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Papers for Wednesday, Sep 07 2022

Papers with local authors

J. Álvarez-Márquez, A. Labiano, P. Guillard, D. Dicken, I. Argyriou, P. Patapis, D. R. Law, P. J. Kavanagh, K. L. Larson, D. Gasman, M. Mueller, A. Alberts, B. R. Brandl, L. Colina, M. García-Marín, O. C. Jones, A. Noriega-Crespo, I. Shivaei, T. Temim, G. S. Wright

13 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, submitted to A&A

0 votes
Paper 41 — arXiv:2209.01695
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Paper 41 — arXiv:2209.01695

During the commissioning of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) observed NGC 6552 with the MIRI Imager and the Medium-Resolution Spectrograph (MRS). NGC 6552 is an active galactic nucleus (AGN) at redshift 0.0266 classified as a Seyfert 2 nucleus in the optical, and Compton-thick AGN in X-rays. This work exemplifies and demonstrates the MRS capabilities to study the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectra and characterize the physical conditions and kinematics of the ionized and molecular gas in the nuclear regions of nearby galaxies. We obtained the nuclear, circumnuclear, and central mid-IR spectra of NGC 6552. They provide the first clear observational evidence for a nuclear outflow in NGC 6552. The outflow contributes to 68$\pm$6% of the total line flux independent of the ionization potential (27 to 187 eV) and critical densities (10$^4$ to 4$\times$10$^{6}$ cm$^{-3}$), showing an average blue-shifted peak velocity of -126$\pm$44 kms$^{-1}$ and an outflow maximal velocity of 689$\pm$37 kms$^{-1}$. Since the mid-IR photons penetrate dusty regions as efficiently as X-ray keV photons, we interpret these results as the evidence for a highly ionized, non-stratified, AGN-powered, and fast outflowing gas in a low density environment (few 10$^{3}$ cm$^{-3}$) located very close to the Compton-thick AGN. Nine pure rotational molecular Hydrogen lines are detected and spectrally resolved, and exhibit symmetric Gaussian profiles, consistent with the galactic rotation, and with no evidence of outflowing H$_{2}$ material. We detect a warm H$_{2}$ mass of $1.7\pm1.1\times10^7 M_{\odot}$ in the central region (1.8 kpc in diameter) of the galaxy, with almost 20% of that mass in the circum-nuclear region. Line ratios confirm that NGC 6552 has a Seyfert nucleus with a black hole mass estimated in the range of 0.8 to 8 million solar masses.

Digvijay Wadekar, Leander Thiele, J. Colin Hill, Shivam Pandey, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, David N. Spergel, Miles Cranmer, Daisuke Nagai, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar, Shirley Ho, Lars Hernquist

12+4 pages, 7+4 figures. The code and data associated with this paper are available at this https URL

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Paper 65 — arXiv:2209.02075
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Paper 65 — arXiv:2209.02075

Ionized gas in the halo circumgalactic medium leaves an imprint on the cosmic microwave background via the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich (tSZ) effect. Feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) and supernovae can affect the measurements of the integrated tSZ flux of halos ($Y_\mathrm{SZ}$) and cause its relation with the halo mass ($Y_\mathrm{SZ}-M$) to deviate from the self-similar power-law prediction of the virial theorem. We perform a comprehensive study of such deviations using CAMELS, a suite of hydrodynamic simulations with extensive variations in feedback prescriptions. We use a combination of two machine learning tools (random forest and symbolic regression) to search for analogues of the $Y-M$ relation which are more robust to feedback processes for low masses ($M\lesssim 10^{14}\, h^{-1} \, M_\odot$); we find that simply replacing $Y\rightarrow Y(1+M_*/M_\mathrm{gas})$ in the relation makes it remarkably self-similar. This could serve as a robust multiwavelength mass proxy for low-mass clusters and galaxy groups. Our methodology can also be generally useful to improve the domain of validity of other astrophysical scaling relations. We also forecast that measurements of the $Y-M$ relation could provide percent-level constraints on certain combinations of feedback parameters and/or rule out a major part of the parameter space of supernova and AGN feedback models used in current state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulations. Our results can be useful for using upcoming SZ surveys (e.g. SO, CMB-S4) and galaxy surveys (e.g. DESI and Rubin) to constrain the nature of baryonic feedback. Finally, we find that the an alternative relation, $Y-M_*$, provides complementary information on feedback than $Y-M$.

Hayk Hakobyan, Bart Ripperda, Alexander Philippov

16 pages, 5 figures, 1 table

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Paper 72 — arXiv:2209.02105
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Paper 72 — arXiv:2209.02105

Active Galactic Nuclei in general, and the supermassive black hole in M87 in particular, show bright and rapid gamma-ray flares up to energies of 100 GeV and above. For M87, the flares show multiwavelength components, and the variability timescale is comparable to the dynamical time of the event horizon, suggesting that the emission may come from a compact region nearby the nucleus. However, the emission mechanism for these flares is not well understood. Recent high-resolution general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics simulations show the occurrence of episodic magnetic reconnection events that can power flares nearby the black hole event horizon. In this work we analyze the radiative properties of the reconnecting current layer under the extreme plasma conditions applicable to the black hole in M87 from first principles. We show that abundant pair production is expected in the vicinity of the reconnection layer, to the extent that the produced secondary pair-plasma dominates the reconnection dynamics. Using analytic estimates backed by two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations we demonstrate that even in the presence of strong synchrotron cooling, reconnection can still produce a hard power-law distribution of pair plasma imprinted in the outgoing synchrotron (up to few tens of MeV) and the inverse-Compton signal (up to TeV). We produce synthetic radiation spectra from our simulations, which can be directly compared with the results of future multiwavelength observations of M87* flares.

Hayk Hakobyan, Alexander Philippov, Anatoly Spitkovsky, Princeton University, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Columbia University, CCA, Flatiron Institute, University of Maryland

22 pages, 12 figures

0 votes
Paper 73 — arXiv:2209.02121
0 votes
Paper 73 — arXiv:2209.02121

Some of the most energetic pulsars exhibit rotation-modulated gamma-ray emission in the 0.1 to 100 GeV band. The luminosity of this emission is typically 0.1-10% of the pulsar spin-down power (gamma-ray efficiency), implying that a significant fraction of the available electromagnetic energy is dissipated in the magnetosphere and reradiated as high-energy photons. To investigate this phenomenon we model a pulsar magnetosphere using 3D particle-in-cell simulations with strong synchrotron cooling. We particularly focus on the dynamics of the equatorial current sheet where magnetic reconnection and energy dissipation take place. Our simulations demonstrate that a fraction of the spin-down power dissipated in the magnetospheric current sheet is controlled by the rate of magnetic reconnection at microphysical plasma scales and only depends on the pulsar inclination angle. We demonstrate that the maximum energy and the distribution function of accelerated pairs is controlled by the available magnetic energy per particle near the current sheet, the magnetization parameter. The shape and the extent of the plasma distribution is imprinted in the observed synchrotron emission, in particular, in the peak and the cutoff of the observed spectrum. We study how the strength of synchrotron cooling affects the observed variety of spectral shapes. Our conclusions naturally explain why pulsars with higher spin-down power have wider spectral shapes and, as a result, lower gamma-ray efficiency.

All other papers

Demetrio Tadeu Ceccatto, Nelson Callegari, Adrian Rodrigues

The current orbit of Atlas was analyzed using frequency phase space mapping. Finding that the Corotation and Lindblad resonances are separated by about 4 kilometers, the latter is related to Atlas eccentricity greater than 0.0095. Extending the Dynamic Maps concept we find, in addition to the 53:52 resonance (Cooper et al. 2015), the 55:54 resonance. Finally, we demonstrate how gravitational perturbations by Pandora contribute to additional oscillations of the critical angle for the 54:53 resonance

V. Vaulato, V. Nascimbeni, G. Piotto

15 pages, 5 figures, 6 table. Accepted for publication on A&A on September 2, 2022

When searching for exoplanets, early-type, main-sequence pulsating stars such as $\delta$ Scuti variables are one of the least explored class of targets. Pulsation timing (PT) is an alternative technique to the most effective search methods, which exploits the light-travel effect (LTE) to infer the presence of additional massive bodies around a pulsating star by measuring a periodic phase modulation of its signal. PT has been already extremely successful in discovering and characterizing stellar binaries when applied to high-precision light curves over large temporal baselines, such as those delivered by the Kepler mission. In favorable conditions, the sensitivity of PT can reach the planetary-mass regime, with one such candidate already claimed. The advent of TESS, with its nearly full-sky coverage and the availability of full-frame images, opens a great opportunity to expand this field of research. In this work, we present a pilot study aimed to understand the potential of PT applied to TESS data, considerably different with respect to Kepler in terms of photometric noise, sampling cadence and temporal baseline. We focused on the most favourable class of $\delta$ Scuti, that is those showing large pulsations and very simple frequency spectra. After the development of a customized pipeline, for two targets we were able to detect candidate companions within the (sub-)stellar mass regime: Chang 134 ($43\pm 5$ $M_\mathrm{jup}$, $P\simeq 82$ d) and V393 Car ($\gtrsim 100$ $M_\mathrm{jup}$, $P\gtrsim 700$ d). Our results also highlights the limiting factors of this technique and the importance of an accurate absolute time calibration for future missions such as PLATO.

Line intensity mapping is rapidly gaining prominence as a tool to understand galaxy evolution and cosmology at high redshift. However, the standard power spectrum analysis for these surveys suffers from a tight degeneracy between the overall mean line intensity and the bias of the emitting galaxies. We outline a new formalism for the Voxel Intensity Distribution (VID), a one-point statistic which is known to contain information beyond the power spectrum. We use this new calculation to show for the first time that the VID can be used to break this key degeneracy in intensity mapping data.

Sambit K. Giri, Aurel Schneider, Francisco Maion, Raul E. Angulo

6 pages, 4 figures, comments welcome

Current best limits on the 21-cm signal during reionization are provided at large scales ($\gtrsim$100 Mpc). To model these scales, enormous simulation volumes are required which are computationally expensive. We find that the primary source of uncertainty at these large scales is sample variance, which decides the minimum size of simulations required to analyse current and upcoming observations. In large-scale structure simulations, the method of `fixing' the initial conditions (ICs) to exactly follow the initial power spectrum and `pairing' two simulations with exactly out-of-phase ICs has been shown to significantly reduce sample variance. Here we apply this `fixing and pairing' (F\&P) approach to reionization simulations whose clustering signal originates from both density fluctuations and reionization bubbles. Using a semi-numerical code, we show that with the traditional method, simulation boxes of $L\simeq 500$ (300) Mpc are required to model the large-scale clustering signal at $k$=0.1 Mpc$^{-1}$ with a precision of 5 (10) per cent. Using F\&P, the simulation boxes can be reduced by a factor of 2 to obtain the same precision level. We conclude that the computing costs can be reduced by at least a factor of 4 when using the F\&P approach.

Zhijie Qu, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Gwen C. Rudie, Fakhri S. Zahedy, Sean D. Johnson, Erin Boettcher, Sebastiano Cantalupo, Mandy C. Chen, Kathy L. Cooksey, David DePalma, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Michael Rauch, Joop Schaye, Robert A. Simcoe

16 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS

This paper presents a systematic study of the photoionization and thermodynamic properties of the cool circumgalactic medium (CGM) as traced by rest-frame ultraviolet absorption lines around 26 galaxies at redshift $z\lesssim1$. The study utilizes both high-quality far-ultraviolet and optical spectra of background QSOs and deep galaxy redshift surveys to characterize the gas density, temperature, and pressure of individual absorbing components and to resolve their internal non-thermal motions. The derived gas density spans more than three decades, from $\log (n_{\rm H}/{\rm cm^{-3}}) \approx -4$ to $-1$, while the temperature of the gas is confined in a narrow range of $\log (T/{\rm K})\approx 4.3\pm 0.3$. In addition, a weak anti-correlation between gas density and temperature is observed, consistent with the expectation of the gas being in photoionization equilibrium. Furthermore, decomposing the observed line widths into thermal and non-thermal contributions reveals that more than 30% of the components at $z\lesssim 1$ exhibit line widths driven by non-thermal motions, in comparison to $<20$% found at $z\approx 2$-3. Attributing the observed non-thermal line widths to intra-clump turbulence, we find that massive quenched galaxies on average exhibit higher non-thermal broadening/turbulent energy in their CGM compared to star-forming galaxies at $z\lesssim 1$. Finally, strong absorption features from multiple ions covering a wide range of ionization energy (e.g., from Mg II to O IV) can be present simultaneously in a single absorption system with kinematically aligned component structure, but the inferred pressure in different phases may differ by a factor of $\approx 10$.

Henrik Knierim, Sho Shibata, Ravit Helled

accepted for publication in A&A, 5 pages, including 4 figures, plus 2 pages appendix

The origin of close-in giant planets is a key open question in planet formation theory. The two leading models are formation at the outer disk followed by migration and in-situ formation. In this work, we determine the atmospheric composition of warm Jupiters for both formation scenarios. We perform N-body simulations of planetesimal accretion inside and outside the water ice-line for various planetary formation locations, planetary masses, and planetesimal sizes to estimate the accreted heavy-element mass and final planetary composition. We find that both models differ significantly: migrating giant planets have 2-14 times higher metallicities than planets that form in-situ. The ratio between refractories and volatiles is found to be above one for migrating planets but below 0.4 for planets that form in-situ. We also identify very different trends between heavy-element enrichment and planetary mass for these two formation mechanisms. While the metallicity of migrating planets is found to increase with decreasing planetary mass, it is about constant for in-situ formation. Our study highlights the importance of measuring the atmospheric composition of warm Jupiters and its connection to their formation and evolutionary paths.

Yueying Ni, Tiziana DiMatteo, Nianyi Chen, Rupert Croft, Simeon Bird

7 pages, 4 figures, comments welcome

The origin of rare and elusive ultramassive black holes (UMBH, with $\mbh > 10^{10} \msun$) is an open question. Using the large volume cosmological hydrodynamic simulation \astrid, we report on the formation of an extremely massive UMBH with $\mbh \sim 10^{11} \msun$ at $z \sim 2$. The UMBH is assembled as a result of two successive mergers of massive galaxies each with stellar mass $\mstar > 3 \times 10^{11}$ that also produces a bright, rare triple quasar system powered by three $\sim 10^9 \msun$ black holes. The second merger of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) follows the first after 150 Myrs. The merger events lead to sustained Eddington accretion onto the central SMBH, forming an UMBH in the center of a massive compact stellar core with $\mstar > 2 \times 10^{12} \msun$. The strong feedback of the UMBH quenches the surrounding star formation to $< 10 \msun$/yr in the inner 50 $\hkpc$ region. There are two more UMBHs with $\mbh > 5 \times 10^{10} \msun$ at $z>2$ in \astrid which are also produced by major mergers of galaxies, and their progenitors can be observed as quasar triplets of lower luminosity. The rarely observed quasar multiples can be the cradle of UMBHs at high redshift, and likely end up in the center of the most massive clusters.

Anaëlle Maury, Patrick Hennebelle, Josep Miquel Girart

Accepted as review paper in Frontiers

In this review paper, we aim at providing a global outlook on the progresses made in the recent years to characterize the role of magnetic fields during the embedded phases of the star formation process. Thanks to the development of observational capabilities and the parallel progress in numerical models capturing most of the important physics at work during star formation, it has recently become possible to confront detailed predictions of magnetized models to observational properties of the youngest protostars. We provide an overview of the most important consequences when adding magnetic fields to state-of-the-art models of protostellar formation, emphasizing their role to shape the resulting star(s) and their disk(s). We discuss the importance of magnetic field coupling to set the efficiency of magnetic processes, and provide a review of observational works putting constraints on the two main agents responsible for the coupling in star-forming cores: dust grains and ionized gas. We recall the physical processes and observational methods allowing to trace the magnetic field topology and its intensity in embedded protostars, and review the main steps, success and limitations in comparing real observations to synthetic observations from the non-ideal MHD models. Finally, we discuss the main threads of observational evidence that suggest a key role of magnetic fields for star and disk formation, and propose a scenario solving the angular momentum for star formation, also highlighting the remaining tensions that exist between models and observations.

M. Sobolenko, O. Kompaniiets, P. Berczik, V. Marchenko, A. Vasylenko, E. Fedorova, B. Shukirgaliyev

12 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The main idea of our research is to estimate the physical coalescence time of the double supermassive black hole (SMBH) system in the centre of NGC 6240 based on the X-ray observations from the Chandra space observatory. The spectra of the Northern and Southern nuclei were fitted by spectral models from Sherpa and both presented the narrow component of the Fe K$\alpha$ emission line. It enabled us to apply the spectral model to these lines and to find relative offset $\approx0.02$ keV. The enclosed dynamical mass of the central region of NGC 6240 with radius 1 kpc was estimated $\approx 2.04\times 10^{11} \rm\; M_{\odot}$. These data allowed us to carry on the high resolution direct N-body simulations with Newtonian and post-Newtonian (up to $2.5\mathcal{PN}$ correction) dynamics for this particular double SMBH system. As a result, from our numerical models we approximated the central SMBH binary merging time for the different binary eccentricities. In our numerical parameters range the upper limit for the merging time, even for the very small eccentricities, is still below $\approx70$ Myr. Gravitational waveforms and amplitude-frequency pictures from such events can be detected using Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) projects at the last merging phase.

C.L. Carilli, R.A. Perley (NRAO), D.A. Perley (John Moores), V. Dhawan (NRAO), R. Decarli (INAF), A. Evans (NRAO/UVa), K. Nyland (NRL)

5 Figures, 23 pages, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the ApJ

We present the discovery of a 4 kpc molecular gas lane in the Cygnus A host galaxy, using ALMA CO 2-1 observations. The gas lane is oriented roughly perpendicular to the projected radio jet axis. The CO emission generally follows the clumpy dust lanes seen in HST I-band images. The total molecular gas mass is $30\times 10^8$ M$_\odot$ for Milky Way type clouds, and $3.6 \times 10^8$ M$_\odot$ for starburst conditions. There is a velocity change from the northern to southern CO peaks of about $\pm 175$~km~s$^{-1}$, and an apparently smooth velocity gradient between the peaks, although the emission in the central region is weak. In the inner $\sim 0.5"$ projected distance from the radio core, comparison of the CO velocities to those observed for H$_2$ 2.1218 $\mu$m emission shows higher velocities for the vibrationally excited warm molecular gas than the cooler CO 2-1 line emitting gas at similar projected radii. A possible explanation for these different projected velocities at a given radius is that the cooler CO gas is distributed in a clumpy ring at radius $\sim 1.5"$ to $2"$, while the warm H$_2$ 2.12$\mu$m emitting gas is interior to this ring. Of course, the current data cannot rule-out a clumpy, amorphous molecular gas distribution linearly distributed perpendicular to the radio jet axis. We consider surface brightness properties on scales down to $\sim 265$~pc, and discuss the Cygnus A results in the context of other radio galaxies with CO emission.

R. Allart, C. Lovis, J. Faria, X. Dumusque, D. Sosnowska, P. Figueira, A. M. Silva, A. Mehner, F.Pepe, S. Cristiani, R. Rebolo, N. C. Santos, V. Adibekyan, G. Cupani, P. Di Marcantonio, V. D'Odorico, J. I. González Hernández, C. J. A. P. Martins, D. Milaković, N. J. Nunes, A. Sozzetti, A. Suárez Mascareño, H. Tabernero, M. R. Zapatero Osorio

18 pages, 18 figures, accepted to A&A

Ground-based high-resolution spectrographs are key instruments for several astrophysical domains. Unfortunately, the observed spectra are contaminated by the Earth's atmosphere. While different techniques exist to correct for telluric lines in exoplanet atmospheric studies, in radial velocity (RV) studies, telluric lines with an absorption depth of >2% are generally masked, which poses a problem for faint targets and M dwarfs as most of their RV content is present where telluric contamination is important. We propose a simple telluric model to be embedded in the ESPRESSO DRS. The goal is to provide telluric-free spectra and enable RV measurements, including spectral ranges where telluric lines fall. The model is a line-by-line radiative transfer code that assumes a single atmospheric layer. We use the sky conditions and the physical properties of the lines from HITRAN to create the telluric spectrum. A subset of selected telluric lines is used to robustly fit the spectrum through a Levenberg-Marquardt minimization algorithm. When applied to stellar spectra from A0- to M5-type stars, the residuals of the strongest H2O lines are below 2% for all spectral types, with the exception of M dwarfs, which are within the pseudo-continuum. We then determined the RVs from the telluric-corrected ESPRESSO spectra of Tau Ceti and Proxima. We created telluric-free masks and compared the obtained RVs with the DRS RVs. In the case of Tau Ceti, we identified that micro-telluric lines introduce systematics up to an amplitude of 58 cm/s and with a period of one year. For Proxima, the gain in spectral content at redder wavelengths is equivalent to a gain of 25% in photon noise. This leads to better constraints on the semi-amplitude and eccentricity of Proxima d. We showcase that our model can be applied to other molecules, and thus to other wavelength regions observed by other spectrographs, such as NIRPS.

O. Adriani, Y. Akaike, K. Asano, Y. Asaoka, E. Berti, G. Bigongiari, W. R. Binns, M. Bongi, P. Brogi, A. Bruno, J. H. Buckley, N. Cannady, G. Castellini, C. Checchia, M. L. Cherry, G. Collazuol, K. Ebisawa, A.W. Ficklin, H. Fuke, S. Gonzi, T. G. Guzik, T. Hams, K. Hibino, M. Ichimura, K. Ioka, W. Ishizaki, M. H. Israel, K. Kasahara, J. Kataoka, R. Kataoka, Y. Katayose, C. Kato, N. Kawanaka, Y. Kawakubo, K. Kobayashi, K. Kohri, H. S. Krawczynski, J. F. Krizmanic, P. Maestro, P. S. Marrocchesi, A. M. Messineo, J.W. Mitchell, S. Miyake, A. A. Moiseev, M. Mori, N. Mori, H. M. Motz, K. Munakata, S. Nakahira, J. Nishimura, G. A. de Nolfo, S. Okuno, J. F. Ormes, S. Ozawa, L. Pacini, P. Papini, B.F. Rauch, S. B. Ricciarini, K. Sakai, T. Sakamoto, M. Sasaki, Y. Shimizu, A. Shiomi, P. Spillantini, et al. (16 additional authors not shown)

main text: 8 pages, 5 figures, supplemental material: 9 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, marked as a PRL Editor's Suggestion

A precise measurement of the cosmic-ray proton spectrum with the Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is presented in the energy interval from 50 GeV to 60 TeV, and the observation of a softening of the spectrum above 10 TeV is reported. The analysis is based on the data collected during $\sim$6.2 years of smooth operations aboard the International Space Station and covers a broader energy range with respect to the previous proton flux measurement by CALET, with an increase of the available statistics by a factor of $\sim$2.2. Above a few hundred GeV we confirm our previous observation of a progressive spectral hardening with a higher significance (more than 20 sigma). In the multi-TeV region we observe a second spectral feature with a softening around 10 TeV and a spectral index change from =2.6 to -2.9 consistently, within the errors, with the shape of the spectrum reported by DAMPE. We apply a simultaneous fit of the proton differential spectrum which well reproduces the gradual change of the spectral index encompassing the lower energy power-law regime and the two spectral features observed at higher energies.

