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Papers for Tuesday, May 25 2021

Papers with local authors

A. Pensabene, R. Decarli, E. Bañados, B. Venemans, F. Walter, F. Bertoldi, X. Fan, E. P. Farina, J. Li, C. Mazzucchelli, M. Novak, D. Riechers, H.-W. Rix, M. A. Strauss, R. Wang, A. Weiß, J. Yang, Y. Yang

26 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

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Paper 7 — arXiv:2105.09958
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2105.09958

We present a multi-line survey of the interstellar medium (ISM) in two $z>6$ quasar (QSO) host galaxies, PJ231-20 ($z=6.59$) and PJ308-21 ($z=6.23$), and their two companion galaxies. Observations were carried out using the Atacama Large (sub-)Millimeter Array (ALMA). We targeted eleven transitions including atomic fine structure lines (FSLs) and molecular lines: [NII]$_{\rm 205\mu m}$, [CI]$_{\rm 369\mu m}$, CO ($J_{\rm up} = 7, 10, 15, 16$), H$_2$O $3_{12}-2_{21}$, $3_{21}-3_{12}$, $3_{03}-2_{12}$, and the OH$_{\rm 163\mu m}$ doublet. The underlying far-infrared (FIR) continuum samples the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of the respective dust emission. By combining this information with our earlier ALMA [CII]$_{\rm 158\mu m}$ observations, we explore the effects of star formation and black hole feedback on the galaxies' ISM using the CLOUDY radiative transfer models. We estimate dust masses, spectral indexes, IR luminosities, and star-formation rates from the FIR continuum. The analysis of the FSLs indicates that the [CII]$_{\rm 158\mu m}$ and [CI]$_{\rm 369\mu m}$ emission arises predominantly from the neutral medium in photodissociation regions (PDRs). We find that line deficits are in agreement with those of local luminous infrared galaxies. The CO spectral line energy distributions (SLEDs), reveal significant high-$J$ CO excitation in both quasar hosts. Our CO SLED modeling of the quasar PJ231-20 shows that PDRs dominate the molecular mass and CO luminosities for $J_{\rm up}\le 7$, while the $J_{\rm up}\ge10$ CO emission is likely driven by X-ray dissociation regions produced by the active galactic nucleus (AGN) at the very center of the quasar host [abridged].

Shenli Tang, John D. Silverman, Xuheng Ding, Junyao Li, Khee-Gan Lee, Michael A. Strauss, Andy Goulding, Malte Schramm, Lalitwadee Kawinwanichakij, J. Xavier Prochaska, Joseph F. Hennawi, Masatoshi Imanishi, Kazushi Iwasawa, Yoshiki Toba, Issha Kayo, Masamune Oguri, Yoshiki Matsuoka, Kohei Ichikawa, Tilman Hartwig, Nobunari Kashikawa, Toshihiro Kawaguchi, Kotaro Kohno, Yuichi Matsuda, Tohru Nagao, Yoshiaki Ono, Masafusa Onoue, Masami Ouchi, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Hyewon Suh, Nao Suzuki, Yoshiaki Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Ueda, Naoki Yasuda

36 pages, 21 figures, 4 tables

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Paper 24 — arXiv:2105.10163
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Paper 24 — arXiv:2105.10163

We report on a spectroscopic program to search for dual quasars using Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) images of SDSS quasars which represent an important stage during galaxy mergers. Using Subaru/FOCAS and Gemini-N/GMOS, we identify three new physically associated quasar pairs having projected separations less than 20 kpc, out of 26 observed candidates. These include the discovery of the highest redshift ($z=3.1$) quasar pair with a separation $<$ 10 kpc. Based on the sample acquired to date, the success rate of identifying physically associated dual quasars is $19\%$ when excluding stars based on their HSC colors. Using the full sample of six spectroscopically confirmed dual quasars, we find that the black holes in these systems have black hole masses ($M_{BH} \sim 10^{8-9}M_{\odot}$) similar to single SDSS quasars as well as their bolometric luminosities and Eddington ratios. We measure the stellar mass of their host galaxies based on 2D image decomposition of the five-band ($grizy$) optical emission and assess the mass relation between supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their hosts. Dual SMBHs appear to have elevated masses relative to their host galaxies. Thus mergers may not necessarily align such systems onto the local mass relation, as suggested by the Horizon-AGN simulation. This study suggests that dual luminous quasars are triggered prior to the final coalescence of the two SMBHs, resulting in early mass growth of the black holes relative to their host galaxies.

S. M. Croom, D.S. Taranu, J. van de Sande, C.D.P. Lagos, K.E. Harborne, J. Bland-Hawthorn, S. Brough, J.J. Bryant, L. Cortese, C. Foster, M. Goodwin, B. Groves, A. Khalid, J. Lawrence, A.M. Medling, S.N. Richards, M.S. Owers, N. Scott, S.P. Vaughan

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

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Paper 25 — arXiv:2105.10179
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Paper 25 — arXiv:2105.10179

We use comparisons between the SAMI Galaxy Survey and equilibrium galaxy models to infer the importance of disc fading in the transition of spirals into lenticular (S0) galaxies. The local S0 population has both higher photometric concentration and lower stellar spin than spiral galaxies of comparable mass and we test whether this separation can be accounted for by passive aging alone. We construct a suite of dynamically self--consistent galaxy models, with a bulge, disc and halo using the GalactICS code. The dispersion-dominated bulge is given a uniformly old stellar population, while the disc is given a current star formation rate putting it on the main sequence, followed by sudden instantaneous quenching. We then generate mock observables (r-band images, stellar velocity and dispersion maps) as a function of time since quenching for a range of bulge/total (B/T) mass ratios. The disc fading leads to a decline in measured spin as the bulge contribution becomes more dominant, and also leads to increased concentration. However, the quantitative changes observed after 5 Gyr of disc fading cannot account for all of the observed difference. We see similar results if we instead subdivide our SAMI Galaxy Survey sample by star formation (relative to the main sequence). We use EAGLE simulations to also take into account progenitor bias, using size evolution to infer quenching time. The EAGLE simulations suggest that the progenitors of current passive galaxies typically have slightly higher spin than present day star-forming disc galaxies of the same mass. As a result, progenitor bias moves the data further from the disc fading model scenario, implying that intrinsic dynamical evolution must be important in the transition from star-forming discs to passive discs.

Yan Huang, Xiang-Ping Wu, Quan Guo, Qian Zheng, Biying Li, Huanyuan Shan, Kejia Lee, Haiguang Xu

13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics (RAA)

0 votes
Paper 29 — arXiv:2105.10353
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Paper 29 — arXiv:2105.10353

We present a conceptual design study of external calibrators in the 21 cm experiment towards detecting the globally averaged radiation of the epoch of reionization (EoR). Employment of external calibrator instead of internal calibrator commonly used in current EoR experiments allows to remove instrumental effects such as beam pattern, receiver gain and instability of the system if the conventional three-position switch measurements are implemented in a short time interval. Furthermore, in the new design the antenna system is placed in an underground anechoic chamber with an open/closing ceiling to maximally reduce the environmental effect such as RFI and ground radiation/reflection. It appears that three of the four external calibrators proposed in this paper, including two indoor artificial transmitters and one outdoor celestial radiation (the Galactic polarization), fail to meet our purpose. Diurnal motion of the Galactic diffuse emission turns to be the most possible source as an external calibrator, for which we have discussed the observational strategy and the algorithm of extracting the EoR signal.

