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Papers for Monday, Jul 26 2021

Papers with local authors

Marina Kounkel, Kevin R. Covey, Keivan G. Stassun, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Jon Holtzman, Drew Chojnowski, Penélope Longa-Peña, Carlos G. Román-Zúñiga, Jesus Hernandez, Javier Serna, Carles Badenes, Nathan De Lee, Steven Majewski, Guy S. Stringfellow, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Maxwell Moe, Peter M. Frinchaboy, Rachael L. Beaton, José G. Fernández-Trincado, Suvrath Mahadevan, Dante Minniti, Timothy C. Beers, Donald P. Schneider, Rodolfo H. Barbá, Joel R. Brownstein, Domingo Aníbal García-Hernández, Kaike Pan, Dmitry Bizyaev

Accepted to AJ. 23 pages, 17 figures

3 votes
Paper 9 — arXiv:2107.10860
3 votes
Paper 9 — arXiv:2107.10860

APOGEE spectra offer $\lesssim$1 km s$^{-1}$ precision in the measurement of stellar radial velocities (RVs). This holds even when multiple stars are captured in the same spectrum, as happens most commonly with double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2s), although random line of sight alignments of unrelated stars can also occur. We develop a code that autonomously identifies SB2s and higher order multiples in the APOGEE spectra, resulting in 7273 candidate SB2s, 813 SB3s, and 19 SB4s. We estimate the mass ratios of binaries, and for a subset of these systems with sufficient number of measurements we perform a complete orbital fit, confirming that most systems with period $<$10 days have circularized. Overall, we find a SB2 fraction ($F_{SB2}$) $\sim$3\% among main sequence dwarfs, and that there is not a significant trend in $F_{SB2}$ with temperature of a star. We are also able to recover a higher $F_{SB2}$ in sources with lower metallicity, however there are some observational biases. We also examine light curves from TESS to determine which of these spectroscopic binaries are also eclipsing. Such systems, particularly those that are also pre- and post-main sequence, are good candidates for a follow-up analysis to determine their masses and temperatures.

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A. W. Hindle, P. J. Bushby, T. M. Rogers

10 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables

We use results of shallow-water magnetohydrodynamics (SWMHD) to place estimates on the minimum magnetic field strengths required to cause atmospheric wind variations (and therefore westward venturing hotspots) for a dataset of hot Jupiters (HJs), including HAT-P-7b, CoRoT-2b, Kepler-76, WASP-12b, and WASP-33b, on which westward hotspots have been observationally inferred. For HAT-P-7b and CoRoT-2b our estimates agree with past results; for Kepler-76b we find that the critical dipolar magnetic field strength, over which the observed wind variations can be explained by magnetism, lies between $4\mbox{ G}$ and $19\mbox{ G}$; for WASP-12b and WASP-33b westward hotspots can be explained by $1\mbox{ G}$ and $2\mbox{ G}$ dipolar fields respectively. Additionally, to guide future observational missions, we identify $61$ further HJs that are likely to exhibit magnetically-driven atmospheric wind variations and predict these variations are highly-likely in $\sim 40$ of the hottest HJs.

Nicolas Longeard, Pascale Jablonka, Anke Arentsen, Guillaume F. Thomas, David S. Aguado, Raymond G. Carlberg, Romain Lucchesi, Khyati Malhan, Nicolas Martin, Alan W. McConnachie, Julio F. Navarro, Rubén Sánchez-Janssen, Federico Sestito, Else Starkenburg, Zhen Yuan

We present a new spectroscopic study of the dwarf galaxy Bootes I (Boo I) with data from the Anglo-Australian Telescope and its AAOmega spectrograph together with the Two Degree Field multi-object system. We observed 36 high-probability Boo I stars selected using Gaia Early Data Release 3 proper motions and photometric metallicities from the Pristine survey. Out of those, 29 are found to be Boo I's stars, resulting in an excellent success rate of 80% at finding new members. Our analysis uses a new pipeline developed to estimate radial velocities and equivalent widths of the calcium triplet lines from Gaussian and Voigt line profile fits. The metallicities of 18 members are derived, including 3 extremely metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < -3.0), which translates into an exceptional success rate of 25% at finding them with the combination of Pristine and Gaia. Using the large spatial extent of our new members that spans up to 4.1 half-light radii and spectroscopy from the literature, we are able to detect a systemic velocity gradient of 0.15+/-0.10 km s-1 arcmin-1 and a small but resolved metallicity gradient of -0.007+/-0.003 dex arcmin-1. Finally, we show that Boo I is more elongated than previously thought with an ellipticity of {\epsilon} = 0.68+/-0.15. Its velocity and metallicity gradients as well as its elongation suggest that Boo I may have been affected by tides, a result supported by direct dynamical modelling.

Stefano Zarattini, Andrea Biviano, J. Alfonso L. Aguerri, Marisa Girardi, Elena D'Onghia

12 pages, 5 figures, and 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

We aim to study how the orbits of galaxies in clusters depend on the prominence of the corresponding central galaxies. We divided our data set of $\sim$ 100 clusters and groups into four samples based on their magnitude gap between the two brightest members, $\Delta m_{12}$. We then stacked all the systems in each sample, in order to create four stacked clusters, and derive the mass and velocity anisotropy profiles for the four groups of clusters using the MAMPOSSt procedure. Once the mass profile is known, we also obtain the (non parametric) velocity anisotropy profile via the inversion of the Jeans equation. In systems with the largest $\Delta m_{12}$, galaxy orbits are prevalently radial, except near the centre, where orbits are isotropic (or tangential when also the central galaxies are considered in the analysis). In the other three samples with smaller $\Delta m_{12}$, galaxy orbits are isotropic or only mildly radial. Our study supports the results of numerical simulations that identify radial orbits of galaxies as the cause of an increasing $\Delta m_{12}$ in groups.

Blanco 1, a 100Myr open cluster in the solar neighborhood, is well known for its two 50pc-long tidal tails. Taking Blanco 1 as a reference, we find evidence of early-stage tidal disruption in two other open clusters of ~120Myr: the Pleiades and NGC 2516, via Gaia EDR3 data. These two clusters have a total mass of 2-6 times that of Blanco 1. Despite having a similar age as Blanco 1, the Pleiades and NGC 2516 have a larger fraction of their members bound: 86% of their mass is inside the tidal radius, versus 63% for Blanco 1. However, a correlation between Blanco 1's 50pc-long tidal tails and the "kinematic tails" in velocity space is also found for the Pleiades and NGC 2516. This evidence supports the idea that the modest elongation seen in the spatial distribution for the Pleiades and NGC 2516 is a result of early-stage tidal disruption.

Satoshi Yamada, Yoshihiro Ueda, Atsushi Tanimoto, Masatoshi Imanishi, Yoshiki Toba, Claudio Ricci, George C. Privon

85 pages, 88 figures, accepted in ApJS

We perform a systematic X-ray spectroscopic analysis of 57 local ultra/luminous infrared galaxy systems (containing 84 individual galaxies) observed with Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array and/or Swift/BAT. Combining soft X-ray data obtained with Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku and/or Swift/XRT, we identify 40 hard ($>$10 keV) X-ray detected active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and constrain their torus parameters with the X-ray clumpy torus model XCLUMPY (Tanimoto et al. 2019). Among the AGNs at $z < 0.03$, for which sample biases are minimized, the fraction of Compton-thick ($N_{\rm H} \geq 10^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$) AGNs reaches 64$^{+14}_{-15}$% (6/9 sources) in late mergers, while 24$^{+12}_{-10}$% (3/14 sources) in early mergers, consistent with the tendency reported by Ricci et al. (2017). We find that the bolometric AGN luminosities derived from the infrared data increase, but the X-ray to bolometric luminosity ratios decrease, with merger stage. The X-ray weak AGNs in late mergers ubiquitously show massive outflows at sub-pc to kpc scales. Among them, the most luminous AGNs ($L_{\rm bol,AGN} \sim 10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$) have relatively small column densities of $\lesssim$10$^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ and almost super-Eddington ratios ($\lambda_{\rm Edd} \sim$ 1.0). Their torus covering factors ($C_{\rm T}^{\rm (22)} \sim 0.6$) are larger than those of Swift/BAT selected AGNs with similarly high Eddington ratios. These results suggest a scenario that, in the final stage of mergers, multiphase strong outflows are produced due to chaotic quasi-spherical inflows and the AGN becomes extremely X-ray weak and deeply buried due to obscuration by inflowing and/or outflowing material.

M. Romano, P. Cassata, L. Morselli, G. C. Jones, M. Ginolfi, A. Zanella, M. Béthermin, P. Capak, A. Faisst, O. Le Fèvre, D. Schaerer, J. D. Silverman, L. Yan, S. Bardelli, M. Boquien, A. Cimatti, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, A. Enia, S. Fujimoto, C. Gruppioni, N. P. Hathi, E. Ibar, A. M. Koekemoer, B. C. Lemaux, G. Rodighiero, D. Vergani, G. Zamorani, E. Zucca

Accepted for publication in section 4. Extragalactic astronomy of Astronomy and Astrophysics

Galaxy mergers are thought to be one of the main mechanisms of the mass assembly of galaxies. Recently, many works have suggested a possible increase in the fraction of major mergers in the early Universe, reviving the debate on which processes (e.g., cold accretion, star formation, mergers) most contribute to the mass build-up of galaxies through cosmic time. To estimate the importance of major mergers in this context, we make use of the new data collected by the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [CII] at Early times (ALPINE), which observed the [CII] 158 $\mu$m emission line from a sample of 75 main-sequence star-forming galaxies at 4.4 < z < 5.9. We used, for the first time, the morpho-kinematic information provided by the [CII] emission to obtain the fraction of major mergers ($f_{MM}$) at z~5. By adopting different prescriptions for the merger timescales ($T_{MM}$), we converted this fraction into the merger rate per galaxy ($R_{MM}$) and per volume ($\Gamma_{MM}$). We then combined our results with those at lower redshifts from the literature, computing the cosmic evolution of the merger fraction. This is described by a rapid increase from z~0 to higher redshifts, a peak at z~3, and a slow decrease towards earlier epochs. Depending on the timescale prescription used, this fraction translates into a merger rate ranging between ~0.1 and ~4.0 Gyr$^{-1}$ at z~5. Finally, we compare the specific star formation and star-formation rate density with the analogous quantities from major mergers. Our new ALPINE data reveal the presence of a significant merging activity in the early Universe. However, whether this population of mergers can provide a relevant contribution to the galaxy mass assembly at these redshifts and through the cosmic epochs is strongly dependent on the assumption of the merger timescale.

