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Papers for Friday, Aug 26 2022

Papers with local authors

Tara Fetherolf, Joshua Pepper, Emilie Simpson, Stephen R. Kane, Teo Mocnik, Victoria Antoci, Daniel Huber, Jon M. Jenkins, Keivan Stassun, Joseph D. Twicken, Roland Vanderspek, Joshua N. Winn

25 pages, 14 figures, submitted to AAS Journals

0 votes
Paper 5 — arXiv:2208.11721
0 votes
Paper 5 — arXiv:2208.11721

During its 2-year Prime Mission, TESS observed over 232,000 stars at a 2-min cadence across ~70% of the sky. These data provide a record of photometric variability across a range of astrophysically interesting time scales, probing stellar rotation, eclipsing binary systems, and pulsations. We have analyzed the TESS 2-min light curves to identify periodic variability on timescales 0.01-13 days, and explored the results across various stellar properties. We have identified over 40,000 periodic variables with high confidence, and another 50,000 with moderate confidence. These light curves show differences in variability type across the HR diagram, with distinct groupings of rotational, eclipsing, and pulsational variables. We also see interesting patterns across period-luminosity space, with clear correlations between period and luminosity for high-mass pulsators, evolved stars, and contact binary systems, a discontinuity corresponding to the Kraft break, and a lower occurrence of periodic variability in main-sequence stars at a timescale of 1.5 to 2 days.

Liming Dou, Ning Jiang, Tinggui Wang, Xinwen Shu, Huan Yang, Zhen Pan, Jiazheng Zhu, Tao An, Zhen-Ya Zheng, Yanli Ai

accepted for publication in A&A

0 votes
Paper 27 — arXiv:2208.11968
0 votes
Paper 27 — arXiv:2208.11968

Recently we discovered an unprecedented supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) candidate in the nearby Seyfert galaxy SDSS J1430+2303, predicted to merge within three years. X-ray spectroscopy may bring unique kinematic evidence for the last inspiraling stage, when the binary is too close to allow each of them to hold an individual broad line region. We try to confirm the unique SMBHB merger event and understand the associated high-energy processes from a comprehensive X-ray view. We observed SDSS J1430+2303 with XMM-Newton, NuSTAR}, Chandra and Swift spanning the first $\sim200$ days since its discovery. X-ray variability, up to a factor of 7, has been detected on a time scale of a few days. The broad band spectrum from 0.2-70 keV can be well fitted with a model consisting of a powerlaw and a relativistic reflection covered by a warm absorber. The properties of the warm absorber changed dramatically, e.g., with a decrease of the line-of-sight velocity from ~0.2c to ~0.02c, between the two XMM-Newton observations separated by only 19 days, which can be naturally understood in the context of the SMBHB although the clumpy wind scenario can not be completely excluded. Broad Fe K$\alpha$ emission has been robustly detected though its velocity shift or profile change is not yet measurable. Further longer X-ray observations are highly encouraged to detect the expected orbital motion of the binary.

Papers with votes

Axel Widmark, Michael Korsmeier, Tim Linden

5 pages, 3 figures; appendix adds 16 pages, 9 figures; to be submitted to PRL, comments are welcome

1 vote
Paper 1 — arXiv:2208.11704
1 vote
Paper 1 — arXiv:2208.11704

Cold gas forms a significant mass fraction of the Milky Way disk, but is its most uncertain baryonic component. The density and distribution of cold gas is of critical importance for Milky Way dynamics, as well as models of stellar and galactic evolution. Previous studies have used correlations between gas and dust to obtain high-resolution measurements of cold gas, but with large normalization uncertainties. We present a novel approach that uses Fermi-LAT $\gamma$-ray data to measure the total gas density, achieving a similar precision as previous works, but with independent systematic uncertainties. Notably, our results have sufficient precision to distinguish between the tension in current world-leading experiments.

Maaike A.M. van Kooten, Jonathan G. Izett

Accepted to Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific on July 18, 2022. 22 pages, 16 figures

1 vote
Paper 12 — arXiv:2208.11794
1 vote
Paper 12 — arXiv:2208.11794

Maunakea is one of the world's primary sites for astronomical observing, with multiple telescopes operating over sub-millimeter to optical wavelengths. With its summit higher than 4200 meters above sea level, Maunakea is an ideal location for astronomy with an historically dry, stable climate and minimal turbulence above the summit. Under a changing climate, however, we ask how the (above-) summit conditions may have evolved in recent decades since the site was first selected as an observatory location, and how future-proof the site might be to continued change. We use data from a range of sources, including in-situ meteorological observations, radiosonde profiles, and numerical reanalyses to construct a climatology at Maunakea over the previous 40 years. We are interested in both the meteorological conditions (e.g., wind speed and humidity), and the image quality (e.g., seeing). We find that meteorological conditions were, in general, relatively stable over the period with few statistically significant trends and with quasi-cyclical inter-annual variability in astronomically significant parameters such as temperature and precipitable water vapour. We do, however, find that maximum wind speeds have increased over the past decades, with the frequency of wind speeds above 15~m~s$^{-1}$ increasing in frequency by 1--2%, which may have a significant impact on ground-layer turbulence. Importantly, we find that the Fried parameter has not changed in the last 40 years, suggesting there has not been an increase in optical turbulence strength above the summit. Ultimately, more data and data sources-including profiling instruments-are needed at the site to ensure continued monitoring into the future and to detect changes in the summit climate.

All other papers

Michael Weis, Stefanie Walch, Daniel Seifried, Shashwata Ganguly

19 pages, 35 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We simulate the formation of molecular clouds in colliding flows of warm neutral medium with the adaptive mesh refinement code {\sc Flash}. We include a chemical network to treat heating and cooling and to follow the formation of molecular gas. For the forming molecular clumps and cores in four different simulations with varying initial magnetic field strength between 0.01 - 5$\,\mu$G, we carry out a full virial analysis including all time-independent surface and volume terms as well as the time-dependent term. The initial magnetic field strength influences the fragmentation properties of the forming cloud because it prohibits motions perpendicular to the field direction and hence alters, or even suppresses, the formation of filamentary substructures. Molecular clump and core formation occurs anyhow. As a result, with increasing field strength, we find more fragments with a smaller average mass; yet the initial field strength is dynamically not relevant for the fragments which constitute our molecular clumps and cores. %yet the magnetic field overall is dynamically negligible for the fragments which constitute our molecular clumps and cores. The molecular clumps are mostly unbound, probably transient objects, which seem to be weakly confined by ram pressure or thermal pressure, indicating that they are swept up by the turbulent flow. They experience significant fluctuations in the mass flux through their surface, indicating that the Eulerian reference frame gives rise to a dominant time-dependent term due to their ill-defined nature. We define the cores to encompass molecular gas, which is additionally highly shielded. Most cores are in gravitational-kinetic equipartition and are already well described by the common virial parameter $\alpha_\mathrm{vir}$ (as can be seen from the Heyer relation), while some undergo minor dispersion by kinetic surface effects.

Self-gravitating Newtonian systems consisting of a very large number of particles have generally defied attempts to describe them using statistical mechanics. This is paradoxical since many astronomical systems, or simulations thereof, appear to have universal, equilibrium structures for which no physical basis exist. A decade ago we showed that extremizing the number of microstates with a given energy per unit mass, under the constraints of conserved total energy and mass, leads to the maximum entropy state, $n(E) \propto \exp (-\beta(E-\Phi_0))-1$, known as DARKexp. This differential energy distribution, and the resulting density structures, closely approximate those of dark-matter halos with central cusps, $\rho \sim r^{-1}$, and outer parts, $\rho \sim r^{-4}$. Here we define a non-equilibrium functional, $S_D$, which is maximized for DARKexp and increases monotonically during the evolution towards equilibrium of idealized collisionless systems of the Extended Spherical Infall Model. Systems that undergo more mixing more closely approach DARKexp.

