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Papers for Wednesday, Jan 05 2022

Papers with local authors

Yuri Oku, Kengo Tomida, Kentaro Nagamine, Ikkoh Shimizu, Renyue Cen

34 pages, 22 figures, submitted to AAS Journals

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Paper 20 — arXiv:2201.00970
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2201.00970

Feedback from supernovae (SNe) is an essential mechanism that self-regulates the growth of galaxies, and a better model of SN feedback is still needed in galaxy formation simulations. In the first part of this paper, using an Eulerian hydrodynamic code Athena++, we find universal scaling relations for the time evolution of momentum and radius for a superbubble, when the momentum and time are scaled by those at the shell-formation time. In the second part of this paper, we develop an SN feedback model based on the Athena++ simulation results utilizing Voronoi tesselation around each star particle, and implement it into the GADGET3-Osaka smoothed particle hydrodynamic code. Our feedback model was demonstrated to be isotropic and conservative in terms of energy and momentum. We examined the mass/energy/metal loading factors and find that our stochastic thermal feedback model produced galactic outflow that carries metals high above the galactic plane but with weak suppression of star formation. Additional mechanical feedback further suppressed star formation and brought the simulation results in better agreement with the observations of the Kennicutt--Schmidt relation, with all the results being within the uncertainties of observed data. We argue that both thermal and mechanical feedback are necessary for the SN feedback model of galaxy evolution when an individual SN bubble is unresolved.

All other papers

Fabio Pacucci, Pratika Dayal, Yuichi Harikane, Akio K. Inoue, Abraham Loeb

5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letters

The detection of two $z \sim 13$ galaxy candidates (Harikane et al. 2021b) has opened a new window on galaxy formation at an era only $330$ Myr after the Big Bang. Here, we investigate the physical nature of these sources: are we witnessing star forming galaxies or quasars at such early epochs? If powered by star formation, the observed ultraviolet (UV) luminosities and number densities can be jointly explained if: (i) these galaxies are extreme star-formers with star formation rates $5-25\times$ higher than those expected from extrapolations of average lower-redshift relations; (ii) the star formation efficiency increases with halo mass and is countered by increasing dust attenuation from $z \sim 10-5$; (iii) they form stars with an extremely top-heavy initial mass function. The quasar hypothesis is also plausible, with the UV luminosity produced by black holes of $\sim 10^8 \, \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ accreting at or slightly above the Eddington rate ($f_{\rm Edd}\sim 1.0$). This black hole mass at $z \sim 13$ would require challenging, but not implausible, growth parameters, in line with what required for $z\sim 7.5$ quasars detected thus far. If spectroscopically confirmed, these two sources will represent a remarkable laboratory to study the Universe at previously inaccessible redshifts.

Lucas Teinturier, Nicholas Vieira, Elisa Jacquet, Juliette Geoffrion, Youssef Bestavros, Dylan Keating, Nicolas B. Cowan

9 pages, 3 figures To be published in MNRAS

Reflected light photometry of terrestrial exoplanets could reveal the presence of oceans and continents, hence placing direct constraints on the current and long-term habitability of these worlds. Inferring the albedo map of a planet from its observed light curve is challenging because different maps may yield indistinguishable light curves. This degeneracy is aggravated by changing clouds. It has previously been suggested that disk-integrated photometry spanning multiple days could be combined to obtain a cloud-free surface map of an exoplanet. We demonstrate this technique as part of a Bayesian retrieval by simultaneously fitting for the fixed surface map of a planet and the time-variable overlying clouds. We test this approach on synthetic data then apply it to real disk-integrated observations of the Earth. We find that eight days of continuous synthetic observations are sufficient to reconstruct a faithful low resolution surface albedo map, without needing to make assumptions about cloud physics. For lightcurves with negligible photometric uncertainties, the minimal top-of-atmosphere albedo at a location is a good estimate of its surface albedo. When applied to observations from the Earth Polychromating Imaging Camera aboard the DSCOVR spacecraft, our approach removes only a small fraction of clouds. We attribute this difficulty to the full-phase geometry of observations combined with the short correlation length for Earth clouds. For exoplanets with Earth-like climatology, it may be hard to do much better than a cloud-averaged map. We surmise that cloud removal will be most successful for exoplanets imaged near quarter phase that harbour large cloud systems.

G. Orellana-González, P. Cerulo, G. Covone, C. Cheng, R. Leiton, R. Demarco, Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais

19 pages, 11 figures. 11 tables

We study the star-formation activity in a sample of $\sim$ 56,000 brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) at $0.05 < z < 0.42$ using optical and infra-red data from SDSS and WISE. We estimate stellar masses and star-formation rates (SFR) through SED fitting and study the evolution of the SFR with redshift as well as the effects of BCG stellar mass, cluster halo mass and cooling time on star formation. Our BCGs have $SFR = 1.4\times10^{-3}-275.2$ [$\rm M_{\odot}$/yr] and $sSFR=5 \times 10^{-15}-6 \times 10^{-10}$ [yr$^{-1}$] . We find that star-forming BCGs are more abundant at higher redshifts and have higher $SFR$ than at lower redshifts. The fraction of star-forming BCGs ($f_{\rm SF}$) varies from 30% to 80% at $0.05 < z < 0.42$. Despite the large values of $f_{\rm SF}$, we show that only 13% of the BCGs lie on the star-forming main sequence for field galaxies at the same redshifts. We also find that $f_{\rm SF}$ depends only weakly on $\rm M_{200}$, while it sharply decreases with $\rm M_{*}$. We finally find that the $SFR$ in BCGs decreases with increasing $\rm t_{cool}$, suggesting that star formation is related to the cooling of the intra-cluster medium. However, we also find a weak correlation of $\rm M_{*}$ and $\rm M_{200}$ with $\rm t_{cool}$, suggesting that AGN are heating the intra-cluster gas around the BCGs. We compare our estimates of $SFR$ with the predictions from empirical models for the evolution of the $SFR$ with redshift, finding that the transition from a merger dominated to a cooling-dominated star formation may happen at $z < 0.6$.

Ben Wang, Jiaqi Zou, Zheng Cai, J. Xavier Prochaska, Zechang Sun, Jiani Ding, Andreu Font-Ribera, Alma Gonzalez, Hiram K. Herrera-Alcantar, Vid Irsic, Xiaojing Lin, David Brooks, Solène Chabanier, Roger de Belsunce, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, Gregory Tarle, Zhimin Zhou

Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplement 23 pages, 21 figures, 8 tables

We have updated and applied a convolutional neural network (CNN) machine learning model to discover and characterize damped Ly$\alpha$ systems (DLAs) based on Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) mock spectra. We have optimized the training process and constructed a CNN model that yields a DLA classification accuracy above 99$\%$ for spectra which have signal-to-noise (S/N) above 5 per pixel. Classification accuracy is the rate of correct classifications. This accuracy remains above 97$\%$ for lower signal-to-noise (S/N) $\approx1$ spectra. This CNN model provides estimations for redshift and HI column density with standard deviations of 0.002 and 0.17 dex for spectra with S/N above 3 per pixel. Also, this DLA finder is able to identify overlapping DLAs and sub-DLAs. Further, the impact of different DLA catalogs on the measurement of Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) is investigated. The cosmological fitting parameter result for BAO has less than $0.61\%$ difference compared to analysis of the mock results with perfect knowledge of DLAs. This difference is lower than the statistical error for the first year estimated from the mock spectra: above $1.7\%$. We also compared the performance of CNN and Gaussian Process (GP) model. Our improved CNN model has moderately 14$\%$ higher purity and 7$\%$ higher completeness than an older version of GP code, for S/N $>$ 3. Both codes provide good DLA redshift estimates, but the GP produces a better column density estimate by $24\%$ less standard deviation. A credible DLA catalog for DESI main survey can be provided by combining these two algorithms.

Ben K. D. Pearce, Karan Molaverdikhani, Ralph E. Pudritz, Thomas Henning, Kaitlin E. Cerrillo

Accepted to ApJ, 27 pages (14 main text), 11 figures, 9 tables

The origin of life on Earth involves the early appearance of an information-containing molecule such as RNA. The basic building blocks of RNA could have been delivered by carbon-rich meteorites, or produced in situ by processes beginning with the synthesis of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) in the early Earth's atmosphere. Here, we construct a robust physical and non-equilibrium chemical model of the early Earth atmosphere. The atmosphere is supplied with hydrogen from impact degassing of meteorites, sourced with water evaporated from the oceans, carbon dioxide from volcanoes, and methane from undersea hydrothermal vents, and in which lightning and external UV-driven chemistry produce HCN. This allows us to calculate the rain-out of HCN into warm little ponds (WLPs). We then use a comprehensive sources and sinks numerical model to compute the resulting abundances of nucleobases, ribose, and nucleotide precursors such as 2-aminooxazole resulting from aqueous and UV-driven chemistry within them. We find that at 4.4 bya (billion years ago) peak adenine concentrations in ponds can be maintained at ~2.8$\mu$M for more than 100 Myr. Meteorite delivery of adenine to WLPs produce similar peaks in concentration, but are destroyed within months by UV photodissociation, seepage, and hydrolysis. The early evolution of the atmosphere is dominated by the decrease of hydrogen due to falling impact rates and atmospheric escape, and the rise of oxygenated species such as OH from H2O photolysis. Our work points to an early origin of RNA on Earth within ~200 Myr of the Moon-forming impact.

