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Papers for Thursday, Jun 03 2021

Papers with local authors

Vladimir Zhdankin

27 pages, 26 figures, submitted for publication

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Paper 13 — arXiv:2106.00743
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Paper 13 — arXiv:2106.00743

Many high-energy astrophysical systems contain magnetized collisionless plasmas with relativistic particles, in which turbulence can be driven by an arbitrary mixture of solenoidal and compressive motions. For example, turbulence in hot accretion flows may be driven solenoidally by the magnetorotational instability or compressively by spiral shock waves. It is important to understand the role of the driving mechanism on kinetic turbulence and the associated particle energization. In this work, we compare particle-in-cell simulations of solenoidally driven turbulence with similar simulations of compressively driven turbulence. We focus on plasma that has an initial beta of unity, relativistically hot electrons, and varying ion temperature. Apart from strong large-scale density fluctuations in the compressive case, the turbulence statistics are similar for both drives, and the bulk plasma is described reasonably well by an isothermal equation of state. We find that nonthermal particle acceleration is more efficient when turbulence is driven compressively. In the case of relativistically hot ions, both driving mechanisms ultimately lead to similar power-law particle energy distributions, but over a different duration. In the case of non-relativistic ions, there is significant nonthermal particle acceleration only for compressive driving. Additionally, we find that the electron-to-ion heating ratio is less than unity for both drives, but takes a smaller value for compressive driving. We demonstrate that this additional ion energization is associated with the collisionless damping of large-scale compressive modes via perpendicular electric fields.

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Andrew Chael, Michael D. Johnson, Alexandru Lupsasca

24 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to ApJ

Simulated images of a black hole surrounded by optically thin emission typically display two main features: a central brightness depression and a narrow, bright "photon ring" consisting of strongly lensed images superposed on top of the direct emission. The photon ring closely tracks a theoretical curve on the image plane corresponding to light rays that asymptote to unstably bound photon orbits around the black hole. This critical curve has a size and shape that are purely governed by the Kerr geometry; in contrast, the size, shape, and depth of the observed brightness depression all depend on the details of the emission region. For instance, images of spherical accretion models display a distinctive dark region -- the "black hole shadow" -- that completely fills the photon ring. By contrast, in models of equatorial disks extending to the black hole's event horizon, the darkest region in the image is restricted to a much smaller area -- an inner shadow -- whose edge lies near the direct lensed image of the equatorial horizon. Using both semi-analytic models and general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations, we demonstrate that the photon ring and inner shadow may be simultaneously visible in submillimeter images of M87*, where magnetically arrested disk (MAD) simulations predict that the emission arises in a thin region near the equatorial plane. We show that the relative size, shape, and centroid of the photon ring and inner shadow can be used to estimate the black hole mass and spin, breaking degeneracies in measurements of these quantities that rely on the photon ring alone. Both features may be accessible to direct observation via high-dynamic-range images with a next-generation Event Horizon Telescope.

Stefano Torniamenti, Mario Pasquato, Pierfrancesco Di Cintio, Alessandro Ballone, Giuliano Iorio, Michela Mapelli

14 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Comments welcome

Star formation in molecular clouds is clumpy, hierarchically subclustered. Fractal structure also emerges in hydro-dynamical simulations of star-forming clouds. Simulating the formation of realistic star clusters with hydro-dynamical simulations is a computational challenge, considering that only the statistically averaged results of large batches of simulations are reliable, due to the chaotic nature of the gravitational N-body problem. While large sets of initial conditions for N-body runs can be produced by hydro-dynamical simulations of star formation, this is prohibitively expensive in terms of computational time. Here we address this issue by introducing a new technique for generating many sets of new initial conditions from a given set of star masses, positions and velocities from a hydro-dynamical simulation. We use hierarchical clustering in phase space to learn a tree representation of the spatial and kinematic relations between stars. This constitutes the basis for the random generation of new sets of stars which share the same clustering structure of the original ones but have individually different masses, positions, and velocities. We apply this method to the output of a number of hydro-dynamical star-formation simulations, comparing the generated initial conditions to the original ones through a series of quantitative tests, including comparing mass and velocity distributions and fractal dimension. Finally, we evolve both the original and the generated star clusters using a direct N-body code, obtaining a qualitatively similar evolution.

Daria Pidhorodetska, Sarah E. Moran, Edward W. Schwieterman, Thomas Barclay, Thomas J. Fauchez, Nikole K. Lewis, Elisa V. Quintana, Geronimo L. Villanueva, Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, Joshua E. Schlieder, Emily A. Gilbert, Stephen R. Kane, Veselin B. Kostov

Submitted to AJ

L 98-59 is an M3V dwarf star that hosts three small (R < 1.6 Earth radii) planets. The host star is bright (K = 7.1) and nearby (10.6 pc), making the system a prime target for follow-up characterization with the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Herein, we use simulated transmission spectroscopy to evaluate the detectability of spectral features with HST and JWST assuming diverse atmospheric scenarios (e.g., atmospheres dominated by H2, H2O, CO2, or O2). We find that H2O and CH4 present in a low mean-molecular weight atmosphere could be detected with HST in 1 transit for the two outermost planets, while H2O in a clear steam atmosphere could be detected in 6 transits or fewer with HST for all three planets. We predict that observations using JWST/NIRISS would be capable of detecting a clear steam atmosphere in 1 transit for each planet, and H2O absorption in a hazy steam atmosphere in 2 transits or less. In a clear, desiccated atmosphere, O2 absorption may be detectable for all three planets with NIRISS. If the L 98-59 planets possess a clear, Venus-like atmosphere, NIRSpec could detect CO2 within 26 transits for each planet, but the presence of H2SO4 clouds would significantly suppress CO2 absorption. The L 98-59 system is an excellent laboratory for comparative planetary studies of transiting multiplanet systems, and observations of the system via HST and JWST would present a unique opportunity to test the accuracy of the models presented in this study.

Dolev Bashi, Shay Zucker

8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, usage examples at: this https URL

The planetary systems detected so far already exhibit a wide diversity of architectures, and various methods are proposed to study quantitatively this diversity. Straightforward ways to quantify the difference between two systems and more generally, two sets of multiplanetary systems, are useful tools in the study of this diversity. In this work we present a novel approach, using a Weighted extension of the Energy Distance (WED) metric, to quantify the difference between planetary systems on the logarithmic period-radius plane. We demonstrate the use of this metric and its relation to previously introduced descriptive measures to characterise the arrangements of Kepler planetary systems. By applying exploratory machine learning tools, we attempt to find whether there is some order that can be ascribed to the set of Kepler multiplanet system architectures. Based on WED, the 'Sequencer', which is such an automatic tool, identifies a progression from small and compact planetary systems to systems with distant giant planets. It is reassuring to see that a WED-based tool indeed identifies this progression. Next, we extend WED to define the Inter-Catalogue Energy Distance (ICED) - a distance metric between sets of multiplanetary systems. We have made the specific implementation presented in the paper available to the community through a public repository. We suggest to use these metrics as complementary tools in attempting to compare between architectures of planetary system, and in general, catalogues of planetary systems.

Shai Kaspi, W. N. Brandt, Dan Maoz, Hagai Netzer, Donald P. Schneider, Ohad Shemmer, C. J. Grier

14 Figures, 27 pages, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Reverberation mapping (RM) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) has been used over the past three decades to determine AGN broad-line region (BLR) sizes and central black-hole masses, and their relations with the AGN's luminosity. Until recently the sample of objects with RM data was limited to low-luminosity AGNs ($L_{\rm opt} \lesssim 10^{46}$ ergs s$^{-1}$) and low redshifts ($z \lesssim 0.5$). Here we present results from a reverberation-mapping project of some of the most luminous and highest redshift quasars that have been mapped to date. The study is based on almost twenty years of photometric monitoring of 11 quasars, six of which were monitored spectrophotometrically for 13 years. This is the longest reverberation-mapping project carried out so far on this type of AGNs. We successfully measure a time lag between the CIV$\lambda$1549 broad emission line and the quasar continuum in three objects, and measure a CIII$\lambda$1909 lag in one quasar. Together with recently published data on CIV reverberation mapping, the BLR size is found to scale as the square root of the UV luminosity over eight orders of magnitude in AGN luminosity. There is a significant scatter in the relation, part of which may be intrinsic to the AGNs. Although the CIV line is probably less well suited than Balmer lines for determination of the mass of the black hole, virial masses are tentatively computed and in spite of a large scatter we find that the mass of the black hole scales as the square root of the UV luminosity.