Marilena Loverde, Zachary J. Weiner

33 pages, 8 figures

After their generation, cosmological backgrounds of gravitational waves propagate nearly freely but for the expansion of the Universe and the anisotropic stress of free-streaming particles. Primordial signals -- both that from inflation and the infrared spectrum associated to subhorizon production mechanisms -- would carry clean information about the cosmological history of these effects. We study the modulation of the standard damping of gravitational waves by free-streaming radiation due to the decoupling (or recoupling) of interactions. We focus on nonstandard neutrino interactions in effect after the decoupling of weak interactions as well as more general scenarios in the early Universe involving other light relics. We develop semianalytic results in fully free-streaming scenarios to provide intuition for numerical results that incorporate interaction rates with a variety of temerpature dependencies. Finally, we compute the imprint of neutrino interactions on the $B$-mode polarization of the cosmic microwave background, and we comment on other means to infer the presence of such effects at higher frequencies.

Ernest Alsina Ballester

Main text is 18 pages long and contains 17 figures. Appendices (A through D) take up 5 pages and contain 5 figures and two tables. Article accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) on 03/08/2022

This work aims to identify the relevant physical processes in shaping the intensity and polarization patterns of the solar K I D lines through spectral syntheses, placing particular emphasis on the D2 line. The theoretical Stokes profiles were obtained by numerically solving the radiative transfer problem for polarized radiation considering one-dimensional semi-empirical models of the solar atmosphere. The calculations account for scattering polarization, partial frequency redistribution (PRD) effects, hyperfine structure (HFS), J- and F-state interference, multiple isotopes, and magnetic fields of arbitrary strength and orientation. The intensity and circular polarization profiles of both D lines can be suitably modeled while neglecting both J-state interference and HFS. The magnetograph formula can be applied to both lines, without including HFS, to estimate weak longitudinal magnetic fields in the lower chromosphere. By contrast, modeling their scattering polarization signals requires the inclusion of HFS. The D2 scattering polarization amplitude is strongly depolarized by HFS, but it remains measurable. An appreciable error is incurred in the scattering polarization profile if PRD effects are not taken into account. Collisions during scattering processes also have an appreciable depolarizing effect. Finally, the D2 scattering polarization signal is especially sensitive to magnetic fields with strengths around 10 G and it strongly depends on their orientation. Despite this, its center-to-limb variation relative to the amplitude at the limb is largely insensitive to the field strength and orientation. These findings highlight the value of the K I D2 line polarization for diagnostics of the solar magnetism, and show that the linear and circular polarization signals of this line are primarily sensitive to magnetic fields in the lower chromosphere and upper photosphere, respectively.

Renate Kupke, R. Deno Stelter, Amirul Hasan, Arun Surya, Isabel Kain, Zackery Briesemeister, Jialin Li, Phil Hinz, Andrew Skemer, Benjamin Gerard, Daren Dillon, Christopher Ratliff

SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, 2022

SCALES is a high-contrast, infrared coronagraphic imager and integral field spectrograph (IFS) to be deployed behind the W.M. Keck Observatory adaptive optics system. A reflective optical design allows diffraction-limited imaging over a large wavelength range (1.0 - 5.0 microns). A microlens array-based IFS coupled with a lenslet reformatter ("slenslit") allow spectroscopy at both low (R = 35 - 250) and moderate (R = 2000 - 6500) spectral resolutions. The large wavelength range, diffraction-limited performance, high contrast coronagraphy and cryogenic operation present a unique optical design challenge. We present the full SCALES optical design, including performance modeling and analysis and manufacturing.

Jin Koda, Linda Watson, Francoise Combes, Monica Rubio, Samuel Boissier, Masafumi Yagi, David Thilker, Amanda M Lee, Yutaka Komiyama, Kana Morokuma-Matsui, Celia Verdugo

Submitted to AAS Journals in March 2022 (under review)

We report a CO(3-2) detection of 23 molecular clouds in the extended ultraviolet (XUV) disk of the spiral galaxy M83 with ALMA. The observed 1kpc^2 region is at about 1.24 times the optical radius (R25) of the disk, where CO(2-1) was previously not detected. The detection and non-detection, as well as the level of star formation (SF) activity in the region, can be explained consistently if the clouds have the mass distribution common among Galactic clouds, such as Orion A -- with star-forming dense clumps embedded in thick layers of bulk molecular gas, but in a low-metallicity regime where their outer layers are CO-deficient and CO-dark. The cloud and clump masses, estimated from CO(3-2), range from 8.2x10^2 to 2.3x10^4 Msun and from 2.7x10^2 to 7.5x10^3 Msun, respectively. The most massive clouds appear similar to Orion A in star formation activity as well as in mass, as expected if the cloud mass structure is universal. The overall low SF activity in the XUV disk could be due to the relative shortage of gas in the molecular phase. The clouds are distributed like chains up to 600 pc (or longer) in length, suggesting that the trigger of cloud formation is on large scales. The universal cloud mass structure also justifies the use of high-J CO transitions to trace the total gas mass of clouds, or galaxies, even in the high-z universe. This study is the first demonstration that CO(3-2) is an efficient tracer of molecular clouds even in low-metallicity environments.

Donggeun Tak, Matthew Baumgart, Nicholas L. Rodd, Elisa Pueschel

14 pages, 6 figures

For decades, searches for electroweak-scale dark matter (DM) have been performed without a definitive detection. This lack of success may hint that DM searches have focused on the wrong mass range. A proposed candidate beyond the canonical parameter space is ultra-heavy DM (UHDM). In this work, we consider indirect UHDM annihilation searches for masses between 30 TeV and 30 PeV, extending well beyond the unitarity limit at $\sim$100 TeV, and discuss the basic requirements for DM models in this regime. We explore the feasibility of detecting the annihilation signature, and the expected reach for UHDM with current and future Very-High-Energy (VHE; $>$ 100 GeV) $\gamma$-ray observatories. Specifically, we focus on three reference instruments: two Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope arrays, modeled on VERITAS and CTA-North, and one Extended Air Shower array, motivated by HAWC. With reasonable assumptions on the instrument response functions and background rate, we find a set of UHDM parameters (mass and cross section) for which a $\gamma$-ray signature can be detected by the aforementioned observatories. We further compute the expected upper limits for each experiment. With realistic exposure times, the three instruments can probe DM across a wide mass range. At the lower end, it can still have a point-like cross section, while at higher masses the DM could have a geometric cross section, indicative of compositeness.

L. Clifton Johnson, Tobin M. Wainer, Estephani E. TorresVillanueva, Anil C. Seth, Benjamin F. Williams, Meredith J. Durbin, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Daniel R. Weisz, Eric F. Bell, Puragra Guhathakurta, Evan Skillman, Adam Smercina

24 pages, 15 figures, 9 tables, Accepted to ApJ

We construct a catalog of star clusters from Hubble Space Telescope images of the inner disk of the Triangulum Galaxy (M33) using image classifications collected by the Local Group Cluster Search, a citizen science project hosted on the Zooniverse platform. We identify 1214 star clusters within the Hubble Space Telescope imaging footprint of the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury: Triangulum Extended Region (PHATTER) survey. Comparing this catalog to existing compilations in the literature, 68% of the clusters are newly identified. The final catalog includes multi-band aperture photometry and fits for cluster properties via integrated light SED fitting. The cluster catalog's 50% completeness limit is ~1500 solar masses at an age of 100 Myr, as derived from comprehensive synthetic cluster tests.