Kenji Kadota, Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, Kiyotomo Ichiki, Kenji Hasegawa

12 pages, 7 figures

We study the contribution of subhalos to the 21 cm forest signal. The halos can host the substructures and including the effects of those small scale clumps can potentially boost the 21 cm optical depth in favor of detecting the 21 cm forest signals. We estimate the boost factor representing the ratio of the optical depth due to the subhalo contribution and that due to the host halo alone (without subhalos). Even though the optical depth boost factor is negligible for a small host halo with the mass of order $10^5 M_{\odot}$, the subhalo contribution can enhance the optical depth by an order of magnitude for a host halo of order $10^7 M_{\odot}$. The resultant 21 cm absorption line abundance which is obtained by integrating over the halo mass range relevant for the 21 cm forest signal can be enhanced by up to of order $10\%$ due to the substructures. The larger boost factor for a larger host halo would be of particular interest for the 21 cm forest detection because the the contribution of the larger host halos to the 21 cm forest signals is smaller due to their higher temperature and less abundance than the smaller host halos. The subhalos hence can well help the larger host halos more important for the signal estimation which, without considering the subhalos, may not give appreciable contribution to 21 cm forest signals.

The planetary nebula known as the Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC 6543) has a complex, point-symmetric morphology that cannot be fully explained by the current theory of planetary nebula formation, the Interacting Stellar Winds Model. In order to reveal the three dimensional (3D) structure of the Cat's Eye Nebula, we created a detailed 3D morpho-kinematic model of this nebula using a [NII] image from the Hubble Space Telescope and five different position-velocity diagrams using the SHAPE code. This modeling approach has revealed point-symmetric partial rings, which were likely formed by a precessing jet.

Vadim Bobylev, Anisa Bajkova

11 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted to Astron. Lett

A sample of classical Cepheids of the Galaxy with estimates of their distances taken from the work of Skowron et al., where they were determined on the basis of the period-luminosity relation has been studied. In the present work, the distances of Skowron et al. were increased by 10% according to the results of our previous kinematic analysis of these Cepheids. Geometric characteristics of two spiral arms, namely, the Carina-Sagittarius and the Outer arms have been specified. The distance from the Sun to the galactic center was assumed to be $8.1\pm0.1$ kpc. Based on 257 Cepheids belonging to a segment of the Carina-Sagittarius arm, with ages in the range of 80-120 Myr, the value of the pitch angle of the spiral pattern $i=-12.7\pm0.4^\circ$ and the position of this arm $a_0=7.28\pm0.05$ kpc are found. Based on 352 Cepheids from the Outer arm with ages in the range of 120-300 Myr there were found the estimates: $i=-12.0\pm0.5^\circ$ and $a_0=13.03\pm0.06$ kpc. Based on a sample of 1618 Cepheids with ages in the range of 80-300 Myr, a wavelet map was constructed in the "position angle-logarithm of distance" plane. From the analysis of this map, the following estimates were obtained for the Carina-Sagittarius arm: $i=-12.9\pm0.4^\circ$ and $a_0=7.43\pm0.05$ kpc, and for the Outer arm $i=-12.5\pm0 .5^\circ$ and $a_0=13.33\pm0.06$ kpc.

GW number count can be used as a novel tracer of the large scale structure (LSS) in the luminosity distance space (LDS), just like galaxies in the redshift space. It is possible to obtain the $D_L-D_A$ duality relation with clustering effect. However, several LSS induced errors will contaminate the GW luminosity distance measurement, such as the peculiar velocity dispersion error of the host galaxy as well as the foreground lensing magnification. The distance uncertainties induced from these effects will degrade the GW clustering from a spectroscopic-like data down to a photometric-like data. In this paper, we investigate how these LSS induced distance errors modify our cosmological parameter precision inferred from the LDS clustering. We consider two of the next generation GW observatories, namely the Big Bang Observatory (BBO) and the Einstein Telescope (ET). We forecast the parameter estimation errors on the angular diameter distance $D_A$, luminosity distance space Hubble parameter $H_L$ and structure growth rate $f_L\sigma_8$ with a Fisher matrix method. Generally speaking, the GW source clustering data can be used for cosmological studies below $D_L<5$ Gpc, while above this scale the lensing errors will increase significantly. We find that for BBO, it is possible to constrain the cosmological parameters with a relative error of $10^{-3}$ to $10^{-2}$ below $D_L<5$ Gpc. The velocity dispersion error is dominant in the low luminosity distance range, while the lensing magnification error is the bottleneck in the large luminosity distance range. To reduce the lensing error, we assumed a $50\%$ delensing efficiency. Even with this optimal assumption, the fractional error increased to $O(1)$ at luminosity distance $D_L=25$ Gpc. The results for ET are similar as those from BBO. Due to the GW source number in ET is less than that from BBO, the corresponding results also get a bit worse.

Warren Massonneau, Yohan Dubois, Marta Volonteri, Ricarda S. Beckmann

10 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to AA

By performing three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of a galaxy in an isolated dark matter halo, we follow the evolution of the spin parameter $a$ of a black hole (BH) undergoing super-Eddington phases throughout its growth. This regime, suspected to be accompanied by powerful jet outflows, is expected to decrease the BH spin magnitude. We combine super-Eddington accretion with sub-Eddington phases (quasar and radio modes) and follow the BH spin evolution. Due to the low frequency of super-Eddington episodes, relativistic jets in this regime are not able to decrease the magnitude of the spin effectively, as thin disc accretion in the quasar mode inevitably increases the BH spin. The combination of super- and sub-Eddington accretion does not lead to a simple explicit expression for the spin evolution because of feedback from super-Eddington events. An analytical expression can be used to calculate the evolution for $a\lesssim0.3$, assuming the super-Eddington feedback is consistently weak. Finally, BHs starting with low spin magnitude are able to grow to the highest mass, and if they initially start misaligned with the galactic disc, they get a small boost of accretion through retrograde accretion.

F. S. Tabatabaei, W. Cotton, E. Schinnerer, R. Beck, A. Brunthaler, K. M. Menten, J. Braine, E. Corbelli, C. Kramer, J. E. Beckman, J. H. Knapen, R. Paladino, E. Koch, A. Camps Farina

20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS journal

Studying the interplay between massive star formation and the interstellar medium (ISM) is paramount to understand the evolution of galaxies. Radio continuum (RC) emission serves as an extinction-free tracer of both massive star formation and the energetic components of the interstellar medium. We present a multi-band radio continuum survey of the local group galaxy M 33 down to ~30 pc linear resolution observed with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA). We calibrate the star-formation rate surface density and investigate the impact of diffuse emission on this calibration using a structural decomposition. Separating the thermal and nonthermal emission components, the correlation between different phases of the interstellar medium and the impact of massive star formation are also investigated. Radio sources with sizes <~ 200 pc constitute about 36% (46%) of the total RC emission at 1.5 GHz (6.3 GHz) in the inner 18' x 18' (or 4kpc x 4kpc) disk of M 33. The nonthermal spectral index becomes flatter with increasing star-formation rate surface density, indicating the escape of cosmic ray electrons {from their birth places}. The magnetic field strength also increases with star-formation rate following a bi-modal relation, indicating that the small-scale turbulent dynamo acts more efficiently at higher luminosities and star-formation rates. Although the correlations are tighter in star-forming regions, the nonthermal emission is correlated also with the more quiescent molecular gas in the ISM. An almost linear molecular star-formation law exists in M 33 when excluding diffuse structures. Massive star formation amplifies the magnetic field and increases the number of high-energy cosmic ray electrons, which can help the onset of winds and outflows.

E. Guise, S. F. Hönig, V. Gorjian, A. J. Barth, T. Almeyda, L. Pei, S. B. Cenko, R. Edelson, A. V. Filippenko, M. D. Joner, C. D. Laney, W. Li, M. A. Malkan, M. L. Nguyen, W. Zheng

32 pages, 32 Figures, 7 Tables; Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Multiwavelength variability studies of active galactic nuclei (AGN) can be used to probe their inner regions which are not directly resolvable. Dust reverberation mapping (DRM) estimates the size of the dust emitting region by measuring the delays between the infrared (IR) response to variability in the optical light curves. We measure DRM lags of Zw229-015 between optical ground-based and Kepler light curves and concurrent IR Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 $\mu$m light curves from 2010-2015, finding an overall mean rest-frame lag of 18.3 $\pm$ 4.5 days. Each combination of optical and IR light curve returns lags that are consistent with each other within 1$\sigma$, which implies that the different wavelengths are dominated by the same hot dust emission. The lags measured for Zw229-015 are found to be consistently smaller than predictions using the lag-luminosity relationship. Also, the overall IR response to the optical emission actually depends on the geometry and structure of the dust emitting region as well, so we use Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) modelling to simulate the dust distribution to further estimate these structural and geometrical properties. We find that a large increase in flux between the 2011-2012 observation seasons, which is more dramatic in the IR light curve, is not well simulated by a single dust component. When excluding this increase in flux, the modelling consistently suggests that the dust is distributed in an extended flat disk, and finds a mean inclination angle of 49$^{+3}_{-13}$ degrees.

Yiran Zhang, Siming Liu, Dejin Wu

Accepted by ApJ

Under nonuniform convection, the distribution of diffusive particles can exhibit dipole and quadrupole anisotropy induced by the fluid inertial and shear force, respectively. These convection-related anisotropies, unlike the Compton-Getting effect, typically increase with the cosmic-ray (CR) energy, and are thus candidate contributors for the CR anisotropy. In consideration of the inertial effect, CR observational data can be used to set an upper limit on the average acceleration of the local interstellar medium in the equatorial plane to be on the order of 100 $ \mu \text{m}/\text{s}^2 $. Using Oort constants, the quadrupole anisotropy above 200 TeV may be modeled with the shear effect arising from the Galactic differential rotation.

Holger S. P. Müller, Jes K. Jørgensen, Jean-Claude Guillemin, Frank Lewen, Stephan Schlemmer

10 pages total; Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., accepted

We prepared a sample of mono-deuterated oxirane and studied its rotational spectrum in the laboratory between 490 GHz and 1060 GHz in order to improve its spectroscopic parameters and consequently the calculated rest frequencies of its rotational transitions. The updated rest frequencies were employed to detect $c$-C$_2$H$_3$DO for the first time in the interstellar medium in the Atacama Large Millimetre/submillimetre Array (ALMA) Protostellar Interferometric Line Survey (PILS) of the Class 0 protostellar system IRAS 16293$-$2422. Fits of the detected lines using the rotation diagrams yield a temperature of $T_{\rm rot} = 103 \pm 19$ K, which in turn agrees well with 125 K derived for the $c$-C$_2$H$_4$O main isotopologue previously. The $c$-C$_2$H$_3$DO to $c$-C$_2$H$_4$O ratio is found to be $\sim$0.15 corresponding to a D-to-H ratio of $\sim$0.036 per H atom which is slightly higher than the D-to-H ratio of species such as methanol, formaldehyde, ketene and but lower than those of the larger complex organic species such as ethanol, methylformate and glycolaldehyde. This may reflect that oxirane is formed fairly early in the evolution of the prestellar cores. The identification of doubly deuterated oxirane isotopomers in the PILS data may be possible judged by the amount of mono-deuterated oxirane and the observed trend that multiply deuterated isotopologues have higher deuteration rates than their mono-deuterated variants.

Shogo Yoshioka, Shin Mineshige, Ken Ohsuga, Tomohisa Kawashima, Takaaki Kitaki

18 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in PASJ

In order to precisely evaluate the impacts by super-Eddington accretors to their environments, it is essential to assure a large enough simulation box and long computational time to avoid any artefacts from numerical settings as much as possible. In this paper, we carry out axisymmetric two-dimensional radiation hydrodynamic simulations around a $10~M_\odot$ black hole in large simulation boxes and study the large-scale outflow structure and radiation properties of super-Eddington accretion flow for a variety of black hole accretion rates, ${\dot M}_{\rm BH} = (110 - 380) ~L_{\rm Edd}/c^2$. The Keplerian radius of the inflow material, at which centrifugal force balances with gravitational force, is fixed to 2430 Schwarzschild radii.We find that the mechanical luminosity grows more rapidly than the radiation luminosity with an increase of ${\dot M}_{\rm BH}$. When seen from a nearly face-on direction, especially, the isotropic mechanical luminosity grows in proportion to ${\dot M}_{\rm BH}^{2.7}$, while the total mechanical luminosity is proportional to ${\dot M}_{\rm BH}^{1.7}$. The reason for the former is that the higher ${\dot M}_{\rm BH}$ is, the more vertically inflated becomes the disk surface, which makes radiation fields more confined in the region around the rotation axis, thereby strongly accelerating outflowing gas. The outflow is classified into pure outflow and failed outflow, depending whether outflowing gas can reach the outer boundary of the simulation box or not. The fraction of the failed outflow decreases with a decrease of ${\dot M}_{\rm BH}$. We analyze physical quantities along each outflow trajectory, finding that the Bernoulli parameter ($Be$) is not a good indicator to discriminate pure and failed outflows, since it is never constant because of continuous acceleration by radiation-pressure force.Pure outflow can arise, even if $Be < 0$ at the launching point.

A. Marecki, B. Sebastian, C. H. Ishwara-Chandra

Accepted for publication in MNRAS as a Letter

We observed the core region of the giant radio galaxy GRS J0844+4627 with e-MERLIN at 1.52 and 5.07 GHz. These observations revealed that the apparent single feature at the centre of GRS J0844+4627, as seen by GMRT, consists of two components separated by 2.7 kpc in projection. Follow-up observations at 1.66 GHz using the EVN unveiled the complex morphologies of the two components. In particular, the south-western component identified with the SDSS J084408.85+462744.2 galaxy morphologically resembles a compact symmetric object (CSO) with a projected linear size of 115 pc. If the CSO hypothesis turns out to be correct, then the overall radio structure of GRS J0844+4627 is triple-double. Given that CSOs are considered young objects, GRS J0844+4627 would appear as a recently restarted active galaxy.

Xiumin Huang, Jianghui Ji

21 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in AJ

$\gamma$ Cep Ab is a typical S-type planet, which occupies a nearly perpendicular planetary orbit relative to the binary. Here we use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler to conduct full N-body fitting and derive self-consistent orbital solutions for this hierarchical system. Then we employ the Eccentric Kozai-Lidov (EKL) mechanism to explain the extremely inclined orbit of S-type planet $\gamma$ Cep Ab. The EKL mechanism plays an essential role in exploring significant oscillations of the mutual inclination $i_{\mathrm{mut}}$ between the planet and the secondary star. We perform qualitative analysis and extensive numerical integrations to investigate the flip conditions and timescales of $\gamma$ Cep Ab's orbit. When the planetary mass is 15 $M_{\mathrm{Jup}}$, the planet can reach $i_{\mathrm{mut}} \sim$ 113$^{\circ}$ with the critical initial conditions of $i_{\mathrm{mut}} < 60^{\circ}$ and $e_1<0.7$. The timescale for the first orbital flip decreases with the increase of the perturbation Hamiltonian. Flipping orbits of $\gamma$ Cep Ab are confirmed to have a large possibility to retain stable based on surfaces of section and the secular stability criterion. Furthermore, we extend the application of EKL to general S-type planetary systems with $a_1/a_2\leq0.1$, where the most intense excitation of $i_{\mathrm{mut}}$ occurs when $a_1/a_2=0.1$ and $e_2 \sim 0.8$, and the variation of planetary mass mainly affect the flip possibility where $e_1\leq 0.3$.

Ekta Sharma, Maheswar Gopinathan, Archana Soam, Chang Won Lee, T. R. Seshadri

19 pages, 5 figures and 5 tables; Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Molecular clouds are sites of star formation. Magnetic fields are believed to play an important role in their dynamics and shaping morphology. We aim to study any possible correlation that might exist between the magnetic fields orientation inside the clouds and the magnetic fields at envelope scales and their connection with respect to the observed morphology of the selected clouds. We examine the magnetic field orientation towards the clouds L1512, L1523, L1333, L1521E, L1544, L1517, L1780, and L183 using optical and \textit{Planck} polarization observations. We also found the correlation between the ambient magnetic field and core orientations derived using \textit{Astrodendrogram} on the \textit{Herschel} 250 $\mu$m data. We find that the magnetic fields derived from optical and \textit{Planck} agree with each other. The derived magnetic fields are aligned along the observed emission of each cloud as seen in \textit{Herschel} 250 $\mu$m data. We also find that the relative orientation between the cores and the magnetic fields is random. This lack of correlation may arise due to the fact that the core orientation could also be influenced by the different magnetization within individual clouds at higher densities or the feedback effects which may vary from cloud to cloud. The estimated magnetic field strength and the mass-to-flux ratio suggest that all the clouds are in a magnetically critical state except L1333, L1521E, and L183 where the cloud envelope could be strongly supported by the magnetic field lines.

We analyse the bulge/spheroid size-(stellar mass), $R_{\rm e,Sph}-M_{\rm *,Sph}$, relation and spheroid structural parameters for 202 local (predominantly $\lesssim 110~\rm Mpc$) galaxies spanning $ M_*\sim 3\times10^{9}-10^{12}~\rm M_{\odot}$ and $ 0.1 \lesssim R_{\rm e, Sph}\lesssim32~\rm kpc$ from multicomponent decomposition. The correlations between the spheroid S\'ersic index ($n_{\rm Sph}$), central surface brightness ($\mu_{\rm 0, Sph}$), effective half-light radius ($R_{\rm e, Sph}$), absolute magnitude ($\mathfrak{M}_{\rm Sph}$) and stellar mass ($M_{\rm *,Sph}$) are explored. We also investigate the consequences of using different scale radii, $R_{z,\rm Sph}$, encapsulating a different fraction ($z$, from 0 to 1) of the total luminosity. The correlation strengths for projected mass densities, $\Sigma_z$ and $\langle \Sigma \rangle_z$, vary significantly with the choice of $z$. Spheroid size ($R_{\rm z, Sph}$) and mass ($M_{\rm *,Sph}$) are strongly correlated for all light fractions $z$. We find: $\log(R_{\rm e,Sph}/\rm kpc) = 0.88\log(M_{\rm *,Sph}/\rm M_{\odot})-9.15$ with a small scatter of $\Delta_{rms} = 0.24~\rm dex$. This result is discussed relative to the \textit{curved} size-mass relation for early-type galaxies due to their discs yielding larger galaxy radii at lower masses. Moreover, the slope of our spheroid size-mass relation is a factor of $\sim3$, steeper than reported bulge size-mass relations, and with bulge sizes at $M_{\rm *,sph}\sim 3\times10^9~M_\odot$ which are 2 to 3 times smaller. Finally, we show that the local spheroids align well with quiescent galaxies at $z\sim1.25$--$2.25$. In essence, local spheroids and high-$z$ quiescent galaxies appear structurally similar, likely dictated by the virial theorem.

Marc van der Sluys, Paul van Kan

9 pages, 3 figures, to be submitted to Solar Energy

We present a simple, free, fast and accurate C/C++ and Python routine called SolTrack, which can compute the position of the Sun at any instant and any location on Earth. The code allows tracking of the Sun using a low-specs embedded processor, such as a PLC or a microcontroller, and can be used for applications in the field of (highly) concentrated (photovoltaic) solar power ((H)CPV and CSP), such as tracking control and yield modelling. SolTrack is accurate, fast and open in its use, and compares favourably with similar algorithms that are currently available for solar tracking and modelling. SolTrack computes $1.5 \times 10^6$ positions per second on a single 2.67GHz CPU core. For the period between the years 2017 and 2116 the uncertainty in position is $0.0036 \pm 0.0042^\circ$, that in solar distance 0.0017 $\pm$ 0.0029%. In addition, SolTrack computes rise, transit and set times to an accuracy better than 1 second. The code is freely available online (this http URL, https://pypi.org/project/soltrack/).

Matteo Simioni, Carmelo Arcidiacono, Roland Wagner, Andrea Grazian, Marco Gullieuszik, Elisa Portaluri, Benedetta Vulcani, Anita Zanella, Guido Agapito, Richard Davies, Tapio Helin, Fernando Pedichini, Roberto Piazzesi, Enrico Pinna, Ronny Ramlau, Fabio Rossi, Aleksi Salo

22 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

This paper presents the status of an ongoing project aimed at developing a PSF reconstruction software for adaptive optics (AO) observations. In particular, we test for the first time the implementation of pyramid wave-front sensor data on our algorithms. As a first step in assessing its reliability, we applied the software to bright, on-axis, point-like sources using two independent sets of observations, acquired with the single-conjugated AO upgrade for the Large Binocular Telescope. Using only telemetry data, we reconstructed the PSF by carefully calibrating the instrument response. The accuracy of the results has been first evaluated using the classical metric: specifically, the reconstructed PSFs differ from the observed ones by less than 2% in Strehl ratio and 4.5% in full-width at half maximum. Moreover, the recovered encircled energy associated with the PSF core is accurate at 4% level in the worst case. The accuracy of the reconstructed PSFs has then been evaluated by considering an idealized scientific test-case consisting in the measurements of the morphological parameters of a compact galaxy. In the future, our project will include the analysis of anisoplanatism, low SNR regimes, and the application to multi-conjugated AO observations.

In this work, we investigate the black hole (BH) population of globular clusters (GCs) in Milky Way- (MW) and Andromeda- (M31) like galaxies. We combine the population synthesis code MASinGa and the MOCCA-Survey Database I to infer the properties of GCs harbouring a BH subsystem (BHS), an IMBH, or neither of those. We find that the typical number of GCs with a BHS, an IMBH, or none become comparable in the galactic outskirts, whilst the inner galactic regions are dominated by GCs without a significant dark component. Our models suggest that GCs harbouring a BHS are slightly heavier and with larger half-mass radii compared to the overall population. We retrieve the properties of binary BHs (BBHs) that have either merged in the last 3 Gyr or survived in their parent cluster until present-day. We find that around 80\% of the merging BBHs form due to dynamical interactions while the remaining originate from evolution of primordial binaries. We infer a merger rate for BBHs in the local Universe of $1.0-23\,\,\rm{yr^{-1}\,Gpc^{-3}}$, depending on the adopted assumptions. We find around 100-240 BBHs survive until present-day and are mostly concentrated in the inner few kpc of the galaxy. We estimate also the number of BHs transported into the galactic nucleus by infalling star clusters, finding around 1,000-3,000 BHs and 100-200 BBHs are transported over a time span of 12 Gyr. This enables us to constrains the total amount of BHs and BBHs binaries lurking in nuclear star cluster, i.e. $N_{BHs}=(1.4-2.2)\times10^4$ and $N_{BBHs}=700-1,100$.

A. Marinucci, G. Vietri, E. Piconcelli, S. Bianchi, M. Guainazzi, G. Lanzuisi, D. Stern, C. Vignali

11 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

We report on a long (250 ks) NuSTAR observation of the bright quasar RBS 1055 performed in March 2021, and archival XMM-Newton pointings (185 ks) taken in July 2014. An optical spectrum of the source taken with the Double Spectrograph at the Palomar Observatory, quasi-simultaneous with the NuSTAR observations, is also analyzed. We find that the two-coronae model, in which a warm and hot corona coexist, well reproduces its broad band spectrum, with temperatures kT$_e=0.12^{+0.08}_{-0.03}$ keV, kT$_e=30^{+40}_{-10}$ keV and Thomson optical depths $\tau$=30$_{-10}^{+15}$ and $\tau$=3.0$_{-1.4}^{+1.0}$ for the former and the latter component, respectively. We confirm the presence of an intense Fe K$\alpha$ emission line (EW=55$\pm$6 eV) and, when a toroidal model is considered for reproducing the Compton reflection, a Compton-thin solution with N$_{\rm H}=(3.2^{+0.9}_{-0.8})\times10^{23}$ cm$^{-2}$ for the circumnuclear reflector is found. The analysis of the optical spectrum reveals a likely peculiar configuration of our line of sight with respect to the nucleus, and the presence of a broad [O III] component, tracing outflows in the NLR, with a velocity shift $v=$1500$\pm100$ km s$^{-1}$, leading to a mass outflow rate $\dot{M}_{\rm out}=25.4\pm1.5$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ and outflow kinetic power $\dot{E}_{\rm kin}$/L$_{\rm Bol}$ $\sim$0.33%. We estimate the BH mass to be in the range 2.8$\times$10$^{8}$-1.2$\times$10$^{9}$ M$_{\odot}$, according to different BLR emission lines, with an average value of <$M\rm_{BH}$>=6.5$\times$10$^{8}$ M$_{\odot}$. With an Fe K$\alpha$ which is 3$\sigma$ above the value predicted from the EW-L$_{2-10\ \rm keV}$ relation and an extreme source brightness at 2 keV (a factor 10-15 higher than the one expected from the optical/UV), RBS 1055 confirms to be an outlier in the X-rays, compared to other objects in the same luminosity and redshift range.

