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Papers for Wednesday, May 05 2021

Papers with local authors

B. Ripperda, J.F. Mahlmann, A. Chernoglazov, J.M. TenBarge, E.R. Most, J. Juno, Y. Yuan, A.A. Philippov, A. Bhattacharjee

Submitted to JPP, accompanied by Paper I: Weak Alfv\'enic turbulence in relativistic plasmas I: asymptotic solutions

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Paper 17 — arXiv:2105.01145
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2105.01145

Alfv\'en waves as excited in black hole accretion disks and neutron star magnetospheres are the building blocks of turbulence in relativistic, magnetized plasmas. A large reservoir of magnetic energy is available in these systems, such that the plasma can be heated significantly even in the weak turbulence regime. We perform high-resolution three-dimensional simulations of two counter-propagating Alfv\'en waves, showing that an $E_{B_{\perp}}(k_{\perp}) \propto k_{\perp}^{-2}$ energy spectrum develops as a result of the weak turbulence cascade in relativistic magnetohydrodynamics and its infinitely magnetized (force-free) limit. The plasma turbulence ubiquitously generates current sheets, which act as locations where magnetic energy dissipates. We study magnetic reconnection as a dissipation mechanism and show that current sheets form as a natural result of nonlinear interactions between counter-propagating Alfv\'en waves. These current sheets form due to the compression of elongated eddies, driven by the shear induced by growing higher order modes, and undergo a thinning process until they break-up into small-scale turbulent structures. We explore the formation of extended reconnection regions both in overlapping waves and in localized wave packet collisions. The relativistic interaction of localized Alfv\'en waves induces both Alfv\'en waves and fast waves and efficiently mediates the conversion and dissipation of electromagnetic energy in astrophysical systems. Plasma energization through reconnection in current sheets emerging during the interaction of Alfv\'en waves can potentially explain X-ray emission in black hole accretion coronae and neutron star magnetospheres.

J. M. TenBarge, B. Ripperda, A. Chernoglazov, A. Bhattacharjee, J. F. Mahlmann, E. R. Most, J. Juno, Y. Yuan, A. A. Philippov
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2105.01146
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2105.01146

Alfv\'{e}n wave collisions are the primary building blocks of the non-relativistic turbulence that permeates the heliosphere and low-to-moderate energy astrophysical systems. However, many astrophysical systems such as gamma-ray bursts, pulsar and magnetar magnetospheres, and active galactic nuclei have relativistic flows or energy densities. To better understand these high energy systems, we derive reduced relativistic MHD equations and employ them to examine asymptotically weak Alfv\'{e}nic turbulence through third order in reduced relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, including the force-free, infinitely magnetized limit. We compare both numerical and analytical asymptotic solutions to demonstrate that many of the findings from non-relativistic weak turbulence are retained in the relativistic system. But, an important distinction in the relativistic limit is finite coupling to the compressible fast mode regardless of the strength of the magnetic field, i.e., the modes remain coupled even in the force-free limit. Since fast modes can propagate across field lines, this mechanism provides a route for energy to escape strongly magnetized systems, e.g., magnetar magnetospheres. However, we find that the fast-Alfv\'{e}n coupling is diminished in the limit of oblique propagation.

All other papers

Matthew S. Clement, Scott S. Sheppard

18 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in AJ

Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) in the scattered disk with 50 < a < 100 au are thought to cluster near Neptune's n:1 resonances (e.g: 3:1, 4:1, and so on). While these objects spend lengthy periods of time at large heliocentric distances, if their perihelia remain less than around 40 au, their dynamical evolution is still largely coupled to Neptune's. Conversely, around a dozen extreme TNOs with a > 250 au and detached perihelia seem to exist in a regime where they are too distant to be affected by the giant planets, and too close for their dynamics to be governed by external forces. Recent work suggests that the apparent alignment of these orbits in physical space is a signature of gravitational shepherding by a distant massive planet. In this paper, we investigate the evolution of TNOs in each of Neptune's n:1 resonances between the 3:1 and 14:1. We conclude that both resonant and non-resonant objects beyond the 12:1 near ~157 au are removed rather efficiently via perturbations from the hypothetical Planet Nine. Additionally, we uncover a population of simulated TNOs with a < 100 au, 40 < q < 45 au and low inclinations that experience episodes of resonant interactions with both Neptune and Planet Nine. Finally, we simulate the evolution of observed objects with a > 100 au and identify several TNOs that are potentially locked in n:1 resonances with Neptune; including the most distant known resonant candidates 2014 JW80 and 2014 OS394 that appear to be in the 10:1 and 11:1 resonances, respectively. Our results suggest that the detection of similar remote objects might provide a useful constraint on hypotheses invoking the existence of additional distant planets.

M. R. Alarcon, M. Serra-Ricart, S. Lemes-Perera, M. Mallorquin

22 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendix. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

Since 2018, Solar Cycle 24 has entered into a solar minimum. During this period, 11M of zenithal night sky brightness (NSB) data have been collected at different dark sites around the planet, including astronomical observatories and natural protected areas, with identical broadband TESS photometers (based on Unihedron SQM TLS237 sensor). A detailed observational review of the multiple effects that contribute to the NSB measurement has been conducted with optimal filters designed to avoid brightening effects by the Sun, the Moon, clouds and astronomical sources (the Galaxy and zodiacal light). The natural NSB has been calculated from the percentiles for 44 different photometers by applying these new filters. The pristine night sky was measured to change with an amplitude of 0.1 mag/arcsec$^2$ in all the photometers, which, it is suggested, is due to NSB variations on scales of up to months and is compatible with semi-annual oscillations. We report the systematic observation of short time variations in the NSB on the vast majority of the nights and find these to be related to airglow events forming above the mesosphere.

F. Tarsitano (1), C. Bruderer (2), K. Schawinski (2), W. G. Hartley (3) ((1) Institute for Particle Physics and Astrophysics, ETH Zürich, Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 27, CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland, (2) Modulos AG, Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Zürich, (3) Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva, ch. d' Écogia 16, CH-1290 Versoix, Switzerland)

9 pages, 7 figures

In this work we explore the possibility of applying machine learning methods designed for one-dimensional problems to the task of galaxy image classification. The algorithms used for image classification typically rely on multiple costly steps, such as the Point Spread Function (PSF) deconvolution and the training and application of complex Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) of thousands or even millions of parameters. In our approach, we extract features from the galaxy images by analysing the elliptical isophotes in their light distribution and collect the information in a sequence. The sequences obtained with this method present definite features allowing a direct distinction between galaxy types, as opposed to smooth S\'ersic profiles. Then, we train and classify the sequences with machine learning algorithms, designed through the platform Modulos AutoML, and study how they optimize the classification task. As a demonstration of this method, we use the second public release of the Dark Energy Survey (DES DR2). We show that by applying it to this sample we are able to successfully distinguish between early-type and late-type galaxies, for images with signal-to-noise ratio greater then 300. This yields an accuracy of $86\%$ for the early-type galaxies and $93\%$ for the late-type galaxies, which is on par with most contemporary automated image classification approaches. Our novel method allows for galaxy images to be accurately classified and is faster than other approaches. Data dimensionality reduction also implies a significant lowering in computational cost. In the perspective of future data sets obtained with e.g. Euclid and the Vera Rubin Observatory (VRO), this work represents a path towards using a well-tested and widely used platform from industry in efficiently tackling galaxy classification problems at the peta-byte scale.

Sarah M. R. Jeffreson, Benjamin W. Keller, Andrew J. Winter, Mélanie Chevance, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Mark R. Krumholz, Yusuke Fujimoto

Resubmitted to MNRAS for final, minor comments

We study the time evolution of molecular clouds across three Milky Way-like isolated disc galaxy simulations at a temporal resolution of 1 Myr, and at a range of spatial resolutions spanning two orders of magnitude in spatial scale from ~10 pc up to ~1 kpc. The cloud evolution networks generated at the highest spatial resolution contain a cumulative total of ~80,000 separate molecular clouds in different galactic-dynamical environments. We find that clouds undergo mergers at a rate proportional to the crossing time between their centroids, but that their physical properties are largely insensitive to these interactions. Below the gas disc scale-height, the cloud lifetime obeys a scaling relation of the form $\tau_{\rm life} \propto \ell^{-0.3}$ with the cloud size $\ell$, consistent with over-densities that collapse, form stars, and are dispersed by stellar feedback. Above the disc scale-height, these self-gravitating regions are no longer resolved, so the scaling relation flattens to a constant value of ~13 Myr, consistent with the turbulent crossing time of the gas disc, as observed in nearby disc galaxies.

A.S. Baran, R.H. Østensen, U. Heber, A. Irrgang, S. Sanjayan, J.H. Telting, M.D. Reed, J. Ostrowski

published in the MNRAS

We present an overview of eclipsing systems of the HW-Virginis type, based on space observations from the TESS Mission. We perform a detailed analysis of the properties of AA Dor, which was monitored for almost a full year. This excellent time-series dataset permitted us to search for both stellar pulsations and eclipse timing variations. In addition, we used the high-precision trigonometric parallax from Gaia Early Data Release 3 to make an independent determination of the fundamental stellar parameters. No convincing pulsations were detected down to a limit of 76 parts per million, however we detected one peak with false alarm probability of 0.2%. 20 sec cadences being collected during Year 3 should confirm or reject our detection. From eclipse timing measurements we were able to confirm that the orbital period is stable, with an upper limit to any period change of 5.75 $\cdot$ 10$^{-13}$ s/s. The apparent offset of the secondary eclipse is consistent with the predicted R{\o}mer delay when the primary mass is that of a canonical extended horizontal branch star. Using parallax and a spectral energy distribution corroborates that the mass of the primary in AA Dor is canonical, and its radius and luminosity is consistent with an evolutionary state beyond core helium burning. The mass of the secondary is found to be at the limit of hydrogen burning.

