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Papers for Monday, Aug 09 2021

Papers with local authors

Kohei Ichikawa, Takuji Yamashita, Yoshiki Toba, Tohru Nagao, Kohei Inayoshi, Maria Charisi, Wanqiu He, Alexander Y. Wagner, Masayuki Akiyama, Bovornpratch Vijarnwannaluk, Xaioyang Chen, Masaru Kajisawa, Taiki Kawamuro, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Yoshiki Matsuoka, Malte Schramm, Hyewon Suh, Masayuki Tanaka, Hisakazu Uchiyama, Yoshihiro Ueda, Janek Pflugradt, Hikaru Fukuchi

20 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

0 votes
Paper 2 — arXiv:2108.02781
0 votes
Paper 2 — arXiv:2108.02781

We present the optical and infrared properties of 39 extremely radio-loud galaxies discovered by cross-matching the Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) deep optical imaging survey and VLA/FIRST 1.4 GHz radio survey. The recent Subaru/HSC strategic survey revealed optically-faint radio galaxies (RG) down to $g_\mathrm{AB} \sim 26$, opening a new parameter space of extremely radio-loud galaxies (ERGs) with radio-loudness parameter of $\log \mathcal{R}_\mathrm{rest} = \log (f_{1.4 \mathrm{GHz,rest}}/f_{g,\mathrm{rest}}) >4$. Because of their optical faintness and small number density of $\sim1~$deg$^{-2}$, such ERGs were difficult to find in the previous wide but shallow, or deep but small area optical surveys. ERGs show intriguing properties that are different from the conventional RGs: (1) most ERGs reside above or on the star-forming main-sequence, and some of them might be low-mass galaxies with $\log (M_\star/M_\odot) < 10$. (2) ERGs exhibit a high specific black hole accretion rate, reaching the order of the Eddington limit. The intrinsic radio-loudness ($\mathcal{R}_\mathrm{int}$), defined by the ratio of jet power over bolometric radiation luminosity, is one order of magnitude higher than that of radio quasars. This suggests that ERGs harbor a unique type of active galactic nuclei (AGN) that show both powerful radiations and jets. Therefore, ERGs are prominent candidates of very rapidly growing black holes reaching Eddington-limited accretion just before the onset of intensive AGN feedback.

Papers with votes

G. H. Rieke, K. Y. L. Su, Carl Melis, Andras Gaspar

ApJ, in press

1 vote
Paper 17 — arXiv:2108.02901
1 vote
Paper 17 — arXiv:2108.02901

V488 Persei is the most extreme debris disk known in terms of the fraction of the stellar luminosity it intercepts and reradiates. The infrared output of its disk is extremely variable, similar in this respect to the most variable disk known previously, that around ID8 in NGC 2547. We show that the variations are likely to be due to collisions of large planetesimals (> 100 km in diameter) in a belt being stirred gravitationally by a planetary or low-mass-brown-dwarf member of a planetary system around the star. The dust being produced by the resulting collisions is falling into the star due to drag by the stellar wind. The indicated planetesimal destruction rate is so high that it is unlikely that the current level of activity can persist for much longer than ~ 1000 - 10,000 years, and it may signal a major realignment of the configuration of the planetary system.

All other papers

Fangxia An (IDIA, UWC), M. Vaccari (IDIA, UWC), Ian Smail (Durham), M. J. Jarvis (Oxford), I. H. Whittam (Oxford), C. L. Hale (Edinburgh), S. Jin (IAC), J. D. Collier (IDIA, UCT), E. Daddi (Paris-Saclay), J. Delhaize (UCT), B. Frank (IDIA, UCT), E. J. Murphy (NRAO), M. Prescott (IDIA, UWC), S. Sekhar (IDIA, UCT), A. R. Taylor (IDIA, UCT), Y. Ao (PMO), K. Knowles (Rhodes), L. Marchetti (UCT), S. M. Randriamampandry (SAAO), Z. Randriamanakoto (SAAO)

15 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2021 Aug 4

We study the radio spectral properties of 2,094 star-forming galaxies (SFGs) by combining our early science data from the MeerKAT International GHz Tiered Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) survey with VLA, GMRT radio data, and rich ancillary data in the COSMOS field. These SFGs are selected at VLA 3GHz, and their flux densities from MeerKAT 1.3GHz and GMRT 325MHz imaging data are extracted using the "super-deblending" technique. The median radio spectral index is $\alpha_{\rm 1.3GHz}^{\rm 3GHz}=-0.80\pm0.01$ without significant variation across the rest-frame frequencies ~1.3-10GHz, indicating radio spectra dominated by synchrotron radiation. On average, the radio spectrum at observer-frame 1.3-3GHz slightly steepens with increasing stellar mass with a linear fitted slope of $\beta=-0.08\pm0.01$, which could be explained by age-related synchrotron losses. Due to the sensitivity of GMRT 325MHz data, we apply a further flux density cut at 3GHz ($S_{\rm 3GHz}\ge50\,\mu$Jy) and obtain a sample of 166 SFGs with measured flux densities at 325MHz, 1.3GHz, and 3GHz. On average, the radio spectrum of SFGs flattens at low frequency with the median spectral indices of $\alpha^{\rm 1.3GHz}_{\rm 325MHz}=-0.59^{+0.02}_{-0.03}$ and $\alpha^{\rm 3.0GHz}_{\rm 1.3GHz}=-0.74^{+0.01}_{-0.02}$. At low frequency, our stacking analyses show that the radio spectrum also slightly steepens with increasing stellar mass. By comparing the far-infrared-radio correlations of SFGs based on different radio spectral indices, we find that adopting $\alpha_{\rm 1.3GHz}^{\rm 3GHz}$ for $k$-corrections will significantly underestimate the infrared-to-radio luminosity ratio ($q_{\rm IR}$) for >17% of the SFGs with measured flux density at the three radio frequencies in our sample, because their radio spectra are significantly flatter at low frequency (0.33-1.3GHz).

Karl Jaehnig, Jonathan Bird, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann

Accepted for publication in ApJ. Contains 26 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, full tables will be available via CDS at a later time

Open clusters are groups of stars that form at the same time, making them an ideal laboratory to test theories of star formation, stellar evolution, and dynamics in the Milky Way disk. However, the utility of an open cluster can be limited by the accuracy and completeness of its known members. Here, we employ a "top-down" technique, {\it extreme deconvolution gaussian mixture models} (XDGMM), to extract and evaluate known open clusters from Gaia DR2 by fitting the distribution of stellar parallax and proper motion along a line-of-sight. Extreme deconvolution techniques can recover the intrinsic distribution of astrometric quantities, accounting for the full covariance matrix of the errors; this allows open cluster members to be identified even when presented with relatively uncertain measurement data. To date, open cluster studies have only applied extreme deconvolution to specialized searches for individual systems. We use XDGMM to characterize the open clusters reported by Ahumada et al. 2007 and are able to recover 420 of the 426 open clusters therein (98.1\%). Our membership list contains the overwhelming majority ($>95\%$) of previously known cluster members. We also identify a new, significant, and relatively faint cluster member population and validate their membership status using Gaia eDR3. We report the fortuitous discovery of 11 new open cluster candidates within the lines of sight we analyzed. We present our technique, its advantages and challenges, as well as publish our membership lists and updated cluster parameters.

Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes -- namely Ohmic resistivity, ambipolar diffusion and the Hall effect -- modify the early stages of the star formation process and the surrounding environment. Collectively, they have been shown to promote disc formation and promote or hinder outflows. But which non-ideal process has the greatest impact? Using three-dimensional smoothed particle radiation non-ideal MHD simulations, we model the gravitational collapse of a rotating, magnetised cloud through the first hydrostatic core phase to shortly after the formation of the stellar core. We investigate the impact of each process individually and collectively. Including any non-ideal process decreases the maximum magnetic field strength by at least an order of magnitude during the first core phase compared to using ideal MHD, and promotes the formation of a magnetic wall. When the magnetic field and rotation vectors are anti-aligned and the Hall effect is included, rotationally supported discs of $r \gtrsim 20$~au form; when only the Hall effect is included and the vectors are aligned, a counter-rotating pseudo-disc forms that is not rotationally supported. Rotationally supported discs of $r \lesssim 4$~au form if only Ohmic resistivity or ambipolar diffusion are included. The Hall effect suppresses first core outflows when the vectors are anti-aligned and suppresses stellar core outflows independent of alignment. Ohmic resistivity and ambipolar diffusion each promote first core outflows and delay the launching of stellar core outflows. Although each non-ideal process influences star formation, these results suggest that the Hall effect has the greatest influence.

