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Papers for Thursday, Oct 07 2021

Diego Lopez-Camara, Fabio De Colle, Enrique Moreno Mendez, Sagiv Shiber, Roberto Iaconi

9 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS

We present small scale three dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of the evolution of a 0.3Msun main sequence star which launches two perpendicular jets within the envelope of a 0.88Msun red giant. Based on the large scale simulations of Shiber et al. (2019), we study the dynamics of the jets either when the secondary star is grazing the envelope of the red giant, or when it has plunged-in the envelope. The dynamics of the jets through the common envelope (CE) depend on the conditions of the environment as well as on the jet power. Jets are successful in removing the envelope during the early grazing envelope phase and the initial plunge-in CE phases. Deep inside the CE, the jets are drowned. High luminosity emission going from X-rays to UV and optical is expected when the jets break out of the CE. We find that the mass accretion onto the MS star is 1-10\% of the Bondi Hoyle Littleton rate. The amount of angular momentum accreted on to the secondary is not large enough to form a disk. Our study shows the benefits of coupling large scale models with small scale as the global evolution can critically depend on the small scale phenomena.

Aurel Schneider, Sambit K. Giri, Stefania Amodeo, Alexandre Refregier

13 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome

Modern weak-lensing observations are becoming increasingly sensitive to baryonic feedback processes which are still poorly understood. So far, this new challenge has been faced either by imposing scale-cuts in the data or by modelling baryonic effects with simple, one-parameter models. In this paper, we rely on a more general, seven-parameter prescription of baryonic feedback effects, which is primarily motivated by observations and has been shown to agree with a plethora of hydrodynamical simulations. By combining weak-lensing data from the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS-1000) with observations of gas around galaxy groups and clusters, we are able to constrain our baryonic model parameters and learn more about feedback and cosmology. In particular, we use galaxy cluster gas (and stellar) fractions from a combination of X-ray data as well as stacked gas profiles measured by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) via the kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich (kSZ) effect to provide evidence for baryonic feedback that is stronger than predicted by most hydrodynamical simulations. In terms of the baryonic suppression of the matter power spectrum, we report a beyond-percent effect at wave-modes above $k\sim 0.1-0.4$ h/Mpc and a maximum suppression of 15-35 percent at $k>5$ h/Mpc (68 percent CL). Regarding the cosmological clustering strength, parametrised by the combined parameter $\Sigma_8=\sigma_8(\Omega_m/0.3)^{0.58}$, we find the known tension with the Planck satellite data to be reduced from 3.8 to 3.2 $\sigma$ once baryonic effects are fully included in the analysis pipeline. The tension is further decreased to 2.8 $\sigma$ when the weak-lensing data is combined with observations from X-ray and the kSZ effect. We conclude that, while baryonic feedback effects become more important in modern weak-lensing surveys, they can be excluded as the primary culprit for the observed $\Sigma_8$-tension.

Thayse A. Pacheco, Marcos P. Diaz, Ronaldo S. Levenhagen, Paula R. T. Coelho

10 pages, 10 figures, published at ApJS, 256:41 (10pp), 2021

A new grid of detailed atmosphere model spectra for hot and moderately cool subdwarf stars is presented. High-resolution spectra and synthetic photometry are calculated in the range from 1000{\AA} to 10,000{\AA} using Non-LTE fully line-blanketed atmosphere structures. Our grid covers eight temperatures within 10,000<Teff [K]<65,000, three surface gravities in the range 4.5<logg [cgs]<6.5, two helium abundances matching two extreme helium-rich and helium-poor scenarios, and two limiting metallicity boundaries regarding both solar ([Fe/H] = 0) and Galactic halo ([Fe/H] = -1.5 and [{\alpha}/Fe] = +0.4). Besides its application in the determination of fundamental parameters of subdwarfs in isolation and in binaries, the resulting database is also of interest for population synthesis procedures in a wide variety of stellar systems.

Isaac D. Lopez, J. J. Hermes, Leila M. Calcaferro, Keaton J. Bell, Adam Samuels, Zachary P. Vanderbosch, Alejandro H. Córsico, Alina G. Istrate

14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

We report the discovery of pulsations in the extremely low mass (ELM), likely helium-core white dwarf GD 278 via ground- and space-based photometry. GD 278 was observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) in Sector 18 at a 2-min cadence for roughly 24 d. The TESS data reveal at least 19 significant periodicities between 2447-6729 s, one of which is the longest pulsation period ever detected in a white dwarf. Previous spectroscopy found that this white dwarf is in a 4.61 hr orbit with an unseen >0.4 solar-mass companion and has Teff = 9230 +/- 100 K and log(g) = 6.627 +/- 0.056, which corresponds to a mass of 0.191 +/- 0.013 solar mass. Patterns in the TESS pulsation frequencies from rotational splittings appear to reveal a stellar rotation period of roughly 10 hr, making GD 278 the first ELM white dwarf with a measured rotation rate. The patterns inform our mode identification for asteroseismic fits, which unfortunately do not reveal a global best-fit solution. Asteroseismology reveals two main solutions roughly consistent with the spectroscopic parameters of this ELM white dwarf, but with vastly different hydrogen-layer masses; future seismic fits could be further improved by using the stellar parallax. GD 278 is now the tenth known pulsating ELM white dwarf; it is only the fifth known to be in a short-period binary, but is the first with extended, space-based photometry.

C. Maier (1), C. P. Haines (2), B. L. Ziegler (1) ((1) University of Vienna, Department of Astrophysics, Austria, (2) Instituto de Astronomia y Ciencias Planetarias de Atacama, Copiapo, Chile)

9 pages, 3 figures; submitted to A&A

(Abridged) We explored 18 clusters from LoCuSS at z~0.2 with ACReS spectra of ~1800 cluster members at R<R200 in a mass-complete sample. The metallicities of SF cluster galaxies with R<R200 were found to be enhanced with respect to the MZR of coeval field SF galaxies. This metallicity enhancement is limited to lower-mass satellites of the 9 clusters with a passive BCG. Many of the SF galaxies with enhanced metallicities are found in the core regions of the phase-space diagram expected for virialized populations. We find a higher fraction of higher mass SF galaxies at R<R500 in clusters with active BCGs compared to clusters with passive BCGs, a signal for galactic conformity. In contrast, much higher fractions of AGNs and especially recently quenched galaxies (RQGs) at R<R500 are found in clusters with passive BCGs in comparison to clusters with active BCGs. We deduce that strangulation is initiated in clusters with passive BCGs when SF satellite galaxies pass R200, by stopping the pristine gas inflow which would otherwise dilute the ISM and would maintain their metallicities at values similar to those of field galaxies at similar redshifts. For galaxies with higher masses which survived to be SF when travelling to R<R500 of clusters with passive BCGs, we assume that they suffer a rapid quenching of star formation, likely due to AGNs triggered by the increasing RPS toward the cluster center, which can compress the gas and fuel AGNs; these AGNs can rapidly quench and maintain quenched satellite galaxies. On the other hand, we found that surviving SF massive satellite galaxies around active BCGs are less affected by environment when they enter R<R500, since we observe R<R500 SF galaxies with higher masses and with metallicities typical of coeval field galaxies. This observed galactic conformity implies that active BCGs must maintain their activity over timescales of at least ~1Gyr.

