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Papers for Monday, Nov 01 2021

Papers with local authors

Youqian Qi, Zhenghua Huang, Lidong Xia, Hui Fu, Mingzhe Guo, Zhenyong Hou, Weixin Liu, Mingzhe Sun, Dayang Liu

13 pages,6 figures,accepted for publication in A&A

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Paper 23 — arXiv:2110.15543
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Paper 23 — arXiv:2110.15543

Dynamic features, such as chromospheric jets, transition region network jets, coronal plumes and coronal jets, are abundant in the network regions of the solar polar coronal holes. We investigate the relationship between chromospheric jets and coronal activities (e.g., coronal plumes and jets).We analyze observations of a polar coronal hole including the filtergrams that were taken by the New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST) at the H{\alpha}-0.6 {\AA}to study the H{\alpha} jets,and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) 171 {\AA} images to follow the evolution of coronal activities. H{\alpha} jets are persistent in the network regions, only some regions (denoted as R1-R5) are rooted with discernible coronal plumes.With an automated method, we identify and track 1 320 H{\alpha} jets in the network regions. We find that the average lifetime, height and ascending speed of the H{\alpha} jets are 75.38 s, 2.67 Mm, 65.60 km s$^{-1}$, respectively. The H{\alpha} jets rooted in R1-R5 are higher and faster than those in the others. We also find that propagating disturbances (PDs) in coronal plumes have a close connection with the H{\alpha} jets. The speeds of 28 out of 29 H{\alpha} jets associated with PDs are about 50 km s$^{-1}$ . In a case of coronal jet, we find that the speeds of both the coronal jet and the H{\alpha} jet are over 150 km s$^{-1}$, suggesting that both cool and hot jets can be coupled together. Based on our analyses, it is evident that more dynamic H{\alpha} jets could release the energies to the corona, which might be the results of the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHi) or small-scaled magnetic activities. We suggest that chromospheric jets, transition region network jets and ray-like features in the corona are coherent phenomena, and they are important tunnels for cycling energy and mass in the solar atmosphere.

Long Wang, Ataru Tanikawa, Michiko S. Fujii

10 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS

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Paper 24 — arXiv:2110.15555
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Paper 24 — arXiv:2110.15555

Observations found that star clusters contain a large fraction of binaries. Tight binaries are an important heating source that influences the long-term dynamical evolution of star clusters. However, due to the limitation of $N$-body tool, previous theoretical modelling for globular clusters (GCs) by using direct $N$-body simulations have not investigated how a large fraction of primordial binaries affect their long-term evolution. In this work, by using the high-performance $N$-body code, PeTar, we carry out star-by-star models for intermediate massive GCs ($N=100000$) with the primordial binary fraction varying from 0 to 1. We find that when a stellar-mass black hole (BH) subsystem exists, the structural evolution of GCs (core and half-mass radii) only depends on the properties of massive primordial binaries, because they affect the number of BH binaries (BBHs), which dominate the binary heating process. Low-mass binaries including double white dwarf binaries (BWDs) have almost no influence on the dynamics. Meanwhile, only gravitational wave (GW) mergers from BBHs are strongly affected by dynamical interactions, while low-mass mergers from BWDs show no difference in the isolated environment (field) and in GCs. Low-mass binaries become important only after most BHs escape and the core collapse of light stars occurs. Our result suggests that for $N$-body modelling of GCs with a black hole subsystem dominating binary heating, it is not necessary to include low-mass binaries. These binaries can be studied separately by using standalone binary stellar evolution codes. This way can significantly reduce the computing cost.

All other papers

Nour Skaf, Olivier Guyon, Anthony Boccaletti, Vincent Deo, Sebastien Vievard, Julien Lozi, Kyohoon Ahn, Barnaby Norris, Thayne Currie, Eric Gendron, Arielle Bertrou-Cantou, Florian Ferreira, Arnaud Sevin, Fabrice Vidal

SPIE PROCEEDING. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2110.14997

A key challenge of high contrast imaging (HCI) is to differentiate a speckle from an exoplanet signal. The sources of speckles are a combination of atmospheric residuals and aberrations in the non-common path. Those non-common path aberrations (NCPA) are particularly challenging to compensate for as they are not directly measured, and because they include static, quasi-static and dynamic components. The proposed method directly addresses the challenge of compensating the NCPA. The algorithm DrWHO - Direct Reinforcement Wavefront Heuristic Optimisation - is a quasi-real-time compensation of static and dynamic NCPA for boosting image contrast. It is an image-based lucky imaging approach, aimed at finding and continuously updating the ideal reference of the wavefront sensor (WFS) that includes the NCPA, and updating this new reference to the WFS. Doing so changes the point of convergence of the AO loop. We show here the first results of a post-coronagraphic application of DrWHO. DrWHO does not rely on any model nor requires accurate wavefront sensor calibration, and is applicable to non-linear wavefront sensing situations. We present on-sky performances using a pyramid WFS sensor with the Subaru coronagraph extreme AO (SCExAO) instrument.

Amaya Moro-Martín, Colin Norman

Accepted to ApJ. 32 pages, 10 figures

We investigate the trapping of interstellar objects during the early stages of star and planet formation. Our results show a very wide range of possible values that will be narrowed down as the population of interstellar objects becomes better characterized. When assuming a background number density of 2$\cdot$10$^{15}$ pc$^{-3}$ (based on 1I/'Oumuamua detection), a velocity dispersion of 30 km/s and an equilibrium size distribution, the number of interstellar objects captured by a molecular cloud and expected to be incorporated to each protoplanetary disk during its formation is O(10$^{9}$) (50 cm-5 m), O(10$^{5}$) (5 m-50 m), O(10$^{2}$) (50 m-500 m), O(10$^{-2}$) (500 m-5 km). After the disk formed, the number of interstellar objects it could capture from the ISM during its lifetime is 6$\cdot$10$^{11}$ (50 cm-5 m), 2$\cdot$10$^{8}$ (5 m-50 m), 6$\cdot$10$^{4}$ (50 m-500 m), 20 (500 m-5 km); in an open cluster where 1% of stars have undergone planet formation, these values increase by a factor of O(10$^{2}$-10$^{3}$). These trapped interstellar objects might be large enough to rapidly grow into larger planetesimals via the direct accretion of the sub-cm sized dust grains in the protoplanetary disk before they drift in due to gas drag, helping overcome the meter-size barrier, acting as "seeds" for planet formation. They should be considered in future star and planet formation models and in the potential spread of biological material across the Galaxy.

C. Pellegrino, D. A. Howell, J. Vinkó, A. Gangopadhyay, D. Xiang, I. Arcavi, P. Brown, J. Burke, D. Hiramatsu, G. Hosseinzadeh, Z. Li, C. McCully, K. Misra, M. Newsome, E. Padilla Gonzalez, T. A. Pritchard, S. Valenti, X. Wang, T. Zhang

24 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ

Rapidly-evolving transients, or objects that rise and fade in brightness on timescales two to three times shorter than those of typical Type Ia or Type II supernovae, have uncertain progenitor systems and powering mechanisms. Recent studies have noted similarities between rapidly-evolving transients and Type Ibn supernovae, which are powered by ejecta interacting with He-rich circumstellar material (CSM). In this work we present multi-band photometric and spectroscopic observations from Las Cumbres Observatory and Swift of four fast-evolving Type Ibn supernovae. We compare these observations with those of rapidly-evolving transients identified in literature. We discuss several common characteristics between these two samples, including their light curve and color evolution as well as their spectral features. To investigate a common powering mechanism we construct a grid of analytical model light curves with luminosity inputs from CSM interaction as well as $^{56}$Ni radioactive decay. We find that models with ejecta masses of $\approx 1-3$ M$_\odot$, CSM masses of $\approx 0.2-1$ M$_\odot$, and CSM radii of $\approx 20-65$ AU can explain the diversity of peak luminosities, rise times, and decline rates observed in Type Ibn supernovae and rapidly-evolving transients. This suggests that a common progenitor system$-$the core collapse of a high mass star within a dense CSM shell$-$can reproduce the light curves of even the most luminous and fast-evolving objects, such as AT 2018cow. This work is one of the first to reproduce the light curves of both SNe Ibn and other rapidly-evolving transients with a single model.

Thomas A. Molnar, Jason L. Sanders, Leigh C. Smith, Vasily Belokurov, Philip Lucas, Dante Minniti

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 27 pages, 23 figures, corresponding catalogue available at this https URL

We present VIVACE, the VIrac VAriable Classification Ensemble, a catalogue of variable stars extracted from an automated classification pipeline for the Vista Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) infrared survey of the Galactic bar/bulge and southern disc. Our procedure utilises a two-stage hierarchical classifier to first isolate likely variable sources using simple variability summary statistics and training sets of non-variable sources from the Gaia early third data release, and then classify candidate variables using more detailed light curve statistics and training labels primarily from OGLE and VSX. The methodology is applied to point-spread-function photometry for $\sim490$ million light curves from the VIRAC v2 astrometric and photometric catalogue resulting in a catalogue of $\sim1.4$ million likely variable stars, of which $\sim39,000$ are high-confidence (classification probability $>0.9$) RR Lyrae ab stars, $\sim8000$ RR Lyrae c/d stars, $\sim187,000$ detached/semi-detached eclipsing binaries, $\sim18,000$ contact eclipsing binaries, $\sim1400$ classical Cepheid variables and $\sim2200$ Type II Cepheid variables. Comparison with OGLE-4 suggests a completeness of around $90\,\%$ for RRab and $\lesssim60\%$ for RRc/d, and a misclassification rate for known RR Lyrae stars of around $1\%$ for the high confidence sample. We close with two science demonstrations of our new VIVACE catalogue: first, a brief investigation of the spatial and kinematic properties of the RR Lyrae stars within the disc/bulge, demonstrating the spatial elongation of bar-bulge RR Lyrae stars is in the same sense as the more metal-rich red giant population whilst having a slower rotation rate of $\sim40\,\mathrm{km\,s}^{-1}\mathrm{kpc}^{-1}$; and secondly, an investigation of the Gaia EDR3 parallax zeropoint using contact eclipsing binaries across the Galactic disc plane and bulge.

