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Papers for Thursday, Jul 15 2021

Papers with local authors

Oliver H. E. Philcox

31 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Code available at this https URL

2 votes
Paper 1 — arXiv:2107.06287
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Paper 1 — arXiv:2107.06287

When analyzing the galaxy bispectrum measured from spectroscopic surveys, it is imperative to account for the effects of non-uniform survey geometry. Conventionally, this is done by convolving the theory model with the the window function; however, the computational expense of this prohibits full exploration of the bispectrum likelihood. In this work, we provide a new class of estimators for the unwindowed bispectrum; a quantity that can be straightforwardly compared to theory. This builds upon the work of Philcox (2021) for the power spectrum, and comprises two parts (both obtained from an Edgeworth expansion): a cubic estimator applied to the data, and a Fisher matrix, which deconvolves the bispectrum components. In the limit of weak non-Gaussianity, the estimator is minimum-variance; furthermore, we give an alternate form based on FKP weights that is close-to-optimal and easy to compute. As a demonstration, we measure the binned bispectrum monopole of a suite of simulations both using conventional estimators and our unwindowed equivalents. Computation times are comparable, except that the unwindowed approach requires a Fisher matrix, computable in an additional $\mathcal{O}(100)$ CPU-hours. Our estimator may be straightforwardly extended to measure redshift-space distortions and the components of the bispectrum in arbitrary separable bases. The techniques of this work will allow the bispectrum to straightforwardly included in the cosmological analysis of current and upcoming survey data.

Michael W. Topping, Alice E. Shapley, Daniel P. Stark, Ryan Endsley, Brant Robertson, Jenny E. Greene, Steven R. Furlanetto, Mengtao Tang

6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Submitted to ApJL

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Paper 7 — arXiv:2107.06295
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2107.06295

We present deep Keck/MOSFIRE $H$-band spectroscopic observations covering the [CIII],CIII]$\lambda\lambda1907,1909$ doublet for three $z\sim8$ galaxy candidates in the AEGIS field. Along with non-detections in two galaxies, we obtain one of the highest-redshift detections to-date of [CIII]$\lambda 1907$ for the galaxy AEGIS-33376, finding $z_{\rm spec}=7.945\pm0.001$. We measure a [CIII]$\lambda$1907 flux of $2.24\pm0.71\times10^{-18} \mbox{ erg}\mbox{ s}^{-1} \mbox{ cm}^{-2}$, corresponding to a rest-frame equivalent width of $20.3\pm6.5 \unicode{x212B}$ for the single line. Given the not very constraining upper limit for CIII]$\lambda 1909$ based on strong sky-line contamination, we assume a [CIII]$\lambda$1907/CIII]$\lambda 1909$ doublet ratio of 1.5 and infer a total [CIII],CIII]$\lambda\lambda1907,1909$ equivalent width of $33.7\pm 10.8 \unicode{x212B}$. We repeat the same reductions and analysis on multiple subsets of our raw data divided on the basis of time and observing conditions, verifying that the [CIII]$\lambda 1907$ emission is present for AEGIS-33376 throughout our observations. We also confirm that the significance of the [CIII]$\lambda 1907$ detection in different subsets of our data tracks that of brighter emission features detected on the same multi-slit mask. These multiple tests suggest that the observed emission line is real and associated with the $z\sim 8$ target. The strong observed [CIII],CIII]$\lambda\lambda1907,1909$ in AEGIS-33376 likely indicates ISM conditions of low metallicity, high ionization parameter, and a hard ionizing spectrum, although AGN contributions are possible. This single detection represents a sizable increase in the current sample [CIII],CIII]$\lambda\lambda1907,1909$ detections at $z>7$, while $\textit{JWST}$ will provide the first statistical samples of such measurements at these redshifts.

Q.C. Bu, S.N. Zhang, A. Santangelo, T.M. Belloni, L. Zhang, J.L. Qu, L. Tao, Y. Huang, X. Ma, Z.S. Li, S. Zhang, L. Chen, the Insight-HMXT collaboration

To be published in The Astrophysical Journal

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Paper 19 — arXiv:2107.06333
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Paper 19 — arXiv:2107.06333

We report the energy-resolved broadband timing analysis of the black hole X-ray transient MAXI J1631-479 during its 2019 outburst from February 11 to April 9, using data from the Insight-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT), which caught the source from its hard intermediate state to the soft state. Thanks to the large effective area of Insight-HXMT at high energies, we are able to present the energy dependence of fast variability up to ~100 keV. Type-C quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) with frequency varying between 4.9 Hz and 6.5 Hz are observed in the 1-100 keV energy band. While the QPO fractional rms increases with photon energy from 1 keV to ~10 keV and remains more or less constant from ~10 keV to ~100 keV, the rms of the flat-top noise first increases from 1 keV to ~8 keV then drops to less than 0.1% above ~30 keV. We suggest that the disappearance of the broadband variability above 30 keV could be caused by the non-thermal acceleration in the Comptonizing plasma. At the same time, the QPOs could be produced by the precession of either a small-scale jet or a hot inner flow model.

Chan-Kao Chang, Ying-Tung Chen, Wesley C. Fraser, Fumi Yoshida, Matthew J. Lehner, Shiang-Yu Wang, JJ Kavelaars, Rosemary E. Pike, Mike Alexandersen, Takashi Ito, Young-Jun Choi, A. Paula Granados Contreras, Youngmin JeongAhn, Jianghui Ji, Myung-Jin Kim, Samantha M. Lawler, Jian Li, Zhong-Yi Lin, Patryk Sofia Lykawka, Hong-Kyu Moon, Surhud More, Marco Munoz-Gutierrez, Keiji Ohtsuki, Tsuyoshi Terai, Seitaro Urakawa, Hui Zhang, Hai-Bin Zhao, Ji-Lin Zhou. The FOSSIL Collaboration

Accepted by PSJ on July 9th, 2021. 15 pages, 7 figures, and 3 tables

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Paper 43 — arXiv:2107.06685
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Paper 43 — arXiv:2107.06685

Rotation periods of 53 small (diameters $2 < D < 40$ km) Jupiter Trojans (JTs) were derived using the high-cadence light curves obtained by the FOSSIL phase I survey, a Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam intensive program. These are the first reported periods measured for JTs with $D < 10$ km. We found a lower limit of the rotation period near 4 hr, instead of the previously published result of 5 hr (Ryan et al. 2017; Szabo et al. 2017, 2020) found for larger JTs. Assuming a rubble-pile structure for JTs, a bulk density of 0.9 gcm$^{-3}$ is required to withstand this spin rate limit, consistent with the value $0.8-1.0$ gcm$^{-3}$ (Marchis et al. 2006; Mueller et al. 2010; Buie et al. 2015; Berthier et al. 2020) derived from the binary JT system, (617) Patroclus-Menoetius system.

All other papers

Young-Wook Lee, Chul Chung, Pierre Demarque, Seunghyun Park, Junhyuk Son, Yijung Kang

16 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Submitted to ApJ

Supernova (SN) cosmology is based on the assumption that the width-luminosity relation (WLR) and the color-luminosity relation (CLR) in the type Ia SN luminosity standardization would not vary with progenitor age. Unlike this expectation, recent age datings of stellar populations in host galaxies have shown significant correlations between progenitor age and Hubble residual (HR). It was not clear, however, how this correlation arises from the SN luminosity standardization process, and how this would impact the cosmological result. Here we show that this correlation originates from a strong progenitor age dependence of the WLR and the CLR, in the sense that SNe from younger progenitors are fainter each at given light-curve parameters $x_1$ and $c$. This is reminiscent of Baade's discovery of two Cepheid period-luminosity relations, and, as such, causes a serious systematic bias with redshift in SN cosmology. Other host properties show substantially smaller and insignificant differences in the WLR and CLR for the same dataset. We illustrate that the differences between the high-$z$ and low-$z$ SNe in the WLR and CLR, and in HR after the standardization, are fully comparable to those between the correspondingly young and old SNe at intermediate redshift, indicating that the observed dimming of SNe with redshift is most likely an artifact of over-correction in the luminosity standardization. When this systematic bias with redshift is properly taken into account, there is no or little evidence left for an accelerating universe, posing a serious question to one of the cornerstones of the concordance model.

Tatsuya Matsumoto, Tsvi Piran

16 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome!!!

Radio flares from tidal disruption events (TDEs) are generally interpreted as synchrotron emission arising from the interaction of an outflow with the surrounding circumnuclear medium (CNM). We generalize the common equipartition analysis to be applicable in cases lacking a clear spectral peak or even with just an upper limit. We show that, for detected events, there is a lower limit on the combination of the outflow's velocity $v$ and solid angle $\Omega$, $\simeq v\Omega^{a}$ (with $a \simeq 0.5$) that constrains the outflow's properties. Considering several possible outflow components accompanying TDEs, we find that: Isotropic outflows such as disk winds with $v\sim10^4\,\rm km\,s^{-1}$ and $\Omega = 4 \pi$ can easily produces the observed flares; The bow shock of the unbound debris has a wedge-like geometry and it must be thick with $\Omega\gtrsim1$ and a fraction of its mass ($\gtrsim 0.01 \,M_{\odot}$), has to move at $v \gtrsim 2 \times 10^4\,\rm km\,s^{-1}$; Conical Newtonian outflows such as jets can also be a radio source but both their velocity and the CNM density should be larger than those of isotropic winds by a factor of $\sim(\Omega/4\pi)^{-0.5}$. Our limits on the CNM densities are typically 30-100 times larger than those found by previous analysis that ignored non-relativistic electrons that do not emit synchrotron radiation. We show that unless $v$ and $\Omega$ are known radio observation alone cannot determine the CNM density. We also find that late (a few years after the TDE) radio upper-limits rule out energetic, $\sim 10^{51-52}\,\rm erg$, relativistic jets like the one observed in TDE Sw J1644+57, implying that such jets are rare.

Akio Taniguchi, Yoichi Tamura, Shiro Ikeda, Tatsuya Takekoshi, Ryohei Kawabe

30 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in AJ

For submillimeter spectroscopy with ground-based single-dish telescopes, removing noise contribution from the Earth's atmosphere and the instrument is essential. For this purpose, here we propose a new method based on a data-scientific approach. The key technique is statistical matrix decomposition that automatically separates the signals of astronomical emission lines from the drift noise components in the fast-sampled (1--10 Hz) time-series spectra obtained by a position-switching (PSW) observation. Because the proposed method does not apply subtraction between two sets of noisy data (i.e., on-source and off-source spectra), it improves the observation sensitivity by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$. It also reduces artificial signals such as baseline ripples on a spectrum, which may also help to improve the effective sensitivity. We demonstrate this improvement by using the spectroscopic data of emission lines toward a high-redshift galaxy observed with a 2-mm receiver on the 50-m Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT). Since the proposed method is carried out offline and no additional measurements are required, it offers an instant improvement on the spectra reduced so far with the conventional method. It also enables efficient deep spectroscopy driven by the future 50-m class large submillimeter single-dish telescopes, where fast PSW observations by mechanical antenna or mirror drive are difficult to achieve.

