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Papers for Thursday, Jul 29 2021

Papers with local authors

Shuang-Liang Li, Minfeng Gu

7 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

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Paper 20 — arXiv:2107.13142
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2107.13142

Whether X-ray emission in radio-loud (RL) AGNs is originated from disk-coronae or jets is still under debate. For example, the positive relationships in radio-quiet (RQ) AGNs (such as the optical to X-ray spectral index $\alpha_{\rm {OX}}$ and Eddington ration $\lambda_{\rm {O}}$, the X-ray photon index $\Gamma$ and $\lambda_{\rm {O}}$) are not detected in RLAGNs. We intend to further investigate this issue in this work. A sample of 27 luminous sources (including 16 quasars and 11 high-excitation radio galaxies) is selected from 3CRR catalog to reinvestigate the origin of X-ray emission in RLAGNs, where the X-ray and mid-infrared fluxes are observed by Chandra/XMM-Newton and Spitzer, respectively. It is found for the first time that there is a significant relationship between the mid-infrared to X-ray spectral index $\alpha_{\rm {IX}}$ and $\lambda_{\rm {IR}}$ for whole sample, while there is no relationship between $\alpha_{\rm {OX}}$ and $\lambda_{\rm {O}}$ in quasars. There are strong positive relationships in both $L_{\rm {R}}$-$L_{\rm {X}}$ and $L_{\rm {UV}}$-$L_{\rm {X}}$ panels, which can be well fitted by the disk-corona model. However, there is no significant relationship between $\Gamma$ and $\lambda_{\rm {IR}}$. The possible reason is related to the effects of large-scale magnetic field in RLAGNs. We suggest that the X-ray emission in high-excitation RLAGNs is originated from a disk-corona system.

Lu Feng, Kai Jin, Hong-Yang Li, Bo-Tian Sun, Min Li, Rui-Tao Wang, Qi Bian, Chen Wang, Ming Wang, Yue Liang, Zhi-Xia Shen, Yang-Peng Li, Sui-Jian Xue

submitted to PASP

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Paper 38 — arXiv:2107.13424
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Paper 38 — arXiv:2107.13424

The brightness and height of the sodium laser guide star of adaptive optics could vary significantly due to the temporal dynamics of sodium column density and the mean height of sodium layer. To measure these dynamics, an independent sodium Lidar is a necessity. Without such an instrument, it is almost impossible to discern the cause of the brightness variation of laser guide star from the sodium layer's dynamics or other factors from the laser itself. For applications such as characterizing the performance of sodium laser for sodium laser guide star generation, minutes scale short term statistics of the sodium layers' abundance and height is extremely helpful for estimating the contribution of sodium layer's variation to the variation of laser guide star's brightness. In this paper, we analyzed our previous measurement of sodium layer dynamics that has been gathered in two winters, and presented the temporal variation statistics of sodium column density and mean height within minute time scale based on our measurements.

All other papers

Joan Pau Sánchez, David Morante, Pablo Hermosin, Daniel Ranuschio, Alvaro Estalella, Dayana Viera, Simone Centuori, Geraint Jones, Colin Snodgrass, Anny Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, Cecilia Tubiana

Preprint version of paper accepted for Acta Astronautica

Comet Interceptor (Comet-I) was selected in June 2019 as the first ESA F-Class mission. In 2029+, Comet-I will hitch a ride to a Sun-Earth L2 quasi-halo orbit, as a co-passenger of ESA's M4 ARIEL mission. It will then remain idle at the L2 point until the right departure conditions are met to intercept a yet-to-be-discovered long period comet (or interstellar body). The fact that Comet-I target is thus unidentified becomes a key aspect of the trajectory and mission design. The paper first analyses the long period comet population and concludes that 2 to 3 feasible targets a year should be expected. Yet, Comet-I will only be able to access some of these, depending mostly on the angular distance between the Earth and the closest nodal point to the Earth's orbit radius. A preliminary analysis of the transfer trajectories has been performed to assess the trade-off between the accessible region and the transfer time for a given spacecraft design, including a fully chemical, a fully electric and a hybrid propulsion system. The different Earth escape options also play a paramount role to enhance Comet-I capability to reach possible long period comet targets. Particularly, Earth-leading intercept configurations have the potential to benefit the most from lunar swing-by departures. Finally, a preliminary Monte Carlo analysis shows that Comet-I has a 95 to 99% likelihood of successfully visit a pristine newly-discovered long period comet in less than 6 years of mission timespan.

We point out a previously unnoticed symmetry of many important cosmological observables and show that a cosmological model with a "mirror world" dark sector can exploit this symmetry to completely eliminate the Hubble tension. Our work motivates searches for both a more detailed particle physics model that satisfies laboratory constraints and a means of increasing the cosmic photon scattering rate that respects observational bounds on the primordial helium abundance.

Francisco Nogueras-Lara, Rainer Schödel, Nadine Neumayer

Accepted for publication in ApJ. 13 pages, 10 figures

The Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc (NSD) and nuclear star cluster (NSC) are the main features of the Galactic centre. Nevertheless, their observation is hampered by the extreme source crowding and high extinction. Hence, their relation and formation scenario are not fully clear yet. We aim at detecting the stellar populations from the NSC and the NSD along the line-of-sight towards the NSC, and assess whether they have different stellar populations and star formation histories. We analysed the colour-magnitude diagram, $K_s$ vs. $H-K_s$, of a region of $8.2'\times2.8'$ centred on the NSC, and detected two different stellar groups with different extinctions. We studied their red clumps to find the features associated to each of the stellar populations. We obtained that the two groups of stars correspond to the NSD and the NSC, and found that they have significantly different stellar populations and star formation histories. We detected a double red clump for the NSD population, in agreement with previous work, whereas the NSC presents a more complex structure well fitted by three Gaussian features. We created extinction maps to analyse the extinction variation between the detected stellar groups. We found that the high-extinction layer varies on smaller scales (arc-seconds), and that there is a difference of $A_{K_s}\sim0.6$\,mag between both extinction layers. Finally, we obtained that the distance towards each of the stellar populations is compatible with the Galactic centre distance, and found some evidence of a slightly closer distance for the NSD stars ($\sim360\pm200$\,pc).

Nora Shipp, Denis Erkal, Alex Drlica-Wagner, Ting S. Li, Andrew B. Pace, Sergey E. Koposov, Lara R. Cullinane, Gary S. Da Costa, Alexander P. Ji, Kyler Kuehn, Geraint F. Lewis, Dougal Mackey, Jeffrey D. Simpson, Zhen Wan, Daniel B. Zucker, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Peter S. Ferguson, Sophia Lilleengen, S5 Collaboration

23 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ

Stellar streams are excellent probes of the underlying gravitational potential in which they evolve. In this work, we fit dynamical models to five streams in the Southern Galactic hemisphere, combining observations from the Southern Stellar Stream Spectroscopic Survey (${S}^5$), Gaia EDR3, and the Dark Energy Survey (DES), to measure the mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). With an ensemble of streams, we find a mass of the LMC ranging from 14 to $19 \times 10^{10}\ \mathrm{M}_{\odot}$, probed over a range of closest approach times and distances. With the most constraining stream (Orphan-Chenab), we measure an LMC mass of $18.8^{+ 3.5}_{- 4.0} \times 10^{10}\ \mathrm{M}_{\odot}$, probed at a closest approach time of 310 Myr and a closest approach distance of 25.4 kpc. This mass is compatible with previous measurements, showing that a consistent picture is emerging of the LMC's influence on structures in the Milky Way. Using this sample of streams, we find that the LMC's effect depends on the relative orientation of the stream and LMC at their point of closest approach. To better understand this, we present a simple model based on the impulse approximation and we show that the LMC's effect depends both on the magnitude of the velocity kick imparted to the stream and the direction of this kick.

Jens Stücker, Raul E. Angulo, Philipp Busch

21 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments and feedback welcome!

The global gravitational potential, $\phi$, is not commonly employed in the analysis of cosmological simulations. This is because its levelsets do not show any obvious correspondence to the underlying density field or to the persistence of structures. Here, we show that the potential becomes a locally meaningful quantity when considered from a boosted frame of reference, defined by subtracting a uniform gradient term $\phi_{\rm{boost}}(\boldsymbol{x}) = \phi(\boldsymbol{x}) + \boldsymbol{x} \cdot \boldsymbol{a}_0$ with acceleration $\boldsymbol{a}_0$. We study this "boosted potential" in a variety of scenarios and propose several applications: (1) The boosted potential can be used to define a binding criterion that naturally incorporates the effect of tidal fields. This solves several problems of commonly-used self-potential binding checks: i) it defines a tidal boundary for each halo, ii) it is much less likely to consider caustics as haloes (specially in the context of warm dark matter cosmologies), and iii) performs better at identifying virialized regions of haloes and yields to the expected value of 2 for the virial ratio. (2) This binding check can be generalized to filaments and other cosmic structures to define binding energies in one and two dimensions. (3) The boosted potential defines a system which facilitates the understanding of the disruption of satellite subhaloes. We propose a picture where most mass loss is explained through a lowering of the escape energy through the tidal field. (4) We discuss the possibility of understanding the topology of the potential field in a way that is independent of constant offsets in the first derivative $\boldsymbol{a}_0$. We foresee that this novel perspective on the potential can help to develop more accurate models and improve our understanding of structure formation.