Mattis Magg, Anna T. P. Schauer, Ralf S. Klessen, Simon C. O. Glover, Robin G. Tress, Ondrej Jaura

21 pages, 17 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments very welcome

The lack of observations of abundance patterns originating in pair-instability supernovae has been a long-standing problem in relation to the first stars. This class of supernovae is expected to have an abundance pattern with a strong odd-even effect, making it substantially different from present-day supernovae. In this study, we use a cosmological radiation hydrodynamics simulation to model such supernovae and the subsequent formation of the second generation of stars. We incorporate streaming velocities for the first time. There are 14 star-forming minihalos in our $1\,\mathrm{Mpc}\,h^{-1}$ box, leading to 14 supernovae occurring before redshift $z=19.5$, where we start reducing the complexity of the simulation. Following the explosions, extremely metal-poor stars form in 10 halos via internal and external enrichment, which makes it the most common outcome. Only one halo does not recollapse during the simulations. This result is at tension with the current (lack of) observations of metal-poor stars with pair instability supernova abundance patterns, suggesting that these very massive stars might be rare even in the early Universe. The results from this simulation also give us insights into what drives different modes of recollapse and what determines the mixing behavior of metals after very energetic supernovae.

B. Mukhopadhyay, M. Bhattacharya, A. J. Hackett, S. Kalita, D. Karinkuzhi, C. A. Tout

13 pages including 7 figures; based on the talk given in the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG16) held during July 5-10, 2021; to appear in the proceeding of MG16

Over the last decade or so, we have been developing the possible existence of highly magnetized white dwarfs with analytical stellar structure models. While the primary aim was to explain the nature of the peculiar overluminous type Ia supernovae, later on, these magnetized stars were found to have even wider ranging implications including those for white dwarf pulsars, soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars, as well as gravitational radiation. In particular, we have explored in detail the mass-radius relations for these magnetized stars and showed that they can be significantly different from the Chandrasekhar predictions which essentially leads to a new super-Chandrasekhar mass-limit. Recently, using the stellar evolution code STARS, we have successfully modelled their formation and cooling evolution directly from the magnetized main sequence progenitor stars. Here we briefly discuss all these findings and conclude with their current status in the scientific community.

Gwendolyn M. Eadie, William E. Harris, Aaron Springford

accepted to ApJ; 25 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables

Current observational evidence suggests that all large galaxies contain globular clusters (GCs), while the smallest galaxies do not. Over what galaxy mass range does the transition from GCs to no GCs occur? We investigate this question using galaxies in the Local Group, nearby dwarf galaxies, and galaxies in the Virgo Cluster Survey. We consider four types of statistical models: (1) logistic regression to model the probability that a galaxy of stellar mass $M_{\star}$ has any number of GCs; (2) Poisson regression to model the number of GCs versus $M_{\star}$, (3) linear regression to model the relation between GC system mass ($\log{M_{gcs}}$) and host galaxy mass ($\log{M_{\star}}$), and (4) a Bayesian lognormal hurdle model of the GC system mass as a function of galaxy stellar mass for the entire data sample. From the logistic regression, we find that the 50% probability point for a galaxy to contain GCs is $M_{\star}=10^{6.8}M_{\odot}$. From post-fit diagnostics, we find that Poisson regression is an inappropriate description of the data. Ultimately, we find that the Bayesian lognormal hurdle model, which is able to describe how the mass of the GC system varies with $M_{\star}$ even in the presence of many galaxies with no GCs, is the most appropriate model over the range of our data. In an Appendix, we also present photometry for the little-known GC in the Local Group dwarf Ursa Major II.

Tajana Schneiderman (1), Luca Matrà (2), Alan P. Jackson (3, 4), Grant M. Kennedy (5, 6), Quentin Kral (7), Sebastián Marino (8, 9), Karin I. Öberg (10), Kate Y.L. Su (11), David J. Wilner (10), Mark C. Wyatt (8) ((1) Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2) Centre for Astronomy, School of Physics, National University of Ireland Galway (3) Centre for Planetary Sciences, University of Toronto at Scarborough (4) School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University (5) Department of Physics, University of Warwick (6) Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University of Warwick (7) LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, Université PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Université, Univ. Paris Diderot, (8) Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge (9) Jesus College, University of Cambridge (10) Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian (11) Steward Observatory, University of Arizona)

21 pages (double spaced, including references and figures), 3 figures, 1 table, published in Nature 20/10/2021, published version available online through SharedIt initiative at this https URL

Models of terrestrial planet formation predict that the final stages of planetary assembly, lasting tens of millions of years beyond the dispersal of young protoplanetary disks, are dominated by planetary collisions. It is through these giant impacts that planets like the young Earth grow to their final mass and achieve long-term stable orbital configurations. A key prediction is that these impacts produce debris. To date, the most compelling observational evidence for post-impact debris comes from the planetary system around the nearby 23 Myr-old A star HD 172555. This system shows large amounts of fine dust with an unusually steep size distribution and atypical dust composition, previously attributed to either a hypervelocity impact or a massive asteroid belt. Here, we report the spectrally resolved detection of a CO gas ring co-orbiting with dusty debris between ~6-9 au - a region analogous to the outer terrestrial planet region of our Solar System. Taken together, the dust and CO detections favor a giant impact between large, volatile-rich bodies. This suggests that planetary-scale collisions, analogous to the Moon-forming impact, can release large amounts of gas as well as debris, and that this gas is observable, providing a window into the composition of young planets.

Junhan Kim, Sunil Golwala, James G. Bartlett, Stefania Amodeo, Nicholas Battaglia, Andrew J. Benson, J. Colin Hill, Philip F. Hopkins, Cameron B. Hummels, Emily Moser, Matthew E. Orr

21 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments welcome

The thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect is a powerful tool with the potential for constraining directly the properties of the hot gas that dominates dark matter halos because it measures pressure and thus thermal energy density. Studying this hot component of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is important because it is strongly impacted by star-formation and active galactic nuclei (AGN) activity in galaxies, participating in the feedback loop that regulates star and black hole mass growth in galaxies. We study the tSZ effect across a wide halo mass range using three cosmological hydrodynamical simulations: Illustris-TNG, EAGLE, and FIRE-2. Specifically, we present the scaling relation between tSZ signal and halo mass and radial profiles of gas density, temperature, and pressure for all three simulations. The analysis includes comparisons to Planck tSZ observations and to the thermal pressure profile inferred from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) measurements. We compare these tSZ data to the simulations to interpret the measurements in terms of feedback and accretion processes in the CGM. We also identify as-yet unobserved potential signatures of these processes that may be visible in future measurements, which will have the capability of measuring tSZ signals to even lower masses. We also perform internal comparisons between runs with different physical assumptions. We conclude: (1) there is strong evidence for the impact of feedback at $R_{500}$ but that this impact decreases by $5R_{500}$, and (2) the thermodynamic profiles of the CGM are highly dependent on the implemented model, such as cosmic-ray or AGN feedback prescriptions.

Deovrat Prasad, G. Mark Voit, Brian W. O'Shea

26 pages, 17 figures, submitted to ApJ

Coupling between active galactic nuclei (AGN) and the circumgalactic medium (CGM) is critical to the interplay between radiative cooling and feedback heating in the atmospheres of the universe's most massive galaxies. This paper presents a detailed analysis of numerical simulations showing how kinetic AGN feedback with a strong momentum flux interacts with the CGM. Our analysis shows that large scale CGM circulation plays an important role in reconfiguring the galactic atmosphere and regulating the atmosphere's central entropy level. We find that most of the AGN energy output goes into lifting of circumgalactic gas rather than heating of atmospheric gas within the galaxy, consequently reconfiguring the circumgalactic medium (CGM) in our simulations. Large scale (10s of kpc) circulation of the CGM on ~ 10-100 kpc scales therefore plays a critical role in preventing over-cooling of gas in these simulated galaxies. The simulations also show that our choices of accretion efficiency and jet opening angle significantly affect the AGN-CGM coupling. Reducing the jet opening angle to quarter of the fiducial opening angle increases the jet momentum flux, enabling it to drill through to larger radii without effectively coupling with the CGM at the center ( $r < 5$ kpc). Outflows with a lower momentum flux decelerate and thermalize the bulk of their energy at smaller radii ($r \lesssim 10$ ).

Ali Arda Gencali, Ndiogou Niang, Ozan Toyran, Unal Ertan, Ayse Ulubay, Sinem Sasmaz, Ebru Devlen, Armin Vahdat, Seyda Ozcan, M. Ali Alpar

5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

We have investigated the detailed torque-reversal behavior of 4U 1626--67 in the framework of the recently developed comprehensive model of the inner disk radius and torque calculations for neutron stars accreting from geometrically thin disks. The model can reproduce the torque -- X-ray luminosity relation across the torque reversals of 4U 1626--67. Our results imply that: (1) rotational equilibrium is reached when the inner disk radius equals the co-rotation radius, $r_\mathrm{co}$, while the conventional Alfven radius is greater than and close to $r_\mathrm{co}$, (2) both spin-up and spin-down torques are operating on either side of torque reversal, (3) with increasing accretion rate the spin-up torque associated with accretion onto the star gradually dominates the spin-down torque exerted by the disk. The torque reversals are the natural outcome of transitions between the well-defined weak-propeller and spin-up phases of the star with a stable geometrically thin accretion disk.