T. Mishenina, M. Pignatari, T. Gorbaneva, B. Cote, A. Yague Lopez, F.-K. Thielemann, C. Soubiran

18 pages, 21 figures, accepted in MNRAS, stac2361

The study of the origin of heavy elements is one of the main goals of nuclear astrophysics. In this paper, we present new observational data for the heavy $r$-process elements gadolinium (Gd, Z=64), dysprosium (Dy, Z=66) and thorium (Th, Z=90) in a sample of 276 Galactic disc stars ( --1.0$<$[Fe/H]$<$+0.3). The stellar spectra have a high resolution of 42,000 and 75,000, and the signal-to-noise ratio higher than 100. The LTE abundances of Gd, Dy and Th have been determined by comparing the observed and synthetic spectra for three Gd lines (149 stars), four Dy lines (152 stars) and the Th line at 4019.13 A (170 stars). For about 70% of the stars in our sample Gd and Dy are measured for the first time, and Th for 95% of the stars. Typical errors vary from 0.07 to 0.16 dex. This paper provides the first extended set of Th observations in the Milky Way disc. Together with europium (Eu, Z = 63) data from our previous studies, we have compared these new observations with nucleosynthesis predictions and Galactic Chemical Evolution simulations. We confirm that [Gd/Fe] and [Dy/Fe] show the same behavior of Eu. We study with GCE simulations the evolution of [Th/Fe] in comparison with [Eu/Fe], showing that unlike Eu either the Th production is metallicity dependent in case of a unique source of the r-process in the Galaxy, or the frequency of the Th-rich r-process source is decreasing with the increasing of [Fe/H].

Stella Koch Ocker, James Cordes, Shami Chatterjee, Jeffrey Hazboun, Timothy Dolch, Daniel Stinebring, Dustin Madison, Stephen White, Gregory Taylor, Natalia Lewandowska, Michael Lam

White paper submitted to the Heliophysics 2024 Decadal Survey

The physical conditions within our heliosphere are driven by the Sun's motion through an evolving interstellar environment that remains largely unexplored. The next generation of outer heliosphere and interstellar explorers will answer fundamental questions about the heliosphere's relationship with the very local interstellar medium (VLISM) by diving deeper into the Sun's interstellar surroundings. The impact of these future missions will be vastly enhanced by concurrent, interdisciplinary studies that examine the direct connections between conditions within the heliosphere, the heliosphere's immediate interstellar environment, and the larger-scale Galactic ISM. Comparisons of the heliosphere and VLISM to their analogs across the Galaxy will constrain the global processes shaping both stellar astrospheres and their sustained impact on the ISM.

We investigate the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) analysis for \ion{Cu}{1} lines with the updated model atom that includes quantum-mechanical rate coefficients of Cu\,$+$\,H and Cu$^+$\,$+$\,H$^-$ inelastic collisions from the recent study of Belyaev et al. (2021). The influence of these data on NLTE abundance determinations has been performed for six metal-poor stars in a metallicity range of $-$2.59\,dex$\,\le$\,[Fe/H]\,$\le$\,$-$0.95\,dex. For \ion{Cu}{1} lines, the application of accurate atomic data leads to a decrease in the departure from LTE and lower copper abundances compared to that obtained with the Drawin's theoretical approximation. To verify our adopted copper atomic model, we also derived the LTE copper abundances of \ion{Cu}{2} lines for the sample stars. A consistent copper abundance from the \ion{Cu}{1} (NLTE) and \ion{Cu}{2} (LTE) lines has been obtained, which indicates the reliability of our copper atomic model. It is noted that the [Cu/Fe] ratios increase with increasing metallicity when $\sim$\,$-$2.0\,dex\,$<$\,[Fe/H]\,$<$\,$\sim$\,$-$1.0\,dex, favoring a secondary (metallicity-dependent) copper production.

Maria Luisa Buzzo, Duncan A. Forbes, Jean P. Brodie, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Michelle E. Cluver, Thomas H. Jarrett, Seppo Laine, Warrick J. Couch, Jonah S. Gannon, Anna Ferré-Mateu, Nobuhiro Okabe

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 20 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, and 3 appendices (18 pages)

We use spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting to place constraints on the stellar population properties of 29 quiescent ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) across different environments. We use the fully Bayesian routine PROSPECTOR coupled with archival data in the optical, near, and mid-infrared from Spitzer and WISE under the assumption of an exponentially declining star formation history. We recover the stellar mass, age, metallicity, dust content, star formation time scales and photometric redshifts (photo-zs) of the UDGs studied. Using the mid-infrared data, we probe the existence of dust in UDGs. Although its presence cannot be confirmed, we find that the inclusion of small amounts of dust in the models brings the stellar populations closer to those reported with spectroscopy. Additionally, we fit the redshifts of all galaxies. We find a high accuracy in recovering photo-zs compared to spectroscopy, allowing us to provide new photo-z estimates for three field UDGs with unknown distances. We find evidence of a stellar population dependence on the environment, with quiescent field UDGs being systematically younger than their cluster counterparts. Lastly, we find that all UDGs lie below the mass--metallicity relation for normal dwarf galaxies. Particularly, the globular cluster (GC)-poor UDGs are consistently more metal-rich than GC-rich ones, suggesting that GC-poor UDGs may be puffed-up dwarfs, while most GC-rich UDGs are better explained by a failed galaxy scenario. As a byproduct, we show that two galaxies in our sample, NGC 1052-DF2 and NGC 1052-DF4, share equivalent stellar population properties, with ages consistent with 8 Gyr. This finding supports formation scenarios where the galaxies were formed together.

Yoshiki Toba, Satoshi Yamada, Kazuya Matsubayashi, Koki Terao, Aoi Moriya, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kouji Ohta, Aoi Hashiguchi, Kazuharu G. Himoto, Hideyuki Izumiura, Kazuma Joh, Nanako Kato, Shuhei Koyama, Hiroyuki Maehara, Rana Misato, Akatoki Noboriguchi, Shoji Ogawa, Naomi Ota, Mio Shibata, Nozomu Tamada, Anri Yanagawa, Naoki Yonekura, Tohru Nagao, Masayuki Akiyama, Masaru Kajisawa, Yoshiki Matsuoka

12 pages, 8 figures, and 2 tables, accepted for publication in PASJ

We present ionized gas properties of 9 local ultra/luminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs) at $z <$ 0.04 through IFU observations with KOOLS-IFU on Seimei Telescope. The observed targets are drawn from the Great Observatories All-sky LIRG Survey (GOALS), covering a wide range of merger stages. We successfully detect emission lines such as H$\beta$, [OIII]$\lambda$5007, H$\alpha$, [NII]$\lambda\lambda$6549,6583, and [SII]$\lambda\lambda$6717,6731 with a spectral resolution of $R$ = 1500-2000, which provides (i) spatially-resolved ($\sim$200-700 pc) moment map of ionized gas and (ii) diagnostics for active galactic nucleus (AGN) within the central $\sim$3--11 kpc in diameter for our sample. We find that [OIII] outflow that is expected to be driven by AGN tends to be stronger (i) towards the galactic center and (ii) as a sequence of merger stage. In particular, the outflow strength in the late-stage (stage D) mergers is about 1.5 times stronger than that in the early-state (stage B) mergers, which indicates that galaxy mergers could induce AGN-driven outflow and play an important role in the co-evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes.

D. B. de Freitas, F. J. Cavalcante, T. M. Santiago

7 pages, 5 figures (submitted to EPL)

The aim of this work is to determine the deviation of the value of magnetic braking index $q$ from Skumanich $q=3$ canonical value for giant and main-sequence stars. In this context, the present work attempts to analytically calculate the braking index based on the balance of gravitational and centrifugal forces, a determining factor for understanding the delicate mechanisms that control the spin-down of stars in these evolutionary phases. In the present study, we used a wide sample of stellar targets from the \textit{Kepler} mission with well-defined mass, radius, and rotation period. As a result, \textit{Kepler} stellar parameters provide rather precise values of $q$ index limited in the range $1\leq q\leq 3$, which is consistent with the predictions of the model of magnetic stellar wind. Our results show conclusively that, within the model used in this work, any significant deviation of the braking index away from the value $q=3$ occurs at masses higher than the Kraft break.

