24 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables; Submitted to MNRAS; Comments welcome!
Weak gravitational lensing, or weak lensing, is one of the most powerful probes for dark matter and dark energy science, although it faces increasing challenges in controlling systematic uncertainties as \edit{the statistical errors become smaller}. The Point Spread Function (PSF) needs to be precisely modeled to avoid systematic error on the weak lensing measurements. The weak lensing biases induced by errors in the PSF model second moments, i.e., its size and shape, are well-studied. However, Zhang et al. (2021) showed that errors in the higher moments of the PSF may also be a significant source of systematics for upcoming weak lensing surveys. Therefore, the goal of this work is to comprehensively investigate the modeling quality of PSF moments from the $3^{\text{rd}}$ to $6^{\text{th}}$ order, and estimate their impact on cosmological parameter inference. We propagate the \textsc{PSFEx} higher moments modeling error in the HSC survey dataset to the weak lensing \edit{shear-shear correlation functions} and their cosmological analyses. We find that the overall multiplicative shear bias associated with errors in PSF higher moments can cause a $\sim 0.1 \sigma$ shift on the cosmological parameters for LSST Y10. PSF higher moment errors also cause additive biases in the weak lensing shear, which, if not accounted for in the cosmological parameter analysis, can induce cosmological parameter biases comparable to their $1\sigma$ uncertainties for LSST Y10. We compare the \textsc{PSFEx} model with PSF in Full FOV (\textsc{Piff}), and find similar performance in modeling the PSF higher moments. We conclude that PSF higher moment errors of the future PSF models should be reduced from those in current methods to avoid a need to explicitly model these effects in the weak lensing analysis.
96 pages. Submitted to Journal of Physics G
Nuclear Astrophysics is a field at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics, which seeks to understand the nuclear engines of astronomical objects and the origin of the chemical elements. This white paper summarizes progress and status of the field, the new open questions that have emerged, and the tremendous scientific opportunities that have opened up with major advances in capabilities across an ever growing number of disciplines and subfields that need to be integrated. We take a holistic view of the field discussing the unique challenges and opportunities in nuclear astrophysics in regards to science, diversity, education, and the interdisciplinarity and breadth of the field. Clearly nuclear astrophysics is a dynamic field with a bright future that is entering a new era of discovery opportunities.
Cosmic rays (CRs) are a dynamically important component of the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies. The $\sim$GeV CRs that carry most CR energy and pressure are likely confined by self-generated turbulence, leading them to stream along magnetic field lines at the ion Alfv\'en speed. However, the consequences of self-confinement for CR propagation on galaxy scales remain highly uncertain. In this paper, we use a large ensemble of magnetohydrodynamical turbulence simulations to quantify how the basic parameters describing ISM turbulence -- the sonic Mach number, $\mathcal{M}$ (plasma compressibility), Alfv\'en Mach number, $\mathcal{M}_{A0}$ (strength of the large-scale field with respect to the turbulence), and ionisation fraction by mass, $\chi$ -- affect the transport of streaming CRs. We show that the large-scale transport of CRs whose small-scale motion consists of streaming along field lines is well described as a combination of streaming along the mean field and superdiffusion both along (parallel to) and across (perpendicular to) it; $\mathcal{M}_{A0}$ drives the level of anisotropy between parallel and perpendicular diffusion and $\chi$ modulates the magnitude of the diffusion coefficients, while in our choice of units, $\mathcal{M}$ is unimportant except in the sub-Alfv\'enic ($\mathcal{M}_{A0} \lesssim 0.5$) regime. Our finding that superdiffusion is ubiquitous potentially explains the apparent discrepancy between CR diffusion coefficients inferred from measurements close to individual sources compared to those measured on larger, Galactic scales. Finally, we present empirical fits for the diffusion coefficients as a function of plasma parameters that may be used as sub-grid recipes for global interstellar medium, galaxy or cosmological simulations.
14 pages, 6 figures; submitted to MNRAS; comments welcome! PICASA is publicly available at this https URL
We present a new approach to parameter inference targeted on generic situations where the evaluation of the likelihood $\mathcal{L}$ (i.e., the probability to observe the data given a fixed model configuration) is numerically expensive. Inspired by ideas underlying simulated annealing, the method first evaluates $\chi^2=-2\ln\mathcal{L}$ on a sparse sequence of Latin hypercubes of increasing density in parameter (eigen)space. The semi-stochastic choice of sampling points accounts for anisotropic gradients of $\chi^2$ and rapidly zooms in on the minimum of $\chi^2$. The sampled $\chi^2$ values are then used to train an interpolator which is further used in a standard Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm to inexpensively explore the parameter space with high density, similarly to emulator-based approaches now popular in cosmological studies. Comparisons with example linear and non-linear problems show gains in the number of likelihood evaluations of factors of 10 to 100 or more, as compared to standard MCMC algorithms. As a specific implementation, we publicly release the code PICASA: Parameter Inference using Cobaya with Anisotropic Simulated Annealing, which combines the minimizer (of a user-defined $\chi^2$) with Gaussian Process Regression for training the interpolator and a subsequent MCMC implementation using the COBAYA framework. Being agnostic to the nature of the observable data and the theoretical model, our implementation is potentially useful for a number of emerging problems in cosmology, astrophysics and beyond.
25 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ
15 pages, 10 figures, 1 appendix, accepted for publication in MNRAS
13 pages, 7 figures, comments welcome
Accepted for publication in A&A. 14 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables
21 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS
19 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A
17 pages, 16 figures, submitted to MNRAS
25 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
18 pages, 16 figures, submitted to MNRAS
15 pages, 2 figures, 1 box
16 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS
10 pages, 2 figures, latex
Submitted to AAS journals, we welcome comments
9 pages, 3 figures, MNRAS
Accepted for publication in ApJ, 15 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables
submitted to ApJ; comments welcome
6 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the 2022 Electroweak session of the 56th Rencontres de Moriond
Accepted by ApJ
6 pages, 2 figures, submitted
Published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 31 pages, 28 figures
24 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ
14 pages, 9 figures
21 pages, 14 figures, to be published in the Astronomical Journal
26 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in NIM A
5 pages, 1 figure, Accepted in RNAAS
21 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted by ApJ
17 pages, 8 figures, accepted in ApJS
submitted to Special Issue for International Journal of Thermophysics 'Thermophysics of Advanced Spacecraft Materials and Extraterrestrial Samples' Part II to be submitted still in 2022
9 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS
16 pages, 11 figures; published in MNRAS, Volume 498, Issue 3, November 2020. The Reflionx model used in this work is available for download at this https URL
21 pages, 23 figures. Submitted to MNRAS
12 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, submitted to MNRAS
14 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by Research in Astron. Astrophys
12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments Welcome
7 Figures, AJ in press
14 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ
Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal
8 pages, 3 figures,
22 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to MNRAS
8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome!
14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.02982
20 pp, 14 figs; accepted by ApJ
code available at this https URL
accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal
14 pages, 4 figures; the results can be reproduced using codes at this https URL
36 pages, 10 figures
10 pages, 5 figures
30 pages, 13 figures
32 pages, submitted
20 pages, 1 figure, Invited contribution to the forthcoming book "Modified and Quantum Gravity - From theory to experimental searches on all scales", Springer Nature, Eds C. L\"ammerzahl and C. Pfeifer
5 pages, 1 figure, comments welcome!
5 pages, 7 figures
20 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome