW mass model. By analyzing the orbital phases, we found that the dSphs are highly concentrated close to their pericenter, rather than to their apocenter as expected from Kepler's law. This may challenge the fact that most dSphs are Milky Way satellites, or alternatively indicates an unexpected large number of undiscovered dSphs lying very close to their apocenters. Between half and two thirds of the satellites have orbital poles that indicate them to orbit along the Vast Polar Structure (VPOS), with the vast majority of these co-orbiting in a common direction also shared by the Magellanic Clouds, which is indicative of a real structure of dSphs.

Davide Gualdi, Hector Gil-Marin, Licia Verde

42 pages (21 + appendixes and references), 12 figures, 3 tables, prepared for submission to JCAP

We perform for the first time a joint analysis of the monopole and quadrupoles for power spectrum, bispectrum and integrated trispectrum (i-trispectrum) from the redshift space matter field in N-body simulations. With a full Markov Chain Monte Carlo exploration of the posterior distribution, we quantify the constraints on cosmological parameters for an object density of $n_\mr{p}=5\times10^{-4} (h\,\mr{Mpc}^{-1})^{3}$, redshift $z=0.5$, and a covariance corresponding to a survey volume of $V_\mr{survey} =25\,(h^{-1}\mr{Gpc})^3$, a set up which is representative of forthcoming galaxy redshift surveys. We demonstrate the complementarity of the bispectrum and i-trispectrum in constraining key cosmological parameters. In particular, compared to the state-of-the-art power spectrum (monopole plus quadrupole) and bispectrum (monopole) analyses, we find 1D $68\%$ credible regions smaller by a factor of $(72\%,78\%,72\%,47\%,46\%)$ for the parameters $(f,\sigma_8,f_\mr{nl},\alpha_\parallel,\alpha_\perp)$ respectively. This work motivates the additional effort necessary to include the redshift-space anisotropic signal of higher-order statistics in the analysis and interpretation of ongoing and future galaxy surveys.

Pierluca Carenza, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Alessandro Mirizzi, Francesco Forastieri

26 pages, 10 figures

We revise cosmological mass bounds on axions in low-reheating cosmological scenarios, with a reheating temperature $T_{\rm RH}\le 100$ MeV, in light of the latest cosmological observations. In this situation, the neutrino decoupling would be unaffected, while the thermal axion relic abundance is suppressed. Moreover, axions are colder in low-reheating temperature scenarios, so that bounds on their abundance are possibly loosened. As a consequence of these two facts, cosmological mass limits on axions are relaxed. Using state-of-the-art cosmological data and characterizing axion-pion interactions at the leading order in chiral perturbation theory, we find in the standard case an axion mass bound $m_a < 0.26$ eV. However, axions with masses $m_a \simeq 1$ eV, or heavier, would be allowed for reheating temperatures $T_{\rm RH} \lesssim 80$ MeV. Multi-eV axions would be outside the mass sensitivity of current and planned solar axion helioscopes and would demand new experimental approaches to be detected.

Charles Yin, Felix D. Priestley, James Wurster

8 pages of text, 10 pages in total. Accepted in MNRAS

Determining the importance of magnetic fields in star forming environments is hampered by the difficulty of accurately measuring both field strength and gas properties in molecular clouds. We post-process three-dimensional non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of prestellar cores with a time-dependent chemical network, and use radiative transfer modelling to calculate self-consistent molecular line profiles. Varying the initial mass-to-flux ratio from sub- to super-critical results in significant changes to both the intensity and shape of several observationally important molecular lines. We identify the peak intensity ratio of N$_2$H$^+$ to CS lines, and the CS $J=2-1$ blue-to-red peak intensity ratio, as promising diagnostics of the initial mass-to-flux ratio, with N$_2$H$^+$/CS values of $>0.6$ ($<0.2$) and CS blue/red values of $<3$ ($>5$) indicating subcritical (supercritial) collapse. These criteria suggest that, despite presently being magnetically supercritical, L1498 formed from subcritical initial conditions.

Paul La Plante, Peter K. G. Williams, Matthew Kolopanis, Joshua S. Dillon, Adam P. Beardsley, Nicholas S. Kern, Michael Wilensky, Zaki S. Ali, Zara Abdurashidova, James E. Aguirre, Paul Alexander, Yanga Balfour, Gianni Bernardi, Tashalee S. Billings, Judd D. Bowman, Richard F. Bradley, Phil Bull, Jacob Burba, Steve Carey, Chris L. Carilli, Carina Cheng, David R. DeBoer, Matt Dexter, Eloy de Lera Acedo, John Ely, Aaron Ewall-Wice, Nicolas Fagnoni, Randall Fritz, Steven R. Furlanetto, Kingsley Gale-Sides, Brian Glendenning, Deepthi Gorthi, Bradley Greig, Jaspar Grobbelaar, Ziyaad Halday, Bryna J. Hazelton, Jacqueline N. Hewitt, Jack Hickish, Daniel C. Jacobs, Austin Julius, Joshua Kerrigan, Piyanat Kittiwisit, Saul A. Kohn, Adam Lanman, Telalo Lekalake, David Lewis, Adrian Liu, David MacMahon, et al. (27 additional authors not shown)

14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Computing

As current- and next-generation astronomical instruments come online, they will generate an unprecedented deluge of data. Analyzing these data in real time presents unique conceptual and computational challenges, and their long-term storage and archiving is scientifically essential for generating reliable, reproducible results. We present here the real-time processing (RTP) system for the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA), a radio interferometer endeavoring to provide the first detection of the highly redshifted 21 cm signal from Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionization by an interferometer. The RTP system consists of analysis routines run on raw data shortly after they are acquired, such as calibration and detection of radio-frequency interference (RFI) events. RTP works closely with the Librarian, the HERA data storage and transfer manager which automatically ingests data and transfers copies to other clusters for post-processing analysis. Both the RTP system and the Librarian are public and open source software, which allows for them to be modified for use in other scientific collaborations. When fully constructed, HERA is projected to generate over 50 terabytes (TB) of data each night, and the RTP system enables the successful scientific analysis of these data.

Kshitij Aggarwal, Sarah Burke-Spolaor, Nicolas Tejos, Giuliano Pignata, J. Xavier Prochaska, Vikram Ravi, Jane F. Kaczmarek, Stefan Oslowski

14 pages, 7 figures; Accepted for publication in AAS Journals (ApJ)

We report on the results of multi-wavelength follow-up observations with Gemini, VLA, and ATCA, to search for a host galaxy and any persistent radio emission associated with FRB 180309. This FRB is among the most luminous FRB detections to date, with a luminosity of $> 8.7\times 10^{32}$ erg Hz$^{-1}$ at the dispersion-based redshift upper limit of 0.32. We used the high-significance detection of FRB 180309 with the Parkes Telescope and a beam model of the Parkes Multibeam Receiver to improve the localization of the FRB to a region spanning approximately $\sim2'\times2'$. We aimed to seek bright galaxies within this region to determine the strongest candidates as the originator of this highly luminous FRB. We identified optical sources within the localization region above our r-band magnitude limit of 24.27, fourteen of which have photometric redshifts whose fitted mean is consistent with the redshift upper limit ($z < 0.32$) of our FRB. Two of these galaxies are coincident with marginally detected "persistent" radio sources of flux density 24.3$\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$ and 22.1$\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$ respectively. Our redshift-dependent limit on the luminosity of any associated persistent radio source is comparable to the luminosity limits for other localized FRBs. We analyze several properties of the candidate hosts we identified, including chance association probability, redshift, and presence of radio emission, however it remains possible that any of these galaxies could be the host of this FRB. Follow-up spectroscopy on these objects to explore their H$\alpha$ emission and ionization contents, as well as to obtain more precisely measured redshifts, may be able to isolate a single host for this luminous FRB.

