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Papers for Monday, May 02 2022

Duncan V. Mifsud, Perry A. Hailey, Péter Herczku, Béla Sulik, Zoltán Juhász, Sándor T.S. Kovács, Zuzana Kaňuchová, Sergio Ioppolo, Robert W. McCullough, Béla Paripás, Nigel J.Mason

Manuscript contains 18 pages, 6 figures, and 2 tables. Published as an advance article in PCCP

Laboratory studies of the radiation chemistry occurring in astrophysical ices have demonstrated the dependence of this chemistry on a number of experimental parameters. One experimental parameter which has received significantly less attention is that of the phase of the solid ice under investigation. In this present study, we have performed systematic 2 keV electron irradiations of the amorphous and crystalline phases of pure CH3OH and N2O astrophysical ice analogues. Radiation-induced decay of these ices and the concomitant formation of products were monitored in situ using FT-IR spectroscopy. A direct comparison between the irradiated amorphous and crystalline CH3OH ices revealed a more rapid decay of the former compared to the latter. Interestingly, a significantly lesser difference was observed when comparing the decay rates of the amorphous and crystalline N2O ices. These observations have been rationalised in terms of the strength and extent of the intermolecular forces present in each ice. The strong and extensive hydrogen-bonding network that exists in crystalline CH3OH (but not in the amorphous phase) is suggested to significantly stabilise this phase against radiation-induced decay. Conversely, although alignment of the dipole moment of N2O is anticipated to be more extensive in the crystalline structure, its weak attractive potential does not significantly stabilise the crystalline phase against radiation-induced decay, hence explaining the smaller difference in decay rates between the amorphous and crystalline phases of N2O compared to those of CH3OH. Our results are relevant to the astrochemistry of interstellar ices and icy Solar System objects, which may experience phase changes due to thermally-induced crystallisation or space radiation-induced amorphisation.

G. F. Benedict, B. E. McArthur, E.P. Nelan, R. Wittenmyer, R. Barnes, H. Smotherman, J. Horner

Accepted to Astronomical Journal

With Hubble Space Telescope Fine Guidance Sensor astrometry and published and previously unpublished radial velocity measures we explore the exoplanetary system mu Arae. Our modeling of the radial velocities results in improved orbital elements for the four previously known components. Our astrometry contains no evidence for any known companion, but provides upper limits for three companion masses. A final summary of all past Fine Guidance Sensor exoplanet astrometry results uncover a bias towards small inclinations (more face-on than edge-on). This bias remains unexplained by either small number statistics, modeling technique, Fine Guidance Sensor mechanical issues, or orbit modeling of noise-dominated data. A numerical analysis using our refined orbital elements suggests that planet d renders the mu Arae system dynamically unstable on a timescale of 10^5 years, in broad agreement with previous work.

Shyam Balaji, Maura E. Ramirez-Quezada, Celine Boehm

22 pages, 2 appendices, 4 figures

For several decades, astronomers have measured the electromagnetic emission in the universe from the lowest to the highest energies with incredible precision. The lowest end of the spectrum, corresponding to radio waves, is fairly well studied and understood. Yet there is a long standing discrepancy between measurements and predictions, which has prompted the construction of many new models of radio emitters. Here we show that remnant electron-proton interactions, leading to photon production in the early universe, also referred to as cosmic free-free emission, solves the discrepancy between theory and observations. While the possibility of cosmic free-free emission has been postulated for several decades, this is the first time that the amplitude and shape of the signal has been computed and its existence demonstrated. Using current measurements we estimate this emission to become important from around a redshift of $z \simeq 2150$. This contribution from fundamental particles and interactions represents the lowest energy test from the early universe of one of the pillars of modern physics, Quantum Electrodynamics. The next generation of deep radio surveys will be able to measure primordial signals from this cosmic era with greater precision and further solidify our understanding of the radio sky.

Samuel Ruthven Ward, Chris Harrison, Tiago Costa, Vincenzo Mainieri

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 22 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables

Negative feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) is the leading mechanism for the quenching of massive galaxies in the vast majority of modern galaxy evolution models. However, direct observational evidence that AGN feedback causes quenching on a population scale is lacking. Studies have shown that luminous AGN are preferentially located in gas-rich and star-forming galaxies, an observation that has sometimes been suggested to be in tension with a negative AGN feedback picture. We investigate three of the current cosmological simulations (IllustrisTNG, EAGLE and SIMBA) along with post-processed models for molecular hydrogen gas masses and perform similar tests to those used by observers. We find that the simulations predict: (i) no strong negative trends between AGN luminosity and molecular gas fraction or sSFR; (ii) both high-luminosity ($L_{bol}>10^{44}$ erg/s) and high-Eddington ratio (>1%) AGN are preferentially located in galaxies with high molecular gas fractions and sSFR; and (iii) that the gas-depleted and quenched fractions of AGN host galaxies are lower than a control sample of non-active galaxies. These three findings are in qualitative agreement with observational samples at $z=0$ and $z=2$ and show that such results are not in tension with the presence of strong AGN feedback, which all simulations we employ require to produce realistic massive galaxies. However, we also find quantifiable differences between predictions from the simulations, which could allow us to observationally test the different subgrid feedback models.

Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro

21 pages, 8 figures, code publicly available at this https URL

We train deep learning models on thousands of galaxy catalogues from the state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulations of the CAMELS project to perform regression and inference. We employ Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), architectures designed to work with irregular and sparse data, like the distribution of galaxies in the Universe. We first show that GNNs can learn to compute the power spectrum of galaxy catalogues with a few percent accuracy. We then train GNNs to perform likelihood-free inference at the galaxy-field level. Our models are able to infer the value of $\Omega_{\rm m}$ with a $\sim12\%-13\%$ accuracy just from the positions of $\sim1000$ galaxies in a volume of $(25~h^{-1}{\rm Mpc})^3$ at $z=0$ while accounting for astrophysical uncertainties as modelled in CAMELS. Incorporating information from galaxy properties, such as stellar mass, stellar metallicity, and stellar radius, increases the accuracy to $4\%-8\%$. Our models are built to be translational and rotational invariant, and they can extract information from any scale larger than the minimum distance between two galaxies. However, our models are not completely robust: testing on simulations run with a different subgrid physics than the ones used for training does not yield as accurate results.

Paul Mollière, Tamara Molyarova, Bertram Bitsch, Thomas Henning, Aaron Schneider, Laura Kreidberg, Christian Eistrup, Remo Burn, Evert Nasedkin, Dmitry Semenov, Christoph Mordasini, Martin Schlecker, Kamber R. Schwarz, Sylvestre Lacour, Mathias Nowak, Matthäus Schulik

Accepted for publication in ApJ, base formation inversion code is available at: this https URL

Constraining planet formation based on the atmospheric composition of exoplanets is a fundamental goal of the exoplanet community. Existing studies commonly try to constrain atmospheric abundances, or to analyze what abundance patterns a given description of planet formation predicts. However, there is also a pressing need to develop methodologies that investigate how to transform atmospheric compositions into planetary formation inferences. In this study we summarize the complexities and uncertainties of state-of-the-art planet formation models and how they influence planetary atmospheric compositions. We introduce a methodology that explores the effect of different formation model assumptions when interpreting atmospheric compositions. We apply this framework to the directly imaged planet HR 8799e. Based on its atmospheric composition, this planet may have migrated significantly during its formation. We show that including the chemical evolution of the protoplanetary disk leads to a reduced need for migration. Moreover, we find that pebble accretion can reproduce the planet's composition, but some of our tested setups lead to too low atmospheric metallicities, even when considering that evaporating pebbles may enrich the disk gas. We conclude that the definitive inversion from atmospheric abundances to planet formation for a given planet may be challenging, but a qualitative understanding of the effects of different formation models is possible, opening up pathways for new investigations.

Monica Zorotovic, Matthias R. Schreiber

Accepted by MNRAS. 10 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables

Common envelope evolution is a fundamental ingredient in our understanding of the formation of close binary stars containing compact objects which includes the progenitors of type Ia supernovae, short gamma ray bursts and most stellar gravitational wave sources. To predict the outcome of common envelope evolution we still rely to a large degree on a simplified energy conservation equation. Unfortunately, this equation contains a theoretically rather poorly constrained efficiency parameter ($\alpha_{\mathrm{CE}}$) and, even worse, it is unclear if energy sources in addition to orbital energy (such as recombination energy) contribute to the envelope ejection process. In previous works we reconstructed the evolution of observed populations of post common envelope binaries (PCEBs) consisting of white dwarfs with main sequence star companions and found indications that the efficiency is rather small ($\alpha_{\mathrm{CE}}\simeq0.2-0.3$) and that extra energy sources are only required in very few cases. Here we used the same reconstruction tool to investigate the evolutionary history of a sample of observed PCEBs with brown dwarf companions. In contrast to previous works, we found that the evolution of observationally well characterized PCEBs with brown dwarf companions can be understood assuming a low common envelope efficiency ($\alpha_{\mathrm{CE}}=0.24-0.41$), similar to that required to understand PCEBs with main sequence star companions, and that contributions from recombination energy are not required. We conclude that the vast majority of PCEBs form from common envelope evolution that can be parameterized with a small efficiency and without taking into account additional energy sources.

