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Papers for Monday, Mar 07 2022

Papers with local authors

Valentin Skoutnev, Jonathan Squire, Amitava Bhattacharjee
0 votes
Paper 4 — arXiv:2203.01943
0 votes
Paper 4 — arXiv:2203.01943

Our understanding of large-scale magnetic fields in stellar radiative zones remains fragmented and incomplete. Such fields, which must be produced by some form of dynamo mechanism, are thought to dominate angular-momentum transport, making them crucial to stellar evolution more generally. A major difficulty is the effect of stable stratification, which generally suppresses dynamo action. We propose a non-helical large-scale dynamo (LSD) mechanism that we find can operate in a stably stratified plasma alongside two ingredients: mean shear and non-helical magnetic fluctuations. Both ingredients are easily sourced in the presence of differential rotation. Our idealized direct numerical simulations, supported by mean-field theory, demonstrate the generation of near equipartition large-scale toroidal fields. The mechanism is robust to increasing stable stratification as long as a source of non-helical magnetic fluctuations is present, e.g. from a small-scale dynamo. Additionally, a scan over magnetic Reynolds number shows no change in the growth or saturation of the LSD, providing good numerical evidence of a quenching-free dynamo mechanism, which has been an issue for helical dynamos. These properties -- the lack of quenching and robustness to stable stratification -- make the mechanism a plausible candidate for generating in-situ large-scale magnetic fields in stellar radiative zones.

J. Aalbers, K. Abe, V. Aerne, F. Agostini, S. Ahmed Maouloud, D.S. Akerib, D.Yu. Akimov, J. Akshat, A.K. Al Musalhi, F. Alder, S.K. Alsum, L. Althueser, C.S. Amarasinghe, F.D. Amaro, A. Ames, T.J. Anderson, B. Andrieu, N. Angelides, E. Angelino, J. Angevaare, V.C. Antochi, D. Antón Martin, B. Antunovic, E. Aprile, H.M. Araújo, J.E. Armstrong, F. Arneodo, M. Arthurs, P. Asadi, S. Baek, X. Bai, D. Bajpai, A. Baker, J. Balajthy, S. Balashov, M. Balzer, A. Bandyopadhyay, J. Bang, E. Barberio, J.W. Bargemann, L. Baudis, D. Bauer, D. Baur, A. Baxter, et al.

77 pages, 40 figures, 1262 references

0 votes
Paper 9 — arXiv:2203.02309
0 votes
Paper 9 — arXiv:2203.02309

The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the most pressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenon time-projection chamber is the leading technology to cover the available parameter space for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), while featuring extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates. These detectors can also study neutrinos through neutrinoless double-beta decay and through a variety of astrophysical sources. A next-generation xenon-based detector will therefore be a true multi-purpose observatory to significantly advance particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, solar physics, and cosmology. This review article presents the science cases for such a detector.

Stuart Bale, Amitava Bhattacharjee, Fausto Cattaneo, Jemes Drake, Hantao Ji, Marty Lee, Hui Li, Edison Liang, Marc Pound, Stewart Prager, Eliot Quataert, Bruce Remington, Robert Rosner, Dmitri Ryutov, Edward Thomas Jr, Ellen Zweibel

The WOPA committee members are alphabetically listed as authors above. Each chapter was authored by a working group with their full membership listed in Appendix D. Conference participants are listed in Appendix B. Editor is Patti Wieser. 130 pages, 10 chapters, 4 appendices, 26 figures

0 votes
Paper 11 — arXiv:2203.02406
0 votes
Paper 11 — arXiv:2203.02406

Major scientific questions and research opportunities are described on 10 unprioritized plasma astrophysics topics: (1) magnetic reconnection, (2) collisionless shocks and particle acceleration, (3) waves and turbulence, (4) magnetic dynamos, (5) interface and shear instabilities, (6) angular momentum transport, (7) dusty plasmas, (8) radiative hydrodynamics, (9) relativistic, pair-dominated and strongly magnetized plasmas, (10) jets and outflows. Note that this is a conference report from a Workshop on Opportunities in Plasma Astrophysics (WOPA, https://w3.pppl.gov/conferences/2010/WOPA/) in January 2010, that attracted broad representation from the community and was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation, American Physical Society's Topical Group for Plasma Astrophysics and Division of Plasma Physics, and Center for Magnetic Self-Organization in Laboratory and Astrophysical Plasmas. Although there has been much planning and many developments in both science and infrastructure since the report was written, most of the motivation, priorities, problems and technical challenges discussed therein remain unaddressed and are relevant at the time of posting.

Papers with votes

Carlos M. Gutiérrez, Nataliya Ramos-Chernenko

Accepted for publication in ApJ

1 vote
Paper 10 — arXiv:2203.01959
1 vote
Paper 10 — arXiv:2203.01959

A key observational prediction of Einstein's Equivalence Principle is that light undergoes redshift when it escapes from a gravitational field. Although astrophysics provides a wide variety of physical conditions in which this redshift should be significant, till very recently the observational evidence for this gravitational effect was limited to the light emitted by the Sun and white dwarfs. \textit{Gaia}-DR2 astrometric and kinematic data, in combination with other spectroscopic observations, provides a test bench to validate such predictions in statistical terms. The aim of this paper is to analyze several thousand main-sequence and giant stars in open clusters (OCs) to measure the gravitational redshift effect. Observationally, a spectral shift will depend on the stellar mass-to-radius ratio as expected from the theoretical estimation of relativity. After the analysis, the obtained correlation coefficient between theoretical predictions and observations for 28 (51) OCs is $a= 0.977 \pm 0.218$ ($0.899 \pm 0.137$). The result has proven to be statistically robust and with little dependence on the details of the methodology or sample selection criteria. This study represents one of the more extensive validations of a fundamental prediction of gravity theories.

All other papers

Mikako Matsuura (1), Victoria Ayley (1), Hannah Chawner (1, 2), M.D. Filipovic (3), Warren Reid (3, 4, 5), F.D. Priestley (1), Andy Rigby (1), M.J. Barlow (6), Haley E. Gomez (1) ((1) Cardiff University, (2) University of Bristol, (3) Western Sydney University, (4) Macquarie University, (5) Observatory Hill Waitoki (6) University College London)

accepted for publication in MNRAS; 33 pages

With the entire Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) mapped by the Spitzer Space Telescope and Herschel Space Observatory, we were able to search 8-250 micron images in order to identify infrared (IR) emission associated with SMC supernova remnants (SNRs). A valid detection had to correspond with known X-ray, Halpha and radio emission from the SNRs. From the 24 known SNRs, we made 5 positive detections with another 5 possible detections. Two detections are associated with pulsars or pulsar wind nebula, and another three detections are part of the extended nebulous emission from the SNRs. We modelled dust emission where fast moving electrons are predicted to collide and heat dust grains which then radiate in IR. With known distance (62.44+-0.47kpc), measured SNR sizes, electron densities, temperatures from X-ray emission as well as hydrogen densities, the modelling of SMC SNRs is straightforward. If the higher range of hydrogen and electron densities were to be accepted, we would expect almost all SMC SNRs to be detected in the IR, at least at 24 micron, but the actual detection rate is only 25%. One possible and common explanation for this discrepancy is that small grains have been destroyed by the SNRs shockwave. However, within the uncertainties of hydrogen and electron densities, we find that infrared dust emission can be explained reasonably well, without invoking dust destruction. There is no conclusive evidence that SNRs destroy swept-up ISM dust.

V. M. Malofeev, I. F. Malov, O. I. Malov, D. A. Teplykh

12 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables

Results of long time observations of the pulsar B0950+08 are given. These observations were carried out at the LPA radio telescope at the frequency of 111 MHz from January of 2016 to May of 2019 (450 days). A strong variability in emission of this pulsar has been detected with changes of signal to noise ratios hundreds of times. Part of the long-time flux density variability can be explained by refractive scintillations in the interstellar medium. The existence of radiation between the interpulse (IP) and main pulse (MP) was confirmed. It was more powerful than at high frequencies. We detected the unusual interpulse and precursor (Pr) radiation on August 1, 2017. On the base of strong 65 interpulses we found the correlations between energies of IP and Pr and between the phase of IP and the distance Pr-IP. It is shown that the observed peculiarities of this pulsar can be explained in the frame of the aligned rotator model. We estimated distances of radiation levels from the center of the neutron star. The calculated value of the initial period of 0.2 sec means that not all pulsars are born with millisecond periods. The large age of the pulsar (6.8 millions of years) and the small angle between its magnetic moment and the rotation axis (less than 20$^{\circ}$) confirm the suggestion on the pulsar evolution to an alignment.

The canonball model, which unifies gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and cosmic ray bursts (CRBs), is used to predict the maximum isotropic equivalent gamma ray energy release in a single GRB. The predicted maximum is consistent with that concluded from uptodate GRB observations. It is based on the recently discovered knee in the energy spectrum of Galactic cosmic ray electrons, and on the Amati corelation in GRBs, both of which were predicted by the cannonball model of CRBs and GRBs.

Morgan MacLeod, Michelle Vick, Abraham Loeb

Submitted to AAS journals; we welcome comments

The evolution of many close binary and multiple star systems is defined by phases of mass exchange and interaction. As these systems evolve into contact, tidal dissipation is not always sufficient to bring them into circular, synchronous orbits. In these cases, encounters of increasing strength occur while the orbit remains eccentric. This paper focuses on the outcomes of close tidal passages in eccentric orbits. Close eccentric passages excite dynamical oscillations about the stars' equilibrium configurations. These tidal oscillations arise from the transfer of orbital energy into oscillation mode energy. When these oscillations reach sufficient amplitude, they break near the stellar surface. The surface wave-breaking layer forms a shock-heated atmosphere that surrounds the object. The continuing oscillations in the star's interior launch shocks that dissipate into the this atmosphere, damping the tidal oscillations. We show that the rapid, nonlinear dissipation associated with the wave breaking of fundamental oscillation modes therefore comes with coupled mass loss to the wave breaking atmosphere. The mass ratio is an important characteristic that defines the relative importance of mass loss and energy dissipation and therefore determines the fate of systems evolving under the influence of nonlinear dissipation. The outcome can be rapid tidal circularization ($q\ll1$) or runaway mass exchange ($q\gg1$).

