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Papers for Thursday, Aug 11 2022

Papers with local authors

Eve M. Vavagiakis, Cody J. Duell, Jason Austermann, James Beall, Tanay Bhandarkar, Scott C. Chapman, Steve K. Choi, Gabriele Coppi, Simon Dicker, Mark Devlin, Rodrigo G. Freundt, Jiansong Gao, Christopher Groppi, Terry L. Herter, Zachary B. Huber, Johannes Hubmayr, Doug Johnstone, Ben Keller, Anna M. Kofman, Yaqiong Li, Philip Mauskopf, Jeff McMahon, Jenna Moore, Colin C. Murphy, Michael D. Niemack, Thomas Nikola, John Orlowski-Scherer, Kayla M. Rossi, Adrian K. Sinclair, Gordon J. Stacey, Joel Ullom, Michael Vissers, Jordan Wheeler, Zhilei Xu, Ningfeng Zhu, Bugao Zou

Presented at SPIE Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy XI

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Paper 61 — arXiv:2208.05468
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Paper 61 — arXiv:2208.05468

Mod-Cam is a first light and commissioning instrument for the CCAT-prime project's six-meter aperture Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST), currently under construction at 5600 m on Cerro Chajnantor in Chile's Atacama Desert. Prime-Cam, a first-generation science instrument for FYST, will deliver over ten times greater mapping speed than current and near-term facilities for unprecedented 280-850 GHz broadband and spectroscopic measurements with microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs). CCAT-prime will address a suite of science goals, from Big Bang cosmology to star formation and galaxy evolution over cosmic time. Mod-Cam deployment on FYST with a 280 GHz instrument module containing MKID arrays is planned for early science observations in 2024. Mod-Cam will be used to test instrument modules for Prime-Cam, which can house up to seven instrument modules. We discuss the design and status of the 0.9 m diameter, 1.8 m long Mod-Cam receiver and 40 cm diameter 280 GHz instrument module, with cold stages at 40 K, 4 K, 1 K, and 100 mK. We also describe the instrument module's cryogenic readout designs to enable the readout of more than 10,000 MKIDs across 18 networks.

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Daniel D. Kelson (Carnegie Observatories), Louis E. Abramson (Carnegie Observatories)

Accepted as a Research Note of the American Astronomical Society

Multiple investigations support describing galaxy growth as a stochastic process with correlations over a range of timescales governed by a parameter, $H$, empirically and theoretically constrained to be near unity. Here, we show that the distribution of UV-slopes, $\beta$, derived from an ensemble of theoretical $H=1$ star formation histories (SFHs) is consistent with data at all redshifts $z\le 16$. At $z=0$, the median value $\langle\beta_{H=1}\rangle=-2.27$ agrees well with the canonical $\beta_0=-2.23$ for local starbursts \citep{meurer1999}. At $4\lesssim z\lesssim16$, JWST data span the model distribution's 2nd to 98th percentiles. Values of $-2.8\le \beta \le -2.5$ should be common in early galaxies without reference to exotic stellar populations -- arising solely from a null hypothesis of $H=1$ for the underlying diversity of galaxy growth histories. Future data should be interpreted with this fact in mind.

Stefan Kraus, Daniel Mortimer, Sorabh Chhabra, Yi Lu, Isabelle Codron, Tyler Gardner, Narsireddy Anugu, John Monnier, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Michael Ireland, Frantz Martinache, Denis Defrère, Marc-Antoine Martinod

19 pages, 7 figures, SPIE 2022 "Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation" manuscript 12183-66

We present science cases and instrument design considerations for the BIFROST instrument that will open the short-wavelength (Y/J/H-band), high spectral dispersion (up to R=25,000) window for the VLT Interferometer. BIFROST will be part of the Asgard Suite of instruments and unlock powerful venues for studying accretion & mass-loss processes at the early/late stages of stellar evolution, for detecting accreting protoplanets around young stars, and for probing the spin-orbit alignment in directly-imaged planetary systems and multiple star systems. Our survey on GAIA binaries aims to provide masses and precision ages for a thousand stars, providing a legacy data set for improving stellar evolutionary models as well as for Galactic Archaeology. BIFROST will enable off-axis spectroscopy of exoplanets in the 0.025-1" separation range, enabling high-SNR, high spectral resolution follow-up of exoplanets detected with ELT and JWST. We give an update on the status of the project, outline our key technology choices, and discuss synergies with other instruments in the proposed Asgard Suite of instruments.

S. Salehirad (1), A. E. Reines (1), M. Molina (1, 2) (1 Montana State U., 2 U. of Utah)

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We present an entirely new sample of 388 low-mass galaxies ($M_\star \leq 10^{10} M_\odot$) that have spectroscopic signatures indicating the presence of massive black holes (BHs) in the form of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) or tidal disruption events (TDEs). Of these, 70 have stellar masses in the dwarf galaxy regime with $10^8 \lesssim M_\star/M_\odot \lesssim 10^{9.5}$. We identify the active galaxies by analyzing optical spectra of a parent sample of $\sim$23,000 low-mass emission-line galaxies in the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) Survey Data Release 4, and employing four different diagnostics based on narrow emission line ratios and the detection of high-ionization coronal lines. We find that 47 of the 388 low-mass active galaxies exhibit broad H$\alpha$ in their spectra, corresponding to virial BH masses in the range $M_{\rm BH} \sim 10^{5.0-7.7} M_\odot$ with a median BH mass of $\langle M_{\rm BH}\rangle \sim 10^{6.2} M_\odot$. Our sample extends to higher redshifts ($z \le 0.3; \langle z \rangle=0.13$) than previous samples of AGNs in low-mass/dwarf galaxies based on Sloan Digital Sky Survey spectroscopy, which can be attributed to the spectroscopic limit of GAMA being $\sim 2$ magnitudes deeper. Moreover, our multi-diagnostic approach has revealed low-mass active galaxies spanning a wide range of properties, from blue star-forming dwarfs to luminous "miniquasars" powered by low-mass BHs. As such, this work has implications for BH seeding and AGN feedback at low masses.

Chaojun Wang, B. Luo, W. N. Brandt, D. M. Alexander, F. E. Bauer, S. C. Gallagher, Jian Huang, Hezhen Liu, D. Stern

21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We utilize recent NuSTAR observations (co-added depth $\approx55$-120 ks) of PG $1001+054$, PG $1254+047$, and PHL 1811 to constrain their hard X-ray ($\gtrsim5$ keV) weakness and spectral shapes, and thus to investigate the nature of their extreme X-ray weakness. These quasars showed very weak soft X-ray emission, and they were proposed to be intrinsically X-ray weak, with the X-ray coronae producing weak continuum emission relative to their optical/UV emission. However, the new observations suggest an alternative explanation. The NuSTAR 3-24 keV spectral shapes for PG $1001+054$ and PHL 1811 are likely flat (effective power-law photon indices $\Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.0^{+0.5}_{-0.6}$ and $\Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.4^{+0.8}_{-0.7}$, respectively), while the shape is nominal for PG $1254+047$ ($\Gamma_{\rm eff}=1.8\pm0.3$). PG $1001+054$ and PHL 1811 are significantly weak at hard X-ray energies (by factors of $\approx26$-74 at rest-frame 8 keV) compared to the expectations from their optical/UV emission, while PG $1254+047$ is only hard X-ray weak by a factor of $\approx3$. We suggest that X-ray obscuration is present in all three quasars. We propose that, as an alternative to the intrinsic X-ray weakness + X-ray obscuration scenario, the soft and hard X-ray weakness of these quasars can be uniformly explained under an obscuration-only scenario. This model provides adequate descriptions of the multi-epoch soft and hard X-ray data of these quasars, with variable column density and leaked fraction of the partial-covering absorber. We suggest that the absorber is the clumpy dust-free wind launched from the accretion disk. These quasars probably have super-Eddington accretion rates that drive powerful and high-density winds.

Raphael Marschall, Vladimir Zakharov, Cecilia Tubiana, Michael S. P. Kelley, Carlos Corral van Damme, Colin Snodgrass, Geraint H. Jones, Stavro L. Ivanovski, Frank Postberg, Vincenzo Della Corte, Jean-Baptiste Vincent, Olga Muñoz, Fiorangela La Forgia, Anny-Chantal Levasseur-Regourd, the Comet Interceptor Team

27 pages, 15 figures, data available under this https URL

We present a statistical approach to assess the dust environment for a yet unknown comet (or when its parameters are known only with large uncertainty). This is of particular importance for missions such as ESA's Comet Interceptor mission to a dynamically new comet. We find that the lack of knowledge of any particular comet results in very large uncertainties (~3 orders of magnitude) for the dust densities within the coma. The most sensitive parameters affecting the dust densities are the dust size distribution, the dust production rate and coma brightness, often quantified by Af$\rho$. Further, the conversion of a coma's brightness (Af$\rho$) to a dust production rate is poorly constrained. The dust production rate can only be estimated down to an uncertainty of ~0.5 orders of magnitude if the dust size distribution is known in addition to the Af$\rho$. To accurately predict the dust environment of a poorly known comet, a statistical approach as we propose here needs to be taken to properly reflect the uncertainties. This can be done by calculating an ensemble of comae covering all possible combinations within parameter space as shown in this work.

Jason L. Sanders, Noriyuki Matsunaga, Daisuke Kawata, Leigh C. Smith, Dante Minniti, Philip W. Lucas

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 25 pages, 21 figures

The properties of the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc give crucial information on the epoch of bar formation. Mira variables are promising bright candidates to study the nuclear stellar disc, and through their period-age relation dissect its star formation history. We report on a sample of $1782$ Mira variable candidates across the central $3\times3\,\mathrm{deg}^2$ of the Galaxy using the multi-epoch infrared VISTA Variables in Via Lactea (VVV) survey. We describe the algorithms employed to select candidate variable stars and then model their light curves using periodogram and Gaussian process methods. By combining with WISE, 2MASS and other archival photometry, we model the multi-band light curves to refine the periods and inspect the amplitude variation between different photometric bands. The infrared brightness of the Mira variables means many are too bright and missed by VVV. However, our sample follows a well-defined selection function as expected from artificial star tests. The multi-band photometry is modelled using stellar models with circumstellar dust that characterise the mass loss rates. We demonstrate how $\gtrsim90$ per cent of our sample is consistent with O-rich chemistry. Comparison to period-luminosity relations demonstrates that the bulk of the short period stars are situated at the Galactic Centre distance. Many of the longer period variables are very dusty, falling significantly under the O-rich Magellanic Cloud and solar neighbourhood period-luminosity relations and exhibit high mass-loss rates of $\sim2.5\times10^{-5}M_\odot\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$. The period distribution appears consistent with the nuclear stellar disc forming $\gtrsim8\,\mathrm{Gyr}$ ago although it is not possible to disentangle the relative contributions of the nuclear stellar disc and the contaminating bulge.

Daniel J. Mortimer, Sorabh Chhabra, Stefan Kraus, Narsireddy Anugu, Romain Laugier, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, John D. Monnier

12 pages, 6 figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022

BIFROST will be a short-wavelength ($\lambda$ = 1.0 - 1.7$\mu$m) beam combiner for the VLT Interferometer, combining both high spatial ($\lambda$/2B = 0.8 mas) and spectral (up to R = 25,000) resolution. It will be part of the Asgard Suite of visitor instruments. The new window of high spectral resolution, short wavelength observations brings with it new challenges. Here we outline the instrumental design of BIFROST, highlighting which beam combiner subsystems are required and why. This is followed by a comparison All-In-One (AIO) beam combination scheme and an Integrated Optics (IO) scheme with ABCD modulation both in terms of expected sensitivity and the practical implementation of each system.

