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Papers for Tuesday, Dec 21 2021

Papers with local authors

R. Alfaro, C. Alvarez, J.C. Arteaga-Velázquez, D. Avila Rojas, H.A. Ayala Solares, E. Belmont-Moreno, T. Capistrán, A. Carramiñana, S. Casanova, U. Cotti, J. Cotzomi, S. Coutiño de León, E. De la Fuente, C. de León, R. Diaz Hernandez, M.A. DuVernois, M. Durocher, J.C. Díaz-Vélez, C. Espinoza, K.L. Fan, M. Fernández Alonso, N. Fraija, J.A. García-González, F. Garfias, M.M. González, J.A. Goodman, J.P. Harding, D. Huang, F. Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, P. Hüntemeyer, V. Joshi, H. León Vargas, J.T. Linnemann, A.L. Longinotti, G. Luis-Raya, K. Malone, O. Martinez, J. Martínez-Castro, J.A. Matthews, P. Miranda-Romagnoli, E. Moreno, M. Mostafá, A. Nayerhoda, L. Nellen, R. Noriega-Papaqui, N. Omodei, A. Peisker, et al.

submitted to ApJ

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Paper 11 — arXiv:2112.09179
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Paper 11 — arXiv:2112.09179

The radio galaxy M87 is the central dominant galaxy of the Virgo Cluster. Very High Energy (VHE,$\gtrsim 0.1$ TeV) emission, from M87 has been detected by Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs ). Recently, marginal evidence for VHE long-term emission has also been observed by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory, a gamma ray and cosmic-ray detector array located in Puebla, Mexico. The mechanism that produces VHE emission in M87 remains unclear. This emission is originated in its prominent jet, which has been spatially resolved from radio to X-rays. In this paper, we constructed a spectral energy distribution from radio to gamma rays that is representative of the non-flaring activity of the source, and in order to explain the observed emission, we fit it with a lepto-hadronic emission model. We found that this model is able to explain non-flaring VHE emission of M87 as well as an orphan flare reported in 2005.

All other papers

Cameron Grove, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Ningombam Chandrachani Devi, Lehman Garrison, Benjamin L'Huillier, Yu Feng, John Helly, César Hernández-Aguayo, Shadab Alam, Hanyu Zhang, Yu Yu, Shaun Cole, Daniel Eisenstein, Peder Norberg, Risa Wechsler, David Brooks, Kyle Dawson, Martin Landriau, Aaron Meisner, Claire Poppett, Gregory Tarlé, Octavio Valenzuela

18 pages, 17 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

Analysis of large galaxy surveys requires confidence in the robustness of numerical simulation methods. The simulations are used to construct mock galaxy catalogs to validate data analysis pipelines and identify potential systematics. We compare three $N$-body simulation codes, ABACUS, GADGET, and SWIFT, to investigate the regimes in which their results agree. We run $N$-body simulations at three different mass resolutions, $6.25\times10^{8}$, $2.11\times10^{9}$, and $5.00\times10^{9}~h^{-1}$M$_{\odot}$, matching phases to reduce the noise within the comparisons. We find systematic errors in the halo clustering between different codes are smaller than the DESI statistical error for $s > 20\, h^{-1}$Mpc in the correlation function in redshift space. Through the resolution comparison we find that simulations run with a mass resolution of $2.1\times10^{9}~h^{-1}$M$_{\odot}$ are sufficiently converged for systematic effects in the halo clustering to be smaller than the DESI statistical error at scales larger than $20 \, h^{-1}$Mpc. These findings show that the simulations are robust for extracting cosmological information from large scales which is the key goal of the DESI survey. Comparing matter power spectra, we find the codes agree to within 1% for $k \leq 10~h$Mpc$^{-1}$. We also run a comparison of three initial condition generation codes and find good agreement. In addition, we include a quasi-$N$-body code, FastPM, since we plan use it for certain DESI analyses. The impact of the halo definition and galaxy-halo relation will be presented in a follow up study.

Yuichi Harikane, Akio K. Inoue, Ken Mawatari, Takuya Hashimoto, Satoshi Yamanaka, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Hiroshi Matsuo, Yoichi Tamura, Pratika Dayal, L. Y. Aaron Yung, Anne Hutter, Fabio Pacucci, Yuma Sugahara

18 pages, 12 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present two bright galaxy candidates at z~13 identified in our H-dropout Lyman break selection with 2.3 deg^2 near-infrared deep imaging data. These galaxy candidates, selected after careful screening of foreground interlopers, have spectral energy distributions showing a sharp discontinuity around 1.7 um, a flat continuum at 2-5 um, and non-detections at <1.2 um in the available photometric datasets, all of which are consistent with a z~13 galaxy. An ALMA program targeting one of the candidates shows a tentative 4sigma [OIII]88um line at z=13.27, in agreement with its photometric redshift estimate. The number density of the z~13 candidates is comparable to that of bright z~10 galaxies, and is consistent with a recently proposed double power-law luminosity function rather than the Schechter function, indicating little evolution in the abundance of bright galaxies from z~4 to 13. Comparisons with theoretical models show that the models cannot reproduce the bright end of rest-frame ultraviolet luminosity functions at z~10-13. Combined with recent studies reporting similarly bright galaxies at z~9-11 and mature stellar populations at z~6-9, our results indicate the existence of a number of star-forming galaxies at z>10, which will be detected with upcoming space missions such as James Webb Space Telescope, Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, and GREX-PLUS.

Tyrone E. Woods, Samuel Patrick, Daniel J. Whalen, Alexander Heger

10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, submitted to AAS

Supermassive primordial stars with masses exceeding $\sim10^5\,M_{\odot}$ that form in atomically cooled halos are the leading candidates for the origin of high-redshift quasars with $z>6$. Recent numerical simulations, however, find that multiple accretion disks can form within a halo, each of which can host a supermassive star. Tidal interactions between the disks can gravitationally torque gas onto their respective stars and alter their evolution. Later, when two satellite disks collide, the two stars can come into close proximity. This may induce additional mass exchange between them. We investigate the co-evolution of supermassive stars in atomically-cooled halos driven by gravitational interactions between their disks. We find a remarkable diversity of evolutionary outcomes. The results depend on these interactions and how the formation and collapse times of the stars in the two disks are correlated. They range from co-evolution as main sequence stars to main sequence -- black hole pairs and black hole -- black hole mergers. We examine the evolution of these secondary supermassive stars in detail and discuss the prospects for binary interactions on much smaller scales after the disks merge within their host halos.

Colin Littlefield, Jean-Pierre Lasota, Jean-Marie Hameury, Simone Scaringi, Peter Garnavich, Paula Szkody, Mark Kennedy, McKenna Leichty

Accepted for publication in ApJL

Magnetically gated accretion has emerged as a proposed mechanism for producing extremely short, repetitive bursts of accretion onto magnetized white dwarfs in intermediate polars (IPs), but this phenomenon has not been detected previously in a confirmed IP. We report the 27-day TESS light curve of V1025 Cen, an IP that shows a remarkable series of twelve bursts of accretion, each lasting for less than six hours. The extreme brevity of the bursts and their short recurrence times (~1-3 days) are incompatible with the dwarf-nova instability, but they are natural consequences of the magnetic gating mechanism developed by Spruit & Taam to explain the Type II bursts of the accreting neutron star known as the Rapid Burster. In this model, the accretion flow piles up at the magnetospheric boundary and presses inward until it couples with the star's magnetic field, producing an abrupt burst of accretion. After each burst, the reservoir of matter at the edge of the magnetosphere is replenished, leading to cyclical bursts of accretion. A pair of recent studies applied this instability to the suspected IPs MV Lyr and TW Pic, but the magnetic nature of these two systems has not been independently confirmed. In contrast, previous studies have unambiguously established the white dwarf in V1025 Cen to be significantly magnetized. The detection of magnetically gated bursts in a confirmed IP therefore validates the extension of the Spruit & Taam instability to magnetized white dwarfs.

Tanmoy Modak, Tilman Plehn, Lennart Röver, Björn Malte Schäfer

25 pages, 14 figures

SKA will be a major step forward not only in astrophysics, but also in precision cosmology. We show how the neutral hydrogen intensity map can be combined with the Planck measurements of the CMB power spectrum, to provide a precision test of the inflaton potential. For a conservative range of redshifts we find that SKA can significantly improve current constraints on the Hubble slow-roll parameters.

Vivek Kumar Jha, Hum Chand, Vineet Ojha, Amitesh Omar, Shantanu Rastogi

15 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a comparative study of the physical properties of a homogeneous sample of 144 Narrow line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) and 117 Broad-line Seyfert 1 (BLSy1) galaxies. These two samples are in a similar luminosity and redshift range and have optical spectra available in the 16$^{th}$ data release of Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-DR16) and X-ray spectra in either XMM-NEWTON or ROSAT. Direct correlation analysis and a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) have been performed using ten observational and physical parameters obtained by fitting the optical spectra and the soft X-ray photon indices as another parameter. We confirm that the established correlations for the general quasar population hold for both types of galaxies in this sample despite significant differences in the physical properties. We characterize the sample also using the line shape parameters, namely the asymmetry and kurtosis indices. We find that the fraction of NLSy1 galaxies showing outflow signatures, characterized by blue asymmetries, is higher by a factor of about 3 compared to the corresponding fraction in BLSy1 galaxies. The presence of high iron content in the broad-line region of NLSy1 galaxies in conjunction with higher Eddington ratios can be the possible reason behind this phenomenon. We also explore the possibility of using asymmetry in the emission lines as a tracer of outflows in the inner regions of Active Galactic Nuclei. The PCA results point to the NLSy1 and BLSy1 galaxies occupying different parameter spaces, which challenges the notion that NLSy1 galaxies are a subclass of BLSy1 galaxies.

