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Papers for Friday, Jan 28 2022

Papers with votes

Yan Liang, Joshua N. Winn, Simon H. Albrecht

Accepted by ApJ, 13 pages, 10 figures

2 votes
Paper 49 — arXiv:2201.11699
2 votes
Paper 49 — arXiv:2201.11699

DI Herculis is an eclipsing binary famous for a longstanding disagreement between theory and observation of the apsidal precession rate, which was resolved when both stars were found to be severely misaligned with the orbit. We used data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) to refine our knowledge of the stellar obliquities and sharpen the comparison between the observed and theoretical precession rates. The TESS data show variations with a 1.07-day period, which we interpret as rotational modulation from starspots on the primary star. This interpretation is supported by the detection of photometric anomalies during primary eclipses consistent with starspot crossings. The secondary eclipse light curve shows a repeatable asymmetry which we interpret as an effect of gravity darkening. By combining the TESS data with previously obtained data, we determined the three-dimensional spin directions of both stars. Using this information, the updated value of the theoretical apsidal precession rate (including the effects of tides, rotation, and general relativity) is $1.35^{+0.58}_{-0.50}$ arcsec/cycle. The updated value of the observed rate (after including new TESS eclipse times) is $1.41^{+0.39}_{-0.28}$ arcsec/cycle. Given the agreement between the observed and theoretical values, we fitted all the relevant data simultaneously assuming the theory is correct. This allowed us to place tighter constraints on the stellar obliquities, which are $75^{+3}_{-3}$ and $80^{+3}_{-3}$ degrees for the primary and secondary stars, respectively.

T. Jayasinghe, Todd A. Thompson, C. S. Kochanek, K. Z. Stanek, D. M. Rowan, D. V. Martin, P. J. Vallely, J. T. Hinkle, D. Huber, H. Isaacson, J. Tayar, K. Auchettl, I. Ilyin, A. W. Howard, C. Badenes

24 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2101.02212

1 vote
Paper 3 — arXiv:2201.11131
1 vote
Paper 3 — arXiv:2201.11131

We report the discovery of a massive ${\sim}2-3~M_\odot$ object as a binary companion to 2M04123153+6738486 (2M0412). 2M0412 is an evolved ($T_{\rm eff, giant}\simeq4200$ K), luminous ($L_{\rm giant}\simeq230~L_\odot$) red giant in a circular $P=81.2$ d binary. 2M0412 is a known variable star previously classified as a semi-regular variable. The ASAS-SN, ATLAS, TESS and ZTF light curves show that the giant is a nearly Roche lobe filling ellipsoidal variable with an inclination of $41.9^\circ{}\pm{0.1^{\circ}}$, a mass ratio of $q\simeq0.20\pm0.01$, a companion mass of $M_{\rm comp}=2.97\pm0.02~M_\odot$, and a giant mass of $M_{\rm giant}=0.60\pm0.01~ M_\odot$ for a distance of $\simeq4$ kpc. The mass of the giant indicates that its envelope is stripped. The cross-correlation functions of the Keck/HIRES and LBT/PEPSI spectra show a second RV signal implying a consistent mass ratio of $q\simeq0.20\pm0.01$. We also identify an orbital phase dependent, broad $\rm H\alpha$ emission line. The simplest explanation for the massive companion is a single mass-gap black hole or a high mass neutron star. A sufficiently faint stellar companion can only be made feasible by significantly reducing the distance to $\simeq 3.5$ kpc while simultaneously increasing the mass ratio to $q\simeq 0.3$, despite the multiple lines of evidence for $q\simeq 0.2$.

Yiping Shu, Raoul Cañameras, Stefan Schuldt, Sherry H. Suyu, Stefan Taubenberger, Kaiki Taro Inoue, Anton T. Jaelani

13 pages, 7 figures + appendices, submitted to A&A. Comments are welcome

1 vote
Paper 5 — arXiv:2201.11135
1 vote
Paper 5 — arXiv:2201.11135

We carry out a dedicated search for strong-lens systems with high-redshift lens galaxies with the goal of extending strong lensing-assisted galaxy evolutionary studies to earlier cosmic time. Two strong-lens classifiers are constructed from a deep residual network and trained with datasets of different lens redshift and brightness distributions. We classify a sample of 5,356,628 pre-selected objects from the Wide layer fields in the second public data release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) by applying the two classifiers to their HSC $gri$-filter cutouts. Cutting off at thresholds that correspond to a false-positive rate of $10^{-3}$ on our test set, the two classifiers identify 5,468 and 6,119 strong-lens candidates. Visually inspecting the cutouts of those candidates results in 735 grade-A/B strong-lens candidates in total, of which 277 candidates are discovered for the first time. This is the single largest set of galaxy-scale strong-lens candidates discovered with HSC data to date, and nearly half of it (331/735) contains lens galaxies with photometric redshifts above 0.6. Our discoveries will serve as a valuable target list for ongoing and scheduled spectroscopic surveys such as the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph project, and the Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer.

Ryan C. Terrien, Allison Keen, Katy Oda, Winter Parts, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Suvrath Mahadevan, Paul Robertson, Joe P. Ninan, Corey Beard, Chad F. Bender, William D. Cochran, Katia Cunha, Scott A. Diddams, Connor Fredrick, Samuel Halverson, Fred Hearty, Adam Ickler, Shubham Kanodia, Jessica E. Libby-Roberts, Jack Lubin, Andrew J. Metcalf, Freja Olsen, Lawrence W. Ramsey, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Verne V. Smith, Ben Turner

Accepted for publication in ApJL

1 vote
Paper 19 — arXiv:2201.11288
1 vote
Paper 19 — arXiv:2201.11288

Accurate tracers of the stellar magnetic field and rotation are cornerstones for the study of M dwarfs and for reliable detection and characterization of their exoplanetary companions. Such measurements are particularly challenging for old, slowly rotating, fully convective M dwarfs. To explore the use of new activity and rotation tracers, we examined multi-year near-infrared spectroscopic monitoring of two such stars -- GJ 699 (Barnard's Star) and Teegarden's Star -- carried out with Habitable Zone Planet Finder spectrograph. We detected periodic variations in absorption line widths across the stellar spectrum with higher amplitudes towards longer wavelengths. We also detected similar variations in the strength and width of the 12435.67 Angstrom neutral potassium (K I) line, a known tracer of the photospheric magnetic field. Attributing these variations to rotational modulation, we confirm the known $145\pm15$ d rotation period of GJ 699, and measure the rotation period of Teegarden's Star to be $99.6\pm1.4$ d. Based on simulations of the K I line and the wavelength-dependence of the line width signal, we argue that the observed signals are consistent with varying photospheric magnetic fields and the associated Zeeman effect. These results highlight the value of detailed line profile measurements in the near-infrared for diagnosing stellar magnetic field variability. Such measurements may be pivotal for disentangling activity and exoplanet-related signals in spectroscopic monitoring of old, low-mass stars.

Papers reserved for later discussion

These are papers reserved by people for discussion at a later date. All reservations are kept for 2 days after the date of the reservation.

R. Bandyopadhyay, W. H. Matthaeus, D. J. McComas, R. Chhiber, A. V. Usmanov, J. Huang, R. Livi, D. E. Larson, J. C. Kasper, A. W. Case, M. Stevens, P. Whittlesey, O. M. Romeo, S. D. Bale, J. W. Bonnell, T. Dudok de Wit, K. Goetz, P. R. Harvey, R. J. MacDowall, D. M. Malaspina, M. Pulupa

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

0 votes
01/27/2022: arXiv:2201.10718
0 votes
01/27/2022: arXiv:2201.10718

In the lower solar coronal regions where the magnetic field is dominant, the Alfven speed is much higher than the wind speed. In contrast, the near-Earth solar wind is strongly super-Alfvenic, i.e., the wind speed greatly exceeds the Alfven speed. The transition between these regimes is classically described as the "Alfven point" but may in fact occur in a distributed Alfven critical region. NASA's Parker Solar Probe (PSP) mission has entered this region, as it follows a series of orbits that gradually approach more closely to the sun. During its 8th and 9th solar encounters, at a distance of 16 solar radii from the Sun, PSP sampled four extended periods in which the solar wind speed was measured to be smaller than the local Alfven speed. These are the first in-situ detections of sub-Alfvenic solar wind in the inner heliosphere by PSP. Here we explore properties of these samples of sub-Alfvenic solar wind, which may provide important previews of the physical processes operating at lower altitude. Specifically, we characterize the turbulence, anisotropy, intermittency, and directional switchback properties of these sub-Alfvenic winds and contrast these with the neighboring super-Alfvenic periods.

Miroslav D. Filipović, J. L. Payne, R. Z. E. Alsaberi, R. P. Norris, P. J. Macgregor, L. Rudnick, B. S. Koribalski, D. Leahy, L. Ducci, R. Kothes, H. Andernach, L. Barnes, I. S. Bojičić, L. M. Bozzetto, R. Brose, J. D. Collier, E. J. Crawford, R. M. Crocker, S. Dai, T. J. Galvin, F. Haberl, U. Heber, T. Hill, A. M. Hopkins, N. Hurley-Walker, A. Ingallinera, T. Jarrett, P. J. Kavanagh, E. Lenc, K. J. Luken, D. Mackey, P. Manojlović, P. Maggi, C. Maitra, C. M. Pennock, S. Points, S. Riggi, G. Rowell, S. Safi-Harb, H. Sano, M. Sasaki, S. Shabala, J. Stevens, J. Th. van Loon, N. F. H. Tothill, G. Umana, D. Urošević, V. Velović, T. Vernstrom, J. L. West, Z. Wan

20 pages accepted to MNRAS

0 votes
01/26/2022: arXiv:2201.10026
0 votes
01/26/2022: arXiv:2201.10026

We report the discovery of J0624-6948, a low-surface brightness radio ring, lying between the Galactic Plane and the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). It was first detected at 888 MHz with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP), and with a diameter of ~196 arcsec. This source has phenomenological similarities to Odd Radio Circles (ORCs). Significant differences to the known ORCs - a flatter radio spectral index, the lack of a prominent central galaxy as a possible host, and larger apparent size - suggest that J0624-6948 may be a different type of object. We argue that the most plausible explanation for J0624-6948 is an intergalactic supernova remnant due to a star that resided in the LMC outskirts that had undergone a single-degenerate type Ia supernova, and we are seeing its remnant expand into a rarefied, intergalactic environment. We also examine if a massive star or a white dwarf binary ejected from either galaxy could be the supernova progenitor. Finally, we consider several other hypotheses for the nature of the object, including the jets of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) or the remnant of a nearby stellar super-flare.

Oscar Barrera, Imre Bartos

5 pages, 2 figures

0 votes
01/26/2022: arXiv:2201.09943
0 votes
01/26/2022: arXiv:2201.09943

GW190521 was the most massive black hole merger discovered by LIGO/Virgo so far, with masses in tension with stellar evolution models. A possible explanation of such heavy black holes is that they themselves are the remnants of previous mergers of lighter black holes. Here we estimate the masses of the ancestral black holes of GW190521, assuming it is the end product of previous mergers. We find that the heaviest parental black holes has a mass of $62^{+21}_{-19}$ M$_\odot$ (90% credible level). We find 78% probability that it is in the $50$ M$_\odot-120$ M$_\odot$ mass gap, indicating that it may also be the end product of a previous merger. We therefore also compute the expected mass distributions of the "grandparent" black holes of GW190521, assuming they existed. Ancestral black hole masses could represent an additional puzzle piece in identifying the origin of LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA's heaviest black holes.