Charles-Antoine Claveau (1), Michael Bottom (2), Shane Jacobson (1), Klaus Hodapp (2), Aidan Walk (1), Markus Loose (3), Ian Baker (4), Egle Zemaityte (4), Matthew Hicks (4), Keith Barnes (4), Richard Powell (4), Ryan Bradley (5), Eric Moore (5) ((1) Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hilo, USA, (2) University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, (3) Markury Scientific Inc., Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, (4) Leonardo M.W. Ltd., Southampton, UK, (5) Hawaii Aerospace Corp., Honolulu, HI, USA)

To be published in Proc. SPIE 12191, X-Ray, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy X, 12191-34 (July 18, 2022)

Spectroscopy of Earth-like exoplanets and ultra-faint galaxies are priority science cases for the coming decades. Here, broadband source flux rates are measured in photons per square meter per hour, imposing extreme demands on detector performance, including dark currents lower than 1 e-/pixel/kilosecond, read noise less than 1 e-/pixel/frame, and large formats. There are currently no infrared detectors that meet these requirements. The University of Hawaii and industrial partners are developing one promising technology, linear mode avalanche photodiodes (LmAPDs), using fine control over the HgCdTe bandgap structure to enable noise-free charge amplification and minimal glow. Here we report first results of a prototype megapixel format LmAPD operated in our cryogenic testbed. At 50 Kelvin, we measure a dark current of about 3 e-/pixel/kilosecond, which is due to an intrinsic dark current consistent with zero (best estimate of 0.1 e-/pixel/kilosecond) and a ROIC glow of 0.08 e-/pixel/frame. The read noise of these devices is about 10 e-/pixel/frame at 3 volts, and decreases by 30% with each additional volt of bias, reaching 2 e- at 8 volts. Upcoming science-grade devices are expected to substantially improve upon these figures, and address other issues uncovered during testing.

Yuan-Zhu Wang, Yin-Jie Li, Jorick S. Vink, Yi-Zhong Fan, Shao-Peng Tang, Ying Qin, Da-Ming Wei

16 pages, 8 figures

The origins of the coalescing binary black holes (BBHs) detected by the advanced LIGO/Virgo are still under debate, and clues may present in the joint mass-spin distribution of these merger events. Here we construct phenomenological models to investigate the BBH population detected in gravitational observations. The data can be well explained by the members originated from two different channels: one is the evolution of field binaries, and the other is the dynamical assembly. We obtain a tight constraint on the maximum mass for events of the stellar-origin, which is $m_{\rm max}=39.4^{+2.6}_{-2.5}M_{\odot}$ at 90\% credibility. This mass cutoff likely arises from the (pulsational) pair-instability supernova explosion and/or stellar winds. We also find that a fraction of $4-17\%$ of dynamical events were hierarchical mergers, and these BHs had an average spin magnitude significantly larger than the first-generation mergers, with ${\rm d}\mu_{\rm a} > 0.4 $ at $99\%$ credibility.

Guo-Peng Li

5 pages, 1 figure and 1 table; Accepted for publication in A&A

Most of the binary black hole (BBH) mergers detected by LIGO and Virgo could be explained by first-generation mergers formed from the collapse of stars, while others might come from second (or higher) generation mergers, namely hierarchical mergers, with at least one of the black holes (BHs) being the remnant of a previous merger. A primary condition for the occurrence of hierarchical mergers is that the remnant BHs can be retained by the host star cluster. We present a simple formula to estimate the hierarchical merger rate in star clusters. We find this latter to be proportional to the retention probability. Further, we show that $\sim 2\%$ of BBH mergers in nuclear star clusters (NSCs) may instead be of hierarchical mergers, while the percentage in globular clusters (GCs) is only a few tenths of a percent. However, the rates of hierarchical merger in GCs and NSCs are about the same, namely of $\sim {\mathcal O(10^{-2})}~{\rm Gpc^{-3}~yr^{-1}}$, because the total BBH merger rate in GCs is larger than that in NSCs. This suggests that if a gravitational-wave event detected by LIGO-Virgo is identified as a hierarchical merger, then it is equally likely that this merger originated from a GC or an NSC.

Pascal Gutjahr, Jean-Marco Alameddine, Alexander Sandrock, Jan Soedingrekso, Mirco Hünnefeld, Wolfgang Rhode

8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to EPJ C

Large scale neutrino detectors and muon tomography rely on the muon direction in the detector to infer the muon's or parent neutrino's origin. However, muons accumulate deflections along their propagation path prior to entering the detector, which may need to be accounted for as an additional source of uncertainty. In this paper, the deflection of muons is studied with the simulation tool PROPOSAL, which accounts for multiple scattering and deflection on stochastic interactions. Deflections along individual interactions depend on the muon energy and the interaction type, and can reach up to the order of degrees -- even at TeV to PeV energies. The accumulated deflection angle can be parametrized in dependence of the final muon energy, independent of the initial muon energy. The median accumulated deflection of a propagated muon with a final energy of 500 GeV is $\theta_{\text{acc}} = 0.10{\deg}$ with a 99 % central interval of $[0.01{\deg}, 0.39{\deg}]$. This is on the order of magnitude of the directional resolution of present neutrino detectors. Furthermore, comparisons with the simulation tools MUSIC and Geant4 as well as two different muon deflection measurements are performed.

Jooyeon Geem, Masateru Ishiguro, Jun Takahashi, Hiroshi Akitaya, Koji S. Kawabata, Tatsuya Nakaoka, Ryo Imazawa, Fumiki Mori, Sunho Jin, Yoonsoo P. Bach, Hangbin Jo, Daisuke Kuroda, Sunao Hasegawa, Fumi Yoshida, Ko Ishibashi, Tomohiko Sekiguchi, Jin Beniyama, Tomoko Arai, Yuji Ikeda, Yoshiharu Shinnaka, Mikael Granvik, Lauri Siltala, Anlaug A. Djupvik, Anni Kasikov, Viktoria Pinter, Emil Knudstrup

6 pages, 2 figures, This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: 2022 Jooyeon Geem, Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. For the published version, please see this https URL

We report on the first polarimetric study of (3200) Phaethon, the target of JAXA's DESTINY$^+$ mission, in the negative branch to ensure its anhydrous nature and to derive an accurate geometric albedo. We conducted observations at low phase angles (Sun-target-observer angle, alpha = 8.8-32.4 deg) from 2021 October to 2022 January and found that Phaethon has a minimum polarization degree $P_{min}$ = -1.3 +- 0.1 %, a polarimetric slope h = 0.22 +- 0.02 % deg$^{-1}$, and an inversion angle alpha$_0$ = 19.9 +- 0.3 deg. The derived geometric albedo is $p_V$ = 0.11 (in the range of 0.08-0.13). These polarimetric properties are consistent with anhydrous chondrites, and contradict hydrous chondrites and typical cometary nuclei.

O. Kirmizitas, S. Cavus, F. Kahraman Aliçavuş}

10 pages, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Bulletin

Pulsating stars are remarkable objects for stellar astrophysics. Their pulsation frequencies allow us to probe the internal structure of stars. One of the most known groups of pulsating stars is $\delta$ Scuti variables which could be used to understand the energy transfer mechanism in A-F type stars. Therefore, in the current study, we focused on the discovery of $\delta$ Scuti stars. For this investigation, we followed some criteria. First, we inspected TESS database by eye and discovered some single stars that exhibit pulsation-like behaviour. Our second criterion is $T_{\rm eff}$ and $\log g$ range. The $\delta$ Scuti stars generally have $T_{\rm eff}$ and $\log g$ value in a range of 6300\,$-$\,8500\,K and 3.2\,$-$\,4.3, respectively. Hence, we selected the stars which have TIC $T_{\rm eff}$ and $\log g$ values in these ranges. The other criterion is the pulsating frequency. A frequency analysis was performed for all the candidate stars. In addition, $M_{V}$, $L$ and also $M_{bol}$ parameters of the target stars were determined to calculate the pulsation constants and show their positions in the H-R diagram. The final pulsation type classification was made by considering the frequency ranges and pulsation constants of the stars. As a result of the study, five $\delta$ Scuti, one $\gamma$ Doradus and four hybrid systems were discovered.

