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Papers for Wednesday, Dec 22 2021

Papers with local authors

Yun-Hsin Hsu, Yen-Ting Lin, Song Huang, Dylan Nelson, Vicente Rodriguez-Gomez, Hsuan-Ting Lai, Jenny Greene, Alexie Leauthaud, Alfonso Aragón-Salamanca, Kevin Bundy, Eric Emsellem, Michael Merrifield, Surhud More, Nobuhiro Okabe, Yu Rong, Joel R. Brownstein, Richard R. Lane, Kaike Pan, Donald P. Schneider

33 pages, 27 figures, 5 tables; Submitted to ApJ

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Paper 11 — arXiv:2112.10805
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Paper 11 — arXiv:2112.10805

Although it is generally accepted that massive galaxies form in a two-phased fashion, beginning with a rapid mass buildup through intense starburst activities, followed by primarily dry mergers that mainly deposit stellar mass at outskirts, the late time stellar mass growth of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs), the most massive galaxies in the universe, is still not well understood. Several independent measurements have indicated a slower mass growth rate than predictions from theoretical models. We attempt to resolve the discrepancy by measuring the frequency of BCGs with multiple-cores, which serve as a proxy of the merger rates in the central region and facilitate a more direct comparison with theoretical predictions. Using 79 BCGs at $z=0.06-0.15$ with integral field spectroscopic (IFS) data from the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at APO (MaNGA) project, we obtain a multiple-core fraction of $0.11 \pm 0.04$ at $z\approx 0.1$ within a 18 kpc radius from the center, which is comparable to the value of $0.08 \pm 0.04$ derived from mock observations of 218 simulated BCGs from the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation IllustrisTNG. We find that most of cores that appear close to the BCGs from imaging data turn out to be physically associated systems. Anchoring on the similarity in the multiple-core frequency between the MaNGA and IllustrisTNG, we discuss the mass growth rate of BCGs over the past 4.5 Gyr.

Ya-Ping Li, Adam M. Dempsey, Hui Li, Shengtai Li, Jiaru Li

9 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJL

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Paper 21 — arXiv:2112.11057
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Paper 21 — arXiv:2112.11057

Binary black hole (BBH) mergers, particularly those with component masses in the pair-instability gap, may be produced by hierarchical mergers in the disks surrounding Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). While the interaction of an embedded BBH with an AGN disk is typically assumed to facilitate merger, recent high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations challenge this assumption. However, these simulations often have simplified treatments for the gas thermodynamics. In this work, we model the possible consequence of various feedback from an embedded BBH with a simple model that maintains an enhanced temperature profile around each binary component. We show that when the mini-disks around each BH become hotter than the background by a factor of three, the BBH orbital evolution switches from expansion to contraction. By analyzing the gravitational torque profile, we find that this change in direction is driven by a weakening of the mini-disk spirals and their positive torque on the binary. Our results highlight the important role of thermodynamics around BBHs and its effect on their orbital evolution, suggesting that AGN disks could be efficient factories for BBH mergers.

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Braden Garretson, Dan Milisavljevic, Jack Reynolds, Kathryn E. Weil, Bhagya Subrayan, John Banovetz, Rachel Lee

data available at this https URL

Here we present a catalog of 12,993 photometrically-classified supernova-like light curves from the Zwicky Transient Facility, along with candidate host galaxy associations. By training a random forest classifier on spectroscopically classified supernovae from the Bright Transient Survey, we achieve an accuracy of 80% across four supernova classes resulting in a final data set of 8208 Type Ia, 2080 Type II, 1985 Type Ib/c, and 720 SLSN. Our work represents a pathfinder effort to supply massive data sets of supernova light curves with value-added information that can be used to enable population-scale modeling of explosion parameters and investigate host galaxy environments.

Aniket Sanghi, Yifan Zhou, Brendan P. Bowler

Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 20 pages, 12 figures, 1 table

Accreting protoplanets provide key insights into how planets assemble from their natal protoplanetary disks. Recently, Zhou et al. (2021) used angular differential imaging (ADI) with Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 (HST/WFC3) to recover the young accreting planet PDS 70 b in F656N ($\mathrm{H}\alpha$) at a S/N of 7.9. In this paper, we demonstrate a promising approach to efficiently imaging accreting planets by applying reference star differential imaging (RDI) to the same dataset. We compile a reference library from the database of WFC3 point-spread functions (PSFs) provided by Space Telescope Science Institute and develop a set of morphology-significance criteria for pre-selection of reference frames to improve RDI subtraction. RDI with this PSF library results in a detection of PDS 70 b at a S/N of 5.3. Astrometry and photometry of PDS 70 b are calibrated using a forward-modeling method and injection-recovery tests, resulting in a separation of $186 \pm 13$ mas, a position angle of $142 \pm 5^\circ$, and an H$\alpha$ flux of $(1.7 \pm 0.3)\times10^{-15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$. The lower detection significance with RDI can be attributed to the $\sim$100 times lower peak-to-background ratios of the reference PSFs compared to the ADI PSFs. Building a high-quality reference library with WFC3 will provide unique opportunities to study accretion variability on short timescales not limited by roll angle scheduling constraints and efficiently search for actively accreting protoplanets in $\mathrm{H}\alpha$ around targets inaccessible to ground-based adaptive optics systems, such as faint transition disk hosts.

Ryo Sawada, Kazumi Kashiyama, Yudai Suwa

10 pages, 1 table, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ

Ultra-stripped supernovae (USSN) with a relatively low ejecta mass of $\sim0.1M_\odot$ (e.g., iPTF14gqr and SN2019dge) are considered to originate from ultra-stripped carbon-oxygen (CO) cores in close binary systems and are likely to be progenitors of binary neutron stars (BNSs). Here we conduct long-term simulations of USSNe from ultra-stripped progenitors with various masses ($1.45\,M_\odot \leq M_\mathrm{CO} \leq 2.0\,M_\odot$) based on results of neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics simulations, and consistently calculate the nucleosynthesis and the SN light curves. We find that a USSN from a more massive progenitor has a larger ejecta mass but a smaller $^{56}$Ni mass mainly due to the fallback, which leads to the light curve being dimmer and slower. By comparing the synthetic light curves with the observed ones, we show that SN2019dge can be solely powered by $^{56}$Ni synthesized during the explosion of a progenitor with $M_\mathrm{CO} \lesssim 1.6\,M_\odot$ while iPTF14gqr cannot be explained by the $^{56}$Ni powered model; $\sim 0.05M_\odot$ of $^{56}$Ni inferred from the light curve fitting is argued to be difficult to synthesize for ultra-stripped progenitors. We consider fallback accretion onto and rotation-powered relativistic wind from the newborn NS as alternative energy sources and show that iPTF14gqr could be powered by a newborn NS with a magnetic field of $B_p \sim 10^{15}\,\mathrm{G}$ and an initial rotation period of $P_i \sim 0.1\,\mathrm{s}$.

Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Feige Wang, Giorgio Lanzuisi, Riccardo Nanni, Massimo Cappi, George Chartas, Mauro Dadina, Roberto Decarli, Xiangyu Jin, Charles R. Keeton, Bram P. Venemans, Fabian Walter, Ran Wang, Xue-Bing Wu, Minghao Yue, Ann Zabludoff

8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table; Accepted for publication in ApJL

We report X-ray observations of the most distant known gravitationally lensed quasar, J0439+1634 at $z=6.52$, which is also a broad absorption line (BAL) quasar, using the XMM-Newton Observatory. With a 130 ks exposure, the quasar is significantly detected as a point source at the optical position with a total of 358$^{+19}_{-19}$ net counts using the EPIC instrument. By fitting a power-law plus Galactic absorption model to the observed spectra, we obtain a spectral slope of $\Gamma=1.45^{+0.10}_{-0.09}$. The derived optical-to-X-ray spectral slope $\alpha_{\rm{ox}}$ is $-2.07^{+0.01}_{-0.01}$, suggesting that the X-ray emission of J0439+1634 is weaker by a factor of 18 than the expectation based on its 2500 Angstrom luminosity and the average $\alpha_{\rm{ox}}$ vs. luminosity relationship. This is the first time that an X-ray weak BAL quasar at $z>6$ has been observed spectroscopically. Its X-ray weakness is consistent with the properties of BAL quasars at lower redshift. By fitting a model including an intrinsic absorption component, we obtain intrinsic column densities of $N_{\rm{H}}=2.8^{+0.7}_{-0.6}\times10^{23}\,\rm{cm}^{-2}$ and $N_{\rm{H}}= 4.3^{+1.8}_{-1.5}\times10^{23}\,\rm{cm}^{-2}$, assuming a fixed $\Gamma$ of 1.9 and a free $\Gamma$, respectively. The intrinsic rest-frame 2--10 keV luminosity is derived as $(9.4-15.1)\times10^{43}\,\rm{erg\,s}^{-1}$, after correcting for lensing magnification ($\mu=51.3$). The absorbed power-law model fitting indicates that J0439+1634 is the highest redshift obscured quasar with a direct measurement of the absorbing column density. The intrinsic high column density absorption can reduce the X-ray luminosity by a factor of $3-7$, which also indicates that this quasar could be a candidate of intrinsically X-ray weak quasar.

Jakob Stegmann, Fabio Antonini, Maxwell Moe

21 pages, 11 Figures, 3 Tables; submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome!

Most back hole and neutron star progenitors are found in triples or higher multiplicity systems. Here, we present a new triple stellar evolution code, ${\tt TSE}$, which simultaneously takes into account the physics of the stars and their gravitational interaction. ${\tt TSE}$ is used to simulate the evolution of massive stellar triples in the galactic field from the zero-age-main-sequence until they form compact objects. To this end, we implement initial conditions that incorporate the observed high correlation between the orbital parameters of early-type stars. We show that the interaction with a tertiary companion can significantly impact the evolution of the inner binary. High eccentricities can be induced by the third-body dynamical effects, leading to a Roche lobe overflow or even to a stellar merger from initial binary separations $~10^3$ - $10^5\,\rm R_\odot$. In $\sim5\,\%$ of the systems the tertiary companion itself fills its Roche lobe, while $\sim 10\,\%$ of all systems become dynamically unstable. We find that between $0.3\%$ and $5\%$ of systems form a stable triple with an inner compact object binary, where the exact fraction depends on metallicity and the natal kick prescription. The vast majority of these triples are binary black holes with black hole companions. We find no binary neutron star in any surviving triple, unless zero natal kicks are assumed. About half of all black hole binaries formed in our models are in triples, where in the majority the tertiary black hole is able to perturb their long-term evolution. Our results show that triple interactions are key to a full understanding of massive star evolution and compact object binary formation.