Max Gronke, S. Peng Oh, Suoqing Ji, Colin Norman

Comments welcome! Videos available at this http URL

Astrophysical gases are commonly multiphase and highly turbulent. In this work, we investigate the survival and growth of cold gas in such a turbulent, multi-phase medium using three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations. Similar to previous work simulating coherent flow (winds), we find that cold gas survives if the cooling time of the mixed gas is shorter than the Kelvin-Helmholtz time of the cold gas clump (with some weak additional Mach number dependence). However, there are important differences. Near the survival threshold, the long-term evolution is highly stochastic, and subject to the existence of sufficiently large clumps. In a turbulent flow, the cold gas continuously fragments, enhancing its surface area. This leads to exponential mass growth, with a growth time given by the geometric mean of the cooling and the mixing time. The fragmentation process leads to a large number of small droplets which follow a scale-free $\mathrm{d} N/\mathrm{d} m \propto m^{-2}$ mass distribution, and dominate the area covering fraction. Thus, whilst survival depends on the presence of large `clouds', these in turn produce a `fog' of smaller droplets tightly coupled to the hot phase which are probed by absorption line spectroscopy. We show with the aid of Monte-Carlo simulations that the simulated mass distribution emerges naturally due to the proportional mass growth and the coagulation of droplets. We discuss the implications of our results for convergence criteria of larger scale simulations and observations of the circumgalactic medium.

C. Danielski, A. Brucalassi, S. Benatti, T. Campante, E. Delgado-Mena, M. Rainer, G. Sacco, V. Adibekyan, K. Biazzo, D. Bossini, G. Bruno, G. Casali, P. Kabath, L. Magrini, G. Micela, G. Morello, P. Palladino, N. Sanna, S. Sarkar, S. Sousa, M. Tsantaki, D. Turrini, M. Van der Swaelmen

24 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Published in Experimental Astronomy

The Ariel mission will characterise the chemical and thermal properties of the atmospheres of about a thousand exoplanets transiting their host star(s). The observation of such a large sample of planets will allow to deepen our understanding of planetary and atmospheric formation at the early stages, providing a truly representative picture of the chemical nature of exoplanets, and relating this directly to the type and chemical environment of the host star. Hence, the accurate and precise determination of the host star fundamental properties is essential to Ariel for drawing a comprehensive picture of the underlying essence of these planetary systems. We present here a structured approach for the characterisation of Ariel stars that accounts for the concepts of homogeneity and coherence among a large set of stellar parameters. We present here the studies and benchmark analyses we have been performing to determine robust stellar fundamental parameters, elemental abundances, activity indices, and stellar ages. In particular, we present results for the homogeneous estimation of the activity indices S and log(R'HK), and preliminary results for elemental abundances of Na, Al, Mg, Si, C, N. In addition, we analyse the variation of a planetary spectrum, obtained with Ariel, as a function of the uncertainty on the stellar effective temperature. Finally, we present our observational campaign for precisely and homogeneously characterising all Ariel stars in order to perform a meaningful choice of final targets before the mission launch.

Brian D. Metzger, Nicholas C. Stone, Shmuel Gilbaum

13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJ

A star that approaches a supermassive black hole (SMBH) on a circular extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI) can undergo Roche lobe overflow (RLOF), resulting in a phase of long-lived mass-transfer onto the SMBH. If the interval separating consecutive EMRIs is less than the mass-transfer timescale driven by gravitational wave emission (typically ~1-10 Myr), the semi-major axes of the two stars will approach each another on scales of <~ hundreds to thousands of gravitational radii. Close flybys tidally strip gas from one or both RLOFing stars, briefly enhancing the mass-transfer rate onto the SMBH and giving rise to a flare of transient X-ray emission. If both stars reside in an common orbital plane, these close interactions will repeat on a timescale as short as hours, generating a periodic series of flares with properties (amplitudes, timescales, sources lifetimes) remarkably similar to the "quasi-periodic eruptions" (QPEs) recently observed from galactic nuclei hosting low-mass SMBHs. A cessation of QPE activity is predicted on a timescale of months to years, due to nodal precession of the EMRI orbits out of alignment by the SMBH spin. Channels for generating the requisite coplanar EMRIs include the tidal separation of binaries (Hills mechanism) or Type I inwards migration through a gaseous AGN disk. Alternative scenarios for QPEs, that invoke single stellar EMRIs on an eccentric orbit undergoing a runaway sequence of RLOF events, are strongly disfavored by formation rate constraints.

In this fifth paper of the series, we use the parametrized, spherically symmetric explosion method PUSH to investigate the impact of eight different nuclear equations of state (EOS). We present and discuss the explosion properties and the detailed nucleosynthesis yields, and predict the remnant (neutron star or black hole) for all our simulations. For this, we perform two sets of simulations. One, a complete study of non-rotating stars from 11 to 40 M$_{\odot}$ at three different metallicities using the SFHo equation of state. And two, a suite of simulations for three progenitors (16 M$_{\odot}$ at three metallicities) for eight different nuclear EOS. We compare our predicted explosion energies and yields to observed supernovae and the metal-poor star HD~84937. We find EOS-dependent differences in the explosion properties and the nucleosynthesis yields. However, when comparing to observations, these differences are not large enough to rule out any EOS considered in this work.

J. Chauhan, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, G. E. Anderson, A. Paduano, M. Sokolowski, C. Flynn, P. J. Hancock, N. Hurley-Walker, D. L. Kaplan, T. D. Russell, A. Bahramian, S. W. Duchesne, D. Altamirano, S. Croft, H. A. Krimm, G. R. Sivakoff, R. Soria, C. M. Trott, R. B. Wayth, V. Gupta, M. Johnston-Hollitt, S. J. Tingay

This article has been accepted for publication in PASA. This article has 16 pages, 7 figures and 1 table

We present a broadband radio study of the transient jets ejected from the black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571, which underwent a prolonged outburst beginning on 2 September 2017. We monitored MAXI J1535-571 with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) at frequencies from 119 to 186 MHz over six epochs from 20 September to 14 October 2017. The source was quasi-simultaneously observed over the frequency range 0.84-19 GHz by UTMOST (the upgraded Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope), the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), and the Australian Long Baseline Array (LBA). Using the LBA observations from 23 September 2017, we measured the source size to be $34\pm1$ mas. During the brightest radio flare on 21 September 2017, the source was detected down to 119 MHz by the MWA, and the radio spectrum indicates a turnover between 250 and 500 MHz, which is most likely due to synchrotron self-absorption (SSA). By fitting the radio spectrum with a SSA model and using the LBA size measurement, we determined various physical parameters of the jet knot (identified in ATCA data), including the jet opening angle (= $4.5\pm1.2^{\circ}$) and the magnetic field strength (= $104^{+80}_{-78}$ mG). Our fitted magnetic field strength agrees reasonably well with that inferred from the standard equipartition approach, suggesting the jet knot to be close to equipartition. Our study highlights the capabilities of the Australian suite of radio telescopes to jointly probe radio jets in black hole X-ray binaries (BH-XRBs) via simultaneous observations over a broad frequency range, and with differing angular resolutions. This suite allows us to determine the physical properties of XRB jets. Finally, our study emphasizes the potential contributions that can be made by the low-frequency part of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA-Low) in the study of BH-XRBs.

A. Kovács, R. Beck, A. Smith, G. Rácz, I. Csabai, I. Szapudi

12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The late-time integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) imprint of $R\gtrsim 100~h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}$ super-structures is sourced by evolving large-scale potentials due to a dominant dark energy component in the $\Lambda$CDM model. The aspect that makes the ISW effect distinctly interesting is the repeated observation of stronger-than-expected imprints from supervoids at $z\lesssim0.9$. Here we analyze the un-probed key redshift range $0.8<z<2.2$ where the ISW signal is expected to fade in $\Lambda$CDM, due to a weakening dark energy component, and eventually become consistent with zero in the matter dominated epoch. On the contrary, alternative cosmological models, proposed to explain the excess low-$z$ ISW signals, predicted a sign-change in the ISW effect at $z\approx1.5$ due to the possible growth of large-scale potentials that is absent in the standard model. To discriminate, we estimated the high-$z$ $\Lambda$CDM ISW signal using the Millennium XXL mock catalogue, and compared it to our measurements from about 800 supervoids identified in the eBOSS DR16 quasar catalogue. At $0.8<z<1.2$, we found an excess ISW signal with $A_\mathrm{ ISW}\approx3.6\pm2.1$ amplitude. The signal is then consistent with the $\Lambda$CDM expectation ($A_\mathrm{ ISW}=1$) at $1.2<z<1.5$ where the standard and alternative models predict similar amplitudes. Most interestingly, we also detected an opposite-sign ISW signal at $1.5<z<2.2$ that is in $2.7\sigma$ tension with the $\Lambda$CDM prediction. Taken at face value, these moderately significant detections of ISW anomalies suggest an alternative growth rate of structure in low-density environments at $\sim100~h^{-1}{\rm Mpc}$ scales.

