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Papers for Tuesday, May 03 2022

Papers with local authors

Manuel Enrique Cuesta, Rohit Chhiber, Sohom Roy, Joshua Goodwill, Francesco Pecora, Jake Jarosik, William H. Matthaeus, Tulasi N. Parashar, Riddhi Bandyopadhyay

9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables

0 votes
Paper 30 — arXiv:2205.00526
0 votes
Paper 30 — arXiv:2205.00526

We examine the radial evolution of correlation lengths perpendicular (\(\lambda_C^{\perp}\)) and parallel (\(\lambda_C^{\parallel}\)) to the magnetic-field direction, computed from solar wind magnetic-field data measured by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during its first eight orbits, Helios 1, Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE), WIND, and Voyager 1 spacecraft. Correlation lengths are grouped by an interval's alignment angle; the angle between the magnetic-field and solar wind velocity vectors (\(\Theta_{\rm BV}\)). Parallel and perpendicular angular channels correspond to angles \(0^{\circ}~<~\Theta_{\rm BV}~<~40^{\circ}\) and \(50^{\circ}~<~\Theta_{\rm BV}~<~90^{\circ}\), respectively. We observe an anisotropy in the inner heliosphere within 0.40~au, with \(\lambda_C^{\parallel} / \lambda_C^{\perp} \approx 0.75\) at 0.10~au. This anisotropy reduces with increasing heliocentric distance and the correlation lengths roughly isotropize within 1~au. Results from ACE and WIND support a reversal of the anisotropy, such that \(\lambda_C^{\parallel} /\lambda_C^{\perp} \approx 1.29\) at 1~au. The ratio does not appear to change significantly beyond 1~au, although the small number of parallel intervals in the Voyager dataset precludes unambiguous conclusions from being drawn. This study provides insights regarding the radial evolution of the large, most energetic interacting turbulent fluctuations in the heliosphere. We also emphasize the importance of tracking the changes in sampling direction in PSP measurements as the spacecraft approaches the Sun, when using these data to study the radial evolution of turbulence. This can prove to be vital in understanding the more complex dynamics of the solar wind in the inner heliosphere and can assist in improving related simulations.

Jahmour J. Givans, Andreu Font-Ribera, Anže Slosar, Louise Seeyave, Christian Pedersen, Keir K. Rogers, Diego Blas, Vid Iršič

34 pages, 19 figures

0 votes
Paper 54 — arXiv:2205.00962
0 votes
Paper 54 — arXiv:2205.00962

Three-dimensional correlations of the Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) forest and cross correlations between the Ly$\alpha$ forest and quasars have been measured on large scales, allowing a precise measurement of the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) feature at redshifts $z>2$. These 3D correlations are often modelled using linear perturbation theory, but full-shape analyses to extract cosmological information beyond BAO will require more realistic models capable of describing non-linearities present at smaller scales. We present a measurement of the Ly$\alpha$ forest flux power spectrum from large hydrodynamic simulations -- the Sherwood simulations -- and compare it to different models describing the small-scale deviations from linear theory. We confirm that the model presented in Arinyo-i-Prats et al. (2015) fits the measured 3D power up to $k=10\, h\rm{Mpc^{-1}}$ with an accuracy better than 5%, and show that the same model can also describe the 1D correlations with similar precision. We also present, for the first time, an equivalent study for the cross-power spectrum of halos with the Ly$\alpha$ forest, and we discuss different challenges we face when modelling the cross-power spectrum beyond linear scales. We make all our measured power spectra public in \url{https://github.com/andreufont/sherwood_p3d}. This study is a step towards joint analyses of 1D and 3D flux correlations, and towards using the quasar-Ly$\alpha$ cross-correlation beyond BAO analyses.

All other papers

Andrew R. Neil, Jessica Liston, Leslie A. Rogers

31 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Water worlds have been hypothesized as an alternative to photo-evaporation in order to explain the gap in the radius distribution of Kepler exoplanets. We explore water worlds within the framework of a joint mass-radius-period distribution of planets fit to a sample of transiting Kepler exoplanets, a subset of which have radial velocity mass measurements. We employ hierarchical Bayesian modeling to create a range of ten mixture models that include multiple compositional subpopulations of exoplanets. We model these subpopulations - including planets with gaseous envelopes, evaporated rocky cores, evaporated icy cores, intrinsically rocky planets, and intrinsically icy planets - in different combinations in order to assess which combinations are most favored by the data. Using cross-validation, we evaluate the support for models that include planets with icy compositions compared to the support for models that do not, finding broad support for both. We find significant population-level degeneracies between subpopulations of water worlds and planets with primordial envelopes. Among models that include one or more icy-core subpopulations, we find a wide range for the fraction of planets with icy compositions, with a rough upper limit of 50%. Improved datasets or alternative modeling approaches may better be able to distinguish between these subpopulations of planets.

E. Silva-Villa, X Cano-Gómez

5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted in MNRAS letter

Generally, identifying the spiral arms of a spiral galaxy is not a hard task. However, defining the main characteristics, width and length of those structure is not a common task. Previous studies have used different tracers: Star clusters, Massers, H$\alpha$. It was until recently that individual stars were used as tracers of spiral structures. The basic method of measuring the width of spiral arms assumes a Gaussian distribution around the mean concentration, either of gas or other tracer. In this work we use NGC 5236's stars as tracers. We estimated the surface stellar density of arms and inter-arm regions to measure the width of the arms. As a test case, this works focused on NGC 5236 (M83). We find that field stellar populations can trace the (two) main spiral arms of NGC 5236. We find a correlation between the arm width and the galactocentric radii, found using other tracers. The slope of the growth of the width of the arm correlates with the morphological types of spiral galaxies. A second finding of our study suggest the possible correlation between the width of the arms and the corrotation radius, result that will be presented in a follow up paper.

A. Efstathiou, D. Farrah, J. Afonso, D. L. Clements, E. González-Alfonso, M. Lacy, S. Oliver, V. Papadopoulou Lesta, C. Pearson, D. Rigopoulou, M. Rowan-Robinson, H.W.W. Spoon, A. Verma, L. Wang

Published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. The CYGNUS models used in this paper are available at this https URL

We present the ultraviolet to submillimetre spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the HERschel Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy Survey (HERUS) sample of 42 local ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) and fit them with a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) code using the CYprus models for Galaxies and their NUclear Spectra (CYGNUS) radiative transfer models for starbursts, active galactic nucleus (AGN) tori and host galaxy. The Spitzer IRS spectroscopy data are included in the fitting. Our bayesian SED fitting method takes comparable time to popular energy balance methods but it is more physically motivated and versatile. All HERUS galaxies harbor high rates of star formation but we also find bolometrically significant AGN in all of the galaxies of the sample. We estimate the correction of the luminosities of the AGN in the ULIRGs due to the anisotropic emission of the torus and find that it could be up to a factor of $\sim10$ for nearly edge-on tori. We present a comparison of our results with the smooth torus model of Fritz et al. and the two-phase models of Siebenmorgen et al. and SKIRTOR. We find that the CYGNUS AGN torus models fit significantly better the SEDs of our sample compared to all other models. We find no evidence that strong AGN appear either at the beginning or end of a starburst episode or that starbursts and AGN affect each other. IRAS 01003-2238 and Mrk 1014 show evidence for dual AGN in their SED fits suggesting a minimum dual AGN fraction in the sample of 5%.

Trung Ha, Yuan Li, Marina Kounkel, Siyao Xu, Hui Li, Yong Zheng

14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ

The interstellar medium (ISM) is turbulent on all scales and in all phases. In this paper, we study turbulence with different tracers in four nearby star-forming regions: Orion, Ophiuchus, Perseus, and Taurus. We combine the APOGEE-2 and Gaia surveys to obtain the full 6-dimensional measurements of positions and velocities of young stars in these regions. The velocity structure functions (VSFs) of the stars show a universal scaling of turbulence. We also obtain H{\alpha} gas kinematics in these four regions from the Wisconsin H-Alpha Mapper. The VSFs of the H{\alpha} are more diverse compared to the stars. In regions with recent supernova activities, they show characteristics of local energy injections and higher amplitudes compared to the VSFs of stars and of CO from the literature. Such difference in amplitude of the VSFs can be explained by the different energy and momentum transport from supernovae into different phases of the ISM, thus resulting in higher levels of turbulence in the warm ionized phase traced by H{\alpha}. In regions without recent supernova activities, the VSFs of young stars, H{\alpha}, and CO are generally consistent, indicating well-coupled turbulence between different phases. Within individual regions, the brighter parts of the H{\alpha} gas tend to have a higher level of turbulence than the low-emission parts. Our findings support a complex picture of the Milky Way ISM, where turbulence can be driven at different scales and inject energy unevenly into different phases.

C. Knigge, S. Toonen, T.C.N. Boekholt

14 pages, 9 figures (5 main text + 4 in Appendices), accepted for publication in MNRAS

Recurrent novae are star systems in which a massive white dwarf accretes material at such a high rate that it undergoes thermonuclear runaways every 1 - 100 years. They are the only class of novae in which the white dwarf can grow in mass, making some of these systems strong Type Ia supernova progenitor candidates. Almost all known recurrent novae are long-period (P_orb > 12 hrs) binary systems in which the requisite mass supply rate can be provided by an evolved (sub-)giant donor star. However, at least two recurrent novae are short-period (P_orb < 3 hrs) binaries in which mass transfer would normally be driven by gravitational radiation at rates 3-4 orders of magnitude smaller than required. Here, we show that the prototype of this class -- T Pyxidis -- has a distant proper motion companion and therefore likely evolved from a hierarchical triple star system. Triple evolution can naturally produce exotic compact binaries as a result of three-body dynamics, either by Kozai-Lidov eccentricity cycles in dynamically stable systems or via mass-loss-induced dynamical instabilities. By numerically evolving triple progenitors with physically reasonable parameters forward in time, we show explicitly that the inner binary can become so eccentric that mass transfer is triggered at periastron, driving the secondary out of thermal equilibrium. We suggest that short-period recurrent novae likely evolved via this extreme state, explaining their departure from standard binary evolution tracks.

Weak gravitational lensing directly probes the matter distribution surrounding satellite galaxies in galaxy clusters. We measure the weak lensing signal induced on the shapes of background galaxies around SDSS redMaPPer cluster satellite galaxies, which have their central galaxies assigned with a probability $P_{\rm cen}>0.95$ in the redshift range, $0.1\leq z\leq 0.33$. We use the galaxy shapes from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey for this purpose. We bin satellite galaxies by their distance from the cluster centre and compare it to the signal around a control sample of galaxies which do not reside in clusters but have similar colours and magnitudes. We explore the effect of environmental processes on the dark matter mass around satellites. We see hints of a difference in the mass of the subhalo of the satellite compared to the halo masses of galaxies in our control sample, especially in the innermost cluster-centric radial bin ($0.1<r<0.3$ [$h^{-1}\rm Mpc$]). For the first time, we put an upper limit on the prevalence of orphan galaxies which have entirely lost their dark matter halos with cluster-centric distances with the help of our measurements. However, these upper limits could be relaxed if there is substantial contamination in the satellite galaxy sample.

Manami Roy, Biman B. Nath

11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table Accepted for publication in ApJ on Apr 22, 2022

We constrain the cosmic ray (CR) population in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of Milky Way by comparing the observations of absorption lines of OVIII ion with predictions from analytical models of CGM : precipitation (PP) and isothermal (IT) model. For a CGM in hydrostatic equilibrium, the introduction of CR suppresses thermal pressure, and affects the OVIII ion abundance. We explore the allowances given to the ratio of CR pressure to thermal pressure ($\rm{P}_{\rm{CR}}/\rm{P}_{\rm{th}}=\eta$), with varying boundary conditions, CGM mass content, photoionization by extragalactic ultraviolet background and temperature fluctuations. We find that the allowed maximum values of $\eta$ are : $\eta\lesssim10$ in the PP model and $\eta\lesssim6$ in the IT model. We also explore the spatial variation of $\eta$ : rising ($\eta=Ax$) or declining ($\eta=A/x$) with radius, where A is the normalization of the profiles. In particular, the models with declining ratio of CR to thermal pressure fare better than those with rising ratio with suitable temperature fluctuation (larger $\sigma_{\rm ln T}$ for PP and lower for IT). The declining profiles allow $A\lesssim8$ and $A\lesssim10$ in the case of IT and PP models, respectively, thereby accommodating a large value of $\eta \,(\simeq 200)$ in the central region, but not in the outer regions. These limits, combined with the limits derived from $\gamma$-ray and radio background, can be useful for building models of Milky Way CGM including CR population. However, the larger amount of CR can be packed in cold phase which may be one way to circumvent these constraints.