Tibor Rothschild, Daisuke Nagai, Han Aung, Sheridan B. Green, Michelle Ntampaka, John ZuHone

12 pages, 12 figures, 1 tables, submitted to MNRAS

We develop a machine learning algorithm that generates high-resolution thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) maps of novel galaxy clusters given only halo mass and mass accretion rate. The algorithm uses a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) in the form of a convolutional neural network and is trained with SZ maps generated from the IllustrisTNG simulation. Our method can reproduce the details of the aspherical turbulent galaxy clusters with a resolution similar to hydrodynamic simulations while achieving the computational feasibility of semi-analytical maps, allowing us to generate over $10^5$ mock SZ maps in 30 seconds on a laptop. We show that the individual images generated by the model are novel clusters (i.e. not found in the training set) and that the model accurately reproduces the effects of mass and mass accretion rate on the SZ images, such as scatter, asymmetry, and concentration, in addition to modeling merging sub-clusters. This work demonstrates the viability of machine-learning--based methods for producing the number of realistic, high-resolution maps of galaxy clusters necessary to achieve statistical constraints from future SZ surveys.

Anna de Graaff, James Trayford, Marijn Franx, Matthieu Schaller, Joop Schaye, Arjen van der Wel

22 pages, 18 figures; submitted to MNRAS

We use mock images of $z=0.1$ galaxies in the 100 Mpc EAGLE simulation to establish the differences between the sizes and morphologies inferred from the stellar mass distributions and the optical light distributions. The optical, $r$-band images used were constructed with a radiative transfer method to account for the effects of dust, and we measure galaxy structural parameters by fitting S\'ersic models to the images with Galfit. We find that the derived $r$-band half-light radii differ systematically from the stellar half-mass radii, as the $r$-band sizes are typically 0.1 dex larger, and can deviate by as much as $\approx0.5$ dex. The magnitude of this size discrepancy depends strongly on the dust attenuation and star formation activity within the galaxy, as well as the measurement method used. Consequently, we demonstrate that the $r$-band sizes significantly improve the agreement between the simulated and observed stellar mass-size relation: star-forming and quiescent galaxies in EAGLE are typically only slightly larger than observed in the GAMA survey (by 0.1 dex), and the slope and scatter of the local mass-size relation are reproduced well for both populations. Finally, we also compare the obtained morphologies with measurements from GAMA, finding that too few EAGLE galaxies have light profiles that are similar to local early-type galaxies (S\'ersic indices of $n\sim 4$). Despite the presence of a significant population of triaxial systems among the simulated galaxies, the surface brightness and stellar mass density profiles tend to be closer to exponential discs ($n\sim1-2$). Our results highlight the need to measure the sizes and morphologies of simulated galaxies using common observational methods in order to perform a meaningful comparison with observations.

Ryan P. Keenan, Garrett K. Keating, Daniel P. Marrone

Submitted to ApJ

The abundance of cold molecular gas plays a crucial role in models of galaxy evolution. While deep spectroscopic surveys of CO emission lines have been a primary tool for measuring this abundance, the difficulty of these observations has motivated alternative approaches to studying molecular gas content. One technique, line intensity mapping, seeks to constrain the average molecular gas properties of large samples of individually undetectable galaxies through the CO brightness power spectrum. Here we present constraints on the cross-power spectrum between CO intensity maps and optical galaxy catalogs. This cross-measurement allows us to check for systematic problems in CO intensity mapping data, and validate the data analysis used the auto-power spectrum measurement of the CO Power Spectrum Survey. We place a 2-sigma upper limit on the band-averaged CO-galaxy cross-power of $P_x<540$ uK Mpc$^3$/h$^3$. Our measurement favors a non-zero mean CO brightness temperature at around 90% confidence and gives an upper limit on the mean molecular gas density at z~2.6 of $7.7 \times 10^8$ Msun/Mpc$^3$. We forecast the expected cross-power spectrum by applying a number of literature prescriptions for the CO luminosity to halo mass relation to a suite of mock light cones. Under the most optimistic forecasts the cross-spectrum could be detected with only moderate extensions of the data used here, while more conservative models could be detected with a factor of 10 increase in sensitivity. Ongoing CO intensity mapping experiments will target fields allowing extensive cross correlation analysis and should reach the sensitivity required to detect the cross-spectrum signal.

Jacob Lustig-Yaeger, Kevin B. Stevenson, L. C. Mayorga, Kristin S. Sotzen, Erin M. May, Noam R. Izenberg, Kathleen Mandt

13 pages, 5 figures, accepted to ApJ Letters

To increase the sample size of future atmospheric characterization efforts, we build on the planetary infrared excess (PIE) technique that has been proposed as a means to detect and characterize the thermal spectra of transiting and non-transiting exoplanets using sufficiently broad wavelength coverage to uniquely constrain the stellar and planetary spectral components from spatially unresolved observations. We performed simultaneous retrievals of stellar and planetary spectra for the archetypal planet WASP-43b in its original configuration and a non-transiting configuration to determine the efficacy of the PIE technique for characterizing the planet's nightside atmospheric thermal structure and composition using typical out-of-transit JWST observations. We found that using PIE with JWST should enable the stellar and planetary spectra to be disentangled with no degeneracies seen between the two flux sources, thus allowing robust constraints on the planet's nightside thermal structure and water abundance to be retrieved. The broad wavelength coverage achieved by combining spectra from NIRISS, NIRSpec, and MIRI enables PIE retrievals that are within 10% of the precision attained using traditional secondary eclipse measurements, although mid-IR observations with MIRI alone may face up to 3.5 times lower precision on the planet's irradiation temperature. For non-transiting planets with unconstrained radius priors, we were able to identify and break the degeneracy between planet radius and irradiation temperature using data that resolved the peak of both the stellar and planetary spectra, thus potentially increasing the number of planets amenable to atmospheric characterization with JWST and other future mission concepts.

Damien de Mijolla, Melissa K. Ness

submitted to ApJ, 16 pages, code: this https URL

Identification of chemically similar stars using elemental abundances is core to many pursuits within Galactic archaeology. However, measuring the chemical likeness of stars using abundances directly is limited by systematic imprints of imperfect synthetic spectra in abundance derivation. We present a novel data-driven model that is capable of identifying chemically similar stars from spectra alone. We call this Relevant Scaled Component Analysis (RSCA). RSCA finds a mapping from stellar spectra to a representation that optimizes recovery of known open clusters. By design, RSCA amplifies factors of chemical abundance variation and minimizes those of non-chemical parameters, such as instrument systematics. The resultant representation of stellar spectra can therefore be used for precise measurements of chemical similarity between stars. We validate RSCA using 185 cluster stars in 22 open clusters in the APOGEE survey. We quantify our performance in measuring chemical similarity using a reference set of 151,145 field stars. We find that our representation identifies known stellar siblings more effectively than stellar abundance measurements. Using RSCA, 1.8% of pairs of field stars are as similar as birth siblings, compared to 2.3% when using stellar abundance labels. We find that almost all of the information within spectra leveraged by RSCA fits into a two-dimensional basis, which we link to [Fe/H] and alpha-element abundances. We conclude that chemical tagging of stars to their birth clusters remains prohibitive. However, using the spectra has noticeable gain, and our approach is poised to benefit from larger datasets and improved algorithm designs.

