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Papers for Wednesday, Aug 17 2022

Papers with local authors

Amar Aryan, S. B. Pandey, WeiKang Zheng, Alexei V. Filippenko, Jozsef Vinko, Ryoma Ouchi, Thomas G. Brink, Andrew Halle, Jeffrey Molloy, Sahana Kumar, Goni Halevi, Charles D. Kilpatrick, Amit Kumar, Rahul Gupta, Amit Kumar Ror

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

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Paper 4 — arXiv:2208.07377
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2208.07377

In this work, photometric and spectroscopic analyses of a very low-luminosity Type IIb supernova (SN) 2016iyc have been performed. SN 2016iyc lies near the faint end among the distribution of similar supernovae (SNe). Given lower ejecta mass ($M_{\rm ej}$) and low nickel mass ($M_{\rm Ni}$) from the literature, combined with SN 2016iyc lying near the faint end, one-dimensional stellar evolution models of 9 - 14 M$_{\odot}$ zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) stars as the possible progenitors of SN 2016iyc have been performed using the publicly available code MESA. Moreover, synthetic explosions of the progenitor models have been simulated using the hydrodynamic evolution codes STELLA and SNEC. The bolometric luminosity light curve and photospheric velocities produced through synthetic explosions of ZAMS stars of mass in the range 12 - 13 M$_{\odot}$ having a pre-supernova radius $R_{\mathrm{0}} =$ (240 - 300) R$_{\odot}$, with $M_{\rm ej} =$ (1.89 - 1.93) M$_{\odot}$, explosion energy $E_{\rm exp} = $ (0.28 - 0.35) $\times 10^{51}$ erg, and $M_{\rm Ni} < 0.09$ M$_{\odot}$, are in good agreement with observations; thus, SN 2016iyc probably exploded from a progenitor near the lower mass limits for SNe IIb. Finally, hydrodynamic simulations of the explosions of SN 2016gkg and SN 2011fu have also been performed to compare intermediate- and high-luminosity examples among well-studied SNe IIb. The results of progenitor modelling and synthetic explosions for SN 2016iyc, SN 2016gkg, and SN 2011fu exhibit a diverse range of mass for the possible progenitors of SNe IIb.

Sarah Casura, Jochen Liske, Aaron S. G. Robotham, Sarah Brough, Simon P. Driver, Alister W. Graham, Boris Häußler, Benne W. Holwerda, Andrew M. Hopkins, Lee S. Kelvin, Amanda J. Moffett, Dan S. Taranu, Edward N. Taylor

36 pages, 33 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

0 votes
Paper 23 — arXiv:2208.07608
0 votes
Paper 23 — arXiv:2208.07608

We derive single S\'ersic fits and bulge-disk decompositions for 13096 galaxies at redshifts z < 0.08 in the GAMA II equatorial survey regions in the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) g, r and i bands. The surface brightness fitting is performed using the Bayesian two-dimensional profile fitting code ProFit. We fit three models to each galaxy in each band independently with a fully automated Markov-chain Monte Carlo analysis: a single S\'ersic model, a S\'ersic plus exponential and a point source plus exponential. After fitting the galaxies, we perform model selection and flag galaxies for which none of our models are appropriate (mainly mergers/Irregular galaxies). The fit quality is assessed by visual inspections, comparison to previous works, comparison of independent fits of galaxies in the overlap regions between KiDS tiles and bespoke simulations. The latter two are also used for a detailed investigation of systematic error sources. We find that our fit results are robust across various galaxy types and image qualities with minimal biases. Errors given by the MCMC underestimate the true errors typically by factors 2-3. Automated model selection criteria are accurate to > 90 % as calibrated by visual inspection of a subsample of galaxies. We also present g-r component colours and the corresponding colour-magnitude diagram, consistent with previous works despite our increased fit flexibility. Such reliable structural parameters for the components of a diverse sample of galaxies across multiple bands will be integral to various studies of galaxy properties and evolution. All results are integrated into the GAMA database.

All other papers

A. Margiotta (1) (for the KM3NeT Collaboration, (1) INFN - Sez. Bologna and Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia - Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna, Italy)

Contribution to the ISVHECRI 2022 - Submission to SciPost Phys. Proc

KM3NeT is a research infrastructure in construction under the Mediterranean Sea. It hosts two large volume neutrino Cherenkov telescopes: ARCA at a depth of 3500 m, located offshore Sicily, and ORCA, 2500 m under the sea level, offshore the southern French coast. The two detectors share the same detection principle and technology and the same data acquisition design, the only difference being the geometrical arrangement of the optical sensors. This allows to span a wide range of neutrino energy and cover a large scientific program: the study of neutrino properties, first of all neutrino mass ordering, the identification and study of high energy neutrino astrophysical sources, indirect dark matter searches and core collapse supernovae detection.

Guillermo Torres (1), Kristy Sakano (1, 2) ((1) Center for Astrophysics, MA, (2) Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division, MD)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 8 pages in emulateapj format including tables and figures

We report 11 yr of spectroscopic monitoring of the M-type asymptotic giant branch star eta Gem, a semiregular variable and a known spectroscopic binary with a period of 8.2 yr. We combine our radial velocities with others from the literature to provide an improved spectroscopic orbital solution giving a period of 2979 days, which we then use to predict past times of eclipse. We examine archival photometry from amateur variable star observers, and other sources, and find many instances of dimmings that occurred at the right time. This confirms previous indications that the system is eclipsing, and it now ranks among those with the longest known periods. No secondary eclipses are seen. The $\sim$0.4 mag eclipses lasting about 5 months are much too deep to be produced by a stellar companion. We propose instead that the companion is surrounded by a large disk that is at least 1.5 au in diameter, but is likely larger. We predict the center of the next eclipse will occur on New Year's day, 2029.

Victor J. Forouhar Moreno, Alejandro Benitez-Llambay, Shaun Cole, Carlos Frenk

15 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We simulate the formation and evolution of the satellite system of haloes with masses within a factor of two of the Milky Way in cold, warm and self-interacting dark matter models (CDM, WDM & SIDM) using hydrodynamical simulations. We consider different baryonic physics models where supernovae gas blowouts are able or unable to flatten the density profiles of dwarf-scale haloes. These changes cause differences in the abundance and/or structural properties of field haloes relative to the fiducial hydrodynamical CDM simulation. In WDM, this is primarily a reduction of the total number of galaxies that form, due to a suppression of low mass DM haloes and lower galaxy formation efficiency. For SIDM, the only changes are structural and restricted to the central regions of haloes. Nonetheless, the inclusion of baryons suppresses the differences of density profiles relative to CDM. Consequently, the infall time properties of the satellites to-be are different across models, and thus their stripping and survival rate also differ. For SIDM, larger cross sections yield larger differences with respect to CDM. Versions in which cores form in CDM and WDM also show enhanced stripping. This leads to reductions in the total number of satellites above $M_{*} \geq 10^{5}$ and lowered maximum circular velocity values at $z=0$. The radial distribution functions are also affected, which are less concentrated in all SIDM models relative to CDM and WDM, regardless of whether the number of satellites is similar or lower.

I. Liodakis, T. Hovatta, V. Pavlidou, A. C. S. Readhead, R. D. Blandford, S. Kiehlmann, E. Lindfors, W. Max-Moerbeck, T. J. Pearson, M. Petropoulou

8 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&A

The origin of Petaelectronvolt (PeV) astrophysical neutrinos is fundamental to our understanding of the high-energy Universe. Apart from the technical challenges of operating detectors deep below ice, oceans, and lakes, the phenomenological challenges are even greater than those of gravitational waves; the sources are unknown, hard to predict, and we lack clear signatures. Neutrino astronomy therefore represents the greatest challenge faced by the astronomy and physics communities thus far. The possible neutrino sources range from accretion disks and tidal disruption events, to relativistic jets and galaxy clusters with blazar TXS~0506+056 the most compelling association thus far. Since that association, immense effort has been put into proving or disproving that jets are indeed neutrino emitters, but to no avail. By generating simulated neutrino counterpart samples, we explore the potential of detecting a significant correlation of neutrinos with jets from active galactic nuclei. We find that, given the existing challenges, even our best experiments could not have produced a $>3\sigma$ result. Larger programs over the next few years will be able to detect a significant correlation only if the brightest radio sources, rather than all jetted active galactic nuclei, are neutrino emitters. We discuss the necessary strategies required to steer future efforts into successful experiments.

Ari J. Cukierman, S. E. Clark, George Halal

30 pages, 17 figures

We present evidence for scale-independent misalignment of interstellar dust filaments and magnetic fields. We estimate the misalignment by comparing millimeter-wave dust-polarization measurements from Planck with filamentary structures identified in neutral-hydrogen (HI) measurements from HI4PI. We find that the misalignment angle displays a scale independence (harmonic coherence) for features larger than the HI4PI beam width ($16.2'$). We additionally find a spatial coherence on angular scales of $\mathcal{O}(1^\circ)$. We present several misalignment estimators formed from the auto- and cross-spectra of dust-polarization and HI-based maps, and we also introduce a map-space estimator. Applied to large regions of the high-Galactic-latitude sky, we find a global misalignment angle of $\sim 2^\circ$, which is robust to a variety of masking choices. By dividing the sky into small regions, we show that the misalignment angle correlates with the parity-violating $TB$ cross-spectrum measured in the Planck dust maps. The misalignment paradigm also predicts a dust $EB$ signal, which is of relevance in the search for cosmic birefringence but as yet undetected; the measurements of $EB$ are noisier than of $TB$, and our correlations of $EB$ with misalignment angle are found to be weaker and less robust to masking choices.

