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Papers for Thursday, Dec 09 2021

Gauri Batra, Wenbin Lu, Clément Bonnerot, E. Sterl Phinney

17 pages, 15 figures

When a star is tidally disrupted by a supermassive black hole (BH), the gas debris is stretched into an elongated stream. The longitudinal motion of the stream follows geodesics in the Kerr spacetime and the evolution in the transverse dimensions is decoupled from the longitudinal motion. Using an approximate tidal equation, we calculate the evolution of the stream thickness along the geodesic, during which we treat the effect of nozzle shocks as a perfect bounce. Intersection occurs when the thickness exceeds the closest approach separation. This algorithm allows us to explore a wide parameter space of orbital angular momenta, inclinations, and BH spins to obtain the properties of stream intersection. We identify two collision modes, split evenly among all cases: "rear-end" collisions near the pericenter at an angle close to $0$ and "head-on" collisions far from the pericenter at an angle close to $\pi$. The intersection typically occurs between consecutive half-orbits with a delay time that spans a wide range (from months up to a decade). The intersection radius generally increases with the orbital angular momentum and depends less strongly on the inclination and BH spin. The thickness ratio of the colliding ends is of order unity. The transverse separation is a small fraction of the sum of the two thicknesses, so a large fraction of the stream is shock-heated in an offset collision. Many of the numerical results can be analytically understood in a post-Newtonian picture, where the orientation of an elliptical orbit undergoes apsidal and Lense-Thirring precessions. Instead of thickness inflation due to energy dissipation at nozzle shocks as invoked in earlier works, we find the physical reason for stream collision to be a geometric one. After the collision, we expect the gas to undergo secondary shocks and form an accretion disk, generating bright electromagnetic emission.

Benedikt Diemer

21 pages, 11 figures. Additional figures at this http URL . Comments welcome

The density profiles of dark matter haloes can potentially probe dynamics, fundamental physics, and cosmology, but some of the most promising signals reside near or beyond the virial radius. While these scales have recently become observable, the profiles at large radii are still poorly understood theoretically, chiefly because the distribution of orbiting matter (the one-halo term) is partially concealed by particles falling into halos for the first time. We present an algorithm to dynamically disentangle the orbiting and infalling contributions by counting the pericentric passages of billions of simulation particles. We analyse dynamically split profiles out to 10 R200m across a wide range of halo mass, redshift, and cosmology. We show that the orbiting term experiences a sharp truncation at the edge of the orbit distribution. Its sharpness and position are mostly determined by the mass accretion rate, confirming that the entire profile shape primarily depends on halo dynamics and secondarily on mass, redshift, and cosmology. The infalling term also depends on the accretion rate for fast-accreting haloes but is mostly set by the environment for slowly accreting haloes, leading to a diverse array of shapes that does not conform to simple theoretical models. While the resulting scatter in the infalling term reaches 1 dex, the scatter in the orbiting term is only between 0.1 and 0.4 dex and almost independent of radius. We demonstrate a tight correspondence between the redshift evolution in LCDM and the slope of the matter power spectrum.

Tony Bonnaire, Nabila Aghanim, Joseph Kuruvilla, Aurélien Decelle

15 pages, 11 figures

We undertake the first comprehensive and quantitative real-space analysis of the cosmological information content in the environments of the cosmic web (voids, filaments, walls, and nodes) up to non-linear scales, $k = 0.5$ $h$/Mpc. Relying on the large set of $N$-body simulations from the Quijote suite, the environments are defined through the eigenvalues of the tidal tensor and the Fisher formalism is used to assess the constraining power of the power spectra derived in each of the four environments and their combination. Our results show that there is more information available in the environment-dependent power spectra, both individually and when combined all together, than in the matter power spectrum. By breaking some key degeneracies between parameters of the cosmological model such as $M_\nu$--$\sigma_\mathrm{8}$ or $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$--$\sigma_8$, the power spectra computed in identified environments improve the constraints on cosmological parameters by factors $\sim 15$ for the summed neutrino mass $M_\nu$ and $\sim 8$ for the matter density $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ over those derived from the matter power spectrum. We show that these tighter constraints are obtained for a wide range of the maximum scale, from $k_\mathrm{max} = 0.1$ $h$/Mpc to highly non-linear regimes with $k_\mathrm{max} = 0.5$ $h$/Mpc. We also report an eight times higher value of the signal-to-noise ratio for the combination of spectra compared to the matter one. Importantly, we show that all the presented results are robust to variations of the parameters defining the environments hence suggesting a robustness to the definition we chose to define them.

In order to gain a better understanding of planet formation and evolution, it is important to examine the statistics of exoplanets in the Galactic context. By combining information on stellar elemental abundances and kinematics, we constructed separate samples of Kepler stars according to their affiliation to the Galactic components of thin disk, thick disk and stellar halo. Using a Bayesian analysis with conjugate priors, we then investigated how planet occurrence rates differ in different regions of planet properties. We find that young, slow and metal-rich stars, associated mainly with the thin disk, host on average more planets (especially close-in super Earths) compared to the old, fast and metal-poor thick disk stars. We further assess the dependence between stellar properties such as spectral type and metallicity, and planet occurrence rates. The trends we find agree with those found by other authors as well. We argue that in the Galactic context, these are probably not the main properties that affect planet occurrence rates, but rather the dynamical history of stars, and especially stellar age and kinematics, impact the current distribution of planets in the Galaxy.

Mahdi Qezlou, Andrew B. Newman, Gwen C. Rudie, Simeon Bird

20 pages, 15 figures, codes available at this https URL

Ly-$\alpha$ tomography surveys have begun to produce three-dimensional (3D) maps of the intergalactic medium (IGM) opacity at $z \sim 2.5$ with Mpc resolution. These surveys provide an exciting new way to discover and characterize high-redshift overdensities, including the progenitors of today's massive groups and clusters of galaxies, known as protogroups and protoclusters. We use the IllustrisTNG-$300$ hydrodynamical simulation to build mock maps that realistically mimic those observed in the Ly-$\alpha$ Tomographic IMACS Survey (LATIS). We introduce a novel method for delineating the boundaries of structures detected in 3D Ly-$\alpha$ flux maps by applying the watershed algorithm. We provide estimators for the dark matter masses of these structures (at $z\sim2.5$), their descendant halo masses at $z=0$, and the corresponding uncertainties. We also investigate the completeness of this method for the detection of protogroups and protoclusters. Compared to earlier work, we apply and characterize our method over a wider mass range that extends to massive protogroups. We also assess the widely used fluctuating Gunn-Peterson approximation (FGPA) applied to dark-matter-only simulations; we conclude while it is adequate for estimating the Ly-$\alpha$ absorption signal from moderate-to-massive protoclusters ($\gtrsim 10^{14.2} \ h^{-1} M_{\odot}$), it artificially merges a minority of lower-mass structures with more massive neighbors. Our methods will be applied to current and future Ly-$\alpha$ tomography surveys to create catalogs of overdensities and study environment-dependent galaxy evolution in the Cosmic Noon era.

Lyne Van de Vyvere, Matthew R. Gomer, Dominique Sluse, Dandan Xu, Simon Birrer, Aymeric Galan, Georgios Vernardos

Accepted for publication in A&A; 21 pages

In the context of gravitational lensing, the density profile of lensing galaxies is often considered to be perfectly elliptical. Potential angular structures are generally ignored, except to explain flux ratios anomalies. Surprisingly, the impact of azimuthal structures on extended images of the source has not been characterized, nor its impact on the H0 inference. We address this task by creating mock images of a point source embedded in an extended source, lensed by an elliptical galaxy on which multipolar components are added to emulate boxy/discy isodensity contours. Modeling such images with a density profile free of angular structure allow us to explore the detectability of image deformation induced by the multipoles in the residual frame. Multipole deformations are almost always detectable for our highest signal-to-noise mock data. However the detectability depends on the lens ellipticity and Einstein radius, on the S/N of the data, and on the specific lens modeling strategy. Multipoles also introduce small changes to the time delays. We therefore quantify how undetected multipoles would impact H0 inference. When no multipoles are detected in the residuals, the impact on H0 for a given lens is in general less than a few km/s/Mpc, but in the worst case scenario, combining low S/N in the ring and large intrinsic boxyness/discyness, the bias on H0 can reach 10-12 km/s/Mpc. If we now look at the inference on H0 from a population of lensing galaxies, having a distribution of multipoles representative of what is found in the light-profile of elliptical galaxies, we then find a systematic bias on H0 < 1%. The comparison of our mock systems to the state-of-the-art time delay lens sample studied by the H0LiCOW and TDCOSMO collaborations, indicates that multipoles are currently unlikely to be a source of substantial systematic bias on the inferred value of H0 from time-delay lenses.

Context: Accreting black holes (BHs) may be surrounded by a highly magnetized plasma threaded by a poloidal magnetic field. Non-thermal flares and high energy components could originate from a hot, collisionless and nearly force-free corona. The jets we often observe from these systems are believed to be rotation-powered and magnetically-driven. Aims: We study axisymmetric BH magnetospheres where some magnetic field lines anchored in a surrounding disk can connect to the event horizon of a rotating BH. We identify the sites of magnetic reconnection within 30 gravitational radii depending on the BH spin. Methods: With the fully general relativistic particle-in-cell code GRZeltron, we solve the time-dependent dynamics of the electron-positron pair plasma and of the electromagnetic fields around the BH. The disk is represented by a steady plasma in Keplerian rotation, threaded by a frozen dipolar field. Results: For prograde disks, twisted open magnetic field lines crossing the horizon power a Blandford-Znajek jet while beyond a critical distance, open field lines on the disk are open. In the innermost regions, coupling field lines ensure the transfer of significant amounts of angular momentum and energy between the BH and the disk. From the Y-point at the intersection, a current sheet forms where particle acceleration via magnetic reconnection takes place. We compute the synchrotron images of the current sheet emission. Conclusions: Our estimates for jet power and BH-disk exchanges match those derived from purely force-free models. Dissipation at the Y-point heats the corona and provides a physically motivated source of hard X-rays above the disk for reflection models. Episodic plasmoid ejection might explain millisecond flares observed in Cyg X-1. Particles flowing from the Y-point down to the disk could produce a hot spot at the footpoint of the outermost closed field line.

