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Papers for Friday, Aug 20 2021

Papers with local authors

Fani Dosopoulou, Jenny E. Greene, Chung-Pei Ma

19 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to ApJ, comments are welcome

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Paper 4 — arXiv:2108.08317
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2108.08317

The binding energy liberated by the coalescence of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries during galaxy mergers is thought to be responsible for the low density cores often found in bright elliptical galaxies. We use high-resolution $N$-body and Monte Carlo techniques to perform single and multi-stage galaxy merger simulations and systematically study the dependence of the central galaxy properties on the binary mass ratio, the slope of the initial density cusps, and the number of mergers experienced. We study both the amount of depleted stellar mass (or ``mass deficit'), $M_{\rm def}$, and the radial extent of the depleted region, $r_{\rm b}$. We find that $r_{\rm b}\simeq r_{\rm SOI}$ and that $M_{\rm def}$ varies in the range $0.5$ to $4M_{\bullet}$, with $r_{\rm SOI}$ the influence radius of the remnant SMBH and $M_{\bullet}$ its mass. The coefficients in these relations depend weakly on the binary mass ratio and remain remarkably constant through subsequent mergers. We conclude that the core size and mass deficit do not scale linearly with the number of mergers, making it hard to infer merger histories from observations. On the other hand, we show that both $M_{\rm def}$ and $r_{\rm b}$ are sensitive to the morphology of the galaxy merger remnant, and that adopting spherical initial conditions, as done in early work, leads to misleading results. Our models reproduce the range of values for $M_{\rm def}$ found in most observational work, but span nearly an order of magnitude range around the true ejected stellar mass.

Mary Anne Limbach, Johanna M. Vos, Joshua N. Winn, Rene Heller, Jeffrey C. Mason, Adam C. Schneider, Fei Dai

Accepted to ApJ Letters

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Paper 7 — arXiv:2108.08323
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2108.08323

All-sky imaging surveys have identified several dozen isolated planetary-mass objects (IPMOs), far away from any star. Here, we examine the prospects for detecting transiting moons around these objects. We expect transiting moons to be common, occurring around 10-15% of IPMOs, given that close-orbiting moons have a high geometric transit probability and are expected to be a common outcome of giant planet formation. IPMOs offer an advantage over other directly imaged planets in that high-contrast imaging is not necessary to detect the photometric transit signal. For at least 30 (>50%) of the currently known IPMOs, observations of a single transit with the James Webb Space Telescope would have low enough forecasted noise levels to allow for the detection of an Io-like or Titan-like moon. Intrinsic variability of the IPMOs will be an obstacle. Using archival time-series photometry of IPMOs with the Spitzer Space Telescope as a proof-of-concept, we found evidence for a fading event of 2MASS J1119-1137 AB that might have been caused by intrinsic variability, but is also consistent with a single transit of a habitable-zone 1.7$R_\oplus$ exomoon. Although the interpretation of this particular event is inconclusive, the characteristics of the data and the candidate signal suggest that Earth-sized habitable-zone exomoons around IPMOs are detectable with existing instrumentation.

Zhenyong Hou, Hui Tian, David Berghmans, Hechao Chen, Luca Teriaca, Udo Schuhle, Yuhang Gao, Yajie Chen, Jiansen He, Linghua Wang, Xianyong Bai

19 pages, 6 figures, and 2 tables

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Paper 48 — arXiv:2108.08718
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Paper 48 — arXiv:2108.08718

We report the smallest coronal jets ever observed in the quiet Sun with recent high resolution observations from the High Resolution Telescopes (HRI-EUV and HRI-Ly{\alpha}) of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) onboard Solar Orbiter. In the HRI-EUV (174 {\AA}) images, these microjets usually appear as nearly collimated structures with brightenings at their footpoints. Their average lifetime, projected speed, width, and maximum length are 4.6 min, 62 km s^(-1), 1.0 Mm, and 7.7 Mm, respectively. Inverted-Y shaped structures and moving blobs can be identified in some events. A subset of these events also reveal signatures in the HRI-Ly{\alpha} (H I Ly{\alpha} at 1216 {\AA}) images and the extreme ultraviolet images taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Our differential emission measure analysis suggests a multi-thermal nature and an average density of ~1.4x10^9 cm^(-3) for these microjets. Their thermal and kinetic energies were estimated to be ~3.9x10^24 erg and ~2.9x10^23 erg, respectively, which are of the same order of the released energy predicted by the nanoflare theory. Most events appear to be located at the edges of network lanes and magnetic flux concentrations, suggesting that these coronal microjets are likely generated by magnetic reconnection between small-scale magnetic loops and the adjacent network field.

All other papers

Chad Bustard, Max Gronke

27 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJ. Simulation movies: this https URL

The Magellanic Stream is sculpted by its infall through the Milky Way's circumgalactic medium, but the rates and directions of mass, momentum, and energy exchange through the Stream-halo interface are relative unknowns critical for determining the origin and fate of the Stream. Complementary to large-scale simulations of LMC-SMC interactions, we apply new insights derived from idealized, high-resolution "cloud-crushing" and radiative turbulent mixing layer simulations to the Leading Arm and Trailing Stream. Contrary to classical expectations of fast cloud breakup, we predict that the Leading Arm and much of the Trailing Stream should be surviving infall and even gaining mass due to strong radiative cooling. Provided a sufficiently supersonic tidal swing-out from the Clouds, the present-day Leading Arm could be a series of high-density clumps in the cooling tail behind the progenitor cloud. We back up our analytic framework with a suite of converged wind-tunnel simulations, finding that previous results on cloud survival and mass growth can be extended to high Mach number ($\mathcal{M}$) flows with a modified drag time $t_{drag} \propto 1 + \mathcal{M}$ and longer growth time. We also simulate the Trailing Stream; we find that the growth time is long ($\sim$ Gyrs) compared to the infall time, and approximate H$\alpha$ emission is low on average ($\sim$few mR) but can be up to tens of mR in bright spots. Our findings also have broader extragalactic implications for e.g. galactic winds, which we discuss.

We examine the effect of spatial resolution on initial mass ejection in grid-based hydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron star mergers. The subset of the dynamical ejecta with velocities greater than $\sim 0.6$c can generate an ultraviolet precursor to the kilonova on $\sim$hr timescales and contribute to a years-long non-thermal afterglow. Previous work has found differing amounts of this fast ejecta, by one- to two orders of magnitude, when using particle-based or grid-based hydrodynamic methods. Here we carry out a numerical experiment that models the merger as an axisymmetric collision in a co-rotating frame, accounting for Newtonian self-gravity, inertial forces, and gravitational wave losses. The lower computational cost allows us to reach spatial resolutions as high as $4$m, or $\sim 3\times 10^{-4}$ of the stellar radius. We find that fast ejecta production converges to within $10\%$ for a cell size of $20$m. This suggests that fast ejecta quantities found in existing grid-based merger simulations are unlikely to increase to the level needed to match particle-based results upon further resolution increases. The resulting neutron-powered precursors are in principle detectable out to distances $\lesssim 200$Mpc with upcoming facilities. We also find that head-on collisions at the free-fall speed, relevant for eccentric mergers, yield fast and slow ejecta quantities of order $10^{-2}M_\odot$, with a kilonova signature distinct from that of quasi-circular mergers.

Daniel Carrera, Andrew Thomas, Jacob B. Simon, Matthew A. Small, Katherine A. Kretke, Hubert Klahr

10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ

The discovery that axisymmetric dust rings are ubiquitous in protoplanetary disks has provoked a flurry of research on the role of pressure bumps in planet formation. Recent high-resolution simulations by our group have shown that even a modest bump can collect enough dust to trigger planetesimal formation by the streaming instability. In this work, we probe the limits of planetesimal formation when the external source of pressure bump reinforcement is extremely weak. We conduct simulations of radially elongated shearing boxes to capture the entire bump, which itself is generated and maintained over some timescale $t_{\rm reinf}$ by a Newtonian relaxation scheme. We find that planetesimal formation is extremely resilient. We reduced the strength of reinforcement by up to a factor of 100 and planetesimal formation (i.e., location, number, and initial masses) was essentially unaffected. However, we do find that strong reinforcement causes much faster pebble drift compared to the the standard pebble drift rates. The resulting larger pebble flux enhances the planetesimal growth rate by pebble accretion. We hypothesize that to sustain the bump, our code has to extract angular momentum (the strength of this negative torque depends on $t_{\rm reinf}$), and some of this torque is transferred to the particles, causing them to drift faster for a stronger torque (i.e., smaller $t_{\rm reinf}$). Since any physical process that sustains a pressure bump must do so by torquing the gas, we conjecture that the effect on pebble drift is a real phenomenon, motivating further work with physically realistic sources to generate the bump.