S. Huber, S. H. Suyu, D. Ghoshdastidar, S. Taubenberger, V. Bonvin, J. H. H. Chan, M. Kromer, U. M. Noebauer, S. A. Sim, L. Leal-Taixé

24 pages, 27 figures; submitted to A&A

The Hubble constant ($H_0$) is one of the fundamental parameters in cosmology, but there is a heated debate on the $>$4$\sigma$ tension between the local Cepheid distance ladder and the early Universe measurements. Strongly lensed Type Ia supernovae (LSNe Ia) are an independent and direct way to measure $H_0$, where a time-delay measurement between the multiple supernova (SN) images is required. In this work, we present two machine learning approaches to measure time delays in LSNe Ia, namely, a fully connected neural network (FCNN) and a Random Forest (RF). For the training of the FCNN and the RF, we simulate mock LSNe Ia from theoretical SN Ia models including observational noise and microlensing. We test the transfer learning capability of both machine learning models, by using a final test set based on empirical LSN Ia light curves not used in the training process, and we find that only the RF provides low enough bias to achieve precision cosmology, which is therefore preferred to our FCNN approach for applications to real systems. For the RF with single-band photometry in the $i$-band, we obtain an accuracy better than 1 % in all investigated cases for time delays longer than 15 days, assuming follow-up observations with a 5$\sigma$ point-source depth of 24.7, a two day cadence with a few random gaps and a detection of the LSNe Ia 8 to 10 days before peak in the observer frame. In terms of precision, we can achieve under the same assumptions on the $i$ band $\sim$1.5 days uncertainty for a typical source redshift of $\sim$0.8. To improve the measurement we find that three bands, where we train a RF for each band separately and combine them afterwards, help to reduce the uncertainty to $\sim$1.0 day. The dominant source of uncertainty is the observational noise and therefore the depth is an especially important factor when follow-up observations are triggered.

M. Gatto, V. Ripepi, M. Bellazzini, M. Tosi, M. Cignoni, C. Tortora, S. Leccia, G. Clementini, E.K. Grebel, G. Longo, M. Marconi, I. Musella

24 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication by MNRAS

We derived surface brightness profiles in the \emph{g} band for 170 Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) star clusters (SCs) mainly located in the central region of the galaxy. We provide a set of homogeneous structural parameters obtained by fitting Elson, Fall \& Freeman (EFF) and King models. Through a careful analysis of their colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) we also supply the ages for a subsample of 134 SCs. For the first time, such a large sample of SCs in the SMC is homogeneously characterized in terms of their sizes, luminosities and masses, widening the probed region of the parameter space, down to hundreds of solar masses. We used these data to explore the evolution of the SC's structural parameters with time. In particular, we confirm the existence of a physical mechanism that induces an increase of the core radius after 0.3-1.0 Gyr. We suggest that cluster mass could be the main parameter driving the inner expansion, as none of the SCs having $\log (M/M_{\odot}) \leq 3.5$~dex analysed in this work undergoes to such an expansion. We also detected a mass-size relationship almost over the entire range of SCs masses investigated here. Finally, our data suggest that globally the SMC SC system is dynamically evolved.

G. Seabroke, C. Fabricius, D. Teyssier, P. Sartoretti, D. Katz, M. Cropper, T. Antoja, K. Benson, M. Smith, C. Dolding, E. Gosset, P. Panuzzo, F. Thévenin, C. Allende Prieto, R. Blomme, A. Guerrier, H. Huckle, A. Jean-Antoine, R. Haigron, O. Marchal, S. Baker, Y. Damerdji, M. David, Y. Frémat, K. Janßen, G. Jasniewicz, A. Lobel, N. Samaras, G. Plum, C. Soubiran, O. Vanel, T. Zwitter, M. Ajaj, E. Caffau, L. Chemin, F. Royer, N. Brouillet, F. Crifo, L. Guy, N. Hambly, N. Leclerc, A. Mastrobuono-Battisti, Y. Viala

Accepted for A&A Special Issue on Gaia EDR3, 32 pages, 31 figures, 3 appendices

Gaia's Early Third Data Release (EDR3) does not contain new radial velocities because these will be published in Gaia's full third data release (DR3), expected in the first half of 2022. To maximise the usefulness of EDR3, Gaia's second data release (DR2) sources (with radial velocities) are matched to EDR3 sources to allow their DR2 radial velocities to also be included in EDR3. This presents two considerations: (i) arXiv:1901.10460 (hereafter B19) published a list of 70,365 sources with potentially contaminated DR2 radial velocities; and (ii) EDR3 is based on a new astrometric solution and a new source list, which means sources in DR2 may not be in EDR3. EDR3 contains 7,209,831 sources with a DR2 radial velocity, which is 99.8% of sources with a radial velocity in DR2. 14,800 radial velocities from DR2 are not propagated to any EDR3 sources because (i) 3871 from the B19 list are found to either not have an unpublished, preliminary DR3 radial velocity or it differs significantly from its DR2 value, and 5 high-velocity stars not in the B19 list are confirmed to have contaminated radial velocities; and (ii) 10,924 DR2 sources could not be satisfactorily matched to any EDR3 sources, so their DR2 radial velocities are also missing from EDR3. The reliability of radial velocities in EDR3 has improved compared to DR2 because the update removes a small fraction of erroneous radial velocities (0.05% of DR2 radial velocities and 5.5% of the B19 list). Lessons learnt from EDR3 (e.g. bright star contamination) will improve the radial velocities in future Gaia data releases. The main reason for radial velocities from DR2 not propagating to EDR3 is not related to DR2 radial velocity quality. It is because the DR2 astrometry is based on one component of close binary pairs, while EDR3 astrometry is based on the other component, which prevents these sources from being unambiguously matched. (Abridged)

Byeonghee Yu, Simone Ferraro, Z Robert Knight, Lloyd Knox, Blake D. Sherwin

9 pages, 6 figures

We seek to clarify the origin of constraints on the dark energy equation of state parameter from CMB lensing tomography, that is the combination of galaxy clustering and the cross-correlation of galaxies with CMB lensing in a number of redshift bins. In particular, we consider the two-point correlation functions which can be formed with a catalog of galaxy locations and photometric redshifts from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) and CMB lensing maps from the CMB-S4 experiment. We focus on the analytic understanding of the origin of the constraints. Dark energy information in these data arises from the influence of three primary relationships: distance as a function of redshift (geometry), the amplitude of the power spectrum as a function of redshift (growth), and the power spectrum as a function of wavenumber (shape). We find that the effects from geometry and growth play a significant role and partially cancel each other out, while the shape effect is unimportant. We also show that Dark Energy Task Force (DETF) Figure of Merit (FoM) forecasts from the combination of LSST galaxies and CMB-S4 lensing are comparable to the forecasts from cosmic shear in the absence of the CMB lensing map, thus providing an important independent check. Compared to the forecasts with the LSST galaxies alone, combining CMB lensing and LSST clustering information (together with the primary CMB spectra) increases the FoM by roughly a factor of 3-4 in the optimistic scenario where systematics are fully under control. We caution that achieving these forecasts will likely require a full analysis of higher-order biasing, photometric redshift uncertainties, and stringent control of other systematic limitations, which are outside the scope of this work, whose primary purpose is to elucidate the physical origin of the constraints.

Jason P. Aufdenberg, Joseph M. Hammill

30 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

The large, faint H$\alpha$ emission surrounding the early B-star binary Spica has been used to constrain the total hydrogen recombination rate of the nebula and indirectly probe the Lyman continuum luminosity of the primary star. Early analysis suggested that a stellar atmosphere model, consistent with Spica A's spectral type, has a Lyman continuum luminosity about two times lower than required to account for the measured H$\alpha$ surface brightness within the nebula. To more consistently model both the stellar and nebular emission, we have used a model atmosphere for Spica A which includes the effects of gravity darkening as input to photoionization models to produce synthetic H$\alpha$ surface brightness distributions for comparison to data from the Southern $H\alpha$ Sky Survey Atlas (SHASSA). This paper presents a method for the computation of projected surface brightness profiles from 1D volume emissivity models and constrains both stellar and nebular parameters. A mean effective temperature for Spica A of $\simeq$ 24,800 K is sufficient to match both the observed absolute spectrophotometry, from the far-UV to the near-IR, and radial H$\alpha$ surface brightness distributions. Model hydrogen densities increase with the distance from the star, more steeply and linearly towards the southeast. The northwest matter-bounded portion of the nebula is predicted to leak $\sim$17% of Lyman continuum photons. Model H II region column densities are consistent with archival observations along the line of sight.