Christian Eistrup, Thomas Henning

Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics. 11 pages

Planets and their atmospheres are built from gas and solid material in protoplanetary disks. Recent results suggest that solid material like pebbles may contribute significantly to building up planetary atmospheres. In order to link observed exoplanet atmospheres and their compositions to their formation histories, it is important to understand how icy pebbles may change their composition when they drift radially inwards in disks. Our goal is to model the compositional evolution of ices on pebbles as they drift in disks, and track how their chemical evolution en-route changes the ice composition relative to the ice composition of the pebbles in the region where they grew from micron-sized grains. A state-of-the-art chemical kinetics code is utilised for modelling chemical evolution. This code accounts for the time-evolving sizes of the solids that drift. Chemical evolution is modelled locally for 0.1Myr at two starting radii, with the micron-sized solids growing into pebbles simultaneously. The pebbles and local gas, isolated as a parcel, is then exposed to changing physical conditions, intended to mimic the pebbles drifting inwards in the disk midplane, moving to 1 AU on three different timescales. A modelling simplification is that the pebbles are \emph{not} moved through, and exposed to new gas, but stay in the same chemical gas surroundings in all models. For ice species with initial abundances relative to hydrogen of $>10^{-5}$, such as H$_{2}$O, CO$_{2}$, CH$_{3}$OH and NH$_{3}$, the abundances change by less than 20% for both radii of origin, and for the two smaller drift timescales (10kyr and 100kyr). For less abundant ice species, and the longest drift timescale (1Myr), the changes are larger. Pebble drift chemistry generally increases the ice abundances of CO$_{2}$, HCN and SO, at the expense of decreasing abundances of other volatile molecules.

Michaela Leung, Edward W. Schwieterman, Mary N. Parenteau, Thomas J. Fauchez

18 pages, 11 figures, appendix. Accepted at ApJ

The first potential exoplanet biosignature detections are likely to be ambiguous due to the potential for false positives: abiotic planetary processes that produce observables similar to those anticipated from a global biosphere. Here we propose a class of methylated gases as corroborative `capstone' biosignatures. Capstone biosignatures are metabolic products that may be less immediately detectable, but have substantially lower false positive potential, and can thus serve as confirmation for a primary biosignature such as O$_2$. CH$_3$Cl has previously been established as a biosignature candidate, and other halomethane gases such as CH$_3$Br and CH$_3$I have similar potential. These gases absorb in the mid infrared at wavelengths that are likely to be captured while observing primary biosignatures such as O$_3$ or CH$_4$. We quantitatively explore CH$_3$Br as a new capstone biosignature through photochemical and spectral modeling of Earth-like planets orbiting FGKM stellar hosts. We also re-examine the biosignature potential of CH$_3$Cl over the same set of parameters using our updated model. We show that CH$_3$Cl and CH$_3$Br can build up to relatively high levels in M dwarf environments and analyze synthetic spectra of TRAPPIST-1e. Our results suggest that there is a co-additive spectral effect from multiple CH$_3$X gases in an atmosphere, leading to increased signal-to-noise and greater ability to detect a methylated gas feature. These capstone biosignatures are plausibly detectable in exoplanetary atmospheres, have low false positive potential, and would provide strong evidence for life in conjunction with other well established biosignature candidates.

Doyee Byun, Nahum Arav, Andrew Walker

6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We analyze the VLT/UVES spectrum of the quasar SDSS J143907.5-010616.7, retrieved from the UVES Spectral Quasar Absorption Database. We identify two outflow systems in the spectrum: a mini broad absorption line (mini-BAL) system and a narrow absorption line (NAL) system. We measure the ionic column densities of the mini-BAL ($v=-1550$ km s$^{-1}$) outflow, which has excited state absorption troughs of Fe II. We determine that the electron number density $\log{n_e}=3.4^{+0.1}_{-0.1}$ based on the ratios between the excited and ground state abundances of Fe II, and find the kinetic luminosity of the outflow to be $\lesssim 0.1 \%$ of the quasar's Eddington luminosity, making it insufficient to contribute to AGN feedback.

I. Pillitteri (1), C. Argiroffi (2 and 1), A. Maggio (1), G. Micela (1), S. Benatti (1), F. Reale (2), S. Colombo (1), S.J. Wolk (3) ((1) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Italy, (2) Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy, (3) Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge, MA - USA)

10 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, accepted to A&A

Abridged. We observed the 40 Myr old star DS Tuc A with XMM-Newton and recorded two X-ray bright flares, with the second event occurring about 12 ks after the first one. Their duration from the rise to the end of the decay was of about 8-10 ks in soft X-rays (0.3-10 keV). The flares were also recorded in the band 200-300 nm with the UVM2 filter of the Optical Monitor. The duration of the flares in UV was about 3 ks. The observed delay between the peak in the UV band and in X-rays is a probe of the heating phase followed by the evaporation and increase of density and emission measure of the flaring loop. The coronal plasma temperature at the two flare peaks reached 54-55 MK. The diagnostics based on temperatures and time scales of the flares applied to these two events allow us to infer a loop length of 5-7 x 10^10 cm, which is about the size of the stellar radius. We also infer values of electron density at the flare peaks of 2.3-6.5 x 10^11 cm^-3 , and a minimum magnetic field strength of order of 300-500 G needed to confine the plasma. The energy released during the flares was of order of 5-8 x 10^34 erg in the band 0.3-10 keV and 0.9-2.7 x 10^33 erg in the UV band (200-300 nm). We speculate that the flares were associated with Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) that hit the planet about 3.3 hr after the flares and dramatically increasing the rate of evaporation of the planet. From the RGS spectra we retrieved the emission measure distribution and the abundances of coronal metals during the quiescent and the flaring states. In agreement with what inferred from time resolved spectroscopy and EPIC spectra, also from the analysis of RGS spectra during the flares we infer a high electron density.

Minjie Fan, Jue Wang, Vinay L. Kashyap, Thomas C. M. Lee, David A. van Dyk, Andreas Zezas

Data from high-energy observations are usually obtained as lists of photon events. A common analysis task for such data is to identify whether diffuse emission exists, and to estimate its surface brightness, even in the presence of point sources that may be superposed. We have developed a novel non-parametric event list segmentation algorithm to divide up the field of view into distinct emission components. We use photon location data directly, without binning them into an image. We first construct a graph from the Voronoi tessellation of the observed photon locations and then grow segments using a new adaptation of seeded region growing, that we call Seeded Region Growing on Graph, after which the overall method is named SRGonG. Starting with a set of seed locations, this results in an over-segmented dataset, which SRGonG then coalesces using a greedy algorithm where adjacent segments are merged to minimize a model comparison statistic; we use the Bayesian Information Criterion. Using SRGonG we are able to identify point-like and diffuse extended sources in the data with equal facility. We validate SRGonG using simulations, demonstrating that it is capable of discerning irregularly shaped low surface-brightness emission structures as well as point-like sources with strengths comparable to that seen in typical X-ray data. We demonstrate SRGonG's use on the Chandra data of the Antennae galaxies, and show that it segments the complex structures appropriately.

Kendall Sullivan, Adam L. Kraus

Accepted to AJ. 11 pages + 1 appendix. The most up-to-date version of the analysis code is available at this https URL

Identifying rocky planets in or near the habitable zones of their stars (near-Earth analogs) is one of the key motivations of many past and present planet-search missions. The census of near-Earth analogs is important because it informs calculations of the occurrence rate of Earth-like planets, which in turn feed into calculations of the yield of future missions to directly image other Earths. Only a small number of potential near-Earth analogs have been identified, meaning that each planet should be vetted carefully and then incorporated into the occurrence rate calculation. A number of putative near-Earth analogs have been identified within binary star systems. However, stellar multiplicity can bias measured planetary properties, meaning that apparent near-Earth analogs in close binaries may have different radii or instellations than initially measured. We simultaneously fit unresolved optical spectroscopy, optical speckle and near-infrared AO contrasts, and unresolved photometry, and retrieved revised stellar temperatures and radii for a sample of 11 binary Kepler targets that host at least one near-Earth analog planet, for a total of 17 planet candidates. We found that 10 of the 17 planets in our sample had radii that fell in or above the radius gap, suggesting that they are not rocky planets. Only 2 planets retained super-Earth radii and stayed in the habitable zone, making them good candidates for inclusion in rocky planet occurrence rate calculations.