Pavel Kroupa (Bonn, Prague), Tereza Jerabkova (ESTEC)

LaTex, 62 pages, 8 figures. This is Chapter 2 in the book "Star-formation Rates of Galaxies", edited by Veronique Buat and Andreas Zezas, published in April 2021 by Cambridge University Press [ISBN: 9781107184169]. This arXiv version contains additional material in Sec. 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.7.1

The measured star-formation rates (SFRs) of galaxies comprise an important constraint on galaxy evolution and also on their cosmological boundary conditions. Any available tracer of the SFR depends on the shape of the mass-distribution of formed stars, i.e. on the stellar initial mass function (IMF). The luminous massive stars dominate the observed photon flux while the dim low-mass stars dominate the mass in the freshly formed population. Errors in the number ratio of the massive to low-mass stars lead to errors in SFR measurements and thus to errors concerning the gas-accretion-rates and the gas-consumption time-scales of galaxies. The stellar IMF has traditionally been interpreted to be a scale-invariant probability density distribution function (PDF), but it may instead be an optimal distribution function. In the PDF interpretation, the stellar IMF observed on the stales of individual star clusters is equal to the galaxy-wide IMF (gwIMF) which, by implication, would be invariant. In this Chapter we discuss the fundamental properties of the IMF and of the gwIMF, the nature of both and their systematic variability as indicated by measurements and theoretical expectations, and we discuss the implications for the SFRs of galaxies and their main sequence. The importance of the putative most-massive-star-mass vs stellar-mass-of-the-hosting-embedded-cluster (mmax-Mecl) relation and its possible establishment during the proto-stellar formation phase, is emphasised.

R. Lucchesi, C. Lardo, P. Jablonka, F. Sestito, L. Mashonkina, A. Arentsen, W. Suter, K. Venn, N. Martin, E. Starkenburg, D. Aguado, V. Hill, G. Kordopatis, J. F. Navarro, J. I. González Hernández, K. Malhan, Z. Yuan

18 pages, 11 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a one-dimensional, local thermodynamic equilibrium (1D-LTE) homogeneous analysis of 132 stars observed at high-resolution with ESPaDOnS. This represents the largest sample observed at high resolution (R$\sim$40,000) from the Pristine survey. This sample is based on the first version of the Pristine catalog and covers the full range of metallicities from [Fe/H]$\sim -3$ to $\sim +0.25$, with nearly half of our sample (58 stars) composed of very metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] $\le$ $-$2). This wide range of metallicities provides the opportunity of a new detailed study of the Milky Way stellar population. Because it includes both dwarf and giant stars, it also enables the analysis of any potential bias induced by the Pristine selection process. Based on Gaia EDR3, the orbital analysis of this Pristine$-$Espadons sample shows that it is composed of 65 halo stars and 67 disc stars. After a general assessment of the sample chemical properties with the $\alpha$-elements Mg and Ca, we focus on the abundance of carbon and the neutron capture elements Ba and Sr. While most of our very metal-poor subsample is carbon normal, we also find that 14 stars out of the 38 stars with [Fe/H] $\leq$ $-$2 and measured carbon abundances turn out to be carbon enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars. We show that these CEMP stars are nearly exclusively (i.e. 12 stars out of 14) in the regime of low luminosity, unevolved, dwarf stars, which we interpret as the consequence of bias of the Pristine filter against C-rich giants. Among the very metal-poor (VMP) stars, we identify 2 CEMP stars with no enhancement in neutron-capture process elements (CEMP-no) and another one enriched in s-process element (CEMP-s). Finally, one VMP star is found with a very low [Sr/Fe] abundance ratio for its metallicity, as expected if it had been accreted from an ultra-faint dwarf galaxy.

Akash Kumar Saha, Ranjan Laha

v1: 14 pages, 9 figures. Comments and suggestions welcome

Detection of the global 21 cm signal arising from neutral hydrogen can revolutionize our understanding of the standard evolution of the universe after recombination. In addition, it can also be an excellent probe of Dark Matter (DM). Among all the DM candidates, Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) are one of the most well-motivated. Hawking emission from low-mass PBHs can have substantial effect on the thermal and ionization history of the early universe, and that in turn can have an imprint on the global 21 cm signal. Recently EDGES has claimed a global 21 cm signal, though SARAS 3 has rejected that claim. In this work, we investigate the sensitivities on non-spinning and spinning PBHs arising from an EDGES-like measurement of the global 21 cm signal, and find that the sensitivities will be competitive with those arising from other astrophysical observables. We show that the sensitivities can be significantly strengthened depending on various uncertain astrophysical parameters. Besides, we also derive projections on the PBH density from the absorption trough expected during the Dark Ages. Our work shows that the near future unambiguous detection of the global 21 cm absorption troughs can be an excellent probe of PBH DM.

Lewis R. Prole, Paul C. Clark, Ralf S. Klessen, Simon C. O. Glover

Accepted in MNRAS

The Population III initial mass function (IMF) is currently unknown, but recent studies agree that fragmentation of primordial gas gives a broader IMF than the initially suggested singular star per halo. In this study we introduce sink particle mergers into Arepo, to perform the first resolution study for primordial star formation simulations and present the first Population III simulations to run up to densities of 10-6g cm-3 for hundreds of years after the formation of sink particles. The total number of sinks formed increases with increasing sink particle creation density, without achieving numerical convergence. The total mass in sinks remains invariant to the maximum resolution and is safe to estimate using low resolution studies. This results in an IMF that shifts towards lower masses with increasing resolution. Greater numbers of sinks cause increased fragmentation-induced starvation of the most massive sink, yielding lower accretion rates, masses and ionising photons emitted per second. The lack of convergence up to densities 2 orders of magnitudes higher than all relevant chemical reactions suggests that the number of sinks will continue to grow with increasing resolution until H2 is fully dissociated and the collapse becomes almost adiabatic at 10-4g cm-3. These results imply that many Population III studies utilising sink particles have produced IMFs which have overestimated the masses of primordial stars, and underestimated the number of stars formed. In the highest resolution runs, sinks with masses capable of surviving until the present day had an ejection fraction of 0.21.

Karamveer Kaur, Nicholas C. Stone

Submitted for publication to MNRAS; comments are welcome

Dynamical friction is often modeled with reasonable accuracy by the widely used Chandrasekhar formula. However, in some circumstances, Chandrasekhar's local and uniform approximations can break down severely. An astrophysically important example is the "core stalling" phenomenon seen in N-body simulations of massive perturber inspiralling into the near-harmonic potential of a stellar system's constant-density core (and possibly also in direct observations of dwarf galaxies with globular clusters). In this paper we use the linearized collisionless Boltzmann equation to calculate the global response of a cored galaxy to the presence of a massive perturber. We evaluate the density deformation, or wake, due to the perturber and study its geometrical structure to better understand the phenomenon of core stalling. We also evaluate the dynamical friction torque acting on perturber from the Lynden-Bell--Kalnajs (LBK) formula. In agreement with past work, we find that the dynamical friction force arising from corotating resonances is greatly weakened, relative to the Chandrasekhar formula, inside a constant density core. In contrast to past work, however, we find that a population of previously neglected high-order and non-corotating resonances sustain a minimum level of frictional torque at ~10 % of the torque from Chandrasekhar formula. This suggests that complete core stalling likely requires phenomena beyond the LBK approach; we discuss several possible explanations. Additionally, to study core stalling for multiple perturbers, we investigate approximate secular dynamical interactions (akin to Lidov-Kozai dynamics) between two perturbers orbiting a cored stellar system and derive a criterion for instability arising due to their close encounters.

C. Lejoly (1), W. Harris (1), N. Samarasinha (2), B. E. A. Mueller (2), E. Howell (1), J. Bodnarik (1), A. Springmann (1), T. Kareta (1), B. Sharkey (1), J. Noonan (1), L. R. Bedin (3), J.-G. Bosch (4), A. Brosio (5), E. Bryssinck (6 and 7 and 8), J.-B. de Vanssay (4), F.-J. Hambsch (9, 7), O. Ivanova (10, 11, 12), V. Krushinsky (13), Z.-Y. Lin (14), F. Manzini (15), A. Maury (4), N. Moriya (16), P. Ochner (17, 3), V. Oldani (15) ((1) Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, (2) Planetary Science Institute, (3) INAF, (4) SpaceObs, (5) L'Osservatorio Astronomico di Savelli, (6) CARA-Consortium, (7) Vereniging Voor Sterrenkunde (VVS), (8) BAA, The British Astronomical Association, (9) American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), (10) Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, (11) Main Astronomical Observatory of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, (12) Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, (13) Laboratory of Astrochemical Research, (14) National Central University, (15) Station Astronomica di Sozzago, (16) siOnet Ltd, (17) University of Padova)

21 pages, 13 figures, to be published in the Planetary Science Journal

There was an unprecedented opportunity to study the inner dust coma environment, where the dust and gas are not entirely decoupled, of comets 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdu\u{s}\'akov\'a (45P/HMP) from Dec. 26, 2016 - Mar. 15, 2017, and 46P/Wirtanen from Nov. 10, 2018 - Feb. 13, 2019, both in visible wavelengths. The radial profile slopes of these comets were measured in the R and HB-BC filters most representative of dust, and deviations from a radially expanding coma were identified as significant. The azimuthally averaged radial profile slope of comet 45P/HMP gradually changes from -1.81 $\pm$ 0.20 at 5.24 days pre-perihelion to -0.35 $\pm$ 0.16 at 74.41 days post perihelion. Contrastingly, the radial profile slope of 46P/Wirtanen stays fairly constant over the observed time period at -1.05 $\pm$ 0.05. Additionally, we find that the radial profile of 46P/Wirtanen is azimuthally dependent on the skyplane-projected solar position angle, while that of 45P/HMP is not. These results suggest that comet 45P/HMP and 46P/Wirtanen have vastly different coma dust environments and that their dust properties are distinct. As evident from these two comets, well-resolved inner comae are vital for detailed characterization of dust environments.

Instead of parameterizing the pressure-density relation of a neutron star (NS), one can parameterize its macroscopic properties such as mass ($M$), radius ($R$), and dimensionless tidal deformability ($\Lambda$) to infer the equation of state (EoS) combining electromagnetic and gravitational wave (GW) observations. We present a new method to parameterize $R(M)$ and $\Lambda(M)$ relations, which approximate the candidate EoSs with accuracy better than 5\% for all masses and span a broad region of $M-R-\Lambda$ plane. Using this method we combine the $M-\Lambda$ measurement from GW170817 and GW190425, and simultaneous $M-R$ measurement of PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620 to place joint constraints on NS properties. At 90 \% confidence, we infer $R_{1.4}=12.05_{-0.87}^{+0.98}$ km and $\Lambda_{1.4}=372_{-150}^{+220}$ for a $1.4 M_{\odot}$ NS, and $R_{2.08}=12.65_{-1.46}^{+1.36}$ km for a $2.08 M_{\odot}$ NS. Furthermore, we use the inferred values of the maximum mass of a nonrotating NS $M_{\rm max}=2.52_{-0.29}^{+0.33} M_{\odot}$ to investigate the nature of the secondary objects in three potential neutron star-black hole merger (NSBH) system.

