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Papers for Friday, Sep 30 2022

Papers with local authors

Ankita Bera, Sultan Hassan, Aaron Smith, Renyue Cen, Enrico Garaldi, Rahul Kannan, Mark Vogelsberger

12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments are welcome

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2209.14312
0 votes
Paper 5 — arXiv:2209.14312

Current standard astrophysical models struggle to explain the tentative detection of the 21 cm absorption trough centered at $z\sim17$ measured by the EDGES low-band antenna. However, it has been shown that the EDGES results are consistent with an extrapolation of a declining UV luminosity density, following a simple power-law of deep Hubble Space Telescope observations of $4 < z < 9$ galaxies. We here explore the conditions by which the EDGES detection is consistent with current reionization and post-reionization observations, including the volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction of the intergalactic medium at $z\sim6-8$, the optical depth to the cosmic microwave background, and the integrated ionizing emissivity at $z\sim5$. By coupling a physically motivated source model derived from radiative transfer hydrodynamic simulations of reionization to a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler, we find that high contribution from low-mass halos along with high photon escape fractions are required to simultaneously reproduce the high-redshift (cosmic dawn) and low-redshift (reionization) existing constraints. Low-mass faint-galaxies dominated models produce a flatter emissivity evolution that results in an earlier onset of reionization with gradual and longer duration, and higher optical depth. Our results provide insights on the role of faint and bright galaxies during cosmic reionization, which can be tested by upcoming surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope.

K. J. Kwon, ChangHoon Hahn, Justin Alsing

9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJS

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Paper 10 — arXiv:2209.14323
0 votes
Paper 10 — arXiv:2209.14323

The Probabilistic Value-Added Bright Galaxy Survey (PROVABGS) catalog will provide the posterior distributions of physical properties of $>10$ million DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) galaxies. Each posterior distribution will be inferred from joint Bayesian modeling of observed photometry and spectroscopy using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling and the [arXiv:2202.01809] stellar population synthesis (SPS) model. To make this computationally feasible, PROVABGS will use a neural emulator for the SPS model to accelerate the posterior inference. In this work, we present how we construct the emulator using the [arXiv:1911.11778] approach and verify that it can be used to accurately infer galaxy properties. We confirm that the emulator is in excellent agreement with the original SPS model with $\ll 1\%$ error and is $100\times$ faster. In addition, we demonstrate that the posteriors of galaxy properties derived using the emulator are also in excellent agreement with those inferred using the original model. The neural emulator presented in this work is essential in bypassing the computational challenge posed in constructing the PROVABGS catalog. Furthermore, it demonstrates the advantages of emulation for scaling sophisticated analyses to millions of galaxies.

G. Livadiotis, D.J. McComas, H. O. Funsten, N.A. Schwadron, J. R. Szalay, E. Zirnstein

34 pages, 18 figures

0 votes
Paper 53 — arXiv:2209.14897
0 votes
Paper 53 — arXiv:2209.14897

We derive annual skymaps of the proton temperature in the inner heliosheath (IHS), and track their temporal evolution over the years from 2009 to 2016 of Interstellar Boundary Explorer observations. Other associated thermodynamic parameters also determined are the density, kappa, that is, the parameter that characterizes kappa distributions, temperature rate, polytropic index, and entropy. We exploit the theory of kappa distributions and their connection with polytropes, to (i) express a new polytropic quantity {\Pi} that remains invariant along streamlines where temperature and density may vary, (ii) parameterize the proton flux in terms of the {\Pi} invariant and kappa, and (iii) derive the temperature and density, respectively, from the slope and intercept of the linear relationship between kappa and logarithm of {\Pi}. We find the following thermodynamic characteristics: (1) Temperature sky-maps and histograms shifted to their lowest values in 2012 and their highest in 2015; (2) Temperature negatively correlated with density, reflecting the subisothermal polytropic behavior; (3) Temperature positively correlated with kappa, revealing characteristics of the mechanism responsible for generating kappa distributions; (4) Processes in IHS are sub-isothermal tending toward isobaric, consistent with previously published results; (5) Linear relationship between kappa and polytropic indices, revealing characteristics of the particle potential energy; and (6) Entropy positively correlated with polytropic index, aligned with the underlying theory that entropy increases towards the isothermal state where the kappa distribution reduces to the Maxwell Boltzmann description.

Papers with votes

Brian Welch, Dan Coe, Jose M. Diego, Adi Zitrin, Erik Zackrisson, Paola Dimauro, Yolanda Jimenez-Teja, Patrick Kelly, Guillaume Mahler, Masamune Oguri, F.X. Timmes, Rogier Windhorst, Michael Florian, S.E. DeMink, Roberto J. Avila, Jay Anderson, Larry Bradley, Keren Sharon, Anton Vikaeus, Stephan McCandliss, Marusa Bradac, Jane Rigby, Brenda Frye, Sune Toft, Victoria Strait, Michele Trenti, Soniya Sharma, Felipe Andrade-Santos, Tom Broadhurst

50 pages, 11 figures (3 main text, 8 extended data). Published in Nature

1 vote
Paper 50 — arXiv:2209.14866
1 vote
Paper 50 — arXiv:2209.14866

Galaxy clusters magnify background objects through strong gravitational lensing. Typical magnifications for lensed galaxies are factors of a few but can also be as high as tens or hundreds, stretching galaxies into giant arcs. Individual stars can attain even higher magnifications given fortuitous alignment with the lensing cluster. Recently, several individual stars at redshift $z \sim 1 - 1.5$ have been discovered, magnified by factors of thousands, temporarily boosted by microlensing. Here we report observations of a more distant and persistent magnified star at redshift $z_{\rm phot} = 6.2 \pm 0.1$, 900 Myr after the Big Bang. This star is magnified by a factor of thousands by the foreground galaxy cluster lens WHL0137--08 ($z = 0.566$), as estimated by four independent lens models. Unlike previous lensed stars, the magnification and observed brightness (AB mag 27.2) have remained roughly constant over 3.5 years of imaging and follow-up. The delensed absolute UV magnitude $M_{UV} = -10 \pm 2$ is consistent with a star of mass $M > 50 M_{\odot}$. Confirmation and spectral classification are forthcoming from approved observations with the James Webb Space Telescope

All other papers

Jason D. Eastman, Hannah Diamond-Lowe, Jamie Tayar

16 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, submitted to AAS journals

It has long been understood that the light curve of a transiting planet constrains the density of its host star. That fact is routinely used to improve measurements of the stellar surface gravity, and has been argued to be an independent check on the stellar mass. Here we show how the stellar density can also provide meaningful constraints on the radius and effective temperature of the star. This additional constraint is especially significant when we properly account for the 4.2% radius and 2.4% temperature systematic errors inherent in the stellar evolutionary and atmospheric models. In the typical case, we can measure stellar radii to 3% and temperatures to 1.75%. In the best real-world cases, we can infer radii to 1.7% and temperatures to 1.2% -- well below the systematic floors from stellar models alone -- which can improve the precision in the planetary parameters by a factor of two. We explain in detail the mechanism that makes it possible and show a demonstration of the technique for a near-ideal system, WASP-4. We also show that both the statistical and systematic uncertainties in the parallax from Gaia DR3 are often a significant component of the uncertainty in $L_*$ and must be treated carefully. Taking advantage of our technique requires simultaneous models of the stellar evolution, bolometric flux (e.g., a stellar spectral energy distribution), and the planetary transit, while accounting for the systematic errors in each, as is done in EXOFASTv2.

Universal to black hole X-ray binaries, the high-frequency soft lag gets longer during the hard-to-intermediate state transition, evolving from ${\lesssim}1~{\rm ms}$ to ${\sim}10~{\rm ms}$. The soft lag production mechanism is thermal disk reprocessing of non-thermal coronal irradiation. X-ray reverberation models account for the light-travel time delay external to the disk, but assume instantaneous reprocessing of the irradiation inside the electron scattering-dominated disk atmosphere. We model this neglected $scattering\ time\ delay$ as a random walk within an $\alpha$-disk atmosphere, with approximate opacities. To explain soft lag trends, we consider a limiting case of the scattering time delay that we dub the $thermalization\ time\ delay$, $t_{\rm th}$; this is the time for irradiation to scatter its way down to the effective photosphere, where it gets thermalized, and then scatter its way back out. We demonstrate that $t_{\rm th}$ plausibly evolves from being inconsequential for low mass accretion rates $\dot{m}$ characteristic of the hard state, to rivaling or exceeding the light-travel time delay for $\dot{m}$ characteristic of the intermediate state. However, our crude model confines $t_{\rm th}$ to a narrow annulus near peak accretion power dissipation, so cannot yet explain in detail the anomalously long-duration soft lags associated with larger disk radii. We call for time-dependent models with accurate opacities to assess the potential relevance of a scattering delay.

We show that the relic abundance and expected mass range of the QCD axion, a hypothetical particle that can potentially constitute the cosmic dark matter (DM), are greatly modified if the axion field resulting from the evaporation of primordial black holes (PBHs) begins to oscillate just before the onset of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). We predominantly explore the PBHs in the mass range $(10^6 - 5\times 10^8)\,$g. We investigate the relation between the relic abundance of DM axion and the primordial population of black holes. We numerically solve the set of Boltzmann equations that governs the cosmological evolution during the radiation bath and the PBH-dominated epoch, providing the bulk energy content of the early Universe. We further solve the equation of motion of the axion field in addition to obtaining its present abundance. If the QCD axion is ever discovered, it will give us insights into the early Universe and probe into the physics of the PBH-dominated era. Light QCD axions, alongside non-relativistic particles, are generated from PBHs evaporation through Hawking radiation and could make up a fraction of dark radiation (DR). We estimate the bounds on the model from DR axions produced via said PBH evaporation and thermal decoupling, and we account for isocurvature bounds during the period of inflation where the Peccei-Quinn symmetry is broken. We, additionally, take the results obtained and put them against the available CMB data and state our observations. We briefly study the forecasts from gravitational wave searches. We comment on the consequences of PBH accretion and on the uncertainties it may further add to particle physics modeling.

Davide Lazzati, Gustavo Soares, Rosalba Perna

9 pages, 5 figures, under review for AAS Journals

Long and short gamma-ray bursts are traditionally associated with galactic environments, where circumburst densities are small or moderate (few to hundreds of protons per cubic cm). However, both are also expected to occur in the disks of Active Galactic Nuclei, where the ambient medium density can be much larger. In this work we study, via semi-analytical methods, the propagation of the GRB outflow, its interaction with the external material, and the ensuing prompt radiation. In particular, we focus on the case in which the external shock develops early in the evolution, at a radius that is smaller than the internal shock one. We find that bursts in such high density environments are likely characterized by a single, long emission episode that is due to the superposition of individual pulses, with a characteristic hard to soft evolution irrespective of the light curve luminosity. While multi-pulse light curves are not impossible, they would require the central engine to go dormant for a long time before re-igniting. In addition, short GRB engines would produce bursts with prompt duration that would exceed the canonical 2 s separation threshold and would likely be incorrectly classified as long events, even though they would not be accompanied by a simultaneous supernova. Finally, these events have a large dynamical efficiency which would produce a bright prompt emission followed by a somewhat dim afterglow.

Gemma González-Torà, Miguel A. Urbaneja, Norbert Przybilla, Stefan Dreizler, Martin M. Roth, Sebastian Kamann, Norberto Castro

6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication at the Proceedings of the IAUS361: Massive Stars Near and Far

We present the results obtained using spectroscopic data taken with the intermediateresolution Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) of B and A-type supergiants and bright giants in the Sculptor Group galaxy NGC 300. For our analysis, a hybrid local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) line-blanketing+non-LTE method was used to improve the previously published results for the same data. In addition, we present some further applications of this work, which includes extending the flux-weighted gravity luminosity relationship (FGLR), a distance determination method for supergiants. This pioneering work opens up a new window to explore this relation, and also demonstrates the enormous potential of integral field spectroscopy (IFS) for extragalactic quantitative stellar studies.