Anna T. P. Schauer, Volker Bromm, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Simon C. O. Glover, Ralf S. Klessen

16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ

The formation of globular clusters and their relation to the distribution of dark matter have long puzzled astronomers. One of the most recently-proposed globular cluster formation channels ties ancient star clusters to the large-scale streaming velocity of baryons relative to dark matter in the early Universe. These streaming velocities affect the global infall of baryons into dark matter halos, the high-redshift halo mass function, and the earliest generations of stars. In some cases, streaming velocities may result in dense regions of dark-matter-free gas that becomes Jeans unstable, potentially leading to the formation of compact star clusters. We investigate this hypothesis using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations that include a full chemical network and the formation and destruction of H$_2$, a process crucial for the formation of the first stars. We find that high-density gas in regions with significant streaming velocities -- which constitute approximately 1\% of the Universe -- is indeed somewhat offset from the centers of dark matter halos, but this offset is typically significantly smaller than the virial radius. Gas outside of dark matter halos never reaches Jeans-unstable densities in our simulations. We postulate that low-level ($Z \approx 10^{-3}\,Z_{\odot}$) metal enrichment by Population III supernovae may enable cooling in the extra-virial regions, allowing gas outside of dark matter halos to cool to the CMB temperature and become Jeans-unstable. Follow-up simulations that include both streaming velocities and metal enrichment by Population III supernovae are needed to understand if streaming velocities provide one path for the formation of globular clusters in the early Universe.

Manami Roy, Biman B. Nath, G. M. Voit

12 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We consider a model of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) in which feedback maintains a constant ratio of cooling time to freefall time throughout the halo, so that the entire CGM is marginally unstable to multiphase condensation. This 'precipitation model' is motivated by observations of multiphase gas in the cores of galaxy clusters and the halos of massive ellipticals. We derive from the model density and temperature profiles for the CGM around galaxies with masses similar to the Milky Way. After taking into consideration the geometrical position of our solar system in the Milky Way, we show that the CGM model is consistent with observed OVI, OVII, and OVIII column densities only if temperature fluctuations with a log-normal dispersion $\sigma_{\ln T} \sim 0.6$-$1.0$ are included. We show that OVI column densities observed around star-forming galaxies require systematically greater values of $\sigma_{\ln T}$ than around passive galaxies, implying a connection between star formation in the disk and the state of the CGM. Photoionization by an extra-galactic UV background does not significantly change these CGM features for galaxies like the Milky Way but has much greater and significant effects on the CGM of lower-mass galaxies.

Mukremin Kilic, Warren R. Brown, A. Bedard, Alekzander Kosakowski

ApJ Letters, in press

We report the discovery of the brightest detached binary white dwarfs with periods less than an hour, which provide two new gravitational wave verification binaries for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). The first one, SMSS J033816.16$-$813929.9 (hereafter J0338), is a 30.6 min orbital period, $g=17.2$ mag detached double white dwarf binary with a Gaia parallax measurement that places it at a distance of 533 pc. The observed radial velocity and photometric variability provide precise constraints on the system parameters. J0338 contains a $0.230 \pm 0.015~M_{\odot}$ white dwarf with a $0.38_{-0.03}^{+0.05}~M_{\odot}$ companion at an inclination of $69 \pm 9^{\circ}$. The second system, SDSS J063449.92+380352.2 (hereafter J0634), is a 26.5 min orbital period, $g=17.0$ mag detached double white dwarf binary at a distance of 435 pc. J0634 contains a $0.452^{+0.070}_{-0.062}~M_{\odot}$ white dwarf with a $0.209^{+0.034}_{-0.021}~M_{\odot}$ companion at an inclination of $37 \pm 7^{\circ}$. The more massive white dwarf in J0634 is hotter than its companion, even though tidal dissipation is predicted to be relatively inefficient at such periods. This suggests that the more massive white dwarf formed last. J0338 and J0634 will be detected by LISA with a signal-to-noise ratio of 5 and 19, respectively, after four years. We identified these two systems based on their overluminosity and $u$-band photometry. Follow-up of $u$-band selected Gaia targets will likely yield additional LISA verification binaries.

Laura Flagg, Christopher Johns-Krull, Kevin France, Gregory Herczeg, Joan Najita, John Carptenter, Scott J. Kenyon

accepted to ApJ, 18 pages, 9 figures

Using HST-COS FUV spectra, we have discovered warm molecular hydrogen in the TWA 7 system. TWA 7, a $\sim$9 Myr old M2.5 star, has a cold debris disk and has previously shown no signs of accretion. Molecular hydrogen is expected to be extremely rare in a debris disk. While molecular hydrogen can be produced in star spots or the lower chromospheres of cool stars such as TWA 7, fluxes from progressions that get pumped by the wings of Ly$\alpha$ indicate that this molecular hydrogen could be circumstellar and thus that TWA 7 is accreting at very low levels and may retain a reservoir of gas in the near circumstellar environment.

Pearl Sandick, Barmak Shams Es Haghi, Kuver Sinha

25 pages, 4 figures

We investigate Hawking evaporation of a population of primordial black holes (PBHs) prior to Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) as a mechanism to achieve asymmetric reheating of two sectors coupled solely by gravity. While the visible sector is reheated by the inflaton or a modulus, the dark sector is reheated by PBHs. Compared to inflationary or modular reheating of both sectors, there are two advantages: $(i)$ inflaton or moduli mediated operators that can subsequently thermalize the dark sector with the visible sector are not relevant to the asymmetric reheating process; $(ii)$ the mass and abundance of the PBHs provide parametric control of the thermal history of the dark sector, and in particular the ratio of the temperatures of the two sectors. Asymmetric reheating with PBHs turns out to have a particularly rich dark sector phenomenology, which we explore using a single self-interacting real scalar field in the dark sector as a template. Four thermal histories, involving non-relativistic and relativistic dark matter (DM) at chemical equilibrium, followed by the presence or absence of cannibalism, are explored. These histories are then constrained by the observed relic abundance in the current Universe and the Bullet Cluster. The case where PBHs dominate the energy density of the Universe, and reheat both the visible as well as the dark sectors, is also treated in detail.

Ernest Alsina Ballester, Luca Belluzzi, Javier Trujillo Bueno

Main article has a length of 5 pages and contains 2 figures. Supplemental Material has a length of 6 pages and contains 3 figures. Note that the main article and the Supplemental Material have separate reference lists. Article published in open access by Physical Review Letters on 18/08/2021; Link: this https URL

Twenty-five years ago, enigmatic linear polarization signals were discovered in the core of the sodium D1 line. The only explanation that could be found implied that the solar chromosphere is practically unmagnetized, in contradiction with other evidences. This opened a paradox that has challenged physicists for many years. Here we present its solution, demonstrating that these polarization signals can be properly explained in the presence of magnetic fields in the gauss range. This result opens a novel diagnostic window for exploring the elusive magnetism of the solar chromosphere.

C. Hawcroft, H. Sana, L. Mahy, J.O. Sundqvist, M. Abdul-Masih, J.C. Bouret, S. A. Brands, A. de Koter, F. A. Driessen, J. Puls

Accepted for publication in A&A; 35 pages, 20 figures

We investigate the impact of optically thick clumping on stellar wind diagnostics in O supergiants and constrain wind parameters associated with porosity in velocity space. This is the first time the effects of optically thick clumping have been investigated for a sample of massive hot stars, using models including a full optically thick clumping description. We re-analyse spectroscopic observations of a sample of eight O supergiants. Using a genetic algorithm wrapper around the NLTE atmosphere code FASTWIND we obtain simultaneous fits to optical and UV spectra and determine photospheric and wind properties and surface abundances. We provide empirical constraints on a number of wind parameters including the clumping factors, mass-loss rates and terminal wind velocities. Additionally, we establish the first systematic empirical constraints on velocity filling factors and interclump densities. These parameters describe clump distribution in velocity-space and density of the interclump medium in physical-space, respectively. We observe a mass-loss rate reduction of a factor of 3.6 compared to theoretical predictions from Vink et al. (2000), and mass-loss rates within a factor 1.4 of predictions from Bj\"orklund et al. (2021). We confirm that including optically thick clumping allows simultaneous fitting of recombination lines and resonance lines, including the unsaturated UV phosphorus lines (Pv 1118-1128), without reducing the phosphorus abundance. We find that, on average, half of the wind velocity field is covered by dense clumps. We also find that these clumps are 25 times denser than the average wind, and that the interclump medium is 3-10 times less dense than the mean wind. The former result agrees well with theoretical predictions, the latter suggests that lateral filling-in of radially compressed gas might be critical for setting the scale of the rarefied interclump matter.