Kenneth J. Duncan

22 pages, 19 figures - Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Catalogues produced will be made available through queryable public databases - users interested in the full catalogues or early access to subsets are also encouraged to contact the author directly

In this paper we present photometric redshift (photo-$z$) estimates for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) Legacy Imaging Surveys, currently the most sensitive optical survey covering the majority of the extra-galactic sky. Our photo-$z$ methodology is based on a machine-learning approach, using sparse Gaussian processes augmented with Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) that allow regions of parameter space to be identified and trained separately in a purely data-driven way. The same GMMs are also used to calculate cost-sensitive learning weights that mitigate biases in the spectroscopic training sample. By design, this approach aims to produce reliable and unbiased predictions for all parts of the parameter space present in wide area surveys. Compared to previous literature estimates using the same underlying photometry, our photo-$z$s are significantly less biased and more accurate at $z > 1$, with negligible loss in precision or reliability for resolved galaxies at $z < 1$. Our photo-$z$ estimates offer accurate predictions for rare high-value populations within the parent sample, including optically selected quasars at the highest redshifts ($z > 6$), as well as X-ray or radio continuum selected populations across a broad range of flux (densities) and redshift. Deriving photo-$z$ estimates for the full Legacy Imaging Surveys Data Release 8, the catalogues provided in this work offer photo-$z$ estimates predicted to be high quality for $\gtrsim9\times10^{8}$ galaxies over $\sim 19\,400\,\text{deg}^{2}$ and spanning $0 < z \lesssim 7$, offering one of the most extensive samples of redshift estimates ever produced.

Yanbin Yang, Francois Hammer, Yongjun Jiao, Marcel Pawlowski

15 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, accepted by MNRAS, March 1st

We have studied the extent of the Red Giant Branch stellar population in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy using the spatially extended and homogeneous data set from Gaia EDR3. Our preselection of stars belonging to Fornax is based on their proper motions, parallaxes and color-magnitude diagram. The latter criteria provide a Fornax star sample, which we further restrict by color and magnitude to eliminate contaminations due to either Milky Way stars or QSOs. The precision of the data has been sufficient to reach extremely small contaminations (0.02 to 0.3%), allowing us to reach to a background level 12 magnitudes deeper than the central surface brightness of Fornax. We discover a break in the density profile, which reveals the presence of an additional component that extents 2.1 degree in radius, i.e. 5.4 kpc, and almost seven times the half-light radius of Fornax. The extended new component represents 10% of the stellar mass of Fornax, and behaves like an extended halo. The absence of tidally elongated features at such an unprecedented depth (equivalent to $37.94\pm0.16$ mag ${\rm arcsec}^{-2}$ in V-band) rules out a possible role of tidal stripping. We suggest instead that Fornax is likely at first infall, and has lost its gas very recently, which consequently leads to a lack of gravity implying that residual stars have spherically expanded to form the newly discovered stellar halo of Fornax.

Ward S. Howard

6 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Ancillary machine-readable table included

Although more than 5000 TESS Objects of Interest have been cataloged, no comprehensive survey of the flare rates of their host stars exists. We perform the first flare survey of all 2250 non-retired TOIs with 2 min cadence light curves to measure or place upper limits on their flare rates. We find 93 candidates orbit flare stars and measure their flare frequency distributions. Across the sample, TOIs of <1.5R_Earth orbit flare stars more frequently than do TOIs of 1.5<R<2.75R_Earth, 2.75<R<4R_Earth, or R<4R_Earth. We sort all TOI host stars by their flare rate/upper limit, stellar mass, and distance to create a flare ranking metric (FRM) to determine suitability for follow-up. The FRM of each TOI is then checked against the expected signal-to-noise of atmospheric features in transmission spectroscopy to locate the most promising targets. We find 1/4 of terrestrial M-dwarf planets amenable to transmission spectroscopy orbit flare stars. However, none of the M-dwarf hosts to terrestrial planets are currently flaring at sufficient levels for >99.9% atmospheric ozone depletion. We give the first upper limits on the flare rate of the host star to TOI 700 d and explore the flare rates incident on young planets such as DS Tuc Ab.

A. Bonafede, G. Brunetti, L. Rudnick, F. Vazza, H. Bourdin, G. Giovannini, T. W. Shimwell, X. Zhang, P. Mazzotta, A. Simionescu, N.Biava, E. Bonnassieux, M. Brienza, M. Brüggen, K. Rajpurohit, C. J. Riseley, C. Stuardi, L. Feretti, C.Tasse, A.Botteon, E. Carretti, R. Cassano, V. Cuciti, F. de Gasperin, F. Gastaldello, M. Rossetti, H. J. A. Rottgering, T. Venturi, R. J. van Weeren

submitted to ApJ

We present LOw Frequency ARray observations of the Coma cluster field at 144\,MHz. The cluster hosts one of the most famous radio halos, a relic, and a low surface-brightness bridge. We detect new features that allow us to make a step forward in the understanding of particle acceleration in clusters. The radio halo extends for more than 2 Mpc, which is the largest extent ever reported. To the North-East of the cluster, beyond the Coma virial radius, we discover an arc-like radio source that could trace particles accelerated by an accretion shock. To the West of the halo, coincident with a shock detected in the X-rays, we confirm the presence of a radio front, with different spectral properties with respect to the rest of the halo. We detect a radial steepening of the radio halo spectral index between 144 MHz and 342 MHz, at $\sim 30^{\prime}$ from the cluster centre, that may indicate a non constant re-acceleration time throughout the volume. We also detect a mild steepening of the spectral index towards the cluster centre. For the first time, a radial change in the slope of the radio-X-ray correlation is found, and we show that such a change could indicate an increasing fraction of cosmic ray versus thermal energy density in the cluster outskirts. Finally, we investigate the origin of the emission between the relic and the source NGC 4789, and we argue that NGC4789 could have crossed the shock originating the radio emission visible between its tail and the relic.

Ning-Chen Sun, Justyn R. Maund, Paul A. Crowther, Liang-Duan Liu

5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters

We report the discovery of a luminous late-time source at the position of the fast blue optical transient (FBOT) AT2018cow on images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) at 714 d and 1136 d after its explosion. This source is detected at both UV and optical wavelengths and has prominent H$\alpha$ emission. It has a very stable brightness between the two epochs and a very blue spectral energy distribution (SED) consistent with $f_\lambda$ $\propto$ $\lambda^{-4.1 \pm 0.1}$, i.e. the Rayleigh-Jeans tail of a hot blackbody with a very high temperature of log($T$/K) $>$ 4.6 and luminosity of log($L$/$L_\odot$) $>$ 7.0. This late-time source is unlikely to be an unrelated object in chance alignment, or due to a light echo of AT2018cow. Other possible scenarios also have some difficulties in explaining this late-time source, including companion star(s), star cluster, the survived progenitor star, interaction with circumstellar medium (CSM), magnetar, or delayed accretion in a tidal disruption event (TDE). Long-term and multi-wavelength monitoring will help to resolve its nature and finally reveal the origin of the "Cow".

Chiaki Kobayashi

20 pages, 11 figures, invited review for IAU Symposium 366: The Origin of Outflows in Evolved Stars

Thanks to the long-term collaborations between nuclear and astrophysics, we have good understanding on the origin of elements in the universe, except for the elements around Ti and some neutron-capture elements. From the comparison between observations of nearby stars and Galactic chemical evolution models, a rapid neutron-capture process associated with core-collapse supernovae is required. The production of C, N, F and some minor isotopes depends on the rotation of massive stars, and the observations of distant galaxies with ALMA indicate rapid cosmic enrichment. It might be hard to find very metal-poor or Population III (and dust-free) galaxies at very high redshifts even with JWST.

Francesco Zagaria, Cathie J. Clarke, Giovanni P. Rosotti, Carlo F. Manara

13 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS

In recent years a correlation between mass accretion rates onto new-born stars and their proto-planetary disc masses was detected in nearby young star-forming regions. Although such a correlation can be interpreted as due to viscous-diffusion processes in the disc, highly-accreting sources with low disc masses in more evolved regions remain puzzling. In this paper, we hypothesise that the presence of a stellar companion truncating the disc can explain these outliers. Firstly, we searched the literature for information on stellar multiplicity in Lupus, Chamaeleon~I and Upper Sco, finding that roughly 20 per cent of the discs involved in the correlation are in binaries or higher-order multiple stellar systems. We prove with high statistical significance that at any disc mass these sources have systematically higher accretion rates than those in single-stars, with the bulk of the binary population being clustered around $M_\mathrm{disc}/\dot{M}_\mathrm{acc}\approx0.1\,\mathrm{Myr}$. We then run coupled gas and dust one-dimensional evolutionary models of tidally truncated discs to be compared with the data. We find that these models are able to reproduce well most of the population of observed discs in Lupus and Upper Sco, even though the unknown eccentricity of each binary prevents an object by object comparison. In the latter region, the agreement improves if the grain coagulation efficiency is reduced, as may be expected in discs around close binaries. Finally, we mention that thermal winds and sub-structures can be important in explaining few outlying sources.

Noriharu Watanabe, Norio Narita, Enric Palle, Akihiko Fukui, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Hannu Parviainen, Felipe Murgas, Núria Casasayas-Barris, Marshall C. Johnson, Bun'ei Sato, John H. Livingston, Jerome P. de Leon, Mayuko Mori, Taku Nishiumi, Yuka Terada, Emma Esparza-Borges, Kiyoe Kawauchi

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 10 figures

WASP-33b, a hot Jupiter around a hot star, is a rare system in which nodal precession has been discovered. We updated the model for the nodal precession of WASP-33b by adding new observational points. Consequently, we found a motion of the nodal precession spanning 11 years. We present homogenous Doppler tomographic analyses of eight datasets, including two new datasets from TS23 and HIDES, obtained between 2008 and 2019, to illustrate the variations in the projected spin-orbit obliquity of WASP-33b and its impact parameter. We also present its impact parameters based on photometric transit observations captured by MuSCAT in 2017 and MuSCAT2 in 2018. We derived its real spin-orbit obliquity $\psi$, stellar spin inclination $i_{s}$, and stellar gravitational quadrupole moment $J_2$ from the time variation models of the two orbital parameters. We obtained $\psi = 108.19^{+0.95}_{-0.97}$ deg, $i_s = 58.3^{+4.6}_{-4.2}$ deg, and $J_2=(1.36^{+0.15}_{-0.12}) \times 10^{-4}$. Our $J_2$ value was slightly smaller than the theoretically predicted value, which may indicate that its actual stellar internal structure is different from the theoretical one. We derived the nodal precession speed $\dot{\theta}=0.507^{+0.025}_{-0.022}$ deg year$^{-1}$, and its period $P_{\mathrm{pre}}=709^{+33}_{-34}$ years, and found that WASP-33b transits in front of WASP-33 for only $\sim$ 20 \% of the entire nodal precession period.

