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Papers for Friday, Mar 25 2022

Papers with local authors

Ping Zhou, Gao-Yuan Zhang, Xin Zhou, Maria Arias, Bon-Chul Koo, Jacco Vink, Zhi-Yu Zhang, Lei Sun, Fu-Jun Du, Hui Zhu, Yang Chen, Stefano Bovino, Yong-Hyun Lee

19 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

0 votes
Paper 29 — arXiv:2203.13111
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Paper 29 — arXiv:2203.13111

Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) and their environments provide the nearest laboratories to study SN feedback. We performed molecular observations toward SNR W49B -- the most luminous Galactic SNR in the X-ray band, aiming to explore signs of multiple feedback channels of SNRs on nearby molecular clouds (MCs). We found very broad HCO+ lines with widths of dv = 48--75 km/s in the SNR southwest, providing strong evidence that W49B is perturbing MCs at a systemic velocity of $V_{LSR}=61$--65 km/s, and placing W49B at a distance of $7.9\pm 0.6$ kpc. We observed unusually high intensity ratios of HCO+ J=1-0/CO J=1-0 not only at shocked regions ($1.1\pm 0.4$ and $0.70\pm 0.16$), but also in quiescent clouds over 1 pc away from the SNR's eastern boundary (> 0.2). By comparing with the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) shock models, we interpret that the high ratio in the broad-line regions can result from a cosmic-ray (CR) induced chemistry in shocked MCs, where the CR ionization rate is enhanced to around 10--100 times of the Galactic level. The high HCO+/CO ratio outside the SNR is probably caused by the radiation precursor, while the luminous X-ray emission of W49B can explain a few properties in this region. The above results provide observational evidence that SNR can strongly influence the molecular chemistry in and outside the shock boundary via their shocks, CRs, and radiation. We propose that the HCO+/CO ratio is a potentially useful tool to probe SNR's multi-channel influence on MCs.

Papers with votes

Benjamin Idini, David J. Stevenson

14 pages, 5 figures, accepted to PSJ

1 vote
Paper 31 — arXiv:2203.13175
1 vote
Paper 31 — arXiv:2203.13175

At mid-mission perijove 17, NASA's Juno mission has revealed a $7\sigma$ discrepancy between Jupiter's observed high-degree tidal response and the theoretical equilibrium tidal response, namely the Love number $k_{42}$. Here, we propose an interpretation for this puzzling disagreement based on an interior-orbital resonance between internal gravity waves trapped in Jupiter's dilute core and the orbital motion of Io. We use simple Jupiter models to calculate a fractional correction $\Delta k_{42}$ to the equilibrium tidal response that comes from the dynamical tidal response of a $g$-mode trapped in Jupiter's dilute core. Our results suggest that an extended dilute core ($r\gtrsim0.7R_J$) produces an interior-orbital resonance with Io that modifies Jupiter's tidal response in $\Delta k_{42}\sim-11\%$, allowing us to fit Juno's $k_{42}$. In our proposed self-consistent scenario, Jupiter's dilute core evolves in resonant locking with Io's orbital migration, which allows the interior-orbital resonance to persist over geological timescales. This scenario requires a dilute core that becomes smoother or shrinks over time, together with a $_4^2g_1$ mode ($\ell,m,n=4,2,1$) with resonant tidal dissipation reaching $Q_4\sim1000$. Jupiter's dilute core evolution path and the dissipation mechanism for the resonant $_4^2g_1$ mode are uncertain and motivate future analysis. No other alternative exists so far to explain the $7\sigma$ discrepancy in Juno $k_{42}$. Our proposed interior-orbital resonance can be tested by Juno observations of $k_{42}$ tides raised on Jupiter by Europa as obtained at the end of the extended mission (mid 2025), and by future seismological observations of Jupiter's $_4^2g_1$ mode oscillation frequency.

All other papers

I present our analysis of the 21cm power spectrum upper limits from the HERA radio interferometer, published in HERA Collaboration et al. 2022. We use the recent limits to constrain reionization and the properties of the IGM and galaxies in the early universe. I focus in particular on the possibility of a radio background in addition to the CMB (e.g. produced by early galaxies) which can lead to a stronger 21cm signal and is thus easier to constrain. I show what limits the HERA observations can put on these models and the IGM, and how this compares to existing constraints on the radio and X-ray background.

William J. Roper, Christopher C. Lovell, Aswin P. Vijayan, Madeline A. Marshall, Dimitrios Irodotou, Jussi K. Kuusisto, Peter A. Thomas, Stephen M. Wilkins

We present the intrinsic and observed sizes of galaxies at $z\geq5$ in the First Light And Reionisation Epoch Simulations (FLARES). We employ the large effective volume of FLARES to produce a sizeable sample of high redshift galaxies with intrinsic and observed luminosities and half light radii in a range of rest frame UV and visual photometric bands. This sample contains a significant number of intrinsically ultra-compact galaxies in the far-UV (1500 angstrom), leading to a negative intrinsic far-UV size-luminosity relation. However, after the inclusion of the effects of dust these same compact galaxies exhibit observed sizes that are as much as 50 times larger than those measured from the intrinsic emission, and broadly agree with a range of observational samples. This increase in size is driven by the concentration of dust in the core of galaxies, heavily attenuating the intrinsically brightest regions. At fixed luminosity we find a galaxy size redshift evolution with a slope of $m=1.21-1.87$ depending on the luminosity sample in question, and we demonstrate the wavelength dependence of the size-luminosity relation which will soon be probed by the Webb Space Telescope.

E. Gatuzz, J. S. Sanders, R. Canning, K. Dennerl, A. C. Fabian, C. Pinto, H. Russell, T. Tamura, S. A. Walker, J. ZuHone

16 pages, 23 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2109.06213

There are few direct measurements of ICM velocity structure, despite its importance for understanding clusters. We present a detailed analysis of the velocity structure of the Centaurus cluster using XMM-Newton observations. Using a new EPIC-pn energy scale calibration, which uses the Cu Ka instrumental line as reference, we are able to obtain velocity measurements with uncertainties down to $\Delta v \sim 79$ km/s. We create 2D spectral maps for the velocity, metallicity, temperature, density, entropy and pressure with an spatial resolution of 0.25'. We have found that the velocity structure of the ICM is similar to the velocity structure of the main galaxies while the cold fronts are likely moving in a plane perpendicular to our line of sight with low velocity. Finally, we have found a contribution from the kinetic component of <25\% to the total energetic budget for radius $>30$ kpc.

Peter H. Johansson, Matias Mannerkoski, Antti Rantala, Shihong Liao, Alexander Rawlings, Dimitrios Irodotou, Francesco Rizzuto

6 pages, 3 figures. Proceedings of IAU Symposium No. 362: "Predictive power of computational astrophysics as a discovery tool"

We present here self-consistent zoom-in simulations of massive galaxies forming in a full cosmological setting. The simulations are run with an updated version of the KETJU code, which is able to resolve the gravitational dynamics of their supermassive black holes, while simultaneously modelling the large-scale astrophysical processes in the surrounding galaxies, such as gas cooling, star formation and stellar and AGN feedback. The KETJU code is able to accurately model the complex behaviour of multiple SMBHs, including dynamical friction, stellar scattering and gravitational wave emission, and also to resolve Lidov-Kozai oscillations that naturally occur in hierarchical triplet SMBH systems. In general most of the SMBH binaries form at moderately high eccentricities, with typical values in the range of e =0.6-0.95, meaning that the circular binary models that are commonly used in the literature are insufficient for capturing the typical binary evolution.