František Dinnbier, Richard I. Anderson, Pavel Kroupa

20 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted by A&A

We investigate the occurrence of classical (type-I) Cepheid variable stars (henceforth: Cepheids) in dynamically evolving star clusters from birth to an age of approximately 300 Myr. The clusters are modelled by the Aarseth code nbody6, and they feature a realistic stellar initial mass function and initial binary star population, single star and binary star evolution, expulsion of the primordial gas, and the tidal field of the galaxy. Our simulations provide the first detailed dynamical picture of how frequently Cepheids remain gravitationally bound to their birth clusters versus how frequently they occur in the field. They allow us to quantify the relevance of various cluster escape mechanisms and how they depend on stellar mass. Overall, the simulations agree with the empirical picture that a small fraction ($\approx 10\%$) of Cepheids reside in clusters, that cluster halo membership is relatively common, and that the majority of Cepheid hosting clusters have only a single Cepheid member. Additionally, the simulations predict that a) Cepheid progenitors are much more likely to escape from low-mass than higher-mass clusters; b) higher-mass (long-period) Cepheids are $\approx 30\%$ more likely to be found in clusters than low-mass (short-period) Cepheids; c) the clustered Cepheid fraction increases with galactocentric radius since cluster dispersal is less efficient at greater radii; d) a lower metallicity reduces the overall clustered Cepheid fraction; e) high-mass clusters are much more likely to have more than one Cepheid member at any given time, in particular at a lower metallicity. We interpret the results as outcomes of various aspects of star cluster dynamics. The comparison of predicted and observed clustered Cepheid fractions, $f_{\rm CC}$, highlights the need for additional cluster disruption mechanisms, most likely encounters with giant molecular clouds.

Klaus Paschek, Dmitry A. Semenov, Ben K. D. Pearce, Kevin Lange, Thomas K. Henning, Ralph E. Pudritz

Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal, 17 pages, 6 figures (all colored)

Prebiotic molecules, fundamental building blocks for the origin of life, have been found in carbonaceous chondrites. The exogenous delivery of these organic molecules onto the Hadean Earth could have sparked the polymerization of the first RNA molecules in Darwinian ponds during wet-dry cycles. Here, we investigate the formation of the RNA and DNA nucleobases adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine, and thymine inside parent body planetesimals of carbonaceous chondrites. An up-to-date thermochemical equilibrium model coupled with a 1D thermodynamic planetesimal model is used to calculate the nucleobase concentrations. Different from the previous study (Pearce & Pudritz 2016), we lower the pristine initial abundances, as measured in comets, of the most volatile ices compared to the bulk water ice. This represents more accurately cosmochemical findings that carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies have formed inside the inner, $\sim 2\mathrm{-}5\,\mathrm{au}$, warm region of the solar system. Due to these improvements, our model was able to directly match the concentrations of adenine and guanine measured in carbonaceous chondrites. Our model did not reproduce per se the measurements of uracil and the absence of cytosine and thymine in these meteorites. Therefore, we provide a combined explanatory approach that could explain this deficiency. In conclusion, the synthesis of prebiotic organic matter in carbonaceous asteroids could be well explained by a combination of radiogenic heating, aqueous chemistry involving a few key processes at a specific range of radii inside planetesimals where water can exist in the liquid phase, and a reduced initial volatile content (H$_2$, CO, HCN, CH$_2$O) of the protoplanetary disk material.

Anna M. Suliga, John F. Beacom, Irene Tamborra

13 pages, 11 figures, 3 appendices. Comments are welcome!

Fully understanding the average core-collapse supernova requires detecting the diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) in all flavors. While the DSNB $\bar{\nu}_e$ flux is near detection, and the DSNB $\nu_e$ flux has a good upper limit and promising prospects for improved sensitivity, the DSNB $\nu_x$ (each of $\nu_\mu, \nu_\tau, \bar{\nu}_\mu, \bar{\nu}_\tau$) flux has a poor limit and heretofore had no clear path for improved sensitivity. We show that a succession of xenon-based dark matter detectors -- XENON1T (completed), XENONnT (under construction), and DARWIN (proposed) -- can dramatically improve sensitivity to DSNB $\nu_x$ the neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering channel. XENON1T could match the present sensitivity of $\sim 10^3 \; \mathrm{cm}^{-2}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ per $\nu_x$ flavor, XENONnT would have linear improvement of sensitivity with exposure, and a long run of DARWIN could reach a flux sensitivity of $\sim 10 \; \mathrm{cm}^{-2}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}$. Together, these would also contribute to greatly improve bounds on non-standard scenarios. Ultimately, to reach the standard flux range of $\sim 1 \; \mathrm{cm}^{-2}~\mathrm{s}^{-1}$, even larger exposures will be needed, which we show may be possible with the series of proposed lead-based RES-NOVA detectors.

L. V. Ferrero, G. Günthardt, L. García, M. Gómez, V. M. Kalari, H. P. Saldaño

25 pages, 17 figures and 6 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A

We investigated the possible cause-effect relation between the wiggling shape of two stellar jets, MHO 1502 and MHO 2147, and the potential binarity of the respective driving stars. We present high-angular-resolution H$_2$ (2.122 $\mu$m) and K-band images obtained with the Gemini South Adaptive Optics Imager (GSAOI) and the Gemini Multi-conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS). The profiles of the jets are depicted in detail by the H$_2$ images. We used K-band data to search for potential close companions to the previously suggested exciting sources, and used archive data to investigate these sources and the environments in which the jets are located. We also applied a model to reproduce the wiggling profiles of the jets. MHO~1502 is composed of a chain of knots delineating the wiggling jet, suggesting that the driving source emitted them in an intermittent manner. Our K-band image of the previously proposed exciting star, IRAC 18064, shows two sources separated by $\sim240$ AU, hinting at its binarity. However, as IRAC 18064 is located off the jet axis at $\sim2064$ AU, it is questionable as to whether this source is the true exciting star. Moreover, the orbital model centred on IRAC 18064 suggests a binary companion at a much greater distance ($\sim2200$ AU) than the nearby star (at $\sim$240 AU). On the other hand, the orbital model centred on the axis provides the best fits. Nevertheless, the precession model centred on the axis cannot be discarded, despite having larger residuals and $\chi^2$. MHO 2147 displays an S-shaped gentle continuous emission in H$_2$. We identify two other jets in the field of MHO 2147: a previously reported quasi-perpendicular jet, MHO 2148, and a third jet adjacent to MHO 2147. The model that best fits the morphology of the MHO 2147 jet and that of its adjacent jet is precession. The exciting source of MHO 2147 may be a triple system.

Steven Gough-Kelly, Victor P. Debattista, William I. Clarkson, Oscar A. Gonzalez, Stuart R. Anderson, Mario Gennaro, Annalisa Calamida, Kailash C. Sahu

20 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables, published in MNRAS

We use an $N$-body+smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulation of an isolated barred galaxy to study the age dependence of bulge longitudinal proper motion ($\mu_l$) rotation curves. We show that close to the minor axis ($|l| \sim 0^\circ$) the relatively young stars rotate more rapidly than the old stars, as found by Hubble Space Telescope in the Milky Way's (MW's) bulge. This behaviour would be expected also if the MW were unbarred. At larger $|l|$ a different behaviour emerges. Because younger stars trace a strong bar, their galactocentric radial motions dominate their $\mu_l$ at $|l| \sim 6^\circ$, leading to a reversal in the sign of $\left< \mu_l \right>$. This results in a rotation curve with forbidden velocities (negative $\left< \mu_l \right>$ at positive longitudes, and positive $\left< \mu_l \right>$ at negative longitudes). The old stars, instead, trace a much weaker bar and thus their kinematics are more axisymmetric, resulting in no forbidden velocities. We develop metrics of the difference in the $\left< \mu_l \right>$ rotation curves of young and old stars, and forbidden velocities. We use these to predict the locations where rotation curve reversals can be observed by HST and the Vera Rubin Telescope. Such measurements would represent support for the amplitude of the bar being a continuous function of age, as predicted by kinematic fractionation, in which the bar strength variations are produced purely by differences in the random motions of stellar populations at bar formation.

