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Papers for Monday, Jun 14 2021

Papers with local authors

Chintan Shah, Natalie Hell, Antonia Hubbard, Ming Feng Gu, Michael J. MacDonald, Megan E. Eckart, Richard L. Kelley, Caroline A. Kilbourne, Maurice A. Leutenegger, F. Scott Porter, Gregory V. Brown

16 Pages, 9 Figures, published in ApJ

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Paper 19 — arXiv:2106.06493
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Paper 19 — arXiv:2106.06493

We report measurements of electron-impact excitation cross sections for the strong K-shell n=2-1 transitions in S XV using the LLNL EBIT-I electron beam ion trap, two crystal spectrometers, and the EBIT Calorimeter Spectrometer. The cross sections are determined by direct normalization to the well known cross sections of radiative electron capture, measured simultaneously. Using contemporaneous polarization measurements with the two crystal spectrometers, whose dispersion planes are oriented parallel and perpendicular to the electron beam direction, the polarization of the direct excitation line emission is determined, and in turn the isotropic total cross sections are extracted. We further experimentally investigate various line-formation mechanisms, finding that radiative cascades and collisional inner-shell ionization dominate the degree of linear polarization and total line-emission cross sections of the forbidden line $z$.

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J. B. Lovell, S. Marino, M. C. Wyatt, G. M. Kennedy, M. A. MacGregor, K. Stapelfeldt, B. Dent, J. Krist, L. Matrà, Q. Kral, O. Panić, T. D. Pearce, D. Wilner

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Paper: 21 pages, appendix: 4 pages. 16 figures

We present \textit{ALMA} 1.3 mm and 0.86 mm observations of the nearby (17.34 pc) F9V star q1 Eri (HD 10647, HR 506). This system, with age ${\sim}1.4$ Gyr, hosts a ${\sim}2$ au radial velocity planet and a debris disc with the highest fractional luminosity of the closest 300 FGK type stars. The \textit{ALMA} images, with resolution ${\sim}0.5''$, reveal a broad (34{-}134 au) belt of millimeter emission inclined by $76.7{\pm}1.0$ degrees with maximum brightness at $81.6{\pm}0.5$ au. The images reveal an asymmetry, with higher flux near the southwest ansa, which is also closer to the star. Scattered light observed with the Hubble Space Telescope is also asymmetric, being more radially extended to the northeast. We fit the millimeter emission with parametric models and place constraints on the disc morphology, radius, width, dust mass, and scale height. We find the southwest ansa asymmetry is best fitted by an extended clump on the inner edge of the disc, consistent with perturbations from a planet with mass $8 M_{\oplus} {-} 11 M_{\rm Jup}$ at ${\sim}60$ au that may have migrated outwards, similar to Neptune in our Solar System. If the measured vertical aspect ratio of $h{=}0.04{\pm}0.01$ is due to dynamical interactions in the disc, then this requires perturbers with sizes ${>}1200$ km. We find tentative evidence for an 0.86 mm excess within 10 au, $70{\pm}22\, \mu$Jy, that may be due to an inner planetesimal belt. We find no evidence for CO gas, but set an upper bound on the CO gas mass of $4{\times}10^{-6}$ M$_{\oplus}$ ($3\,\sigma$), consistent with cometary abundances in the Solar System.

Simon Birrer, Anowar J. Shajib, Daniel Gilman, Aymeric Galan, Jelle Aalbers, Martin Millon, Robert Morgan, Giulia Pagano, Ji Won Park, Luca Teodori, Nicolas Tessore, Madison Ueland, Lyne Van de Vyvere, Sebastian Wagner-Carena, Ewoud Wempe, Lilan Yang, Xuheng Ding, Thomas Schmidt, Dominique Sluse, Ming Zhang, Adam Amara

published by JOSS. Software available at this https URL Comments, issues and pull requests welcome!

lenstronomy is an Astropy-affiliated Python package for gravitational lensing simulations and analyses. lenstronomy was introduced by Birrer and Amara (2018) and is based on the linear basis set approach by Birrer et a. (2015). The user and developer base of lenstronomy has substantially grown since then, and the software has become an integral part of a wide range of recent analyses, such as measuring the Hubble constant with time-delay strong lensing or constraining the nature of dark matter from resolved and unresolved small scale lensing distortion statistics. The modular design has allowed the community to incorporate innovative new methods, as well as to develop enhanced software and wrappers with more specific aims on top of the lenstronomy API. Through community engagement and involvement, lenstronomy has become a foundation of an ecosystem of affiliated packages extending the original scope of the software and proving its robustness and applicability at the forefront of the strong gravitational lensing community in an open source and reproducible manner.

Rachel A. Patton, Tuguldur Sukhbold, J.J. Eldridge

11 pages, 9 figures Submitted to MNRAS

Binary population synthesis (BPS) employs prescriptions to predict final fates, explosion or implosion, and remnant masses based on one or two stellar parameters at the evolutionary cutoff imposed by the code, usually at or near central carbon ignition. In doing this, BPS disregards the integral role late-stage evolution plays in determining the final fate, remnant type, and remnant mass within the neutrino-driven explosion paradigm. To highlight differences between a popular prescription which relies only on the core and final stellar mass and emerging methods which rely on a star's presupernova core structure, we generate a series of compact object distributions using three different methods for a sample population of single and binary stars computed in BPASS. The first method estimates remnant mass based on a star's carbon-oxygen (CO) core mass and final total mass. The second method uses the presupernova core structure based on the bare CO-core models of \citet{Pat20} combined with a parameterized explosion criterion to first determine final fate and remnant type, then remnant mass. The third method associates presupernova helium-core masses with remnant masses determined from public explosion models which rely implicitly on core structure. We find that the core-/final mass-based prescription favors lower mass remnants, including a large population of mass gap black holes, and predicts neutron star masses which span a wide range, whereas the structure-based prescriptions favor slightly higher mass remnants, mass gap black holes only as low as 3.5 \Msun, and predict neutron star mass distributions which cluster in a narrow range.

J. An (1), A. Naik (2), N.W. Evans (3), C. Burrage (2) ((1) KASI, Daejeon, (2) Nottingham, (3) IoA, Cambridge)

9 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS, submitted

The advent of datasets of stars in the Milky Way with six-dimensional phase-space information makes it possible to construct empirically the distribution function (DF). Here, we show that the accelerations can be uniquely determined from the DF using the collisionless Boltzmann equation, providing the Hessian determinant of the DF with respect to the velocities is non-vanishing. We illustrate this procedure and requirement with some analytic examples. Methods to extract the potential from datasets of discrete positions and velocities of stars are then discussed. Following Green & Ting (2020), we advocate the use of normalizing flows on a sample of observed phase-space positions to obtain a differentiable approximation of the DF. To then derive gravitational accelerations, we outline a semi-analytic method involving direct solutions of the over-constrained linear equations provided by the collisionless Boltzmann equation. Testing our algorithm on mock datasets derived from isotropic and anisotropic Hernquist models, we obtain excellent accuracies even with added noise. Our method represents a new, flexible and robust means of extracting the underlying gravitational accelerations from snapshots of six-dimensional stellar kinematics.

Post-starburst (or "E+A") galaxies trace the fastest and most dramatic processes in galaxy evolution. Recent work studying the evolution of galaxies through this phase have revealed insights on how galaxies undergo structural and stellar population changes as well as the role of various feedback mechanisms. In this review, I summarize recent work on identifying post-starburst galaxies; tracing the role of this phase through cosmic time; measuring stellar populations, on-going star formation, morphologies, kinematics, interstellar medium properties, and AGN activity; mechanisms to cause the recent starburst and its end; and the future evolution to quiescence (or not). The review concludes with a list of open questions and exciting possibilities for future facilities.

A first order phase transition at the electroweak scale would lead to the production of gravitational waves that may be observable at upcoming space-based gravitational wave (GW) detectors such as LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). As the Standard Model has no phase transition, LISA can be used to search for new physics by searching for a stochastic gravitational wave background. In this work we investigate LISA's sensitivity to the thermodynamic parameters encoded in the stochastic background produced by a phase transition, using the sound shell model to characterise the gravitational wave power spectrum, and the Fisher matrix to estimate uncertainties. We explore a parameter space with transition strengths $\alpha < 0.5$ and phase boundary speeds $0.4 < v_\text{w} < 0.9$, for transitions nucleating at $T_{\text{N}} = 100$ GeV, with mean bubble spacings $0.1$ and $0.01$ of the Hubble length, and sound speed $c/\sqrt{3}$. We show that the power spectrum in the sound shell model can be well approximated by a four-parameter double broken power law, and find that the peak power and frequency can be measured to approximately 10% accuracy for signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) above 20. Determinations of the underlying thermodynamic parameters are complicated by degeneracies, but in all cases the phase boundary speed will be the best constrained parameter. Turning to the principal components of the Fisher matrix, a signal-to-noise ratio above 20 produces a relative uncertainty less than 3% in the two highest-order principal components, indicating good prospects for combinations of parameters. The highest-order principal component is dominated by the wall speed. These estimates of parameter sensitivity provide a preliminary accuracy target for theoretical calculations of thermodynamic parameters.