Matthew C. Chan, John P. Stott

Accepted to MNRAS on 1st August 2022; pp. 1-21. Supplementary material is included; pp. 22-29

We introduce AutoEnRichness, a hybrid approach that combines empirical and analytical strategies to determine the richness of galaxy clusters (in the redshift range of $0.1 \leq z \leq 0.35$) using photometry data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16, where cluster richness can be used as a proxy for cluster mass. In order to reliably estimate cluster richness, it is vital that the background subtraction is as accurate as possible when distinguishing cluster and field galaxies to mitigate severe contamination. AutoEnRichness is comprised of a multi-stage machine learning algorithm that performs background subtraction of interloping field galaxies along the cluster line-of-sight and a conventional luminosity distribution fitting approach that estimates cluster richness based only on the number of galaxies within a magnitude range and search area. In this proof-of-concept study, we obtain a balanced accuracy of $83.20$ per cent when distinguishing between cluster and field galaxies as well as a median absolute percentage error of $33.50$ per cent between our estimated cluster richnesses and known cluster richnesses within $r_{200}$. In the future, we aim for AutoEnRichness to be applied on upcoming large-scale optical surveys, such as the Legacy Survey of Space and Time and $\textit{Euclid}$, to estimate the richness of a large sample of galaxy groups and clusters from across the halo mass function. This would advance our overall understanding of galaxy evolution within overdense environments as well as enable cosmological parameters to be further constrained.

Alessandro Ignesti, Benedetta Vulcani, Bianca M. Poggianti, Alessia Moretti, Timothy Shimwell, Andrea Botteon, Reinout J. van Weeren, Ian D. Roberts, Jacopo Fritz, Neven Tomčić, Giorgia Peluso, Rosita Paladino, Myriam Gitti, Ancla Muüller, Sean McGee, Marco Gullieuszik

22 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on ApJ on 24/08/2022

Jellyfish galaxies, characterized by long filaments of stripped interstellar medium extending from their disks, are the prime laboratories to study the outcomes of ram pressure stripping. At radio wavelengths, they often show unilateral emission extending beyond the stellar disk, and an excess of radio luminosity with respect to that expected from their current star formation rate. We present new 144 MHz images provided by the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey for a sample of six galaxies from the GASP survey. These galaxies are characterized by a high global luminosity at 144 MHz ($6-27\times10^{22}$ W Hz$^{-1}$), in excess compared to their ongoing star formation rate. The comparison of radio and H$\alpha$ images smoothed with a Gaussian beam corresponding to $\sim$10 kpc reveals a sub-linear spatial correlation between the two emissions with an average slope $k=0.50$. In their stellar disk we measure $k=0.77$, which is close to the radio-to-star formation linear relation. We speculate that, as a consequence of the ram pressure, in these jellyfish galaxies the cosmic rays transport is more efficient than in normal galaxies. Radio tails typically have higher radio-to-H$\alpha$ ratios than the disks, thus we suggest that the radio emission is boosted by the electrons stripped from the disks. In all galaxies, the star formation rate has decreased by a factor $\leq10$ within the last $\sim10^8$ yr. The observed radio emission is consistent with the past star formation, so we propose that this recent decline may be the cause of their radio luminosity-to-star formation rate excess.

Loïc Straffela, Damien Chapon

11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics

The evolution of parallel I/O library as well as new concepts such as 'in transit' and 'in situ' visualization and analysis have been identified as key technologies to circumvent I/O bottleneck in pre-exascale applications. Nevertheless, data structure and data format can also be improved for both reducing I/O volume and improving data interoperability between data producer and data consumer. In this paper, we propose a very lightweight and purpose-specific post-processing data model for AMR meshes, called lightAMR. Based on this data model, we introduce a tree pruning algorithm that removes data redundancy from a fully threaded AMR octree. In addition, we present two lossless compression algorithms, one for the AMR grid structure description and one for AMR double/single precision physical quantity scalar fields. Then we present performance benchmarks on RAMSES simulation datasets of this new lightAMR data model and the pruning and compression algorithms. We show that our pruning algorithm can reduce the total number of cells from RAMSES AMR datasets by 10-40% without loss of information. Finally, we show that the RAMSES AMR grid structure can be compacted by ~ 3 orders of magnitude and the float scalar fields can be compressed by a factor ~ 1.2 for double precision and ~ 1.3 - 1.5 in single precision with a compression speed of ~ 1 GB/s.

A. Danehkar, M. S. Oey, W. J. Gray

12 pages, 7 figures (inc. 1 interactive fig), 1 Table (MRT), accepted by ApJ, supplementary data (interactive figure, machine readable table) available on this https URL and archived on this https URL

Observations of some starburst-driven galactic superwinds suggest that strong radiative cooling could play a key role in the nature of feedback and the formation of stars and molecular gas in star-forming galaxies. These catastrophically cooling superwinds are not adequately described by adiabatic fluid models, but they can be reproduced by incorporating non-equilibrium radiative cooling functions into the fluid model. In this work, we have employed the atomic and cooling module MAIHEM implemented in the framework of the FLASH hydrodynamics code to simulate the formation of radiatively cooling superwinds as well as their corresponding non-equilibrium ionization (NEI) states for various outflow parameters, gas metallicities, and ambient densities. We employ the photoionization program CLOUDY to predict radiation- and density-bounded photoionization for these radiatively cooling superwinds, and we predict UV and optical line emission. Our non-equilibrium photoionization models built with the NEI states demonstrate the enhancement of C IV, especially in metal-rich, catastrophically cooling outflows, and O VI in metal-poor ones.

Sylvain Oberti, Carlos Correia, Thierry Fusco, Benoit Neichel, Pierre Guiraud

Astronomy & Astrophysics Section: 13. Astronomical instrumentation AA/2022/43954

Super-Resolution (SR) is a technique that seeks to upscale the resolution of a set of measured signals. SR retrieves higher-frequency signal content by combining multiple lower resolution sampled data sets. SR is well known both in the temporal and spatial domains. It is widely used in imaging to reduce aliasing and enhance the resolution of coarsely sampled images.This paper applies the SR technique to the bi-dimensional wavefront reconstruction. In particular, we show how SR is intrinsically suited for tomographic multi WaveFront Sensor (WFS) AO systems revealing many of its advantages with minimal design effort. This paper provides a direct space and Fourier-optics description of the wavefront sensing operation and demonstrate how SR can be exploited through signal reconstruction, especially in the framework of Periodic Nonuniform Sampling. Both meta uniform and nonuniform sampling schemes are investigated. Then, the SR bi-dimensional model for a Shack Hartmann (SH) WFS is provided and the characteristics of the sensitivity function are analyzed. The SR concept is finally validated with numerical simulations of representative multi WFS SH AO systems. Our results show that combining several WFS samples in a SR framework grants access to a larger number of modes than the native one offered by a single WFS and that despite the fixed sub-aperture size across samples. Furthermore, we show that the associated noise propagation is not degraded under SR. Finally, the concept is extended to the signal produced by single Pyramid WFS. In conclusion, SR applied to wavefront reconstruction offers a new parameter space to explore as it decouples the size of the subaperture from the desired wavefront sampling resolution. By cutting short with old assumptions, new, more flexible and better performing AO designs become now possible.