Tim-Oliver Husser, Frederic V. Hessman, Sven Martens, Tilman Masur, Karl Royen, Sebastian Schäfer

39 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences

We present a Python-based framework for the complete operation of a robotic telescope observatory. It provides out-of-the-box support for many popular camera types while other hardware like telescopes, domes, and weather stations can easily be added via a thin abstraction layer to existing code. Common functionality like focusing, acquisition, auto-guiding, sky-flat acquisition, and pipeline calibration are ready for use. A remote-control interface, a "mastermind" for truly robotic operations as well as an interface to the Las Cumbres Observatory observation portal is included. The whole system is fully configurable and easily extendable. We are currently running pyobs successfully on three different types of telescopes, of which one is a siderostat for observing the Sun. pyobs uses open standards and open software wherever possible and is itself freely available.

Stefan Heimersheim

2 pages, 2 figures. Contribution to the 2022 Cosmology session of the 56th Rencontres de Moriond, based on arXiv:2107.14242 (Heimersheim, Sartorio, Fialkov, Lorimer)

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are recently discovered extra-galactic radio transients which are now used as novel cosmological probes. We show how the Bursts' Dispersion Measure can model-independently probe the history of Hydrogen reionization. Using a FlexKnot free-form parameterization to reconstruct the reionization history we predict an 11% accuracy constraint on the CMB optical depth, and 4% accuracy on the midpoint of reionization, to be achieved with 100 FRBs originating from redshifts z>5.

Daniel Forero-Sánchez, Chia-Hsun Chuang, Sergio Rodríguez-Torres, Gustavo Yepes, Stefan Gottlöber, Cheng Zhao

14 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The increase in the observed volume in cosmological surveys imposes various challenges on simulation preparations. Firstly, the volume of the simulations required increases proportionally to the observations. However, large-volume simulations are quickly becoming computationally intractable. Secondly, on-going and future large-volume survey are targeting smaller objects, e.g. emission line galaxies, compared to the earlier focus, i.e. luminous red galaxies. They require the simulations to have higher mass resolutions. In this work we present a machine learning (ML) approach to calibrate the halo catalogue of a low-resolution (LR) simulation by training with a paired high-resolution (HR) simulation with the same background white noise, thus we can build the training data by matching HR haloes to LR haloes in a one-to-one fashion. After training, the calibrated LR halo catalogue reproduces the mass-clustering relation for mass down to $2.5\times 10^{11}~h^{-1}M_\odot$ within $5~{\rm per~cent}$ at scales $k<1~h\,\rm Mpc^{-1}$. We validate the performance of different statistics including halo mass function, power spectrum, two-point correlation function, and bispectrum in both real and redshift space. Our approach generates high-resolution-like halo catalogues ($>200$ particles per halo) from low-resolution catalogues ($>25$ particles per halo) containing corrected halo masses for each object. This allows to bypass the computational burden of a large-volume real high-resolution simulation without much compromise in the mass resolution of the result. The cost of our ML approach ($\sim 1$ CPU-hour) is negligible compared to the cost of a $N$-body simulation (e.g. millions of CPU-hours), The required computing time is cut a factor of 8.

Martina Baratella, Deepthi S. Prabhu, Luiz A. Silva-Lima, Philippe Prugniel

18 pages, 8 figures + 1 appendix figure, accepted for publication in A&A

The metallicity spread, or the metallicity trend along the evolutionary sequence of a globular cluster, is a rich source of information to help understand the cluster physics (e.g. multiple populations) and stellar physics (e.g. atomic diffusion). Low-resolution integral-field-unit spectroscopy in the optical with the MUSE is an attractive prospect if it can provide these diagnostics because it allows us to extract spectra of a large fraction of the cluster stars. We investigate the possibilities of full-spectrum fitting to derive stellar parameters and chemical abundances at low spectral resolution (R~2000). We reanalysed 1584 MUSE spectra of 1061 stars above the turn-off of NGC 6397 using FERRE and employing two different synthetic libraries. We derive the equivalent iron abundance \fehe for fixed values of \afe. We find that (i) the interpolation schema and grid mesh are not critical for the precision, metallicity spread, and trend; (ii) with the two grids, \fehe increases by ~0.2 dex along the sub-giant branch, starting from the turn-off of the main sequence; (iii) restricting the wavelength range to the optical decreases the precision significantly; and (iv) the precision obtained with the synthetic libraries is lower than the precision obtained previously with empirical libraries. Full-spectrum fitting provides reproducible results that are robust to the choice of the reference grid of synthetic spectra and to the details of the analysis. The \fehe increase along the sub-giant branch is in stark contrast with the nearly constant iron abundance previously found with empirical libraries. The precision of the measurements (0.05 dex on \fehe) is currently not sufficient to assess the intrinsic chemical abundance spreads, but this may change with deeper observations. Improvements of the synthetic spectra are still needed to deliver the full possibilities of full-spectrum fitting.

Harry George Chittenden, Rita Tojeiro

25 pages, excluding references. 36 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We present an artificial neural network design in which past and present-day properties of dark matter halos and their local environment are used to predict time-resolved star formation histories and stellar metallicity histories of central and satellite galaxies. Using data from the IllustrisTNG simulations, we train a TensorFlow-based neural network with two inputs: a standard layer with static properties of the dark matter halo, such as halo mass and starting time; and a recurrent layer with variables such as overdensity and halo mass accretion rate, evaluated at multiple time steps from 0 < z < 20. This constitutes a model which can be applied to data from a pure dark matter simulation, emulating galaxy formation histories in much greater volumes than what is currently feasible with cosmohydrodynamical simulations. The model successfully reproduces key features of the galaxy halo connection, such as the stellar-to-halo mass relation, downsizing, and colour bimodality. With temporal measures of mass growth, subhalo infall and dark matter concentration, we identify mass accretion history as crucial in determining the geometry of the star formation history and trends with halo mass such as downsizing, while environmental variables are important indicators of chemical enrichment. We use these outputs to compute optical spectral energy distributions, and find that they are well matched to the equivalent results in IllustrisTNG, recovering observational statistics such as colour bimodality and mass-magnitude diagrams.

I. Felix Mirabel, Luis F. Rodriguez

34 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in New Astronomy Reviews

Indirect insights of Pop III stars and Black Holes (BHs) at Cosmic Dawn (CD) may be imprinted as an absorption signal in the 21cm line of HI against the CMB, when the Universe was less than 200 Myr old. To explain the additional large amplitude of the 21cm HI absorption reported by EDGES there have been proposed models based on an additional synchrotron Cosmic Radio Background (CRB) from BH-jet sources that boost the HI absorption signal at CD. The recent observations of radio loud supermassive BHs (SMBHs) in high-z quasars up to z=7 suggest the existence of a CRB from growing BHs at z > 15, of unknown intensity. To match the onset of the EDGES signal a CRB of comparable intensity to that of the CMB is required. Here we provide approximate calculations to analyze this type of absorption signals, taking that of EDGES as an example. Assuming a BH mass to radio luminosity ratio as observed in radio-loud SMBHs of ~10^9 solar masses in quasars at z = 6-7, we find that rapidly growing radio luminous BHs of Intermediate Mass (IMBHs) in their way to become SMBHs, are the only type of astrophysical radio sources of a CRB that could explain the amplitude of the HI absorption reported by EDGES in the interval of z = 18-20. At those redshifts the EDGES signal would imply that the global mass density of IMBHs must be dominant over that of stars, more than 70% of the maximum Stellar Mass Density (SMD) expected at those high redshifts. This suggests that those IMBHs are formed before and grow faster than the bulk of stars, with no large mass contribution from stellar-mass BH remnants of typical Pop III stars. The highly redshifted signals from these IMBHs may be detected at long radio wavelengths with ultrasensitive interferometers such as the SKA, in the infrared with the JWST, and in the X-rays with future space missions.