M. Aguena, C. Avestruz, C. Combet, S. Fu, R. Herbonnet, A. I. Malz, M. Penna-Lima, M. Ricci, S. D. P. Vitenti, L. Baumont, H. Fan, M. Fong, M. Ho, M. Kirby, C. Payerne, D. Boutigny, B. Lee, B. Liu, T. McClintock, H. Miyatake, C. Sifón, A. von der Linden, H. Wu, M. Yoon

21 pages, 6 figures

We present the v1.0 release of CLMM, an open source Python library for the estimation of the weak lensing masses of clusters of galaxies. CLMM is designed as a standalone toolkit of building blocks to enable end-to-end analysis pipeline validation for upcoming cluster cosmology analyses such as the ones that will be performed by the LSST-DESC. Its purpose is to serve as a flexible, easy-to-install and easy-to-use interface for both weak lensing simulators and observers and can be applied to real and mock data to study the systematics affecting weak lensing mass reconstruction. At the core of CLMM are routines to model the weak lensing shear signal given the underlying mass distribution of galaxy clusters and a set of data operations to prepare the corresponding data vectors. The theoretical predictions rely on existing software, used as backends in the code, that have been thoroughly tested and cross-checked. Combined, theoretical predictions and data can be used to constrain the mass distribution of galaxy clusters as demonstrated in a suite of example Jupyter Notebooks shipped with the software and also available in the extensive online documentation.

P. Chawla, V. M. Kaspi, S. M. Ransom, M. Bhardwaj, P. J. Boyle, D. Breitman, T. Cassanelli, D. Cubranic, F. Q. Dong, E. Fonseca, B. M. Gaensler, U. Giri, A. Josephy, J. F. Kaczmarek, C. Leung, K. W. Masui, J. Mena-Parra, M. Merryfield, D. Michilli, M. Münchmeyer, C. Ng, C. Patel, A. B. Pearlman, E. Petroff, Z. Pleunis, M. Rahman, P. Sanghavi, K. Shin, K. M. Smith, I. Stairs, S. P. Tendulkar

Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

We present a Monte Carlo-based population synthesis study of fast radio burst (FRB) dispersion and scattering focusing on the first catalog of sources detected with the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Fast Radio Burst (CHIME/FRB) project. We simulate intrinsic properties and propagation effects for a variety of FRB population models and compare the simulated distributions of dispersion measures (DMs) and scattering timescales with the corresponding distributions from the CHIME/FRB catalog. Our simulations confirm the results of previous population studies, which suggested that the interstellar medium of the host galaxy alone cannot explain the observed scattering timescales of FRBs. We therefore consider additional sources of scattering, namely, the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of intervening galaxies and the circumburst medium whose properties are modeled based on typical Galactic plane environments. We find that a population of FRBs with scattering contributed by these media is marginally consistent with the CHIME/FRB catalog. In this scenario, our simulations favor a population of FRBs offset from their galaxy centers over a population which is distributed along the spiral arms. However, if the models proposing the CGM as a source of intense scattering are incorrect, then we conclude that FRBs must inhabit environments with more extreme properties than those inferred for pulsars in the Milky Way.

Diogo Belloni, Claudia V. Rodrigues, Matthias R. Schreiber, Manuel Castro, Joaquim E. R. Costa, Takayuki Hayashi, Isabel J. Lima, Gerardo J. M. Luna, Murilo Martins, Alexandre S. Oliveira, Steven G. Parsons, Karleyne M. G. Silva, Paulo E. Stecchini, Teresa J. Stuchi, Monica Zorotovic

42 pages, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

We present an analysis of mock X-ray spectra and light curves of magnetic cataclysmic variables using an upgraded version of the 3D CYCLOPS code. This 3D representation of the accretion flow allows us to properly model total and partial occultation of the post-shock region by the white dwarf as well as the modulation of the X-ray light curves due to the phase-dependent extinction of the pre-shock region. We carried out detailed post-shock region modeling in a four-dimensional parameter space by varying the white dwarf mass and magnetic field strength as well as the magnetosphere radius and the specific accretion rate. To calculate the post-shock region temperature and density profiles, we assumed equipartition between ions and electrons, took into account the white dwarf gravitational potential, the finite size of the magnetosphere and a dipole-like magnetic field geometry, and considered cooling by both bremsstrahlung and cyclotron radiative processes. By investigating the impact of the parameters on the resulting X-ray continuum spectra, we show that there is an inevitable degeneracy in the four-dimensional parameter space investigated here, which compromises X-ray continuum spectral fitting strategies and can lead to incorrect parameter estimates. However, the inclusion of X-ray light curves in different energy ranges can break this degeneracy, and it therefore remains, in principle, possible to use X-ray data to derive fundamental parameters of magnetic cataclysmic variables, which represents an essential step toward understanding their formation and evolution.

Abbas Askar, Melvyn B. Davies, Ross P. Church

16 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables, submitted to MNRAS

In many galactic nuclei, a nuclear stellar cluster (NSC) co-exists with a supermassive black hole (SMBH). In this work, we explore the idea that the NSC forms before the SMBH through the merger of several stellar clusters that may contain intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). These IMBHs can subsequently grow by mergers and accretion to form an SMBH. To check the observable consequences of this proposed SMBH seeding mechanism, we created an observationally motivated mock population of galaxies, in which NSCs are constructed by aggregating stellar clusters that may or may not contain IMBHs. We model the growth of IMBHs in the NSCs through gravitational wave (GW) mergers with other IMBHs and gas accretion. In the case of GW mergers, the merged BH can either be retained or ejected depending on the GW recoil kick it receives. The likelihood of retaining the merged BH increases if we consider growth of IMBHs in the NSC through gas accretion. We find that nucleated lower-mass galaxies ($\rm M_{\star} \lesssim 10^{9} \ M_{\odot}$; e.g. M33) have an SMBH seed occupation fraction of about 0.3 to 0.5. This occupation fraction increases with galaxy stellar mass and for more massive galaxies ($\rm 10^{9} \ M_{\odot} \lesssim \rm M_{\star} \lesssim 10^{11} \ M_{\odot}$), it is between 0.5 and 0.8, depending on how BH growth is modelled. These occupation fractions are consistent with observational constraints. Furthermore, allowing for BH growth also allows us to reproduce the observed diversity in the mass range of SMBHs in the $\rm M_{\rm NSC} - M_{\rm BH}$ plane.

C. Ricci, G. C. Privon, R. W. Pfeifle, L. Armus, K. Iwasawa, N. Torres-Alba, S. Satyapal, F. E. Bauer, E. Treister, L. C. Ho, S. Aalto, P. Arevalo, L. Barcos-Munoz, V. Charmandaris, T. Diaz-Santos, A. S. Evans, T. Gao, H. Inami, M. J. Koss, G. Lansbury, S. T. Linden, A. Medling, D. B. Sanders, Y. Song, D. Stern, V. U, Y. Ueda, S. Yamada

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 22 pages

The merger of two or more galaxies can enhance the inflow of material from galactic scales into the close environments of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), obscuring and feeding the supermassive black hole (SMBH). Both recent simulations and observations of AGN in mergers have confirmed that mergers are related to strong nuclear obscuration. However, it is still unclear how AGN obscuration evolves in the last phases of the merger process. We study a sample of 60 Luminous and Ultra-luminous IR galaxies (U/LIRGs) from the GOALS sample observed by NuSTAR. We find that the fraction of AGN that are Compton-thick (CT; $N_{\rm H}\geq 10^{24}\rm\,cm^{-2}$) peaks at $74_{-19}^{+14}\%$ at a late merger stage, prior to coalescence, when the nuclei have projected separations of $d_{\rm sep}\sim 0.4-6$ kpc. A similar peak is also observed in the median $N_{\rm H}$ [$(1.6\pm0.5)\times10^{24}\rm\,cm^{-2}$]. The vast majority ($85^{+7}_{-9}\%$) of the AGN in the final merger stages ($d_{\rm sep}\lesssim 10$ kpc) are heavily obscured ($N_{\rm H}\geq 10^{23}\rm\,cm^{-2}$), and the median $N_{\rm H}$ of the accreting SMBHs in our sample is systematically higher than that of local hard X-ray selected AGN, regardless of the merger stage. This implies that these objects have very obscured nuclear environments, with the $N_{\rm H}\geq 10^{23}\rm\,cm^{-2}$ gas almost completely covering the AGN in late mergers. CT AGN tend to have systematically higher absorption-corrected X-ray luminosities than less obscured sources. This could either be due to an evolutionary effect, with more obscured sources accreting more rapidly because they have more gas available in their surroundings, or to a selection bias. The latter scenario would imply that we are still missing a large fraction of heavily obscured, lower luminosity ($L_{2-10}\lesssim 10^{43}\rm\,erg\,s^{-1}$) AGN in U/LIRGs.