Alessandro Carones, Marina Migliaccio, Domenico Marinucci, Nicola Vittorio

24 pages, 15 figures. Abstract abridged for Arxiv

The observation of primordial B-modes in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) represents the main scientific goal of most of the future CMB experiments. Such signal is predicted to be much lower than the polarised Galactic emission (foregrounds) in any region of the sky pointing to the need for complex components separation methods, such as the Needlet-ILC (NILC). In this work we explore the possibility of employing NILC for B-modes maps reconstructed from partial-sky data of sub-orbital experiments, addressing the complications that such an application yields: E-B leakage, needlet filtering and beam convolution. We consider two complementary simulated datasets from future experiments: the balloon-borne SWIPE telescope of the Large Scale Polarization Explorer, which targets the observation of both reionisation and recombination peaks of the primordial B-modes angular power spectrum, and the ground-based Small Aperture Telescope of Simons Observatory, which is designed to observe only the recombination bump. We assess the performance of two alternative techniques for correcting the CMB E-B leakage: the recycling technique (Liu et al. 2019) and the ZB method (Zhao & Baskaran 2010). We find that they both reduce the E-B leakage residuals at a negligible level given the sensitivity of the considered experiments, except for the recycling method on the SWIPE patch at $\ell < 20$. Thus, we implement two extensions of the pipeline, the iterative B-decomposition and the diffusive inpainting, which permit to recover the input CMB B-modes power for $\ell \geq 5$. For the considered experiments, we demonstrate that needlet filtering and beam convolution do not affect the B-modes reconstruction. Finally, with an appropriate masking strategy, we find that NILC foregrounds subtraction allows to recover values of the tensor-to-scalar ratio compatible to the targets of the considered CMB experiments.

Juan Camilo Guevara Gómez, Shahin Jafarzadeh, Sven Wedemeyer, Mikolaj Szydlarski

5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters

The Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) has provided us with an excellent diagnostic tool for studies of the dynamics of the Solar chromosphere, albeit through a single receiver band at one time presently. Each ALMA band consists of four sub-bands that are comprised of several spectral channels. To date, however, the spectral domain has been neglected in favour of ensuring optimal imaging, so that time-series observations have been mostly limited to full-band data products, thereby limiting studies to a single chromospheric layer. Here, we report the first observations of a dynamical event (i.e. wave propagation) for which the ALMA Band 3 data (centred at 3\,mm; 100\,GHz) is split into a lower and an upper sideband. In principle, this approach is aimed at mapping slightly different layers in the Solar atmosphere. The side-band data were reduced together with the Solar ALMA Pipeline (SoAP), resulting in time series of brightness-temperature maps for each side-band. Through a phase analysis of a magnetically quiet region, where purely acoustic waves are expected to dominate, the average height difference between the two side-bands is estimated as $73\pm16$~km. Furthermore, we examined the propagation of transverse waves in small-scale bright structures by means of wavelet phase analysis between oscillations at the two atmospheric heights. We find 6\% of the waves to be standing, while 54\% and 46\% of the remaining waves are propagating upwards and downwards, respectively, with absolute propagating speeds on the order of $\approx96$~km/s, resulting in a mean energy flux of $3800$\,W/m$^2$.

M E Dieckmann, D Folini, R Walder, A Charlet, A Marcowith

Accepted for publication in Physics of Plasmas, 13 pages, 15 figures

By means of a particle-in-cell (PIC) simulation, we study the interaction between a uniform magnetized ambient electron-proton plasma at rest and an unmagnetized pair plasma, which we inject at one simulation boundary with a mildly relativistic mean speed and temperature. The magnetic field points out of the simulation plane. The injected pair plasma expels the magnetic field and piles it up at its front. It traps ambient electrons and drags them across the protons. An electric field grows, which accelerates protons into the pair cloud's expansion direction. This electromagnetic pulse separates the pair cloud from the ambient plasma. Electrons and positrons, which drift in the pulse's nonuniform field, trigger an instability that disrupts the current sheet ahead of the pulse. The wave vector of the growing perturbation is orthogonal to the magnetic field direction and magnetic tension cannot stabilize it. The electromagnetic pulse becomes permeable for pair plasma, which forms new electromagnetic pulses ahead of the initial one. A transition layer develops with a thickness of a few proton skin depths, in which protons and positrons are accelerated by strong electromagnetic fields. Protons form dense clumps surrounded by a strong magnetic field. The thickness of the transition layer grows less rapidly than we would expect from the typical speeds of the pair plasma particles and the latter transfer momentum to protons; hence, the transition layer acts as a discontinuity, separating the pair plasma from the ambient plasma. Such a discontinuity is an important building block for astrophysical pair plasma jets.

Toshihiro Kasuga, Joseph R. Masiero

Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, 8 tables, 7 figures

We present space-based thermal infrared observations of the presumably Geminid-associated asteroids: (3200)Phaethon, 2005 UD and 1999 YC using WISE/NEOWISE. The images were taken at the four wavelength bands 3.4$\mu$m(W1),4.6$\mu$m(W2),12$\mu$m(W3),and 22$\mu$m(W4). We find no evidence of lasting mass-loss in the asteroids over the decadal multi-epoch datasets. We set an upper limit to the mass-loss rate in dust of Q<2kg s$^{-1}$ for Phaethon and <0.1kg s$^{-1}$ for both 2005 UD and 1999 YC, respectively, with little dependency over the observed heliocentric distances of R=1.0$-$2.3au. For Phaethon, even if the maximum mass-loss was sustained over the 1000(s)yr dynamical age of the Geminid stream, it is more than two orders of magnitude too small to supply the reported stream mass (1e13$-$14kg). The Phaethon-associated dust trail (Geminid stream) is not detected at R=2.3au, corresponding an upper limit on the optical depth of $\tau$<7e-9. Additionally, no co-moving asteroids with radii r<650m were found. The DESTINY+ dust analyzer would be capable of detecting several of the 10$\mu$m-sized interplanetary dust particles when at far distances(>50,000km) from Phaethon. From 2005 UD, if the mass-loss rate lasted over the 10,000yr dynamical age of the Daytime Sextantid meteoroid stream, the mass of the stream would be ~1e10kg. The 1999 YC images showed neither the related dust trail ($\tau$<2e-8) nor co-moving objects with radii r<170m at R=1.6au. Estimated physical parameters from these limits do not explain the production mechanism of the Geminid meteoroid stream. Lastly, to explore the origin of the Geminids, we discuss the implications for our data in relation to the possibly sodium (Na)-driven perihelion activity of Phaethon.

Magnetic fields generated in the Sun's interior by the solar dynamo mechanism drive solar activity over a range of time-scales. While space-based observations of the Sun's corona exist only for few decades, direct sunspot observations exist for a few centuries, solar open flux and cosmic ray flux variations can be reconstructed through studies of cosmogenic isotopes over thousands of years. While such reconstructions indicate the presence of extreme solar activity fluctuations in the past, causal links between millennia scale dynamo activity, consequent coronal field, solar open flux and cosmic ray modulation remain elusive. By utilizing a stochastically forced solar dynamo model we perform long-term simulations to illuminate how the dynamo generated magnetic fields govern the structure of the solar corona and the state of the heliosphere -- as indicated by variations in the open flux and cosmic ray modulation potential. We establish differences in the nature of the large-scale structuring of the solar corona during grand maximum, minimum, and regular solar activity phases and simulate how the open flux and cosmic ray modulation potential varies over time scales encompassing these different phases of solar activity. We demonstrate that the power spectrum of simulated and reconstructed solar open flux are consistent with each other. Our study provides the theoretical basis for interpreting long-term solar cycle variability based on reconstructions relying on cosmogenic isotopes and connects solar internal variations to the forcing of the state of the heliosphere.

Kundan Kadam, Eduard Vorobyov, Shantanu Basu

21 pages, 14 figures

We investigate the formation and evolution of "primordial" dusty rings occurring in the inner regions of protoplanetary discs, with the help of long-term, coupled dust-gas, magnetohydrodynamic simulations. The simulations are global and start from the collapse phase of the parent cloud core, while the dead zone is calculated via an adaptive $\alpha$ formulation by taking into account the local ionization balance. The evolution of the dusty component includes its growth and back reaction on to the gas. Previously, using simulations with only a gas component, we showed that dynamical rings form at the inner edge of the dead zone. We find that when dust evolution as well as magnetic field evolution in the flux-freezing limit are included, the dusty rings formed are more numerous and span a larger radial extent in the inner disc, while the dead zone is more robust and persists for a much longer time. We show that these dynamical rings concentrate enough dust mass to become streaming unstable, which should result in rapid planetesimal formation even in the embedded phases of the system. The episodic outbursts caused by the magnetorotational instability have significant impact on the evolution of the rings. The outbursts drain the inner disc of grown dust, however, the period between bursts is sufficiently long for the planetesimal growth via streaming instability.The dust mass contained within the rings is large enough to ultimately produce planetary systems with the core accretion scenario. The low mass systems rarely undergo outbursts and thus, the conditions around such stars can be especially conducive for planet formation.