G. Sabatini, S. Bovino, A. Giannetti, T. Grassi, J. Brand, E. Schisano, F. Wyrowski, S. Leurini, K. M. Menten

Accepted for publications in A&A (19 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables)

(Abridged) Understanding the details of the formation process of massive (i.e. M<8-10M$_\odot$) stars is a long-standing problem in astrophysics. [...] We present a method to derive accurate timescales of the different evolutionary phases of the high-mass star formation process. We model a representative number of massive clumps of the ATLASGAL-TOP100 sample which cover all the evolutionary stages. The models describe an isothermal collapse and the subsequent warm-up phase, for which we follow their chemical evolution. The timescale of each phase is derived by comparing the results of the models with the properties of the sources of the ATLASGAL-TOP100 sample, taking into account the mass and luminosity of the clumps, and the column densities of methyl acetylene (CH$_3$CCH), acetonitrile (CH$_3$CN), formaldehyde (H$_2$CO) and methanol (CH$_3$OH). We find that the chosen molecular tracers are affected by the thermal evolution of the clumps, showing steep ice evaporation gradients from 10$^3$ to 10$^5$ AU during the warm-up phase. We succeed in reproducing the observed column densities of CH$_3$CCH and CH$_3$CN, while H$_2$CO and CH$_3$OH show a poorer agreement with the observed values. The total (massive) star formation time is found to be $\sim5.2\times10^5$ yr, which is defined by the timescales of the individual evolutionary phases of the ATLASGAL-TOP100 sample: $\sim5\times10^4$ yr for 70-$\mu$m weak, $\sim1.2\times10^5$ yr for mid-IR weak, $\sim2.4\times10^5$ yr for mid-IR bright and $\sim1.1\times10^5$ yr for HII-regions phases. Our models, with an appropriate selection of molecular tracers that can act as chemical clocks, allow to get robust estimates of the duration of the individual phases of the high-mass star formation process, with the advantage of being capable to include additional tracers aimed at increasing the accuracy of the estimated timescales.

Michela Mapelli

78 pages, 14 figures. Invited review to appear in "Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy", Section on "Gravitational Wave Sources", Springer Singapore, 2021. Book editors: C. Bambi, S. Katsanevas, K. D. Kokkotas. Section editors: V. Ferrari, L. Gualtieri, K. D. Kokkotas, M. Sakellariadou, G. Schaefer. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1809.09130

These are exciting times for binary black hole (BBH) research. LIGO and Virgo detections are progressively drawing a spectacular fresco of BBH masses, spins and merger rates. In this review, we discuss the main formation channels of BBHs from stellar evolution and dynamics. Uncertainties on massive star evolution (e.g., stellar winds, rotation, overshooting and nuclear reaction rates), core-collapse supernovae and pair instability still hamper our comprehension of the mass spectrum and spin distribution of black holes (BHs), but substantial progress has been done in the field over the last few years. On top of this, the efficiency of mass transfer in a binary system and the physics of common envelope substantially affect the final BBH demography. Dynamical processes in dense stellar systems can trigger the formation of BHs in the mass gap and intermediate-mass BHs via hierarchical BH mergers and via multiple stellar collisions. Finally, we discuss the importance of reconstructing the cosmic evolution of BBHs.

Martin G. F. Mayer (MPE), Werner Becker (MPE and MPIfR)

22+8 pages, 16+3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Context. Central compact objects (CCOs) are a peculiar class of neutron stars, primarily encountered close to the center of young supernova remnants (SNRs) and characterized by thermal X-ray emission. Aims. Our goal is to perform a systematic study of the proper motion of all known CCOs with appropriate data available. In addition, we aim to measure the expansion of three SNRs within our sample to obtain a direct handle on their kinematics and age. Methods. We analyze multiple archival Chandra data sets, consisting of HRC and ACIS observations separated by temporal baselines between 8 and 15 years. In order to correct for systematic astrometric uncertainties, we establish a reference frame using X-ray detected sources in Gaia DR2, to provide accurate proper motion estimates for our target CCOs. Complementarily, we use our coaligned data sets to trace the expansion of three SNRs by directly measuring the spatial offset of various filaments and ejecta clumps between different epochs. Results. In total, we present new proper motion measurements for six CCOs, among which we do not find any indication of a hypervelocity object. We tentatively identify direct signatures of expansion for the SNRs G15.9+0.2 and Kes 79, at estimated significance of $2.5\sigma$ and $2\sigma$, respectively. Moreover, we confirm recent results by Borkowski et al., measuring the rapid expansion of G350.1$-$0.3 at almost $6000\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}}$, which places its maximal age at $600-700$ years. The observed expansion, combined with the rather small proper motion of its CCO, implies the need for a very inhomogeneous circumstellar medium to explain the highly asymmetric appearance of the SNR. Finally, for the SNR RX J1713.7$-$3946, we combine previously published expansion measurements with our measurement of the CCO's proper motion to obtain a constraining upper limit of $1700$ years on the system's age.

Mohamad Abbas, Eva K. Grebel, Mirko Simunovic

Accepted for publication in ApJ, 14 pages, 6 figures, 1 table

We attempt to identify RR Lyrae (RRL) stars in stellar streams that might have escaped from seven globular clusters (GCs) based on proper motions, distances, color-magnitude diagrams, and other properties extracted from the Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) database. Specifically, we cross-match two large RRL stars catalogs (from Gaia DR2 and Catalina Sky Survey) with each other and with the EDR3 database and we end up with a sample of ~ 150,000 unique RRL stars. We calculate distances to RRL stars using the (M_G-[Fe/H]) and (M_V-[Fe/H]) absolute magnitude-metallicity relations and adopt [Fe/H] values for the GCs from different spectroscopic studies. We also constrain our search in areas where stellar streams associated with GCs were previously suggested or identified in other studies. We identify 24 RRL stars that might have escaped from the following seven GCs: Palomar 13 (Pal 13), NGC 6341 (M92), NGC 5904 (M5), NGC 5466, NGC 1261, NGC 288, and NGC 1851. We list our findings in Table 2.

Hidetoshi Sano, Yasuo Fukui

18 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science

We review recent progress in elucidating the relationship between high-energy radiation and the interstellar medium (ISM) in young supernova remnants (SNRs) with ages of $\sim$2000 yr, focusing in particular on RX J1713.7$-$3946 and RCW 86. Both SNRs emit strong nonthermal X-rays and TeV $\gamma$-rays, and they contain clumpy distributions of interstellar gas that includes both atomic and molecular hydrogen. We find that shock-cloud interactions provide a viable explanation for the spatial correlation between the X-rays and ISM. In these interactions, the supernova shocks hit the typically pc-scale dense cores, generating a highly turbulent velocity field that amplifies the magnetic field up to 0.1-1 mG. This amplification leads to enhanced nonthermal synchrotron emission around the clumps, whereas the cosmic-ray electrons do not penetrate the clumps. Accordingly, the nonthermal X-rays exhibit a spatial distribution similar to that of the ISM on the pc scale, while they are anticorrelated at sub-pc scales. These results predict that hadronic $\gamma$-rays can be emitted from the dense cores, resulting in a spatial correspondence between the $\gamma$-rays and the ISM. The current pc-scale resolution of $\gamma$-ray observations is too low to resolve this correspondence. Future $\gamma$-ray observations with the Cherenkov Telescope Array will be able to resolve the sub-pc-scale $\gamma$-ray distribution and provide clues to the origin of these cosmic $\gamma$-rays.

David Morate, Jorge Marcio Carvano, Alvaro Alvarez-Candal, Mário De Prá, Javier Licandro, Andrés Galarza, Max Mahlke, Enrique Solano-Márquez, Javier Cenarro, David Cristóbal-Hornillos, Carlos Hernández-Monteagudo, Carlos López-Sanjuan, Antonio Marín-Franch, Mariano Moles, Jesús Varela, Héctor Vázquez Ramió, Jailson Alcaniz, Renato Dupke, Alessandro Ederoclite, Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, Laerte Sodré Jr. 10, Raul E. Angulo, Francisco M. Jiménez-Esteban, Beatriz B. Siffert, the J-PLUS collaboration

Context: The Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) is an observational campaign that aims to obtain photometry in 12 ultraviolet-visible filters (0.3-1 {\mu}m) of approximately 8 500 deg{^2} of the sky observable from Javalambre (Teruel, Spain). Due to its characteristics and strategy of observation, this survey will let us analyze a great number of Solar System small bodies, with improved spectrophotometric resolution with respect to previous large-area photometric surveys in optical wavelengths. Aims: The main goal of this work is to present here the first catalog of magnitudes and colors of minor bodies of the Solar System compiled using the first data release (DR1) of the J-PLUS observational campaign: the Moving Objects Observed from Javalambre (MOOJa) catalog. Methods: Using the compiled photometric data we obtained very-low-resolution reflectance (photospectra) spectra of the asteroids. We first used a {\sigma}-clipping algorithm in order to remove outliers and clean the data. We then devised a method to select the optimal solar colors in the J-PLUS photometric system. These solar colors were computed using two different approaches: on one hand, we used different spectra of the Sun, convolved with the filter transmissions of the J-PLUS system, and on the other, we selected a group of solar-type stars in the J-PLUS DR1, according to their computed stellar parameters. Finally, we used the solar colors to obtain the reflectance spectra of the asteroids. Results: We present photometric data in the J-PLUS filters for a total of 3 122 minor bodies (3 666 before outlier removal), and we discuss the main issues of the data, as well as some guidelines to solve them

Unal Ertan, M. Ali Alpar

3 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters

A simple and natural explanation for the minimum period of millisecond pulsars follows from a correlation between the accretion rate and the frozen surface dipole magnetic field resulting from Ohmic diffusion through the neutron star crust in initial stages of accretion in low mass X-ray binaries.