R. H. Henriksen, Judith Irwin

30 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, July 22, 2021

This paper presents scale invariant/self-similar galactic magnetic dynamo models based on the classic equations, and compares them qualitatively to recently observed magnetic fields in edge-on spiral galaxies. We classify the axially symmetric dynamo magnetic field by its separate sources, advected flux and sub scale turbulence. We neglect the diffusion term under plausible physical conditions. There is a time dependence determined by globally conserved quantities. We show that magnetic scale heights increase with radius and wind velocity. We suggest that AGN outflow is an important element of the large scale galactic dynamo, based on the dynamo action of increasing sub scale vorticity. This leads us to {\it predict} a correlation between the morphology of coherent galactic magnetic field (i.e. extended polarized flux) and the presence of an AGN.

Jonathan Clarke, Ortwin Gerhard

Submitted to MNRAS, 17 pages, 16 figures

We compare distance resolved, absolute proper motions in the Milky Way bar/bulge region to a grid of made-to-measure dynamical models with well defined pattern speeds. The data are obtained by combining the relative VVV Infrared Astrometric Catalog v1 proper motions with the Gaia DR2 absolute reference frame. We undertake a comprehensive analysis of the various errors in our comparison, from both the data and the models, and allow for additional, unknown, contributions by using an outlier-tolerant likelihood function to evaluate the best fitting model. We quantify systematic effects such as the region of data included in the comparison, with or without possible overlap from spiral arms, and the choice of synthetic luminosity function and bar angle used to predict the data from the models. Resulting variations in the best-fit parameters are included in the final error budget. We measure the bar pattern speed to be Omega_b=35.4+-0.9 km/s/kpc and the azimuthal solar velocity to be V_phi_sun= 251.4+-1.7 km/s. These values, when combined with recent measurements of the Galactic rotation curve, yield the distance of corotation, 6.3 < R_(CR) [kpc] < 6.8, the outer Lindblad resonance (OLR), 10.5 < R_(OLR) [kpc] < 11.5, and the higher order, m=4, OLR, 8.5 < R_(OLR_4) [kpc] < 9.0. The measured low pattern speed provides strong evidence for the "long-slow" bar scenario.

Marcin Semczuk, Walter Dehnen, Ralph Schoenrich, E. Athanassoula

5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letters

We analyse the positions of RR Lyrae stars in the central region of the Milky Way. In addition to the overall bar shape detected previously, we find evidence for a peanut shaped structure, in form of overdensities near $\ell\sim\pm 1^{\mathrm{\circ}}$ at $b\sim-3^{\mathrm{\circ}}$. The corresponding physical distance between the two peaks of the peanut is $\sim0.7\,$kpc, significantly shorter than that found from near-IR images (3.3 kpc) and red-clump stars. Qualitatively this is expected from `fractionation' of bar orbits, which we demonstrate to be matched in a simulation of an inside-out growing disc subsequently forming a bar.

Neil Thomas, Celina Guan

15 pages, 14 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2012.10720

A pilot survey conducted at the Lookout Observatory has confirmed seven faint (V ~ 13 to 17) variables in the region of Kepler-76b that were recently discovered by the Asteroid Terrestrial-Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS). The ATLAS survey identified 315,000 probably variables within its wide-field survey in 2018. The faintness (down to r ~ 18) and small amplitudes (down to 0.02 mag) included in these candidates makes external validation difficult. Our confirmation of seven such variable stars gives credibility to the ATLAS list. Further, the agreement between various surveys and LO data validates the use of our new survey for variable star and exoplanet research.

Neil Thomas, Kyle Ziegler, Peter Liu

10 pages, 9 figures Accepted by JAAVSO

The private Lookout Observatory (LO) monitored the classic nova V1112 Persei on 37 nights spanning over 80 days, beginning shortly after its discovery by Seiji Ueda on 25 Nov 2020. Images were captured at a high cadence, with exposure lengths of initially less than 2 seconds and with some sessions lasting more than ten hours. The standard error of the photometry was typically better than 5 thousandths of a magnitude (5 mmag). This cadence and precision allowed for not only the observation of the expected dimming of the nova, but also variability having a period of 0.608 +- 0.005 days. This data compliments the publicly available photometry from the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO) and the resultant data is combined to perform this photometric analysis. This paper does not attempt an in-depth physical analysis of the nova from an astrophysical perspective.

Christos Panagiotou, Roland Walter, Stephane Paltani

11 pages, 10 Figs, accepted for publication by A&A

The nature of the putative torus and the outer geometry of active galactic nuclei (AGN) are still rather unknown and the subject of active research. Improving our understanding of them is crucial for developing a physical picture for the structure of AGN. The main goal of this work is to investigate the outer geometry of AGN by studying the observed hard X-ray spectrum of obscured sources. We primarily aim at researching the reflected emission in these sources. To that end, we analysed archived NuSTAR observations of a sample of nearby AGN, whose X-ray emission has been found to be heavily absorbed, with $10^{23}<N_\text{H}<2.5\cdot 10^{23}\text{ cm}^{-2}$; the upper limit on $N_\text{H}$ was necessary due to the analysis we followed and the data quality. Fitting their emission with both a phenomelogical and a physical model, we investigated the relation between reflection and absorption. The strength of reflected emission, as well as the equivalent width of the Fe K$\alpha$ line, correlates with the absorption column density, which can be explained with a clumpy torus origin for the reflection in these sources. The shape of the observed correlation is found to be well reproduced when the effects of a clumpy torus with a variable filling factor are simulated. A similar increase in reflection seems to be featured even by sources with larger absorption, reaching the Compton thick ($N_\text{H}>1.5\cdot 10^{24}\text{ cm}^{-2}$) regime.

M. Renzo, Y. Gotberg

19 pages+appendix, code available at this https URL and results at this https URL (on request). Comments welcome

Most massive stars are born in binaries close enough for mass transfer episodes. These modify the appearance, structure, and future evolution of both stars. We compute the evolution of a 100-day period binary consisting initially of a 25 M star and a 17 M star, which experiences stable mass transfer. We focus on the impact of mass accretion on the surface composition, internal rotation, and structure of the accretor. To anchor our models, we show that our accretor broadly reproduces the properties of {\zeta} Ophiuchi, which has long been proposed to have accreted mass before being ejected as a runaway star when the companion exploded. We compare our accretor to models of single rotating stars and find that the later and stronger spin-up provided by mass accretion produces significant differences. Specifically, the core of the accretor retains higher spin at the end of the main sequence, and a convective layer develops that changes its density profile. Moreover, the surface of the accretor star is polluted by CNO-processed material donated by the companion. Our models show effects of mass accretion in binaries that are not captured in single rotating stellar models. This possibly impacts the further evolution (either in a binary or as single stars), the final collapse, and the resulting spin of the compact object.

Jacco Vink (1), Rachel Simoni (2), Nukri Komin (3), Dmitry Prokhorov (3) (on behalf of the HE.S.S. Collaboration, (1) Anton Pannekoek Institute/GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2) University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021) on behalf of the H.E.S.S. collaboration

The supernova remnant LMC N132D is a remarkably luminous gamma-ray emitter at $\sim$50 kpc with an age of $\sim$2500 years. It belongs to the small group of oxygen-rich SNRs, which includes Cassiopeia A (Cas A) and Puppis A. N132D is interacting with a nearby molecular cloud. By adding 102 hours of new observations with the High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) to the previously published data with exposure time of 150 hours, we achieve the significant detection of N132D at a 5.7$\sigma$ level in the very high energy (VHE) domain. The gamma-ray spectrum is compatible with a single power law extending above 10 TeV. We set a lower limit on an exponential cutoff energy at 8 TeV with 95% CL. The multi-wavelength study supports a hadronic origin of VHE gamma-ray emission indicating the presence of sub-PeV cosmic-ray protons. The detection of N132D is remarkable since the TeV luminosity is higher than that of Cas A by more than an order of magnitude. Its luminosity is comparable to, or even exceeding the luminosity of RX J1713.7-3946 or HESS J1640-465. Moreover, the extended power-law tail in the VHE spectrum of N132D is surprising given both the exponential cutoff at 3.5 TeV in the spectrum of its 340-year-old sibling, Cassiopeia A, and the lack of TeV emission from a Fermi- LAT 2FHL source (E > 50 GeV) associated with Puppis A. We discuss a physical scenario leading to the enhancement of TeV emission via the interaction between N132D and a near molecular cloud.

Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Malgorzata Bogdan, Aditya Narendra, Spencer James Gibson, Blazej Miasojedow, Ioannis Liodakis, Agnieszka Pollo, Trevor Nelson, Kamil Wozniak, Zooey Nguyen, Johan Larrson

29 pages, 19 Figures with a total of 39 panels

AGNs are very powerful galaxies characterized by extremely bright emissions coming out from their central massive black holes. Knowing the redshifts of AGNs provides us with an opportunity to determine their distance to investigate important astrophysical problems such as the evolution of the early stars, their formation along with the structure of early galaxies. The redshift determination is challenging because it requires detailed follow-up of multi-wavelength observations, often involving various astronomical facilities. Here, we employ machine learning algorithms to estimate redshifts from the observed gamma-ray properties and photometric data of gamma-ray loud AGN from the Fourth Fermi-LAT Catalog. The prediction is obtained with the Superlearner algorithm, using LASSO selected set of predictors. We obtain a tight correlation, with a Pearson Correlation Coefficient of 71.3% between the inferred and the observed redshifts, an average {\Delta}z_norm = 11.6 x 10^-4. We stress that notwithstanding the small sample of gamma-ray loud AGNs, we obtain a reliable predictive model using Superlearner, which is an ensemble of several machine learning models.