C. E. Alissandrakis, A. Nindos, S. Patsourakos, A. Hillaris

Accepted for Publication in A&A

We have studied a complex metric radio event which originated in a compact flare, observed with the ARTEMIS-JLS radiospectro-graph on February 12, 2010. The event was associated with a surge observed at 195 and 304 {\AA} and with a coronal mass ejection observed by instruments on-board STEREO A and B near the East and West limbs respectively. On the disk the event was observed at 10 frequencies by the Nancay Radioheliograph, in Ha by the Catania observatory, in soft x-rays by GOES SXI and Hinode XRT and in hard x-rays by RHESSI. We combined these data, together with MDI longitudinal magnetograms, to get as complete a picture of the event as possible. Our emphasis is on two type-II bursts that occurred near respective maxima in the GOES light curves. The first, associated with the main peak of the event, showed an impressive F-H structure, while the emission of the second consisted of three well-separated bands with superposed pulsations. Using positional information for the type-IIs from the NRH and triangulation from STEREO A and B, we found that the type IIs were associated neither with the surge nor with the disruption of a nearby streamer, but rather with an EUV wave probably initiated by the surge. The fundamental-harmonic structure of the first type II showed a band split corresponding to a magnetic field strength of 18G, a frequency ratio of 1.95 and a delay of 0.23-0.65s of the fundamental with respect to the harmonic; moreover it became stationary shortly after its start and then drifted again. The pulsations superposed on the second type II were broadband and had started before the burst. In addition, we detected another pulsating source, also before the second type II, polarized in the opposite sense; the pulsations in the two sources were out of phase and hence hardly detectable in the dynamic spectrum. The pulsations had a measurable reverse frequency drift of about 2/s.

Henrike Fleischhack

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), July 12th -- 23rd, 2021; Online -- Berlin, Germany

Recent detections of gravitational wave signals and neutrinos from gamma-ray sources have ushered in the era of multi-messenger astronomy, while highlighting the importance of gamma-ray observations for this emerging field. AMEGO-X, the All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-Ray Observatory eXplorer, is an MeV gamma-ray instrument that will survey the sky in the energy range from hundreds of keV to one GeV with unprecedented sensitivity. AMEGO-X will detect gamma-ray photons both via Compton interactions and pair production processes, bridging the "sensitivity gap" between hard X-rays and high-energy gamma rays. AMEGO-X will provide important contributions to multi-messenger science and time-domain gamma-ray astronomy, studying e.g. high-redshift blazars, which are probable sources of astrophysical neutrinos, and gamma-ray bursts. I will present an overview of the instrument and science program.

Henrike Fleischhack, the HAWC collaboration, the Fermi-LAT collaboration

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), July 12th -- 23rd, 2021; Online -- Berlin, Germany

Shock acceleration by the shells of supernova remnants (SNRs) has been hypothesized to be the mechanism that produces the bulk of Galactic Cosmic Rays, possibly up to PeV energies. Some SNRs have been shown to accelerate cosmic rays to TeV energies and above. But which SNRs are indeed efficient accelerators of protons and nuclei? And what is the maximum energy up to which they can efficiently accelerate particles? Measurements of non-thermal emission, especially in the gamma-ray regime, are essential to answer these questions. The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory, surveying the northern TeV gamma-ray sky, is currently the most sensitive wide field-of-view survey instrument in the VHE (very-high-energy, >100 GeV) range and has recorded more than five years of data. The Large Area Telescope (LAT) onboard the Fermi satellite has been surveying the GeV gamma-ray sky for more than ten years. Combining measurements from both instruments allows the study of gamma-ray emission from SNRs over many orders of magnitude in energy. In this presentation, I will show measurements of VHE gamma-ray emission from Fermi-LAT-detected SNRs with the HAWC Observatory.

E. Koumpia, W.-J. de Wit, R. D. Oudmaijer, A. J. Frost, S. Lumsden, A. Caratti o Garatti, S. P. Goodwin, B. Stecklum, I. Mendigutıa, J. D. Ilee, M. Vioque

Accepted for publication in A&A. 26 pages, 16 Figures, 7 Tables, full abstract to appear in A&A

Circumstellar discs are essential for high mass star formation, while multiplicity, in particular binarity, appears to be an inevitable outcome since the vast majority of massive stars (> 8 Msun) are found in binaries (up to 100%). We constrain the sizes of the dust and ionised gas (Brgamma) emission of the innermost regions towards a sample of six MYSOs, and provide high-mass binary statistics of young stars at 2-300 au scales using VLTI (GRAVITY, AMBER) observations. We determine the inner radius of the dust emission and place MYSOs with K-band measurements in a size-luminosity diagram for the first time, and compare our findings to T Tauris and Herbig AeBes. We also compare the observed K-band sizes to the sublimation radius predicted by three different disc scenarios. Lastly, we apply binary geometries to trace close binarity among MYSOs. The inner sizes of MYSOs, Herbig AeBe and T Tauri stars appear to follow a universal trend at which the sizes scale with the square-root of the stellar luminosity. The Brgamma emission originates from somewhat smaller and co-planar area compared to the 2.2 {\mu}m continuum emission. We discuss this new finding with respect to disc-wind or jet origin. Finally, we report an MYSO binary fraction of 17-25% at milli-arcsecond separations (2-300 au). The size-luminosity diagram indicates that the inner regions of discs around young stars scale with luminosity independently of the stellar mass. At the targeted scales (2-300 au), the MYSO binary fraction is lower than what was previously reported for the more evolved main sequence massive stars, which, if further confirmed, could implicate the predictions from massive binary formation theories. Lastly, we spatially resolve the crucial star/disc interface in a sample of MYSOs, showing that au-scale discs are prominent in high-mass star formation and similar to their low-mass equivalents.

Maosheng Xiang, Hans-Walter Rix, Yuan-Sen Ting, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Charlie Conroy, Eleonora Zari, Jian-Rong Shi, Norbert Przybilla, Maria Ramirez-Tannus, Andrew Tkachenko, Sarah Gebruers, Xiao-Wei Liu

30 pages, 22 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, comments are welcome

We set out to determine stellar labels from low-resolution survey spectra of hot, OBA stars with effective temperature (Teff) higher than 7500K. This fills a gap in the scientific analysis of large spectroscopic stellar surveys such as LAMOST, which offers spectra for millions of stars at R=1800. We first explore the theoretical information content of such spectra for determining stellar labels, via the Cram\'er-Rao bound. We show that in the limit of perfect model spectra and observed spectra with S/N of 100, precise estimates are possible for a wide range of stellar labels: not only the effective temperature Teff, surface gravity logg, and projected rotation velocity vsini, but also the micro-turbulence velocity, Helium abundance and the elemental abundances [C/H], [N/H], [O/H], [Si/H], [S/H], and [Fe/H]. Our analysis illustrates that the temperature regime of around 9500K is challenging, as the dominant Balmer and Paschen line strength vary little with Teff. We implement the simultaneous fitting of these 11 stellar labels to LAMOST hot-star spectra using the Payne approach, drawing on Kurucz's ATLAS12/SYNTHE LTE spectra as the underlying models. We then obtain stellar parameter estimates for a sample of about 330,000 hot stars with LAMOST spectra, an increase by about two orders of magnitude in sample size. Among them, about 260,000 have good Gaia parallaxes (S/N>5), and more than 95 percent of them are luminous stars, mostly on the main sequence; the rest reflects lower luminosity evolved stars, such as hot subdwarfs and white dwarfs. We show that the fidelity of the abundance estimates is limited by the systematics of the underlying models, as they do not account for NLTE effects. Finally, we show the detailed distribution of vsini of stars with 8000-15,000K, illustrating that it extends to a sharp cut-off at the critical rotation velocity, across a wide range of temperatures.