M. Reggiani, A. Rainot, H. Sana, L. A. Almeida, S. Caballero-Nieves, K. Kratter, S. Lacour, J.-B. LeBouquin, H. Zinnecker

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 14 pages, 12 figures

Almost all massive stars are part of a binary system. Given the wide range of separations at which these companions are found, several observational techniques have been adopted to characterize them, but contrasts greater than 4 in the H-band have never been reached between 0".1 and 1". We used VLT/SPHERE to observe simultaneously with the IRDIS and IFS sub-systems 18 O-type stars within 6 kpc and ages between 1-5 Myrs to probe the existence of stellar companions in the angular separation range from 0".15 to 6" down to very low mass ratios. The IFS YJH- band observations have allowed us to probe the presence of sub-solar companions in a 1".7x1".7 field-of-view down to magnitude limits of deltaH=10 at 0".4. In the wider 12"x12" IRDIS field-of-view, we reached contrasts of deltaK=12 at 1", enabling us to look for even fainter companions. This paper presents five newly discovered intermediate (<1") separation companions, three of which are smaller than 0.2M_sun. If confirmed by future analyses of proper motions, these new detections represent the lowest-mass companions ever found around O-type stars. Assuming that all sources detected within 1" are physically bound, the observed fraction of companions for O-type stars between 0".15 and 0".9 is 0.39+/-0.15, whereas it increases to 1.6+/-0.3 in the separation range from 0".9 to 6". These findings clearly support the notion that massive stars form almost exclusively in multiple systems, and that larger AO-assisted coronagraphic surveys are crucial in placing constraints on the multiplicity properties of massive star companions in regions of the parameter space that have previously gone unexplored, and demonstrate that the companion mass function is populated down to the lowest stellar masses.

Tony Zhang, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Risa H. Wechsler, Shadab Alam, Joseph DeRose, Yu Feng, Francisco-Shu Kitaura, Marcos Pellejero-Ibanez, Sergio Rodríguez-Torres, Chun-Hao To, Gustavo Yepes, Cheng Zhao

9 pages, 7 figures

Cosmological $N$-body simulations provide numerical predictions of the structure of the universe against which to compare data from ongoing and future surveys. The growing volume of the surveyed universe, however, requires increasingly large simulations. It was recently proposed to reduce the variance in simulations by adopting fixed-amplitude initial conditions. This method has been demonstrated not to introduce bias in various statistics, including the two-point statistics of galaxy samples typically used for extracting cosmological parameters from galaxy redshift survey data. However, we must revisit current methods for estimating covariance matrices for these simulations to be sure that we can properly use them. In this work, we find that it is not trivial to construct the covariance matrix analytically, but we demonstrate that EZmock, the most efficient method for constructing mock catalogues with accurate two- and three-point statistics, provides reasonable covariance matrix estimates for variance-suppressed simulations. We further investigate the behavior of the variance suppression by varying galaxy bias, three-point statistics, and small-scale clustering.

The atmosphere of Venus remains mysterious, with many outstanding chemical connundra. These include: the unexpected presence of ~10 ppm O2 in the cloud layers; an unknown composition of large particles in the lower cloud layers; and hard to explain measured vertical abundance profiles of SO2 and H2O. We propose a new hypothesis for the chemistry in the clouds that largely addresses all of the above anomalies. We include ammonia (NH3), a key component that has been tentatively detected both by the Venera 8 and Pioneer Venus probes. NH3 dissolves in some of the sulfuric acid cloud droplets, effectively neutralizing the acid and trapping dissolved SO2 as ammonium sulfite salts. This trapping of SO2 in the clouds together with the release of SO2 below the clouds as the droplets settle out to higher temperatures, explains the vertical SO2 abundance anomaly. A consequence of the presence of NH3 is that some Venus cloud droplets must be semi-solid ammonium salt slurries, with a pH~1, which matches Earth acidophile environments, rather than concentrated sulfuric acid. The source of NH3 is unknown, but could involve biological production; if so, then the most energy-efficient NH3-producing reaction also creates O2, explaining the detection of O2 in the cloud layers. Our model therefore predicts that the clouds are more habitable than previously thought, and may be inhabited. Unlike prior atmospheric models, ours does not require forced chemical constraints to match the data. Our hypothesis, guided by existing observations, can be tested by new Venus in situ measurements.

Richard Easther, Benedict Bahr-Kalus, David Parkinson

5 pages; 5 figures

Inflationary cosmology proposes that the early Universe undergoes accelerated expansion, driven, in simple scenarios, by a single scalar field, or inflaton. The form of the inflaton potential determines the initial spectra of density perturbations and gravitational waves. We show that constraints on the duration of inflation together with the BICEP3/Keck bounds on the gravitational wave background imply that higher derivatives of the potential are nontrivial with a confidence of 99%. Such terms contribute to the scale-dependence, or running, of the density perturbation spectrum. We clarify the "equivalence classes" of inflationary models in this limit, showing that models with a very small gravitational wave background typically have a larger running and that if this background is not observed by pending experiments the running could be at the threshold of detectability. Correlated expectations for the running and gravitational wave background provide an new avenue by which future observations may yield insight into possible inflationary mechanisms.

We consider a situation in which a brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) moves in ambient hot gas in the central region of a cool core cluster of galaxies, following the study by Inoue (2014, PASJ, 66, 60). In the rest frame of the BCG, the hot gas is supposed to flow toward the BCG in parallel from a sufficiently large distance. Then, it is expected that only the gas flowing with the impact parameter less than a critical value is trapped by the gravitation field of the BCG because of the efficient radiative cooling, getting a cooling flow, and that the remaining outer gas can get over the potential well. In such a circumstance, we can draw the following picture: A boundary layer between the out-flowing gas and the trapped gas arises around the stagnation point at the back side of the BCG. Since the boundary temperature is so low as to be X-ray dim, the boundary could be observed as the cold front in X-rays. The trapped gas once stagnates on the inner side of the boundary and starts in-falling toward the BCG. Since the wandering motion of the BCG is likely to have a rotational component, the Coriolis force induces a rotational motion in the in-falling flow from the stagnation place to the BCG, forming a spiral structure around the BCG. The spiraling flow turns the BCG on the up stream side of the main flow from the far outside, and arises another boundary layer having contact discontinuity with the main hot gas flow. These pictures well reproduce the observed features such as cool cores, cold fronts, and spiral structures. It can also be resolved how the cooling flow is suppressed from what the cooling flow hypothesis predicts, without any heating mechanism.

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are coherent powerful radio transients with cosmological origins. The detected galactic FRB reveals that magnetars can generate FRBs, however the mechanism still remains enigmatic. Characteristics of FRBs are limited to observable quantities such as luminosity, duration, spectrum and repetition etc. Due to the uncertainties of triggering mechanisms and source sites within or out of magnetospheres of neutron stars, status of FRBs close to their sources are unknown. As an extreme astronomical event, FRBs could accompany with energy-comparable or even more powerful x/-ray counterparts. Here, we study the interaction of ultrastrong radio pulses in GHz and high-energy photons in GeV. Particle-in-cell simulations show that at the field-strength of about 3*10^12V/cm, quantum cascade effects can generate dense pair plasmas and the radio pulses are significantly depleted. Therefore, GHz radio pulses of stronger than 3*10^12V/cm is difficult to escape from emitters if accompanying with GeV photons. This process could afford a limit to the FRB field strength nearby sources. Investigation on the toleration of >10^12V/cm radio waves for potential plasma/beam emitters in neutron-star scenerios should be helpful to distinguish the precise mechanism of FRBs.

Zhe-Yu Daniel Lin, Zhi-Yun Li, Haifeng Yang, Ian Stephens, Leslie Looney, Rachel Harrison, Manuel Fernández-López

23 pages, 16 figures, to be submitted to MNRAS

Telescopes are now able to resolve dust polarization across circumstellar disks at multiple wavelengths, allowing the study of the polarization spectrum. Most disks show clear evidence of dust scattering through their uni-directional polarization pattern typically at the shorter wavelength of $\sim 870 \mu$m. However, certain disks show an elliptical pattern at $\sim 3$mm, which is likely due to aligned grains. With HL Tau, its polarization pattern at $\sim 1.3$mm shows a transition between the two patterns making it the first example to reveal such transition. We use the T-matrix method to model elongated dust grains and properly treat scattering of aligned non-spherical grains with a plane-parallel slab model. We demonstrate that a change in optical depth can naturally explain the polarization transition of HL Tau. At low optical depths, the thermal polarization dominates, while at high optical depths, dichroic extinction effectively takes out the thermal polarization and scattering polarization dominates. Motivated by results from the plane-parallel slab, we develop a simple technique to disentangle thermal polarization of the aligned grains $T_{0}$ and polarization due to scattering $S$ using the azimuthal variation of the polarization fraction. We find that, with increasing wavelength, the fractional polarization spectrum of the scattering component $S$ decreases, while the thermal component $T_{0}$ increases, which is expected since the optical depth decreases. We find several other sources similar to HL Tau that can be explained by azimuthally aligned scattering prolate grains when including optical depth effects. In addition, we explore how spirally aligned grains with scattering can appear in polarization images.

Pierre Auclair, Konstantin Leyde, Danièle A. Steer

Particle emission and gravitational radiation from cosmic string loops affect the resulting loop distribution, and hence the corresponding observational consequences of cosmic strings. Here we focus on models in which loops of all sizes are produced from the infinite string network with a given power-law (the Polchinski-Rocha loop production function). We find that, due to particle production, the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background (SGWB) is cut off at frequencies larger than any current or planned GW experiment, meaning that present constraints from the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (LVK) collaboration still hold. However, if a fraction $\gtrsim \mathcal{O}(10^{-3})$ of these particles cascades into $\gamma$-rays, and if the gravitational backreaction scale follows the Polchinski-Rocha model, then the string tension is tightly constrained from below by measurements of the Diffuse $\gamma$-Ray Background, and from above by the SGWB. With reasonable assumptions, the joint constraint on the string tension set by these two possible observables reduces the available parameter space to a narrow band. Future upgrades to LVK will either rule out this model or detect strings.

