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Papers for Tuesday, Feb 15 2022

Papers with local authors

Jorge Moreno, Shany Danieli, James S. Bullock, Robert Feldmann, Philip F. Hopkins, Onur Catmabacak, Alexander Gurvich, Alexandres Lazar, Courtney Klein, Cameron B. Hummels, Zachary Hafen, Francisco J. Mercado, Sijie Yu, Fangzhou Jiang, Coral Wheeler, Andrew Wetzel, Daniel Angles-Alcazar, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Eliot Quataert, Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere, Dusan Keres

55 pages, 4 figures, 13 supplementary figures. 29 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Nature Astronomy. To appear on 14-February-2022. Published version: this https URL

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Paper 51 — arXiv:2202.05836
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2202.05836

The standard cold dark matter plus cosmological constant model predicts that galaxies form within dark-matter haloes, and that low-mass galaxies are more dark-matter dominated than massive ones. The unexpected discovery of two low-mass galaxies lacking dark matter immediately provoked concerns about the standard cosmology and ignited explorations of alternatives, including self-interacting dark matter and modified gravity. Apprehension grew after several cosmological simulations using the conventional model failed to form adequate numerical analogues with comparable internal characteristics (stellar masses, sizes, velocity dispersions and morphologies). Here we show that the standard paradigm naturally produces galaxies lacking dark matter with internal characteristics in agreement with observations. Using a state-of-the-art cosmological simulation and a meticulous galaxy-identification technique, we find that extreme close encounters with massive neighbours can be responsible for this. We predict that approximately 30 percent of massive central galaxies (with at least 1e11 solar masses in stars) harbour at least one dark-matter-deficient satellite (with 1e8 - 1e9 solar masses in stars). This distinctive class of galaxies provides an additional layer in our understanding of the role of interactions in shaping galactic properties. Future observations surveying galaxies in the aforementioned regime will provide a crucial test of this scenario.

All other papers

Stephanie O'Neil (1), Josh Borrow (1), Mark Vogelsberger (1), Benedikt Diemer (2) ((1) MIT, (2) UMD)

18 pages, 18 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We explore how the splashback radius ($R_{\rm sp}$) of galaxy clusters, measured using the number density of the subhalo population, changes based on various selection criteria using the IllustrisTNG cosmological galaxy formation simulation. We identify $R_{\rm sp}$ by extracting the steepest radial gradient in a stacked set of clusters in 0.5 dex wide mass bins, with our clusters having halo masses $10^{13} \leq M_{\rm 200, mean} / {\rm M}_\odot \leq 10^{15}$. We apply cuts in subhalo mass, galaxy stellar mass, $i$-band absolute magnitude and specific star formation rate. We find that, generally, galaxies of increasing mass and luminosity trace smaller measured splashback radii relative to the intrinsic dark matter radius. We also show that quenched galaxies may be used to reliably reconstruct the dark matter splashback radius. This trend is likely due to changes in the galaxy population. Additionally, we are able to reconcile different observational predictions that $R_{\rm sp}$ based upon galaxy number counts and dark matter may either align or show significant offset (e.g. those using optically- or SZ-selected clusters) through the selection functions that these studies employ. Finally, we demonstrate that changes in $R_{\rm sp}$ measured through number counts are not due to a simple change in galaxy abundance inside and outside of the cluster.

Q. Ni, W. N. Brandt, B. Luo, G. P. Garmire, P. B. Hall, R. M. Plotkin, O. Shemmer, J. D. Timlin III, F. Vito, J. Wu, W. Yi

16 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present deeper Chandra observations for weak-line quasars (WLQs) in a representative sample that previously had limited X-ray constraints, and perform X-ray photometric analyses to reveal the full range of X-ray properties of WLQs. Only 5 of the 32 WLQs included in this representative sample remain X-ray undetected after these observations, and a stacking analysis shows that these 5 have an average X-ray weakness factor of > 85. One of the WLQs in the sample that was known to have extreme X-ray variability, SDSS J1539+3954, exhibited dramatic X-ray variability again: it changed from an X-ray normal state to an X-ray weak state within ~ 3 months in the rest frame. This short timescale for an X-ray flux variation by a factor of $\gtrsim$ 9 further supports the thick disk and outflow (TDO) model proposed to explain the X-ray and multiwavelength properties of WLQs. The overall distribution of the X-ray-to-optical properties of WLQs suggests that the TDO has an average covering factor of the X-ray emitting region of ~ 0.5, and the column density of the TDO can range from $N_{\rm H}$ $\sim 10^{23-24}~{\rm cm}^{-2}$ to $N_{\rm H}$ $\gtrsim 10^{24}~{\rm cm}^{-2}$, which leads to different levels of absorption and Compton reflection (and/or scattering) among WLQs.

Jason T. Hinkle, Michael A. Tucker, Benjamin. J. Shappee, Thomas W.-S. Holoien, Patrick J. Vallely, Thomas de Jaeger, Katie Auchettl, Greg Aldering, Chris Ashall, Dhvanil D. Desai, Aaron Do, Anna V. Payne, John L. Tonry

14 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Will be submitted to AAS journals. Comments welcome

We present the discovery that ATLAS18mlw was a tidal disruption event (TDE) in the galaxy WISEA J073544.83+663717.3, at a distance of 334 Mpc. Initially discovered by the Asteroid Terrestrial Impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) on 2018 March 17.3, the TDE nature of the transient was uncovered only recently with the re-reduction of a SuperNova Integral Field Spectrograph (SNIFS) spectrum. This spectrum, taken by the Spectral Classification of Astronomical Transients (SCAT) survey, shows a strong blue continuum and a broad H$\alpha$ emission line. Here we present roughly six years of optical survey photometry beginning before the TDE to constrain AGN activity, optical spectroscopy of the transient, and a detailed study of the host galaxy properties through analysis of archival photometry and a host spectrum. ATLAS18mlw was detected in ground-based light curves for roughly two months. From a blackbody fit to the transient spectrum and bolometric correction of the optical light curve, we conclude that ATLAS18mlw is likely a low-luminosity TDE with a peak luminosity of log(L [erg s$^{-1}$]) = $43.5 \pm 0.2$. The TDE classification is further supported by the quiescent Balmer strong nature of the host galaxy. We also calculated the TDE decline rate from the bolometric light curve and find $\Delta L_{40} = -0.7 \pm 0.2$ dex, making ATLAS18mlw a member of the growing class of "faint and fast" TDEs with low peak luminosities and fast decline rates.

Biwei Dai, Uros Seljak

11 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

Our universe is homogeneous and isotropic, and its perturbations obey translation and rotation symmetry. In this work we develop Translation and Rotation Equivariant Normalizing Flow (TRENF), a generative Normalizing Flow (NF) model which explicitly incorporates these symmetries, defining the data likelihood via a sequence of Fourier space-based convolutions and pixel-wise nonlinear transforms. TRENF gives direct access to the high dimensional data likelihood p(x|y) as a function of the labels y, such as cosmological parameters. In contrast to traditional analyses based on summary statistics, the NF approach has no loss of information since it preserves the full dimensionality of the data. On Gaussian random fields, the TRENF likelihood agrees well with the analytical expression and saturates the Fisher information content in the labels y. On nonlinear cosmological overdensity fields from N-body simulations, TRENF leads to significant improvements in constraining power over the standard power spectrum summary statistic. TRENF is also a generative model of the data, and we show that TRENF samples agree well with the N-body simulations it trained on, and that the inverse mapping of the data agrees well with a Gaussian white noise both visually and on various summary statistics: when this is perfectly achieved the resulting p(x|y) likelihood analysis becomes optimal. Finally, we develop a generalization of this model that can handle effects that break the symmetry of the data, such as the survey mask, which enables likelihood analysis on data without periodic boundaries.

A popular numerical method to model the dynamics of a 'full spectrum' of cosmic rays (CRs), also applicable to radiation/neutrino hydrodynamics (RHD), is to discretize the spectrum at each location/cell as a piecewise power law in 'bins' of momentum (or frequency) space. This gives rise to a pair of conserved quantities (e.g. CR number and energy) which are exchanged between cells or bins, that in turn give the update to the normalization and slope of the spectrum in each bin. While these methods can be evolved exactly in momentum-space (considering injection, absorption, continuous losses/gains), numerical challenges arise dealing with spatial fluxes, if the scattering rates depend on momentum. This has often been treated by either by neglecting variation of those rates 'within the bin,' or sacrificing conservation -- introducing significant errors. Here, we derive a rigorous treatment of these terms, and show that the variation within the bin can be accounted for accurately with a simple set of scalar correction coefficients that can be written entirely in terms of other, explicitly-evolved 'bin-integrated' quantities. This eliminates the relevant errors without added computational cost, has no effect on the numerical stability of the method, and retains manifest conservation. We derive correction terms both for methods which explicitly integrate flux variables (two-moment or M1-like) methods, as well as single-moment (advection-diffusion, FLD-like) methods, and approximate corrections valid in various limits.