Mohamed I. Nouh, Mohamed Abdel-Sabour, Ahmed Shokry, Gamal M. Hamed, Diaa A. Fouda, Ali Takey

We present BVR observations and low-resolution spectra collected by the Kottamia Astronomical Observatory 1.88 m telescope (KAO) for the new pulsating star ASAS J063309+1810.8 (hereafter it will be called ASAS06+18). The photometric analysis revealed that the star is a $\delta$ Scuti star with low amplitude (a=0.054-0.099 in V mag.) and a short period (102.604 min). Fourier analysis of the light curves reveals the fundamental mode with two harmonics. The photometric analysis yielded a new value of the updated frequency of 13.0035232 cd-1 with an amplitude of 49.93 mmag at phases 0.326 and S/N 21.75 and to two frequencies (20.2099237cd-1, 5.9130945cd-1). Given the available data, 37 new times of maximum light are presented, and an updated ephemeris for the star and its O-C data. Assuming its period decreases and changes smoothly, a new value of (1/P)dP/dt is determined. We calculated the effective temperature and surface gravity as Teff=7125+- 250 K and log g=4.0+-0.2 dex from model atmosphere analysis of the star's spectra at different phases. The bolometric magnitude Mbol=2.798 (0.016), radius R=1.577(0.077) R_sun, luminosity L=5.714(1.066) L_sun, the mass is M=1.595 M_sun and pulsation constant Q=0{\^m}.0338(0.0003). The star's locations in the evolutionary mass-luminosity and mass-radius relationships are discussed.

Adrian K. Sinclair, Ryan C. Stephenson, Cody A. Roberson, Eric L. Weeks, James Burgoyne, Anthony I. Huber, Philip M. Mauskopf, Scott C. Chapman, Jason E. Austermann, Steve K. Choi, Cody J. Duell, Michel Fich, Christopher E. Groppi, Zachary Huber, Michael D. Niemack, Thomas Nikola, Kayla M. Rossi, Adhitya Sriram, Gordon J. Stacey, Erik Szakiel, Joel Tsuchitori, Eve M. Vavagiakis, Jordan D. Wheeler, the CCAT-prime collaboration

Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022

The Prime-Cam instrument on the Fred Young Submillimeter Telescope (FYST) is expected to be the largest deployment of millimeter and submillimeter sensitive kinetic inductance detectors to date. To read out these arrays efficiently, a microwave frequency multiplexed readout has been designed to run on the Xilinx Radio Frequency System on a Chip (RFSoC). The RFSoC has dramatically improved every category of size, weight, power, cost, and bandwidth over the previous generation readout systems. We describe a baseline firmware design which can read out four independent RF networks each with 500 MHz of bandwidth and 1000 detectors for ~30 W. The overall readout architecture is a combination of hardware, gateware/firmware, software, and network design. The requirements of the readout are driven by the 850 GHz instrument module of the 7-module Prime-Cam instrument. These requirements along with other constraints which have led to critical design choices are highlighted. Preliminary measurements of the system phase noise and dynamic range are presented.

A. Cummings, J. Eser, G. Filippatos, A. V. Olinto, T. M. Venters, L. Wiencke (for the JEM-EUSO collaboration)

Submission to SciPost Phys. Proc

The next generation of ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) and very-high energy neutrino observatories will address the challenge of the extremely low fluxes of these particles at the highest energies. EUSO-SPB2 (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon2) is designed to prepare space missions to address this challenge. EUSO-SPB2 is equipped with 2 telescopes: the Fluorescence Telescope, which will point downwards and measure fluorescence emission from UHECR air showers with an energy above 2EeV, and the Cherenkov Telescope (CT), which will point towards the Earth's limb and measure direct Cherenkov emission from cosmic rays with energies above 1PeV, verifying the technique. Pointed below the limb, the CT will search for Cherenkov emission produced by neutrino-sourced tau-lepton decays above 10PeV energies and study backgrounds for such events. The EUSO-SPB2 mission will provide pioneering observations and technical milestones on the path towards a space-based multi-messenger observatory.

I present an analysis of the JWST NIRSpec data of SMACS 0723 released as Early Release Observations. As part of this three new redshifts are provided, bringing the total of reliable redshifts to 14. I propose a modification to the direct abundance determination method that reduces sensitivity to flux calibration uncertainties by a factor of ~3 and show that the resulting abundances are in good agreement with Bayesian photoionization models of the rest-frame optical spectrum. I also show that 6355 is most likely a narrow-line active galactic nucleus (AGN) with $M_* \sim 10^9$ Msun at z=7.66, and argue that 10612 might also have an AGN contribution to its flux through comparison to photoionization models and low-redshift analogues. Under the assumption that the lines come from star-formation I find that the galaxies have gas depletion times of ~$10^7$ years, comparable to similar galaxies locally. I also identify a population of possibly shock-dominated galaxies at z<3 whose near-IR emission lines plausibly come nearly all from shocks and discuss their implications. I close with a discussion of the potential for biases in the determination of the mass-metallicity relation using samples defined by detected [O III]4363 and show using low-z galaxies that this can lead to biases of up to 0.5 dex with a systematic trend with mass.

N. V. Rao, V. Leelavathi, Ch. Yaswanth, S. V. B. Rao

Accepted for publication in the astrophysical journal; 18 pages

In this study, we extracted the amplitudes of the gravity waves (GWs)from the neutral densities measured in situ by the neutral gas and ion mass spectrometer aboard the Mars atmosphere and volatile evolution mission. The spatial and temporal variabilities of the GWs show that solar activity (the F10.7 cm solar flux corrected for a heliocentric distance of 1.66 AU), solar insolation, and the lower atmospheric dust are the dominant drivers of the GW variability in the thermosphere. We developed a methodology in which a linear regression analysis has been used to disentangle the complex variabilities of the GWs. The three dominant drivers could account for most of the variability in the GW amplitudes. Variability caused by the sources of GWs and the effects of winds and the global circulation in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere are the other factors that could not be addressed. The results of the present study show that for every 100 sfu increase in the solar activity, the GW amplitudes in the thermosphere decrease by ~9%. Solar insolation drives the diurnal, seasonal and latitudinal variations of ~9%, ~4% and ~6%, respectively. Using the historical data of the dust opacity and solar activity, we estimated the GW amplitudes of the Martian thermosphere from MY 24 to MY 35. The GW amplitudes were significantly reduced during the maximum of solar cycle 23 and were highest in the solar minimum. The global dust storms of MY 25, 28, and 34 lead to significant enhancements in the GW amplitudes.

Weihua Guo, Xuepeng Chen, Jiancheng Feng, Li Sun, Shiyu Zhang, Chen Wang, Yang Su, Yan Sun, Qingzeng Yan, Shaobo Zhang, Xin Zhou, MiaoMiao Zhang, Min Fang, Ji Yang

45 pages, 23 figures, accepted by ApJ

We present observations of $J$=1-0 transition lines of ${ }^{12} \mathrm{CO}$, ${ }^{13} \mathrm{CO}$, and $\mathrm{C}^{18} \mathrm{O}$ towards the Galactic region of $153.60^{\circ} \leqslant l \leqslant 156.50^{\circ}$ and $1.85^{\circ} \leqslant b \leqslant 3.50^{\circ}$, using the Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) 13.7 m millimeter telescope. Based on the \tht data, one main filament and five sub-filaments are found together as a network structure in the velocity interval of $[-42.5, -30.0] \,\mathrm{km} \mathrm{\,s}^{-1}$. The kinematic distance of this molecular cloud (MC) is estimated to be $\sim4.5 \mathrm{\,kpc}$. The median length, width, excitation temperature, line mass of these filaments are $\sim49 \mathrm{\,pc}$, $\sim2.9 \mathrm{\,pc}$, $\sim8.9 \mathrm{\,K}$, and $\sim39 \,M_{\odot} \mathrm{pc}^{-1}$, respectively. The velocity structures along these filaments exhibit oscillatory patterns, which are likely caused by the fragmentation or accretion process along these filaments. The maximum accretion rate is estimated to be as high as $\sim700 \,M_{\odot} \mathrm{pc}^{-1}$. A total of $\sim162$ \tht clumps and $\sim 103$ young stellar objects (YSOs) are identified in this region. Most of the clumps are in gravitationally bound states. Three \hii regions (G154.359+2.606, SH2-211, SH2-212) are found to be located in the apexes of the filaments. Intense star forming activities are found along the entire filamentary cloud. The observed results may help us to better understand the link between filaments and massive star formation.

Rebecca Centeno, Matthias Rempel, Roberto Casini, Tanausu del Pino Aleman

Accepted for publication in ApJ

We study the effects of finite spectral resolution on the magnetic field values retrieved through the weak field approximation (WFA) from the cores of the Mg II h & k lines. The retrieval of the line-of-sight (LOS) component of the magnetic field, $B_{\rm LOS}$, from synthetic spectra generated in a uniformly magnetized FAL-C atmosphere are accurate when restricted to the inner lobes of Stokes V. As we degrade the spectral resolution, partial redistribution (PRD) effects, that more prominently affect the outer lobes of Stokes V, are brought into the line core through spectral smearing, degrading the accuracy of the WFA and resulting in an inference bias, which is more pronounced the poorer the resolution. When applied to a diverse set of spectra emerging from a sunspot simulation, we find a good accuracy in the retrieved $B_{\rm LOS}$ when comparing it to the model value at the height where the optical depth in the line core is unity. The accuracy is preserved up to field strengths of B~1500 G. Limited spectral resolution results in a small bias toward weaker retrieved fields. The WFA for the transverse component of the magnetic field is also evaluated. Reduced spectral resolution degrades the accuracy of the inferences because spectral mixing results in the line effectively probing deeper layers of the atmosphere.