I. Irani, S. J. Prentice, S. Schulze, A. Gal-Yam, Jacob Teffs, Paolo Mazzali, J. Sollerman, E. P. Gonzalez, K. Taggart, Kishalay De, Christoffer Fremling, Daniel A. Perley, Nora L. Strotjohann, Mansi M. Kasliwal, A. Howell, S. Dhawan, Anastasios Tzanidakis, Daichi Hiramatsu, Erik C. Kool, J. P. Anderson, T. E. Muller-Bravo, Richard Dekany, Mariusz Gromadzki, Roberta Carini, L. Galbany, Andrew J. Drake, Jamison Burke, Craig Pellegrino, Massimo Della Valle, Michael S. Medford, Ben Rusholme, D. R. Young, L. Galbany, Claudia P. Gutierrez, Cosimo Inserra, Rafia Omer, David L. Shupe, T.-W. Chen, Kyung Min Shin, Ofer Yaron, Curtis McCully, Matt Nicholl, Reed Riddle

Comments are welcome. Submitted to ApJ

We present observations of three Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) in elliptical hosts, detected by the Zwicky Transient Facility Bright Transient Survey (BTS). SN 2019ape is a SN Ic that exploded in the main body of a typical elliptical galaxy. Its properties are consistent with an explosion of a regular SN Ic progenitor. A secondary g-band light curve peak could indicate interaction of the ejecta with circumstellar material (CSM). An H$\alpha$-emitting source at the explosion site suggests a residual local star formation origin. SN 2018fsh and SN 2020uik are SNe II which exploded in the outskirts of elliptical galaxies. SN 2020uik shows typical spectra for SNe II, while SN 2018fsh shows a boxy nebular H$\alpha$ profile, a signature of CSM interaction. We combine these 3 SNe with 7 events from the literature and analyze their hosts as a sample. We present multi-wavelength photometry of the hosts, and compare this to archival photometry of all BTS hosts. Using the spectroscopically complete BTS we conclude that $0.3\%^{+0.3}_{-0.1}$ of all CCSNe occur in elliptical galaxies. We derive star-formation rates and stellar masses for the host-galaxies and compare them to the properties of other SN hosts. We show that CCSNe in ellipticals have larger physical separations from their hosts compared to SNe Ia in elliptical galaxies, and discuss implications for star-forming activity in elliptical galaxies.

Takuji Tsujimoto

7 pages including 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters

Solar twins, i.e., stars that are nearly identical to the Sun, including their metallicities, in the solar vicinity show ages widely distributed from 0-10 Gyr. This fact matches the orbital history of solar twins in the new paradigm of galactic dynamics, in which stars radially move on the disk when they encounter transient spiral arms. This finding suggests that older twins were born closer to the Galactic center and traveled a longer distance to reach their present location, according to the hypothesis that chemical enrichment occurs more quickly and that solar metallicity is attained on a shorter timescale with a decreasing Galactocentric distance (R_GC). We show that abundance patterns covering a wide range of heavy elements for solar twins sharing similar ages are identical and that their variation among different age groups can be understood on the basis of the age-R_GC connection within the framework of Galactic chemical evolution. This study identifies the Galactic bulge as the birthplace of the oldest solar twins. Based on this scheme, we find that the relation between [r-process/Fe] and R_GC for the inner Galactic region is incompatible with the hypothesis of a sole site for r-process production, that is, neutron star mergers, whose delay time distribution could be approximated by the power-law form (proportional to t^n). Alternatively, this relation suggests the presence of two distinct sites for r-process production: short-lived massive stars, ending with specific core-collapse supernovae, and neutron star mergers that are heavily inclined to emerge with longer delay times, as represented by n=0-0.5.

Santiago Torres, Smadar Naoz, Gongjie Li, Sanaea C. Rose

10 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Letters

The collision of minor bodies (such as comets or asteroids) with planets plays an essential role in a planetary system's evolution. We present an analytic formulation ($\Gamma_{\rm coll}$) to determine the collision timescale for a minor body to impact a planet, for arbitrary geometry. We focus on the collision rate of minor bodies around a Jupiter-like planet as a proof of concept. Using \texttt{REBOUND} package, we perform a series of detailed N-body simulations to model the collisions, and show that our analytic formulation, ($\Gamma_{\rm coll}$) is consistent with the numerical results. On the other hand, the often-used \"Opik method for impact rates in the solar system ($\Gamma_{\rm opik}$), overestimates the collision rate by orders of magnitude, and is qualitatively different than the analytical formulation ($\Gamma_{\rm coll}$) and numerical simulations. We thus conclude that the function $\Gamma_{\rm coll}$ provides a succinct, and accurate alternative to the numerical calculations.

Daniel J. H. Chung, Sai Chaitanya Tadepalli

121 pages, 25 figures

Previous computations of strongly blue tilted axionic isocurvature spectra were computed in the parametric region in which the lightest time-dependent mass is smaller than the Hubble expansion rate during inflation, leading to an overdamped time evolution. Here we present the strongly blue tilted axionic isocurvature spectrum in an underdamped time evolution parametric regime. Somewhat surprisingly, there exist parametric regions with a strong resonant spectral behavior that leads to a rich isocurvature spectral shape. We focus on computing this resonant spectrum analytically in a large parametric region amenable to such computations. Because the spectrum is sensitive to nonperturbative classical field dynamics, a wide variety of analytic techniques are used including a time-space effective potential obtained by integrating out high frequency fluctuations.

Isabel Rebollido, Álvaro Ribas, Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo, Eva Villaver, Benjamín Montesinos, Christine Chen, Héctor Canovas, Thomas Henning, Attila Moór, Marshall Perrin, Pablo Rivière-Marichalar, Carlos Eiroa

8 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Debris discs represent the last stages of planet formation and as such are expected to be depleted of primordial gas. Nonetheless, in the last few years the presence of cold gas has been reported in $\sim$ 20 debris discs from far-IR to (sub-)mm observations and hot gas has been observed in the optical spectra of debris discs for decades. While the origin of this gas is still uncertain, most evidences point towards a secondary origin, as a result of collisions and evaporation of small bodies in the disc. In this paper, we present ALMA observations aimed at the detection of CO gas in a sample of 8 debris discs with optical gas detections. We report the detection of CO ($^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO) gas in HD 36546, the brightest and youngest disc in our sample, and provide upper limits to the presence of gas in the remaining seven discs.

Eric C. Bellm, Colin J. Burke, Michael W. Coughlin, Igor Andreoni, Claudia M. Raiteri, Rosaria Bonito

7 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the ApJS Rubin Cadence Focus Issue

The limiting temporal resolution of a time-domain survey in detecting transient behavior is set by the time between observations of the same sky area. We analyze the distribution of visit separations for a range of Vera C. Rubin Observatory cadence simulations. Current simulations are strongly peaked at the 22 minute visit pair separation and provide effectively no constraint on temporal evolution within the night. This choice will necessarily prevent Rubin from discovering a wide range of astrophysical phenomena in time to trigger rapid followup. We present a science-agnostic metric to supplement detailed simulations of fast-evolving transients and variables and suggest potential approaches for improving the range of timescales explored.

