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Papers for Monday, Jun 07 2021

Rebecca L. Pitts (1), Peter J. Barnes (2 and 3) ((1) Niels Bohr Institute, (2) Space Science Institute, (3) University of New England, Armidale, Australia)

33 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables, 51 pages of appendices; accepted to ApJS (in print)

We present the second dust continuum data release in the Census of High- and Medium-mass Protostars (CHaMP), expanding the methodology trialed in Pitts et al. 2019 to the entire CHaMP survey area ($280^{\circ}<l<300^{\circ}$, $-4^{\circ}<b<+2^{\circ}$). This release includes maps of dust temperature ($T_d$), H$_2$ column density ($N_{H_2}$), gas-phase CO abundance, and temperature-density plots for every prestellar clump with Herschel coverage, showing no evidence of internal heating for most clumps in our sample. We show that CO abundance is a strong function of $T_d$, and can be fit with a second-order polynomial in log-space, with a typical dispersion of a factor of 2--3. The CO abundance peaks at $20.0^{+0.4}_{-1.0}$ K with a value of $7.4^{+0.2}_{-0.3}\times10^{-5}$ per H$_2$; the low $T_d$ at which this maximal abundance occurs relative to laboratory results is likely due to interstellar UV bombardment in the largest survey fields. Finally, we show that, as predicted by theoretical literature and hinted at in previous studies of individual clouds, the conversion factor from integrated $^{12}$CO line intensity ($I_{^{12}CO}$) to $N_{H_2}$, the $X_{CO}$-factor, varies as a broken power-law in $I_{^{12}CO}$ with a transition zone between 70 and 90 K km$^{-1}$. The $X_{CO}$-function we propose has $N_{H_2}\propto I_{^{12}CO}^{0.51}$ for $I_{^{12}CO}\lesssim70$ K km$^{-1}$ and $N_{H_2}\propto I_{^{12}CO}^{2.3}$ for $I_{^{12}CO}\gtrsim90$ K km$^{-1}$. The high-$I_{^{12}CO}$ side should be generalizable with known adjustments for metallicity, but the influence of interstellar UV fields on the low-$I_{^{12}CO}$ side may be sample specific. We discuss how these results expand upon previous works in the CHaMP series, and help tie together observational, theoretical, and laboratory studies on CO over the past decade.

Harshil Kamdar, Charlie Conroy, Yuan-Sen Ting

13 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to ApJ -- comments welcome

In this paper, we present a holistic view of the detection, characterization, and origin of stellar streams in the disk of a simulated Milky Way-like galaxy. The star-by-star simulation of the Galaxy evolves stars born in clusters in a realistic galactic potential that includes spiral arms, a bar, and giant molecular clouds over $5$ Gyr. We first devise a new hybrid method to detect stellar streams that combines phase space density information along with the action-angle space spanned by stars in our simulation. We find that streams' progenitor star clusters and associations are all preferentially higher-mass ($>1000$ $M_{\odot}$) and young ($< 1$ Gyr). Our stream-finding method predicts that we might be able to find anywhere from $1$ to $10$ streams with 6D \textit{Gaia} DR2 data in the solar neighborhood alone. The simulation suggests that streams are sensitive to the initial dynamical state of clusters, accumulated energy gain from encounters with giant molecular clouds (GMCs), and present-day actions. We investigate what we can learn about the Galactic potential by studying the feasiblity of rewinding stellar streams back to their origin. Even with perfect information about the non-axisymmetric components (spiral arms, bar) of the galactic potential, the stochastic GMC population makes backwards integration impossible beyond one or two disk orbital times. Streams are also sensitive to the properties of the bar, but fairly insensitive to the properties of the non-transient two-armed spiral in our simulation. Finally we predict that around $10$ to $30$ stellar streams should be detectable with \textit{Gaia}'s 10-year end-of-mission data. There are many more stellar streams waiting to be discovered in the Galactic disk, and they could hold clues about the history of the Galaxy for the past Gyr.

An excess in the X-ray emission from the neutron star merger GW170817 above the predicted afterglow was recently detected t~3.4 years post-merger. One possible origin for the excess is accretion onto the newly unshrouded black hole (BH) remnant (Hajela et al. 2021, Ishizaki et al. 2021). While fall-back of the bound dynamical ejecta is insufficient to generate the excess luminosity, L_X ~ 5e38 erg/s, fall-back from the disk wind ejecta-due to their larger mass and lower velocity-remains a viable possibility. We present hydrodynamic alpha-viscosity simulations of the post-merger disk evolution which extend to an unprecedently long timescale t ~ 35 s post-merger, as necessary to capture the end of photodissociation and the asymptotic evolution into the radiatively inefficient regime. Due to inefficient neutrino cooling, the BH accretion rate decays rapidly at late times (Mdot_BH ~ t^(-\beta_BH), where \beta_BH ~ 2.4-2.8), seemingly incompatible with generating the late-time excess. However, the rate at which matter falls back to the inner disk from the equatorial regions (as inferred by the rate matter is unbound in outflows by viscous heating at higher latitudes) decays more gradually, Mdot_fb ~ t^(-\beta_fb) with \beta_fb ~ 1.43 in our alpha ~ 0.03 simulations. By the present epoch, the fall-back rate has become sub-Eddington and the disk can again accrete efficiently, i.e. Mdot_BH ~ Mdot_fb, this time as a result of photon cooling instead of neutrino cooling. The predicted X-ray accretion luminosity at the present epoch is L_X ~ 0.1 Mdot_BH c^2 ~ (2-70)e38 erg/s for beta_FB ~ 1.43-1.66, thus supporting (with caveats) an accretion-powered origin for the X-ray excess in GW170817. The suppressed BH accretion rate prior to the radiatively efficient (sub-Eddington) transition, weeks to months after the merger, is key to avoid overproducing the kilonova luminosity via reprocessing.

Danny Laghi

4 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the 2021 Gravitation session of the 55th Rencontres de Moriond

We show that the loudest extreme mass-ratio inspirals (EMRIs) detected by the future space-based gravitational wave detector LISA can be used as dark standard sirens, statistically matching their sky localisation region with mock galaxy catalogs. In these Proceedings we focus on a realistic EMRI population scenario and report accuracy predictions for the measure of cosmological parameters, anticipating the potential of EMRIs to simultaneously constrain the Hubble constant, the dark matter, and the dark energy density parameters.

S. Martocchia, C. Lardo, M. Rejkuba, S. Kamann, N. Bastian, S. Larsen, I. Cabrera-Ziri, W. Chantereau, E. Dalessandro, N. Kacharov, M. Salaris

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 15 pages, 11 figures

We present ESO/VLT FORS2 low resolution spectroscopy of red giant branch stars in three massive, intermediate age ($\sim 1.7-2.3$ Gyr) star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We measure CH and CN index bands at 4300A, and 3883A, as well as [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] abundance ratios for 24, 21 and 12 member stars of NGC 1978, NGC 1651, NGC 1783, respectively. We find a significant intrinsic spread in CN in NGC 1978 and NGC 1651, a signal of multiple stellar populations (MPs) within the clusters. On the contrary, we report a null CN spread in NGC 1783 within our measurement precision. For NGC 1978, we separated the two populations in the CN distribution and we translated the CN spread into an internal N variation $\Delta$[N/Fe]$=0.63\pm0.49$ dex. For NGC 1651 and NGC 1783, we put upper limits on the N abundance variations of $\Delta$[N/Fe]$\leq 0.2, 0.4$ dex, respectively. The spectroscopic analysis confirms previous results from HST photometry, where NGC 1978 was found to host MPs in the form of N spreads, while slightly younger clusters (e.g. NGC 1783, $<$ 2 Gyr old) were not, within the limits of the uncertainties. It also confirms that intermediate age massive clusters show lower N abundance variations with respect to the ancient globular clusters, although this is in part due to the effect of the first dredge up at these stellar masses, as recently reported in the literature. We stress the importance of future studies to estimate the initial N abundance variations, free of stellar evolutionary mixing processes, by observing unevolved stars in young clusters.