Hamish Innes, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Sub-Neptunes (planets with radii between 2 and 4 R$_{\oplus}$) are abundant around M-dwarf stars, yet the atmospheric dynamics of these planets is relatively unexplored. In this paper, we aim to provide a basic underpinning of the dry dynamics of general low mean molecular weight, temperate sub-Neptune atmospheres. We use the ExoFMS GCM with an idealised grey gas radiation scheme to simulate planetary atmospheres with different levels of instellation and rotation rates, using the atmosphere of K2-18b as our control. We find that the atmospheres of tidally-locked, temperate sub-Neptunes have weak horizontal temperature gradients owing to their slow rotation rates and hydrogen-dominated composition. The zonal wind structure is dominated by high-latitude cyclostrophic jets driven by the conservation of angular momentum. At low pressures we observe superrotating equatorial jets, which we propose are driven by a Rossby-Kelvin instability similar to the type seen in simulations of idealised atmospheres with axisymmetric forcing. By viewing the flow in tidally-locked coordinates, we find the predominant overturning circulation to be between the dayside and nightside, and we derive scaling relations linking the tidally-locked streamfunction and vertical velocities to instellation. Comparing our results to the only other GCM study of K2-18b, we find significant qualitative differences in dynamics, highlighting the need for further collaboration and investigation into effects of different dynamical cores and physical parameterizations. This paper provides a baseline for studying the dry dynamics of temperate sub-Neptunes, which will be built on in part II with the introduction of moist effects.

Lucia F. de la Bella, Adam Amara, Simon Birrer, William G. Hartley, Philipp Sudek

6 pages, 3 figures

The open-data revolution in astronomy is forcing the community to develop sophisticated analysis methods that heavily rely on realistic simulations. The phenomenology of the evolution of galaxy demographics can be described by a set of continuity equations invoking two quenching mechanisms: mass quenching and satellite quenching. The combination of these two mechanisms produces a double Schechter function for the quiescent population, as is observed in the low-redshift universe. In this paper we consider these quenching mechanisms, explicitly including satellite galaxies, and add the exact time evolution of the star-forming population. These new features complete the current versions of these continuity equations, and are essential for the realistic simulations required in modern extra-galactic astrophysics. We derive the analytical relation between the quiescent and the active populations, reducing considerably the parameter space for the simulation. In addition, we derive the analytical time dependence of the amplitude of the Schechter function. Finally, we validate our results against the SDSS DR7 galaxy sample. The model will be implemented in the SkyPy library and the main plots sonified using STRAUSS.

G. Osteria, J. Adams, M. Battisti, A. Belov, M. Bertaina, F. Bisconti, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, R. Caruso, M. Casolino, M. Christi, T. Ebisuzaki, J. Eser, F. Fenu, G. Filippatos, C. Fornaro, F. Guarino, P. Klimov, V. Kungel, S. Mackovjak, M. Mese, M. Miller, H. Miyamoto, A. Olinto, Y. Onel, E. Parizot, M. Pech, F. Perfetto, L. Piotrowski, G. Prevot, P. Reardon, M. Ricci, F. Sarazin, V. Scotti, K. Shinozaki, P. Shovanec, J. Szabelski, Y. Takizawa, L. Valore, L. Wiencke (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)

ICRC 2021

The Fluorescence Telescope is one of the two telescopes on board the Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon II (EUSO-SPB2). EUSO-SPB2 is an ultra-long-duration balloon mission that aims at the detection of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) via the fluorescence technique (using a Fluorescence Telescope) and of Ultra High Energy (UHE) neutrinos via Cherenkov emission (using a Cherenkov Telescope). The mission is planned to fly in 2023 and is a precursor of the Probe of Extreme Multi-Messenger Astrophysics (POEMMA). The Fluorescence Telescope is a second generation instrument preceded by the telescopes flown on the EUSO-Balloon and EUSO-SPB1 missions. It features Schmidt optics and has a 1-meter diameter aperture. The focal surface of the telescope is equipped with a 6912-pixel Multi Anode Photo Multipliers (MAPMT) camera covering a 37.4 x 11.4 degree Field of Regard. Such a big Field of Regard, together with a flight target duration of up to 100 days, would allow, for the first time from suborbital altitudes, detection of UHECR fluorescence tracks. This contribution will provide an overview of the instrument including the current status of the telescope development.

Anna Balaudo, Francesca Calore, Valentina De Romeri, Fiorenza Donato

19 pages, 20 figures

Cosmological simulations predict dark matter to form bound structures (i.e. main halos), hosting galaxies and eventually a population of less massive dark matter over-densities, (i.e. sub-halos). The determination of the spatial dark matter distribution in halos and sub-halos is one major challenge in the analysis of galaxy formation simulations, and usually relies on halo finder algorithms coupled with approximated analytical density profiles. Such determination is crucial for deriving, among others, dark matter signatures in astroparticle observables, e.g. the flux of gamma-ray photons from dark matter particle annihilation. We present here the "Halo Accurate Density Evaluation System" (HADES) a novel numerical tool to reconstruct the dark matter density locally at any point in the simulation volume with high accuracy. We run thorough tests of the code performances on dedicated mock realisations of halos starting from analytical dark matter profile distributions. We show that on mock halos HADES can recover the dark matter density with a few $\%$ accuracy, resolving efficiently all sub-structures containing down to 1000 particles and providing conservative estimates for smaller sub-halos. We illustrate how HADES can be used to compute all-sky maps of the dark matter spatial distribution, squared and integrated along the line of sight, already accounting for the signal boosting coming from density fluctuations. We also present an application of the code to one halo in the TNG50-1-Dark simulation from the IllustrisTNG suite, and highlight how HADES automatically maps out the asymmetries present in the dark matter spatial distribution both in halos and sub-halos, promising to become a helpful tool for a vast number of astrophysical applications.

C. Cabezas, R. Fuentetaja, E. Roueff, M. Agundez, B. Tercero, N. Marcelino, J. R. Pardo, P. de Vicente, J. Cernicharo

Accepted for publication in A&A Letters on December 20th. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2106.03404

We report the first detection in space of the single deuterated isotopologue of methyldiacetylene, CH2DC4H. A total of 12 rotational transitions, with J = 8-12 and Ka = 0 and 1, were identified for this species in TMC-1 in the 31.0-50.4 GHz range using the Yebes 40m radio telescope. The observed frequencies allowed us to obtain, for the first time, the spectroscopic parameters of this deuterated isotopologue. We derived a column density of (5.5+/-0.2)e11 cm-2. The abundance ratio between CH3C4H and CH2DC4H is 24+/-2. This ratio is similar to that found for the CH3C3N/CH2DC3N analogue system, which is 22+/-2.We did not detect the deuterated species CH3C4D, which has already been observed in laboratory experiments. The detection of deuterated CH3C4H allows us to extend the discussion on the chemical mechanisms of deuterium fractionation at work in TMC-1 using a new gas-phase chemical model with multiply deuterated molecules. Introducing a possible deuterium exchange reaction between CH3CCH and atomic deuterium allows us to account for the CH3C4H/CH2DC4H abundance ratio.

Tuomas Kangas, Claes Fransson, Josefin Larsson, Kevin France, Roger Chevalier, Robert Kirshner, Peter Lundqvist, Seppo Mattila, Jesper Sollerman, Victor Utrobin

19 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present spectroscopy of the ejecta of SN 1987A in 2017 and 2018 from the Hubble Space Telescope and the Very Large Telescope, covering the wavelength range between $1150$ and $10000$ {\AA}. At 31 years, this is the first epoch with coverage over the ultraviolet-to-near-infrared range since 1995. We create velocity maps of the ejecta in the H$\alpha$, Mg II $\lambda\lambda2796,2804$ and [O I] $\lambda\lambda6302,6366$ (vacuum) emission lines and study their morphology. All three lines have a similar morphology, but Mg II is blueshifted by $\sim$1000 km s$^{-1}$ relative to the others and stronger in the northwest. We also study the evolution of the line fluxes, finding a brightening by a factor of $\sim$9 since 1999 in Mg II, while the other line fluxes are similar in 1999 and 2018. We discuss implications for the power sources of emission lines at late times: thermal excitation due to heating by the X-rays from the ejecta-ring interaction is found to dominate the ultraviolet Mg II lines, while the infrared Mg II doublet is powered mainly by Ly$\alpha$ fluorescence. The X-ray deposition is calculated based on merger models of SN 1987A. Far-ultraviolet emission lines of H$_2$ are not detected. Finally, we examine the combined spectrum of recently-discovered hotspots outside the equatorial ring. Their unresolved Balmer emission lines close to zero velocity are consistent with the interaction of fast ejecta and a clumpy, slowly moving outflow. A clump of emission in this spectrum, south of the equatorial ring at $\sim$1500 km s$^{-1}$, is likely associated with the reverse shock.

Kohsuke Sumiyoshi

13 pages, 4 figures; contribution to the EPJ A topical issue "CompOSE: a repository for Neutron Star Equations of State and Transport Properties"

We overview the progress of the tables of the equation of state for astrophysical simulations and the numerical methods of neutrino transfer. Hot and dense matter play essential roles in core-collapse supernovae and neutron stars. Equation of state determines the structure of compact objects and their dynamics through its behavior of thermodynamic quantities. In addition, neutrinos are trapped in supernova cores and neutron star mergers and frequently interact with matter to crucially affect dynamics in determining the explosion mechanism and the final form of compact objects. Therefore, it is essential to implement detailed processes of nuclear and neutrino physics in numerical simulations by having reliable data set of the equation of state and reaction rates. We show examples of developments of the equation of state and the neutrino transfer and discuss research directions toward understanding the explosive phenomena by the first principle calculation.