Chong Ge, Rongxin Luo, Ming Sun, Masafumi Yagi, Pavel Jáchym, Alessandro Boselli, Matteo Fossati, Paul E.J. Nulsen, Craig Sarazin, Tim Edge, Giuseppe Gavazzi, Massimo Gaspari, Jin Koda, Yutaka Komiyama, Michitoshi Yoshida

15 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRAS

Recent studies have highlighted the potential significance of intracluster medium (ICM) clumping and its important implications for cluster cosmology and baryon physics. Many of the ICM clumps can originate from infalling galaxies, as stripped interstellar medium (ISM) mixing into the hot ICM. However, a direct connection between ICM clumping and stripped ISM has not been unambiguously established before. Here we present the discovery of the first and still the only known isolated cloud (or orphan cloud, OC) detected in both X-rays and H$\alpha$ in the nearby cluster Abell 1367. With an effective radius of 30 kpc, this cloud has an average X-ray temperature of 1.6 keV, a bolometric X-ray luminosity of $\sim 3.1\times 10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and a hot gas mass of $\sim 10^{10}\ {\rm M}_\odot$. From the MUSE data, the OC shows an interesting velocity gradient nearly along the east-west direction with a low level of velocity dispersion of $\sim 80$ km/s, which may suggest a low level of the ICM turbulence. The emission line diagnostics suggest little star formation in the main H$\alpha$ cloud and a LI(N)ER-like spectrum, but the excitation mechanism remain unclear. This example shows that the stripped ISM, even long time after the initial removal from the galaxy, can still induce the ICM inhomogeneities. We suggest that magnetic field can stabilize the OC by suppressing hydrodynamic instabilities and thermal conduction. This example also suggests that at least some ICM clumps are multi-phase in nature and implies that the ICM clumps can also be traced in H$\alpha$. Thus, future deep and wide-field H$\alpha$ survey can be used to probe the ICM clumping and turbulence.

A. D. P. Howard, A. P. Whitworth, M. J. Griffin, K. A. Marsh, M. W. L. Smith

22 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication by MNRAS March 2021

We use the PPMAP (Point Process MAPping) algorithm to re-analyse the \textit{Herschel} and SCUBA-2 observations of the L1688 and L1689 sub-regions of the Ophiuchus molecular cloud. PPMAP delivers maps with high resolution (here $14''$, corresponding to $\sim 0.01\,{\rm pc}$ at $\sim 140\,{\rm pc}$), by using the observations at their native resolutions. PPMAP also delivers more accurate dust optical depths, by distinguishing dust of different types and at different temperatures. The filaments and prestellar cores almost all lie in regions with $N_{\rm H_2}\gtrsim 7\times 10^{21}\,{\rm cm}^{-2}$ (corresponding to $A_{_{\rm V}}\gtrsim 7$). The dust temperature, $T$, tends to be correlated with the dust opacity index, $\beta$, with low $T$ and low $\beta$ tend concentrated in the interiors of filaments. The one exception to this tendency is a section of filament in L1688 that falls -- in projection -- between the two B stars, S1 and HD147889; here $T$ and $\beta$ are relatively high, and there is compelling evidence that feedback from these two stars has heated and compressed the filament. Filament {\sc fwhm}s are typically in the range $0.10\,{\rm pc}$ to $0.15\,{\rm pc}$. Most filaments have line densities in the range $25\,{\rm M_{_\odot}\,pc^{-1}}$ to $65\,{\rm M_{_\odot}\,pc^{-1}}$. If their only support is thermal gas pressure, and the gas is at the canonical temperature of $10\,{\rm K}$, the filaments are highly supercritical. However, there is some evidence from ammonia observations that the gas is significantly warmer than this, and we cannot rule out the possibility of additional support from turbulence and/or magnetic fields. On the basis of their spatial distribution, we argue that most of the starless cores are likely to disperse (rather than evolving to become prestellar).

Extreme-ultraviolet images from the Solar Dynamics Observatory often show looplike fine structure to be present where no minority-polarity flux is visible in magnetograms, suggesting that the rate of ephemeral region (ER) emergence inside "unipolar" regions has been underestimated. Assuming that this rate is the same inside coronal holes as in the quiet Sun, we show that interchange reconnection between ERs and open field lines gives rise to a solar wind energy flux that exceeds 10$^5$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ and that scales as the field strength at the coronal base, consistent with observations. In addition to providing Ohmic heating in the low corona, these reconnection events may be a source of Alfv{\'e}n waves with periods ranging from the granular timescale of $\sim$10 minutes to the supergranular/plume timescale of many hours, with some of the longer-period waves being reflected and dissipated in the outer corona. The asymptotic wind speed depends on the radial distribution of the heating, which is largely controlled by the rate of flux-tube expansion. Along the rapidly diverging flux tubes associated with slow wind, heating is concentrated well inside the sonic point (1) because the outward conductive heat-flux density and thus the outer coronal temperatures are reduced, and (2) because the net wave energy flux is dissipated at a rate proportional to the local Alfv{\'e}n speed. In this "hybrid" solar wind model, reconnection heats the lower corona and drives the mass flux, whereas waves impart energy and momentum to the outflow at greater distances.

Alexandre Arbey, Jérémy Auffinger, Pearl Sandick, Barmak Shams Es Haghi, Kuver Sinha

20 pages, 8 figures

We present precision calculations of dark radiation in the form of gravitons coming from Hawking evaporation of spinning primordial black holes (PBHs) in the early Universe. Our calculation incorporates a careful treatment of extended spin distributions of a population of PBHs, the PBH reheating temperature, and the number of relativistic degrees of freedom. We compare our precision results with those existing in the literature, and show constraints on PBHs from current bounds on dark radiation from BBN and the CMB, as well as the projected sensitivity of CMB Stage 4 experiments. As an application, we consider the case of PBHs formed during an early matter-dominated era (EMDE). We calculate graviton production from various PBH spin distributions pertinent to EMDEs, and find that PBHs in the entire mass range up to $10^9\,$g will be constrained by measurements from CMB Stage 4 experiments, assuming PBHs come to dominate the Universe prior to Hawking evaporation. We also find that for PBHs with monochromatic spins $a^*>0.81$, all PBH masses in the range $10^{-1}\,{\rm g} < M_{\rm BH} <10^9\,$g will be probed by CMB Stage 4 experiments.

Ian C. Weaver, Mercedes López-Morales, Munazza K. Alam, Néstor Espinoza, Benjamin V. Rackham, Jayesh M. Goyal, Ryan J. MacDonald, Nikole K. Lewis, Dániel Apai, Alex Bixel, Andrés Jordán, James Kirk, Chima McGruder, David J. Osip

28 pages, 18 Figures, accepted for publication in AJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1911.03358

We present a new ground-based visible transmission spectrum of the high-gravity, hot Jupiter HAT-P-23b, obtained as part of the ACCESS project. We derive the spectrum from five transits observed between 2016 and 2018, with combined wavelength coverage between 5200 {\AA} - 9269 {\AA} in 200 {\AA} bins, and with a median precision of 247 ppm per bin. HAT-P-23b's relatively high surface gravity (g ~ 30 m/s^2), combined with updated stellar and planetary parameters from Gaia DR2, gives a 5-scale-height signal of 384 ppm for a hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Bayesian models favor a clear atmosphere for the planet with the tentative presence of TiO, after simultaneously modeling stellar contamination, using spots parameter constraints from photometry. If confirmed, HAT-P-23b would be the first example of a high-gravity gas giant with a clear atmosphere observed in transmission at optical/NIR wavelengths; therefore, we recommend expanding observations to the UV and IR to confirm our results and further characterize this planet. This result demonstrates how combining transmission spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres with long-term photometric monitoring of the host stars can help disentangle the exoplanet and stellar activity signals.

J. Krticka, M. Prvak, I. Krtickova, Z. Mikulasek, A. Kawka

3 pages, presented at 21st European White Dwarf Workshop

Classical main-sequence chemically peculiar stars show light variability that originates in surface abundance spots. In the spots, the flux redistribution due to line (bound-bound) and bound-free transitions is modulated by stellar rotation and leads to light variability. White dwarfs and hot subdwarfs may also have surface abundance spots either owing to the elemental diffusion or as a result of accretion of debris. We model the light variability of typical white dwarfs and hot subdwarfs that results from putative surface abundance spots. We show that the spots with radiatively supported iron overabundance may cause observable light variability of hot white dwarfs and subdwarfs. Accretion of debris material may lead to detectable light variability in warm white dwarfs. We apply our model to the helium star HD 144941 and conclude that the spot model is able to explain most of observed light variations of this star.