Benjamin P. Thomas, J. Craig Wheeler, Vikram V. Dwarkadas, Christopher Stockdale, Jozsef Vinko, David Pooley, Yerong Xu, Greg Zeimann, Phillip MacQueen

33 pages, 12 figures

SN 2014C was originally classified as a Type Ib supernova, but at phase {\phi} = 127 d post-explosion strong H{\alpha} emission was observed. SN 2014C has since been observed in radio, infrared, optical and X-ray bands. Here we present new optical spectroscopic and photometric data spanning {\phi} = 947 - 2494 d post-explosion. We address the evolution of the broadened H{\alpha} emission line, as well as broad [O III] emission and other lines. We also conduct a parallel analysis of all publicly available multi-wavelength data. From our spectra, we find a nearly constant H{\alpha} FWHM velocity width of {\sim}2000 km/s that is significantly lower than that of other broadened atomic transitions ({\sim}3000 - 7000 km/s) present in our spectra ([O I] {\lambda}6300; [O III] {\lambda}{\lambda}4959,5007; He I {\lambda}7065; [Ca II] {\lambda}{\lambda}7291,7324). The late radio data demand a fast forward shock ({\sim}10,000 km/s at {\phi} = 1700 d) in rarified matter that contrasts with the modest velocity of the H{\alpha}. We propose that the infrared flux originates from a toroidal-like structure of hydrogen surrounding the progenitor system, while later emission at other wavelengths (radio, X-ray) likely originates predominantly from the reverse shock in the ejecta and the forward shock in the quasi-spherical progenitor He wind. We propose that the H{\alpha} emission arises in the boundary layer between the ejecta and torus. We also consider the possible roles of a pulsar and a binary companion.

Patrick Holt, Toni Tuominen, Jukka Nevalainen, Massimiliano Bonamente, Teet Kuutma, Pekka Heinämäki, Elmo Tempel

13 pages, 12 figures, MNRAS accepted 2022 March 22

This paper presents an updated scaling relation between the optical luminosity density (LD) of galaxies in the $r$ band and the density of the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM) in cosmic filaments, using the high-resolution EAGLE simulations. We find a strong degree of correlation between the WHIM density and the galaxy luminosity density, resulting in a scaling relation between the two quantities that permits to predict the WHIM density of filaments with a scatter of less than $\frac{1}{2}$ dex in a broad range of smoothed filament luminosity densities. In order to estimate the performance of the simulation-based calibration of the LD-WHIM density relation, we applied it to a sample of low-redshift filaments detected with the \emph{Bisous} method in the Legacy Survey SDSS~DR12 data. In the volume covered by the SDSS data, our relation predicts a WHIM density amounting to $31\pm0.07\pm0.12$\% (statistical errors followed by systematic) of cosmic baryon density. This agrees, albeit within the large uncertainties, with the current estimates of the cosmological missing baryon fraction, implying that our LD-WHIM density relation may be a useful tool in the search for the missing baryons. This method of analysis provides a new promising avenue to study the physical properties of the missing baryons, using an observable that is available for large volumes of the sky, complementary and independent from WHIM searches with absorption-line systems in the FUV or X-rays.

Catherine A. Clark, Gerard T. van Belle, David R. Ciardi, Michael B. Lund, Steve B. Howell, Mark E. Everett, Charles A. Beichman, Jennifer G. Winters

28 pages: 24 pages of text with 9 figures, 4 pages of figures in the appendix. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal

TESS has proven to be a powerful resource for finding planets, including those that orbit the most prevalent stars in our galaxy: the M dwarfs. Identification of stellar companions (both bound and unbound) has become a standard component of the transiting planet confirmation process in order to assess the level of light curve dilution and the possibility of the target being a false positive. Studies of stellar companions have also enabled investigations into stellar multiplicity in planet-hosting systems, which has wide-ranging implications for both exoplanet detection and characterization, as well as for the formation and evolution of planetary systems. Speckle and AO imaging are some of the most efficient and effective tools for revealing close-in stellar companions; we therefore present observations of 58 M-dwarf TOIs obtained using a suite of speckle imagers at the 3.5-m WIYN telescope, the 4.3-m Lowell Discovery Telescope, and the 8.1-m Gemini North and South telescopes. These observations, as well as near-infrared adaptive optics images obtained for a subset (14) of these TOIs, revealed only two close-in stellar companions. Upon surveying the literature, and cross-matching our sample with Gaia, SUPERWIDE, and the catalog from El-Badry et al. (2021), we reveal an additional 15 widely-separated common proper motion companions. We also evaluate the potential for undetected close-in companions. Taking into consideration the sensitivity of the observations, our findings suggest that the orbital period distribution of stellar companions to planet-hosting M dwarfs is shifted to longer periods compared to the expected distribution for field M dwarfs.

Kenneth C. Wong, James H. H. Chan, Dani C.-Y. Chao, Anton T. Jaelani, Issha Kayo, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Anupreeta More, Masamune Oguri

Submitted for publication in PASJ; 11 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables

We conduct a search for galaxy-scale strong gravitational lens systems in Data Release 4 of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC SSP), consisting of data taken up to the S21A semester. We select 103191 luminous red galaxies from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) sample that have deep multiband imaging from the HSC SSP and use the YattaLens algorithm to automatically identify lens candidates with blue arc-like features. The candidates are visually inspected and graded based on their likelihood of being a lens. We find 8 definite lenses, 28 probable lenses, and 138 possible lenses. The new lens candidates generally have lens redshifts in the range $0.3 \lesssim z_{\mathrm{L}} \lesssim 0.9$, a key intermediate redshift range to study the evolution of galaxy structure. Follow-up spectroscopy will confirm these new lenses and measure source redshifts to enable detailed lens modeling.

XueGuang Zhang (NNU)

26 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, Accepted to be published in ApJS

In the manuscript, the simple but interesting results are reported on the upper limits of NLRs sizes of a small sample of 38 low redshift ($z<0.1$) AGN with double-peaked broad emission lines (double-peaked BLAGN), in order to check whether the NLRs sizes in type-1 AGN and type-2 AGN obey the similar empirical dependence on \o3~ luminosity. In order to correct the inclination effects on projected NLRs sizes of type-1 AGN, the accretion disk origin is commonly applied to describe the double-peaked broad H$\alpha$ leading to the determined inclination angles of central disk-like BLRs of the 38 double-peaked BLAGN. Then, considering the fixed SDSS fiber radius, the upper limits of NLRs sizes of the 38 double-peaked BLAGN can be estimated. Meanwhile, the strong linear correlation between continuum luminosity and \o3~ luminosity is applied to confirm that the \o3~ emissions of the 38 double-peaked BLAGN are totally covered in the SDSS fibers. Considering the reddening corrected measured \o3~ luminosity, the upper limits of NLRs sizes of the 38 double-peaked BLAGN are within the 99.9999\% confidence interval of the expected results from the empirical relation between NLRs sizes and \o3~ luminosity in the type-2 AGN. In the current stage, there are no clues to challenge the Unified model of AGN, through the space properties of NLRs.