David A. Neufeld (JHU), Helmut Wiesemeyer (MPIfR), Mark J. Wolfire (UMd), Arshia Jacob (MPIfR), Christof Buchbender (Köln), Maryvonne Gerin (Obs. Paris), Harshal Gupta (NSF), Rolf Güsten (MPIfR), Peter Schilke (Köln)

34 pages. 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

We have revisited the chemistry of chlorine-bearing species in the diffuse interstellar medium with new observations of the HCl$^+$ molecular ion and new astrochemical models. Using the GREAT instrument on board SOFIA, we observed the $^2\Pi_{3/2}\, J = 5/2 - 3/2$ transition of HCl$^+$ near 1444 GHz toward the bright THz continuum source W49N. We detected absorption by diffuse foreground gas unassociated with the background source, and were able to thereby measure the distribution of HCl$^+$ along the sight-line. We interpreted the observational data using an updated version of an astrochemical model used previously in a theoretical study of Cl-bearing interstellar molecules. The abundance of HCl$^+$ was found to be almost constant relative to the related H$_2$Cl$^+$ ion, but the observed $n({\rm H_2Cl^+})/n({\rm HCl^+})$ abundance ratio exceeds the predictions of our astrochemical model by an order-of-magnitude. This discrepancy suggests that the rate of the primary destruction process for ${\rm H_2Cl^+}$, dissociative recombination, has been significantly overestimated. For HCl$^+$, the model predictions can provide a satisfactory fit to the observed column densities along the W49N sight-line while simultaneously accounting for the ${\rm OH^+}$ and ${\rm H_2O^+}$ column densities.

Raymond G. Carlberg, Carl J. Grillmair

AAS submitted

The proper motions of stars in the outskirts of globular clusters are used to estimate their velocity dispersion profiles to as far as possible within their tidal radii. We use the color-magnitude diagram to select high probability cluster stars for 25 globular clusters within 20 kpc of the sun, 19 of which have substantial numbers of stars at large radii. Of the 19, 11 clusters have a falling velocity dispersion in the 3-6 half mass radii range, 6 are flat or falling, and 2 plausibly have a rising velocity dispersion. The profiles are all in the range expected from simulated clusters started at high redshift in a zoom-in cosmological simulation. A cluster that is at a sub-halo center can lead to a rising velocity dispersion profile. Additional cluster membership criteria and improved kinematic data will further test these preliminary results.

F. Spiegelman, N.F. Allard, J.F. Kielkopf

Spectral observations below Lyman-alpha are now obtained with the Cosmic Origin Spectrograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). It is therefore necessary to provide an accurate treatment of the blue wing of the Lyman-alpha line that enables correct calculations of radiative transport in DA and DBA white dwarf stars. On the theoretical front, we very recently developed very accurate H-He potential energies for the hydrogen 1s, 2s, and 2p states. Nevertheless, an uncertainty remained about the asymptotic correlation of the Sigma states and the electronic dipole transition moments. A similar difficulty occurred in our first calculations for the resonance broadening of hydrogen perturbed by collisions with neutral H atoms. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we clarify the question of the asymptotic correlation of the Sigma states, and we show that relativistic contributions, even very tiny, may need to be accounted for a correct long-range and asymptotic description of the states because of the specific 2s 2p Coulomb degeneracy in hydrogen. This effect of relativistic corrections, inducing small splitting of the 2s and 2p states of H, is shown to be important for the Sigma-Sigma$ transition dipole moments in H-He and is also discussed in H-H. Second, we use existent (H-H) and newly determined (H-He) accurate potentials and properties to provide a theoretical investigation of the collisional effects on the blue wing of the Lyman-alpha line of H perturbed by He and H. We study the relative contributions in the blue wing of the H and He atoms according to their relative densities. We finally achieve a comparison with recent COS observations and propose an assignment for a feature centered at 1190 A.

Samaresh Mondal, Agata Rozanska, Barbara De Marco, Alex Markowitz

5 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters

We report the first detection of a Fe K$_{\alpha}$ line and soft X-ray lag in the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) NGC 7456 ULX-1. The XMM-Newton spectra show the presence of the 6.4 keV Fe line at 2.6$\sigma$ confidence and an upper limit on the FWHM of 32900 km s$^{-1}$. Assuming that the line arises by reflection from a Keplerian disk, it must originate beyond $85 r_{\rm g}$ from the compact object. As a result of Fourier timing analysis we found that the soft X-ray photons lag behind the hard X-ray photons with a $\sim$1300 s delay. The covariance spectra indicate that the hard spectral component is responsible for the correlated variability and the soft X-ray lag. This is the second ULX in which a Fe K$_{\alpha}$ line is found, the fifth with a soft X-ray lag, and the first with both features detected.

Ehsan Gharib-Nezhad, Mark S. Marley, Natasha E. Batalha, Channon Visscher, Richard S. Freedman, Roxana E. Lupu

13 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, In final revision at ApJ. Comments welcome

Lithium is an important element for the understanding of ultracool dwarfs because it is lost to fusion at masses above $\sim 68\, M_{\rm J}$. Hence, the presence or absence of atomic Li has served as an indicator of the nearby H-burning boundary at about $75\,M_{\rm J}$ between brown-dwarfs and very low-mass stars. Historically the "Lithium test", a search for the presence and strength of the Li line at 670.8 nm, has been a marker if an object has a substellar mass with stellar-like spectral energy distribution (e.g., a late-type M dwarf). While the Li test could in principle also be used to distinguish masses of later-type L-T dwarfs, Li is predominantly no longer found as an atomic gas, but rather a molecular species such as LiH, LiF, LiOH, and LiCl in their cooler atmospheres. L- and T-type brown dwarfs are also quite faint at 670 nm and thus challenging targets for high resolution spectroscopy. But only recently have experimental molecular line lists become available for the molecular Li species, allowing molecular Li mass discrimination. In this study, we generated the latest opacity of each of these Li-bearing molecules and performed thermochemical equilibrium atmospheric composition calculation of the abundance of these molecules. Finally, we computed thermal emission spectra for a series of radiative-convective equilibrium models of cloudy and cloudless brown dwarf atmospheres (with $T_{\rm eff}=$ 500--2400~K, and $\log g$=4.0, 4.5, 5.0) to understand where the presence or absence of atmospheric lithium-bearing species is most easily detected as a function of brown dwarf mass and age. After atomic Li, the best spectral signatures were found to be LiF at $10.5-12.5$~\micron and LiCl at $14.5-18.5$ $\micron$. LiH also shows a narrow feature at $\sim 9.38$ $\micron$.

We report observations of the total solar eclipse of 14 December 2020, during which a coronal mass ejection can be see n propagating. A comprehensive set of photographs covering a high dynamic range of exposure allow to characterize its dimensions. The displacement of the front can be seen occurring during the few minutes of totality.

The detection of ultra-high energy (UHE, >10 PeV) neutrinos via detectors designed to utilize the Askaryan effect has been a long-time goal of the astroparticle physics community. The Askaryan effect describes radio-frequency (RF) radiation from high-energy cascades. When a UHE neutrino initiates a cascade, cascade properties are imprinted on the radiation. Thus, observed radiation properties must be used to reconstruct the UHE neutrino event. Analytic Askaryan models have three advantages when used for UHE neutrino reconstruction. First, when analytic models are matched to observed data, cascade properties may be calculated directly from single RF waveforms. Second, fully analytic models require no Monte Carlo simulation of cascade particle trajectories, minimizing computational intensity. Third, fully analytic models can be embedded in firmware to enhance the real-time sensitivity of detectors. We derive a fully analytic Askaryan model in the time-domain given the energy and geometry of the UHE neutrino-induced cascade. We compare the fully analytic model to a semi-analytic parameterization used commonly in NuRadioMC, a simulation being used to design IceCube-Gen2. We find correlation coefficients greater than 0.95 between the fully analytic and semi-analytic cases, and we find the total power in the signals agree to within 5%.