James R. A. Davenport, Diana Windemuth, Karen Warmbein, Erin L. Howard, Courtney Klein, Jessica Birky

13 pages, 5 figures, AJ Accepted

HS Hydrae is a short period eclipsing binary (P_orb=1.57 day) that belongs to a rare group of systems observed to have rapidly changing inclinations. This evolution is due to a third star on an intermediate orbit, and results in significant differences in eclipse depths and timings year-to-year. Zasche & Paschke (2012) revealed that HS Hydrae's eclipses were rapidly fading from view, predicting they would cease around 2022. Using 25 days of photometric data from Sector 009 of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), we find that the primary eclipses for HS Hydrae were only 0.00173+/-0.00007 mag in depth in March 2019. This data from TESS likely represents the last eclipses detected from HS Hydrae. We also searched the Digitization of the Harvard Astronomical Plate Collection (DASCH) archive for historic data from the system. With a total baseline of over 125 years, this unique combination of data sets - from photographic plates to precision space-based photometry - allows us to trace the emergence and decay of eclipses from HS Hydrae, and further constrain its evolution. Recent TESS observations from Sector 035 confirm that eclipses have ceased for HS Hya, and we estimate they will begin again in 2195.

M. D. Filipović, I. S. Bojičić, K. R. Grieve, R. P. Norris, N. F. H. Tothill, D. Shobhana, L. Rudnick, I. Prandoni, H. Andernach, N. Hurley-Walker, R. Z. E. Alsaberi, C. S. Anderson, J. D. Collier, E. J. Crawford, B.-Q. For, T. J. Galvin, F. Haberl, A. M. Hopkins, A. Ingallinera, P. J. Kavanagh, B. S. Koribalski, R. Kothes, D. Leahy, H. Leverenz, P. Maggi, C. Maitra, J. Marvil, T. G. Pannuti, L. A. F. Park, J. L. Payne, C. M. Pennock, S. Riggi, G. Rowell, H. Sano, M. Sasaki, L. Staveley-Smith, V. Trigilio, G. Umana, D. Urošević, J. Th. van Loon, E. Vardoulaki

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a comprehensive multi-frequency catalogue of radio sources behind the Large Magellanic Cloud between 0.2 and 20 GHz, gathered from a combination of new and legacy radio continuum surveys. This catalogue covers an area of $\sim$144~deg$^2$ at angular resolutions from 45 arcsec to $\sim$3 arcmin. We find 6434 discrete radio sources in total, of which 3789 are detected at two or more radio frequencies. We estimate the median spectral index ($\alpha$; where $S_{v}\sim\nu^\alpha$) of $\alpha = -0.89 $ and mean of $-0.88 \pm 0.48$ for 3636 sources detected exclusively at two frequencies (0.843 and 1.384 GHz) with similar resolution (FWHM $\sim$40-45 arcsec). The large frequency range of the surveys makes it an effective tool to investigate Gigahertz Peak Spectrum (GPS), Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) and Infrared Faint Radio sources populations within our sample. We find 10 GPS candidates with peak frequencies near 5 GHz, from which we estimate their linear size. 1866 sources from our catalogue are (CSS) candidates with $\alpha <-0.8$. We found six candidates for High Frequency Peaker (HFP) sources, whose radio fluxes peak above 5 GHz and no sources with unconstrained peaks and $\alpha~>0.5$. We found optical counterparts for 343 of the radio continuum sources, of which 128have a redshift measurement. Finally, we investigate the population of 123 Infrared Faint Radio Sources (IFRSs) found in this study.

A. N. Heinze, Stanimir Metchev, Radostin Kurtev, Michael Gillon

26 pages, 14 figures, accepted by ApJ

Using a novel wide-slit, multi-object approach with the GMOS spectrograph on the 8-meter Gemini South telescope, we have obtained precise time-series spectrophotometry of the binary brown dwarf Luhman 16 at optical wavelengths over two full nights. The B component of this binary system is known to be variable in the red optical and near-infrared with a period of 5 hr and an amplitude of 5--20%. Our observations probe its spectrally-resolved variability in the 6000--10000 Angstrom range. At wavelengths affected by the extremely strong, broadened spectral lines of the neutral alkali metals (the potassium doublet centered near 7682 Angstroms and the sodium doublet at 5893 Angstroms), we see photometric variations that differ strikingly from the those of the 8000--10000 Angstrom `red continuum' that dominates our detected flux. On UT 2014 February 24, these variations are anticorrelated with the red continuum, while on Feb 25 they have a large relative phase shift. The extent to which the wavelength-dependent photometric behavior diverges from that of the red continuum appears to correlate with the strength of the alkali absorption. We consider but ultimately reject models in which our observations are explained by lightning or auroral activity. A more likely cause is cloud-correlated, altitude-dependent variations in the gas-phase abundances of sodium and potassium, which are in chemical equilibrium with their chlorides in brown dwarf atmospheres. Clouds could influence these chemical equilibria by changing the atmospheric temperature profile and/or through cloud particles acting as chemical catalysts.

L. E. Rivera Sandoval, C. O. Heinke, J. M. Hameury, Y. Cavecchi, T. Vanmunster, T. Tordai, F. Romanov

Submitted to ApJ

We report on the discovery of a dichotomy in the behavior of outbursts in ultracompact accreting white dwarf binaries (AM CVns), using multiwavelength observations of the new AM CVn system ASASSN-21au which has a period of ~58 min. The binary showed a first brightness increase with respect to its quiescent g level of ~0.8 mag which lasted for at least 82 days, followed by an additional 0.5 mag increase which lasted 2 weeks. Afterwards ASASSN-21au went into superoutburst for the first time. Such superoutburst lasted a total of 19 days, showing an amplitude with respect to quiescence of ~7.5 mags in g, with a precursor and an echo outburst. During the superoutburst of ASASSN-21au we also detected the first correlation between the X-rays, UV and optical emission in an AM CVn. The color evolution of ASASSN-21au indicates that during the superoutburst the dominant component was the accretion disk. The short duration, large amplitude and color evolution of the superoutburst agree with expectations from the disk instability model, but they contrast with the long duration (longer than a year), small amplitude and red color evolution of the outbursts of SDSS~J080710+485259 and SDSS J113732+405458, which have periods of ~53 min and ~60 min, respectively. The initial slow brightness increase in the light curve of ASASSN-21au and the behavior after the superoutburst favors a scenario in which changes in the mass-transfer rate led to disk instabilities, while the outburst mechanism of SDSS J080710+485259 and SDSS J113732+405458 has been attributed to enhanced mass-transfer alone. Further observations are needed to understand the origin of this dichotomy.

Yasser Abduallah, Jason T. L. Wang, Yucong Shen, Khalid A. Alobaid, Serena Criscuoli, Haimin Wang

8 pages, 11 figures

The Earth's primary source of energy is the radiant energy generated by the Sun, which is referred to as solar irradiance, or total solar irradiance (TSI) when all of the radiation is measured. A minor change in the solar irradiance can have a significant impact on the Earth's climate and atmosphere. As a result, studying and measuring solar irradiance is crucial in understanding climate changes and solar variability. Several methods have been developed to reconstruct total solar irradiance for long and short periods of time; however, they are physics-based and rely on the availability of data, which does not go beyond 9,000 years. In this paper we propose a new method, called TSInet, to reconstruct total solar irradiance by deep learning for short and long periods of time that span beyond the physical models' data availability. On the data that are available, our method agrees well with the state-of-the-art physics-based reconstruction models. To our knowledge, this is the first time that deep learning has been used to reconstruct total solar irradiance for more than 9,000 years.

Xing Yang, Hou-Jun Lü, Hao-Yu Yuan, Zhao Zhang, Bin-Bin Zhang, En-Wei Liang

17 pages, 5 figures

Observationally, there are a small fraction GRBs prompt emission observed by Fermi/GBM that are composed of two pulses. Occasionally, the cosmological distance of GRB may be lensed when a high mass astrophysical object reside in path between GRB source and observer. In this paper, we are lucky to find out GRB 200716C with two-pulse emission which duration is a few seconds. We present a Bayesian analysis identifying gravitational lensing in both temporal and spectral properties, and calculate the time decay ($\Delta t\sim 1.92$ s) and magnification ($\gamma\sim 1.5$) between those two pulses based on the temporal fits. One can roughly estimate the lens mass is about $2.38\times 10^{5}~M_{\odot}$ in the rest frame. If the first pulse of this GRB near triggered time is indeed gravitationally echoed by a second pulse, GRB 200716C may be a short GRB candidate with extended emission.

S. E. Milan, M.-T. Walach, J. A. Carter, H. Sangha, B. J. Anderson

We study the role of substorms and steady magnetospheric convection (SMC) in magnetic flux transport in the magnetosphere, using observations of field-aligned currents by the Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment. We identify two classes of substorm, with onsets above and below 65$^{\circ}$magnetic latitude, which display different nightside field-aligned current morphologies. We show that the low-latitude onsets develop a poleward-expanding auroral bulge, and identify these as substorms that manifest ionospheric convection-braking in the auroral bulge region as suggested by Grocott et al. (2009, https://doi.org/10.5194/angeo-27-591-2009). We show that the high-latitude substorms, which do not experience braking, can evolve into SMC events if the interplanetary magnetic field remains southward for a prolonged period following onset. We conclude that during periods of ongoing driving, the magnetosphere displays repeated substorm activity or SMC depending on the rate of driving and the open magnetic flux content of the magnetosphere prior to onset. We speculate that sawtooth events are an extreme case of repeated onsets and that substorms triggered by northward-turnings of the interplanetary magnetic field mark the cessation of periods of SMC. Our results provide a new explanation for the differing modes of response of the terrestrial system to solar wind-magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling by invoking friction between the ionosphere and atmosphere.

