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Papers for Thursday, Jul 21 2022

Papers with local authors

A large class of Laboratory, Space, and Astrophysical plasmas is nearly collisionless. When a localized energy or particle sink, for example, in the form of a radiative cooling spot or a black hole, is introduced into such a plasma, it can trigger a plasma thermal collapse, also known as a thermal quench in tokamak fusion. Here we show that the electron thermal conduction in such a nearly collisionless plasma follows the convective energy transport scaling in itself or in its spatial gradient, due to the constraint of ambipolar transport. As the result, a robust cooling flow aggregates mass toward the cooling spot and the thermal collapse of the surrounding plasma takes the form of four propagating fronts that originate from the radiative cooling spot, along the magnetic field line in a magnetized plasma. The slowest one, which is responsible for deep cooling, is a shock front.

Syeda S. Nasim, Gaia Fabj, Freddy Caban, Amy Secunda, K. E. Saavik Ford, Barry McKernan, Jillian M. Bellovary, Nathan W. C. Leigh, Wladimir Lyra

9 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; submitted to MNRAS

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Paper 17 — arXiv:2207.09540
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2207.09540

Stars and stellar remnants orbiting a supermassive black hole (SMBH) can interact with an active galactic nucleus (AGN) disc. Over time, prograde orbiters (inclination $i < 90^{\circ}$) decrease inclination, as well as semi-major axis ($a$) and eccentricity ($e$) until orbital alignment with the gas disc ("disc capture"). Captured stellar-origin black holes (sBH) add to the embedded AGN population which drives sBH-sBH mergers detectable in gravitational waves using LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) or sBH-SMBH mergers detectable with LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). Captured stars can be tidally disrupted by sBH or the SMBH or rapidly grow into massive 'immortal' stars. Here, we investigate the behaviour of polar and retrograde orbiters ($i \geq 90^{\circ}$) interacting with the disc. We show that retrograde stars are captured faster than prograde stars, flip to prograde ($i<90^{\circ}$) during capture and decrease $a$ dramatically towards the SMBH. For sBH, we find a critical angle $i_{\rm retro} \sim 110^{\circ}$, below which retrograde sBH decay towards embedded prograde orbits ($i \rightarrow 0^{\circ}$), while for $i>i_{\rm retro}$ sBH decay towards embedded retrograde orbits ($i \rightarrow 180^{\circ}$). sBH near polar orbits ($i \sim 90^{\circ}$) and stars on nearly embedded retrograde orbits ($i \sim 180^{\circ}$) show the greatest decreases in $a$. Whether a star is captured by the disc within an AGN lifetime depends primarily on disc density, and secondarily on stellar type and initial $a$. For sBH, disc capture time is longest for polar orbits, low mass sBH and lower density discs. Larger mass sBH should typically spend more time in AGN discs, with implications for the embedded sBH spin distribution.

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L. Huang, H. Wang, Z. F. Gao, X. Y. Zeng, Z. Y. Chang

arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.08390

We use the anticorrelation between the equivalent width (EW) of the C\,\textsc{iv} 1549 {\AA} emission line and the continuum luminosity in the quasars rest frame (Baldwin effect) to measure their luminosity distance as well as estimate cosmological parameters. We obtain a sample of 291 Type I quasars with the UV/optical spectra and EW (C\,\textsc{iv}) measurements in the redshift range of $1.506 \le z \le 4.72$, which can be used to investigate the C\,\textsc{iv} Baldwin effect and determine cosmological luminosity distance. The relation $EW(C\,\textsc{iv}) \propto {(\lambda {L_\lambda })^\gamma }$ can be applied to check the inverse correlation between the C\,\textsc{iv} EW and ${L_\lambda }$ of quasars and give their distance. The data suggest that the EW of C\,\textsc{iv} is inversely correlated with continuum monochromatic luminosities. On the other hand, we also consider dividing the Type I quasars sample into various redshift bins, which can be used to check if the C\,\textsc{iv} EW-luminosity relation depends on the redshift. Finally, we apply a combination of Type I quasars and SNIa Pantheon to test the property of dark energy concerning whether or not its density deviates from the constant, and give the statistical results.

Ronaldo S. S. Vieira, Ricardo A. Mosna

6 pages, 4 figures

Stellar pulsation is nowadays a widely understood subject. However, there has been no research about the effects of pulsations on the star's orbital dynamics throughout the galaxy. We show that these oscillations may cause chaotic behaviour in the stellar orbit if it is immersed in background dark matter halos. Moreover, these effects are present in a general background matter field, as in galaxy bulges, elliptical galaxies, and galactic discs. In this way, pulsating stars in empty regions of space might be a probe to the detection of dark matter via the analysis of their orbital dynamics.

Andrew Cheek, Lucien Heurtier, Yuber F. Perez-Gonzalez, Jessica Turner

12 pages, 7 figures

When rotating primordial black holes evaporate via Hawking radiation, their rotational energy and mass are dissipated with different dynamics. We investigate the effect of these dynamics on the production of dark radiation -- in the form of hot gravitons or vector bosons -- and non-cold dark matter. Although the production of higher-spin particles is enhanced while primordial black holes are rotating, we show that the energy density of dark radiation experiences an extra redshift because their emission effectively halts before PBH evaporation completes. We find that taking this effect into account leads to suppression by a factor of $\mathcal{O}(10)$ of $\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ for maximally rotating black holes as compared to previous results. Using the solution of the Friedmann and Boltzmann equations to accurately calculate the evolution of linear perturbations, we revisit the warm dark matter constraints for light candidates produced by evaporation and how these limits vary over black hole spins. Due to the interplay of enhanced production and late dilution, we obtain that higher spin particles are most affected by these bounds. Our code FRISBHEE, FRIedmann Solver for Black Hole Evaporation in the Early universe, developed for this work can be found at https://github.com/yfperezg/frisbhee

Isaac H. Laseter, Amy J. Barger, Lennox L. Cowie, Anthony J. Taylor

13 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

Low-metallicity galaxies may provide key insights into the evolutionary history of galaxies. Galaxies with strong emission lines and high equivalent widths (rest-frame EW(H-beta) > 30 A) are ideal candidates for the lowest metallicity galaxies to z ~ 1. Using a Keck/DEIMOS spectral database of about 18,000 galaxies between z = 0.2 and z = 1, we search for such extreme emission-line galaxies with the goal of determining their metallicities. Using the robust direct Te method, we identify 8 new extremely metal-poor galaxies (XMPGs) with 12 + log O/H < 7.65, including one at 6.949 +/- 0.091, making it the lowest metallicity galaxy reported to date at these redshifts. We also improve upon the metallicities for two other XMPGs from previous work. We investigate the evolution of H-beta using both instantaneous and continuous starburst models, finding that XMPGs are best characterized by continuous starburst models. Finally, we study the dependence on age of the build-up of metals and the emission-line strength.

Missagh Mehdipour, Gerard A. Kriss, Elisa Costantini, Liyi Gu, Jelle S. Kaastra, Hermine Landt, Junjie Mao

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL), 6 pages, 4 figures

A decade ago the archetypal Seyfert-1 galaxy NGC 5548 was discovered to have undergone major spectral changes. The soft X-ray flux had dropped by a factor of 30 while new broad and blueshifted UV absorption lines appeared. This was explained by the emergence of a new obscuring wind from the accretion disk. Here we report on the striking long-term variability of the obscuring disk wind in NGC 5548 including new observations taken in 2021-2022 with the Swift Observatory and the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS). The X-ray spectral hardening as a result of obscuration has declined over the years, reaching its lowest in 2022 at which point we find the broad C IV UV absorption line to be nearly vanished. The associated narrow low-ionization UV absorption lines, produced previously when shielded from the X-rays, are also remarkably diminished in 2022. We find a highly significant correlation between the variabilities of the X-ray hardening and the equivalent width of the broad C IV absorption line, demonstrating that X-ray obscuration is inherently linked to disk winds. We derive for the first time a relation between the X-ray and UV covering fractions of the obscuring wind using its long-term evolution. The diminished X-ray obscuration and UV absorption are likely caused by an increasingly intermittent supply of outflowing streams from the accretion disk. This results in growing gaps and interstices in the clumpy disk wind, thereby reducing its covering fractions.

Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Makoto Kishimoto, Robert Antonucci, Mitchell C. Begelman, Noemie Globus, Roger Blandford

22 pages, 6 figures, 7 tables. Summited to ApJ (Comments are welcome)

The dichotomy between radio-loud (RL) and radio-quiet (RQ) active galactic nuclei (AGN) is thought to be intrinsically related to the radio jet production. This difference may be explained by the presence of a strong magnetic field (B-field) that enhances, or is the cause of, the accretion activity and the jet power. Here, we report the first evidence of an intrinsic difference in the dust polarized emission cores of four RL and five RQ AGN using $89$ $\mu$m polarization with HAWC+/SOFIA. We find that the thermal polarized emission increases with the nuclear radio-loudness, $R=L_{\rm 5GHz}/ L_{\rm B}$ and $R_{20} = L_{\rm 5GHz}/ L_{\rm 20\mu m}$. The dust emission cores of RL AGN are measured to be polarized, $\sim5-11$%, while RQ AGN are unpolarized, $<1%$. For RQ AGN, our results are consistent with the observed region being filled with an unmagnetized or highly turbulent, disk and/or expanding outflow at scales of $5-80$ pc from the AGN. For RL AGN, the measured $89$ $\mu$m polarization arises primarily from magnetically aligned dust grains associated with a $5-80$ pc-scale dusty structure with a toroidal B-field oriented mostly perpendicular, $65\pm22^{\circ}$, to the radio jet orientation. Our results indicate that the size and strength of the B-fields surrounding the AGN are intrinsically related to the strength of the jet power -- the stronger the jet power is, the larger and stronger the toroidal B-field is. The detection of a $\le80$ pc-scale ordered toroidal B-field suggests that a) the infalling gas that fuels RL AGN is magnetized, b) there is a magnetohydrodynamic wind that collimates the jet, and/or c) the jet is able to magnetize its surroundings.