M. Bischetti, C. Feruglio, V. D'Odorico, N. Arav, E. Bañados, G. Becker, S.E.I. Bosman, S. Carniani, S. Cristiani, G. Cupani, R. Davies, A.C. Eilers, E.P. Farina, A. Ferrara, R. Maiolino, C. Mazzucchelli, A. Mesinger, R. Meyer, M. Onoue, E. Piconcelli, E. Ryan-Weber, J-T. Schindler, F. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Zhu, F. Fiore

Nature in press. This preprint has not undergone peer review or any post-submission improvements or corrections

Luminous quasars powered by accretion onto billion solar mass black holes already exist at the epoch of Reionisation, when the Universe was 0.5-1 Gyr old. These objects likely reside in over-dense regions of the Universe, and will grow to form today's giant galaxies. How their huge black holes formed in such short times is debated, particularly as they lie above the local black hole mass-galaxy dynamical mass correlation, thus following the black hole-dominance growth path. It is unknown what slowed down the black hole growth, leading towards the symbiotic growth observed in the local Universe, and when this process started, although black hole feedback is a likely driver. This deadlock is due to the lack of large, homogeneous samples of high-redshift quasars with high-quality, broad-band spectroscopic information. Here we report results from a VLT/X-shooter survey of 30 quasars at redshift 5.8$\le$z$\le$6.6 (XQR-30). About 50% of their spectra reveal broad blue-shifted absorption line (BAL) throughs, tracing powerful ionised winds. The BAL fraction in z$\gtrsim$6 quasars is 2-3 times higher than in quasars at z~2-4.5. XQR-30 BAL quasars exhibit extreme outflow velocities, up to 17% of the light speed, rarely observed at lower redshift. These outflows inject large amounts of energy into the galaxy interstellar medium, which can contrast nuclear gas accretion, slowing down the black-hole growth. The star-formation rate in high-z quasar hosts is generally $>$100 M$_\odot$/yr, so these galaxies are growing at a fast rate. The BAL phase may then mark the beginning of significant feedback, acting first on black hole growth and possibly later on galaxy growth. The red optical colors of BAL quasars at z$\gtrsim$6 indeed suggest that these systems are dusty and may be caught during an initial quenching phase of obscured accretion.

Duncan Farrah, Andreas Efstathiou, Jose Afonso, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Joe Cairns, David L Clements, Kevin Croker, Evanthia Hatziminaoglou, Maya Joyce, Mark Lacy, Vianney Lebouteiller, Alix Lieblich, Carol Lonsdale, Seb Oliver, Chris Pearson, Sara Petty, Lura K Pitchford, Dimitra Rigopoulou, Michael Rowan-Robinson, Jack Runburg, Henrik Spoon, Aprajita Verma, Lingyu Wang

MNRAS Accepted

We study stellar and black hole mass assembly in a sample of 42 infrared-luminous galaxy mergers at z<0.3 by combining results from radiative transfer modelling with archival measures of molecular gas and black hole mass. The ratios of stellar mass, molecular gas mass, and black hole mass to each other are consistent with those of massive gas-rich galaxies at z<0.3. The advanced mergers may show increased black hole mass to stellar mass ratios, consistent with the transition from AGN to ellipticals and implying substantial black hole mass growth over the course of the merger. Star formation rates are enhanced relative to the local main sequence, by factors of ~100 in the starburst and ~1.8 in the host. The starburst star formation rates appear distinct to star formation in the main sequence at all redshifts up to at least z~5. Starbursts may prefer late-stage mergers, but are observed at any merger stage. We do not find evidence that the starbursts in these low-redshift systems substantially increase the total stellar mass, with a soft upper limit on the stellar mass increase from starburst activity of about a factor of two. In contrast, 12 objects show evidence for super-Eddington accretion, associated with late-stage mergers, suggesting that many AGN in infrared-luminous mergers go through a super-Eddington phase. The super-Eddington phase may increase black hole mass by up to an order of magnitude at an accretion efficiency of 42+/-33% over a period of 44+/-22Myr. Our results imply that super-Eddington accretion is an important black hole growth channel in infrared-luminous galaxies at all redshifts.

Jacob H. Hamer, Kevin C. Schlaufman

35 pages, 9 figures, and 6 tables in aastex631 format; accepted for publication in AJ

It has been shown that hot Jupiters systems with massive, hot stellar primaries exhibit a wide range of stellar obliquities. On the other hand, hot Jupiter systems with low-mass, cool primaries often have stellar obliquities close to zero. Efficient tidal interactions between hot Jupiters and the convective envelopes present in lower-mass main sequence stars have been a popular explanation for these observations. If this explanation is accurate, then aligned systems should be older than misaligned systems. Likewise, the convective envelope mass of a hot Jupiter's host star should be an effective predictor of its obliquity. We derive homogeneous stellar parameters -- including convective envelope masses -- for hot Jupiter host stars with high-quality sky-projected obliquity inferences. Using a thin disk stellar population's Galactic velocity dispersion as a relative age proxy, we find that hot Jupiter host stars with larger-than-median obliquities are older than hot Jupiter host stars with smaller-than-median obliquities. The relative age difference between the two populations is larger for hot Jupiter host stars with smaller-than-median fractional convective envelope masses and is significant at the 3.6-$\sigma$ level. We identify stellar mass, not convective envelope mass, as the best predictor of stellar obliquity in hot Jupiter systems. The best explanation for these observations is that many hot Jupiters in misaligned systems arrived in the close proximity of their host stars long after their parent protoplanetary disks dissipated. The dependence of observed age offset on convective envelope mass suggests that tidal realignment contributes to the population of aligned hot Jupiters orbiting stars with convective envelopes.

PeiJin Zhang, Pietro Zucca, Kamen Kozarev, Eoin Carley, ChuanBing Wang, Thomas Franzen, Bartosz Dabrowski, Andrzej Krankowski, Jasmina Magdalenic, Christian Vocks

20 pages

Radio emission of the quiet Sun is considered to be due to thermal bremsstrahlung emission of the hot solar atmosphere. The properties of the quiet Sun in the microwave band have been well studied, and they can be well described by the spectrum of bremsstrahlung emission. In the meter-wave and decameter-wave bands, properties of the quiet Sun have rarely been studied due to the instrumental limitations. In this work, we use the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) telescope to perform high quality interferometric imaging spectroscopy observations of quiet Sun coronal emission at frequencies below 90~MHz. We present the brightness temperature spectrum, and size of the Sun in the frequency range of 20-80~MHz. We report on dark coronal regions with low brightness temperature that persist with frequency. The brightness temperature spectrum of the quiet Sun is discussed and compared with the bremsstrahlung emission of a coronal model and previous quiet Sun observations.

A. M. Silva, J. P. Faria, N. C. Santos, S. G. Sousa, P. T. P. Viana, J. H. C. Martins, P. Figueira, C. Lovis, F. Pepe, S. Cristiani, R. Rebolo, R. Allart, A. Cabral, A. Mehner, A. Sozzetti, A. Suárez Mascareño, C. J.A.P. Martins, D. Ehrenreich, D. Mégevand, E. Palle, G. Lo Curto, H. M. Tabernero, J. Lillo-Box, J. I. González Hernández, M. R. Zapatero Osorio, N. C. Hara, N. J. Nunes, P. Di Marcantonio, S. Udry, V. Adibekyan, X. Dumusque

17 pages, 15 Figures, Accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), Code available in this https URL

The detection and characterization of an increasing variety of exoplanets has been in part possible thanks to the continuous development of high-resolution, stable spectrographs, and using the Doppler radial-velocity (RV) method. The Cross Correlation Function (CCF) method is one of the traditional approaches for RV extraction. More recently, template matching was introduced as an advantageous alternative for M-dwarf stars. In this paper, we describe a new implementation of template matching within a semi-Bayesian framework, providing a more statistically principled characterization of the RV measurements. In this context, a common RV shift is used to describe the difference between each spectral order of a given stellar spectrum and a template built from the available observations. Posterior probability distributions are obtained for the relative RV associated with each spectrum, after marginalizing with respect to the continuum. This methodology was named S-BART: Semi-Bayesian Approach for RVs with Template-matching, and it can be applied to HARPS and ESPRESSO. The application of our method to HARPS archival observations of Barnard's star allowed us to validate our implementation against HARPS-TERRA and SERVAL. Then, we applied it to 33 ESPRESSO targets, evaluating its performance and comparing it with the CCF method. We found a decrease in the median RV scatter of \sim 10\% and \sim 4\% for M- and K-type stars, respectively. S-BART yields more precise RV estimates than the CCF method, particularly in the case of M-type stars where a median uncertainty of \sim 15 cm/s is achieved over 309 observations. Further, we estimated the nightly zero point (NZP) of ESPRESSO, finding a weighted NZP scatter below \sim 0.7 m/s. As this includes stellar variability, photon noise, and potential planetary signals, it should be taken as an upper limit of the RV precision attainable with ESPRESSO data.

M.E. Landis, J.L. Whitten

29 pages, 2 figures (main paper), 4 (supplement), accepted 4/29/2022 at Geophysical Research Letters

Radar-bright basal reflectors have been detected below the South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD), Mars using Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS) data and have an exciting but controversial interpretation: liquid water from subglacial lakes. We mapped the surface of the SPLD immediately above and surrounding the putative lakes (1:2M map scale) in order to provide geologic context for interpretation of the bright basal reflectors. We use THEMIS daytime IR (100 m/pixel), CTX (6 m/pixel), and HiRISE (25 cm/pixel) data to characterize geologic units and typical surface roughness. We find evidence for multiple geologic units with features due to CO2 and aeolian-related processes. We do not find evidence for surface modification linked to the postulated lake locations. This is not consistent with the interpretation of the MARSIS basal radar reflector as subglacial lakes.

Lucas J. Hyland, Mark J. Reid, Simon P. Ellingsen, Maria J. Rioja, Richard Dodson, Gabor Orosz, Colin R. Masson, Jamie MacCallum

11 pages, 5 figures

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) astrometry is a well established technique for achieving $\pm10~\mu$as parallax accuracies at frequencies well above 10~GHz. At lower frequencies, uncompensated interferometer delays associated with the ionosphere play the dominant role in limiting the astrometric accuracy. Multiview is a novel VLBI calibration method, which uses observations of multiple quasars to accurately model and remove time-variable, directional-dependent changes to the interferometer delay. Here we extend the Multiview technique by phase referencing data to the target source ("inverse Multiview") and test its performance. Multiple observations with a four-antenna VLBI array operating at 8.3~GHz show single-epoch astrometric accuracies near $20~\mu$as for target-reference quasar separations up to about 7 degrees. This represents an improvement in astrometric accuracy by up to an order of magnitude compared to standard phase referencing.

Forrest W. Glines, Kristian R.C. Beckwith, Joshua R. Braun, Eric C. Cyr, Curtis C. Ober, Matthew Bettencourt, Keith L. Cartwright, Sidafa Conde, Sean T. Miller, Nicholas Roberds, Nathan V. Roberts, Matthew S. Swan, Roger Pawlowski

In this work, we present a discontinuous-Galerkin method for evolving relativistic hydrodynamics. We include an exploration of analytical and iterative methods to recover the primitive variables from the conserved variables for the ideal equation of state and the Taub-Matthews approximation to the Synge equation of state. We also present a new operator for enforcing a physically permissible conserved state at all basis points within an element while preserving the volume average of the conserved state. We implement this method using the Kokkos performance-portability library to enable running at performance on both CPUs and GPUs. We use this method to explore the relativistic Kelvin- Helmholtz instability compared to a finite volume method. Last, we explore the performance of our implementation on CPUs and GPUs.