Adrià Gómez-Valent, Ziyang Zheng, Luca Amendola, Valeria Pettorino, Christof Wetterich

16 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables

Many quintessence models possess scaling or attractor solutions where the fraction of dark energy follows the dominant component in previous epochs of the expansion, or phase transitions may happen close to matter-radiation equality time. A non-negligible early dark energy (EDE) fraction around matter-radiation equality could contribute to alleviate the $H_0$ tension. We constrain the EDE fraction using two approaches: first, we use a fluid parameterization that mimics the plateaux of the dominant components in the past. An alternative tomographic approach constrains the EDE density in binned redshift intervals. This allows us to reconstruct $\Omega_{de}(z)$ before and after the decoupling of the CMB photons. We have employed Planck data 2018, the Pantheon supernovae of Type Ia (SNIa), galaxy clustering data, the prior on the absolute magnitude of SNIa by SH0ES, and weak lensing (WL) data from KiDS+VIKING-450 and DES-Y1. When we use a minimal parameterization mimicking the background plateaux, EDE has only a small impact on current cosmological tensions. The constraints on the EDE fraction weaken considerably when its sound speed is allowed to vary. By means of our binned analysis we put very tight constraints on the EDE fraction around the CMB decoupling time, $\lesssim 0.4\%$ at $2\sigma$ c.l. We confirm previous results that a significant EDE fraction in the radiation-dominated epoch (RDE) loosens the $H_0$ tension, but tends to worsen the $\sigma_8$ one. The presence of EDE in the matter-dominated era helps to alleviate this issue. When the SH0ES prior and WL data are considered in the fitting analysis in combination with data from CMB, SNIa and baryon acoustic oscillations, the EDE fractions are constrained to be $\lesssim 2.6\%$ in the RDE epoch and $\lesssim 1.5\%$ in the redshift range $z\in (100,1000)$ at $2\sigma$ c.l. The tensions remain at $\sim 2-3\sigma$ c.l.

Stef Verpoest, Thomas K. Gaisser

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021). 8 pages, 7 figures

Production of high-energy muons in cosmic-ray air showers, relevant for underground detectors, depends on the properties of the primary cosmic ray as well as the atmospheric temperature through the competition between decay and re-interaction of charged pions and kaons. We present a parameterization of muon production profiles based on simulations as a function of the primary cosmic-ray energy, mass and zenith angle, the minimum energy for a muon to reach the detector and an atmospheric temperature profile. We illustrate how this can be used to calculate muon bundle properties such as multiplicity and transverse size and their seasonal variations in the context of underground measurements in coincidence with a surface detector which fixes the primary cosmic-ray energy.

M. Massardi, F. Stoehr, G. J. Bendo, M. Bonato, J. Brand, V. Galluzzi, F. Guglielmetti, E. Liuzzo, N. Marchili, A. M. S. Richards, K. L. J. Rygl, F. Bedosti, A. Giannetti, M. Stagni, C. Knapic, M. Sponza, G. A. Fuller, T. W. B. Muxlow

15 pages. Accepted for publication in PASP

The Additional Representative Images for Legacy (ARI-L) project is a European Development project for ALMA Upgrade approved by the Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), started in June 2019. It aims to increase the legacy value of the ALMA Science Archive (ASA) by bringing the reduction level of ALMA data from Cycles 2-4 close to that of data from more recent Cycles processed for imaging with the ALMA Pipeline. As of mid-2021 more than 150000 images have been returned to the ASA for public use. At its completion in 2022, the project will have provided enhanced products for at least 70% of the observational data from Cycles 2-4 processable with the ALMA Pipeline. In this paper we present the project rationale, its implementation, and the new opportunities offered to ASA users by the ARI-L products. The ARI-L cubes and images complement the much limited number of archival image products generated during the data quality assurance stages (QA2), which cover only a small fraction of the available data for those Cycles. ARI-L imaging products are highly relevant for many science cases and significantly enhance the possibilities for exploiting archival data. Indeed, ARI-L products facilitate archive access and data usage for science purposes even for non-expert data miners, provide a homogeneous view of all data for better dataset comparisons and download selections, make the archive more accessible to visualization and analysis tools, and enable the generation of preview images and plots similar to those possible for subsequent Cycles.

Yun-Feng Wei, Tong Liu, Li Xue

13 pages, 8 figures (including appendix), accepted for publication in MNRAS

Fallback in core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) plays an important role in determining the properties of the central compact remnants, which might produce a black hole (BH) hyperaccretion system in the center of a massive CCSN. When the accretion rate is extremely high and neutrino cooling is dominant, the hyperaccretion should be in the phase of the neutrino-dominated accretion flows (NDAFs), and thus a large number of anisotropic MeV neutrinos will be launched from the disc along with the strong gravitational waves (GWs). In this paper, we perform a series of one-dimensional CCSN simulations with the initial explosion energy in the range of $2-8$ B to investigate the fallback processes. By considering the evolution of the central BH mass and spin in the fallback accretion, we present the effects of the initial explosion energies, masses and metallicities of the massive progenitor stars on the spectra of anisotropic MeV neutrinos and the waveform of GWs from NDAFs. These neutrino or GW signals might be detected by operational or future detectors, and the multimessenger joint detections could constrain the properties of CCSNe and progenitor stars.

Michael Zacharias, Jonathan Heil, Markus Boettcher, Felix Jankowsky, Jean-Philippe Lenain, Stefan Wagner, Alicja Wierzcholska

Proceedings contribution of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

Long-lasting, very bright multiwavelength flares of blazar jets are a curious phenomenon. The interaction of a large gas cloud with the jet of a blazar may serve as a reservoir of particles entrained by the jet. The size and density structure of the cloud then determine the duration and strength of the particle injection into the jet and the subsequent radiative outburst of the blazar. In this presentation, a comprehensive parameter study is provided showing the rich possibilities that this model offers. Additionally, we use this model to explain the 4-months long, symmetrical flare of the flat spectrum radio quasar CTA 102 in late 2016. During this flare, CTA 102 became one of the brightest blazars in the sky despite its large redshift of $z=1.032$.

C. Kuckein (1), H. Balthasar (1), C. Quintero Noda (2, 3), A. Diercke (1, 4), J. C. Trelles Arjona (2, 3), B. Ruiz Cobo (2, 3), T. Felipe (2, 3), C. Denker (1), M. Verma (1), I. Kontogiannis (1), M. Sobotka (5) ((1) Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), (2) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), (3) Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), (4) Universität Potsdam, (5) Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 12 pages, 12 figures

The spectral window, containing Fraunhofer lines formed in the solar photosphere, around the magnetically sensitive Cr I lines at 5780.9, 5781.1, 5781.7, 5783.0, and 5783.8 \r{A}, with Land\'e g-factors between 1.6 and 2.5, is explored. The goal is to analyze simultaneously 15 spectral lines, which comprise Cr I, Cu I, Fe I, Mn I, and Si I lines, without polarimetry to infer the thermodynamic and magnetic properties in strongly magnetized plasmas using an inversion code. The study is based on a new setup at the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT, Tenerife) which includes fast spectroscopic scans in the wavelength range around the Cr I 5781.75 \r{A} line. The snapshot 385 of the Enhanced Network simulation from the Bifrost code serves to synthesize all the lines, which are in turn inverted simultaneously with SIR to establish the best inversion strategy. This strategy is then applied to VTT observations of a sunspot belonging to NOAA 12723 on 2018 September 30 and the results are compared to full-disk vector-field data obtained with the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). The 15 simultaneously inverted intensity profiles (Stokes I) delivered accurate temperatures and Doppler velocities when compared against the simulations. The derived magnetic fields and inclinations are most accurate when the fields are oriented along the line-of-sight (LOS) and less accurate when the fields are transverse to the LOS. In general, the results appear similar to the HMI vector-field data, although some discrepancies exist. The analyzed spectral range has the potential to deliver thermal, dynamic, and magnetic information in strongly magnetized features on the Sun, such as pores and sunspots, even without polarimetry. The highest sensitivity of the lines is found in the lower photosphere, on average around $\log \tau = -1$. The multiple-line inversions provide smooth results across the whole field-of-view.

Lorenzo Tinacci, Stefano Pantaleone, Andrea Maranzana, Nadia Balucani, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Piero Ugliengo

Positive ions play a fundamental role in the interstellar chemistry, especially in cold environments where chemistry is believed to be mainly ion-driven. However, in contrast with neutral species, most of the cations present in the astrochemical reaction networks are not fully characterized in the astrochemical literature. To fill up this gap, we have carried out new accurate quantum chemical calculations to identify the structures and energies of 262 cations with up to 14 atoms that are postulated to have a role in the interstellar chemistry. Optimised structures and rotational constants were obtained at M06-2X/cc-pVTZ level, while electric dipoles and total electronic energies were computed with CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ//M06-2X/cc-pVTZ single point energy calculations. The present work complements the study by Woon & Herbst (2009), who characterised the structure and energies of 200 neutral species involved as well in the interstellar chemistry. Taken together, the two datasets can be used to estimate whether a reaction, postulated in present astrochemical reaction networks, is feasible from a thermochemistry point of view and, consequently, to improve the reliability of the present networks used to simulate the interstellar chemistry. We provide an actual example of the potential use of the cations plus neutral datasets. It shows that two reactions, involving Si-bearing ions and present in the widely used reaction networks KIDA and UMIST, cannot occur in cold ISM because endothermic.

Arghajit Jana, Neeraj Kumari, Prantik Nandi, Sachindra Naik, Arka Chatterjeee, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Kimitake Hayasaki, Claudio Ricci

18 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We study the nature of the changing-look Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 1566 during its June 2018 outburst. During the outburst, the X-ray intensity of the source rises up to ~25-30 times compared to its quiescent state intensity. We perform timing and spectral analysis of the source during pre-outburst, outburst, and post-outburst epochs using semi-simultaneous observations with the XMM-Newton, Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), and Neil Gehrels Swift Observatories. We calculate variance, normalized variance, and fractional rms amplitude in different energy bands to study the variability. The broad-band 0.5-70 keV spectra are fitted with phenomenological models, as well as physical models. A strong soft X-ray excess is detected in the spectra during the outburst. The soft excess emission is found to be complex and could originate in the warm Comptonizing region in the inner accretion disc. We find that the increase in the accretion rate is responsible for the sudden rise in luminosity. This is supported by the q-shape of the hardness-intensity diagram that is generally found in outbursting black hole X-ray binaries. From our analysis, we find that NGC 1566 most likely harbours a low-spinning black hole with the spin parameter a* ~ 0.2. We also discuss a scenario where the central core of NGC 1566 could be a merging supermassive black hole.