Xiaokai Chen (1), Ying Zu (1), Zhiwei Shao (1), Huanyuan Shan (2) ((1) SJTU, (2) SHAO)

15 pages, 12 figures

The bright central galaxies (BCGs) dominate the inner portion of the diffuse cluster light, but it is still unclear where the intracluster light (ICL) takes over. To investigate the BCG-ICL transition, we stack the images of ${\sim}3000$ clusters between $0.2{<}z{<}0.3$ in the SDSS $gri$ bands, and measure their BCG+ICL stellar surface mass profile $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ down to $3{\times}10^4\,M_{\odot}/\mathrm{kpc}^{2}$ at $R{\simeq}1\,\mathrm{Mpc}$ (${\sim}32$ mag/arcsec$^2$ in the $r$-band). We develop a physically-motivated method to decompose $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ into three components, including an inner de Vaucouleurs' profile, an outer ICL that follows the dark matter distribution measured from weak lensing, and an intriguing transitional component between 70 and 200 kpc. To investigate the origin of this transition, we split the clusters into two subsamples by their BCG stellar mass $M_*^{\mathrm{BCG}}$ (mass enclosed roughly within 50 kpc) while making sure they have the same distribution of satellite richness. The $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ profiles of the two subsamples differ by more than a factor of two at $R{<}50\,\mathrm{kpc}$, consistent with their 0.34 dex difference in $M_*^{\mathrm{BCG}}$, whereas on scales beyond 400 kpc the two profiles converge to the same amplitudes, suggesting a satellite-stripping origin of the outer ICL. Remarkably, however, the discrepancy between the two $\Sigma_{*}^{\texttt{B+I}}$ profiles persist at above $50\%$ level on all scales below 200 kpc, thereby revealing the BCG sphere of influence with radius $R_{\mathrm{SOI}}{\simeq}$ 200 kpc. Finally, we speculate that the surprisingly large sphere of influence of the BCG is tied to the elevated escape velocity profile within $r_s$, the characteristic radius of the dark matter haloes.

Pierluigi Rinaldi, Karina I. Caputi, Sophie van Mierlo, Matthew L. N. Ashby, Gabriel B. Caminha, Edoardo Iani

22 pages including 17 figures and 4 tables. Submitted to the ApJ

We study the relation between stellar mass (M*) and star formation rate (SFR) for star-forming galaxies over approximately five decades in stellar mass (5.5 <~ log10(M*/Msun) <~ 10.5) at z ~ 3-6.5. This unprecedented coverage has been possible thanks to the joint analysis of blank non-lensed fields (COSMOS/SMUVS) and cluster lensing fields (Hubble Frontier Fields) which allow us to reach very low stellar masses. Previous works have revealed the existence of a clear bimodality in the SFR-M* plane with a star-formation Main Sequence and a starburst cloud at z ~ 4-5. Here we show that this bimodality extends to all star-forming galaxies and is valid in the whole redshift range z ~ 3-6.5. We find that starbursts constitute at least 20% of all star-forming galaxies with M* >~ 10^9 Msun at these redshifts and reach a peak of 40% at z=4-5. More importantly, 60% to 90% of the total SFR budget at these redshifts is contained in starburst galaxies, indicating that the starburst mode of star-formation is dominant at high redshifts. Almost all the low stellar-mass starbursts with log10(M*/Msun) <~ 8.5 have ages comparable to the typical timescales of a starburst event, suggesting that these galaxies are being caught in the process of formation. Interestingly, galaxy formation models fail to predict the starburst/main-sequence bimodality and starbursts overall, suggesting that the starburst phenomenon may be driven by physical processes occurring at smaller scales than those probed by these models.

S. Dye, S. A. Eales, H. L. Gomez, G. C. Jones, M.W.L. Smith, E. Borsato, A. Moss, L. Dunne, J. Maresca, A. Amvrosiadis, M. Negrello, L. Marchetti, E. M. Corsini, R. J. Ivison, G. J. Bendo, T. Bakx, A. Cooray, P. Cox, H. Dannerbauer, S. Serjeant, D. Riechers, P. Temi, C. Vlahakis

This article has been accepted for publication in MNRAS, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. 24 pages

We have carried out the first spatially-resolved investigation of the multi-phase interstellar medium (ISM) at high redshift, using the z=4.24 strongly-lensed sub-millimetre galaxy H-ATLASJ142413.9+022303 (ID141). We present high-resolution (down to ~350 pc) ALMA observations in dust continuum emission and in the CO(7-6), H_2O (2_{1,1} - 2_{0,2}), CI(1-0) and CI(2-1) lines, the latter two allowing us to spatially resolve the cool phase of the ISM for the first time. Our modelling of the kinematics reveals that the system appears to be dominated by a rotationally-supported gas disk with evidence of a nearby perturber. We find that the CI(1-0) line has a very different distribution to the other lines, showing the existence of a reservoir of cool gas that might have been missed in studies of other galaxies. We have estimated the mass of the ISM using four different tracers, always obtaining an estimate in the range (3.2-3.8) x 10^{11} M_sol, significantly higher than our dynamical mass estimate of (0.8-1.3) x 10^{11} M_sol. We suggest that this conflict and other similar conflicts reported in the literature is because the gas-to-tracer ratios are ~4 times lower than the Galactic values used to calibrate the ISM in high-redshift galaxies. We demonstrate that this could result from a top-heavy initial mass function and strong chemical evolution. Using a variety of quantitative indicators, we show that, extreme though it is at z=4.24, ID141 will likely join the population of quiescent galaxies that appears in the Universe at z~3.

John P. Stott (Lancaster)

Submitted to MNRAS on 27th Sept 2021. This is the revised version after the first referee report

A recent paper, Mart\'in-Navarro et al. (2021), presents the interesting observational result that the quenching of satellites in groups at $z=0.08$ has an angular dependence relative to the semi-major axis of the central galaxy. This observation is described as `anisotropic quenching' or `angular conformity'. In this paper I study the variation in the colour of a mass limited sample of satellite galaxies relative to their angle from the major axis of the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in the CLASH clusters up to $z\sim0.5$, 4 Gyr further in lookback time. The same result is found: galaxies close to the major axis are more quenched than those along the minor axis. I also find that the star-forming galaxies tend to avoid a region +/-45 degrees from the major axis. Mart\'in-Navarro et al. (2021) explain that this quenching signal is driven by AGN outflows along the minor axis reducing the density of the intergalactic medium and thus the strength of ram pressure. Here I discuss potential alternative mechanisms. Finally, I note that the advent of the LSST and Euclid surveys will allow for a more detailed study of this phenomenon and its evolution.

Debabrata Deb (IISc), Banibrata Mukhopadhyay (IISc), Fridolin Weber (SDSU/UCSD)

11 pages including 11 figures and 3 tables; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)

Ever since the observation of peculiar over-luminous type Ia supernovae (SNeIa), exploring possible violations of the canonical Chandrasekhar mass-limit (CML) has become a pressing research area of modern astrophysics. Since its first detection in 2003, more than a dozen of peculiar over-luminous SNeIa has been detected, but the true nature of the underlying progenitors is still under dispute. Furthermore, there are also under-luminous SNeIa whose progenitor masses appear to be well below the CML (sub-Chandrasekhar progenitors). These observations call into question how sacrosanct the CML is. We have shown recently in Paper I that the presence of a strong magnetic field, the anisotropy of dense matter, as well as the orientation of the magnetic field itself significantly influence the properties of neutron and quark stars. Here, we study these effects for white dwarfs, which shows that their properties are also severely impacted. Most importantly, we arrive at a variety of mass-radius relations of white dwarfs which accommodate sub- to super-Chandrasekhar mass limits. This urges caution when using white dwarfs associated with SNeIa as standard candles.

Biprateep Dey, Brett H. Andrews, Jeffrey A. Newman, Yao-Yuan Mao, Markus Michael Rau, Rongpu Zhou

19 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

Studies of cosmology, galaxy evolution, and astronomical transients with current and next-generation wide-field imaging surveys (like LSST) are all critically dependent on estimates of galaxy redshifts from imaging data alone. Capsule networks are a new type of neural network architecture that is better suited for identifying morphological features of the input images than traditional convolutional neural networks. We use a deep capsule network trained on the $ugriz$ images, spectroscopic redshifts, and Galaxy Zoo spiral/elliptical classifications of $\sim$400,000 SDSS galaxies to do photometric redshift estimation. We achieve a photometric redshift prediction accuracy and a fraction of catastrophic outliers that are comparable to or better than current state-of-the-art methods while requiring less data and fewer trainable parameters. Furthermore, the decision-making of our capsule network is much more easily interpretable as capsules act as a low-dimensional encoding of the image. When the capsules are projected on a 2-dimensional manifold, they form a single redshift sequence with the fraction of spirals in a region exhibiting a gradient roughly perpendicular to the redshift sequence. We perturb encodings of real galaxy images in this low-dimensional space to create synthetic galaxy images that demonstrate the image properties (e.g., size, orientation, and surface brightness) encoded by each dimension. We also show how strongly galaxy properties (e.g., magnitudes, colours, and stellar mass) are correlated with each capsule dimension. Finally, we publicly release the code for our capsule network, our estimated redshifts, and additional catalogues.

František Dinnbier, Pavel Kroupa, Ladislav Šubr, Tereza Jeřábková

13 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Accepted by ApJ

The most accurate current methods for determining the ages of open star clusters, stellar associations and stellar streams are based on isochrone fitting or the lithium depletion boundary. We propose another method for dating these objects based on the morphology of their extended tidal tails, which have been recently discovered around several open star clusters. Assuming that the early-appearing tidal tails, the so called tidal tails I, originate from the stars released from the cluster during early gas expulsion, or that they form in the same star forming region as the cluster (i.e. being coeval with the cluster), we derive the analytical formula for the tilt angle $\beta$ between the long axis of the tidal tail and the orbital direction for clusters or streams on circular trajectories. Since at a given Galactocentric radius, $\beta$ is only a function of age $t$ regardless of the initial properties of the cluster, we estimate the cluster age by inverting the analytical formula $\beta = \beta (t)$. We illustrate the method on a sample of $12$ objects, which we compiled from the literature, and we find a reasonable agreement with previous dating methods in $\approx 70$% of the cases. This can probably be improved by taking into account the eccentricity of the orbits and by revisiting the dating methods based on stellar evolution. The proposed morphological method is suitable for relatively young clusters (age $\lesssim 300$ Myr), where it provides a relative age error of the order of $10$ to $20$% for an error in the observed tilt angle of $5 ^\circ$.

Andrea Tramacere, Vitalii Sliusar, Roland Walter, Jakub Jurysek, Matteo Balbo

27 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Reproducible analysis: this https URL

Multiwavelength light curves in long-term campaigns have shown that, for several blazars, the radio emission occurs with a significant delay w.r.t. to $\gamma$-ray band, with timescales ranging from weeks to years. Such observational evidence has been a matter of debate for years and usually is interpreted as a signature of the $\gamma$-ray emission originating upstream in the jet, with the emitting region becoming radio transparent at larger scales. In this paper, we show, by means of self-consistent numerical modelling, that the adiabatic expansion of relativistic blob can explain these delays. We use the JetSeT framework to reproduce the numerical modelling of the radiative/accelerative processes, reproducing the temporal evolution, from the initial flaring activity, and the subsequent expansion. We follow the spectral evolution and the light curves, investigating the relations among the observed parameters, rise, time, and decay time, identifying the link with the physical parameters. We find that, when adiabatic expansion is active, lags due to the shift of the synchrotron frequency occur, with an offset equal to the distance in time between the flaring onset and the beginning of the expansion, whilst the rising and decaying timescales depend on the velocity of the expansion and on time required to the source to exhibit a synchrotron self-absorption frequency. We derive an inter-band response function, and we investigate the effects of the competitions between radiative and adiabatic cooling timescales on the response. We apply the response function to long-term radio and $\gamma-$ray light curves of Mrk 421, Mrk 501 and 3C 273, finding a satisfactory agreement on the log-term behaviour, and we use a Monte Carlo Markov Chain approach, to estimate some physical relevant parameters. We discuss the applications to polarization measurements, and to jets collimation profile kinematics.