Dennis Soldin (for the EAS-MSU, IceCube, KASCADE-Grande, NEVOD-DECOR, Pierre Auger, SUGAR, Telescope Array, and Yakutsk EAS Array Collaborations)

Presented at the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021)

Over the last two decades, various experiments have measured muon densities in extensive air showers over several orders of magnitude in primary energy. While some experiments observed differences in the muon densities between simulated and experimentally measured air showers, others reported no discrepancies. We will present an update of the meta-analysis of muon measurements from nine air shower experiments, covering shower energies between a few PeV and tens of EeV and muon threshold energies from a few 100 MeV to about 10 GeV. In order to compare measurements from different experiments, their energy scale was cross-calibrated and the experimental data has been compared using a universal reference scale based on air shower simulations. Above 10 PeV, we find a muon excess with respect to simulations for all hadronic interaction models, which is increasing with shower energy. For EPOS-LHC and QGSJet-II.04 the significance of the slope of the increase is analyzed in detail under different assumptions of the individual experimental uncertainties.

Oliver Shorttle, Natalie Hinkel, Cayman Unterborn

To be published as article 1 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4

The study of planets outside our solar system may lead to major advances in our understanding of the Earth, and provide insight into the universal set of rules by which planets form and evolve. To achieve these goals requires applying geoscience's wealth of Earth observations to fill in the blanks left by the necessarily minimalist exoplanetary observations. In turn, Earth's many one-offs, e.g., plate tectonics, surface liquid water, a large moon, and life - which have long presented chicken and egg type conundrums for geoscientists - may find resolution in the study of exoplanets possessing only a subset of these phenomena.

Keith Putirka, Caroline Dorn, Natalie Hinkel, Cayman Unterborn

To be published as article 2 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4 1

Star compositions are essential for examining densities and compositional ranges of rocky exoplanets, testing their similarity to Earth. Stellar elemental abundances and planetary orbital data show that of the ~5000 known minerals, exoplanetary silicate mantles will contain mostly olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene, $\pm$ quartz, and magnesiuwustite at the extremes; wholly exotic mineralogies are likely absent. Understanding these exotic geological systems requires a better marriage of geological insights to astronomical data. The study of exoplanets is like a mirror, reflecting our incomplete understanding of Earth and neighboring planets; new geological/planetary experiments, informed by exoplanet studies, are needed for effectual progress.

Siyi Xu, Amy Bonsor

To be published as article 3 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4

It is difficult to study the interiors of terrestrial planets in the Solar System and the problem is magnified for distant exoplanets. However, sometimes nature is helpful. Some planetary bodies are torn to fragments and consumed by the strong gravity close to the descendants of Sun-like stars, white dwarfs. We can deduce the general composition of the planet when we observe the spectroscopic signature of the white dwarf. Most planetary fragments that fall into white dwarfs appear to be rocky with a variable fraction of associated ice and carbon. These white dwarf planetary systems provide a unique opportunity to study the geology of exoplanetary systems.

Maxim D. Ballmer, Lena Noack

To be published as article 4 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4

The coupled interior-atmosphere system of terrestrial exoplanets remains poorly understood. Exoplanets show a wide variety of sizes, densities, surface temperatures, and interior structures, with important knock-on effects for this coupled system. Many exoplanets are predicted to have a "stagnant lid" at the surface, with a rigid stationary crust, sluggish mantle convection, and only minor volcanism. However, if exoplanets have Earth-like plate tectonics, which involves several discrete, slowly moving plates and vigorous tectono-magmatic activity, then this may be critical for planetary habitability and have implications for the development (and evolution) of life in the galaxy. Here, we summarize our current knowledge of coupled planetary dynamics in the context of exoplanet diversity.

Thaddeus D. Komacek, Wanying Kang, Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, Stephanie L. Olson

To be published as article 5 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4

In recent years, numerical models that were developed for Earth have been adapted to study exoplanetary climates to understand how the broad range of possible exoplanetary properties affects their climate state. The recent discovery and upcoming characterization of nearby rocky exoplanets opens an avenue toward understanding the processes that shape planetary climates and lead to the persistent habitability of Earth. In this review, we summarize recent advances in understanding the climate of rocky exoplanets, including their atmospheric structure, chemistry, evolution, and atmospheric and oceanic circulation. We describe current and upcoming astronomical observations that will constrain the climate of rocky exoplanets and describe how modeling tools will both inform and interpret future observations.

Laura Schaefer, Vivien Parmentier

To be published as article 6 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4

Atmospheric compositions for rocky exoplanets will depend strongly on the bulk planetary composition and the orbital position of the planet. Non-traditional gases may be present in the atmospheres of exceptionally hot planets. Atmospheres of more clement planets will depend on the abundances of volatiles acquired during planet formation and atmospheric removal processes, including escape, condensation, and reaction with the surface. While the observations of exoplanet atmospheres to date has focused on giant planets, a series of new space and ground-based observatories over the coming decade will revolutionize the precision and spectral resolution with which we are able to probe exoplanet atmospheres. This article consolidates lessons learned from the study of giant planet atmospheres, and points to the observations and challenges on the horizon for terrestrial planets.

Paul B Rimmer, Sukrit Ranjan, Sarah Rugheimer

To be published as article 7 in the "Geoscience Beyond the Solar System" issue of Elements magazine, v17 No4

The study of origins of life on Earth and the search for life on other planets are closely linked. Prebiotic chemical scenarios can help prioritize planets as targets for the search for life as we know it and can provide informative priors to help us assess the likelihood that particular spectroscopic features are evidence of life. The prerequisites for origins scenarios themselves predict spectral signatures. The interplay between origins research and the search for extraterrestrial life must start with lab work guiding exploratory ventures in the solar system, and the discoveries in the solar system informing future exoplanet observations and laboratory research. Subsequent exoplanet research will in turn provide statistical context to conclusions about the nature and origins of life.

David H. Kasper, Jacob L. Bean, Michael R. Line, Andreas Seifahrt, Julian Sturmer, Lorenzo Pino, Jean-Michel Desert, Matteo Brogi

8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJL

We present dayside thermal emission observations of the hottest exoplanet KELT-9b using the new MAROON-X spectrograph. We detect atomic lines in emission at 10$\sigma$ confidence using cross correlation with binary masks. The detection of emission lines confirms the presence of a thermal inversion in KELT-9b's atmosphere. We also search for TiO and other molecules, which have been invoked to explain the unusual \textit{HST}/WFC3 spectrum of the planet. We do not detect any molecules, and instead use a retrieval approach to place an upper limit on the TiO volume mixing ratio of 10$^{-8.5}$ (at 99% confidence). This upper limit is inconsistent with the models used to match the WFC3 data, which require at least an order of magnitude more TiO, thus suggesting the need for an alternate explanation of the space-based data. Our retrieval results also strongly prefer an inverted temperature profile and atomic/ion abundances largely consistent with the expectations for a solar composition gas in thermochemical equilibrium. The exception is the retrieved abundance of Fe$^+$, which is about 1-2 orders of magnitude greater than predictions. These results highlight the growing power of high-resolution spectrographs on large ground-based telescopes to characterize exoplanet atmospheres when used in combination with new retrieval techniques.

Anne Boucher, Antoine Darveau-Bernier, Stefan Pelletier, David Lafrenière, Étienne Artigau, Neil J. Cook, Romain Allart, Michael Radica, René Doyon, Björn Benneke, Luc Arnold, Xavier Bonfils, Vincent Bourrier, Ryan Cloutier João Gomes da Silva, Emily Deibert, Xavier Delfosse, Jean-François Donati, David Ehrenreich, Pedro Figueira, Thierry Forveille, Pascal Fouqué, Jonathan Gagné, Eric Gaidos, Guillaume Hébrard, Ray Jayawardhana, Baptiste Klein, Christophe Lovis, Jorge H. C. Martins, Eder Martioli, Claire Moutou, Nuno C. Santos

24 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

We present the first exoplanet atmosphere detection made as part of the SPIRou Legacy Survey, a Large Observing Program of 300 nights exploiting the capabilities of SPIRou, the new near-infrared high-resolution (R ~ 70 000) spectro-polarimeter installed on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT; 3.6-m). We observed two transits of HD 189733, an extensively studied hot Jupiter that is known to show prominent water vapor absorption in its transmission spectrum. When combining the two transits, we successfully detect the planet's water vapor absorption at 5.9 sigma using a cross-correlation t-test, or with a Delta BIC >10 using a log-likelihood calculation. Using a Bayesian retrieval framework assuming a parametrized T-P profile atmosphere models, we constrain the planet atmosphere parameters, in the region probed by our transmission spectrum, to the following values: VMR[H2O] = -4.4^{+0.4}_{-0.4}, and P_cloud >~ 0.2 bar (grey clouds), both of which are consistent with previous studies of this planet. Our retrieved water volume mixing ratio is slightly sub-solar although, combining it with the previously retrieved super-solar CO abundances from other studies would imply super-solar C/O ratio. We furthermore measure a net blue shift of the planet signal of -4.62^{+0.46}_{-0.44} km s-1, which is somewhat larger than many previous measurements and unlikely to result solely from winds in the planet's atmosphere, although it could possibly be explained by a transit signal dominated by the trailing limb of the planet. This large blue shift is observed in all the different detection/retrieval methods that were performed and in each of the two transits independently.