David Martinez-Delgado, Santi Roca-Fabrega, Juan Miro-Carretero, Maria Angeles Gomez-Flechoso, Javier Roman, Giuseppe Donatiello, Judy Schmidt, Dustin Lang, Mohammad Akhlaghi

8 Pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

Tidal ring galaxies are observed rarely in the local universe due to their intrinsically transient nature. The tidal ring structures are the result of strong interactions between gas-rich stellar disks and smaller galactic systems and do not last longer than ~500~Myr therefore, these are perfect scenarios where to find the debris of recently accreted dwarf galactic systems. We present new deep images of the NGC 922 tidal ring galaxy and its surroundings from the DESI Legacy survey data and from our observations with an amateur telescope. These observations are compared with results from high-resolution N-body simulations designed to reproduce an alternative formation scenario for this peculiar galaxy. Our new observations unveil that the low surface brightness stellar tidal structures around NGC 922 are much more complex than reported in previous works. In particular, the formerly detected tidal spike-like structure at the northeast of the central galaxy disk is not connected with the dwarf companion galaxy PGC3080368, which has been suggested as the intruder triggering the ring formation of NGC 922. The deep images reveal that this tidal structure is mainly composed by a fainter giant umbrella-like shape and thus it was formed from the tidal disruption of a different satellite. Using the broad-band g, r and z DESI LS images, we measured the photometric properties of this stellar stream, estimating a total absolute magnitude in r-band of Mr= -17.0 +/- 0.03 magn and a total stellar mass for the stream between 6.9-8.5X10^8 Mo. We perform a set of N-body simulations to reproduce the observed NGC 922-intruder interaction, suggesting a new scenario for the formation of its tidal ring from the in-fall of a gas rich satellite around 150 Myr ago.

Siteng Fan, François Forget, Michael D. Smith, Sandrine Guerlet, Khalid M. Badri, Samuel A. Atwood, Roland M. B. Young, Christopher S. Edwards, Philip R. Christensen, Justin Deighan, Hessa R. Al Matroushi, Antoine Bierjon, Jiandong Liu, Ehouarn Millour

11 pages, 5 figures, accepted by GRL special issue "The First Results from the Emirates Mars Mission (EMM)"

Temperature profiles retrieved using the first set of data of the Emirates Mars InfraRed Spectrometer (EMIRS) obtained during the science phase of the Emirates Mars Mission (EMM) are used for the analysis of migrating thermal tides in the Martian atmosphere. The selected data cover a solar longitude (LS) range of 60{\deg}-90{\deg} of Martian Year (MY) 36. The novel orbit design of the Hope Probe leads to a good geographic and local time coverage that significantly improves the analysis. Wave mode decomposition suggests dominant diurnal tide and important semi-diurnal tide with maximal amplitudes of 6K and 2K, respectively, as well as the existence of ~0.5K ter-diurnal tide. The results agree well with predictions by the Mars Planetary Climate Model (PCM), but the observed diurnal tide has an earlier phase (3h), and the semi-diurnal tide has an unexpectedly large wavelength (~200km).

Neutron star Z type sources provide a unique platform in order to understand the structure of accretion disk-corona geometry emitting close to the Eddington luminosity. Using RXTE and NuSTAR satellite data, we performed cross correlation function (CCF) studies in GX 17+2 in order to constrain the size of corona responsible for hard X-rays. From the RXTE data, we found that during horizontal and normal branches, the CCFs show anti-correlated hard (16 - 30 keV) and soft (2 - 5 keV) X-ray delays of the order of a few tens to hundred seconds with a mean correlation coefficient of 0.42$\pm$0.11. Few observations shows correlated lags and on one occasion coincident with radio emission. We also report an anti-correlated hard X-ray delay of 113$\pm$51 s using the NuSTAR data of GX 17+2. Based on RXTE data, it was found that soft and hard X-ray fluxes are varying indicating the changes in the disk-corona structure during delays. We bridle the size of corona using relativistic precession, transition layer and boundary layer models. Assuming the delays to be readjustment time scale of disk-corona structure, height of the corona was estimated to be $\sim$ 17--100 km. Assuming that inner region of the truncated disk is occupied by the corona, we constrain the coronal readjustment velocities (v$_{corona}$=$\beta$ v$_{disk}$, where v$_{disk}$ is the radial velocity component of the disk) of the order of $\beta$=0.06-0.12. This study indicates that the observed delays are primarily dependent on the varying coronal readjustment velocities.

Wolfgang Reich, Patricia Reich, Roland Kothes

6 pages, 11 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics

Breaks in the radio spectra of supernova remnants (SNRs) reflect the maximum energy of either shock-accelerated electrons or - in the case of pulsar wind nebulae - of electrons injected by the central pulsar. Otherwise, the break may result from energy losses due to synchrotron aging or it is caused by energy-dependent diffusion. A spectral steepening of the plerionic SNR CTB87 at around 11 GHz was observed in the eighties, but a recent analysis of CTB87's energetic properties based on new radio data raised doubt on it. CTB87 consists of a central compact component surrounded by a diffuse centrally peaked almost circular halo. Missing faint halo emission due to insufficient sensitivity of early high-frequency observations may be be the reason for the reported spectral break. We intend to clarify the high-frequency spectrum of CTB87 by new sensitive observations. We used the broad-band 2-cm receiver at the Effelsberg 100-m telescope for sensitive continuum observations of CTB87 and its halo in two frequency bands. The new 2-cm maps of CTB87 show halo emission with a diameter of about 17' or 30 pc for a distance of 6.1 kpc in agreement with lower-frequency data. The measured flux densities are significantly higher than those reported earlier. The new 2-cm data establish the high-frequency continuation of CTB87's low-frequency spectrum. Any significant high-frequency spectral bend or break is constrained to frequencies well above about 18 GHz. The extended halo of CTB87 has a faint counterpart in gamma-rays (VER J2016+37) and thus indicates a common origin of the emitting electrons.

Matthew J. Millard, Sangwook Park, Toshiki Sato, John P. Hughes, Patrick Slane, Daniel Patnaude, David Burrows, Carles Badenes

16 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present our velocity measurements of 59 clumpy, metal-rich ejecta knots in the supernova remnant (SNR) of SN 1572 (Tycho). We use our 450 ks Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer observation to measure the Doppler shift of the He-like Si K$\alpha$ line-center wavelength emitted from these knots to find their line-of-sight (radial) velocities ($v_r$). We find $v_r$ up to $\sim$ 5500 km s$^{-1}$, with roughly consistent speeds between blueshifted and redshifted ejecta knots. We also measure the proper motions (PMs) for our sample based on archival Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer data taken from 2003, 2009, and 2015. We estimate PMs up to 0$"$.35 yr$^{-1}$, which corresponds to a transverse velocity of about 5800 km s$^{-1}$ for the distance of 3.5 kpc to Tycho. Our $v_r$ and transverse velocity measurements imply space velocities of $\sim$ 1900 - 6000 km s$^{-1}$ for the ejecta knots in Tycho. We estimate a new expansion center of R.A.(J2000) = 00$^h$25$^m$18$^s$.725 $\pm$ 1$^s$.157 and decl.(J2000) = +64$^{\circ}$08$'$02$"$.5 $\pm$ 11$"$.2 from our PM measurements, consistent to within $\sim$ 13$"$ of the geometric center. The distribution of space velocities throughout the remnant suggests that the southeast quadrant generally expands faster than the rest of the SNR. We find that blueshifted knots are projected more in the northern shell, while redshifted knots are more in the southern shell. The previously estimated reverse shock position is consistent with most of our estimated ejecta distribution, however some ejecta show deviations from the 1-D picture of the reverse shock.

Harikrishna Sripada, Sriram Kandulapati

Accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 20 pages, 11 figures

The connection of type-B QPOs to the hot flow in the inner accretion disk region is vaguely understood in black hole X-ray binaries. We performed spectral and timing studies of twenty-three observations where type-C and type-B QPOs with similar centroid frequencies (~ 6 Hz) occurred. Their spectral differences were used to understand the production mechanism of type-B QPOs, along with the quasi-simultaneous radio observations. Based on the spectral results, we did not notice many variations in the Comptonization parameters and the inner disk radius during type-C and type-B QPOs. We found that the structure of the Comptonization region has to be different for observations associated with type-C and type-B QPOs based on the CompTT model. Radio flux density vs QPO width, soft to hard flux ratio, and QPO width vs inner disk temperature, were found to follow certain trends, suggesting that a jet could be responsible for the type-B QPOs in H1743-322. Further studies are required to uniquely constrain this scenario. In a case study where a gradual transition from type-C to type-B QPO was noticed, we found that the spectral changes could be explained by the presence of a jet or a vertically extended optically thick Comptonization region. The geometrical Lense-Thirring precession model with a hot flow and a jet in the inner region was incorporated to explain the spectral and timing variations.

Shivangi Pandey, Suvendu Rakshit, Jong-Hak Woo, C. S. Stalin

published in MNRAS, 13 pages, 13 figures

To understand the mass distribution and co-evolution of supermassive black holes with their host galaxy, it is crucial to measure the black hole mass of AGN. Reverberation mapping is a unique tool to estimate the black hole masses in AGN. We performed spectroscopic reverberation study using long-term monitoring data with more than 100 spectra of a radio-loud quasar PKS 0736+017 to estimate the size of the broad line region (BLR) and black hole mass. The optical spectrum shows strong H$\mathrm{\beta}$ and H$\mathrm{\gamma}$ emission lines. We generated the light curves of 5100{\AA} continuum flux ($f_{5100}$), H$\beta$, and H$\gamma$. All the light curves are found to be strongly variable with fractional variability of 69$\%$, 21$\%$, 30$\%$ for V-band, H$\beta$, and H$\gamma$ light curves, respectively. Along with the thermal contribution, non-thermal emission contributes to the estimated continuum luminosity at 5100\AA. Using different methods, e.g., CCF, {\small JAVELIN}, von-neumann, we estimated the size of the BLR, which is found to be 66.4$^{+6.0}_{-4.2}$ light days in the rest frame. The BLR size combined with the line width of H$\beta$ provides a black hole mass of 7.32$^{+0.89}_{-0.91} \times 10^{7}M_{\odot}$. The source closely follows the BLR size-luminosity relation of AGN.

Timothy Bastian, Masumi Shimojo, Miroslav Barta, Stephen White, Kazumasa Iwai

The Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array (ALMA), sited on the high desert plains of Chajnantor in Chile, has opened a new window onto solar physics in 2016 by providing continuum observations at millimeter and sub-millimeter wavelengths with an angular resolution comparable to that available at optical (O), ultraviolet (UV), extreme ultraviolet (EUV), and X-ray wavelengths, and with superior time resolution. In the intervening years, progress has been made testing and commissioning new observing modes and capabilities, in developing data calibration strategies, and in data imaging and restoration techniques. Here we review ALMA current solar observing capabilities, the process by which a user may propose to use the instrument, and summarize the observing process and work flow. We then discuss some of the challenges users may encounter in imaging and analyzing their data. We conclude with a discussion of additional solar observing capabilities and modes under consideration that are intended to further exploit the unique spectral coverage provided by ALMA.

C. Maitra, D. Kaltenbrunner, F. Haberl, D. A. H. Buckley, I. M. Monageng, A. Udalski, S. Carpano, J. B. Coley, V. Doroshenko, L. Ducci, C. Malacaria, O. König, A. Santangelo, G. Vasilopoulos, J. Wilms

11 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

Context. The Magellanic Clouds are our nearest star-forming galaxies. While the population of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is relatively well studied, our knowledge about the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is far from complete given its large angular extent and insufficient coverage with X-ray observations. Aims. We conducted a search for new HMXBs in the LMC using data from eROSITA, the soft X-ray instrument on board the Spektrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG) satellite. Methods. After confirming the nature of eRASSU J052914.9-662446 as a hard X-ray source positionally coincident with an early type star, we followed it up with optical spectroscopic observations from South African Large Telescope (SALT) and a dedicated NuSTAR observation. Results. We study the broadband timing and spectral behaviour of the newly discovered HMXB eRASSU J052914.9-662446 through eROSITA, Swift and NuSTAR data in X-rays and the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) and SALT RSS data at optical wavelength. We report on detection of the spin period at 1412 s and suggest an orbital period of the system of ~151 days, and thereby establish eRASSU J052914.9-662446 as an accreting pulsar. Further, through optical spectroscopic observations and the existence of H alpha emission the source is identified as a Be X-ray binary pulsar in the LMC. We also investigate the variability of the source in the optical and X-ray regime over the last decades and provide estimates on the possible magnetic field strength of the neutron star.

Bill S. Wright, Ashim Sen Gupta, Tessa Baker, Georgios Valogiannis

51 pages, 19 figures, 5 tables, code to be made publicly available soon, comments welcome

We introduce $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$, a code designed to run fast, approximate $\textit{N}$-body simulations of non-linear structure formation in reduced Horndeski gravity. Given an input Lagrangian, $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$ dynamically constructs the appropriate field equations and consistently solves for the cosmological background, linear growth, and screened fifth force of that theory. Hence $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$ is a general, adaptable, and useful tool that allows the mildly non-linear regime of many Horndeski theories to be investigated for the first time, at low computational cost. In this work, we first describe the screening approximations and simulation setup of $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$ for theories with Vainshtein screening. We validate the code against traditional $\textit{N}$-body simulations for cubic Galileon gravity, finding $2.5\%$ agreement up to $k_{\rm max}=1.2~h/{\rm Mpc}$. To demonstrate the flexibility of $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$, we additionally run the first simulations of an extended shift-symmetric gravity theory. We use the consistency and modularity of $\texttt{Hi-COLA}$ to dissect how the modified background, linear growth, and screened fifth force all contribute to departures from $\Lambda$CDM in the non-linear matter power spectrum.

Masaki Ueda, Hayato Sugiyama, Shogo B. Kobayashi, Kotaro Fukushima, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Kosuke Sato, Kyoko Matsushita

20 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in PASJ

We present measurements of the soft X-ray background emission for 130 Suzaku observations at $75^\circ<l < 285^\circ$ and $|b|>15^\circ$ obtained from 2005 to 2015, covering nearly one solar cycle. In addition to the standard soft X-ray background model consisting of the local hot bubble and the Milky Way Halo (MWH), we include a hot collisional-ionization-equilibrium component with a temperature of $\sim 0.8$ keV to reproduce spectra of a significant fraction of the lines of sight. Then, the scatter in the relation between the emission measure vs. temperature of the MWH component is reduced. Here, we exclude time ranges with high count rates to minimize the effect of the solar wind charge exchange (SWCX). However, the spectra of almost the same lines of sight are inconsistent. The heliospheric SWCX emissions likely contaminate and gives a bias in measurements of temperature and the emission measure of the MWH. Excluding the data around the solar maximum and using the data taken before the end of 2009, at $|b|>35^\circ$ and $105^\circ<l<255^\circ$, the temperature (0.22 keV) and emission measure ($2\times 10^{-3}~\rm{cm^{-6}pc}$) of the MWH are fairly uniform. The increase of the emission measure toward the lower Galactic latitude at $|b|<35^\circ$ indicates a presence of a disk-like morphology component. A composite model which consists of disk-like and spherical-morphology components also reproduces the observed emission measure distribution of MWH. In this case, the hydrostatic mass at a few tens of kpc from the Galactic center agrees with the gravitational mass of the Milky Way. The plasma with the virial temperature likely fills the Milky Way halo in nearly hydrostatic equilibrium. Assuming the gas metallicity of 0.3 solar, the upper limit of the gas mass of the spherical component out to 250 kpc, or the virial radius, is $\sim$ a few $\times 10^{10}~ M_\odot$.

Repeating Fast Radio Bursts show temporal symmetry breaking on millisecond time scales (the "sad trombone"). On a time scale of days the repetitions of FRB 180916B occur at frequency-dependent phases of its 16.3 d period. Some models predict that all such periodic repeating FRB have the same sign of temporal asymmetry, while others predict that sources with both signs are equally abundant. Future observations of other periodically modulated repeating FRB may distinguish among models on this basis.

Jennifer A. Hardwick, Luca Cortese, Danail Obreschkow, Barbara Catinella

10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We use a sample of 559 disc galaxies extracted from the eXtended GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey (xGASS) to study the connection between baryonic angular momentum, mass and atomic gas fraction in the local Universe. Baryonic angular momenta are determined by combining HI and H$_{2}$ integrated profiles with two-dimensional stellar mass surface density profiles. In line with previous work, we confirm that specific angular momentum and atomic gas fraction are tightly correlated, but we find a larger scatter than previously observed. This is most likely due to the wider range of galaxy properties covered by our sample. We compare our findings with the predictions of the analytical stability model developed by Obreschkow et al. and find that, while the model provides a very good first-order approximation for the connection between baryonic angular momentum, mass and gas fraction, it does not fully match our data. Specifically, we find that at fixed baryonic mass, the dependence of specific angular momentum on gas fraction is significantly weaker, and at fixed gas fraction, the slope of the angular momentum vs. mass relation is shallower than what was predicted by the model. The reasons behind this tension remain unclear, but we speculate that multiple factors may simultaneously play a role, all related to the fact that the model is not able to encapsulate the full diversity of galaxy properties in our sample.

R. Zhang, S. Lucatello, A. Bragaglia, J. Alonso-Santiago, G. Andreuzzi, G. Casali, R. Carrera, E.Carretta, V. D Orazi, A. Frasca, X. Fu, L. Magrini, I. Minchev, L. Origlia, L. Spina, A. Vallenari

Exploring the Galactic chemical evolution and enrichment scenarios with open clusters allows us to understand the history of the Milky Way disk. High-resolution spectra of OCs are a crucial tool, as they provide precise chemical information, to combine with precise distances and ages. The aim of the Stellar Population Astrophysics project is to derive homogeneous and accurate comprehensive chemical characterization of a number of poorly studied OCs.Using the HARPS-N echelle spectrograph at the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo, we obtained high-resolution spectra of giant stars in 18 OCs, 16 of which are chemically characterized for the first time, and two of which are well studied for comparison. The OCs in this sample have ages from a few tens of Myr to 4 Gyr, with a prevalence of young clusters. We already presented the radial velocities and atmospheric parameters for them in a previous SPA paper. Here, we present results for the alpha-elements O, and the light elements, all determined by the equivalent width method. We also measured Li abundance through the synthesis method.We discuss the behaviors of lithium, sodium and aluminum in the context of stellar evolution. We study the radial, vertical, and age trends for the measured abundance ratios in a sample that combines our results and recent literature for OCs, finding significant gradients only for [Mg/Fe] and [Ca/Fe] in all cases. Finally,we compare O and Mg in the combined sample with chemo-dynamical models, finding a good agreement for intermediate-age and old clusters. There is a sharp increase in the abundance ratios measured among very young clusters, accompanied by a poorer fit with the models for O and Mg, likely related to the inadequacy of traditional model atmospheres and methods in the derivation of atmospheric parameters and abundance ratios for stars of such young ages

I report on validation and testing of a novel 3D reconstruction method than can obtain coronal plasma properties from a single snapshot perspective. I first reported on the method in 2021, and I have since named it the Coronal Reconstruction Onto B-Aligned Regions, or 'CROBAR', method. The testing was carried out with a cube from a MURaM 3D MHD simulation, which affords a coronal-like 'ground truth' against which the reconstruction method can be applied and compared. I find that the method does quite well, recovering the 'coronal veil'-like features recently reported from the MURaM simulations, and allaying concerns that these features would thwart recovery of valid 3D coronal structure from a limited number of perspectives. I also find that a second perspective at between $\sim 45$ and 90 degrees, does significantly improve the reconstructions. Two distinct channels with Soft X-Ray like temperature response (peaking above 5 MK) would suffice for CROBAR's optically thin observables; barring that, a suite of AIA-like EUV passbands, with good coverage of the 3-8 MK temperature range.

Gregory Desvignes, Ismael Cognard, David A. Smith, David Champion, Lucas Guillemot, Michael Kramer, Patrice Lespagnol, Franck Octau, Gilles Theureau

13 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables. Accepted in A&A

The large number of ongoing surveys for pulsars and transients at various radio observatories is motivated by the science obtained from these sources. Timing and polarisation analysis of relativistic binaries can place strong constraints on theories of gravity. The observation of a growing number of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) spread over the celestial sphere may allow the detection of a stochastic gravitational wave background arising from supermassive black hole binaries. A more complete sample of young pulsars improves our knowledge of neutron star birth and evolution. Transients such as fast radio bursts can serve to probe the intergalactic medium. The SPAN512 pulsar survey covers intermediate Galactic latitudes using the L-band receiver of the Nan\c{c}ay Radio Telescope (NRT). The survey covers 224 sq. deg. of the sky for a total exposure time of 2200 h. Population syntheses predict the discovery of 3 to 19 new normal pulsars and a few MSPs. We present detailed modelling of the NRT beam with its L-band receiver and its sensitivity which we used to precisely assess the expected survey yield. We used the flexible Pulsar Arecibo L-band Feed Array data processing pipeline to search the 47 TB of SPAN512 data for pulsars and transients. The SPAN512 survey discovered two new MSPs and one new middle-aged pulsar. We focus on the analysis of the 2.4-ms spin period pulsar J2205+6012 for which we also report the detection of gamma-ray pulsations. Its narrow pulse width (35 $\mu$s at an observing frequency of 2.55 GHz) allows for sub-microsecond timing precision over 8 years, with exciting prospects for pulsar timing array programs.

Stefano Bianchi, Marco Chiaberge, Ari Laor, Robert Antonucci, Atharva Bagul, Alessandro Capetti

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

A previous narrow-slit ($0.1$ arcsec) Hubble Space Telescope observation unveiled a broad relativistic H$\alpha$ profile in NGC3147, a low-luminosity ($\mathrm{L_{bol}}\sim10^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$), low-Eddington ratio ($\mathrm{L_{bol}/L_{Edd}}\sim10^{-4}$) active galactic nucleus (AGN), formerly believed to be a candidate true type 2 AGN intrinsically lacking the broad-line region. The new observations presented here confirm the double-peaked profile of the H$\alpha$ line, which further shows variability both in flux and in the inner radius of the emitting disc with respect to the previous epoch. Similar disc line profiles are also found in prominent ultraviolet (UV) lines, in particular Ly$\alpha$ and C IV. The new data also allow us to build a simultaneous subarcsec optical-to-X-ray spectral energy distribution of NGC3147, which is characterized by the absence of a thermal UV bump, and an emission peak in the X-rays. The resulting very flat $\alpha_{ox}=-0.82$ is typical of low-luminosity AGN, and is in good agreement with the extrapolation to low luminosities of the well-known trend with luminosity observed in standard AGN. Indeed, we are possibly observing the accretion disc emission in NGC3147 in the optical, close to the expected peak. On the other hand, the steep -2 UV power law may be Comptonization of that cold disc by a warm corona, what is instead generally observed as a `soft excess' in more luminous AGN.