Bao-Quan Huang, Tong Liu

11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Jet precession is considered to universally exist in different-scale astronomical phenomena, including gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). For the long-lived GRB central engine, the relativistical precessing jets will periodically inject kinetic energy into the external shocks, then significantly modulate the shapes of the light curves (LCs) in GRB afterglows. In this paper, we adopt the standard external shock model to investigate the effects of jet precession on GRB X-ray afterglows in cases with different parameters, i.e., the steady or time-dependent jet powers, precession periods, precession angles, and viewing angles. In the case where the jet powers are in steady or slow decay and the jet can sweep across the line of sight, shallow decay (or plateau) segments should appear; otherwise, a giant bump will emerge in the GRB afterglow LCs. We show that jet precession is a new plausible mechanism of the energy injection in GRBs. Moreover, some observed X-ray transients without GRB associations might be powered by the precessing jets.

The transition region is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that controls the energy loss from the solar corona. Large numbers of grid points are required to resolve this thin transition region fully in numerical modeling. In this study, we propose a new numerical treatment, called LTRAC, which can be easily extended to the multi-dimensional domains. We have tested the proposed method using a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model of a coronal loop in an active region. The LTRAC method enables modeling of the transition region with the numerical grid size of 50--100 km, which is about 1000 times larger than the physically required value. We used the velocity differential emission measure to evaluate the possible effects on the optically thin emission. Lower temperature emissions were better reproduced by the LTRAC method than by previous methods. Doppler shift and non-thermal width of the synthesized line emission agree with those from a high-resolution reference simulation within an error of several km/s above the formation temperature of $10^5$ K.

M. Wolleben, T.L. Landecker, K. A. Douglas, A.D. Gray, A. Ordog, J.M. Dickey, A.S. Hill, E. Carretti, J.C. Brown, B.M. Gaensler, J.L. Han, M. Haverkorn, R. Kothes, J.P. Leahy, N. McClure-Griffiths, D. McConnell, W. Reich, A.R. Taylor, A.J.M. Thomson, J.L. West

Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal

The Galactic interstellar medium hosts a significant magnetic field, which can be probed through the synchrotron emission produced from its interaction with relativistic electrons. Linearly polarized synchrotron emission is generated throughout the Galaxy, and at longer wavelengths, modified along nearly every path by Faraday rotation in the intervening magneto-ionic medium. Full characterization of the polarized emission requires wideband observations with many frequency channels. We have surveyed polarized radio emission from the Northern sky over the the range 1280-1750 MHz, with channel width 236.8 kHz, using the John A. Galt Telescope (diameter 25.6 m) at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, as part of the Global Magneto-Ionic Medium Survey. The survey covered 72% of the sky, declinations -30 to +87 degrees at all right ascensions. The intensity scale was absolutely calibrated, based on the flux density and spectral index of Cygnus A. Polarization angle was calibrated using the extended polarized emission of the Fan Region. Data are presented as brightness temperatures with angular resolution 40'. Sensitivity in Stokes Q and U is 45 mK rms in a 1.18 MHz band. We have applied rotation measure synthesis to the data to obtain a Faraday depth cube of resolution 150 radians per square metre and sensitivity 3 mK rms of polarized intensity. Features in Faraday depth up to a width of 110 radians per square metre are represented. The maximum detectable Faraday depth is +/- 20,000 radians per square metre. The survey data are available at the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre.

The relationship between mass and radius (M-R relation) is the key for inferring the planetary compositions and thus valuable for the studies of formation and migration models. However, the M-R relation alone is not enough for planetary characterization due to the dependence of it on other confounding variables. This paper provides a non-trivial extension of the M-R relation by including the incident flux as an additional variable. By using Bayesian hierarchical modeling (BHM) that leverages the flexibility of finite mixture models, a probabilistic mass-radius-flux relationship (M-R-F relation) is obtained based on a sample of 319 exoplanets. We find that the flux has nonnegligible impact on the M-R relation, while such impact is strongest for hot-Jupiters. On the population level, the planets with higher level of flux tend to be denser, and high flux could trigger significant mass loss for plants with radii larger than $13R_{\oplus}$. As a result, failing to account for the flux in mass prediction would cause systematic over or under-estimation. With the recent advent of computing power, although a lot of complex statistical models can be fitted using Monte Carlo methods, it has largely remain illusive how to validate these complex models when the data are observed with large measurement errors. We present two novel methods to examine model assumptions, which can be used not only for the models we present in this paper but can also be adapted for other statistical models.

Ruopeng Zhang, Sibo Zheng

14 pages, 2 figures

We consider primordial perturbations from general two-field inflation in interaction picture. We verify that normalized to the single-field case, the power spectrum of scalar perturbations in the two-field version is identical beyond any slow roll approximation, except with different scalar spectral index. We then report that the two bispectrums also coincide at the leading order of slow roll parameters, which divide only at the next-leading order. Combing the scalar spectral index and the tensor-to-scalar ratio, we finally show that two-field chaotic and natural inflation can be distinguished by current BK14/Planck and future CMB-S4 experiment respectively.

Sorabh Chhabra, Jyotirmay Paul, Anamparambu N. Ramaprakash, Avinash Surendran

23 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, Accepted for Publication in JATIS (SPIE)

Fast Fourier Transform based phase screen simulations give accurate results only when the screen size ($G$) is much larger than the outer scale parameter ($L_0$). Otherwise, they fall short in correctly predicting both the low and high frequency behaviours of turbulence induced phase distortions. Sub-harmonic compensation is a commonly used technique that aids in low-frequency correction but does not solve the problem for all values of screen size to outer scale parameter ratios $(G/L_0$). A subharmonics based approach will lead to unequal sampling or weights calculation for subharmonics addition at the low-frequency range and patch normalization factor. We have modified the subharmonics based approach by introducing a Gaussian phase autocorrelation matrix that compensates for these shortfalls. We show that the maximum relative error in structure function with respect to theoretical value is as small as 0.5-3% for $(G/L_0$) ratio of 1/1000 even for screen sizes up to 100 m diameter.

K. Chaiwongkhot, D. Ruffolo, W. Yamwong, J. Prabket, P.-S. Mangeard, A. Sáiz, W. Mitthumsiri, C. Banglieng, E. Kittiya, W. Nuntiyakul, U. Tippawan, M. Jitpukdee, S. Aukkaravittayapun

14 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics

Using a setup for testing a prototype for a satellite-borne cosmic-ray ion detector, we have operated a stack of scintillator and silicon detectors on top of the Princess Sirindhorn Neutron Monitor (PSNM), an NM64 detector at 2560-m altitude at Doi Inthanon, Thailand (18.59 N, 98.49 E). Monte Carlo simulations have indicated that about 15% of the neutron counts by PSNM are due to interactions (mostly in the lead producer) of GeV-range protons among the atmospheric secondary particles from cosmic ray showers, which can be detected by the scintillator and silicon detectors. Those detectors can provide a timing trigger for measurement of the propagation time distribution of such neutrons as they scatter and propagate through the NM64, processes that are similar whether the interaction was initiated by an energetic proton (for 15% of the count rate) or neutron (for 80% of the count rate). This propagation time distribution underlies the time delay distribution between successive neutron counts, from which we can determine the leader fraction (inverse multiplicity), which has been used to monitor Galactic cosmic ray spectral variations over $\sim$1-40 GV. Here we have measured and characterized the propagation time distribution from both the experimental setup and Monte Carlo simulations of atmospheric secondary particle detection. We confirm a known propagation time distribution with a peak (at $\approx$70 microseconds) and tail over a few ms, dominated by neutron counts. We fit this distribution using an analytic model of neutron diffusion and absorption, for both experimental and Monte Carlo results. In addition we identify a group of prompt neutron monitor pulses that arrive within 20 microseconds of the charged-particle trigger, of which a substantial fraction can be attributed to charged-particle ionization in a proportional counter, according to both experimental and Monte Carlo ...