All other papers

Alistair McLeod, Daniel Jacobs, Chayan Chatterjee, Linqing Wen, Fiona Panther

17 pages, 16 figures

Deep learning can be used to drastically decrease the processing time of parameter estimation for coalescing binaries of compact objects including black holes and neutron stars detected in gravitational waves (GWs). As a first step, we present two neural network models trained to rapidly estimate the posterior distributions of the chirp mass and mass ratio of a detected binary black hole system from the GW strain data of LIGO Hanford and Livingston Observatories. Using these parameters the component masses can be predicted, which has implications for the prediction of the likelihood that a merger contains a neutron star. The results are compared to the 'gold standard' of parameter estimation of gravitational waves used by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration (LVC), LALInference. Our models predict posterior distributions consistent with that from LALInference while using orders of magnitude less processing time once the models are trained. The median predictions are within the 90% credible intervals of LALInference for all predicted parameters when tested on real binary black hole events detected during the LVC's first and second observing runs. We argue that deep learning has strong potential for low-latency high-accuracy parameter estimation suitable for real-time GW search pipelines.

Lingyuan Ji, Marc Kamionkowski, Jose Luis Bernal

5 pages, 3 figures

We present a formulation of cosmological perturbation theory where the Boltzmann hierarchies that evolve the neutrino phase-space distributions are replaced by integrals that can be evaluated easily with fast Fourier transforms. The simultaneous evaluation of these integrals combined with the differential equations for the rest of the system (dark matter, photons, baryons) are then solved with an iterative scheme that converges quickly. The formulation is particularly powerful for massive neutrinos, where the effective phase space is three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional, and even moreso for three different neutrino mass eigenstates. Therefore, it has the potential to significantly speed up the computation times of cosmological-perturbation calculations. This approach should also be applicable to models with other non-cold collisionless relics.

We present a study of 9242 spectroscopically-confirmed quasars with multi-epoch ugriz photometry from the SDSS Southern Survey. By fitting a separable linear model to each quasar's spectral variations, we decompose their five-band spectral energy distributions into variable (disc) and non-variable (host galaxy) components. In modelling the disc spectra, we include attenuation by dust on the line of sight through the host galaxy to its nucleus. We consider five commonly used attenuation laws, and find that the best description is by dust similar to that of the Small Magellanic Cloud, inferring a lack of carbonaceous grains from the relatively weak 2175AA absorption feature. We go on to construct a composite spectrum for the quasar variations spanning 700 to 8000AA. By varying the assumed power-law $L_{\nu}\propto\nu^\alpha$ spectral slope, we find a best-fit value $\alpha=0.71\pm0.02$, excluding at high confidence the canonical $L_{\nu}\propto\nu^{1/3}$ prediction for a steady-state accretion disc with a $T\propto r^{-3/4}$ temperature profile. The bluer spectral index of the observed quasar variations instead supports the model of Mummery & Balbus in which a steeper temperature profile, $T\propto r^{-7/8}$, develops as a result of finite magnetically-induced stress at the innermost stable circular orbit extracting energy and angular momentum from the black hole spin.

Observations of pulsars in globular clusters (GCs) give evidence that more >10-20% of neutron stars (NSs) ever formed in GCs were retained there. However, the velocity distribution of field pulsars peaks at 5-10 times the escape velocities of GCs. Consequently, only a small fraction of GC-NSs should have been retained, even accounting for low-velocity NSs formed through electron-capture supernovae. Thus, too few low-velocity NSs should have been retained in GCs, giving rise to the NS retention problem in GCs. Here we suggest a novel solution, in which the progenitors of most GC-NSs were ONe white-dwarfs (WDs) that accreted ambient intra-cluster gas and formed low-velocity NSs through accretion induced collapse (AIC). The existence of an early gas-enriched environment in GCs is supported by observations of GC multiple stellar populations. It is thought that 10s-100s of Myrs after the formation of the first generation of stars, and after ONe-WDs were already formed, GCs were replenished with gas which formed a second generation of stars. Accretion of such replenished gas onto the ONe-WDs catalyzed the AIC processes. The number of AIC-formed NSs is then sufficient to explain the large number of NSs retained in GCs. Similar processes might also drive CO-WDs to produce type-Ia SNe or to merge and form NSs, and similarly drive NSs to AIC and mergers producing BHs. Moreover, the wide variety of gas-catalyzed binary mergers and explosive transients suggest to occur in the gas-rich environments of AGN disk could similarly, and even more efficiently, occur in second-generation gas in GCs.

Cassandra L. Barlow-Hall, Jack Delaney, James Aird, Philip A. Evans, Julian P. Osborne, Michael G. Watson

10pages, 6 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

X-ray luminosity functions (XLFs) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) trace the growth and evolution of supermassive black hole populations across cosmic time, however, current XLF models are poorly constrained at redshifts of z>6. In this work we constrain the bright-end of the XLF at z=5.7-6.4 using high-redshift AGN identified within the Extragalactic Serendipitous Swift Survey (ExSeSS) catalogue. Within ExSeSS we find one serendipitously detected X-ray selected z>6 AGN, ATLAS J025.6821-33.4627, with an X-ray luminosity of $L_\mathrm{X}=8.47^{+3.40}_{-3.13}\times10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and z=6.31$\pm$0.03 making it the highest redshift, spectroscopically confirmed, serendipitously detected X-ray selected quasar known to date. We also calculate an upper limit on the space density at higher luminosities where no additional sources are found, enabling us to place constraints on the shape of the XLF. Our results are consistent with the rapid decline in the space densities of high-luminosity AGN toward high redshift as predicted by extrapolations of existing parametric models of the XLF. We also find that our X-ray based measurements are consistent with estimates of the bolometric quasar luminosity function based on UV measurements at $z\gtrsim6$, although they require a large X-ray to bolometric correction factor (i.e. AGN that are relatively X-ray weak) at these high luminosities.

Pavel Jáchym, Ming Sun, Masafumi Yagi, Chong Ge, Rongxin Luo, Françoise Combes, Anežka Kabátová, Jeffrey D. P. Kenney, Tom C. Scott, Elias Brinks

Accepted for publication in A&A Letters

We report the detection of CO emission in the recently discovered multiphase isolated gas cloud in the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 1367. The cloud is located about 800 kpc in projection from the center of the cluster and at a projected distance of > 80 kpc from any galaxy. It is the first and the only known isolated intra-cluster cloud detected in X-ray, H$\alpha$, and CO emission. We found a total of about $2.2\times 10^8 M_\odot$ of H$_2$ with the IRAM 30-m telescope in two regions, one associated with the peak of H$\alpha$ emission and another with the peak of X-ray emission surrounded by weak H$\alpha$ filaments. The velocity of the molecular gas is offset from the underlying H$\alpha$ emission by > 100 km s$^{-1}$ in the region where the X-ray peaks. The molecular gas may account for about 10% of the total cloud's mass, which is dominated by the hot X-ray component. The previously measured upper limit on the star formation rate in the cloud indicates that the molecular component is in a non-star-forming state, possibly due to a combination of low density of the gas and the observed level of velocity dispersion. The presence of the three gas phases associated with the cloud suggests that gas phase mixing with the surrounding intra-cluster medium is taking place. The possible origin of the orphan cloud is a late evolutionary stage of a ram pressure stripping event. In contrast, the nearby ram pressure stripped galaxy 2MASX J11443212+2006238 is in an early phase of stripping and we detected about $2.4\times 10^9 M_\odot$ of H$_2$ in its main body.

A. Möller, M. Smith, M. Sako, M. Sullivan, M. Vincenzi, P. Wiseman, P. Armstrong, J. Asorey, D. Brout, D. Carollo, T. M. Davis, C. Frohmaier, L. Galbany, K. Glazebrook, L. Kelsey, R. Kessler, G. F. Lewis, C. Lidman, U. Malik, D. Scolnic, B. E. Tucker, T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, S. Allam, J. Annis, E. Bertin, S. Bocquet, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, C. Conselice, M. Costanzi, M. Crocce, L. N. da Costa, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, D. A. Finley, B. Flaugher, D. Friedel, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, D. W. Gerdes, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, G. Gutierrez, K. Herner, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, N. Kuropatkin, O. Lahav, M. March, et al. (20 additional authors not shown)

18 pages, 8 figures

As part of the cosmology analysis using Type Ia Supernovae (SN Ia) in the Dark Energy Survey (DES), we present photometrically identified SN Ia samples using multi-band light-curves and host galaxy redshifts. For this analysis, we use the photometric classification framework SuperNNova (SNN; M\"oller et al. 2019) trained on realistic DES-like simulations. For reliable classification, we process the DES SN programme (DES-SN) data and introduce improvements to the classifier architecture, obtaining classification accuracies of more than 98 per cent on simulations. This is the first SN classification to make use of ensemble methods, resulting in more robust samples. Using photometry, host galaxy redshifts, and a classification probability requirement, we identify 1,863 SNe Ia from which we select 1,484 cosmology-grade SNe Ia spanning the redshift range of 0.07 < z < 1.14. We find good agreement between the light-curve properties of the photometrically-selected sample and simulations. Additionally, we create similar SN Ia samples using two types of Bayesian Neural Network classifiers that provide uncertainties on the classification probabilities. We test the feasibility of using these uncertainties as indicators for out-of-distribution candidates and model confidence. Finally, we discuss the implications of photometric samples and classification methods for future surveys such as Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).

J. Peña-Rodríguez, A. Vesga-Ramírez, A. Vásquez-Ramírez, M. Suárez-Durán, R. de León-Barrios, D. Sierra-Porta, R. Calderón-Ardila, J. Pisco-Guavabe, H. Asorey, J. D. Sanabria-Gómez, L. A. Núñez

We present the Colombo-Argentinian Muography Program for studying inland Latin-American volcanoes. It describes the implementation of a simulation framework covering various factors with different spatial and time scales: the geomagnetic effects at a particular geographic point, the development of extensive air showers in the atmosphere, the propagation through the scanned structure and the detector response. Next, we sketch the criteria adopted for designing, building, and commissioning MuTe: a hybrid Muon Telescope based on a composite detection technique. It combines a hodoscope for particle tracking and a water Cherenkov detector to enhance the muon-to-background-signal separation due to extensive air showers' soft and multiple-particle components. MuTe also discriminates inverse-trajectory and low-momentum muons by using a picosecond Time-of-Flight system. We also characterise the instrument's structural (mechanical and thermal) behaviour, discussing preliminary results from the background composition and the telescope-health monitoring variables. Finally, we discuss the implementations of an optimisation algorithm to improve the volcano internal density distribution estimation and machine learning techniques for background rejection.