Indrani Pal, C. S. Stalin, L. Mallick, Priyanka Rani

18 pages, 18 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)

The observed nuclear X-ray emission in the radio-quiet category of active galactic nuclei (AGN) is believed to be from a compact region, the corona situated in the vicinity of the central supermassive black holes (SMBH). The shape of the X-ray continuum, among other factors, depends on the temperature of the corona ($\rm{kT_{e}}$). The launch of the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) has led to the determination of the high energy cut-off ($\rm{E_{cut}}$; and thereby $\rm{kT_{e}}$) in many AGN. In a handful of sources, multiple observations with NuSTAR have also revealed changes in $\rm{E_{cut}}$. In this work we aimed to investigate the variation in $\rm{kT_{e}}$ in three AGN, namely NGC 3227, NGC 5548 and MR 2251$-$178 using more than one epoch of data on a source from NuSTAR. We carried out spectral analysis of multiple epochs of data acquired using NuSTAR on the three sources including a few new observations not published so far. By fitting Comptonization model to the data we determined the temperature of the corona and also investigated changes in $\rm{kT_{e}}$ if any in these sources. In NGC 3227, we found evidence for variation in $\rm{kT_{e}}$. We found no correlation of $\rm{kT_{e}}$, photon index ($\Gamma$), reflection fraction ($R$) and optical depth ($\tau$) with flux, while, $\tau$ is found to anti-correlate with $\rm{kT_{e}}$. These could be due to more than one physical process at work in the source that causes the change in $\rm{kT_{e}}$. Conclusive evidence for the variation in $\rm{kT_{e}}$ is not found in MR 2251$-$178 and NGC 5548.

Ralf-Dieter Scholz

5 pages, 1 figure, the file gedr3_sel_59_FBWDs.fits (not included in the RNAAS paper) contains a table of 59 confirmed FBWDs with their selected Gaia EDR3 parameters

The Gaia catalogue of nearby stars (GCNS) divided all objects with parallaxes $>$10mas into GCNS-selected and GCNS-rejected 100pc samples. Below the white dwarf (WD) sequence in the complete GCNS color-magnitude diagram (CMD), at $Gabs>14.7+4.7(G-RP)$, there appear 60 GCNS-selected faint blue white dwarfs (FBWDs). However this CMD region is also populated by 411 GCNS-rejected objects, mainly from crowded regions towards the Galactic centre and the Magellanic Clouds. The WD catalog of Gentile Fusillo et al. (2021) lists only 47 GCNS-selected but also 8 GCNS-rejected objects. I confirm 59 of the GCNS-selected but none of the GCNS-rejected objects as FBWDs from visual inspection and a proper motion check using additional optical sky surveys. Hence FBWDs form an additional branch in the CMD. Compared to the full GCNS-selected 100pc sample, FBWDs have relatively high proper motions and tangential velocities. They represent interesting targets for studies of ultracool or infrared-faint, and possibly also ultramassive WDs.

We propose a simple method for prediction of the 11-year solar cycle maximum that is based on two relations. One of them is well known Waldmeier's rule that binds the amplitude of a cycle and the length of its ascending phase. The second rule relates the length of a given cycle from minimum to minimum and the amplitude of the next one. Using corresponding linear regressions we obtain for the amplitide of cycle 25 in the scale of 13-month smoothed monthly total revised sunspot number ${\rm SN}_{\rm max}(25) = 181\pm46$ and for the moment of the maximum $T_{\rm max}(25) = 2024.2\pm1.0$. Therefore, according to the prediction, cycle 25 will be higher than the previous one (${\rm SN}_{\rm max}(24) = 116$) with probability 0.92.

Beatrice M. Tinsley

This paper has been transcribed from a hard copy of Beatrice M. Tinsley's original manuscript into a digital file prepared by Michael J. Greener, a PhD student at the University of Nottingham. If you notice any errors or problems with this transcribed paper, please email Michael at either michael.greener@nottingham.ac.uk or mickgreener@protonmail.com

Essentially everything of astronomical interest is either part of a galaxy, or from a galaxy, or otherwise relevant to the origin or evolution of galaxies. Diverse examples are that the isotropic composition of meteorites provides clues to the history of star formation billions of years ago, and cosmological tests for the deceleration of the Universe are strongly affected by changes in the luminosities of galaxies during the lookback time sampled. The aim of this article is to review some of the vital connections that galaxy evolution makes among many astronomical phenomena.

May G. Pedersen

10 pages + 14 pages of appendix, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

The chemical evolution of the Galaxy is largely guided by the yields from massive stars. Their evolution is heavily influenced by their internal mixing, allowing the stars to live longer and yield a more massive helium core at the end of their main-sequence evolution. Asteroseismology is a powerful tool for studying stellar interiors by providing direct probes of the interior physics of the oscillating stars. This work revisits the recently derived internal mixing profiles of 26 slowly pulsating B stars observed by the Kepler space telescope, in order to investigate how well the mixing profiles can in fact be distinguished from one another as well as provide predictions for the expected helium core masses obtained at the end of the main-sequence evolution. We find that for five of these stars the mixing profile is derived unambiguously, while the remaining stars have at least one other mixing profile which explains the oscillations equally well. Convective penetration is preferred over exponential diffusive overshoot for ~55% of the stars, while stratified mixing is preferred in the envelope (~39%). We estimate the expected helium core masses obtained at the end of the main-sequence evolution and find them to be highly influenced by the estimated amount of mixing occurring in the envelopes of the stars.

Konstantin V. Getman (1), Eric D. Feigelson (1), Gordon P. Garmire (2), Patrick S. Broos (1), Michael A. Kuhn (3), Thomas Preibisch (4), Vladimir S. Airapetian (5, 6) ((1) Pennsylvania State University, (2) Huntingdon Institute for X-ray Astronomy, (3) California Institute of Technology, (4) USM, LMU, (5) American University, (6) NASA/GSFC/SEEC)

31 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables. Submitted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, March 03, 2022

Measuring the evolution of X-ray emission from pre-main sequence (PMS) stars gives insight into two issues: the response of magnetic dynamo processes to changes in interior structure and the effects of high-energy radiation on protoplanetary disks and primordial planetary atmospheres. We present a sample of 6,003 stars with ages [7-25] Myr in ten nearby open clusters from Chandra X-ray and Gaia-EDR3 surveys. Combined with previous results in large samples of younger (<5 Myr) stars in MYStIX and SFiNCs star forming regions, mass-stratified activity-age relations are derived for early phases of stellar evolution. X-ray luminosity (Lx) is constant during the first few Myr, possibly due to the presence of extended X-ray coronas insensitive to temporal changes in stellar size. Lx then decays during the [7-25] Myr period, more rapidly as stellar mass increases. This decay is interpreted as decreasing efficiency of the alpha^2 dynamo as radiative cores grow and a solar-type alpha-Omega dynamo emerges. For more massive [2-7] Msun fully radiative stars, the X-ray emission plummets indicating lack of an effective magnetic dynamos. The findings provide improved measurements of high energy radiation effects on circumstellar material, first the protoplanetary disk and then the atmospheres of young planets. The observed X-ray luminosities can be so high that an inner Earth-mass rocky, unmagnetized planet around a solar-mass PMS star might lose its primary and secondary atmospheres within a few-several million years. PMS X-ray emission may thus have a significant impact on evolution of early planetary atmospheres and the conditions promoting the rise of habitability.

D. Burgarella, J. Bogdanoska, A. Nanni, S. Bardelli, M. Bethermin, M. Boquien, V. Buat, A. L. Faisst, M. Dessauges-Zavadsky, Y. Fudamoto, S. Fujimoto, M. Giavalisco, M. Ginolfi, C. Gruppioni, N. P. Hathi, E. Ibar, G. C. Jones, A. M. Koekemoer, K. Kohno, B. C. Lemaux, D. Narayanan, P. Oesch, M. Ouchi, D. A. Riechers, F. Pozzi, M. Romano, D. Schaerer, M. Talia, P. Theule, D. Vergani, G. Zamorani, E. Zucca, P. Cassata, the ALPINE team

40 pages, 13 figures

The luminosity functions at z < 4 - 5 suggest that most galaxies have a relatively low stellar mass (logM_star = 10) and a low dust attenuation (A_FUV = 1.0). The physical properties of these objects are quite homogeneous. We used an approach where we combined their rest-frame far-infrared and submillimeter emissions and utilized the universe and the redshift as a spectrograph to increase the amount of information in a collective way. From a subsample of 27 ALMA-detected galaxies at z > 4.5, we built an infrared spectral energy distribution composite template. It was used to fit, with CIGALE, the 105 galaxies (detections and upper limits) in the sample from the FUV to the FIR. The derived physical parameters provide information to decipher the nature of the dust cycle and of the stellar populations in these galaxies. The derived IR composite template is consistent with the galaxies in the studied sample. A delayed star formation history with tau_main = 500 Myrs is slightly favored by the statistical analysis as compared to a delayed with a final burst or a continuous star formation history. The position of the sample in the star formation rate (SFR)- M_star diagram is consistent with previous papers. The redshift evolution of the log M_star versus A_FUV relation is in agreement with evolution in the redshift of this relation. This evolution is necessary to explain the cosmic evolution of the average dust attenuation of galaxies. Evolution is also observed in the L_dust/ L_FUV (IRX) versus UV slope beta_FUV diagram: younger galaxies have bluer beta_FUV. We modeled the shift of galaxies in the IRX versus the beta_FUV diagram with the mass-weighted age as a free parameter, and we provide an equation to make predictions.

Yuji Sunada, Arisa Morimoto, Makoto S. Tashiro, Yukikatsu Terada, Satoru Katsuda, Kosuke Sato, Dai Tateishi, Nobuaki Sasaki

10 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ

Utilizing \textit{Chandra}, \textit{XMM-Newton} and \textit{NuSTAR}, a wide-band X-ray spectrum through 0.2 to 20 keV is reported from the western hot spot of Pictor A. In particular, the X-ray emission is significantly detected in the 3 to 20 keV band at 30 sigma by \textit{NuSTAR}. This is the first detection of hard X-rays with energies above 10 keV from a jet termination hot spot of active galactic nuclei. The hard X-ray spectrum is well described with a power-law model with a photon index of $\mathit{\Gamma}=1.8\pm0.2$, and the flux is obtained to be $(4.5\pm0.4)\times10^{-13}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ in the 3 to 20 keV band. The obtained spectrum is smoothly connected with those soft X-ray spectra observed by \textit{Chandra} and \textit{XMM-Newton}. The wide-band spectrum shows a single power-law spectrum with a photon index of $\mathit{\Gamma}=2.07\pm0.03$, excluding any cut-off/break features. Assuming the X-rays as synchrotron radiation of the electrons, the energy index of the electrons is estimated as $p=2\mathit{\Gamma}-1=3.14\pm0.06$ from the wide-band spectrum. Given that the X-ray synchrotron emitting electrons quickly lose their initial energies via synchrotron radiation, the energy index of electrons at acceleration sites is estimated as $p_\mathrm{acc}=p-1=2.14\pm0.06$. This is consistent with the prediction of the diffusive shock acceleration. Since the spectrum has no cut-off feature up to 20 keV, the maximum electron energy is estimated to be no less than 40 TeV.