We analyze the 11-year long-term light curve of the Radio-loud Narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) galaxy J0849+5108 and the nearly simultaneous $\gamma$-ray data of the source. The data were obtained with the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40-m telescope at 15~GHz and with the Large Area Telescope onboard Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, respectively. A quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) signal at a significance of $>$5$\sigma$ is found in the radio light curve, but no similar modulation is seen in the $\gamma$-ray light curve. The QPO signal was present for 21 cycles, the longest among the reported radio QPOs, and likely disappeared after 2019 January 16. Different mechanisms proposed to explain the observed QPOs in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are discussed for this QPO case. Either a secular instability in the inner accretion disk or a helical structure in the jet of J0849+5108 may explain the radio QPO, while for the latter scenario the jet has to be collimated up to $\sim$200~pc, similar to that seen in the nearby AGN M87. It will be of interests to keep monitoring the source at radio frequencies, seeing if similar QPO signals would appear again or not.

As weak lensing surveys are becoming deeper and cover larger areas, information will be available on small angular scales down to the arcmin level. To extract this extra information, accurate modelling of baryonic effects is necessary. In this work, we adopt a baryonic correction model, which includes gas both bound inside and ejected from dark matter (DM) haloes, a central galaxy, and changes in the DM profile induced by baryons. We use this model to incorporate baryons into a large suite of DM-only $N$-body simulations, covering a grid of 75 cosmologies in the $\Omega_\mathrm{m}-\sigma_8$ parameter space. We investigate how baryons affect Gaussian and non-Gaussian weak lensing statistics and the cosmological parameter inferences from these statistics. Our results show that marginalizing over baryonic parameters degrades the constraints in $\Omega_\mathrm{m}-\sigma_8$ space by a factor of $2-4$ compared to those with baryonic parameters fixed. We investigate the contribution of each baryonic component to this degradation, and find that the distance to which gas is ejected (from AGN feedback) has the largest impact due to its degeneracy with cosmological parameters. External constraints on this parameter, either from other datasets or from a better theoretical understanding of AGN feedback, can significantly mitigate the impact of baryons in an HSC-like survey.

Askar B. Abdikamalov, Dimitry Ayzenberg, Cosimo Bambi, Sourabh Nampalliwar, Ashutosh Tripathi

13 pages, 6 figures

X-ray reflection spectroscopy is a powerful technique for probing the nature of gravity around black holes in the so-called strong field regime. One of the most popular of such probes is to look at theory-agnostic deviations away from the Kerr solution, which is the only astrophysically relevant black hole solution within classical general relativity, in order to verify whether astrophysical black holes are described by the Kerr metric. We have recently extended our X-ray reflection spectroscopy framework to a class of very general axisymmetric non-Kerr black holes proposed by Konoplya, Rezzolla & Zhidenko (Phys. Rev. D93, 064015, 2016). Here, we analyze XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of the supermassive black hole in the Seyfert 1 galaxy MCG-06-30-15 with six different deviation parameters of this extended model. We recover the Kerr solution in all cases, but some deformation parameters are poorly constrained. We discuss the implications of this verification and future possibilities.

Ganesh Narayanan, Arunima Banerjee

12 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables

Superthin galaxies (STs) are low surface brightness galaxies (LSBs) (central surface brightness in $B$-band $>$ 23 magarcsec$^{-2}$) with a strikingly high planar-to-vertical axes ratio of $\sim 10 - 20$ with no bulge component. The superthin vertical structure of STGs results in significantly lower values of disc dynamical stability (Jog 1992) and hence higher values of the predicted SFR compared to face-on LSBs. We systematically study the star formation rate (SFR) of samples of STGs and LSBs and compare their relative values. Using GALEX FUV, we estimate the SFR of 212 STGs and 158 LSBs, the median values being 0.057 $M_\odot /yr$ and 0.223 $M_\odot /yr$ respectively. We next obtain the SFR from WISE (W3) of 549 STGs and 345 LSBs, with median values of 0.471 $M_\odot /yr$ and 0.17 $M_\odot /yr$ respectively. Finally, from SED fitting of photometric data in ten bands (FUV, NUV of GALEX, u,g,r,i,z of SDSS \& J, H, Ks of 2MASS) in MAGPHYS, we find the SFR for a sample of 65 STGs and 103 LSBs to be 0.357 $M_\odot /yr$ and 0.616 $M_\odot /yr$ respectively. Also, as is indicated by the median values of number of bursts after $t_{\rm{form}} = 1$ and an exponential star formation time scale parameter $\gamma$ = 0.2 ${\rm{Gyr}}^{-1}$, the SFR remains fairly constant over time. Interestingly, in spite of having low SFR compared to ordinary star-forming galaxies, both superthins and LSBs populate the star forming blue cloud region in the specific star formation (sSFR) - stellar mass (M*) plane of galaxies.

Marco Tucci, Luigi Toffolatti

22 pages, 19 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

We develop a formalism to model the luminosity functions (LFs) of radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) at GHz frequencies by the cosmological evolution of the supermassive black hole (SMBH). The mass function and Eddington ratio distributions of SMBHs have been taken as starting point for this analysis. Our approach is based on physical and phenomenological relations that allow to statistically calculate the radio luminosity of AGN cores, corrected for beaming effects, by linking it with the SMBH at their center, through the Fundamental Plane of black hole activity. Moreover, radio luminosity from extended jets and lobes is also computed through a power-law relationship that reflects the expected correlation between the inner radio core and the extended jets/lobes. Radio-loud AGN are further divided in two classes, characterized by different accretion modes onto the central BH. If the Eddington ratio is <0.01 they are called low-kinetic (LK-mode) AGN; if >0.01, they are called high-kinetic (HK-mode) AGN, being this critical value roughly corresponding to the transition between radiatively inefficient and efficient accretion flows. The few free parameters used in the present model are determined by fitting two different types of observational data sets: local LFs of radio-loud AGN at 1.4 GHz and differential number counts of extragalactic radio sources at 1.4 and 5 GHz. Our present model fits well almost all published data on LFs of LK-mode AGN and of the total AGN population up to redshifts z<=1.5 and, moreover, in the full range of luminosities currently probed by data. On the other hand, it tends to underestimate some recent measures of the LF of HK-mode AGN at low redshifts, but only at low radio luminosities. The present model is also able to provide a very good fit to almost all data on number counts of radio-loud sources at 1.4 and 5 GHz. (abridged)

The occurrence of multiple stars, dominantly binaries, is studied using the \textit{Gaia}-ESA DR2 catalogue. We apply the optimized statistical method that we previously developed for the analysis of 2D patterns. The field of stars is divided into a mosaic of small pieces, which represent a statistical set for analysis. Specifically, data input is represented by a grid of circles (events) with radius $0.02\,\deg$ covering the sky in the field of galactic latitude $\left\vert b\right\vert >25\,\deg$. The criteria for selecting candidates for multiple stars are based on two parameters: angular separation and collinearity of proper motion. Radial separation, due to limited accuracy, is used only as a weaker supplementary constraint. Due attention is paid to the accurate calculation of the background, which is a necessary input for evaluating the quality of the candidates. Our selection algorithm generates the catalogue of candidates: $900,842$ binaries, $5,282$ trinaries and $30$ quaternaries.

Yongyun Chen, Qiusheng Gu, Junhui Fan, Hongyan Zhou, Yefei Yuan, Weimin Gu, Qinwen Wu, Dingrong Xiong, Xiaotong Guo, Nan Ding, Xiaoling Yu

15pages, 8figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Theoretical models show that the power of relativistic jets of active galactic nuclei depends on the spin and mass of the central supermassive black holes, as well as the accretion. Here we report an analysis of archival observations of a sample of blazars. We find a significant correlation between jet kinetic power and the spin of supermassive black holes. At the same time, we use multiple linear regression to analyze the relationship between jet kinetic power and accretion, spin and black hole mass. We find that the spin of supermassive black holes and accretion are the most important contribution to the jet kinetic power. The contribution rates of both the spin of supermassive black holes and accretion are more than 95\%. These results suggest that the spin energy of supermassive black holes powers the relativistic jets. The jet production efficiency of almost all Fermi blazars can be explained by moderately thin magnetically arrested accretion disks around rapidly spinning black holes.