Benjamin M. Coughenour, John A. Tomsick, Aarran W. Shaw, Koji Mukai, Maïca Clavel, Jeremy Hare, Roman Krivonos, Francesca M. Fornasini

9 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Many new and unidentified Galactic sources have recently been revealed by ongoing hard X-ray surveys. A significant fraction of these have been shown to be the type of accreting white dwarfs known as cataclysmic variables (CVs). Follow-up observations are often required to categorize and classify these sources, and may also identify potentially unique or interesting cases. One such case is IGR J18007-4146, which is likely a CV based on follow-up Chandra observations and constraints from optical/IR catalogs. Utilizing simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations, as well as the available optical/IR data, we confirm the nature of IGR J18007-4146 as an intermediate polar type CV. Timing analysis of the XMM data reveals a periodic signal at 424.4 +/- 0.7 s that we interpret as the spin period of the white dwarf. Modeling the 0.3-78 keV spectrum, we use a thermal bremsstrahlung continuum but require intrinsic absorption as well as a soft component and strong Fe lines between 6 and 7 keV. We model the soft component using a single-temperature blackbody with kT = 73 +8/-6 eV. From the X-ray spectrum, we are able to measure the mass of the white dwarf to be 1.06 +0.19/-0.10 Msun, which means IGR J18007-4146 is more massive than the average for magnetic CVs.

Almog Yalinewich, Paz Beniamini

In this work we consider the eruption of a tenuous relativistic hydrodynamic jet from a dense baryonic envelope. As the jet moves out and away, it carries along and continues to accelerate a layer of baryonic material which we refer to as the plug. We solve the relativistic equations of motion for the trajectory of the plug, and verify it using a relativistic hydrodynamic simulation. We show that under these conditions, the plug breaks up at a radius larger by a factor of a few from the radius of the envelope, due to the onset of the Rayleigh Taylor instability. After breakup the jet continues to accelerate to higher Lorentz factors while the plug fragments maintain a moderate Lorentz factor. The presence of slower moving ejecta can explain late time features of GRBs such as X ray flares without recourse to a long lived engine.

Soheila Abdollahi, Fabio Acero, Luca Baldini, Jean Ballet, Denis Bastieri, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Bijan Berenji, Alessandra Berretta, Elisabetta Bissaldi, Roger D. Blandford, Elliott Bloom, Raffaella Bonino, Ari Brill, Richard J. Britto, Philippe Bruel, Toby H. Burnett, Sara Buson, Rob A. Cameron, Regina Caputo, Patrizia A. Caraveo, Daniel Castro, Sylvain Chaty, Teddy C. Cheung, Graziano Chiaro, Nicolo Cibrario, Stefano Ciprini, Javier Coronado-Blazquez, Milena Crnogorcevic, Sara Cutini, Filippo D'Ammando, Salvatore De Gaetano, Seth W. Digel, Niccolo Di Lalla, Feraol F. Dirirsa, Leonardo Di Venere, Alberto Dominguez, Vandad Fallah Ramazani, Stephen J. Fegan, Elizabeth C. Ferrara, Alessio Fiori, Henrike Fleischhack, Anna Franckowiak, Yasushi Fukazawa, Stefan Funk, et al. (95 additional authors not shown)

submitted to ApJS

We present an incremental version (4FGL-DR3, for Data Release 3) of the fourth Fermi-LAT catalog of gamma-ray sources. Based on the first twelve years of science data in the energy range from 50 MeV to 1 TeV, it contains 6658 sources. The analysis improves on that used for the 4FGL catalog over eight years of data: more sources are fit with curved spectra, we introduce a more robust spectral parametrization for pulsars, and we extend the spectral points to 1 TeV. The spectral parameters, spectral energy distributions and associations are updated for all sources. Light curves are rebuilt for all sources with 1-year intervals (not 2-month intervals). Among the 5064 original 4FGL sources, 16 were deleted, 112 are formally below the detection threshold over 12 years (but are kept in the list), while 74 are newly associated, 10 have an improved association and seven associations were withdrawn. Pulsars are split explicitly between young and millisecond pulsars. Pulsars and binaries newly detected in LAT sources, as well as more than 100 newly classified blazars, are reported. We add three extended sources and 1607 new point sources, mostly just above the detection threshold, among which eight are considered identified and 699 have a plausible counterpart at other wavelengths. We discuss degree-scale residuals to the global sky model and clusters of soft unassociated point sources close to the Galactic plane, which are possibly related to limitations of the interstellar emission model and missing extended sources.

Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Nathalia Alzate, Hebe Cremades, Laura Rodriguez-Garcia, Luiz F. G. Dos Santos, Ayris Narock, Hong Xie, Adam Szabo Vratislav Krupar, Marc Pulupa, David Lario, Michael L. Stevens, Erika Palmerio, Lynn B. Wilson III, Katharine K. Reeves Ryun-Young Kwon, M. Leila Mays, O. Chris St. Cyr, Phillip Hess, Daniel B. Seaton, Tatiana Niembro, Stuart D. Bale, Justin C. Kasper

We investigate the effects of the evolutionary processes in the internal magnetic structure of two interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) detected in situ between 2020 November 29 and December 1 by Parker Solar Probe (PSP). The sources of the ICMEs were observed remotely at the Sun in EUV and subsequently tracked to their coronal counterparts in white light. This period is of particular interest to the community since it has been identified as the first widespread solar energetic particle event of Solar Cycle 25. The distribution of various solar and heliospheric-dedicated spacecraft throughout the inner heliosphere during PSP observations of these large-scale magnetic structures enables a comprehensive analysis of the internal evolution and topology of such structures. By assembling different models and techniques, we identify the signatures of interaction between the two consecutive ICMEs and the implications for their internal structure. We use multispacecraft observations in combination with a remote-sensing forward modeling technique, numerical propagation models, and in-situ reconstruction techniques. The outcome, from the full reconciliations, demonstrates that the two CMEs are interacting in the vicinity of PSP. Thus, we identify the in-situ observations based on the physical processes that are associated with the interaction and collision of both CMEs. We also expand the flux rope modeling and in-situ reconstruction technique to incorporate the aging and expansion effects in a distorted internal magnetic structure and explore the implications of both effects in the magnetic configuration of the ICMEs.

Guy Worthey, Xiang Shi, Tathagata Pal, Hyun-chul Lee, Baitian Tang

10 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, accepted to MNRAS, 2022 Jan 26

Stellar evolution calculations with variable abundance ratios were used to gauge the effects on temperatures, luminosities, and lifetimes in various phases. Individual elements C, N, O, Mg, Si, and Fe were included. Most of the effect relevant to integrated light models is contained in the temperature variable, as opposed to the timescale or luminosity. We derive a recipe for including abundance-sensitive temperature effects that is applicable to existing isochrone grids. The resultant enhanced isochrones are incorporated into composite stellar population models and compared with galaxy data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. A severe oxygen-age degeneracy is apparent, 2 - 3 Gyr per 0.1 dex in [O/R], where R represents a heavy element such as Fe. Over the range of early-type galaxy velocity dispersion, the spans of all abundance ratios are reduced but the age range increases, systematically older. Allowing Fe-peak elements the freedom to vary accentuates this increase of age span. Overall, these results sharpen the age-mass correlation known as downsizing but decrease the steepness of abundance ratio gradients. Both of these observations, in turn, imply a more robust contribution from gas free mergers in the histories of typical elliptical galaxies.

Andrew Douglas, Prajwal Padmanabh, Scott Ransom, Alessandro Ridolfi, Paulo Freire, Vivek Venkatraman Krishnan, Ewan Barr, Cristina Pallanca, Mario Cadelano, Andrea Possenti, Ingrid Stairs, Jason Hessels, Megan DeCesar, Ryan Lynch, Matthew Bailes, Marta Burgay, David Champion, Ramesh Karuppusamy, Michael Kramer, Benjamin Stappers, Laila Vleeschower

Accepted to ApJ on 12/28/2022

We report the discovery of two Black Widow millisecond pulsars in the globular cluster M28 with the MeerKAT telescope. PSR J1824$-$2452M (M28M) is a 4.78-ms pulsar in a $5.82\,$hour orbit and PSR J1824$-$2452N (M28N) is a 3.35-ms pulsar in a $4.76\,$hour orbit. Both pulsars have dispersion measures near $119.30\,$pc$\,$cm$^{-3}$ and have low mass companion stars ($\sim$$0.01-0.03\,$M$_\odot$), which do not cause strong radio eclipses or orbital variations. Including these systems, there are now five known black widow pulsars in M28. The pulsar searches were conducted as a part of an initial phase of MeerKAT's globular cluster census (within the TRAPUM Large Survey Project). These faint discoveries demonstrate the advantages of MeerKAT's survey sensitivity over previous searches and we expect to find additional pulsars in continued searches of this cluster.

Haylee N. Archer, Deidre A. Hunter, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Phil Cigan, Rolf A. Jansen, Rogier A. Windhorst, Leslie K. Hunt, Monica Rubio

In press in the Astronomical Journal

The low metallicities of dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrr) greatly influence the formation and structure of molecular clouds. These clouds, which consist primarily of H$_2$, are typically traced by CO, but low metallicity galaxies are found to have little CO despite ongoing star formation. In order to probe the conditions necessary for CO core formation in dwarf galaxies, we have used the catalog of Rubio et al. (2022, in preparation) for CO cores in WLM, a Local Group dwarf with an oxygen abundance that is 13% of solar. Here we aim to characterize the galactic environments in which these 57 CO cores formed. We grouped the cores together based on proximity to each other and strong FUV emission, examining properties of the star forming region enveloping the cores and the surrounding environment where the cores formed. We find that high HI surface density does not necessarily correspond to higher total CO mass, but regions with higher CO mass have higher HI surface densities. We also find the cores in star forming regions spanning a wide range of ages show no correlation between age and CO core mass, suggesting that the small size of the cores is not due to fragmentation of the clouds with age. The presence of CO cores in a variety of different local environments, along with the similar properties between star forming regions with and without CO cores, leads us to conclude that there are no obvious environmental characteristics that drive the formation of these CO cores.

Andrea Bonilla-Barroso, J. Ballesteros-Paredes, Jesus Hernández, Luis Aguilar, Manuel Zamora, Lee W. Hartmann, Aleksandra Kuznetsova, Vianey Camacho, Verónica Lora

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Using numerical simulations of the formation and evolution of stellar clusters within molecular clouds, we show that the stars in clusters formed within collapsing molecular cloud clumps exhibit a constant velocity dispersion regardless of their mass, as expected in a violent relaxation processes. In contrast, clusters formed in turbulence-dominated environments exhibit an {\it inverse} mass segregated velocity dispersion, where massive stars exhibit larger velocity dispersions than low-mass cores, consistent with massive stars formed in massive clumps, which in turn, are formed through strong shocks. We furthermore use Gaia EDR3 to show that the stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster exhibit a constant velocity dispersion as a function of mass, suggesting that it has been formed by collapse within one free-fall time of its parental cloud, rather than in a turbulence-dominated environment during many free-fall times of a supported cloud. Additionally, we have addressed several of the criticisms of models of collapsing star forming regions: namely, the age spread of the ONC, the comparison of the ages of the stars to the free-fall time of the gas that formed it, the star formation efficiency, and the mass densities of clouds vs the mass densities of stellar clusters, showing that observational and numerical data are consistent with clusters forming in clouds undergoing a process of global, hierarchical and chaotic collapse, rather than been supported by turbulence.