Ward S. Howard, Nicholas M. Law

Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. 14 pages, 9 figures

Phased flaring, or the periodic occurrence of stellar flares, may probe electromagnetic star-planet interaction (SPI), binary interaction, or magnetic conditions in spots. For the first time, we explore flare periodograms for a large sample of flare stars to identify periodicity due to magnetic interactions with orbiting companions, magnetic reservoirs, or rotational phase. Previous large surveys have explored periodicity at the stellar rotation period, but we do not assume periods must correspond with rotation in this work. Two min TESS light curves of 284 cool stars are searched for periods from 1-10 d using two newly-developed periodograms. Because flares are discrete events in noisy and incomplete data, typical periodograms are not well-suited to detect phased flaring. We construct and test a new Bayesian likelihood periodogram and a modified Lomb-Scargle periodogram. We find 6 candidates with a false-alarm probability below 1%. Three targets are >3-sigma detections of flare periodicity; the others are plausible candidates which cannot be individually confirmed. Periods range from 1.35 to 6.7 d and some, but not all, correlate with the stellar rotation period or its 1/2 alias. Periodicity from 2 targets may persist from TESS Cycle 1 into Cycle 3. The periodicity does not appear to persist for the others. Long-term changes in periodicity may result from the spot evolution observed from each candidate, which suggests magnetic conditions play an important role in sustaining periodicity.

Jason A. S. Hunt, Ioana A. Stelea, Kathryn V. Johnston, Suroor S. Gandhi, Chervin F. P. Laporte, Jeroen Bedorf

16 pages, 14 figures, submitted to MNRAS

In this work we present two new $\sim10^9$ particle self-consistent simulations of the merger of a Sagittarius-like dwarf galaxy with a Milky Way-like disc galaxy. One model is a violent merger creating a thick disc, and a Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage like remnant. The other is a highly stable disc which we use to illustrate how the improved phase space resolution allows us to better examine the formation and evolution of structures that have been observed in small, local volumes in the Milky Way, such as the $z-v_z$ phase spiral and clustering in the $v_{\mathrm{R}}-v_{\phi}$ plane when compared to previous works. The local $z-v_z$ phase spirals are clearly linked to the global asymmetry across the disc: we find both 2-armed and 1-armed phase spirals, which are related to breathing and bending behaviors respectively. Hercules-like moving groups are common, clustered in $v_{\mathrm{R}}-v_{\phi}$ in local data samples in the simulation. These groups migrate outwards from the inner galaxy, matching observed metallicity trends even in the absence of a galactic bar. We currently release the best fitting `present day' merger snapshots along with the unperturbed galaxies for comparison.

Among the outer solar system minor planet orbits there is an observed gap in perihelion between roughly 50 and 65 au at eccentricities $e\gtrsim0.65$. Through a suite of observational simulations, we show that the gap arises from two separate populations, the Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects (ETNOs; perihelia $q\gtrsim40$ au and semimajor axes $a\gtrsim150$ au) and the Inner Oort Cloud objects (IOCs; $q\gtrsim65$ au and $a\gtrsim250$ au), and is very unlikely to result from a realistic single, continuous distribution of objects. We also explore the connection between the perihelion gap and a hypothetical distant giant planet, often referred to as Planet 9 or Planet X, using dynamical simulations. Some simulations containing Planet X produce the ETNOs, the IOCs, and the perihelion gap from a simple Kuiper-Belt-like initial particle distribution over the age of the solar system. The gap forms as particles scattered to high eccentricity by Neptune are captured into secular resonances with Planet X where they cross the gap and oscillate in perihelion and eccentricity over hundreds of kiloyears. Many of these objects reach a minimum perihelia in their oscillation cycle within the IOC region increasing the mean residence time of the IOC region by a factor of approximately five over the gap region. Our findings imply that, in the presence of a massive external perturber, objects within the perihelion gap will be discovered, but that they will be only $\sim20$% as numerous as the nearby IOC population ($65$ au $\lesssim q \lesssim 100$ au).

Yapeng Zhang, Ignas Snellen, Alexander J. Bohn, Paul Mollière, Christian Ginski, H. Jens Hoeijmakers, Matthew A. Kenworthy, Eric E. Mamajek, Tiffany Meshkat, Maddalena Reggiani, Frans Snik

Published in Nature, July 14, 2021. A short video presentation can be found on exoplanet-talks.org at this https URL

Isotope abundance ratios play an important role in astronomy and planetary sciences, providing insights in the origin and evolution of the Solar System, interstellar chemistry, and stellar nucleosynthesis. In contrast to deuterium/hydrogen ratios, carbon isotope ratios are found to be roughly constant (~89) in the Solar System, but do vary on galactic scales with 12C/13C~68 in the current local interstellar medium. In molecular clouds and protoplanetary disks, 12CO/13CO isotopologue ratios can be altered by ice and gas partitioning, low-temperature isotopic ion exchange reactions, and isotope-selective photodissociation. Here we report on the detection of 13CO in the atmosphere of the young, accreting giant planet TYC 8998-760-1 b at a statistical significance of >6 sigma. Marginalizing over the planet's atmospheric temperature structure, chemical composition, and spectral calibration uncertainties, suggests a 12CO/13CO ratio of 31 [+17,-10] (90% confidence), a significant enrichment in 13C with respect to the terrestrial standard and the local interstellar value. Since the current location of TYC 8998 b at >160 au is far beyond the CO snowline, we postulate that it accreted a significant fraction of its carbon from ices enriched in 13C through fractionation. Future isotopologue measurements in exoplanet atmospheres can provide unique constraints on where, when and how planets are formed.

Jun Yan Lau, James Binney

5 pages. Submitted to MNRAS

Observed clusters should be modelled by considering the distribution function to be a random variable that quantifies the degree of excitation of the system's normal modes. A system of canonical coordinates for the space of DFs is identified so DFs can be weighted in a consistent way.

Antoine C. Petit

Accepted in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy

Recent works on three-planet mean motion resonances (MMRs) have highlighted their importance for understanding the details of the dynamics of planet formation and evolution. While the dynamics of two-planet MMRs are well understood and approximately described by a one degree of freedom Hamiltonian, little is known of the exact dynamics of three-bodies resonances besides the cases of zeroth-order MMRs or when one of the body is a test particle. In this work, I propose the first general integrable model for first-order three-planet mean motion resonances. I show that one can generalize the strategy proposed in the two-planet case to obtain a one degree of freedom Hamiltonian. The dynamics of these resonances are governed by the second fundamental model of resonance. The model is valid for any mass ratio between the planets and for every first-order resonance. I show the agreement of the analytical model with numerical simulations. As examples of application I show how this model could improve our understanding of the capture into MMRs as well as their role on the stability of planetary systems.

Luca Orusa, Silvia Manconi, Fiorenza Donato, Mattia Di Mauro

20 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to JCAP

The cosmic-ray flux of positrons is measured with high precision by the space-borne particle spectrometer AMS-02. The hypothesis that pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) can significantly contribute to the excess of the positron ($e^+$) cosmic-ray flux has been consolidated after the observation of a $\gamma$-ray emission at TeV energies of a few degree size around Geminga and Monogem PWNe. In this work we undertake massive simulations of galactic pulsars populations, adopting different distributions for their position in the Galaxy, intrinsic physical properties, pair emission models, in order to overcome the incompleteness of the ATNF catalogue. We fit the $e^+$ AMS-02 data together with a secondary component due to collisions of primary cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. We find that several mock galaxies have a pulsar population able to explain the observed $e^+$ flux, typically by few, bright sources. We determine the physical parameters of the pulsars dominating the $e^+$ flux, and assess the impact of different assumptions on radial distributions, spin-down properties, Galactic propagation scenarios and $e^+$ emission time.

Jeroen Audenaert, James S. Kuszlewicz, Rasmus Handberg, Andrew Tkachenko, David J. Armstrong, Marc Hon, Refilwe Kgoadi, Mikkel N. Lund, Keaton J. Bell, Lisa Bugnet, Dominic M. Bowman, Cole Johnston, Rafael A. García, Dennis Stello, László Molnár, Emese Plachy, Derek Buzasi, Conny Aerts, the T'DA collaboration

35 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

The NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is observing tens of millions of stars with time spans ranging from $\sim$ 27 days to about 1 year of continuous observations. This vast amount of data contains a wealth of information for variability, exoplanet, and stellar astrophysics studies but requires a number of processing steps before it can be fully utilized. In order to efficiently process all the TESS data and make it available to the wider scientific community, the TESS Data for Asteroseismology working group, as part of the TESS Asteroseismic Science Consortium, has created an automated open-source processing pipeline to produce light curves corrected for systematics from the short- and long-cadence raw photometry data and to classify these according to stellar variability type. We will process all stars down to a TESS magnitude of 15. This paper is the next in a series detailing how the pipeline works. Here, we present our methodology for the automatic variability classification of TESS photometry using an ensemble of supervised learners that are combined into a metaclassifier. We successfully validate our method using a carefully constructed labelled sample of Kepler Q9 light curves with a 27.4 days time span mimicking single-sector TESS observations, on which we obtain an overall accuracy of 94.9%. We demonstrate that our methodology can successfully classify stars outside of our labeled sample by applying it to all $\sim$ 167,000 stars observed in Q9 of the Kepler space mission.

A. Rebassa-Mansergas, E. Solano, F. M. Jiménez-Esteban, S. Torres, C. Rodrigo, A. Ferrer-Burjachs, L. M. Calcaferro, L. G. Althaus, A. H. Córsico

Accepted for publication by MNRAS

We use the data provided by the Gaia Early Data Release 3 to search for a highly-complete volume-limited sample of unresolved binaries consisting of a white dwarf and a main sequence companion (i.e. WDMS binaries) within 100pc. We select 112 objects based on their location within the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, of which 97 are new identifications. We fit their spectral energy distributions (SED) with a two-body fitting algorithm implemented in VOSA (Virtual Observatory SED Analyser) to derive the effective temperatures, luminosities and radii (hence surface gravities and masses) of both components. The stellar parameters are compared to those from the currently largest catalogue of close WDMS binaries, from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find important differences between the properties of the Gaia and SDSS samples. In particular, the Gaia sample contains WDMS binaries with considerably cooler white dwarfs and main sequence companions (some expected to be brown dwarfs). The Gaia sample also shows an important population of systems consisting of cool and extremely low-mass white dwarfs, not present in the SDSS sample. Finally, using a Monte Carlo population synthesis code, we find that the volume-limited sample of systems identified here seems to be highly complete (~80+-9 per cent), however it only represents ~9 per cent of the total underlying population. The missing ~91 per cent includes systems in which the main sequence companions entirely dominate the SEDs. We also estimate an upper limit to the total space density of close WDMS binaries of ~(3.7+-1.9)x10^{-4} pc{-3}.

