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Papers for Monday, Aug 16 2021

Papers with local authors

X. H. Wu, P. W. Zhao, S. Q. Zhang, J. Meng

5 pages, 4 figures

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Paper 3 — arXiv:2108.06104
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2108.06104

Nuclear chronometer, which predicts the ages of the oldest stars by comparing the present and initial abundances of long-lived radioactive nuclides, provides an independent dating technique for the cosmos. A new nuclear chronometer called Th-U-X chronometer is proposed, which imposes stringent constraints on the astrophysical conditions in the $r$-process simulation by synchronizing the previous Th/X, U/X and Th/U chronometers. The astrophysical uncertainties of nuclear chronometer are significantly reduced from more than $\pm2$ billion years to within 0:3 billion years by the Th-U-X chronometer. The proposed chronometer is then applied to estimate the ages of the six metal-poor stars with observed uranium abundances, and the predicted ages are compatible with the cosmic age 13.8 billion years predicted from the cosmic microwave background radiation, but in contradictory with the new cosmic age 11.4 billion years from the gravitational lenses measurement.

All other papers

Kirsten Banks, Sarah Brough, Benne Holwerda, Andrew Hopkins, Ángel López-Sánchez, Steven Phillipps, Kevin Pimbblet, Aaron Robotham

12 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication by ApJ

Using a volume-limited sample of 550 groups from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) Galaxy Group Catalogue spanning the halo mass range $12.8 < \log [M_{h}/M] < 14.2$, we investigate the merging potential of central Brightest Group Galaxies (BGGs). We use spectroscopically-confirmed close-companion galaxies as an indication of the potential stellar mass build-up of low-redshift BGGs, $z \leq 0.2$. We identify 17 close-companion galaxies with projected separations $r_{p} < 30$ kpc, relative velocities $\Delta v \leq 300$ km s$^{-1}$, and stellar-mass ratios $M_{BGG}/M_{CC} \leq 4$ relative to the BGG. These close-companion galaxies yield a total pair fraction of $0.03 \pm 0.01$. Overall, we find that BGGs in our sample have the potential to grow in stellar mass due to mergers by $2.2 \pm 1.5\%$ Gyr$^{-1}$. This is lower than the stellar mass growth predicted by current galaxy evolution models.

Hiromichi Okon, Takaaki Tanaka, Hiroyuki Uchida, Takeshi Go Tsuru, Masumichi Seta, Takuma Kokusho, Randall K. Smith

11 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

The physical origin of the overionized recombining plasmas (RPs) in supernova remnants (SNRs) has been attracting attention because its understanding provides new insight into SNR evolution. However, the process of the overionization, although it has been discussed in some RP-SNRs, is not yet fully understood. Here we report on spatially resolved spectroscopy of X-ray emission from IC~443 with {\it XMM-Newton}. We find that RPs in regions interacting with dense molecular clouds tend to have lower electron temperature and lower recombination timescale. These tendencies indicate that RPs in these regions are cooler and more strongly overionized, which is naturally interpreted as a result of rapid cooling by the molecular clouds via thermal conduction. Our result on IC~443 is similar to that on W44 showing evidence for thermal conduction as the origin of RPs at least in older remnants. We suggest that evaporation of clumpy gas embedded in a hot plasma rapidly cools the plasma as was also found in the W44 case. We also discuss if ionization by protons accelerated in IC~443 is responsible for RPs. Based on the energetics of particle acceleration, we conclude that the proton bombardment is unlikely to explain the observed properties of RPs.

G. E. Capuano, S. Dolei, D. Spadaro, S. L. Guglielmino, P. Romano, R. Ventura, V. Andretta, A. Bemporad, C. Sasso, R. Susino, V. Da Deppo, F. Frassetto, S. M. Giordano, F. Landini, G. Nicolini, M. Pancrazzi, M. Romoli, L. Zangrilli

12 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, it will appear in "Astronomy & Astrophysics", accepted for "ESPM-16" and "SWICo 2021", the uploaded abstract is abridged

The determination of solar wind outflow velocity is fundamental in order to probe the mechanisms of wind acceleration in the corona. We aim to study, via the Doppler dimming technique, the effects that the chromospheric Ly{\alpha} line profile shape causes on the determination of the outflow speed of coronal HI atoms. The Doppler dimming technique takes into account the decrease of coronal Ly{\alpha} radiation in regions where HI atoms flow out in the solar wind. Starting from UV observations (UVCS/SOHO) of the coronal Ly{\alpha} line and simultaneous measurements of pB (LASCO/SOHO and Mk3/MLSO), we studied the effect of the pumping chromospheric Ly{\alpha} line profile through measurements from SOHO/SUMER, UVSP/SMM and LPSP/OSO-8, taken from representative on-disk regions and as a function of time during the solar activity cycle. In particular, we considered the effect of four chromospheric line parameters: line width, depth of the central reversal, asymmetry and distance of the peaks. We find that the range of variability of these parameters is of about 50% for the width, 69% for the depth of the central reversal, 35% for the asymmetry, and 50% for the distance of the peaks. Then, we find that the variability of the pumping Ly{\alpha} profile affects the estimates of the coronal HI velocity by about 9-12%. Therefore, this uncertainty is smaller than other physical quantities uncertainties, and a constant in time and unique shape of the Ly{\alpha} profile over the solar disk can be adopted in order to estimate the solar wind outflow velocity.

