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Papers for Thursday, Jun 23 2022

Papers with local authors

E. Esparza-Borges, H. Parviainen, F. Murgas, E. Pallé, A. Maas, G. Morello, M.R. Zapatero-Osorio, K. Barkaoui, N. Narita, A. Fukui, N. Casasayas-Barris, M. Oshagh, N. Crouzet, D. Galán, G.E. Fernández, T. Kagetani, K. Kawauchi, T. Kodama, J. Korth, N. Kusakabe, A. Laza-Ramos, R. Luque, J. Livingston, A. Madrigal-Aguado, M. Mori, J. Orell-Miquel, M. Puig-Subirá, M. Stangret, Y. Terada, N. Watanabe, Y. Zou, A. Baliga Savel, A.A. Belinski, K. Collins, C.D. Dressing, S. Giacalone, H. Gill, M.V. Goliguzova, M. Ikoma, J.M. Jenkins, M. Tamura, J.D. Twicken, G.R. Ricker, R.P. Schwarz, S. Seager, A. Shporer, R. Vanderspek, J. Winn

Accepted for publication in Astronomy&Astrophysics

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Paper 14 — arXiv:2206.10643
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Paper 14 — arXiv:2206.10643

We report the discovery and validation of two TESS exoplanets orbiting faint M dwarfs: TOI-4479b and TOI-2081b. We have jointly analyzed space (TESS mission) and ground based (MuSCAT2, MuSCAT3 and SINISTRO instruments) lightcurves using our multi-color photometry transit analysis pipeline. This allowed us to compute contamination limits for both candidates and validate them as planet-sized companions. We found TOI-4479b to be a sub-Neptune-sized planet ($R_{p}=2.82^{+0.65}_{-0.63}~\rm R_{\oplus}$) and TOI-2081b to be a super-Earth-sized planet ($R_{p}=2.04^{+0.50}_{-0.54}~\rm R_{\oplus}$). Furthermore, we obtained that TOI-4479b, with a short orbital period of $1.15890^{+0.00002}_{-0.00001}~\rm days$, lies within the Neptune desert and is in fact the largest nearly ultra-short period planet around an M dwarf known to date. These results make TOI-4479b rare among the currently known exoplanet population around M dwarf stars, and an especially interesting target for spectroscopic follow-up and future studies of planet formation and evolution.

Ben Margalit, Adam S. Jermyn, Brian D. Metzger, Luke F. Roberts, Eliot Quataert

18 pages, 5 figures; submitted to ApJ; comments welcome

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Paper 15 — arXiv:2206.10645
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2206.10645

Both the core collapse of rotating massive stars, and the coalescence of neutron star (NS) binaries, result in the formation of a hot, differentially rotating NS remnant. The timescales over which differential rotation is removed by internal angular-momentum transport processes ("viscosity") has key implications for the remnant's long-term stability and the NS equation-of-state (EOS). Guided by a non-rotating model of a cooling proto-NS, we estimate the dominant sources of viscosity using an externally imposed angular velocity profile $\Omega(r)$. Although the magnetorotational instability provides the dominant source of effective viscosity at large radii, convection and/or the Spruit-Tayler dynamo dominate in the core of merger remnants where $d\Omega/dr \geq 0$. Furthermore, the viscous timescale in the remnant core is sufficiently short that solid body rotation will be enforced faster than matter is accreted from rotationally-supported outer layers. Guided by these results, we develop a toy model for how the merger remnant core grows in mass and angular momentum due to accretion. We find that merger remnants with sufficiently massive and slowly rotating initial cores may collapse to black holes via envelope accretion, even when the total remnant mass is less than the usually considered threshold $\approx 1.2 M_{\rm TOV}$ for forming a stable solid-body rotating NS remnant (where $M_{\rm TOV}$ is the maximum non-rotating NS mass supported by the EOS). This qualitatively new picture of the post-merger remnant evolution and stability criterion has important implications for the expected electromagnetic counterparts from binary NS mergers and for multi-messenger constraints on the NS EOS.

All other papers

Meridith Joyce, Jamie Tayar, Daniel Lecoanet

submitted to PASP. Comments and discussion welcome

Conferences and workshops shape scientific discourse. The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) hosts long-term workshops to stimulate scientific collaboration that would not otherwise have taken place. One goal of KITP programs is to increase diversity in the next generation of scientists. In this analysis, we examine gender trends in authorship of papers generated as a result of the KITP program \textit{Probes of Transport in Stars}, which ran from October 11th, 2021 to December 17th, 2021. While 38\% of workshop participants were women, only 19\% of publications produced between December 1st, 2021 and June 3rd, 2022 had female first-authors. Further, of these early publications, 61\% had all-male author lists. Among publications resulting from the KITP program, the proportions of both male first-author papers and papers with all-male author lists are higher than predicted by models that take into account the gender distribution of the KITP participants. These results motivate more thorough investigations of collaboration networks at scientific conferences and workshops. Importantly, they also suggest that programs, conferences, and workshops of any kind need to take steps beyond those implemented in this KITP program to enable more diverse collaborations and address gender disparities in science.

Måns Holmberg, Nikku Madhusudhan

Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

High-resolution spectroscopy has proven to be a powerful avenue for atmospheric remote sensing of exoplanets. Recently, ESO commissioned the CRIRES+ high-resolution infrared spectrograph at VLT. CRIRES+ is a cross-dispersed spectrograph with high throughput and wide wavelength coverage across the near-infrared (0.95-5.3 $\mu$m), designed to be particularly suited for atmospheric characterisation of exoplanets. In this work, we report early insights into the performance of CRIRES+ for exoplanet spectroscopy and conduct a detailed assessment of the data reduction procedure. Because of the novelty of the instrument, we perform two independent data reduction strategies, using the official CR2RES pipeline and our new custom-built ExoRES pipeline. Using science verification observations we find that the spectral resolving power of CRIRES+ can reach R $\gtrsim$ 100,000 for optimal observing conditions. Similarly, we find the S/N to be consistent with expected and empirical estimates for the observations considered. As a case study, we perform the first application of CRIRES+ to the atmospheric characterisation of an exoplanet - the ultra-hot Jupiter MASCARA-1 b. We detect CO and H2O in the atmosphere of MASCARA-1 b at S/N of 12.9 and 5.3, respectively, and a temperature inversion revealed through the CO and H2O emission lines, the first for an exoplanet. We find a combined S/N of 13.8 for CO and H2O together, with a preference for lower H2O abundance compared to CO. Our findings demonstrate the scientific potential of CRIRES+ and highlight the excellent opportunity for high-resolution atmospheric spectroscopy of diverse exoplanets.

Martyna Chruślińska

invited review AdP special issue 'Gravitational Wave Physics and Astronomy', main text 18 pages + 7 figures, accepted for publication

We are now routinely detecting gravitational waves (GW) emitted by merging black holes and neutron stars. Those are the afterlives of massive stars that formed all across the Universe - at different times and with different metallicities (abundances of elements heavier than helium). Birth metallicity plays an important role in the evolution of massive stars. Consequently, the population properties of mergers are sensitive to the metallicity dependent cosmic star formation history (f$_{\rm SFR}$(Z,z)). In particular, within the isolated formation scenarios (the focus of this paper), a strong low metallicity preference of the formation of mergers involving black holes was found. The origin of this dependence and its consequences are discussed. Most importantly, uncertainty in the f$_{\rm SFR}$(Z,z) (substantial even at low redshifts, especially at low metallicity) cannot be ignored in the models and makes the interpretation of current GW observations challenging. Possible paths for imporvements and the role of future GW detectors are considered. Recent efforts to determine f$_{\rm SFR}$(Z,z) and the factors that dominate its uncertainty are summarized. Many of those factors are related to the properties of galaxies that are faint and distant and therefore difficult to observe. The fact that they leave imprint on the properties of mergers as a function of cosmic time makes future GW observations a promising (and complementary to electromagnetic observations) tool to study chemical evolution of galaxies.

Balpreet Kaur (1), Nissim Kanekar (1), Mitchell Revalski (2), Marc Rafelski (2, 3), Marcel Neeleman (4), J. Xavier Prochaska (5, 6), Fabian Walter (4) ((1) National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, India, (2) Space Telescope Science Institute, USA, (3) Johns Hopkins University, USA, (4) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Germany, (5) University of California, Santa Cruz, USA, (6) Kavli IPMU, Japan)

9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We report a NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) and Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) search for redshifted CO emission from the galaxies associated with seven high-metallicity ([M/H] $\geq -1.03$) damped Lyman-$\alpha$ absorbers (DLAs) at $z\approx1.64-2.51$. Our observations yielded one new detection of CO(3-2) emission from a galaxy at $z=2.4604$ using NOEMA, associated with the $z=2.4628$ DLA towards QSO B0201+365. Including previous searches, our search results in detection rates of CO emission of $\approx56^{+38}_{-24}$ % and $\approx11^{+26}_{-9}$ %, respectively, in the fields of DLAs with ${\rm [M/H]}>-0.3$ and ${\rm [M/H]}<-0.3$. Further, the HI-selected galaxies associated with five DLAs with [M/H] $>-0.3$ all have high molecular gas masses, $\gtrsim5\times10^{10}\ {\rm M}_\odot$. This indicates that the highest-metallicity DLAs at $z\approx2$ are associated with the most massive galaxies. The newly-identified $z\approx2.4604$ HI-selected galaxy, DLA0201+365g, has an impact parameter of $\approx7$ kpc to the QSO sightline, and an implied molecular gas mass of $(5.04\pm0.78) \times10^{10}\times(\alpha_{\rm CO}/4.36)\times(r_{31}/0.55)\ {\rm M}_\odot$. Archival Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 imaging covering the rest-frame near-ultraviolet (NUV) and far-ultraviolet (FUV) emission from this galaxy yield non-detections of rest-frame NUV and FUV emission, and a $5\sigma$ upper limit of 2.3 M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ on the unobscured star formation rate (SFR). The low NUV-based SFR estimate, despite the very high molecular gas mass, indicates that DLA0201+365g either is a very dusty galaxy, or has a molecular gas depletion time that is around two orders of magnitude larger than that of star-forming galaxies at similar redshifts.

Travis A. Berger, Jennifer L. van Saders, Daniel Huber, Eric Gaidos, Joshua E. Schlieder, Zachary R. Claytor

16 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to AAS Journals

Current spectroscopic surveys are producing large catalogs of chemical abundances for stars of all types. The yttrium to magnesium ratio, [Y/Mg], has emerged as a candidate age indicator for solar twins in the local stellar neighborhood. However, it is unclear whether it is a viable age diagnostic for more diverse stellar types, so we investigate [Y/Mg] as an age indicator for the FGK-type planet host stars observed by $Kepler$. We find that the [Y/Mg] "Clock" is most precise for solar twins, with a [Y/Mg]/Age slope of $m$ = $-$0.0370 $\pm$ 0.0071 dex/Gyr and $\sigma_{\mathrm{Age}}$ = 2.6 Gyr. We attribute the lower precision compared to literature results to non-solar twins contaminating our solar twin sample and recommend a 1.5 Gyr systematic uncertainty for stellar ages derived with any [Y/Mg]-Age relation. We also analyzed the [Y/Mg] Clock as a function of $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$, $\log g$, and metallicity individually and find no strong trends, but compute statistically significant [Y/Mg]-Age relations for subsamples defined by ranges in $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$, $\log g$, and metallicity. Finally, we compare [Y/Mg] and rotation ages and find statistically similar trends as for isochrone ages, although we find that rotation ages perform better for GK dwarfs while isochrones perform better for FG subgiants. We conclude that the [Y/Mg] Clock is most precise for solar twins and analogs but is also a useful age diagnostic for FGK stars.