Marcel S. Pawlowski, Kosuke Jamie Kanehisa, Salvatore Taibi, Pengfei Li

9 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letters

Observational studies of pairs of galaxies have uncovered that their differential line-of-sight velocities indicate the presence of a peak in their three-dimensional intervelocity distribution at 130-150 km/s. It had been argued that galaxy pairs in the standard model of cosmology, $\Lambda$CDM, should not exhibit such an intervelocity peak, while Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) predicts such a preferred intervelocity for paired galaxies. However, no direct comparison with $\Lambda$CDM applying the same selection criteria and methodology as the observational studies has been performed yet, placing the comparison on unsure footing. To rectify this, we investigate this potential challenge for $\Lambda$CDM by determining whether an analog of the observed intervelocity peak is present in galaxy pairs within the IllustrisTNG-300 cosmological simulation. We identify galaxy pairs following the observational study's selection criteria, measure their projected velocity difference, and analyse both the de-projected as well as the full velocity difference for this galaxy pair sample in the simulation. We recover a deprojected intervelocity peak at ~130 km/s for galaxy pairs selected from the simulation. The full three-dimensional velocity information available for the pairs in the simulation also reveals a clear preference for this intervelocity. The intervelocity peak among galaxy pairs does not appear to be a feature unique to MOND, but is also present in $\Lambda$CDM. It can thus not be claimed as a unique success of either theory over the other. Developing the galaxy pair intervelocity into a test of gravity in the low acceleration regime will require more detailed studies to identify measurable differences in the models.

Prabhakar Tiwari (Beijing Observ.), Gong-Bo Zhao (Beijing Observ.), Adi Nusser (Technion)

10 pages, comments welcome

We study the clustering properties of 1,307,530 AGNs/quasars in the CatWISE2020 catalog prepared using the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) survey data. For angular moments $\ell \gtrapprox 10$ ($\lessapprox 18^\circ$) down to non-linear scales, the results are in agreement with the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, with a galaxy bias roughly matching that of the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) AGNs. We further explore the redshift dependence of the fraction of radio activity on stellar mass, $f_{\rm RL} \sim M_*^{\alpha_0 + \alpha_1 z}$, and find $\alpha_1=2.14\pm0.23$, ruling out a non-evolution hypothesis at the $9\sigma$ confidence level. The results are consistent with the measurements obtained with NVSS AGNs, though considerably more precise thanks to the significantly higher number density of objects in CatWISE2020. The excess dipole and high clustering signal above angular scale $\approx 18^\circ$ remain anomalous.

M. Gatto, V. Ripepi, M. Bellazzini, M. Tosi, C. Tortora, M. Cignoni, M. Dall'Ora, M.-R. L. Cioni, F. Cusano, G. Longo, M. Marconi, I. Musella, P. Schipani, M. Spavone

6 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

The star cluster (SC) age distribution of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) exhibits a gap from $\sim$ 4 to 10 Gyr ago, with an almost total absence of SCs. Within this age gap, only two confirmed SCs have been identified hitherto. Nonetheless, the star field counterpart does not show the same characteristics, making the LMC a peculiar galaxy where star formation history and cluster formation history appear to differ significantly. We re-analyzed the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) of the KMHK 1762 SC by using the deep optical photometry provided by the "Yes, Magellanic Clouds Again" survey, to robustly assess its age. First, we partially removed foreground and/or field stars by means of parallaxes and proper motions obtained from the {\it Gaia} Early Data Release 3. Then, we applied the Automated Stellar Cluster Analysis package to the cleaned photometric catalogue to identify the isochrone that best matches the CMD of KMHK 1762. The estimated age of KMHK 1762 is $\log (t) = 9.74 \pm 0.15$ dex ($\sim$5.5 Gyr), that is more than 2 Gyr older than the previous estimation which was obtained with shallower photometry. This value makes KMHK 1762 the third confirmed age gap SC of the LMC. The physical existence of a quiescent period of the LMC SC formation is questioned. We suggest it can be the result of an observational bias, originated by the combination of shallow photometry and limited investigation of the LMC periphery.

Estanis Utrilla Ginés, Samuel J. Witte, Olga Mena

15 pages, 6 figures

While Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) with masses $M_{\rm PBH} \gtrsim 10^{-11} \, M_\odot$ cannot comprise the entirety of dark matter, the existence of even a small population of these objects can have profound astrophysical consequences. A sub-dominant population of PBHs will efficiently accrete dark matter particles before matter-radiation equality, giving rise to high-density dark matter spikes. We consider here the scenario in which dark matter is comprised primarily of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) with a small sub-dominant contribution coming from PBHs, and revisit the constraints on the annihilation of WIMPs in these spikes using observations of the isotropic gamma-ray background (IGRB) and the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), for a range of WIMP masses, annihilation channels, cross sections, and PBH mass functions. We find that the constraints derived using the IGRB have been significantly overestimated (in some cases by many orders of magnitude), and that limits obtained using observations of the CMB are typically stronger than, or comparable to, those coming from the IGRB. Importantly, we show that $\sim \mathcal{O}(M_\odot)$ PBHs can still contribute significantly to the dark matter density for sufficiently low WIMP masses and p-wave annihilation cross sections.

Elizabeth J. Gonzalez, Kai Hoffmann, Enrique Gaztañaga, Diego R. García Lambas, Pablo Fosalba, Martin Crocce, Francisco J. Castander, Martín Makler

15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Halo shape estimates that describe their anisotropic mass distribution are valuable parameters that provide useful information on their assembly process and evolution. Measurements of the mean shape estimates for a sample of cluster-size halos, can be used to test halo formation scenarios as well as improving the modelling of potential biases in constraining cosmological parameters using these systems. In this work we test the recovery of halo cluster shapes and masses applying weak lensing stacking techniques, using lensing shear and a new dark matter halo catalogues, derived from the light-cone output of the cosmological simulation MICE-GC. We perform this study by combining the lensing signals obtained for several samples of halos selected according to their mass and redshift, considering the main directions of the dark-matter distributions. In the analysis we test the impact of several potential introduced systematics, such as the adopted modelling, the contribution of the neighbouring mass distribution, miscentering and misalignment effects. Our results show that, when some considerations regarding the halo relaxation state are taken into account, the lensing semi-axis ratio estimates are in agreement within a $5\%$ with the mean shapes of the projected dark-matter particle distribution of the stacked halos. The presented methodology provides a useful tool to derive reliable shapes of galaxy clusters and to contrast them with those expected from numerical simulations. Furthermore, our proposed modelling, that takes into account the contribution of neighbouring halos, allows to constraint the elongation of the surrounding mass distribution.

H. R. Stacey, T. Costa, J. P. McKean, C. E. Sharon, G. Calistro Rivera, E. Glikman, P. P. van der Werf

Submitted to MNRAS. 18 figures and 3 tables

Recent studies have suggested that red quasars are a phase in quasar evolution when feedback from black hole accretion evacuates obscuring gas from the nucleus of the host galaxy. Here, we report a direct link between dust-reddening and molecular outflows in quasars at $z\sim2.5$. By examining the dynamics of warm molecular gas in the inner region of galaxies, we detect outflows with velocities 500--1000 km s$^{-1}$ and infer timescales of $\approx0.1$ Myr that are due to ongoing quasar energy output. We observe outflows only in systems where quasar radiation pressure on dust in the vicinity of the black hole is sufficiently large to expel their obscuring gas column densities. This result is in agreement with theoretical models that predict radiative feedback regulates gas in the nuclear regions of galaxies and is a major driving mechanism of galactic-scale outflows of cold gas. Our findings suggest that radiative quasar feedback ejects star-forming gas from within nascent stellar bulges at velocities comparable to those seen on larger scales, and that molecules survive in outflows even from the most luminous quasars.

The solar wind is a magnetized and turbulent plasma. Its turbulence is often dominated by Alfv\'enic fluctuations and often deemed as nearly incompressible far away from the Sun, as shown by in-situ measurements near 1AU. However, for solar wind closer to the Sun, the plasma $\beta$ decreases (often lower than unity) while the turbulent Mach number $M_t$ increases (can approach unity, e.g., transonic fluctuations). These conditions could produce significantly more compressible effects, characterized by enhanced density fluctuations, as seen by several space missions. In this paper, a series of 3D MHD simulations of turbulence are carried out to understand the properties of compressible turbulence, particularly the generation of density fluctuations. We find that, over a broad range of parameter space in plasma $\beta$, cross helicity and polytropic index, the turbulent density fluctuations scale linearly as a function of $M_t$, with the scaling coefficients showing weak dependence on parameters. Furthermore, through detailed spatio-temporal analysis, we show that the density fluctuations are dominated by low-frequency nonlinear structures, rather than compressible MHD eigen-waves. These results could be important for understanding how compressible turbulence contributes to solar wind heating near the Sun.

Chinami Kato, Hiroki Nagakura

12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PRD

Neutrino self-interactions in a dense neutrino gas can induce collective neutrino flavor conversions. Fast neutrino flavor conversions (FFCs), one of the collective neutrino conversion modes, potentially change the dynamics and observables in core-collapse supernovae and binary neutron star mergers. In cases without neutrino-matter interactions (or collisions), FFCs are essentially energy-independent, and therefore the single energy treatment has been used in previous studies. However, neutrino-matter collisions in general depend on neutrino energy, suggesting that energy-dependent features may emerge in FFCs with collisions. In this paper, we perform dynamical simulations of FFCs with iso-energetic scatterings (emulating nucleon scatterings) under multi-energy treatment. We find that cancellation between in- and out-scatterings happens in high energy region, which effectively reduces the number of collisions and then affects the FFC dynamics. In fact, the lifetime of FFCs is extended compared to the single-energy case, leading to large flavor conversions. Our result suggests that the multi-energy treatment is mandatory to gauge the sensitivity of FFCs to collisions. We also provide a useful quantity to measure the importance of multi-energy effects of collisions on FFCs.

Junehyoung Jeon, Volker Bromm, Steven L. Finkelstein

8 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

X-ray feedback in the pre-reionization Universe provided one of the major energy sources for reionization and the thermal evolution of the early intergalactic medium. However, X-ray sources at high redshift have remained largely inaccessible to observations. One alternative approach to study the overall effect of X-ray feedback in the early Universe is a full cosmological simulation. Toward this goal, in this paper we create an analytic model of X-ray feedback from accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs), to be used as a sub-grid model in future cosmological simulations. Our analytic model provides a relation between the mass of a dark matter halo and the SMBH it hosts, where the efficiency is governed by an energy balance argument between thermal feedback and the confining gravitational potential of the halo. To calibrate the model, we couple the halo-level recipe with the Press-Schechter halo mass function and derive global mass and energy densities. We then compare our model to various observational constraints, such as the resulting soft X-ray and IR cosmic radiation backgrounds, to test our choice of model parameters. We in particular derive model parameters that do not violate any constraints, while providing maximal X-ray feedback prior to reionization. In addition, we consider the contribution of SMBH X-ray sources to reionization and the global 21 cm absorption signal.