L. Fossati, G. Guilluy, I. F. Shaikhislamov, I. Carleo, F. Borsa, A. S. Bonomo, P. Giacobbe, M. Rainer, C. Cecchi-Pestellini, M. L. Khodachenko, M. A. Efimov, M. S. Rumenskikh, I. B. Miroshnichenko, A. G. Berezutsky, V. Nascimbeni, M. Brogi, A. F. Lanza, L. Mancini, L. Affer, S. Benatti, K. Biazzo, A. Bignamini, D. Carosati, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, E. Covino, S. Desidera, A. Fiorenzano, A. Harutyunyan, A. Maggio, L. Malavolta, J. Maldonado, G. Micela, E. Molinari, I. Pagano, M. Pedani, G. Piotto, E. Poretti, G. Scandariato, A. Sozzetti, H. Stoev

Accepted for publication on A&A

The hot Jupiter WASP-80b has been identified as a possible excellent target for detecting and measuring HeI absorption in the upper atmosphere. We observed 4 primary transits of WASP-80b in the optical and near-IR using the HARPS-N and GIANO-B high-resolution spectrographs, focusing on the HeI triplet. We further employed a three-dimensional hydrodynamic aeronomy model to understand the observational results. We did not find any signature of planetary absorption at the position of the HeI triplet with an upper limit of 0.7% (i.e. 1.11 planetary radii; 95% confidence level). We re-estimated the stellar high-energy emission that we combined with a stellar photospheric model to generate the input for the hydrodynamic modelling. We obtained that, assuming a solar He to H abundance ratio, HeI absorption should have been detected. Considering a stellar wind 25 times weaker than solar, we could reproduce the non-detection only assuming a He to H abundance ratio about 16 times smaller than solar. Instead, considering a stellar wind 10 times stronger than solar, we could reproduce the non-detection only with a He to H abundance ratio about 10 times smaller than solar. We attempted to understand this result by collecting all past HeI measurements looking for correlations with stellar high-energy emission and planetary gravity, but without finding any. WASP-80b is not the only planet with a sub-solar estimated He to H abundance ratio, suggesting the presence of efficient physical mechanisms (e.g. phase separation, magnetic fields) capable of significantly modifying the He to H content in the upper atmosphere of hot Jupiters. The planetary macroscopic properties and the shape of the stellar spectral energy distribution are not sufficient for predicting the presence or absence of detectable metastable He in a planetary atmosphere, as also the He abundance appears to play a major role.

The structure of a star composed of locally non-electroneutral incompressible three-component matter is considered within the framework of general relativity. For thermodynamic quantities like the pressure, the solution can be represented as a series in the small parameter $1/\Lambda_{\mathrm G}\sim 10^{-36}$, where the first approximation is the well-known electroneutral solution. However, the equilibrium equations for the chemical potentials of the matter components, as it turns out, contain finite contributions from non-electroneutrality effects even in the zeroth order. Analytical solutions have been obtained for all of the parameters of the problem under consideration, which are illustrated by numerical examples.

Andrei Gruzinov

3 pages

The rate of subsonic wind accretion (accretion on a point Newtonian mass moving through uniform gas) is shown to be independent of the wind velocity and equal to the spherical Bondi rate -- for the adiabatic index equal to 5/3. A (very accurate) numerical calculation of the accretion flow, confirming this result, is also presented.

The feature of the observed shadows and rings of an astrophysical black hole (BH) may depend on its accretion flows and magnetic charge. We find that the shadow radii and critical impact parameters of the Hayward BH are decreased with the increase of the magnetic charge. Comparing the Schwarzschild BH with the Hayward BH using the ray-tracing method, we show that the density and deflection of lights increase with the magnetic charge, and the BH singularity does not affect the generation of the shadow. Based on three optically thin accretion flow models, the two-dimensional shadows in celestial coordinates are derived. It is found that the shadow and photon ring luminosities of a Hayward BH surrounded by infalling spherical accretion flow are dimmer than that of a static spherical accretion flow. Taking three kinds of inner radii at which the accretion flow stops radiating, we find that the observed luminosity of a Hayward BH surrounded by a thin disk accretion flow is dominated by the direct emission, and the photon ring emission has a weak influence on it. These results suggest that the size of the observed shadow is related to the space-time geometry, and the luminosities of both the shadows and rings are affected by the accretion flow property and the BH magnetic charge.

Karachentseva V.E., Karachentsev I.D., Melnyk O.V

22 pages, 7 figures. 2 tables

We have updated the classification of late-type galaxies presented in the Catalog of Isolated Galaxies (KIG) using the advanced digital sky surveys. Our search for companions around 959 KIG galaxies revealed 141 neighbors associated with 111 KIG galaxies within the mutual projection separation of less than 330 kpc and the radial velocity difference not exceeding 500 km s$^{-1}$. Typical luminosity of the companions turned out to be weaker than the luminosity of the main galaxies by more than an order of magnitude. Considering these small companions as test particles that move around the KIG galaxies along the Keplerian orbits with eccentricity of $e\simeq0.7$, we estimated the total (orbital) masses of spiral KIG galaxies. Their average orbital mass-to-$K$-band luminosity ratio, $(20.9\pm3.1) M_{\odot}/L_{\odot}$, is in a good agreement with the corresponding value for the nearby Milky Way, M31 and M81-type massive spirals. Isolated disk-shaped galaxies have an on the average 2-3 times smaller total-mass-to-stellar-mass ratio than those of isolated bulge-shaped galaxies.

F. Ursini, G. Matt, S. Bianchi, A. Marinucci, M. Dovčiak, W. Zhang

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 14 pages, 11 figures

X-ray polarimetry can potentially constrain the unknown geometrical shape of AGN coronae. We present simulations of the X-ray polarization signal expected from AGN coronae, assuming three different geometries, namely slab, spherical and conical. We use the fully relativistic Monte-Carlo Comptonization code monk to compute the X-ray polarization degree and angle. We explore different coronal parameters such as shape, size, location and optical depth. Different coronal geometries give a significantly different X-ray polarization signal. A slab corona yields a high polarization degree, up to 14% depending on the viewing inclination; a spherical corona yields low values, about 1-3%, while a conical corona yields intermediate values. We also find a difference of 90 degrees in polarization angle between the slab corona and the spherical or conical coronae. Upcoming X-ray polarimetry missions like IXPE will allow us to observationally distinguish among different coronal geometries in AGNs for the first time.

Maksym Mohorian, Gopal Bhatta, Tek P. Adhikari, Niraj Dhital, Radim Pánis, Adithiya Dinesh, Suvas C. Chaudhary, Rajesh K. Bachchan, Zdeňek Stuchlík

23 pages, 12 figures, accepted to MNRAS

The X-ray emission from blazars has been widely investigated using several space telescopes. In this work, we explored statistical properties of the X-ray variability in the blazars S5 0716+714, OJ 287, Mkn 501 and RBS 2070 using the archival observations from the XMM-Newton telescope between the period 2002-2020. Several methods of timing and spectral analyses including fractional variability, minimum variability timescale, power spectral density analyses and countrate distribution were performed. In addition, we fitted various spectral models to the observations as well as estimated hardness ratio. The results show that the sources are moderately variable within the intra-day timescale. Three of the four sources exhibited a clear bi-modal pattern in their countrate distribution revealing possible indication of two distinct countrate states, that is, hard and soft countrate states. The slope indices of the power spectral density were found to be centered around 0.5. Furthermore, the spectra of the sources were fitted with single power-law, broken power-law, log-parabolic and black-body+log-parabolic models (the latter only for OJ 287). We conclude that for most of the observations log-parabolic model was the best fit. The power spectral density analysis revealed the variable nature of PSD slopes in the source light curves. The results of this analysis could indicate the non-stationary nature of the blazar processes on intra-day timescales. The observed features can be explained within the context of current blazar models, in which the non-thermal emission mostly arises from kilo-parsec scale relativistic jets.

Stefan Antusch, Daniel G. Figueroa, Kenneth Marschall, Francisco Torrenti

29 pages + appendices, 23 figures

We study the evolution of the energy distribution and equation of state of the Universe from the end of inflation until the onset of either radiation domination (RD) or a transient period of matter domination (MD). We use both analytical techniques and lattice simulations. We consider two-field models where the inflaton $\Phi$ has a monomial potential after inflation $V(\Phi) \propto |\Phi - v|^p$ ($p\geq2$), and is coupled to a daughter field $X$ through a quadratic-quadratic interaction $g^2\Phi^2 X^2$. We consider two situations, depending on whether the potential has a minimum at $i)$ $v = 0$, or $ii)$ $v > 0$. In the scenario $i)$, the final energy transferred to $X$ is independent of $g^2$ and entirely determined by $p$: it is negligible for $p < 4$, and of order $\sim 50\%$ for $p \geq 4$. The system goes to MD at late times for $p = 2$, while it goes to RD for $p > 2$. In the later case, we can calculate exactly the number of e-folds until RD as a function of $g^2$, and hence predict accurately inflationary observables like the scalar tilt $n_s$ and the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$. In the scenario $ii)$, the energy is always transferred completely to $X$ for $p>2$, as long as its effective mass $m_X^2 = g^2(\Phi-v)^2$ is not negligible. For $p=2$, the final ratio between the energy densities of $X$ and $\Phi$ depends strongly on $g^2$. For all $p \ge 2$, the system always goes to MD at late times.

David R. Law, Francesco Belfiore, Matthew A. Bershady, Michele Cappellari, Niv Drory, Karen L. Masters, Kyle B. Westfall, Kevin Bundy, Renbin Yan

22 pages, 18 figures

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey MaNGA program has now obtained integral field spectroscopy for over 10,000 galaxies in the nearby universe. We use the final MaNGA data release DR17 to study the correlation between ionized gas velocity dispersion and galactic star formation rate, finding a tight correlation in which sigma_Ha from galactic HII regions increases significantly from ~ 18-30 km/s broadly in keeping with previous studies. In contrast, sigma_Ha from diffuse ionized gas (DIG) increases more rapidly from 20-60 km/s. Using the statistical power of MaNGA, we investigate these correlations in greater detail using multiple emission lines and determine that the observed correlation of sigma_Ha with local star formation rate surface density is driven entirely by the global relation of increasing velocity dispersion at higher total SFR, as are apparent correlations with stellar mass. Assuming HII region models consistent with our finding that sigma_[O III] < sigma_Ha < sigma_[O I], we estimate the velocity dispersion of the molecular gas in which individual HII regions are embedded, finding values sigma_Mol = 5-30 km/s consistent with ALMA observations in a similar mass range. Finally, we use variations in the relation with inclination and disk azimuthal angle to constrain the velocity dispersion ellipsoid of the ionized gas sigma_z/sigma_r = 0.84 +- 0.03 and sigma_phi/sigma_r = 0.91 +- 0.03, similar to that of young stars in the Galactic disk. Our results are most consistent with theoretical models in which turbulence in modern galactic disks is driven primarily by star formation feedback.

Yong-Zhong Qian

5 pages, to appear in Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos

Metal-poor stars were formed during the early epochs when only massive stars had time to evolve and contribute to the chemical enrichment. Low-mass metal-poor stars survive until the present and provide fossil records of the nucleosynthesis of early massive stars. On the other hand, short-lived radionuclides (SLRs) in the early solar system (ESS) reflect the nucleosynthesis of sources that occurred close to the proto-solar cloud in both space and time. The diverse abundance patterns of heavy elements observed in metal-poor stars are discussed. Their possible origins in various neutron-capture processes that might have operated in early massive stars are reviewed. In addition, meteoritic data are discussed to constrain the supernova that might have triggered the formation of the solar system and provided some of the SLRs in the ESS.