Upsilon Sagittarii is a hydrogen-deficient binary that has been suggested to be in its second stage of mass transfer, after the primary has expanded to become a helium supergiant following core helium exhaustion. A tentative identification of the faint companion in the ultraviolet led to mass estimates of both components that made the helium star in Upsilon Sagittarii a prototypical immediate progenitor of a type Ib/c supernova. However, no consistent model for the complex spectrum has been achieved, casting doubt on this interpretation. In the present study we provide for the first time a composite spectral model that fits the ultraviolet data, and clearly identifies the companion as a rapidly rotating slowly moving ~7Msun B-type star, unlike previously suggested. The stripped helium supergiant is less luminous than previous estimates, and, with an estimated mass smaller than 1Msun, is ruled out as a core-collapse supernova progenitor. We provide a detailed binary evolution scenario that explains the temperature and luminosity of the two components as well as the very low gravity (log g ~ 1.2 [cm/s^2]) and extreme hydrogen deficiency of the primary (atmospheric mass fraction XH ~ 0.001). The best-fitting model is a ~5Msun intermediate-mass primary with an initial orbital period of a few days, and a secondary that appears to have gained a significant amount of mass despite its high rotation. We conclude that Upsilon Sagittarii is a key system for testing binary evolution processes, especially envelope stripping and mass accretion.

Marina Kounkel, Aidan McBride, Keivan G. Stassun, Nathan Leigh

12 pages, 11 figures, accepted to MNRAS

We present a catalog of 3354 candidate young stars within 500 pc that appear to have been ejected from their parent associations with relative speeds of >5 km/s. These candidates have been homogeneously selected through performing a 2d spherical traceback of previously identified pre-main sequence candidates to various star forming regions, ensuring that the traceback age as well as the estimated age of a star is consistent with the age of the population, and excluding contaminants from the nearby moving groups that follow the dominant velocity currents in the field. Among the identified candidates we identify a number of pairs that appear to have interacted in the process of the ejection, these pairs have similar traceback time, and their trajectory appears to be diametrically opposite from each other, or they have formed a wide binary in the process. As the selection of these candidates is performed solely in 2d, spectral follow-up is necessary for their eventual confirmation. Unfortunately, recently released Gaia DR3 radial velocities appear to be unsuitable for characterizing the kinematics of low mass stars with ages <100 Myr, as the accretion, activity, and a variety of other spectral features that make them distinct from the more evolved stars do not appear to have been accurately accounted for in the data, resulting in significant artificially inflated scatter in their RV distribution.

P. Mozumdar, C. D. Fassnacht, T. Treu, C. Spiniello, A. J. Shajib

submitted in A&A; 13 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables

We have measured the redshifts and single-aperture velocity dispersions of eight lens galaxies using the data collected by the Echellette Spectrograph and Imager (ESI) and Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (LRIS) at W.M. Keck observatory on different observing nights spread over three years (2018-2020). These results, combined with other ancillary data, such as high-resolution images of the lens systems, time delays, etc., are necessary to increase the sample size of the quasar-galaxy lens systems for which the Hubble constant can be measured, using the time-delay strong lensing method, hence increasing the precision of its inference. Typically, the 2D spectra of the quasar-galaxy lens systems get spatially blended due to seeing by ground-based observations. As a result, the extracted lensing galaxy (deflector) spectra become significantly contaminated by quasar light, which affects the ability to extract meaningful information about the deflector. To account for spatial blending and extract less contaminated and higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 1D spectra of the deflectors, a forward modeling method has been implemented. From the extracted spectra, we have measured redshifts using prominent absorption lines and single aperture velocity dispersions using the penalized pixel fitting code pPXF. In this paper, we report the redshifts and single aperture velocity dispersions of eight lens galaxies - J0147+4630, B0445+123, B0631+519, J0659+1629, J0818-2613, J0924+0219, J1433+6007, and J1817+2729. Among these systems, six do not have previously measured velocity dispersions; for the other two, our measurements are consistent with previously reported values. Additionally, we have measured the previously unknown redshifts of the deflectors in J0818-2613 and J1817+2729 to be $0.866 \pm 0.002$ and $0.408 \pm 0.002$, respectively.

G. Mastroserio, B. W. Grefenstette, P. Thalhammer, D. J. K. Buisson, M. C. Brumback, R. M. Ludlam, R. M. T. Connors, J. A. Garcıa, V. Grinberg, K. K. Madsen, H. Miyasaka, J. A. Tomsick, J. Wilms

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Due to the structure of the NuSTAR telescope, photons at large off-axis (> 1deg) can reach the detectors directly (stray light), without passing through the instrument optics. At these off-axis angles NuSTAR essentially turns into a collimated instrument and the spectrum can extend to energies above the Pt k-edge (79 keV) of the multi-layers, which limits the effective area bandpass of the optics. We present the first scientific spectral analysis beyond 79 keV using a Cygnus X-1 observation in StrayCats, the catalog of stray light observations. This serendipitous stray light observation occurred simultaneously with an INTEGRAL observation. When the spectra are modeled together in the 30-120 keV energy band, we find that the NuSTAR stray light flux is well calibrated and constrained to be consistent with the INTEGRAL flux at the 90% confidence level. Furthermore, we explain how to treat the background of the stray light spectral analysis, which is especially important at high energies.

W. Peter Maksym (1), Martin Elvis (1), Giuseppina Fabbiano (2), Anna Trindade-Falcão (1), Steven B. Kraemer (2), Travis C. Fischer (3), D. Michael Crenshaw (4), Thaisa Storchi-Bergmann (5) ((1) Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, (2) The Catholic University of America, (3) Space Telescope Science Institute, (4) Georgia State University, (5) Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)

12 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to ApJL

We present $Chandra$ ACIS imaging spectroscopy of the nucleus of the Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk 34. We identify spatially and spectrally resolved features in the band that includes Fe K$\alpha$, Fe XXV and Fe XXVI. These features indicate high-velocity ($\gtrsim15,000\,\rm{km\,s}^{-1}$ line-of-sight) material separated spanning $\sim$0.5 arcsec, within $\sim200$ pc of the nucleus. This outflow could have deprojected velocities $\sim12-28\times$ greater than the [O III] emitting outflows, and could potentially dominate the kinetic power in the outflow. This emission may point to the origins of the optical and X-ray winds observed at larger radii, and could indicate a link between ultra-fast outflows and AGN feedback on $\gtrsim$kpc scales.

A. M. Meisner, D. Caselden, E. F. Schlafly

submitted to The Astronomical Journal

We present the unTimely Catalog, a deep time-domain catalog of detections based on Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and NEOWISE observations spanning the 2010 through 2020 time period. Detections are extracted from 'time-resolved unWISE coadds', which stack together each biannual sky pass of WISE imaging to create a set of ~16 all-sky maps (per band), each much deeper and cleaner than individual WISE exposures. unTimely incorporates the W1 (3.4 micron) and W2 (4.6 micron) channels, meaning that our data set effectively consists of ~32 full-sky unWISE catalogs. We run the crowdsource crowded-field point source photometry pipeline (Schlafly et al. 2018) on each epochal coadd independently, with low detection thresholds: S/N = 4.0 (2.5) in W1 (W2). In total, we tabulate and publicly release 23.5 billion (19.9 billion) detections at W1 (W2). unTimely is ~1.3 mag deeper than the WISE/NEOWISE Single Exposure Source Tables near the ecliptic, with further enhanced depth toward higher ecliptic latitudes. The unTimely Catalog is primarily designed to enable novel searches for faint, fast-moving objects, such as Y dwarfs and/or late-type (T/Y) subdwarfs in the Milky Way's thick disk or halo. unTimely will also facilitate other time-domain science applications, such as all-sky studies of quasar variability at mid-infrared wavelengths over a decade-long time baseline.

N. Schöneberg, L. Verde, H. Gil-Marín, S. Brieden

27 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Comments are welcome!

The combination of Baryonic Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) data together with light element abundance measurements from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) has been shown to constrain the cosmological expansion history to an unprecedented degree. Using the newest LUNA data and DR16 data from SDSS, the BAO+BBN probe puts tight constraints on the Hubble parameter ($H_0 = 67.6 \pm 1.0 \mathrm{km/s/Mpc}$), resulting in a $3.7\sigma$ tension with the local distance ladder determination from SH0ES in a $\Lambda$CDM model. In the updated BAO data the high- and low-redshift subsets are mutually in excellent agreement, and there is no longer a mild internal tension to artificially enhance the constraints. Adding the recently-developed ShapeFit analysis yields $H_0 = 68.3 \pm 0.7 \mathrm{km/s/Mpc}$ ($3.8 \sigma$ tension). For combinations with additional data sets, there is a strong synergy with the sound horizon information of the cosmic microwave background, which leads to one of the tightest constraints to date, $H_0 = 68.30\pm 0.45\mathrm{km/s/Mpc}$, in $4.2\sigma$ tension with SH0ES. The region preferred by this combination is perfectly in agreement with that preferred by ShapeFit. The addition of supernova data also yields a $4.2\sigma$ tension with SH0ES for Pantheon, and a $3.5\sigma$ tension for PantheonPLUS. Finally, we show that there is a degree of model-dependence of the BAO+BBN constraints with respect to early-time solutions of the Hubble tension, and the loss of constraining power in extended models depends on whether the model can be additionally constrained from BBN observations.

Emma Kaufman, Daniel Lecoanet, Evan H. Anders, Benjamin P. Brown, Geoffrey M. Vasil, Jeffrey S. Oishi, Keaton J. Burns

9 pages, 8 figures

Convection in massive main sequence stars generates large scale magnetic fields in their cores which persists as they evolve up the red giant branch. The remnants of these fields may take the form of the Prendergast magnetic field, a combination of poloidal and toroidal field components which are expected to stabilize each other. Previous analytic and numerical calculations did not find any evidence for instability of the Prendergast field over short timescales. In this paper, we present numerical simulations which show a long timescale, linear instability of this magnetic field. We find the instability to be robust to changes in boundary conditions and it is not stabilized by strong stable stratification. The instability is a resistive instability, and the growth rate has a power-law dependence on the resistivity, in which the growth rate decreases as the resistivity decreases. We estimate the growth rate of the instability in stars by extrapolating this power-law to stellar values of the resistivity. The instability is sufficiently rapid to destabilize the magnetic field on timescales shorter than the stellar evolution timescale, indicating that the Prendergast field is not a good model to use in studies of magnetic fields in stars.

Conor D. MacBride, David B. Jess, Elena Khomenko, Samuel D. T. Grant

13 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the solar atmosphere are often performed under the assumption that the plasma is fully ionized. However, in the lower solar atmosphere a reduced temperature often results in only the partial ionization of the plasma. The interaction between the decoupled neutral and ionized components of such a partially ionized plasma produces ambipolar diffusion. To investigate the role of ambipolar diffusion in propagating wave characteristics in the photosphere and chromosphere, we employ the Mancha3D numerical code to model magnetoacoustic waves propagating through the atmosphere immediately above the umbra of a sunspot. We solve the non-ideal MHD equations for data-driven perturbations to the magnetostatic equilibrium and the effect of ambipolar diffusion is investigated by varying the simulation to include additional terms in the MHD equations that account for this process. Analyzing the energy spectral densities for simulations with/without ambipolar diffusion, we find evidence to suggest that ambipolar diffusion plays a pivotal role in wave characteristics in the weakly ionized low density regions, hence maximizing the local ambipolar diffusion coefficient. As a result, we propose that ambipolar diffusion is an important mechanism that requires careful consideration into whether it should be included in simulations, and whether it should be utilized in the analysis and interpretation of particular observations of the lower solar atmosphere.