Stellar mass is a fundamental parameter that is key to our understanding of stellar formation and evolution, as well as the characterization of nearby exoplanet companions. Historically, stellar masses have been derived from long-term observations of visual or spectroscopic binary star systems. While advances in high-resolution imaging have enabled observations of systems with shorter orbital periods, stellar mass measurements remain challenging, and relatively few have been precisely measured. We present a new statistical approach to measuring masses for populations of stars. Using Gaia astrometry, we analyze the relative orbital motion of $>3,800$ wide binary systems comprising low-mass stars to establish a Mass-Magnitude relation in the Gaia $G_\mathrm{RP}$ band spanning the absolute magnitude range $14.5>M_{G_\mathrm{RP}}>4.0$, corresponding to a mass range of $0.08$~M$_{\odot}\lesssim M\lesssim1.0$~M$_{\odot}$. This relation is directly applicable to $>30$ million stars in the Gaia catalog. Based on comparison to existing Mass-Magnitude relations calibrated for 2MASS $K_{s}$ magnitudes, we estimate that the internal precision of our mass estimates is $\sim$10$\%$. We use this relation to estimate masses for a volume-limited sample of $\sim$18,200 stars within 50~pc of the Sun and the present-day field mass function for stars with $M\lesssim 1.0$~M$_{\odot}$, which we find peaks at 0.16~M$_{\odot}$. We investigate a volume-limited sample of wide binary systems with early K dwarf primaries, complete for binary mass ratios $q>0.2$, and measure the distribution of $q$ at separations $>100$~au. We find that our distribution of $q$ is not uniformly distributed, rather decreasing towards $q=1.0$.

Chen Yu-Peng, Zhang Shu, Ji Long, Zhang Shuang-Nan, Wang Peng-Ju, Kong Ling-Da, Chang Zhi, Peng Jing-Qiang, Shui Qing-Cang, Li Jian, Tao Lian, Ge Ming-Yu, Qu Jin-Lu

ApJL in press

MAXI J1816-195 is a newly discovered accreting millisecond pulsar with prolific thermonuclear bursts, detected during its outburst in 2022 June by Insight-HXMT and NICER. During the outburst, Insight-HXMT detected 73 bursts in its peak and decay phase, serving as a prolific burst system found in the accreting millisecond pulsars. By analyzing one burst which was simultaneously detected by Insight-HXMT and NICER, we find a mild deviation from the conventional blackbody model. By stacking the Insight-HXMT lightcurves of 66 bursts which have similar profiles and intensities, a hard X-ray shortage is detected with a significance of 15.7 sigma in 30-100 keV. The shortage is about 30% of the persistent flux, which is low compared with other bursters. The shortage fraction is energy-dependent: larger in a higher energy band. These findings make the newly discovered millisecond MAXI J1816-195 a rather peculiar system compared with other millisecond pulsars and atoll bursters. In addition, based on the brightest burst, we derive an upper limit of the distance as 6.3 kpc, and therefore estimate the upper limit of the inner disc radius of the accretion disc to be~ 40 km. Assuming the radius as the magnetospheric radius, the derived magnetic field strength is about 7.1*10^8 G.

Jiachen Jiang, Luigi C. Gallo, Dirk Grupe, Michael L. Parker

13 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRAS

We present a spectral analysis of two XMM-Newton observations of the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy UGC 11763. UGC 11763 shows very different soft X-ray spectral shapes in the two observations separated by 12 years. Three spectral models are considered to explain the multi-epoch X-ray variability of UGC 11763, one based on the relativistic disc reflection model, one based on multiple partially-covering absorbers combined with the warm corona model, and a hybrid model. In the first model, the X-ray variability of UGC 11763 is caused by the emission from a compact coronal region with a variable size. The resulting disc reflection component changes accordingly. A warm absorption model with a modest column density is required in this model too. In the partially-covering absorption scenario, the X-ray variability of UGC 11763 is caused by the variable covering factors of two absorbers located within a region of $r<\approx100r_{\rm g}$. Moreover, the temperature and strength of the warm corona have to change significantly too to explain the variable underlying soft X-ray emission. Lastly, we investigate the possibility of variable intrinsic power-law emission from the hot corona combined with variable absorption in UGC 11763 without changing the geometry of the corona in the third model. This hybrid model provides a slightly better fit than the partially-covering absorption model with improvements in fitting the iron emission band. Current CCD-resolution data cannot distinguish these spectral models for UGC 11763. Future high-resolution X-ray missions, e.g. Athena and XRISM, will test them by resolving different spectral components.

John C. Raymond, M. Asgari-Targhi, Maurice L. Wilson, Yeimy J. Rivera, Susan T Lepri, Chengcai Shen

The SWICS instrument aboard the ACE satellite has detected frequent intervals in the slow solar wind and interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) in which C6+ and other fully stripped ions are strongly depleted, though the ionization states of elements such as Si and Fe indicate that those ions should be present. It has been suggested that these outlier or dropout events can be explained by the resonant cyclotron heating process, because these ions all have the same cyclotron frequency as He2+. We investigate the region in the corona where these outlier events form. It must be above the ionization freeze-in height and the transition to collisionless plasma conditions, but low enough that the wind still feels the effects of solar gravity. We suggest that the dropout events correspond to relatively dense blobs of gas in which the heating is reduced because local variations in the Alfven speed change the reflection of Alfven waves and the turbulent cascade. As a result, the wave power at the cyclotron frequency of the fully stripped ions is absorbed by He2+ and may not be able to heat the other fully-stripped ions enough to overcome solar gravity. If this picture is borne out, it may help to discriminate between resonant cyclotron heating and stochastic heating models of the solar wind.

W. R. M. Rocha, M. G. Rachid, B. Olsthoorn, E. F. van Dishoeck, M. K. McClure, H. Linnartz

Accepted for publication in A&A. 29 pages, 9 figures. Online database at this https URL

High quality vibrational spectra of solid-phase molecules in ice mixtures and for temperatures of astrophysical relevance are needed to interpret infrared observations toward protostars and background stars. Over the last 25 years, the Laboratory for Astrophysics at Leiden Observatory has provided more than 1100 spectra of diverse ice samples. Timely with the recent launch of the James Webb Space Telescope, we have fully upgraded the Leiden Ice Database for Astrochemistry (LIDA) adding recently measured spectra. The goal of this manuscript is to describe what options exist to get access to and work with a large collection of IR spectra, and the UV/vis to mid-infrared refractive index of H2O ice and astronomy-oriented online tools to support the interpretation of IR ice observations. LIDA uses Flask and Bokeh for generating the web pages and graph visualization, respectively, SQL for searching ice analogues within the database and Jmol for 3D molecule visualization. The infrared data in the database are recorded via transmission spectroscopy of ice films condensed on cryogenic substrates. The real UV/vis refractive indices of H2O ice are derived from interference fringes created from the simultaneous use of a monochromatic HeNe laser beam and a broadband Xe-arc lamp, whereas the real and imaginary mid-IR values are theoretically calculated. LIDA also offers online tools. The first tool, SPECFY, used to create a synthetic spectrum of ices towards protostars. The second tool aims at the calculation of mid-infrared refractive index values. LIDA allows to search, download and visualize experimental data of astrophysically relevant molecules in the solid phase, as well as to provide the means to support astronomical observations. As an example, we analyse the spectrum of the protostar AFGL 989 using the resources available in LIDA and derive the column densities of H2O, CO and CO2 ices.