Yanjie Zhang, Qingmin Zhang, Dechao Song, Shuting Li, Jun Dai, Zhe Xu, Haisheng Ji

17 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, comments are welcome

Circular-ribbon flares (CFs) are a special type of solar flares owing to their particular magnetic topology. In this paper, we conducted a comprehensive statistical analysis of 134 CFs from 2011 September to 2017 June, including four B-class, 82 C-class, 40 M-class, and eight X-class flares, respectively. The flares were observed by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft. The physical properties of CFs are derived, including the location, area ($A_{CF}$), equivalent radius ($r_{CF}$) assuming a semi-spherical fan dome, lifetime ($\tau_{CF}$), and peak SXR flux in 1$-$8 {\AA}. It is found that all CFs are located in active regions, with the latitudes between -30$^\circ$ and 30$^\circ$. The distributions of areas and lifetimes could be fitted with a log-normal function. There is a positive correlation between the lifetime and area. The peak SXR flux in 1$-$8 {\AA} is well in accord with a power-law distribution with an index of $-$1.42. For the 134 CFs, 57\% of them are accompanied by remote brightenings or ribbons. A positive correlation exists between the total length ($L_{RB}$) and average distance ($D_{RB}$) of remote brightenings. About 47\% and 51\% of the 134 CFs are related to type III radio bursts and jets, respectively. The association rates are independent of flare energies. About 38\% of CFs are related to mini-filament eruptions, and the association rates increase with flare classes. Only 28\% of CFs are related to CMEs, meaning that a majority of them are confined rather than eruptive events. There is a positive correlation between the CME speed and peak SXR flux in 1$-$8 {\AA}, and faster CMEs tend to be wider.

Massimo Pascale, Brenda L. Frye, Liang Dai, Nicholas Foo, Yujing Qin, Reagen Leimbach, Adam Michael Bauer, Emiliano Merlin, Dan Coe, J.M. Diego, Haojing Yan, Adi Zitrin, Seth H. Cohen, Christopher Conselice, Hervé Dole, Kevin Harrington, Rolf A. Jansen, Patrick Kamieneski, Rogier A. Windhorst, Min S. Yun

24 pages, 14 figures

We present a detailed study of the Planck-selected binary galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0 (G165; $z$=0.348). A multiband photometric catalog is generated that incorporates new imaging from the Large Binocular Telescope/Large Binocular Camera and Spitzer/IRAC to existing imaging. To cope with the different image characteristics, robust methods are applied in the extraction of the matched-aperture photometry. Photometric redshifts are estimated for 143 galaxies in the 4 arcmin$^{2}$ field of overlap covered by all these data. We confirm that strong lensing effects yield 30 images of 11 background galaxies, of which we contribute photometric redshift estimates for three image multiplicities. These constraints enable the construction of a revised lens model that confirms the bimodal structure, and from which we measure a mass of M$_{600 kpc}$=(2.36$\pm$0.23)$\times$10$^{14}$M$_{\odot}$. In parallel, new spectroscopy using MMT/Binospec and archival data contributes thirteen galaxies which meet our velocity and transverse radius criteria for cluster membership. The two cluster components have a pair-wise velocity of $\lessapprox$100 kms$^{-1}$, favoring an orientation in the plane of the sky with a transverse velocity of 100-1700 kms$^{-1}$. At the same time, the brightest cluster galaxy is offset in velocity from the systemic mean value. New LOFAR and VLA radio maps uncover the BCG and a large red galaxy in the northeastern side to be head-tail galaxies, suggesting that this component has already traversed southwestern side and is now exiting the cluster to the northeast.

Selçuk Topal

14 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, published on Journal of Bal{\i}kesir University Institute of Science and Technology

Molecular clouds (MCs) in galaxies are complex places with many phases. It is, therefore, essential to study the physics and kinematics of the MCs using multiple emission lines. We probe the physics of the molecular gas and dust in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 7331 using multiple emission lines, i.e. carbon monoxide (CO), 24{\mu}m and far-ultraviolet (FUV) data. 14 positions were targeted across the gaseous disc of NGC 7331. We found that CO intensities, gas mass, gas surface density, and 24{\mu}m-to-FUV flux ratio (i.e. the extinction) increase up to about 40 arcsec from the centre and then start to decrease. There is a positive correlation between most of the pair of parameters studied (except FUV flux density). The beam-averaged physical parameters on the eastern side of the disc show higher median values than those on the western side. Our results indicate that the star formation activity, stellar populations and overall physical properties of the ISM are different on either side of the disc. Our study provides notable insights into the complex nature of the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies and has the potential to provoke future higher-resolution studies yet to come.

Ken'ichi Tatematsu, You-Ting Yeh, Naomi Hirano, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Tie Liu, Somnath Dutta, Dipen Sahu, Neal J. Evans II, Mika Juvela, Hee-Weon Yi, Jeong-Eun Lee, Patricio Sanhueza, Shanghuo Li, David Eden, Gwanjeong Kim, Chin-Fei Lee, Yuefang Wu, Kee-Tae Kim, L. Viktor T'oth, Minho Choi, Miju Kang, Mark A. Thompson, Gary A. Fuller, 20 Di Li, Ke Wang, Takeshi Sakai, Ryo Kandori, Shih-Ying Hsu, Chau-Ching Chiong, JCMT Large Program SCOPE collaboration, ALMASOP collaboration

45 pages, 28 figures, ApJ in press

In this study, 36 cores (30 starless and 6 protostellar) identified in Orion were surveyed to search for inward motions. We used the Nobeyama 45 m radio telescope, and mapped the cores in the $J = 1\rightarrow0$ transitions of HCO$^+$, H$^{13}$CO$^+$, N$_2$H$^+$, HNC, and HN$^{13}$C. The asymmetry parameter $\delta V$, which was the ratio of the difference between the HCO$^+$ and H$^{13}$CO$^+$ peak velocities to the H$^{13}$CO$^+$ line width, was biased toward negative values, suggesting that inward motions were more dominant than outward motions. Three starless cores (10% of all starless cores surveyed) were identified as cores with blue-skewed line profiles (asymmetric profiles with more intense blue-shifted emission), and another two starless cores (7%) were identified as candidate blue-skewed line profiles. The peak velocity difference between HCO$^+$ and H$^{13}$CO$^+$ of them was up to 0.9 km s$^{-1}$, suggesting that some inward motions exceeded the speed of sound for the quiescent gas ($\sim10-17$ K). The mean of $\delta V$ of the five aforementioned starless cores was derived to be $-$0.5$\pm$0.3. One core, G211.16$-$19.33North3, observed using the ALMA ACA in DCO$^+$ $J = 3\rightarrow2$ exhibited blue-skewed features. Velocity offset in the blue-skewed line profile with a dip in the DCO$^+$ $J = 3\rightarrow2$ line was larger ($\sim 0.5$ km s$^{-1}$) than that in HCO$^+$ $J = 1\rightarrow0$ ($\sim 0.2$ km s$^{-1}$), which may represent gravitational acceleration of inward motions. It seems that this core is at the last stage in the starless phase, judging from the chemical evolution factor version 2.0 (CEF2.0).