Dan Hooper

9 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2022

The Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess has a spectrum, angular distribution, and overall intensity that agree remarkably well with that expected from annihilating dark matter particles in the form of a $m_X \sim 50 \, {\rm GeV}$ thermal relic. Previous claims that these photons are clustered on small angular scales or trace the distribution of known stellar populations once appeared to favor interpretations in which this signal originates from a large population of unresolved millisecond pulsars. More recent work, however, has overturned these conclusions, finding that the observed gamma-ray excess does {\it not} contain discernible small scale power, and is distributed with approximate spherical symmetry, not tracing any known stellar populations. In light of these results, it now appears significantly more likely that the Galactic Center Gamma-Ray Excess is produced by annihilating dark matter.

Krishna Naidoo, Wojciech Hellwing, Maciej Bilicki, Noam Libeskind, Simon Pfeifer, Yehuda Hoffman

10 pages (+references), 6 figures, to be submitted to PRD

We present a methodology for constructing modified gravity (MG) constrained simulations of the local Universe using positions and peculiar velocities from the CosmicFlows data set. Our analysis focuses on the following MG models: the normal branch of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (nDGP) model and Hu-Sawicki $f(R)$ model. We develop a model independent methodology for constructing constrained simulations with any given power spectra and numerically calculated linear growth functions. Initial conditions (ICs) for a set of constrained simulations are constructed for the standard cosmological model $\Lambda$CDM and the MG models. Differences between the model's reconstructed Wiener filtered density and the resultant simulation density are presented showing the importance for the generation of MG constrained ICs to study the subtle effects of MG in the local Universe. These are the first MG constrained simulations ever produced. The current work paves the way for improved approximate methods for models with scale-dependent growth functions, such as $f(R)$, and for high-resolution hydrodynamical MG zoom-in simulations of the local Universe.

Lizhou Sha, Andrew M. Vanderburg, Chelsea X. Huang, David J. Armstrong, Rafael Brahm, Steven Giacalone, Mackenna L. Wood, Karen A. Collins, Louise D. Nielsen, Melissa J. Hobson, Carl Ziegler, Steve B. Howell, Pascal Torres-Miranda, Andrew W. Mann, George Zhou, Elisa Delgado-Mena, Felipe I. Rojas, Lyu Abe, Trifon Trifonov, Vardan Adibekyan, Sérgio G. Sousa, Sergio B. Fajardo-Acosta, Tristan Guillot, Saburo Howard, Colin Littlefield, Faith Hawthorn, François-Xavier Schmider, Jan Eberhardt, Thiam-Guan Tan, Ares Osborn, Richard P. Schwarz, Paul Strøm, Andrés Jordán, Gavin Wang, Thomas Henning, Bob Massey, Nicholas Law, Chris Stockdale, Elise Furlan, Gregor Srdoc, Peter J. Wheatley, David Barrado Navascués, Jack J. Lissauer, Keivan G. Stassun, George R. Ricker, Roland K. Vanderspek, et al. (9 additional authors not shown)

20 pages, 7 figures, 13 tables; submitted to MNRAS; CSV tables available as ancillary files; posterior samples available from Zenodo at this https URL

Hot jupiters (P < 10 d, M > 60 $\mathrm{M}_\oplus$) are almost always found alone around their stars, but four out of hundreds known have inner companion planets. These rare companions allow us to constrain the hot jupiter's formation history by ruling out high-eccentricity tidal migration. Less is known about inner companions to hot Saturn-mass planets. We report here the discovery of the TOI-2000 system, which features a hot Saturn-mass planet with a smaller inner companion. The mini-neptune TOI-2000 b ($2.64^{+0.11}_{-0.12} \,\mathrm{R}_\oplus$, $10.3 \pm 2.2 \,\mathrm{M}_\oplus$) is in a 3.10-day orbit, and the hot saturn TOI-2000 c ($7.97 \pm 0.12 \,\mathrm{R}_\oplus$, $75.7 \pm 3.8 \,\mathrm{M}_\oplus$) is in a 9.13-day orbit. Both planets transit their host star TOI-2000 (TIC 371188886, V = 10.98, TESS magnitude = 10.36), a metal-rich ([Fe/H] = $0.438^{+0.041}_{-0.042}$) G dwarf 174 pc away. TESS observed the two planets in sectors 9-11 and 36-38, and we followed up with ground-based photometry, spectroscopy, and speckle imaging. Radial velocities from HARPS allowed us to confirm both planets by direct mass measurement. In addition, we demonstrate constraining planetary and stellar parameters with MIST stellar evolutionary tracks through Hamiltonian Monte Carlo under the PyMC framework, achieving higher sampling efficiency and shorter run time compared to traditional Markov chain Monte Carlo. Having the brightest host star in the V band among similar systems, TOI-2000 b and c are superb candidates for atmospheric characterization by the JWST, which can potentially distinguish whether they formed together or TOI-2000 c swept along material during migration to form TOI-2000 b.

A. Amorim, G. Bourdarot, W. Brandner, Y. Cao, Y. Clénet, R. Davies, P. T. de Zeeuw, J. Dexter, A. Drescher, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, M. Fabricius, N. M. Förster Schreiber, P. J. V. Garcia, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, D. Gratadour, S. Hönig, M. Kishimoto, S. Lacour, D. Lutz, F. Millour, H. Netzer, T. Ott, T. Paumard, K. Perraut, G. Perrin, B. M. Peterson, P. O. Petrucci, O. Pfuhl, M. A. Prieto, D. Rouan, D. J. D. Santos, J. Shangguan, T. Shimizu, A. Sternberg, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, L. J. Tacconi, K. R. W. Tristram, F. Widmann, J. Woillez

Accepted for publication in A&A; 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables

This work focuses on active galactic nuclei (AGNs), and the relation between the sizes of the hot dust continuum and the broad-line region (BLR). We find that the continuum size measured using optical/near-infrared interferometry (OI) is roughly twice that measured by reverberation mapping (RM). Both OI and RM continuum sizes show a tight relation with the H$\beta$ BLR size with only an intrinsic scatter of 0.25 dex. The masses of supermassive black holes (BHs) can hence be simply derived from a dust size in combination with a broad line width and virial factor. Since the primary uncertainty of these BH masses comes from the virial factor, the accuracy of the continuum-based BH masses is close to those based on the RM measurement of the broad emission line. Moreover, the necessary continuum measurements can be obtained on a much shorter timescale than those required monitoring for RM, and are also more time efficient than those needed to resolve the BLR with OI. The primary goal of this work is to demonstrate measuring the BH mass based on the dust continuum size with our first calibration of the $R_\mathrm{BLR}$-$R_\mathrm{d}$ relation. The current limitation and caveats are discussed in detail. Future GRAVITY observations are expected to improve the continuum-based method and have the potential to measure BH masses for a large sample of AGNs in the low-redshift Universe.

Fabien Lacasa, Marie Aubert, Philippe Baratta, Julien Carron, Adélie Gorce, Sylvain Gouyou Beauchamps, Louis Legrand, Azadeh Moradinezhad Dizgah, Isaac Tutusaus

12+2 pages, 5 figures

Super-sample covariance (SSC) is an important effect for cosmological analyses using the deep structure of the cosmic web; it may, however, be non-trivial to include it practically in a pipeline. Here we lift up this difficulty by presenting a formula for the precision (inverse covariance) matrix and show applications to update likelihood or Fisher forecast pipelines. The formula has several advantages in terms of speed, reliability, stability, and ease of implementation. We present an analytical application to show the formal equivalence between 3 approaches to SSC: (i) at the usual covariance level, (ii) at the likelihood level, and (iii) with a quadratic estimator. We then present an application of this computationally efficient framework to study the impact of inaccurate modeling of the SSC responses for cosmological constraints from stage IV surveys. We find that a weak lensing-only analysis is very sensitive to inaccurate modeling of the scale dependence of the response, which needs to be calibrated at the ~15% level. The sensitivity to this scale dependence is less severe for the joint weak lensing and galaxy clustering analysis (also known as 3x2pt). Nevertheless, we find that both the amplitude and scale-dependence of the responses have to be calibrated at better than 30%.

V.N. Obridko, M.M. Katsova, D.D. Sokoloff, B.D. Shelting, I.M. Livshits

13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Solar Physics

We demonstrate that the radial magnetic-field component at the outer boundary of the sunspot penumbra is about 550 Mx cm$^{-2}$ independent of the sunspot area and the maximum magnetic field in the umbra. The mean magnetic-field intensity in sunspots grows slightly as the sunspot area increases up to 500 -- 1000 millionth of visual hemisphere (m.v.h.) and may reach about 900 -- 2000 Mx cm$^{-2}$. The total magnetic flux weakly depends on the maximum field strength in a sunspot and is determined by the spottedness, i.e. the sunspot number and the total sunspot area; however, the relation between the total flux and the sunspot area is substantially nonlinear. We suggest an explicit parametrization for this relation. The contribution of the magnetic flux associated with sunspots to the total magnetic flux is small, not achieving more than 20% even at the maximum of the solar activity.

Aditya R. Sengupta, Benjamin L. Gerard, Daren Dillon, Maaike van Kooten, Donald Gavel, Rebecca Jensen-Clem

submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022, paper number 12185-311

We present the results of testing optimal linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) control for tip and tilt Zernike wavefront modes on the SEAL (Santa cruz Extreme AO Lab) testbed. The controller employs a physics model conditioned by the expected tip/tilt power spectrum and vibration peaks. The model builds on similar implementations, such as that of the Gemini Planet Imager, by considering the effects of loop delays and the response of the control hardware. Tests are being performed on SEAL using the Fast Atmospheric Self-coherent camera Technique (FAST), and being executed using a custom Python library to align optics, generate interaction matrices, and perform real-time control by combining controllers with simulated disturbance signals to be corrected. We have carried out open-loop data collection, characterizing the natural bench dynamics, and have shown a reduction in RMS wavefront error due to integrator control and LQG control.

Charles P. Abod, Cheng Chen, Jeremy Smallwood, Ian Rabago, Rebecca G. Martin, Stephen H. Lubow

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 12 pages, 7 figures

A test particle orbit around an eccentric binary has two stationary states in which there is no nodal precession: coplanar and polar. Nodal precession of a misaligned test particle orbit centres on one of these stationary states. A low mass circumbinary disc undergoes the same precession and moves towards one of these states through dissipation within the disc. For a massive particle orbit, the stationary polar alignment occurs at an inclination less than $90^{\circ}$, this is the prograde-polar stationary inclination. A sufficiently high angular momentum particle has an additional higher inclination stationary state, the retrograde-polar stationary inclination. Misaligned particle orbits close to the retrograde-polar stationary inclination are not nested like the orbits close to the other stationary points. We investigate the evolution of a gas disc that begins close to the retrograde-polar stationary inclination. With hydrodynamical disc simulations, we find that the disc moves through the unnested crescent shape precession orbits and eventually moves towards the prograde-polar stationary inclination thus increasing the parameter space over which circumbinary discs move towards polar alignment. If protoplanetary discs form with an isotropic orientation relative to the binary orbit, then polar discs may be more common than coplanar discs around eccentric binaries, even for massive discs. This has implications for the alignment of circumbinary planets.

