19 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
We present a study on the detailed elemental abundances of newly identified bright very metal-poor stars with the detection of lithium, initially observed as part of the SDSS/MARVELS pre-survey. These stars were selected for high-resolution spectroscopic follow-up as part of the HESP-GOMPA survey. In this work, we discuss the Li abundances detected for several stars in the survey, which include main-sequence stars, subgiants, and red giants. Different classes of stars are found to exhibit very similar distributions of Li, which point towards a common origin. We derive a scaling relation for the depletion of Li as a function of temperature for giants and main-sequence stars; the majority of the samples from the literature were found to fall within 1sigma (0.19 and 0.12 dex/K for giants and dwarfs respectively) of this relationship. We also report the existence of a slope of the Li abundances as a function of distances from the Galactic plane, indicating mixed stellar populations. Most Li-rich stars are found to be in or close to the galactic plane. Along with Li, we have derived detailed abundances for C, odd-Z, alpha-, Fe-peak, and neutron-capture elements for each star. We have also used astrometric parameters from Gaia-EDR3 to complement our study, and derived kinematics to differentiate between the motions of the stars; those formed in situ and accreted. The stellar population of the Spite plateau, including additional stars from the literature, is found to have significant contributions from stars formed in situ and through accretion. The orbits for the program stars have also been derived and studied for a period of 5 Gyr backward in time.
Published in ApJL, 8 pages, 5 figures
Observations and simulations have demonstrated that star formation in galaxies must be actively suppressed to prevent the formation of over-massive galaxies. Galactic outflows driven by stellar feedback or supermassive black hole accretion are often invoked to regulate the amount of cold molecular gas available for future star formation, but may not be the only relevant quenching processes in all galaxies. We present the discovery of vast molecular tidal features extending up to 64 kpc outside of a massive z=0.646 post-starburst galaxy that recently concluded its primary star-forming episode. The tidal tails contain (1.2 +/- 0.1)x10^10 Msun of molecular gas, 47 +/- 5 % of the total cold gas reservoir of the system. Both the scale and magnitude of the molecular tidal features are unprecedented compared to all known nearby or high-redshift merging systems. We infer that the cold gas was stripped from the host galaxies during the merger, which is most likely responsible for triggering the initial burst phase and the subsequent suppression of star formation. While only a single example, this result shows that galaxy mergers can regulate the cold gas contents in distant galaxies by directly removing a large fraction of the molecular gas fuel, and plausibly suppress star formation directly, a qualitatively different physical mechanism than feedback-driven outflows.
10 pages, 5 figures, comments welcome
For the Hamiltonian system, this work considers the learning and prediction of the position (q) and momentum (p) variables generated by a symplectic evolution map. Similar to Chen & Tao (2021), the symplectic map is represented by the generating function. In addition, we develop a new learning scheme by splitting the time series (q_i, p_i) into several partitions, and then train a leap-frog neural network (LFNN) to approximate the generating function between the first (i.e. initial condition) and one of the rest partitions. For predicting the system evolution in a short timescale, the LFNN could effectively avoid the issue of accumulative error. Then the LFNN is applied to learn the behavior of the 2:3 resonant Kuiper belt objects, in a much longer time period, and there are two significant improvements on the neural network constructed in our previous work (Li et al. 2022): (1) conservation of the Jacobi integral ; (2) highly accurate prediction of the orbital evolution. We propose that the LFNN may be useful to make the prediction of the long time evolution of the Hamiltonian system.