Attila Bódi, Tamás Hajdu

11 pages, 8 figures, 1 table in machine-readable format, accepted for publication in ApJS, code available via this https URL

The Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) continuously monitors hundreds of thousands of eclipsing binaries in the field of galactic bulge and the Magellanic Clouds. These objects have been classified into main morphological sub-classes, such as contact, non-contact, ellipsoidal and cataclysmic variables, both by matching the light curves with predefined templates and visual inspections. Here we present the result of a machine learned automatic classification based on the morphology of light curves inspired by the classification of eclipsing binaries observed by the original Kepler mission. We similarly use a dimensionality reduction technique, the locally linear embedding to map the high dimension of the data set into a low dimensional embedding parameter space, while keeping the local geometry and the similarities of the neighbouring data points. After three consecutive steps, we assign one parameter to each binary star, which well scales with the "detachness", i.e. the sum of the relative radii of the components. This value is in good agreement with the morphology types listed in the OGLE catalog and, along with the orbital periods, can be used to filter any morphological sub-types based on the similarity of light curves. Our open-source pipeline can be applied in a fully automatic way to any other large data set to classify binary stars.

P. A. Mazzali (1, 2), E. Pian (3, 1), F. Bufano (4), C. Ashall (5) ((1) Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores Univ., UK, (2) MPA Garching, Germany, (3) INAF-OAS Bologna, Italy, (4) INAF-OA Catania, Italy, (5) Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA)

15 pages, 17 figures, in press in the MNRAS

The properties of the broad-lined type Ic supernova (SN) 2013dx, associated with the long gamma-ray burst GRB130702A at a redshift z = 0.145, are derived via spectral modelling. SN2013dx was similar in luminosity to other GRB/SNe, with a derived value of the mass of 56Nickel ejected in the explosion of ~0.4 Msun. However, its spectral properties suggest a smaller explosion kinetic energy. Radiation transport models were used to derive a plausible mass and density distribution of the SN ejecta in a one-dimensional approximation. While the mass ejected in the explosion that is obtained from the modelling (Mej ~ 9 Msun) is similar to that of all other well-studied GRB/SNe, the kinetic energy is significantly smaller (KE ~ 10^{52}erg). This leads to a smaller KE/Mej ratio, ~ 10^{51} erg/Msun, which is reflected in the narrower appearance of the spectral lines. While the low KE does not represent a problem for the scenario in which magnetar energy aids powering the explosion and the nucleosynthesis, it is nevertheless highly unusual. SNe Ic with similar KE have never been seen in coincidence with a GRB, and no well-observed GRB/SN has shown similarly low KE and KE/Mej.

Anthony Salsi, Nicolas Nardetto, Denis Mourard, Dariusz Graczyk, Monica Taormina, Orlagh Creevey, Vincent Hocde, Frédéric Morand, Karine Perraut, Grzegorz Pietrzynski, Gail H. Schaefer

18 pages Journal ref: AA/2021/40763

Surface brightness-colour relations (SBCRs) are widely used for estimating angular diameters and deriving stellar properties. They are critical to derive extragalactic distances of early-type and late-type eclipsing binaries or, potentially, for extracting planetary parameters of late-type stars hosting planets. Various SBCRs have been implemented so far, but strong discrepancies in terms of precision and accuracy still exist in the literature. We aim at developing a precise SBCR for B- and A- early-type stars using selection criteria based on stellar characteristics and combined with homogeneous interferometric angular diameter measurements. We also improve SBCRs for late-type stars, in particular in the Gaia photometric band. We observed 18 early-type stars with the VEGA instrument, installed on the CHARA array. We then apply additional criteria on the photometric measurements, together with stellar characteristics diagnostics in order to build the SBCRs. We calibrate a SBCR for sub-giant and dwarf early-type stars. The RMS of the relation is $\sigma_{F_{V_{0}}} = 0.0051\,$mag, leading to an average precision of 2.3% on the estimation of angular diameters, with 3.1% for $V-K < -0.2\,$mag and 1.8% for $V-K > -0.2\,$mag. We found that the conversion between Johnson-$K$ and 2MASS-$K_s$ photometries is a key issue for early-type stars. Following this result, we have revisited our previous SBCRs for late-type stars by calibrating them with either converted Johnson-$K$ or 2MASS-$K_s$ photometries. We also improve the calibration of these SBCRs based on the Gaia photometry. The expected precision on the angular diameter using our SBCRs for late-type stars ranges from 1.0% to 2.7%. By reaching a precision of 2.3% on the estimation of angular diameters for early-type stars, a significant progress is done to determine extragalactic distances using early-type eclipsing binaries.

Thomas Woolley, Lorenzo Matteini, Michael D. McManus, Laura Berčič, Samuel T. Badman, Lloyd D. Woodham, Timothy S. Horbury, Stuart D. Bale, Ronan Laker, Julia E. Stawarz, Davin E. Larson

9 pages, 5 figures

The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission presents a unique opportunity to study the near-Sun solar wind closer than any previous spacecraft. During its fourth and fifth solar encounters, PSP had the same orbital trajectory, meaning that solar wind was measured at the same latitudes and radial distances. We identify two streams measured at the same heliocentric distance ($\sim$0.13au) and latitude ($\sim$-3.5$^{\circ}$) across these encounters to reduce spatial evolution effects. By comparing the plasma of each stream, we confirm that they are not dominated by variable transient events, despite PSP's proximity to the heliospheric current sheet. Both streams are consistent with a previous slow Alfv\'enic solar wind study once radial effects are considered, and appear to originate at the Southern polar coronal hole boundary. We also show that the switchback properties are not distinctly different between these two streams. Low $\alpha$-particle abundance ($\sim$ 0.6 %) is observed in the encounter 5 stream, suggesting that some physical mechanism must act on coronal hole boundary wind to cause $\alpha$-particle depletion. Possible explanations for our observations are discussed, but it remains unclear whether the depletion occurs during the release or the acceleration of the wind. Using a flux tube argument, we note that an $\alpha$-particle abundance of $\sim$ 0.6 % in this low velocity wind could correspond to an abundance of $\sim$ 0.9 % at 1 au. Finally, as the two streams roughly correspond to the spatial extent of a switchback patch, we suggest that patches are distinct features of coronal hole wind.

Marco Berton, Emilia Järvelä

30 pages, 9 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication on Universe, Special Issue "Panchromatic View of the Life-Cycle of AGN"

It is well known that active galactic nuclei (AGN) show various forms of interaction with their host galaxy, in a number of phenomena generally called AGN feedback. In particular, the relativistic plasma jets launched by a fraction of AGN can strongly affect their environment. We present here a study of the [O III] $\lambda\lambda$4959,5007 lines in a diverse sample of early evolution stage AGN -- specifically narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. Radio imaging observations of all of the sources enable a division to jetted and non-jetted sources, and exploiting this we show that the ionized gas properties are significantly influenced by the presence of the jets, as we often find the [O III] lines (blue-)shifted with respect to their restframe wavelength. We also show how the radio morphology and the radio spectral index do not seem to play a role in the origin of the [O III] shifts, thus suggesting that the source inclination is not relevant to the lines displacement. We do not find a strong relation between the [O III] line properties and the bolometric luminosity, suggesting that within our sample radiatively driven outflows do not seem to have a significant contribution to the [O III] line kinematics. We finally suggest that [O~ III] shifts may be a good proxy to identify the presence of relativistic jets. Additional studies, especially with integral-field spectroscopy, will provide a deeper insight into the relation between jets and their environment in early evolution stage AGN.

Context. Particles in protoplanetary disks go through a number of phases that are dominated by collisions. In each of these events, grains exchange electrical charge via triboelectric effects. This enhances the stability of particle aggregates. Aim. Dielectric grains are easily charged by collisions. Here, we investigate whether a charge is capable of inducing an aggregation of particles and we consider how collision properties, such as ticking velocities and collisional cross-sections, are altered. Methods. We explored aggregation in microgravity experiments based on the observation of the motion of submillimeter (submm) grains following many collisions. In the process, grains attract each other, collide, stick, and ultimately form small aggregates. Results. We observed a bottom-up formation of irregular aggregates from submm grains. While some of the observed trajectories during the approach of grains reflect the presence of a pure Coulomb potential, the motion is not always in agreement with pure Kepler motion. Higher-order potentials of multipole charge distributions stand as a plausible explanation for this behavior. An immediate consequence of charging is that the particles continue to stick to each other at velocities of $\sim 10 \, \rm cm/s,$ while surface forces of neutral grains are only expected to allow sticking below $\sim 1 \, \rm mm/s$. No bouncing collision was observed among hundreds of collisions in the given parameter range. Applied to early phases of planet formation, the forming aggregates are therefore the first steps in a new growth phase beyond the traditional bouncing barrier in planet formation.