Jun Dai, Zhentong Li, Ya Wang, Zhe Xu, Yanjie Zhang, Leping Li, Qingmin Zhang, Yingna Su, Haisheng Ji

15 pages,10 figures

We present an investigation of partial filament eruption on 2012 June 17 in the active region NOAA 11504. For the first time, we observed the vertical splitting process during the partial eruption with high resolution narrow band images at 10830 . The active filament was rooted in a small sunspot of the active region. Particularly, it underwent the partial eruption in three steps, i.e. the precursor, the first eruption, and the second eruption, while the later two were associated with a C1.0 flare and a C3.9 flare, respectively. During the precursor, slow magnetic reconnection took place between the filament and the adjoining loops that also rooted in the sunspot. The continuous reconnection not only caused the filament to split into three groups of threads vertically but also formed a new filament, which was growing and accompanied brightening took place around the site. Subsequently, the growing filament erupted together with one group splitted threads, resulted in the first eruption. At the beginning of the first eruption, a subsequent magnetic reconnection occurred between the erupting splitted threads and another ambient magnetic loop. After about three minutes, the second eruption occurred as a result of the eruption of two larger unstable filaments induced by the magnetic reconnection. The high-resolution observation provides a direct evidence that magnetic reconnection between filament and its ambient magnetic fields could induce the vertical splitting of the filament, resulting in partial eruption.

Christian Malacaria, Yash Bhargava, Joel B. Coley, Lorenzo Ducci, Pragati Pradhan, Ralf Ballhausen, Felix Fuerst, Nazma Islam, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Peter Jenke, Peter Kretschmar, Ingo Kreykenbohm, Katja Pottschmidt

Submitted to ApJ

Accreting X-ray pulsars (XRPs) undergo luminous X-ray outbursts during which the luminosity-dependent spectral and timing features of the neutron star's emission can be analyzed in detail, thus shedding light on the accretion regime at work. We took advantage of a monitoring campaign performed with NuSTAR, Swift/XRT, AstroSat and NICER, to follow the Be/X-ray Binary 2S 1553-542 along one of its rare outbursts and trace its spectral and timing evolution. We report the discovery of a luminosity-dependent cyclotron line energy for the first time in this source. The pulse profiles and pulsed fraction also show variability along the outburst, consistently with the interpretation that the source transitions from the sub-critical to the super-critical accretion regime, separated by a critical luminosity of L$_{crit}\approx4\times10^{37}$ erg/s.

K. Feijen, S. Einecke, G. Rowell, C. Braiding, M.G. Burton, G.F. Wong

13 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables

HESS J1804-216 is one of the brightest yet most mysterious TeV gamma-ray sources discovered to date. Previous arc-minute scale studies of the interstellar medium (ISM) surrounding this TeV gamma-ray source revealed HESS J1804-216 is likely powered by a mature supernova remnant (SNR) or pulsar, hence its origin remains uncertain. In this paper, we focus on the diffusive escape of cosmic-ray protons from potential SNR accelerators. These cosmic rays interact with the ISM to produce TeV gamma-rays. We utilise the isotropic diffusion equation solution for particles escaping from a shell, to model the energy-dependent escape and propagation of protons into the ISM. This work is the first attempt at modelling the spatial morphology of gamma-rays towards HESS J1804-216, using arc-minute ISM observations from both Mopra and the Southern Galactic Plane Survey. The spectral and spatial distributions of gamma-rays for the two nearby potential SNR counterparts, SNR G8.7-0.1 and the progenitor SNR of PSR J1803-2137, are presented here. We vary the diffusion parameters and particle spectrum and use a grid search approach to find the best combination of model parameters. We conclude that moderately slow diffusion is required for both candidates. The most promising candidate to be powering the TeV gamma-rays from HESS J1804-216 in a hadronic scenario is the progenitor SNR of PSR J1803-213.

M. Fenucci, G. F. Gronchi, M. Saillenfest

Proper elements are quasi-integrals of motion, meaning that they can be considered constant over a certain timespan, and they permit to describe the long-term evolution with a few parameters. Near-Earth objects (NEOs) generally have a large eccentricity and therefore they can cross the orbits of the planets. Moreover, some of them are known to be currently in a mean-motion resonance with a planet. Thus, the methods previously used for the computation of main-belt asteroid proper elements are not appropriate for such objects. In this paper, we introduce a technique for the computation of proper elements of planet-crossing asteroids that are in a mean-motion resonance with a planet. First, we numerically average the Hamiltonian over the fast angles while keeping all the resonant terms, and we describe how to continue a solution beyond orbit crossing singularities. Proper elements are then extracted from a frequency analysis of the averaged orbit-crossing solutions. We give proper elements of some known resonant NEOs, and provide comparisons with non-resonant models. These examples show that it is necessary to take into account the effect of the resonance for the computation of accurate proper elements.

Rahul Basu, Dipanjan Mitra, George I. Melikidze

27 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

The pulsar profile is characterised by two distinct emission components, the core and the cone. The standard model of a pulsar radio emission beam originating from dipolar magnetic fields, places the core at the centre surrounded by concentric layers of inner and outer conal components. The core emission is expected to have steeper spectra compared to the cones. We present a detailed analysis of the relative differences in spectra between the core and conal emission from a large sample of 53 pulsars over a wide frequency range between 100 MHz and 10 GHz. The core was seen to be much steeper than the cones particularly between 100 MHz and 1 GHz with a relative difference between the spectral index $\Delta\alpha_{core/cone}\sim$ -1.0. In addition we also found the spectra of the outer conal components to be steeper than the inner cone with relative difference in the spectral index $\Delta\alpha_{in/out}\sim$ +0.5. The flattening of the spectra from the magnetic axis towards the edge of the open field line region with increasing curvature of the field lines is a natural outcome of the coherent curvature radiation from charged soliton bunches, and explains the difference in spectra between the core and the cones. In addition due to the relativistic beaming effect, the radiation is only visible when it is directed towards the observer over a narrow angle $\theta\leq 1/\gamma$, where $\gamma$ is the Lorentz factor of the outflowing plasma clouds. This restricts the emission particularly from outer cones, that are associated with field lines with larger curvature thereby making the spectra steeper than the inner cones.

Takanobu Amano, Masahiro Hoshino

26 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

A theory of electron injection into diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) for the generation of cosmic-ray electrons at collisionless shocks is presented. We consider a recently proposed particle acceleration mechanism called stochastic shock drift acceleration (SSDA). We find that SSDA may be understood as a diffusive particle acceleration mechanism at an oblique shock of finite thickness. More specifically, it is described by a solution to the diffusion-convection equation for particles with the characteristic diffusion length comparable to the shock thickness. On the other hand, the same equation yields the standard DSA if the diffusion length is much longer than the thickness. Although SSDA predicts, in general, a spectral index steeper than DSA, it is much more efficient for low-energy electron acceleration and is favorable for injection. The injection threshold energy corresponds to the transition energy between the two different regimes. It is of the order of $0.1\text{-}1$ MeV in typical interstellar and interplanetary conditions if the dissipation scale of turbulence around the shock is determined by the ion inertial length. The electron injection is more efficient at high $M_\textrm{A} / \cos \theta_{Bn}$ where $M_\textrm{A}$ and $\theta_{Bn}$ are the Alfv\'en Mach number and the shock obliquity. The theory suggests that efficient acceleration of electrons to ultra-relativistic energies will be more easily realized at high-Mach-number young supernova remnant shocks, but not at weak or moderate shocks in the heliosphere unless the upstream magnetic field is nearly perpendicular to the shock normal.

J. Krticka, Z. Mikulasek, P. Kurfurst, M. E. Oksala

14 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The light curves of magnetic, chemically peculiar stars typically show periodic variability due to surface spots that in most cases can be modeled by low-order harmonic expansion. However, high-precision satellite photometry reveals tiny complex features in the light curves of some of these stars that are difficult to explain as caused by a surface phenomenon under reasonable assumptions. These features might originate from light extinction in corotating magnetospheric clouds supported by a complex magnetic field dominated by higher-order multipoles. We aim to understand the photometric signatures of corotating magnetospheres that are governed by higher-order multipoles. We determined the location of magnetospheric clouds from the minima of the effective potential along the magnetic field lines for different orders of multipoles and their combination. From the derived magnetospheric density distribution, we calculated light curves accounting for absorption and subsequent emission of light. For axisymmetric multipoles, the rigidly rotating magnetosphere model is able to explain the observed tiny features in the light curves only when the higher-order multipoles dominate the magnetic field not only at the stellar surface, but even at the Kepler radius. However, even a relatively weak nonaxisymmetric component leads to warping of equilibrium surfaces. This introduces structures that can explain the tiny features observed in the light curves of chemically peculiar stars. The light emission contributes to the light variability only if a significant fraction of light is absorbed in the magnetosphere.

Philip A Charles, David A H Buckley, Enrico Kotze, Marissa M Kotze, Jessymol K Thomas, Poshak Gandhi, John A Paice, Jean-Pierre Lasota, James H Matthews, James F Steiner

10 Pages, 20 Figures

The last decade has seen a significant gain in both space and ground-based monitoring capabilities, producing vastly better coverage of BH X-ray binaries during their (rare) transient events. This interval included two of the three brightest X-ray outbursts ever observed, namely V404 Cyg in 2015, and MAXI J1820+070 in 2018, as well as the outburst of Swift J1357.2-0933, the first such system to show variable period optical dipping. There are now superb multi-wavelength archives of these outbursts, both photometric and spectroscopic, that show substantial outflows in the form of jets and disc winds, and X-ray spectroscopy/timing that reveals how the inner accretion disc evolves. The ground-based AAVSO optical monitoring of the MAXI J1820+070 event was the most extensive ever obtained, revealing periodic variations that evolved as it approached its state transition. These modulations were of an amplitude never seen before, and suggested the development of an irradiation-driven disc warp that persisted through the transition. All these results have demonstrated the power of extensive multi-wavelength photometric and spectroscopic monitoring on all time-scales.

Transit Timing Variations (TTVs) can provide useful information for systems observed by transit, by putting constraints on the masses and eccentricities of the observed planets, or even constrain the existence of non-transiting companions. However, TTVs can also prevent the detection of small planets in transit surveys, or bias the recovered planetary and transit parameters. Here we show that Kepler-1972 c, initially the "not transit-like" false positive KOI-3184.02, is an Earth-sized planet whose orbit is perturbed by Kepler-1972 b (initially KOI-3184.01). The pair is locked in a 3:2 Mean-motion resonance, each planet displaying TTVs of more than 6h hours of amplitude over the duration of the Kepler mission. The two planets have similar masses $m_b/m_c =0.956_{-0.051}^{+0.056}$ and radii $R_b=0.802_{-0.041}^{+0.042}R_{Earth}$, $R_c=0.868_{-0.050}^{+0.051}R_{Earth}$, and the whole system, including the inner candidate KOI-3184.03, appear to be coplanar. Despite the faintness of the signals (SNR of 1.35 for each transit of Kepler-1972 b and 1.10 for Kepler-1972 c), we recovered the transits of the planets using the RIVERS method, based on the recognition of the tracks of planets in river diagrams using machine learning, and a photo-dynamic fit of the lightcurve. Recovering the correct ephemerides of the planets is essential to have a complete picture of the observed planetary systems. In particular, we show that in Kepler-1972, not taking into account planet-planet interactions yields an error of $\sim 30\%$ on the radii of planets b and c, in addition to generating in-transit scatter, which leads to mistake KOI3184.02 for a false positive. Alleviating this bias is essential for an unbiased view of Kepler systems, some of the TESS stars, and the upcoming PLATO mission.

