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Papers for Monday, May 03 2021

Papers with local authors

M. Cointepas, J.M. Almenara, X. Bonfils, F. Bouchy, N. Astudillo-Defru, F. Murgas, J.F. Otegi, A. Wyttenbach, D.R. Anderson, E. Artigau, B.L. Canto Martins, D. Charbonneau, K.A. Collins, K.I. Collins, J-J. Correia, S. Curaba, A. Delboulbe, X. Delfosse, R.F. Diaz, C. Dorn, R. Doyon, P. Feautrier, P. Figueira, T. Forveille, G. Gaisne, T. Gan, L. Gluck, R. Helled, C. Hellier, L. Jocou, P. Kern, S. Lafrasse, N. Law, I.C. Leao, C. Lovis, Y. Magnard, A.W. Mann, D. Maurel, J.R. de Medeiros, C. Melo, T. Moulin, F. Pepe, P. Rabou, S. Rochat, D.R. Rodriguez, A. Roux, N.C. Santos, D. Segransan, E. Stadler, E.B. Ting, J.D. Twicken, S. Udry, W.C. Waalkes, R.G. West, A. Wunsche, C. Ziegler, G. Ricker, R. Vanderspek, D.W. Latham, S. Seager, J. Winn, J.M. Jenkins

23 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

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Paper 20 — arXiv:2104.14782
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2104.14782

We present the confirmation of a new sub-Neptune close to the transition between super-Earths and sub-Neptunes transiting the M2 dwarf TOI- 269 (TIC 220479565, V = 14.4 mag, J = 10.9 mag, Rstar = 0.40 Rsun, Mstar = 0.39 Msun, d = 57 pc). The exoplanet candidate has been identified in multiple TESS sectors, and validated with high-precision spectroscopy from HARPS and ground-based photometric follow-up from ExTrA and LCO-CTIO. We determined mass, radius, and bulk density of the exoplanet by jointly modeling both photometry and radial velocities with juliet. The transiting exoplanet has an orbital period of P = 3.6977104 +- 0.0000037 days, a radius of 2.77 +- 0.12 Rearth, and a mass of 8.8 +- 1.4 Mearth. Since TOI-269 b lies among the best targets of its category for atmospheric characterization, it would be interesting to probe the atmosphere of this exoplanet with transmission spectroscopy in order to compare it to other sub-Neptunes. With an eccentricity e = 0.425+0.082-0.086, TOI-269 b has one of the highest eccentricities of the exoplanets with periods less than 10 days. The star being likely a few Gyr old, this system does not appear to be dynamically young. We surmise TOI-269 b may have acquired its high eccentricity as it migrated inward through planet-planet interactions.

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Gustavo E. Medina, Bertrand Lemasle, Eva K. Grebel

28 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Accepted 2021 April 28. Received 2021 March 31; in original form 2020 October 6

In this paper we revisit the problem of identifying bona fide cluster Cepheids by performing an all-sky search for Cepheids associated with open clusters and making use of state-of-the-art catalogued information for both Cepheids and clusters, based on the unparalleled astrometric precision of the second and early third data releases of the Gaia satellite. We determine membership probabilities by following a Bayesian approach using spatial and kinematic information of the potential cluster-Cepheid pairs. We confirm 19 Cepheid-cluster associations considered in previous studies as bona-fide, and question the established cluster membership of six other associations. In addition, we identify 138 cluster Cepheid candidates of potential interest, mostly in recently discovered open clusters. We report on at least two new clusters possibly hosting more than one Cepheid. Furthermore, we explore the feasibility of using open clusters hosting Cepheids to empirically determine the Cepheid period-age relation through the use of Gaia and 2MASS photometry and a semi-automated method to derive cluster ages. We conclude that the usage of cluster Cepheids as tentative probes of the period-age relations still faces difficulties due to the sparsely populated red giant branch and the stochastically sampled main-sequence turn-off of the open clusters, making age determinations a challenging task. This biases the age-dateable cluster selection for Cepheid period-age studies towards older and high-mass clusters.

Zachary R. Claytor, Jennifer L. van Saders, Joe Llama, Peter Sadowski, Brandon Quach, Ellis Avallone

18 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to AAS Journals. For a brief video explaining this paper, see this https URL . The code to simulate star spot evolution and light curves, butterpy, is available at this https URL

We used a convolutional neural network to infer stellar rotation periods from a set of synthetic light curves simulated with realistic spot evolution patterns. We convolved these simulated light curves with real TESS light curves containing minimal intrinsic astrophysical variability to allow the network to learn TESS systematics and estimate rotation periods despite them. In addition to periods, we predict uncertainties via heteroskedastic regression to estimate the credibility of the period predictions. In the most credible half of the test data, we recover 10%-accurate periods for 46% of the targets, and 20%-accurate periods for 69% of the targets. Using our trained network, we successfully recover periods of real stars with literature rotation measurements, even past the 13.7-day limit generally encountered by TESS rotation searches using conventional period-finding techniques. Our method also demonstrates resistance to half-period aliases. We present the neural network and simulated training data, and introduce the software butterpy used to synthesize the light curves using realistic star spot evolution.

Giovanni Aricò, Raul E. Angulo, Matteo Zennaro

9 pages, 6 figures. Comments are welcome

The linear matter power spectrum is an essential ingredient in all theoretical models for interpreting large-scale-structure observables. Although Boltzmann codes such as CLASS or CAMB are very efficient at computing the linear spectrum, the analysis of data usually requires $10^4$-$10^6$ evaluations, which means this task can be the most computationally expensive aspect of data analysis. Here, we address this problem by building a neural network emulator that provides the linear theory matter power spectrum in about one millisecond with 0.3% accuracy over $10^{-3} \le k [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}] < 30$. We train this emulator with more than 150,000 measurements, spanning a broad cosmological parameter space that includes massive neutrinos and dynamical dark energy. We show that the parameter range and accuracy of our emulator is enough to get unbiased cosmological constraints in the analysis of a Euclid-like weak lensing survey. Complementing this emulator, we train 15 other emulators for the cross-spectra of various linear fields in Eulerian space, as predicted by 2nd-order Lagrangian Perturbation theory, which can be used to accelerate perturbative bias descriptions of galaxy clustering. Our emulators are especially designed to be used in combination with emulators for the nonlinear matter power spectrum and for baryonic effects, all of which are publicly available at this http URL

Ludovica Varisco, Elisa Bortolas, Massimo Dotti, Alberto Sesana

10 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to MNRAS

Massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) with masses of ~ 10^4 to ~ 10^10 of solar masses are one of the main targets for currently operating and forthcoming space-borne gravitational wave observatories. In this paper, we explore the effect of the stellar host rotation on the bound binary hardening efficiency, driven by three-body stellar interactions. As seen in previous studies, we find that the centre of mass (CoM) of a prograde MBHB embedded in a rotating environment starts moving on a nearly circular orbit about the centre of the system shortly after the MBHB binding. In our runs, the oscillation radius is approximately 0.25 ( approximately 0.1) times the binary influence radius for equal mass MBHBs (MBHBs with mass ratio 1:4). Conversely, retrograde binaries remain anchored about the centre of the host. The binary shrinking rate is twice as fast when the binary CoM exhibits a net orbital motion, owing to a more efficient loss cone repopulation even in our spherical stellar systems. We develop a model that captures the CoM oscillations of prograde binaries; we argue that the CoM angular momentum gain per time unit scales with the internal binary angular momentum, so that most of the displacement is induced by stellar interactions occurring around the time of MBHB binding, while the subsequent angular momentum enhancement gets eventually quashed by the effect of dynamical friction. The effect of the background rotation on the MBHB evolution may be relevant for LISA sources, that are expected to form in significantly rotating stellar systems.