Jonathan H. Jiang, Remo Burn, Kristen A. Fahy, Xuan Ji, Patrick Eggenberger

The distribution of angular momentum of planets and their host stars provides important information on the formation and evolution of the planetary system. However, mysteries still remain, partly due to bias and uncertainty of the current observational datasets and partly due to the fact that theoretical models for the formation and evolution of planetary systems are still underdeveloped. In this study, we calculate the spin angular momenta of host stars and the orbital angular momenta of their planets using data from the NASA Exoplanet Archive, together with detailed analysis of observation dependent biases and uncertainty ranges. We also analyze the angular momenta of the planetary system as a function of star age to understand their variation in different evolutionary stages. In addition, we use a population of planets from theoretical model simulations to reexamine the observed patterns and compare the simulated population with the observed samples to assess variations and differences. We found the majority of exoplanets discovered thus far do not have the angular momentum distribution similar to the planets in our Solar System, though this could be due to the observation bias. When filtered by the observational biases, the model simulated angular momentum distributions are comparable to the observed pattern in general. However, the differences between the observation and model simulation in the parameter (angular momentum) space provide more rigorous constraints and insights on the issues that needed future improvement.

J. Lopez-Santiago, L. Martino, J. Miguez, M. A. Vazquez

This article has been accepted for publication in MNRAS, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society

Model fitting is possibly the most extended problem in science. Classical approaches include the use of least-squares fitting procedures and maximum likelihood methods to estimate the value of the parameters in the model. However, in recent years, Bayesian inference tools have gained traction. Usually, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are applied to inference problems, but they present some disadvantages, particularly when comparing different models fitted to the same dataset. Other Bayesian methods can deal with this issue in a natural and effective way. We have implemented an importance sampling algorithm adapted to Bayesian inference problems in which the power of the noise in the observations is not known a priori. The main advantage of importance sampling is that the model evidence can be derived directly from the so-called importance weights -- while MCMC methods demand considerable postprocessing. The use of our adaptive target, adaptive importance sampling (ATAIS) method is shown by inferring, on the one hand, the parameters of a simulated flaring event which includes a damped oscillation {and, on the other hand, real data from the Kepler mission. ATAIS includes a novel automatic adaptation of the target distribution. It automatically estimates the variance of the noise in the model. ATAIS admits parallelisation, which decreases the computational run-times notably. We compare our method against a nested sampling method within a model selection problem.

One of the simplest ways to identify an exoplanetary transit is to phase fold a photometric time series upon a trial period - leading to a coherent stack when using the correct value. Such phase-folded transits have become a standard data visualisation in modern transit discovery papers. There is no analogous folding mechanism for exomoons, which would have to represent some kind of double-fold; once for the planet and then another for the moon. Folding with the planet term only, a moon imparts a small decrease in the surrounding out-of-transit averaged intensity, but its incoherent nature makes it far less convincing than the crisp stacks familiar to exoplanet hunters. Here, a new approach is introduced that can be used to achieve the transit origami needed to double fold an exomoon, in the case where a planet exhibits TTVs. This double fold has just one unknown parameter, the satellite-to-planet mass ratio, and thus a simple one-dimensional grid search can be used to rapidly identify power associated with candidate exomoons. The technique is demonstrated on simulated light curves, exploring the breakdown limits of close-in and/or inclined satellites. As an example, the method is deployed on Kepler-973b, a warm mini-Neptune exhibiting an 8 minute TTV, where the possibility that the TTVs are caused by a single exomoon is broadly excluded, with upper limits probing down to a Ganymede-sized moon.

Jordan Van Beeck (1), Dominic M. Bowman (1), May G. Pedersen (2), Timothy Van Reeth (1), Tim Van Hoolst (1 and 3), Conny Aerts (1, 4 and 5) ((1) Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D, 3001 Leuven, Belgium, (2) Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA, (3) Reference Systems and Planetology, Royal Observatory of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium, (4) Dept. of Astrophysics, IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen, 6500 GL, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, (5) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Koenigstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany)

16 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, Accepted for publication in A&A

Context. Slowly pulsating B (SPB) stars are main-sequence multi-periodic oscillators that display non-radial gravity modes. For a fraction of these pulsators, 4-year photometric light curves obtained with the Kepler space telescope reveal period spacing patterns from which their internal rotation and mixing can be inferred. In this inference, any direct resonant mode coupling has usually been ignored so far. Aims. We re-analysed the light curves of a sample of 38 known Kepler SPB stars. For 26 of those, the internal structure, including rotation and mixing, was recently inferred from their dipole prograde oscillation modes. Our aim is to detect direct nonlinear resonant mode coupling among the largest-amplitude gravity modes. Methods. We extract up to 200 periodic signals per star with five different iterative prewhitening strategies based on linear and nonlinear regression applied to the light curves. We then identify candidate coupled gravity modes by verifying whether they fulfil resonant phase relations. Results. For 32 of 38 SPB stars we find at least 1 candidate resonance that is detected in both the linear and the best nonlinear regression model fit to the light curve and involves at least one of the two largest-amplitude modes. Conclusions. The majority of the Kepler SPB stars reveal direct nonlinear resonances based on the largest-amplitude modes. These stars are thus prime targets for nonlinear asteroseismic modelling of intermediate-mass dwarfs to assess the importance of mode couplings in probing their internal physics.

Xinghao Chen, Xiaobin Zhang, Yan Li, Changqing Luo, Xuzhi Li, Jie Su, Xuefei Chen

25 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables. accepted for publication by ApJ

Based on the two-minutes TESS data, we analyzed intrinsic oscillations of the primary component and identified seven confident independent $\delta$ Scuti frequencies ($f_1$, $f_2$, $f_3$, $f_4$, $f_7$, $f_{11}$, and $f_{12}$). Both of single-star evolutionary models and mass-accreting models are computed to reproduce the $\delta$ Scuti freqiencies. Fitting results of them match well with each other. The stellar parameters of the primary star yielded by asteroseismology are $M$ = $1.92^{+0.10}_{-0.02}$ $M_{\odot}$, $Z$ = 0.011$^{+0.006}_{-0.001}$, $R$ = $2.068^{+0.050}_{-0.007}$ $R_{\odot}$, $\log g$ = $4.090^{+0.010}_{-0.002}$, $T_{\rm eff}$ = $8346^{+244}_{-320}$ K, $L$ = $18.65^{+3.31}_{-2.82}$ $L_{\odot}$, which match well with the dynamic ones by the binary model. Furthermore, our asteroseismic results show that OO Dra is another Algol system that has just undergone the rapid mass-transfer stage. Fitting results of single-star evlutionary models indicate that the pulsator is helium-poor star with an age of 8.22$^{+0.12}_{-1.33}$ Myr, and the further mass-accreting models show that the primary star looks like an almost unevolved star formed by an extremely helium-poor mass accretion in Case A evolutionary scenario.

Teruaki Enoto, Mason Ng, Chin-ping Hu, Tolga Guver, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Brendan O'Connor, Ersin Gogus, Amy Lien, Shota Kisaka, Zorawar Wadiasingh, Walid A. Majid, Aaron B. Pearlman, Zaven Arzoumanian, Karishma Bansal, Harsha Blumer, Deepto Chakrabarty, Keith Gendreau, Wynn C. G. Ho, Chryssa Kouveliotou, Paul S. Ray, Tod E. Strohmayer, George Younes, David M. Palmer, Takanori Sakamoto, Takuya Akahori, Sujin Eie

26 pages, 7 figures (3 figures in the appendix), 10 tables (9 tables in the appendix). Submitted to ApJL

The soft gamma-ray repeater Swift J1555.2-5402 was discovered by means of a 12-ms duration short burst detected with Swift BAT on 2021 June 3. Then 1.6 hours after the first burst detection, NICER started daily monitoring of this X-ray source for a month. The absorbed 2-10 keV flux stays nearly constant at around 4e-11 erg/s/cm2 during the monitoring timespan, showing only a slight gradual decline. A 3.86-s periodicity is detected, and the time derivative of this period is measured to be 3.05(7)e-11 s/s. The soft X-ray pulse shows a single sinusoidal shape with a root-mean-square pulsed fraction that increases as a function of energy from 15% at 1.5 keV to 39% at 7 keV. The equatorial surface magnetic field, characteristic age, and spin-down luminosity are derived under the dipole field approximation to be 3.5e+14 G, 2.0 kyr, and 2.1e+34 erg/s, respectively. An absorbed blackbody with a temperature of 1.1 keV approximates the soft X-ray spectrum. Assuming a source distance of 10 kpc, the peak X-ray luminosity is ~8.5e+35 erg/s in the 2--10 keV band. During the period of observations, we detect 5 and 37 short bursts with Swift/BAT and NICER, respectively. Based on these observational properties, especially the inferred strong magnetic field, this new source is classified as a magnetar. We also coordinated hard X-ray and radio observations with NuSTAR, DSN, and VERA. A hard X-ray power-law component that extends up to at least 40 keV is detected at 3-sigma significance. The 10-60 keV flux, which is dominated by the power-law component, is ~9e-12 erg/s/cm2 with a photon index of ~1.2. The pulsed fraction has a sharp cutoff above 10 keV, down to ~10% in the hard-tail component band. No radio pulsations are detected during the DSN nor VERA observations. We place 7{\sigma} upper limits of 0.043mJy and 0.026 mJy on the flux density at S-band and X-band, respectively.