Caleb I. Cañas, Suvrath Mahadevan, William D. Cochran, Chad F. Bender, Eric D. Feigelson, C. E. Harman, Ravi Kumar Kopparapu, Gabriel A. Caceres, Scott A. Diddams, Michael Endl, Eric B. Ford, Samuel Halverson, Fred Hearty, Sinclaire Jones, Shubham Kanodia, Andrea S.J. Lin, Andrew J. Metcalf, Andrew Monson, Joe P. Ninan, Lawrence W. Ramsey, Paul Robertson, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Guðmundur Stefánsson

25 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in AJ

We validate the planetary nature of an ultra-short period planet orbiting the M dwarf KOI-4777. We use a combination of space-based photometry from Kepler, high-precision, near-infrared Doppler spectroscopy from the Habitable-zone Planet Finder, and adaptive optics imaging to characterize this system. KOI-4777.01 is a Mars-sized exoplanet ($\mathrm{R}_{p}=0.51 \pm 0.03R_{\oplus}$) orbiting the host star every 0.412-days ($\sim9.9$-hours). This is the smallest validated ultra-short period planet known and we see no evidence for additional massive companions using our HPF RVs. We constrain the upper $3\sigma$ mass to $M_{p}<0.34~\mathrm{M_\oplus}$ by assuming the planet is less dense than iron. Obtaining a mass measurement for KOI-4777.01 is beyond current instrumental capabilities.

Caleb I. Cañas, Suvrath Mahadevan, Chad F. Bender, Noah Isaac Salazar Rivera, Andrew Monson, Corey Beard, Jack Lubin, Paul Robertson, Arvind F. Gupta, William D. Cochran, Connor Fredrick, Fred Hearty, Sinclaire Jones, Shubham Kanodia, Andrea S.J. Lin, Joe P. Ninan, Lawrence W. Ramsey, Christian Schwab, Guðmundur Stefánsson

28 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in AJ

We report the discovery of a $M=67\pm2 \mathrm{M_J}$ brown dwarf transiting the early M dwarf TOI-2119 on an eccentric orbit ($e=0.3362 \pm 0.0005$) at an orbital period of $7.200861 \pm 0.000005$ days. We confirm the brown dwarf nature of the transiting companion using a combination of ground-based and space-based photometry and high-precision velocimetry from the Habitable-zone Planet Finder. Detection of the secondary eclipse with TESS photometry enables a precise determination of the eccentricity and reveals the brown dwarf has a brightness temperature of $2100\pm80$ K, a value which is consistent with an early L dwarf. TOI-2119 is one of the most eccentric known brown dwarfs with $P<10$ days, possibly due to the long circularization timescales for an object orbiting an M dwarf. We assess the prospects for determining the obliquity of the host star to probe formation scenarios and the possibility of additional companions in the system using Gaia EDR3 and our radial velocities.

Guillaume F. Thomas, Giuseppina Battaglia

20 pages. Accepted for publication in A&A

We present a new fully data-driven approach to derive spectro-photometric distances based on artificial neural networks. The method was developed and tested on SEGUE data and will serve as a reference for the $Contributed$ $Data$ $Product$ SPdist of the WEAVE survey. With this method, the relative precision of the distances is of $\sim 13 \%$. The catalogue of more than 300,000 SEGUE stars for which we have derived spectro-photometric distances will soon be publicly available on the Vizier service of the Centre de Donn\'ees de Strasbourg. With this 6D catalogue of stars with positions, distances, line-of-sight velocity, and $Gaia$ proper motions, we were able to identify stars belonging to the Cetus stellar stream in the integrals of motion space. Guided by the properties we derived for the Cetus stream from this 6D sample, we searched for additional stars from the blue horizontal and from the red giant branches in a 5D sample. We find that the Cetus stream and the Palca overdensity are actually two parts of the same structure, which therefore we propose to rename the Cetus-Palca stream. We found that the Cetus-Palca stream has a stellar mass of $\simeq 1.5 \times 10^6$ M$_\odot$ and presents a prominent distance gradient of 15 kpc over the $\sim 100 \deg$ that it covers on the sky. Additionally, we also report the discovery of a second structure, almost parallel to the Cetus stream, covering $\sim 50 \deg$ of the sky, that could potentially be a stellar stream formed by the tidal disruption of a globular cluster that was orbiting around the Cetus stream progenitor.

Tzvetelina A. Dimitrova, Kathryn F. Neugent, Philip Massey, Emily M. Levesque

AJ, accepted

Using archival near-IR photometry, we identify 51 of the K-band brightest red supergiants (RSGs) in NGC 6822 and compare their physical properties with stellar evolutionary model predictions. We first use Gaia parallax and proper motion values to filter out foreground Galactic red dwarfs before constructing a J - K vs. K color-magnitude diagram to eliminate lower-mass asymptotic giant branch star contaminants in NGC 6822. We then cross-match our results to previously spectroscopically confirmed RSGs and other NGC 6822 content studies and discuss our overall completeness, concluding that radial velocity alone is an insufficient method of determining membership in NGC 6822. After transforming the J and K magnitudes to effective temperatures and luminosities, we compare these physical properties with predictions from both the Geneva single-star and Binary Population and Spectral Synthesis (BPASS) single and binary star evolution tracks. We find that our derived temperatures and luminosities match the evolutionary model predictions well, however the BPASS model that includes the effects of binary evolution provides the best overall fit. This revealed the presence of a group of cool RSGs in NGC 6822, suggesting a history of binary interaction. We hope this work will lead to further comparative RSG studies in other Local Group galaxies, opportunities for direct spectroscopic follow-up, and a better understanding of evolutionary model predictions.

Felix Spanier, Cedric Schreiner, Reinhard Schlickeiser

24 pages, 11 figures; accepted by Physics as part of the special issue "A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Reinhard Schlickeiser on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday"

Transport of energetic electrons in the heliosphere is governed by resonant interaction with plasma waves, for for electrons with sub-GeV kinetic energies specifically with dispersive modes in the whistler regime. We have performed Particle in Cell simulations of kinetic turbulence with test-particle electrons. The pitch-angle diffusions coefficients of these test-particles have been analyzed and compared to an analytical model for left- and right-handed polarized wavemodes.

Siu-Hei Cheung, V. Ashley Villar, Ho-Sang Chan, Shirley Ho

4 pages, 1 figure

Using the second data release from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF, Bellm et al. 2019), Chen et al. (2020) created a ZTF Catalog of Periodic Variable Stars (ZTF CPVS) of 781, 602 periodic variables stars (PVSs) with 11 class labels. Here, we provide a new classification model of PVSs in the ZTF CPVS using a convolutional variational autoencoder and hierarchical random forest. We cross-match the sky-coordinate of PVSs in the ZTF CPVS with those presented in the SIMBAD catalog. We identify non-stellar objects that are not previously classified, including extragalactic objects such as Quasi-Stellar Objects, Active Galactic Nuclei, supernovae and planetary nebulae. We then create a new labelled training set with 13 classes in two levels. We obtain a reasonable level of completeness (> 90 %) for certain classes of PVSs, although we have poorer completeness in other classes (~ 40 % in some cases). Our new labels for the ZTF CPVS are available via Zenodo Cheung et al. (2021).

We study the time-dependent formation and evolution of a current sheet (CS) in a magnetized, collisionless, high-beta plasma using hybrid-kinetic particle-in-cell simulations. An initially tearing-stable Harris sheet is frozen into a persistently driven incompressible flow so that its characteristic thickness gradually decreases in time. As the CS thins, the strength of the reconnecting field increases, and adiabatic invariance in the inflowing fluid elements produces a field-biased pressure anisotropy with excess perpendicular pressure. At large plasma beta, this anisotropy excites the mirror instability, which deforms the reconnecting field on ion-Larmor scales and dramatically reduces the effective thickness of the CS. Tearing modes whose wavelengths are comparable to that of the mirrors then become unstable, triggering reconnection on smaller scales and at earlier times than would have occurred if the thinning CS were to have retained its Harris profile. A novel method for identifying and tracking X-points is introduced, yielding X-point separations that are initially intermediate between the perpendicular and parallel mirror wavelengths in the upstream plasma. These mirror-stimulated tearing modes ultimately grow and merge to produce island widths comparable to the CS thickness, an outcome we verify across a range of CS formation timescales and initial CS widths. Our results may find their most immediate application in the tearing disruption of magnetic folds generated by turbulent dynamo in weakly collisional, high-beta, astrophysical plasmas.

William T. Reach, Maxime Ruaud, Helmut Wiesemeyer, Denise Riquelme, Le Ngoc Tram, Jose Cernicharo, Nathan Smith, Edward T. Chambers

accepted to ApJ (on 2021 Dec 7)

Asymptotic giant branch (AGB)stars create a rich inventory of molecules in their envelopes as they lose mass during later stages of their evolution. These molecules cannot survive the conditions in interstellar space, where they are exposed to ultraviolet photons of the interstellar radiation field. As a result, daughter molecules are the ones injected into space, and a halo of those molecules is predicted to exist around cool evolved stars. The most abundant molecule in the envelopes other than H2 is CO, which dissociates into C that is rapidly ionized in a halo around the star that is optically thin to the interstellar radiation field. We develop the specific predictions of the ionized carbon halo size and column density for the well-studied, nearby star IRC +10216. We compare those models to observations of the [C II] 157.7 micron far-infrared fine-structure line using SOFIA and Herschel. The combination of bright emission toward the star and upper limits to extended [C II] is inconsistent with any standard model. The presence of [C II] toward the star requires some dissociation and ionization in the inner part of the outflow, possibly due to a hot companion star. The lack of extended [C II] emission requires that daughter products from CO photodissociation in the outer envelope remain cold. The [C II] profile toward the star is asymmetric, with the blue-shifted absorption due to the cold outer envelope.

J. D. Livingston, N. M. McClure-Griffiths, S. A. Mao, Y. K. Ma, B. M. Gaensler, G. Heald, A. Seta

17 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables

Observing the magnetic fields of low-mass interacting galaxies tells us how they have evolved over cosmic time and their importance in galaxy evolution. We have measured the Faraday rotation of 80 extra-galactic radio sources behind the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) using the CSIRO Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) with a frequency range of 1.4 -- 3.0 GHz. Both the sensitivity of our observations and the source density are an order of magnitude improvement on previous Faraday rotation measurements of this galaxy. The SMC generally produces negative rotation measures (RMs) after accounting for the Milky Way foreground contribution, indicating that it has a mean coherent line-of-sight magnetic field strength of $-0.3\pm0.1\mu$G, consistent with previous findings. We detect signatures of magnetic fields extending from the north and south of the Bar of the SMC. The random component of the SMC magnetic field has a strength of $\sim 5\mu$G with a characteristic size-scale of magneto-ionic turbulence $< 250$ pc, making the SMC like other low-mass interacting galaxies. The magnetic fields of the SMC and Magellanic Bridge appear similar in direction and strength, hinting at a connection between the two fields as part of the hypothesised `pan-Magellanic' magnetic field.