Peng Wang (AIP), Noam I. Libeskind (AIP/Lyon), Elmo Tempel (Tartu Observatory), Xi Kang (ZJU/PMO), Quan Guo (SHAO)

12 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the 14 June issue of Nature Astronomy, a version after one round of reviews. The final authenticated version is available online at this https URL

Most cosmological structures in the universe spin. Although structures in the universe form on a wide variety of scales from small dwarf galaxies to large super clusters, the generation of angular momentum across these scales is poorly understood. We have investigated the possibility that filaments of galaxies - cylindrical tendrils of matter hundreds of millions of light-years across, are themselves spinning. By stacking thousands of filaments together and examining the velocity of galaxies perpendicular to the filament's axis (via their red and blue shift), we have found that these objects too display motion consistent with rotation making them the largest objects known to have angular momentum. The strength of the rotation signal is directly dependent on the viewing angle and the dynamical state of the filament. Just as it is easiest to measure rotation in a spinning disk galaxy viewed edge on, so too is filament rotation clearly detected under similar geometric alignment. Furthermore, the mass of the haloes that sit at either end of the filaments also increases the spin speed. The more massive the haloes, the more rotation is detected. These results signify that angular momentum can be generated on unprecedented scales.

We address in this work the instrumental systematic errors that can potentially affect the forthcoming and future Cosmic Microwave Background experiments aimed at observing its polarized emission. In particular, we focus on the systematics induced by the beam and calibration, which are considered the major sources of leakage from total intensity measurements to polarization. We simulated synthetic data sets with Time-Ordered Astrophysics Scalable Tools, a publicly available simulation and data analysis package. We also propose a mitigation technique aiming at reducing the leakage by means of a template fitting approach. This technique has shown promising results reducing the leakage by 2 orders of magnitude at the power spectrum level when applied to a realistic simulated data set of the LiteBIRD satellite mission.

M. A. Acero, P. Adamson, L. Aliaga, N. Anfimov, A. Antoshkin, E. Arrieta-Diaz, L. Asquith, A. Aurisano, A. Back, C. Backhouse, M. Baird, N. Balashov, P. Baldi, B. A. Bambah, S. Bashar, K. Bays, R. Bernstein, V. Bhatnagar, B. Bhuyan, J. Bian, J. Blair, A. C. Booth, R. Bowles, C. Bromberg, N. Buchanan, A. Butkevich, S. Calvez, T. J. Carroll, E. Catano-Mur, B. C. Choudhary, A. Christensen, T. E. Coan, M. Colo, L. Corwin, L. Cremonesi, G. S. Davies, P. F. Derwent, P. Ding, Z. Djurcic, M. Dolce, D. Doyle, D. Dueñas Tonguino, E. C. Dukes, H. Duyang, S. Edayath, R. Ehrlich, M. Elkins, E. Ewart, G. J. Feldman, P. Filip, J. Franc, M. J. Frank, H. R. Gallagher, R. Gandrajula, F. Gao, A. Giri, R. A. Gomes, M. C. Goodman, V. Grichine, M. Groh, R. Group, B. Guo, A. Habig, F. Hakl, A. Hall, J. Hartnell, et al. (137 additional authors not shown)

9 pages, 2 figures

A search is performed for supernova-like neutrino interactions coincident with 76 gravitational wave events detected by the LIGO/Virgo Collaboration. For 40 of these events, full readout of the time around the gravitational wave is available from the NOvA Far Detector. For these events, we set limits on the fluence of the sum of all neutrino flavors of $F < 7(4)\times 10^{10}\mathrm{cm}^{-2}$ at 90% C.L. assuming energy and time distributions corresponding to the Garching supernova models with masses 9.6(27)$\mathrm{M}_\odot$. Under the hypothesis that any given gravitational wave event was caused by a supernova, this corresponds to a distance of $r > 29(50)$kpc at 90% C.L. Weaker limits are set for other gravitational wave events with partial Far Detector data and/or Near Detector data.

Most Fast Radio Burst (FRB) models are built from comparatively common astronomical objects: neutron stars, black holes and supernova remnants. Yet FRB sources are rare, and most of these objects, found in the Galaxy, do not make FRB. Special and rare circumstances may be required for these common objects to be sources of FRB. The recent discovery of a repeating FRB in a globular cluster belonging to the galaxy M81 suggests a model involving a neutron star and a close binary companion, likely a white dwarf; both neutron stars and close binaries are superabundant in globular clusters. Magnetic interaction is a plausible, though unproven, mechanism of acceleration of relativistic particles that may radiate coherently as FRB. Double neutron star binaries cannot be the observed long-lived repeating FRB sources, but might make much shorter lived sources, and perhaps apparently non-repeating FRB.

Ashley Chontos, Joseph M. Akana Murphy, Mason G. MacDougall, Tara Fetherolf, Judah Van Zandt, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Corey Beard, Daniel Huber, Natalie M. Batalha, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Courtney D. Dressing, Benjamin Fulton, Andrew W. Howard, Howard Isaacson, Stephen R. Kane, Erik A. Petigura, Paul Robertson, Arpita Roy, Lauren M. Weiss, Aida Behmard, Fei Dai, Paul A. Dalba, Steven Giacalone, Michelle L. Hill, Jack Lubin, Andrew Mayo, Teo Mocnik, Alex S. Polanski, Lee J. Rosenthal, Nicholas Scarsdale, Emma V. Turtelboom

23 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables

Space-based transit missions such as Kepler and TESS have demonstrated that planets are ubiquitous. However, the success of these missions heavily depends on ground-based radial velocity (RV) surveys, which combined with transit photometry can yield bulk densities and orbital properties. While most Kepler host stars are too faint for detailed follow-up observations, TESS is detecting planets orbiting nearby bright stars that are more amenable to RV characterization. Here we introduce the TESS-Keck Survey (TKS), an RV program using ~100 nights on Keck/HIRES to study exoplanets identified by TESS. The primary survey aims are investigating the link between stellar properties and the compositions of small planets; studying how the diversity of system architectures depends on dynamical configurations or planet multiplicity; identifying prime candidates for atmospheric studies with JWST; and understanding the role of stellar evolution in shaping planetary systems. We present a fully-automated target selection algorithm, which yielded 103 planets in 86 systems for the final TKS sample. Most TKS hosts are inactive, solar-like, main-sequence stars (4500 K < Teff < 6000 K) at a wide range of metallicities. The selected TKS sample contains 71 small planets (Rp < 4 Re), 11 systems with multiple transiting candidates, 6 sub-day period planets and 3 planets that are in or near the habitable zone of their host star. The target selection described here will facilitate the comparison of measured planet masses, densities, and eccentricities to predictions from planet population models. Our target selection software is publicly available (at https://github.com/ashleychontos/sort-a-survey) and can be adapted for any survey which requires a balance of multiple science interests within a given telescope allocation.

Toshiki Kawai, Shinsuke Imada

13 pgaes, 10 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

We statistically estimate the conversion rate of the energy released during an active-region transient brightening to Doppler motion and thermal and non-thermal energies. We used two types of datasets for the energy estimation and detection of transient brightenings. One includes spectroscopic images of Fe xiv, Fe xv, and Fe xvi lines observed by the Hinode/EUV Imaging Spectrometer. The other includes images obtained from the 211 \AA channel of the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA). The observed active region was NOAA 11890 on November 09, 2013, and the day after that. As a result, the released Doppler motion and non-thermal energies were found to be approximately 0.1 \-- 1% and 10 \-- 100% of the change in the amount of thermal energy in each enhancement, respectively. Using this conversion rate, we estimated the contribution of the total energy flux of AIA transient brightenings to the active region heating to be at most 2% of the conduction and radiative losses.

Pradeep Kayshap, Rajdeep Singh Payal, Sharad C. Tripathi, Harihara Padhy

17 pages, 12 figures (9 main+3 appendix), Accepted for Publication in MNRAS

Surges have regularly been observed mostly in H$_{\alpha}$ 6563~{\AA} and Ca~{\sc ii} 8542~{\AA}. However, surge$'$s response to other prominent lines of the interface-region (Mg~{\sc ii} k 2796.35~{\AA} $\&$ h 2803.52~{\AA}, O~{\sc iv} 1401.15~{\AA}, Si~{\sc iv} 1402.77~{\AA}) is not well studied. Here, the evolution and kinematics of six homologous surges are analysed using IRIS and AIA observations. These surges were observed on 7$^{th}$ July 2014, located very close to the limb. DEM analysis is performed on these surges where the co-existence of cool (log T/K = 6.35) and relatively hot (log T/K = 6.95) components have been found at the base. This demonstrates that the bases of surges undergo substantial heating. During the emission of these surges in the above mentioned interface-region lines, being reported here for the first time, two peaks have been observed in the initial phase of emission, where one peak is found to be constant while other one as varying, i.e., non-constant (observed red to blueshifts across the surge evolution) in nature. This suggests the rotational motion of surge plasma. The heated base and rotating plasma suggests the occurrence of magnetic reconnection, most likely, as the trigger for homologous surges. During the emission of these surges, it is found that despite being optically thick (i.e., R$_{kh}$ < 2.0), central reversal was not observed for Mg~{\sc ii} k $\&$ h lines. Further, R$_{kh}$ increases with surge emission in time and it is found to have positive correlation with Doppler Velocity while negative with Gaussian width.