All other papers

Bin Ren, Élodie Choquet, Marshall D. Perrin, Dimitri P. Mawet, Christine H. Chen, Julien Milli, John H. Debes, Isabel Rebollido, Christopher C. Stark, David A. Golimowski, J. B. Hagan, Dean C. Hines, Maxwell A. Millar-Blanchaer, Laurent Pueyo, Aki Roberge, Glenn H. Schneider, Eugene Serabyn, Rémi Soummer, Schuyler G. Wolff

20 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, ApJ accepted. Data and animation available in the ancillary folder

We have obtained Hubble Space Telescope (HST) coronagraphic observations of the circumstellar disk around M star TWA 7 using the STIS instrument in visible light. Together with archival observations including HST/NICMOS using the F160W filter and Very Large Telescope/SPHERE at $H$-band in polarized light, we investigate the system in scattered light. By studying this nearly face-on system using geometric disk models and Henyey--Greenstein phase functions, we report new discovery of a tertiary ring and a clump. We identify a layered architecture: three rings, a spiral, and an ${\approx}150$ au$^2$ elliptical clump. The most extended ring peaks at $28$ au, and the other components are on its outskirts. Our point source detection limit calculations demonstrate the necessity of disk modeling in imaging fainter planets. Morphologically, we witness a clockwise spiral motion, and the motion pattern is consistent with both solid body and local Keplerian; we also observe underdensity regions for the secondary ring that might result from mean motion resonance or moving shadows: both call for re-observations to determine their nature. Comparing multi-instrument observations, we obtain blue STIS-NICMOS color, STIS-SPHERE radial distribution peak difference for the tertiary ring, and high SPHERE-NICMOS polarization fraction; these aspects indicate that TWA 7 could retain small dust particles. By viewing the debris disk around M star TWA 7 at a nearly face-on vantage point, our study allows for the understanding of such disks in scattered light in both system architecture and dust property.

D. Nardiello, M. Deleuil, G. Mantovan, L. Malavolta, G. Lacedelli, M. Libralato, L. R. Bedin, L. Borsato, V. Granata, G. Piotto

18 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on May 19, 2021. PATHOS light curves will be soon available at MAST as HLSP at this https URL or can be requested to the first author

The knowledge of the ages of stars hosting exoplanets allows us to obtain an overview on the evolution of exoplanets and understand the mechanisms affecting their life. The measurement of the ages of stars in the Galaxy is usually affected by large uncertainties. An exception are the stellar clusters: for their coeval members, born from the same molecular cloud, ages can be measured with extreme accuracy. In this context, the project PATHOS is providing candidate exoplanets orbiting members of stellar clusters and associations through the analysis of high-precision light curves obtained with cutting-edge tools. In this work, we exploited the data collected during the second year of the TESS mission. We extracted, analysed, and modelled the light curves of $\sim 90000$ stars in open clusters located in the northern ecliptic hemisphere in order to find candidate exoplanets. We measured the frequencies of candidate exoplanets in open clusters for different orbital periods and planetary radii, taking into account the detection efficiency of our pipeline and the false positive probabilities of our candidates. We analysed the Age--$R_{\rm P}$ distribution of candidate and confirmed exoplanets with periods $<100$ days and well constrained ages. While no peculiar trends are observed for Jupiter-size and (super-)Earth-size planets, we found that objects with $4\,R_{\rm Earth} \lesssim R_{\rm P} \lesssim 13\,R_{\rm Earth}$ are concentrated at ages $\lesssim 200$ Myr; different scenarios (atmospheric losses, migration, etc.) are considered to explain the observed age-$R_{\rm P}$ distribution.

Evgeni Grishin, Alexey Bobrick, Ryosuke Hirai, Ilya Mandel, Hagai B. Perets

Comments are welcome

Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are prominent environments for stellar capture, growth and formation. These environments may catalyze stellar mergers and explosive transients, such as thermonuclear and core-collapse supernovae (SNe). SN explosions in AGN discs generate strong shocks, leading to unique observable signatures. We develop an analytical model which follows the evolution of the shock propagating in the disc until it eventually breaks out. We derive the peak luminosity, bolometric lightcurve, and breakout time. The peak luminosities may exceed $10^{45}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and last from hours to days. The brightest explosions occur in regions of reduced density; either off-plane, or in discs around low-mass central black holes ($\sim 10^6\ M_\odot$), or in starved subluminous AGNs. Explosions in the latter two sites are easier to observe due to a reduced AGN background luminosity. We perform suites of 1D Lagrangian radiative hydrodynamics SNEC code simulations to validate our results and obtain the luminosity in different bands, and 2D axisymmetric Eulerian hydrodynamics code HORMONE simulations to study the morphology of the ejecta and its deviation from spherical symmetry. The observed signature is expected to be a bright blue, UV, or X-ray flare on top of the AGN luminosity from the initial shock breakout, while the subsequent red part of the lightcurve will largely be unobservable. We estimate the upper limit for the total event rate to be $\mathcal{R}\lesssim 100\ \rm yr^{-1}\ Gpc^{-3}$ for optimal conditions and discuss the large uncertainties in this estimate. Future high-cadence transient searches may reveal these events. Some existing tidal disruption event candidates may originate from AGN supernovae.

D. Blinov, S. G. Jorstad, V. M. Larionov, N. R. MacDonald, T. Grishina, E. Kopatskaya, E. Larionova, L. Larionova, D. Morozova, A. Nikiforova, S. Savchenko, Y. Troitskaya, I. Troitsky

Accepted to MNRAS; Press release this http URL

The optical polarization plane of some blazars occasionally exhibits smooth hundred degree long rotations. Multiple theoretical models have been proposed to explain the nature of such events. A deterministic origin of these rotations, however, remains uncertain. We aim to find repeating patterns of flares in gamma-ray light curves of blazars, which accompany optical polarization plane rotations. Such patterns have been predicted to occur by one of the models explaining this phenomenon. For the blazar 3C 279, where multiple polarization plane rotations have been reported in the literature, we obtain the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray light curve and analyze its intervals adjacent to polarization plane rotations. We find a complex characteristic pattern of flares in the gamma-ray light curve that is repeated during periods adjacent to three large amplitude EVPA rotation events in 3C 279. We discover a "hidden EVPA rotation", which can only be seen in the relative Stokes parameters plane and that occurred simultaneously with the fourth repetition of the pattern. This finding strongly favors the hypothesis of emission features propagating in the jet as the reason of optical polarization plane rotations. Furthermore, it is compatible with the hypothesis of a sheath in the jet comprised of more slowly propagating emission features.

Elizaveta Sazonova, Katherine Alatalo, Kate Rowlands, Susana E. Deustua, Decker French, Timothy M. Heckman, Lauranne Lanz, Ute Lisenfeld, Yuanze Luo, Anne M. Medling, Kristina Nyland, Justin A. Otter, Andreea Petric, Gregory F. Snyder, Claudia M. Urry

31 pages, 19 figures, 2 figure sets, 1 machine-readable table; accepted to ApJ

How do galaxies transform from blue, star-forming spirals to red, quiescent early-type galaxies? To answer this question, we analyzed a set of 26 gas-rich, shocked post-starburst galaxies with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging in B, I, and H bands, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) i-band imaging of similar depth but lower resolution. We found that post-starbursts in our sample have intermediate morphologies between disk- and bulge-dominated (S\'ersic n$=1.7^{+0.3}_{-0.0}$) and have red bulges, likely due to dust obscuration in the cores. Majority of galaxies in our sample are more morphologically disturbed than regular galaxies (88%, corresponding to >3$\sigma$ significance) when observed with HST, with asymmetry and S\'ersic residual flux fraction being the most successful measures of disturbance. Most disturbances are undetected at the lower resolution of SDSS imaging. Although ~27% galaxies are clear merger remnants, we found that disturbances in another ~30% of the sample are internal, caused by small-scale perturbations or dust substructures rather than tidal features, and require high-resolution imaging to detect. We found a 2.8$\sigma$ evidence that asymmetry features fade on timescales ~200 Myr, and may vanish entirely after ~750 Myr, so we do not rule out a possible merger origin of all post-starbursts given that asymmetric features may have already faded. This work highlights the importance of small-scale disturbances, detected only in high-resolution imaging, in understanding structural evolution of transitioning galaxies.