Cody Carr, Leo Michel-Dansac, Jeremy Blaizot, Claudia Scarlata, Alaina Henry, Anne Verhamme

Absorption line spectroscopy offers one of the best opportunities to constrain the properties of galactic outflows and the environment of the circumgalactic medium. Extracting physical information from line profiles is difficult, however, for the physics governing the underlying radiation transfer is complicated and depends on many different parameters. Idealized analytical models are necessary to constrain the large parameter spaces efficiently, but are typically plagued by model degeneracy and systematic errors. Comparison tests with idealized numerical radiation transfer codes offer an excellent opportunity to confront both of these issues. In this paper, we present a detailed comparison between SALT, an analytical radiation transfer model for predicting UV spectra of galactic outflows, with the numerical radiation transfer software, RASCAS. Our analysis has lead to upgrades to both models including an improved derivation of SALT and a customizable adaptive mesh refinement routine for RASCAS. We explore how well SALT, when paired with a Monte Carlo fitting procedure, can recover flow parameters from non-turbulent and turbulent flows. When the velocity and density gradients are excluded, we find that flow parameters are well recovered from high resolution (20 $\rm{km}$ $\rm{s}^{-1}$) data and moderately well from medium resolution (100 $\rm{km}$ $\rm{s}^{-1}$) data without turbulence at a S/N = 10, while derived quantities (e.g., mass outflow rates, column density, etc.) are well recovered at all resolutions. In the turbulent case, biased errors emerge in the recovery of individual parameters, but derived quantities are still well recovered.

J. Guy, S. Bailey, A. Kremin, Shadab Alam, C. Allende Prieto, S. BenZvi, A. S. Bolton, D. Brooks, E. Chaussidon, A. P. Cooper, K. Dawson, A. de la Macorra, A. Dey, Biprateep Dey, G. Dhungana, D. J. Eisenstein, A. Font-Ribera, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, D. Green, K. Honscheid, M. Ishak, R. Kehoe, D. Kirkby, T. Kisner, Sergey E. Koposov, Ting-Wen Lan, M. Landriau, L. Le Guillou, Michael E. Levi, C. Magneville, Christopher J. Manser, P. Martini, Aaron M. Meisner, R. Miquel, J. Moustakas, Adam D. Myers, Jeffrey A. Newman, Jundan Nie, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, W. J. Percival, C. Poppett, F. Prada, A. Raichoor, C. Ravoux, A. J. Ross, E. F. Schlafly, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, Ray M. Sharples, Gregory Tarlé, B. A. Weaver, Christophe Yèche, Rongpu Zhou, et al. (2 additional authors not shown)

AJ, submitted, 55 pages, 55 figures, 5 tables

We describe the spectroscopic data processing pipeline of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which is conducting a redshift survey of about 40 million galaxies and quasars using a purpose-built instrument on the 4-m Mayall Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The main goal of DESI is to measure with unprecedented precision the expansion history of the Universe with the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation technique and the growth rate of structure with Redshift Space Distortions. Ten spectrographs with three cameras each disperse the light from 5000 fibers onto 30 CCDs, covering the near UV to near infrared (3600 to 9800 Angstrom) with a spectral resolution ranging from 2000 to 5000. The DESI data pipeline generates wavelength- and flux-calibrated spectra of all the targets, along with spectroscopic classifications and redshift measurements. Fully processed data from each night are typically available to the DESI collaboration the following morning. We give details about the pipeline's algorithms, and provide performance results on the stability of the optics, the quality of the sky background subtraction, and the precision and accuracy of the instrumental calibration. This pipeline has been used to process the DESI Survey Validation data set, and has exceeded the project's requirements for redshift performance, with high efficiency and a purity greater than 99 percent for all target classes.

We present calculations of ultraviolet spectra resulting from the scattering of photons by gas in-falling onto an isotropically emitting source of radiation. The model is based on an adaptation of the semi-analytical line transfer (SALT) code of Scarlata & Panagia (2015), and designed to interpret the inverse P-Cygni profiles observed in the spectra of partially ionized galactic inflows. In addition to presenting the model, we explore the parameter space of the inflowing SALT model and recreate various physically motivated scenarios including spherical inflows, inflows with covering fractions less than unity, and galactic fountains (i.e., galactic systems with both an inflowing and outflowing component). The resulting spectra from inflowing gas show spectral features that could be misinterpreted as ISM features in low resolution spectroscopy ($\sigma \approx 120$ $\rm{km }$ $\rm{s}^{-1}$), suggesting that the total number of galactic systems with inflows is undercounted. Our models suggest that observations at medium resolution ($R = 6000$ or $\sigma \approx 50$ $\rm{km }$ $\rm{s}^{-1}$) that can be obtained with 8m-class telescopes will be able to resolve the characteristic inverse P Cygni profiles necessary to identify inflows.

Tenyo Kawamura, Chris Done, Magnus Axelsson, Tadayuki Takahashi

19 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, submitted to MNRAS

Black hole X-ray binaries in the low/hard states display significant broad-band (stochastic) variability on short time-scales (0.01-100 seconds), with a complex pattern of lags in correlated variability seen in different energy bands. This behaviour is generally interpreted in a model where slow fluctuations stirred up at large radii propagate down through the accretion flow, modulating faster fluctuations stirred up at smaller radii. Coupling this scenario with a radially-stratified emission property opens the way to measure the propagation time-scale from data and hence directly test models of the accretion flow structure. Our previous spectral-timing model could fit the NICER (0.5-10 keV) data from the brightest recent black hole transient, MAXI J1820+070. Here we use new data from Insight-HXMT to explore the variability up to higher energies. We have to extend the model so that the spectrum emitted at each radius changes shape in response to a fluctuation (pivoting) rather than just changing normalisation. This extension gives the strong suppression of fractional variability as a function of energy seen in the data. We find that the derived propagation time-scale is slower than predicted by models with maximum magnetic flux on the horizon (MAD flows), despite this system showing a strong jet. Our model jointly fits the spectrum and broad-band variability up to 50 keV, so the QPO can most easily be explained as an extrinsic modulation of the flow, such as produced in Lense-Thirring precession rather than arising in an additional spectral-timing component such as the jet.

Jie Hong, Ye Qiu, Qi Hao, Zhi Xu, Chuan Li, Mingde Ding, Cheng Fang

7 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. CHASE data are available at this https URL

The Si I 6560.58 \r{A} line in the H$\alpha$ blue wing is blended with a telluric absorption line from water vapor in ground-based observations. Recent observations with the space-based telescope CHASE provide a new window to study this line. We aim to study the Si I line statistically and to explore possible diagnostics. We select three scannings in the CHASE observations, and measure the equivalent width (EW) and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) for each pixel on the solar disk. We then calculate the theoretical EW and FWHM from the VALC model. An active region is also studied in particular for difference in the quiet Sun and the sunspots. The Si I line is formed at the bottom of the photosphere. The EW of this line increases from the disk center to $\mu$ = 0.2, and then decreases toward the solar limb, while the FWHM shows a monotonically increasing trend. Theoretically predicted EW agrees well with observations, while the predicted FWHM is far smaller due to the absence of unresolved turbulence in models. The macroturbulent velocity is estimated to be 2.80 km s$^{-1}$ at the disk center, and increases to 3.52 km s$^{-1}$ at $\mu$ = 0.2. We do not find any response to flare heating in current observations. Doppler shifts and line widths of the Si I 6560.58 \r{A} and Fe I 6569.21 \r{A} lines can be used to study the mass flows and turbulence of the different photospheric layers. The Si I line has good potentials to diagnose the dynamics and energy transport in the photosphere.

We present revised (black hole mass)-(spheroid stellar mass) and (black hole mass)-(galaxy stellar mass) scaling relations based on colour-dependent stellar mass-to-light ratios. Our 3.6 micron luminosities were obtained from multicomponent decompositions, which accounted for bulges, discs, bars, ansae, rings, nuclear components, etc. The lenticular galaxy bulges (not associated with recent mergers) follow a steep M_bh~M_{*,bulge}^{1.53+/-0.15} relation, offset by roughly an order of magnitude in black hole mass from the M_bh~M_{*,ellip}^{1.64+/-0.17} relation defined by the elliptical (E) galaxies which, in Darwinian terms, are shown to have evolved by punctuated equilibrium rather than gradualism. We use the spheroid, i.e., bulge and elliptical, size-mass relation to reveal how disc-galaxy mergers explain this offset and the dramatically lower M_bh/M_{*,sph} ratios in the elliptical galaxies. The popular but deceptive near-linear M_bh-M_{*,sph} `red sequence', followed by neither the bulge population nor the elliptical galaxies, is shown to be an artefact of sample selection, combining bulges and elliptical galaxies from disparate M_bh-M_{*,sph} sequences. Moreover, both small bulges with `undermassive' black holes and big lenticular galaxies (including relic `red nuggets') with `overmassive' black holes - relative to the near-linear M_bh-M_{*,sph} sequence - are no longer viewed as outliers. We confirm a steep M_bh~M_{*,bulge}^{2.25+/-0.39} relation for spiral galaxies and discuss numerous implications of this work, including how mergers, rather than (only) feedback from active galactic nuclei, have shaped the high-mass end of the galaxy mass function. We also explain why there may be no useful M_bh-M_{*,sph}-R_{e,sph} plane due to M_{*,sph} scaling nearly linearly with R_{e,sph}.

Ayan Mitra, Bekdaulet Shukirgaliyev, Y. Sultan Abylkairov, Ernazar Abdikamalov

Submitted to MNRAS. 11 pages, 12 figures. Comments are welcome

Core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) emit powerful gravitational waves (GWs). Since GWs emitted by a source contain information about the source, observing GWs from CCSNe may allow us to learn more about CCSNs. We study if it is possible to infer the iron core mass from the bounce and early ring-down GW signal. We generate GW signals for a range of stellar models using numerical simulations and apply machine learning to train and classify the signals. We consider an idealized favourable scenario. First, we use rapidly rotating models, which produce stronger GWs than slowly rotating models. Second, we limit ourselves to models with four different masses, which simplifies the selection process. We show that the classification accuracy does not exceed ~70%, signifying that even in this optimistic scenario, the information contained in the bounce and early ring-down GW signal is not sufficient to precisely probe the iron core mass. This suggests that it may be necessary to incorporate additional information such as the GWs from later post-bounce evolution and neutrino observations to accurately measure the iron core mass.

Tadahiro Kimura, Masahiro Ikoma

22 pages, 4 figures. Published in Nature Astronomy ( this https URL )

Exoplanet surveys around M dwarfs have detected a growing number of exoplanets with Earth-like insolation. It is expected that some of those planets are rocky planets with the potential for temperate climates favourable to surface liquid water. However, various models predict that terrestrial planets orbiting in the classical habitable zone around M dwarfs have no water or too much water, suggesting that habitable planets around M dwarfs might be rare. Here we present the results of an updated planetary population synthesis model, which includes the effects of water enrichment in the primordial atmosphere, caused by the oxidation of atmospheric hydrogen by rocky materials from incoming planetesimals and from the magma ocean. We find that this water production in the primordial atmosphere is found to significantly impact the occurrence of terrestrial rocky aqua planets, yielding ones with diverse water content. We estimate that 5-10% of the planets with a size $<1.3 R_\oplus$ orbiting early-to-mid M dwarfs have appropriate amounts of seawater for habitability. Such an occurrence rate would be high enough to detect potentially habitable planets by ongoing and near-future M-dwarf planet survey missions.