Bradley C. Whitmore, Janice C. Lee, Rupali Chandar, David A. Thilker, Stephen Hannon, Wei Wei, E. A. Huerta, Frank Bigiel, Médéric Boquien, Mélanie Chevance, Daniel A. Dale, Sinan Deger, Kathryn Grasha, Ralf S. Klessen, J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Kirsten L. Larson, Angus Mok, Erik Rosolowsky, Eva Schinnerer, Andreas Schruba, Leonardo Ubeda, Schuyler D. Van Dyk, Elizabeth Watkins, Thomas Williams

28 pages, 25 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Version with full resolution figures found at this https URL

When completed, the PHANGS-HST project will provide a census of roughly 50,000 compact star clusters and associations, as well as human morphological classifications for roughly 20,000 of those objects. These large numbers motivated the development of a more objective and repeatable method to help perform source classifications. In this paper we consider the results for five PHANGS-HST galaxies (NGC 628, NGC 1433, NGC 1566, NGC 3351, NGC 3627) using classifications from two convolutional neural network architectures (RESNET and VGG) trained using deep transfer learning techniques. The results are compared to classifications performed by humans. The primary result is that the neural network classifications are comparable in quality to the human classifications with typical agreement around 70 to 80$\%$ for Class 1 clusters (symmetric, centrally concentrated) and 40 to 70$\%$ for Class 2 clusters (asymmetric, centrally concentrated). If Class 1 and 2 are considered together the agreement is 82 $\pm$ 3$\%$. Dependencies on magnitudes, crowding, and background surface brightness are examined. A detailed description of the criteria and methodology used for the human classifications is included along with an examination of systematic differences between PHANGS-HST and LEGUS. The distribution of data points in a colour-colour diagram is used as a 'figure of merit' to further test the relative performances of the different methods. The effects on science results (e.g., determinations of mass and age functions) of using different cluster classification methods are examined and found to be minimal.

Rasa Muller, Aart Heijboer, Alfonso Garcia Soto, Barbara Caiffi, Matteo Sanguineti, Vladimir Kulikovskiy (for the KM3NeT Collaboration)

6 pages, 4 figures, VLVNT 2021 conference proceedings

The identification of cosmic objects emitting high energy neutrinos could provide new insights about the Universe and its active sources. The existence of these cosmic neutrinos has been proven by the IceCube collaboration, but the big question of which sources these neutrinos originate from, remains unanswered. The KM3NeT detector for Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss (ARCA), with a cubic kilometer instrumented volume, is currently being built in the Mediterranean Sea. It will excel at identifying cosmic neutrino sources due to its unprecedented angular resolution for muon neutrinos (< 0.2 degree for E > 10 TeV events). KM3NeT has a view of the sky complementary to IceCube, and is sensitive to neutrinos across a wide range of energies. In order to identify the signature of cosmic neutrino sources in the background of atmospheric neutrinos and muons, statistical methods are being developed and tested with Monte-Carlo pseudo experiments. This contribution presents the most recent sensitivity estimates for diffuse, point-like and extended neutrino sources with KM3NeT/ARCA.

Markus J. Aschwanden, Jay R. Johnson, Yosia I. Nurhan

14 pages, 7 Figures

In this study we aim for a deeper understanding of the power law slope, $\alpha$, of waiting time distributions. Statistically independent events with linear behavior can be characterized by binomial, Gaussian, exponential, or Poissonian size distribution functions. In contrast, physical processes with nonlinear behavior exhibit spatio-temporal coherence (or memory) and "fat tails" in their size distributions that fit power law-like functions, as a consequence of the time variability of the mean event rate, as demonstrated by means of Bayesian block decomposition in the work of Wheatland et al.~(1998). In this study we conduct numerical simulations of waiting time distributions $N(\tau)$ in a large parameter space for various (polynomial, sinusoidal, Gaussian) event rate functions $\lambda(t)$, parameterized with an exponent $p$ that expresses the degree of the polynomial function $\lambda(t) \propto t^p$. We derive an analytical exact solution of the waiting time distribution function in terms of the incomplete gamma function, which is similar to a Pareto type-II function and has a power law slope of $\alpha = 2 + 1/p$, in the asymptotic limit of large waiting times. Numerically simulated random distributions reproduce this theoretical prediction accurately. Numerical simulations in the nonlinear regime ($p \ge 2$) predict power law slopes in the range of $2.0 \le \alpha \le 2.5$. The self-organized criticality model yields a prediction of $\alpha=2$. Observations of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (over at least a half solar cycle) are found in the range of $\alpha_{obs} \approx 2.1-2.4$. Deviations from strict power law functions are expected due to the variability of the flare event rate $\lambda(t)$, and deviations from theoretically predicted slope values $\alpha$ occur due to the Poissonian weighting bias of power law fits.

Paul B. Rimmer, Liton Majumdar, Akshay Priyadarshi, Sam Wright, S. N. Yurchenko

10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJL, comments welcome

We predict that cyanoacetylene (HC$_3$N) is produced photochemically in the atmosphere of GJ 1132 b in abundances detectable by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), assuming that the atmosphere is as described by Swain et al. (2021). First, we construct line list and cross-sections for HC$_3$N. Then we apply these cross-sections and the model atmosphere of Swain et al. (2021) to a radiative transfer model in order to simulate the transmission spectrum of GJ 1132 b as it would be seen by JWST, accounting for the uncertainty in the retrieved abundances. We predict that cyanoacetylene features at various wavelengths, with a clear lone feature at 4.5 $\mu$m, observable by JWST after four transits. This feature persists within the $1-\sigma$ uncertainty of the retrieved abundances of HCN and CH$_4$.

J. Fowler, Rachel Bowens-Rubin, Philip M. Hinz

submitted proceedings to SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 2021, Astronomical Optics: Design, Manufacture, and Test of Space and Ground Systems III

Adaptive optics (AO) offers an opportunity to stabilize an image and maximize the spatial resolution achievable by ground based telescopes by removing the distortions due to the atmosphere. Typically, the deformable mirror in an AO system is integrated into the optical path between the secondary mirror and science instrument; in some cases, the deformable mirror is integrated into the telescope itself as an adaptive secondary mirror.However including the deformable mirror as the primary mirror of the telescope has been left largely unexplored due to the previous cost and complexity of large-format deformable mirror technology. In recent years this technology has improved, leaving deformable primary mirrors as a viable avenue towards higher actuator density and a simplification in testing and deploying adaptive optics systems. We present a case study to explore the benefits and trade-offs of integrating an adaptive optics system using the primary mirror of the telescope in small-to-mid-sized telescopes.

Benjamin L. Gerard, Vincent Chambouleyron, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Jean-François Sauvage

submitted proceedings to SPIE SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications 2021, Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets X

Extreme adaptive optics (AO) is crucial for enabling the contrasts needed for ground-based high contrast imaging instruments to detect exoplanets. Pushing exoplanet imaging detection sensitivities towards lower mass, closer separations, and older planets will require upgrading AO wavefront sensors (WFSs) to be more efficient. In particular, future WFS designs will aim to improve a WFS's measurement error (i.e., the wavefront level at which photon noise, detector noise, and/or sky background limits a WFS measurement) and linearity (i.e., the wavefront level, in the absence of photon noise, aliasing, and servo lag, at which an AO loop can close and the corresponding closed-loop residual level). We present one such design here called the bright pyramid WFS (bPWFS), which improves both the linearity and measurement errors as compared to the non-modulated pyramid WFS (PWFS). The bPWFS is a unique design that, unlike other WFSs, doesn't sacrifice measurement error for linearity, potentially enabling this WFS to (a) close the AO loop on open loop turbulence utilising a tip/tilt modulation mirror (i.e., a modulated bPWFS; analogous to the procedure used for the regular modulated PWFS), and (b) reach deeper closed-loop residual wavefront levels (i.e., improving both linearity and measurement error) compared to the regular non-modulated PWFS. The latter approach could be particularly beneficial to enable improved AO performance using the bWFS as a second stage AO WFS. In this paper we will present an AO error budget analysis of the non-modulated bPWFS as well as supporting AO testbed results from the Marseille Astrophysics Laboratory.

Celia Rosa Fierro-Santillán (1), Jaime Klapp (1), Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti (2), Janos Zsargó (3) ((1) Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares, (2) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, (3) Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional)

7 pages, 4 figures

In order to measure automatically the equivalent width of the Balmer lines in a database of 40,000 atmosphere models, we have developed a program that mimics the work of an astronomer in terms of identifying and eliminating secondary spectral lines mixed with the Balmer lines. The equivalent widths measured have average errors of 5 percent, which makes them very reliable. As part of the FITspec code, this program improves the automatic adjustment of an atmosphere model to the observed spectrum of a massive star.

