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Papers for Friday, Oct 08 2021

Papers with local authors

Jamie S. Rankin, David J. McComas, Richard A. Leske, Eric R. Christian, Christina M. S. Cohen, Alan C. Cummings, Colin J. Joyce, Allan W. Labrador, Richard A. Mewaldt, Nathan A. Schwadron, Edward C. Stone, R. Du Toit Strauss, Mark E. Wiedenbeck
1 vote
Paper 50 — arXiv:2110.03601
1 vote
Paper 50 — arXiv:2110.03601

The Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun instrument suite onboard NASA's Parker Solar Probe mission continues to measure solar energetic particles and cosmic rays closer to the Sun than ever before. Here, we present the first observations of cosmic rays into 0.1 au (21.5 solar radii), focusing specifically on oxygen from ~2018.7 to ~2021.2. Our energy spectra reveal an anomalous cosmic ray-dominated profile that is comparable to that at 1 au, across multiple solar cycle minima. The galactic cosmic ray-dominated component is similar to that of the previous solar minimum (Solar Cycle 24/25 compared to 23/24) but elevated compared to the past (Solar Cycle 20/21). The findings are generally consistent with the current trend of unusually weak solar modulation that originated during the previous solar minimum and continues today. We also find a strong radial intensity gradient: 49.4 +/- 8.0 %/au from 0.1 to 0.94 au, for energies of 6.9 to 27 MeV/nuc. This value agrees with that measured by Helios nearly 45 years ago from 0.3 to 1.0 au (48 +/- 12 %/au; 9 to 29 MeV/nuc) and is larger than predicted by models. The large ACR gradients observed close to the Sun by the Parker Solar Probe Integrated Science Investigation of the Sun instrument suite found here suggest that intermediate-scale variations in the magnetic field's structure strongly influences cosmic ray drifts, well inside 1 au.

Emily C. Cunningham, Robyn E. Sanderson, Kathryn V. Johnston, Nondh Panithanpaisal, Melissa K. Ness, Andrew Wetzel, Sarah R. Loebman, Ivanna Escala, Danny Horta, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère

32 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to ApJ; comments welcome!

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Paper 2 — arXiv:2110.02957
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2110.02957

In the era of large-scale spectroscopic surveys in the Local Group (LG), we can explore using chemical abundances of halo stars to study the star formation and chemical enrichment histories of the dwarf galaxy progenitors of the Milky Way (MW) and M31 stellar halos. In this paper, we investigate using the Chemical Abundance Ratio Distributions (CARDs) of seven stellar halos from the Latte suite of FIRE-2 simulations. We attempt to infer galaxies' assembly histories by modelling the CARDs of the stellar halos of the Latte galaxies as a linear combination of template CARDs from disrupted dwarfs, with different stellar masses $M_{\star}$ and quenching times $t_{100}$. We present a method for constructing these templates using present-day dwarf galaxies. For four of the seven Latte halos studied in this work, we recover the mass spectrum of accreted dwarfs to a precision of $<10\%$. For the fraction of mass accreted as a function of $t_{100}$, we find residuals of $20-30\%$ for five of the seven simulations. We discuss the failure modes of this method, which arise from the diversity of star formation and chemical enrichment histories dwarf galaxies can take. These failure cases can be robustly identified by the high model residuals. Though the CARDs modeling method does not successfully infer the assembly histories in these cases, the CARDs of these disrupted dwarfs contain signatures of their unusual formation histories. Our results are promising for using CARDs to learn more about the histories of the progenitors of the MW and M31 stellar halos.

Sultan Hassan, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Benjamin Wandelt, David N. Spergel, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, Shy Genel, Miles Cranmer, Greg L. Bryan, Romeel Davé, Rachel S. Somerville, Michael Eickenberg, Desika Narayanan, Shirley Ho, Sambatra Andrianomena

11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments are welcome

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Paper 11 — arXiv:2110.02983
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Paper 11 — arXiv:2110.02983

A wealth of cosmological and astrophysical information is expected from many ongoing and upcoming large-scale surveys. It is crucial to prepare for these surveys now and develop tools that can efficiently extract the maximum amount of information. We present HIFlow: a fast emulator that is able to generate neutral hydrogen (HI) maps conditioned only on cosmology ($\Omega_{m}$ and $\sigma_{8}$), after training on the state-of-the-art simulations from the Cosmology and Astrophysics with MachinE Learning Simulations (CAMELS) project. HIFlow is designed using a class of normalizing flow models, the Masked Autoregressive Flow (MAF), which we demonstrate are capable of generating realistic maps without explicitly using the 2D structure or accounting for any symmetries. HIFlow is able to generate new diverse HI maps in the column density range $N_{\rm HI} \sim 10^{14} - 10^{21} {\rm cm^{-2}}$ at $z\sim 6$, and naturally mimic the cosmic variance effects. Remarkably, HIFlow is able to reproduce the CAMELS average and standard deviation HI power spectrum (Pk) within a factor of $\lesssim$ 2, scoring a very high $R^{2} > 90\%$. HIFlow will enable the testing of Pk pipelines for HI surveys, and assist in computing other statistical properties beyond Pk that require generating new diverse samples of high dimensional datasets, such as the covariance matrix. This new tool represents a first step towards enabling rapid parameter inference at the field level, maximizing the scientific return of future HI surveys, and opening a new avenue to minimize the loss of information due to data compression.

Abdurro'uf, Yen-Ting Lin, Hiroyuki Hirashita, Takahiro Morishita, Sandro Tacchella, Masayuki Akiyama, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi, Po-Feng Wu

41 pages, 20 figures, submitted to ApJ

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Paper 21 — arXiv:2110.03158
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Paper 21 — arXiv:2110.03158

We study spatially resolved properties (on spatial scales of $\sim 1-2$ kpc out to at least $3$ effective radii) of the stars, dust, and gas in ten nearby spiral galaxies. The properties of the stellar population and dust are derived by fitting the spatially resolved spectral energy distribution (SED) with more than 20 photometric bands ranging from far-ultraviolet to far-infrared. Our newly developed software piXedfit performs point spread function matching of images, pixel binning, and models the stellar light, dust attenuation, dust emission, and emission from a dusty torus heated by an active galactic nucleus simultaneously. With this self-consistent analysis, we present the spatially resolved version of the IRX--$\beta$ relation, finding that it is consistent with the relationship from the integrated photometry. We show that the old stellar populations contribute to the dust heating, which causes an overestimation of star formation rate (SFR) derived from the total ultraviolet and infrared luminosities on kpc scales. With archival high-resolution maps of atomic and molecular gas, we study the radial variation of the properties of the stellar populations (including stellar mass, age, metallicity, and SFR), dust (including dust mass, dust temperature, and abundance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon), gas, as well as dust-to-stellar mass and dust-to-gas mass ratios. We observe a depletion of molecular gas mass fraction in the central region of the majority of the galaxies, suggesting that the lack of available fuel is an important factor in suppressing the specific SFR at the center.

M. Rahimi, B. Pindor, J. L. B. Line, N. Barry, C. M. Trott, R. L. Webster, C. H. Jordan, M. Wilensky, S. Yoshiura, A. Beardsley, J. Bowman, R. Byrne, A. Chokshi, B. J. Hazelton, K. Hasegawa, E. Howard, B. Greig, D. Jacobs, R. Joseph, M. Kolopanis, C. Lynch, B. McKinley, D. A. Mitchell, S. Murray, M. F. Morales, J. C. Pober, K. Takahashi, S. J. Tingay, R. B. Wayth, J. S. B. Wyithe, Q. Zheng

18 pages, 17 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

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Paper 25 — arXiv:2110.03190
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Paper 25 — arXiv:2110.03190

Current attempts to measure the 21cm Power Spectrum of neutral hydrogen during the Epoch of Reionization are limited by systematics which produce measured upper limits above both the thermal noise and the expected cosmological signal. These systematics arise from a combination of observational, instrumental, and analysis effects. In order to further understand and mitigate these effects, it is instructive to explore different aspects of existing datasets. One such aspect is the choice of observing field. To date, MWA EoR observations have largely focused on the EoR0 field. In this work, we present a new detailed analysis of the EoR1 field. The EoR1 field is one of the coldest regions of the Southern radio sky, but contains the very bright radio galaxy Fornax-A. The presence of this bright extended source in the primary beam of the interferometer makes the calibration and analysis of EoR1 particularly challenging. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a recently developed shapelet model of Fornax-A in improving the results from this field. We also describe and apply a series of data quality metrics which identify and remove systematically contaminated data. With substantially improved source models, upgraded analysis algorithms and enhanced data quality metrics, we determine EoR power spectrum upper limits based on analysis of the best $\sim$14-hours data observed during 2015 and 2014 at redshifts 6.5, 6.8 and 7.1, with the lowest $2\sigma$ upper limit at z=6.5 of $\Delta^2 \leq (73.78 ~\mathrm{mK)^2}$ at $k=0.13~\mathrm{h~ Mpc^{-1}}$, improving on previous EoR1 measurement results.

All other papers

Jeremy Rath, Sam Hadden, Yoram Lithwick

We establish the criterion for chaos in three-planet systems, for systems similar to those discovered by the Kepler spacecraft. Our main results are as follows: (i) The simplest criterion, which is based on overlapping mean motion resonances MMR's), only agrees with numerical simulations at a very crude level. (ii) Much greater accuracy is attained by considering neighboring MMR's that do not overlap. We work out the width of the chaotic zones around each of the neighbors, and also provide simple approximate expressions for the widths. (iii) Even greater accuracy is provided by the overlap of three-body resonances (3BR's), which accounts for fine-grained structure seen in maps from N-body simulations, and also predicts the Lyapunov times. Previous studies conflict on whether overlap of MMR's or of 3BR's drive interplanetary chaos. We show that both do, and in fact they are merely different ways of looking at the same effect. (iv) We compare both criteria with high-resolution maps of chaos from N-body simulations, and show that they agree at a high level of detail.

A. Smith, R. Kannan, E. Garaldi, M. Vogelsberger, R. Pakmor, V. Springel, L. Hernquist

20 pages, 20 figures. Comments, requests for data, and collaborations welcome. Please visit www.thesan-project.com for more details

The visibility of high-redshift Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies (LAEs) provides important constraints on galaxy formation processes and the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). However, predicting realistic and representative statistics for comparison with observations represents a significant challenge in the context of large-volume cosmological simulations. The THESAN project offers a unique framework for addressing such limitations by combining state-of-the-art galaxy formation (IllustrisTNG) and dust models with the Arepo-RT radiation-magneto-hydrodynamics solver. In this initial study we present Lyman-alpha centric analysis for the flagship simulation that resolves atomic cooling haloes throughout a (95.5 cMpc)^3 region of the Universe. To avoid numerical artifacts we devise a novel method for accurate frequency-dependent line radiative transfer in the presence of continuous Hubble flow, transferable to broader astrophysical applications as well. Our scalable approach highlights the utility of LAEs and red damping-wing transmission as probes of reionization, which reveal nontrivial trends across different galaxies, sightlines, and frequency bands that can be modelled in the framework of covering fractions. In fact, after accounting for environmental factors influencing large-scale ionized bubble formation such as redshift and UV magnitude, the variation across galaxies and sightlines mainly depends on random processes including peculiar velocities and self-shielded systems that strongly impact unfortunate rays more than others. Throughout the EoR local and cosmological optical depths are often greater than or less than unity such that the exp(-tau) behavior leads to anisotropic and bimodal transmissivity. Future surveys will benefit by targeting both rare bright objects and Goldilocks zone LAEs to infer the presence of these (un)predictable (dis)advantages.