Marjorie Decleir, Karl D. Gordon, Jennifer E. Andrews, Geoffrey C. Clayton, Michael C. Cushing, Karl A. Misselt, Yvonne Pendleton, John Rayner, William D. Vacca, D. C. B. Whittet

27 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables, published as Decleir et al. 2022, ApJ, 930, 15

Interstellar dust extinction curves provide valuable information about dust properties, including the composition and size of the dust grains, and are essential to correct observations for the effects of interstellar dust. In this work, we measure a representative sample of near-infrared (NIR; 0.8-5.5 $\mu$m) spectroscopic extinction curves for the first time, enabling us to investigate the extinction at wavelengths where it is usually only measured in broad photometric bands. We use IRTF/SpeX spectra of a sample of reddened and comparison stars to measure 15 extinction curves with the pair method. Our sample spans A(V) values from 0.78 to 5.65 and R(V) values from 2.43 to 5.33. We confirm that the NIR extinction curves are well fit by a power law, with indices and amplitudes differing from sight line to sight line. Our average diffuse NIR extinction curve can be represented by a single power law with index $\alpha = 1.7$, but because of the sight line-to-sight line variations, the shape of any average curve will depend on the parental sample. We find that most of the variation in our sample can be linked to the ratio of total-to-selective extinction R(V), a rough measurement of the average dust grain size. Two sight lines in our sample clearly show the ice extinction feature at 3 $\mu$m, which can be fitted by a modified Drude profile. We find tentative ice detections with slightly over 3$\sigma$ significance in two other sight lines. In our average diffuse extinction curve, we measure a 3$\sigma$ upper limit of A(ice)/A(V) = 0.0021 for this ice feature.

We perform the first application of the wavelet scattering transform (WST) on actual galaxy observations, through a WST analysis of the BOSS DR12 CMASS dataset. We lay out the detailed procedure on how to capture all necessary layers of realism for an application on data obtained from a spectroscopic survey, including the effects of redshift-space anisotropy, non-trivial survey geometry, the shortcomings of the dataset through a set of systematic weights and the Alcock-Paczynski distortion effect. In order to capture the cosmological dependence of the WST, we use galaxy mocks obtained from the state-of-the-art ABACUSSUMMIT simulations, tuned to match the anisotropic correlation function of the BOSS CMASS sample in the redshift range $0.46<z<0.60$. Using our theory model for the WST coefficients, as well as for the first 2 multipoles of the galaxy power spectrum, that we use as reference, we perform a likelihood analysis of the CMASS data and obtain the posterior probability distributions of 4 cosmological parameters, $\{\omega_b,\omega_c,n_s,\sigma_8\}$, as well as the Hubble constant, derived from a fixed value of the angular size of the sound horizon at last scattering measured by the Planck satellite, all of which are marginalized over the 7 nuisance parameters of the Halo Occupation Distribution model. The WST is found to deliver a substantial improvement in the values of the predicted $1\sigma$ errors compared to the regular power spectrum, which are tighter by a factor in the range $3-6$ in the case of flat and uninformative priors and by a factor of $4-28$, when a Big Bang Nucleosynthesis prior is applied on the value of $\omega_b$. Furthermore, in the latter case, we obtain a 0.6% measurement of the Hubble constant. Our results are investigative and subject to certain approximations in our analysis, that we discuss in the text.

Étienne Camphuis (1), Karim Benabed (1), Silvia Galli (1), Éric Hivon (1), Marc Lilley (2) ((1) Sorbonne Université, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, (2) SYRTE, Observatoire de Paris)

20 pages, 14 figures, 1 table

Accurate covariance matrices are required for a reliable estimation of cosmological parameters from pseudo-power spectrum estimators. In this work, we focus on the analytical calculation of covariance matrices. We consider the case of observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background in temperature and polarization on a small footprint such as in the SPT-3G experiment, which observes 4% of the sky. Power spectra evaluated on small footprints are expected to have large correlations between modes, and these need to be accurately modelled. We present, for the first time, an algorithm that allows an efficient (but computationally expensive) exact calculation of analytic covariance matrices. Using it as our reference, we test the accuracy of existing fast approximations of the covariance matrix. We find that, when the power spectrum is binned in wide bandpowers, current approaches are correct up to the 5% level on the SPT-3G small sky footprint. Furthermore, we propose a new approximation which improves over the previous ones reaching a precision of 1% in the wide bandpowers case and generally more than 4 times more accurate than current approaches. Finally, we derive the covariance matrices for mask-corrected power spectra estimated by the PolSpice code. In particular, we include, in the case of a small sky fraction, the effect of the apodization of the large scale modes. While we considered the specific case of the CMB, our results are applicable to any other cosmological probe which requires the calculation of pseudo-power spectrum covariance matrices.

A. Feldmeier-Krause

14 pages (16 pages incl. Appendix), 12 Figures (13), 6 Tables (7). Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The Milky Way nuclear star cluster (NSC) is located within the nuclear stellar disc (NSD) in the Galactic centre. It is not fully understood if the formation and evolution of these two components are connected, and how they influence each other. We study the stellar populations in the transition region of NSC and NSD. We observed two $\sim$4.3 pc$^2$ fields with the integral-field spectrograph KMOS (VLT), located at r$\sim$20 pc (> 4 R$_e$) to the Galactic East and West of the NSC. We extract and analyse medium-resolution stellar spectra of >200 stars per field. The data contain in total nine young star candidates. We use stellar photometry to estimate the stellar masses, effective temperatures, and spectral types of the young stars. The stars are consistent with an age of 4-6 Myr, they may have formed inside the Quintuplet cluster, but were dispersed in dynamical interactions. Most stars in the two fields are red giant stars, and we measure their stellar metallicities [M/H] using full spectral fitting. We compare our [M/H] distributions to the NSC and NSD, using data from the literature, and find that the overall metallicity decreases from the central NSC, over the transition region, to the NSD. The steep decrease of [M/H] from the NSC to the region dominated by the NSD indicates that the two components have distinct stellar populations and formation histories.

Alfredo Mejía-Narváez (1), Sebastian F. Sánchez (1), Leticia Carigi (1), Jorge J. Barrera-Ballesteros (1), Niv Drory (2), Carlos Espinosa-Ponce (1) ((1) Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A. P. 70-264, C.P. 04510, México, D.F., México, (2) McDonald Observatory, The University of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station, Austin, TX 78712, USA)

5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

We introduce a novel non-parametric method to find solar neighborhood analogs (SNAs) in extragalactic IFS surveys. The main ansatz is that the physical properties of the solar neighborhood (SN) should be encoded in its optical stellar spectrum. We assume that our best estimate of such spectrum is the one extracted from the analysis performed by the Code for Stellar properties Heuristic Assignment (\textsc{CoSHA}) from the MaStar stellar library. It follows that finding SNAs in other galaxies consist in matching, in a $\chi^2$ sense, the SN reference spectrum across the optical extent of the observed galaxies. We apply this procedure to a selection of CALIFA galaxies, by requiring a close to face-on projection, relative isolation and non-AGN. We explore how the local and global properties of the SNAs (stellar age, metallicity, dust extinction, mass-to-light ratio, stellar surface mass and star-formation densities and galactocentric distance) and their corresponding host galaxies (morphological type, total stellar mass, star-formation rate, effective radius) compare with those of the SN and the Milky Way (MW). We find that SNAs are located preferentially in S(B)a~--~S(B)c galaxies, in a ring-like structure, which radii seems to scale with the galaxy size. Despite the known sources of systematics and errors, {most} properties present a considerable agreement with the literature on the SN. We conclude that the solar neighborhood is relatively common in our sample of SNAs. Our results warrants a systematic exploration of correlations among the physical properties of the SNAs and their host galaxies. We reckon that our method should inform current models of the galactic habitable zone in our MW and other galaxies.