Wara Chamani, Tuomas Savolainen, Kazuhiro Hada, Ming H. Xu

29 pages, 22 figures, 3 Tables, accepted for publication with A&A

For understanding the diversity of jetted active galactic nuclei (AGN) and especially the puzzling wide range in their radio-loudness, it is important to understand what role the magnetic fields play in setting the power of relativistic jets in AGN. We have performed multi-frequency (4-24 GHz) VLBA phase-referencing observations of the radio-intermediate quasar III Zw 2 using three nearby calibrators as reference sources to estimate jet magnetic flux by measuring the core-shift effect. By combining the self-referencing core-shift of each calibrator with the phase-referencing core-shifts, we obtained an upper limit of 0.16 mas for the core-shift between 4 and 24 GHz in III Zw 2. By assuming equipartition between magnetic and particle energy densities and adopting the flux-freezing approximation, we further estimated the upper limit for both magnetic field strength and poloidal magnetic flux threading the black hole. We find that the upper limit to the measured magnetic flux is smaller by at least a factor of five compared to the value predicted by the magnetically arrested disk (MAD) model. An alternative way to derive the jet magnetic field strength from the turnover of the synchrotron spectrum leads to an even smaller upper limit. Hence, the central engine of III Zw 2 has not reached the MAD state, which could explain why it has failed to develop a powerful jet, even though the source harbours a fast-spinning black hole. However, it generates an intermittent jet, which is possibly triggered by small scale magnetic field fluctuations as predicted by the magnetic flux paradigm of Sikora & Begelman (2013). We propose here that combining black hole spin measurements with magnetic field measurements from the VLBI core-shift observations of AGN over a range of jet powers could provide a strong test for the dominant factor setting the jet power relative to the accretion power available.

Marcelo Barraza-Alfaro, Mario Flock, Sebastian Marino, Sebastián Pérez

Accepted for publication in A&A. 17 pages with 10 figures and 1 table

Context. Dynamical and turbulent motions of gas in a protoplanetary disk are crucial for their evolution and affect planet formation. Recent observations suggest weak turbulence in the disk's outer regions. However, the physical mechanism of turbulence in these outer regions remains uncertain. The vertical shear instability (VSI) is a promising mechanism to produce turbulence in disks. Aims. Our aim is to study the observability of the gas velocity structure produced by the VSI via CO kinematics with ALMA. Methods. We perform global 3D hydrodynamical simulations of a VSI-unstable disk. We post-process the simulation results with radiative transfer calculations, and produce synthetic predictions of CO rotational emission lines. Following, we compute the line of sight velocity map, and its deviations from a sub-Keplerian equilibrium solution. We explore the detectability of the VSI by identifying kinematic signatures using realistic simulated observations. Results. Our 3D simulations of the VSI show the steady state dynamics of the gas in great detail. From the velocity structure we infer a turbulent stress value of $\alpha_{r\phi}=1.4 \times 10^{-4}$. On large scales, we observe velocity deviations of 50 m s$^{-1}$ as axisymmetric rings. We find optimal conditions at $i \lesssim 20^{\circ}$ to trace for the kinematic structures of the VSI. We found that current diagnostics to constrain gas turbulence from non-thermal broadening of the line emission are not applicable to anisotropic VSI turbulence. Conclusions. The detection of kinematic signatures produced by the VSI is possible with ALMA. Observations including an extended antenna configuration combined with the highest spectral resolution available are needed for robust detection. The characterization of the large-scale velocity perturbations is required to constrain the turbulence level produced by the VSI from gas observations.

Geza Kovacs, Behrooz Karamiqucham

After the first positive referee report. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. Size: 0.51 Mb

Classical double-mode pulsators (RR Lyrae stars and delta Cepheids) are important for their simultaneous pulsation in low-order radial modes. This enables us to put stringent constraints on their physical parameters. We use 30 bright galactic double-mode RR~Lyrae (RRd) stars to estimate their luminosities and compare them with those derived from the parallaxes of the recent data release (EDR3) of the Gaia survey. We employ pulsation and evolutionary models, together with observationally determined effective temperatures to derive the basic stellar parameters. Excluding 6 outlying stars (e.g., with blending issues) the RRd and Gaia luminosities correlate well. With the adopted temperature zero point from one of the works based on the infrared flux method, we find it necessary to increase the Gaia parallaxes by 0.02 mas to bring the RRd and Gaia luminosities into agreement. This value is consonant with those derived from studies on binary stars in the context of Gaia. We examine also the resulting period-luminosity-metallicity (PLZ) relation in the 2MASS K band as follows from the RRd parameters. This leads to the verification of two independently derived other PLZs. No significant zero point differences are found. Furthermore, the predicted K absolute magnitudes agree within sigma=0.005-0.01mag.

Rafael C. Nunes, Sunny Vagnozzi

13 pages, 1 table, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Within the $\Lambda$CDM model, measurements from recent Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and weak lensing (WL) surveys have uncovered a $\sim 3\sigma$ disagreement in the inferred value of the parameter $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_m/0.3}$, quantifying the amplitude of late-time matter fluctuations. Before questioning whether the $S_8$ discrepancy calls for new physics, it is important to assess the view of measurements other than CMB and WL ones on the discrepancy. Here, we examine the role of measurements of the growth rate $f(z)$ in arbitrating the $S_8$ discrepancy, considering measurements of $f\sigma_8(z)$ from Redshift-Space Distortions (RSD). Our baseline analysis combines RSD measurements with geometrical measurements from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa), given the key role of the latter in constraining $\Omega_m$. From this combination and within the $\Lambda$CDM model we find $S_8 = 0.762^{+0.030}_{-0.025}$, and quantify the agreement between RSD+BAO+SNeIa and \textit{Planck} to be at the $2.2\sigma$ level: the mild disagreement is therefore compatible with a statistical fluctuation. We discuss combinations of RSD measurements with other datasets, including the $E_G$ statistic. This combination increases the discrepancy with \textit{Planck}, but we deem it significantly less robust. Our earlier results are stable against an extension where we allow the dark energy equation of state $w$ to vary. We conclude that, from the point of view of combined growth rate and geometrical measurements, there are hints, but no strong evidence yet, for the \textit{Planck} $\Lambda$CDM cosmology over-predicting the amplitude of matter fluctuations at redshifts $z \lesssim 1$. From this perspective, it might therefore still be premature to claim the need for new physics from the $S_8$ discrepancy.

M. J. Coe, A. Udalski, J. A. Kennea, P. A. Evans

5 pages, 4 figures

RX J0123.4-7321 is a well-established Be star X-ray binary system (BeXRB) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Like many such systems the variable X-ray emission is driven by the underlying behaviour of the mass donor Be star. Previous work has shown that the optical and X-ray were characterised by regular outbursts at the proposed binary period of 119 d. However around February 2008 the optical behaviour changed substantially, with the previously regular optical outbursts ending. Reported here are new optical (OGLE) and X-ray (Swift) observations covering the period after 2008 which suggest an almost total circumstellar disc loss followed by a gradual recovery. This indicates the probable transition of a Be star to a B star, and back again. However, at the time of the most recent OGLE data (March 2020) the characteristic periodic outbursts had yet to return to their early state, indicating that the disk still had some re-building yet to complete.

Carlos Carrasco-González, Alberto Sanna, Adriana Rodríguez-Kamenetzky, Luca Moscadelli, Melvin Hoare, José M. Torrelles, Roberto Galván-Madrid, Andrés F. Izquierdo

Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters

Protostellar jets have a fundamental role at the earliest evolution of protostars of all masses. In the case of low-mass (<8 Msun) protostars, strong observational evidence exists that the launching and collimation is due to the X- and/or disk-wind mechanisms. In these models, it is the protostar/disk system that creates all the necessary conditions to launch and collimate the jets near the protostar via strong magnetic fields. The origin of jets from more massive protostars has been investigated much less, in part because of the difficulty of resolving the collimation zone in these more distant objects. Here we present the highest angular resolution observations of a jet powered by a massive protostar, the Cep A HW2 radio jet. We imaged the radio emission at projected distances of only ~20 au from the protostar, resolving the innermost 100 au of a massive protostellar jet for the first time. The morphology of the radio jet emission in this massive object is very different than what is usually observed in jets from low-mass protostars. We found that the outflowing material in HW2 has two components: a wide-angle wind launched from the protostar/disk system, and a highly collimated jet starting at 20-30 au from the protostar. We discuss two possible scenarios: an extension of the classical disk-wind to a massive protostar, or external collimation of a wide-angle wind. These results have important consequences for our understanding of how stars of different masses are formed.