Andrés N. Salcedo, David H. Weinberg, Hao-Yi Wu, Benjamin D. Wibking

17 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted to MNRAS

The combination of galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL) and galaxy clustering is a powerful probe of low redshift matter clustering, especially if it is extended to the non-linear regime. To this end, we extend the N-body and halo occupation distribution (HOD) emulator method of arxiv:1907.06293 to model the redMaGiC sample of colour-selected passive galaxies in the Dark Energy Survey (DES), adding parameters that describe central galaxy incompleteness, galaxy assembly bias, and a scale-independent multiplicative lensing bias $A_{lens}$. We use this emulator to forecast cosmological constraints attainable from the GGL surface density profile $\Delta\Sigma(r_p)$ and the projected galaxy correlation function $w_{p,gg}(r_p)$ in the final (Year 6) DES data set over scales $r_p=0.3-30h^{-1}$ Mpc. For a $3\%$ prior on $A_{lens}$ we forecast precisions of $1.9\%$, $2.0\%$, and $1.9\%$ on $\Omega_m$, $\sigma_8$, and $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8\Omega_m^{0.5}$, marginalized over all halo occupation distribution (HOD) parameters as well as $A_{lens}$ and a point-mass contribution to $\Delta\Sigma$. Adding scales $r_p=0.3-3h^{-1}$ Mpc improves the $S_8$ precision by a factor of $\sim1.6$ relative to a large scale ($3.0-30.0h^{-1}$ Mpc) analysis, equivalent to increasing the survey area by a factor of ${\sim}2.6$. Sharpening the $A_{lens}$ prior to $1\%$ further improves the $S_8$ precision by a factor of $1.7$ (to $1.1\%$), and it amplifies the gain from including non-linear scales. Our emulator achieves percent-level accuracy similar to the projected DES statistical uncertainties, demonstrating the feasibility of a fully non-linear analysis. Obtaining precise parameter constraints from multiple galaxy types and from measurements that span linear and non-linear clustering offers many opportunities for internal cross-checks, which can diagnose systematics and demonstrate the robustness of cosmological results.

C. Adam, J. Olofsson, R. G. van Holstein, A. Bayo, J. Milli, A. Boccaletti, Q. Kral, C. Ginski, Th. Henning, M. Montesinos, N. Pawellek, A. Zurlo, M. Langlois, A. Delboulbe, A. Pavlov, J. Ramos, L. Weber, F. Wildi, F. Rigal, J.-F. Sauvage

22 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables

Context. Debris disks have commonly been studied around intermediate-mass stars. Their intense radiation fields are believed to efficiently remove the small dust grains that are constantly replenished by collisions. For lower-mass stars, in particular M-stars, the dust removal mechanism needs to be further investigated given the much weaker radiation field produced by these objects. Aims. We present new polarimetric observations of the nearly edge-on disk around the pre-main sequence M-type star GSC 07396-00759, taken with VLT/SPHERE IRDIS, with the aim to better understand the morphology of the disk, its dust properties, and the star-disk interaction via the stellar mass-loss rate. Methods. We model our observations to characterize the location and properties of the dust grains using the Henyey-Greenstein approximation of the polarized phase function and evaluate the strength of the stellar winds. Results. We find that the observations are best described by an extended and highly inclined disk ($i\approx 84.3\,^{\circ}\pm0.3$) with a dust distribution centered at a radius $r_{0}\approx107\pm2$ au. The polarized phase function $S_{12}$ is best reproduced by an anisotropic scattering factor $g\approx0.6$ and small micron-sized dust grains with sizes $s>0.3\,\mathrm{\mu}$m. We furthermore discuss some of the caveats of the approach and a degeneracy between the grain size and the porosity. Conclusions. Even though the radius of the disk may be over-estimated, our results suggest that using a given scattering theory might not be sufficient to fully explain key aspects such as the shape of the phase function, or the dust grain size. With the caveats in mind, we find that the average mass-loss rate of GSC 07396-00759 can be up to 500 times stronger than that of the Sun, supporting the idea that stellar winds from low-mass stars can evacuate small dust grains from the disk.

Dhruv Muley, Ruobing Dong, Jeffrey Fung

Accepted to AJ. Comments and questions welcome

High-resolution imaging of protoplanetary disks has unveiled a rich diversity of spiral structure, some of which may arise from disk-planet interaction. Using 3D hydrodynamics with $\beta$-cooling to a vertically-stratified background, as well as radiative-transfer modeling, we investigate the temperature rise in planet-driven spirals. In rapidly cooling disks, the temperature rise is dominated by a contribution from stellar irradiation, 0.3-3% inside the planet radius but always <0.5% outside. When cooling time equals or exceeds dynamical time, however, this is overwhelmed by hydrodynamic PdV work, which introduces a 10-20% perturbation within a factor of 2 from the planet's orbital radius. We devise an empirical fit of the spiral amplitude $\Delta (T)$ to take into account both effects. Where cooling is slow, we find also that temperature perturbations from buoyancy spirals -- a strictly 3D, non-isothermal phenomenon -- become nearly as strong as those from Lindblad spirals, which are amenable to 2D and isothermal studies. Our findings may help explain observed thermal features in disks like TW Hydrae and CQ Tauri, and underscore that 3D effects have a qualitatively important effect on disk structure.

Jeff Swaney, Michael Mulhearn, Christian Pratt, Chase Shimmin, Daniel Whiteson

8 pages, 12 figures

A measurement of the efficiency of CMOS sensors in smartphone cameras to cosmic ray muons is presented. A coincidence in external scintillators indicates the passage of a cosmic ray muon, allowing the measurement of the efficiency of the CMOS sensor. The observed flux is consistent with well-established values, and efficiencies are presented as a function of the number of photo-electrons collected from the CMOS silicon photodiode pixels. These efficiencies are vital to understanding the feasibility of large-scale smartphone networks operating as air-shower observatories.

M. Dorsch, C. S. Jeffery, A. Irrgang, V. Woolf, U. Heber

23 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Helium-burning hot subdwarf stars of spectral types O and B (sdO/B) are thought to be produced through various types of binary interaction. The helium-rich hot subdwarf star EC22536-5304 was recently found to be extremely enriched in lead. Here, we show that EC22536-5304 is a binary star with a metal-poor subdwarf F-type (sdF) companion. We have performed a detailed analysis of high-resolution SALT/HRS and VLT/UVES spectra, deriving metal abundances for the hot subdwarf, as well as atmospheric parameters for both components. Because we consider the contribution of the sdF star, the derived lead abundance for the sdOB, $+6.3 \pm 0.3$ dex relative to solar, is even higher than previously thought. We derive $T_\mathrm{eff} = 6210 \pm 70$ K, $\log g = 4.64\pm 0.10$, $\mathrm{[Fe/H]} = -1.95 \pm 0.04$, and $[\alpha/\mathrm{Fe}] = +0.40\pm0.04$ for the sdF component. Radial velocity variations, although poorly sampled at present, indicate that the binary system has a long orbital period of about 457 days. This suggests that the system was likely formed through stable Roche lobe overflow (RLOF). A kinematic analysis shows that EC22536-5304 is on an eccentric orbit around the Galactic centre. This, as well as the low metallicity and strong alpha-enhancement of the sdF-type companion, indicate that EC22536-5304 is part of the Galactic halo or metal-weak thick disc. As the first long-period hot subdwarf binary at $\mathrm{[Fe/H]} < -1$, EC22536-5304 may help to constrain the RLOF mechanism for mass transfer from low-mass, low-metallicity red giant branch (RGB) stars to main-sequence companions.

Andreas Stoll, Kalaga V. Madhav, Martin M. Roth

25 pages, 25 figures, 3 tables. (c) 2021 Optical Society of America. Users may use, reuse, and build upon the article, or use the article for text or data mining, so long as such uses are for non-commercial purposes and appropriate attribution is maintained. All other rights are reserved

We present an experimental study on our first generation of custom-developed arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG) on silica platform for spectroscopic applications in near-infrared astronomy. We provide a comprehensive description of the design, numerical simulation and characterization of several AWG devices aimed at spectral resolving powers of 15,000 - 60,000 in the astronomical H-band. We evaluate the spectral characteristics of the fabricated devices in terms of insertion loss and estimated spectral resolving power and compare the results with numerical simulations. We estimate resolving powers of up to 18,900 from the output channel 3-dB transmission bandwidth. Based on the first characterization results, we select two candidate AWGs for further processing by removal of the output waveguide array and polishing the output facet to optical quality with the goal of integration as the primary diffractive element in a cross-dispersed spectrograph. We further study the imaging properties of the processed AWGs with regards to spectral resolution in direct imaging mode, geometry-related defocus aberration, and polarization sensitivity of the spectral image. We identify phase error control, birefringence control, and aberration suppression as the three key areas of future research and development in the field of high-resolution AWG-based spectroscopy in astronomy.

Daniel Cordier, David A.Bonhommeau, Tuan H. Vu, Mathieu Choukroun, Fernando Garcia-Sanchez

Molecular dynamics simulations data available at: this https URL (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4975047), PC-SAFT Fortran 2008 implementation can be downloaded from: this https URL and also this https URL (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5085305), paper in press in A&A

According to clues left by the Cassini mission, Titan, one of the two Solar System bodies with a hydrologic cycle, may harbor liquid hydrocarbon-based analogs of our terrestrial aquifers, referred to as "alkanofers". On the Earth, petroleum and natural gas reservoirs show a vertical gradient in chemical composition, established over geological timescales. In this work, we aim to investigate the conditions under which Titan's processes could lead to similar situations. We built numerical models including barodiffusion and thermodiffusion (Soret's effect) in N_2+CH_4+C_2H_6 liquid mixtures, which are relevant for Titan's possible alkanofers. Our main assumption is the existence of reservoirs of liquids trapped in a porous matrix with low permeability. Due to the small size of the molecule, nitrogen seems to be more sensitive to gravity than ethane, even if the latter has a slightly larger mass. This behavior, noticed for an isothermal crust, is reinforced by the presence of a geothermal gradient. Vertical composition gradients, formed over timescales of between a fraction of a mega-year to several tens of mega-years, are not influenced by molecular diffusion coefficients. We find that ethane does not accumulate at the bottom of the alkanofers under diffusion, leaving the question of why ethane is not observed on Titan's surface unresolved. If the alkanofer liquid was in contact with water-ice, we checked that N_2 did not, in general, impede the clathration of C_2H_6, except in some layers. Interestingly, we found that noble gases could easily accumulate at the bottom of an alkanofer.

Arturo O. Martinez, Fabien R. Baron, John D. Monnier, Rachael M. Roettenbacher, J. Robert Parks

18 pages, 10 figures, accepted in ApJ

We present temperature maps of RS CVn star lambda Andromedae, reconstructed from interferometric data acquired in 2010 and 2011 by the MIRC instrument at the Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy Array. To constrain the stellar parameters required for this imaging task, we first modeled the star using our GPU-accelerated code SIMTOI. The stellar surface was then imaged using our open source interferometric imaging code ROTIR, in the process further refining the estimation of stellar parameters. We report that the measured angular diameter is 2.742 +/- 0.010 mas with a limb-darkening coefficient of 0.231 +/- 0.024. While our images are consistent with those of prior works, we provide updated physical parameters for lambda Andromedae (R_star = 7.78 +/- 0.05 R_odot, M_star = 1.24 +/- 0.72 M_odot, log L/L_odot = 1.46 +/- 0.04).