Kuantay Boshkayev, Roberto Giambò, Talgar Konysbayev, Ergali Kurmanov, Orlando Luongo, Daniele Malafarina, Hernando Quevedo

9 pages, 5 figures

We investigate the luminosity of the accretion disk for a static black hole surrounded by dark matter with anisotropic pressure. We calculate all basic orbital parameters of test particles in the accretion disk, such as angular velocity, angular momentum, energy and radius of the innermost circular stable orbit as functions of the dark matter density, radial pressure and anisotropic parameter, which establishes the relationship between the radial and tangential pressures. We show that the presence of dark matter with anisotropic pressure makes a noticeable difference in the geometry around a Schwarzschild black hole, affecting the radiative flux, differential luminosity and spectral luminosity of the accretion disk.

Iurii Babyk, Brian McNamara, Prathamesh Tamhane, Paul Nulsen, Hellen Russell, Alastair Edge, Leo Blitz

submitted to the Astrophysical Journal; 6 pages, 3 figures

A strong correlation between atmospheric pressure and molecular gas mass is found in central cluster galaxies and early-type galaxies. This trend and a similar trend with atmospheric gas density would naturally arise if the molecular clouds condensed from hot atmospheres. Limits on the ratio of molecular to atomic hydrogen in these systems exceed unity. The data are consistent with ambient pressure being a significant factor in the rapid conversion of atomic hydrogen into molecules as found in normal spiral galaxies.

J. R. C. C. C. Correia, C. J. A. P. Martins

Summary of a talk given at the From Cosmic Strings to Superstrings parallel session of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, partially summarizing work previously reported in arXiv:2108.07513 . To appear in the proceedings

The canonical velocity-dependent one-scale (VOS) model for cosmic string evolution contains a number of free parameters which cannot be obtained ab initio. Therefore it must be calibrated using high resolution numerical simulations. We exploit our state of the art graphically accelerated implementation of the evolution of local Abelian-Higgs string networks to provide a statistically robust calibration of this model. In order to do so, we will make use of the largest set of high resolution simulations carried out to date, for a variety of cosmological expansion rates, and explore the impact of key numerical choices on model calibration, including the dynamic range, lattice spacing, and the choice of numerical estimators for the mean string velocity. This sensitivity exploration shows that certain numerical choices will indeed have consequences for observationally crucial parameters, such as the loop chopping parameter. To conclude, we will also briefly illustrate how our results impact observational constraints on cosmic strings.

Thierry Fouchet, Jean-Michel Reess, Franck Montmessin, Rafik Hassen-Khodja, Napoléon Nguyen-Tuong, Olivier Humeau, Sophie Jacquinod, Laurent Lapauw, Jérôme Parisot, Marion Bonafous, Pernelle Bernardi, Frédéric Chapron, Alexandre Jeanneau, Claude Collin, Didier Zeganadin, Patricia Nibert, Sadok Abbaki, Christophe Montaron, Cyrille Blanchard, Vartan Arslanyan, Ourdya Achelhi, Claudine Colon, Clément Royer, Vincent Hamm, Mehdi Bouzit, François Poulet, Cédric Pilorget, Lucia Mandon, Olivier Forni, Agnès Cousin, Olivier Gasnault, Paolo Pilleri, Bruno Dubois, Cathy Quantin, Pierre Beck, Olivier Beyssac, Stéphane Le Mouélic, Jeffrey R. Johnsson, Timothy H. McConnochie, Sylvestre Maurice, Roger C. Wiens

Accepted for publication in Icarus

We present the Infrared spectrometer of SuperCam Instrument Suite that enables the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover to study remotely the Martian mineralogy within the Jezero crater. The SuperCam IR spectrometer is designed to acquire spectra in the 1.3-2.6 $\mu$m domain at a spectral resolution ranging from 5 to 20~nm. The field-of-view of 1.15 mrad, is coaligned with the boresights of the other remote-sensing techniques provided by SuperCam: laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, remote time-resolved Raman and luminescence spectroscopies, and visible reflectance spectroscopy, and micro-imaging. The IR spectra can be acquired from the robotic-arm workspace to long-distances, in order to explore the mineralogical diversity of the Jezero crater, guide the Perseverance Rover in its sampling task, and to document the samples' environment. We present the design, the performance, the radiometric calibration, and the anticipated operations at the surface of Mars.

N. Nettelmann, N. Movshovitz, D. Ni, J.J. Fortney, E. Galanti, Y. Kaspi, R. Helled, C.R. Mankovich, S. Bolton

accepted to the Planetary Science Journal

Interior modeling of Jupiter and Saturn has advanced to a state where thousands of models are generated that cover the uncertainty space of many parameters. This approach demands a fast method of computing their gravity field and shape. Moreover, the Cassini mission at Saturn and the ongoing Juno mission delivered gravitational harmonics up to J12. Here, we report the expansion of the Theory of Figures, which is a fast method for gravity field and shape computation, to the 7th-order (ToF7), which allows for computation of up to J14. We apply three different codes to compare the accuracy using polytropic models. We apply ToF7 to Jupiter and Saturn interior models in conjunction with CMS-19 H/He-EOS. For Jupiter, we find that J6 is best matched by a transition from He-depleted to He-enriched envelope at 2-2.5 Mbar. However, the atmospheric metallicity reaches 1xtimes solar only if the adiabat is perturbed toward lower densities, or if the surface temperature is enhanced by ~14 K from the Galileo value. Our Saturn models imply a largely homogeneous-in-Z envelope at 1.5-4x solar atop a small core. Perturbing the adiabat yields metallicity profiles with extended, heavy-element enriched deep interior (diffuse core) out to 0.4 RSat, as for Jupiter. Classical models with compact, dilute, or no core are possible as long as the deep interior is enriched in heavy-elements. Including a thermal wind fitted to the observed wind speeds, representative Jupiter and Saturn models are consistent with all observed Jn values.

It is commonplace in pulsar and fast radio burst (FRB) literature to estimate sky temperature by frequency-scaling of the Haslam et al. (1982) 408 MHz map. I suggest that this practice should stop, in favor of using readily-available global sky models of diffuse foregrounds. This practical change will improve accuracy of pulse flux estimates.

K. Aditya, Peter Kamphuis, Arunima Banerjee, Sviatoslav Borisov, Aleksandr Mosenkov, Aleksandra Antipova, Dmitry Makarov

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present observations and models of the kinematics and distribution of neutral hydrogen (HI) in the superthin galaxy FGC 1440 with an optical axial ratio $a/b = 20.4$. Using the Giant Meterwave Radio telescope (GMRT), we imaged the galaxy with a spectral resolution of 1.7 $\rm kms^{-1}$ and a spatial resolution of $15" \times 13.5"$. We find that FGC 1440 has an asymptotic rotational velocity of 141.8 $\rm kms^{-1}$ . The structure of the HI disc in FGC 1440 is that of a typical thin disc warped along the line of sight, but we can not rule out the presence of a central thick HI disc. We find that the dark matter halo in FGC 1440 could be modeled by a pseudo-isothermal (PIS) profile with $\rm R_{c}/ R_{d} <2$, where $R_{c}$ is the core radius of the PIS halo and $R_{d}$ the exponential stellar disc scale length. We note that in spite of the unusually large axial ratio of FGC 1440, the ratio of the rotational velocity to stellar vertical velocity dispersion, $\frac{V_{Rot}}{\sigma_{z}} \sim 5 - 8$, which is comparable to other superthins. Interestingly, unlike previously studied superthin galaxies which are outliers in the $log_{10}(j_{*}) - log_{10}(M_{*})$ relation for ordinary bulgeless disc galaxies, FGC 1440 is found to comply with the same. The values of $j$ for the stars, gas and the baryons in FGC 1440 are consistent with those of normal spiral galaxies with similar mass.

G. Rodrigues-da-Silva, J. Bezerra-Sobrinho, L. G. Medeiros

14 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables

The most current observational data corroborate the Starobinsky model as one of the strongest candidates in the description of an inflationary regime. Motivated by such success, extensions of the Starobinsky model have been increasingly recurrent in the literature. The theoretical justification for this is well grounded: higher-order gravities arise in high-energy physics in the search for the ultraviolet completeness of general relativity. In this paper, we propose to investigate the inflation due to the extension of the Starobinsky model characterized by the inclusion of the $R^{3}$ term. We make a complete analysis of the potential and phase space of the model, where we observe the existence of three regions with distinct dynamics for the scalar field. We can establish restrictive limits for the number of e-folds through a study of the reheating and by considering the usual couplings of the standard matter fields and gravity. Thereby, we duly confront our model with the observational data from Planck, BICEP3/Keck, and BAO. Finally, we discuss how the inclusion of the cubic term restricts the initial conditions necessary for the occurrence of a physical inflation.

Brendan Hagan, George Rieke, Ori D. Fox, Alberto Noriega-Crespo, Dean C. Hines, Misty Cracraft, Macarena Garcia Marin

PASP,in press

We evaluate the hit rate of cosmic rays and their daughter particles on the Si:As IBC detectors in the IRAC instrument on the Spitzer Space Telescope. The hit rate follows the ambient proton flux closely, but the hits occur at more than twice the rate expected just from this flux. Toward large amplitudes, the size distribution of hits by single-charge particles (muons) follows the Landau Distribution. The amplitudes of the hits are distributed to well below the energy loss of a traditional ``average minimum-ionizing proton'' as a result of statistical fluctuations in the ionization loss within the detectors. Nonetheless, hits with amplitudes less than a few hundred electrons are rare; this places nearly all hits in an amplitude range that is readily identified given the read noises of modern solid-state detectors. The spread of individual hits over multiple pixels is dominated by geometric effects, i.e., the range of incident angles, but shows a modest excess probably due to: (1) showering and scattering of particles; (2) the energy imparted on the ionization products by the energetic protons; and (3) interpixel capacitance. Although this study is focused on a specific detector type, it should have general application to operation of modern solid-state detectors in space.