F. Murgas, N. Astudillo-Defru, X. Bonfils, Ian Crossfield, J. M. Almenara, John Livingston, Keivan G. Stassun, Judith Korth, Jaume Orell-Miquel, G. Morello, Jason D. Eastman, Jack J. Lissauer, Stephen R. Kane, Farisa Y. Morales, Michael W. Werner, Varoujan Gorjian, Björn Benneke, Diana Dragomir, Elisabeth C. Matthews, Steve B. Howell, David Ciardi, Erica Gonzales, Rachel Matson, Charles Beichman, Joshua Schlieder, Karen A. Collins, Kevin I. Collins, Eric L. N. Jensen, Phil Evans, Francisco J. Pozuelos, Michaël Gillon, Emmanuël Jehin, Khalid Barkaoui, E. Artigau, F. Bouchy, D. Charbonneau, X. Delfosse, R. F. Díaz, R. Doyon, P. Figueira, T. Forveille, C. Lovis, C. Melo, G. Gaisné, F. Pepe, N. C. Santos, D. Ségransan, S. Udry, Robert F. Goeke, Alan M. Levine, Elisa V. Quintana, et al. (11 additional authors not shown)

22 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

We use TESS, Spitzer, ground-based light curves and HARPS spectrograph radial velocity measurements to establish the physical properties of the transiting exoplanet candidate TOI-674b. We perform a joint fit of the light curves and radial velocity time series to measure the mass, radius, and orbital parameters of the candidate. We confirm and characterize TOI-674b, a low-density super-Neptune transiting a nearby M dwarf. The host star (TIC 158588995, $V = 14.2$ mag, $J = 10.3$ mag) is characterized by its M2V spectral type with $\mathrm{M}_\star=0.420\pm 0.010$ M$_\odot$, $\mathrm{R}_\star = 0.420\pm 0.013$ R$_\odot$, and $\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{eff}} = 3514\pm 57$ K, and is located at a distance $d=46.16 \pm 0.03$ pc. Combining the available transit light curves plus radial velocity measurements and jointly fitting a circular orbit model, we find an orbital period of $1.977143 \pm 3\times 10^{-6}$ days, a planetary radius of $5.25 \pm 0.17$ $\mathrm{R}_\oplus$, and a mass of $23.6 \pm 3.3$ $\mathrm{M}_\oplus$ implying a mean density of $\rho_\mathrm{p} = 0.91 \pm 0.15$ [g cm$^{-3}$]. A non-circular orbit model fit delivers similar planetary mass and radius values within the uncertainties. Given the measured planetary radius and mass, TOI-674b is one of the largest and most massive super-Neptune class planets discovered around an M type star to date. It is also a resident of the so-called Neptunian desert and a promising candidate for atmospheric characterisation using the James Webb Space Telescope.

Pedro Ruben Rivera-Ortiz, Ary Rodríguez-González, Jorge Cantó, Luis Alberto Zapata

12 pages

During the fragmentation and collapse of a molecular cloud, it is expected to have close encounters between (proto)stellar objects that can lead to the ejection of a fraction of them as runaway objects. However, the duration and the consequences of such encounters perhaps are small such that there is no direct evidence of their occurrence. As a first approximation, in this work, we analytically analyze the interaction of a massive object that moves at high velocity into a cluster of negligible mass particles with an initial number density distribution $\propto R^{-\alpha}$. We have found that the runaway conditions of the distribution after the encounter are related to the mass and the velocity of the star and the impact parameter of each particle to the stellar object. Then, the cluster particles are gravitationally accelerated by the external approaching star, destroying the cluster and the dispersion and velocities of the particles have explosive characteristics. We compare this analytical model with several numerical simulations and finally, we applied our results to the Orion Fingers in the Orion BN/KL region, which show an explosive outflow that could be triggered by the gravitational interaction of several (proto)stellar objects.

Vladimir S. Airapetian, Meng Jin, Theresa Lueftinger, Sudesha Boro Saikia, Oleg Kochukhov, Manuel Guedel, Bart Van Der Holst, W. Manchester IV

28 pages, 8 figures

The young magnetically active solar-like stars are efficient generators of ionizing radiation in the form of X-ray and Extreme UV (EUV) flux, stellar wind and eruptive events. These outputs are the critical factors affecting atmospheric escape and chemistry of (exo)planets around active stars. While X-ray fluxes and surface magnetic fields can be derived from observations, the EUV emission and wind mass fluxes, Coronal Mass Ejections and associated Stellar Energetic Particle events cannot be directly observed. Here, we present the results of a three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model with inputs constrained by spectropolarimetric data, HST/STIS Far UV, X-ray data data and stellar magnetic maps reconstructed at two epochs separated by 11 months. The simulations show that over the course of the year, the global stellar corona had undergone a drastic transition from a simple dipole-like to a tilted dipole with multipole field components, and thus, provided favorable conditions for Corotating Interaction Events (CIRs) that drive strong shocks. The dynamic pressure exerted by CIRs are 1300 times larger than those observed from the Sun and can contribute to the atmospheric erosion of early Venus, Earth, Mars and young Earth-like exoplanets. Our data-constrained MHD model provides the framework to model coronal environments of G-M planet hosting dwarfs. The model outputs can serve as a realistic input for exoplanetary atmospheric models to evaluate the impact of stellar coronal emission, stellar winds and CIRs on their atmospheric escape and chemistry that can be tested in the upcoming JWST and ground-based observations.

Mihael Petač, Julien Lavalle, Arturo Núñez-Castiñeyra, Emmanuel Nezri

44 pages, 26 figures, 2 tables. Comments are welcome

Signal predictions for galactic dark matter (DM) searches often rely on assumptions on the DM phase-space distribution function (DF) in halos. This applies to both particle (e.g. $p$-wave suppressed or Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation, scattering off atoms, etc.) and macroscopic DM candidates (e.g. microlensing of primordial black holes). As experiments and observations improve in precision, better assessing theoretical uncertainties becomes pressing in the prospect of deriving reliable constraints on DM candidates or trustworthy hints for detection. Most reliable predictions of DFs in halos are based on solving the steady-state collisionless Boltzmann equation (e.g. Eddington-like inversions, action-angle methods, etc.) consistently with observational constraints. One can do so starting from maximal symmetries and a minimal set of degrees of freedom, and then increasing complexity. Key issues are then whether adding complexity, which is computationally costy, improves predictions, and if so where to stop. Clues can be obtained by making predictions for zoomed-in hydrodynamical cosmological simulations in which one can access the true (coarse-grained) phase-space information. Here, we test an axisymmetric extension of the Eddington inversion to predict the full DM DF from its density profile and the total gravitational potential of the system. This permits to go beyond spherical symmetry, and is a priori well suited for spiral galaxies. We show that axisymmetry does not necessarily improve over spherical symmetry because the (observationally unconstrained) angular momentum of the DM halo is not generically aligned with the baryonic one. Theoretical errors are similar to those of the Eddington inversion though, at the 10-20% level for velocity-dependent predictions related to particle DM searches in spiral galaxies. We extensively describe the approach and comment on the results.

Francesca Lepori, Julian Adamek, Ruth Durrer

25 pages, 9 figures. Comments are welcome

In this paper we present for the first time the angular power spectra $C_\ell(z,z')$ for number counts from relativistic N-body simulations. We use the relativistic N-body code gevolution with its exact integration of lightlike geodesics which include all relativistic scalar contributions to the number counts. We compare our non-perturbative numerical results with the results from CLASS using the Halofit approximation for the non-linear matter power spectrum. We find that the Halofit approximation is excellent for both, the density field and the convergence, but it cannot accurately model redshift-space distortions. We also find that the largest contribution to the unequal-redshift power spectra is the cross-correlation of the density and the lensing contribution to the number count, especially for redshift bins that are far apart. Correlating the number counts with the convergence map we find that the signal is dominated by the lensing-lensing term when the convergence field redshift is not higher than the number count one, while it is dominated by the density-lensing term in the opposite case. In the present study, the issue of galaxy bias is deliberately left aside by considering only unbiased samples of matter particles from the simulations.

Junju Du, Shaoming Hu, Xu Chen, Hai Cao, Yuchen Jiang

17 pages, 7 figures

We present a novel, easy-to-use method based on the photon-mapping technique to simulate photometric images of moving targets. Realistic images can be created in two passes: photon tracing and image rendering. The nature of light sources, tracking mode of the telescope, point spread function (PSF), and specifications of the CCD are taken into account in the imaging process. Photometric images in a variety of observation scenarios can be generated flexibly. We compared the simulated images with the observed ones. The residuals between them are negligible, and the correlation coefficients between them are high, with a median of $0.9379_{-0.0201}^{+0.0125}$ for 1020 pairs of images, which means a high fidelity and similarity. The method is versatile and can be used to plan future photometry of moving targets, interpret existing observations, and provide test images for image processing algorithms.