Yuta Tarumi, Naoki Yoshida, Shigeki Inoue

9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters

The member stars in globular cluster M15 show a substantial spread in the abundances of r-process elements. We argue that a rare and prolific r-process event enriched the natal cloud of M15 in an inhomogeneous manner. To critically examine the possibility, we perform cosmological galaxy formation simulations and study the physical conditions for the inhomogeneous enrichment. We explore a large parameter space of the merger event time and the site. Our simulations reproduce the large r-process abundance spread if a neutron-star merger occurs at \sim 100 pc away from the formation site of the cluster and in a limited time range of a few tens million years before the formation. Interestingly, a bimodal feature is found in the Eu abundance distribution in some cases, similarly to that inferred from recent observations. M15 member stars do not show clear correlation between the abundances of Eu and light elements such as Na that is expected in models with two stellar populations. We thus argue that a majority of the stars in M15 are formed in a single burst. Considering the abundances of the first peak r-process elements such as Y and Zr, we conclude that the main r-process event should have a high lanthanide fraction of [Eu/Y] \sim 1.0, consistent with the so-called r-II stars in the Milky Way and Reticulum II.

Gijs D. Mulders, Joanna Drążkowska, Nienke van der Marel, Fred J. Ciesla, Ilaria Pascucci

Published in ApJ Letters

We propose a planet formation scenario to explain the elevated occurrence rates of transiting planets around M dwarfs compared to sun-like stars discovered by Kepler. We use a pebble drift and accretion model to simulate the growth of planet cores inside and outside of the snow line. A smaller pebble size interior to the snow line delays the growth of super-Earths, allowing giant planet cores in the outer disk to form first. When those giant planets reach pebble isolation mass they cut off the flow of pebbles to the inner disk and prevent the formation of close-in super-Earths. We apply this model to stars with masses between 0.1 and 2 solar mass and for a range of initial disk masses. We find that the masses of hot super-Earths and of cold giant planets are anti-correlated. The fraction of our simulations that form hot super-Earths is higher around lower-mass stars and matches the exoplanet occurrence rates from Kepler. The fraction of simulations forming cold giant planets is consistent with the stellar mass dependence from radial velocity surveys. A key testable prediction of the pebble accretion hypothesis is that the occurrence rates of super-Earths should decrease again for M dwarfs near the sub-stellar boundary like Trappist-1.

Marco Berton, Emilia Järvelä

4 pages, accepted for publication on Astronomische Nachrichten, Special Issue "6th Workshop on Compact Steep-Spectrum and GHz-peaked spectrum radio sources"

The first similarities between peaked sources (PS) and narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies were noticed already twenty years ago. Nowadays, it is known that several sources can share both classifications, and that part of the parent population of $\gamma$-ray emitting NLS1s could be hiding among PS. In this brief review, we describe how and why this orientation-based unification was developed. We also show how the recent discovery of absorbed radio jets in NLS1s, basically invisible at frequencies below 10 GHz, could impact our knowledge of PS and, in particular, render the widely used radio-loudness parameter obsolete.

Taysun Kimm, Rebekka Bieri, Sam Geen, Joakim Rosdahl, Jérémy Blaizot, Léo Michel-Dansac, Thibault Garel

32 pages, 20 figures, Submitted to ApJ

Understanding the escape of Lyman continuum (LyC) and Lyman $\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) photons from giant molecular clouds (GMCs) is crucial if we are to study the reionization of the Universe and to interpret spectra of observed galaxies at high redshift. To this end, we perform high-resolution, radiation-magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of GMCs with self-consistent star formation and stellar feedback. We find that a significant fraction (15-70%) of ionizing radiation escapes from the simulated GMCs with different masses ($10^5$ and $10^6\,M_\odot$), as the clouds are dispersed within about $2$-$5\,{\rm Myr}$ from the onset of star formation. The fraction of LyC and Ly$\alpha$ photons leaked is larger when the GMCs are less massive, metal-poor, more turbulent, and less dense. The most efficient leakage of LyC radiation occurs when the total star formation efficiency of a GMC is about $20%$. The escape of Ly$\alpha$ shows a trend similar to that of LyC photons, except that the fraction of Ly$\alpha$ photons escaping from the GMCs is larger ($f_{\rm esc}^{\rm Ly\alpha}\approx f_{900}^{0.27}$). The simulated GMCs show a characteristic velocity separation of $\Delta v\approx 120 \,{\rm km\,s^{-1}}$ in the time-averaged emergent Ly$\alpha$ spectra, suggesting that Ly$\alpha$ could be useful to infer the kinematics of the interstellar and circumgalactic medium. We show that Ly$\alpha$ luminosities are a useful indicator of the LyC escape, provided the number of LyC photons can be deduced through stellar population modeling. Finally, we find that the correlations between the escape fractions of Ly$\alpha$, ultraviolet photons at 1500A, and the Balmer $\alpha$ line are weak.

Samuele Crespi, Ian Dobbs-Dixon, Nikolaos Georgakarakos, Nader Haghighipour, Thomas I. Maindl, Christoph M. Schäfer, Philip Matthias Winter

10 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The last phase of the formation of rocky planets is dominated by collisions among Moon- to Mars-sized planetary embryos. Simulations of this phase need to handle the difficulty of including the post-impact material without saturating the numerical integrator. A common approach is to include the collision-generated material by clustering it into few bodies with the same mass and uniformly scattering them around the collision point. However, this approach oversimplifies the properties of the collision material by neglecting features that can play important roles in the final structure and composition of the system. In this study, we present a statistical analysis of the orbital architecture, mass, and size distributions of the material generated through embryo-embryo collisions and show how they can be used to develop a model that can be directly incorporated into the numerical integrations. For instance, results of our analysis indicate that the masses of the fragments follow an exponential distribution with an exponent of $-2.21\pm0.17$ over the range of $10^{-7}$ to $2\times 10^{-2}$ Earth-masses. The distribution of the post-impact velocities show that a large number of fragments are scattered toward the central star. The latter is a new finding that may be quite relevant to the delivery of material from the outer regions of the asteroid belt to the accretion zones of terrestrial planets. Finally, we present an analytical model for the 2D distribution of fragments that can be directly incorporated into numerical integrations.

Long Jiang, Thomas M. Tauris, Wen-Cong Chen, Jim Fuller

8 pages, 5 figures, ApJL in press

Recent discoveries of double neutron star (DNS) mergers and ultra-stripped supernovae (SNe) raise the questions of their origin and connection. We present the first 1D~model of a DNS progenitor system which is calculated self-consistently until an ultra-stripped iron core collapse. We apply the \texttt{MESA} code starting from a post-common envelope binary consisting of a $1.35\;M_\odot$ NS and a $3.20\;M_\odot$ zero-age main-sequence helium star and continue the modelling via Case~BB Roche-lobe overflow until the infall velocity of the collapsing iron core exceeds $1000\;{\rm km\,s}^{-1}$. The exploding star has a total mass of $\sim 1.90\;M_\odot$, consisting of a $\sim 0.29\;M_\odot$ He-rich envelope embedding a CO core of $\sim 1.61\;M_\odot$ and an iron-rich core of $\sim 1.50\;M_\odot$. The resulting second-born NS has an estimated mass of $\sim 1.44\;M_\odot$ and we discuss the fate of the post-SN system, as well as the mild recycling of the first-born NS. Depending on the initial conditions, this family of systems is anticipated to reproduce the DNS mergers detected by the LIGO-network.

Adi Foord, Xin Liu, Kayhan Gültekin, Kevin Whitley, Fangzheng Shi, Yu-Ching Chen

Submitted to ApJ. 11 pages, 3 figures

We present results on a multi-wavelength analysis of SDSS J025214.67-002813.7, a system which has been previously classified as a binary AGN candidate based on periodic signals detected in the optical light curves. We use available radio-X-ray observations of the system to investigate the true accretion nature. Analyzing new observations from XMM-Newton and NuSTAR, we characterize the X-ray emission and search for evidence of circumbinary accretion. Although the 0.5-10 keV spectrum shows evidence of an additional soft emission component, possibly due to extended emission from hot nuclear gas, we find the spectral shape consistent with a single AGN. Compiling a full multi-wavelength SED, we also search for signs of circumbinary accretion, such as a "notch" in the continuum due to the presence of minidisks. We find that the radio-optical emission agrees with the SED of a standard, radio-quiet, AGN, however there is a large deficit in emission blueward of ~1400 A. Although this deficit in emission can plausibly be attributed to a binary AGN system, we find that the SED of SDSS J0252-0028 is better explained by emission from a reddened, single AGN. However, future studies on the expected hard X-ray emission associated with binary AGN (especially in the unequal-mass regime), will allow for more rigorous analyses of the binary AGN hypothesis.

J. I. Peralta, M. C. Vieytes, A. M. P. Mendez, D. M. Mitnik

Semi-empirical models of the solar atmosphere are used to study the radiative environment of any planet in our solar system. There is a need for reliable atomic data for neutral atoms and ions in the atmosphere to obtain improved calculated spectra. Atomic parameters are crucial to computing the correct population of elements through the whole stellar atmosphere. Although there is a very good agreement between the observed and calculated spectra for the Sun, there is still a mismatch in several spectral ranges due to the lack of atomic data and its inaccuracies, particularly for neutrals like Mg I. To correctly represent many spectral lines of Mg I from the near-UV to the mid-IR is necessary to add and update the atomic data involved in the atomic processes that drive their formation. The improvements to the Mg I atomic model are as follows: i) 127 strong lines, including their broadening data, were added. ii) To obtain these lines, we increased from 26 to 85 the number of energy levels. iii) Photoionization cross-section parameters were added and updated. iv) Effective Collision Strengths (ECS) parameters were updated for the first 25 levels using the existing data from the convergent close-coupling (CCC) calculations. One of the most significant changes in our model is given by the new ECS parameters for transitions involving levels between 26 and 54, which were computed with a multi-configuration Breit-Pauli distorted-wave (DW) method. More than one hundred transitions were added to our calculations, increasing our capability of reproducing important features observed in the solar spectra. We found a remarkable improvement in matching the solar spectra for wavelengths higher than 3 um when our new DW ECS data was used in the model.

L. Mastrototaro, G. Lambiase

12 pages, Contributed to Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Rome, 05 Jul. 2021. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2009.08722

We present our studies on the neutrino pairs annihilation into electron-positron pairs ($\nu{\bar \nu}\to e^-e^+$) near the surface of a neutron star in the framework of extended theories of gravity. The latter modifies the maximum energy deposition rate near to the photonsphere and it might be several orders of magnitude greater than that computed in the framework of General Relativity. These results provide a rising in the Gamma-Ray Bursts energy emitted from a close binary neutron star system and might be a fingerprint of modified theories of gravity, changing our view of astrophysical phenomena.