Christopher M. J. Osborne, Petr Heinzel, Jana Kašparová, Lyndsay Fletcher

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The forward fitting of solar flare observations with radiation-hydrodynamic simulations is a common technique for learning about energy deposition and atmospheric evolution during these explosive events. A frequent spectral line choice for this process is Ca II 854.2 nm due to its formation in the chromosphere and substantial variability. It is important to ensure that this line is accurately modeled to obtain the correct interpretation of observations. Here we investigate the importance of photoionisation of Ca II to Ca III by the hydrogen Lyman transitions; whilst the Lyman continuum is typically considered in this context in simulations, the associated bound-bound transitions are not. This investigation uses two RADYN flare simulations and reprocesses the radiative transfer using the Lightweaver framework which accounts for the overlapping of all active transitions. The Ca II 854.2 nm line profiles are found to vary significantly due to photoionisation by the Lyman lines, showing notably different shapes and even reversed asymmetries. Finally, we investigate to what extent these effects modify the energy balance of the simulation and the implications on future radiation-hydrodynamic simulations. There is found to be a 10-15% change in detailed optically thick radiative losses from considering these photoionisation effects on the calcium lines in the two simulations presented, demonstrating the importance of considering these effects in a self-consistent way.

Behrooz Karamiqucham, Jeremy A. Bailey, Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer, Daniel V. Cotton

15 pages, 9 figures and 2 tables; Preliminary Results

Near-Infrared spectra of Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt (SEB) with AAT/IRIS2 in H and K bands at a resolving power of R~2400 have been obtained. By creating line-by-line radiative transfer models with the latest improved spectral line data for ammonia and methane (HITRAN2016), we derive best models of cloud/haze parameters in Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt. The modelled spectra fit the observations well except for small, isolated discrepancies in the trough region of H2-H2 collision-induced-absorption around 2.08 {\mu}m and the methane absorption level between 2.16 and 2.19 {\mu}m in K band and at the high pressure methane window between 1.596 to 1.618 {\mu}m in H band.

Samuel J. Goodman

Published in RNAAS

I present WISEA J052305.94-015356.1 as a new candidate extremely metal-poor T subdwarf (esdT), based on its distinctive infrared colours and high proper motion ($\sim500\ $mas/yr). Spectroscopic follow-up is now needed to confirm it is a member of this newly discovered class of substellar objects.

Ziyan Xu, Gregory J. Herczeg, Christopher M. Johns-Krull, Kevin France

27 pages, 16 figures, plus appendix. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present an analysis of wind absorption in the C II ${\lambda}1335$ doublet towards 40 classical T Tauri stars with archival far-ultraviolet (FUV) spectra obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. Absorption features produced by fast or slow winds are commonly detected (36 out of 40 targets) in our sample. The wind velocity of the fast wind decreases with disk inclination, consistent with expectations for a collimated jet. Slow wind absorption is detected mostly in disks with intermediate or high inclination, without a significant dependence of wind velocity on disk inclination. Both the fast and slow wind absorption are preferentially detected in FUV lines of neutral or singly ionized atoms. The Mg II ${\lambda}{\lambda}2796,2804$ lines show wind absorption consistent with the absorption in the C II lines. We develop simplified semi-analytical disk/wind models to interpret the observational disk wind absorption. Both fast and slow winds are consistent with expectations from a thermal-magnetized disk wind model and are generally inconsistent with a purely thermal wind. Both the models and the observational analysis indicate that wind absorption occurs preferentially from the inner disk, offering a wind diagnostic in complement to optical forbidden line emission that traces the wind in larger volumes.

A. C. Raga, P. R. Rivera-Ortiz, A. Rodriguez-Gonzalez, A. Castellanos-Ramirez

5 pages, 3 figures

We present a simple model in which the bullets that produce the "Orion fingers" (ejected by the BN/KL object) are interpreted as protoplanets or low mass protostars in orbit around a high mass star that has a supernova explosion. As the remnant of the SN explosion has only a small fraction of the mass of the pre-supernova star, the orbiting objects then move away in free trajectories, preserving their orbital velocity at the time of release. We show that a system of objects arranged in approximately co-planar orbits results in trajectories with morphological and kinematical characteristics resembling the Orion fingers. We show that, under the assumption of constant velocity motions, the positions of the observed heads of the fingers can be used to reconstruct the properties of the orbital structure from which they originated, resulting in a compact disk with an outer radius of $\sim 2.4$~AU.

Einstein Telescope (ET), a the future third generation gravitational wave detector will be sensitive to gravitational wave signal down to 1 Hz. This improved low-frequency sensitivity of ET will allow the observation of low mass binaries for a longer period of time in the detection band before their merger. Due to an improved sensitivity as compared to current and advanced 2G detectors, the detection rate will also be greatly improved. Given the high detection rate of merging compact binaries with ET, it will be a useful instrument to conduct population studies. In this paper we present an algorithm to estimate the parameters of the low mass merging compact binary systems such as localisation, chirp mass, redshift, mass ratios and total mass of the source which are crucial in order to estimate the capability of ET to study various compact binary populations. For the compact binary population distributed uniformly in comoving volume we find that single ET can constrain the 90\% localization area in the sky to a minimum value of 6.04 sq degrees, but only 1\% of binaries can be localised within 500 sq degrees. The values of chirp mass and total mass can be constrained within 2\% while $z$ and $D_L$ can be estimated with an error of 10 \% for effective SNR $\sim 100$ using single ET.

M. E. Shultz, O. Kochukhov, J. Labadie-Bartz, A. David-Uraz, S. P. Owocki

15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

HD 144941 is an extreme He (EHe) star, a rare class of subdwarf OB star formed from the merger of two white dwarf (WD) stars. Uniquely amongst EHe stars, its light curve has been reported to be modulated entirely by rotation, suggesting the presence of a magnetic field. Here we report the first high-resolution spectropolarimetric observations of HD 144941, in which we detect an extremely strong magnetic field both in circular polarization (with a line-of-sight magnetic field averaged over the stellar disk $\langle B_z \rangle \sim -8$ kG) and in Zeeman splitting of spectral lines (yielding a magnetic modulus of $\langle B \rangle \sim 17$ kG). We also report for the first time weak H$\alpha$ emission consistent with an origin an a Centrifugal Magnetosphere (CM). HD 144941's atmospheric parameters could be consistent with either a subdwarf or a main sequence (MS) star, and its surface abundances are neither similar to other EHe stars nor to He-strong magnetic stars. However, its H$\alpha$ emission properties can only be reproduced if its mass is around 1 M$_\odot$, indicating that it must be a post-MS object. Since there is no indication of binarity, it is unlikely to be a stripped star, and was therefore most likely produced in a WD merger. HD 144941 is therefore further evidence that mergers are a viable pathway for the generation of fossil magnetic fields.

Nadège Iovine, Juan A. Aguilar (for the IceCube Collaboration)

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021). See arXiv:2107.06966 for all IceCube contributions

Even though there are strong astrophysical and cosmological indications to support the existence of dark matter, its exact nature remains unknown. We expect dark matter to produce standard model particles when annihilating or decaying, assuming that it is composed of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). These standard model particles could in turn yield neutrinos that can be detected by the IceCube neutrino telescope. The Milky Way is expected to be permeated by a dark matter halo with an increased density towards its centre. This halo is expected to yield the strongest dark matter annihilation signal at Earth coming from any celestial object, making it an ideal target for indirect searches. In this contribution, we present the sensitivities of an indirect search for dark matter in the Galactic Centre using IceCube data. This low energy dark matter search allows us to cover dark matter masses ranging from 5 GeV to 1 TeV. The sensitivities obtained for this analysis show considerable improvements over previous IceCube results in the considered energy range.

Sophia K. Stuber, Toshiki Saito, Eva Schinnerer, Eric Emsellem, Miguel Querejeta, Thomas G. Williams, Ashley T. Barnes, Frank Bigiel, Guillermo Blanc, Daniel A. Dale, Kathryn Grasha, Ralf Klessen, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Adam K. Leroy, Sharon Meidt, Hsi-An Pan, Erik Rosolowsky, Andreas Schruba, Jiayi Sun, Antonio Usero

18 pages, 11 pages appendix, 13 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

Central molecular outflows in spiral galaxies are assumed to modulate their host galaxy's star formation rate by removing gas from the inner region of the galaxy. Outflows consisting of different gas phases appear to be a common feature in local galaxies, yet, little is known about the frequency of molecular outflows in main sequence galaxies in the nearby universe. We develop a rigorous set of selection criteria, which allow the reliable identification of outflows in large samples of galaxies. Our criteria make use of central spectra, position-velocity diagrams and velocity-integrated intensity maps (line-wing maps). We use this method on high-angular resolution CO(2-1) observations from the PHANGS-ALMA survey, which provides observations of the molecular gas for a homogeneous sample of 90 nearby main sequence galaxies at a resolution of ${\sim}100\,$pc. We find correlations between the assigned outflow confidence and stellar mass or global star formation rate (SFR). We determine the frequency of nuclear molecular outflows to be $25.0\pm2.1$% considering all outflow candidates, or $20\pm2.4$% for secure outflows only. Our resulting outflow candidate sample of $16{-}20$ galaxies shows an overall enhanced fraction of active galactic nuclei (AGN) (50%) and bars (89%) compared to the full sample (galaxies with AGN: 24%, with bar: 61%). We extend the trend between mass outflow rates and SFR known for high outflow rates down to lower values ($\log_{10}{\dot{\rm M}_{\rm out}}\,[\mathrm{M}_\odot~\mathrm{yr}^{-1}]<0$). Mass loading factors are of order unity, indicating that these outflows are not efficient in quenching the SFR in main sequence galaxies.

