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Papers for Monday, Jun 06 2022

Papers with local authors

Bruno S. Lopes, Ricardo L. S. Farias, Veronica Dexheimer, Aritra Bandyopadhyay, Rudnei O. Ramos

6 pages, 2 figures

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Paper 4 — arXiv:2206.01631
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2206.01631

We investigate the effects of including strong charge-parity (CP) violating effects through axion fields in the description of massive hybrid stars. We assume that their cores contain deconfined quark matter and include the effects of axions via an effective 't Hooft determinant interaction. The hadronic crusts are described using different approaches in order to make our results more general. We find that the presence of axions stabilizes massive hybrid stars against gravitational collapse by weakening the deconfinement phase transition and bringing it to lower densities. This allows to reproduce hybrid stars in agreement with modern astrophysical constraints.

Qiang Hu, Wen He, Yu Chen

Submitted to Frontiers in Physics (Stellar and Solar Physics)

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2206.01247
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2206.01247

Increasingly one interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) structure can propagate across more than one spacecraft in the solar wind. This usually happens when two or more spacecraft are nearly radially aligned with a relatively small longitudinal separation angle from one another. This provides multi-point measurements of the same structure and enables better characterization and validation of modeling results of the structures embedded in these ICMEs. We report such an event during October 13-14, 2019 when the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory Ahead (STA) spacecraft and the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) crossed one ICME structure at two different locations with nominal separations in both heliocentric distances and the longitudinal angles. We first perform an optimal fitting to the STA in-situ measurements, based on an analytic quasi-three dimensional (3D) model, yielding a minimum reduced $\chi^2=0.468$. Then we further apply the optimization approach by combining the magnetic field measurements from both spacecraft along their separate paths across the ICME structure. We find that the output based on the optimization (with the minimum reduced $\chi^2=3.15$) of the combined two-spacecraft dataset yields a more consistent result, given the much improved agreement of the model output with PSP data. The result demonstrates a magnetic flux rope configuration with clear 3D spatial variations.

R. Saglia, S. De Nicola, M. Fabricius, V. Guglielmo, J. Snigula, R. Zöller, R. Bender, J. Heidt, D. Masters, D. Stern, S. Paltani, A. Amara, N. Auricchio, M. Baldi, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, C.J. Conselice, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, L. Corcione, F. Courbin, M. Cropper, A. Da Silva, H. Degaudenzi, M. Douspis, F. Dubath, C.A.J. Duncan, X. Dupac, S. Dusini, S. Farrens, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, S. Galeotta, B. Garilli, W. Gillard, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, A. Grazian, F. Grupp, S.V.H. Haugan, H. Hoekstra, W. Holmes, F. Hormuth, A. Hornstrup, K. Jahnke, M. Kümmel, S. Kermiche, A. Kiessling, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, R. Laureijs, S. Ligori, P. B. Lilje, et al.

Accepted for publication in A&A

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Paper 30 — arXiv:2206.01620
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Paper 30 — arXiv:2206.01620

The Complete Calibration of the Color-Redshift Relation survey (C3R2) is a spectroscopic programme designed to empirically calibrate the galaxy color-redshift relation to the Euclid depth (I_E=24.5), a key ingredient for the success of Stage IV dark energy projects based on weak lensing cosmology. A spectroscopic calibration sample as representative as possible of the galaxies in the Euclid weak lensing sample is being collected, selecting galaxies from a self-organizing map (SOM) representation of the galaxy color space. Here, we present the results of a near-infrared H- and K-bands spectroscopic campaign carried out using the LUCI instruments at the LBT. For a total of 251 galaxies, we present new highly-reliable redshifts in the 1.3<= z <=1.7 and 2<= z<=2.7 ranges. The newly-determined redshifts populate 49 SOM cells which previously contained no spectroscopic measurements and almost double the occupation numbers of an additional 153 SOM cells. A final optical ground-based observational effort is needed to calibrate the missing cells in particular in the redshift range 1.7<= z<=2.7 that lack spectroscopic calibration. In the end, Euclid itself will deliver telluric-free NIR spectra that can complete the calibration.

Elena Massara, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, ChangHoon Hahn, Muntazir M. Abidi, Michael Eickenberg, Shirley Ho, Pablo Lemos, Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah, Bruno Régaldo-Saint Blancard

19 pages, 12 figures

0 votes
Paper 36 — arXiv:2206.01709
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2206.01709

Marked power spectra are two-point statistics of a marked field obtained by weighting each location with a function that depends on the local density around that point. We consider marked power spectra of the galaxy field in redshift space that up-weight low density regions, and perform a Fisher matrix analysis to assess the information content of this type of statistics using the Molino mock catalogs built upon the Quijote simulations. We identify four different ways to up-weight the galaxy field, and compare the Fisher information contained in their marked power spectra to the one of the standard galaxy power spectrum, when considering monopole and quadrupole of each statistic. Our results show that each of the four marked power spectra can tighten the standard power spectrum constraints on the cosmological parameters $\Omega_{\rm m}$, $\Omega_{\rm b}$, $h$, $n_s$, $M_\nu$ by $15-25\%$ and on $\sigma_8$ by a factor of 2. The same analysis performed by combining the standard and four marked power spectra shows a substantial improvement compared to the power spectrum constraints that is equal to a factor of 6 for $\sigma_8$ and $2.5-3$ for the other parameters. Our constraints may be conservative, since the galaxy number density in the Molino catalogs is much lower than the ones in future galaxy surveys, which will allow them to probe lower density regions of the large-scale structure.

All other papers

Marcel Bernet, Pau Ramos, Teresa Antoja, Benoit Famaey, Giacomo Monari, Hussein Al Kazwini, Mercè Romero-Gómez

The stellar velocity distribution in the Solar Neighbourhood displays kinematic substructures, which are possibly signatures of the bar and spiral arms of the Milky Way and of previous accretion events. These kinematic substructures -- moving groups -- can be thought of as continuous manifolds in the 6D phase space, and the ridges in the $V_{\phi}-R$ and arches in the $V_\phi-V_R$ plane, discovered with the Gaia mission, as projections of these manifolds. We develop and apply a methodology to perform a blind search for substructure in the Gaia EDR3 6D data, and obtain a sampling of the manifolds. The method consists in the execution of the Wavelet Transform in small volumes of the Milky Way disc, and the grouping of these local solutions into global ones with a method based on the Breadth-first search algorithm from Graph Theory. We reveal the complex skeleton of the velocity distribution, sampling nine main moving groups in a large region of the disc ($6$ kpc, $60$ deg, and $2$ kpc in the radial, azimuthal, and vertical directions). In the radial direction, the groups deviate from lines of constant angular momentum that one would naively expect from first order effect of resonances. The azimuthal velocity of Acturus, Bobylev, and Hercules is non-axisymmetric. For Hercules, we measure an azimuthal gradient of $-0.50$ km/s/deg at $R=8$ kpc. We detect a vertical asymmetry in the azimuthal velocity for Coma Berenices, which is not expected in a resonance of the bar, supporting previous hypothesis of incomplete vertical phase-mixing. When we apply the same methodology to simulations of barred galaxies, we extract substructures corresponding to the Outer Linbdlad and the 1:1 Resonances and observe patterns consistent with the data. This data-driven characterization allows for a quantitative comparison with models, providing a key tool to comprehend the dynamics of the Milky Way. (Abridged)