Brenna Mockler, Angela A. Twum, Katie Auchettl, Sierra Dodd, K.D. French, Jamie A.P. Law-Smith, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz

16 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

Tidal disruption events (TDEs) provide a unique opportunity to probe the stellar populations around supermassive black holes (SMBHs). By combining light curve modeling with spectral line information and knowledge about the stellar populations in the host galaxies, we are able to constrain the properties of the disrupted star for a handful of TDEs. The TDEs in our sample have UV spectra, and measurements of the UV \ion{N}{3} to \ion{C}{3} line ratios enabled estimates of the nitrogen-to-carbon abundance ratios for these events. We show that the measured nitrogen line widths are consistent with originating from the disrupted stellar material dispersed by the central SMBH. We find that these nitrogen-to-carbon abundance ratios necessitate the disruption of moderately massive stars ($\gtrsim 1 - 2 M_\odot$). We determine that these moderately massive disruptions are over-represented by a factor of $\gtrsim 10^2$ when compared to the overall stellar population of the post-starburst galaxy hosts. This implies that SMBHs are preferentially disrupting higher mass stars, possibly due to ongoing top-heavy star formation in nuclear star clusters or to dynamical mechanisms that preferentially transport higher mass stars to their tidal radii.

James R. Allison, Elaine M. Sadler, Elizabeth K. Mahony, Vanessa A. Moss, Hyein Yoon

4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in proceedings of "The 6th Workshop on CSS and GPS radio sources"

GPS and CSS sources are thought to represent a young and/or confined sub-population of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) that are yet to evacuate their surrounding ambient interstellar gas. By studying the gaseous environments of these objects we can gain an insight into the inter-dependent relationship between galaxies and their supermassive black holes (SMBHs). The First Large Absorption Survey in HI (FLASH) will build a census of the neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) gas in galaxies at intermediate cosmological redshifts. FLASH is expected to detect at least several hundred HI absorbers associated with GPS and CSS sources. These absorbers provide an important probe of the abundance and kinematics of line-of-sight neutral gas towards radio AGN, in some cases revealing gas associated with infalling clouds and outflows. Observations are now complete for the first phase of the FLASH Pilot Survey and early analysis has already yielded several detections, including the GPS source PKS2311$-$477. Optical imaging of this galaxy reveals an interacting system that could have supplied the neutral gas seen in absorption and triggered the radio-loud AGN. FLASH will provide a statistically significant sample with which the prevalence of such gas-rich interactions amongst compact radio galaxies can be investigated.

Xiao Xue, Ligong Bian, Jing Shu, Qiang Yuan, Xingjiang Zhu, N. D. Ramesh Bhat, Shi Dai, Yi Feng, Boris Goncharov, George Hobbs, Eric Howard, Richard N. Manchester, Christopher J. Russell, Daniel J. Reardon, Ryan M. Shannon, Renée Spiewak, Nithyanandan Thyagarajan, Jingbo Wang

9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters

A cosmological first-order phase transition is expected to produce a stochastic gravitational wave background. If the phase transition temperature is on the MeV scale, the power spectrum of the induced stochastic gravitational waves peaks around nanohertz frequencies, and can thus be probed with high-precision pulsar timing observations. We search for such a stochastic gravitational wave background with the latest data set of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array. We find no evidence for a Hellings-Downs spatial correlation as expected for a stochastic gravitational wave background. Therefore, we present constraints on first-order phase transition model parameters. Our analysis shows that pulsar timing is particularly sensitive to the low-temperature ($T \sim 1 - 100$ MeV) phase transition with a duration $(\beta/H_*)^{-1}\sim 10^{-2}-10^{-1}$ and therefore can be used to constrain the dark and QCD phase transitions.

Can a satellite dodge a collision with untracked orbiting debris? Can a satellite dodge collision with a tracked object, making only the avoidance man{\oe}uvers actually required to avoid collision, despite the uncertainties of predicted conjunctions? Satellite-borne radar may distinguish actual collision threats from the much greater number of near misses because an object on a collision course has constant bearing, which may be determined by interferometric detection of the radar return. A large constellation of such radars may enable the determination of the ephemerides of all cm-sized debris in LEO.

The halo-mediated inverse mass cascade is a key feature of the intermediate statistically steady state for self-gravitating collisionless flow (SG-CFD). How the inverse mass cascade maximizes system entropy and develops limiting velocity/energy distributions are fundamental questions to answer. We present a statistical theory concerning the maximum entropy distributions of particle velocity, speed, and energy for self-gravitating systems involving a power-law long-range interaction with an arbitrary exponent $n$. For system with long-range interaction ($-2<n<0$), a broad spectrum of halos and halo groups are necessary to form from inverse mass cascade to maximize the system entropy. While particle velocity in each halo group is still Gaussian, the velocity distribution of entire system can be non-Gaussian. With the virial equilibrium for local mechanical equilibrium of halo groups, the maximum entropy principle is applied for statistical equilibrium of global system to derive the limiting distributions. Halo mass function is not required in this formulation, but it is a direct result of entropy maximization. The predicted velocity distribution involves a shape parameter $\alpha$ that is dependent on the exponent $n$. The velocity distribution approaches Laplacian with $\alpha\rightarrow0$ and Gaussian with $\alpha\rightarrow\infty$. For intermediate $\alpha$, the maximum entropy distribution naturally exhibits a Gaussian core at small velocity and exponential wings at large velocity. The total energy of collisionless particles at a given speed follows a parabolic scaling for small speed ($\epsilon \propto v^2$) and a linear scaling ($\epsilon \propto v$) for large speed. Results are compared against a N-body simulation with good agreement.

Hajime Sotani, Tomoya Takiwaki, Hajime Togashi

accepted for publication in PRD

Using the numerical simulation data for two-dimensional core-collapse supernova, we examine the protoneutron star (PNS) asteroseismology with the relativistic Cowling approximation. As shown in the previous study, the gravitational wave signals appearing in the numerical simulation can be well identified with the gravity (fundamental) oscillation in the early (later) phase before (after) the avoided crossing between the gravity and fundamental oscillations. On the other hand, the time evolution of supernova gravitational waves strongly depends on the PNS models, such as the progenitor mass and the equation of state for dense matter. Nevertheless, we find that the fundamental and gravity mode frequencies according to the gravitational wave signals appearing in the numerical simulations can be expressed as a function of the protoneutron star average density independently of the PNS models. Using the average density, we derive the empirical formula for supernova gravitational wave frequency. In addition, we confirm that the dependence of the PNS surface density on the PNS average density is almost independent of the PNS models and also discuss how the different treatment of the non-uniform matter in the equation of state affects the observables.

M. B. Pandge, Ruta Kale, Pratik Dabhade, Mousumi Mahato, Somak Raychaudhury

12 Pages, 7 Figures, 1 Appendix, 5 Tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present original GMRT radio observations of the galaxy cluster Abell~725, at a redshift of 0.09, along with other archival observations. Our GMRT maps reveal two steep-spectrum diffuse filaments in the cluster, along with a previously reported arc-like structure, and a wide-angle tail (WAT) radio source associated with the Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) at the periphery of the cluster. The bent morphology of the WAT indicates that its jets have been swept back by the dynamic pressure resulting from the motion of the BCG through the surrounding intracluster medium. The BCG associated with the WAT hosts a black hole whose mass we estimate to be 1.4$\pm0.4 \times10^{9} \Msun$. We observe a 2\arcmin (195\,kpc in projection) offset between the BCG and the X-ray centroid of the galaxy cluster, which, along with other dynamic features, indicates the cluster's early stage of evolution. The WAT radio galaxy, the arc and the filaments have spectral indices $\alpha_{612}^{240}= -0.46\pm 0.15$, $-0.8\pm0.3$, and ($-1.13\pm 0.48$, $-1.40\pm 0.50$), respectively. The WAT and the arc are connected structures, while the filaments are detached from them, but are found to be along the trail of the WAT. Based on the morphology of the components, and the progressive steepening of the components from the core of the WAT to the filaments, we propose that this system is a radio galaxy with trailing antique filaments.

Patrick M. Yates-Jones, Stanislav S. Shabala, Martin G. H. Krause

13 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We have carried out relativistic three-dimensional simulations of high-power radio sources propagating into asymmetric cluster environments. We offset the environment by 0 or 1 core radii (equal to 144 kpc), and incline the jets by 0, 15, or 45{\deg} away from the environment centre. The different environment encountered by each radio lobe provides a unique opportunity to study the effect of environment on otherwise identical jets. We find that the jets become unstable towards the end of the simulations, even with a Lorentz factor of 5; they nevertheless develop typical FR II radio morphology. The jets propagating into denser environments have consistently shorter lobe lengths and brighter hotspots, while the axial ratio of the two lobes is similar. We reproduce the recently reported observational anti-correlation between lobe length asymmetry and environment asymmetry, corroborating the notion that observed large-scale radio lobe asymmetry can be driven by differences in the underlying environment.

Empirical estimates of the band power covariance matrix are commonly used in cosmic microwave background (CMB) power spectrum analyses. While this approach easily captures correlations in the data, noise in the resulting covariance estimate can systematically bias the parameter fitting. Conditioning the estimated covariance matrix, by applying prior information on the shape of the eigenvectors, can reduce these biases and ensure the recovery of robust parameter constraints. In this work, we use simulations to benchmark the performance of four different conditioning schemes, motivated by contemporary CMB analyses. The simulated surveys measure the $TT$, $TE$, and $EE$ power spectra over the angular multipole range $300 \le \ell \le 3500$ in $\Delta \ell = 50$ wide bins, for temperature map-noise levels of $10, 6.4$ and $2\,\mu$K-arcmin. We divide the survey data into $N_{\mathrm{real}} = 30, 50,$ or 100 uniform subsets. We show the results of different conditioning schemes on the errors in the covariance estimate, and how these uncertainties on the covariance matrix propagate to the best-fit parameters and parameter uncertainties. The most significant effect we find is an additional scatter in the best-fit point, beyond what is expected from the data likelihood. For a minimal conditioning strategy, $N_{\mathrm{real}} = 30$, and a temperature map-noise level of 10$\,\mu$K-arcmin, we find the uncertainty on the recovered best fit parameter to be $\times 1.3$ larger than the apparent posterior width from the likelihood ($\times 1.2$ larger than the uncertainty when the true covariance is used). Stronger priors on the covariance matrix reduce the misestimation of parameter uncertainties to $<1\%$. As expected, empirical estimates perform better with higher $N_{\mathrm{real}}$, ameliorating the adverse effects on parameter constraints.