Ana Lourenço, Ricardo Gafeira, Vitor Bonifacio, Teresa Barata, Joao Fernandes, Eva Silva

19 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication on Solar Physics

The present work aims to validate the positions of solar filaments published in the Annals of Coimbra University Astronomical Observatory, currently the Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra, corresponding to years 1929 to 1941. The published Stonyhurst positions were obtained by an original method devised in the early 20th century that used a spherical calculator instrument, a wood-made model of the sun. We used the digital images of the original spectroheliograms to measure the positions of the filaments, and heliographic coordinates were determinate with the routines implemented on python package Sunpy. The correlation coefficients between both sets of coordinates are positive and highly significant. The results validate the method used at the Coimbra observatory and the data published. We conclude that Coimbra solar filaments catalogues are reliable and can therefore be considered for future solar activity studies.

Michelangelo Traina (on behalf of the DAMIC collaboration)

9 pages, 4 figures, ICRC2021 conference proceedings article

Experimental efforts of the last decades have been unsuccessful in detecting WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles) in the 10-to-10$^4$ GeV/$c^2$ range, thus motivating the search for lighter dark matter. The DAMIC (DArk Matter In CCDs) at SNOLAB experiment aims for direct detection of light dark matter particles ($m_\chi <$ 10 GeV/$c^2$) by means of CCDs (Charge-Coupled Devices). Fully-depleted 675 $\mu$m-thick CCDs are used to such end. The optimized readout noise and operation at cryogenic temperatures allow for a detection threshold of 50 eV$_{\text{ee}}$ electron-equivalent energy. Focusing on nuclear and electronic scattering as potential detection processes, DAMIC has so far set competitive constraints on the detection of low mass WIMPs and hidden-sector particles. In this work, an 11 kg-day exposure dataset is exploited to search for light WIMPs by building the first comprehensive radioactive background model for CCDs. Different background sources are discriminated making conjoint use of the spatial distribution and energy of ionization events, thereby constraining the amount of contaminants such as tritium from silicon cosmogenic activation and surface lead-210 from radon plate-out. Despite a conspicuous, statistically-significant excess of events below 200 eV$_{\text{ee}}$, this analysis places the strongest exclusion limit on the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section with a silicon target for $m_\chi <$ 9 GeV/$c^2$.

A J Eldorado Riggs, Dwight Moody, Jessica Gersh-Range, Dan Sirbu, Ruslan Belikov, Eduardo Bendek, Vanessa P. Bailey, Kunjithapatham Balasubramanian, Daniel W. Wilson, Scott A. Basinger, John Debes, Tyler D. Groff, N. Jeremy Kasdin, Bertrand Mennesson, Douglas M. Moore, Garreth Ruane, Erkin Sidick, Nicholas Siegler, John Trauger, Neil T. Zimmerman

23 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables, conference

Over the past two decades, thousands of confirmed exoplanets have been detected; the next major challenge is to characterize these other worlds and their stellar systems. Much information on the composition and formation of exoplanets and circumstellar debris disks can only be achieved via direct imaging. Direct imaging is challenging because of the small angular separations ($<1$ arcsec) and high star-to-planet flux ratios (${\sim}10^{9}$ for a Jupiter analog or ${\sim}10^{10}$ for an Earth analog in the visible). Atmospheric turbulence prohibits reaching such high flux ratios on the ground, so observations must be made above the Earth's atmosphere. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman), set to launch in the mid-2020s, will be the first space-based observatory to demonstrate high-contrast imaging with active wavefront control using its Coronagraph Instrument. The instrument's main purpose is to mature the various technologies needed for a future flagship mission to image and characterize Earth-like exoplanets. These technologies include two high-actuator-count deformable mirrors, photon-counting detectors, two complementary wavefront sensing and control loops, and two different coronagraph types. In this paper, we describe the complete set of flight coronagraph mask designs and their intended combinations in the Roman Coronagraph Instrument. There are three types of mask configurations included: a primary one designed to meet the instrument's top-level requirement, three that are supported on a best-effort basis, and several unsupported ones contributed by the NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program. The unsupported mask configurations could be commissioned and used if the instrument is approved for operations after its initial technology demonstration phase.