Observations from the 2012 transit of Venus are used to derive empirical formulae for long and short-range scattered light at locations on the solar disk observed by the Hinode Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) instruments. Long-range scattered light comes from the entire solar disk, while short-range scattered light is considered to come from a region within 50" of the region of interest. The formulae were derived from the Fe XII 195.12 A emission line observed by EIS and the AIA 193 A channel. A study of the weaker Fe XIV 274.20 A line during the transit, and a comparison of scattering in the AIA 193 A and 304 A channels suggests the EIS scattering formula applies to other emission lines in the EIS wavebands. Both formulae should be valid in regions of fairly uniform emission such as coronal holes and quiet Sun, but not faint areas close (around 100") to bright active regions. The formula for EIS is used to estimate the scattered light component of Fe XII 195.12 for seven on-disk coronal holes observed between 2010 and 2018. Scattered light contributions of 56% to 100% are found, suggesting that these features are dominated by scattered light, consistent with earlier work of Wendeln \& Landi. Emission lines from the S X and Si X ions - formed at the same temperature as Fe XII and often used to derive the first ionization potential (FIP) bias from EIS data - are also expected to be dominated by scattered light in coronal holes.

Logan A. Pearce, Jared R. Males, Alycia J. Weinberger, Joseph D. Long, Katie M. Morzinski, Laird M. Close, Philip M. Hinz

25 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables; Accepted to MNRAS

Improving direct detection capability close to the star through improved star-subtraction and post-processing techniques is vital for discovering new low-mass companions and characterizing known ones at longer wavelengths. We present results of 17 binary star systems observed with the Magellan Adaptive Optics system (MagAO) and the Clio infrared camera on the Magellan Clay Telescope using Binary Differential Imaging (BDI). BDI is an application of Reference Differential Imaging (RDI) and Angular Differential Imaging (ADI) applied to wide binary star systems (2\arcsec $<\Delta \rho<$ 10\arcsec) within the isoplanatic patch in the infrared. Each star serves as the point-spread-function (PSF) reference for the other, and we performed PSF estimation and subtraction using Principal Component Analysis. We report contrast and mass limits for the 35 stars in our initial survey using BDI with MagAO/Clio in L$^\prime$ and 3.95$\mu$m bands. Our achieved contrasts varied between systems, and spanned a range of contrasts from 3.0-7.5 magnitudes and a range of separations from 0.2\arcsec to $\sim$2\arcsec. Stars in our survey span a range of masses, and our achieved contrasts correspond to late-type M dwarf masses down to $\sim$10 M$_{\rm{jup}}$. We also report detection of a candidate companion signal at 0.2\arcsec (18 AU) around HIP 67506 A (SpT G5V, mass $\sim$1.2\Msun), which we estimate to be ~60-90 M$_{\rm{jup}}$. We found that the effectiveness of BDI is highest for approximately equal brightness binaries in high-Strehl conditions.

Tanmoy Chattopadhyay, Soumya Gupta, Shabnam Iyyani, Divita Saraogi, Vidushi Sharma, Anastasia Tsvetkova, Ajay Ratheesh, Rahul Gupta, N.P.S. Mithun, C. S. Vaishnava, Vipul Prasad, E. Aarthy, Abhay Kumar, A. R. Rao, Santosh Vadawale, Varun Bhalerao, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Ajay Vibhute, Dmitry Frederiks

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Cadmium Zinc Telluride Imager (CZTI) aboard AstroSat has been regularly detecting Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) since its launch in 2015. Its sensitivity to polarization measurements at energies above 100 keV allows CZTI to attempt spectro-polarimetric studies of GRBs. Here, we present the first catalog of GRB polarization measurements made by CZTI during its first five years of operation. This presents the time integrated polarization measurements of the prompt emission of 20 GRBs in the energy range 100-600 keV. The sample includes the bright GRBs which were detected within an angle range of 0-60 degree and 120-180 degree where the instrument has useful polarization sensitivity and is less prone to systematics. We implement a few new modifications in the analysis to enhance polarimetric sensitivity of the instrument. Majority of the GRBs in the sample are found to possess less / null polarization across the total bursts' duration in contrast to a small fraction of five GRBs exhibiting high polarization. The low polarization across the bursts can be speculated to be either due to the burst being intrinsically weakly polarized or due to varying polarization angle within the burst even when it is highly polarized. In comparison to POLAR measurements, CZTI has detected a larger number of cases with high polarization. This may be a consequence of the higher energy window of CZTI observations which results in the sampling of smaller duration of burst emissions in contrast to POLAR, thereby, probing emissions of less temporal variations of polarization properties.

Li-Jia Liu, Bo Peng, Lei Yu, Bin Liu, Ji-Guang Lu, Ye-Zhao Yu, Hong-Wei Xi, Ming Xiong, O. Chang

6 pages, 6 figures

Observation of Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) provides an important and effective way to study the solar wind and the space weather. A series of IPS observations were conducted by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). The extraordinary sensitivity and the wide frequency coverage make FAST an ideal platform for IPS studies. In this paper we present some first scientific results from FAST observations of IPS with the L-band receiver. Based on the solar wind velocity fitting values of FAST observations on September 26-28, 2020, we found that the velocity decreases with increasing frequency linearly, which has not yet been reported in literature. And we have also detected a variation of solar wind velocity on a timescale of 3-5 minutes, which imply the slow change of the background solar wind, a co-existence of high- and low-speed streams, or a reflect of the quasi-periodic electron-density fluctuations.

Long Wang, Ataru Tanikawa, Michiko Fujii

15 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for MNRAS

Previous theoretical studies suggest that the Population III (Pop3) stars tend to form in extremely metal poor gas clouds with approximately $10^5 M_\odot$ embedded in mini dark matter halos. Very massive stars can form via multiple collisions in Pop3 star clusters and eventually evolve to intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). In this work, we conduct star-by-star $N$-body simulations for modelling the long-term evolution of Pop3 star clusters. We find that if the mini dark matter halos can survive today, these star clusters can avoid tidal disruption by the galactic environment and can efficiently produce IMBH-BH mergers among a wide range of redshift from 0 to 20. The average gravitational wave event rate is estimated to be $0.1-0.8~\mathrm{yr}^{-1} \mathrm{Gpc}^{-3}$, and approximately $40-80$ percent of the mergers occur at high redshift ($z>6$). The characteristic strain shows that a part of low-redshift mergers can be detected by LISA, TianQin, and Taiji, whereas most mergers can be covered by DECIGO and advanced LIGO/VIRGO/Kagra. Mergers with pair-instability BHs have a rate of approximately $0.01-0.15$~yr$^{-1}$~Gpc$^{-3}$, which can explain the GW190521-like events.

Anna M. Suliga

Short review for the Handbook of Nuclear Physics. 18 pages, 4 figures

Neutrinos are the second most ubiquitous Standard Model particles in the universe. On the other hand, they are also the ones least likely to interact. Connecting these two points suggests that when a neutrino is detected, it can divulge unique pieces of information about its source. Among the known neutrino sources, core-collapse supernovae in the universe are the most abundant for MeV-energies. On average, a single collapse happens every second in the observable universe and produces $10^{58}$ neutrinos. The flux of neutrinos reaching the Earth from all the core-collapse supernovae in the universe is known as diffuse supernova neutrino background. In this Chapter, the basic prediction for the diffuse supernova neutrino background is presented. This includes a discussion of an average neutrino signal from a core-collapse supernova, variability of that signal due to the remnant formed in the process, and uncertainties connected to the other astrophysical parameters determining the diffuse flux, such as cosmological supernova rate. In addition, the current experimental limits and detection perspectives of diffuse supernova neutrino background are reported.

Cicy K Agnes, Akthar Naveed V, Anitha Mary M O Chacko

26 pages total

Exoplanet detection opens the door to the discovery of new habitable worlds and helps us understand how planets were formed. With the objective of finding earth-like habitable planets, NASA launched Kepler space telescope and its follow up mission K2. The advancement of observation capabilities has increased the range of fresh data available for research, and manually handling them is both time-consuming and difficult. Machine learning and deep learning techniques can greatly assist in lowering human efforts to process the vast array of data produced by the modern instruments of these exoplanet programs in an economical and unbiased manner. However, care should be taken to detect all the exoplanets precisely while simultaneously minimizing the misclassification of non-exoplanet stars. In this paper, we utilize two variations of generative adversarial networks, namely semi-supervised generative adversarial networks and auxiliary classifier generative adversarial networks, to detect transiting exoplanets in K2 data. We find that the usage of these models can be helpful for the classification of stars with exoplanets. Both of our techniques are able to categorize the light curves with a recall and precision of 1.00 on the test data. Our semi-supervised technique is beneficial to solve the cumbersome task of creating a labeled dataset.

A. L. Ivanova, I. Astapov, P. Bezyazeekov, E. Bonvech, A. Borodin, N. Budnev, A. Bulan, D. Chernov, A. Chiavassa, A. Dyachok, A. Gafarov, A. Garmash, V. Grebenyuk, E. Gress, O. Gress, T. Gress, A. Grinyuk, O. Grishin, A. D. Ivanova, N. Kalmykov, V. Kindin, S. Kiryuhin, R. Kokoulin, K. Kompaniets, E. Korosteleva, V. Kozhin, E. Kravchenko, A. Kryukov, L. Kuzmichev, A. Lagutin, M. Lavrova, Y. Lemeshev, B. Lubsandorzhiev, N. Lubsandorzhiev, A. Lukanov, D. Lukyantsev, S. Malakhov, R. Mirgazov, R. Monkhoev, E. Osipova, A. Pakhorukov, L. Pankov, A. Pan, A. Panov, A. Petrukhin, I. Poddubnyi, D. Podgrudkov, V. Poleschuk, V. Ponomareva, E. Popova, E. Postnikov, V. Prosin, V. Ptuskin, A. Pushnin, R. Raikin, A. Razumov, G. Rubtsov, E. Ryabov, Y. Sagan, V. Samoliga, A. Satyshev, A. Silaev, A. Silaev (junior), et al. (17 additional authors not shown)

6 pages, 3 figures, submission to SciPost Phys. Proc

The Tunka-Grande experiment is a scintillation array with about 0.5 sq.km sensitive area at Tunka Valley, Siberia, for measuring charged particles and muons in extensive air showers (EASs). Tunka-Grande is optimized for cosmic ray studies in the energy range 10 PeV to about 1 EeV, where exploring the composition is of fundamental importance for understanding the transition from galactic to extragalactic origin of cosmic rays. This paper attempts to provide a synopsis of the current results of the experiment. In particular, the reconstruction of the all-particle energy spectrum in the range of 10 PeV to 1 EeV based on experimental data from four observation seasons is presented.