Emma Dodd, Amina Helmi, Helmer H. Koppelman

6 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&A

The local stellar halo of the Milky Way contains the debris from several past accretion events. Here we study in detail the structure and properties of nearby debris associated with the Helmi streams, originally identified as an overdensity in integrals of motion space. We use 6D phase-space information from Gaia EDR3 combined with spectroscopic surveys, and we analyse the orbits and frequencies of the stars in the streams using various Galactic potentials. We find that the streams are split into substructures in integrals of motion space, most notably into two clumps in angular momentum space. The clumps have consistent metallicity distributions and stellar populations, supporting a common progeny. In all the realistic Galactic potentials explored, the Helmi streams stars are on different orbital families and spread across multiple resonances. For example, ~40% of the streams stars populate the Omega_z : Omega_R ~ 1:2 resonance tightly, while the remainder depict a more diffuse distribution close to Omega_z /Omega_R ~0.7. At the same time, the reason for the substructure in angular momentum space appears to be due to a Omega_z : Omega_phi resonance close to the 1:1. There is also substructure in velocity space which can be related to the presence of these multiple resonances. Our findings suggest that the structure of the Galactic potential leaves a clear imprint on the properties of phase-mixed debris streams, and as a consequence, that these are more complex than considered thus far. It is however not clear why the particular resonances identified are populated as observed.

Shin Toriumi

12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research

Solar flares and coronal mass ejections are among the most prominent manifestations of the magnetic activity of the Sun. The strongest events of them tend to occur in active regions (ARs) that are large, complex, and dynamically evolving. However, it is not clear what the key observational features of such ARs are, and how these features are produced. This article answers these fundamental questions based on morphological and magnetic characteristics of flare-productive ARs and their evolutionary processes, i.e., large-scale flux emergence and subsequent AR formation, which have been revealed in observational and theoretical studies. We also present the latest modeling of flare-productive ARs achieved using the most realistic flux emergence simulations in a very deep computational domain. Finally, this review discusses the future perspective pertaining to relationships of flaring solar ARs with the global-scale dynamo and stellar superflares.

Avery E. Broderick, Paul Tiede, Dominic W. Pesce, Roman Gold

Submitted to ApJ, 16 pages, 14 figures

The direct detection of a bright, ring-like structure in horizon-resolving images of M87* by the Event Horizon Telescope is a striking validation of general relativity. The angular size and shape of the ring is a degenerate measure of the location of the emission region, mass, and spin of the black hole. However, we show that the observation of multiple rings, corresponding to the low-order photon rings, can break this degeneracy and produce mass and spin measurements independent of the shape of the rings. We describe two potential experiments that would measure the spin. In the first, observations of the direct emission and $n=1$ photon ring are made at multiple epochs with different emission locations. This method is conceptually similar to spacetime constraints that arise from variable structures (or hot spots) in that it breaks the near-perfect degeneracy between emission location, mass, and spin for polar observers using temporal variability. In the second, observations of the direct emission, $n=1$ and $n=2$ photon rings are made during a single epoch. For both schemes, additional observations comprise a test of general relativity. Thus, comparisons of Event Horizon Telescope observations in 2017 and 2018 may be capable of producing the first horizon-scale spin estimates of M87* inferred from strong lensing alone. Additional observation campaigns from future high-frequency, Earth-sized and space-based radio interferometers can produce high-precision tests of general relativity.

Alexander Gagliano, Luca Izzo, Charles D. Kilpatrick, Brenna Mockler, Wynn Vincente Jacobson-Galán, Giacomo Terreran, Georgios Dimitriadis, Yossef Zenati, Katie Auchettl, Maria R. Drout, Gautham Narayan, Ryan J. Foley, R. Margutti, Armin Rest, D. O. Jones, Christian Aganze, Patrick D. Aleo, Adam J. Burgasser, D. A. Coulter, Roman Gerasimov, Christa Gall, Jens Hjorth, Chih-Chun Hsu, Eugene A. Magnier, Kaisey S. Mandel, Anthony L. Piro, César Rojas-Bravo, Matthew R. Siebert, Holland Stacey, Michael Cullen Stroh, Jonathan J. Swift, Kirsty Taggart, Samaporn Tinyanont (for the Young Supernova Experiment)

48 pages, 20 figures; submitted to ApJ

We present photometric and spectroscopic observations of Supernova 2020oi (SN 2020oi), a nearby ($\sim$17 Mpc) type-Ic supernova (SN Ic) within the grand-design spiral M100. We undertake a comprehensive analysis to characterize the evolution of SN 2020oi and constrain its progenitor system. We detect flux in excess of the fireball rise model $\delta t \approx 2.5$ days from the date of explosion in multi-band optical and UV photometry from the Las Cumbres Observatory and the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, respectively. The derived SN bolometric luminosity is consistent with an explosion with $M_{\rm ej} = 0.81 \pm 0.03 \ M_{\odot}$, $E_{k}= 1.40 \pm 0.19 \times 10^{51} \rm{erg} \ \rm{s}^{-1}$, and $M_{\rm Ni56} = 0.08 \pm 0.02 \ M_{\odot}$. Inspection of the event's decline reveals the highest $\Delta m_{15,\rm{bol}}$ reported for a stripped-envelope event to date. Modeling of optical spectra near event peak indicates a partially mixed ejecta comparable in composition to the ejecta observed in SN 1994I, while the earliest spectrum shows signatures of a possible interaction with material of a distinct composition surrounding the SN progenitor. Further, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) pre-explosion imaging reveals a stellar cluster coincident with the event. From the cluster photometry, we derive the mass and age of the SN progenitor using stellar evolution models implemented in the BPASS library. Our results indicate that SN 2020oi occurred in a binary system from a progenitor of mass $M_{\rm ZAMS} \approx 9.5 \pm 1.0 \ M_{\odot}$, corresponding to an age of $27 \pm 7$ Myr. SN 2020oi is the dimmest SN Ic event to date for which an early-time flux excess has been observed, and the first in which an early excess is unlikely to be associated with shock-cooling.

Boris Pestoni, Kathrin Altwegg, Hans Balsiger, Nora Hänni, Martin Rubin, Isaac Schroeder, Markus Schuhmann, Susanne Wampfler

12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

In an earlier study, we reported that the ram gauge of the COmet Pressure Sensor (COPS), one of the three instruments of the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA), could be used to obtain information about the sublimating content of icy particles, made up of volatiles and conceivably refractories coming from comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. In this work, we extend the investigation to the second COPS gauge, the nude gauge. In particular, we analyse the volume of the volatile content of coma particles, along with a search for possible dependencies between the nude gauge detection rate (i.e. the rate at which icy particles are detected by the nude gauge) and the position of the Rosetta spacecraft. We also investigate the correlations of the nude gauge detection rate with the quantities associated with cometary activity. Although it was not originally designed for such a purpose, the COPS nude gauge has been able to detect $\sim$67000 features generated by the sublimation of the volatile content of icy particles. The nude gauge detection rate follows a trend that is inversely proportional to the heliocentric distance. This result is interpreted as a confirmation of a possible relation between the nude gauge detection rate and cometary activity. Thus, we compared the former with parameters related to cometary activity and obtained significant correlations, indicating that the frequency of icy particle detection is driven by cometary activity. Furthermore, by representing the volatile part of the icy particles as equivalent spheres with a density of 1 g cm$^{-3}$, we obtained a range of diameters between 60 and 793 nanometres, with the smaller ones ($<390\,\mathrm{nm}$ in diameter) having a size distribution power index of $-4.79\pm 0.26$.

Emily Sandford, David Kipping, Michael Collins

25 pages, 19 figures, accepted to MNRAS

A planetary system consists of a host star and one or more planets, arranged into a particular configuration. Here, we consider what information belongs to the configuration, or ordering, of 4286 Kepler planets in their 3277 planetary systems. First, we train a neural network model to predict the radius and period of a planet based on the properties of its host star and the radii and period of its neighbors. The mean absolute error of the predictions of the trained model is a factor of 2.1 better than the MAE of the predictions of a naive model which draws randomly from dynamically allowable periods and radii. Second, we adapt a model used for unsupervised part-of-speech tagging in computational linguistics to investigate whether planets or planetary systems fall into natural categories with physically interpretable "grammatical rules." The model identifies two robust groups of planetary systems: (1) compact multi-planet systems and (2) systems around giant stars ($\log{g} \lesssim 4.0$), although the latter group is strongly sculpted by the selection bias of the transit method. These results reinforce the idea that planetary systems are not random sequences -- instead, as a population, they contain predictable patterns that can provide insight into the formation and evolution of planetary systems.