Elham Saremi, Atefeh Javadi, Mahdieh Navabi, Jacco Th.van Loon, Habib G.Khosroshahi, Behzad Bojnordi Arbab, Iain McDonald

Accepted for publication in ApJ

An optical monitoring survey in the nearby dwarf galaxies was carried out with the 2.5-m Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). 55 dwarf galaxies and four isolated globular clusters in the Local Group (LG) were observed with the Wide Field Camera (WFC). The main aims of this survey are to identify the most evolved asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and red supergiants at the end-point of their evolution based on their pulsational instability, use their distribution over luminosity to reconstruct the star formation history (SFH), quantify the dust production and mass loss from modelling the multi-wavelength spectral energy distributions, and relate this to luminosity and radius variations. In this second of a series of papers, we present the methodology used to estimate SFH based on long-period variable (LPV) stars and then derive it for Andromeda\,I (And\,I) dwarf galaxy as an example of the survey. Using our identified 59 LPV candidates within two half-light radii of And\,I and Padova stellar evolution models, we estimated the SFH of this galaxy. A major epoch of star formation occurred in And\,I peaking around 6.6 Gyr ago, reaching $0.0035\pm0.0016$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ and only slowly declining until 1--2 Gyr ago. The presence of some dusty LPVs in this galaxy corresponds to a slight increase in recent star formation peaking around 800 Myr ago. We evaluate a quenching time around 4 Gyr ago ($z<0.5$), which makes And\,I a late-quenching dSph. A total stellar mass $(16\pm7)\times10^6$ M$_\odot$ is calculated within two half-light radii of And\,I for a constant metallicity $Z=0.0007$.

Abhishek Rajhans, Durgesh Tripathi, Stephen Bradshaw, Vinay Kashyap, James Klimchuk

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Plasma-filled loop structures are common in the solar corona. Because detailed modeling of the dynamical evolution of these structures is computationally costly, an efficient method for computing approximate but quick physics-based solutions is to rely on space integrated 0D simulations. The enthalpy-based thermal evolution of loops EBTEL framework is a commonly used method to study the exchange of mass and energy between the corona and transition region. EBTEL solves for density, temperature, and pressure averaged over the coronal part of the loop, the velocity at the coronal base, and the instantaneous differential emission measure distribution in the transition region. The current single-fluid version of the code, EBTEL2, assumes that at all stages the flows are subsonic. However, sometimes the solutions show the presence of supersonic flows during the impulsive phase of heat input. It is thus necessary to account for this effect. Here, we upgrade EBTEL2 to EBTEL3 by including the kinetic energy term in the Navier-Stokes equation. We compare the solutions from EBTEL3 with those obtained using EBTEL2 as well as the state-of-the-art field-aligned hydrodynamics code HYDRAD. We find that the match in pressure between EBTEL3 and HYDRAD is better than that between EBTEL2 and HYDRAD. Additionally, the velocities predicted by EBTEL3 are in close agreement with those obtained with HYDRAD when the flows are subsonic. However, EBTEL3 solutions deviate substantially from HYDRAD's when the latter predicts supersonic flows. Using the mismatches in the solution, we propose a criterion to determine the conditions under which EBTEL can be used to study flows in the system.

P. Benthem, R. Wayth, E. de Lera Acedo, K. Zarb Adami, M. Alderighi, C. Belli, P. Bolli, T. Booler, J.Borg, J. W. Broderick, S. Chiarucci, R. Chiello, L. Ciani, G. Comoretto, B. Crosse, D. Davidson, A. DeMarco, D. Emrich, A. van Es, D. Fierro, A. Faulkner, M. Gerbers, N. Razavi-Ghods, P. Hall, L.Horsley, B. Juswardy, D. Kenney, K. Steele, A. Magro, A. Mattana, B. McKinley, J. Monari, G. Naldi, J. Nanni, P. Di Ninni, F. Paonessa, F. Perini, M. Poloni, G. Pupillo, S. Rusticelli, M. Schiaffino, F. Schillirò, H.Schnetler, R. Singuaroli, M. Sokolowski, A. Sutinjo, G. Tartarini, D. Ung, J. G. Bij de Vaate, G. Virone, M.Walker, M. Waterson, S. J. Wijnholds, A. Williams

The design and development process for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope, the Low Frequency Aperture Array component, was progressed during the SKA pre-construction phase by an international consortium, with the goal of meeting requirements for a critical design review. As part of the development process a full-sized prototype SKA Low station was deployed, the Aperture Array Verification System 1 (AAVS1). We provide a system overview and describe the commissioning results of AAVS1, which is a low frequency radio telescope with 256 dual-polarisation log-periodic dipole antennas working as a phased array. A detailed system description is provided, including an in-depth overview of relevant sub-systems, ranging from hardware, firmware, software, calibration,and control sub-systems. Early commissioning results cover initial bootstrapping, array calibration, stability testing, beam-forming,and on-sky sensitivity validation. Lessons learned are presented, along with future developments.

K.A. Postnov (SAI MSU), A.G. Kuranov (SAI MSU), L.R. Yungelson (INASAN RAS), M.R. Gilfanov (IKI RAS)

4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Proc. conf. VAK-2021, August 23-28, 2021, Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow

We model X-ray luminosity functions (XLF) of accreting neutron stars and black holes in $10^{35} \leq L_X \leq 10^{41}$ erg/s range in star-forming galaxies and galaxies with the initial star formation burst. XLFs are obtained by combining a fast generation of compact object+normal star population using the binary population synthesis code BSE and calculation of the subsequent detailed binary evolution by the MESA code. XLFs in the galaxies of both types is broadly reproduced using the standard assumptions of the binary star evolution.

Jared A. Goldberg, Yan-Fei Jiang, Lars Bildsten

24 pages+refs, 22 figures, submitted to ApJ

We explore the three-dimensional properties of convective, luminous ($L\approx10^{4.5}-10^{5}L_\odot$), Hydrogen-rich envelopes of Red Supergiants (RSGs) based on radiation hydrodynamic simulations in spherical geometry using $\texttt{Athena++}$. These computations comprise $\approx30\%$ of the stellar volume, include gas and radiation pressure, and self-consistently track the gravitational potential for the outer $\approx 3M_\odot$ of the simulated $M\approx15M_\odot$ stars. This work reveals a radius, $R_\mathrm{corr}$, around which the nature of the convection changes. For $r>R_\mathrm{corr}$, though still optically thick, diffusion of photons dominates the energy transport. Such a regime is well-studied in less luminous stars, but in RSGs, the near- (or above-) Eddington luminosity (due to opacity enhancements at ionization transitions) leads to the unusual outcome of denser regions moving outwards rather than inward. This region of the star also has a large amount of turbulent pressure, yielding a density structure much more extended than 1D stellar evolution predicts. This "halo" of material will impact predictions for both shock breakout and early lightcurves of Type II-P supernovae. Inside of $R_\mathrm{corr}$, we find a nearly flat entropy profile as expected in the efficient regime of mixing-length-theory (MLT). Radiation pressure provides $\approx1/3$ of the support against gravity in this region. Our comparisons to MLT suggest a mixing length of $\alpha=3-4$, consistent with the sizes of convective plumes seen in the simulations. The temporal variability of these 3D models is mostly on the timescale of the convective plume lifetimes ($\approx300$ days), with amplitudes consistent with those observed photometrically.

Amanda Kruijver, Dennis Höning, Wim van Westrenen

As the number of detected rocky extrasolar planets increases, the question of whether their surfaces could be habitable is becoming more pertinent. On Earth, the long-term carbonate silicate cycle is able to regulate surface temperatures over timescales larger than one million years. Elevated temperatures enhance weathering, removing CO$_2$ from the atmosphere, which is subducted into the mantle. At mid-ocean ridges, CO$_2$ is supplied to the atmosphere from the interior. The carbon degassing flux is controlled by the melting depth beneath mid-ocean ridges and the spreading rate, influenced by the pressure- and temperature-dependent mantle viscosity. The influences of temperature and pressure on mantle degassing become increasingly important for more massive planets. Here, we couple a thermal evolution model of Earth-like planets of different masses with a model of the long-term carbon cycle and assess their surface temperature evolution. We find that the spreading rate at 4.5 Gyr increases with planetary mass up to 3 $M_\oplus$, since the temperature-dependence of viscosity dominates over its pressure-dependency. For higher mass planets, pressure-dependence dominates and the plates slow down. In addition, the effective melting depth at 4.5 Gyr as a function of planetary mass has its maximum at 3 $M_\oplus$. Altogether, at 4.5 Gyr, the degassing rate and therefore surface temperature have their maximum at 3 $M_\oplus$. This work emphasizes that both age and mass should be considered when predicting the habitability of exoplanets. Despite these effects, the long-term carbon cycle remains an effective mechanism that regulates the surface temperature of massive Earth-like planets.

Eungwang Seo, Otto A. Hannuksela, Tjonnie G. F. Li

6 pages, 5 figures, presented at TAUP 2021

Microlensing imprints by typical stellar-mass lenses on gravitational waves are challenging to identify in the LIGO--Virgo frequency band because such effects are weak. However, stellar-mass lenses are generally embedded in host galaxies so that strong lensing can accompany microlensing. Therefore, events that are strongly lensed in addition to being microlensed may significantly improve the inference of the latter. In particular, since a pair of strongly lensed signals have the same underlying gravitational wave signal, we can use information from one signal to enhance the inference of the microlensing effects of the other signal. This will significantly enhance our future ability to detect the weak imprints from stellar-mass objects on gravitational wave signals from colliding compact objects.

Claes-I. Bjornsson

Accepted to ApJ, 26 pages incl. one Appendix

The synchrotron spectrum of radio knot C in the protostellar object DG Tau has a low frequency turn-over. This is used to show that its magnetic field strength is likely to be at least 10 mG, which is roughly two orders of magnitude larger than previously estimated. The earlier, lower value is due to an overestimate of the emission volume together with an omission of the dependence of the minimum magnetic field on the synchrotron spectral index. Since the source is partially resolved, this implies a low volume filling factor for the synchrotron emission. It is argued that the high pressure needed to account for the observations is due to shocks. In addition, cooling of the thermal gas is probably necessary in order to further enhance the magnetic field strength as well as the density of relativistic electrons. It is suggested that the observed spectral index implies that the energy of the radio emitting electrons is below that needed to take part in first order Fermi acceleration. Hence, the radio emission gives insights to the properties of its pre-acceleration phase. Attention is also drawn to the similarities between the properties of radio knot C and the shock induced radio emission in supernovae.

Philipp Mertsch (Aachen)

24 pages, 9 figures

This is the report on the cosmic ray direct track of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), broadly covering the contributions relating to charged cosmic rays (CRs) of Galactic origin. The contributions highlighted here are of both observational and theoretical nature and aim at interpreting the local fluxes of CRs as well as studying the wider dynamical effects of CRs. New data from space-borne experiments on CR electrons and positrons, proton and helium as well as heavier nuclei and their isotopes are reviewed. We cover some models of CR acceleration and their feedback on Galactic scales. Diffuse emission in gamma-rays as far as it concerns the CR spectra in the immediate vicinity of the solar system and CR anisotropies are covered briefly. Some upcoming and proposed experiments are highlighted towards the end.