P. Gandhi (Univ. Southampton), D.A.H. Buckley, P.A. Charles, S. Hodgkin, S. Scaringi, C. Knigge, A. Rao, J.A. Paice, Y. Zhao

MNRAS in press. Updates and supersedes arXiv:2009.07277 with Gaia EDR3; main inferences unchanged. Primary catalogue available this http URL , and also at CDS

Astrometric noise (AEN) in excess of parallax and proper motion is a potential signature of orbital wobble of individual components in binary star systems. The combination of X-ray selection with astrometric noise could then be a powerful tool for robustly isolating accreting binaries in large surveys. Here, we mine the Gaia EDR3 catalogue for Galactic sources with significant values of astrometric noise over the parameter space expected for known and candidate X-ray binaries (XRBs). Cross-matching our sample with the Chandra Source Catalogue returns a primary sample of ~6,500 X-ray sources with significant AEN. X-ray detection efficiency for objects with significant AEN is a factor of ~4.5 times higher than in a matched control sample exhibiting low AEN. The primary sample branches off the main sequence much more than control objects in colour-mag space, and includes a higher fraction of known binaries, variables and young stellar object class types. However, values of AEN reported in the Gaia pipeline releases so far can exceed expectations for individual XRBs with known semi-major axis size and other system parameters. It is likely that other factors (possibly attitude and modelling uncertainties, as well as source variability) currently dominate the observed excess noise in such systems. Confirmation of their nature must therefore await future Gaia releases. The full X-ray matched catalogue is released here to enable legacy follow-up.

Crescenzo Tortora, Nicola Rosario Napolitano

29 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on Frontiers

Dark matter (DM) is predicted to be the dominant mass component in galaxies. In the central region of Early-type galaxies it is expected to account for a large amount of the total mass, although the stellar mass should still represent the majority of the mass budget, depending on the stellar Initial Mass Function (IMF). We discuss latest results on the DM fraction and mean DM density for local galaxies and explore their evolution with redshifts in the last 8 Gyr of the cosmic history. We compare these results with expectations from the $\Lambda$CDM model, and discuss the the role of the IMF and galaxy model, through the central total mass density slope. We finally present future perspectives offered by next generation instruments/surveys (Rubin/LSST, Euclid, CSST, WEAVE, 4MOST, DESI), that will provide the unique chance to measure the DM evolution with time for an unprecedented number of galaxies and constrain their evolutionary scenario.

N. Luber, A. Müller, J. H. van Gorkom, B. M. Poggianti, B. Vulcani, A. Franchetto, C. Bacchini, D. Bettoni, T. Deb, J. Fritz, M. Gullieuszik, A. Ignesti, Y. Jaffe, A. Moretti, R. Paladino, M. Ramatsoku, P. Serra, R. Smith, N. Tomicic, S. Tonnesen, M. Verheijen, A. Wolter

25 pages, 13 figures, accepted to ApJ

We present the results of a VLA HI imaging survey aimed at understanding why some galaxies develop long extraplanar H$\alpha$ tails, becoming extreme jellyfish galaxies. The observations are centered on five extreme jellyfish galaxies, optically selected from the WINGS and OmegaWINGS surveys and confirmed to have long H$\alpha$ tails through MUSE observations. Each galaxy is located in a different cluster. In the observations there are in total 88 other spiral galaxies within the field of view (40'x40') and observed bandwidth (6500 km s$^{-1}$). We detect 13 of these 88 spirals, plus one uncatalogued spiral, with HI masses ranging from 1 to 7 $\times$ 10${^9}$ M$_{\odot}$. Many of these detections have extended HI disks, two show direct evidence for ram pressure stripping, while others are possibly affected by tidal forces and/or ram-pressure stripping. We stack the 75 non-detected spiral galaxies and find an average HI mass of 1.9 $\times$ 10$^{8}$ M$_{\odot}$, which given their average stellar mass, implies they are very HI deficient. Comparing the extreme jellyfish galaxies to the other disk galaxies, we find that they have a larger stellar mass than almost all disk galaxies and than all HI detected galaxies, they are at smaller projected distance from the cluster center and at higher relative velocity to the cluster mean than all HI detections and most non-detections. We conclude that the high stellar mass allows extreme jellyfish galaxies to fall deeply into the cluster before being stripped and the surrounding ICM pressure gives rise to their spectacular star-forming tails.

David J. Williamson (Univ. Southampton), Lars H. Bösch (ITAP Kiel, Univ. Southampton), Sebastian F. Hönig (Univ. Southampton)

12 pages, 8 Figures, 3 Tables; Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We produce the first set of radiation hydrodynamics simulations of binary AGNs at parsec-scale separation in scale-model simulations. We use SPH for hydrodynamics, and raytracing to calculate optical depths and radiation pressure from the two AGNs. We confirm that, without radiation pressure, the sign of gravitational torque is sensitive to the binary parameters, although in one of our two orbital configurations the binary should coalesce in a time-scale of $<10^9$ yr. However, radiation pressure quickly destroys the 'minitori' around each SMBH, drastically reducing gravitational torques and accretion, and greatly increasing the coalescence time-scale. Our simulations suggest a new 'minitorus' duty cycle with a time-scale of ~10 binary periods (~$10^6$ yr when scaling our models to a total binary mass of $2\times10^7\,M_\odot$). The growth and blow-out phases of the 'minitori' are of similar time-scales, and thus we expect about half of observed binary SMBHs to be active, in at least one component. The 'minitorus' structure provides asymmetries that could be observed by infrared interferometry.

Megan N. Barnett, Fred J. Ciesla

11 pages, 5 figures

Jupiter's enhancement in nitrogen relative to hydrogen when compared to the Sun has been interpreted as evidence that its early formation occurred beyond the N$_{2}$ snowline ($\sim$ 20-40 AU). However, the rapid growth necessary to form Jupiter before the dissipation of the solar nebula would lead to the forming planet's core reaching very high temperatures ($>$1000 K), which would lead to it warming its surroundings. Here, we explore the effects of a luminous planetary core on the solids that it ultimately accretes. We find that a critical transition occurs where very hot (rapidly accreting) cores drive off volatiles prior to accretion, while cool cores (slowly accreting) are able to inherit volatile rich solids. Given Jupiter's nitrogen enrichment, if it formed beyond the N$_{2}$ snowline, its core could not have accreted solids at a rate above 10$^{-10}$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. Our results suggest that either Jupiter formed in more distal regions of the solar nebula, or nitrogen loss was suppressed, either by its incorporation in more refractory carriers or because it was trapped within ices which devolatilized at higher temperatures.

Savvas Chanlaridis, John Antoniadis, David R. Aguilera-Dena, Götz Gräfener, Norbert Langer, Nikolaos Stergioulas

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics; comments are welcome

(abridged) When stripped from their hydrogen-rich envelopes, stars with initial masses between $\sim$7 and 11 M$_\odot$ develop massive degenerate cores and collapse. Depending on the final structure and composition, the outcome can range from a thermonuclear explosion, to the formation of a neutron star in an electron-capture supernova (ECSN). It has been recently demonstrated that stars in this mass range may initiate explosive oxygen burning when their central densities are still below $\rho_{\rm c} \lesssim 10^{9.6}$ g cm$^{-3}$. This makes them interesting candidates for Type Ia Supernovae -- which we call (C)ONe SNe Ia -- and might have broader implications for the formation of neutron stars via ECSNe. Here, we model the evolution of 252 helium-stars with initial masses in the $0.8-3.5$ M$_\odot$ range, and metallicities between $Z=10^{-4}$ and $0.02$. We use these models to constrain the central densities, compositions and envelope masses at the time of explosive oxygen ignition. We further investigate the sensitivity of these properties to mass-loss rate assumptions using additional models with varying wind efficiencies. We find that helium-stars with masses between $\sim$1.8 and 2.7 M$_\odot$ evolve onto $1.35-1.37$ M$_\odot$ (C)ONe cores that initiate explosive burning at central densities between $\rm \log_{10}(\rho_c)\sim 9.3$ and 9.6. We constrain the amount of residual carbon retained after core carbon burning, and conclude that it plays a critical role in determining the final outcome: Cores with residual carbon mass fractions of $X_{\rm min}(\rm{{^{12}}C}) \gtrsim 0.004$ result in (C)ONe SNe Ia, while those with lower carbon mass fractions become ECSNe. We find that (C)ONe SNe Ia are more likely to occur at high metallicities, whereas at low metallicities ECSNe dominate.

N.F. Allard, F. Spiegelman, J. F. Kielkopf, S. Bourdreux

9 pages, 12 figures

In order to investigate the near wing of the Lyman-alpha line, accurate line profile calculations and molecular data are both required due to the existence of a close line satellite responsible for its asymmetrical shape. Lyman-alpha lines observed with the Cosmic Origin Spectograph (COS) on the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST) show this peculiarity in the spectra of DBA and DA white dwarf stars. A similar asymmetrical shape in the blue wing can be predicted in the Balmer-alpha line of H perturbed by He and H atoms. In continuation with a very recent work on the Lyman-alpha line, where the n=2 potential energies and transition dipole moments from the ground state were determined, we present new accurate H-He potential energies and electronic transition dipole moments involving the molecular states correlated with H(n=3)+He and their transition dipole moments with the states correlated with H(n=2)+He. Those new data and existing molecular data for H(n=2,3)-H are used to provide a theoretical investigation of the collisional effects in the blue wing of the Balmer-alpha line of H perturbed by He and H atoms. We note the consequences for the Balmer-alpha line shape in the physical conditions found in the cool atmosphere of DZA white dwarfs where helium densities may be as high as 10^21 cm-3. This study is undertaken with a unified theory of spectral line broadening valid at very high helium densities.