M. Fabry (1), C. Hawcroft (1), A. J. Frost (1), L. Mahy (2, 1), P. Marchant (1), J-B. Le Bouquin (3), H. Sana (1) ((1) Institute of Astronomy, Leuven, Belgium, (2) Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, (3) Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics, Grenoble, France)

14 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables (+6 figures and 3 tables in appendices). Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Direct dynamical mass measurements of stars with masses above 30 M${}_\odot$ are rare. This is the result of the low yield of the upper initial mass function and the limited number of such systems in eclipsing binaries. Long-period, double-lined spectroscopic binaries that are also resolved astrometrically offer an alternative for obtaining absolute masses of stellar objects. 9 Sgr is one such long-period, high-mass binary. Unfortunately, a large amount of tension exists between its total dynamical mass inferred from radial velocity measurements and that from astrometric data. We obtained the astrometric orbit from VLTI/PIONIER and VLTI/GRAVITY interferometric measurements. Using archival and new spectroscopy, we performed a grid-based spectral disentangling search to constrain the semi-amplitudes of the radial velocity curves. We computed atmospheric parameters and surface abundances by adjusting \textsc{fastwind} atmosphere models and we compared our results with evolutionary tracks computed with the Bonn Evolutionary Code (BEC). Grid spectral disentangling of 9 Sgr supports the presence of a 53 M${}_\odot$ primary and a 39 M${}_\odot$ secondary. Comparison with BEC evolutionary tracks shows the components of 9 Sgr are most likely coeval with an age of roughly 1 Myr. Our analysis clears up the contradiction between mass and orbital inclination estimates reported in previous studies. We detect the presence of significant CNO-processed material at the surface of the primary, suggesting enhanced internal mixing compared to currently implemented in the BEC models. The present measurements provide a high-quality high-mass anchor to validate stellar evolution models and to test the efficiency of internal mixing processes.

L. Zanisi, F. Shankar, H. Fu, A. Rodriguez-Puebla, V. Avila-Reese, A. Faisst, E. Daddi, L. Boco, A. Lapi, M. Giavalisco, P. Saracco, F. Buitrago, M. Huertas-Company, A. Puglisi, A. Dekel

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Comments still welcome

The mean size ( effective radius $R_e$) of Massive Galaxies (MGs, $M_{\rm star}>10^{11.2}M_\odot$) is observed to increase steadily with cosmic time. It is still unclear whether this trend originates from the size growth of individual galaxies (via, e.g., mergers and/or AGN feedback) or from the inclusion of larger galaxies entering the selection at later epochs (progenitor bias). We here build a data-driven, flexible theoretical framework to probe the structural evolution of MGs. We assign galaxies to dark matter haloes via stellar mass-halo mass (SMHM) relations with varying high-mass slopes and scatters $\sigma_{\rm SMHM}$ in stellar mass at fixed halo mass, and assign sizes to galaxies using an empirically-motivated, constant and linear relationship between $R_e$ and the host dark matter halo radius $R_h$. We find that: 1) the fast mean size growth of MGs is well reproduced independently of the shape of the input SMHM relation; 2) the numbers of compact MGs grow steadily until $z\gtrsim2$ and fall off at lower redshifts, suggesting a lesser role of progenitor bias at later epochs; 3) a time-independent scatter $\sigma_{\rm SMHM}$ is consistent with a scenario in which compact starforming MGs transition into quiescent MGs in a few $10^8$yr with a negligible structural evolution during the compact phase, while a scatter increasing at high redshift implies significant size growth during the starforming phase. A robust measurement of the size function of MGs at high redshift can set strong constraints on the scatter of the SMHM relation and, by extension, on models of galaxy evolution.

Caitlin C. Doughty, Kristian M. Finlator

19 pages, 14 figures. Accepted to MNRAS

Binary stars are abundant in nearby galaxies, but are typically unaccounted for in simulations of the high redshift Universe. Stellar population synthesis models that include the effects of binary evolution result in greater relative abundances of ionizing photons that could significantly affect the ambient ionizing background during the epoch of hydrogen reionization, additionally leading to differences in galaxy gas content and star formation. We use hydrodynamic cosmological simulations including in situ multifrequency radiative transfer to evaluate the effects of a high binary fraction in reionization-era galaxies on traits of the early intergalactic medium and the abundance of H I and He II ionizing photons. We further extend this to analyze the traits of enriched gas. In comparing metrics generated using a fiducial simulation assuming single stars with one incorporating a high binary fraction, we find that binary stars cause H I reionization to complete earlier and at an accelerated pace, while also increasing the abundances of high-ionization metals (C IV and Si IV) in simulated absorption spectra while reducing the abundance of low-ionization states (O I, Si II, and C II). However, through increased photoheating of galactic and circumgalactic gas, they simultaneously reduce the rate of star formation in low-mass galaxies, slowing the ongoing process of enrichment and suppressing their own ionizing background. This potentially contributes to a slower He II reionization process at $z\geq5$, and further indicates that self-regulation of galaxies could be underestimated when neglecting binary stellar evolution.

Thomas G. Beatty

Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

I estimate the detectability of nightside city lights on habitable, Earth-like, exoplanets around nearby stars using direct-imaging observations from the proposed LUVOIR and HabEx observatory architectures. I used data from the Soumi National Polar-orbiting Partnership satellite to determine the broadband surface flux from city lights at the top of Earth's atmosphere, and the spectra of commercially available high-power lamps to model the spectral energy distribution of the emitted flux from city lights. I also consider how the detectability scales with urbanization fraction: from Earth's value of $0.05\%$, up to the limiting case of an ecumenopolis -- or planet-wide city. I then calculate the minimum detectable urbanization fraction using 100 hours of observing time for generic Earth-analogs around stars with 10 pc of the Sun and for nearby known potentially habitable planets. Though Earth itself would not be detectable by LUVOIR or HabEx, planets around M-dwarfs close to the Sun would show detectable signals from city lights for urbanization levels of $0.4\%$ to $3\%$, while the city lights on planets around nearby Sun-like stars would be detectable at urbanization levels of $\gtrsim10\%$. The known planet Proxima b is a particularly compelling target for LUVOIR A observations, which would be able to detect city lights at an urbanization level ten times that of Earth in 100 hours, a level of urbanization that is expected to occur on Earth around the mid-22nd-century. An ecumenopolis, or planet-wide city, would be detectable around roughly 80 nearby stars by both LUVOIR and HabEx, and a survey of all these systems would be able to place a $1\sigma$ upper limit of $\lesssim1.4\%$ on the frequency of ecumenopolis planets in the Solar neighborhood assuming no detections.

Purba Mukherjee, Narayan Banerjee

19 pages, 12 sets of figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D

The possibility of a non-gravitational interaction between the dark matter and the dark energy has been reconstructed using some recent datasets. The crucial aspect is that the interaction is not parametrized at the outset, but rather reconstructed directly from the data in a non-parametric way. The Cosmic Chronometer Hubble data, the Pantheon Supernova compilation of CANDELS and CLASH Multy-Cycle Treasury programs obtained by the HST, and the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Hubble data have been considered in this work. The widely accepted Gaussian Process is used for the reconstruction. The results clearly indicate that a no interaction scenario is quite a possibility. Also, the interaction, if any, is not really significant at the present epoch. The direction of the flow of energy is clearly from the dark energy to the dark matter which is consistent with the thermodynamic requirement.