We have analyzed the rate of capture of dark matter (DM) particles by the galaxy in the case of the existence of two different types of DM or a bimodal velocity distribution function for DM. It is shown that, in addition to the scenario considered in our previous work which is based on the assumption of an unimodal distribution, more complex scenarios are possible in which the transition to the state of intense capture and/or exit from it can occur in two stages. A detailed description is given of the change in the curve describing the rate of capture of dark matter particles as a function of the rate of increase in the baryon mass of the galaxy for various values of the rate of decrease of the DM density.

Cossas K.-W. Wu, Chih-Teng Ling, Tomotsugu Goto, Ece Kilerci, Seong Jin Kim, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Yu-Wei Lin, Po-Ya Wang, Yuri Uno, Simon C.-C. Ho, Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao

8 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Source count -- the number density of sources as a function of flux density -- is one of the most fundamental statistics of imaging observations. One of the advantages is its simplicity, i.e., compared with more complicated and advanced analyses such as luminosity/mass functions, there is little room for analysis errors to distort results, yet the source counts still carry important information on galaxy formation and evolution. In this paper, we present these fundamental statistics for the newly advent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) MIRI instrument. Specifically, we present source counts at the six mid-infrared bands, i.e., 7.7, 10, 12.8, 15, 18 and 21 $\mu$m. The resulting IR populations of galaxies source counts are up to $\sim$1000 times deeper than previous works, reflecting the superb sensitivity of the JWST, and agree with model predictions based on the previous generations of space infrared telescopes, except for the 7.7 $\mu$m. The deviation in 7.7 $\mu$m might come from the underestimation of flux in the previous modelling. Once the JWST collects multi-band data with photometric redshifts, more advanced analyses will allow us to disentangle the luminosity and density evolution of each population of galaxies in further detail.

J. Le Graët, A. Secroun, R. Barbier, W. Gillard, JC. Clemens, S. Conseil, S. Escoffier, S. Ferriol, N. Fourmanoit, E. Kajfasz, S. Kermiche, B. Kubik, G. Smadja, J. Zoubian

Euclid is a major ESA mission scheduled for launch in 2023-2024 to map the geometry of the dark Universe using two primary probes, weak gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering. \Euclid's instruments, a visible imager (VIS) and an infrared spectrometer and photometer (NISP) have both been designed and built by Euclid Consortium teams. The NISP instrument will hold a large focal plane array of 16 near-infrared H2RG detectors, which are key elements to the performance of the NISP, and therefore to the science return of the mission. Euclid NISP H2RG flight detectors have been individually and thoroughly characterized at Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM) during a whole year with a view to producing a reference database of performance pixel maps. Analyses have been ongoing and have shown the relevance of taking into account spatial variations in deriving performance parameters. This paper will concentrate on interpixel capacitance (IPC) and conversion gain. First, per pixel IPC coefficient maps will be derived thanks to single pixel reset (SPR) measurements and a new IPC correction method will be defined and validated. Then, the paper will look into correlation effects of IPC and their impact on the derivation of per super-pixel IPC-free conversion gain maps. Eventually, several conversion gain values will be defined over clearly distinguishable regions.

A. Sánchez-López, L. Lin, I. A. G. Snellen, N. Casasayas-Barris, A. García Muñoz, M. Lampón, M. López-Puertas

7 pages, accepted for publication in A&A Letters

Hydrogen and helium transmission signals trace the upper atmospheres of hot gas-giant exoplanets, where the incoming stellar extreme ultraviolet and X-ray fluxes are deposited. Further, for the hottest stars, the near-ultraviolet excitation of hydrogen in the Balmer continuum may play a dominant role in controlling the atmospheric temperature and driving photoevaporation. KELT-9 b is the archetypal example of such an environment as it is the hottest gas-giant exoplanet known to date (T$_{eq}$ $\sim$ 4500 K) and orbits an A0V-type star. Studies of the upper atmosphere and escaping gas of this ultra-hot Jupiter have targeted the absorption in the Balmer series of hydrogen (n$_1$ = 2 $\rightarrow$ n$_2$ $>$ 2). Unfortunately, the lowermost metastable helium state that causes the triplet absorption at 108.3 nm is not sufficiently populated for detection. Here, we present evidence of hydrogen absorption in the Paschen series in the transmission spectrum of KELT-9 b observed with CARMENES. Specifically, we focus on the strongest line covered by its NIR channel, Paschen-$\beta$ at 1282.16 nm (n$_1$ = 3 $\rightarrow$ n$_2$ = 5). The observed absorption shows a contrast of (0.53 $^{+0.12}_{-0.13}$)%, a blueshift of $-$14.8 $^{+3.5}_{-3.2}$ km/s, and a FWHM of 31.9$^{+11.8}_{-8.3}$ km/s. The observed blueshift in the absorption feature could be explained by day-to-night circulation within the gravitationally bound atmosphere or, alternatively, by Paschen-$\beta$ absorption originating in a tail of escaping gas moving toward the observer as a result of extreme atmospheric evaporation. This detection opens a new window for investigating the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters, providing additional constraints of their temperature structure, mass-loss rates, and dynamics for future modeling of their scorching atmospheres.

A. Soulain, A. Lamberts, F. Millour, P. Tuthill, R. M. Lau

A handful of binary Wolf-Rayet stars are known to harbour spectacular spiral structures spanning a few hundred AU. These systems host some of the highest dust production rates in the Universe and are therefore interesting candidates to address the origin of the enigmatic dust excess observed across galactic evolution. The substantial interaction between the winds of the Wolf-Rayet star and its companion constitutes a unique laboratory to study the mechanisms of dust nucleation in a hostile environment. Using the grid-based $\texttt{RAMSES}$ code, we investigate this problem by performing a 3D hydrodynamic simulation of the inner region of the prototypical spiral nebula around WR104. We then process the $\texttt{RAMSES}$ results using the radiative transfer code $\texttt{RADMC3d}$ to generate a candidate observable scene. This allows us to estimate the geometrical parameters of the shocked region. We link those quantities to the specific chemical pathway for dust nucleation, where the hydrogen-rich companion's wind catalyses dust formation. The scaling laws we derive constitute a unique tool that can be directly compared to observations. Depending on the dust nucleation locus, the velocity field reveals a differential wind speed. Thus, the initial dust speed could be more balanced between the speeds of the two stellar winds ($\sim$1600 km/s). With $\texttt{RADMC3d}$, we provide constraints on the dust nucleation radius for different combinations of dust-to-gas ratio, hydrogen enrichment and dust grain properties. Finally, our models reveal that dust may escape beyond the boundaries of the spiral due to hydrodynamical instabilities in the wind collision zone.

Observations of young multiple star systems find a bimodal distribution in companion frequency and separation. Using simulations of star formation in giant molecular clouds we investigate the influence of environment on multiple star formation pathways and the contribution of core-fragmentation is on the formation of close <100au binaries. Simulations are run with the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES with sufficient resolution to resolve core-fragmentation beyond 400au and dynamical evolution down to 16au, but without the possibility of resolving disc-fragmentation. The evolution of the resulting stellar systems is followed over millions of years. We find that star formation in lower gas density environments is more clustered, but despite this, the fractions of systems that form via dynamical capture and core-fragmentation are broadly consistent at 40\% and 60\% respectively. In all gas density environments, we find the typical scale at which systems form via core-fragmentation is $10^{3-3.5}$au. After formation, we find that systems that form via core-fragmentation have slightly lower inspiral rates ($\sim10^{-1.75}$au/yr measured over first 10000yr) compared to dynamical capture ($\sim10^{-1.25}$au/yr). We then compared the simulation with conditions most similar to the Perseus star forming region to determine whether the bimodal distribution observed by Tobin et al. (2016) can be replicated. We find that it can be replicated, but it is sensitive to the evolutionary state of the simulation. Our results indicate that a significant number of binary star systems with separations <100au can be produced via non-disc-fragmentation pathways due to efficient inspiral, suggesting disc-fragmentation is not the dominant formation pathway for low-mass close binaries in nature.

Sihui Zhong, Valery M. Nakariakov, Dmitrii Y. Kolotkov, Cis Verbeeck, David Berghmans

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Decayless kink oscillations of an ensemble of loops are captured simultaneously by the High Resolution Imager (HRI) of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) from 22:58 UT on 5 November to 00:27 UT on 6 November 2021. Oscillations are analysed by processing image sequences taken by the two instruments with a motion magnification technique. The analysed loops are around 51 Mm in length, and oscillate with short periods of 1-3 min (1.6 min in average) and displacement amplitudes of 27-83 km. The signals recorded by AIA are delayed by 66 s as compared to HRI, which coincides with the light travel time difference from the Sun to each instrument. After correction of this time difference, the cross-correlation coefficient between the signals from the two data varies from 0.82 to 0.97, indicating that they are well consistent. This work confirms that HRI sees the same oscillations as AIA, which is the necessary first step before proceeding to the detection of shorter time scales by EUI. In addition, our results indicate the robustness of the de-jittering procedure in the study of kink oscillations with HRI.

XueGuang Zhang

11 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, Accepted to be published in MNRAS. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2202.11995

In the manuscript, a 3.8yr optical quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) is reported in blue quasar SDSS J132144+033055 (=\obj) at $z=0.269$, based on 16.3yr-long light curve from both CSS and ZTF directly described by a sinusoidal function. The 3.8yr QPOs can be confirmed through the Generalized Lomb-Scargle periodogram with confidence level higher than 5$\sigma$, through properties of the phase-folded light curve and the WWZ technique. Moreover, the collected Pan-STARRS light curves well follow the sinusoidal function described best fitting results to the CSS and ZTF light curves. The optical QPOs strongly indicate a central binary black hole (BBH) system in \obj, with expected space separation smaller than 0.018pc, through the estimated upper limit of total BH mass $3.3\times10^9{\rm M_\odot}$ through the correlation between BH mass and continuum luminosity. Meanwhile, we check disk precession applied to explain the optical QPOs. However, under the disk precession assumption, the determined optical emission regions from central BH have sizes about $37{\rm R_G}$ similar as the sizes $35{\rm R_G}$ of the expected NUV emission regions through the correlation between disk size and BH mass, indicating the disk precession is not preferred. And due to undetected radio emissions, jet precession can be ruled out. Furthermore, only 0.1\% probability can determined as the QPOs mis-detected through CAR process randomly created light curves related to intrinsic AGN activities, re-confirming the optical QPOs with significance level higher than 3$\sigma$. Therefore, combining long-term light curves from CSS and ZTF can lead to more QPOs candidates in the near future.

S. Gagliardini, S. Celli, D. Guetta, A. Zegarelli, A. Capone, S. Campion, I. Di Palma

Submitted to PRL

The recently discovered TeV emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) hints towards a possible hadronic origin of this radiation component. We developed a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation reproducing the kinematics of photo-hadronic interactions at internal shocks, including the pair production process that the secondary gamma rays undergo in the GRB jet. We find that sub-TeV observations of GRB 190114C can be reproduced by a baryonic energy content comparable to that in sub-GeV photons and a bulk Lorentz factor $\Gamma=100$, with a ms variability timescale. Neutrino flux predictions by the model are found to be consistent with experimental upper limits set by ANTARES and IceCube.

The moderate spin estimate for the black hole at the center of the cool core cluster H1821+643 motivates the completion of a story about this object's origin and evolution that was in the making since the work by Blundell and Rawlings over two decades ago as the first example of a massive black hole accreting at near Eddington rates with an FRI jet. This elusive combination of properties was explained in our 2010 model where we showed it to be part of a small parameter space that includes X shaped radio galaxies. As an accreting black hole that never experienced a counterrotating phase, H1821+643 is constrained by theory to produce a jet for spin values between 0.1 and about 0.7 and an FRI jet for a slightly smaller range. The feedback from such a black hole is not subject to a tilted jet and is why star formation rates remain high in this cluster environment. The prediction is that H1821+643 is within millions of years of becoming jetless.

Pouliasis et al (2022b) explored star formation rates, black hole accretion rates, and stellar mass of active galaxies at redshift above 3.5, uncovering a leveling off of the star formation rate at high stellar mass, which they consider to be evidence of AGN feedback. Their data shows that as AGN approach the flattening of the curve in the star formation rate - stellar mass plane, the accretion rates begin to drop. We describe the nature of the AGN feedback responsible for this in terms of powerful FRII jets enhancing star formation rates but eventually also triggering a shift in accretion from near-Eddington rates to advection dominated. These systems are on the cusp of a dramatic transition where the active galaxy goes from strong enhancement to large suppression of star formation in a way that produces the steeper slope for radio AGN at low redshift compared to radio AGN at higher redshift and to jetless AGN. We argue, therefore, that the data of Pouliasis et al constitute the high redshift objects predicted by Singh et al (2021) that connect to the low redshift behavior of radio AGN shown in Comerford et al (2020).

P.-G. Valegård, C.Ginski, C. Dominik, J. Bae, M. Benisty, T. Birnstiel, S. Facchini, A. Garufi, M. Hogerheijde, R.G. van Holstein, M. Langlois, C. F. Manara, P. Pinilla, Ch. Rab, Á. Ribas, L.B.F.M. Waters, J. Williams

11 pages, 5 figures

Disk winds are an important mechanism for accretion and disk evolution around young stars. The accreting intermediate-mass T-Tauri star RY Tau has an active jet and a previously known disk wind. Archival optical and new near-infrared observations of the RY Tau system show two horn-like components stretching out as a cone from RY Tau. Scattered light from the disk around RY Tau is visible in near-infrared but not seen at optical wavelengths. In the near-infrared, dark wedges that separates the horns from the disk, indicating we may see the scattered light from a disk wind. We use archived ALMA and SPHERE/ZIMPOL I-band observations combined with newly acquired SPEHRE/IRDIS H-band observations and available literature to build a simple geometric model of the RY Tau disk and disk wind. We use Monte Carlo radiative transfer modelling \textit{MCMax3D} to create comparable synthetic observations that test the effect of a dusty wind on the optical effect in the observations. We constrain the grain size and dust mass needed in the disk wind to reproduce the effect from the observations. A model geometrically reminiscent of a dusty disk wind with small micron to sub-micron size grains elevated above the disk can reproduce the optical effect seen in the observations. The mass in the obscuring component of the wind has been constrained to $1\times10^{-9} M_{\odot} \leq M \leq 5\times10^{-8} M_{\odot}$ which corresponds to a lower limit mass loss rate in the wind of about $\sim 1\times10^{-8}M_{\odot}\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$. While an illuminate dust cavity cannot be ruled out without measurements of the gas velocity, we argue that a magnetically launched disk wind is the most likely scenario.

Oliver King, Leigh N. Fletcher

To be published in JGR: Planets

We present maps of Ganymede's surface composition with almost complete longitude coverage, acquired using high spatial resolution near-infrared (0.95 to 1.65$\mu m$) observations from the ground-based VLT/SPHERE instrument. Observed reflectance spectra were modelled using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method to estimate abundances and associated uncertainties of water ices, acids, salts and a spectrally-flat darkening agent. Results confirm Ganymede's surface is dominated by water ice in young bright terrain (impact craters, sulci), and low-albedo spectrally-flat material in older dark terrain (e.g. Galileo Regio). Ice grain size has strong latitudinal and longitudinal gradients, with larger grains at the equator and on the trailing hemisphere. These trends are consistent with the effects of the latitudinal thermal gradient and global variations in radiation driven sputtering. Sulphuric acid has a low abundance and appears potentially spatially correlated with plasma bombardment, where Ganymede's poles are exposed to the external jovian magnetic field. Best-estimate abundances suggest a mixture of salts could be present, although their low abundances, spectral degeneracies and associated uncertainties mean individual salt species cannot be detected with confidence. If present, sodium magnesium sulphate and magnesium chlorate appear tentatively correlated with exogenic plasma bombardment, while magnesium chloride and sulphate appear tentatively correlated with younger terrain, implying a possible endogenic origin. MCMC modelling was also performed on Galileo/NIMS data, showing comparable distributions. The high spatial resolution of SPHERE allows the precise mapping of small scale (<150km) surface features, which could be used along with higher spectral resolution observations to jointly confirm the presence and distribution of potential species.

Stefano Alberto Russo, Sara Bertocco, Claudio Gheller, Giuliano Taffoni

Rosetta is a science platform for resource-intensive, interactive data analysis which runs user tasks as software containers. It is built on top of a novel architecture based on framing user tasks as microservices - independent and self-contained units - which allows to fully support custom and user-defined software packages, libraries and environments. These include complete remote desktop and GUI applications, besides common analysis environments as the Jupyter Notebooks. Rosetta relies on Open Container Initiative containers, which allow for safe, effective and reproducible code execution; can use a number of container engines and runtimes; and seamlessly supports several workload management systems, thus enabling containerized workloads on a wide range of computing resources. Although developed in the astronomy and astrophysics space, Rosetta can virtually support any science and technology domain where resource-intensive, interactive data analysis is required.

All-sky searches for continuous gravitational waves are generally model dependent and computationally costly to run. By contrast, SOAP is a model-agnostic search that rapidly returns candidate signal tracks in the time-frequency plane. In this work we extend the SOAP search to return broad Bayesian posteriors on the astrophysical parameters of a specific signal model. These constraints drastically reduce the volume of parameter space that any follow-up search needs to explore, so increasing the speed at which candidates can be identified and confirmed. Our method uses a machine learning technique, specifically a conditional variational auto-encoder, and delivers a rapid estimation of the posterior distribution of the four Doppler parameters of a continuous wave signal. It does so without requiring a clear definition of a likelihood function, or being shown any true Bayesian posteriors in training. We demonstrate how the Doppler parameter space volume can be reduced by a factor of $\mathcal{O}(10^{-7})$ for signals of SNR 100.

Darrel Baumgardner, Ted Fisher, Roy Newton, Chris Roden, Pat Zmarzly, Sara Seager, Janusz J. Petkowski, Christopher E. Carr, Jan Špaček, Steven A. Benner, Margaret A. Tolbert, Kevin Jansen, David H. Grinspoon, Christophe Mandy

Published in Aerospace as a part of the Special Issue "The Search for Signs of Life on Venus: Science Objectives and Mission Designs" ( this https URL )

The composition, sizes and shapes of particles in the clouds of Venus have previously been studied with a variety of in situ and remote sensor measurements. A number of major questions remain unresolved, however, motivating the development of an exploratory mission that will drop a small probe, instrumented with a single-particle autofluorescence nephelometer (AFN), into Venus' atmosphere. The AFN is specifically designed to address uncertainties associated with the asphericity and complex refractive indices of cloud particles. The AFN projects a collimated, focused, linearly polarized, 440 nm wavelength laser beam through a window of the capsule into the airstream and measures the polarized components of some of the light that is scattered by individual particles that pass through the laser beam. The AFN also measures fluorescence from those particles that contain material that fluoresce when excited at a wavelength of 440 nm and emit at 470-520 nm. Fluorescence is expected from some organic molecules if present in the particles. AFN measurements during probe passage through the Venus clouds are intended to provide constraints on particle number concentration, size, shape, and composition. Hypothesized organics, if present in Venus aerosols, may be detected by the AFN as a precursor to precise identification via future missions. The AFN has been chosen as the primary science instrument for the upcoming Rocket Lab mission to Venus, to search for organic molecules in the cloud particles and constrain the particle composition.

Matthew R. Gomer, Dominique Sluse, Lyne van de Vyvere, Simon Birrer, Frederic Courbin

18 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&A

The largest source of systematic errors in the time-delay cosmography method likely arises from the lens model mass distribution, where an inaccurate choice of model could in principle bias the value of $H_0$. A Bayesian hierarchical framework has been proposed which combines lens systems with kinematic data, constraining the mass profile shape at a population level. The framework has been previously validated on a small sample of lensing galaxies drawn from hydro-simulations. The goal of this work is to expand the validation to a more general set of lenses consistent with observed systems, as well as confirm the capacity of the method to combine two lens populations: one which has time delay information and one which lacks time delays and has systematically different image radii. For this purpose, we generate samples of analytic lens mass distributions made of baryons+dark matter and fit the subsequent mock images with standard power-law models. Corresponding kinematics data are also emulated. The hierarchical framework applied to an ensemble of time-delay lenses allows us to correct the $H_0$ bias associated with model choice, finding $H_0$ within $1.5\sigma$ of the fiducial value. We then combine this set with a sample of corresponding lens systems which have no time delays and have a source at lower $z$, resulting in a systematically smaller image radius relative to their effective radius. The hierarchical framework successfully accounts for this effect, recovering a value of $H_0$ which is both more precise ($\sigma\sim2\%$) and more accurate ($0.7\%$ median offset) than the time-delay set alone. This result confirms that non-time-delay lenses can nonetheless contribute valuable constraining power to the determination of $H_0$ via their kinematic constraints, assuming they come from the same global population as the time-delay set.

Harsh Kumar, Varun Bhalerao, G.C. Anupama, Sudhanshu Barway, Michael W. Coughlin, Kishalay De, Kunal Deshmukh, Anirban Dutta, Daniel A Goldstein, Adeem Jassani, Simran Joharle, Viraj Karambelker, Maitreya Khandagale, Brajesh Kumar, Divita Saraogi, Yashvi Sharma, Vedant Shenoy, Leo singer, Avinash Singh, Gaurav Waratkar

12 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

S190426c / GW190426_152155 was the first probable neutron star - black hole merger candidate detected by the LIGO-Virgo Collaboration. We undertook a tiled search for optical counterparts of this event using the 0.7m GROWTH-India Telescope. Over a period of two weeks, we obtained multiple observations over a 22.1 deg^2 area, with a 17.5% probability of containing the source location. Initial efforts included obtaining photometry of sources reported by various groups, and a visual search for sources in all galaxies contained in the region. Subsequently, we have developed an image subtraction and candidate vetting pipeline with ~ 94% efficiency for transient detection. Processing the data with this pipeline, we find several transients, but none that are compatible with kilonova models. We present the details of our observations, working of our pipeline, results from the search, and our interpretations of the non-detections that will work as a pathfinder during the O4 run of LVK.

Simona Mei, Nina A. Hatch, Stefania Amodeo, Anton V. Afanasiev, Carlos De Breuck, Daniel Stern, Elizabeth A. Cooke, Anthony H. Gonzalez, Gaël Noirot, Alessandro Rettura, Nick Seymour, Spencer A. Stanford, Joël Vernet, Dominika Wylezalek

30 pages, 22 figures, submitted to A&A

(Abridged) To understand if the morphology-density and passive-density relations are already established at z>1.5, we study galaxies in 16 confirmed clusters at $1.3<z<2.8$ from the CARLA survey. Our main finding is that the morphology-density and passive-density relations are already in place at $z\sim2$. The cluster at z = 2.8 shows a similar fraction of ETG as in the other clusters in its densest region. The cluster ETG and passive fractions depend on local environment and mildly on galaxy mass. They do not depend on global environment. At lower local densities, the CARLA clusters exhibit a lower ETG fraction than clusters at z = 1. This implies that the densest regions influence the morphology of galaxies first, with lower density local environments either taking longer or only influencing galaxy morphology at later cosmological times. Interestingly, we find evidence of high merger fractions in our clusters with respect to the field, but the merger fractions do not significantly depend on local environment. This suggests that merger remnants in the lowest density regions can reform disks fuelled by cold gas flows, but those in the highest density regions are cut-off from the gas supply and will become passive ETG. The percentages of active ETG, with respect to the total ETG population, are $21 \pm 6\%$ and $59 \pm 14\% $ at 1.35 < z <1.65 and 1.65 < z < 2.05, respectively, and about half of them are mergers or asymmetric in both redshift bins. All the spectroscopically confirmed CARLA clusters have properties consistent with clusters and proto-clusters. The differences between our results and those that find enhanced star formation and star-bursts in cluster cores at similar redshifts are probably due to the different sample selection criteria, which choose different environments that host galaxies with different accretion and pre-processing histories.