Fatemeh Zahra Zeraatgari, Liquan Mei, Amin Mosallanezhad

13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We investigate the dependency of the inflow-wind structure of the hot accretion flow on the kinematic viscosity coefficient. In this regard, we propose a model for the kinematic viscosity coefficient to mimic the behavior of the magnetorotational instability and would be maximal at the rotation axis. Then, we compare our model with two other prescriptions from numerical simulations of the accretion flow. We solve two-dimensional hydrodynamic equations of hot accretion flows in the presence of the thermal conduction. The self-similar approach is also adopted in the radial direction. We calculate the properties of the inflow and the wind such as velocity, density, angular momentum for three models of the kinematic viscosity prescription. On inspection, we find that in the model we suggested wind is less efficient than that in two other models to extract the angular momentum outward where the self-similar solutions are applied. The solutions obtained in this paper might be applicable to the hydrodynamical numerical simulations of the hot accretion flow.

Kangrou Guo, Eiichiro Kokubo

20 pages, 10 figures, accepted to AJ

Standard models of planet formation explain how planets form in axisymmetric, unperturbed disks in single star systems. However, it is possible that giant planets could have already formed when other planetary embryos start to grow. We investigate the dynamics of planetesimals under the perturbation of a giant planet in a gaseous disk. Our aim is to understand the effect of the planet's perturbation on the formation of giant planet cores outside the orbit of the planet. We calculate the orbital evolution of planetesimals ranging from $10^{13}$ to $10^{20}$g, with a Jupiter-mass planet located at 5.2 au. We find orbital alignment of planetesimals distributed in $\simeq 9$-15 au, except for the mean motion resonance (MMR) locations. The degree of alignment increases with increasing distance from the planet and decreasing planetesimal mass. Aligned orbits lead to low encounter velocity and thus faster growth. The typical velocity dispersion for identical-mass planetesimals is $\sim \mathcal{O}(10)$ $\rm{m\text{ } s}^{-1}$ except for the MMR locations. The relative velocity decreases with increasing distance from the planet and decreasing mass ratio of planetesimals. When the eccentricity vectors of planetesimals reach equilibrium under the gas drag and secular perturbation, the relative velocity becomes lower when the masses of two planetesimals are both on the larger end of the mass spectrum. Our results show that with a giant planet embedded in the disk, the growth of another planetary core outside the planet orbit might be accelerated in certain locations.

L. J. M. Davies, J. E. Thorne, A. S. G. Robotham, S. Bellstedt, S. P. Driver, N. J. Adams, M. Bilicki, R. A. A. Bowler, M. Bravo, L. Cortese, C. Foster, M. W. Grootes, B. Häußler, A. Hashemizadeh, B. W. Holwerda, P. Hurley, M. J. Jarvis, C. Lidman, N. Maddox, M. Meyer, M. Paolillo, S. Phillipps, M. Radovich, M. Siudek, M. Vaccari, R. A. Windhorst

33 pages, 22 figures, Accepted to MNRAS

The Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS) is an ongoing high-completeness, deep spectroscopic survey of $\sim$60,000 galaxies to Y$<$21.2 mag, over $\sim$6 deg2 in three well-studied deep extragalactic fields: D10 (COSMOS), D02 (XMM-LSS) and D03 (ECDFS). Numerous DEVILS projects all require consistent, uniformly-derived and state-of-the-art photometric data with which to measure galaxy properties. Existing photometric catalogues in these regions either use varied photometric measurement techniques for different facilities/wavelengths leading to inconsistencies, older imaging data and/or rely on source detection and photometry techniques with known problems. Here we use the ProFound image analysis package and state-of-the-art imaging datasets (including Subaru-HSC, VST-VOICE, VISTA-VIDEO and UltraVISTA-DR4) to derive matched-source photometry in 22 bands from the FUV to 500{\mu}m. This photometry is found to be consistent, or better, in colour-analysis to previous approaches using fixed-size apertures (which are specifically tuned to derive colours), but produces superior total source photometry, essential for the derivation of stellar masses, star-formation rates, star-formation histories, etc. Our photometric catalogue is described in detail and, after internal DEVILS team projects, will be publicly released for use by the broader scientific community.

Nagendra Kumar (1), Pankaj Kushwaha (2) ((1) Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, (2) Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Science (ARIES), Nainital, India)

22 pages, 11 figures

Blazars host the most powerful persistent relativistic conical jet -- a highly collimated anisotropic flow of material/plasma. Motivated by this, we explore the blazar's broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) in an anisotropic flow of plasma which emits via synchrotron and inverse Compton (IC) mechanism. The flow is conical with two velocity components: a highly relativistic flow component along the jet axis and a random perpendicular component with average random Lorentz factor $\langle \gamma^{ran} \rangle$ $<<$ than the average component along the jet axis $\langle \gamma \rangle$. Assuming a broken power-law electron population, we calculated the broadband SED using synchrotron and IC processes assuming a cylindrical (of radius R and length L) emission region. For the IC process, we used Monte Carlo approach. We found that such anisotropic flow can reproduce blazars broadband emission as well as general short and high amplitude variability, indicating that spectral and temporal variability are not sufficient to distinguish among existing models. We demonstrate this by reproducing SEDs of FSRQ 3C 454.3 and three BL Lacs objects OJ 287, S5 0716+714, PKS 2155-304. Our formalism and set-up also allow us to investigate the effect of the geometry and dimension of emission region on observed broadband spectra. We found that the SEDs of low synchrotron peak (LSP) blazar can be explained by considering only SSC (synchrotron self-Compton) if R/L ($<$ 0.01), broadly mimicking a spine-sheath geometry. In general, the degeneracy between non-thermal particle number density and length of the emission region (L) allow us to reproduce any variability in terms of particle number density.

Saeed Fakhry, Mahdi Naseri, Javad T. Firouzjaee, Mehrdad Farhoudi

15 pages, 8 figures, refs. added

We study the merger rate of primordial black holes (PBHs) in the self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) halo models. To explore a numerical description for the density profile of the SIDM halo models, we use the result of a previously performed simulation for the SIDM halo models with $\sigma/m=10~cm^{2}g^{-1}$. We also propose a concentration-mass-time relation that can explain the evolution of the halo density profile related to the SIDM models. Furthermore, we investigate the encounter condition of PBHs that may have been distributed in the medium of dark matter halos randomly. Under these assumptions, we calculate the merger rate of PBHs within each halo considering the SIDM halo models and compare the results with the one obtained for the cold dark matter (CDM) halo models. We indicate that the merger rate of PBHs for the SIDM halo models during the first epoch should be lower than the corresponding result for the CDM halo models, while by the time entering the second epoch sufficient PBH mergers in the SIDM halo models can be generated and even exceed the one resulted from the CDM halo models. By considering the spherical-collapse halo mass function, we obtain similar results for the cumulative merger rate of PBHs. Moreover, we calculate the redshift evolution of the PBH total merger rate. To determine a constraint on the PBH abundance, we study the merger rate of PBHs in terms of their fraction and masses and compare those with the black hole merger rate estimated by the Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) detectors during the third observing run. The results demonstrate that within the context of the SIDM halo models during the second epoch, the merger rate of $10~M_{\odot}-10~M_{\odot}$ events falls within the aLIGO window. We also estimate a relation between the fraction of PBHs and their masses, which is well consistent with our findings.

Nagendra Kumar, Banibrata Mukhopadhyay (Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012, India)

17 pages, 10 figures

Many astrophysical sources, e.g., cataclysmic variables, X-ray binaries, active galactic nuclei, exhibit a wind outflow, when they reveal a multicolor blackbody spectrum, hence harboring a geometrically thin Keplerian accretion disk. Unlike an advective disk, in the thin disk, the physical environment, like, emission line, external heating, is expected to play a key role to drive the wind outflow. We show the wind outflow in a thin disk attributing a disk irradiation effect, probably from the inner to outer disks. We solve the set of steady, axisymmetric disk model equations in cylindrical coordinates along the vertical direction for a given launching radius $(r)$ from the midplane, introducing irradiation as a parameter. We obtain an acceleration solution, for a finite irradiation in the presence of a fixed but tiny initial vertical velocity (hence thin disk properties practically do not alter) at the midplane, upto a maximum height ($z^{max}$). We find that wind outflow mainly occurs from the outer region of the disk and its density decreases with increasing launching radius, and for a given launching radius with increasing ejection height. Wind power decreases with increasing ejection height. For $z^{max} < 2r$, wind outflow is ejected tangentially (or parallel to the disk midplane) in all directions with the fluid speed same as the azimuthal speed. This confirms mainly, for low mass X-ray binaries, (a) wind outflow should be preferentially observed in high-inclination sources, (b) the expectation of red and blue shifted absorption lines.