Jessie L. Christiansen, Sakhee Bhure, Jon K. Zink, Kevin K. Hardegree-Ullman, Britt Duffy Adkins, Christina Hedges, Timothy D. Morton, Allyson Bieryla, David R. Ciardi, William D. Cochran, Courtney D. Dressing, Mark E. Everett, Howard Isaacson, John H. Livingston, Carl Ziegler, Perry Berlind, Michael L. Calkins, Gilbert A. Esquerdo, David W. Latham, Michael Endl, Phillip J. MacQueen, Benjamin J. Fulton, Lea A. Hirsch, Andrew W. Howard, Lauren M. Weiss, Bridgette E. Allen, Arthur Berberyann, Krys N. Ciardi, Ava Dunlavy, Sofia H. Glassford, Fei Dai, Teruyuki Hirano, Motohide Tamura, Charles Beichman, Erica J. Gonzales, Joshua E. Schlieder, Thomas Barclay, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Emily A. Gilbert, Elisabeth C. Matthews, Steven Giacalone, Erik A. Petigura

50 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables, accepted in AJ

The NASA K2 mission, salvaged from the hardware failures of the Kepler telescope, has continued Kepler's planet-hunting success. It has revealed nearly 500 transiting planets around the ecliptic plane, many of which are the subject of further study, and over 1000 additional candidates. Here we present the results of an ongoing project to follow-up and statistically validate new K2 planets, in particular to identify promising new targets for further characterization. By analyzing the reconnaissance spectra, high-resolution imaging, centroid variations, and statistical likelihood of the signals of 91 candidates, we validate 60 new planets in 46 systems. These include: a number of planets amenable to transmission spectroscopy (K2-384 f, K2-387 b, K2-390 b, K2-403 b, and K2-398 c), emission spectroscopy (K2-371 b, K2-370 b, and K2-399 b), and both (K2-405 b and K2-406 b); several systems with planets in or close to mean motion resonances (K2-381, K2-398) including a compact, TRAPPIST-1-like system of five small planets orbiting a mid-M dwarf (K2-384); an ultra-short period sub-Saturn in the hot Saturn desert (K2-399 b); and a super-Earth orbiting a moderately bright (V=11.93), metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-0.579+/-0.080) host star (K2-408 b). In total we validate planets around 4 F stars, 26 G stars, 13 K stars, and 3 M dwarfs. In addition, we provide a list of 37 vetted planet candidates that should be prioritized for future follow-up observation in order to be confirmed or validated.

Ankit Kumar, H. C. Das, S. K. Patra

15 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS

Motivated by the various theoretical studies regarding the efficient capturing of dark matter by neutron stars, we explore the possible indirect effects of captured dark matter on the cooling mechanism of a neutron star. The equation of states for different configurations of dark matter admixed star at finite temperature is obtained using the relativistic mean-field formalism with the IOPB-I parameter set. We show that the variation in the dark matter momentum vastly modifies the neutrino emissivity through specific neutrino generating processes of the star. The specific heat and the thermal conductivity of a dark matter admixed star have also been investigated to explore the propagation of cooling waves in the interior of the star. The dependence of theoretical surface temperature cooling curves on the equation of state and chemical composition of the stellar matter has also been discussed along with the observational data of thermal radiation from various sources. We observed that the dark matter admixed canonical stars with $k_{f}^{DM} > 0.04$ comply with the fast cooling scenario. Further, the metric for internal thermal relaxation epoch has also been calculated with different dark matter momentum and we deduced that increment of dark matter segment amplify the cooling and internal relaxation rates of the star.

Yan Li, Erlin Qiao, Rong-Feng Shen

8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS

Recently, the red giant V723 Mon is reported to have an unseen companion with a mass of $3.04\pm0.06M_{\odot}$, but question remains about whether it is a single (thus the so-called mass-gap) black hole or an inner binary of two more ordinary compact objects (neutron stars or white dwarfs). In this work, we estimate the X-ray emission by considering the wind-fed accretion from V723 Mon onto the compact companion. We analyze three different scenarios of the dark companion, i.e., a single black hole, binary neutron stars and binary of a neutron star and a white dwarf. We show that the single black hole is the most favored scenario. We also calculate the synchrotron emission from the bow shock caused by the interaction of the compact companion with the wind. We find this emission peaks at $\sim$ 0.1-1 GHz, with a flux density $\sim$ 1 mJy, which is expected to be detected by observations with higher angular resolution in the future.

G. G. Wang, J. T. Cai, J. H. Fan

11 pages, 10 figures, accepted by APJ

Variability is a typical observation feature of Fermi blazars, sometimes it shows quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO). In this work, we obtained 5-day binned light curves (with a time coverage of $\sim$ 12.9 yr) for S5 1044+71 based on Fermi LAT data, adopted five different methods: Date-compensated Discrete Fourier Transform (DCDFT), Jurkevich (JV), Lomb-Scargle Periodogram (LSP), a Fortran 90 program (REDFIT) and the Weighted Wavelet Z-transform (WWZ) to the $\gamma$-ray light curve, and found a possible QPO of 3.06 $\pm$ 0.43 yr at the significance level of $\sim3.6\sigma$. A binary black hole model including accretion model and dual-jets model is used to explain this quasi-periodic variability. We also estimated the Doppler factors and the apparent velocity for the two jet components. We speculate that this $\gamma$-ray quasi-periodic modulation suggest the presence of a binary supermassive black hole in S5 1044+71.

R. De Propris (FINCA, University of Turku), Sadman Ali (Subaru Telescope, NAOJ, Hilo), Chul Chung (CCER, Yonsei University, Seoul), Malcolm Bremer (University of Bristol), Steven Phillips (University of Bristol)

8 pages, accepted by MNRAS

We derive the evolution of the ultraviolet upturn colour from a sample of field luminous red galaxies at $0.3 < z < 0.7$ with $-24 < M_r < -21.5$. No individual objects are securely detected, so we stack several hundred galaxies within absolute magnitude and redshift intervals. We find that the colour of the ultraviolet upturn (in observed $NUV-i$ which is approximately equivalent to the classical $FUV-V$ at the redshifts of our targets) does not change strongly with redshift to $z=0.7$. This behaviour is similar to that observed in cluster ellipticals over this same mass range and at similar redshifts and we speculate that the processes involved in the origin of the UV upturn are the same. The observations are most consistent with spectral synthesis models containing a fraction of a helium rich stellar population with abundances between 37\% and 42\%, although we cannot formally exclude a contribution due to residual star formation at the $\sim 0.5\%$ level (however, this appears unlikely for cluster galaxies that are believed to be more quenched). This suggests that the ultraviolet upturn is a primordial characteristic of early type galaxies at all redshifts and that an unexpected nucleosynthesis channel may lead to nearly complete chemical evolution at early times.

P. Alimohamadi, G. J. Ferland

Tutorial introduction to the partition function in astrophysics

The partition function, $U$, the number of available states in an atom or molecules, is crucial for understanding the physical state of any astrophysical system in thermodynamic equilibrium. There are surprisingly few {\em useful} discussions of the partition function's numerical value. Textbooks often define $U$; some give tables of representative values, while others do a deep dive into the theory of a dense plasma. Most say that it depends on temperature, atomic structure, density, and that it diverges, that is, it goes to infinity, at high temperatures, but few give practical examples. We aim to rectify this. We show that there are two limits, one and two-electron (or closed-shell) systems like H or He, and species with a complicated electronic structure like C, N, O, and Fe. The high-temperature divergence does not occur for one and two-electron systems in practical situations since, at high temperatures, species are collisionally ionized to higher ionization stages and are not abundant. The partition function is then close to the statistical weight of the ground state. There is no such simplification for many-electron species. $U$ is temperature-sensitive across the range of temperatures where an ion is abundant but remains finite at even the highest practical temperatures. The actual value depends on highly uncertain truncation theories in high-density plasmas. We show that there are various theories for continuum lowering but that they are not in good agreement. This remains a long-standing unsolved problem.

Christoph Burkhardt

Overview article published in the Elements Magazine

The detection of exoplanets and accretion disks around newborn stars has spawned new ideas and models of how our Solar System formed and evolved. Meteorites as probes of geologic deep time can provide ground truth to these models. In particular, stable isotope anomalies in meteorites have recently emerged as key tracers of material flow in the early Solar System, allowing cosmochemists to establish a "planetary isotopic genealogy". Although not complete, this concept substantially advanced our understanding of Solar System evolution, from the collapse of the Sun's parental molecular cloud to the accretion of the planets.

P. Tozzi, L. Pentericci, R. Gilli, M. Pannella, F. Fiore, G. Miley, M. Nonino, H.J.A. Rottgering, V. Strazzullo, C. S. Anderson, S. Borgani, A. Calabro', C. Carilli, H. Dannerbauer, L. Di Mascolo, C. Feruglio, R. Gobat, S. Jin, A. Liu, T. Mroczkowski, C. Norman, E. Rasia, P. Rosati, A. Saro

Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepted

(Abridged) We present an analysis of the 700 ks Chandra ACIS-S observation of the field around the Spiderweb Galaxy at z=2.156, focusing on the nuclear activity in the associated large-scale environment. We identify unresolved X-ray sources down to flux limits of 1.3X10^{-16} and 3.9X10^{-16} erg/s/cm^2 in the soft and hard band, respectively. We search for counterparts in the optical, NIR and submm bands to identify X-ray sources belonging to the protocluster. We detect 107 X-ray unresolved sources within 5 arcmin (corresponding to 2.5 Mpc) of J1140-2629, among which 13 have optical counterparts with spectroscopic redshift 2.11<z<2.20, and 1 source with photometric redshift consistent with this range. Our X-ray spectral analysis shows that their intrinsic spectral slope is consistent with an average <\Gamma>~1.84+-0.04. The best-fit intrinsic absorption for 5 protocluster X-ray members is N_H>10^{23} cm^{-2}, while other 6 have upper limits of the order of fewX10^{22} cm^{-2}. Two sources can only be fitted with very flat \Gamma<=1, and are therefore considered Compton-thick candidates. Their 0.5-10 keV rest frame luminosities are larger than 2X10^{43} erg/s, significantly greater than X-ray luminosities expected from star formation activity. The X-ray luminosity function of AGN in the volume associated to the Spiderweb protocluster in the range 10^{43}<L_X<10^{44.5} erg/s, is at least 10 times higher than that in the field at the same redshift and significantly flatter. The X-ray AGN fraction is measured to be (25.5+-4.5)% in the stellar mass range log(M*/M_sun)>10.5, corresponding to an enhancement of 6.0^{+9.0}_{-3.0} with respect to the COSMOS field at comparable redshifts and stellar mass range. We conclude that the galaxy population in the Spiderweb Protocluster is characterized by enhanced X-ray nuclear activity triggered by environmental effects on Mpc scales.