Lila Sarfati, Rasmus S. L. Hansen, Irene Tamborra

13 pages, 6 figures

In the event of a black hole (BH) forming stellar collapse, the neutrino signal should terminate abruptly at the moment of BH formation, after a phase of steady accretion. Since neutrinos are expected to reach Earth hours before the electromagnetic signal, the combined detection of the neutrino burst through multiple neutrino telescopes could allow to promptly determine the angular location of a nearby stellar collapse in the sky with high precision. In this paper, we contrast the triangulation pointing procedure that relies on the rise time of the neutrino curve, often considered in the literature, to the one that takes advantage of the cutoff of the neutrino curve at the moment of BH formation. By forecasting the neutrino signal expected in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, Hyper-Kamiokande and DUNE, we devise a strategy to optimize the identification of the rise and cutoff time of the neutrino curve. We show that the triangulation method developed by employing the end tail of the neutrino curve allows to achieve at least one order of magnitude improvement in the pointing precision for a galactic burst, while being insensitive to the neutrino mixing scenario. The triangulation pointing method based on the cutoff of the neutrino curve will also guarantee a better performance for BH forming collapses occurring beyond our own Galaxy.

G. Agli' (1), G. Arcomano (1), G. Bello (1), V. Bocchino (1), G. Bruno (1), C. Carro (1), M. Charrier (1), F. Fantino (1), G. Hu (1), M. Ricco (1), M. Ughetto-Monfrin (1), C. Benna (2), D. Gardiol (2), G. Pettiti (2)- ((1) Liceo Scientifico Maria Curie, Pinerolo (TO), Italy, (2) INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Torino, Pino Torinese (TO), Italy)

38 Pages, 16 Figures, 7 Tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2101.06487

This study aims to assess the properties and classification of 40 variable stars in Sagittarius, little studied since their discovery and reported in the Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (IBVS) 985 and update. Using data from previous studies and several astronomical databases, we performed our analysis mainly utilizing a period analysis software and comparing the photometric characteristics of the variables in a Colour-Absolute Magnitude Diagram. For all stars, the variability is confirmed. We discovered new significant results for the period and/or type of 15 variables and highlighted incorrect cross-reference names on astronomical databases for 5 stars. This assessment also identifies 9 cases for which results from the ASAS-SN Catalog of Variable Stars are systematically not consistent with the original light curves. A correct identification of NSV 10522 is provided.

We report an eclipse timing variations (ETV) study to identify close, stellar mass companions to the eclipsing binaries monitored during the photometric survey OGLE-IV. We also present an alternative automatic way to determine the first and last contacts of an eclipse. Applying the phase dispersion minimization method to identify potential triples, we find close third components with outer periods less than 1500 days in 23 systems. We present outer orbit solution for 21 of 23 systems. For the ten, tightest triples we find that the ETV can only be modeled with the combination of the light-travel time effect (LTTE) and third-body perturbations, while in case of another 11 systems, pure LTTE solutions are found to be satisfactory. In the remaining two systems we identify extra eclipses connected to the outer component, but for the incomplete and noisy ETV curves, we are unable to find realistic three-body solutions. Therefore, in these cases we give only the outer period.

J. H. O'Donnell (1), R. D. Wilkinson (2), H. T. Diehl (3), C. Aros-Bunster (4), K. Bechtol (5), S. Birrer (6, 7), E. J. Buckley-Geer (3, 8), A. Carnero Rosell (9, 10), M. Carrasco Kind (11, 12), L. N. da Costa (9, 10), S. J. Gonzalez Lozano (5), R. A. Gruendl (11, 12), M. Hilton (13, 14), H. Lin (3), K. A. Lindgren (3), J. Martin (15, 16), A. Pieres (9, 10), E. S. Rykoff (6), I. Sevilla-Noarbe (17), E. Sheldon (15), C. Sifón (4), D. L. Tucker (3), B. Yanny (3), T. M. C. Abbott (18), M. Aguena (9), S. Allam (3), F. Andrade-Oliveira (19, 9), J. Annis (3), E. Bertin (20, 21), D. Brooks (22), D. L. Burke (6, 23), J. Carretero (24), M. Costanzi (25, 26, 27), J. De Vicente (17), S. Desai (28), J. P. Dietrich (29), K. Eckert (30), S. Everett (31), I. Ferrero (32), B. Flaugher (3), P. Fosalba (33, 34), et al. (41 additional authors not shown)

37 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables, submitted to ApJS

We report the combined results of eight searches for strong gravitational lens systems in the full 5,000 sq. deg. of Dark Energy Survey (DES) observations. The observations accumulated by the end of the third observing season fully covered the DES footprint in 5 filters (grizY), with an $i-$band limiting magnitude (at $10\sigma$) of 23.44. In four searches, a list of potential candidates was identified using a color and magnitude selection from the object catalogs created from the first three observing seasons. Three other searches were conducted at the locations of previously identified galaxy clusters. Cutout images of potential candidates were then visually scanned using an object viewer. An additional set of candidates came from a data-quality check of a subset of the color-coadd ``tiles" created from the full DES six-season data set. A short list of the most promising strong lens candidates was then numerically ranked according to whether or not we judged them to be bona fide strong gravitational lens systems. These searches discovered a diverse set of 247 strong lens candidate systems, of which 81 are identified for the first time. We provide the coordinates, magnitudes, and photometric properties of the lens and source objects, and an estimate of the Einstein radius for 81 new systems and 166 previously reported. This catalog will be of use for selecting interesting systems for detailed follow-up, studies of galaxy cluster and group mass profiles, as well as a training/validation set for automated strong lens searches.

Leonardo Krapp, Kaitlin M. Kratter, Andrew N. Youdin

19 pages, 13 figures, comments are welcome

The abundance and distribution of solids inside the Hill sphere are central to our understanding of the giant planet dichotomy. Here, we present a three-dimensional characterization of the dust density, mass flux, and mean opacities in the envelope of sub-thermal and super-thermal mass planets. We simulate the dynamics of multiple dust species in a global protoplanetary disk model accounting for dust feedback. We find that the meridional flows do not effectively stir dust grains at scales of the Bondi sphere. Thus the dust-settling driven by the stellar gravitational potential sets the latitudinal dust density gradient within the planet envelope. Not only does the planet's potential enhance this gradient, but also the spiral wakes serve as another source of asymmetry. These asymmetries substantially alter the inferred mean Rosseland and Planck opacities. In cases with the moderate-to-strong dust settling, the opacity gradient can range from a few percent to more than two orders of magnitude between the mid-plane and the polar regions of the Bondi sphere. Finally, we show that this strong latitudinal opacity gradient can introduce a transition between optically thick and thin regimes at the scales of the planet envelope. We suggest that this transition is likely to occur when the equilibrium scale height of hundred-micron-sized particles is smaller than the Hill radius of the forming planet. This work calls into question the adoption of a constant opacity derived from well-mixed distributions and demonstrates the need for global radiation hydrodynamics models of giant planet formation which account for dust dynamics.