Michael Y. Grudić, Dávid Guszejnov, Stella S. R. Offner, Anna L. Rosen, Aman N. Raju, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Philip F. Hopkins

Submitted to MNRAS. 17 pages, 10 figures. Comments welcome. Visit this http URL to learn more about the STARFORGE Project. Simulation movie available at this http URL

We analyze the first giant molecular cloud (GMC) simulation to follow the formation of individual stars and their feedback from jets, radiation, winds, and supernovae, using the STARFORGE framework in the GIZMO code. We evolve the GMC for $\sim 9 \rm Myr$, from initial turbulent collapse to dispersal by feedback. Protostellar jets dominate feedback momentum initially, but radiation and winds cause cloud disruption at $\sim 8\%$ star formation efficiency (SFE), and the first supernova at $8.3 \rm Myr$ comes too late to influence star formation significantly. The per-freefall SFE is dynamic, accelerating from 0 to $\sim 18\%$ before dropping quickly to <1%, but the estimate from YSO counts compresses it to a narrower range. The primary cluster forms hierarchically and condenses to a brief ($\sim 1\,\mathrm{Myr}$) compact ($\sim 1 \rm pc$) phase, but does not virialize before the cloud disperses, and the stars end as an unbound expanding association. The initial mass function resembles the Chabrier (2005) form with a high-mass slope $\alpha=-2$ and a maximum mass of $55 M_\odot$. Stellar accretion takes $\sim 400 \rm kyr$ on average, but $\gtrsim 1\rm Myr$ for $>10 M_\odot$ stars, so massive stars finish growing latest. The fraction of stars in multiples increases as a function of primary mass, as observed. Overall, the simulation much more closely resembles reality, compared to variations which neglect different feedback physics entirely. But more detailed comparison with synthetic observations is necessary to constrain the theoretical uncertainties.

Diogo Souto, Katia Cunha, Verne V. Smith, D. A. García-Hernández, Jon A. Holtzman, Henrik Jönsson, Suvrath Mahadevan, Steven R. Majewski, Thomas Masseron, Marc Pinsonneault, Donald P. Schneider, Matthew Shetrone, Keivan G. Stassun, Ryan Terrien, Olga Zamora, Guy S. Stringfellow, Richard R. Lane, Christian Nitschelm, Bárbara Rojas-Ayala

19 pages. Accepted to ApJ

Individual chemical abundances for fourteen elements (C, O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, and Ni) are derived for a sample of M-dwarfs using high-resolution near-infrared $H$-band spectra from the SDSS-IV/APOGEE survey. The quantitative analysis included synthetic spectra computed with 1-D LTE plane-parallel MARCS models using the APOGEE DR17 line list to determine chemical abundances. The sample consists of eleven M-dwarfs in binary systems with warmer FGK-dwarf primaries and ten measured interferometric angular diameters. To minimize atomic diffusion effects, [X/Fe] ratios are used to compare M-dwarfs in binary systems and literature results for their warmer primary stars, indicating good agreement ($<$0.08 dex) for all studied elements. The mean abundance differences in Primaries-this work M-dwarfs is -0.05$\pm$0.03 dex. It indicates that M-dwarfs in binary systems are a reliable way to calibrate empirical relationships. A comparison with abundance, effective temperature, and surface gravity results from the ASPCAP pipeline (DR16) finds a systematic offset of [M/H], $T_{\rm eff}$, log$g$ = +0.21 dex, -50 K, and 0.30 dex, respectively, although ASPCAP [X/Fe] ratios are generally consistent with this study. The metallicities of the M dwarfs cover the range of [Fe/H] = -0.9 to +0.4 and are used to investigate Galactic chemical evolution via trends of [X/Fe] as a function of [Fe/H]. The behavior of the various elemental abundances [X/Fe] versus [Fe/H] agrees well with the corresponding trends derived from warmer FGK-dwarfs, demonstrating that the APOGEE spectra can be used to Galactic chemical evolution using large samples of selected M-dwarfs.

Francisco Ruiz-Escobedo, Miriam Peña

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 17 pages, 4 figures, 14 tables

From high-resolution spectra, chemical abundances from collisionally excited lines (CELs) and optical recombination lines (ORLs) have been determined for planetary nebulae Cn 3-1, Vy 2-2, Hu 2-1, Vy 1-2 and IC 4997, which are young and dense objects. The main aim of this work is to derive their O$^{+2}$/H$^{+}$ Abundance Discrepancy Factors, ADFs, between CELs and ORLs. He, O, N, Ne, Ar, S, and Cl abundances were obtained and our values are in agreement with those previously reported. We found that Cn 3-1, Hu 2-1, and Vy 1-2 have O abundances typical of disc PNe, while Vy 2-2 and IC 4997 are low O abundance objects ($\rm{12+log(O/H) \sim 8.2}$), which can be attributed to possible O depletion into dust grains. ADFs(O$^{+2}$) of $4.30^{+1.00}_{-1.16}$, $1.85 \pm 1.05$, $5.34^{+1.27}_{-1.08}$ and $4.87^{+4.34}_{-2.71}$ were determined for Vy 2-2, Hu 2-1, Vy 1-2 and IC 4997, respectively. The kinematics of CELs and ORLs was analysed for each case to study the possibility that different coexisting plasmas in the nebula emit them. Expansion velocities of [O III] and O II are equal within uncertainties in three PNe, providing no evidence for these lines being emitted in different zones. Exception are Hu 2-1 and Vy 2-2, where ORLs might be emitted in different zones than CELs. For Vy 2-2 and IC 4997 we found that nebular and auroral lines of the same ion (S$^+$, N$^{+}$, Ar$^{+2}$, Ar$^{+3}$, O$^{+2}$) might present different expansion velocities. Auroral lines show lower $\rm{V_{exp}}$ which might indicate that they are emitted in a denser and inner zone than the nebular ones.

Noah Franz, Steve Croft, Andrew P. V. Siemion, Raffy Traas, Bryan Brzycki, Vishal Gajjar, Howard Isaacson, Matt Lebofsky, David H. E. MacMahon, Danny C. Price, Sofia Z. Sheikh, Julia De Marines, Jamie Drew, S. Pete Worden

12 pages; 7 figures; Accepted to The Astronomical Journal

The Breakthrough Listen Initiative, as part of its larger mission, is performing the most thorough technosignature search of nearby stars. Additionally, Breakthrough Listen is collaborating with scientists working on NASAs Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), to examine TESS Targets of Interest (TOIs) for technosignatures. Here, we present a $1-11$ $\textrm{GHz}$ radio technosignature search of $61$ TESS TOIs that were in transit during their Breakthrough Listen observation at the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope. We performed a narrowband Doppler drift search with a minimum S/N threshold of $10$, across a drift rate range of $\pm 4$ $\textrm{Hz}$ $\textrm{s}$ $^{-1}$, with a resolution of $3$ $\textrm{Hz}$. We removed radio frequency interference by comparing signals across cadences of target sources. After interference removal, there are no remaining events in our survey, and therefore no technosignature signals-of-interest detected in this work. This null result implies that at L, S, C, and X bands, fewer than $52\textrm{%}$, $20\textrm{%}$, $16\textrm{%}$, and $15\textrm{%}$, respectively, of TESS TOIs possess a transmitter with an equivalent isotropic radiated power greater than a few times $10^{14}$ $\textrm{W}$.

Laura Šerkšnytė, Stephan Königstorfer, Philip von Doetinchem, Laura Fabbietti, Diego Mauricio Gomez-Coral, Johannes Herms, Alejandro Ibarra, Thomas Pöschl, Anirvan Shukla, Andrew Strong, Ivan Vorobyev

Cosmic-ray antideuterons could be a key for the discovery of exotic phenomena in our Galaxy, such as dark-matter annihilations or primordial black hole evaporation. Unfortunately the theoretical predictions of the antideuteron flux at Earth are plagued with uncertainties from the mechanism of antideuteron production and propagation in the Galaxy. We present the most up-to-date calculation of the antideuteron fluxes from cosmic-ray collisions with the interstellar medium and from exotic processes. We include for the first time the antideuteron inelastic interaction cross section recently measured by the ALICE collaboration to account for the loss of antideuterons during propagation. In order to bracket the uncertainty in the expected fluxes, we consider several state-of-the-art models of antideuteron production and of cosmic-ray propagation.