N.Singh, T. Bulik, K. Belczynski, A. Askar

15 pages, 9 figures

The Einstein Telescope (ET), a wide-band, future 3G gravitational wave detector, is to have expected detection rates of $\sim 10^5 - 10^6$ BBH detections and $\sim 7 \times 10^4$ BNS detections in one year. The coalescence of compact binaries with total mass 20 - 100 $M_{\odot}$, as typical of BH-BH or BH-NS binaries, will be visible up to redshift $z\approx 20$ and higher, thus facilitating the understanding of the dark era of the Universe preceding the birth of the first stars. The ET will therefore be a crucial instrument for population studies. We analysed the compact binaries originating in stars from (i) Pop I and Pop II, (ii) Pop III, and (iii) globular clusters, with single ET using the ET-D design sensitivity for the analysis. We estimate the constraints on the chirp mass, redshift and merger rate with redshift for these classes of compact object binaries. We conclude that ET as a single instrument is capable of detecting and distinguishing different compact binary populations separated in chirp mass - redshift space. The mass distributions characteristics of such different compact binary populations can also be estimated with single ET. Assuming that sufficient number of binaries will be detected from each of these populations, we also show that such populations are distinguishable in the combined bulk detection.

Sébastien Salmon, Patrick Eggenberger, Josefina Montalbán, Andrea Miglio, Arlette Noels, Gaël Buldgen, Facundo Moyano, Georges Meynet

17 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

The $\beta$ Cephei pulsators are massive main-sequence stars, presenting low radial-order modes. These modes probe in particular the chemical gradient at the edge of the convective core. They hence give constraints on macroscopic processes, such as hydrodynamic or magnetic instabilities. Yet, it is not clear to what extent the seismic inferences depend on the physics employed for the stellar modelling or on the observational dataset. We investigate the observational constraints which are necessary to provide accurate constraints on the mixing processes in $\beta$ Cephei stars. We explore the importance of the identification of the angular degree of modes. Depending on the quality of the seismic dataset and the classical constraints, we estimate the precision achievable with asteroseismology. We propose a method extending the forward approach classically used to model $\beta$ Cephei stars The probability distributions of the asteroseismic-derived stellar parameters are obtained. With these distributions, we provide a systemic way to estimate the errors of the modelling. A particular effort is made to also include the theoretical uncertainties of the models. We then estimate the accuracy and precision of asteroseismology for $\beta$ Cephei stars in a series of hare and hound exercises. The exercises show that a set of four to five oscillation frequencies with an identified angular degree already leads to accurate inferences on the stellar parameters. Without the identification of the modes, the addition of other classical observational constraints allow to succeed the seismic modelling. When the micro-physics of the star and stellar models used for the modelling differ, the constraints derived on the internal structure remain valid if expressed in terms of acoustic variables. The characterisation of the mixing processes at the boundary of the convective core remain model-dependent.

Bradley Greig, Andrei Mesinger, Frederick B. Davies, Feige Wang, Jinyi Yang, Joseph F. Hennawi

15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

Bright, high redshift ($z>6$) QSOs are powerful probes of the ionisation state of the intervening intergalactic medium (IGM). The detection of Ly$\alpha$ damping wing absorption imprinted in the spectrum of high-z QSOs can provide strong constraints on the epoch of reionisation (EoR). In this work, we perform an independent Ly$\alpha$ damping wing analysis of two known $z>7$ QSOs; DESJ0252-0503 at $z=7.00$ (Wang et al.) and J1007+2115 at $z=7.51$ (Yang et al.). For this, we utilise our existing Bayesian framework which simultaneously accounts for uncertainties in: (i) the intrinsic Ly$\alpha$ emission profile (reconstructed from a covariance matrix of measured emission lines; extended in this work to include NV) and (ii) the distribution of ionised (H\,{\scriptsize II}) regions within the IGM using a $1.6^3$ Gpc$^3$ reionisation simulation. This approach is complementary to that used in the aforementioned works as it focuses solely redward of Ly$\alpha$ ($1218 < \lambda < 1230$\AA) making it more robust to modelling uncertainties while also using a different methodology for (i) and (ii). We find, for a fiducial EoR morphology, $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.64\substack{+0.19 \\ -0.23}$ (68 per cent) at $z=7$ and $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.27\substack{+0.21 \\ -0.17}$ at $z=7.51$ consistent within $1\sigma$ to the previous works above, though both are slightly lower in amplitude. Following the inclusion of NV into our reconstruction pipeline, we perform a reanalysis of ULASJ1120+0641 at $z=7.09$ (Mortlock et al.) and ULASJ1342+0928 at $z=7.54$ (Ba\~nados et al.) finding $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.44\substack{+0.23 \\ -0.24}$ at $z=7.09$ and $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.31\substack{+0.18 \\ -0.19}$ at $z=7.54$. Finally, we combine the QSO damping wing constraints for all four $z\gtrsim7$ QSOs to obtain a single, unified constraint of $\bar{x}_{\rm HI} = 0.49\substack{+0.11 \\ -0.11}$ at $z=7.29$.

Lael Shin, Jong-Hak Woo, Donghoon Son, Hojin Cho, Taewoo Kim, Elena Gallo, Wonseok Kang

Accepted for publication in AJ (Dec. 4th, 2021). 24 pages, 7 figures

We present a sample of intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) candidates based on the detection of a broad H$\alpha$ emission line and variability, which are selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. By performing spectral decomposition of emission lines as well as visual inspection, we initially identified 131 targets with a broad H$\alpha$ line among a large sample of emission-line galaxies. We further selected 25 IMBH candidates, whose estimated black hole mass (M$_{\rm BH}$) is less than $10^6 \rm M_{\odot}$. To constrain the nature of these candidates, we analyzed X-ray properties and performed an intra-night variability monitoring with optical telescopes. Based on the optical variability analysis, we report a sample of 11 targets with detected intra-night variability as the best IMBH candidates, which are suitable for follow-up observations for accurate M$_{\rm BH}$ determination such as reverberation mapping campaigns.

Kiyoaki Christopher Omori, Tsutomu T. Takeuchi

8 pages, 4 figures, submitted to A&A (under review)

Aims: Interacting galaxies show a metallicity dilution compared to similar-mass isolated galaxies in the mass-metallicity space at the global scale. We investigate the spatially resolved mass-metallicity relation (MZR) of galaxy pairs in the SDSS-MaNGA survey to confirm that the local relation between stellar mass surface density and metallicity is consistent with the MZR at the global scale. Methods: We investigate the relationship between the stellar mass surface density and the metallicity abundance 12 + log (O/H) for star-forming spaxels belonging to 297 galaxy pairs identified using visual and kinematic indicators in the SDSS-MaNGA survey. We also investigated if a) location of spaxel relative to galaxy center and b) galaxy pair separation have any effect on the local mass-metallicity relation. Results: We find that the correlation between mass and metallicity holds for interacting galaxies at the local level. However, we find two peaks in spaxel distribution, one peak with enriched metallicity, and the other with diluted metallicity. We find that the spaxels belonging to the galaxy central regions, i.e. at lower R/Reff, are concentrated close to the two peaks. We also find that the metallicity enriched spaxels belong to galaxy pairs with closer projected separation, and spaxels with diluted metallicity belong to galaxy pairs with greater projected separation. Conclusions: We find two discrete peaks in the spatially resolved mass-metallicity relation for star-forming spaxels belonging to galaxy pairs. The peaks are likely related to the galaxy projected separation, or the stage of the interaction process in a galaxy pair.

M. Rengel, D. Shulyak, P. Hartogh, H. Sagawa, R. Moreno, C. Jarchow, D. Breitschwerdt

Accepted for publication on A&A. The abstract has been shortened to fit the available space

The aim of this study is to measure the vertical distribution of HCN on Titan's stratosphere using ground-based submm observations acquired quasi-simultaneously with the Herschel ones. This allows us to perform a consistency check between space and ground-based observations and to build a reference mean HCN vertical profile in Titan's stratosphere. Using APEX and IRAM 30-m, we obtained the spectral emission of HCN (4-3) and (3-2) lines. We applied a line-by-line radiative transfer code to calculate the synthetic spectra of HCN, and a retrieval algorithm based on optimal estimation to retrieve the temperature and HCN distributions. Our derived HCN abundance profiles are consistent with an increase from 40 ppb at ~100 km to 4 ppm at ~200 km, which is an altitude region where the HCN signatures are sensitive. We also demonstrate that the retrieved HCN distribution is sensitive to the data information. Comparisons between our results and the values from Herschel show similar abundance distributions, with maximum differences of 2.5 ppm ranging between 100 and 300 km. These comparisons also allow us to inter-validate both data sets and indicate reliable and consistent measurements. The inferred abundances are also consistent with the distribution in previous observational studies, with the profiles from ALMA, Cassini/CIRS, and SMA (the latest ones below ~230 km). Our HCN profile is also comparable to photochemical models by Krasnopolsky (2014) and Vuitton et al. (2019) below 230 km and consistent with that of Loison et al. (2015) above 250 km. However, it appears to show large differences with respect to the estimates by Loison et al. (2015), Dobrijevic & Loison (2018), and Lora et al. (2018) below 170 km, and by Dobrijevic & Loison (2018) and Lora et al. (2018) above 400 km, although they are similar in shape. We conclude that these particular photochemical models need improvement.

Yigon Kim, Chan-Gyung Park, Hyerim Noh, Jai-chan Hwang

12 pages, 13 figures, 1 table

The cosmological principle (CP), assuming spatially homogeneous and isotropic background geometry in the cosmological scale, is a fundamental assumption in modern cosmology. Recent observations of the galaxy redshift survey provide relevant data to confront the principle with observation. We present a homogeneity test for the matter distribution using the BOSS DR12 CMASS galaxy sample and clarify the ontological status of the CP. As a homogeneity criterion, we compare the observed data with similarly constructed random distributions using the number count in the truncated cones method. Comparisons are also made with three theoretical results using the same method: (i) the dark matter halo mock catalogs from the N-body simulation, (ii) the log-normal distributions derived from the theoretical matter power spectrum, and (iii) direct estimation from the theoretical power spectrum. We show that the observed distribution is statistically impossible as a random distribution up to 300 Mpc/h in radius, which is around the largest statistically available scale. However, comparisons with the three theoretical results show that the observed distribution is consistent with these theoretically derived results based on the CP. We show that the observed galaxy distribution (light) and the simulated dark matter distribution (matter) are quite inhomogeneous even on a large scale. Here, we clarify that there is no inconsistency surrounding the ontological status of the CP in cosmology. In practice, the CP is applied to the metric and the metric fluctuation is extremely small in all cosmological scales. This allows the CP to be valid as the averaged background in metric. The matter fluctuation, however, is decoupled from the small nature of metric fluctuation in the subhorizon scale. What is directly related to the matter in Einstein's gravity is the curvature, a quadratic derivative of the metric.