26 pages, 24 figures. Submitted to A&A. Part of the BeyondPlanck paper suite
We present posterior sample-based cosmic microwave background (CMB) constraints from Planck LFI and WMAP observations derived through global end-to-end Bayesian processing. We use these samples to study correlations between CMB, foreground, and instrumental parameters, and we identify a particularly strong degeneracy between CMB temperature fluctuations and free-free emission on intermediate angular scales, which is mitigated through model reduction, masking, and resampling. We compare our posterior-based CMB results with previous Planck products, and find generally good agreement, but with higher noise due to exclusion of HFI data. We find a best-fit CMB dipole amplitude of $3362.7\pm1.4{\mu}K$, in excellent agreement with previous Planck results. The quoted uncertainty is derived directly from the sampled posterior distribution, and does not involve any ad hoc contribution for systematic effects. Similarly, we find a temperature quadrupole amplitude of $\sigma^{TT}_2=229\pm97{\mu}K^2$, in good agreement with previous results in terms of the amplitude, but the uncertainty is an order of magnitude larger than the diagonal Fisher uncertainty. Relatedly, we find lower evidence for a possible alignment between $\ell = 2$ and $\ell = 3$ than previously reported due to a much larger scatter in the individual quadrupole coefficients, caused both by marginalizing over a more complete set of systematic effects, and by our more conservative analysis mask. For higher multipoles, we find that the angular temperature power spectrum is generally in good agreement with both Planck and WMAP. This is the first time the sample-based asymptotically exact Blackwell-Rao estimator has been successfully established for multipoles up to $\ell\le600$, and it now accounts for the majority of the cosmologically important information. Cosmological parameter constraints are presented in a companion paper. (Abriged)
32 pages, 23 figures, data available from this https URL
We present Planck LFI frequency sky maps derived within the BeyondPlanck framework. This framework draws samples from a global posterior distribution that includes instrumental, astrophysical and cosmological parameters, and the main product is an entire ensemble of frequency sky map samples. This ensemble allows for computationally convenient end-to-end propagation of low-level instrumental uncertainties into higher-level science products. We show that the two dominant sources of LFI instrumental systematic uncertainties are correlated noise and gain fluctuations, and the products presented here support - for the first time - full Bayesian error propagation for these effects at full angular resolution. We compare our posterior mean maps with traditional frequency maps delivered by the Planck collaboration, and find generally good agreement. The most important quality improvement is due to significantly lower calibration uncertainties in the new processing, as we find a fractional absolute calibration uncertainty at 70 GHz of $\delta g_{0}/g_{0} =5 \cdot 10^{-5}$, which is nominally 40 times smaller than that reported by Planck 2018. However, the original Planck 2018 estimate has a non-trivial statistical interpretation, and this further illustrates the advantage of the new framework in terms of producing self-consistent and well-defined error estimates of all involved quantities without the need of ad hoc uncertainty contributions. We describe how low-resolution data products, including dense pixel-pixel covariance matrices, may be produced directly from the posterior samples without the need for computationally expensive analytic calculations or simulations. We conclude that posterior-based frequency map sampling provides unique capabilities in terms of low-level systematics modelling and error propagation, and may play an important role for future CMB B-mode experiments. (Abridged.)
11 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ
GRB 220627A, detected by Fermi GBM, shows two episodes of gamma-ray emission, which are separated by a {$\sim$700} s-long quiescent phase. Due to similar temporal shapes and spectra in the two episodes, GRB 220627A is speculated to be a gravitationally-lensed GRB. We analyze the Fermi-LAT data and find that about 49 gamma-ray photons above 100 MeV come from the GRB during the first episode, while there is no GeV photons detected in the second episode. Based on the broad-band spectral study of the two episodes, the gravitationally-lensing scenario can be ruled out at a high confidence level and we thus conclude that GRB 220627A is an intrinsically ultra-long GRB with the prompt burst emission lasting longer than 1000 s. It is then the first case that GeV emission is detected from an ultra-long GRB. We find that a short spike seen in the LAT light curve is also present in GBM detectors that see the burst, suggesting a common internal region of emission across the entire Fermi energy range. The detection of a 15.7-GeV photon during the early prompt phase places a lower limit of $\Gamma\ge300$ on the bulk Lorentz factor of the GRB ejecta. The constraint on the bulk Lorentz factor could shed light on the origin of ultra-long GRBs.