Wolfgang Brandner, Per Calissendorff, Taisiya Kopytova

7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRAS. The full Table 1 is included in the MNRAS supplementary online material, and will be made available via VizieR

Based on GAIA EDR3, we revisit and update our sample of bonafide single stars in the Hyades open cluster. The small observational uncertainties in parallax and photometry of EDR3 result in a tightly defined stellar sequence, which is ideal for the testing and calibration of theoretical stellar evolutionary tracks and isochrones. We benchmark the solar-scaled MESA evolutionary models against the single star sequence. We find that the non-rotating MESA models for [Fe/H] = +0.25 provide a good fit for stars with masses above 0.85, and very low mass stars below 0.25 M$_\odot$. For stars with masses between 0.25 and 0.85 M$_\odot$ the models systematically under predict the observed stellar luminosity. One potential limitation of the models for partially convective stars more massive than 0.35 M$_\odot$ is the prescription of (superadiabatic) convection with the mixing-length theory parameter $\alpha_{\rm ML}$ tuned to match the Solar model. Below 0.35 M$_\odot$, the increased scatter in the stellar sequence might be a manifestation of the convective kissing instability, which is driven by variations in the $^3$He nuclear energy production rate due to instabilities at the convective core to envelope boundary. For a Hyades-like stellar population, the application of solar-scaled models to subsolar mass stars could result in a significant underestimate of the age, or an overestimate of the metallicity. We suggest that future grids of solar-scaled evolutionary stellar models could be complemented by Hyades-scaled models in the mass range 0.25 to 0.85 M$_\odot$.

Nianyi Chen, Tiziana Di Matteo, Yueying Ni, Michael Tremmel, Colin DeGraf, Yue Shen, A. Miguel Holgado, Simeon Bird, Rupert Croft, Yu Feng

17 Pages, 18 Figures; comments welcome!

We examine the dual (both BHs active) and offset (one BH active) AGN population (comprising $\sim$ 2000 pairs at $0.5\,\text{kpc}\lesssim\Delta r<30\,\text{kpc}$) at $z=2\sim3$ in the ASTRID simulation covering (360 cMpc)${^3}$. The dual (offset) AGN make up $3.0(2.2)\%$ of all AGN at $z=2$. The dual fraction is roughly constant while the offset fraction increases by a factor of ten from $z=4\sim2$. Compared with the full AGN population, duals are characterized by a low $M_\text{BH}/M_*$ ratio, a high specific star-formation rate (sSFR) of $\sim 1\,\text{Gyr}^{-1}$, and a high Eddington ratio ($\sim 0.05$, double that of single AGN). The dual AGN are formed in major galaxy mergers (typically involving $M_\text{halo}<10^{13}\,M_\odot$), with BHs that have similar masses. At small separations (when their host galaxies are in the late phase of the merger) duals become $2\sim8$ times brighter (albeit more obscured) than at larger separations. $80\%$ of these bright, close duals merge in the simulation within $\sim500\,\text{Myrs}$. Notably, the initially less-massive BH in duals frequently becomes the brighter AGN during the galaxy merger. In offset AGN, the active BH is typically $\gtrsim 10$ times more massive than its non-active counterpart and than most BHs in duals. Offsets are predominantly formed in minor galaxy mergers with the active BH residing in the center of massive halos ($ M_\text{ halo}\sim 10^{13-14}\,M_\odot$). In these deep potentials, gas stripping is common and the secondary quickly deactivates. The stripping also leads to inefficient orbital decay amongst offsets, which stall at $\Delta r\sim5\,\text{kpc}$ for a few hundred Myrs.

Steven Barwick, Christian Glaser

To be published in "Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics", edited by F. W. Stecker, in the Encyclopedia of Cosmology II, edited by G. G. Fazio, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 2022

Radio-based detection of high-energy particles is growing in maturity. In this chapter, we focus on the detection of neutrinos with energies in excess of 10 PeV that interact in the thick, radio-transparent ice found in the polar regions. High-energy neutrinos interacting in the ice generate short duration, radio-frequency flashes through the Askaryan effect that can be measured with antennas installed at shallow depths. The abundant target material and the long attenuation lengths of around 1 km allow cost-effective instrumentation of huge volumes with a sparse array of radio detector stations. This detector architecture provides sufficient sensitivity to the low flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos to probe the production of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays whose origin is one of the longest-standing riddles in astroparticle physics. We describe the signal characteristics, propagation effects, detector setup, suitable detection sites, and background processes. We give an overview of the current experimental landscape and an outlook into the future where almost the entire sky can be viewed by a judicious choice of detector locations.

Tara Fetherolf, Naveen A. Reddy, Alice E. Shapley, Mariska Kriek, Brian Siana, Alison L. Coil, Bahram Mobasher, William R. Freeman, Sedona H. Price, Ryan L. Sanders, Irene Shivaei, Mojegan Azadi, Laura de Groot, Gene C.K. Leung, Tom O. Zick

24 pages, 19 figures, resubmitted to MNRAS

We define a new morphology metric called "patchiness" ($P$) that is sensitive to deviations from the average of a resolved distribution, does not require the galaxy center to be defined, and can be used on the spatially-resolved distribution of any galaxy property. While the patchiness metric has a broad range of applications, we demonstrate its utility by investigating the distribution of dust in the interstellar medium of 310 star-forming galaxies at spectroscopic redshifts $1.36<z<2.66$ observed by the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey. The stellar continuum reddening distribution, derived from high-resolution multi-waveband CANDELS/3D-HST imaging, is quantified using the patchiness, Gini, and $M_{20}$ coefficients. We find that the reddening maps of high-mass and high-metallicity galaxies, which are dustier on average, tend to exhibit patchier distributions (high $P$) with the reddest components concentrated within a single region (low $M_{20}$). Our results support a picture where dust is uniformly distributed in low-mass galaxies, implying efficient mixing of dust throughout the interstellar medium. On the other hand, the dust distribution is patchier in high-mass galaxies. Dust is concentrated near regions of active star formation and dust mixing timescales are expected to be longer in high-mass galaxies, such that the outskirt regions of these physically larger galaxies remain relatively unenriched. This study presents direct evidence for patchy dust distributions on scales of a few kpc in high-redshift galaxies, which previously has only been suggested as a possible explanation for the observed differences between nebular and stellar continuum reddening, SFR indicators, and dust attenuation curves.

Kate H. R. Rubin, Christian Juarez, Kathy L. Cooksey, Jessica K. Werk, J. Xavier Prochaska, John M. O'Meara, Joseph N. Burchett, Ryan J. Rickards Vaught, Varsha P. Kulkarni, Lorrie A. Straka

38 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables. Accepted to ApJ

We use medium-resolution Keck/Echellette Spectrograph and Imager spectroscopy of bright quasars to study cool gas traced by CaII 3934,3969 and NaI 5891,5897 absorption in the interstellar/circumgalactic media of 21 foreground star-forming galaxies at redshifts 0.03 < z < 0.20 with stellar masses 7.4 < log M_*/M_sun < 10.6. The quasar-galaxy pairs were drawn from a unique sample of Sloan Digital Sky Survey quasar spectra with intervening nebular emission, and thus have exceptionally close impact parameters (R_perp < 13 kpc). The strength of this line emission implies that the galaxies' star formation rates (SFRs) span a broad range, with several lying well above the star-forming sequence. We use Voigt profile modeling to derive column densities and component velocities for each absorber, finding that column densities N(CaII) > 10^12.5 cm^-2 (N(NaI) > 10^12.0 cm^-2) occur with an incidence f_C(CaII) = 0.63^+0.10_-0.11 (f_C(NaI) = 0.57^+0.10_-0.11). We find no evidence for a dependence of f_C or the rest-frame equivalent widths W_r(CaII K) or W_r(NaI 5891) on R_perp or M_*. Instead, W_r(CaII K) is correlated with local SFR at >3sigma significance, suggesting that CaII traces star formation-driven outflows. While most of the absorbers have velocities within +/-50 km/s of the host redshift, their velocity widths (characterized by Delta v_90) are universally 30-177 km/s larger than that implied by tilted-ring modeling of the velocities of interstellar material. These kinematics must trace galactic fountain flows and demonstrate that they persist at R_perp > 5 kpc. Finally, we assess the relationship between dust reddening and W_r(CaII K) (W_r(NaI 5891)), finding that 33% (24%) of the absorbers are inconsistent with the best-fit Milky Way E(B-V)-W_r relations at >3sigma significance.

Stephan Vladutescu-Zopp, Veronica Biffi, Klaus Dolag

16 pages, 13 figures, submitted to A&A

We provide a numerical framework with which spatially and spectrally accurate representations of X-ray binary populations can be studied from hydrodynamical cosmological simulations. We construct average spectra accounting for a hot gas component and verify the emergence of observed scaling relations between galaxy wide X-ray luminosity ($L_{X}$) and stellar mass ($M_{\star}$) as well as star-formation rate (SFR). Using simulated galaxy halos extracted from the $(48\,h^{-1} \mathrm{cMpc})^3$ volume of the Magneticum Pathfinder cosmological simulations at $z = 0.07$ we generate mock spectra with the X-ray photon-simulator Phox. We extend the Phox code to account for the stellar component in the simulation and study the resulting contribution in composite galactic spectra. Average X-ray luminosity functions are perfectly reproduced up to the one-photon luminosity limit. Comparing our resulting $L_{X}-\mathrm{SFR}-M_{\star}$ relation for X-ray binaries with recent observations of field galaxies in the Virgo galaxy cluster we find significant overlap. Invoking a metallicity dependent model for high-mass X-ray binaries yields an anti-correlation between mass-weighted stellar metallicity and SFR normalized luminosity. The spatial distribution of high-mass X-ray binaries coincides with star-formation regions of simulated galaxies while low-mass X-ray binaries follow the stellar mass surface density. X-ray binary emission is the dominant contribution in the 2-10 keV band in the absence of an actively accreting central super-massive black hole with 50% contribution in the 0.5-2 keV band rivaling the hot gas component. Our modelling remains consistent with observations despite uncertainties connected to our approach. The predictive power and easily extendable framework hold great value for future investigations of galactic X-ray spectra.

Yue Shen, Hsiang-Chih Hwang, Masamune Oguri, Nianyi Chen, Tiziana Di Matteo, Yueying Ni, Simeon Bird, Nadia Zakamska, Xin Liu, Yu-Ching Chen, Kaitlin M. Kratter

19 pages, 9 figures; submitted to ApJ

The statistics of galactic-scale quasar pairs can elucidate our understanding of the dynamical evolution of supermassive black hole (SMBH) pairs, the duty cycles of quasar activity in mergers, or even the nature of dark matter, but have been challenging to measure at cosmic noon, the prime epoch of massive galaxy and SMBH formation. Here we measure a double quasar fraction of $\sim 6.2\pm0.5\times 10^{-4}$ integrated over $\sim 0.3-3$ arcsec separations (projected physical separations of $\sim 3-30\,{\rm kpc}$ at $z\sim 2$) in luminous ($L_{\rm bol}>10^{45.8}\,{\rm erg\,s^{-1}}$) unobscured quasars at $1.5<z<3.5$, using Gaia EDR3-resolved pairs around SDSS DR16 quasars. The measurement was based on a sample of 60 Gaia-resolved double quasars (out of 487 Gaia pairs dominated by quasar+star superpositions) at these separations, corrected for pair completeness in Gaia, which we quantify as functions of pair separation, magnitude of the primary, and magnitude contrast. The double quasar fraction increases towards smaller separations by a factor of $\sim 5$ over these scales. The division between physical quasar pairs and lensed quasars in our sample is currently unknown, requiring dedicated follow-up observations (in particular, deep, sub-arcsec-resolution IR imaging for the closest pairs). Intriguingly, at this point the observed pair statistics are in rough agreement with theoretical predictions both for the lensed quasar population in mock catalogs and for dual quasars in cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Upcoming wide-field imaging/spectroscopic space missions such as Euclid, CSST and Roman, combined with targeted follow-up observations, will conclusively measure the abundances and host galaxy properties of galactic-scale quasar pairs, offset AGNs, and sub-arcsec lensed quasars across cosmic time.