Kirill V. Sokolovsky, Jay Strader, Samuel J. Swihart, Elias Aydi, Arash Bahramian, Laura Chomiuk, Craig O. Heinke, Allison K. Hughes, Kwan-Lok Li, Raimundo Lopes de Oliveira, James C. A. Miller-Jones, Koji Mukai, David J. Sand, Laura Shishkovsky, Evangelia Tremou, Karina Voggel

21 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted to ApJ

We report the discovery of 1RXH J082623.6-505741, a 10.4 hr orbital period compact binary. Modeling extensive optical photometry and spectroscopy reveals a $\sim 0.4 M_{\odot}$ K-type secondary transferring mass through a low-state accretion disk to a non-magnetic $\sim 0.8 M_{\odot}$ white dwarf. The secondary is overluminous for its mass and dominates the optical spectra at all epochs, and must be evolved to fill its Roche Lobe at this orbital period. The X-ray luminosity $L_X \sim 1$-$2 \times 10^{32}$ erg s$^{-1}$ derived from both new XMM-Newton and archival observations, although high compared to most CVs, still only requires a modest accretion rate onto the white dwarf of $\dot{M} \sim 3 \times 10^{-11}$ to $3 \times 10^{-10} M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, lower than expected for a cataclysmic variable with an evolved secondary. No dwarf nova outbursts have yet been observed from the system, consistent with the low derived mass transfer rate. Several other cataclysmic variables with similar orbital periods also show unexpectedly low mass transfer rates, even though selection effects disfavor the discovery of binaries with these properties. This suggests the abundance and evolutionary state of long-period, low mass transfer rate cataclysmic variables is worthy of additional attention.

Guillermo Torres (CfA)

10 pages including figures and tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We report spectroscopic observations of the nearby, 19.5 yr binary system Gls 67 AB spanning more than 35 yr. We carry out a global orbital solution combining our radial velocity measurements with others from the literature going back more than a century, and with all other available astrometric observations. The latter include measurements of the relative position as well as the Hipparcos intermediate data and photographic observations tracing the motion of the photocentre. We derive masses for the primary and the M dwarf secondary of $0.95 \pm 0.11$ and $0.254 \pm 0.019~M_{\odot}$, respectively, as well as a more accurate trigonometric parallax of $79.08 \pm 0.63$ mas that accounts for the orbital motion. We provide evidence suggesting that the much smaller parallax from Gaia DR3 is biased. The precision in the masses remains limited mainly by the still few measurements of the relative position.

Rae J. Holcomb, Paul Robertson, Patrick Hartigan, Ryan J. Oelkers, Caleb Robinson

14 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Spinspotter is a robust and automated algorithm designed to extract stellar rotation periods from large photometric datasets with minimal supervision. Our approach uses the autocorrelation function (ACF) to identify stellar rotation periods up to one-third the observational baseline of the data. Our algorithm also provides a suite of diagnostics that describe the features in the ACF, which allows the user to fine-tune the tolerance with which to accept a period detection. We apply it to approximately 130,000 main-sequence stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) at 2-minute cadence during Sectors 1-26, and identify rotation periods for 13,504 stars ranging from 0.4 to 14 days. We demonstrate good agreement between our sample and known values from the literature and note key differences between our population of rotators and those previously identified in the Kepler field, most notably a large population of fast-rotating M dwarfs. Our sample of rotating stars provides a data set with coverage of nearly the entire sky that can be used as a basis for future gyrochronological studies, and, when combined with proper motions and distances from Gaia, to search for regions with high densities of young stars, thus identifying areas of recent star formation and undiscovered moving group members. Our algorithm is publicly available for download and use on GitHub.

David Rubin, Greg Aldering, Tri L. Astraatmadja, Charlie Baltay, Aleksandar Cikota, Susana E. Deustua, Sam Dixon, Andrew Fruchter, L. Galbany, Rebekah Hounsell, Saul Perlmutter, Ben Rose

Submitted to ApJ

This work presents a set of studies addressing the use of the low-dispersion slitless prism on Roman for SN spectroscopy as part of the Roman High Latitude Time Domain Survey (HLTDS). We find SN spectral energy distributions including prism data carry more information than imaging alone at fixed total observing time, improving redshift measurements and sub-typing of SNe. The Roman field of view will typically include ~ 10 SNe Ia at observable redshifts at a range of phases (the multiplexing of host galaxies is much greater as they are always present), building up SN spectral time series without targeted observations. We show that fitting these time series extracts more information than stacking the data over all the phases, resulting in a large improvement in precision for SN Ia subclassification measurements. A prism on Roman thus significantly enhances scientific opportunities for the mission, and is particularly important for the Roman SN cosmology program to provide the systematics-controlled measurement that is a focus of the Roman dark energy mission. Optimizing the prism parameters, we conclude that the blue cutoff should be set as blue as the prism image quality allows (~ 7500A), the red cutoff should be set to ~ 18000A to minimize thermal background, and the two-pixel dispersion should be >~ 70.

Scott Lucchini, Emil Pellett, Elena D'Onghia, J. Alfonso L. Aguerri

13 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. MGwave code available at this https URL

The kinematic plane of stars near the Sun has proven an indispensable tool for untangling the complexities of the structure of our Milky Way (MW). With ever improving data, numerous kinematic "moving groups" of stars have been better characterized and new ones continue to be discovered. Here we present an improved method for detecting these groups using MGwave, a new open-source 2D wavelet transformation code that we have developed. Our code implements similar techniques to previous wavelet software; however, we include a more robust significance methodology and also allow for the investigation of underdensities which can eventually provide further information about the MW's non-axisymmetric features. Applying MGwave to the latest data release from Gaia (DR3), we detect 45 groups of stars with coherent velocities. We reproduce the majority of the previously detected moving groups in addition to identifying four additional significant candidates: one near Antoja12-GCSIII-13, one near GMG 5, and two with very low $V_r$ and similar $V_\phi$ to Hercules. Finally, we have followed these associations of stars beyond the solar neighborhood, from Galactocentric radius of 6.5 to 10~kpc. Most detected groups are extended throughout radius indicating that they are streams of stars possibly due to non-axisymmetric features of the MW.

Many dark matter (DM) models that are consistent with current cosmological data show differences in the predicted (sub)halo mass function, especially at sub-galactic scales, where observations are challenging due to the inefficiency of star formation. Strong gravitational lensing has been shown to be a useful tool for detecting dark low-mass (sub)halos through perturbations in lensing arcs, therefore allowing the testing of different DM scenarios. However, measuring the total mass of a perturber from strong lensing data is challenging. Over or underestimating perturber masses can lead to incorrect inferences about the nature of DM. In this paper, we argue that inferring an effective slope of the dark matter density profile, which is the power-law slope of perturbers at intermediate radii, where we expect the perturber to have the largest observable effect, is a promising way to circumvent these challenges. Using N-body simulations, we show that (sub)halo populations under different DM scenarios differ in their effective density slope distributions. Using realistic mocks of Hubble Space Telescope observations of strong lensing images, we show that the effective density slope of perturbers can be robustly measured with high enough accuracy to discern between different models. We also present our measurement of the effective density slope $\gamma=1.96\substack{+0.12 \\ -0.12}$ for the perturber in JVAS B1938+666, which we find to be a $2\sigma$ outlier of the cold dark matter scenario. More measurements of this kind are needed to be able to draw robust conclusions about the nature of dark matter.

Alexander W. James, David R. Williams, Jennifer O'Kane

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 10 pages, 4 figures, 6 tables

Aims. Working towards improved space weather predictions, we aim to quantify how the critical height at which the torus instability drives coronal mass ejections (CMEs) varies over time in a sample of solar active regions. Methods. We model the coronal magnetic fields of 42 active regions and quantify the critical height at their central polarity inversion lines throughout their observed lifetimes. We then compare these heights to the changing magnetic flux at the photospheric boundary and identify CMEs in these regions. Results. In our sample, the rates of CMEs per unit time are twice as high during phases when magnetic flux is increasing than when it is decreasing, and during those phases of increasing flux, the rate of CMEs is 63% higher when the critical height is rising than when it is falling. Furthermore, we support and extend the results of previous studies by demonstrating that the critical height in active regions is generally proportional to the separation of their magnetic polarities through time. When the separation of magnetic polarities in an active region increases, for example during the continuous emergence and expansion of a magnetic bipole, the critical height also tends to increase. Conversely, when the polarity separation decreases, for example due to the emergence of a new, compact bipole at the central inversion line of an existing active region or into a quiet Sun environment, the critical height tends to decrease.

Elad Steinberg, Nicholas C. Stone

Comments are most welcome. Movies at this https URL this https URL

Tidal disruption events (TDEs) occur when stars are ripped apart by massive black holes (MBHs). The ensuing multi-wavelength flares are possibly the brightest thermal transients in the Universe. TDE emission encodes the mass and even the spin of the underlying MBH, creating tremendous potential to measure MBH demographics, to resolve open questions on MBH origins and evolution, and even to test fundamental physics. Unfortunately, the geometry and power source for TDE optical/UV photospheres remain unclear, as the dynamic range of the problem has so far prevented {\it ab initio} hydrodynamical simulations. Here we present the first ever 3D radiation-hydrodynamic simulation of a TDE from disruption to peak emission, with typical astrophysical parameters. The light curve is initially powered by shocks near pericenter, with inefficient circularization and outflow production. Early times feature a novel source of X-ray emission. Near peak light, stream-disk interactions efficiently circularize returning debris and power stronger outflows. The peak optical/UV luminosities we find are typical of TDE observations. Our results show that peak emission in "typical" TDEs is shock- rather than accretion-powered, but that circularization begins to run away near peak light. This simulation shows how deterministic predictions of TDE light curves and spectra can be calculated before the next generation of time-domain surveys, such as VRO and {\it ULTRASAT}. Realistic simulations are urgently needed, as the observational sample of TDEs will soon grow from dozens to thousands of observed flares.

Miriam Peña, Mudumba Parthasarathy, Francisco Ruiz-Escobedo, Rajeev Manick

11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in MNRAS

The spectroscopic evolution of Hen\,3-1357, the Stingray Nebula, is presented by analysing data from 1990 to 2021. High resolution data obtained in 2021 with South African Large Telescope High Resolution Spectrograph and in 2009 with European Southern Observatory-Very Large Telescope UVES spectrograph are used to determine physical conditions and chemical abundances in the nebula. From comparison of these data with data from different epochs it is found that the intensity of highly-ionized emission lines has been decreasing with time, while the emission of low-ionization lines has been increasing, confirming that the nebula is recombining, lowering its excitation class, as a consequence of the changes in the central star which in 2002 had an effective temperature of 60,000 K and from then it has been getting colder. The present effective temperature of the central star is about 40,000 K. It has been suggested that the central star has suffered a late thermal pulse and it is returning to the AGB phase. The nebular chemistry of Hen\,3-1357 indicates that all the elements, except He and Ne, present sub solar abundances. The comparison of the nebular abundances with the values predicted by stellar nucleosynthesis models at the end of the AGB phase, shows that the central star had an initial mass lower than 1.5 M$_{\odot}$. We estimated the ADF(O$^{+2}$) to be between 2.6 and 3.5.