Kazuki Tokuda, Taisei Minami, Yasuo Fukui, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Takeru Nishioka, Kisetsu Tsuge, Sarolta Zahorecz, Hidetoshi Sano, Ayu Konishi, C.-H. Rosie Chen, Marta Sewiło, Suzanne C. Madden, Omnarayani Nayak, Kazuya Saigo, Atsushi Nishimura, Kei E. I. Tanaka, Tsuyoshi Sawada, Remy Indebetouw, Kengo Tachihara, Akiko Kawamura, Toshikazu Onishi

25 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Massive dense clumps in the Large Magellanic Cloud can be an important laboratory to explore the formation of populous clusters. We report multiscale ALMA observations of the N159W-North clump, which is the most CO-intense region in the galaxy. High-resolution CO isotope and 1.3 mm continuum observations with an angular resolution of $\sim$0."25($\sim$0.07 pc) revealed more than five protostellar sources with CO outflows within the main ridge clump. One of the thermal continuum sources, MMS-2, shows especially massive/dense nature whose total H$_2$ mass and peak column density are $\sim$10$^{4}$ $M_{\odot}$ and $\sim$10$^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$, respectively, and harbors massive ($\sim$100 $M_{\odot}$) starless core candidates identified as its internal substructures. The main ridge containing this source can be categorized as one of the most massive protocluster systems in the Local Group. The CO high-resolution observations found several distinct filamentary clouds extending southward from the star-forming spots. The CO (1-0) data set with a larger field of view reveals a conical-shaped, $\sim$30 pc long complex extending toward the northern direction. These features indicate that a large-scale gas compression event may have produced the massive star-forming complex. Based on the striking similarity between the N159W-North complex and the previously reported other two high-mass star-forming clouds in the nearby regions, we propose a $"$teardrops inflow model$"$ that explains the synchronized, extreme star formation across $>$50 pc, including one of the most massive protocluster clumps in the Local Group.

In solar physics, it is a big challenge to measure the magnetic fields directly from observations in the upper solar atmosphere, including the chromosphere and corona. Radio observations are regarded as the most feasible approach to diagnose the magnetic field in solar chromosphere and corona. However, because of the complexity and diversity of the emission mechanisms, the previous studies have only presented the implicit diagnostic functions of the magnetic field for specific mechanism from solar radio observations. This work collected and sorted out all methods for diagnosing coronal magnetic field from solar radio observations, which are expressed as a set of explicit diagnostic functions. In particular, this work supplemented some important diagnostic methods missed in other reviews. This set of diagnostic functions can completely cover all regions of the solar chromosphere and corona, including the quiet region, active region and flaring source regions. At the same time, it also includes incoherent radiation such as bremsstrahlung emission of thermal plasma above the quiet region, cyclotron and gyro-synchrotron emissions of magnetized hot plasma and mildly relativistic nonthermal electrons above the active regions, as well as coherently plasma emission around flaring source regions. Using this set of diagnostic functions and the related broadband spectral solar radio imaging observations, we can derive the magnetic fields of almost all regions in the solar atmosphere,which may help us to make full use of the spectral imaging observations of the new generation solar radio telescopes (such as MUSER, EVOSA and the future FASR, etc.) to study the solar activities, and provide a reliable basis for the prediction of disastrous space weather events.

We present a uniform analysis of all mid-infrared $R\approx90$ spectra of field M5--T9 dwarfs obtained with the Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS). The sample contains 113 spectra out of which 12 belong to late-M dwarfs, 69 to L dwarfs, and 32 to T dwarfs. Sixty-eight of these spectra are presented for the first time. We measure strengths of the main absorption bands in the IRS spectra, namely H$_2$O at 6.25 $\mu$m, CH$_4$ at 7.65 $\mu$m, NH$_3$ at 10.5 $\mu$m, and silicates over 8--11 $\mu$m. Water absorption is present in all spectra and strengthens with spectral type. The onset of methane and ammonia occurs at the L8 and T2.5 types, respectively, although ammonia can be detectable as early as T1.5. Silicate absorption sets in at spectral type L2, is on average the strongest in L4--L6 dwarfs, and disappears past L8. However, silicate absorption can also be absent from the spectra at any L subtype. We find a positive correlation between the silicate absorption strength and the excess (deviation from median) near-infrared colour at a given L subtype, which supports the idea that variations of silicate cloud thickness produce the observed colour scatter in L dwarfs. We also find that variable L3--L7 dwarfs are twice more likely to have above-average silicate absorption than non-variables. The ensemble of results solidifies the evidence for silicate condensate clouds in the atmospheres of L dwarfs, and for the first time observationally establishes their emergence and sedimentation between effective temperatures of $\approx$2000 K and $\approx$1300 K, respectively.

Zhang XueGuang (NNU)

28 pages, 19 figures, 2 tables; Accepted to be published in ApJS

The main objective is to check the Unified Model (UM) expected similar stellar velocity dispersions between Type-1 AGN and Type-2 AGN, then to provide further clues on BH mass properties. Not similar as previous comparisons of BH masses estimated by \msig relations to Type-2 AGN but Virial BH masses in Type-1 AGN, reliable stellar velocity dispersions $\sigma$ measured through absorption features around 4000\AA~ are directly compared between so-far the largest samples of 6260 low redshift ($z~<~0.3$) Type-1 AGN and almost all the Type-2 AGN in SDSS DR12. Although half of Type-1 AGN do not have measured $\sigma$ due to unapparent absorption features overwhelmed by AGN activities, both properties of mean spectra of Type-1 AGN with and without measured $\sigma$ and positive dependence of $\sigma$ on [O~{\sc iii}] luminosity can lead to statistically larger $\sigma$ of all the Type-1 AGN than the 6260 Type-1 AGN with measured stellar velocity dispersions. Then, direct $\sigma$ comparisons can lead to statistically larger $\sigma$ in Type-1 AGN, with confidence level higher than 10sigma, after considering necessary effects of different redshift and different central AGN activities. Although Type-1 AGN have $\sigma$ only about $(9\pm3)$\% larger than Type-2 AGN, the difference cannot be well explained at current stage. Unless there was strong evidence to support different \msig relations or to support quite different evolution histories between Type-1 AGN and Type-2 AGN, the statistically larger $\sigma$ in Type-1 AGN provides a strong challenge to the Unified model of AGN.

A. Pellizzoni, S. Righini, M. N. Iacolina, M. Marongiu, S. Mulas, G. Murtas, G. Valente, E. Egron, M. Bachetti, F. Buffa, R. Concu, G. L. Deiana, S. L. Guglielmino, A. Ladu, S. Loru, A. Maccaferri, P. Marongiu, A. Melis, A. Navarrini, A. Orfei, P. Ortu, M. Pili, T. Pisanu, G. Pupillo, A. Saba, L. Schirru, G. Serra, C. Tiburzi, A. Zanichelli, P. Zucca, M. Messerotti

43 pages, 11 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in Solar Physics

We present a new solar radio imaging system implemented through the upgrade of the large single-dish telescopes of the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), not originally conceived for solar observations. During the development and early science phase of the project (2018-2020), we obtained about 170 maps of the entire solar disk in the 18-26 GHz band, filling the observational gap in the field of solar imaging at these frequencies. These solar images have typical resolutions in the 0.7-2 arcmin range and a brightness temperature sensitivity <10 K. Accurate calibration adopting the Supernova Remnant Cas A as a flux reference, provided typical errors <3% for the estimation of the quiet-Sun level components and for active regions flux measurements. As a first early science result of the project, we present a catalog of radio continuum solar imaging observations with Medicina 32-m and SRT 64-m radio telescopes including the multi-wavelength identification of active regions, their brightness and spectral characterization. The interpretation of the observed emission as thermal bremsstrahlung components combined with gyro-magnetic variable emission pave the way to the use of our system for long-term monitoring of the Sun. We also discuss useful outcomes both for solar physics (e.g. study of the chromospheric network dynamics) and space weather applications (e.g. flare precursors studies).

Marie Devinat, Émilie Habart, Éric Pantin, Nathalie Ysard, Anthony Jones, Lucas Labadie, Emmanuel Di Folco

11 pages, 8 figures

HD 169142 is part of the class of (pre-)transitional protoplanetary disks showing multiple carbon nanodust spectroscopic signatures (aromatic, aliphatic) dominating the infrared spectrum. Precise constraints on the spatial distribution and properties of carbonaceous dust particles are essential to understanding the physics of the disk. The HD 169142 disk is seen almost face-on and thus offers a unique opportunity to study the dust radial evolution. We investigate the spatial distribution and properties of the carriers of several dust aromatic emission features in the disk across a broad spatial range (10-200 AU). We analysed imaging and spectroscopic observations in the 8-12 microns range from VLT/VISIR, as well as adaptive optics spectroscopic observations in the 3-4 microns range from VLT/NACO. The data probes the spatial evolution of the 3.3, 8.6, and 11.3 microns aromatic bands. To constrain the radial distribution of carbonaceous nano-grains, the observations were compared to models using The Heterogeneous dust Evolution Model for Interstellar Solids (THEMIS), integrated into the POLARIS radiative transfer code by calculating the thermal and stochastic heating of sub-micrometer dust grains. Our data show predominant nano-particle emission at all radii (resolution of about 0.1", 12 AU at 3 microns and 0.3", 35 AU at 10 microns) in the HD 169142 disk. This unambiguously shows that carbonaceous nano-grains dominate radiatively the infrared spectrum in most of the disk, as suggested by previous studies. In order to account for both VISIR and NACO emission maps, we show the need for aromatic particles distributed within the disk from the outermost regions to a radius of 20 AU, corresponding to the outer limit of the inner cavity derived from previous observations. In the inner cavity, these aromatic particles might be present but their abundance would then be significantly decreased.

Oya Kawashima, Naho Yanase, Yoshihisa Okitsu, Masafumi Hirahara, Yoshifumi Saito, Yuzuru Karouji, Naoki Yamamoto, Shoichiro Yokota, Satoshi Kasahara

25 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Planetary and Space Science

Ion sources using electron impact ionization (EI) methods have been widely accepted in mass spectrometry for planetary exploration missions because of their simplicity. Previous space-borne mass spectrometers were primarily designed with the EI method using rhenium tungsten alloy filaments, enabling up to 200 uA emission in typical cases. The emission level is desired to be enhanced because the sensitivity of mass spectrometers is a critical requirement for the future in situ mass spectrometry related to the measurement of trace components in planetary samples. In this study, we developed a new high-emission EI ion source using a Y2O3-coated iridium filament, which has a lower work function than rhenium tungsten alloy. The size of the ion source was 30 mm * 26 mm * 70 mm, and its weight was 70 g. We confirmed that when consuming 3.0 W power, the ion source emits more than 2 mA electrons, which is 10 times greater than the previous models electron emission level. Ionization efficiency of the EI ion source is proportional to the amount of electron emission, which implies our new model increased the ionization efficiency 10 times. We conducted performance tests on the prototype with the 3.0 W heating condition, confirming a high ionization efficiency (10^4 nA/Pa). In addition, we conducted endurance tests of the ion source and demonstrated the persistence of the ionization efficiency for 30 min * 100 cycles.

Recovering the birth radii of observed stars in the Milky Way is one of the ultimate goals of Galactic Archaeology. One method to infer the birth radius and the evolution of the ISM metallicity assumes a linear relation between the ISM metallicity with radius at any given look-back time. Here we test the reliability of this assumption by using 4 zoom-in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations from the NIHAO-UHD project. We find that one can infer precise birth radii only when the stellar disk starts to form, which for our modeled galaxies happens ~ 10 Gyr ago, in agreement with recent estimates for the Milky Way. With a current day measurement of ISM metallicity gradient of ~ -0.05 dex and a dispersion of ~ 0.1 dex, the intrinsic uncertainty in inferring Rbirth is ~ 2 kpc. At later times the linear correlation between the ISM metallicity and radius increases, as stellar motions become more ordered and the azimuthal variations of the ISM metallicity start to drop. The formation of a central bar and perturbations from mergers can increase this uncertainty in the inner and outer disk, respectively.

Shokoufe Faraji

Contributed Proceedings of the sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting

We consider a static and axially symmetric metric containing two quadrupole parameters. In the present contribution, we study the quadrupole moments constraints on the properties of the relativistic accretion disc models, also explore the relation of oscillatory frequencies of charged particles to the frequencies of the twin high-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations observed in some microquasars. We also compare the results with Schwarzschild and Kerr metrics.

Jeric Garrido, Jose Perico Esguerra

Submitted to Advances in Space Research 2022. There are 16 pages, 28 figures

In this paper, a surface geometric constraint approach is used in designing the orbits of a solar sail. We solve the solar sail equation of motion by obtaining a generalized Laplace-Runge-Lenz (LRL) vector with the assumption that the cone angle is constant throughout the mission. A family of orbit equation solutions can then be specified by defining a constraint equation that relates the radial and polar velocities of the spacecraft and is dependent on the geometry of the surface where the spacecraft is expected to move. The proposed method is successfully applied in the design of orbits constrained on cylinders and to displaced non-Keplerian orbits.