T. Giang Nguyen, Nicolas B. Cowan, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, Roxana E. Lupu, John E. Moores

Revisions submitted to MNRAS

Lava planets have non-global, condensible atmospheres similar to icy bodies within the solar system. Because they depend on interior dynamics, studying the atmospheres of lava planets can lead to understanding unique geological processes driven by their extreme environment. Models of lava planet atmospheres have thus far focused on either radiative transfer or hydrodynamics. In this study, we couple the two processes by introducing ultraviolet and infrared radiation to a turbulent boundary layer model. We also test the effect of different vertical temperature profiles on atmospheric dynamics. Results from the model show that UV radiation affects the atmosphere much more than IR. UV heating and cooling work together to produce a horizontally isothermal atmosphere away from the sub-stellar point regardless of the vertical temperature profile. We also find that stronger temperature inversions induce stronger winds and hence cool the atmosphere. Our simulated transmission spectra of the bound atmosphere show a strong SiO feature in the UV that would be challenging to observe in the planet's transit spectrum due to the precision required. Our simulated emission spectra are more promising, with significant SiO spectral features at 4.5 and 9 $\mu$m that can be observed with the James Webb Space Telescope. Different vertical temperature profiles produce discernible dayside emission spectra, but not in the way one would expect.

Moritz Breitbach

Doctoral dissertation, submitted to the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, April 28, 2022

Despite their tremendous successes, modern-day cosmology and particle physics harbor a variety of unresolved mysteries. Two of the biggest are the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and the existence and nature of dark matter. In the present thesis, the author addresses these topics in various ways. The first part of the thesis is concerned with cosmological first-order phase transitions that may have occurred shortly after the Big Bang. Such transitions proceed via the nucleation and expansion of true vacuum bubbles and give rise to a rich phenomenology. The author suggests a mechanism to simultaneously explain the baryon asymmetry and dark matter, based on the out-of-equilibrium dynamics at the boundary of a dark phase transition with large order parameter. The same class of phase transitions can, in the parameter regime of small dark matter Yukawa couplings, lead to the production of primordial black holes via the compression of the plasma in shrinking false vacuum regions, as the author demonstrates with a sophisticated numerical simulation. In a third project regarding cosmological phase transitions, the author investigates the possibility of sub-MeV hidden sectors that are decoupled from the remaining plasma and cold enough to be reconciled with cosmological constraints, but at the same time give rise to a detectable gravitational-wave spectrum produced during bubble collisions. In the second part of the thesis, the author assesses the prospects for new physics searches at the DUNE near detector, focusing on the DUNE-PRISM concept, which suggests consecutive measurements at different on- and off-axis positions. This setup achieves improved signal-to-background ratios and reduces systematic uncertainties.

E. Glikman, M. Lacy, S. LaMassa, C. Bradley, S. G. Djorgovski, T. Urrutia, E. L. Gates, M. J. Graham, C. M. Urry, I. Yoon

Accepted for publication in ApJ; 35 pages, 24 Figures,6 Tables

We present a highly complete sample of broad-line (Type 1) QSOs out to z ~ 3 selected by their mid-infrared colors, a method that is minimally affected by dust reddening. We remove host galaxy emission from the spectra and fit for excess reddening in the residual QSOs, resulting in a Gaussian distribution of colors for unreddened (blue) QSOs, with a tail extending toward heavily reddened (red) QSOs, defined as having E(B - V) > 0.25. This radio-independent selection method enables us to compare red and blue QSO radio properties in both the FIRST (1.4 GHz) and VLASS (2 - 4 GHz) surveys. Consistent with recent results from optically-selected QSOs from SDSS, we find that red QSOs have a significantly higher detection fraction and a higher fraction of compact radio morphologies at both frequencies. We employ radio stacking to investigate the median radio properties of the QSOs including those that are undetected in FIRST and VLASS, finding that red QSOs have significantly brighter radio emission and steeper radio spectral slopes compared with blue QSOs. Finally, we find that the incidence of red QSOs is strongly luminosity dependent, where red QSOs make up > 40% of all QSOs at the highest luminosities. Overall, red QSOs comprise ~ 40% of higher luminosity QSOs, dropping to only a few percent at lower luminosities. Furthermore, red QSOs make up a larger percentage of the radio-detected QSO population. We argue that dusty AGN-driven winds are responsible for both the obscuration as well as excess radio emission seen in red QSOs.

Ka Ho Yuen, Ka Wai Ho, Chi Yan Law, Avi Chen, Alex Lazarian

We report the evidence for the existence of the universal, continuous turbulent cascade of velocity fluctuations with Kolmogorov -5/3 slope spanning 6 orders of length scales, from $10^4$ pc down to $10^{-2}$ pc. This was achieved by applying our innovative technique of separating density and velocity fluctuations to a set of spectroscopic surveys featuring various galactic spectral lines. This unified velocity cascade involves different interstellar phases from diffuse galactic media to dense self-gravitating clouds and persists despite interstellar phase transitions. However, the turbulent density fluctuations do not show this universality as the value of the spectral slope changes in different interstellar phases. This agrees with the expectation of compressible turbulence theory and demonstrates that the density is only an indirect tracer of interstellar turbulence. We report that the density fluctuations for clouds and filaments that are preferentially parallel to magnetic fields exhibit the spectral slope of -2. The universal grand turbulent velocity cascade that is established in our paper has significant implications for key galactic physical processes, including star formation, cosmic ray transport etc. We anticipate our result to be a starting point for in vitro models of multiphase interstellar turbulence studies with a significant impact for modeling of spiral galaxies.

Íñigo Zubeldia, Aditya Rotti, Jens Chluba, Richard Battye

16 pages, 11 figures, submitted for publication to MNRAS

Multi-frequency matched filters (MMFs) are routinely used to detect galaxy clusters from CMB data through the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect, leading to cluster catalogues that can be used for cosmological inference. In order to be applied, MMFs require knowledge of the cross-frequency power spectra of the noise in the maps. This is typically estimated from the data and taken to be equal to the power spectra of the data, assuming the contribution from the tSZ signal of the detections to be negligible. Using both analytical arguments and \textit{Planck}-like mock observations, we show that doing so causes the MMF noise to be overestimated, inducing a loss of signal-to-noise. Furthermore, the MMF cluster observable (the amplitude $\hat{y}_0$ or the signal-to-noise $q$) does not behave as expected, which can potentially bias cosmological inference. In particular, the observable becomes biased with respect to its theoretical prediction and displays a variance that also differs from its predicted value. We propose an iterative MMF (iMMF) approach designed to mitigate these effects. In this approach, after a first standard MMF step, the noise power spectra are reestimated by masking the detections from the data, delivering an updated iterative cluster catalogue. Applying our iMMF to our \textit{Planck}-like mock observations, we find that the aforementioned effects are completely suppressed. This leads to a signal-to-noise gain relative to the standard MMF, with more significant detections and a higher number of them, and to a cluster observable with the expected theoretical properties, thus eliminating any potential biases in the cosmological constraints.

We present spatial and kinematic correlation between the young stellar population and the cloud clumps in the Ophiuchus star-forming region. The stellar sample consists of known young objects at various evolutionary stages, taken from the literature, some of which are diagnosed with Gaia EDR3 parallax and proper-motion measurements. The molecular gas is traced by the 850 $\mu$m Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array-2 image, reaching $\sim$2.3 mJy beam$^{-1}$, the deepest so far for the region, stacked from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope/Transient program aiming to detect submillimeter outburst events. Our analysis indicates that the more evolved sources, namely the class II and III young stars, are located further away from clouds than class I and flat-spectrum sources that have ample circumstellar matter and are closely associated with natal clouds. Particularly the class II and III population is found to exhibit a structured spatial distribution indicative of passage of shock fronts from the nearby Sco-Cen OB association thereby compressing clouds to trigger star formation, with the latest starbirth episode occurring now in the densest cloud filaments. The young stars at all evolutionary stages share similar kinematics. This suggests that the stellar patterns trace the relics of parental cloud filaments that now have been dispersed.

M. D. McManus, J. L. Verniero, S. D. Bale, T. A. Bowen, D. E. Larson, J. C. Kasper, R. Livi, L. Matteini, A. Rahmati, O. Romeo, P. L. Whittlesey, T. Woolley

To be published in ApJ

Magnetic switchbacks, or sudden reversals in the magnetic field's radial direction, are one of the more striking observations of Parker Solar Probe (PSP) thus far in its mission. While their precise production mechanisms are still unknown, the two main theories are via interchange reconnection events and in-situ generation. In this work density and abundance variations of alpha particles are studied inside and outside individual switchbacks. We find no consistent compositional differences in the alpha particle abundance ratio, $n_{\alpha p}$, inside vs outside, nor do we observe any signature when separating the switchbacks according to $V_{\alpha p}/V_{pw}$, the ratio of alpha-proton differential speed to the wave phase speed (speed the switchback is travelling). We argue these measurements cannot be used to rule in favour of one production mechanism over the other, due to the distance between PSP and the postulated interchange reconnection events. In addition we examine the 3D velocity fluctuations of protons and alpha particles within individual switchbacks. While switchbacks are always associated with increases in proton velocity, alpha velocities may be enhanced, unchanged, or decrease. This is due to the interplay between $V_{pw}$ and $V_{\alpha p}$, with the Alfv\'enic motion of the alpha particles vanishing as the difference $|V_{pw} - V_{\alpha p}|$ decreases. We show how the Alfv\'enic motion of both the alphas and the protons through switchbacks can be understood as approximately rigid arm rotation about the location of the wave frame, and illustrate that the wave frame can therefore be estimated using particle measurements alone, via sphere fitting.