The prolonged near infrared (NIR) emission observed following the long duration GRB 211211A is inconsistent with afterglow emission from the shock driven into the circum-stellar medium (CSM), and with emission from a possible underlying supernova. It has therefore been suggested that the observed NIR flux is the signature of a kilonova -- a radioactive ejecta that is similar to the outcome of the binary neutron star merger GW170817. We propose here an alternative plausible explanation. We show that the NIR flux is consistent with thermal emission from dust, heated by UV radiation produced by the interaction of the GRB jet plasma with the CSM. This NIR emission was predicted by Waxman & Draine for GRBs residing near or withing massive molecular clouds. The dust NIR emission scenario is consistent with a GRB at $z\lesssim1$. Inspection of the environment of GRB 211211A suggests that there are at least two host-galaxy candidates, one at $z=0.076$ and the other at $z=0.459$. The $z=0.459$ possibility is also consistent with the non-detection of a supernova signature in the light curve of the GRB afterglow, and with a typical GRB $\gamma$-ray energy for the fluence of GRB 211211A.

Pablo Sotomayor, Gustavo E. Romero

12 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The radio emission mechanism in active galactic nuclei (AGN) with high accretion rates is unclear. It has been suggested that low-power jets may explain the observed radiation at sub-parsec scales. The mechanisms for jet formation at super-Eddington rates, however, are not well understood. On the same scale, clouds from the broad-line region (BLR) propagating with supersonic velocities in the wind launched by the accretion disk may lead to the production of nonthermal radiation. We aim to characterize the nonthermal emission produced by the propagation of clouds through the wind of the accretion disk in super-accreting AGNs and to estimate the relevance of such contribution to the radio band of the electromagnetic spectrum. We determine the conditions under which the BLR clouds are not destroyed by shocks or hydrodynamic instabilities when immersed in the powerful wind of the accretion disk. These clouds form bowshocks that are suitable sites for particle acceleration. We develop a semianalytical model to calculate the distribution of relativistic particles in these bowshocks and the associated spectral energy distribution (SED) of the emitted radiation. For typical parameters of super-accreting AGNs, we find that the cloud-wind interactions can produce nonthermal emission from radio up to a few tens of TeV, with slight absorption effects, if the processes occur outside the wind photosphere. Radio emission in AGNs without jets can be explained if the accretion rate is super-Eddington and there is a broad-line region at sub-parsec scales around the central black hole. The accretion rate must not be extremely high so most of the clouds orbit outside of the wind photosphere and the radiation can escape to the observer.

F. Yusef-Zadeh, R. G. Arendt, M. Wardle, S. Boldyrev, I. Heywood, W. Cotton, F. Camilo

53 pages, 32 figures, MNRS (in press)

We carry out a population study of magnetized radio filaments in the Galactic center using MeerKAT data by focusing on the spacing between the filaments that are grouped. The morphology of a sample of 43 groupings containing 174 magnetized radio filaments are presented. Many grouped filaments show harp-like, fragmented cometary tail-like, or loop-like structures in contrast to many straight filaments running mainly perpendicular to the Galactic plane. There are many striking examples of a single filament splitting into two prongs at a junction, suggestive of a flow of plasma along the filaments. Spatial variations in spectral index, brightness, bending and sharpening along the filaments indicate that they are evolving on a 10^{5-6}-year time scale. The mean spacings between parallel filaments in a given grouping peaks at $\sim16''$. We argue by modeling that the filaments in a grouping all lie on the same plane and that the groupings are isotropically oriented in 3D space. One candidate for the origin of filamentation is interaction with an obstacle, which could be a compact radio source, before a filament splits and bends into multiple filaments. In this picture, the obstacle or sets the length scale of the separation between the filaments. Another possibility is synchrotron cooling instability occurring in cometary tails formed as a result of the interaction of cosmic-ray driven Galactic center outflow with obstacles such as stellar winds. In this picture, the mean spacing and the mean width of the filaments are expected to be a fraction of a parsec, consistent with observed spacing.

Paul-Louis Poulier, Zhi-Chao Liang, Damien Fournier, Laurent Gizon

12 pages, 12 figures

Context. In local helioseismology, the travel times of acoustic waves propagating in opposite directions along the same meridian inform us about horizontal flows in the north-south direction. The longitudinal averages of the north-south helioseismic travel-time shifts vary with the sunspot cycle. Aims. We aim to study the contribution of inflows into solar active regions to this solar-cycle variation. Methods. To do so, we identify the local flows around active regions in the horizontal flow maps obtained from correlation tracking of granulation in SDO/HMI continuum images. We compute the forward-modeled travel-time perturbations caused by these inflows using 3D sensitivity kernels. In order to compare with the observations, we average these forward-modeled travel-time perturbations over longitude and time in the same way as the measured travel times. Results. The forward-modeling approach shows that the inflows associated with active regions may account for only a fraction of the solar-cycle variations in the north-south travel-time measurements. Conclusions. The travel-time perturbations caused by the large-scale inflows surrounding the active regions do not explain in full the solar-cycle variations seen in the helioseismic measurements of the meridional circulation. Keywords: Sun: activity -- Sun: helioseismology

Joseph Sultana, Manoj K. Yennapureddy, Fulvio Melia, Demosthenes Kazanas

16 pages

We consider several well-known f(R) cosmological models and constrain their parameters, namely the deviation parameter b and the cosmological parameters \Omega_m and h. We first obtain analytical approximations for the Hubble rate H(z) and the luminosity distance d_L(z) in terms of these parameters, and then test these against the observational expansion rate derived from cosmic chronometers and the distance modulus in the HII galaxy Hubble diagram, obtained in a model-independent way using Gaussian Processes (GP). We first optimize the models based solely on the cosmic chronometers and then repeat this process with a joint analysis using both the cosmic chronometers and HII galaxies.

T. Emil Rivera-Thorsen, Matthew Hayes, Jens Melinder

22 pages, 8 tables, 12 figures

Context: Studies of the production and escape of Lyman Continuum from galaxies often rely on array of indirect observational tracers in preselection of candidate leakers. Aims: Here, we investigate how much ionizing radiation might be missed due to these selection criteria by completely removing them and performing a search selected purely from rest-frame LyC emission; and how that affects our estimates of the ionizing background. Methods: We invert the conventional method and perform a bottom-up search for Lyman-continuum leaking galaxies at redshifts 2 < z < 3.5. Using archival data from HST and VLT/MUSE, we run source finding software on UV-filter HST images from the HUDF, and subject all detected sources to a series of tests to eliminate those that are inconsistent with being ionizing sources. Results: We find 6 new and one previously identified candidate leakers with absolute escape fractions ranging from 36% to 100%. Our filtering criteria eliminate one object previously reported as a candidate ionizing emitter in the literature, while we report non-detection in the rest frame Lyman continuum of two other previously reported sources. We find that our candidates make a contribution to the metagalactic ionizing field of $\log_{10}(\epsilon_{\nu}) = 25.32(+0.25)(-0.21)$ and 25.29(+0.27)(-0.22) erg/s/Hz/cMpc^-3 for the full set of candidates and for the 4 strongest candidates only; both values are higher than but consistent with other recent figures in the literature. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that galaxies that do not meet the usual selection criteria may make a non-negligible contribution to the cosmic ionizing field. We recommend that similar searches be carried out on a larger scale in well-studied fields with both UV and large ancillary data coverage, for example in the full set of CANDELS fields.

T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, A. Alarcon, O. Alves, A. Amon, F. Andrade-Oliveira, J. Annis, B. Ansarinejad, S. Avila, D. Bacon, E. J. Baxter, K. Bechtol, M. R. Becker, B. A. Benson, G. M. Bernstein, E. Bertin, J. Blazek, L. E. Bleem, S. Bocquet, D. Brooks, E. Buckley-Geer, D. L. Burke, H. Camacho, A. Campos, J. E. Carlstrom, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, R. Cawthon, C. Chang, C. L. Chang, R. Chen, A. Choi, R. Chown, C. Conselice, J. Cordero, M. Costanzi, T. Crawford, A. T. Crites, M. Crocce, L. N. da Costa, C. Davis, T. M. Davis, T. de Haan, J. De Vicente, J. DeRose, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, M. A. Dobbs, S. Dodelson, P. Doel, C. Doux, A. Drlica-Wagner, K. Eckert, T. F. Eifler, F. Elsner, J. Elvin-Poole, S. Everett, W. Everett, X. Fang, I. Ferrero, A. Ferté, B. Flaugher, et al. (108 additional authors not shown)

20 pages, 15 figures

We present cosmological constraints from the analysis of two-point correlation functions between galaxy positions and galaxy lensing measured in Dark Energy Survey (DES) Year 3 data and measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) lensing from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck. When jointly analyzing the DES-only two-point functions and the DES cross-correlations with SPT+Planck CMB lensing, we find $\Omega_{\rm m} = 0.344\pm 0.030$ and $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8 (\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3)^{0.5} = 0.773\pm 0.016$, assuming $\Lambda$CDM. When additionally combining with measurements of the CMB lensing autospectrum, we find $\Omega_{\rm m} = 0.306^{+0.018}_{-0.021}$ and $S_8 = 0.792\pm 0.012$. The high signal-to-noise of the CMB lensing cross-correlations enables several powerful consistency tests of these results, including comparisons with constraints derived from cross-correlations only, and comparisons designed to test the robustness of the galaxy lensing and clustering measurements from DES. Applying these tests to our measurements, we find no evidence of significant biases in the baseline cosmological constraints from the DES-only analyses or from the joint analyses with CMB lensing cross-correlations. However, the CMB lensing cross-correlations suggest possible problems with the correlation function measurements using alternative lens galaxy samples, in particular the redMaGiC galaxies and high-redshift MagLim galaxies, consistent with the findings of previous studies. We use the CMB lensing cross-correlations to identify directions for further investigating these problems.