Matthew C. Nixon, Nikku Madhusudhan

19 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Understanding the internal structures of planets with a large H$_2$O component is important for the characterisation of sub-Neptune planets. The finding that the mini-Neptune K2-18b could host a liquid water ocean beneath a mostly hydrogen envelope motivates a detailed examination of the phase structures of water-rich planets. To this end, we present new internal structure models for super-Earths and mini-Neptunes that enable detailed characterisation of a planet's water component. We use our models to explore the possible phase structures of water worlds and find that a diverse range of interiors are possible, from oceans sandwiched between two layers of ice to supercritical interiors beneath steam atmospheres. We determine how the bulk properties and surface conditions of a water world affect its ocean depth, finding that oceans can be up to hundreds of times deeper than on Earth. For example, a planet with a 300 K surface can possess H$_2$O oceans with depths from 30-500 km, depending on its mass and composition. We also constrain the region of mass-radius space in which planets with H/He envelopes could host liquid H$_2$O, noting that the liquid phase can persist at temperatures up to 647 K at high pressures of $218$-$7\times10^4$ bar. Such H/He envelopes could contribute significantly to the planet radius while retaining liquid water at the surface, depending on the planet mass and temperature profile. Our findings highlight the exciting possibility that habitable conditions may be present on planets much larger than Earth.

Noemi Roggero, Jérôme Bouvier, Luisa M. Rebull, Ann Marie Cody

Dippers are typically low-mass, pre-main-sequence stars that display dips in their light curves. These dips have been attributed to dusty warps that form in the inner part of the disk. Our goal is to derive the properties of dipper stars in Taurus to assess the physical mechanisms that induce dipper light curves. We used the light curves of K2 C4 and C13 to select a dipper sample among 179 members and possible members of the Taurus star-forming region based on the light-curve morphology. We studied the periodicities by combining periodograms with wavelet analysis and derived the stellar parameters from the photometry. We also studied the morphology of the photometric dips. We find a dipper occurrence of ~30% in disk-bearing stars observed with K2 that were identified visually by us. This represents a lower limit to their true occurrence. About half of the dippers are aperiodic, and most of these are dominated by another type of variability. The chosen sample is of late spectral type (K/M), low mass and moderate mass accretion rates and has periods of a few days. We observed a transient dipper over a few rotation cycles and a dipper with a changing period. The structure of the dips can be complex and varies strongly over timescales of down to one stellar rotation. The corotation radii are located at a few stellar radii, and the temperatures at corotation allow dust survival. Many of the systems are seen at moderate to high inclination. We find that the angular extension of the dusty structure producing the dips is correlated with the stellar period. Magnetospheric accretion, which causes an accretion column and its base to occult the star, can explain most of the observed light curves. Although compatible with the model, many of the stellar inclination angles are moderate and do not exclude mechanisms other than the occultation by an inner disk warp to account for dipper light curves.

Santiago Jiménez, Guillermo Tenorio-Tagle, Sergiy Silich

16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in in MNRAS

The iron composition of globular clusters (GCs) is homogeneous in all but a few massive clusters, despite the presence of multiple stellar populations. Hence, most if not all the supernovae (SN) ejecta was not used to form stars. Here by means of semi-analytic and numerical studies we address this issue considering both stellar winds and supernovae feedback during the early evolution of proto-globular clusters. We calculate the ability of stellar winds to form a global wind that removes the gas left over from star formation. The innermost radius from which such a global wind can be formed, the superwind radius $R_{SW}$, is a function of the cloud parameters and the star formation efficiency. In the case of complete gas expulsion ($R_{\textrm{SW}}=0$), the SN ejecta merge with shock-heated winds and exit the cluster. On the other hand, when $R_{\textrm{SW}}>0$, supernova remnants (SNRs) become pressure-confined if evolving within a critical radius $R_{\textrm{blow}}$, and mix their products with the residual gas. However, outside of this central zone the SNRs experience blowout. In such cases, the thermalized ejecta escapes the cluster, making the SN products unavailable for the formation of new stars. We estimated the metallicity enhancement ($\Delta\textrm{[Fe/H]}$) of the leftover gas and discuss the conditions required to produce secondary stellar populations with $\Delta\textrm{[Fe/H]}$ in the range observed in the majority of GCs.

M.E. Brown, H.F. Levison, K.S. Noll, R. Binzel, M.W. Buie, W. Grundy, S. Marchi, C.B. Olkin, J. Spencer, T.S. Statler, H. Weaver

Planetary Science Journal, in press

We report observations of the Jupiter Trojan asteroid (3548) Eurybates and its satellite Queta with the Hubble Space Telescope and use these observations to perform an orbital fit to the system. Queta orbits Eurybates with a semimajor axis of $2350\pm11$ km at a period of $82.46\pm0.06$ days and an eccentricity of $0.125\pm0.009$. From this orbit we derive a mass of Eurybates of $1.51\pm0.03 \times 10^{17}$ kg, corresponding to an estimated density of $1.1\pm0.3$ g cm$^{-3}$, broadly consistent with densities measured for other Trojans, C-type asteroids in the outer main asteroid belt, and small icy objects from the Kuiper belt. Eurybates is the parent body of the only major collisional family among the Jupiter Trojans; its low density suggests that it is a typical member of the Trojan population. Detailed study of this system in 2027 with the Lucy spacecraft flyby should allow significant insight into collisional processes among what appear to be the icy bodies of the Trojan belt.

Mainak Singha, Christopher P. O'Dea, Yjan A. Gordon, Cameron Lawlor-Forsyth, Stefi A. Baum

Received 2020 September 29; Revised 2021 May 14; Accepted 2021 May 30; submitted to The Astrophysical Journal. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1201.2397 , arXiv:1403.3086 by other authors

Low excitation radio galaxies (LERGs) are weakly accreting active galactic nuclei (AGN) believed to be fuelled by radiatively inefficient accretion processes. Despite this, recent works have shown evidence for ionized and neutral hydrogen gas outflows in these galaxies. To investigate the potential drivers of such outflows we select a sample of 802 LERGs using the Best & Heckman (2012) catalogue of radio galaxies. By modelling the [O III] $\lambda 5007$ profile in Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectra of a sample of 802 LERGs, we determine that the ionized outflows are present in $\sim 1.5\%$ of the population. Using $1.4~\text{GHz}$ imaging from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty Centimeters survey we analyze the radio morphology of LERGs with outflows and find these to be consistent with the parent LERG population. However, we note that unlike the majority of the LERG population, those LERGs showing outflows have Eddington scaled accretion rates close to $1\%$. This is indicative that ionized outflows in LERGs are driven by the radiation pressure from the accretion disk of the AGN rather than the radio jets. We report specific star formation rates in the range of $10^{-12} < \text{sSFR} < 10^{-9}~\text{yr}^{-1}$. Moreover, we observe higher mass outflow rates of $7-150~M_{\odot}~\text{yr}^{-1}$ for these LERGs than luminous quasars for a given bolometric luminosity, which could possibly be due to the radio source in LERGs boosting the mass-loading. This scenario could indicate that these outflows could potentially drive feedback in LERGs.

Nina K. Stein, William H. Kinney (Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY)

13 pages, 4 figures

We calculate high-precision constraints on Natural Inflation relative to current observational constraints from Planck 2018 + BICEP/Keck(BK15) Polarization + BAO on $r$ and $n_S$, including post-inflationary history of the universe. We find that, for conventional post-inflationary dynamics, Natural Inflation with a cosine potential is disfavored at greater than 95\% confidence out by current data. If we assume protracted reheating characterized by $\overline{w}>1/3,$ Natural Inflation can be brought into agreement with current observational constraints. However, bringing unmodified Natural Inflation into the 68\% confidence region requires values of $T_{\mathrm{re}}$ below the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking. The addition of a SHOES prior on the Hubble Constant $H_0$ only worsens the fit.

Evidence of triggered star formation at large spatial scales involving stellar clusters is scarce. We investigate a Galactic region (l=130.0, b=0.35) populated by several open stellar clusters that according to the last GAIA data release, are located at a distance of about 2.9 kpc. By analyzing the interstellar medium (ISM) at infrared, centimeter, and millimeter wavelengths towards this group of clusters we discovered a shell of material of about 2 degree in size at the same distance. We suggest that the shell, mainly observed at 12 um and in the Hi emission at 21 cm, was generated by the action of massive stars belonging to clusters Berkeley 7 and UBC 414, that lie at its center. Five clusters (MWSC0152, Czernik 6, Czernik 7, Berkeley 6, NGC 663, and NGC 654) lie at the border of this shell. From the comparison between the dynamical time of the discovered Hi shell and the analysis of the ages of stellar populations in these clusters, we conclude that the expansion of the shell could have triggered in the past the formation of stars in some of them. We point out that in order to find physical evidence supporting a genetic connection between stellar clusters, it is necessary not only to study the individual clusters and their stellar populations, but also to investigate their surrounding ISM at a large spatial scale.