We perform GRMHD and RMHD simulations of weakly and highly magnetized gamma-ray burst (GRB) jets propagating in binary neutron star (BNS) merger ejecta. Using the simulations, we first find that mixing between the jet and cocoon, which is present in all types of jets, inhibits the formation of subphotospheric collisionless shocks. However, we show that a mild magnetization may lead to the formation of collisionless subshocks which allow efficient proton acceleration. We consider shear acceleration and diffusive shock acceleration at collimation shocks, internal shocks, shock breakout, and external shocks, to provide the first self-consistent estimate for neutrino and cosmic-ray (CR) signals from GRBs in BNS mergers. We find that short GRBs do not produce detectable neutrino signals with current-day facilities. Shock breakout yields $ \sim 10 $ PeV neutrinos at viewing angles $\sim20^\circ $, independent of the jet magnetization. However, a neutrino signal from shock breakout is well below detection limits of current detectors. Such a signal would allow a coincident neutrino-$\gamma-$ray detection, providing a testable prediction for shock breakout as a neutrino production site. Using the numerical modeling that fits GW170817 afterglow emission, we find that blast waves in BNS mergers can account for 5%-10% of the Galactic CR luminosity in the PeV-EeV energy range. Based on these estimates, the observed level of CR anisotropy places a constraint on the distance of the latest Galactic binary neutron star merger to $\lesssim3$ kiloparsecs.

We report the results of our search for pulsating subdwarf B stars in Full Frame Images collected during Year 2 of the TESS mission and covering the northern ecliptic hemisphere. This is a continuation of our effort we presented in Paper I. We found 13 likely new pulsating subdwarf B stars, 10 pulsating candidates that are identified as other hot subdwarfs, and 30 spectroscopically unclassified objects that show amplitude spectra typical of pulsating subdwarf B stars. We found 506 variable objects, most of them spectroscopically unclassified, hence their specific variability class yet to be confirmed. Eclipsing binaries with sharp eclipses sample comprises 33 systems. For 12 of them we derived precise orbital periods and checked their stabilities. We identified one known and five new candidate HW Vir systems. The amplitude spectra of the 13 likely sdB pulsators are not rich in modes, hence any further analysis is not possible. However, we selected three candidates for pulsating subdwarf B stars that show the richest amplitude spectra and we performed a mode identification deriving modal degrees of most of the detected modes. In total, in both ecliptic hemispheres, we found 15 likely pulsating pulsating subdwarf B stars, additional 10 candidates for pulsating subdwarf B stars, 66 other variable subdwarf B stars, 2076 spectroscopically unconfirmed variable stars, and 123 variable non-sdB stars.

Ming-Feng Ho, Simeon Bird, Christian R. Shelton

17 pages, 17 figures, 1 table. Code available in this https URL

We present methods for emulating the matter power spectrum which effectively combine information from cosmological $N$-body simulations at different resolutions. An emulator allows estimation of simulation output by interpolating across the parameter space of a handful of simulations. We present the first implementation of multi-fidelity emulation in cosmology, where many low-resolution simulations are combined with a few high-resolution simulations to achieve an increased emulation accuracy. The power spectrum's dependence on cosmology is learned from the low-resolution simulations, which are in turn calibrated using high-resolution simulations. We show that our multi-fidelity emulator can achieve percent-level accuracy on average with only $3$ high-fidelity simulations and outperforms a single-fidelity emulator that uses $11$ simulations. With a fixed number of high-fidelity training simulations, we show that our multi-fidelity emulator is $\simeq 100$ times better than a single-fidelity emulator at $k \leq 2 \,h\textrm{Mpc}{^{-1}}$, and $\simeq 20$ times better at $3 \leq k < 6.4 \,h\textrm{Mpc}{^{-1}}$. Multi-fidelity emulation is fast to train, using only a simple modification to standard Gaussian processes. Our proposed emulator shows a new way to predict non-linear scales by fusing simulations from different fidelities.

Christopher T. Garling, Annika H. G. Peter, Christopher S. Kochanek, David J. Sand, Denija Crnojević

14 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcomed

We present results from a resolved stellar population search for dwarf satellite galaxies of six nearby (D $<5$ Mpc), sub-Milky-Way mass hosts using deep ($m\sim27$ mag) optical imaging from the Large Binocular Telescope. We perform image simulations to quantify our detection efficiency for dwarfs over a large range in luminosity and size, and develop a fast catalog-based emulator that includes a treatment of unresolved photometric blending. We discover no new dwarf satellites, but we recover two previously known dwarfs (DDO 113 and LV J1228+4358) with $M_{\text{V}}<-12$ that lie in our survey volume. We preview a new theoretical framework to predict satellite luminosity functions using analytic probability distribution functions and apply it to our sample, finding that we predict one fewer classical dwarf and one more faint dwarf ($M_{\text{V}}\sim-7.5$) than we find in our observational sample (i.e., the observational sample is slightly top-heavy). However, the overall number of dwarfs in the observational sample (2) is in good agreement with the theoretical expectations. Interestingly, DDO 113 shows signs of environmental quenching and LV J1228+4358 is tidally disrupting, suggesting that low-mass hosts may affect their satellites more severely than previously believed.

Ugo N. Di Carlo, Michela Mapelli, Mario Pasquato, Sara Rastello, Alessandro Ballone, Marco Dall'Amico, Nicola Giacobbo, Giuliano Iorio, Mario Spera, Stefano Torniamenti, Francesco Haardt

12 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables. Comments welcome

Intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) in the mass range $10^2-10^5\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ bridge the gap between stellar black holes (BHs) and supermassive BHs. Here, we investigate the possibility that IMBHs form in young star clusters via runaway collisions and BH mergers. We analyze $10^4$ simulations of dense young star clusters, featuring up-to-date stellar wind models and prescriptions for core collapse and (pulsational) pair instability. In our simulations, only 9 IMBHs out of 218 form via binary BH mergers, with a mass $\sim{}100-140$ M$_\odot$. This channel is strongly suppressed by the low escape velocity of our star clusters. In contrast, IMBHs with masses up to $\sim{}438$ M$_{\odot}$ efficiently form via runaway stellar collisions, especially at low metallicity. Up to $\sim{}0.2$~% of all the simulated BHs are IMBHs, depending on progenitor's metallicity. The runaway formation channel is strongly suppressed in metal-rich ($Z=0.02$) star clusters, because of stellar winds. IMBHs are extremely efficient in pairing with other BHs: $\sim{}70$% of them are members of a binary BH at the end of the simulations. However, we do not find any IMBH-BH merger. More massive star clusters are more efficient in forming IMBHs: $\sim{}8$% ($\sim{}1$%) of the simulated clusters with initial mass $10^4-3\times{}10^4$ M$_\odot$ ($10^3-5\times{}10^3$ M$_\odot$) host at least one IMBH.

We present a thorough numerical study on the MRI using the smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics method (SPMHD) with the geometric density average force expression (GDSPH). We perform shearing box simulations with different initial setups and a wide range of resolution and dissipation parameters. We show, for the first time, that MRI with sustained turbulence can be simulated successfully with SPH, with results consistent with prior work with grid-based codes. In particular, for the stratified boxes, our simulations reproduce the characteristic butterfly diagram of the MRI dynamo with saturated turbulence for at least 100 orbits. On the contrary, traditional SPH simulations suffer from runaway growth and develop unphysically large azimuthal fields, similar to the results from a recent study with mesh-less methods. We investigated the dependency of MRI turbulence on the numerical Prandtl number in SPH, focusing on the unstratified, zero net-flux case. We found that turbulence can only be sustained with a Prandtl number larger than $\sim$2.5, similar to the critical values of physical Prandtl number found in grid-code simulations. However, unlike grid-based codes, the numerical Prandtl number in SPH increases with resolution, and for a fixed Prandtl number, the resulting magnetic energy and stresses are independent of resolution. Mean-field analyses were performed on all simulations, and the resulting transport coefficients indicate no $\alpha$-effect in the unstratified cases, but an active $\alpha\Omega$ dynamo and a diamagnetic pumping effect in the stratified medium, which are generally in agreement with previous studies. There is no clear indication of a shear-current dynamo in our simulation, which is likely to be responsible for a weaker mean-field growth in the tall, unstratified, zero net-flux simulation.