We present the results of our orbital computations in support of the recently proposed contact-binary model for the Kreutz sungrazer system (Sekanina 2021, 2022). We demonstrate that comet Ikeya-Seki (C/1965 S1) previously passed perihelion decades after the Great Comet of 1106 (X/1106 C1) and argue that, like the Great September Comet of 1882 (C/1882 R1), it evidently was a fragment of the comet recorded by the Chinese in September 1138. The 1106 sungrazer appears instead to have been the previous appearance of the Great March Comet of 1843 (C/1843 D1). With no momentum exchange involved, fragments of a Kreutz sungrazer breaking up tidally near perihelion are shown to end up in orbits with markedly different periods because their centers of mass are radially shifted by a few kilometers relative to the parent. The daylight comets of AD 363, recorded by a Roman historian, are accommodated in our computations as the first appearance of the Kreutz sungrazers after their bilobed progenitor's breakup. We link the 1843-1106-363 (Lobe I) and 1882-1138-363 (Lobe II) returns to perihelion by single nongravitational orbits and gravitationally with minor center-of-mass shifts acquired in fragmentation events. We also successfully model the motion of Aristotle's comet as the rotating progenitor that at aphelion split (at a few m/s) into the two lobes, the precursors of, respectively, the 1843 and 1882 sungrazers; and provide a 1963-1041-363 link for comet Pereyra (C/1963 R1). Material fatigue could contribute to sungrazers' fragmentation throughout the orbit, including aphelion. -- Continuing problems with the nongravitational law in orbit software are noted.

Ko Arimatsu, Takafumi Kamizuka

11 pages, 5 figures, ApJL accepted

We present the detectability of strong mid-infrared (MIR) light echoes from faint debris disks illuminated by bright superflares of M-dwarf stars. Circumstellar dust grains around an M-dwarf star are simultaneously heated by superflare radiation. One can thus expect their re-emission in the MIR wavelength regime. According to our model calculations for the Proxima Centauri system, the nearest M-dwarf star system, thermal emission echos from an inner ($r < 1~{\rm au}$) debris disk with a total mass down to that of the solar system's zodiacal dust are expected to emerge at wavelengths longer than $\sim 10~{\rm \mu m}$ with a strength comparable to or greater than a white-light superflare. Also, observable echos from inner- ($r \lesssim 0.5~{\rm au}$) debris disks irradiated by energetic ($\gtrsim 10^{33.5}~{\rm ergs}$) superflares of nearby ($D < 3~{\rm pc}$) M-dwarfs are expected. Our simulation results indicate that superflare monitoring using high-speed optical instruments like OASES and its prompt follow-up using ground-based MIR instruments, such as TAO/MIMIZUKU, can detect these MIR light echoes from debris disks around solar neighborhood flare stars.

Toru Misawa, Rikako Ishimoto, Satoshi Kobu, Nobunari Kashikawa, Katsuya Okoshi, Akatoki Noboriguchi, Malte Schramm, Qiang Liu

17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We aim to find out the reason why there exists an anisotropic HI absorption around quasars; i.e., the environments around quasars are highly biased toward producing strong HI absorption in transverse direction while there exists a significant deficit of HI absorption within a few Mpc of quasars along line-of-sight. The most plausible explanation for this opposite trend is that the transverse direction is shadowed from the quasar UV radiation due to dust torus. However, a critical weakness of this idea is that we have no information on inclination angle of our sightline relative to the torus. In this study, we examine environments of quasars with broad absorption troughs in their spectra (i.e., BAL quasars) because it is widely believed that BAL troughs are observed if the central continuum is viewed from the side through their powerful outflows near the dust torus. With closely separated 12 projected quasar pairs at different redshift with separation angle of $\theta$$<$120$^{\prime\prime}$, we examine HI absorption at foreground BAL quasars in spectra of background quasars. We confirm there exist optically thick gas around two of 12 BAL quasars, and that the mean HI absorption strength is EW$_{\rm rest}$$\sim$1A. These are consistent to the past results around non-BAL quasars, although not statistically significant. However, the origins of optically thick HI absorbers around BAL and non-BAL quasars could be different since their column densities are different by $\sim$3 orders of magnitude. The larger sample would be required for narrowing down possible scenarios for the anisotropic HI absorption around quasars.

L. Bonne, N. Peretto, A. Duarte-Cabral, A. Schmiedeke, N. Schneider, S. Bontemps, A. Whitworth

23 pages, 22 figures, accepted in A&A

We present APEX, infrared and radio continuum observations of the G345.88-1.10 hub filament system which is a newly discovered star-forming cloud that hosts an unusually bright bipolar infrared nebulosity at its centre. At a distance of 2.26$^{+0.30}_{-0.21}$ kpc, G345.88-1.10 exhibits a network of parsec-long converging filaments. At the junction of these filaments lie four infrared-quiet fragments. The densest fragment (with M=210 M$_{\odot}$, R$_{\rm{eff}}=0.14$ pc) sits at the centre of a wide (opening angle of $\sim$ 90$\pm$15$^{o}$) bipolar nebulosity. $^{12}$CO(2-1) observations show that these infrared-bright nebulosities are spatially associated with a powerful molecular outflow from the central fragment. Negligible radio continuum and no H30$\alpha$ emission is detected towards the cavities, seemingly excluding that ionising radiation drives the evolution of the cavities. Furthermore, radiative transfer simulations are unable to reproduce the observed combination of a low-luminosity ($\lesssim$ 500 L$_{\odot}$) central source and a surrounding high-luminosity ($\sim 4000$ L$_{\odot}$) mid-infrared-bright bipolar cavity. This suggests that radiative heating from a central protostar cannot be responsible for the illumination of the outflow cavities. To our knowledge, this is the first reported object of this type. The rarity of objects like G345.88-1.10 is likely related to a very short phase in the massive star and/or cluster formation process that was so far unidentified. We discuss whether mechanical energy deposition by one episode or successive episodes of powerful mass accretion in a collapsing hub might explain the observations. While promising in some aspects, a fully coherent scenario that explains the presence of a luminous bipolar cavity centred on an infrared-dark fragment remains elusive at this point.

R. Kale (1), V. Parekh (2, 3), M. Rahaman (4, 5), D. C. Joshi (1), T. Venturi (6), K. Kolokythas (7), J. O. Chibueze (7, 8), S. Sikhosana (9, 10), D. Pillay (9, 10), K. Knowles (2), ((1) National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India, (2) Centre for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies, Department of Physics and Electronics, Rhodes University, South Africa, (3) South African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO), South Africa, (4) Department of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India, (5) Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, (6) INAF, Istituto di Radioastronomia, Italy, (7) Centre for Space Research, North-West University, South Africa, (8) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nigeria, (9) Astrophysics Research Centre, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, (10) School of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa)

20 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We aim to carry out a radio study of the SoUthern Cluster sCale Extended Source Survey (SUCCESS) sample consisting of twenty massive (M$_{500} > 5\times10^{14}$ M$_{\odot}$), nearby (redshift $<0.3$) and southern ($-50^{\circ} < \delta < -30^\circ$) galaxy clusters detected by the Planck satellite and the South Pole Telescope. Here we report targeted GMRT observations (325/610 MHz) for a sub-sample of nine clusters. We also use the first data release of MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey (1283 MHz) for five of these nine clusters. The properties of the mini-halo in RXC J0528.9-3927, a candidate mini-halo in A3322, the radio halo and candidate double relics in A3399, and the radio halo in RXC J0232.2-4420 are presented. We also report detection of candidate radio relics at distances 1 and 1.9 Mpc from the center of RXC J0232.2-4420. The southeast relic of A3399 is consistent with the radio power - mass scaling relation for radio relics, while the candidate relics around RXC J0232.2-4420 are outliers. This indicates an origin of the candidate relics near RXC J0232.2-4420 to be independent of this cluster and a cluster merger-shock origin for the relic in A3399. In this sub-sample of clusters 1/9 hosts a radio halo and double relics, 1/9 hosts a radio halo and 2/9 host mini-halos. The dynamical states based on X-ray morphology show that A3399 is a disturbed cluster; however, the radio halo cluster RXC J0232.2-4420 is relaxed, and the mini-halo clusters have intermediate morphologies, adding to the cases of the less commonly found associations.

Yang-Bo Xu (1), Li-Yong Zhou (1), Hejiu Hui (2), Jian-Yang Li (3) ((1) School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, (2) School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University, (3) Planetary Science Institute, USA)

Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics, 11 pages, 12 figures

The Yarkovsky effect plays an important role in the motions of small celestial bodies. Increasingly improving observations bring the need of high-accuracy modelling of the effect. Using a multiphysics software COMSOL, we model the diurnal Yarkovsky effect in three dimensions and compare the results with that derived from the widely adopted theoretical linear model. We find that the linear model presents a high accuracy for spherical asteroids in most cases. The ranges of parameters in which the relative error of the linear model is over 10\% are explored. For biaxial ellipsoidal asteroids (particularly oblate ones), the linear model systematically overestimates the transverse Yarkovsky force by $\sim$10\%. The diurnal effect on triaxial ellipsoids is periodic for which no linear model is available. Our numerical calculations show that the average effects on triaxial ellipsoids are stronger than that on biaxial ellipsoids. We also investigate the diurnal effect on asteroids of real shapes and find it be overestimated by the linear model averagely by 16\%, with a maximum up to 35\%. To estimate the strength of Yarkovsky effect directly from the shape, we introduce a quantity "effective area" for asteroids of any shapes, and find a significant linear relationship between the Yarkovsky migration rate and the effective area. This brings great convenience to the estimation in practice.

Gravitational particle production is a minimal contribution to reheating the Universe after the end of inflation. To study this production channel, two different approaches have commonly been considered, one of which is based on the Boltzmann equation, and the other is based on the Bogoliubov transformation. Each of these has pros and cons in practice. The collision term in the Boltzmann equation can be computed based on quantum field theory in the Minkowski spacetime, and thus many techniques have been developed so far. On the other hand, the Bogoliubov approach may deal with the particle production beyond the perturbation theory and is able to take into account the effect of the curved spacetime, whereas in many cases one should rely on numerical methods, such as lattice computation. We show by explicit numerical and analytical computations of the purely gravitational production of a scalar that these two approaches give consistent results for particle production with large momenta during reheating, whereas the Boltzmann approach is not capable of computing particle production out of vacuum during inflation. We also provide analytic approximations of the spectrum of produced scalar with/without mass for the low momentum regime obtained from the Bogoliubov approach.

P. Abreu, M. Aglietta, J.M. Albury, I. Allekotte, K. Almeida Cheminant, A. Almela, J. Alvarez-Muñiz, R. Alves Batista, J. Ammerman Yebra, G.A. Anastasi, L. Anchordoqui, B. Andrada, S. Andringa, C. Aramo, P.R. Araújo Ferreira, E. Arnone, J. C. Arteaga Velázquez, H. Asorey, P. Assis, G. Avila, E. Avocone, A.M. Badescu, A. Bakalova, A. Balaceanu, F. Barbato, J.A. Bellido, C. Berat, M.E. Bertaina, G. Bhatta, P.L. Biermann, V. Binet, K. Bismark, T. Bister, J. Biteau, J. Blazek, C. Bleve, J. Blümer, M. Boháčová, D. Boncioli, C. Bonifazi, L. Bonneau Arbeletche, N. Borodai, A.M. Botti, J. Brack, T. Bretz, P.G. Brichetto Orchera, F.L. Briechle, P. Buchholz, A. Bueno, S. Buitink, M. Buscemi, M. Büsken, et al. (323 additional authors not shown)

Proceedings of VHEPU 56th Rencontres de Moriond 2022

The development of an extensive air shower depends not only on the nature of the primary ultra-high-energy cosmic ray but also on the properties of the hadronic interactions. For energies above those achievable in human-made accelerators, hadronic interactions are only accessible through the studies of extensive air showers, which can be measured at the Pierre Auger Observatory. With its hybrid detector design, the Pierre Auger Observatory measures both the longitudinal development of showers in the atmosphere and the lateral distribution of particles that arrive at the ground. This way, observables that are sensitive to hadronic interactions at ultra-high energies can be obtained. While the hadronic interaction cross-section can be assessed from the longitudinal profiles, the number of muons and their fluctuations measured with the ground detectors are linked to other physical properties. In addition to these direct studies, we discuss here how measurements of the atmospheric depth of the maximum of air-shower profiles and the characteristics of the muon signal at the ground can be used to test the self-consistency of the post-LHC hadronic models.

