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Papers for Wednesday, Feb 09 2022

Papers with local authors

Michelle Kunimoto, Joshua N. Winn, George R. Ricker, Roland Vanderspek

25 pages, 11 figures, to be submitted to AAS journals

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Paper 18 — arXiv:2202.03656
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2202.03656

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has discovered $\sim$5000 planets and planet candidates after three and a half years of observations. With a planned second Extended Mission spanning Years 5 - 7 on the horizon, now is the time to revise predictions of the TESS exoplanet yield. We present simulations of the number of detectable planets around 9.4 million AFGKM stars in the TESS Input Catalog Candidate Target List v8.01 through seven years of the TESS mission. Our simulations take advantage of improved models for the photometric performance and temporal window functions. The detection model was also improved by relying on the results of inject-and-recovery testing by the Kepler team. We estimate 4719$\pm$334 planets around these stars should be detectable with data from the Prime Mission alone (Years 1 - 2), and another 3707$\pm$209 planets should be detectable by the end of the current Extended Mission (Years 3 - 4). Based on a proposed pointing scenario for a second Extended Mission (Years 5 - 7), we predict TESS should find a further 4093$\pm$180 planets, bringing the total TESS yield to 12519$\pm$678 planets. We provide our predicted yields as functions of host star spectral type, planet radius, orbital period, follow-up feasibility, and location relative to the habitable zone. We also compare our predictions to the actual Prime Mission yield, finding good agreement

E. Daddi, R.M. Rich, F. Valentino, S. Jin, I. Delvecchio, D. Liu, V. Strazzullo, J. Neill, R. Gobat, A. Finoguenov, F. Bournaud, D. Elbaz, B.S. Kalita, D. O'Sullivan, T. Wang

ApJ Letters, in press

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Paper 22 — arXiv:2202.03715
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Paper 22 — arXiv:2202.03715

We present Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) observations of giant Lya halos surrounding 9 galaxy groups and clusters at 2<z<3.3, including { five new detections and one upper limit}. We find observational evidence for the cold-stream to hot-accretion transition predicted by theory by measuring a decrease in the ratio between the spatially extended Lya luminosity and the expected baryonic accretion rate (BAR), with increasing elongation above the transition mass Mstream). This implies a modulation of the share of BAR that remains cold diminishing quasi-linearly (logarithmic slope of 0.97+-0.19, 5 sigma significance) with the halo to Mstream mass ratio. The integrated star-formation rates (SFRs) and AGN bolometric luminosities display a potentially consistent decrease, albeit significant only at 2.6 sigma and 1.3 sigma, respectively. The higher scatter in these tracers suggests the Lya emission might be mostly a direct product of cold accretion in these structures rather than indirect, mediated by outflows and photo-ionization from SFR and AGNs; this is also supported by energetics considerations. Below Mstream (cold-stream regime)} we measure LLya/BAR=10^{40.51+-0.16}~erg/s/Msun*yr, consistent with predictions, and SFR/BAR=10^{-0.54+-0.23}: on average 30_{-10}^{+20}% of the cold streams go into stars. Above Mstream (hot-accretion regime), LLya is set by Mstream (within 0.2~dex scatter in our sample), independent of the halo mass but rising tenfold from z=2 to 3.

All other papers

Hamsa Padmanabhan (Geneva), Abraham Loeb (Harvard)

6 pages, 11 figures

We illustrate a novel signature of black hole binaries from their effect on the kinematics of water maser emission in their environments. With the help of simulations, we establish the condition for clumps to mase based on their coherence lengths calibrated to those of the known maser galaxy NGC 4258. This is then used to identify masing clumps around a binary black hole system, and quantify the kinematic and spectral differences relative to the single black hole case. For some generic circumstances, blue-shifted masers around a binary black hole are found to preferentially follow the Keplerian rotation curve observed in the single black hole case. The redshifted ones, however, are found to visibly deviate from this relation, and also display more scatter with a tendency towards lower absolute values of the velocity along the line-of-sight. The spectrum of the masers as a function of line-of-sight velocity also shows a double peaked structure, reminiscent of recent observations of systems such as Mrk 1. Our results motivate future prospects for identifying binary black hole candidates with the help of water maser emissions.

Andrea Banzatti, Kirsten M. Abernathy, Sean Brittain, Arthur D. Bosman, Klaus M. Pontoppidan, Adwin Boogert, Stanley Jensen, John Carr, Joan Najita, Sierra Grant, Rocio M. Sigler, Michael A. Sanchez, Joshua Kern, John T. Rayner

Accepted for publication on The Astronomical Journal

We present an overview and first results from a $M$-band spectroscopic survey of planet-forming disks performed with iSHELL on IRTF, using two slits that provide resolving power R $\approx$ 60,000-92,000 (5-3.3 km/s). iSHELL provides a nearly complete coverage at 4.52-5.24 $\mu$m in one shot, covering $>50$ lines from the R and P branches of $^{12}$CO and $^{13}$CO for each of multiple vibrational levels, and providing unprecedented information on the excitation of multiple emission and absorption components. Some of the most notable new findings of this survey are: 1) the detection of two CO Keplerian rings at $<2$ au (in HD 259431), 2) the detection of H${_2}$O ro-vibrational lines at 5 $\mu$m (in AS 205 N), and 3) the common kinematic variability of CO lines over timescales of 1-14 years. By homogeneously analyzing this survey together with a previous VLT-CRIRES survey of cooler stars, we discuss a unified view of CO spectra where emission and absorption components scan the disk surface across radii from a dust-free region within dust sublimation out to $\approx10$ au. We classify two fundamental types of CO line shapes interpreted as emission from Keplerian rings (double-peak lines) and a disk surface plus a low-velocity part of a wind (triangular lines), where CO excitation reflects different emitting regions (and their gas-to-dust ratio) rather than just the irradiation spectrum. A disk+wind interpretation for the triangular lines naturally explains several properties observed in CO spectra, including the line blue-shifts, line shapes that turn into narrow absorption at high inclinations, and the frequency of disk winds as a function of stellar type.

Philip Lu, Kiyoharu Kawana, Ke-Pan Xie

6 pages, 3 figures

First order phase transitions (FOPTs) are usually described by the nucleation and expansion of new phase bubbles in the old phase background. While the dynamics of new phase bubbles have been extensively studied, a comprehensive treatment of the shrinking old phase remnants remained undeveloped. We present a novel formalism for remnant statistics in FOPTs and perform the first analytical calculations of their distribution. By shifting to the reverse time description, we identify the shrinking remnants with expanding old phase bubbles, allowing a quantitative evolution and determination of the population statistics. Our results not only provide essential input for cosmological FOPT-induced soliton/primordial black hole formation scenarios, but can also be readily applied to generic FOPTs.

Daniel Lecoanet, Dominic M. Bowman, Timothy Van Reeth

Accepted to MNRAS Letters

About 10 per cent of intermediate- and high-mass dwarf stars are observed to host a strong large-scale magnetic field at their surface, which is thought to be of fossil field origin. However, there are few inferences as to the magnetic field strength and geometry within the deep interiors of stars. Considering that massive stars harbour a convective core whilst on the main sequence, asteroseismology of gravity (g) modes is able to provide constraints on their core masses, yet it has so far not been used to probe the strength of their interior magnetic fields. Here we use asteroseismology to constrain an upper limit for the magnetic field strength in the near-core region of the pulsating and magnetic B star HD 43317, based on the expected interaction of a magnetic field and its g modes. We find a magnetic field strength of order $5 \times 10^5$ G is sufficient to suppress high-radial order g modes and reproduce the observed frequency spectrum of HD 43317, which contains only high-frequency g modes. This result is the first inference of the magnetic field strength inside a main-sequence star.