Adela Kawka, Stephane Vennes, Lilia Ferrario, M.S. Bessell, S.C. Keller, E. Paunzen, D.A.H. Buckley, D. Groenewald, J. Janik, M. Zejda

Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters

We report the discovery of a rare close binary system, SMSS J160639.78-100010.7, comprised of a magnetic white dwarf with a field of about 30 MG and a brown dwarf. We measured an orbital period of 92 min which is consistent with the photometric period. Minimum and maximum light occur at the orbital quadratures Phi=0.25 and 0.75, respectively, and cannot be caused by reflection on the brown dwarf, but, instead, by a spot on the synchronously rotating magnetic white dwarf. The brown dwarf does not fill its Roche lobe and the system may be in a low-accretion state or, more likely, in a detached state following episodes of mass transfer. SMSS J160639.78-100010.7 is the nearest known magnetic white dwarf plus brown dwarf system.

Ken Osato, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masahiro Takada

9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The high-precision measurement of spatial clustering of emission line galaxies (ELGs) is a primary objective for upcoming cosmological spectroscopic surveys. The source of strong emission of ELGs is nebular emission from surrounding ionized gas irradiated by massive stars and such massive short-lived stars form in star-forming galaxies. As a result, ELGs are more likely to reside in newly-formed halos and this leads to a nonlinear relation between ELG number density and matter density fields. In order to estimate the covariance matrix of cosmological observables, it is essential to produce many independent realisations to simulate ELG distributions for large survey volumes. In order to efficiently generate mock ELG catalogues, we present a novel and fast scheme to populate ELGs to dark-matter only $N$-body simulations based on local density field. This method enables fast production of mock ELG catalogues suitable for upcoming spectroscopic surveys and can populate ELGs in moderately high-density regions even though the halo structure cannot be resolved due to low resolution. The simulated ELGs are more likely to be found in filamentary structures, which is consistent with results of semi-analytic and hydrodynamical simulations. Furthermore, we address the redshift-space power spectrum of simulated ELGs. The measured multipole moments clearly exhibit a weaker Finger-of-God effect due to infalling motion towards halo centre, which is predicted by the simulations.

Stephanie Monty, Francois Rigaut, Richard McDermid, Holger Baumgardt, Jesse Cranney, Guido Agapito, J. Trevor Mendel, Cedric Plantet, Davide Greggio, Peter B. Stetson, Giuliana Fiorentino, Dionne Haynes

17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, main result is shown in Figure 12

Accurate astrometry is a key deliverable for the next generation of multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) systems. The MCAO Visible Imager and Spectrograph (MAVIS) is being designed for the Very Large Telescope Adaptive Optics Facility and must achieve 150 $\mu$as astrometric precision (50 $\mu$as goal). To test this before going on-sky, we have created MAVISIM, a tool to simulate MAVIS images. MAVISIM accounts for three major sources of astrometric error, high- and low-order point spread function (PSF) spatial variability, tip-tilt residual error and static field distortion. When exploring the impact of these three error terms alone, we recover an astrometric accuracy of 50 $\mu$as for all stars brighter than $m=19$ in a 30s integration using PSF-fitting photometry. We also assess the feasibility of MAVIS detecting an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) in a Milky Way globular cluster. We use an N-body simulation of an NGC 3201-like cluster with a central 1500 M$_{\odot}$ IMBH as input to MAVISIM and recover the velocity dispersion profile from proper motion measurements. Under favourable astrometric conditions, the dynamical signature of the IMBH is detected with a precision of ~0.20 km/s in the inner ~4" of the cluster where HST is confusion-limited. This precision is comparable to measurements made by Gaia, HST and MUSE in the outer ~60" of the cluster. This study is the first step towards building a science-driven astrometric error budget for an MCAO system and a prediction of what MAVIS could do once on sky.

Gašper Kukec Mezek, Yvonne Becherini, Tomas Bylund, Jean-Pierre Ernenwein, Michael Punch, Patrizia Romano, Ahmed Saleh, Mohanraj Senniappan, Satyendra Thoudam, Martin Tluczykont, Stefano Vercellone

9 pages, 4 figures, Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ONLINE ICRC2021), Berlin (Germany)

The CoMET R&D project focuses on the development of a new technique for the observation of very high-energy (VHE) $\gamma$-rays from the ground at energies above ~200 GeV, thus covering emission from soft-spectrum sources. The CoMET array under study combines 1242 particle detector units, distributed over a circular area of ~160 m in diameter and placed at a very high altitude (5.1 km), with atmospheric Cherenkov light detectors. The atmospheric Cherenkov light detectors, inspired by the "HiSCORE" design and improved for the energy range of interest, can be operated together with the particle detectors during clear nights. As such, the instrument becomes a Cosmic Multiperspective Event Tracker (CoMET). CoMET is expected to improve the reconstruction of arrival direction, energy and shower maximum determination for $\gamma$-ray-induced showers during darkness, which is crucial for the reduction of background contamination from cosmic rays. Prototypes of both particle and atmospheric Cherenkov light detectors are already installed at Linnaeus University in Sweden, while in parallel we simulate the full detector response and estimate the reconstruction improvement for $\gamma$-ray events. In this contribution, we present Monte-Carlo simulations of the detector array, consisting of CORSIKA shower simulations and custom detector response simulations, together with the coupling of particle and atmospheric Cherenkov light information, the reconstruction strategy of the complete array and the detection performance on point-like VHE $\gamma$-ray sources.

Boris S. Kalita, Emanuele Daddi, Chiara D'Eugenio, Francesco Valentino, R. Michael Rich, Carlos Gómez-Guijarro, Rosemary T. Coogan, Ivan Delvecchio, David Elbaz, James D. Neill, Annagrazia Puglisi, Veronica Strazzullo

Accepted for publication in ApJL

Deep ALMA and HST observations reveal the presence of a quenched massive galaxy within the $z=2.91$ galaxy group RO-1001. With a mass-weighted stellar age of $1.6 \pm 0.4 \,$Gyr this galaxy is one of the oldest known at $z\sim3$, implying that most of its $10^{11}\rm \, M_{\odot}$ of stars were rapidly formed at $z>6$--8. This is a unique example of the predominantly passive evolution of a galaxy over at least $3<z<6$ following its high-redshift quenching and a smoking-gun event pointing to the early imprint of an age-environment relation. At the same time, being in a dense group environment with extensive cold-gas reservoirs as betrayed by a giant Ly$\alpha$ halo, the existence of this galaxy demonstrates that gas accretion shutdown is not necessary for quenching and its maintenance.

Jongho Park, Keiichi Asada, Masanori Nakamura, Motoki Kino, Hung-Yi Pu, Kazuhiro Hada, Evgeniya V. Kravchenko, Marcello Giroletti

21 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, submitted to AJ

The linear polarization images of the jet in the giant elliptical galaxy M87 have previously been observed with Very Long Baseline Array at 7 mm. They exhibit a complex polarization structure surrounding the optically thick and compact core. However, given the low level of linear polarization in the core, it is required to verify that this complex structure does not originate from residual instrumental polarization signals in the data. We have performed a new analysis using the same data set in four epochs by applying the Generalized Polarization CALibration pipeline (GPCAL). This novel instrumental polarization calibration pipeline overcomes the limitations of LPCAL, a conventional calibration tool used in the previous studies. The resulting images show a compact polarization structure with its peak nearly coincident with the total intensity peak, which is significantly different from the results of previous studies. The core polarization is characterized as fractional polarizations of $\sim0.2-0.6\%$ and polarization angles of $\sim66-92^\circ$, showing moderate variability. We demonstrate that, using synthetic data, LPCAL cannot achieve sufficient calibration accuracy to reveal the true polarization structure of M87 due to a breakdown of the similarity approximation. We show that our new polarization images better account for observed closure traces that are insensitive to both station gain and polarization leakage than those obtained from LPCAL. We discuss the observed polarizations by comparing them with the measurements at other frequencies. This study suggests that robust polarization imaging of very weak polarization sources has become possible with the advanced instrumental polarization calibration technique.

A. Romanov, M. Sanguineti (on behalf of the ANTARES Collaboration)

5 pages, 3 figures, VLVnT 2021 Conference proceedings

ANTARES is the largest undersea neutrino telescope and it has been taking data in its final configuration for more than ten years. On their journey to the Earth, cosmic rays can be absorbed by celestial objects, like the Sun, leading to a deficit in the atmospheric muon flux measured by the ANTARES detector, the so-called Sun "shadow" effect. This phenomenon can be used to evaluate fundamental telescope characteristics: the detector angular resolution and pointing accuracy. This work describes the study of the Sun "shadow" effect using the ANTARES data collected between 2008 and 2017. The statistical significance of the Sun shadow observation is $3.7\sigma$ and the estimated angular resolution value of the ANTARES telescope for downward-going muons is $0.59^{\circ} \pm 0.10^{\circ}$, which is consistent with the expectations obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations and also with the estimation from the Moon "shadow" analysis of 2007-2016 years. No evidence of systematic pointing shift is found and the resulting pointing accuracy is consistent with the expectations.