Andrealuna Pizzetti, Nuria Torres-Alba, Stefano Marchesi, Marco Ajello, Ross Silver, Xiurui Zhao

Re-submitted to ApJ after minor reviews

Active galactic nuclei (AGN) are powered by accreting supermassive black holes, surrounded by a torus of obscuring material. Recent studies have shown how the torus structure, formerly thought to be homogeneous, appears to be 'patchy': the detection of variability in the line-of-sight hydrogen column density, in fact, matches the description of an obscurer with a complex structure made of clouds with different column density. In this work, we perform a multi-epoch analysis of the X-ray spectra of the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 7479 in order to estimate its torus properties, such as the average column density and the covering factor. The measurement of the line-of-sight hydrogen column density variability of the torus allows us to obtain an upper limit on the cloud distance from the central engine. In addition, using the X-ray luminosity of the source, we estimate the Eddington ratio to be in a range of Edd=0.04-0.05 over all epochs.

Matthew Raymond Gent, Phillip Eitner, Chervin F. P. Laporte, Aldo Serenelli, Sergey E. Koposov, Maria Bergemann

10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to A&A

One of main open questions in the evolution of the Milky Way is the origin of the chemically bi-modal structure of the Galactic disc. Is the bi-modality a manifestation of two populations with a distinct origin? Did these populations co-evolve? Or did the thick disc form before the thin disc, as contemporary chemical evolution models predict. Our goal is to investigate in detail the chemical, temporal, and kinematical structure of the alpha-poor and alpha-rich populations in the Galactic disc. We employ the medium-resolution spectra from the Gaia-ESO large spectroscopic survey, as well as Gaia EDR3 astrometry and photometry. The stellar parameters and chemical abundances are determined using Non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (NLTE) models of synthetic spectra. Ages are computed for a large sample of subgiants using GARSTEC evolutionary tracks. We find a bi-modality in the [$\alpha$/Fe] distributions in the local volume. These distributions are characterised by well defined trends in the space of age- and kinematic (V$_\phi$). We present a significant detection of the metal-poor, down to [Fe/H] $\sim -1$ and [$\alpha$/Fe]-poor component with age of up $\sim$ 10 Gyr. The trend is slightly different for the [$\alpha$/Fe]-rich component, which also spans the entire range of ages from a few to 13 Gyr. However, it is clear that both formed coevally and evolved in parallel.

Jun Yang (1), Xiaolong Yang (2), Joan M. Wrobel (3), Zsolt Paragi (4), Leonid I. Gurvits (4 and 5), Luis C. Ho (6 and 7), Kristina Nyland (8), Lulu Fan (9), Daniel Tafoya (1) ((1) Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, (2) Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China, (3) National Radio Astronomy Observatory, USA, (4) Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC, Netherlands, (5) Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, (6) Kavli Institute for Atronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, China, (7) Department of Astronomy, Peking University, China, (8) U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, (9) University of Science and Technology of China)

10 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

NGC 4395 is a dwarf galaxy at a distance of about 4.3 Mpc (scale: ~0.021 pc mas$^{-1}$). It hosts an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) with a mass between ~10$^4$ and ~10$^5$ solar masses. The early radio observations of NGC 4395 with the very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) network, High Sensitivity Array (HSA), at 1.4 GHz in 2005 showed that its nucleus has a sub-mJy outflow-like feature (E) extending over 15 mas. To probe the possibility of the feature E as a continuous jet with a base physically coupled with the accretion disc, we performed deep VLBI observations with the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 5 GHz, and analysed the archival data obtained with the HSA at 1.4 GHz in 2008, NSF's Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) at 12-18 GHz and the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) at 237 GHz. The feature E displays more diffuse structure in the HSA image of 2008 and has no compact substructure detected in the EVN image. Together with the optically thin steep spectrum and the extremely large angular offset (about 220 mas) from the accurate optical Gaia position, we explain the feature E as nuclear shocks likely formed by the IMBH's episodic ejection or wide-angle outflow. The VLA and ALMA observations find a sub-mJy pc-scale diffuse feature, possibly tracing a thermal free-free emission region near the IMBH. There is no detection of a jet base at the IMBH position in the VLBI maps. The non-detections give an extremely low luminosity of <=4.7 x 10$^{33}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at 5 GHz and indicate no evidence of a disc-jet coupling on sub-pc scales.

M. Wezgowiec, R. Beck, M. Hanasz, M. Soida, M. Ehle, R.-J. Dettmar, M. Urbanik

16 pages, 10 figures, 11 tables. Accepted to A&A

Studies of nearby spiral galaxies in radio and X-ray wavelengths reveal the structure and energy balance of the magnetic fields and the hot interstellar medium (ISM). In some spiral galaxies, large-scale ordered magnetic fields have been found between the spiral stellar arms (the so-called magnetic arms). One of the considered explanations of their origin is magnetic reconnection, which according to theoretical studies can efficiently heat the low-density ISM. We present, for the first time, high-resolution C-band (5GHz) radio maps of the nearby face-on spiral galaxy M101 to study the magnetic fields and verify the existence of the magnetic arms. The analysis of the archival XMM-Newton X-ray data is performed to search for signatures of gas heating by magnetic reconnection effects in the disk and the halo of this galaxy. We combine the Very Large Array (VLA) and Effelsberg radio maps of M101 to restore the large-scale emission lost in the interferometric observations. From the obtained maps, we derive magnetic field strengths and energy densities, and compare them with the properties of the hot gas found with the spectral analysis of the X-ray data. Most of the X-ray emission likely comes from the hot gas in the halo of M101. Its temperature is highest above the massive stellar arm and an inter-arm region with enhanced polarised radio emission, as well as in the inter-arm area where neither Halpha nor HI emission is visible. In regions outside of the spiral arms lower strengths, energy densities and higher orders of the magnetic fields were observed. Although M101 does not possess well-defined magnetic arms, a rudimentary magnetic arm was identified in one of the inter-arm regions. We found weak signatures of additional heating of the ISM there, as well as in the galactic halo, which could be explained by the action of magnetic reconnection.

Y. Frémat, F. Royer, O. Marchal, R. Blomme, P. Sartoretti, A. Guerrier, P. Panuzzo, D. Katz, G. M. Seabroke, F. Thévenin, M. Cropper, K. Benson, Y. Damerdji, R. Haigron, A. Lobel, M. Smith, S.G. Baker, L. Chemin, M. David, C. Dolding, E. Gosset, K. Janßen, G. Jasniewicz, G. Plum, N. Samaras, O. Snaith, C. Soubiran, O. Vanel, J. Zorec, T. Zwitter, N. Brouillet, E. Caffau, F. Crifo, C. Fabre, F. Fragkoudi, H.E. Huckle, Y. Lasne, N. Leclerc, A. Mastrobuono-Battisti, A. Jean-Antoine Piccolo, Y. Viala

19 pages, 17 figures, see this https URL Paper resubmitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics on 22th June 2022

The third release of the Gaia catalogue contains the radial velocities for 33,812,183 stars having effective temperatures ranging from 3100 K to 14,500 K. The measurements are based on the comparison of the observed RVS spectrum (wavelength coverage: 846--870 nm, median resolving power: 11,500) to synthetic data broadened to the adequate Along-Scan Line Spread Function. The additional line-broadening, fitted as it would only be due to axial rotation, is also produced by the pipeline and is available in the catalogue (field name gaia_source:vbroad). To describe the properties of the line-broadening information extracted from the RVS and published in the catalogue, as well as to analyse the limitations imposed by the adopted method, wavelength range, and instrument. We use simulations to express the link existing between the line broadening measurement provided in Gaia Data Release 3 and Vsin(i). We then compare the observed values to the measurements published by various catalogues and surveys (GALAH, APOGEE, LAMOST, ...). While we recommend being cautious in the interpretation of the vbroad measurement, we also find a reasonable global agreement between the Gaia Data Release 3 line broadening values and those found in the other catalogues. We discuss and establish the validity domain of the published vbroad values. The estimate tends to be overestimated at the lower vsini end, and at $T_\mathrm{eff}>7500\,\mathrm{K}$ its quality and significance degrade rapidly when $G_\mathrm{RVS}>10$. Despite all the known and reported limitations, the Gaia Data Release 3 line broadening catalogue contains the measurements obtained for 3,524,677 stars with $T_\mathrm{eff}$\ ranging from 3500 to 14,500 K, and $G_\mathrm{RVS}<12$. It gathers the largest stellar sample ever considered for the purpose, and allows a first mapping of the \Gaia\ line broadening parameter across the HR diagram.

Phase correlations are an efficient way to extract astrophysical information that is largely independent from the power spectrum. We develop an estimator for the line correlation function (LCF) of projected fields, given by the correlation between the harmonic-space phases at three equidistant points on a great circle. We make a first, 6.5$\sigma$ measurement of phase correlations on data from the 2MPZ survey. Finally, we show that the LCF can significantly improve constraints on parameters describing the galaxy-halo connection that are typically degenerate using only two-point data.

Mattias Ergon, Claes Fransson

Accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysics

We use the new NLTE lightcurve and spectral synthesis code JEKYLL to evolve a macroscopically mixed ejecta model of a type IIb Supernova (SN) originating from a star with an initial mass of 12 solar masses through the photospheric and nebular phase. We compare to SN 2011dh, and find that both the spectra and the lightcurves are well reproduced. Our work further strengthens the evidence that this SN originated from a star with an initial mass of about 12 solar masses that had lost all but tiny (<0.1 solar masses) fraction of its hydrogen envelope. We also investigate the effects of the macroscopic mixing by comparing macroscopically and microscopically mixed models, and by varying the clumping geometry. In the photospheric phase, we find strong effects on the effective opacity in the macroscopically mixed regions, which affects the model lightcurves. The diffusion peak is considerably narrower in the macroscopically mixed case, and differs strongly if the radioactive material in the helium envelope is allowed to expand more than in our standard model. The effect is mainly geometrical, and is driven by the expansion of the clumps containing radioactive material. These findings has implications for lightcurve modelling of stripped-envelope SNe in general, and the effect would increase the estimated ejecta masses. In the nebular phase, we find strong effects on the collisional cooling rates in the macroscopically mixed regions, which affects lines driven by collisional cooling, in particular the [Ca II] 7291, 7323 and [O I] 6300, 6364 lines. As these lines are often used for mass determinations, it highlights the importance of how the calcium- and oxygen-rich material is mixed. As shown in this and earlier work, both NLTE and macroscopic mixing are essential ingredients to accurately model the lightcurves and spectra of Type IIb SNe throughout their evolution.