Laura Scholz-Diaz (1 and 2), Ignacio Martin-Navarro (1 and 2), Jesus Falcon-Barroso (1 and 2) ((1) Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, (2) Universidad de La Laguna)

22 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The growth and properties of galaxies are thought to be closely connected to the ones of their host dark matter halos. Despite the importance of this so-called galaxy-halo connection, the potential role of dark matter halos in regulating observed galaxy properties remains yet to be fully understood. In this work, we derive the ages, metallicites and [Mg/Fe] abundances from optical spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey of nearby central galaxies, and study them in terms of their host halos. We investigate how the scatter in the stellar-to-halo mass relation and the velocity dispersion - halo mass relation correlates with these stellar population parameters. In addition, we also study the differences when distinguishing between different galaxy morphologies and environments. We find that the ages and chemical enrichment of galaxies are not fully determined by their stellar masses or velocity dispersion, but also depend on the mass of the host halos. Our findings suggest that the velocity dispersion is the best proxy of the stellar population parameters with halo mass playing a secondary yet noticeable role. We interpret that the origin of the correlation between the scatter of these relations and the ages and metallicities might be related to different halo formation times.

Alex Pedrini (University of Milano-Bicocca), Matteo Fossati, Giuseppe Gavazzi, Michele Fumagalli, Alessandro Boselli, Guido Consolandi, Ming Sun, Masafumi Yagi, Michitoshi Yoshida

19 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present an analysis of the kinematics and ionization conditions in a sample composed of seven star-forming galaxies undergoing ram-pressure stripping in the A1367 cluster, and the galaxy ESO137-001 in the Norma cluster. MUSE observations of two new galaxies in this sample, CGCG097-073 and CGCG097-079, are also presented. This sample is characterized by homogeneous integral field spectroscopy with MUSE and by a consistent selection based on the presence of ionised gas tails. The ratio [OI]/H${\alpha}$ is consistently elevated in the tails of these objects compared to what observed in unperturbed galaxy disks, an ubiquitous feature which we attribute to shocks or turbulent phenomena in the stripped gas. Compact star-forming regions are observed in only $\approx$ 50% of the tails, implying that specific (currently unknown) conditions are needed to trigger star formation inside the stripped gas. Focusing on the interface regions between the interstellar and intracluster medium, we observe different line ratios that we associate to different stages of the stripping process, with galaxies at an early stage of perturbation showing more prominent signatures of elevated star formation. Our analysis thus demonstrates the power of a well selected and homogeneous sample to infer general properties arising from ram-pressure stripping inside local clusters.

Alessandro Diana, Alessandro Caccianiga, Alberto Moretti, Luca Ighina, Silvia Belladitta, Roberto Della Ceca

This article has been accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present the space density evolution, from z=1.5 up to z=5.5, of the most massive (M$\geq10^9$M$_{\odot}$) black holes hosted in jetted Active Galactic Nuclei(AGNs). The analysis is based on a sample of 380 luminosity-selected ($\lambda$L$_{1350}\geq10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and P$_{5\text{GHz}}\geq10^{27}$ W Hz$^{-1}$) Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars (FSRQs) obtained from the Cosmic Lens All Sky Survey (CLASS). These sources are known to be face-on jetted AGNs (i.e. blazars) and can be exploited to infer the abundance of all the (misaligned) jetted AGNs, using a geometrical argument. We then compare the space density of the most massive SMBHs hosted in jetted AGNs with those present in the total population (mostly composed by non-jetted AGNs). We find that the space density has a peak at $z\sim3$, which is significantly larger than the value observed in the total AGN population with similar optical/UV luminosities ($z\sim2.2$), but not as extreme as the value previously inferred from X-ray selected blazars ($z\gtrsim4$). The jetted fraction (jetted AGNs/total AGNs) is overall consistent with the estimates in the local Universe (10--20\%) and at high redshift, assuming Lorentz bulk factors $\Gamma\approx5$. Finally, we find a marginal decrease in the jetted fraction at high redshifts (by a factor of $\sim2$). All these evidences point toward a different evolutionary path in the jetted AGNs compared to the total AGN population.

Y. Dong, D. Milisavljevic, J. Leja, S. K. Sarbadhicary, A. E. Nugent, R. Margutti, W. V. Jacobson-Galan, A. Polin, J. Banovetz, J. M. Reynolds, B. Subrayan

22 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, accepted to ApJ

Calcium-rich (Ca-rich) transients are a new class of supernovae (SNe) that are known for their comparatively rapid evolution, modest peak luminosities, and strong nebular calcium emission lines. Currently, the progenitor systems of Ca-rich transients remain unknown. Although they exhibit spectroscopic properties not unlike core-collapse Type Ib/c SNe, nearly half are found in the outskirts of their host galaxies that are predominantly elliptical, suggesting a closer connection to the older stellar populations of SNe Ia. In this paper, we present a compilation of publicly available multiwavelength observations of all known and/or suspected host galaxies of Ca-rich transients ranging from FUV to IR, and use these data to characterize their stellar populations with prospector. We estimate several galaxy parameters including integrated star formation rate, stellar mass, metallicity, and age. For nine host galaxies, the observations are sensitive enough to obtain nonparametric star formation histories, from which we recover SN rates and estimate probabilities that the Ca-rich transients in each of these host galaxies originated from a core-collapse vs. Type Ia-like explosion. Our work supports the notion that the population of Ca-rich transients do not come exclusively from core-collapse explosions, and must either be only from white dwarf stars or a mixed population of white dwarf stars with other channels, potentially including massive star explosions. Additional photometry and explosion site spectroscopy of larger samples of Ca-rich host galaxies will improve these estimates and better constrain the ratio of white dwarf vs. massive star progenitors of Ca-rich transients.

We discuss implications of the latest BICEP/Keck data release for inflationary models, with particular emphasis on scalar fields with non-canonical Lagrangians of the type ${\cal L} = X^\alpha - V(\phi)$. The observational upper bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r \leq 0.036$, implies that monotonically increasing convex potentials are now ruled out in the canonical framework. This includes the simplest classic inflationary potentials such as $\frac{1}{2}m^2 \phi^2$ and $\lambda \phi^4$, as well as the whole family of monomial power law potentials $V(\phi) \sim \phi^p$. Instead, the current observations strongly favour asymptotically flat plateau potentials. However, working in the non-canonical framework, we demonstrate that the classic monomial potentials, as well as the Higgs potential with its Standard Model self-coupling, can easily be accommodated by the CMB data. Similarly we show that the inverse power law potential $V(\phi) \sim \phi^{-p}$, which leads to power law inflation in the non-canonical framework, also satisfies the latest CMB bounds. Significantly, $V(\phi)$ can originate from Planck scale initial values $V(\phi) \simeq \, m_p^4$ in non-canonical models while in plateau-like canonical inflation the initial value of the potential is strongly suppressed $V_{\rm plat}(\phi) \leq 10^{-10} \, m_p^4$. This has bearing on the issue of initial conditions for inflation and allows for the equipartition of the kinetic and potential terms in non-canonical models. Equipartition initial conditions can also be accommodated in simple extensions to plateau potentials such as the Margarita model of inflation which is discussed in this paper.

María E. Camisassa, Leandro G. Althaus, Detlev Koester, Santiago Torres, Pilar Gil Pons, Alejandro H. Córsico

9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Ultra-massive white dwarfs ($\rm M_{WD} \gtrsim 1.05\, M_{\odot}$) are considered powerful tools to study type Ia supernovae explosions, merger events, the occurrence of physical processes in the Super Asymptotic Giant Branch (SAGB) phase, and the existence of high magnetic fields. Traditionally, ultra-massive white dwarfs are expected to harbour oxygen-neon (ONe) cores. However, new observations and recent theoretical studies suggest that the progenitors of some ultra-massive white dwarfs can avoid carbon burning, leading to the formation of ultra-massive white dwarfs harbouring carbon-oxygen (CO) cores. Here we present a set of ultra-massive white dwarf evolutionary sequences with CO cores for a wide range of metallicity and masses. We take into account the energy released by latent heat and phase separation during the crystallization process and by $^{22}$Ne sedimentation. Realistic chemical profiles resulting from the full computation of progenitor evolution are considered. We compare our CO ultra-massive white dwarf models with ONe models. We conclude that CO ultra-massive white dwarfs evolve significantly slower than their ONe counterparts mainly for three reasons: their larger thermal content, the effect of crystallization, and the effect of $^{22}$Ne sedimentation. We also provide colors in several photometric bands on the basis of new model atmospheres. These CO ultra-massive white dwarf models, together with the ONe ultra-massive white dwarf models, provide an appropriate theoretical framework to study the ultra-massive white dwarf population in our Galaxy.