Fabio Gastaldello, Martino Marelli, Silvano Molendi, Iacopo Bartalucci, Patrick Kühl, Catherine E. Grant, Simona Ghizzardi, Mariachiara Rossetti, Andrea De Luca, Andrea Tiengo

14 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We analyzed the unexposed to the sky outFOV region of the MOS2 detector on board XMM-Newton covering 15 years of data amounting to 255 Ms. We show convincing evidence that the origin of the unfocused background in XMM-Newton is due to energetic protons, electrons and hard X-ray photons. Galactic Cosmic Rays are the main contributors as shown by the tight correlation (2.6% of total scatter) with 1 GeV protons data of the SOHO EPHIN detector. Tight correlations are found with a proxy of the Chandra background rate, revealing the common source of background for detectors in similar orbits, and with the data of the EPIC Radiation Monitor (ERM), only when excluding Solar Energetic Particles events (SEPs). The entrance to the outer electron belts is associated to a sudden increase in the outFOV MOS2 rate and a spectral change. These facts support the fact that MeV electrons can generate an unfocused background signal. The correlation between MOS2 outFOV data and the SOHO EPHIN data reveals a term constant in time and isotropic similar to the one found in the study of the pn data. The most plausible origin of this component is hard unfocused X-ray photons of the Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB) Compton-scattering in the detector as supported by the strength of the signal in the two detectors with different thicknesses. Based on this physical understanding a particle radiation monitor on board ATHENA has been proposed and it is currently under study. It will be able to track different species with the necessary accuracy and precision to guarantee the challenging requirement of 2% reproducibility of the background.

Mohamad Shalaby, Rouven Lemmerz, Timon Thomas, Christoph Pfrommer

11 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

Thermal electrons cannot directly participate in the process of diffusive acceleration at electron-ion shocks because their Larmor radii are smaller than the shock transition width: this is the well-known electron injection problem of diffusive shock acceleration. Instead, an efficient pre-acceleration process must exist that scatters electrons off of electromagnetic fluctuations on scales much shorter than the ion gyro radius. The recently found intermediate-scale instability provides a natural way to produce such fluctuations in parallel shocks. The instability drives comoving (with the upstream plasma) ion-cyclotron waves at the shock front and only operates when the drift speed is smaller than half of the electron Alfven speed. Here, we perform particle-in-cell simulations with the SHARP code to study the impact of this instability on electron acceleration at parallel non-relativistic, electron-ion shocks. To this end, we compare a shock simulation in which the intermediate-scale instability is expected to grow to simulations where it is suppressed. In particular, the simulation with an Alfvenic Mach number large enough to quench the intermediate instability shows a great reduction (by two orders of magnitude) of the electron acceleration efficiency. Moreover, the simulation with a reduced ion-to-electron mass ratio (where the intermediate instability is also suppressed) not only artificially precludes electron acceleration but also results in erroneous electron and ion heating in the downstream and shock transition regions. This finding opens up a promising route for a plasma physical understanding of diffusive shock acceleration of electrons, which necessarily requires realistic mass ratios in simulations of collisionless electron-ion shocks.

Prakriti Pal Choudhury, Christopher S. Reynolds

25 pages, 14 figures, 1 table (+2 figures in appendices). Comments are welcome

Many recent works on the observed galaxy clusters in the X-rays highlight broadly two classes of exclusive energy carriers - sound waves and turbulence. In order to understand this dichotomy, we design an idealized three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulation of a cluster, to assess which of these carriers can dissipate energy in and around the core ($\gtrsim 100$ kpc) . Specifically, we explore how gentle (long-duration outbursts) and intermediate (shorter duration outbursts) feedback modes can function efficiently mediated by compressible (sound waves) and incompressible (g-modes/instabilities/turbulence) disturbances. Since g-modes are confined tightly to the central core, we attempt to maximise the flux of fast sound waves to distribute the feedback energy over a large distance. We find that the contribution to heat dissipation from sound and turbulence varies on the basis of the aforementioned feedback modes, namely: turbulence contributes relatively more than sound in the slow-piston regime and vice versa for the intermediate regime. For the first time in a 3D simulation, we show that up to $\sim 20\%$ of the injected power can be carried away by sound flux in the intermediate feedback but it reduces to $\sim 12 \%$ in the slow-piston regime. Lastly, we find that sound waves can be elusive if we deduce the equation-of-state (isobaric/isentropic) of the fluctuations from X-ray observations.

Hui Sun, He-Yang Liu, Haiwu Pan, Zhu Liu, Dennis Alp, Jingwei Hu, Zhuo Li, Bing Zhang, Weimin Yuan

13 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

A dozen X-ray supernova shock breakout (SN SBO) candidates were reported recently based on XMM-Newton archival data, which increased the X-ray selected SN SBO sample by an order of magnitude. Assuming they are genuine SN SBOs, we study the luminosity function (LF) by improving upon the method used in our previous work. The light curves and the spectra of the candidates were used to derive the maximum volume within which these objects could be detected with XMM-Newton by simulation. The results show that the SN SBO LF can be described by either a broken power law (BPL) with indices (at the 68$\%$ confidence level) of $0.48 \pm 0.28$ and $2.11 \pm 1.27$ before and after the break luminosity at $\log (L_b/\rm erg\,s^{-1})=$ $45.32 \pm 0.55$ or a single power law (SPL) with index of $0.80 \pm 0.16$. The local event rate densities of SN SBOs above $5\times 10^{42}$ $\rm erg\,s^{-1}$ are consistent for two models, i.e., $4.6 ^{+1.7}_{-1.3} \times 10^4$ and $4.9 ^{+1.9}_{-1.4} \times 10^4$ $\rm Gpc^{-3}\,yr^{-1}$ for BPL and SPL models, respectively. The number of fast X-ray transients of SN SBO origin can be significantly increased by the wide-field X-ray telescopes such as the Einstein Probe.

Jun-Hui Zhao, Mark R. Morris, W. M. Goss

20 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepted

Using the JVLA, we explored the Galactic center (GC) with a resolution of 0.05" at 33.0 and 44.6 GHz. We detected 64 hyper-compact radio sources (HCRs) in the central parsec. The dense group of HCRs can be divided into three spectral types: 38 steep-spectrum ($\alpha\le-0.5$) sources; 10 flat-spectrum ($-0.5<\alpha\le0.2$) sources; and 17 inverted-spectrum sources having $\alpha>0.2$, assuming $S\propto\nu^\alpha$. The steep-spectrum HCRs are likely represent a population of massive stellar remnants associated with nonthermal compact radio sources powered by neutron stars and stellar black holes. The surface-density distribution of the HCRs as function of radial distance ($R$) from Sgr~A* can be described as a steep power-law $\Sigma (R) \propto R^{-\Gamma}$, with $\Gamma=1.6\pm0.2$, along with presence of a localized order-of-magnitude enhancement in the range 0.1-0.3 pc. The steeper profile of the HCRs relative to that of the central cluster might result from the concentration massive stellar remnants by mass segregation at the GC. The GC magnetar SGR~J1745-2900 belongs to the inverted-spectrum sub-sample. We find that two spectral components present in the averaged radio spectrum of SGR~J1745-2900, separated at $\nu\sim30$ GHz. The centimeter-component is fitted to a power-law with $\alpha_{cm}=-1.5\pm0.6$. The enhanced millimeter-component shows a rising spectrum $\alpha_{mm}=1.1\pm0.2$. Based on the ALMA observations at 225 GHz, we find that the GC magnetar is highly variable on a day-to-day time scale, showing variations up to a factor of 6. Further JVLA and ALMA observations of the variability, spectrum, and polarization of the HCRs are critical for determining whether they are associated with stellar remnants.

Aleksandra Kuznetsova, Jaehan Bae, Lee Hartmann, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low

20 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The filamentary nature of accretion streams found around embedded sources suggest that protostellar disks experience heterogenous infall from the star-forming environment, consistent with the accretion behavior onto star-forming cores in top-down star-cluster formation simulations. This may produce disk substructures in the form of rings, gaps, and spirals continuing to be identified by high-resolution imaging surveys in both embedded Class 0/I and later Class II sources. We present a parameter study of anisotropic infall, informed by the properties of accretion flows onto protostellar cores in numerical simulations, and varying the relative specific angular momentum of incoming flows as well as their flow geometry. Our results show that anisotropic infall perturbs the disk and readily launches the Rossby wave instability (RWI). It forms vortices at the inner and outer edge of the infall zone where material is deposited. These vortices drive spiral waves and angular momentum transport, with some models able to drive stresses corresponding to a viscosity parameter on the order of $\alpha \sim 10^{-2}$. The resulting azimuthal shear forms robust pressure bumps that act as barriers to radial drift of dust grains, as demonstrated by post-processing calculations of drift-dominated dust evolution. We discuss how a self-consistent model of anisotropic infall can account for the formation of millimeter rings in the outer disk as well as producing compact dust disks, consistent with observations of embedded sources.