Arshia M. Jacob, Karl M. Menten, Helmut Wiesemeyer, Gisela N. Ortiz-León

Accepted for publication in A&A 18 pages, 15 figures and 4 tables

The intensities of the three widely observed radio-wavelength hyperfine structure (HFS) lines between the {\Lambda}-doublet components of the rotational ground state of CH are inconsistent with LTE and indicate ubiquitous population inversion. While this can be qualitatively understood assuming a pumping cycle that involves collisional excitation processes, the relative intensities of the lines and in particular the dominance of the lowest frequency satellite line has not been well understood. This has limited the use of CH radio emission as a tracer of the molecular interstellar medium. We present the first interferometric observations, with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, of the CH 9 cm ground state HFS transitions at 3.264 GHz, 3.335 GHz, and 3.349 GHz toward four high mass star-forming regions (SFRs) Sgr B2 (M), G34.26+0.15, W49 (N), and W51. We investigate the nature of the (generally) weak CH ground state masers by employing synergies between the ground state HFS transitions themselves and with the far-infrared lines, near 149 {\mu}m (2 THz), that connect these levels to an also HFS split rotationally excited level. Employing recently calculated collisional rate coefficients, we perform statistical equilibrium calculations with the non-LTE radiative transfer code MOLPOP-CEP in order to model the excitation conditions traced by the ground state HFS lines of CH and to infer the physical conditions in the emitting regions while also accounting for the effects of far-infrared line overlap.

Manuela Temmer

Accepted for publication in "Living Reviews in Solar Physics" full open access; note: arxiv Figures are of reduced quality; for high quality Figures go to: this https URL

The Sun, as an active star, is the driver of energetic phenomena that structure interplanetary space and affect planetary atmospheres. The effects of Space Weather on Earth and the solar system is of increasing importance as human spaceflight is preparing for lunar and Mars missions. This review is focusing on the solar perspective of the Space Weather relevant phenomena, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), flares, solar energetic particles (SEPs), and solar wind stream interaction regions (SIR). With the advent of the STEREO mission (launched in 2006), literally, new perspectives were provided that enabled for the first time to study coronal structures and the evolution of activity phenomena in three dimensions. New imaging capabilities, covering the entire Sun-Earth distance range, allowed to seamlessly connect CMEs and their interplanetary counterparts measured in-situ (so called ICMEs). This vastly increased our knowledge and understanding of the dynamics of interplanetary space due to solar activity and fostered the development of Space Weather forecasting models. Moreover, we are facing challenging times gathering new data from two extraordinary missions, NASA's Parker Solar Probe (launched in 2018) and ESA's Solar Orbiter (launched in 2020), that will in the near future provide more detailed insight into the solar wind evolution and image CMEs from view points never approached before. The current review builds upon the Living Reviews paper by Schwenn from 2006, updating on the Space Weather relevant CME-flare-SEP phenomena from the solar perspective, as observed from multiple viewpoints and their concomitant solar surface signatures.

Jincheng Yu, Baitian Tang, J. G. Fernandez-Trincado, Douglas Geisler, Hongliang Yan, M. Soto

ApJ accepted

We measure chemical abundances for over 20 elements of 15 N-rich field stars with high resolution ($R \sim 30000$) optical spectra. We find that Na, Mg, Al, Si, and Ca abundances of our N-rich field stars are mostly consistent with those of stars from globular clusters (GCs). Seven stars are estimated to have [Al/Fe$]>0.5$, which is not found in most GC "first generation" stars. On the other hand, $\alpha$ element abundances (especially Ti) could show distinguishable differences between in situ stars and accreted stars. We discover that one interesting star, with consistently low [Mg/Fe], [Si/Fe], [Ca/Fe], [Ti/Fe], [Sc/Fe], [V/Fe], and [Co/Fe], show similar kinematic and [Ba/Eu] as other stars from the dissolved dwarf galaxy "$Gaia$-Sausage-Enceladus". The $\alpha$-element abundances and the iron-peak element abundances of the N-rich field stars with metallicities $-1.25 \le {\rm [Fe/H]} \le -0.95$ show consistent values with Milky Way field stars rather than stars from dwarf galaxies, indicating that they were formed in situ. In addition, the neutron capture elements of N-rich field stars show that most of them could be enriched by asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars with masses around $3 - 5\, M_{\odot}$.

Mohamad Ali-Dib, Michael Marsset, Wing-Cheung Wong, Rola Dbouk

Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal. 25 pages, 15 figures

We investigate the origins of the photometrically Very Red and Less Red Trans-Neptunian Objects. We first reanalyse the dataset of Marsset et al. 2019 and find that, in addition to the known color-inclination correlation in hot TNOs, a similar trend exists for color-eccentricity. We show that VR TNOs are sharply constrained to eccentricities < 0.42 and inclinations < 21 deg, leading to a paucity of VR scattered disk and distant MMR objects. We then interpret these findings using N-body simulations accounting for Neptune's outward migration into a massless particles disk, and find that these observations are best reproduced with a LR-to-VR color transition line between 38 and 42 AU in the primordial disk, separating the objects' formation locations. For an initial surface density profile $\Sigma \propto 1/r^2$, a color transition around 38 AU is needed to explain the high abundance of VR plutinos but creates too many VR scattered disk objects, while a transition line around 42 AU seems to better reproduces the scattered disk colors but creates virtually no VR plutinos. Our simulations furthermore show that the rarity of VR particles at high eccentricity is possibly due to the absence of sweeping higher order MMRs, and secular resonances, beyond 42 AU. Inspecting individual populations, we show that the majority of VR SDOs originate as objects trapped in Neptune's second and third order MMRs. These then evolve due to diffusion, scattering, Kozai-Lidov cycles, and secular resonances into their current orbits. Future unbiased color surveys are crucial to better constrain the TNOs dynamical origins.

Gigi Y.C. Leung, Ryan Leaman, Giuseppina Battaglia, Glenn van de Ven, Alyson M. Brooks, Jorge Peñarrubia, Kim A. Venn

arxiv version, published in MNRAS. 23 pages, 14 figures

We present multi-tracer dynamical models of the low mass ($M_{*} \sim 10^{7}$), isolated dwarf irregular galaxy WLM in order to simultaneously constrain the inner slope of the dark matter (DM) halo density profile ($\gamma$) and flattening ($q_\mathrm{DM}$), and the stellar orbital anisotropy ($\beta_{z}, \beta_{r}$). For the first time, we show how jointly constraining the mass distribution from the HI gas rotation curve and solving the Jeans' equations with discrete stellar kinematics leads to a factor of $\sim2$ reduction in the uncertainties on $\gamma$. The mass-anisotropy degeneracy is also partially broken, leading to reductions on uncertainty by $\sim 30\%$ on $M_\mathrm{vir}$ (and $\sim 70\%$ at the half-light radius) and $\sim 25\%$ on anisotropy. Our inferred value of $\gamma = 0.3 \pm 0.1$ is robust to the halo geometry, and in excellent agreement with predictions of stellar feedback driven DM core creation. The derived prolate geometry of the DM halo with $q_\mathrm{DM} = 2 \pm 1$ is consistent with $\Lambda$CDM simulations of dwarf galaxy halos. While self-interacting DM (SIDM) models with $\sigma/m_{X} \sim 0.6$ can reproduce this cored DM profile, the interaction events may sphericalise the halo. The simultaneously cored and prolate DM halo may therefore present a challenge for SIDM. Finally we find that the radial profile of stellar anisotropy in WLM ($\beta_{r}$) follows a nearly identical trend of increasing tangential anisotropy to the classical dSphs, Fornax and Sculptor. Given WLM's orbital history, this result may call into question whether such anisotropy is a consequence of tidal stripping in only one pericentric passage or if it instead is a feature of the largely self-similar formation and evolutionary pathways for some dwarf galaxies.

