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Papers for Tuesday, Aug 09 2022

Papers with local authors

Wenbin Lu, Eliot Quataert

13 pages, 6 figures, plus appendix. MNRAS submitted. Comments welcome!

1 vote
Paper 76 — arXiv:2208.04293
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Paper 76 — arXiv:2208.04293

We study the long-term (t >> 10 s) evolution of the accretion disk after a neutron star(NS)-NS or NS-black hole merger, taking into account the radioactive heating by r-process nuclei formed in the first few seconds. We find that the cumulative heating eventually exceeds the disk's binding energy at t ~ 10^2 s (\alpha/0.1)^{-1.8} (M/2.6 Msun)^{1.8} after the merger, where \alpha is the Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter and M is the mass of the remnant object. This causes the disk to evaporate rapidly and the jet power to shut off. We propose that this is the cause of the steep flux decline at the end of the extended emission (EE) or X-ray plateau seen in many short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). The shallow flux evolution before the steep decline is consistent with a plausible scenario where the jet power scales linearly with the disk mass. We suggest that the jets from NS mergers have two components -- a short-duration narrow one corresponding to the prompt gamma-ray emission and a long-lasting wide component producing the EE. This leads to a prediction that "orphan EE" (without the prompt gamma-rays) may be a promising electromagnetic counterpart for NS mergers observable by future wide-field X-ray surveys. The long-lived disk produces a slow ejecta component that can efficiently thermalize the energy carried by beta-decay electrons up to t ~ 100 d and contributes 10% of the kilonova's bolometric luminosity at these late epochs. We predict that future ground-based and JWST near-IR spectroscopy of nearby (< 100 Mpc) NS mergers will detect narrow (~0.01c) line features a few weeks after the merger, which provides a powerful probe of the atomic species formed in these events.

Brian Jiang, Luca Ciotti, Zhaoming Gan, Jeremiah Ostriker
0 votes
Paper 34 — arXiv:2208.03735
0 votes
Paper 34 — arXiv:2208.03735

Star formation in disk galaxies is observed to follow the empirical Kennicutt-Schmidt law, a power-law relationship between the surface density of gas ($\Sigma_{gas}$) [$\textrm{M}_{\odot}\; \textrm{kpc}^{-2}$] and the star formation rate ($\Sigma_{SFR}$) [$\textrm{M}_{\odot}\; \textrm{kpc}^{-2} \; \textrm{Gyr}^{-1}$]. In contrast to disk galaxies, early-type galaxies (ETGs) are typically associated with little to no star formation and therefore no Kennicutt-Schmidt law; recent observations, however, have noted the presence of massive gaseous cold disks in ETGs, raising the question as to why the conversion of gas into stars is so inefficient. With our latest simulations, performed with our high-resolution hydrodynamic numerical code \texttt{MACER}, we reevaluate the traditional classification of ETGs as quiescent, dead galaxies. We predict the inevitable formation of stellar disks following cooling episodes of the ISM of the host galaxy in the presence of galactic rotation via a simple but robust star formation model combining local Toomre instabilities and local gas cooling timescales. We find that resolved Kennicutt-Schmidt star formation laws for our simulated ETGs, in both surface density and volumetric forms, reproduce the observed threshold, slope, and normalization observed in disk galaxies. At the same time, through analysis of global Kennicutt-Schmidt laws, we suggest that increased star formation and high gaseous outflows offers a partial remedy to the observed star formation inefficiency problem. Observational checks of our star formation predictions are thus essential for confirming the form of local star formation laws and reassessing star formation inefficiency in ETGs.

Papers with votes

Karl Glazebrook, T. Nanayakkara, C. Jacobs, N. Leethochawalit, A. Calabrò, A. Bonchi, M. Castellano, A. Fontana, C. Mason, E. Merlin, T. Morishita, D. Paris, M. Trenti, T. Treu, P. Santini, X. Wang, K. Boyett, Marusa Bradac, G. Brammer, T. Jones, D. Marchesini, M. Nonino, B. Vulcani

Submitted to ApJ Letters, 10 pages, 3 figures

1 vote
Paper 19 — arXiv:2208.03468
1 vote
Paper 19 — arXiv:2208.03468

We present a first look at the reddest 2-5$\mu$m sources found in deep NIRCAM images from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) GLASS Early Release Science program. We undertake a general search, i.e. not looking for any particular spectral signatures, for sources detected only in bands redder than reachable with the Hubble Space Telescope, and which are only marginally or not detected in bluer bands, corresponding to potential populations that may not have been identified before. We search for sources down to AB $\sim 27$ (corresponding to $>10\sigma$ detection threshold) in any of the F200W, F277W, F356W or F444W filters, and demand a one magnitude excess with respect to all of the bluer bands (F090, F115W, F150W). Fainter than F444W$>25$ we find 48 such sources. We fit photometric redshifts and spectral energy distributions to our 7-band photometry and identify the majority of this population ($\sim$ 70%) as $2<z<6$ galaxies that are faint at rest-frame ultraviolet-optical wavelengths, have stellar masses $10^8$--$10^9$M$_\odot$, and have observed fluxes at $>2$ $\mu$m boosted by a combination of the Balmer break and strong emission lines. Implied rest equivalent widths are $>400\unicode{x00C5}$. This is in contrast with brighter magnitudes where the red sources tend to be $z<3$ quiescent galaxies and dusty star forming objects. The space density of $z\sim 4$ faint blue galaxies with high equivalent widths is an order of magnitude higher than found in pre-JWST surveys. Our general selection criteria allow us to independently identify other phenomena as diverse as the robust $z\sim12$ Lyman Break Galaxy reported in paper III, and a very cool brown dwarf reported in XIII. In addition we discover an extremely low mass ($8\times 10^8$ M$_\odot$) quiescent galaxy at $z\sim2$, which is new uncharted territory for understanding the regulation of star formation.

All other papers

L. L. Cowie, A. J. Barger, F. E. Bauer, C.-C. Chen, L. H. Jones, C. Orquera, M. J. Rosenthal, A. J. Taylor

33 pages, resubmitted to ApJ after responding to referee report

We present deep SCUBA-2 450 micron and 850 micron imaging of ten strong lensing clusters. We provide a >4-sigma SCUBA-2 850 micron catalog of the 404 sources lying within a radius of 4.5' from the cluster centers. We also provide catalogs of the >4.5-sigma ALMA 870 micron detections in the clusters A370, MACSJ1149.5+2223, and MACSJ0717.5+3745 from our targeted ALMA observations, along with catalogs of all other >4.5-sigma ALMA (mostly 1.2 mm) detections in any of our cluster fields from archival ALMA observations. For the ALMA detections, we give spectroscopic or photometric redshifts, where available, from our own Keck observations or from the literature. We confirm the use of the 450 micron to 850 micron flux ratio for estimating redshifts. We use lens models to determine magnifications, most of which are in the 1.5-4 range. After supplementing the ALMA cluster sample with Chandra Deep Field (CDF) ALMA and SMA samples, we find no evidence for evolution in the redshift distribution of submillimeter galaxies down to demagnified 850 micron fluxes of 0.5 mJy. Given this result, we conclude that our observed trend of increasing F160W to 850 micron flux ratio from brighter to fainter demagnified 850 micron flux results from the fainter submillimeter galaxies having less extinction. However, there is wide spread in this relation, including the presence of some optical/NIR dark galaxies down to fluxes below 1 mJy. Finally, with insights from our ALMA analysis, we analyze our SCUBA-2 sample and present 55 850 micron-bright z>4 candidates.

The origins of matter and radiation in the universe lie in a Hot Big Bang. We present a number of well-motivated cosmologies in which the Big Bang occurs through a strong first order phase transition -- either at the end of inflation, after a period of kination ("Kination-Induced Big Bang"), or after a second period of vacuum-domination in the early universe ("Supercooled Big Bang"); we also propose a "Dark Big Bang" where only the dark matter in the Universe is created in a first-order phase transition much after inflation. In all of these scenarios, the resulting gravitational radiation can explain the tentative signals reported by the NANOGrav, Parkes and European Pulsar Timing Array experiments if the reheating temperature of the Hot Big Bang, and correspondingly the energy scale of the false vacuum, falls in the range $T_* \sim \rho_{{\rm vac}}^{1/4} $= MeV--100 GeV. All the same models at higher reheating temperatures will be of interest to upcoming ground- and space-based interferometer searches for gravitational waves at larger frequency.

We describe how gravitational lensing of fast radio bursts (FRBs) is affected by a plasma screen in the vicinity of the lens or somewhere between the source and the observer. Wave passage through a turbulent medium affects gravitational image magnification, lensing probability (particularly for strong magnification events), and the time delay between images. The magnification is suppressed because of the broadening of the angular size of the source due to scattering by the plasma. The time delay between images is modified as the result of different dispersion measure (DM) along photon trajectories for different images. Each of the image lightcurve is also broadened due to wave scattering so that the images could have distinct temporal profiles. The first two effects are most severe for stellar and sub-stellar mass lens, and the last one (scatter broadening) for lenses and plasma screens at cosmological distances from the source/observer. This could limit the use of FRBs to measure their cosmic abundance. On the other hand, when the time delay between images is large, such that the lightcurve of a transient source has two or more well separated peaks, the different DMs along the wave paths of different images can probe density fluctuations in the IGM on scales $\lesssim 10^{-6}$ rad and explore the patchy reionization history of the universe using lensed FRBs at high redshifts. Different rotation measure (RM) along two image paths can convert linearly polarized radiation from a source to partial circular polarization.

M.A. Aragon-Calvo, Joseph Silk, Mark Neyrinck

Submitted to MNRAS Letters, comments welcomed

The Milky Way and the Local Sheet form a peculiar galaxy system in terms of the unusually low velocity dispersion in our neighbourhood and the seemingly high mass of the Milky Way for such an environment. Using the TNG300 simulation we searched for Milky Way analogues (MWA) located in cosmological walls with velocity dispersion in their local Hubble flow similar to the one observed around our galaxy. We find that MWAs in Local-Sheet analogues are rare, with one per (160-200 Mpc)^3 volume. We find that a Sheet-like cold environment preserves, amplifies, or simplifies environmental effects on the angular momentum of galaxies. In such sheets, there are particularly strong alignments between the sheet and galaxy spins; also, these galaxies have low spin parameters. These both may relate to a lack of mergers since wall formation. We hope our results will bring awareness of the atypical nature of the Milky Way-Local Sheet system. Wrongly extrapolating local observations without a full consideration of the effect of our cosmic environment can lead to a Copernican bias in understanding the formation and evolution of the Milky Way and the nearby Universe.

Evidence has accumulated for an as-yet unaccounted for source of heat located at shallow depths within the accreted neutron star crust. However, the nature of this heat source is unknown. I demonstrate that the inferred depth of carbon ignition in X-ray superbursts can be used as an additional constraint for the magnitude and depth of shallow heating. The inferred shallow heating properties are relatively insensitive to the assumed crust composition and carbon fusion reaction rate. For low accretion rates, the results are weakly dependent on the duration of the accretion outburst, so long as accretion has ensued for enough time to replace the ocean down to the superburst ignition depth. For accretion rates at the Eddington rate, results show a stronger dependence on the outburst duration. Consistent with earlier work, it is shown that urca cooling does not impact the calculated superburst ignition depth unless there is some proximity in depth between the heating and cooling sources.

Rodolfo Batista Negri, Antônio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado, Ronan Arraes Jardim Chagas, Rodolpho Vilhena de Moraes

We use nonlinear robust guidance and control to assess the possibility of an autonomous spacecraft fast approaching and orbiting an asteroid without knowledge of its properties. The spacecraft uses onboard batch-sequential filtering to navigate while making a rapid approach with the aim of orbital insertion. We show through conservative assumptions that the proposed autonomous GN\&C architecture is viable within current technology. Greater importance is in showing that an autonomous spacecraft can have a much bolder operational profile around an asteroid, with no need to inherit the conservative and cautious approach of current missions, which rely on ground intervention for firstly constraining uncertainties to a very low level before close-proximity. The results suggest that such paradigm shift can significantly impact costs, and exploration time, which can be very useful for exploring highly populated regions.

G. S. Ilha, R. A. Riffel, T.V. Ricci, S. B. Rembold, T. Storchi-Bergmann, R. Riffel, N. Roy, K. Bundy, R. Nemmen, J. S. Schimoia, L. N. da Costa

Accepted for publication in August 3, 2022

Red Geysers are quiescent galaxies with galactic scale ionised outflows, likely due to low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We used Gemini GMOS-IFU observations of the inner $\sim 1.0-3.0$ kpc of nine Red Geysers selected from the MaNGA survey to study the gas ionisation and kinematics. The emission-line ratios suggest the presence of Seyfert/LINER (Low Ionisation Nuclear Emission Region) nuclei in all sources. Two galaxies show H$\alpha$ equivalent width (H$\alpha$ EW) larger than 3 \AA (indicative of AGN ionisation) within an aperture 2.5 arcsec of diameter ($1.3-3.7$ kpc at the distance of galaxies) for MaNGA data, while with the higher resolution GMOS data, four galaxies present H$\alpha$ EW$>3$ \AA within an aperture equal to the angular resolution ($0.3-0.9$ kpc). For two objects with GMOS-IFU data, the H$\alpha$ EW is lower than 3 \AA but larger than 1.5 \AA, most probably due to a faint AGN. The spatially resolved electron density maps show values between $100-3000$ cm$^{-3}$ and are consistent with those determined in other studies. The large (MaNGA) and the nuclear scale (GMOS-IFU) gas velocity fields are misaligned, with a kinematic position angle difference between 12$^{\circ}$ and 60$^{\circ}$. The [NII]$\lambda$6583 emission-line profiles are asymmetrical, with blue wings on the redshifted side of the velocity field and red wings on the blueshifted side. Our results support previous indications that the gas in Red Geysers is ionised by an AGN, at least in their central region, with the presence of outflows, likely originating in a precessing accretion disc.

A photometric and astrometric study of the two open star clusters Gulliver 18 and Gulliver 58 was carried out for the first time using the early third data release of the Gaia space observatory (Gaia-EDR3). By studying the proper motions, parallaxes, and color-magnitude diagrams of the two clusters, we determined their actual cluster membership. Therefore, ages, color excesses, and heliocentric distances of the clusters were determined. The luminosity function, mass function, total mass, mass segregation, and relaxation time of Gulliver 18 and Gulliver 58 were estimated as well.