Carlos A. Wuensche, Elcio Abdalla, Filipe Batoni Abdalla, Luciano Barosi, Bin Wang, Rui An, João Alberto de Moraes Barreto, Richard Battye, Franciso A. Brito, Ian Browne, Daniel Souza Correia, André Alencar Costa, Jacques Delabrouille, Clive Dickinson, Chang Feng, Elisa Ferreira, Karin Fornazier, Giancarlo de Gasperis, Priscila Gutierrez, Stuart Harper, Ricardo G. Landim, Vincenzo Liccardo, Yin-Zhe Ma, Telmo Machado, Bruno Maffei, Alessandro Marins, Milena Martins Machado Mendes, Eduardo Merícia, Christian Monstein, Pablo Motta, Camila P. Novaes, Carlos Henrique do Nascimento Otobone, Michael Peel, Amilcar Queiroz, Christopher Radcliffe, Mathieu Remazeilles, Rafael M. G. Ribeiro, Yu Sang, Juliana Fernandes Rossi dos Santos, Larissa Santos, Marcelo V. Santos, Chenxi Shan, Gustavo Bezerra Silva, et al. (8 additional authors not shown)

Presented in the BRICS Astronomy Working Group Meeting (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019) and published in the Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ci\^encias (2021). Updated captions of Figure 3 and data in Table 1, compared to the published version

BINGO (BAO from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations) is a unique radio telescope designed to map the intensity of neutral hydrogen distribution at cosmological distances, making the first detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the frequency band 980 MHz - 1260 MHz, corresponding to a redshift range $0.127 < z < 0.449$. BAO is one of the most powerful probes of cosmological parameters and BINGO was designed to detect the BAO signal to a level that makes it possible to put new constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. The telescope will be built in Para\'iba, Brazil and consists of two $\thicksim$ 40m mirrors, a feedhorn array of 28 horns, and no moving parts, working as a drift-scan instrument. It will cover a $15^{\circ}$ declination strip centered at $\sim \delta=-15^{\circ}$, mapping $\sim 5400$ square degrees in the sky. The BINGO consortium is led by University of S\~ao Paulo with co-leadership at National Institute for Space Research and Campina Grande Federal University (Brazil). Telescope subsystems have already been fabricated and tested, and the dish and structure fabrication are expected to start in late 2020, as well as the road and terrain preparation.

Amanda R. Lopes, Marcelo B. Ribeiro, William R. Stoeger

15 pages, 15 figures, 35 graphs. LaTeX

We study the cosmological power spectra (PS) of the differential and integral galaxy volume number densities $\gamma_i$ and $\gamma_i^{*}$, constructed with the cosmological distances $d_i$ $(i=A,G,L,Z)$, where $d_A$ is the angular diameter distance, $d_G$ is the galaxy area distance, $d_L$ is the luminosity distance and $d_z$ is the redshift distance. Theoretical and observational quantities were obtained in the FLRW spacetime with a non-vanishing $\Lambda$. The radial correlation $\Xi_i$, as defined in the context of these densities, is discussed in the wave number domain. All observational quantities were computed using luminosity function (LF) data obtained from the FORS Deep Field galaxy survey. The theoretical and observational PS of $\gamma_i$, $\gamma_i^{\ast}$, $\Xi_i$ and $\gamma_i / \gamma_i^\ast$ were calculated by performing Fourier transforms on these densities previously derived by Iribarrem et al. (2012) from the observed values $\gamma_{obs}$ and ${\gamma^\ast}_{obs}$ obtained using the galactic absolute magnitudes and galaxy LF Schechter's parameters presented in Gabasch et al. (2004, 2006) in the range $0.5 \le z \le5.0$. The results show similar behavior of the PS obtained from $\gamma$ and $\gamma^{\ast}$ using $d_L$, $d_z$ and $d_G$ as distance measures. The PS of the densities defined with $d_A$ have a different and inconclusive behavior, as this cosmological distance reaches a maximum at $z\approx 1.6$ in the adopted cosmology. For the other distances, our results suggest that the PS of ${\gamma_i}_{obs}$, ${\gamma^\ast_i}_{obs}$ and ${\gamma_i / \gamma^{\ast}_i}_{obs}$ have a general behavior approximately similar to the PS obtained with the galaxy two-point correlation function and, by being sample size independent, they may be considered as alternative analytical tools to study the galaxy distribution.

Neil Bassett, David Rapetti, Keith Tauscher, Bang D. Nhan, David D. Bordenave, Joshua J. Hibbard, Jack O. Burns

19 pages, 11 figures, 1 table

We present an investigation of the horizon and its effect on global 21-cm observations and analysis. We find that the horizon cannot be ignored when modeling low frequency observations. Even if the sky and antenna beam are known exactly, forward models cannot fully describe the beam-weighted foreground component without accurate knowledge of the horizon. When fitting data to extract the 21-cm signal, a single time-averaged spectrum or independent multi-spectrum fits may be able to compensate for the bias imposed by the horizon. However, these types of fits lack constraining power on the 21-cm signal, leading to large uncertainties on the signal extraction, in some cases larger in magnitude than the 21-cm signal itself. A significant decrease in signal uncertainty can be achieved by performing multi-spectrum fits in which the spectra are modeled simultaneously with common parameters. The cost of this greatly increased constraining power, however, is that the time dependence of the horizon's effect, which is more complex than its spectral dependence, must be precisely modeled to achieve a good fit. To aid in modeling the horizon, we present an algorithm and Python package for calculating the horizon profile from a given observation site using elevation data. We also address several practical concerns such as pixelization error, uncertainty in the horizon profile, and foreground obstructions such as surrounding buildings and vegetation. We demonstrate that our training set-based analysis pipeline can account for all of these factors to model the horizon well enough to precisely extract the 21-cm signal from simulated observations.

A. Seifahrt, J. L. Bean, J. Stürmer, D. Kasper, L. Gers, C. Schwab, M. Zechmeister, G. Stefánsson, B. Montet, L. A. Dos Santos, A. Peck, J. White, E. Tapia

21 pages, 14 figures

MAROON-X is a fiber-fed, red-optical, high precision radial velocity spectrograph recently commissioned at the Gemini North telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i. With a resolving power of 85,000 and a wavelength coverage of 500-920 nm, it delivers radial velocity measurements for late K and M dwarfs with sub-50 cm s$^{-1}$ precision. MAROON-X is currently the only optical EPRV spectrograph on a 8m-class telescope in the northern hemisphere and the only EPRV instrument on a large telescope with full access by the entire US community. We report here on the results of the commissioning campaign in December 2019 and early science results.

Eric Agol, David M. Hernandez, Zachary Langford

24 pages; 7 figures. Revised for submission to MNRAS. Links in equations are provided to code at the repository this https URL Some documentation and example scripts for running the code are provided in the repository

When fitting N-body models to astronomical data - including transit times, radial velocity, and astrometric positions at observed times - the derivatives of the model outputs with respect to the initial conditions can help with model optimization and posterior sampling. Here we describe a general-purpose symplectic integrator for arbitrary orbital architectures, including those with close encounters, which we have recast to maintain numerical stability and precision for small step sizes. We compute the derivatives of the N-body coordinates and velocities as a function of time with respect to the initial conditions and masses by propagating the Jacobian along with the N-body integration. For the first time we obtain the derivatives of the transit times with respect to the initial conditions and masses using the chain rule, which is quicker and more accurate than using finite differences or automatic differentiation. We implement this algorithm in an open source package, NbodyGradient.jl, written in the Julia language, which has been used in the optimization and error analysis of transit-timing variations in the TRAPPIST-1 system. We present tests of the accuracy and precision of the code, and show that it compares favorably in speed to other integrators which are written in C.