Francesco Fenu, Sergei Sharakin, Mikhail Zotov, Naoto Sakaki, Yoshiyuki Takizawa, Marta Bianciotto, Mario Bertaina, Marco Casolino, Pavel Klimov (for the JEM-EUSO collaboration)

K-EUSO is a planned mission of the JEM-EUSO program for the study of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) from space, to be deployed on the International Space Station. The K-EUSO observatory consists of a UV telescope with a wide field of view, which aims at the detection of fluorescence light emitted by extensive air showers (EAS) in the atmosphere. The EAS events will be sampled with a time resolution of $\sim$1-2.5 s to reconstruct the entire shower profile with high precision. The detector consisting of $\sim$$10^5$ independent pixels will allow a spatial resolution of $\sim$700 m on ground. From a 400 km altitude, K-EUSO will achieve a large and full sky exposure to sample the highest energy range of the UHECR spectrum. In this contribution, we present estimates of the performance of the observatory: an estimation of the expected exposure and triggered event rate as a function of energy and the event reconstruction performance, including resolution of arrival directions and energy of UHECRs.

Planet 9 Collaboration

15 pages, 7 Figures, Submitted to The Astronomical Journal

In an effort to identify nearby and unusual cold objects in the solar neighborhood, we searched for previously unidentified moving objects using CatWISE2020 proper motion data combined with machine learning methods. We paired the motion candidates with their counterparts in 2MASS, UHS, and VHS. Then we searched for white dwarf, brown dwarf, and subdwarf outliers on the resulting color-color diagrams. This resulted in the discovery of 16 new dwarfs including two nearby M dwarfs (< 30 pc), a possible young L dwarf, a high motion early T dwarf and 3 later T dwarfs. This research represents a step forward in completing the census of the Sun's neighbors.

Francesco Fenu, Kenji Shinozaki, Mikhail Zotov, Mario Bertaina, Antonella Castellina, Alberto Cellino, Pavel Klimov (for the JEM-EUSO collaboration)

The TUS observatory was the first orbital detector aimed at the detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). It was launched on April 28, 2016, from the Vostochny cosmodrome in Russia and operated until December 2017. It collected $\sim80,000$ events with a time resolution of 0.8~$\mu$s. A fundamental parameter to be determined for cosmic ray studies is the exposure of an experiment. This parameter is important to estimate the average expected event rate as a function of energy and to calculate the absolute flux in case of event detection. Here we present results of a study aimed to calculate the exposure that TUS accumulated during its mission. The role of clouds, detector dead time, artificial sources, storms, lightning discharges, airglow and moon phases is studied in detail. An exposure estimate with its geographical distribution is presented. We report on the applied technique and on the perspectives of this study in view of the future missions of the JEM-EUSO program.

Johannes Markert, Stefanie Walch, Gregor Gassner

arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1806.02343 by other authors

In this paper, we present a discontinuous Galerkin solver based on previous work by Markert et al. (2021) for magneto-hydrodynamics in form of a new fluid solver module integrated into the established and well-known multi-physics simulation code FLASH. Our goal is to enable future research on the capabilities and potential advantages of discontinuous Galerkin methods for complex multi-physics simulations in astrophysical settings. We give specific details and adjustments of our implementation within the FLASH framework and present extensive validations and test cases, specifically its interaction with several other physics modules such as (self-)gravity and radiative transfer. We conclude that the new DG solver module in FLASH is ready for use in astrophysics simulations and thus ready for assessments and investigations.

Shan-Qin Wang, Wen-Pei Gan

14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ

In this paper, we fit the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a luminous rapidly evolving broad-lined Ic supernova (SN Ic-BL) iPTF 16asu, and re-construct its post-peak bolometric light curve. We find that the luminosity of the post-peak bolometric light curve of iPTF 16asu is about three times that of the pseudo-bolometric light curve derived in the literatures and the extrapolated peak luminosity can exceed $\sim 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$, which is higher than the threshold of superluminous SNe (SLSNe). We then use the $^{56}$Ni model and the magnetar plus $^{56}$Ni model to fit the multi-band light curves of iPTF 16asu, and construct the theoretical light curve using the best-fitting theoretical multi-band light curves. We find that the magnetar plus $^{56}$Ni model can account for the photemetry of iPTF 16asu, and the peak luminosity of its theoretical bolometric light curve is $\sim 1.06\times 10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We suggest that iPTF 16asu and similar SNe (e.g., SN 2018gep) constitute the class of rapidly evolving SLSNe Ic-BL.

S. Kabanovic, N. Schneider, V. Ossenkopf-Okada, F. Falasca, R. Güsten, J. Stutzki, R. Simon, C. Buchbender, L. Anderson, L. Bonne, C. Guevara, R. Higgins, B. Koribalski, M. Luisi, M. Mertens, Y. Okada, M. Röllig, D. Seifried, M. Tiwari, F. Wyrowski, A. Zavagno, A.G.G.M. Tielens

Revealing the 3D dynamics of HII regions and their associated molecular clouds is important for understanding the longstanding problem as to how stellar feedback affects the density structure and kinematics of the interstellar medium. We employed observations of the HII region RCW 120 in [CII], observed within the SOFIA legacy program FEEDBACK, and the $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO (3$\to$2) lines, obtained with APEX. In addition we used HI data from the Southern Galactic Plane Survey. Two radiative transfer models were used to fit the observed data. A line profile analysis with the 1D non-LTE radiative transfer code SimLine proves that the CO emission cannot stem from a spherically symmetric molecular cloud configuration. With a two-layer multicomponent model, we then quantified the amount of warm background and cold foreground gas. There is a deficit of CO emission along the line-of-sight toward the center of the HII region which indicates that the HII region is associated with a flattened molecular cloud. Self-absorption in the CO line may hide signatures of infalling and expanding molecular gas. The [CII] emission arises from an expanding [CII] bubble and from the PDRs. A significant part of [CII] emission is absorbed in a cool (~60-100 K), low-density (<500 cm$^{-3}$) atomic foreground layer with a thickness of a few parsec. We propose that the RCW 120 HII region formed in a flattened molecular cloud and is now bursting out of its parental cloud. The compressed surrounding molecular layer formed a torus around the spherically expanding HII bubble. This scenario can possibly be generalized for other HII bubbles and would explain the observed "flat" structure of molecular clouds associated with HII bubbles. We suggest that the [CII] absorption observed in many star-forming regions is at least partly caused by low-density, cool, HI-envelopes surrounding the molecular clouds.

Philipp Sudek, Lucia F. de la Bella, Adam Amara, William G. Hartley

Photometric redshifts are commonly used to measure the distribution of galaxies in large surveys. However, the demands of on-going and future large-scale cosmology surveys place very stringent limits on the redshift performance that are difficult to meet. A new approach to meet this precision need is forward modelling, which is underpinned by realistic simulations. In the work presented here, we use simulations to study the sensitivity of redshift distributions to the underlying galaxy population demographics. We do this by varying the redshift evolving parameters of the Schechter function for two galaxy populations, star-forming and quenched galaxies. Each population is characterised by eight parameters. We find that the redshift distribution of shallow surveys, such as SDSS, are mainly sensitive to the parameters for quenched galaxies. However, for deeper surveys such as DES and HSC, the star-forming parameters have a stronger impact on the redshift distribution. Specifically, the slope of the characteristic magnitude, $a_\mathrm{M}$, for star-forming galaxies has overall the strongest impact on the redshift distribution. Decreasing $a_\mathrm{M}$ by 148 % (its given uncertainty) shifts the mean redshift by ${\sim} 45$ %. We explore which combination of colour and magnitude measurements are most sensitive to $a_\mathrm{M}$ and we find that each colour-magnitude pair is similarly affected by a modification of $a_\mathrm{M}$.

Ji-Shun Lian, Shan-Qin Wang, Wen-Pei Gan, Jing-Yao Li, En-Wei Liang

13 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, submitted to ApJ

In this paper, we use (broken) power-law plus $^{56}$Ni models to fit the multi-band light curves of the optical and near-infrared (NIR) counterparts of four gamma-ray bursts (GRBs 011121, 100316D, 130702A, and GRB 161219B). We find that the models can account for the light curves of the optical--NIR counterparts which can be divided into the GRB afterglows and their associated supernovae (SNe 2001ke, 2010bh, 2013dx, and 2016jca, respectively). The most parameters we derive are consistent with previous studies. However, the $^{56}$Ni masses we derive are higher than that in the literatures (except for that of GRB 100316D/SN 2010bh). The difference of the $^{56}$Ni masses might be due to the fact that the $^{56}$Ni masses in the literatures are obtained by fitting the quasi-bolometric light curves which are usually (significantly) underestimated, and dimmer than the theoretical bolometric light curves reproduced by the best-fitting parameters we derive. Our results demonstrate that the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of SNe associated with GRBs can be well described by the blackbody model, and the $^{56}$Ni model can account for their multi-band light curves. We suggest that the $^{56}$Ni masses of a fraction of GRB-SNe have been underestimated.

Despite numerous studies, the sources of IceCube cosmic neutrinos have hitherto been unidentified. Utilizing recently released IceCube neutrino and CHIME FRB catalogs, we examine the possibility of an association between neutrinos and FRBs for both the entire FRB population and individual FRBs using the directional matching method. We report an association between FRBs and low-energy IceCube neutrinos with energies 0.1 -- 3 TeV at a significance level of $21.3 \sigma$. We also identify 20 FRBs that are candidate association sources of neutrinos, all of which are apparently non-repeating FRBs. This sub-sample of FRBs shows no special properties compared with the whole CHIME FRB sample. We discuss the possible physical origin of such associations within the framework of the magnetar models of FRBs.

Daniel Kitzmann, Jens H. Hoeijmakers, Simon L. Grimm, Nicholas W. Borsato, Anna Lueber, Bibiana Prinoth

Submitted to A&A

The atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters are highly interesting and unique chemical laboratories. Due to the very high atmospheric temperatures, formation of aerosols is unlikely on their day-sides. Furthermore, molecules usually present in atmospheres of other extrasolar gas giants are mostly dissociated, yielding a chemical composition dominated by atoms and ions instead. Thus, these planets offer the potential of detailed chemical characterisation by directly detecting elements through high-resolution day-side and transit spectroscopy. This allows, in principle, to directly infer the element abundances of these objects, which may provide crucial constraints on their formation process and evolution history. In atmospheres of cooler planets, deriving metallicities is much more complicated because elements are usually bound in a multitude of molecules or even condensates. In the recent past, several chemical species, mostly in the form of atoms and ions, have already been detected using high-resolution spectroscopy in combination with the cross-correlation technique. With this study, we provide a grid of standard templates designed to be used together with the cross-correlation method. This allows for straightforward detection of chemical species in the atmospheres of hot extrasolar planets. In total, we calculate high-resolution templates for more than 140 different species across several atmospheric temperatures. In addition to the high-resolution templates, we also provide line masks that just include the position of line peaks and their absorption depths relative to the spectral continuum. A separate version of these line masks also takes potential blending effects with lines of other species into account. All templates and line masks are publicly available on the CDS data server.