Giovanni Renzi (for the IceCube Collaboration)

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021). See arXiv:2107.06966 for all IceCube contributions

The nature of Dark Matter (DM) remains one of the most important unresolved questions of fundamental physics. Many models, including Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), assume DM to be a particle and predict a weak coupling with Standard Model matter. If DM particles can scatter off nuclei in the vicinity of a massive object such as a star or a planet, they may lose kinetic energy and become gravitationally trapped in the center of such objects, including Earth. As DM accumulates in the center of the Earth, self-annihilation of WIMPs into Standard Model particles can result in an excess of neutrinos which are detectable at the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, situated at the geographic South Pole. A search for excess neutrinos from these annihilations has been performed using 8 years of IceCube data, and results have been interpreted in the context of a number of WIMP annihilation channels ($\chi\chi\rightarrow\tau^+\tau^-$/$W^+W^-$/$b\bar{b}$) and masses ranging from 10 GeV to 10 TeV. We present the latest results from this analysis and compare the outcome with previous analyses by IceCube and other experiments, showing competitive results, which are even world-leading in some parts of the parameter space.

L. Colzi, V. M. Rivilla, M. T. Beltrán, I. Jiménez-Serra, C. Mininni, M. Melosso, R. Cesaroni, F. Fontani, A. Lorenzani, A. Sánchez-Monge, S. Viti, P. Schilke, L. Testi, E. R. Alonso, L. Kolesniková

51 pages, 24 figures, 5 tables, 5 appendix - Accepted for publication in A&A

Peptide-like bond molecules, which can take part to the formation of proteins in a primitive Earth environment, have been detected up to now only towards a few sources. We present a study of HNCO, HC(O)NH$_{2}$, CH$_{3}$NCO, CH$_{3}$C(O)NH$_{2}$, CH$_{3}$NHCHO, CH$_{3}$CH$_{2}$NCO, NH$_{2}$C(O)NH$_{2}$, NH$_{2}$C(O)CN, and HOCH$_{2}$C(O)NH$_{2}$ towards the hot core G31.41+0.31. We have used the spectrum obtained from the ALMA 3mm spectral survey GUAPOS, with an angular resolution of 1.2"$\times$1.2" ($\sim$4500 au), to derive column densities of all the molecular species, together with other 0.2"$\times$0.2" ($\sim$750 au) ALMA observations to study the morphology of HNCO, HC(O)NH$_{2}$ and CH$_{3}$C(O)NH$_{2}$. We have detected HNCO, HC(O)NH$_{2}$, CH$_{3}$NCO, CH$_{3}$C(O)NH$_{2}$, and CH$_{3}$NHCHO, for the first time all together outside the Galactic center. We have obtained molecular fractional abundances with respect to H$_{2}$ from 10$^{-7}$ down to a few 10$^{-9}$ and with respect to CH$_{3}$OH from 10$^{-3}$ to $\sim$4$\times$10$^{-2}$. From the comparison with other sources, we find that regions in an earlier stage of evolution, such as pre-stellar cores, show abundances at least two orders of magnitude lower than those in hot cores, hot corinos or shocked regions. Moreover, molecular abundance ratios towards different sources are found to be consistent between them within $\sim$1 order of magnitude, regardless of the physical properties (e.g. different masses and luminosities), or the source position throughout the Galaxy. New correlations between pairs of molecular abundances have also been found. These results suggest that all these species are formed on grain surfaces in early evolutionary stages of molecular clouds, and that they are subsequently released back to the gas-phase through thermal desorption or shock-triggered desorption.

Valeri V. Makarov

accepted in a slightly reduced version in RevMexAA

Mass ratios of widely separated, long-period, resolved binary stars can be directly estimated from the available data in major space astrometry catalogs, such as the ESA's Hipparcos and Gaia mission results. The method is based on the universal principle of inertial motion of the system's center of mass in the absence of external forces, and is independent of any assumptions about the physical parameters or stellar models. The application is limited by the precision of input astrometric data, the orbital period and distance to the system, and possible presence of other attractors in the vicinity, such as in triple systems. A generalization of this technique to triples is proposed, as well as approaches to estimation of uncertainties. The known long-period binary HIP 473 AB is discussed as an application example, for which a $m_2/m_1=0.996^{+0.026}_{-0.026}$ is obtained.

Aswathi Balagopal V., Raamis Hussain, Alex Pizzuto (for the IceCube Collaboration)

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

The IceCube DeepCore is a dense infill array of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the South Pole. While IceCube is best suited for detecting neutrinos with energies of several 100 GeV and above, DeepCore allows to probe neutrinos with lower energies. We focus on a sample of neutrinos with energies above approximately 10 GeV, which was originally optimised for oscillation experiments. Recently, it has been adapted to enable searches for transient sources of astrophysical neutrinos in the sky. In particular, this low-energy dataset can be used to conduct follow-up searches of gravitational wave transients detected by the LIGO-Virgo instruments. A study of this, which complements IceCube's follow-up of gravitational wave events using high-energy neutrino samples, will be discussed here.

Aswathi Balagopal V. (for the IceCube Collaboration)

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

IceTop, the surface array of IceCube, measures air showers from cosmic rays within the energy range of 1 PeV to a few EeV and a zenith angle range of up to $\approx$ 36$^\circ$. This detector array can also measure air showers arriving at larger zenith angles at energies above 20 PeV. Air showers from lighter primaries arriving at the array will produce fewer muons when compared to heavier cosmic-ray primaries. A discrimination of these muons from the electromagnetic component in the shower can therefore allow a measurement of the primary mass. A study to discriminate muons using Monte-Carlo air showers of energies 20-100 PeV and within the zenith angular range of 45$^\circ$-60$^\circ$ will be presented. The discrimination is done using charge and time-based cuts which allows us to select muon-like signals in each shower. The methodology of this analysis, which aims at categorizing the measured air showers as light or heavy on an event-by-event basis, will be discussed.

Rohini S. Giles, Thomas K. Greathouse, Vincent Hue, G. Randall Gladstone, Henrik Melin, Leigh N. Fletcher, Patrick G. J. Irwin, Joshua A. Kammer, Maarten H. Versteeg, Bertrand Bonfond, Denis C. Grodent, Scott J. Bolton, Steven M. Levin

Accepted in JGR Planets. 19 pages, 3 figures

The UVS instrument on the Juno mission records far-ultraviolet reflected sunlight from Jupiter. These spectra are sensitive to the abundances of chemical species in the upper atmosphere and to the distribution of the stratospheric haze layer. We combine observations from the first 30 perijoves of the mission in order to study the meridional distribution of acetylene (C$_2$H$_2$) in Jupiter's stratosphere. We find that the abundance of C$_2$H$_2$ decreases towards the poles by a factor of 2-4, in agreement with previous analyses of mid-infrared spectra. This result is expected from insolation rates: near the equator, the UV solar flux is higher, allowing more C$_2$H$_2$ to be generated from the UV photolysis of CH$_4$. The decrease in abundance towards the poles suggests that horizontal mixing rates are not rapid enough to homogenize the latitudinal distribution.

Shigeyuki Karino

10 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Since the detection of X-ray pulses from ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) in 2014, neutron stars have been considered as their central objects. However, it remains unclear how neutron stars can be brighter than the Eddington luminosity, and no unified view exists on the magnetic field of neutron stars and the degree of beaming. Recent observations suggest that some X-ray pulsating ULXs have Be-type donors, and some of them occupy the same region as Be-type high-mass X-ray binaries (Be-HMXBs) on the Corbet diagram, which reveals the relation between spin and orbital periods. This suggests that at least some ULXs are special cases of Be-HMXBs. In this study, we use the framework of mass-accretion models for Be-HMXBs to investigate the conditions under which neutron stars achieve mass-accretion rates beyond the Eddington limit and become observable as ULXs. We show that a Be-HMXB may become a ULX if the magnetic field of the neutron star and the density of the Be disc meet certain conditions. We also show that, although a stronger magnetic field increases the brightness of a neutron star ULX with a Be donor, its brightness cannot exceed the Eddington limit by a more than a factor of ${\approx} 50$. Finally, we propose a scenario whereby some normal Be-HMXBs may evolve into ULXs as the donor evolves into a giant.

James G. Stringer, Rene P. Breton, Colin J. Clark, Guillaume Voisin, Mark R. Kennedy, Daniel Mata Sànchez, Tariq Shahbaz, Vik S. Dhillon, Marten van Kerkwijk, Tom R. Marsh

19 pages, 13 figures

We present ULTRACAM multiband optical photometry of two transitional millisecond pulsars, PSR J1023+0038 and PSR J1227$-$4853, taken while both were in their radio pulsar states. The light curves show significant asymmetry about the flux maxima in all observed bands, suggesting an asymmetric source of heating in the system. We model the light curves using the Icarus binary code, using models with an additional "hot spot" heating contribution and an anisotropic heat redistribution model to treat the asymmetry. Our modelling reveals companion stars with under-filled Roche lobes in both PSRs J1023+0038 and J1227$-$4853, with Roche lobe filling factors in the range $f \sim 0.82-0.92$. While the volume-averaged filling factors are closer to unity, significant under-filling is unexpected from tMSPs as they must rapidly over-fill their Roche lobes to start transferring mass, which occurs on timescale of weeks or months. We discuss the motivation and validity of our extensions to the models and the implications of the under-filled Roche lobe, and suggest future work to further investigate the role of the filling factor in the tMSP cycle.