Daniel Mazin, for the CTA LST project

Proceedings of the ICRC2021, Berlin, Germany, 12-23 July 2021

The Large-Sized Telescopes (LSTs) of Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) are designed for gamma-ray studies focusing on low energy threshold, high flux sensitivity, rapid telescope repositioning speed and a large field of view. Once the CTA array is complete, the LSTs will be dominating the CTA performance between 20 GeV and 150 GeV. During most of the CTA Observatory construction phase, however, the LSTs will be dominating the array performance until several TeVs. In this presentation we report on the status of the LST-1 telescope inaugurated in La Palma, Canary islands, Spain in 2018. We show the progress of the telescope commissioning, compare the expectations with the achieved performance, and give a glance of the first physics results.

The morphologies of the extended $\gamma$-ray sources are governed by the propagation process of parent relativistic particles. In this paper, we investigate the surface brightness radial profile of extended $\gamma$-ray sources illuminated by both cosmic ray protons and electrons, taking into account the radiation mechanisms and projection effects, as well as the response of instruments. We found that the parent particle species as well as the propagation process can cause significant differences in the observed radial profiles. Thus the surface brightness profile can be used as a unique tool to identify the radiation mechanism as well as the propagation process of the parent particles. We also discuss the possible implications regarding the latest discoveries from very/ultra high energy $\gamma$-ray instruments such as LHAASO and HAWC.

Tara Murphy, David L. Kaplan, Adam J. Stewart, Andrew O'Brien, Emil Lenc, Sergio Pintaldi, Joshua Pritchard, Dougal Dobie, Archibald Fox, James K. Leung, Tao An, Martin E. Bell, Jess W. Broderick, Shami Chatterjee, Shi Dai, Daniele d'Antonio, J. Gerry Doyle, B. M. Gaensler, George Heald, Assaf Horesh, Megan L. Jones, David McConnell, Vanessa A. Moss, Wasim Raja, Gavin Ramsay, Stuart Ryder, Elaine M. Sadler, Gregory R. Sivakoff, Yuanming Wang, Ziteng Wang, Michael S. Wheatland, Matthew Whiting, James R. Allison, C. S. Anderson, Lewis Ball, K. Bannister, D. C.-J. Bock, R. Bolton, J. D. Bunton, R. Chekkala, A. P. Chippendale, F. R. Cooray, N. Gupta, D. B. Hayman, K. Jeganathan, B. Koribalski, K. Lee-Waddell, Elizabeth K. Mahony, J. Marvil, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, P. Mirtschin, A. Ng, et al. (3 additional authors not shown)

The Variables and Slow Transients Survey (VAST) on the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) is designed to detect highly variable and transient radio sources on timescales from 5 seconds to $\sim 5$ years. In this paper, we present the survey description, observation strategy and initial results from the VAST Phase I Pilot Survey. This pilot survey consists of $\sim 162$ hours of observations conducted at a central frequency of 888~MHz between 2019 August and 2020 August, with a typical rms sensitivity of 0.24~mJy~beam$^{-1}$ and angular resolution of $12-20$ arcseconds. There are 113 fields, \red{each of which was observed for 12 minutes integration time}, with between 5 and 13 repeats, with cadences between 1 day and 8 months. The total area of the pilot survey footprint is 5\,131 square degrees, covering six distinct regions of the sky. An initial search of two of these regions, totalling 1\,646 square degrees, revealed 28 highly variable and/or transient sources. Seven of these are known pulsars, including the millisecond pulsar J2039--5617. Another seven are stars, four of which have no previously reported radio detection (SCR~J0533--4257, LEHPM~2-783, UCAC3~89--412162 and 2MASS J22414436--6119311). Of the remaining 14 sources, two are active galactic nuclei, six are associated with galaxies and the other six have no multiwavelength counterparts and are yet to be identified.

We obtain the current constraint on the minimally extended varying speed of light (meVSL) model by analyzing cosmic distance duality relation (CCDDR) of it, $D_{L}/D_{A}(1+z)^{-2} = (1+z)^{b/8}$. We use the Pantheon type Ia supernova (SNIa) data, the Hubble parameter $H(z)$ using the cosmic chronometers approach, and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) distance priors from the latest Planck data. We find that the current data show the 1-$\sigma$ deviation from the standard CCDDR. Thus, this provides the constraint on meVSL model and future precision observations might be able to put stronger constraints on it.

Meenakshi Purandardas, Aruna Goswami

Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)