Jiao He, Mart Simons, Gleb Fedoseev, Ko-Ju Chuang, Danna Qasim, Thanja Lamberts, Sergio Ioppolo, Brett A. McGuire, Herma Cuppen, Harold Linnartz

8 pages, 8 figures

Methoxymethanol (CH3OCH2OH, MM) has been identified through gas-phase signatures in both high- and low-mass star-forming regions. This molecule is expected to form upon hydrogen addition and abstraction reactions in CO-rich ice through radical recombination of CO hydrogenation products. The goal of this work is to investigate experimentally and theoretically the most likely solid-state MM reaction channel -- the recombination of CH2OH and CH3O radicals -- for dark interstellar cloud conditions and to compare the formation efficiency with that of other species that were shown to form along the CO-hydrogenation line. Hydrogen atoms and CO or H2CO molecules are co-deposited on top of the predeposited H2O ice to mimic the conditions associated with the beginning of 'rapid' CO freeze-out. Quadrupole mass spectrometry is used to analyze the gas-phase COM composition following a temperature programmed desorption. Monte Carlo simulations are used for an astrochemical model comparing the MM formation efficiency with that of other COMs. Unambiguous detection of newly formed MM has been possible both in CO+H and H2CO+H experiments. The resulting abundance of MM with respect to CH3OH is about 0.05, which is about 6 times less than the value observed toward NGC 6334I and about 3 times less than the value reported for IRAS 16293B. The results of astrochemical simulations predict a similar value for the MM abundance with respect to CH3OH factors ranging between 0.06 to 0.03. We find that MM is formed by co-deposition of CO and H2CO with H atoms through the recombination of CH2OH and CH3O radicals. In both the experimental and modeling studies, the efficiency of this channel alone is not sufficient to explain the observed abundance of MM. These results indicate an incomplete knowledge of the reaction network or the presence of alternative solid-state or gas-phase formation mechanisms.

With the neutron star rotating under a stationary magnetic field generating unipolar induction, charges are driven to the pulsar surface according to their signs, and are uploaded to the magnetosphere along the magnetic field lines. In the presence of an electron-positron plasma, the pulsar magnetosphere is represented by a unique magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plasma. The pulsar equation of force-free equilibrium is solved analytically for two configurations. The first one is a light cylinder guided jet-like open magnetosphere, and the second one is a closed magnetosphere within the light cylinder. The Goldreich Julian condition for the stability of the closed magnetosphere (dead zone) is reconsidered which indicates transition of the closed magnetosphere to the open one as the electron-positron plasma density builds up. This suggests that the pulsar period could be the result of magnetosphere dynamics rather than the pulsar rotation.

F. Rösch, M. Kadler, E. Ros, M. Gurwell, T. Hovatta, M. Kreter, N. R. MacDonald, A. C. S. Readhead

10 pages, 3 figures, European VLBI Network Mini-Symposium and Users' Meeting (EVN2021), to be published in Proceedings of Science

Determining the location of $\gamma$-ray emission in blazar jets is a challenging task. Pinpointing the exact location of $\gamma$-ray production within a relativistic jet can place strong constraints on our understanding of high-energy astrophysics and astroparticle physics. We present a study of the radio- and $\gamma$-bright flat-spectrum radio quasar (FSRQ) 4C +01.28 (PKS B1055+018) in which we try to pinpoint the emission site of several prominent GeV flares. This source shows prominent high-amplitude broadband variability on time scales ranging from days to years. We combine high-resolution VLBI observations and multi-band radio light curves over a period of around nine years. We can associate two bright and compact newly ejected jet components with bright flares observed by the Fermi/LAT $\gamma$-ray telescope and at various radio frequencies. A cross-correlation analysis reveals the radio light curves systematically lag behind the $\gamma$-rays. In combination with the jet kinematics as measured by the VLBA, we use these cross-correlations to constrain a model in which the flares become observable at a given frequency when a plasma component passes through the region at which the bulk energy dissipation takes place at that frequency. We derive a lower limit of the location of the $\gamma$-ray emitting region in 4C +01.28 of several parsecs from the jet base, well beyond the expected extent of the broad-line region. This observational limit challenges blazar-emission models that rely on the broad-line region as a source of seed photons for inverse-Compton scattering.

In optical astronomical telescopes, the primary baffle is a tube-like structure centering in the hole of the primary mirror and the vanes usually locate inside the baffle, improving the suppression of stray light. They are the most common methods of stray light control. To characterize the performance of primary baffle and vanes, an empirical comparison based on astronomical observations has been made with Xinglong 50cm telescope. Considering the convenience of switching, an independent vanes structure is designed, which can also improve the process of the primary mirror cooling and the air circulation. The comparison of two cases: (1) primary baffle plus vanes and (2) vanes alone involves in-dome and on-sky observations. Both the single star and the various off-axis angles of the stray light source observations are presented. The photometrical images are recorded by CCD to analyze the magnitude and the photometric error. The stray light uniformity of the image background derives from the reduction image which utilizes the MATLAB software to remove the stars. The in-dome experiments results reveal the effectiveness of primary baffle and the independent vanes structure. Meanwhile, the on-sky photometric data indicate there are little differences between them. The stray light uniformity has no difference when the angle between the star and the moon is greater than 20 degrees.

Y. J. Wei, Z. Y. Zhao, F. Y. Wang (NJU)

8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, this https URL

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are pulsed radio signals with a duration of milliseconds and a large dispersion measure (DM). Recent observations indicate that FRB 180916 and FRB 121102 show periodic activities. Some theoretical models have been proposed to explain periodic FRBs, and here we test these using corresponding X-ray and $\gamma$-ray observations. We find that the orbital periodic model, the free precession model, the radiation-driven precession model, the fall-back disk precession model where eccentricity is due to the internal magnetic field, and the rotation periodic model are not consistent with observations. The geodetic precession model is the most likely periodic model for FRB 180916. We also propose methods to test the periodic models with yet-to-be-obtained observational data in the future.

Wu Yuzhong

Published in ApJL, 6 pages, 5 figures

We use data for 6048 early-type galaxies (ETGs) from Galaxy Zoo 1 that have been cross-matched with the catalog of the MPA-JHU emission-line measurements for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. We measure the metallicity of these ETGs by excluding various ionization sources, and study other properties as well. We use the optimal division line of W2-W3 $=$ 2.5 as a diagnostic tool, and for the first time derive metallicity measurements for 2218 ETGs. We find that these ETGs actually are closer to H II regions as defined by Kauffmann et al. in the Baldwin-philips-Terevich diagram, and they display younger stellar populations. We present a full mass-metallicity relation and find that most ETGs have lower metallicities than star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at a given galaxy stellar mass. We use five metallicity calibrators to check our results. We find that these metallicity indicators (R23, O32, and O3S2) give consistent results. We suggest that the remaining two metallicity calibrators, which increase metallicity by N-enrichment, can be used to calibrate metallicities for SFGs, but not to estimate the metallicities of ETGs.

Wu Yuzhong, Zhang Wei

Published in MNRAS, 9 pages, 7 figures, 1 table

We derive data of 4615 star-forming early-type galaxies (ETGs), which come from cross-match of the $Galaxy~Zoo~1$ and the catalogue of the MPA-JHU emission-line measurements for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7. Our sample distributes mainly at $\rm -0.7<log(SFR[M_{\sun}yr^{-1}])<1.2$, and the median value of our SFRs is slightly higher than that shown in Davis \& Young. We display a significant trend of lower/higher stellar mass ETGs to have lower/higher SFR, and obtain our sample best fit of log(SFR)=$ (0.74\pm0.01)$log$(M_{*}/M_{\sun})-(7.64\pm0.10)$, finding the same slope as that found in Cano-D\'{i}az et al. In our star-forming ETG sample, we demonstrate clearly the correlation of the stellar mass and metallicity (MZ) relation. We find that higher metallicity measurements may be introduced by the diffuse ionized gas, when the D16, Sanch18, and Sander18 indicators are used to calibrate the metallicity of ETGs. We show the relations between SFR and 12+log(O/H) with different metallicity estimators, and suggest that their correlations may be a consequence of the SFR-stellar mass and MZ relations in ETGs.

Wu Yuzhong

Published in ApJS, 9 pages, 9 figures, 1 table

We present the data of 9,739 early-type galaxies (ETGs), cross-matching the Galaxy Zoo 1 with our sample selected from the catalog of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 of MPA-JHU emission-line measurements. We first investigate the divisor between ETGs with and without star formation (SF), and find the best separator of W2-W3=2.0. is added. We explore the ETG sample by refusing a varity of ionization sources, and derive 5376 ETGs with SF by utilizing a diagnostic tool of the division line of $W2-W3=2.0$. We measure their metallicities with four abundance calibrators. We find that our composite ETG sample has similar distributons of $M_{*}$ and star formation rate (SFR) as star-forming galaxies (SFGs) do, that most of them lie on the "main sequence", and that our fit is a slightly steeper slope than that derived in Renzini \& Peng. Compared with the distributions between different metallicities calibrated by four abundance indicators, we find that the Courti17 method is the most accurate calibrator for composite ETGs among the four abundance indicators. We present a weak positive correlation of SFR and metallicity only when the metallicity is calibrated by the PP04, Curti17, and T04 indicators. The correlation is not consistent with the negative correlation of both parameters in SFGs. We suggest that the weak correlation is due to the dilution effect of gas inflow driven by minor mergers.