S.P. Bos, K.L. Miller, J. Lozi, O. Guyon, D.S. Doelman, S. Vievard, A. Sahoo, V. Deo, N. Jovanovic, F. Martinache, T. Currie, F. Snik

Accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysics. 13 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables

One of the key noise sources that currently limits high-contrast imaging observations for exoplanet detection is quasi-static speckles. Quasi-static speckles originate from slowly evolving non-common path aberrations (NCPA). The purpose of this work is to present a proof-of-concept on-sky demonstration of spatial Linear Dark Field Control (LDFC). The ultimate goal of LDFC is to stabilize the point spread function (PSF) by addressing NCPA using the science image as additional wavefront sensor. We combined spatial LDFC with the Asymmetric Pupil vector-Apodizing Phase Plate (APvAPP) on the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics system at the Subaru Telescope. In this paper, we report the results of the first successful proof-of-principle LDFC on-sky tests. We present results from two types of cases: (1) correction of instrumental errors and atmospheric residuals plus artificially induced static aberrations introduced on the deformable mirror and (2) correction of only atmospheric residuals and instrumental aberrations. When introducing artificial static wavefront aberrations on the DM, we find that LDFC can improve the raw contrast by a factor of $3$--$7$ over the dark hole. In these tests, the residual wavefront error decreased by $\sim$50 nm RMS, from $\sim$90 nm to $\sim40$ nm RMS. In the case with only residual atmospheric wavefront errors and instrumental aberrations, we show that LDFC is able to suppress evolving aberrations that have timescales of $<0.1$--$0.4$ Hz. We find that the power at $10^{-2}$ Hz is reduced by a factor of $\sim$20, 7, and 4 for spatial frequency bins at 2.5, 5.5, and 8.5 $\lambda/D$, respectively. The results presented in this work show that LDFC is a promising technique for enabling the high-contrast imaging goals of the upcoming generation of extremely large telescopes.

A. Renske A. C. Wierda, Ewoud Wempe, Otto A. Hannuksela, Léon V. E. Koopmans, Chris Van Den Broeck

When gravitational waves pass near massive astrophysical objects, they can be gravitationally lensed. The lensing can split them into multiple wave-fronts, magnify them, or imprint beating patterns on the waves. Here we focus on the multiple images produced by strong lensing. In particular, we investigate strong lensing forecasts, the rate of lensing, and the role of lensing statistics in strong lensing searches. Overall, we find a reasonable rate of lensed detections for double, triple, and quadruple images at the LIGO--Virgo--KAGRA design sensitivity. We also report the rates for A+ and LIGO Voyager and briefly comment on potential improvements due to the inclusion of sub-threshold triggers. We find that most galaxy-lensed events originate from redshifts $z \sim 1-4$ and report the expected distribution of lensing parameters for the observed events. Besides forecasts, we investigate the role of lensing forecasts in strong lensing searches, which explore repeated event pairs. One problem associated with the searches is the rising number of event pairs, which leads to a rapidly increasing false alarm probability. We show how knowledge of the expected galaxy lensing time delays in our searches allow us to tackle this problem. Once the time delays are included, the false alarm probability increases linearly (similar to non-lensed searches) instead of quadratically with time, significantly improving the search. For galaxy cluster lenses, the improvement is less significant. The main uncertainty associated with these forecasts are the merger-rate density estimates at high redshift, which may be better resolved in the future.

I.D. Roberts, R.J. van Weeren, S.L. McGee, A. Botteon, A. Ignesti, H.J.A. Rottgering

10 pages, 7 figures, 1 appendix, accepted for publication in A&A

Numerous examples of ram pressure stripping in galaxy clusters are present in literature; however, substantially less work has been focused on ram pressure stripping in lower mass groups. In this work we use the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) to search for jellyfish galaxies in ~500 SDSS groups (z<0.05), making this the most comprehensive search for ram pressure stripping in groups to date. We identify 60 jellyfish galaxies in groups with extended, asymmetric radio continuum tails, which are found across the entire range of group mass from $10^{12.5} < M_\mathrm{group} < 10^{14}\,h^{-1}\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$. We compare the group jellyfish galaxies identified in this work with the LoTSS jellyfish galaxies in clusters presented in Roberts et al. (2021), allowing us to compare the effects of ram pressure stripping across three decades in group/cluster mass. We find that jellyfish galaxies are most commonly found in clusters, with the frequency decreasing towards the lowest mass groups. Both the orientation of observed radio continuum tails, and the positions of group jellyfish galaxies in phase space, suggest that galaxies are stripped more slowly in groups relative to clusters. Finally, we find that the star formation rates of jellyfish galaxies in groups are consistent with `normal' star-forming group galaxies, which is in contrast to cluster jellyfish galaxies that have clearly enhanced star formation rates. On the whole, there is clear evidence for ongoing ram pressure stripping in galaxy groups (down to very low group masses), though the frequency of jellyfish galaxies and the strength of ram pressure stripping appears smaller in groups than clusters. Differences in the efficiency of ram pressure stripping in groups versus clusters likely contributes to the positive trend between quenched fraction and host halo mass observed in the local Universe.

Florian Beutler, Patrick McDonald

38 pages, 15 figures, one table

We make use of recent developments in the analysis of galaxy redshift surveys to present an easy to use matrix-based analysis framework for the galaxy power spectrum multipoles, including wide-angle effects and the survey window function. We employ this framework to derive the deconvolved power spectrum multipoles of 6dFGS DR3, BOSS DR12 and the eBOSS DR16 quasar sample. As an alternative to the standard analysis, the deconvolved power spectrum multipoles can be used to perform a data analysis agnostic of survey specific aspects, like the window function. We show that in the case of the BOSS dataset, the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) analysis using the deconvolved power spectra results in the same likelihood as the standard analysis. To facilitate the analysis based on both the convolved and deconvolved power spectrum measurements, we provide the window function matrices, wide-angle matrices, covariance matrices and the power spectrum multipole measurements for the datasets mentioned above. Together with this paper we publish a \code{Python}-based toolbox to calculate the different analysis components. The appendix contains a detailed user guide with examples for how a cosmological analysis of these datasets could be implemented. We hope that our work makes the analysis of galaxy survey datasets more accessible to the wider cosmology community.

J. Terradas, M. Luna, R. Soler, R. Oliver, M. Carbonell, J. L Ballester

Accepted for publication in A&A

Threads are the building blocks of solar prominences and very often show longitudinal oscillatory motions that are strongly attenuated with time. The damping mechanism responsible for the reported oscillations is not fully understood yet. To understand the oscillations and damping of prominence threads it is mandatory to investigate first the nature of the equilibrium solutions that arise under static conditions and under the presence of radiative losses, thermal conduction and background heating. This provides the basis to calculate the eigenmodes of the thread models. The nonlinear ordinary differential equations for hydrostatic and thermal equilibrium under the presence of gravity are solved using standard numerical techniques and simple analytical expressions are derived under certain approximations. The solutions to the equations represent a prominence thread, i.e., a dense and cold plasma region of a certain length that connects with the corona through a prominence corona transition region (PCTR). The solutions can also match with a chromospheric-like layer if a spatially dependent heating function localised around the footpoints is considered. We have obtained static solutions representing prominence threads and have investigated in detail the dependence of these solutions on the different parameters of the model. Among other results, we have shown that multiple condensations along a magnetic field line are possible, and that the effect of partial ionisation in the model can significantly modify the thermal balance in the thread and therefore their length. This last parameter is also shown to be comparable to that reported in the observations when the radiative losses are reduced for typical thread temperatures.

O. Kochukhov, J. Labadie-Bartz, V. Khalack, M. E. Shultz

5 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS

Eclipsing binary stars are rare and extremely valuable astrophysical laboratories that make possible precise determination of fundamental stellar parameters. Investigation of early-type chemically peculiar stars in eclipsing binaries provides important information for understanding the origin and evolutionary context of their anomalous surface chemistry. In this study we discuss observations of eclipse variability in six mercury-manganese (HgMn) stars monitored by the TESS satellite. These discoveries double the number of known eclipsing HgMn stars and yield several interesting objects requiring further study. In particular, we confirm eclipses in HD 72208, thereby establishing this object as the longest-period eclipsing HgMn star. Among five other eclipsing binaries, reported here for the first time, HD 36892 and HD 53004 stand out as eccentric systems showing heartbeat variability in addition to eclipses. The latter object has the highest eccentricity among eclipsing HgMn stars and also exhibits tidally induced oscillations. Finally, we find evidence that HD 55776 may be orbited by a white dwarf companion.

Minas Karamanis, Florian Beutler

6 pages, 2 figures; Code available at this https URL

We introduce hankl, a lightweight Python implementation of the FFTLog algorithm for Cosmology. The FFTLog algorithm is an extension of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for logarithmically spaced periodic sequences. It can be used to efficiently compute Hankel transformations, which are paramount for many modern cosmological analyses that are based on the power spectrum or the 2-point correlation function multipoles. The code is well-tested, open source, and publicly available.

Jia Yin, ZhiWei Chen, Rolf Chini, Martin Haas, Sadegh Noroozi, YongQiang Yao, ZhiBo Jiang, Xuan Qian, LiYong Liu, Yao Li

We have monitored a 3 deg2 area toward Serpens Main in the Pan-STARRS1 r, i, and z bands from 2016 April to September. Light curves of more than 11,000 stars in each band were obtained, and 143 variables have been identified. Among those, 119 variables are new discoveries, while 24 variables were previously known. We present variability classes and periods of 99 stars. Of these, 81 are located in the upper giant branch, displaying long periods, while the remaining 18 variables are pre-main-sequence objects with short periods. We also identify eight eclipsing binary systems, including the known binary V0623 Ser, and derive their physical parameters. According to a clustering analysis of Gaia DR2 stars in the observed field, there are 10 variable members in Serpens Main, where six members have been classified as young stellar objects in previous studies. Here we provide color-magnitude and color-color diagrams for these variables. The color variability of most variables in the color-magnitude diagrams produce the expected displacements, while the movements of cluster members point in different directions; this behavior may be associated with accretion spots or circumstellar disks.