Francisca Espinoza-Rojas, Julio Chanamé, Paula Jofré, Laia Casamiquela

15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to ApJ

The abundance ratios of some chemical species have been found to correlate with stellar age, leading to the possibility of using stellar atmospheric abundances as stellar age indicators. These chemical clocks have been calibrated with solar-twins, open clusters and red giants, but it remains to be seen whether they can be effective at identifying coeval stars in a field population that spans a broad parameter space (i.e., the promise of chemical tagging). Since the components of wide binaries are known to be stars of common origins, they constitute ideal laboratories for testing the usefulness of chemical clocks for the age dating of field stars. We determined the abundances of a new sample of 5 binaries and collected data for other 31 systems from the literature in order to test the applicability of chemical clocks. We recover the well known result that the components of wide binaries have more consistent chemistry than that of random pairs. However, we also show for the first time that abundance ratios designed as chemical clocks are even more consistent among the components of wide binaries than their [X/Fe] ratios. Not only that, but the special case of the pair HIP 34426/HIP 34407 may indicate that chemical clocks are consistent for coeval stars even when the individual abundances are not. If the assumption that chemical clocks are reliable age indicators is correct, this would constitute first quantitative, statistically significant evidence that the components of wide binaries in the Galactic field are indeed coeval, validating a large body of published work that relies on that to be the case. Moreover, our results provide strong evidence that chemical clocks indeed carry important information about stellar birthplaces and chemical evolution, and thus we propose that including them in chemical tagging efforts may facilitate the identification of nowadays dissolved stellar groups.

Mass-independent isotopic anomalies of carbonaceous and non-carbonaceous meteorites show a clear dichotomy suggesting an efficient separation of the inner and outer solar system. Observations show that ring-like structures in the distribution of mm-sized pebbles in protoplanetary disks are common. These structures are often associated with drifting pebbles being trapped by local pressure maxima in the gas disk. Similar structures may also have existed in the sun's natal disk, which could naturally explain the meteorite/planetary isotopic dichotomy. Here, we test the effects of a strong pressure bump in the outer disk (e.g. $\sim$5~au) on the formation of the inner solar system. We model dust coagulation and evolution, planetesimal formation, as well as embryo's growth via planetesimal and pebble accretion. Our results show that terrestrial embryos formed via planetesimal accretion rather than pebble accretion. In our model, the radial drift of pebbles foster planetesimal formation. However, once a pressure bump forms, pebbles in the inner disk are lost via drift before they can be efficiently accreted by embryos growing at $\gtrapprox$1~au. Embryos inside $\sim$0.5-1.0au grow relatively faster and can accrete pebbles more efficiently. However, these same embryos grow to larger masses so they should migrate inwards substantially, which is inconsistent with the current solar system. Therefore, terrestrial planets most likely accreted from giant impacts of Moon to roughly Mars-mass planetary embryos formed around $\gtrapprox$1.0~au. Finally, our simulations produce a steep radial mass distribution of planetesimals in the terrestrial region which is qualitatively aligned with formation models suggesting that the asteroid belt was born low-mass.

Artyom Aguichine, Olivier Mousis, Magali Deleuil, Emmanuel Marcq

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Massive and water-rich planets should be ubiquitous in the universe. Many of those worlds are expected to be subject to important irradiation from their host star, and display supercritical water layers surrounded by extended steam atmospheres. Irradiated ocean planets with such inflated hydrospheres have been recently shown to be good candidates for matching the mass-radius distribution of sub-Neptunes. Here we describe a model that computes a realistic structure for water-rich planets by combining an interior model with an updated equation of state (EoS) for water, and an atmospheric model that takes into account radiative transfer. We find that the use of non appropriate EoSs can lead to the overestimation of the planetary radius by up to $\sim$10\%, depending on the planet size and composition. Our model has been applied to the GJ 9827 system as a test case and indicates Earth- or Venus-like interiors for planets b and c, respectively. Planet d could be an irradiated ocean planet with a water mass fraction of $\sim$$20\pm10\%$. We also provide fits for the mass-radius relationships, allowing one to directly retrieve a wide range of planetary compositions, without the requirement to run the model. Our calculations finally suggest that highly irradiated planets lost their H/He content through atmospheric loss processes, and that the leftover material led to either super-Earths or sub-Neptunes, depending on the water mass fraction.

Amanda L. Muyskens, Imène R. Goumiri, Benjamin W. Priest, Michael D. Schneider, Robert E. Armstrong, Jason M. Bernstein, Ryan Dana

18 pages, 8 figures

We introduce a novel method for discerning optical telescope images of stars from those of galaxies using Gaussian processes (GPs). Although applications of GPs often struggle in high-dimensional data modalities such as optical image classification, we show that a low-dimensional embedding of images into a metric space defined by the principal components of the data suffices to produce high-quality predictions from real large-scale survey data. We develop a novel method of GP classification hyperparameter training that scales approximately linearly in the number of image observations, which allows for application of GP models to large-size Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program data. In our experiments we evaluate the performance of a principal component analysis (PCA) embedded GP predictive model against other machine learning algorithms including a convolutional neural network and an image photometric morphology discriminator. Our analysis shows that our methods compare favorably with current methods in optical image classification while producing posterior distributions from the GP regression that can be used to quantify object classification uncertainty. We further describe how classification uncertainty can be used to efficiently parse large-scale survey imaging data to produce high-confidence object catalogs.

C.T. Pratt (1), Z. Qu (1), J.N. Bregman (1) ((1) University of Michigan)

18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

Much of the baryons in galaxy groups are thought to have been driven out to large distances ($\gtrsim$$R_{500}$) by feedback, but there are few constraining observations of this extended gas. This work presents the resolved Sunyaev--Zel'dovich (SZ) profiles for a stacked sample of 10 nearby galaxy groups within the mass range log$_{10}(M_{500}[M_{\odot}]) = 13.6 -13.9$. We measured the SZ profiles using the publicly available $y$-map from the Planck Collaboration as well as our own $y$-maps constructed from more recent versions of $Planck$ data. The $y$-map extracted from the latest data release yielded a significant SZ detection out to 3 $R_{500}$. In addition, the stacked profile from these data were consistent with simulations that included AGN feedback. Our best-fit model using the latest $Planck$ data suggested a baryon fraction $\approx 5.6\%$ within $R_{500}$. This is significantly lower than the cosmic value of $\approx 16\%$, supporting the idea that baryons have been driven to large radii by AGN feedback. Lastly, we discovered a significant ($\sim 3\sigma$) "bump" feature near $\sim 2$ $R_{500}$ that is most likely the signature of internal accretion shocks.

A. S. Binks, R. D. Jeffries, R. J. Jackson, E. Franciosini, G. G. Sacco, A. Bayo, L. Magrini, S. Randich, J. Arancibia, M. Bergemann, A. Bragaglia, G. Gilmore, A. Gonneau, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, A. J. Korn, L. Morbidelli, L. Prisinzano, C. C. Worley, S. Zaggia

Astrometry and photometry from {\it Gaia} and spectroscopic data from the {\it Gaia}-ESO Survey (GES) are used to identify the lithium depletion boundary (LDB) in the young cluster NGC 2232. A specialised spectral line analysis procedure was used to recover the signature of undepleted lithium in very low luminosity cluster members. An age of $38\pm 3$ Myr is inferred by comparing the LDB location in absolute colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) with the predictions of standard models. This is more than twice the age derived from fitting isochrones to low-mass stars in the CMD with the same models. Much closer agreement between LDB and CMD ages is obtained from models that incorporate magnetically suppressed convection or flux-blocking by dark, magnetic starspots. The best agreement is found at ages of $45-50$\,Myr for models with high levels of magnetic activity and starspot coverage fractions $>50$ per cent, although a uniformly high spot coverage does not match the CMD well across the full luminosity range considered.

Luc Dessart, D. John Hillier, Douglas C. Leonard

Accepted for publication in A&A

Type II supernovae (SNe) often exhibit a linear polarization, arising from free-electron scattering, with complicated optical signatures, both in the continuum and in lines. Focusing on the early nebular phase, at a SN age of 200d, we conduct a systematic study of the polarization signatures associated with a 56Ni `blob' that breaks spherical symmetry. Our ansatz, supported by nonLTE radiative transfer calculations, is that the primary role of such a 56Ni blob is to boost the local density of free electrons, which is otherwise reduced following recombination in SNe II. Using 2D polarized radiation transfer modeling, we explore the influence of such an electron-density enhancement, varying its magnitude N_e_fac, its velocity location V_blob, and its spatial extent. For plausible N_e_fac values of a few tens, a high-velocity blob can deliver a continuum polarization P_cont of 0.5-1.0% at 200d. Our simulations reproduce the analytic scalings for P_cont, and in particular the linear growth with the blob radial optical depth. The most constraining information is, however, carried by polarized line photons. For a high V_blob, the polarized spectrum appears as a replica of the full spectrum, scaled down by a factor 100 to 1000 (i.e., 1/P_cont), and redshifted by an amount V_blob(1-cos(alpha_los)), where alpha_los is the line of sight angle. As V_blob is reduced, the redshift decreases and the replication deteriorates. Lines whose formation region overlap with the blob appear weaker and narrower in the polarized flux. Because of its dependence on inclination (~ sin^2 alpha_los), the polarization preferentially reveals asymmetries in the plane perpendicular to the line of sight. With the adequate choice of electron-density enhancement, some of these results may apply to asymmetric explosions in general, or to the polarization signatures from newly-formed dust in the outer ejecta. [abridged]

Richard J. Cartwright, Chloe B. Beddingfield, Tom A. Nordheim, Catherine M. Elder, Julie C. Castillo-Rogez, Marc Neveu, Ali M. Bramson, Michael M. Sori, Bonnie J. Buratti, Robert T. Pappalardo, Joseph E. Roser, Ian J. Cohen, Erin J. Leonard, Anton I. Ermakov, Mark R. Showalter, William M. Grundy, Elizabeth P. Turtle, Mark D. Hofstadter

Accepted in AAS Planetary Science Journal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2007.07284

The 27 satellites of Uranus are enigmatic, with dark surfaces coated by material that could be rich in organics. Voyager 2 imaged the southern hemispheres of Uranus' five largest 'classical' moons Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon, as well as the largest ring moon Puck, but their northern hemispheres were largely unobservable at the time of the flyby and were not imaged. Additionally, no spatially resolved datasets exist for the other 21 known moons, and their surface properties are essentially unknown. Because Voyager 2 was not equipped with a near-infrared mapping spectrometer, our knowledge of the Uranian moons' surface compositions, and the processes that modify them, is limited to disk-integrated datasets collected by ground- and space-based telescopes. Nevertheless, images collected by the Imaging Science System on Voyager 2 and reflectance spectra collected by telescope facilities indicate that the five classical moons are candidate ocean worlds that might currently have, or had, liquid subsurface layers beneath their icy surfaces. To determine whether these moons are ocean worlds, and investigate Uranus' ring moons and irregular satellites, close-up observations and measurements made by instruments onboard a Uranus orbiter are needed.