Jin Zhang (1), Xinchen Cai (1), Yongbo Huang (1), Qian Liu (2), Fei Xie (1), Jin Li (3), Hong-Bang Liu (1) ((1) School of Physical Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning, China, (2) School of Physical Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, (3) Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)

Polarization detection of X-ray is a non-negligible topic to astrophysical observation. Many polarization detection methods have been well developed for X-ray in the energy range below 10 keV, while the detection at 10-30 keV is rarely discussed. This paper presents a simulation study of a Xe-based Gas Pixel Detector, which can achieve the polarization detection of X-ray at 10-30 keV. To verify the emission angle distribution of photoelectrons, different electromagnetic models in Geant4 were investigated. After a necessary modification by considering the missing factor when sampling the emission angle, good agreement can be achieved. Moreover, the detection capability of 20 keV polarized photons was discussed and the modulation factor could be improved from 16.24% to 43.26% after the modification.

Qiliang Fang, Keiichi Maeda, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Masaomi Tanaka, Koji S. Kawabata, Takashi Hattori, Kentaro Aoki, Takashi J. Moriya, Masayuki Yamanaka

40 pages, 23 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present an analysis of the nebular spectra of 103 stripped envelope (SE) supernovae (SNe) collected from the literature and observed with the Subaru Telescope from 2002 to 2012, focusing on [O I] 6300, 6363. The line profile and width of [O I] are employed to infer the ejecta geometry and the expansion velocity of the inner core. These two measurements are then compared with the SN sub types, and further with the [O I]/[Ca II] ratio, which is used as an indicator of the progenitor CO core mass. Based on the best fit results of the [O I] profile, the objects are classified into different morphological groups, and we conclude that the deviation from spherical symmetry is a common feature for all types of SESNe. There is a hint (at about 1 sigma level) that the distributions of the line profile fractions are different between canonical SESNe and broad-line SNe Ic. A correlation between [O I] width and [O I]/[Ca II] ratio is discerned, indicating that the oxygen-rich material tends to expand faster for objects with a more massive CO core. Such a correlation can be utilized to constrain the relation between the progenitor mass and the kinetic energy of the explosion. Further, when [O I]/[Ca II] ratio increases, the fraction of objects with Gaussian [O I] profile increases, while those with double-peaked profile decreases. This phenomenon connects ejecta geometry and the progenitor CO core mass.

Tracey Friday, Roger G. Clowes, Gerard M. Williger

Accepted for MNRAS

Correlated orientations of quasar optical and radio polarisation, and of radio jets, have been reported on Gpc scales, possibly arising from intrinsic alignment of spin axes. Optical quasar polarisation appears to be preferentially either aligned or orthogonal to the host large-scale structure, specifically large quasar groups (LQGs). Using a sample of 71 LQGs at redshifts $1.0 \leq z \leq 1.8$, we investigate whether LQGs themselves exhibit correlated orientation. We find that LQG position angles (PAs) are unlikely to be drawn from a uniform distribution ($p$-values $0.008 \lesssim p \lesssim 0.07$). The LQG PA distribution is bimodal, with median modes at $\bar{\theta}\sim45\pm2^{\circ}, 136\pm2^{\circ}$, remarkably close to the mean angles of quasar radio polarisation reported in two regions coincident with our LQG sample. We quantify the degree of alignment in the PA data, and find that LQGs are aligned and orthogonal across very large scales. The maximum significance is $\simeq 0.8\%$ ($2.4\sigma$) at typical angular (proper) separations of $\sim 30^{\circ}$ (1.6 Gpc). If the LQG orientation correlation is real, it represents large-scale structure alignment over scales larger than those predicted by cosmological simulations and at least an order of magnitude larger than any so far observed, with the exception of quasar-polarisation / radio-jet alignment. We conclude that LQG alignment helps explain quasar-polarisation / radio-jet alignment, but raises challenging questions about the origin of the LQG correlation and the assumptions of the concordance cosmological model.

Sandrine Guerlet, N. Ignatiev, F. Forget, T. Fouchet, P. Vlasov, G. Bergeron, R. M. B. Young, E. Millour, S. Fan, H. Tran, A. Shakun, A. Grigoriev, A. Trokhimovskiy, F. Montmessin, O. Korablev

51 pages, 29 figures. Accepted in Juanuary 2022 for publication in Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)

The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) onboard the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) monitors the Martian atmosphere through different spectral intervals in the infrared light. We present a retrieval algorithm tailored to the analysis of spectra acquired in nadir geometry by TIRVIM, the thermal infrared channel of ACS. Our algorithm simultaneously retrieves vertical profile of atmospheric temperature up to 50 km, surface temperature, and integrated optical depth of dust and water ice clouds. The specificity of the TIRVIM dataset lies in its capacity to resolve the diurnal cycle over a 54 sol period. However, it is uncertain to what extent can the desired atmospheric quantities be accurately estimated at different times of day. Here we first present an Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE). We produce synthetic observations at various latitudes, seasons and local times and run our retrieval algorithm on these synthetic data, to evaluate its robustness. Different sources of biases are documented, in particular regarding aerosol retrievals. Atmospheric temperature retrievals are found robust even when dust and/or water ice cloud opacities are not well estimated in our OSSE. We then apply our algorithm to TIRVIM observations in April-May, 2018 and perform a cross-validation of retrieved atmospheric temperature and dust integrated opacity by comparisons with thousands of co-located Mars Climate Sounder (MCS) retrievals. Most differences between TIRVIM and MCS atmospheric temperatures can be attributed to differences in vertical sensitivity. Daytime dust opacities agree well with each other, while biases are found in nighttime dust opacity retrieved from TIRVIM at this season.

John K. Webb, Chung-Chi Lee, Dinko Milaković

17 pages, 6 figures, submitted to "The Universe". Contribution for the AlteCosmoFun'21 conference volume, 6-10 September 2022, Szczecin, Poland

Recent advances in spectroscopic instrumentation and calibration methods dramatically improve the quality of quasar spectra. Supercomputer calculations show that, at high spectral resolution, procedures used in some previous analyses of spacetime variations of fundamental constants are likely to generate spurious measurements, biased systematically towards a null result. Developments in analysis methods are also summarised and a prescription given for the analysis of new and forthcoming data.

Guido D'Amico, Matthew Lewandowski, Leonardo Senatore, Pierre Zhang

8+17 pages, 5 figures

We analyze the power spectrum and the bispectrum of BOSS galaxy-clustering data using the prediction from the Effective Field Theory of Large-Scale Structure at one-loop order for $\textit{both}$ the power spectrum $\textit{and}$ the bispectrum. With $\Lambda$CDM parameters fixed to Planck preferred values, we set limits on three templates of non-Gaussianities predicted by many inflationary models: the equilateral, the orthogonal, and the local shapes. After validating our analysis against simulations, we find $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm equil.}=2 \pm 212$, $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm orth.}= 126 \pm 72$, $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm loc.}=-30\pm 29$, at $68\%$ confidence level. These bispectrum-based constraints from Large-Scale Structure, not far from the ones of WMAP, suggest promising results from upcoming surveys.

Spectropolarimetry is a powerful tool for diagnostic of interstellar matter and gives information on the geometry of the ejected material after the novae outbursts. In this paper are presented spectropolarimetric observations of the recurrent nova T CrB at quiescence obtained with FoReRo2 attached to the Cassegrain focus of the 2.0m RCC telescope of the Bulgarian Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory. The interstellar polarization toward T CrB was estimated using the field stars method. The spectropolarimetric observations were obtained from February 2018 to August 2021. In the wavelength range from 4800~\AA~ to 8200~\AA~the maximum of the degree of linear polarization is $P_{max}(obs)(\%) = 0.46 \pm 0.01$ at $\lambda \approx 5200$ \AA. The position angle is $P.A._{obs}=100^{\circ}.8 \pm 0^{\circ}.9$. During the observations, there is no intrinsic polarization in T CrB, and the derived values represent interstellar polarization. The polarization toward T CrB is due to the foreground interstellar dust located at the distance up to $\approx$ 400 pc. Based on the degree of polarization the interstellar extinction toward the T CrB is $E_{B-V} \approx 0.07$.

Giuliano Taffoni, Ugo Becciani, Annalisa Bonafede, Etienne Bonnassieux, Gianfranco Brunetti, Marisa Brienza, Claudio Gheller, Stefano A. Russo, Fabio Vitello

In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) XXXI

The LOw-Frequency ARray is a low-frequency radio interferometer composed by observational stations spread across Europe and it is the largest precursor of SKA in terms of effective area and generated data rates. In 2018, the Italian community officially joined LOFAR project, and it deployed a distributed computing and storage infrastructure dedicated to LOFAR data analysis. The infrastructure is based on 4 nodes distributed in different Italian locations and it offers services for pipelines execution, storage of final and intermediate results and support for the use of the software and infrastructure. As the analysis of the LOw-Frequency ARray data requires a very complex computational procedure, a container-based approach has been adopted to distribute software environments to the different computing resources. A science platform approach is used to facilitate interactive access to computational resources. In this paper, we describe the architecture and main features of the infrastructure.

The radio emission in radio-quiet quasars (RQQs) has been a long mystery and its physical origin remains unclear. In a previous work we find UV/optical more variable quasars have stronger X-ray emission, indicating a link between disc turbulence and X-ray corona heating. In this work, for the first time, we investigate the relation between UV/optical variability and the radio emission in RQQs selected from SDSS stripe 82 and FIRST radio survey. We median stack the FIRST images and detect clear signals from RQQs in the co-added images of individually radio non-detected sources. Controlling the effects of other parameters, including redshift, black hole mass, bolometric luminosity and Eddington ratio, we find more variable RQQs, which are known to be X-ray relatively brighter, show tentatively weaker radio emission, contrary to the linear X-ray/radio correlation if the radio emission is from or driven by the corona. The discovery also suggests that if the radio emission in RQQs is driven by AGN activity (such as weak jet), the underlying driving process is independent to the disc turbulence which drives UV/optical variability and probably also corona heating. Alternatively, the radio emission could be due to star formation in the host galaxies.

H. T. J. Bevins, E. de Lera Acedo, A. Fialkov, W. J. Handley, S. Singh, R. Subrahmanyan, R. Barkana

19 Pages, 13 Figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We present a Bayesian re-analysis of the sky-averaged 21-cm experimental data from SARAS2 using nested sampling implemented with Polychord, spectrally smooth foreground modelling implemented with maxsmooth, detailed systematic modelling and rapid signal emulation with globalemu. Our analysis differs from previous analysis of the SARAS2 data through the use of a full Bayesian framework and separate modelling of the foreground and non-smooth systematics present in the data. We use the most up-to-date global signal models including Lyman-$\alpha$ and CMB heating and parameterised by astrophysical parameters such as star formation efficiency, X-ray heating efficiency, minimal virial circular velocity, CMB optical depth and the low energy cutoff of the X-ray spectral energy distribution. We also consider models with an excess radio background above the CMB produced via radio emission from early galaxies and parameterised by a radio production efficiency. A non-smooth systematic is identified and modelled as both a frequency damped sinusoid introduced by the electronics and separately from the sky. The latter is modulated by the total efficiency of the antenna and marginally favoured by the data. We consider three models for the noise in the data with different frequency dependencies. We find that the SARAS2 constraints on individual astrophysical parameters are extremely weak however we identify classes of disfavoured signals. Specifically, we weakly disfavour standard astrophysical models with high Lyman-$\alpha$ fluxes and generally weak heating and more confidently disfavour exotic models with high Lyman-$\alpha$ fluxes, low X-ray efficiencies, high radio production efficiencies in early galaxies and high CMB optical depths. We intend to follow this work up with a similar analysis of the recently published SARAS3 data.