Seamus D. Clarke, Sarah E. Jaffa, Anthony P. Whitworth

11 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRAS

The interstellar medium is highly structured, presenting a range of morphologies across spatial scales. The large data sets resulting from observational surveys and state-of-the-art simulations studying these hierarchical structures means that identification and classification must be done in an automated fashion to be efficient. Here we present RJ-plots, an improved version of the automated morphological classification technique J-plots developed by Jaffa et al. (2018). This method allows clear distinctions between quasi-circular/elongated structures and centrally over/under-dense structures. We use the recent morphological SEDIGISM catalogue of Neralwar et al. (2022) to show the improvement in classification resulting from RJ-plots, especially for ring-like and concentrated cloud types. We also find a strong correlation between the central concentration of a structure and its star formation efficiency and dense gas fraction, as well as a lack of correlation with elongation. Furthermore, we use the accreting filament simulations of Clarke et al. (2020) to highlight a multi-scale application of RJ-plots, finding that while spherical structures become more common at smaller scales they are never the dominant structure down to $r\sim0.03$ pc.

Chow-Choong Ngeow, Anupam Bhardwaj, Daniel Reiley, Russ R. Laher, Josiah Purdum, Ben Rusholme

6 pages, 3 Figures and 1 Table; AJ accepted

We present the first absolute calibration for the yellow post-asymptotic-giant-branch (PAGB) stars in the g- and r-band based on time-series observations from the Zwicky Transient Facility. These absolute magnitudes were calibrated using four yellow PAGB stars (one non-varying star and three Type II Cepheids) located in the globular clusters. We provide two calibrations of the gr-band absolute magnitudes for the yellow PAGB stars, by using an arithmetic mean and a linear regression. We demonstrate that the linear regression provides a better fit to the g-band absolute magnitudes for the yellow PAGB stars. These calibrated gr-band absolute magnitudes have a potential to be used as population II distance indicators in the era of time-domain synoptic sky surveys.

Ravinder K. Banyal, Amirul Hasan, Reni Kupke, Hari Mohan Varshney, Ajin Prakash, T. Sivarani, Andy J. Skemer, Nick MacDonald, Steph Sallum, Will Deich, Michael P. Fitzgerald, K. V. Govinda, Chris Ratliff, Ramya Sethuram, Deno Stelter, Arun Surya, Eric Wang

11 pages, 9 Figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, (#12188-65), 2022, Montreal, Canada

A next-generation instrument named, Slicer Combined with Array of Lenslets for Exoplanet Spectroscopy (SCALES), is being planned for the W. M. Keck Observatory. SCALES will have an integral field spectrograph (IFS) and a diffraction-limited imaging channel to discover and spectrally characterize the directly imaged exoplanets. Operating at thermal infrared wavelengths (1-5 micron, and a goal of 0.6-5 micron), the imaging channel of the SCALES is designed to cover a 12"x 12" field of view with low distortions and high throughput. Apart from expanding the mid-infrared science cases and providing a potential upgrade/alternative for the NIRC2, the H2RG detector of the imaging channel can take high-resolution images of the pupil to aid the alignment process.Further, the imaging camera would also assist in small field acquisition for the IFS arm. In this work, we present the optomechanical design of the imager and evaluate its capabilities and performances.

Eduard Muslimov, Gennadiy Valyavin, Vincent Chambouleyron, Felipe Pedreros Bustos, Idir Boudjema

13 pages, 7 figures, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation conference proceedings

We propose a design of an adaptive optics (AO) system for the high-resolution fiber-fed echelle spectrograph installed at the Nasmyth focus of the 6-m BTA telescope at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). The system will be based on a pyramid wavefront sensor and benefit from the experience of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille team in the field of adaptive optics. The AO will operate in the visible domain of 430-680 nm, in an f\30 input beam and provide correction for the on-axis source only. The main challenges in this particular design are insetting inserting the AO into an existing optical system and maintaining the focal and pupil planes configuration, fitting within the instrument's flux budget as well as limitations on the total cost of the AO bench. According to the current design, the AO bench will use an additional relay consisting of 2 spherical mirrors to re-collimate the beam and project the pupil onto a small deformable mirror. A dichroic splitter will be used to longwave component to the pyramid wavefront sensor branch based on refractive optics only. Using off-the-shelf components only we can reach the instrumental wavefront error of 0.016 waves PTV with a 20 nm bandpass filter at 700 nm. Using folding mirrors and refocusing of the fiber's microlens we restore the nominal geometry of the beam feeding the spectrograph. The final goal for the AO system is to increase the energy concentration in spot at the spectrograph's entrance, and our preliminary modelling shows that we can gain by factor of 69.5 with the typical atmospheric conditions at SAO RAS.

Matthew J. Wilkinson, Aaron D. Ludlow, Claudia del P. Lagos, S. Michael Fall, Joop Schaye, Danail Obreschkow

20 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We use a suite of idealised N-body simulations to study the impact of spurious heating of star particles by dark matter particles on the kinematics and morphology of simulated galactic discs. We find that spurious collisional heating leads to a systematic increase of the azimuthal velocity dispersion ($\sigma_\phi$) of stellar particles and a corresponding decrease in their mean azimuthal velocities ($\overline{v}_\phi$). The rate of heating is dictated primarily by the number of dark matter halo particles (or equivalently, by the dark matter particle mass at fixed halo mass) and by radial gradients in the local dark matter density along the disc; it is largely insensitive to the stellar particle mass. Galaxies within haloes resolved with fewer than $\approx 10^6$ dark matter particles are particularly susceptible to spurious morphological evolution, irrespective of the total halo mass (with even more particles required to prevent heating of the galactic centre). Collisional heating transforms galactic discs from flattened structures into rounder spheroidal systems, causing them to lose rotational support in the process. It also affects the locations of galaxies in standard scaling relations that link their various properties: at fixed stellar mass, it increases the sizes of galaxies, and reduces their mean stellar rotation velocities and specific angular momenta. Our results urge caution when extrapolating simulated galaxy scaling relations to low masses where spurious collisional effects can bias their normalisation, slope and scatter.

O. Bourrion, C. Hoarau, J. Bounmy, D. Tourres, C. Vescovi J.-L. Bouly, N. Ponchant, A. Beelen, M. Calvo, A. Catalano, J. Goupy, G. Lagache, J.-F. Macías-Pérez, J. Marpaud, A. Monfardini

The CONCERTO spectral-imaging instrument was installed at the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) 12-meter telescope in April 2021. It has been designed to look at radiation emitted by ionised carbon atoms, [CII], and use the "intensity Mapping" technique to set the first constraints on the power spectrum of dusty star-forming galaxies. The instrument features two arrays of 2152 pixels constituted of Lumped Element KID Detectors (LEKID) operated at cryogenic temperatures, cold optics and a fast Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS). To readout and operate the instrument, a newly designed electronic system hosted in five microTCA crates and composed of twelve readout boards and two control boards was designed and commissioned. The architecture and the performances are presented in this paper.

Shigeru Wakita, Hidenori Genda, Kosuke Kurosawa, Thomas M. Davison, Brandon C. Johnson

21 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in JGR: Planets

The record of impact induced shock-heating in meteorites is an important key for understanding the collisional history of the solar system. Material strength is important for impact heating, but the effect of impact angle and impact velocity on shear heating remains poorly understood. Here, we report three-dimensional oblique impact simulations, which confirm the enhanced heating due to material strength and explore the effects of impact angle and impact velocity. We find that oblique impacts with an impact angle that is steeper than 45 degree produce a similar amount of heated mass as vertical impacts. On the other hand, grazing impacts produce less heated mass and smaller heated regions compared to impacts at steeper angles. We derive an empirical formula of the heated mass, as a function of the impact angle and velocity. This formula can be used to estimate the impact conditions (velocity and angle) that had occurred and caused Ar loss in the meteoritic parent bodies. Furthermore, our results indicate that grazing impacts at higher impact velocities could generate a similar amount of heated material as vertical impacts at lower velocities. As the heated material produced by grazing impacts has experienced lower pressure than the material heated by vertical impacts, our results imply that grazing impacts may produce weakly shock-heated meteorites.

K. Rezazadeh, A. Ashoorioon, D. Grin

13 pages, 7 figures, double-column

The standard cosmological model is in the midst of a stress test, thanks to the tension between supernovae-based measurements of the Hubble constant $H_{0}$ and inferences of its values from Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies. Numerous explanations for the present-day cosmic acceleration require the presence of a new fundamental scalar field, as do Early Dark Energy (EDE) solutions to the Hubble tension. This raises the possibility that \textit{multiple} fields cooperatively contribute to the dark energy component in bursts throughout cosmic time due to distinct initial conditions and couplings. Here, this Cascading Dark Energy (CDE) scenario is illustrated through a realization that effectively reduces to a two-field model, with two epochs in which dark energy is cosmologically significant. The model is compared to measurements of the CMB, baryon acoustic oscillations, and observations of Type-Ia supernovae. It is found that this scenario ameliorates the Hubble tension, improving over purely late-time models of dark energy, and improves agreement between the related Rock `n' Roll EDE scenario and galaxy survey measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations.