M. S. Cunha, I. W. Roxburgh, V. Aguirre Børsen-Koch, W. H. Ball, S. Basu, W. J. Chaplin, M.-J. Goupil, B. Nsamba, J. Ong, D. R. Reese, K. Verma, K. Belkacem, T. Campante, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, M. T. Clara, S. Deheuvels, M. J. P. F. G. Monteiro, A. Noll, R. M. Ouazzani, J. L. Rørsted, A. Stokholm, M. L. Winther

Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Asteroseismology is a powerful tool to infer fundamental stellar properties. The use of these asteroseismic-inferred properties in a growing number of astrophysical contexts makes it vital to understand their accuracy. Consequently, we performed a hare-and-hounds exercise where the hares simulated data for 6 artificial main-sequence stars and the hounds inferred their properties based on different inference procedures. To mimic a pipeline such as that planned for the PLATO mission, all hounds used the same model grid. Some stars were simulated using the physics adopted in the grid, others a different one. The maximum relative differences found (in absolute value) between the inferred and true values of the mass, radius, and age were 4.32 per cent, 1.33 per cent, and 11.25 per cent, respectively. The largest systematic differences in radius and age were found for a star simulated assuming gravitational settling, not accounted for in the model grid, with biases of -0.88 per cent (radius) and 8.66 per cent (age). For the mass, the most significant bias (-3.16 per cent) was found for a star with a helium enrichment ratio outside the grid range. Moreover, a ~7 per cent dispersion in age was found when adopting different prescriptions for the surface corrections or shifting the classical observations by $\pm 1\sigma$. The choice of the relative weight given to the classical and seismic constraints also impacted significantly the accuracy and precision of the results. Interestingly, only a few frequencies were required to achieve accurate results on the mass and radius. For the age the same was true when at least one $l=2$ mode was considered.

Diptimoy Ghosh, Divya Sachdeva, Praniti Singh

7 pages, 6 figures

Current observations allow Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) in asteroid mass range $10^{17}-10^{23}$ g to constitute the entire dark matter (DM) energy density (barring a small mass range constrained by 21 cm observations). In this work, we explore the possibility of probing PBH with masses $10^{17}-10^{19}\,{\rm g}$ via upcoming X and Gamma Imaging Spectrometer (XGIS) telescope array on-board the Transient High-Energy Sky and Early Universe Surveyor (THESEUS) mission. While our projected limits are comparable with those proposed in the literature for $10^{16}\,{\rm g}\,<\,M_{\mathrm{PBH}}\,<\,10^{17}\,{\rm g}$, we show that the XGIS-THESEUS mission can potentially provide the strongest bound for $10^{17} \mathrm{~g}<M_{\mathrm{PBH}} \lesssim 3\times 10^{18} \mathrm{~g}$ for non-rotating PBHs. The bounds become more stringent by nearly an order of magnitude for maximally rotating PBHs in the mass range $5\times10^{15}\,{\rm g}\,<\,M_{\rm PBH}\,\lesssim\,10^{19}\,{\rm g}$.

Jean Teyssandier, Anne-Sophie Libert, Eric Agol

11 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&A

We analyze the recently published best-fit solution of the TRAPPIST-1 system, which consists of seven Earth-size planets appearing to be in a resonant chain around a red dwarf. We show that all the planets are simultaneously in 2-planet and 3-planet resonances, apart from the innermost pair for which the 2-planet resonant angles circulate. By means of a frequency analysis, we highlight that the transit-timing variation (TTV) signals possess a series of common periods varying from days to decades, which are also present in the variations of the dynamical variables of the system. Shorter periods (e.g., the TTVs characteristic timescale of 1.3 yr) are associated with 2-planet mean-motion resonances, while longer periods arise from 3-planet resonances. By use of $N$-body simulations with migration forces, we explore the origin of the resonant chain of TRAPPIST-1 and find that for particular disc conditions, a chain of resonances - similar to the observed one - can be formed which accurately reproduces the observed TTVs. Our analysis suggests that while the 4-yr collected data of observations hold key information on the 2-planet resonant dynamics, further monitoring of TRAPPIST-1 will soon provide signatures of 3-body resonances, in particular the 3.3 and 5.1 yr periodicities expected for the current best-fit solution. Additional observations would also give more precise information on the peculiar resonant dynamics of the innermost pair of planets, and therefore additional constraints on formation scenarios.

Jyotishree Hota, Zahir Shah, Rukaiya Khatoon, Ranjeev Misra, Ananta C. Pradhan, Rupjyoti Gogoi

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a time-resolved X-ray spectral study of the high energy peaked blazar Mkn 421 using simultaneous broadband observations from the LAXPC and SXT instruments on-board AstroSat. The ~ 400 ksec long observation taken during 3-8 January, 2017 was divided into segments of 10 ksecs. Each segment was fitted using synchrotron emission from particles whose energy distribution was represented by a log-parabola model. We also considered particle energy distribution models where (i) the radiative cooling leads to a maximum energy ({\xi} max model), (ii) the system has energy dependent diffusion (EDD) and (iii) has energy dependent acceleration (EDA). We found that all these models describe the spectra, although the EDD and EDA models were marginally better. Time resolved spectral analysis allowed for studying the correlation between the spectral parameters for different models. In the simplest and direct approach, the observed correlations are not compatible with the predictions of the {\xi} max model. While the EDD and EDA models do predict the correlations, the values of the inferred physical parameters are not compatible with the model assumptions. Thus, we show that spectrally degenerate models, can be distinguished based on spectral parameter correlations (especially those between the model normalization and spectral shape ones) making time-resolved spectroscopy a powerful tool to probe the nature of these systems.

Max Ackermann Pyerin, Timmy N. Delage, Nicolás T. Kurtovic, Matías Gárate, Thomas Henning, Paola Pinilla

Accepted for publication in A&A

Context. The protoplanetary disk around the star HD 100546 displays prominent substructures in the form of two concentric rings. Recent observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) have revealed these features with high angular resolution, and well resolved the faint outer ring. This allows us to study the nature of the system further. Aims. Our aim is to constrain some of the properties of potential planets embedded in the disk, assuming that they are responsible for inducing the observed rings and gaps. Methods. We present the self-calibrated $0.9\,$mm ALMA observations of the dust continuum emission from the circumstellar disk around HD 100546. These observations reveal substructures in the disk which are consistent with two rings, the outer ring being much fainter than the inner one. We reproduce this appearance closely with a numerical model that assumes two embedded planets. We vary planet and disk parameters in the framework of the planet-disk interaction code FARGO3D, and use the outputs for the gas and dust distribution to generate synthetic observations with the code RADMC-3D. Results. From this comparison, we find that an inner planet located at $r_1 = 13\,$au with a mass $M_1 = 8 M_{\rm{Jup}}$, and an outer one located at $r_2 = 143\,$au with a mass $M_2 = 3 M_{\rm{Jup}}$ leads to the best agreement between synthetic and ALMA observations (deviation less than $3\sigma$ for the normalized radial profiles). To match the very low brightness of the outer structure relative to the inner ring, the initial disk gas surface density profile needs to follow an exponentially tapered power-law (self-similar solution), rather than a simple power-law profile.

In the previous numerical study, we find the blob formation and ejection in the presence of magnetic reconnection in the environment of the hot flow of the accretion disk. Based on those encouraging results, in the present work, we calculate the energy and the spectrum of the emission in the different bands around Sgr A*. We assume the electrons in the magnetic reconnection region are non-thermal and emits synchrotron radiation. The electrons in the other region are thermal, which follows the thermal distribution, and the thermal electron emission mechanism is thermal synchrotron radiation. During the whole process of the magnetic evolution and reconnection, we find two peaks in the temporal light curve in the recently observed Radio frequencies (230 GHz and 43 GHz) and NIR wavelengths. Although, the light curve of the NIR band is most prominent in a single peak. The first peak appears because of the blob in the plasma flow, which is formed due to the magnetic reconnection. The second peak appears due to the production of the non-thermal electrons with the evolution of the magnetic flux. Both peaks reach luminosity more than 1026 erg/s for a single plasmoid/blob. For the NIR band, the highest luminosity can reach more than 1028 erg/s. These luminosities can be high for the large simulation area and the stronger magnetic field with the multiple blobs. We infer that the observed flares are a group of magnetic reconnection phenomena, not a single one.

Giacomo Principe, Leonardo Di Venere, Giulia Migliori, Monica Orienti, Filippo D'Ammando (on behalf of the Fermi-LAT collaboration)

Accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten, proceeding for the 6. Workshop on CSS and GPS Sources, 4 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2109.03559 , arXiv:2107.12963

According to radiative models, radio galaxies are predicted to produce gamma-rays from the earliest stages of their evolution onwards. The study of the high-energy emission from young radio sources is crucial for providing information on the most energetic processes associated with these sources, the actual region responsible for this emission, as well as the structure of the newly born radio jets. Despite systematic searches for young radio sources at gamma-ray energies, only a handful of detections have been reported so far. Taking advantage of more than 11 years of Fermi-LAT data, we investigate the gamma-ray emission of 162 young radio sources (103 galaxies and 59 quasars), the largest sample of young radio sources used so far for a gamma-ray study. We analysed the Fermi-LAT data of each source separately to search for a significant detection. In addition, we performed the first stacking analysis of this class of sources in order to investigate the gamma-ray emission of the young radio sources that are undetected at high energies. In this note we present the results of our study and we discuss their implications for the predictions of gamma-ray emission from this class of sources.

The origin of ultra-high energy cosmic rays $($UHECRs$)$ remains a mystery. It has been suggested that UHECRs can be produced by the stochastic acceleration in relativistic jets of gamma-ray bursts $($GRBs$)$ at the early afterglow phase. Here, we develop a time-dependent model for proton energization by cascading compressible waves in GRB jets considering the concurrent effect of the jet's dynamics and the mutual interactions between turbulent waves and particles. Considering fast mode of magnetosonic wave as the dominant particle scatterer and assuming interstellar medium $($ISM$)$ for the circumburst environment, our numerical results suggest that protons can be accelerated up to $\textrm{10}^{\textrm{19}}\,$eV during the early afterglow. An estimation shows ultra-high energy nuclei can easily survive photodisintegration in the external shocks in most cases, thus allowing the acceleration of $\textrm{10}^{\textrm{20}}\,$eV cosmic-ray nuclei in the proposed frame. The spectral slope can be as hard as $\textrm{d}\textit{N}/\textrm{d}\textit{E} \propto \textit{E}^\textrm{0}$, which is consistent with the requirement for the interpretation of intermediate-mass composition of UHECR as measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory.

C. G. Bassa (ASTRON), J. W. Romein (ASTRON), B. Veenboer (ASTRON), S. van der Vlugt (ASTRON), S. J. Wijnholds (ASTRON)

7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

We present and implement the concept of the Fourier-domain dedispersion (FDD) algorithm, a brute-force incoherent dedispersion algorithm. This algorithm corrects the frequency-dependent dispersion delays in the arrival time of radio emission from sources such as radio pulsars and fast radio bursts. Where traditional time-domain dedispersion algorithms correct time delays using time shifts, the FDD algorithm performs these shifts by applying phase rotations to the Fourier-transformed time-series data. Incoherent dedispersion to many trial dispersion measures (DMs) is compute, memory-bandwidth and I/O intensive and dedispersion algorithms have been implemented on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to achieve high computational performance. However, time-domain dedispersion algorithms have low arithmetic intensity and are therefore often memory-bandwidth limited. The FDD algorithm avoids this limitation and is compute limited, providing a path to exploit the potential of current and upcoming generations of GPUs. We implement the FDD algorithm as an extension of the DEDISP time-domain dedispersion software. We compare the performance and energy-to-completion of the FDD implementation using an NVIDIA Titan RTX GPU against the standard as well as an optimized version of DEDISP. The optimized implementation already provides a factor of 1.5 to 2 speedup at only 66% of the energy utilization compared to the original algorithm. We find that the FDD algorithm outperforms the optimized time-domain dedispersion algorithm by another 20% in performance and 5% in energy-to-completion when a large number of DMs (>=512) are required. The FDD algorithm provides additional performance improvements for FFT-based periodicity surveys of radio pulsars, as the FFT back to the time domain can be omitted. We expect that this computational performance gain will further improve in the future.