Fabio Pacucci, Adi Foord, Lucia Gordon, Abraham Loeb

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 5 figures

More than $200$ quasars have been detected so far at $z > 6$, with only one showing clear signs of strong gravitational lensing. Some studies call for a missing population of lensed high-$z$ quasars, but their existence is still in doubt. A large fraction of high-$z$ quasars being lensed would have a significant effect on the shape of the intrinsic quasar luminosity function (QLF). Here, we perform the first systematic search for lensed X-ray-detected quasars at $z \gtrsim 6$ employing a Bayesian analysis, with the code BAYMAX, to look for morphological evidence of multiple images that may escape a visual inspection. We analyzed a sample of 22 quasars at $z > 5.8$ imaged by the Chandra X-ray observatory and found none with statistically significant multiple images. In the sub-sample of the 8 sources with photon counts $>20$ we exclude multiple images with separations $r>1''$ and count ratios $f>0.4$, or with separations as small as $0.''7$ and $f>0.7$ at $95\%$ confidence level. Comparing this non-detection with predictions from theoretical models suggesting a high and a low lensed fraction, we placed upper limits on the bright-end slope, $\beta$, of the QLF. Using only the sub-sample with 8 sources, we obtain, in the high-lensing model, a limit $\beta < 3.38$. Assuming no multiple source is present in the full sample of 22 sources, we obtain $\beta < 2.89$ and $\beta < 3.53$ in the high and low lensing models, respectively. These constraints strongly disfavor steep QLF shapes previously proposed in literature.

C. Fanelli, L. Origlia, A. Mucciarelli, N. Sanna, E. Oliva, E. Dalessandro

Published on ApJ; 6 pages, 2 figures

We present the first systematic study of lithium abundance in a chemically homogeneous sample of 27 red supergiants (RSGs) in the young Perseus complex. For these stars, accurate stellar parameters and detailed chemical abundances of iron and iron peak, CNO, alpha, light and neutron-capture elements have been already obtained by means of high resolution optical and near-infrared spectroscopy. The observed RSGs have half-solar metallicity, 10-30 Myr age, bolometric luminosities in the 10$^4$-10$^5$ L$_{\odot}$ range and likely mass progenitors in the 9-14 M$_{\odot}$ range. We detected the optical Li I doublet in eight out of the 27 observed K and M type RSGs, finding relatively low A(Li)$<$1.0 dex abundances, while for the remaining 19 RSGs upper limits of A(Li)$<$-0.2 dex have been set. Warmer and less luminous (i.e. likely less massive) as well as less mixed (i.e. with lower [C/N] and $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C depletion) RSGs with Li detection show somewhat higher Li abundances. In order to explain Li detection in $\sim$30\% of the observed RSGs, we speculate that some stochasticity and a scenario where Li was not completely destroyed in the convective atmospheres and/or a secondary production took place during the post-Main Sequence evolution, should be at work.

Eve J. Lee, J. R. Fuentes, Philip F. Hopkins

24 pages, 18 figures, submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

Radio images of protoplanetary disks demonstrate that dust grains tend to organize themselves into rings. These rings may be a consequence of dust trapping within gas pressure maxima wherein the local high dust-to-gas ratio is expected to trigger the formation of planetesimals and eventually planets. We revisit the behavior of dust near gas pressure perturbations enforced by a prescribed Gaussian forcing and by a planet in two-dimensional, shearing box simulations. We show analytically and numerically that when traveling through Gaussian-like gas perturbations, dust grains are expected to clump not at the formal center of the gas pressure bump but at least 1--2 gas scale heights away, so that with the non-zero relative velocities between gas and grains, drag-induced instabilities can remain active. Over time, the dust feedback complicates the gas pressure profile, creating multiple local maxima. These dust rings are long-lived except when forced by a planet whereby particles with Stokes parameter $\tau_s \lesssim 0.05$ are advected out of the ring within a few drift timescales. Scaled to the properties of ALMA disks, we find that if a dust clump massive enough to trigger pebble accretion is nucleated in our simulated dust rings, then such a clump would ingest the entire dust ring well within $\sim$1 Myr. To ensure the survival of the dust rings, we favor a non-planetary origin and typical grain size $\tau_s < 0.05$. Planet-driven rings may still be possible but if so we would expect the orbital distance of the dust rings to be larger for older systems.

Alessandra Aloisi, Ricardo O. Amorín, Karla Z. Arellano-Córdova, Matthew Bayliss, Rongmon Bordoloi, Jarle Brinchmann, Stéphane Charlot, Jacopo Chevallard, Ilyse Clark, Dawn K. Erb, Anna Feltre, Matthew Hayes, Alaina Henry, Svea Hernandez, Anne Jaskot, Tucker Jones, Lisa J. Kewley, Nimisha Kumari, Claus Leitherer, Mario Llerena, Michael Maseda, Themiya Nanayakkara, Masami Ouchi, Adele Plat, Richard W. Pogge, Swara Ravindranath, Jane R. Rigby, Ryan Sanders, Claudia Scarlata, Peter Senchyna, Evan D. Skillman, Charles C. Steidel, Allison L. Strom, Yuma Sugahara, Stephen M. Wilkins, Aida Wofford, Xinfeng Xu

31 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in ApJS

The COS Legacy Archive Spectroscopic SurveY (CLASSY) is designed to provide the community with a spectral atlas of 45 nearby star-forming galaxies which were chosen to cover similar properties as those seen at high-z (z>6). The prime high level science product of CLASSY is accurately coadded UV spectra, ranging from ~1000-2000A, derived from a combination of archival and new data obtained with HST's Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). This paper details the multi-stage technical processes of creating this prime data product, and the methodologies involved in extracting, reducing, aligning, and coadding far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) spectra. We provide guidelines on how to successfully utilize COS observations of extended sources, despite COS being optimized for point sources, and best-practice recommendations for the coaddition of UV spectra in general. Moreover, we discuss the effects of our reduction and coaddition techniques in the scientific application of the CLASSY data. In particular, we find that accurately accounting for flux calibration offsets can affect the derived properties of the stellar populations, while customized extractions of NUV spectra for extended sources are essential for correctly diagnosing the metallicity of galaxies via CIII] nebular emission. Despite changes in spectral resolution of up to ~25% between individual datasets (due to changes in the COS line spread function), no adverse affects were observed on the difference in velocity width and outflow velocities of isolated absorption lines when measured in the final combined data products, owing in-part to our signal-to-noise regime of S/N<20.