Christiane Helling

21 pages, 6 figures; accepted as a chapter in the book "Planetary systems now", eds. Luisa M. Lara and David Jewitt, World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd

This invited review for young researchers presents key ideas on cloud formation as key part for virtual laboratories for exoplanet atmospheres. The basic concepts are presented, followed by utilising a time-scale analysis to disentangle process hierarchies. The kinetic approach to cloud formation modelling is described in some detail to allow the discussion of cloud structures as prerequisite for future extrasolar weather forecasts.

Md Rasel Hossen, Sonia Akter Ema, Krzysztof Bolejko, Geraint F. Lewis

14 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

An essential aspect of cosmic voids is that these underdense regions provide complementary information about the properties of our Universe. Unlike dense regions, voids are avoided by matter and are less contaminated by baryonic processes. The first step to understanding the properties of cosmic voids is to correctly infer their mass profiles. In the literature, various techniques have been implemented. In this paper, we review them and implement a new technique that is based on Doppler lensing. We use a relativistic $N$-body code, \textsc{Gevolution}, to generate cosmological mass perturbations and implement a three-dimensional ray-tracing technique, which follows the evolution of a ray-bundles. We focus on the various properties of cosmic voids (e.g. void size function, 2-point correlation function, and the density profile of voids), and compare the results with their universal trends. We show that when weak-lensing is combined with the Doppler lensing we obtain even tighter constraints than weak-lensing alone. We also obtain better agreement between density profiles within central parts of voids inferred from lensing and density profiles inferred from halo tracers. The implication of the result relevant to the ongoing and prospective low-redshift spectroscopic surveys is briefly discussed.

Taishu Kayanoki, Yasushi Fukazawa

23 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, PASJ accepted (2022/04/27)

The {\it Fermi} satellite has detected $\sim$60 radio galaxies (RGs). In this study, we investigate the difference in the properties of X-ray spectra between GeV-loud RGs and GeV-quiet RGs. Our sample comprises 68 objects: 36 RGs detected with {\it Fermi} and 32 RGs not detected with gamma rays. We analyzed the X-ray spectra of these 68 objects using data from the {\it XMM-Newton}, {\it Chandra}, {\it NuSTAR}, and {\it Swift} satellites. Our results show that most GeV-loud RGs do not exhibit significant absorption, while $\sim$50\% of the GeV-quiet RGs exhibit significant absorption. This suggests that the jet of GeV-loud RGs is viewed from a small angle, and thus the emission is not easily blocked by the torus. Moreover, we reported that RGs with a heavy absorption are mostly in the X-ray luminosity range of $10^{43}-10^{45}$erg s$^{-1}$; however, few RGs with lower and higher luminosity suffer from heavy absorption. This is the same trend as that of Seyfert galaxies.

Jagdish C. Joshi, Shuta J. Tanaka, Luis Salvador Miranda, Soebur Razzaque

15 pages, 12 figures

Recently, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) reported discovery of 12 ultrahigh-energy (UHE; $\mathrm{\varepsilon} \ge 100$ TeV) gamma-ray sources located in the Galactic plane. Few of these UHE gamma-ray emitting regions are in spatial coincidence with pulsar wind nebula (PWN) objects. We consider a sample of five sources; two of them are LHAASO sources (LHAASO J1908+0621 and LHAASO J2226+6057) and the remaining three are GeV-TeV gamma-ray emitters. In addition, their X-ray and radio observations or upper limits are also available for these objects. We study multiwavelength radiation from these sources by considering a PWN origin, where the emission is powered by time-dependent spin-down luminosity of the associated pulsars. In this one zone, time-dependent leptonic emission model, the electron population is calculated at different times under the radiative (synchrotron and inverse-Compton) and adiabatic cooling. We estimate the upper limits on the minimum Lorentz factor of the electrons and it also infers the minimum value of the pair-multiplicity of charged pairs. Further, the maximum value of the electron Lorentz factor is estimated by the maximum observed photon energy in the sub-PeV range. In the special case of HESS J1640-465, a higher energy density of the stellar photons is required to fit gamma-ray data compared to the standard IR/CMB background used in the PWNe modelling. We also discuss the possible modification in the model parameters, if the escape of particles is allowed from the pulsar wind nebula. For example, we consider LHAASO 1908+0621 and discuss qualitatively the impact of escape of particles from this source.

C. J. P. Flanagan, S. P. Ellingsen, A. A. Cole

Accepted for publication by the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia: 8 pages, 7 figures

We report the results of a sensitive search for water maser emission in the Local Group Galaxy NGC 6822 with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. The observations provide tentative single-epoch detections of four candidates, associated with two infrared-bright star formation regions (Hubble I/III and Hubble IV). The candidate maser detections are all offset from the velocity range where strong emission from HI neutral gas is observed toward NGC 6822, with the closest offset by 40 kms$^{-1}$. Our observations include the location of NL1K, a previous tentative water maser detection in NGC 6822. We do not detect any emission from this location with a sensitivity limit approximately a factor of 5 better than the original Sardina Radio Telescope observations.

Erik J. Wasleske, Vivienne F. Baldassare, Christopher M. Carroll

Resubmitted to The Astrophysical Journal

We searched the Northern Hemisphere Fields of the GALEX Time-Domain Survey (TDS) for galaxies with UV variability indicative of active galactic nuclei (AGNs). We identified 48 high-probability candidate AGNs from a parent sample of 1819 galaxies in the NASA Sloan Atlas (NSA) catalog. We further characterized these systems using optical spectroscopic diagnostics, WISE IR color selection criteria, and spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling. Of the 48 candidates, eight were identified as AGNs from optical emission lines, two were identified by their IR colors, and 28 were identified through spectral energy decomposition. Observational biases of each selection method are discussed in connecting these AGNs subsamples to another. By selecting AGNs based on UV variability, we also identified six low-mass AGNs candidates, all of which would have been missed by spectroscopic selection.

Guang-Yao Zhao, Jose L. Gomez, Antonio Fuentes, Thomas P. Krichbaum, E. Traianou, Rocco Lico, Ilje Cho, Eduardo Ros, S. Komossa, Kazunori Akiyama, Keiichi Asada, Lindy Blackburn, Silke Britzen, Gabriele Bruni, Geoffrey Crew, Rohan Dahale, Lankeswar Dey, Roman Gold, Achamveedu Gopakumar, Sara Issaoun, Michael Janssen, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Jae-Young Kim, Jun Yi Koay, Yuri Y. Kovalev, Shoko Koyama, Andrei Lobanov, Laurent Loinard, Rusen Lu, Sera Markoff, Alan P. Marscher, Ivan Marti-Vidal, Yosuke Mizuno, Jongho Park, Tuomas Savolainen, Teresa Toscano

15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present the first very-long-baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations of the blazar OJ287 carried out jointly with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) and the phased Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) at 3.5 mm on April 2, 2017. Participation of phased-ALMA not only has improved the GMVA north-south resolution by a factor of ~3, but also has enabled fringe detection with signal-to-noise ratios up to 300 at baselines longer than 2 G{\lambda}. The high sensitivity has motivated us to image the data with the newly developed regularized maximum likelihood imaging methods, revealing the innermost jet structure with unprecedentedly high angular resolution. Our images reveal a compact and twisted jet extending along the northwest direction with two bends within the inner 200 {\mu}as that resembles a precessing jet in projection. The component at the southeastern end shows a compact morphology and high brightness temperature, and is identified as the VLBI core. An extended jet feature that lies at ~200 {\mu}as northwest of the core shows a conical shape in both total and linearly polarized intensity, and a bimodal distribution of the linear polarization electric vector position angle. We discuss the nature of this feature by comparing our observations with models and simulations of oblique and recollimation shocks with various magnetic field configurations. Our high-fidelity images also enabled us to search for possible jet features from the secondary supermassive black hole (SMBH) and test the SMBH binary hypothesis proposed for this source.

A. Clevinger, J. Corkish, K. Aryal, V. Dexheimer

Invited contribution to Special Issue on "CompOSE: a repository for Neutron Star Equations of State and Transport Properties"

In this contribution, we describe new chemically-equilibrated charge-neutral hybrid equations of state for neutron stars. They present a first-order phase transition to quark matter and differentiate by the particle population considered and how these particles interact. While some equations of state contain just nucleons and up, down-quarks, others also contain hyperons, Delta baryons, and strange quarks. The hybrid equations of state, together with corresponding hadronic ones, are available on the CompOSE repository and can be used for different astrophysical applications.

Naomichi Yutani, Yoshiki Toba, Shunsuke Baba, Keiichi Wada

Dust Obscured Galaxies (DOGs), which are observationally characterized as faint in the optical and bright in the infrared, are the final stage of galaxy mergers and are essential objects in the evolution of galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). However, the relationship between torus-scale gas dynamics around AGNs and DOGs lifetime remain unclear. We obtained evolution of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of a galaxy merger system with AGN feedback, from post-processed pseudo-observations based on an N-body/Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation. We focused on a late stage merger of two identical galaxies with a supermassive black hole (SMBH) of 10$^8$ M$_\odot$. We found that the infrared luminosity of the system reaches ultra- and hyper-luminous infrared galaxy classes (10$^{12}$ and 10$^{13}$ L$_\odot$, respectively). The DOGs phase corresponds to a state in which the AGNs are buried in dense gas and dust, with the infrared luminosity exceeding 3.3 $\times$ 10$^{12}$ L$_\odot$. We also identified the sub-categories of DOGs, namely bump and power-law DOGs from the SEDs and their evolution. The bump DOGs tend to evolve to power-law DOGs on several Myrs. We found that contribution from the hot dust around the nucleus in the infrared radiation is essential for identifying the system as a power-law DOG; the gas and dust distribute non-spherically around the nucleus, therefore, the observed properties of DOGs depend on the viewing angle. In our model, the lifetime of merger-driven DOGs is less than 4 Myrs, suggesting that the observed DOGs phase is a brief aspect of galaxy mergers.

Luca Amendola (Heidelberg University, Germany), Massimo Pietroni (University of Parma and INFN, Italy), Miguel Quartin (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Heidelberg University, Germany)

26 pages

We introduce a methodology to extend the Fisher matrix forecasts to mildly non-linear scales without the need of selecting a cosmological model. We make use of standard non-linear perturbation theory for biased tracers complemented by counterterms, and assume that the cosmological distances can be measured accurately with standard candles. Instead of choosing a specific model, we parametrize the linear power spectrum and the growth rate in several $k$ and $z$ bins. We show that one can then obtain model-independent constraints of the expansion rate $H(z)/H_0$ and the growth rate $f(k,z)$, besides the bias functions. We apply the technique to both Euclid and DESI public specifications in the redshift range $0.6-1.8$ and show that the precision on $H(z)$ from increasing the cut-off scale improves abruptly for $k_{\rm max} > 0.17\,h$/Mpc and reaches subpercent values for $k_{\rm max} \approx 0.3\,h$/Mpc. Overall, the gain in precision when going from $k_{\rm max} = 0.1\,h$/Mpc to $k_{\rm max} = 0.3\,h$/Mpc is around one order of magnitude. The growth rate has in general much weaker constraints, unless is assumed to be $k$-independent. In such case, the gain is similar to the one for $H(z)$ and one can reach uncertainties around 5--10\% at each $z$-bin. We also discuss how neglecting the non-linear corrections can have a large effect on the constraints even for $k_{\rm max}=0.1\,h/$Mpc, unless one has independent strong prior information on the non-linear parameters.

Chenglong Lv, Ali Esamdin, Javier Pascual-Granado, Taozhi Yang, Dongxiang Shen

15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We propose that KIC 1573174 is a quadruple-mode $\delta$ Scuti star with pulsation amplitudes between those of the HADS (high-amplitude Delta Scuti star) group and average low-amplitude pulsators. The radial modes detected in this star provide a unique opportunity to exploit asteroseismic techniques up to their limits. Detailed frequency analysis is given for the light curve from the Kepler mission. The variation of the light curve is dominated by the strongest mode with a frequency of F0 = 7.3975 $\rm{d^{-1}}$, as shown by Fourier analysis of long cadence data (Q1-Q17, spanning 1460 days), indicating that the target is a $\delta$ Scuti star. The other three independent modes with F1 = 9.4397 d$^{-1}$, F2 = 12.1225 d$^{-1}$ and F3 = 14.3577 d$^{-1}$, have ratios of $P_{1}$ / $P_{0}$, $P_{2}$ / $P_{0}$ and $P_{3}$ / $P_{0}$ estimated as 0.783, 0.610 and 0.515, which indicate that KIC 1573174 is a quadruple-mode $\delta$ Scuti star. A different approach has been used to determine the $O-C$ through the study of phase modulation. The change of period $(1/P)~dP/dt$ is obtained resulting in $-1.14 \times 10^{-6}~\text{yr}^{-1}$ and $-4.48 \times 10^{-6}~\text{yr}^{-1}$ for F0 and F1 respectively. Based on frequency parameters (i.e., F0, F1, F2, and F3), a series of theoretical models were conducted by employing the stellar evolution code MESA. The ratio of observed $f_{1}/f_{2}$ is larger than that of the model, which may be caused by the rotation of the star. We suggest high-resolution spectral observation is highly desired in the future to further constrain models.