Rajan Chhetri, John Morgan, Vanessa Moss, Ron Ekers, Danica Scott, Keith Bannister, Cherie K. Day, Adam T. Deller, Ryan M. Shannon

9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in special issue of Advances in Space Research (ASR) entitled "COSPAR Space Weather Roadmap 2022: Scientific Research and Applications"

We report on a measurement of interplanetary scintillation (IPS) using the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) radio telescope. Although this proof-of-concept observation utilised just 3 seconds of data on a single source, this is nonetheless a significant result, since the exceptional wide field of view of ASKAP, and this validation of its ability to observe within 10 degrees of the Sun, mean that ASKAP has the potential to observe an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (CME) after it has expanded beyond the field of view of white light coronagraphs, but long before it has reached the Earth. We describe our proof of concept observation and extrapolate from the measured noise parameters to determine what information could be gleaned from a longer observation using the full field of view. We demonstrate that, by adopting a `Target Of Opportunity' (TOO) approach, where the telescope is triggered by the detection of a CME in white-light coronagraphs, the majority of interplanetary CMEs could be observed by ASKAP while in an elongation range $<$30 degrees. It is therefore highly complementary to the colocated Murchison Widefield Array, a lower-frequency instrument which is better suited to observing at elongations $>$20 degrees.

Caeley V. Pittman, Catherine C. Espaillat, Connor E. Robinson, Thanawuth Thanathibodee, Nuria Calvet, John Wendeborn, Jesus Hernańdez, Carlo F. Manara, Fred Walter, Peter Abraham, Juan M. Alcala\', Sílvia H. P. Alencar, Nicole Arulanantham, Sylvie Cabrit, Jochen Eisloffel, Eleonora Fiorellino, Kevin France, Manuele Gangi, Konstantin Grankin, Gregory J. Herczeg, Agnes Kośpaĺ, Ignacio Mendigutía, Javier Serna, Laura Venuti

22 pages, 3 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in AJ

The coevolution of T Tauri stars and their surrounding protoplanetary disks dictates the timescales of planet formation. In this paper, we present magnetospheric accretion and inner disk wall model fits to NUV-NIR spectra of nine classical T Tauri stars in Orion OB1b as part of the Outflows and Disks around Young Stars: Synergies for the Exploration of ULLYSES Spectra (ODYSSEUS) Survey. Using NUV-optical spectra from the Hubble UV Legacy Library of Young Stars as Essential Standards (ULLYSES) Director's Discretionary Program and optical-NIR spectra from the PENELLOPE VLT Large Programme, we find that the accretion rates of these targets are relatively high for the region's intermediate age of 5.0 Myr; rates range from $0.5-17.2 \times 10^{-8}$ M$_{\odot}$/yr, with a median value of $1.2\times 10^{-8}$ M$_{\odot}$/yr. The NIR excesses can be fit with 1200-1800 K inner disk walls located at 0.05-0.10 AU from the host stars. We discuss the significance of the choice in extinction law, as the measured accretion rate depends strongly on the adopted extinction value. This analysis will be extended to the complete sample of T Tauri stars being observed through ULLYSES to characterize accretion and inner disks in star-forming regions of different ages and stellar populations.

Regina Caputo, Marco Ajello, Carolyn Kierans, Jeremy Perkins, Judith Racusin, Luca Baldini, Matthew Barring, Elisabetta Bissaldi, Eric Burns, Nicolas Cannady, Eric Charles, Rui Curado da Silva, Ke Fang, Henrike Fleischhack, Chris Fryer, Yasushi Fukazawa, J. Eric Grove, Dieter Hartmann, Eric Howell, Manoj Jadhav, Christopher Karwin, Daniel Kocevski, Naoko Kurahashi, Luca Latronico, Tiffany Lewis, Richard Leys, Amy Lien, Lea Marcotulli, Israel Martinez-Castellanos, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Julie McEnery, Jessica Metcalfe, Kohta Murase, Michela Negro, Lucas Parker, Bernard Phlips, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Soebur Razzaque, Peter Shawhan, Yong Sheng, Tom Shutt, Daniel Shy, Clio Sleator, Amanda Steinhebel, Nicolas Striebig, Yusuke Suda, Donggeun Tak, Hiroyasu Tajima, Janeth Valverde, Tonia Venters, et al. (5 additional authors not shown)

25 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

The All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory eXplorer (AMEGO-X) is designed to identify and characterize gamma rays from extreme explosions and accelerators. The main science themes include: supermassive black holes and their connections to neutrinos and cosmic rays; binary neutron star mergers and the relativistic jets they produce; cosmic ray particle acceleration sources including Galactic supernovae; and continuous monitoring of other astrophysical events and sources over the full sky in this important energy range. AMEGO-X will probe the medium energy gamma-ray band using a single instrument with sensitivity up to an order of magnitude greater than previous telescopes in the energy range 100 keV to 1 GeV that can be only realized in space. During its three-year baseline mission, AMEGO-X will observe nearly the entire sky every two orbits, building up a sensitive all-sky map of gamma-ray sources and emission. AMEGO-X was submitted in the recent 2021 NASA MIDEX Announcement of Opportunity

Joseph Cleary, Rahul Datta, John W. Appel, Charles L. Bennett, David T. Chuss, Jullianna Denes Couto, Sumit Dahal, Francisco Espinoza, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Kathleen Harrington, Jeffrey Iuliano, Yunyang Li, Tobias A. Marriage, Carolina Nunez, Matthew A. Petroff, Rodrigo A. Reeves, Rui Shi, Duncan J. Watts, Edward J. Wollack, Zhilei Xu

Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022 Conference (AS22)

The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is a telescope array observing the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at frequency bands centered near 40, 90, 150, and 220 GHz. CLASS measures the CMB polarization on the largest angular scales to constrain the inflationary tensor-to-scalar ratio and the optical depth due to reionization. To achieve the long time-scale stability necessary for this measurement from the ground, CLASS utilizes a front-end, variable-delay polarization modulator on each telescope. Here we report on the improvements in stability afforded by front-end modulation using data across all four CLASS frequencies. Across one month of modulated linear polarization data in 2021, CLASS achieved median knee frequencies of 9.1, 29.1, 20.4, and 36.4 mHz for the 40, 90, 150, and 220 GHz observing bands. The knee frequencies are approximately an order of magnitude lower than achieved via CLASS pair-differencing orthogonal detector pairs without modulation.

Setareh Foroozan, Elena Massara, Will J. Percival

22 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables

Due to the low resolution of slitless spectroscopy, future surveys including those made possible by the Roman and Euclid space telescopes will be prone to line mis-identification, leading to interloper galaxies at the wrong redshifts in the large-scale structure catalogues. The most pernicious of these have a small displacement between true and false redshift such that the interloper positions are correlated with the target galaxies. We consider how to correct for such contaminants, focusing on $\rm H\beta$ interlopers in [OIII] catalogues as will be observed by Roman, which are misplaced by $\Delta d = 97 \,h^{-1}\,{\rm Mpc}$ at redshift $z = 1$. Because this displacement is close to the BAO scale, the peak in the interloper-target galaxy cross-correlation function at the displacement scale can change the shape of the BAO peak in the auto-correlation of the contaminated catalogue, and lead to incorrect cosmological measurements if not accounted for properly. We consider how to build a model for the monopole and quadrupole moments of the contaminated correlation function, including an additional free parameter for the fraction of interlopers. The key input to this model is the cross-correlation between the population of galaxies forming the interlopers and the main target sample. It will be important to either estimate this using calibration data or to use the contaminated small-scale auto-correlation function to model it, which may be possible if a number of requirements about the galaxy populations are met. We find that this method is successful in measuring the BAO dilation parameters without significant degradation in accuracy, provided the cross-correlation function is accurately known.

Joseph R. Eimer, Michael K. Brewer, David T. Chuss, John Karakla, Rui Shi, John W. Appel, Charles L. Bennett, Joseph Cleary, Sumit Dahal, Rahul Datta, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Tobias A. Marriage, Carolina Núñez, Mattew A. Petroff, Duncan J. Watts, Edward J. Wollack, Zhilei Xu

13 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Proc. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022

Polarization modulation is a powerful technique to increase the stability of measurements by enabling the distinction of a polarized signal from dominant slow system drifts and unpolarized foregrounds. Furthermore, when placed as close to the sky as possible, modulation can reduce systematic errors from instrument polarization. In this work, we introduce the design and preliminary drive system laboratory performance of a new 60 cm diameter reflective half-wave plate (RHWP) polarization modulator. The wave plate consists of a wire array situated in front of a flat mirror. Using \mbox{50 $\mu$m} diameter wires with \mbox{175 $\mu$m} spacing, the wave plate will be suitable for operation in the millimeter wavelength range with flatness of the wires and parallelism to the mirror held to a small fraction of a wavelength. The presented design targets the 77--108 GHz range. Modulation is performed by a rotation of the wave plate with a custom rotary drive utilizing an actively controlled servo motor.

Carolina Núñez, John W. Appel, Sarah Marie Bruno, Rahul Datta, Aamir Ali, Charles L. Bennett, Sumit Dahal, Jullianna Denes Couto, Kevin L. Denis, Joseph Eimer, Francisco Espinoza, Tom Essinger-Hileman, Kyle Helson, Jeffrey Iuliano, Tobias A. Marriage, Carolina Morales Pérez, Deniz Augusto Nunes Valle, Matthew A. Petroff, Karwan Rostem, Rui Shi, Duncan J. Watts, Edward J. Wollack, Zhilei Xu

10 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Proc. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022

The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) is a polarization-sensitive telescope array located at an altitude of 5,200 m in the Chilean Atacama Desert. CLASS is designed to measure "E-mode" (even parity) and "B-mode" (odd parity) polarization patterns in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) over large angular scales with the aim of improving our understanding of inflation, reionization, and dark matter. CLASS is currently observing with three telescopes covering four frequency bands: one at 40 GHz (Q); one at 90 GHz (W1); and one dichroic system at 150/220 GHz (G). In these proceedings, we discuss the updated design and in-lab characterization of new 90 GHz detectors. The new detectors include design changes to the transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometer architecture, which aim to improve stability and optical efficiency. We assembled and tested four new detector wafers, to replace four modules of the W1 focal plane. These detectors were installed into the W1 telescope, and will achieve first light in the austral winter of 2022. We present electrothermal parameters and bandpass measurements from in-lab dark and optical testing. From in-lab dark tests, we also measure a median NEP of 12.3 $\mathrm{aW\sqrt{s}}$ across all four wafers about the CLASS signal band, which is below the expected photon NEP of 32 $\mathrm{aW\sqrt{s}}$ from the field. We therefore expect the new detectors to be photon noise limited.

S. K. Betti, K. B. Follette, K. Ward-Duong, Y. Aoyama, G.-D. Marleau, J. Bary, C. Robinson, M. Janson, W. Balmer, G. Chauvin, P. Palma-Bifani

Accepted for publication in ApJL

Accretion signatures from bound brown dwarf and protoplanetary companions provide evidence for ongoing planet formation, and accreting substellar objects have enabled new avenues to study the astrophysical mechanisms controlling formation and accretion processes. Delorme 1 (AB)b, a ~30-45 Myr circumbinary planetary mass companion, was recently discovered to exhibit strong H$\alpha$ emission. This suggests ongoing accretion from a circumplanetary disk, somewhat surprising given canonical gas disk dispersal timescales of 5-10 Myr. Here, we present the first NIR detection of accretion from the companion in Pa$\beta$, Pa$\gamma$, and Br$\gamma$ emission lines from SOAR/TripleSpec 4.1, confirming and further informing its accreting nature. The companion shows strong line emission, with $L_{line} \approx 1-6 \times 10^{-8}~L_\odot$ across lines and epochs, while the binary host system shows no NIR hydrogen line emission ($L_{line} <0.32-11\times10^{-7}\ L_\odot$). Observed NIR hydrogen line ratios are more consistent with a planetary accretion shock than with local line excitation models commonly used to interpret stellar magnetospheric accretion. Using planetary accretion shock models, we derive mass accretion rate estimates of $\dot{M}_{\mathrm{pla}}\sim3$-$4\times 10^{-8}\ M_\mathrm{J}$ yr$^{-1}$, somewhat higher than expected under the standard star formation paradigm. Delorme 1 (AB)b's high accretion rate is perhaps more consistent with formation via disk fragmentation. Delorme 1 (AB)b is the first protoplanet candidate with clear (S/N$\sim$5) NIR hydrogen line emission.