Brianna Zawadzki, Daniel Carrera, Eric B. Ford

20 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to AAS Journals

It is often assumed that the "Kepler dichotomy" -- the apparent excess of planetary systems with a single detected transiting planet in the Kepler catalog -- reflects an intrinsic bimodality in the mutual inclinations of planetary orbits. After conducting 600 simulations of planet formation followed by simulated Kepler observations, we instead propose that the apparent dichotomy reflects a divergence in the amount of migration and the separation of planetary semimajor axes into distinct "clusters". We find that our simulated high-mass systems migrate rapidly, bringing more planets into orbital periods of less than 200 days. The outer planets are often caught in a migration trap -- a range of planet masses and locations in which a dominant co-rotation torque prevents inward migration -- which splits the system into two clusters. If clusters are sufficiently separated, the inner cluster remains dynamically cold, leading to low mutual inclinations and a higher probability of detecting multiple transiting planets. Conversely, our simulated low-mass systems typically bring fewer planets inside 200 days, forming a single cluster that quickly becomes dynamically unstable, leading to collisions and high mutual inclinations. We propose an alternative explanation for the apparent Kepler dichotomy in which migration traps during formation lead to fewer planets inside the Kepler detection window, and where mutual inclinations play only a secondary role. If our scenario is correct, then Kepler's STIPs (Systems with Tightly-packed Inner Planets) are a sample of planets that escaped capture by co-rotation traps, and their sizes may be a valuable probe into the structure of protoplanetary discs.

For et al., who catalogued Magellanic Stream (MS) clouds, suggested that there is substantial large-scale turbulence in the MS. Here we follow up with a series of FLASH simulations that model the hydrodynamic effects that clouds have on each other. The suite of simulations includes a range of cloud separation distances and densities. The ambient conditions are similar to those surrounding the MS but also relevant to the circumgalactic medium and intergalactic medium. Ten simulations are presented, eight of which model clustered clouds and two of which model isolated clouds. The isolated clouds are used as controls for comparison with the multicloud simulations. We find that if the clouds are initially near each other, then hydrodynamical drafting helps the trailing cloud to catch the leading cloud and mix together. We present the measured acceleration due to drafting and find that lower-density clouds in lower-density environments experience more acceleration due to drafting than their denser cohorts. We find that the clustering of clouds also increases the condensation of ambient material and affects longevity. We analyze the velocity dispersion of the clouds using a single component method and a multicomponent decomposition method. We find that the presence of a second cloud increases the velocity dispersion behind the trailing cloud at some times. We find that the velocity dispersion due to gas motion in our simulations is significantly less than the actual dispersion observed by For et al., indicating that the thermal component must dominate in the MS.

XRISM Science Team

26 pages, 25 figures

This document was prepared by the XRISM Science Team to introduce the XRISM mission, its onboard instruments, figures of merit, and examples of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy to general astronomers and students.

Bailey Sykes, Hannah Middleton, Andrew Melatos, Tiziana Di Matteo, Colin DeGraf, Aklant Bhowmick

10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS

A population of super-massive black hole binaries is expected to generate a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) in the pulsar timing array (PTA) frequency range of $10^{-9}$--$10^{-7}$ Hz. Detection of this signal is a current observational goal and so predictions of its characteristics are of significant interest. In this work we use super-massive black hole binary mergers from the MassiveBlackII simulation to estimate the characteristic strain of the stochastic background. We examine both a gravitational wave driven model of binary evolution and a model which also includes the effects of stellar scattering and a circumbinary gas disk. Results are consistent with PTA upper limits and similar to estimates in the literature. The characteristic strain at a reference frequency of $1 yr^{-1}$ is found to be $A_{yr^{-1}} = 6.9 \times 10^{-16}$ and $A_{yr^{-1}} = 6.4 \times 10^{-16}$ in the gravitational-wave driven and stellar scattering/gas disk cases, respectively. Using the latter approach, our models show that the SGWB is mildly suppressed compared to the purely gravitational wave driven model as frequency decreases inside the PTA frequency band.

T.B. Mera Evans, P. Hoeflich, R. Diehl

16 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables

Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia) may originate from a wide variety of explosion scenarios and progenitor channels. They exhibit a factor of about 10 difference in brightness and, thus, a differentiation in the mass of 56Ni->56Co->56 Fe. We present a study on the fate of positrons within SNe Ia in order to evaluate their escape fractions and energy spectra. Our detailed Monte Carlo transport simulations for positrons and gamma-rays include both beta + decay of 56 Co and pair production. We simulate a wide variety of explosion scenarios, including the explosion of white dwarfs (WD) close to the Chandrasekhar mass, M(Ch), He-triggered explosions of sub-M Ch WDs, and dynamical mergers of two WDs. For each model, we study the influence of the size and morphology of the progenitor magnetic field between 1 and 1E13 G. Population synthesis based on the observed brightness distribution of SNe Ia was used to estimate the overall contributions to Galactic positrons due to escape from SN Ia. We find that this is dominated by normal-bright SNe Ia, where variations in the distribution of emitted positrons are small. We estimate a total SNe Ia contribution to the Galactic positrons of < 2% and, depending on the magnetic field morphology, less than 6...20% for M(Ch) and sub-M(Ch), respectively.

Hans Moritz Günther, Keri Hoadley, Maximilian N. Günther, Brian D. Metzger, P. C. Schneider, Ken J. Shen

accepted by AJ, 15 pages, 5 figures

Tight binary or multiple star systems can interact through mass transfer and follow vastly different evolutionary pathways than single stars. The star TYC 2597-735-1 is a candidate for a recent stellar merger remnant resulting from a coalescence of a low-mass companion with a primary star a few thousand years ago. This violent event is evident in a conical outflow ("Blue Ring Nebula") emitting in UV light and surrounded by leading shock filaments observed in H$\alpha$ and UV emission. From Chandra data, we report the detection of X-ray emission from the location of TYC 2597-735-1 with a luminosity $\log(L_\mathrm{X}/L_\mathrm{bol})=-5.5$. Together with a previously reported period around 14~days, this indicates ongoing stellar activity and the presence of strong magnetic fields on TYC 2597-735-1. Supported by stellar evolution models of merger remnants, we interpret the inferred stellar magnetic field as dynamo action associated with a newly formed convection zone in the atmosphere of TYC 2597-735-1, though internal shocks at the base of an accretion-powered jet cannot be ruled out. We speculate that this object will evolve into an FK Com type source, i.e. a class of rapidly spinning magnetically active stars for which a merger origin has been proposed but for which no relic accretion or large-scale nebula remains visible. We also detect likely X-ray emission from two small regions close to the outer shock fronts in the Blue Ring Nebula, which may arise from either inhomogenities in the circumstellar medium or in the mass and velocity distribution in the merger-driven outflow.

Martijn S.S.L. Oei, Reinout J. van Weeren, Martin J. Hardcastle, Andrea Botteon, Tim W. Shimwell, Pratik Dabhade, Aivin R.D.J.G.I.B. Gast, Huub J.A. Röttgering, Marcus Brüggen, Cyril Tasse, Wendy L. Williams, Aleksandar Shulevski

18 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

We discover what is in projection the largest known structure of galactic origin: a giant radio galaxy with a projected proper length of $4.99 \pm 0.04\ \mathrm{Mpc}$. The source, named Alcyoneus, was first identified in low-resolution LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey images from which angularly compact sources had been removed. Being an extreme example in its class, Alcyoneus could shed light on the main mechanisms that drive radio galaxy growth. We find that - beyond geometry - Alcyoneus and its host galaxy appear suspiciously ordinary: the total low-frequency luminosity density, stellar mass and supermassive black hole mass are all lower than, though similar to, those of the medial giant radio galaxy (percentiles $45 \pm 3\%$, $25 \pm 9 \%$ and $23 \pm 11 \%$, respectively). The source resides in a filament of the Cosmic Web, with which it might have significant thermodynamic interaction. At $5 \cdot 10^{-16}\ \mathrm{Pa}$, the pressures in the lobes are the lowest hitherto found, and Alcyoneus therefore represents one of the most promising radio galaxies yet to probe the warm-hot intergalactic medium.

Andrés Scherer, Jorge Cuadra, Franz E. Bauer

9 pages, 5 figures

The High Energy Stereoscopic System (HESS), the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov Telescope (MAGIC), and the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) have observed diffuse gamma-ray emission strongly correlated with the central molecular zone in the Galactic center. The most accepted scenario to generate this emission is via a hadronic interaction between cosmic rays (CRs) and ambient gas, where CRs are accelerated from a central and continuous source of 1 PeV protons (PeVatron). We explore the influence of the three-dimensional (3D) shape of the central molecular zone on the indirect observation of the CR energy density via gamma-ray detection. We simulated synthetic gamma-ray maps using a CR diffusion model with spherical injection, one isotropic diffusion coefficient, no advection, and mono-energetic particles of 1 PeV. Also, we used two different 3D gas distributions considering the observed gas column density, both with and without an inner cavity. We find that when using a persistent CR source, a disk-like gas distribution is needed to reproduce the existing CR indirect observations. This is in agreement with the continuous gas distribution implied by some dynamical models and studies based on the comparison of emission and absorption molecular lines. However, it contradicts several models of the central molecular zone, which imply that this structure has a significant inner cavity. This tension can be reconciled by an additional, impulsive CR injection. If the central molecular zone has a cavity, a composite CR population, coming from the stellar winds of the Wolf-Rayet stars in the central 0.5 pc and the supernova Sgr A East, produces a good match to the observed gamma-ray morphology in the Galactic center.