Shota Kisaka, Amir Levinson, Kenji Toma, Idan Niv

7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table

We study the response of a starved Kerr black hole magnetosphere to abrupt changes in the intensity of disk emission and in the global magnetospheric current, by means of 1D general relativistic particle-in-cell simulations. Such changes likely arise from the intermittency of the accretion process. We find that in cases where the pair production opacity contributed by the soft disk photons is modest, as in, e.g., M87, such changes can give rise to delayed, strong TeV flares, dominated by curvature emission of particles accelerated in the gap. The flare rise time, and the delay between the external variation and the onset of the flare emitted from the outer gap boundary, are of the order of the light crossing time of the gap. The rapid, large amplitude TeV flares observed in M87 and, perhaps, other AGNs may be produced by such a mechanism.

Santabrata Das (IIT Guwahati), Anuj Nandi (URSC), Vivek K. Agrawal (URSC), Indu Kalpa Dihingia (IIT Indore), Seshadri Majumder (IIT Guwahati)

6 pages, 4 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

In this letter, we develop a model formalism to study the structure of a relativistic, viscous, optically thin, advective accretion flow around a rotating black hole in presence of radiative coolings. We use this model to examine the physical parameters of the Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), namely mass ($M_{\rm BH}$), spin ($a_{\rm k}$) and accretion rate (${\dot m}$), respectively. While doing this, we adopt a recently developed effective potential to mimic the spacetime geometry around the rotating black holes. We solve the governing equations to obtain the shock induced global accretion solutions in terms of ${\dot m}$ and viscosity parameter ($\alpha$). Using shock properties, we compute the Quasi-periodic Oscillation (QPO) frequency ($\nu_{\rm QPO}$) of the post-shock matter (equivalently post-shock corona, hereafter PSC) pragmatically, when the shock front exhibits Quasi-periodic variations. We also calculate the luminosity of the entire disc for these shock solutions. Employing our results, we find that the present formalism is potentially promising to account the observed $\nu_{\rm QPO}$ and bolometric luminosity ($L_{\rm bol}$) of a well studied ULX source IC 342 X-1. Our findings further imply that the central source of IC 342 X-1 seems to be rapidly rotating and accretes matter at super-Eddington accretion rate provided IC 342 X-1 harbors a massive stellar mass black hole ($M_{\rm BH} < 100 M_\odot$) as indicated by the previous studies.

We studied the presence and spatiotemporal evolution of the quasi-biennial oscillations (QBOs) in the rotation rate residuals at target depths of 0.90$R_{\odot}$, 0.95$R_{\odot}$, and 0.99$R_{\odot}$ and at low (0 -- 30$^{\circ}$), mid (30 -- 50$^{\circ}$), and high (50 -- 70$^{\circ}$) latitudinal bands. To achieve these objectives we used data from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on {\it the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory} ({\it SOHO}) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) on the {\it Solar Dynamics Observatory} ({\it SDO}), covering solar cycles 23 and 24, respectively. The results show that there are QBO-like signals in each latitudinal band and depth however they are affected by higher amplitude and longer-time scale variations. The QBO-like signals found in each target depth and latitudinal bands show different spatiotemporal evolution. The amplitudes of variations of the rotation rate residuals in the QBO timescale increase with increasing depth.

Oleksandra Ivanova, Igor Luk'yanyk, Dušan Tomko, Alexei Moiseev

25 pages, 11 figures

We present an analysis of the photometric and spectroscopic observations of the split comet C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS). Observations were carried out on the 14th and 16th of April 2020 when the heliocentric distances of the comet were 1.212 and 1.174 au, its geocentric distances 0.998 and 0.991 au, and the phase angle 52.9{\deg} and 54.5{\deg}, respectively. The comet was observed with the 6-m BTA telescope of the Special Astrophysical Observatory (Russia) with the SCORPIO-2 multi-mode focal reducer. The narrow-band BC and RC cometary filters in the continuum were used. We identified numerous emissions of the CN, C2, C3, and NH2 molecules within the range of 3750-7100 {\AA}. The C2/CN and C3/CN production rate ratios coincide with those of typical comets. Four fragments belonging to the coma were detected in both observational runs. We compared and analyzed temporal variations of the visual magnitudes, gas productivity, and dust colour. Based on our dynamical investigation of the orbits of comets C/1844 Y1 (Great comet) and C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS), we can claim that, with high probability, two comets do not have a common progenitor.

L. Giunti, B. Khelifi, K. Kosack, R. Terrier for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration

The identification of active PeVatrons, hadronic particle accelerators reaching the knee of the cosmic-ray spectrum (at the energy of few PeV), is crucial to understand the origin of cosmic rays in the Galaxy. In this context, we report on new H.E.S.S. observations of the PeVatron candidate HESS J1702-420, which reveal the presence of gamma-rays up to 100 TeV. This is the first time in the history of H.E.S.S. that photons with such high energy are clearly detected. Remarkably, the new deep observations allowed the discovery of a new gamma-ray source component, called HESS J1702-420A, that was previously hidden under the bulk emission traditionally associated with HESSJ1702-420. This new object has a power-law spectral slope < 2 and a gamma-ray spectrum that, extending with no sign of curvature up to 100 TeV, makes it an excellent candidate site for the presence of PeV-energy cosmic rays. This discovery brings new information to the ongoing debate on the nature of the unidentified source HESSJ1702-420, one of the most compelling PeVatron candidates in the gamma-ray sky, and on the origin of Galactic cosmic rays.

Lars Mohrmann, Andreas Specovius, Romed Rauth, Stefan Ohm, Christopher van Eldik, for the H.E.S.S. Collaboration

10 pages, 6 figures, ICRC 2021 conference proceedings

Massive stellar clusters have recently been hypothesised as candidates for the acceleration of hadronic cosmic rays up to PeV energies. Previously, the H.E.S.S. Collaboration has reported about very extended $\gamma$-ray emission around Westerlund 1, a massive young stellar cluster in the Milky Way. In this contribution we present an updated analysis that employs a new analysis technique and is based on a much larger data set, allowing us to constrain better the morphology and the energy spectrum of the emission. The analysis technique used is a three-dimensional likelihood analysis, which is especially well suited for largely extended sources. The origin of the $\gamma$-ray emission will be discussed in light of multi-wavelength observations.

Ken'ichiro Nakazato, Fumi Nakanishi, Masayuki Harada, Yusuke Koshio, Yudai Suwa, Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Akira Harada, Masamitsu Mori, Roger A. Wendell

22 pages, 15 figures, submitted to ApJ

The late-time evolution of the neutrino event rate from supernovae is evaluated for Super-Kamiokande using simulated results of proto-neutron star (PNS) cooling. In the present work we extend the result of Suwa et al. (2019) [arXiv:1904.09996], which studied the dependence on the PNS mass, but focus on the impact of the nuclear equation of state (EOS). We find that the neutrino event rate depends on both the high-density and low-density EOS, where the former determines the radius of the PNS and the latter affects its surface temperature. Based on the present evaluation of the neutrino event rate we propose a new analysis method to extract the time variability of the neutrino average energy taking into account the statistical error in the observation.