Joseph W. Barnett (1), Kurtis A. Williams (1), A. Bédard (2), Michael Bolte (3) ((1) Texas A&M University-Commerce, (2) Université Montréal, (3) UCO/Lick Observatory)

26 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal

The initial-final mass relation (IFMR) represents the total mass lost by a star during the entirety of its evolution from the zero age main sequence to the white dwarf cooling track. The semi-empirical IFMR is largely based on observations of DA white dwarfs, the most common spectral type of white dwarf and the simplest atmosphere to model. We present a first derivation of the semi-empirical IFMR for hydrogen deficient white dwarfs (non-DA) in open star clusters. We identify a possible discrepancy between the DA and non-DA IFMRs, with non-DA white dwarfs $\approx 0.07 M_\odot$ less massive at a given initial mass. Such a discrepancy is unexpected based on theoretical models of non-DA formation and observations of field white dwarf mass distributions. If real, the discrepancy is likely due to enhanced mass loss during the final thermal pulse and renewed post-AGB evolution of the star. However, we are dubious that the mass discrepancy is physical and instead is due to the small sample size, to systematic issues in model atmospheres of non-DAs, and to the uncertain evolutionary history of Procyon B (spectral type DQZ). A significantly larger sample size is needed to test these assertions. In addition, we also present Monte Carlo models of the correlated errors for DA and non-DA white dwarfs in the initial-final mass plane. We find the uncertainties in initial-final mass determinations for individual white dwarfs can be significantly asymmetric, but the recovered functional form of the IFMR is grossly unaffected by the correlated errors.

Rory Bowens, Michael R. Meyer, C. Delacroix, O. Absil, R. van Boekel, S. P. Quanz, M. Shinde, M. Kenworthy, B. Carlomagno, G. Orban de Xivry, F. Cantalloube, P. Pathak

11 pages, 6 Figures, 4 Tables, A&A 2021 in Press

Direct imaging is a powerful exoplanet discovery technique that is complementary to other techniques and offers great promise in the era of 30 meter class telescopes. Space-based transit surveys have revolutionized our understanding of the frequency of planets at small orbital radii around Sun-like stars. The next generation of extremely large ground-based telescopes will have the angular resolution and sensitivity to directly image planets with $R < 4R_\oplus$ around the very nearest stars. Here, we predict yields from a direct imaging survey of a volume-limited sample of Sun-like stars with the Mid-Infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) instrument, planned for the 39 m European Southern Observatory (ESO) Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) that is expected to be operational towards the end of the decade. Using Kepler occurrence rates, a sample of stars with spectral types A-K within 6.5 pc, and simulated contrast curves based on an advanced model of what is achievable from coronagraphic imaging with adaptive optics, we estimated the expected yield from METIS using Monte Carlo simulations. We find the METIS expected yield of planets in the N2 band (10.10 - 12.40 $\mu$m) is 1.14 planets, which is greater than comparable observations in the L (3.70 - 3.95 $\mu$m) and M (4.70 - 4.90 $\mu$m) bands. We also determined a 24.6\% chance of detecting at least one Jovian planet in the background limited regime assuming a 1 hour integration. We calculated the yield per star and estimate optimal observing revisit times to increase the yield. We also analyzed a northern hemisphere version of this survey and found there are additional targets worth considering. In conclusion, we present an observing strategy aimed to maximize the possible yield for limited telescope time, resulting in 1.48 expected planets in the N2 band.

V. Perdelwitz, M. Mittag, L. Tal-Or, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, J. A. Caballero, S. V. Jeffers, A. Reiners, A. Schweitzer, T. Trifonov, I. Ribas, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, W. Seifert, C. Cifuentes, M. Cortés-Contreras, D. Montes, D. Revilla, S. L. Skrzypinski

11 pages, 9 figures

Radial-velocity (RV) jitter caused by stellar magnetic activity is an important factor in state-of-the-art exoplanet discovery surveys such as CARMENES. Stellar rotation, along with heterogeneities in the photosphere and chromosphere caused by activity, can result in false-positive planet detections. Hence, it is necessary to determine the stellar rotation period and compare it to any putative planetary RV signature. Long-term measurements of activity indicators such as the chromospheric emission in the Ca II H&K lines enable the identification of magnetic activity cycles. In order to determine stellar rotation periods and study the long-term behavior of magnetic activity of the CARMENES guaranteed time observations (GTO) sample, it is advantageous to extract Ca II H&K time series from archival data, since the CARMENES spectrograph does not cover the blue range of the stellar spectrum containing the Ca II H&K lines. We have assembled a catalog of 11634 archival spectra of 186 M dwarfs acquired by seven different instruments covering the Ca II H&K regime: ESPADONS, FEROS, HARPS, HIRES, NARVAL, TIGRE, and UVES. The relative chromospheric flux in these lines was directly extracted from the spectra by rectification with PHOENIX synthetic spectra via narrow passbands around the Ca ii H&K line cores. The combination of archival spectra from various instruments results in time series for 186 stars from the CARMENES GTO sample. As an example of the use of the catalog, we report the tentative discovery of three previously unknown activity cycles of M dwarfs. We conclude that the method of extracting Ca II H&K fluxes with the use of model spectra yields consistent results for different instruments and that the compilation of this catalog will enable the analysis of long-term activity time series for a large number of M dwarfs.

Matteo Cerruti, Michael Kreter, Maria Petropoulou, Annika Rudolph, Foteini Oikonomou, Markus Böttcher, Stavros Dimitrakoudis, Anton Dmytriiev, Shan Gao, Apostolos Mastichiadis, Susumu Inoue, Kohta Murase, Anita Reimer, Joshua Robinson, Xavier Rodrigues, Walter Winter, Andreas Zech, Natalia Żywucka

To appear in the proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, in Proceedings of Science (ICRC2021), 979

Blazar hadronic models have been developed in the past decades as an alternative to leptonic ones. In hadronic models the gamma-ray emission is associated with synchrotron emission by protons, and/or secondary leptons produced in proton-photon interactions. Together with photons, hadronic emission models predict the emission of neutrinos that are therefore the smoking gun for acceleration of relativistic hadrons in blazar jets. The simulation of proton-photon interactions and all associated radiative processes is a complex numerical task, and different approaches to the problem have been adopted in the literature. So far, no systematic comparison between the different codes has been performed, preventing a clear understanding of the underlying uncertainties in the numerical simulations. To fill this gap, we have undertaken the first comprehensive comparison of blazar hadronic codes, and the results from this effort will be presented in this contribution.

The dynamo mechanism is a process of magnetic field self-excitation in a moving electrically conducting fluid. One of the most interesting applications of this mechanism related to the astrophysical systems is the case of a random motion of plasma. For the very first stage of the process, the governing dynamo equation can be reduced to a system of first order ordinary differential equations. For this case we suggest a regular method to calculate the growth rate of magnetic energy. Based on this method we calculate the growth rate for random flow with finite memory time and anisotropic statistical distribution of the stretching matrix and compare the results with corresponding ones for isotropic case and for short-correlated approximation. We find that for moderate Strouhal numbers and moderate anisotropy the analytical results reproduce the numerically estimated growth rates reasonably well, while for larger governing parameters the quantitative difference becomes substantial. In particular, analytical approximation is applicable for the Strouhal numbers s<0.6 and we find some numerical models and observational examples for which this region might be relevant. Rather unexpectedly, we find that the mirror asymmetry does not contribute to the growth rates obtained, although the mirror asymmetry effects are known to be crucial for later stages of dynamo action.

A recent study suggests that the observed multiplicity of super-Earth (SE) systems is correlated with stellar clustering: stars in high phase-space density environments have an excess of single-planet systems compared to stars in low density fields. This correlation is puzzling as stellar clustering is expected to influence mostly the outer part of planetary systems. Here we examine the possibility that stellar flybys indirectly excite the mutual inclinations of initially coplanar SEs, breaking their co-transiting geometry. We propose that flybys excite the inclinations of exterior substellar companions, which then propagate the perturbation to the inner SEs. Using analytical calculations of the secular coupling between SEs and companions, together with numerical simulations of stellar encounters, we estimate the expected number of "effective" flybys per planetary system that lead to the destruction of the SE co-transiting geometry. Our analytical results can be rescaled easily for various SE and companion properties (masses and semi-major axes) and stellar cluster parameters (density, velocity dispersion and lifetime). We show that for a given SE system, there exists an optimal companion architecture that leads to the maximum number of effective flybys; this results from the trade-off between the flyby cross section and the companion's impact on the inner system. Subject to uncertainties in the cluster parameters, we conclude that this mechanism is inefficient if the SE system has a single exterior companion, but may play an important role in "SE + two companions" systems that were born in dense stellar clusters.

Peter Gao, Diana Powell

10 pages and 5 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJL

The day and nightside temperatures of hot Jupiters are diagnostic of heat transport processes in their atmospheres. Recent observations have shown that the nightsides of hot Jupiters are a nearly constant 1100 K for a wide range of equilibrium temperatures (T$_{eq}$), lower than those predicted by 3D global circulation models. Here we investigate the impact of nightside clouds on the observed nightside temperatures of hot Jupiters using an aerosol microphysics model. We find that silicates dominate the cloud composition, forming an optically thick cloud deck on the nightsides of all hot Jupiters with T$_{eq}$ $\leq$ 2100 K. The observed nightside temperature is thus controlled by the optical depth profile of the silicate cloud with respect to the temperature-pressure profile. As nightside temperatures increase with T$_{eq}$, the silicate cloud is pushed upwards, forcing observations to probe cooler altitudes. The cloud vertical extent remains fairly constant due to competing impacts of increasing vertical mixing strength with T$_{eq}$ and higher rates of sedimentation at higher altitudes. These effects, combined with the intrinsically subtle increase of the nightside temperature with T$_{eq}$ due to decreasing radiative timescale at higher instellation levels lead to low, constant nightside photospheric temperatures consistent with observations. Our results suggest a drastic reduction in the day-night temperature contrast when nightside clouds dissipate, with the nightside emission spectra transitioning from featureless to feature-rich. We also predict that cloud absorption features in the nightside emission spectra of hot Jupiters should reach $\geq$100 ppm, potentially observable with the James Webb Space Telescope.