Stan Owocki

14 pages, 11 figures; to appear in proceedings of IAUS 366, "The Origin of Outflows from Evolved Stars", Leen Decin and Clio Gielen, editors

Most of a star's mass is bound in a hydrostatic equilibrium in which pressure balances gravity. But if at some near-surface layer additional outward forces overcome gravity, this can transition to a supersonic, outflowing wind, with the sonic point, where the outward force cancels gravity, marking the division between hydrostatic atmosphere and wind outflow. This talk will review general issues with such transonic initiation of a stellar wind outflow, and how this helps set the wind mass loss rate. The main discussion contrasts the flow initiation in four prominent classes of steady-state winds: (1) the pressure-driven coronal wind of the sun and other cool stars; (2) line-driven winds from OB stars; (3) a two-stage initiation model for the much denser winds from Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars; and (4) the slow "overflow" mass loss from highly evolved giant stars. A follow on discussion briefly reviews eruptive mass loss, with particular focus on the giant eruption of eta Carinae.

Nabeel Rehemtulla, Monica Valluri, Eugene Vasiliev

14 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS; comments welcome

Spherical Jeans modeling is widely used to estimate mass profiles of systems from star clusters to galactic stellar haloes to clusters of galaxies. It derives the cumulative mass profile, M(<r), from kinematics of tracers of the potential under the assumptions of spherical symmetry and dynamical equilibrium. We consider the application of Jeans modeling to mapping the dark matter distribution in the outer reaches of the Milky Way using field halo stars. We present a novel non-parametric routine for solving the spherical Jeans equation by fitting B-splines to the velocity and density profiles of halo stars. While most implementations assume parametric forms for these profiles, B-splines provide non-parametric fitting curves with analytical derivatives. Our routine recovers the mass profiles of equilibrium systems with flattened haloes or a stellar disc and bulge excellently (<~ 10% error at most radii). Tests with non-equilibrium, Milky Way-like galaxies from the Latte suite of FIRE-2 simulations perform quite well (<~ 15% error for r <~ 100 kpc). We also create observationally motivated datasets for the Latte suite by imposing selection functions and errors on phase space coordinates characteristic of Gaia and the DESI Milky Way Survey. The resulting imprecise and incomplete data require us to introduce an MCMC-based subroutine to obtain deconvolved density and velocity dispersion profiles from the tracer population. With these observational effects taken into account, the accuracy of the Jeans mass estimate remains at the level 20% or better.

Stanley P Owocki, Matt E. Shultz, Asif ud-Doula, Poonam Chandra, Barnali Das, Paulo Leto

11 pages, 6 pages, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Magnetic B-stars often exhibit circularly polarized radio emission thought to arise from gyrosynchrotron emission by energetic electrons trapped in the circumstellar magnetosphere. Recent empirical analyses show that the onset and strength of the observed radio emission scale with both the magnetic field strength and the stellar rotation rate. This challenges the existing paradigm that the energetic electrons are accelerated in the current sheet between opposite-polarity field lines in the outer regions of magnetised stellar winds, which includes no role for stellar rotation. Building on recent success in explaining a similar rotation-field dependence of H$\alpha$ line emission in terms of a model in which magnetospheric density is regulated by centrifugal breakout (CBO), we examine here the potential role of the associated CBO-driven magnetic reconnection in accelerating the electrons that emit the observed gyrosynchrotron radio. We show in particular that the theoretical scalings for energy production by CBO reconnection match well the empirical trends for observed radio luminosity, with a suitably small, nearly constant conversion efficiency $\epsilon \approx 10^{-8}$. We summarize the distinct advantages of our CBO scalings over previous associations with an electromotive force, and discuss the potential implications of CBO processes for X-rays and other observed characteristics of rotating magnetic B-stars with centrifugal magnetospheres.

The curvature radiation is applied to the explain the circular polarisation of FRBs. Significant circular polarisation is reported in both apparent non-repeating and repeating FRBs. Curvature radiation can produce significant circular polarisation at the wing of the radiation beam. In the curvature radiation scenario, in order to see significant circular polarisation in FRBs (1) more energetic bursts, (2) burst with electrons having higher Lorentz factor, (3) a slowly rotating neutron star at the centre are required. Different rotational period of the central neutron star may explain why some FRBs have high circular polarisation, while others don't. Considering possible difference in refractive index for the parallel and perpendicular component of electric field, the position angle may change rapidly over the narrow pulse window of the radiation beam. The position angle swing in FRBs may also be explained by this non-geometric origin, besides that of the rotating vector model.

Recent ultra-intense lasers of subcritical fields and proposed observations of the x-rays polarization from highly magnetized neutron stars of supercritical fields have attracted attention to vacuum birefringence, a unique feature of nonlinear electrodynamics. We propose a formulation of vacuum birefringence that incorporates the effects of the weaker electric field added to the extremely strong magnetic field. To do so, we first derive a closed analytical expression for the one-loop effective Lagrangian for the combined magnetic and electric fields by using an explicit formula of the one-loop effective Lagrangian for an arbitrarily strong magnetic field. We then employ the expression to derive the polarization and magnetization of the vacuum, from which the permittivity and permeability for weak probe fields are obtained. Finally, we find the refractive indices and the associated polarization vectors for the case of parallel magnetic and electric fields. The proposed formulation predicts that an electric field along the magnetic field reduces the birefringence and rotates the polarization vectors. Such effects should be taken into account for accurate polarimetry of the x-rays from magnetized neutron stars, which will prove the fundamental aspect of the strong field quantum electrodynamics (QED) and explore the extreme fields of astrophysical bodies.

Claudia Reyes, Dennis Stello, Marc Hon, Joel C. Zinn

Submitted to MNRAS

Precise asteroseismic parameters allow one to quickly estimate radius and mass distributions of large samples of stars. A number of automated methods are available to calculate the frequency of maximum acoustic power ($\nu_{\mathrm{max}}$) and the frequency separation between overtone modes ($\Delta\nu$) from the power spectra of red giants. However, filtering through the results requires either manual vetting, elaborate averaging approaches across multiple methods, or sharp cuts in certain parameters to ensure robust samples of stars free of outliers. Given the importance of ensemble studies for Galactic archaeology and the surge in data availability, faster methods for obtaining reliable asteroseismic parameters are desirable. We present a neural network classifier that vets $\Delta\nu$ by combining multiple features from the visual $\Delta\nu$ vetting process. Our classifier is able to analyse large amounts of stars determining whether their measured $\Delta\nu$ are reliable thus delivering clean samples of oscillating stars with minimal effort. Our classifier is independent of the method used to obtain $\nu_{\mathrm{max}}$ and $\Delta\nu$, and therefore can be applied as a final step to any such method. Tests of our classifier's performance on manually vetted labels reach an accuracy of 95%. We apply the method on giants observed by K2 Galactic Archaeology Program and find that our results retain stars with astrophysical oscillation parameters that are consistent with the parameter distributions from the well-characterised red giants from Kepler.

Bayesian inference is a powerful tool in gravitational-wave astronomy. It enables us to deduce the properties of merging compact-object binaries and to determine how these mergers are distributed as a population according to mass, spin, and redshift. As key results are increasingly derived using Bayesian inference, there is increasing scrutiny on Bayesian methods. In this review, we discuss the phenomenon of \textit{model misspecification}, in which results obtained with Bayesian inference are misleading because of deficiencies in the assumed model(s). Such deficiencies can impede our inferences of the true parameters describing physical systems. They can also reduce our ability to distinguish the "best fitting" model: it can be misleading to say that Model~A is preferred over Model~B if both models are manifestly poor descriptions of reality. Broadly speaking, there are two ways in which models fail: models that fail to adequately describe the data (either the signal or the noise) have misspecified likelihoods. Population models -- designed, for example, to describe the distribution of black hole masses -- may fail to adequately describe the true population due to a misspecified prior. We recommend tests and checks that are useful for spotting misspecified models using examples inspired by gravitational-wave astronomy. We include companion python notebooks to illustrate essential concepts.

L. Nieder, M. Kerr, C. J. Clark, P.Bruel, H. T. Cromartie, S. M. Ransom, P. S. Ray

6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to ApJL

The 559 Hz black-widow pulsar PSR J1555-2908, originally discovered in radio, is also a bright gamma-ray pulsar. Timing its pulsations using 12 yr of Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data reveals long-term variations in its spin frequency that are much larger than is observed from other millisecond pulsars. While this variability in the pulsar rotation rate could be intrinsic "timing noise", here we consider an alternative explanation: the variations arise from the presence of a very-low-mass third object in a wide multi-year orbit around the neutron star and its low-mass companion. With current data, this hierarchical-triple-system model describes the pulsar's rotation slightly more accurately than the best-fitting timing-noise model. Future observations will show if this alternative explanation is correct.