Pragna Mamidipaka, Shantanu Desai

5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics

We check if the first significant digit of the dispersion measure of pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts (using the CHIME catalog) is consistent with the Benford distribution. We find a large disagreement with Benford's law with $\chi^2$ close to 80 for 8 degrees of freedom for both these aforementioned datasets. This corresponds to a discrepancy of about 7$\sigma$. Therefore, we conclude that the dispersion measures of pulsars and FRBs do not obey Benford's law.

Marta Lorenzo, Miriam garcia, Francisco Najarro, Artemio Herrero, Miguel Cerviño, Norberto Castro

56 pages, 39 figures Accepted in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Local Group (LG) very metal-poor massive stars are the best proxy for the First Stars of the Universe and fundamental to modelling the evolution of early galaxies. These stars may follow new evolutionary pathways restricted to very low metallicities, such as chemically homogeneous evolution (CHE). However, given the great distance leap needed to reach very metal-poor galaxies of the LG and vicinity, no comprehensive spectroscopic studies have been carried out at metallicities lower than the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC, Z = 1/5 Z$_{\odot}$) until now. After five observing campaigns at the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio Canarias, we have assembled a low-resolution (R $\sim$ 1000) spectroscopic collection of more than 150 OB stars in the 1/10 Z$_{\odot}$ galaxy Sextans A, increasing by an order of magnitude the number of massive stars known in this galaxy. The catalogue includes 38 BA-type supergiants, 4 red supergiants, and the first candidate 1/10 Z$_{\odot}$ binary systems, CHE sources and systems hosting stripped stars. The sample massive stars mainly overlap the higher concentrations of neutral gas of Sextans A. However, we find some sources in low HI column-density regions. The colour-magnitude diagram of the galaxy presents large dispersion, which suggests uneven, internal extinction in Sextans A. This is the largest catalogue of OB-type stars ever produced at sub-SMC metallicities. This sample constitutes a fundamental first step to unveiling the evolutionary pathways and fates of very metal-poor massive stars, analyzing the dependence of radiation-driven winds with metallicity, and studying binary systems in an environment analogue to the early Universe.

H. Olofsson, T. Khouri, B.A. Sargent, A. Winnberg, J.A.D.L. Blommaert, M.A.T. Groenewegen, S. Muller, J.H. Kastner, M. Meixner, M. Otsuka, N. Patel, N. Ryde, S. Srinivasan

32 pages, 17 figures

12CO and 13CO lines, as well as a mm-wave continuum, have been observed for a sample of 22 OH/IR stars in directions within 2 degrees of the Galactic Centre. Photometry data have been gathered from the literature to construct SEDs and to determine pulsational variability. Radiative transfer models have been used to interpret the data. All stars in the sample were detected in at least one CO line, and 8 objects were detected in 324 GHz continuum. Based on luminosity criteria, the sample is divided into 17 objects that most likely lie within the inner Galactic Bulge, and 5 objects that are most likely foreground objects. The median luminosity of the inner-Galactic-Bulge objects, 5600 Lsun, corresponds to an initial mass in the range 1.2-1.6 Msun, indicating that these OH/IR stars descend from solar-type stars. The objects in this sub-sample are further divided into two classes based on their SED characteristics: 11 objects have SEDs that are well matched by models invoking dust envelopes extending from a few stellar radii and outwards, while 6 objects are better modelled as having detached dust envelopes with inner radii in the range 200-600 au and warmer central stars. The former objects have periodic variability, while the latter objects are predominantly non-periodic. The median gas-mass-loss rate, gas terminal expansion velocity, gas-to-dust mass ratio, and circumstellar 12CO/13CO abundance ratio have been estimated to be 2x10{-5} Msun/yr, 18 km/s, 200 (excluding the sources with detached dust envelopes, which show markedly lower gas-to-dust ratios), and 5, respectively, for the inner-Galactic-Bulge objects. The inner-Galactic-Bulge OH/IR stars studied here constitute an excellent sample of equidistant objects for the purpose of understanding the evolution of the mass-loss-rate characteristics at the tip of the AGB.

E. Osinga, R. J. van Weeren, F. Andrade-Santos, L. Rudnick, A. Bonafede, T. Clarke, K. Duncan, S. Giacintucci, Tony Mroczkowski, H. J. A. Röttgering

Accepted to A&A. 32 pages, 34 figures, Tables C.1, D.1 and E.1 will be made available online after publishing

It has been well established that galaxy clusters have magnetic fields. The exact properties and origin of these magnetic fields are still uncertain even though these fields play a key role in many astrophysical processes. Various attempts have been made to derive the magnetic field strength and structure of nearby galaxy clusters using Faraday rotation of extended cluster radio sources. This approach needs to make various assumptions that could be circumvented when using background radio sources. However, because the number of polarised radio sources behind clusters is low, at the moment such a study can only be done statistically. In this paper, we investigate the depolarisation of radio sources inside and behind clusters in a sample of 124 massive clusters at $z<0.35$ observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. We detect a clear depolarisation trend with the cluster impact parameter, with sources at smaller projected distances to the cluster centre showing more depolarisation. By combining the radio observations with ancillary X-ray data from Chandra, we compare the observed depolarisation with expectations from cluster magnetic field models using individual cluster density profiles. The best-fitting models have a central magnetic field strength of $5-10\,\mu$G with power-law indices between $n=1$ and $n=4$. We find no strong difference in the depolarisation trend between sources embedded in clusters and background sources located at similar projected radii, although the central region of clusters is still poorly probed by background sources. We also examine the depolarisation trend as a function of cluster properties such as the dynamical state, mass, and redshift. Our findings show that the statistical depolarisation of radio sources is a good probe of cluster magnetic field parameters. [abridged]

Luca Ciotti (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of Bologna (Italy))

16 pages, 4 figures, ApJ, accepted

Recently, it has been suggested that the phenomenology of flat rotation curves observed at large radii in the equatorial plane of disk galaxies can be explained as a manifestation of General Relativity instead of the effect of Dark Matter halos. In this paper, by using the well known weak field, low velocity gravitomagnetic formulation of GR, the expected rotation curves in GR are rigorously obtained for purely baryonic disk models with realistic density profiles, and compared with the predictions of newtonian gravity for the same disks in absence of Dark Matter. As expected, the resulting rotation curves are indistinguishable, with GR corrections at all radii of the order of $v^2/c^2\approx 10^{-6}$. Next, the gravitomagnetic Jeans equations for two-integral stellar systems are derived, and then solved for the Miyamoto-Nagai disk model, showing that finite-thickness effects do not change the previous conclusions. Therefore, the observed phenomenology of galactic rotation curves at large radii requires Dark Matter in GR exactly as in newtonian gravity, unless the cases here explored are reconsidered in the full GR framework with substantially different results (with the surprising consequence that the weak field approximation of GR cannot be applied to the study of rotating systems in the weak field regime). In the paper, the mathematical framework is described in detail, so that the present study can be extended to other disk models, or to elliptical galaxies (where Dark Matter is also required in newtonian gravity, but their rotational support can be much less than in disk galaxies).

In the optical spectra of the cold post-AGB supergiant GSC 04050$-$02366, obtained with the 6-meter BTA telescope with a spectral resolution of R$\ge$60000 on arbitrary dates over 2019$\div$2021, a radial velocity variability is found. Heliocentric Vr based on the positional measurements of numerous absorptions varies from date to date with a standard deviation of $\Delta$Vr$\approx$1.4 km/s about the average value of Vr=24.75 km/s, which may stem out of the low-amplitude pulsations in the atmosphere. The spectra of the star are purely absorption type, there are no obvious emissions. Intensity variability of most of absorptions and Swan bands of the C$_2$ molecule was discovered. A slight asymmetry of the H$\alpha$ profile is observed at some observation dates. The position of H$\alpha$ absorption core varies within 27.3$\div$30.6 km/s. Splitting into two components (or asymmetry) of strong low-excitation absorptions (YII, ZrII, BaII, LaII, CeII, NdII) was found. The position of the long-wavelength component coincides with the position of other photospheric absorptions, which confirms its formation in the atmosphere of the star. The position of the shortwave component is close to the position of the rotational features of Swan bands, which indicates its formation in the circumstellar envelope expanding at a velocity of about Vexp=16 km/s.

Nicolás Cuello, François Ménard, Daniel J. Price

20 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Invited review article submitted to EPJ+. Feedback and comments are welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1812.00961

We review the role of stellar flybys and encounters in shaping planet-forming discs around young stars, based on the published literature on this topic in the last 30 years. Since most stars $\leq~2$ Myr old harbour protoplanetary discs, tidal perturbations affect planet formation. First, we examine the probability of experiencing flybys or encounters: More than 50\% of stars with planet-forming discs in a typical star forming environment should experience a close stellar encounter or flyby within 1000 au. Second, we detail the dynamical effects of flybys on planet-forming discs. Prograde, parabolic, disc-penetrating flybys are the most destructive. Grazing and penetrating flybys in particular lead to the capture of disc material by the secondary to form a highly misaligned circumsecondary disc with respect to the disc around the primary. One or both discs may undergo extreme accretion and outburst events, similar to the ones observed in FU Orionis-type stars. Warps and broken discs are distinct signatures of retrograde flybys. Third, we review some recently observed stellar systems with discs where a stellar flyby or an encounter is suspected -- including UX Tau, RW Aur, AS 205, Z CMa, and FU Ori. Finally, we discuss the implications of stellar flybys for planet formation and exoplanet demographics, including possible imprints of a flyby in the Solar System in the orbits of trans-Neptunian objects and the Sun's obliquity.