Mohammad Eftekhar

accepted for publication in the Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica (RMxAA)

We present the full phase curve analysis of the ultrahot Jupiter WASP-121b ($R_p \simeq 1.865 R_J, M_p \simeq 1.184 M_J $) using observations from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and a comparison between our results with previous studies on this target. Our comprehensive phase curve model includes primary transit, secondary eclipse, thermal emission, reflection, and ellipsoidal tidal distortion, which are jointly fit to extract the information of all parameters simultaneously from the data sets. We also evaluated and calculated the amplitude of Doppler beaming to be $\sim 2$ ppm, but given the precision of the photometric data, we found it to be insignificant. After removing the instrumental systematic noise, we reliably detect the secondary eclipse with a depth of $489_{-10}^{+16}$ parts-per-million (ppm), dominated by thermal emission. Using the TESS bandpass, we measure the dayside $2941_{-150}^{+61} K$ and nightside $2236_{-97}^{+38} K $ temperatures of WASP-121b. We find that a hotspot is well aligned with the substellar point, leading to the conclusion that there is an inefficient heat distribution from the dayside to the nightside. Our estimated geometric albedo, $A_g = 0.069_{-0.02}^{+0.06}$, suggest that WASP-121b has a low geometric albedo. Finally, our estimated amplitude of the ellipsoidal variation signal is in agreement with the predictions of the theoretical expectations.

Martijn de Vries, Roger W. Romani

9 pages, 6 figures

New X-ray and optical observations shed light on the remarkable X-ray filament of the Gamma-ray pulsar PSR~J2030+4415. Images of the associated H$\alpha$ bow shock's evolution over the past decade compared with its velocity structure provide an improved kinematic distance of $\sim$0.5kpc. These velocities also imply that the pulsar spin axis lies $\sim 15^\circ$ from the proper motion axis which is close to the plane of the sky. The multi-bubble shock structure indicates that the bow shock stand-off was compressed to a small value $\sim 20-30$y ago when the pulsar broke through the bow shock to its present bubble. This compression allowed multi-TeV pulsar $e^\pm$ to escape to the external ISM, lighting up an external magnetic field structure as the `filament'. The narrow filament indicates excellent initial confinement and the full $15^\prime$ ($2.2$~pc=7~lt-y) projected length of the filament indicates rapid $e^\pm$ propagation to its end. Spectral variation along the filament suggests that the injected particle energy evolved during the break-through event.

Rui An, Vera Gluscevic, Erminia Calabrese, J. Colin Hill

14 pages, 10 figures

The presence of light thermally coupled dark matter affects early expansion history and production of light elements during the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. Specifically, dark matter that annihilates into Standard Model particles can modify the effective number of light species in the universe $N_\mathrm{eff}$, as well as the abundance of light elements created buring BBN. These quantities in turn affect the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy. We present the first joint analysis of small-scale temperature and polarization CMB anisotropy from Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and South Pole Telescope (SPT), together with Planck data and the recent primordial abundance measurements of helium and deuterium to place comprehensive bounds on the mass of light thermal-relic dark matter. We consider a range of models, including dark matter that couples to photons and Standard-Model neutrinos. We find that the combination of ACT, SPT, and Planck generally leads to the most stringent mass constraint for dark matter that couples to neutrinos, improving the lower limit by 40%-80%, with respect to previous Planck analyses. On the other hand, the addition of ACT and SPT leads to a slightly weaker bound on electromagnetically coupled particles, due to a shift in the preferred values of $Y_\mathrm{p}$ and $N_\mathrm{eff}$ driven by the ground based experiments. Combining all CMB measurements with primordial abundance measurements, we rule out masses below $\sim$4 MeV at 95% confidence, for all models. We show that allowing for new relativistic species can weaken the mass bounds for dark matter that couples to photons by up to an order of magnitude or more. Finally, we discuss the reach of the next generation of the CMB experiments in terms of probing the mass of the thermal relic dark matter.

Daniel R. Müller, Kathrin Altwegg, Jean-Jacques Berthelier, Michael R. Combi, Johan De Keyser, Stephen Fuselier, Nora Hänni, Boris Pestoni, Martin Rubin, Isaac R. H. G. Schroeder, Susanne F. Wampfler

Accepted for publication in A&A

Isotopic abundances in comets are key to understanding the history and origin of material in the Solar System. Deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratios in water are available for several comets. However, no long-term studies of the D/H ratio in water of a comet during its passage around the Sun have been reported. Linear alkanes are important organic molecules, which have been found on several Solar System bodies, including comets. To date, only upper limits of isotopic ratios for D/H and 13C/12C in linear alkanes are available. The aim of this work is a detailed analysis of the D/H ratio in water during the whole Rosetta mission. In addition, a first determination of the D/H and 13C/12C ratios in the first four linear alkanes in the coma of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko is provided. We analysed in situ measurements from the Rosetta/ROSINA Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS). The D/H ratio from HDO/H2O and the 16O/17O ratio from H216O/H217O did not change during 67P's passage around the Sun between 2014 and 2016. All D/H ratio measurements were compatible, within 1$\sigma$, with the mean value of $5.01\times10^{-4}$ and its relative variation of 2.0%. This suggests that the D/H ratio in 67P's coma is independent of heliocentric distance, level of cometary activity, as well as spacecraft location with respect to the nucleus. Additionally, the 16O/17O ratio could be determined with a higher accuracy than previously possible, yielding a value of 2347 with a relative variation of 2.3%. For the alkanes, the D/H ratio is between 4.1 and 4.8 times higher than in H2O, while the 13C/12C ratio is compatible, within uncertainties, with data for other Solar System objects. The relatively high D/H ratio in alkanes is in line with other cometary organic molecules and suggests that these organics may be inherited from the presolar molecular cloud from which the Solar System formed.

Pedro de la Torre Luque, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Alfredo Ferrari, Francesco Loparco, Paola Sala, Davide Serini

28 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables

Secondary particles produced in spallation reactions of cosmic rays with the interstellar gas provide valuable information that allow us to investigate the injection and transport of charged particles in the Galaxy. A good understanding of the cross sections of production of these particles is crucial to correctly interpret our models, although the existing experimental data is very scarce and uncertain. We have developed a new set of cross sections, both inelastic and inclusive, computed with the {\tt FLUKA} Monte Carlo nuclear code and tested its compatibility with CR data. Inelastic and inclusive cross sections have been compared to the most up-to-date data and parameterisations finding a general good agreement. Then, these cross sections have been implemented in the {\tt DRAGON2} code to characterize the spectra of CR nuclei up to $Z=26$ and the secondary-to-primary ratios of B, Be and Li. Interestingly, we find that the FLUKA cross sections allow us to predict an energy-dependence of the B, Be and Li flux ratios which is compatible with AMS-02 data and to reproduce simultaneously these flux ratios with a scaling lower than $20\%$. Finally, we implement the cross sections of production of gamma rays, calculated with {\tt FLUKA}, in the {\tt Gammasky} code and compute diffuse gamma-ray sky maps and the local HI emissivity spectrum, finding a very good agreement with Fermi Large Area Telescope data.