Roxane Thériault, Jordan T. Mirocha, Robert Brandenberger

8 pages, 3 figures

Superconducting cosmic strings emit electromagnetic waves between the times of recombination and reionization. Hence, they have an effect on the global 21cm signal. We compute the resulting absorption features, focusing on strings with critical current, study their dependence on the string tension $\mu$, and compare with observational results. For string tensions in the range of $G \mu = 10^{-10}$, where $G$ is Newton's gravitational constant, there is an interesting amplification of the two characteristic absorption features, one during the cosmic dawn, $z \lesssim 30$, and the other during the cosmic dark age, $z \sim 80$, the former being comparable in amplitude to what was observed by the EDGES experiment.

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration

48 pages, 35 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters on March 24, 2021

In 2017 April, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observed the near-horizon region around the supermassive black hole at the core of the M87 galaxy. These 1.3 mm wavelength observations revealed a compact asymmetric ring-like source morphology. This structure originates from synchrotron emission produced by relativistic plasma located in the immediate vicinity of the black hole. Here we present the corresponding linear-polarimetric EHT images of the center of M87. We find that only a part of the ring is significantly polarized. The resolved fractional linear polarization has a maximum located in the southwest part of the ring, where it rises to the level of about 15%. The polarization position angles are arranged in a nearly azimuthal pattern. We perform quantitative measurements of relevant polarimetric properties of the compact emission and find evidence for the temporal evolution of the polarized source structure over one week of EHT observations. The details of the polarimetric data reduction and calibration methodology are provided. We carry out the data analysis using multiple independent imaging and modeling techniques, each of which is validated against a suite of synthetic data sets. The gross polarimetric structure and its apparent evolution with time are insensitive to the method used to reconstruct the image. These polarimetric images carry information about the structure of the magnetic fields responsible for the synchrotron emission. Their physical interpretation is discussed in an accompanying publication.

The Event Horizon Collaboration

43 pages, 29 figures, published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters on March 24, 2021

Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations at 230 GHz have now imaged polarized emission around the supermassive black hole in M87 on event-horizon scales. This polarized synchrotron radiation probes the structure of magnetic fields and the plasma properties near the black hole. Here we compare the resolved polarization structure observed by the EHT, along with simultaneous unresolved observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array, to expectations from theoretical models. The low fractional linear polarization in the resolved image suggests that the polarization is scrambled on scales smaller than the EHT beam, which we attribute to Faraday rotation internal to the emission region. We estimate the average density n_e of order 10^4-7 cm-3, magnetic field strength B of order 1-30 G, and electron temperature Te of order (1-12) x 10^10 K of the radiating plasma in a simple one-zone emission model. We show that the net azimuthal linear polarization pattern may result from organized, poloidal magnetic fields in the emission region. In a quantitative comparison with a large library of simulated polarimetric images from general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations, we identify a subset of physical models that can explain critical features of the polarimetric EHT observations while producing a relativistic jet of sufficient power. The consistent GRMHD models are all of magnetically arrested accretion disks, where near-horizon magnetic fields are dynamically important. We use the models to infer a mass accretion rate onto the black hole in M87 of (3-20) x 10^-4 Msun yr-1.

N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro, P. Makela, H. Xie, S. Akiyama

17 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal

We report that the number of > 500 MeV protons (Ng) inferred from sustained gamma ray emission (SGRE) from the Sun is significantly correlated with that of protons propagating into space (NSEP) as solar energetic particles (SEPs). Under the shock paradigm for SGRE, shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) accelerate high-energy protons sending them toward the Sun to produce SGRE by interacting with the atmospheric particles. Particles also escape into the space away from the Sun to be detected as SEP events. Therefore, the significant NSEP vs. Ng correlation (correlation coefficient 0.77) is consistent with the common shock origin for the two proton populations. Furthermore, the underlying CMEs have properties akin to those involved in ground level enhancement (GLE) events indicating the presence of high-energy (up to GeV) particles required for SGRE. We show that the observed gamma-ray flux is an underestimate in limb events (central meridian distance > 60 degrees) because SGRE sources are partially occulted when the emission is spatially extended. With the assumption that the SEP spectrum at the shock nose is hard and that the 100 MeV particles are accelerated throughout the shock surface (half width in the range 60 to 120 degrees) we find that the latitudinal widths of SEP distributions are energy dependent with the smallest width at the highest energies. Not using the energy-dependent width results in an underestimate of NSEP in SGRE events occurring at relatively higher latitudes. Taking these two effects into account removes the apparent lack of NSEP - Ng correlation reported in previous studies.

N. Gopalswamy, P. Mäkelä, S. Yashiro

4 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. URSI GASS 2020 Proceedings

We report on the 2015 June 25 sustained gamma-ray emission (SGRE) event associated with a halo coronal mass ejection and a type II radio burst in the decameter-hectometric (DH) wavelengths. The duration and ending frequency of the type II burst are linearly related to the SGRE duration as found in previous works involving intense gamma-ray events. This study confirms that the SGRE event is due to protons accelerated in the shock that produced the DH type II burst.

N. Gopalswamy, P. Makela, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama

4 pages, 6 figures, URSI 2020 Proceedings

We report on the first detection of nonthermal radio emission associated with a polar coronal mass ejection. We call the radio emission as diffuse interplanetary radio emission (DIRE), which occurs in the decameter-hectometric wavelengths. The radio emission originates from the shock flanks that interact with nearby streamers.

Danielle Frostig, John W. Baker, Joshua Brown, Richard S. Burruss, Kristin Clark, Gábor Fűrész, Nicolae Ganciu, Erik Hinrichsen, Viraj R. Karambelkar, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Nathan P. Lourie, Andrew Malonis, Robert A. Simcoe, Jeffry Zolkower

Published in SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2020, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII. 12 pages, 9 figures

The Wide-field Infrared Transient Explorer (WINTER) is a 1x1 degree infrared survey telescope under development at MIT and Caltech, and slated for commissioning at Palomar Observatory in 2021. WINTER is a seeing-limited infrared time-domain survey and has two main science goals: (1) the discovery of IR kilonovae and r-process materials from binary neutron star mergers and (2) the study of general IR transients, including supernovae, tidal disruption events, and transiting exoplanets around low mass stars. We plan to meet these science goals with technologies that are relatively new to astrophysical research: hybridized InGaAs sensors as an alternative to traditional, but expensive, HgCdTe arrays and an IR-optimized 1-meter COTS telescope. To mitigate risk, optimize development efforts, and ensure that WINTER meets its science objectives, we use model-based systems engineering (MBSE) techniques commonly featured in aerospace engineering projects. Even as ground-based instrumentation projects grow in complexity, they do not often have the budget for a full-time systems engineer. We present one example of systems engineering for the ground-based WINTER project, featuring software tools that allow students or staff to learn the fundamentals of MBSE and capture the results in a formalized software interface. We focus on the top-level science requirements with a detailed example of how the goal of detecting kilonovae flows down to WINTER's optical design. In particular, we discuss new methods for tolerance simulations, eliminating stray light, and maximizing image quality of a fly's-eye design that slices the telescope's focus onto 6 non-buttable, IR detectors. We also include a discussion of safety constraints for a robotic telescope.

Brendan P. Bowler, Michael Endl, William D. Cochran, Phillip J. MacQueen, Justin R. Crepp, Greg W. Doppmann, Shannon Dulz, Timothy D. Brandt, G. Mirek Brandt, Yiting Li, Trent J. Dupuy, Kyle Franson, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Caroline V. Morley, Yifan Zhou

Accepted to ApJ Letters

Brown dwarfs with well-determined ages, luminosities, and masses provide rare but valuable tests of low-temperature atmospheric and evolutionary models. We present the discovery and dynamical mass measurement of a substellar companion to HD 47127, an old ($\approx$7-10 Gyr) G5 main sequence star with a mass similar to the Sun. Radial velocities of the host star with the Harlan J. Smith Telescope uncovered a low-amplitude acceleration of 1.93 $\pm$ 0.08 m s$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$ based on 20 years of monitoring. We subsequently recovered a faint ($\Delta H$=13.14 $\pm$ 0.15 mag) co-moving companion at 1.95$''$ (52 AU) with follow-up Keck/NIRC2 adaptive optics imaging. The radial acceleration of HD 47127 together with its tangential acceleration from Hipparcos and Gaia EDR3 astrometry provide a direct measurement of the three-dimensional acceleration vector of the host star, enabling a dynamical mass constraint for HD 47127 B (67.5-177 $M_\mathrm{Jup}$ at 95% confidence) despite the small fractional orbital coverage of the observations. The absolute $H$-band magnitude of HD 47127 B is fainter than the benchmark T dwarfs HD 19467 B and Gl 229 B but brighter than Gl 758 B and HD 4113 C, suggesting a late-T spectral type. Altogether the mass limits for HD 47127 B from its dynamical mass and the substellar boundary imply a range of 67-78 $M_\mathrm{Jup}$ assuming it is single, although a preference for high masses of $\approx$100 $M_\mathrm{Jup}$ from dynamical constraints hints at the possibility that HD 47127 B could itself be a binary pair of brown dwarfs or that another massive companion resides closer in. Regardless, HD 47127 B will be an excellent target for more refined orbital and atmospheric characterization in the future.