G. Guilluy, P. Giacobbe, I. Carleo, P. E. Cubillos, A. Sozzetti, A. S. Bonomo, M. Brogi, S. Gandhi, L. Fossati, V. Nascimbeni, D. Turrini, E. Schisano, F. Borsa, A. F. Lanza, L. Mancini, A. Maggio, L. Malavolta, G. Micela, L. Pino, M. Rainer, A. Bignamini, R. Claudi, R. Cosentino, E. Covino, S. Desidera, A. Fiorenzano, A. Harutyunyan, V. Lorenzi, C. Knapic, E. Molinari, E. Pacetti, I. Pagano, M. Pedani, G. Piotto, E. Poretti

10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The field of exo-atmospheric characterisation is progressing at an extraordinary pace. Atmospheric observations are now available for tens of exoplanets, mainly hot and warm inflated gas giants, and new molecular species continue to be detected revealing a richer atmospheric composition than previously expected. Thanks to its warm equilibrium temperature (963$\pm$18~K) and low-density (0.219$\pm$0.031~g cm$^{-3}$), the close-in gas giant WASP-69b represents a golden target for atmospheric characterization. With the aim of searching for molecules in the atmosphere of WASP-69b and investigating its properties, we performed high-resolution transmission spectroscopy with the GIANO-B near-infrared spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We observed three transit events of WASP-69b. During a transit, the planetary lines are Doppler-shifted due to the large change in the planet's radial velocity, allowing us to separate the planetary signal from the quasi-stationary telluric and stellar spectrum. Considering the three nights together, we report the detection of CH$_4$, NH$_3$, CO, C$_2$H$_2$, and H$_2$O, at more than $3.3\sigma$ level. We did not identify the presence of HCN and CO$_2$ with confidence level higher than 3$\sigma$. This is the first time that five molecules are simultaneously detected in the atmosphere of a warm giant planet. These results suggest that the atmosphere of WASP-69b is possibly carbon-rich and characterised by the presence of disequilibrium chemistry.

Ilaria Carleo, Paolo Giacobbe, Gloria Guilluy, Patricio E. Cubillos, Aldo S. Bonomo, Alessandro Sozzetti, Matteo Brogi, Siddharth Gandhi, Luca Fossati, Diego Turrini, Katia Biazzo, Francesco Borsa, Antonino F. Lanza, Luca Malavolta, Antonio Maggio, Luigi Mancini, Giusi Micela, Lorenzo Pino, Ennio Poretti, Monica Rainer, Gaetano Scandariato, Eugenio Schisano, Gloria Andreuzzi, Andrea Bignamini, Rosario Cosentino, Aldo Fiorenzano, Avet Harutyunyan, Emilio Molinari, Marco Pedani, Seth Redfield, Hristo Stoev

12 pages, 4 figures. AJ, Accepted July 11th, 2022

Detections of molecules in the atmosphere of gas giant exoplanets allow us to investigate the physico-chemical properties of the atmospheres. Their inferred chemical composition is used as tracer of planet formation and evolution mechanisms. Currently, an increasing number of detections is showing a possible rich chemistry of the hotter gaseous planets, but whether this extends to cooler giants is still unknown. We observed four transits of WASP-80 b, a warm transiting giant planet orbiting a late-K dwarf star with the near-infrared GIANO-B spectrograph installed at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo and performed high resolution transmission spectroscopy analysis. We report the detection of several molecular species in its atmosphere. Combining the four nights and comparing our transmission spectrum to planetary atmosphere models containing the signature of individual molecules within the cross-correlation framework, we find the presence of H2O, CH4, NH3 and HCN with high significance, tentative detection of CO2, and inconclusive results for C2H2 and CO. A qualitative interpretation of these results, using physically motivated models, suggests an atmosphere consistent with solar composition and the presence of disequilibrium chemistry and we therefore recommend the inclusion of the latter in future modelling of sub-1000K planets.

G. La Mura, J. Becerra Gonzalez, G. Chiaro, S. Ciroi, J. Otero-Santos

20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS

The relativistic jets produced by some Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are among the most efficient persistent sources of non-thermal radiation and represent an ideal laboratory for studying high-energy interactions. In particular, when the relativistic jet propagates along the observer's line of sight, the beaming effect produces dominant signatures in the observed spectral energy distribution (SED), from the radio domain up to the highest energies, with the further possibility of resulting in radiation-particle multi-messenger associations. In this work, we investigate the relationships between the emission of $\gamma$ rays and the optical spectra of a sample of AGN, selected from BL Lac sources detected by the $Fermi$ Large Area Telescope ($Fermi$-LAT). We find that there is a close relationship between the optical and $\gamma$-ray spectral indices. Despite all the limitations due to the non-simultaneity of the data, this observation strongly supports a substantial role of Synchrotron-Self Compton (SSC) radiation in a single zone leptonic scenario for most sources. This result simplifies the application of theoretical models to explore the physical parameters of the jets in this type of sources.

Anders Johansen (University of Copenhagen, Lund Observatory), Thomas Ronnet (Lund Observatory), Martin Schiller (University of Copenhagen), Zhengbin Deng (University of Copenhagen), Martin Bizzarro (University of Copenhagen)

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, revised according to referee report. Comments welcome

We present a series of papers dedicated to modelling the accretion and differentiation of rocky planets that form by rapid pebble accretion within the life-time of the protoplanetary disc. In this first paper, we focus on how the accreted ice determines the distribution of iron between mantle (oxidized FeO and FeO$_{1.5}$) and core (metallic Fe and FeS). We find that an initial primitive composition of ice-rich material leads, upon heating by decay of $^{26}$Al, to extensive water flow and the formation of clay minerals inside planetesimals. Metallic iron dissolves in liquid water and precipitates as oxidized magnetite Fe$_3$O$_4$. Further heating by decay of $^{26}$Al destabilizes the clay at a temperature of around 900 K. The released supercritical water ejects the entire water content from the planetesimal. Upon reaching the silicate melting temperature of 1,700 K, planetesimals further differentiate into a core (made mainly of iron sulfide FeS) and a mantle with a high fraction of oxidized iron. We propose that the asteroid Vesta's significant FeO fraction in the mantle is a testimony of its original ice content. We consider Vesta a surviving member of the population of protoplanets from which Mars, Earth and Venus grew by pebble accretion. We show that the increase of the core mass fraction and decrease of FeO contents with increasing planetary mass (in the sequence Vesta -- Mars -- Earth) is naturally explained by the growth of terrestrial planets exterior of the water ice line through accretion of pebbles containing iron that was dominantly in metallic form with an intrinsically low oxidation degree.

Jia Jie Li (SWU, Chongqing), Armen Sedrakian (FIAS, Frankfurt), Mark Alford (Washington U., St. Louis)

5 pages with 5 figures

In this work, we consider the consequences of phase transition in dense QCD on the properties of compact stars and implications for the observational program in gravitational wave and X-ray astrophysics. The key underlying assumption of our modeling is a strong first-order phase transition past the point where the hadronic branch of compact stars reaches the two-solar mass limit. Our analysis predicts ultra-compact stars with very small radii - in the range of 6-9 km - living on compact star sequences that are entirely consistent with the current multimessenger data. We show that sequences featuring two-solar mass hadronic stars consistent with radio-pulsar observations can account naturally for the inferences of large radii for massive neutron stars by NICER X-ray observations of neutron stars and the small radii predicted by gravitational waves analysis of the binary neutron star inspiral event GW170817 if a strong QCD phase transition takes place.

Anders Johansen (University of Copenhagen, Lund Observatory), Thomas Ronnet (Lund Observatory), Martin Schiller (University of Copenhagen), Zhengbin Deng (University of Copenhagen), Martin Bizzarro (University of Copenhagen)

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, revised according to referee report. Comments welcome

We explore in this paper the heating and differentiation of rocky planets that grow by rapid pebble accretion. Our terrestrial planets grow exterior of the water ice line and initially accrete 28% water ice by mass. The accretion of water stops after the protoplanet reaches a mass of $0.01\,M_{\rm E}$ where the gas envelope becomes hot enough to sublimate the ice and transport the vapour back to the protoplanetary disc by recycling flows. The energy released by the decay of $^{26}$Al within the growing protoplanet melts the accreted ice to form clay (phyllosilicates), oxidized iron (FeO) and a surface layer of water with ten times the mass of the Earth's modern oceans. The ocean--atmosphere system undergoes a run-away greenhouse effect after the effective accretion temperature of the protoplanet crosses a threshold of around 300 K. The run-away greenhouse process vaporizes the water layer, thereby trapping the accretion heat and heating the surface to more than 6,000 K. This causes the upper part of the mantle to melt and form a global magma ocean. Metal melt separates from silicate melt and sediments towards the bottom of the magma ocean; the gravitational energy released by the sedimentation leads to a positive feedback where the beginning differentiation of the planet causes the whole mantle to melt and differentiate. All rocky planets thus naturally experience a magma ocean stage. We demonstrate that Earth's small excess of $^{182}$W (the decay product of $^{182}$Hf) relative to the chondrites is consistent with such rapid core formation within 5 Myr followed by equilibration of the W reservoir in the Earth's mantle with $^{182}$W-poor material from the core of a planetary-mass impactor. The planetary collision must have occurred at least 35 Myr after the main accretion phase of the terrestrial planets.

Anders Johansen (University of Copenhagen, Lund Observatory), Thomas Ronnet (Lund Observatory), Martin Schiller (University of Copenhagen), Zhengbin Deng (University of Copenhagen), Martin Bizzarro (University of Copenhagen)

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, revised according to referee report. Comments welcome

Volatile molecules containing hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen atoms are key components of planetary atmospheres. In the pebble accretion model for terrestrial planet formation, these volatile species are accreted during the main planetary formation phase. We model here the partitioning of volatiles within a growing planet and the outgassing to the surface. The core stores more than 90% of the hydrogen and carbon budgets of Earth for realistic values of the partition coefficients of H and C between metal and silicate melts. The magma oceans of Earth and Venus are sufficiently deep to undergo oxidation of ferrous Fe$^{2+}$ to ferric Fe$^{3+}$. This increased oxidation state leads to the outgassing of primarily CO$_2$ and H$_2$O from the magma ocean of Earth. In contrast, the oxidation state of Mars' mantle remains low and the main outgassed hydrogen carrier is H$_2$. This hydrogen easily escapes the atmosphere due to the XUV irradiation from the young Sun, dragging with it the majority of the CO, CO$_2$, H$_2$O and N$_2$ contents of the atmosphere. A small amount of surface water is maintained on Mars, in agreement with proposed ancient ocean shorelines, assuming a slightly higher mantle oxidation. Nitrogen distributes relatively evenly between the core and the atmosphere due to its extremely low solubility in magma; burial of large reservoirs of nitrogen in the core is thus not possible. The overall low N contents of Earth disagree with the high abundance of N in all chondrite classes and favours volatile delivery by pebble snow. Our model of rapid rocky planet formation by pebble accretion displays broad consistency with the volatile contents of the Sun's terrestrial planets. The diversity of the terrestrial planets can therefore be used as benchmark cases to calibrate models of extrasolar rocky planets and their atmospheres.