S. D. Riggs, R. W. Y. M. Barbhuiyan, J. Loveday, S. Brough, B. W. Holwerda, A. M. Hopkins, S. Phillipps

18 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by MNRAS

We explore the clustering of galaxy groups in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey to investigate the dependence of group bias and profile on separation scale and group mass. Due to the inherent uncertainty in estimating the group selection function, and hence the group auto-correlation function, we instead measure the projected galaxy--group cross-correlation function. We find that the group profile has a strong dependence on scale and group mass on scales $r_\bot \lesssim 1 h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}$. We also find evidence that the most massive groups live in extended, overdense, structures. In the first application of marked clustering statistics to groups, we find that group-mass marked clustering peaks on scales comparable to the typical group radius of $r_\bot \approx 0.5 h^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc}$. While massive galaxies are associated with massive groups, the marked statistics show no indication of galaxy mass segregation within groups. We show similar results from the IllustrisTNG simulations and the L-Galaxies model, although L-Galaxies shows an enhanced bias and galaxy mass dependence on small scales.

Elias R. Most, L. Jens Papenfort, Samuel D. Tootle, Luciano Rezzolla

17 pages, 14 figures

Remnant accretion disks formed in compact object mergers are an important ingredient in the understanding of electromagnetic afterglows of multi-messenger gravitational-wave events. Due to magnetically and neutrino driven winds, a significant fraction of the disk mass will eventually become unbound and undergo r-process nucleosynthesis. While this process has been studied in some detail, previous studies have typically used approximate initial conditions for the accretion disks, or started from purely hydrodynamical simulations. In this work, we analyse the properties of accretion disks formed from near equal-mass black hole-neutron star mergers simulated in general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics in dynamical spacetimes with an accurate microphysical description. The post-merger systems were evolved until $120\, {\rm ms}$ for different finite-temperature equations of state and black-hole spins. We present a detailed analysis of the fluid properties and of the magnetic-field topology. In particular, we provide analytic fits of the magnetic-field strength and specific entropy as a function of the rest-mass density, which can be used for the construction of equilibrium disk models. Finally, we evolve one of the systems for a total of $350\, \rm ms$ after merger and study the prospect for eventual jet launching. While our simulations do not reach this stage, we find clear evidence of continued funnel magnetization and clearing, a prerequisite for any jet-launching mechanism.

L.Giunti (for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration)

Accepted for publication in the 2. Astrophysical processes section of Astronomy & Astrophysics

The identification of PeVatrons, hadronic particle accelerators reaching the knee of the cosmic ray spectrum (few $10^{15}$ eV), is crucial to understand the origin of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. We provide an update on the unidentified source HESS J1702-420, a promising PeVatron candidate. We present new observations of HESS J1702-420 made with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.), and processed using improved analysis techniques. The analysis configuration was optimized to enhance the collection area at the highest energies. We applied a three-dimensional (3D) likelihood analysis to model the source region and adjust non thermal radiative spectral models to the $\gamma$-ray data. We also analyzed archival data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) to constrain the source spectrum at $\gamma$-ray energies >10 GeV. We report the detection of a new source component called HESS J1702-420A, that was separated from the bulk of TeV emission at a $5.4\sigma$ confidence level. The power law $\gamma$-ray spectrum of HESS J1702-420A extends with an index of $\Gamma=1.53\pm0.19_\text{stat}\pm0.20_\text{sys}$ and without curvature up to the energy band 64-113 TeV, in which it was detected by H.E.S.S. at a $4.0\sigma$ confidence level. This brings evidence for the source emission up to $100\,\text{TeV}$, which makes HESS J1702-420A a compelling candidate site for the presence of extremely high energy cosmic rays. Remarkably, in a hadronic scenario, the cut-off energy of the proton distribution powering HESS J1702-420A is found to be higher than 0.5 PeV at a 95% confidence level. HESS J1702-420A becomes therefore one of the most solid PeVatron candidates detected so far in H.E.S.S. data, altough a leptonic origin of its emission could not be ruled out either.

Alexander Beckett, Simon Morris, Michele Fumagalli, Rich Bielby, Nicolas Tejos, Joop Schaye, Buell Jannuzi, Sebastiano Cantalupo

30 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We study the distribution and dynamics of the circum- and intergalactic medium using a dense galaxy survey covering the field around the Q0107 system, a unique z~1 projected quasar triplet. With full Ly$\alpha$ coverage along all three lines-of-sight from z=0.18 to z=0.73, more than 1200 galaxy spectra, and two MUSE fields, we examine the structure of the gas around galaxies on 100-1000 kpc scales. We search for H I absorption systems occurring at the same redshift (within 500 $\textrm{km}$ $\textrm{s}^{-1}$) in multiple sightlines, finding with $>$ 99.9% significance that these systems are more frequent in the observed quasar spectra than in a randomly distributed population of absorbers. This is driven primarily by absorption with column densities N(H I) $> 10^{14}$ $\textrm{cm}^{-2}$, whilst multi-sightline absorbers with lower column densities are consistent with a random distribution. Star-forming galaxies are more likely to be associated with multi-sightline absorption than quiescent galaxies. HST imaging provides inclinations and position angles for a subset of these galaxies. We observe a bimodality in the position angle of detected galaxy-absorber pairs, again driven mostly by high-column-density absorbers, with absorption preferentially along the major and minor axes of galaxies out to impact parameters of several hundred kpc. We find some evidence supporting a disk/outflow dichotomy, as H I absorbers near the projected major-axis of a galaxy show line-of-sight velocities that tend to align with the rotation of that galaxy, whilst minor-axis absorbers are twice as likely to exhibit O VI at the same redshift.

Claudia M. Raiteri, Massimo Villata

Review published in "Galaxies" as part of the Special Issue "Polarimetry as a Probe of Magnetic Fields in AGN Jets", Academic Editors: Margo Aller, Jose L. G\'omez and Eric Perlman

Active galactic nuclei come in many varieties. A minority of them are radio-loud, and exhibit two opposite prominent plasma jets extending from the proximity of the supermassive black hole up to megaparsec distances. When one of the relativistic jets is oriented closely to the line of sight, its emission is Doppler beamed and these objects show extreme variability properties at all wavelengths. These are called "blazars". The unpredictable blazar variability, occurring on a continuous range of time-scales, from minutes to years, is most effectively investigated in a multi-wavelength context. Ground-based and space observations together contribute to give us a comprehensive picture of the blazar emission properties from the radio to the gamma-ray band. Moreover, in recent years, a lot of effort has been devoted to the observation and analysis of the blazar polarimetric radio and optical behaviour, showing strong variability of both the polarisation degree and angle. The Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) Collaboration, involving many tens of astronomers all around the globe, has been monitoring several blazars since 1997. The results of the corresponding data analysis have contributed to the understanding of the blazar phenomenon, particularly stressing the viability of a geometrical interpretation of the blazar variability. We review here the most significant polarimetric results achieved in the WEBT studies.

Enrichetta Iodice, Marilena Spavone, Massimo Capaccioli, Pietro Schipani, Magda Arnaboldi, Michele Cantiello, Giuseppe D'Ago, Demetra De Cicco, Duncan A. Forbes, Laura Greggio, Davor Krajnovic, Antonio La Marca, Nicola R. Napolitano, Maurizio Paolillo, Rossella Ragusa, Maria Angela Raj, Roberto Rampazzo, Marina Rejkuba

Published in The Messenger, vol. 183, p. 25-29

The VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey (VEGAS) is a deep, multi-band (u, g, r, i) imaging survey, carried out with the 2.6-metre VLT Survey Telescope (VST) at ESO's Paranal Observatory in Chile. VEGAS combines the wide (1-square-degree) OmegaCAM imager and long integration times, together with a specially designed observing strategy. It has proven to be a gold mine for studies of features at very low surface brightness, down to levels of mu_g~27-30 magnitudes arcsec^(-2), over 5-8 magnitudes fainter than the dark sky at Paranal. In this article we highlight the main science results obtained with VEGAS observations of galaxies across different environments, from dense clusters of galaxies to unexplored poor groups and in the field.