Jian-Chao Xue, Jean-Claude Vial, Yang Su, Hui Li, Zhi Xu, Ying-Na Su, Tuan-Hui Zhou, Zhen-Tong Li

12 pages, 7 figures, accepted by RAA, comments are welcome to xuejc@pmo.ac.cn

Prominence plumes are evacuated upflows that emerge from bubbles below prominences, whose formation mechanism is still unclear. Here we present a detailed study of plumes in a quiescent prominence using the high-resolution H-alpha filtergrams at the line center as well as line wing at +/-0.4 angstrom from the New Vacuum Solar Telescope. Enhancements of brightening, blue shifts, and turbulence at the fronts of plumes are found during their formation. Some large plumes split at their heads and finger-shaped structures are formed between them. Blue-shifted flows along the bubble-prominence interface are found before and during the plume formation. Our observations are consistent with the hypothesis that prominence plumes are related to coupled Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor (KH/RT) instabilities. Plume splittings and fingers are evidence of RT instability, and the flows may increase the growth rate of KH/RT instabilities. However, the significant turbulence at plume fronts may suggest that the RT instability is triggered by the plumes penetrating into the prominence. In this scenario, extra mechanisms are necessary to drive the plumes.

Rylan Jardine (Monash University), Jade Powell (Swinburne University), Bernhard Müller (Monash University)

18 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We investigate the impact of rotation and magnetic fields on the dynamics and gravitational wave emission in 2D core-collapse supernova simulations with neutrino transport. We simulate 16 different models of $15\,M_\odot$ and $39\,M_\odot$ progenitor stars with various initial rotation profiles and initial magnetic fields strengths up to $10^{12}\, \mathrm{G}$, assuming a dipolar field geometry in the progenitor. Strong magnetic fields generally prove conducive to shock revival, though this trend is not without exceptions. The impact of rotation on the post-bounce dynamics is more variegated, in line with previous studies. A significant impact on the time-frequency structure of the gravitational wave signal is found only for rapid rotation or strong initial fields. For rapid rotation, the angular momentum gradient at the proto-neutron star surface can appreciably affect the frequency of the dominant mode, so that known analytic relations for the high-frequency emission band no longer hold. In case of two magnetorotational explosion models, the time-frequency structure of the post-bounce emission appears rather different from neutrino-driven explosions. In one of these two models, a new high-frequency emission component of significant amplitude emerges about $200\, \mathrm{ms}$ after the burst of gravitational wave emission around shock revival has subsided. This emission is characterised by broad-band power well into the kHz range. Its emission mechanism remains unclear and needs to be investigated further. We also estimate the maximum detection distances for our waveforms. The magnetorotational models do not stick out for higher detectability during the post-bounce and explosion phase.

Ludwig Scheibe, Nadine Nettelmann, Ronald Redmer

accepted to A&A, Reproduced with permission from Astronomy & Astrophysics, \c{opyright} ESO

Thermal evolution models suggest that the luminosities of both Uranus and Neptune are inconsistent with the classical assumption of an adiabatic interior. Such models commonly predict Uranus to be brighter and, recently, Neptune to be fainter than observed. In this work, we investigate the influence of a thermally conductive boundary layer on the evolution of Uranus- and Neptune-like planets. This thermal boundary layer (TBL) is assumed to be located deep in the planet, and be caused by a steep compositional gradient between a H-He-dominated outer envelope and an ice-rich inner envelope. We investigate the effect of TBL thickness, thermal conductivity, and the time of TBL formation on the planet's cooling behaviour. The calculations were performed with our recently developed tool based on the Henyey method for stellar evolution. We make use of state-of-the-art equations of state for hydrogen, helium, and water, as well as of thermal conductivity data for water calculated via ab initio methods. We find that even a thin conductive layer of a few kilometres has a significant influence on the planetary cooling. In our models, Uranus' measured luminosity can only be reproduced if the planet has been near equilibrium with the solar incident flux for an extended time. For Neptune, we find a range of solutions with a near constant effective temperature at layer thicknesses of 15 km or larger, similar to Uranus. In addition, we find solutions for thin TBLs of few km and strongly enhanced thermal conductivity. A $\sim$ 1$~$Gyr later onset of the TBL reduces the present $\Delta T$ by an order of magnitude to only several 100 K. Our models suggest that a TBL can significantly influence the present planetary luminosity in both directions, making it appear either brighter or fainter than the adiabatic case.

Jean-Baptiste Fouvry, Simon Prunet

12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Because all stars contribute to its gravitational potential, stellar clusters amplify perturbations collectively. In the limit of small fluctuations, this is described through linear response theory, via the so-called response matrix. While the evaluation of this matrix is somewhat straightforward for unstable modes (i.e. with a positive growth rate), it requires a careful analytic continuation for damped modes (i.e. with a negative growth rate). We present a generic method to perform such a calculation in spherically symmetric stellar clusters. When applied to an isotropic isochrone cluster, we recover the presence of a low-frequency weakly damped $\ell = 1$ mode. We finally use a set of direct $N$-body simulations to test explicitly this prediction through the statistics of the correlated random walk undergone by a cluster's density centre.

Nick Cvetojevic, Barnaby R. M. Norris, Simon Gross, Nemanja Jovanovic, Alexander Arriola, Sylvestre Lacour, Takayuki Kotani, Jon S. Lawrence, Michael J. Withford, Peter Tuthill

10 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to Astrophotonics Special Issue in Applied Optics

One key advantage of single-mode photonic technologies for interferometric use is their ability to easily scale to an ever increasing number of inputs without a major increase in the overall device size, compared to traditional bulk optics. This is particularly important for the upcoming ELT generation of telescopes currently under construction. We demonstrate the fabrication and characterization of a novel hybridized photonic interferometer, with 8 simultaneous inputs, forming 28 baselines, the largest amount to-date. Utilizing different photonic fabrication technologies, we combine a 3D pupil remapper with a planar 8-port ABCD pairwise beam combiner, along with the injection optics necessary for telescope use, into a single integrated monolithic device. We successfully realized a combined device called Dragonfly, which demonstrates a raw instrumental closure-phase stability down to $0.9^{\circ}$ over $8\pi$ phase piston error, relating to a detection contrast of $\sim6.5\times 10^{-4}$ on an Adaptive-Optics corrected 8-m telescope. This prototype successfully demonstrates advanced hybridization and packaging techniques necessary for on-sky use for high-contrast detection at small inner working angles, ideally complementing what can currently be achieved using coronagraphs.

Alexey Potapov, Martin McCoustra

Accepted for publication in International Reviews in Physical Chemistry

Dust grains play a central role in the physics and chemistry of cosmic environments. They influence the optical and thermal properties of the medium due to their interaction with stellar radiation; provide surfaces for the chemical reactions that are responsible for the synthesis of a significant fraction of key astronomical molecules; and they are building blocks of pebbles, comets, asteroids, planetesimals, and planets. In this paper, we review experimental studies of physical and chemical processes, such as adsorption, desorption, diffusion, and reactions forming molecules, on the surface of reliable cosmic dust grain analogues as related to processes in diffuse, translucent, and dense interstellar clouds, protostellar envelopes, planet-forming disks, and planetary atmospheres. The information that such experiments reveal should be flexible enough to be used in many different environments. In addition, we provide a forward look discussing new ideas, experimental approaches, and research directions.

The radio emission in many pulsars show sudden changes, usually within a period, that cannot be related to the steady state processes within the inner acceleration region (IAR) above the polar cap. These changes are often quasi-periodic in nature, where regular transitions between two or more stable emission states are seen. The durations of these states show a wide variety ranging from several seconds to hours at a time. There are strong, small scale magnetic field structures and huge temperature gradients present at the polar cap surface. We have considered several processes that can cause temporal modifications of the local magnetic field structure and strength at the surface of the polar cap. Using different magnetic field strengths and scales, and also assuming realistic scales of the temperature gradients, the evolutionary timescales of different phenomena affecting the surface magnetic field was estimated. We find that the Hall drift results in faster changes in comparison to both Ohmic decay and thermoelectric effects. A mechanism based on the Partially Screened Gap (PSG) model of the IAR has been proposed, where the Hall and thermoelectric oscillations perturb the polar cap magnetic field to alter the sparking process in the PSG. This is likely to affect the observed radio emission resulting in the observed state changes.