We study the host properties and environment of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) galaxies, taken from SDSS-DR12, across the $\text{[O III]}/\text{H}\beta$ vs $\text{[N II]}/\text{H}\alpha$ diagnostic diagram. We select AGN subsamples defined as parallel and perpendicular to the star-forming locus on the BPT diagram based on the Kauffmann et al. and Schawinski et al. criteria. For parallel subsamples we find that AGN host properties exhibit a morphological evolution as they become more distant to the star-forming sequence. The local density environment shows a more evident morphology-density relationship for subsamples mainly formed by Composite and Spiral galaxies than those containing LINERs and Seyferts, where the AGN emission is the dominant source. We also analyse the properties of the five closest AGN neighbours observing no significant differences in the environment, although the AGN host properties of every subsample have noticeable variations. The AGNs belonging to perpendicular subsamples show clear differences on their host properties from left top to right bottom on the diagram. However, the analysis of the local density environment do not reflect strong dependency with the host AGN properties. This result is reinforced by the characteristics of the AGN neighbouring galaxies. These findings suggest that mixed AGN/star-forming galaxies present environmental features more similar to that of non-active galaxies. However, as AGNs at the centre of the more evolved galaxies become the dominant source, the environment tends to provide suitable conditions for the central black hole feeding with an increasing content of gas and likelihood of a higher merger rate.

C. Ian Short, Philip D. Bennett

42 pages double-spaced pre-print, 8 figures

We describe a unique approach to economizing the solution to the general chemical equilibrium and equation-of-state problem for late-type stars, including diatomic and polyatomic molecules, that is fast, accurate, and suitable for responsive approximate data modelling applications, and to more intensive modelling approaches in which the calculation of the gas equilibrium must be expedited to allow other aspects to be treated more realistically. The method, based on a novel economization of the Newton's method of solution of the linearized Saha and conservation equations, has been implemented in Python and made available as a stand-alone package, GASPy, and has been integrated into the interactive Python atmosphere and spectrum modelling code ChromaStarPy. As a result, ChromaStarPy now computes the state of the gas, the number density of absorbers, and the surface flux spectrum, with consistent inclusion of 105 chemical species, including 34 diatomic, and 16 polyatomic, neutral molecules, as well as H$^-$ and H$_2^+$, as well as many neutral and ionized atomic species. The economized method converges very rapidly and greatly improves the code's relevance to late-type stellar and brown dwarf spectrum modelling. We provide a brief overview of the GAS methodology, and present some illustrative results for the chemical equilibrium and spectrum for an M-type bright giant and dwarf, and a comparison to results of the PHOENIX/PPRESS package. All codes are available from the OpenStars www site: www.ap.smu.ca/OpenStars.

Evan Fitzmaurice, David V. Martin, Romy Rodriguez Martinez, Patrick Vallely, Alexander P. Stephan, Kiersten M. Boley, Rick Pogge, Kareem El-Badry, Vedad Kunovac, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud

6 pages, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

TOI-1259 consists of a transiting exoplanet orbiting a main sequence star, with a bound outer white dwarf companion. Less than a dozen systems with this architecture are known. We conduct follow-up spectroscopy on the white dwarf TOI-1259B using the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) to better characterise it. We observe only strong hydrogen lines, making TOI-1259B a DA white dwarf. We see no evidence of heavy element pollution, which would have been evidence of planetary material around the white dwarf. Such pollution is seen in ~ 25 - 50% of white dwarfs, but it is unknown if this rate is higher or lower in TOI-1259-like systems that contain a known planet. Our spectroscopy permits an improved white dwarf age measurement of 4.05 (+1.00 -0.42) Gyrs, which matches gyrochronology of the main sequence star. This is the first of an expanded sample of similar binaries that will allow us to calibrate these dating methods and provide a new perspective on planets in binaries.

P. Barrère, J. Guilet, A. Reboul-Salze, R. Raynaud, H.-T. Janka

12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&A

Magnetars are isolated young neutron stars characterized by the most intense magnetic fields known in the universe. The origin of their magnetic field is still a challenging question. In situ magnetic field amplification by dynamo action is a promising process to generate ultra-strong magnetic fields in fast-rotating progenitors. However, it is unclear whether the fraction of progenitors harboring fast core rotation is sufficient to explain the entire magnetar population. To address this point, we propose a new scenario for magnetar formation, in which a slow-rotating proto-neutron star is spun up by the supernova fallback. We argue that this can trigger the development of the Tayler-Spruit dynamo while other dynamo processes are disfavored. Using previous works done on this dynamo and simulations to characterize the fallback, we derive equations modelling the coupled evolution of the proto-neutron star rotation and magnetic field. Their time integration for different fallback masses is successfully compared with analytical estimates of the amplification timescales and saturation value of the magnetic field. We find that the magnetic field is amplified within $20$ to $40$s after the core bounce, and that the radial magnetic field saturates at intensities $10^{14}-10^{15}$G, therefore spanning the full range of magnetar's dipolar magnetic fields. We also compare predictions of two proposed saturation mechanisms showing that magnetar-like magnetic fields can be generated for neutron star spun up to rotation periods $\lesssim8$ms and $\lesssim28$ms, corresponding to fallback masses $\gtrsim4\times10^{-2}{\rm M}_{\odot}$ and $\gtrsim10^{-2}{\rm M}_{\odot}$. Thus, our results suggest that magnetars can be formed from slow-rotating progenitors for fallback masses compatible with recent supernova simulations and leading to plausible initial rotation periods of the proto-neutron star.

M. Zingale, M. P. Katz, A. Nonaka, M. Rasmussen

submitted to ApJ. Castro is available at this https URL -- all code for the results here is in the github repo

Reacting astrophysical flows can be challenging to model because of the difficulty in accurately coupling hydrodynamics and reactions. This can be particularly acute during explosive burning or at high temperatures where nuclear statistical equilibrium is established. We develop a new approach based on the ideas of spectral deferred corrections (SDC) coupling of explicit hydrodynamics and stiff reaction sources as an alternative to operator splitting that is simpler than the more comprehensive SDC approach we demonstrated previously. We apply the new method to a double detonation problem with a moderately-sized astrophysical nuclear reaction network and explore the timestep size and reaction network tolerances to show that the simplified-SDC approach provides improved coupling with decreased computational expense compared to traditional Strang operator splitting. This is all done in the framework of the Castro hydrodynamics code, and all algorithm implementations are freely available.