Alexander Madurowicz, Bruce Macintosh

34 pages, 21 figures, accepted to ApJ

The prospect of combining integral field spectroscopy with the solar gravitational lens (SGL) to spectrally and spatially resolve the surfaces and atmospheres of extrasolar planets is investigated. The properties of hyperbolic orbits visiting the focal region of the SGL are calculated analytically, demonstrating trade offs between departure velocity and time of arrival, as well as gravity assist maneuvers and heliocentric angular velocity. Numerical integration of the solar barycentric motion demonstrates that navigational acceleration of $\textrm{d}v \lesssim 80 \frac{\textrm{m}}{\textrm{s}} + 6.7 \frac{\textrm{m}}{\textrm{s}} \frac{t}{\textrm{year}}$ is needed to obtain and maintain alignment. Obtaining target ephemerides of sufficient precision is an open problem. The optical properties of an oblate gravitational lens are reviewed, including calculations of the magnification and the point-spread function that forms inside a telescope. Image formation for extended, incoherent sources is discussed when the projected image is smaller than, approximately equal to, and larger than the critical caustic. Sources of contamination which limit observational SNR are considered in detail, including the sun, the solar corona, the host star, and potential background objects. A noise mitigation strategy of spectrally and spatially separating the light using integral field spectroscopy is emphasized. A pseudoinverse-based image reconstruction scheme demonstrates that direct reconstruction of an Earth-like source from \textit{single} measurements of the Einstein ring is possible when the critical caustic and observed SNR are sufficiently large. In this arrangement, a mission would not require multiple telescopes or navigational symmetry breaking, enabling continuous monitoring of the atmospheric composition and dynamics on other planets.

Mario Damiano, Renyu Hu

17 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in AJ

A space telescope capable of high-contrast imaging has been recognized as the avenue toward finding terrestrial planets around nearby Sun-like stars and characterizing their potential habitability. It is thus essential to quantify the capability of reflected light spectroscopy obtained through direct imaging for terrestrial exoplanets, and existing work focused on planetary analogs of modern Earth. Here we go beyond Earth analogs and use a Bayesian retrieval algorithm, ExoReL$^\Re$, to determine what we could learn about terrestrial exoplanets from their reflected light spectra. Recognizing the potential diversity of terrestrial exoplanets, our focus is to distinguish atmospheric scenarios without any a priori knowledge of the dominant gas. We find that, while a moderate-resolution spectrum in the optical band ($0.4-1.0\ \mu$m) may sufficiently characterize a modern Earth analog, it would likely result in incorrect interpretation for planets similar to Archean Earth or having CO$_2$-dominated atmospheres. Including observations in the near-infrared bands ($1.0-1.8\ \mu$m) can prevent this error, determine the main component (N$_2$, O$_2$, or CO$_2$), and quantify trace gases (H$_2$O, O$_3$, and CH$_4$) of the atmosphere. These results are useful to define the science requirements and design the wavelength bandwidth and observation plans of exoplanet direct imaging missions in the future.

Pankaj Kumar, Judith T. Karpen, Vadim M. Uritsky, Craig E. Deforest, Nour E. Raouafi, C. Richard DeVore

22 pages, 14 figures, ApJ (in press)

Coronal plumes are long, ray-like, open structures, which have been considered as possible sources for the solar wind. Their origin in the largely unipolar coronal holes has long been a mystery. Earlier spectroscopic and imaging observations revealed blue-shifted plasma and propagating disturbances (PDs) in plumes that are widely interpreted in terms of flows and/or propagating slow-mode waves, but these interpretations (flows vs waves) remain under debate. Recently we discovered an important clue about plume internal structure: dynamic filamentary features called plumelets, which account for most of the plume emission. Here we present high-resolution observations from the Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA) and the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) that revealed numerous, quasiperiodic, tiny jets (so-called jetlets) associated with transient brightening, flows, and plasma heating at the chromospheric footpoints of the plumelets. By analogy to larger coronal jets, these jetlets are most likely produced within the plume base by magnetic reconnection between closed and open flux at stressed 3D null points. The jetlet-associated brightenings are in phase with plumelet-associated PDs, and vary with a period of about 3 to 5 minutes, which is remarkably consistent with the photospheric/chromospheric p-mode oscillation. This reconnection at the open-closed boundary in the chromosphere/transition region is likely modulated or driven by local manifestations of the global p-mode waves. The jetlets extend upward to become plumelets, contribute mass to the solar wind, and may be sources of the switchbacks recently detected by the Parker Solar Probe.

Jingfei Sun, Funjun Du

Accepted by RAA. 28 pages, 16 figures, and 4 tables

To study the chemical evolution during the formation of molecular clouds, we model three types of clouds with different density structures: collapsing spherical, collapsing ellipsoidal, and static spherical profiles. The collapsing models are better than the static models in matching the observational characteristics in typical molecular clouds. This is mainly because the gravity can speed up the formation of some important molecules (e.g., H$_2$, CO, OH) by increasing the number density during collapse. The different morphologies of prolate, oblate, and spherical clouds lead to differences in chemical evolution, which are mainly due to their different evolution of number density. We also study the effect of initial chemical compositions on chemical evolution, and find that H atoms can accelerate OH formation by two major reactions: O + H $\rightarrow$ OH in gas phase and on dust grain surfaces, leading to the models in which hydrogen is mainly atomic initially better match observations than the models in which hydrogen is mainly molecular initially. Namely, to match observations, initially hydrogen must be mostly atomic. The CO molecules are able to form even without the pre-existence of H$_2$. We also study the influence of gas temperature, dust temperature, intensity of interstellar radiation field and cosmic-ray ionization rate on chemical evolution in static clouds. The static CO clouds with high dust temperature, strong radiation field, and intensive cosmic rays are transient due to rapid CO destruction.

T. Cecconello, C. Bordiu, F. Bufano, L. Puerari, S. Riggi, E. Schisano, E. Sciacca, Y. Maruccia, G. Vizzari

4 pages, 3 figures, proceedings of ADASS XXXI conference, to be published in ASP Conference Series

Extracting information from raw data is probably one of the central activities of experimental scientific enterprises. This work is about a pipeline in which a specific model is trained to provide a compact, essential representation of the training data, useful as a starting point for visualization and analyses aimed at detecting patterns, regularities among data. To enable researchers exploiting this approach, a cloud-based system is being developed and tested in the NEANIAS project as one of the ML-tools of a thematic service to be offered to the EOSC. Here, we describe the architecture of the system and introduce two example use cases in the astronomical context.

The bright regions in the solar chromosphere and temperature minimum have a good spatial correspondence with regions of intense photospheric magnetic field. Their observation started more than a hundred years ago with the invention of the spectroheliograph. While the historical spectroheliograms are essential for studying the long-term variability of the Sun, the modern satellite-borne observations can help us reveal the nature of chromospheric brightenings in previously unattainable detail. Our aim is to improve the understanding of the relation between magnetic fields and radiative structures by studying modern seeing-free observations of far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation around 1600 \r{A} and photospheric magnetic fields. We used Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) observations of photospheric magnetic fields and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) observations of FUV contrast around 1600 \r{A}. We developed a robust method to find contrast thresholds defining bright and dark AIA 1600 \r{A} pixels, and we combine them to bright and dark clusters. We investigate the relation of magnetic fields and AIA 1600 \r{A} radiation in bright and dark clusters. We find that the percentage of bright pixels entirely explains the observed variability of 1600 \r{A} emission. We developed a multilinear regression model based on the percentages of bright and dark pixels, which can reliably predict the magnitude of the disk-averaged unsigned magnetic field. We find that bright and dark clusters closely correspond respectively to the populations of moderate (B > 55 G) and strong (B > 1365 G) magnetic field HMI clusters. The largest bright clusters have a constant mean unsigned magnetic field, as found previously for Ca II K plages. However, the magnetic field strength of bright clusters is 254.7$\pm$0.1 G, which is roughly 100 G larger than found earlier for Ca II K plages.