Raphaël Hardy, Andrew Cumming, Paul Charbonneau

10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ

The atmosphere of a hot jupiter may be subject to a thermo-resistive instability, in which the increasing electrical conductivity with temperature leads to runaway Ohmic heating. We introduce a simplified model of the local dynamics in the equatorial region of a hot jupiter that incorporates the back reaction on the atmospheric flow as the increasing electrical conductivity leads to flux freezing, which in turn quenches the flow and therefore the Ohmic heating. We demonstrate a new time-dependent solution that emerges for a temperature-dependent electrical conductivity (whereas a temperature-independent conductivity always evolves to a steady-state). The periodic cycle consists of bursts of Alfven oscillations separated by quiescent intervals, with the magnetic Reynolds number alternating between values smaller than and larger than unity, maintaining the oscillation. We investigate the regions of pressure and temperature in which the instability operates. For the typical equatorial accelerations seen in atmospheric models, we find instability at pressures $\sim 0.1$--$1\ {\rm bar}$ and temperatures $\approx 1300$--$1800\ {\rm K}$ for magnetic fields $\sim 10\ {\rm G}$. Unlike previous studies based on a constant wind velocity, we find that the instability is stronger for weaker magnetic fields. Our results add support to the idea that variability should be a feature of magnetized hot jupiter atmospheres, particularly at intermediate temperatures. The temperature-dependence of the electrical conductivity is an important ingredient that should be included in MHD models of hot jupiter atmospheric dynamics.

Dana S. Balser, Trey V. Wenger, T. M. Bania

Accepted for publication in the ApJ

Standard stellar evolution models that only consider convection as a physical process to mix material inside of stars predict the production of significant amounts of 3He in low-mass stars (M < 2 Msun), with peak abundances of 3He/H ~ few x 10-3 by number. Over the life-time of the Galaxy, this ought to produce 3He/H abundances that diminish with increasing Galactocentric radius. Observations of 3He+ in HII regions throughout the Galactic disk, however, reveal very little variation in the 3He abundance with values of 3He/H similar to the primoridal abundance, (3He/H)p ~ 10-5 . This discrepancy, known as the "3He Problem", can be resolved by invoking in stellar evolution models an extra-mixing mechanism due to the thermohaline instability. Here, we observe 3He+ in the planetary nebula J320 (PN G190.3-17.7) with the Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) to confirm a previous 3He+ detection made with the VLA that supports standard stellar yields. This measurement alone indicates that not all stars undergo extra mixing. Our more sensitive observations do not detect 3He+ emission from J320 with an RMS noise of 58.8 microJy/beam after smoothing the data to a velocity resolution of 11.4 km/s . We estimate an abundance limit of 3He/H <= 2.75 x 10-3 by number using the numerical radiative transfer code NEBULA. This result nullifies the last significant detection of 3He+ in a PN and allows for the possibility that all stars undergo extra mixing processes.

Arnab Sarkar, Scott Randall, Yuanyuan Su, Gabriella E. Alvarez, Craig Sarazin, Paul Nulsen, Elizabeth Blanton, William Forman, Christine Jones, Esra Bulbul, John Zuhone, Felipe Andrade-Santos, Ryan E. Johnson, Priyanka Chakraborty

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

We report the first unambiguous detection of an axial merger shock in the early-stage merging cluster Abell 98 using deep (227 ks) Chandra observations. The shock is about 420 kpc south from the northern subcluster of Abell 98, in between the northern and central subclusters, with a Mach number of M $\approx$ 2.3 $\pm$ 0.3. Our discovery of the axial merger shock front unveils a critical epoch in the formation of a massive galaxy cluster, when two subclusters are caught in the early phase of the merging process. We find that the electron temperature in the post-shock region favors the instant collisionless model, where electrons are strongly heated at the shock front, by interactions with the magnetic field. We also report on the detection of an intercluster gas filament, with a temperature of kT = 1.07 $\pm$ 0.29 keV, along the merger axis of Abell 98. The measured properties of the gas in the filament are consistent with previous observations and numerical simulations of the hottest, densest parts of the warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM), where WHIM filaments interface with the virialization regions of galaxy clusters.

Benjamin L. Gerard, Javier Perez-Soto, Vincent Chambouleyron, Maaike A.M. van Kooten, Daren Dillon, Sylvain Cetre, Rebecca Jensen-Clem, Qiang Fu, Hadi Amata, Wolfgang Heidrich

submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022, paper number 12185-89

Ground-based high contrast imaging (HCI) and extreme adaptive optics (AO) technologies have advanced to the point of enabling direct detections of gas-giant exoplanets orbiting beyond the snow lines around nearby young star systems. However, leftover wavefront errors using current HCI and AO technologies, realized as "speckles" in the coronagraphic science image, still limit HCI instrument sensitivities to detecting and characterizing lower-mass, closer-in, and/or older/colder exoplanetary systems. Improving the performance of AO wavefront sensors (WFSs) and control techniques is critical to improving such HCI instrument sensitivity. Here we present three different ongoing wavefront sensing and control project developments on the Santa cruz Extreme AO Laboratory (SEAL) testbed: (1) "multi-WFS single congugate AO (SCAO)" using the Fast Atmospheric Self-coherent camera (SCC) Technique (FAST) and a Shack Hartmann WFS, (2) pupil chopping for focal plane wavefront sensing, first with an external amplitude modulator and then with the DM as a phase-only modulator, and (3) a laboratory demonstration of enhanced linearity with the non-modulated bright Pyramid WFS (PWFS) compared to the regular PWFS. All three topics share a common theme of multi-WFS SCAO and/or second stage AO, presenting opportunities and applications to further investigate these techniques in the future.

Chow-Choong Ngeow, Anupam Bhardwaj, Jing-Yi Henderson, Matthew J. Graham, Russ R. Laher, Michael S. Medford, Josiah Purdum, Ben Rusholme

14 pages, 8 Figures and 5 Tables, AJ accepted

We present the first gri-band period-luminosity (PL) and period-Wesenheit (PW) relations for 37 Type II Cepheids (hereafter TIIC) located in 18 globular clusters based on photometric data from the Zwicky Transient Facility. We also updated BV IJHK-band absolute magnitudes for 58 TIIC in 24 globular clusters using the latest homogeneous distances to the globular clusters. The slopes of g/r/i and B/V/I band PL relations are found to be statistically consistent when using the same sample of distance and reddening. We employed the calibration of ri-band PL/PW relations in globular clusters to estimate a distance to M31 based on a sample of ~270 TIIC from the PAndromeda project. The distance modulus to M31, obtained using calibrated ri-band PW relation, agrees well with the recent determination based on classical Cepheids. However, distance moduli derived using the calibrated r- and i-band PL relations are systematically smaller by ~0.2 mag, suggesting there are possible additional systematic error on the PL relations. Finally, we also derive the period-color (PC) relations and for the first time the period-Q-index (PQ) relations, where the Q-index is reddening-free, for our sample of TIIC. The PC relations based on (r-i) and near-infrared colors and the PQ relations are found to be relatively independent of the pulsation periods.

The formation history of binary black hole systems is imprinted on the distribution of their masses, spins, and eccentricity. While much has been learned studying these parameters in turn, recent studies have explored the joint distribution of binary black hole parameters in two or more dimensions. Most notably, Callister et al. [T. A. Callister, C.-J. Haster, K. K. Y. Ng, S. Vitale and W. M. Farr, Astrophys. J. Lett. 922, L5 (2021)] find that binary black hole mass ratio and effective inspiral spin $\chi_\text{eff}$ are anti-correlated. We point out a previously overlooked subtlety in such two-dimensional population studies: in order to conduct a controlled test for correlation, one ought to fix the two marginal distributions -- lest the purported correlation be driven by improved fit in just one dimension. We address this subtlety using a tool from applied statistics: the copula density function. We use Callister et al. as a case study to demonstrate the power of copulas in gravitational-wave astronomy while scrutinising their astrophysical inferences. Our findings, however, affirm their conclusion that binary black holes with unequal component masses exhibit larger $\chi_\text{eff}$ (98.7% credibility). We conclude by discussing potential astrophysical implications of these findings as well as prospects for future studies using copulas.

The most luminous quasars are created by major, gas-rich mergers and E1821+643, an optically luminous quasar situated at the center of a cool-core cluster, appears to be in the late stages of the post-merger blowout phase. This quasar is also identified as a gravitational recoil candidate, in which the supermassive black hole (SMBH) has received a recoil kick due to anisotropic emission of gravitational waves during the coalescence of a progenitor SMBH binary. We analyze long-slit spectra of the extended, ionized gas surrounding E1821+643 to study its kinematics and ionization. We have identified three kinematically distinct components, which we associate, respectively, with a wide-angle polar wind from the nucleus, kinematically undisturbed gas, and a redshifted arc-like structure of gas, at a distance of 3-4\arcsec~(13-18 kpc) from the nucleus. The latter component coincides with the northern and eastern extremities of an arc of [OIII] emission seen in HST images. This feature could trace a tidal tail originating from a merger with a gas-rich galaxy to the South-East of the nucleus, whose presence has been inferred by Aravena et al. from the detection of CO emission. Alternatively, the arc could be the remnant of a shell of gas swept-up by a powerful quasar wind. The emission line ratios of the extended gas are consistent with photoionization by the quasar, but a contribution from radiative shocks cannot be excluded.

J. Serrano Bell, R. F. Díaz

3 pages, in Spanish language. 6 figures. Accepted for publication on BAAA, Vol. 63, 2021

SOPHIE+ is a echelle spectrograph located in Haute-Provence Observatory, France. It can reach a precision of near 1 m s$^{-1}$ by simultaneus calibration. However, the zero point shows a low frequency drift of a few m s$^{-1}$ that must be corrected to achieve the needed precision for the current exoplanet search programs. To this end, four radial velocity standard stars are monitored regularly to measure the instrumental drift. In this work, we propose a new way to correct the instrumental drift of instruments like SOPHIE+. We use supervised machine learning techniques to predict the zero point drift with environmental, instrumental and observational features as input. A dataset with 645 observations and more than 120 features was built. We explored various algorithms and achieved a precision of 1.47 m s$^{-1}$ precision on the predictions of the instrumental drift. These techniques have the potential of allowing a method of correction without the need of monitoring standard stars and also can give us knowledge about the instrument that could be used to improve its stability and precision.

Fan Guo, Xiaocan Li, Omar French, William Daughton, William Matthaeus, Qile Zhang, Yi-Hsin Liu, Patrick Kilian, Grant Johnson, Hui Li

2 pages, 1 figure

Recently, Sironi (PRL, 128, 145102; S22) reported the correlation between particles accelerated into high energy and their crossings of regions with electric field larger than magnetic field (E>B regions) in kinetic simulations of relativistic magnetic reconnection. They claim that electric fields in E>B regions (for a vanishing guide field) dominate in accelerating particles to the injection energy. S22 presented test-particle simulations showing that if particle energies are reset to low energies in E>B regions, efficient injection is suppressed. This Comment re-examines these claims by analyzing a simulation resembling the reference case in S22. We show that during crossings E>B acceleration only contributes a small fraction to the injection energy as E>B regions only host particles for a short duration. The energization before any E>B crossings has a comparable contribution, indicating E>B regions are not unique in pre-accelerating particles. A new test-particle simulation shows that zero-outing electric fields in E>B regions does not strongly influence the injection. We suggest that the procedure used in S22 to exclude E>B acceleration partly removes acceleration outside E>B regions, leading to a false conclusion.

In the mixed dark matter scenarios consisting of primordial black holes (PBHs) and weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), WIMPs can be accreted onto PBHs to form ultracompact minihalos (UCMHs) with a density spike in the early universe. Compared with the classical dark matter halo, UCMHs are formed earlier and have a higher density of center. Since the annihilation rate is proportional to the squared number density of WIMPs, it is expected that WIMPs annihilation within UCMHs is enhanced and has influences on the early universe. Between the time of recombination and matter-radiation equality, the energy released from WIMPs annihilation within UCMHs is injected into the Universe resulting in CMB $y$-type distortion. We investigate these effects and derive the upper limits on the abundance of PBHs taking advantage of the observational results of Far Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (FIRAS). We find that for the WIMPs mass range $1\le m_{\chi}\le 1000~\rm GeV$, the upper limits on the abundance of PBHs are $5\times 10^{-3}\le \Omega_{\rm PBH}\le 5\times 10^{-2}$.

The study of fast radio bursts (FRBs) is of great importance, and is a topic that has been extensively researched, particularly in recent years. While the extreme nature of FRBs can serve as a tool for researchers to probe the intergalactic medium and study exotic aspects of the Universe, the rapid discovery of FRBs has recently deemed the track of new events challenging. FRBSTATS provides a user-friendly web interface to an open-access catalogue of FRBs published up to date, along with a statistical overview of the observed events. The platform supports the retrieval of fundamental FRB data either directly through the FRBSTATS API, or in the form of a CSV/JSON-parsed database, while enabling the plotting of parameters and their distributions, for a variety of visualizations. These features allow researchers to conduct population studies and comparisons with astrophysical models, describing the origin and emission mechanism behind these sources. So far, the redshift estimates of 806 bursts have been computed and derived, providing the first public database that includes redshift entries for nearly all observed FRBs. Lastly, the platform provides a visualization tool that illustrates associations between primary bursts and repeaters, complementing basic repeater information provided by the Transient Name Server. In this work, we present the structure of the platform, the established version control system, as well as the strategy for maintaining such an open database up to date. Additionally, we introduce a novel, computationally-efficient, clustering-based approach that enables unsupervised classification of hundreds of bursts into repeaters and non-repeaters, resulting in the discovery of three new FRB repeaters.

Y. Kipreos, Margaret Campbell-Brown, P. Brown, D. Vida

Accepted for publication at Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)

The Daytime Sextantids meteor shower, part of the Phaethon-Geminid Stream Complex (PGC), is closely related to the Geminids, currently the strongest meteor shower visible at the Earth. The DSX share a similar orbit to asteroid 2005 UD, but the nature of the association remains unclear. From optical data we find that DSX meteors ablate similarly to Geminids, suggesting that they are also high density and consistent with a common origin. From radar data we have isolated 19,007 DSX orbits through application of a novel convex hull approach to determine stream membership. We find at the peak the mean semi-major axis is near 1 AU, eccentricity is 0.86 and that both decrease as a function of solar longitude. The inclination averages 25 degrees at the peak but increases over time. Noticeable DSX activity extends from solar longitude 173-196$^{\circ}$ with a flux plateau between 186 - 189$^{\circ}$. The peak flux is $2 \pm 0.05 \times 10^{-3}$ km$^{-2}$ hr$^{-1}$, equivalent to a ZHR of 20. We estimate a true differential mass index for the shower of $s = 1.64 \pm 0.06$ at the time of peak and an average of $1.70 \pm 0.07$ for days surrounding the peak. The mass of the DSX stream is estimated to be $10^{16}$ g, the same order as 2005 UD, suggesting the stream is too massive to have been created by recent meteoroid production from 2005 UD. We propose that the DSX and 2005 UD were created in the same break-up event that created 3200 Phaethon.