The Peters formula, which tells how the coalescence time of a binary system emitting gravitational radiation is determined by the initial size and shape of the elliptic orbit, is often used in estimating the merger rate of primordial black holes and the gravitational wave background from the mergers. Valid as it is in some interesting scenarios, such as the analysis of the LIGO-Virgo events, the Peters formula fails to describe the coalescence time if the orbital period of the binary exceeds the value given by the formula. This could underestimate the event rate of mergers that occur before the cosmic time $t\sim 10^{13}\ \text{s}$. As a result, the energy density spectrum of the gravitational wave background could develop a peak, which is from mergers occurring at either $t\sim 10^{13}\ \text{s}$ (for black holes with mass $M\gtrsim 10^8 M_\odot$) or $t\sim 10^{26}(M/M_\odot)^{-5/3}\ \text{s}$ (for $10^5 M_\odot \lesssim M\lesssim 10^8 M_\odot$). This can be used to constrain the fraction of dark matter in primordial black holes (denoted by $f$) if potential probes (such as SKA, LISA and BBO) do not discover such a background, with the result $f\lesssim 10^{-5}\text{-}10^{-4}$ for the mass range $10\text{-} 10^9M_\odot$. We then consider the effect of mass accretion at redshift $z\sim 10$, and find that the merger rate would increase during the accretion period, and could drop significantly at low redshifts. The spectrum of the gravitational wave background thus gets slightly enhanced at low frequencies, and suppressed at the high-frequency end. This feature might be captured by future detectors such as ET and CE for initial mass $M= \mathcal{O}(10\text{-}100) M_\odot$ with $f\gtrsim 10^{-4}$

Yoo Jung Kim, Myung Gyoon Lee

Accepted for publication in ApJ, 13 pages, 6 figures

Surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) magnitudes are a powerful standard candle to measure distances to semi-resolved galaxies in the local universe, a majority of which are dwarf galaxies that have often bluer colors than bright early-type galaxies. We present an empirical $i-$band SBF calibration in a blue regime, $0.2 \lesssim (g-i)_0 \lesssim 0.8$ in the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) magnitude system. We measure SBF magnitudes for 12 nearby dwarf galaxies of various morphological types with archival HSC imaging data, and use their tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) distances to derive fluctuation - color relations. In order to subtract contributions of fluctuations due to young stellar populations, we use five different $g-$band magnitude masking thresholds, $M_{g,{\rm thres}} = -3.5, -4.0, -4.5, -5.0,$ and $-5.5$ mag. We find that the rms scatter of the linear fit to the relation is the smallest (rms = 0.16 mag) in the case of $M_{g,{\rm thres}} = -4.0$ mag, $\overline{M_i} = (-2.65\pm0.13)+ (1.28\pm0.24) \times (g-i)_0$. This scatter is much smaller than those in the previous studies (rms=0.26 mag), and is closer to the value for bright red galaxies (rms=0.12 mag). This calibration is consistent with predictions from metal-poor simple stellar population models.

Partha Pratim Goswami, Aruna Goswami

11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)

We performed a detailed, high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of HE 1005-1439 based on SUBARU/HDS spectra with an R ~ 50000. Abundances of ten light elements from C through Ni and twelve heavy elements Sr, Y, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu, Dy, Er, Hf, and Pb were determined. We also performed a parametric-model-based analysis of the abundances of the heavy elements to understand the origin of the observed abundance pattern. For the first time, we came across an object with a surface chemical composition that exhibits contributions from both slow (s) and intermediate (i) neutron-capture nucleosynthesis. The observed abundance pattern is unique and has never been observed in any CEMP stars. The star is found to be a CEMP-s star based on the CEMP stars' classification criteria. However, the observed abundance pattern could not be explained based on theoretical s-process model predictions. On the contrary, our parametric-model based analysis clearly indicates its surface chemical composition being influenced by similar contributions from both the s- and i-process. We critically examined the observed abundances and carefully investigated the formation scenarios involving s-process and i-process that are available in literature, and we found that none of them could explain the observed abundances. We note that the variation we see in our radial velocity estimates obtained from several epochs may indicate the presence of a binary companion. Considering a binary system, we, therefore, propose a formation scenario for this object involving effective proton ingestion episodes (PIEs) triggering i-process nucleosynthesis followed by s-process asymptotic giant branch (AGB) nucleosynthesis with a few third-dredge-up (TDU) episodes in the now extinct companion AGB star. Results obtained from the parametric-model-based analysis are discussed in light of existing stellar evolutionary models.

The Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect has been widely used to estimate the sky-projected spin-orbit angle, $\lambda$, of transiting planetary systems. Most of the previous analysis assume that the host stars are rigid rotators in which the amplitude of the RM velocity anomaly is proportional to $v_\star \sin i_\star$. When their latitudinal differential rotation is taken into account, one can break the degeneracy, and determine separately the equatorial rotation velocity $v_\star$ and the inclination $i_{\star}$ of the host star. We derive a fully analytic approximate formula for the RM effect adopting a parameterized model for the stellar differential rotation. For those stars that exhibit the differential rotation similar to that of the Sun, the corresponding RM velocity modulation amounts to several m/s. We conclude that the latitudinal differential rotation offers a method to estimate $i_\star$, and thus the full spin-orbit angle $\psi$, from the RM data analysis alone.

Neutron stars are unique laboratories to probe matter in extreme conditions, not accessible in terrestrial laboratories. Here, we discuss the modelling of the neutron-star equation of state, particularly in connection with recent constraints coming from both nuclear physics (experiments and ab-initio calculations) and astrophysical observations.

T. Ryabchikova, S. Zvyagintsev, A. Tkachenko, V. Tsymbal, Yu. Pakhomov, E. Semenko

10 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, accepted in MNRAS

We performed a detailed spectroscopic study of the SB2 system HD 60803 based on high-resolution spectra obtained with the different spectrographs. The analysis was done with two independent methods: a) the direct modelling of the observed binary spectrum by a sum of synthetic spectra varying a set of free parameters and minimizing a difference between the observed and theoretical spectra; b) spectrum disentangling and an independent modelling of the individual components. Being applied to binary spectra from different spectrographs both methods converge to a consistent solution for the fundamental parameters of the HD 60803 components: $T_{\rm eff}$=6055$\pm$70 K, $\log{g}$=4.08$\pm$0.12, $\zeta_{\rm RT}$=1.45$\pm$0.18 km s$^{-1}$, [M/H]=0.03$\pm$0.06 (primary), and $T_{\rm eff}$=6069$\pm$70 K, $\log{g}$=4.14$\pm$0.09, $\zeta_{\rm RT}$=1.48$\pm$0.18 km s$^{-1}$, [M/H]=0.03$\pm$0.06 (secondary). Differential abundance analysis of the components did not reveal any significant difference in their chemical composition. Besides Li both components have solar atmospheric abundances. Li abundance exceeds the solar one by $\sim$2 dex, but it agrees with Li abundance in main-sequence late F-stars. Relative-to-solar abundances in both components slightly correlate with the condensation temperature the same way as was found in the solar analogs with/without detected giant planets. The estimated age of the system is 5.5$\pm$0.5 Gyr.

Luca Sorriso-Valvo, Emiliya Yordanova, Andrew P. Dimmock, Daniele Telloni

Turbulence properties are examined before, during and after a coronal mass ejection (CME) detected by the6Wind spacecraft on July 2012. The power-law scaling of the structure functions, providing information on the7power spectral density and flatness of the velocity, magnetic filed and density fluctuations, were examined. The8third-order moment scaling law for incompressible, isotropic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence was observed9in the preceding and trailing solar wind, as well as in the CME sheath and magnetic cloud. This suggests that10the turbulence could develop sufficiently after the shock, or that turbulence in the sheath and cloud regions11was robustly preserved even during the mixing with the solar wind plasma. The turbulent energy transfer rate12was thus evaluated in each of the regions. The CME sheath shows an increase of energy transfer rate, as13expected from the lower level of Alfv\'enic fluctuations and suggesting the role of the shock-wind interaction as14an additional source of energy for the turbulent cascade.