Leonard E. C. Romano, Kentaro Nagamine, Hiroyuki Hirashita

15 pages, 11 figures

Understanding the evolution of dust and molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) is a critical aspect of galaxy evolution, as they affect star formation and the spectral energy distribution of galaxies. We use the $N$-body/smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics code {\sc Gadget-4} to compute the evolution of dust and H$_2$ in a suite of numerical simulations of an isolated Milky-Way-like galaxy. The evolution of the full grain size distribution (GSD) is solved by sampling the grain size on a logarithmically spaced grid with 30 bins. The evolution of a primordial chemistry network with twelve species is solved consistently with the hydrodynamic evolution of the system, including star formation, metal and energy ejections from stars into the interstellar medium through supernova feedback and stellar winds. The formation model for H$_2$ considers the GSD and photo-dissociation through the UV radiation of young stars. We identify the processes needed for producing a sizeable amount of H$_2$, verify that the resulting star formation law in the later stages of galaxy evolution is consistent with observations of local spirals, and show that our model manages to produce a galactic molecular gas fraction in line with observations of Milky-Way-like galaxies. We stress the importance of the co-evolution of the GSD and H$_2$, as models assuming a fixed MRN shape for the GSD overestimate the production of H$_2$ in regimes where the dust abundance is dominated by large grains and underestimate it in the regime where the dust is dominated by small grains, both of which are realized in simulations of dust evolution.

Chen Wang, Norbert Langer, Abel Schootemeijer, Antonino Milone, Ben Hastings, Xiao-Tian Xu, Julia Bodensteiner, Hugues Sana, Norberto Castro, D.J. Lennon, Pablo Marchant, A. de Koter, Selma E. de Mink

Published in Nature Astronomy online. Link to the paper: this https URL

Recent high-quality Hubble Space Telescope (HST) photometry shows that the main sequences (MS) stars of young star clusters form two discrete components in the color-magnitude diagram (CMD). Based on their distribution in the CMD, we show that stars of the blue MS component can be understood as slow rotators originating from stellar mergers. We derive the masses of the blue MS stars, and find that they follow a nearly flat mass function, which supports their unusual formation path. Our results imply that the cluster stars gain their mass in two different ways, by disk accretion leading to rapid rotation, contributing to the red MS, or by binary merger leading to slow rotation and populating the blue MS. We also derive the approximate merger time of the individual stars of the blue MS component, and find a strong early peak in the merger rate, with a lower level merger activity prevailing for tens of Myr. This supports recent binary formation models, and explains new velocity dispersion measurements for members of young star clusters. Our findings shed new light on the origin of the bi-modal mass, spin, and magnetic field distributions of main-sequence stars.

Noam Soker (Technion, Israel)

Will be submitted in two days to allow for comments

I estimate the energy that neutrino heating add to the outflow that jets induce in the collapsing core material in core collapse supernovae (CCSNe), and find that this energy crudely doubles the energy that the jets deposit into the core. I consider the jittering jets explosion mechanism where there are several stochastic jet-launching episodes, each lasting for about 0.01-0.1 seconds. The collapsing core material pass through the stalled shock at about 100 km and then slowly flows onto the proto-neutron star (NS). I assume that the proto-NS launches jittering jets, and that the jets break out from the stalled shock. I examine the boosting process by which the high-pressure gas inside the stalled shock, the gain region material, expands alongside the jets and does work on the material that the jets shock, the cocoon. This work is crudely equal to the energy that the original jets carry. I argue that the coupling between instabilities, stochastic rotation, magnetic fields, and jittering jets lead to most CCSN explosions. In other cases, the pre-collapse core is rapidly rotating and therefore ordered rotation replaces stochastic rotation and fix jets replace jittering jets.

M. Coffaro, B. Stelzer, S. Orlando

15 pages; 2 tables; 12 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. Abstract shortened for the arXiv listing

The X-ray satellite XMM-Newton has so far revealed coronal cycles in seven solar-like stars. In this sample, the youngest stars $\epsilon$ Eridani (400 Myr) and $\iota$ Horologii (600 Myr) display the shortest X-ray cycles and the smallest cycle amplitudes. The corona of $\epsilon$ Eridani was modelled in terms of solar magnetic structures (active regions, cores of active regions and flares) at varying filling factors. The study revealed that 65-95% of its corona is covered with magnetic structures, and this was held responsible for the low X-ray cycle amplitude. It was also hypothesized that the basal surface coverage with magnetic structures may be higher on the corona of younger solar-like stars. To investigate this hypothesis, we study the solar-like star Kepler-63 in the X-rays. With an age of 210 Myr and a photospheric cycle of 1.27 yr, it is so far the youngest star observed in X-rays with the aim of revealing a coronal cycle. In the long-term X-ray lightcurve we do not reveal a periodic variation of the X-ray luminosity, but a factor two change would be possible. As for the case of $\epsilon$ Eridani, we modelled the corona of Kepler-63 with magnetic structures observed on the Sun. The study suggests that 100% of the corona is composed of cores and flares of Class M, justifying the absence of an X-ray cycle and confirming the analogous results derived for $\epsilon$ Eridani. Finally, we establish an empirical relation between the cycle amplitude and the X-ray surface flux . From the absence of a coronal cycle in Kepler-63 we infer that stars with higher X-ray flux than Kepler-63 must host a significant fraction of higher-energetic flares than those necessary to model the corona of Kepler-63. Our study opens new ground for studies of the solar-stellar analogy and the joint exploration of resolved and unresolved variability in stellar X-ray lightcurves.

Sung-Yong Yoon, Gregory J. Herczeg, Jeong-Eun Lee, Ho-Gyu Lee, Doug Johnstone, Watson Varricatt, John J. Tobin, Carlos Contreras Peña, Steve Mairs, Klaus Hodapp, P. Manoj, Mayra Osorio, S. Thomas Megeath, the JCMT Transient Team

29 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Observed changes in protostellar brightness can be complicated to interpret. In our JCMT~Transient monitoring survey, we discovered that a young binary protostar, HOPS 373, is undergoing a modest $30\%$ brightness increase at 850 $\mu$m, caused by a factor of 1.8$-$3.3 enhancement in the accretion rate. The initial burst occurred over a few months, with a sharp rise and then shallower decay. A second rise occurred soon after the decay, and the source is still bright one year later. The mid-IR emission, the small-scale CO outflow mapped with ALMA, and the location of variable maser emission indicate that the variability is associated with the SW component. The near-infrared and NEOWISE $W1$ and $W2$ emission is located along the blueshifted CO outflow, spatially offset by $\sim3$ to $4^{\prime\prime}$ from the SW component. The $K$-band emission imaged by UKIRT shows a compact H$_2$ emission source at the edge of the outflow, with a tail tracing the outflow back to the source. The $W1$ emission, likely dominated by scattered light, brightens by 0.7 mag, consistent with expectations based on the sub-mm lightcurve. The signal of continuum variability in $K$-band and $W2$ is masked by stable H$_2$ emission, as seen in our Gemini/GNIRS spectrum, and perhaps by CO emission. These differences in emission sources complicate infrared searches for variability of the youngest protostars.

Gravitational waves (GWs) offer an unprecedented opportunity to survey the sky and detect mergers of compact objects. While intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) have not been detected beyond any reasonable doubt with either dynamical or accretion signatures, the GW landscape appears very promising. Mergers of an IMBH with a supermassive black hole (SMBH) will be primary sources for the planned space-based mission LISA and could be observed up to the distant Universe. SMBH-IMBH binaries can be formed as a result of the migration and merger of stellar clusters at the center of galaxies, where an SMBH lurks. We build for the first time a semi-analytical framework to model this scenario, and find that the the comoving merger rate of SMBH-IMBH binaries is $\sim 10^{-3}$ Gpc$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$ in the local Universe for a unity IMBH occupation fraction, scales linearly with it, and has a peak at $z\approx 0.5$-$3$. Our model predicts $\sim 1$ event yr$^{-1}$ within redshift $z\approx 3.5$ if $10\%$ of the inspiralled star clusters hosted an IMBH, while $\sim 10$ events yr$^{-1}$ for a unity occupation fraction. More than $90\%$ of these systems will be detectable with LISA with a signal-to-noise ratio larger than $10$, promising to potentially find a family of IMBHs.

Klaus Werner, Nicole Reindl, Stephan Geier, Max Pritzkuleit

Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. This Letter is accompanied by a paper entitled "An evolutionary channel for CO-rich and pulsating He-rich subdwarfs" by Miller Bertolami et al., appearing in the same issue of MNRAS Letters and on arxiv

Helium rich subdwarf O stars (sdOs) are hot compact stars in a pre-white dwarf evolutionary state. Most of them have effective temperatures and surface gravities in the range Teff = 40,000-50,000 K and log g = 5.5-6.0. Their atmospheres are helium dominated. If present at all, C, N, and O are trace elements. The abundance patterns are explained in terms of nucleosynthesis during single star evolution (late helium core flash) or a binary He-core white dwarf merger. Here we announce the discovery of two hot hydrogen-deficient sdOs (PG1654+322 and PG1528+025) that exhibit unusually strong carbon and oxygen lines. A non-LTE model atmosphere analysis of spectra obtained with the Large Binocular Telescope and by the LAMOST survey reveals astonishingly high abundances of C (~20%) and O (~20%) and that the two stars are located close to the helium main sequence. Both establish a new spectroscopic class of hot H-deficient subdwarfs (CO-sdO) and can be identified as the remnants of a He-core white dwarf that accreted matter of a merging low-mass CO-core white dwarf. We conclude that the CO-sdOs represent an alternative evolutionary channel creating PG1159 stars besides the evolution of single stars that experience a late helium-shell flash.