Akash Kumar Saha, Priyank Parashari, Tarak Nath Maity, Abhishek Dubey, Subhadip Bouri, Ranjan Laha

15 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Comments are welcome

Recent observation of Sagittarius A$^*$ (Sgr A$^*$) by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration has uncovered various unanswered questions in black hole (BH) physics. Besides, it may also probe various beyond the Standard Model (BSM) scenarios. One of the most profound possibilities is the search for ultralight bosons (ULBs) using BH superradiance (SR). EHT observations imply that Sgr A$^*$ has a non-zero spin. Using this observation, we derive bounds on the mass of ULBs with purely gravitational interactions. Considering self-interacting ultralight axions, we constrain new regions in the parameter space of decay constant, for a certain spin of Sgr A$^*$. Future observations of various spinning BHs can improve the present constraints on ULBs.

Satyam Srivastav, Milan Sil, Prasanta Gorai, Amit Pathak, Bhalamurugan Sivaraman, Ankan Das

16 pages, 16 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Straight-chain (normal-propyl cyanide, n - C3H7CN) and branched-chain (iso-propyl cyanide, i - C3H7CN) alkyl cyanides are recently identified in the massive star-forming regions (Sgr B2(N) and Orion). These branched-chain molecules indicate that the key amino acids (side-chain structures) may also be present in a similar region. The process by which this branching could propagate towards the higher-order (butyl cyanide, C4H9CN) is an active field of research. Since the grain catalysis process could have formed a major portion of these species, considering a realistic set of binding energies are indeed essential. We employ quantum chemical calculations to estimate the binding energy of these species considering water as a substrate because water is the principal constituent of this interstellar ice. We find significantly lower binding energy values for these species than were previously used. It is noticed that the use of realistic binding energy values can significantly change the abundance of these species. The branching is more favorable for the higher-order alkyl cyanides with the new binding energies. With the inclusion of our new binding energy values and one essential destruction reaction (i - C3H7CN + H -> CH3C(CH3)CN + H2, having an activation barrier of 947 K), abundances of t - C4H9CN dramatically increased.

Fithanegest Kassa Dagnew, Nat Gopalswamy, Solomon Belay Tessema, Sachiko Akiyama, Seiji Yashiro

27 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical journal (ApJ)

The culmination of solar cycle 24 by the end of 2019 has created the opportunity to compare the differing properties of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) between two whole solar cycles: Solar cycle 23 (SC 23) and Solar cycle 24 (SC 24). We report on the width evolution of limb CMEs in SC 23 and 24 in order to test the suggestion by Gopalswamy et al. (2015a) that CME flux ropes attain pressure balance at larger heliocentric distances in SC 24. We measure CME width as a function of heliocentric distance for a significantly large number of limb CMEs (~1000) and determine the distances where the CMEs reach constant width in each cycle. We introduced a new parameter: the transition height (hc) of a CME defined as the critical heliocentric distance beyond which the CME width stabilizes to a quasi-constant value. Cycle and phase-to-phase comparisons are based on this new parameter. We find that the average value of hc in SC 24 is 62% higher than in SC 23. SC 24 CMEs attain their peak width at larger distances from the Sun as compared to SC 23 CMEs. The enhanced transition height in SC 24 is new observational ratification of the anomalous expansion. The anomalous expansion of SC 24 CMEs which is caused by the weak state of the heliosphere, accounts for the larger heliocentric distance where the pressure balance between CME flux rope and the ambient medium is attained.

Bruno Régaldo-Saint Blancard, Erwan Allys, Constant Auclair, François Boulanger, Michael Eickenberg, François Levrier, Léo Vacher, Sixin Zhang

18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to ApJ, code: this https URL

The quest for primordial $B$-modes in the cosmic microwave background has emphasized the need for refined models of the Galactic dust foreground. Here, we aim at building a realistic statistical model of the multi-frequency dust emission from a single example. We introduce a generic methodology relying on microcanonical gradient descent models conditioned by an extended family of wavelet phase harmonic (WPH) statistics. To tackle the multi-channel aspect of the data, we define cross-WPH statistics, quantifying non-Gaussian correlations between maps. Our data-driven methodology could apply to various contexts, and we have updated the software PyWPH, on which this work relies, accordingly. Applying this to dust emission maps built from a magnetohydrodynamics simulation, we construct and assess two generative models of: 1) a $(I, E, B)$ multi-observable input, 2) a $\{I_\nu\}_\nu$ multi-frequency input. The samples exhibit consistent features compared to the original maps. A statistical analysis of 1) shows that the power spectra, distributions of pixels, and Minkowski functionals are captured to a good extent. We analyze 2) by fitting the spectral energy distribution (SED) of both the synthetic and original maps with a modified blackbody (MBB) law. The maps are equally well fitted, and a comparison of the MBB parameters shows that our model succeeds in capturing the spatial variations of the SED from the data. Besides the perspectives of this work for dust emission modeling, the introduction of cross-WPH statistics opens a new avenue to characterize non-Gaussian interactions across different maps, which we believe will be fruitful for astrophysics.

Liang Li, She-Sheng Xue, Zi-Gao Dai

46 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables

Despite decades of polarization observations and high-significance polarized $\gamma$-ray, X-ray, optical, and radio emissions in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been accumulating in dozens of cases, people have yet to find a consistent scenario for understanding the globally observed timing properties of GRB polarization to date. Here, we report that the observed properties of GRB polarization exhibit a four-segment timing evolution at the cosmological distance: (I) an initial hump early on (within the first few seconds); (II) a later on power-law decay (from $\sim$10$^{1}$ to $\sim$10$^{4}$ s), which takes the form of $\pi_{\rm obs} \propto t^{-0.50 \pm 0.02}$; (III) afterwards a late-time rebrightening hump (from $\sim$10$^{4}$ to $\sim$10$^{5}$ s); and (IV) finally a flatting power-law decay (from $\sim$ 10$^{5}$ to $\sim$ 10$^{7}$ s), with the the form of $\pi_{\rm obs} \propto t^{-0.21 \pm 0.08}$. These findings may present a challenge to the mainstream of polarization models that assume the polarization time evolution change in different emission regions. We show that these results can be explained by relativistic and geometric effects of a highly relativistic and magnetized jet generated by the central engine, and "magnetic patches" distributed as a globally random but locally coherent form. Our analysis suggests that there is a single dominant mechanism that might account for the global observational properties of GRB polarization, and other emission mechanisms and effects might play a role in spatially local and temporally short effects on GRB polarization.

Suman Satyal, Billy Quarles, Marialis Rosario-Franco

Published at MNRAS

All 4 giant planets in the Solar System host systems of multiple moons, whereas the terrestrial planets only host up to 2 moons. The Earth can capture small asteroids as temporary satellites, which begs the question as to how many moons could stably orbit the Earth, or an Earth-mass exoplanet. We perform a series of N-body simulations of closely-spaced equal mass moons in nested orbits around an Earth-mass planet orbiting a Sun-like star. The innermost moon begins near the host planets Roche radius, and the system is packed until the outermost moon begins near the stability limit for single moons. The initial spacing of the moons follows an iterative scheme commonly used for studies of compact planetary systems around single stars. For 3-moons system, we generate MEGNO maps to calculate periodic and chaotic regions and to identify the destabilizing MMRs. Our calculations show that the maximum number of moons depends on the assumed masses of the satellites (Ceres-, Pluto-, and Luna-mass) that could maintain stable orbits in a tightly-packed environment. Through our N-body simulations, we find stable configurations for up to 7 $\pm$ 1 Ceres-mass, 4 $\pm$ 1 Pluto-mass, and 3 $\pm$ 1 Luna-mass moons. However, outward tidal migration will likely play a substantial role in the number of moons on stable orbits over the 10 Gyr stellar lifetime of a Sun-like star.

Aryeh Brill

26 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

Blazars exhibit stochastic flux variability across the electromagnetic spectrum, often exhibiting heavy-tailed flux distributions, commonly modeled as lognormal. However, Tavecchio et al. (2020) and Adams et al. (2022) found that the high-energy gamma-ray flux distributions of several of the brightest flaring Fermi-LAT flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) are well modeled by an even heavier-tailed distribution, which we show is the inverse gamma distribution. We propose an autoregressive inverse gamma variability model in which an inverse gamma flux distribution arises as a consequence of a shot-noise process. In this model, discrete bursts are individually unresolved and averaged over within time bins, as in the analysis of Fermi-LAT data. Stochastic variability on timescales longer than the time bin duration is modeled using first-order autoregressive structure. The flux distribution becomes approximately lognormal in the limiting case of many weak bursts. The fractional variability is predicted to decrease as the time bin duration increases. Using simulated light curves, we show that the proposed model is consistent with the typical gamma-ray variability properties of FSRQs and BL Lac objects. The model parameters can be physically interpreted as the average burst rate, the burst fluence, and the timescale of long-term stochastic fluctuations.

Adam S. Jermyn, Evan B. Bauer, Josiah Schwab, R. Farmer, Warrick H. Ball, Earl P. Bellinger, Aaron Dotter, Meridith Joyce, Pablo Marchant, Joey S. G. Mombarg, William M. Wolf, Tin Long Sunny Wong, Giulia C. Cinquegrana, Eoin Farrell, R. Smolec, Anne Thoul, Matteo Cantiello, Falk Herwig, Odette Toloza, Lars Bildsten, Richard H. D. Townsend, F.X. Timmes

49 pages, 29 figures; Submitted to AAS Journals

We update the capabilities of the open-knowledge software instrument Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA). The new auto_diff module implements automatic differentiation in MESA, an enabling capability that alleviates the need for hard-coded analytic expressions or finite difference approximations. We significantly enhance the treatment of the growth and decay of convection in MESA with a new model for time-dependent convection, which is particularly important during late-stage nuclear burning in massive stars and electron degenerate ignition events. We strengthen MESA's implementation of the equation of state, and we quantify continued improvements to energy accounting and solver accuracy through a discussion of different energy equation features and enhancements. To improve the modeling of stars in MESA we describe key updates to the treatment of stellar atmospheres, molecular opacities, Compton opacities, conductive opacities, element diffusion coefficients, and nuclear reaction rates. We introduce treatments of starspots, an important consideration for low-mass stars, and modifications for superadiabatic convection in radiation-dominated regions. We describe new approaches for increasing the efficiency of calculating monochromatic opacities and radiative levitation, and for increasing the efficiency of evolving the late stages of massive stars with a new operator split nuclear burning mode. We close by discussing major updates to MESA's software infrastructure that enhance source code development and community engagement.

Rui Guo (SJTU), Juntai Shen (SJTU), Zhao-yu Li (SJTU), Chao Liu (NAOC), Shude Mao (THU)

14 pages + Appendix, 10 figures. Accepted for publication on ApJ

The Galaxy is found to be in disequilibrium based on recent findings of the North/South (N/S) asymmetry and the phase mixing signatures, such as a phase spiral (snail) structure in the vertical phase space ($z-V_{z}$). We show that the N/S asymmetry in a tracer population of dwarfs may be quantitatively modeled with a simple phase snail model superimposed on a smooth equilibrium background. As the phase snail intersects with the $z$ axis, the number density is enhanced, and the velocity dispersion ($\sigma_{z}$) is decreased relative to the other side of the Galactic plane. Fitting only to the observed asymmetric N/S $\sigma_{z}$ profiles, we obtain reasonable parameters for the phase space snail and the potential utilized in modeling the background, despite the complex dependence of the model on the potential parameters and the significant selection effects of the data. Both the snail shape and the N/S number density difference given by our best-fit model are consistent with previous observations. The equilibrium background implies a local dark matter density of $0.0151^{+0.0050}_{-0.0051}$ ${\rm M}_{\odot}\,{\rm pc}^{-3}$. The vertical bulk motion of our model is similar to the observation, but with a $\sim$1.2 $\rm km\,s^{-1}$ shift. Our work demonstrates the strong correlation between the phase space snail and the N/S asymmetry. Future observational constraints will facilitate more comprehensive snail models to unravel the Milky Way potential and the perturbation history encoded in the snail feature.

Aims. With the accumulation of polarization data in the gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt phase, polarization models can be tested. Methods. We predicted the time-integrated polarizations of 30 GRBs with polarization observation. We used their observed spectral parameters to do this. In the model, the emission mechanism is synchrotron radiation, and the magnetic field configuration in the emission region was assumed to be large-scale ordered. Therefore, the predicted polarization degrees (PDs) are upper limits. Results. For most GRBs detected by the Gamma-ray Burst Polarimeter (GAP) and POLAR, the predicted PD can match the corresponding observed PD. Hence the synchrotron-emission model in a large-scale ordered magnetic field interprets the moderately low PDs detected by POLAR well. Therefore, the magnetic fields in these GRB prompt phases or at least during the peak times are dominated by the ordered component. While for AstroSat it has observed generally high PDs, and except for the observed PD upper limits, the predicted PDs in an ordered magnetic field ($\sim30\%$) are all lower than the observed values. Because the synchrotron emission in an ordered magnetic field predicts the upper limit of the PD for the synchrotron-emission models, the typical PD value detected by AstroSat challenges the synchrotron-emission models for polarization. Then we predict the PDs of the High-energy Polarimetry Detector (HPD) and Low-energy Polarimetry Detector (LPD) on board the upcoming POLAR-2. In the synchrotron-emission models, the concentrated PD values of the GRBs detected by HPD will be higher than the LPD, which might be different from the predictions of the dissipative photosphere model. Therefore, more accurate multiband polarization observations are highly desired to test models of the GRB prompt phase.