Sergey Khoperskov, Evgenia Sivkova, Anna Saburova, Evgenii Vasiliev, Boris Shustov, Ivan Minchev, C. Jakob Walcher

A&A in press

Chemical abundance variations in the ISM provide important information about the galactic evolution, star-formation and enrichment histories. Recent observations of disk galaxies suggest that if large-scale azimuthal metallicity variations appear in the ISM, they are linked to the spiral arms. In this work, using a set of chemodynamical simulations of the Milky Way-like spiral galaxies, we quantify the impact of gas radial motions~(migration) in the presence of a pre-existing radial metallicity gradient and the local ISM enrichment on both global and local variations of the mean ISM metallicity in the vicinity of the spiral arms. In all the models, we find the scatter of the gas metallicity of \approx0.04-0.06 dex at a given galactocentric distance. On large scales, we observe the presence of spiral-like metallicity patterns in the ISM which are more prominent in models with the radial metallicity gradient. However, in our simulations, the morphology of the large-scale ISM metallicity distributions significantly differs from the spiral arms structure in stellar/gas components resulting in both positive and negative residual~(after subtraction of the radial gradient) metallicity trends along spiral arms. We discuss the correlations of the residual ISM metallicity values with the star formation rate, gas kinematics and offset to the spiral arms, concluding that the presence of a radial metallicity gradient is essential for the azimuthal variations of metallicity. At the same time, the local enrichment alone is unlikely to drive systematic variations of the metallicity across the spirals.

Anne Hutter, Maxime Trebitsch, Pratika Dayal, Stefan Gottlöber, Gustavo Yepes, Laurent Legrand

25 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS; comments welcome

We use the {\sc astraeus} framework to investigate how the visibility and spatial distribution of Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$) emitters (LAEs) during reionisation is sensitive to a halo mass-dependent fraction of ionising radiation escaping from the galactic environment ($f_\mathrm{esc}$) and the ionisation topology. To this end, we consider the two physically plausible bracketing scenarios of $f_\mathrm{esc}$ increasing and decreasing with rising halo mass. We derive the corresponding observed Ly$\alpha$ luminosities of galaxies for three different analytic Ly$\alpha$ line profiles and associated Ly$\alpha$ escape fraction ($f_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{Ly\alpha}$) models: importantly, we introduce two novel analytic Ly$\alpha$ line profile models that describe the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) as outflowing dusty gas clumps. They are based on parameterising results from radiative transfer simulations, with one of them relating $f_\mathrm{esc}^\mathrm{Ly\alpha}$ to $f_\mathrm{esc}$ by assuming the ISM of being interspersed with low-density tunnels. Our key findings are: (i) for outflowing clumps, the Ly$\alpha$ line profile develops from a central to double peak profile as a galaxy's halo mass increases; (ii) LAEs are galaxies with $M_h\gtrsim10^{10}M_\odot$ located in overdense and highly ionised regions; (iii) for this reason, the spatial distribution of LAEs is primarily sensitive to the global ionisation fraction and only weakly in second-order to the ionisation topology or a halo mass-dependent $f_\mathrm{esc}$; (iv) furthermore, as the observed Ly$\alpha$ luminosity functions reflect the Ly$\alpha$ emission from more massive galaxies, there is a degeneracy between the $f_\mathrm{esc}$-dependent intrinsic Ly$\alpha$ luminosity and the Ly$\alpha$ attenuation by dust in the ISM if $f_\mathrm{esc}$ does not exceed $\sim50\%$.

Thomas Petit, Jaroslav Merc, Rudolf Gális, Stéphane Charbonnel, Thierry Demange, Richard Galli, Olivier Garde, Pascal Le Dû, Lionel Mulato

accepted for publication in New Astronomy; 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 table

In this work, we present the discovery and characterization of a new southern S-type symbiotic star, DeGaPe 35. We have obtained the low-resolution spectroscopic observations and supplemented them with photometry from Gaia DR3 and other surveys. The optical spectra of this target show prominent emission lines, including highly ionized [Fe VII] and O VI lines. The cool component of this symbiotic binary is an M4-5 giant with effective temperature ~ 3 380 - 3 470 K and luminosity ~ 3 000 L$_\odot$ (for the adopted distance of 3 kpc). The hot component is a shell-burning white dwarf. The photometric observations of the Gaia satellite, published recently in the Gaia DR3 suggested the variability with the period of about 700 - 800 days that we tentatively attributed to the orbital motion of the binary.

Anna Wójtowicz, Łukasz Stawarz, C.C. Cheung, Norbert Werner, Dominik Rudka

submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

We analyze radio continuum emission of early-type galaxies with dynamical measurements of central super-massive black hole (SMBH) masses, and well-characterized large-scale environments, but regardless on the exact level of the nuclear activity. The 1.4 GHz radio fluxes collected with the arcmin resolution for 62 nearby targets (distances $\lesssim 153$ Mpc), correspond to low and very low monochromatic luminosities $L_{\rm r} \sim 10^{35} - 10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We quantify possible correlations between the radio properties with the main parameters of supermassive black holes, host galaxies, and hot gaseous halos, finding a general bimodality in the radio luminosity distribution, with the borderline between "radio-bright" and "radio-dim" populations $\log L_{\rm r} / L_{\rm Edd} \simeq -8.5$. We analyze the far-infrared data for the targets, finding that all radio-bright sources, and over a half of radio-dim ones, are over-luminous in radio with respect to the far-infrared--radio correlation. High-resolution radio maps reveal that the overwhelming majority of radio-dim sources are unresolved on arcsecond scale, while the bulk of radio-bright sources display extended jets and lobes characteristic for low- and intermediate-power radio galaxies; those jets dominate radio emission of radio-bright objects. Regarding the origin of the radio emission of radio-dim sources, we discuss the two main possibility. One is the ADAF model, in which the radio and the nuclear X-ray radiative outputs at very low accretion rates, are both dominated by unresolved jets. The other possibility is that the radio-dim sources, unlike the radio-bright ones, are characterized by low values of SMBH spins, so that their radio emission is not related to the jets, but instead is due to a combination of starforming processes and past nuclear outbursts.

The study of cosmic expansion history and the late time cosmic acceleration from observational data depends on the nuisance parameters associated with the data. For example, the absolute peak magnitude of type Ia supernova associated with the type Ia supernova observations and the comoving sound horizon at the baryon drag epoch associated with baryon acoustic oscillation observations are two nuisance parameters. The nuisance parameters associated with the quasar and the gamma-ray bursts data are also considered. These nuisance parameters are constrained by combining the cosmological observations using the Gaussian process regression method without assuming any cosmological model or parametrization to the background cosmic expansion. The bounds obtained in this method can be used as the prior for the data analysis while considering the observational data accordingly. Interestingly, these bounds are independent of the present value of the Hubble parameter. Along with these nuisance parameters, the cosmic curvature density parameter is also constrained simultaneously and the constraints show no significant deviation from a flat Universe.

Long-term sunspot observations and solar activity reconstructions reveal that the Sun occasionally slips into quiescent phases known as solar grand minima, the dynamics during which is not well understood. We use a flux transport dynamo model with stochastic fluctuations in the mean-field and Babcock-Leighton poloidal field source terms to simulate solar cycle variability. Our long-term simulations detect a gradual decay of the polar field during solar grand minima episodes. Although regular active region emergence stops, compromising the Babcock-Leighton mechanism, weak magnetic activity continues during minima phases sustained by a mean-field $\alpha$-effect; surprisingly, periodic polar field amplitude modulation persist during these phases. A spectral analysis of the simulated polar flux time series shows that the 11-year cycle becomes less prominent while high frequency periods and periods around 22 years manifest during grand minima episodes. Analysis of long-term solar open flux observations appears to be consistent with this finding. Through numerical experimentation we demonstrate that the persistence of periodic amplitude modulation in the polar field and the dominant frequencies during grand minima episodes are governed by the speed of the meridional plasma flow -- which appears to act as a clock.

Jisu Kang, Myung Gyoon Lee, In Sung Jang, Youkyung Ko, Jubee Sohn, Narae Hwang, Byeong-Gon Park

Accepted for publication in ApJ, 19 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables

M104 (NGC 4594, the Sombrero galaxy) is a mysterious massive early-type galaxy that shows a dominant bulge and a prominent disk. However, the presence of a halo in M104 has been elusive, and it is not yet known how M104 has acquired such a peculiar structure. Using wide ($\sim2$ deg$^2$) and deep $ugi$ images of M104 obtained with the CFHT/MegaCam, we detect a large number of globular clusters (GCs) found out to $R\approx35'$ ($\sim100$ kpc). The color distribution of these GCs shows two subpopulations: a blue (metal-poor) system and a red (metal-rich) system. The total number of GCs is estimated to be $N_{GC}=1610\pm30$ and the specific frequency to be $S_{N}=1.8\pm0.1$. The radial number density profile of the GCs is steep in the inner region at $R<20'$, and becomes shallow in the outer region at $20'<R<35'$. The outer region is dominated by blue GCs and is extended out to $R\approx35'$. This shows clearly the existence of a giant metal-poor halo in M104. The inner region is composed of a bulge hosting a disk, corresponding to a metal-rich halo as seen in early-type galaxies. At least two clumps of blue GCs are found in the outer region. One clump is overlapped with a faint stellar stream located in the south west, indicating that it may be a remnant of a disrupted dwarf galaxy. Our results imply that the metal-rich inner halo of M104 formed first via major mergers, and the metal-poor outer halo grew via numerous minor mergers.

N. Erkaev, M. Scherf, O. Herbort, H. Lammer, P. Odert, D. Kubyshkina, M. Leitzinger, P. Woitke, C. O'Neill

22 pages, 11 figures. This is a preprint of a 2nd revision submitted to MNRAS

The initial abundance of radioactive heat producing isotopes in the interior of a terrestrial planet are important drivers of its thermal evolution and the related tectonics and possible evolution to an Earth-like habitat. The moderately volatile element K can be outgassed from a magma ocean into H$_2$-dominated primordial atmospheres of protoplanets with assumed masses between 0.55-1.0$ M_{\rm Earth}$ at the time when the gas disk evaporated. We estimate this outgassing and let these planets grow through impacts of depleted and non-depleted material that resembles the same $^{40}$K abundance of average carbonaceous chondrites until the growing protoplanets reach 1.0 $M_{\rm Earth}$. We examine different atmospheric compositions and, as a function of pressure and temperature, calculate the proportion of K by Gibbs Free Energy minimisation using the GGChem code. We find that for H$_2$-envelopes and for magma ocean surface temperatures that are $\ge$ 2500 K, no K condensates are thermally stable, so that outgassed $^{40}$K can populate the atmosphere to a great extent. However, due to magma ocean turn-over time and the limited diffusion of $^{40}$K into the upper atmosphere, from the entire $^{40}$K in the magma ocean only a fraction may be available for escaping into space. The escape rates of the primordial atmospheres and the dragged $^{40}$K are further simulated for different stellar EUV-activities with a multispecies hydrodynamic upper atmosphere evolution model. Our results lead to different abundances of heat producing elements within the fully grown planets which may give rise to different thermal and tectonic histories of terrestrial planets and their habitability conditions.

Gaobo Xi, Xiaofeng Wang, Wenxiong Li, Jun Mo, Jujia Zhang, Jialian Liu, Zhihao Chen, Alexei V. Filippenko, Weikang Zheng, Thomas G. Brink, Xinghan Zhang, Hanna Sai, Shuhrat A. Ehgamberdiev, Davron Mirzaqulov, Jicheng Zhang

34 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present extensive optical photometric and spectroscopic observations for the nearby Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2019ein, spanning the phases from $\sim 3$ days to $\sim 330$ days after the explosion. This SN Ia is characterized by extremely fast expansion at early times, with initial velocities of Si II and Ca II being above ~ 25,000--30,000 km/s. After experiencing an unusually rapid velocity decay, the ejecta velocity dropped to ~ 13,000 km/s around maximum light. Photometrically, SN 2019ein has a moderate post-peak decline rate ($\Delta m_{15}(B) = 1.35 \pm 0.01$ mag), while being fainter than normal SNe Ia by about 40% (with $M^{\rm max}_{B} \approx -18.71 \pm 0.15$ mag). The nickel mass synthesized in the explosion is estimated to be 0.27--0.31 $M_{\odot}$ from the bolometric light curve. Given such a low nickel mass and a relatively high photospheric velocity, we propose that SN 2019ein likely had a sub-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (WD) progenitor, $M_{\rm WD} \lesssim 1.22 M_{\odot}$. In this case, the explosion could have been triggered by a double-detonation mechanism, for which 1- and 2-dimensional models with WD mass $M_{\rm WD} \approx 1 M_\odot$ and a helium shell of 0.01 $M_{\odot}$ can reasonably produce the observed bolometric light curve and spectra. The predicted asymmetry as a result of double detonation is also favored by the redshifted Fe II and Ni II lines observed in the nebular-phase spectrum. Possible diversity in origin of high velocity SNe Ia is also discussed.