Marcelo M. Miller Bertolami, Tiara Battich, Alejandro H. Córsico, Leandro G. Althaus, Felipe C. Wachlin

6 Pages, 4Figures. Companion paper to "Discovery of hot subdwarfs with extremely high carbon and oxygen abundances" by Klaus Werner et alia

Recently a new class of hot subluminous stars strongly enriched in C and O have been discovered (CO-sdOs). These stars show abundances very similar to those observed in PG1159 stars but at lower temperatures. Moreover, it has been recently suggested that C and O enrichment might be the key ingredient driving the pulsations in He-rich hot subdwarf stars (He-sdBVs). Here we argue that these two types of rare stars can be explained by a variant of one of the main channels forming hot subdwarf stars. The scenario involves the formation and merging of a He-core white dwarf and a less massive CO-core white dwarf. We have constructed a simple merger models and computed their subsequent evolution. The merger products are in agreement with the surface parameters and composition of CO-sdOs. In addition, we have performed simulations including the effects of element diffusion and the excitation of pulsations. These simulations show that less massive merger products can form stellar structures that have surface parameters, abundances, and pulsation periods similar to those displayed by He-sdBVs. We conclude that the proposed scenario, or some variant of it, offers a very plausible explanation for the formation of CO-sdOs, pulsating He-sdBs and low-luminosity PG1159 stars.

Kshitij S. Bane, Indrajit V. Barve, G. V. S. Gireesh, C. Kathiravan, R. Ramesh

22 pages, 8 figures, Published in The Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems (JATIS)

A prototype for dedicated observations of pulsars and other astrophysical transients in the frequency range 50\,-\,80\,MHz has been recently commissioned at the Gauribidanur radio observatory near Bangalore in India. The antenna set-up, analog \& digital receiver systems, and the initial observations are presented.

V1363 Cyg is a cataclysmic variable (CV) and a post-nova. Our analysis of its long-term optical activity used the archival data from the AAVSO database and literature. We showed that the accretion disk of V1363 Cyg is exposed to the thermal-viscous instability (TVI) for at least part of the time. The time fraction spent in the high state or the outbursts dramatically changed on the timescale of decades. Highly variable brightness of V1363 Cyg displayed several episodes of a strong brightening (bumps in the light curve) from a cool disk in the TVI zone. In the interpretation, their vastly discrepant decay rates show that only some of these bumps can be attributed to the dwarf nova outbursts without strong irradiation of the disk by the hot white dwarf. The Bailey relation of the decay rate, if ascribed to a DN outburst of V1363 Cyg, speaks in favor of its orbital period $P_{\rm orb}$ very long for a CV, about 20-40 hr. A dominant cycle length of about 435 d was present in the brightness changes all the time, even when the disk was well inside the TVI zone. We interpret it as modulation of the companion's mass outflow by differential rotation of the active region(s).

J. N. Jahns, L. G. Spitler, K. Nimmo, D. M. Hewitt, M. P. Snelders, A. Seymour, J. W. T. Hessels, K. Gourdji, D. Michilli, G. H. Hilmarsson

18 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

We present 849 new bursts from FRB 20121102A detected with the 305-m Arecibo Telescope. Observations were conducted as part of our regular campaign to monitor the activity and evolution of burst properties. The 10 reported observations were carried out between 1150 and 1730 MHz and fall in the active period around November 2018. All bursts were dedispersed at the same dispersion measure and are consistent with a single value of 562.4(1) pc/cm$^3$. The burst rate varies between 0 bursts and 218(16) bursts per hour, the highest rate observed to date. The times between consecutive bursts show a bimodal distribution. We find that arrival times with separations > 0.1 s are best described as a Poisson process with varying rate, compared to models with additional parameters. Clustering on time-scales of 22 ms is reflecting a characteristic time-scale of the source and possibly the emission mechanism. We analyse the spectro-temporal structure of the bursts by fitting 2D Gaussians with a temporal drift to each sub-burst in the dynamic spectra. We find a linear relationship between the sub-burst's drift and its duration. At the same time the drifts are consistent with coming from the sad-trombone effect. This has not been predicted by current models. The energy distribution shows an excess of high energy bursts and is insufficiently modeled by a single power-law even within single observations. We find long-term changes in the energy distribution and the average spectrum compared to earlier and later published observations. Finally, despite the large burst rate we find no strict short-term periodicity.

In order to backward integrate the orbits of Milky Way (MW) dwarf galaxies, much effort has been invested in recent years to constrain their initial phase-space coordinates. Yet equally important are the assumptions on the potential that the dwarf galaxies experience over time, especially given the fact that the MW is currently accreting the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). In this work, using a dark matter-only zoom-in simulation, we test whether the use of common parametric forms of the potential is adequate to successfully backward integrate the orbits of the subhaloes from their present-day positions. We parametrise the recovered orbits and compare them with those from the simulations. We find that simple symmetric parametric forms of the potential fail to capture the complexities and the inhomogeneities of the true potential experienced by the subhaloes. More specifically, modelling a recent massive accretion like that of the LMC as a sum of two spherical parametric potentials leads to substantial errors in the recovered parameters of the orbits. These errors rival those caused due to a) a 30\% uncertainty in the virial mass of the MW and b) not modelling the potential of the recently accreted massive satellite. Our work suggests that i) the uncertainties in the parameters of the recovered orbits of some MW dwarfs may be under-estimated and that ii) researchers should characterise the uncertainties inherent to their choice of integration techniques and assumptions of the potential against cosmological zoom-in simulations of the MW, which include a recently-accreted LMC.

Yangyuxin Zou, Luke Chamandy, Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, Eric G. Blackman, Adam Frank

16 pages, 8 figures

It has long been speculated that jet feedback from accretion onto the companion during a common envelope (CE) event could affect the orbital evolution and envelope unbinding process, but this conjecture has heretofore remained largely untested. We present global 3D hydrodynamical simulations of CE evolution (CEE) that include a jet subgrid model and compare them with an otherwise identical model without a jet. Our binary consists of a $2M_\odot$ red giant branch primary and a $1M_\odot$ or $0.5M_\odot$ main sequence or white dwarf secondary companion modeled as a point particle. We run the simulations for 10 orbits (40 days). Our jet model adds mass at a constant rate $\dot{M}_\mathrm{j}$ of order the Eddington rate, with maximum velocity $v_\mathrm{j}$ of order the escape speed, to two spherical sectors with the jet axis perpendicular to the orbital plane, and supplies kinetic energy at the rate $\sim\dot{M}_\mathrm{j} v_\mathrm{j}^2/40$. We explore the influence of the jet on orbital evolution, envelope morphology and envelope unbinding, and assess the dependence of the results on jet mass-loss rate, launch speed, companion mass, opening angle, and whether or not subgrid accretion is turned on. In line with our theoretical estimates, we find that in all cases the jet becomes choked around the time of first periastron passage. We also find that jets lead to increases in unbound mass of up to $\sim10\%$, as compared to simulations which do not include a jet.

Thousands of active artificial objects are orbiting around Earth along with much more non-operational ones -- derelict satellites or rocket bodies, collision debris, or spacecraft payloads, significant part of them being uncatalogued. They all impact observations of the sky by ground-based telescopes by producing a large number of streaks polluting the images, as well as generating false alerts hindering the search for new astrophysical transients. While the former threat for astronomy is widely discussed nowadays in regard of rapidly growing satellite mega-constellations, the latter one -- false transients -- still lacks attention on the similar level. In this work we assess the impact of satellite glints -- rapid flashes produced by reflections of a sunlight from flat surfaces of rotating satellites -- on current and future deep sky surveys such as the ones conducted by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and the Vera Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). For that, we propose a simple routine that detects, in a single exposure, a series of repeated flashes along the trajectories of otherwise invisible satellites, and describe its implementation in FINK alert broker. Application of the routine to ZTF alert stream revealed about 73,000 individual events polluting 3.6\% of all ZTF science images between November 2019 and December 2021 and linked to more than 300 different glinting satellites on all kinds of orbits, from low-Earth up to geostationary ones. The timescales of individual flashes are as short as $0.1$--$10^{-3}$ seconds, with instant brightness of 4--14 magnitudes, peak amplitudes of at least 2--4 magnitudes, and generally complex temporal patterns of flashing activity. We expect LSST to see much more such satellite glints of even larger amplitudes due to its better sensitivity.