Kenji Furuya, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Chunhua Qi, Hideko Nomura, L. Ilsedore Cleeves, Seokho Lee, Tomohiro C. Yoshida

Accepted for publication in ApJ, 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

The oxygen isotope fractionation scenario, which has been developed to explain the oxygen isotope anomaly in the solar system materials, predicts that CO gas is depleted in 18O in protoplanetary disks, where segregation between solids and gas inside disks had already occurred. Based on ALMA observations, we report the first detection of HC18O+(4-3) in a Class II protoplanetary disk (TW Hya). This detection allows us to explore the oxygen isotope fractionation of CO in the TW Hya disk from optically thin HCO+ isotopologues as a proxy of optically thicker CO isotopologues. Using the H13CO+(4-3) data previously obtained with SMA, we find that the H13CO+/HC18O+ ratio in the central <100 au regions of the disk is 10.3 +- 3.2. We construct a chemical model of the TW Hya disk with carbon and oxygen isotope fractionation chemistry, and estimate the conversion factor from H13CO+/HC18O+ to 13CO/C18O. With the conversion factor (= 0.8), the 13CO/C18O ratio is estimated to be 8.3 +- 2.6, which is consistent with the elemental abundance ratio in the local ISM (8.1 +- 0.8) within error margin. Then there is no clear evidence of 18O depletion in CO gas of the disk, although we could not draw any robust conclusion due to large uncertainties. In conclusion, optically thin lines of HCO+ isotopologues are useful tracers of CO isotopic ratios, which are hardly constrained directly from optically thick lines of CO isotopologues. Future higher sensitivity observations of H13CO+ and HC18O+ would be able to allow us to better constrain the oxygen fractionation in the disk.

Type Ibn Supernovae (SNe Ibn) show signatures of strong interaction between the SN ejecta and hydrogen-poor circumstellar matter (CSM). Deriving the ejecta and CSM properties of SNe Ibn provides a great opportunity to study the final evolution of massive stars. In the present work, we present a light curve (LC) model for the ejecta-CSM interaction, taking into account the processes in which the high-energy photons originally created at the forward and reverse shocks are converted to the observed emission in the optical. The model is applied to a sample of SNe Ibn and `SN Ibn' rapidly evolving transients. We show that the characteristic post-peak behavior commonly seen in the SN Ibn LCs, where a slow decay is followed by a rapid decay, is naturally explained by the transition of the forward-shock property from cooling to adiabatic regime without introducing a change in the CSM density distribution. The (commonly-found) slope in the rapid decay phase indicates a steep CSM density gradient (rho_CSM ~ r^{-3}), inferring a rapid increase in the mass-loss rate toward the SN as a generic properties of the SN Ibn progenitors. From the derived ejecta and CSM properties, we argue that massive Wolf-Rayet stars with the initial mass of >~ 18 Msun can be a potential class of the progenitors. The present work also indicates existence of currently missing population of UV-bright rapid transients for which the final mass-loss rate is lower than the optical SNe Ibn, which can be efficiently probed by future UV missions.

P. Wilson Cauley, John P. Ahlers

10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to AAS Journals on 12/29/2021

High-resolution transmission spectroscopy is a powerful method for probing the extended atmospheres of short-period exoplanets. With the advancement of ultra-stable echelle spectrographs and the advent of 30-meter class telescopes on the horizon, even minor observational and physical effects will become important when modeling atmospheric absorption of atomic species. In this work we demonstrate how the non-uniform temperature across the surface of a fast rotating star, i.e., gravity darkening, can affect the observed transmission spectrum in a handful of atomic transitions commonly observed in short-period exoplanet atmospheres. We simulate transits of the ultra-hot Jupiters KELT-9 b and HAT-P-70 b but our results are applicable to all short-period gas giants transiting rapidly rotating stars. In general, we find that gravity darkening has a small effect on the average transmission spectrum but can change the shape of the absorption light curve, similar to the effect observed in broadband photometric transits. While the magnitude of gravity darkening effects are on the same order as the noise in transmission spectra observed with 10-meter class telescopes, future high-quality spectroscopic light curves for individual atomic absorption lines collected with 30-meter class telescopes will need to account for this effect.

Kenneth J. Rines, Jubee Sohn, Margaret J. Geller, Antonaldo Diaferio

20 pages, 13 figures

We discuss a spectroscopic survey of the strong lensing cluster A1489 that includes redshifts for 195 cluster members along with central velocity dispersions for 188 cluster members. The caustic technique applied to the redshift survey gives the dynamical parameters $M_{200} = (1.25~\pm~0.09) \times 10^{15}~M_\odot$, $r_{200} = 1.97~\pm~{0.05}$ Mpc, and a cluster line-of sight velocity dispersion $1150~\pm~{72}~$km$~$s$^{-1}$ within $r_{200}$. These parameters are very similar to those of other strong lensing systems with comparably large Einstein radii. We use the spectroscopy and deep photometry to demonstrate that A1489 is probably dynamically active; its four BCGs have remarkably different rest frame radial velocities. Like other massive strong lensing clusters, the velocity dispersion function for members of A1489 shows an excess for dispersions $\geq~250~$km$~$s$^{-1}$. The central dispersions also provide enhanced constraints on future lensing models.

Wataru Fujiya, Hisato Higashi, Yuki Hibiya, Shingo Sugawara, Akira Yamaguchi, Makoto Kimura, Ko Hashizume

19 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables

C-complex asteroids, rich in carbonaceous materials, are potential sources of Earth's volatile inventories. They are spectrally dark resembling primitive carbonaceous meteorites, and thus, C-complex asteroids are thought to be potential parent bodies of carbonaceous meteorites. However, the substantial number of C-complex asteroids exhibits surface spectra with weaker hydroxyl absorption than water-rich carbonaceous meteorites. Rather, they best correspond to meteorites showing evidence for dehydration, commonly attributed to impact heating. Here, we report an old radiometric age of 4564.7 million years ago for Ca-carbonates from the Jbilet Winselwan meteorite analogous to dehydrated C-complex asteroids. The carbonates are enclosed by a high-temperature polymorph of Ca-sulfates, suggesting thermal metamorphism at >300{\deg}C subsequently after aqueous alteration. This old age indicates the early onset of aqueous alteration and subsequent thermal metamorphism driven by the decay of short-lived radionuclides rather than impact heating. The breakup of original asteroids internally heated by radioactivity should result in asteroid families predominantly consisting of thermally metamorphosed materials. This explains the common occurrence of dehydrated C-complex asteroids.

Ge Chen, Vikram Ravi, Gregg W. Hallinan

17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ

FRB 121102 is the first fast radio burst source to be spatially associated with a persistent radio source (QRS121102), the nature of which remains unknown. We present a detailed observational study of QRS121102 and its host galaxy. We constrain the physical size of QRS121102 by measuring its flux-density variability with the VLA in the Ku-band (12 to 18 GHz) and the K-band (18 to 26 GHz). Any such variability would likely be due to Galactic refractive scintillation and would require the source radius to be <10^17 cm at the host-galaxy redshift. We found the radio variability to be lower than the scintillation theory predictions for such a small source, leaving open the possibility for non-AGN models for QRS121102. In addition, we roughly estimated the mass of any potential supermassive black hole (SMBH) associated with QRS121102 from the width of the H\alpha emission line using a medium-resolution optical spectrum from the Keck Observatory. The line width gives a velocity dispersion of <30 km/s, indicating a SMBH mass of <10^{4~5} M_sun. We find the SMBH mass too low for the observed radio luminosity, and X-ray luminosity constraints, if QRS121102 were an AGN. Finally, some dwarf galaxies that host SMBH may be the stripped cores of massive galaxies during the tidal interactions with companion systems. We find no nearby galaxy at the same redshift as the QRS121102 host from low-resolution Keck spectra, or from the PanSTARRS catalog. In conclusion, we find no evidence supporting the hypothesis that the persistent radio source associated with FRB 121102 is an AGN. We instead argue that the inferred size, and the flat radio spectrum, favors a plerion interpretation. We urge continued broadband radio monitoring of QRS121102 to search for long-term evolution, and the detailed evaluation of potential analogs that may provide greater insight into the nature of this class of object.

Lynne A. Hillenbrand, Antonio C. Rodriguez

accepted for publication in RNAAS

Disks around young stellar objects (YSOs) consist of material that thermally emits the energy provided by a combination of passive heating from the central star, and active, viscous heating due to mass accretion. FU Ori stars are YSOs with substantially enhanced accretion rates in their inner disk regions. As a disk transitions from standard low-state, to FU Ori-like high-state accretion, the outburst manifests through photometric brightening over a broad range of wavelengths. We present results for the expected amplitudes of the brightening between $\sim$4000 \AA\ and 8 $\mu$m -- the wavelength range where FU Ori type outburst events are most commonly detected. Our model consists of an optically thick passive $+$ active steady-state accretion disk with low and high accretion states.