Ming-Jie Sheng, Sijia Li, Hao-Ran Yu, Wei Wang, Peng Wang, Xi Kang

6 pages, 5 figures. Comments welcome

Cosmic filaments are the largest collapsing structure in the Universe. Recently both observations and simulations infer that cosmic filaments have coherent angular momenta (spins). Here we use filament finder to identify the filamentary structures in cosmological simulations, and study their physical origins, which are well described by the primordial tidal torque of their Lagrangian counterpart regions -- protofilaments. This initial angular momenta statistically preserve their directions to low redshifts. We further show that, a spin reconstruction method can predict the spins of filaments and potentially relate their spins to the initial conditions of the Universe. This correlation provides a new way of constraining and obtaining additional information of the initial perturbations of the Universe.

Hao Ning, Yao Chen, Sulan Ni, Chuanyang Li, Zilong Zhang, Xiangliang Kong, Mehdi Yousefzadeh

17 pages, 4 figures

Electron cyclotron maser emission (ECME) is regarded as a plausible source for the coherent radio radiations from solar active regions (e.g., solar radio spikes). In this Letter, we present a 2D3V fully kinetic electromagnetic particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation to investigate the wave excitations and subsequent nonlinear processes induced by the energetic electrons in the loss-cone distribution. The ratio of the plasma frequency to the electron gyrofrequency ${\omega}_{pe}/{\Omega}_{ce}$ is set to 0.25, adequate for solar active region conditions. As a main result, we obtain strong emissions at the second-harmonic X mode (X2). While the fundamental X mode (X1) and the Z mode are amplified directly via the electron cyclotron maser instability, the X2 emissions can be produced by the nonlinear coalescence between two Z modes and between Z and X1 modes. This represents a novel generation mechanism for the harmonic emissions in plasmas with a low value of ${\omega}_{pe}/{\Omega}_{ce}$, which may resolve the escaping difficulty of explaining solar radio emissions with the ECME mechanism.

B. Lopez (1), S. Lagarde (1), R.G. Petrov (1), W. Jaffe (2), P. Antonelli (1), F. Allouche (1), P. Berio (1), A. Matter (1), A. Meilland (1), F.Millour (1), S. Robbe-Dubois (1), Th. Henning (5), G. Weigelt (3), A. Glindemann (6), T. Agocs (4), Ch. Bailet (1), U. Beckmann (3), F.Bettonvil (4), R. van Boekel (5), P. Bourget (7), Y. Bresson (1), P. Bristow (6), P. Cruzalèbes (1), E. Eldswijk (4), Y. Fanteï Caujolle (1), J.C. González Herrera (6), U. Graser (5), P. Guajardo (7), M. Heininger (5), K.-H. Hofmann (3), G. Kroes (4), W. Laun (5), M. Lehmitz (5), C. Leinert (5), K. Meisenheimer (5), S. Morel (1), U. Neumann (5), C. Paladini (7), I. Percheron (6), M. Riquelme (7), M. Schoeller (6), Ph.Stee (1), L. Venema (4), J. Woillez (6), G. Zins (6, 7), P. Ábrahám (8), S. Abadie (7), et al. (106 additional authors not shown)

24 pages, 26 figures

Context:Optical interferometry is at a key development stage. ESO's VLTI has established a stable, robust infrastructure for long-baseline interferometry for general astronomical observers. The present second-generation instruments offer a wide wavelength coverage and improved performance. Their sensitivity and measurement accuracy lead to data and images of high reliability. Aims:We have developed MATISSE, the Multi AperTure mid-Infrared SpectroScopic Experiment, to access high resolution imaging in a wide spectral domain and explore topics such: stellar activity and mass loss; planet formation and evolution in the gas and dust disks around young stars; accretion processes around super massive black holes in AGN. Methods:The instrument is a spectro-interferometric imager covering three atmospheric bands (L,M,N) from 2.8 to 13.0 mu, combining four optical beams from the VLTI's telscopes. Its concept, related observing procedure, data reduction and calibration approach are the product of 30 years of instrumental research. The instrument utilizes a multi-axial beam combination that delivers spectrally dispersed fringes. The signal provides the following quantities at several spectral resolutions: photometric flux, coherent fluxes, visibilities, closure phases, wavelength differential visibilities and phases, and aperture-synthesis imaging. Results:We provide an overview of the physical principle of the instrument and its functionalities, the characteristics of the delivered signal, a description of the observing modes and of their performance limits. An ensemble of data and reconstructed images are illustrating the first acquired key observations. Conclusion:The instrument has been in operation at Cerro Paranal, ESO, Chile since 2018, and has been open for science use by the international community since April 2019. The first scientific results are being published now.

Wenbo Wu, Gang Zhao, Xiang-Xiang Xue, Sarah A. Bird, Chengqun Yang

accepted for publication in ApJ

We explore the contribution of the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage to the stellar halo of the Milky Way by making use of a Gaussian Mixture model (GMM) and applying it to halo star samples of LAMOST K giants, SEGUE K giants, and SDSS blue horizontal branch stars. The GMM divides the stellar halo into two parts, of which one represents a more metal-rich and highly radially biased component associated with an ancient, head-on collision referred to as the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage, and the other one is a more metal-poor and isotropic halo. A symmetric bimodal Gaussian is used to describe the distribution of spherical velocity of the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage, and we find that the mean absolute radial velocity of the two lobes decreases with Galactocentric radius. We find that the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage contributes about $41\%-74\%$ of the inner (Galactocentric radius $r_\mathrm{gc} < 30$ kpc) stellar halo. The fraction of stars of the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage starts to decline beyond $r_\mathrm{gc} \sim$ $25-30$ kpc, and the outer halo is found to be significantly less influenced by the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage than the inner halo. After the removal of halo substructures found by integrals of motion, the contribution of the \textit{Gaia}-Sausage falls slightly within $r_\mathrm{gc} \sim$ 25 kpc, but is still as high as $30\%-63\%$. Finally, we select several possible Sausage-related substructures consisting of stars on highly eccentric orbits. The GMM/Sausage component agrees well with the selected substructure stars in their chemodynamical properties, which increases our confidence in the reliability of the GMM fits.

Alex Sicilia, Andrea Lapi, Lumen Boco, Mario Spera, Ugo N. Di Carlo, Michela Mapelli, Francesco Shankar, David M. Alexander, Alessandro Bressan, Luigi Danese

28 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by ApJ

This is the first paper in a series aimed at modeling the black hole (BH) mass function, from the stellar to the intermediate to the (super)massive regime. In the present work we focus on stellar BHs and provide an ab-initio computation of their mass function across cosmic times. Specifically, we exploit the state-of-the-art stellar and binary evolutionary code \texttt{SEVN}, and couple its outputs with redshift-dependent galaxy statistics and empirical scaling relations involving galaxy metallicity, star-formation rate and stellar mass. The resulting relic mass function ${\rm d}N/{\rm d}V{\rm d}\log m_\bullet$ as a function of the BH mass $m_\bullet$ features a rather flat shape up to $m_\bullet\approx 50\, M_\odot$ and then a log-normal decline for larger masses, while its overall normalization at a given mass increases with decreasing redshift. We highlight the contribution to the local mass function from isolated stars evolving into BHs and from binary stellar systems ending up in single or binary BHs. We also include the distortion on the mass function induced by binary BH mergers, finding that it has a minor effect at the high-mass end. We estimate a local stellar BH relic mass density of $\rho_\bullet\approx 5\times 10^7\, M_\odot$ Mpc$^{-3}$, which exceeds by more than two orders of magnitude that in supermassive BHs; this translates into an energy density parameter $\Omega_\bullet\approx 4\times 10^{-4}$, implying that the total mass in stellar BHs amounts to $\lesssim 1\%$ of the local baryonic matter. We show how our mass function for merging BH binaries compares with the recent estimates from gravitational wave observations by LIGO/Virgo, and discuss the possible implications for dynamical formation of BH binaries in dense environments like star clusters. [abridged]

O Halim, C Casentini, M Drago, V Fafone, K Scholberg, C F Vigorito, G Pagliaroli

17 pages, Proceedings of the 16th Marcel Grossmann meeting held on July 5-10, 2021

Core-collapse supernovae produce copious low-energy neutrinos and are also predicted to radiate gravitational waves. These two messengers can give us information regarding the explosion mechanism. The gravitational wave detection from these events are still elusive even with the already advanced detectors. Here we give a concise and timely introduction to a new method that combines triggers from GW and neutrino observatories; more details shall be given in a forthcoming paper [1]. Keywords: multimessenger, supernova, core-collapse, low-energy neutrino, gravitational wave.