Baiyang Bi, Miquel Barcelo, Christian Bauer, Faical Ait Benkhali, Jacqueline Catalano, Sebastian Diebold, Christian Föhr, Stefan Funk, Gianluca Giavitto, German Hermann, Jim Hinton, Ira Jung-Richardt, Oleg Kalekin, Ruben Kankanyan, Thomas Kihm, Fabian Leuschner, Marc Pfeifer, Gerd Pühlhofer, Olaf Reimer, Simon Sailer, Heiko Salzmann, Andrea Santangelo, Simon Steinmassl, Thomas Schanz, Chris Tenzer, Felix Werner

Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

In October 2019, the central 28 m telescope of the H.E.S.S. experiment has been upgraded with a new camera. The camera is based on the FlashCam design which has been developed in view of a possible future implementation in the Medium-Sized Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), with emphasis on cost and performance optimization and on reliability. The fully digital design of the trigger and readout system makes it possible to operate the camera at high event rates and to precisely adjust and understand the trigger system. The novel design of the front-end electronics achieves a dynamic range of over 3,000 photoelectrons with only one electronics readout circuit per pixel. Here we report on the performance parameters of the camera obtained during the first year of operation in the field, including operational stability and optimization of calibration algorithms.

Lijo T. George, Ruta Kale, Yogesh Wadadekar

24 pages, 6 figures, accepted in MNRAS (2021 August 6)

We have used archival GMRT data to image and study 39 galaxy clusters. These observations were made as part of the GMRT Key Project on galaxy clusters between 2001 and 2004. The observations presented in this sample include 14 observations at 610 MHz, 29 at 325 MHz and 3 at 244 MHz covering a redshift range of 0.02 to 0.62. Multi-frequency observations were made for 8 clusters. We analysed the clusters using the SPAM processing software and detected the presence of radio halo emission for the first time in the clusters RXC J0510-0801 and RXC J2211.7-0349. We also confirmed the presence of extended emission in 11 clusters which were known from the literature. In clusters where halos were not detected upper limits were placed using our own semi-automated program. We plot our detections and non-detections on the empirical $L_X-P_{1.4}$ and $M_{500}-P_{1.4}$ relation in radio halo clusters and discuss the results. The best fits follow a power law of the form $L_{500} \propto P_{1.4}^{1.82}$ and $M_{500} \propto P_{1.4}^{3.001}$ which is in accordance with the best estimates in the literature.

S. F. Likhachev, A. G. Rudnitskiy, M. A. Shchurov, A. S. Andrianov, A. M. Baryshev, S. V. Chernov, V. I. Kostenko

8 pages, 8 figures, 8 tables

Imaging of the shadow around supermassive black hole (SMBH) horizon with a very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) is recognized recently as a powerful tool for experimental testing of Einstein's General relativity. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has demonstrated that an Earth-extended VLBI with the maximum long base ($D=10,700$ km) can provide a sufficient angular resolution $\theta\sim 20~\mu$as at $\lambda=1.3$ mm ($\nu=230$ GHz) for imaging the shadow around SMBH located in the galaxy M87. However, the accuracy of critically important characteristics, such as the asymmetry of the crescent-shaped bright structure around the shadow and the sharpness of a transition zone between the shadow floor and the bright crescent silhouette, both of order $\Delta\theta\sim 4~\mu$as, is still to be improved. In our previous paper we have shown that Space-Earth VLBI observation within a joint Millimetron and EHT configuration at the near-Earth high elliptical orbit (HEO) can considerably improve the image quality. Even more solid grounds for firm experimental validation of General relativity can be obtained with a higher resolution available within the joint Millimetron and EHT program at the Lagrangian point L2 in the Sun-Earth system with an expected resolution of $\Delta\theta\sim 0.1~\mu$m. In this paper we argue that in spite of limitations of L2 orbit an adequate sparse $(u,v)$ coverage can be achieved and the imaging of the shadows around Sgr~A$^\ast$ and M87$^\ast$ can be performed with a reasonable quality.

A. G. Rudnitskiy, P. V. Mzhelskiy, M. A. Shchurov, T. A. Syachina, P. R. Zapevalin

40 pages, 9 figures

In this contribution a primary feasibility study of different orbital configurations for Millimetron space observatory is presented. Priority factors and limitations were considered by which it is possible to assess the capabilities of a particular orbit. It included technical and scientific capabilities of each orbit regarding the fuel costs, satellite observability, the quality of very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) imaging observations and source visibilities.

C. Tschudi, H.M. Schmid

21 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

We investigate high resolution imaging polarimetry of HD 169142 taken in the R' and I' bands with the SPHERE/ZIMPOL instrument for an accurate quantitative measurement of the radiation scattered by the circumstellar disk. We observe a strong dependence of the disk polarimetry on the atmospheric turbulences, which strongly impact the AO performance. With our non-coronagraphic data we can analyze the polarimetric signal of the disk simultaneously with the strongly variable stellar PSF, correct for the convolution effects to determine the intrinsic polarization of the disk with high precision. We also extract the disk intensity signal and derive the fractional polarization. We compare the scattered flux from the inner and outer disk rings with the corresponding thermal dust emissions measured in the IR and estimate the ratio between scattered and absorbed radiation. We obtain ratios between the integrated disk polarization flux and total system flux of 0.43% for the R' band and 0.55% for the I' band. This indicates a reddish color for the light reflection by the dust. The inner disk ring contributes about 75% to the total disk flux. The obtained fractional polarization for the bright inner disk ring is 23.6% for the I' band and similar for the R' band. The ratio between scattered disk flux and star flux is about 2.3%. This is much smaller than the derived IR excess of 17.6% for the disk components observed in scattered light. This indicates that only a small fraction of the radiation illuminating the disk is scattered; most is absorbed and reemitted in the IR. We conclude that accurate, quantitative measurements of the scattered light from circumstellar disks are possible with ground based high contrast AO systems, if the PSF convolution effects are properly taken into account, and this provides important new constraints on the properties of the scattering dust.

Akhil Jaini, Avinash Deshpande, Sainath Bitragunta

17 pages, 10 figures, Manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA)

The radio sky at lower frequencies, particularly below 20 MHz, is expected to be a combination of increasingly bright non-thermal emission and significant absorption from intervening thermal plasma. The sky maps at these frequencies cannot therefore be obtained by simple extrapolation of those at higher frequencies. However, due to severe constraints in ground-based observations, this spectral window still remains greatly unexplored. In this paper, we propose and study, through simulations, a novel minimal configuration for a space interferometer system which would enable imaging of the radio sky at frequencies well below 20 MHz with angular resolutions comparable to those achieved at higher radio frequencies in ground-based observations by using the aperture-synthesis technique. The minimal configuration consists of three apertures aboard Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites orbiting the Earth in mutually orthogonal orbits. Orbital periods for the satellites are deliberately chosen to differ from each other so as to obtain maximum (u, v) coverage in short time spans with baselines greater than 15000 km, thus, giving us angular resolutions finer than 10 arcsec even at these low frequencies. The sensitivity of the (u, v) coverage is assessed by varying the orbit and the initial phase of the satellites. We discuss the results obtained from these simulations and highlight the advantages of such a system.

C. J. A. P. Martins, Patrick Peter, I. Yu. Rybak, E. P. S. Shellard

21 pages, 9 figures

We apply a recently developed formalism to study the evolution of a current-carrying string network under the simple but generic assumption of a linear equation of state. We demonstrate that the existence of a scaling solution with non-trivial current depends on the expansion rate of the universe, the initial root mean square current on the string, and the available energy loss mechanisms. We find that the fast expansion rate after radiation-matter equality will tend to rapidly dilute any pre-existing current and the network will evolve towards the standard Nambu-Goto scaling solution (provided there are no external current-generating mechanisms). During the radiation era, current growth is possible provided the initial conditions for the network generate a relatively large current and/or there is significant early string damping. The network can then achieve scaling with a stable non-trivial current, assuming large currents will be regulated by some leakage mechanism. The potential existence of current-carrying string networks in the radiation era, unlike the standard Nambu-Goto networks expected in the matter era, could have interesting phenomenological consequences.