Ali Taani, Juan C. Vallejo, Mohammed Abu-Saleem

In press (Journal of High Energy Astrophysics)

The dynamical characterization of the Millisecond Pulsar (MSP) parameters is a key issue in understanding these systems. We present an analytical analysis of the orbital parameters of binary MSPs with long periods (Porb > 2 d) and circular (e < 0.1) orbits, produced by an asymmetric kick model imparted during the Accretion Induced Collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs process. It turns out that the distribution of orbits peaks up to P_orb;f < 90 d with strong circularization. Considering the different assumptions about the distribution of companions He stars 3M< Mcom < 5M, the binary will affect the setups of the balance condition of minimum energy. Our analytical approach is just the first approach to the more complete models required for describing all binary parameters after an asymmetric kick. Therefore, we have also run some numerical simulations in order to compare their results with the analytical studies. We aim to initiate the first exploration of the full complexity of the problem, when combining a variable kick time and a variable kick vector direction. Indeed, the numerical simulations show patterns resembling the complex behavior found in chaotic scattering problems. Although we deal with a deterministic problem and bounded orbits, the regular characteristic orbits are found in more realistic phases during the AIC process. In addition, the overall process can show complex behaviors strongly associated with the internal kick mechanisms. This would lead us to identify the nature of regular orbits and their orbital morphology.

Piotr A. Dybczyński, Filip Berski, Jakub Tokarek, Edyta Podlewska-Gaca, Krzysztof Langner, Przemysław Bartczak

12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Context. In 2020, the initial version of the Stellar Potential Perturbers Database (StePPeD) was presented with the aim to deliver up-to-date information on the stars and stellar systems that may perturb a long-period comet motion. We used the minimal distance between a star and the Sun as a selecting tool when compiling a list of interesting objects with close encounters with the Solar System, and our selection for that study was based on Gaia DR2 data. Aims. When the Gaia EDR3 data release was published, it became necessary to update this database. Additionally, we performed Monte Carlo simulations to obtain uncertainties on the parameters of the closest approach to the Sun of each object. Methods. We recalculated the close approach parameters of all stars in the previous StePPeD release, which resulted in removing approximately one-third of the total. Then we searched for new candidates in the whole Gaia EDR3 catalogue. We also take into account the duplicity of the found stars and additionally searched for double stars passing near the Sun which had been overlooked in previous papers. We also found the necessary mass estimates for new objects and updated this information for previously selected stars. Results. After a careful checking of all the collected data, we composed a new list of 155 potential stellar perturbers of the long-period comet motion. We applied a new threshold of 2 pc for the minimum star-Sun distance. This list consists of 146 single stars and nine multiple systems. For each object, we also estimated the uncertainty of the parameters of their closest approach to the Sun. Among these stars, we found a new potential strong past perturber, HD 7977, and confirmed the plausibility of a similar action on the part of Gliese 710 in the future.

TZ Fornacis is a double-lined eclipsing binary system with similar masses (2.057$\pm$0.001 and 1.958$\pm$0.001 $M_{\odot}$) but characterized by very different radii (8.28$\pm$0.22 and 3.94$\pm$0.17 $R_{\odot}$). This similarity in terms of mass makes it possible to study the system's differential stellar evolution as well as some aspects of its tidal evolution. With regard to its orbital elements, it was recently confirmed that its orbit is circular with an orbital period of 75.7 days. The less massive component rotates about 17 times faster than the primary one, which is synchronized with the mean orbital angular velocity. Our main objective in this work is to study both the nuclear and the tidal evolution of the system. We explored two scenarios regarding the initial eccentricities: a high one (0.30) and a case of an initial circular orbit. A good agreement has been found between the observational values of the eccentricity, synchronism levels, and orbital period with the values predicted by the integration of the tidal evolution equations. The influence of the friction timescale on the evolution of the orbital elements of TZ For is also studied here. The orbital elements most affected by the uncertainties in the friction timescale are the synchronism levels of the two components. On the other hand, we used the properties of the rotating models generated by the GRANADA code as the initial angular velocities instead of using trial values. In this case, comparisons between the theoretical values of the orbital elements and their observed counterparts also lead to a good interagreement.

K. Lind, T. Nordlander, A. Wehrhahn, M. Montelius, Y. Osorio, P. S. Barklem, M. Afsar, C. Sneden, C. Kobayashi

12 pages main text, 7 figures, 14 pages appendix. Accepted for publication in A&A

It is well known that cool star atmospheres depart from local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE). Accurate abundance determination requires taking those effects into account, but the necessary non-LTE calculations are often lacking. Our goal is to provide detailed estimates of NLTE effects for FGK type stars for all spectral lines from the ultraviolet to the infrared that are potentially useful as abundance diagnostics. The first paper in this series focusses on the light elements Na, Mg and Al. The code PySME is used to compute curves-of-growth for 2158 MARCS model atmospheres in a wide parameter range. Nine abundance points are used to construct individual line curves-of-growth by calculating the equivalent widths of 35 Na lines, 134 Mg lines, and 34 Al lines. The lines are selected from the ultra-violet to the near infrared wavelength range. We demonstrate the power of the new grids with LTE and NLTE abundance analysis by means of equivalent width measurements of five benchmark stars; the Sun, Arcturus, HD84937, HD140283 and HD122563. For Na, the NLTE abundances are lower than in LTE and show markedly reduced line-to-line scatter in the metal-poor stars. For Mg, we confirm previous reports of a significant 0.25 dex LTE ionization imbalance in metal-poor stars that is only slightly improved in NLTE (0.18 dex). LTE abundances based on Mg II lines agree better with models of Galactic chemical evolution. For Al, NLTE calculations strongly reduce a 0.6 dex ionization imbalance seen in LTE for the metal-poor stars. The abundance corrections presented in this work are in good agreement with previous studies for the subset of lines that overlap, except for strongly saturated lines.

S. Marino, G. Cataldi, M. R. Jankovic, L. Matrà, M. C. Wyatt

Accepted for publication in MNRAS (18 pages, 14 figures)

Bright debris discs can contain large amounts of CO gas. This gas was thought to be a protoplanetary remnant until it was recently shown that it could be released in collisions of volatile-rich solids. As CO is released, interstellar UV radiation photodissociates CO producing CI, which can shield CO allowing a large CO mass to accumulate. However, this picture was challenged because CI is inefficient at shielding if CO and CI are vertically mixed. Here, we study for the first time the vertical evolution of gas to determine how vertical mixing affects the efficiency of shielding by CI. We present a 1D model that accounts for gas release, photodissociation, ionisation, viscous evolution, and vertical mixing due to turbulent diffusion. We find that if the gas surface density is high and the vertical diffusion weak ($\alpha_{\rm v}/\alpha<[H/r]^2$) CO photodissociates high above the midplane, forming an optically thick CI layer that shields the CO underneath. Conversely, if diffusion is strong ($\alpha_{\rm v}/\alpha>[H/r]^2$) CI and CO become well mixed, shortening the CO lifetime. Moreover, diffusion could also limit the amount of dust settling. High-resolution ALMA observations could resolve the vertical distribution of CO and CI, and thus constrain vertical mixing and the efficiency of CI shielding. We also find that the CO and CI scale heights may not be good probes of the mean molecular weight, and thus composition, of the gas. Finally, we show that if mixing is strong the CO lifetime might not be long enough for CO to spread interior to the planetesimal belt where gas is produced.

The motion of faint propagating disturbances (PD) in the solar corona reveals an intricate structure which must be defined by the magnetic field. Applied to quiet Sun observations by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)/Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), a novel method reveals a cellular network, with cells of typical diameters 50\arcsec\ in the cool 304\AA\ channel, and 100\arcsec\ in the coronal 193\AA\ channel. The 193\AA\ cells can overlie several 304\AA\ cells, although both channels share common source and sink regions. The sources are points, or narrow corridors, of divergence that occupy the centres of cells. They are significantly aligned with photospheric network features and enhanced magnetic elements. This shows that the bright network is important to the production of PDs, and confirms that the network is host to the source footpoint of quiet coronal loops. The other footpoint, or the sinks of the PDs, form the boundaries of the coronal cells. These are not significantly aligned with the photospheric network - they are generally situated above the dark internetwork photosphere. They form compact points or corridors, often without an obvious signature in the underlying photosphere. We argue that these sink points can either be concentrations of closed field footpoints associated with minor magnetic elements in the internetwork, or concentrations of upward-aligned open field. The link between the coronal velocity and magnetic fields is strengthened by a comparison with a magnetic extrapolation, which shows several general and specific similarities, thus the velocity maps offer a valuable additional constraint on models.

Om Sharan Salafia, Giancarlo Ghirlanda

Review article, to be included in the "Gamma-ray burst science in 2030" special issue of Galaxies. Comments are welcome!

Due to relativistic bulk motion, the structure and orientation of gamma-ray burst jets have a fundamental role in determining how they appear. The recent discovery of the GW170817 binary neutron star merger and the associated GRB boosted the interest in the modelling and search of signatures of the presence of a (possibly quasi-universal) jet structure in long and short GRBs. In this review, following a pedagogical approach, we summarize the history of GRB jet structure research over the last two decades, from the inception of the idea of a universal jet structure to the current understanding of the complex processes that shape the structure, that involve the central engine that powers the jet and the interaction of the latter with the progenitor vestige. We put some emphasis on the observable imprints of jet structure on prompt and afterglow emission and on the luminosity function, favoring intuitive reasoning over technical explanations.

Light escaping from a gravitational potential suffers a redshift with magnitude proportional to the depth of the potential. This "gravitational redshift" is easily measurable in dense stars such as white dwarfs, but is much weaker and has evaded unambiguous detection in main-sequence stars. I show that the effect is directly measurable in the Gaia DR3 radial velocities (RVs) of the components of wide binary stars. In a sample of $\sim$500 wide binaries containing a solar-type main-sequence star and a red giant or red clump companion, the apparent RV of the giant is on average $0.49 \pm 0.02 \,\, \rm km\,s^{-1}$ lower than that of the main-sequence star. This owes primarily to the giants' weaker gravitational fields and is in reasonably good agreement with the value expected from general relativity.

Limb darkening is an important stellar phenomenon and must be accounted for in the study of stellar spectra, eclipsing binaries, transiting planetary systems, and microlensing events. The power-2 limb-darkening law provides a good match to the specific intensities predicted by stellar atmosphere models: it is better than other two-parameter laws and is only surpassed by the four-parameter law. Predictions of the limb-darkening coefficients for the power-2 law are not widely available. We therefore compute them, using stellar atmosphere models generated by the ATLAS (plane-parallel) code. Limb-darkening coefficients were computed for the space missions Gaia, Kepler, and TESS as well as for the photometric systems uvby, UBVRIJHK, and SDSS ugriz.The calculations were performed by adopting the Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimisation method and were computed with a resolution of 100 equally spaced viewing angles. We used 9586 model atmospheres covering 19 metallicities, effective temperatures of 3500 to 50000 K, log g values from 0.0 to 5.0, and microturbulent velocities of 0, 1, 2, 4, and 8 km. We confirm the superiority of the power-2 law, in terms of the quality of the fits, over other two-parameter laws. This is particularly relevant for the quadratic law, which is widely used. We recommend the use of the power-2 law in cases where a two-parameter law is needed.