Katherine Vieira, Giovanni Carraro, Vladimir Korchagin, Artem Lutsenko, Terrence M. Girard, William van Altena

14 pages, 9 figures

We present a detailed analysis of kinematics of the Milky Way disk in solar neighborhood using GAIA DR3 catalog. To determine the local kinematics of the stellar disks of the Milky Way galaxy we use a complete sample of 278,228 red giant branch (RGB) stars distributed in a cylinder, centered at the Sun with a 1 kpc radius and half-height of 0.5 kpc. We determine separately the kinematical properties of RGB stars for each Galactic hemisphere in search for possible asymmetries. The kinematical properties of the RGB stars reveal the existence of two kinematically distinct components: the thin disk with mean velocities ${V_R}, {V_{\phi}}, {V_Z}$ of about -1, -239, 0 km s$^{-1}$ correspondingly and velocity dispersions $\sigma_R, \sigma_{\phi}, \sigma_Z$ of 31, 20 and 11 km s$^{-1}$, and the Thick disk with mean velocities components of about +1, -225, 0 km s$^{-1}$, and velocity dispersions of 49, 35, and 22 km s$^{-1}$. We find that up to 500 pc height above/below the galactic plane, Thick disk stars comprise about half the stars of the disk. Such high amount of RGB stars with Thick disk kinematics points at the secular evolution scenario origin for the Thick disk of the Milky Way galaxy.

Daniel Frolovsky, Sergei V. Ketov, Sultan Saburov

8 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX

We adapted the Appleby-Battye-Starobinsky model of $F(R)$ gravity towards describing double cosmological inflation and formation of primordial black holes with masses up to $10^{19}$ g in the single-field model. We found that it is possible to get an enhancement of the power spectrum of scalar curvature perturbations to the level beyond the Hawking (black hole evaporation) limit of $10^{15}$ g, so that the primordial black holes resulting from gravitational collapse of those large primordial perturbations can survive in the present universe and form part of cold dark matter. Our results agree with the current measurements of cosmic microwave background radiation within $3\sigma$ but require fine-tuning of the parameters.

C. Ashall, J. Lu, B. J. Shappee, C. R. Burns, E. Y. Hsiao, S. Kumar, N. Morrell, M. M. Phillips, M. Shahbandeh, E. Baron, K. Boutsia, P. J. Brown, J. M. DerKacy, L. Galbany, P. Hoeflich, K. Krisciunas, P. Mazzali, A. L. Piro, M. D. Stritzinger, N. B. Suntzeff

Submitted to ApjL on 11th April 2022

We present early-time photometric and spectroscopic observations of the Type Ia Supernova (SN Ia) 2021aefx. The early time u-band light curve shows an excess flux when compared to normal SNe Ia. We suggest that the early-excess blue flux may be due to a rapid change in spectral velocity in the first few days post explosion, produced by the emission of the Ca II H&K feature passing from the u to the B bands on the time scale of a few days. This effect could be dominant for all SNe Ia which have broad absorption features and early-time velocities over 25,000 km/s. It is likely to be one of the main causes of early-excess u-band flux in SNe Ia which have early-time high-velocities. This effect may also be dominant in the UV filters, as well as in places where the SN spectral energy distribution is quickly rising to longer wavelengths. The rapid change in velocity can only produce a monotonic change (in flux-space) in the u-band. For objects which explode at lower velocities, and have a more structured shape in the early-excess emission, there must also be an additional parameter producing the early-time diversity. More early time observations, in particular early spectra, are required to determine how prominent this effect is within SNe Ia.

Yuanming Wang, Tara Murphy, David L. Kaplan, Teresa Klinner-Teo, Alessandro Ridolfi, Matthew Bailes, Fronefield Crawford, Shi Dai, Dougal Dobie, B. M. Gaensler, Vanessa Graber, Ian Heywood, Emil Lenc, Duncan R. Lorimer, Maura A. McLaughlin, Andrew O'Brien, Sergio Pintaldi, Joshua Pritchard, Nanda Rea, Joshua P. Ridley, Michele Ronchi, Ryan M. Shannon, Gregory R. Sivakoff, Adam Stewart, Ziteng Wang, Andrew Zic

17 pages, 7 figures; accepted by ApJ

We report the discovery of a highly circularly polarized, variable, steep-spectrum pulsar in the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) survey. The pulsar is located about $1^\circ$ from the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud, and has a significant fractional circular polarization of $\sim$20%. We discovered pulsations with a period of 322.5 ms, dispersion measure (DM) of 157.5 pc cm$^{-3}$, and rotation measure (RM) of $+456$ rad m$^{-2}$ using observations from the MeerKAT and the Parkes telescopes. This DM firmly places the source, PSR J0523$-$7125, in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This RM is extreme compared to other pulsars in the LMC (more than twice that of the largest previously reported one). The average flux density of $\sim$1 mJy at 1400 MHz and $\sim$25 mJy at 400 MHz places it among the most luminous radio pulsars known. It likely evaded previous discovery because of its very steep radio spectrum (spectral index $\alpha \approx -3$, where $S_\nu \propto \nu^\alpha$) and broad pulse profile (duty cycle $\gtrsim35$%). We discuss implications for searches for unusual radio sources in continuum images, as well as extragalactic pulsars in the Magellanic Clouds and beyond. Our result highlighted the possibility of identifying pulsars, especially extreme pulsars, from radio continuum images. Future large-scale radio surveys will give us an unprecedented opportunity to discover more pulsars and potentially the most distant pulsars beyond the Magellanic Clouds.

Sei Saito, Masaomi Tanaka, Ryo Sawada, Takashi J. Moriya

21 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae is not fully understood yet. In this work, we give constraints on the explosion timescale based on $^{56}$Ni synthesized by supernova explosions. First, we systematically analyze multi-band light curves of 82 stripped-envelope supernovae (SESNe) to obtain bolometric light curves, which is among the largest samples of the bolometric light curves of SESNe derived from the multi-band spectral energy distribution. We measure the decline timescale and the peak luminosity of the light curves and estimate the ejecta mass ($M_{\rm ej}$) and $^{56}$Ni mass ($M_{\rm Ni}$) to connect the observed properties with the explosion physics. We then carry out one-dimensional hydrodynamics and nucleosynthesis calculations, varying the progenitor mass and the explosion timescale. From the calculations, we show that the maximum $^{56}$Ni mass that $^{56}$Ni-powered SNe can reach is expressed as $M_{\rm Ni} \lesssim 0.2 \ M_{\rm ej}$. Comparing the results from the observations and the calculations, we show that the explosion timescale shorter than 0.3 sec explains the synthesized $^{56}$Ni mass of the majority of the SESNe.

Qinghui Sun, Constantine P. Deliyannis, Bruce A. Twarog, Barbara J. Anthony-Twarog, Jeffrey D. Cummings, Aaron Steinhauer

20 pages, 16 figures, 7 tables, accepted by MNRAS

We present WIYN/Hydra spectra of 34 red giant candidate members of NGC 188, which, together with WOCS and Gaia data yield 23 single members, 6 binary members, 4 single nonmembers, and 1 binary nonmember. We report [Fe/H] for 29 members and derive [Fe/H]$_{\rm{NGC188}}$ = +0.064 $\pm$ 0.018 dex ($\sigma_{\mu}$) (sky spectra yield A(Fe)$_{\odot}$ = 7.520 $\pm$ 0.015 dex ($\sigma_{\mu}$)). We discuss effects on the derived parameters of varying Yale-Yonsei isochrones to fit the turnoff. We take advantage of the coolest, lowest-gravity giants to refine the line list near Li 6707.8 \AA. Using synthesis we derive detections of A(Li) = 1.17, 1.65, 2.04, and 0.60 dex for stars 4346, 4705, 5027, and 6353, respectively, and 3$\sigma$ upper-limits for the other members. Whereas only two of the detections meet the traditional criterion for "Li-richness" of A(Li) > 1.5 dex, we argue that since the cluster A(Li) vanish as subgiants evolve to the base of the RGB, all four stars are Li-rich in this cluster's context. An incidence of even a few Li-rich stars in a sample of 29 stars is far higher than what recent large surveys have found in the field. All four stars lie either slightly or substantially away from the cluster fiducial sequence, possibly providing clues about their Li-richness. We discuss a number of possibilities for the origin for the Li in each star, and suggest potentially discriminating future observations.

Taichi Kato (Kyoto U)

13 pages, 8 figures, VSOLJ Variable Star Bulletin No. 101

I analyzed All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN) Sky Patrol data of ES Dra and classified it to be a Z Cam star with VY Scl-type fading episodes. An analysis of Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) observations showed that this object shows shallow eclipses and that the orbital period is 0.17749895(17) d. Negative superhumps with a period of 0.167830(2) d and the beat phenomenon between the period of negative superhumps and the orbital period were detected in the TESS data between 2020 January and March. The orbital profile systematically varied depending on the beat phase and eclipses were missing in some phases. The eclipses in ES Dra were grazing and the disk was probably not eclipsed in some phases depending on the orientation of the tilted disk. These observations added a support to the interpretation of the precessing, tilted disk as the origin of negative superhumps. Negative superhumps disappeared 4 d before the VY Scl-type fading started. It was likely that the mass-transfer rate quickly dropped when negative superhumps disappeared and the decline of the total luminosity of the disk took 4 d. This provides a measurement of the time-scale of the response of the disk against a sudden decrease of the mass transfer in a VY Scl star. Although one of standstills in ES Dra was terminated by brightening, the identity of ES Dra as an IW And star would require further events.

P. V. Bilimogga, K. A. Oman, M. A. W. Verheijen, J. M. van der Hulst

19 pages, 12 figures and 2 appendices. Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Soceity

We investigate the effect of observational constraints such as signal-to-noise, resolution and column density level on the HI morphological asymmetry ($\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{mod}$) and the effect of noise on the HI global profile ($\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{flux}$) asymmetry indices. Using mock galaxies from the EAGLE simulations we find an optimal combination of the observational constraints that are required for robust measurement of the $\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{mod}$ value of a galaxy: a column density threshold of $5\times10^{19}cm^{-2}$ or lower at a minimal signal-to-noise of 3 and a galaxy resolved with at least 11 beams. We also use mock galaxies to investigate the effect of noise on the $\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{flux}$ values and conclude that a global profile with signal-to-noise ratio greater than 5.5 is required to achieve a robust measurement of asymmetry. We investigate the relation between $\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{mod}$ and $\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{flux}$ indices and find them to be uncorrelated which implies that $\mathrm{A}_\mathrm{flux}$ values cannot be used to predict morphological asymmetries in galaxies.

Filament identification became a key step to tackling fundamental problems in various fields of Astronomy. Nevertheless, existing filament identification algorithms are critically user-dependent and require individual parametrization. In this study, we aimed at adapting the neural networks approach to elaborate the best model for filament identification that would not require fine-tuning for a given astronomical map. First, we created training samples based on the most commonly used maps of the interstellar medium obtained by Planck and Herschel space telescopes and the atomic hydrogen all-sky survey HI4PI. We used the Rolling Hough Transform, a widely used algorithm for filament identification, to produce training outputs. In the next step, we trained different neural network models and discovered that a combination of the Mask R-CNN and U-Net architecture is most appropriate for filament identification and determination of their orientation angles. We showed that neural network training might be performed efficiently on a relatively small training sample of only around 100 maps. Our approach eliminates the parametrization bias and facilitates filament identification and angle determination on large data sets.

Maxim V. Barkov, Praveen Sharma, Konstantinos N. Gourgouliatos, Maxim Lyutikov

31 pages, 23 figures, submitted to ApJ

Many explosive astrophysical events, like magnetars' bursts and flares, are magnetically driven. We consider dynamics of such magnetic explosions - relativistic expansion of highly magnetized and highly magnetically over-pressurized clouds. The corresponding dynamics is qualitatively different from fluid explosions due to the topological constraint of the conservation of the magnetic flux. Using analytical, relativistic MHD as well as force-free calculations, we find that the creation of a relativistically expanding, causally disconnected flow obeys a threshold condition: it requires sufficiently high initial over-pressure and sufficiently quick decrease of the pressure in the external medium (the pre-explosion wind). In the subcritical case the magnetic cloud just "puffs-up" and quietly expands with the pre-flare wind. We also find a compact analytical solution to the Prendergast's problem - expansion of force-free plasma into vacuum.