Peter Bult

13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

This work presents an investigation of the stochastic X-ray variability from the 164 Hz accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17062-6143, based on regular observations collected with the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer between 2017 July and 2020 August. Over this period, the power density spectrum showed a stable morphology, with broad $\sim25\%$ rms band-limited noise below 16 Hz. Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) were occasionally observed, with the most notably detections including a low-frequency QPO centered at 2.7 Hz and a sharp QPO centered at 115 Hz that may be a 2:3 resonance with the spin frequency. Further, the energy dependence of the band-limited noise is studied through a spectroscopic analysis of the complex covariance in two frequency intervals. It is found that the power law continuum is the primary driver for the observed variability, although the thermal (blackbody) emission also appears to be intrinsically variable in area ($5\%$ rms) and temperature ($1\%$ rms). Notably, the 1 keV emission feature seen in all X-ray spectra of IGR J17062-6143 varies with the same amplitude as the power law, but systematically lags behind that continuum emission. These results appear consistent with a scenario in which a time variable Compton-scattering corona is the primary source for the observed stochastic variability, with the variability observed in the emission feature and at the lowest photon energies being due to the disk reflection of the power law continuum.

Suman Kumar Kundu, Eric R. Coughlin, Andrew N. Youdin, Philip J. Armitage

The dissociation and ionization of hydrogen, during the formation of giant planets via core accretion, reduces the effective adiabatic index $\gamma$ of the gas and could trigger dynamical instability. We generalize the analysis of Chandrasekhar, who determined that the threshold for instability of a self-gravitating hydrostatic body lies at $\gamma=4/3$, to account for the presence of a planetary core, which we model as an incompressible fluid. We show that the dominant effect of the core is to stabilize the envelope to radial perturbations, in some cases completely (i.e. for all $\gamma > 1$). When instability is possible, unstable planetary configurations occupy a strip of $\gamma$ values whose upper boundary falls below $\gamma=4/3$. Fiducial evolutionary tracks of giant planets forming through core accretion appear unlikely to cross the dynamical instability strip that we define.

Jessica L. Luna, Caroline V. Morley

24 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Most brown dwarfs have atmospheres with temperatures cold enough to form clouds. A variety of materials likely condense, including refractory metal oxides and silicates; the precise compositions and crystal structures of predicted cloud particles depend on the modeling framework used and have not yet been empirically constrained. Spitzer has shown tentative evidence of the silicate feature in L dwarf spectra and JWST can measure these features in many L dwarfs. Here, we present new models to predict the signatures of the strongest cloud absorption features. We investigate different cloud mineral species and determine how particle size, mineralogy, and crystalline structure change spectral features. We find that silicate and refractory clouds have a strong cloud absorption feature for small particle sizes ($\leq$ 1 $\mu$m). Model spectra are compared to five brown dwarfs that show evidence of the silicate feature; models that include small particles in the upper layers of the atmosphere produce a broad cloud mineral feature, and that better match the observed spectra than the Ackerman & Marley (2001) cloud model. We simulate observations with the MIRI instrument on JWST for a range of nearby, cloudy brown dwarfs, demonstrating that these features could be readily detectable if small particles are present. Furthermore, for photometrically variable brown dwarfs, our predictions suggest that with JWST, by measuring spectroscopic variability inside and outside a mineral feature, we can establish silicate (or other) clouds as the cause of variability. Mid-infrared spectroscopy is a promising tool to empirically constrain the complex cloud condensation sequence in brown dwarf atmospheres.

Javier Roa, Davide Farnocchia, Steven R. Chesley (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)

19 pages, 13 figures. To be published in the Astronomical Journal

Orbit-determination programs find the orbit solution that best fits a set of observations by minimizing the RMS of the residuals of the fit. For near-Earth asteroids, the uncertainty of the orbit solution may be compatible with trajectories that impact Earth. This paper shows how incorporating the impact condition as an observation in the orbit-determination process results in a robust technique for finding the regions in parameter space leading to impacts. The impact pseudo-observation residuals are the b-plane coordinates at the time of close approach and the uncertainty is set to a fraction of the Earth radius. The extended orbit-determination filter converges naturally to an impacting solution if allowed by the observations. The uncertainty of the resulting orbit provides an excellent geometric representation of the virtual impactor. As a result, the impact probability can be efficiently estimated by exploring this region in parameter space using importance sampling. The proposed technique can systematically handle a large number of estimated parameters, account for nongravitational forces, deal with nonlinearities, and correct for non-Gaussian initial uncertainty distributions. The algorithm has been implemented into a new impact monitoring system at JPL called Sentry-II, which is undergoing extensive testing. The main advantages of Sentry-II over JPL's currently operating impact monitoring system Sentry are that Sentry-II can systematically process orbits perturbed by nongravitational forces and that it is generally more robust when dealing with pathological cases. The runtimes and completeness of both systems are comparable, with the impact probability of Sentry-II for 99% completeness being $3\times10^{-7}$.

Andrea Oddo, Federico Rizzo, Emiliano Sefusatti, Cristiano Porciani, Pierluigi Monaco

37 pages, 17 figures, 1 table. To be submitted to JCAP. Comments are welcome

We present a joint likelihood analysis of the halo power spectrum and bispectrum in real space. We take advantage of a large set of numerical simulations and of an even larger set of halo mock catalogs to provide a robust estimate of the covariance properties. We derive constraints on bias and cosmological parameters assuming a theoretical model from perturbation theory at one-loop for the power spectrum and tree-level for the bispectrum. By means of the Deviance Information Criterion, we select a reference bias model dependent on seven parameters that can describe the data up to $k_{\rm max,P}=0.3\, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ for the power spectrum and $k_{\rm max,B}=0.09\, h \, {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ for the bispectrum at redshift $z=1$. This model is able to accurately recover three selected cosmological parameters even for the rather extreme total simulation volume of $1000\, h^{-3} \, {\rm Gpc}^3$. With the same tools, we study how relations among bias parameters can improve the fit while reducing the parameter space. In addition, we compare common approximations to the covariance matrix against the full covariance estimated from the mocks, and quantify the (non-negligible) effect of ignoring the cross-covariance between the two statistics. Finally, we explore different selection criteria for the triangular configurations to include in the analysis, showing that excluding nearly equilateral triangles rather than simply imposing a fixed maximum $k_{\rm max,B}$ on all triangle sides can lead to a better exploitation of the information contained in the bispectrum.

Juan Carlos Arteaga-Velázquez (for the HAWC Collaboration)

9 pages, 15 figures, Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

Current knowledge of the relative abundances and the energy spectra of the elemental mass groups of cosmic rays in the $10$ TeV - $1$ PeV interval is uncertain. This situation prevents carrying out precision tests that may lead to distinguish among the existing hypotheses on the origin and propagation of TeV cosmic rays in the galaxy. In order to learn more about the mass composition of these particles, we have employed HAWC data from hadron induced air showers in order to determine the spectra of three mass groups of cosmic rays: protons, helium and heavy nuclei with $Z > 2$. The energy spectra were estimated by using the Gold unfolding technique on the 2D distribution of the lateral shower age against the estimated primary energy of events with arrival zenith angles smaller than 45 degrees. The study was carried out based on simulations using the QGSJET-II-04 model. Results are presented for primary cosmic-ray energies from $10$ TeV to $251$ TeV. They reveal that the aforementioned cosmic ray spectra exhibit fine structures within the above primary energy range.

Richard J. Mathar

5 pages. C++ source code in anc directory

The manuscripts provides a novel starting guess for the solution of Kepler's equation for unknown eccentric anomaly E given the eccentricity e and mean anomaly M of an elliptical orbit.