We have analyzed the kinematics of open star clusters (OSCs) with the proper motions and distances calculated by Hao et al. based on Gaia EDR3 data. The mean line-of-sight velocities are known for a number of clusters from this list. We show that the Galactic rotation parameters determined from samples of OSCs with various ages are in good agreement between themselves. The most interesting results have been obtained from a sample of 967 youngest OSCs with a mean age of 18 Myr. In particular, we have found the following parameters of the angular velocity of Galactic rotation using only their proper motions and distances: $\Omega_0 =28.01\pm0.15$ km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1},$ $\Omega^{'}_0=-3.674\pm0.040$ km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-2},$ and $\Omega^{''}_0=0.565\pm0.023$ km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-3}$. The circular rotation velocity of the solar neighborhood around the Galactic center here is $V_0=226.9\pm3.1$ km s$^{-1}$ for the adopted Galactocentric distance of the Sun $R_0=8.1\pm0.1$ kpc. The parameters of the spiral density wave have been determined from the space velocities of 233 young clusters. The amplitudes of the radial and tangential velocity perturbations produced by the spiral density wave are $f_R=9.1\pm0.8$ km s$^{-1}$ and $f_\theta=4.6\pm1.2$ km s$^{-1}$, respectively; the perturbation wavelengths are $\lambda_R=3.3\pm0.5$ kpc and $\lambda_\theta=2.6\pm0.6$ kpc for the the adopted four-armed spiral pattern. The Sun's phase in the spiral density wave has been found to be $(\chi_\odot)_R\approx-180^\circ$.

Maria Giovanna Dainotti, S. Young, L. Li, K. K. Kalinowski, Delina Levine, D. A. Kann, Brandon Tran, L. Zambrano-Tapia, A. Zambrano-Tapia, B. Cenko, M. Fuentes, E. G. Sánchez-Vázquez, S. Oates, N. Fraija, R. L. Becerra, A. M. Watson, N. R. Butler, J. J. González, A. S. Kutyrev, W. H. Lee, J. X. Prochaska, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, M. G. Richer, S. Zola

24 pages, 7 figures and 3 table. Submitted to ApJ. The part in bold is the addition as a response to the referee queries

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are fascinating events due to their panchromatic nature. We study optical plateaus in GRB afterglows via an extended search into archival data. We comprehensively analyze all published GRBs with known redshifts and optical plateaus observed by many ground-based telescopes (e.g., Subaru Telescope, RATIR) around the world and several space-based observatories such as the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. We fit 502 optical light curves (LCs), showing the existence of the plateau in 181 cases. This sample is 77\% larger than the previous one \citep{dainotti2021b}, and it is the largest compilation so far of optical plateaus. We discover the 3D fundamental plane relation at optical wavelengths using this sample. This correlation is between the rest-frame time at the end of the plateau emission, $T^{*}_{\rm opt}$, its optical luminosity, $L_{\rm opt}$, and the peak in the optical prompt emission, $L_{\rm peak, opt}$, thus resembling the three-dimensional (3D) X-ray fundamental plane relation \citep{dainotti2016}. We correct our sample for redshift evolution and selection effects, discovering that this correlation is indeed intrinsic to GRB physics. We investigate the rest-frame end time distributions in X-rays and optical ($T^{*}_{\rm opt}$, $T^{*}_{\rm X}$), and conclude that the plateau is achromatic only when selection biases are not considered. We also investigate if the 3D optical correlation may be a new discriminant between optical GRB classes and {\bf find that there is no significant separation between the classes compared to the Gold sample plane after correcting for evolution.}

Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Giada Bardiacchi, Aleksander Lukasz Lenart, Salvatore Capozziello, Eoin O Colgain, Rance Solomon, Dejan Stojkovic, M.M. Sheikh-Jabbari

11 pages, 5 figures, 1 Table. the part in bold is the referee response. The paper is submitted to ApJ

Quasars (QSOs) are extremely luminous active galatic nuclei currently observed up to redshift $z=7.642$. As such, they have the potential to be the next rung of the cosmic distance ladder beyond SNe Ia, if they can reliably be used as cosmological probes. The main issue in adopting QSOs as standard candles (similarly to Gamma-Ray Bursts) is the large intrinsic scatter in the relations between their observed properties. This could be overcome by finding correlations among their observables that are intrinsic to the physics of QSOs and not artifacts of selection biases and/or redshift evolution. The reliability of these correlations should be verified through well-established statistical tests. The correlation between the ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray fluxes developed by Risaliti \& Lusso is one of the most promising relations. We apply a statistical method to correct this relation for redshift evolution and selection biases. \textbf{Remarkably, we recover the the same parameters of the slope and the normalization as Risaliti \& Lusso. Our results establish the reliability of this relation, which is intrinsic to the QSO properties and not merely an effect of selection biases or redshift evolution. Hence,} the possibility to standardize QSOs as cosmological candles, thereby extending the Hubble diagram up to $z=7.54$.

Emanuele Fondi, Alessandro Melchiorri, Luca Pagano

6 pages, 3 Figures

The latest data release from the ACT CMB experiment (in combination with previous WMAP data) shows evidence for an Early Dark Energy component at more than $3$ standard deviations. The same conclusion has been recently shown to hold when temperature data from the Planck experiment limited to intermediate angular scales ($l \le 650$) are included while it vanishes when the full Planck dataset is considered. However, it has been shown that the full Planck dataset exhibits an anomalous lensing component and a preference for a closed universe at the level of three standard deviation. It is therefore of utmost importance to investigate if these anomalies could anti-correlate with an early dark energy component and hide its presence during the process of parameter extraction. Here we demonstrate that extended parameters choices as curvature, equation of state of dark energy and lensing amplitude $A_L$ have no impact on the Planck constraints on EDE. In practice, EDE does not solve Planck angular spectra anomalies. This indicates that current CMB evidence for an EDE component comes essentially from the ACT-DR4 dataset.

Upala Mukhopadhyay, Debasish Majumdar, Ashadul Halder

22 pages, 9 figures

The evaporation of Primordial Black Hole (PBH) via Hawking radiation influences the evolution of Inter Galactic Medium by heating up the latter and consequently affects the 21cm signal originated from the neutral Hydrogen atoms. In this work, we have considered EDGES observational data of 21cm line corresponding to cosmic dawn era to constrain the mass and the abundance of PBHs. In this context, three different PBH mass distributions namely, monochromatic, power law and lognormal mass distributions are considered to estimate the effects of PBH evaporation on the 21cm brightness temperature $T_{21}$. The impacts of Dark Matter - baryon interactions on $T_{21}$ are also considered in this work along with the influences of PBH evaporation. Further an attempt has been made in this work to formulate a mass distribution expression for the PBHs in the context of the 21cm results considered here. The mass distribution best suited for the present purpose is found to be a combination of an error function and Owen function. Bounds on Dark Matter mass are also calculated in this work by considering the PBH mass distributions.

Jian-Ping Hu, Fa-Yin Wang (NJU)

7 pages, 1 table, submitted

The discrepancy between the value of the Hubble constant $H_0$ measured using the local distance ladder and the value inferred using the cosmic microwave background is the most serious challenge to the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. Many models have been suggested to solve or relieve it. Here, we report a late-time transition of $H_{0}$, i.e., $H_0$ changes from low value to high one from early to late cosmic time, by investigating the Hubble parameter $H(z)$ data based on the Gaussian process method. This finding effectively reduces the Hubble crisis by 70\%. Our results are also consistent with the descending trend of $H_0$ measured by time-delay cosmography of lensed quasars at 1$\sigma$ confidence level. It is interesting that under the $\Lambda$CDM model and $w$CDM model, this transition disappears, leaving a bump in redshift range (0.4, 0.5). This demonstrates the model-independent method should be used to derive $H_0$.