Devojyoti Kansabanik, Bhaswati Bhattacharyya, Jayanta Roy, Benjamin Stappers

13 pages, 5 Figures, 1 Table, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

The frequency dependent eclipses of the radio emission from millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in compact binary systems provide an opportunity to understand the eclipse mechanism and to determine the nature of the eclipsing medium. We combine multi-frequency observations from the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT) and model the broadband radio spectrum in the optically thick to thin transition regime to constrain the eclipse mechanism. The best fit model to the eclipse phase spectra favours synchrotron absorption by relativistic electrons. We are able to strongly constrain the frequency of onset of the eclipse to 345$\pm$5 $\mathrm{MHz}$, which is an order of magnitude more precise than previous estimates. The dependence on the magnetic field strength of synchrotron absorption allowed us to estimate the magnetic field strength of the eclipse medium to be $\sim$13 $\mathrm{G}$, which is very similar to the values obtained by considering a pressure balance between the incident pulsar wind and the stellar wind of the companion. Applying this method to other millisecond binary pulsars will enable us to determine if the eclipse mechanisms are all the same and also estimate the wind and magnetic field properties of the companion stars. The method could also be applied to other systems where pulsars interact with companion winds in binary systems and in all cases it will lead to a better understanding of the evolutionary processes.

Lukas Merten, Margot Boughelilba, Anita Reimer, Paolo Da Vela, Serguei Vorobiov, Fabrizio Tavecchio, Giacomo Bonnoli, Jon Paul Lundquist, Chiara Righi

8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, ICRC 2021

Fanaroff-Riley (FR) 0 radio galaxies form a low-luminosity extension to the well-established ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray (UHECR) candidate accelerators FR-1 and FR-2 galaxies. Their much higher number density -- up to a factor five times more numerous than FR-1 with $z\leq 0.05$ -- makes them good candidate sources for an isotropic contribution to the observed UHECR flux. Here, the acceleration and survival of UHECR in prevailing conditions of the FR-0 environment are discussed. First, an average spectral energy distribution (SED) is compiled based on the \textit{FR0CAT}. These photon fields, composed of a jet and a host galaxy component, form a minimal target photon field for the UHECR, which will suffer from electromagnetic pair production, photo-disintegration, photo-meson production losses, and synchrotron radiation. The two most promising acceleration scenarios based on Fermi-I order and gradual shear acceleration are discussed as well as different escape scenarios. When an efficient acceleration mechanism precedes gradual shear acceleration, e.g., Fermi-I or others, FR-0 galaxies are likely UHECR accelerators. Gradual shear acceleration requires a jet Lorentz factor of $\Gamma>1.6$, to be faster than the corresponding escape. In less optimistic models, a contribution to the cosmic-ray flux between the knee and ankle is expected to be relatively independent of the realized turbulence and acceleration.

Rong-Gen Cai, Zong-Kuan Guo, Shao-Jiang Wang, Wang-Wei Yu, Yong Zhou

5 pages + appendices, 4 figures, 4 tables

The Hubble tension, if not caused by any systematics, could be relieved or even resolved from modifying either early-time or late-time Universe. The early-time modifications are usually in tension with either galaxy clustering or galaxy lensing constraints. The late-time modifications are also in conflict with the constraint from the inverse distance ladder, which, however, is weakened by the dependence on a sound-horizon prior and some particular approximation for the late-time expansion history. To achieve a more general no-go argument for the late-time scenarios, we propose to use a global parameterization based on the cosmic age (PAge) to consistently use the cosmic chronometers data beyond the Taylor expansion domain and without the input of a sound-horizon prior. Both the early-time and late-time scenarios are therefore largely ruled out, indicating the possible ways out of the Hubble tension from either exotic modifications of our concordance Universe or some unaccounted systematics.

Kathrin Grunthal (1), Michael Kramer (1, 2), Gregory Desvignes (3, 1), ((1) Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie, (2) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, (3) LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL, CNRS)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 8 Figures

We revisit the merger rate for Galactic double neutron star (DNS) systems in light of recent observational insight into the longitudinal and latitudinal beam shape of the relativistic DNS PSR J1906$+$0746. Due to its young age and its relativistic orbit, the pulsar contributes significantly to the estimate of the joint Galactic merger rate. We follow previous analyses by modelling the underlying pulsar population of nine merging DNS systems and study the impact and resulting uncertainties when replacing simplifying assumptions made in the past with actual knowledge of the beam shape, its extent and the viewing geometry. We find that the individual contribution of PSR J1906$+$0746 increases to $R = 6^{+28}_{-5}$ Myr$^{-1}$ although the values is still consistent with previous estimates given the uncertainties. We also compute contributions to the merger rates from the other DNS systems by applying a generic beam shape derived from that of PSR J1906+0746, evaluating the impact of previous assumptions. We derive a joint Galactic DNS merger rate of $R^{\rm{gen}}_{\rm{MW}} = 32^{+19}_{-9}$Myr$^{-1}$, leading to a LIGO detection rate of ${R}^{\rm{gen}}_{\rm{LIGO}} = 3.5^{+2.1}_{-1.0}$Myr$^{-1}$ (90% conf. limit), considering the upcoming O3 sensitivity of LIGO. As these values are in good agreement with previous estimates, we conclude that the method of estimating the DNS merger and LIGO detection rates via the study of the radio pulsar DNS population is less prone to systematic uncertainties than previously thought.

Hyeong-Sik Yun, Jeong-Eun Lee, Neal J. Evans II, Stella S. R. Offner, Mark H. Heyer, Jungyeon Cho, Brandt A. L. Gaches, Yao-Lun Yang, How-Huan Chen, Yunhee Choi, Yong-Hee Lee, Giseon Baek, Minho Choi, Jongsoo Kim, Hyunwoo Kang, Seokho Lee, Ken'ichi Tatematsu

29 pages, 17 figures, 7 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We investigate the effect of star formation on turbulence in the Orion A and Ophiuchus clouds using principal component analysis (PCA). We measure the properties of turbulence by applying PCA on the spectral maps in $^{13}$CO, C$^{18}$O, HCO$^+$ $J=$1$-$0, and CS $J=$2$-$1. First, the scaling relations derived from PCA of the $^{13}$CO maps show that the velocity difference ($\delta v$) for a given spatial scale ($L$) is the highest in the integral shaped filament (ISF) and L1688, where the most active star formation occurs in the two clouds. The $\delta v$ increases with the number density and total bolometric luminosity of the protostars in the sub-regions. Second, in the ISF and L1688 regions, the $\delta v$ of C$^{18}$O, HCO$^+$, and CS are generally higher than that of $^{13}$CO, which implies that the dense gas is more turbulent than the diffuse gas in the star-forming regions; stars form in dense gas, and dynamical activities associated with star formation, such as jets and outflows, can provide energy into the surrounding gas to enhance turbulent motions.

W. A. Badawy, A. L. Tadross, Y. M. Hendy, I. A. Hassan, M. N. Ismail

The study of open star clusters makes us understand a lot about the composition and construction of the Milky Way Galaxy. Thanks to the Gaia DR2 database that helps us to get the genetic members of star clusters using their proper motions and parallaxes, estimating their physical properties in a very accurate way. This study aims to detect the reasons that make proper motions value of a cluster is completely separated from the background field stars and not melted in. We studied a large sample of open stellar clusters taken from Dias catalog and drawing the vector point diagrams using the astrometric data of Gaia DR2. Marking the separated clusters and melted ones and study their mean parameters in each galactic quadrant.

Thomas Kite, Jens Chluba, Andrea Ravenni, Subodh P. Patil

11 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

The primordial gravitational wave background (GWB) offers an exciting future avenue of discovery for new physics. Its information content encodes multiple eras in the early Universe's history, corresponding to many orders of magnitude in frequency and physical scale to be measured today. By numerically solving for the GW transfer functions we provide simple yet accurate formulas describing the average power of the large-scale energy spectrum of the GWB for arbitrary primordial tensor power spectra. In doing so we can pedagogically explain and clarify previous GWB literature, highlight the important cosmological parameters of various GWB features, and reveal multiple ways in which cancelling conceptual errors can give deceptively accurate results. The scales considered here are particularly important for CMB probes of the GWB, via $B$-modes and spectral distortions. In particular, we carefully study the effects of both neutrino damping, and the precise nature of the transition between the radiation-dominated (RD) and matter-dominated (MD) eras. A byproduct of numerically solving the problem is the ability to study the robustness of common approximations in the literature. Specifically, we show that a numerical treatment is especially important around the RD--MD transition, and for a brief moment of history where neutrino damping occurs during MD. In passing we also discuss the effects of late acceleration caused by dark energy -- showing that this can be neglected in most practical GWB applications -- and the effects of changing relativistic degrees of freedom on the GWB at very small-scales.