L. O. Téllez-Tovar, Tonatiuh Matos, J. Alberto Vázquez

16 pages, 7 Figures

The main aim of this paper is to provide cosmological constraints on the Multi Scalar Field Dark Matter model (MSFDM), in which we assume the dark matter is made up of different ultra-light scalar fields. As a first approximation, we consider they are real and do not interact with each other. We study the equations for both the background and perturbations for $N$-fields and present the evolution of the density parameters, the mass power spectrum and the CMB spectrum. In particular, we focus on two scalar fields with several combinations for the potentials $V(\phi) = 1/2 m_{\phi}^2 \phi^2$, $V(\phi) = m_{\phi}^2f^2\left[1+\cos(\phi/f)\right]$ and $V(\phi) = m_{\phi}^2f^2\left[\cosh(\phi/f)-1\right]$, however the work, along with the code, can be easily extended to more fields. We use the data from BAO, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Lyman-$\alpha$ forest and Supernovae to find constraints on the sampling parameters for the cases of a single field and double field, along with the Bayesian evidence. We found that some combinations of the potentials get penalized through the evidence, however for others there is a preference as good as for the cold dark matter.

We present the marginal unbiased score expansion (MUSE) method, an algorithm for generic high-dimensional hierarchical Bayesian inference. MUSE performs approximate marginalization over arbitrary non-Gaussian latent parameter spaces, yielding Gaussianized asymptotically unbiased and near-optimal constraints on global parameters of interest. It is computationally much cheaper than exact alternatives like Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), excelling on funnel problems which challenge HMC, and does not require any problem-specific user supervision like other approximate methods such as Variational Inference or many Simulation-Based Inference methods. MUSE makes possible the first joint Bayesian estimation of the delensed Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectrum and gravitational lensing potential power spectrum, demonstrated here on a simulated data set as large as the upcoming South Pole Telescope 3G 1500 deg$^2$ survey, corresponding to a latent dimensionality of ${\sim}\,6$ million and of order 100 global bandpower parameters. On a subset of the problem where an exact but more expensive HMC solution is feasible, we verify that MUSE yields nearly optimal results. We also demonstrate that existing spectrum-based forecasting tools which ignore pixel-masking underestimate predicted error bars by only ${\sim}\,10\%$. This method is a promising path forward for fast lensing and delensing analyses which will be necessary for future CMB experiments such as SPT-3G, Simons Observatory, or CMB-S4, and can complement or supersede existing HMC approaches. The success of MUSE on this challenging problem strengthens its case as a generic procedure for a broad class of high-dimensional inference problems.

Viktoria Kungel, Randy Bachman, Jerod Brewster, Madeline Dawes, Julianna Desiato, Johannes Eser, William Finch, Lindsey Huelett, Angela V. Olinto, Justin Pace, Miroslav Pech, Patrick Reardon, Petr Schovanek, Chantal Wang, Lawrence Wiencke (on behalf of the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)

The Extreme Universe Space Observatory - Super Pressure Balloon (EUSO-SPB2) mission will fly two custom telescopes that feature Schmidt optics to measure \v{C}erenkov- and fluorescence-emission of extensive air-showers from cosmic rays at the PeV and EeV-scale, and search for tau-neutrinos. Both telescopes have 1-meter diameter apertures and UV/UV-visible sensitivity. The \v{C}erenkov telescope uses a bifocal mirror segment alignment, to distinguish between a direct cosmic ray that hits the camera versus the \v{C}erenkov light from outside the telescope. Telescope integration and laboratory calibration will be performed in Colorado. To estimate the point spread function and efficiency of the integrated telescopes, a test beam system that delivers a 1-meter diameter parallel beam of light is being fabricated. End-to-end tests of the fully integrated instruments will be carried out in a field campaign at dark sites in the Utah desert using cosmic rays, stars, and artificial light sources. Laser tracks have long been used to characterize the performance of fluorescence detectors in the field. For EUSO-SPB2 an improvement in the method that includes a correction for aerosol attenuation is anticipated by using a bi-dynamic Lidar configuration in which both the laser and the telescope are steerable. We plan to conduct these field tests in Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 to accommodate the scheduled launch of EUSO-SPB2 in 2023 from Wanaka, New Zealand.

Sebastiaan L. Zoutendijk (1), Mariana P. Júlio (2 and 3), Jarle Brinchmann (2 and 1), Justin I. Read (4), Daniel Vaz (2 and 3), Leindert A. Boogaard (5), Nicolas F. Bouché (6), Davor Krajnović (7), Konrad Kuijken (1), Joop Schaye (1), Matthias Steinmetz (7) ((1) Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, (2) Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, Universidade do Porto, CAUP, Porto, Portugal, (3) Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, (4) University of Surrey, Physics Department, Guildford, UK, (5) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany, (6) Univ. Lyon, Univ. Lyon1, ENS de Lyon, CNRS, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, Saint-Genis-Laval, France, (7) Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), Potsdam, Germany)

21 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables, excluding appendices. Submitted to A&A

[Abridged] Aims. The lowest-mass galaxies, ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, promise unparalleled constraints on how feedback regulates galaxy formation, and on the small-scale matter power spectrum. Their inner dark-matter densities can also be used to constrain dark-matter models. In this paper, we present 201 new stellar line-of-sight velocities from the MUSE-Faint survey for the (ultra-)faint dwarf galaxies Antlia B, Leo T, Hydra II, and Grus 1. Combining these with literature data, we obtain the tightest constraints to date on their dark-matter halo masses and inner dark-matter densities. Methods. We use the Jeans equations implemented in CJAM to model the density profiles and constrain the presence of dark-matter cores and solitons (a prediction of fuzzy dark-matter models). Further modelling is done with GravSphere to test the influence of the choice of modelling tool. We calculate masses, concentrations, and circular velocities from the profiles, include results for Eridanus 2 from our previous work, and compare these properties to theoretical scaling relations, deriving constraints on tidal stripping in the process. Results. We find that dark-matter cores as large as those of more massive dwarf galaxies are ruled out for our galaxies (core radius $r_\mathrm{c} < 66$-$95\,\mathrm{pc}$ at the 68% confidence level). We constrain the soliton radii to $r_\mathrm{sol} < 13$-$112\,\mathrm{pc}$ (68% confidence level). We find that the galaxies are consistent with not having been significantly tidally stripped within their half-light radii. The virial masses and concentrations are sensitive to the choice of dynamical modelling tool: GravSphere produces results consistent with $M_{200} \sim 10^9\,M_\odot$, as expected from models in which ultra-faint dwarf galaxies are re-ionization fossils, while CJAM prefers haloes that are less massive.

Shunsuke Hozumi

11 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The properties of the bars formed by the bar instability are examined for flat stellar discs. The initial mass models chosen are Kuzmin--Toomre discs, for which two types of exact equilibrium distribution function (DF) are employed in order to realize different distributions of Toomre's $Q$ values along the radius. First, the most linearly unstable, global two-armed modes (MLUGTAMs) of these disc models are determined by numerically solving the linearized collisionless Boltzmann equation. Next, we carry out $N$-body simulations whose models are constructed from the DFs adopted above. The latter simulations unravel that the MLUGTAMs corresponding to those obtained from the former modal calculations are excited in the early phases of evolution, finally being deformed into bars in the nonlinear regime by the bar instability. We show that for simulated bars, the length increases and the axis ratio, in essence, decreases as the amplitude increases. These correlations are almost similar to those of the observed bars. In addition, we find that these bar properties are tightly correlated with the initial typical $Q$ value, irrespective of the DF. In conclusion, a disc with a smaller typical $Q$ value produces a bar which is smaller in amplitude, shorter in length and rounder in shape. This finding might suggest that the Hubble sequence for barred galaxies is the sequence of decreasing $Q$ from SBa to SBc or SBd. The implied correlations between the initial typical $Q$ value and each of the bar properties are discussed on the basis of the characteristics of the MLUGTAMs.

Toru Kouyama, Eri Tatsumi, Chikatoshi Honda, Rie Honda, Tomokatsu Morota, Yasuhiro Yokota, Shingo Kameda, Manabu Yamada, Hidehiko Suzuki, Naoya Sakatani, Masahiko Hayakawa, Yuichiro Cho, Moe Matsuoka, Kazuo Yoshioka, Hirotaka Sawada, Seiji Sugita

Hayabusa2, ONC-T, Multi-band imaging, Image co-registration, Cross correlation

Hayabusa2, a Japanese sample-return mission to a C-type asteroid, arrived at its target 162173 Ryugu in June 2018. The optical navigation cameras (ONC-T, ONC-W1, ONC-W2) successfully obtained numerous images of Ryugu. ONC-T is a telescopic framing camera with a charge-coupled device (CCD), has seven filter bands in ultraviolet, visible and near infrared wavelength ranges, and were used to map the spectral distribution of the Ryugu surface. Since the locations of a target seen in ONC-T images are slightly different among different wavelength images in one multi-band observation sequence due to changes in spacecraft positions and attitudes during the filter-changing sequence, one of the image processing issues is image co-registration among images for different wavelength bands. To quickly complete the image co-registration to meet a limited mission schedule, we combined conventional image co-registration techniques with several improvements based on previous planetary missions. The results of our analysis using actual ONC-T images indicate that image co-registration can reach accuracy on the order of 0.1 pixels, which is sufficient for many spectral mapping applications for Ryugu analyses.