Srijita Sinha

Thesis accepted for the award of PhD degree of IISER Kolkata, September 2021

Dark energy is the candidate that can produce effective negative pressure and make the galaxies and galaxy clusters move away from each other in an accelerated way. The structures of the Universe have evolved from some initial primordial fluctuations and depend on the background dynamics of different components of the Universe like dark matter, dark energy and others. The motivation of this thesis is to investigate how some of the dark energy models manifest themselves in the formation of the structures in the Universe.

S.S. Khokhlov, T.A. Karetnikova, V.V. Kindin, N.A. Pasyuk, A.A. Petrukhin, I.A. Shulzhenko

The method for studying characteristics of the response of optical modules of neutrino telescopes to various classes of events registered in the volume of the Cherenkov water detector NEVOD is discussed. Results of testing of an optical module with Hamamatsu R877 photomultiplier in single muon events and in events with high energy deposit are presented.

We consolidate the BFJ and BTF (MVD) relations into a generalized Scaling Mass Velocity Relation applicable to both pressure-supported galaxy clusters and rotation-supported galaxies. Unlike MOND inspired relations containing a characteristic acceleration scale and its normalization factor, our proposal is dependent on observed dynamic surface mass densities and discrepancies. We perform the same analysis for a sample of HIFLUGCS galaxy clusters (Tian et al, 2021) found in prior work with SPARC galaxies (arXiv: 2101.01537). For this galaxy cluster sample, we find little evidence for a universal acceleration constant as previously recognized for galaxies. We finish with an examination of the virial energies for the combined sample recovering a mass-energy relation consistent with the phenomenology.

Dariusz Gora (for the Pierre Auger Collaboration)

Proceedings of 9th International Conference on New Frontiers in Physics (ICNFP 2020), paper submitted to IJMPA

The Pierre Auger Observatory is the world's largest detector of ultra--high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). It uses an array of fluorescence telescopes and particle detectors at the ground to obtain detailed measurements of the energy spectrum, mass composition and arrival directions of primary cosmic rays (above the energy of $10^{17}$ eV) with accuracy not attainable until now.Observations of extensive air showers performed by the Pierre Auger Observatory can also be used to probe hadronic interactions at high energy, in a kinematic and energy region not accessible by man-made accelerators. Indeed, exploiting Auger data, we reach center-of-mass energies up to 400 TeV, i.e. more than 30 times of those attainable at the LHC, and explore interactions in the very forward region of phase space on targets of atomic mass of 14. In addition, a precise measurement of the muon component of air showers at the ground is more sensitive to the details of the hadronic interactions along many steps of the cascade development, such as the multiplicity of the secondaries and the fraction of electromagnetic component with respect to the total signal. On the other hand, the intrinsic muon fluctuations mostly depend on the first interaction. In this paper we overview the new Auger studies exploring the connection between the dynamics of the air shower and the multi-particle production, and how this knowledge can be translated into constraints of the high energy hadronic models as well as direct measurements, complementary to, and beyond the reach of, accelerator experiments.

Germán Molpeceres, Juan García de la Concepción, Izaskun Jiménez Serra

Accepted in ApJ

With the presence of evermore complex S-bearing molecules being detected lately, studies on their chemical formation routes need to keep up the pace to rationalize observations, suggest new candidates for detection, and provide input for chemical evolution models. In this paper, we theoretically characterize the hydrogenation channels of OCS on top of amorphous solid water as an interstellar dust grain analog in molecular clouds. Our results show that the significant reaction outcome is trans-HC(O)SH, a recently detected prebiotic molecule toward G+0.693. The reaction is diastereoselective, explaining the seemingly absence of the cis isomer in the astronomical observations. We found that the reaction proceeds through a highly localized radical intermediate (cis-OCSH), which could be essential in the formation of other sulfur-bearing complex organic molecules due to its slow isomerization dynamics on top of amorphous solid water.

Bernard Carr, Florian Kuhnel

54 pages, 16 figures, 246 references; Submitted to SciPost Physics Lecture Notes, Les Houches Summer School Series. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2006.02838

We review the formation and evaporation of primordial black holes (PBHs) and their possible contribution to dark matter. Various constraints suggest they could only provide most of it in the mass windows $10^{17}$ - $10^{23}\,$g or $10$ - $10^{2}\,M_{\odot}$, with the last possibility perhaps being suggested by the LIGO/Virgo observations. However, PBHs could have important consequences even if they have a low cosmological density. Sufficiently large ones might generate cosmic structures and provide seeds for the supermassive black holes in galactic nuclei. Planck-mass relics of PBH evaporations or stupendously large black holes bigger than $10^{12}\,M_{\odot}$ could also be an interesting dark component.

Darryl Z. Seligman, Kaitlin M. Kratter, W. Garrett Levine, Robert Jedicke

23 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication at PSJ

The compositional and morphological evolution of minor bodies in the Solar System is primarily driven by the evolution of their heliocentric distances, as the level of incident solar radiation regulates cometary activity. We investigate the dynamical transfer of Centaurs into the inner Solar System, facilitated by mean motion resonances with Jupiter and Saturn. The recently discovered object, P/2019 LD2, will transition from the Centaur region to the inner Solar System in 2063. In order to contextualize LD2, we perform N-body simulations of a population of Centaurs and JFCs. Objects between Jupiter and Saturn with Tisserand parameter $T_J\sim$3 are transferred onto orbits with perihelia $q<4$au within the next 1000 years with notably high efficiency. Our simulations show that there may be additional LD2-like objects transitioning into the inner Solar System in the near-term future, all of which have low $\Delta$V with respect to Jupiter. We calculate the distribution of orbital elements resulting from a single Jovian encounter and show that objects with initial perihelia close to Jupiter are efficiently scattered to $q<4$au. Moreover, approximately $55\%$ of the transitioning objects in our simulated population experience at least 1 Jovian encounter prior to reaching $q<4$au. We demonstrate that a spacecraft stationed near Jupiter would be well-positioned to rendezvous, orbit match, and accompany LD2 into the inner Solar System, providing an opportunity to observe the onset of intense activity in a pristine comet $\textit{in situ}$. Finally, we discuss the prospect of identifying additional targets for similar measurements with forthcoming observational facilities.

Molly Wolfson, Joseph F. Hennawi, Frederick B. Davies, Jose Oñorbe, Hector Hiss, Zarija Lukić

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 22 Pages, 16 Figures

The thermal state of the intergalactic medium (IGM) contains vital information about the epoch of reionization, one of the most transformative yet poorly understood periods in the young universe. This thermal state is encoded in the small-scale structure of Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) absorption in quasar spectra. The 1D flux power spectrum measures the average small-scale structure along quasar sightlines. At high redshifts, where the opacity is large, averaging mixes high signal-to-noise ratio transmission spikes with noisy absorption troughs. Wavelet amplitudes are an alternate statistic that maintains spatial information while quantifying fluctuations at the same spatial frequencies as the power spectrum, giving them the potential to more sensitively measure the small-scale structure. Previous Ly$\alpha$ forest studies using wavelet amplitude probability density functions (PDFs) used limited spatial frequencies and neglected strong correlations between PDF bins and across wavelets scales, resulting in sub-optimal and unreliable parameter inference. Here we present a novel method for performing statistical inference using wavelet amplitude PDFs that spans the full range of spatial frequencies probed by the power spectrum and that fully accounts for these correlations. We applied this procedure to realistic mock data drawn from a simple thermal model parameterized by the temperature at mean density, $T_0$, and find that wavelets deliver 1$\sigma$ constraints on $T_0$ that are on average 7% more sensitive at $z=5$ (12% at $z=6$) than those from the power spectrum. We consider the possibility of combing wavelet PDFs with the power, but find that this does not lead to improved sensitivity.