D. Yong, G. S. Da Costa, M. S. Bessell, A. Chiti, A. Frebel, X. Gao, K. Lind, A. D. Mackey, A. F. Marino, S. J. Murphy, T. Nordlander, M. Asplund, A. R. Casey, C. Kobayashi, J. E. Norris, B. P. Schmidt

MNRAS in press (see source file for full versions of long tables)

We present chemical abundances for 21 elements (from Li to Eu) in 150 metal-poor Galactic stars spanning $-$4.1 $<$ [Fe/H] $<$ $-$2.1. The targets were selected from the SkyMapper survey and include 90 objects with [Fe/H] $\le$ $-$3 of which some 15 have [Fe/H] $\le$ $-$3.5. When combining the sample with our previous studies, we find that the metallicity distribution function has a power-law slope of $\Delta$(log N)/$\Delta$[Fe/H] = 1.51 $\pm$ 0.01 dex per dex over the range $-$4 $\le$ [Fe/H] $\le$ $-$3. With only seven carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the sample, we again find that the selection of metal-poor stars based on SkyMapper filters is biased against highly carbon rich stars for [Fe/H] $>$ $-$3.5. Of the 20 objects for which we could measure nitrogen, 11 are nitrogen-enhanced metal-poor stars. Within our sample, the high NEMP fraction (55\% $\pm$ 21\%) is compatible with the upper range of predicted values (between 12\% and 35\%). The chemical abundance ratios [X/Fe] versus [Fe/H] exhibit similar trends to previous studies of metal-poor stars and Galactic chemical evolution models. We report the discovery of nine new r-I stars, four new r-II stars, one of which is the most metal-poor known, nine low-$\alpha$ stars with [$\alpha$/Fe] $\le$ 0.15 as well as one unusual star with [Zn/Fe] = +1.4 and [Sr/Fe] = +1.2 but with normal [Ba/Fe]. Finally, we combine our sample with literature data to provide the most extensive view of the early chemical enrichment of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Heidi Fuqua Haviland, Renee C. Weber, Clive R. Neal, Philippe Lognonné, Raphaël F. Garcia, Nicholas Schmerr, Seiichi Nagihara, Robert Grimm, Douglas G. Currie, Simone Dell'Agnello, Thomas R. Watters, Mark P. Panning, Catherine L. Johnson, Ryuhei Yamada, Martin Knapmeyer, Lillian R. Ostrach, Taichi Kawamura, Noah Petro, Paul M. Bremner

34 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendix. Accepted manuscript, The Planetary Science Journal

The Lunar Geophysical Network (LGN) mission is proposed to land on the Moon in 2030 and deploy packages at four locations to enable geophysical measurements for 6-10 years. Returning to the lunar surface with a long-lived geophysical network is a key next step to advance lunar and planetary science. LGN will greatly expand our primarily Apollo-based knowledge of the deep lunar interior by identifying and characterizing mantle melt layers, as well as core size and state. To meet the mission objectives, the instrument suite provides complementary seismic, geodetic, heat flow, and electromagnetic observations. We discuss the network landing site requirements and provide example sites that meet these requirements. Landing site selection will continue to be optimized throughout the formulation of this mission. Possible sites include the P-5 region within the Procellarum KREEP Terrane (PKT; (lat:$15^{\circ}$; long:$-35^{\circ}$), Schickard Basin (lat:$-44.3^{\circ}$; long:$-55.1^{\circ}$), Crisium Basin (lat:$18.5^{\circ}$; long:$61.8^{\circ}$), and the farside Korolev Basin (lat:$-2.4^{\circ}$; long:$-159.3^{\circ}$). Network optimization considers the best locations to observe seismic core phases, e.g., ScS and PKP. Ray path density and proximity to young fault scarps are also analyzed to provide increased opportunities for seismic observations. Geodetic constraints require the network to have at least three nearside stations at maximum limb distances. Heat flow and electromagnetic measurements should be obtained away from terrane boundaries and from magnetic anomalies at locations representative of global trends. An in-depth case study is provided for Crisium. In addition, we discuss the consequences for scientific return of less than optimal locations or number of stations.

C. J. Hao, Y. Xu, L. G. Hou, S. B. Bian, J. J. Li, Z. Y. Wu, Z. H. He, Y. J. Li, D. J. Liu

9 pages,5 figures,Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The structure and evolution of the spiral arms of our Milky Way are basic but long-standing questions in astronomy. In particular, the lifetime of spiral arms is still a puzzle and has not been well constrained from observations. In this work, we aim to inspect these issues using a large catalogue of open clusters. We compiled a catalogue of 3794 open clusters based on Gaia EDR3. A majority of these clusters have accurately determined parallaxes, proper motions, and radial velocities. The age parameters for these open clusters are collected from references or calculated in this work. In order to understand the nearby spiral structure and its evolution, we analysed the distributions, kinematic properties, vertical distributions, and regressed properties of subsamples of open clusters. We find evidence that the nearby spiral arms are compatible with a long-lived spiral pattern and might have remained approximately stable for the past 80 million years. In particular, the Local Arm, where our Sun is currently located, is also suggested to be long-lived in nature and probably a major arm segment of the Milky Way. The evolutionary characteristics of nearby spiral arms show that the dynamic spiral mechanism might be not prevalent for our Galaxy. Instead, density wave theory is more consistent with the observational properties of open clusters.

Dai Ishita, Toru Misawa, Daisuke Itoh, Jane C. Charlton, Michael Eracleous

18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We introduce a Bayesian approach coupled with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method and the maximum likelihood statistic for fitting the profiles of narrow absorption lines (NALs) in quasar spectra. This method also incorporates overlap between different absorbers. We illustrate and test this method by fitting models to a "mini-broad" (mini-BAL) and six NAL profiles in four spectra of the quasar UM675 taken over a rest-frame interval of 4.24 years. Our fitting results are consistent with past results for the mini-BAL system in this quasar by Hamann et al. (1997b). We also measure covering factors ($C_{\rm f}$) for two narrow components in the CIV and NV mini-BALs and their overlap covering factor with the broad component. We find that $C_{\rm f}$(NV) is always larger than $C_{\rm f}$(CIV) for the broad component, while the opposite is true for the narrow components in the mini-BAL system. This could be explained if the broad and narrow components originated in gas at different radial distances, but it seems more likely to be due to them produced by gas at the same distance but with different gas densities (i.e., ionization states). The variability detected only in the broad absorption component in the mini-BAL system is probably due to gas motion since both $C_{\rm f}$(CIV) and $C_{\rm f}$(NV) vary. We determine for the first time that multiple absorbing clouds (i.e., a broad and two narrow components) overlap along our line of sight. We conclude that the new method improves fitting results considerably compared to previous methods.

J.W. Blackman, J.-P. Beaulieu, A.A. Cole, N. Koshimoto, A. Vandorou, A. Bhattacharya, J.-B. Marquette, D.P. Bennett

7 pages, 4 figures

The microlensing event OGLE-2017-BLG-1434 features a cold super-Earth planet which is one of eleven microlensing planets with a planet-host star mass ratio $q < 1 \times 10^{-4}$. We provide an additional mass-distance constraint on the lens host using near-infrared adaptive optics photometry from Keck/NIRC2. We are able to determine a flux excess of $K_L = 16.96 \pm 0.11$ which most likely comes entirely from the lens star. Combining this with constraints from the large Einstein ring radius, $\theta_E=1.40 \pm 0.09\;mas$ and OGLE parallax we confirm this event as a super-Earth with mass $m_p = 4.43 \pm 0.25M_\odot$. This system lies at a distance of $D_L = 0.86 \pm 0.05\,kpc$ from Earth and the lens star has a mass of $M_L=0.234\pm0.012M_\odot$. We confirm that with a star-planet mass ratio of $q=0.57 \times 10^{-4}$, OGLE-2017-BLG-1434 lies near the inflexion point of the planet-host mass-ratio power law.

Daniel Verscharen (UCL/MSSL, UNH), Stuart D. Bale (UCB/SSL, ICL, QMUL), Marco Velli (UCLA)

13 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

One of the key challenges in solar and heliospheric physics is to understand the acceleration of the solar wind. As a super-sonic, super-Alfv\'enic plasma flow, the solar wind carries mass, momentum, energy, and angular momentum from the Sun into interplanetary space. We present a framework based on two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics to estimate the flux of these quantities based on spacecraft data independent of the heliocentric distance of the location of measurement. Applying this method to the Ulysses dataset allows us to study the dependence of these fluxes on heliolatitude and solar cycle. The use of scaling laws provides us with the heliolatitudinal dependence and the solar-cycle dependence of the scaled Alfv\'enic and sonic Mach numbers as well as the Alfv\'en and sonic critical radii. Moreover, we estimate the distance at which the local thermal pressure and the local energy density in the magnetic field balance. These results serve as predictions for observations with Parker Solar Probe, which currently explores the very inner heliosphere, and Solar Orbiter, which will measure the solar wind outside the plane of the ecliptic in the inner heliosphere during the course of the mission.

Tibet AS-gamma collaboration has recently reported detection of gamma-rays with energies up to PeV from parts of the Galactic plane. We noticethat the analysis of gamma-ray flux by Tibet AS-gamma experiment also implies an upper bound on diffuse gamma-ray flux from high Galactic latitudes(|b|>20 degrees) in the energy range between 100 TeV and 1 PeV. This bound is up to an order-of-magnitude stronger than previously derived bounds from GRAPES3, KASCADE and CASA-MIA experiments. We discuss the new TibetAS-gamma limit on high Galactic latitude gamma-ray flux in the context of possible mechanisms of multi-messenger (gamma-ray and neutrino) emission from nearby cosmic ray sources, dark matter decays and large scale cosmic ray halo of the Milky Way.

R. Serafinelli, V. Braito, P. Severgnini, F. Tombesi, G. Giani, E. Piconcelli, R. Della Ceca, F. Vagnetti, M. Gaspari, F. G. Saturni, R. Middei, A. Tortosa

7 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Photoionized absorbers of outflowing gas are commonly found in the X-ray spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN). While most of these absorbers are seldom significantly variable, some ionized obscurers have been increasingly found to substantially change their column density on a wide range of time scales. These $N_\text{H}$ variations are often considered as the signature of the clumpy nature of the absorbers. Here we present the analysis of a new Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory campaign of the type-1 quasar PG 1114+445, which was observed to investigate the time evolution of the multiphase outflowing absorbers previously detected in its spectra. The analyzed dataset consists of 22 observations, with a total exposure of $\sim90$ ks, spanning about $20$ months. During the whole campaign, we report an unusually low flux state with respect to all previous X-ray observations of this quasar. From the analysis of the stacked spectra we find a fully covering absorber with a column density $\log(N_\text{H}/\text{cm}^{-2})=22.9^{+0.3}_{-0.1}$. This is an order of magnitude higher than the column density measured in the previous observations. This is either due to a variation of the known absorbers, or by a new one, eclipsing the X-ray emitting source. We also find a ionization parameter of $\log(\xi/\text{erg cm s}^{-1})=1.4^{+0.6}_{-0.2}$. Assuming that the obscuration lasts for the whole duration of the campaign, i.e. more than $20$ months, we estimate the minimum distance of the ionized clump, which is located at $r\gtrsim0.5$ pc.