Manisha Caleb, Ian Heywood, Kaustubh Rajwade, Mateusz Malenta, Benjamin Stappers, Ewan Barr, Weiwei Chen, Vincent Morello, Sotiris Sanidas, Jakob van den Eijnden, Michael Kramer, David Buckley, Jaco Brink, Sara Elisa Motta, Patrick Woudt, Patrick Weltevrede, Fabian Jankowski, Mayuresh Surnis, Sarah Buchner, Mechiel Christiaan Bezuidenhout, Laura Nicole Driessen, Rob Fender

Published in Nature Astronomy - this https URL

The radio-emitting neutron star population encompasses objects with spin periods ranging from milliseconds to tens of seconds. As they age and spin more slowly, their radio emission is expected to cease. We present the discovery of an ultra-long period radio-emitting neutron star, J0901-4046, with spin properties distinct from the known spin and magnetic-decay powered neutron stars. With a spin-period of 75.88 s, a characteristic age of 5.3 Myr, and a narrow pulse duty-cycle, it is uncertain how radio emission is generated and challenges our current understanding of how these systems evolve. The radio emission has unique spectro-temporal properties such as quasi-periodicity and partial nulling that provide important clues to the emission mechanism. Detecting similar sources is observationally challenging, which implies a larger undetected population. Our discovery establishes the existence of ultra-long period neutron stars, suggesting a possible connection to the evolution of highly magnetized neutron stars, ultra-long period magnetars, and fast radio bursts

Nagisa Hiroshima, Shin'ichiro Ando, Tomoaki Ishiyama

16 pages, 9 figures

Substructures of dark matter halo, called subhalos, provide important clues to understand the nature of dark matter. We construct a useful model to describe the properties of subhalo mass functions based on the well-known analytical prescriptions, the extended Press-Schechter theory. The unevolved subhalo mass functions at arbitrary mass scales become describable without introducing free parameters. The different host halo evolution histories are directly recast to their subhalo mass functions. As applications, we quantify the effects from (i) the Poisson fluctuation, (ii) the host mass scatter, and the (iii) different tidal evolution models on observables in the current Universe with this scheme. The Poisson fluctuation dominates in the number count of the mass ratio to the host of $\sim {\cal O}(10^{-2})$, where the intrinsic scatter is smaller by a factor of a few. The host-mass scatter around its mean does not affect the subhalo mass function. Different models of the tidal evolution predict a factor of $\sim2$ difference in numbers of subhalos with $\lesssim {\cal O}(10^{-5})$, while the dependence of the Poisson fluctuation on the tidal evolution models is subtle. The scheme provides a new tool for investigating the smallest-scale structures of our Universe which are to be observed in near future experiments.

Zhi Shen, Jun Zhang, Hekun Li, Haoran Wang, Chengliang Wei, Guoliang Li, Xiaobo Li, Zhang Ban, Dan Yue

9 pages, 15 figures. To be submitted to AJ

Images taken by space telescopes typically have a superb spatial resolution, but a relatively poor sampling rate due to the finite CCD pixel size. Beyond the Nyquist limit, it becomes uncertain how much the pixelation effect may affect the accuracy of galaxy shape measurement. It is timely to study this issue given that a number of space-based large-scale weak lensing surveys are planned. Using the Fourier_Quad method, we quantify the shear recovery error as a function of the sampling factor Q, i.e., the ratio between the FWHM of the point-spread-function (PSF) and the pixel size of the CCD, for different PSFs and galaxies of different sizes and noise levels. We show that sub-percent-level accuracy in shear recovery is achievable with single-exposure images for $Q\lesssim 2$. The conclusion holds for galaxies much smaller than the PSF, and those with a significant level of noise.

M. Mori, K. Abe, Y. Hayato, K. Hiraide, K. Ieki, M. Ikeda, S.Imaizumi, J. Kameda, Y. Kanemura, R. Kaneshima, Y. Kashiwagi, Y. Kataoka, S. Miki, S. Mine, M. Miura, S. Moriyama, Y. Nagao, M. Nakahata, Y. Nakano, S. Nakayama, Y. Noguchi, T. Okada, K. Okamoto, A. Orii, K. Sato, H. Sekiya, H. Shiba, K. Shimizu, M. Shiozawa, Y. Sonoda, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeda, Y. Takemoto, A. Takenaka, H. Tanaka, T. Tomiya, S. Watanabe, T. Yano, S. Yoshida, S. Han, T. Kajita, K. Okumura, T. Tashiro, X. Wang, J. Xia, G. D. Megias, D. Bravo-Berguno, P. Fernandez, L. Labarga, N. Ospina, B. Zaldivar, S. Zsoldos, B. W. Pointon, F. d. M. Blaszczyk, E. Kearns, J. L. Raaf, J. L. Stone, L. Wan, T. Wester, J. Bian, N. J. Griskevich, W. R. Kropp, S. Locke, M. B. Smy, H. W. Sobel, V. Takhistov, et al. (180 additional authors not shown)

Super-Kamiokande has been searching for neutrino bursts characteristic of core-collapse supernovae continuously, in real time, since the start of operations in 1996. The present work focuses on detecting more distant supernovae whose event rate may be too small to trigger in real time, but may be identified using an offline approach. The analysis of data collected from 2008 to 2018 found no evidence of distant supernovae bursts. This establishes an upper limit of 0.29 year$^{-1}$ on the rate of core-collapse supernovae out to 100 kpc at 90% C.L.. For supernovae that fail to explode and collapse directly to black holes the limit reaches to 300 kpc.

In the standard theory of equilibrium tides, hydrodynamic turbulence is considered. In this paper we study the effect of magnetic fields on equilibrium tides. We find that the turbulent Ohmic dissipation associated with a tidal flow is much stronger than the turbulent viscous dissipation such that a magnetic field can greatly speed up the tidal evolution of a binary system. We then apply the theory to three binary systems: the orbital migration of 51 Pegasi b, the orbital decay of WASP-12b, and the circularization of close binary stars. Theoretical predictions are in good agreement with observations, which cannot be clearly interpreted with hydrodynamic equilibrium tides.

Kosuke Namekata, Kiyoshi Ichimoto, Takako T. Ishii, Kazunari Shibata

18 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Stellar flares sometimes show red/blue asymmetries of H$\alpha$ line, which can indicate chromospheric dynamics and prominence activations. However, the origin of asymmetries is not completely understood. For a deeper understanding of stellar data, we performed a Sun-as-a-star analysis of H$\alpha$ line profiles of an M4.2-class solar flare showing dominant emissions from flare ribbons by using the data of the Solar Dynamics Doppler Imager onboard the Solar Magnetic Activity Research Telescope at Hida Observatory. The Sun-as-a-star H$\alpha$ spectra of the flare show red asymmetry of up to $\sim$95 km s$^{-1}$ and line broadening of up to $\sim$7.5 {\AA}. The Sun-as-a-star H$\alpha$ profiles are consistent with spectra from flare regions with weak intensity, but they take smaller redshift velocities and line widths by a factor of $\sim$2 than those with strong intensity. The redshift velocities, as well as line widths, peak out and decay more rapidly than the H$\alpha$ equivalent widths, which is consistent with chromospheric condensation model and spatially-resolved flare spectra. This suggests that as a result of superposition, the nature of chromospheric condensation is observable even from stellar flare spectra. The time evolution of redshift velocities is found to be similar to that of luminosities of near-ultraviolet rays (1600 {\AA}), while the time evolution of line broadening is similar to that of optical white lights. These H$\alpha$ spectral behaviors in Sun-as-a-star view could be helpful to distinguish whether the origin of H$\alpha$ red asymmetry of stellar flares is a flare ribbon or other phenomena.