Adam Smercina, John-David T. Smith, K. Decker French, Eric F. Bell, Daniel A. Dale, Anne M. Medling, Kristina Nyland, George C. Privon, Kate Rowlands, Fabian Walter, Ann I. Zabludoff

14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; Submitted to ApJ; Comments welcome

Post-starburst (PSB), or 'E+A', galaxies represent a rapid transitional phase between major, gas-rich mergers and gas-poor, quiescent early-type galaxies. Surprisingly, many PSBs have been shown to host a significant interstellar medium (ISM), despite theoretical predictions that the majority of star-forming gas should be expelled in AGN- or starburst-driven outflows. To-date, the resolved properties of this surviving ISM have remained unknown. We present high resolution ALMA continuum and CO(2$-$1) observations in six gas- and dust-rich PSBs, revealing for the first time the spatial and kinematic structure of their ISM on sub-kpc scales. We find extremely compact molecular reservoirs, with dust and gas surface densities rivaling those found in (ultra-)luminous infrared galaxies. We observe spatial and kinematic disturbances in all sources, with some also displaying disk-like kinematics. Estimates of the internal turbulent pressure in the gas exceed those of normal star-forming disks by 2$-$4 orders of magnitude, and rival the turbulent gas found in local interacting galaxies, such as the Antennae. Though the source of this high turbulent pressure remains uncertain, we suggest that the high incidence of tidal disruption events (TDEs) in PSBs could play a role. The star formation in these PSBs' turbulent central molecular reservoirs is suppressed, forming stars $<$10% as efficiently as galaxies with similar gas surface densities. "The fall" of star formation in these galaxies was not precipitated by complete gas expulsion or redistribution. Rather, this high-resolution view of PSBs' ISM indicates that star formation in their remaining compact gas reservoirs is suppressed by significant turbulent heating.

Christopher J. Moore, Davide Gerosa

11 pages, 5 figures + supplementary material

We describe a Bayesian formalism for analyzing individual gravitational-wave events in light of the rest of an observed population. This analysis reveals how the idea of a ``population-informed prior'' arises naturally from a suitable marginalization of an underlying hierarchical Bayesian model which consistently accounts for selection effects. Our formalism naturally leads to the presence of ``leave-one-out'' distributions which include subsets of events. This differs from other approximations, also known as empirical Bayes methods, which effectively double count one or more events. We design a double-reweighting post-processing strategy that uses only existing data products to reconstruct the resulting population-informed posterior distributions. Although the correction we highlight is an important conceptual point, we find it has a limited impact on the current catalog of gravitational-wave events. Our approach further allows us to study, for the first time in the gravitational-wave literature, correlations between the parameters of individual events and those of the population.

Kyriakos Destounis, Kostas D. Kokkotas

13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D

The detection of gravitational waves from extreme-mass-ratio inspirals with upcoming space-borne detectors will allow for unprecedented tests of general relativity in the strong-field regime. Aside from assessing whether black holes are unequivocally described by the Kerr metric, such detections may place constraints on the degree of spacetime symmetry. In particular, depending on exactly how a hypothetical departure from the Kerr metric manifests, the Carter symmetry, which implies the integrability of the geodesic equations, may be broken. Here, we examine the gravitational waveforms associated with non-integrable extreme-mass-ratio inspirals involving a small-mass companion and a supermassive compact object of general relativity, namely the Manko-Novikov spacetime. We show that the waveforms displays sudden frequency jumps, when the companion transverses resonant islands. These findings demonstrate that such abrupt manifestations in the gravitational-wave frequencies are generic, have a genuine astrophysical origin and function as a distinctive signature of chaotic phenomena in extreme-mass-ratio binaries.

Marcela Carena, Nina M. Coyle, Ying-Ying Li, Samuel D. McDermott, Yuhsin Tsai

7 pages, 4 figures

Dark matter (DM) with a mass below a few keV must have a phase space distribution that differs substantially from the Standard Model particle thermal phase space: otherwise, it will free stream out of cosmic structures as they form. We observe that fermionic DM psi in this mass range will have a non-negligible momentum in the early Universe, even in the total absence of thermal kinetic energy. This is because the fermions were inevitably more dense at higher redshifts, and thus experienced Pauli degeneracy pressure. They fill up the lowest-momentum states, such that a typical fermion gains a momentum ~ O(p_F) that can exceed its mass m_psi. We find a simple relation between m_psi, the current fraction f_psi of the cold DM energy density in light fermions, and the redshift at which they were relativistic. Considering the impacts of the transition between nonrelativistic and relativistic behavior as revealed by measurements of DNeff and the matter power spectrum, we derive qualitatively new bounds in the f_psi-m_psi plane. We also improve existing bounds for f_psi = 1 by an order of magnitude to m_psi=2 keV. We remark on implications for direct detection and suggest models of dark sectors that may give rise to cosmologically degenerate fermions.

Jing Ming, Maria Alessandra Papa, Heinz-Bernd Eggenstein, Bernd Machenschalk, Benjamin Steltner, Reinhard Prix, Bruce Allen, Oliver Behnke

We present results of a search for periodic gravitational wave signals with frequency between 20 and 400 Hz, from the neutron star in the supernova remnant G347.3-0.5, using LIGO O2 public data. The search is deployed on the volunteer computing project Einstein@Home, with thousands of participants donating compute cycles to make this endevour possible. We find no significant signal candidate and set the most constraining upper limits to date on the amplitude of gravitational wave signals from the target, corresponding to deformations below $10^{-6}$ in a large part of the band. At the frequency of best strain sensitivity, near $166$ Hz, we set 90\%\ confidence upper limits on the gravitational wave intrinsic amplitude of $h_0^{90\%}\approx 7.0\times10^{-26}$. Over most of the frequency range our upper limits are a factor of 20 smaller than the indirect age-based upper limit.

We study the oscillations modes of differential rotating remnants of binary neutron star inspirals by modeling them as incompressible Riemann ellipsoids parametrized by the ratio $f$ of their internal circulation to the rotation frequency. The effects of viscosity and gravitational wave radiation on the modes are studied and it is shown that these bodies exhibit generic instabilities towards gravitational wave radiation akin to the Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz instabilities for uniformly rotating stars. The odd-parity modes are unstable for all values of $f$ (except for the spherical model) and deformations, whereas the even parity unstable modes appear only in highly eccentric ellipsoids. We quantify the modification of the modes with varying mass of the model and the magnitude of the viscosity. The modes are weakly dependent on the range of the masses relevant to the binary neutron star mergers. Large turbulent viscosity can lead to a suppression of the gravitational wave instabilities, whereas kinematical viscosity has a negligible influence on the modes and their damping timescales.

Lorentz invariance plays a fundamental role in modern physics. However, tiny violations of the Lorentz invariance may arise in some candidate quantum gravity theories. Prominent signatures of the gravitational Lorentz invariance violation (gLIV) include anisotropy, dispersion, and birefringence in the dispersion relation of gravitational waves (GWs). Using a total of 50 GW events in the GW transient catalogs GWTC-1 and GWTC-2, we perform an analysis on the anisotropic birefringence phenomenon. The use of multiple events allows us to completely break the degeneracy among gLIV coefficients and globally constrain the coefficient space. Compared to previous results at mass dimensions 5 and 6 for the Lorentz-violating operators, we tighten the global limits of 34 coefficients by factors ranging from $2$ to $7$.

Dark matter in the form of axions is expected to form miniclusters, and their dense regions can harbor compact axion stars. Such axion stars could be discovered by microlensing events. In particular, some candidate events reported by Subaru HSC and OGLE can be explained simultaneousely if the axion stars with masses of the order of the Earth mass make up about $\sim$20% of dark matter. For QCD axions, this corresponds to the axion mass in the range $10^{-9}-10^{-6}$ eV, which is consistent with the experimental constraints, as well as the cosmological anthropic window of parameters.

Salvatore Capozziello, Andrew Finch, Jackson Levi Said, Alessio Magro

23 pages

The geometric trinity of gravity offers a platform in which gravity can be formulated in three analogous approaches, namely curvature, torsion and nonmetricity. In this vein, general relativity can be expressed in three dynamically equivalent ways which may offer insights into the different properties of these decompositions such as their Hamiltonian structure, the efficiency of numerical analyses, as well as the classification of gravitational field degrees of freedom. In this work, we take a $3+1$ decomposition of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity and the symmetric teleparallel equivalent of general relativity which are both dynamically equivalent to curvature based general relativity. By splitting the spacetime metric and corresponding tetrad into their spatial and temporal parts as well as through finding the Gauss-like equations, it is possible to set up a general foundation for the different formulations of gravity. Based on these results, general $3$-tetrad and $3$-metric evolution equations are derived. Finally through the choice of the two respective connections, the metric $3+1$ formulation for general relativity is recovered as well as the tetrad $3+1$ formulation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity and the metric $3+1$ formulation of symmetric teleparallel equivalent of general relativity. The approach is capable, in principle, of resolving common features of the various formulations of general relativity at a fundamental level and pointing out characteristics that extensions and alternatives to the various formulations can present.