Samson J. Mercier (1), Lisa Dang (1), Alexander Gass (1), Nicolas B. Cowan (1 and 2), Taylor J. Bell (1 and 3) ((1) Department of Physics, McGill University, (2) Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University, (3) BAER Institute, NASA Ames Research Center)

Accepted for publication in AAS Journals. Includes 12 pages, 4 figures, and 3 tables

Thermal phase curves of short period exoplanets provide the best constraints on the atmospheric dynamics and heat transport in their atmospheres. The published Spitzer Space Telescope phase curve of 55 Cancri e, an ultra-short period super-Earth, exhibits a large phase offset suggesting significant eastward heat recirculation, unexpected on such a hot planet arXiv:1604.05725. We present our re-reduction and analysis of these iconic observations using the open source and modular Spitzer Phase Curve Analysis (SPCA) pipeline. In particular, we attempt to reproduce the published analysis using the same instrument detrending scheme as the original authors. We retrieve the dayside temperature ($T_{\rm day} = 3771^{+669}_{-520}$ K), nightside temperature ($T_{\rm night} = 1045^{+302}_{-243}$ K), and longitudinal offset of the planet's hot spot and quantify how they depend on the reduction and detrending. Our re-analysis suggests that 55 Cancri e has a negligible hot spot offset of $-12^{+21}_{-18}$ degrees east. The small phase offset and cool nightside are consistent with the poor heat transport expected on ultra-short period planets. The high dayside 4.5-micrometer brightness temperature is qualitatively consistent with SiO emission from an inverted rock vapour atmosphere.

A. Boccaletti, G. Chauvin, F. Wildi, J. Milli, E. Stadler, E. Diolaiti, R. Gratton, F. Vidal, M. Loupias, M. Langlois, F. Cantalloube, M. N'Diaye, D. Gratadour, F. Ferreira, M. Tallon, J. Mazoyer, D. Segransan, D. Mouillet, J.-L. Beuzit, M. Bonnefoy, R. Galicher, A. Vigan, I. Snellen, M. Feldt, S. Desidera, S. Rousseau, A. Baruffolo, C. Goulas, P. Baudoz, C. Bechet, M. Benisty, A. Bianco, B. Carry, E. Cascone, B. Charnay, E. Choquet, V. Christiaens, F. Cortecchia, V. de Caprio, A. De Rosa, C. Desgrange, V. D'Orazi, S. Douté, M. Frangiamore, E. Gendron, C. Ginski, E. Huby, C. Keller, C. Kulcsár, R. Landman, S. Lagarde, E. Lagadec, A.-M. Lagrange, M. Lombini M. Kasper, F. Ménard, Y. Magnard, G. Malaguti, D. Maurel, D. Mesa, G. Morgante, E. Pantin, T. Pichon, A. Potier, et al. (11 additional authors not shown)

To appear in the Proceedings of the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022), 13 pages, 6 figure

SPHERE+ is a proposed upgrade of the SPHERE instrument at the VLT, which is intended to boost the current performances of detection and characterization for exoplanets and disks. SPHERE+ will also serve as a demonstrator for the future planet finder (PCS) of the European ELT. The main science drivers for SPHERE+ are 1/ to access the bulk of the young giant planet population down to the snow line ($3-10$ au), to bridge the gap with complementary techniques (radial velocity, astrometry); 2/ to observe fainter and redder targets in the youngest ($1-10$\,Myr) associations compared to those observed with SPHERE to directly study the formation of giant planets in their birth environment; 3/ to improve the level of characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres by increasing the spectral resolution in order to break degeneracies in giant planet atmosphere models. Achieving these objectives requires to increase the bandwidth of the xAO system (from $\sim$1 to 3\,kHz) as well as the sensitivity in the infrared (2 to 3\,mag). These features will be brought by a second stage AO system optimized in the infrared with a pyramid wavefront sensor. As a new science instrument, a medium resolution integral field spectrograph will provide a spectral resolution from 1000 to 5000 in the J and H bands. This paper gives an overview of the science drivers, requirements and key instrumental trade-off that were done for SPHERE+ to reach the final selected baseline concept.

There is debate about which indicators should currently be used to monitor levels of artificial light pollution. To be most valuable, methods need to be sensitive to variation in the spectral composition of light emissions (which are changing rapidly, particularly through increasing use of light-emitting diode [LED] lamps), to be readily available, to be capable of being used on a large spatial scale and of being deployed rapidly. Two sets of photometric systems are the most spread in the world currently, the RGB colors from DSLR cameras that are based on typical gaussian filters and RGB step filters. The first set of filters are optimum for human perception and calculation of most of the most popular environmental impacts although, some of these environmental impacts are better characterized by the step filters.

Marina Orio, Ehud Behar, Juan Luna, Jeremy Drake, Jay Gallagher, Joy S. Nichols, Jan-Uwe Ness, Andrej Dobrotka, Joanna Mikolajewska, Massimo Della Valle, Rico Ignace, Roy Rahin

In press in the Astrophysical Journal

The 2021 outburst of the symbiotic recurrent nova RS Oph was observed with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Gratings (HETG) on day 18 after optical maximum and with XMM-Newton and its Reflection Grating Spectrographs (RGS) on day 21, before the supersoft X-ray source emerged and when the emission was due to shocked ejecta. The absorbed flux in the HETG 1.3-31 Angstrom range was 2.6 x 10(-10) erg/cm(-2)/s, three orders of magnitude lower than the gamma-ray flux measured on the same date. The spectra are well fitted with two components of thermal plasma in collisional ionization equilibrium, one at a temperature ~0.75 keV, and the other at temperature in the 2.5-3.4 keV range. With the RGS we measured an average flux 1.53 x 10(-10) erg/cm(-2)/s in the 5-35 Angstrom range, but the flux in the continuum and especially in the lines in the 23-35 Angstrom range decreased during the 50 ks RGS exposure by almost 10%, indicating short term variability on hours' time scale. The RGS spectrum can be fitted with three thermal components, respectively at plasma temperature between 70 and 150 eV, 0.64 keV and 2.4 keV. The post-maximum epochs of the exposures fall between those of two grating spectra observed in the 2006 eruption on days 14 and 26: they are consistent with a similar spectral evolution, but in 2021 cooling seems to have been more rapid. Iron is depleted in the ejecta with respect to solar values, while nitrogen is enhanced.

Abigail Polin, Paul Duffell, Dan Milisavljevic

9 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to ApJL

We present a method for analyzing supernova remnants (SNRs) by diagnosing the drivers responsible for structure at different angular scales. First, we perform a suite of hydrodynamic models of the Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) as a supernova collides with its surrounding medium. Using these models we demonstrate how power spectral analysis can be used to attribute which scales in a SNR are driven by RTI and which must be caused by intrinsic asymmetries in the initial explosion. We predict the power spectrum of turbulence driven by RTI and identify a dominant angular mode which represents the largest scale that efficiently grows via RTI. We find that this dominant mode relates to the density scale height in the ejecta, and therefore reveals the density profile of the SN ejecta. If there is significant structure in a SNR on angular scales larger than this mode, then it is likely caused by anisotropies in the explosion. Structure on angular scales smaller than the dominant mode exhibits a steep scaling with wavenumber, possibly too steep to be consistent with a turbulent cascade, and therefore might be determined by the saturation of RTI at different length scales (although systematic 3D studies are needed to investigate this). We also demonstrate, consistent with previous studies, that this power spectrum is independent of the magnitude and length scales of perturbations in the surrounding medium and therefore this diagnostic is unaffected by ``clumpiness" in the CSM.

Ting-Yun Cheng, Ryan Cooke, Gwen Rudie

22 pages including 2-pages Appendices, 14 figures plus 4 figures in Appendices. This paper is submitted to MNRAS and has addressed the first referee report

We develop a machine learning based algorithm using a convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify low HI column density Ly$\alpha$ absorption systems ($\log{N_{\mathrm{HI}}}/{\rm cm}^{-2}<17$) in the Ly$\alpha$ forest, and predict their physical properties, such as their HI column density ($\log{N}_{\mathrm{HI}}/{\rm cm}^{-2}$), redshift ($z_{\mathrm{HI}}$), and Doppler width ($b_{\mathrm{HI}}$). Our CNN models are trained using simulated spectra (S/N $\simeq10$), and we test their performance on high quality spectra of quasars at redshift $z\sim2.5-2.9$ observed with the High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer on the Keck I telescope. We find that $\sim78\%$ of the systems identified by our algorithm are listed in the manual Voigt profile fitting catalogue. We demonstrate that the performance of our CNN is stable and consistent for all simulated and observed spectra with S/N $\gtrsim10$. Our model can therefore be consistently used to analyse the enormous number of both low and high S/N data available with current and future facilities. Our CNN provides state-of-the-art predictions within the range $12.5\leq\log{N_{\mathrm{HI}}}/\mathrm{cm^{-2}}<15.5$ with a mean absolute error of $\Delta(\log{N}_{\mathrm{HI}}/{\rm cm}^{-2})=0.13$, $\Delta(z_{\mathrm{HI}})=2.7\times{10}^{-5}$, and $\Delta(b_{\mathrm{HI}})=4.1\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1}}$. The CNN prediction costs $<3$ minutes per model per spectrum with a size of 120\,000 pixels using a laptop computer. We demonstrate that CNNs can significantly increase the efficiency of analysing Ly$\alpha$ forest spectra, and thereby greatly increase the statistics of Ly$\alpha$ absorbers.

Xue-Guang Zhang, Si-Dan Zhao

14 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, Accepted to be published in ApJ

In the manuscript, the blue quasar SDSS J105816.19+544310.2 (=SDSS J1058+5443) at redshift 0.479 is reported as so-far the best candidate of true type-2 quasar with disappearance of central BLRs. There are so-far no definite conclusions on the very existence of true type-2 AGN, mainly due to detected optical broad emission lines in high quality spectra of some previously classified candidates of true type-2 AGN. Here, not similar as previous reported candidates for true type-2 AGN among narrow emission-line galaxies with weak AGN activities but strong stellar lights, the definite blue quasar SDSS J1058+5443 can be well confirmed as a true type-2 quasar due to apparent quasar-shape blue continuum emissions but apparent loss of both the optical broad Balmer emission lines and the NUV broad Mg~{\sc ii} emission line. Based on different model functions and F-test statistical technique, after considering blue-shifted optical and UV Fe~{\sc ii} emissions, there are no apparent broad optical Balmer emission lines and/or broad NUV Mg~{\sc ii} line, and the confidence level is smaller than 1sigma to support broad optical and NUV emission lines. Moreover, assumed the Virialization assumption to broad line emission clouds, the re-constructed broad emission lines strongly indicate that the probable intrinsic broad emission lines, if there were, cannot be hidden or overwhelmed in the noises of SDSS spectrum of SDSS J1058+5443. Therefore, SDSS J1058+5443, so-far the best and robust candidate of true type-2 quasar, leads to the further clear conclusion on the very existence of true type-2 AGN.

Guang-Xuan Lan, Jun-Jie Wei, Ye Li, Hou-Dun Zeng, Xue-Feng Wu

9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been discussed as a potential tool to probe the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) for a long time. Some studies found an enhancement in the GRB rate relative to the galaxy-inferred SFR at high redshifts, which indicates that GRBs may not be good tracers of star formation. However, in these studies, the GRB rate measured at any redshift is an average over all galaxies at that epoch. A deeply understanding of the connection between GRB production and environment also needs characterizing the population of GRB host galaxies directly. Based on a complete sample of GRB hosts, we constrain the stellar mass function (SMF) of GRB hosts, and examine redshift evolution in the GRB host population. Our results confirm that a strong redshift evolution in energy (with an evolution index of $\delta=2.47^{+0.73}_{-0.89}$) or in density ($\delta=1.82^{+0.22}_{-0.59}$) is needed in order to account for the observations. The GRB host SMF can be well described by the Schechter function with a power-law index $\xi\approx-1.10$ and a break mass $M_{b,0}\approx4.9\times10^{10}$ ${\rm M}_\odot$, independent of the assumed evolutionary effects. This is the first formulation of the GRB host SMF. The observed discrepancy between the GRB rate and the galaxy-inferred SFR may also be explained by an evolving SMF.

Jeremy Kowkabany, Rana Ezzeddine, Corinne Charbonnel, Ian U. Roederer, Yangyang Li, Zoe Hackshaw, Timothy C. Beers, Anna Frebel, Terese T. Hansen, Erika Holmbeck, Vinicius M. Placco, Charli M. Sakari

18 pages, 6 tables, 8 figures, Submitted to ApJ

We present the discovery of 2MASS J05241392-0336543 (hereafter J0524-0336), a very metal-poor ([Fe/H]=-2.43 \pm 0.16), highly r-process-enhanced ([Eu/Fe]=+1.34 \pm 0.10) Milky Way halo field red giant star, with an ultra high Li abundance of A(Li)(3D,NLTE)=5.62 \pm 0.25 and [Li/Fe]=+7.00 \pm 0.25, respectively. This makes J0524-0336 the most lithium-enhanced giant star discovered to date. We present a detailed analysis of the star's atmospheric stellar parameters and chemical-abundance determinations. Additionally, we detect infrared excess and variable emission in the wings of the H$_\alpha$ absorption line across multiple epochs, indicative of a potential enhanced mass-loss event with possible outflows. Our analysis reveals that J0524-0336 lies either between the bump and the tip of the Red Giant Branch (RGB), or on the early-Asymptotic Giant Branch (e-AGB). We investigate the possible sources of lithium enrichment in J0524-0336, including both internal and external sources. Based on current models and on the observational evidence we have collected, our study shows that J0524-0336 may be undergoing the so-called lithium flash that is expected to occur in low-mass stars when they reach the RGB bump and/or the early-AGB.

Binary black holes formed via different pathways are predicted to have distinct spin properties. Measuring these properties with gravitational waves provides an opportunity to unveil the origins of binary black holes. Recent work draws conflicting conclusions regarding the spin distribution observed by LIGO--Virgo--KAGRA (LVK). Some analyses suggest that a fraction of the observed black-hole spin vectors are significantly misaligned (by $>90^\circ$) relative to the orbital angular momentum. This has been interpreted to mean that some binaries in the LVK dataset are assembled dynamically in dense stellar environments. Other analyses find support for a sub-population of binaries with negligible spin and no evidence for significantly misaligned spin -- a result consistent with the field formation scenario. In this work, we study the spin properties of binary black holes in the third LVK gravitational-wave transient catalog. We find that there is insufficient data to resolve the existence of a sub-population of binaries with negligible black-hole spin (the presence of this sub-population is supported by a modest Bayes factor of 1.7). We find modest support for the existence of mergers with extreme spin tilt angles $> 90^\circ$ (the presence of extreme-tilt binaries is favored by a Bayes factor of 10.1). Only one thing is clear: at least some of the LVK binaries formed in the field. At most $89\%$ of binaries are assembled dynamically (99\% credibility), though, the true branching fraction could be much lower, even negligible.

Patrick McGarey, Issa A. Nesnas, Adarsh Rajguru, Matthew Bezkrovny, Vahraz Jamnejad, Jim Lux, Eric Sunada, Lawrence Teitelbaum, Alexander Miller, Steve W. Squyres, Gregg Hallinan, Alex Hegedus, Jack O. Burns

8 pages, 17 figures, IEEE Aerospace Conference Proceedings, 2021

The Far-side Array for Radio Science Investigations of the Dark ages and Exoplanets (FARSIDE) is a proposed mission concept to the lunar far side that seeks to deploy and operate an array of 128 dual-polarization, dipole antennas over a region of 100 square kilometers. The resulting interferometric radio telescope would provide unprecedented radio images of distant star systems, allowing for the investigation of faint radio signatures of coronal mass ejections and energetic particle events and could also lead to the detection of magnetospheres around exoplanets within their parent star's habitable zone. Simultaneously, FARSIDE would also measure the "Dark Ages" of the early Universe at a global 21-cm signal across a range of red shifts (z approximately 50-100). Each discrete antenna node in the array is connected to a central hub (located at the lander) via a communication and power tether. Nodes are driven by cold=operable electronics that continuously monitor an extremely wide-band of frequencies (200 kHz to 40 MHz), which surpass the capabilities of Earth-based telescopes by two orders of magnitude. Achieving this ground-breaking capability requires a robust deployment strategy on the lunar surface, which is feasible with existing, high TRL technologies (demonstrated or under active development) and is capable of delivery to the surface on next-generation commercial landers, such as Blue Origin's Blue Moon Lander. This paper presents an antenna packaging, placement, and surface deployment trade study that leverages recent advances in tethered mobile robots under development at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which are used to deploy a flat, antenna-embedded, tape tether with optical communication and power transmission capabilities.

The dynamics of a very young compact asteroid cluster associated with asteroid 39991 Iochroma is studied. It is shown that Iochroma family lies between the two three body resonances 3J-1M-3 and 5J 3S-2. In this paper we have determined the position of these resonances and the boundary between them. We have included the orbital elements approximations which may be useful in the future study of the dynamics of the family. Additionally, we report on a new candidate member, namely asteroid 2016 UT3.

Atsuhisa Ota, Misao Sasaki, Yi Wang

6 pages, 2 figures

The inflationary 1-loop tensor power spectrum from an excited spectator scalar field is calculated. Recent studies on primordial black holes suggest that the inflationary curvature perturbation may be huge on small scales. An enhanced curvature perturbation may arise from a drastic enhancement of spectator scalar field fluctuations. In this letter, using the in-in formalism, we calculate 1-loop quantum corrections to primordial gravitational waves by such an excited spectator field with a sharp peak in momentum space. We find scale-invariant loop corrections in this full quantum setup, in contrast to the sharply peaked corrections in the previously calculated scalar-induced tensor modes. Especially, on super Hubble scales, the primordial gravitational waves are also amplified, which can be understood as a Bogolyubov transformation of the vacuum due to the excited scalar field. This mechanism allows us to probe the scalar field properties on extremely short-distance scales with the current and future cosmic microwave background and gravitational wave experiments, opening a novel window for inflationary cosmology.

Junyan Xiong (1), Jun Yang (1), Jiachen Liu (1) ((1) Laboratory for Climate and Ocean-Atmosphere Studies, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, School of Physics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China)

Precipitation and its response to forcings is an important aspect of planetary climate system. In this study, we examine the strength of precipitation in the experiments with different atmospheric masses and their response to surface warming, using three global atmospheric general circulation models (GCMs) and one regional cloud-resolving model (CRM). We find that precipitation is weaker when atmospheric mass is larger for a given surface temperature. Furthermore, the increasing rate of precipitation with increasing surface temperature under a larger atmospheric mass is smaller than that under a smaller atmospheric mass. These behaviors can be understood based on atmospheric or surface energy balance. Atmospheric mass influences Rayleigh scattering, multiple scattering in the atmosphere, pressure broadening, lapse rate, and thereby precipitation strength. These results have important implications on the climate and habitability of early Earth, early Mars, and exoplanets with oceans.

Julia Thaler, Ralf Kissmann, Olaf Reimer

32 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astroparticle Physics

Cosmic rays (CRs) are an integral component of the interstellar medium, producing broadband emission while interacting with other Galactic matter components like the interstellar gas or magnetic fields. In addition to observations, numerical simulations of CR propagation through the Galaxy help to increase the level of understanding of Galactic CR transport and diffuse $\gamma$-ray emission as seen by different experiments. Up to now, the standard approach at modelling source distributions used as input for such transport simulations often rely on radial symmetry and analytical functions rather than individual, observation-based sources. We aim at a redefinition of existing CR source distributions by combining sources observed with the H.E.S.S. experiment and simulated random sources, which follow the matter density in the Milky Way. As a result, H.E.S.S.-inspired Galactic CR source distributions are inferred. We use the PICARD code to perform 3D-simulations of nuclei and electrons in CR propagation using our hybrid source distribution models. Furthermore, also gamma-ray maps and spectra, simulated with the redefined source models, are evaluated in different regions in the Galaxy and compared with each other to determine the statistical scatter of the underlying distributions. We find global consistency between our models and in comparison to previous simulations, with only some localised fluctuations, e.g. in the spiral arms. This implementation of a three-dimensional source model based on observations and simulations enables a new quality of propagation modelling. It offers possibilities for more realistic CR transport scenarios beyond radial symmetry and delivers meaningful results in both the arm and interarm regions of the Galaxy. This gives a more realistic picture of the Galactic $\gamma$-ray sky by including structures from the source model and not just the gas distributions.

T. Szklenár, A. Bódi, D. Tarczay-Nehéz, K. Vida, Gy. Mező, R. Szabó

In this experiment, we created a Multiple-Input Neural Network, consisting of Convolutional and Multi-layer Neural Networks. With this setup the selected highest-performing neural network was able to distinguish variable stars based on the visual characteristics of their light curves, while taking also into account additional numerical information (e.g. period, reddening-free brightness) to differentiate visually similar light curves. The network was trained and tested on OGLE-III data using all OGLE-III observation fields, phase-folded light curves and period data. The neural network yielded accuracies of 89--99\% for most of the main classes (Cepheids, $\delta$ Scutis, eclipsing binaries, RR Lyrae stars, Type-II Cepheids), only the first-overtone Anomalous Cepheids had an accuracy of 45\%. To counteract the large confusion between the first-overtone Anomalous Cepheids and the RRab stars we added the reddening-free brightness as a new input and only stars from the LMC field were retained to have a fixed distance. With this change we improved the neural network's result for the first-overtone Anomalous Cepheids to almost 80\%. Overall, the Multiple-input Neural Network method developed by our team is a promising alternative to existing classification methods.

Junhui Liao, Yuanning Gao, Zhen Jiang, Zhuo Liang, Zebang OuYang, Zhaohua Peng, Fengshou Zhang, Lei hang, Jiangfeng Zhou

arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2203.07901 , arXiv:2103.02161

Dark Matter (DM) is one of the most critical questions to be understood and answered in fundamental physics today. Observations with varied astronomical and cosmological technologies already pinned down that DM exists in the Universe, the Milky Way, and the Solar System. Nevertheless, understanding DM under the language of elementary physics is still in progress. DM direct detection tests the interactive cross-section between galactic DM particles and an underground detector's nucleons. Although Weakly Interactive Massive Particles (WIMPs) are the most discussed DM candidates, the null-WIMPs conclusion has been consistently addressed by the most convincing experiments in the field. Relatively, the low-mass WIMPs region ($\sim$ 10 MeV/c$^2$ - 10 GeV/c$^2$) has not been fully exploited compared to high-mass WIMPs ($\sim$ 10 GeV/c$^2$ - 10 TeV/c$^2$). The ALETHEIA (A Liquid hElium Time projection cHambEr In dArk matter) experiment aims to hunt for low-mass WIMPs with liquid helium-filled TPCs (Time Projection Chambers). In this paper, we go through the physics motivation of the project, the detector's design, the R\&D plan, and the progress we have made since the project has been launched in the summer of 2020.