Gravitational lensing is the relativistic effect generated by massive bodies, which bend the space-time surrounding them. It is a deeply investigated topic in astrophysics and allows validating theoretical relativistic results and studying faint astrophysical objects that would not be visible otherwise. In recent years Machine Learning methods have been applied to support the analysis of the gravitational lensing phenomena by detecting lensing effects in data sets consisting of images associated with brightness variation time series. However, the state-of-art approaches either consider only images and neglect time-series data or achieve relatively low accuracy on the most difficult data sets. This paper introduces DeepGraviLens, a novel multi-modal network that classifies spatio-temporal data belonging to one non-lensed system type and three lensed system types. It surpasses the current state of the art accuracy results by $\approx$ 19% to $\approx$ 43%, depending on the considered data set. Such an improvement will enable the acceleration of the analysis of lensed objects in upcoming astrophysical surveys, which will exploit the petabytes of data collected, e.g., from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.

Aneesh P. Naik, Clare Burrage

11 pages, 4 figures, prepared for submission to PRD. All code and plotting scripts available at this https URL

The observed `planes of satellites' around the Milky Way and other nearby galaxies are notoriously difficult to explain under the $\Lambda$CDM paradigm. Here, we propose an alternative solution: domain walls arising in theories with symmetry-breaking scalar fields coupled to matter. Because of the matter coupling, satellite galaxies experience fifth forces as they pass through domain walls, leading to a subset of satellites with orbits confined to the domain wall plane. We demonstrate this effect using simple simulations of a toy model comprising point-like satellites and an infinite domain wall, and explore the efficacy of various planarity metrics in detecting this effect. We believe this is the first potential `new physics' explanation for the observed planes of satellites which does not do away with dark matter.

High-energy neutrinos ($E>10^{17}$eV) are detected cost-efficiently via the Askaryan effect in ice, where a particle cascade induced by the neutrino interaction produces coherent radio emission that can be picked up by antennas. As the near-surface ice properties change rapidly within the upper 40m, a good understanding of the ice properties is required to reconstruct the neutrino properties. In particular, continuous monitoring of the snow accumulation (which changes the depth of the antennas) and the index-of-refraction $n(z)$ profile are crucial for an accurate determination of the neutrino's direction and energy. We present an in-situ calibration system that extends the radio detector station with two radio emitters to continuously monitor the firn properties within the upper 40m by measuring the time differences between direct and reflected (off the surface) signals (D'n'R). We determine the optimal positions of two transmitters at all three sites of current and future radio detectors: Greenland, Moore's Bay, and the South Pole. We find that the snow accumulation $\Delta h$ can be measured with a resolution of 5mm and the parameters of an exponential $n(z)$ profile $\Delta n$ and $z_0$ with 0.03% and 0.2% precision respectively, which constitutes an improvement of more than a factor of 10 as compared to the inference of the $n(z)$ profile from density measurements. Additionally, as this technique is based on the measurement of the signal propagation times we are not bound to the conversion of density to index-of-refraction. We quantify the impact of these ice uncertainties on the reconstruction of the neutrino vertex, direction, and energy and find that the calibration device measures the ice properties to sufficient precision to have negligible influence.

Pavol Matlovič, Adriana Pisarčíková, Juraj Tóth, Pavel Mach, Peter Čermák, Stefan Loehle, Leonard Kornoš, Ludovic Ferrière, Jiří Šilha, David Leiser, Ranjith Ravichandran

The hydrogen emission from meteors is assumed to originate mainly from the meteoroid composition, making it a potential tracer of H$_{2}$O molecules and organic compounds. H$\alpha$ line was previously detected in individual fireballs, but its variation in a larger meteor dataset and dependency on the dynamical origin and physical properties have not yet been studied. Here we investigate the relative intensity of H$\alpha$ within 304 meteor spectra observed by the AMOS network. We demonstrate that H$\alpha$ emission is favored in faster meteors ($v_i >>$ 30 km s$^{-1}$) which form the high-temperature spectral component. H$\alpha$ was found to be a characteristic spectral feature of cometary meteoroids with $\sim$ 92\% of all meteoroids with detected H$\alpha$ originating from Halley-type and long-period orbits. Our results suggest that hydrogen is being depleted from meteoroids with lower perihelion distances (q $<$ 0.4 au). No asteroidal meteoroids with detected H emission were found. However, using spectral data from simulated ablation of different meteorite types, we show that H emission from asteroidal materials can occur, and apparently correlates with their water and organic matter content. Strongest H emission was detected from carbonaceous chondrites (CM and CV) and achondrites (ureilite and aubrite), while it was lacking in most ordinary chondrites. The detection of H$\alpha$ in asteroidal meteoroids could be used to identify meteoroids of carbonaceous or achondritic composition. Overall, our results suggest that H$\alpha$ emission correlates with the emission of other volatiles (Na and CN) and presents a suitable tracer of water and organic matter in meteoroids.

The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect towards clusters of galaxies has become a standard probe of cosmology. It is caused by the scattering of photons from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) by the hot cluster electron gas. In a similar manner, other photon backgrounds can be scattered when passing through the cluster medium. This problem has been recently considered for the radio and the cosmic infrared background. Here we revisit the discussion of the cosmic infrared background (CIB) including several additional effects that were omitted before. We discuss the {\it intracluster} scattering of the CIB and the role of {\it relativistic} temperature corrections to the individual cluster and all-sky averaged signals. We show that the all-sky CIB distortion introduced by the scattering of the photon field was underestimated by a factor of $\simeq 1.5$ due to neglecting the intracluster scattering contribution. Energy is essentially transferred twice from the thermal electrons to the CIB. We carefully clarify the origin of various effects in the calculation of the average CIB and also scattered signals. The single-cluster CIB scattering signal also exhibits a clear redshift dependence, which can be used in cosmological analyses, as we describe both analytically and numerically. This may open a new way for cosmological studies with future CMB experiments.

Jingyi Wang, Erin Kara, Matteo Lucchini, Adam Ingram, Michiel van der Klis, Guglielmo Mastroserio, Javier A. García, Thomas Dauser, Riley Connors, Andrew C. Fabian, James F. Steiner, Ron A. Remillard, Edward M. Cackett, Phil Uttley, Diego Altamirano

29 pages, 21 figures

We perform the first systematic search of all NICER archival observations of black hole (and candidate) low-mass X-ray binaries for signatures of reverberation. Reverberation lags result from the light travel time difference between the direct coronal emission and the reflected disk component, and therefore their properties are a useful probe of the disk-corona geometry. We detect new signatures of reverberation lags in 8 sources, increasing the total sample from 3 to 11, and study the evolution of reverberation lag properties as the sources evolve in outbursts. We find that in all of the 9 sources with more than 1 reverberation lag detection, the reverberation lags become longer and dominate at lower Fourier frequencies during the hard-to-soft state transition. This result shows that the evolution in reverberation lags is a global property of the state transitions of black hole low-mass X-ray binaries, which is valuable in constraining models of such state transitions. The reverberation lag evolution suggests that the corona is the base of a jet which vertically expands and/or gets ejected during state transition. We also discover that in the hard state, the reverberation lags get shorter, just as the QPOs move to higher frequencies, but then in the state transition, while the QPOs continue to higher frequencies, the lags get longer. We discuss implications for the coronal geometry and physical models of QPOs in light of this new finding.

Víctor Boscá, Pierre Fleury, Juan García-Bellido

28 + 11 pages, 18 figures

Microlensing of extragalactic sources, in particular the probability of significant amplifications, is a potentially powerful probe of the abundance of compact objects outside the halo of the Milky Way. Accurate experimental constraints require an equally accurate theoretical model for the amplification statistics produced by such a population. In this article, we argue that the simplest (strongest-lens) model does not meet this demanding requirement. We thus propose an elaborate practical modelling scheme for extragalactic microlensing. We derive from first principles an expression for the amplification probability that consistently allows for: (i) the coupling between microlenses; (ii) realistic perturbations from the cosmic large-scale structure; (iii) extended-source corrections. An important conclusion is that the external shear applied on the dominant microlens, both by the other lenses and by the large-scale structure, is practically negligible. Yet, the predictions of our approach can still differ by a factor of a few with respect to existing models of the literature. Updated constraints on the abundance of compact objects accounting for such discrepancies may be required.

C. E. Alissandrakis, T. S. Bastian, A. Nindos

Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted

We present the first full-disk solar images obtained with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Band 7 (0.86 mm; 347 GHz). In spite of the low spatial resolution (21"), several interesting results were obtained. During our observation, the sun was practically devoid of active regions. Quiet Sun structures on the disk are similar to those in Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) images at 1600 A and 304 A, after the latter are smoothed to the ALMA resolution, as noted previously for Band 6 (1.26 mm) and Band 3 (3 mm) images; they are also similar to negative H$\alpha$ images of equivalent resolution. Polar coronal holes, which are clearly seen in the 304 A band and small H$\alpha$ filaments, are not detectable at 0.86 mm. We computed the center-to-limb variation (CLV) of the brightness temperature, $T_b$, in Band 7, as well as in Bands 6 and 3, which were obtained during the same campaign, and we combined them to a unique curve of $T_b(\log\mu_{100})$, where $\mu_{100}$ is the cosine of the heliocentric angle reduced to 100 GHz. Assuming that the absolute calibration of the Band 3 commissioning observations is accurate, we deduced a brightness temperature at the center of the disk of 6085 K for Band 7, instead of the value of 5500 K, extrapolated from the recommended values for Bands 3 and 6. More importantly, the $T_b(\log\mu_{100})$ curve flattens at large values of $\mu_{100}$, and so does the corresponding $T_e(\log\tau_{100})$ at large $\tau_{100}$. This is probably an indication that we are approaching the temperature minimum.

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) completed its commissioning and began the Commensal Radio Astronomy FasT Survey (CRAFTS), a multi-year survey to cover 60% of the sky, in 2020. We present predictions for the number of radio-flaring ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) that are likely to be detected by CRAFTS. Based on the observed flaring UCDs from a number of unbiased, targeted radio surveys in the literature, we derive a detection rate of $\ge$3%. Assuming a flat radio spectrum $\nu L _{\nu}\propto \nu^{\beta+1} $ with $\beta$ = -1.0 for UCD flares, we construct a flare luminosity function $d N/d L \propto L^{-1.96 \pm 0.45}$ (here $L=\nu L_\nu$). CRAFTS is found to be sensitive enough for flares from UCDs up to $\sim$180 pc. Considering the Galactic thin disk, we carry out a 3D Monte Carlo simulation of the UCD population, which is then fed to mock CRAFTS observations. We estimate that $\sim$170 flaring UCDs would be detected through transient searches in circular polarization. Though only marginally sensitive to the scale height of UCDs, the results are very sensitive to the assumed spectral index $\beta$. For $\beta$ from 0 to -2.5, the number of expected detections increases dramatically from $\sim$20 to $\sim$3460. We also contemplate the strategies for following up candidates of flaring UCDs, and discuss the implications of survey results for improving our knowledge of UCD behavior at $L$ band and dynamos.

Leesa Fleury, Ilaria Caiazzo, Jeremy Heyl

9 pages, 3 figures

Gaia Data Release 2 revealed the presence of a population of ultramassive white dwarfs on the Q branch that are moving anomalously fast for a local disc population with the cooling ages determined using white dwarf cooling models, which has been presented as evidence of an extra cooling delay experienced by these white dwarfs. In this work, we investigate the kinematics of ultramassive white dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood using the improved Gaia Early Data Release 3 observations to explore this cooling delay explanation and alternate possibilities. We performed a kinematic analysis of the transverse motions of 0.95-1.25 $M_\odot$ white dwarfs within 200 pc of the Sun subdivided by mass and age and compared the result to the expectation based on the observed kinematics of main sequence stars. The distributions of the transverse velocity component in the direction of Galactic rotation for different mass and age ranges reveal a population of photometrically young ($\sim$ 0.5-1.5 Gyr) ultramassive ($\sim$ 1.15-1.25 $M_\odot$) white dwarfs that lags the local Galactic rotation and that is too dispersed in this velocity component to be explained by a cooling delay in white dwarfs originating from the local Galactic disc. The dispersion ratio of the velocity components in the Galactic plane for this population is also inconsistent with a local disc origin. We discuss some possible explanations of this kinematically anomalous population such as a halo origin or production through dynamical effects of stellar triple systems.