Giacomo Lari, Giulia Schettino, Daniele Serra, Giacomo Tommei

52 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication on Experimental Astronomy

In the last years, a new generation of interplanetary space missions have been designed for the exploration of the solar system. At the same time, radio-science instrumentation has reached an unprecedented level of accuracy, leading to a significant improvement of our knowledge of celestial bodies. Along with this hardware upgrade, software products for interplanetary missions have been greatly refined. In this context, we introduce Orbit14, a precise orbit determination software developed at the University of Pisa for processing the radio-science data of the BepiColombo and Juno missions. Along the years, many tools have been implemented into the software and Orbit14 capitalized the experience coming from simulations and treatment of real data. In this paper, we present a review of orbit determination methods developed at the University of Pisa for radio-science experiments of interplanetary missions. We describe the basic theory of the process of parameters estimation and refined methods necessary to have full control on experiments involving spacecraft orbiting millions of kilometers far from the Earth. Our aim is to give both an extensive description of the treatment of radio-science experiments and step-to-step instructions for those who are approaching the field of orbit determination in the context of space missions. We show also the work conducted on the Juno and BepiColombo missions by means of the Orbit14 software. In particular, we summarize the recent results obtained with the gravity experiment of Juno and the simulations performed so far for the gravimetry-rotation and relativity experiments of BepiColombo.

T. Mrozek, R. Falewicz, S. Kolomanski, M. Litwicka

Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepted

The thick-target model predicts that in flare foot points, we should observe lowering of HXR sources' altitude with increasing energy. The foot point of HXR sources result from the direct interaction of non-thermal electron beams with plasma in the lower part of the solar atmosphere, where the density increases rapidly. Therefore, we can estimate the plasma density distribution along the non-thermal electron beam directly from the observations of the altitude-energy relation obtained for the HXR foot point sources. The relation's shape is density-dependent and is also determined by the power-law distribution of non-thermal electrons. Additionally, during the impulsive phase these parameters may change dramatically. Thus, the interpretation of observed HXR foot point sources' altitudes is not straightforward and needs detailed numerical modelling of the electron precipitation process. The numerical model was calculated using the hydrodynamic 1D model with an application of the Fokker-Planck formalism for non-thermal beam precipitation. HXR data from RHESSI were used to trace chromospheric density changes during a non-thermal emission burst, in detail. We have found that the amount of mass that evaporated from the chromosphere is in good agreement with the ranges obtained from hydrodynamical modelling of a flaring loop, and from an analysis of observed emission measure in the loop top, and with specific scaling laws. Consistency between the obtained values shows that HXR images may provide an important constraint for models - a mass of plasma that evaporated due to a non-thermal electron beam depositing energy in the chromosphere. High-energy, non-thermal sources' (above 20 keV in this case) positions fit the column density changes obtained from the hydrodynamical model perfectly. Density changes seem to be less affected by the electrons' spectral index.

A classification scheme for rocky planets is proposed, based on a description of the Earth System in terms of the Landau-Ginzburg Theory of phase transitions. Three major equilibrium states can be identified and the associated planetary states or phases are: Earth-like Holocene state; hot Venus-like state; cold Mars-like state. The scheme is based on an approach proposed to understand the Earth transition from the Holocene to the Anthropocene, driven by the impact of the human action on the Earth System. In the present work we identity the natural conditions that cause transformations on the planets forcing them into one of the states identified above. In analysing the relevant physical parameters, one is stroke by the similarities between Earth and Venus, and how likely is that the Anthropocene transition may lead to hot-house Earth scenario.

David E. Alvarez-Castillo, Oleksandr Sushchov, Piotr Homola, Dmitriy Beznosko, Nikolai Budnev, Dariusz Góra, Alok C. Gupta, Bohdan Hnatyk, Marcin Kasztelan, Peter Kovacs, Bartosz Łozowski, Mikhail V. Medvedev, Justyna Miszczyk, Alona Mozgova, Vahab Nazari, Michał Nied{ź}wiecki, Maciej Pawlik, Mat{\' i}as Rosas, Krzysztof Rzecki, Katarzyna Smelcerz, Karel Smolek, Jarosław Stasielak, Sławomir Stuglik, Manana Svanidze, Arman Tursunov, Yuri Verbetsky, Tadeusz Wibig, Jilberto Zamora-Saa, Bożena Poncyljusz, Justyna Mędrala, Gabriela Opiła, Łukasz Bibrzyck, Marcin Piekarczyk

8 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of the International Cosmic Rays Conference 2021, 12-23 July, Berlin, Germany

Cosmic Ray Ensembles (CRE) are yet not observed groups of cosmic rays with a common primary interaction vertex or the same parent particle. One of the processes capable of initiating identifiable CRE is an interaction of an ultra-high energy (UHE) photon with the solar magnetic field which results in an electron pair production and the subsequent synchrotron radiation. The resultant electromagnetic cascade forms a very characteristic line-like front of a very small width ($\sim$ meters), stretching from tens of thousands to even many millions of kilometers. In this contribution we present the results of applying a toy model to simulate detections of such CRE at the ground level with an array of ideal detectors of different dimensions. The adopted approach allows us to assess the CRE detection feasibility for a specific configuration of a detector array. The process of initiation and propagation of an electromagnetic cascade originated from an UHE photon passing near the Sun, as well as the resultant particle distribution on ground, were simulated using the CORSIKA program with the PRESHOWER option, both modified accordingly. The studied scenario results in photons forming a cascade that extends even over tens of millions of kilometers when it arrives at the top of the Earth's atmosphere, and the photon energies span practically the whole cosmic ray energy spectrum. The topology of the signal consists of very extended CRE shapes, and the characteristic, very much elongated disk-shape of the particle distribution on ground illustrates the potential for identification of CRE of this type.

Recent advances in quantum sensors, including atomic clocks, enable searches for a broad range of dark matter candidates. The question of the dark matter distribution in the Solar system critically affects the reach of dark matter direct detection experiments. Partly motivated by the NASA Deep Space Atomic Clock (DSAC), we show that space quantum sensors present new opportunities for ultralight dark matter searches, especially for dark matter states bound to the Sun. We show that space quantum sensors can probe unexplored parameter space of ultralight dark matter, covering theoretical relaxion targets motivated by naturalness and Higgs mixing. If an atomic clock were able to make measurements on the interior of the solar system, it could probe this highly sensitive region directly and set very strong constraints on the existence of such a bound-state halo in our solar system. We present sensitivity projections for space-based probes of ultralight dark matter which couples to electron, photon, and gluon fields, based on current and future atomic, molecular, and nuclear clocks.

When gravitational waves propagate near massive objects, their paths curve resulting in gravitational lensing, which is expected to be a promising new instrument in astrophysics. If the time delay between different paths is comparable with the wave period, lensing may induce beating patterns in the waveform, and it is very close to caustics that these effects are likely to be observable. Near the caustic, however, the short-wave asymptotics associated with the geometrical optics approximation breaks down. In order to describe properly the crossover from wave optics to geometrical optics regimes, along with the Fresnel number, which is the ratio between the Schwarzschild diameter of the lens and the wavelength, one has to include another parameter - namely, the angular position of the source with respect to the caustic. By considering the point mass lens model, we show that in the two-dimensional parameter space, the nodal and antinodal lines for the transmission factor closely follow hyperbolas in a wide range of values near the caustic. This allows us to suggest a simple formula for the onset of geometrical-optics oscillations which relates the Fresnel number with the angular position of the source in units of the Einstein angle. We find that the mass of the lens can be inferred from the analysis of the interference fringes of a specific lensed waveform.

Michele Cicoli, Francesc Cunillera, Antonio Padilla, Francisco G. Pedro

7 pages

We provide evidence that slow roll is not possible in any parametrically controlled regime of the moduli space of string theory. This is proven in full generality in the asymptotic limit of the moduli space of type II and heterotic Calabi-Yau compactifications for the dilaton and any number of K\"ahler moduli. Our results suggest that in order to build quintessence into string theory one must work in the interior of moduli space where numerical, even if not parametric, control could still be achieved.

Michele Cicoli, Francesc Cunillera, Antonio Padilla, Francisco G. Pedro

36 pages

We provide a detailed discussion of the main theoretical and phenomenological challenges of quintessence model building in any numerically controlled regime of the moduli space of string theory. We argue that a working quintessence model requires a leading order non-supersymmetric (near) Minkowski vacuum with an axionic flat direction. This axion, when lifted by subdominant non-perturbative effects, could drive hilltop quintessence only for highly tuned initial conditions and a very low inflationary scale. Our analysis has two important implications. Firstly, scenarios which are in agreement with the swampland conjectures, such as those that include runaways, or supersymmetric AdS and Minkowski vacua, cannot give rise to phenomenologically viable quintessence with full computational control. This raises doubts on the validity of the swampland dS conjecture since it would imply a strong tension between quantum gravity and observations. Secondly, if data should prefer dynamical dark energy, axion models based on alignment mechanisms look more promising than highly contrived hilltop scenarios.

Xiaoyong Chu, Yanou Cui, Josef Pradler, Michael Shamma

31 pages, 13 figures, 1 appendix

We propose a new mechanism where a multi-component dark sector generates the observed dark matter abundance and baryon asymmetry and thus addresses the coincidence between the two. The thermal freeze-out of dark matter annihilating into meta-stable dark partners sets the dark matter relic abundance while providing the out-of-equilibrium condition for baryogenesis. The meta-stable state triggers baryon asymmetry production by its decay well after the freeze-out and potentially induces a period of early matter domination before its decay. The dark matter and baryon abundances are related through number conservation within the dark sector (cogenesis). The "coincidence" is a natural outcome with GeV- to TeV-scale symmetric dark matter and the dark sector's interactions with the Standard Model quarks. We present a UV-complete model and explore its phenomenological predictions, including dark matter direct detection signals, LHC signatures of new massive particles with color charges and long-lived particles with displaced vertices, dark matter-induced nucleon conversions, (exotic) dark matter indirect detection signals, and effects on the cosmological matter power spectrum. As a side result, we provide a novel analytical treatment for dark sector freeze-out, which may prove useful in the study of related scenarios.