Wang-Wei Yu, Li Li, Shao-Jiang Wang

5 pages + appendix, 4 figures, 1 table

The sample variance due to our local density fluctuations in measuring our local Hubble-constant ($H_0$) can be reduced to the percentage level by choosing the Hubble-flow type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) outside of the homogeneity scale. In this Letter, we have revealed a hidden trend in this one-percent $H_0$ variation both theoretically and observationally. We have derived for the first time our $H_0$ variation measured from any discrete sample of distant SNe Ia. We have also identified a residual linear correlation between our local $H_0$ fitted from different groups of SNe Ia and their ambient density contrasts of SN-host galaxies evaluated at a given scale. We have further traced the scale dependence of this residual linear trend, which becomes more and more positively correlated with the ambient density contrasts of SN-host galaxies estimated at larger and larger scales, on the contrary to but still marginally consistent with the theoretical expectation from the $\Lambda$-cold-dark-matter model. This might indicate some unknown corrections to the peculiar velocity of the SN-host galaxy from the density contrasts at larger scales or the smoking gun for the new physics.

William C. Schultz, Benny T. H. Tsang, Lars Bildsten, Yan-Fei Jiang

16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table

Observations indicate that turbulent motions are present on most massive star surfaces. Starting from the observed phenomena of spectral lines with widths much larger than thermal broadening (e.g. micro- and macroturbulence) to the detection of stochastic low-frequency variability (SLFV) in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite photometry, these stars clearly have large scale turbulent motions on their surfaces. The cause of this turbulence is debated, with near-surface convection zones, core internal gravity waves, and wind variability being proposed. Our 3D grey radiation hydrodynamic (RHD) models characterized the surfaces' convective dynamics driven by near-surface convection zones and provided a reasonable match to the observed SLFV in the most luminous massive stars. We now explore the complex emitting surfaces of these 3D RHD models, which strongly violate the 1D assumption of a plane parallel atmosphere. By post-processing the grey RHD models with the Monte Carlo radiation transport code SEDONA, we synthesize stellar spectra and extract information from the broadening of individual photospheric lines. The use of SEDONA enables the calculation of the viewing angle and temporal dependence of spectral absorption line profiles. Combining uncorrelated temporal snapshots together, we compare the broadening from the 3D RHD models' velocity fields to the thermal broadening of the extended emitting region, showing that our synthesized spectral lines closely resemble the observed macroturbulent broadening from similarly luminous stars. More generally, the new techniques we have developed will allow for systematic studies of the origin of turbulent velocity broadening from any future 3D simulations.

E. G. Broock, A. Asensio Ramos, T. Felipe

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abridged abstract

Context. Activity on the far side of the Sun is routinely studied through the analysis of the seismic oscillations detected on the near side using helioseismic techniques such as phase shift sensitive holography. Recently, the neural network FarNet was developed to improve these detections. Aims. We aim to create a new machine learning tool, FarNet II, which further increases the scope of FarNet, and to evaluate its performance in comparison to FarNet and the standard helioseismic method for detecting far side activity. Methods. We developed FarNet II, a neural network that retains some of the general characteristics of FarNet but improves the detections in general, as well as the temporal coherence among successive predictions. The main novelties are the implementation of attention and convolutional long short term memory (ConvLSTM) modules. A cross validation approach, training the network 37 times with a different validation set for each run, was employed to leverage the limited amount of data available. We evaluate the performance of FarNet II using three years of extreme ultraviolet observations of the far side of the Sun acquired with the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) as a proxy of activity. The results from FarNet II were compared with those obtained from FarNet and the standard helioseismic method using the Dice coefficient as a metric. Results. FarNet II achieves a Dice coefficient that improves that of FarNet by over 0.2 points for every output position on the sequences from the evaluation dates. Its improvement over FarNet is higher than that of FarNet over the standard method. Conclusions. The new network is a very promising tool for improving the detection of activity on the far side of the Sun given by pure helioseismic techniques. Space weather forecasts can potentially benefit from the higher sensitivity provided by this novel method.

Arpine G. Karapetyan

6 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, online data, resubmitted to MNRAS Letters after addressing referee's comments

We present an analysis of the distribution of 77 supernovae (SNe) Ia relative to spiral arms of their Sab-Scd host galaxies, using our original measurements of the SN distances from the nearby arms, and study their light curve decline rates ($\Delta m_{15}$). For the galaxies with prominent spiral arms, we show that the $\Delta m_{15}$ values of SNe Ia, which are located on the arms, are typically smaller (slower declining) than those of interarm SNe Ia (faster declining). We demonstrate that the SN Ia distances from the spiral arms and their galactocentric radii are correlated: before and after the average corotation radius, SNe Ia are located near the inner and outer edges (shock fronts) of spiral arms, respectively. For the first time, we find a significant correlation between the $\Delta m_{15}$ values and SN distances from the shock fronts of the arms (progenitor birthplace), which is explained in the frameworks of sub-Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf explosion models and density wave theory, where, respectively, the $\Delta m_{15}$ parameter and SN distance from the shock front are appropriate progenitor population age (lifetime) indicators.

Kishore Gopalakrishnan, Kandaswamy Subramanian

19 pages

Fluxes of the magnetic helicity density play an important role in large-scale turbulent dynamos, allowing the growth of large-scale magnetic fields while overcoming catastrophic quenching. We show here, analytically, how several important types of magnetic helicity fluxes can arise from terms involving triple correlators of fluctuating fields in the helicity density evolution equation. For this, we assume incompressibility and weak inhomogeneity, and use a quasinormal closure approximation: fourth-order correlators are replaced by products of second-order ones, and the effect of the fourth-order cumulants on the evolution of the third moments is modelled by a strong damping term. First, we show how a diffusive helicity flux, till now only measured in simulations, arises from the triple correlation term. This is accompanied by what we refer to as a `random advective flux', which predominantly transports magnetic helicity along the gradients of the random fields. We also find that a new helicity flux contribution, in some aspects similar to that first proposed by Vishniac, can arise from the triple correlator. This contribution depends on the gradients of the random magnetic and kinetic energies along the large-scale vorticity, and thus arises in any rotating, stratified system, even if the turbulence is predominantly nonhelical. It can source a large-scale dynamo by itself while spatially transporting magnetic helicity within the system.

Weiqiang Yang, Supriya Pan, Olga Mena, Eleonora Di Valentino

26 pages, 21 tables and 8 figures; comments are welcome

Interacting dark energy models may play a crucial role in explaining several important observational issues in modern cosmology and also may provide a solution to current cosmological tensions. Since the phenomenology of the dark sector could be extremely rich, one should not restrict the interacting models to have a coupling parameter which is constant in cosmic time, rather allow for its dynamical behavior, as it is common practice in the literature when dealing with other dark energy properties, as the dark energy equation of state. We present here a compendium of the current cosmological constraints on a large variety of interacting models, investigating scenarios where the coupling parameter of the interaction function and the dark energy equation of state can be either constant or dynamical. For the most general schemes, in which both the coupling parameter of the interaction function and the dark energy equation of state are dynamical, we find $95\%$~CL evidence for a dark energy component at early times and slightly milder evidence for a dynamical dark coupling for the most complete observational data set exploited here, which includes CMB, BAO and Supernova Ia measurements. Interestingly, there are some cases where a dark energy component different from the cosmological constant case at early times together with a coupling different from zero today, can alleviate both the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tension for the full dataset combination considered here. Due to the energy exchange among the dark sectors, the current values of the matter energy density and of the clustering parameter $\sigma_8$ are shifted from their $\Lambda$CDM-like values. This fact makes future surveys, especially those focused on weak lensing measurements, unique tools to test the nature and the couplings of the dark energy sector.

Nolan Grieves, François Bouchy, Solène Ulmer-Moll, Samuel Gill, David R. Anderson, Angelica Psaridi, Monika Lendl, Keivan G. Stassun, Jon M. Jenkins, Matthew R. Burleigh, Jack S. Acton, Patricia T. Boyd, Sarah L. Casewell, Philipp Eigmüller, Michael R. Goad, Robert F. Goeke, Maximilian N. Günther, Faith Hawthorn, Beth A. Henderson, Christopher E. Henze, Andrés Jordán, Alicia Kendall, Lokesh Mishra, Dan Moldovan, Maximiliano Moyano, Hugh Osborn, Alexandre Revol, Ramotholo R. Sefako, Rosanna H. Tilbrook, Stéphane Udry, Nicolas Unger, Jose I. Vines, Richard G. West, Hannah L. Worters

16 pages, 12 figures, Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics September 19, 2022

We report the discovery of a 1.32$^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ $\mathrm{M_{\rm Jup}}$ planet orbiting on a 75.12 day period around the G3V $10.8^{+2.1}_{-3.6}$ Gyr old star TOI-5542 (TIC 466206508; TYC 9086-1210-1). The planet was first detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) as a single transit event in TESS Sector 13. A second transit was observed 376 days later in TESS Sector 27. The planetary nature of the object has been confirmed by ground-based spectroscopic and radial velocity observations from the CORALIE and HARPS spectrographs. A third transit event was detected by the ground-based facilities NGTS, EulerCam, and SAAO. We find the planet has a radius of 1.009$^{+0.036}_{-0.035}$ $\mathrm{R_{\rm Jup}}$ and an insolation of 9.6$^{+0.9}_{-0.8}$ $S_{\oplus}$, along with a circular orbit that most likely formed via disk migration or in situ formation, rather than high-eccentricity migration mechanisms. Our analysis of the HARPS spectra yields a host star metallicity of [Fe/H] = $-$0.21$\pm$0.08, which does not follow the traditional trend of high host star metallicity for giant planets and does not bolster studies suggesting a difference among low- and high-mass giant planet host star metallicities. Additionally, when analyzing a sample of 216 well-characterized giant planets, we find that both high masses (4 $\mathrm{M_{\rm Jup}}$ $<M_{p}<$ 13 $\mathrm{M_{\rm Jup}}$) and low masses (0.5 $\mathrm{M_{\rm Jup}}$ $<M_{p}<$ 4 $\mathrm{M_{\rm Jup}}$), as well as both both warm (P $>$ 10 days) and hot (P $<$ 10 days) giant planets are preferentially located around metal-rich stars (mean [Fe/H] $>$ 0.1). TOI-5542b is one of the oldest known warm Jupiters and it is cool enough to be unaffected by inflation due to stellar incident flux, making it a valuable contribution in the context of planetary composition and formation studies.