Elspeth K.H. Lee, Joost P. Wardenier, Bibiana Prinoth, Vivien Parmentier, Simon L. Grimm, Robin Baeyens, Ludmila Carone, Duncan Christie, Russell Deitrick, Daniel Kitzmann, Nathan Mayne, Michael Roman

20 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ 29/10/21

Radiative-transfer (RT) is a key component for investigating atmospheres of planetary bodies. With the 3D nature of exoplanet atmospheres being important in giving rise to their observable properties, accurate and fast 3D methods are required to be developed to meet future multi-dimensional and temporal data sets. We develop an open source GPU RT code, gCMCRT, a Monte Carlo RT forward model for general use in planetary atmosphere RT problems. We aim to automate the post-processing pipeline, starting from direct global circulation model (GCM) output to synthetic spectra. We develop albedo, emission and transmission spectra modes for 3D and 1D input structures. We include capability to use correlated-k and high-resolution opacity tables, the latter of which can be Doppler shifted inside the model. We post-process results from several GCM groups including ExoRad, SPARC/MITgcm THOR, UK Met Office UM, Exo-FMS and the Rauscher model. Users can therefore take advantage of desktop and HPC GPU computing solutions. gCMCRT is well suited for post-processing large GCM model grids produced by members of the community and for high-resolution 3D investigations.

Adam Ingram, Guglielmo Mastroserio, Michiel van der Klis, Edward Nathan, Riley Connors, Thomas Dauser, Javier A. García, Erin Kara, Ole König, Matteo Lucchini, Jingyi Wang

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We show that X-ray reverberation mapping can be used to measure the distance to type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). This is because X-ray photons originally emitted from the `corona' close to the black hole irradiate the accretion disc and are re-emitted with a characteristic `reflection' spectrum that includes a prominent $\sim 6.4$ keV iron emission line. The shape of the reflection spectrum depends on the irradiating flux, and the light-crossing delay between continuum photons observed directly from the corona and the reflected photons constrains the size of the disc. Simultaneously modelling the X-ray spectrum and the time delays between photons of different energies therefore constrains the intrinsic reflected luminosity, and the distance follows from the observed reflected flux. Alternatively, the distance can be measured from the X-ray spectrum alone if the black hole mass is known. We develop a new model of our RELTRANS X-ray reverberation mapping package, called RTDIST, that has distance as a model parameter. We simulate a synthetic observation that we fit with our new model, and find that this technique applied to a sample of $\sim 25$ AGNs can be used to measure the Hubble constant with a $3 \sigma$ statistical uncertainty of $\sim 6~{\rm km}~{\rm s}^{-1}{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. Since the technique is completely independent of the traditional distance ladder and the cosmic microwave background radiation, it has the potential to address the current tension between them. We discuss sources of modelling uncertainty, and how they can be addressed in the near future.

L. Piro, M. Ahlers, A. Coleiro, M. Colpi, E. de Oña Wilhelmi, M. Guainazzi, P. G. Jonker, P. Mc Namara, D. A. Nichols, P. O'Brien, E. Troja, J. Vink, J. Aird, L. Amati, S. Anand, E. Bozzo, F. J. Carrera, A. C. Fabian, C. Fryer, E. Hall, O. Korobkin, V. Korol, A. Mangiagli, S. Martínez-Núñez, S. Nissanke, J. Osborne, P. Padovani, E.M. Rossi, G. Ryan, A. Sesana, G. Stratta, N. Tanvir, H. van Eerten

White paper of the multi-messenger Athena synergy excersise

In this paper we explore the scientific synergies between Athena and some of the key multi-messenger facilities that should be operative concurrently with Athena. These facilities include LIGO A+, Advanced Virgo+ and future detectors for ground-based observation of gravitational waves (GW), LISA for space-based observations of GW, IceCube and KM3NeT for neutrino observations, and CTA for very high energy observations. These science themes encompass pressing issues in astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics such as: the central engine and jet physics in compact binary mergers, accretion processes and jet physics in Super-Massive Binary Black Holes (SMBBHs) and in compact stellar binaries, the equation of state of neutron stars, cosmic accelerators and the origin of Cosmic Rays (CRs), the origin of intermediate and high-Z elements in the Universe, the Cosmic distance scale and tests of General Relativity and the Standard Model. Observational strategies for implementing the identified science topics are also discussed. A significant part of the sources targeted by multi-messenger facilities is of transient nature. We have thus also discussed the synergy of \textsl{Athena} with wide-field high-energy facilities, taking THESEUS as a case study for transient discovery. This discussion covers all the Athena science goals that rely on follow-up observations of high-energy transients identified by external observatories, and includes also topics that are not based on multi-messenger observations, such as the search for missing baryons or the observation of early star populations and metal enrichment at the cosmic dawn with Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs).

Fernando M. López, C. Guillermo Giménez de Castro, Cristina H. Mandrini, Paulo J. A. Simões, Germán D. Cristiani, Dale E. Gary, Carlos Francile, Pascal Démoulin

10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The mid-infrared (mid-IR) range has been mostly unexplored for the investigation of solar flares. It is only recently that new mid-IR flare observations have begun opening a new window into the response and evolution of the solar chromosphere. These new observations have been mostly performed by the AR30T and BR30T telescopes that are operating in Argentina and Brazil, respectively. We present the analysis of SOL2019-05-15T19:24, a GOES class C2.0 solar flare observed at 30~THz (10$\ \mu$m) by the ground-based telescope AR30T. Our aim is to characterize the evolution of the flaring atmosphere and the energy transport mechanism in the context of mid-IR emission. We performed a multi-wavelength analysis of the event by complementing the mid-IR data with diverse ground- and space-based data from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), the H--$\alpha$ Solar Telescope for Argentina (HASTA), and the Expanded Owens Valley Solar Array (EOVSA). Our study includes the analysis of the magnetic field evolution of the flaring region and of the development of the flare. The mid-IR images from AR30T show two bright and compact flare sources that are spatially associated with the flare kernels observed in ultraviolet (UV) by SDO. We confirm that the temporal association between mid-IR and UV fluxes previously reported for strong flares is also observed for this small flare. The EOVSA microwave data revealed flare spectra consistent with thermal free-free emission, which lead us to dismiss the existence of a significant number of non-thermal electrons. We thus consider thermal conduction as the primary mechanism responsible for energy transport. Our estimates for the thermal conduction energy and total radiated energy fall within the same order of magnitude, reinforcing our conclusions.

P. Patapis, E. Nasedkin, G. Cugno, A.M. Glauser, I. Argyriou, N. P. Whiteford, P. Mollière, A. Glasse, S. P. Quanz

18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Medium Resolution Spectrometer on board JWST/MIRI will give access to mid-IR spectra while retaining spatial information. With the unparalleled sensitivity of JWST and the MIRI detectors, the MRS has the potential to revolutionise our understanding of giant exoplanet atmospheres. Molecular mapping is a promising detection and characterisation technique used to study the spectra of directly imaged exoplanets. We aim to examine the feasibility and application of this technique to MRS observations. We used the instrument simulator MIRISIM to create mock observations of resolved star and exoplanet systems. As an input for the simulator, we used stellar and planet parameters from literature, with the planet spectrum being modelled with the radiative transfer code petitRADTRANS. After processing the raw data with the JWST pipeline, we high pass filter the data to account for the stellar point spread function, and used a forward modelling approach to detect the companions and constrain the chemical composition of their atmospheres through their molecular signatures. We identified limiting factors in spectroscopic characterisation of directly imaged exoplanets with the MRS and simulated observations of two representative systems, HR8799 and GJ504. In both systems, we could detect the presence of multiple molecules that were present in the input model of their atmospheres. We used two different approaches with single molecule forward models, used in literature, that are sensitive to detecting mainly H$_2$O, CO, CH$_4$, and NH$_3$, and a log-likelihood ratio test that uses full atmosphere forward models and is sensitive to a larger number of less dominant molecular species. We show that the MIRI MRS can be used to characterise widely separated giant exoplanets in the mid-IR using molecular mapping.

Mathias Boström, Victoria Esteso, Johannes Fiedler, Iver Brevik, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, Clas Persson, Sol Carretero-Palacios, Drew F. Parsons, Robert W. Corkery

Under both engineering and natural conditions on Earth and in the Universe, some gas hydrates are found to be stabilised outside their window of thermodynamic stability by the formation of an ice layer-a phenomenon termed self-preservation. Low occupancy surface regions on type I CO2 clathrate structures together with the self-preserving ice layer lead to an effective buoyancy for these structures which restricts the size range of particles that float in the ocean on Enceladus, Pluto and similar oceanic worlds. Our goal here is to investigate the implications of Lifshitz forces and low occupancy surface regions on clathrate structures for their self-preservation through ice layer formation, presenting a plausible model based on multilayer interactions through dispersion forces. We predict that the growth of an ice layer between 0.01 and 0.2 $\mu$m thick on CO2 clathrate surfaces depends on the presence of surface regions in the gas hydrates with low occupancy. The effective particle density is estimated delimiting a range of particles that would be buoyant in different oceans. Over geological time, deposition of floating CO2 hydrates could result in the accumulation of kilometre-thick hydrate layers above liquid water reservoirs, and below the water ice crusts of their respective ocean worlds. On Enceladus, destabilisation of near-surface hydrate deposits could lead to increased gas pressures that both drive plumes and entrain stabilised hydrates to be redeposited on the surface of Enceladus or ejected into the E-ring of Saturn. On ocean worlds such as Enceladus and particularly Pluto, the accumulation of thick CO2 hydrate deposits could insulate its ocean against freezing. In preventing the freezing of liquid water reservoirs in ocean worlds, the presence of CO2 hydrate layers could enhance the habitability of ocean worlds in our solar systems and on the exoplanets and exomoons beyond.