Michael S. Petersen, Martin D. Weinberg, Neal Katz

Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

We present the N-body simulation techniques in EXP. EXP uses empirically-chosen basis functions to expand the potential field of an ensemble of particles. Unlike other basis function expansions, the derived basis functions are adapted to an input mass distribution, enabling accurate expansion of highly non-spherical objects, such as galactic discs. We measure the force accuracy in three models, one based on a spherical or aspherical halo, one based on an exponential disc, and one based on a bar-based disc model. We find that EXP is as accurate as a direct-summation or tree-based calculation, and in some ways is better, while being considerably less computationally intensive. We discuss optimising the computation of the basis function representation. We also detail numerical improvements for performing orbit integrations, including timesteps.

Suvi Gezari

46 pages, 10 figures, author's version (before copy-editing) of invited review to appear in Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 59 (2021)

The concept of stars being tidally ripped apart and consumed by a massive black hole (MBH) lurking in the center of a galaxy first captivated theorists in the late 1970's. The observational evidence for these rare but illuminating phenomena for probing otherwise dormant MBHs, first emerged in archival searches of the soft X-ray ROSAT All-Sky Survey in the 1990's; but has recently accelerated with the increasing survey power in the optical time domain, with tidal disruption events (TDEs) now regarded as a class of optical nuclear transients with distinct spectroscopic features. Multiwavelength observations of TDEs have revealed panchromatic emission, probing a wide range of scales, from the innermost regions of the accretion flow, to the surrounding circumnuclear medium. I review the current census of 56 TDEs reported in the literature, and their observed properties can be summarized as follows: $\bullet$ The optical light curves follow a power-law decline from peak that scales with the inferred central black hole mass as expected for the fallback rate of the stellar debris, but the rise time does not. $\bullet$ The UV/optical and soft X-ray thermal emission come from different spatial scales, and their intensity ratio has a large dynamic range, and is highly variable, providing important clues as to what is powering the two components. $\bullet$ They can be grouped into three spectral classes, and those with Bowen fluorescence line emission show a preference for a hotter and more compact line-emitting region, while those with only He II emission lines are the rarest class.

J. N. Reeves, D. Porquet, V. Braito, N. Grosso, A. Lobban

8 pages (including appendix), 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letters

Six XMM-Newton observations of the bright narrow line Seyfert 1, Mrk 110, from 2004-2020, are presented. The analysis of the grating spectra from the Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) reveals a broad component of the He-like Oxygen (OVII) line, with a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of $15900\pm1800$ km s$^{-1}$ measured in the mean spectrum. The broad OVII line in all six observations can be modelled with a face-on accretion disk profile, where from these profiles the inner radius of the line emission is inferred to lie between about 20-100 gravitational radii from the black hole. The derived inclination angle, of about 10 degrees, is consistent with studies of the optical Broad Line Region in Mrk 110. The line also appears variable and for the first time, a significant correlation is measured between the OVII flux and the continuum flux from both the RGS and EPIC-pn data. Thus the line responds to the continuum, being brightest when the continuum flux is highest, similar to the reported behaviour of the optical HeII line. The density of the line emitting gas is estimated to be $n_{\rm e}\sim10^{14}$ cm$^{-3}$, consistent with an origin in the accretion disk.

L.H.T. Oudshoorn, F.P. Israel, J. Brinchmann, M.B.C. Kloppenburg, A.G.A. Brown, J. Bally, T.R. Gull, P.T. Boyd

Simeis 57 (HS 191) is an optically bright nebula in the Cygnus X region with a peculiar appearance that suggests an outflow from a rotating source. Newly obtained observations and archival data reveal Simeis 57 as a low-density ($n_{e}\,\sim\,100$ cm$^{-3}$) nebula with an east-to-west excitation gradient. The extinction of the nebula is $A_{V}\,\leq$ 2 mag. The nebula is recognizable but not prominent in mid- and far-infrared images. In its direction, half a dozen small CO clouds have been identified at $V_{LSR}$ = + 5 km s$^{-1}$. One of these coincides with both the optical nebula and a second CO cloud at the nebular velocity $V_{LSR}\,\approx$ -10 km $^{-1}$. No luminous stars are embedded in these molecular clouds, nor are any obscured by them and no sufficiently luminous stars are found in the immediate vicinity of the nebula. Instead, all available data points to the evolved star HD 193793 = WR 140 (an O4-5 supergiant and WC7 Wolf-Rayet binary) as the source of excitation, notwithstanding its large separation of $50'$, about 25 pc at the stellar distance of 1.7 kpc. Simeis 57 appears to be a part of a larger structure surrounding the HI void centered on HD 193793.

Phil Cigan, Lisa M. Young, Haley L. Gomez, Suzanne C. Madden, Pieter De Vis, Deidre A. Hunter, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Elias Brinks

26 pages, 19 figures. To be published in The Astronomical Journal

We present here far-infrared photometry of galaxies in a sample that is relatively unexplored at these wavelengths: low-metallicity dwarf galaxies with moderate star formation rates. Four dwarf irregular galaxies from the $\mathrm{L{\small{ITTLE}}}$ $\mathrm{T{\small{HINGS}}}$ survey are considered, with deep $\textit{Herschel}$ PACS and SPIRE observations at 100 $\mu$m, 160 $\mu$m, 250 $\mu$m, 350 $\mu$m, and 500 $\mu$m. Results from modified-blackbody fits indicate that these galaxies have low dust masses and cooler dust temperatures than more actively star-forming dwarfs, occupying the lowest $L_\mathrm{TIR}$ and $M_\mathrm{dust}$ regimes seen among these samples. Dust-to-gas mass ratios of $\sim$10$^{-5}$ are lower, overall, than in more massive and active galaxies, but are roughly consistent with the broken power law relation between the dust-to-gas ratio and metallicity found for other low-metallicity systems. Chemical evolution modeling suggests that these dwarf galaxies are likely forming very little dust via stars or grain growth, and have very high dust destruction rates.