Phillip James E. Peebles

A much revised and expanded version of lectures presented in 2021 and earlier and transcribed as arXiv:2106.02672

The $\Lambda$CDM cosmology passes demanding tests that establish it as a good approximation to reality. The theory is incomplete, of course, and open issues are being examined in active research programs. I offer a review of less widely discussed anomalies that might also point to hints to a still better cosmological theory if more closely examined.

Rahul Datta, Michael K. Brewer, Jullianna D. Couto, Joseph R. Eimer, Yunyang Li, Zhilei Xu, John W. Appel, Ricardo Bustos, David T. Chuss, Joseph Cleary, Sumit Dahal, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Jeffrey Iuliano, Tobias A. Marriage, Carolina Núñez, Matthew A. Petroff, Karwan Rostem, Duncan J. Watts, Edward J. Wollack

Submitted to Proc. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation (2022)

The Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) telescope array surveys 75% of the sky from the Atacama desert in Chile at frequency bands centered near 40, 90, 150, and 220 GHz. CLASS measures the largest-angular-scale CMB polarization with the aim of constraining the tensor-to-scalar ratio, measuring the optical depth to reionization to near the cosmic variance limit, and more. The CLASS Q-band (40 GHz), W-band (90 GHz), and dichroic high frequency (150/220 GHz) telescopes have been observing since June 2016, May 2018, and September 2019, respectively. On-sky optical characterization of the 40 GHz instrument has been published. Here, we present preliminary on-sky measurements of the beams at 90, 150, and 220 GHz, and pointing stability of the 90 and 150/220 GHz telescopes. The average 90, 150, and 220 GHz beams measured from dedicated observations of Jupiter have full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 0.615+/-0.019 deg, 0.378+/-0.005 deg, and 0.266+/-0.008 deg, respectively. Telescope pointing variations are within a few percent of the beam FWHM.

Yanlong Shi, Kyle Kremer, Michael Y. Grudić, Hannalore J. Gerling-Dunsmore, Philip F. Hopkins

Formation of supermassive black holes (BHs) remains a theoretical challenge. In many models, especially beginning from stellar relic "seeds," this requires sustained super-Eddington accretion. While studies have shown BHs can violate the Eddington limit on accretion disk scales given sufficient "fueling" from larger scales, what remains unclear is whether or not BHs can actually capture sufficient gas from their surrounding ISM. We explore this in a suite of multi-physics high-resolution simulations of BH growth in magnetized, star-forming dense gas complexes including dynamical stellar feedback from radiation, stellar mass-loss, and supernovae, exploring populations of seeds with masses $\sim 1-10^{4}\,M_{\odot}$. In this initial study, we neglect feedback from the BHs: so this sets a strong upper limit to the accretion rates seeds can sustain. We show that stellar feedback plays a key role. Complexes with gravitational pressure/surface density below $\sim 10^{3}\,M_{\odot}\,{\rm pc^{-2}}$ are disrupted with low star formation efficiencies so provide poor environments for BH growth. But in denser cloud complexes, early stellar feedback does not rapidly destroy the clouds but does generate strong shocks and dense clumps, allowing $\sim 1\%$ of randomly-initialized seeds to encounter a dense clump with low relative velocity and produce runaway, hyper-Eddington accretion (growing by orders of magnitude). Remarkably, mass growth under these conditions is almost independent of initial BH mass, allowing rapid IMBH formation even for stellar-mass seeds. This defines a necessary (but perhaps not sufficient) set of criteria for runaway BH growth: we provide analytic estimates for the probability of runaway growth under different ISM conditions.

K.M. Belotsky, M. M. El Kasmi, S.G. Rubin, M.L. Solovyov

12 pages, 6 figures,1 table. v2: Version accepted for publication Symmetry

We study primordial nucleosynthesis in hypothetical hot regions that could be formed by the primordial density inhomogeneities. It is shown that the regions survived up to the present times acquire an abnormally high metallicity. This conclusion holds in wide range of initial parameters of such regions. We considered the thermonuclear reaction rates and estimated abundances of deuterium and helium-3 and -4 inside these areas. It has been established that all baryons tend to form helium-4, which is the thermonuclear link in the chain of formation of heavier elements.

R. Porter-Temple (University of Louisville), B. W. Holwerda (University of Louisville), A. M. Hopkins (Macquarie University), L. E. Porter (University of Louisville), C. Henry (University of Louisville), T. Geron (University of Oxford), B. Simmons (Lancaster University), K. Masters (Haverford College), S. Kruk (Max-Plank Garching)

8 figures, 1 table, 8 pages, accepted for publication by MNRAS

Understanding the effect spiral structure has on star formation properties of galaxies is important to completing our picture of spiral structure evolution. Previous studies have investigated connections between spiral arm properties with star formation, but the effect that the number of spiral arms has on this process is unclear. Here we use the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey paired with the citizen science visual classifications from the Galaxy Zoo project to explore galaxies' spiral arm number and how it connects to the star formation process. We use the votes from the GAMA-KiDS GalaxyZoo classification to investigate the link between spiral arm number with stellar mass, star formation rate, and specific star formation rate. We find that galaxies with fewer spiral arms have lower stellar masses and higher sSFRs, while those with more spiral arms tend toward higher stellar masses and lower sSFRs, and conclude that galaxies are less efficient at forming stars if they have more spiral arms. We note how previous studies' findings may indicate a cause for this connection in spiral arm strength or opacity.

Uddipan Banik, Martin D. Weinberg, Frank C. van den Bosch

Accepted for publication in ApJ; 7 figures, 1 table

Galactic disks are highly responsive systems that often undergo external perturbations and subsequent collisionless equilibration, predominantly via phase-mixing. We use linear perturbation theory to study the response of infinite isothermal slab analogues of disks to perturbations with diverse spatio-temporal characteristics. Without self-gravity of the response, the dominant Fourier modes that get excited in a disk are the bending and breathing modes, which, due to vertical phase-mixing, trigger local phase-space spirals that are one- and two-armed, respectively. We demonstrate how the lateral streaming motion of slab stars causes phase spirals to damp out over time. The ratio of the perturbation timescale ($\tau_{\mathrm{P}}$) to the local, vertical oscillation time ($\tau_z$) ultimately decides which of the two modes is excited. Faster, more impulsive ($\tau_{\mathrm{P}} < \tau_z$) and slower, more adiabatic ($\tau_{\mathrm{P}} > \tau_z$) perturbations excite stronger breathing and bending modes, respectively, although the response to very slow perturbations is exponentially suppressed. For encounters with satellite galaxies, this translates to more distant and more perpendicular encounters triggering stronger bending modes. We compute the direct response of the Milky Way disk to several of its satellite galaxies, and find that recent encounters with all of them excite bending modes in the Solar neighborhood. The encounter with Sagittarius triggers a response that is at least $1-2$ orders of magnitude larger than that due to any other satellite, including the Large Magellanic Cloud. We briefly discuss how ignoring the presence of a dark matter halo and the self-gravity of the response might impact our conclusions.

In recent years, a number of eccentric debris belts have been observed in extrasolar systems. The most common explanation for their shape is the presence of a nearby eccentric planetary companion. The gravitational perturbation from such a companion would induce periodic eccentricity variations on the planetesimals in the belt, with a range of precession frequencies. The overall expected shape is an eccentric belt with a finite minimum width. However, several observed eccentric debris disks have been found to exhibit a narrower width than the theoretical expectation. In this paper, we study two mechanisms that can produce this small width: (i) the protoplanetary disk can interact with the planet and/or the planetesimals, slowly driving the eccentricity of the former and damping the eccentricities of the latter; (ii) the companion planet could have gained its eccentricity stochastically, through planet-planet scatterings. We show that under appropriate conditions, both of these scenarios offer a plausible way to reduce the minimum width of an eccentric belt exterior to a perturbing planet. These findings suggest that one can use the shape and width of debris disks to shed light on the evolution of extrasolar systems, constraining the protoplanetary disk properties and the prevalence of planet-planet scatterings. Further observations of debris-harbouring systems could confirm whether thin debris belts are a common occurrence, or the results of rare initial conditions or evolutionary processes.

Satoko Sawada-Satoh, Seiji Kameno, Sascha Trippe

6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

The cold molecular gas in the circumnuclear disk (CND) of radio galaxies provides critical information for understanding the mass accretion onto active galactic nuclei. We present the first detection and maps of HCN J=1-0 and HCO+ J=1-0 emission lines from the circumnuclear region of a nearby radio galaxy, NGC 4261, using the Northern Extended Millimeter Array. Both molecular lines are detected at a radial velocity of +-700 km/s relative to the systemic velocity of the galaxy, and they arise from a CND with an outer radius of 100 pc. The velocity fields of HCN and HCO+ are fitted with a Keplerian disk rotation. The enclosed mass is (1.6+-0.1)x10^9 M_solar, assuming a disk inclination angle of 64 degree. The continuum image at 80 GHz reveals a weak two-sided jet structure extending over 5 kpc along the east-west direction and a bright core at the centre. The continuum spectrum between 80 and 230 GHz shows a spectral index of -0.34+-0.02, which suggests optically thin synchrotron radiation. The dense gas mass associated with the CND is calculated to be 6.03x10^7 M_solar. It supports a positive correlation between the dense gas mass in the CND and the accretion rate onto the supermassive black hole, though there are uncertainties in the parameters of the correlation.

Sam Condon (1), Marco Viero (1), James Bock (1 and 2), Howard Hui (1), Phil Korngut (1), Hiromasa Miyasaka (1), Ken Manatt (2), Chi Nguyen (1), Hien Nguyen (2), Steve Padin (1) ((1) California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, (2) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA)

15 pages, 10 figures, proceedings for the 2022 SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation conference

Selected as the next NASA Medium Class Explorer mission, SPHEREx, the Spectro-Photometer for the History of the Universe, Epoch of Reionization, and Ices Explorer is planned for launch in early 2025. SPHEREx calibration data products include detector spectral response, non-linearity, persistence, and telescope focus error measurements. To produce these calibration products, we have developed a dedicated data acquisition and instrument control system, SPHERExLabTools (SLT). SLT implements driver-level software for control of all testbed instrumentation, graphical interfaces for control of instruments and automated measurements, real-time data visualization, processing, and data archival tools for a variety of output file formats. This work outlines the architecture of the SLT software as a framework for general purpose laboratory data acquisition and instrument control. Initial SPHEREx calibration products acquired while using SLT are also presented.

We present a survey of globular clusters (GCs) in the massive gravitational lens cluster SMACS J0723.3-7327 at $z=0.39$ based on the early released JWST/NIRCam images. In the color-magnitude diagrams of the point sources we find clearly a rich population of intracluster GCs that are spread in a wide area of the cluster. Their ages, considering the cluster redshift, are younger than 9.5 Gyr. The F200W (AB) magnitudes of these GCs, $26.5<{F200W_0} <29.5$ mag, correspond to $-15.2<{M_{F200W}} <-12.2$ mag, showing that they belong to the brightest GCs (including ultracompact dwarfs). The spatial distributions of these GCs show a megaparsec-scale structure elongated along the major axis of the brightest cluster galaxy. In addition, they show a large number of substructures, some of which are consistent with the substructures seen in the map of diffuse intracluster light. The GC number density map is, in general, consistent with that of the dark matter mass density map based on the strong lensing analysis in the literature. The radial number density profile of the GCs in the outer region is steeper than the dark matter mass profile obtained from lensing models. These results are consistent with those for the GCs found in the deep HST images of Abell 2744, another massive cluster at $z=0.308$, and in simulated galaxy clusters. This shows that the intracluster GCs are an excellent independent tool to probe the dark matter distribution in galaxy clusters as well as to reveal the cluster assembly history in the JWST era.

Zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) stars are considered to have enormous starspots and show strong chromospheric emission lines because of their strong surface magnetic field. We discuss the dynamo activities of ZAMS stars with respect to their periodic light variation caused by a starspot and with respect to the strength of the chromospheric emission lines. The light curves of $33$ ZAMS stars in IC 2391 and IC 2602 were obtained from \textit{TESS} photometric data. The light curves can be grouped into the following four categories: single frequency, possible shape changer, beater, and complex variability. The amplitudes of the light curves are $0.001-0.145\,\mathrm{mag}$, similar to those of ZAMS stars in Pleiades. The starspot coverages are $0.1-21\%$. We found that the light variations and Ca\,\emissiontype{II} emission line strength of ZAMS stars in IC 2391, IC 2602, and the Pleiades cluster are as large as those of the most active superflare stars and two orders larger than those of the Sun, and are located on the extensions of the superflare stars. These results suggest that superflare stars link the properties of the Sun to those of the ZAMS stars of ages between $30$ and $120\,\mathrm{Myr}$. ZAMS stars with a single frequency or possible shape change in the light curve tend to have both large light variation, indicating large spot coverage, and saturated Ca\,\emissiontype{II} emission line strength. ZAMS stars with beat or complex variability have small spot coverage and a faint Ca\,\emissiontype{II} emission line. We also detected $21$ flares in the \textit{TESS} light curves of $12$ ZAMS stars in IC 2391 and IC 2602, where most of these stars have saturated chromospheric Ca\,\emissiontype{II} emission lines. The energies of the flares are estimated to be $\sim 10^{33}-10^{35}\,\mathrm{erg}$, which is comparable with the energy of a superflare.

Yong Yang, Jing-Kun Zhao, Xiang-Xiang Xue, Xian-Hao Ye, Gang Zhao

We report the discovery of a cold stream near the southern Galactic pole (dubbed as SGP-S) detected in $Gaia$ Early Data Release 3. The stream is at a heliocentric distance of $\sim$ 9.5 kpc and spans nearly 58$^\circ$ by 0.6$^\circ$ on sky. The colour-magnitude diagram of SGP-S indicates an old and metal-poor (age $\sim$ 12 Gyr, [M/H] $\sim$ -2.0 dex) stellar population. The stream's surface brightness reaches an exceedingly low level of $\Sigma_G \simeq$ 36.2 mag arcsec$^{-2}$. Neither extant globular clusters nor other known streams are associated with SGP-S.

Yong Yang, Jing-Kun Zhao, Miho N. Ishigaki, Masashi Chiba, Cheng-Qun Yang, Xiang-Xiang Xue, Xian-Hao Ye, Gang Zhao

Accepted for publication in A&A

Context. Several dynamically cold streams have been associated with certain globular clusters (GCs) based on orbital energies and angular momenta. Some of these streams are surprisingly far apart from their progenitors and one such pair is Triangulum and NGC 5824. Triangulum can be considered as a piece of NGC 5824 leading tail since the cluster's future orbit matches with the stream's track well. The existence of the leading tail for NGC 5824 is the motivation behind the search for its trailing tail. Aims. Our goal is to confirm the connection between Triangulum and NGC 5824 and seek the trailing tail of the cluster. Methods. The selection of member stars of Triangulum is made through various cuts in metallicity, proper motions (PMs), radial velocity and color-magnitude diagram (CMD). The selected members are compared in phase space to a mock stream which models the disruption of NGC 5824. We then try to detect the trailing tail of the cluster based on a modified matched-filter technique. Stars are assigned weights using their color differences from the cluster's locus in CMD. These weights are further scaled based on stars' departures from expected PMs of the model stream. Results. A total of 26 member stars for Triangulum are obtained and 16 of them are newly identified. These members are consistent with the mock stream in the phase space and their metalicity and position on the CMD are in good agreements with NGC 5824. By applying the matched-filter, a tenuous trailing tail of the cluster is detected, spanning $\sim$ 50$^\circ$ long on sky. The signature matches with the mock stream's trajectory well. Conclusions. Our results support that Triangulum stream acts as a part of the leading tail for NGC 5824. On the trailing side, we have detected a 50$^\circ$ tail extended from the cluster. The existence of both leading and trailing tails for the GC NGC 5824 is verified.

Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Takahiro Nishimichi, Yosuke Kobayashi, Cheng-Zong Ruan, Alexander Eggemeier, Hironao Miyatake, Masahiro Takada, Naoki Yoshida, Pauline Zarrouk, Carlton M. Baugh, Sownak Bose, Baojiu Li

In this series of papers, we present a simulation-based model for the non-linear clustering of galaxies based on separate modelling of clustering in real space and velocity statistics. In the first paper, we present an emulator for the real-space correlation function of galaxies, whereas the emulator of the real-to-redshift space mapping based on velocity statistics is presented in the second paper. Here, we show that a neural network emulator for real-space galaxy clustering trained on data extracted from the Dark Quest suite of N-body simulations achieves sub-per cent accuracies on scales $1 < r < 30 $ $h^{-1} \,\mathrm{Mpc}$, and better than $3\%$ on scales $r < 1$ $h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$ in predicting the clustering of dark-matter haloes with number density $10^{-3.5}$ $(h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc})^{-3}$, close to that of SDSS LOWZ-like galaxies. The halo emulator can be combined with a galaxy-halo connection model to predict the galaxy correlation function through the halo model. We demonstrate that we accurately recover the cosmological and galaxy-halo connection parameters when galaxy clustering depends only on the mass of the galaxies' host halos. Furthermore, the constraining power in $\sigma_8$ increases by about a factor of $2$ when including scales smaller than $5$ $h^{-1} \,\mathrm{Mpc}$. However, when mass is not the only property responsible for galaxy clustering, as observed in hydrodynamical or semi-analytic models of galaxy formation, our emulator gives biased constraints on $\sigma_8$. This bias disappears when small scales ($r < 10$ $h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$) are excluded from the analysis. This shows that a vanilla halo model could introduce biases into the analysis of future datasets.

R. J. Morton, R. Sharma, E. Tajfirouzhe, H. Miriyala

Submitted to Journal of Modern Plasma Physics

The solar atmosphere is known to be replete with magneto-hydrodynamic wave modes, and there has been significant investment in understanding how these waves propagate through the Sun's atmopshere and deposit their energy into the plasma. The waves' journey is made interesting by the vertical variation in plasma quantities that define the solar atmosphere. In addition to this large-scale inhomogeneity, a wealth of fine-scale structure through the chromosphere and corona has been brought to light by high-resolution observations over the last couple of decades. This fine-scale sturcture represents inhomogeneity that is thought to be perpendicular to the local magnetic fields. The implications of this form of inhomogeneity on wave propagation is still being uncovered, but is known to fundamentally change the nature of MHD wave modes. It also enables interesting physics to arise including resonances, turbulence and instabilities. Here we review some of the key insights into how the inhomogeneity influences Alfv\'enic wave propagation through the Sun's atmosphere, discussing both inhomogeneities parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field.

Shanwlee Sow Mondal, James A. Klimchuk, Aveek Sarkar

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 16 pages, 17 figures

Recent high-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations have generated renewed interest in spicules' role in explaining the hot corona. Some studies suggest that some spicules, often classified as type II, may provide significant mass and energy to the corona. Here we use numerical simulations to investigate whether such spicules can produce the observed coronal emission without any additional coronal heating agent. Model spicules consisting of a cold body and hot tip are injected into the base of a warm ($0.5$ MK) equilibrium loop with different tip temperatures and injection velocities. Both piston- and pressure-driven shocks are produced. We find that the hot tip cools rapidly and disappears from coronal emission lines such as Fe XII $195$ and Fe XIV $274$. Prolonged hot emission is produced by pre-existing loop material heated by the shock and by thermal conduction from the shock. However, the shapes and Doppler shifts of synthetic line profiles show significant discrepancies with observations. Furthermore, spatially and temporally averaged intensities are extremely low, suggesting that if the observed intensities from the quiet Sun and active regions were solely due to type II spicules, one to several orders of magnitude more spicules would be required than have been reported in the literature. This conclusion applies strictly to the ejected spicular material. We make no claims about emissions connected with waves or coronal currents that may be generated during the ejection process and heat the surrounding area.

Jifeng Xia, Ningyu Tang, Qijun Zhi, Sihan Jiao, Jinjin Xie, Gary A. Fuller, Paul F. Goldsmith, Di Li

31 pages, 25 figures,1 table, published in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The distribution of ultraviolet (UV) radiation field provides critical constraints on the physical environments of molecular clouds. Within 1 kpc of our solar system and fostering protostars of different masses, the giant molecular clouds in the Gould Belt present an excellent opportunity to resolve the UV field structure in star forming regions. We performed spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting of the archival data from the Herschel Gould Belt Survey (HGBS). Dust radiative transfer analysis with the DUSTY code were applied to 23 regions in 14 molecular complexes of the Gould Belt, resulting in the spatial distribution of radiation field in these regions. For 10 of 15 regions with independent measurements of star formation rate, their star formation rate and UV radiation intensity largely conform to a linear correlation found in previous studies.

Zhang XueGuang (GXU)

5 pages, 4 figures, accepted to be published in MNRAS Letter

In the Letter, a new candidate for central tidal disruption event (TDE) is reported in SDSS J014124+010306 (=SDSS J0141) with broad Mg~{\sc ii} line at redshift $z=1.06$. Based on long-term photometric $ugriz$-band variabilities from SDSS Stripe82 Database and PHOTOOBJALL database, a central TDE is preferred with a 1.3${\rm M_\odot}$ main-sequence star tidally disrupted by central black hole (BH) of $(14\pm2)\times10^6{\rm M_\odot}$ in SDSS J0141. Moreover, CAR process has been applied to confirm that the probability is only about 0.4\% that the long-term variabilities in SDSS J0141 are not related to TDE but from intrinsic AGN activities. Meanwhile, based on the apparent broad Mg~{\sc ii} emission lines, virial BH mass can be estimated as $245\times10^6{\rm M_\odot}$, 18 times larger than the TDE-model determined BH mass, providing further clues to support a central TDE in SDSS J0141, similar as the case in the TDE candidate SDSS J0159 with virial BH mass two magnitudes larger than M-sigma relation expected BH mass. Among the reported optical TDE candidates, SDSS J0141 is the candidate at the highest redshift. The results in the Letter indicate it should be common to detect TDE candidates in high redshift galaxies with broad Mg~{\sc ii} lines.

Jose Beltrán Jiménez, Tomi S. Koivisto

10 pages, 3 figures. Contribution to the special issue Beyond Riemannian Geometry in Classical and Quantum Gravity

In this essay, we immerse into the framework of normed division algebras as a suitable arena to accommodate the standard model of elementary particles, and we explore some applications to cosmology. Remarkably, they permit interesting non-trivial realisations of the cosmological principle with an interplay between the symmetry groups of the quaternions and octonions. We also argue how these realisations give rise to potentially observational signatures in gravitational waves astronomy.