Lorena Acuña, Theo Lopez, Thierry Morel, Magali Deleuil, Olivier Mousis, Artyom Aguichine, Emmanuel Marcq, Alexandre Santerne

15 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

Super-Earths and sub-Neptunes have been found simultaneously in multiplanetary systems, suggesting that they are appropriate to study composition and formation within the same environment. We perform a homogeneous interior structure analysis of five multiplanetary systems to explore the compositional trends and its relation with planet formation. For K2-138, we present revised masses and stellar host chemical abundances to improve the constraints on the planetary interior. We conduct a line-by-line differential spectroscopic analysis on the stellar spectra to obtain its chemical abundances and the planetary parameters. We select multiplanetary systems with five or more low-mass planets that have both mass and radius data available. We carry out a homogeneous interior structure analysis on the systems K2-138, TOI-178, Kepler-11, Kepler-102 and Kepler-80 and estimate the volatile mass fraction of their planets assuming a volatile layer constituted of water in steam and supercritical phases. Our interior-atmosphere model takes into account the effects of irradiation on the surface conditions. K2-138 inner planets present an increasing volatile mass fraction with distance from its host star, while the outer planets present an approximately constant water content. This is similar to the trend observed in TRAPPIST-1 in a previous analysis with the same interior-atmosphere model. The Kepler-102 system could potentially present this trend. In all multiplanetary systems, the low volatile mass fraction of the inner planets could be due to atmospheric escape while the higher volatile mass fraction of the outer planets can be the result of accretion of ice-rich material in the vicinity of the ice line with later inward migration. Kepler-102 and Kepler-80 present inner planets with high core mass fractions which could be due to mantle evaporation, impacts or formation in the vicinity of rocklines.

Solar jets are observed as collimated plasma beams over a large range of temperatures and wavelengths. They have been observed in Halpha and optical lines for more than 50 years and called surges. The term "jet" comes from X-ray observations after the launch of the Yohkoh satellite in 1991. They are the means of transporting energy through the heliosphere and participate to the corona heating and the acceleration of solar wind. Several characteristics have been derived about their velocities, their rates of occurrence, and their relationship with CMEs. However, the initiation mechanism of jets, e.g. emerging flux, flux cancellation, or twist, is still debated. In the last decade coordinated observations of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) with the instruments on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO) allow to make a step forward for understanding the trigger of jets and the relationship between hot jets and cool surges. We observe at the same time the development of 2D and 3D MHD numerical simulations to interpret the results. This paper summarizes recent studies of jets showing the loci of magnetic reconnection in null points or in bald patch regions forming a current sheet. In the pre-jet phase a twist is frequently detected by the existence of a mini filament close to the dome of emerging flux. The twist can also be transferred to the jet from a flux rope in the vicinity of the reconnection by slippage of the polarities. Bidirectional flows are detected at the reconnection sites. We show the role of magnetic currents detected in the footprints of flux rope and quasi-separatrix layers for initiating the jets. We select a few studies and show that with the same observations, different interpretations are possible based on different approaches e.g. non linear force free field extrapolation or 3D MHD simulation.

Hans Goedbloed, Rony Keppens

accepted for publication in ApJ Supplement Series

The theory of instability of accretion disks about black holes, neutron stars or proto-planets, is revisited by means of the recent method of the Spectral Web. The cylindrical accretion disk differential equation is shown to be governed by the forward and backward Doppler-shifted continuous Alfv\'en spectra $\Omega_{\rm A}^\pm \equiv m \Omega \pm \omega_{\rm A}$, where $\omega_{\rm A}$ is the static Alfv\'en frequency. It is crucial to take non-axisymmetry ($m \ne 0$) and super-Alfv\'enic rotation of the Doppler frames ($|m\Omega| \gg |\omega_{\rm A}|$) into account. The continua $\Omega_{\rm A}^+$ and $\Omega_{\rm A}^-$ then overlap, ejecting a plethora of Super-Alfv\'enic Rotational Instabilities (SARIs). In-depth analysis for small inhomogeneity shows that the two Alfv\'en singularities reduce the extent of the modes to sizes much smaller than the width of the accretion disk. Generalization for large inhomogeneity leads to the completely unprecedented result that, for mode numbers $|k| \gg |m|$, any complex $\omega$ in a wide neighborhood of the real axis is an approximate `eigenvalue'. The difference with genuine eigenmodes is that the amount of complementary energy to excite the modes is tiny, $|W_{\rm com}| \le c$, with $c$ the machine accuracy of the computation. This yields a multitude of two-dimensional continua of quasi-discrete modes: quasi-continuum SARIs. We conjecture that the onset of 3D turbulence in magnetized accretion disks is governed, not by the excitation of discrete axisymmetric Magneto-Rotational Instabilities, but by the excitation of modes from these two-dimensional continua of quasi-discrete non-axisymmetric Super-Alfv\'enic Rotational Instabilities.

Giuseppe Fanizza, Enea Di Dio, Ruth Durrer, Giovanni Marozzi

37 pages, 6 figures

We compute the weak lensing Jacobi map at first order in perturbation theory and show that it is both, gauge invariant and symmetric. Linear perturbations therefore do not induce any rotation. However, vector and tensor perturbations do induce $B$-modes in the shear. We show that contrary to what is often claimed in the literature, the shear $B$-mode power spectrum is not fully determined by the rotation power spectrum. Also the $E$-mode shear power spectrum is not determined by the convergence power spectrum. While this difference is small for scalar perturbations, it becomes very relevant for tensor perturbations, i.e. gravitational waves.

Lavinia Heisenberg, Hector Villarrubia-Rojo, Jann Zosso

4 pages, 2 figures, submission to PRL

In a model independent approach, we derive generic conditions that any late time modification of the $\Lambda$CDM expansion history must satisfy in order to consistently solve both the $H_0$ and the $\sigma_8$ tensions. Our results are fully analytical and the method is merely based on the assumption that the late-time deviations from $\Lambda$CDM remain small. For the concrete case of a dark energy fluid with deviations encoded in the expansion history and the gravitational coupling constant, we present necessary conditions on its equation of state. Solving both the $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$ tensions requires that $w(z)$ must cross the phantom divide if $G_\text{eff}=G$. On the other hand, for $G_\text{eff}=G+\delta G(z)$ and $w(z)\leq -1$, it is required that $\displaystyle \frac{\delta G(z)}{G}<\alpha(z)\frac{\delta H(z)}{H(z)}<0$ at some redshift $z$.

Donald Kurtz

Manuscript submitted to Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics for future publication in Volume 60. This is the author's own version. The final version will become available from this https URL 63 pages

Asteroseismology has grown from its beginnings three decades ago to a mature field teeming with discoveries and applications. This phenomenal growth has been enabled by space photometry with precision $10-100$ times better than ground-based observations, with nearly continuous light curves for durations of weeks to years, and by large scale ground-based surveys spanning years designed to detect all time-variable phenomena. The new high precision data are full of surprises, deepening our understanding of the physics of stars. $\bullet$ This review explores asteroseismic developments from the last decade primarily as a result of light curves from the Kepler and TESS space missions for: massive upper main-sequence OBAF stars, pre-main-sequence stars, peculiar stars, classical pulsators, white dwarfs and subdwarfs, and tidally interacting close binaries. $\bullet$ The space missions have increased the numbers of pulsators in many classes by an order of magnitude. $\bullet$ Asteroseismology measures fundamental stellar parameters and stellar interior physics - mass, radius, age, metallicity, luminosity, distance, magnetic fields, interior rotation, angular momentum transfer, convective overshoot, core burning stage - supporting disparate fields such as galactic archeology, exoplanet host stars, supernovae progenitors, gamma ray and gravitational wave precursors, close binary star origins and evolution, and standard candles. $\bullet$ Stars are the luminous tracers of the universe. Asteroseismology significantly improves models of stellar structure and evolution on which all inference from stars depends.

Ning Jiang, Huan Yang, Tinggui Wang, Jiazheng Zhu, Zhenwei Lyu, Liming Dou, Yibo Wang, Jianguo Wang, Zhen Pan, Hui Liu, Xinwen Shu, Zhenya Zheng

40 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Submitted

Supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHs) are a fascinating byproduct of galaxy mergers in the hierarchical universe. In the last stage of their orbital evolution, gravitational wave radiation drives the binary inspiral and produces the loudest siren awaiting to be detected by gravitational wave observatories. Periodically varying emission from active galactic nuclei has been proposed as a powerful approach to probe such systems, although none of the identified candidates are close to their final coalescence such that the observed periods stay constant in time. In this work, we report on the first system with rapid decaying periods revealed by its optical and X-ray light curves, which has decreased from about one year to one month in three years. Together with its optical hydrogen line spectroscopy, we propose that the system is an uneven mass-ratio, highly eccentric SMBH binary which will merge within three years, as predicted by the trajectory evolution model. If the interpretation is true, coordinated, multi-band electromagnetic campaign should be planned for this first binary SMBH merger event observed in human history, together with possible neutrino measurements. Gravitational wave memory from this event may also be detectable by Pulsar Timing Array with additional five-to-ten year observation.

A. Albert (1 and 2), S. Alves (3), M. André (4), M. Anghinolfi (5), G. Anton (6), M. Ardid (7), S. Ardid (7), J.-J. Aubert (8), J. Aublin (9), B. Baret (9), S. Basa (10), B. Belhorma (11), M. Bendahman (9 and 12), F. Benfenati (13 and 14), V. Bertin (8), S. Biagi (15), M. Bissinger (6), J. Boumaaza (12), M. Bouta (16), M.C. Bouwhuis (17), H. Brânzaş (18), R. Bruijn (17 and 19), J. Brunner (8), J. Busto (8), B. Caiffi (5), D. Calvo (3), A. Capone (20 and 21), L. Caramete (18), J. Carr (8), V. Carretero (3), S. Celli (20 and 21), M. Chabab (22), T. N. Chau (9), R. Cherkaoui El Moursli (12), T. Chiarusi (13), M. Circella (23), A. Coleiro (9), R. Coniglione (15), P. Coyle (8), A. Creusot (9), A. F. Díaz (24), G. de Wasseige (9), C. Distefano (15), I. Di Palma (20 and 21), et al. (103 additional authors not shown)

Solar Atmospheric Neutrinos (SA$\nu$s) are produced by the interaction of cosmic rays with the solar medium. The detection of SA$\nu$s would provide useful information on the composition of primary cosmic rays as well as the solar density. These neutrinos represent an irreducible source of background for indirect searches for dark matter towards the Sun and the measurement of their flux would allow for a better assessment of the uncertainties related to these searches. In this paper we report on the analysis performed, based on an unbinned likelihood maximisation, to search for SA$\nu$s with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. After analysing the data collected over 11 years, no evidence for a solar atmospheric neutrino signal has been found. An upper limit at 90\% confidence level on the flux of solar atmospheric neutrinos has been obtained, equal to 7$\times$$10^{-11}$ [TeV$^{-1}$cm$^{-2}$s$^{-1}$] at E$_\nu =$ 1 TeV for the reference cosmic ray model assumed.