J. L. Rizos, A. Asensio-Ramos, D. R. Golish, D. N. DellaGiustina, J. Licandro, J. de León, H. Campins, E. Tatsumi, M. Popescu

Relevant information about physical properties of the surface of airless bodies surface such as porosity, particle size, or roughness can be inferred knowing the dependence of the brightness with illumination and observing geometry. Additionally, this knowledge is necessary to standardize or photometrically correct data acquired under different illumination conditions. In this work we develop a robust, automatic, and efficient photometric modeling methodology which is tested and validated using Bennu images acquired by the camera MapCam from the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft. It consists of a supervised machine learning algorithm through an artificial neural network. Our system provides a more precise modeling for all color filters than the previous procedures which are already published, offering an improvement over this classic approach of up to 14.30%, as well as a considerable reduction in computing time.

Nathan C. Hara, Jean-Baptiste Delisle, Nicolas Unger, Xavier Dumusque

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Searches for periodicity in time series are often done with models of periodic signals, whose statistical significance is assessed via false alarm probabilities or Bayes factors. However, a statistically significant periodic model might not originate from a strictly periodic source. In astronomy in particular, one expects transient signals that show periodicity for a certain amount of time before vanishing. This situation is encountered for instance in the search for planets in radial velocity data. While planetary signals are expected to have a stable phase, amplitude and frequency - except when strong planet-planet interactions are present - signals induced by stellar activity will typically not exhibit the same stability. In the present article, we explore the use of periodic functions multiplied by time windows to diagnose whether an apparently periodic signal is truly so. We suggest diagnostics to check whether a signal is consistently present in the time series, and has a stable phase, amplitude and period. The tests are expressed both in a periodogram and Bayesian framework. Our methods are applied to the Solar HARPS-N data as well as HD 215152, HD 69830 and HD 13808. We find that (i) the HARPS-N Solar data exhibits signals at the Solar rotation period and its first harmonic ($\sim$ 13.4 days). The frequency and phase of the 13.4 days signal appear constant within the estimation uncertainties, but its amplitude presents significant variations which can be mapped to activity levels. (ii) as previously reported, we find four, three and two planets orbiting HD 215152, HD 69830 and HD 13808.

An analytic model for steady state turbulence is employed to obtain the inertial range power spectrum of compressible turbulence. We assume that for homogeneous turbulence, the timescales controlling the energy injected at a given wavenumber from all smaller wave-numbers, are equal for each spatial component. However, the longitudinal component energy is diverted into compression, so the rate controlling the energy that is transferred to all larger wave-numbers by the turbulent viscosity is reduced. The resulting inertial range is a power law with index -2. Indeed such power spectra were observed in various astrophysical settings and also in numerical simulations.

Spontaneous symmetry breaking is the foundation of electroweak unification and serves as the integral part of model building beyond the standard model of particle physics. In this paper, we review the efforts to obtain late cosmic acceleration from spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Universe at large scales. This phenomenon is best understood through Ginzburg-Landau theory of phase transitions which we briefly describe. Hereafter, we present elements of spontaneous symmetry breaking in relativistic field theory. We then discuss the "symmetron" scenario based upon symmetry breaking in the late Universe which is realized by using a specific form of conformal coupling. However, the model is faced with "NO GO" to late time acceleration due to local gravity constraints. We argue that the problem can be circumvented by using the massless $\lambda \phi^4$ theory coupled to massive neutrino matter. In this case, coupling builds up dynamically at late stages of evolution giving rise to $Z_2$ symmetry breaking; coupling vanishes at early times keeping $Z_2$ symmetry intact. As a result, the field picks a non-zero mass in the true ground state proportional to neutrino mass, thereby, with little adjustments, one can achieve late time acceleration in this framework.

B. Mishra, Eesha Gadia, S.K. Tripathy

13 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in IJGMMP

In this paper, we have studied the dynamical aspects of some cosmological models in an isotropic space-time within the framework of an extended gravity theory. Two accelerating cosmological models are presented with quasi-de Sitter (QDS) and linear combination of exponential (LCE) scale factors. The geometrical testing mechanism has been performed and analysed. While the results of the QDS model show a departure from the concordant $\Lambda$CDM model, the resulting behavior of the LCE model seems to be compatible with the $\Lambda$CDM model only at the present epoch and is incompatible in the near past.

In extensive air showers induced by ultra-high-energy (UHE) cosmic rays, secondary photons are expected to be produced at energies far above those accessible by other means. It has been shown that the decay of such photons, as possible in certain theories allowing Lorentz violation, can lead to significant changes of the shower development. Based on observations of the average depth of the shower maximum $\left<X_\text{max}\right>$, a stringent bound Lorentz violation has been placed in a previous work. Here we include the shower-to-shower fluctuations $\sigma(X_\text{max})$ as an additional observable. The combined comparison of $\left<X_\text{max}\right>$ and $\sigma(X_\text{max})$ to shower observations allows a much stricter test of the possible decay of UHE photons, improving the previous bound by a factor 50.

Maarit J. Käpylä, Matthias Rheinhardt, Axel Brandenburg

16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

In this study we present a compressible test-field method (CTFM) for computing $\alpha$ effect and turbulent magnetic diffusivity tensors, as well as those relevant for mean ponderomotive force and mass source, applied to the full MHD equations. We describe the theoretical background of the method, and compare it to the quasi-kinematic test-field method (QKTFM), and to the previously studied variant working in simplified MHD (SMHD). We present several test cases using velocity and magnetic fields of the Roberts geometry, and also compare with the imposed-field method. We show that in all cases investigated, the CTFM gives results in agreement with the imposed field method. Some deviations between CTFM and SMHD variant exist. As a relevant physical application, we study non-helically forced shear flows, which exhibit large-scale dynamo (LSD) action, and present a re-analysis of low Reynolds number, moderate shear systems, where we previously neglected the pressure gradient in the momentum equation, and found no coherent shear-current effect. Another key difference is that in the earlier study we used magnetic forcing to mimic small-scale dynamo (SSD) action, while here it is self-consistently driven by purely kinetic forcing. We still find no coherent shear-current effect, but do recover strong large-scale dynamo (LSD) action, that, according to our analysis, is driven through the incoherent effects.

The results of the investigation of the core-envelope model presented in Negi et al. \cite{Ref1} have been discussed in view of the reference \cite{Ref2} . It is seen that there are significant changes in the results to be addressed. In addition, I have also calculated the gravitational binding energy, causality and pulsational stability of the structures which were not considered in Negi et al. \cite{Ref1} . The modified results have important consequences to model neutron stars and pulsars. The maximum neutron star mass obtained in this study corresponds to the mean value of the classical results obtained by Rhodes \& Ruffini \cite {Ref3} and the upper bound on neutron star mass obtained by Kalogera \& Byam \cite {Ref4} and is much closer to the most recent theoretical estimate made by Sotani \cite{Ref5}. On one hand, when there are only few equations of state (EOSs) available in the literature which can fulfil the recent observational constraint imposed by the largest neutron star masses around 2$M_\odot$\cite{Ref6}, \cite{Ref7}, \cite{Ref8}, the present analytic models, on the other hand, can comfortably satisfy this constraint. Furthermore, the maximum allowed value of compactness parameter $u(\equiv M/a$; mass to size ratio in geometrized units) $ \leq 0.30$ obtained in this study is also consistent with an absolute maximum value of $ u_{\rm max} = 0.333^{+0.001}_{-0.005}$ resulting from the observation of binary neutron stars merger GW170817 (see, e.g.\cite{Ref9}).

Miguel Gutiérrez, Gerardo Hernández-Tomé, José I. Illana, Manuel Masip

17 pages

The atmospheric neutrino flux includes a component from the prompt decay of charmed hadrons that becomes significant only at $E\ge 10$ TeV. At these energies, however, the diffuse flux of cosmic neutrinos discovered by IceCube seems to be larger than the atmospheric one. Here we study the possibility to detect a neutrino interaction in downgoing atmospheric events at km$^3$ telescopes. The neutrino signal will always appear together with a muon bundle that reveals its atmospheric origin and, generically, it implies an increase in the detector activity with the slant depth. We propose a simple algorithm that could separate these events from regular muon bundles.

Piyali Bhar, Pramit Rej

17 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy on 03.01.2021

A new model of anisotropic compact star is obtained in our present paper by assuming the pressure anisotropy. The proposed model is singularity free. The model is obtained by considering a physically reasonable choice for the metric potential $g_{rr}$ which depends on a dimensionless parameter `n'. The effect of $n$ is discussed numerically, analytically and through plotting. We have concentrated a wide range for n ($10\leq n \leq 1000$) for drawing the profiles of different physical parameters. The maximum allowable mass for different values of $n$ have been obtained by M-R plot. We have checked that the stability of the model is increased for larger value of $n$. For the viability of the model we have considered two compact stars PSR J1614-2230 and EXO 1785-248. We have shown that the expressions for the anisotropy factor and the metric component may serve as generating functions for uncharged stellar models in the context of the general theory of relativity.