Evgeni Semkov, Sunay Ibryamov, Stoyanka Peneva

12 pages, 5 figures, Published in Symmetry, 2021, 13(12), 2433

At the time of stellar evolution, young stellar objects go through processes of increased activity and instability. Star formation takes place in several stages during which the star accumulates enough mass to initiate thermonuclear reactions in the nucleus. A significant percentage of the mass of Sun-like stars accumulates during periods of increased accretion known as FUor outbursts. Since we know only about two dozen stars of this type, the study of each new object is very important for our knowledge. In this paper, we present data from photometric monitoring on a FUor object V2493 Cyg discovered in 2010. Our data were obtained in the optical region with BVRI Johnson-Cousins set of filters during the period from November 2016 to February 2021. The results of our observations show that during this period no significant changes in the brightness of the star were registered. We only detect variations with a small amplitude around the maximum brightness value. Thus, since 2013 V2493 Cyg remains at its maximum brightness, without a decrease in brightness. Such photometric behavior is not typical of other stars from FUor type. Usually the light curves of FUors are asymmetrical, with a very rapid rise and gradual decline of the brightness. V2493 Cyg remains unique in this respect with a very rapid rise in brightness and prolonged retention in maximum light. Our period analysis made for the interval February 2013 - February 2021 reveals a well-defined period of 914+/-10 days. Such periodicity can be explained by dust structures remaining from star formation in orbit around the star.

V. N. Zirakashvili, V.S.Ptuskin

8 pages, 8 figures, accepted to MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1701.00844

We consider diffusive shock acceleration in supernova remnants throughout their evolution including a radiative stage. It is found that a more efficient acceleration and fast exit of particles at the radiative stage results in the hardening of the source cosmic ray proton and electron spectra at energies $\sim 100-500$ GeV. The effect is stronger for cosmic ray electrons.

Hisashi Hayakawa, Yusuke Ebihara, Hidetoshi Hata

29 pages, 15 figures, and 1 table; accepted for publication in Geoscience Data Journal

Solar Cycle 19 was probably the greatest solar cycle over the last four centuries and significantly disrupted the solar-terrestrial environments with a number of solar eruptions and resultant geomagnetic storms. At its peak, the International Geophysical Year (IGY: 1957 -- 1958) was organised by international collaborations and benefitted scientific developments, capturing multiple unique extreme space weather events including the third and fourth greatest geomagnetic storms in the space age. In this article, we review and analyse original records of Japanese auroral observations around the IGY. These observations were organised by Masaaki Huruhata in collaboration with professional observatories and citizen contributors. We have digitised and documented these source documents, which comprise significant auroral displays in March 1957 (minimum Dst = -255 nT), September 1957 (minimum Dst = -427 nT), and February 1958 (minimum Dst = -426 nT). These records allow us to visualise temporal and spatial evolutions of these auroral displays, reconstruct their equatorward auroral boundaries down to 41.4{\deg}, 38.3{\deg}, and 33.3{\deg} in invariant latitudes, and contextualise their occurrences following contemporary geomagnetic disturbances. Our results have been compared with significant auroral displays during other extreme space weather events. These aurorae generally showed reddish colourations occasionally with yellowish rays. Their colourations are attributed to reddish oxygen emission and its mixture with greenish oxygen emission. Overall, these archival records provide the references for future discussions on the auroral activities during the uniquely intense and extreme space weather events.

We investigate the effect of the surface tilted bipolar magnetic regions (BMR) on the large-scale dynamo distributed in the bulk of the convection zone. The study employs the nonlinear 3D mean-field dynamo model. The emergence of the BMR on the surface is modeled by means of the nonaxisymmetric magnetic buoyancy effect which acts on the large-scale toroidal magnetic field in the upper half of the convection zone. The nonaxisymmetric magnetic field which results from this mechanism is shallow. At the surface the effect of the BMR on the magnetic field generation is dominant. However, because of the shallow BMR distribution, its effect on the global dynamo is moderate. The most dynamo effect of the surface BMR is due to their evolution and the convective zone $\alpha$ effect. The fluctuations of the BMR's tilt affect the equatorial symmetry of the dynamo-generated magnetic field. In agreement with the solar observations, the emerging BMRs result in the negative magnetic helicity density of the large-scale nonaxisymmetric magnetic fields in the northern hemisphere of the star.

Yat-To Tang, Lap-Ming Lin

13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We investigate the oscillations of neutron stars using a purely Newtonian approach and three other pseudo-Newtonian formulations. Our work is motivated by the fact that pseudo-Newtonian formulations are commonly used in core-collapse supernova (CCSN) simulations. We derive and solve numerically the radial and nonradial perturbation equations for neutron star oscillations using different combinations of modified Newtonian hydrodynamics equations and gravitational potentials. We pay special attention to the formulation proposed recently by Zha et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 051102 (2020)] that implements the standard Case A effective potential in CCSN simulations with an additional lapse-function correction to the hydrodynamics equations. We find that this "Case A+lapse" formulation can typically approximate the frequency of the fundamental radial mode of a $1.4 M_\odot$ neutron star computed in general relativity to about a few tens of percent for our chosen EOS models. For the nonradial quadrupolar $f$ mode, which is expected to contribute strongly to the gravitational waves emitted from a protoneutron star, the Case A+lapse formulation performs much better and can approximate the $f$ mode frequency to within about a few percent even for the maximum-mass configuration in general relativity.

David Jones, James Munday, Romano Corradi, Pablo Rodríguez-Gil, Henri Boffin, Jiri Zak, Paulina Sowicka, Steven Parsons, Vik Dhillon, S. Littlefair, T. Marsh, Nicole Reindl, Jorge García-Rojas

9 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS

We present a detailed study of the stellar and orbital parameters of the post-common envelope binary central star of the planetary nebula Ou~5. Low-resolution spectra obtained during the primary eclipse -- to our knowledge the first isolated spectra of the companion to a post-common-envelope planetary nebula central star -- were compared to catalogue spectra, indicating that the companion star is a late K- or early M-type dwarf. Simultaneous modelling of multi-band photometry and time-resolved radial velocity measurements was then used to independently determine the parameters of both stars as well as the orbital period and inclination. The modelling indicates that the companion star is low mass ($\sim$0.25~M$_\odot$) and has a radius significantly larger than would be expected for its mass. Furthermore, the effective temperature and surface gravity of nebular progenitor, as derived by the modelling, do not lie on single-star post-AGB evolutionary tracks, instead being more consistent with a post-RGB evolution. However, an accurate determination of the component masses is challenging. This is principally due to the uncertainty on the locus of the spectral lines generated by the irradiation of the companion's atmosphere by the hot primary (used to derive companion star's radial velocities), as well as the lack of radial velocities of the primary.

Luc Binette, Montserrat Villar Martín, Gladis Magris C., Mariela Martínez-Paredes, Alexandre Alarie, Alberto Rodríguez Ardila, Ilhuiyolitzin Villicaña-Pedraza

31 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables

Using published work on the Narrow Line Region of Active Nuclei, we make a comparison of the observed [O III] 4363A/5007A ratio observed among quasars, Seyfert 2's and spatially resolved NLR plasma. It is broadly accepted that the span of this ratio among quasars, from 0.015 to 0.2, is the result of collisional deexcitation as corroborated by Baskin and Laor (2005). However, the coincidence of the AGN at towards the lowest [O III] ratios, however, suggests that it represents plasma in the low density regime, where this ratio can be interpreted as the actual NLR temperature. Using the density indicator [Ar IV] {\lambda}4711A/{\lambda}4740A doublet ratio which was observed by Koski (1978) in Seyfert 2's, we found evidence of relatively low densities (< 10000/cc ). Even after considering a powerlaw distribution for the densities as well as a nonuniform foreground dust extinction, we find no evidence of collisional deexcitation. The mean NLR OIII temperature we infer for our Seyfert 2 sample is 13,500 K. This is a problem for photoionization models with a standard ionizing spectral energy distribution since they predict significantly lower temperatures.

George Bell

6 pages, 3 figures, presented at UKSEDS Student Space Symposium 2021 and approved for publication in the JBIS UKSEDS special edition

Irregular moons are a class of satellite found orbiting all of the Solar System's giant planets: as their orbits don't match those of their planets, they are theorised to have formed elsewhere in the Solar System and were subsequently captured into their observed orbits. Missions such as Cassini have contributed significant empirical data on irregular moons in the present day but this paper aims to develop our currently limited theoretical understanding of their origins and capture as it presents one of the first projects to connect moon capture with another feature common to all giant planets: ring systems. As a captured body gravitationally brakes around a ringed planet, it transfers orbital energy to the planetary system, a process which has been seen to leave distinctive signatures on the rings which may be used to constrain key parameters of this interaction, including the trajectory and timing. This paper presents a project which applies this technique to constrain scenarios for moon capture through conducting a series of computational simulations using the Python version of the astrophysical code REBOUND modelling the capture of the large irregular moon Phoebe by the planet Saturn and Phoebe's effect on Saturn's ring system. By helping to constrain scenarios for moon capture, this research will further our understanding of the moon systems of the giant planets while simulating the effects of a moon's interaction with a ring system will offer insight into the formation and evolution of planetary rings, whether within our own Solar System or orbiting exoplanets.