Karoline M. Gilbert, Amanda C. N. Quirk, Puragra Guhathakurta, Erik Tollerud, Jennifer Wojno, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Meredith J. Durbin, Anil Seth, Benjamin F. Williams, Justin T. Fung, Pujita Tangirala, Ibrahim Yusufali

33 pages, 19 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present initial results from a large spectroscopic survey of stars throughout M33's stellar disk. We analyze a sample of 1667 red giant branch (RGB) stars extending to projected distances of $\sim 11$ kpc from M33's center ($\sim 18$ kpc, or $\sim 10$ scale lengths, in the plane of the disk). The line-of-sight velocities of RGB stars show the presence of two kinematical components. One component is consistent with rotation in the plane of M33's HI disk and has a velocity dispersion ($\sim 19$ km s$^{-1}$) consistent with that observed in a comparison sample of younger stars, while the second component has a significantly higher velocity dispersion. A two-component fit to the RGB velocity distribution finds that the high dispersion component has a velocity dispersion of $59.3^{+2.6}_{-2.5}$ km s$^{-1}$ and rotates very slowly in the plane of the disk (consistent with no rotation at the $<1.5\sigma$ level), which favors interpreting it as a stellar halo rather than a thick disk population. A spatial analysis indicates that the fraction of RGB stars in the high-velocity-dispersion component decreases with increasing radius over the range covered by the spectroscopic sample. Our spectroscopic sample establishes that a significant high-velocity-dispersion component is present in M33's RGB population from near M33's center to at least the radius where M33's HI disk begins to warp at 30$'$ ($\sim 7.5$ kpc) in the plane of the disk. This is the first detection and spatial characterization of a kinematically hot stellar component throughout M33's inner regions.

Juhi Tiwari, Kulinder Pal Singh

20 pages, 12 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in the MNRAS

We present the first in-depth study of X-ray emission from a nearby ($z\sim0.0784$) galaxy cluster Abell 1569 using an archival $Chandra$ observation. A1569 consists of two unbound subclusters $-$ a northern subcluster (A1569N) hosting a double-lobed radio galaxy 1233+169 at its centre, and a southern subcluster (A1569S) harbouring a wide-angle-tailed (WAT) radio source 1233+168. X-ray emission from A1569N and A1569S extends to a radius $r\sim248$ kpc and $r\sim370$ kpc, respectively, indicating that the two gas clumps are group-scale systems. The two subclusters have low X-ray luminosities ($\sim10^{42-43}$ erg s$^{-1}$), average elemental abundances $\sim$1/4 Z$_\odot$, low average temperatures ($\sim2$ keV), and lack large ($r\gtrsim40-50$ kpc) cool cores associated with the intracluster gas. We detect a pair of cavities coincident with the radio lobes of 1233+169 in A1569N. The total mechanical power associated with the cavity pair is an order of magnitude larger than the X-ray radiative loss in the cavity-occupied region, providing corroborating evidence for cavity-induced heating of the intragroup gas in A1569N. A1569S exhibits possible evidence for a small-scale cluster-subcluster merger, as indicated by its high central entropy, and the presence of local gas elongation and a density discontinuity in between the bent radio tails of 1233+168. The discontinuity is indicative of a weak merger shock with Mach Number, $M\sim1.7$. The most plausible geometry for the ongoing interaction is a head-on merger occurring between A1569S and a subcluster falling in from the west along the line bisecting the WAT tails.

C. Porowski (1), M. Bzowski (1), M. Tokumaru (2) ((1) Space Research Centre PAS (CBK PAN), Warsaw, Poland, (2) Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan)

Submitted to ApJS

The solar wind (SW) is an outflow of the solar coronal plasma, expanding supersonically throughout the heliosphere. SW particles interact by charge exchange with interstellar neutral atoms and on one hand, they modify the distribution of this gas in interplanetary space, and on the other hand they are seed population for heliospheric pickup ions and energetic neutral atoms (ENAs). The heliolatitudinal profiles of the SW speed and density evolve during the cycle of solar activity. A model of evolution of the SW speed and density is needed to interpret observations of ENAs, pickup ions, the heliospheric backscatter glow, etc. We derive the Warsaw Heliospheric Ionization Model 3DSW (WawHelIon 3DSW) based on interplanetary scintillation (IPS) tomography maps of the SW speed. We take the IPS tomography data from 1985 until 2020, compiled by \citet{tokumaru_etal:21a}. We derive a novel statistical method of filtering these data against outliers, we present a flexible analytic formula for the latitudinal profiles of the SW speed based on Legendre polynomials of varying order with additional restraining conditions at the poles, fit this formula to the yearly filtered data, and calculate the yearly SW density profiles using the latitudinally invariant SW energy flux, observed in the ecliptic plane. Despite application of refined IPS data set, a more sophisticated data filtering method, and a more flexible analytic model, the present results mostly agree with those obtained previously, which demonstrates the robustness of IPS studies of the SW structure.

Riccardo Gualtieri, Peter S. Barry, Thomas Cecil, Amy N. Bender, Clarence .L. Chang, John C. Hood, Margarita Lisovenko, Volodymyr G. Yefremenko

6 pages, 4 figures, conference proceeding

Planar ortho-mode transducers (OMTs) are a commonly used method of coupling optical signals between waveguides and on-chip circuitry and detectors. While the ideal OMT-waveguide coupling requires minimal disturbance to the waveguide, when used for mm-wave applications the waveguide is typically constructed from two sections to allow the OMT probes to be inserted into the waveguide. This break in the waveguide is a source of signal leakage and can lead to loss of performance and increased experimental systematic errors. Here we report on the development of new OMT-to-waveguide coupling structures with the goal of reducing leakage at the detector wafer interface. The pixel to pixel optical leakage due to the gap between the coupling waveguide and the backshort is reduced by means of a protrusion that passes through the OMT membrane and electrically connects the two waveguide sections on either side of the wafer. High frequency electromagnetic simulations indicate that these protrusions are an effective method to reduce optical leakage in the gap by ~80% percent, with a ~60% filling factor, relative to an standard OMT coupling architecture. Prototype devices have been designed to characterize the performance of the new design using a relative measurement with varying filling factors. We outline the simulation setup and results, and present a chip layout and sample box that will be used to perform the initial measurements.

Kristan N. K. Boyett, Daniel P. Stark, Andrew J. Bunker, Mengtao Tang, Michael V. Maseda

Submitted to MNRAS. 13 pages, 6 figures

We determine the [OIII]$\lambda5007$ equivalent width (EW) distribution of $1.700<\rm{z}<2.274$ rest-frame UV-selected (M$_{\rm{UV}}<-19$) star-forming galaxies in the GOODS North and South fields. We make use of deep HDUV broadband photometry catalogues for selection and 3D-HST WFC3/IR grism spectra for measurement of line properties. The [OIII]$\lambda5007$ EW distribution allows us to measure the abundance of extreme emission line galaxies (EELGs) within this population. We model a log-normal distribution to the [OIII]$\lambda5007$ rest-frame equivalent widths of galaxies in our sample, with location parameter $\mu=4.24\pm0.07$ and variance parameter $\sigma= 1.33\pm0.06$. This EW distribution has a mean [OIII]$\lambda5007$ EW of 168$\pm1\r{A}$. The fractions of $\rm{z}\sim2$ rest-UV-selected galaxies with [OIII]$\lambda5007$ EWs greater than $500, 750$ and $1000\r{A}$ are measured to be $6.8^{+1.0}_{-0.9}\%$, $3.6^{+0.7}_{-0.6}\%$, and $2.2^{+0.5}_{-0.4}\%$ respectively. The EELG fractions do not vary strongly with UV luminosity in the range ($-21.6<M_{\rm{UV}}<-19.0$) considered in this paper, consistent with findings at higher redshifts. We compare our results to $\rm{z}\sim5$ and $\rm{z}\sim7$ studies where candidate EELGs have been discovered through Spitzer/IRAC colours, and we identify rapid evolution with redshift in the fraction of star-forming galaxies observed in an extreme emission line phase (a rise by a factor $\sim10$ between $\rm{z}\sim2$ and $\rm{z}\sim7$). This evolution is consistent with an increased incidence of strong bursts in the galaxy population of the reionisation era. While this population makes a sub-dominant contribution of the ionising emissivity at $\rm{z}\simeq2$, EELGs are likely to dominate the ionising output in the reionisation era.

A. Koval, M. Karlicky, A. Stanislavsky, B. Wang, M. Barta, R. Gorgutsa

The Space Weather effects in the near-Earth environment as well as in atmospheres of other terrestrial planets arise by corpuscular radiation from the Sun, known as the solar wind. The solar magnetic fields govern the solar corona structure. Magnetic-field strength values in the solar wind sources - key information for modeling and forecasting the Space Weather climate - are derived from various solar space- and ground-based observations, but, so far not accounting for specific types of radio bursts. These are "fractured" type II radio bursts attributed to collisions of shock waves with coronal structures emitting the solar wind. Here, we report about radio observations of two "fractured" type II bursts to demonstrate a novel tool for probing of magnetic field variations in the solar wind sources. These results have direct impact on interpretations of this class of bursts and contribute to the current studies of the solar wind emitters.

Kohji Yoshikawa, Satoshi Tanaka, Naoki Yoshida

11 pages, 8 figures. 2021 ACM Gordon-Bell Prize Finalist. A simulation movie is available at this https URL

We report a Vlasov simulation of cosmic relic neutrinos combined with N-body simulation of cold dark matter in the context of large-scale structure formation in the Universe performed on Fugaku supercomputer. Gravitational dynamics of the neutrinos is followed, for the first time, by directly integrating the Vlasov equation in a six-dimensional phase space. Our largest simulation combines the Vlasov simulation on 400 trillion grids and 330 billion-body calculations in a self-consistent manner, and reproduces accurately the nonlinear dynamics of neutrinos in the Universe. The novel high-order Vlasov solver is optimized by combining an array of state-of-the-art numerical schemes and fully utilizing the SIMD instructions on the A64FX processors. Time-To-Solution of our simulation is an order of magnitude shorter than the largest N-body simulations. The performance scales excellently with up to 147,456 nodes (7 million CPU cores) on Fugaku; the weak and strong scaling efficiencies are 82% - 96% and 82% - 93%, respectively.