S.Reck, D. Guderian, G. Vermariën, A. Domi (for the KM3NeT Collaboration)

Presented at the 9th Very Large Volume Neutrino Telescope Workshop (VLVnT 2021), Prepared for submission to JINST

KM3NeT, a neutrino telescope currently under construction in the Mediterranean Sea, consists of a network of large-volume Cherenkov detectors. Its two different sites, ORCA and ARCA, are optimised for few GeV and TeV-PeV neutrino energies, respectively. This allows for studying a wide range of physics topics spanning from the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy to the detection of neutrinos from astrophysical sources. Deep Learning techniques provide promising methods to analyse the signatures induced by charged particles traversing the detector. This document will cover a Deep Learning based approach using Graph Convolutional Networks to classify and reconstruct events in both the ORCA and ARCA detector. Performance studies on simulations as well as applications to real data will be presented, together with comparisons to classical approaches.

Gen Ye, Jun Zhang, Yun-Song Piao

9 pages + references and appendix, 6 figures

It is currently thought that the early dark energy (EDE) resolution of the Hubble tension will inevitably suffer inconsistency with the large scale structure data (quantified as $S_8$). However, if this so-called $S_8$ tension is physical, it might be related only with the clustering property of dark matter at the corresponding scale. We find by performing Monte Carlo Markov Chain analysis that in the AdS-EDE model (with an Anti-de Sitter phase around recombination), if an axion field with mass $m_a\simeq1.3\times10^{-26}$ eV becomes dynamical at redshift $z\simeq 1.7\times10^4$ and constitutes $7\%$ of the total dark matter, both $H_0$ and $S_8$ will be consistent with local measurements within $1\sigma$, while the model can fit PlanckCMB+SN+BAO+EFT dataset as well as $\Lambda$CDM, which will possibly be tested with on-going CMB and galaxy surveys.

Roy Maartens, José Fonseca, Stefano Camera, Sheean Jolicoeur, Jan-Albert Viljoen, Chris Clarkson

25 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Comments welcome

Measurements of the galaxy number density in upcoming surveys such as Euclid and the SKA will be sensitive to distortions from lensing magnification and Doppler effects, beyond the standard redshift-space distortions. The amplitude of these contributions depends sensitively on magnification bias and evolution bias in the galaxy number density. Magnification bias quantifies the change in the observed number of galaxies gained or lost by lensing magnification, while evolution bias quantifies the physical change in the galaxy number density relative to the conserved case. These biases are given by derivatives of the number density, and consequently are very sensitive to the form of the luminosity function. We give a careful derivation of the magnification and evolution biases, clarifying a number of results in the literature. We then examine the biases for a variety of surveys, encompassing optical/NIR, 21cm galaxy and 21cm intensity mapping surveys.

Christiaan Brinkerink, Heino Falcke, Andreas Brunthaler, Casey Law

31 pages. To be submitted to A&A

The compact radio source at the center of our Galaxy, Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is the subject of intensive study as it provides a close-up view of an accreting supermassive black hole. Sgr A* provides us with a prototype of a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN), but interstellar scattering and the resolution limits of our instruments have limited our understanding of the emission sites in its inner accretion flow. The temporal variability of Sgr A* can help us understand whether we see a plasma outflow or inflow in the region close to the black hole. In this work, we look at a comprehensive set of multi-epoch data recorded with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) to understand the persistence of the time lag relations that have been found in previous radio observations of Sgr A*. We analyse 8 epochs of data, observed in Spring 2015, each of which has a frequency coverage from 18 to 48 GHz. We cross-correlate the calibrated light curves across twelve frequency subbands. We also generate synthetic data with the appropriate variability characteristics and use it to study the detectability of time lag relations in data with this sampling structure. We find that the variability amplitude increases with frequency. We see positive time lag slopes across all subbands in five out of eight epochs, with the largest slopes in the cases where a clear extremum in flux density is present. Three epochs show lag slopes close to zero. With the synthetic data analysis we show that these results are explained by a persistent lag relation of $\sim$40 min/cm that covers the bulk of the variability, with at most 2 percent of the total flux density in an uncorrelated variability component. Together with the size-frequency relation and inclination constraints this indicates an outflow velocity with $\gamma \beta$ = 1.5, consistent with predictions of jet models for Sgr A*.

S. Yang, J. Sollerman, N. L. Strotjohann, S. Schulze, R. Lunnan, E. Kool, C. Fremling, D. Perley, E. Ofek, T. Schweyer, E.C. Bellm, M.M. Kasliwal, F.J. Masci, M. Rigault, Y. Yang

22 pages, 16 figures. This is the version resubmitted to A&A with replies to referee report

We present observations and analysis of SN 2020cxd, a Low luminous (LL), long-lived Type IIP SN. This object was a clear outlier in the magnitude-limited SN sample recently presented by the ZTF Bright Transient Survey. We demonstrate that SN 2020cxd is an additional member of the group of LL SNe, and discuss the rarity of LL SNe in the context of the ZTF survey, and how further studies of these faintest members of the CC SN family might help understand the underlying initial mass function for stars that explode.

Pablo Corcho-Caballero (UAM, MQU), Javier Casado (UAM), Yago Ascasibar (UAM), Rubén García-Benito (IAA)

17 pages + appendix, 12 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome!

This work investigates the fundamental mechanism(s) that drive galaxy evolution in the Local Universe. By comparing two proxies of star-formation sensitive to different timescales, such as EW(H$\alpha$) and colours like $g-r$, one may distinguish between smooth secular evolution (ageing) and sudden changes (quenching) on the recent star formation history of galaxies. Building upon the results obtained from a former study based on 80.000 SDSS single-fibre measurements, we now focus on spatially-resolved (on kpc scales) galaxies, comparing with a sample of 637 nearby objects observed by the CALIFA survey. In general, galaxies cannot be characterised in terms of a single `evolutionary stage'. Individual regions within galaxies arrange along a relatively narrow ageing sequence, with some intrinsic scatter possibly due to their different evolutionary paths. These sequences, though, differ from one galaxy to another, although they are broadly consistent with the overall distribution found for the (central) SDSS spectra. We find evidence of recent quenching episodes (relatively blue colours and strong H$\alpha$ absorption) in a small fraction of galaxies (most notably, low-mass ellipticals), on global scales and individual regions (particularly at high metallicity). However, we argue that most of the systems, over their entire extent, are compatible with a secular inside-out scenario, where the evolutionary stage correlates with both global (mass, morphology, and environment) as well as local (surface brightness and metallicity) properties.

M. Bouta (1), A. Moussa (1), Y. Tayalati (2), G. E. Păvălaş (3), J. Brunner (4) (for the ANTARES Collaboration, (1) University Mohammed First in Oujda, (2) University Mohammed V in Rabat, (3) Institute of Space Science in Măgurele, (4) Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)

5 pages, 5 figures, VLVNT2021

The ANTARES detector is a Cherenkov underwater neutrino telescope operating in the Mediterranean Sea. Its construction was completed in 2008. Even though optimised for the search of cosmic neutrinos, this telescope is also sensitive to nuclearites (massive nuggets of strange quark matter) trough the black body radiation emitted along their path. We discuss here the possible detection of non-relativistic down-going nuclearites with the ANTARES telescope and present the results of an analysis using data collected from 2009 till 2017.

Jaren N. Ashcraft, Ewan S. Douglas, Daewook Kim, George A. Smith, Kerri Cahoy, Tom Connors, Kevin Z. Derby, Victor Gasho, Kerry Gonzales, Charlotte E. Guthery, Geon Hee Kim, Corwyn Sauve, Paul Serra

11 pages, 9 figures, published in Optical Engineering + Applications conference in SPIE Optics + Photonics San Diego 2021

The design of a CubeSat telescope for academic research purposes must balance complicated optical and structural designs with cost to maximize performance in extreme environments. Increasing the CubeSat size (eg. 6U to 12U) will increase the potential optical performance, but the cost will increase in kind. Recent developments in diamond-turning have increased the accessibility of aspheric aluminum mirrors, enabling a cost-effective regime of well-corrected nanosatellite telescopes. We present an all-aluminum versatile CubeSat telescope (VCT) platform that optimizes performance, cost, and schedule at a relatively large 95 mm aperture and 0.4 degree diffraction limited full field of view stablized by MEMS fine-steering modules. This study features a new design tool that permits easy characterization of performance degradation as a function of spacecraft thermal and structural disturbances. We will present details including the trade between on- and off-axis implementations of the VCT, thermal stability requirements and finite-element analysis, and launch survival considerations. The VCT is suitable for a range of CubeSat borne applications, which provides an affordable platform for astronomy, Earth-imaging, and optical communications.