S. Liu, J.T. Su, X.Y. Bai, Y.Y Deng, J. Chen, Y.L. Song, X.F. Wang, H.Q. Xu, X. Yang

27 pages, 15 figures, accepted by SolPhys. 2021

Magnetography using magnetic sensitive lines is regarded traditionally as the main instrument for measuring the magnetic field of the whole Sun. Full polarized Stockes parameters ($I$, $Q$, $U$, $V$) observed can be used to deduce the magnetic field under specific theoretical model or inversion algorithms. Due to various reasons, there are often cross-talk effects among Stokes signals observed directly by magnetographs. Especially, the circular polarized signal $V$ usually affects the linear polarized ones $Q$ and $U$ seriously, which is one of the main errors of the value of the transverse magnetic field (parallel to the solar surface) that is related to $Q$ and $U$. The full-disk magnetograph onboard the Advanced Space based Solar Observatory (ASO-S/FMG) is designed to observe Stockes parameters to deduce the vector magnetic field. In this paper, the methods correcting the effects of cross-talk $V$ to $Q$ and $U$ are based on the assumption of perfectly symmetric Q and U and anti-symmetric Stokes V profiles and a new method to reduce the crosstalk effect under observation mode of FMG is developed. Through the test, it is found that the two methods have better effect in cross-talk removal in the sunspot region, and have better consistency. Addtionally, the developed methodcan be applied to remove the cross-talk effect using only one group of $Q$, $U$ and $V$ images observed at one wavelength position.

Fernando Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, Ágnes Kóspál, Péter Ábrahám, Sunkyung Park, Zsófia Nagy, Michał Siwak, Mária Kun, Eleonora Fiorellino, Zsófia Marianna Szabó, Simone Antoniucci, Teresa Giannini, Brunella Nisini, László Szabados, Levente Kriskovics, András Ordasi, Róbert Szakáts, Krisztián Vida, József Vinkó, Paweł Zieliński, Łukasz Wyrzykowski, David García-Álvarez, Marek Dróżdż, Waldemar Ogłoza, Eda Sonbas

Accepted for publication in ApJ. 20 pages, 11 figures

We present follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations, and subsequent analysis of Gaia20eae. This source triggered photometric alerts during 2020 after showing a $\sim$3 mag increase in its brightness. Its Gaia Alert light curve showed the shape of a typical eruptive young star. We carried out observations to confirm Gaia20eae as an eruptive young star and classify it. Its pre-outburst spectral energy distribution shows that Gaia20eae is a moderately embedded Class II object with $L_\mathrm{bol} = 7.22$ L$_\odot$. The color-color and color-magnitude diagrams indicate that the evolution in the light curve is mostly gray. Multiple epochs of the H$\alpha$ line profile suggest an evolution of the accretion rate and winds. The near-infrared spectra display several emission lines, a feature typical of EXor-type eruptive young stars. We estimated the mass accretion rate during the dimming phase to be $\dot{M} = 3-8 \times 10^{-7}$ M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$, higher than typical T Tauri stars of similar mass and comparable to other EXors. We conclude Gaia20eae is a new EXor-type candidate.

We study the allowed primordial black hole (PBH) dark matter abundance in the mixed dark matter scenarios consisting of PBHs and self-annihilating weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with a velocity dependent annihilation cross section. We first briefly illustrate how the WIMP dark matter halo profile changes for the velocity suppressed p-wave annihilation scenarios, compared with the familiar s-wave annihilation scenarios, and then discuss the PBH mass dependent upper bound on the allowed PBH dark matter abundance. The WIMPs can accrete onto a PBH to form an ultracompact minihalo with a spiky density profile. Such a spike is moderated in the central region of a halo because the WIMPs are annihilated away and this moderation is less effective for a smaller annihilation cross section. The WIMP core density becomes larger while the core radius becomes smaller for a velocity suppressed p-wave annihilation cross section than those for the s-wave annihilation scenarios. The annihilation cross section is dependent on the velocity which varies across the halo, and, in addition to the change of the WIMP density profile, another interesting feature is the PBH mass dependent bound on PBH dark matter abundance. This is in stark contrast to the s-wave annihilation scenarios where the PBH abundance bound is independent of the PBH mass. The allowed PBH dark matter fraction (with respect to the total dark matter abundance) is of order $f_{PBH}\lesssim {\cal O}(10^{-7})(M_{\odot}/M_{PBH})^{(-6+2\gamma_{sp})/(3\gamma_{sp}+3)}$ for the thermal relic p-wave dark matter with the mass $100$ GeV where $\gamma_{sp}$ is the slope index of the spike profile, to be compared with $f_{PBH}\lesssim {\cal O}(10^{-9})$ for the corresponding thermal relic s-wave dark matter scenarios.

K. Sriram, D. Nour, C. S. Choi

15 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Understanding the radiative and physical structures of inner region of a few 100 pc of AGNs is important to constrain the causes of their activities. Although the X-ray emission from the Comptonization region/corona and the accretion disc regulates the broad line emission regions and torus structures, the exact mutual dependency is not understood well. We performed correlation studies for X-ray, mid-infrared, and different components of Balmer emission lines for the selected sample of AGNs. Almost 10 different parameters and their inter-dependencies were explored in order to understand the underlying astrophysics. We found that the X-ray luminosity has a linear dependency on the various components of broad Balmer emission lines (e.g. L$_{\text{2-10 keV}}$ $\propto$ L$^{0.78}_{\text{H}\beta^{\text{B}}}$) and found a strong dependency on the optical continuum luminosity (L$_{\text{2-10 keV}}$ $\propto$ L$^{0.86}_{5100\,\text{\AA}}$). For a selected sample, we also observed a linear dependency between X-ray and mid-infrared luminosity (L$_{\text{2-10 keV}}$ $\propto$ L$^{0.74}_{6\,\upmu \text{m}}$). A break point was observed in our correlation studies for X-ray power-law index, $\Gamma$, and mass of black hole at $\sim$ log (M/M$_{\odot}$) = 8.95. Similarly the relations between $\Gamma$ and FWHM of H$\alpha$ and H$\beta$ broad components show breaks at FWHM$_{\text{H}\alpha}$= 7642$\pm$657 km s$^{-1}$ and FWHM$_{\text{H}\beta}$ = 7336$\pm$650 km s$^{-1}$. However, more data are required to confine the breaks locations exactly. We noted that $\Gamma$ and Eddington ratios are negatively correlated to Balmer decrements in our selected sample. We analyzed and discussed about the implications of new findings in terms of interaction AGN structures.

Arti Goyal, Marian Soida, Lukasz Stawarz, Paul J. Wiita, Kari Nilsson, Svetlana Jorstad, Alan P. Marscher, Margo F. Aller, Hugh D. Aller, Anne Lahteenmaki, Talvikki Hovatta, Staszek Zola, Krzysztof Nalewajko, Merja Tornikoski, Joni Tammi, Mark Hodges, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Anthony C. S. Readhead, Walter Max-Moerbeck, Elina Lindfors, Vandad Fallah Ramazani, D. E. Reichart, D. B. Caton, Janeth Valverde, Deirdre Horan, Roopesh Ojha, Pfesesani van Zyl

Submitted to ApJ after first round of journal referee comments. This version has passed the internal review within the Fermi-LAT collaboration. Comments are welcome

We present the results of variability power spectral density (PSD) analysis using multiwavelength radio to GeV\,$\gamma$-ray light curves covering decades/years to days/minutes timescales for the blazars 3C\,279 and PKS\,1510$-$089. The PSDs are modeled as single power-laws, and the best-fit spectral shape is derived using the `power spectral response' method. With more than ten years of data obtained with weekly/daily sampling intervals, most of the PSDs cover $\sim$2-4 decades in temporal frequency; moreover, in the optical band, the PSDs cover $\sim$6 decades for 3C\,279 due to the availability of intranight light curves. Our main results are the following: (1) on timescales ranging from decades to days, the synchrotron and the inverse Compton spectral components, in general, exhibit red-noise (slope $\sim$2) and flicker-noise (slope $\sim$1) type variability, respectively; (2) the slopes of $\gamma$-ray variability PSDs obtained using a 3-hr integration bin and a 3-weeks total duration exhibit a range between $\sim$1.4 and $\sim$2.0 (mean slope = 1.60$\pm$0.70), consistent within errors with the slope on longer timescales; (3) comparisons of fractional variability indicate more power on timescales $\leq$100\, days at $\gamma$-ray frequencies as compared to longer wavelengths, in general (except between $\gamma$-ray and optical frequencies for PKS 1510$-$089); (4) the normalization of intranight optical PSDs for 3C\,279 appears to be a simple extrapolation from longer timescales, indicating a continuous (single) process driving the variability at optical frequencies; (5) the emission at optical/infrared wavelengths may involve a combination of disk and jet processes for PKS\,1510$-$089.

High-mass microquasar jets, produced in an accreting compact object in orbit around a massive star, must cross a region filled with stellar wind. The combined effects of the wind and orbital motion can strongly affect the jet properties on binary scales and beyond. The study of such effects can shed light on how high-mass microquasar jets propagate and terminate in the interstellar medium. We study for the first time, using relativistic hydrodynamical simulations, the combined impact of the stellar wind and orbital motion on the properties of high-mass microquasar jets on binary scales and beyond. We have performed 3-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, using the PLUTO code, of a microquasar scenario in which a strong weakly relativistic wind from a star interacts with a relativistic jet under the effect of the binary orbital motion. The parameters of the orbit are chosen such that the results can provide insight on the jet-wind interaction in compact systems like for instance Cyg~X-1 or Cyg~X-3. The wind and jet momentum rates are set to values that may be realistic for these sources and lead to moderate jet bending, which together with the close orbit and jet instabilities could trigger significant jet precession and disruption. For high-mass microquasars with orbit size $a\sim 0.1$~AU, and (relativistic) jet power $L_j\sim 10^{37}(\dot M_w/10^{-6}\,{\rm M}_\odot\,{\rm yr}^{-1})$~erg~s$^{-1}$, where $\dot M_w$ is the stellar wind mass rate, the combined effects of the stellar wind and orbital motion can induce relativistic jet disruption on scales $\sim 1$~AU.