N. Marcelli, M. Boezio, A. Lenni, W. Menn, R. Munini, O. P. M. Aslam, D. Bisschoff, M. D. Ngobeni, M. S. Potgieter, O. Adriani, G. C. Barbarino, G. A. Bazilevskaya, R. Bellotti, E. A. Bogomolov, M. Bongi, V. Bonvicini, A. Bruno, F. Cafagna, D. Campana, P. Carlson, M. Casolino, G. Castellini, C. De Santis, A. M. Galper, S. V. Koldashov, S. Koldobskiy, A. N. Kvashnin, A.A. Leonov, V.V. Malakhov, L. Marcelli, M. Martucci, A. G. Mayorov, M. Merge, E. Mocchiutti, A. Monaco, N. Mori, V. V. Mikhailov, G. Osteria, B. Panico, P. Papini, M. Pearce, P. Picozza, M. Ricci, S. B. Ricciarini, M. Simon, A. Sotgiu, R. Sparvoli, P. Spillantini, Y. I. Stozhkov, A. Vacchi, E. Vannuccini, G.I. Vasilyev, S. A. Voronov, Y. T. Yurkin, G. Zampa, N. Zampa

9 pages, 5 figures

Time-dependent energy spectra of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) carry fundamental information regarding their origin and propagation. When observed at the Earth, these spectra are significantly affected by the solar wind and the embedded solar magnetic field that permeates the heliosphere, changing significantly over an 11-year solar cycle. Energy spectra of GCRs measured during different epochs of solar activity provide crucial information for a thorough understanding of solar and heliospheric phenomena. The PAMELA experiment had collected data for almost ten years (15th June 2006 - 23rd January 2016), including the minimum phase of solar cycle 23 and the maximum phase of solar cycle 24. In this paper, we present new spectra for helium nuclei measured by the PAMELA instrument from January 2010 to September 2014 over a three Carrington rotation time basis. These data are compared to the PAMELA spectra measured during the previous solar minimum providing a picture of the time dependence of the helium nuclei fluxes over a nearly full solar cycle. Time and rigidity dependencies are observed in the proton-to-helium flux ratios. The force-field approximation of the solar modulation was used to relate these dependencies to the shapes of the local interstellar proton and helium-nuclei spectra.

About fifty years after the work that astronomer Tycho Brahe carried out while living on the island of Hven had made him world famous, King Christian IV of Denmark built the Trinity Buildings in Copenhagen. The Tower observatory was opened in 1642, and it housed the astronomers from the University of Copenhagen until 1861 when a new, modern observatory was built at {\O}stervold in the eastern part of the city. In 1996, all the University astronomers from the observatories at {\O}stervold and the small town of Brorfelde were relocated to the Rockefeller Buildings at {\O}sterbro, and the two observatories were closed. In this paper we focus on the library at the observatory in {\O}stervold, and its subsequent fate following the close-down of that observatory.

Pierre Boldrini

Invited review, 28 pages, 16 figures, 1 table, 310 references. Accepted for publication in the special issue Challenges in Our Understanding of Dwarf Galaxies, edited by Yanbin Yang and Behnam Javanmardi, in Galaxies

This review deals with the inconsistency of inner dark matter density profiles in dwarf galaxies, known as the cusp-core problem. Particularly, we aim to focus on gas-poor dwarf galaxies. One of the most promising solutions to this cold dark matter small scale issue is the stellar feedback but it seems to be only designed for gas-rich dwarfs. However, in the regime of classical dwarfs, this core mechanism becomes negligible. Therefore, it is required to find solutions without invoking these baryonic processes as dark matter cores tend to persist even for these dwarfs, which are rather dark matter-dominated. Here we have presented two categories of solutions. One consists of creating dark matter cores from cusps within cold dark matter by altering the dark matter potential via perturbers. The second category gathers solutions which depict the natural emergence of dark matter cores in alternative theories. Given the wide variety of solutions, it becomes necessary to identify which mechanism dominates in the central region of galaxies by finding observational signatures left by them in order to highlight the true nature of dark matter.

Vipin Kumar Sharma, Murli Manohar Verma

14 pages, 8 figures

We explore the shifted $f(R) (\propto R^{1+\delta})$ model with ${\delta}$ as a distinguishing physical parameter for the study of constraints at local scales. The corresponding dynamics confronted with different geodesics (null and non-null) along with its conformal analogue is investigated. For null geodesics, we discuss the light deflection angle, whereas for non-null geodesics under the weak field limit, we investigate the perihelion advance of the Mercury orbit in $f(R)$ Schwarzschild background, respectively. The extent of an additional force, appearing for non-null geodesics, depends on $\delta$. Such phenomenological investigations allow us to strictly constrain $\delta$ to be approximately $\mathcal{O}(10^{-6})$ with a difference of unity in orders at galactic and planetary scales and seems to provide a unique $f(R)$ at local scales. Further, at late cosmic time, we analyse the constraint on $\delta$ via the bare scalar self-interaction Einstein frame potential to provide a null test of dark energy. We constrain the deviation parameter, $\mid\delta\mid$ to $(\approx 0.6)$ which is in a close agreement with the results obtained through various observations in the Jordan frame by several authors. Our results suggest that the present form of model is suitable for the alternate explanation of dark matter-like effects at local scales, whereas at large scales the deviations grow higher and must be addressed in terms of the accelerated background.

Victoria Toptun, Igor Chilingarian, Kirill Grishin, Ivan Katkov, Ivan Zolotukhin, Vladimir Goradzhanov, Mariia Demianenko, Ivan Kuzmun

5 pages, 2 figures. Astronomy at the epoch of multimessenger studies. Proceedings of the VAK-2021 conference, Aug 23-28, 2021 - Moscow, 2021

The origin of supermassive black holes (SMBH) in galaxy centers still remains uncertain. There are two possible ways of their formation - from massive ($10^5 - 10^6 M_{\odot}$) and low-mass ($100 M_{\odot}$) BH nuclei. The latter scenario should leave behind a large number of intermediate mass black holes (IMBH, $10^2 - 10^5 M_{\odot}$). The largest published sample of bona-fide IMBH-powered AGN contains 10 objects confirmed in X-ray. Here we present a new sample of 15 bona-fide IMBHs, obtained by confirming the optically selected IMBH candidates by the presence of radiation from the galactic nucleus in the X-ray range, which increases the number of confirmed IMBHs at the centers of galaxies by 2.5 times. In the same way, 99 black holes with masses of $2\cdot10^5 - 10^6 M_{\odot}$ were confirmed. The sources of X-ray data were publicly available catalogs, archives of data, and our own observations on XMM-Newton, Chandra and Swift. The Eddington coefficients for 30% of the objects from both samples turned out to be close to critical, from 0.5 to 1, which is an unusually high fraction. Also for the first time for light-weight SMBH the correlations between the luminosity in the [OIII] emission line or the broad component of the $H\alpha$ line and the luminosity in the X-ray range were plotted.

Vladimir Goradzhanov, Igor Chilingaryan, Ivan Katkov, Kirill Grishin, Victoria Toptun, Ivan Kuzmin, Mariia Demianenko

5 pages, 7 figures. Astronomy at the epoch of multimessenger studies. Proceedings of the VAK-2021 conference, Aug 23-28, 2021 - Moscow, 2021

Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs; $M_{BH} <2*10^{5} M_{\odot}$) in galaxy centers are cruciel for painting a coherent picture of the formation and growth of supermassive black holes (SMBHs). Using Big Data analysis, we identified 305 IMBH candidates for IMBH and 1623 candidates of `light-weight' SMBHs ($2 * 10^{5} M_{odot} < M_{BH} <10^{6} M_{\odot}$). For 35 host galaxies from this combined sample with the X-ray-confirmed active galactic nuclei (AGN) we collected and analyzed optical spectroscopic observations. These data show that bulge stellar velocity dispersions ($\sigma_*$) lie in the range of 24$\dots$118~km/s and do not follow the correlation with $M_{BH}$ established by larger SMBHs indicating that in the $10^{5}-10^{6} M_{\odot}$ range the accretion is the prevailing BH growth channel.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) was launched on December 25, 2021. This document presents a simulation of the Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) observations of the Orion Bar which will be performed as part of the Early Release Sciences (ERS) program "PDRs4all". The methodology to produce this data relies on the use of a direct forward model of the instrument applied to a synthetic scene of the Orion Bar, coupled to format matching in order to deliver data in JWST-pipeline data format. The resulting 3D cube for one order is provided publicly, and is compatible with tools developed by the STScI (e.g. Cubeviz) and with the science enabling products developed by thePDRs4all team. This cube can be used as a template observation for proposers who would like to apply for NIRSpec observations of extended sources with JWST.

A. L. Peirson, I. Liodakis, A. C. S. Readhead, M. L. Lister, E. S. Perlmann, M. F. Aller, R. D. Blandford, K. J. B. Grainge, D. A. Green, M. A. Gurwell, M. W. Hodges, T. Hovatta, S. Kiehlmann, A. Lähteenmäki, W. Max-Moerbeck, T. Mcaloone, S. O'Neill, V. Pavlidou, T. J. Pearson, V. Ravi, R. A. Reeves, P. F. Scott, G. B. Taylor, D. J. Titterington, M. Tornikoski, H. K. Vedantham, P. N. Wilkinson, D. T. Williams, J. A. Zensus

Accepted to ApJ

Symmetric Achromatic Variability (SAV) is a rare form of radio variability in blazars that has been attributed to gravitational millilensing by a ~$10^2 - 10^5$ $M_\odot$ mass condensate. Four SAVs have been identified between 1980 and 2020 in the long-term radio monitoring data of the blazar PKS 1413+135. We show that all four can be fitted with the same, unchanging, gravitational lens model. If SAV is due to gravitational millilensing, PKS 1413+135 provides a unique system for studying active galactic nuclei with unprecedented microarcsecond resolution, as well as for studying the nature of the millilens itself. We discuss two possible candidates for the putative millilens: a giant molecular cloud hosted in the intervening edge-on spiral galaxy, and an undetected dwarf galaxy with a massive black hole. We find a significant dependence of SAV crossing time on frequency, which could indicate a fast shock moving in a slower underlying flow. We also find tentative evidence for a 989-day periodicity in the SAVs, which, if real, makes possible the prediction of future SAVs: the next three windows for possible SAVs begin in August 2022, May 2025, and February 2028.