Myrto Maglara Christos G. Tsagas

15 pages, 1 figure

Large-scale peculiar motions are commonplace in our universe. Nevertheless, their origin, evolution and implications are still largely unknown. It is generally assumed that bulk motions are a relatively recent addition to the universal kinematics, triggered by the increasing inhomogeneity and anisotropy of the post-recombination epoch. In this work, we focus on the linear evolution of peculiar velocities prior to recombination, namely in the late radiation era and also during a phase of de Sitter inflation. We begin by showing/confirming that bulk motions are triggered and sustained by the non-gravitational forces developed during structure formation. Since density and therefore peculiar-velocity perturbations cannot grow in the baryonic sector before recombination, we consider drift motions in non-baryonic species, which can start growing in the late radiation era. Using relativistic linear cosmological perturbation theory, we find that peculiar motions in the low-energy dark component exhibit power-law growth, which increases further after equipartition. Turning to the very early universe, we consider the evolution of linear peculiar velocities during a phase of de Sitter inflation. We find that typical slow-roll scenarios do not source peculiar motions. Moreover, even if the latter were to be present at the onset of the de Sitter phase, the subsequent exponential expansion should quickly wash away any traces of peculiar-velocity perturbations.

Olivera Latković, Kosmas Gazeas, Haralambi Markov, Atila Čeki, Sofia Palafouta

We present the first modern analysis of two young, eclipsing binaries, EK Cep and HS Her, based on new, ground-based, CCD multicolour light curves as well as the TESS observations, radial velocity curves, and eclipse timing measurements. The orbital and stellar parameters of the stars are determined by Roche modelling, and their evolutionary status is examined using a grid of isochrones and evolutionary tracks. We find that HS Her is 25-32 Myr old and its components are on the zero-age main sequence; at the age of 16-20 Myr, the primary of EK Cep is also on the ZAMS, but its secondary is a pre-main-sequence star. Both binaries have slightly eccentric orbits and display apsidal motion. Based on updated eclipse timings and spectroscopic evidence, we rule out the presence of a previously hypothesized tertiary component in HS Her.

At lowest order comoving magnetic fields which are frozen-into the expanding cosmic fluid do not evolve in time. At next-to-leading order the induction equation is sourced by the interaction term between the baryon velocity and the magnetic field amplitude which leads to a non-trivial evolution of the comoving magnetic field. Moreover, it induces non-trivial cross correlations between the adiabatic curvature mode and the magnetic mode. This cross correlation together with the evolution of the induced matter perturbation leads to interesting effects on the total matter power spectrum at small scales.

S.A. Belov, S. Vasheghani Farahani, N.E. Molevich

9 pages, 3 figures

The aim of the present study is to shed light on the effects connected with thermal misbalance due to non-equal cooling and heating rates induced by density and temperature perturbations in solar active regions hosting either propagating torsional or shear Alfv\'en waves. A description for the nonlinear forces connected with Alfv\'en waves in non-ideal conditions is provided based on the second order thin flux tube approximation. This provides insight on the effects of Alfv\'en-induced motions on the boundary of thin magnetic structures in thermally active plasmas. The equations describing the process of generating longitudinal velocity perturbations together with density perturbations by nonlinear torsional Alfv\'en waves are obtained and solved analytically. It is shown that the phase shift (compared to the ideal case) and the amplitude of the induced longitudinal plasma motions against the period of mother Alfv\'en wave are greater for shear Alfv\'en waves compared to torsional Alfv\'en waves although following the same pattern. The difference in the influence of thermal misbalance on the induced velocity perturbations is governed by the plasma-beta although its effect is stronger for shear waves. It is deduced that for a harmonic Alfv\'en driver the induced density perturbations are left uninfluenced by the thermal misbalance.

Chen Jiang, Margarida Cunha, Joergen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Qiansheng Zhang, Laurent Gizon

21 pages, 10 figures

Mixed modes observed in red giants allow for investigation of the stellar interior structures. One important feature in these structures is the buoyancy spike caused by the discontinuity of the chemical gradient left behind during the first dredge-up. The buoyancy spike emerges at the base of the convective zone in low-luminosity red giants and later becomes a glitch when the g-mode cavity expands to encompass the spike. Here, we study the impact of the buoyancy spike on the dipolar mixed modes using stellar models with different properties. We find that the applicability of the asymptotic formalisms for the coupling factor, q, varies depending on the location of the evanescent zone, relative to the position of the spike. Significant deviations between the value of q inferred from fitting the oscillation frequencies and either of the formalisms proposed in the literature are found in models with a large frequency separation in the interval 5 to 15 microHz, with evanescent zones located in a transition region which may be thin or thick. However, it is still possible to reconcile q with the predictions from the asymptotic formalisms, by choosing which formalism to use according to the value of q. For stars approaching the luminosity bump, the buoyancy spike becomes a glitch and strongly affects the mode frequencies. Fitting the frequencies without accounting for the glitch leads to unphysical variations in the inferred q, but we show that this is corrected when properly accounting for the glitch in the fitting.

X. C. Zheng, H. J. A. Röttgering, A. van der Wel, K. Duncan

10 pages, 6 figures. Accepted by A&A

Links between the properties of radio-loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGNs) and the morphology of their hosts may provide important clues for our understanding of how RLAGNs are triggered. In this work, focusing on passive galaxies, we study the shape of the hosts of RLAGNs selected from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array Cosmic Evolution Survey (VLA-COSMOS) 3GHz Large Project, and compare them with previous results based on the first data release (DR1) of the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS). We find that, at redshifts of between 0.6 and 1, high-luminosity ($L_{1.4 GHz}\gtrsim10^{24}\rm W Hz^{-1}$) RLAGNs have a wider range of optical projected axis ratios than their low-redshift counterparts, which are essentially all found in round galaxies with axis ratios of higher than 0.7. We construct control samples and show that although the hosts of high-redshift RLAGNs with the highest luminosities still have a rounder shape compared with the non-RLAGNs, they on average have a smaller axis ratio (more elongated) than the local RLAGNs with similar stellar masses and radio luminosities. This evolution can be interpreted as a byproduct of radio luminosity evolution, namely that galaxies at fixed stellar mass are more radio luminous at high redshifts: artificially increasing the radio luminosities of local galaxies ($z\leq$0.3) by a factor of 2 to 4 can remove the observed evolution of the axis ratio distribution. If this interpretation is correct then the implication is that the link between AGN radio luminosity and host galaxy shape is similar at $z\simeq1$ to in the present-day Universe.

Jaime Ruiz-Zapatero, David Alonso, Pedro G. Ferreira, Carlos Garcia-Garcia

Prepared for submission to PRD. Comments welcome

In the context of modified gravity, at linear level, the growth of structure in the Universe will be affected by modifications to the Poisson equation and by the background expansion rate of the Universe. It has been shown that these two effects lead to a degeneracy which must be properly accounted for if one is to place reliable constraints on new forces on large scales or, equivalently, modifications to General Relativity. In this paper we show that current constraints are such that assumptions about the background expansion have little impact on constraints on modifications to gravity. We do so by considering the background of a $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter ($\Lambda$CDM) universe, a universe with a more general equation of state for the dark energy, and finally, a general, model-independent, expansion rate. We use Gaussian Processes to model modifications to Poisson's equation and, in the case of a general expansion rate, to model the redshift dependent Hubble rate. We identify a degeneracy between modifications to Poisson's equation and the background matter density, $\Omega_M$, which can only be broken by assuming a model-dependent expansion rate. We show that, with current data, the constraints on modifications to the Poisson equation via measurements of the growth rate range between $10-20\%$ depending on the strength of our assumptions on the Universe's expansion rate.

M. Wezgowiec, R. Beck, M. Hanasz, M. Soida, M. Ehle, R.-J. Dettmar, M. Urbanik

13 pages, 10 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A

In several spiral galaxies that are observed face-on, large-scale ordered magnetic fields (the so-called magnetic arms) were found. One of the explanations was the action of the magnetic reconnection, which leads to a higher ordering of the magnetic fields. Because it simultaneously converts the energy of the magnetic fields into thermal energy of the surroundings, magnetic reconnection has been considered as a heating mechanism of the interstellar medium for many years. Until recently, no clear observational evidence for this phenomenon was found. We search for possible signatures of gas heating by magnetic reconnection effects in the radio and X-ray data for the face-on spiral galaxy NGC628 (M74), which presents pronounced magnetic arms and evidence for vertical magnetic fields. The strengths and energy densities of the magnetic field in the spiral and magnetic arms were derived, as were the temperatures and thermal energy densities of the hot gas, for the disk and halo emission. In the regions of magnetic arms, higher order and lower energy density of the magnetic field is found than in the stellar spiral arms. The global temperature of the hot gas is roughly constant throughout the disk. The comparison of the findings with those obtained for the starburst galaxy M83 suggests that magnetic reconnection heating may be present in the halo of NGC628. The joint analysis of the properties of the magnetic fields and the hot gas in NGC628 also provided clues for possible tidal interaction with the companion galaxy.

Jonas Odermatt, Krzysztof Barczynski, Louise K. Harra, Conrad Schwanitz, Säm Krucker

8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Context. Solar active regions are known to have jets. These jets are associated with heating and the release of particles into the solar wind. Aim. Our aim is to understand the spatial distribution of coronal jets within active regions to understand if there is a preferential location for them to occur. Methods. We analysed five active regions using Solar Dynamics Observatory Atmospheric Imaging Assembly data over a period of 2-3.5 days when the active regions were close to disk centre. Each active region had a different age, magnetic field strength, and topology. We developed a methodology for determining the position and length of the jets. Results. Jets are observed more frequently at the edges of the active regions and are more densely located around a strong leading sunspot. The number of coronal jets for our active regions is dependent on the age of the active region. The older active regions produce more jets than younger ones. Jets were observed dominantly at the edges of the active regions, and not as frequently in the centre. The number of jets is independent of the average unsigned magnetic field and total flux density in the whole active region. The jets are located around the edges of the strong leading sunspot.

Subham Dutta, Pralay Kumar Karmakar

7 Pages, 4 Figures (in JOAA Press)

The evolutionary existence of plasma fireballs is a generic phenomenon realizable in diversified physical plasma-dominated circumstances starting from the laboratory to the astrocosmic scales of space and time. A fair understanding of such fireballs and associated instabilities is indeed needed to enrich astroplasmic communities from various perspectives of applied value. Naturally occurring plasma fireball events include novae, meteors, stellar structures, etc. We propose a theoretical model formalism to analyze the plasma fireball sheath (PFS) instability with the application of a quasi-linear perturbative analysis on the laboratory spatiotemporal scales. This treatment reduces the steady-state system into a unique second-order ordinary differential equation (ODE) on the perturbed electrostatic potential with variable multiparametric coefficients. A numerical illustrative platform to integrate this ODE results in an atypical set of peakon-type potential-field structures. It is noticed that both the potential and field associated with the peakonic patterns change significantly with the effective radial distance from the reference origin outwards. The variations are more pronounced at the center (steep, stiff) than that in the off-centric regions (non-steep, non-stiff). A colormap obtained with the triangulation of the potential-field correlation with the radial distance further confirms the PFS stability behaviors in a qualitative corroboration with the previous predictions reported in the literature. The applicability of our analysis in both the laboratory and astrocosmic contexts is finally indicated.