J. J. González-Avilés, K. Murawski, A. K. Srivastava, T. V. Zaqarashvili, J. A. González-Esparza

15 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Using numerical simulations, we study the effects of thermal conduction and radiative cooling on the formation and evolution of solar jets with some macrospicules features. We initially assume that the solar atmosphere is rarely in equilibrium through energy imbalance. Therefore, we test whether the background flows resulting from an imbalance between thermal conduction and radiative cooling influence the jets' behavior. In this particular scenario, we trigger the formation of the jets by launching a vertical velocity pulse localized at the upper chromosphere for the following test cases: i) adiabatic case; ii) thermal conduction case; iii) radiative cooling case; iv) thermal conduction + radiative cooling case. According to the test results, the addition of the thermal conduction results in smaller and hotter jets than in the adiabatic case. On the other hand, the radiative cooling dissipates the jet after reaching the maximum height ($\approx$ 5.5 Mm), making it shorter and colder than in the adiabatic and thermal conduction cases. Besides, the flow generated by the radiative cooling is more substantial than the caused by thermal conduction. Despite the energy imbalance of the solar atmosphere background, the simulated jet shows morphological features of macrospicules. Furthermore, the velocity pulse steepens into a shock that propagates upward into a solar corona that maintains its initial temperature. The shocks generate the jets with a quasi-periodical behavior that follows a parabolic path on time-distance plots consistent with macrospicule jets' observed dynamics.

Matthias R. Schreiber, Diogo Belloni, Boris T. Gaensicke, Steven G. Parsons, Monica Zorotovic

The origin of magnetic fields in white dwarfs remains a fundamental unresolved problem in stellar astrophysics. In particular, the very different fractions of strongly (exceeding 1 MG) magnetic white dwarfs in evolutionarily linked populations of close white dwarf binary stars cannot be reproduced by any scenario suggested so far. Strongly magnetic white dwarfs are absent among detached white dwarf binary stars that are younger than approximately 1 Gyr. In contrast, in semi-detached cataclysmic variables in which the white dwarf accretes from a low-mass star companion, more than one third host a strongly magnetic white dwarf. Here we present binary star evolutionary models that include the spin evolution of accreting white dwarfs and crystallization of their cores, as well as magnetic field interactions between both stars. We show that a crystallization- and rotation-driven dynamo similar to those working in planets and low-mass stars can generate strong magnetic fields in the white dwarfs in cataclysmic variables which explains their large fraction among the observed population. When the magnetic field generated in the white dwarfs connects with that of the secondary stars, synchronization torques and reduced angular momentum loss cause the binary to detach for a relatively short period of time. The few known strongly magnetic white dwarfs in detached binaries, including AR Sco, are in this detached phase.

Masen Lamb, Carlos Correia, Suresh Sivanandam, Robin Swanson, Polina Zavyalova

14 pages, 17 figures, Accepted to MNRAS

We investigate the focal plane wavefront sensing technique, known as Phase Diversity, at the scientific focal plane of a segmented mirror telescope with an adaptive optics (AO) system. We specifically consider an optical system imaging a point source in the context of (i) an artificial source within the telescope structure and (ii) from AO-corrected images of a bright star. From our simulations, we reliably disentangle segmented telescope phasing errors from non-common path aberrations (NCPA) for both a theoretical source and on-sky, AO-corrected images where we have simulated the Keck/NIRC2 system. This quantification from on-sky images is appealing, as it's sensitive to the cumulative wavefront perturbations of the entire optical train; disentanglement of phasing errors and NCPA is therefore critical, where any potential correction to the primary mirror from an estimate must contain minimal NCPA contributions. Our estimates require a one-minute sequence of short-exposure, AO-corrected images; by exploiting a slight modification to the AO-loop, we find that 75 defocused images produces reliable estimates. We demonstrate a correction from our estimates to the primary and deformable mirror results in a wavefront error reduction of up to 67% and 65% for phasing errors and NCPA, respectively. If the segment phasing errors on the Keck primary are on the order of ~130 nm RMS, we show we can improve the H-band Strehl ratio by up to 10% by using our algorithm. We conclude our technique works well to estimate NCPA alone from on-sky images, suggesting it is a promising method for any AO-system.

Sibasish Laha (NASA-GSFC), Ritesh Ghosh

Accepted for publication in ApJ

We have carried out an extensive X-ray spectral study of the bare Seyfert-1 galaxy MCG--02--58--22 to ascertain the nature of the X-ray reprocessing media, using observations from Suzaku (2009) and simultaneous observations from XMM-Newton and NuSTAR (2016) . The most significant results of our investigation are: 1. The primary X-ray emission from the corona is constant in these observations, both in terms of the power law slope ($\Gamma=1.80$) and luminosity ($L_{2-10 \rm keV}= 2.55\times 10^{44} $ erg/s). 2. The soft excess flux decreased by a factor of two in 2016, the Compton hump weakened/vanished in 2016, and the narrow FeK$\alpha$ emission line became marginally broad ($\sigma=0.35\pm0.08$ keV) and its flux doubled in 2016. 3. From physical model fits we find that the normalization of the narrow component of the FeK$\alpha$ line does not change in the two epochs, although the Compton hump vanishes in the same time span. Since the primary X-ray continuum does not change, we presume that any changes in the reprocessed emission must arise due to changes in the reprocessing media. Our primary conclusions are: A. The vanishing of the Compton hump in 2016 can probably be explained by a dynamic clumpy torus which is infalling/outflowing, or by a polar torus wind. B. The torus in this AGN possibly has two structures: an equatorial toroidal disk (producing the narrow FeK$\alpha$ emission) and a polar component (producing the variable Compton hump), C. The reduction of the soft-excess flux by half and increase in the FeK$\alpha$ flux by a factor of two in the same period cannot be adequately explained by ionized disk reflection model alone.

Jared Siegel, Daniel Fabrycky

Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal

Resonant planetary systems contain at least one planet pair with orbital periods librating at a near-integer ratio (2/1, 3/2, 4/3, etc.) and are a natural outcome of standard planetary formation theories. Systems with multiple adjacent resonant pairs are known as resonant chains and can exhibit three-body resonances -- characterized by a critical three-body angle. Here we study three-body angles as a diagnostic of resonant chains through tidally-damped N-body integrations. For each combination of the 2:1, 3:2, 4:3, and 5:4 mean motion resonances (the most common resonances in the known resonant chains), we characterize the three-body angle equilibria for several mass schemes, migration timescales, and initial separations. We find that under our formulation of the three-body angle, which does not reduce coefficients, 180 deg is the preferred libration center, and libration centers shifted away from 180 deg are associated with non-adjacent resonances. We then relate these angles to observables, by applying our general results to two transiting systems: Kepler-60 and Kepler-223. For these systems, we compare N-body models of the three-body angle to the zeroth order in e approximation accessible via transit phases, used in previous publications. In both cases, we find the three-body angle during the Kepler observing window is not necessarily indicative of the long-term oscillations and stress the role of dynamical models in investigating three-body angles. We anticipate our results will provide a useful diagnostic in the analysis of resonant chains.

This article deals with the most recent developments in the field of exoplanetary science connecting the interior of the planets with their habitability. In this issue, I have specified the importance of interior dynamics and briefly reviewed some of the main factors by which interior of a planet can effect the habitability of extra-solar planets.