L. W. Piotrowski, D. Barghini, M. Battisti, A. Belov, M. Bertaina, F. Bisconti, C. Blaksley, K. Bolmgren, F. Cafagna, G. Cambiè, F. Capel, M. Casolino, T. Ebisuzaki, F. Fenu, A. Franceschi, C. Fuglesang, A. Golzio, P. Gorodetzki, F. Kajino, H. Kasuga, P. Klimov, V. Kungel, M. Manfrin, L. Marcelli, W. Marszał, H. Miyamoto, M. Mignone, T. Napolitano, G. Osteria, E. Parizot, P. Picozza, Z. Plebaniak, G. Prévôt, E. Reali, M. Ricci, N. Sakaki, K. Shinozaki, J. Szabelski, Y. Takizawa, S. Wada, L. Wiencke

To be published in the Proceedings of the 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2021), Berlin, 12 -23 July 2021

Mini-EUSO is a small orbital telescope with a field of view of $44^{\circ}\times 44^{\circ}$, observing the night-time Earth mostly in 320-420 nm band. Its time resolution spanning from microseconds (triggered) to milliseconds (untriggered) and more than $300\times 300$ km of the ground covered, already allowed it to register thousands of meteors. Such detections make the telescope a suitable tool in the search for hypothetical heavy compact objects, which would leave trails of light in the atmosphere due to their high density and speed. The most prominent example are the nuclearites -- hypothetical lumps of strange quark matter that could be stabler and denser than the nuclear matter. In this paper, we show potential limits on the flux of nuclearites after collecting 42 hours of observations data.

V. Ripepi, G. Catanzaro, G. Clementini, G. De Somma, R. Drimmel, S. Leccia, M. Marconi, R. Molinaro, I. Musella, E. Poggio

9 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics

Classical Cepheids (DCEPs) represent a fundamental tool to calibrate the extragalactic distance scale. However, they are also powerful stellar population tracers in the context of Galactic studies. The forthcoming Data Release 3 (DR3) of the Gaia mission will allow us to study, with unprecedented detail, the structure, the dynamics, and the chemical properties of the Galactic disc, and in particular of the spiral arms, where most Galactic DCEPs reside. In this paper, we aim to quantify the metallicity dependence of the Galactic DCEPs' period-Wesenheit ($PWZ$) relation in the Gaia bands. We adopted a sample of 499 DCEPs with metal abundances from high-resolution spectroscopy, in conjunction with Gaia Early Data Release 3 parallaxes and photometry to calibrate a $PWZ$ relation in the Gaia bands. We find a significant metallicity term, of the order of $-$0.5 mag/dex, which is larger than the values measured in the near-infrared (NIR) bands by different authors. Our best $PWZ$ relation is $W=(-5.988\pm0.018)-(3.176\pm0.044)(\log P-1.0)-(0.520\pm0.090){\rm [Fe/H]}$. We validated our $PWZ$ relations by using the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud as a benchmark, finding very good agreement with the geometric distance provided by eclipsing binaries. As an additional test, we evaluated the metallicity gradient of the young Galactic disc, finding $-0.0527 \pm 0.0022$ dex/kpc, which is in very good agreement with previous results.

We revisit the well known Sweet-Parker (SP) model for magnetic reconnection in the framework of two dimensional incompressible magnetohydrodynamics. The steady-state solution is re-derived by considering a non zero viscosity via the magnetic Prandtl number $P_m$. Moreover, contrary to the original SP model, a particular attention is paid to the possibility that the inflowing magnetic field $B_e$ and the length of the current layer $L$ are not necessarily fixed and may depend on the dissipation parameters. Using two different ideally unstable setups to form the current sheet, namely the tilt and coalescence modes, we numerically explore the scaling relations with resistivity $\eta$ and Prandtl number $P_m$ during the magnetic reconnection phase, and compare to the generalized steady-state SP theoretical solution. The usual Sweet-Parker relations are recovered in the limit of small $P_m$ and $\eta$ values, with in particular the normalized reconnection rate being simply $S^{-1/2} (1 + P_m)^{-1/4}$, where $S$ represents the Lundquist number $S = LV_A/\eta$ ($V_A$ being the characteristic Alfv\'en speed). In the opposite limit of higher $P_m$ and/or $\eta$ values, a significant deviation from the SP model is obtained with a complex dependence $B_e (\eta, P_m)$ that is explored depending on the setup considered. We discuss the importance of these results in order to correctly interpret the numerous exponentially increasing numerical studies published in the literature, with the aim of explaining eruptive phenomena observed in the solar corona.

Elliot M. Lynch

21 pages, 7 figures, Accepted 2021 November 19. Received 2021 November 19; in original form 2021 October 20

In this paper I develop a nonlinear theory of tightly-wound (highly twisted) eccentric waves in astrophysical discs, based on the averaged Lagrangian method of Whitham. Viscous dissipation is included in the theory by use of a pseudo-Lagrangian. This work is an extension of the theory developed by Lee \& Goodman to 3D discs, with the addition of viscosity. I confirm that linear tightly-wound eccentric waves are overstable and are excited by the presence of a shear viscosity and show this persists for weakly nonlinear waves. I find the waves are damped by shear viscosity when the wave become sufficiently nonlinear, a result previously found in particulate discs. Additionally I compare the results of this model to recent simulations of eccentric waves propagating in the inner regions of black hole discs and show that an ingoing eccentric wave can be strongly damped near the marginally stable orbit, resulting in a nearly circular disc with a strong azimuthal variation in the disc density.

Rahul Gupta, S. Gupta, T. Chattopadhyay, V. Lipunov, A. J. Castro-Tirado, D. Bhattacharya, S. B. Pandey, S. R. Oates, Amit Kumar, Y.-D. Hu, A. F. Valeev, P. Yu. Minaev, H. Kumar, J. Vinko, Dimple, V. Sharma, A. Aryan, A. Castellón, A. Gabovich, A. Moskvitin, A. Ordasi, A. Pál, A. Pozanenko, B.-B. Zhang, B. Kumar, D. Svinkin, D. Saraogi, D. Vlasenko, E. Fernández-García, E. Gorbovskoy, G. C. Anupama, K. Misra, K. Sárneczky, L. Kriskovics, M. Á. Castro-Tirado, M. D. Caballero-García, N. Tiurina, P. Balanutsa, R. R. Lopez, R. Sánchez-Ramírez, R. Szakáts, S. Belkin, S. Guziy, S. Iyyani, S. N. Tiwari, Santosh V. Vadawale, T. Sun, V. Bhalerao, V. Kornilov, V. V. Sokolov

28 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Multi-pulsed GRB 190530A, detected by the GBM and LAT onboard \fermi, is the sixth most fluent GBM burst detected so far. This paper presents the timing, spectral, and polarimetric analysis of the prompt emission observed using \AstroSat and \fermi to provide insight into the prompt emission radiation mechanisms. The time-integrated spectrum shows conclusive proof of two breaks due to peak energy and a second lower energy break. Time-integrated (55.43 $\pm$ 21.30 \%) as well as time-resolved polarization measurements, made by the Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) onboard \AstroSat, show a hint of high degree of polarization. The presence of a hint of high degree of polarization and the values of low energy spectral index ($\alpha_{\rm pt}$) do not run over the synchrotron limit for the first two pulses, supporting the synchrotron origin in an ordered magnetic field. However, during the third pulse, $\alpha_{\rm pt}$ exceeds the synchrotron line of death in few bins, and a thermal signature along with the synchrotron component in the time-resolved spectra is observed. Furthermore, we also report the earliest optical observations constraining afterglow polarization using the MASTER (P $<$ 1.3 \%) and the redshift measurement ($z$= 0.9386) obtained with the 10.4m GTC telescopes. The broadband afterglow can be described with a forward shock model for an ISM-like medium with a wide jet opening angle. We determine a circumburst density of $n_{0} \sim$ 7.41, kinetic energy $E_{\rm K} \sim$ 7.24 $\times 10^{54}$ erg, and radiated $\gamma$-ray energy $E_{\rm \gamma, iso} \sim$ 6.05 $\times 10^{54}$ erg, respectively.

Aleksandra Wołowska, Magdalena Kunert-Bajraszewska, Kunal Mooley, Aneta Siemiginowska, Preeti Kharb, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra, Gregg Hallinan, Mariusz Gromadzki, Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska

4 pages, 2 figures

We present a brief overview of a very extensive studies of the group of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that transitioned to radio-loud state over the past few decades. The sample consists of twelve sources, both quasars and galaxies, showing the characteristics of gigahertz-peaked spectrum (GPS) objects undergoing relatively rapid changes, due to the evolution of their newly-born radio jets. Discussed objects also show a wide range of physical parameters such as bolometric luminosity, black hole mass and jet power, suggesting a great diversity among young active galactic nuclei and their hosts. Furthermore, we introduce a new observational project, the aim of which will be to investigate and gain a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of slow radio transients.