Simon Stevenson

8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters

A population of more than 50 binary black hole mergers has now been observed by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories. While neutron stars are known to have large velocities associated with impulsive kicks imparted to them at birth in supernovae, whether black holes receive similar kicks, and of what magnitude, remains an open question. Recently, Callister et al. (2021) analysed the binary black hole population under the hypothesis that they were all formed through isolated binary evolution and claimed that large black hole kicks (greater than 260 km/s at 99% confidence) were required for the spin distribution of merging binary black holes to match observations. Here we highlight that a key assumption made by Callister et al. (2021) -- that all secondary black holes can be tidally spun up -- is not motivated by physical models, and may lead to a bias in their estimate of the magnitudes of black hole kicks. We make only minor changes to the Callister et al. (2021) model, accounting for a population of wider merging binaries where tidal synchronisation is ineffective. We show that this naturally produces a bimodal spin distribution for secondary black holes, and that the spin-orbit misalignments observed in the binary black hole population can be explained by more typical black hole kicks of order 100 km/s, consistent with kicks inferred from Galactic X-ray binaries containing black holes. We conclude that the majority of the binary black hole population is consistent with forming through isolated binary evolution.

Miguel A. Trinidad, Hiroshi Imai, Eduardo de la Fuente, Ivan Toledano-Juárez, Joseph M. Masqué, Tatianna Rodríguez-Esnard

13 pages, 5 Figures, Published on Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 2021

We observed H$_2$O (6$_{16}$ $\rightarrow$ 5$_{23}$) maser emission associated with the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23139+5959 using the KaVA a combination of VLBI arrays between the KVN (Korea) and VERA (Japan). Through multi-epoch KaVA observations, we detected three groups of maser features, two of which coincide with those previously detected by the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). By determining the maser proper motions, we found that the first of maser groups exhibit an expanding motion that traces a wide-angle outflow almost along the line of sight, while the second one seems to be associated with the envelope of an \hii region. We discuss the star formation activity in IRAS 23139+5939, which may be reflected in the high variability of H$_2$O masers associated with an outflow seen from the front.

P. Chainakun, A. Watcharangkool, A. J. Young

12 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

X-ray reflection from an accretion disc produces characteristic emission lines allowing us to probe the innermost regions in AGN. We investigate these emission lines under a framework of Riemannian geometrical optics where the corona has a refractive index of $n \neq 1$. The empty space outside is a vacuum with $n = 1$. The Kerr metric is modified to trace the light rays that are bent due to not only the gravity of the black hole, but also the effects of coronal plasma dependent on $n$. The choice of $n$ alters the null geodesics, producing the effect which is analogous to the light deflection. For the corona with $n > 1$, the disc on the far side within the corona covers a larger area on the observer' sky, enhancing the blue wing of the line and producing more flux difference between the blue peak and extended red tail. The inverse effects are seen when $n < 1$. Moreover, the corona with $n > 1$ and $n < 1$ could induce extra shifts in the blue wing ($\Delta g_{max}$) to higher and lower energy, respectively. These effects are more prominent when the inclination angle is $\gtrsim 60^\circ$ and the corona extends to $\gtrsim 5r_g$. To obtain the deviation of the line shift of $\Delta g_{\rm max} \gtrsim 0.01$, the difference between the refractive index of the corona and that of the empty space must be $\Delta n \gtrsim 0.5%$. Finally, the lensing corona can influence the arrival time of photons that may affect the observed variability of these emission lines

Stuart Bartlett, Jiazheng Li, Lixiang Gu, Lana Sinapayen, Siteng Fan, Vijay Natraj, Jonathan Jiang, David Crisp, Yuk Yung

We present a new approach to exoplanet characterisation using techniques from complexity science, with potential applications to biosignature detection. This agnostic method makes use of the temporal variability of light reflected or emitted from a planet. We use a technique known as epsilon machine reconstruction to compute the statistical complexity, a measure of the minimal model size for time series data. We demonstrate that statistical complexity is an effective measure of the complexity of planetary features. Increasing levels of qualitative planetary complexity correlate with increases in statistical complexity and Shannon entropy, demonstrating that our approach can identify planets with the richest dynamics. We also compare Earth time series with Jupiter data, and find that for the three wavelengths considered, Earth's average complexity and entropy rate are approximately 50% and 43% higher than Jupiter's, respectively. The majority of schemes for the detection of extraterrestrial life rely upon biochemical signatures and planetary context. However, it is increasingly recognised that extraterrestrial life could be very different to life on Earth. Under the hypothesis that there is a correlation between the presence of a biosphere and observable planetary complexity, our technique offers an agnostic and quantitative method for the measurement thereof.

Aadarsh Pathak, Satadru Bag, Suman Majumdar, Rajesh Mondal, Mohd Kamran, Prakash Sarkar

16 pages, 16 figures

The evolution of topology and morphology of ionized or neutral hydrogen during different stages of the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) have the potential to provide us a great amount of information about the properties of the ionizing sources during this era. We compare a variety of reionization source models in terms of the geometrical properties of the ionized regions. We show that the percolation transition in the ionized hydrogen, as studied by tracing the evolution of the Largest Cluster Statistics (LCS), is a robust statistic that can distinguish the fundamentally different scenarios -- inside-out and outside-in reionization. Particularly, the global neutral fraction at the onset of percolation is significantly higher for the inside-out scenario as compared to that for the outside-in reionization. In complementary to percolation analysis, we explore the shape and morphology of the ionized regions as they evolve in different reionization models in terms of the Shapefinders (SFs) that are ratios of the Minkowski functionals (MFs). The shape distribution can readily discern the reionization scenario with extreme non-uniform recombination in the IGM, such as the clumping model. In the rest of the reionization models, the largest ionized region abruptly grows only in terms of its third SF - 'length' - during percolation while the first two SFs - 'thickness' and 'breadth' - remain stable. Thus the ionized hydrogen in these scenarios becomes highly filamentary near percolation and exhibit a 'characteristic cross-section' that varies among the source models. Therefore, the geometrical studies based on SFs, together with the percolation analysis can shed light on the reionization sources.

Chao Geng, Chong Ge, Dharam V. Lal, Ming Sun, Li Ji, Haiguang Xu, Wenhao Liu, Martin Hardcastle, Ralph Kraft, Christine Jones

Abell 407 (A407) is a unique galaxy cluster hosting a central compact group of nine galaxies (named as 'Zwicky's Nonet'; G1 - G9 in this work) within a 30 kpc radius region. The cluster core also hosts a luminous radio active galactic nucleus (AGN), 4C 35.06 with helically twisted jets extending over 200 kpc. With a 44 ks Chandra observation of A407, we characterize the X-ray properties of its intracluster medium (ICM) and central galaxies. The mean X-ray temperature of A407 is 2.7 keV and the $M_{200}$ is $1.9 \times 10^{14} {M_{\odot}}$. We suggest that A407 has a weak cool core at $r < 60$ kpc scales and at its very center, $< 1$-2 kpc radius, a small galaxy corona associated with the strong radio AGN. We also conclude that the AGN 4C 35.06 host galaxy is most likely G3. We suggest that the central group of galaxies is undergoing a `slow merge' procedure. The range of the merging time-scale is $0.3\sim2.3$ Gyr and the stellar mass of the future brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) will be $7.4\times10^{11} M_{\odot}$. We find that the regions which overlap with the radio jets have higher temperature and metallicity. This is consistent with AGN feedback activity. The central entropy is higher than that for other clusters, which may be due to the AGN feedback and/or merging activity. With all these facts, we suggest that A407 is a unique and rare system in the local universe that could help us to understand the formation of a massive BCG.

Xiongbiao Tu, Qiao Wang, Haonan Zheng, Liang Gao

12 pages, 6 figures

We present a meshless method for magnetohydrodynamics by evolving the vector potential of magnetic fields. A novel scheme and numerical techniques are developed to restrict the divergence of magnetic field, based on the Meshless Finite Mass/Volume with HLLD Riemann solver for conservative flux calculation. We found the magnetic field could be stabilized by a proper smoothing process and so the long-term evolution becomes available. To verify the new scheme, we perform the Brio-Wu shock tube, 2D and 3D Orszag-Tang vortex test problems. Our results suggest that our method is robust and has better precision on central offset, amplitude and detailed pattern than an existing meshless code$-$GIZMO.