Sándor Kunsági-Máté, Róbert Beck, István Szapudi, István Csabai

Three-dimensional wide-field galaxy surveys are fundamental for cosmological studies. For higher redshifts (z > 1.0), where galaxies are too faint, quasars still trace the large-scale structure of the Universe. Since available telescope time limits spectroscopic surveys, photometric methods are efficient for estimating redshifts for many quasars. Recently, machine learning methods are increasingly successful for quasar photometric redshifts, however, they hinge on the distribution of the training set. Therefore a rigorous estimation of reliability is critical. We extracted optical and infrared photometric data from the cross-matched catalogue of the WISE All-Sky and PS1 3$\pi$ DR2 sky surveys. We trained an XGBoost regressor and an artificial neural network on the relation between color indices and spectroscopic redshift. We approximated the effective training set coverage with the K nearest neighbors algorithm. We estimated reliable photometric redshifts of 2,879,298 quasars which overlap with the training set in feature space. We validated the derived redshifts with an independent, clustering-based redshift estimation technique. The final catalog is publicly available.

Aryan Bansal, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Hiroyuki Tashiro, Yoshiki Matsuoka

9 pages, 6 figures

A positive observational proof suggests that most galaxies contain a central supermassive black hole (SMBH) with mass in the range of $10^6M_\odot$ $-$ $10^{10}M_\odot$ but no convincing or conclusive theory explains how these black holes are formed. It is suggested that the mass of SMBHs is proportionally related to that of the dark matter halo, even at $z= 6$. This implies that these SMBHs could coevolve with the host dark matter halos. In this work, we investigate the mass evolution of SMBHs in a hierarchical structure formation by building halo merger trees using the extended Press-Schechter formalism. An SMBH with a mass that follows various power-law relations with the dark matter halo mass is assigned as an initial condition. Assuming that the mass growth of all black holes is due to mergers, we obtain the relation between SMBH and dark matter halo masses at the present epoch. By requiring that the mass of the SMBHs at $z=0$ should not be greater than the currently observed SMBH-dark matter halo mass relation, a lower bound on the mass of the dark matter halo that can contain a SMBH can be imposed at $z= 6$ as $M_{\rm lim} > 3.6 \times 10^{10} M_\odot\times (1.4-n)^{2.3}$, where $n$ is the power-law index of the SMBH-dark matter halo mass relation at $z=6$. Because we only consider mergers for the mass evolution of SMBHs, this model is simplistic and should underestimate the mass of SMBHs relative to the mass of the dark matter halo at the present epoch. Therefore our constraint on the initial power-law relation between SMBH and host dark matter halo masses should be regarded as conservative.

Dominik Zürcher, Janis Fluri, Virginia Ajani, Silvan Fischbacher, Alexandre Refregier, Tomasz Kacprzak

The next generation of weak lensing surveys will measure the matter distribution of the local Universe with unprecedented precision. This encourages the use of higher-order mass-map statistics for cosmological parameter inference. However, the increased quality of the data poses new challenges for map-based analyses. We extend the methodology introduced in arXiv:2006.12506 to match these requirements. Using this pipeline, we provide forecasts for the $w$CDM parameter constraints for stage 3 and stage 4 weak lensing surveys. We consider different survey setups, summary statistics and mass map filters including Starlets. The impact of baryons on the summary statistics is investigated and the necessary scale cuts are applied in the forecast. We compare the traditional angular power spectrum analysis to two extrema count statistics (peak and minima counts) as well as Minkowski functionals and the Starlet $\ell_1$-norm of the mass maps. In terms of map filters we find a preference for Starlet over Gaussian filters. Our results further suggest that using a survey setup with 10 instead of 5 tomographic redshift bins is beneficial. The addition of cross-tomographic information is found to improve the constraints on cosmology and especially on galaxy intrinsic alignment for all statistics. In terms of constraining power, we find the angular power spectrum and the peak counts to be equally matched for stage 4 surveys, followed by minima counts, the Minkowski functionals and then the Starlet $\ell_1$-norm. Combining different summary statistics significantly improves the constraints and compensates for the constraining power that is lost due to the stringent scale cuts. We identify the most `cost-effective' combination to be the angular power spectrum, peak counts and Minkowski functionals following Starlet filtering.

Alan H. Su, Heikki Salo, Joachim Janz, Aku Venhola, Reynier F. Peletier

accepted to be published in A&A

We investigate the relations between nuclear star clusters (NSCs) and their host galaxies, and between the structural properties of nucleated and non-nucleated galaxies. We also address the environmental influences on the nucleation of galaxies in the Fornax main cluster and the Fornax A group. We select 557 Fornax galaxies ($10^{5.5} M_{\odot} < M_{\rm *,galaxy} < 10^{11.5} M_{\odot} $) for which structural decomposition models and non-parametric indices are available. We determine galaxy nucleation based on a combination of visual inspection and a model selection statistic, the Bayesian information criterion (BIC). We also test the BIC as an unsupervised method to determine nucleation labels. We find a dichotomy in the properties of nuclei which reside in galaxies more or less massive than $M_{\rm *,galaxy} \approx 10^{8.5} M_{\odot}$. Specifically, the nuclei tend to be bluer than their host galaxies and follow a scaling relation of $M_{\rm *,nuc} \propto {M_{\rm *,galaxy}}^{0.5}$ for $M_{\rm *,galaxy} < 10^{8.5} M_{\odot}$. In galaxies with $M_{\rm *,galaxy} > 10^{8.5} M_{\odot}$ we find that nuclei are redder compared to the host and follow $M_{\rm *,nuc} \propto M_{\rm *,galaxy}$. Comparing early-type galaxies, we find that nucleated galaxies tend to be redder in global ($g'-r'$) colour, have redder outskirts relative to their own inner regions ($\Delta (g'-r')$), be less asymmetric ($A$) and exhibit less scatter in the brightest second order moment of light ($M_{20}$) than their non-nucleated counterparts at a given stellar mass. Additionally, we find the nucleation fractions to be typically higher in the Fornax main cluster than in the Fornax A group, and that the nucleation fraction is highest towards the centre of their respective environments. We also find that the BIC can recover our labels of nucleation up to an accuracy of 97\%. (abridged)

Juhani Mönkkönen, Sergey S. Tsygankov, Alexander A. Mushtukov, Victor Doroshenko, Valery F. Suleimanov, Juri Poutanen

10 pages, 3 figures; postprint, submitted to MNRAS

We investigate the aperiodic variability for a relatively large sample of accreting neutron stars and intermediate polars, focusing on the properties of the characteristic break commonly observed in power spectra of accreting objects. In particular, we investigate the relation of the break frequency and the magnetic field strength, both of which are connected to the size of the magnetosphere. We find that for the majority of objects in our sample the measured break frequency values indeed agree with estimated inner radii of the accretion disc, which allows to use observed break frequencies to independently assess the magnetic field strength and structure in accreting compact objects. As a special case, we focus on Hercules X-1 which is a persistent, medium-luminosity X-ray pulsar accreting from its low-mass companion. In the literature, it has been suggested that the complex pulse profiles, the spin-up behaviour and the luminosity-correlation of the cyclotron energy seen in Her X-1 can be explained with a complex magnetic field structure of the neutron star. Here, we connect the measured break frequency to the magnetospheric radius and show that the magnetic field strength derived assuming a dipole configuration is nearly an order of magnitude smaller than the magnetic field strength corresponding to the cyclotron energy. Accordingly, this discrepancy can be explained with the magnetic field having strong multipole components. The multipolar structure would also increase the accreting area on the neutron star surface, explaining why the critical luminosity for accretion column formation is puzzlingly high in this source.