Lisa Johanna Schumacher, Matthias Huber, Matteo Agostini, Mauricio Bustamante, Foteini Oikonomou, Elisa Resconi

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021). 8 pages, 5 figures

High-energy astrophysical neutrinos, discovered by IceCube, are now regularly observed, albeit at a low rate due to their low flux. As a result, open questions about high-energy neutrino astrophysics and particle physics remain limited by statistics at best, or unanswered at worst. Fortunately, this situation will improve soon: in the next few years, a host of new neutrino telescopes, currently under planning and construction, will come online. It is natural to combine their collected observing power: we propose the Planetary Neutrino Monitoring System (PLE$\nu$M), a concept for a global repository of high-energy neutrino observations, in order to finally give firm answers to open questions. PLE$\nu$M will reach up to four times the exposure available today by combining the exposures of current and future neutrino telescopes distributed around the world -- IceCube, IceCube-Gen2, Baikal-GVD, KM3NeT, and P-ONE. Depending on the declination and spectral index, PLE$\nu$M will improve the sensitivity to astrophysical neutrinos by up to two orders of magnitude. We present first estimates on the capability of PLE$\nu$M to discover Galactic and extragalactic sources of astrophysical neutrinos and to characterize the diffuse flux of high-energy neutrinos in unprecedented detail.

Peter Bult, Diego Altamirano, Zaven Arzoumanian, David R. Ballantyne, Jerome Chenevez, Andrew C. Fabian, Keith C. Gendreau, Jeroen Homan, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Christian Malacaria, Jon M. Miller, Michael L. Parker, Tod E. Strohmayer

14 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We report on a spectroscopic analysis of the X-ray emission from IGR J17062-6143 in the aftermath of its June 2020 intermediate duration Type I X-ray burst. Using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer, we started observing the source three hours after the burst was detected with MAXI/GSC, and monitored the source for the subsequent twelve days. We observed the tail end of the X-ray burst cooling phase, and find that the X-ray flux is severely depressed relative to its historic value for a three day period directly following the burst. We interpret this intensity dip as the inner accretion disk gradually restoring itself after being perturbed by the burst irradiation. Superimposed on this trend we observed a $1.5$ d interval during which the X-ray flux is sharply lower than the wider trend. This drop in flux could be isolated to the non-thermal components in the energy spectrum, suggesting that it may be caused by an evolving corona. Additionally, we detected a 3.4 keV absorption line at $6.3\sigma$ significance in a single $472$ s observation while the burst emission was still bright. We tentatively identify the line as a gravitationally redshifted absorption line from burning ashes on the stellar surface, possibly associated with ${}^{40}{\rm Ca}$ or ${}^{44}{\rm Ti}$.

Robert V. Wagoner, Celia R. Tandon

14 pages, 9 figures. To be published in the The Astrophysical Journal

We investigate the effects of subsonic turbulence on a normal mode of oscillation [a possible origin of the high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) within some black hole accretion disks]. We consider perturbations of a time-dependent background (steady state disk plus turbulence), obtaining an oscillator equation with stochastic damping, (mildly) nonlinear restoring, and stochastic driving forces. The (long-term) mean values of our turbulent functions vanish. In particular, turbulence does not damp the oscillation modes, so `turbulent viscosity' is not operative. However, the frequency components of the turbulent driving force near that of the mode can produce significant changes in the amplitude of the mode. Even with an additional (phenomenological constant) source of damping, this leads to an eventual `blowout' (onset of effects of nonlinearity) if the turbulence is sufficiently strong or the damping constant is sufficiently small. The infrequent large increases in the energy of the mode could be related to the observed low duty cycles of the HFQPOs. The width of the peak in the power spectral density (PSD) is proportional to the amount of nonlinearity. A comparison with observed continuum PSDs indicates the conditions required for visibility of the mode.

Roberta Calabrese, Marco Chianese, Damiano F.G. Fiorillo, Ninetta Saviano

8 pages, 3 figures

The direct detection of sub-GeV dark matter interacting with nucleons is hampered by to the low recoil energies induced by scatterings in the detectors. This experimental difficulty is avoided in the scenario of boosted dark matter where a component of dark matter particles is endowed with large kinetic energies. In this Letter, we point out that the current evaporation of primordial black holes with masses from $10^{14}$ to $10^{16}$ g is a source of boosted light dark matter with energies of tens to hundreds of MeV. Focusing on the XENON1T experiment, we show that these relativistic dark matter particles could give rise to a signal orders of magnitude larger than the present upper bounds. Therefore, we are able to significantly constrain the combined parameter space of primordial black holes and sub-GeV dark matter. In the presence of primordial black holes with a mass of $10^{15}~\mathrm{g}$ and an abundance compatible with present bounds, the limits on DM-nucleon cross-section are improved by four orders of magnitude.

Marco Chianese, Damiano F. G. Fiorillo, Gianpiero Mangano, Gennaro Miele, Stefano Morisi, Ofelia Pisanti

7 pages, 2 figures

The symmetry of the theory of relativity under diffeomorphisms strongly depends on the equivalence principle. Violation of Equivalence Principle (VEP) can be tested by looking for deviations from the standard framework of neutrino oscillations. In recent works, it has been shown that strong constraints on the VEP parameter space can be placed by means of the atmospheric neutrinos observed by the IceCube neutrino telescope. In this paper, we focus on the KM3NeT neutrino telescope and perform a forecast analysis to assess its capacity to probe VEP. Most importantly, we examine the crucial role played by systematic uncertainties affecting the neutrino observations. We find that KM3NeT will constrain VEP parameters times the local gravitational potential at the level of $10^{-27}$. Due to the systematic-dominated regime, independent analyses from different neutrino telescopes are fundamental for robustly testing the equivalence principle.

We study the dynamics of magnetic fields in chiral magnetohydrodynamics, which takes into account the effects of an additional electric current related to the chiral magnetic effect in high energy plasmas. We perform direct numerical simulations, considering weak seed magnetic fields and inhomogeneities of the chiral chemical potential mu_5 with a zero mean. We demonstrate that a small-scale chiral dynamo can occur in such plasmas if fluctuations of mu_5 are correlated on length scales that are much larger than the scale on which the dynamo growth rate reaches its maximum. Magnetic fluctuations grow by many orders of magnitude due to the small-scale chiral dynamo instability. Once the nonlinear backreaction of the generated magnetic field on fluctuations of mu_5 sets in, the ratio of these scales decreases and the dynamo saturates. When magnetic fluctuations grow sufficiently to drive turbulence via the Lorentz force before saturation occurs, an additional mean-field dynamo phase is identified. The mean magnetic field grows on a scale that is larger than the integral scale of turbulence after the amplification of the fluctuating component saturates. The growth rate of the mean magnetic field is caused by a magnetic alpha effect that is proportional to the current helicity. With the onset of turbulence, the power spectrum of mu_5 develops a universal k^(-1) scaling independently of its initial shape, while the magnetic energy spectrum approaches a k^(-3) scaling.

Ligong Bian, Xuewen Liu, Ke-Pan Xie

13 pages + references; 2 figures and 2 tables

We study the superheavy dark matter (DM) scenario in an extended $B-L$ model, where one generation of right-handed neutrino $\nu_R$ is the DM candidate. If there is a new lighter sterile neutrino that co-annihilate with the DM candidate, then the annihilation rate is exponentially enhanced, allowing a DM mass much heavier than the Griest-Kamionkowski bound ($\sim10^5$ GeV). We demonstrate that a DM mass $M_{\nu_R}\gtrsim10^{13}$ GeV can be achieved. Although beyond the scale of any traditional DM searching strategy, this scenario is testable via gravitational waves (GWs) emitted by the cosmic strings from the $U(1)_{B-L}$ breaking. Quantitative calculations show that the DM mass $\mathcal{O}(10^9-10^{13}~{\rm GeV})$ can be probed by future GW detectors.

We study gravitational lensing by a generic extended mass distribution. For that, we consider the diffraction of electromagnetic (EM) waves by an extended, weakly aspherical, gravitating object. We account for the static gravitational field of this lens by representing its exterior potential in the most generic form, expressed via an infinite set of symmetric trace free (STF) tensor multipole mass moments. This yields the most general form of the gravitational phase shift, which allows for a comprehensive description of the optical properties of a generic gravitational lens. We found that at each order of the STF moments, the gravitational phase shift is characterized by only two parameters: a magnitude and a rotation angle that characterize the corresponding caustics, which form in the point spread function (PSF) of the lens. Both of these parameters are uniquely expressed in terms of the transverse-trace free (TT) projections of the multipole moments on the lens plane. Not only does this result simplifies the development of physically consistent models of realistic lenses, it also drastically reduces the number of required parameters in the ultimate model. To gain physical insight and to help with the interpretation of the results obtained, we established the correspondence of the gravitational phase shift expressed via the TT-projected STF multipole mass moments and its representation via spherical harmonics. For axisymmetric mass distributions, the new results are consistent with those that we obtained in previous studies. For arbitrary mass distributions, our results are novel and offer new insight into gravitational lensing by realistic astrophysical systems. These findings are discussed in the context of ongoing astrophysical gravitational lensing investigations as well as observations that are planned with the solar gravitational lens (SGL).