Jane S. Greaves, Paul B. Rimmer, Anita M. S. Richards, Janusz J. Petkowski, William Bains, Sukrit Ranjan, Sara Seager, David L. Clements, Clara Sousa Silva, Helen J. Fraser

Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letters on 8/18/2021

New analysis is presented of the 1.1 mm wavelength absorption lines in Venus' atmosphere that suggested the presence of phosphine. We confirm that ALMA detected absorption at the PH3 1-0 wavelength in 2019, from an optimised spectrum covering half of the planetary disc. Sulphur dioxide line-contamination was then <10%, from modelling of a simultaneous ALMA spectrum of SO2. We retrieve an SO2 observation from the JCMT archive that was simultaneous within a few days of the PH3 1-0 spectrum obtained in June 2017, and demonstrate that contamination was also <10%. The contamination-subtracted ALMA and JCMT spectra (of 6-7 sigma confidence) are now consistent with similar levels of absorption. The variation is ~25% around -1.5 10-4 of the continuum, albeit not for identical planetary areas. This similarity suggests the abundance that can be attributed to phosphine in Venus' atmosphere was broadly similar in 2017 and 2019.

Vasil Kolev

9 pages, 4 figures, International Conference on Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering,5 - 6 November 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria

Construction of Scanned Astronomical Photographic Plates(SAPPs) databases and SVD image compression algorithm are considered. Some examples of compression with different plates are shown.

Jie Zhu, Bo-Qiang Ma

7 latex pages, 1 figure, final version for publication

Previous researches on high-energy neutrino events from gamma-ray bursters (GRBs) suggest a neutrino speed variation $v(E)=c(1\pm E/E^{\nu}_{\mathrm{LV}})$ with ${E}^{\nu}_{\rm LV}=(6.4\pm 1.5)\times10^{17}~{ \rm GeV}$, together with an intrinsic time difference ${\Delta {t}_{\rm in}=(-2.8\pm 0.7)\times10^2~{\rm s}}$, which means that high-energy neutrinos come out about 300~s earlier than low-energy photons in the source reference system. Considering the possibility that pre-bursts of neutrinos may be accompanied by high-energy photons, in this work we search for high-energy photon events with earlier emission time from 100 to 1000~s before low-energy photons at source by analyzing Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (FGST) data. We perform the searching of photon events with energies larger than 100~MeV, and find 14 events from 48 GRBs with known redshifts. Combining these events with a $1.07~\rm{TeV}$ photon event observed by the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov telescopes (MAGIC), we suggest a pre-burst stage with a long duration period of several minutes of high energy neutrino emissions accompanied by high energy photons at the GRB source.

Iminhaji Ablimit, Philipp Podsiadlowski, Ryosuke Hirai, James Wicker

Revised Version (first submitted on 26-Jan-2021), Under review; Comments Welcome

Most neutron stars (NSs) and black holes (BHs) are believed to be the final remnants in the evolution of massive stars. In this study, we propose a new formation channel for the formation of BHs and peculiar NSs (specifically, magnetars and Thorne-\.Zytkow objects [T\.ZOs]), which we refer to as the core merger-induced collapse (CMIC) model. This model involves the merger at the end of a common-envelope phase of an oxygen/neon/magnesium composition white dwarf and the core of a hydrogen-rich or helium-rich non-degenerate star, leading to the creation of peculiar new types of objects. The results of binary population synthesis simulations show that the CMIC channel could make important contributions to the populations of (millisecond) pulsars, T\.ZOs, magnetars and BHs. The possibility of superluminous supernovae powered by T\.ZOs, magnetars and BHs formed through the CMIC model is also being investigated.

The detection of star-to-star chemical variations in star clusters older than 2 Gyr has changed the traditional view of star clusters as canonical examples of "simple stellar populations" (SSPs) into the so-called "multiple stellar populations" (MPs). Although the significance of MPs seems to correlate with cluster total mass, it seems that the presence of MPs is determined by cluster age, however. In this article, we use deep photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope to investigate whether the FG-type dwarfs in the $\sim$1.7 Gyr-old cluster NGC 1846, have helium spread. By comparing the observation with the synthetic stellar populations, we estimate a helium spread of $\Delta{Y}\sim0.01\pm0.01$ among the main-sequence stars in NGC 1846. The maximum helium spread would not exceed $\Delta{Y}\sim0.02$, depending on the adopted fraction of helium-enriched stars. To mask the color variation caused by such a helium enrichment, a nitrogen enrichment of at least $\Delta{\rm [N/Fe]}$=0.8 dex is required, which is excluded by previous analyses of the red-giant branch in this cluster. We find that our result is consistent with the $\Delta{Y}$--mass relationship for Galactic globular clusters. To examine whether or not NGC 1846 harbors MPs, higher photometric accuracy is required. We conclude that under the adopted photometric quality, there is no extreme helium variation among NGC 1846 dwarfs.

Hadrien A. R. Devillepoix, Peter Jenniskens, Philip A. Bland, Eleanor K. Sansom, Martin C. Towner, Patrick Shober, Martin Cupák, Robert M. Howie, Benjamin A. D. Hartig, Seamus Anderson, Trent Jansen-Sturgeon, Jim Albers

accepted in The Planetary Science Journal

The Desert Fireball Network observed a significant outburst of fireballs belonging to the Southern Taurid Complex of meteor showers between October 27 and November 17, 2015. At the same time, the Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance project detected a distinct population of smaller meteors belonging to the irregular IAU shower #628, the s-Taurids. While this returning outburst was predicted and observed in previous work, the reason for this stream is not yet understood. 2015 was the first year that the stream was precisely observed, providing an opportunity to better understand its nature. We analyse the orbital elements of stream members, and establish a size frequency distribution from millimetre to metre size range. The stream is highly stratified with a large change of entry speed along Earth's orbit. We confirm that the meteoroids have orbital periods near the 7:2 mean-motion resonance with Jupiter. The mass distribution of this population is dominated by larger meteoroids, unlike that for the regular Southern Taurid shower. The distribution index is consistent with a gentle collisional fragmentation of weak material. A population of metre-sized objects is identified from satellite observations at a rate consistent with a continuation of the size-frequency distribution established at centimetre size. The observed change of longitude of perihelion among the s-Taurids points to recent (a few centuries ago) activity from fragmentation involving surviving asteroid 2015TX24. This supports a model for the Taurid Complex showers that involves an ongoing fragmentation cascade of comet 2P/Encke siblings following a breakup some 20,000 years ago.

We compare models of supernova (SN) neutrino emission with the Kamiokande II data on SN 1987A using the Bayesian approach. These models are taken from simulations and are representative of current 1D SN models. We find that models with a brief accretion phase of neutrino emission are the most favored. This result is not affected by varying the overall flux normalization or considering neutrino oscillations. We also check the compatibility of the best-fit models with the data.

In modern cosmology, an important task is investigating whether there exists a signal of modified gravity in the universe. Due to the limited resolutions and sensitivities of facilities, current observations can not detect any signal of modified gravity. As a consequence, it is urgent to predict the constraining power of future cosmological surveys on modified gravity. We constrain the Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$ gravity with eight future mainstream probes encompassing 21 cm intensity mapping, HI galaxy, cosmic microwave background, optical galaxy, weak lensing, galaxy clustering, type Ia supernovae and gravitational wave. We find that the HI galaxy survey SKA2 gives the strongest constraint $\sigma_{f_{R0}}=1.36\times10^{-8}$ among eight probes. The promising 21 cm intensity mapping survey SKA1-MID-B1 and optical galaxy survey Euclid also reach the order $\mathcal{O}$(-8). The fourth-generation CMB experiments SO and CORE produces the order $\mathcal{O}$(-6), while large scale structure surveys Euclid weak lensing, Euclid galaxy clustering and CSST weak lensing obtain the order $\mathcal{O}$(-5). Interestingly, CSST galaxy clustering gives the same order $\mathcal{O}$(-6) as SO and CORE, and the gravitational wave survey ET also obtain the order $\mathcal{O}$(-5). The combination of eight probes gives the tightest constraint $1.14\times10^{-8}$, which is just a little stronger than $1.34\times10^{-8}$ from the combination of SKA2 and SK1-MID-B1. This indicates that, to a large extent, future 21 cm intensity mapping and HI galaxy surveys can improve our understanding of modified gravity and energy budget in the cosmic pie.