Origin of enhanced abundance of heavy elements observed in the surface chemical composition of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars still remain poorly understood. Here, we present detailed abundance analysis of seven CEMP stars based on high resolution (R${\sim}$ 50\,000) spectra that reveal enough evidence of Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars being possible progenitors for these objects. For the objects HE0110$-$0406, HE1425$-$2052 and HE1428$-$1950, we present for the first time a detailed abundance analysis. Our sample is found to consists of one metal-poor ([Fe/H]$<$$-1.0$) and six very metal-poor ([Fe/H]$<$$-2.0$) stars with enhanced carbon and neutron-capture elements. We have critically analysed the observed abundance ratios of [O/Fe], [Sr/Ba] and [hs/ls] and examined the possibility of AGB stars being possible progenitors. The abundance of oxygen estimated in the programme stars are characteristics of AGB progenitors except for HE1429$-$0551 and HE1447$+$0102. The estimated values of [Sr/Ba] and [hs/ls] ratios also support AGB stars as possible progenitors. The locations of the programme stars in the absolute carbon abundance A(C) vs. [Fe/H] diagram along with the Group I objects hint at binary nature of the object. We have studied the chemical enrichment histories of the programme stars based on abundance ratios [Mg/C], [Sc/Mn] and [C/Cr]. Using [C/N] and $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C ratios we have examined if any internal mixing had modified their surface chemical compositions. Kinematic analysis shows that the objects HE 0110$-$0406 and HE1447$+$0102 are thick disk objects and the remaining five objects belong to the halo population of the Galaxy.

Dark matter (DM) is largely believed to be the dominant component of the matter content of the Universe. Astronomical measurements can be utilized to search for Standard Model (SM) annihilation or decay products of DM, complementing direct and collider-based searches. Among DM particle candidates, Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are an attractive one. Their decay or annihilation could produce secondary particles including very-high-energy (VHE: $E>100$ GeV) gamma rays, which could be detected by imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs). One of the most favourable target classes for DM searches are dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), dark matter-dominated objects with a negligible predicted gamma-ray emission due to apparent absence of gas and on-going star formation. IACTs, whose point spread functions (PSFs, defined as 68\% containment radius) are typically $0.1^{\circ}$ at 1 TeV, have the necessary angular resolution to detect extended emission from some dSphs. Thus, an extended-source analysis may give an improvement to DM sensitivity, compared to a point-source analysis. In this work, we used observations made since 2007 to 2013 by VERITAS, an array of four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes sensitive to VHE gamma rays in the 100 GeV - 30 TeV energy range. We performed an unbinned maximum likelihood estimation incorporating the dSph angular profiles of four dSphs and tested its effectiveness against the traditional spectral analysis.

K-essence is a minimally-coupled scalar field whose Lagrangian density $\mathcal{L}$ is a function of the field value $\phi$ and the kinetic energy $X=\frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu\phi\partial^\mu\phi$. In the thawing scenario, the scalar field is frozen by the large Hubble friction in the early universe, and therefore initial conditions are specified. We construct thawing k-essence models by generating Taylor expansion coefficients of $\mathcal{L}(\phi, X)$ from random matrices. From the ensemble of randomly generated thawing k-essence models, we select dark energy candidates by assuming negative pressure and non-growth of sub-horizon inhomogeneities. For each candidate model the dark energy equation of state function is fit to the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder parameterization $w(a) \approx w_0+w_a(1-a)$, where $a$ is the scale factor. The thawing k-essence dark models distribute very non-uniformly in the $(w_0, w_a)$ space. About 90\% models cluster in a narrow band in the proximity of a slow-roll line $w_a\approx -1.42 \left(\frac{\Omega_m}{0.3}\right)^{0.64}(1+w_0)$, where $\Omega_m$ is the present matter density fraction. This work is a proof of concept that for a certain class of models very non-uniform theoretical prior on $(w_0, w_a)$ can be obtained to improve the statistics of model selection.

Sonal R. Patel, on behalf of the VERITAS Collaboration

Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

Flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) have been detected at TeV energies by ground-based atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes mainly during flaring states. VERITAS is carrying out the first systematic and unbiased search for TeV emissions from a set of FSRQs. Fermi-LAT-detected FSRQs with positive declinations and extrapolated fluxes from the 3FHL catalog exceeding 1$\%$ Crab at >200 GeV after correcting for EBL absorption were selected for this survey, resulting in eight targets. Additionally, four FSRQs that were already detected at TeV energies are also included in this survey. In an unbiased fashion, the observations of 12 FSRQs, even without detection, will provide the first constraints on their duty cycle of TeV emission. We report the results from four of the 12 FSRQs observed during 2020-21 season in this work. For these sources, we also show the results from nearly simultaneous \textit{Fermi}-LAT observations.

Thomas A. Davison, Mark A. Norris, Ryan Leaman, Harald Kuntschner, Alina Boecker, Glenn van de Ven

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Galaxy mergers are instrumental in dictating the final mass, structure, stellar populations, and kinematics of galaxies. Cosmological galaxy simulations indicate that the most massive galaxies at z=0 are dominated by high fractions of `ex-situ' stars, which formed first in distinct independent galaxies, and then subsequently merged into the host galaxy. Using spatially resolved MUSE spectroscopy we quantify and map the ex-situ stars in thirteen massive Early Type galaxies. We use full spectral fitting together with semi-analytic galaxy evolution models to isolate the signatures in the galaxies' light which are indicative of ex-situ populations. Using the large MUSE field of view we find that all galaxies display an increase in ex-situ fraction with radius, with massive and more extended galaxies showing a more rapid increase in radial ex-situ fraction, (reaching values between 30% to 100% at 2 effective radii) compared to less massive and more compact sources (reaching between 5% to 40% ex-situ fraction within the same radius). These results are in line with predictions from theory and simulations which suggest ex-situ fractions should increase significantly with radius at fixed mass for the most massive galaxies.