Adriana M. Pires (1), Christian Motch (2), Jan Kurpas (1), Axel D. Schwope (1), Frank Valdes (3), Frank Haberl (4), Iris Traulsen (1), Dusan Tubin (1), Werner Becker (4), Johan Comparat (4), Chandreyee Maitra (4), Aaron Meisner (3), John Moustakas (5), Mara Salvato (4)

10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

We report the results of follow-up investigations of a possible new thermally emitting isolated neutron star (INS), 4XMM J022141.5-735632, using observations from XMM-Newton and Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG) eROSITA. The analysis is complemented by Legacy Survey imaging in the optical and near-infrared wavelengths. The X-ray source, the first to be targeted by XMM-Newton in an effort to identify new INS candidates from the fourth generation of the XMM-Newton serendipitous source catalogue Data Release 9 (4XMM-DR9), shows a remarkably soft energy distribution and a lack of catalogued counterparts; the very high X-ray-to-optical flux ratio virtually excludes any other identification than an INS. Within current observational limits, no significant flux variation nor change of spectral state is registered over nearly ten years. Future dedicated observations, particularly to search for pulsations, are crucial to shed further light on the nature of the X-ray source and relations to other Galactic neutron stars.

R. Basalgète, D. Torres-Díaz, A. Lafosse, L. Amiaud, G. Féraud, P. Jeseck, L. Philippe, X. Michaut, J-H. Fillion, M. Bertin

X-ray photodesorption yields of $^{15}$N$_2$ and $^{13}$CO are derived as a function of the incident photon energy near the N ($\sim$400 eV) and O K-edge ($\sim$500 eV) for pure $^{15}$N$_2$ ice and mixed $^{13}$CO:$^{15}$N$_2$ ices. The photodesorption spectra from the mixed ices reveal an indirect desorption mechanism for which the desorption of $^{15}$N$_2$ and $^{13}$CO is triggered by the photo-absorption of respectively $^{13}$CO and $^{15}$N$_2$. This mechanism is confirmed by the X-ray photodesorption of $^{13}$CO from a layered $^{13}$CO/$^{15}$N$_2$ ice irradiated at 401 eV, on the N 1s$\rightarrow \pi^*$ transition of $^{15}$N$_2$. This latter experiment enables to quantify the relevant depth involved in the indirect desorption process, which is found to be 30 - 40 ML in that case. This value is further related to the energy transport of Auger electrons emitted from the photo-absorbing $^{15}$N$_2$ molecules that scatter towards the ice surface, inducing the desorption of $^{13}$CO. The photodesorption yields corrected from the energy that can participate to the desorption process (expressed in molecules desorbed by eV deposited) do not depend on the photon energy hence neither on the photo-absorbing molecule nor on its state after Auger decay. This demonstrates that X-ray induced electron stimulated desorption (XESD), mediated by Auger scattering, is the dominant process explaining the desorption of $^{15}$N$_2$ and $^{13}$CO from the ices studied in this work.

Based on $16,283$ early-type galaxies (ETGs) in $0.025\le z_\mathrm{spec}<0.055$ from Sloan Digital Sky Survey data, we show that the fundamental plane (FP) of ETGs is not a plane in the strict sense but is a curved surface with a twisted shape whose orthogonal direction to the surface is shifted as the central velocity dispersion ($\sigma_0$) or mean surface brightness within the half-light radius ($\mu_e$) changes. When ETGs are divided into subsamples according to $\sigma_0$, the coefficient of $\mu_e$ of the FP increases, whereas the zero-point of the FP decreases at higher $\sigma_0$. Taking the $z$ band as an example, the coefficient of $\mu_e$ rises from $0.28$ to $0.36$ as $\sigma_0$ increases from $\sim100$ to $\sim300$ km s$^{-1}$. At the same time, the zero-point of the FP falls from $-7.5$ to $-9.0$ in the same $\sigma_0$ range. The consistent picture on the curved nature of the FP is also reached by inspecting changes in the FP coefficients for ETG subsamples with different $\mu_e$. By examining scaling relations that are projections of the FP, we suggest that the warped nature of the FP may originate from dry merger effects that are imprinted more prominently in ETGs with higher masses.

Ignacio F. Ranea-Sandoval, Octavio M. Guilera, Mauro Mariani, Germán Lugones

17 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in PRD

Multi-messenger astronomy with gravitational waves is a blooming area whose limits are not clear. After the first detection of binary black hole merger and the famous event GW170817 and its electromagnetic counterpart, the compact-object astrophysical community is starting to grasp the physical implications of such event and trying to improve numerical models to compare with future observations. Moreover, recent detections made by the NICER collaboration increased the tension between several theoretical models used to describe matter in the inner core of compact objects. In this paper, we focus on quadrupolar purely spacetime wI-modes of oscillating compact objects described using a wide range of hybrid equations of state able to include several theoretical possibilities of exotic matter in the inner core of such stars. We study the case in which a sharp first order hadron-quark phase transition occurs and explore the scenarios of rapid and slow phase conversions at the interface. We put special attention on the validity of universal relationships for the oscillation frequency and damping time that might help unravel the mysteries hidden at the inner cores of compact objects. We show that, within the slow conversion regime where extended branches of hybrid stars appear, universal relationships for wI-modes proposed in the literature do not hold.

B. Müller (1), B. M. Giuliano (1), A. Vasyunin (2), G. Fedoseev (2), P. Caselli (1) ((1) Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany, (2) Research Laboratory for Astrochemistry, Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia)

Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 5 figures

Context. The gas and ice-grain chemistry of the pre-stellar core L1544 has been the subject of several observations and modelling studies conducted in the past years. The chemical composition of the ice mantles reflects the environmental physical changes along the temporal evolution. The investigation outcome hints at a layered structure of interstellar ices with mainly H$_2$O in the inner layers and an increasing amount of CO near the surface. The morphology of interstellar ice analogues can be investigated experimentally. Aims. This research presents a new approach of a three-dimensional fit where observational results are first fitted with a gas-grain chemical model. Then, based on the numerical results the laboratory IR spectra are recorded for interstellar ice analogues in a layered and in a mixed morphology. These results can then be compared with future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations. Special attention is paid to the inclusion of the IR inactive species N$_2$ and O$_2$. Methods. Ice analogue spectra containing the most abundant predicted molecules were recorded at a temperature of 10 K using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. In the case of layered ice we deposited a H$_2$O-CO-N$_2$-O$_2$ mixture on top of a H2O-CH$_3$OH-N$_2$ ice, while in the case of mixed ice we examined a H$_2$O-CH$_3$OH-N$_2$-CO composition. Results. Following the changing composition and structure of the ice, we find differences in the absorption bands for most of the examined vibrational modes. The extent of observed changes in the IR band profiles will allow us to analyse the structure of ice mantles in L1544 from future observations by the JWST. Conclusions. The comparison of our spectroscopic measurements with upcoming JWST observations is crucial in order to put stringent constraints on the chemical and physical structure of dust icy mantles, and to explain surface chemistry.

Prasiddha Arunachalam, John P. Hughes, Luke Hovey, Kristoffer Eriksen

19 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables

Using HST narrow-band H{\alpha} images of supernova remnant 0509-67.5 taken {\sim}10 years apart, we measure the forward shock (FS) proper motions (PMs) at 231 rim locations. The average shock radius and velocity are 3.66 {\pm} 0.036 pc and 6315 {\pm} 310 km s{^{-1}}. Hydrodynamic simulations, recast as similarity solutions, provide models for the remnant's expansion into a uniform ambient medium. These are coupled to a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis to determine explosion parameters, constrained by the FS measurements. For specific global parameters, the MCMC posterior distributions yield an age of 315.5 {\pm} 1.8 yr, a dynamical explosion center at 5h09m31s.16s -67{^\circ}31{^\prime}17.1{^{\prime\prime}} and ambient medium densities at each azimuth ranging from 3.7-8.0 {\times} 10{^{-25}} g cm{^{-3}}. We can detect stellar PMs corresponding to speeds in the LMC of 770 km s{^{-1}} or more using the H${\alpha}$ images. Five stars in the remnant show measurable PMs but none appear to be moving radially from the center, including a prominent red star 4.6{^{\prime\prime}} from the center. Using coronal [Fe XIV] {\lambda}5303 emission as a proxy for the reverse shock location, we constrain the explosion energy (for a compression factor of 4) to a value of E = (1.30 {\pm} 0.41) {\times} 10{^{51}} erg for the first time from shock kinematics alone. Higher compression factors (7 or more) are strongly disfavored based on multiple criteria, arguing for inefficient particle acceleration in the Balmer shocks of 0509-67.5.

E. J. Snowdon, L. J. A. Scott, C. S. Jeffery, V. M. Woolf

16 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

BPS CS 22940-0009 is a helium-rich B-star that shares characteristics with both helium-rich B subdwarfs and extreme helium stars. The optical spectrum of BPS CS 22940-0009 has been analysed from SALT observations. The atmospheric parameters were found to be $T_{\rm eff} = 34970 \pm 370$ K, $\log g/{\rm cm \, s^{-2}} = 4.79 \pm 0.17$, $n_{\rm H}/n_{\rm He} \simeq 0.007$, $n_{\rm C}/n_{\rm He} \simeq 0.007$, $n_{\rm N}/n_{\rm He} \simeq 0.002$, although further improvement to the helium line fits would be desirable. This places the star as a link between the He-sdB and EHe populations in $g$-$T$ space. The abundance profile shows enrichment of N from CNO-processing, and C from $3\alpha$ burning. Depletion of Al, Si, S and a low upper limit for Fe show the star to be intrinsically metal-poor. The results are consistent with BPS CS 22940-0009 having formed from the merger of two helium white dwarfs and currently evolving toward the helium main sequence.