J. P. Fonfría, E. J. Montiel, J. Cernicharo, C. N. DeWitt, M. J. Richter, J. H. Lacy, T. K. Greathouse, M. Santander-García, M. Agúndez, S. Massalkhi

24 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

High spectral resolution observations toward the low mass-loss rate C-rich, J-type AGB star Y CVn have been carried out at 7.5, 13.1 and 14.0 um with SOFIA/EXES and IRTF/TEXES. Around 130 HCN and H13CN lines of bands v2, 2v2, 2v2-v2, 3v2-2v2, 3v2-v2, and 4v2-2v2 have been identified involving lower levels with energies up to ~3900 K. These lines have been complemented with the pure rotational lines J=1-0 and 3-2 of the vibrational states up to 2v2 acquired with the IRAM 30 m telescope, and with the continuum taken with ISO. We have analyzed the data with a ro-vibrational diagram and a code which models the absorption and emission of the circumstellar envelope of an AGB star. The continuum is produced by the star with a small contribution from dust grains comprising warm to hot SiC and cold amorphous carbon. The HCN abundance distribution seems to be anisotropic. The ejected gas is accelerated up to the terminal velocity (~8 km/s) from the photosphere to ~3R* but there is evidence of higher velocities (>9-10 km/s) beyond this region. In the vicinity of Y CVn, the line widths are as high as ~10 km/s, which implies a maximum turbulent velocity of 6 km/s or the existence of other physical mechanisms probably related to matter ejection that involve higher gas expansion velocities than expected. HCN is rotationally and vibrationally out of LTE throughout the whole envelope. A difference of about 1500 K in the rotational temperature at the photosphere is needed to explain the observations at 7.5 and 13-14 um. Our analysis finds a total HCN column density that ranges from ~2.1E+18 to 3.5E+18 cm^{-2}, an abundance with respect to H2 of 3.5E-05 to 1.3E-04, and a 12C/13C isotopic ratio of ~2.5 throughout the whole envelope.

Soumyadip Banerjee, Sabyasachi Pal, Arijit Manna

7 pages, 2 figures, comments are welcome

The study of high-mass star formation objects demonstrates valuable details about the massive star formation process. We present the first spectroscopic detection of the rotational molecular emission lines of complex nitrile species ethyl cyanide in the high mass star-forming region IRAS 18566+0408 using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). We detected a total of thirteen rotational emission lines of ethyl cyanide including their different $^{13}C$ isotopologue between the frequency range of $\nu$ = 86$-$111 GHz with $\geq$5$\sigma$ statistical significance. The statistical column density of ethyl cyanide is 3.42$\times$10$^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$ with rotational temperature $T_{rot}$ = 70 K. The abundance of ethyl cyanide in IRAS 18566+0408 relative to the H$_{2}$ is estimated to be 1.61$\times$10$^{-9}$. The high abundance of ethyl cyanide may indicate the ethane and saturated hydrocarbons are the common elements in IRAS 18566+0408.

J. R. Knies, M. Sasaki, Y. Fukui, K. Tsuge, F. Haberl, S. Points, P. J. Kavanagh, M. D. Filipović

21 pages, 20 figures, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Aims: The giant HII region 30 Doradus (30 Dor) located in the eastern part of the Large Magellanic Cloud is one of the most active star-forming regions in the Local Group. Studies of HI data have revealed two large gas structures which must have collided with each other in the region around 30 Dor. In X-rays there is extended emission ($\sim 1$ kpc) south of 30 Dor called the X-ray spur, which appears to be anticorrelated with the HI gas. We study the properties of the hot interstellar medium (ISM) in the X-ray spur and investigate its origin including related interactions in the ISM. Methods: We analyzed new and archival XMM-Newton data of the X-ray spur and its surroundings to determine the properties of the hot diffuse plasma. We created detailed plasma property maps by utilizing the Voronoi tessellation algorithm. We also studied HI and CO data, as well as optical line emission data of H$\alpha$ and [SII], and compared them to the results of the X-ray spectral analysis. Results: We find evidence of two hot plasma components with temperatures of $kT_1 \sim 0.2$ keV and $kT_2 \sim 0.5-0.9$ keV, with the hotter component being much more pronounced near 30 Dor and the X-ray spur. In 30 Dor, the plasma has most likely been heated by massive stellar winds and supernova remnants. In the X-ray spur, we find no evidence of heating by stars. Instead, the X-ray spur must have been compressed and heated by the collision of the HI gas.

G. Bruni, B. O'Connor, T. Matsumoto, E. Troja, T. Piran, L. Piro, R. Ricci

Accepted for publication on MNRAS letters

GRB200522A is a short duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) at redshift $z$=0.554 characterized by a bright infrared counterpart. A possible, although not unambiguous, interpretation of the observed emission is the onset of a luminous kilonova powered by a rapidly rotating and highly-magnetized neutron star, known as magnetar. A bright radio flare, arising from the interaction of the kilonova ejecta with the surrounding medium, is a prediction of this model. Whereas the available dataset remains open to multiple interpretations (e.g. afterglow, r-process kilonova, magnetar-powered kilonova), long-term radio monitoring of this burst may be key to discriminate between models. We present our late-time upper limit on the radio emission of GRB200522A, carried out with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array at 288 days after the burst. For kilonova ejecta with energy $E_{\rm ej} \approx 10^{53} \rm erg$, as expected for a long-lived magnetar remnant, we can already rule out ejecta masses $M_{\rm ej} \lesssim0.03 \mathrm{M}_\odot$ for the most likely range of circumburst densities $n\gtrsim 10^{-3}$ cm$^{-3}$. Observations on timescales of $\approx$3-10 yr after the merger will probe larger ejecta masses up to $M_{\rm ej} \sim 0.1 \mathrm{M}_\odot$, providing a robust test to the magnetar scenario.

Il-Joong Kim, Heeyoung Oh, Woong-Seob Jeong, Kwang-Il Seon, Tae-Soo Pyo, Jae-Joon Lee

29 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in AJ

To reveal the origins of diffuse H-alpha emissions observed around the Herbig star MWC 1080, we have performed a high-resolution near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic observation using the Immersion GRating INfrared Spectrograph (IGRINS). In the NIR H and K bands, we detected various emission lines (six hydrogen Brackett lines, seven H2 lines, and an [Fe II] line) and compared their spatial locations with the optical (H-alpha and [S II]) and radio (13CO and CS) line maps. The shock-induced H2 and [Fe II] lines indicate the presence of multiple outflows, consisting of at least three, associated young stars in this region. The kinematics of H2 and [Fe II] near the northeast (NE) cavity edge supports that the NE main outflow from MWC 1080A is the blueshifted one with a low inclination angle. The H2 and [Fe II] lines near the southeast molecular region newly reveal that additional highly-blueshifted outflows originate from other young stars. The fluorescent H2 lines were found to trace photodissociation regions formed on the cylindrical surfaces of the main outflow cavity, which are expanding outward with a velocity of about 10-15 km/s. For the H-alpha emission, we identify its components associated with two stellar outflows and two young stars in addition to the dominant component of MWC 1080A scattered by dust. We also report a few faint H-alpha features located ~0.4 pc away in the southwest direction from MWC 1080A, which lie near the axes of the NE main outflow and one of the newly-identified outflows.

NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission will impact its target asteroid, Dimorphos, at an oblique angle that will not be known prior to the impact. We computed iSALE-3D simulations of DART-like impacts on asteroid surfaces at different impact angles and found that the the vertical momentum transfer efficiency, $\beta$, is similar for different impact angles, however, the imparted momentum is reduced as the impact angle decreases. It is expected that the momentum imparted from a 45$^\circ$ impact is reduced by up to 50\% compared to a vertical impact. The direction of the ejected momentum is not normal to the surface, however it is observed to `straighten up' with crater growth. iSALE-2D simulations of vertical impacts provide context for the iSALE-3D simulation results and show that the ejection angle varies with both target properties and with crater growth. While the ejection angle is relatively insensitive to the target porosity, it varies by up to 30$^\circ$ with target coefficient of internal friction. The simulation results presented in this paper can help constrain target properties from the DART crater ejecta cone, which will be imaged by the LICIACube. The results presented here represent the basis for an empirical scaling relationship for oblique impacts and can be used as a framework to determine an analytical approximation of the vertical component of the ejecta momentum, $\beta-1$, given known target properties.

S. Komossa, D. Grupe, M.L. Parker, J.L. Gómez, M.J. Valtonen, M.A. Nowak, S.G. Jorstad, D. Haggard, S. Chandra, S. Ciprini, L. Dey, A. Gopakumar, K. Hada, S. Markoff, J. Neilsen

14 pages. MNRAS, in press

We present a comprehensive analysis of all XMM-Newton spectra of OJ 287 spanning 15 years of X-ray spectroscopy of this bright blazar. We also report the latest results from our dedicated Swift UVOT and XRT monitoring of OJ 287 which started in 2015, along with all earlier public Swift data since 2005. During this time interval, OJ 287 was caught in extreme minima and outburst states. Its X-ray spectrum is highly variable and encompasses all states seen in blazars from very flat to exceptionally steep. The spectrum can be decomposed into three spectral components: Inverse Compton (IC) emission dominant at low-states, super-soft synchrotron emission which becomes increasingly dominant as OJ 287 brightens, and an intermediately-soft (Gamma_x=2.2) additional component seen at outburst. This last component extends beyond 10 keV and plausibly represents either a second synchrotron/IC component and/or a temporary disk corona of the primary supermassive black hole (SMBH). Our 2018 XMM-Newton observation, quasi-simultaneous with the Event Horizon Telescope observation of OJ 287, is well described by a two-component model with a hard IC component of Gamma_x=1.5 and a soft synchrotron component. Low-state spectra limit any long-lived accretion disk/corona contribution in X-rays to a very low value of L_x/L_Edd < 5.6 times 10^(-4) (for M_(BH, primary) = 1.8 times 10^10 M_sun). Some implications for the binary SMBH model of OJ 287 are discussed.