24 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, 86 references; submitted to Phys. Rev. D; our DM addition for GALPROP is available at this https URL

The present work derived the robust constraints on annihilating WIMP parameters utilizing new radio observations of M31, as well as new studies of its dark matter distribution and other properties. The characteristics of emission due to DM annihilation were computed in the frame of 2D galactic model employing GALPROP code adapted specifically for M31. This enabled to refine various inaccuracies of previous studies on the subject. DM constraints were obtained for two representative annihilation channels: $\chi\chi \rightarrow b\bar{b}$ and $\chi\chi \rightarrow \tau^+\tau^-$. A wide variety of radio data was utilized in the frequency range $\approx$(0.1-10) GHz. As the result the thermal WIMP lighter than $\approx$ 72 GeV for $b\bar{b}$ channel and $\approx$ 39 GeV for $\tau^+\tau^-$ was excluded. The corresponding mass threshold uncertainty ranges were estimated to be 20-210 GeV and 18-89 GeV. The obtained exclusions are competitive to those from Fermi-LAT observations of dwarfs and AMS-02 measurements of antiprotons. Our constraints does not exclude the explanation of the gamma-ray outer halo of M31 and Galactic center excess by annihilating DM. The thermal WIMP with $m_x \approx 70$ GeV, which explains the outer halo, would make a significant contribution into the non-thermal radio flux in M31 nucleus fitting well both the spectrum and morphology. And finally we questioned the possibility to robustly constrain heavy thermal WIMP with $m_x > 100$ GeV by radio data on M31 claimed in other studies.

Vacher Léo, Chluba Jens, Aumont Jonathan, Rotti Aditya, Montier Ludovic

Submitted to A&A

The modeling and removal of foregrounds poses a major challenge to searches for signals from inflation using the cosmic microwave background (CMB). In particular, the modeling of CMB foregrounds including various spatial averaging effects introduces multiple complications that will have to be accounted for in upcoming analyses. In this work, we introduce the generalization of the intensity moment expansion to the spin-2 field of linear polarization: the spin-moment expansion. Within this framework, moments become spin-2 objects that are directly related to the underlying spectral parameter and polarization angle distribution functions. In obtaining the required expressions for the polarization modeling, we highlight the similarities and differences with the intensity moment methods. A spinor rotation in the complex plane with frequency naturally arises from the first order moment when the signal contains both SED distortions and polarization mixing. Additional dependencies are introduced at higher order, and we demonstrate on several illustrative examples how these can be accounted for. Our new modeling of the polarized SED reveals to be a powerful tool to model the frequency dependence of the polarization angle. As such, it can be immediately applied to numerous astrophysical situations.

L. Gabriel Gomez (1), Yeinzon Rodriguez (2, 3), Juan P. Beltran Almeida (4) ((1) Universidad de Santiago de Chile, (2) Universidad Antonio Narino, (3) Universidad Industrial de Santander, (4) Universidad Nacional de Colombia)

LaTeX file in jcappub style, 40 pages, 11 figures. v2: some cosmetic changes and new references added. v3 and v4: more changes to add clarity to the paper and new material added. Conclusions unchanged. v5: version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics D

In the context of scalar-tensor theories, the inclusion of new degrees of freedom coupled non-minimally to the gravitational sector might produce some appealing effects on the cosmic expansion history. We investigate this premise by including a canonical SU(2) Yang- Mills field to the total energy budget of the universe coupled to the standard quintessential field by a disformal transformation. From the dynamical system analysis, we study three cases of cosmological interest that span most of the physical phase space of the model: the uncoupled limit, the isotropic, and the Abelian cases. New scaling solutions with a non-vanishing gauge field are found in all cases which can be interesting for early cosmological scenarios. Some of these scaling solutions even exhibit anisotropic features. Also, the background evolution of the universe is studied by means of numerical analysis. As an interesting result, the disformal coupling changes the equation of state of the gauge field from radiation to matter at some stages of the evolution of the universe, thereby the gauge field can contribute to some fraction of the total dark matter. We have also quantified the redshift-dependent contribution of the gauge field in the form of dark radiation during the radiation era to the effective number of relativistic species. This depends essentially on the initial conditions and, more importantly, on the disformal coupling function.

Yongcheng Wu, Ke-Pan Xie, Ye-Ling Zhou

9 pages, 4 figures, refs and comments added, accepted for publication in PRD

Discrete symmetries are widely imposed in particle theories. It is well-known that the spontaneous breaking of discrete symmetries leads to domain walls. Current studies of domain walls have focused on those from the spontaneous breaking of a $Z_2$ symmetry. Larger discrete symmetries have multiple degenerate vacua, leading to the domain walls in principle different from the simplest $Z_2$ domain wall. We take domain walls from $Z_N$ symmetry breaking as an illustrative study, and study in detail the $Z_3$ case, in which semi-analytical results for the tension and thickness of domain walls are derived. Explicit symmetry breaking terms lead to the dynamics of domain walls collapsing more complicated than the $Z_2$ case. Gravitational wave signals deviate from those from $Z_2$ domain walls.

How much one has learned from an experiment is quantifiable by the information gain, also known as the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The narrowing of the posterior parameter distribution $P(\theta|D)$ compared with the prior parameter distribution $\pi(\theta)$, is quantified in units of bits, as: $ D_{\mathrm{KL}}(P|\pi)=\int\log_{2}\left(\frac{P(\theta|D)}{\pi(\theta)}\right)\,P(\theta|D)\,d\theta $. This research note gives an intuition what one bit of information gain means. It corresponds to a Gaussian shrinking its standard deviation by a factor of three.

Guilherme L. Pimentel, Dong-Gang Wang

63 pages, 8 figures

Cosmological correlation functions contain valuable information about the primordial Universe, with possible signatures of new massive particles at very high energies. Recent developments, including the cosmological bootstrap, bring new perspectives and powerful tools to study these observables. In this paper, we systematically classify inflationary three-point correlators of scalar perturbations using the bootstrap method. For the first time, we derive a complete set of single-exchange cosmological collider bispectra with new shapes and potentially detectable signals. Specifically, we focus on the primordial scalar bispectra generated from the exchange of massive particles with all possible boost-breaking interactions during inflation. We introduce three-point "seed" functions, from which we bootstrap the inflationary bispectra of scalar and spinning exchanges using weight-shifting and spin-raising operators. The computation of the seed function requires solving an ordinary differential equation in comoving momenta, a boundary version of the equation of motion satisfied by a propagator that linearly mixes a massive particle with the external light scalars. The resulting correlators are presented in analytic form, for any kinematics. These shapes are of interest for near-future cosmological surveys, as the primordial non-Gaussianity in boost-breaking theories can be large. We also identify new features in these shapes, which are phenomenologically distinct from the de Sitter invariant cases. For example, the oscillatory shapes around the squeezed limit have different phases. Furthermore, when the massive particle has much lower speed of sound than the inflaton, oscillatory features appear around the equilateral configuration.

We study the prospects of detecting continuous gravitational waves (CGWs) from spinning neutron stars, gravitationally lensed by the galactic supermassive black hole. Assuming various astrophysically motivated spatial distributions of galactic neutron stars, we find that CGW signals from a few ($\sim 0-6$) neutron stars should be strongly lensed. Lensing will produce two copies of the signal (with time delays of seconds to minutes) that will interfere with each other. The relative motion of the neutron star with respect to the lensing optical axis will change the interference pattern, which will help us to identify a lensed signal. Accounting for the magnifications and time delays of the lensed signals, we investigate their detectability by ground-based detectors. Assuming an ellipticity of $\epsilon = 10^{-7}$ and the spin distribution of known pulsars, lensed CGWs are unlikely to be detectable by LIGO and Virgo in realistic searches involving $\mathcal{O}(10^{12})$ templates. However, third-generation detectors are likely to observe some of them. For the spatial and spin distributions of NSs that we consider, the probability of detecting at least one lensed NS is $\sim 1\%-44\%$. Such an observation will enable interesting probes of the supermassive black hole and its environment.

Climate change is the long-term shift in global weather patterns, largely caused by anthropogenic activity of greenhouse gas emissions. Global climate temperatures have unmistakably risen and naturally-occurring climate variability alone cannot account for this trend. Human activities are estimated to have caused about 1.0 {\deg}C of global warming above the pre-industrial baseline and if left unchecked, will continue to drastically damage the Earth and its inhabitants. Globally, natural disasters and subsequent economic losses have become increasingly impactful as a result of climate change. Both wildlife ecosystems and human habitats have been negatively impacted, from rising sea levels to alarming frequency of severe weather events around the world. Attempts towards alleviating the effects of global warming have often been at odds and remain divided among a multitude of strategies, reducing the overall effectiveness of these efforts. It is evident that collaborative action is required for avoiding the most severe consequences of climate change. This paper evaluates the main strategies (industrial/energy, political, economic, agricultural, atmospheric, geological, coastal, and social) towards both mitigating and adapting to climate change. As well, it provides an optimal combination of seven solutions which can be implemented simultaneously, working in tandem to limit and otherwise accommodate the harmful effects of climate change. Previous legislation and deployment techniques are also discussed as guides for future endeavors.

Fredrik Leffe Johansson, Erik Vigren, Jack Hunter Waite, Kelly Miller, Anders Eriksson, Niklas Edberg, Joshua Dreyer

11 pages, 8 figures

We investigate the role of secondary electron emission from impact of gas molecules on the Cassini Langmuir Probe (RPWS-LP) measurements in the ionosphere of Saturn. We add a model of the secondary electron emission current, based on laboratory measurements and data from flybys of comet 1P/Halley, and reanalyse the several hundred voltage bias sweeps obtained by the LP during the Cassini Grand Finale orbits, we find reasonable explanations for three open conundrums from previous RPWS-LP studies of the Saturn ionosphere. We find an explanation for the observed positive charging of the Cassini spacecraft, the possibly overestimated ionospheric electron temperatures, and the excess ion current reported previously that were used to estimate dust densities. We also produce an estimate of the water vapour density from the last six revolutions of Cassini through Saturn's ionosphere, in tentative agreement with and in higher detail than reported by the neutral gas monitor Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer (INMS). For the sweeps analysed in detail, we find little evidence that supports ionospheric (positive) ion densities that are significantly above the electron density in Saturn's ionosphere, and therefore do not find (indirect or direct) evidence of dust having a significant charge-carrying role in Saturn's ionosphere. The mixing ratio estimate from RPWS-LP reveals a highly structured ionosphere in latitude across all six final revolutions (Rev 288-293), varying with two orders of magnitude in latitude, as well as one order of magnitude between revolutions and altitude. The result is generally consistent with an empirical photochemistry model balancing the production of H+ ions with the H+ loss through charge transfer with e.g., H2O, CH4 and CO2), for which water vapour appears as the likeliest and most dominant source of the signal in terms of yield and concentration.

D. Blas

12 pages, 4 figures. Contribution to the 16th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG16, Rome, July, 2021), to be published by World Scientific. Based on arXiv:2102.11522

I summarize our recent results to use the orbits of globular clusters (GCs) in the Fornax dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxy to learn more about dark matter (DM) properties. Our focus is on clarifying how dynamical friction (DF) from the DM halo is modified from the different microscopic properties of DM, which may alter $both$ the scattering processes responsible of DF and the DM profiles (in particular generating a core), which also modifies DF. We consider: $(i)$ fermionic degenerate dark matter (DDM), where Pauli blocking should be taken into account in the dynamical friction computation; $(ii)$ self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) and $(iii)$ ultralight dark matter (ULDM), for which this problem has been addressed by a variety of methods in recent literature. We derive DF with a Fokker-Planck formalism, reproducing previous results for ULDM and cold DM, while providing new results for DDM. Furthermore, ULDM, DDM and SIDM may generate cores in dSphs, which suppress dynamical friction and prolong GC orbits. We conclude that in all these cases the modifications in the DM modelling does not easily solve the so-called timing `problem' of Fornax GCs. We finally study this `problem' in terms of the initial conditions, demonstrating that the observed orbits of Fornax GCs are consistent with this expectation of a cuspy DM profile with a mild `fine-tuning' at the level of $\sim25\%$.