V. Kovtyukh, B. Lemasle, G. Bono, I.A. Usenko, R.da Silva, A. Kniazev, E.K. Grebel, I.L. Andronov, L. Shakun, L. Chinarova

9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Radial abundance gradients provide sound constraints for chemo-dynamical models of galaxies. Azimuthal variations of abundance ratios are solid diagnostics to understand their chemical enrichment. In this paper we investigate azimuthal variations of abundances in the Milky Way using Cepheids. We provide the detailed chemical composition (25 elements) of 105 Classical Cepheids from high-resolution SALT spectra observed by the MAGIC project. Negative abundance gradients, with abundances decreasing from the inner to the outer disc, have been reported both in the Milky Way and in external galaxies, and our results are in full agreement with literature results. We find azimuthal variations of the oxygen abundance [O/H]. While a large number of external spirals show negligible azimuthal variations, the Milky Way seems to be one of the few galaxies with noticeable [O/H] azimuthal asymmetries. They reach ~0.2 dex in the inner Galaxy and in the outer disc, where they are the largest, thus supporting similar findings for nearby spiral galaxies as well as recent 2D chemo-dynamical models.

Stephen J. Mojzsis

to appear in the Royal Society of Chemistry (e-Book), Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life (2022) (13370 words) (254 references) (21 Figures) (1 Table)

Life on Earth emerged at the interface of the geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere. This setting serves as our basis for how biological systems originate on rocky planets. Often overlooked, however, is the fact that the chemical nature of a rocky planet is ultimately a product of galactic chemical evolution. Elemental abundances of the major rock-forming elements can be different for different stars and planets formed at different times in galactic history. These differences mean that we cannot expect small rocky exoplanets to be just like Earth. Furthermore, age of the system dictates starting nuclide inventory from galactic chemical evolution, and past, present and future mantle and crust thermal regimes. The bulk silicate mantle composition of a rocky planet modulates the kind of atmosphere and hydrosphere it possesses. Hence, the ingredients of a rocky planet are as important for its potential to host life as proximity to the so-called habitable zone around a star where liquid water is stable at the surface. To make sense of these variables, a new trans-disciplinary approach is warranted that fuses the disciplines of Geology and Astronomy into what is here termed, Geoastronomy.

Devika Kamath, Hans Van Winckel, Paolo Ventura, Maksym Mohorian, Bruce Hrivnak, Flavia Dell'Agli, Amanda Karakas

Submitted to ApJL, submission number AAS36347, 17 pages, 7 figures

Post-AGB stars are exquisite probes of AGB nucleosynthesis. However, the previous lack of accurate distances jeopardised comparison with theoretical AGB models. The $Gaia$ Early Data Release 3 ($Gaia$ EDR3) has now allowed for a breakthrough in this research landscape. In this study, we focus on a sample of single Galactic post-AGBs for which chemical abundance studies were completed. We combined photometry with geometric distances to carry out a spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis and derive accurate luminosities. We subsequently determined their positions on the HR-diagram and compared this with theoretical post-AGB evolutionary tracks. While most objects are in the post-AGB phase of evolution, we found a subset of low-luminosity objects that are likely to be in the post-horizontal branch phase of evolution, similar to AGB-manqu\'e objects found in globular clusters. Additionally, we also investigated the observed bi-modality in the $s$-process enrichment of Galactic post-AGB single stars of similar Teff, and metallicities. This bi-modality was expected to be a direct consequence of luminosity with the $s$-process rich objects having evolved further on the AGB. However, we find that the two populations: the $s$-process enriched and non-enriched, have similar luminosities (and hence initial masses), revealing an intriguing chemical diversity. For a given initial mass and metallicity, AGB nucleosynthesis appears inhomogeneous and sensitive to other factors which could be mass-loss, along with convective and non-convective mixing mechanisms. Modelling individual objects in detail will be needed to investigate which parameters and processes dominate the photospheric chemical enrichment in these stars.

Kenji Furuya, Yasuhiro Oba, Takashi Shimonishi

23 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Nonthermal desorption of molecules from icy grain surfaces is required to explain molecular line observations in the cold gas of star-forming regions. Chemical desorption is one of the nonthermal desorption processes and is driven by the energy released by chemical reactions. After an exothermic surface reaction, the excess energy is transferred to products' translational energy in the direction perpendicular to the surface, leading to desorption. The desorption probability of product species, especially that of product species from water ice surfaces, is not well understood. This uncertainty limits our understanding of the interplay between gas-phase and ice surface chemistry. In the present work, we constrain the desorption probability of H$_2$S and PH$_3$ per reaction event on porous amorphous solid water (ASW) by numerically simulating previous laboratory experiments. Adopting the microscopic kinetic Monte Carlo method, we find that the desorption probabilities of H$_2$S and PH$_3$ from porous ASW per hydrogen addition event of the precursor species are $3 \pm 1.5$ % and $4 \pm 2$ %, respectively. These probabilities are consistent with a theoretical model of chemical desorption proposed in the literature if $\sim$7 % of energy released by the reactions is transferred to the translational excitation of the products. As a byproduct, we find that approximately 70 % (40 %) of adsorption sites for atomic H on porous ASW should have a binding energy lower than $\sim$300 K ($\sim$200 K). The astrochemical implications of our findings are briefly discussed.

V.G. Lozitskii, V.A. Sheminova

7 pages, 4 figures, published by Kinematics Phys. Celest. Bodies, 1993

On the basis of Stokes parameter calculations for the Fe I 524.7 and 525.0 nm lines and the Holweger-Muller model atmosphere, the effect of the anomalous dispersion on solar magnetic field measurements by the line-ratio method is analyzed. It is shown that with the present-day observational accuracy the anomalous dispersion should be taken into consideration in the line-ratio method only when the following four conditions are fulfilled simultaneously: a) the inclination of the magnetic lines to the line of sight does not exceed 20 degrees; b) the magnetic field strength is larger than 100 mT; c) the cross profile of the magnetic field in subtelescopic flux tubes is rectangular; and d) the parts of the magnetically sensitive line profiles close to the line center (<4 pm) are used.

A. Pastor Yabar, J.M. Borrero, C. Quintero Noda, B. Ruiz Cobo

We aim at demonstrating the capabilities of a newly developed method for determining electric currents in the solar photosphere. We employ three-dimensional radiative magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to produce synthetic Stokes profiles in several spectral lines with a spatial resolution similar to what the newly operational 4-meter Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) solar telescope should achieve. We apply a newly developed inversion method of the polarized radiative transfer equation with magneto-hydrostatic (MHS) constraints to infer the magnetic field vector in the three-dimensional Cartesian domain, $\mathbf{B}(x,y,z),$ from the synthetic Stokes profiles. We then apply Ampere's law to determine the electric currents, ${\bf j}$, from the inferred magnetic field, $\mathbf{B}(x,y,z),$ and compare the results with the electric currents present in the original MHD simulation. We show that the method employed here is able to attain reasonable reliability (close to 50 % of the cases are within a factor of two, and this increases to 60 %-70 % for pixels with $B\ge300$ G) in the inference of electric currents for low atmospheric heights (optical depths at 500 nm $\tau_{5}\in$[1,0.1]) regardless of whether a small or large number of spectral lines are inverted. Above these photospheric layers, the method's accuracy strongly deteriorates as magnetic fields become weaker and as the MHS approximation becomes less accurate. We also find that the inferred electric currents have a floor value that is related to low-magnetized plasma, where the uncertainty in the magnetic field inference prevents a sufficiently accurate determination of the spatial derivatives. We present a method that allows the inference of the three components of the electric current vector at deep atmospheric layers (photospheric layers) from spectropolarimetric observations.

C. A. Gottlieb, L. Decin, A. M. S. Richards, F. De Ceuster, W. Homan, S. H. J. Wallstrom, T. Danilovich, T. J. Millar, M. Montares, K. T. Wong, I. McDonald, A. Baudry, J. Bolte, E. Cannon, E. De Beck, A. de Koter, I. El Mellah, S. Etoka, D. Gobrecht, M. Gray, F. Herpin, M. Jeste, P. Kervella, T. Khouri, E. Lagadec, K. M. Menten, H. S. P. Muller, B. Pimpanuwat, J. M. C. Plane, R. Sahai, M. Van de Sande, L. B. F. M. Waters, J. Yates, A. Zijlstra

This overview paper presents ATOMIUM, a Large Programme in Cycle 6 with the Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array (ALMA). The goal of ATOMIUM is to understand the dynamics and the gas phase and dust formation chemistry in the winds of evolved asymptotic giant branch (AGB) and red supergiant (RSG) stars. A more general aim is to identify chemical processes applicable to other astrophysical environments. 17 oxygen-rich AGB and RSG stars spanning a range in (circum)stellar parameters and evolutionary phases were observed in a homogeneous observing strategy allowing for an unambiguous comparison. Data were obtained between 213.83 and 269.71 GHz at high (0.025-0.050 arcsec), medium (0.13-0.24 arcsec), and low (about 1 arcsec) angular resolution. The sensitivity per 1.3 km/s channel was 1.5-5 mJy/beam. 13 molecules were designated as primary molecules in the survey: CO, SiO, AlO, AlOH, TiO, TiO2, HCN, SO, SO2, SiS, CS, H2O, and NaCl. The scientific motivation, survey design, sample properties, data reduction, and an overview of the data products are described; and we highlight one scientific result - the wind kinematics of the ATOMIUM sources. The ATOMIUM sources often have a slow wind acceleration, and a fraction of the gas reaches a velocity which can be up to a factor of two times larger than previously reported terminal velocities assuming isotropic expansion, and the wind kinematic profiles establish that the radial velocity described by the momentum equation for a spherical wind structure cannot capture the complexity of the velocity field. In 15 sources, some molecular transitions other than 12CO v=0 J=2-1 reach a higher outflow velocity, with a spatial emission zone that is often greater than 30 stellar radii, but much less than the extent of CO. Binary interaction with a (sub)stellar companion might (partly) explain the non-monotonic behaviour of the projected velocity field.

P. R. Burd, M. Kadler, K. Mannheim, A.-K. Baczko, J. Ringholz, E. Ros

51 pages, 47 figures

On the kiloparsec scale, extragalactic radio jets show two distinct morphologies related to their power: collimated high-power jets ending in a bright termination shock and low-power jets opening up close to the core and showing a more diffuse surface brightness distribution. The emergence of this morphological dichotomy on the parsec scale at the innermost jet regions can be studied with very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) radio observations of blazars in which the jet emission is strongly Doppler boosted due to relativistic bulk motion at small angles between the jet direction and the line of sight. We seek to characterize the geometry and emission profiles of the parsec-scale radio jets of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) and BL Lacertae objects (BL Lacs) on parsec scales to derive properties of the magnetic field, environment, and energetics for different classes of extragalactic jets. We analyze the VLBI radio data of 15 FSRQs, 11 BL Lacs, and two radio galaxies contained in both the MOJAVE data archive and the Boston University BU blazar group sample archive at 15 GHz and 43 GHz, repectively. We derived the brightness-temperature and jet-width gradients along the jet axis from parameterizations of the jets using 2D Gaussian brightness distributions. In most BL Lac objects, the diameter and brightness-temperature gradients along the jet axis can generally be described well by single power laws, while the jets of FSRQs show more complex behavior and remain more strongly collimated on larger physical scales. We find evidence for a transition of the global jet geometry from a parabolic to a conical shape in the BL Lac objects 3C 66A, Mrk 421 and BL Lacertae, the radio galaxy 3C 111 and the FSRQs CTA 26, PKS 0528+134,4 C +71.07,4C +29.45, and 3C 279 outside the Bondi sphere.