Bao-Min Gu, Fu-Wen Shu, Ke Yang, Yu-Peng Zhang

7 pages,4 figures

Primordial black holes (PBHs) could be formed if large perturbations are generated on small scales in inflation. We study a toy inflation model with a local minimum. The curvature perturbations are enhanced when the inflaton passes through the local minimum, with more efficient amplification rate than that of quasi-inflection point inflation, leading to the production of PBHs on small scales. For parameter spaces provided in this paper, the PBHs could comprise a fraction of the total dark matter around $0.1\%$--$1\%$.

Alexandra Kozyreva, Jakub Klencki, Alexei V. Filippenko, Petr Baklanov, Alexey Mironov, Stephen Justham, Andrea Chiavassa

15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL

The majority of Type II-plateau supernovae (SNe IIP) have light curves that are not compatible with the explosions of stars in a vacuum; instead, the light curves require the progenitors to be embedded in circumstellar matter (CSM). We report on the successful fitting of the well-observed SN IIP 2021yja as a core-collapse explosion of a massive star with an initial mass of ~15 Msun and a pre-explosion radius of 631 Rsun. To explain the early-time behaviour of the broad-band light curves, the presence of 0.55 Msun CSM within ~2x10^14 cm is needed. Like many other SNe IIP, SN 2021yja exhibits an early-time flux excess including ultraviolet wavelengths. This, together with the short rise time (<2 days) in the gri bands, indicates the presence of a compact component in the CSM, essentially adjacent to the progenitor. We discuss the origin of the pre-existing CSM, which is most likely a common property of highly convective red supergiant envelopes. We argue that the difficulty in fitting the entire light curve with one spherical distribution indicates that the CSM around the SN 2021yja progenitor was asymmetric.

Chris Sedgwick, Stephen Serjeant

12 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRAS

We have explored a method for finding giant planets in the outer Solar System by detecting their thermal emission and proper motion between two far-infrared all-sky surveys separated by 23.4 years, taken with the InfraRed Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) and the AKARI Space Telescope. An upper distance limit of about 8,000 AU is given by both the sensitivities of these surveys and the distance at which proper motion becomes too small to be detected. This paper covers the region from 8,000 AU to 700 AU. We have used a series of filtering and SED-fitting algorithms to find candidate pairs, whose IRAS and AKARI flux measurements could together plausibly be fitted by a Planck thermal distribution for a likely planetary temperature. Theoretical studies have placed various constraints on the likely existence of unknown planets in the outer solar system. The main observational constraint to date comes from a WISE study: an upper limit on an unknown planet's mass out into the Oort cloud. Our work confirms this result for our distance range, and provides additional observational constraints for lower distances and planetary masses, subject to the proviso that the planet is not confused with Galactic cirrus. We found 535 potential candidates with reasonable spectral energy distribution (SED) fits. Most would have masses close to or below that of Neptune (~0.05 Jupiter mass), and be located below 1,000 AU. However, examination of the infrared images of these candidates suggests that none is sufficiently compelling to warrant follow-up, since all are located inside or close to cirrus clouds, which are most likely the source of the far-infrared flux.

D. Camarena, V. Marra, Z. Sakr, S. Nesseris, A. Da Silva, J. Garcia-Bellido, P. Fleury, L. Lombriser, M. Martinelli, C. J. A. P. Martins, J. Mimoso, D. Sapone, C. Clarkson, S. Camera, C. Carbone, S. Casas, S. Ilić, V. Pettorino, I. Tutusaus, N. Aghanim, B. Altieri, A. Amara, N. Auricchio, M. Baldi, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, G. P. Candini, V. Capobianco, J. Carretero, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, L. Corcione, F. Courbin, M. Cropper, H. Degaudenzi, F. Dubath, C. A. J. Duncan, X. Dupac, S. Dusini, A. Ealet, S. Farrens, P. Fosalba, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, B. Garilli, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, A. Grazian, F. Grupp, S. V. H. Haugan, W. Holmes, F. Hormuth, A. Hornstrup, K. Jahnke, A. Kiessling, et al. (52 additional authors not shown)

15 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables

The Copernican principle, the notion that we are not at a special location in the Universe, is one of the cornerstones of modern cosmology and its violation would invalidate the Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric, causing a major change in our understanding of the Universe. Thus, it is of fundamental importance to perform observational tests of this principle. We determine the precision with which future surveys will be able to test the Copernican principle and their ability to detect any possible violations. We forecast constraints on the inhomogeneous Lema\^{\i}tre-Tolman-Bondi model with a cosmological constant $\Lambda$ ($\Lambda$LTB), basically a cosmological constant $\Lambda$ and cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model, but endowed with a spherical inhomogeneity. We consider combinations of currently available data and simulated Euclid data, together with external data products, based on both $\Lambda$CDM and $\Lambda$LTB fiducial models. These constraints are compared to the expectations from the Copernican principle. When considering the $\Lambda$CDM fiducial model, we find that Euclid data, in combination with other current and forthcoming surveys, will improve the constraints on the Copernican principle by about $30\%$, with $\pm10\%$ variations depending on the observables and scales considered. On the other hand, when considering a $\Lambda$LTB fiducial model, we find that future Euclid data, combined with other current and forthcoming data sets, will be able to detect Gpc-scale inhomogeneities of contrast $-0.1$. Next-generation surveys, such as Euclid, will thoroughly test homogeneity at large scales, tightening the constraints on possible violations of the Copernican principle.

Ankur Ghosh, C. S. Vaishnava, L. Resmi, Kuntal Misra, K. G. Arun, Amitesh Omar, N. K. Chakradhari

10 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to MNRAS

Short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the aftermath of compact binary mergers involving neutron stars. If the merger remnant is a millisecond magnetar instead of a black hole, a significant proportion of the rotational energy deposited to the emerging ejecta can produce a late-time radio brightening from its interaction with the ambient medium. Detection of this late-time radio emission from short GRBs can have profound implications for understanding the physics of the progenitor. We report the radio observations of five short GRBs - 050709, 061210, 100625A, 140903A, and 160821B using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) at 1250, 610, and 325 MHz frequencies after $\sim$ $2 - 11$ years from the time of the burst. The GMRT observations at low frequencies are particularly important to detect the signature of merger ejecta emission at the peak. These observations are the most delayed searches associated with some of these GRBs for any late-time low-frequency emission. We find no evidence for such an emission. We find that none of these GRBs are consistent with maximally rotating magnetar with a rotational energy of $\sim 10^{53}\, {\rm ergs}$. However, magnetars with lower rotational energies cannot be completely ruled out. Despite the non detection, our study underscores the power of radio observations in the search for magnetar signatures associated with short GRBs. However, only future radio observatories may have the capabilities to either detect these signatures or put more stringent constraints on the model.

Patricio A. Gallardo, Bradford Benson, John Carlstrom, Simon R. Dicker, Nick Emerson, Jon E. Gudmundsson, Richard Hills, Michele Limon, Jeff McMahon, Michael D. Niemack, Johanna M. Nagy, Stephen Padin, John Ruhl, Sara M. Simon, the CMB-S4 collaboration

CMB-S4 -- the next-generation ground-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiment - will significantly advance the sensitivity of CMB measurements and improve our understanding of the origin and evolution of the universe. CMB-S4 will deploy large-aperture telescopes fielding hundreds of thousands of detectors at millimeter wavelengths. We present the baseline optical design concept of the large-aperture CMB-S4 telescopes, which consists of two optical configurations: (i) a new off-axis, three-mirror, free-form anastigmatic design and (ii) the existing coma-corrected crossed-Dragone design. We also present an overview of the optical configuration of the array of silicon optics cameras that will populate the focal plane with 85 diffraction-limited optics tubes covering up to 9 degrees of field of view, up to $1.1 \, \rm mm$ in wavelength. We describe the computational optimization methods that were put in place to implement the families of designs described here and give a brief update on the current status of the design effort.

OJ 287 is a binary system containing a ~ 18 billion solar mass primary black hole accompanied by a ~ 150 million solar mass secondary black hole in an eccentric orbit, which triggers electromagnetic flares twice in every ~ 12 year orbital period when it traverses the accretion disk of the primary. The times of these emissions are consistent with the predictions of general relativity calculated to the 4.5th post-Newtonian order. The orbit of the secondary black hole samples the gravitational field at distances between O(10) and O(50) Schwarzschild radii around the primary, and hence is sensitive to the possible presence of a dark matter spike around it. We find that the agreement of general-relativistic calculations with the measured timings of flares from OJ 287 constrains the mass of such a spike to < 3% of the primary mass, and discuss the prospects for refining this constraint via observations of the next flare, which is expected later in July 2022.

D. Schaerer, R. Marques-Chaves, P. Oesch, R. Naidu, L. Barrufet, Y. I. Izotov, N. G. Guseva

5 pages, 5 Figures. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters

Deep images and near-IR spectra of galaxies in the field of the lensing cluster SMACS J0723-37327 were recently taken in the Early Release Observations program of JWST. Among these, two NIRSpec spectra of galaxies at $z=7.7$ and one at $z=8.5$ were obtained, revealing for the first time rest-frame optical emission line spectra of galaxies in the epoch of reionization, including the detection of the important [OIII]4363 auroral line (see JWST PR 2022-035). We present an analysis of the emission line properties of these galaxies, finding that these galaxies have a high excitation (as indicated by high ratios of [OIII]/[OII], [NeIII]/[OII]), strong [OIII]4363/H$\gamma$, high equivalent widths, and other properties which are typical of low-metallicity star-forming galaxies. Using the direct method we determine oxygen abundances of $12+\log(O/H)=7.85$ in two $z=7.7$ galaxies, and a lower metallicity of $12+\log(O/H)\approx 7.36-7.50$ in the $z=8.5$ galaxy using different strong line methods. With stellar masses estimated from SED fits, we find that the three galaxies lie close to or below the $z \sim 2$ mass-metallicity relation. Overall, these first galaxy spectra at $z \sim 8$ show a strong resemblance of the emission lines properties of galaxies in the epoch of reionization with those of relatively rare local analogues previously studied from the SDSS. Clearly, these first JWST observations demonstrate already the incredible power of spectroscopy to reveal properties of galaxies in the early Universe.