David Gobrecht

accepted for publication in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Astrochemistry

Silicon carbide (SiC) is one of the major cosmic dust components in carbon-rich environments. However, the formation of SiC dust is not well understood. In particular, the initial stages of the SiC condensation (i.e. the SiC nucleation) remain unclear, as the basic building blocks (i.e. molecular clusters) exhibit atomic segregation at the (sub-)nanoscale. We report vertical and adiabatic ionization energies of small silicon carbide clusters, (SiC)$_n$ , n=2-12, ranging from 6.6-10.0 eV, which are lower than for the SiC molecule ($\sim$ 10.6 eV). The most favorable structures of the singly ionized (SiC)$_n^+$, n=5-12, cations resemble their neutral counterparts. However, for sizes n=2-4, these structural analogues are metastable and different cation geometries are favored. Moreover, we find that the (SiC)$_5^+$ cation is likely to be a transition state. Therefore, we place constraints on the stability limit for small, neutral (SiC)$_n$ clusters to persist ionization through (inter)-stellar radiation fields or high temperatures.

Alba Aller, Roberto Vázquez, Lorenzo Olguín, Luis Felipe Miranda, Michael E. Ressler

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 12 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables

We present high-resolution, long-slit optical spectra and images of the planetary nebula NGC1514. The position velocity maps of the [OIII] emission line reveal complex kinematics with multiple structures. A morpho-kinematical analysis suggests an inner shell, originally spherical and now distorted by several bubbles, and an attached outer shell. The two well-defined, mid-infrared rings of NGC1514 are not detected in our high-resolution, long-slit spectra, which prevented us from doing a kinematical analysis of them. Based exclusively on their morphology, we propose a barrel-like structure to explain the rings. Several ejection processes have been possibly involved in the formation of the nebula although a time sequence is difficult to establish with the current data. We also analyze intermediate-resolution, long-slit spectra with the goal of studying the physical parameters and chemical abundances of NGC1514. The nebular spectra reveal a moderate-excitation nebula with weak emission lines of [ArIII], [NeIII], HeI and HeII. No [NII] neither other low-excitation emission lines are detected. We found an electron temperature around 14000K in the gas and an electron density in the range of 2000 and 4000 cm$^{-3}$.

D. Ilic, A. Kovacevic, L. C. Popovic

Proceedings of the 19th Serbian Astronomical Conference, October 2020, Belgrade, Serbia

The perfect case for time-domain investigations are active galactic nuclei (AGNs) since they are luminous objects that show strong variability. Key result from the studies of AGNs variability is the estimated mass of a supermassive black hole (SMBH), which resides in the center of an AGN. Moreover, the spectral variability of AGN can be used to study the structure and physics of the broad line region, which in general can be hardly directly observed. Here we review the current status of AGNs variability investigations in Serbia, in the perspectives of the present and future monitoring campaigns.

Luca Moscadelli, Riccardo Cesaroni, Maria T. Beltrán, Victor M. Rivilla

10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Main Journal

The study of hyper-compact (HC) or ultra-compact (UC) HII regions is fundamental to understanding the process of massive (> 8 M_sun) star formation. We employed Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) 1.4 mm Cycle 6 observations to investigate at high angular resolution (~0.050", corresponding to 330 au) the HC HII region inside molecular core A1 of the high-mass star-forming cluster G24.78+0.08. We used the H30alpha emission and different molecular lines of CH3CN and 13CH3CN to study the kinematics of the ionized and molecular gas, respectively. At the center of the HC HII region, at radii <~500 au, we observe two mutually perpendicular velocity gradients, which are directed along the axes at PA = 39 deg and PA = 133 deg, respectively. The velocity gradient directed along the axis at PA = 39 deg has an amplitude of 22 km/s mpc^(-1), which is much larger than the other's, 3 km/s mpc^(-1). We interpret these velocity gradients as rotation around, and expansion along, the axis at PA = 39 deg. We propose a scenario where the H30alpha line traces the ionized heart of a disk-jet system that drives the formation of the massive star (~20 M_sun) responsible for the HC HII region. Such a scenario is also supported by the position-velocity plots of the CH3CN and 13CH3CN lines along the axis at PA = 133 deg, which are consistent with Keplerian rotation around a 20 M_sun star. Toward the HC HII region in G24.78+0.08, the coexistence of mass infall (at radii of ~5000 au), an outer molecular disk (from <~4000 au to >~500 au), and an inner ionized disk (<~500 au) indicates that the massive ionizing star is still actively accreting from its parental molecular core. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a molecular disk around a high-mass forming star that, while becoming internally ionized after the onset of the HII region, continues to accrete mass onto the ionizing star.

P.E. Nissen, J.S. Silva-Cabrera, W.J. Schuster

Accepted for publication in A&A

G112-43/44, alias BD+00_2058 A and B, is a metal-poor ([Fe/H] = -1.3) wide-orbit binary star with extreme kinematics. We use high-precision determinations of the chemical compositions of 94 metal-poor dwarf stars in the solar neighbourhood to compare abundance ratios for G112-43/44 with ratios for stars having similar metallicity taking into account the effect of deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium on the derived abundances, and Gaia EDR3 data are used to compare the kinematics. The abundances of the two components of G112-43/44 agree within 0.05 dex for nearly all elements, but there is a hint of a correlation of the difference in [X/H] with elemental condensation temperature, which may be due to planet-star interactions. The Mg/Fe, Si/Fe, Ca/Fe, and Ti/Fe ratios of G112-43/44 agree with the corresponding ratios for accreted (Gaia-Enceladus) stars, but Mn/Fe, Ni/Fe, Cu/Fe, and Zn/Fe are significantly enhanced. The kinematics show that G112-43/44 belongs to the Helmi streams in the solar neighbourhood and in view of this, we discuss if the abundance peculiarities of G112-43/44 can be explained by chemical enrichment from supernovae events in the progenitor dwarf galaxy of the Helmi streams. Interestingly, yields calculated for a helium shell detonation Type Ia supernova model can explain the enhancement of Mn/Fe, Ni/Fe, Cu/Fe, and Zn/Fe in G112-43/44 and three other alpha-poor stars in the Galactic halo, one of which have Helmi streams kinematics. The helium shell detonation model predicts, however, also enhanced abundance ratios of Ca/Fe, Ti/Fe, and Cr/Fe in disagreement with the observed ratios.

Louis Perenon, Matteo Martinelli, Stéphane Ilić, Roy Maartens, Michelle Lochner, Chris Clarkson

14 pages; 7 figures

Next-generation large-scale structure surveys will deliver a significant increase in the precision of growth data, allowing us to use `agnostic' methods to study the evolution of perturbations without the assumption of a cosmological model. We focus on a particular machine learning tool, Gaussian processes, to reconstruct the growth rate $f$, the root mean square of matter fluctuations $\sigma_8$, and their product $f\sigma_8$. We apply this method to simulated data, representing the precision of upcoming Stage IV galaxy surveys. We extend the standard single-task approach to a multi-task approach that reconstructs the three functions simultaneously, thereby taking into account their inter-dependence. We find that this multi-task approach outperforms the single-task approach for future surveys and will allow us to detect departures from the standard model with higher significance. By contrast, the limited sensitivity of current data severely hinders the use of agnostic methods, since the Gaussian processes parameters need to be fine tuned in order to obtain robust reconstructions.

Leo WH Fung, Lingfeng Li, Tao Liu, Hoang Nhan Luu, Yu-Cheng Qiu, S.-H. Henry Tye

10 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome

The $\Lambda$CDM model provides an excellent fit to the CMB data. However, a statistically significant tension emerges when its determination of the Hubble constant $H_0$ is compared to the local distance-redshift measurements. The axi-Higgs model, which couples ultralight axions to the Higgs field, offers a specific variation of the $\Lambda$CDM model. It relaxes the $H_0$ tension as well as explains the $^7$Li puzzle in Big-Bang nucleosynthesis, the $S_8$ tension with the weak-lensing data, and the observed isotropic cosmic birefringence in CMB. In this letter, we demonstrate how the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tensions can be resolved simultaneously, by correlating the axion impacts on the early and late universe. In a benchmark scenario selected for experimental tests soon, the analysis combining the CMB+BAO+WL+SN data yields $H_0 = 71.1 \pm 1.1$ km/s/Mpc and $S_8 = 0.766 \pm 0.011$. Combining this (excluding the SN(supernovae) part) with the local distance-redshift measurements yields $H_0 = 72.3 \pm 0.7$ km/s/Mpc, while $S_8$ is unchanged.

Simón Ferrada-Chamorro, Alessandro Lupi, Stefano Bovino

11 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables

A common approach to model complex chemistry in numerical simulations is via post-processing of existing magneto-hydrodynamic simulations, relying on computing the evolution of chemistry over the dynamic history of a subset of particles from within the raw simulation. Here, we validate such a technique, assessing its ability to recover the abundances of chemical species, using the chemistry package KROME. We also assess, for the first time, the importance of the main free input parameters, by means of a direct comparison with a self-consistent state-of-the-art simulation in which chemistry was directly coupled to hydrodynamics. We have found that the post-processing is highly reliable, with an accuracy at the percent level, even when the most relaxed input parameters are employed. In particular, our results show that the number of particles used does not affect significantly the average properties, although it suppresses the appearance of possibly important spatial features. On the other hand, the choice of the integration time-step plays a crucial role. Longer integration time-steps can produce large errors, as the post-processing solution will be forced towards chemical equilibrium, a condition that does not always necessarily apply. When the interpolation-based reconstruction of chemical properties is performed, the errors further increase up to a factor of $\sim2$. Concluding, our results suggest that this technique is extremely useful when exploring the relative quantitative effect of different chemical parameters and/or networks, without the need of re-running simulations multiple times, but some care should be taken in the choice of particles sub-sample and integration time-step.