N. Muñoz-Elgueta, F. Arrigoni Battaia, G. Kauffmann, C. De Breuck, C. García-Vergara, A. Zanella, E. P. Farina, R. Decarli

Accepted on January 3, MNRAS. 25 pages, 17 figures

Cool gas (T$\sim$10$^{4}$~K) traced by hydrogen Ly$\alpha$ emission is now routinely detected around $z\sim3$ quasars, but little is known about their molecular gas reservoirs. Here, we present an APEX spectroscopic survey of the CO(6-5), CO(7-6) and [CI](2-1) emission lines for 9 quasars from the QSO MUSEUM survey which have similar UV luminosities, but very diverse Ly$\alpha$ nebulae. These observations ($\langle~\rm rms~\rangle=2.6$~mJy in 300~km~s$^{-1}$) detected three CO(6-5) lines with 3.4$\leq I_{\rm CO(6-5)} \leq$5.1~Jy~km~s$^{-1}$, 620$\leq$FWHM$\leq$707~km~s$^{-1}$, and three [CI](2-1) lines with 2.3$\leq I_{\rm [CI](2-1)} \leq$15.7~Jy~km~s$^{-1}$, 329$\leq$FWHM$\leq$943~km~s$^{-1}$. For the CO and [CI] detected sources, we constrain the molecular gas reservoirs to be $\rm M_{H_{2}} = (0.4-6.9) \times 10^{11} M_{\odot}$, while the non-detections imply $\rm M_{H_{2}} < 1.1\times 10^{11} M_{\odot}$. We compare our observations with the extended Ly$\alpha$ properties to understand the link between the cool and the molecular gas phases. We find large velocity shifts between the bulk of Ly$\alpha$ and the molecular gas systemic redshift in five sources (from $\sim$-400 to $\sim+$1200~km~s$^{-1}$). The sources with the largest shifts have the largest Ly$\alpha$ line widths in the sample, suggesting more turbulent gas conditions and/or large-scale inflows/outflows around these quasars. We also find that the brightest ($I_{\rm[CI](2-1)}=15.7\pm3.7~\rm Jy~km~s^{-1}$) and the widest (FWHM$\sim$900~km~s$^{-1}$) lines are detected for the smallest and dimmest Ly$\alpha$ nebulae. From this, we speculate that host galaxy obscuration can play an important role in reducing the ionizing and Ly$\alpha$ photons able to escape to halo scales, and/or that these systems are hosted by more massive halos.

Nelly Cerpa-Urra, Markus Kasper, Caroline Kulcsár, Henri-François Raynaud, Cedric Taïssir Heritier

Accepted for publication in Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments and Systems

The contrast performance of current eXtreme Adaptive Optics (XAO) systems can be improved by adding a second AO correction stage featuring its own wavefront sensor, deformable mirror, and real-time controller. We develop a dynamical model for such a cascade AO (CAO) system with two stages each controlled by a standard integrator, and study its control properties. We study how such a configuration can improve an existing system without modifying the first stage. We analyze the CAO architecture in general and show how part of the disturbance is transferred from low to high temporal frequencies with a nefarious effect of the second stage integrator overshoot, and suggest possible ways to mitigate this. We also carry out numerical simulations of the particular case of a first stage AO using a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor and a second stage AO with a smaller deformable mirror running at a higher framerate to reduce temporal error. In this case, we demonstrate that the second stage improves imaging contrast by one order of magnitude and shortens the decorrelation time of atmospheric turbulence speckles by even a greater factor. The results show that CAO presents a promising and relatively simple way to upgrade some existing XAO systems and achieve improved imaging contrasts fostering a large number of science cases including the direct imaging of Exoplanets.

Michele Ronchi, Nanda Rea, Vanessa Graber (ICE-CSIC, IEEC), Natasha Hurley-Walker (ICRA, Curtin University)

13 pages, 6 figures; submitted to ApJ

For about half a century the radio pulsar population was observed to spin in the ~0.002--12~s range, with different pulsar classes having spin-period evolution that differs substantially depending on their magnetic fields or past accretion history. The recent detection of several slowly rotating pulsars has re-opened the long-standing question of the exact physics, and observational biases, driving the upper bound of the period range of the pulsar population. In this work, we study the spin-period evolution of pulsars interacting with supernova fallback matter and specifically look at the fallback accretion disk scenario using general assumption for the pulsar spin period and magnetic field at birth, as well as fallback accretion rates. We show that this evolution can differ substantially from the typical dipolar spin-down, and can be very dependent on the ranges of initial parameters at formation, resulting in pulsars that show spin periods longer than their coeval peers. In addition, we study the cases of two recently discovered periodic radio sources: the pulsar MTP0013 (P ~ 75.9s) and the radio transient GLEAM-X J162759.5-523504.3 (P ~ 1091s). Long-period isolated pulsars might be more common than expected, being the natural result of supernova fallback accretion, and necessarily having a strong magnetic field.

Rong Xuan Zang, Alexandros Maragkoudakis, Els Peeters

17 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a detailed study on the spatially resolved polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission properties in the (circum)nuclear region (NR) and extranuclear regions (ENRs) of M51a using Spitzer-IRS observations. Correlations among PAH intensity ratios are examined with respect to each other, local physical parameters, galactocentric distance ($R_{g}$), and very small grain (VSG) emission. Additional comparison is performed with the mid-infrared emission features in the H$_{\mathrm{II}}$ regions of M33 and M83. The NR exhibits the strongest correlation among the PAH intensity ratios, whereas ENRs are showing increased scatter attributed to ISM emission. Overall, the radiation field hardness has a higher impact on PAH emission than metallicity, with the latter regulating PAH variance as a function of $R_{g}$. Specifically, the variance of PAH emission with respect to the different physical parameters suggests a higher rate of small/medium PAH processing compared to large PAHs and a higher ratio of small-to-large PAHs formed with increasing galactocentric distance. We find similarities between the 7.7 $\mu$m carriers in M51a's NR and M83's H$_{\mathrm{II}}$ regions, the 8.6 $\mu$m carriers in M51a's NR and M33 H$_{\mathrm{II}}$ regions, and both types of carriers between M51a's ENRs, M33's, and M83's H$_{\mathrm{II}}$ regions. We have identified a positive correlation between PAH/VSG and the PAH intensity ratios. We conclude that the relative abundance of PAHs and VSG is not solely driven by the hardness of the radiation field.

Sophia R. Flury (1), Anne E. Jaskot (2), Harry C. Ferguson (3), Gabor Worseck (4), Kirill Makan (4), John Chisholm (5), Alberto Saldana-Lopez (6), Daniel Schaerer (6), Stephan McCandless (7), Bingjie Wang (7), N. M. Ford (2), Timothy Heckman (7), Zhiyuan Ji (1), Mauro Giavalisco (1), Ricardo Amorin (8), Hakim Atek (9), Jeremy Blaizot (10), Sanchayeeta Borthakur (11), Cody Carr (12), Marco Castellano (13), Stefano Cristiani (14), Stephane de Barros (6), Mark Dickinson (15), Steven L. Finkelstein (5), Brian Fleming (16), Fabio Fontanot (16), Thibault Garel (6), Andrea Grazian (17), Matthew Hayes (18), Alaina Henry (3), Valentin Mauerhofer (6), Genoveva Micheva (19), M. S. Oey (20), Goran Ostlin (18), Casey Papovich (21), Laura Pentericci (13), Swara Ravindranath (3), Joakim Rosdahl (10), Michael Rutkowski (22), et al. (8 additional authors not shown)

ApJS, accepted. 28 pages, 19 figures, 8 tables. Full machine readable tables will be made available by the publisher at the time of publication

The origins of Lyman continuum (LyC) photons responsible for the reionization of the universe are as of yet unknown and highly contested. Detecting LyC photons from the epoch of reionization is not possible due to absorption by the intergalactic medium, which has prompted the development of several indirect diagnostics to infer the rate at which galaxies contribute LyC photons to reionize the universe by studying lower-redshift analogs. We present the Low-redshift Lyman Continuum Survey (LzLCS) comprising measurements made with HST/COS for a z=0.2-0.4 sample of 66 galaxies. After careful processing of the FUV spectra, we obtain a total of 35 Lyman continuum emitters (LCEs) detected with 97.725% confidence, nearly tripling the number of known local LCEs. We estimate escape fractions from the detected LyC flux and upper limits on the undetected LyC flux, finding a range of LyC escape fractions up to 50%. Of the 35 LzLCS LCEs, 12 have LyC escape fractions greater than 5%, more than doubling the number of known local LCEs with cosmologically relevant LyC escape.

J. D. Wagenveld, A. Saxena, K. J. Duncan, H. J. A. Röttgering, M. Zhang

15 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

We present a novel method to identify candidate high redshift quasars (HzQs; ($z\gtrsim5.5$), which are unique probes of supermassive black hole growth in the early Universe, from large area optical/infrared photometric surveys. Using Gaussian Mixture Models to construct likelihoods and incorporate informed priors based on population statistics, our method uses a Bayesian framework to assign posterior probabilities that differentiate between HzQs and contaminating sources. We additionally include deep radio data to obtain informed priors. Using existing HzQ data in the literature, we set a posterior threshold that accepts ${\sim}90\%$ of known HzQs while rejecting $>99\%$ of contaminants such as dwarf stars or lower redshift galaxies. Running the probability selection on test samples of simulated HzQs and contaminants, we find that the efficacy of the probability method is higher than traditional colour cuts, decreasing the fraction of accepted contaminants by 86% while retaining a similar fraction of HzQs. As a test, we apply our method to the Pan-STARRS Data Release 1 (PS1) source catalogue within the HETDEX Spring field area on the sky, covering 400 sq. deg. and coinciding with deep radio data from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey Data Release 1 (LoTSS DR1). From an initial sample of ${\sim}5\times10^5$ sources in PS1, our selection shortlists 251 candidate HzQs, which are further reduced to 63 after visual inspection. Shallow spectroscopic follow-up of 13 high probability HzQs resulted in the confirmation of a previously undiscovered quasar at $z=5.66$ with photometric colours $i-z = 1.4$, lying outside the typically probed regions when selecting HzQs based on colours. This discovery demonstrates the efficacy of our probabilistic HzQ selection method in selecting more complete HzQ samples, which holds promise when employed on large existing and upcoming photometric data sets.