Sofie Marie Koksbang, Syksy Rasanen

16+3 pages

Light propagation in cosmology is usually studied in the geometrical optics approximation which requires the spacetime curvature to be much smaller than the light wavenumber. However, for non-fuzzy particle dark matter the curvature is concentrated in widely separated spikes at particle location. If the particle mass is localised within a Compton wavelength, then for masses $\gtrsim10^4$ GeV the curvature is larger than the energy of CMB photons. We consider a post-geometrical optics approximation valid for large curvature. Effectively, photons gain a gravity-induced mass when travelling through dark matter, and light paths are not null nor geodesic. We find that the correction to the redshift is negligible. For the angular diameter distance, we show how the small average density emerges from the large local spikes when integrating along the light ray. We find that there can be a large correction to the angular diameter distance, which may allow to set a strong upper limit on the mass of dark matter particles. We discuss open issues related to the validity of our approximations.

Paola C. M. Delgado, Ruth Durrer, Nelson Pinto-Neto

13 pages, 8 figures

In this paper we compute the CMB bispectrum for bouncing models motivated by Loop Quantum Cosmology. Despite the fact that the primordial bispectrum of these models is decaying exponentially above a large pivot scale, we find that the cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of the bispectrum induced in the CMB from scales $\ell < 30$ is larger than $10$ in all cases of interest and therefore can, in principle, be detected in the Planck data.

Daniel L. Clarkson, Eduard P. Kontar, Mykola Gordovskyy, Nicolina Chrysaphi, Nicole Vilmer

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (on 4 Aug 2021), 8 pages, 5 figures

Solar radio spikes are short duration and narrow bandwidth fine structures in dynamic spectra observed from GHz to tens of MHz range. Their very short duration and narrow frequency bandwidth are indicative of sub-second small-scale energy release in the solar corona, yet their origin is not understood. Using the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR), we present spatially, frequency and time resolved observations of individual radio spikes associated with a coronal mass ejection (CME). Individual radio spike imaging demonstrates that the observed area is increasing in time and the centroid positions of the individual spikes move superluminally parallel to the solar limb. Comparison of spike characteristics with that of individual Type IIIb striae observed in the same event show similarities in duration, bandwidth, drift rate, polarization and observed area, as well the spike and striae motion in the image plane suggesting fundamental plasma emission with the spike emission region on the order of ${\sim}\:10^8$ cm, with brightness temperature as high as $10^{13}$ K. The observed spatial, spectral, and temporal properties of the individual spike bursts are also suggesting the radiation responsible for spikes escapes through anisotropic density turbulence in closed loop structures with scattering preferentially along the guiding magnetic field oriented parallel to the limb in the scattering region. The dominance of scattering on the observed time profile suggests the energy release time is likely to be shorter than what is often assumed. The observations also imply that the density turbulence anisotropy along closed magnetic field lines is higher than along open field lines.

T. Santos-Silva, H. D. Perottoni, F. Almeida-Fernandes, J. Gregorio-Hetem, V. Jatenco-Pereira, C. Mendes de Oliveira, T. Montmerle, E. Bica, C. Bonatto, H. Monteiro, W. S. Dias, C.E. Barbosa, B. Fernandes, P.A.B. Galli, M. Borges Fernandes, A. Kanaan, T. Ribeiro, W. Schoenell

23 pages, 28 figures, 7 tables

Canis Major OB1 (CMa OB1) is a Galactic stellar association with a very intriguing star-formation scenario. There are more than two dozen known star clusters in its line of sight, but it is not clear which ones are physically associated with CMa OB1. We use a clustering code that employs 5-dimensional data from the Gaia DR2 catalogue to identify physical groups and obtain their astrometric parameters and, in addition, we use two different isochrone-fitting methods to estimate the ages of these groups. We find 15 stellar groups with distances between 570 pc and 1650 pc, including 10 previously known and 5 new open cluster candidates. Four groups, precisely the youngest ones ($<$ 20 Myr), CMa05, CMa06, CMa07 and CMa08, are confirmed to be part of CMa OB1. We find that CMa08, a new cluster candidate, may be the progenitor cluster of runaway stars. CMa06 coincides with the well-studied CMa R1 star-forming region. While CMa06 is still forming stars, due to the remaining material of the molecular cloud associated with the Sh 2-262 nebula, CMa05, CMa07 and CMa08 seem to be in more evolved stages of evolution, with no recent star-forming activity. The properties of these CMa OB1 physical groups fit well in a monolithic scenario of star formation, with a common formation mechanism, and having suffered multiple episodes of star formation. This suggests that the hierarchical model alone, which explains the populations of other parts of the same association, is not sufficient to explain its whole formation history.