Jerome Quintin, Heliudson Bernardo, Guilherme Franzmann

37 pages, 5 figures

The cosmology of the fully $\alpha'$-corrected duality-invariant action for the Neveu-Schwarz sector of string theory is revisited, with special emphasis on its coupling to matter sources. The role of the duality covariant pressure and dilatonic charge of the matter sector is explored in various contexts, from the low-curvature regime to non-perturbative solutions in $\alpha'$. We comment on how an infinite tower of $\alpha'$ corrections allows for fixed-dilaton de Sitter solutions, even in vacuum. We further investigate the necessary conditions for accelerated expansion in the Einstein frame, as well as for non-singular bounces that could resolve the big bang singularity. In particular, explicit examples are constructed, which show that the tower of $\alpha'$ corrections may support an Einstein-frame non-singular cosmological bouncing background, even when the matter sector respects the null energy condition.

We consider warm inflation with a Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) kinetic term in which both the non-equilibrium dissipative particle production and the sound speed parameter slow the motion of the inflaton field. We find that a low sound speed parameter removes, or at least strongly suppresses, the growing function appearing in the scalar of curvature power spectrum of warm inflation, which appears due to the temperature dependence in the dissipation coefficient. As a consequence of that, a low sound speed helps to push warm inflation into the strong dissipation regime, which is an attractive regime from a model building and phenomenological perspective. In turn, the strong dissipation regime of warm inflation softens the microscopic theoretical constraints on cold DBI inflation. The present findings, along with the recent results from swampland criteria, give a strong hint that warm inflation may consistently be embedded into string theory.

Gonzalo Barriga, Fabrizio Canfora, Matías Torres, Aldo Vera

27 pages, 14 figures, version accepted for publication on PRD

We show that the (3+1)-dimensional gauged non-linear sigma model minimally coupled to a U(1) gauge field possesses analytic solutions representing gauged solitons at finite Baryon density whose electromagnetic field is a Force Free Plasma. These gauged solitons manifest a crystalline structure and generate in a very natural way persistent currents able to support Force Free Plasma electromagnetic fields. The trajectories of charged test particles moving within these configurations can be characterized. Quite surprisingly, despite the non-integrable nature of the theory, some of the perturbations of these gauged solitons allow to identify a proper resurgent parameter. In particular, the perturbations of the solitons profile are related to the Lam\'e operator. On the other hand, the electromagnetic perturbations on the configurations satisfy a two-dimensional effective Schrodinger equation, where the soliton background interacts with the electromagnetic perturbations through an effective two-dimensional periodic potential. We studied numerically the band energy spectrum for different values of the free parameters of the theory and we found that bands-gaps are modulated by the potential strength. Finally we compare our crystal solutions with those of the (1+1)- dimesional Gross-Neveu model.

The small CMB amplitude $A_s \simeq 10^{-9}$ (or, small temperature fluctuation $\delta T/T \simeq 10^{-5}$) typically requires an unnaturally small effective coupling of an inflaton $\lambda_\phi \sim 10^{-14}$. In successful models, there usually is extra suppression of the amplitude, e.g. by large-field inflaton with non-minimal coupling $\xi$, so that $\lambda_\phi$ can be much larger. But $\lambda_\phi$ and $\xi$ cannot be $\sim {\cal O}(1)$ simultaneously; the naturalness burden is shared between them. We show that the absence of new physics signals at TeV scale may prefer a more natural size of $\xi \lesssim {\cal O}(1-100)$ with $\lambda_\phi \lesssim {\cal O}(10^{-4}-10^{-8})$, constraining larger $\xi$ with larger $\lambda_\phi$ more strongly. This intriguing connection between low- and high-energy physics is made in the scenarios with $U(1)_X$ where inflaton's renormalization running also induces Coleman-Weinberg mechanism for the electroweak symmetry breaking. We particularly work out the prospects of LHC 13 and 100 TeV $pp$ colliders for probing the parameter space of the small CMB amplitude.

Francesca Chadha-Day, John Ellis, David J. E. Marsh

23 pages, 7 figures, a review invited by Science Advances, companion to experimental review by Yannis Semertzidis and SungWoo Youn

The axion has emerged in recent years as a leading particle candidate to provide the mysterious dark matter in the cosmos, as we review here for a general scientific audience. We describe first the historical roots of the axion in the Standard Model of particle physics and the problem of charge-parity invariance of the strong nuclear force. We then discuss how the axion emerges as a dark matter candidate, and how it is produced in the early Universe. The symmetry properties of the axion dictate the form of its interactions with ordinary matter. Astrophysical considerations restrict the particle mass and interaction strengths to a limited range, which facilitates the planning of experiments to detect the axion. A companion review discusses the exciting prospect that the axion could indeed be detected in the near term in the laboratory.

Toshifumi Noumi, Junsei Tokuda

7 pages (3 figures) plus appendices

We derive constraints on scalar field theories coupled to gravity by using recently developed positivity bounds in the presence of gravity. It is found that a canonically-normalized real scalar cannot have an arbitrarily flat potential unless some new physics enters well below the Planck scale. An upper bound on the scale of new physics is determined by the self-energy corrections to the dispersion relation. Our result provides a swampland condition for scalar potentials.

Pieter C. van der Kruit

Accepted for publication in the Journal for Historical and Cultural Astronomy. For a version with hi-res figures see this https URL

Honorary degrees and particularly doctorates are important instruments to enhance the standing of universities and professors, in addition to receiving these as a measure of a scientist's recognition. Jacobus C. Kapteyn from the University of Groningen in the Netherlands, one of the most prominent astronomers of his times, received three of these and has persuaded his university to award at least three, possibly five. I examine the background of the selection of the latter in view of developments in Kapteyn's times in his career, international astronomy and political and cultural circumstances.

Katerina Chatziioannou, Maximiliano Isi, Carl-Johan Haster, Tyson B. Littenberg

18 pages, 14 figures, submitted to PRD

Gravitational waves in general relativity contain two polarization degrees of freedom, commonly labeled plus and cross. Besides those two tensor modes, generic theories of gravity predict up to four additional polarization modes: two scalar and two vector. Detection of nontensorial modes in gravitational wave data would constitute a clean signature of physics beyond general relativity. Previous measurements have pointed to the unambiguous presence of tensor modes in gravitational waves, but the presence of additional generic nontensorial modes has not been directly tested. We propose a model-independent analysis capable of detecting and characterizing mixed tensor and nontensor components in transient gravitational wave signals, including those from compact binary coalescences. This infrastructure can constrain the presence of scalar or vector polarization modes on top of the tensor modes predicted by general relativity. Our analysis is morphology-independent (as it does not rely on a waveform templates), phase-coherent, and agnostic about the source sky location. We apply our analysis to data from GW190521 and simulated data and demonstrate that it is capable of placing upper limits on the strength of nontensorial modes when none are present, or characterizing their morphology in the case of a positive detection. Tests of the polarization content of a transient gravitational wave signal hinge on an extended detector network, wherein each detector observes a different linear combination of polarization modes. We therefore anticipate that our analysis will yield precise polarization constraints in the coming years, as the current ground-based detectors LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, and Virgo are joined by KAGRA and LIGO India.

Neutron stars are ideal astrophysical sources to probe general relativity due to their large compactnesses and strong gravitational fields. For example, binary pulsar and gravitational wave observations have placed stringent bounds on certain scalar-tensor theories in which a massless scalar field is coupled to the metric through matter. A remarkable phenomenon of neutron stars in such scalar-tensor theories is spontaneous scalarization, where a normalized scalar charge remains order unity even if the matter-scalar coupling vanishes asymptotically far from the neutron star. While most works on scalarization of neutron stars focus on numerical analysis, this paper aims to derive accurate scalar charges analytically. To achieve this, we consider a simple energy density profile of the Tolman VII form and work in a weak-field expansion. We solve the modified Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations order by order and apply Pad\'e resummation to account for higher-order effects. We find that our analytic scalar charges in terms of the stellar compactness beautifully model those computed numerically. We also find a quasi-universal relation between the scalar charge and stellar binding energy that is insensitive to the underlying equations of state. Comparison of analytic scalar charges for Tolman VII and constant density stars mathematically support this quasi-universal relation. The analytic results found here provide physically motivated, ready-to-use accurate expressions for scalar charges.

Benjamin V. Lehmann, Stefano Profumo

1.5 pages + references

We comment on recent claims that recoil in the final stages of Hawking evaporation gives black hole remnants large velocities, rendering them inviable as a dark matter candidate. We point out that due to cosmic expansion, such large velocities at the final stages of evaporation are not in tension with the cold dark matter paradigm so long as they are attained at sufficiently early times. In particular, the predicted recoil velocities are robustly compatible with observations if the remnants form before the epoch of big bang nucleosynthesis, a requirement which is already imposed by the physics of nucleosynthesis itself.