Kyle F. Kaplan, Harriet L. Dinerstein, Hwihyun Kim, Daniel T. Jaffe

21 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present a comparative study of the near-infrared (NIR) H$_2$ line emission from five regions near hot young stars: Sharpless 140, NGC 2023, IC 63, the Horsehead Nebula, and the Orion Bar. This emission originates in photodissociation or photon-dominated regions (PDRs), interfaces between photoionized and molecular gas near hot (O) stars or reflection nebulae illuminated by somewhat cooler (B) stars. In these environments, the dominant excitation mechanism for NIR emission lines originating from excited rotational-vibrational (rovibrational) levels of the ground electronic state is radiative or UV excitation (fluorescence), wherein absorption of far-UV photons pumps H$_2$ molecules into excited electronic states from which they decay into the upper levels of the NIR lines. Our sources span a range of UV radiation fields ($G_0 = 10^2$-$10^5$) and gas densities ($n_H = 10^4$-$10^6$ cm$^{-3}$), enabling examination of how these properties affect the emergent spectrum. We obtained high-resolution ($R \approx 45,000$) spectra spanning $1.45$-$2.45$~$\mu$m on the 2.7m Harlan J. Smith Telescope at McDonald Observatory with the Immersion Grating INfrared Spectrometer (IGRINS), detecting up to over 170 transitions per source from excited vibrational states ($v = 1$-$14$). The populations of individual rovibrational levels derived from these data clearly confirm UV excitation. Among the five PDRs in our survey, the Orion Bar shows the greatest deviation of the populations and spectrum from pure UV excitation, while Sharpless 140 shows the least deviation. However, we find that all five PDRs exhibit at least some modification of the level populations relative to their values under pure UV excitation, a result we attribute to collisional effects.

The detections of gravitational waves (GWs) from binary neutron star (BNS) systems and neutron star--black hole (NSBH) systems provide new insights into dense matter properties in extreme conditions and associated high-energy astrophysical processes. However, currently information about NS equation of state (EoS) is extracted with very limited precision. Meanwhile, the fruitful results from the serendipitous discovery of the $\gamma$-ray burst alongside GW170817 show the necessity of early warning alerts. Accurate measurements of the matter effects and sky location could be achieved by joint GW detection from space and ground. In our work, based on two example cases, GW170817 and GW200105, we use the Fisher information matrix analysis to investigate the multiband synergy between the space-borne decihertz GW detectors and the ground-based Einstein Telescope (ET). We specially focus on the parameters pertaining to spin-induced quadrupole moment, tidal deformability, and sky localization. We demonstrate that, (i) only with the help of multiband observations can we constrain the quadrupole parameter; and (ii) with the inclusion of decihertz GW detectors, the errors of tidal deformability would be a few times smaller, indicating that many more EoSs could be excluded; (iii) with the inclusion of ET, the sky localization improves by about an order of magnitude. Furthermore, we have systematically compared the different limits from four planned decihertz detectors and adopting two widely used waveform models.

We provide new values of the orbital parameters of 152 globular clusters, which are calculated using the new mean proper motions obtained from the Gaia EDR3 catalog data. The orbits were integrated 5 Gyr back in an axisymmetric three-component potential with a spherical bulge, disk component, and spherical dark halo in the Navarro-Frenk-White form, which we refined using the rotation curve of objects with large galactocentric distances up to 200 kpc. The obtained orbital parameters were compared with the orbital parameters of the same globular clusters calculated earlier in the same gravitational potential using proper motions from the Gaia DR2 catalog data. The objects whose orbits underwent significant changes were identified.

Emilia Järvelä, Marco Berton, Luca Crepaldi

22 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, Research Topic "Rising Stars"

Narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies are active galactic nuclei (AGN) believed to be in the early stages of their evolution. A fraction of them have been found to host relativistic jets. Due to the lack of large-scale diffuse radio emission they are believed to be experiencing one of their first activity cycles, and can offer us an opportunity to study the early evolution of more powerful AGN, such as radio galaxies and flat-spectrum radio quasars. Recently, a group of intriguing jetted NLS1s was discovered: based on high radio frequency data they host relativistic jets, but in the JVLA observations they all showed steep radio spectra at least up to 9.0~GHz, indicating very strong absorption at these frequencies. In this paper we study a subset of these sources in detail by employing spatially resolved radio spectral index maps at central frequencies of 1.6, 5.2, and 9.0~GHz. With spectral index maps we can disentangle the different radio emission components over the radio-emitting region, and get insights into the production mechanisms of radio emission. In addition, we study their host galaxies in relation to the radio emission to investigate if the host can provide us additional information regarding the origin of the radio emission, or the launching mechanism of the jets. It is fascinating how different the sources studied are, and certainly more, especially wide frequency-range, and high-resolution observations will be needed to understand their history and current properties, such as the reason behind the extraordinary radio spectra.

J. K. Thalmann, M. K. Georgoulis, Y. Liu, E. Pariat, G. Valori, S. Anfinogentov, F. Chen, Y. Guo, K. Moraitis, S. Yang, A. Mastrano

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 29 pages, 9 figures

In this ISSI-supported series of studies on magnetic helicity in the Sun, we systematically implement different magnetic helicity calculation methods on high-quality solar magnetogram observations. We apply finite-volume, discrete flux tube (in particular, connectivity-based) and flux-integration methods to data from Hinode's Solar Optical Telescope. The target is NOAA active region 10930 during a ~1.5 day interval in December 2006 that included a major eruptive flare (SOL2006-12-13T02:14X3.4). Finite-volume and connectivity-based methods yield instantaneous budgets of the coronal magnetic helicity, while the flux-integration methods allow an estimate of the accumulated helicity injected through the photosphere. The objectives of our work are twofold: A cross-validation of methods, as well as an interpretation of the complex events leading to the eruption. To the first objective, we find (i) strong agreement among the finite-volume methods, (ii) a moderate agreement between the connectivity-based and finite-volume methods, (iii) an excellent agreement between the flux-integration methods, and (iv) an overall agreement between finite-volume and flux-integration based estimates regarding the predominant sign and magnitude of the helicity. To the second objective, we are confident that the photospheric helicity flux significantly contributed to the coronal helicity budget, and that a right-handed structure erupted from a predominantly left-handed corona during the X-class flare. Overall, we find that the use of different methods to estimate the (accumulated) coronal helicity may be necessary in order to draw a complete picture of an active-region corona, given the careful handling of identified data (preparation) issues, which otherwise would mislead the event analysis and interpretation.

S. Abe, S. Asami, A. Gando, Y. Gando, T. Gima, A. Goto, T. Hachiya, K. Hata, S. Hayashida, K. Hosokawa, K. Ichimura, S. Ieki, H. Ikeda, K. Inoue, K. Ishidoshiro, Y. Kamei, N. Kawada, T. Kinoshita, Y. Kishimoto, M. Koga, N. Maemura, T. Mitsui, H. Miyake, K. Nakamura, K. Nakamura, R. Nakamura, H. Ozaki, T. Sakai, H. Sambonsugi, I. Shimizu, J. Shirai, K. Shiraishi, A. Suzuki, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeuchi, K. Tamae, K. Ueshima, Y. Wada, H. Watanabe, Y. Yoshida, S. Obara, A. K. Ichikawa, A. Kozkov, D. Chernyak, Y. Takemoto, S. Yoshida, S. Umehara, K. Fushimi, S. Hirata, K. Z. Nakamura, M. Yoshida, B. E. Berger, B. L. Fujikawa, J. G. Learned, J. Maricic, S. N. Axani, Z. Fu, J. Ouellet, L. A. Winslow, Y. Efremenko, H. J. Karwowski, D. M. Markoff, W. Tornow, A. Li, J. A. Detwiler, S. Enomoto, M. P. Decowski, et al. (3 additional authors not shown)

22 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, preprint for submission to journal

We report on a search for electron antineutrinos ($\bar{\nu}_e$) from astrophysical sources in the neutrino energy range 8.3 to 30.8 MeV with the KamLAND detector. In an exposure of 6.72 kton-year of the liquid scintillator, we observe 18 candidate events via the inverse beta decay reaction. Although there is a large background uncertainty from neutral current atmospheric neutrino interactions, we find no significant excess over background model predictions. Assuming several supernova relic neutrino spectra, we give upper flux limits of 60--110 cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (90% CL) in the analysis range and present a model-independent flux. We also set limits on the annihilation rates for light dark matter pairs to neutrino pairs. These data improves on the upper probability limit of $^{8}$B solar neutrinos converting into $\bar{\nu}_e$'s, $P_{\nu_e \rightarrow \bar{\nu}_e} < 3.5\times10^{-5}$ (90% CL) assuming an undistorted $\bar{\nu}_e$ shape. This corresponds to a solar $\bar{\nu}_e$ flux of 60 cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (90% CL) in the analysis energy range.