Marc Klinger (1), Donggeun Tak (1), Andrew Taylor (1), Sylvia J. Zhu (1) ((1) Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Platanenallee 6, Germany)

Multiwavelength observation of the gamma-ray burst, GRB 190114C, opens a new window for studying the emission mechanism of GRB afterglows. Its Very-High-Energy (VHE; $\gtrsim 100$ GeV) detection has motivated an inverse Compton interpretation for the emission, but this has not been tested. Here, we revisit the early afterglow emission from 68 to 180 seconds and perform the modeling likelihood analysis with the keV to TeV datasets. We compute for the first time the statistical preference in the combined synchrotron (syn) and synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model over the syn-only model. In agreement with earlier analyses, between 68 and 110 seconds an unstable preference for the SSC model can be found, which can also be explained by systematic cross calibration effect between the included instruments. We conclude that there is no stable statistical preference for one of the two models.

Giulia De Somma, Marcella Marconi, Roberto Molinaro, Vincenzo Ripepi, Silvio Leccia, Ilaria Musella

78 pages, 35 tables, 25 figures. Accepted for publication on ApJ Supplement

To properly quantify possible residual systematic errors affecting the Classical Cepheid distance scale, a detailed theoretical scenario is recommended. By extending the set of nonlinear convective pulsation models published for $Z=0.02$ \citep[][]{Desomma2020a} to $Z=0.004$, $Z=0.008$ and $Z=0.03$, we provide a detailed homogeneous nonlinear model grid taking into account simultaneous variations of the mass-luminosity relation, the efficiency of super-adiabatic convection and the chemical composition. The dependence of the inferred Period-Radius, Period-Mass-Radius, and Period-Mass-Luminosity-Temperature relations on the input parameters is discussed for both the Fundamental and First Overtone modes. The trend of the instability strip getting redder as the metallicity increases is confirmed for the additional ML assumptions and mixing length values. From the obtained multi-filter light curves, we derive mean magnitudes and colors and in turn Period-Luminosity-Color and Period-Wesenheit relations for each assumed chemical composition, mass-luminosity relation and efficiency of super-adiabatic convection. Application to a well-studied sample of Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud allows us to constrain the dependence of the inferred distance modulus on the assumed mass-luminosity relation, and the inclusion of the metallicity term in the derivation of Period-Wesenheit relations allows us, for each assumed mass-luminosity relation, to predict the metallicity dependence of the Cepheid distance scale. The obtained metal-dependent Period-Wesenheit relations are compared with recent results in the literature and applied to a sample of Gaia Early Data Release 3 Galactic Cepheids with known metal abundances to derive individual parallaxes. The comparison of these predictions with Gaia results is finally discussed.

Ross O'Donoghue, Serena Viti, Marco Padovani, Tomas James

19 pages, 7 tables, 7 figures

Cosmic rays are crucial for the chemistry of molecular clouds and their evolution. They provide essential ionizations, dissociations, heating and energy to the cold, dense cores. As cosmic rays pierce through the clouds they are attenuated and lose energy, which leads to a dependency on the column density of a system. The detailed effects these particles have on the central regions still needs to be fully understood. Here, we revisit how cosmic rays are treated in the UCLCHEM chemical modeling code by including both ionization rate and H2 dissociation rate dependencies alongside the production of cosmic ray induced excited species and we study in detail the effects of these treatments on the chemistry of pre-stellar cores. We find that these treatments can have significant effects on chemical abundances, up to several orders of magnitude, depending on physical conditions. The ionization dependency is the most significant treatment, influencing chemical abundances through increased presence of ionized species, grain desorptions and enhanced chemical reactions. Comparisons to chemical abundances derived from observations show the new treatments reproduce these observations better than the standard handling. It is clear that more advanced treatments of cosmic rays are essential to chemical models and that including this type of dependency provides more accurate chemical representations.

Laura A. Busch, Arnaud Belloche, Robin T. Garrod, Holger S. P. Müller, Karl M. Menten

Accepted for publication in A&A

Using the high angular resolution provided by the ALMA interferometre we want to resolve the COM emission in the hot molecular core Sagittarius B2(N1) and thereby shed light on the desorption process of Complex Organic Molecules (COMs) in hot cores. We use data taken as part of the 3 mm spectral line survey Re-exploring Molecular Complexity with ALMA (ReMoCA) to investigate the morphology of COM emission in Sagittarius B2(N1). Spectra of ten COMs are modelled under the assumption of LTE and population diagrams are derived for positions at various distances to the south and west from the continuum peak. Based on this analysis, resolved COM rotation temperature and COM abundance profiles are derived. Based on the morphology, a rough separation into O- and N-bearing COMs can be done. Temperature profiles are in agreement with expectations of protostellar heating of an envelope with optically thick dust. Abundance profiles reflect a similar trend as seen in the morphology and, to a great extent, agree with results of astrochemical models that, besides the co-desorption with water, predict that O-bearing COMs are mainly formed on dust grain surfaces at low temperatures while at least some N-bearing COMs and CH$_3$CHO are substantially formed in the gas phase at higher temperatures. Our observational results, in comparison with model predictions, suggest that COMs that are exclusively or to a great extent formed on dust grains desorb thermally at ~100 K from the grain surface likely alongside water. Non-zero abundance values below ~100 K suggest that another desorption process is at work at these low temperatures: either non-thermal desorption or partial thermal desorption related to lower binding energies experienced by COMs in the outer, water-poor ice layers. In either case, this is the first time that the transition between two regimes of COM desorption has been resolved in a hot core.

Joseph H.P. Jackson, Hooshyar Assadullahi, Kazuya Koyama, Vincent Vennin, David Wands

21+13 pages, 11 figures. Github: this https URL

We show how importance sampling can be used to reconstruct the statistics of rare cosmological fluctuations in stochastic inflation. We have developed a publicly available package, PyFPT, that solves the first-passage time problem of generic one-dimensional Langevin processes. In the stochastic-$\delta N$ formalism, these are related to the curvature perturbation at the end of inflation. We apply this method to quadratic inflation, where the existence of semi-analytical results allows us to benchmark our approach. We find excellent agreement within the estimated statistical error, both in the drift- and diffusion-dominated regimes. The computation takes at most a few hours on a single CPU, and can reach probability values corresponding to less than one Hubble patch per observable universe at the end of inflation. With direct sampling, this would take more than the age of the universe to simulate even with the best current supercomputers. As an application, we study how the presence of large-field boundaries might affect the tail of the probability distribution. We also find that non-perturbative deviations from Gaussianity are not always of the simple exponential type.

Molly K. Finn, Remy Indebetouw, Kelsey E. Johnson, Allison H. Costa, C.-H. Rosie Chen, Akiko Kawamura, Toshikazu Onishi, Jürgen Ott, Marta Sewiło, Kazuki Tokuda, Tony Wong, Sarolta Zahorecz

18 pages, 17 figures, accepted to AJ

We present a comparison of low-J 13CO and CS observations of four different regions in the LMC -- the quiescent Molecular Ridge, 30 Doradus, N159, and N113, all at a resolution of $\sim3$ pc. The regions 30 Dor, N159, and N113 are actively forming massive stars, while the Molecular Ridge is forming almost no massive stars, despite its large reservoir of molecular gas and proximity to N159 and 30 Dor. We segment the emission from each region into hierarchical structures using dendrograms and analyze the sizes, masses, and linewidths of these structures. We find that the Ridge has significantly lower kinetic energy at a given size scale and also lower surface densities than the other regions, resulting in higher virial parameters. This suggests that the Ridge is not forming massive stars as actively as the other regions because it has less dense gas and not because collapse is suppressed by excess kinetic energy. We also find that these physical conditions and energy balance vary significantly within the Ridge and that this variation appears only weakly correlated with distance from sites of massive star formation such as R136 in 30 Dor, which is $\sim1$ kpc away. These variations also show only a weak correlation with local star formation activity within the clouds.

Emma Dodd, Thomas M. Callingham, Amina Helmi, Tadafumi Matsuno, Tomas Ruiz-Lara, Eduardo Balbinot, Sofie Lovdal

The debris from past merger events is expected and, to some extent, known to populate the stellar halo near the Sun. We aim to identify and characterise such merger debris using Gaia DR3 data supplemented by metallicity and chemical abundance information from LAMOST LRS and APOGEE for halo stars within 2.5 kpc from the Sun. We utilise a single linkage-based clustering algorithm to identify over-densities in Integrals of Motion space that could be due to merger debris. Combined with metallicity information and chemical abundances, we characterise these statistically significant over-densities. We find that the local stellar halo contains 8 main dynamical groups, some of in-situ and some of accreted origin, most of which are already known. We report the discovery of a new substructure, which we name ED-1. In addition, we find evidence for 9 independent smaller clumps, 4 of which are new: ED-2, 3, 4 and 5 are typically rather tight dynamically, depict a small range of metallicities, and their abundances when available, as well as their location in Integrals of Motion space suggest an accreted origin.

A formalism to describe the false-vacuum decay in non-perturbative regimes was proposed recently. Here, we extend it to the presence of Einstein gravity and calculate the corresponding effective potential and decay rate for a $\lambda \phi^4$ scalar field theory. A comparison with the usual perturbative decay rate shows that the higher the coupling $\lambda$, the greater the decay probability. From the running of the self-interaction coupling, we conclude that the theory becomes weakly coupled in the infrared limit, which proves that Einstein gravity made the weak coupling approximation even more reliable as the universe cooled down. We comment on future applications of these results to cosmological phase transitions, gravitational-wave astronomy, and condensed matter systems.

One of the leading mechanisms powering relativistic black hole jets is the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) process. Inspired by its success we construct energy extracting models for black holes in five space-time dimensions. Here, we find solutions to the force-free electrodynamic equations representing plasma-magnetospheres for slowly rotating Myers-Perry black holes. Both, energy and angular momentum fluxes are computed for these solutions realizing power extraction from black holes in higher dimensions. Comparisons of the main features of the five-dimensional BZ models with lower four-dimensional counterparts are discussed.

Anish Ghoshal, Gaetano Lambiase, Supratik Pal, Arnab Paul, Shiladitya Porey

39 pages, 18 figures

We investigate for viable models of inflation that can successfully produce dark matter (DM) from inflaton decay process, satisfying all the constraints from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) and from some other observations. In particular, we analyze near-inflection-point small field inflationary scenario with non-thermal production of fermionic DM from the decaying inflaton field during the reheating era. To this end, we propose two different models of inflation with polynomial potential. The potential of Model I contains terms proportional to linear, quadratic, and quartic in inflaton; whereas in Model II, the potential contains only even power of inflaton and the highest term is sextic in inflaton. For both the models, we find out possible constraints on the model parameters which lead to proper inflationary parameters from CMB data with a very small tensor-to-scalar ratio, as expected from a small-field model. With the allowed parameter space from CMB, we then search for satisfactory relic abundance for DM, that can be produced from inflaton via reheating, to match with the present-day cold dark matter (CDM) relic density for the parameter spaces of the DM $\chi$ mass and Yukawa couplings in the range $10^{-9} \gtrsim y_{\chi} \gtrsim 10^{-15}$ and $10^3 \text{GeV} \lesssim m_{\chi} \lesssim 10^9 \text{GeV}$. The DM relic is associated with the inflection-points in each model via maximum temperature reached in the early universe during its production. Finally, we find out allowed parameter space coming out of combined constraints from stability analysis for both SM Higgs and DM decays from inflaton as well as from BBN and Lyman-$\alpha$ bounds.