Emanuele Sobacchi, Lorenzo Sironi, Andrei M. Beloborodov

accepted for publication by MNRAS

Relativistic jets launched by rotating black holes are powerful emitters of non-thermal radiation. Extraction of the rotational energy via electromagnetic stresses produces magnetically-dominated jets, which may become turbulent. Studies of magnetically-dominated plasma turbulence from first principles show that most of the accelerated particles have small pitch angles, i.e. the particle velocity is nearly aligned with the local magnetic field. We examine synchrotron-self-Compton radiation from anisotropic particles in the fast cooling regime. The small pitch angles reduce the synchrotron cooling rate and promote the role of inverse Compton (IC) cooling, which can occur in two different regimes. In the Thomson regime, both synchrotron and IC components have soft spectra, $\nu F_\nu\propto\nu^{1/2}$. In the Klein-Nishina regime, synchrotron radiation has a hard spectrum, typically $\nu F_\nu\propto\nu$, over a broad range of frequencies. Our results have implications for the modelling of BL Lacs and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). BL Lacs produce soft synchrotron and IC spectra, as expected when Klein-Nishina effects are minor. The observed synchrotron and IC luminosities are typically comparable, which indicates a moderate anisotropy with pitch angles $\theta\gtrsim0.1$. Rare orphan gamma-ray flares may be produced when $\theta\ll0.1$. The hard spectra of GRBs may be consistent with synchrotron radiation when the emitting particles are IC cooling in the Klein-Nishina regime, as expected for pitch angles $\theta\sim0.1$. Blazar and GRB spectra can be explained by turbulent jets with a similar electron plasma magnetisation parameter, $\sigma_{\rm e}\sim10^4$, which for electron-proton plasmas corresponds to an overall magnetisation $\sigma=(m_{\rm e}/m_{\rm p})\sigma_{\rm e}\sim10$.

Giovanni Morlino, Silvia Celli

13 pages, 8 figures. Comments welcome

The process that allows cosmic rays (CRs) to escape from their sources and be released into the Galaxy is still largely unknown. The comparison between CR electron and proton spectra measured at Earth suggests that electrons are released with a spectrum steeper than protons by $\Delta s_{\rm ep} \sim 0.3$ for energies above $\sim 10$ GeV and by $\Delta s_{\rm ep} \sim 1.2$ above $\sim 1$~TeV. Assuming that both species are accelerated at supernova remnant (SNR) shocks, we here explore two possible scenarios that can in principle justify steeper electron spectra: {\it i}) energy losses due to synchrotron radiation in an amplified magnetic field, and {\it ii}) time dependent acceleration efficiency. We account for magnetic field amplification (MFA) produced by either CR-induced instabilities or by magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) instabilities using a parametric description. We show that both mechanisms are required to explain the electron spectrum. In particular synchrotron losses can produce a significant electron steepening only above $\sim 1$~TeV, while a time dependent acceleration can explain the spectrum at lower energies if the electron injection into diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) is inversely proportional to the shock speed. We discuss observational and theoretical evidences supporting such a behavior. In addition, we predict \gio{two additional spectral features: a spectral break below $\sim$ few GeV (as required by existing observations) due to the acceleration efficiency drop during the adiabatic phase and} a spectral hardening above $\sim 20$~TeV (where no data are available yet) resulting from electrons escaping from the shock precursor.

Markus J. Aschwanden, Manuel Guedel

16 pages, 7 Figures, 3 Tables

Power law size distributions are the hallmarks of nonlinear energy dissipation processes governed by self-organized criticality. Here we analyze 75 data sets of stellar flare size distributions, mostly obtained from the {\sl Extreme Ultra-Violet Explorer (EUVE)} and the {\sl Kepler} mission. We aim to answer the following questions for size distributions of stellar flares: (i) What are the values and uncertainties of power law slopes? (ii) Do power law slopes vary with time ? (iii) Do power law slopes depend on the stellar spectral type? (iv) Are they compatible with solar flares? (v) Are they consistent with self-organized criticality (SOC) models? We find that the observed size distributions of stellar flare fluences (or energies) exhibit power law slopes of $\alpha_E=2.09\pm0.24$ for optical data sets observed with Kepler. The observed power law slopes do not show much time variability and do not depend on the stellar spectral type (M, K, G, F, A, Giants). In solar flares we find that background subtraction lowers the uncorrected value of $\alpha_E=2.20\pm0.22$ to $\alpha_E=1.57\pm0.19$. Furthermore, most of the stellar flares are temporally not resolved in low-cadence (30 min) Kepler data, which causes an additional bias. Taking these two biases into account, the stellar flare data sets are consistent with the theoretical prediction $N(x) \propto x^{-\alpha_x}$ of self-organized criticality models, i.e., $\alpha_E=1.5$. Thus, accurate power law fits require automated detection of the inertial range and background subtraction, which can be modeled with the generalized Pareto distribution, finite-system size effects, and extreme event outliers.

Sajay Sunny Mathew, Christoph Federrath

19 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables, MNRAS submitted, comments welcome

We perform a series of three-dimensional, adaptive-mesh-refinement (AMR) magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) simulations of star cluster formation including gravity, turbulence, magnetic fields, stellar radiative heating and outflow feedback. We observe that the inclusion of protostellar outflows (1) reduces the star formation rate per free-fall time by a factor of $\sim2$, (2) increases fragmentation, and (3) shifts the initial mass function (IMF) to lower masses by a factor of $2.0\pm0.2$, without significantly affecting the overall shape of the IMF. The form of the sink particle (protostellar objects) mass distribution obtained from our simulations matches the observational IMFs reasonably well. We also show that turbulence-based theoretical models of the IMF agree well with our simulation IMF in the high-mass and low-mass regime, but do not predict any brown dwarfs, whereas our simulations produce a considerable number of sub-stellar objects. Our numerical model of star cluster formation also reproduces the observed mass dependence of multiplicity. Our multiplicity fraction estimates generally concur with the observational estimates for different spectral types. We further calculate the specific angular momentum of all the sink particles and find that the average value of $1.5 \times 10^{19}\, \mathrm{cm^2\, s^{-1}}$ is consistent with observational data. The specific angular momentum of our sink particles lies in the range typical of protostellar envelopes and binaries. We conclude that the IMF is controlled by a combination of gravity, turbulence, magnetic fields, radiation and outflow feedback.

Robert I. Citron, Peter Jenniskens, Christopher Watkins, Sravanthi Sinha, Amar Shah, Chedy Raissi, Hadrien Devillepoix, Jim Albers

16 pages, 9 Figures

The recovery of freshly fallen meteorites from tracked and triangulated meteors is critical to determining their source asteroid families. However, locating meteorite fragments in strewn fields remains a challenge with very few meteorites being recovered from the meteors triangulated in past and ongoing meteor camera networks. We examined if locating meteorites can be automated using machine learning and an autonomous drone. Drones can be programmed to fly a grid search pattern and take systematic pictures of the ground over a large survey area. Those images can be analyzed using a machine learning classifier to identify meteorites in the field among many other features. Here, we describe a proof-of-concept meteorite classifier that deploys off-line a combination of different convolution neural networks to recognize meteorites from images taken by drones in the field. The system was implemented in a conceptual drone setup and tested in the suspected strewn field of a recent meteorite fall near Walker Lake, Nevada.

Eli Dwek, Arkaprabha Sarangi, Richard G. Arendt, Timothy Kallman, Demos Kazanas, Ori D. Fox

Accepted for publication in the ApJ, 20 pages, 1 table, and 17 figures

SN 2010jl is a Type IIn core collapse supernova whose radiative output is powered by the interaction of the SN shock wave with its surrounding dense circumstellar medium (CSM). After day ~60, its light curve developed a NIR excess emission from dust. This excess could be a thermal IR echo from pre-existing CSM dust, or emission from newly-formed dust either in the cooling postshock region of the CSM, or in the cooling SN ejecta. Recent analysis has shown that dust formation in the CSM can commence only after day ~380, and has also ruled out newly-formed ejecta dust as the source of the NIR emission. The early (< 380 d) NIR emission can therefore only be attributed to an IR echo. The H-K color temperature of the echo is about 1250 K. The best fitting model requires the presence of about 1.6e-4 Msun of amorphous carbon dust at a distance of 2.2e16 cm from the explosion. The CSM-powered luminosity is preceded by an intense burst of hard radiation generated by the breakout of the SN shock through the stellar surface. The peak burst luminosity seen by the CSM dust is significantly reduced by Thomson scattering in the CSM, but still has the potential of evaporating the dust needed to produce the echo. We show that the survival of the echo-producing dust provides important constraints on the intensity, effective temperature, and duration of the burst.

Kuantay Boshkayev, Talgar Konysbayev, Ergali Kurmanov, Orlando Luongo, Daniele Malafarina, Hernando Quevedo

10 pages, 8 figures

We consider the circular motion of test particles in the gravitational field of a static and axially-symmetric compact object described by the $q$-metric. To this end, we calculate orbital parameters of test particles on accretion disks such as angular velocity ($\Omega$), total energy ($E$), angular momentum ($L$), and radius of the innermost stable circular orbit ($r_{ISCO}$) as functions of the mass ($m$) and quadrupole ($q$) parameters of the source. The radiative flux, differential, and spectral luminosity of the accretion disk, which are quantities that can be experimentally measured, are then explored in detail. The obtained results are compared with the corresponding ones for the Schwarzschild and Kerr black holes in order to establish whether black holes may be distinguished from the $q$-metric via observations of the accretion disk's spectrum.