M. Cuntz, K.-P. Schröder, D. E. Fawzy, A. R. Ridden-Harper

9 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables; accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)

In this study, we consider chromospheric heating models for 55 Cancri in conjunction with observations. The theoretical models, previously discussed in Paper I, are self-consistent, nonlinear and time-dependent ab-initio computations encompassing the generation, propagation, and dissipation of waves. Our focus is the consideration of both acoustic waves and longitudinal flux tube waves amounting to two-component chromosphere models. 55 Cancri, a K-type orange dwarf, is a star of low activity, as expected by its age, which also implies a relatively small magnetic filling factor. The Ca II K fluxes are computed (multi-ray treatment) assuming partial redistribution and time-dependent ionization. The theoretical Ca II H+K fluxes are subsequently compared with observations. It is found that for stages of lowest chromospheric activity the observed Ca II fluxes are akin, though not identical, to those obtained by acoustic heating, but agreement can be obtained if low levels of magnetic heating - consistent with the assumed photospheric magnetic filling factor - are considered as an additional component; this idea is in alignment with previous proposals conveyed in the literature.

S.P. Phiri, J.M. Kirk, D. Ward-Thompson, A.E. Sansom, G.J. Bendo

The article has 9 pages, 7 figures and 1 table

We present Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of $\mathrm{^{13}CO(J=1-0)}$ line and 104 GHz continuum emission from NGC 604, a giant HII region (GHR) in the nearby spiral galaxy M33. Our high spatial resolution images ( 3.2"$\times$ 2.4", corresponding to $13 \times 10$ pc physical scale) allow us to detect fifteen molecular clouds. We find spatial offsets between the $^{13}CO$ and 104 GHz continuum emission and also detect continuum emission near the centre of the GHR. The identified molecular clouds have sizes ranging from 5-21 pc, linewidths of 0.3-3.0 $\mathrm{kms^{-1}}$ and luminosity-derived masses of (0.4-80.5) $\times 10^3$ M$_{\bigodot}$. These molecular clouds are in near virial equilibrium, with a spearman correlation coefficient of 0.98. The linewidth-size relationship for these clouds is offset from the corresponding relations for the Milky Way and for NGC 300, although this may be an artefact of the dendrogram process.

Paula Szkody (1), Patrick Godon (2 and 3), Boris T. Gaensicke (4), Stella Kafka (5), Odette F. T. Castillo (4), Keaton J. Bell (1), P. B. Cho (6), Edward M. Sion (2), Praphull Kumar (7), Dean M. Townsley (7), Zach Vanderbosch (6), Karen I. Winget (6), Claire J. Olde Loohuis ((1) University of Washington, (2) Villanova University, (3) The Johns Hopkins University, (4) University of Warwick, (5) AAVSO, (6) University of Texas, (7) University of Alabama)

25 pages, 14 figures, 5 Tables

Following the pulsation spectrum of a white dwarf through the heating and cooling involved in a dwarf nova outburst cycle provides a unique view of the changes to convective driving that take place on timescales of months versus millenia for non-accreting white dwarfs. In 2019 January the dwarf nova V386 Ser (one of a small number containing an accreting, pulsating white dwarf), underwent a large amplitude outburst. Hubble Space Telescope ultraviolet spectra were obtained 7 and 13 months after outburst along with optical ground-based photometry during this interval and high-speed photometry at 5.5 and 17 months after outburst. The resulting spectral and pulsational analysis shows a cooling of the white dwarf from 21,020 K to 18,750 K (with a gravity log(g) = 8.1) between the two UV observations, along with the presence of strong pulsations evident in both UV and optical at a much shorter period after outburst than at quiescence. The pulsation periods consistently lengthened during the year following outburst, in agreement with pulsation theory. However, it remains to be seen if the behavior at longer times past outburst will mimic the unusual non-monotonic cooling and long periods evident in the similar system GW Lib.

G. E. Anderson, P. J. Hancock, A. Rowlinson, M. Sokolowski, A. Williams, J. Tian, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, N. Hurley-Walker, K. W. Bannister, M. E. Bell, C. W. James, D. L. Kaplan, Tara Murphy, S. J. Tingay, B. W. Meyers, M. Johnston-Hollitt, R. B. Wayth

20 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in PASA

Here we present stringent low-frequency 185MHz limits on coherent radio emission associated with a short gamma-ray burst (SGRB). Our observations of the short GRB 180805A were taken with the upgraded Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) rapid-response system, which triggered within 20s of receiving the transient alert from Swift, corresponding to 83.7s post-burst. The SGRB was observed for 30m, resulting in a 3sigma persistent flux density upper-limit of 40.2mJy/beam. Transient searches were conducted at the Swift position of this GRB on 0.5s, 5s, 30s, and 2m timescales, resulting in 3sigma limits of 570-1830, 270-630, 200-420, and 100-200mJy/beam, respectively. We also performed a dedispersion search for prompt signals at the position of the SGRB with a temporal and spectral resolution of 0.5s and 1.28MHz, resulting in a 6sigma fluence upper-limit range from 570Jyms at DM=3000pc/cm^3 (z~2.5) to 1750Jyms at DM=200pc/cm^3 (z~0.1). We compare the fluence prompt emission limit and the persistent upper-limit to SGRB coherent emission models assuming the merger resulted in a stable magnetar. Our observations were not sensitive enough to detect prompt emission associated with the alignment of magnetic fields of a binary neutron star just prior to the merger, from the interaction between the relativistic jet and the interstellar medium or persistent pulsar-like emission from the spin-down of the magnetar. However, in the case of a more powerful SGRB (a gamma-ray fluence an order of magnitude higher than GRB 180805A and/or a brighter X-ray counterpart), our MWA observations may be sensitive enough to detect coherent radio emission from the jet-ISM interaction and/or the magnetar remnant. Finally, we demonstrate that of all current low-frequency radio telescopes, only the MWA has the sensitivity and response times capable of probing prompt emission models associated with the initial SGRB merger event.

Zefeng Li, Mark R. Krumholz, Emily Wisnioski, J. Trevor Mendel, Lisa J. Kewley, Sebastian F. Sánchez, Lluís Galbany

17 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS

In this paper we analyse the statistics of the 2D gas-phase oxygen abundance distributions of 100 nearby galaxies drawn from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field spectroscopy Area survey. After removing the large-scale radial metallicity gradient, we compute the two-point correlation functions of the resulting metallicity fluctuation maps. We detect correlations in the majority of our targets, which we show are significantly in excess of what is expected due to beam-smearing, and are robust against the choice of metallicity diagnostic. We show that the correlation functions are generally well-fit by the predictions of a simple model for stochastic metal injection coupled with diffusion, and from the model we show that, after accounting for the effects of both beam smearing and noise, the galaxies in our sample have characteristic correlation lengths of $\sim1$ kpc. Correlation lengths increase with both stellar mass and star formation rate, but show no significant variation with Hubble type, barredness, or merging state. We also find no evidence for a theoretically-predicted relationship between gas velocity dispersion and correlation length, though this may be due to the small dynamic range in gas velocity dispersion across our sample. Our results suggest that measurements of 2D metallicity correlation functions can be a powerful tool for studying galaxy evolution.