Thuong D. Hoang, Tomotake Matsumura, Ryota Takaku, Takashi Hasebe, Tommaso Ghigna, Nobuhiko Katayama, Yuki Sakurai, Kunimoto Komatsu, Teruhito Iida, Yurika Hoshino, Shinya Sugiyama, Hirokazu Ishino (for the LiteBIRD collaboration)

LiteBIRD is the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation polarization satellite mission led by ISAS/JAXA. The main scientific goal is to search for primordial gravitational wave signals generated from the inflation epoch of the Universe. LiteBIRD telescopes employ polarization modulation units (PMU) using continuously rotating half-wave plates (HWP). The PMU is a crucial component to reach unprecedented sensitivity by mitigating systematic effects, including 1/f noise. We have developed a 1/10 scale prototype PMU of the LiteBIRD LFT, which has a 5-layer achromatic HWP and a diameter of 50 mm, spanning the observational frequency range of 34-161 GHz. The HWP is mounted on a superconducting magnetic bearing (SMB) as a rotor and levitated by a high-temperature superconductor as a stator. In this study, the entire PMU system is cooled down to 10 K in the cryostat chamber by a 4-K Gifford-McMahon (GM) cooler. We propagate an incident coherent millimeter-wave polarized signal throughout the rotating HWP and detect the modulated signal. We study the modulated optical signal and any rotational synchronous signals from the rotation mechanism. We describe the testbed system and the preliminary data acquired from this setup. This testbed is built to integrate the broadband HWP PMU and evaluate the potential systematic effects in the optical data. This way, we can plan with a full-scale model, which takes a long time for preparation and testing.

B. Lefloch, C. Vastel, E. Bianchi, R. Bachiller

6 pages, 4 figures; invited talk at the IRAM conference "Multi-line Diagnostics of the Interstellar Medium", Nice, April 2022; To be published in The European Physical Journal Web of Conferences

The Large Program "Astrochemical Surveys At IRAM" (ASAI) investigates the emergence of molecular complexity along the different stages of the solar-type star formation process, by carrying out unbiased line surveys of a sample of ten template sources in the range 80-272 GHz with the IRAM 30m telescope. We present here an overview of the main results of the Large Program ASAI.

Sanja Danilovic

in press, movie links can be found in figure captions

The chromosphere is a dynamic and complex layer where all the relevant physical processes happen on very small spatio-temporal scales. A few spectral lines that can be used as chromospheric diagnostics give us convoluted information that is hard to interpret without realistic theoretical models. What are the key ingredients that these models need to contain? The magnetic field has a paramount effect on chromospheric structuring. This is obvious from the ubiquitous presence of chromospheric dynamic fibrilar structures visible on the solar disk and at the limb. The numerical experiments presented in this manuscript illustrate the present state of modeling. They showcase to what extent our models reproduce various chromospheric features and their dynamics. The publication describes the effect different ingredients have on chromospheric models and provides a recipe for building one-to-one models. Combining these models with observations will provide insight into the physical processes that take place in the solar atmosphere.

Kyle R. Helson, Stefan Arseneau, Alyssa Barlis, Charles L. Bennett, Thomas M. Essinger-Hileman, Haiquan Guo, Tobias Marriage, Manuel A. Quijada, Ariel E. Tokarz, Stephanie L. Vivod, Edward J. Wollack

Infrared-blocking scattering aerogel filters have a broad range of potential applications in astrophysics and planetary science observations in the far-infrared, sub-millimeter, and microwave regimes. Successful dielectric modeling of aerogel filters allowed the fabrication of samples to meet the mechanical and science instrument requirements for several experiments, including the Sub-millimeter Solar Observation Lunar Volatiles Experiment (SSOLVE), the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS), and the Experiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM). Thermal multi-physics simulations of the filters predict their performance when integrated into a cryogenic receiver. Prototype filters have survived cryogenic cycling to 4K with no degradation in mechanical properties.

Sandeep Kumar Acharya, Jiten Dhandha, Jens Chluba

Comments welcome

The excess radio background seen at $\simeq 0.1-10\,{\rm GHz}$ has stimulated much scientific debate in the past years. Recently, it was pointed out that the soft photon emission from accreting primordial black holes may be able to explain this signal. We show that the expected ultraviolet photon emission from these accreting black holes would ionize the universe completely at $z>6$ and thus wash out the 21 cm absorption signature at $z\simeq$ 20 as well as be in tension with existing cosmic microwave background anisotropy and average spectral distortion limits. We discuss possible augmentations of the model; however, it seems that an explanation of radio excess by accreting primordial black holes is not well-justified.

High-energy radiation of young pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) is known to be variable. This is most prominently exemplified by the Crab nebula which can undergo both rapid brightenings and dimmings. Two pulsars in the Large Magellanic Cloud, PSR J0540-6919 and PSR J0537-6910 are evolutionally very close to Crab, so one may expect the same kind of variability from the PWNe around them as from the Crab nebula. In this work we search for variability in these PWNe in gamma rays using the data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope in the range 100 MeV-10 GeV collected from August 2008 to December 2021. We construct light curves of these sources in the three bands, 100-300 MeV, 300-1000 MeV and 1-10 GeV with the one week time resolution. We find evidence of flaring activity in all the bands, in contrast with Crab, where no flares at $E>1$ GeV were observed. Analysis of the flaring episode in the 100-300 and 300-1000 MeV bands indicates that the flux of one of the PWNe could grew by a factor of $\approx 5-10$. We are not confident about which of the two PWNe flared because of their proximity in the sky. However, in the 1-10 GeV band where the angular resolution of the LAT is better, we find several episodes of enhanced brightness in both the PWNe. We check possible contaminants which could be responsible for the observed variability, but find their contribution not to be relevant.

Tibor Dome, Anastasia Fialkov, Philip Mocz, Björn Malte Schäfer, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Mark Vogelsberger

25 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, comments welcome

The fuzzy dark matter (FDM) scenario has received increased attention in recent years due to the small-scale challenges of the vanilla Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmological model and the lack of robust experimental evidence for any constituent particle. In this study, we use cosmological $N$-body simulations to investigate the high-redshift cosmic web and its responsiveness to an FDM-like power spectrum cutoff in the primordial density perturbations by looking at three distinct properties of virialised FDM dark matter halos as a function of the particle mass $m$. First, compared to $\Lambda$CDM the concentrations of their mass density profiles are lower, peaking at an $m$-dependent halo mass and thus breaking the approximate universality of density profiles in $\Lambda$CDM even further. The halo profiles of the intermediate-to-major and minor-to-major shape parameters are monotonically increasing with ellipsoidal radius in $N$-body simulations of $\Lambda$CDM, yet become non-monotonic owing to baryonic physics at lower redshifts and an FDM-like power spectrum cutoff at higher redshifts. Finally, intrinsic alignment correlations, stemming from the deformation of initially spherically collapsing halos in an ambient gravitational tidal field, become stronger with decreasing FDM particle mass. At $z\sim 4$, we find a $6.4 \sigma$-significance in the fractional differences between the inferred isotropised linear alignment magnitudes $D_{\text{iso}}$ in $\Lambda$CDM and the rather extreme $m=10^{-22}$ eV FDM model. Such FDM-like imprints on the internal properties of virialised halos are strikingly visible in the pristine high-$z$ cosmic web whose evolution is governed largely by linear structure formation physics.

This study presents a justification of the use of Stokes-V Cryo-NIRSP/DKIST observations for the 3D Reconstruction of the Coronal Magnetic Field. A magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model of the solar corona during solar minimum generated by Predictive Science Inc. was used to synthesize spectropolarimetric measurements of the Fe XIII 1075 nm coronal emission line as observed from the Earth. Stokes-Q,U data is "taken" for half a solar rotation period (about two weeks) by Upgraded Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter (UCoMP) with field of view (FOV) up to $2\ R_\odot$. Stokes-V data is "taken" once a day for two days by Cryo-NIRSP/DKIST with a total FOV equal to the two Cryo-NIRSP FOVs. We demonstrated that even this amount Stokes-V observations with Cryo-NIRSP FOV coverage can remarkably improve the 3D coronal magnetic field reconstruction over an active region compared with tomography reconstruction based only on UCoMP linear polarization data.

Ryan Chown, Laura C. Parker, Christine D. Wilson, Toby Brown, Fraser A. Evans, Yang Gao, Ho Seong Hwang, Lihwai Lin, Amelie Saintonge, Mark Sargent, Matthew W. L. Smith, Ting Xiao

16 pages, 7 Figures, accepted to MNRAS

We study the cold gas and dust properties for a sample of red star forming galaxies called "red misfits." We collect single-dish CO observations and HI observations from representative samples of low-redshift galaxies, as well as our own JCMT CO observations of red misfits. We also obtain SCUBA-2 850 um observations for a subset of these galaxies. With these data we compare the molecular gas, total cold gas, and dust properties of red misfits against those of their blue counterparts ("blue actives") taking non-detections into account using a survival analysis technique. We compare these properties at fixed position in the log SFR-log M* plane, as well as versus offset from the star-forming main sequence. Compared to blue actives, red misfits have slightly longer molecular gas depletion times, similar total gas depletion times, significantly lower molecular- and total-gas mass fractions, lower dust-to-stellar mass ratios, similar dust-to-gas ratios, and a significantly flatter slope in the $\log M_\mathrm{mol}$-$\log M_\star$ plane. Our results suggest that red misfits as a population are likely quenching due to a shortage in gas supply.

Chris Hamilton (1), Elizabeth A. Tolman (1), Lev Arzamasskiy (1), Vinícius N. Duarte (2) ((1) Institute for Advanced Study, (2) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)

20 pages + appendices, 9 figures. To be submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

The secular evolution of disk galaxies over cosmic time is largely driven by resonances between the orbits of 'particles' (e.g. stars or dark matter) and the rotation of non-axisymmetric features (e.g. spiral arms or a bar). Such resonances are also often invoked to explain present-day kinematic and photometric features observed in the Milky Way and external galaxies. In simplified cases these resonant interactions are well understood: for instance, the secular dynamics of a test particle trapped near a resonance of a steadily rotating bar is easily analyzed using the angle-action tools pioneered by Binney, Monari and others. However, their treatments don't address the stochasticity and messiness of real galaxies - effects which have, with few exceptions, been previously captured only in complex N-body simulations. In this paper we propose a simple kinetic equation to describe the distribution function of particles near an orbital resonance with a rigidly rotating bar, using the pendulum approximation and allowing for diffusion of the particles' slow actions. We solve this kinetic equation for various values of the diffusion strength $\Delta$. We then apply our theory to the calculation of the dynamical friction torque felt by a bar embedded in a spherical dark matter halo. For $\Delta = 0$ we recover the classic result of Tremaine & Weinberg that the friction vanishes in the time-asymptotic (phase-mixed) limit, whereas for $\Delta > 0$ we find that diffusion suppresses phase mixing, leading to a finite negative torque, suggesting that real galactic bars always decelerate.

Radio science data collected from NASA's Deep Space Networks (DSNs) are made available in various formats through NASA's Planetary Data System (PDS). The majority of these data are packed in complex formats, making them inaccessible to users without specialized knowledge. In this paper, we present a Python-based tool that can preprocess the closed-loop archival tracking data files (ATDFs), produce Doppler and range observables, and write them in an ASCII table along with ancillary information. ATDFs are primitive closed-loop radio science products with limited available documentation. Early in the 2000s, DSN deprecated ATDF and replaced it with the Tracking and Navigation Service Data Files (TNF) to keep up with the evolution of the radio science system. Most data processing software (e.g., orbit determination software) cannot use them directly, thus limiting the utilization of these data. As such, the vast majority of historical closed-loop radio science data have not yet been processed with modern software and with our improved understanding of the solar system. The preprocessing tool presented in this paper makes it possible to revisit such historical data using modern techniques and software to conduct crucial radio science experiments.

Taiki Kawamuro, Claudio Ricci, Masatoshi Imanishi, Richard F. Mushotzky, Takuma Izumi, Federica Ricci, Franz E. Bauer, Michael J. Koss, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Kohei Ichikawa, Alejandra F. Rojas, Krista Lynne Smith, Taro Shimizu, Kyuseok Oh, Jakob S. den Brok, Shunsuke Baba, Mislav Baloković, Chin-Shin Chang, Darshan Kakkad, Ryan W. Pfeifle, George C. Privon, Matthew J. Temple, Yoshihiro Ueda, Fiona Harrison, Meredith C. Powell, Daniel Stern, Meg Urry, David B. Sanders

43 pages, 34 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

To understand the origin of nuclear ($\lesssim$ 100 pc) millimeter-wave (mm-wave) continuum emission in active galactic nuclei (AGNs), we systematically analyzed sub-arcsec resolution Band-6 (211-275 GHz) ALMA data of 98 nearby AGNs ($z <$ 0.05) from the 70-month Swift/BAT catalog. The sample, almost unbiased for obscured systems, provides the largest number of AGNs to date with high mm-wave spatial resolution sampling ($\sim$ 1-200 pc), and spans broad ranges of 14-150 keV luminosity {$40 < \log[L_{\rm 14-150}/({\rm erg\,s^{-1}})] < 45$}, black hole mass [$5 < \log(M_{\rm BH}/M_\odot) < 10$], and Eddington ratio ($-4 < \log \lambda_{\rm Edd} < 2$). We find a significant correlation between 1.3 mm (230 GHz) and 14-150 keV luminosities. Its scatter is $\approx$ 0.36 dex, and the mm-wave emission may serve as a good proxy of the AGN luminosity, free of dust extinction up to $N_{\rm H} \sim 10^{26}$ cm$^{-2}$. While the mm-wave emission could be self-absorbed synchrotron radiation around the X-ray corona according to past works, we also discuss different possible origins of the mm-wave emission; AGN-related dust emission, outflow-driven shocks, and a small-scale ($<$ 200 pc) jet. The dust emission is unlikely to be dominant, as the mm-wave slope is generally flatter than expected. Also, due to no increase in the mm-wave luminosity with the Eddington ratio, a radiation-driven outflow model is possibly not the common mechanism. Furthermore, we find independence of the mm-wave luminosity on indicators of the inclination angle from the polar axis of the nuclear structure, which is inconsistent with a jet model whose luminosity depends only on the angle.