M. Tiwari, R. Karim, M. W. Pound, M. Wolfire, A. Jacob, C. Buchbender, R. Güsten, C. Guevara, R.D. Higgins, S. Kabanovic, C. Pabst, O. Ricken, N. Schneider, R. Simon, J. Stutzki, A. G. G. M. Tielens

31 pages, 17 figures

We unveil the stellar wind driven shell of the luminous massive star-forming region of RCW 49 using SOFIA FEEDBACK observations of the [CII] 158 $\mu$m line. The complementary dataset of the $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO J = 3 - 2 transitions is observed by the APEX telescope and probes the dense gas toward RCW 49. Using the spatial and spectral resolution provided by the SOFIA and APEX telescopes, we disentangle the shell from a complex set of individual components of gas centered around RCW 49. We find that the shell of radius ~ 6 pc is expanding at a velocity of 13 km s$^{-1}$ toward the observer. Comparing our observed data with the ancillary data at X-Ray, infrared, sub-millimeter and radio wavelengths, we investigate the morphology of the region. The shell has a well defined eastern arc, while the western side is blown open and is venting plasma further into the west. Though the stellar cluster, which is ~ 2 Myr old gave rise to the shell, it only gained momentum relatively recently as we calculate the shell's expansion lifetime ~ 0.27 Myr, making the Wolf-Rayet star WR20a a likely candidate responsible for the shell's re-acceleration.

Olivér Boersma, Joeri van Leeuwen, Elizabeth A. K. Adams, Björn Adebahr, Alexander Kutkin, Tom Oosterloo, W. J. G. de Blok, R. van den Brink, A. H. W. M. Coolen, L. Connor, S. Damstra, H. Dénes, K. M. Hess, J. M. van der Hulst, B. Hut, M. Ivashina, G. M. Loose, D. M. Lucero, Y. Maan, Á. Mika, V. A. Moss, H. Mulder, L. C. Oostrum, M. Ruiter, D. van der Schuur, R. Smits, N. J. Vermaas, D. Vohl, J. Ziemke

11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication

Detection of the electromagnetic emission from coalescing binary neutron stars (BNS) is important for understanding the merger and afterglow. We present a search for a radio counterpart to the gravitational-wave source GW190425, a BNS merger, using Apertif on the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT). We observe a field of high probability in the associated localisation region for 3 epochs at 68, 90 and 109 days post merger. We identify all sources that exhibit flux variations consistent with the expected afterglow emission of GW190425. We also look for possible transients. These are sources which are only present in one epoch. In addition, we quantify our ability to search for radio afterglows in fourth and future observing runs of the gravitational-wave detector network using Monte Carlo simulations. We found 25 afterglow candidates based on their variability. None of these could be associated with a possible host galaxy at the luminosity distance of GW190425. We also found 55 transient afterglow candidates that were only detected in one epoch. All turned out to be image artefacts. In the fourth observing run, we predict that up to three afterglows will be detectable by Apertif. While we did not find a source related to the afterglow emission of GW190425, the search validates our methods for future searches of radio afterglows.

Eleni Vardoulaki, Ghassem Gozaliasl, Alexis Finoguenov, Eric F. Jiménez-Andrade, the COSMOS Team

to appear in RNAASS as contribution to the AAS237 meeting, 3 pages, 1 figure

In the current picture of cosmology and astrophysics, the formation and evolution of galaxies is closely linked to that of their dark matter haloes. The best representation of this galaxy-dark matter halo co-evolution is the M* - Mhalo relation. In this study we investigate how the radio-mode feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) affects the M* - Mhalo relation at redshifts 0.08 < z < 1.53. We use a set of 111 radio-selected AGN at 3 GHz VLA-COSMOS within the X-ray galaxy groups in the COSMOS field. We compare these results to the ones of 171 star-forming galaxies (SFGs), using the theoretical relation of Moster et al. (2013). We find that AGN agree within 1% with the Moster et al. (2013) relation, SFGs show an offset of 37%, suggesting that the radio-mode feedback from AGN at a median redshift of ~ 0.5 still plays a significant role in the M* - Mhalo relation.

Óscar Carrión-González, Antonio García Muñoz, Juan Cabrera, Szilárd Csizmadia, Nuno C. Santos, Heike Rauer

Accepted for publication in A&A. 34 pages, 12 Tables, 24 Figures

Reflected starlight measurements will open a new path in the characterization of directly imaged exoplanets. However, we still lack a population study of known targets amenable to this technique. Here, we investigate which of the about 4300 exoplanets confirmed to date are accessible to the Roman Space Telescope's coronagraph (CGI) in reflected starlight at reference wavelengths $\lambda$=575, 730 and 825 nm. We carry out a population study and also address the prospects for phase-curve measurements. We used the NASA Exoplanet Archive as a reference for planet and star properties, and explored the impact of their uncertainties on the exoplanet's detectability by applying statistical arguments. We define a planet as Roman-accessible on the basis of the instrument inner and outer working angles and its minimum planet-to-star constrast (IWA, OWA, $C_{min}$). We adopt for these technical specifications three plausible configurations labeled as pessimistic, intermediate and optimistic. Our key outputs for each exoplanet are its probability of being Roman-accessible ($P_{access}$), the range of observable phase angles, the evolution of its equilibrium temperature, the number of days per orbit that it is accessible and its transit probability. In the optimistic scenario, we find 26 Roman-accessible exoplanets with $P_{access}$>25% and host stars brighter than $V$=7 mag. This population is biased towards planets more massive than Jupiter but also includes the super-Earths tau Cet e and f which orbit near their star's habitable zone. A total of 13 planets are part of multiplanet systems, 3 of them with known transiting companions, offering opportunities for contemporaneous characterization. The intermediate and pessimistic scenarios yield 10 and 3 Roman-accessible exoplanets, respectively. We find that inclination estimates (e.g. with astrometry) are key for refining the detectability prospects.

Anthony H. Gonzalez, Tyler George, Thomas Connor, Alis Deason, Megan Donahue, Mireia Montes, Ann I. Zabludoff, Dennis Zaritsky

8 pages, 5 figures, submission to MNRAS

We present an analysis of the intracluster light in the Frontier Field Cluster MACS J1149.5+2223 (z=0.544), which combines new and archival Hubble WFC3/IR imaging to provide continuous radial coverage out to 2.8 Mpc from the brightest cluster galaxy. Employing careful treatment of potential systematic biases and using data at the largest radii to determine the background sky level, we reconstruct the surface brightness profile out to a radius of 2 Mpc. This radius is the largest to which the intracluster light (ICL) has been measured for an individual cluster. Within this radius, we measure a total luminosity of 1.5e13 Lsun for the brightest cluster galaxy plus ICL light. From the profile and its logarithmic slope, we identify the transition from the brightest cluster galaxy to ICL at r~70 kpc. Remarkably, we also detect an inflection in the profile centered in the 1.2-1.7 Mpc (0.37-0.52 r200m) radial bin, a signature of an infall caustic in the stellar distribution. Based upon the shape and strength of the feature, we interpret it as potentially being at the splashback radius, although the radius is smaller than theoretical predictions. If this is the splashback radius, then it is the first such detection in the ICL and the first detection of the splashback radius for an individual cluster. Similar analyses should be possible with the other Frontier Field clusters, and eventually with clusters from the Euclid and Roman missions.

Zi-Fan Wang, Jie Jiang, Jing-Xiu Wang

9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

The solar dipole moment at cycle minimum is considered to be the most successful precursor for the amplitude of the subsequent cycle. Numerical simulations of the surface flux transport (SFT) model are widely used to effectively predict the dipole moment at cycle minimum. Recently an algebraic method has been proposed to quickly predict the contribution of an active region (AR) to the axial dipole moment at cycle minimum instead of SFT simulations. However, the method assumes a bipolar magnetic region (BMR) configuration of ARs. Actually most ARs are asymmetric in configuration of opposite polarities, or have more complex configurations. Such ARs evolve significantly differently from that of BMR approximations. We propose a generalized algebraic method to describe the axial dipole contribution of an AR with an arbitrary configuration, and evaluate its effectiveness compared to the BMR-based method. We employ mathematical deductions to obtain the generalized method. We compare the results of the generalized method with SFT simulations of observed ARs, artificially created BMRs, and ARs with more complex configurations. We also compare the results with that from the BMR-based method. The generalized method is equivalent to the SFT model, and precisely predicts the ARs' contributions to the dipole moment. The method has a much higher computational efficiency than SFT simulations. Although the BMR-based method has similar computational efficiency as the generalized method, it is only accurate for symmetric bipolar ARs. The BMR-based method systematically overestimates the dipole contributions of asymmetric bipolar ARs, and randomly miscalculate the contributions of more complex ARs. The generalized method provides a quick and precise quantification of an AR's contribution to the solar cycle evolution, which paves the way for the application into the physics-based solar cycle prediction.