Vladimir Zhdankin

12 pages, 4 figures, submitted for publication

Dissipative processes cause collisionless plasmas in many systems to develop nonthermal particle distributions with broad power-law tails. The prevalence of power-law energy distributions in space/astrophysical observations and kinetic simulations of systems with a variety of acceleration and trapping (or escape) mechanisms poses a deep mystery. We consider the possibility that such distributions can be modeled from maximum-entropy principles, when accounting for generalizations beyond the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy. Using a dimensional representation of entropy (related to the Renyi and Tsallis entropies), we derive generalized maximum-entropy distributions with a power-law tail determined by the energy scale at which irreversible dissipation occurs. By assuming that particles are energized by an amount comparable to the free energy (per particle) before equilibrating, we derive a formula for the power-law index as a function of plasma parameters for magnetic dissipation in systems with sufficiently complex topologies. The model reproduces several results from kinetic simulations of relativistic turbulence and magnetic reconnection.

Remington O. Sexton, Nathan J. Secrest, Megan C. Johnson, Bryan N. Dorland

40 pages, 19 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJS on 23 March 2022

Despite their importance for astrometry and navigation, the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) that comprise the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) are relatively poorly understood, with key information such as their spectroscopic redshifts, AGN spectral type, and emission/absorption line properties generally missing from the literature. Using updated, publicly available, state-of-the-art spectroscopic fitting code optimized for the spectra of AGNs from low to high redshift, we present a catalog of emission line and spectral continuum parameters for 1,014 unique ICRF3 objects with single-fiber spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR16. We additionally present black hole virial mass scaling relationships that use H$\alpha$-, H$\beta$-, Mg II-, and C IV-based line widths, all consistent with each other, which can be used in studies of radio-loud objects across a wide range of redshifts, and we use these scaling relationships to provide derived properties such as black hole masses and bolometric luminosities for the catalog. We briefly comment on these properties for the ICRF objects, as well as their overall spectroscopic characteristics.

We study the linear effects of massive neutrinos on the matter density fluctuations on both large and small scales by solving the fluid equations that are obtained from Boltzmann hierarchy. These equations set the evolution of density and velocity perturbations of cold dark matter and neutrinos after the latter become non-relativistic. Due to the free-streaming effects, the massive neutrinos suppress the total matter power spectrum on small scales while leaving the large scales untouched. Approximating the neutrino distribution function as peaked at one value gives an equation of state that can then be used in an analytic solution of the fluid equations. We then test the validity of fluid approximation with full Boltzmann solvers such as \textsc{class}. We also comment on the effects of dark energy on our results.

Luca Orusa, Mattia Di Mauro, Fiorenza Donato, Michael Korsmeier

25 pages, 19 figures. Submitted to PRD. The tables of the energy differential cross sections of electrons and positrons with a script to read them can be found here: this https URL Results are under peer-review process

The cosmic-ray fluxes of electrons and positrons ($e^{\pm}$) are measured with high precision by the space-borne particle spectrometer AMS-02. To infer a precise interpretation of the production processes for $e^{\pm}$ in our Galaxy, it is necessary to have an accurate description of the secondary component, produced by the interaction of cosmic-ray proton and helium with the interstellar medium atoms. We determine new analytical functions of the Lorentz invariant cross section for the production of $\pi^\pm$ and $K^\pm$ by fitting data from collider experiments. We also evaluate the invariant cross sections for several other channels, involving for example hyperon decays, contributing at the few \% level on the total cross section. For all these particles, the relevant 2 and 3 body decay channels are implemented, with the polarized $\mu^\pm$ decay computed with next-to-leading order corrections. The cross section for scattering of nuclei heavier than protons is modeled by fitting data on $p+C$ collisions. The total differential cross section $d\sigma/dT_{e^\pm}(p+p\rightarrow e^\pm+X)$ is predicted from 10 MeV up to 10 TeV of $e^\pm$ energy with an uncertainty of about 5-7\% in the energies relevant for AMS-02 positron flux, thus dramatically reducing the precision of the theoretical model with respect to the state of the art. Finally, we provide a prediction for the secondary Galactic $e^\pm$ source spectrum with an uncertainty of the same level. As a service for the scientific community, we provide numerical tables and a script to calculate energy-differential cross sections.

M. Polletta, H. Dole, C. Martinache, M. D. Lehnert, B. L. Frye, R. Kneissl

26 pages (+19 pages Appendix), A&A accepted

We report on IRAM-30m/EMIR observations of 38 red Herschel sources in 18 Planck-selected protocluster candidates (PHz). We detect 40 CO lines on a total of 24 bright Herschel sources in 14 of the 18 PHz fields. The measured average redshift is <z>=2.25. We measure redshifts for multiple Herschel sources in eight PHz fields. In half of those fields we detect from two to three objects at similar redshifts, supporting the idea that they contain high-z protoclusters. The detection of sources at different redshifts demonstrates that foreground and background sources also contribute to the total sub-mm emission. We compare the properties of the molecular gas, and of the star formation activity of our sources with samples of normal star-forming galaxies (SFGs), sub-mm galaxies, and CO-detected cluster and protocluster galaxies at similar redshifts. We find that the PHz-IRAM sources are mainly normal SFGs, with only ~20% undergoing a starburst phase. The PHz-IRAM sources are characterized by star formation rates and gas masses that are, on average, eight and five times higher than those typical of normal SFGs at similar redshifts. Their dust temperatures, and depletion timescales are instead consistent with those of normal SFGs. The analysis of the CO spectral line energy distribution, available for ten sources, peaks at Jup=3 in most of the cases, implying low gas excitation. These properties imply that a significant fraction of the PHz-IRAM sources contains extended, and cold molecular gas reservoirs at low excitation, and that their star-formation is driven by secular processes. Multiplicity and moderate gravitational lensing might also play a role in producing the observed properties. We find that the highest star-forming protoclusters drawn from the large volume simulations, have similar SFRs as the PHz protoclusters, but separate out into a larger number of SFGs. (Abridged)

Tonatiuh Matos, Abdel Perez-Lorenzana, Jordi Solís-López

In recent times, the Scalar Field Dark Matter (SFDM) model (also called Fuzzy, Wave, Ultralight dark matter model) has received much attention due to its success in describing dark matter on both cosmological and galactic scales. Several challenges of the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model can be explained very easily and naturally by the SFDM model. Two of these challenges are to describe the anomalous trajectories of satellite galaxies called the Vast Polar Structure (VPOS) and to explain the Fermi Bubbles (FB) observed in our galaxy. In Phys.Rev.D103(2021)083535 an alternative explanation for VPOS was shown using the SFDM excited states, explaining the anomalous trajectories in a natural and simple way. In this work we use the same dark matter structure to show that these excited states of the SFDM can provide a very simple and natural explanation for the FB, assuming that the SFDM is a kind of dark boson. If this assumption is correct, we should see FB in several more galaxies and continue to see gamma-ray events at higher energies, these observations would take place in the near future and could be crucial to the ultimate answer to the nature of dark matter.