Tamara Civera

4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Proc. ADASS XXXI (2021)

The Centro de Estudios de F\'isica del Cosmos de Arag\'on (CEFCA) is carrying out from the Observatorio Astrof\'isico de Javalambre (OAJ, Teruel, Spain) two large area multiband photometric sky surveys, J-PLUS and J-PAS, covering the entire optical spectrum using narrow and broad band filters. J-PAS and J-PLUS include coadded and individual frame images and dual and single catalogue data. To publish all of this data, the CEFCA catalogues portal has been implemented offering web user interface services, as well, as Virtual Observatory (VO) services. This contribution presents the effort and work done in the CEFCA Catalogues Portal to enhance data publication of these large surveys following FAIR principles to increase data value and maximize research efficiency. It presents how FAIR principles have been achieved and improved with the implementation and publishing of the CEFCA Catalogues Publishing Registry, the use of VO services, their validation and improving processes and the effort made to offer data to improve provenance information.

Joseph J. Armstrong, Nicholas J. Wright, R. D. Jeffries, R. J. Jackson, T. Cantat-Gaudin

19 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, submitted to MNRAS

The kinematics of stars in OB associations can provide insights into their formation, dynamical evolution, and eventual fate. The low-mass stellar content of OB associations are sufficiently numerous as to provide a detailed sampling of their kinematic properties, however spectroscopy is required to confirm the youth of individual stars and to get 3D kinematics. In this paper we present and analyse results from a large spectroscopic survey of Vela OB2 conducted using 2dF/HERMES on the AAT. This spectroscopy is used to confirm the youth of candidate young stars and determine radial velocities, which are combined with proper motions and parallaxes from Gaia to measure 3-dimensional positions and velocities. We identify multiple separate kinematic groups in the region, for which we measure velocity dispersions and infer their virial states. We measure expansion rates for all these groups and find strong evidence for anisotropic expansion in the Vela OB2 association of at least 11$\sigma$ significance in all three dimensions, as well as some evidence for expansion in the $\gamma$ Vel and P Puppis clusters. We trace back the motions of these groups into the past and find that the open cluster NGC 2547 is an interloper in the Vela OB2 region and actually formed $>$100 pc away from the association. We conclude that Vela OB2 must have formed with considerable spatial and kinematic substructure over a timescale of $\sim$10 Myr, with clear temporal substructure within the association, but no clear evidence for an age gradient.

Guo-Jie Feng, Ali Esamdin, Jian-Ning Fu, Hu-Biao Niu, Peng Zong, Tao-Zhi Yang, Shu-Guo Ma, Jing Xu, Chun-Hai Bai, Yong Wang, Wei-Chao Sun, Xin-Liang Wang

18 pages, 8 figures

KIC 10417986 is a short orbital period (0.0737 d) ellipsoidal variable star with a {\delta} Scuti and {\gamma} Doradus hybrid pulsations component discovered by Kepler. The ground-based spectroscopic observations were carried out in the winters of 2020 and 2021 to investigate the binary nature of this star. We derive the orbital parameters using the rvfit code with a result of K1 = 29.7 $\pm$ 1.5 km/s, {\gamma} = -18.7 $\pm$ 1.7 km/s, and confirm an orbital period of 0.84495 d instead of the result given by Kepler. The atmospheric parameters of the primary are determined by the synthetic spectra fitting technique with the estimated values of Teff = 7411 $\pm$ 187 K, log g = 4.2 $\pm$ 0.3 dex, [M/H] = 0.08 $\pm$ 0.09 dex and vsini = 52 $\pm$ 11 km/s. KIC 10417986 is a circular orbit binary system. From the single-lined nature and mass function of the star, the derived orbital inclination is 26 $\pm$ 6{\deg}, and the mass of the secondary is from 0.43 to 0.7 M_sun, which should be a late-K to early-M type star. Fourteen frequencies are extracted from Kepler light curves, of which six independent frequencies in the high-frequency region are identified as the p-mode pulsations of {\delta} Scuti star, and one independent frequency in the low-frequency region (f2 = 1.3033 c/d) is probably the rotational frequency due to the starspots rather than the ellipsoidal effect or g-mode of {\gamma} Doradus.

Chian-Chou Chen (ASIAA), Zhen-Kai Gao, Qi-Ning Hsu, Cheng-Lin Liao, Yu-Han Ling, Ching-Min Lo, Wei-Hao Wang, Yu-Jan Wang

10 pages, submitted to ApJL, comments welcome

We report morphological analyses of seven submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) at $z\sim2$ using the JWST NIRCam images taken as part of the public CEERS and PRIMER surveys. Through two-dimensional surface brightness profile fittings we find evidence of bulges in all the sample SMGs, in particular at F444W filter, suggesting an ubiquitous presence of stellar bulges. The median size of these bulges at F444W is found to be 0.7$\pm$1.0 kpc and its median Sersic index is 0.7$\pm$0.9. Structures akin to spiral arms and bars are also identified, although their asymmetric shapes, tidal features, as well as evidence of nearby galaxies at consistent redshifts as those of corresponding SMGs suggest that these SMGs are undergoing dynamical interactions, likely responsible for the triggering of their star-forming activities. Via the curve-of-growth analyses we deduce half-light radii for the NIRCam wavebands, finding that sizes are significantly smaller at longer wavelengths in all cases, in particular that the median size ratio between F444W and F150W is $0.6\pm0.1$. However, we also find that F444W sizes, roughly corresponding to rest-frame $H$-band, are not smaller than those of submillimeter continuum as measured by ALMA, contrasting recent predictions from theoretical models. Our results suggest that while stellar bulges are undergoing an active formation phase in SMGs at $z\sim2$, the total stellar masses of SMGs are still dominated by their disks, not bulges.

Lijie Liu, Martin Bureau, Guang-Xing Li, Timothy A. Davis, Dieu D. Nguyen, Fu-Heng Liang, Woorak Choi, Mark R. Smith, Satoru Iguchi

Accepted for publication on MNRAS

We present a study of molecular structures (clumps and clouds) in the dwarf galaxy NGC 404 using high-resolution (0.86x0.51 pc^2) Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array ^{12}CO(2-1) observations. We find two distinct regions in NGC 404: a gravitationally-stable central region (Toomre parameter Q=3-30) and a gravitationally-unstable molecular ring (Q<=1). The molecular structures in the central region have a steeper size -- linewidth relation and larger virial parameters than those in the molecular ring, suggesting gas is more turbulent in the former. In the molecular ring, clumps exhibit a shallower mass -- size relation and larger virial parameters than clouds, implying density structures and dynamics are regulated by different physical mechanisms at different spatial scales. We construct an analytical model of clump-clump collisions to explain the results in the molecular ring. We propose that clump-clump collisions are driven by gravitational instabilities coupled with galactic shear, that lead to a population of clumps whose accumulation lengths (i.e. average separations) are approximately equal to their tidal radii. Our model-predicted clump masses and sizes (and mass -- size relation) and turbulence energy injection rates (and size -- linewidth relation) match the observations in the molecular ring very well, suggesting clump-clump collisions is the main mechanism regulating clump properties and gas turbulence in that region. As expected, our collision model does not apply to the central region, where turbulence is likely driven by clump migration.

Sebastiaan de Haas, Pablo Bosch, Philipp Mösta, Sanjana Curtis, Nathanyel Schut

11 pages, 8 figures

We investigate the influence of parametric magnetic field configurations of a hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) on electromagnetic (EM) observables, specifically the kilonova lightcurves and nucleosynthesis yields. We perform three-dimensional (3D) dynamical-spacetime general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations, including a neutrino leakage scheme, microphysical finite-temperature equation of state (EOS), and an initial poloidal magnetic field. We find that varying the magnetic field strength and falloff impacts the formation of magnetized winds or mildy-relativistic jets, which in turn has profound effects on the outflow properties. All of the evolved configurations collapse to a black hole (BH) $\sim 21-23$ ms after the onset of the simulations, however, the ones forming jets may be considerably more effective at transporting angular momentum out of the system, resulting in earlier collapse times. Larger mass ejecta rates and radial velocities of unbound material characterise the systems that form jets. The bolometric light curves of the kilonovae and $r$-process yields change considerably with different magnetic field parameters. We conclude that the magnetic field strength and falloff have robust effects on the outflow properties and electromagnetic observables. This can be particularly important as the total ejecta mass from our simulations ($\simeq 10^{-3}\;M_{\odot}$) makes the ejecta from HMNS a compelling source to power kilonova through radioactive decay of $r$-process elements.

Philippa Liggins, Sean Jordan, Paul B. Rimmer, Oliver Shorttle

Submitted to JGR: Planets

Volcanism is a major and long-term source of volatile elements such as C and H to Earth's atmosphere, likely has been to Venus's atmosphere, and may be for exoplanets. Models simulating volcanic growth of atmospheres often make one of two assumptions: either that atmospheric speciation is set by the high temperature equilibrium of volcanism; or, that volcanic gases thermochemically re-equilibrate to the new, lower, temperature of the surface environment. In the latter case it has been suggested that volcanic atmospheres may create biosignature false-positives, such as the co-occurrence of CO2+CH4 without CO. Here, we test the assumptions underlying such inferences by performing chemical kinetic calculations to estimate the relaxation timescale of volcanically-derived atmospheres. We demonstrate that for planets with atmospheres fed by volcanism, thermochemical equilibrium can only be assumed if the atmospheric temperature is above $\sim$700K. Slow chemical kinetics at lower temperatures preclude the relaxation of redox-sensitive species CH4, CO and NH3 to low temperature thermochemical equilibrium. Any volcanic atmospheres formed on exoplanets with temperatures at and below that of Venus will therefore be quenched to chemistries reflecting the high temperatures of volcanism. Quenching of volcanically-derived atmospheres at $\leq$700K precludes the production of a CO-absent CO2+CH4 false-positive biosignatures through thermochemistry alone, supporting the use of these for detecting life. Quenched at these high temperatures, volcanic gases have speciations which are characteristic of those a more oxidised atmosphere would have at thermochemical equilibrium, therefore complicating the link between atmosphere and interior properties.

A. M. Kutkin, T. A. Oosterloo, R. Morganti, E. A. K. Adams, M. Mancini, B. Adebahr, W. J. G. de Blok, H. Dénes, K. M. Hess, J. M. van der Hulst, D. M. Lucero, V. A. Moss, A. Berger, R. van den Brink, W. A. van Cappellen, L. Connor, S. Damstra, G. M. Loose, J. van Leeuwen, Y. Maan, A'. Mika, M. J. Norden, A. R. Offringa, L. C. Oostrum, D. van der Schuur, D. Vohl, S. J. Wijnholds, J. Ziemke

12 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in A&A

The first data release of Apertif survey contains 3074 radio continuum images covering a thousand square degrees of the sky. The observations were performed during August 2019 to July 2020. The continuum images were produced at a central frequency 1355 MHz with the bandwidth of $\sim$150 MHz and angular resolution reaching 10". In this work we introduce and apply a new method to obtain a primary beam model using a machine learning approach, Gaussian process regression. The primary beam models obtained with this method are published along with the data products for the first Apertif data release. We apply the method to the continuum images, mosaic them and extract the source catalog. The catalog contains 249672 radio sources many of which are detected for the first time at these frequencies. We cross-match the coordinates with the NVSS, LOFAR/DR1/value-added and LOFAR/DR2 catalogs resulting in 44523, 22825 and 152824 common sources respectively. The first sample provides a unique opportunity to detect long term transient sources which have significantly changed their flux density for the last 25 years. The second and the third ones combined together provide information about spectral properties of the sources as well as the redshift estimates.