Mohammad K. Mardini, Anna Frebel, Rana Ezzeddine, Anirudh Chiti, Yohai Meiron, Alexander P. Ji, Vinicius M. Placco, Ian U. Roederer, Jorge Meléndez

We present a high-resolution ($R\sim35,000$), high signal-to-noise ($S/N=350$) Magellan/MIKE spectrum of the bright extremely metal-poor star 2MASS~J1808$-$5104. We find [Fe/H] = $-$4.01 (spectroscopic LTE stellar parameters), [Fe/H] = $-$3.8 (photometric stellar parameters), [Fe/H] = $-$3.7 (spectroscopic NLTE stellar parameters). We measured a carbon-to-iron ratio of $\mbox{[C/Fe]}= 0.38$ from the CH G-band. J1808$-$5104 is thus not carbon-enhanced, contrary to many other stars with similarly low iron abundances. We also determine, for the first time, a barium abundance ($\mbox{[Ba/Fe]} =-0.78$), and obtain a significantly reduced upper limit for the nitrogen abundance ([N/Fe]$ < - 0.2$). J1808$-$5104 has low ratio of $\mbox{[Sr/Ba]}=-0.17$, which is consistent with that of stars in ultra-faint dwarf galaxies. We also fit the abundance pattern of J1808$-$5104 with nucleosynthesis yields from a grid of Population\,III supernova models. There is a good fit to the abundance pattern which suggests J1808$-$5104 originated from gas enriched by a single massive supernova with a high explosion energy of E $=10\times10^{51}$\,erg and a progenitor stellar mass of M$=29.5$\,M$_{\odot}$. Interestingly, J1808$-$5104 is a member of the Galactic thin disk, as confirmed by our detailed kinematic analysis and calculated stellar actions and velocities. Finally, we also established the orbital history of J1808$-$5104 using our time-dependent Galactic potential the \texttt{ORIENT}. J1808$-$5104 appears to have a stable quasi-circular orbit and been largely confined to the thin disk. This unique orbital history, the star's very old age ($\sim13.5$\,Gyr), and the low [C/Fe] and [Sr/Ba] ratios suggest that J1808$-$5104 may have formed at the earliest epoch of the hierarchical assembly of the Milky Way, and it is most likely associated with the primordial thin disk.

Chao-Te Li, C.-Y.E. Tong, Ming-Jye Wang, Tse-Jun Chen, Yen-Pin Chang, Sheng-Feng Yen, Jen-Chieh Cheng, Wei-Chun Lu, Yen-Ru Huang

9pages, 14 figures

Since the start of full science operations from 2004, the Submillimeter Array has been implementing plans to expand IF bandwidths and upgrade receivers and cryostats. Metal mesh low-pass filters were designed to block infrared (IR) radiation to reduce the thermal load on the cryostats. Filters were fabricated on a quartz wafer through photolithography and coated with anti-reflection (AR) material. The filters were tested from 200 to 400 GHz to verify their passband performances. The measurement results were found to be in good agreement with EM simulation results. They were tested in the far-infrared (FIR) frequency range to verify out-of-band rejection. The IR reflectivity was found to be approximately 70%, which corresponded to the percentage of the area blocked by metal.

Dongdong Yan, Kwang-il Seon, Jianheng Guo, Guo Chen, Lifang Li

Accepted for publication in ApJ, 48 pages

Escaping atmosphere has been detected by the excess absorption of Ly$\alpha$, H$\alpha$ and He triplet (10830$\rm\AA$) lines. Simultaneously modeling the absorption of the H$\alpha$ and He 10830 lines can provide useful constraints about the exoplanetary atmosphere. In this paper, we use a hydrodynamic model combined with a non-local thermodynamic model and a new Monte Carlo simulation model to obtain the H(2) and He(2$^3$S) populations. The Monte Carlo simulations of Ly$\alpha$ radiative transfer are performed with assumptions of a spherical stellar Ly$\alpha$ radiation and a spherical planetary atmosphere, for the first time, to calculate the Ly$\alpha$ mean intensity distribution inside the planetary atmosphere, necessary in estimating the H(2) population. We model the transmission spectra of the H$\alpha$ and He 10830 lines simultaneously in hot Jupiter WASP-52b. We find that models with many different H/He ratios can reproduce the H$\alpha$ observations well if the host star has (1) a high X-ray/extreme ultraviolet (XUV) flux ($F_{\rm XUV}$) and a relatively low X-ray fraction in XUV radiation ($\beta_m$), or (2) a low $F_{\rm XUV}$ and a high $\beta_m$. The simulations of He 10830 $\rm\AA$ triplet suggest that a high H/He ratio ($\sim$ 98/2) is required to fit the observation. The models that fit both lines well confine $F_{\rm XUV}$ to be about 0.5 times the fiducial value and $\beta_m$ to have a value around 0.3. The models also suggest that hydrogen and helium originate from the escaping atmosphere, and the mass-loss rate is about 2.8$\times 10^{11}$ g s$^{-1}$.

Foteini Lykou, Quentin A. Parker, Andreas Ritter, Albert A. Zijlstra, D. John Hillier, Martín A. Guerrero, Pascal Le Dû

19 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables

We report observations and modelling of the stellar remnant and presumed double-degenerate merger of Type~Iax supernova SN 1181 AD. It is the only known bound stellar SN remnant and the only star with Wolf-Rayet features that is neither a planetary nebula central star nor a massive Pop I progenitor. We model the unique emission-line spectrum with broad, strong O VI and O VIII lines as a fast stellar wind and shocked, hot gas. Non-LTE wind modeling indicates a mass-loss rate of $\sim 10^{-6}\,\rm M_\odot yr^{-1}$ and a terminal velocity of $\sim$15,000 km s$^{-1}$, consistent with earlier results. O VIII lines indicate shocked gas temperatures of $T \simeq 4$ MK. We derive a magnetic field upper limit of $B<2.5$ MG, below earlier suggestions. The luminosity indicates a remnant mass of $1.2\pm0.2$ $\rm M_\odot$ with ejecta mass $0.15\pm0.05$ $\rm M_\odot$. Archival photometry suggests the stellar remnant has dimmed by $\sim$0.5 magnitudes over 100 years. A low Ne/O $<0.15$ argues against a O-Ne white dwarf in the merger. A cold dust shell is only the second detection of dust in a SN Iax and the first of cold dust. Our ejecta mass and kinetic energy estimates of the remnant are consistent with Type Iax extragalactic sources.

Chih-Teng Ling, Seong Jin Kim, Cossas K.-W. Wu, Tomotsugu Goto, Ece Kilerci, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Yu-Wei Lin, Po-Ya Wang, Simon C.-C. Ho, Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao

6 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We present mid-infrared galaxy number counts based on the Early Release Observations obtained by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) at 7.7-, 10- and 15-$\mu$m (F770W, F1000W and F1500W, respectively) bands of the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). Due to the superior sensitivity of JWST, the 80 percent completeness limits reach 0.32, 0.79 and 2.0 $\mu$Jy in F770W, F1000W and F1500W filters, respectively, i.e., $\sim$100 times deeper than previous space infrared telescopes such as Spitzer or AKARI. The number counts reach much deeper than characteristic peaks due to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emissions. An extrapolation towards fainter flux from the evolutionary models in the literature agrees amazingly well with the new data, where the extrapolated faint-end of infrared luminosity functions combined with the cosmic star-formation history to higher redshifts can reproduce the deeper number counts by JWST. Our understanding of the faint infrared sources has been confirmed by the observed data due to the superb sensitivity of JWST.

Jian-Chen Zhang, Kang Jiao, Tingting Zhang, Tong-Jie Zhang (corr-auth), Bo Yu

10 pages,4 figures,2tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

The $L-\sigma$ relation of HII galaxies (HIIGx) calibrated by a distance indicator is a reliable standard candle for measuring the Hubble constant $H_0$. The most straightforward calibration technique anchors them with the first tier of distance ladders from the same galaxies. Recently another promising method that uses the cosmological model-independent Cosmic Chronometers (CC) as a calibrator has been proposed. We promote this technique by removing the assumptions about the cosmic flatness and using a non-parametric Artificial Neural Network for the data reconstruction process. We observe a correlation between the cosmic curvature density parameter and the slope of the $L-\sigma$ relation, thereby improving the reliability of the calibration. Using the calibrated HIIGx Hubble diagram, we obtain a Type Ia Supernovae Hubble diagram free of the conventional assumption about $H_0$. Finally we get a value of $H_0=65.9_{-2.9}^{+3.0} \mathrm{km s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}}$, which is compatible with latest Planck18 measurement.

Giacomo Beccari, Henri M. J. Boffin, Paola Andreani, Selma de Mink, Wendy Freedman, Michael Hill, Bruno Leibundgut, Federico Lelli, Anna Miotello, Sean Sapcariu

Report on the ESO on-line conference ASTRO2022, published on the ESO Messenger 187, 2022

Being one of the most fascinating and ancient sciences, astronomy has always played a special role in society. In 2022 ESO organised an online conference to offer the community a platform to discuss astronomical topics of sociological and philosophical relevance in a professional atmosphere. The talks touched on several crucial aspects, moving from the methodology of science to the use of metrics, to the importance of diversity in evaluation processes, and to the link between astronomy and society.

J. L. Chen, J. S. Zhang, C. Henkel, Y. T. Yan, H.Z.Yu, J. J. Qiu, X. D. Tang, J. Wang, W. Liu, Y. X. Wang, Y. H. Zheng, J. Y. Zhao, Y. P. Zou

Our aim is to measure the interstellar 14N/15N ratio across the Galaxy, to establish a standard data set on interstellar ammonia isotope ratios, and to provide new constraints on the Galactic chemical evolution. The (J, K ) = (1, 1), (2, 2), and (3, 3) lines of 14NH3 and 15NH3 were observed with the Shanghai Tianma 65 m radio telescope (TMRT) and the Effelsberg 100 m telescope toward a large sample of 210 sources. One hundred fourty-one of these sources were detected by the TMRT in 14NH3. Eight of them were also detected in 15NH3. For 10 of the 36 sources with strong NH3 emission, the Effelsberg 100 m telescope successfully detected their 15NH3(1, 1) lines, including 3 sources (G081.7522, W51D, and Orion-KL) with detections by the TMRT telescope. Thus, a total of 15 sources are detected in both the 14NH3 and 15NH3 lines. Line and physical parameters for these 15 sources are derived, including optical depths, rotation and kinetic temperatures, and total column densities. 14N/15N isotope ratios were determined from the 14NH3/15NH3 abundance ratios. The isotope ratios obtained from both telescopes agree for a given source within the uncertainties, and no dependence on heliocentric distance and kinetic temperature is seen. 14N/15N ratios tend to increase with galactocentric distance, confirming a radial nitrogen isotope gradient. This is consistent with results from recent Galactic chemical model calculations, including the impact of superasymptotic giant branch stars and novae.

Yael Naze (FNRS/ULiege), Gregor Rauw (Uliege), Myron A. Smith (NSF OIR Lab), Christian Motch (Obs. Strasbourg)

accepted for publication by MNRAS

Using observations from Chandra, Swift and XMM-Newton, we investigate the high-energy properties of all known (18) Be+sdO systems as well as 7 additional Be binaries suspected to harbour stripped stars. The observed X-ray properties are found to be similar to those observed for other Be samples. The vast majority of these systems (15 out of 25) display very faint (and soft) X-ray emission, and six others are certainly not bright X-ray sources. Only two systems display gamma-Cas characteristics (i.e. bright and hard X-rays), and one of them is a new detection: HD37202 (zeta Tau). It presents an extremely hard spectrum, due to a combination of high temperature and high absorption (possibly due to its high inclination). In parallel, it may be noted that the previously reported cyclic behaviour of this Be star has disappeared in recent years. Instead, shorter cycles and symmetric line profiles are observed for the Halpha line. It had been recently suggested that the peculiar X-ray emissions observed in gamma-Cas stars could arise from a collision between the disk of a Be star and the wind of its hot, stripped-star companion. The small fraction of gamma-Cas analogs in this sample, as well as the properties of the known companions of the gamma-Cas cases (low mass or not extremely hot, contrary to predictions), combined to the actual stripped-star and colliding-wind empirical knowledge, make the disk-wind collision an unlikely scenario to explain the gamma-Cas phenomenon.

M.M. Katsova, V.N. Obridko, D.D. Sokoloff, I.M. Livshits

15 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted to ApJ

We demonstrate that for weak flares the dependence on spottedness can be rather weak. The fact is that such flares can occur both in small and large active regions. At the same time, powerful large flares of classes M and X occur much more often in large active regions. In energy estimates, the mean magnetic field in starspots can also be assumed equal to the mean field in the sunspot umbra. So the effective mean magnetic field is 900 Mx/cm$^2$ in sunspots and 2000 Mx/cm$^2$ in starspots. Moreover, the height of the energy storage cannot be strictly proportional to A$^{1/2}$. For stars, the fitting factor is an order of magnitude smaller. The analysis of the occurrence rate of powerful solar X-ray flares of class M and X and superflares on stars shows that, with allowance for the difference in the spottedness and compactness of active regions, both sets can be described by a single model. Thus, the problem of superflares on stars and their absence on the Sun is reduced to the problem of difference in the effectiveness of the dynamo mechanisms.

Sohan Ghodla, J. J. Eldridge, Elizabeth R. Stanway, Héloïse F. Stevance

18 Pages, 16 Figures, 2 Tables - comments welcome - Submitted to MNRAS

We investigate the occurrence of rapid rotation induced Chemically Homogeneous Evolution (CHE) caused by strong tides and mass accretion in binary systems. Using \textsc{mesa}, we derive a relation for the minimum initial angular frequency required by a single star to experience CHE. This is then extended to derive a similar relation for accretion induced CHE in binaries by generalizing the analytical relation in Packet (1981). In contrast to traditionally assumed 5-10 percent accretion of initial mass for spinning up an accretor (resulting in CHE) with $Z \lesssim 0.004$ and $M \gtrsim$ 20M$_{\odot}$, this value can drop to $\sim$ 2 percent for efficient angular momentum accretion. On the other hand, for certain systems, one might overestimate the efficiency of accretion induced spin-up. We conduct a population study using \textsc{bpass} by evolving stars under the influence of strong tides in short-period binaries and also account for the updated effect of accretion induced rapid rotation. We find accretion CHE (compared to tidal CHE) to be the dominant means of producing homogeneous stars even at 10 percent angular momentum accretion efficiency during mass transfer. Unlike tidal CHE, it is seen that CH stars arising due to accretion can retain a larger fraction of their angular momentum till core collapse. Thus we show that accretion CHE could be an important formation channel for electromagnetic transients like GRBs/Ic-BL (SLSN-I/Ic-BL) under the collapsar (magnetar) formalism and a single CH star could lead to both the transients under their respective formation scenario.