Ye Xu

13 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2004.09497

It is assumed that heavy dark matter particles (HDMs) with the mass of O(TeV) are captured by the Sun. HDMs decay to relativistic lighter dark matter particles (LDMs). These high energy LDMs can be measured by km$^3$ neutrino telescopes, like the IceCube detector. A $Z^{\prime}$ portal dark matter model is taken for LDMs to interact with nuclei via a neutral current. With the different lifetimes of decay of HDMs and Z$^{\prime}$ masses, the distributions and numbers of expected LDMs and neutrinos were evaluated at IceCube in the energy range between 1 TeV and 200 TeV in this work. To evaluate the capability of measurement of these LDMs from the sun core at IceCube, two observation results were assumed: one is the observation is consistent with the number of expect neutrinos; the other is no events are observed in this measurement. Based on these two assumptions, the upper limits for LDM fluxes were computed at 90\% C.L.. With $m_{Z^{\prime}} \lesssim$ 400 GeV and $\tau_{\phi} \lesssim 10^{23}$ s, finally, it is revealed that these LDMs could be measured in the energy range between O(1TeV) and O(100TeV) at IceCube.

R. I. Yamada, H. Sano, K. Tachihara, R. Enokiya, A. Nishimura, S. Fujita, M. Kohno, John H. Bieging, Y. Fukui

35 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan

The HII region W3 is one of the most outstanding regions of high-mass star formation. Based on a new analysis of the $^{12}$CO($J$ = 2-1) data obtained at 38$"$ resolution, we have found that each of the two active regions of high-mass star formation, W3 Main and W3(OH), is associated with two clouds of different velocities separated by 3-4 km s$^{-1}$, having cloud mass of 2000-4000 $M_\odot$ in each. In the two regions we have found typical signatures of a cloud-cloud collision, i.e.,the complementary distribution with/without a displacement between the two clouds and/or a V-shape in the position-velocity diagram. We frame a hypothesis that a cloud-cloud collision triggered the high-mass star formation in the two regions. The collision in W3 Main involves a small cloud of $\sim$5 pc in diameter which collided with a large cloud of 10 pc $\times$ 20 pc. The collision in W3 Main compressed the gas in the direction of the collision path toward the west over a timescale of $\sim$1 Myr, where the dense gas W3 core associated with ten O stars are formed. The collision also produced a cavity in the large cloud having a size similar to the small cloud. The collision in W3(OH) has a younger timescale of $\sim$0.5 Myr and the forming-star candidates are heavily embedded in the clouds. The results reinforce the idea that a cloud-cloud collision is an essential process in high-mass star formation by rapidly creating the initial condition of 1 g cm$^{-2}$ in the natal gas.

Blakesley Burkhart

submitted as a review to Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific; comments welcome

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is a crucial component of the current paradigms of star formation, dynamo theory, particle transport, magnetic reconnection and evolution of structure in the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies. Despite the importance of turbulence to astrophysical fluids, a full theoretical framework based on solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations remains intractable. Observations provide only limited line-of-sight information on densities, temperatures, velocities and magnetic field strengths and therefore directly measuring turbulence in the ISM is challenging. A statistical approach has been of great utility in allowing comparisons of observations, simulations and analytic predictions. In this review article we address the growing importance of MHD turbulence in many fields of astrophysics and review statistical diagnostics for studying interstellar and interplanetary turbulence. In particular, we will review statistical diagnostics and machine learning algorithms that have been developed for observational data sets in order to obtain information about the turbulence cascade, fluid compressibility (sonic Mach number), and magnetization of fluid (Alfv\'enic Mach number). These techniques have often been tested on numerical simulations of MHD turbulence, which may include the creation of synthetic observations, and are often formulated on theoretical expectations for compressible magnetized turbulence. We stress the use of multiple techniques, as this can provide a more accurate indication of the turbulence parameters of interest. We conclude by describing several open-source tools for the astrophysical community to use when dealing with turbulence.

Boyuan Liu, Volker Bromm

18 pages, 22 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We study Population III (Pop III) binary remnant mergers in nuclear star clusters (NSCs) with a semi-analytical approach for early structure formation based on halo merger trees, in which star formation and stellar feedback are modelled self-consistently. Within this framework, we keep track of the dynamics of Pop III binary (compact object) remnants in their host galaxies during cosmic structure formation, and construct the population of Pop III binary remnants that fall into NSCs by dynamical friction of field stars. The subsequent evolution within NSCs is then derived from three-body encounters and gravitational-wave (GW) emission. We find that on average 7.5% of Pop III binary remnants will fall into the centres ($< 3\ \rm pc$) of galaxies that can host NSCs with masses above $10^{5}\ \rm M_{\odot}$. About $5-50$% of these binaries will merge at $z>0$ in NSCs, including those with very large initial separations (up to 1~pc). The merger rate density (MRD) peaks at $z\sim 5-7$ with $\sim 0.4-10\ \rm yr^{-1}\ \rm Gpc^{-3}$, comparable to the MRDs found in the binary stellar evolution channel. Low-mass ($\lesssim 10^{6}\ \rm M_{\odot}$) NSCs formed at high redshifts ($z\gtrsim 4.5$) host most ($\gtrsim 90$%) of our mergers, which mainly consist of black holes (BHs) with masses $\sim 40-85\ \rm M_{\odot}$, similar to the most massive BHs found in LIGO events. Particularly, our model can produce events like GW190521 involving BHs in the standard mass gap for pulsational pair-instability supernovae with a MRD $\sim 0.01-0.09\ \rm yr^{-1}\ Gpc^{-3}$ at $z\sim 1$, consistent with that inferred by LIGO (within the 90% confidence interval). We predict a promising detection rate $\sim 170-2700\ \rm yr^{-1}$ for planned 3rd-generation GW detectors such as the Einstein Telescope that can reach $z\sim 10$.

Sarah Recchia, Mattia Di Mauro, Felix A. Aharonian, Fiorenza Donato, Stefano Gabici, Silvia Manconi

7 pages, 3 figures

The propagation of cosmic-ray electrons and positrons in the proximity of the Geminga pulsar is examined considering the transition from the quasi-ballistic, valid for the most recently injected particles, to the diffusive transport regime. For typical interstellar values of the diffusion coefficient, the quasi-ballistic regime dominates the lepton distribution up to distances of a few tens of parsec from the pulsar for particle energies above $\sim 10$ TeV. When such transition is taken into account, a good fit to the HAWC $\gamma-$ray data around Geminga is obtained without the need to invoke a strong suppression of the diffusion coefficient.

Lingfeng Wei, Smadar Naoz, Thea Faridani, Will M. Farr

14 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, submitted to AAS Journals

Multi-planetary systems are prevalent in our Galaxy. The long-term stability of such systems may be disrupted if a distant inclined companion excites the eccentricity and inclination of the inner planets via the eccentric Kozai-Lidov mechanism. However, the star-planet and the planet-planet interactions can help stabilize the system. Here, we extend the previous stability criterion that considered only the companion-planet and planet-planet interactions by also accounting for short-range forces or effects, specifically, relativistic precession induced by the host star. A general analytical stability criterion is developed for planetary systems with $N$ inner planets and a far-away inclined perturber by comparing precession rates of relevant dynamical effects. Furthermore, we demonstrate as examples that in systems with $2$ and $3$ planets, the analytical criterion is consistent with numerical simulations using a combination of Gauss's averaging method and direct N-body integration. This new stability criterion extends the parameter space in which inclined companions of multi-planet systems can inhabit.

Jacobo Asorey, David Parkinson

10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the journal

The use of continuum emission radio galaxies as cosmological tracers of the large-scale structure will soon move into a new phase. Upcoming surveys from the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), MeerKAT, and the Square Kilometre Array project (SKA) will survey the entire available sky down to an ~100uJy flux limit, increasing the number of detected extra-galactic radio sources by several orders of magnitude. External data and machine learning algorithms will also enable some low resolution radial selection (photometric redshift binning) of the sample, increasing the cosmological utility of the sample observed. In this paper, we discuss the flux limit required to detect enough galaxies to decrease the shot noise term in the error to be 10% of the total. We show how future surveys of this type will be limited by available technology. The confusion generated by the intrinsic sizes of galaxies may have the consequence that surveys of this type eventually reach a hard flux limit of ~100nJy, as is predicted by the current modelling of AGN sizes by simulations such as the Tiered Radio Extragalactic Continuum Simulation (T-RECS). Finally, when considering the multi-tracer approach, where galaxies are split by type to measure some bias ratio, we find that there are not enough AGN present to achieve a reasonable level of shot noise for this kind of measurement.