Juan Cortina, V. A. Acciari, A. Biland, E. Colombo, C. da Costa, C. Delgado, C. Diaz, M. Fiori, D. Fink, T. Hassan, I. Jimenez-Martinez, E. Lyard, M. Mariotti, G. Martinez, R. Mirzoyan, G. Naletto, M. Polo, N. Produit, J. J. Rodriguez, T. Schweizer, R. Walter, C. W. Wunderlich, L. Zampieri, the MAGIC, LST collaborations

15 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022

The two MAGIC 17-m diameter Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes have been equipped to work also as an intensity interferometer with a deadtime-free, 4-channel, GPU-based, real-time correlator. Operating with baselines between approx. 40 and 90 m the MAGIC interferometer is able to measure stellar diameters of 0.5-1 mas in the 400-440 nm wavelength range with a sensitivity roughly 10 times better than that achieved in the 1970s by the Narrabri Stellar Intensity Interferometer. Besides, active mirror control allows to split the primary mirrors into sub-mirrors. This allows to make simultaneous calibration measurements of the zero-baseline correlation or to simultaneously collect six baselines below 17 m with almost arbitrary orientation, corresponding to angular scales of approx. 1-50 mas. We plan to perform test observations adding the nearby Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) LST-1 23 m diameter telescope by next year. All three telescope pairs will be correlated simultaneously. Adding LST-1 is expected to increase the sensitivity by at least 1 mag and significantly improve the u-v plane coverage. If successful, the proposed correlator setup is scalable enough to be implemented to the full CTA arrays.

Simon May, Volker Springel

18 pages, 13 figures; submitted to MNRAS

Fuzzy dark matter (FDM) is a dark matter candidate consisting of ultra-light scalar particles with masses around $10^{-22} \mathrm{eV}/c^2$, a regime where cold bosonic matter behaves as a collective wave rather than individual particles. It has increasingly attracted attention due to its rich phenomenology on astrophysical scales, with implications for the small-scale tensions present within the standard cosmological model, $\Lambda$CDM. Although constraints on FDM are accumulating in many different contexts, very few have been verified by self-consistent numerical simulations. We present new large numerical simulations of cosmic structure formation with FDM, solving the full Schr\"odinger-Poisson (SP) equations using the AxiREPO code, which implements a pseudo-spectral numerical method. Combined with our previous simulations, they allow us to draw a four-way comparison of matter clustering, contrasting results (such as power spectra) for each combination of initial conditions (FDM vs. CDM) and dynamics (SP vs. $N$-body). By disentangling the impact of initial conditions and non-linear dynamics, we can gauge the validity of approximate methods used in previous works, such as ordinary $N$-body simulations with an FDM initial power spectrum. Due to the comparatively large volume achieved in our FDM simulations, we are able to measure the FDM halo mass function from full wave simulations for the first time, and compare to previous results obtained using analytic or approximate approaches. We find that, due to the cut-off of small-scale power in the FDM power spectrum, haloes are linked via continuous, smooth, and dense filaments throughout the entire simulation volume (unlike for the standard $\Lambda$CDM power spectrum), posing significant challenges for reliably identifying haloes. We also investigate the density profiles of these filaments and compare to their CDM counterparts.

Large discrepancies are found between the observational estimates and the theoretical predictions, when exploring the characteristics of dust, formed in the ejecta of a core-collapse supernovae. We revisit the scenario of dust production in a typical supernova ejecta in the first 3000 days after explosion, with an improved understanding of the evolving physical conditions, and the distribution of the clumps. The generic, nonuniform distribution of dust within the ejecta was determined, and using that, the relevant opacities and fluxes were calculated. The dependence of the emerging fluxes on the viewing angle was estimated for an anisotropic, ellipsoidal geometry of the ejecta that imitates SN 1987A. We model the He-core from the centre to its outer edge as 450 stratified, clumpy, annular shells, uniquely identified by their distinct velocities and characterized by their variations in abundances, densities, and gas and dust temperatures. We find that the formation of dust starts between day 450 and 550 post-explosion, and it continues until about day 2800, however the first 1600 days is the most productive period. The total dust mass evolves from about 10-5 Msun at day 500 to 10-3 Msun at day 800, finally saturating at about 0.06 Msun. The masses of the O-rich dust (silicates, alumina) dominates the C-rich dust (amorphous carbon, silicon carbide) at all times; the formation of carbon dust is delayed beyond 2000 days post explosion. We show the opacities are the largest between days 800 and 1600, and the characteristic spectral features of O-rich dust species are suppressed at those times. The fluxes emerging along the smallest axes of the ellipsoidal ejecta are found to be the most obscured, while a viewing angle between 16 to 21 degrees with that axis appears to be in best agreement with the fluxes from SN 1987A at days 615 and 775.

D. Annie Dickson-Vandervelde, Joel H. Kastner, Jonathan Gagné, Adam C. Schneider, Jacqueline Faherty, Emily C. Wilson, Christophe Pinte, Francois Ménard

11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in AJ

We investigate the nature of an unusually faint member of the $\epsilon$ Cha Association ($D\sim100$ pc, age $\sim5$ Myr), the nearest region of star formation of age $<$8 Myr. This object, 2MASS J11550336-7919147 (2M1155$-$79B), is a wide ($\sim$580 AU) separation, comoving companion to low-mass (M3) $\epsilon$ Cha Association member 2MASS J11550485-7919108 (2M1155$-$79A). We present near-infrared spectra of both components, along with analysis of photometry from Gaia EDR3, 2MASS, VHS, and WISE. The near-IR spectrum of 2M1155$-$79B displays strong He I 1.083 emission, a sign of active accretion and/or accretion-driven winds from a circumstellar disk. Analysis of WISE archival data reveals that the mid-infrared excess previously associated with 2M1155$-$79A instead originates from the disk surrounding 2M1155$-$79B. Based on these results, as well as radiative transfer modeling of its optical/IR spectral energy distribution, we conclude that 2M1155$-$79B is most likely a young, late-M, star that is partially obscured by, and actively accreting from, a nearly edge-on circumstellar disk. This would place 2M1155$-$79B among the rare group of nearby ($D\lesssim100$ pc), young (age $<$10 Myr) mid-M stars that are orbited by and accreting from highly inclined protoplanetary disks. Like these systems, the 2M1155$-$79B system is a particularly promising subject for studies of star and planet formation around low-mass stars.

Chethan Krishnan, Ranjini Mondol, M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari

46 pages, many plots

We introduce the $dipole$ $cosmological$ $principle$, the idea that the Universe is a maximally Copernican cosmology, compatible with a cosmic flow. It serves as the most symmetric paradigm that generalizes the FLRW ansatz, in light of the increasingly numerous (but still tentative) hints that have emerged in the last two decades for a non-kinematic component in the CMB dipole. Einstein equations in our "dipole cosmology" are still ordinary differential equations -- but instead of the two Friedmann equations, now we have four. The two new functions can be viewed as an anisotropic scale factor that breaks the isotropy group from $SO(3)$ to $U(1)$, and a "tilt" that captures the cosmic flow velocity. The result is an axially isotropic, tilted Bianchi V/VII$_h$ cosmology. We assess the possibility of model building within the dipole cosmology paradigm, and discuss the dynamics of expansion rate, anisotropic shear and tilt, in various examples. A key observation is that the cosmic flow (tilt) can grow even while the anisotropy (shear) dies down. Remarkably, this can happen even in an era of late time acceleration.

We present a simple method of extracting a small number of reference optical turbulence and wind profiles from a large dataset for single conjugate and extreme adaptive optics simulations. These reference profiles can be used in slow end-to-end adaptive optics simulations to represent the variability of the atmosphere. The method is based on the assumption that performance for these systems is correlated with integrated atmospheric parameters $r_0$, $\theta_0$ and $\tau_0$. Profiles are selected from a large dataset that conform concurrently to the distributions of these parameters, and hence represent the variability of the atmosphere as seen by the AO system. We also extend the equivalent layers method of profile compression to include wind profiles. The method is applied to stereo-SCIDAR data from ESO Paranal to extract five turbulence and wind profiles that cover a broad range in atmospheric variability, and we show using analytical AO simulation that this correlates to the equivalent range of AO-corrected Strehl ratios.

Shinyoung Kim (1 and 2), Chang Won Lee (1 and 2), Mario Tafalla (3), Maheswar Gophinathan (4), Paola Caselli (5), Philip C. Myers (6), Eun Jung Chung (7), Shanghuo Li (1) ((1) Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Republic of Korea, (2) University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea, (3) Observatorio Astronómico Nacional (IGN), Spain, (4) Indian Institute of Astrophysics, India, (5) Max-Planck-Institut für Extraterrestrische Physik, Germany, (6) Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian (CfA), USA, (7) Department of Astronomy and Space Science, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea)

30 pages, 22 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present mapping results of two prestellar cores, L1544 and L694-2, embedded in filamentary clouds in C$^{18}$O (3-2), $^{13}$CO (3-2), $^{12}$CO (3-2), HCO$^+$ (4-3), and H$^{13}$CO$^+$ (4-3) with the JCMT telescope to examine the role of the filamentary structures in the formation of dense cores in the clouds, with new distance estimates for L1544 ($175_{-3}^{+4}$ pc) and L694-2 ($203_{-7}^{+6}$ pc). From these observations, we found that the non-thermal velocity dispersion of two prestellar cores and their surrounding clouds are smaller than or comparable to the sound speed. This may indicate that the turbulence has already been dissipated for both filaments and cores during their formation time. We also found a $\lambda/4$ shift between the periodic oscillations in the velocity and the column density distributions implying the possible presence of gravitational core-forming flow motion along the axis of the filament. The mass accretion rates due to these flow motions are estimated to be 2-3 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$, being comparable to that for Serpens cloud but much smaller than those for the Hub filaments, cluster, or high mass forming filaments by 1 or 2 order of magnitudes. From this study, we suggest that the filaments in our targets might be formed from the shock-compression of colliding clouds, and then the cores are formed by gravitational fragmentation of the filaments to evolve to the prestellar stage. We conclude that the filamentary structures in the clouds play an important role in the entire process of formation of dense cores and their evolution.

Baryons both increase halo concentration through adiabatic contraction and expel mass through feedback processes. However, it is not well understood how the radiation fields prevalent during the epoch of reionization affect the evolution of concentration in dark matter halos. We investigate how baryonic physics during the epoch of reionization modify the structure of dark matter halos in the Cosmic Reionization On Computers (CROC) simulations. We use two different measures of halo concentration to quantify the effects. We compare concentrations of halos matched between full physics simulations and dark-matter-only simulations with identical initial conditions between $5 \leq z \leq 9$. Baryons in full physics simulations do pull matter towards the center, increasing the maximum circular velocity compared to dark-matter-only simulations. However, their overall effects are much less than if all the baryons were simply centrally concentrated indicating that heating processes efficiently counteract cooling effects. Finally, we show that the baryonic effects on halo concentrations at $z\approx5$ are relatively insensitive to environmental variations of reionization history. These results are pertinent to models of galaxy-halo connection during the epoch of reionization.

Mukesh Taank, Antoine Marchal, Peter G. Martin, Luka Vujeva

20 pages, 17 figures

The North Celestial Pole Loop (NCPL) provides a unique laboratory for studying the early stages of star formation, in particular the condensation of the neutral interstellar medium (ISM). Understanding the physical properties that control the evolution of its contents is key to uncovering the origin of the NCPL. Archival data from the NCPL region of the GHIGLS 21 cm line survey (9'4) are used to map its multiphase content with ${\tt ROHSA}$, a Gaussian decomposition tool that includes spatial regularization. Column density and mass fraction maps of each phase were extracted along with their uncertainties. Archival data from the DHIGLS 21 cm (1') survey are used to further probe the multiphase content of the NCPL. We have identified four spatially (and dynamically) coherent components in the NCPL, one of which is a remarkably well-defined arch moving at about $14\ {\rm km s^{-1}}$ away from us that could be a relic of the large-scale organized dynamical process at the origin of the phase transition. The cold and lukewarm phases together dominate the mass content of the neutral gas along the loop. Using absorption measurements, we find that the cold phase exhibits slightly supersonic turbulence.