Kevin Langhoff, Chitraang Murdia, Yasunori Nomura

11 pages, 7 figures

We study the redundancies in the global spacetime description of the eternally inflating multiverse using the quantum extremal surface prescription. We argue that a sufficiently large spatial region in a bubble universe has an entanglement island surrounding it. Consequently, the semiclassical physics of the multiverse, which is all we need to make cosmological predictions, can be fully described by the fundamental degrees of freedom associated with certain finite spatial regions. The island arises due to mandatory collisions with collapsing bubbles, whose big crunch singularities indicate redundancies of the global spacetime description. The emergence of the island and the resulting reduction of independent degrees of freedom provides a regularization of infinities which caused the cosmological measure problem.

Daniel Baumann, Wei-Ming Chen, Carlos Duaso Pueyo, Austin Joyce, Hayden Lee, Guilherme L. Pimentel

69+29 pages, 6 figures

Much of the structure of cosmological correlators is controlled by their singularities, which in turn are fixed in terms of flat-space scattering amplitudes. An important challenge is to interpolate between the singular limits to determine the full correlators at arbitrary kinematics. This is particularly relevant because the singularities of correlators are not directly observable, but can only be accessed by analytic continuation. In this paper, we study rational correlators, including those of gauge fields, gravitons, and the inflaton, whose only singularities at tree level are poles and whose behavior away from these poles is strongly constrained by unitarity and locality. We describe how unitarity translates into a set of cutting rules that consistent correlators must satisfy, and explain how this can be used to bootstrap correlators given information about their singularities. We also derive recursion relations that allow the iterative construction of more complicated correlators from simpler building blocks. In flat space, all energy singularities are simple poles, so that the combination of unitarity constraints and recursion relations provides an efficient way to bootstrap the full correlators. In many cases, these flat-space correlators can then be transformed into their more complex de Sitter counterparts. As an example of this procedure, we derive the correlator associated to graviton Compton scattering in de Sitter space, though the methods are much more widely applicable.

Silicon-germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBTs) are of interest as low-noise microwave amplifiers due to their competitive noise performance and low cost relative to III-V devices. The fundamental noise performance limits of HBTs are thus of interest, and several studies report that quasiballistic electron transport across the base is a mechanism leading to cryogenic non-ideal IV characteristics that affects these limits. However, this conclusion has not been rigorously tested against theoretical predictions because prior studies modeled electron transport with empirical approaches or approximate solutions of the Boltzmann equation. Here, we study non-diffusive transport in narrow-base SiGe HBTs using an exact, semi-analytic solution of the Boltzmann equation based on an asymptotic expansion approach. We find that the computed transport characteristics are inconsistent with experiment, implying that quasiballistic electron transport is unlikely to be the origin of cryogenic non-ideal IV characteristics. Our work helps to identify the mechanisms governing the lower limits of the microwave noise figure of cryogenic HBT amplifiers.

We study {\it analytically} the physical and mathematical properties of spatially regular massless scalar field configurations which are non-minimally coupled to the electromagnetic field of a spherically symmetric charged reflecting shell. In particular, the Klein-Gordon wave equation for the composed charged-reflecting-shell-nonminimally-coupled-linearized-massless-scalar-field system is solved analytically. Interestingly, we explicitly prove that the discrete resonance spectrum $\{R_{\text{s}}(Q,\alpha,l;n)\}^{n=\infty}_{n=1}$ of charged shell radii that can support the non-minimally coupled massless scalar fields can be expressed in a remarkably compact form in terms of the characteristic zeros of the Bessel function (here $Q$, $\alpha$, and $l$ are respectively the electric charge of the central supporting shell, the dimensionless non-minimal coupling parameter of the Maxwell-scalar theory, and the angular harmonic index of the supported scalar configuration).

We revisit the definition of transverse frames and tetrad choices with regards to its application to numerically generated spacetimes, in particular those from the merger of binary black holes. We introduce the concept of local and approximate algebraic Petrov types in the strong field regime. We define an index $\mathcal{D}=\sqrt{12/I}\left(\Psi_2 - \Psi_3^2/\Psi_4\right)$ able to discriminate between Petrov types II and D and define regions of spacetime of those approximate types when used in conjunction with the speciality invariant $S=27J^2/I^3$. We provide an explicit example applying this method to Brill-Lindquist initial data corresponding to two nonspinning black holes from rest at a given initial separation. We find a doughnut-like region that is approximately of Petrov type II surrounded by an approximately Petrov type D region. We complete the study by proposing a totally symmetric tetrad fixing of the transverse frame that can be simply implemented in numerically generated spacetimes through the computation of spin coefficients ratios. We provide an application by explicitly deriving the Kerr-perturbative equations in this tetrad.

Chris Kouvaris, Eleftherios Papantonopoulos, Lauren Street, L.C.R. Wijewardhana

19 pages, 3 figures

It is possible that bosonic dark matter forms halos around the Sun or the Earth. We discuss the possibility of probing such halos with atomic clocks. Focusing on either a Higgs portal or photon portal interaction between the dark matter and the Standard Model, we search the possible parameter space for which a clock on Earth and a clock in space would have a discernible frequency difference. Bosonic dark matter halos surrounding the Earth can potentially be probed with current optical atomic clocks.

Lorenzo Iorio

laTex2e, 16 pages, 1 table, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (AJ)

Recently, it has been shown that rocky planets orbiting neutron stars can be habitable under non unrealistic circumstances. If a distant, pointlike source of visible light such as a Sun-like main sequence star or the gravitationally lensed accretion disk of a supermassive black hole is present as well, possible temporal variations $\Delta\varepsilon_\mathrm{p}(t)$ of the planet's axial tilt $\varepsilon_\mathrm{p}$ to the ecliptic plane should be included in the overall habitability budget since the obliquity determines the insolation at a given latitude on a body' s surface. I point out that, for rather generic initial spin-orbit initial configurations, general relativistic and classical spin variations induced by the post-Newtonian de Sitter and Lense-Thirring components of the field of the host neutron star and by its pull to the planetary oblateness $J_2^\mathrm{p}$ may induce huge and very fast variations of $\varepsilon_\mathrm{p}$ which would likely have an impact on the habitability of such worlds. In particular, for a planet's distance of, say, $0.005\,\mathrm{au}$ from a $1.4\,M_\odot$ neutron star corresponding to an orbital period $P_\mathrm{b}=0.109\,\mathrm{d}$, obliquity shifts $\Delta\varepsilon_\mathrm{p}$ as large as $\varepsilon^\mathrm{max}_\mathrm{p}-\varepsilon_\mathrm{p}^\mathrm{min}\simeq 50^\circ-100^\circ$ over characteristic timescales as short as $10\,\mathrm{d}$ ($J_2^\mathrm{p}$) to $3\,\mathrm{Myr}$ (Lense-Thirring) may occur for arbitrary orientations of the orbital and spin angular momenta $\boldsymbol{L},\,{\boldsymbol{S}}_\mathrm{ns},\,{\boldsymbol{S}}_\mathrm{p}$ of the planet-neutron star system. In view of this feature of their spins, I dub such hypothetical planets as ``nethotrons".

Maosheng He, Joachim Vogt, Eduard Dubinin, Tielong Zhang, Zhaojin Rong

submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

The current work investigates the Venusian solar-wind-induced magnetosphere at a high spatial resolution using all Venus Express (VEX) magnetic observations through an unbiased statistical method. We first evaluate the predictability of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) during VEX's magnetospheric transits, and then map the induced field in a cylindrical coordinate system under different IMF conditions. Our high-resolution mapping enables resolving structures on various scales, ranging from the thin ionopause and the associated electric currents to the classical global-scale draped IMF. Our mapping also resolves two recently-reported structures, a low ionospheric magnetization over the terminator and a global "looping" structure in the near magnetotail, both of which are not depicted in the classical draping configuration. In contrast to the reported IMF-independent cylindrical magnetic field of both structures, our results illustrate their IMF dependence. In both structures, the cylindrical magnetic component is stronger in the hemisphere with an upward solar wind electric field ($E^{SW}$) than in the opposite hemisphere. Under downward $E^{SW}$, the "looping" structure even breaks, which is attributable to an additional draped magnetic field structure wrapping toward $-E^{SW}$. In addition, our results suggest that these two structures are spatially not overlapping with each other. The low ionospheric structure occurs in a very narrow region, at about 87--95$^\circ$ solar zenith angle and 190--210~km altitude, implying that future simulation to reproduce the structure entails at least a spatial resolution of about 10 km. We discuss this narrow structure in terms of a Cowling channel.

Magnetic helicity is robustly conserved in systems with large magnetic Reynolds numbers, including most systems of astrophysical interest. This plays a major role in suppressing the kinematic large scale dynamo and driving the large scale dynamo through the magnetic helicity flux. Numerical simulations of astrophysical systems typically lack sufficient resolution to enforce global magnetic helicity over several dynamical times. Errors in the internal distribution of magnetic helicity are equally serious and possibly larger. Here we propose an algorithm for enforcing strict local conservation of magnetic helicity in the Coulomb gauge in numerical simulations.

We discuss the adiabatic basis dependence of particle number in time-dependent backgrounds. In particular, we focus on preheating after inflation, and show that, for the optimal basis, the time dependence of the produced particle number can be well approximated by a simple connection formula, which can be obtained by analysing Stokes phenomenon in given backgrounds. As we show explicitly, the simple connection formula can describe various parameter regions such as narrow and broad resonance regime in a unified manner.