Suman Kumar Mondal, Prasanta Gorai, Milan Sil, Rana Ghosh, Emmanuel E. Etim, Sandip K Chakrabarti, Takashi Shimonishi, Naoki Nakatani, Kenji Furuya, Jonathan C. Tan, Ankan Das

34 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for the publication in the Astrophysical Journal

It is speculated that there might be some linkage between interstellar aldehydes and their corresponding alcohols. Here, an observational study and astrochemical modeling are coupled together to illustrate the connection between them. The ALMA Cycle 4 data of a hot molecular core, G10.47+0.03 is utilized for this study. Various aldehydes (acetaldehyde, propanal, and glycolaldehyde), alcohols (methanol and ethylene glycol), and a ketone (acetone) are identified in this source. The excitation temperatures and the column densities of these species were derived via the rotation diagram method assuming LTE conditions. An extensive investigation is carried out to understand the formation of these species. Six pairs of aldehyde-alcohol: i) methanal and methanol; ii) ethanal and ethanol; iii) propanal and 1-propanol; iv) propenal and allyl alcohol; v) propynal and propargyl alcohol; vi) glycolaldehyde and ethylene glycol; vii) along with one pair of ketone-alcohol (acetone and isopropanol) and viii) ketene-alcohol (ethenone and vinyl alcohol) are considered for this study. Two successive hydrogenation reactions in the ice phase are examined to form these alcohols from aldehydes, ketone, and ketene, respectively. Quantum chemical methods are extensively executed to review the ice phase formation route and the kinetics of these species. Based on the obtained kinetic data, astrochemical modeling is employed to derive the abundances of these aldehydes, alcohols, ketone, and ketene in this source. It is seen that our model could successfully explain the observed abundances of various species in this hot molecular core.

In this work we study different types of dark energy (DE) models in the framework of the cosmographic approach, with emphasis on the Running Vacuum models (RVMs). We assess their viability using different information criteria and compare them with the so-called Ghost DE models (GDEs) as well as with the concordance $\Lambda$CDM model. We use the Hubble diagrams for Pantheon SnIa, quasars (QSOs), gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as well as the data on baryonic acoustic oscillations (BAOs) in four different combinations. Upon minimizing the $\chi^2$ function of the distance modulus in the context of the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method (MCMC), we put constraints on the current values of the standard cosmographic parameters in a model-independent way. It turns out that, in the absence of BAOs data, the various DE models generally exhibit cosmographic tensions with the observations at the highest redshifts (namely with the QSOs and GRBs data). However, if we include the robust observations from BAOs to our cosmographic sample, the $\Lambda$CDM and RVMs are clearly favored against the GDEs. Finally, judging from the perspective of the deviance information criterion (DIC), which enables us to compare models making use of the Markov chains of the MCMC method, we conclude that the RVMs are the preferred kind of DE models. We find it remarkable that these models, which had been previously shown to be capable of alleviating the $\sigma_8$ and $H_0$ tensions, appear now also as the most successful ones at the level of the cosmographic analysis.

David Benisty, Anne-Christine Davis

10 pages

We investigate scalar-tensor theories, motivated by dark energy models, in the strong gravity regime around the black hole at the centre of our galaxy. In such theories general relativity is modified since the scalar field couples to matter. We consider the most general conformal and disformal couplings of the scalar field to matter to study the orbital behavior of the nearby stars around the galactic star center $Sgr A^{*}$. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation yields a bound on the parameters of the couplings of the scalar field to matter. Using Bayesian Analysis yields the first constraints on such theories in the strong gravity regime.

Dana S. Balser, Trey V. Wenger, L. D. Anderson, W. P. Armentrout, T. M. Bania, J. R. Dawson, John M. Dickey

Accepted to ApJ

We investigate the kinematic properties of Galactic HII regions using radio recombination line (RRL) emission detected by the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) at 4-10 GHz and the Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) at 8-10 GHz. Our HII region sample consists of 425 independent observations of 374 nebulae that are relatively well isolated from other, potentially confusing sources and have a single RRL component with a high signal-to-noise ratio. We perform Gaussian fits to the RRL emission in position-position-velocity data cubes and discover velocity gradients in 178 (42%) of the nebulae with magnitudes between 5 and 200 m/s/arcsec. About 15% of the sources also have a RRL width spatial distribution that peaks toward the center of the nebula. The velocity gradient position angles appear to be random on the sky with no favored orientation with respect to the Galactic Plane. We craft HII region simulations that include bipolar outflows or solid body rotational motions to explain the observed velocity gradients. The simulations favor solid body rotation since, unlike the bipolar outflow kinematic models, they are able to produce both the large, > 40 m/s/arcsec, velocity gradients and also the RRL width structure that we observe in some sources. The bipolar outflow model, however, cannot be ruled out as a possible explanation for the observed velocity gradients for many sources in our sample. We nevertheless suggest that most HII region complexes are rotating and may have inherited angular momentum from their parent molecular clouds.