Vitor da Fonseca, Tiago Barreiro, Nelson J. Nunes

18 pages, 11 figures

As an alternative to the popular parametrisations of the dark energy equation of state, we construct a quintessence model where the scalar field has a linear dependence on the number of e-folds. Constraints on more complex models are typically limited by the degeneracies that increase with the number of parameters. The proposed parametrisation conveniently constrains the evolution of the dark energy equation of state as it allows for a wide variety of time evolutions. We also consider a non-minimal coupling to cold dark matter. We fit the model with Planck and KiDS observational data. The CMB favours a non-vanishing coupling with energy transfer from dark energy to dark matter. Conversely, gravitational weak lensing measurements slightly favour energy transfer from dark matter to dark energy, with a substantial departure of the dark energy equation of state from -1.

Ankan Sur, Brynmor Haskell

15 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia

Equilibrium configurations of the internal magnetic field of a pulsar play a key role in modeling astrophysical phenomena, from glitches to gravitational wave emission. In this paper we present a numerical scheme for solving the Grad-Shafranov equation and calculating equilibrium configurations of pulsars, accounting for superconductivity in the core of the neutron star, and for the Hall effect in the crust of the star. Our numerical code uses a finite-difference method in which the source term appearing in the Grad-Shafranov equation, used to model the magnetic equilibrium is nonlinear. We obtain solutions by linearizing the source and applying an under-relaxation scheme at each step of computation to improve the solver's convergence. We have developed our code in both C++ and Python, and our numerical algorithm can further be adapted to solve any nonlinear PDEs appearing in other areas of computational astrophysics. We produce mixed toroidal-poloidal field configurations, and extend the portion of parameter space that can be investigated with respect to previous studies. We find that even in the more extreme cases the magnetic energy in the toroidal component does not exceed approximately 5\% of the total. We also find that if the core of the star is superconducting, the toroidal component is entirely confined to the crust of the star, which has important implications for pulsar glitch models which rely on the presence of a strong toroidal field region in the core of the star, where superfluid vortices pin to superconducting fluxtubes.

Thomas Gascard, Giampaolo Pisano, Simon Doyle, Alexey Shitvov, Jason Austermann, James Beall, Johannes Hubmayr, Benjamin Raymond, Nils Halverson, Gregory Jaehnig, Christopher M. McKenney, Aritoki Suzuki

10 pages, 8 figures, published in SPIE Proceedings Volume 11453, Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X ( this https URL )

The next generations of ground-based cosmic microwave background experiments will require polarisation sensitive, multichroic pixels of large focal planes comprising several thousand detectors operating at the photon noise limit. One approach to achieve this goal is to couple light from the telescope to a polarisation sensitive antenna structure connected to a superconducting diplexer network where the desired frequency bands are filtered before being fed to individual ultra-sensitive detectors such as Transition Edge Sensors. Traditionally, arrays constituted of horn antennas, planar phased antennas or anti-reflection coated micro-lenses have been placed in front of planar antenna structures to achieve the gain required to couple efficiently to the telescope optics. In this paper are presented the design concept and a preliminary analysis of the measured performances of a phase-engineered metamaterial flat-lenslet. The flat lens design is inherently matched to free space, avoiding the necessity of an anti-reflection coating layer. It can be fabricated lithographically, making scaling to large format arrays relatively simple. Furthermore, this technology is compatible with the fabrication process required for the production of large-format lumped element kinetic inductance detector arrays which have already demonstrated the required sensitivity along with multiplexing ratios of order 1000 detectors/channel.

T. S. Horbury, R. Laker, L. Rodriguez, K. Steinvall, M. Maksimovic, S. Livi, D. Berghmans, F. Auchere, A. N. Zhukov, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, L. Woodham, L. Matteini, J. Stawarz, T. Woolley, S. D. Bale, A. Rouillard, H. O'Brien, V. Evans, V. Angelini, C. Owen, S. K. Solanki, B. Nicula, D. Muller, I. Zouganelis

Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics

Context. The Sun's complex corona is the source of the solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field. While the large scale morphology is well understood, the impact of variations in coronal properties on the scale of a few degrees on properties of the interplanetary medium is not known. Solar Orbiter, carrying both remote sensing and in situ instruments into the inner solar system, is intended to make these connections better than ever before. Aims. We combine remote sensing and in situ measurements from Solar Orbiter's first perihelion at 0.5 AU to study the fine scale structure of the solar wind from the equatorward edge of a polar coronal hole with the aim of identifying characteristics of the corona which can explain the in situ variations. Methods. We use in situ measurements of the magnetic field, density and solar wind speed to identify structures on scales of hours at the spacecraft. Using Potential Field Source Surface mapping we estimate the source locations of the measured solar wind as a function of time and use EUI images to characterise these solar sources. Results. We identify small scale stream interactions in the solar wind with compressed magnetic field and density along with speed variations which are associated with corrugations in the edge of the coronal hole on scales of several degrees, demonstrating that fine scale coronal structure can directly influence solar wind properties and drive variations within individual streams. Conclusions. This early analysis already demonstrates the power of Solar Orbiter's combined remote sensing and in situ payload and shows that with future, closer perihelia it will be possible dramatically to improve our knowledge of the coronal sources of fine scale solar wind structure, which is important both for understanding the phenomena driving the solar wind and predicting its impacts at the Earth and elsewhere.

Céline Reylé, Kevin Jardine, Pascal Fouqué, Jose A. Caballero, Richard L. Smart, Alessandro Sozzetti

Accepted for publication in A&A. 13 pages, 2 figures. The catalogue will be only available in electronic form at this https URL , at this https URL , and at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via this http URL

The nearest stars provide a fundamental constraint for our understanding of stellar physics and the Galaxy. The nearby sample serves as an anchor where all objects can be seen and understood with precise data. This work is triggered by the most recent data release of the astrometric space mission Gaia and uses its unprecedented high precision parallax measurements to review the census of objects within 10 pc. The first aim of this work was to compile all stars and brown dwarfs within 10 pc observable by Gaia, and compare it with the Gaia Catalogue of Nearby Stars as a quality assurance test. We complement the list to get a full 10 pc census, including bright stars, brown dwarfs, and exoplanets. We started our compilation from a query on all objects with a parallax larger than 100 mas using SIMBAD. We completed the census by adding companions, brown dwarfs with recent parallax measurements not in SIMBAD yet, and vetted exoplanets. The compilation combines astrometry and photometry from the recent Gaia Early Data Release 3 with literature magnitudes, spectral types and line-of-sight velocities. We give a description of the astrophysical content of the 10 pc sample. We find a multiplicity frequency of around 28%. Among the stars and brown dwarfs, we estimate that around 61% are M stars and more than half of the M stars are within the range M3.0 V to M5.0 V. We give an overview of the brown dwarfs and exoplanets that should be detected in the next Gaia data releases along with future developments. We provide a catalogue of 541 stars, brown dwarfs, and exoplanets in 339 systems, within 10 pc from the Sun. This list is as volume-complete as possible from current knowledge and provides benchmark stars that can be used, for instance, to define calibration samples and to test the quality of the forthcoming Gaia releases. It also has a strong outreach potential.