Oreste Pezzi, Pasquale Blasi, William H. Matthaeus

Submitted to "The Astrophysical Journal"

We discuss the phenomenon of energization of relativistic charged particles in three-dimensional (3D) incompressible MHD turbulence and the diffusive properties of the motion of the same particles. We show that the random electric field induced by turbulent plasma motion leads test particles, moving in a simulated box to be accelerated in a stochastic way, a second order Fermi process. A small fraction of these particles happen to be trapped in large scale structures, most likely formed due to the interaction of islands in the turbulence. Such particles get accelerated exponentially, provided their pitch angle satisfies some conditions. We discuss at length the characterization of the accelerating structure and the physical processes responsible for rapid acceleration. We also comment on the applicability of the results to realistic astrophysical turbulence.

We implement a Bayesian analysis of the properties of non-rotating hybrid stars at equilibrium with quark matter cores, as described by the $SU(3)$ Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model. The hadronic phase is described by a unified meta-modelling approach, with a prior parameter space covering the present uncertainties on nuclear matter properties with nucleonic degrees of freedom. The parameter space of the NJL model includes vector-isoscalar and vector-isovector couplings and additionnally, an effective bag constant for the quark pressure is introduced as a free parameter. The phase transition is assumed to be first order with charge neutral phases, following the Maxwell construction. Our Bayesian framework includes filters on the experimental and theoretical low-density nuclear physics knowledge (atomic masses, ab initio calculations of the EoS) and high density constraints from astrophysical observations (maximum mass of J0740+6620, binary tidal deformability of the GW170817 event). We find that microscopic vector interactions play an important role in quark matter in order to stiffen the equation of state sufficiently to reach high star masses, in agreement with previous studies. Even within a very large prior for both the hadronic and the quark phase and the important freedom brought by the effective bag constant, our posterior quark cores tend to be relatively small and only appear in very heavy stars ($M\gtrsim 2 M_\odot$). Coincidentally, the inclusion of the nucleon-quark transition (deconfinement transition) only weakly affects the radii of compact stars, foreshadowing a very low observability of a possible phase transition using X-ray radii measurements.

In the present work, we study the energization and displacement of heavy ions through the use of test particles interacting with the electromagnetic fields of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. These fields are obtained from pseudospectral direct numerical solutions (DNSs) of the compressible three-dimensional MHD equations with a strong background magnetic field. We find particle energization to be predominantly perpendicular as the ions become heavier (lower charge-to-mass ratio) and that high displacement is detrimental for perpendicular energization. On the other hand, perpendicular displacement is unaffected by the charge-to-mass ratio, which we explain with a simple guide center model. Using Voronoi tessellation along with this model, we analyze preferential concentration and find that particles behave as tracers in the perpendicular plane, clustering in regions with $\nabla_\perp\cdot\mathbf{u}_\perp < 0$. These regions also have $(\nabla\times\mathbf{E})_z < 0$, which is optimal for perpendicular energization, thus providing a mechanism to understand precedent results.

Xilu Wang, Adam M. Clark, John Ellis, Adrienne F. Ertel, Brian D. Fields, Brian J. Fry, Zhenghai Liu, Jesse A. Miller, Rebecca Surman

7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, comments welcome

244Pu has been discovered in deep-ocean deposits spanning the past 10 Myr, a period that includes two 60Fe pulses from nearby supernovae. 244Pu is among the heaviest $r$-process products, and we consider whether the 244Pu was created in the supernovae, which is disfavored by model calculations, or in an earlier kilonova that seeded 244Pu in the nearby interstellar medium, which was subsequently swept up by the supernova debris. We propose probing these possibilities by measuring other $r$-process radioisotopes such as 129I and 182Hf in deep-ocean deposits and in lunar regolith.

Manas Chakrabortty, Nayem Sk, Susmita Sanyal, Abhik Kumar Sanyal

21 pages, zero figures

We study early universe with a particular form of F(T) Telleparallel gravity theory, in which inflation is driven by a scalar field. To ensure slow rollover, two different potentials are chosen in a manner, such that they remain almost flat for large initial value of the scalar field. Inflationary parameters show wonderful fit with the presently available Planck's data set. The energy scale of inflation is sub-Planckian and graceful exit from inflation is also administered. The chosen form of F(T) administers late-time cosmic acceleration too. In the process, unification of the early inflation with late-time acceleration is ensured. Unfortunately, a decelerated radiation dominated era is only possible with a different form of (quartic) potential, which being devoid of a flat section does not admit slow rollover.

Sergey Troitsky

32 pages, 23 figures, 271 references. Invited review published in Physics Uspekhi in a special issue dedicated to the 50th anniversary of INR RAS

The existence of astrophysical neutrinos with energies of tens of TeV and higher has been reliably established by the IceCube experiment; the first confirmations of this discovery are being obtained with the ANTARES and Baikal-GVD facilities. The observational results do not fully agree with what was expected before the start of these experiments. The origin of these neutrinos has not been conclusively established, and simple theoretical models, popular for decades, cannot explain all observational data. This review summarizes the experimental results with emphasis on those important for constraining theoretical models, discusses various scenarios for the origin of high-energy neutrinos and briefly lists particualr classes of their potential astrophysical sources. It is demonstrated that the observational data may be explained if the flux of astrophysical neutrinos includes the contribution of extragalactic sources, dominating at the highest energies, and the Galactic component, significant only at neutrino energies <~100 TeV. Other possible scenarios are also discussed.

Rebecca Diesing, Alexa Bukowski, Noah Friedlander, Alex Miller, Stephan Meyer, Angela V. Olinto

12 pages, 5 figures, proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1909.02663

The second generation of the Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon (EUSO-SPB2) is a balloon instrument for the detection of ultra high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) with energies above 1 EeV and very high energy neutrinos with energies above 10 PeV. EUSO-SPB2 consists of two telescopes: a fluorescence telescope pointed downward for the detection of UHECRs and a Cherenkov telescope pointed towards the limb for the detection of tau lepton-induced showers produced by up-going tau neutrinos and background signals below the limb. Clouds inside the field of view of these telescopes reduce EUSO-SPB2's geometric aperture, in particular that of the fluorescence telescope. For this reason, cloud coverage and cloud-top altitude within the field of view of the fluorescence telescope must be monitored throughout data-taking. The University of Chicago Infrared Camera (UCIRC2) will monitor these clouds using two infrared cameras with response centered at wavelengths 10 and 12 microns. By capturing images at wavelengths spanning the cloud thermal emission peak, UCIRC2 will measure cloud color-temperatures and thus cloud-top altitudes. In this contribution, we provide an overview of UCIRC2, including an update on its construction and a discussion of the techniques used to calibrate the instrument.

Jake D. Turner, Laura Flagg, Andrew Ridden-Harper, Ray Jayawardhana

12 pages (main paper), 7 figures, 6 tables, 3 Appendices (16 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables), Accepted for publication in AJ (December 17, 2021). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2012.02211

Orbital dynamics provide valuable insights into the evolution and diversity of exoplanetary systems. Currently, only one hot Jupiter, WASP-12b, is confirmed to have a decaying orbit. Another, WASP-4b, exhibits hints of a changing orbital period that could be caused by orbital decay, apsidal precession, or the acceleration of the system towards the Earth. We have analyzed all data sectors from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite together with all radial velocity (RV) and transit data in the literature to characterize WASP-4b's orbit. Our analysis shows that the full RV data set is consistent with no acceleration towards the Earth. Instead, we find evidence of a possible additional planet in the WASP-4 system, with an orbital period of ~7000 days and $M_{c}sin(i)$ of $5.47^{+0.44}_{-0.43} M_{Jup}$. Additionally, we find that the transit timing variations of all of the WASP-4b transits cannot be explained by the second planet but can be explained with either a decaying orbit or apsidal precession, with a slight preference for orbital decay. Assuming the decay model is correct, we find an updated period of 1.338231587$\pm$0.000000022 days, a decay rate of -7.33$\pm$0.71 msec/year, and an orbital decay timescale of 15.77$\pm$1.57 Myr. If the observed decay results from tidal dissipation, we derive a modified tidal quality factor of $Q^{'}_{*}$ = 5.1$\pm$0.9$\times10^4$, which is an order of magnitude lower than values derived for other hot Jupiter systems. However, more observations are needed to determine conclusively the cause of WASP-4b's changing orbit and confirm the existence of an outer companion.