Richard French, Christophe Mandy, Richard Hunter, Ehson Mosleh, Doug Sinclair, Peter Beck, Sara Seager, Janusz J. Petkowski, Christopher E. Carr, David H. Grinspoon, Darrel Baumgardner (for the Rocket Lab Venus Team)

Based on the text of the Venus Life Finder Mission Study report ( arXiv:2112.05153 ). Published in Aerospace as a part of the Special Issue "The Search for Signs of Life on Venus: Science Objectives and Mission Designs" ( this https URL ). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2112.05153

Regular, low-cost Decadal-class science missions to planetary destinations will be enabled by high-{\Delta}V small spacecraft, such as the high-energy Photon, and small launch vehicles, such as Electron, to support expanding opportunities for scientists and to increase the rate of science return. The Rocket Lab mission to Venus is a small direct entry probe planned for baseline launch in May 2023 with accommodation for a single ~1 kg instrument. A backup launch window is available in January 2025. The probe mission will spend about 5 min in the Venus cloud layers at 48-60 km altitude above the surface and collect in situ measurements. We have chosen a low-mass, low-cost autofluorescing nephelometer to search for organic molecules in the cloud particles and constrain the particle composition.

Simone Marchi, Carol A. Raymond, Christopher T. Russell

This is the Epilogue of the book

The NASA Dawn spacecraft took off from Cape Canaveral in September 2007 atop a Delta II rocket starting an ambitious journey to Vesta and Ceres, the two most massive worlds in the largest reservoir of asteroids in the Solar System, the Main Belt. Prior to the Dawn launch, Earth-bound observations of Vesta and Ceres revealed intriguing features--from Vesta's rugged shape to Ceres' tenuous water exosphere--, but these objects remained fuzzy speckles of light even through the lenses of the most powerful telescopes. With Dawn's exploration of Vesta (2011-2012) and Ceres (2015-2018) these two worlds came into focus. Breath-taking details emerged of how large collisions sculpted Vesta liberating massive amounts of material in the inner Main Belt, providing the source of an important family of meteorites recovered on Earth. Ceres' complex geology, which may rival that of the Earth and Mars, unveiled recent cryovolcanic activity. This book is dedicated to these highlights, and many more discoveries of the Dawn mission. By the time Dawn completed its mission in 2018, our understanding of the formation of the Solar System had greatly evolved thanks to new theoretical models and to a new trove of meteorite geochemical data, and Dawn observations of Vesta and Ceres provide new, vital constraints to synergistically interpret models and data. The broader implications of the Dawn legacy are presented in a series of dedicated chapters. The editors hope this book will serve as a solid reference for the younger generations as well as for more seasoned researchers to successfully pursue future exploration of the Main Belt. We certainly have learned a lot thanks to Dawn, and yet we know that we have barely scratched the surface of what Main Belt asteroids can tell us about the dawn of our Solar System.

F. Köpp, J.E. Horvath, D. Hadjimichef, C.A.Z. Vasconcellos, P. O. Hess

20 pages, 9 figures

The cooling of neutron stars (hereafter NS) has the potential to reveal important features of superdense matter. Their surface temperatures are known for a fair sample of NS with ages $\leq 10^{6} \, {\it{yr}}$, and with a few exceptions, can be accommodated by standard cooling mechanisms (neutrino+photon emission without internal heating). However, for the older objects it is necessary to consider some internal heating to explain surface temperatures higher than expected. We revisit in this paper the kinetic heating by fermionic dark matter, rotochemical heating and magnetic field decay. We found that NS slightly older than $\sim 10^{6} \, {\it{yr}}$ can be explained by them, but the older ``black widow'' systems are much hotter than the values predicted by these three mechanisms, pointing towards a yet unknown heating factor for old NS.

V. Ramachandran, L. M. Oskinova, W.-R. Hamann, A. A. C. Sander, H. Todt, D. Pauli, T. Shenar, J. M. Torrejón, K. A. Postnov, J. M. Blondin, E. Bozzo, R. Hainich, D. Massa

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

M33 X-7 is the only known eclipsing black hole high mass X-ray binary. The system is reported to contain a very massive O supergiant donor and a massive black hole in a short orbit. The high X-ray luminosity and its location in the metal-poor galaxy M33 make it a unique laboratory for studying the winds of metal-poor donor stars with black hole companions and it helps us to understand the potential progenitors of black hole mergers. Using phase-resolved simultaneous HST- and XMM-Newton-observations, we traced the interaction of the stellar wind with the black hole. Our comprehensive spectroscopic investigation of the donor star (X-ray+UV+optical) yields new stellar and wind parameters for the system that differs significantly from previous estimates. In particular, the masses of the components are considerably reduced to 38 for the O-star donor and 11.4 for the black hole. The O giant is overfilling its Roche lobe and shows surface He enrichment. The donor shows a densely clumped wind with a mass-loss rate that matches theoretical predictions. We investigated the wind-driving contributions from different ions and the changes in the ionization structure due to X-ray illumination. Toward the black hole, the wind is strongly quenched due to strong X-ray illumination. For this system, the standard wind-fed accretion scenario alone cannot explain the observed X-ray luminosity, pointing toward an additional mass overflow, which is in line with our acceleration calculations. The X-ray photoionization creates an He II emission region emitting $10^{47}$ ph/s. We computed binary evolutionary tracks for the system using MESA. Currently, the system is transitioning toward an unstable mass transfer phase, resulting in a common envelope of the black hole and donor. Since the mass ratio is q~3.3 and the period is short, the system is unlikely to survive the common envelope, but will rather merge.

Giulia Piccirilli (1 and 2), Marina Migliaccio (1 and 2), Enzo Branchini (3 and 4), Arianna Dolfi (5) ((1) Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, (2) INFN - Sezione di Roma 2, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, (3) Department of Physics, University of Genova, (4) INFN - Sezione di Roma Tre, (5) Centre for Astrophysics & Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology)

21 pages, 18 figures

We investigate the origin of the large clustering signal detected in the angular distribution of the radio sources in the TGSS catalog. To do so, we cross-correlate the angular position of the radio sources with the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing maps from the Planck satellite, since cross-correlation is expected to be insensitive to source of possible systematic errors that may generate a spurious clustering signal. The amplitude of the angular cross-correlation spectrum of TGSS-CMB lensing turns out to be much smaller than that of the TGSS auto-spectrum and consistent with that of the NVSS-CMB lensing cross spectrum. A result that confirms the spurious origin of the TGSS large scale clustering signal. We further compare the two cross-spectra with theoretical predictions that use various prescriptions from the literature, for the redshift counts of the radio sources, $N(z)$, and their bias $b(z)$. These models, that assume a $\Lambda$CDM cosmology and that were proposed to fit the NVSS auto-spectrum, fail to match the cross-spectra on large scale, though not by far. When the bias relation is let free to vary (model predictions are rather insensitive to the choice of the N(z)) the quality of the fit improves but a large bias ($ b_g = 2.53 \pm 0.11$) is required, which does not seem to be consistent with the observed clustering amplitude of the radio sources in the local universe. Whether this large cross-correlation amplitude represents a problem for the radio sources models, or for the $\Lambda$CDM framework itself, can only be clarified using next generation datasets featuring large number of objects. What our analysis does show is the possibility to remove the $N(z)$ and $b(z)$ degeneracy by combining angular and cross-correlation analyses.

Fanyi Meng, Álvaro Sánchez-Monge, Peter Schilke, Adam Ginsburg, Chris De Pree, Nazar Budaiev, Desmond Jeff, Anika Schmiedeke, Andreas Schwörer, V. S. Veena, Thomas Möller

17 pages, 15 figure, accepted to A&A

The giant molecular cloud Sagittarius B2 (hereafter SgrB2) is the most massive region with ongoing high-mass star formation in the Galaxy. Two ultra-compact HII (UCHII) regions were identified in SgrB2's central hot cores, SgrB2(M) and SgrB2(N). Our aim is to characterize the properties of the HII regions in the entire SgrB2 cloud. Comparing the HII regions and the dust cores, we aim to depict the evolutionary stages of different parts of SgrB2. We use the Very Large Array in its A, CnB, and D configurations, and in the frequency band C (~6 GHz) to observe the whole SgrB2 complex. Using ancillary VLA data at 22.4 GHz and ALMA data at 96 GHz, we calculated the physical parameters of the UCHII regions and their dense gas environment. We identify 54 UCHII regions in the 6 GHz image, 39 of which are also detected at 22.4 GHz. Eight of the 54 UCHII regions are newly discovered. The UCHII regions have radii between $0.006 {\rm pc}$ and $0.04 {\rm pc}$, and have emission measure between $10^{6} {\rm pc\,cm^{-6}}$ and $10^{9} {\rm pc\,cm^{-6}}$. The UCHII regions are ionized by stars of types from B0.5 to O6. We found a typical gas density of $\sim10^6-10^9 {\rm cm^{-3}}$ around the UCHII regions. The pressure of the UCHII regions and the dense gas surrounding them are comparable. The expansion timescale of these UCHII regions is determined to be $\sim10^4-10^5 {\rm yr}$. The percentage of the dust cores that are associated with HII regions are 33%, 73%, 4%, and 1% for SgrB2(N), SgrB2(M), SgrB2(S), and SgrB2(DS), respectively. Two-thirds of the dust cores in SgrB2(DS) are associated with outflows. The electron densities of the UCHII regions we identified are in agreement with that of typical UCHII regions, while the radii are smaller than those of the typical UCHII regions. The dust cores in SgrB2(N) are more evolved than in SgrB2(DS) but younger than in SgrB2(M).