Rebecca G. Martin, Stephen Lepp

Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters

Pleione is a Be star that is in a 218 day orbit with a low-mass binary companion. Recent numerical simulations have shown that a Be star disc can be subject to breaking when material is actively being fed into the inner parts of the disc. After breaking, the disc is composed of two rings: an inner ring that is anchored to the stellar equator and an outer ring that is free to nodally precess. A double ring disc may explain some of the observed variability in Pleione. We model the nodal precession of the outer disc ring that is driven by the companion on an observed timescale of $80.5\,\rm yr$. We find that the outer ring of a broken disc in a binary with an eccentricity of $e_{\rm b}= 0.6$ can precess on the observed timescale and have an outer radius that is in rough agreement with the observed disc size. An unbroken disc model cannot fit both the observed precession rate and disc size. Suppression of Kozai-Lidov driven disc eccentricity is more likely for a high binary eccentricity if the disc extends to the tidal truncation radius.

Ritesh Ghosh (IUCAA), Sibasish Laha (NASA-GSFC), Kunal Deshmukh, Varun Bhalerao, Gulab C. Dewangan, Ritaban Chatterjee

Resubmitted to ApJ following minor comments from the referee

We have studied the nature and origin of the soft X-ray excess detected in the interesting changing-look AGN (CLAGN) Mrk~590 using two decades of multi-wavelength observations from \xmm{}, \suzaku{}, \swift{} and \nustar{}. In the light of vanishing soft excess in this CLAGN, we test two models, "the warm Comptonization" and "the ionized disk reflection" using extensive UV/X-ray spectral analysis. Our main findings are: (1) the soft X-ray excess emission, last observed in 2004, vanished in 2011, and never reappeared in any of the later observations, (2) we detected a significant variability ($\sim300\%$) in the observed optical-UV and power-law flux between observations with the lowest state ($L_{\rm bol} = 4.4\times 10^{43}\, erg\, s^{-1}$, in 2016) and the highest state ($L_{\rm bol} = 1.2\times 10^{44}\, erg\, s^{-1}$, in 2018), (3) the UV and power-law fluxes follow same temporal pattern, (4) the photon index showed a significant variation ($\Gamma=1.88^{+0.02}_{-0.08}$ and $\Gamma=1.58^{+0.02}_{-0.03}$ in 2002 and 2021 respectively) between observations, (5) no Compton hump was detected in the source spectra but a narrow Fe$K_{\alpha}$ line is present in all observations, (6) we detected a high-energy cut-off in power-law continuum ($92^{+55}_{-25} \rm keV$ and $60^{+10}_{-08} \rm keV$) with the latest \nustar{} observations, (7) the warm Comptonization model needs an additional diskbb component to describe the source UV bump, (8) there is no correlation between the Eddington rate and the soft excess as found in other changing-look AGNs. We conclude that given the spectral variability in UV/X-rays, the ionized disk reflection or the warm Comptonization models may not be adequate to describe the vanishing soft excess feature observed in Mrk~590.

As a major feature in spectra of active galactic nuclei, broad emission lines deliver information of kinematics and spatial distributions of ionized gas surrounding the central supermassive black holes (SMBHs), that is the so-called broad-line regions (BLRs). There is growing evidence for appearance of spiral arms in the BLRs. It has been shown by reverberation mapping (RM) campaigns that the characterized radius of BLRs overlaps with that of self-gravitating regions of accretion disks. In the framework of the WKB approximation, we show robust properties of observational features of the spiral arms. The resulting spiral arms lead to various profiles of the broad emission line. We calculate RM and differential interferometric features of BLRs with $m=1$ mode spiral arms. These features can be detected with high-quality RM and differential interferometric observations via such as GRAVITY onboard Very Large Telescope Interferometer. The WKB approximation will be relaxed and universalized in the future to explore more general cases of density wave signals in RM campaigns and differential spectroastrometry observations.

Volkan Bakış, Zeki Eker

After submitting minor revision in Acta Astronomica on August 8th, 2022. Tables will be available as online supplementary material

Standard luminosity ($L$) of 406 main-sequence stars with the most accurate astrophysical parameters are predicted from their absolute magnitudes and bolometric corrections at Johnson $B,V$, and Gaia EDR3 $G$, $G_{BP}$, $G_{RP}$ filters. Required multiband $BC$ and $BC-T_{eff}$ relations are obtained first from the parameters of 209 DDEB (Double-lined Detached Eclipsing Binaries) with main-sequence components and Gaia EDR3 parallaxes. A simplified SED is formulated to give filter dependent component light contributions and interstellar dimming, which are essential in computing $BC$ of a component virtually at any filter. The mean standard $L$ of a star is calculated from the mean $M_{Bol}$ which is a mathematical average of independent $M_{Bol}$ values predicted at different filters, while the uncertainty of $L$ is the uncertainty propagated from the uncertainty of the mean $M_{Bol}$. The mean standard $L$ of the sample stars are compared to the corresponding $L$ values according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law. A very high correlation ($R^2>0.999$) is found. Comparing histogram distributions of errors shows that uncertainties associated with the mean standard $L$ (peak at $\sim2.5$ per cent) are much smaller than the uncertainties of $L$ (peak at $\sim8$ per cent) by the Stefan-Boltzmann law. Increasing the number of filters used in predicting the mean $M_{Bol}$ increases the accuracy of the standard stellar luminosity. Extinction law, color-color relations and color excess - color excess relations for Gaia passbands are demonstrated for main-sequence stars for the first time.

De-Fu Bu, Erlin Qiao, Xiao-Hong Yang, Jifeng Liu

7 pages, 4 figures, submitted

One of the most prominent problems of optical/ultraviolet (UV) tidal disruption events (TDEs) is the origin of their optical/UV emission. It has been proposed that the soft X-rays produced by the stellar debris accretion disk can be reprocessed into optical/UV photons by a surrounding optically thick envelope or outflow. However, there is still no detailed models for this mechanism. In this paper, by performing hydrodynamic simulations with radiative transfer, we calculate the optical/UV emission of the circularized stellar debris accretion flow/outflow system. We find that the optical/UV photons can be generated by reprocessing the emission of the accretion flow in the optically thick outflows. The model can well interpret the observed emission properties of optical/UV TDEs, including the emission radius, the radiation temperature and the luminosity, as well as the evolution of these quantities with time, providing a strong theoretical basis for understanding the origin of optical/UV TDEs.

Johannes Müller-Seidlitz, Robert Andritschke, Michael Bonholzer, Valentin Emberger, Günter Hauser, Maximilian Herrmann, Peter Lechner, Astrid Mayr, Julian Oser

SPIE Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray

The Wide Field Imager for the Athena X-ray telescope is composed of two back side illuminated detectors using DEPFET sensors operated in rolling shutter readout mode: A large detector array featuring four sensors with 512x512 pixels each and a small detector that facilitates the high count rate capability of the WFI for the investigation of bright, point-like sources. Both sensors were fabricated in full size featuring the pixel layout, fabrication technology and readout mode chosen in a preceding prototyping phase. We present the spectroscopic performance of these flight-like detectors for different photon energies in the relevant part of the targeted energy range from 0.2 keV to 15 keV with respect to the timing requirements of the instrument. For 5.9 keV photons generated by an iron-55 source the spectral performance expressed as Full Width at Half Maximum of the emission peak in the spectrum is 126.0 eV for the Large Detector and 129.1 eV for the Fast Detector. A preliminary analysis of the camera's signal chain also allows for a first prediction of the performance in space at the end of the nominal operation phase.

Robert Brose, Iurii Sushch, Jonathan Mackey

14 pages, 8 figures, accepted to MNRAS

Supernova remnants are known to accelerate cosmic-rays from the detection of non-thermal emission in radio waves, X-rays, and gamma-rays. However, the ability to accelerate cosmic-rays up to PeV energies has yet to be demonstrated. The presence of cut-offs in the gamma-ray spectra of several young SNRs led to the idea that PeV energies might only be achieved during the first years of a remnant's evolution. We use our time-dependent acceleration-code RATPaC to study the acceleration of cosmic-rays in supernovae expanding into dense environments around massive stars. We performed spherically symmetric 1-D simulations in which we simultaneously solve the transport equations for cosmic-rays, magnetic turbulence, and the hydrodynamical flow of the thermal plasma in the test-particle limit. We investigated typical CSM parameters expected around RSG and LBV stars for freely expanding winds and accounted for the strong gamma-gamma-absorption in the first days after explosion. The maximum achievable particle energy is limited to below 600TeV even for largest considered values of the magnetic field and mass-loss rates. The maximum energy is not expected to surpass 200TeV and 70TeV for LBVs and RSGs that experience moderate mass-loss prior to the explosion. We find gamma-ray peak-luminosities consistent with current upper limits and evaluated that current-generation instruments are able to detect the gamma-rays from Type-IIP explosions at distances up to 60kpc and Type-IIn explosions up to 1.0Mpc. We also find a good agreement between the thermal X-ray and radio synchrotron emission predicted by our models with a range of observations.

Lluís Hurtado-Gil, Michael A. Kuhn, Pablo Arnalte-Mur, Eric D. Feigelson, Vicent Martínez

25 pages, 22 figures, 5 tables

Dark matter simulations require statistical techniques to properly identify and classify their halos and structures. Nonparametric solutions provide catalogs of these structures but lack the additional learning of a model-based algorithm and might misclassify particles in merging situations. With mixture models, we can simultaneously fit multiple density profiles to the halos that are found in a dark matter simulation. In this work, we use the Einasto profile (Einasto 1965, 1968, 1969) to model the halos found in a sample of the Bolshoi simulation (Klypin et al. 2011), and we obtain their location, size, shape and mass. Our code is implemented in the R statistical software environment and can be accessed on https://github.com/LluisHGil/darkmix.

Seyed Sajad Tabas, Mahsa Berahman, Javad T. Firouzjaee

In this paper, we have investigated the processes of evaporation and accretion of primordial black holes during the radiation-dominated era and the matter-dominated era. This subject is very important since usually these two processes are considered independent of each other. In other words, previous works consider them in such a way that they do not have a direct effect on each other, and as a result, their effects on the mass of primordial black holes are calculated separately. The calculations of this paper indicate that assuming these two processes independently of each other will lead to wrong results that only give correct answers within certain limits. In fact, in general, it is a mistake to consider the static state for the event horizon of primordial black holes and perform calculations related to their evaporation, while the radius of primordial black holes is constantly changing due to accretion. In addition, we have shown that considering the dynamic event horizon in some masses and in some times can lead to the shutdown of the Hawking evaporation process. This study is much more accurate and detailed than our previous study. These calculations show well the mass evolution of primordial black holes from the time of formation to the end of the matter-dominated era, taking into account both the main processes governing black holes, evaporation and accretion.

Xiaolong Li, Federica B.Bianco, Gregory Dobler, Roee Partoush, Armin Rest, Tatiana Acero-Cuellar, Riley Clarke, Willow Fox Fortino, Somayeh Khakpash, Ming Lian

Light Echoes (LEs) are the reflections of astrophysical transients off of interstellar dust. They are fascinating astronomical phenomena that enable studies of the scattering dust as well as of the original transients. LEs, however, are rare and extremely difficult to detect as they appear as faint, diffuse, time-evolving features. The detection of LEs still largely relies on human inspection of images, a method unfeasible in the era of large synoptic surveys. The Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, LSST, will generate an unprecedented amount of astronomical imaging data at high spatial resolution, exquisite image quality, and over tens of thousands of square degrees of sky: an ideal survey for LEs. However, the Rubin data processing pipelines are optimized for the detection of point-sources and will entirely miss LEs. Over the past several years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) object detection frameworks have achieved and surpassed real-time, human-level performance. In this work, we prepare a dataset from the ATLAS telescope and test a popular AI object detection framework, You Only Look Once, or YOLO, developed in the computer vision community, to demonstrate the potential of AI in the detection of LEs in astronomical images. We find that an AI framework can reach human-level performance even with a size- and quality-limited dataset. We explore and highlight challenges, including class imbalance and label incompleteness, and roadmap the work required to build an end-to-end pipeline for the automated detection and study of LEs in high-throughput astronomical surveys.

Avery Meiksin (IfA, University of Edinburgh), Teresita Suarez (IfA, University of Edinburgh)

11 pages, 8 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS

We investigate the possible influence of fluctuations in the metagalactic photoionizing ultra-violet background (UVBG) on the clustering of Ly$\alpha$-emitting galaxies through the modulation of the ionization level of the gas surrounding the systems. At redshifts $z > 5$, even when assuming the reionization of the intergalactic medium has completed, the fluctuations are sufficiently large that they may non-negligibly enhance, and possibly even dominate, the angular correlation function on scales up to a few hundred arcsecs. Whilst a comparison with observations at $z \sim 5.7$ is statistically consistent with no influence of UVBG fluctuations, allowing for the fluctuations opens up the range of acceptable models to include those with relatively low bias factors for the Ly$\alpha$-emitting galaxies. In this case, the evolution in the bias factor of Ly$\alpha$-emitters over the approximate redshift range $3 < z < 7$ corresponds to a nearly constant halo mass for Ly$\alpha$-emitting galaxies of $\sim 10^{10.5}\,M_\odot$.

Atul Mohan, Sven Wedemeyer, Peter H. Hauschildt, Sneha Pandit, Maryam Saberi

Accepted in A&A Letters

An activity indicator, which can provide a robust quantitative mapping between the stellar activity and the physical properties of its atmosphere, is important in exploring the physics of activity across spectral types. But the common activity indicators show large variability in their values which makes defining a robust quantitative scale difficult. Millimetre (mm) wavelengths probe the different atmospheric layers within the stellar chromosphere providing a tomographic view of the atmospheric dynamics. The project aims to define a robust mm-based activity indicator for the cool main-sequence stars ($\mathrm{T_{eff}} \sim$ 5000 - 7000 K). We derive the mm-brightness temperature ($\mathrm{T_B(\nu)}$) spectral indices ($\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$) for cool stars including the Sun using archival data in the 30 - 1000 GHz range. The derived values for $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$ are explored as a function of various physical parameters and empirical power-law functions were derived. $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$ estimates were also compared with other activity indicators. Despite the estimation errors, $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$ values could well distinguish the cool stars, unlike common activity indicators. The low estimation errors on the derived trends of $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$ versus physical parameters suggest that $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$ could be a robust activity indicator. $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$, which is linked to chromospheric thermal stratification and activity in cool stars can well distinguish and physically characterise the stars more robustly than common activity indicators. We emphasise the need for multi-frequency data across the mm-band for stars, with a range of physical parameters and gathered at multiple epochs during activity cycles. This will help explore $\mathrm{\alpha_{mm}}$ in a statistically robust manner and study the emergence of chromospheric heating on the main-sequence.