Devina Mohan, Anna M. M. Scaife, Fiona Porter, Mike Walmsley, Micah Bowles

submitted to MNRAS

In this work we use variational inference to quantify the degree of uncertainty in deep learning model predictions of radio galaxy classification. We show that the level of model posterior variance for individual test samples is correlated with human uncertainty when labelling radio galaxies. We explore the model performance and uncertainty calibration for a variety of different weight priors and suggest that a sparse prior produces more well-calibrated uncertainty estimates. Using the posterior distributions for individual weights, we show that we can prune 30% of the fully-connected layer weights without significant loss of performance by removing the weights with the lowest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We demonstrate that a larger degree of pruning can be achieved using a Fisher information based ranking, but we note that both pruning methods affect the uncertainty calibration for Fanaroff-Riley type I and type II radio galaxies differently. Finally we show that, like other work in this field, we experience a cold posterior effect, whereby the posterior must be down-weighted to achieve good predictive performance. We examine whether adapting the cost function to accommodate model misspecification can compensate for this effect, but find that it does not make a significant difference. We also examine the effect of principled data augmentation and find that this improves upon the baseline but also does not compensate for the observed effect. We interpret this as the cold posterior effect being due to the overly effective curation of our training sample leading to likelihood misspecification, and raise this as a potential issue for Bayesian deep learning approaches to radio galaxy classification in future.

Nan Jia, Xueshan Zhao, Lijun Gou, Javier A. Garcia, Zhenxuan Liao, Ye Feng, Yufeng Li, Yuan Wang, Huixian Li, Jianfeng Wu

8 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to MNRAS

The black hole candidate MAXI J1348-630 was discovered on January 26th, 2019, with the Gas Slit Camera (GSC) on-board \textit{MAXI}. We report a detailed spectral analysis of this source by using the archived data of \textit{NuSTAR}. A total of 9 observations covered the complete outburst evolution of MAXI J1348-630 from the hard state to the soft state and finally back to the hard state. Additionally, the intermediate state is found in the transition from the hard state to the soft state. We use the state-of-art reflection model \verb'relxill' family to fit all the 9 spectra, and the spectra from two focal plane module detectors of \textit{NuSTAR} are jointly fitted for each observation. In particular, we concentrate on the results of the black hole spin parameter and the inclination of the accretion disk. Based on the analysis of the inner radius of the accretion disk, we obtain the spin parameter $a_* =0.78_{-0.04}^{+0.04}$, and the inclination angle of the inner disk $i = 29.2_{-0.5}^{+0.3}$ degrees. Furthermore, we also find that when the black hole is in the hard state, the accretion disk would show a significant truncation. The high iron abundance and ionization of the accretion disk obtained in the fitting results can be possibly explained by the high density of the accretion disk.

M Casolino, D Barghini, M Battisti, A Belov, M Bertaina, F Bisconti, C Blaksley, K Bolmgren, F Cafagna, G Cambiè, F Capel, T Ebisuzaki, F Fenu, A Franceschi, C Fuglesang, A Golzio, P Gorodetzki, F Kajino, H Kasuga, P Klimov, V. Kungel, M Manfrin, W Marszał, H Miyamoto, M Mignone, T Napolitano, G Osteria, E Parizot, P Picozza, L W Piotrowski, Z Plebaniak, G Prévôt, E Reali, M Ricci, N Sakaki, K Shinozaki, Y Takizawa, S Wada, L. Wiencke

37th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 2021

Mini-EUSO is a telescope launched on board the International Space Station in 2019 and currently located in the Russian section of the station. Main scientific objectives of the mission are the search for nuclearites and Strange Quark Matter, the study of atmospheric phenomena such as Transient Luminous Events, meteors and meteoroids, the observation of sea bioluminescence and of artificial satellites and man-made space debris. It is also capable of observing Extensive Air Showers generated by Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays with an energy above 10$^{21}$ eV and detect artificial showers generated with lasers from the ground. Mini-EUSO can map the night-time Earth in the UV range (290 - 430 nm), with a spatial resolution of about 6.3 km and a temporal resolution of 2.5 $\mu$s, observing our planet through a nadir-facing UV-transparent window in the Russian Zvezda module. The instrument, launched on 2019/08/22 from the Baikonur cosmodrome, is based on an optical system employing two Fresnel lenses and a focal surface composed of 36 Multi-Anode Photomultiplier tubes, 64 channels each, for a total of 2304 channels with single photon counting sensitivity and an overall field of view of 44$^{\circ}$. Mini-EUSO also contains two ancillary cameras to complement measurements in the near infrared and visible ranges. In this paper we describe the detector and present the various phenomena observed in the first year of operation.

Jonas P. Pereira, Michał Bejger, J. Leszek Zdunik, Paweł Haensel

16 pages, 15 figures; Comments welcome

The internal composition of neutron stars is still an open issue in astrophysics. Their innermost regions are impervious to light propagation and gravitational waves mostly carry global aspects of stars, meaning that only indirect inferences of their interiors could be obtained. Here we estimate the observational accuracy and discuss ways to differentiate a mixed phase/state from a sharp phase transition region in a hybrid star by means of some electromagnetic and gravitational wave observables. We show that different transition constructions lead to similar sequences of stellar configurations due to their shared thermodynamic properties. In the most optimistic case - a strong quark-hadron density jump phase transition - radius and mass observations require fractional uncertainties smaller than $1-2\%$ to differentiate mixed states from sharp phase transitions. For tidal deformations, relative uncertainties should be smaller than $5-10\%$. However, for masses around the onset of stable quark cores, relative tidal deformation changes associated with strong sharp phase transitions and mixed states connecting the two pure phases could be much larger (up to around $20-30\%$). If one compares purely hadronic stars (masses below their phase transition thresholds) with those having mixed states, relative tidal deformation and radius differences might be even more pronounced (roughly up to $50\%$ and $5\%$, respectively). All the above suggests that 2.5- and 3rd generation gravitational wave detectors and near-term electromagnetic missions may be able to start assessing some aspects of phase transitions in neutron stars. Finally, we briefly discuss other observables that may also be relevant for such probes.

A. C. Quillen, Max Neiderbach, Bingcheng Suo, Juliana South, Esteban Wright, Nathan Skerrett, Paul Sánchez, Fernando David Cúñez, Peter Miklavcic, Heesam Askari

We carry out experiments of low velocity normal impacts into granular materials that fill an approximately cylindrical 11 gallon tub. Motions in the granular medium are tracked with an array of 7 embedded accelerometers. Longitudinal pulses excited by the impact broaden and attenuate as a function of travel distance from the site of impact. Pulse propagation is not spherically symmetric about the site of impact. Peak amplitudes are about twice as large for the pulse propagating downward than at 45 degrees from vertical. An advection-diffusion model is used to estimate the dependence of pulse properties as a function of travel distance from the site of impact. The power law forms for pulse peak pressure, velocity and seismic energy depend on distance from impact to a power of -2.5 and this rapid decay is approximately consistent with our experimental measurements. Our experiments support a seismic jolt model, giving rapid attenuation of impact generated seismic energy into rubble asteroids, rather than a reverberation model, where seismic energy slowly decays. We apply our diffusive model to estimate physical properties of the seismic pulse that will be excited by the forthcoming DART mission impact onto the secondary, Dimorphos, of the asteroid binary (65803) Didymos system. We estimate that the pulse peak acceleration will exceed the surface gravity as it travels through the asteroid.

Tamás Borkovits

Invited review article accepted for publication in the journal Galaxies, special issue "What's New under the Binary Suns" (eds. R. E. Wilson and W. Van Hamme), 40 pages (incl. 8 pages of reference list)

Close, compact, hierarchical, multiple stellar systems, i.e., multiples having an outer orbital period from months to a few years, comprise a small, but continuously growing group of the triple and multiple star zoo. Many of them consist of at least one eclipsing pair of stars and, therefore, exhibit readily observable short-term dynamical interactions among the components. Thus, their dynamical and astrophysical properties can be explored with high precision. In this paper we present an overview of the history of the search for additional components around eclipsing binaries from the first serendipitous discoveries to more systematic recent studies. We describe the different observational detection methods and discuss their connections to the different kinds of astrophysical and dynamical information that can be mined from the different datasets. Moreover, the connection amongst the observable phenomena and the long-term dynamics of such systems is also discussed.

Primordial black holes (PBHs) are convenient candidates to explain the elusive dark matter (DM). However, years of constraints from various astronomical observations have constrained their abundance over a wide range of masses, leaving only a narrow window open at $10^{17}\,{\rm g} \lesssim M \lesssim 10^{22}\,$g for all DM in the form of PBHs. We reexamine this disputed window with a critical eye, interrogating the general hypotheses underlying the direct photon constraints. We review 4 levels of assumptions: i) instrument characteristics, ii) prediction of the (extra)galactic photon flux, iii) statistical method of signal-to-data comparison and iv) computation of the Hawking radiation rate. Thanks to Isatis, a new tool designed for the public Hawking radiation code BlackHawk, we first revisit the existing and prospective constraints on the PBH abundance and investigate the impact of assumptions i)-iv). We show that the constraints can vary by several orders of magnitude, advocating the necessity of a reduction of the theoretical sources of uncertainties. Second, we consider an "ideal" instrument and we demonstrate that the PBH DM scenario can only be constrained by the direct photon Hawking radiation phenomenon below $M_{\rm max} \sim 10^{20}\,$g. The upper part of the mass window should therefore be closed by other means.