Ana Sofía M. Uzsoy, Leslie A. Rogers, Ellen M. Price

Submitted to ApJ. Revised based on reviewer feedback. Comments welcome. 16 pages, 7 figures

Ultra-short period (USP) planets are an enigmatic subset of exoplanets defined by having orbital periods $<$ 1 day. It is still not understood how USP planets form, or to what degree they differ from planets with longer orbital periods. Most USP planets have radii $<$ 2 $R_{\oplus}$, while planets that orbit further from their star extend to Jupiter size ($>$ 10 $R_{\oplus}$). Several theories attempt to explain the formation and composition of USP planets: they could be remnant cores of larger gas giants that lost their atmospheres due to photo-evaporation or Roche lobe overflow, or they could have developed through mass accretion in the innermost part of the protoplanetary disk. The radius and mass distribution of USP planets could provide important clues to distinguish between potential formation mechanisms. In this study, we first verify and update the Kepler catalog of USP planet host star properties, incorporating new data collected by the Gaia mission where applicable. We then use the transit depths measured by Kepler to derive a radius distribution and present occurrence rates for USP planets. Using spherical and tidally distorted planet models, we then derive a mass distribution for USP planets. Comparisons between the updated USP planet mass distribution and simulated planetary systems offer further insights into the formation and evolutionary processes shaping USP planet populations.

Monika Pikhartova, Zachary C. Long, Korash D. Assani, Rachel B. Fernandes, Ammar Bayyari, Michael L. Sitko, Carol A. Grady, John P. Wisniewski, Evan A. Rich, Arne A. Henden, William C. Danchi

HD 163296 is a Herbig Ae star that underwent a dramatic $\sim$0.8 magnitude drop in brightness in the V photometric band in 2001 and a brightening in the near-IR in 2002. Because the star possesses Herbig-Haro objects travelling in outflowing bipolar jets, it was suggested that the drop in brightness was due to a clump of dust entrained in a disk wind, blocking the line-on-sight toward the star. In order to quantify this hypothesis, we investigated the brightness drop at visible wavelengths and the brightening at near-IR wavelengths of HD 163296 using the Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer Code, HOCHUNK3D. We created three models to understand the events. Model 1 describes the quiescent state of the system. Model 2 describes the change in structure that led to the drop in brightness in 2001. Model 3 describes the structure needed to produce the observed 2002 brightening of the near-IR wavelengths. Models 2 and 3 utilize a combination of a disk wind and central bipolar flow. By introducing a filled bipolar cavity in Models 2 and 3, we were able to successfully simulate a jet-like structure for the star with a disk wind and created the drop and subsequent increase in brightness of the system. On the other hand, when the bipolar cavity is not filled, Model 1 replicates the quiescent state of the system.

Máté Szilágyi, Mária Kun, Péter Ábrahám

Accepted in MNRAS, 20 pages, 16 figures

We present a new census of candidate pre-main-sequence stars in the Cepheus flare star-forming region, based on $\textit{Gaia}$ EDR3 parallaxes, proper motions, and colour$-$magnitude diagrams. We identified new candidate members of the previously known young stellar groups associated with NGC$\,$7023, L1177, L1217/L1219, L1228, L1235, and L1251. We studied the 3D structure of the star-forming complex and the distribution of tangential velocities of the young stars. The young stellar groups are located between 330 and 368$\,$pc from the Sun, divide into three kinematic subgroups, and have ages between 1$-$5 million years. The results confirm the scenario of propagating star formation, suggested by previous studies. In addition to the bulk pre-main-sequence star population between 330 and 370$~$pc, there is a scattered and more evolved pre-main-sequence population around 150$-$180$\,$pc. We found new candidate members of the nearby Cepheus Association, and identified a new moving group of 46, 15$-$20 million years old pre-main-sequence stars located at a distance of 178$\,$pc, around the A0-type star HD$\,$190833. A few pre-main-sequence stars are located at 800$-$900$\,$pc, indicative of star-forming regions associated with the Galactic local arm above the Galactic latitude of +10$^{\circ}$.

Y. Zhong, Y. Dai, M. D. Ding

26 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

Recent observations in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) wavelengths reveal a new late phase in some solar flares, which is seen as a second peak in warm coronal emissions ($\sim3$ MK) several tens of minutes to a few hours after the soft X-ray (SXR) peak. The origin of the EUV late phase (ELP) is explained by either a long-lasting cooling process in the long ELP loops, or a delayed energy ejection into the ELP loops well after the main flare heating. Using the observations with the \emph{Solar Dynamics Observatory} (\emph{SDO}), we investigate the production of the ELP in six homologous flares (F1--F6) originating from a complex active region (AR) NOAA 11283, with an emphasis on the emission characteristics of the flares. It is found that the main production mechanism of the ELP changes from additional heating in flare F1 to long-lasting cooling in flares F3--F6, with both mechanisms playing a role in flare F2. The transition is evidenced by an abrupt decrease of the time lag of the ELP peak, and the long-lasting cooling process in the majority of the flares is validated by a positive correlation between the flare ribbon fluence and the ELP peak intensity. We attribute the change in ELP production mechanism to an enhancement of the envelope magnetic field above the AR, which facilitates a more prompt and energetic heating of the ELP loops. In addition, the last and the only confined flare F6 exhibits an extremely large ELP. The different emission pattern revealed in this flare may reflect a different energy partitioning inside the ELP loops, which is due to a different magnetic reconnection process.

Lei Zhou, Rudolf Dvorak, Li-Yong Zhou

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 16 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables

Considering the huge computational resources required by smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations and the overestimation of post-collision materials from perfect merging, we develop a statistical method to deal with collisions during the formation of planetary systems by introducing random material loss. In this method the mass and water content lost by the sole outcome from every merger vary randomly within a range dependent on the total mass and water content of colliding bodies. The application of the random loss method to the planet formation in the solar system shows a good consistency with existing SPH results. We also apply this method to the extrasolar planetary system 55 Cancri which hosts (at least) five planets and study the formation of terrestrial planets between the outermost two planets. A disk with 500 Mars mass embryos in dynamically cold orbits before the late-stage accretion phase is assumed. Scenarios with different amounts of planetary embryos and different loss parameters are adopted in our simulations. The statistical result from hundreds of simulations shows that an Earth-like planet with water inventory of roughly 6 Earth ocean could form between 55 Cnc f and d. It may reside between 1.0 and 2.6 AU but the most likely region extends from 1.5 to 2.1 AU. Thus the probability of this planet being in the potentially habitable zone (0.59--1.43 AU) is relatively low, only around 10\%. Planets 55 Cnc f and d could also be shaped and gain some water from giant impacts and consequently the orbits of them may also change accordingly.

Nikhil Sarin, Gregory Ashton, Paul D. Lasky, Kendall Ackley, Yik-Lun Mong, Duncan K. Galloway

Submitted to ApJL, 8 Pages, 3 figures

CDF-S XT1 is a fast-rising non-thermal X-ray transient detected by \textit{Chandra} in the Deep-Field South Survey. Although various hypotheses have been suggested, the origin of this transient remains unclear. Here, we show that the observations of CDF-S XT1 are well explained as the X-ray afterglow produced by a relativistic structured jet viewed off-axis. We measure properties of the jet, showing that they are similar to those of GRB170817A, albeit at cosmological distances. We measure the observers viewing angle to be $\theta_{\textrm{obs}} = 10^{\circ}\pm3^{\circ}$ and the core of the ultra-relativistic jet to be $\theta_{\textrm{core}} = 4.4^{\circ}\pm0.9^{\circ}$, where the uncertainties are the $68\%$ credible interval. The inferred properties and host galaxy combined with Hubble, radio, and optical non detections favour the hypothesis that CDF-S XT1 is the off-axis afterglow of a binary neutron star merger. We find that other previously suggested hypotheses are unable to explain all properties of CDF-S XT1. At a redshift of $z=2.23$, this is potentially the most distant observed neutron star merger to date and the first orphan afterglow of a short gamma-ray burst. We discuss the implications of a binary neutron star merger at such a high redshift for the star-formation rate in the early Universe, the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements, and the prospect of identifying other off-axis afterglows.