François Arleo, Greg Jackson, Stéphane Peigné

5 pages, 4 figures

The phenomenon of fully coherent energy loss (FCEL) in the collisions of protons on light ions affects the physics of cosmic ray air showers. As an illustration, we address two closely related observables: hadron production in forthcoming proton-oxygen collisions at the LHC, and the atmospheric neutrino fluxes induced by the semileptonic decays of hadrons produced in proton-air collisions. In both cases, a significant nuclear suppression due to FCEL is predicted. The conventional and prompt neutrino fluxes are suppressed by $\sim 10...25\%$ in their relevant neutrino energy ranges. Previous estimates of atmospheric neutrino fluxes should be scaled down accordingly to account for FCEL.

Yanou Cui, Zhong-Zhi Xianyu

6 pages + 3 pages of supplemental material

Leptogenesis is generally challenging to directly test due to the very high energy scales involved. In this work we propose a new probe for leptogenesis with cosmological collider physics. With the example of a cosmological Higgs collider, we demonstrate that during inflation leptogenesis models can produce detectable primordial non-Gaussianity with distinctive oscillatory patterns that encode information about the lepton-number violating couplings, the Majorana right-hand neutrino masses, and the CP phases, which are essential to leptogenesis.

Andrey Beresnyak, Alexander L. Velikovich, John L. Giuliani, Arati Dasgupta

24 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JFM

The Naval Research Laboratory "Mag Noh problem", described in this paper, is a self-similar magnetized implosion flow, which contains a fast MHD outward propagating shock of constant velocity. We generalize the classic Noh (1983) problem to include azimuthal and axial magnetic fields as well as rotation. Our family of ideal MHD solutions is five-parametric, each solution having its own self-similarity index, gas gamma, magnetization, the ratio of axial to the azimuthal field, and rotation. While the classic Noh problem must have a supersonic implosion velocity to create a shock, our solutions have an interesting three-parametric special case with zero initial velocity in which magnetic tension, instead of implosion flow, creates the shock at $t=0+$. Our self-similar solutions are indeed realized when we solve the initial value MHD problem with finite volume MHD code Athena. We numerically investigated the stability of these solutions and found both stable and unstable regions in parameter space. Stable solutions can be used to test the accuracy of numerical codes. Unstable solutions have also been widely used to test how codes reproduce linear growth, transition to turbulence, and the practically important effects of mixing. Now we offer a family of unstable solutions featuring all three elements relevant to magnetically driven implosions: convergent flow, magnetic field, and a shock wave.

Petros Asimakis, Spyros Basilakos, Nick E. Mavromatos, Emmanuel N. Saridakis

14 pages, 3 figures

We use Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) data in order to impose constraints on higher-order modified gravity, and in particular on: (i) $f(G)$ Gauss-Bonnet gravity, and $f(P)$ cubic gravities, arising respectively through the use of the quadratic-curvature Gauss-Bonnet $G$ term, and the cubic-curvature combination, (ii) string-inspired quadratic Gauss-Bonnet gravity coupled to the dilaton field, and (iii) running vacuum models. We perform a detailed investigation of the BBN epoch and we calculate the deviations of the freeze-out temperature $T_f$ in comparison to $\Lambda$CDM paradigm. We then use the observational bound on $ \left|\frac{\delta {T}_f}{{T}_f}\right|$ in order to extract constraints on the involved parameters of various models. We find that all models can satisfy the BBN constraints and thus they constitute viable cosmological scenarios, since they can additionally account for the dark energy sector and the late-time acceleration, in a quantitative manner, without spoiling the formation of light elements during the BBN epoch. Nevertheless, the obtained constraints on the relevant model parameters are quite strong.

R. Abbott, T. D. Abbott, F. Acernese, K. Ackley, C. Adams, N. Adhikari, R. X. Adhikari, V. B. Adya, C. Affeldt, D. Agarwal, M. Agathos, K. Agatsuma, N. Aggarwal, O. D. Aguiar, L. Aiello, A. Ain, P. Ajith, T. Akutsu, S. Albanesi, A. Allocca, P. A. Altin, A. Amato, C. Anand, S. Anand, A. Ananyeva, S. B. Anderson, W. G. Anderson, M. Ando, T. Andrade, N. Andres, T. Andrić, S. V. Angelova, S. Ansoldi, J. M. Antelis, S. Antier, S. Appert, Koji Arai, Koya Arai, Y. Arai, S. Araki, A. Araya, M. C. Araya, J. S. Areeda, M. Arène, N. Aritomi, N. Arnaud, S. M. Aronson, K. G. Arun, H. Asada, Y. Asali, G. Ashton, Y. Aso, M. Assiduo, S. M. Aston, P. Astone, F. Aubin, C. Austin, S. Babak, F. Badaracco, M. K. M. Bader, et al. (1598 additional authors not shown)

37 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ

Isolated neutron stars that are asymmetric with respect to their spin axis are possible sources of detectable continuous gravitational waves. This paper presents a fully-coherent search for such signals from eighteen pulsars in data from LIGO and Virgo's third observing run (O3). For known pulsars, efficient and sensitive matched-filter searches can be carried out if one assumes the gravitational radiation is phase-locked to the electromagnetic emission. In the search presented here, we relax this assumption and allow the frequency and frequency time-derivative of the gravitational waves to vary in a small range around those inferred from electromagnetic observations. We find no evidence for continuous gravitational waves, and set upper limits on the strain amplitude for each target. These limits are more constraining for seven of the targets than the spin-down limit defined by ascribing all rotational energy loss to gravitational radiation. In an additional search we look in O3 data for long-duration (hours-months) transient gravitational waves in the aftermath of pulsar glitches for six targets with a total of nine glitches. We report two marginal outliers from this search, but find no clear evidence for such emission either. The resulting duration-dependent strain upper limits do not surpass indirect energy constraints for any of these targets.

Laura Sberna, Pablo Bosch, William E. East, Stephen R. Green, Luis Lehner

15+4 pages, 9+4 figures

Gravitational-wave observations of black hole ringdowns are commonly used to characterize binary merger remnants and to test general relativity. These analyses assume linear black hole perturbation theory, in particular that the ringdown can be described in terms of quasinormal modes even for times approaching the merger. Here we investigate a nonlinear effect during the ringdown, namely how a mode excited at early times can excite additional modes as it is absorbed by the black hole. This is a third-order secular effect: the change in the black-hole mass causes a shift in the mode spectrum, so that the original mode is projected onto the new ones. Using nonlinear simulations, we study the ringdown of a spherically-symmetric scalar field around an asymptotically anti-de Sitter black hole, and we find that this "absorption-induced mode excitation" (AIME) is the dominant nonlinear effect. We show that this effect takes place well within the nonadiabatic regime, so we can analytically estimate it using a sudden mass-change approximation. Adapting our estimation technique to asymptotically-flat Schwarzschild black holes, we expect AIME to play a role in the analysis and interpretation of current and future gravitational wave observations.

Mark Hannam, Charlie Hoy, Jonathan E. Thompson, Stephen Fairhurst, Vivien Raymond, members of the LIGO, Virgo collaborations

19 pages, 6 figures

In Newtonian gravity the angular momentum of each component of a binary system is conserved: the orbital angular momentum of the binary, and the individual angular momenta of the two objects in orbit. In general relativity this is no longer true; there are spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings between the individual angular momenta of the binary components, and as a result the orbital plane precesses around the direction of the total angular momentum. General relativistic orbital precession has previously been measured in binary pulsars, where the binary's axis was found to precess several degrees per year. The effect can be far stronger in binaries consisting of black holes in close orbit. It has long been anticipated that strong-field precession will be measured in gravitational-wave observations of the late inspiral and merger of two black holes. While there is compelling evidence that the binary-black-hole population includes precessing binaries, precession has not been unambiguously measured in any one of the $\sim$90 LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (LVK) gravitational-wave detections to date. Here we report strong evidence for the measurement of strong-field precession, which we find in the LVK gravitational-wave signal GW200129. The binary's orbit precesses at a rate ten orders of magnitude larger than previously measured from binary pulsars. We also report that the primary black hole is likely highly spinning.

Juan Cortabitarte Gutiérrez, Bradley J. Kavanagh, Núria Castelló-Mor, Francisco J. Casas, Jose M. Diego, Enrique Martínez-González, Rocío Vilar Cortabitarte

19 pages, 9 figures. Code can be found online at this https URL (archived at this https URL )

The Dark Axion Portal provides a model for Dark Matter (DM) in which both Dark Photons $\gamma^\prime$ and Axions $a$ can contribute to the present day abundance of DM. We study the parameter space of the Dark Axion Portal to pinpoint regions of the parameter space where $\gamma^\prime$ and $a$ can be produced with sufficient abundance to account for the cosmic DM density, while still being detectable in planned direct detection and axion haloscope experiments. In particular, we explore the production of eV-scale Dark Photons in the Dark Axion Portal, taking into account a possible kinetic mixing between the dark and visible photons, which is essential for the detection of dark photons through absorption in direct searches. We show that a non-zero kinetic mixing does not generally spoil the phenomenology of the model, leaving both the axion and dark photon stable. Viable production mechanisms point to a sub-dominant population of dark photons making up $\lesssim 10\%$ of the DM, with the remainder consisting of axion DM. Dark photons in the mass range $m_{\gamma^\prime} \sim 20-200\,\mathrm{eV}$ and axions in the mass range $m_a \sim 30 - 460\,\mu\mathrm{eV}$ may be produced with these abundances self-consistently in the Dark Axion Portal and are within the reach of future direct searches.

Michael A. Fedderke, Peter W. Graham, Surjeet Rajendran

50 pages, 9 figures

A major challenge for gravitational-wave (GW) detection in the $\mu$Hz band is engineering a test mass (TM) with sufficiently low acceleration noise. We propose a GW detection concept using asteroids located in the inner Solar System as TMs. Our main purpose is to evaluate the acceleration noise of asteroids in the $\mu$Hz band. We show that a wide variety of environmental perturbations are small enough to enable an appropriate class of $\sim 10$ km-diameter asteroids to be employed as TMs. This would allow a sensitive GW detector in the band $\text{(few)} \times 10^{-7} \text{Hz} \lesssim f_{\text{GW}} \lesssim \text{(few)} \times 10^{-5} \text{Hz}$, reaching strain $h_c \sim 10^{-19}$ around $f_{\text{GW}} \sim 10 \mu$Hz, sufficient to detect a wide variety of sources. To exploit these asteroid TMs, human-engineered base stations could be deployed on multiple asteroids, each equipped with an electromagnetic (EM) transmitter/receiver to permit measurement of variations in the distance between them. We discuss a potential conceptual design with two base stations, each with a space-qualified optical atomic clock measuring the round-trip EM pulse travel time via laser ranging. Tradespace exists to optimize multiple aspects of this mission: for example, using a radio-ranging or interferometric link system instead of laser ranging. This motivates future dedicated technical design study. This mission concept holds exceptional promise for accessing this GW frequency band.