Tatehiro Mihara, Hiroshi Tsunemi, Hitoshi Negoro

24 page, in Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics

Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image (MAXI) is a Japanese X-ray all-sky monitor onboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Astronomical observations and analysis of stardust isolated from meteorites have revealed a highly diverse interstellar and circumstellar grain inventory, including a wide range of amorphous materials and crystalline compounds (silicates and carbon). This diversity reflects the wide range of stellar sources injecting solids into the interstellar medium each with its own physical characteristics such as density, temperature and elemental composition and highlights the importance of kinetics rather than thermodynamics in the formation of these compounds. Based upon the extensive literature on soot formation in terrestrial settings, detailed kinetic pathways have been identified for the formation of carbon dust in C-rich stellar ejecta. These have been incorporated in astronomical models for these environments. In recent years, the chemical routes in the nucleation of oxides and silicates have been the focus of much astronomical research. These aspects of stardust formation will be reviewed and lessons for dust formation in planetary atmospheres will be drawn with the emphasis on the influence of kinetics on the characteristics and structure of dust in these environments.

Jean-François Fortin, Marianne Gratton

1+14 pages, 2 figures

We explore the possibility that axion-like-particles (ALPs), which would be produced in the core of magnetars and would then convert in the magnetosphere into photons, can explain magnetar hard X-ray spectra. We remark that this scenario would also provide answers to some questions related to magnetar heating. Indeed, considering that magnetars have: 1) hard X-ray spectra that are difficult to explain with known mechanisms; 2) large photon luminosities that force high core temperatures; 3) high core temperatures that imply large neutrino emissivities; 4) and large neutrino emissivities that lead to small magnetar lifetimes in contradiction to observations -- explaining the hard X-ray spectra with ALPs could decrease the core temperatures and thus the neutrino emissivities, allowing for longer magnetar lifetimes as expected from observations. In this work, we initiate the study of this scenario for three magnetars with extreme luminosities, and conclude that the general idea is likely worth investigating in more detail.

R. Rampazzo, P. Mazzei, A. Marino, L. Bianchi, J. Postma, R. Ragusa, M. Spavone, E. Iodice, S. Ciroi, E.V. Held

20 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Main Journal

We are investigating the SF in galaxies of the actively evolving Dorado group where signatures of interactions and merging events are revealed by optical and radio observations in both ETGs and LTGs. Our previous Ha+[NII] study, probing ~10 Myrs timescales, suggested that SF is still ongoing in ETGs. In this work, we use far-UV (FUV) imaging to map recent SF on times scales of about 100 Myrs. We used the Ultraviolet telescope UVIT on board Astrosat to image the Dorado backbone galaxies previously observed in Ha+[NII], with the far-UV filter FUV.CaF2 (1300-1800A). The sample includes NGC1536, NGC1546, NGC1549, [CMI2001]4136-01, NGC1553, IC2058, PGC75125,NGC1566, NGC1596 and NGC1602. FUV.CaF2 emission is revealed in all galaxies, tracing young stellar populations in rings and showing tidal distortions. The Sersic index, derived by fitting the luminosity profiles, is always n<3 suggesting that the FUV.CaF2 emission originates from a disk also in ETGs. The SFR ranges from 0.004+-0.001 M_sol yr^{-1} of [CMI2001]4136-01 to 2.455+-0.027 M_sol yr^{-1} of NGC 1566. Most of the recent SF is found at the periphery of the Dorado group where most of LTGs are located. For these galaxies, the ratio SFR_Ha/SFR_FUV.CaF2 is close to 1, except for the edge-on IC 2058, similarly to previously reported relations for Local Volume samples. For ETGs, however, SFR_Ha is about 15 times higher than SFR_FUV. The Dorado's ETGs define a separate locus in SFR_FUV, SFR_Ha space with respect to the LTGs, which is well represented by the relation log (SFR_FUV.CaF2) = 0.70xlog (SFR_{Ha})-1.26.The disk structure of the FUV.CaF2 emitting populations discovered in all the ETGs implies dissipative processes and wet merging events. The systematic discrepancy between SFRs derived from Ha and FUV fluxes suggests that rejuvenation episodes in ETGs cannot sustain constant SF over ~100 Myrs timescales.

Steven Cunnington, Yichao Li, Mario G. Santos, Jingying Wang, Isabella P. Carucci, Melis O. Irfan, Alkistis Pourtsidou, Marta Spinelli, Laura Wolz, Paula S. Soares, Chris Blake, Philip Bull, Brandon Engelbrecht, José Fonseca, Keith Grainge, Yin-Zhe Ma

10 pages, 6 figures. See Fig.4 for the main result, showing the cross-power spectrum between MeerKAT and WiggleZ, revealing the 7.7\sigma detection. Submitted to MNRAS for publication

We present a detection of correlated clustering between MeerKAT radio intensity maps and galaxies from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey. We find a $7.7\sigma$ detection of the cross-correlation power spectrum, the amplitude of which is proportional to the product of the HI density fraction ($\Omega_{\rm HI}$), HI bias ($b_{\rm HI}$) and the cross-correlation coefficient ($r$). We therefore obtain the constraint $\Omega_{\rm HI} b_{\rm HI} r\,{=}\,[0.86\,{\pm}\,0.10\,({\rm stat})\,{\pm}\,0.12\,({\rm sys})]\,{\times}\,10^{-3}$, at an effective scale of $k_{\rm eff}\,{\sim}\,0.13\,h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. The intensity maps were obtained from a pilot survey with the MeerKAT telescope, a 64-dish pathfinder array to the SKA Observatory (SKAO). The data were collected from 10.5 hours of observations using MeerKAT's L-band receivers over six nights covering the 11hr field of WiggleZ, in the frequency range $1015-973\,{\rm MHz}$ (0.400$\,{<}\,z\,{<}\,$0.459 in redshift). This detection is the first practical demonstration of the multi-dish auto-correlation intensity mapping technique for cosmology. This marks an important milestone in the roadmap for the cosmology science case with the full SKAO.