E. Knudstrup, L. M. Serrano, D. Gandolfi, S. H. Albrecht, W. D. Cochran, M. Endl, P. Macqueen, R. Tronsgaard, A. Bieryla, Lars A. Buchhave, K. Stassun, K. A. Collins, G. Nowak, H. J. Deeg, K. Barkaoui, B. S. Safonov, I. A. Strakhov, A. A. Belinski, J. D. Twicken, J. M. Jenkins, A. W. Howard, H. Isaacson, J. N. Winn, K. I. Collins, D. M. Conti, G. Furesz, T. Gan, John F. Kielkopf, B. Massey, F. Murgas, L. G. Murphy, E. Palle, S. N. Quinn, P. A. Reed, G. R. Ricker, S. Seager, B. Shiao, R. P. Schwartz, G. Srdoc, D. Watanabe

Under review A&A. Some comments from the reviewer already implemented. 17 pages, 13 figures

We report the confirmation and characterisation of TOI-1820 b, TOI-2025 b, and TOI-2158 b--three Jupiter-sized planets on short period orbits around G-type stars detected by TESS. Through our ground-based efforts using the FIES and Tull spectrographs we have confirmed these planets, and characterised their orbits and find periods of around 4.9 d, 8.9 d, and 8.6 d for TOI-1820 b, TOI-2025 b, and TOI-2158 b, respectively. The sizes of the planets range from 0.96 to 1.16 Jupiter radii, and their masses are in the range from 0.8 to 4.5 Jupiter masses. For two of the systems, namely TOI-2025 and TOI-2158, we see a long-term trend in the radial velocities, indicating the presence of an outer companion in each of the two systems. For TOI-2025 we furthermore find the star to be well-aligned with the orbit with a projected obliquity of 9$^{+36}_{-34}$ deg. As these planets are all found in relatively bright systems (V$\sim$10.9-11.6 mag) they are well-suited for further studies, which can help shed light into the formation and migration of hot and warm Jupiters.

Y.-C. Cheng, D. Bockelée-Morvan, M. Roos-Serote, J. Crovisier, V. Debout, S. Erard, P. Drossart, C. Leyrat, F. Capaccioni, G. Filacchione, M.-L. Dubernet, T. Encrenaz

12 pages, 13 figures, not including additional material in the Appendices. Accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Abundance ratios of the nuclear-spin isomers of H$_2$O and NH$_3$ have been measured in about two dozen comets, with a mean value corresponding to a nuclear-spin temperature of $\sim$ 30 K. The real meaning of these unequilibrated nuclear-spin abundance ratios is still debated. However, an equilibrated water ortho-to-para ratio (OPR) of 3 is also commonly observed. The H channel of VIRTIS (VIRTIS-H) on board Rosetta provided high-resolution 2.5--2.9 $\mu$m spectra of H$_2$O vapour in the coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P), which are suitable for the determination of the OPR of water in this comet. A large dataset of VIRTIS-H spectra obtained in limb-sounding viewing geometry was analysed, covering heliocentric distances from 1.24 to 2.73 au and altitudes from a few hundred metres to $>$ 100 km. The OPR, together with the H$_2$O rotational temperature and column density, were derived for each spectra. The weak lines of the $\nu_1$, $\nu_1+\nu_3-\nu_1$ and $\nu_2+\nu_3-\nu_2$ bands in the 2.774--2.910 $\mu$m range were used to calculate by how much the strong $\nu_3$ band centred at 2.67 $\mu$m is attenuated due to optical depth effects, expressed by the attenuation factor $f_{\rm atten}$. Most OPR determinations are strongly affected by opacity effects, as demonstrated by the observed anti-correlation between the OPR and the column density, and the correlation between the OPR and attenuation factor $f_{\rm atten}$. Based on both radiative transfer calculations and OPR values obtained in low-opacity conditions, we derive an OPR of 2.94 $\pm$ 0.06 for comet 67P. The water OPR measured in the coma of 67P is consistent with laboratory experiments showing that water vapour that has thermally desorbed from water ice has a statistical value of 3, regardless of the past formation process of water ice.

Patrick D. Newman (1), Peter Plavchan (1), Jennifer A. Burt (2), Johanna Teske (3), Eric E. Mamajek, 2 Stephanie Leifer (4), B. Scott Gaudi (5), Gary Blackwood (2), Rhonda Morgan (2) ((1) George Mason University, (2) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (3) Carnegie Institution for Science, (4) The Aerospace Corporation, (5) The Ohio State University)

Submitted to AAS Journals; under revision

Future direct imaging missions such as HabEx and LUVOIR aim to catalog and characterize Earth-mass analogs around nearby stars. The exoplanet yield of these missions will be dependent on the frequency of Earth-like planets, and potentially the a priori knowledge of which stars specifically host suitable planetary systems. Ground or space based radial velocity surveys can potentially perform the pre-selection of targets and assist in the optimization of observation times, as opposed to an uninformed direct imaging survey. In this paper, we present our framework for simulating future radial velocity surveys of nearby stars in support of direct imaging missions. We generate lists of exposure times, observation time-series, and radial velocity time-series given a direct imaging target list. We generate simulated surveys for a proposed set of telescopes and precise radial velocity spectrographs spanning a set of plausible global-network architectures that may be considered for next generation extremely precise radial velocity surveys. We also develop figures of merit for observation frequency and planet detection sensitivity, and compare these across architectures. From these, we draw conclusions, given our stated assumptions and caveats, to optimize the yield of future radial velocity surveys in support of direct imaging missions. We find that all of our considered surveys obtain sufficient numbers of precise observations to meet the minimum theoretical white noise detection sensitivity for Earth-mass habitable zone planets, with margin to explore systematic effects due to stellar activity and correlated noise.

Xinghan Zhang, Xiaofeng Wang, Hanna Sai, Jun Mo, A. P. Nagy, Jicheng Zhang, Yongzhi Cai, Han Lin, Jujia Zhang, E. Baron, J. M. DerKacy, T.-M. Zhang, Zhitong Li, Melissa Graham, F. Huang

19 pages, 16 figures, accepted by MNRAS

We present multi-band photometric and spectroscopic observations of the type II supernova, (SN) 2019va, which shows an unusually flat plateau-phase evolution in its V-band light curve. Its pseudo-bolometric light curve even shows a weak brightening towards the end of the plateau phase. These uncommon features are related to the influence of 56Ni decay on the light curve during the plateau phase, when the SN emission is usually dominated by cooling of the envelope. The inferred 56Ni mass of SN 2019va is 0.088+/-0.018 solar mass, which is significantly larger than most SNe II. To estimate the influence of 56Ni decay on the plateau-phase light curve, we calculate the ratio (dubbed as eta_Ni) between the integrated time-weighted energy from 56Ni decay and that from envelope cooling within the plateau phase, obtaining a value of 0.8 for SN 2019va, which is the second largest value among SNe II that have been measured. After removing the influence of 56Ni decay on the plateau-phase light curve, we found that the progenitor/explosion parameters derived for SN 2019va are more reasonable. In addition, SN 2019va is found to have weaker metal lines in its spectra compared to other SNe IIP at similar epochs, implying a low-metallicity progenitor, which is consistent with the metal-poor environment inferred from the host-galaxy spectrum. We further discuss the possible reasons that might lead to SN 2019va-like events.

Tim Sprenger, Robert Main, Olaf Wucknitz, Geetam Mall, Jason Wu

19 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables

We report on observations of PSR B1508+55's scintillation at the Effelsberg 100-m telescope spanning from early 2020 to early 2022. In the autumn of 2020, close to the time the pulsar was predicted by Wucknitz (2018) to cross echoes in its pulse profile, a sudden transition in the scintillation arcs from peculiar stripe-like features to parabolic arclets was observed. To infer a geometric model of the scattering we measure the effects of the annual velocity curve of Earth, of the relative movement of the line of sight, and of the projection of points on a second scattering screen and develop novel methods to do so. The latter phenomenon was discovered by this study and strongly indicates a two-screen scattering geometry. We derive an analytical two-screen model and demonstrate in a Markov Chain Monte Carlo analysis as well as simulations that it can be successfully applied to explain the observations by interpreting the transition as a change of relative amplitudes of images as well as a shift in the orientation of anisotropy. The collection of methods we demonstrate here is transferable to other pulsars with the potential to strongly improve constraints on scattering models.