Using Monte Carlo simulation of extensive air showers, we showed that the maximum depth of showers, $X_{max}$ can be estimated using $P=Q(100)/Q(200)$, the ratio of Cherenkov photon densities at 100 and 200 meters from the shower core, which is known as the steepness parameter of the lateral distribution of Cherenkov radiation on the ground. A simple quadratic model has been fitted to a set of data from simulated extensive air showers, relating the steepness parameter and the shower maximum depth. Then the model has been tested on another set of simulated showers. The average difference between the actual maximum depth of the simulated showers and the maximum depth obtained from the lateral distribution of Cherenkov light is about 9 $g/cm^2$. In addition, possibility of a more direct estimation of the mass of the initial particle from $P$ has been investigated. An exponential relation between these two quantities has been fitted. Applying the model to another set of showers, we found that the average difference between the estimated and the actual mass of primary particles is less than 0.5 atomic mass unit.

Serena Perrotta, Erin R. George, Alison L. Coil, Christy A. Tremonti, David S.N. Rupke, Julie D. Davis, Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic, James E. Geach, Ryan C. Hickox, John Moustakas, Grayson C. Petter, Gregory H. Rudnick, Paul H. Sell, Kelly E. Whalen

We present results on the nature of extreme ejective feedback episodes and the physical conditions of a population of massive ($\rm M_* \sim 10^{11} M_{\odot}$), compact starburst galaxies at z = 0.4-0.7. We use data from Keck/NIRSPEC, SDSS, Gemini/GMOS, MMT, and Magellan/MagE to measure rest-frame optical and near-IR spectra of 14 starburst galaxies with extremely high star formation rate surface densities (mean $\rm \Sigma_{SFR} \sim 3000 \,M_{\odot} yr^{-1} kpc^{-2}$) and powerful galactic outflows (maximum speeds v$_{98} \sim$ 1000-3000 km s$^{-1}$). Our unique data set includes an ensemble of both emission [OII]$\lambda\lambda$3726,3729, H$\beta$, [OIII]$\lambda\lambda$4959,5007, H$\alpha$, [NII]$\lambda\lambda$6548,6583, and [SII]$\lambda\lambda$6716,6731) and absorption MgII$\lambda\lambda$2796,2803, and FeII$\lambda$2586) lines that allow us to investigate the kinematics of the cool gas phase (T$\sim$10$^4$ K) in the outflows. Employing a suite of line ratio diagnostic diagrams, we find that the central starbursts are characterized by high electron densities (median n$_e \sim$ 530 cm$^{-3}$), high metallicity (solar or super-solar), and, on average, high ionization parameters. We show that the outflows are most likely driven by stellar feedback emerging from the extreme central starburst, rather than by an AGN. We also present multiple intriguing observational signatures suggesting that these galaxies may have substantial Lyman continuum (LyC) photon leakage, including weak [SII] nebular emission lines. Our results imply that these galaxies may be captured in a short-lived phase of extreme star formation and feedback where much of their gas is violently blown out by powerful outflows that open up channels for LyC photons to escape.

Francesco Sylos Labini, Michael Joyce

8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Using controlled numerical N-body experiments, we show how, in the collapse dynamics of an initially cold and uniform distribution of particles with a generic asymmetric shape, finite $N$ fluctuations and perturbations induced by the anisotropic gravitational field compete to determine the physical properties of the asymptotic quasi-stationary state. When finite $N$ fluctuations dominate the dynamics, the particle energy distribution changes greatly and the final density profile {decays outside its core} as $r^{-4}$ with an $N$-dependent amplitude. On the other hand, in the limit where the anisotropic perturbations dominate, the collapse is softer and the density profile shows a decay as $r^{-3}$, as is typical of halos in cosmological simulations. However, even in this limit, convergence with $N$ of the macroscopic properties of the virialized system, such as the particle energy distributions, the bound mass, and the density profile, is very slow and not clearly established, including for our largest simulations (with $N \sim 10^6$). Our results illustrate the challenges of accurately simulating the first collapsing structures in standard-type cosmological models

V.M.Lipunov, V.Grinshpuna, D.Vlasenko

18 pages, 4 figures, submittedto New Astronomy

The numerous compact sources associated with neutron stars and white dwarfs discovered in recent decades are analyzed in terms of the Gravimagnetic Rotator model (GMR paradigm - Lipunov, 1987a; Lipunov, 1992). We offer the instrument for understanding of various observed features and evolutionary communications of neutron stars and white dwarfs. We located on a single diagram all objects from radio pulsars and dwarf novae to ultra luminous X-ray sources and a radio pulsar on a white dwarf. This diagram directly demonstrates the genetic link between different types of compact sources thereby making it possible to confirm and clearly illustrate the established evolutionary connections such as that between bulge X-ray sources and millisecond pulsars. This approach allows us to understand the evolutionary status of Ultra Luminous X-ray sources. In addition, we propose an additional evolutionary branch of the formation of Magnetars. After Kirsten et al.2021 reports on the localization of FRB 20200120 in one of the globular clusters of the M81 galaxy and after the discovery of the FRB phenomenon from the gamma-repeater SGR 1935 + 2154 (Li et al. 2020) one can see that the accretion-induced collapse scenario of the white dwarf (Lipunov, Postnov, 1985), considered in detail in this work, is an actual genealogical branch of magnetar production.

P. Rivière-Marichalar, A. Fuente, R. Le Gal, A. M. Arabhavi, S. Cazaux, D. Navarro-Almaida, A. Ribas, I. Mendigutía, D. Barrado, B. Montesinos

13 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables

Context. Studying gas chemistry in protoplanetary disks is key to understanding the process of planet formation. Sulfur chemistry in particular is poorly understood in interstellar environments, and the location of the main reservoirs remains unknown. Protoplanetary disks in Taurus are ideal targets for studying the evolution of the composition of planet forming systems. Aims. We aim to elucidate the chemical origin of sulfur-bearing molecular emission in protoplanetary disks, with a special focus on H$_2$S emission, and to identify candidate species that could become the main molecular sulfur reservoirs in protoplanetary systems. Methods. We used IRAM 30m observations of nine gas-rich young stellar objects (YSOs) in Taurus to perform a survey of sulfur-bearing and oxygen-bearing molecular species. In this paper we present our results for the CS 3-2 ($\nu_0$ = 146.969 GHz), H$_2$CO 2$_{11}$-1$_{10}$ ($\nu_0$ = 150.498 GHz), and H$_2$S 1$_{10}$-1$_{01}$ ($\nu_0$ = 168,763 GHz) emission lines. Results. We detected H$_2$S emission in four sources out of the nine observed, significantly increasing the number of detections toward YSOs. We also detected H$_2$CO and CS in six out of the nine. We identify a tentative correlation between H$_2$S 1$_{10}$-1$_{01}$ and H$_2$CO 2$_{11}$-1$_{10}$ as well as a tentative correlation between H$_2$S 1$_{10}$-1$_{01}$ and H$_2$O 8$_{18}$-7$_{07}$. By assuming local thermodynamical equilibrium, we computed column densities for the sources in the sample, with N(o-H$_2$S) values ranging between $2.6\times10^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$ and $1.5\times10^{13}$ cm$^{-2}$.

Cristina Pallanca (1 and 2), Francesco R. Ferraro (1 and 2), Barbara Lanzoni (1 and 2), Chiara crociati (1 and 2), Sara Saracino (3), Emanuele Dalessandro (2), Livia Origlia (2), Michael R. Rich (4), Elena Valenti (5 and 6), Douglas Geisler (7, 8 and 9), Francesco Mauro (10), Sandro Villanova (7), Christian Moni Bidin (10), Giacomo Beccari (5)-- ((1) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, Università di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, (2) Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF), Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, Bologna, Italy, (3) Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK, (4) Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, LA CA, USA, (5) European Southern Observatory, Garching bei München, Germany, (6) Excellence Cluster ORIGINS, Garching bei München, Germany, (7) Departamento de Astronomía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile, (8) Instituto de Investigación Multidisciplinario en Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad de LaSerena, La Serena, Chile, (9) Departamento de Física y Astronomía, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de La Serena, La Serena, Chile, (10) Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile)

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table

We used optical images acquired with the Wide Field Camera of the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the Hubble Space Telescope and near-infrared data from GeMS/GSAOI to construct a high-resolution extinction map in the direction of the bulge stellar system Liller 1. In spite of its appearance of a globular cluster, Liller 1 has been recently found to harbor two stellar populations with remarkably different ages, and it is the second complex stellar system with similar properties (after Terzan5) discovered in the bulge, thus defining a new class of objects: the Bulge Fossil Fragments. Because of its location in the inner bulge of the Milky Way, very close to the Galactic plane, Liller 1 is strongly affected by large and variable extinction. The simultaneous study of both the optical and the near-infrared color-magnitude diagrams revealed that the extinction coefficient R$_V$ in the direction of Liller 1 has a much smaller value than commonly assumed for diffuse interstellar medium (R$_V=2.5$, instead of 3.1), in agreement with previous findings along different light paths to the Galactic bulge. The derived differential reddening map has a spatial resolution ranging from $1''$ to $3''$ over a field of view of about $90''$X$90''$. We found that the absorption clouds show patchy sub-structures with extinction variations as large as $\delta {\rm E}(B-V)\sim0.9$ mag.