Gabriele Franciolini, Alfredo Urbano

5 pages + supplementary material

We discuss under which conditions a consistent single-field inflationary dynamics gives rise, at scales smaller than those probed by CMB observations, to a raised plateau in the power spectrum of curvature perturbations. We propose a new phenomenologically-driven approach to derive in what circumstances the inflationary dynamics could potentially connect the following three fundamental observables: i) an order-one abundance of dark matter in the form of asteroid-mass/atomic-size primordial black holes, ii) detectable signals in stochastic gravitational waves and iii) a subdominant but detectable fraction of stellar-mass mergers ascribable to primordial black holes.

It has become commonplace is astronomy to describe the transverse coarse structure of jets in loosely defined terms such as "sheath" and "spine" based on discussions of parsec scale properties. But, the applicability, dimension and prominence of these features on sub-lt-yr scales has previously been unconstrained by observation. The first direct evidence of jet structure near the source in M\,87 is extreme limb brightening (a double-rail morphology), 0.3 - 0.6 mas from the source, that is prominent in observations with high resolution and sensitivity. Intensity cross-cuts of these images provide three strong, interdependent constraints on the geometry responsible for the double-rail morphology: the rail to rail separation, the peak to trough intensity ratio and the rail widths. Analyzing these constraints indicates that half or more of the jet volume resides in a thick-walled, tubular, mildly relativistic, protonic jet only $\sim 0.25$ lt-yr (or $\sim 300$ M, where M is the central black hole mass in geometrized units) from the source. By contrast, the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration interprets their observations with the aid of general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations that produce an invisible (by construction) jet with a surrounding luminous, thin sheath. Yet, it is shown that synthetic images of simulated jets are center brightened 0.3 - 0.6 mas from the source. This serious disconnection with observation occurs in a region previously claimed in the literature to be well represented by the simulations. The limb brightening analysis motivates a discussion of possible simulation modifications to improve conformance with observations.

Akshay Rana, Vedanta Thapar, Hari Prasad S.V., Sandra Elsa Sanjai

20 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables

We attempt to constrain the temporal variation of the Fermi coupling constant $G_F$ which determines the strength of the electroweak decay. To probe it, we use SNe Ia light curves as a source of reliable primordial nucleosynthesis events across the redshifts. We utilized studies suggesting that in the initial phase of the SNe Ia explosion, the electroweak decay of $Ni^{56} \longrightarrow Co^{56}$ is the key contributor to the power of the SNe Ia light curve. We hence used the Pan-STARRS supernovae catalog having 1169 supernovae light curves in $g$, $r$, $i$, and $z$ spectral filters and related the dimming of light curves from their peak with the electroweak decay rate of primordial nucleosynthesis and further with $G_F$. To keep the analysis independent of the cosmological model, we used the Hubble parameter measurement and a non-parametric statistical method, the Gaussian process. Our study puts a strong upper bound on the present value of the fractional change in the Fermi coupling constant i.e; $\frac{\dot G_F}{G_F} \approx 10^{-12} yr^{-1}$ using datasets spread over a redshift range $0<z<0.75$.

Although the architectures of compact multiple-planet systems are well-characterized, there has been little examination of their "outer edges", or the locations of their outermost planets. Here we present evidence that the observed high-multiplicity Kepler systems truncate at smaller orbital periods than can be explained by geometric and detection biases alone. To show this, we considered the existence of hypothetical planets orbiting beyond the observed transiting planets with properties dictated by the "peas-in-a-pod" patterns of intra-system radius and period ratio uniformity. We evaluated the detectability of these hypothetical planets using (1) a novel approach for estimating the mutual inclination dispersion of multi-transiting systems based on transit chord length ratios and (2) a model of transit probability and detection efficiency that accounts for the impacts of planet multiplicity on completeness. Under the assumption that the "peas-in-a-pod" patterns continue to larger orbital separations than observed, we find that $\gtrsim35\%$ of Kepler compact multis should possess additional detected planets beyond the known planets, constituting a $\sim7\sigma$ discrepancy with the lack of such detections. These results indicate that the outer ($\sim100-300$ days) regions of compact multis experience a truncation (i.e. an "edge-of-the-multis") or a significant breakdown of the "peas-in-a-pod" patterns, in the form of systematically smaller radii or larger period ratios. We outline future observations that can distinguish these possibilities, and we discuss implications for planet formation theories.

Lýdia Štofanová, Aurora Simionescu, Nastasha A. Wijers, Joop Schaye, Jelle S. Kaastra

12 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The physical properties of the faint and extremely tenuous plasma in the far outskirts of galaxy clusters, the circumgalactic media of normal galaxies, and filaments of the cosmic web, remain one of the biggest unknowns in our story of large-scale structure evolution. Modelling the spectral features due to emission and absorption from this very diffuse plasma poses a challenge, as both collisional and photo-ionisation processes must be accounted for. In this paper, we study the ionisation by photons emitted by the intra-cluster medium in addition to the photo-ionisation by the cosmic UV/X-ray background on gas in the vicinity of galaxy clusters. For near massive clusters such as A2029, the ionisation parameter can no longer describe the ionisation balance uniquely. The ionisation fractions (in particular of C IV, C V, C VI, N VII, O VI, O VII, O VIII, Ne VIII, Ne IX, and Fe XVII) obtained by taking into account the photoionisation by the cosmic background are either an upper or lower limit to the ionisation fraction calculated as a function of distance from the emission from the cluster. Using a toy model of a cosmic web filament, we predict how the cluster illumination changes the column densities for two different orientations of the line of sight. For lines of sight passing close to the cluster outskirts, O VI can be suppressed by a factor of up to $4.5$, O VII by a factor of $2.2$, C V by a factor of $3$, and Ne VIII can be boosted by a factor of $2$, for low density gas.

Solar image analysis relies on the detection of coronal holes for predicting disruptions to earth's magnetic field. The coronal holes act as sources of solar wind that can reach the earth. Thus, coronal holes are used in physical models for predicting the evolution of solar wind and its potential for interfering with the earth's magnetic field. Due to inherent uncertainties in the physical models, there is a need for a classification system that can be used to select the physical models that best match the observed coronal holes. The physical model classification problem is decomposed into three subproblems. First, he thesis develops a method for coronal hole segmentation. Second, the thesis develops methods for matching coronal holes from different maps. Third, based on the matching results, the thesis develops a physical map classification system. A level-set segmentation method is used for detecting coronal holes that are observed in extreme ultra-violet images (EUVI) and magnetic field images. For validating the segmentation approach, two independent manual segmentations were combined to produce 46 consensus maps. Overall, the level-set segmentation approach produces significant improvements over current approaches. Physical map classification is based on coronal hole matching between the physical maps and (i) the consensus maps (semi-automated), or (ii) the segmented maps (fully-automated). Based on the matching results, the system uses area differences,shortest distances between matched clusters, number and areas of new and missing coronal hole clusters to classify each map. The results indicate that the automated segmentation and classification system performs better than individual humans.

Bin Wu, Tomohiro Ishikawa, Shoki Iwaguchi, Ryuma Shimizu, Izumi Watanabe, Yuki Kawasaki, Yuta Michimura, Shuichiro Yokoyama, Seiji Kawamura

11 pages, 9 figures

The Juggled interferometer (JIFO) is an earth-based gravitational wave detector using repeatedly free-falling test masses. With no worries of seismic noise and suspension thermal noise, the JIFO can have much better sensitivity at lower frequencies than the current earth-based gravitational wave detectors. The data readout method of a JIFO could be challenging if one adopts the fringe-locking method. We present a phase reconstruction method in this paper by building up a complex function which has a fringe-independent signal-to-noise ratio. Considering the displacement noise budget of the Einstein Telescope (ET), we show that the juggled test masses significantly improve the sensitivity at 0.1-2.5$\,$Hz even with discontinuous data. The science cases brought with the improved sensitivity would include detecting quasi-normal modes of black holes with $10^4-10^5\,M_{\odot}$, testing Brans-Dicke theory with black-hole and neutron-star inspirals, and detecting primordial-black-hole-related gravitational waves.

Vitor Cardoso, Taishi Ikeda, Rodrigo Vicente, Miguel Zilhão

5+8 pages RevTex4. Comments are welcome. Movies are also available on this https URL

Fuzzy dark matter is an exciting alternative to the standard cold dark matter paradigm, reproducing its large scale predictions, while solving most of the existing tension with small scale observations. These models postulate that dark matter is constituted by light bosons and predict the condensation of a solitonic core -- also known as boson star, supported by wave pressure -- at the center of halos. However, solitons which host a parasitic supermassive black hole are doomed to be swallowed by their guest. It is thus crucial to understand in detail the accretion process. In this work, we use numerical relativity to self-consistently solve the problem of accretion of a boson star by a central black hole. We identify three stages in the process, a boson-quake, a catastrophic stage and a linear phase, as well as a general accurate expression for the lifetime of a boson star with an endoparasitic black hole. Lifetimes of these objects can be large enough to allow them to survive until the present time.

Jyotismita Adhikary, Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Arindam Mandal, Trisha Sarkar, Shreya Sharma

7 pages, 4 figures

Due to notoriously small value of the neutrino magnetic moment, the phenomena of neutrino spin flavour precession (SFP) requires very high magnetic field. This makes only a handful of systems suitable to study this phenomena. By the observation of SFP, the Dirac and Majorana nature of neutrinos is expected to be distinguished. In this work, we point out the potential of white dwarf (WD) system in studying the spin-flavour oscillation of neutrinos. From recent analysis, it has been found that young isolated WDs may harbor very strong internal magnetic field, even without exhibiting any surface magnetic field. The presence of magnetic field enhances the cooling process and along with that, renders the spin-flavour oscillation of neutrinos emitted in the neutrino cooling process. Employing the standard WD specifications, we analyse whether a magnetized WD is a suitable environment to distinguish between the Dirac and Majorana nature of neutrino. Lower value of spin flavour transition probability implies reduced active neutrino flux which is possible to be estimated in terrestrial neutrino detectors. We find that the spin flavour transition probability of Dirac neutrinos is much higher in comparison to the Majorana neutrino which converts the active neutrino flavours to sterile in a significant amount. We also examine the sensitivity of the spin flavour transition probability to the neutrino magnetic moment.