Kento Masuda

24 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We investigate the relation between rotation periods $P_\mathrm{rot}$ and photometric modulation amplitudes $R_\mathrm{per}$ for $\approx 4,000$ Sun-like main-sequence stars observed by Kepler, using $P_\mathrm{rot}$ and $R_\mathrm{per}$ from McQuillan et al. (2014), effective temperature $T_\mathrm{eff}$ from LAMOST DR6, and parallax data from Gaia EDR3. As has been suggested in previous works, we find that $P_\mathrm{rot}$ scaled by the convective turnover time $\tau_\mathrm{c}$, or the Rossby number $\mathrm{Ro}=P_\mathrm{rot}/\tau_\mathrm{c}$, serves as a good predictor of $R_\mathrm{per}$: $R_\mathrm{per}$ plateaus around $1\%$ in relative flux for $0.2 \lesssim \mathrm{Ro}/\mathrm{Ro}_\odot \lesssim 0.4$, and decays steeply with increasing $\mathrm{Ro}$ for $0.4 \lesssim \mathrm{Ro}/\mathrm{Ro}_\odot \lesssim 0.8$, where $\mathrm{Ro}_\odot$ denotes $\mathrm{Ro}$ of the Sun. In the latter regime we find $\mathrm{d}\ln R_\mathrm{per}/\mathrm{d}\ln\mathrm{Ro} \sim -4.5$ to $-2.5$, although the value is sensitive to detection bias against weak modulation and may depend on other parameters including $T_\mathrm{eff}$ and surface metallicity. The existing X-ray and Ca II H&K flux data also show transitions at $\mathrm{Ro}/\mathrm{Ro}_\odot\sim 0.4$, suggesting that all these transitions share the same physical origin. We also find that the rapid decrease of $R_\mathrm{per}$ with increasing $\mathrm{Ro}$ causes rotational modulation of fainter Kepler stars with $\mathrm{Ro}/\mathrm{Ro}_\odot \gtrsim 0.6$ to be buried under the photometric noise. This effect sets the longest $P_\mathrm{rot}$ detected in the McQuillan et al. (2014) sample as a function of $T_\mathrm{eff}$, and obscures the signature of stalled spin down that has been proposed to set in around $\mathrm{Ro}/\mathrm{Ro}_\odot \sim 1$.

William R Coulton, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Drew Jamieson, Marco Baldi, Gabriel Jung, Dionysios Karagiannis, Michele Liguori, Licia Verde, Benjamin D. Wandelt

The simulation products are available at this https URL

Primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) is one of the most powerful probes of the early Universe and measurements of the large scale structure of the Universe have the potential to transform our understanding of this area. However relating measurements of the late time Universe to the primordial perturbations is challenging due to the non-linear processes that govern the evolution of the Universe. To help address this issue we release a large suite of N-body simulations containing four types of PNG: \textsc{quijote-png}. These simulations were designed to augment the \textsc{quijote} suite of simulations that explored the impact of various cosmological parameters on large scale structure observables. Using these simulations we investigate how much information on PNG can be extracted by extending power spectrum and bispectrum measurements beyond the perturbative regime at $z=0.0$. This is the first joint analysis of the PNG and cosmological information content accessible with power spectrum and bispectrum measurements of the non-linear scales. We find that the constraining power improves significantly up to $k_\mathrm{max}\approx 0.3 h/{\rm Mpc}$, with diminishing returns beyond as the statistical probes signal-to-noise ratios saturate. This saturation emphasizes the importance of accurately modelling all the contributions to the covariance matrix. Further we find that combining the two probes is a powerful method of breaking the degeneracies with the $\Lambda$CDM parameters.

Gabriel Jung, Dionysios Karagiannis, Michele Liguori, Marco Baldi, William R Coulton, Drew Jamieson, Licia Verde, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Benjamin D. Wandelt

22 pages, 12 figures

Future Large Scale Structure surveys are expected to improve over current bounds on primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG), with a significant impact on our understanding of early Universe physics. The level of such improvements will however strongly depend on the extent to which late time non-linearities erase the PNG signal on small scales. In this work, we show how much primordial information remains in the bispectrum of the non-linear dark matter density field by implementing a new, simulation-based, methodology for joint estimation of PNG amplitudes ($f_{\rm NL}$) and standard $\Lambda$CDM parameters. The estimator is based on optimally compressed statistics, which, for a given input density field, combine power spectrum and modal bispectrum measurements, and numerically evaluate their covariance and their response to changes in cosmological parameters. We train and validate the estimator using a large suite of N-body simulations (QUIJOTE-PNG), including different types of PNG (local, equilateral, orthogonal). We explicitly test the estimator's unbiasedness, optimality and stability with respect to changes in the total number of input realizations. While the dark matter power spectrum itself contains negligible PNG information, as expected, including it as an ancillary statistic increases the PNG information content extracted from the bispectrum by a factor of order $2$. As a result, we prove the capability of our approach to optimally extract PNG information on non-linear scales beyond the perturbative regime, up to $k_{\rm max} = 0.5~h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$, obtaining marginalized $1$-$\sigma$ bounds of $\Delta f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local} \sim 16$, $\Delta f_{\rm NL}^{\rm equil} \sim 77$ and $\Delta f_{\rm NL}^{\rm ortho} \sim 40$ on a cubic volume of $1~(\mathrm{Gpc}/h)^3$ at $z=1$. At the same time, we discuss the significant information on cosmological parameters contained on these scales.

Marco Bortolami, Matteo Billi, Alessandro Gruppuso, Paolo Natoli, Luca Pagano

23 pages, 13 figures

Cosmic Birefringence (CB) is the in-vacuo rotation of the linear polarization direction of photons during propagation, caused by parity-violating extensions of Maxwell electromagnetism. We build low resolution CB angle maps using Planck Legacy and NPIPE products and provide for the first time estimates of the cross-correlation spectra $C_L^{\alpha E}$ and $C_L^{\alpha B}$ between the CB and the CMB polarization fields. We also provide updated CB auto-correlation spectra $C_L^{\alpha\alpha}$ as well as the cross-correlation $C_L^{\alpha T}$ with the CMB temperature field. We report constraints by defining the scale-invariant amplitudes $A^{\alpha X} \equiv L(L + 1)C_L^{\alpha X}/2\pi$, where $X = \alpha, T, E, B$, finding no evidence of CB. In particular, we find $A^{\alpha E} = (-7.8 \pm 5.6)$ nK deg and $A^{\alpha B} = (0.3 \pm 4.0)$ nK deg at 68% C.L..