18 pages, accepted to AJ
Prospects for expanding the available mass measurements of the Kepler sample are limited. Planet masses have typically been inferred via radial velocity (RV) measurements of the host star or time-series modeling of transit timing variations (TTVs) in multiplanet systems; however, the majority of Kepler hosts are too dim for RV follow-up, and only a select number of systems have strong enough TTVs for time-series modeling. Here, we develop a method of constraining planet mass in multiplanet systems using low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) TTVs. For a sample of 175 planets in 79 multiplanet systems from the California-Kepler Survey, we infer posteriors on planet mass using publicly available TTV time-series from Kepler. For 53 planets ($>30\%$ of our sample), low-S/N TTVs yield informative upper bounds on planet mass, i.e., the mass constraint strongly deviates from the prior on mass and yields a physically reasonable bulk composition. For 25 small planets, low-S/N TTVs favor volatile-rich compositions. Where available, low-S/N TTV-based mass constraints are consistent with RV-derived masses. TTV time-series are publicly available for each Kepler planet, and the compactness of Kepler systems makes TTV-based constraints informative for a substantial fraction of multiplanet systems. Leveraging low-S/N TTVs offers a valuable path toward increasing the available mass constraints of the Kepler sample.
23 pages, 10 figures, and 2 tables. Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysics
10 pages, 11 figures, comments welcome
15 pages, 8 Figures, 5 Tables. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics
Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics
22 pages + appendix, 14 Figures + 3 in the appendix, submitted to MNRAS
Submitted for publication to A&A. Comments are welcome
5 pages (+4 pages of references), 3 figures. 3 pages and 3 figures of supplementary material
11 pages, 5 figures
11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table
14 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to MNRAS in August 2022 (under review)
Published in Nature Astronomy (2022), includes supplementary material
17 pages, 13 figures Comments are welcome
5 pages, 3 figures
24 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A
14 pages, 9 figures
9 pages, 10 figures
11 pages, 10 figures, to be published in proceedings for SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022
14 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS
16 pages, 12 figures
20 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
8 pages, 1 Table and 4 Figures; AJ accepted
8 pages, submitted to MNRAS
22 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
17 figures, accepted for publication
15 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables
10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in RAA 2022
Accepted in PASA, 23 pages, 16 figures
Accepted for publication on MNRAS
Submitted to PASA; comments welcome
13 pages, 18 figures, 2 tables. Accepted to be published in MNRAS
Submitted to A&A (16 pages, 12 figures)
21 pages, submitted to Annalen der Physik
17 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
27 pages, 25 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics
15 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics
20 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ
Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome!
5 pages, 3 figures
7 pages, 2 figures. Resubmitted after addressing referee report
Accepted for ApJ
Submitted to Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research Section A
14 pages, 10 Figures and 5 Tables. Accepted for publication on MNRAS
12 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in ApJS
Accepted for publication in MNRAS
14 pages, 8 figures, accepted in ApJ
14pages, 5 figures, accepted by RAA
12 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics
7 pages, 6 figures, LTD19 Conference Proceedings
4 pages, 1 table; Published in RNAAS.; Comments welcome
Accepted for publication in EPJC
16 pages, 18 figures
19 pages, 7 tables, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&A - pre-proofs version, catalog tables will be available online
3 pages, 2 figures, subm. to Proc. IAU Symp. 363, poster presentation
Submission to SciPost Phys. Proc. - Proceedings of the ISVHECRI 2022 conference
Submission to SciPost. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2108.04748
Proceedings of the ICRC2021 conference
9 pages, 4 figures, 8 animations as online material
Submission to SciPost Phys. Proc
Accepted for Publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 31 Pages, 22 Figures. The model grid will be released via Zenodo
16 pages, 6 figures
23 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ
19 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables. All comments are welcome!
16 pages, 16 figures
14 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables
9 pages, 9 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRAS
37 pages, 4 figures
13 pages, 13 figures
15 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures
17 pages, 3 figures, LaTeX
4 pages, 4 figures
6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D, this paper continues ArXiv: 2205.01033
8 pages, 4 figures, Comments and suggestions are welcome