Benno A. Neuenschwander, Ravit Helled

14 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Uranus and Neptune are still poorly understood. Their gravitational fields, rotation periods, atmosphere dynamics, and internal structures are not well determined. In this paper we present empirical structure models of Uranus and Neptune where the density profiles are represented by polytropes. By using these models, that are set to fit the planetary gravity field, we predict the higher order gravitational coefficients $J_6$ and $J_8$ for various assumed rotation periods, wind depths, and uncertainty of the low-order harmonics. We show that faster rotation and/or deep winds favour centrally concentrated density distributions. We demonstrate that an accurate determination of $J_6$ or $J_8$ with a relative uncertainty no larger than $10\%$ could constrain wind depths of Uranus and Neptune. We also confirm that the Voyager rotation periods are inconsistent with the measured shapes of Uranus and Neptune. We next demonstrate that more accurate determination of the gravity field can significantly reduce the possible range of internal structures. Finally, we suggest that an accurate measurement of the moment of inertia of Uranus and Neptune with a relative uncertainty of $\sim1\%$ and $\sim0.1\%$, could constrain their rotation periods and depths of the winds, respectively.

Ekaterina Magg, Maria Bergemann, Aldo Serenelli, Manuel Bautista, Bertrand Plez, Ulrike Heiter, Jeffrey M. Gerber, Hans-Günter Ludwig, Sarbani Basu, Jason W. Ferguson, Helena Carvajal Gallego, Sébastien Gamrath, Patrick Palmeri, Pascal Quinet

accepted for publication in A&A

The chemical composition of the Sun is requested in the context of various studies in astrophysics, among them in the calculation of the standard solar models (SSMs), which describe the evolution of the Sun from the pre-main-sequence to its present age. In this work, we provide a critical re-analysis of the solar chemical abundances and corresponding SSMs. For the photospheric values, we employ new high-quality solar observational data collected with the IAG facility, state-of-the art non-equilibrium modelling, new oscillator strengths, and different atmospheric models, including the MARCS model, but also averages based on Stagger and CO5BOLD 3D radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of stellar convection. We perform new calculations of oscillator strengths for transitions in O I and N I. For O I - the critical element for the interior models - calculations are carried out using several independent methods. We find unprecedented agreement between the new estimates of transition probabilities, thus supporting our revised solar oxygen abundance. We also provide new estimates of the noble gas Ne abundance. We investigate our results in comparison with the previous estimates. We discuss the consistency of our photospheric measurements with meteoritic values taking into account systematic and correlated errors. Finally, we provide revised chemical abundances, leading to a new value of the solar photospheric present-day metallicity $Z/X = 0.0225$, and employ them in the calculations of the SSM. We find that the puzzling mismatch between the helioseismic constraints on the solar interior structure and the model is resolved with the new chemical composition.

J. Sylwester, B. Sylwester, K.J.H. Phillips, A. Kepa

Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Paper has 17 pages with 11 figures. Table 1 in its entirety is available from the Authors (email addresses on p. 1)

The calcium abundance in flare plasmas is estimated using X-ray spectra from the Solar Maximum Mission Bent Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) during the decays of 194 flares (GOES classifications from B6.4 to X13) occurring between 1980 and 1989. Previous work by Sylwester et al. found that the abundance varied from flare to flare. That analysis is improved on here using updated instrument parameters and by including all calcium lines viewed by the BCS instead of only the resonance line, so greatly enhancing the photon count statistics. The abundance variations are confirmed with the average abundance, $A({\rm Ca})$ (expressed logarithmically with $A({\rm H}) = 12$), equal to $6.77 \pm 0.20$ for 194 flares (141 of which are new in this study). This range corresponds to factors of between 1.7 and 7.2 larger than the photospheric abundance and so our results are in line with a ``FIP" (first ionization potential) effect whereby low-FIP elements like Ca (FIP = 6.11~eV) have enhanced coronal abundances. The Ca flare abundance is uncorrelated with solar activity indices, but weak correlations are suggested with GOES flare class and duration (larger $A({\rm Ca})$ for smaller and shorter flares). The ponderomotive force theory of Laming explaining the FIP effect gives a range of parameters within which our estimates of $A({\rm Ca})$ agree with the theory. However, this then gives rise to disagreements with previous estimates of the flare silicon and sulfur abundances, although those of argon and iron are in good agreement. Small adjustments of the theory may thus be necessary.

Sergey Kotov, Sergey Dodonov, Aleksandra Grokhovskaya

8 pages, 8 figures

The study is about the quasars cosmological evolution. We used the medium-band photometric survey at the 1-m Schmidt telescope of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory. The HS47-22 field with an area of 2.38 square degrees has been selected. We have classified objects and composed a sample of quasars using broadband photometric data and morphological classification from the DECaLS survey, infrared photometry from the WISE survey, spectroscopy from the SDSS survey, ROSAT X-ray data, FIRST radio data and stellar parallax data from the GAIA survey. We have compiled a sample of 682 quasars, determined their photometric redshifts from the medium-band photometric data, and calculated the absolute stellar magnitudes. The space density of quasars was calculated for different luminosity ranges at different redshifts using the $\lambda$-CDM model with $\Omega_m = 0.3$ and $\Omega_\lambda = 0.7$. In this paper, we present the comparison of our results with other works.

Mirko Husak, Roman Brajša, Dragan Špoljarić

22 pages, 2 figures, 41 tables, published in The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin ( this https URL , this https URL )

In September 1777, Ru{\dj}er Bo\v{s}kovi\'c observed sunspots for six days. Based on these measurements, he used his own methods to calculate the elements of the solar rotation, the longitude of the node, the inclination of the solar equator and the period. He published a description of the methods, the method of observation and detailed instructions for calculations in the second chapter of the fifth part of the Opera in 1785. In this paper, Bo\v{s}kovi\'c original calculations and repeated calculations by his procedure are published. By analysing the input quantities, procedures, and results, the input quantities of the error, and the calculation results are discussed. The reproduction of Bo\v{s}kovi\'c calculations is successfully reproduced and we obtained very similar results. The conclusion proposes a relationship of Bo\v{s}kovi\'c research with modern astronomy.

Yuchuan Wu, Hechao Chen, Hui Tian, Liyun Zhang, Jianrong Shi, Han He, Hongpeng Lu, Yu Xu, Haifeng Wang

Stellar flares are characterized by sudden enhancement of electromagnetic radiation in stellar atmospheres. So far much of our understanding of stellar flares comes from photometric observations, from which plasma motions in flare regions could not be detected. From the spectroscopic data of LAMOST DR7, we have found one stellar flare that is characterized by an impulsive increase followed by a gradual decrease in the H$\alpha$ line intensity on an M4-type star, and the total energy radiated through H${\alpha}$ is estimated to be on the order of $10^{33}$ erg. The H$\alpha$ line appears to have a Voigt profile during the flare, which is likely caused by Stark pressure broadening due to the dramatic increase of electron density and/or opacity broadening due to the occurrence of strong non-thermal heating. Obvious enhancement has been identified at the red wing of the H$\alpha$ line profile after the impulsive increase of the H$\alpha$ line intensity. The red wing enhancement corresponds to plasma moving away from the Earth at a velocity of 100$-$200 km s$^{-1}$. According to the current knowledge of solar flares, this red wing enhancement may originate from: (1) flare-driven coronal rain, (2) chromospheric condensation, or (3) a filament/prominence eruption that either with a non-radial backward propagation or with strong magnetic suppression. The total mass of the moving plasma is estimated to be on the order of $10^{15}$ kg.

Russell Deitrick, Kevin Heng, Urs Schroffenegger, Daniel Kitzman, Simon L. Grimm, Matej Malik, João M. Mendonça, Brett M. Morris

31 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication at MNRAS

General circulation models (GCMs) provide context for interpreting multi-wavelength, multi-phase data of the atmospheres of tidally locked exoplanets. In the current study, the non-hydrostatic THOR GCM is coupled with the HELIOS radiative transfer solver for the first time, supported by an equilibrium chemistry solver (FastChem), opacity calculator (HELIOS-K) and Mie scattering code (LX-MIE). To accurately treat the scattering of radiation by medium-sized to large aerosols/condensates, improved two-stream radiative transfer is implemented within a GCM for the first time. Multiple scattering is implemented using a Thomas algorithm formulation of the two-stream flux solutions, which decreases the computational time by about 2 orders of magnitude compared to the iterative method used in past versions of HELIOS. As a case study, we present four GCMs of the hot Jupiter WASP-43b, where we compare the temperature, velocity, entropy, and streamfunction, as well as the synthetic spectra and phase curves, of runs using regular versus improved two-stream radiative transfer and isothermal versus non-isothermal layers. While the global climate is qualitatively robust, the synthetic spectra and phase curves are sensitive to these details. A THOR+HELIOS WASP-43b GCM (horizontal resolution of about 4 degrees on the sphere and with 40 radial points) with multi-wavelength radiative transfer (323 spectral bins) running for 3000 Earth days (864,000 time steps) takes about 19-26 days to complete depending on the type of GPU.

Context: The stellar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field modify the topology of planetary magnetospheres. Consequently, the hazardous effect of the direct exposition to the stellar wind, for example regarding the integrity of satellites orbiting the Earth or the habitability of exoplanets, depend upon the space weather conditions. Aims: The aim of the study is to analyze the response of an Earth-like magnetosphere for various space weather conditions and interplanetary coronal mass ejections. The magnetopause stand off distance, open-close field line boundary and plasma flows towards the planet surface are calculated. Methods: We use the MHD code PLUTO in spherical coordinates to perform a parametric study regarding the dynamic pressure and temperature of the stellar wind as well as the interplanetary magnetic field intensity and orientation. The range of the parameters analyzed extends from regular to extreme space weather conditions consistent with coronal mass ejections at the Earth orbit for the present and early periods of the Sun main sequence. In addition, implications of sub-Afvenic solar wind configurations for the Earth and exoplanet magnetospheres are analyzed. Results: The direct precipitation of the solar wind at the Earth day side in equatorial latitudes is extremely unlikely even during super coronal mass ejections. On the other hand, for early evolution phases along the Sun main sequence once the Sun rotation rate was at least $5$ times faster (< 440 Myr), the Earth surface was directly exposed to the solar wind during coronal mass ejections. Nowadays, satellites at High, Geosynchronous and Medium orbits are directly exposed to the solar wind during coronal mass ejections, because part of the orbit at the Earth day side is beyond the nose of the bow shock.