Sun-Ju Chung, Jennifer C. Yee, Andrej Udalski, Andrew Gould, Michael D. Albrow, Youn Kil Jung, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Cheongho Han, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, In-Gu Shin, Yossi Shvartzvald, Weicheng Zang, Sang-Mok Cha, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, Radek Poleski, Przemek Mróz Paweł Pietrukowicz, Jan Skowron, Michał K. Szymański, Igor Soszyński, Szymon Kozłowski, Krzysztof A. Rybicki, Patryk Iwanek, Marcin Wrona, Mariusz Gromadzki, Krzysztof Ulaczyk

8 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in JKAS

We present the analysis of a planetary microlensing event OGLE-2019-BLG-0362 with a short-duration anomaly $(\sim 0.4\, \rm days)$ near the peak of the light curve, which is caused by the resonant caustic. The event has a severe degeneracy with $\Delta \chi^2 = 0.9$ between the close and the wide binary lens models both with planet-host mass ratio $q \simeq 0.007$. We measure the angular Einstein radius but not the microlens parallax, and thus we perform a Bayesian analysis to estimate the physical parameters of the lens. We find that the OGLE-2019-BLG-0362L system is a super-Jovian-mass planet $M_{\rm p}=3.26^{+0.83}_{-0.58}\, M_{\rm J}$ orbiting an M dwarf $M_{\rm h}=0.42^{+0.34}_{-0.23}\, M_\odot$ at a distance $D_{\rm L} =5.83^{+1.04}_{-1.55}\, \rm kpc$. The projected star-planet separation is $a_{\perp} = 2.18^{+0.58}_{-0.72}\, \rm AU$, which indicates that the planet lies beyond the snow line of the host star.

Yusuke Tampo, Keisuke Isogai, Naoto Kojiguchi, Makoto Uemura, Taichi Kato, Tamás Tordai, Tonny Vanmunster, Hiroshi Itoh, Pavol A. Dubovsky, Tomáš Medulka, Yasuo Sano, Franz-josef Hambsch, Kenta Taguchi, Hiroyuki Maehara, Junpei Ito, Daisaku Nogam

8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in PASJ

In the first days of WZ Sge-type dwarf nova (DN) outbursts, the 2:1 resonance induces a spiral arm structure in the accretion disk, which is observed as early superhumps in optical light curves. This paper reports our optical observations of an eclipsing WZ Sge-type DN PNV J00444033+4113068 during its 2021 superoutburst with the 3.8m Seimei telescope and through VSNET collaboration. The eclipse analysis gave its orbital period as 0.055425534(1) d. Our observations confirmed early superhumps with an amplitude of 0.7 mag, the largest amplitude among known WZ Sge-type DNe. More interestingly, its early superhumps became the reddest around their secondary minimum, whereas other WZ Sge-type DNe show the reddest color around the early superhump maximum. The spectrum around the peak of the outburst showed the double-peaked emission lines of He II 4686\AA~ and H$\alpha$ with a peak separation of $\ge 700$ km/s, supporting a very high-inclination system. With the early superhump mapping, the unique profile and color of the early superhump of PNV J00444033+4113068 are successfully reproduced by the accretion disk with vertically extended double arm structure. Therefore, the large amplitude and unique color behavior of the early superhumps in PNV J00444033+4113068 can be explained by the 2:1 resonance model along with other WZ Sge-type DNe.

Frank J. Qu, Blake D. Sherwin, Omar Darwish, Toshiya Namikawa, Mathew S. Madhavacheril

19 pages, 11 figures

CMB lensing maps probe the mass distribution in projection out to high redshifts, but significant sensitivity to low-redshift structure remains. In this paper we discuss a method to remove the low-redshift contributions from CMB lensing mass maps by subtracting suitably scaled galaxy density maps, nulling the low redshift structure with a model-insensitive procedure that is similar to delensing. This results in a high-$z$-only mass map that can provide a probe of structure growth at uniquely high redshifts: if systematics can be controlled, we forecast that CMB-S4 lensing combined with a Rubin-LSST-like galaxy survey can probe the amplitude of structure at redshifts $z>3.75$ ($z>5$) to within $2.3\%$ ($3.3\%$). We then discuss other example applications of such high-$z$ CMB lensing maps. In standard analyses of CMB lensing, assuming the wrong dark energy model (or wrong model parametrization) can lead to biases in neutrino mass constraints. In contrast, we show with forecasts that a high-$z$ mass map constructed from CMB-S4 lensing and LSST galaxies can provide a nearly model-independent neutrino mass constraint, with only negligible sensitivity to the presence of non-standard dark energy models, irrespective of their parametrization.

S.W. Ellingson, R.M. Buehrer

19 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables

Radio astronomy is vulnerable to interference from a variety of anthropogenic sources. Among the many strategies for mitigation of this interference is coherent time-domain canceling (CTC), which ideally allows one to "look through" interference, as opposed to avoiding the interference or deleting the afflicted data. However, CTC is difficult to implement, not well understood, and at present this strategy is not in regular use at any major radio telescope. This paper presents a review of CTC including a new comprehensive study of the capabilities and limitations of CTC using metrics relevant to radio astronomy, including fraction of interference power removed and increase in noise. This work is motivated by the emergence of a new generation of communications systems which pose a significantly increased threat to radio astronomy and which may overwhelm mitigation methods now in place.

Alyssa Barlis, Stefan Arseneau, Charles L. Bennett, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Haiquan Guo, Kyle R. Helson, Tobias Marriage, Manuel A. Quijada, Ariel E. Tokarz, Stephanie L. Vivod, Edward J. Wollack

Presented at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes & Instrumentation Conference 2022

We have developed a suite of novel infrared-blocking filters made by embedding scattering particles in a polymer aerogel substrate. Our developments allow us to tune the spectral performance of the filters based on both the composition of the base aerogel material and the properties of the scattering particles. Our filters are targeted for use in a variety of applications, from ground-based CMB experiments to planetary science probes. We summarize the formulations we have fabricated and tested to date, including several polyimide base aerogel formulations incorporating a range of size distributions of diamond scattering particles. We also describe the spectral characterization techniques used to measure the filters' optical properties, including the development of a mm-wave Fourier transform spectrometer testbed.

Melissa Mendes, Farrukh J. Fattoyev, Andrew Cumming, Charles Gale

17 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

Modelling of crust heating and cooling across multiple accretion outbursts of the low mass X-ray binary MXB 1659-29 indicates that the neutrino luminosity of the neutron star core is consistent with direct Urca reactions occurring in $\sim 1\%$ of the core volume. We investigate this scenario with neutron star models that include a detailed equation of state parametrized by the slope of the nuclear symmetry energy $L$, and a range of neutron and proton superfluid gaps. We find that the predicted neutron star mass depends sensitively on $L$ and the assumed gaps. We discuss which combinations of superfluid gaps reproduce the inferred neutrino luminosity. Larger values of $L\gtrsim 80\ {\rm MeV}$ require superfluidity to suppress dUrca reactions in low mass neutron stars, i.e. that the proton or neutron gap is sufficiently strong and extends to high enough density. However, the largest gaps give masses near the maximum mass, making it difficult to accommodate colder neutron stars. We consider models with reduced dUrca normalization as an approximation of alternative, less efficient, fast cooling processes in exotic cores. We find solutions with a larger emitting volume, providing a more natural explanation for the observed neutrino luminosity, provided the fast cooling process is within a factor of $\sim 1000$ of dUrca. The heat capacities of our models span the range from fully-paired to fully-unpaired nucleons meaning that long term observations of core cooling could distinguish between models. We discuss the impact of future constraints on neutron star mass, radius and the density dependence of the symmetry energy.

Georgios Lioutas, Andreas Bauswein, Theodoros Soultanis, Rüdiger Pakmor, Volker Springel, Friedrich K. Röpke

15 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We implement general relativistic hydrodynamics in the moving-mesh code AREPO. We also couple a solver for the Einstein field equations employing the conformal flatness approximation. The implementation is validated by evolving isolated static neutron stars using a fixed metric or a dynamical spacetime. In both tests the frequencies of the radial oscillation mode match those of independent calculations. We run the first moving-mesh simulation of a neutron star merger. The simulation includes a scheme to adaptively refine or derefine cells and thereby adjusting the local resolution dynamically. The general dynamics are in agreement with independent smoothed particle hydrodynamics and static-mesh simulations of neutron star mergers. Coarsely comparing, we find that dynamical features like the post-merger double-core structure or the quasi-radial oscillation mode persist on longer time scales, likely reflecting a lower numerical diffusivity of our method. Similarly, the post-merger gravitational wave emission shows the same features as observed in simulations with other codes. In particular, the main frequency of the post-merger phase is found to be in good agreement with independent results for the same binary system, while, in comparison, the amplitude of the post-merger gravitational wave signal falls off slower, i.e. the post-merger oscillations are less damped. The successful implementation of general relativistic hydrodynamics in the moving-mesh AREPO code, including a dynamical spacetime evolution, provides a fundamentally new tool to simulate general relativistic problems in astrophysics.

A. Dressler (The Observatories, The Carnegie Institution for Science), B. Vulcani, T. Treu, M. Rieke, C. Burns, A. Calabro', A. Bonchi, M. Castellano, A. Fontana, N. Leethochawalit, C. Mason, E. Merlin, T. Morishita, D. Paris, A. Mercurio, T. Nanayakkara, B. M. Poggianti, P. Santini, X. Wang, K. Misfelt, D.P. Stark, C. Wilmer

submitted to ApJL

JWST observations of high redshift galaxies are used to measure their star formation histories -- the buildup of stellar mass in the earliest galaxies. A novel analysis program, SEDz*, compares near-IR spectral energy distributions for galaxies with redshift $5<z<7$ to combinations of stellar population templates evolved from $z=12$. We exploit NIRCam imaging in 7 wide bands covering $1-5\mu m$, taken in the context of the GLASS-JWST-ERS program, and use SEDz* to solve for well-constrained star formation histories for 24 exemplary galaxies in this redshift range. In this first look we find variety of histories, from long, continuous star formation over $5<z<12$, short but intense starbursts -- sometimes repeating, and, most commonly, contiguous, steady mass buildup lasting ~0.5 Myr, possibly the seeds of today's typical, M* galaxies.

Gravitational wave detections of binary neutron star inspirals will be crucial for constraining the dense matter equation of state (EoS). Such constraints rely on the robust association of the inferred tidal deformability to the underlying EoS. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a new family of EoSs that differ by <30 in their tidal deformability curves across the entire neutron star mass range, despite differences of up to ~0.45 km in radius. These "tidal deformability doppelgangers" are indiscernible with current gravitational wave detectors; however, next generation detectors and advances in nuclear theory may be able to constrain or rule out this family of EoSs.

Studying the properties of ultra-dense matter is one of the key goals of modern neutron star research. The measurement of the tidal deformability from the inspiral of a binary neutron star merger offers one promising method for constraining the equation of state (EoS) of cold, dense matter. In this work, we report on a new class of EoSs which have significantly different pressures at nuclear densities and large differences in stellar radii, but that predict surprisingly similar tidal deformabilities across the entire range of astrophysically-observed neutron star masses. Using a survey of 5 million piecewise polytropic EoSs, subject to four different sets of nuclear priors, we demonstrate that these "tidal deformability doppelgangers" occur generically. We find that they can differ substantially in the pressure (by up to a factor of 3 at nuclear densities) and in the radius of intermediate-mass neutron stars (by up to 0.5 km), but are observationally indistinguishable in their tidal deformabilities (\Delta\Lambda < 30) with the sensitivity of current gravitational wave detectors. We demonstrate that this near-degeneracy in the tidal deformability is a result of allowing for a phase transition at low densities. We show that a combination of input from nuclear theory (e.g., from chiral effective field theory), X-ray observations of neutron star radii, and/or the next generation of gravitational wave detectors will be able to significantly constrain these tidal deformability doppelgangers.

D. Nóbrega-Siverio, F. Moreno-Insertis

Accepted in ApJL. 9 pages, 5 figures, 2 movies

Coronal Bright Points (CBPs) are ubiquitous structures in the solar atmosphere composed of hot small-scale loops observed in EUV or X-Rays in the quiet Sun and coronal holes. They are key elements to understand the heating of the corona; nonetheless, basic questions regarding their heating mechanisms, the chromosphere underneath, or the effects of flux emergence in these structures remain open. We have used the Bifrost code to carry out a 2D experiment in which a coronal-hole magnetic nullpoint configuration evolves perturbed by realistic granulation. To compare with observations, synthetic SDO/AIA, Solar Orbiter EUI-HRI, and IRIS images have been computed. The experiment shows the self-consistent creation of a CBP through the action of the stochastic granular motions alone, mediated by magnetic reconnection in the corona. The reconnection is intermittent and oscillatory, and it leads to coronal and transition-region temperature loops that are identifiable in our EUV/UV observables. During the CBP lifetime, convergence and cancellation at the surface of its underlying opposite polarities takes place. The chromosphere below the CBP shows a number of peculiar features concerning its density and the spicules in it. The final stage of the CBP is eruptive: magnetic flux emergence at the granular scale disrupts the CBP topology, leading to different ejections, such as UV bursts, surges, and EUV coronal jets. Apart from explaining observed CBP features, our results pave the way for further studies combining simulations and coordinated observations in different atmospheric layers.

Francisco Förster, Alejandra M. Muñoz Arancibia, Ignacio Reyes, Alexander Gagliano, Dylan Britt, Sara Cuellar-Carrillo, Felipe Figueroa-Tapia, Ava Polzin, Yara Yousef, Javier Arredondo, Diego Rodríguez-Mancini, Javier Correa-Orellana, Amelia Bayo, Franz E. Bauer, Márcio Catelan, Guillermo Cabrera-Vives, Raya Dastidar, Pablo A. Estévez, Giuliano Pignata, Lorena Hernandez-Garcia, Pablo Huijse, Esteban Reyes, Paula Sánchez-Sáez, Mauricio Ramirez, Daniela Grandón, Jonathan Pineda-García, Francisca Chabour-Barra, Javier Silva-Farfán

Submitted to The Astronomical Journal on Aug 5th, 2022. Comments and suggestions are welcome

We present DELIGHT, or Deep Learning Identification of Galaxy Hosts of Transients, a new algorithm designed to automatically and in real-time identify the host galaxies of extragalactic transients. The proposed algorithm receives as input compact, multi-resolution images centered at the position of a transient candidate and outputs two-dimensional offset vectors that connect the transient with the center of its predicted host. The multi-resolution input consists of a set of images with the same number of pixels, but with progressively larger pixel sizes and fields of view. A sample of \nSample galaxies visually identified by the ALeRCE broker team was used to train a convolutional neural network regression model. We show that this method is able to correctly identify both relatively large ($10\arcsec < r < 60\arcsec$) and small ($r \le 10\arcsec$) apparent size host galaxies using much less information (32 kB) than with a large, single-resolution image (920 kB). The proposed method has fewer catastrophic errors in recovering the position and is more complete and has less contamination ($< 0.86\%$) recovering the cross-matched redshift than other state-of-the-art methods. The more efficient representation provided by multi-resolution input images could allow for the identification of transient host galaxies in real-time, if adopted in alert streams from new generation of large etendue telescopes such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory.