A. Vidal-García, E. Falgarone, F. Arrigoni Battaia, B. Godard, R. J. Ivison, M. A. Zwaan, C. Herrera, D. Frayer, P. Andreani, Q. Li, R. Gavazzi

24 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a comparative analysis of the $\rm CH^+$(1-0) and $\rm Ly \alpha$ lines, observed with the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) and Keck telescope respectively, in the field of the submillimetre-selected galaxy (SMG) SMM\,J02399$-$0136 at $z\sim2.8$, which comprises a heavily obscured starburst galaxy and a broad absorption line quasar, immersed in a large $\rm Ly \alpha$ nebula. This comparison highlights the critical role played by turbulence in channeling the energy across gas phases and scales, splitting the energy trail between hot/thermal and cool/turbulent phases in the circum-galactic medium (CGM). The unique chemical and spectroscopic properties of $\rm CH^+$ are used to infer the existence of a massive ($\sim 3.5 \times 10^{10}$ ${\rm M}_\odot$), highly turbulent reservoir of diffuse molecular gas of radius $\sim 20\,$kpc coinciding with the core of the $\rm Ly \alpha$ nebula. The whole cool and cold CGM is shown to be inflowing towards the galaxies at a velocity $\sim$ 400 km$\,s^{-1}$. Several kpc-scale shocks are detected tentatively in $\rm CH^+$ emission. Their specific location in space and velocity with respect to the high-velocity $\rm Ly \alpha$ emission suggests that they lie at the interface of the inflowing CGM and the high-velocity $\rm Ly \alpha$ emission, and signpost the feeding of CGM turbulence by AGN- and stellar-driven outflows. The mass and energy budgets of the CGM require net mass accretion at a rate commensurate with the star formation rate (SFR). From this similarity, we infer that the merger-driven burst of star formation and black-hole growth are ultimately fuelled by large-scale gas accretion.

D. Cont, F. Yan, A. Reiners, N. Casasayas-Barris, P. Mollière, E. Pallé, Th. Henning, L. Nortmann, M. Stangret, S. Czesla, M. López-Puertas, A. Sánchez-López, F. Rodler, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, J. A. Caballero, P. J. Amado, L. Carone, J. Khaimova, L. Kreidberg, K. Molaverdikhani, D. Montes, G. Morello, E. Nagel, M. Oshagh, M. Zechmeister

21 pages, 20 figures, A&A, in press

Theoretical studies predict the presence of thermal inversions in the atmosphere of highly irradiated gas giant planets. Recent observations have identified these inversion layers. However, the role of different chemical species in their formation remains unclear. We search for the signature of the thermal inversion agents TiO and Fe in the dayside emission spectrum of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-33b. The spectra were obtained with CARMENES and HARPS-N, covering different wavelength ranges. Telluric and stellar absorption lines were removed with SYSREM. We cross-correlated the residual spectra with model spectra to retrieve the signals from the planetary atmosphere. We find evidence for TiO at a significance of 4.9$\mathrm{\sigma}$ with CARMENES. The strength of the TiO signal drops close to the secondary eclipse. No TiO signal is found with HARPS-N. An injection-recovery test suggests that the TiO signal is below the detection level at the wavelengths covered by HARPS-N. The emission signature of Fe is detected with both instruments at significance levels of 5.7$\mathrm{\sigma}$ and 4.5$\mathrm{\sigma}$, respectively. By combining all observations, we obtain a significance level of 7.3$\mathrm{\sigma}$ for Fe. We find the TiO signal at $K_\mathrm{p}$ = $248.0_{-2.5}^{+2.0}$ km s$^{-1}$, which is in disagreement with the Fe detection at $K_\mathrm{p}$ = $225.0_{-3.5}^{+4.0}$ km s$^{-1}$. The $K_\mathrm{p}$ value for Fe is in agreement with prior investigations. The model spectra require different temperature profiles for TiO and Fe to match the observations. We observe a broader line profile for Fe than for TiO. Our results confirm the existence of a temperature inversion layer in the planetary atmosphere. The observed $K_\mathrm{p}$ offset and different strengths of broadening in the line profiles suggest the existence of a TiO-depleted hot spot in the planetary atmosphere.

The chromosphere is a partially ionized layer of the solar atmosphere, the transition between the photosphere where the gas motion is determined by the gas pressure and the corona dominated by the magnetic field. We study the effect of partial ionization for 2D wave propagation in a gravitationally stratified, magnetized atmosphere with properties similar to the solar chromosphere. We adopt an oblique uniform magnetic field in the plane of propagation with strength suitable for a quiet sun region. The theoretical model used is a single fluid magnetohydrodynamic approximation, where ion-neutral interaction is modeled by the ambipolar diffusion term. Magnetic energy can be converted into internal energy through the dissipation of the electric current produced by the drift between ions and neutrals. We use numerical simulations where we continuously drive fast waves at the bottom of the atmosphere. The collisional coupling between ions and neutrals decreases with the decrease of the density and the ambipolar effect becomes important. Fast waves excited at the base of the atmosphere reach the equipartition layer and reflect or transmit as slow waves. While the waves propagate through the atmosphere and the density drops, the waves steepen into shocks. The main effect of ambipolar diffusion is damping of the waves. We find that for the parameters chosen in this work, the ambipolar diffusion affects the fast wave before it is reflected, with damping being more pronounced for waves which are launched in a direction perpendicular to the magnetic field. Slow waves are less affected by ambipolar effects. The damping increases for shorter periods and larger magnetic field strengths. Small scales produced by the nonlinear effects and the superposition of different types of waves created at the equipartition height are efficiently damped by ambipolar diffusion.

Zs. M. Szabó, Á. Kóspál, P. Ábrahám, S. Park, M. Siwak, J. D. Green, A. Moór, A. Pál, J. A. Acosta-Pulido, J.-E. Lee, B. Cseh, G. Csörnyei, O. Hanyecz, R. Könyves-Tóth, M. Krezinger, L. Kriskovics, A. Ordasi, K. Sárneczky, B. Seli, R. Szakáts, A. Szing, K. Vida

37 pages, 20 figures

Among the low-mass pre-main sequence stars, a small group called FU Orionis-type objects (FUors) are notable for undergoing powerful accretion outbursts. V1057 Cyg, a classical example of an FUor, went into outburst around 1969-1970, after which it faded rapidly, making it the fastest fading FUor known. Around 1995, a more rapid increase in fading occurred. Since that time, strong photometric modulations have been present. We present nearly 10 years of source monitoring at Piszk\'estet\H{o} Observatory, complemented with optical/near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy from the Nordic Optical Telescope, Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory, Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, and the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy. Our light curves show continuation of significant quasi-periodic variability in brightness over the past decade. Our spectroscopic observations show strong wind features, shell features, and forbidden emission lines. All of these spectral lines vary with time. We also report the first detection of [S II], [N II], and [O III] lines in the star.

Sunny Vagnozzi, Fabio Pacucci, Abraham Loeb

7 pages, 2 figures

We use the ages of old astrophysical objects (OAO) in the redshift range $0 \lesssim z \lesssim 8$ as stringent tests of the late-time cosmic expansion history. Since the age of the Universe at any redshift is inversely proportional to $H_0$, requiring that the Universe be older than the oldest objects it contains at any redshift, provides an upper limit on $H_0$. Using a combination of galaxies imaged from the CANDELS program and various high-$z$ quasars, we construct an age-redshift diagram of $\gtrsim 100$ OAO up to $z \sim 8$. Assuming the $\Lambda$CDM model at late times, we find the 95\%~confidence level upper limit $H_0<73.2\,{\rm km}/{\rm s}/{\rm Mpc}$, in slight disagreement with a host of local $H_0$ measurements. Taken at face value, and assuming that the OAO ages are reliable, this suggests that ultimately a combination of pre- and post-recombination ($z \lesssim 10$) new physics might be required to reconcile cosmic ages with early-time and local $H_0$ measurements. In the context of the Hubble tension, our results motivate the study of either combined global pre- and post-recombination modifications to $\Lambda$CDM, or local new physics which only affects the local $H_0$ measurements.