Anand Utsav Kapoor, Peter Camps, Maarten Baes, Ana Trcka, Robert J.J. Grand, Arjen van der Wel, Luca Cortese, Ilse De Looze, Daniela Barrientos

19 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present redshift-zero synthetic observational data considering dust attenuation and dust emission for the thirty galaxies of the Auriga project, calculated with the SKIRT radiative transfer code. The post-processing procedure includes components for star-forming regions, stellar sources, and diffuse dust taking into account stochastic heating of dust grains. This allows us to obtain realistic high-resolution broadband images and fluxes from ultraviolet to sub-millimeter wavelengths. For the diffuse dust component, we consider two mechanisms for assigning dust to gas cells in the simulation. In one case, only the densest or the coldest gas cells are allowed to have dust, while in the other case this condition is relaxed to allow a larger number of dust-containing cells. The latter approach yields galaxies with a larger radial dust extent and an enhanced dust presence in the inter-spiral regions. At a global scale, we compare Auriga galaxies with observations by deriving dust scaling relations using SED fitting. At a resolved scale, we make a multi-wavelength morphological comparison with nine well-resolved spiral galaxies from the DustPedia observational database. We find that for both dust assignment methods, although the Auriga galaxies show a good overall agreement with observational dust properties, they exhibit a slightly higher specific dust mass. The multi-wavelength morphological analysis reveals a good agreement between the Auriga and the observed galaxies in the optical wavelengths. In the mid and far-infrared wavelengths, Auriga galaxies appear smaller and more centrally concentrated in comparison to their observed counterparts. We publicly release the multi-observer images and fluxes in 50 commonly used broadband filters.

Yen Chen Chen

accepted for publication in ApJS

Traditional classification for subclass of the Seyfert galaxies is visual inspection or using a quantity defined as a flux ratio between the Balmer line and forbidden line. One algorithm of deep learning is Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and has shown successful classification results. We building a 1-dimension CNN model to distinguish Seyfert 1.9 spectra from Seyfert 2 galaxies. We find our model can recognize Seyfert 1.9 and Seyfert 2 spectra with an accuracy over 80% and pick out an additional Seyfert 1.9 sample which was missed by visual inspection. We use the new Seyfert 1.9 sample to improve performance of our model and obtain a 91% precision of Seyfert 1.9. These results indicate our model can pick out Seyfert 1.9 spectra among Seyfert 2 spectra. We decompose H{\alpha} emission line of our Seyfert 1.9 galaxies by fitting 2 Gaussian components and derive line width and flux. We find velocity distribution of broad H{\alpha} component of the new Seyfert 1.9 sample has an extending tail toward the higher end and luminosity of the new Seyfert 1.9 sample is slightly weaker than the original Seyfert 1.9 sample. This result indicates that our model can pick out the sources that have relatively weak broad H{\alpha} component. Besides, we check distributions of the host galaxy morphology of our Seyfert 1.9 samples and find the distribution of the host galaxy morphology is dominant by large bulge galaxy. In the end, we present an online catalog of 1297 Seyfert 1.9 galaxies with measurement of H{\alpha} emission line.

Shinji Fujita, Hidetoshi Sano, Rei Enokiya, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Mikito Kohno, Kisetsu Tsuge, Kengo Tachihara, Atsushi Nishimura, Akio Ohama, Yumiko Yamane, Takahiro Ohno, Rin I. Yamada, Yasuo Fukui

We present the results of analyses of the 12CO (J=1-0), 13CO (J=1-0), and 12CO (J=2-1) emission data toward Gum 31. Three molecular clouds separated in velocity were detected at -25, -20, and -10 km/s . The velocity structure of the molecular clouds in Gum 31 cannot be interpreted as expanding motion. Two of them, the -25 km/s cloud and the -20 km/s cloud, are likely associated with Gum 31, because their 12CO (J=2-1)/12CO (J=1-0) intensity ratios are high. We found that these two clouds show the observational signatures of cloud-cloud collisions (CCCs): a complementary spatial distribution and a V-shaped structure (bridge features) in the position-velocity diagram. In addition, their morphology and velocity structures are very similar to the numerical simulations conducted by the previous studies. We propose a scenario that the -25 km/s cloud and the -20 km/s cloud were collided and triggered the formation of the massive star system HD 92206 in Gum 31. This scenario can explain the offset of the stars from the center and the morphology of Gum 31 simultaneously. The timescale of the collision was estimated to be ~1 Myr by using the ratio between the path length of the collision and the assumed velocity separation. This is consistent with that of the CCCs in Carina Nebula Complex in our previous study.

Jaša Čalogović, Mateja Dumbović, Davor Sudar, Bojan Vršnak, Karmen Martinić, Manuela Temmer, Astrid Veronig

The Drag-based Model (DBM) is a 2D analytical model for heliospheric propagation of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) in ecliptic plane predicting the CME arrival time and speed at Earth or any other given target in the solar system. It is based on the equation of motion and depends on initial CME parameters, background solar wind speed, $w$ and the drag parameter $\gamma$. A very short computational time of DBM ($<$ 0.01s) allowed us to develop the Drag-Based Ensemble Model (DBEM) that takes into account the variability of model input parameters by making an ensemble of n different input parameters to calculate the distribution and significance of the DBM results. Thus the DBEM is able to calculate the most likely CME arrival times and speeds, quantify the prediction uncertainties and determine the confidence intervals. A new DBEMv3 version is described in detail and evaluated for the first time determing the DBEMv3 performance and errors by using various CME-ICME lists as well as it is compared with previous DBEM versions. The analysis to find the optimal drag parameter $\gamma$ and ambient solar wind speed $w$ showed that somewhat higher values ($\gamma \approx 0.3 \times 10^{-7}$ km$^{-1}$, $w \approx$ 425 km\,s$^{-1}$) for both of these DBEM input parameters should be used for the evaluation compared to the previously employed ones. Based on the evaluation performed for 146 CME-ICME pairs, the DBEMv3 performance with mean error (ME) of -11.3 h, mean absolute error (MAE) of 17.3 h was obtained. There is a clear bias towards the negative prediction errors where the fast CMEs are predicted to arrive too early, probably due to the model physical limitations and input errors (e.g. CME launch speed).

S. E. B. Toet, H. K. Vedantham, J. R. Callingham, K. C. Veken, T. W. Shimwell, P. Zarka, H. J. A. Röttgering, A. Drabent

This article consists of 14 pages, 10 normal figures and 4 gifs. The gifs themselves each consist of 32 figures. This article is to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, section 8. 'Stellar Atmospheres'

Coherent radio emission from stars can be used to constrain fundamental coronal plasma parameters, such as plasma density and magnetic field strength. It is also a probe of chromospheric and magnetospheric acceleration mechanisms. Close stellar binaries, such as RS Canum Venaticorum (RS CVn) systems, are particularly interesting as their heightened level of chromospheric activity and possible direct magnetic interaction make them a unique laboratory to study coronal and magnetospheric acceleration mechanisms. RS CVn binaries are known to be radio-bright but coherent radio emission has only conclusively been detected previously in one system. Here, we present a population of 14 coherent radio emitting RS CVn systems. We identified the population in the ongoing LOFAR Two Metre Sky Survey as circularly polarised sources at 144MHz that are astrometrically associated with known RS CVn binaries. We show that the observed emission is powered by the electron cyclotron maser instability. We use numerical calculations of the maser's beaming geometry to argue that the commonly invoked 'loss-cone' maser cannot generate the necessary brightness temperature in some of our detections and that a more efficient instability, such as the shell or horseshoe maser, must be invoked. Such maser configurations are known to operate in planetary magnetospheres. We also outline two acceleration mechanisms that could produce coherent radio emission, one where the acceleration occurs in the chromosphere and one where the acceleration is due to an electrodynamic interaction between the stars. We propose radio and optical monitoring observations that can differentiate between these two mechanisms.

Simon R. Dicker, Elia S. Battistelli, Tanay Bhandarkar, Mark J. Devlin, Shannon M. Duff, Gene Hilton, Matt Hilton, Adam D. Hincks, Johannes Hubmayr, Kevin Huffenberger, John P. Hughes, Luca Di Mascolo, Brian S. Mason, J.A.B. Mates, Jeff McMahon, Tony Mroczkowski, Sigurd Naess, John Orlowski-Scherer, Bruce Partridge, Federico Radiconi, Charles Romero, Craig L. Sarazin, Neelima Sehgal, Jonathan Sievers, Cristóbal Sifón, Joel Ullom, Leila R. Vale, Michael R. Vissers, Zhilei Xu

13 Pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, with 4 pages of online only figures at end. Submitted to MNRAS

Compact sources can cause scatter in the scaling relationships between the amplitude of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (tSZE) in galaxy clusters and cluster mass. Estimates of the importance of this scatter vary - largely due to limited data on sources in clusters at the frequencies at which tSZE cluster surveys operate. In this paper we present 90 GHz compact source measurements from a sample of 30 clusters observed using the MUSTANG2 instrument on the Green Bank Telescope. We present simulations of how a source's flux density, spectral index, and angular separation from the cluster's center affect the measured tSZE in clusters detected by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT). By comparing the MUSTANG2 measurements with these simulations we calibrate an empirical relationship between 1.4 GHz flux densities from radio surveys and source contamination in ACT tSZE measurements. We find 3 per cent of the ACT clusters have more than a 20 per cent decrease in Compton-y but another 3 per cent have a 10 per cent increase in the Compton-y due to the matched filters used to find clusters. As sources affect the measured tSZE signal and hence the likelihood that a cluster will be detected, testing the level of source contamination in the tSZE signal using a tSZE selected catalog is inherently biased. We confirm this by comparing the ACT tSZE catalog with optically and X-ray selected cluster catalogs. There is a strong case for a large, high resolution survey of clusters to better characterize their source population.

D. Porquet, J. N. Reeves, N. Grosso, V. Braito, A. Lobban

11 pages (including appendix), 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

(Abridged) Soft and hard X-ray excesses, compared to the continuum power-law shape between ~2-10 keV, are common features observed in the spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN) and are associated with the accretion disc-corona system around the supermassive black hole. However, the dominant process at work is still highly debated and has been proposed to be either relativistic reflection or Comptonisation. We aim to characterise the main X-ray spectral physical components from the bright bare Broad Line Seyfert 1 AGN Mrk 110, and the physical process(es) at work in its disc-corona system viewed almost face-on. We perform the X-ray broad-band spectral analysis thanks to two simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations performed on November 16-17 2019 and April 5-6 2020, we also use for the spectral analysis above 3 keV the deep NuSTAR observation obtained in January 2017. The broad-band X-ray spectra of Mrk 110 are characterised by the presence of a prominent and absorption-free smooth soft X-ray excess, moderately broad OVII and FeKalpha emission lines and a lack of a strong Compton hump. The continuum above ~3keV is very similar at both epochs, while some variability (stronger when brighter) is present for the soft X-ray excess. A combination of soft and hard Comptonisation by a warm and hot corona, respectively, plus mildly relativistic disc reflection reproduce the broadband X-ray continuum very well. The inferred warm corona temperature, kT_warm~0.3 keV, is similar to the values found in other sub-Eddington AGN, whereas the hot corona temperature, kT_hot~21-31 keV (depending mainly on the assumed hot corona geometry), is found to be in the lower range of the values measured in AGN.