Mark Gorski, Susanne Aalto, Jeffrey Mangum, John Black, Niklas Falstad, Bitten Gullburg, Sabine König, Kyoko Onishi, Mamiko Sato, Flora Stanley

13 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics

We present the first search for the 5.29 GHz methanimine($CH_2NH$) $1_{10}-1_{11}$ transition toward a sample of galaxy nuclei. We target seven galaxies that host Compact Obscured Nuclei (CONs) with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. These galaxies are characterized by Compton-thick cores. $CH_2NH$ emission is detected toward six CONs. The brightness temperatures measured toward Arp220 indicate maser emission. Isotropic luminosities of the $CH_2NH$ transition, from all sources where it is detected, exceed 1~L$_{\odot}$ and thus may be considered megamasers. We also detect formaldehyde($H_2 CO$) emission toward three CONs. The isotropic $CH_2NH$ luminosities are weakly correlated with the infrared luminosity of the host galaxy and strongly correlated with OH megamaser luminosities from the same galaxies. Non-LTE radiative transfer models suggest that the maser is pumped by the intense mm/submm radiation field of the CONs. Our study suggests that $CH_2NH$ megamasers are linked to the nuclear processes within 100 pc of the Compton Thick nucleus within CONs.

In experiments where one searches a large parameter space for an anomaly, one often finds many spurious noise-induced peaks in the likelihood. This is known as the look-elsewhere effect, and must be corrected for when performing statistical analysis. This paper introduces a method to calibrate the false alarm probability (FAP), or $p$-value, for a given dataset by considering the heights of the highest peaks in the likelihood. In the simplest form of self-calibration, the look-elsewhere-corrected $\chi^2$ of a physical peak is approximated by the $\chi^2$ of the peak minus the $\chi^2$ of the highest noise-induced peak. Generalizing this concept to consider lower peaks provides a fast method to quantify the statistical significance with improved accuracy. In contrast to alternative methods, this approach has negligible computational cost as peaks in the likelihood are a byproduct of every peak-search analysis. We apply to examples from astronomy, including planet detection, periodograms, and cosmology.

Cosmic rays are messengers from highly energetic events in the Universe. These rare ultra-high-energy particles can be detected efficiently and in an affordable way using large arrays of radio antennas. Linearly polarized geomagnetic emission is the dominant emission mechanism produced when charged particles in air showers get deflected in the Earth's magnetic field. The sub-dominant Askaryan emission is radially polarized and produced due to the time-varying negative-charge excess in the shower front. The relative amplitude of these two emission components depends on various air shower parameters, such as the arrival direction and the depth of the shower maximum. We studied these dependencies using CoREAS simulations of the radio emission from air showers at the South Pole using a star-shaped antenna layout. On the one hand, the parametrization of the Askaryan-to-geomagnetic ratio can be used as input for a more accurate reconstruction of the shower energy. On the other hand, if measured precisely enough, this ratio may provide a new method to reconstruct the atmospheric depth of the shower maximum.

The Pythia event generator is used in several contexts to study hadron and lepton interactions, notably $pp$ and $p\bar{p}$ collisions. In this article we extend the hadronic modelling to encompass the collision of a wide range of hadrons $h$ with either a proton or a neutron, or with a simplified model of nuclear matter. To this end we model $hp$ total and partial cross sections as a function of energy, and introduce new parton distribution functions for a wide range of hadrons, as required for a proper modelling of multiparton interactions. The potential usefulness of the framework is illustrated by a simple study of the evolution of cosmic rays in the atmosphere, and by an even simpler one of shower evolution in a solid detector material. The new code will be made available for future applications.

Pedro G. Ferreira, Christopher T. Hill, Johannes Noller, Graham G. Ross

We analyse Starobinsky inflation in the presence of the Brout Englert Higgs (BEH) boson with a non-minimal coupling to the Ricci scalar, $R$. The latter induces a coupling of the massive scaleron associated with the $R^2$ term to the BEH boson and this leads to a radiative correction to the BEH mass that must be fine tuned to keep the scalar light. For the case of $R^2$ driven inflation this requires a high level of fine tuning of order 1 part in $10^{8}$; for the case of Higgs inflation it is very much greater. We consider a scale invariant extension of the $R^2$/Higgs model and find that for $R^2$ driven inflation but not for Higgs inflation the required fine tuning is significantly reduced to one part in $10^{3-4}$. We consider the vacuum stability of the fine tuned model and its reheating and dilaton abundance after inflation. We also discuss possible gravitational wave signals associated with the model and the constraint on the mass of scalar or fermion dark matter candidates if they are produced by the gravitational couplings of the scalaron.