I. Dalianis, G.P. Kodaxis, I.D. Stamou, N. Tetradis, A. Tsigkas-Kouvelis

35 pages, 13 figures

We study single-field inflationary models with steep step-like features in the potential that lead to the temporary violation of the slow-roll conditions during the evolution of the inflaton. These features enhance the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations by several orders of magnitude at certain scales and also produce prominent oscillatory patterns. We study analytically and numerically the inflationary dynamics. We describe quantitatively the size of the enhancement, as well as the profile of the oscillations, which are shaped by the number and position of the features in the potential. The induced tensor power spectrum inherits the distinctive oscillatory profile of the curvature spectrum and is potentially detectable by near-future space interferometers. The enhancement of the power specrtum by step-like features, though significant, may be insufficient to trigger the production of a sizeable number of primordial black holes if radiation dominates the energy density of the early universe. However, it can result in sufficient black hole production if the universe is dominated by non-relativistic matter. For the latter scenario, we find that deviations from the standard monochromatic profile of the mass spectrum of primordial black holes are possible because of the multiple-peak structure of the curvature power spectrum.

L. Scholz-Diaz (1 and 2), J. Sanchez Almeida (1 and 2), C. Dalla Vecchia (1 and 2) ((1) Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (2) Departamento de Astrofisica, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 12 figures, 14 pages. Fig. 8 compares simulations with observations

Theory predicts that cosmological gas accretion plays a fundamental role fuelling star formation in galaxies. However, a detailed description of the accretion process to be used when interpreting observations is still lacking. Using the state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamical simulation eagle, we work out the chemical inhomogeneities arising in the disk of galaxies due to the randomness of the accretion process. In low-mass systems and outskirts of massive galaxies, low metallicity regions are associated with enhanced star-formation, a trend that reverses in the centers of massive galaxies. These predictions agree with the relation between surface density of star formation rate and metallicity observed in the local spiral galaxies from the MaNGA survey. Then, we analyse the origin of the gas that produces stars at two key epochs, z simeq 0 and z simeq 2. The main contribution comes from gas already in the galaxy about 1 Gyr before stars are formed, with a share from external gas that is larger at high redshift. The accreted gas may come from major and minor mergers, but also as gravitationally unbound gas and from mergers with dark galaxies (i.e., haloes where more than 95 % of the baryon mass is in gas). We give the relative contribution of these sources of gas as a function of stellar mass (8 < log Mstar < 11). Even at z = 0, some low-mass galaxies form a significant fraction of their total stellar mass during the last Gyr from mergers with dark galaxies.

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), which are bright flashes of gamma rays from extragalactic sources followed by fading afterglow emission, are associated with stellar core collapse events. We report the detection of very-high-energy (VHE) gamma rays from the afterglow of GRB 190829A, between 4 and 56 hours after the trigger, using the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.). The low luminosity and redshift of GRB 190829A reduce both internal and external absorption, allowing determination of its intrinsic energy spectrum. Between energies of 0.18 and 3.3 tera-electron volts, this spectrum is described by a power law with photon index of 2.07 $\pm$ 0.09, similar to the x-ray spectrum. The x-ray and VHE gamma-ray light curves also show similar decay profiles. These similar characteristics in the x-ray and gamma-ray bands challenge GRB afterglow emission scenarios.

Firat Toguz, Daisuke Kawata, George Seabroke, Justin I. Read

14 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We use the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster (NSC) to test the existence of a dark matter 'soliton core', as predicted in ultra-light dark matter (ULDM) models. Since the soliton core size is proportional to mDM^{-1}, while the core density grows as mDM^{2}, the NSC (dominant stellar component within about 3 pc) is sensitive to a specific window in the dark matter particle mass, mDM. We apply a spherical isotropic Jeans model to fit the NSC line-of-sight velocity dispersion data, assuming priors on the Milky Way's supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass taken from the Gravity Collaboration et al. (2020) and stellar density profile taken from Gallego-Cano et al. (2018). We find that the current observational data reject the existence of a soliton core for a single ULDM particle with mass in the range 10^{-20.0} < mDM < 10^{-18.5} eV, assuming that the soliton core structure is not affected by the Milky Way's SMBH. We test our methodology on mock data, confirming that we are sensitive to the same range in ULDM mass as for the real data. Dynamical modelling of a larger region of the Galactic centre, including the nuclear stellar disc, promises tighter constraints over a broader range of mDM. We will consider this in future work.

Chethan Krishnan, Roya Mohayaee, Eoin Ó Colgáin, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Lu Yin

5 pages, 5 figures, comments are most welcome

A 10\% difference in the scale for the Hubble parameter constitutes a clear problem for cosmology. As recently observed \cite{Krishnan:2021dyb}, only a modification to early Universe physics remains as a resolution within Einstein gravity plus the Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) paradigm, but the current approaches are unconvincing, since they inflate other tensions. Here, working safely within FLRW and the flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, we observe that a correlation between higher $H_0$ and the CMB dipole at high redshift, as observed in \cite{Krishnan:2021dyb}, can be extended from strongly lensed quasars to Pantheon Type Ia supernovae (SN) at $ > 2 \sigma$ significance. Taken in tandem with mismatches between the CMB dipole and the dipole inferred from distant radio galaxies and quasars (QSOs), a resolution to Hubble tension outside of FLRW may be currently most compelling.

Chandra Shekhar Saraf, P. Bielewicz, M. Chodorowski

15 pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRAS (comments welcome)

We present the first study of cross-correlation between Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) gravitational lensing potential map measured by the $Planck$ satellite and $z\geq 0.8$ galaxies from the photometric redshift catalogues from Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project (HELP), divided into four sky patches: NGP, Herschel Stripe-82 and two halves of SGP field, covering in total $\sim 660$ deg$^{2}$ of the sky. Contrary to previous studies exploiting only the common area between galaxy surveys and CMB lensing data, we improve the cross-correlation measurements using the full available area of the CMB lensing map. We estimate galaxy linear bias parameter, $b$, from joint analysis of cross-power spectrum and galaxy auto-power spectrum using Maximum Likelihood Estimation technique to obtain the value averaged over four fields as $b=2.06_{-0.02}^{+0.02}$, ranging from $1.94_{-0.03}^{+0.04}$ for SGP Part-2 to $3.03_{-0.09}^{+0.10}$ for NGP. We also estimate the amplitude of cross-correlation and find the averaged value to be $A=0.52_{-0.08}^{+0.08}$ spanning from $0.34_{-0.19}^{+0.19}$ for NGP to $0.67_{-0.20}^{+0.21}$ for SGP Part-1 respectively, significantly lower than expected value for the standard cosmological model. We perform several tests on systematic errors that can account for this discrepancy. We find that lower amplitude could be to some extent explained by the lower value of median redshift of the catalogue, however, we do not have any evidence that redshifts are systematically overestimated.

Melanie Archipley, Hannah S. Dalgleish

4 pages, 1 figure, included as conference proceedings in Focus on AAS 237

The International Astronomical Youth Camp (IAYC) is an astronomy education outreach event with more than 50 years of history and over 1,700 unique participants from 81 nationalities. The International Workshop for Astronomy e.V. (IWA) is the non-profit organization behind the IAYC, established in 1979 and based in Germany. The IAYC's unprecedented longevity in a rapidly globalizing world has meant that financial inequities decreases the reach of the camp to people from the Global South compared to Global North countries. Though nationalities represented per camp has increased steadily since its inception, the share of participants from eastern Europe and Africa has dropped, while those from western Europe and North America have increased. This note examines how camp cost, location, and leadership affects nationality diversity amongst participants, and how astronomy outreach events must reckon with funding for less privileged participants with limited access to resources.