Lara O. Anisman, Katy L. Chubb, Quentin Changeat, Billy Edwards, Sergei N. Yurchenko, Jonathan Tennyson, Giovanna Tinetti

The discovery of super-Earth and mini-Neptune exoplanets means that atmospheric signals from low-mass, temperate exoplanets are being increasingly studied. The signal acquired as the planet transits its host star, known as the transit depth, is smaller for these planets and, as such, more difficult to analyze. The launch of the space telescopes James Webb (JWST) & Ariel will give rise to an explosion in the quality and quantity of spectroscopic data available for an unprecedented number of exoplanets in our galaxy. Accurately extracting the information content, thereby permitting atmospheric science, of such data-sets will require robust models and techniques. We present here the analysis of simulated transmission spectra for water-rich atmospheres, giving evidence for non-negligible differences in simulated transit depths when self-broadening of H$_2$O is correctly accounted for, compared with the currently typically accepted standard of using H$_2$ and He-broadened cross-sections. Our case-study analysis is carried out on two super-Earths, focusing on water-based atmospheres, ranging from H$_2$-rich to H$_2$O-rich. The transit depth is considerably affected, increasing values by up to 60 ppm, which is shown to be detectable with JWST and Ariel. The differences are most pronounced for the lighter (i.e. $mu$ $\sim$ 4) atmospheres. Our work illustrates that it is imperative that the field of exoplanet spectroscopy moves toward adapted cross-sections, increasingly optimized for high-mu atmospheres for studies of super-Earths and mini-Neptunes.

H. Gan, L.V.E Koopmans, F. G. Mertens, M. Mevius, A. R. Offringa, B. Ciardi, B. K. Gehlot, R. Ghara, A. Ghosh, S. K. Giri, I. T. Iliev, G. Mellema, V. N. Pandey, S. Zaroubi

29 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

The detection of the 21 cm signal of neutral hydrogen from the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is challenging due to bright foreground sources, radio frequency interference (RFI), the ionosphere, and instrumental effects. Even after correcting for these effects in the calibration step and applying foreground removal techniques, the remaining residuals in the observed 21 cm power spectra are still above the thermal noise, which is referred to as the "excess variance." We study potential causes of this excess variance based on 13 nights of data obtained with the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR). We focused on the impact of gain errors, the sky model, and ionospheric effects on the excess variance by correlating the relevant parameters such as the gain variance over time or frequency, local sidereal time (LST), diffractive scale, and phase structure-function slope with the level of excess variance. Our analysis shows that excess variance has an LST dependence, which is related to the power from the sky. And the simulated Stokes I power spectra from bright sources and the excess variance show a similar progression over LST with the minimum power appearing at LST bin 6h to 9h. This LST dependence is also present in sky images of the residual Stokes I of the observations. In very-wide sky images, we demonstrate that the extra power comes exactly from the direction of bright and distant sources Cassiopeia A and Cygnus A with the array beam patterns. These results suggest that the level of excess variance in the 21 cm signal power spectra is related to sky effects and, hence, it depends on LST. In particular, very bright and distant sources such as Cassiopeia A and Cygnus A can dominate the effect. This is in line with earlier studies and offers a path forward toward a solution since the correlation between the sky-related effects and the excess variance is non-negligible.

Jesús A. Toalá, Laurence Sabin, Martín A. Guerrero, Gerardo Ramos-Larios, You-Hua Chu

8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; Accepted to ApJL

We present the analysis of archival XMM-Newton European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) X-ray observations of the symbiotic star R Aquarii. We used the Extended Source Analysis Software (ESAS) package to disclose diffuse soft X-ray emission extending up to 2.2 arcmin ($\approx$0.27 pc) from this binary system. The depth of these XMM-Newton EPIC observations reveal in unprecedented detail the spatial distribution of this diffuse emission, with a bipolar morphology spatially correlated with the optical nebula. The extended X-ray emission shares the same dominant soft X-ray-emitting temperature as the clumps in the jet-like feature resolved by Chandra in the vicinity of the binary system. The harder component in the jet might suggest that the gas cools down, however, the possible presence of non-thermal emission produced by the presence of a magnetic field collimating the mass ejection can not be discarded. We propose that the ongoing precessing jet creates bipolar cavities filled with X-ray-emitting hot gas that feeds the more extended X-ray bubble as they get disrupted. These EPIC observations demonstrate that the jet feedback mechanism produced by an accreting disk around an evolved, low-mass star can blow hot bubbles, similar to those produced by jets arising from the nuclei of active galaxies.

Sam O. M. Wright, Ingo Waldmann, Sergei N. Yurchenko

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Here we present a study of non-LTE effects on the exoplanetary spectra of a collection of molecules which are key in the investigation of exoplanet atmospheres: water, methane, carbon monoxide and titanium oxide. These molecules are chosen as examples of different spectral ranges (IR and UV), molecular types (diatomics and polyatomics) and spectral types (electronic and ro-vibrational); the importance of different vibrational bands in forming distinct non-LTE spectral features are investigated. Most notably, such key spectral signatures for distinguishing between the LTE and non-LTE cases include: for CH4 the 3.15 $\mu$m band region; for H2O the 2.0 $\mu$m and 2.7 $\mu$m band regions; for TiO, a strong variation in intensity in the bands between 0.5 and 0.75 $\mu$m; and a sole CO signature between 5 and 6 $\mu$m. The analysis is based on the ExoMol cross sections and takes advantage of the extensive vibrational assignment of these molecular line lists in the ExoMol database. We examine LTE and non-LTE cross sections under conditions consistent with those on WASP-12b and WASP-76b using the empirically motivated bi-temperature Treanor model. In addition, we make a simplistic forward model simulation of transmission spectra for H2O in the atmosphere of WASP-12b using the TauREx 3 atmospheric modelling code.

Michaël Geeraerts, Pieter Vanmechelen, Tom Van Doorsselaere, Roberto Soler

The study of MHD waves is important both for understanding heating in the solar atmosphere and for solar atmospheric seismology. The analytical investigation of wave mode properties in a cylinder is of particular interest in this domain, as many atmospheric structures can be modeled as such in a first approximation. We use linearized ideal MHD to study quasimodes (global modes that are damped through resonant absorption) with a frequency in the cusp continuum, in a straight cylinder with a circular base and an inhomogeneous layer at its boundary which separates two homogeneous plasma regions inside and outside. We are in particular interested in the damping of these modes, and shall hence try to determine their frequency as a function of background parameters. After linearizing the ideal MHD equations, we find solutions to the second-order differential equation for the perturbed total pressure in the inhomogeneous layer in the form of Frobenius series around the regular singular points that are the Alfv\'en and cusp resonant positions, as well as power series around regular points. By connecting these solutions appropriately through the inhomogeneous layer and with the solutions of the homogeneous regions inside and outside the cylinder, we derive a dispersion relation for the frequency of the eigenmodes of the system. From the dispersion relation, it is also possible to find the frequency of quasimodes even though they are not eigenmodes. As an example, we find the frequency of the slow surface sausage quasimode as a function of the inhomogeneous layer's width, for values of the longitudinal wavenumber relevant for photospheric conditions. The results were found to match well the results found in another paper which studied the resistive slow surface sausage eigenmode. We also discuss the perturbation profiles of the quasimode and the eigenfunctions of continuum modes.

Kate Y. L. Su, Grant M. Kennedy, Everett Schlawin, Alan P. Jackson, George H. Rieke

17 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ

We report on five years of 3-5 micron photometry measurements obtained by warm Spitzer to track the dust debris emission in the terrestrial zone of HD 166191 in combination with simultaneous optical data. We show that the debris production in this young (~10 Myr) system increased significantly in early 2018 and reached a record high level (almost double by mid 2019) by the end of the Spitzer mission (early 2020), suggesting intense collisional activity in its terrestrial zone likely due to either initial assembling of terrestrial planets through giant impacts or dynamical shake-up from unseen planet-mass objects or recent planet migration. This intense activity is further highlighted by detecting a star-size dust clump, passing in front of the star, in the midst of its infrared brightening. We constrain the minimum size and mass of the clump using multiwavelength transit profiles and conclude that the dust clump is most likely created by a large impact involving objects of several hundred km in size with an apparent period of 142 days (i.e., 0.62 au assuming a circular orbit). The system's evolutionary state (right after the dispersal of its gas-rich disk) makes it extremely valuable to learn about the process of terrestrial planet formation and planetary architecture through future observations.

We present maps of surface composition of Europa's anti-jovian hemisphere acquired using high spatial resolution IFU multi-spectral data from the SPHERE instrument on the Very Large Telescope (0.95 to 1.65$\mu$m) and the NIMS instrument on the Galileo orbiter (0.7 to 5.2$\mu$m). Spectral modelling was performed using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate endmember abundances and to quantify their associated uncertainties. Modelling results support the leading-trailing hemisphere difference in hydrated sulphuric acid abundances caused by exogenic plasma bombardment. Water ice grains are found to be in the 100$\mu$m to 1mm range, with larger grains present on the trailing hemisphere, consistent with radiation driven sputtering destroying smaller grains. Modelling best estimates suggest a mixture of sulphate and chlorinated salts, although uncertainties derived from the MCMC modelling suggest that it is difficult to confidently detect individual salt abundances with low spectral resolution spectra from SPHERE and NIMS. The high spatial resolution offered by SPHERE allows the small scale spatial distribution (<150km) of potential species to be mapped, including ground-based detection of lineae and impact features. This could be used in combination with other higher spectral resolution observations to confirm the presence of these species.

Aurélien Valade, Yehuda Hoffman, Noam I Libeskind, Romain Graziani

14 pages, 10 figures

The problem of the reconstruction of the large scale density and velocity fields from peculiar velocities surveys is addressed here within a Bayesian framework by means of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampling. The HAmiltonian Monte carlo reconstruction of the Local EnvironmenT (Hamlet) algorithm is designed to reconstruct the linear large scale density and velocity fields in conjunction with the undoing of lognormal bias in the derived distances and velocities of peculiar velocities surveys such as the Cosmicflows data. The Hamlet code has been tested against Cosmicflows mock catalogs consisting of up to 30 000 data points with mock errors akin to those of the Cosmicflows-3 data, within the framework of the LCDM standard model of cosmology. The Hamlet code outperforms previous applications of Gibbs sampling MCMC reconstruction from the Cosmicflows-3 data by two to four orders of magnitude in CPU time. The gain in performance is due to the inherent higher efficiency of the HMC algorithm and due to parallel computing on GPUs rather than CPUs. This gain will enable an increase in the reconstruction of the large scale structure from the upcoming Cosmicfows-4 data and the setting of constrained initial conditions for cosmological high resolution simulations.