Carolina Andonie, Claudio Ricci, Stéphane Paltani, Patricia Arévalo, Ezequiel Treister, Franz Bauer, Marko Stalevski

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables

Reprocessed X-ray emission in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) can provide fundamental information about the circumnuclear environments of supermassive black holes. Recent mid-infrared studies have shown evidence of an extended dusty structure perpendicular to the torus plane. In this work, we build a self-consistent X-ray model for the Circinus Galaxy including the different physical components observed at different wavelengths and needed to reproduce both the morphological and spectral properties of this object in the mid-infrared. The model consists of four components: the accretion disk, the broad line region (BLR), a flared disk in the equatorial plane and a hollow cone in the polar direction. Our final model reproduces well the 3--70 keV Chandra and NuSTAR spectra of Circinus, including the complex Fe K$\alpha$ zone and the spectral curvature, although several additional Gaussian lines, associated to either ionized iron or to broadened Fe K$\alpha$/K$\beta$ lines, are needed. We find that the flared disk is Compton thick ($ N_{\rm H,d}= \rm 1.01^{+0.03}_{-0.24}\times 10^{25}\: cm^{-2}$) and geometrically thick ($CF=0.55^{+0.01}_{-0.05}$), and that the hollow cone has a Compton-thin column density ($ N_{\rm H,c}= \rm 2.18^{+0.47}_{-0.43}\times 10^{23}\: cm^{-2}$), which is consistent with the values inferred by mid-infrared studies. Including also the BLR, the effective line of sight column density is $ N_{\rm H}= \rm 1.47^{+0.03}_{-0.24}\times 10^{25}\: cm^{-2}$. This approach to X-ray modelling, i.e. including all the different reprocessing structures, will be very important to fully exploit data from future X-ray missions.

Amy E. Ray, Peter M. Frinchaboy, John Donor, S. D. Chojnowski, Matthew Melendez

10 pages, 4 figures, astronomical journal accepted

Open clusters are key chemical and age tracers of Milky Way evolution. While open clusters provide significant constraints on galaxy evolution, their use has been limited due to discrepancies in measuring abundances from different studies. We analyze medium resolution (R~19,000) CTIO/Hydra spectra of giant stars in 58 open clusters using The Cannon to determine [Fe/H], [Mg/Fe], [Si/Fe], [Al/Fe], and [O/Fe]. This work adds an additional 55 primarily southern hemisphere open clusters calibrated to the SDSS/APOGEE DR16 metallicity system. This uniform analysis is compared to previous studies [Fe/H] measurements for 23 clusters and we present spectroscopic metallicities for the first time for 35 open clusters.

Swayamtrupta Panda ((1) Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, (2) Laboratório Nacional de Astrofísica - MCTIC, Itajubá, Brazil, (3) Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland)

33 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in `Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences: Rising Stars' Issue

The study of the broad-line region (BLR) using reverberation mapping has allowed us to establish an empirical relation between the size of this line emitting region and the continuum luminosity that drives the line emission (i.e. the R$_{\rm BLR}$-L$_{\rm 5100}$ relation). To realize its full potential, the intrinsic scatter in the R$_{\rm BLR}$-L$_{\rm 5100}$ relation needs to be understood better. The Eddington ratio plays a key role in addressing this problem. On the other hand, the Eigenvector 1 schema has helped to reveal an almost clear connection between the Eddington ratio and the strength of the optical FeII emission which has its origin from the BLR. This paper aims to reveal the connection between theoretical entities, like, the ionization parameter (U) and cloud mean density (n$_{\rm H}$) of the BLR, with physical observables obtained directly from the spectra, such as optical FeII strength (R$_{\rm FeII}$) that has immense potential to trace the accretion rate. We utilize the photoionization code CLOUDY and perform a suite of models to reveal the BLR in the U-n parameter space and estimate RFeII. We compare the SEDs for a prototypical Population A and Population B source, I Zw 1 and NGC 5548, respectively, in this study. The results from the photoionization modelling are combined with existing reverberation mapped sources with observed R$_{\rm FeII}$ estimates, allowing us to provide an analytical formulation to tie together the aforementioned quantities. We utilize the comparison of the modelled equivalent widths for the low-ionization emission lines to their observed values to identify the optimal (U,n$_{\rm H}$). The recovery of the correct physical conditions in the BLR suggests that the BLR `sees' a different, filtered ionizing continuum with only a very small fraction (~1-10%) that leads to the line emission in the dustless, low-ionization BLR.

Veselin B. Kostov, Brian P. Powell, Saul A. Rappaport, Tamas Borkovits, Robert Gagliano, Thomas L. Jacobs, Martti H. Kristiansen, Daryll M. LaCourse, Mark Omohundro, Jerome Orosz, Allan R. Schmitt, Hans M. Schwengeler, Ivan A. Terentev, Guillermo Torres, Thomas Barclay, Adam H. Friedman, Ethan Kruse, Greg Olmschenk, Andrew Vanderburg, William Welsh

56 pages, 27 figures, 4 tables

We present a catalog of 97 uniformly-vetted candidates for quadruple star systems. The candidates were identified in TESS Full Frame Image data from Sectors 1 through 42 through a combination of machine learning techniques and visual examination, with major contributions from a dedicated group of citizen scientists. All targets exhibit two sets of eclipses with two different periods, both of which pass photocenter tests confirming that the eclipses are on-target. This catalog outlines the statistical properties of the sample, nearly doubles the number of known multiply-eclipsing quadruple systems, and provides the basis for detailed future studies of individual systems. Several important discoveries have already resulted from this effort, including the first sextuply-eclipsing sextuple stellar system and the first transiting circumbinary planet detected from one sector of TESS data.

Mukesh Kumar Singh, Divyajyoti, Shasvath J. Kapadia, Md Arif Shaikh, Parameswaran Ajith

12 pages, 7 figures

The pre-merger (early-warning) gravitational-wave (GW) detection and localization of a compact binary merger would enable astronomers to capture potential electromagnetic (EM) emissions around the time of the merger, thus shedding light on the complex physics of the merger. While early detection and sky localization are of primary importance to the multimessenger follow-up of the event, improved estimates of luminosity distance and orbital inclination could also provide insights on the observability of the EM emission. In this work, we demonstrate that the inclusion of higher modes of gravitational radiation, which vibrate at higher multiples of the orbital frequency than the dominant mode, would significantly improve the earlywarning estimates of the luminosity distance and orbital inclination of the binary. This will help astronomers to better determine their follow-up strategy. Focusing on future observing runs of the ground-based GW detector network [O5 run of LIGOVirgo-KAGRA, Voyager, and third-generation (3G) detectors], we show that for a range of masses spanning the neutron-star black-hole binaries that are potentially EM-bright, the inclusion of higher modes improve the luminosity distance estimates by a factor of ~ 1 - 1.5 (1.1 - 2) [1.1 - 5] for the O5 (Voyager) [3G] observing scenario, 45 (45) [300] seconds before the merger for the sources located at 100 Mpc. There are significant improvements in orbital inclination estimates as well. We also investigate these improvements with varying sky-location and polarization angle. Combining the luminosity distance uncertainties with localization skyarea estimates, we find that the number of galaxies within localization volume is reduced by a factor of ~ 1 - 2.5 (1.2 - 4) [1.2 - 10] with the inclusion of higher modes at early-warning time of 45 (45) [300] seconds in O5 (Voyager) [3G].

Daniel G. Figueroa, Adrien Florio, Nicolas Loayza, Mauro Pieroni

4 pages, 3 figures and supplemental material

We discuss the possibility to measure particle couplings with stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds (SGWBs). Under certain circumstances a sequence of peaks of different amplitude and frequency -- a $stairway$ -- emerges in a SGWB spectrum, with each peak probing a different coupling. The detection of such signature opens the possibility to reconstruct couplings (spectroscopy) of particle species involved in high energy phenomena generating SGWBs. Stairway-like signatures may arise in causally produced backgrounds in the early Universe, e.g. from preheating or first order phase transitions. As a proof of principle we study a preheating scenario with an inflaton $\phi$ coupled to multiple $daughter$ fields $\lbrace \chi_j \rbrace$ with different coupling strengths. As a clear stairway signature is imprinted in the SGWB spectrum, we reconstruct the relevant couplings with various detectors.

Valery F. Suleimanov, Victor Doroshenko, Klaus Werner (IAAT)

10 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Cataclysmic variables (CVs) are the most numerous population among the Galactic objects emitting in hard X-rays. Most probably, they are responsible for the extended hard X-ray emission of the Galactic ridge and the central Galactic regions. Here we consider the sample of CVs detected in the all-sky hard X-ray Swift/BAT survey which were also detected by Gaia and thus have reliable distance estimates. Using these data, we derive accurate estimates for local number density per solar mass (\rho_M = 1.37^{+0.3}_{-0.16} x 10^{-5} M_sun^{-1}) and luminosity density per solar mass (\rho_L = 8.95^{+0.15}_{-0.1} x 10^{26} erg s^{-1} M_sun^{-1}) for objects in the sample. These values appear to be in good agreement with the integrated Galactic ridge X-ray emission and Nuclear Stellar Cluster luminosities. Analysis of the differential luminosity functions d\rho_M/d(\log_{10} L_x) and d\rho_L/d(\log_{10} L_x) confirms that there are two populations of hard X-ray emitting CVs. Intermediate polars dominate at luminosities L > 10^{33} erg s^{-1}, whereas non-magnetic CVs and polars are much more numerous but have lower luminosities on average. As a consequence, the contribution of these populations to the observed hard X-ray luminosity is almost equivalent.