Yasushi Fukazawa, Hiroto Matake, Taishu Kayanoki, Yoshiyuki Inoue, Justin Finke

ApJ accepted, 45 pages, 11 figures

In this study, we systematically studied the X-ray to GeV gamma-ray spectra of 61 {\it Fermi} Large Area Telescope (LAT) detected radio galaxies. We found an anticorrelation between peak frequency and peak luminosity in the high-energy spectral component of radio galaxies, similar to blazars. With this sample, we also constructed a gamma-ray luminosity function (GLF) of gamma-ray-loud radio galaxies. We found that blazar-like GLF shapes can reproduce their redshift and luminosity distribution, but the log$N$-log$S$ relation prefers models with more low-$z$ radio galaxies. This indicates many low-$z$ gamma-ray-loud radio galaxies. By utilizing our latest GLF, the contribution of radio galaxies to the extragalactic gamma-ray background is found to be 1--10\%. We further investigated the nature of gamma-ray-loud radio galaxies. Compared to radio or X-ray flux-limited radio galaxy samples, the gamma-ray selected sample tends to lack high radio power galaxies like FR-II radio galaxies. We also found that only $\sim$10\% of radio galaxies are GeV gamma-ray loud. Radio galaxies may contribute to the cosmic MeV gamma-ray background comparable to blazars if gamma-ray-quiet radio galaxies have X-ray to gamma-ray spectra like Cen A, with a small gamma-ray to X-ray flux ratio.

Thomas A. Wright, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, Kerrianne Harrington, Robert J. Harris, Tim A. Birks

7 pages, 6 figures

We report on a tapered three-core optical fibre that can be used as a tip-tilt wavefront sensor. In this device, a coupled region of a few millimetres at the sensing tip of the fibre converts fragile phase information from an incoming wavefront into robust intensity information within each of the cores. The intensity information can be easily converted to linear wavefront error over small ranges, making it ideal for closed loop systems. The sensor uses minimal information to infer tip-tilt and is compatible with remote detector arrays. We explore its application within adaptive optics and present a validation case to show its applicability to astronomy

E. Artis, R. Adam, P. Ade, H. Ajeddig, P. André, M. Arnaud, H. Aussel, I. Bartalucci, A. Beelen, A. Benoît, S. Berta, L. Bing, O. Bourrion, M. Calvo, A. Catalano, M. De Petris, F.-X. Désert, S. Doyle, E. F. C. Driessen, A. Ferragamo, A. Gomez, J. Goupy, C. Hanser, F. Kéruzoré, C. Kramer, B. Ladjelate, G. Lagache, S. Leclercq, J.-F. Lestrade, J.-F. Macías-Pérez, A. Maury, P. Mauskopf, F. Mayet, A. Monfardini, M. Muñoz-Echeverría, A. Paliwal, L. Perotto, G. Pisano, E. Pointecouteau, N. Ponthieu, G. W. Pratt, V. Revéret, A. J. Rigby, A. Ritacco, C. Romero, H. Roussel, F. Ruppin, K. Schuster, S. Shu, A. Sievers, C. Tucker, G. Yepes

4 pages, 3 figures Contribution to the 2022 Cosmology session of the 56th Rencontres de Moriond. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.05082

PSZ2 G091.83+26.11 is a galaxy cluster with M500 = 7.43 x 10^14 Msun at z = 0.822 1. This object exhibits a complex morphology with a clear bimodality observed in X-rays. However, it was detected and analysed in the Planck sample as a single, spherical cluster following a universal profile 2. This model can lead to miscalculations of thermodynamical quantities, like the pressure profile. As future multiwavelength cluster experiments will detect more and more objects at high redshifts, it is crucial to quantify this systematic effect. In this work, we use high-resolution observations of the NIKA2 camera3,4,5,6 to integrate the morphological characteristics of the cluster in our modelling. This is achieved by fitting a two-halo model to the SZ image and then by reconstruction of the resulting projected pressure profile. We then compare these results with the spherical assumption.

Zebin Zhang, Jie Jiang

17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The toroidal magnetic field is assumed to be generated in the tachocline in most Babcock-Leighton (BL)-type solar dynamo models, in which the poloidal field is produced by the emergence and subsequent dispersal of sunspot groups. However, magnetic activity of fully convective stars and MHD simulations of global stellar convection have recently raised serious doubts regarding the importance of the tachocline in the generation of the toroidal field. In this study, we aim to develop a new BL-type dynamo model, in which the dynamo operates mainly within the bulk of the convection zone. Our 2D model includes the effect of solar-like differential rotation, one-cell meridional flow, near-surface radial pumping, strong turbulent diffusion, BL-type poloidal source, and nonlinear back-reaction of the magnetic field on its source with a vertical outer boundary condition. The model leads to a simple dipolar configuration of the poloidal field that has the dominant latitudinal component, which is wound up by the latitudinal shear within the bulk of the convection zone to generate the toroidal flux. As a result, the tachocline plays a negligible role in the model. The model reproduces the basic properties of the solar cycle, including (a) approximately 11 yr cycle period and 18 yr extended cycle period; (b) equatorward propagation of the antisymmetric toroidal field starting from high latitudes; and (c) polar field evolution that is consistent with observations. Our model opens the possibility for a paradigm shift in understanding the solar cycle to transition from the classical flux transport dynamo.

Ekaterina Ilin, Katja Poppenhäger

9 pages, 4 figures. Accepted to MNRAS

Planets that closely orbit magnetically active stars are thought to be able to interact with their magnetic fields in a way that modulates stellar activity. This modulation in phase with the planetary orbit, such as enhanced X-ray activity, chromospheric spots, radio emission, or flares, is considered the clearest sign of magnetic star-planet interaction (SPI). However, the magnitude of this interaction is poorly constrained, and the intermittent nature of the interaction is a challenge for observers. AU Mic is an early M dwarf, and the most actively flaring planet host detected to date. Its innermost companion, AU Mic b, is a promising target for magnetic SPI observations. We used optical light curves of AU Mic obtained by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite to search for signs of flaring SPI with AU Mic b using a customized Anderson-Darling test. In the about $50$ days of observations, the flare distributions with orbital, rotational, and synodic periods were generally consistent with intrinsic stellar flaring. We found the strongest deviation ($p=0.07,\;n=71$) from intrinsic flaring with the orbital period of AU Mic b, in the high energy half of our sample ($ED>1$ s). If it reflects the true SPI signal from AU Mic b, extending the observing time by a factor of $2-3$ will yield a $>3\sigma$ detection. Continued monitoring of AU Mic may therefore reveal flaring SPI with orbital phase, while rotational modulation will smear out due to the star's strong differential rotation.

Artyom Aguichine, Olivier Mousis, Jonathan Lunine

Accepted for publication in PSJ

More than two decades ago, the Galileo probe performed in situ measurements of the composition of Jupiter's atmosphere and found that the abundances of C, N, S, P, Ar, Kr and Xe were all enriched by factors of 1.5--5.4 times their protosolar value. Juno's measurements recently confirmed the supersolar N abundance and also found that the O abundance was enriched by a factor 1--5 compared to its protosolar value. Here, we aim at determining the radial and temporal evolution of the composition of gases and solids in the protosolar nebula (hereafter, PSN) to assess the possibility that Jupiter's current composition was acquired via the direct accretion of supersolar gases. To do so, we model the evolution of a 1D $\alpha-$viscous accretion disk that includes the radial transport of dust and ice particles and their vapors, with their sublimation and condensation rates, to compute the composition of the PSN. We find that the composition of Jupiter's envelope can be explained only from its accretion from PSN gas ($\alpha \le 10^{-3}$), or from a mixture of vapors and solids ($\alpha>10^{-3}$). The composition of the PSN at 4 AU, namely between the locations of the H$_2$O and CO$_2$ icelines, reproduces the one measured in Jupiter between 100 and 300 kyr of disk evolution. Our results are found compatible with both the core accretion model, where Jupiter would acquire its metallicity by late accretion of volatile-rich planetesimals, and the gravitational collapse scenario, where the composition of proto-Jupiter would be similar to that of the PSN.

Alin Razvan Paraschiv, Philip Gordon Judge

Solar Physics, accepted for publication. 19 pages, 7 Figures, and 3 Tables

We present CLEDB, a "single point inversion" algorithm for inferring magnetic parameters using I,Q,U, and V Stokes parameters of forbidden magnetic dipole lines formed in the solar corona. We select lines of interest and construct databases of Stokes parameters for combinations of plasma thermal and magnetic configurations. The size and complexity of such databases are drastically reduced by taking advantage of symmetries. Using wavelength-integrated line profiles, each of which might be decomposed beforehand into several line-of-sight components, we search for nearest matches to observed Stokes parameters computed for the elongation corresponding to the observed region. The method is intended to be applied to two or more lines observed simultaneously. The solutions initially yield magnetic orientation, thermal properties, and the spatial position of the emitting plasma in three dimensions. Multiple possible solutions for each observation are returned, including irreducible degeneracies, where usually sets of two solutions are compatible with the two input I,Q,U, and V measurements. In solving for the scattering geometry, this method avoids an additional degeneracy pointed out by Dima & Schad (2020). The magnetic field strength is separately derived from the simple ratio of observed to database Stokes V data, after the thermal properties and scattering geometry solutions have been determined.