C. M. Raiteri, M. Villata, V. M. Larionov, S. G. Jorstad, A. P. Marscher, Z. R. Weaver (for the WEBT Collaboration)

20 pages, 25 figures, accepted by MNRAS

Among active galactic nuclei, blazars show extreme variability properties. We here investigate the case of the BL Lac object S4 0954+65 with data acquired in 2019-2020 by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) Collaboration. The 2-min cadence optical light curves provided by TESS during three observing sectors of nearly one month each, allow us to study the fast variability in great detail. We identify several characteristic short-term time-scales, ranging from a few hours to a few days. However, these are not persistent, as they differ in the various TESS sectors. The long-term photometric and polarimetric optical and radio monitoring undertaken by the WEBT brings significant additional information, revealing that i) in the optical, long-term flux changes are almost achromatic, while the short-term ones are strongly chromatic; ii) the radio flux variations at 37 GHz follow those in the optical with a delay of about three weeks; iii) the range of variation of the polarization degree and angle is much larger in the optical than in the radio band, but the mean polarization angles are similar; iv) the optical long-term variability is characterized by a quasi-periodicity of about one month. We explain the source behaviour in terms of a rotating inhomogeneous helical jet, whose pitch angle can change in time.

% aims To compare information gained from radio and optical absorption line profiles from the diffuse interstellar medium along the same sightline % methods We compare new and existing 21cm HI and 3.4mm HCO+ profiles with profiles of the optical tracers CaII, NaI, and KI from an unpublished thesis of Tappe (2004) %results The atoms traced optically are all heavily depleted compared to a Solar abundance and only the integrated optical depths of HI and HCO+ correlate well with E(B-V). HCO+ is the species with by far the most limited kinematic distribution and the narrowest lines followed in order by KI, HI, NaI and CaII. CaII behaves separately in both column density and kinematics because it samples broader-lined warmer gas. Tracers of the cold neutral medium NaI, KI, HI and HCO+ share the same kinematic space statistically without correlating to nearly the same extent in abundance. N(NaI) and N(KI) are correlated, as are the integrated optical depths of HI and HCO+ but abundance correlations between optical and radio tracers are not seen. In the only direction with a measured CH+ profile, a 2 km/s velocity shift between CH+ and CH, usually interpreted as the sign of shocked gas, is mimicked in the shift of HI relative to HCO+. CH and HCO+ appear in the ratios N(CH)/N(HCO+)=14.6 and 21.1 along the two sightlines with optically-measured N(CH),compared with a mean of 12 determined previously at radio and submillimeter wavelengths.

Anthony P Whitworth, Felix D Priestley

10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS

We explore a simple semi-analytic model for what happens when an O star (or cluster of O stars) forms in an isolated filamentary cloud. The model is characterised by three configuration parameters: the radius of the filament, R_FIL, the mean density of H_2 in the filament, n_FIL, and the rate at which the O star emits ionising photons, Ndot_LyC. We show that for a wide range of these configuration parameters, ionising radiation from the O star rapidly erodes the filament, and the ionised gas from the filament disperses into the surroundings. Under these circumstances the distance from the O star to the ionisation front (IF) is given approximately by L ~ 5.2 pc [R_FIL/0.2pc]^-1/6 [n_FIL/10^4cm^-3]^-1/3 [Ndot_LyC/10^49s^-1]^1/6 [t/Myr]^2/3, and we derive similar simple power-law expressions for other quantities, for example the rate at which ionised gas boils off the filament, and the mass of the shock-compressed layer (SCL) that is swept up behind the IF. We show that a very small fraction of the ionising radiation is expended locally, and a rather small amount of molecular gas is ionised and dispersed. We discuss some features of more realistic models, and the extent to which they might modify or invalidate the predictions of this idealised model. In particular we show that, for very large R_FIL and/or large n_FIL and/or low Ndot_LyC, continuing accretion onto the filament might trap the ionising radiation from the O star, slowing the erosion of the filament even further.

Nicolas Mauron, Kamo S. Gigoyan, Tim R. Kendall, Kelly M. Hambleton

9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (29 April 2021)

To investigate the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) population in the Galactic halo, we search for pulsating AGB stars at a heliocentric distance over 50kpc. Our research is based on the Catalina Southern Survey (CSS) catalogue of variables, comprising 1286 long-period variables (LPVs) with declination less than -20deg. We first focus on the 77 stars in the cap abs(b)>30deg for which spectral M-type or C-type classification can be derived from Hamburg-ESO objective prism spectra. Most of these are oxygen-rich (M-type) and very few are carbon rich. The periods are in the range 100-500 days, and CSS amplitudes are up to 3 mag. In this small sample, no halo AGB star is fainter than Ks0=12.5. This may be due to the scarcity of AGBs in the outer halo, or insufficient instrumental depth. Leaving aside spectral information, we then searched for even fainter pulsators (Ks>12.5) in the entire CSS catalogue. Gaia astrometry makes it possible to identify some contaminants. Our final result is the identification of ten candidate distant LPVs. If these ten stars obey the fundamental mode K-band period luminosity relation used for Miras and small-amplitude Miras, their distances are between 50 and 120kpc from the Sun. In a diagram showing distance versus Gaia tangential velocity, these ten stars have positions similar to those of other objects in the halo, such as globular clusters and dwarf galaxies. We also detect some underluminous AGBs that deserve further study. A detailed catalogue of the 77 high-latitude M or C stars will be made available at the CDS.

Sveva Castello, Stéphane Ilić, Martin Kunz

9 pages, 3 figures

The present epoch of accelerated cosmic expansion is supposed to be driven by an unknown constituent called dark energy, which in the standard model takes the form of a cosmological constant, characterized by a constant equation of state with $w=-1$. An interesting perspective over the role and nature of dark energy can be achieved by drawing a parallel with a previous epoch of accelerated expansion, inflation, which we assume to be driven by a single scalar field, the inflaton. Since the Planck satellite has constrained the value of the scalar spectral index $n_s$ away from 1, the inflaton cannot be identified with a pure cosmological constant, as is also suggested by the fact that inflation ended. Thus, it is interesting to verify whether a hypothetical observer would have been able to measure the deviation of the equation of state parameter of the inflaton from $-1$. In this study, we analyze this question by considering three single-field slow-roll inflationary models that we call HSR$\{2\}$, HSR$\{3\}$ and HSR$\{4\}$, where the hierarchy of Hubble slow-roll parameters is truncated to second, third and fourth order respectively. The models are tested through a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis based on combinations of the latest Planck and BICEP2/Keck data sets, and the resulting chains are converted into sets of allowed evolution histories of $w$. This analysis yields a 68$\%$ upper bound of $1+w < 0.0014$ for HSR$\{3\}$, which provides the overall best description for the data. Therefore, if the current era of accelerated expansion happens to have the same equation of state as inflation during the observable epoch, then current and upcoming cosmological observations will not be able to detect that $w \neq -1$. This provides a cautionary tale for drawing conclusions about the nature of dark energy on the basis of the non-observation of a deviation from $w=-1$.