B. Yue, A. Ferrara

13. pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We explore the possibility to detect the continuum radio signal from direct collapse black holes (DCBHs) by upcoming radio telescopes such as the SKA and ngVLA, assuming that after formation they can launch and sustain powerful jets at the accretion stage. We assume that the high-$z$ DCBHs have similar jet properties as the observed radio-loud AGNs, then use a jet model to predict their radio flux detectability. If the jet power $P_{\rm jet}\gtrsim10^{42-43}$ erg s$^{-1}$, it can be detectable by SKA/ngVLA, depending on the jet inclination angle. Considering the relation between jet power and black hole mass and spin, generally, jetted DCBHs with mass $\gtrsim10^5~M_\odot$ can be detected. For a total jetted DCBH number density of $\sim2.5\times10^{-3}$ Mpc$^{-3}$ at $z=10$, about 100 deg$^{-2}z^{-1}$ DCBHs are expected to be above the detection threshold of SKA1-mid (100 hours integration). If the jet "blob" emitting most of the radio signal is dense and highly relativistic, then the DCBH would only feebly emit in the SKA-low band, because of self-synchrotron absorption (SSA) and blueshift. Moreover, the free-free absorption in the DCBH envelope may further reduce the signal in the SKA-low band. Thus, combining SKA-low and SKA-mid observations might provide a potential tool to distinguish a DCBH from a normal star-forming galaxy.

Dustin Davis, Karl Gebhardt, Erin Mentuch Cooper, John Chisholm, Robin Ciardullo, Daniel J. Farrow, Steven L. Finkelstein, Caryl Gronwall, Eric Gawiser, Gary J. Hill, Ulrich Hopp, Donghui Jeong, Martin Landriau, Chenxu Liu, Maja Lujan Niemeyer, Donald P. Schneider, Jan Snigula, Sarah Tuttle

20 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables

Questions as to what drove the bulk reionization of the Universe, how that reionization proceeded, and how the hard ionizing radiation reached the intergalactic medium remain open and debated. Observations probing that epoch are severely hampered by the increasing amounts of neutral gas with increasing redshift, so a small, but growing number of experiments are targeting star forming galaxies ($z\sim3$) as proxies. However, these studies, while providing fantastic detail, are time intensive, contain relatively few targets, and can suffer from selection biases. As a complementary alternative, we investigate whether stacking the already vast (and growing) numbers of low-resolution ($\Delta \lambda / \lambda = 800$) Lyman-$\alpha$ Emitting (LAE) galaxy spectra from the Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment (HETDEX) can be used to measure ionizing photons (restframe 880-910\AA) escaping their galaxy hosts. As a blind survey, HETDEX avoids the biases from continuum selected galaxies and its planned 540 square degree coverage promotes the statistical power of large numbers. In this paper, we confirm the feasibility of Lyman continuum detection by carefully selecting a sample of \lyccount\ high redshift ($z\sim$3) LAEs from a subset of HETDEX observations, stacking their spectra and measuring a $\gtrsim$3$\sigma$ detection of $0.10 \mu$Jy restframe Lyman continuum emission, uncorrected for attenuation in the intergalactic medium, over the full sample stack ($3.0 < z < 3.5$ and $-22.0 \lesssim M_{\text{UV}} \lesssim -19.0$).

Michael Zacharias, Anita Reimer, Andreas Zech

Proceedings contribution of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

Blazars - active galaxies with the jet pointing at Earth - emit across all electromagnetic wavelengths. The so-called one-zone model has described well both quiescent and flaring states, however it cannot explain the radio emission. In order to self-consistently describe the entire electromagnetic spectrum, extended jet models are necessary. Notably, kinetic descriptions of extended jets can provide the temporal and spatial evolution of the particle species and the full electromagnetic output. Here, we present the initial results of a recently developed hadronic extended-jet code. As protons take much longer than electrons to lose their energy, they can transport energy over much larger distances than electrons and are therefore essential for the energy transport in the jet. Furthermore, protons can inject additional leptons through pion and Bethe-Heitler pair production, which can explain a dominant leptonic radiation signal while still producing neutrinos. We will present a detailed parameter study and provide insights into the different blazar sub-classes.

Dana Simard, Vikram Ravi

30 pages, 6 figures; submitted to ApJ

Turbulence is a vital part of the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies, contributing significantly to galaxy energy budgets and acting as a regulator of star formation. Despite this, little is understood about ISM turbulence empirically. In the Milky Way, multiple tracers are used to reconstruct the density- and velocity-fluctuation power spectra over an enormous range of scales, but questions remain on the nature of these fluctuations at the smallest scales. Even less is known about the ISM of distant galaxies, where only a few tracers of turbulence, such as non-thermal broadening of optical recombination lines, are accessible. We explore the use of radio-wave scattering of fast radio bursts (FRBs) to add a second probe of turbulence in extragalactic galaxies on scales many orders of magnitude smaller than those probed by emission-line widths. We first develop the formalism to compare the scattering measures of FRBs to alternative probes of density and velocity fluctuations in the host-galaxy ISM. We then apply this formalism to three FRBs with detailed host-galaxy analyses in the literature, with the primary motivation of determining whether FRB scattering within the host galaxy probes the same turbulent cascade as the gas seen in H${\rm \alpha}$ emission. In all cases we consider, we find such an association plausible, although in one of these sources, FRB 20121102A, the radio-scattering limit on the turbulent energy is much less constraining than the H${\rm \alpha}$ line width. We anticipate that future FRB surveys, especially those at frequencies below 1 GHz, will find many FRBs that illuminate the small-scale properties of extragalactic ISM.

We present a model of pseudo-Goldstone dark matter that interacts through a light vector mediator based on a spontaneously broken $SU(2)$ dark sector. The dark matter mass is induced by the explicit breaking of the dark $SU(2)$ symmetry. A residual global $U(1)$ symmetry prevents dark matter decay. The behavior of this model is studied under the assumption that the observed dark matter relic abundance is due to thermal freeze-out. We consider self-interaction targets for small scale structure anomalies and the possibility of interacting with the Standard model through the vector mediator.

Patrick Diehl, Gregor Daiß, Dominic Marcello, Kevin Huck, Sagiv Shiber, Hartmut Kaiser, Juhan Frank, Dirk Pflüger

Accepted to IEEE Cluster

Octo-Tiger is a code for modeling three-dimensional self-gravitating astrophysical fluids. It was particularly designed for the study of dynamical mass transfer between interacting binary stars. Octo-Tiger is parallelized for distributed systems using the asynchronous many-task runtime system, the C++ standard library for parallelism and concurrency (HPX) and utilizes CUDA for its gravity solver. Recently, we have remodeled Octo-Tiger's hydro solver to use a three-dimensional reconstruction scheme. In addition, we have ported the hydro solver to GPU using CUDA kernels. We present scaling results for the new hydro kernels on ORNL's Summit machine using a Sedov-Taylor blast wave problem. We also compare Octo-Tiger's new hydro scheme with its old hydro scheme, using a rotating star as a test problem.

Roshan Sah, Prabin Sherpaili, Apurva Anand, Sandesh Hegde

6 pages, 13 figures, Accepted and Presented in Proceeding of International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (ICMAE-17), Kathmandu, Nepal on 30th Dec 2017, ASAR International Conference

The increase in the application of the satellite has skyrocketed the number of satellites, especially in the low earth orbit. The major concern today is after the end of life, these satellites become debris which negatively affects the space environment. As per the international guidelines of the European Space Agency, it is mandatory to deorbit the satellite within 25 years of the end of life. StudSat1, which was successfully launched on 12th July 2010, is the first Pico satellite developed in India by undergraduate students from seven different engineering colleges across South India. Now, the team is developing StudSat2, which is India's first twin satellite mission having two nanosatellites whose overall mass is less than 10kg. This paper is aimed to design the propulsion system, cold gas thruster, to deorbit StudSat2 from its original orbit i.e. 600 km to lower orbit i.e. 400km. The propulsion system mainly consists of a storage tank, pipes, Convergent Divergent nozzle, and electronic actuators. The paper also gives information about the components of cold gas thruster, which have been designed in the CATIA V5, and the structural and flow analysis of the same has been done in ANSYS. The concept of Hohmann transfer has been used to deorbit the satellite and STK has been used to simulate it.

In the context of the existence of Primordial black holes (PBHs), they may compose a fraction of the dark matter of the Universe. Assuming that PBHs fill the dark content of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Galactic halo and dark disk, we calculate the probability of collision of the PBHs with Earth. This collision has different consequences as heating the interior of the earth through dynamical friction and accretion processes. In this work, we calculate the rate of collisions and a fraction of black holes that can be trapped inside the earth. Finally, we compare the danger of PBH collision with the asteroid impacts on Earth.

Nashwan Sabti, James Alvey, Miguel Escudero, Malcolm Fairbairn, Diego Blas

3 Pages, 1 Table. Accepted for publication in JCAP as an addendum to our paper arXiv:1910.01649 , JCAP 01 (2020) 004

Very recently, the LUNA collaboration has reported a new measurement of the $d+p\to {}^{3}\text{He}+\gamma$ reaction rate, which plays an important role in the prediction of the primordial deuterium abundance at the time of BBN. This new measurement has triggered a new set of global BBN analyses within the context of the Standard Model. In this addendum to JCAP 01 (2020) 004 (arXiv:1910.01649), we consider the implications of these new results for our constraints on MeV-scale dark sectors. Importantly, we find that our bounds in the BBN-only and Planck-only analyses are insensitive to these updates. Similarly, we find that our constraints derived using BBN and CMB data simultaneously are not significantly modified for neutrinophilic particles. The bounds on electrophilic dark sector states, however, can vary moderately when combining BBN and CMB observations. We present updated results for all the relevant light dark sector states, calculated using the rates obtained by the leading groups performing standard BBN analyses.