Xiongbiao Tu, Qiao Wang, Yifa Tang

8 pages, 6 figures

The dynamic equation of mass point in rotating coordinates is governed by Coriolis and centrifugal force, besides a corotating potential relative to frame. Such a system is no longer a canonical Hamiltonian system so that the construction of symplectic integrator is problematic. In this paper, we present three integrators for this question. It is significant that those schemes have the good property of near-conservation of energy. We proved that the discrete symplectic map of $(p_n, x_n) \mapsto (p_{n+1}, x_{n+1})$ in corotating coordinates exists and the two integrators are variational symplectic. Two groups of numerical experiments demonstrates the precision and long-term convergence of these integrators in the examples of corotating top-hat density and circular restricted three-body system.

Kevin M. Hickson, Jean-Christophe Loison, Pascal Larregaray, Laurent Bonnet, Valentine Wakelam

Accepted for publication in the Journal of Physical Chemistry A

The reaction between atomic carbon in its ground electronic state, C(3P), and nitrous oxide, N2O, has been studied below room temperature due to its potential importance for astrochemistry, with both species considered to be present at high abundance levels in a range of interstellar environments. On the experimental side, we measured rate constants for this reaction over the 50-296 K range using a continuous supersonic flow reactor. C(3P) atoms were generated by the pulsed photolysis of carbon tetrabromide at 266 nm and were detected by pulsed laser induced fluorescence at 115.8 nm. Additional measurements allowing the major product channels to be elucidated were also performed. On the theoretical side, statistical rate theory was used to calculate low temperature rate constants. These calculations employed the results of new electronic structure calculations of the 3A" potential energy surface of CNNO and provided a basis to extrapolate the measured rate constants to lower temperatures and pressures. The rate constant was found to increase monotonically as the temperature falls, reaching a value of k(C(3P)+N2O)(50 K) = (7.9 +- 0.8) x 10-11 cm3 s-1 at 50 K. As current astrochemical models do not include the C + N2O reaction, we tested the influence of this process on interstellar N2O and other related species using a gas-grain model of dense interstellar clouds. These simulations predict that N2O abundances decrease significantly at intermediate times (10^3 - 10^5 years) when gas-phase C(3P) abundances are high.

Neng-Hui Liao, Zhen-Feng Sheng, Ning Jiang, Yu-Ling Chang, Yi-Bo Wang, Dong-Lian Xu, Xin-Wen Shu, Yi-Zhong Fan, Ting-Gui Wang

19 pages, 5 figures

A radio-emitting tidal disruption event (AT2019dsg) is proposed as a likely counterpart of the IceCube neutrino event IceCube-191001A. In this work we have revisited the Fermi-LAT data in the direction of the neutrino and confirmed no signal at the site of AT2019dsg. Instead, at the edge of the 90% confidential level error region of this neutrino there is a gamma-ray transient source spatially coincident with the blazar GB6 J2113+1121. When IceCube-191001A arriving, GB6 J2113+1121 is undergoing the strongest gamma-ray flare since the start of the Fermi-LAT operation, with a variability amplitude as high as over 20-times. Meanwhile, violent infrared and optical flares of GB6 J2113+1121, unobserved before, have been simultaneously detected. Motivated by the spatial and temporal coincidence, we suggest that GB6 J2113+1121 is a candidate of the counterpart of IceCube-191001A. The jet properties of GB6 J2113+1121 are investigated, which are found to be comparable with that of the neutrino-emitting blazars (candidates). A specific analysis of archival IceCube data in this direction and future observations would put a further constraint on the origin of the neutrino.

Min Bao, Yanmei Chen, Pengpei Zhu, Yong Shi, Dmitry Bizyaev, Ling Zhu, Meng Yang, Minje Beom, Joel R. Brownstein, Richard R. Lane

7 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL

Using the integral field unit (IFU) data from Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey, we select a sample of 101 galaxies with counter-rotating stellar disks and regularly-rotating ionized gas disk. We classify the 101 galaxies into four types based on the features of their stellar velocity fields. The relative fractions and stellar population age radial gradients of the four types are different in blue cloud (BC), green valley (GV) and red sequence (RS) populations. We suggest different formation scenarios for the counter-rotating stellar disks, and the key factors in the formation of counter-rotating stellar disks include: (1) the abundance of pre-existing gas in progenitor, (2) the efficiency in angular momentum consumption.

L. Guaita, M. Aravena, S. Gurung-Lopez, S. Cantalupo, R. Marino, D. Riechers, E. da Cunha, J. Wagg, H. S. B. Algera, H. Dannerbauer, P. Cox

Submitted to A&A, Accepted on Feb 4th, 2022

We study the members of the protocluster around AzTEC3 submillimeter galaxy at z=5.3. We analyzed the data from the MUSE instrument in an area of 1.4x1.4 arcmin^2 around AzTEC3 and derived information on the Lya line in emission. We compared the Lya profile of various regions of the environment with the zELDA radiative transfer model, revealing the neutral gas distribution and kinematics. We identified 10 Lya emitting sources, including 2 regions with extended emission: one embedding AzTEC3 and LBG3, a star-forming galaxy located 12 kpc north of the SMG and another toward LBG-1, a star-forming galaxy located 90 kpc to the southeast. The sources appear distributed in an elongated configuration of about 70'' in extent. The number of sources confirms the overdensity around AzTEC3. For the AzTEC3+LBG3 system, the Lya emission appears redshifted and more spatially extended than the [CII] line emission. Similarly, the Lya line spectrum is broader in velocity than [CII] for LBG1. In the former spectrum, the Lya emission is elongated to the north of LBG3 and to the south of AzTEC3, where a faint Lya emitting galaxy is also located. The elongated structures could resemble tidal features due to the interaction of the two galaxies with AzTEC3. Also, we find a bridge of gas, revealed by the Lya emission between AzTEC3 and LBG3. The Lya emission toward LBG1 embeds its three components. The HI kinematics support the idea of a merger of the three components. Given the availability of CO and [CII] observations from previous campaigns, and our Lya information, we find evidence of starburst-driven phenomena and interactions around AzTEC-3. The stellar mass of the galaxies of the overdensity and the Lya luminosity of the HI nebula associated with AzTEC-3 imply a dark matter halo of 10^12 Msun at z=5.3 that could evolve into a cluster of 2x10^14 Msun at z=0.

Rhorom Priyatikanto

7 pages, 3 figures, proceeding of the 2nd International Symposium on Space Science

A sample of 4 thousands Gaia sources with apparent $G$-band magnitudes of $<17$ and trigonometric parallaxes of $>3.33$ milli-arcseconds were cross-matched to the Transiting Exoplanet Survey high level science products and the Full-Frame Images in order to extract the light curves of possible white dwarf variables. Most of the targets in the sample were observed in at least 27-day observing cycle with 30-minutes cadence. Based on Lomb-Scargle periodogram constructed from de-trended light curves, more than 600 sources have indication of periodic variability. This paper presents the early results from the identification.