A. Mastichiadis, M. Petropoulou, N. D. Kylafis

10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Black-hole X-ray Binaries (BHXRBs) in the hard and hard-intermediate spectral (and temporal) states exhibit in their power spectra characteristic frequencies, which are called type-C Quasi Periodic Oscillations (QPOs). Various models have been proposed that can explain them with various degrees of success, but a definitive answer is still missing. The interacting hot Comptonizing corona with the cold accretion disk, which are central in understanding BHXRBs, are essentially a dynamical system. Our aim is to investigate if the radiative coupling between the two components can produce QPOs. We write and solve the time-dependent equations that describe energy conservation in the system corona - accretion disk. We examine both constant and variable mass accretion rates. By necessity, in this first investigation, we use a simple model, which however contains all the essential ingredients. For constant mass accretion rate and certain justifiable conditions, the dynamic corona - disk system exhibits oscillations, which die out after a few cycles. The characteristic frequencies of these oscillations are similar to the ones observed in the power spectra of BHXRBs. For most parameters, the natural frequencies persist even in the case of variable accretion rates. We argue that type-C QPOs in BHXRBs could, in principle, arise from the interaction of the hot Comptonizing corona with the much colder accretion disk. If this picture is correct, it has immediate implications for other systems containing the above constituents, like Active Galactic Nuclei.

Anna Volpara, Paolo Massa, Emma Perracchione, Andrea Francesco Battaglia, Sara Garbarino, Federico Benvenuto, Anna Maria Massone, Sam Krucker, Michele Piana

Aima. To determine to what extent the problem of forward fitting visibilities measured by the Spectrometer/Telescope Imaging X-rays (STIX) on-board Solar Orbiter is more challenging with respect to the same problem in the case of previous hard X-ray solar imaging missions; to identify an effective optimization scheme for parametric imaging for STIX. Methods. This paper introduces a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm for forward fitting STIX visibilities and compares its effectiveness with respect to the standard simplex-based optimization algorithm used so far for the analysis of visibilities measured by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). This comparison is made by considering experimental visibilities measured by both RHESSI and STIX, and synthetic visibilities generated by accounting for the STIX signal formation model. Results. We found out that the parametric imaging approach based on PSO is as reliable as the one based on the simplex method in the case of RHESSI visibilities. However, PSO is significantly more robust when applied to STIX simulated and experimental visibilities. Conclusions. Standard deterministic optimization is not effective enough for forward-fitting the few visibilities sampled by STIX in the angular frequency plane. Therefore a more sofisticated optimization scheme must be introduced for parametric imaging in the case of the Solar Orbiter X-ray telescope. The forward-fitting routine based on PSO we introduced in this paper proved to be significantly robust and reliable, and could be considered as an effective candidate tool for parametric imaging in the STIX context.

Eric Gaidos, Andrew W. Mann, Bárbara Rojas-Ayala, Gregory A. Feiden, Mackenna L. Wood, Suchitra Narayanan, Megan Ansdell, Tom Jacobs, Daryll LaCourse

Accepted to MNRAS 2022 April 25

Studies of T Tauri disks inform planet formation theory; observations of variability due to occultation by circumstellar dust are a useful probe of unresolved, planet-forming inner disks, especially around faint M dwarf stars. We report observations of 2M0632, an M dwarf member of the Carina young moving group that was observed by TESS over two one-year intervals. The combined light curve contains >300 dimming events, each lasting a few hours, and as deep as 40% (0.55 magnitudes). These stochastic events are correlated with a distinct, stable 1.86-day periodic signal that could be stellar rotation. Concurrent ground-based, multi-band photometry show reddening consistent with ISM-like dust. The star's excess emission in the infrared and emission lines in optical and infrared spectra, reveal a T Tauri-like accretion disk around the star. We confirm membership of 2M0632 in the Carina group by a Bayesian analysis of its Galactic space motion and position. We combine stellar evolution models with Gaia photometry and constraints on Teff, luminosity, and the absence of detectable lithium in the photosphere to constrain the age of the group and 2M0632 to 40-60 Myr, consistent with earlier estimates. 2M0632 joins a handful of long-lived disks which challenge the canon that disk lifetimes are <10 Myr. All known examples surround M dwarfs, suggesting that lower X-ray/UV irradiation and slower photoevaporation by these stars can dramatically affect disk evolution. The multi-planet systems spawned by long-lived disks probably experienced significant orbital damping and migration into close-in, resonant orbits, and perhaps represented by the TRAPPIST-1 system.

Maria Niculescu-Duvaz, Michael J Barlow, Antonia Bevan, Roger Wesson, Danny Milisavljevic, Ilse De Looze, Geoff C. Clayton, Kelsie Krafton, Mikako Matsuura, Ryan Brady

45 Pages, 33 Figures, Submitted to MNRAS

Modelling the red-blue asymmetries seen in the broad emission lines of core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) is a powerful technique to quantify total dust mass formed in the ejecta at late times ($>5$ years after outburst) when ejecta dust temperatures become too low to be detected by mid-IR instruments. Following our success in using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code DAMOCLES to measure the dust mass evolution in SN~1987A and other CCSNe, we present the most comprehensive sample of dust mass measurements yet made with DAMOCLES, for CCSNe aged between four and sixty years after outburst. Our sample comprises of multi-epoch late-time optical spectra taken with the Gemini GMOS and VLT X-Shooter spectrographs, supplemented by archival spectra. For the fourteen CCSNe that we have modelled, we confirm a dust mass growth with time that can be fit by a sigmoid curve which is found to saturate beyond an age of $\sim30$ years, at a mass of 0.23$^{+0.17}_{-0.12}$ M$_\odot$. An expanded sample including dust masses found in the literature for a further eleven CCSNe and six CCSN remnants, the dust mass at saturation is found to be 0.42$^{+0.09}_{-0.05}$~M$_\odot$. Uncertainty limits for our dust masses were determined from a Bayesian analysis using the affine invariant Markov Chain Monte Carlo ensemble sampler emcee with DAMOCLES. The best-fitting line profile models for our sample all required grain radii between 0.1 and 0.5 $\mu$m. Our results are consistent with CCSNe forming enough dust in their ejecta to significantly contribute to the dust budget of the Universe.

Alexander Mushtukov, Sergey Tsygankov

Invited chapter for the "Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics" (Eds. C. Bambi and A. Santangelo, Springer Singapore, 2022), 66 pages, 31 figures

X-ray pulsars (XRPs) are accreting strongly magnetised neutron stars (NSs) in binary systems with, as a rule, massive optical companions. Very reach phenomenology and high observed flux put them into the focus of observational and theoretical studies since the first X-ray instruments were launched into space. The main attracting characteristic of NSs in this kind of system is the magnetic field strength at their surface, about or even higher than $10^{12}\,{\rm G}$, that is about six orders of magnitude stronger than what is attainable in terrestrial laboratories. Although accreting XRPs were discovered about 50 years ago, the details of the physical mechanisms responsible for their properties are still under debate. Here we review recent progress in observational and theoretical investigations of XRPs as a unique laboratory for studies of fundamental physics (plasma physics, QED and radiative processes) under extreme conditions of ultra-strong magnetic field, high temperature, and enormous mass density.

Mohammad Eftekhar, Yousefali Abedini

Accepted for publication

We present the characterization of the transiting planet KELT-1b % ($R_p \simeq 1.15 R_J, M_p \simeq 27.23 M_J $) using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). % during cycle $2$ and sector $17$. Our light curve model includes primary transit and secondary eclipse. Here, we model the systematic noise using Gaussian processes (GPs) and fit it to the data using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. Modelling of the TESS light curve returns a planet-to-star radius ratio, $p =$ $0.07652_{-0.00028}^{+0.00029}$ and a relatively large secondary eclipse depth of $388_{-13}^{+12}$ ppm. The transit ephemeris of KELT-1b is updated using the MCMC method. Finally, we complement our work by searching for transit timing variations (TTVs) for KELT-1b. We do not find significant variations from the constant-period models in our transit time data.

Yaeji Kim, Masatoshi Hirabayashi

22 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, Accepted (Planet. Sci. J.)