A. Ricciardone, L. Valbusa Dall'Armi, N. Bartolo, D. Bertacca, M. Liguori, S. Matarrese

6 pages, 6 figures, 3 appendices

General Relativity provides us with an extremely powerful tool to extract at the same time astrophysical and cosmological information from the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Backgrounds (SGWBs): the cross-correlation with other cosmological tracers, since their anisotropies share a common origin and the same perturbed geodesics. In this letter we explore the cross-correlation of the cosmological and astrophysical SGWBs with Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, showing that future GW detectors, such as LISA or BBO, have the ability to measure such cross-correlation signals. We also present, as a new tool in this context, constrained realization maps of the SGWBs extracted from the high-resolution CMB {\it Planck} maps. This technique allows, in the low-noise regime, to faithfully reconstruct the expected SGWB map by starting from CMB measurements.

Ian Wong, Daniel Kitzmann, Avi Shporer, Kevin Heng, Tara Fetherolf, Björn Benneke, Tansu Daylan, Stephen R. Kane, Roland Vanderspek, Sara Seager, Joshua N. Winn, Jon M. Jenkins, Eric B. Ting

Submitted to AJ. Revised after first referee report. 46 pages, 18 figures, 11 tables, 5 appendices

We carried out a systematic study of full-orbit phase curves for known transiting systems in the northern ecliptic sky that were observed during Year 2 of the TESS primary mission. We applied the same methodology for target selection, data processing, and light-curve fitting as we did in our Year 1 study. Out of the 15 transiting systems selected for analysis, seven - HAT-P-7, KELT-1, KELT-9, KELT-16, KELT-20, Kepler-13A, and WASP-12 - show statistically significant secondary eclipses and day-night atmospheric brightness modulations. Small eastward dayside hotspot offsets were measured for KELT-9b and WASP-12b. KELT-1, Kepler-13A, and WASP-12 show additional phase-curve variability attributed to the tidal distortion of the host star; the amplitudes of these signals are consistent with theoretical predictions. We combined occultation measurements from TESS and Spitzer to compute dayside brightness temperatures, TESS-band geometric albedos, Bond albedos, and phase integrals for several systems. The new albedo values solidify the previously reported trend between dayside temperature and geometric albedo for planets with $1500<T_{\mathrm{day}}<3000$ K. For Kepler-13Ab, we carried out an atmospheric retrieval of the full secondary eclipse spectrum, which revealed a non-inverted temperature-pressure profile, significant H$_{2}$O and K absorption in the near-infrared, evidence for strong optical atmospheric opacity due to sodium, and a confirmation of the high geometric albedo inferred from our simpler analysis. We explore the implications of the phase integrals (ratios of Bond to geometric albedos) for understanding exoplanet clouds. We also report updated transit ephemerides for all of the systems studied in this work.

J. Reddish, K. Kraljic, M. S. Petersen, K. Tep, Y. Dubois, C. Pichon, S. Peirani, F. Bournaud, H. Choi, J. Devriendt, R. Jackson, G. Martin, M. J. Park, M. Volonteri, S. K. Yi

23 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, submitted to Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)

We use the NewHorizon simulation to study the redshift evolution of bar properties and fractions within galaxies in the stellar masses range $M_{\star} = 10^{7.25} - 10^{11.4} \ \rm{M}_{\odot}$ over the redshift range $z = 0.25 - 1.3$. We select disc galaxies using stellar kinematics as a proxy for galaxy morphology. We employ two different automated bar detection methods, coupled with visual inspection, resulting in observable bar fractions of $f_{\rm bar} = 0.070_{{-0.012}}^{{+0.018}}$ at $z\sim$ 1.3, decreasing to $f_{\rm bar} = 0.011_{{-0.003}}^{{+0.014}}$ at $z\sim$ 0.25. Only one galaxy is visually confirmed as strongly barred in our sample. This bar is hosted by the most massive disk and only survives from $z=1.3$ down to $z=0.7$. Such a low bar fraction, in particular amongst Milky Way-like progenitors, highlights a missing bars problem, shared by literally all cosmological simulations with spatial resolution $<$100 pc to date. The analysis of linear growth rates, rotation curves and derived summary statistics of the stellar, gas and dark matter components suggest that galaxies with stellar masses below $10^{9.5}-10^{10} \ \rm{M}_{\odot}$ in NewHorizon appear to be too dominated by dark matter to bar, while more massive galaxies typically have formed large bulges that prevent bar persistence at low redshift. This investigation confirms that the evolution of the bar fraction puts stringent constraints on the assembly history of baryons and dark matter onto galaxies.

Chuyuan Yang, Houdun Zeng, Biwen Bao, Li Zhang

6 pages,4 figures

A possible model is developed to explain the multi-band emission from a "PeVatron" SNR G106.3+2.7. In the model, the acceleration and propagation of particles from the Bohm-like diffusion region inside the SNR to the Galactic diffusion region outside the SNR are described through non-linear diffusive shock acceleration (NLDSA). Our results show that (i) the photon emission from radio to X-ray bands is dominated by the synchrotron radiation of the electrons accelerated inside the SNR; and (ii) the photons with energy of $\gtrsim$ GeV are mainly produced by the protons inside and outside the SNR, moreover, the photons in the energy range of $\sim$ 1 - $\sim$ 100 TeV are due to the interaction of escaped protons with a dense molecular clouds (MC).

Gordon T. Richards, Richard M. Plotkin, Paul C. Hewett, Amy L. Rankine, Angelica B. Rivera, Yue Shen, Ohad Shemmer

7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL

The orientation of the disk of material accreting onto supermassive black holes that power quasars is one of most important quantities that are needed to understand quasars -- both individually and in the ensemble average. We present a hypothesis for determining comparatively edge-on orientation in a subset of quasars (both radio loud and radio quiet). If confirmed, this orientation indicator could be applicable to individual quasars without reference to radio or X-ray data and could identify some 10-20% of quasars as being more edge-on than average, based only on moderate resolution and signal-to-noise spectroscopy covering the CIV 1549A emission feature. We present a test of said hypothesis using X-ray observations and identify additional data that are needed to confirm this hypothesis and calibrate the metric.

Although ubiquitous in the sciences, histogram data have not received much attention by the Deep Learning community. Whilst regression and classification tasks for scalar and vector data are routinely solved by neural networks, a principled approach for estimating histogram labels as a function of an input vector or image is lacking in the literature. We present a dedicated method for Deep Learning-based histogram regression, which incorporates cross-bin information and yields distributions over possible histograms, expressed by $\tau$-quantiles of the cumulative histogram in each bin. The crux of our approach is a new loss function obtained by applying the pinball loss to the cumulative histogram, which for 1D histograms reduces to the Earth Mover's distance (EMD) in the special case of the median ($\tau = 0.5$), and generalizes it to arbitrary quantiles. We validate our method with an illustrative toy example, a football-related task, and an astrophysical computer vision problem. We show that with our loss function, the accuracy of the predicted median histograms is very similar to the standard EMD case (and higher than for per-bin loss functions such as cross-entropy), while the predictions become much more informative at almost no additional computational cost.

Peter Athron, Neal Avis Kozar, Csaba Balázs, Ankit Beniwal, Sanjay Bloor, Torsten Bringmann, Joachim Brod, Christopher Chang, Jonathan M. Cornell, Ben Farmer, Andrew Fowlie, Tomás E. Gonzalo, Will Handley, Felix Kahlhoefer, Anders Kvellestad, Farvah Mahmoudi, Markus T. Prim, Are Raklev, Janina J. Renk, Andre Scaffidi, Pat Scott, Patrick Stöcker, Aaron C. Vincent, Martin White, Sebastian Wild, Jure Zupan

37 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables

We assess the status of a wide class of WIMP dark matter (DM) models in light of the latest experimental results using the global fitting framework $\textsf{GAMBIT}$. We perform a global analysis of effective field theory (EFT) operators describing the interactions between a gauge-singlet Dirac fermion and the Standard Model quarks, the gluons and the photon. In this bottom-up approach, we simultaneously vary the coefficients of 14 such operators up to dimension 7, along with the DM mass, the scale of new physics and 8 nuisance parameters that reflect uncertainties in the local DM halo, nuclear form factors and the top quark mass. We include the renormalization group evolution of all operator coefficients and perform an automated matching to the non-relativistic EFT relevant for DM scattering. Our up-to-date likelihood functions include all relevant experimental constraints based on the latest data from $\mathit{Planck}$, direct and indirect detection experiments, and the LHC, in particular a very recent ATLAS monojet search based on the full run 2 dataset. For light DM ($\lesssim 100$ GeV), we find that it is impossible to satisfy all constraints simultaneously unless the particle under consideration constitutes only a DM sub-component and the scale of the new physics is so low that the EFT breaks down for the calculation of LHC constraints. At intermediate values of the new physics scale ($\approx 1$ TeV), we find that our results are significantly influenced by several small excesses in the LHC data such that the best-fit parameter regions depend on the precise prescription that we adopt to ensure EFT validity. In addition to these interesting features, we find a large region of viable parameter space where the EFT is valid and the relic density can be reproduced, implying that WIMPs can still account for the DM of the universe while being consistent with the latest data.