M.V. Zanchettin, C. Feruglio, M. Bischetti, A. Malizia, M. Molina, A. Bongiorno, M. Dadina, C. Gruppioni, E. Piconcelli, F. Tombesi, A. Travascio, F. Fiore

13 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables Accepted by A&A

We present the analysis of the ALMA CO(2-1) emission line and the underlying 1.2 mm continuum of Mrk509 with spatial resolution of 270 pc. This local Seyfert 1.5 galaxy, optically classified as a spheroid, is known to host a ionised disc, a starburst ring, and ionised gas winds on both nuclear and galactic scales. From CO(2-1) we estimate a molecular gas mass $M_{H_2}=1.7\times 10^9\, \rm M_{\odot}$, located within a disc of size 5.2 kpc, with $M_{dyn}$=(2.0$\pm$1.1) $\times$ $10^{10}\, \rm M_{\odot}$ inclined at $44\pm10$ deg. The molecular gas fraction within the disc is $\mu_{gas}=5\%$. The gas kinematics in the nuclear region within r=700 pc suggests the presence of a warped nuclear disc. Both the presence of a molecular disc with ongoing star-formation in a starburst ring, and the signatures of a minor merger, are in agreement with the scenario where galaxy mergers produce gas destabilization, feeding both star-formation and AGN activity. The spatially-resolved Toomre Q-parameter across the molecular disc is in the range $Q_{gas}=0.5-10$, and shows that the disc is marginally unstable across the starburst ring, and stable at nucleus and in a lopsided ring-like structure located inside of the starburst ring. We find complex molecular gas kinematics and significant kinematics perturbations at two locations, one within 300 pc from the nucleus, and one 1.4 kpc away close to the region with high $Q_{gas}$, that we interpret as molecular winds. The total molecular outflow rate is in the range 6.4-17.0 $\rm M_\odot/yr$. The molecular wind total kinetic energy is consistent with a multiphase momentum-conserving wind driven by the AGN with $\dot{P}_{of}/\dot{P}_{rad}$ in the range 0.06-0.5. The spatial overlap of the inner molecular wind with the ionised wind, and their similar velocity suggest a cooling sequence within a multiphase AGN driven wind.

Carolyn M. Ernst (1), Sanae Kubota (1), Nancy Chabot (1), Rachel Klima (1), Gabe Rogers (1), Paul Byrne (2), Steven A. Hauck II (3), Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden (4), Ronald J. Vervack Jr. (1), Sebastien Besse (5), David Blewett (1), Brett Denevi (1), Sander Goossens (6), Stephen Indyk (7), Noam Izenberg (1), Catherine Johnson (8), Lauren Jozwiak (1), Haje Korth (1), Ralph McNutt Jr. (1), Scott Murchie (1), Patrick Peplowski (1), Jim Raines (9), Elizabeth Rampe (10), Michelle Thompson (11) ((1) Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, (2) North Carolina State University, (3) Case Western Reserve University, (4) Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, (5) Aurora Technology BV for ESA, European Space Agency, (6) University of Maryland Baltimore County, (7) Honeybee Robotics, (8) Planetary Science Institute, (9) University of Michigan, (10) NASA Johnson Space Center, (11) Purdue University)

Report submitted to NASA and the Planetary Science and Astrobiology Decadal Survey

As an end-member of terrestrial planet formation, Mercury holds unique clues about the original distribution of elements in the earliest stages of solar system development and how planets and exoplanets form and evolve in close proximity to their host stars. This Mercury Lander mission concept enables in situ surface measurements that address several fundamental science questions raised by MESSENGER's pioneering exploration of Mercury. Such measurements are needed to understand Mercury's unique mineralogy and geochemistry; to characterize the proportionally massive core's structure; to measure the planet's active and ancient magnetic fields at the surface; to investigate the processes that alter the surface and produce the exosphere; and to provide ground truth for current and future remote datasets. NASA's Planetary Mission Concept Studies program awarded this study to evaluate the feasibility of accomplishing transformative science through a New-Frontiers-class, landed mission to Mercury in the next decade. The resulting mission concept achieves one full Mercury year (~88 Earth days) of surface operations with an ambitious, high-heritage, landed science payload, corresponding well with the New Frontiers mission framework. The 11-instrument science payload is delivered to a landing site within Mercury's widely distributed low-reflectance material, and addresses science goals and objectives encompassing geochemistry, geophysics, the Mercury space environment, and surface geology. This mission concept is meant to be representative of any scientific landed mission to Mercury; alternate payload implementations and landing locations would be viable and compelling for a future landed Mercury mission.

Elias R. Most, Carolyn A. Raithel

23 pages, 14 figures. Equal contribution

The nuclear symmetry energy plays a key role in determining the equation of state of dense, neutron-rich matter, which governs the properties of both terrestrial nuclear matter as well as astrophysical neutron stars. A recent measurement of the neutron skin thickness from the PREX collaboration has lead to new constraints on the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy, L, which can be directly compared to inferences from gravitational-wave observations of the first binary neutron star merger inspiral, GW170817 In this paper, we explore a new regime for potentially constraining the slope, L, of the nuclear symmetry energy with future gravitational wave events: the post-merger phase a binary neutron star coalescence. In particular, we go beyond the inspiral phase, where imprints of the slope parameter L may be inferred from measurements of the tidal deformability, to consider imprints on the post-merger dynamics, gravitational wave emission, and dynamical mass ejection. To this end, we perform a set of targeted neutron star merger simulations in full general relativity using new finite-temperature equations of state, which systematically vary L. We find that the post-merger dynamics and gravitational wave emission are mostly insensitive to the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy. In contrast, we find that dynamical mass ejection contains a weak imprint of L, with large values of L leading to systematically enhanced ejecta.

Alessandro Bemporad, Silvio Giordano, Luca Zangrilli, Federica Frassati

14 pages, 8 figures, accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics

This work focuses on the combination of White Light (WL) and UV (Ly-alpha) coronagraphic images to demonstrate the capability to measure the solar wind speed in the inner corona directly with the ratio between these two images (a technique called "quick inversion method"), thus avoiding to account for the line-of-sight (LOS) integration effects in the inversion of data. After a derivation of the theoretical basis and illustration of the main hypotheses in the "quick inversion method", the data inversion technique is tested first with 1D radial analytic profiles, and then with 3D numerical MHD simulations, in order to show the effects of variabilities related with different phases of solar activity cycle and complex LOS distribution of plasma parameters. The same technique is also applied to average WL and UV images obtained from real data acquired by SOHO UVCS and LASCO instruments around the minimum and maximum of the solar activity cycle. Comparisons between input and output velocities show overall a good agreement, demonstrating that this method that allows to infer the solar wind speed with WL-UV image ratio can be complementary to more complex techniques requiring the full LOS integration. The analysis described here also allowed us to quantify the possible errors in the outflow speed, and to identify the coronal regions where the "quick inversion method" performs at the best. The "quick inversion" applied to real UVCS and LASCO data allowed also to reconstruct the typical bimodal distribution of fast and slow wind at solar minimum, and to derive a more complex picture around solar maximum. The application of the technique shown here will be very important for the future analyses of data acquired with multichannel WL and UV (Ly-alpha) coronagraphs, such as Metis on-board Solar Orbiter, LST on-board ASO-S, and any other future WL and UV Ly-alpha multi-channel coronagraph.

We use the Relativistic Precession Model (RPM) (Stella et al. 1999a) and quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) observations from the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer to derive constraints on the properties of the black holes that power these sources and to test General Relativity (GR) in the strong field regime. We extend the techniques outlined by Motta et al. (2014a,b) to use pairs of simultaneously measured QPOs, rather than triplets, and extend the underlying spacetime metric to constrain potential deviations from the predictions of GR for astrophysical black holes. To do this, we modify the RPM model to a Kerr-Newman-deSitter spacetime and model changes in the radial, ecliptic, and vertical frequencies. We compare our models with X-ray data of XTE J1550-564 and GRO J1655-40 using robust statistical techniques to constrain the parameters of the black holes and the deviations from GR. For both sources we constrain particular deviations from GR to be less than one part per thousand.

Arnaud Roisin, Jean Teyssandier, Anne-Sophie Libert

11 pages, 10 figures, to be published in MNRAS

The discovery of numerous circumprimary planets in the last few years has brought to the fore the question of planet formation in binary systems. The significant dynamical influence, during the protoplanetary disk phase, of a binary companion on a giant planet has previously been highlighted for wide binary stars. In particular, highly inclined binary companion can induce perturbations on the disk and the planets, through the Lidov-Kozai resonance, which could inhibit the formation process. In this work, we aim to study how the disk gravitational potential acting on the planet and the nodal precession \textbf{induced by the wide binary companion with separation of 1000 AU} on the disk act to suppress the Lidov-Kozai perturbations on a migrating giant planet. We derive new approximate formulas for the evolution of the disk's inclination and longitude of the ascending node, in the case of a rigidly precessing disk with a decreasing mass and perturbed by a wide binary companion, which are suitable for $N$-body simulations. We carry out 3200 simulations with several eccentricity and inclination values for the binary companion. The gravitational and damping forces exerted by the disk on the planet tend to keep the latter in the midplane of the former, and suppress the effect of the binary companion by preventing the planet from getting locked in the Lidov-Kozai resonance during the disk phase. We also confirm that because of nodal precession induced by the binary, a primordial spin-orbit misalignment could be generated for circumprimary planets with an inclined binary companion.

Darryl Seligman, W. Garrett Levine, Samuel H. C. Cabot, Gregory Laughlin, Karen Meech

17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The first interstellar object, 1I/2017 U1 (`Oumuamua), exhibited several unique properties, including an extreme aspect ratio, a lack of typical cometary volatiles, and a deviation from a Keplerian trajectory. Several authors have hypothesized that the non-gravitational acceleration was caused by either cometary outgassing or radiation pressure. Here, we investigate the spin dynamics of `Oumuamua under the action of high surface area fractional activity and radiation pressure. We demonstrate that a series of transient jets that migrate across the illuminated surface will not produce a secular increase in the spin rate. We produce 3D tumbling simulations that approximate the dynamics of a surface covering jet, and show that the resulting synthetic light curve and periodogram are reasonably consistent with the observations. Moreover, we demonstrate that radiation pressure also produces a steady spin-state. While carbon monoxide (CO) has been dismissed as a possible accelerant because of its non-detection in emission by $\textit{Spitzer}$, we show that outgassing from a surface characterized by a modest covering fraction of CO ice can satisfy the non-ballistic dynamics for a plausible range of assumed bulk densities and surface albedos. $\textit{Spitzer}$ upper limits on CO emission are, however, inconsistent with the CO production necessary to provide the acceleration. Nonetheless, an ad hoc but physically plausible explanation is that the activity level varied greatly during the time that the trajectory was monitored. We reproduce the astrometric analysis presented in Micheli et al. (2018), and verify that the non-gravitational acceleration was consistent with stochastic changes in outgassing.

H. Liu, M. L. Parker, J. Jiang, E. Kara, Cosimo Bambi, D. Grupe, S. Komossa

11 pages, 6 figures

We present an analysis of all the archival high resolution spectra of the Narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk~335 obtained with Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) on board \textit{XMM-Newton}. The spectra show rich emission and absorption features in low and intermediate flux intervals. We model the emission lines with the \textsc{pion\_xs} grid and try to find any possible correlation between the properties of the emitting gas and the source flux. Current data does not allow detailed trace of the response of the line emitting gas to the X-ray flux of Mrk~335, but the flux of the X-ray lines is significantly less variable than the X-ray continuum. We also find that the warm absorber's properties are not correlated with the flux variability. From the latest \textit{XMM-Newton} observation in 2019 December, we find that the photoionized emission and distant reflection components have not responded to the flux drop of Mrk~335 from 2018 July. However, the possible existence of partial covering absorber in the 2018--2019 low state of Mrk~335 makes it difficult to constrain the scale of the emitting gas using this lack of response.