Sunny Vagnozzi

16 pages, 8 sub-figures arranged in 6 figures. Comments are welcome (but I probably won't be able to get back to you before at least mid-June - so apologies in advance if you do write to me and I can't respond soon!)

New physics increasing the expansion rate just prior to recombination is among the least unlikely solutions to the Hubble tension, and would be expected to leave an important signature in the early Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (eISW) effect, a source of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies arising from the time-variation of gravitational potentials when the Universe was not completely matter dominated. Why, then, is there no clear evidence for new physics from the CMB alone, and why does the $\Lambda$CDM model fit CMB data so well? These questions and the vastness of the Hubble tension theory model space motivate general consistency tests of $\Lambda$CDM. I perform an eISW-based consistency test of $\Lambda$CDM introducing the parameter $A_{\rm eISW}$, which rescales the eISW contribution to the CMB power spectra. A fit to Planck CMB data yields $A_{\rm eISW}=0.988 \pm 0.027$, in perfect agreement with the $\Lambda$CDM expectation $A_{\rm eISW}=1$, and posing an important challenge for early-time new physics, which I illustrate in a case study focused on early dark energy (EDE). I explicitly show that the increase in $\omega_c$ needed for EDE to preserve the fit to the CMB, which has been argued to worsen the fit to weak lensing and galaxy clustering measurements, is specifically required to lower the amplitude of the eISW effect, which would otherwise exceed $\Lambda$CDM's prediction by $\approx 20\%$: this is a generic problem beyond EDE and likely applying to most models enhancing the expansion rate around recombination. Early-time new physics models invoked to address the Hubble tension are therefore faced with the significant challenge of making a similar prediction to $\Lambda$CDM for the eISW effect, while not degrading the fit to other measurements in doing so.

Brenda Namumba, Baerbel Silvia Koribalski, Jozsa Gyula, Karen Lee-Waddell, Michael Gordon Jones, Claude Carignan, Lourdes Verdes-Montenegro, Roger Ianjamasimanana, Erwin W.J.G. de Blok, Michelle Cluver, Julian Garrido, Susana Sanchez-Exposito, Athanaseus Ramaila, Kshitij Thorat, Lexy A. L. Andanti, Benjamin Hugo, Dane Kleiner, Peter Kamphuis, Paolo Serra, Oleg Smirnov, Filippo Maccagni, Sphesihle Makhathini, Daniel Csaba Csaba Molnar, Simon Perkins, Mpati Ramatsoku, Sarah V. White, Francesca Loi

17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We report the discovery of large amounts of previously undetected cold neutral atomic hydrogen (\HI) around the core triplet galaxies in the nearby NGC~7232 galaxy group with MeerKAT. With a physical resolution of $\sim$1 kpc, we detect a complex web of low surface brightness \HI\ emission down to a 4$\sigma$ column density level of $\sim$1 $\times$ 10$^{19}$ cm$^{-2}$ (over 44 \kms ). The newly discovered H\,{\sc i} streams extend over $\sim$20 arcmin corresponding to 140~kpc in projection. This is $\sim$3 times the \HI\ extent of the galaxy triplet (52 kpc). The \HI\ debris has an \HI\ mass of $\sim$6.6 $\times 10^9$~M$_{\odot}$, more than 50\% of the total \HI\ mass of the triplet. Within the galaxy triplet, NGC~7233 and NGC~7232 have lost a significant amount of \HI\ while NGC~7232B appears to have an excess of \HI. The \HI\ deficiency in NGC~7232 and NGC~7233 indicates that galaxy-galaxy interaction in the group concentrates on this galaxy pair while the other disc galaxies have visited them over time. In comparison to the AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies we find that with regards to its total \HI\ mass the NGC~7232/3 galaxy triplet is not \HI\ deficient. Despite the many interactions associated to the triplet galaxies, no \HI\ seems to have been lost from the group (yet).

S. Fatigoni, F. Radiconi, E.S. Battistelli, M. Murgia, E. Carretti, P. Castangia, R. Concu, P. de Bernardis, J. Fritz, R. Genova-Santos, F. Govoni, F. Guidi, L. Lamagna, S. Masi, A. Melis, R. Paladini, F.M. Perez-Toledo, F. Piacentini, S. Poppi, R. Rebolo, J.A. Rubino-Martin, G. Surcis, A. Tarchi, V. Vacca

36 pages, 31 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in the 4. Extragalactic astronomy section of A&A

The Andromeda galaxy is the best-known large galaxy besides our own Milky Way. Several images and studies exist at all wavelengths from radio to hard X-ray. Nevertheless, only a few observations are available in the microwave range where its average radio emission reaches the minimum. In this paper, we want to study the radio morphology of the galaxy, decouple thermal from nonthermal emission, and extract the star formation rate. We also aim to derive a complete catalog of radio sources for the mapped patch of sky. We observed the Andromeda galaxy with the Sardinia Radio Telescope at 6.6 GHz with very high sensitivity and angular resolution, and an unprecedented sky coverage. Using new 6.6 GHz data and Effelsberg radio telescope ancillary data, we confirm that, globally, the spectral index is $\sim 0.7-0.8$, while in the star forming regions it decreases to $\sim 0.5$. By disentangling (gas) thermal and nonthermal emission, we find that at 6.6 GHz, thermal emission follows the distribution of HII regions around the ring. Nonthermal emission within the ring appears smoother and more uniform than thermal emission because of diffusion of the cosmic ray electrons away from their birthplaces. This causes the magnetic fields to appear almost constant in intensity. Furthermore, we calculated a map of the star formation rate based on the map of thermal emission. Integrating within a radius of $R_{max}=15$ kpc, we obtained a total star formation rate of $0.19 \pm 0.01$ $M_{\odot}$/yr in agreement with previous results in the literature. Finally, we correlated our radio data with infrared images of the Andromeda galaxy. We find an unexpectedly high correlation between nonthermal and mid-infrared data in the central region, with a correlation parameter $r=0.93$.

Santiago Avila, Bernhard Vos-Ginés, Steven Cunnington, Adam R. H. Stevens, Gustavo Yepes, Alexander Knebe, Chia-Hsun Chuang

Comments welcome; 14 pages, 9 figures

We study the clustering of HI intensity maps produced from simulations with a focus on baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAO) and the effects induced by telescope beam smoothing and foreground cleaning. We start by creating a HI catalogue at $z=1.321$ based on the Semi-Analytic Galaxy Evolution (SAGE) model applied to the UNIT simulations. With this catalogue we investigate the relation between model HI and the dark matter haloes and we also study the abundance of HI, $\Omega_{\rm HI}$, predicted by this model. We then create synthetic HI intensity maps with a Nearest-Grid-Point approach. In order to simulate the telescope beam effect, a Gaussian smoothing is applied on the plane perpendicular to the line of sight. The effect of foreground removal methods is simulated by exponentially damping the largest wavelength Fourier modes on the radial direction. We study the anisotropic 2-point correlation function (2PCF) $\xi(r_\perp,r_\parallel)$ and how it is affected by the aforementioned observational effects. In order to better isolate the BAO signal, we study several 2PCF $\mu$-wedges (with a restricted range of orientations $\mu$) tailored to address the systematics effects and we compare them with different definitions of radial 2PCFs. Finally, we discuss our findings in the context of an SKA-like survey, finding a clear BAO signal in most of the estimators here proposed.