Naor Movshovitz (1), Jonathan J. Fortney (1) ((1) Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California, Santa Cruz)

31 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in PSJ

We study the constraining power of a high-precision measurement of the gravity field for Uranus and Neptune, as could be delivered by a low periapse orbiter. Our study is practical, assessing the possible deliverables and limitations of such a mission with respect to the structure of the planets. Our study is also academic, assessing in a general way the relative importance of the low order gravity, high order gravity, rotation rate, and moment of inertia (MOI) in constraining planetary structure. We attempt to explore all possible interior density structures of a planet that are consistent with hypothetical gravity data, via MCMC sampling of parameterized density profiles. When the gravity field is poorly known, as it is today, uncertainties in the rotation rate on the order of 10 minutes are unimportant, as they are interchangeable with uncertainties in the gravity coefficients. By the same token, when the gravity field is precisely determined the rotation rate must be known to comparable precision. When gravity and rotation are well known the MOI becomes well-constrained, limiting the usefulness of independent MOI determinations unless they are extraordinarily precise. For Uranus and Neptune, density profiles can be well-constrained. However, the non-uniqueness of the relative roles of H/He, watery volatiles, and rock in the deep interior will still persist with high-precision gravity data. Nevertheless, the locations and magnitudes (in pressure-space) of any large-scale composition gradient regions can likely be identified, offering a crucially better picture of the interiors of Uranus or Neptune.

Jacco H. Terwel, Peter G. Jonker

6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Most massive galaxies contain a supermassive black hole (SMBH) at their center. When galaxies merge, their SMBHs sink to the center of the new galaxy where they are thought to eventually merge. During this process an SMBH binary is formed. The presence of two sets of broad emission lines in the optical spectrum of an active galactic nucleus (AGN) has been interpreted as evidence for two broad line regions (BLR), one surrounding each SMBH in a binary. We modeled the broad Balmer emission lines in SDSS spectra of 373 extreme variability AGNs using one broad and several narrow Gaussian components. We report on the discovery of SDSS J021647.53$-$011341.5 (hereafter J0216) as a double-peaked broad emission line source. Among the 373 AGNs there were five sources that are known double-peaked emission line sources. Three of these have been reported as candidate SMBH binaries in previous studies. We present all six objects and their double-peaked broad Balmer emission lines, and discuss the implications for a tidal disruption event (TDE) interpretation of the extreme variability assuming the double-peaked sources are SMBH binaries.

Lennart van Sluijs, Jayne L. Birkby, Joshua Lothringer, Elspeth K. H. Lee, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Vivien Parmentier, Matteo Brogi, Craig Kulesa, Don McCarthy, Keith Powell, David Charbonneau

24 pages, 21 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We report the first detection of CO emission lines at high spectral resolution in the day-side infrared thermal spectrum of an exoplanet. These emission lines, found in the atmosphere of the ultra hot Jupiter WASP-33 b, provide unambiguous evidence of its thermal inversion layer. Using spectra from the MMT Exoplanet Atmosphere Survey (MEASURE, $R\sim15,000$), covering pre- and post-eclipse orbital phases ($0.33<\phi<0.73$), we performed a cross-correlation analysis with 1D PHOENIX model atmospheres to detect CO at S/N=7.9 at $v_{sys}=0.15^{+0.64}_{-0.65}$ km/s and $K_{p}=229.5^{+1.1}_{-1.0}$ km/s. However, using the framework of Cross-Correlation-to-log-Likelihood mapping, we further find that the spectral line depths, as probed by the scaling parameter, change with phase: the line contrast is larger after the eclipse than before. We then use the general circulation model SPARC/MITgcm post-processed by the 3D gCMCRT radiative transfer code and interpret this variation as due to an eastward-shifted hot spot. Before the eclipse, when the hot spot is facing Earth, the thermal profiles are shallower, leading to a smaller line depth despite greater overall flux. After the eclipse, the western part of the day-side is facing Earth, where the thermal profiles are much steeper, leading to larger line depth despite less overall flux. We thus demonstrate that even relatively moderate resolution spectra can be used to understand the 3D nature of close-in exoplanets, if assessed within the log-likelihood framework, and that resolution can be traded for photon collecting power when the induced Doppler-shift is sufficiently large. We highlight that CO in ultra hot Jupiters is a good probe of their thermal structure and corresponding dynamics, and does not suffer from stellar activity unlike some atomic species, such as iron, that also appear in the hot host star spectrum.

Aaron P. Quiskamp, Ben T. McAllister, Paul Altin, Eugene N. Ivanov, Maxim Goryachev, Michael E. Tobar

The standard model axion seesaw Higgs portal inflation (SMASH) model is a well motivated, self-contained description of particle physics over a range of energy scales that predicts axion dark matter particles to exist within the mass range of $50-200\,\mu$eV. To scan these masses an axion haloscope under a strong constant magnetic field must operate between 12 to 48 GHz. The ORGAN experiment (situated in Perth, Australia) is a microwave cavity axion haloscope that aims to search the majority of the mass range predicted by the SMASH model. Here we present results of Phase 1a, the first experiment to scan and search for axions in the microwave Ku Band. Our initial scan sets a new limit on the coupling of axions to two photons of $g_{a\gamma\gamma}\geq 3\times 10^{-12}\, \textrm{GeV}^{-1}$ over the mass range $63.2$ to $67.1~\mu$eV with $95\%$ confidence. This result is the most sensitive to date in this mass range, sufficient to exclude the well motivated ALP (Axion Like Particle) cogenesis model for dark matter, which adds ALPs to the standard model in the early universe to simultaneously explain the observed baryon and dark matter densities. To attain this level of sensitivity we utilised a TM$_{010}$ cylindrical cavity resonator, scanned between 15.28 to 16.23 GHz through the utilisation of a tuning rod. Measurements were performed over a duration of 3.5 weeks with a $74\%$ duty cycle, with the resonator coupled to a low noise HEMT amplifier and placed inside a superconducting solenoidal electromagnet of 11.5 Tesla in magnetic field strength.

Carlos A. Argüelles, Víctor Muñoz, Ian M. Shoemaker, Volodymyr Takhistov

7 pages, 4 figures

Light sub-GeV dark matter (DM) constitutes an underexplored target, beyond the optimized sensitivity of typical direct DM detection experiments. We comprehensively investigate hadrophilic light DM produced from cosmic-ray collisions with the atmosphere. The resulting relativistic DM, originating from meson decays, can be efficiently observed in variety of experiments, such as XENON1T. We include for the first time decays of $\eta$, $\eta^{\prime}$ and $K^+$ mesons, leading to improved limits for DM masses above few hundred MeV. We incorporate an exact treatment of the DM attenuation in Earth and demonstrate that nuclear form factor effects can significantly impact the resulting testable DM parameter space. Further, we establish projections for upcoming experiments, such as DARWIN, over a wide range of DM masses below the GeV scale.

We present an end-to-end framework to learn partial differential equations that brings together initial data production, selection of boundary conditions, and the use of physics-informed neural operators to solve partial differential equations that are ubiquitous in the study and modeling of physics phenomena. We first demonstrate that our methods reproduce the accuracy and performance of other neural operators published elsewhere in the literature to learn the 1D wave equation and the 1D Burgers equation. Thereafter, we apply our physics-informed neural operators to learn new types of equations, including the 2D Burgers equation in the scalar, inviscid and vector types. Finally, we show that our approach is also applicable to learn the physics of the 2D linear and nonlinear shallow water equations, which involve three coupled partial differential equations. We release our artificial intelligence surrogates and scientific software to produce initial data and boundary conditions to study a broad range of physically motivated scenarios. We provide the source code, an interactive website to visualize the predictions of our physics informed neural operators, and a tutorial for their use at the Data and Learning Hub for Science.