Thanja Lamberts, Gleb Fedoseev, Marc van Hemert, Danna Qasim, Ko-Ju Chuang, Julia C. Santos, Harold Linnartz

Submitted to ApJ

Methane is typically thought to be formed in the solid state on the surface of cold interstellar icy grain mantles via the successive atomic hydrogenation of a carbon atom. In the current work we investigate the potential role of molecular hydrogen in the CH$_4$ reaction network. We make use of an ultra-high vacuum cryogenic setup combining an atomic carbon atom beam and both atomic and/or molecular beams of hydrogen and deuterium on a H$_2$O ice. These experiments lead to the formation of methane isotopologues detected in situ through reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy. Most notably, CH$_4$ is formed in an experiment combining C atoms with H$_2$ on amorphous solid water, albeit slower than in experiments with H atoms present. Furthermore, CH$_2$D$_2$ is detected in an experiment of C atoms with H$_2$ and D$_2$ on H$_2$O ice. CD$_4$, however, is only formed when D atoms are present in the experiment. These findings have been rationalized by means of computational chemical insights. This leads to the following conclusions: a) the reaction C + H$_2$ -> CH$_2$ can take place, although not barrierless in the presence of water, b) the reaction CH + H$_2$ -> CH$_3$ is barrierless, but has not yet been included in astrochemical models, c) the reactions CH$_2$ + H$_2$ -> CH$_3$ + H and CH$_3$ + H$_2$ -> CH$_4$ + H can take place only via a tunneling mechanism and d) molecular hydrogen possibly plays a more important role in the solid-state formation of methane than assumed so far.

Germán Molpeceres, Johannes Kästner, Gleb Fedoseev, Danna Qasim, Richard Schömig, Harold Linnartz, Thanja Lamberts

Accepted for publication in JPCL

We report new computational and experimental evidence of an efficient and astrochemically relevant formation route to formaldehyde (H$_2$CO). This simplest carbonylic compound is central to the formation of complex organics in cold interstellar clouds, and is generally regarded to be formed by the hydrogenation of solid-state carbon monoxide. We demonstrate H$_2$CO formation via the reaction of carbon atoms with amorphous solid water. Crucial to our proposed mechanism is a concerted proton transfer catalyzed by the water hydrogen bonding network. Consequently, the reactions $^3$C + H$_2$O -> $^3$HCOH and $^1$HCOH -> $^1$H$_2$CO can take place with low or without barriers, contrary to the high-barrier traditional internal hydrogen migration. These low barriers or absence thereof explain the very small kinetic isotope effect in our experiments when comparing the formation of H$_2$CO to D$_2$CO. Our results reconcile the disagreement found in the literature on the reaction route: C + H$_2$O -> H$_2$CO.

C. Cabezas, M. Nakajima, C. H. Chang, M. Agundez, Y. Endo, J. Cernicharo

Accepted: 17 October 2021

The reaction between carbon atoms and vinyl cyanide, CH2CHCN, is a formation route to interstellar 3-cyano propargyl radical, CH2C3N, a species that has recently been discovered in space. The 1-cyano propargyl radical (HC3HCN), an isomer of CH2C3N, is predicted to be produced in the same reaction at least twice more effciently than CH2C3N. Hence, HC3HCN is a plausible candidate to be observed in space as well. We aim to generate the HC3HCN radical in the gas phase in order to investigate its rotational spectrum. The derived spectroscopic parameters for this species will be used to obtain reliable frequency predictions to support its detection in space.The HC3HCN radical was produced by an electric discharge, and its rotational spectrum was characterized using a Balle-Flygare narrowband-type Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer operating in the frequency region of 4-40 GHz. The spectral analysis was supported by high-level ab initio calculations. A total of 193 hyperfine components that originated from 12 rotational transitions, a- and b-type, were measured for the HC3HCN radical. The analysis allowed us to accurately determine 22 molecular constants, including rotational and centrifugal distortion constants as well as the fine and hyperfine constants. Transition frequency predictions were used to search for the HC3HCN radical in TMC-1 using the QUIJOTE survey between 30.1-50.4 GHz. We do not detect HC3HCN in TMC-1 and derive a 3sigma upper limit to its column density of 6.0e11 cm-2.

Susanne Höfner, Sara Bladh, Bernhard Aringer, Kjell Eriksson

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (15 pages, 14 figures)

The winds observed around AGB stars are generally attributed to radiation pressure on dust formed in the dynamical atmospheres of these long-period variables. The composition of wind-driving grains is affected by a feedback between their optical properties and the resulting heating due to stellar radiation. We explore the gradual Fe enrichment of wind-driving silicate grains in M-type AGB stars to derive typical values for Fe/Mg and test the effects on wind properties and synthetic spectra. We present new DARWIN models that allow for the growth of silicate grains with a variable Fe/Mg ratio and predict mass-loss rates, wind velocities, and grain properties. Synthetic spectra and other observables are computed with the COMA code. The self-regulating feedback between grain composition and radiative heating, in combination with quickly falling densities in the stellar wind, leads to low values of Fe/Mg, typically a few percent. Nevertheless, the models show distinct silicate features around 10 and 18 microns. Fe enrichment affects visual and near-IR photometry moderately, and the new DARWIN models agree well with observations in (J-K) vs. (V-K) and Spitzer color-color diagrams. The enrichment of the silicate dust with Fe is a secondary process, taking place in the stellar wind on the surface of large Fe-free grains that have initiated the outflow. Therefore, the mass-loss rates are basically unaffected, while the wind velocities tend to be slightly higher than in corresponding models with Fe-free silicate dust. The gradual Fe enrichment of silicate grains in the inner wind region should produce signatures observable in mid-IR spectro-interferometrical measurements. Mass-loss rates derived from existing DARWIN models, based on Fe-free silicates, can be applied to stellar evolution models since the mass-loss rates are not significantly affected by the inclusion of Fe in the silicate grains.

Mattis Magg, Itamar Reis, Anastasia Fialkov, Rennan Barkana, Ralf S. Klessen, Simon C. O. Glover, Li-Hsin Chen, Tilman Hartwig, Anna T.P. Schauer

17 pages, 11 Figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments very welcome

Mapping Cosmic Dawn with 21-cm tomography offers an exciting new window into the era of primordial star formation. However, self-consistent implementation of both the process of star formation and the related 21-cm signal is challenging, due to the multi-scale nature of the problem. In this study, we develop a flexible semi-analytical model to follow the formation of the first stars and the process of gradual transition from primordial to metal-enriched star formation. For this transition we use different in scenarios with varying time-delays (or recovery times) between the first supernovae and the formation of the second generation of stars. We use recovery times between 10 and 100\,Myr and find that these delays have a strong impact on the redshift at which the transition to metal-enriched star formation occurs. We then explore the effect of this transition on the 21-cm signal and find that the recovery time has a distinctive imprint in the signal. Together with an improved understanding of how this time-delay relates to the properties of Population~III stars, future 21-cm observations can give independent constraints on the earliest epoch of star formation.

Malik Zahoor, Sunder Sahayanathan, Shah Zahir, Naseer Iqbal, Aaqib Manzoor, Nilay Bhatt

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The very high energy (VHE) gamma-ray spectral indices of blazars show strong correlation with the source redshift. Absence of any such correlation in low energy gamma rays and X-rays indicate the presence of Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) induced absorption of VHE gamma rays. By employing a linear regression analysis, this observational feature of blazars is used to constrain the redshift of BL Lac objects which was unknown/uncertain earlier. Additionally, we also compare the observed VHE spectral index-redshift correlation with the ones predicted from commonly adopted EBL models. Our study highlights the deviation of the EBL model based predictions from the observation especially at high redshifts.

Evan Coleman, Edward A. Mazenc, Vasudev Shyam, Eva Silverstein, Ronak M Soni, Gonzalo Torroba, Sungyeon Yang

23+7 pages. 3 figures

We obtain microstates accounting for the Gibbons-Hawking entropy in $dS_3$, along with a subleading logarithmic correction, from the solvable $T\bar T+\Lambda_2$ deformation of a seed CFT with sparse light spectrum. The microstates arise as the dressed CFT states near dimension $\Delta=c/6$, associated with the Hawking-Page transition; they dominate the real spectrum of the deformed theory. We exhibit an analogue of the Hawking-Page transition in de Sitter. Appropriate generalizations of the $T\bar T+\Lambda_2$ deformation are required to treat model-dependent local bulk physics (subleading at large central charge) and higher dimensions. These results add considerably to the already strong motivation for the continued pursuit of such generalizations along with a more complete characterization of $T\bar T$ type theories, building from existing results in these directions.

William H. Kinney, Nina K. Stein (Univ. at Buffalo, SUNY)

3 pages, 1 figure

We consider recently proposed bouncing cosmological models for which the Hubble parameter is periodic in time, but the scale factor grows from one cycle to the next as a mechanism for shedding entropy. Since the scale factor for a flat universe is equivalent to an overall conformal factor, it has been argued that this growth corresponds to a physically irrelevant rescaling, and such bouncing universes can be made perfectly cyclic, extending infinitely into the past and future. We show that any bouncing universe which uses growth of the scale factor to dissipate entropy must necessarily be geodesically past-incomplete, and therefore cannot be truly cyclic in time.