L. Sabin, V. Gómez-Llanos, C. Morisset, V. M. A. Gómez-González, M.A. Guerrero, H. Todt, X. Fang

19 pages, 11 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

After performing the morpho-kinematic analysis of the planetary nebula (PN) PC 22, we now present its nebular and stellar analysis. The plasma investigation relies on the novel use of a Monte Carlo analysis associated to the PyNeb code for the uncertainty propagation. The innermost region of the nebula shows electronic temperatures $T_{\rm e}$ $\approx$ 10,800~K using [NII] and $\approx$ 13,000 K using [OIII] and electronic densities $n_{\rm e}$ $\approx$ 600~cm$^{-3}$. We also used for the first time a Machine Learning Algorithm to calculate Ionisation Correction Factors (ICFs) specifically adapted to PC 22. This has allowed us to have pioneer ICFs for (S$^{+}$ + S$^{++}$)/O$^{++}$, Cl$^{++}$/O$^{++}$, and Ar$^{3+}$+Ar$^{4+}$, as well as a possible new determination for the total abundance of neon. The study of the stellar spectrum revealed the presence of broad emission lines consistent with a Wolf-Rayet-type [WR] classification and more precisely a [WO1]-subtype based on different qualitative and quantitative criteria. This classification is also coherent with the high stellar temperature derived from the reproduction of the ionization state of the gas with the Mexican Million Models database (3MdB) and the best fit model obtained with the NLTE model atmosphere code PoWR. PC 22 is therefore a new addition to the [WO1]-subtype PNe.

Alex Deibel, C. J. Horowitz, M. E. Caplan

9 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ

Type-Ia supernovae (SN Ia) are powerful stellar explosions that provide important distance indicators in cosmology. There is significant tension between values of the Hubble constant (expansion rate of the universe) determined from SN Ia and from other data. Recently, we proposed a new SN Ia mechanism that involves a nuclear fission chain reaction in an isolated white dwarf [PRL 126, 1311010]. We find the average mass of an exploding star decreases with increasing enrichment f_5 -- the fraction of uranium that is the isotope U-235. As a result, the average SN Ia luminosity decreases with increasing f_5. Furthermore, f_5 is likely higher in the host galaxies of SN Ia observed at large redshift $z$ because of younger galaxy ages. This change of f_5 leads to the evolution of SN Ia properties with redshift. If f_5 increases with redshift this results in an increased SN Ia rate, but a lower average SN Ia luminosity.

K. Kotorashvili, N.L. Shatashvili

15 pages of two-column text, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science, manuscript number ASTR-D-21-00328R1

We have shown the simultaneous generation of macro-scale fast flows and strong magnetic fields in the 2-temperature relativistic electron-ion plasmas of astrophysical objects due to Unified Reverse Dynamo/Dynamo mechanism. The resulting dynamical magnetic field amplification and/or flow acceleration is directly proportional to the initial turbulent kinetic/magnetic (magnetic) energy; the process is very sensitive to relativistically hot electron-ion fraction temperature and magneto-fluid coupling. It is shown, that for realistic physical parameters of White Dwarfs accreting hot astrophysical flow / Binary systems there always exists such a real solution of dispersion relation for which the formation of dispersive strong super-Alfv\'enic macro-scale flow/outflow with Alfv\'en Mach number $> 10^6$ and/or generation of super-strong magnetic fields is guaranteed.

Ekaterina Ilin, Katja Poppenhäger, Julián D. Alvarado-Gómez

6 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the 2021 XMM-Newton workshop "A high-energy view of exoplanets and their environments" accepted to Astronomische Nachrichten

Stars are uniform spheres, but only to first order. The way in which stellar rotation and magnetism break this symmetry places important observational constraints on stellar magnetic fields, and factors in the assessment of the impact of stellar activity on exoplanet atmospheres. The spatial distribution of flares on the solar surface is well known to be non-uniform, but elusive on other stars. We briefly review the techniques available to recover the loci of stellar flares, and highlight a new method that enables systematic flare localization directly from optical light curves. We provide an estimate of the number of flares we may be able to localize with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), and show that it is consistent with the results obtained from the first full sky scan of the mission. We suggest that non-uniform flare latitude distributions need to be taken into account in accurate assessments of exoplanet habitability.

Theo Khouri, Wouter Vlemmings, Daniel Tafoya, Andrés F. Pérez-Sánchez, Carmen Sánchez Contreras, José F. Gómez, Hiroshi Imai, Raghvendra Sahai

Published on Nature Astronomy on Dec 16, 2021: this https URL

One of the most poorly understood stellar evolutionary paths is that of binary systems undergoing common-envelope evolution, when the envelope of a giant star engulfs the orbit of a companion. Although this interaction leads to a great variety of astrophysical systems, direct empirical studies are difficult because few objects experiencing common-envelope evolution are known. We present ALMA observations towards sources known as water fountains that reveal they had low initial masses ($<4~{\rm M}_\odot$) and ejected a significant fraction of it over less than a few hundred years. The only mechanism able to explain such rapid mass ejection is common-envelope evolution. Our calculations show that the water-fountain sample accounts for a large fraction of the systems in our Galaxy which have just experienced the common-envelope phase. Since water-fountain sources show characteristic fast bipolar outflows, outflows and jets likely play an important role right before, during or immediately after the common-envelope phase.

In this work we consider the effects of gravitons and their fluctuations on the dynamics of two masses using the Feynman-Vernon influence functional formalism, applied to nonequilibrium quantum field theory and semiclassical stochastic gravity earlier by Calzetta, Hu and Verdaguer [1-3], and most recently, to this problem by Parikh, Wilczek and Zahariade [4-6]. The Hadamard function of the gravitons yields the noise kernel acting as a stochastic tensorial force in a Langevin equation governing the motion of the separation of the two masses. The fluctuations of the separation due to the graviton noise are then solved for various quantum states including the Minkowski vacuum, thermal, coherent and squeezed states. The previous considerations of Parikh et al. are only for some selected modes of the graviton, while in this work we have included all graviton modes and polarizations. We comment on the possibility of detecting these fluctuations in primordial gravitons using interferometors with long baselines in deep space experiments.

A massive particle decaying into neutrinos in the early Universe is known to be less constrained than if it was decaying into other standard model particles. However, even if the decay proceeds into neutrinos, the latter still inevitably emit secondary particles undergoing electromagnetic interactions that can be probed. We analyse in details how sensitive various cosmological probes are to such secondary particles, namely CMB anisotropies, CMB spectral distortions, and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. For relics whose lifetime is shorter than the age of the Universe, this leads to original and stringent bounds on the particle's lifetime as a function of its abundance and mass.

Melissa D. Diamond, David E. Kaplan, Surjeet Rajendran

16 pages, 3 figures

We describe the model-independent mechanism by which dark matter and dark matter structures heavier than $\sim 8\times 10^{11}$ GeV form binary pairs in the early Universe that spin down and merge both in the present and throughout the Universe's history, producing potentially observable signals. Sufficiently dense dark objects will dominantly collide through binary mergers instead of random collisions. We detail how one would estimate the merger rate accounting for finite size effects, multibody interactions, and friction with the thermal bath. We predict how mergers of dark dense objects could be detected through gravitational and electromagnetic signals, noting that such mergers could be a unique source of high frequency gravitational waves. We rule out objects whose presence would contradict observations of the CMB and diffuse gamma-rays.

Mateusz Cierniak, David Blaschke

8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table

The special point is a feature unique to models of hybrid neutron stars. It represents a location on their mass--radius sequences that is insensitive to the phase transition density. We consider hybrid neutron stars with a core of deconfined quark matter that obeys a constant--sound--speed (CSS) equation of state model and provide a fit formula for the coordinates of the special point as functions of the squared sound speed ($c_s^2$) and pressure scale ($A$) parameters. Using the special point mass as a proxy for the maximum mass of the hybrid stars we derive limits for the CSS model parameters based on the recent NICER constraint on mass and radius of pulsar PSR J0740+6620, $0.36 < {c^2_s}_{\rm min} < 0.43$ and $80<A [{\rm MeV/fm}^3]<160$. The upper limit for the maximum mass of hybrid stars depends on the upper limit for $c_s^2$ so that choosing $c^2_{s,max} = 0.6$ results in $M_{\rm max}<2.7~M_\odot$, within the mass range of GW190814.

Takumi Hayashi, Kohei Kamada, Naritaka Oshita, Jun'ichi Yokoyama

27 pages, 5 figures

We apply the Lorentzian path integral to the decay of a false vacuum and estimate the false-vacuum decay rate. To make the Lorentzian path integral convergent, the deformation of an integral contour is performed by following the Picard-Lefschetz theory. We show that the nucleation rate of a critical bubble, for which the corresponding bounce action is extremized, has the same exponent as the Euclidean approach. We also extend our computation to the nucleation of a bubble larger or smaller than the critical one to which the Euclidean formalism is not applicable.