Nicole Melso, David Schiminovich, Brian Smiley, Hwei Ru Ong, Bárbara Cruvinel Santiago, Meghna Sitaram, Ignacio Cevallos Aleman, Sarah Graber, Marisa Murillo, Marni Rosenthal, Ioana Stelea

25 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

The Circumgalactic H$\alpha$ Spectrograph (CH$\alpha$S) is a ground-based optical integral field spectrograph designed to detect ultra-faint extended emission from diffuse ionized gas in the nearby universe. CH$\alpha$S is particularly well suited for making a direct detection of tenuous H$\alpha$ emission from the circumgalactic medium (CGM) surrounding low-redshift galaxies. It efficiently maps large regions of the CGM in a single exposure, targeting nearby galaxies (d $< 35 $ Mpc) where the CGM is expected to fill the field of view. We are commissioning CH$\alpha$S as a facility instrument at MDM Observatory. CH$\alpha$S is deployed in the focal plane of the Hiltner 2.4-meter telescope, utilizing nearly all of the telescope's unvignetted focal plane (10 arcmin) to conduct wide-field spectroscopic imaging. The catadioptric design provides excellent wide-field imaging performance. CH$\alpha$S is a pupil-imaging spectrograph employing a microlens array to divide the field of view into $> 60,000$ spectra. CH$\alpha$S achieves an angular resolution of $[1.3 - 2.8]$ arcseconds and a resolving power of R$ = [10,000 - 20,000]$. Accordingly, the spectrograph can resolve structure on the scale of $1-5$ kpc (at 10 Mpc) and measure velocities down to 15-30 km/s. CH$\alpha$S intentionally operates over a narrow (30 Angstrom) bandpass; however, it is configured to adjust the central wavelength and target a broad range of optical emission lines individually. A high diffraction efficiency VPH grating ensures high throughput across configurations. CH$\alpha$S maintains a high grasp and moderate spectral resolution, providing an ideal combination for mapping discrete, ultra-low surface brightness emission on the order of a few milli-Raleigh.

Ana Luisa Foguel, Eduardo S. Fraga

7 pages, 5 figures; ARtiSANS code available at this https URL

We investigate the impact of a presumed core-collapse supernova explosion ALP emission on neutrino luminosities and mean energies employing a relatively simple analytic description. We compute the nuclear Bremsstrahlung and Primakoff axion luminosities as functions of the PNS parameters and discuss how the ALP luminosities compete with the neutrino emission, modifying the total PNS thermal energy rate. Our results are publicly available in the python package ARtiSANS, which can be used to compute the neutrino and axion observables for different choices of parameters.

Mikhail M. Ivanov, Zihan Zhou

7 pages, 1 figure, comments are welcome

We extract the black hole (BH) static tidal deformability coefficients (Love numbers) and their spin-0 and spin-1 analogs by comparing on-shell amplitudes for fields to scatter off a spinning BH in the worldline effective field theory (EFT) and in general relativity (GR). We point out that the GR amplitudes due to tidal effects originate entirely from the BH potential region. Thus, they can be separated from gravitational non-linearities in the wave region, whose proper treatment requires higher order EFT loop calculations. In particular, the elastic scattering in the near field approximation is produced exclusively by tidal effects. We find this contribution to vanish identically, which implies that the static Love numbers of Kerr BHs are zero for all types of perturbations. We also reproduce the known behavior of scalar Love numbers for higher dimensional BHs. Our results are manifestly gauge-invariant and coordinate-independent, thereby providing a valuable consistency check for the commonly used off-shell methods.

Adiabatic subtraction is a popular method of renormalization of observables in quantum field theories on a curved spacetime. When applied to the computation of the power spectra of light ($m\ll H$) fields on de Sitter space with flat Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker slices, the standard prescriptions of adiabatic subtraction, traceable back to Parker's work, lead to results that are significantly different from the standard predictions of inflation not only in the ultraviolet ($k\gg aH$) but also at intermediate ($m\ll k/a\lesssim H$) wavelengths. In this paper we review those results and we contrast them with the power spectra obtained using an alternative prescription for adiabatic subtraction applied to quantum field theoretical systems by Dabrowski and Dunne. This prescription eliminates the intermediate-wavelength effects of renormalization that are found when using the standard one.

Tessa Baker, Enrico Barausse, Anson Chen, Claudia de Rham, Mauro Pieroni, Gianmassimo Tasinato

11 pages, 4 figures

Effective field theories (EFT) of dark energy (DE) -- built to parameterise the properties of DE in an agnostic manner -- are severely constrained by measurements of the propagation speed of gravitational waves (GW). However, GW frequencies probed by ground-based interferometers lie around the typical strong coupling scale of the EFT, and it is likely that the effective description breaks down before even reaching that scale. We discuss how this leaves the possibility that an appropriate ultraviolet completion of DE scenarios, valid at scales beyond an EFT description, can avoid present constraints on the GW speed. Instead, additional constraints in the lower frequency LISA band would be harder to escape, since the energies involved are orders of magnitude lower. By implementing a method based on GW multiband detections, we show indeed that a single joint observation of a GW150914-like event by LISA and a terrestrial interferometer would allow one to constrain the speed of light and gravitons to match to within $10^{-15}$. Multiband GW observations can therefore firmly constrain scenarios based on the EFT of DE, in a robust and unambiguous way.

Bruce T. Tsurutani, Gary P. Zank, Veerle J. Sterken, Kazunari Shibata, Tsugunobu Nagai, Anthony J. Mannucci, David M. Malaspina, Gurbax S. Lakhina, Shrikanth G. Kanekal, Keisuke Hosokawa, Richard B. Horne, Rajkumar Hajra, Karl-Heinz Glassmeier, C. Trevor Gaunt, Peng-Fei Chen, Syun-Ichi Akasofu

Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2022)

Owing to the ever-present solar wind, our vast solar system is full of plasmas. The turbulent solar wind, together with sporadic solar eruptions, introduces various space plasma processes and phenomena in the solar atmosphere all the way to the Earth's ionosphere and atmosphere and outward to interact with the interstellar media to form the heliopause and termination shock. Remarkable progress has been made in space plasma physics in the last 65 years, mainly due to sophisticated in-situ measurements of plasmas, plasma waves, neutral particles, energetic particles, and dust via space-borne satellite instrumentation. Additionally high technology ground-based instrumentation has led to new and greater knowledge of solar and auroral features. As a result, a new branch of space physics, i.e., space weather, has emerged since many of the space physics processes have a direct or indirect influence on humankind. After briefly reviewing the major space physics discoveries before rockets and satellites, we aim to review all our updated understanding on coronal holes, solar flares and coronal mass ejections, which are central to space weather events at Earth, solar wind, storms and substorms, magnetotail and substorms, emphasizing the role of the magnetotail in substorm dynamics, radiation belts/energetic magnetospheric particles, structures and space weather dynamics in the ionosphere, plasma waves, instabilities, and wave-particle interactions, long-period geomagnetic pulsations, auroras, geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), planetary magnetospheres and solar/stellar wind interactions with comets, moons and asteroids, interplanetary discontinuities, shocks and waves, interplanetary dust, space dusty plasmas and solar energetic particles and shocks, including the heliospheric termination shock. This paper is aimed to provide a panoramic view of space physics and space weather.

Helena Kolesova

Submission to SciPost Physics Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter

GeV-scale dark matter particles with strong coupling to baryons evade the standard direct detection limits as they are efficiently stopped in the overburden and, consequently, are not able to reach the underground detectors. On the other hand, it has been shown that it is possible to probe this parameter space taking into account the flux of dark matter particles boosted by interactions with cosmic rays. We revisit these bounds paying particular attention to interactions of the relativistic dark matter particles in the Earth's crust. The effects of nuclear form factors, inelastic scattering and extra dependence of the cross section on transferred momentum (e.g., due to presence of light mediators) are studied and are found to be crucial for answering the question as to whether the window for GeV-scale strongly interacting dark matter is closed or not.

Charles Badger, Bartosz Fornal, Katarina Martinovic, Alba Romero, Kevin Turbang, Huai-Ke Guo, Alberto Mariotti, Mairi Sakellariadou, Alexander Sevrin, Feng-Wei Yang, Yue Zhao

10 pages, 7 figures

We investigate the reach of the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA detectors in the search for signatures of first-order phase transitions in the early Universe. Utilising data from the first three observing runs, we derive constraints on the parameters of the underlying gravitational-wave background, focusing on transitions characterised by strong supercooling. As an application of our analysis, we determine bounds on the parameter space of two representative particle physics models. We also comment on the expected reach of third-generation detectors in probing supercooled phase transitions.

The Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment (P-ONE) is a proposed cubic-kilometer scale neutrino telescope planned to be installed in the deep-sea of the north-east Pacific Ocean. In collaboration with the optical deep-sea data and communications network operated by Ocean Networks Canada, an international collaboration of researchers plans to install an array of kilometer-long mooring lines in a depth of around 2660 m to the relatively flat deep-sea region called Cascadia Basin, around 300 miles West of Vancouver Island. With the design and development ongoing, the P-ONE collaboration is interested to initiate participation of fellow scientists of the oceanographic and marine science communities to provide expertise and experience towards deploying additional or inclusive instrumentation and measurement strategies for doing oceanographic research. In addition to the monitoring of optical bioluminescence and deep-ocean dynamics and thermodynamics, active and passive acoustics can be installed within the P-ONE array. This letter summarizes the P-ONE detector and a non-exhaustive list of potential topics of interest for oceanographic and marine research.

Xun-Jie Xu, Zhe Wang, Shaomin Chen

68 pages, many figures, review invited by Progress in Particle and Nuclear. Comments and suggestions are welcome

As a free, intensive, rarely interactive and well directional messenger, solar neutrinos have been driving both solar physics and neutrino physics developments for more than half a century. Since more extensive and advanced neutrino experiments are under construction, being planned or proposed, we are striving toward an era of precise and comprehensive measurement of solar neutrinos in the next decades. In this article, we review recent theoretical and experimental progress achieved in solar neutrino physics. We present not only an introduction to neutrinos from the standard solar model and the standard flavor evolution, but also a compilation of a variety of new physics that could affect and hence be probed by solar neutrinos. After reviewing the latest techniques and issues involved in the measurement of solar neutrino spectra and background reduction, we provide our anticipation on the physics gains from the new generation of neutrino experiments.

Pulsar timing-array correlation measurements offer an exciting opportunity to test the nature of gravity in the cosmologically novel nanohertz gravitational wave regime. The stochastic gravitational wave background is assumed Gaussian and random, while there are limited pulsar pairs in the sky. This brings theoretical uncertainties to the correlation measurements, namely the pulsar variance due to pulsar samplings and the cosmic variance due to Gaussian signals. We demonstrate a straightforward calculation of the mean and the variances on the Hellings-Downs correlation relying on a power spectrum formalism. We keep arbitrary pulsar distances and consider gravitational wave modes beyond Einstein gravity as well as off the light cone throughout, thereby presenting the most general and, most importantly, numerically efficient calculation of the variances.

J. Piekarewicz

15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics

Neutron stars -- compact objects with masses similar to that of our Sun but radii comparable to the size of a city -- contain the densest form of matter in the universe that can be probed in terrestrial laboratories as well as in earth- and space-based observatories. The historical detection of gravitational waves from a binary neutron star merger has opened the brand new era of multimessenger astronomy and has propelled neutron stars to the center of a variety of disciplines, such as astrophysics, general relativity, nuclear physics, and particle physics. The main input required to study the structure of neutron stars is the pressure support generated by its constituents against gravitational collapse. These include neutrons, protons, electrons, and perhaps even more exotic constituents. As such, nuclear physics plays a prominent role in elucidating the fascinating structure, dynamics, and composition of neutron stars.