Andrew M. Burkhardt, Kin Long Kelvin Lee, P. Bryan Changala, Christopher N. Shingledecker, Ilsa R. Cooke, Ryan A. Loomis, Hongji Wei, Steven B. Charnley, Eric Herbst, Michael C. McCarthy, Brett A. McGuire

18 pages, 2 figures and 3 tables in the main text. 1 table and 1 figure in the Appendix. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Supplementary data available in the DataVerse entry provided in text

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) have long been invoked in the study of interstellar and protostellar sources, but the unambiguous identification of any individual PAH has proven elusive until very recently. As a result, the formation mechanisms for this important class of molecules remain poorly constrained. Here we report the first interstellar detection of a pure hydrocarbon PAH, indene (C$_9$H$_8$), as part of the GBT Observations of TMC-1: Hunting for Aromatic Molecules (GOTHAM) survey. This detection provides a new avenue for chemical inquiry, complementing the existing detections of CN-functionalized aromatic molecules. From fitting the GOTHAM observations, indene is found to be the most abundant organic ring detected in TMC-1 to date. And from astrochemical modeling with NAUTILUS, the observed abundance is greater than the model's prediction by several orders of magnitude suggesting that current formation pathways in astrochemical models are incomplete. The detection of indene in relatively high abundance implies related species such as cyanoindene, cyclopentadiene, toluene, and styrene may be detectable in dark clouds.

Christopher J. Moore, Alberto Vecchio

3 pages plus appendices. 3 plus 1 figures

The gravitational wave (GW) spectrum at frequencies below $\sim 100\,\mathrm{nHz}$ may contain overlapping contributions from processes in the early Universe and black hole binaries with masses $\sim 10^{6}-10^{9}\,M_\odot$ at low redshifts. Pulsar timing arrays are measuring the GW background at $\sim 1-100\,\mathrm{nHz}$, but are currently unable to distinguish an astrophysical foreground from a cosmological background due to, say, a first order phase transition at a temperature $\sim 1-100\,\mathrm{MeV}$ in a weakly-interacting dark sector. Our analysis reveals the extent to which including integrated bounds on the ultra-low frequency GW spectrum from cosmic microwave background, big bang nucleosynethesis or astrometric observations can break this degeneracy.

Yago Bea, Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Thanasis Giannakopoulos, David Mateos, Mikel Sanchez-Garitaonandia, Miguel Zilhão

7 pages, 9 figures

Cosmological phase transitions proceed via the nucleation of bubbles that subsequently expand and collide. The resulting gravitational wave spectrum depends crucially on the bubble wall velocity. Microscopic calculations of this velocity are challenging even in weakly coupled theories. We use holography to compute the wall velocity from first principles in a strongly coupled, non-Abelian, four-dimensional gauge theory. The wall velocity is determined dynamically in terms of the nucleation temperature. We find an approximately linear relation between the velocity and the ratio $\Delta \mathcal{P}/\mathcal{E}$, with $\Delta \mathcal{P}$ the pressure difference between the inside and the outside of the bubble and $\mathcal{E}$ the energy density outside the bubble. Up to a rescaling, the wall profile is well approximated by that of an equilibrium, phase-separated configuration at the critical temperature. We verify that ideal hydrodynamics provides a good description of the system everywhere except near the wall.

Rather than obtaining cosmic acceleration with a scalar field potential (quintessence) or noncanonical kinetic term (k-essence), we can do it purely through a modified gravity braiding of the scalar and metric, i.e. the $G_3$ Horndeski action term. Such "Horndessence" allows an exact $\Lambda$CDM cosmological expansion without any cosmological constant, and by requiring shift symmetry we can derive the exact form of $G_3$. We find that this route of deriving $G_3(X)$ leads to a functional form far from the usual simple assumptions such as a power law. Horndessence without any kinetic term or potential has the same number of parameters as $\Lambda$CDM and makes an exact prediction for the expansion history ($\Lambda$CDM) and modified gravity cosmic growth history; we show the viable gravitational strength $G_{\rm eff}(a)$ and growth rate $f\sigma_8(a)$. The simplest versions of the theory fail soundness criteria, but we learn interesting lessons along the way, in particular about robust parametrization, and indicate possible sound extensions.

Pulsar magnetospheres admit non-stationary vacuum gaps that are characterized by non-vanishing ${\bf{E}} \cdot {\bf{B}}$. The vacuum gaps play an important role in plasma production and electromagnetic wave emission. We show that these gaps generate axions whose energy is set by the gap oscillation frequency. The density of axions produced in a gap can be several orders of magnitude greater than the ambient dark matter density. In the strong pulsar magnetic field, a fraction of these axions may convert to photons, giving rise to broadband radio signals. We show that dedicated observations of nearby pulsars with radio telescopes (FAST) and interferometers (SKA) can probe axion-photon couplings that are a few orders of magnitude lower than current astrophysical bounds.

Manuel Arca Sedda, Christopher P L Berry, Karan Jani, Pau Amaro-Seoane, Pierre Auclair, Jonathon Baird, Tessa Baker, Emanuele Berti, Katelyn Breivik, Chiara Caprini, Xian Chen, Daniela Doneva, Jose M Ezquiaga, K E Saavik Ford, Michael L Katz, Shimon Kolkowitz, Barry McKernan, Guido Mueller, Germano Nardini, Igor Pikovski, Surjeet Rajendran, Alberto Sesana, Lijing Shao, Nicola Tamanini, Niels Warburton, Helvi Witek, Kaze Wong, Michael Zevin

13 pages, 1 figure. Published in Experimental Astronomy. Summarising white paper arXiv:1908.11375

Since 2015 the gravitational-wave observations of LIGO and Virgo have transformed our understanding of compact-object binaries. In the years to come, ground-based gravitational-wave observatories such as LIGO, Virgo, and their successors will increase in sensitivity, discovering thousands of stellar-mass binaries. In the 2030s, the space-based LISA will provide gravitational-wave observations of massive black holes binaries. Between the $\sim 10$-$10^3~\mathrm{Hz}$ band of ground-based observatories and the $\sim10^{-4}$-$10^{-1}~\mathrm{Hz}$ band of LISA lies the uncharted decihertz gravitational-wave band. We propose a Decihertz Observatory to study this frequency range, and to complement observations made by other detectors. Decihertz observatories are well suited to observation of intermediate-mass ($\sim10^2$-$10^4 M_\odot$) black holes; they will be able to detect stellar-mass binaries days to years before they merge, providing early warning of nearby binary neutron star mergers and measurements of the eccentricity of binary black holes, and they will enable new tests of general relativity and the Standard Model of particle physics. Here we summarise how a Decihertz Observatory could provide unique insights into how black holes form and evolve across cosmic time, improve prospects for both multimessenger astronomy and multiband gravitational-wave astronomy, and enable new probes of gravity, particle physics and cosmology.