The detection and characterization of Earth-like exoplanets is one of the major science drivers for the next generation of telescopes. Current direct imaging instruments are limited by evolving non-common path aberrations (NCPAs). The NCPAs must be compensated for by using the science focal-plane image. A promising sensor is the self-coherent camera (SCC). An SCC modifies the Lyot stop in the coronagraph to introduce a probe electric field. However, the SCC has a weak probe electric field due to the requirements on the pinhole separation. A spectrally modulated self-coherent camera (SM-SCC) is proposed as a solution to the throughput problem. The SM-SCC uses a pinhole with a spectral filter and a dichroic beam splitter, which creates images with and without the probe electric field. This allows the pinhole to be placed closer to the pupil edge and increases the throughput. Combining the SM-SCC with an integral field unit (IFU) can be used to apply more complex modulation patterns to the pinhole and the Lyot stop. A modulation scheme with at least three spectral channels (e.g. IFU) can be used to change the pinhole to an arbitrary aperture with higher throughput. Numerical simulations show that the SM-SCC increases the pinhole throughput by a factor of 32, which increases the wavefront sensor sensitivity by a factor of 5.7. The SM-SCC reaches a contrast of $1\cdot10^{-9}$ for bright targets in closed-loop control with the presence of photon noise, phase errors, and amplitude errors. The contrast floor on fainter targets is photon-noise-limited and reaches $1\cdot10^{-7}$. For bright targets, the SM-SCC-IFU reaches a contrast of $3\cdot10^{-9}$ in closed-loop control with photon noise, amplitude errors, and phase errors. The SM-SCC is a promising focal-plane wavefront sensor for systems that use multiband observations, either through integral field spectroscopy or dual-band imaging.

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves are routinely observed in the solar atmosphere. These waves are important in the context of solar physics as it is widely believed they can contribute to the energy budget of the solar atmosphere and are a prime candidate to contribute towards coronal heating. Realistic models of these waves are required representing observed configurations such that plasma properties can be determined more accurately which can not be measured directly. This work utilises a previously developed numerical technique to find permittable eigenvalues under different non-uniform equilibrium conditions in a Cartesian magnetic slab geometry. Here we investigate the properties of magnetoacoustic waves under non-uniform equilibria in a cylindrical geometry. Previously obtained analytical results are retrieved to emphasise the power and applicability of this numerical technique. Further case studies investigate the effect that a radially non-uniform plasma density and non-uniform plasma flow, modelled as a series of Gaussian profiles, has on the properties of different MHD waves. For all cases the dispersion diagrams are obtained and spatial eigenfunctions calculated which display the effects of the equilibrium inhomogeneity. It is shown that as the equilibrium non-uniformity is increased, the radial spatial eigenfunctions are affected and extra nodes introduced, similar to the previous investigation of a magnetic slab. Furthermore, azimuthal perturbations are increased with increasing inhomogeneity introducing vortical motions inside the waveguide. Finally, 2D and 3D representations of the velocity fields are shown which may be useful for observers for wave mode identification under realistic magnetic waveguides with ever increasing instrument resolution.

Alex Gough, Cora Uhlemann

Conference proceedings submitted to special issue of Universe: Alternative Gravities and Fundamental Cosmology. 11 pages, 6 figures

The late universe contains a wealth of information about fundamental physics and gravity, wrapped up in non-Gaussian fields. To make use of as much information as possible it is necessary to go beyond two-point statistics. Rather than going to higher order N-point correlation functions, we demonstrate that the probability distribution function (PDF) of spheres in the matter field (a one-point function) already contains a significant amount of this non-Gaussian information. The matter PDF dissects different density environments which are lumped together in two-point statistics, making it particularly useful for probing modifications of gravity or expansion history. Our approach in Cataneo et. al. 2021 extends the success of Large Deviation Theory for predicting the matter PDF in $\Lambda$CDM in these ''extended'' cosmologies. A Fisher forecast demonstrates the information content in the matter PDF via constraints for a Euclid-like survey volume combining the 3D matter PDF with the 3D matter power spectrum. Adding the matter PDF halves the uncertainties on parameters in an evolving dark energy model, relative to the power spectrum alone. Additionally, the matter PDF contains enough non-linear information to substantially increase the detection significance of departures from General Relativity, with improvements up to six times the power spectrum alone. This analysis demonstrates that the matter PDF is a promising non-Gaussian statistic for extracting cosmological information, particularly for beyond $\Lambda$CDM models.

T. Spohn (1, 2), T.L. Hudson (3), E. Marteau (3), M. Golombek (3), M. Grott (2), T. Wippermann (4), K.S. Ali (3), C. Schmelzbach (5), S. Kedar (3), K. Hurst (3), A. Trebi-Ollennu (3), V. Ansan (6), J. Garvin (7), J. Knollenberg (2), N. Mueller (2), S. Piqeux (3), R. Lichtenheldt (8), C. Krause (9), C. Fantinati (9), N. Brinkman (5), D. Sollberger (5), P. Delage (9), C. Vrettos (10), S. Reershemius (4), L. Wisniewski (11), J. Grygorczuk (11), J. Robertsson (5), P. Edme (5), F. Andersson (5), O. Kroemer (12), P. Lognonne (13), D. Giardini (5), S.E. Smrekar (3), W.B. Banerdt (3) ((1) International Space Science Institute, Bern, Switzerland (2) DLR-PF, Berlin, Germany (3) JPL, Pasadena Ca, USA (4) DLR-RY, Bremen, Germany (5) ETH Zürich, Switzerland (6) Univ. Nantes, France (7) NGSFCGreenbelt Md, USA (8) DLR-SR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany (9) DLR-MUSC, Cologne, Germany (10) Univ. Kaiserslautern, Germany (11) Astronika, Warsaw, Poland (12) Astrium, Bremen, Germany (13) IPGP, Paris, France)

78 pages 22 figures, , submitted to Space Science Reviews

The NASA InSight Lander on Mars includes the Heat Flow and Physical Properties Package HP$^3$ to measure the surface heat flow of the planet. The package uses temperature sensors that would have been brought to the target depth of 3--5 m by a small penetrator, nicknamed the mole. The mole requiring friction on its hull to balance remaining recoil from its hammer mechanism did not penetrate to the targeted depth. Instead, by precessing about a point midway along its hull, it carved a 7 cm deep and 5-6 cm wide pit and reached a depth of initially 31 cm. The root cause of the failure - as was determined through an extensive, almost two years long campaign - was a lack of friction in an unexpectedly thick cohesive duricrust. During the campaign -- described in detail in this paper -- the mole penetrated further aided by friction applied using the scoop at the end of the robotic Instrument Deployment Arm and by direct support by the latter. The mole finally reached a depth of 40 cm, bringing the mole body 1--2 cm below the surface. The penetration record of the mole and its thermal sensors were used to measure thermal and mechanical soil parameters such as the thermal conductivity and the penetration resistance of the duricrust and its cohesion. The hammerings of the mole were recorded by the seismometer SEIS and the signals could be used to derive a P-wave velocity and a S-wave velocity and elastic moduli representative of the topmost tens of cm of the regolith. The combined data were used to derive a model of the regolith that has an about 20 cm thick duricrust underneath a 1 cm thick unconsolidated layer of sand mixed with dust and above another 10 cm of unconsolidated sand. Underneath the latter, a layer more resistant to penetration and possibly consisting of debris from a small impact crater is inferred.

V.V. Zhuravlev

7 pages, no figures, no tables, submitted to ApJ

Terminal velocity approximation is appropriate to study the dynamics of gas-dust mixture with solids tightly coupled to the gas. This work reconsiders its compatibility with physical processes giving rise to the resonant Streaming Instability in the low dust density limit. It is shown that the linearised equations have been commonly used to study the Streaming Instability within the terminal velocity approximation actually exceed the accuracy of this approximation. The refined equations for gas-dust dynamics in the terminal velocity approximation do not lead to the Streaming Instability. Physical processes giving rise to this instability are also discussed.

Recent studies have shown that the observed colour distributions of Type Ia SNe (SNIa) are well-described by a combination of distributions from dust and intrinsic colour. Here we present a new forward-modeling fitting method (Dust2Dust) to measure the parent dust and colour distributions, including their dependence on host-galaxy mass. At each fit step, the SNIa selection efficiency is determined from a large simulated sample that is re-weighted to reflect the proposed distributions. We use five separate metrics to constrain the Dust2Dust parameters: distribution of fitted light-curve colour $c$, cosmological residual trends with $c$, cosmological residual scatter with $c$, fitted colour-luminosity relationship $\beta_{\rm SALT2}$, and intrinsic scatter $\sigma_{\rm int}$. Using the Pantheon+ data sample, we present results for a Dust2Dust fit that includes 4 parameters describing intrinsic colour variations and 8 parameters describing dust. Furthermore, we propagate the Dust2Dust parameter uncertainties and covariance to the dark energy equation-of-state $w$ and Hubble constant H$_0$: we find $\sigma_w = 0.005$ and $\sigma_{\textrm{H}_0} = 0.145~$km/s/Mpc. The Dust2Dust code is publically available.

A. R. Costa Silva, R. Fedriani, J. C. Tan, A. Caratti o Garatti, S. Ramsay, V. Rosero, G. Cosentino, P. Gorai, S. Leurini

23 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Massive stars form deeply embedded in their parental clouds, making it challenging to directly observe these stars and their immediate environments. It is known that accretion and ejection processes are intrinsically related, thus observing massive protostellar outflows can provide crucial information about the processes governing massive star formation close to the central engine. We aim to probe the IRAS 18264-1152 (G19.88-0.53) high-mass star-forming complex in the near infrared (NIR) through its molecular hydrogen (H2) jets to analyse the morphology and composition of the line emitting regions and to compare with other outflow tracers. We observed the H2 NIR jets via K-band (1.9-2.5um) observations obtained with the integral field units VLT/SINFONI and VLT/KMOS. SINFONI provides the highest NIR angular resolution achieved so far for the central region (~0.2''). We compared the geometry of the NIR outflows with that of the associated molecular outflow probed by CO (2-1) emission mapped with SMA. We identify nine point sources. Four of these display a rising continuum in the K-band and are BrG emitters, revealing that they are young, potentially jet-driving sources. The spectro-imaging analysis focusses on the H2 jets, for which we derived visual extinction, temperature, column density, area, and mass. The intensity, velocity, and excitation maps based on H2 emission strongly support the existence of a protostellar cluster, with at least two (and up to four) different large-scale outflows. The literature is in agreement with the outflow morphology found here. We derived a stellar density of ~4000 stars pc^-3. Our study reveals the presence of several outflows driven by young sources from a forming cluster of young, massive stars. The derived stellar number density together with the geometry of the outflows suggest that stars can form in a relatively ordered manner in this cluster.