Bum-Hoon Lee, Wonwoo Lee, Eoin Ó Colgáin, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari, Somyadip Thakur

24 pages, 15 figures, comments/correspondence welcome

Local $H_0$ determinations currently fall in a window between $H_0 \sim 70$ km/s/Mpc (TRGB) and $H_0 \sim 76$ km/s/Mpc (Tully-Fisher). In contrast, BAO data calibrated in an early $\Lambda$CDM universe are largely consistent with Planck-$\Lambda$CDM, $H_0 \sim 67.5$ km/s/Mpc. Employing a generic two parameter family of evolving equations of state (EoS) for dark energy (DE) $w_{\textrm{DE}}(z)$ and mock BAO data, we demonstrate that if i) $w_{\textrm{DE}}(z=0) < -1$ and ii) integrated DE density less than $\Lambda$CDM, then $H_0$ increases. EoS that violate these conditions at best lead to modest $H_0$ increases within $1 \sigma$. Tellingly, Quintessence and K-essence satisfy neither condition, whereas coupled Quintessence can only satisfy ii). Beyond these seminal DE Effective Field Theories (EFTs), we turn to explicit examples. Working model agnostically in an expansion in powers of redshift $z$, we show that Brans-Dicke/$f(R)$ and Kinetic Gravity Braiding models within the Horndeski class can lead to marginal and modest increases in $H_0$, respectively. We confirm that as far as increasing $H_0$ is concerned, no DE EFT model can outperform the phenomenological two parameter family of the DE models. Evidently, the late universe may no longer be large enough to accommodate $H_0$, BAO and DE described by EFT.

Romain Meriot, Sadegh Khochfar, Jose Onorbe, Britton Smith

16 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS on 08/02/2022

Using cosmological dark matter only simulations of a $(1.6$ Gpc$/h)^3$ volume from the Legacy simulation project, we calculate Cosmic Mach Numbers (CMN) and perform a theoretical investigation of their relation with halo properties and features of the density field to gauge their use as an measure of the environment. CMNs calculated on individual spheres show correlations with both the overdensity in a region and the density gradient in the direction of the bulk flow around that region. To reduce the scatter around the median of these correlations, we introduce a new measure, the rank ordered Cosmic Mach number ($\hat{\mathcal{M}}_g$), which shows a tight correlations with the overdensity $\delta=\frac{\rho-\bar{\rho}}{\bar{\rho}}$. Measures of the large scale density gradient as well as other average properties of the halo population in a region show tight correlations with $\hat{\mathcal{M}}_g$ as well. Our results in this first empirical study suggest that $\hat{\mathcal{M}}_g$ is an excellent proxy for the underlying density field and hence environment that can circumvent reliance on number density counts in a region. For scales between $10$ and $100 Mpc$/h, Mach numbers calculated using dark matter halos $(> 10^{12}$ M$_{\odot})$ that would typically host massive galaxies are consistent with theoretical predictions of the linear matter power spectrum at a level of $10\%$ due to non-linear effects of gravity. At redshifts $z\geq 3$, these deviations disappear. We also quantify errors due to missing large scale modes in simulations. Simulations of box size $\leq 1 $ Gpc/$h$ typically predict CMNs 10-30\% too small on scales of$\sim 100$ Mpc$/h$.

J. M. da Silva Santos, S. Danilovic, J. Leenaarts, J. de la Cruz Rodríguez, X. Zhu, S. M. White, G. J. M. Vissers, M. Rempel

18 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

The solar chromosphere is heated to temperatures higher than predicted by radiative equilibrium. This excess heating is larger in active regions where the magnetic field is stronger. We aim to investigate the magnetic topology associated to an area of enhanced millimeter (mm) brightness temperatures in a solar active region mapped by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) using spectropolarimetric coobservations with the 1-m Swedish Solar Telescope (SST). We use Milne-Eddington inversions, nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) inversions, and a magnetohydrostatic extrapolation to obtain constraints on the three-dimensional stratification of temperature, magnetic field, and radiative energy losses. We compare the observations to a snapshot of a magnetohydrodynamics simulation and investigate the formation of the thermal continuum at 3 mm using contribution functions. We find enhanced heating rates in the upper chromosphere of up to $\sim 5\rm\,kW\,m^{-2}$ where small-scale emerging loops interact with the overlying magnetic canopy leading to current sheets as shown by the magnetic field extrapolation. Our estimates are about a factor of two higher than canonical values, but they are limited by the ALMA spatial resolution ($\sim 1.2^{\prime\prime}$). Band 3 brightness temperatures reach about $\sim10^{4}\,$K in the region, and the transverse magnetic field strength inferred from the non-LTE inversions is of the order of $\sim 500\,$G in the chromosphere. We quantitatively reproduce many of the observed features including the integrated radiative losses in our numerical simulation, and we conclude that the heating is caused by dissipation in current sheets. However, the simulation shows a complex stratification in the flux emergence region where distinct layers may contribute significantly to the emission in the mm continuum.

Dany Page, Jeroen Homan, Martin Nava-Callejas, Yuri Cavecchi, Mikhail V. Beznogov, Nathalie Degenaar, Rudy Wijnands, Aastha S. Parikh

Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

The study of transiently accreting neutron stars provides a powerful means to elucidate the properties of neutron star crusts. We present extensive numerical simulations of the evolution of the neutron star in the transient low-mass X-ray binary MAXI J0556--332. We model nearly twenty observations obtained during the quiescence phases after four different outbursts of the source in the past decade, considering the heating of the star during accretion by the deep crustal heating mechanism complemented by some shallow heating source. We show that cooling data are consistent with a single source of shallow heating acting during the last three outbursts, while a very different and powerful energy source is required to explain the extremely high effective temperature of the neutron star, ~350 eV, when it exited the first observed outburst. We propose that a gigantic thermonuclear explosion, a "hyperburst" from unstable burning of neutron rich isotopes of oxygen or neon, occurred a few weeks before the end of the first outburst, releasing 10^44 ergs at densities of the order of 10^11 g/cm^3. This would be the first observation of a hyperburst and these would be extremely rare events as the build up of the exploding layer requires about a millennium of accretion history. Despite its large energy output, the hyperburst did not produce, due to its depth, any noticeable increase in luminosity during the accretion phase and is only identifiable by its imprint on the later cooling of the neutron star.

Stefano Zibetti (1), Anna R. Gallazzi (1) ((1) INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy)

Accepted for publication on MNRAS

The properties of the stellar populations in a galaxy are known to correlate with the amount and the distribution of stellar mass. We take advantage of the maps of light-weighted mean stellar age Agewr and metallicity Z*wr for a sample of 362 galaxies from the integral-field spectroscopic survey CALIFA (summing up to >600,000 individual regions of approximately 1 kpc linear size), produced in our previous works, to investigate how these local properties react to the local stellar-mass surface density mu* and to the global total stellar mass M* and mean stellar-mass surface density <mu>e. We establish the existence of i) a dual mu*-Agewr relation, resulting in a young sequence and an old ridge, and ii) a mu*-Z*wr relation, overall independent of the age of the regions. The global mass parameters (M* and, possibly secondarily, <mu>e) determine the distribution of mu* in a galaxy and set the maximum attainable mu*, which increases with M*. M* affects the shape and normalization of the local relations up to a threshold mass of $\sim 10^{10.3}$ MSun, above which they remain unchanged. We conclude that stellar mass is a "glocal" (i.e. simultaneously global and local) driver of the stellar population properties. We consider how the local and global mass-age and mass-metallicity relations are connected, and in particular discuss how it is possible, from a single local relation, to produce two different global mass-metallicity relations for quiescent and star-forming galaxies respectively, as reported in the literature. Structural differences in these two classes of galaxies are key to explain the duality in global scaling relations and appear as essential in modelling the baryonic cycle of galaxies.