Laura Bercic, Milan Maksimovic, Jasper S. Halekas, Smone Landi, Christopher J. Owen, Daniel Verscharen, Davin Larson, Phyllis Whittlesey, Samuel T. Badman, Stuart. D. Bale, Anthony W. Case, Keith Goetz, Peter R. Harvey, Justin C. Kasper, Kelly E. Korreck, Roberto Livi, Robert J. MacDowall, David M. Malaspina, Marc Pulupa, Michael L. Stevens

The solar wind escapes from the solar corona and is accelerated, over a short distance, to its terminal velocity. The energy balance associated with this acceleration remains poorly understood. To quantify the global electrostatic contribution to the solar wind dynamics, we empirically estimate the ambipolar electric field ($\mathrm{E}_\parallel$) and potential ($\Phi_\mathrm{r,\infty}$). We analyse electron velocity distribution functions (VDFs) measured in the near-Sun solar wind, between 20.3\,$R_S$ and 85.3\,$R_S$, by the Parker Solar Probe. We test the predictions of two different solar wind models. Close to the Sun, the VDFs exhibit a suprathermal electron deficit in the sunward, magnetic field aligned part of phase space. We argue that the sunward deficit is a remnant of the electron cutoff predicted by collisionless exospheric models (Lemaire & Sherer 1970, 1971, Jockers 1970). This cutoff energy is directly linked to $\Phi_\mathrm{r,\infty}$. Competing effects of $\mathrm{E}_\parallel$ and Coulomb collisions in the solar wind are addressed by the Steady Electron Runaway Model (SERM) (Scudder 2019). In this model, electron phase space is separated into collisionally overdamped and underdamped regions. We assume that this boundary velocity at small pitch angles coincides with the strahl break-point energy, which allows us to calculate $\mathrm{E}_\parallel$. The obtained $\Phi_\mathrm{r,\infty}$ and $\mathrm{E}_\parallel$ agree well with theoretical expectations. They decrease with radial distance as power law functions with indices $\alpha_\Phi = -0.66$ and $\alpha_\mathrm{E} = -1.69$. We finally estimate the velocity gained by protons from electrostatic acceleration, which equals to 77\% calculated from the exospheric models, and to 44\% from the SERM model.

Juan García de la Concepción, Cristina Puzzarini, Vincenzo Barone, Izaskun Jiménez-Serra, Octavio Roncero

21 pages, 5 figures

In recent years, phosphorus monoxide (PO) -- an important molecule for prebiotic chemistry -- has been detected in star-forming regions and in the comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. These studies have revealed that, in the interstellar medium, PO is systematically the most abundant P-bearing species, with abundances that are $\sim$1-3 times greater than those derived for phosphorus nitride (PN), the second most abundant P-containing molecule. The reason why PO is more abundant than PN remains still unclear. Experimental studies with phosphorus in the gas phase are not available, probably because of the difficulties in dealing with its compounds. Therefore, the reactivity of atomic phosphorus needs to be investigated using reliable computational tools. To this end, state-of-the-art quantum-chemical computations have been employed to evaluate accurate reaction rates and branching ratios for the P + OH $\rightarrow$ PO + H and P + H$_2$O $\rightarrow$ PO + H$_2$ reactions in the framework of a master equation approach based on ab-initio transition state theory. The hypothesis that OH and H${_2}$O can be potential oxidizing agents of atomic phosphorus is based on the ubiquitous presence of H${_2}$O in the ISM. Its destruction then produces OH, which is another very abundant species. While the reaction of atomic phosphorus in its gound state with water is not a relevant source of PO because of emerged energy barriers, the P + OH reaction represents an important formation route of PO in the interstellar medium. Our kinetic results show that this reaction follow an Arrhenius behavior, and thus its rate coefficients alpha=2.28$\times$10$^{-10}$ cm${^3}$ molecule$^{-1}$ s$^{-1}$, beta=0.16 and gamma=0.37 K increase by increasing the temperature.

Sota Arakawa, Ryuki Hyodo, Daigo Shoji, Hidenori Genda

36 pages, 22 figures. Accepted for publication in AJ

Recent astronomical observations revealed that (225088) Gonggong, a 1000-km-sized trans-Neptunian dwarf planet, hosts an eccentric satellite, Xiangliu, with an eccentricity of approximately 0.3. As the majority of known satellite systems around trans-Neptunian dwarf planets have circular orbits, the observed eccentricity of Gonggong--Xiangliu system may reflect the singular properties of the system. In this study, we assumed that Gonggong--Xiangliu system formed via a giant impact and investigated the following secular tidal evolution of Gonggong--Xiangliu system under the simplifying assumption of homogeneous bodies and of zero orbital inclination. We conducted coupled thermal--orbital evolution simulations using the Andrade viscoelastic model and included higher-order eccentricity functions. The distribution of the final eccentricity from a large number of simulations with different initial conditions revealed that the radius of Xiangliu is not larger than 100 km. We also derived the analytical solution of the semilatus rectum evolution, a function of the radius of Xiangliu. From the point of view of the final semilatus rectum, the radius of Xiangliu was estimated to be close to 100 km. Together with the results of the Hubble Space Telescope observations, our findings suggest Gonggong and Xiangliu have similar albedos.

Wolfgang Reich, Xuyang Gao, Patricia Reich

8 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics

The vast majority of Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) were detected by their synchrotron radio emission. Recently, the evolved SNR G107.0+9.0 with a diameter of about 3~deg or 75~pc up to 100~pc in size was optically detected with an indication of faint associated radio emission. This SNR requires a detailed radio study. We aim to search for radio emission from SNR G107.0+9.0 by analysing new data from the Effelsberg 100-m and the Urumqi 25-m radio telescopes in addition to available radio surveys. Radio SNRs outside of the Galactic plane, where confusion is rare, must be very faint if they have not been identified so far. Guided by the H$\alpha$ emission of G107.0+9.0, we separated its radio emission from the Galactic large-scale emission. Radio emission from SNR G107.0+9.0 is detected between 22~MHz and 4.8~GHz with a steep non-thermal spectrum, which confirms G107.0+9.0 as an SNR. Its surface brightness is among the lowest known for Galactic SNRs. Polarised emission is clearly detected at 1.4~GHz but is fainter at 4.8~GHz. We interpret the polarised emission as being caused by a Faraday screen associated with G107.0+9.0 and its surroundings. Its ordered magnetic field along the line of sight is below 1~$\mu$G. At 4.8~GHz, we identified a depolarised filament along the western periphery of G107.0+9.0 with a magnetic field strength along the line of sight $B{_{||}} \sim 15~\mu$G, which requires magnetic field compression. G107.0+9.0 adds to the currently small number of known, evolved, large-diameter, low-surface-brightness Galactic SNRs. We have shown that such objects can be successfully extracted from radio-continuum surveys despite the dominating large-scale diffuse Galactic emission.

A. R. G. Santos, S. Mathur, R. A. García, M. S. Cunha, P. P. Avelino

12 pages, 19 Figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Rotational modulation of stellar light curves due to dark spots encloses information on spot properties and, thus, on magnetic activity. In particular, the decay of the autocorrelation function (ACF) of light curves is presumed to be linked to spot/active-region lifetimes, given that some coherence of the signal is expected throughout their lifetime. In the literature, an exponential decay has been adopted to describe the ACF. Here, we investigate the relation between the ACF and the active-region lifetimes. For this purpose, we produce artificial light curves of rotating spotted stars with different observation, stellar, and spot properties. We find that a linear decay and respective timescale better represent the ACF than the exponential decay. We therefore adopt a linear decay. The spot/active-region timescale inferred from the ACF is strongly restricted by the observation length of the light curves. For 1-year light curves our results are consistent with no correlation between the inferred and the input timescales. The ACF decay is also significantly affected by differential rotation and spot evolution: strong differential rotation and fast spot evolution contribute to a more severe underestimation of the active-region lifetimes. Nevertheless, in both circumstances the observed timescale is still correlated with the input lifetimes. Therefore, our analysis suggests that the ACF decay can be used to obtain a lower limit of the active-region lifetimes for relatively long-term observations. However, strategies to avoid or flag targets with fast active-region evolution or displaying stable beating patterns associated with differential rotation should be employed.