Justin M. Wittrock, Stefan Dreizler, Michael A. Reefe, Brett M. Morris, Peter P. Plavchan, Patrick J. Lowrance, Brice-Olivier Demory, James G. Ingalls, Emily A. Gilbert, Thomas Barclay, Bryson L. Cale, Karen A. Collins, Kevin I. Collins, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Diana Dragomir, Jason D. Eastman, Mohammed El Mufti, Dax Feliz, Jonathan Gagne, Eric Gaidos, Peter Gao, Claire S. Geneser, Leslie Hebb, Christopher E. Henze, Keith D. Horne, Jon M. Jenkins, Eric L. N. Jensen, Stephen R. Kane, Laurel Kaye, Eder Martioli, Teresa A. Monsue, Enric Palle, Elisa V. Quintana, Don J. Radford, Veronica Roccatagliata, Joshua E. Schlieder, Richard P. Schwarz, Avi Shporer, Keivan G. Stassun, Christopher Stockdale, Thiam-Guan Tan, Angelle M. Tanner, Andrew Vanderburg, Laura D. Vega, Songhu Wang

Submitted to AAS Journals Nov 11th, 2020; favorable referee report received Jan 3rd, in revision

We explore the transit timing variations (TTVs) of the young (22 Myr) nearby AU Mic planetary system. For AU Mic b, we introduce three Spitzer (4.5 $\mu$m) transits, five TESS transits, 11 LCO transits, one PEST transit, one Brierfield transit, and two transit timing measurements from Rossiter-McLaughlin observations; for \aumic c, we introduce three \tess Cycle transits. We present two independent TTV analyses. First, we use EXOFASTv2 to jointly model the Spitzer and ground-based transits and to obtain the midpoint transit times. We then construct an O-C diagram and model the TTVs with Exo-Striker. Second, we reproduce our results with an independent photodynamical analysis. We recover a TTV mass for AU Mic c of 10.8$^{+2.3}_{-2.2}$ M$_{E}$. We compare the TTV-derived constraints to a recent radial-velocity (RV) mass determination. We also observe excess TTVs that do not appear to be consistent with the dynamical interactions of b and c alone, and do not appear to be due to spots or flares. Thus, we present a hypothetical non-transiting "middle-d" candidate exoplanet that is consistent with the observed TTVs, the candidate RV signal, and would establish the AU Mic system as a compact resonant multi-planet chain in a 4:6:9 period commensurability. These results demonstrate that the AU Mic planetary system is dynamically interacting producing detectable TTVs, and the implied orbital dynamics may inform the formation mechanisms for this young system. We recommend future RV and TTV observations of AU Mic b and c to further constrain the masses and to confirm the existence of possible additional planet(s).

Benedikt Schroer, Oreste Pezzi, Damiano Caprioli, Colby Haggerty, Pasquale Blasi

12 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Cosmic rays are thought to escape their sources streaming along the local magnetic field lines. We show that this phenomenon generally leads to the excitation of both resonant and non-resonant streaming instabilities. The self-generated magnetic fluctuations induce particle diffusion in extended regions around the source, so that cosmic rays build up a large pressure gradient. By means of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) hybrid particle-in-cell simulations, we show that such a pressure gradient excavates a cavity around the source and leads to the formation of a cosmic-ray dominated bubble, inside which diffusivity is strongly suppressed. Based on the trends extracted from self-consistent simulations, we estimate that, in the absence of severe damping of the self-generated magnetic fields, the bubble should keep expanding until pressure balance with the surrounding medium is reached, corresponding to a radius of $\sim 10-50$ pc. The implications of the formation of these regions of low diffusivity for sources of Galactic cosmic rays are discussed. Special care is devoted to estimating the self-generated diffusion coefficient and the grammage that cosmic rays might accumulate in the bubbles before moving into the interstellar medium. Based on the results of 3D simulations, general considerations on the morphology of the $\gamma$-ray and synchrotron emission from these extended regions also are outlined.

We propose a new mechanism that adapts to string theory a perturbative method for stabilizing moduli without leaving the domain of perturbative control, thereby evading the `Dine-Seiberg' problem. The only required nonperturbative information comes from the standard renormalization-group resummation of leading logarithms that allow us simultaneously to work to a fixed order in the perturbative parameter $\alpha$ and to all orders in $\alpha \ln\tau$ where $\tau$ is a large extra-dimensional modulus. The resulting potential is naturally minimized for moduli of order $\tau\sim e^{1/\alpha}$ and so can be exponentially large given ${\cal O}(10)$ input parameters. The mechanism relies on accidental low-energy scaling symmetries known to be generic and so is robust against UV details. The resulting compactifications generically break supersymmetry and 4D de Sitter solutions are relatively easy to achieve without additional uplifting. Variations on the theme lead to inflationary scenarios for which the size of the stabilized moduli differ significantly before and after inflation and so provide a dynamical mechanism whereby inflationary scales are much larger than late-time physical ($e.g.$~supersymmetry breaking) scales, with this hierarchy contingent on past cosmic evolution with the inflaton playing a secondary late-time role as a relaxation field. We apply this formalism to warped $\hbox{D3}$-$\overline{\hbox{D3}}$ inflation using non-linearly realized supersymmetry to describe the antibrane tension and the Coulomb interaction, and show how doing so our perturbative modulus stabilization mechanism evades the $\eta$-problem that usually plagues this scenario. We speculate about the relevance of our formalism to tachyon condensation at later stages of brane-antibrane annihilation.

S. Bardelli, Claudia Ferretti, Luca Andrea Ludovico, Giorgio Presti, Maurizio Rinaldi

18 pages, 6 figures

Sonification is the transformation of data into acoustic signals, achievable through different techniques. Sonification can be defined as a way to represent data values and relations as perceivable sounds, aiming at facilitating their communication and interpretation. Like data visualization provides meaning via images, sonification conveys meaning via sound. Sonification approaches are useful in a number of scenario. A first case is the possibility to receive information while keeping other sensory channels free, like in medical environment, in driving experience, etc. Another scenario addresses an easier recognition of patterns when data present high dimensionality and cardinality. Finally, sonification can be applied to presentation and dissemination initiatives, also with artistic goals. The zCOSMOS dataset contains detailed data about almost 20000 galaxies, describing the evolution of a relatively small portion of the universe in the last 10 million years in terms of galaxy mass, absolute luminosity, redshift, distance, age, and star formation rate. The present paper proposes a sonification for the mentioned dataset, with the following goals: i) providing a general description of the dataset, accessible via sound, which could also make unnoticed patterns emerge; ii) realizing an artistic but scientifically accurate sonic portrait of a portion of the universe, thus filling the gap between art and science in the context of scientific dissemination and so-called "edutainment"; iii) adding value to the dataset, since also scientific data and achievements must be considered as a cultural heritage that needs to be preserved and enhanced. Both scientific and technological aspects of the sonification are addressed.

Xiaopeng Wang, Jing Li, Jianjun Fang, Helena Pais, Constança Providência

13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in PRD

In the present work, we consider nuclear matter in the innermost crust of neutron stars under the presence of a strong magnetic field within the framework of a relativistic mean-field description. Two models with a different slope of the symmetry energy are considered in order to discuss the density-dependence of the equation of state on the crust structure. The non-homogeneous matter in $\beta$-equilibrium is described within the coexisting phases method, and the effect of including the anomalous magnetic moment is discussed. Five different geometries for the pasta structures are considered. It is shown that strong magnetic fields cause an extension of the inner crust of the neutron stars, with the occurrence of a series of disconnected non-homogeneous matter regions above the one existing for a null magnetic field. Moreover, we observed that in these disconnected regions, for some values of the magnetic field, all five different cluster geometrical shapes occur, and the gas density is close to the cluster density. Also, the pressure at the neutron star crust-core transition much larger than the pressure obtained for a zero magnetic field. Another noticeable effect of the presence of strong magnetic fields is the increase of the proton fraction, favoring the appearance of protons in the gas background.

Peter Shternin, Dmitry Ofengeim

53 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in European Physical Journal A

We review the calculations of the kinetic coefficients (thermal conductivity, shear viscosity, momentum transfer rates) of the neutron star core matter within the framework of the Landau Fermi-liquid theory. We restrict ourselves to the case of normal (i.e. non-superfluid) matter. As an example we consider simplest $npe\mu$ composition of neutron star core matter. Utilizing the CompOSE database of dense matter equations of state and several microscopic interactions we analyze the uncertainties in calculations of the kinetic coefficients that result from the insufficient knowledge of the properties of the dense nuclear matter and suggest possible approximate treatment. In our study we also take into account non-quantizing magnetic field. The presence of magnetic field makes transport anisotropic leading to the tensor structure of kinetic coefficients. We find that the moderate ($B\lesssim 10^{12}$ G) magnetic field do not affect considerably thermal conductivity of neutron star core matter, since the latter is mainly governed by the electrically neutral neutrons. In contrast, shear viscosity is affected even by the moderate $B\sim 10^8 - 10^{10}$ G. Based on the in-vacuum nucleon interactions we provide practical expressions for calculation of transport coefficients for any equation of state of dense matter.