Ziteng Wang, Tara Murphy, David L. Kaplan, Keith W. Bannister, Emil Lenc, James K. Leung, Andrew O'Brien, Sergio Pintaldi, Joshua Pritchard, Adam J. Stewart, Andrew Zic

17 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present the results of a radio transient and polarisation survey towards the Galactic Centre, conducted as part of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Variables and Slow Transients pilot survey. The survey region consisted of five fields covering $\sim265\,{\rm deg}^2$ ($350^\circ\lesssim l\lesssim10^\circ$, $\vert b\vert \lesssim 10^\circ$). Each field was observed for 12\,minutes, with between 7 and 9 repeats on cadences of between one day and four months. We detected eight highly variable sources and seven highly circularly-polarised sources (14 unique sources in total). Seven of these sources are known pulsars including the rotating radio transient PSR~J1739--2521 and the eclipsing pulsar PSR~J1723--2837. One of them is a low mass X-ray binary, 4U 1758--25. Three of them are coincident with optical or infrared sources and are likely to be stars. The remaining three may be related to the class of Galactic Centre Radio Transients (including a highly likely one, VAST~J173608.2--321634, that has been reported previously), although this class is not yet understood. In the coming years, we expect to detect $\sim$40 bursts from this kind of source with the proposed four-year VAST survey if the distribution of the source is isotropic over the Galactic fields.

Lorenz Zwick, Lucio Mayer, Lionel Haemmerlé, Ralf S. Klessen

Submitted to MNRAS

We revisit the conditions present in supermassive discs (SMDs) formed by the merger of gas-rich, metal-enriched galaxies at red-shift $z\sim 10$. We find that SMDs naturally form hydrostatic cores which go through a rapidly accreting supermassive star phase, before directly collapsing into massive black holes via the general relativistic instability. The growth and collapse of the cores occurs within $\sim 5\times 10^5$ yr from the formation of the SMD, producing bright electromagnetic, neutrino and gravitational wave transients with a typical duration of a few minutes and, respectively, a typical flux and a typical strain amplitude at Earth of $\sim 10^{-8}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$ and $\sim4\times 10^{-21}$. We provide a simple fitting formula for the the resulting black hole masses, which range from a few $10^6$ M$_{\odot}$ to $10^8$ M$_{\odot}$ depending on the initial SMD configuration. Crucially, our analysis does not require any specific assumption on the thermal properties of the gas, nor on the angular momentum loss mechanisms within the SMD. Led by these findings, we argue that the merger-driven scenario provides a robust pathway for the rapid formation of supermassive black holes at $z > 6$. It provides an explanation for the origin of the brightest and oldest quasars without the need of a sustained growth phase from a much smaller seed. Its smoking gun signatures can be tested directly via multi-messenger observations.

E. Kosmaczewski, L. Stawarz, C.C. Cheung, A. Bamba, A. Karska, W.R.M. Rocha

Submitted to ApJ

We present an analysis of the multi-wavelength observations of the dark globule, DC 314.8-5.1, using the optical survey Gaia, the near-infrared survey 2MASS, mid-infrared survey WISE along with dedicated imaging with the Spitzer Space Telescope, and finally X-ray data obtained with the Swift-XRT telescope. The main goal of this analysis was to identify possible pre-main sequence stars and young stellar objects (YSOs) associated with the globule. For this purpose, we studied the infrared colors of all point sources coinciding within the boundaries of the cloud, as inferred from the optical extinction maps. After removing the sources with spectra of non-stellar types, we investigated the Gaia parallaxes for the YSO candidates, finding that none of them are physically related to DC 314.8-5.1. In addition, we probed the presence of pre-main sequence stars lacking infrared counterparts with Swift-XRT, and found no candidates down to a luminosity level $\lesssim 10^{31}$erg cm$^{-1}$ in the 0.5-10 keV range. Our detailed inspection of the gathered data confirm a very young, ``pre-stellar core'' evolutionary stage of the cloud. As such, DC 314.8-5.1 constitutes a compact reservoir of cold dust and gas, enabling for a truly unique insight into a primordial form of the interstellar medium. Based on the archival Planck and IRAS data, we identify the presence of a hot dust, with temperatures reaching even up to 200 K, in addition to the dominant dust component at 14 K. Finally, we comment on the mass estimates for the globule.

Daryl Joe D. Santos, Tomotsugu Goto, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Seong Jin Kim, Ting-Yi Lu, Yi-Hang Valerie Wong, Simon C.-C. Ho, Tiger Y.-Y. Hsiao

Accepted for publication at MNRAS

Addressing how strong UV radiation affects galaxy formation is central to understanding their evolution. The quenching of star formation via strong UV radiation (from starbursts or AGN) has been proposed in various scenes to solve certain astrophysical problems. Around luminous sources, some evidence of decreased star formation has been found but is limited to a handful of individual cases. No direct, conclusive evidence on the actual role of strong UV radiation in quenching star formation has been found. Here we present statistical evidence of decreased number density of faint (AB magnitude $\geq$ 24.75 mag) Ly\alpha emitters (LAEs) around bright (AB magnitude < 24.75 mag) LAEs even when the radius goes up to 10 pMpc for $z$ $\simeq$ 5.7 LAEs. A similar trend is found for z $\simeq$ 6.6 LAEs but only within 1 pMpc radius from the bright LAEs. We use a large sample of 1077 (962) LAEs at $z$ $\simeq$ 5.7 ($z$ $\simeq$ 6.6) selected in total areas of 14 (21) deg$^2$ with Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam narrow-band data, and thus, the result is of statistical significance for the first time at these high redshift ranges. A simple analytical calculation indicates that the radiation from the central LAE is not enough to suppress LAEs with AB mag $\geq$ 24.75 mag around them, suggesting additional physical mechanisms we are unaware of are at work. Our results clearly show that the environment is at work for the galaxy formation at $z$ $\sim$ 6 in the Universe.

In this work, we show the effect of the non-minimal coupling $\xi \phi^2 R$ on the inflationary parameters by considering the single-field inflation and present the inflationary predictions of the appealing potential for the particle physics viewpoint: Natural Inflation, an axion-like inflaton which has a cosine-type periodic potential and the inflaton naturally emerges as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson with a spontaneously broken global symmetry. We present the inflationary predictions for this potential, $n_s$, $r$, and $\alpha=\mathrm{d}n_s/\mathrm{d}\ln k$. In addition, we assume standard thermal history after inflation, and using this, for considered potential, we show compatible regions for the $n_s$, $r$ within the recent BICEP/Keck results.

Antoine Thuillier, Valérie Van Grootel, Martín Dévora-Pajares, Francisco J. Pozuelos, Stéphane Charpinet, Lionel Siess

11 pages + 3 pages as appendix. 7 figures. Already published in A&A, August 2022

Context. Hot subdwarfs, which are hot and small He-burning objects, are ideal targets for exploring the evolution of planetary systems after the red giant branch (RGB). Thus far, no planets have been confirmed around them, and no systematic survey to find planets has been carried out. Aims. In this project, we aim to perform a systematic transit survey in all light curves of hot subdwarfs from space-based telescopes (Kepler, K2, TESS, and CHEOPS). The goal is to compute meaningful statistics on two points: firstly, the occurrence rates of planets around hot subdwarfs, and secondly, the probability of survival for close-in planets engulfed during the RGB phase of their host. This paper focuses on the analysis of the observations carried out during cycle 1 of the TESS mission. Methods. We used our specifically designed pipeline SHERLOCK to search for transits in the available light curves. When a signal is detected, it is processed in the next evaluating stages before an object is qualified for follow-up observations and in-depth analysis to determine the nature of the transiting body. Results. We applied our method to the 792 hot subdwarfs observed during cycle 1 of TESS. While 378 interesting signals were detected in the light curves, only 26 stars were assigned for follow-up observations. We have identified a series of eclipsing binaries, transiting white dwarfs, and other types of false positives, but no planet has been confirmed thus far. A first computation of the upper limit for occurrence rates was made with the 549 targets displaying no signal. Conclusions. The tools and method we developed proved their efficiency in analysing the available light curves from space missions, from detecting an interesting signal to identifying a transiting planet. This will allow us to fulfil the two main goals of this project.

Bhoomika Rajput, Ashwani Pandey, C. S. Stalin, Blesson Mathew

20 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Polarized radiation from blazars is one key piece of evidence for synchrotron radiation at low energy, which also shows variations. We present here our results on the correlation analysis between optical flux and polarization degree (PD) variations in a sample of 11 BL Lac objects using $\sim$ 10 years of data from the Steward Observatory. We carried out the analysis on long-term ($\sim$ several months) as well as on short-term timescales ($\sim$ several days). On long-term timescales, for about 85% of the observing cycles, we found no correlation between optical flux and PD. On short-term timescales, we found a total of 58 epochs with a significant correlation between optical flux and PD, where both positive and negative correlation were observed. In addition, we also found a significant correlation between optical flux and $\gamma$-ray flux variations on long-term timescales in 11% of the observing cycles. The observed PD variations in our study cannot be explained by changes in the power-law spectral index of the relativistic electrons in the jets. The shock-in-jet scenario is favoured for the correlation between optical flux and PD, whereas the anti-correlation can be explained by the presence of multi-zone emission regions. The varying correlated behaviour can also be explained by the enhanced optical flux caused by the newly developed radio knots in the jets and their magnetic field alignment with the large scale jet magnetic field.

Sergey S. Tsygankov, Victor Doroshenko, Juri Poutanen, Jeremy Heyl, Alexander A. Mushtukov, Ilaria Caiazzo, Alessandro Di Marco, Sofia V. Forsblom, Denis González-Caniulef, Moritz Klawin, Fabio La Monaca, Christian Malacaria, Herman L. Marshall, Fabio Muleri, Mason Ng, Valery F. Suleimanov, Rashid A. Sunyaev, Roberto Turolla, Iván Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stefano Bianchi, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolò Bucciantini, Fiamma Capitanio, Simone Castellano, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Stefano Ciprini, Enrico Costa, Alessandra De Rosa, Ettore Del Monte, Laura Di Gesu, Niccolò Di Lalla, Immacolata Donnarumma, Michal Dovčiak, Steven R. Ehlert, Teruaki Enoto, Yuri Evangelista, et al. (55 additional authors not shown)

Submitted to ApJL. 18 pages, 12 figures

Cen X-3 is the first X-ray pulsar discovered 50 years ago. Radiation from such objects is expected to be highly polarized due to birefringence of plasma and vacuum associated with propagation of photons in presence of the strong magnetic field. Here we present results of the observations of Cen X-3 performed with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer. The source exhibited significant flux variability and was observed in two states different by a factor of ~20 in flux. In the low-luminosity state no significant polarization was found either in pulse phase-averaged (with the 3$\sigma$ upper limit of 12%) or phase-resolved data (the 3$\sigma$ upper limits are 20-30%). In the bright state the polarization degree of 5.8$\pm$0.3% and polarization angle of $49.6\deg\pm1.5\deg$ with significance of about 20$\sigma$ was measured from the spectro-polarimetric analysis of the phase-averaged data. The phase-resolved analysis showed a significant anti-correlation between the flux and the polarization degree as well as strong variations of the polarization angle. The fit with the rotating vector model indicates a position angle of the pulsar spin axis of about 49$\deg$ and a magnetic obliquity of 17$\deg$. The detected relatively low polarization can be explained if the upper layers of the neutron star surface are overheated by the accreted matter and the conversion of the polarization modes occurs within the transition region between the upper hot layer and a cooler underlying atmosphere. A fraction of polarization signal can also be produced by reflection of radiation from the neutron star surface and the accretion curtain.

Nikos Sioulas, Zesen Huang, Chen Shi, Marco Velli, Anna Tenerani, Loukas Vlahos, Trevor A. Bowen, Stuart D. Bale, J.W. Bonnell, P. R. Harvey, Davin Larson, arc Pulupa, Roberto Livi, L. D. Woodham, T. S. Horbury, Michael L. Stevens, T. Dudok de Wit, R. J. MacDowall, David M. Malaspina, K. Goetz, Jia Huang, Justin Kasper, Christopher J. Owen, Milan Maksimović, P. Louarn, A. Fedorov

Submitted to PRL

The radial evolution of the magnetic field fluctuations spectral index and its dependence on plasma parameters is investigated using a merged Parker Solar Probe ($PSP$) and Solar Orbiter ($SO$) dataset covering heliocentric distances between $0.06 ~ \lesssim R ~\lesssim 1$ au. The spectrum is studied as a function of scale, normalized to the radially dependent ion inertial scale $d_{i}$. In the vicinity of the Sun, the magnetic spectrum inertial range is limited with a power law exponent $\alpha_{B}$ consistent with the Iroshnikov-Kraichman phenomenology of Alfv\'enic turbulence, $\alpha_{B} = -3/2$, independent of plasma parameters. The inertial range of turbulence grows with distance from the Sun, progressively extending to larger spatial scales, while at the same time steepening towards a Kolomogorov scaling, with a mean value of $\alpha_{B} =-5/3$. Highly alfv\'enic intervals seem to retain their near-Sun scaling and only show a minor steepening with distance. In contrast, intervals, where turbulence is characterized by large magnetic energy excess and no dominance of outwardly propagating Alfv\'enic fluctuations, appear to have spectra that steepen significantly with distance from the Sun, resulting in slightly anomalously steep inertial range slopes at $1~au$. Though generically slower solar wind streams exhibit steeper spectra, the correlation can be attributed to the underlying positive correlation between solar wind speed and alfv\'enicity, i.e. to the relatively rare occurrence of highly Alfv\'enic slow wind.

Tanuman Ghosh, Vikram Rana

8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We report X-ray spectral variability in an ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 1042 ULX1, using archival XMM-NEWTON and recent NuSTAR observations. In long-term evolution, the source has shown a trend of variation in spectral hardness. The variability in different XMM-NEWTON observations is prominent above $\sim 1$ keV. Cool thermal disk component with a characteristic temperature of $\sim 0.2$ keV manifests that the spectral state of NGC 1042 ULX1 in all epochs is similar to that of the ultraluminous state sources. An apparent anti-correlation between luminosity and powerlaw index demonstrates that the source becomes spectrally harder when it is in a brighter state. That is conceivably related to stronger Comptonization when the accretion rate is higher or due to a change in the occultation of the disk geometry. Typical hard ultraluminous type spectra indicate that NGC 1042 ULX1 is a low inclination system in general. Spectral properties suggest that, like many other ULXs which show spectral curvature around $\sim 6-10$ keV, NGC 1042 ULX1 could be another stellar-mass super-Eddington accretor.

Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Shun Furusawa, Hiroki Nagakura, Akira Harada, Hajime Togashi, Ken'ichiro Nakazato, Hideyuki Suzuki

33 pages, 23 figures, 1 table, submitted to Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP)

We study the influence of hot and dense matter in core-collapse supernovae by adopting up-to-date nuclear equation of state (EOS) based on the microscopic nuclear many-body frameworks. We explore effects of EOS based on the Dirac Brueckner Hartree-Fock theory through comparisons with those based on the variational method. We also examine effects of the differences in the composition of nuclei and nucleons by using the same EOS by the variational method but employing two different treatments in computations of nuclear abundances. We perform numerical simulations of core-collapse supernovae adopting the three EOSs. We also perform numerical simulations of the long-term evolution over 70 s of the proto-neutron star cooling. We show that impacts by different modeling of composition are remarkable as in those by different treatments of uniform matter in the gravitational collapse, bounce, and shock propagation. The cooling of proto-neutron star and the resulting neutrino emission are also affected by the compositional difference even if the same treatment in computing uniform matter of EOS.

Nolan Matthews, Jean-Pierre Rivet, Mathilde Hugbart, Guillaume Labeyrie, Robin Kaiser, Olivier Lai, Farrokh Vakili, David Vernet, Julien Chabé, Clémont Courde, Nicolas Schuhler, Pierre Bourget, William Guerin

We present the current status of the I2C stellar intensity interferometer used towards high angular resolution observations of stars in visible wavelengths. In these proceedings, we present recent technical improvements to the instrument, and share results from ongoing campaigns using arrays of small diameter optical telescopes. A tip-tilt adaptive optics unit was integrated into the optical system to stabilize light injection into an optical fiber. The setup was successfully tested with several facilities on the Calern Plateau site of the Observatoire de la C\^ote d'Azur. These include one of the 1 m diameter telescopes of the C2PU observatory, a portable 1 m diameter telescope, and also the 1.5 m M\'eO telescope. To better constrain on-sky measurements, the spectral transmission of instrument was characterized in the laboratory using a high resolution spectrograph. The system was also tested with two of the auxiliary telescopes of the VLTI resulting in successful temporal and spatial correlation measurements of three stars.

Thomas Konings, Robin Baeyens, Leen Decin

27 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Stellar flares of active M dwarfs can affect the atmospheric composition of close-orbiting gas giants, and can result in time-dependent transmission spectra. We aim to examine the impact of a variety of flares, differing in energy, duration, and occurrence frequency, on the composition and spectra of close-orbiting, tidally locked gaseous planets with climates dominated by equatorial superrotation. We used a series of pseudo-2D photo- and thermochemical kinetics models, which take advection by the equatorial jet stream into account, to simulate the neutral molecular composition of a gaseous planet (effective temperature 800 K) that orbits a flaring M dwarf. We then computed transmission spectra for the evening and morning limb. We find that the upper regions of the dayside and evening limb are heavily depleted in CH4 and NH3 up to several days after a flare with a total radiative energy of $ 2 \times 10^{33} $ erg. Molar fractions of C2H2 and HCN are enhanced up to a factor three on the nightside and morning limb after day-to-nightside advection of photodissociated species. CH4 depletion reduces transit depths by 100-300 parts per million (ppm) on the evening limb and C2H2 production increases the 14 micron feature up to 350 ppm on the morning limb. We find that repeated flaring drives the atmosphere to a composition that differs from its pre-flare distribution and that this translates to a permanent modification of the transmission spectrum. We show that single high-energy flares can affect the atmospheres of close-orbiting gas giants up to several days after the flare event, during which their transmission spectra are altered by several hundred ppm. Repeated flaring has important implications for future retrieval analyses of exoplanets around active stars, as the atmospheric composition and resulting spectral signatures substantially differ from models that do not include flaring.

Usasi Chowdhury, Florence Levy-Bertrand, Martino Calvo, Johannes Goupy, Alessandro Monfardini

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

Context. Millimetre-wave astronomy is an important tool for both general astrophysics studies and cosmology. A large number of unidentified sources are being detected by the large field-of-view continuum instruments operating on large telescopes. Aims. New smart focal planes are needed to bridge the gap between large bandwidth continuum instruments operating on single dish telescopes and the high spectral and angular resolution interferometers (e.g. ALMA in Chile, NOEMA in France). The aim is to perform low-medium spectral resolution observations and select a lower number of potentially interesting sources, i.e. high-redshift galaxies, for further follow-up. Methods. We have designed, fabricated and tested an innovative on-chip spectrometer sensitive in the 85-110~GHz range. It contains sixteen channels selecting a frequency band of about 0.2 GHz each. A conical horn antenna coupled to a slot in the ground plane collects the radiation and guides it to a mm-wave microstrip transmission line placed on the other side of the mono-crystalline substrate. The mm-wave line is coupled to a filter-bank. Each filter is capacitively coupled to a Lumped Element Kinetic Inductance Detector (LEKID). The microstrip configuration allows to benefit from the high quality, i.e. low losses, mono-crystalline substrate, and at the same time prevents direct, i.e. un-filtered, LEKID illumination. Results. The prototype spectrometer exhibit a spectral resolution R = lambda / Delta_lambda = 300. The optical noise equivalent power is in the low 1E-16W/sqrt(Hz) range for an incoming power of about 0.2pW per channel. The device is polarisation-sensitive, with a cross-polarisation lower than 1% for the best channels.

J. Ferrer Asensio, S. Spezzano, P. Caselli, F. O. Alves, O. Sipilä, E. Redaelli, L. Bizzocchi, F. Lique, A. Mullins

Spectral line profiles of several molecules observed towards the pre-stellar core L1544 appear double-peaked. For abundant molecular species this line morphology has been linked to self-absorption. However, the physical process behind the double-peaked morphology for less abundant species is still under debate. In order to understand the cause behind the double-peaked spectra of optically thin transitions and their link to the physical structure of pre-stellar cores, we present high-sensitivity and high-spectral resolution HC$^{17}$O$^+$ $J =$1-0 observations towards the dust peak in L1544. We observed the HC$^{17}$O$^+$ (1-0) spectrum with the Institut de Radioastronomie Millim\'etrique (IRAM) 30m telescope. By using new state-of-the-art collisional rate coefficients, a physical model for the core and the fractional abundance profile of HC$^{17}$O$^+$, the hyperfine structure of this molecular ion is modelled for the first time with the radiative transfer code LOC applied to the predicted chemical structure of a contracting pre-stellar core. We applied the same analysis to the chemically related C$^{17}$O molecule. The observed HC$^{17}$O$^+$(1-0) and C$^{17}$O(1-0) lines have been successfully reproduced with a non-local thermal equilibrium (LTE) radiative transfer model applied to chemical model predictions for a contracting pre-stellar core. An upscaled velocity profile (by 30%) is needed to reproduce the HC$^{17}$O$^+$(1-0) observations. The double peaks observed in the HC$^{17}$O$^+$(1-0) hyperfine components are due to the contraction motions at densities close to the critical density of the transition ($\sim$10$^{5}$ cm$^{-3}$) and to the fact that the HCO$^{+}$ fractional abundance decreases toward the centre.

Anthony R. Pullen, Patrick C. Breysse, Trevor Oxholm, Eric R. Switzer, Christopher J. Anderson, Emily Barrentine, Alberto D. Bolatto, Giuseppe Cataldo, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Abhishek Maniyar, Thomas Stevenson, Rachel S. Somerville, Carrie Volpert, Edward Wollack, Shengqi Yang, L. Y. Aaron Yung, Zilu Zhou

19 pages, 14 figures, will submit to MNRAS

The EXperiment for Cryogenic Large-Aperture Intensity Mapping (EXCLAIM) is a balloon-borne cryogenic telescope that will survey the spectrum of diffuse emission from both the Milky Way and the cosmic web to probe star formation, the interstellar medium, and galaxy evolution across cosmic time. EXCLAIM's primary extragalactic science survey maps 305 deg$^2$ along the celestial equator with an R=512 spectrometer over the frequency range \nu=420-540 GHz, targeting emission of the [CII] line over redshifts 2.5<z<3.5 and several CO lines for z<1. Cross-correlation with galaxy redshift catalogs isolates line emission from the large-scale structure at target redshifts. In this paper, we forecast the sensitivity for both the two-point and conditional one-point cross-correlation. We predict that EXCLAIM will detect both the [CII]-QSO cross-power spectrum and the conditional voxel intensity distribution (CVID) at various redshifts under a broad range of [CII] intensity models, allowing it to differentiate among these models in the literature. These forecasts for the power spectra include the effects of line interlopers and continuum foreground contamination. We then convert the joint [CII] constraints from both the cross-power spectrum and the CVID into constraints on the [CII] halo luminosity-mass relation $L_\mathrm{[CII]}(M)$ model parameters and the star formation rate density (SFRD) from [CII] emission. We also develop sensitivity estimates for CO, showing the ability to differentiate between models.

Riya Bhowmick, Dipak Debnath, Kaushik Chatterjee, Arghajit Jana, Sujoy Kumar Nath

22 Pages, 9 Figures, 6 Tables (accepted for publication in Galaxies MDPI Journal)

The newly discovered galactic black hole candidate (BHC) MAXI~J1348-630 showed two major outbursts in 2019, just after its discovery. Here, we provide a detailed spectral and temporal analysis of the less-studied second outburst using archive data from multiple satellites, namely Swift, MAXI, NICER, NuSTAR and AstroSat. The outburst continued for around two and a half months. Unlike the first outburst from this source, this second outburst was a `failed' one. The source did not transition to soft or intermediate spectral states. During the entire outburst, the source was in the hard state with high dominance of non-thermal photons. The presence of strong shocks are inferred from spectral fitting using a TCAF model. In NuSTAR spectra, weak reflection is observed from spectral fitting. Low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillations are also detected in AstroSat data.