Sara Palmerini, Marco La Cognata, Fairouz Hammache, Luis Acosta, Rosa Alba, Vaclav Burjan, Efrain Chavez, Silvio Cherubini, Alexandra Cvetinovic, Giuseppe D'Agata, Nicolas De Sereville, Alessia Di Pietro, Pierpaolo Figuera, Zsolt Fullop, Karen De Los Rios, Giovanni Luca Guardo, Marisa Gulino, Seiya Hayakawa, Gabor Kiss, Marco La Commara, Livio Lamia, Concetta Maiolino Giulio Manicò, Catalin Matei, Marco Mazzocco, Jaromir Mrazek, Tina Parascandolo, Teodora Petruse, Dimitra Pierroutsakou, Rosario Gianluca Pizzone, Giuseppe Gabriele Rapisarsa, Stefano Romano, Domenico Santonocito, Maria Letizia Sergi, Roberta Spartà, Aurora Tumino, Hidetoshi Yamaguchi

8 pages, accepted for publication by EPJ Plus

The 27Al(p,a)24Mg reaction, which drives the destruction of 27Al and the production of 24Mg in stellar hydrogen burning, has been investigated via the Trojan Horse Method (THM) by measuring the 2H(27Al,a24Mg)n three-body reaction. The experiment covered a broad energy range (-0.5 MeV < E_cm < 1.5 MeV), aiming to investigate those of interest for astrophysics.The results confirm the THM as a valuable technique for the experimental study of fusion reactions at very low energies and suggest the presence of a rich pattern of resonances in the energy region close to the Gamow window of stellar hydrogen burning (70-120 keV), with potential impact on astrophysics. To estimate such an impact a second run of the experiment is needed, since the background due the three-body reaction hampered to collect enough data to resolve the resonant structures and extract the reaction rate.

Seong-Sik Kim, Hyun Min Lee, Bin Zhu

6+2 pages, 2 figures

We present a novel mechanism for Sommerfeld enhancement for dark matter interactions without the need for light mediators. Considering a model for two-component scalar dark matter with a triple coupling, we find that there appears an $u$-channel resonance in dark matter elastic scattering. From the sum of the corresponding ladder diagrams, we obtain a Bethe-Salpeter equation with a delay term and identify the Sommerfeld factor for two-component dark matter from the effective Yukawa potential for the first time. We discuss the implications of our results for enhancing dark matter self-scattering and annihilation.

Cédric Deffayet, Shinji Mukohyama, Alexander Vikman

4 pages + refs, 4 figures

We present a simple class of mechanical models where a canonical degree of freedom interacts with another one with a negative kinetic term, i.e. with a ghost. We prove analytically that the classical motion of the system is completely stable for all initial conditions, notwithstanding that the conserved Hamiltonian is unbounded from below and above. This is fully supported by numerical computations. Systems with negative kinetic terms often appear in modern cosmology, quantum gravity and high energy physics and are usually deemed as unstable. Our result demonstrates that for mechanical systems this common lore can be too naive and that living with ghosts can be stable.

Kellie O'Neal-Ault, Quentin G. Bailey, Tyann Dumerchat, Leila Haegel, Jay Tasson

16 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Universe

In this work, we review the effective field theory framework to search for Lorentz and CPT symmetry breaking during the propagation of gravitational waves. The article is written so as to bridge the gap between the theory of spacetime-symmetry breaking and the analysis of gravitational-waves signals detected by ground-based interferometers. The primary physical effects beyond General Relativity that we explore here are dispersion and birefringence of gravitational waves. We discuss their implementation in the open-source LIGO-Virgo algorithm library suite, as well as the statistical method used to perform a Bayesian inference of the posterior probability of the coefficients for symmetry-breaking. We present preliminary results of this work in the form of simulations of modified gravitational waveforms, together with sensitivity studies of the measurements of the coefficients for Lorentz and CPT violation.

Hugo D. Parischewsky, Gustavo Ceballos, Alessandro A. Trani, Nathan W. C. Leigh

18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted

We present numerical simulations for the three-body problem, in which three particles lie at rest at the vertex of a perturbed equilateral triangle. In the unperturbed problem, the three particles fall towards the center of mass of the system to form a three-body collision, or singularity, where the particles overlap in space and time. By perturbing the initial positions of the particles, we are able to study chaos in the vicinity of the singularity. Here we cover the full range in parameter space for binary formation due to three-body interactions of isolated single stars, covering the singular region corresponding to an equilateral triangle and extending to sufficiently deformed triangles that we enter the binary-single scattering regime (i.e., one side of the triangle is very short and the other two are very long). We make phase space plots to study the regular and ergodic subsets of our simulations independently and derive the expected properties of the left-over binaries from three-body binary formation in isotropic cluster environments. We further provide fits to the ergodic subset to characterize the properties of the left-over binaries. We identify the discrepancy between the statistical theory and the simulations to the regular subset of interactions, which exhibit only weak chaos. As we decrease the scale of the perturbations in the initial positions, the phase space becomes entirely dominated by regular interactions, according to our metric for chaos.