Ranjan Kumar, Ananta C. Pradhan, M. Parthasarathy, Sonika Piridi, Santi Cassisi, Devendra K. Ojha, Abhisek Mohapatra, Jayant Murthy

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We have studied ultraviolet (UV) bright sources in the Galactic globular cluster (GGC) NGC 4590 using Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on-board the \mbox{{\em AstroSat}} satellite. Using UV-optical color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), we have identified and characterized the sources of different evolutionary stages i.e., blue horizontal branch stars (BHBs), extremely blue horizontal branch stars (EHBs), blue straggler stars (BSs), variable stars, etc. We estimated effective temperature (T$_{\mathrm{eff}}$), gravity ($\log$(g)), luminosity (L$_{bol}$), and hence the radius (R) of these hot stars by fitting spectral energy distribution (SED) with the help of stellar atmosphere models. Two new far-UV (FUV) bright cluster member stars situated near the core of the cluster have been detected; one of them is an EHB star and the other one is either in its post-blue hook evolutionary phase or in white dwarf phase. The evolutionary status of all the hot stars, identified in the cluster, has been investigated by using various evolutionary models. We find the massive and younger BSs are concentrated at the center of the cluster whereas the older and less massive BSs are distributed though out the cluster. The BSs normalized radial distribution seems to be bi-modal with a minimum located at r$_{\mathrm{min}}$ = 4.3 r$_c$. We calculated A$^+$ parameter of the cluster which is obtained using cumulative normalized radial distribution of horizontal branch stars (HBs) and BSs. We measured this value up to half-mass radius of the cluster to be $+ 0.13$, which indicates that NGC 4590 is one of the youngest clusters among dynamically intermediate age GGCs with a dynamical age of $0.423\pm0.096$ Gyr.

Francesca Scala, Gabriella Gaias, Camilla Colombo, Manuel Martìn-Neira

19 pages

This paper presents a strategy for optimal manoeuvre design of multi-satellite formation flying in low Earth orbit environment, with the aim of providing a tool for mission operation design. The proposed methodology for formation flying manoeuvres foresees a continuous low-thrust control profile, to enable the operational phases. The design is performed starting from the dynamic representation described in the relative orbital elements, including the main orbital perturbations effects. It also exploits an interface with the classical radial-transversal-normal description to include the maximum delta-v limitation and the safety condition requirements. The methodology is applied to a remote sensing mission study, Formation Flying L-band Aperture Synthesis, for land and ocean application, such as a potential high-resolution Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) follow-on mission, as part of a European Space Agency mission concept study. Moreover, the results are applicable to a wide range of low Earth orbit missions, exploiting a distributed system, and in particular to Formation Flying L-band Aperture Synthesis (FFLAS) as a follow-on concept to SMOS.

T. M. Reynolds, S. Mattila, E. Kankare, A. Efstathiou, E. Kool, S. Ryder, L. Peña-Moñino, M. A. Pérez-Torres

19 pages; 7 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

We present our findings on the occurrence of energetic nuclear transients in luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs). We used mid-infrared (IR) data from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) satellite and its NEOWISE survey to detect luminous and smoothly evolving transients in a sample of 215 U/LIRGs. Three new transients are reported, all with $\Delta L > 10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$, in addition to two known transients. We performed radiative transfer model fitting of their host galaxies to investigate their starburst properties and the contribution of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) to their luminosities. All the hosts are part of major galaxy mergers and have to have a significant contribution from an AGN. We characterised the transients through measurements of their luminosities and resulting energetics, all between 10$^{50.9}$ erg and 10$^{52.2}$ erg. The IR emission of the transients was found to be consistent with re-radiation by hot dust of emission at shorter wavelengths originating from an accretion event onto the supermassive black hole (SMBH). The corresponding transient rate of (1.6-5.0)$\times$10$^{-3}$ / yr / galaxy is over an order of magnitude higher than the rate of large amplitude flares shown by AGN in the optical. We suggest that the observed transients are part of a dust-obscured population of tidal disruption events (TDEs) that have remained out of reach of optical or X-ray surveys due to large column densities of obscuring dust and gas. The observed rate of events is significantly higher than the TDE rates within relatively dust-free galaxies. This can be expected in U/LIRG hosts undergoing a major galaxy merger with increased stellar densities in the nuclear regions due to recent starburst episodes. Future searches for such transients and multi-wavelength follow-up of their evolution is required to constrain their rate and nature.

N-body equations of motion in comoving system and expanding background is recast in a transformed system with static background. The energy and momentum evolution in dark matter flow is formulated for both systems. In transformed system, 1) energy equation is identical to that of a damped harmonic oscillator and consistent with cosmic energy equation; 2) two-body collapse model (TBCM) predicts an exponential evolution of energy. Combining both leads to a power-law energy evolution in comoving system and suggests an effective potential exponent $n_e$=-10/7 for virial theorem (-1.38 from simulation) that deviates from -1. With $n_e$=-10/7, kinetic/potential energy (K$_p$ and P$_y$) increase linearly with time t such that K$_p$=$\epsilon_u$t and P$_y$=-7$\epsilon_u$t/5, where $\epsilon_u$ is a constant rate of energy production. On halo scale, halo size, energy and mass are related by two constants $\alpha_s^*$ and $\beta_s^*$, whose mean values are independent of time and mass. Their dispersion decreases with halo mass due to short lifespan of large halos, whose effective potential exponent $n_s^*$=-1.3. Simulation suggests scaling $\propto a^{3/2}$ and $\propto a^{5/2}$ for radial and angular momentum of entire system, and $\propto a^{3/2}$ for momentum of halos. Halo momentum can be modeled by two mass-dependent coefficients $\tau_s^*$ and $\eta_s^*$. Halo spin $\lambda_p$ is determined by $\alpha_s^*$, $\eta_s^*$, and $n_s^*$ and decreases with halo mass with $\lambda_p$=0.09 and 0.031 for small and large halos. The radial/angular momentum (G and H) are closely related to constant $I_m$ that is defined as integral of velocity correlation or $m$th derivative of energy spectrum at small k. On large scale, H is negligible, $I_2$=0 reflects conservation of linear momentum, while $I_4$ reflects fluctuation of G. On halo scale, $I_4$ is determined by both G and H that are comparable.

Andrei Tokovinin

Accepted bh The Astronomical Journal. 16 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables

Periods, eccentricities, and masses in hierarchical stellar systems inform us on the formation and early evolution of these fascinating objects. To complement the multiplicity statistics of nearby solar-type stars, 19 new spectroscopic orbits of inner subsystems in 15 hierarchies (10 triples and 5 quadruples) are determined based on high-resolution echelle spectra collected during several years. While previous papers of this series contained mostly short-period orbits, here most periods are on the order of a year. The main components of these hierarchies are HIP 7852, 9148, 12548, 21079, 24320, 27970, 34212, 56282, 57860, 76400, 76816, 81394, 96284, 100420, and HD 108938. Noteworthy systems are HIP 12548 and 24230 (hierarchies of 2+2 architecture with low-mass spectroscopic secondaries), HIP 56282 (a planetary-type 3+1 hierarchy), and HIP 27970 (a compact triple with periods of 15 and 1049 days).

We reveal the existence of a new form of spontaneously scalarized black-hole configurations. In particular, it is proved that Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes in the highly charged regime $Q/M>(Q/M)_{\text{crit}}=\sqrt{21}/5$ can support {\it thin} matter shells that are made of massive scalar fields with a non-minimal coupling to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant of the curved spacetime. These static scalar shells, which become infinitesimally thin in the dimensionless large-mass $M\mu\gg1$ regime, hover a finite proper distance above the black-hole horizon [here $\{M,Q\}$ are respectively the mass and electric charge of the central supporting black hole, and $\mu$ is the proper mass of the supported scalar field]. In addition, we derive a remarkably compact analytical formula for the discrete resonance spectrum $\{\eta(Q/M,M\mu;n)\}_{n=0}^{n=\infty}$ of the non-trivial coupling parameter which characterizes the bound-state charged-black-hole-thin-massive-scalar-shell cloudy configurations of the composed Einstein-Maxwell-scalar field theory.