Tongtian Ren, Biwei Jiang, Yi Ren, Ming Yang

25 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Universe

The number ratio of carbon-rich to oxygen-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars (the so-called C/M ratio) is closely related to the evolution environment of the host galaxy. This work studies the C/M ratio in 14 galaxies within the Local Group with the most complete and clean sample of member stars identified in our previous works. The borderlines between carbon-rich AGB and oxygen-rich AGB stars as well as red supergiants are defined by Gaussian mixture model fitting to the number density in the $(J - K)/K$ diagram for the member stars of the LMC and M33, and then applied to the other galaxies by shifting the difference in the position of tip red giant branch (TRGB). The C/M ratios are obtained after precise and consistent categorization. Although for galaxies with larger distance modulo there is greater uncertainty, the C/M ratio is clearly found to decrease with the color index $(J - K)_0$ of TRGB as the indicator of metallicity, which agrees with previous studies and can be explained by the fact that carbon stars are more easily formed in a metal-poor environment. Furthermore, the C/M ratio within M33 is found to increase with galactocentric distance, which coincides with this scenario and the galactic chemical evolution model. On the other hand, the C/M ratio within M31 is found to decrease with galactocentric radius, which deserves further study.

Classical supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) are understood as close binary systems in which a massive white dwarf (WD) accretes from its companion at rates sustaining steady hydrogen burning on its surface generating bolometric luminosities of $10^{36}-2\times10^{38}$ erg/s. Here, we perform for the first time the global supersoft X-rays to near-infrared (NIR) spectral energy distribution (SED) for the brightest SSSs in LMC and SMC. We test a model in which the ultraviolet--NIR is dominated by the emission from a compact (unresolved) circumstellar nebula represented by the ionized gas out-flowing from the SSS. The SED models correspond to luminosities of SSSs a few times $10^{38}-10^{39}$ erg/s, radiating at blackbody temperatures of $\approx 3\times 10^{5}$ K, and indicate nebular continuum, whose emission measure of $\gtrsim 2\times10^{60}$ cm$^{-3}$ corresponds to a wind mass-loss at rates $\gtrsim 2\times 10^{-6}$ $M_{\odot}\,{\rm yr}^{-1}$. Such extreme parameters suggest that the brightest SSSs could be unidentified optical novae in a post-nova SSS state sustained at a high long-lasting luminosity by resumed accretion, possibly at super-Eddington rates. New observations and theoretical multiwavelength modeling of the global SED of SSSs are needed to reliably determine their parameters, and thus understand their proper stage in stellar evolution.

Francois Foucart

Draft of an invited review to be submitted to Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics -- comments, suggestions and corrections welcome

Numerical simulations of neutron star-neutron star and neutron star-black hole binaries play an important role in our ability to model gravitational wave and electromagnetic signals powered by these systems. These simulations have to take into account a wide range of physical processes including general relativity, magnetohydrodynamics, and neutrino radiation transport. The latter is particularly important in order to understand the properties of the matter ejected by many mergers, the optical/infrared signals powered by nuclear reactions in the ejecta, and the contribution of that ejecta to astrophysical nucleosynthesis. However, accurate evolutions of the neutrino transport equations that include all relevant physical processes remain beyond our current reach. In this review, I will discuss the current state of neutrino modeling in general relativistic simulations of neutron star mergers and of their post-merger remnants, focusing in particular on the three main types of algorithms used in simulations so far: leakage, moments, and Monte-Carlo scheme. I will discuss the advantages and limitations of each scheme, as well as the various neutrino-matter interactions that should be included in simulations. We will see that the quality of the treatment of neutrinos in merger simulations has greatly increased over the last decade, but also that many potentially important interactions remain difficult to take into account in simulations (pair annihilation, oscillations, inelastic scattering).

Florent Castellani (IRAP), N. Clerc (IRAP), Etienne Pointecouteau (IRAP), Yannick Bahé, F. Pajot (IRAP)

Journ\'ees 2021 de la Soci\'et\'e Fran\c{c}aise d'Astronomie \& d'Astrophysique, Jun 2021, CarbonFreeConf, France

The X-ray Integral Field Unit (X-IFU) on-board the second large ESA mission ''Athena'' will be a high spatial (5'') and spectral (2.5eV) resolution X-ray imaging spectrometer, operating in the 0.2-12 keV energy band. It will address the science question of the assembly and evolution through cosmic time of the largest halos of matter in the Universe, groups and clusters of galaxies. To this end, we present an on-going feasibility study to demonstrate the X-IFU capabilities to unveil the physics of massive halos at their epoch of formation. Starting from a distant (z=2) group of galaxies ($M_{500} = 7\cdot 10^{13} M_\odot/h$) extracted from the HYDRANGEA cosmological and hydrodynamical numerical simulations, we perform an end-to-end simulation of X-IFU observations. From the reconstruction of the global, 1D and 2D quantities, we plan to investigate the various X-IFU science cases for clusters of galaxies, such as the chemical enrichment of the intra-cluster medium (ICM), the dynamical assembly of groups and clusters and the impact of feedback from galaxy and super-massive black hole evolution.

Lluís Galbany, Thomas de Jaeger, Adam Riess, Tomás E. Müller-Bravo, Suhail Dhawan, Kim Phan, Maximillian Stritzinger, Emir Karamehmetoglu, Bruno Leibundgut, Erik Peterson, W. D'Arcy Kenworthy, Joel Johanson, Kate Maguire, Saurabh W. Jha

15 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to A&A

We present a measurement of the Hubble constant ($H_0$) using type Ia supernova (SNe Ia) in the near-infrared (NIR) from the recently updated sample of SNe Ia in nearby galaxies with distances measured via Cepheid period-luminosity relations by the SHOES project. We collect public near-infrared photometry of up to 19 calibrator SNe Ia and further 57 SNe Ia in the Hubble flow ($z>0.01$), and directly measure their peak magnitudes in the $J$ and $H$ band by Gaussian processes and spline interpolation. Calibrator peak magnitudes together with Cepheid-based distances are used to estimate the average absolute magnitude in each band, while Hubble-flow SNe are used to constrain the zero-point intercept of the magnitude-redshift relation. Our baseline result of $H_0$ is $72.3\pm1.4$ (stat) $\pm1.4$ (syst) km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ in the $J$ band and $72.3\pm1.3$ (stat) $\pm1.4$ (syst) km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ in the $H$ band, where the systematic uncertainties include the standard deviation of up to 21 variations of the analysis, the 0.7\% distance scale systematic from SHOES Cepheid anchors, a photometric zeropoint systematic, and a cosmic variance systematic. Our final measurement represents a measurement with a precision of 2.8\% in both bands. The variant with the largest change in $H_0$ is when limiting the sample to SNe from CSP and CfA programmes, noteworthy because these are the best calibrated, yielding $H_0\sim75$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$ in both bands. We demonstrate stretch and reddening corrections are still useful in the NIR to standardize SN Ia NIR peak magnitudes. Based on our results, in order to improve the precision of the $H_0$ measurement with SNe Ia in the NIR in the future, we would need to increase the number of calibrator SNe Ia, be able to extend the Hubble-Lema\^itre diagram to higher-z, and include standardization procedures to help reducing the NIR intrinsic scatter.

G. Fabbiano, A. Paggi, R. Morganti, M. Balokovic, A. Elvis, D. Mukherjee, M. Meenakshi, A. Siemiginowska, S. M. Murthy, T. A. Oosterloo, A. Y. Wagner, G. Bicknell

ApJ, in press

We report the results of joint Chandra/ACIS - NuSTAR deep observations of NGC 1167, the host galaxy of the young radio jet B2 0258+35. In the ACIS data we detect X-ray emission, extended both along and orthogonal to the jet. At the end of the SE radio jet, we find lower-energy X-ray emission that coincides with a region of CO turbulence and fast outflow motions. This suggests that the hot Interstellar Medium (ISM) may be compressed by the jet and molecular outflow, resulting in more efficient cooling. Hydrodynamic simulations of jet-ISM interaction tailored to NGC 1167 are in agreement with this conclusion and with the overall morphology and spectra of the X-ray emission. The faint hard nuclear source detected with Chandra and the stringent NuSTAR upper limits on the harder X-ray emission show that the active galactic nucleus (AGN) in NGC 1167 is in a very low-accretion state. However, the characteristics of the extended X-ray emission are more consonant to those of luminous Compton Thick AGNs, suggesting that we may be observing the remnants of a past high accretion rate episode, with sustained strong activity lasting ~ 2 x 103 yr. We conclude that NGC1167 is presently a LINER, but was an AGN in the past, given the properties of the extended X-ray emission and their similarity with those of CT AGN extended emission.

Connor P. Fallows, Jason L. Sanders

18 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Despite the advances provided by large-scale photometric surveys, stellar features - such as metallicity - generally remain limited to spectroscopic observations often of bright, nearby low-extinction stars. To rectify this, we present a neural network approach for estimating the metallicities and distances of red giant stars with 8-band photometry and parallaxes from Gaia EDR3 and the 2MASS and WISE surveys. The algorithm accounts for uncertainties in the predictions arising from the range of possible outputs at each input and from the range of models compatible with the training set (through drop-out). A two-stage procedure is adopted where an initial network to estimate photo-astrometric parallaxes is trained using a large sample of noisy parallax data from Gaia EDR3 and then a secondary network is trained using spectroscopic metallicities from the APOGEE and LAMOST surveys and an augmented feature space utilising the first-stage parallax estimates. The algorithm produces metallicity predictions with an average uncertainty of $\pm0.19$ dex. The methodology is applied to stars within the Galactic bar/bulge with particular focus on a sample of 1.69 million objects with Gaia radial velocities. We demonstrate the use and validity of our approach by inspecting both spatial and kinematic gradients with metallicity in the Galactic bar/bulge recovering previous results on the vertical metallicity gradient ($-0.528 \pm 0.002$ dex/kpc) and the vertex deviation of the bar ($-21.29 \pm 2.74$ deg).

R. Brivio, S. Covino, P. D'Avanzo, K. Wiersema, J.R. Maund, M.G. Bernardini, S. Campana, A. Melandri

10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

Among the large variety of astrophysical sources that we can observe, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are the most energetic of the whole Universe. The definition of a general picture describing the physics behind GRBs has always been a compelling task, but the results obtained so far from observations have revealed a puzzling landscape. The lack of a clear, unique paradigm calls for further observations and additional, independent techniques for this purpose. Polarimetry constitutes a very useful example as it allows us to investigate some features of the source such as the geometry of the emitting region and the magnetic field configuration. To date, only a handful of bursts detected by space telescopes have been accompanied by ground-based spectro-polarimetric follow-up, and therefore such an analysis of more GRBs is of crucial importance in order to increase the sample of bursts with multi-epoch polarisation analysis. In this work, we present the analysis of the GRB 080928 optical afterglow, with observations performed with the ESO-VLT FORS1 instrument. We find that the GRB optical afterglow was not significantly polarised on the first observing night. The polarisation degree ($P$) grew on the following night to a level of $P \sim$ 4.5%, giving evidence of polarised radiation at a 4 $\sigma$ confidence level. The GRB 080928 light curve is not fully consistent with standard afterglow models, making any comparison with polarimetric models partly inconclusive. The most conservative interpretation is that the GRB emission was characterised by a homogeneous jet and was observed at an angle of 0.6 $< \theta_{obs}/\theta_{jet} <$ 0.8. Moreover, the non-zero polarisation degree on the second night suggests the presence of a dominant locally ordered magnetic field in the emitting region.

Lei Cheng, Ming Zhang, David Lario, Laura A. Balmaceda, Ryun Young Kwon, Christina Cohen

18 pages, 6 figures

This paper presents a stochastic three-dimensional (3D) focused transport simulation of solar energetic particles (SEPs) produced by a data-driven coronal mass ejection (CME) shock propagating through a data-driven model of coronal and heliospheric magnetic fields. The injection of SEPs at the CME shock is treated using diffusive shock acceleration of post-shock superthermal solar wind ions. A time backward stochastic simulation is employed to solve the transport equation to obtain the SEP time-intensity profile at any location, energy, and pitch angle. The model is applied to a SEP event on 2020 May 29, observed by STEREO-A close to 1 au and by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) when it was about 0.33 au away from the Sun. The SEP event was associated with a very slow CME with a plane-of-sky speed of 337 km/s at a height below 6 $\rm R_S$ as reported in the SOHO/LASCO CME catalog. We compute the time profiles of particle flux at PSP and STEREO-A locations, and estimate both the spectral index of the proton energy spectrum for energies between 2 and 16 MeV and the equivalent path length of the magnetic field lines experienced by the first arriving SEPs. We found that the simulation results are well correlated with observations. The SEP event could be explained by the acceleration of particles by a weak CME shock in the low solar corona that is not magnetically connected to the observers.

Costas Alissandrakis, Timothy Bastian, Roman Brajša

Solar observations at sub-mm, mm and cm wavelengths offer a straightforward diagnostic of physical conditions in the solar atmosphere because they yield measurement of brightness temperature which, for optically thick features, equals intrinsic temperature - much unlike solar diagnostics in other spectral ranges. The Atacama Large Millimeter and sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) has therefore opened a new, hitherto underexplored, spectral window for studying the enigmatic solar chromosphere. In this review we discuss initial ALMA studies of the quiet chromosphere that used both single-dish and compact-array interferometric observing modes. We present results on the temperature structure of the chromosphere, comparison with classic empirical models of the chromosphere, and observations of the chromospheric network and spicules. Furthermore, we discuss what may be expected in the future, since the ALMA capabilities continuously expand and improve towards higher angular resolution, wavelength coverage, and polarization measurement for magnetometry.

D. Bodewits, B. P. Bonev, M. A. Cordiner, G. L. Villanueva

Review for Comets III book

In this chapter, we provide a review of radiative processes in cometary atmospheres spanning a broad range of wavelengths, from radio to X-rays. We focus on spectral modeling, observational opportunities, and anticipated challenges in the interpretation of new observations, based on our current understanding of the atomic and molecular processes occurring in the atmospheres of small, icy bodies. Close to the surface, comets possess a thermalized atmosphere that traces the irregular shape of the nucleus. Gravity is too low to retain the gas, which flows out to form a large, collisionless exosphere (coma) that interacts with the heliospheric radiation environment. As such, cometary comae represent conditions that are familiar in the context of planetary atmosphere studies. However, the outer comae are tenuous, with densities lower than those found in vacuum chambers on Earth. Comets, therefore, provide us with unique natural laboratories that can be understood using state-of-the-art theoretical treatments of the relevant microphysical processes. Radiative processes offer direct diagnostics of the local physical conditions, as well as the macroscopic coma properties.These can be used to improve our understanding of comets and other astrophysical environments such as icy moons and the interstellar medium.

Amanda L. Steinhebel, Henrike Fleischhack, Nicolas Striebig, Manoj Jadhav, Yusuke Suda, Ricardo Luz, Carolyn Kierans, Regina Caputo, Hiroyasu Tajima, Richard Leys, Ivan Peric, Jessica Metcalfe, Jeremy S. Perkins

8 pages, proceedings, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022, July 17-22 2022

Space-based gamma-ray telescopes such as the Fermi Large Area Telescope have used single sided silicon strip detectors to track secondary charged particles produced by primary gamma-rays with high resolution. At the lower energies targeted by keV-MeV telescopes, two dimensional position information within a single detector is required for event reconstruction - especially in the Compton regime. This work describes the development of monolithic CMOS active pixel silicon sensors - AstroPix - as a novel technology for use in future gamma-ray telescopes. Based upon sensors (ATLASPix) designed for use in the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider, AstroPix has the potential to maintain high performance while reducing noise with low power consumption. This is achieved with the dual detection and readout capabilities in each CMOS pixel. The status of AstroPix development and testing, as well as outlook for future testing and application, will be presented.

Jens Barosch, Larry Nittler, Jianhua Wang, Elena Dobrică, Adrian J. Brearley, Dominik C. Hezel, Conel M. O'D. Alexander

Published in Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Main text: 36 pp with 7 figures and 1 table. Supplement: 13 pp, 2 tables, 2 figures

Presolar grains are trace components in chondrite matrices. Their abundances and compositions have been systematically studied in carbonaceous chondrites but rarely in situ in other major chondrite classes. We have conducted a NanoSIMS isotopic search for presolar grains with O- and C-anomalous isotopic compositions in the matrices of the unequilibrated ordinary chondrites Semarkona, Meteorite Hills 00526, and Northwest Africa 8276. The matrices of even the most primitive ordinary chondrites have been aqueously altered and/or thermally metamorphosed, destroying their presolar grain populations to varying extents. In addition to randomly placed isotope maps, we targeted recently reported, relatively pristine Semarkona matrix areas to better explore the original inventory of presolar grains. In all samples, we found a total of 122 O-anomalous grains (silicates + oxides), 79 SiC grains, and 22 C-anomalous carbonaceous grains (organics, graphites). Average matrix-normalized abundances are 151 ppm O-anomalous grains, 53 ppm SiC grains and 56 ppm carbonaceous grains in Semarkona, 55 ppm (O-anom.), 22 ppm (SiC) and 3 ppm (carb.) in MET 00526 and 12 ppm (O-anom.), 15 ppm (SiC) and 1 ppm (carb.) in NWA 8276. In relatively pristine ordinary chondrites and in primitive carbonaceous and C-ungrouped chondrites, the O and C isotopic composition of presolar grains and their matrix-normalized abundances are similar, despite the likely differences in chondrite-formation time and nebular location. These results suggest a relatively homogenous distribution of presolar dust across major chondrite-forming reservoirs in the solar nebula. Secondary asteroidal processes are mainly responsible for differences in presolar grain abundances between and within chondrites, highlighting the need to identify and target the most pristine chondrite matrices for such studies.

Alec Paulive, Joshua T. Carder, Eric Herbst

15 pages, 11 figures, Submitted to MNRAS

In the interstellar medium (ISM), the formation of complex organic molecules (COMs) is largely facilitated by surface reactions. However, in cold dark clouds, thermal desorption of COMs is inefficient because of the lack of thermal energy to overcome binding energies to the grain surface. Non-thermal desorption methods are therefore important explanations for the gas-phase detection of many COMs that are primarily formed on grains. Here we present a new non-thermal desorption process: cosmic ray sputtering of grain ice surfaces based on water, carbon dioxide, and a simple mixed ice. Our model applies estimated rates of sputtering to the 3-phase rate equation model Nautilus-1.1, where this inclusion results in enhanced gas phase abundances for molecules produced by grain reactions such as methanol (CH$_{3}$OH) and methyl formate (HCOOCH$_{3}$). Notably, species with efficient gas phase destruction pathways exhibit less of an increase in models with sputtering compared to other molecules. These model results suggest that sputtering is an efficient, non-specific method of non-thermal desorption that should be considered as an important factor in future chemical models.

Ethan O. Nadler, Philip Mansfield, Yunchong Wang, Xiaolong Du, Susmita Adhikari, Arka Banerjee, Andrew Benson, Elise Darragh-Ford, Yao-Yuan Mao, Sebastian Wagner-Carena, Risa H. Wechsler, Hao-Yi Wu

39 pages, 20 figures, 2 tables; submitted to ApJ

We present Symphony, a compilation of $262$ cosmological, cold dark matter-only zoom-in simulations spanning four decades of host halo mass, from $10^{11}~M_{\mathrm{\odot}}$ to $10^{15}~M_{\mathrm{\odot}}$. This compilation includes three existing simulation suites at the cluster and Milky Way-mass scales, and two new suites: $39$ Large Magellanic Cloud-mass ($10^{11}~M_{\mathrm{\odot}}$) and $49$ strong-lens-analog ($10^{13}~M_{\mathrm{\odot}}$) group-mass hosts. Across the entire host halo mass range, the highest-resolution regions in these simulations are resolved with a dark matter particle mass of $\approx 3\times 10^{-7}$ times the host virial mass and a Plummer-equivalent gravitational softening length of $\approx 9\times 10^{-4}$ times the host virial radius, on average. We measure correlations between subhalo abundance and host concentration, formation time, and maximum subhalo mass, all of which peak at the Milky Way host halo mass scale. Subhalo abundances are $\approx 50\%$ higher in clusters than in lower-mass hosts at fixed sub-to-host halo mass ratios. Subhalo radial distributions are approximately self-similar as a function of host mass and are less concentrated than hosts' underlying dark matter distributions. We compare our results to the semi-analytic model $\mathrm{\texttt{Galacticus}}$, which predicts subhalo mass functions with a higher normalization at the low-mass end and radial distributions that are slightly more concentrated than Symphony. We use $\mathrm{\texttt{UniverseMachine}}$ to model halo and subhalo star formation histories in Symphony, and we demonstrate that these predictions resolve the formation histories of the halos that host nearly all currently observable satellite galaxies in the Universe. To promote open use of Symphony, data products are publicly available at this http URL

S. D. Raducan, M. Jutzi, Y. Zhang, J. Ormö, P. Michel

Context. Most small asteroids (<50 km in diameter) are the result of the breakup of a larger parent body and are often considered to be rubble-pile objects. Similar structures are expected for the secondaries of small asteroid binaries, including Dimorphos, the smaller component of the 65803 Didymos binary system and the target of NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) and ESA's Hera mission. The DART impact occurs on September 26th, 2022 and it will alter the orbital period of Dimorphos around Didymos. Aims. In this work we assume Dimorphos-like bodies with a rubble-pile structure, and quantify the effects of boulder packing in its interior on the post-impact morphology, degree of shape change and material ejection processes. Methods. We used the Bern SPH shock physics code to numerically model hypervelocity impacts into small, 160 m in diameter rubble-pile asteroids, with a variety of boulder distributions. Results. We find that the post-impact target morphology is most sensitive to the mass-fraction of boulders in the target, while the asteroid deflection efficiency depends on both the mass-fraction of boulders in the target and on the boulder size-distribution close to the impact point. Our results may also have important implications for the structure of small asteroids.

Leslie Taylor

submitted to Proceedings of Science for the Gamma 2022 Conference

The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next-generation ground-based observatory for very-high energy gamma-ray astronomy. CTA will have unparalleled sensitivity and angular resolution and will detect gamma-ray sources nearly 100 times faster than current arrays, enabling valuable multiwavelength and multimessenger observations. The Schwarzschild-Couder Telescope (SCT) is a candidate for the Medium-Sized telescope in CTA. A prototype SCT (pSCT) has been constructed at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in Arizona USA. Its camera is currently partially instrumented with 1600 pixels (2.7 degree FOV). The small plate scale of the optical system allows densely packed silicon photomultipliers to be used, which combined with high-density trigger and waveform readout electronics enable the high-resolution camera. The camera's electronics are capable of imaging air shower development with waveform readout with nanosecond resolution. The pSCT was inaugurated in January 2019, with commissioning continuing throughout that year. The first campaign of observations with the pSCT was conducted in January and February of 2020. Gamma-ray emission from the Crab Nebula was detected with a significance of 8.6 sigma. An upgrade to the pSCT camera is currently underway. The upgrade will fully populate the focal plane, increasing the field of view to 8 degrees diameter, and lower the front-end electronics noise, enabling a lower trigger threshold and improved reconstruction and background rejection.