Sasha Brownsberger, Dillon Brout, Daniel Scolnic, Christopher W. Stubbs, Adam G. Riess

Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) measurements of the Hubble constant, H$_0$, the cosmological mass density, $\Omega_M$, and the dark energy equation-of-state parameter, $w$, rely on numerous SNe surveys using distinct photometric systems across three decades of observation. Here, we determine the sensitivities of the upcoming SH0ES+Pantheon+ constraints on H$_0$, $\Omega_M$, and $w$ to unknown systematics in the relative photometric zeropoint calibration between the 17 surveys that comprise the Pantheon+ supernovae data set. Varying the zeropoints of these surveys simultaneously with the cosmological parameters, we determine that the SH0ES+Pantheon+ measurement of H$_0$ is robust against inter-survey photometric miscalibration, but that the measurements of $\Omega_M$ and $w$ are not. Specifically, we find that miscalibrated inter-survey systematics could represent a source of uncertainty in the measured value of H$_0$ that is no larger than $0.2$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. This modest increase in H$_0$ uncertainty could not account for the $7$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ "Hubble Tension" between the SH0ES measurement of H$_0$ and the Planck $\Lambda$CDM-based inference of H$_0$. However, we find that the SH0ES+Pantheon+ best-fit values of $\Omega_M$ and $w$ respectively slip, to first order, by $0.04$ and $-0.17$ per $25$ mmag of inter-survey calibration uncertainty, underscoring the vital role that cross-calibration plays in accurately measuring these parameters. Because the Pantheon+ compendium contains many surveys that share low-$z$ Hubble Flow and Cepheid-paired SNe, the SH0ES+Pantheon+ joint constraint of H$_0$ is robust against inter-survey photometric calibration errors, and such errors do not represent an impediment to jointly using SH0ES+Pantheon+ to measure H$_0$ to 1% accuracy.

Erik R. Peterson, W. D'Arcy Kenworthy, Daniel Scolnic, Adam G. Riess, Dillon Brout, Anthony Carr, Helene Courtois, Tamara Davis, Arianna Dwomoh, David O. Jones, Brodie Popovic, Benjamin M. Rose, Khaled Said

19 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to ApJ, comments welcome

Separating the components of redshift due to expansion and motion in the nearby universe ($z<0.1$) is critical for using Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) to measure the Hubble constant ($H_0$) and the equation-of-state parameter of dark energy ($w$). Here, we study the two dominant 'motions' contributing to nearby peculiar redshifts: large-scale, coherent-flow (CF) motions and small-scale motions due to gravitationally-associated galaxies deemed to be in a galaxy group. We use a set of 585 low-$z$ SNe from the Pantheon+ sample, and evaluate the efficacy of corrections to these motions by measuring the improvement of SN distance residuals. We study multiple methods for modeling the large and small-scale motions and show that while group assignments and CF corrections individually contribute to small improvements in Hubble residual scatter, the greatest improvement comes from the combination of the two (relative standard deviation of the Hubble residuals RSD improves from 0.167 mag to 0.157 mag). We find the optimal flow corrections derived from various local density maps significantly reduce Hubble residuals while raising $H_0$ by $\sim0.4$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ as compared to using CMB redshifts, disfavoring the hypothesis that unrecognized local structure could resolve the Hubble tension. We estimate that the systematic uncertainties in cosmological parameters after optimally correcting redshifts are 0.08-0.17 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ in $H_0$ and 0.02-0.03 in $w$ which are smaller than the statistical uncertainties for these measurements: 1.5 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ for $H_0$ and 0.04 for $w$.

The orbital dynamics of fast spinning neutron stars encountering a massive Black Hole (BH) with unbounded orbits are investigated using the quadratic-in-spin Mathisson-Papapetrou- Dixon (MPD) formulation. We consider the motion of the spinning neutron stars with astrophysically relevant speed in the gravity field of the BH. For such slow-speed scattering, the hyperbolic orbits followed by these neutron stars all have near the e = 1 eccentricity, and have distinct properties compared with those of e >> 1. We have found that compared with geodesic motion, the spin-orbit and spin-spin coupling will lead to a variation of scattering angles at spatial infinity, and this variation is more prominent for slow-speed scattering than fast-speed scattering. Such a variation leads to an observable difference in pulse-arrival-time within a few hours of observation, and up to a few days or months for larger BH masses or longer spinning periods. Such a relativistic pulsar-BH system also emits a burst of gravitational waves (GWs) in the sensitivity band of LISA, and for optimal settings, can be seen up to 100 Mpc away. A radio follow up of such a GW burst with SKA or FAST will allow for measuring the orbital parameters with high accuracy and testing the predictions of General Relativity (GR).

John Southworth

Invited review article accepted for publication in the journal Universe, special issue "Variable Stars as Seen with Photometric Space Telescopes" (eds. L. Szabados and N. N. Samus). 3q pages plus 13 pages of references, one table, 12 colour figures

Binary stars are crucial laboratories for stellar physics, so have been photometric targets for space missions beginning with the very first orbiting telescope (OAO-2) launched in 1968. This review traces the binary stars observed and the scientific results obtained from the early days of ultraviolet missions (OAO-2, Voyager, ANS, IUE), through a period of diversification (Hipparcos, WIRE, MOST, BRITE), to the current era of large planetary transit surveys (CoRoT, Kepler, TESS). In this time observations have been obtained of detached, semi-detached and contact binaries containing dwarfs, sub-giants, giants, supergiants, white dwarfs, planets, neutron stars and accretion discs. Recent missions have found a huge variety of objects such as pulsating stars in eclipsing binaries, multi-eclipsers, heartbeat stars and binaries hosting transiting planets. Particular attention is paid to eclipsing binaries, because they are staggeringly useful, and to the NASA Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) because its huge sky coverage enables a wide range of scientific investigations with unprecedented ease. These results are placed into context, future missions are discussed, and a list of important science goals is presented.

Abby Mintz, Joseph L. Hora, Elaine Winston

29 pages, 19 figures, 8 tables, Accepted for publication by The Astronomical Journal

OB associations are home to newly formed massive stars, whose turbulent winds and ionizing flux create H II regions rich with star formation. Studying the distribution and abundance of young stellar objects (YSOs) in these ionized bubbles can provide essential insight into the physical processes that shape their formation, allowing us to test competing models of star formation. In this work, we examined one such OB association, Cepheus OB4 (Cep OB4) - a well-suited region for studying YSOs due to its Galactic location, proximity, and geometry. We created a photometric catalog from Spitzer/IRAC mosaics in bands 1 (3.6 $\mu$m) and 2 (4.5 $\mu$m). We supplemented the catalog with photometry from WISE, 2MASS, IRAC bands 3 (5.8 $\mu$m) and 4 (8.0 $\mu$m), MIPS 24 $\mu$m, and MMIRS near IR data. We used color-color selections to identify 821 YSOs, which we classified using the IR slope of the YSOs' spectral energy distributions (SEDs), finding 67 Class I, 103 flat spectrum, 569 Class II, and 82 Class III YSOs. We conducted a clustering analysis of the Cep OB4 YSOs and fit their SEDs. We found many young Class I objects distributed in the surrounding shell and pillars as well as a relative age gradient of unclustered sources, with YSOs generally decreasing in age with distance from the central cluster. Both of these results indicate that the expansion of the H II region may have triggered star formation in Cep OB4.

The Primordial group hypothesis states that only young enough open clusters (OCs) can be multiple, and old OCs are essentially single since the gravitational interaction between OCs in primordial groups is very weak, and the probability of gravitational capture of two OCs without disruption is very low. We test such postulate through four different studies using a manual search of Gaia EDR3 and extensive literature. First, we revisit the work of de La Fuente Marcos & de La Fuente Marcos (2009), which states that only ca. 40% of the OCs pairs are of primordial origin. However, no plausible binary system among their proposed OC pairs having at least one member older than 0.1 Gyr has been found. Second, we research among the youngest OCs (age < 0.01 Gyr) in Tarricq et al. (2021) and obtain that ca. 71% of them remain in their primordial groups. Third, a similar study of the oldest OCs (age > 4 Gyr) shows that they are essentially alone. Forth, the well-known case of the double cluster in Perseus is shown also to accommodate the title hypothesis. A simplified bimodal model allows retrieving the overall fraction of linked OCs (around 12-16 %) from our results, assuming that young clusters remain associated ~0.04 Gyr. The obtained results further support that OCs are born in groups (Casado 2021).

Farnik Nikakhtar, Ravi K. Sheth, Idit Zehavi

11 pages, 6 figures

To a good approximation, on large cosmological scales the evolved two-point correlation function of biased tracers is related to the initial one by a convolution. For Gaussian initial conditions, the smearing kernel is Gaussian, so if the initial correlation function is parametrized using simple polynomials then the evolved correlation function is a sum of generalized Laguerre functions of half-integer order. This motivates an analytic Laguerre reconstruction algorithm which previous work has shown is fast and accurate. This reconstruction requires as input the width of the smearing kernel. We show that the method can be extended to estimate the width of the smearing kernel from the same dataset. This estimate, and associated uncertainties, can then be used to marginalize over the distribution of reconstructed shapes, and hence provide error estimates on the value of the distance scale which are not tied to a particular cosmological model. We also show that if, instead, we parametrize the evolved correlation function using simple polynomials, then the initial one is a sum of Hermite polynomials, again enabling fast and accurate deconvolution. If one is willing to use constraints on the smearing scale from other datasets, then marginalizing over its value is simpler for Hermite reconstruction, potentially providing further speed-up in cosmological analyses.

Hachem Dhouib, Vincent Prat, Timothy Van Reeth, Stéphane Mathis

13 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, abstract shortened for arXiv. Accepted for publication in A&A. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2104.09302

We examine the dynamics of low-frequency gravito-inertial waves (GIWs) in differentially rotating deformed radiation zones in stars and planets by generalising the traditional approximation of rotation (TAR). The TAR treatment was built on the assumptions that the star is spherical and uniformly rotating. However, it has been generalised in our previous work by including the effects of the centrifugal deformation using a non-perturbative approach in the uniformly rotating case. We aim to carry out a new generalisation of the TAR treatment to account for the differential rotation and the strong centrifugal deformation simultaneously. We generalise our previous work by taking into account the differential rotation in the derivation of our complete analytical formalism that allows the study of the dynamics of GIWs in differentially and rapidly rotating stars. We derived the complete set of equations that generalises the TAR, simultaneously taking the full centrifugal acceleration and the differential rotation into account. Within the validity domain of the TAR, we derived a generalised Laplace tidal equation for the horizontal eigenfunctions and asymptotic wave periods of the GIWs, which can be used to probe the structure and dynamics of differentially rotating deformed stars with asteroseismology. A new generalisation of the TAR, which simultaneously takes into account the differential rotation and the centrifugal acceleration in a non-perturbative way, was derived. This generalisation allowed us to study the detectability and the signature of the differential rotation on GIWs in rapidly rotating deformed stars and planets. We found that the effects of the differential rotation in early-type deformed stars on GIWs is theoretically largely detectable in modern space photometry using observations from $\textit{Kepler}$ and TESS.