Measuring core-collapse supernova neutrinos, both from individual supernovae within the Milky Way and from past core collapses throughout the Universe (the diffuse supernova neutrino background, or DSNB), is one of the main goals of current and next generation neutrino experiments. Detecting the heavy-lepton flavor (muon and tau types, collectively $\nu_x$) component of the flux is particularly challenging due to small statistics and large backgrounds. While the next galactic neutrino burst will be observed in a plethora of neutrino channels, allowing to measure a small number of $\nu_x$ events, only upper limits are anticipated for the diffuse $\nu_x$ flux even after decades of data taking with conventional detectors. However, paleo-detectors could measure the time-integrated flux of neutrinos from galactic core-collapse supernovae via flavor-blind neutral current interactions. In this work, we show how combining a measurement of the average galactic core-collapse supernova flux with paleo detectors and measurements of the DSNB electron-type neutrino fluxes with the next-generation water Cherenkov detector Hyper-Kamiokande and the liquid noble gas detector DUNE will allow to determine the mean supernova $\nu_x$ flux parameters with precision of order ten percent.

Mariateresa Crosta, Mario G. Lattanzi, Christophe Le Poncin-Lafitte, Mario Gai, Qi Zhaoxiang, Alberto Vecchiato

17 pages, 3 figures

The direct detection of gravitational waves by ground-based optical interferometers has opened a new window in astronomy. Nevertheless, as these detectors are a combination of two Michelson-Morley like baselines, their sensitivity for determining the incident direction of a gravitational wave is quite weak compared to current high-precision of space astrometry. We therefore present a novel concept for a gravitational wave antenna in space that uses close pairs of point-like sources as natural sensors to record and characterize the very tiny variations in angular separations induced by a passing gravitational wave, thus operating complementarily to linear arm detectors and enabling to gain informations on the gravitational wave incoming direction. Indeed, the proposed astrometric gravitational wave observable builds on methods of relativistic astrometry that can substantially enhance the strength of gravitational wave signals by exploiting to the fullest the telescope optical resolution and, at same time, provide a powerful tool for identifying the direction to the sources that originated the gravitational wave by monitoring close pairs of stars. Furthermore, the use of two local-line-of-sights in a differential formulation avoids issues related to high order modeling of the local (Solar System) background geometry and the need for accurate satellite ephemeris and attitude.

While ample evidence for the so-called empirical parabolic law of the Equation of State (EOS) of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter (ANM) has been obtained in many studies within both non-relativistic and relativistic nuclear many-body theories using various interactions, it has been unclear if there is any fundamental physics reason for the small quartic symmetry energy compared to the quadratic one even as the ANM approaches pure neutron matter. Within both relativistic and non-relativistic Free Fermi Gas (FFG) models in coordinate spaces of arbitrary dimension $d$ with and without considering Short-Range Correlations (SRC) as well as non-linear Relativistic Mean Field (RMF) models, we study effects of relativistic kinematics, dimensionality, interactions and SRC on the ratio $\Psi(\rho)$ of quartic over quadratic symmetry energies in ANM EOSs. We found that the ratio $\Psi(\rho)$ in the FFG model depends strongly on the dimension $d$. While it is very small already in the normal 3D space, it could be even smaller in spaces with reduced dimensions for sub-systems of particles in heavy-ion reactions and/or whole neutron stars due to constraints, collectivities and/or symmetries. We also found that the ratio $\Psi(\rho)$ could theoretically become very large only at the ultra-relativistic limit far above the density reachable in neutron stars. On the other hand, nuclear interaction directly and/or indirectly through SRC-induced high-momentum nucleons affect significantly the density dependence of $\Psi(\rho)$ compared to the relativistic FFG model prediction. The SRC affects significantly not only the kinetic energy of symmetric nuclear matter but also the ratio $\Psi(\rho)$ while the relativistic corrections are found negligible. The results may help better understand the EOS of dense neutron-rich matter.

Manu George, Chun-Yu Lin, Meng-Ru Wu, Tony G. Liu, Zewei Xiong

17 pages, 13 figures

We introduce the implementation details of the simulation code \cosenu, which numerically solves a set of non-linear partial differential equations that govern the dynamics of neutrino collective flavor conversions. We systematically provide the details of both the finite difference method supported by Kreiss-Oliger dissipation and the finite volume method with seventh order weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme. To ensure the reliability of the code, we perform the comparison of the simulation results with theoretically obtainable solutions. In order to understand and characterize the error accumulation behavior of the implementations when neutrino self-interactions are switched on, we also analyze the evolution of the deviation of the conserved quantities for different values of simulation parameters. We report the performance of our code with both CPUs and GPUs. The public version of the \cosenu~package is available at \url{https://github.com/COSEnu/COSEnu}.

Weakly collisional plasmas are subject to nonlinear relaxation processes, which can operate at rates much faster than the particle collision frequencies. This causes the plasma to respond like a magnetised fluid despite having long particle mean-free-paths. In this Letter the effective collisional mechanisms are modelled in the plasma kinetic equation to produce density, pressure and magnetic field responses to compare with spacecraft measurements of the solar wind compressive fluctuations at 1 AU. This enables a measurement of the effective mean-free-path of the solar wind protons, found to be 4.35 $\times 10^5$ km, which is $\sim 10^3$ times shorter than the collisional mean-free-path. These measurements are shown to support the effective fluid behavior of the solar wind at scales above the proton gyroradius and demonstrate that effective collision processes alter the thermodynamics and transport of weakly collisional plasmas.

The mean anomaly at epoch $\eta$ is one of the standard six Keplerian orbital elements in terms of which the motion of the two-body problem is parameterized. Along with the argument of pericenter $\omega$, $\eta$ experiences long-term rates of change induced, among other things, by general relativity and several modified models of gravity. Thus, in principle, it may be fruitfully adopted together with $\omega$ in several tests of post-Newtonian gravity performed with astronomical and astrophysical binary systems. This would allow to enhance the gravitational signature one is interested in and to disentangle some competing disturbing effects acting as sources of systematic bias. Nonetheless, for some reasons unknown to the present author, $\eta$ has never been used so far by astronomers in actual data reductions. This note aims to raise interest in the community about the possible practical use of such an orbital element or, at least, to induce experts in astronomical data processing to explicitly make clear if it is not possible to use $\eta$ for testing gravitational models and, in this case, why.

Jose Maria Ezquiaga, Wayne Hu, Macarena Lagos, Meng-Xiang Lin, Fei Xu

32 pages, 6 figures

Low-energy alternatives to General Relativity (GR) generically modify the phase of gravitational waves (GWs) during their propagation. As detector sensitivities increase, it becomes key to understand how these modifications affect the GW higher modes and to disentangle possible degeneracies with astrophysical phenomena. We apply a general formalism -- the WKB approach -- for solving analytically wave propagation in the spatial domain with a modified dispersion relation (MDR). We compare this WKB approach to applying a stationary phase approximation (SPA) in the temporal domain with time delays associated to the group or particle velocity. To this end, we extend the SPA to generic signals with higher modes, keeping careful track of reference phases and arrival times. We find that the WKB approach coincides with the SPA using the group velocity, in agreement with the principles of wave propagation. We then explore the degeneracies between a GW propagation with an MDR and a strongly-lensed GW in GR, since the latter can introduce a frequency-independent phase shift which is not degenerate with source parameters in the presence of higher modes. We find that for a particular MDR there is an exact degeneracy for wave propagation, unlike with the SPA for particle propagation. For the other cases, we search for the values of the MDR parameters that minimize the $\chi^2$ and conclude that strongly-lensed GR GWs could be misinterpreted as GWs in modified gravity. Future MDR constraints with higher mode GWs should include the possibility of frequency-independent phase shifts, allowing for the identification of modified gravity and strong lensing distortions at the same time.