Isidro Gómez-Vargas, Joshua Briones Andrade, J. Alberto Vázquez

13 pages, 4 figures

The applications of artificial neural networks in the cosmological field have shone successfully during the past decade, this is due to their great ability of modeling large amounts of datasets and complex nonlinear functions. However, in some cases, their use still remains controversial becasue their ease of producing inaccurate results when the hyperparameters are not carefully selected. In this paper, to find the optimal combination of hyperparameters that describe the artificial neural networks, we propose to take advantage of the genetic algorithms. As a proof of the concept, we analyze three different cosmological cases to test the performance of the new architecture achieved with the genetic algorithms and compare the output with the standard process, consisting of a grid with all possible configurations. First, we carry out a model-independent reconstruction of the distance modulus using a Type Ia Supernovae compilation. Second, the neural networks learn to solve dynamical system of the Universe's content, and finally with the latest Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release we train the networks for the classification of astronomical objects. We found that the genetic algorithms improve considerably the generation of the architecture, which can ensure more confidence in their physical results because of the better performance in the metrics with respect to the grid method.

Tarak Nath Maity, Ranjan Laha

29 pages, 9 figures. Comments and suggestions are welcome

Recent sky surveys have discovered a large number of stellar substructures. It is highly likely that there are dark matter (DM) counterparts to these stellar substructures. We examine the implications of DM substructures for electron recoil (ER) direct detection (DD) rates in dual phase xenon experiments. We have utilized the results of the LAMOST survey and considered a few benchmark substructures in our analysis. Assuming that these substructures constitute $\sim 10\%$ of the local DM density, we study the discovery limits of DM-electron scattering cross sections considering one kg-year exposure and 1, 2, and 3 electron thresholds. With this exposure and threshold, it is possible to observe the effect of the considered DM substructure for the currently allowed parameter space. We also explore the sensitivity of these experiments in resolving the DM substructure fraction. For all the considered cases, we observe that DM having mass $\mathcal{O}(10)\,$MeV has a better prospect in resolving substructure fraction as compared to $\mathcal{O}(100)\,$MeV scale DM. We also find that within the currently allowed DM-electron scattering cross-section; these experiments can resolve the substructure fraction (provided it has a non-negligible contribution to the local DM density) with good accuracy for $\mathcal{O}(10)\,$MeV DM mass with one electron threshold.

A systematic study of ionospheric scintillation at the low-latitudes, especially around the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) and the magnetic equator, is essential in understanding the dynamics of ionospheric variation and related physical processes. Our study involves NavIC $S_{4_C}$ observations over Indore and Hyderabad. Additionally, GPS $S_{4_C}$ observations over Indore were analyzed, under disturbed as well as quiet time ionospheric conditions from September 2017 through 2019, falling in the declining phase of the solar cycle 24. The $S_{4_C}$ observations were further analyzed using proxy parameters: ROT and ROTI. These results have been obtained from three satellites of the NavIC constellation (PRNs 2, 5, and 6). The onset times of scintillations \textbf{were} observed to be around 19:30 LT (h) and 20:30 LT (h) for Hyderabad and Indore respectively, while the $S_{4_C}$ peak values occurred between 22:00 LT (h) and 23:00 LT (h). The reliability of NavIC was evaluated using scattering coefficients that revealed a good correlation across the pair of signals during quiet time ionospheric conditions. The observations clearly show that the amplitude scintillation of the NavIC signal follows the Nakagami-m distribution along with the $\alpha-\mu$ distribution as a depiction of the deep power fades caused by scintillation on these signals. This paper shows the impact of such systematic studies near these locations for the first time, in improving the understanding of the dynamic nature of low-latitude ionosphere under low solar activity conditions.

Bei Zhou, Luca Reali, Emanuele Berti, Mesut Çalışkan, Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski, Marc Kamionkowski, B. S. Sathyaprakash

6 pages, 2 figures

The stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds (SGWBs) for current detectors are dominated by binary black-hole (BBH) and binary neutron-star (BNS) coalescences. The sensitivity of current networks of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors allows only a small fraction of BBHs and BNSs to be resolved and subtracted, but previous work indicated that the situation should significantly improve with next-generation (XG) observatories. We revisit these conclusions by taking into account waveform-modeling uncertainties, updated astrophysical models, and (crucially) the full set of parameters that must be estimated to remove the resolved sources. Compared to previous studies, we find that the residual background from BBHs and BNSs is large even with XG detector networks. New data analysis methods will thus be required to observe the SGWB from cosmic supernovae or contributions from early-Universe phenomena like cosmic strings, stiff post-inflation fluids, or axion inflation.

Bei Zhou, Luca Reali, Emanuele Berti, Mesut Çalışkan, Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski, Marc Kamionkowski, B. S. Sathyaprakash

17 pages, 8 figures

Stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds (SGWBs) derive from the superposition of numerous individually unresolved gravitational-wave (GW) signals. Detecting SGWBs provides us with invaluable information about astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics. In this paper, we study SGWBs from binary black-hole (BBH) and binary neutron-star (BNS) coalescences in a network of next-generation ground-based GW observatories (Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope) and determine how well they can be measured; this then limits how well we can observe other subdominant astrophysical and cosmological SGWBs. We simulate all-Universe populations of BBHs and BNSs and calculate the corresponding SGWBs, which consist of a superposition of (i) undetected signals, and (ii) the residual background from imperfect removal of resolved sources. The sum of the two components sets the sensitivity for observing other SGWBs. Our results show that, even with next-generation observatories, the residual background is large and limits the sensitivity to other SGWBs. The main contributions to the residual background arise from uncertainties in inferring the coalescence phase and luminosity distance of the detected signals. Alternative approaches to signal subtraction would need to be explored to minimize the BBH and BNS foreground in order to observe SGWBs from other subdominant astrophysical and cosmological sources.

A. Chilingarian, G. Hovsepyan, D. Aslanyan, T. Karapetyan, Y. Khanikyanc, L.Kozliner, D. Pokhsraryan, B. Sargsyan, S.Soghomonyan, S.Chilingaryan, M.Zazyan

We present a survey of more than half a thousand thunderstorm ground enhancements, fluxes of electrons, and gamma rays associated with thunderstorms registered from 2008 to 2022 at Aragats space environmental center. We analyze correlations between various measured parameters characterizing TGEs measured on Aragats. Two special cases of TGE events are considered: one, terminated by nearby lightning flashes, and another one with a sufficiently large ratio of electrons to gamma rays. On the basis of the analysis, we summarize the most important results obtained during 12 years of TGE study, which include: We show the operation of the electron accelerators in the thunderous atmosphere by directly measuring the electron flux during thunderstorms; Quite frequently, TGEs occur prior to lightning flashes and are terminated by them. The energy spectra of avalanche electrons observed on Aragats indicate that the strong electric field region can extend very low above the ground covering a large area on the ground. TGEs originated from multiple relativistic runaway electron avalanches (RREAs) starting with seed electrons from the ambient population of cosmic rays, which enter an extended region of the electric field with strength exceeding the critical value.

Riccardo Buscicchio, Anirban Ain, Matteo Ballelli, Giancarlo Cella, Barbara Patricelli

12 Pages, 4 Figures, Supplemental material

We describe a novel approach to the detection and parameter estimation of a non-Gaussian stochastic background of gravitational waves. The method is based on the determination of relevant statistical parameters using importance sampling. We show that it is possible to improve the Gaussian detection statistics, by simulating realizations of the expected signal for a given model. While computationally expensive, our method improves the detection performance leveraging the prior knowledge on the expected signal, and can be used in a natural way to extract physical information about the background. We present the basic principles of our approach, characterize the detector performances in a simplified context and discuss possible applications to the detection of some astrophysical foregrounds. We argue that the proposed approach, complementarily to the ones available in literature, might be used to detect suitable astrophysical foregrounds by currently operating and future gravitational wave detectors.

Petros Asimakis, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, Spyros Basilakos, Kuralay Yesmakhanova

9 pages, 3 figures, invited paper to appear in Universe Special Issue "Torsion-Gravity and Spinors in Fundamental Theoretical Physics", Special Issue Editor: Luca Fabbri

We confront $f(T,T_G)$ gravity, with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) requirements. The former is obtained using both the torsion scalar, as well as the teleparallel equivalent of the Gauss-Bonnet term, in the Lagrangian, resulting to modified Friedmann equations in which the extra torsional terms constitute an effective dark energy sector. We calculate the deviations of the freeze-out temperature $T_f$, caused by the extra torsion terms in comparison to $\Lambda$CDM paradigm. Then we impose five specific $f(T,T_G)$ models and we extract the constraints on the model parameters in order for the ratio $|\Delta T_f/ T_f|$ to satisfy the observational BBN bound. As we find, in most of the models the involved parameters are bounded in a narrow window around their General Relativity values as expected, as in the power-law model where the exponent $n$ needs to be $n\lesssim 0.5$. Nevertheless the logarithmic model can easily satisfy the BBN constraints for large regions of the model parameters. This feature should be taken into account in future model building.

This paper contains a detailed study of the properties of a simple model attempting to explain dark energy as originated from quantum fluctuations of a light spectator scalar field in inflation. In [1] we recently outlined how Starobinsky's stochastic formalism can be used to study the spatial correlations imprinted on dark energy by its quantum origin in this model and we studied their possible role in relieving the Hubble tension. Here we provide a more comprehensive derivation of the results in [1] and we refine some of our estimates, comparing to the approximate results obtained previously. Among the main results, we analyze the non-coincident correlators predicted by a full field theoretical treatment and their relation with those computed within the stochastic formalism. We find that in the region where stochastic theory predicts significant sub-Hubble correlators it is in disagreement with field theoretical predictions. However, agreement can be restored by introducing a reduced speed of sound for the scalar field. We also discuss an alternative approach to the problem of studying correlators within the stochastic formalism based directly on the evolution of probability distributions. Remarkably we find that the two approaches give the same answer for 2-point functions of the field, but not for 4-point functions relevant to density correlators and we discuss the behaviour of the two methods with respect to Wick's theorem.

Thomas Colas, Julien Grain, Vincent Vennin

25 pages without appendices (48 pages in total), 5 figures

Master equations are commonly employed in cosmology to model the effect of additional degrees of freedom, treated as an "environment", onto a given "system". However, they rely on assumptions that are not necessarily satisfied in cosmology, where the environment may be out of equilibrium and the background is dynamical. In this work, we apply the master-equation program to a model that is exactly solvable, and which consists of two linearly coupled scalar fields evolving on a cosmological background. The light field plays the role of the system and the heavy field is the environment. By comparing the exact solution to the output of the master equation, we can critically assess its performance. We find that the master equation exhibits a set of "spurious" terms that explicitly depend on the initial conditions, and which arise as a consequence of working on a dynamical background. Although they cancel out in the perturbative limit of the theory (i.e. at leading orders in the interaction strength), they spoil resummation. However, when those terms are removed, the master equation performs impressively well to reproduce the power spectra and the amount of the decoherence of the light field, even in the strongly decohered regime. We conclude that master equations are able to perform late-time resummation, even though the system is far from the Markovian limit, provided spurious contributions are suppressed.

We generalize a recently proposed confining relativistic density-functional approach to the case of density dependent vector and diquark couplings. The particular behavior of these couplings is motivated by the non-perturbative gluon exchange in dense quark matter and provides the conformal limit at asymptotically high densities. We demonstrate that this feature of the quark matter EoS is consistent with a significant stiffness in the density range typical for the interiors of neutron stars. In order to model these astrophysical objects we construct a family of hybrid quark-hadron EoSs of cold stellar matter. We also confront our approach with the observational constraints on the mass-radius relation of neutron stars and their tidal deformabilities and argue in favor of a quark matter onset at masses below ${1.0 ~\rm M}_\odot$.

A viscous dusty plasma containing Kappa distributed electrons, positive warm viscous ions and constant negatively charged dust grains with viscosity have been considered to study the modes of dust ion acoustic waves (DIAWs) theoretically and numerically. The derivations and basic features of shock and solitary waves with different plasma parameters like Mach number, finite temperature coefficient, unperturbed dust streaming velocity, kinematic viscosity of dust etc. of this DIAWs mode have been performed. Considering the dynamical equation from Korteweg de Vries(KdV) equation, a phase portrait has been drawn and the position of saddle point or col. and center have also been discussed. This type of dusty plasma can be found in celestial bodies. The results of this research work can be applied to study the properties of DIAWs in various astrophysical situations where Kappa distributive electrons are present and careful modification of the same model can help us to understand the nature of the DIAWs of laboratory plasma as well.

Panagiotis Charalambous, Sergei Dubovsky, Mikhail M. Ivanov

67+26 pages, 4 figures

Perturbations of massless fields in the Kerr-Newman black hole background enjoy a (``Love'') SL$(2,\mathbb{R})$ symmetry in the suitably defined near zone approximation. We present a detailed study of this symmetry and show how the intricate behavior of black hole responses in four and higher dimensions can be understood from the SL$(2,\mathbb{R})$ representation theory. In particular, static perturbations of four-dimensional black holes belong to highest weight SL$\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)$ representations. It is this highest weight property that forces the static Love numbers to vanish. We find that the Love symmetry is tightly connected to the enhanced isometries of extremal black holes. This relation is simplest for extremal charged spherically symmetric (Reissner-Nordstr\"om) solutions, where the Love symmetry exactly reduces to the isometry of the near horizon AdS$_2$ throat. For rotating (Kerr-Newman) black holes one is lead to consider an infinite-dimensional SL$\left(2,\mathbb{R}\right)\ltimes \hat U(1)_{\mathcal{V}}$ extension of the Love symmetry. It contains three physically distinct subalgebras: the Love algebra, the Starobinsky near zone algebra, and the near horizon algebra that becomes the Bardeen-Horowitz isometry in the extremal limit. We also discuss other aspects of the Love symmetry, such as the geometric meaning of its generators for spin weighted fields, connection to the no-hair theorems, non-renormalization of Love numbers, its relation to (non-extremal) Kerr/CFT correspondence and prospects of its existence in modified theories of gravity.

Atsushi Naruko, Ryo Saito, Norihiro Tanahashi, Daisuke Yamauchi

13+4 pages, no figures

A metric transformation is a tool to find a new theory of gravity beyond general relativity. The gravity action is guaranteed to be free from a dangerous Ostrogradsky mode as long as the metric transformation is regular and invertible. Various degenerate higher-order scalar-tensor theories (DHOST) without extra degrees of freedom have been found through the metric transformation with a scalar field and its derivatives. In this work, we examine how a matter coupling changes the degeneracy for a theory generated from the Horndeski theory through the metric transformation with the second derivative of a scalar field, taking a minimally-coupled free scalar field as the matter field. When the transformation is invertible, this theory is equivalent to the Horndeski theory with a higher-order derivative coupling to the matter scalar field. Working in this Horndeski frame and the unitary gauge, we find that the degeneracy conditions are solvable and the matter metric must have a certain structure to remove the Ostrogradsky mode.

Precession is one of the important mechanisms of gravitational wave generation in astrophysics. In general, free precession of a rigid body can be caused by the rotation of a triaxial body. In the case of symmetric body, if only the principal axis does not coincide with the axis of rotation, then there is the precession. When a symmetric body rotates around one of its principal axes, the body cannot move with precession. However, when there is a perturbation in angular velocity of the symmetric body spinning around the principal axis of the largest moment, the body can have a precession motion. In this paper, the wave forms and their characteristics of gravitational waves by the perturbation of a rotating axisymmetric rigid body are studied.

We propose a new class of $f(R)$ theory where its Weyl gauge symmetry is broken in the primordial era of the universe. We prove that, even though the theory is transformed into the Einstein-Hilbert action with a non-minimally coupled scalar field at the non-perturbative level, there exists an additional non-minimal coupling at the perturbational level. As an important example, we study its effect on Staronbinsky inflation. We show that the amplitude of the primordial gravitational waves also affects scalar perturbation due to the presence of the non-minimal coupling, although its effect on cosmic microwave background(CMB) anisotropy is negligible in practice. Consequently, CMB observables may have distinct values depending only on the mass of the perturbed Weyl field. Moreover, we discuss the possibility of resolving Hubble tension with this example, including an analysis of the integrated-Sachs-Wolfe effect.

We present the argument that "pseudo-conformal" symmetry permeates from low density near nuclear matter to high density in the core of massive neutron stars. As a support of this argument, we describe how the quenched $g_A\approx 1$ in nuclei and the sound speed $v_s^2/c^2\approx 1/3$ in compact stars are controlled by emerging scale invariance in nuclear interactions. In our description, quasi-baryons could "masquerade" de-confined quarks in the interior of compact stars.

Shreya Banerjee, Maria Petronikolou, Emmanuel N. Saridakis

8 pages, 5 figures

We investigate the cosmological applications of new gravitational scalar-tensor theories and we analyze them in the light of $H_0$ tension. In these theories the Lagrangian contains the Ricci scalar and its first and second derivatives in a specific combination that makes them free of ghosts, thus corresponding to healthy bi-scalar extensions of general relativity. We examine two specific models, and for particular choices of the model parameters we find that the effect of the additional terms is negligible at high redshifts, obtaining a coincidence with $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, however as time passes the deviation increases and thus at low redshifts the Hubble parameter acquires increased values ($H_0\approx 74 km/s/Mpc$) in a controlled way. The mechanism behind this behavior is the fact that the effective dark-energy equation-of-state parameter exhibits phantom behavior, which implies faster expansion, which is one of the theoretical requirements that are capable of alleviating the $H_0$ tension. Lastly, we confront the models with Cosmic Chronometer (CC) data showing full agreement within 1$\sigma$ confidence level.

Abraham Loeb (on behalf of the Galileo Project, Harvard University)

Invited review, Journal for Astronomical Instrumentation

The Galileo Project is the first systematic scientific research program in search for potential astro8 archaeological artifacts or remnants of extraterrestrial technological civilizations (ETCs) or potentially active equipment near Earth. Taking a path not taken, it conceivably may pick some low-hanging fruit, and without asserting probabilities -- make discoveries of ETC-related objects, which would have far-reaching implications for science and our worldview.

Alexey S. Koshelev, K. Sravan Kumar, Alexei A. Starobinsky

34 pages, 3 figures

The $R^2$ inflation which is an extension of general relativity (GR) by quadratic scalar curvature introduces a quasi-de Sitter expansion of the early Universe governed by Ricci scalar being an eigenmode of d'Alembertian operator. In this paper, we derive a most general theory of gravity admitting $R^2$ inflationary solution which turned out to be higher curvature non-local extension of GR. We study in detail inflationary perturbations in this theory and analyse the structure of form factors that leads to a massive scalar (scalaron) and massless tensor degrees of freedom. We argue that the theory contains only finite number of free parameters which can be fixed by cosmological observations. We derive predictions of our generalized non-local $R^2$-like inflation and obtain the scalar spectral index $n_s\approx 1-\frac{2}{N}$ and any value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r<0.036$. In this theory, tensor spectral index can be either positive or negative $n_t\lessgtr 0$ and the well-known consistency relation $r = -8n_t$ is violated in a non-trivial way. We also compute running of the tensor spectral index and discuss observational implications to distinguish this model from several classes of scalar field models of inflation. These predictions allow us to probe the nature of quantum gravity in the scope of future CMB and gravitational wave observations. Finally we comment on how the features of generalized non-local $R^2$-like inflation cannot be captured by established notions of the so-called effective field theory of single field inflation and how we must redefine the way we pursue inflationary cosmology.

Stephen L. Adler

23 pages including 9 figures. The Mathematica notebooks will be online a few days after the arXiv posting date

We combine the ideas of a Weyl scaling invariant dark energy action, which eliminates black hole horizons, with the ``gravastar'' idea of a jump in the hole interior from a normal matter equation of state to an equation of state where pressure plus density approximately sum to zero. Using the Tolmon-Oppenheirmer-Volkoff equation, which requires continuous pressure, we present Mathematica notebooks in which the structure of the gravastar is entirely governed by the action and the equation of state, with the radii where structural changes occur emerging from the dynamics, rather than being specified in advance. The notebooks work even with zero cosmological constant, but when the cosmological constant is nonzero, there is a very small black hole ``wind'' that we calculate by a relativistic extension of standard pressure driven isothermal stellar wind theory.

Adrian E. Rubio Lopez, Ashwin K. Boddeti, Fanglin Bao, Hyunsoo Choi, Zubin Jacob

19 pages, 11 figures

Intensity-interferometry based on Hanbury-Brown and Twiss's seminal experiment for determining the radius of the star Sirius formed the basis for developing the quantum theory of light. To date, the principle of this experiment is used in various forms across different fields of quantum optics, imaging and astronomy. Though, the technique is powerful, it has not been generalized for objects at different temperatures. Here, we address this problem using a generating functional formalism by employing the P-function representation of quantum-thermal light. Specifically, we investigate the photon coincidences of a system of two extended objects at different temperature using this theoretical framework. We show two unique aspects in the second-order quantum coherence function - interference oscillations and a long-baseline asymptotic value that depends on the observation frequency, temperatures and size of both objects. We apply our approach to the case of binary stars and discuss the advantages of measuring these two features in an experiment. In addition to the estimation of the radii of each star and the distance between them, we also show that the present approach is suitable for the estimation of temperatures as well. To this end, we apply it to the practical case of binary stars Luhman 16 and Spica $\alpha$ Vir. We find that for currently available telescopes, an experimental demonstration is feasible in the near term. Our work contributes to the fundamental understanding of intensity interferometry of quantum-thermal light and can be used as a tool for studying two-body thermal emitters - from binary stars to extended objects.

Matteo Buzzegoli, Jonathan D. Kroth, Kirill Tuchin, Nandagopal Vijayakumar

5 pages, 2 figures

We study the synchrotron radiation emitted by a rigidly rotating charged fermion in a constant magnetic field $B$ parallel to the axis of rotation. The rigid rotation is classical and independent of the magnetic field. The angular velocity of rotation $\Omega$ is assumed to be much smaller than the inverse magnetic length $\sqrt{qB}$ which allows us to ignore the boundary effects at $r=1/\Omega$. We refer to such rotation as slow, even though in absolute value it may be an extremely rapid rotation. Using the exact solution of the Dirac equation we derived the intensity of electromagnetic radiation, its spectrum and chirality. We demonstrate by explicit numerical calculation that the effect of rotation on the radiation intensity increases with the particle energy. Depending on the relative orientation of the vectors $\bf\Omega$ and $\bf B$ and the sign of the electric charge, the rotation can either strongly enhance or strongly suppress the radiation.

We investigate non-perturbative production of fermionic dark matter in the early universe. We study analytically the gravitational production mechanism accompanied by the coupling of fermions to the background inflaton field. The latter leads to the variation of effective fermion mass during preheating and makes the resulting spectrum and abundance sensitive to its parameters. Assuming fast preheating that completes in less than the inflationary Hubble time and no oscillations of the inflaton field after inflation, we find an abundant production of particles with energies ranging from the inflationary Hubble rate to the inverse duration of preheating. The produced fermions can account for all observed dark matter in a broad range of parameters. As an application of our analysis, we study non-perturbative production of heavy Majorana neutrino in the model of Palatini Higgs inflation.

With the development of Machine Learning algorithms, many attempts have been made to use Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for complicated tasks related to data classification, pattern recognition, and predictive modeling. Among such applications include Binary Black Hole (BBH) and Binary Neutron Star (BNS) merger Gravitational Wave (GW) signal detection and merger forecasting. Despite the surge of interest in all types of ANN, image neural networks that take time-frequency spectrograms as input remain one of the most prominent methods due to their relevance to some highly efficient and robust ANN architectures. BBH and BNS merger GW signals are chirp signals whose frequencies vary continuously in time. Earlier studies used traditional Fourier transform-based time-frequency decomposition methods for spectrogram generation, which in some cases have had difficulties identifying rapid frequency changes in merger signals. In this paper, we introduce a signal decomposition method called the Joint-Chirp-rate-Time-Frequency Transform (JCTFT), where complex-valued window functions are used to modulate the amplitude, frequency, and phase of the input signal. In addition, we outline general techniques for generating chirp rate enhanced time-frequency spectrograms from the results of a JCTFT and compare the signal localization performance to the short-time-Fourier-transform.