C. P. Gutiérrez A. Pastorello, M. Bersten, S. Benetti, M. Orellana, A. Fiore, E. Karamenhmetoglu, T. Kravtsov, A. Reguitti, T. M. Reynolds, G. Valerin, P. Mazzali, M. Sullivan, Y.-Z. Cai, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Fraser, E. Y. Hsiao, E. Kankare, R. Kotak, H. Kuncarayakti, Z. Li, S. Mattila, J. Mo, S. Moran, P. Ochner, M. Shahbandeh, L. Tomasella, X. Wang, S. Yan, J. Zhang, T. Zhang, M. D. Stritzinger

Submitted to MNRAS. 20 pages, 17 figures and 2 tables in the main text; 6 tables in the appendix. The observational data will be updated once the paper is accepted (appendix)

We present the analysis of SN 2020wnt, an unusual hydrogen-poor super-luminous supernova (SLSN-I), at a redshift of 0.032. The light curves of SN 2020wnt are characterised by an early bump lasting $\sim5$ days, followed by a bright main peak. The SN reaches a peak absolute magnitude of M$_{r}^{max}=-20.52\pm0.03$ mag at $\sim77.5$ days from explosion. This magnitude is at the lower end of the luminosity distribution of SLSNe-I, but the rise-time is one of the longest reported to date. Unlike other SLSNe-I, the spectra of SN 2020wnt do not show O II, but strong lines of C II and Si II are detected. Spectroscopically, SN 2020wnt resembles the Type Ic SN 2007gr, but its evolution is significantly slower. Comparing the bolometric light curve to hydrodynamical models, we find that SN 2020wnt luminosity can be explained by radioactive powering. The progenitor of SN 2020wnt is likely a massive and extended star with a pre-SN mass of 80 M$_\odot$ and a pre-SN radius of 15 R$_\odot$ that experiences a very energetic explosion of $45\times10^{51}$ erg, producing 4 M$_\odot$ of $^{56}$Ni. In this framework, the first peak results from a post-shock cooling phase for an extended progenitor, and the luminous main peak is due to a large nickel production. These characteristics are compatible with the pair-instability SN scenario. We note, however, that a significant contribution of interaction with circumstellar material cannot be ruled out.

Ryuichiro Akaho, Akira Harada, Hiroki Nagakura, Wakana Iwakami, Hirotada Okawa, Shun Furusawa, Hideo Matsufuru, Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Shoichi Yamada

19 pages, 18 figures, submitted to ApJ

We investigate the protoneutron star (PNS) convection using our newly-developed general relativistic Boltzmann neutrino radiation-hydrodynamics code. Starting from the PNS model 2.3 seconds after bounce obtained with a 1D CCSN model, we simulate the PNS profile in 2D axisymmetry for 160 milliseconds. We confirm that the convection persistently occurs inside the PNS, mainly driven by the negative $Y_e$ gradient. The existence of convection enhances the emitted neutrino energy and luminosity compared to 1D. In addition, asymmetric matter mixing makes the temperature and $Y_e$ to be highly asymmetric, which result in asymmetric neutrino emission. We conclude that the multi-dimensional effects, such as convection and asymmetric structures, have large impact on the PNS evolution even at the late times, say, several seconds after bounce. The basic results, such as the PNS structure and the neutrino luminosity, are in reasonable agreement with previous studies by other groups. This is an important demonstration which builds credibility of our new code. Finally, in order to take advantage of the momentum space distribution obtained with the Boltzmann solver, we analyzed the occurrence of the neutrino fast flavor conversion (FFC). We found that FFC occurs in the direction that $Y_e$ is lower, and the growth rate can be very fast $\sim o(10^{-1})\,{\mathrm{cm}^{-1}}$.

F. Lyra, L. Moreira, R. Negreiros, R. O. Gomes, V. Dexheimer

In this work, we study for the first time the thermal evolution of twin star pairs, i.e., stars that present the same mass but different radius and compactness. We collect available equations of state that give origin to a second branch of stable compact stars with quarks in their core. For each equation of state, we investigate the particle composition inside stars and how differently each twin evolves over time, which depends on the central density/pressure and consequent crossing of the threshold for the Urca cooling process. We find that, although the general stellar thermal evolution depends on mass and particle composition, withing one equation of state, only twin pairs that differ considerably on compactness can be clearly distinguished by how they cool down.

Ana Escorza, Robert J. De Rosa

6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. Conference proceedings for "The origin of outflows in evolved stars" IAU Symposium 366

A rich zoo of peculiar objects forms when Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars, undergo interactions in a binary system. For example, Barium (Ba) stars are main-sequence and red-giant stars that accreted mass from the outflows of a former AGB companion, which is now a dim white dwarf (WD). Their orbital properties can help us constrain AGB binary interaction mechanisms, and their chemical abundances are a tracer of the nucleosynthesis processes that took place inside the former AGB star. The observational constraints concerning the orbital and stellar properties of Ba stars have increased in the past years, but important uncertainties remained concerning their WD companions. In this contribution, we used HD76225 to demonstrate that by combining radial-velocity data with Hipparcos and Gaia astrometry, one can accurately constrain the orbital inclinations of these systems and obtain the absolute masses of these WDs, getting direct information about their AGB progenitors via initial-final mass relationships.

Ramon Herrera, Jafar Sadeghi, Mehdi Shokri

15 pages and 4 figures

The constant-roll inflation in the context of Galilean inflation or G-inflation is analyzed. By considering a coupling function $G(\varphi,\chi)\propto g(\varphi)\,\chi^n$ for the model of G-inflation, we find different expressions for a suitable development of a model inflationary in the context of constant roll inflation. In order to obtain analytical solutions, we analyze two specific cases; $g(\varphi)=\varphi$ and $n=0$, i.e., $G(\varphi,\chi)\propto\,\varphi$ and when $g(\varphi)=$ constant and $n=1$ with which $G(\varphi,\chi)\propto\,\chi$. In both cases, we find different expressions for the reconstruction of the background variables and the cosmological perturbations in the framework the constant roll inflation. We utilize recent astronomical observations to constrain the different parameters appearing in the stage of constant roll condition as well in the coupling function $G(\varphi,\chi)$.

Henrique Gieg, Federico Schianchi, Tim Dietrich, Maximiliano Ujevic

28 pages, 14 figures

To study binary neutron star systems and to interpret observational data such as gravitational-wave and kilonova signals, one needs an accurate description of the processes that take place during the final stages of the coalescence, e.g., through numerical-relativity simulations. In this work, we present an updated version of the numerical-relativity code BAM in order to incorporate nuclear-theory based Equations of State and a simple description of neutrino interactions through a Neutrino Leakage Scheme. Different test simulations, for stars undergoing a neutrino-induced gravitational collapse and for binary neutron stars systems, validate our new implementation. For the binary neutron stars systems, we show that we can evolve stably and accurately distinct microphysical models employing the different equations of state: SFHo, DD2, and the hyperonic BHB$\Lambda \phi$. Overall, our test simulations have good agreement with those reported in the literature.

The PUMAS library is a transport engine for muon and tau leptons in matter. It can operate with a configurable level of details, from a fast deterministic CSDA mode to a detailed Monte~Carlo simulation. A peculiarity of PUMAS is that it is revertible, i.e. it can run in forward or in backward mode. Thus, the PUMAS library is particularly well suited for muography applications. In the present document, we provide a detailed description of PUMAS, of its physics and of its implementation.