Zehao Tang, Yuandeng Shen, Xinping Zhou, Yadan Duan, Chengrui Zhou, Song Tan, Elmhamdi Abouazza

11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL

We present the sympathetic eruption of a standard and a blowout coronal jets originating from two adjacent coronal bright points (CBP1 and CBP2) in a polar coronal hole, using soft X-ray and extreme ultraviolet observations respectively taken by the Hinode and the Solar Dynamic Observatory. In the event, a collimated jet with obvious westward lateral motion firstly launched from CBP1, during which a small bright point appeared around CBP1's east end, and magnetic flux cancellation was observed within the eruption source region. Based on these characteristics, we interpret the observed jet as a standard jet associated with photosperic magnetic flux cancellation. About 15 minutes later, the westward moving jet spire interacted with CBP2 and resulted in magnetic reconnection between them, which caused the formation of the second jet above CBP2 and the appearance of a bright loop system in-between the two CBPs. In addition, we observed the writhing, kinking, and violent eruption of a small kink structure close to CBP2's west end but inside the jet-base, which made the second jet brighter and broader than the first one. These features suggest that the second jet should be a blowout jet triggered by the magnetic reconnection between CBP2 and the spire of the first jet. We conclude that the two successive jets were physically connected to each other rather than a temporal coincidence, and this observation also suggests that coronal jets can be triggered by external eruptions or disturbances, besides internal magnetic activities or magnetohydrodynamic instabilities.

Andrzej A. Zdziarski, Elisabeth Jourdain, Piotr Lubinski, Michal Szanecki, Andrzej Niedzwiecki, Alexandra Veledina, Juri Poutanen, Marta A. Dzielak, Jean-Pierre Roques

submitted to ApJ, 9 pages

We study X-ray and soft gamma-ray spectra from the hard state of the accreting black-hole binary MAXI J1820+070. We perform analysis of two joint spectra from NuSTAR and INTEGRAL, covering the range of 3--650 keV and of an average joint spectrum over the rise of the hard state, covering the 3--2200 keV range. The spectra are well modelled by Comptonization of soft seed photons. However, the distributions of the scattering electrons are not purely thermal; we find they have substantial high-energy tails, well modelled as steep power laws. The corresponding power-law photon tail in the average spectrum is detected well beyond the threshold for electron-positron pair production, 511 keV. This allows us to calculate the rate of the electron-positron pair production and put a lower limit on the size of the source from pair equilibrium of 3--4 gravitational radii. If we adopt the sizes estimated by us from the reflection spectroscopy of $>$20 gravitational radii, the fractional pair abundance becomes much less than unity. The low pair abundance is confirmed by the lack of an annihilation feature in the average spectrum.

H. T. J. Bevins, W. J. Handley, A. Fialkov, E. de Lera Acedo, K. Javid

13 pages, 12 figures

Emulation of the Global (sky-averaged) 21-cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization with neural networks has been shown to be an essential tool for physical signal modelling. In this paper we present globalemu, a Global 21-cm signal emulator that uses redshift as a character defining variable along side a set of astrophysical parameters to estimate the brightness temperature of the 21-cm signal. Combined with a physically motivated pre-processing of the data this makes for a reliable and fast emulator that is relatively insensitive to the neural network design. A single high resolution signal can be emulated in 1.3 ms when using globalemu in comparison to 133 ms, a factor of 102 improvement, when using the existing public state of the art emulator 21cmGEM evaluated with the same computing power. We illustrate, with the same training and test data used for 21cmGEM, that globalemu is almost twice as accurate as 21cmGEM and for 95% of models in a test set of $\approx1,700$ we can achieve a RMSE of $\leq 5.37$ mK and a mean RMSE of 2.52 mK across the band z = 7 -28 (approximately 10% the expected noise of 25 mK for the Radio Experiment for the Analysis of Cosmic Hydrogen (REACH)). Further, globalemu provides a flexible framework in which the neutral fraction history and Global signal models with updated astrophysics can be emulated easily. The emulator is pip installable and available at: https://github.com/htjb/globalemu. globalemu will be used by the REACH collaboration to perform physical signal modelling inside a Bayesian nested sampling loop.

Emanuel Sillero, Patricia B. Tissera, Diego G. Lambas, Stefano Bovino, Dominik R. Schleicher, Tommaso Grassi, Gustavo Bruzual, Stéphane Charlot

21 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present P-GADGET3-K, an updated version of GADGET3, that incorporates the chemistry package KROME. P-GADGET3-K follows the hydrodynamical and chemical evolution of cosmic structures, incorporating the chemistry and cooling of H$_2$ and metal cooling in non-equilibrium. We performed different runs of the same ICs to assess the impact of various physical parameters and prescriptions, namely gas metallicity, molecular hydrogen formation on dust, star formation recipes including or not H$_2$ dependence, and the effects of numerical resolution. We find that the characteristics of the simulated systems, both globally and at kpc-scales, are in good agreement with several observable properties of molecular gas in star-forming galaxies. The surface density profiles of SFR and H$_2$ are found to vary with the clumping factor and resolution. In agreement with previous results, the chemical enrichment of the gas component is found to be a key ingredient to model the formation and distribution of H$_2$ as a function of gas density and temperature. A SF algorithm that takes into account the H$_2$ fraction together with a treatment for the local stellar radiation field improves the agreement with observed H$_2$ abundances over a wide range of gas densities and with the molecular Kennicutt-Schmidt law, implying a more realistic modelling of the star formation process.

M. Agundez, E. Roueff, C. Cabezas, J. Cernicharo, N. Marcelino

Accepted for publication in A&A

We report the first detection in space of the two doubly deuterated isotopologues of methyl acetylene. The species CHD2CCH and CH2DCCD were identified in the dense core L483 through nine and eight, respectively, rotational lines in the 72-116 GHz range using the IRAM 30m telescope. The astronomical frequencies observed here were combined with laboratory frequencies from the literature measured in the 29-47 GHz range to derive more accurate spectroscopic parameters for the two isotopologues. We derive beam-averaged column densities of (2.7 +/- 0.5)e12 cm-2 for CHD2CCH and (2.2 +/- 0.4)e12 cm-2 for CH2DCCD, which translate to abundance ratios CH3CCH/CHD2CCH = 34 +/- 10 and CH3CCH/CH2DCCD = 42 +/- 13. The doubly deuterated isotopologues of methyl acetylene are only a few times less abundant than the singly deuterated ones, concretely around 2.4 times less abundant than CH3CCD. The abundances of the different deuterated isotopologues with respect to CH3CCH are reasonably accounted for by a gas-phase chemical model in which deuteration occurs from the precursor ions C3H6D+ and C3H5D+, when the ortho-to-para ratio of molecular hydrogen is sufficiently low. This points to gas-phase chemical reactions, rather than grain-surface processes, as responsible for the formation and deuterium fractionation of CH3CCH in L483. The abundance ratios CH2DCCH/CH3CCD = 3.0 +/- 0.9 and CHD2CCH/CH2DCCD = 1.25 +/- 0.37 observed in L483 are consistent with the statistically expected values of three and one, respectively, with the slight overabundance of CHD2CCH compared to CH2DCCD being well explained by the chemical model.

We study the fit of cosmological models with two additional free parameters $N_\mathrm{eff}$ and $\xi_e$ in addition to the parameters of $\Lambda$CDM. We introduce extra radiation components such as hot axions or sterile neutrinos in addition to the energy density of neutrinos with large neutrino degeneracy. Then, a larger $N_\mathrm{eff}$ is allowed without spoiling Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), as positive neutrino degeneracy $\xi_e$ could improve BBN fit. By analysing the data from Planck, baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO), BBN and type-Ia supernovae (SNeIa), it can be seen that the Hubble tension can be ameliorated for $\xi_{e}\simeq 0.04$ and $0.3 \lesssim \Delta N_\mathrm{eff} \lesssim 0.6$.