Elizabeth A. K. Adams, B. Adebahr, W. J. G. de Blok, H. Denes, K. M. Hess, J. M. van der Hulst, A. Kutkin, D. M. Lucero, R. Morganti, V. A. Moss, T. A. Oosterloo, E. Orru, R. Schulz, A. S. van Amesfoort, A. Berger, O. M. Boersma, M. Bouwhuis, R. van den Brink, W.A. van Cappellen, L. Connor, A. H. W. M. Coolen, S. Damstra, G. N. J. van Diepen, T.J. Dijkema, N. Ebbendorf, Y.G. Grange, R. de Goei, A.W. Gunst, H.A. Holties, B. Hut, M.V. Ivashina, G.I.G. Jozsa, G. M. Loose, J. van Leeuwen, Y. Maan, M. Mancini, A. Mika, H. Mulder, M. J. Norden, A. R. Offringa, L. C. Oostrum, I. Pastor-Marazuela, D.J. Pisano, A.A. Ponomareva, J.W. Romein, M Ruiter, A.P. Schoenmakers, D. van der Schuur, J.J. Sluman, R. Smits, K.J.C Stuurwold, J. Verstappen, N.P.E Vilchez, D. Vohl, K.J. Wierenga, S. J. Wijnholds, et al. (3 additional authors not shown)

Accepted for publication in A&A

(Abridged) Apertif is a phased-array feed system for WSRT, providing forty instantaneous beams over 300 MHz of bandwidth. A dedicated survey program started on 1 July 2019, with the last observations taken on 28 February 2022. We describe the release of data products from the first year of survey operations, through 30 June 2020. We focus on defining quality control metrics for the processed data products. The Apertif imaging pipeline, Apercal, automatically produces non-primary beam corrected continuum images, polarization images and cubes, and uncleaned spectral line and dirty beam cubes for each beam of an Apertif imaging observation. For this release, processed data products are considered on a beam-by-beam basis within an observation. We validate the continuum images by using metrics that identify deviations from Gaussian noise in the residual images. If the continuum image passes validation, we release all processed data products for a given beam. We apply further validation to the polarization and line data products. We release all raw observational data from the first year of survey observations, for a total of 221 observations of 160 independent target fields, covering approximately one thousand square degrees of sky. Images and cubes are released on a per beam basis, and 3374 beams are released. The median noise in the continuum images is 41.4 uJy/bm, with a slightly lower median noise of 36.9 uJy/bm in the Stokes V polarization image. The median angular resolution is 11.6"/sin(Dec). The median noise for all line cubes, with a spectral resolution of 36.6 kHz, is 1.6 mJy/bm, corresponding to a 3-sigma HI column density sensitivity of 1.8 x 10^20 atoms cm^-2 over 20 km/s (for a median angular resolution of 24" x 15"). We also provide primary beam images for each individual Apertif compound beam. The data are made accessible using a Virtual Observatory interface.

Catarina Alves de Oliveira, Nora Luetzgendorf, Peter Zeidler, Giovanna Giardino, Pierre Ferruit, Nimisha Kumari, Timothy Rawle, Stephan M. Birkmann, Torsten Boeker, Charles Proffitt, Marco Sirianni, Maurice Te Plate

To appear in Proceedings of SPIE conference "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave"

The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on board of the James Webb Space Telescope will be the first multi-object spectrograph in space offering ~250,000 configurable micro-shutters, apart from being equipped with an integral field unit and fixed slits. At its heart, the NIRSpec grating wheel assembly is a cryogenic mechanism equipped with six dispersion gratings, a prism, and a mirror. The finite angular positioning repeatability of the wheel causes small but measurable displacements of the light beam on the focal plane, precluding a static solution to predict the light-path. To address that, two magneto-resistive position sensors are used to measure the tip and tilt displacement of the selected GWA element each time the wheel is rotated. The calibration of these sensors is a crucial component of the model-based approach used for NIRSpec for calibration, spectral extraction, and target placement in the micro-shutters. In this paper, we present the results of the evolution of the GWA sensors performance and calibration from ground to space environments.

Nora Lützgendorf, Giovanna Giardino, Catarina Alves de Oliveira, Peter Zeidler, Pierre Ferruit, Peter Jakobsen, Nimisha Kumari, Timothy Rawle, Stephan M. Birkmann, Torsten Böker, Charles Proffitt, Marco Sirianni, Maurice Te Plate, Sangmo Tony Sohn

15 pages, to appear in Proceedings of SPIE conference "Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave"

The NIRSpec instrument for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a highly versatile near-infrared spectrograph that can be operated in various observing modes, slit apertures, and spectral resolutions. Obtaining dedicated calibration data for all possible combinations of aperture and disperser is an intractable task. We have therefore developed a procedure to derive a highly realistic model of the instrument's optical geometry across the entire field of view, using calibration data acquired through only a subset of NIRSpec apertures, which nevertheless allows the light paths within the spectrograph to be accurately computed for all apertures and all observing modes. This parametric instrument model thus provides the basis for the extraction of wavelength-calibrated spectra from any NIRSpec exposure, regardless of observing mode or aperture used. Optimizing the NIRSpec instrument model and deriving its final wavelength and astrometric calibration was one of the most crucial elements of the NIRSpec commissioning phase. Here, we describe the process of re-fitting the NIRSpec instrument model with in-orbit commissioning data, and present its final performance in terms of wavelength accuracy and astrometric calibration.

Lucas Labadie (I. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany)

18 pages, 13 figures

Long-baseline interferometry and high-resolution spectroscopy are two examples of areas that have benefited from astrophotonics devices, but the application range is expanding to other subareas and other wavelength ranges. The VLTI has been one of the pioneering astronomical infrastructure to exploit the potential of astrophotonics instrumentation for high-angular resolution interferometric observations, whereas new opportunities will arise in the context of the future ELTs. In this contribution, I review the current state of the art regarding the interplay between photonic-based solutions and astronomical instrumentation and highlight the growth of the field, as well as its recognition in recent strategy surveys such as the Decadal. I will explain the benefits of different technological platforms making use of photolithography or laser-writing techniques. I will review the most recent results in the field covering simulations, laboratory characterization and on-sky prototyping. Astrophotonics may have a unique role to play in the forthcoming era of new ground-based astronomical facilities, and possibly in the field of space science.

Sorabh Chhabra, Michele Frangiamore, Stefan Kraus, Andrea Bianco, Francisco Garzon, John Monnier, Daniel Mortimer

SPIE conference proceedings 2022

The BIFROST instrument will be the first VLTI instrument optimised for high spectral resolution up to R=25,000 and operate between 1.05 and 1.7 $\mu$m. A key component of the instrument will be the spectrograph, where we require a high throughput over a broad bandwidth. In this contribution, we discuss the four planned spectral modes (R=50, R=1000, R=5000, and R=25,000), the key spectral windows that we need to cover, and the technology choices that we have considered. We present our plan to use Volume Phase Holographic Gratings (VPHGs) to achieve a high efficiency $>$ 85%. We present our preliminary optical design and our strategies for wavelength calibration.

Sorabh Chhabra, Abhay A. Kohok, Bhushan S. Joshi, A. N. Ramprakash, Chaitanya V. Rajarshi, Rani S. Bhandare

SPIE conference proceedings 2022

The Speckle Imager via MUlti Layer Atmospheric Turbulence Object Reconstructor (SIMULATOR) is a lab-based testbed instrument developed to test for speckle correlation-based techniques in the optical regime. However, this instrument can be used as a testbed against post-processing techniques or algorithms like lucky imaging, phase diversity method etc. The SIMULATOR can emulate 3D atmospheric turbulence behaviour using a three-layer turbulence screen, giving the user command over important site characteristics like wind profile, global fried parameter, global isoplanatic patch, mid-layer and high-layer height effects etc. This testbed is unique in that it can mimic a broad range of site and telescope characteristics accurately without the need for manual intervention or tuning of parameters. The current version can handle a Field of View (FoV) of up to $0.3^{\circ}$, bandwidth ranges from 4860 to 6560 nm and can cover atmospheric turbulence heights up to 83 km.

Deepthi Gorthi

PhD thesis, published at Proquest 2021.28497387

In the past two decades, a rebirth of interest in low-frequency radio astronomy for 21 cm tomography of the Epoch of Reionization, has given rise to a new class of radio interferometers with $N \gg 100$ antennas. The availability of low-noise receivers that do not require cryogenic cooling has driven down the cost of antennas, making it affordable to build sensitivity with numerous small antennas rather than large dish structures. However, the computational- and storage-costs of such radio arrays, determined by the $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ scaling of visibility products required for calibration and imaging, become proportional to the cost of the array itself and drive up the overall cost of the radio telescope. When antennas in the array are built on a regular grid, direct-imaging methods based on spatial Fourier transforms of the array can be exploited to avoid computing the intermediate visibility matrices that drive the unfavorable scaling. However, such methods rely on the availability of calibrated antenna voltages which are themselves difficult to obtain without using visibility matrices. In this thesis, I explore two real-time calibration strategies that can operate on subsets of visibility matrices, which can be computed without compromising on the $\mathcal{O}(N\log{N})$ scaling of direct-imaging systems. For more general radio interferometer layouts, baseline-dependent averaging with fringe stopping can be used to decrease the data rate of visibility products. The signal processing pipeline built for the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array (HERA) is outlined in this thesis, which implements both fringe stopping and baseline dependent averaging to bring down the data rate from nearly 1 Tbps to 15 Gbps.

David Jensen, Sarah C. Millholland

Accepted in AJ, 9 pages and 7 figures

Planetary systems with mean-motion resonances (MMRs) hold special value in terms of their dynamical complexity and their capacity to constrain planet formation and migration histories. The key towards making these connections, however, is to have a reliable characterization of the resonant dynamics, especially the so-called "libration amplitude", which qualitatively measures how deep the system is into the resonance. In this work, we identify an important complication with the interpretation of libration amplitude estimates from observational data of resonant systems. Specifically, we show that measurement noise causes inferences of the libration amplitude to be systematically biased to larger values, with noisier data yielding a larger bias. We demonstrated this through multiple approaches, including using dynamical fits of synthetic radial velocity data to explore how the the libration amplitude distribution inferred from the posterior parameter distribution varies with the degree of measurement noise. We find that even modest levels of noise still result in a slight bias. The origin of the bias stems from the topology of the resonant phase space and the fact that the available phase space volume increases non-uniformly with increasing libration amplitude. We highlight strategies for mitigating the bias through the usage of particular priors. Our results imply that many known resonant systems are likely deeper in resonance than previously appreciated.

G. Gilmore, S. Randich, C. C. Worley, A. Hourihane, A. Gonneau, G. G. Sacco, J. R. Lewis, L. Magrini, P. Francois, R. D. Jeffries, S. E. Koposov, A. Bragaglia, E. J. Alfaro, C. Allende Prieto, R. Blomme, A. J. Korn, A. C. Lanzafame, E. Pancino, A. Recio-Blanco, R. Smiljanic, S. Van Eck, T. Zwitter, T. Bensby, E. Flaccomio, M. J. Irwin, E. Franciosini, L. Morbidelli, F. Damiani, R. Bonito, E. D. Friel, J. S. Vink, L. Prisinzano, U. Abbas, D. Hatzidimitriou, E. V. Held, C. Jordi, E. Paunzen, A. Spagna, R. J. Jackson, J. Maiz Apellaniz, M. Asplund, P. Bonifacio, S. Feltzing, J. Binney, J. Drew, A. M. N. Ferguson, G. Micela, I. Negueruela, T. Prusti, H.-W. Rix, A. Vallenari, M. Bergemann, A. R. Casey, P. de Laverny, A. Frasca, V. Hill, K. Lind, L. Sbordone, S. G. Sousa, V. Adibekyan, E. Caffau, et al. (107 additional authors not shown)

38 pages. A&A in press

The Gaia-ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey is an ambitious project designed to obtain astrophysical parameters and elemental abundances for 100,000 stars, including large representative samples of the stellar populations in the Galaxy, and a well-defined sample of 60 (plus 20 archive) open clusters. We provide internally consistent results calibrated on benchmark stars and star clusters, extending across a very wide range of abundances and ages. This provides a legacy data set of intrinsic value, and equally a large wide-ranging dataset that is of value for homogenisation of other and future stellar surveys and Gaia's astrophysical parameters. This article provides an overview of the survey methodology, the scientific aims, and the implementation, including a description of the data processing for the GIRAFFE spectra. A companion paper (arXiv:2206.02901) introduces the survey results. Gaia-ESO aspires to quantify both random and systematic contributions to measurement uncertainties. Thus all available spectroscopic analysis techniques are utilised, each spectrum being analysed by up to several different analysis pipelines, with considerable effort being made to homogenise and calibrate the resulting parameters. We describe here the sequence of activities up to delivery of processed data products to the ESO Science Archive Facility for open use. The Gaia-ESO Survey obtained 202,000 spectra of 115,000 stars using 340 allocated VLT nights between December 2011 and January 2018 from GIRAFFE and UVES. The full consistently reduced final data set of spectra was released through the ESO Science Archive Facility in late 2020, with the full astrophysical parameters sets following in 2022.