Peter Abbamonte, Daniel Baxter, Yonatan Kahn, Gordan Krnjaic, Noah Kurinsky, Bashi Mandava, Lucas K. Wagner

9 pages, 3 figures

In light of recent results from low-threshold dark matter detectors, we revisit the possibility of a common dark matter origin for multiple excesses across numerous direct detection experiments, with a focus on the excess rates in semiconductor detectors. We explore the interpretation of the low-threshold calorimetric excess rates above 40 eV in the silicon SuperCDMS Cryogenic Phonon Detector and above 100 eV in the germanium EDELWEISS Surface detector as arising from a common but unknown origin, and demonstrate a compatible fit for the observed energy spectra in both experiments, which follow a power law of index $\alpha = 3.43^{+0.11}_{-0.06}$. Despite the intriguing scaling of the normalization of these two excess rates with approximately the square of the mass number $A^2$, we argue that the possibility of common origin by dark matter scattering via nuclear recoils is strongly disfavored, even allowing for exotic condensed matter effects in an as-yet unmeasured kinematic regime. We also investigate the possibility of inelastic nuclear scattering by cosmic ray neutrons, solar neutrinos, and photons as the origin, and quantitatively disfavor all three based on known fluxes of particles.

P. Mostafavi, R. C. Allen, M. D. McManus, G. C. Ho, N. E. Raouafi, D. E. Larson, J. C. Kasper, S. D. Bale

Accepted paper

The velocity of alpha particles relative to protons can vary depending on the solar wind type and distance from the Sun (Marsch 2012). Measurements from the previous spacecraft provided the alpha-proton's differential velocities down to 0.3 au. Parker Solar Probe (PSP) now enables insights into differential flows of newly accelerated solar wind closer to the Sun for the first time. Here, we study the difference between proton and alpha bulk velocities near PSP perihelia of Encounters 3-7 when the core solar wind is in the field of view of the Solar Probe Analyzer for Ions (SPAN-I) instrument. As previously reported at larger heliospheric distances, the alpha-proton differential speed observed by PSP is greater for fast wind than the slow solar wind. We compare PSP observations with various spacecraft measurements and present the radial and temporal evolution of the alpha-proton differential speed. The differential flow decreases as the solar wind propagates from the Sun, consistent with previous observations. While Helios showed a small radial dependence of differential flow for the slow solar wind, PSP clearly showed this dependency for the young slow solar wind down to 0.09 au. Our analysis shows that the alpha-proton differential speed's magnitude is mainly below the local Alfv\'en speed. Moreover, alpha particles usually move faster than protons close to the Sun. PSP crossed the Alfv\'en surface during its eighth Encounter and may cross it in future Encounters, enabling us to investigate the differential flow very close to the solar wind acceleration source region for the first time.

The problem of radiation by the charged particles of the intergalactic medium (IGM) when a passing gravitational wave (GW) accelerate them is investigated. The largest acceleration (taking a charge from rest to a maximum speed which remains non-relativistic in the rest frame of the unperturbed spacetime) is found to be limited by the curvature of a propagating spherical gravitational wavefront. Interesting physics arises from the ensuing emission of radiation into the warm hot IGM, which to lowest order is a fully ionized hydrogen plasma with a frozen-in magnetic field $B$. It is found that for a vast majority of propagation directions, the right-handed polarized radiation can penetrate the plasma at frequencies below the plasma frequency $\om_p$, provided $\om<\om_b,$ where $\om_b=eB/m_e$ satisfies $\om_b<\om_p$ for typical IGM conditions. Moreover, the refractive index under such a scenario is $n\gg 1,$ resulting in an enhanced radiative dissipation of GW energy (relative to the vacuum scenario), which is more severe for electrons if both charge species are in thermal equilibrium and accelerated in the same way. The emission by the electrons then prevails, and is further amplified by coherent addition of amplitudes within the size one wavelength. The conversion of GWs of $\lam\gtrsim 5\times 10^{13}$~cm to electromagnetic waves means such GWs can only propagate a distance $\lesssim 1$~Gpc before being significantly damped by an IGM B field of $\sim10^{-8}$ G. The low-frequency GWs \textcolor{black}{targeted by pulsar-timing-arrays} will not survive unless the IGM magnetic field is much lower than expected. The \textcolor{black}{mHz} frequency GW inspirals targeted by future \textcolor{black}{space based} detectors such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna remain intact and can be detected.

In 1998 astronomers discovered that the expansion of the universe is accelerating. Somehow, something must have made gravity repulsive on cosmological scales. This something was called dark energy; it is described by Einstein's cosmological constant; and it amounts to about 70% of the total mass of the universe. It has been conjectured that the cosmological constant is a form of vacuum energy, but its prediction from quantum field theory has failed by many orders of magnitude, until recently. Informed by empirical evidence on Casimir forces, Lifshitz theory has not only produced the correct order of magnitude, but is quantitatively consistent with the astronomical data. Moreover, the theory appears to resolve the tension between the measured and the predicted Hubble constant. There is therefore a good chance that Casimir physics explains dark energy. This article introduces cosmology for practitioners of vacuum forces as part of "The State of the Quantum Vacuum: Casimir Physics in the 2020s" edited by K. A. Milton. It may also be interesting for other physicists and engineers who wish to have a concise introduction to cosmology.

Dark Matter particles can be detected directly via their elastic scattering with nuclei. Next generation experiments can eventually find physical evidences about dark matter candidates. With this motivation in mind, we have calculated the expected signals of dark matter particles in xenon detectors. The calculations were performed by considering different masses and parameters within the minimal supersymmetric standard model. Since the detectors can also detect neutrinos, we have analyzed the supernova neutrino signal including a sterile neutrino in the formalism. Using this 3+1 scheme, we make predictions for both the normal and inverse mass hierarchy. In order to perform a study of the response of planned direct-detection experiments, to be located in ANDES (Agua Negra Deep Experimental Site), we have calculated the neutrino contributions to the background by taken into account reactor's neutrinos and geoneutrinos at the site of the lab. As a test detector, we take a Xenon1T-like array.

A. M. Botti, S. Uemura, G. Fernandez Moroni, L. Barak, M. Cababie, R. Essig, J. Estrada, E. Etzion, D. Rodrigues, N. Saffold, M. Sofo Haro, J. Tiffenberg, T. Volansky

Fully-depleted thick silicon Skipper-charge-coupled devices (Skipper-CCDs) have achieved sub-electron read-out noise and are an important technology to probe neutrino and light dark matter interactions. However, the successful search for rare neutrino or dark-matter events requires the signal and all backgrounds to be fully characterized. In particular, a measurement of the electron-hole pair creation energy below 150\,eV and the Fano factor are necessary for characterizing the dark matter and neutrino signals. Moreover, photons from background radiation may Compton scatter in the silicon bulk, producing events that can mimic a dark matter or neutrino signal. We present a measurement of the Compton spectrum using a Skipper-CCD and a $^{241}$Am source. With these data, we measure the electron-hole pair-creation energy to be $\left(3.71 \pm 0.08\right)$\,eV at 130\,K in the energy range between 99.3 eV and 150 eV. By measuring the widths of the steps at 99.3 eV and 150 eV in the Compton spectrum, we introduce a novel technique to measure the Fano factor, setting an upper limit of 0.31 at 90\% C.L. These results prove the potential of Skipper-CCDs to characterize the Compton spectrum and to measure precisely the Fano factor and electron-hole pair creation energy below 150\,eV.

We propose a mechanism for generating an inflationary phase in the early universe without resorting to any type of scalar field(s). Instead, this accelerated expansion is driven by a dynamical "cosmological constant" in the framework of unimodular gravity. The time dependent cosmological constant can be related to an energy diffusion term that arises naturally in unimodular gravity due to its restrictive diffeomorphism invariance. We derive the generic conditions required for any type of diffusion to generate a realistic inflationary epoch. Furthermore, for a given parameterization of inflation (in terms of the Hubble flow functions), we show how to construct the corresponding diffusion term in such a way that a smooth transition occurs between inflation and the subsequent radiation dominated era, hence reheating proceeds naturally. The primordial spectrum is obtained during the inflationary phase by considering inhomogeneous perturbations associated to standard hydrodynamical matter (modeled as a single ultra-relativistic fluid). We demonstrate that the resulting spectrum is equivalent to that obtained in traditional inflationary models, and is also independent of the particular form of the diffusion term. In addition, we analyze the feasibility of identifying the variable cosmological constant, responsible for the inflationary expansion, with the current observed value.