We reconsidered the anomalies or extra disturbances in gravitational reference sensors (GRS), that would possibly take place in the science operations of the LISA and the LISA-like Taiji missions. The set of time delay interferometer channels $P^{(N)}_i$ are suggested in this work to sufficiently suppress such GRS position noises of the $ith$ spacecraft. Given the optimal orbits, we proved that the suppression factor could reach $10^{-5}\sim 10^{-3}$ in the sensitive band $0.1\ mHz \sim 0.05\ Hz$ for the LISA and Taiji missions. Even for the extreme cases that the GRS noises of one S/C$_i$ have grown to $4\sim 5$ orders of magnitude larger than the designed level, the channel $P^{(N)}_i$ could still successfully wipe out the extra noises and retain the expected sensitivity level. With this approach, the feasibility of the LISA and Taiji missions could be improved, and the risks relate to GRS systems could be significantly reduced.

Mark Neyrinck, Shy Genel, Jens Stücker

Submitted to Philosophy of Astrophysics volume, ed. Boyd et al., Springer. 17pp, 6 figs

According to the standard model of cosmology, the arrangement of matter in the cosmos on scales much larger than galaxies is entirely specified by the initial conditions laid down during inflation. But zooming in by dozens of orders of magnitude to microscopic (and human?) scales, quantum randomness reigns, independent of the initial conditions. Where is the boundary of determinism, and how does that interplay with chaos? Here, we make a first attempt at answering this question in an astronomical context, including currently understood processes. The boundary is a function, at least, of length scale, position, and matter type (dark matter being more simply predictable). In intergalactic voids, the primordial pattern of density fluctuations is largely preserved. But we argue that within galaxies, the conditions are at minimum chaotic, and may even be influenced by non-primordial information, or randomness independent of the initial conditions. Randomness could be supplied by events such as supernovae and jets from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and other accretion disks, which, with the help of chaotic dynamics, could broadcast any possible microscopic randomness to larger scales, eventually throughout a galaxy. This may be generated or amplified by a recently investigated process called spontaneous stochasticity, or effective randomness in turbulent systems arising from arbitrarily small perturbations.

The solar wind undergoes significant heating as it propagates away from the Sun; the exact mechanisms responsible for this heating remain unclear. Using data from the first perihelion of the Parker Solar Probe mission, we examine the properties of proton and electron heating occurring within magnetic coherent structures identified by means of the Partial Variance of Increments (PVI) method. Statistically, regions of space with strong gradients in the magnetic field, $PVI \geq 1$, are associated with strongly enhanced proton but only slightly elevated electron temperatures. Our analysis indicates a heating mechanism in the nascent solar wind environment facilitated by a nonlinear turbulent cascade that preferentially heats protons over electrons.

Recent years have seen the rapid deployment of low-cost CubeSats in low-Earth orbit, primarily for research, education, and Earth observation. The vast majority of these CubeSats experience significant latency (several hours) from the time an image is captured to the time it is available on the ground. This is primarily due to the limited availability of dedicated satellite ground stations that tend to be bulky to deploy and expensive to rent. This paper explores using LoRa radios in the ISM band for low-latency downlink communication from CubeSats, primarily due to the availability of extensive ground LoRa infrastructure and minimal interference to terrestrial communication. However, the limited bandwidth of LoRa precludes rich satellite Earth images to be sent - instead, the CubeSats can at best send short messages (a few hundred bytes). This paper details our experience in communicating with a LoRa-enabled CubeSat launched by our team. We present Vista, a communication system that makes software modifications to LoRa encoding onboard a CubeSat and decoding on commercial LoRa ground stations to allow for satellite imagery to be communicated, as well as wide-ranging machine learning inference on these images. This is achieved through a LoRa-channel-aware image encoding that is informed by the structure of satellite images, the tasks performed on it, as well as the Doppler variation of satellite signals. A detailed evaluation of Vista through trace-driven emulation with traces from the LoRa-CubeSat launch (in 2021) shows 4.56 dB improvement in LoRa image PSNR and 1.38x improvement in land-use classification over those images.

Recent beam energy scan (BES) experiments at RHIC by the STAR Collaboration (PLB {\bf 831}, 137152 (2022) and PRL {\bf 128}, 202303 (2022)) found that hadronic interactions dominate the collective flow and the proton cumulant ratios are driven by baryon number conservation in a region of high baryon density in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV Au+Au reactions, indicating the dense medium formed in such collisions is likely hadronic matter. Within an updated ART (A Relativistic Transport) model with momentum dependent isoscalar and isovector single-nucleon mean-field potentials corresponding to different symmetry energies at suprasaturation densities, the $n/p$, $\pi^{-}/\pi^{+}$, $K_{s}^{0}/K^{+}$, $\Sigma^{-}/\Sigma^{+}$ and $\Xi^{-}/\Xi^{0}$ ratios are studied for central Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 GeV where the maximum central density reaches about $(3.6\sim 4.0)\rho_0$. The doubly strange $\Xi^{-}/\Xi^{0}$ ratio is found to have the strongest sensitivity to the variation of high-density nuclear symmetry energy. Thus, the $\Xi^{-}/\Xi^{0}$ ratio in relativistic heavy-ion reactions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} \sim 3$ GeV may help probe sensitively the poorly known symmetry energy of dense neutron-rich matter critically important for understanding various properties of neutron stars.

Ultralight scalar dark matter may induce apparent oscillations of the muon mass, which may be directly probed via temporal shifts in the spectra of muonium and muonic atoms. Existing datasets and ongoing spectroscopy measurements with muonium are capable of probing scalar-muon interactions that are up to 11 orders of magnitude feebler than existing astrophysical and laboratory bounds. Ongoing experiments with muonium can also probe forces associated with the exchange of virtual ultralight scalar bosons between muons and standard-model particles, offering up to 6 orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over complementary astrophysical and laboratory bounds.

Mattia Emma, Federico Schianchi, Francesco Pannarale, Violetta Sagun, Tim Dietrich

Multi-messenger observations of compact binary mergers provide a new way to constrain the nature of dark matter that may accumulate in and around neutron stars. In this article, we extend the infrastructure of our numerical-relativity code BAM to enable the simulation of neutron stars that contain an additional mirror dark matter component. We perform single star tests to verify our code and the first binary neutron star simulations of this kind. We find that the presence of dark matter reduces the lifetime of the merger remnant and favors a prompt collapse to a black hole. Furthermore, we find differences in the merger time for systems with the same total mass and mass ratio, but different amounts of dark matter. Finally, we find that electromagnetic signals produced by the merger of binary neutron stars admixed with dark matter are very unlikely to be as bright as their dark matter free counterparts. Given the increasing sensitivity of multi-messenger facilities, our analysis gives a new perspective on how to probe the presence of dark matter.

Che-Yu Chen, Feng-Li Lin, Avani Patel

24 pages, 11 figures

We study the chaotic signatures of the geodesic dynamics of a non-spinning test particle in the effective-one-body (EOB) formalism for the inspiral process of spinning binary black holes. We first show that the second order post-Newtonian (2PN) EOB dynamics is non-integrable by demonstrating that the EOB metric does not satisfy the criterion for the existence of Carter constant. We then employ the numerical study to find the plateaus of the rotation curve, which are associated with the existence of Birkhoff islands in the Poincar\'e surface of section, signifying the chaotic dynamics in the system. We find that chaotic behavior is more obvious as the spin parameter $a$ of the deformed EOB background metric increases. In addition, we find hints toward the existence of a symmetric mass ratio dependent critical value of $a$ for the onset of Birkhoff islands. Our results can help to uncover the implications of dynamical chaos in gravitational wave astronomy. Finally, we also present some preliminary results due to corrections at 3PN order.

Takuma Sato, Hideki Maeda, Tomohiro Harada

55 pages, 10 figures, 8 tables

We thoroughly investigate conformally Schwarzschild spacetimes in different coordinate systems to seek for physically reasonable models of a cosmological black hole. We assume that a conformal factor depends only on the time coordinate and the spacetime is asymptotically flat Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker universe filled by a perfect fluid obeying a linear equation state $p=w\rho$ with $w>-1/3$. In this class of spacetimes, the McClure-Dyer spacetime, constructed in terms of the isotropic coordinates, and the Thakurta spacetime, constructed in terms of the standard Schwarzschild coordinates, are identical and do not describe a cosmological black hole. In contrast, the Sultana-Dyer class of spacetimes, constructed in terms of the Kerr-Schild coordinates, describe a cosmological black hole and the corresponding matter field can be interpreted as a combination of a homogeneous perfect fluid and an inhomogeneous null fluid, which is valid everywhere in the spacetime unlike Sultana and Dyer's interpretation. The Culetu spacetime, constructed in terms of the Painlev\'{e}-Gullstrand coordinates, also describes a cosmological black hole and the corresponding matter field can be interpreted as a combination of a homogeneous perfect fluid and an inhomogeneous anisotropic fluid. It turns out, however, that in both the Sultana-Dyer and Culetu spacetimes, the total energy-momentum tensor violates all the standard energy conditions at a finite value of the radial coordinate in sufficiently late times.

Avirup Ghosh, Sourav Gope, Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay

19 pages, 10 figures

An internally thermalized dark matter (DM) with only gravitational interaction with the standard model (SM) particles at low temperatures, may undergo number-changing self-scatterings in the early Universe, eventually freezing out to the observed DM abundance. If these reactions, such as a $3 \rightarrow 2$ process, take place when the DM is non-relativistic, DM cannibalizes itself to cool much slower than standard non-relativistic matter during the cannibal phase. As shown in earlier studies, if the cannibal phase takes place during the matter-dominated epoch, there are very strong constraints from structure formation. Considering scenarios in which the cannibal phase freezes out in the radiation-dominated epoch instead, we show that cannibal DM decoupled from the SM can be viable, consistent with all present cosmological constraints. To this end, we solve the coupled evolution equations of the DM temperature and density, and determine its abundance for different DM self-couplings. We then evaluate the constraints on these parameters from the cosmic-microwave background power spectrum, the big-bang nucleosynthesis limits on the relativistic degrees of freedom, the Lyman-$\alpha$ limits on the DM free-streaming length and the theoretical upper bound on the $3 \rightarrow 2$ annihilation rate from $S-$matrix unitarity. We find that depending upon the DM self-couplings, a scalar cannibal DM with mass in the range of around $50$ eV to $1$ TeV can make up the observed DM density and satisfy all the constraints, when the initial DM temperature ($T_{\rm DM}$) is lower than the SM one ($T_{\rm SM}$), with $T_{\rm SM}/2000 \lesssim T_{\rm DM} \lesssim T_{\rm SM}/2$.