We simulate neutrino-antineutrino oscillations caused by strong magnetic fields in dense matter. With the strong magnetic fields and large neutrino magnetic moments, Majorana neutrinos can reach flavor equilibrium. We find that the flavor equilibration of neutrino-antineutrino oscillations is sensitive to the values of the baryon density and the electron fraction inside the matter. The neutrino-antineutrino oscillations are suppressed in the case of the large baryon density in neutron (proton)-rich matter. On the other hand, the flavor equilibration occurs when the electron fraction is close to $0.5$ even in the large baryon density. From the simulations, we propose a necessary condition for the equilibration of neutrino-antineutrino oscillations in dense matter. We also study whether such necessary condition is satisfied near the proto-neutron star by using results of neutrino hydrodynamic simulations of core-collapse supernovae. In our explosion model, the flavor equilibration would be possible if the magnetic field on the surface of the proto-neutron star is larger than $10^{14}$ G which is the typical value of the magnetic fields of magnetars.

Sebastián Nájera, Aram Aguilar, Celia Escamilla-Rivera, Roberto A. Sussman

5 pages

We examine in this paper the possibility of finding exact solutions for Teleparallel Gravity (TG) of the type of spherically symmetric Lema\^\i tre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models. We apply to the LTB metric, as obtained from the Schwarzschild solution in General Relativity, the formalism of Teleparallel Gravity in its extension to $f(T,B)$ models. An exact LTB solution is obtained that is compatible with a specific $f(T,B)$ model that seems to be appropriate to fit observations when applied to standard spatially flat Robertson-Walker geometry.

We construct a two-component analytic model of the Vela pulsar which can reproduce the fractional crustal moment of inertia, $I_{\rm crust}/I_{\rm total} \geq 0.074$ ( where $I_{\rm crust}$ represents the moment of inertia of the crust and $ I_{\rm total}$ is the total moment of inertia of the star) for the mass range $M/M_\odot \geq 1.0 - 1.96$. The models are assumed to be self-bound at the surface density $E_a = 2\times 10^{14}\rm g{cm}^{-3}$ (like, Brecher and Caporaso \cite{Ref1}) which yields the transition density at the core-crust boundary $E_b \geq 2.105 \times 10^{14}\rm g{cm}^{-3}$ and pressure/energy-density ratio, $P_b/E_b \geq 0.00589$.The central density, $E_0$, of the models ranges from 1.263 - 1.600 $\times 10^{15}\rm g{cm}^{-3}$. The total moment of inertia, $I_{\rm total}$, and the moment of inertia of the crust component, $ I_{\rm crust}$ lie in the range $I_{\rm 45} = $0.076 - 2.460 and 0.0056 - 0.8622 respectively (where $I_{45}=I/10^{45}\rm g{cm}^2$. The total radii, $a$, of the models have the values from 9.252km - 11.578km and the crustal thickness, $a_{\rm crust}$, lies in the range 0.234km - 1.551km. The mass of the crust, $M_{\rm crust}/M_\odot$, of the models varies from 0.025 - 0.263. The pressure/energy-density ratio, $P_b/E_b$, at the core-crust boundary and other physical parameters obtained in this study for the Vela pulsar are compared with the corresponding parameters obtained in the literature on the basis of various equations of state (EOSs). That few studies available in the literature \cite{Ref2}, \cite{Ref3} which predict the fractional crustal moment of inertia about 7\% for the Vela mass as large as 1.7$M_\odot$, the present study has been able to reproduce the minimum fractional crustal moment of inertia about 7.4\% and larger for all the values of the mass in the range 1.0 - 1.96$M\odot$ considered for the Vela pulsar.

The single field Ekpyrosis of Khoury and Steinhardt \cite{khoury}-\cite{khoury1} admits a Jordan frame scalar field with a double well potential. After the end of the ekpyrotic phase, as energy density increases we find a phase transition scenario to a symmetric phase at the conformal coupling fixed point leads to a non-singular bounce in Einstein frame.

This paper represents the first investigation of the suitability and performance of Graphcore Intelligence Processing Units (IPUs) for deep learning applications in cosmology. It presents the benchmark between a Nvidia V100 GPU and a Graphcore MK1 (GC2) IPU on three cosmological use cases: a classical deep neural network and a Bayesian neural network (BNN) for galaxy shape estimation, and a generative network for galaxy images production. The results suggest that IPUs could be a potential avenue to address the increasing computation needs in cosmology.

Martin Bojowald

14 pages, contribution to special issue on "Quantum Cosmology" in Universe

Loop quantum cosmology is a conflicted field in which exuberant claims of observability coexist with serious objections against the conceptual and physical viability of its current formulations. This contribution presents a non-technical case study of the recent claim that loop quantum cosmology might alleviate anomalies in observations of the cosmic microwave background.

Roberta Calabrese, Damiano F.G. Fiorillo, Gennaro Miele, Stefano Morisi, Antonio Palazzo

8 pages; 4 figures

Primordial black holes (PBHs) hypothetically generated in the first instants of life of the Universe are potential dark matter (DM) candidates. Focusing on PBHs masses in the range $[5 \times10^{14} - 5 \times 10^{15}]$g, we point out that the neutrinos emitted by PBHs evaporation can interact through the coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS) producing an observable signal in multi-ton DM direct detection experiments. We show that with the high exposures envisaged for the next-generation facilities, it will be possible to set bounds on the fraction of DM composed by PBHs improving the existing neutrino limits obtained with Super-Kamiokande. We also quantify to what extent a signal originating from a small fraction of DM in the form of PBHs would modify the so-called "neutrino floor", the well-known barrier towards detection of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) as the dominant DM component.

D. Kahl, J. José, P.J. Woods

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics 4 June 2016 as manuscript no. AA/2021/40339

Context. Direct observation of gamma-ray emission from the decay of $^{18}$F ejected in classical nova outbursts remains a major focus of the nuclear astrophysics community. However, modeling the abundance of ejected $^{18}$F, and thus the predicted detectability distance of a gamma-ray signal near 511 keV emitted from these transient thermonuclear episodes, is hampered by significant uncertainties in our knowledge of the key $^{18}$F(p,$\alpha$) reaction rate. Aims. We analyze uncertainties in the most recent nuclear physics experimental results employed to calculate the $^{18}$F(p,$\alpha$) reaction rate. Our goal is to determine which uncertainties have the most profound influence on the predicted abundance of $^{18}$ ejected from novae, in order to guide future experimental works. Methods. We calculated a wide range of $^{18}$F(p,$\alpha$) reaction rates using R-Matrix formalism, allowing us to take into account all interference effects. Using a selection of 16 evenly-spaced rates over the full range, we performed 16 new hydrodynamic nova simulations. Results. We performed one of the most thorough theoretical studies of the impact of the $^{18}$F(p,$\alpha$) reaction in classical novae to date. The $^{18}$F(p,$\alpha$) rate remains highly uncertain at nova temperatures, resulting in a factor ~10 uncertainty in the predicted abundance of $^{18}$F ejected from nova explosions. We also found that the abundance of $^{18}$F may be strongly correlated with that of $^{19}$F. Conclusions. Despite numerous nuclear physics uncertainties affecting the $^{18}$F(p,$\alpha$) reaction rate, which are dominated by unknown interference signs between 1/2$^+$ and 3/2$^+$ resonances, future experimental work should focus on firmly and precisely determining the directly measurable quantum properties of the subthreshold states in the compound nucleus $^{19}$Ne near 6.13 and 6.29 MeV.