Fanglin Bao, Hyunsoo Choi, Vaneet Aggarwal, Zubin Jacob

12 pages, 4 figures

Imaging point sources with low angular separation near or below the Rayleigh criterion is important in astronomy, \eg, in the search for habitable exoplanets near stars. However, the measurement time required to resolve stars in the sub-Rayleigh region via traditional direct imaging is usually prohibitive. Here we propose quantum-accelerated imaging (QAI) to significantly reduce the measurement time using an information-theoretic approach. QAI achieves quantum acceleration by adaptively learning optimal measurements from data to maximize Fisher information per detected photon. Our approach can be implemented experimentally by linear-projection instruments followed by a single-photon detector array. We estimate the position, brightness and the number of unknown stars $10\sim100$ times faster than direct imaging with the same aperture. QAI is scalable to large number of incoherent point sources and can find widespread applicability beyond astronomy to high-speed imaging, fluorescence microscopy and efficient optical read-out of qubits.

The likelihood ratio for a continuous gravitational wave signal is viewed geometrically as a function of the orientation of two vectors; one representing the optimal signal-to-noise ratio, the other representing the maximised likelihood ratio or $\mathcal{F}$-statistic. Analytic marginalisation over the angle between the vectors yields a marginalised likelihood ratio which is a function of the $\mathcal{F}$-statistic. Further analytic marginalisation over the optimal signal-to-noise ratio is explored using different choices of prior. Monte-Carlo simulations show that the marginalised likelihood ratios have identical detection power to the $\mathcal{F}$-statistic. This approach demonstrates a route to viewing the $\mathcal{F}$-statistic in a Bayesian context, while retaining the advantages of its efficient computation.

We present a pedagogical analysis of the symplectic group $\mathrm{Sp}(4,\mathbb{R})$ and its Lie algebra, and derive new factorised forms of the group elements. These results are then used to describe two linearly-coupled quantum scalar fields. Such systems are found to be placed in four-mode squeezed states, which are constructed explicitly in the Fock space. They are shown to generalise the two-mode squeezed states of single-field systems, with additional transfers of quanta between the two fields. The structure of the state is also investigated in phase space by means of the Wigner function. Finally, we study the reduced single-field system obtained by tracing out one of the two fields. This analysis is done both in the Fock space and in the phase space, and allow us to discuss environmental effects in the case of linear interactions. In particular, we find that there is always a range of interaction coupling for which decoherence occurs without substantially affecting the power spectra (hence the observables) of the system. Applications in the context of cosmology are also discussed.

Matthew Mould

4 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the 2021 Gravitation session of the 55th Rencontres de Moriond

Spin precession occurs in binary black holes whose spins are misaligned with the orbital angular momentum. Otherwise, the spin configuration is constant and the subsequent binary dynamics and gravitational-wave emission are much simpler. We summarize a series of works which has shown that, while three of the aligned configurations are stable equilibria, the `up-down' configuration, in which the heavier (lighter) black hole is (anti) aligned with the orbital angular momentum, is unstable when perturbed; at a critical point in the inspiral the black hole spins begin to tilt wildly as precession takes over. We present two equivalent approaches to derive the instability onset based on multitimescale post-Newtonian techniques, and point out that the instability has a predictable endpoint. Finally, we demonstrate the presence of this precessional instability in the strong-field regime of numerical relativity with simulations of aligned-spin binaries lasting $\sim100$ orbits before merger. The spins of up-down systems can tilt by $\sim90^\circ$, leaving a notable imprint in the emitted gravitational-wave signals and providing a possible mechanism to form precessing systems in astrophysical environments from which sources are preferentially born with (anti) aligned spins.

V. C. Antochi, L. Baudis, J. Bollig, A. Brown, R. Budnik, D. Cichon, J. Conrad, A. D. Ferella, M. Galloway, L. Hoetzsch, S. Kazama, G. Koltman, H. Landsman, M. Lindner, J. Mahlstedt, T. Marrodán Undagoitia, B. Pelssers, G. Volta, O. Wack, J. Wulf

18 pages, 14 figures

Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) are often used in low-background particle physics experiments, which rely on an excellent response to single-photon signals and stable long-term operation. In particular, the Hamamatsu R11410 model is the light sensor of choice for liquid xenon dark matter experiments, including XENONnT. The same PMT model was also used for the predecessor, XENON1T, where issues affecting its long-term operation were observed. Here, we report on an improved PMT testing procedure which ensures optimal performance in XENONnT. Using both new and upgraded facilities, we tested 368 new PMTs in a cryogenic xenon environment. We developed new tests targeted at the detection of light emission and the degradation of the PMT vacuum through small leaks, which can lead to spurious signals known as afterpulses, both of which were observed in XENON1T. We exclude the use of 26 of the 368 tested PMTs and categorise the remainder according to their performance. Given that we have improved the testing procedure, yet we rejected fewer PMTs, we expect significantly better PMT performance in XENONnT.

Fotios K. Anagnostopoulos, Spyros Basilakos, Emmanuel N. Saridakis

4 pages, 2 figures, 2 Tables

We propose a novel model in the framework of $f(Q)$ gravity, which is a gravitational modification class arising from the incorporation of non-metricity. The model has General Relativity as a particular limit, it has the same number of free parameters to those of $\Lambda$CDM, however at a cosmological framework it gives rise to a scenario that does not have $\Lambda$CDM as a limit. Nevertheless, confrontation with observations at both background and perturbation levels, namely with Supernovae type Ia (SNIa), Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO), cosmic chronometers (CC), and Redshift Space Distortion (RSD) data, reveals that the scenario, according to AIC, BIC and DIC information criteria, is at some cases statistically preferred comparing to $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Finally, the model does not exhibit early dark energy features, and thus it immediately passes BBN constraints, while the variation of the effective Newton's constant lies well inside the observational bounds.

Heliudson Bernardo, Paul R. Chouha, Guilherme Franzmann

25 pages

We study the matter-coupled equations of motion for cosmological NS massless fields including all $\alpha'$ corrections in an O$(d,d)$ duality invariant approach, with emphasis on the Kalb-Ramond two-form field $B_{(2)}$ and its source. Solutions for the vacuum and matter case are found and the corresponding Einstein frame cosmologies are discussed. We also show that the ansatz for $B_{(2)}$ required by the duality invariant framework implies that the two-form is non-isotropic.

In light of the recent Muon $g-2$ experiment data from Fermilab, we investigate the implications of a gauged $L_{\mu} - L_{\tau}$ model for high energy neutrino telescopes. It has been suggested that a new gauge boson at the MeV scale can both account for the Muon $g-2$ data and alleviate the tension in the Hubble parameter measurements. It also strikes signals at IceCube from the predicted resonance scattering between high-energy neutrinos and the cosmic neutrino background. We revisit this model based on the latest IceCube shower data, and perform a four-parameter fit to find a preferred region. While the data are consistent with the absence of resonant signatures from secret interactions, we find the preferred region consistent with the muon $g-2$ anomaly and Hubble tension. We demonstrate that future neutrino telescopes such as IceCube-Gen2 can probe this unique parameter space, and point out that successful measurements would infer the neutrino mass with $0.05~{\rm eV}\lesssim \Sigma m_\nu\lesssim 0.3~{\rm eV}$.