Grant Merz, Mehdi Rezaie, Hee-Jong Seo, Richard Neveux, Ashley J. Ross, Florian Beutler, Will J. Percival, Eva Mueller, Héctor Gil-Marín, Graziano Rossi, Kyle Dawson, Joel R. Brownstein, Adam D. Myers, Donald P. Schneider, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Cheng Zhao, Axel de la Macorra, Christian Nitschelm

14 pages and 16 figures, comments are welcome

Baryon Acoustic Oscillations are considered to be a very robust standard ruler against various systematics. This premise has been tested against observational systematics, but not to the level required for the next generation of galaxy surveys such as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and Euclid. In this paper, we investigate the effect of observational systematics on the BAO measurement of the final sample of quasars from the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Data Release 16 in order to prepare and hone a similar analysis for upcoming surveys. We employ catalogues with various treatments of imaging systematic effects using linear and neural network-based nonlinear approaches and consider how the BAO measurement changes. We also test how the variations to the BAO fitting model respond to the observational systematics. As expected, we confirm that the BAO measurements obtained from the DR16 quasar sample are robust against imaging systematics well within the statistical error, while reporting slightly modified constraints that shift the line-of-sight BAO signal by less than 1.1% . We use realistic simulations with similar redshift and angular distributions as the DR16 sample to conduct statistical tests for validating the pipeline, quantifying the significance of differences, and estimating the expected bias on the BAO scale in future high-precision data sets. Although we find a marginal impact for the eBOSS QSO data, the work presented here is of vital importance for constraining the nature of dark energy with the BAO feature in the new era of big data cosmology with DESI and Euclid.

Haowen Zhang, Peter Behroozi, Marta Volonteri, Joseph Silk, Xiaohui Fan, Philip F. Hopkins, Jinyi Yang, James Aird

Submitted to MNRAS. 30 pages, 26 figures. Trinity code available at: this https URL Comments welcome!

We present Trinity, a flexible empirical model that self-consistently infers the statistical connection between dark matter haloes, galaxies, and supermassive black holes (SMBHs). Trinity is constrained by galaxy observables from $0 < z < 10$ (galaxies' stellar mass functions, specific and cosmic SFRs, quenched fractions, and UV luminosity functions) and SMBH observables from $0 < z < 6.5$ (quasar luminosity functions, quasar probability distribution functions, active black hole mass functions, local SMBH mass-bulge mass relations, and the observed SMBH mass distributions of high redshift bright quasars). The model includes full treatment of observational systematics (e.g., AGN obscuration and errors in stellar masses). From these data, Trinity infers the average SMBH mass, SMBH accretion rate, merger rate, and Eddington ratio distribution as functions of halo mass, galaxy stellar mass, and redshift. Key findings include: 1) the normalization of the SMBH mass-bulge mass relation increases only mildly from $z=0$ to $z=3$, but decreases more strongly from $z=3$ to $z=10$; 2) The AGN radiative$+$kinetic efficiency is $\sim$0.04-0.07, and does not show significant redshift dependence given the existing data constraints; 3) AGNs show downsizing, i.e., the Eddington ratios of more massive SMBHs start to decrease earlier than those of lower-mass objects; 4) The average ratio between average SMBH accretion rate and SFR is $\sim10^{-3}$ for low-mass galaxies, which are primarily star-forming. This ratio increases to $\sim10^{-1}$ for the most massive haloes below $z\sim1$, where star formation is quenched but SMBHs continue to accrete.

Jessica E. Libby-Roberts (1), Zachory K. Berta-Thompson (1), Hannah Diamond-Lowe (2), Michael A. Gully-Santiago (3), Jonathan M. Irwin (4), Eliza M.-R. Kempton (5), Benjamin V. Rackham (6), David Charbonneau (4), Jean-Michel Desert (7), Jason A. Dittmann (8), Ryan Hofmann (1 and 9), Caroline V. Morley (3), Elisabeth R. Newton (10) ((1) Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, (2) National Space Institute, Technical University of Denmark, (3) The University of Texas at Austin Department of Astronomy, (4) Center for Astrophysics, Harvard and Smithsonian, (5) Department of Astronomy, University of Maryland, (6) Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (7) Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy, University of Amsterdam, (8) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, (9) National Solar Observatory, (10) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dartmouth College)

48 pages, 18 figures, submitted to AJ

Orbiting a M dwarf 12 pc away, the transiting exoplanet GJ 1132b is a prime target for transmission spectroscopy. With a mass of 1.7 Earth masses and radius of 1.1 Earth radii, GJ 1132b's bulk density indicates that this planet is rocky. Yet with an equilibrium temperature of 580 K, GJ 1132b may still retain some semblance of an atmosphere. Understanding whether this atmosphere exists and its composition will be vital for understanding how the atmospheres of terrestrial planets orbiting M dwarfs evolve. We observe five transits of GJ 1132b with the Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We find a featureless transmission spectrum from 1.1--1.7 microns, ruling out cloud-free atmospheres with metallicities <300x Solar with >4.8$\sigma$ confidence. We combine our WFC3 results with transit depths from TESS and archival broadband and spectroscopic observations to find a featureless spectrum from 0.7--4.5 microns. GJ 1132b has a high mean molecular weight atmosphere, possesses a high-altitude aerosol layer, or has effectively no atmosphere. Higher precision observations are required to differentiate between these possibilities. We explore the impact of hot and cold starspots on the observed transmission spectrum GJ 1132b, quantifying the amplitude of spot-induced transit depth features. Using a simple Poisson model we estimate spot temperature contrasts, spot covering fractions, and spot sizes for GJ 1132. These limits, and the modeling framework, may be useful for future observations of GJ 1132b or other planets transiting similarly inactive M dwarfs.

David McKeen, Maxim Pospelov, Nirmal Raj

4ish pages revtex4 + references, 1 figure

Mirror sectors have been proposed to address the problems of dark matter, baryogenesis, and the neutron lifetime anomaly. In this work we study a new, powerful probe of mirror neutrons: neutron star temperatures. When neutrons in the neutron star core convert to mirror neutrons during collisions, the vacancies left behind in the nucleon Fermi seas are refilled by more energetic nucleons, releasing immense amounts of heat in the process. We derive a new constraint on the allowed strength of neutron--mirror-neutron mixing from observations of the coldest (sub-40,000 Kelvin) neutron star, PSR 2144$-$3933. Our limits compete with laboratory searches for neutron--mirror-neutron transitions but apply to a range of mass splittings between the neutron and mirror neutron that is 19 orders of magnitude larger. This heating mechanism, also pertinent to other neutron disappearance channels such as exotic neutron decay, provides a compelling physics target for upcoming ultraviolet, optical and infrared telescopes to study thermal emissions of cold neutron stars.

The impact of nuclear mass uncertainties on the \emph{r}-process abundances has been systematically studied with the classical \emph{r}-process model by varying the mass of every individual nucleus in the range of $\pm0.1$ to $\pm3.0\ \mathrm{MeV}$ based on six different mass models. A new quantitative relation between the uncertainties of \emph{r}-process abundances and those of the nuclear masses is extracted, i.e., a mass uncertainty of $\pm0.5\ \mathrm{MeV}$ would lead to an abundance uncertainty of a factor around 2.5. It is found that this conclusion holds true for various mass models.

Philipp Frank, Reimar Leike, Torsten A. Enßlin

40 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Entropy

Efficiently accessing the information contained in non-linear and high dimensional probability distributions remains a core challenge in modern statistics. Traditionally, estimators that go beyond point estimates are either categorized as Variational Inference (VI) or Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) techniques. While MCMC methods that utilize the geometric properties of continuous probability distributions to increase their efficiency have been proposed, VI methods rarely use the geometry. This work aims to fill this gap and proposes geometric Variational Inference (geoVI), a method based on Riemannian geometry and the Fisher information metric. It is used to construct a coordinate transformation that relates the Riemannian manifold associated with the metric to Euclidean space. The distribution, expressed in the coordinate system induced by the transformation, takes a particularly simple form that allows for an accurate variational approximation by a normal distribution. Furthermore, the algorithmic structure allows for an efficient implementation of geoVI which is demonstrated on multiple examples, ranging from low-dimensional illustrative ones to non-linear, hierarchical Bayesian inverse problems in thousands of dimensions.