Oleksii Ivanytskyi, David Blaschke, Tobias Fischer, Andreas Bauswein

Presented at the $29^{\rm th}$ Conference ''Quark Matter 2022'' on ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions, April 4-10, 2022, Krak\'ow, Poland; minor typo corrections in v2

Based on a recently developed relativistic density functional approach to color-superconducting quark matter and a novel quark-hadron transition construction which phenomenologically accounts for the effects of inhomogeneous pasta phases and quark-hadron continuity, we construct a class of hybrid equations of state applicable at the regimes typical for compact star astrophysics and heavy ion collisions. We outline that early quark deconfinement is a notable consequence of strong diquark pairing providing a good agreement with the observational data and driving the trajectories of the matter evolution during the supernovae explosions toward the regimes typical for the compact star mergers and heavy-ion collisions.

Jun Cheng, En-Kun Li, Yi-Ming Hu, Zheng-Cheng Liang, Jian-dong Zhang, Jianwei Mei

16 pages, 8 figures

The detection of stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) is among the leading scientific goals of the space-borne gravitational wave observatory, which would have significant impacts on astrophysics and fundamental physics. In this work, we developed a null channel data analysis software, \texttt{TQSGWB}, which can extract isotropic SGWB using the null channel method based on TianQin detector. We find that for the noise cross spectrum, the oftenly ignored imaginary components in previous studies play an important role in breaking the degeneracy of position noise in the common laser link. We demonstrate that the parameters of various signals and instrumental noise could be estimated directly in the absence of galactic confusion foreground through Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling. With only three-month observation, we find that TianQin could be able to confidently detect SGWBs with energy density as low as $\Omega_{\rm PL} = 1.3 \times 10^{-12}$, $\Omega_{\rm Flat} = 6.0 \times 10^{-12}$, and $\Omega_{\rm SP} = 9.0 \times 10^{-12}$, for power-law, flat, and single peak models respectively.

High-energy standard model (SM) particles in the early Universe are generated by the decay of heavy long-lived particles. The subsequent thermalization occurs through the splitting of high-energy primary particles into lower-energy daughters in primordial thermal plasma. The principal example of such processes is reheating after inflation caused by the decay of inflatons into SM particles. Understanding of the thermalization at reheating is extremely important as it reveals the origin of the hot Universe, and could open up new mechanisms for generating dark matter and/or baryon asymmetry. In this paper, we investigate the thermalization of high-energy SM particles in thermal plasma, taking into account the Landau--Pomeranchuk--Migdal effect in the leading-log approximation. The whole SM particle content and all the relevant SM interactions are included for the first time, i.e., the full gauge interactions of SU(3)$_c\times$SU(2)$_L\times$U(1)$_Y$ and the top Yukawa interaction. The distribution function of each SM species is computed both numerically and analytically. We have analytically obtained the distribution function of each SM species after the first few splittings. Furthermore, we demonstrate that, after a sufficient number of splittings, the particle distributions are asymptotic to certain values at low momentum, independent of the high-energy particles injected by inflaton decay. The results are useful to calculate the DM abundance produced during the pre-thermal phase. An example is provided to illustrate a way to calculate the DM abundance from the scattering between the thermal plasma and high-energy particles in the cascade.

Aidan Chatwin-Davies, Achim Kempf, Petar Simidzija

25+25 pages, 9 figures

In this companion to our letter (arXiv:2208.10514), we study the predicted corrections to the primordial scalar and tensor power spectra that arise from quantum gravity-motivated, natural, covariant ultraviolet cutoffs. We implement these cutoffs by covariantly restricting the fields which are summed over in the path integrals for the primordial correlators, and we discuss in detail the functional analytic techniques necessary for evaluating such path integrals. Our prediction, which is given in terms of measured cosmological parameters and without assuming any particular inflationary potential, is that the corrections take the form of small oscillations which are superimposed on the conventional power spectra. The frequency of these oscillations only depends on the location of the cutoff scale, while the amplitude and phase are moderately sensitive to how smoothly the cutoff turns on. The specificity of the new predictions offers an opportunity to significantly enhance experimental sensitivity through template search in observations of the cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure. This may be used to place ever higher bounds on the scale at which quantum gravity effects become important in quantum field theory or may even provide positive evidence for quantum gravity effects.

In many theories of quantum gravity quantum fluctuations of spacetime may serve as an environment for decoherence. Here we study quantum-gravitational decoherence of high energy astrophysical neutrinos in the presence of fermionic dark sectors and for a realistic three neutrino scenario. We show how violation of global symmetries expected to arise in quantum gravitational interactions provides a possibility to pin down the number of dark matter fermions in the universe. Furthermore, we predict the expected total neutrino flux and flavor ratios at experiments depending on the flavor composition at the source.

C. Pallis

Prepared for the Proceedings of the Corfu Summer Institute 2021 -- Conference: C21-08-29

We show how we can implement within Supergravity chaotic inflation in the presence of a pole of order one or two in the kinetic mixing of the inflaton sector. This pole arises due to the selected logarithmic Kahler potentials K, which parameterize hyperbolic manifolds with scalar curvature related to the coefficient -N of the logarithmic term. The associated superpotential W exhibits the same R charge with the inflaton-accompanying superfield and includes all the allowed terms. The role of the inflaton can be played by a gauge singlet or non-singlet superfield. Models with one logarithmic term in K for the inflaton, require N=2 and some tuning, of the order of 10^-5, between the terms of W and predict a tensor-to-scalar ratio r at the level of 0.001. The tuning can be totally eluded for more structured K's, with N values increasing with r and spectral index close or even equal to its present central observational value.

Ziming Wang, Junjie Zhao, Zihe An, Lijing Shao, Zhoujian Cao

16 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables; accepted by Physics Letters B

Compact binaries are an important class of gravitational-wave (GW) sources that can be detected by current and future GW observatories. They provide a testbed for general relativity (GR) in the highly dynamical strong-field regime. Here, we use GWs from inspiraling binary neutron stars and binary black holes to investigate dipolar gravitational radiation (DGR) and varying gravitational constant predicted by some alternative theories to GR, such as the scalar-tensor gravity. Within the parametrized post-Einsteinian framework, we introduce the parametrization of these two effects simultaneously into compact binaries' inspiral waveform and perform the Fisher-information-matrix analysis to estimate their simultaneous bounds. In general, the space-based GW detectors can give a tighter limit than ground-based ones. The tightest constraints can reach $\sigma_B<3\times10^{-11}$ for the DGR parameter $B$ and $\sigma_{\dot{G}}/G < 7\times10^{-9} \, {\rm yr}^{-1} $ for the varying $G$, when the time to coalescence of the GW event is close to the lifetime of space-based detectors. In addition, we analyze the correlation between these two effects and highlight the importance of considering both effects in order to arrive at more realistic results.

We present an algorithm for simulating reverse Monte Carlo decays given an existing forward Monte Carlo decay engine. This algorithm is implemented in the Alouette library, a TAUOLA thin wrapper for simulating decays of tau-leptons. We provide a detailed description of Alouette, as well as validation results.

We derive the one-loop effective action to second order in gradients. This expansion of the effective action is useful to study problems in cosmological settings where spatial or time gradients are important, such as bubble nucleation in strong first-order phase transitions. Assuming space-time dependent background fields, we work in Wigner space and perform a midpoint gradient expansion, which is consistent with the equation of motion satisfied by the propagator. In particular, we consider the fact that the propagator is non-trivially constrained by an additional equation of motion, obtained from symmetry requirements. We show the calculations for the case of a single scalar field and then generalise the result to the multi-field case. While we find a vanishing result in the single field case, the one-loop second-order gradient corrections can be significant when considering multiple fields. Finally, we apply our result to a simple toy model of two scalar fields with canonical kinetic terms and mass mixing at tree-level.