Chao Yang, Jun-Qiang Ge, You-Jun Lu

RAA published, 18 pages, 7 figures

Major mergers of galaxies are considered to be an efficient way to trigger Active Galactic Nuclei and are thought to be responsible for the phenomenon of quasars. This has however recently been challenged by observations of a large number of low luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei at low redshift ($z\lesssim1$) without obvious major merger signatures. Minor mergers are frequently proposed to explain the existence of these Active Galactic Nuclei. In this paper, we perform nine high resolution hydrodynamical simulations of minor galaxy mergers and investigate whether nuclear activities can be efficiently triggered by minor mergers, by setting various properties for the progenitor galaxies of those mergers. We find that minor galaxy merger scan activate the massive black hole in the primary galaxy with an Eddington ratio of $f_{\rm Edd}>0.01$ and $>0.05$ (or a bolometric luminosity $>10^{43}$ and $>10^{44}\mathrm{erg\, s^{-1}}$) with a duration of $2.71$ and $0.49$ Gyr (or $2.69$ and $0.19$ Gyr), respectively. The nuclear activity of primary galaxy strongly depends on the nucleus separation, the nucleus is more active as the two nuclei approach to each other. Dual Active Galactic Nuclei systems can still possibly form by minor mergers of galaxies, the time period for dual Active Galactic Nuclei is only $\sim 0.011$ Gyr and $\sim 0.017$ Gyr with Eddington ratio of $f_{\rm Edd}>0.05$ and bolometric luminosity $>10^{44}\mathrm{erg\, s^{-1}}$. This time period is typically shorter than that of dual Active Galactic Nuclei induced by galaxy major mergers.

A. Feldmeier-Krause, I. Lonoce, W. L. Freedman

20 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables (37 pages, 17 figures, 6 tables incl. Appendix). Accepted for publication in ApJ

The evolution of galaxies is imprinted in their stellar populations. Several stellar population properties in massive early-type galaxies have been shown to correlate with intrinsic galaxy properties like the galaxy's central velocity dispersion, suggesting that stars formed in an initial collapse of gas (z~2). However, stellar populations change as a function of galaxy radius, and it is not clear how local gradients of individual galaxies are influenced by global galaxy properties and galaxy environment. In this paper, we study the stellar populations of eight early-type galaxies as a function of radius. We use optical spectroscopy (~4000-8600 \r{A}) and full-spectral fitting to measure stellar population age, metallicity, IMF slope, and nine elemental abundances (O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, C, N, Na, Fe) out to 1 R_e for each galaxy individually. We find a wide range of properties, with ages ranging from 3-13 Gyr. Some galaxies have a radially constant, Salpeter-like IMF, and other galaxies have a super-Salpeter IMF in the center, decreasing to a sub-Salpeter IMF at ~0.5 R_e. We find a global correlation of the central [Z/H] to the central IMF and the radial gradient of the IMF for the eight galaxies, but local correlations of the IMF slope to other stellar population parameters hold only for subsets of the galaxies in our sample. Some elemental abundances also correlate locally with each other within a galaxy, suggesting a common production channel. Those local correlations appear only in subsets of our galaxies indicating variations of the stellar content among different galaxies.

Elena M. Kantor, Mikhail E. Gusakov

11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We analyze the effect of magnetic field in superconducting neutron-star cores on the chemical heating of millisecond pulsars (MSPs). We argue that the magnetic field destroys proton superconductivity in some volume fraction of the stellar core, thus allowing for unsuppressed non-equilibrium reactions of particle mutual transformations there. The reactions transform the chemical energy, accumulated by a neutron star core during the low-mass X-ray binary stage, into heat. This heating may keep an NS warm at the MSP stage (with the surface temperature $\sim 10^5\,\rm K$) for more than a billion of years after ceasing of accretion, without appealing to the rotochemical heating mechanism.

We summarize the main results of 19 talks presented at the QG3 session (loop quantum gravity: cosmology and black holes) of the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting held online from July $5^{\mathrm{th}}$-10$^{\mathrm{th}}$, 2021.

Huaiyu Duan (UNM), Joshua D. Martin (LANL), Sivaprasad Omanakuttan (UNM)

11 pages, 9 figures

Flavor oscillations can occur on very short spatial and temporal scales in the dense neutrino media in a core-collapse supernova (CCSN) or binary neutron star merger (BNSM) event. Although the dispersion relations (DRs) of the fast neutrino oscillations can be obtained by linearizing the equations of motion (EoM) before the emergence of any significant flavor conversion, one largely depends on numerical calculations to understand this interesting phenomenon in the nonlinear regime. In this work we demonstrate that there exist nontrivial solutions to the flavor EoM that govern the fast oscillations in one-dimensional axisymmetric neutrino gases. These solutions represent a coherent flavor isospin wave similar to the magnetic spin wave in a lattice of magnetic dipoles. We also compute the DRs of such waves in some example cases which are closely related to the DRs of the fast neutrino oscillations obtained in the linear regime. This result sheds new light on the long-term behavior of fast neutrino oscillations which can have various implications for the CCSN and BNSM events.

Laminar electrically conducting Couette flows with quasi-Keplerian rotation law and nonuniform conductivity are probed for dynamo instability. In spherical geometry the equations for the poloidal and the toroidal field components completely decouple resulting in free decay independent of the spatial distribution of the electric conductivity. For cylindric flows the decoupling vanishes but also here we do not find dynamo excitations for the two cases that the electric conductivity only depends on the radius or -- much more complex -- that it only depends on the azimuth. The transformation of the plane-flow dynamo model of Busse & Wicht (1992) to cylindric or spherical geometry, therefore, fails. It is also shown that even the inclusion of axial flows of both signs does not support the dynamo mechanism. The Elsasser toroidal-velocity antidynamo theorem, after which dynamos without any radial velocity component cannot work, is thus not softed by nonuniform conductivity distributions.

The transport dynamo mechanism, which describes the magnetic field generation by diffusion flow is reviewed. In this mechanism, the cross-field transport caused by the random motion of fluid breaks the frozen-flux approximation, and the resulting cross-field diffusion that can generate the magnetic field. Turbulence can play an important role in inducing such random motion. Compared to the conventional dynamo mechanism, this transport mechanism has several special features that the field generation can occur on a very slow time scale because the mechanism is mediated by diffusion and that this mechanism is practically meaningful only when there is density inhomogeneity. Turbulence can significantly enhance cross-field diffusion far beyond collisional transport. The physical meanings of the diffusion-generated magnetic fields are discussed in detail.

D. A. Litvinov, N. V. Nunes, A. I. Filetkin, N. Bartel, L. I. Gurvits, G. Molera Calves, V. N. Rudenko, M. V. Zakhvatkin

19 pages, 15 figures, to appear in Advances in Space Research

We present an improved model for the antenna phase center motion effect for high-gain mechanically steerable ground-based and spacecraft-mounted antennas that takes into account non-perfect antenna pointing. Using tracking data of the RadioAstron spacecraft we show that our model can result in a correction of the computed value of the effect of up to $2\times10^{-14}$ in terms of the fractional frequency shift, which is significant for high-accuracy spacecraft tracking experiments. The total fractional frequency shift due to the phase center motion effect can exceed $1\times10^{-11}$ both for the ground and space antennas depending on the spacecraft orbit and antenna parameters. We also analyze the error in the computed value of the effect and find that it can be as large as $4\times10^{-14}$ due to uncertainties in the spacecraft antenna axis position, ground antenna axis offset and misalignment, and others. Finally, we present a way to reduce both the ground and space antenna phase center motion effects by several orders of magnitude, e.g. for RadioAstron to below $1\times10^{-16}$, by tracking the spacecraft simultaneously in the one-way downlink and two-way phase-locked loop modes, i.e. using the Gravity Probe A configuration of the communications links.