Devojyoti Kansabanik, Surajit Mondal, Divya Oberoi, Ayan Biswas, Shilpi Bhunia

17 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

Sensitive radio instruments are optimized for observing faint astronomical sources, and usually need to attenuate the received signal when observing the Sun. There are only a handful of flux density calibrators which can comfortably be observed with the same attenuation set up as the Sun. Additionally, for wide field-of-view (FoV) instruments like the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) calibrator observations are generally done when the Sun is below the horizon to avoid the contamination from solar emissions. These considerations imply that the usual radio interferometric approach to flux density calibration is not applicable for solar imaging. A novel technique, relying on a good sky model and detailed characterization of the MWA hardware, was developed for solar flux density calibration for MWA (Oberoi et al. 2017). Though successful, this technique is not general enough to be extended to the data from the extended configuration of the MWA Phase II. Here we present a robust flux density calibration method for solar observations with MWA independent of the array configuration. We use different approaches -- the serendipitous presence of strong sources; detection of numerous background sources using high dynamic range images in the FoV along with the Sun and observations of strong flux density calibrators with and without the additional attenuation used for solar observations; to obtain the flux scaling parameters required for the flux density calibration. Using the present method we have achieved an absolute flux density uncertainty $\sim10\%$ for solar observations even in absence of dedicated calibrator observations.

Luis J. Goicoechea, Vyacheslav N. Shalyapin (GLENDAMA Project Core Team)

15 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG16, July 2021), World Scientific 2022. This research is part of the GLENDAMA project, see this https URL

For a flat $\Lambda$CDM (standard) cosmology, a small sample of gravitationally lensed quasars with measured time delays has recently provided a value of the Hubble constant $H_0$ in tension with the $Planck$ flat $\Lambda$CDM result. Trying to check if this tension is real or not, we used basic observational constraints for two double quasars of the GLENDAMA sample (SBS 0909+532 and SDSS J1339+1310) to discuss the underlying value of $H_0$ in a standard cosmology. For SBS 0909+532, we were not able to obtain a reliable measurement of $H_0$. However, the current data of SDSS J1339+1310 are consistent with $H_0$ around 67.8 km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ and $\sigma (H_0)/H_0 \sim$ 10%. Although the formal uncertainty is still large and mainly due to the lack of details on the mass density profile of the main lens galaxy, the central value of $H_0$ coincides with that of the TDCOSMO+SLACS collaboration (using gravitational lens systems) and is within the 1$\sigma$ interval from $Planck$ cosmic microwave background data. After getting these preliminary encouraging results through only one double quasar, we are currently planning to use several GLENDAMA systems to accurately measure the Hubble constant and put constraints on other cosmological parameters.

Roberto Cotesta, Gregorio Carullo, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso

7 pages, 2 figures

We analyze GW150914 post-merger data to understand if ringdown overtone detection claims are robust. We find no evidence in favor of an overtone in the data after the waveform peak. Around the peak, the log-Bayes factor does not indicate the presence of an overtone, while the support for a non-zero amplitude is sensitive to changes in the starting time much smaller than the overtone damping time. This suggests that claims of an overtone detection are noise-dominated. We perform GW150914-like injections in neighboring segments of the real detector noise, and we show that noise can indeed induce artificial evidence for an overtone.

Using the effective field theory framework for extended objects, we build the effective theory of a binary system made up of the most general compact objects in a theory of gravity as general relativity, which are objects described by their mass, spin, charge and their internal structure, and whose description have been derived using the coset construction. We obtain the leading order post-Newtonian expansion to each of the relevant terms in the action, and show that from construction, our effective theory is suited to this computation without the need of introducing additional spin degrees of freedom. We have matched the coefficients of the theory from the literature, which allows us to show its predictivity by comparing to known post-Newtonian results, with the advantage that all the covariant constraints and building blocks that can be used to build up the tower of higher order invariant operators have been derived. With the derived relativistic spin as a building block, we show that acceleration dependent corrections are in fact encoded in higher order spin couplings, and that any of such corrections can be rewritten in terms of the spatial spin components using the spin constraint. By including the operators corresponding to the electromagnetic charge, we derive the complete one post-Newtonian correction to the interacting charged point particles, and bring new results on the polarizability and dissipation of charged spinning compact objects.

Alexei Yu. Smirnov, Xun-Jie Xu

200+ equations, 8 appendices

Yukawa interactions of neutrinos with a new light scalar boson $\phi$ can lead to formation of stable bound states and bound systems of many neutrinos ($\nu$-clusters). For allowed values of the coupling $y$ and the scalar mass $m_\phi$, the bound state of two neutrinos would have the size larger than $10^{12}$ cm. Bound states with sub-cm sizes are possible for keV scale sterile neutrinos with coupling $y > 10^{-4}$. For the $\nu$-clusters we study in detail the properties of final stable configurations. If there is an efficient cooling mechanism, these configurations are in the state of degenerate Fermi gas. We formulate and solve equations to describe the density distributions in $\nu$-clusters for different values of the total number of neutrinos, $N$. In the non-relativistic case, they are reduced to the Lane-Emden equation. We find that (i) stable configurations exist for any number of neutrinos; (ii) there is a maximal central density $\sim 10^9$ cm$^{-3}$ determined by the neutrino mass; (iii) for a given $m_\phi$ there is a minimal value of $Ny^3$ for which stable configurations can be formed; (iv) for a given strength of interaction ($\propto y/m_\phi$), the minimal radius of $\nu$-clusters exists. We discuss the formation of the $\nu$-clusters from relic neutrino background in the process of expansion and cooling of the Universe. One possibility is the development of instabilities in the $\nu$-background at $T < m_\nu$ which leads to its fragmentation. Another way is the growth of initial density perturbations in the $\nu$-background and virialiazation in analogy with formation of the Dark Matter halos. For allowed values of $y$, cooling of $\nu$-clusters due to $\phi$-bremsstrahlung and neutrino annihilation is negligible. $\nu$-clusters can be formed with the sizes ranging from $\sim$ km to $\sim 10$ Mpc.

The quest of deciphering the true nature of dark energy has proven to be one of the most exciting in recent times in cosmology. Various ideas have been put forward in this regard besides the usual cosmological constant approach, ranging from scalar field based models like Quintessence and Phantom dark energy to various modified gravity approaches as well. A very interesting idea then is to consider scalar field dark energy models in quantum gravitationally corrected cosmologies with the RS-II Braneworld being one of the most well known in this regard. So in this work, we consider RS-II Braneworld based scalar field dark energy models and try to look out for the existence of finite time singularities in these regimes. We employ the Goriely-Hyde singularity analysis method for this purpose. Our approach is general in the sense that it is not limited to any particular class of potentials and is valid for both Quintessence and phantom dark energy regimes. We show that finite time singularities can exist in these models for a limited set of initial conditions. We also show that this result would hold irrespective of any consideration given to the swampland dS conjecture.

Identification of a transient gravitational-wave signal embedded into non-stationary noise requires the analysis of time-dependent spectral components in the resulting time series. The time-frequency distribution of the signal power can be estimated with Gabor atoms, or wavelets, localized in time and frequency by a window function. Such analysis is limited by the Heisenberg-Gabor uncertainty, which does not allow a high-resolution localization of power with individual wavelets simultaneously in time and frequency. As a result, the temporal and spectral leakage affects the time-frequency distribution, limiting the identification of sharp features in the power spectrum. This paper presents a time-frequency regression method where instead of a single window, a stack of wavelets with different windows spanning a wide range of resolutions is used to scan power at each time-frequency location. Such a wavelet scan (dubbed in the paper as wavescan) extends the conventional multiresolution analysis to capture transient signals and remove the local power variations due to the temporal and spectral leakage. A wavelet, least affected by the leakage, is selected from the stack at each time-frequency location to obtain the high-resolution localization of power. The paper presents all stages of the multiresolution wavescan regression, including the estimation of the time-varying spectrum, identification of transient signals in the time-frequency domain, and reconstruction of the corresponding time-domain waveforms. To demonstrate the performance of the method, the wavescan regression is applied to the gravitational wave data from the LIGO detectors.

Observation of auroras at low latitudes is an extremely rare event typically associated with major magnetic storms due to intense Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections. Since these energetic events represent one of the most important components of space weather their study is of paramount importance to understand the Sun-Earth connection. Due to the rarity of these events, being able to access all available information for the few cases studied is equally important. Especially if we refer to historical periods in which current accurate observations from ground-based instruments or from space were not available. Certainly, among these events we must include the great aurora of February 4, 1872. An event whose effects have been observed in different regions of the Earth. What we could consider today a global event, especially for its effects on the communication systems of the time, such as the transatlantic cable that allowed a connection between the United States and Europe since 1866. In this paper we describe the main results of the observations and studies carried out by Angelo Secchi at the Observatory of the Roman College and described in his "Memoria sull'Aurora Elettrica del 4 Febbraio 1872" for the Notes of the Pontifical Academy of new Lincei. This note is extremely modern both in its multi-instrumental approach to the study of these phenomena and in its association between solar-terrestrial connection and technological infrastructures on the Earth. The Secchi's note definitely represents the first example of analysis and study of an event on a global scale, such as the Atlantic cable, affecting the Earth. What we nowadays call an extreme space weather event.