Manuel Gonzalez-Espinoza, Ramón Herrera, Giovanni Otalora, Joel Saavedra

13 pages, 1 figure

It is investigated the reconstruction during the slow-roll inflation in the most general class of scalar-torsion theories whose Lagrangian density is an arbitrary function $f(T,\phi)$ of the torsion scalar $T$ of teleparallel gravity and the inflaton $\phi$. For the class of theories with Lagrangian density $f(T,\phi)=-M_{pl}^{2} T/2 - G(T) F(\phi) - V(\phi)$, with $G(T)\sim T^{s+1}$ and the power $s$ a constant, we consider a reconstruction scheme for determining both the non-minimal coupling function $F(\phi)$ and the scalar potential $V(\phi)$ through the parametrization (or attractor) of the scalar spectral index $n_{s}(N)$ and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r(N)$ as functions of the number of $e-$folds $N$. As specific examples, we analyze the attractors $n_{s}-1 \propto 1/N$ and $r\propto 1/N$, as well as the case $r\propto 1/N (N+\gamma)$ with $\gamma$ a dimensionless constant.

Injun Jeong, Sunghyun Kang, Stefano Scopel (Sogang U.), Gaurav Tomar (Technical U. of Munich)

33 pages, 4 figure, 4 tables. WimPyDD can be downloaded from this https URL

We introduce WimPyDD, a modular, object-oriented and customizable Python code that calculates accurate predictions for the expected rates in Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) direct-detection experiments within the framework of Galilean-invariant non-relativistic effective theory in virtually any scenario, including inelastic scattering, an arbitrary WIMP spin and a generic WIMP velocity distribution in the Galactic halo. WimPyDD exploits the factorization of the three main components that enter in the calculation of direct detection signals: i) the Wilson coefficients that encode the dependence of the signals on the ultraviolet completion of the effective theory; ii) a response function that depends on the nuclear physics and on the main features of the experimental detector (acceptance, energy resolution, response to nuclear recoils); iii) a halo function that depends on the WIMP velocity distribution and that encodes the astrophysical inputs. In WimPyDD these three components are calculated and stored separately for later interpolation and combined together only as the last step of the signal evaluation procedure. This makes the phenomenological study of the direct detection scattering rate with WimPyDD transparent and fast also when the parameter space of the WIMP model has a large dimensionality.

Manu Srivastava (IIT Bombay), Yanbei Chen (CalTech), S. Shankaranarayanan (IIT Bombay)

19 pages, 2 figures

Using gravitational wave observations to search for deviations from general relativity in the strong-gravity regime has become an important research direction. Chern Simons (CS) gravity is one of the most frequently studied parity-violating models of strong gravity. It is known that the Kerr black-hole is not a solution for CS gravity. At the same time, the only rotating solution available in the literature for dynamical CS (dCS) gravity is the slow-rotating case most accurately known to quadratic order in spin. In this work, for the slow-rotating case (accurate to first order in spin), we derive the linear perturbation equations governing the metric and the dCS field accurate to linear order in spin and quadratic order in the CS coupling parameter ($\alpha$) and obtain the quasi-normal mode (QNM) frequencies. After confirming the recent results of Wagle et al. (2021), we find an additional contribution to the eigenfrequency correction at the leading perturbative order of $\alpha^2$. Unlike Wagle et al., we also find corrections to frequencies in the polar sector. We compute these extra corrections by evaluating the expectation values of the perturbative potential on unperturbed QNM wavefunctions along a contour deformed into the complex-$r$ plane. For $\alpha=0.1 M^2$, we obtain the ratio of the imaginary parts of the dCS correction to the GR correction in the first QNM frequency (in the polar sector) to be $0.263$ implying significant change. For the $(2,2)-$mode, the dCS corrections make the imaginary part of the first QNM of the fundamental mode less negative, thereby decreasing the decay rate. Our results, along with future gravitational wave observations, can be used to test for dCS gravity and further constrain the CS coupling parameters. [abridged]

V.A. Allakhverdyan, A.D. Avrorin, A.V. Avrorin, V.M. Aynutdinov, R. Bannasch, Z. Bardačová, I.A. Belolaptikov, I.V. Borina, V.B. Brudanin, N.M. Budnev, V.Y. Dik, G.V. Domogatsky, A.A. Doroshenko, R. Dvornický, A.N. Dyachok, Zh.-A.M. Dzhilkibaev, E. Eckerová, T.V. Elzhov, L. Fajt, S.V. Fialkovski, A.R. Gafarov, K.V. Golubkov, N.S. Gorshkov, T.I. Gress, M.S. Katulin, K.G. Kebkal, O.G. Kebkal, E.V. Khramov, M.M. Kolbin, K.V. Konischev, K.A. Kopański, A.V. Korobchenko, A.P. Koshechkin, V.A. Kozhin, M.V. Kruglov, M.K. Kryukov, V.F. Kulepov, Pa. Malecki, Y.M. Malyshkin, M.B. Milenin, R.R. Mirgazov, D.V. Naumov, V. Nazari, W. Noga, D.P. Petukhov, E.N. Pliskovsky, M.I. Rozanov, V.D. Rushay, E.V. Ryabov, G.B. Safronov, B.A. Shaybonov, M.D. Shelepov, et al. (14 additional authors not shown)

13 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to be published in Eur. Phys. J. C

The Baikal Gigaton Volume Detector (Baikal-GVD) is a km$^3$-scale neutrino detector currently under construction in Lake Baikal, Russia. The detector consists of several thousand optical sensors arranged on vertical strings, with 36 sensors per string. The strings are grouped into clusters of 8 strings each. Each cluster can operate as a stand-alone neutrino detector. The detector layout is optimized for the measurement of astrophysical neutrinos with energies of $\sim$ 100 TeV and above. Events resulting from charged current interactions of muon (anti-)neutrinos will have a track-like topology in Baikal-GVD. A fast $\chi^2$-based reconstruction algorithm has been developed to reconstruct such track-like events. The algorithm has been applied to data collected in 2019 from the first five operational clusters of Baikal-GVD, resulting in observations of both downgoing atmospheric muons and upgoing atmospheric neutrinos. This serves as an important milestone towards experimental validation of the Baikal-GVD design. This analysis is limited to single-cluster data, favoring nearly-vertical tracks.

We present new two-sided constraints on Lorentz Invariance violation energy scale for photons with quartic dispersion relation from recent gamma ray observations by Tibet-AS$\gamma$ and LHAASO experiments. The constraints are based on the consideration of the processes of photon triple splitting (superluminal scenario) and the suppression of shower formation (subluminal). The constraints in subluminal scenario are better than the pair production constraints and are the strongest in the literature.

Julia A. Kropotina, Lee Webster, Anton V. Artemyev, Andrei M. Bykov, Dmitri L. Vainchtein, Ivan Y. Vasko

Solar wind plasma at the Earth's orbit carries transient magnetic field structures including discontinuities. Their interaction with the Earth's bow shock can significantly alter discontinuity configuration and stability. We investigate such an interaction for the most widespread type of solar wind discontinuities - rotational discontinuities (RDs). We use a set of in situ multispacecraft observations and perform kinetic hybrid simulations. We focus on the RD current density amplification that may lead to magnetic reconnection. We show that the amplification can be as high as two orders of magnitude and is mainly governed by three processes: the transverse magnetic field compression, global thinning of RD, and interaction of RD with low-frequency electromagnetic waves in the magnetosheath, downstream of the bow shock. The first factor is found to substantially exceed simple hydrodynamic predictions in most observed cases, the second effect has a rather moderate impact, while the third causes strong oscillations of the current density. We show that the presence of accelerated particles in the bow shock precursor highly boosts the current density amplification, making the postshock magnetic reconnection more probable. The pool of accelerated particles strongly affects the interaction of RDs with the Earth's bow shock, as it is demonstrated by observational data analysis and hybrid code simulations. Thus, shocks should be distinguished not by the inclination angle, but rather by the presence of foreshocks populated with shock reflected particles. Plasma processes in the RD-shock interaction affect magnetic structures and turbulence in the Earth's magnetosphere and may have implications for the processes in astrophysics.

Sylvia Biscoveanu, Maximiliano Isi, Vijay Varma, Salvatore Vitale

An accurate and precise measurement of the spins of individual merging black holes is required to understand their origin. While previous studies have indicated that most of the spin information comes from the inspiral part of the signal, the informative spin measurement of the heavy binary black hole system GW190521 suggests that the merger and ringdown can contribute significantly to the spin constraints for such massive systems. We perform a systematic study into the measurability of the spin parameters of individual heavy binary black hole mergers using a numerical relativity surrogate waveform model including the effects of both spin-induced precession and higher-order modes. We find that the spin measurements are driven by the merger and ringdown parts of the signal for GW190521-like systems, but the uncertainty in the measurement increases with the total mass of the system. We are able to place meaningful constraints on the spin parameters even for systems observed at moderate signal-to-noise ratios, but the measurability depends on the exact six-dimensional spin configuration of the system. Finally, we find that the azimuthal angle between the in-plane projections of the component spin vectors at a given reference frequency cannot be well-measured for most of our simulated configurations even for signals observed with high signal-to-noise ratios.