Li-Yong Zhang, Jian-Jun He, Motohiko Kusakabe, Zhen-Yu He, Toshitaka Kajino

27 pages, 28 figures

A new thermonuclear $^{17}$O($n$,$\gamma$)$^{18}$O rate is derived based on a complete calculation of the direct-capture (DC) and resonant-capture contributions, for a temperature region up to 2 GK of astrophysical interest. We have firstly calculated the DC and subthreshold contributions in the energy region up to 1 MeV, and estimated the associated uncertainties by a Monte-Carlo approach. It shows that the present rate is remarkably larger than that adopted in the JINA REACLIB in the temperature region of 0.01 $\sim$ 2 GK, by up to a factor of $\sim$80. The astrophysical impacts of our rate have been examined in both $s$-process and $r$-process models. In our main $s$-process model which simulates flash-driven convective mixing in metal deficient asymptotic giant branch stars, both $^{18}$O and $^{19}$F abundances in interpulse phases are enhanced dramatically by factors of $\sim 20$--$40$ due to the new larger $^{17}$O($n$,$\gamma$)$^{18}$O rate. It shows, however, that this reaction hardly affects the weak $s$-process in massive stars since the $^{17}$O abundance never becomes significantly large in the massive stars. For the $r$-process nucleosynthesis, we have studied impacts of our rate in both the collapsar and neutron burst models, and found that the effect can be neglected, although an interesting "loophole" effect is found owing to the enhanced new rate, which significantly changes the final nuclear abundances if fission recycling is not involved in the model, however, these significant differences are almost completely washed out if the fission recycling is considered.

The origin of chirality in the molecules of life is thought to be closely related to the origin of life and still an unsolved mystery for a long time. Previously, we proposed a new model of the origin of life, named Nebula-Relay Nebula-Relay, which assumed that the life on Earth originated at the planetary system of sun's predecessor star and then filled in the pre-solar nebula after the its death. As primitive lives existed in the molecular cloud until the formation of solar system, does the chirality of biomolecules occured during this period? We explore such possibility in this work and find that the ultra-low temperature environment is very beneficial to generate the chiral polymer chain of biological molecules.

Olaf Scholten, Brian M. Hare, Joe Dwyer, Ningyu Liu, Chris Sterpka, Ivana Kolmasov, Ondrej Santolik, Radek Lan, Ludek Uhlir, Stijn Buitink, Tim Huege, Anna Nelles, Sander ter Veen

13 pages, 5 figures

The common phenomenon of lightning still harbors many secrets and only recently a new propagation mode was observed for negative leaders. While propagating in this `Intensely Radiating Negative Leader' (IRNL) mode a negative leader emits 100 times more very-high frequency (VHF) and broadband radiation than a more normal negative leader. We have reported that this mode occurs soon after initiation of all lightning flashes we have mapped as well as sometimes long thereafter. Because of the profuse emission of VHF the leader structure is very difficult to image. In this work we report on measurements made with the LOFAR radio telescope, an instrument primarily built for radio-astronomy observations. For this reason, as part of the present work, we have refined our time resolved interferometric 3-Dimensional (TRI-D) imaging to take into account the antenna function. The images from the TRI-D imager show that during an IRNL there is an ionization front with a diameter in excess of 500~m where strong corona bursts occur. This is very different from what is seen for a normal negative leader where the corona bursts happen at the tip, an area of typically 10~m in diameter. The observed massive ionization wave supports the idea that this mode is indicative of a dense charge pocket.

Large-scale magnetogenesis is analyzed within the Palatini approach when the gravitational action is supplemented by a contribution that is nonlinear in the Einstein-Hilbert term. While the addition of the nonlinear terms term does not affect the scalar modes of the geometry during the inflationary phase, the tensor-to-scalar ratio is nonetheless suppressed. In this context it is plausible to have a stiff phase following the standard inflationary stage provided the potential has a quintessential form. The large-scale magnetic fields can even be a franction of the nG over typical length scales of the order of the Mpc prior to the gravitational collapse of the protogalaxy.

Surface waves process the turbulent disturbances which drive dynamics in many space, astrophysical and laboratory plasma systems, with the outer boundary of Earth's magnetosphere, the magnetopause, providing an accessible environment to study them. Like waves on water, magnetopause surface waves are thought to travel in the direction of the driving solar wind, hence a paradigm in global magnetospheric dynamics of tailward propagation has been well-established. Here we show through multi-spacecraft observations, global simulations, and analytic theory that the lowest-frequency impulsively-excited magnetopause surface waves, with standing structure along the terrestrial magnetic field, propagate against the flow outside the boundary. Across a wide local time range (09-15h) the waves' Poynting flux exactly balances the flow's advective effect, leading to no net energy flux and thus stationary structure across the field also. Further down the equatorial flanks, however, advection dominates hence the waves travel downtail, seeding fluctuations at the resonant frequency which subsequently grow in amplitude via the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and couple to magnetospheric body waves. This global response, contrary to the accepted paradigm, has implications on radiation belt, ionospheric, and auroral dynamics and potential applications to other dynamical systems.

The most accurate model to describe the gravitational interaction is the well-known theory of General Relativity. Several observational evidences corroborate the legitimacy of the theory compared to the older Newtonian gravity. General Relativity furthermore predicts the existence of gravitational waves, i.e. spacetime ripples produced by accelerated masses. Thanks to a connected network of interferometers called LIGO/Virgo, gravitational waves from the coalescence of massive and compact astrophysical bodies have been measured directly. These recent observations paved the way to a completely new route to test the gravitational interaction. The possibility of using gravitational waves to obtain a deeper understanding of open problems within General Relativity motivates the work developed in this thesis. Each part is essentially devoted to challenging the current model of gravitation, sometimes including yet undiscovered new matter fields, and other times modifying the theoretical framework of General Relativity. In the first part of this manuscript, I discuss the astrophysical consequences of the presence of scalar fields permeating galaxies. A detailed picture of the interaction of massive black holes and scalar dark matter structures is provided. The second part is dedicated to the analysis of the generation and propagation of gravitational waves. As an example, I examine the close limit approximation as a promising tool to investigate the collision of extreme compact objects. The last part of this thesis instead focuses on unstable mechanisms around black holes and stars (scalarization and vectorization), in two alternative models of gravitation.

An experiment consisting of a network of sensors can endow several advantages over an experiment with a single sensor: improved sensitivity, error corrections, spatial resolution, etc. However, there is often a question of how to optimally set up the network to yield the best results. Here, we consider a network of devices that measure a vector field along a given axis; namely for magnetometers in the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME). We quantify how well the network is arranged, explore characteristics and examples of ideal networks, and characterize the optimal configuration for GNOME. We find that by re-orienting the sensitive axes of existing magnetometers, the sensitivity of the network can be improved by around a factor of two.