Ryo Tazaki, Koji Murakawa, Takayuki Muto, Mitsuhiko Honda, Akio K. Inoue

21 pages, 14 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in ApJ

We study the $3~\mu$m scattering feature of water ice detected in the outer disk of HD 142527 by performing radiative transfer simulations. We show that an ice mass abundance at the outer disk surface of HD 142527 is much lower than estimated in a previous study. It is even lower than inferred from far-infrared ice observations, implying ice disruption at the disk surface. Next, we demonstrate that a polarization fraction of disk-scattered light varies across the ice-band wavelengths depending on ice grain properties; hence, polarimetric spectra would be another tool for characterizing water-ice properties. Finally, we argue that the observed reddish disk-scattered light is due to grains with a few microns in size. To explain the presence of such grains at the disk surface, we need a mechanism that can efficiently oppose dust settling. If we assume turbulent mixing, our estimate requires $\alpha\gtrsim2\times10^{-3}$, where $\alpha$ is a non-dimensional parameter describing the vertical diffusion coefficient of grains. Future observations probing gas kinematics would be helpful to elucidate vertical grain dynamics in the outer disk of HD 142527.

Jessica Braudo, Ealeal Bear, Noam Soker (Technion, Israel)

Will be submitted in two days to allow for comments

We examine a triple-star evolution that might lead to core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) in stellar populations that are too old to allow for single or binary evolution to form CCSNe, i.e., where the most massive stars that evolve off the main sequence have masses of ~4-5Mo. In the scenario we examine the most massive star in the triple system, of mass ~4-5Mo, transfers mass to an inner binary system at an orbital separation of ~100-1000Ro. The initial orbital separation of the inner binary is ~10-50Ro. The inner binary accretes most of the mass that the primary star loses and the two star expands and their mutual orbit contracts until merger. The merger product is a main sequence star of mass ~8-10o that later experience a CCSN explosion and leaves a NS remnant, bound or unbound to the white dwarf (WD) remnant of the primary star. We estimate the event rate of these WD-NS reverse evolution scenario be a fraction of ~5e-5 of CCSNe. We expect that in the coming decade sky surveys will detect 1-5 such events.

Peter Hammond, Ian Hawke, Nils Andersson

26 pages, 11 figures

In order to extract maximal information from neutron-star merger signals, both gravitational and electromagnetic, we need to ensure that our theoretical models/numerical simulations faithfully represent the extreme physics involved. This involves a range of issues, with the finite temperature effects regulating many of the relevant phenomena. As a step towards understanding these issues, we explore the conditions for $\beta$-equilibrium in neutron star matter for the densities and temperatures reached in a binary neutron star merger. Using the results from our out-of-equilibrium merger simulation, we consider how different notions of equilibrium may affect the merger dynamics, raising issues that arise when attempting to account for these conditions in future simulations. These issues are both computational and conceptual. We show that the effects lead to, in our case, a softening of the equation of state in some density regions, and to composition changes that affect processes that rely on deviation from equilibrium, such as bulk viscosity, both in terms of the magnitude and the equilibration timescales inherent to the relevant set of reactions. We also demonstrate that it is difficult to determine exactly which equilibrium conditions are relevant in which regions of the matter due to the dependence on neutrino absorption, further complicating the calculation of the reactions that work to restore the matter to equilibrium.

Sedighe Sajadian, Richard Ignace, Hilding Neilson

11 pages, 4 Figures, 4 Tables

One possibility for detecting low-amplitude pulsational variations is through gravitational microlensing. During a microlensing event, the temporary brightness increase leads to improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio, and thereby better detectability of pulsational signatures in light curves. We explore this possibility under two primary considerations. The first is when the standard point-source and point-lens approximation applies. In this scenario, dividing the observed light curve by the best-fitted microlensing model leads to residuals that result in pulsational features with improved uncertainties. The second is for transit events (single lens) or caustic crossing (binary lens). The point-source approximation breaks down, and residuals relative to a simple best-fitted microlensing model display more complex behavior. We employ a Monte-Carlo simulation of microlensing of pulsating variables toward the Galactic bulge for the surveys of OGLE and of KMTNet. We demonstrate that the efficiency for detecting pulsational signatures with intrinsic amplitudes of $<0.25$ mag during single and binary microlensing events, at differences in $\chi^{2}$ of $\Delta \chi^{2} >350$, is $\sim 50-60\%$. The maximum efficiency occurs for pulsational periods $P \simeq 0.1-0.3$ days. We also study the possibility that high-magnification microlensing events of non-radially pulsating stars (NRPs) could be misinterpreted as planetary or binary microlensing events. We conclude that small asymmetric features around lightcurve peaks due to stellar pulsations could be misdiagnosed with crossing (or passing close to) small caustic curves.

Damien Hutsemékers, Dominique Sluse

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1908.04178

Line profile distortions are commonly observed in gravitationally lensed quasar spectra. These distortions are caused by microlensing from the stars in the lensing galaxy, which produce differential magnification of spatially and kinematically separated parts of the broad line region (BLR). The quasi-simultaneous visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of the lensed quasar Q2237+0305 reveals strong microlensing-induced line deformations in the high-ionization CIV $\lambda$ 1549 \AA and the low-ionization H$\alpha$ emission lines. We use this effect to constrain the BLR size, geometry, and kinematics in Q2237+0305. For this purpose, we modeled the deformation of the emission lines for three representative BLR models: a Keplerian disk, an equatorial wind, and a biconical polar wind. We considered various inclinations with respect to the line of sight. We find that the observed microlensing effect, characterized by a set of four indices, can only be reproduced by a subsample of the considered BLR models. The microlensing analysis favors a Keplerian disk model for the regions emitting the CIV and the H$\alpha$ emission lines. A polar wind model remains possible for the CIV BLR, although it is less likely. The equatorial wind model is totally excluded. A preferred inclination of the BLR of 40$\deg$ is found, in agreement with expectations for a type 1 AGN and past constraints on the accretion disk inclination. The half-light radius of the BLR is $ r_{\rm 1/2} \simeq$ 47$\pm$19 light-days, with no significant difference between the CIV and H$\alpha$ BLRs. The size of the CIV BLR agrees with the radius-luminosity relation derived from reverberation mapping, while the size of the Balmer line BLR is one order of magnitude smaller, possibly revealing different quasar properties at high luminosities and high accretion rates.

Kimmo Kainulainen, Sami Nurmi, Enrico D. Schiappacasse, Tsutomu T. Yanagida

6 pages, 3 figures

Primordial black holes (PBHs) are one of the most interesting non-particle dark matter (DM) candidates. They may explain all the DM content in the Universe in the mass regime about $10^{-14}M_{\odot}-10^{-11}M_{\odot}$. We study PBHs as the source of Fast Radio Bursts via magnetic reconnection in the event of collisions between them and neutron stars (NSs) in galaxies. We investigate the energy-loss of PBHs during PBH-NS encounters to model their capture by NSs. To an order-of-magnitude estimation, we conclude that the parameter space of PBHs being all DM is accidentally consistent with that to produce FRBs with a rate which is the order of the observed FRB rate.

N. Andersson, I. Hawke, T. Celora, G.L. Comer

15 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS format

We consider a framework for non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics in general relativity, paying particular attention to the physics involved. The discussion highlights the connection between the microphysics (associated with a given equation of state) and the global dynamics (from the point of view of numerical simulations), and includes a careful consideration of the assumptions that lead to ideal and resistive magnetohydrodynamics. We pay particular attention to the issue of local charge neutrality, which tends to be assumed but appears to be more involved than is generally appreciated. While we do not resolve all the involved issues, we highlight how some of the assumptions and simplifications may be tested by simulations. The final formulation is consistent, both logically and physically, preparing the ground for a new generation of models of relevant astrophysical scenarios.

Turbulent dynamo theories have faced difficulties in obtaining evolution of large-scale magnetic fields on short dynamical time-scales due to the constraint imposed by magnetic helicity balance. This has critical implications for understanding the large-scale magnetic field evolution in astrophysical systems like the Sun, stars and galaxies. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) in the past with isotropically forced helical turbulence have shown that large-scale dynamo saturation time-scales are dependent on the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm). In this work, we have carried out periodic box DNS of helically forced turbulence leading to a large-scale dynamo with two kinds of forcing function, an isotropic one based on that used in PENCIL-CODE and an anisotropic one based on Galloway-Proctor flows. We show that when the turbulence is forced anisotropically, the nonlinear (saturation) behaviour of the large-scale dynamo is only weakly dependent on Rm. In fact the magnetic helicity evolution on small and large scales in the anisotropic case is distinctly different from that in the isotropic case. This result possibly holds promise for the alleviation of important issues like catastrophic quenching.