Doug Johnstone, Bhavana Lalchand, Steve Mairs, Hsien Shang, Wen Ping Chen, Geoffrey C. Bower, Gregory J. Herczeg, Jeong-Eun Lee, Jan Forbrich, Bo-Yan Chen, Carlos Contreras-Pena, Yong-Hee Lee, Wooseok Park, Colton Broughton, Spencer Plovie, The JCMT Transient Team

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysicall Journal. 17 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables

Short-duration flares at millimeter wavelengths provide unique insights into the strongest magnetic reconnection events in stellar coronae, and combine with longer-term variability to introduce complications to next-generation cosmology surveys. We analyze 5.5 years of JCMT Transient Survey 850 micron submillimeter monitoring observations toward eight Gould Belt star-forming regions to search for evidence of transient events or long-duration variability from faint sources. The eight regions (30 arcmin diameter fields), including ~1200 infrared-selected YSOs, have been observed on average 47 times with integrations of approximately half an hour, or one day total spread over 5.5 years. Within this large data set, only two robust faint source detections are recovered: JW 566 in OMC 2/3 and MGM12 2864 in NGC 2023. JW 566, a Class II TTauri binary system previously identified as an extraordinary submillimeter flare, remains unique, the only clear single-epoch transient detection in this sample with a flare eight times bright than our ~4.5 sigma detection threshold of 55 mJy/beam. The lack of additional recovered flares intermediate between JW 566 and our detection limit is puzzling, if smaller events are more common than larger events. In contrast, the other submillimeter variable identified in our analysis, Source 2864, is highly variable on all observed timescales. Although Source 2864 is occasionally classified as a YSO, the source is most likely a blazar. The degree of variability across the electromagnetic spectrum may be used to aid source classification.

Carolyn Kierans, Tadayuki Takahashi, Gottfried Kanbach

76 pages, 38 figures, accepted for the Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics

Compton telescopes rely on the dominant interaction mechanism in the MeV gamma-ray energy range: Compton scattering. By precisely recording the position and energy of multiple Compton scatter interactions in a detector volume, a photon's original direction and energy can be recovered. These powerful survey instruments can have wide fields of view, good spectroscopy, and polarization capabilities, and can address many of the open science questions in the MeV range, and in particular, from multimessenger astrophysics. The first space-based Compton telescope was launched in 1991 and progress in the field continues with advancements in detector technology. This chapter will give an overview of the physics of Compton scattering and the basic principles of operation of Compton telescopes; electron tracking and polarization capabilities will be discussed. A brief introduction to Compton event reconstruction and imaging reconstruction is given. The point spread function for Compton telescopes and standard performance parameters are described, and notable instrument designs are introduced.

Large constellations of artificial satellites are beginning to interfere with observation of the night sky. Visual magnitude measurements of these spacecraft are useful as empirical data for monitoring and characterizing their brightness. This paper describes the method used for recording brightness by eye. Selected findings from previous studies of visual satellite luminosity are summarized.

Sagnick Mukherjee (1), Natasha E. Batalha (2), Jonathan J. Fortney (1), Mark S. Marley (3) ((1) University of California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA, (2) NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA, (3) Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA )

Under review in ApJ; posting after incorporating the first referee response; official code release will coincide with paper acceptance; comments welcome; 29 Pages; 15 Figures; 3 Tables

Upcoming James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations will allow us to study exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres in great detail. The physical interpretation of these upcoming high signal-to-noise observations requires precise atmospheric models of exoplanets and brown dwarfs. While several one-dimensional and three-dimensional atmospheric models have been developed in the past three decades, these models have often relied on simplified assumptions like chemical equilibrium and are also often not open-source, which limits their usage and development by the wider community. We present a python-based one-dimensional atmospheric radiative-convective equilibrium model. This model has heritage from the Fortran-based code (Marley et al.,1996} which has been widely used to model the atmospheres of Solar System objects, brown dwarfs, and exoplanets. In short, the basic capability of the original model is to compute the atmospheric state of the object under radiative-convective equilibrium given its effective or internal temperature, gravity, and host--star properties (if relevant). In the new model, which has been included within the well-utilized code-base PICASO, we have added these original features as well as the new capability of self-consistently treating disequilibrium chemistry. This code is widely applicable to Hydrogen-dominated atmospheres (e.g., brown dwarfs and giant planets).

Boris Bolliet, J. Colin Hill, Simone Ferraro, Aleksandra Kusiak, Alex Krolewski

The kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect, i.e., the Doppler boost of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons caused by their scattering off free electrons in galaxy clusters and groups with non-zero bulk velocity, is a powerful window on baryons in the universe. We present the first halo-model computation of the cross-power spectrum of the ``projected-field'' kSZ signal with large-scale structure (LSS) tracers. We compare and validate our calculations against previous studies, which relied on $N$-body-calibrated effective formulas rather than the halo model. We forecast results for CMB maps from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (AdvACT), Simons Observatory (SO), and CMB-S4, and LSS survey data from the Dark Energy Survey, the Vera C.~Rubin Observatory (VRO), and \textit{Euclid}. In cross-correlation with galaxy number density, for AdvACT $\times$ \textit{unWISE} we forecast an 18$\sigma$ projected-field kSZ detection using data already in hand. Combining SO CMB maps and \textit{unWISE} galaxy catalogs, we expect a $62\sigma$ detection, yielding precise measurements of the gas density profile radial slopes. Additionally, we forecast first detections of the kSZ -- galaxy weak lensing cross-correlation with AdvACT $\times$ VRO/\textit{Euclid} (at 6$\sigma$) and of the kSZ -- CMB weak lensing cross-correlation with SO (at 16$\sigma$). Finally, $\approx 10-20$\% precision measurements of the shape of the gas density profile should be possible with CMB-S4 kSZ -- CMB lensing cross-correlation without using any external datasets.

A. Arellano Ferro, I. Bustos Fierro, S. Muneer, S. Giridhar

10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Submitted to Revista Mexicana de Astronom\'ia y Astrof\'isica

A CCD VI imaging time-series over 11-year is employed to explore the light curves of stars in the field of Palomar 2. We discovered 20 RRab and 1 RRc variables. A revision of Gaia-DR3 data enabled us to identify 10 more variables and confirm the RRab nature of 6 of them and one RGB. The cluster membership is discussed and 18 variables are most likely cluster members. The Fourier light curve decomposition for the 11 best quality light curves of cluster member stars leads to independent estimates of the cluster distance 27.2 +- 1.8 kpc and [Fe/H]ZW=-1.39 +- 0.55. We confirm the cluster as of the Oo I type.

Souradip Bhattacharyya, Sanskriti Das, Anjali Gupta, Smita Mathur, Yair Krongold

18 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, submitted to the ApJ

We present XMM-Newton observations around the sightline of Mrk 421. The emission spectrum of the Milky Way circumgalactic medium (CGM) shows that a two phase model is a better fit to the data compared to a single phase model; in addition to the warm-hot virial phase at log ($T/$K) = $6.33_{-0.02}^{+0.03}$ , a hot super-virial phase at log ($T/$K) = $6.88_{-0.07}^{+0.08}$ is required. Furthermore, we present observations of five fields within $5$ degrees of the primary field. Their spectra also require a two-phase model at warm-hot and hot temperatures. The hot phase, first discovered in Das et al. 2019, appears to be widespread. By chemical tagging we show that emission from the supevirial phase comes from the L-shell transitions of Fe XVIII-FeXXII, and that the range of temperatures probed in emission is distinct from that in absorption. We detect scatter in temperature and emission measure (EM) in both the phases, and deduce that there is small-scale density inhomogeneity in the MW CGM. The emitting gas likely has higher density, possibly from regions close to the disk of the MW, while the absorption in the virial phase may arise from low-density gas extended out to the virial radius of the MW. The presence of the super-virial phase far from the regions around the Galactic center implicates physical processes unrelated to the activity at the Galactic center. Hot outflows resulting from star-formation activity throughout the Galactic disk are likely responsible for producing this phase.

Yoonyoung Kim, Jessica Agarwal, David Jewitt, Max Mutchler, Stephen Larson, Harold Weaver, Michael Mommert

8 pages, 12 figures, A&A in press

Active asteroids show (typically transient) cometary activity, driven by a range of processes. A sub-set, sometimes called main-belt comets, may be driven by sublimation and so could be useful for tracing the present-day distribution of asteroid ice. Object P/2018 P3 has a Tisserand parameter 3.096 but a high eccentricity 0.415, placing it within the dynamical boundary between asteroids and comets. We aim to determine the cause of activity (sublimation or something else) and assess the dynamical stability of P3, in order to better constrain the intrinsic ice content in the main belt. We obtained Hubble Space Telescope images of P3 at the highest angular resolution. We compared the observations with a Monte Carlo model of dust dynamics. We identified and analyzed archival CFHT (2013) and NEOWISE (2018) data. In addition, we numerically integrated the orbits of P3 clones for 100 Myr. P3 has been recurrently active near two successive perihelia (at 1.76 AU), indicative of a sublimation origin. The absence of 4.6 um band excess indicates zero or negligible CO or CO2 gas production from P3. The properties of the ejected dust are remarkably consistent with those found in other main-belt comets (continuous emission of ~0.05-5 mm particles at 0.3-3 m/s speeds), with mass-loss rates of >~2 kg/s. The orbit of P3 is unstable on timescales ~10 Myr. We speculate that P3 has recently arrived from a more stable source (either the Kuiper Belt or elsewhere in the main belt) and has been physically aged at its current location, finally becoming indistinguishable from a weakly sublimating asteroid in terms of its dust properties. Whatever the source of P3, given the dynamical instability of its current orbit, P3 should not be used to trace the native distribution of asteroid ice.