A. Miraval Zanon, F. Ambrosino, F. Coti Zelati, S. Campana, A. Papitto, G. Illiano, G.L. Israel, L. Stella, P. D'Avanzo, M.C. Baglio

8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

The transitional millisecond pulsar PSR\,J1023+0038 is the first millisecond pulsar discovered to emit UV and optical pulses. Here we present the results of the UV and X-ray phase-resolved timing analysis of observations performed with the Hubble Space Telescope, \textit{XMM-Newton} and NuSTAR satellites between 2014 and 2021. Ultraviolet pulsations are detected in the high luminosity mode and disappear during low and flaring modes, similar to what is observed in the X-ray band. In the high mode, we find variability in both the UV and X-ray pulse amplitudes. The root mean square pulsed amplitude in the UV band ranges from $\sim$2.1\% down to $\sim$0.7\%, while it oscillates in the interval $5.5-12\%$ in the X-ray band. This variability is not correlated with the orbital phase, like what has been observed in the optical band. Notwithstanding the rather low statistics, we have marginal evidence that variations in the pulse amplitude do not occur simultaneously in the UV and X-ray bands. When the UV pulsed amplitude decreases below the detection threshold, no significant variation in the X-ray pulsed amplitude is observed. These oscillations in the pulse amplitude could be caused by small random variations in the mass accretion rate leading to a variation in the size of the intra-binary shock region. Finally, we find that the pulsed flux spectral distribution from the X-ray to the UV band is well fitted using a power-law relation of the form $\nu F_{\nu}^{pulsed} \sim \nu^{0.4}$. This supports the hypothesis of a common physical mechanism underlying the X-ray, UV, and optical pulsed emissions in PSR\,J1023+0038.

A. Wisniewska, E. Chmielewska, K. Radziszewski, M. Roth, J. Staiger

Most important figures in Appendix Fig.12 and Fig.13

We present a study of multi-wavelength observations, of a C 2.3 solar flare in Active Region NOAA 12353, observed on 2015 May 23, which reveal new properties of acoustic waves in the flaring region. The space-, and ground-based data measured by the HELioseismological Large Regions Interferometric Device, operating at the Vacuum Tower Telescope, the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, and Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamic Observatory, were used in this paper. First, using power spectra of solar oscillations, we identified the dominant frequencies and their location at seven different atmospheric levels before and after the flare event. Second, based on AIA observations taken in six Extreme Ultraviolet filters, we derived Differential Emission Measure (DEM) profiles and DEM maps of the flare. Finally, we confirm the {\sigma}-classification of the magnetic field in the active area, directly related to the flare. Our results are as follows: the high-frequency waves ({\nu}>5 mHz) in the photosphere, in both cases, before and after the flare, are generated at the foot-points of the chromospheric loop, while in the chromosphere (H{\alpha} line), before the event the power enhancement exhibits for maximum of flare emission, and after the eruption the enhancement by all frequencies is observed only in the post flare loop area. Moreover, the power of oscillation in the pores surrounding area before the flare has a random character, while after the flare oscillation's power is concentrated in the pore, and weakened outside of. We conclude that the accurate detection of high-frequency acoustic waves in the active regions can lead to faster and easier prediction of high-energy events.

L. Alderson, H. R. Wakeford, R. J. MacDonald, N. K. Lewis, E. M. May, D. Grant, D. K. Sing, K. B. Stevenson, J. Fowler, J. Goyal, N. E. Batalha, T. Kataria

25 pages, 13 figures, 10 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Due to its 1770 K equilibrium temperature, WASP-17b, a 1.99 $R_\mathrm{Jup}$, 0.486 $M_\mathrm{Jup}$ exoplanet, sits at the critical juncture between hot and ultra-hot Jupiters. We present its 0.3-5 $\mu m$ transmission spectrum, with newly obtained with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) measurements, and, taking advantage of improved analysis techniques, reanalysed HST Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) and Spitzer Space Telescope Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) observations. We achieve a median precision of 132 ppm, with a mean of 272 ppm across the whole spectrum. We additionally make use of Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and ground-based transit observations to refine the orbital period of WASP-17b. To interpret the observed atmosphere, we make use of free and equilibrium chemistry retrievals using the POSEIDON and ATMO retrieval codes respectively. We detect absorption due to H$_2$O at $>7 \sigma$, and find evidence of absorption due to CO$_2$ at $>3 \sigma$. We see no evidence of previously detected Na and K absorption. Across an extensive suite of retrieval configurations, we find the data favours a bimodal solution with high or low metallicity modes as a result of poor constraints in the optical, and demonstrate the importance of using multiple statistics for model selection. Future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) GTO observations, combined with the presented transmission spectrum, will enable precise constraints on WASP-17b's atmosphere.

P. L. Dufton, D. J. Lennon, J. I. Villasenor, I.D. Howarth, C. J. Evans, S. E. de Mink, H. Sana, W. D. Taylor

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, Appendices published as supplementary material

The evolutionary status of Be-type stars remains unclear, with both single-star and binary pathways having been proposed. Here, VFTS spectroscopy of 73 Be-type stars, in the spectral-type range, B0--B3, is analysed to estimate projected rotational velocities, radial velocities and stellar parameters. They are found to be rotating faster than the corresponding VFTS B-type sample but simulations imply that their projected rotational velocities are inconsistent with them all rotating at near critical velocities. The de-convolution of the projected rotational velocities estimates leads to a mean rotational velocity estimate of 320-350 km/s, approximately 100 km/s larger than that for the corresponding B-type sample. There is a dearth of targets with rotational velocities less than 0.4 of the critical velocity, with a broad distribution reaching up to critical rotation. Our best estimate for the mean or median of the rotational velocitiy is 0.68 of the critical velocity. Rapidly-rotating B-type stars are more numerous than their Be-type counterparts, whilst the observed frequency of Be-type stars identified as binary systems is significantly lower than that for normal B-type stars, consistent with their respective radial-velocity dispersions. The semi-amplitudes for the Be-type binaries are also smaller. Similar results are found for a SMC Be-type sample centred on NGC346 with no significant differences being found between the two samples. These results are compared with the predictions of single and binary stellar evolutionary models for Be-type stars. Assuming that a single mechanism dominated the production of classical Be-type stars, our comparison would favour a binary evolutionary history.

S. Adachi, T. Adkins, M. A. O. Aguilar Faúndez, K. S. Arnold, C. Baccigalupi, D. Barron, S. Chapman, K. Cheung, Y. Chinone, K. T. Crowley, T. Elleflot, J. Errard, G. Fabbian, C. Feng, T. Fujino, N. Galitzki, N. W. Halverson, M. Hasegawa, M. Hazumi, H. Hirose, L. Howe, J. Ito, O. Jeong, D. Kaneko, N. Katayama, B. Keating, T. Kisner, N. Krachmalnicoff, A. Kusaka, A. T. Lee, E. Linder, A. I. Lonappan, L. N. Lowry, F. Matsuda, T. Matsumura, Y. Minami, M. Murata, H. Nishino, Y. Nishinomiya, D. Poletti, C. L. Reichardt, C. Ross, Y. Segawa, P. Siritanasak, R. Stompor, A. Suzuki, O. Tajima, S. Takakura, S. Takatori, D. Tanabe, G. Teply, K. Yamada, Y. Zhou

16 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables, Submitted to ApJ

We report an improved measurement of the degree-scale CMB $B$-mode angular power spectrum over 670 square-degree sky area with POLARBEAR. In the original analysis of the data, errors in the angle measurement of the continuously rotating half-wave plate, a polarization modulator, caused significant data loss. By introducing an angle-correction algorithm, the data volume is increased by a factor of 1.8. We report a new analysis using the larger data set. We find the measured $B$-mode spectrum is consistent with the $\Lambda$CDM model with Galactic foregrounds. We place an upper limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ < 0.33 at 95% confidence level.

Ippocratis D. Saltas, Emanuele Tognelli

17 pages, 10 figures. Comments are welcome

The luminosity of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB) is instrumental for the construction of the distance ladder, and its accurate modelling is key for determining the local Hubble parameter. In this work, we present an extensive quantitative analysis of the TRGB luminosity, accounting for virtually all input physics that affect it: chemical composition, opacity, diffusion, nuclear reaction rates, electron screening, neutrinos, convection efficiency, boundary conditions and mass loss, amongst others. Our analysis is based on a newly produced grid of $\sim 3\times 10^6$ TRGB models, evolved from pre-main sequence up to the helium ignition at the TRGB, and covering a wide range of metallicity (Z = 0.0001-0.02) and initial mass (M = 0.8-1.4 $M_{\odot}$). Through a Monte-Carlo analysis, we study the systematic variation of the TRGB luminosity due to the combined effect of all above input physics, and show that a maximum theoretical uncertainty of about $1.6 \%$ is still present on the current generation of models, dominated by systematics of radiative opacity. Results are also provided in several photometric bands. As a by-product of our analysis, we demonstrate robust evidence for the linear response of the Tip luminosity to individual changes of input physics, which can significantly simplify future analyses. A comparison of our results with other stellar evolution codes shows excellent agreement, while our grid of models is available upon reasonable requests.

K. R. Neralwar, D. Colombo, A. Duarte-Cabral, J. S. Urquhart, M. Mattern, F. Wyrowski, K. M. Menten, P. Barnes, A. Sanchez-Monge, H. Beuther, A. J. Rigby, P. Mazumdar, D. Eden, T. Csengeri, C.L. Dobbs, V. S. Veena, S. Neupane, T. Henning, F. Schuller, S. Leurini, M. Wienen, A. Y. Yang, S. E. Ragan, S. Medina, Q. Nguyen-Luong

Accepted for publication in A&A. 40 pages (26 of Appendices), 55 figures, 13 tables. The updated SEDIGISM cloud catalogue, containing cloud morphology, will be available as part of the SEDIGISM database

We present one of the very first extensive classifications of a large sample of molecular clouds based on their morphology. This is achieved using a recently published catalogue of 10663 clouds obtained from the first data release of the SEDIGISM survey. The clouds are classified into four different morphologies by visual inspection and using an automated algorithm -- J plots. The visual inspection also serves as a test for the J plots algorithm, as this is the first time it has been used on molecular gas. Generally, it has been found that the structure of molecular clouds is highly filamentary and our observations indeed verify that most of our molecular clouds are elongated structures. Based on our visual classification of the 10663 SEDIGISM clouds, 15% are ring-like, 57% are elongated, 15% are concentrated and 10% are clumpy clouds. The remaining clouds do not belong to any of these morphology classes and are termed unclassified. We compare the SEDIGISM molecular clouds with structures identified through other surveys, i.e. ATLASGAL elongated structures and the bubbles from Milky Way Project (MWP). We find that many of the ATLASGAL and MWP structures are velocity coherent. ATLASGAL elongated structures overlap with ~ 21% of the SEDIGISM elongated structures (elongated and clumpy clouds) and MWP bubbles overlap with ~ 25% of the SEDIGISM ring-like clouds. We also analyse the star-formation associated with different cloud morphologies using two different techniques. The first technique examines star formation efficiency (SFE) and the dense gas fraction (DGF), based on SEDIGISM clouds and ATLASGAL clumps data. The second technique uses the high-mass star formation (HMSF) threshold for molecular clouds. The results indicate that clouds with ring-like and clumpy morphologies show a higher degree of star formation.