Many molecular species can presumably still be observed in space if they are adequately characterized chemically. In this paper, we suggest that this could be the case of the neutral (C$_4$N$^0$) and anion (C$_4$N$^-$) cyanopropynylidene chains, which were not yet identified in space although both the neutral (C$_3$N$^0$ and C$_5$N$^0$) and anion (C$_3$N$^-$} and C$_5$N$^-$) neighboring members of the homologous series were observed. Extensive data obtained from quantum chemical calculations using density functional theory (DFT), coupled cluster (CC), and quadratic configuration interaction (QCI) methods for all charge and spin states of interest for space science (doublet and quartet neutrals, triplet and singlet anions, and singlet and triplet cations) are reported: e.g., bond metric and natural bond order data, enthalpies of formation, dissociation and reaction energies, spin gaps, rotational constants, vibrational properties, dipole and quadrupole momenta, electron attachment energies ($EA$) and ionization potentials ($IP$). The fact that (not only for C$_4$N but also for C$_2$N and C$_6$N) the quantum chemical methods utilized here are able to excellently reproduce the experimental $EA$ value -- which is often a challenge for theory -- is particularly encouraging, since this indicates that theoretical estimates of chemical reactivity indices (which are key input parameters for modeling astrochemical evolution) can be trusted. The presently calculated enthalpies of formation and dissociation energies do not substantiate any reason to assume that C$_4$N is absent in space. To further support this idea, we analyze potential chemical pathways of formation of both C$_4$N$^0$ and C$_4$N$^-$, which include association and exchange reactions.

Serdar Elhatisari, Timo A. Lähde, Dean Lee, Ulf-G. Meißner, Thomas Vonk

22 pages, 8 figures

We investigate the phase shifts of low-energy $\alpha$-$\alpha$ scattering under variations of the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model, namely the light quark mass, the electromagnetic fine-structure constant as well as the QCD $\theta$-angle. As a first step, we recalculate $\alpha$-$\alpha$ scattering in our Universe utilizing various improvements in the adiabatic projection method, which leads to an improved, parameter-free prediction of the S- and D-wave phase shifts for laboratory energies below 10~MeV. We find that positive shifts in the pion mass have a small effect on the S-wave phase shift, whereas lowering the pion mass tends to unbind the two-alpha system, limiting such variations to less than 7%. The effect on the D-wave phase shift turns out to be more pronounced as signaled by the D-wave resonance parameters. Variations of the fine-structure constant have almost no effect on the low-energy $\alpha$-$\alpha$ phase shifts. We further show that up-to-and-including next-to-leading order in the chiral expansion, variations of these phase shifts with respect to the QCD $\theta$-angle can be expressed in terms of the $\theta$-dependent pion mass.

T. Padmanabhan, Sumanta Chakraborty

Published Version; 12 pages; Prof. T. Padmanabhan has passed away on 17th September, 2021, while this paper was under review in a journal

In the paradigm of effective field theory, one hierarchically obtains the effective action $\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff}[q, \cdots]$ for some low(er) energy degrees of freedom $q$, by integrating out the high(er) energy degrees of freedom $\xi$, in a path integral, based on an action $\mathcal{A}[q,\xi, \cdots]$. We show how one can integrate out a vector field $v^a$ in an action $\mathcal{A}[\Gamma,v,\cdots ]$ and obtain an effective action $\mathcal{A}_{\rm eff}[\Gamma, \cdots]$ which, on variation with respect to the connection $\Gamma$, leads to the Einstein's field equations and a metric compatible with the connection. The derivation \textit{predicts} a non-zero, positive, \cc, which arises as an integration constant. The Euclidean action $\mathcal{A}[\Gamma,v, \cdots]$, has an interpretation as the heat density of null surfaces, when translated into the Lorentzian spacetime. The vector field $v^a$ can be interpreted as the Euclidean analogue of the microscopic degrees of freedom hosted by any null surface. Several implications of this approach are discussed.

E. K. J. Kilpua, S. W. Good, N. Dresing, R. Vainio, E. E. Davies, R. J. Forsyth, J. Gieseler, B. Lavraud, E. Asvestari, D. E. Morosan, J. Pomoell, D. J. Price, D. Heyner, T. S. Horbury, V. Angelini, H. O'Brien, V. Evans, J. Rodriguez-Pacheco, R. Gómez Herrero, G. C. Ho, R. Wimmer-Schweingruber

14 pages, 12 figures; published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Solar Orbiter First Results (Cruise Phase) special issue

Sheaths ahead of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large heliospheric structures that form with CME expansion and propagation. Turbulent and compressed sheaths contribute to the acceleration of particles in the corona and in interplanetary space, but the relation of their internal structures to particle energization is still relatively little studied. In particular, the role of sheaths in accelerating particles when the shock Mach number is low is a significant open problem. This work seeks to provide new insights on the internal structure of CME sheaths with regard to energetic particle enhancements. A good opportunity to achieve this aim was provided by observations of a sheath made by radially aligned spacecraft at 0.8 and $\sim$ 1 AU (Solar Orbiter, Wind, ACE and BepiColombo) on 19-21 April 2020. The sheath was preceded by a weak shock. Energetic ion enhancements occurred at different locations within the sheath structure at Solar Orbiter and L1. Magnetic fluctuation amplitudes at inertial-range scales increased in the sheath relative to the upstream wind. However, when normalised to the local mean field, fluctuation amplitudes did not increase significantly; magnetic compressibility of fluctuation also did not increase. Various substructures were embedded within the sheath at the different spacecraft, including multiple heliospheric current sheet (HCS) crossings and a small-scale flux rope. At L1, the ion flux enhancement was associated with the HCS crossings, while at Solar Orbiter, the enhancement occurred within the rope. Substructures that are swept from the upstream solar wind and compressed in the sheath can act as particularly effective acceleration sites. A possible acceleration mechanism is betatron acceleration associated with the small-scale flux rope and the warped HCS in the sheath.

Guo-yuan Huang, Sudip Jana, Manfred Lindner, Werner Rodejohann

31 pages + citations, 10 figures

We systematically investigate new physics scenarios that can modify the interactions between neutrinos and matter at upcoming tau neutrino telescopes, which will test neutrino-proton collisions with energies $ \gtrsim 45~{\rm TeV}$, and can provide unique insights to the elusive tau neutrino. At such high energy scales, the impact of parton distribution functions of second and third generations of quarks (usually suppressed) can be comparable to the contribution of first generation with small momentum fraction, hence making tau neutrino telescopes an excellent facility to probe new physics associated with second and third families. Among an inclusive set of particle physics models, we identify new physics scenarios at tree level that can give competitive contributions to the neutrino cross sections while staying within laboratory constraints: charged/neutral Higgs and leptoquarks. Our analysis is close to the actual experimental configurations of the telescopes, and we perform a $\chi^2$-analysis on the energy and angular distributions of the tau events. By numerically solving the propagation equations of neutrino and tau fluxes in matter, we obtain the sensitivities of representative upcoming tau neutrino telescopes, GRAND, POEMMA and Trinity, to the charged Higgs and leptoquark models. While each of the experiments can achieve a sensitivity better than the current collider reaches for certain models, their combination is remarkably complementary in probing the new physics. In particular, the new physics will affect the energy and angular distributions in different ways at those telescopes.

Niklas Becker, Laura Sagunski, Lukas Prinz, Saeed Rastgoo

16 pages, 10 figures. Code available online at this https URL

Inspirals of an Intermediate Mass Black Hole (IMBH) and a solar mass type object will be observable by space based gravitational wave detectors such as The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). A dark matter overdensity around an IMBH - a dark matter spike - can affect the orbital evolution of the system. We consider here such Intermediate Mass Ratio Inspirals on eccentric orbits, experiencing dynamical friction of the dark matter spike. We find that by including the phase space distribution of the dark matter, the dynamical friction tends to circularize the orbit, in contrast to previous inquiries. We derive a general condition for circularization or eccentrification for any given dissipative force. In addition to the dephasing, we suggest using the circularization rate as another probe of the dark matter spike. Observing these effects would be an indicator for the particle nature of dark matter.

Ariel Arza, Michael A. Fedderke, Peter W. Graham, Derek F. Jackson Kimball, Saarik Kalia

24 pages, 1 figure

We demonstrate that ultralight axion dark matter with a coupling to photons induces an oscillating global terrestrial magnetic field signal in the presence of the background geomagnetic field of the Earth. This signal is similar in structure to that of dark-photon dark matter that was recently pointed out and searched for in [arXiv:2106.00022] and [arXiv:2108.08852]. It has a global vectorial pattern fixed by the Earth's geomagnetic field, is temporally coherent on long time scales, and has a frequency set by the axion mass $m_a$. In this work, we both compute the detailed signal pattern, and undertake a search for this signal in magnetometer network data maintained by the SuperMAG Collaboration. Our analysis identifies no strong evidence for an axion dark-matter signal in the axion mass range $2\times10^{-18}\text{eV} \lesssim m_a \lesssim 7\times10^{-17}\text{eV}$. Assuming the axion is all of the dark matter, we place constraints on the axion-photon coupling $g_{a\gamma}$ in the same mass range; at their strongest, for masses $3\times 10^{-17}\text{eV} \lesssim m_a \lesssim 4\times 10^{-17}\text{eV}$, these constraints are comparable to those obtained by the CAST helioscope.