Michael K. Shepard, Katherine de Kleer, Saverio Cambioni, Patrick A. Taylor, Anne K. Virkki, Edgard G. Rivera-Valentin, Carolina Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde, Luisa Fernanda Zambrano-Marin, Christopher Magri, David Dunham, John Moore, Maria Camarca

45 pages, 10 embedded figures, 6 tables

We develop a shape model of asteroid 16 Psyche using observations acquired in a wide range of wavelengths: Arecibo S-band delay-Doppler imaging, Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) plane-of-sky imaging, adaptive optics (AO) images from Keck and the Very Large Telescope (VLT), and a recent stellar occultation. Our shape model has dimensions 278 (-4/+8) km x 238 (-4/+6) km x 171 (-1/+5) km, an effective spherical diameter Deff = 222 -1/+4 km, and a spin axis (ecliptic lon, lat) of (36 deg, -8 deg) +/- 2 deg. We survey all the features previously reported to exist, tentatively identify several new features, and produce a global map of Psyche. Using 30 calibrated radar echoes, we find Psyche's overall radar albedo to be 0.34 +/- 0.08 suggesting that the upper meter of regolith has a significant metal (i.e., Fe-Ni) content. We find four regions of enhanced or complex radar albedo, one of which correlates well with a previously identified feature on Psyche, and all of which appear to correlate with patches of relatively high optical albedo. Based on these findings, we cannot rule out a model of Psyche as a remnant core, but our preferred interpretation is that Psyche is a differentiated world with a regolith composition analogous to enstatite or CH/CB chondrites and peppered with localized regions of high metal concentrations. The most credible formation mechanism for these regions is ferrovolcanism as proposed by Johnson et al. (Nature Astronomy vol 4, January 2020, 41-44).

Sean Linden, Aaron Evans, Kirsten Larson, George Privon, Lee Armus, Jeff Rich, Tanio Diaz-Santos, Eric Murphy, Yiqing Song, Loreto Barcos-Munoz, Justin Howell, Vassilis Charmandaris, Hanae Inami, Vivian U, Jason Surace, Joseph Mazzarella, Daniela Calzetti

70 pages, 21 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present the results of a Hubble Space Telescope WFC3 near-UV and ACS/WFC optical study into the star cluster populations of 10 luminous and ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs) in the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). Through integrated broadband photometry we have derived ages, masses, and extinctions for a total of 1027 star clusters in galaxies with $d_{L} <$ 110 Mpc in order to avoid issues related to cluster blending. The measured cluster age distribution slope of $dN/d\tau \propto \tau^{-0.5 +/- 0.2}$ is steeper than what has been observed in lower-luminosity star-forming galaxies. Further, differences in the slope of the observed cluster age distribution between inner- ($dN/d\tau \propto \tau^{-1.07 +/- 0.12}$) and outer-disk ($dN/d\tau \propto \tau^{-0.37 +/- 0.09}$) star clusters provides evidence of mass-dependent cluster destruction in the central regions of LIRGs driven primarily by the combined effect of strong tidal shocks and encounters with massive GMCs. Excluding the nuclear ring surrounding the Seyfert 1 nucleus in NGC 7469, the derived cluster mass function (CMF: $dN/dM \propto M^{\alpha}$) has marginal evidence for a truncation in the power-law (PL) at $M_{t} \sim 2$x$10^{6} M_{\odot}$ for our three most cluster-rich galaxies, which are all classified as early-stage mergers. Finally, we find evidence of a flattening of the CMF slope of $dN/dM \propto M^{-1.42 \pm 0.1}$ for clusters in late-stage mergers relative to early-stage ($\alpha = -1.65 \pm 0.02$), which we attribute to an increase in the formation of massive clusters over the course of the interaction.

Shola M. Wylie, Jonathan P. Clarke, Ortwin E. Gerhard

8 pages, 6 figures; submitted to A&A

We investigate the metallicity, age, and orbital anatomy of the inner Milky Way specifically focussing on the outer bar region. We integrate a sample of APOGEE DR16 inner Galaxy stars in a state of the art bar-bulge potential with a slow pattern speed and investigate the link between the resulting orbits and their [Fe/H] and ages. By superimposing the orbits we build density, [Fe/H], and age maps of the inner Milky Way, which we divide further using the orbital parameters eccentricity, |Xmax|, and |Zmax|. We find that at low heights from the Galactic plane the Galactic bar gradually transitions into a radially thick, vertically thin, elongated inner ring with average solar [Fe/H]. This inner ring is mainly composed of stars with AstroNN ages between 4 and 9 Gyr with a peak in age between 6 and 8 Gyr, making the average age of the ring ~6 Gyr. The vertical thickness of the ring decreases markedly towards younger ages. We also find very large L4 Lagrange orbits that have average solar to super-solar metallicities and intermediate ages. Lastly, we confirm a clear X-shape in the [Fe/H] and density distributions at large Galactic heights. The orbital structure obtained for the APOGEE stars reveals that the Milky Way hosts an inner ring-like structure between the planar bar and corotation. This structure is on average metal rich, intermediately aged, and enhances the horizontal gradient along the bar's major axis.

Rance Solomon, Dejan Stojkovic

7 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome

A relation between the variational slope, $s_F$, and the mean flux, $\langle F \rangle$, in the light curves of 59 spectroscopically confirmed quasars is measured with a dispersion of 0.14dex ranging over three orders of magnitude in $\langle F \rangle$. Assuming it holds for quasars in general, not only does this relation add to our working knowledge of quasar variability but it may also be used to determine the luminosity distance of a quasar in a model independent way. Accurately obtaining the luminosity distance would allow quasars to be added to the cosmic distance ladder, easily extending the ladder out far beyond the redshifts accessible to type Ia supernovae where cosmological parameters can be better constrained.

Francesca Calore, Pierluca Carenza, Christopher Eckner, Tobias Fischer, Maurizio Giannotti, Joerg Jaeckel, Kei Kotake, Takami Kuroda, Alessandro Mirizzi, Francesco Sivo

18 pages, 10 figures

Axion-like particles (ALPs) may be abundantly produced in core-collapse (CC) supernovae (SNe), hence the cumulative signal from all past SN events would contain an ALP component and create a diffuse flux peaked at energies of about 50 MeV. We update the calculation of this flux by including a set of CC SN models with different progenitor masses following the expected mass distribution. Additionally, we include the effects of failed CC SNe, which yield the formation of black holes instead of explosions. Relying on the coupling strength of ALPs to photons and the related Primakoff process, the diffuse SN ALP flux is converted into a diffuse gamma-ray flux while traversing the magnetic field of the Milky Way. The spatial morphology of this signal is expected to follow the shape of the Galactic magnetic field lines. We make use of this via a template-based analysis that utilizes 12 years of {\it Fermi}-LAT data in the energy range from 50 MeV to 500 GeV. This strategy yields an improvement of roughly a factor of two for the upper limit on the ALP-photon coupling constant $g_{a\gamma}$ compared to a previous analysis that accounted only for the spectral shape of the signal. While the improved SN modeling leads to a less energetic flux that is harder to detect, the combined effect is still an improvement of the limit and in particular its statistical reliability. We also show that our results are robust against variations in the modeling of high-latitude Galactic diffuse emission and systematic uncertainties of the LAT.

Given the interest in future space missions devoted to the exploration of key moons in the solar system and that may involve libration point orbits, an efficient design strategy for transfers between moons is introduced that leverages the dynamics in these multi-body systems. The moon-to-moon analytical transfer (MMAT) method is introduced, comprised of a general methodology for transfer design between the vicinities of the moons in any given system within the context of the circular restricted three-body problem, useful regardless of the orbital planes in which the moons reside. A simplified model enables analytical constraints to efficiently determine the feasibility of a transfer between two different moons moving in the vicinity of a common planet. In particular, connections between the periodic orbits of such two different moons are achieved. The strategy is applicable for any type of direct transfers that satisfy the analytical constraints. Case studies are presented for the Jovian and Uranian systems. The transition of the transfers into higher-fidelity ephemeris models confirms the validity of the MMAT method as a fast tool to provide possible transfer options between two consecutive moons.

We calculate two-point functions of scalar fields of mass $m$ and their conjugate momenta at the late-time boundary of de Sitter with Bunch-Davies boundary conditions, in general $d+1$ spacetime dimensions. We perform the calculation using the wavefunction picture and using canonical quantization. With the latter one clearly sees how the late-time field and conjugate momentum operators are linear combinations of the normalized late-time operators $\alpha_N$ and $\beta_N$ that correspond to unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter group with well-defined inner products. The two-point functions resulting from these two different methods are equal and we find that both the autocorrelations of $\alpha_N$ and $\beta_N$ and their cross correlations contribute to the late-time field and conjugate momentum two-point functions. This happens both for light scalars ($m<\frac{d}{2}H$), corresponding to complementary series representations, and heavy scalars ($m>\frac{d}{2}H$), corresponding to principal series representations of the de Sitter group, where $H$ is the Hubble scale of de Sitter. In the special case $m=0$, only the $\beta_N$ autocorrelation contributes to the conjugate momentum two-point function.

We explore a scenario of interacting dynamical dark energy model with the interaction term Q including the varying equation-of-state parameter w. Using the data combination of the cosmic microwave background, the baryon acoustic oscillation, and the type Ia supernovae, to global fit the interacting dynamical dark energy model, we find that adding a factor of the varying w in the function of Q can change correlations between the coupling constant \beta and other parameters, and then has a huge impact on the fitting result of \beta. In this model, the fitting value of H_0 is lower at the 3.54\sigma level than the direct measurement value of H_0 . Comparing to the case of interacting dynamical dark energy model with Q excluding w, the model with Q including the constant w is more favored by the current mainstream observation. To obtain higher fitting values of H_0 and narrow the discrepancy of H_0 between different observations, additional parameters including the effective number of relativistic species, the total neutrino mass, and massive sterile neutrinos are considered in the interacting dynamical dark energy cosmology. We find that the H_0 tension can be further reduced in these models, but is still at the about 3\sigma level.

Michele Cicoli, Veronica Guidetti, Nicole Righi, Alexander Westphal

31 pages + 4 appendices

String theory has been claimed to give rise to natural fuzzy dark matter candidates in the form of ultralight axions. In this paper we revisit this claim by a detailed study of how moduli stabilisation affects the masses and decay constants of different axion fields which arise in type IIB flux compactifications. We find that obtaining a considerable contribution to the observed dark matter abundance without tuning the axion initial misalignment angle is not a generic feature of 4D string models since it requires a mild violation of the $S f\lesssim M_P$ bound, where $S$ is the instanton action and $f$ the axion decay constant. Our analysis singles out $C_4$-axions, $C_2$-axions and thraxions as the best candidates to realise fuzzy dark matter in string theory. For all these ultralight axions we provide predictions which can be confronted with present and forthcoming observations.