By tracing the orbital and star formation histories of galaxies within the Coma cluster, we seek to understand the role of the high-density cluster environment in quenching these galaxies. We combine star-formation histories extracted from high-signal-to-noise spectra of 11 early-type galaxies around the center of the Coma cluster with probability distributions for their orbital parameters obtained using an N-body simulation to connect their orbital and star formation histories. We find that all 11 galaxies likely quenched near their first pericentric approach. Higher stellar mass galaxies ($\log(M_\star/\mathrm{M}_\odot)>10$) had formed a higher fraction of their stellar mass (more than $\sim90\%$) than their lower mass counterparts ($\sim 80$-$90\%$) by the time they fell into the cluster (when they cross $2.5r_\mathrm{vir}$). We find that the expected infall occurred around $z\sim0.6$, followed by the first pericentric passage $\sim4\,\mathrm{Gyr}$ later. Galaxies in our sample formed a significant fraction of their stellar mass, up to $15\%$, between infall and first pericenter, and had assembled more than $\sim98\%$ of their cumulative stellar mass by first pericenter. Unlike previous low-redshift studies which suggest that star formation continues until about first apocenter or later, the high percentage of stellar mass already formed by first pericenter in our sample galaxies points to star formation ceasing within a gigayear after the first pericentric passage. We consider the possible physical mechanisms driving quenching and find that our results resemble the situation in clusters at $z\sim1$, where active stripping of gas (ram-pressure or tidally driven) seems to be required to quench satellites by their first pericentric passage. However, a larger sample will be required to conclusively account for the unknown fraction of pre-processed satellites in the Coma cluster.

D. Stansby, L. M. Green, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, T. S. Horbury

Pre-review copy; comments and suggestions welcome to the lead author

Both coronal holes and active regions are source regions of the solar wind. The distribution of these coronal structures across both space and time is well known, but it is unclear how much each source contributes to the solar wind. In this study we use photospheric magnetic field maps observed over the past four solar cycles to estimate what fraction of magnetic open solar flux is rooted in active regions, a proxy for the fraction of all solar wind originating in active regions. We find that the fractional contribution of active regions to the solar wind varies between 30% to 80% at any one time during solar maximum and is negligible at solar minimum, showing a strong correlation with sunspot number. While active regions are typically confined to latitudes $\pm$30$^{\circ}$ in the corona, the solar wind they produce can reach latitudes up to $\pm$60$^{\circ}$. Their fractional contribution to the solar wind also correlates with coronal mass ejection rate, and is highly variable, changing by $\pm$20% on monthly timescales within individual solar maxima. We speculate that these variations are primarily driven by coronal mass ejections causing global reconfigurations of the coronal magnetic field on sub-monthly timescales.

Wataru Ishizaki, Kunihito Ioka, Kenta Kiuchi

10 pages, 2 figures

A new component was reported in the X-ray counterpart to the binary neutron-star merger and gravitational wave event GW170817, exceeding the afterglow emission from an off-axis structured jet. The afterglow emission from the kilonova/macronova ejecta may explain the X-ray excess but exceeds the radio observations if the spectrum is the same. We propose a fallback accretion model that a part of ejecta from the neutron star merger falls back and forms a disk around the central compact object. In the super-Eddington accretion phase, the X-ray luminosity stays near the Eddington limit of a few solar masses and the radio is weak, as observed. This will be followed by a power law decay with index $-5/3$. The duration of the constant luminosity phase conveys the initial fallback timescale $t_0$ in the past. The current multi-year duration requires $t_0 > 3$--$30$ sec, suggesting that the disk wind rather than the dynamical ejecta falls back after the jet launch. Future observations in the next decades will probe the timescale of $t_0 \sim 10$--$10^4$ sec, around the time of extended emission in short gamma-ray bursts. The fallback accretion has not been halted by the {\it r}-process heating, implying that fission is weak on the year scale. We predict that the X-ray counterpart will disappear in a few decades due to the {\it r}-process halting.

Ying-Ying Gan (GXU), Hai-Ming Zhang (NJU), Jin Zhang (BIT), Xing Yang (GXU), Ting-Feng Yi (YNNU), Yun-Feng Liang (GXU), En-Wei Liang (GXU)

14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in RAA

The $\gamma$-ray emission properties of CTD 135, a typical compact symmetric object (CSO), are investigated with $\sim$11-year Fermi/LAT observations. We show that it has bright and significantly variable GeV emission, with the $\gamma$-ray luminosity of $L_{\gamma}\sim10^{47}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and a variation index of TS$_{\rm var}=1002$. A quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) with a periodicity of $\sim$460 days is detected in the global 95\% false-alarm level. These $\gamma$-ray emission features are similar to that of blazars. Its broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) can be attributed to the radiations of the relativistic electrons accelerated in the core region and the extended region. The SED modeling shows that the $\gamma$-rays are from the core region, which has a Doppler boosting factor of $\delta\sim10.8$ and relativistically moves with a small viewing angle, being similar to blazar jets. On the base of the analysis results, we propose that the episodic activity of the central engine in CTD 135 results in a blazar-like jet and the bubble-like lobes as the Fermi bubbles in the Galaxy. The strong $\gamma$-ray emission with obvious variability is from the jet radiations and the symmetric radio structure is attributed to the bubbles. The jet radiation power and disk luminosity in units of Eddington luminosity of CTD 135 follow the same relation as other young radio galaxies, indicating that its jet radiation may be also driven by the Eddington ratio.

Anton Rudakovskyi, Andrei Mesinger, Denys Savchenko, Nicolas Gillet

prepared for submission to MNRAS

The number density of small dark matter (DM) halos hosting faint high-redshift galaxies is sensitive to the DM free-streaming properties. However, constraining these DM properties is complicated by degeneracies with the uncertain baryonic physics governing star formation. In this work, we use a flexible astrophysical model and a Bayesian inference framework to analyse ultra-violet (UV) luminosity functions (LFs) at z=6-8. We vary the complexity of the galaxy model (single vs double power law for the stellar -- halo mass relation) as well as the matter power spectrum (cold DM vs thermal relic warm DM), comparing their Bayesian evidences. Adopting a conservatively wide prior range for the WDM particle mass, we show that the UV LFs at z=6-8 only weakly favour CDM over WDM. We find that particle masses of $\lesssim$2 keV are rejected at a 95% credible level in all models that have a WDM-like power spectrum cutoff. This bound should increase to ~2.5 keV with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).

In light of the statistical performance of cosmological observations, in this work we present an improvement on the Gaussian reconstruction of the Hubble parameter data $H(z)$ from Cosmic Chronometers, Supernovae Type Ia and Clustering Galaxies in a model-independent way in order to use them to study new constraints in the Horndeski theory of gravity. First, we have found that the prior used to calibrate the Pantheon supernovae data significantly affects the reconstructions, leading to a 13-$\sigma $ tension on the $H_0$ value. Second, according to the $\chi^{2}$-statistics, the reconstruction carried out by the Pantheon data calibrated using the $H_{0} $ value measured by The Carnegie-Chicago Hubble Program is the reconstruction which fits best the observations of Cosmic Chronometers and Clustering of Galaxies datasets. Finally, we use our reconstructions of $H(z)$ to impose model-independent constraints in general cosmological viable Horndeski models, landscape in where we found that a Horndeski model that represents an extension to Quintessence can reproduce the reconstructions of the late expansion of the universe within 2-$\sigma$.

Weiqiang Yang, Supriya Pan, Llibert Aresté Saló, Jaume de Haro

14 pages, 9 figures and 4 tables. We dedicate this work to the memory of Prof. John D. Barrow. The article has been accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. D

The dynamics of interacting dark matter-dark energy models is characterized through an interaction rate function quantifying the energy flow between these dark sectors. In most of the interaction functions, the expansion rate Hubble function is considered and sometimes it is argued that, as the interaction function is a local property, the inclusion of the Hubble function may influence the overall dynamics. This is the starting point of the present article where we consider a very simple interacting cosmic scenario between vacuum energy and the cold dark matter characterized by various interaction functions originated from a general interaction function: $Q= \Gamma\rho_{c}^{\alpha }\rho_{x}^{1-\alpha -\beta}(\rho_{c}+\rho_{x})^{\beta}$, where $\rho_c$, $\rho_x$ are respectively the cold dark matter density and vacuum energy density; $\alpha$, $\beta$ are real numbers and $\Gamma$ is the coupling parameter with dimension equal to the dimension of the Hubble rate. We investigate four distinct interacting cosmic scenarios and constrain them both theoretically and observationally. Our analyses clearly reveal that the interaction models should be carefully handled.