Eleni Tsaprazi, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Jens Jasche, Fabian Schmidt, Guilhem Lavaux

23 pages, 8 figures, for submission to JCAP

As a large-scale overdensity collapses, it affects the orientation and shape of galaxies that form, by exerting tidal shear along their axes. Therefore, the shapes of elliptical galaxies align with the tidal field of cosmic structures. This intrinsic alignment provides insights into galaxy formation and the primordial universe, complements late-time cosmological probes and constitutes a significant systematic effect for weak gravitational lensing observations. In the present study, we provide constraints on the linear alignment model using a fully Bayesian field-level approach, using galaxy shape measurements from the SDSS-III BOSS LOWZ sample and three-dimensional tidal fields constrained with the LOWZ and CMASS galaxy samples of the SDSS-III BOSS survey. We find 4$\sigma$ evidence of intrinsic alignment, with an amplitude of $A_I=3.19 \pm 0.80$ at 20$h^{-1}\;\mathrm{Mpc}$.

The framework of the so-called 3-3-1LHN model may accommodate two different, but viable, scenarios of dark matter: one involving a heavy Dirac neutrino , $N_1$, or another having a scalar, $\phi$, as dark matter candidate. In both cases the dark matter phenomenology, relic abundance and scattering cross section off of nuclei, is controlled by exchange of $Z^{\prime}$. We then investigate the impact on the parameter space $(M_{Z^{\prime}}\,,\,M_{(N_1\,,\, \phi)})$ due to the recent Pandax-4T experimental result in both scenarios. First, the Pandax-4T experiment excludes scenarios with dark matter mass below $1.9$ TeV. Concerning $Z^{\prime}$, we find the lower bound $M_{Z^{\prime}}> 4.1$ TeV for the case when $N_1$ as the dark matter and $ M_{Z^{\prime}}>5.7$ TeV for the other case. This implies that the 3-3-1 symmetry is spontaneously broken above $10$ TeV scale. We also comment on the contributions to the relic abundance of processes involving flavor changing neutral current mediated by $Z^{\prime}$.

Sven Baumholzer, Pedro Schwaller

34 pages, 14 figures. Code to extract results available on request

In many models of dark matter (DM), several production mechanisms contribute to its final abundance, often leading to a non-thermal momentum distribution. This makes it more difficult to assess whether such a model is consistent with structure formation observations. We simulate the matter power spectrum for DM scenarios characterized by at least two temperatures and derive the suppression of structures at small scales and the expected number of Milky Way dwarf galaxies from it. This, together with the known bound on the number of relativistic particle species, $N_\mathrm{eff}$, allows us to obtain constraints on the parameter space of non-thermally produced DM. We propose a simple parametrization for non-thermal DM distributions and present a fitting procedure that can be used to adapt our results to other models.

Robert Brandenberger

Invited talk at the workshop "Quantum Gravity, Higher Derivatives and Nonlocality", March 9 - 13 2021; 12 pages

Most current cosmological models of the very early universe are based on local point particle effective field theories coupled to gravity. I will discuss some conceptual limitations of this approach and argue that an improved description of the early universe needs to go beyond this framework. I will outline a couple of ideas based on superstring theory.

Plamen G. Krastev (Harvard University)

16 pages, 6 figures. Invited article for Galaxies for the Special Issue "Neutron Stars and Hadrons in the Era of Gravitational Wave Astrophysics"

One of the most significant challenges involved in efforts to understand the equation of state of dense neutron-rich matter is the uncertain density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy. Because of its broad impact, pinning down the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy has been a longstanding goal of both nuclear physics and astrophysics. Recent observations of neutron stars, in both electromagnetic and gravitational-wave spectra, have already constrained significantly the nuclear symmetry energy at high densities. Training deep neural networks to learn a computationally efficient representation of the mapping between astrophysical observables of neutron stars, such as masses, radii, and tidal deformabilities, and the nuclear symmetry energy allows its density dependence to be determined reliably and accurately. In this work we use a deep learning approach to determine the nuclear symmetry energy as a function of density directly from observational neutron star data. We show for the first time that artificial neural networks can precisely reconstruct the nuclear symmetry energy from a set of available neutron star observables, such as, masses and radii as those measured by, e.g., the NICER mission, or masses and tidal deformabilities as measured by the LIGO/VIRGO/KAGRA gravitational-wave detectors. These results demonstrate the potential of artificial neural networks to reconstruct the symmetry energy, and the equation of state, directly from neutron star observational data, and emphasize the importance of the deep learning approach in the era of Multi-Messenger Astrophysics.

Leonardo Modesto, Tian Zhou, Qiang Li

31 pages, 8 figures

We show that Einstein's conformal gravity is able to explain simply on the geometric ground the galactic rotation curves without need to introduce any modification in both the gravitational as well as in the matter sector of the theory. The geometry of each galaxy is described by a metric obtained making a singular rescaling of the Schwarzschild's spacetime. The new exact solution, which is asymptotically Anti-de Sitter, manifests an unattainable singularity at infinity that can not be reached in finite proper time, namely, the spacetime is geodetically complete. It deserves to be notice that we here think different from the usual. Indeed, instead of making the metric singularity-free, we make it apparently but harmlessly even more singular then the Schwarzschild's one. Finally, it is crucial to point that the Weyl's conformal symmetry is spontaneously broken to the new singular vacuum rather then the asymptotically flat Schwarzschild's one. The metric, is unique according to: the null energy condition, the zero acceleration for photons in the Newtonian regime, and the homogeneity of the Universe at large scales. Once the matter is conformally coupled to gravity, the orbital velocity for a probe star in the galaxy turns out to be asymptotically constant consistently with the observations and the Tully-Fisher relation. Therefore, we compare our model with a sample of 175 galaxies and we show that our velocity profile very well interpolates the galactic rotation-curves for a proper choice of the only free parameter in the metric and the the mass to luminosity ratios, which turn out to be close to 1 consistently with the absence of dark matter.

The mysterious dark energy remains one of the greatest puzzles of modern science. Current detections for it are mostly indirect. The spacetime effects of dark energy can be locally described by the SdSw metric. Understanding these local effects exactly is an essential step towards the direct probe of dark energy. From first principles, we prove that dark energy can exert a repulsive dark force on astrophysical scales, different from the Newtonian attraction of both visible and dark matter. One way of measuring local effects of dark energy is through the gravitational deflection of light. We geometrize the bending of light in any curved static spacetime. First of all, we define a generalized deflection angle, referred to as the Gaussian deflection angle, in a mathematically strict and conceptually clean way. Basing on the Gauss-Bonnet theorem, we then prove that the Gaussian deflection angle is equivalent to the surface integral of the Gaussian curvature over a chosen lensing patch. As an application of the geometrization, we study the problem of whether dark energy affects the bending of light and provide a strict solution to this problem in the SdSw spacetime. According to this solution, we propose a method to overcome the difficulty of measuring local dark energy effects. Exactly speaking, we find that the lensing effect of dark energy can be enhanced by 14 orders of magnitude when properly choosing the lensing patch in certain cases. It means that we can probe the existence and nature of dark energy directly in our Solar System. This points to an exciting direction to help unraveling the great mystery of dark energy.

Large-scale bulk peculiar motions introduce a characteristic length scale, inside which the local kinematics are dominated by peculiar-velocity perturbations rather than by the background Hubble expansion. Regions smaller than the aforementioned critical length, which typically varies between few hundred and several hundred Mpc, can be heavily ``contaminated'' by the observers' relative motion. For example, at the critical length -- hereafter referred to as the ``transition scale'', the sign of the locally measured deceleration parameter can change from positive to negative, while the surrounding universe is still decelerating globally. Overall, distant observers can assign very different values to their local deceleration parameters, entirely because of their relative motion. In practice, this suggests that information selected from regions inside and close to the transition scale hold only locally and they should not be readily extrapolated to the global universe. We show that this principle applies to essentially all Friedmann backgrounds, irrespective of their equation of state and spatial curvature. Put another way, the transition scale and the related effects are generic to linear peculiar-velocity perturbations. This study generalises previous work applied, primarily for reasons of mathematical simplicity, to a perturbed Einstein-de Sitter universe.

We introduce a closed-form method for identification of discrete-time linear time-variant systems from data, formulating the learning problem as a regularized least squares problem where the regularizer favors smooth solutions within a trajectory. We develop a closed-form algorithm with guarantees of optimality and with a complexity that increases linearly with the number of instants considered per trajectory. The COSMIC algorithm achieves the desired result even in the presence of large volumes of data. Our method solved the problem using two orders of magnitude less computational power than a general purpose convex solver and was about 3 times faster than a Stochastic Block Coordinate Descent especially designed method. Computational times of our method remained in the order of magnitude of the second even for 10k and 100k time instants, where the general purpose solver crashed. To prove its applicability to real world systems, we test with spring-mass-damper system and use the estimated model to find the optimal control path. Our algorithm was applied to both a Low Fidelity and Functional Engineering Simulators for the Comet Interceptor mission, that requires precise pointing of the on-board cameras in a fast dynamics environment. Thus, this paper provides a fast alternative to classical system identification techniques for linear time-variant systems, while proving to be a solid base for applications in the Space industry and a step forward to the incorporation of algorithms that leverage data in such a safety-critical environment.

Vincenzo Pierro, Vincenzo Fiumara, Francesco Chiadini

accepted for publication in "Gravitational Wave Observatory: The Realm of Applied Science" special issue of Applied Science

In this paper, an analytical solution to the problem of optimal dielectric coating design of mirrors for gravitational wave detectors is found. The technique used to solve this problem is based on Herpin's equivalent layers, which provide a simple, constructive, and analytical solution. The performance of the Herpin-type design exceeds that of the periodic design and is almost equal to the performance of the numerical, non-constructive optimized design obtained by brute force. Note that the existence of explicit analytic constructive solutions of a constrained optimization problem is not guaranteed in general, when such a solution is found, we speak of turbo optimal solutions.

John Ellis, Marcos A. G. Garcia, Dimitri V. Nanopoulos, Keith A. Olive, Sarunas Verner

9 pages, 2 figures

Recent BICEP/Keck data on the cosmic microwave background, in combination with previous WMAP and Planck data, impose strong new constraints on the tilt in the scalar perturbation spectrum, $n_s$, as well as the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$. These constrain the number of e-folds of inflation, $N_*$, the magnitude of the inflaton coupling to matter, $y$, and the reheating temperature, $T_{\rm reh}$, which we evaluate in attractor models of inflation as formulated in no-scale supergravity. The 68% C.L. region of $(n_s, r)$ favours large values of $N_*, y$ and $T_{\rm reh}$ that are constrained by the production of gravitinos and supersymmetric dark matter.