Asteroid (16) Psyche is notable for the largest M-type asteroid and has the high radar albedo among the main-belt asteroids. The object is likely a mixture of metal and silicates because of its lower bulk density than metallic materials and observations inferring the existence of silicate materials on the surface. Here, we numerically investigate the interior layout when the structure of Psyche consists of a spherical iron core and two types of silicate-rich layers (compressed and uncompressed ones resulting from the compaction process. We develop an inverse problem algorithm to determine the layout distribution by combining a Finite Element Model approach that accounts for density variations and constrains pressure-based crushing conditions. The results show that given the crushing limit of 10 MPa the smallest core size likely reaches 72 km in radius, and the silicate-rich layer, consisting of both compressed and uncompressed regions, has a thickness ranging up to 68 km. To support the localized metal concentration at the crater-like region detected in the recent radar observation, we give more constraints on the minimum core size which takes up to 34 - 40 % of the entire size of Psyche. Our study also addresses that the ferrovolcanic surface eruptions could still be a source of metal-rich materials. Finally, while the differentiated structure having a spherical core condition is just part of potential scenarios, the present study infers that the core and compressed layer conditions likely control the surface condition.

Matthew S. Clement, Sean N. Raymond, Dimitri Veras, David Kipping

6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MRNAS

How might an advanced alien civilization manipulate the orbits within a planetary system to create a durable signpost that communicates its existence? While it is still debated whether such a purposeful advertisement would be prudent and wise, we propose that mean-motion resonances between neighboring planets -- with orbital periods that form integer ratios -- could in principle be used to encode simple sequences that one would not expect to form in nature. In this Letter we build four multi-resonant planetary systems and test their long-term orbital stability. The four systems each contain 6 or 7 planets and consist of: (i) consecutive integers from 1 to 6; (ii) prime numbers from 2 to 11; (iii) the Fibonacci sequence from 1 to 13; and (iv) the Lazy Caterer sequence from 1 to 16. We built each system using N-body simulations with artificial migration forces. We evaluated the stability of each system over the full 10 Gyr integration of the Sun's main sequence phase. We then tested the stability of these systems for an additional 10 Gyr, during and after post-main sequence evolution of the central stars (assumed to be Sun-like) to their final, white dwarf phase. The only system that was destabilized was the consecutive integer sequence (system i). The other three sequences therefore represent potential SETI beacons.

Daniel Carrera, Jacob B. Simon

13 pages, 8 figures, accepted to ApJL

We present evidence that it is unlikely that the streaming instability (SI) can form planetesimals from mm grains inside axisymmetric pressure bumps. We conducted the largest simulation of the SI so far (7 million CPU hours), consisting of a large slice of the disk with mm grains, a solar-like dust-to-gas ratio ($Z = 0.01$), and the largest pressure bump that does not cause gravitational instability (GI) in the particle layer. We used a high resolution of $1000/H$ to resolve as many unstable modes of the SI as possible. The simulation produced a long-lived particle over-density far exceeding the SI criteria (i.e., a critical solid abundance to headwind parameter ratio $Z/\Pi$) where past studies predict strong clumping; yet we observed none. The likely reason is that the time it takes particles to cross the high-$Z/\Pi$ region ($t_{\rm cross}$) is shorter than the growth timescale of the SI ($t_{\rm grow}$). We propose an added criterion for planetesimal formation by the SI -- that $t_{\rm cross} > t_{\rm grow}$. We show that any bump larger than the one in this run would form planetesimals by the GI instead of the SI. Our results significantly restrict the pathways to planet formation: Either protoplanetary disks regularly form grains larger than 1~mm, or planetesimals do not form by the SI in axisymmetric pressure bumps. Since bumps large enough to induce the GI are likely Rossby-wave unstable, we propose that mm grains may only form planetesimals in vortices.

This paper presents a new astronomy self efficacy instrument, composed of two factors, one relating to learning astronomy content, which we call astronomy personal self efficacy, and the other relating to the use of astronomical instrumentation, specifically the use of remote robotic telescopes for data collection. The latter is referred to as the astronomy instrumental self efficacy factor. The instrument has been tested for reliability and construct validity. Reliability testing showed that factor 1 had a Cronbachs alpha of 0.901 and factor 2 had a Cronbachs alpha of 0.937. Construct validity was established by computing one way analyses of variances, with the p value suitably protected, using independent variables peripherally related to the constructs. These analyses demonstrate that both scales possess high construct validity. The development of this astronomy specific instrument is an important step in evaluating self efficacy as a precursor to investigating the construct of science identity in the field of astronomy.

In full Horndeski theories, we show that the static and spherically symmetric black hole (BH) solutions with a static scalar field $\phi$ whose kinetic term $X$ is nonvanishing on the BH horizon are generically prone to ghost/Laplacian instabilities. We then search for asymptotically flat hairy BH solutions with a vanishing $X$ on the horizon free from ghost/Laplacian instabilities. We show that models with regular coupling functions of $\phi$ and $X$ result in no-hair Schwarzschild BHs in general. On the other hand, the presence of a coupling between the scalar field and the Gauss-Bonnet (GB) term $R_{\rm GB}^2$, even with the coexistence of other regular coupling functions, leads to the realization of asymptotically flat hairy BH solutions without ghost/Laplacian instabilities. Finally, we find that hairy BH solutions in power-law $F(R_{\rm GB}^2)$ gravity are plagued by ghost instabilities. These results imply that the GB coupling of the form $\xi(\phi)R_{\rm GB}^2$ plays a prominent role for the existence of asymptotically flat hairy BH solutions free from ghost/Laplacian instabilities.

M. Losacco, R. Armellin, C. Yanez, S. Lizy-Destrez, L. Pirovano, F. Sanfedino

A new Doppler radar initial orbit determination algorithm with embedded uncertainty quantification capabilities is presented. The method is based on a combination of Gauss' and Lambert's solvers. The whole process is carried out in the Differential Algebra framework, which provides the Taylor expansion of the state estimate with respect to the measurements' uncertainties. This feature makes the approach particularly suited for handling data association problems. A comparison with the Doppler integration method is performed using both simulated and real data. The proposed approach is shown to be more accurate and robust, and particularly suited for short-arc observations.

H. Kurokawa, M. Laneuville, Y. Li, N. Zhang, Y. Fujii, H. Sakuraba, C. Houser, H. J. Cleaves II

43 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

Earth's mantle nitrogen (N) content is comparable to that found in its N-rich atmosphere. Mantle N has been proposed to be primordial or sourced by later subduction, yet its origin has not been elucidated. Here we model N partitioning during the magma ocean stage following planet formation and the subsequent cycling between the surface and mantle over Earth history using argon (Ar) and N isotopes as tracers. The partitioning model, constrained by Ar, shows that only about 10% of the total N content can be trapped in the solidified mantle due to N's low solubility in magma and low partitioning coefficients in minerals in oxidized conditions supported from geophysical and geochemical studies. A possible solution for the primordial origin is that Earth had about 10 times more N at the time of magma ocean solidification. We show that the excess N could be removed by impact erosion during late accretion. The cycling model, constrained by N isotopes, shows that mantle N can originate from efficient N subduction, if the sedimentary N burial rate on early Earth is comparable to that of modern Earth. Such a high N burial rate requires biotic processing. Finally, our model provides a methodology to distinguish the two possible origins with future analysis of the surface and mantle N isotope record.

I.Antoniou, D. Kazanas, D. Papadopoulos, L. Perivolaropoulos

19 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Modern Physics D (to appear)

Spherical energy shells in General Relativity tend to collapse due to gravitational effects and/or due to tension effects. Shell stabilization may be achieved by modifying the gravitational properties of the background spacetime. Thus, gravastars consist of stiff matter shells with an interior deSitter space and an exterior Schwarzshild spacetime whose attractive gravity balances the interior repulsive gravity of the interior deSitter spacetime leading to a stable stiff matter shell. Similar stabilization effects may be achieved by considering rotating shells. Here we study the stability of slowly rotating fluid shells. We show that the angular velocity of the shell has stabilizing properties analogous to the repulsive deSitter gravity of the interior of a gravastar. We thus use the Israel junction conditions and the fluid equation of state of the rotating shell to construct the dynamical equations that determine the evolution of the rotating shell radius. These dynamical equations depend on the parameters of the background spacetime and on the angular velocity of the shell. Assuming a rotating interior and a Schwarzschild exterior spacetime we show that the angular velocity of the shell has interesting stabilizing properties on the evolution of its radius R. Thus rotating matter (or vacuum) shells can imitate black holes while avoiding the presence of a singularity and without the presence of an interior deSitter space.

We calculate the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter at finite temperature based on chiral effective field theory interactions to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. Our results assess the theoretical uncertainties from the many-body calculation and the chiral expansion. Using a Gaussian process emulator for the free energy, we derive the thermodynamic properties of matter through consistent derivatives and use the Gaussian process to access arbitrary proton fraction and temperature. This enables a first nonparametric calculation of the equation of state in beta equilibrium, and of the speed of sound and the symmetry energy at finite temperature. Moreover, our results show that the thermal part of the pressure decreases with increasing densities.