Kellen Lawson, Thayne Currie, John P. Wisniewski, Jun Hashimoto, Olivier Guyon, N. Jeremy Kasdin, Tyler D. Groff, Julien Lozi, Timothy D. Brandt, Jeffrey Chilcote, Vincent Deo, Taichi Uyama, Sebastien Vievard

20 pages, 8 figures

We describe a new high-contrast imaging capability well suited for studying planet-forming disks: near-infrared (NIR) high-contrast spectropolarimetric imaging with the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system coupled with the Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS) integral field spectrograph (IFS). The advent of extreme adaptive optics (AO) systems, like SCExAO, has enabled recovery of planet-mass companions at the expected locations of gas-giant formation in young disks alongside disk structures (such as gaps or spirals) that may indicate protoplanet formation. In combination with SCExAO, the CHARIS IFS in polarimetry mode allows characterization of these systems at wavelengths spanning the NIR J, H, and K bands ($1.1-2.4$ $\mu m$, $R\sim20$) and at angular separations as small as 0.04". By comparing the resulting images with forward-modeled scattered light or 3D radiative-transfer models, the likely origins of any observed features can be assessed. Utilization of swift optimization algorithms, such as differential evolution (DE), to identify model parameters that best reproduce the observations allows plausible disk geometries to be explored efficiently. The recent addition of CHARIS's unique integral field spectropolarimetry mode has further facilitated the study of planet-forming disks -- aiding in the confirmation of candidate protoplanets, the diagnosis of disk structures, and the characterization of dust grain populations. We summarize preliminary results for two young planet-forming disk systems based on observations with the novel integral field spectropolarimetry mode for SCExAO/CHARIS.

We derive CP-violating transport equations for fermions for electroweak baryogenesis from the CTP-formalism including thermal corrections at the one-loop level. We consider both the VEV-insertion approximation (VIA) and the semiclassical (SC) formalism. We show that the VIA-method is based on an {\em assumption} that leads to an ill-defined source term containing a pinch singularity, whose regularisation by thermal effects leads to ambiguities including spurious ultraviolet and infrared divergences. We then carefully review the derivation of the semiclassical formalism and extend it to include thermal corrections. We present the semiclassical Boltzmann equations for thermal WKB-quasiparticles with source terms up to the second order in gradients that contain both dispersive and finite width corrections. We also show that the SC-method reproduces the current divergence equations and that a correct implementation of the Fick's law captures the semiclassical source term even with conserved total current $\partial_\mu j^\mu = 0$. Our results show that the VIA-source term is not just ambiguous, but that it does not exist. Finally, we show that the collisional source terms reported earlier in the semiclassical literature are also spurious, and vanishes in a consistent calculation.

On the frequency-amplitude plane, Gravitational Waves (GWs) from cosmic strings show a flat plateau at higher frequencies due to the string loop dynamics in standard radiation dominated post-inflationary epoch. The spectrum may show an abrupt upward or a downward trend beyond a turning point frequency $f_*$, if the primordial dark age prior to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), exhibits non-standard cosmic histories. We argue that such a spectral break followed by a rising GW amplitude which is a consequence of a post-inflationary equation of state ($\omega>1/3$) stiffer than the radiation ($\omega=1/3$), could also be a strong hint of a leptogenesis in the seesaw model of neutrino masses. Dynamical generation of the right handed (RH) neutrino masses by a gauged $U(1)$ symmetry breaking leads to the formation of a network of cosmic strings which emits stochastic GWs. A gravitational interaction of the lepton current by an operator of the form $\partial_\mu R j^\mu$--which can be generated in the seesaw model at the two-loop level through RH neutrino mediation, naturally seeks a stiffer equation of state to efficiently produce baryon asymmetry proportional to $1-3\omega$. We discuss how GWs with reasonably strong amplitudes complemented by a neutrino-less double beta decay signal could probe the onset of the most recent radiation domination and lightest RH neutrino mass at the intermediate scales.

Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Timm Wrase, Yusuke Yamada

15 pages, 4 figures

We construct supergravity models allowing to sequester the phenomenology of inflation from the Planckian energy scale physics. The procedure consists of two steps: At Step~I we study supergravity models, which might be associated with string theory or M-theory, and have supersymmetric Minkowski vacua with flat directions. At Step~II we uplift these flat directions to inflationary plateau potentials. We find certain conditions which ensure that the superheavy fields involved in the stabilization of the Minkowski vacua at Step I are completely decoupled from the inflationary phenomenology.

Renata Kallosh, Andrei Linde, Timm Wrase, Yusuke Yamada

24pages, 7 figures

We develop sequestered inflation models, where inflation occurs along flat directions in supergravity models derived from type IIB string theory. It is compactified on a ${\mathbb{T}^6 \over \mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2}$ orientifold with generalized fluxes and O3/O7-planes. At Step I, we use flux potentials which 1) satisfy tadpole cancellation conditions and 2) have supersymmetric Minkowski vacua with flat direction(s). The 7 moduli are split into heavy and massless Goldstone multiplets. At Step II we add a nilpotent multiplet and uplift the flat direction(s) of the type IIB string theory to phenomenological inflationary plateau potentials: $\alpha$-attractors with 7 discrete values $3\alpha = 1, 2, 3, ..., 7$. Their cosmological predictions are determined by the hyperbolic geometry inherited from string theory. The masses of the heavy fields and the volume of the extra dimensions change during inflation, but this does not affect the inflationary dynamics.

In rotating stars and planets, excitation of inertial waves in convective envelopes provides an important channel for tidal dissipation, but the dissipation rate due to inertial waves depends erratically on the tidal frequency. Tidal dissipation is significantly enhanced at some frequencies, suggesting possible resonances between the tidal forcing and some eigenmodes. However, the nature of these resonances remains enigmatic owing to the singularity of the eigenvalue problem of inertial waves, and the resonances are often mistakenly attributed to wave attractors in the literature. In this letter, we reveal that resonant tidal responses correspond to inertial modes with large-scale flows hidden beneath localized wave beams. Strong couplings between the tidal forcing and the hidden large-scale flows intensify the localized wave beams emanating from the critical latitudes, leading to enhanced tidal dissipation. This study resolves a long-standing puzzle regarding the frequency-dependence of tidal dissipation due to inertial waves in convective envelopes.

Perturbation theory of vacuum spherically-symmetric spacetimes is a crucial tool to understand the dynamics of black hole perturbations. Spherical symmetry allows for an expansion of the perturbations in scalar, vector, and tensor harmonics. The resulting perturbative equations are decoupled for modes with different parity and different harmonic numbers. Moreover, for each harmonic and parity, the equations for the perturbations can be decoupled in terms of (gauge-invariant) master functions that satisfy 1+1 wave equations. By working in a completely general perturbative gauge, in this paper we study what is the most general master function that is linear in the metric perturbations and their first-order derivatives and satisfies a wave equation with a potential. The outcome of the study is that for each parity we have two branches of solutions with similar features. One of the branches includes the known results: In the odd-parity case, the most general master function is an arbitrary linear combination of the Regge-Wheeler and the Cunningham-Price-Moncrief master functions whereas in the even-parity case it is an arbitrary linear combination of the Zerilli master function and another master function that is new to our knowledge. The other branch is very different since it includes an infinite collection of potentials which in turn lead to an independent collection master of functions which depend on the potential. The allowed potentials satisfy a non-linear ordinary differential equation. Finally, all the allowed master functions are gauge invariant and can be written in a fully covariant form.

R. A. Treumann, Wolfgang Baumjohann

18 pages, 2 Figures, in press

The possibility of generating diffuse radiation in extended astronomical media by plasma turbulence is investigated under the assumption that the turbulence can be understood as an ensemble of small-scale magnetic filaments (narrow current sheets) forming a texture around a large number of magnetic depletions or voids. On astronomically microscopic scales the dilute high temperature medium (plasma) is to be considered ideally conducting forming a collection of Josephson junctions between two such adjacent quasi-superconductors. The oscillation frequency of those junctions is high, from radio into X- rays but depends on the part of the spectrum that contributes to the oscillation. Lowest Josephson frequencies/energies are obtained from the shortest near-dissipation turbulent scales and turbulent electric fields inclined against the junction normal causing broadband Josephson radiation spectra of low intensity that maximizes at nearly perpendicular electric field and lowest frequency causing weak background radiation.

Julian Westerweck, Yotam Sherf, Collin D. Capano, Ram Brustein

We obtain stringent constraints on near-horizon deviations of a black hole from the Kerr geometry by performing a long-duration Bayesian analysis of the gravitational-wave data immediately following GW150914. GW150914 was caused by a binary system that merged to form a final compact object. We parameterize deviations of this object from a Kerr black hole by modifying its boundary conditions from full absorption to full reflection, thereby modeling it as a horizonless ultracompact object. Such modifications result in the emission of long-lived monochromatic quasinormal modes after the merger. These modes would extract energy on the order of a few solar masses from the final object, making them observable by LIGO. By putting bounds on the existence of these modes, we show that the Kerr geometry is not modified down to distances as small as $4 \times 10^{-16}$ meters away from the horizon. Our results indicate that the post-merger object formed by GW150914 is a black hole that is well described by the Kerr geometry.