Recent cosmic-ray (CR) studies have claimed the possibility of an excess on the antiproton flux over the predicted models at around $10$ GeV, which can be the signature of dark matter annihilating into hadronic final states that subsequently form antiprotons. However, this excess is subject to many uncertainties related to the evaluation of the antiproton spectrum produced from spallation interactions of CRs. In this work, we implement a combined Markov-Chain Monte Carlo analysis of the secondary ratios of B, Be and Li and the antiproton-to-proton ratio ($\bar{p}/p$), while also including nuisance parameters to consider the uncertainties related to the spallation cross sections. This study allows us to constrain the Galactic halo height and the rest of propagation parameters, evaluate the impact of cross sections uncertainties in the determination of the antiproton spectrum and test the origin of the excess of antiprotons. In this way, we provide a set of propagation parameters and scale factors for renormalizing the cross sections parametrizations that allow us to reproduce all the ratios of B, Be, Li and $\bar{p}$ simultaneously. We show that the energy dependence of the $\bar{p}/p$ ratio is compatible with a pure secondary origin. We find that the energy dependence of the evaluated $\bar{p}/p$ spectrum matches the AMS-02 data at energies above $\sim3$GeV, although there is still a nearly constant $\sim10\%$ excess of $\bar{p}$ over our prediction. We discuss that this discrepancy is more likely explained from a $\sim10\%$ scaling in the cross sections of antiproton production, rather than a component of dark matter leading to antiprotons. In particular, we find that the best-fit WIMP mass ($\sim 300$ GeV) needed to explain the discrepancy lies above the constraints from most indirect searches of dark matter and the resultant fit is poorer than with a cross sections scaling.

We use hydrodynamical separate universe simulations with the IllustrisTNG model to predict the local primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) bias parameters $b_{\phi}$ and $b_{\phi\delta}$, which enter at leading order in the galaxy power spectrum and bispectrum. This is the first time that $b_{\phi\delta}$ is measured from either gravity-only or galaxy formation simulations. For dark matter halos, the popular assumption of universality overpredicts the $b_{\phi\delta}(b_1)$ relation in the range $1 \lesssim b_1 \lesssim 3$ by up to $\Delta b_{\phi\delta} \sim 3$ ($b_1$ is the linear density bias). The adequacy of the universality relation is worse for the simulated galaxies, with the relations $b_{\phi}(b_1)$ and $b_{\phi\delta}(b_1)$ being generically redshift-dependent and very sensitive to how galaxies are selected (we test total, stellar and black hole mass, black hole mass accretion rate and color). The uncertainties on $b_{\phi}$ and $b_{\phi\delta}$ have a direct, often overlooked impact on the constraints of the local PNG parameter $f_{\rm NL}$, which we study and discuss. For a galaxy survey with $V = 100{\rm Gpc}^3/h^3$ at $z=1$, we find that uncertainties $\Delta b_{\phi} \lesssim 1$ and $\Delta b_{\phi\delta} \lesssim 5$ are needed to yield unbiased constraints on $f_{\rm NL}$ using power spectrum and bispectrum data. We also show why priors on galaxy bias are useful even in analyses that fit for products $f_{\rm NL}b_{\phi}$ and $f_{\rm NL}b_{\phi\delta}$. The strategies we discuss here to deal with galaxy bias uncertainties can be straightforwardly implemented in existing $f_{\rm NL}$ constraint analyses (we provide fits for some of the bias relations). Our results also motivate more works with galaxy formation simulations to refine our understanding of $b_{\phi}$ and $b_{\phi\delta}$ towards improved constraints on $f_{\rm NL}$.

Gravitational-wave (GW) memory effects produce permanent shifts in the GW strain and its time integrals after the passage of a burst of GWs. Their presence is closely tied to symmetries of asymptotically flat spacetimes and fluxes of conserved charges conjugate to these symmetries. While the phenomenology of GW memory effects is well understood in general relativity (GR), it is less well understood in the many modifications to GR. We recently computed asymptotically flat solutions, symmetries, conserved quantities, and GW memory effects in one such modified theory: Brans-Dicke theory. In this paper, we apply our results from this earlier work to compute the GW memories from compact binaries in the post-Newtonian (PN) approximation. In addition to taking the PN limit of these effects, we work in the approximation that the energy and angular momentum losses through scalar radiation are small compared to the energy and angular momentum losses through (tensor) GWs. We focus on the tensor (as opposed to scalar) GW memory effect, which we compute through Newtonian order, and the small differences induced by scalar radiation at this order. Specifically, we compute the nonlinear parts of the tensor displacement and spin GW memory effects produced during the inspiral of quasicircular, nonprecessing binaries in Brans-Dicke theory. Because the energy radiated through the scalar dipole moment appears as a -1 PN order-effect, then in this approximation, the displacement memory has a logarithmic dependence on the PN parameter and the spin memory has a relative -1 PN-order correction; these corrections are ultimately small because they are related to the total energy and angular momentum radiated in the scalar field, respectively. At Newtonian order, the scalar radiation also gives rise to a sky pattern of the memory effect around an isolated source that differs from that of the memory effect in GR.

In non-collisional magnetized astrophysical plasmas, vortices can form as it is the case of the Venus plasma wake where Lundin et al. (2013) identified a large vortex through the integration of data of many orbits from the Venus Express (VEX) spacecraft. On the one hand, our purpose is to develop a theoretical foundation in order to explain the occurrence and formation of vortices in non-collisional astrophysical plasmas. On the other hand, to apply the latter in order to study the vorticity in the wakes of Venus and Mars. We introduce two theorems and two corollaries, which may be applicable to any non-collisional plasma system, that relate the vorticity to electromagnetic variables such as the magnetic field and the electric current density. We also introduce a toy vortex model for the wakes of non-magnetized planetary bodies. From the proposed theorems and model and using magnetic data of the VEX and the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft, we identify vortices in the wakes of Venus and Mars in single spacecraft wake crossings. We also identify a spatial coincidence between current density and vorticity maxima confirming the consistency of our theorems and model. We conclude that vortices in non-collisional magnetized plasmas are always linked to electric currents and that both vortices and currents always coexist. This suggests that the mechanism that produces this type of vortices is the mutual interaction between the electric current and the magnetic field, that to a first approximation is explained considering that plasma currents due to a non-zero net charge density induce magnetic fields that modify the existing field and also produce a helical field configuration that drives charged particles along helical trajectories.

We study scalar dark matter production and reheating via renormalizable inflaton couplings, which include both quartic and trilinear interactions. These processes often depend crucially on collective effects such as resonances, backreaction and rescattering of the produced particles. To take them into account, we perform lattice simulations and map out parameter space producing the correct (non-thermal) dark matter density. We find that the inflaton-dark matter system can reach a quasi-equilibrium state during preheating already at very small couplings, in which case the dark matter abundance becomes independent of the inflaton-dark matter coupling and is described by a universal formula. Dark matter is readily overproduced and even tiny values of the direct inflaton couplings can be sufficient to get the right composition of the Universe, which reaffirms their importance in cosmology.

Proportional electroluminescence (EL) is the physical effect used in two-phase detectors for dark matter searches, to optically record (in the gas phase) the ionization signal produced by particle scattering in the liquid phase. In our previous work the presence of a new EL mechanism, namely that of neutral bremsstrahlung (NBrS), was demonstrated in two-phase argon detectors both theoretically and experimentally, in addition to the ordinary EL mechanism due to excimer emission. In this work the similar theoretical approach is applied to all noble gases, i.e. overall to helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon, to calculate the EL yields and spectra both for NBrS and excimer EL. The relevance of the results obtained to the development of two-phase dark matter detectors is discussed.

Pulkit Dubey, Anubhab Roy, Ganesh Subramanian

22 pages, 13 figures

We revisit the somewhat classical problem of the linear stability of a rigidly rotating liquid column in this communication. Although literature pertaining to this problem dates back to 1959, the relation between inviscid and viscous stability criteria has not yet been clarified. While the viscous criterion for stability, given by $We = n^2+k^2-1$, is both necessary and sufficient, this relation has only been shown to be sufficient in the inviscid case. Here, $We = \rho \Omega^2 a^3/\gamma$ is the Weber number and measures the relative magnitudes of the centrifugal and surface tension forces, with $\Omega$ being the angular velocity of the rigidly rotating column, $a$ the column radius, $\rho$ the density of the fluid, and $\gamma$ the surface tension coefficient; $k$ and $n$ denote the axial and azimuthal wavenumbers of the imposed perturbation. We show that the subtle difference between the inviscid and viscous criteria arises from the surprisingly complicated picture of inviscid stability in the $We-k$ plane. For all $n >1$, the viscously unstable region, corresponding to $We > n^2+k^2-1$, contains an infinite hierarchy of inviscidly stable islands ending in cusps, with a dominant leading island. Only the dominant island, now infinite in extent along the $We$ axis, persists for $n= 1$. This picture may be understood, based on the underlying eigenspectrum, as arising from the cascade of coalescences between a retrograde mode, that is the continuation of the cograde surface-tension-driven mode across the zero Doppler frequency point, and successive retrograde Coriolis modes constituting an infinite hierarchy.

We show that derivation of Friedmann's equations from the Einstein-Hilbert action, paying attention to the requirements of isotropy and homogeneity during the variation, leads to a different interpretation of pressure than what is typically adopted. Our derivation follows if we assume that the unapproximated metric and Einstein tensor have convergent perturbation series representations on a sufficiently large Robertson-Walker coordinate patch. We find the source necessarily averages all pressures, everywhere, including the interiors of compact objects. We demonstrate that our considerations apply (on appropriately restricted spacetime domains) to the Kerr solution, the Schwarzschild constant-density sphere, and the static de-Sitter sphere. From conservation of stress-energy, it follows that material contributing to the averaged pressure must shift locally in energy. We show that these cosmological energy shifts are entirely negligible for non-relativistic material. In relativistic material, however, the effect can be significant. We comment on the implications of this study for the dark energy problem.

We add an ensemble of nuclei to the equation of state for homogeneous nucleonic matter to generate a new set of models suitable for astrophysical simulations of core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers. We implement empirical constraints from (i) nuclear mass measurements, (ii) proton-proton scattering phase shifts, and (iii) neutron star observations. Our model is also guided by microscopic many-body theory calculations based on realistic nuclear forces, including the zero-temperature neutron matter equation of state from quantum Monte Carlo simulations and thermal contributions to the free energy from finite-temperature many-body perturbation theory. We ensure that the parameters of our model can be varied while preserving thermodynamic consistency and the connection to experimental or observational data, thus providing a probability distribution of the astrophysical hot and dense matter equation of state. We compare our results with those obtained from other available equations of state. While our probability distributions indeed represent a large number of possible equations of state, we cannot yet claim to have fully explored all of the uncertainties, especially with regard to the structure of nuclei in the hot and dense medium.