Bei Zhou, John F. Beacom

Main text 14 pages + Appendices; Comments are welcome

Neutrino telescopes are powerful probes of high-energy astrophysics and particle physics. Their power is increased when they can isolate different event classes, e.g., by flavor, though that is not the only possibility. Here we focus on a new event class for neutrino telescopes: dimuons, two energetic muons from one neutrino interaction. We make new theoretical and observational contributions. For the theoretical part, we calculate dimuon production cross sections and detection prospects via deep-inelastic scattering (DIS; where we greatly improve upon prior work) and $W$-boson production (WBP; where we present first results). We show that IceCube should have $\simeq 400$ dimuons ($\simeq 8$ from WBP) in its current data and that IceCube-Gen2, with a higher threshold but a larger exposure, can detect $\simeq 1200$ dimuons ($\simeq 30$ from WBP) in 10 years. These dimuons are almost all produced by atmospheric neutrinos. For the observational part, we perform a simple but conservative analysis of IceCube public data, finding the first candidate dimuon events (19 events). Though some IceCube experts we consulted argue these events cannot be real dimuons, (A) these events match well all aspects of our predictions and (B) no other compelling hypotheses have been raised. Whether these 19 events are real dimuons or some new background (or signal!), it is important to understand them. Here we share full details to help IceCube and to attract scrutiny from the broader community. Together, these theoretical and observational contributions help open a valuable new direction for neutrino telescopes, one especially important for probing high-energy QCD and new physics.

Dark matter (DM) detectors employing a Spherical Proportional Counter (SPC) have demonstrated a single-electron detection threshold and are projected to have small background rates. We explore the sensitivity to DM-electron scattering with SPC detectors in the context of DarkSphere, a proposal for a 300 cm diameter fully-electroformed SPC. SPCs can run with different gases, so we investigate the sensitivity for five targets: helium, neon, xenon, methane, and isobutane. We use tools from quantum chemistry to model the atomic and molecular systems, and calculate the expected DM induced event rates. We find that DarkSphere has the potential to improve current exclusion limits on DM masses above 4 MeV by up to five orders of magnitude. Neon is the best all-round gas target but using gas mixtures, where methane and isobutane constitute 10% of the gas, can improve the sensitivity, especially when combined with helium. Our study highlights the currently untapped potential of SPCs to search for DM-electron scattering in the MeV-to-GeV DM mass range.

We consider the nonlinearly extended Einstein-Maxwell-axion theory, which is based on the account for two symmetries: first, the discrete symmetry associated with the properties of the axion field, second, the Jackson's symmetry, prescribing to the electrodynamics to be invariant with respect to the rotation in the plane coordinated by the electric and magnetic fields. We derive the master equations of the nonlinearly extended theory, and apply them to the Bianchi-I model with magnetic field. The main result, describing the behavior of the nonlinearly coupled axion, electromagnetic and gravitational fields is the anomalous growth of the axionically induced electric field in the early magnetized Universe. The character of behavior of this anomalous electric field can be indicated by the term flare. We expect, that these electric flares can produce the electron-positron pair creation, significant acceleration of the born charged particles, and emission of the electromagnetic waves by these accelerated particles.

Xiang Li, Ling Sun, Rico Ka Lok Lo, Ethan Payne, Yanbei Chen

34 pages (17 in the main text), 25 figures (13 in the main text)

The gravitational radiation from the ringdown of a binary black hole merger is described by the solution of the Teukolsky equation, which predicts both the temporal dependence and the angular distribution of the emission. Many studies have explored the temporal feature of the ringdown wave through black hole spectroscopy. In this work, we further study the spatial distribution, by introducing a global fitting procedure over both temporal and spatial dependences, to propose a more complete test of General Relativity. We show that spin-weighted spheroidal harmonics are the better representation of the ringdown angular emission patterns compared to spin-weighted spherical harmonics. The differences are distinguishable in numerical relativity waveforms. We also study the correlation between progenitor binary properties and the excitation of quasinormal modes, including higher-order angular modes, overtones, prograde and retrograde modes. Specifically, we show that the excitation of retrograde modes is dominant when the remnant spin is anti-aligned with the binary orbital angular momentum. This study seeks to provide an analytical strategy and inspire the future development of ringdown test using real gravitational wave events.

Jasjeet Singh Bagla, Krishnakanta Bhattacharya, Sumanta Chakraborty, Sunu Engineer, Valerio Faraoni, Sanved Kolekar, Dawood Kothawala, Kinjalk Lochan, Sujoy Modak, V. Parameswaran Nair, Aseem Paranjape, Krishnamohan Parattu, Sarada G. Rajeev, Bibhas Ranjan Majhi, Tirthankar Roy Choudhury, Mohammad Sami, Sudipta Sarkar, Sandipan Sengupta, T. R. Seshadri, S. Shankaranarayanan, Suprit Singh, Tejinder P. Singh, L. Sriramkumar, Urjit Yajnik

In Memoriam of Prof. T. Padmanabhan (1957-2021)

Thanu Padmanabhan was a renowned Indian theoretical physicist known for his research in general relativity, cosmology, and quantum gravity. In an extraordinary career spanning forty-two years, he published more than three hundred research articles, wrote ten highly successful technical and popular books, and mentored nearly thirty graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. He is best known for his deep work investigating gravitation as an emergent thermodynamic phenomenon. He was an outstanding teacher, and an indefatigable populariser of science, who travelled very widely to motivate and inspire young students. Paddy, as he was affectionately known, was also a close friend to his students and collaborators, treating them as part of his extended academic family. On September 17, 2021 Paddy passed away very unexpectedly, at the age of sixty-four and at the height of his research career, while serving as a Distinguished Professor at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune. His untimely demise has come as a shock to his family and friends and colleagues. In this article, several of them have come together to pay their tributes and share their fond memories of Paddy.

Tomohiro Fujita, Hiromasa Nakatsuka, Kyohei Mukaida, Kai Murai

6 pages, 2 figures, supplement: 2 pages, 4 figures

We study SU($N$) gauge fields that couple to the inflaton through the Chern-Simons term. We provide a general procedure to construct homogeneous, isotropic, and attractor solutions of the gauge fields during inflation. The gauge fields develop various VEVs corresponding to different spontaneous symmetry breaking patterns of SU($N$) where embedded SU($2$) subgroups are broken with the spatial rotation SO($3$) symmetry. As specific examples, we construct the stable solutions for $N = 3$ and $4$. We also numerically solve the gauge field dynamics and confirm that our analytic solutions are complete and attractor. It is straightforward to apply our procedure to the other simple Lie groups.

We discuss the dark gauge boson emission from neutron stars via nucleon-nucleon bremsstrahlung. Through the rigorous treatment of the effective field theory prescription and the thermal effect, we derive the relevant couplings of dark gauge bosons to hadrons in medium. As a specific example, the $U(1)_{\rm B-L}$ gauge boson scenario is chosen to investigate dark gauge boson emissivities during supernovae and cooling of young neutron stars. From the stellar cooling argument, we obtain the constraints on the $\rm B-L$ gauge coupling for given gauge boson masses in two observations: the duration of the supernova neutrino signal of SN1987A, and the inferred x-ray luminosity of the compact object in the remnant of SN1987A (NS1987A). In particular, the constraint from SN1987A is revisited, which is one order of magnitude enhanced compared to the previous derivation.

Tanmay Kumar Poddar

4 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures, Contribution to EPS-HEP 2021

The evidence of gravitational wave was first indirectly confirmed by the orbital period loss of Hulse-Taylor binary system which agrees well with the Einstein's general relativistic prediction. The perihelion precession of planets, gravitational light bending and Shapiro time delay are other tests of Einstein's general theory of relativity. However there are small uncertainties in the measurements of those observations from the general relativistic prediction. To account those uncertainties, we propose radiation of ultralight axions and vector gauge boson particles in the context of $U(1)^\prime$ extended beyond standard model scenario. We obtain constraints on ultralight axion parameters (axion mass and decay constant) from the observational uncertainties of orbital period loss of compact binary systems, gravitational light bending, Shapiro time delay and birefringence phenomena. We also obtain the bounds on ultralight $U(1)_{L_\mu-L_\tau}$ gauge bosons from the orbital period loss of compact binary systems. The uncertainties in the perihelion precession of planets also put bounds on the $U(1)_{L_e-L_{\mu,\tau}}$ light gauge bosons. These light particles can be promising candidates of fuzzy dark matter which can be probed from the above precision measurements.

We simulate the gravitational dynamics of a massive object interacting with Ultralight / Fuzzy Dark Matter (ULDM/FDM), non-relativistic quantum matter described by the Schrodinger-Poisson equation. We first consider a point mass moving in a uniform background, and then a supermassive black hole (SMBH) moving within a ULDM soliton. After replicating simple dynamical friction scenarios to verify our numerical strategies, we demonstrate that the wake induced by a moving mass in a uniform medium may undergo gravitational collapse that dramatically increases the drag force, albeit in a scenario unlikely to be encountered astrophysically. We broadly confirm simple estimates of dynamical friction timescales for a black hole at the center of a halo but see that a large moving point mass excites coherent "breathing modes" in a ULDM soliton. These can lead to "stone skipping" trajectories for point masses which do not sink uniformly toward the center of the soliton, as well as stochastic motion near the center itself. These effects will add complexity to SMBH-ULDM interactions and to SMBH mergers in a ULDM universe.

B. T. Buijtendorp, S. Vollebregt, K. Karatsu, D. J. Thoen, V. Murugesan, K. Kouwenhoven, S. Hähnle, J. J. A. Baselmans, A. Endo

Low-loss deposited dielectrics will benefit superconducting devices such as integrated superconducting spectrometers, superconducting qubits and kinetic inductance parametric amplifiers. Compared with planar structures, multi-layer structures such as microstrips are more compact and eliminate radiation loss at high frequencies. Multi-layer structures are most easily fabricated with deposited dielectrics, which typically exhibit higher dielectric loss than crystalline dielectrics. We measured the sub-kelvin and low-power microwave and mm-submm wave dielectric loss of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC:H), using a superconducting chip with NbTiN/a-SiC:H/NbTiN microstrip resonators. We deposited the a-SiC:H by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition at a substrate temperature of 400{\deg}C. The a-SiC:H has a mm-submm loss tangent ranging from $0.80 \pm 0.01 \times 10^{-4}$ to $1.43 \pm 0.04 \times 10^{-4}$ in the range of 270 to 385 GHz. The microwave loss tangent is $3.2 \pm 0.2 \times 10^{-5}$. These are the lowest low-power sub-kelvin loss tangents that have been reported for microstrip resonators at mm-submm and microwave frequencies. We observe that the loss tangent increases with frequency. The a-SiC:H films are free of blisters and have low stress: $-$20 MPa compressive at 200 nm thickness to 60 MPa tensile at 1000 nm thickness.