Infrared dressing of bosonic or fermionic heavy particles by a cloud of massless particles to which they couple is studied as a possible production mechanism of ultra light dark matter or dark radiation in a radiation dominated cosmology. We implement an adiabatic expansion valid for wavelengths much smaller than the Hubble radius combined with a non-perturbative and manifestly unitary dynamical resummation method to study the time evolution of an initial single heavy particle state. We find a striking resemblance to the process of particle decay: the initial amplitude of the single particle decays in time, not exponentially but with a power law with anomalous dimension $\propto t^{-\Delta/2}$ featuring a crossover to $t^{-\Delta}$ as the heavy particle becomes non-relativistic in both bosonic and fermionic cases suggesting certain universality. At long time the asymptotic state is an entangled state of the heavy and massless particles. The entanglement entropy is shown to grow under time evolution describing the flow of information from the initial single particle to the final multiparticle state. The expectation value of the energy momentum tensor in the asymptotic state is described by two indpendent fluids each obeying covariant conservation, one of heavy particles and the other of relativistic (massless) particles (dark radiation). Both fluids share the same frozen distribution function and entropy as a consequence of entanglement.

Javier Galan

5 pages, 2 figures, TAUP 2021 Proceedings

Axions are a natural consequence of the Peccei-Quinn mechanism, the most compelling solution to the strong-CP problem. Similar axion-like particles (ALPs) also appear in a number of possible extensions of the Standard Model, notably in string theories. Both, axions and ALPs, are very well motivated candidates for Dark Matter (DM), and they would be copiously produced at the suns core. A relevant effort during the last two decades has been the CAST experiment at CERN, the most sensitive axion helioscope to date. The International Axion Observatory (IAXO) is a large-scale 4th generation helioscope, and its primary physics goal is to extend further the search for solar axions or ALPs with a final signal to background ratio of about 5 orders of magnitude higher. We briefly review here the astrophysical hints and models that will be at reach while searching for solar axions within the context of the IAXO helioscope search program, and in particular the physics under reach for BabyIAXO, an intermediate helioscope stage towards the full IAXO.

Sk Md Adil Imam, N. K. Patra, C. Mondal, Tuhin Malik, B. K. Agrawal

11 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to PRC

The nuclear matter parameters (NMPs), those underlie in the construction of the equation of state (EoS) of neutron star matter, are not directly accessible. The Bayesian approach is applied to reconstruct the posterior distributions of NMPs from the EoS of neutron star matter. The constraints on lower-order parameters as imposed by the finite nuclei observables are incorporated through appropriately chosen prior distributions. The calculations are performed with two sets of pseudo data on the EoS whose true models are known. The median values of second or higher order NMPs show sizeable deviations from their true values and associated uncertainties are also larger. The sources of these uncertainties are intrinsic in nature, identified as (i) the correlations among various NMPs and (ii) the variations in the EoS of symmetric nuclear matter, symmetry energy, and the neutron-proton asymmetry in such a way that the neutron star matter EoS remain almost unaffected.

O. Halim, G. Vedovato, E. Milotti, G. A. Prodi, S. Bini, M. Drago, V. Gayathri, C. Lazzaro, D. Lopez, A. Miani, B. O'Brien, F. Salemi, M. Szczepanczyk, S. Tiwari, A. Virtuoso, S. Klimenko

5 pages, Proceedings for the "17th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP)"

The coherent WaveBurst (cWB) pipeline implements a minimally-modelled search to find a coherent response in the network of gravitational wave detectors of the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration in the time-frequency domain. In this manuscript, we provide a timely introduction to an extension of the cWB analysis to detect spectral features beyond the main quadrupolar emission of gravitational waves during the inspiral phase of compact binary coalescences; more detailed discussion will be provided in a forthcoming paper [1]. The search is performed by defining specific regions in the time-frequency map to extract the energy of harmonics of main quadrupole mode in the inspiral phase. This method has already been used in the GW190814 discovery paper (Astrophys. J. Lett. 896 L44). Here we show the procedure to detect the (3, 3) multipole in GW190814 within the cWB framework. Keywords: gravitational waves, analysis, multipoles, compact binary coalescences

In the recent years, many low-threshold dark matter (DM) direct detection experiments have reported the observation of unexplained excesses of events at low energies. Exemplary for these, the experiment CRESST has detected unidentified events below an energy of about 200 eV - a result hampering the detector performance in the search for GeV-scale DM. In this work, we test the impact of nuclear recoil timing information on the potential for DM signal discovery and model selection on a low-threshold experiment limited by the presence of an unidentified background resembling this population of low-energy events. Among the different targets explored by the CRESST collaboration, here we focus on Al2O3, as a sapphire detector was shown to reach an energy threshold as low as 19.7 eV [1]. We test the ability of a low-threshold experiment to discover a signal above a given background, or to reject the spin-independent (SI) interaction in favour of a magnetic dipole (MD) coupling in terms of p-values. We perform our p-value calculations: 1) taking timing information into account; and 2) assuming that the latter is not available. By comparing the two approaches, we find that under our assumptions timing information has a marginal impact on the potential for DM signal discovery, while provides more significant results for the selection between the two models considered. For the model parameters explored here, we find that the p-value for rejecting SI-interactions in favour of a MD-coupling is about 0.11 when the experimental exposure is 460 g x year and smaller (about 0.06) if timing information is available. The conclusion on the role of timing information remains qualitatively unchanged for exposures as large as 1 kg x year. At the same time, our results show that a 90% C.L. rejection of SI-interactions in favour of a MD-coupling is within reach of an upgrade of the CRESST experiment [2].

Dominic T Robson, Alessia Annibale, Andreas CW Baas

30 Pages, 10 figures, Submitted to Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

We apply a mean-field model of interactions between migrating barchan dunes, the CAFE model, which includes calving, aggregation, fragmentation, and mass-exchange, yielding a steady-state size distribution that can be resolved for different choices of interaction parameters. The CAFE model is applied to empirically measured distributions of dune sizes in two barchan swarms on Mars, three swarms in Morocco, and one in Mauritania, each containing ~1000 bedforms, comparing the observed size distributions to the steady-states of the CAFE model. We find that the distributions in the Martian swarm are very similar to the swarm measured in Mauritania, suggesting that the two very different planetary environments however share similar dune interaction dynamics. Optimisation of the model parameters of three specific configurations of the CAFE model shows that the fit of the theoretical steady-state is often superior to the typically assumed log-normal. In all cases, the optimised parameters indicate that mass-exchange is the most frequent type of interaction. Calving is found to occur rarely in most of the swarms, with a highest rate of only 9\% of events, showing that interactions between multiple dunes rather than spontaneous calving are the driver of barchan size distributions. Finally, the implementation of interaction parameters derived from 3D simulations of dune-pair collisions indicates that sand flux between dunes is more important in producing the size distributions of the Moroccan swarms than of those in Mauritania and on Mars.

Arnab Chaudhuri, Maxim Yu. Khlopov

12 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1711.01801 , arXiv:2001.11219

When the vacuum like energy of the Higgs potential within the standard model undergoes electroweak phase transition, an influx of entropy into the primordial plasma can lead to a significant dilution of frozen out dark matter density that was already present before the onset of the phase transition. The same effect can take place, if the early Universe was dominated by primordial black holes of small mass, evaporating before the period of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. In this paper we calculate the dilution factor for the above mentioned scenarios.

Lorena Magaña Zertuche, Keefe Mitman, Neev Khera, Leo C. Stein, Michael Boyle, Nils Deppe, Nils Fischer, François Hébert, Dante A. B. Iozzo, Lawrence E. Kidder, Jordan Moxon, Harald P. Pfeiffer, Mark A. Scheel, Saul A. Teukolsky, William Throwe

16 + 2 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables

Quasi-normal mode (QNM) modeling is an invaluable tool for studying strong gravity, characterizing remnant black holes, and testing general relativity. To date, most studies have focused on the dominant $(2, 2)$ mode, and have fit to standard strain waveforms from numerical relativity. But, as gravitational wave observatories become more sensitive, they can resolve higher-order modes. Multimode fits will be critically important, and in turn require a more thorough treatment of the asymptotic frame at $\mathscr{I}^+$. The first main result of this work is a method for systematically fitting a QNM model containing many modes to a numerical waveform produced using Cauchy-characteristic extraction, which is known to exhibit memory effects. We choose the modes to model based on their power contribution to the residual between numerical and model waveforms. We show that the all-angles mismatch improves by a factor of $\sim 10^5$ when using multimode fitting as opposed to only fitting $(2, \pm2, n)$ modes. Our second main result addresses a critical point that has been overlooked in the literature: the importance of matching the Bondi-van der Burg-Metzner-Sachs (BMS) frame of the simulated gravitational wave to that of the QNM model. We show that by mapping the numerical relativity waveforms to the super rest frame, there is an improvement of $\sim 10^5$ in the all-angles strain mismatch, compared to using the strain whose BMS frame is not fixed. We illustrate the effectiveness of these modeling enhancements by applying them to families of waveforms produced by numerical relativity, and comparing our results to previous studies.

The pickup protons originate as a result of the ionization of hydrogen atoms in the supersonic solar wind, forming the suprathermal component of protons in the heliosphere. While picked by the heliospheric magnetic field and convected into the heliosheath, the pickup protons may suffer the stochastic acceleration by the solar wind turbulence in the region from the Sun up to the heliospheric termination shock, where they can also experience the shock-drift acceleration or the reflection from the cross-shock potential. These processes create a high-energy "tail" in the pickup ion energy distribution. The properties of this energetic pickup proton population are still not well-defined, despite they are vital for the models to simulate energetic neutral atom fluxes. We have considered two scenarios for pickup proton velocity distribution downstream of the heliospheric termination shock (filled shell with energetic power-law "tail" and bi-Maxwellian). Based on the numerical kinetic model and observations of the energetic neutral atom fluxes from the inner heliosheath by the IBEX-Hi instrument, we have characterized the pickup proton distribution and provided estimations on the properties of the energetic pickup proton population downstream of the termination shock.