B. Tripathi, A.E. Fraser, P.W. Terry, E.G. Zweibel, M.J. Pueschel

Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasmas; 43 pages, 15 figures; invited as part of the Special Topic: Papers from the 2022 Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference

Visco-resistive magnetohydrodynamic turbulence, driven by a two-dimensional unstable shear layer that is maintained by an imposed body force, is examined by decomposing it into dissipationless linear eigenmodes of the initial profiles. The down-gradient momentum flux, as expected, originates from the large-scale instability. However, continual up-gradient momentum transport by large-scale linearly stable but nonlinearly excited eigenmodes is identified, and found to nearly cancel the down-gradient transport by unstable modes. The stable modes effectuate this by depleting the large-scale turbulent fluctuations via energy transfer to the mean flow. This establishes a physical mechanism underlying the long-known observation that coherent vortices formed from nonlinear saturation of the instability reduce turbulent transport and fluctuations, as such vortices are composed of both the stable and unstable modes, which are nearly equal in their amplitudes. The impact of magnetic fields on the nonlinearly excited stable modes is then quantified. Even when imposing a strong magnetic field that almost completely suppresses the instability, the up-gradient transport by the stable modes is at least two-thirds of the down-gradient transport by the unstable modes, whereas for weaker fields, this fraction reaches up to $98\%$. These effects are persistent with variations in magnetic Prandtl number and forcing strength. Finally, continuum modes are shown to be energetically less important, but essential for capturing the magnetic fluctuations and Maxwell stress. A simple analytical scaling law is derived for their saturated turbulent amplitudes. It predicts the fall-off rate as the inverse of the Fourier wavenumber, a property which is confirmed in numerical simulations.

Maximiliano Isi

21 pages, 17 figures (plus one appendix)

We review the formalism underlying the modeling of gravitational wave (GW) polarizations, and the coordinate frames used to define them. In the process, we clarify the notion of "polarization angle" and identify three conceptually distinct definitions. We describe how those are related and how they arise in the practice of GW data analysis, explaining in detail the relevant conventions that have become standard the LIGO-Virgo standard. Furthermore, we show that any GW signal can be expressed as a superposition of elliptical (i.e., fully-polarized) states, and examine the properties and possible parametrizations of such elementary states. We discuss a variety of common parametrizations for fully-polarized modes, and compute Jacobians for the coordinate transformations relating them. This allows us to examine the suitability of each parametrization for different applications, including unmodeled or semimodeled signal reconstructions. We point out that analyses parametrized directly in terms of the plus and cross mode amplitudes will tend to implicitly favor high signal power, and to prefer linearly-polarized waves along a predefined direction; this makes them suboptimal for targeting face-on or face-off sources, which will tend to be circularly polarized. We discuss alternative parametrizations, with applications extending to continuous waves, ringdown studies, and unmodeled analyses like BayesWave.

We explore the scenario that the observable universe emerged from the ergosphere of a negative mass ring singularity, and all content of the universe travels at the same group velocity close to the speed of light on a geodesic trajectory along the axis of rotation of the singularity. In appropriate coordinate parametrization and evaluated on the trajectory, we find that the metric tensor in the vicinity of the trajectory exhibits a conformal scale factor $a(\eta)$ with contraction and subsequent expansion properties that solve the horizon problem. We then introduce a static flow of gravitating radiation along the trajectory (perturbatively with respect to the mass scale of the singularity) to model a homogeneous radiation dominated universe. Solving the Einstein field equations with a physically motivated ansatz of metric perturbation then reveals that the effective conformal scale factor indeed grows asymptotically with the same power law as expected in a conventional radiation dominated universe.

Andrea Addazi, Salvatore Capozziello, Qingyu Gan, Antonino Marcianò

27 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in PDU

We show that the neutrino mass, the dark matter and the dark energy can be explained in a unified framework, postulating a new invisible Born-Infeld field, which we name "non-linear dark photon", undergoing a meV-scale dynamical transmutation and coupled to neutrinos. Dark energy genesis is dynamically explained as a byproduct of the dark photon condensation, inducing the bare massless neutrinos to acquire an effective mass around the meV scale. It is fascinating to contemplate the channel induced by the non-linear dark photon leading to the pairing of the non-relativistic neutrinos, hence generating a cosmological superfluid state. As a consequence, the appearance of a light neutrino composite boson is predicted, providing a good cold dark matter candidate. In particular, if our model is enriched by an extra global Lepton number $U_L(1)$ symmetry, then the neutrino pair can be identified with a composite Majoron field with intriguing phenomenological implications for the neutrinoless-double-beta-decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$). Our model carries interesting phenomenological implications since dark energy, dark matter and the neutrino mass are time-varying dynamical variables, as a consequence of the non-linear Born-Infeld interaction terms. Limits arising from PLANCK+SNe+BAO collaborations data are also discussed. Finally, our model allows for an inverse hierarchy of neutrino masses, with interesting implications for the JUNO experiment.

We consider the accretion process in the thin disk around a black hole in Einstein-aether-scalar theory. We probe the effects of the model parameter on the physical properties of the disk. The results show that with increasing value of the parameter, the energy flux, the radiation temperature, the spectra cut-off frequency, the spectra luminosity, and the conversion efficiency of the disk decrease. The disk is hotter and more luminous than that in general relativity for negative parameter, while they are cooler and less luminous for positive parameter. We also find some values of the parameter allowed by the theory are excluded by the physical properties of the disk.

The detection of gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence (CBC) has allowed us to probe the strong-field dynamics of General Relativity (GR). Among various tests performed by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration are parameterized tests, where parameterized modifications to GR waveforms are introduced and constrained. This analysis typically requires the generation of more than millions of computationally expensive waveforms. The computational cost is higher for a longer signal, and current analyses take weeks-years to complete for a binary neutron star (BNS) signal. In this work, we present a technique to accelerate the parameterized tests using a multiband decomposition of likelihood, which was originally proposed to accelerate parameter estimation analyses of CBC signals assuming GR by one of the authors. We show that our technique speeds up the parameterized tests of a 1.4 Msun-1.4 Msun BNS signal by a factor of O(10) for a low-frequency cutoff of 20 Hz. We also verify the accuracy of our method using simulated signals and real data.

Itzhak Goldman, Rabindra N. Mohapatra, Shmuel Nussinov, Yongchao Zhang

5 pages + supplemental material, 1 figure, short version of arXiv:2203.08473

It was pointed out in a recent paper that the observed cooling rate of old, cold neutron stars (NS) can provide an upper limit on the transition rate of neutron to mirror neutron ($n-n'$). This limit is so stringent that it would preclude any discovery of $n \to n'$ oscillation in the current round of terrestrial searches for the process. Motivated by this crucially important conclusion, we critically analyze this suggestion and note an interesting new effect present in nearly exact mirror models for $n \to n'$ oscillation, which significantly affect this bound. The new element is the $\beta$ decay $n' \to p'+ e' +\bar{\nu}'_{e}$, which creates a cloud of mirror particles $n'$, $p'$, $e'$ and $D'$ inside the NS core. The $e'$ can "rob" the energy generated by the $n \to n'$ transition via $e-e'$ scattering enabled by the presence of a (minute) milli-charge in mirror particles. This energy is emitted as unobserved mirror photons via fast mirror bremsstrahlung leading to a relaxation of this upper limit.

Roshan Sah, Raunak Srivastava, Kaushik Das

11 pages, 19 figures, Accepted and Published in Small Satellite Conference 2022. link:- this https URL

Today\'s world of space\'s primary concern is the uncontrolled growth of space debris and its probability of collision with spacecraft, particularly in the low earth orbit (LEO) regions. This paper is aimed to design an optimized micro-propulsion system, Cold Gas Thruster, to de-orbit the PSLV debris from 668km to 250 km height after capturing process. The propulsion system mainly consists of a storage tank, pipes, control valves, and a convergent-divergent nozzle. The paper gives an idea of the design of each component based on a continuous iterative process until the design thrust requirements are met. All the components are designed in the CATIA V5, and the structural analysis is done in the ANSYS tool for each component where our cylinder tank can withstand the high hoop stress generated on its wall of it. And flow analysis is done by using the K-$\epsilon$ turbulence model for the CD nozzle, which provides the required thrust to de-orbit PSLV from a higher orbit to a lower orbit, after which the air drag will be enough to bring back to earth\'s atmosphere and burn it. Hohmann\'s orbit transfer method has been used to de-orbit the PSLV space debris, and it has been simulated by STK tools. And the result shows that our optimized designed thruster generates enough thrust to de-orbit the PSLV debris to a very low orbit.

Michał Marczenko, Krzysztof Redlich, Chihiro Sasaki

Presented at Quark Matter 2022

We consider the parity doublet model for nucleonic and delta matter to investigate the structure of neutron stars. We show that it is possible to reconcile the multi-messenger astronomy constraints within a purely hadronic equation of state (EOS), which accounts for the self-consistent treatment of the chiral symmetry restoration in the baryonic sector. We demonstrate that the characteristics of the EOS required by the astrophysical constraints do not necessarily imply the existence of a hadron-quark phase transition in the stellar core.

Yuanyuan Wang, Mamiya Kawaguchi, Shinya Matsuzaki, Akio Tomiya

22 pages, 6 figures

The first-order nature of the chiral phase transition in QCD-like theories can play crucial roles to address a dark side of the Universe, where the created out-of equilibrium is essential to serve as cosmological and astrophysical probes such as gravitational wave productions, which have extensively been explored. This interdisciplinary physics is built based on a widely-accepted conjecture that the thermal chiral phase transition in QCD-like theories with massless (light) three flavors is of first order. We find that such a first order feature may not hold, when ordinary or dark quarks are externally coupled to a weak enough background field of photon or dark photon (which we collectively call a "magnetic" field). We assume that a weak "magnetic" background field could be originated from some "magnetogenesis" in the early Universe. We work on a low-energy effective model which can describe the chiral phase transition in a wide class of QCD-like theories. We show that in the case with massless (light) three flavors, the first-order feature goes away when $2 f_\pi^2 \lesssim eB ( \ll (4 \pi f_\pi)^2)$, where $eB$ is the "magnetic" field strength and $f_\pi$ the pion decay constant at the vacuum. This disappearance is the generic consequence of the presence of the "magnetically" induced scale anomaly and the "magnetic" catalysis for the chiral symmetry breaking, and would impact or constrain modeling dark QCD coupled to an external "magnetic" field.

It is likely that the Higgs potential of the Standard Model is unstable, turning negative at $\phi < \Lambda \sim 10^{10}$ GeV. Here we consider whether it is possible to have Higgs Inflation on the positive stable region of the potential at $\phi < \Lambda$. To do this we add a non-minimally coupled induced gravity sector with scalar $\chi$ to the Standard Model. For an appropriate form for the non-minimal coupling of $\chi$, we show that it is possible to have conventional Higgs inflation at small $\phi < \Lambda$ if the effective Planck mass in the Jordan frame during inflation is sufficiently small, with a phase transition to $\chi \neq 0$ at the end of Higgs inflation which increases the Jordan frame Planck mass to its presently observed value. In the Einstein frame this corresponds to a suppression of the Higgs kinetic term at the end of inflation. We show that the predictions of Higgs inflation at tree level are unaltered from conventional Higgs Inflation, with the exception of the magnitude of the Higgs field during inflation.

Oleksiy V. Dudnik, Janusz Sylwester, Miroslaw Kowalinski, Piotr Podgorski, Kenneth J. H. Phillips

Advances in Space Research, in press, 17 pages, 9 figures, 1 table

We analyze variations of high-energy charged particle populations filling various magnetospheric regions under, inside, and outside of the Van Allen inner and outer electron radiation belts in May 2009. The study is based on the experimental data obtained from the STEP-F and the SphinX instruments placed close to each other aboard the low-Earth circular orbit CORONAS-Photon satellite. Data analysis of particle fluencies collected from the highly sensitive STEP-F device indicates the presence of a persistent electron belt at L = 1.6, i.e., beneath the well-known Van Allen electron inner radiation belt of the Earth's magnetosphere. The electron energy spectrum in this 'new' belt is much steeper than that of the inner belt so that the electrons with energies Ee > 400 keV were almost not recorded on L = 1.6 outside the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA). We introduce the concept of effective lowest threshold energies for X-ray detectors used in the solar soft X-ray spectrophotometer SphinX and define their values for two regions: the SAA and the Van Allen outer belt. Different values of lowest threshold energies are directly associated with different slopes of particle energy spectra. Cross-analyses of data obtained from the STEP-F and SphinX instruments initially built for various purposes made it possible to detect the highly anisotropic character of the spatial electron distribution in radiation belts in both Southern and northern hemispheres. We detected also the presence of low-energy electrons at all latitudes during the main phase of a weak geomagnetic storm.

V.I. Vlasov, R.D. Dagkesamanskii, V.A. Potapov, S.A. Tyul'bashev, I.V. Chashei

Published in Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute and translated from russian version of paper by Yandex translator with correction scientific lexis. 4 pages, 2 figures

Comparison is carried out of the long term variation of the year averaged solar wind speed and interplanetary scintillation index with the variations of Wolf's numbers and A_P indexes of geomagnetic activity for the data of 20-24 solar activity cycles. It is shown that the slow non-monotonous trend in the scintillation parameters at middle and high heliolatitudes exists with the typical scale of order of century cycle. Correlation between the variations of Wolf's numbers and anomalies of the air temperature is analyzed for long data series from 1610 up to the present time. Possible application of the results to the global climate problem is discussed.

Brief recollections by the author about how his work with Kip Thorne influenced his career in physics.