Samuel M. Factor, Adam L. Kraus

Accepted for publication in AJ, 44 pages, 16 figures (including 5 figure sets available online this https URL ), 6 Tables

Filling out the dearth of detections between direct imaging and radial velocity surveys will test theories of planet formation and (sub)stellar binarity across the full range of semi-major axes, connecting formation of close to wide separation gas giants and substellar companions. Direct detection of close-in companions is notoriously difficult: coronagraphs and point spread function (PSF) subtraction techniques fail near the $\lambda/D$ diffraction limit. We present a new faint companion detection pipeline called Argus which analyzes kernel phases, an interferometric observable analogous to closure phases from non-redundant aperture masking but utilizing the full unobscured telescope aperture. We demonstrate the pipeline, and the power of interferometry, by performing a companion search on the entire \emph{HST/NICMOS} F110W and F170M image archive of 114 nearby brown dwarfs (observed in 7 different programs). Our pipeline is able to detect companions down to flux ratios of $\sim10^2$ at half the classical diffraction limit. We discover no new companions but recover and refine astrometry of 19 previous imaging companions (two with multiple epochs) and confirm two previous kernel-phase detections. We discuss the limitations of this technique with respect to non-detections of previously confirmed or proposed companions. We present contrast curves to enable population studies to leverage non-detections and to demonstrate the strength of this technique at separations inaccessible to classical imaging techniques. The binary fraction of our sample ($\epsilon_b=14.4^{+4.7}_{-3.0}$%) is consistent with previous binary surveys, even with sensitivity to much tighter separation companions.

In this article, we study the tensor mode equation of perturbation in the presence of nonzero-Lambda as dark energy, the dynamic nature of which depends on the Hubble parameter H and/or its time derivative. Dark energy, according to the total vacuum contribution, has a slight effect during the radiation-dominated era, but it reduces the squared amplitude of gravitational waves (GWs) up to 60% for the wavelengths that enter the horizon during the matter-dominated era.

Mark Ho-Yeuk Cheung, Vishal Baibhav, Emanuele Berti, Vitor Cardoso, Gregorio Carullo, Roberto Cotesta, Walter Del Pozzo, Francisco Duque, Thomas Helfer, Estuti Shukla, Kaze W. K. Wong

11 pages, 6 figures

We report evidence for nonlinear modes in the ringdown stage of the gravitational waveform produced by the merger of two comparable-mass black holes. We consider both the coalescence of black hole binaries in quasicircular orbits and high-energy, head-on black hole collisions. The presence of nonlinear modes in the numerical simulations confirms that general-relativistic nonlinearities are important and must be considered in gravitational-wave data analysis.

In the analysis of a binary black hole coalescence, it is necessary to include gravitational self-interactions in order to describe the transition of the gravitational wave signal from the merger to the ringdown stage. In this paper we study the phenomenology of the generation and propagation of nonlinearities in the ringdown of a Schwarzschild black hole, using second-order perturbation theory. Following earlier work, we show that the Green's function and its causal structure determines how both first-order and second-order perturbations are generated, and hence highlight that both of these solutions inherit analogous properties. In particular, we discuss the sense in which both linear and quadratic quasi-normal modes (QNMs) are generated in the vicinity of the peak of the gravitational potential barrier (loosely referred to as the light ring). Among the second-order perturbations, there are solutions with linear QNM frequencies (whose amplitudes are thus renormalized from their linear values), as well as quadratic QNM frequencies with a distinct spectrum. Moreover, we show using a WKB analysis that, in the eikonal limit, waves generated inside the light ring propagate towards the black hole horizon, and only waves generated outside propagate towards an asymptotic observer. These results might be relevant for recent discussions on the validity of perturbation theory close to the merger. Finally, we argue that even if nonlinearities are small, quadratic QNMs may be detectable and would likely be useful for improving ringdown models of higher angular harmonics and future tests of gravity.

Keefe Mitman, Macarena Lagos, Leo C. Stein, Sizheng Ma, Lam Hui, Yanbei Chen, Nils Deppe, François Hébert, Lawrence E. Kidder, Jordan Moxon, Mark A. Scheel, Saul A. Teukolsky, William Throwe, Nils L. Vu

5+2 pages, 4 figures, 1 table

The gravitational wave strain emitted by a perturbed black hole (BH) ringing down is typically modeled analytically using first-order BH perturbation theory. In this Letter we show that second-order effects are necessary for modeling ringdowns from BH merger simulations. Focusing on the strain's $(\ell,m)=(4,4)$ angular harmonic, we show the presence of a quadratic effect across a range of binary BH mass ratios that agrees with theoretical expectations. We find that the quadratic $(4,4)$ mode amplitude exhibits quadratic scaling with the fundamental $(2,2)$ mode -- its parent mode. The nonlinear mode's amplitude is comparable to or even larger than that of the linear $(4,4)$ modes. Therefore correctly modeling ringdown -- improving mismatches by an order of magnitude -- requires the inclusion of nonlinear effects.

In this note, we compare two different definitions for the cosmological perturbation $\zeta$ which is conserved on large scales and study their non-conservation on small scales. We derive an equation for the time evolution of the curvature perturbation on a uniform density slice through a calculation solely in longitudinal (conformal-Newtonian) gauge. The result is concise and compatible with that obtained via local conservation of energy-momentum tensor.

We study constraints on the inflaton coupling to other fields from the impact of the reheating phase after cosmic inflation on cosmic perturbations. We quantify the knowledge obtained from the combined Planck, WMAP, and BICEP/Keck observations and, for the first time, estimate the sensitivity of future observations. For the two models that we consider, namely RGI inflation and $\alpha$-attractor $T$ models, we find that LiteBIRD and CMB S4 can rule out several orders of magnitude for the reheating temperature, with further improvement when data from EUCLID and SKA are added. In the RGI model this can be translated into a measurement of the inflaton coupling, while we only obtain a lower bound in the $\alpha$-attractor model because feedback effects cause a dependence on other unknown particle physics model parameters. Our results demonstrate the potential of future observations to constrain microphysical parameters that connect inflation to particle physics, which can provide an important clue to understand how a given model of inflation may be embedded in a more fundamental theory of nature.

J. Ruohotie, E. K. J. Kilpua, S. W. Good, M. Ala-Lahti

15 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022 August 15

Sheath regions of interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are formed when the upstream solar wind is deflected and compressed due to the propagation and expansion of the ICME. Small-scale flux ropes found in the solar wind can thus be swept into ICME-driven sheath regions. They may also be generated locally within the sheaths through a range of processes. This work applies wavelet analysis to obtain the normalized reduced magnetic helicity, normalized cross helicity, and normalized residual energy, and uses them to identify small-scale flux ropes and Alfv\'en waves in 55 ICME-driven sheath regions observed by the Wind spacecraft in the near-Earth solar wind. Their occurrence is investigated separately for three different frequency ranges between $10^{-2} - 10^{-4}$ Hz. We find that small scale flux ropes are more common in ICME sheaths than in the upstream wind, implying that they are at least to some extent actively generated in the sheath and not just compressed from the upstream wind. Alfv\'en waves occur more evenly in the upstream wind and in the sheath. This study also reveals that while the highest frequency (smallest scale) flux ropes occur relatively evenly across the sheath, the lower frequency (largest scale) flux ropes peak near the ICME leading edge. This suggests that they could have different physical origins, and that processes near the ICME leading edge are important for generating the larger scale population.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is an efficient tool to optimize the multiparameter tests of general relativity (GR) where one tests for simultaneous deviations in multiple post-Newtonian (PN) phasing coefficients by introducing fractional deformation parameters. We use PCA to construct the `best-measured' linear combinations of the PN deformation parameters from the data. This helps to set stringent limits on deviations from GR and detect possible beyond-GR physics. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of this method with the proposed next-generation gravitational wave detectors, Cosmic Explorer (CE) and Einstein Telescope (ET). Observation of compact binaries with total masses between 20-200 $\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ in the detector frame and at a luminosity distance of 500 Mpc, CE can measure the three most dominant linear combinations to an accuracy better than 10%, and the most dominant one to better than 0.1%. For specific ranges of masses and linear combinations, constraints from ET are better by a few factors than CE. This improvement is because of the improved low frequency sensitivity of ET compared to CE (between 1-5 Hz). In addition, we explain the sensitivity of the PCA parameters to the different PN deformation parameters and discuss their variation with total mass. We also discuss a criterion for quantifying the number of most dominant linear combinations that capture the information in the signal up to a threshold.