A. Sheshukov (1), A. Vishneva (1 and 2), A. Habig (3) ((1) Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia, (2) St. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute NRC Kurchatov Institute, Gatchina, Russia, (3) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota Duluth, USA)

20 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. To be submitted to JCAP

Supernova neutrino detection in neutrino and dark matter experiments is usually implemented as a real-time trigger system based on counting neutrino interactions within a moving time window. The sensitivity reach of such experiments can be improved by taking into account the time profile of the expected signal. We propose a shape analysis of the incoming experimental data based on a log likelihood ratio variable containing the assumed signal shape. This approach also allows a combination of potential supernova signals in different detectors for a further sensitivity boost. The method is tested on the NOvA detectors to study their combined sensitivity to the core-collapse supernova signal, and also on KamLAND, Borexino and SK-Gd as potential detectors of presupernova neutrinos. Using the shape analysis enhances the signal significance for supernova detection and prediction, as well as the sensitivity reach of the experiment. It also extends the supernova prediction time when applied to the presupernova neutrino signal detection. Enhancements achieved with the shape analysis persist even in the case when the actual signal doesn't match the expected signal model.

Debasish Borah (1), Manoranjan Dutta (2), Satyabrata Mahapatra (2), Narendra Sahu (2) ((1) Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (2) Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad)

25 Pages, 11 captioned figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2101.06472

We propose a self-interacting boosted dark matter (DM) scenario as a possible origin of the recently reported excess of electron recoil events by the XENON1T experiment. The Standard Model has been extended with two vector-like fermion singlets charged under a dark $U(1)_D$ gauge symmetry to describe the dark sector. While the presence of light vector boson mediator leads to sufficient DM self-interactions to address the small scale issues of cold dark matter, the model with GeV scale DM can explain the XENON1T excess via scattering of boosted DM component with electrons at the detector. The requirement of large annihilation rate of heavier DM into the lighter one for sufficient boosted DM flux leads to suppressed thermal relic abundance. A hybrid setup of thermal and non-thermal contribution from late decay of a scalar can lead to correct relic abundance. All these requirements leave a very tiny parameter space for sub-GeV DM keeping the model very predictive for near future experiments.

Zun-Lei Xu, Kai-Kai Duan, Wei Jiang, Shi-Jun Lei, Xiang Li, Zhao-Qiang Shen, Tao Ma, Meng Su, Qiang Yuan, Chuan Yue, Yi-Zhong Fan, Jin Chang

The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a space high-energy cosmic-ray detector covering a wide energy band with a high energy resolution. One of the key scientific goals of DAMPE is to carry out indirect detection of dark matter by searching for high-energy gamma-ray line structure. To promote the sensitivity of gamma-ray line search with DAMPE, it is crucial to improve the acceptance and energy resolution of gamma-ray photons. In this paper, we quantitatively prove that the photon sample with the largest ratio of acceptance to energy resolution is optimal for line search. We therefore develop a line-search sample specifically optimized for the line search. Meanwhile, in order to increase the statistics, we also selected the so called BGO-only photons that convert into $e^+e^-$ pairs only in the BGO calorimeter. The standard, the line-search, and the BGO-only photon samples are then tested for line search individually and collectively. The results show that a significantly improved limit could be obtained from an appropriate combination of the date sets, and the increase is about 20\% for the highest case compared with using the standard sample only.

Mar Bastero-Gil, Cyprien Beaufort, Daniel Santos

34 pages, 7 figures

The axion could be used as a probe for extra dimensions. In large extra dimensions, besides the QCD axion one obtains an infinite tower of massive Kaluza-Klein (KK) states. We describe the processes of KK axions production in the Sun via the axion-photon coupling, $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$, and we derive the number density of KK axions that get trapped into the solar gravitational field and then accumulate over cosmic times. The large multiplicity of states, as well as their masses in the keV-range, deeply alter the phenomenology of the axion. This scenario leads us to propose the presence of KK axions as an interpretation of the non-thermal distribution of the solar X-rays. In this work, we dedicate special attention on the astrophysical and cosmological bounds that apply on the model. In particular, we show how the KK axions may escape the EBL limit that constrains standard ALPs in the same mass range. Present searches for KK axions make use of the decay channel, $a\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$, for which we revise the event rate; our value lies orders of magnitude below the rate usually quoted in the literature. This major conclusion stems from recent measurements of the luminosity of the quiet Sun which acts as an irreducible limit. The revised model remains a viable and an attractive explanation for multiple astrophysical observations, and we propose several approaches to search for solar KK axions in the near future.

We compute the internal modes of a non-spinning neutron star and its tidal metric perturbation in general relativity, and determine the effect of relativistic corrections to the modes on mode coupling and the criterion for instability. Claims have been made that a new hydrodynamic instability can occur in a neutron star in a binary neutron star system triggered by the nonlinear coupling of the companion's tidal field to pairs of p-modes and g-modes in it as the binary inspirals toward merger. This 'PG' instability may be significant since it can influence the binary's inspiral phase by extracting orbital energy, thereby potentially causing large deviations in their gravitational waveforms from those predicted by theoretical models that do not account for it. This can result in incorrect parameter estimation, at best, or mergers going undetected, at worst, owing to the use of deficient waveform models. On the other hand, better modeling of this instability and its effect on binary orbits can unravel a new phenomenon and shed light on stellar instabilities, via gravitational wave observations. So far, all mode-tide coupling instability studies have been formulated in Newtonian perturbation theory. Neutron stars are compact objects, so relativistic corrections might be important. We present and test a new code to calculate the relativistic eigenmodes of nonrotating relativistic stars. We use these relativistic tide and neutron star eigenmodes to compute the mode-tide coupling strength (MTCS) for a few selected equations of state. The MTCS thus calculated can be at most tens of percent different from its purely Newtonian value, but we confirm the dependencies on orbital separation and equation of state found by Newtonian calculations. For some equations of state, the MTCS is very sensitive to the neutron star crust region, demonstrating the importance of treating this region accurately.

We provide a simple model of vector dark matter (DM) which can realize the recently proposed freeze-out mechanism with catalyzed annihilation. In our setup, a vector DM field $X_\mu$ and a catalyst field $C_\mu$ is unified by an SU(2)$_D$ gauge symmetry. These gauge fields acquire their masses via spontaneously symmetry breaking triggered by a doublet and a real triplet scalar fields. The catalyst particle is automatically lighter than the DM since it only acquires mass from the vacuum expectation value of the doublet scalar. We also introduce a dimension-5 operator to generate a kinetic mixing term between $C_\mu$ and the U(1)$_Y$ gauge field $B_\mu$. This mixing term is naturally small due to a suppression with a high UV completion scale, and thus it allows the catalyst to decay after the DM freeze-out. We derive the annihilation cross sections of processes $X^\ast+X\to 2C$ and $3C\to X^\ast+X$ and solve the Boltzmann equations for both the DM and the catalyst. We develop the analytical approximate solutions of the equations and find them matching the numerical solutions well. Constraints from relic abundance and indirect detection of DM are considered. We find that the DM with a mass $m_X\gtrsim4.5$ TeV survives in the case of a long-living catalyst. On the other hand, if the catalyst decays during the catalyzed annihilation era, then the bound can be released. An extension of the model with an axion-like particle is also considered to maintain the kinetic equilibrium of DM during the catalyzed annihilation era. In this case, the freeze-out temperature of DM will be an order of magnitude higher than the original model.

Balázs Endre Szigeti, Gergely Gábor Barnaföldi, Péter Pósfay, Antal Jakovác

4 paghes 1 table, 1 figue. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2006.03710

We studied recent observation data of pulsar masses and radii of PSR J0740$+$6620, PSR J0348$+$0432, and PSR J1614$-$2230 from different measurements, based on the extended version of $\sigma $-$ \omega$ model. Throughout our analysis, we assumed that these pulsars are maximal-mass compact stars, thus we applied the core approximation. Based on the linear relation between the microscopic and macroscopic parameters of compact stars evaluated by our model, we estimated the average Landau mass $m_L = 752.46^{+49.1}_{-42.5}$ MeV and compressibility $K = 261.7^{+57.2}_{-28.0}$ MeV.

A novel concept of orbital launch system in which all stages are reusable is presented. The first two stages called Midpoint Delivery System (MPDS) deliver the next stages to a midpoint. A midpoint is defined by an altitude of 100 $km$ to 120 $km$ and horizontal velocity of 2.8 $km/s$ to 3.2 $km/s$. MPDS stages decelerate in the atmosphere and perform vertical landing on barges. These stages can be reused daily for many years. The payload is delivered from the midpoint to a 400 $km$ Low Earth Orbit by one or two stage rocket called Midpoint to Orbit Delivery System (MPTO). All of MPTO engines are delivered to LEO. These engines do not return to Earth themselves. They are returned to Earth in packs of 50 to 100 by a Reentry Vehicle. Overall, the fully and multiply reusable launch system should deliver payload to LEO for \$300 to \$400 per $kg$

Ultralight bosons can be abundantly produced through superradiance process by a spinning black hole and form a bound state with hydrogen-like spectrum. We show that such a "gravitational atom" typically possesses anomalously large mass quadrupole and leads to significant orbital precession when it forms an eccentric binary with a second compact object. Dynamically formed black hole binaries or pulsar-black hole binaries are typically eccentric during their early inspirals. We show that the large orbital precession can generate distinct and observable signature in their gravitational wave or pulsar timing signals.