J. F. Radcliffe (1, 2, 3), P. D. Barthel (1), M. A. Garrett (3, 4), R. J. Beswick (3), A. P. Thomson (3), T. W. B. Muxlow (3) ((1) University of Groningen, NL, (2) University of Pretoria, SA, (3) University of Manchester, UK, (4) Leiden Observatory, NL)

Accepted as an A&A Letter. 5 pages, 4 figures

For nearly seven decades astronomers have been studying active galaxies, that is to say galaxies with actively accreting central supermassive black holes, AGN. A small fraction of these are characterized by luminous, powerful radio emission: this class is known as radio-loud. A substantial fraction, the so-called radio-quiet AGN population, displays intermediate or weak radio emission. However, an appreciable fraction of strong X-rays emitting AGN are characterized by the absence of radio emission, down to an upper limit of about $10^{-7}$ times the luminosity of the most powerful radio-loud AGN. We wish to address the nature of these - seemingly radio-silent - X-ray-luminous AGN and their host galaxies: is there any radio emission, and if so, where does it originate? Focusing on the GOODS-N field, we examine the nature of these objects employing stacking techniques on ultra-deep radio data obtained with the JVLA. We combine these radio data with Spitzer far-infrared data. We establish the absence, or totally insignificant contribution of jet-driven radio-emission in roughly half of the otherwise normal population of X-ray luminous AGN, which appear to reside in normal star-forming galaxies. We conclude that AGN- or jet-driven radio emission is simply a mechanism that may be at work or may be dormant in galaxies with actively accreting black holes. The latter can be classified as radio-silent AGN.

Sarah Gebruers, Ilya Straumit, Andrew Tkachenko, Joey S. G. Mombarg, May G. Pedersen, Timothy Van Reeth, Gang Li, Patricia Lampens, Ana Escorza, Dominic M. Bowman, Peter De Cat, Lore Vermeylen, Julia Bodensteiner, Hans-Walter Rix, Conny Aerts

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Asteroseismic modelling of the internal structure of main-sequence stars born with a convective core has so far been based on homogeneous analyses of space photometric Kepler light curves of 4 years duration, to which most often incomplete inhomogeneously deduced spectroscopic information was added to break degeneracies. We composed a sample of 111 dwarf gravity-mode pulsators observed by the Kepler space telescope whose light curves allowed for determination of their near-core rotation rates. For this sample we assembled HERMES high-resolution optical spectroscopy at the 1.2-m Mercator telescope. Our spectroscopic information offers additional observational input to also model the envelope layers of these non-radially pulsating dwarfs. We determined stellar parameters and surface abundances in a homogeneous way from atmospheric analysis with spectrum normalisation based on a new machine learning tool. Our results suggest a systematic overestimation of [M/H] in the literature for the studied F-type dwarfs, presumably due to normalisation limitations caused by the dense line spectrum of these rotating stars. CNO-surface abundances were found to be uncorrelated with the rotation properties of the F-type stars. For the B-type stars, we find a hint of deep mixing from C and O abundance ratios; N abundances have too large uncertainties to reveal a correlation with the rotation of the stars. Our spectroscopic stellar parameters and abundance determinations allow for future joint spectroscopic, astrometric (Gaia), and asteroseismic modelling of this legacy sample of gravity-mode pulsators, with the aim to improve our understanding of transport processes in the core-hydrogen burning phase of stellar evolution.

We revisit the renormalizable polynomial inflection point model of inflation, focusing on the small field scenario which can be treated fully analytically. In particular, the running of the spectral index is predicted to be $\alpha = -1.43 \times 10^{-3} +5.56 \times 10^{-5} \left(N_{\rm CMB}-65 \right)$, which might be tested in future. We also analyze reheating through perturbative inflaton decays to either fermionic or bosonic final states via a trilinear coupling. The lower bound on the reheating temperature from successful Big Bang nucleosynthesis gives lower bounds for these couplings; on the other hand radiative stability of the inflaton potential leads to upper bounds. In combination this leads to a lower bound on the location $\phi_0$ of the near inflection point, $\phi_0 > 3 \cdot 10^{-5}$ in Planckian units. The Hubble parameter during inflation can be as low as $H_{\rm inf} \sim 1$ MeV, or as high as $\sim 10^{10}$ GeV. Similarly, the reheating temperature can lie between its lower bound of $\sim 4$ MeV and about $4 \cdot 10^8 \ (10^{11})$ GeV for fermionic (bosonic) inflaton decays. We finally speculate on the "prehistory" of the universe in this scenario, which might have included an epoch of eternal inflation.

Henri Jukkala, Kimmo Kainulainen, Pyry M. Rahkila

65 pages, 11 figures

We derive non-equilibrium quantum transport equations for flavour-mixing fermions. We develop the formalism mostly in the context of resonant leptogenesis with two mixing Majorana fermions and one lepton flavour, but our master equations are valid more generally in homogeneous and isotropic systems. We give a hierarchy of quantum kinetic equations, valid at different approximations, that can accommodate helicity and arbitrary mass differences. In the mass-degenerate limit the equations take the familiar form of density matrix equations. We also derive the semiclassical Boltzmann limit of our equations, including the CP-violating source, whose regulator corresponds to the flavour coherence damping rate. Boltzmann equations are accurate and insensitive to the particular form of the regulator in the weakly resonant case $\Delta m \gg \Gamma$, but for $\Delta m \lesssim \Gamma$ they are qualitatively correct at best, and their accuracy crucially depends on the form of the CP-violating source.

Two-parameter perturbation theory (2PPT) is a framework designed to include the relativistic gravitational effects of small-scale nonlinear structures on the large-scale properties of the Universe. In this paper we use the 2PPT framework to calculate and study the bispectrum of matter in a spatially-flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. This is achieved by deploying Newtonian perturbation theory to model the gravitational fields of quasi-nonlinear structures, and then subsequently using them as source terms for the large-scale cosmological perturbations. We find that our approach reproduces some of the expected relativistic effects from second-order cosmological perturbation theory, but not all. This work therefore provides a first step in deploying a formalism that can simultaneously model the weak gravitational fields of both linear and nonlinear structures in a realistic model of the Universe.

Plasma emission (PE), i.e., electromagnetic radiation at the plasma frequency and its second harmonic, is a general process occurring in both astrophysical and laboratory plasmas. The prevailing theory presents a multi-stage process attributed to the resonant coupling of beam-excited Langmuir waves with ion-acoustic waves. Here we examine another possibility of the fundamental PE induced by the resonant coupling of Z-mode and whistler (W) waves. Earlier studies have been controversial in the plausibility and significance of such process in plasmas. In this study we show that the matching condition of three wave resonant interaction (Z+W ! O) can be satisfied over a wide regime of parameters based on the magnetoionic theory, demonstrate the occurrence of such process and further evaluate the rate of energy conversion from the pumped Z or W mode to the fundamental O mode with particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations of wave pumping. The study presents an alternative form of the fundamental PE, which could possibly play a role in various astrophysical and laboratory scenarios with both Z and W modes readily excited through the electron cyclotron maser instability.

We revisit the perturbative expansion at high temperature and investigate its convergence by inspecting the renormalisation scale dependence of the effective potential. Although at zero temperature the renormalisation group improved effective potential is scale independent at one-loop, we show how this breaks down at high temperature, due to the misalignment of loop and coupling expansions. Following this, we show how one can recover renormalisation scale independence at high temperature, and that it requires computations at two-loop order. We demonstrate how this resolves some of the huge theoretical uncertainties in the gravitational wave signal of first-order phase transitions, though uncertainties remain stemming from the computation of the bubble nucleation rate.

A fraction of the dark matter in the solar neighborhood might be composed of non-galactic particles with speeds larger than the escape velocity of the Milky Way. The non-galactic dark matter flux would enhance the sensitivity of direct detection experiments, due to the larger momentum transfer to the target. In this note, we calculate the impact of the dark matter flux from the Local Group and the Virgo Supercluster diffuse components in nuclear and electron recoil experiments. The enhancement in the signal rate can be very significant, especially for experiments searching for dark matter induced electron recoils.