Cosmology and particle physics are closer today than ever before, with several searches underway at the interface between cosmology, particle physics, and field theory. The mystery of dark matter (DM) is one of the greatest common unsolved problems between these fields. It is established now based on many astrophysical and cosmological observations that only a small fraction of the total matter content of the universe is made of baryonic matter, while the vast majority is constituted by dark matter. However, the nature of such a component is still unknown. One theoretically well-motivated approach to understanding the nature of dark matter would be through looking for light pseudo-scalar candidates for dark matter such as axions and axion-like particles (ALPs). Axions are hypothetical elementary particles resulting from the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) solution to the strong CP (charge-parity) problem in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Furthermore, many theoretically well-motivated extensions to the standard model of particle physics (SMPP) predicted the existence of more pseudo-scalar particles similar to the QCD axion and called ALPs. Axions and ALPs are characterized by their coupling with two photons. While the coupling parameter for axions is related to the axion mass, there is no direct relation between the coupling parameter and the mass of ALPs. Nevertheless, it is expected that ALPs share the same phenomenology of axions. In the past years, axions and ALPs regained popularity and slowly became one of the most appealing candidates that possibly contribute to the dark matter density of the universe. In this thesis, we focus on studying the phenomenology of axions and ALPs interactions with photons to constrain some of their properties.

Sudip Jana, Yago P Porto-Silva, Manibrata Sen

30 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome

A core-collapse supernova (SN) offers an excellent astrophysical laboratory to test non-zero neutrino magnetic moments. In particular, the neutronization burst phase, which lasts for few tens of milliseconds post-bounce, is dominated by electron neutrinos and can offer exceptional discovery potential for transition magnetic moments. We simulate the neutrino spectra from the burst phase in forthcoming neutrino experiments like the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), and the Hyper-Kamiokande (HK), by taking into account spin-flavour conversions of SN neutrinos, caused by interactions with ambient magnetic fields. We find that the neutrino transition magnetic moments which can be explored by these experiments for a galactic SN are an order to several orders of magnitude better than the current terrestrial and astrophysical limits. Additionally, we also discuss how this realization might shed light on three important neutrino properties: (a) the Dirac/Majorana nature, (b) the neutrino mass ordering, and (c) the neutrino mass-generation mechanism.

Jeffrey M. Berryman, Nikita Blinov, Vedran Brdar, Thejs Brinckmann, Mauricio Bustamante, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine, Anirban Das, André de Gouvêa, Peter B. Denton, P.S. Bhupal Dev, Bhaskar Dutta, Ivan Esteban, Damiano F.G. Fiorillo, Martina Gerbino, Subhajit Ghosh, Tathagata Ghosh, Evan Grohs, Tao Han, Steen Hannestad, Matheus Hostert, Patrick Huber, Jeffrey Hyde, Kevin J. Kelly, Felix Kling, Zhen Liu, Massimiliano Lattanzi, Marilena Loverde, Sujata Pandey, Ninetta Saviano, Manibrata Sen, Ian M. Shoemaker, Walter Tangarife, Yongchao Zhang, Yue Zhang

Editors: Nikita Blinov, Mauricio Bustamante, Kevin J. Kelly, Yue Zhang. 29 pages, 16 figures, plus references. Contribution to Snowmass 2021

Neutrinos are the Standard Model (SM) particles which we understand the least, often due to how weakly they interact with the other SM particles. Beyond this, very little is known about interactions among the neutrinos, i.e., their self-interactions. The SM predicts neutrino self-interactions at a level beyond any current experimental capabilities, leaving open the possibility for beyond-the-SM interactions across many energy scales. In this white paper, we review the current knowledge of neutrino self-interactions from a vast array of probes, from cosmology, to astrophysics, to the laboratory. We also discuss theoretical motivations for such self-interactions, including neutrino masses and possible connections to dark matter. Looking forward, we discuss the capabilities of searches in the next generation and beyond, highlighting the possibility of future discovery of this beyond-the-SM physics.

Simon Clery, Yann Mambrini, Keith A. Olive, Andrey Shkerin, Sarunas Verner

14 pages, 8 figures

We consider the effects of non-minimal couplings to curvature of the form $\xi_S S^2 R$, for three types of scalars: the Higgs boson, the inflaton, and a scalar dark matter candidate. We compute the abundance of dark matter produced by these non-minimal couplings to gravity and compare to similar results with minimal couplings. We also compute the contribution to the radiation bath during reheating. The main effect is a potential augmentation of the maximum temperature during reheating. A model independent limit of $\mathcal{O}(10^{12})$ GeV is obtained. For couplings $\xi_S \gtrsim \mathcal{O}(1)$, these dominate over minimal gravitational interactions.

Ionospheric irregularity studies are important aspects for understanding ionospheric physics and related processes, especially near the low-latitude regions. However, simultaneous measurements (utilizing the L-band signals of NavIC and GPS) of irregularity scale sizes over the Indian longitude sector, has not been addressed extensively. To address this problem, the paper presents simultaneous characterization of low-latitude ionospheric irregularities over a location near the northern EIA crest (Indore: 22.52$^\circ$N, 75.92$^\circ$E geographic and magnetic dip of 32.23$^\circ$N) and a location (Hyderabad: 17.41$^\circ$N, 78.55$^\circ$E geographic and magnetic dip of 21.69$^\circ$N) between the crest and the magnetic equator, utilizing the Indian navigation system, NavIC and GPS L5 signal C/N$_o$ variations to determine the range of the ionospheric irregularity scale sizes using Power Spectral Density (PSD) analysis. The study period spans from September 2017- September 2019, covering both disturbed and quiet-time conditions in the declining phase of solar cycle 24. Observations show that the irregularity scale size ranges from about 500 m to 6 km. This study for the first time, shows the nature of the temporal PSD for ionospheric scintillation during varying solar and geophysical conditions, by measuring the irregularity scale sizes utilizing simultaneous observations from NavIC and GPS from locations near the northern crest of the EIA and in between crest and the magnetic equator, ensuring proper characterization of ionosphere over the geosensitive Indian subcontinent.

Vivek Baruah Thapa, Monika Sinha

8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables

We study the implications of the recent development in nuclear symmetry energy constraints from PREX-2 data on dense matter equation of state and its impact on dURCA threshold density. In this work, we construct the equation of state within the framework of covariant density functional theory implementing coupling schemes of non-linear and density-dependent models and exploring the coupling parameter space of isovector-vector meson to baryons constrained by the isospin asymmetry parameter values deduced from recent PREX-2 data. The modified parameter sets are applied to evaluate the dense matter properties. We find that the updated data suggests the occurrence of dURCA process within neutron star even with mass as low as one solar mass.

Christian Corda

17 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Foundations of Physics. Comments are welcome

The M\"ossbauer rotor effect recently gained a renewed interest due to the discovery and explanation of an additional effect of clock synchronization which has been missed for about 50 years, i.e. starting from a famous book of Pauli, till some recent experimental analyses. The theoretical explanation of such an additional effect is due to some recent papers in both the general relativistic and the special relativistic frameworks. In the first case (general relativistic framework) the key point of the approach is the Einstein's equivalence principle (EEP), which, in the words of the same Einstein, enables "the point of view to interpret the rotating system K' as at rest, and the centrifugal field as a gravitational field". In this paper, we analyse both the history of the M\"ossbauer rotor effect and its interpretation from the point of view of Einstein's general theory of relativity (GTR) by adding some new insight. In particular, it will be shown that, if on one hand the "traditional" effect of redshift has a strong analogy with the gravitational redshift, on the other hand the additional effect of clock synchronization has an intriguing analogy with the cosmological redshift. Finally, we show that a recent claim in the literature that the second effect of clock synchronization does not exist is not correct.

R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams, J. A. Aguilar, M. Ahlers, M. Ahrens, J.M. Alameddine, A. A. Alves Jr., N. M. Amin, K. Andeen, T. Anderson, G. Anton, C. Argüelles, Y. Ashida, S. Axani, X. Bai, A. Balagopal V., S. W. Barwick, B. Bastian, V. Basu, S. Baur, R. Bay, J. J. Beatty, K.-H. Becker, J. Becker Tjus, J. Beise, C. Bellenghi, S. Benda, S. BenZvi, D. Berley, E. Bernardini, D. Z. Besson, G. Binder, D. Bindig, E. Blaufuss, S. Blot, M. Boddenberg, F. Bontempo, J. Y. Book, J. Borowka, S. Böser, O. Botner, J. Böttcher, E. Bourbeau, F. Bradascio, J. Braun, B. Brinson, S. Bron, J. Brostean-Kaiser, R. T. Burley, R. S. Busse, M. A. Campana, E. G. Carnie-Bronca, C. Chen, Z. Chen, D. Chirkin, K. Choi, B. A. Clark, K. Clark, L. Classen, A. Coleman, G. H. Collin, J. M. Conrad, P. Coppin, et al. (321 additional authors not shown)

The reconstruction of event-level information, such as the direction or energy of a neutrino interacting in IceCube DeepCore, is a crucial ingredient to many physics analyses. Algorithms to extract this high level information from the detector's raw data have been successfully developed and used for high energy events. In this work, we address unique challenges associated with the reconstruction of lower energy events in the range of a few to hundreds of GeV and present two separate, state-of-the-art algorithms. One algorithm focuses on the fast directional reconstruction of events based on unscattered light. The second algorithm is a likelihood-based multipurpose reconstruction offering superior resolutions, at the expense of larger computational cost.

The geometry of electrodes is one of the most important factors in determining the performance of orthogonal-strip detectors. The aim of this work is to study the performance of a 5 mm thick cross-strip CdZnTe detector with different electrode widths. Our study consists of two main parts, simulations and experiments. We utilized four different anode sizes ranging from 0.1 mm to 0.6 mm. The anodes were interspersed with steering electrodes with varying sizes from 0.3 mm to 0.85 mm. The maximum gap size between the anodes and steering electrode strips was set to 0.3 mm, while the minimum gap size was 0.125 mm. The performance of the detector was investigated in terms of the steering electrode bias voltage, the energy resolution, and the charge sharing effect. For simulations, we developed a C++ based simulation program for charge transport inside the CdZnTe detector and charge collection at the electrodes. For photon interactions we used GEANT4 toolkit and for electric field and weighting potential simulations we used COMSOL software. The results demonstrated that -50 V is the optimal steering electrode bias for our detector when -500 V was applied to the cathodes and that the energy resolution performance drops with increasing steering electrode width. Also, the charge sharing effect becomes more dominant for larger steering electrode sizes. The experimental result are further compared with the simulations. The results are in a good agreement and the comparison validates our simulation model. Although, our simulation framework has need of better estimation for the intrinsic noise of CdZnTe. These results suggest that an optimization study between electrode widths and steering electrode bias is required to obtain the best performance in orthogonal-strip CdZnTe detectors.