S. Mau, E. O. Nadler, R. H. Wechsler, A. Drlica-Wagner, K. Bechtol, G. Green, D. Huterer, T. S. Li, Y.-Y. Mao, C. E. Martínez-Vázquez, M. McNanna, B. Mutlu-Pakdil, A. B. Pace, A. Peter, A. H. Riley, L. Strigari, M.-Y. Wang, M. Aguena, S. Allam, J. Annis, D. Bacon, E. Bertin, S. Bocquet, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, M. Costanzi, M. Crocce, M. E. S. Pereira, T. M. Davis, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, P. Doel, I. Ferrero, B. Flaugher, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, M. Gatti, G. Giannini, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, G. Gutierrez, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, O. Lahav, M. A. G. Maia, J. L. Marshall, R. Miquel, J. J. Mohr, R. Morgan, R. L. C. Ogando, F. Paz-Chinchón, A. Pieres, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, et al. (9 additional authors not shown)

26 pages, 11 figures, 1 table; submitted to AAS journals

We use a recent census of the Milky Way (MW) satellite galaxy population to constrain the lifetime of particle dark matter (DM). The model we study assumes two-body decaying dark matter (DDM) in which a heavy DM particle decays with lifetime $\tau$ comparable to the age of the Universe to a lighter DM particle (with mass splitting $\epsilon$) and to a dark radiation species. These decays impart a characteristic "kick velocity," $V_{\mathrm{kick}}=\epsilon c$, on the DM daughter particles, significantly depleting the DM content of low-mass subhalos and making them more susceptible to tidal disruption. We fit the suppression of the present-day DDM subhalo mass function (SHMF) as a function of $\tau$ and $V_{\mathrm{kick}}$ using a suite of high-resolution zoom-in simulations of MW-mass halos, and we validate this model on new DDM simulations of systems specifically chosen to resemble the MW. We implement our DDM SHMF predictions in a forward model that incorporates inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution and detectability of MW satellites and uncertainties in the mapping between galaxies and DM halos, the properties of the MW system, and the disruption of subhalos by the MW disk using an empirical model for the galaxy--halo connection. By comparing to the observed MW satellite population, we conservatively exclude DDM models with $\tau < 18\ \mathrm{Gyr}$ ($29\ \mathrm{Gyr}$) for $V_{\mathrm{kick}}=20\ \mathrm{km}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ ($40\ \mathrm{km}\, \mathrm{s}^{-1}$) at $95\%$ confidence. These constraints are among the most stringent and robust small-scale structure limits on the DM particle lifetime and strongly disfavor DDM models that have been proposed to alleviate the Hubble and $S_8$ tensions.

Pranshu Chaturvedi, Asad Khan, Minyang Tian, E. A. Huerta, Huihuo Zheng

19 pages, 8 figure

We introduce an ensemble of artificial intelligence models for gravitational wave detection that we trained in the Summit supercomputer using 32 nodes, equivalent to 192 NVIDIA V100 GPUs, within 2 hours. Once fully trained, we optimized these models for accelerated inference using NVIDIA TensorRT. We deployed our inference-optimized AI ensemble in the ThetaGPU supercomputer at Argonne Leadership Computer Facility to conduct distributed inference. Using the entire ThetaGPU supercomputer, consisting of 20 nodes each of which has 8 NVIDIA A100 Tensor Core GPUs and 2 AMD Rome CPUs, our NVIDIA TensorRT-optimized AI ensemble porcessed an entire month of advanced LIGO data (including Hanford and Livingston data streams) within 50 seconds. Our inference-optimized AI ensemble retains the same sensitivity of traditional AI models, namely, it identifies all known binary black hole mergers previously identified in this advanced LIGO dataset and reports no misclassifications, while also providing a 3X inference speedup compared to traditional artificial intelligence models. We used time slides to quantify the performance of our AI ensemble to process up to 5 years worth of advanced LIGO data. In this synthetically enhanced dataset, our AI ensemble reports an average of one misclassification for every month of searched advanced LIGO data. We also present the receiver operating characteristic curve of our AI ensemble using this 5 year long advanced LIGO dataset. This approach provides the required tools to conduct accelerated, AI-driven gravitational wave detection at scale.

G. Bruno De Luca, Eva Silverstein

9 pages + Appendix, 8 figures. Code available online

We introduce a novel framework for optimization based on energy-conserving Hamiltonian dynamics in a strongly mixing (chaotic) regime and establish its key properties analytically and numerically. The prototype is a discretization of Born-Infeld dynamics, with a squared relativistic speed limit depending on the objective function. This class of frictionless, energy-conserving optimizers proceeds unobstructed until slowing naturally near the minimal loss, which dominates the phase space volume of the system. Building from studies of chaotic systems such as dynamical billiards, we formulate a specific algorithm with good performance on machine learning and PDE-solving tasks, including generalization. It cannot stop at a high local minimum and cannot overshoot the global minimum, yielding an advantage in non-convex loss functions, and proceeds faster than GD+momentum in shallow valleys.

If supersymmetry is broken in metastable vacua, it is not clear why we are now in there rather than supersymmetric vacua. Moreover, it is natural to expect that we were in supersymmetric vacua, which have higher symmetry than metastable vacua, in the early universe. In this paper, we reexamine and improve the previous analysis on the cosmological evolution of the vacuum structure in the ISS model of metastable supersymmetry breaking by taking into account constraints on the reheating temperature, which is needed to avoid the overproduction of gravitinos. It turns out that the desired phase transition from a supersymmetric vacuum to a metastable vacuum is allowed only in the light gravitino mass region $m_{3/2} < 4.7$\,eV. This is achieved by either rolling down a potential or tunneling processes depending on the reheating temperature. We show that when the tunneling processes are realized, abundant gravitational waves could be produced from collisions of runaway bubbles. The resulting gravitational waves are detectable with the future gravitational wave interferometers like LISA and DECIGO.

Chao Zhang, Tao Zhu, Xiongjun Fang, Anzhong Wang

15 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.04966

Gravitational waves emitted from the gravitational ringing of supermassive black holes are important targets to test general relativity and probe the matter environment surrounding such black holes. The main components of the ringing waveform are black hole quasi-normal modes. In this paper, we study the effects of the dark matter halos with three different density profiles on the gravitational polar (even-parity) perturbations of a supermassive black hole. For this purpose, we first consider modified Schwarzschild spacetime with three different dark matter profiles and derive the equation of motion of the polar perturbations of the supermassive black hole. It is shown that by ignoring the dark matter perturbations, a Zerilli-like master equation with a modified potential for the polar perturbation can be obtained explicitly. Then we calculate the complex frequencies of the quasi-normal modes of the supermassive black hole in the dark matter halos. The corresponding gravitational wave spectra with the effects of the dark matter halos and their detectability have also been discussed.

Sebastian Bahamonde, Ludovic Ducobu, Christian Pfeifer

19 pages

Black holes play a crucial role in the understanding of the gravitational interaction. Through the direct observation of the shadow of a black hole by the event horizon telescope and the detection of gravitational waves of merging black holes we now start to have direct access to their properties and behaviour, which means the properties and behaviour of gravity. This further raised the demand for models to compare with those observations. In this respect, an important question regarding black holes properties is to know if they can support "hairs". While this is famously forbidden in general relativity, in particular for scalar fields, by the so-called no-hair theorems, hairy black holes have been shown to exist in several class of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. In this article we investigate the existence of scalarized black holes in scalar-torsion theories of gravity. On one hand, we find exact solutions for certain choices of couplings between a scalar field and the torsion tensor of a teleparallel connection and certain scalar field potentials, and thus proof the existence of scalarized black holes in these theories. On the other hand, we show that it is possible to establish no-scalar-hair theorems similar to what is known in general relativity for other choices of these functions.

Robert J. Rutten, Oddbjørn Engvold, Adrianus C.T. Nieuwenhuizen

Compliant with publisher stipulations the ArXiv version is the initial manuscript submitted in July 2021. It does not reflect changes made by the journal editor and publisher. Its posting waited on the required publication DOI

Cornelis ("Kees") de Jager, co-founder of "Solar Physics", passed away in 2021. He was an exemplary human being, a great scientist, and had large impact on our field. In this tribute we first briefly summarize his life and career and then describe some of his solar activities, from his PhD thesis on the hydrogen lines in 1952 to the book on cycle-climate relations completed in 2020.

Justin Berman, Brian Shuve, David Tucker-Smith

24 pages + appendices, 21 figures

We study the cosmology and phenomenology of freeze-in baryogenesis via dark-matter oscillations, taking the dark matter to couple to Standard Model leptons. We investigate viable models both with and without a $Z_2$ symmetry under which all new fields are charged. Lepton flavor effects are important for leptogenesis in these models, and we identify scenarios in which the baryon asymmetry is parametrically distinct from and enhanced relative to leptogenesis from sterile neutrino oscillations. The models we study predict the existence of new, electroweak-charged fields, and can be tested by a combination of collider searches, structure-formation studies, X-ray observations, and terrestrial low-energy tests.

P. Hunana, T. Passot, E. Khomenko, D. Martinez-Gomez, M. Collados, A. Tenerani, G. P. Zank, Y. Maneva, M. L. Goldstein, G. M. Webb

ApJ Supplements

Several generalizations of the well-known fluid model of Braginskii (Rev. of Plasma Phys., 1965) are considered. We use the Landau collisional operator and the moment method of Grad. We focus on the 21-moment model that is analogous to the Braginskii model, and we also consider a 22-moment model. Both models are formulated for general multi-species plasmas with arbitrary masses and temperatures, where all the fluid moments are described by their evolution equations. The 21-moment model contains two "heat flux vectors" (3rd and 5th-order moments) and two "viscosity-tensors" (2nd and 4th-order moments). The Braginskii model is then obtained as a particular case of a one ion-electron plasma with similar temperatures, with de-coupled heat fluxes and viscosity-tensors expressed in a quasi-static approximation. We provide all the numerical values of the Braginskii model in a fully analytic form (together with the 4th and 5th-order moments). For multi-species plasmas, the model makes calculation of transport coefficients straightforward. Formulation in fluid moments (instead of Hermite moments) is also suitable for implementation into existing numerical codes. It is emphasized that it is the quasi-static approximation which makes some Braginskii coefficients divergent in a weakly-collisional regime. Importantly, we show that the heat fluxes and viscosity-tensors are coupled even linearly and that the fully contracted (scalar) perturbations of the 4th-order moment, which are accounted for in the 22-moment model, modify the energy exchange rates. We also provide several Appendices, which can be useful as a guide for deriving the Braginskii model with the moment method of Grad.

Fabio D'Ambrosio, Shaun D. B. Fell, Lavinia Heisenberg, David Maibach, Stefan Zentarra, Jann Zosso

127 pages, 12 figures

These notes provide a student-friendly introduction to the theory of gravitational waves in full, non-linear general relativity (GR). We aim for a balance between physical intuition and mathematical rigor and cover topics such as the Newman-Penrose formalism, electromagnetic waves, asymptotically Minkowski spacetimes, the peeling theorem, the universal structure of null infinity, the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group, and the definition of radiative modes in linear as well as in non-linear GR. Many exercises and some explicitly calculated examples complement the abstract theory and are designed to help students build up their intuition and see the mathematical machinery at work.

Since Dirac predicted in 1937 possible variation of gravitational constant and other coupling constants from his large number hypothesis, efforts continue to determine such variation without success. Such efforts focus on the variation of one constant while assuming all others pegged to their currently measured values. We show that the variations of the Boltzmann constant $k$, the speed of light $c$, the gravitational constant $G$, and the Planck constant $h$ are interrelated: $G\thicksim c^{3}\thicksim h^{3}\thicksim k^{3/2}$. Thus, constraining any one of the constants leads to inadvertently constraining all the others. It may not be possible to determine the variation of a constant without concurrently considering the variation of others.