B.A. Cervantes-Vergara, S. Perez, J.C. D'Olivo, J. Estrada, D.J. Grimm, S. Holland, M. Sofo-Haro, W. Wong

This work briefly discusses the potential applications of the Skipper-CCD technology in astronomy and reviews its current use in dark matter and neutrino experiments. An overview of the ongoing efforts to build multi-kilogram experiments with these sensors is given, in the context of the Oscura experiment. First results from the characterization of Oscura sensors from the first 200 mm wafer-fabrication run with a new vendor are presented. The overall yield of the electron counting capability of these sensors is 71%. A noise of 0.087 e$^-$ RMS, with 1225 samples/pix, and a dark current of (0.031$\pm$0.013) e$^-$/pix/day at 140 K were measured.

Ke Fang, Matthew Kerr, Roger Blandford, Henrike Fleischhack, Eric Charles

14 pages, 7 figures. Editor's Suggestion in PRL

The existence of a "knee" at energy ~1 PeV in the cosmic-ray spectrum suggests the presence of Galactic PeV proton accelerators called "PeVatrons". Supernova Remnant (SNR) G106.3+2.7 is a prime candidate for one of these. The recent detection of very high energy (0.1-100 TeV) gamma rays from G106.3+2.7 may be explained either by the decay of neutral pions or inverse Compton scattering by relativistic electrons. We report an analysis of 12 years of Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data which shows that the GeV-TeV gamma-ray spectrum is much harder and requires a different total electron energy than the radio and X-ray spectra, suggesting it has a distinct, hadronic origin. The non-detection of gamma rays below 10 GeV implies additional constraints on the relativistic electron spectrum. A hadronic interpretation of the observed gamma rays is strongly supported. This observation confirms the long-sought connection between Galactic PeVatrons and SNRs. Moreover, it suggests that G106.3+2.7 could be the brightest member of a new population of SNRs whose gamma-ray energy flux peaks at TeV energies. Such a population may contribute to the cosmic-ray knee and be revealed by future very high energy gamma-ray detectors.

Lukas J. Furtak (1), Marko Shuntov (2), Hakim Atek (2), Adi Zitrin (1), Johan Richard (3), Matthew D. Lehnert (3), Jacopo Chevallard (4) ((1) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, (2) Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, (3) Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, (4) University of Oxford)

Submitted to MNRAS

The first deep-field observations of the JWST have immediately yielded a surprisingly large number of very high redshift candidates, pushing the frontier of observability well beyond $z\gtrsim10$. We here present a detailed SED-fitting analysis of the 15 gravitationally lensed $z\sim10-16$ galaxy candidates detected behind the galaxy cluster SMACS J0723.3-7327 in Atek et al. (2022) using the BEAGLE tool. Our analysis makes use of dynamical considerations to place limits on the ages of these galaxies and of all three published SL models of the cluster to account for lensing systematics. We find these galaxies to have relatively low stellar masses $M_{\star}\sim10^7-10^8\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ and young ages $t_{\mathrm{age}}\sim10-100$\,Myr. Due to their very blue UV-slopes, down to $\beta\sim-3$, all of the galaxies in our sample have extremely low dust attenuations $A_V\lesssim0.02$. Placing the measured parameters into relation, we find a very shallow $M_{\star}-M_{\mathrm{UV}}$-slope and high sSFRs above the main sequence of star-formation with no significant redshift-evolution in either relation. This is in agreement with the bright UV luminosities measured for these objects and indicates that we are naturally selecting galaxies that are currently undergoing a star-bursting episode at the time they are observed. Finally, we discuss the robustness of our high-redshift galaxy sample regarding low-redshift interlopers and conclude that low-redshift solutions can safely be ruled out for roughly half of the sample, including the highest-redshift galaxies at $z\sim12-16$. These objects represent compelling targets for spectroscopic follow-up observations with JWST and ALMA.

Jamie D. Smith, James E. Dale, Sarah E. Jaffa, Martin G. H. Krause

8 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRAS

Star clusters are known to be formed in turbulent molecular clouds. How turbulence is driven in molecular clouds and what effect this has on star formation is still unclear. We compare a simulation setup with turbulent driving everywhere in a periodic box with a setup where turbulence is only driven around the outside of the box. We analyse the resulting gas distribution, kinematics, and the population of stars that are formed from the cloud. Both setups successfully produce a turbulent velocity field with a power law structure function, the externally driven cloud has a more central, monolithic, clump, while the fully driven cloud has many smaller, more dispersed, clumps. The star formation follows the cloud morphology producing large clusters, with high star forming efficiency in the externally driven simulations and sparse individual star formation with much lower star formation efficiency in the fully driven case. We conclude that the externally driven method, which resembles a Global Hierarchical Collapse (GHC) scenario, produces star clusters that more closely match with observations.

We propose that the nature of indirect signals of dark matter (DM) can depend on the Galactic environment they originate from. We demonstrate this possibility in models where DM annihilates into light mediators whose branching fractions depend on a long range force sourced by ordinary matter. In particular, electromagnetic signals of DM may only arise near the centers of galaxies where the ordinary matter densities, and hence astrophysical background levels, are high. We briefly discuss how our model could explain the Galactic Center gamma ray excess, without leaving much of a trace in baryon-poor environments, like dwarf spheroidal galaxies. Similar spatial dependence of indirect signals can also apply to models featuring metastable DM decay into light mediators.

We propose a scenario where a high scale seesaw origin of light neutrino mass and gravitational dark matter (DM) in MeV-TeV ballpark originating from primordial black hole (PBH) evaporation can be simultaneously probed by future observations of stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background with multiple tilts or spectral breaks. A high scale breaking of an Abelian gauge symmetry ensures the dynamical origin of seesaw scale while also leading to formation of cosmic strings responsible for generating stochastic GW background. The requirement of correct DM relic in this ballpark necessitates the inclusion of a diluter as PBH typically leads to DM overproduction. This leads to a second early matter dominated epoch after PBH evaporation due to the long-lived diluter. These two early matter dominated epochs, crucially connected to the DM relic, leads to multiple spectral breaks in the otherwise scale-invariant GW spectrum formed by cosmic strings. We find interesting correlations between DM mass and turning point frequencies of GW spectrum which are within reach of several near future experiments like LISA, BBO, ET, CE etc.

G. Adhikari, N. Carlin, J. J. Choi, S. Choi, A. C. Ezeribe, L. E. Franca, C. Ha, I. S. Hahn, S. J. Hollick, E. J. Jeon, J. H. Jo, H. W. Joo, W. G. Kang, M. Kauer, B. H. Kim, H. J. Kim, J. Kim, K. W. Kim, S. H. Kim, S. K. Kim, W. K. Kim, Y. D. Kim, Y. H. Kim, Y. J. Ko, D. H. Lee, E. K. Lee, H. Lee, H. S. Lee, H. Y. Lee, I. S. Lee, J. Lee, J. Y. Lee, M. H. Lee, S. H. Lee, S. M. Lee, Y. J. Lee, D. S. Leonard, B. B. Manzato, R. H. Maruyama, R. J. Neal, J. A. Nikkel, S. L. Olsen, B. J. Park, H. K. Park, H. S. Park, K. S. Park, S. D. Park, R. L. C. Pitta, H. Prihtiadi, S. J. Ra, C. Rott, K. A. Shin, A. Scarff, N. J. C. Spooner, W. G. Thompson, L. Yang, G. H. Yu

The DAMA/LIBRA collaboration has reported the observation of an annual modulation in the event rate that has been attributed to dark matter interactions over the last two decades. However, even though tremendous efforts to detect similar dark matter interactions were pursued, no definitive evidence has been observed to corroborate the DAMA/LIBRA signal. Many studies assuming various dark matter models have attempted to reconcile DAMA/LIBRA's modulation signals and null results from other experiments, however no clear conclusion can be drawn. Apart from the dark matter hypothesis, several studies have examined the possibility that the modulation is induced by variations in their detector's environment or their specific analysis methods. In particular, a recent study presents a possible cause of the annual modulation from an analysis method adopted by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment in which the observed annual modulation could be reproduced by a slowly varying time-dependent background. Here, we study the COSINE-100 data using an analysis method similar to the one adopted by the DAMA/LIBRA experiment and observe a significant annual modulation, although the modulation phase is almost opposite to that of the DAMA/LIBRA data. Assuming the same background composition for COSINE-100 and DAMA/LIBRA, simulated experiments for the DAMA/LIBRA without dark matter signals also provide significant annual modulation with an amplitude similar to DAMA/LIBRA with opposite phase. Even though this observation does not explain the DAMA/LIBRA's results directly, this interesting phenomenon motivates deeper studies of the time-dependent DAMA/LIBRA background data.

Chung-Lin Shan

6 pages, 2 figures; for readers' reference, simulation results for several frequently used target nuclei are demonstrated in animation on and downloadable from our online (interactive) webpage ( this http URL ). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2203.05805

In this article, as an extension of our study on the angular distribution of the recoil flux of WIMP-scattered target nuclei, we demonstrate a possibility of determining the mass of incident halo WIMPs by using or combining "ridge-crater" structures of the angular recoil-energy spectra with different target nuclei observed in directional direct Dark Matter detection experiments. Our simulation results show that, for a WIMP mass of only a few tens GeV, the stereoscopic angular recoil-flux distributions of both of light and heavy target nuclei would have a (longitudinally) "ridge-like" structure. However, once the WIMP mass is as heavy as a few hundreds GeV, the angular recoil-flux distributions of heavy target nuclei would in contrast show a (latitudinally) "crater-like" structure.

SiC$_2$ is a fascinating molecule due to its unusual bonding and astrophysical importance. In this work, we report the first global potential energy surface (PES) for ground-state SiC$_2$ using the combined-hyperbolic-inverse-power-representation (CHIPR) method and accurate ab initio energies. The calibration grid data is obtained via a general dual-level protocol developed afresh herein that entails both coupled-cluster and multireference configuration interaction energies jointly extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Such an approach is specially devised to recover much of the spectroscopy from the PES, while still permitting a proper fragmentation of the system to allow for reaction dynamics studies. Besides describing accurately the valence strongly-bound region that includes both the cyclic global minimum and isomerization barriers, the final analytic PES form is shown to properly reproduce dissociation energies, diatomic potentials, and long-range interactions at all asymptotic channels, in addition to naturally reflect the correct permutational symmetry of the potential. Bound vibrational state calculations have been carried out, unveiling an excellent match of the available experimental data on $c$-$\mathrm{SiC}_{2}(^{1}A_1)$. To further exploit the global nature of the PES, exploratory quasi-classical trajectory calculations for the endothermic $\mathrm{C_{2}\!+\!Si}\rightarrow\mathrm{SiC\!+\!C}$ reaction are also performed, yielding thermalized rate coefficients for temperatures up to $5000$ K. The results hint for the prominence of this reaction in the innermost layers of the circumstellar envelopes around carbon-rich stars, thence conceivably playing therein a key contribution to the gas-phase formation of SiC, and eventually, solid SiC dust.