We consider the effects of an uncorrelated random potential on the properties of Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) dark matter halos, which acts as a source of disorder, and which is added as a new term in the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, describing the properties of the halo. By using the hydrodynamic representation we derive the basic equation describing the density distribution of the galactic dark matter halo, by also taking into account the effects of the baryonic matter, and of the rotation. The density, mass and tangential velocity profiles are obtained exactly in spherical symmetry by considering a simple exponential density profile for the baryonic matter, and a Gaussian type disorder potential. To test the theoretical model we compare its predictions with a set of 39 galaxies from the Spitzer Photometry \& Accurate Rotation Curves (SPARC) database. We obtain estimates of the relevant astrophysical parameters of the dark matter dominated galaxies, including the baryonic matter properties, and the parameters of the random potential. The BEC model in the presence of baryonic matter and a random confining potential gives a good statistical description of the SPARC data. The presence of the condensate dark matter could also provide a solution for the core/cusp problem.

Tulasi N. Parashar, William H. Matthaeus

51 pages, submitted to Reviews of Modern Plasma Physics

The solar wind, a continuous flow of plasma from the sun, not only shapes the near Earth space environment but also serves as a natural laboratory to study plasma turbulence in conditions that are not achievable in the lab. Starting with the Mariners, for more than five decades, multiple space missions have enabled in-depth studies of solar wind turbulence. Parker Solar Probe (PSP) was launched to explore the origins and evolution of the solar wind. With its state-of-the-art instrumentation and unprecedented close approaches to the sun, PSP is starting a new era of inner heliospheric exploration. In this review we discuss observations of turbulent energy flow across scales in the inner heliosphere as observed by PSP. After providing a quick theoretical overview and a quick recap of turbulence before PSP, we discuss in detail the observations of energy at various scales on its journey from the largest scales to the internal degrees of freedom of the plasma. We conclude with some open ended questions, many of which we hope that PSP will help answer.

This study estimates the cost of building lunar landing pads and examines whether any construction methods are economically superior to others. Some proposed methods require large amounts of mass transported from the Earth, others require high energy consumption on the lunar surface, and others have a long construction time. Each of these factors contributes direct and indirect costs to lunar activities. The most important economic variables turn out to be the transportation cost to the lunar surface and the magnitude of the program delay cost imposed by a construction method. The cost of a landing pad depends sensitively on the optimization of the mass and speed of the construction equipment, so a minimum-cost set of equipment exists for each construction method within a specified economic scenario. Several scenarios have been analyzed across a range of transportation costs with both high and low program delay costs. It is found that microwave sintering is currently the most favorable method to build the inner, high temperature zone of a lunar landing pad, although other methods are within the range of uncertainty. The most favorable method to build the outer, low temperature zone of the landing pad is also sintering when transportation costs are high, but it switches to polymer infusion when transportation costs drop below about \$110K/kg to the lunar surface. It is estimated that the Artemis Basecamp could build a landing pad with a budgeted line-item cost of \$229M assuming that transportation costs will be reduced modestly from the current rate \$1M/kg to the lunar surface to \$300K/kg. A landing pad drops to \$130M when the transportation cost drops further to \$100K/kg, or to \$47M if transportation costs fall below \$10K/kg. Ultimately, landing pads can be built around the Moon at very low cost, due to economies of scale.

We have studied the polarized image of a synchrotron emitting ring around regular Hayward black hole and Bardeen black hole, respectively. Each of them carries a magnetic field itself in terms of gravity coupled to a nonlinear electrodynamics. Our results show that the main features of the polarization images of emitting rings are similar in these two regular black hole spacetimes. With the increase of magnetic charge parameter, the polarization intensity and electric vector position angle in the image plane increase in both Hayward black hole and Bardeen black hole spacetimes. We also investigate the differences of polarization intensity and electric vector position angle between in the regular black hole spacetime and in the Schwarzschild case, which indicates that the differences in the Hayward black hole spacetime are smaller than those in the Bardeen black hole. We also find the effects of the magnetic charge parameter on the Strokes $Q-U$ loops slightly larger in Bardeen black hole spacetime. These information stored in the polarization image around Hayward and Bardeen black holes could help us to understand regular black holes and the gravity coupled a nonlinear electrodynamics.

The Jesuit missions in South America were an important and unique advance in Christian evangelisation on the continent until the expulsion of the Order in 1767. Although the history and cultural aspects of these missions and their most iconic buildings have been extensively studied, the archaeoastronomy of the Guaran\'i peoples of the Province of Paraquaria (Province of Paraguay) has only been recently considered, with the existing studies focusing primarily on the orientation of their churches. The paper presented here, which is the first archaeoastronomical study of the Jesuit missions of Chiquitos in eastern Bolivia, is an attempt to continue and complement the previous archaeoastronomical studies of the region. The methodologies employed involved the analysis of the Jesuit churches that currently exist in this region, namely, the on-site measurements of the orientations of eight churches currently standing and the ruins of a ninth church of which only a free-standing bell tower and parts of the side walls remain preserved. The orientation measurements of a tenth church, which we were unable to visit, were determined via the use of satellite maps. The landscape surrounding these churches was then examined in detail and furthermore, a detailed cultural and historical study of the characteristics of the villages where the churches are located was carried out. Our results show that, unlike the churches of the Province of Paraquaria where meridian orientations in the north-south direction stand out, half of the studied churches have shown potential canonical orientations that seem to be aligned to solar phenomena, with three exhibiting precise equinoctial orientation. We propose reasons for these orientations, including the possible relevance of illumination effects on significant internal elements within the churches - effects that were generally sought in Baroque church architecture.

M. Veselsky, V. Petousis, Ch. C. Moustakidis, G. A. Souliotis, A. Bonasera

10 pages, 5 figures

The synthesis of hyper-heavy elements is investigated under conditions simulating neutron star environment. The Constrained Molecular Dynamics (CoMD) approach is used to simulate low energy collisions of extremely n-rich nuclei. A new type of the fusion barrier due to a "neutron wind" is observed when the effect of neutron star environment (screening of Coulomb interaction) is introduced implicitly. When introducing also a background of surrounding nuclei, the nuclear fusion becomes possible down to temperatures of 10$^{8}$ K and synthesis of extremely heavy and n-rich nuclei appears feasible. A possible existence of hyper-heavy nuclei in a neutron star environment could provide a mechanism of extra coherent neutrino scattering or an additional mechanism, resulting in X-ray burst or a gravitational wave signal and, thus, becoming another crucial process adding new information to the suggested models on neutron star evolution.

We use the continued fraction method to determine the eigenfrequencies associated with a scalar field around a Kerr-like black hole. The Kerr-like metric considered in this article is a subclass of the general parametrization of axisymmetric black holes proposed by Konoplya, Rezzolla and Zhidenko. In addition to its mass $M$ and specific angular momentum $a$, the black hole depends on a third parameter $\eta$, called the deformation parameter. We investigate how the deformation parameter affects the quasinormal modes and the quasibound states of a massive scalar field around the black hole. In particular, we compute the time scales associated with the superradiant instabilities of the scalar field in such a spacetime. The properties of stationary scalar clouds that could be formed by these instabilities are also discussed.

Cosmic background neutrinos ($C_{\nu}B)$ helicity composition is different for Dirac or Majorana neutrinos making detectors based on $C_{\nu}B$ capture sensitive to the nature of neutrinos. We calculate, for the first time, the helicity changes of neutrinos crossing dark matter fields, to quantitatively calculate this effect on the capture rate. We show that a fraction of neutrinos change their helicity, regardless of them being deflected by a void or a dark matter halo. The average signal from the 100 most massive voids or halos in a Gpc$^3$ gives a prediction that if neutrinos are Dirac, the density of the $C_{\nu} B$ background measured on Earth should be 48 cm${^{-3}}$ for left-helical neutrinos, a decrease of 15% (53.6 cm${^{-3}}$; 5%) for a halo (void) with respect to the standard calculation without including gravitational effects due to large scale structures. In terms of the total capture rate in a 100 g tritium detector, this translates in $4.9^{+1.1}_{-0.8}$ neutrinos per year for the Dirac case, as a function of the unknown neutrino mass scale, or 8.1 per year if neutrinos are Majorana. Thus although smaller than the factor two for the non-relativistic case, it is still large enough to be detected and it highlights the power of future $C_{\nu} B$ detectors, as an alternative to neutrinoless double beta decay experiments, to discover the neutrino nature.

Naresh Dadhich

5 pages, double column, Contribution to Professor T. Padmanabhan memorial volume, GRG Journal

In this essay, we wish to propose a general principle: \textit{the equation of motion or dynamics of a fundamental force should not be prescribed but instead be entirely driven by geometry of the appropriate spacetime manifold.} The motivation for this pronouncement comes from the fact that the equation of motion of general relativity follows from the geometry of Riemannian spacetime manifold without appeal to anything else from outside. The driving differential geometric property is the Bianchi identity satisfied by the Riemann curvature tensor. Similarly it is geometry of the principal tangent bundle of fibre spacetime manifold that may account for dynamics of the gauge vector fields. It is the classical electric force for the Abelian gauge symmetry group while the non-Abelian symmetry leads to the non-Abelian forces, the weak and the strong. We shall also reflect on a unified picture of the basic forces, and the duality correspondences it may inspire.

Giorgio Galanti, Marco Roncadelli

77 pages, 33 figures. Invited Review paper published in Universe, 8, 253 (2022)

We offer a pedagogical introduction to axion-like particles (ALPs) as far as their relevance for high-energy astrophysics is concerned, from a few MeV to 1000 TeV. This review is self-contained, in such a way to be understandable even to non-specialists. Among other things, we discuss two strong hints at a specific ALP that emerge from two very different astrophysical situations. More technical matters are contained in three Appendices.

Valerie Domcke, Keisuke Harigaya, Kyohei Mukaida

31 pages, 7 figures

We consider the transfer of a U(1) charge density between Bose-Einstein condensates of complex scalar fields coupled to a thermal bath, focusing on the case of a homogeneous Affleck-Dine field transmitting the charge stored in its angular motion to an axion field. We demonstrate that in the absence of additional symmetries this charge transfer, aided by cosmic expansion as well as the thermal effective potential of the Affleck-Dine field, can be very efficient. The charge redistribution between the scalar fields becomes possible if the interactions with the thermal bath break the original U(1) x U(1) symmetry down to a single U(1) symmetry; the charge distribution between the two fields is then determined by minimizing the free energy. We discuss implications for cosmological setups involving complex scalars, with applications to axion dark matter, baryogenesis, kination domination, and gravitational wave production.

We investigate the behavior of classical closed strings in a gravitational wave burst and discover an intriguing resonant behavior where the energy absorbed by the strings is crucially dependent on the amplitude and frequency of the gravitational wave. This behavior can be traced to the well-known behavior of the solutions to the Mathieu equation.

Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Farbod Hassani, Hatem Zaag

19 pages, 5 figures

Nonlinear partial differential equations appear in many domains of physics, and we study here a typical equation which one finds in effective field theories (EFT) originated from cosmological studies. In particular, we are interested in the equation $\partial_t^2 u(x,t) = \alpha (\partial_x u(x,t))^2 +\beta \partial_x^2 u(x,t)$ in $1+1$ dimensions. It has been known for quite some time that solutions to this equation diverge in finite time, when $\alpha >0$. We study the detailed nature of this divergence as a function of the parameters $\alpha>0 $ and $\beta\ge0$. The divergence does not disappear even when $\beta $ is very large contrary to what one might believe. But it will take longer to appear as $\beta$ increases when $\alpha$ is fixed. We note that there are two types of divergence and we discuss the transition between these two as a function of parameter choices. The blowup is unavoidable unless the corresponding equations are modified. Our results extend to $3+1$ dimensions.

Recently anomalous flux in the cosmic optical background (COB) is reported by the New Horizon observations. The COB flux is $16.37\pm1.47\, \rm nW m^{-2} sr^{-1}$, at the LORRI pivot wavelength of $0.608\,\rm \mu m$, which is $\sim 4\sigma$ level above the expected flux from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) galaxy count. It would be great if this were a hint for the eV scale dark matter decaying into photons. In this paper, we point out that such a decaying dark matter model predicts a substantial amount of anisotropy in the COB flux, which is accurately measured by the HST. The data of the HST excludes the decay rate of the dominant cold dark matter larger than $10^{-24}$-$10^{-23}\,{\rm s}^{-1}$ in the mass range of $5$-$20\,$eV. As a result, the decaying cold dark matter explaining the COB excess is excluded by the anisotropy bound. We discuss some loopholes: e.g. warm/hot dark matter or two-step decay of the dark matter to explain the COB excess.