12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ, comments are welcome
Current standard astrophysical models struggle to explain the tentative detection of the 21 cm absorption trough centered at $z\sim17$ measured by the EDGES low-band antenna. However, it has been shown that the EDGES results are consistent with an extrapolation of a declining UV luminosity density, following a simple power-law of deep Hubble Space Telescope observations of $4 < z < 9$ galaxies. We here explore the conditions by which the EDGES detection is consistent with current reionization and post-reionization observations, including the volume-averaged neutral hydrogen fraction of the intergalactic medium at $z\sim6-8$, the optical depth to the cosmic microwave background, and the integrated ionizing emissivity at $z\sim5$. By coupling a physically motivated source model derived from radiative transfer hydrodynamic simulations of reionization to a Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampler, we find that high contribution from low-mass halos along with high photon escape fractions are required to simultaneously reproduce the high-redshift (cosmic dawn) and low-redshift (reionization) existing constraints. Low-mass faint-galaxies dominated models produce a flatter emissivity evolution that results in an earlier onset of reionization with gradual and longer duration, and higher optical depth. Our results provide insights on the role of faint and bright galaxies during cosmic reionization, which can be tested by upcoming surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope.
9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJS
The Probabilistic Value-Added Bright Galaxy Survey (PROVABGS) catalog will provide the posterior distributions of physical properties of $>10$ million DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS) galaxies. Each posterior distribution will be inferred from joint Bayesian modeling of observed photometry and spectroscopy using Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling and the [arXiv:2202.01809] stellar population synthesis (SPS) model. To make this computationally feasible, PROVABGS will use a neural emulator for the SPS model to accelerate the posterior inference. In this work, we present how we construct the emulator using the [arXiv:1911.11778] approach and verify that it can be used to accurately infer galaxy properties. We confirm that the emulator is in excellent agreement with the original SPS model with $\ll 1\%$ error and is $100\times$ faster. In addition, we demonstrate that the posteriors of galaxy properties derived using the emulator are also in excellent agreement with those inferred using the original model. The neural emulator presented in this work is essential in bypassing the computational challenge posed in constructing the PROVABGS catalog. Furthermore, it demonstrates the advantages of emulation for scaling sophisticated analyses to millions of galaxies.
34 pages, 18 figures
We derive annual skymaps of the proton temperature in the inner heliosheath (IHS), and track their temporal evolution over the years from 2009 to 2016 of Interstellar Boundary Explorer observations. Other associated thermodynamic parameters also determined are the density, kappa, that is, the parameter that characterizes kappa distributions, temperature rate, polytropic index, and entropy. We exploit the theory of kappa distributions and their connection with polytropes, to (i) express a new polytropic quantity {\Pi} that remains invariant along streamlines where temperature and density may vary, (ii) parameterize the proton flux in terms of the {\Pi} invariant and kappa, and (iii) derive the temperature and density, respectively, from the slope and intercept of the linear relationship between kappa and logarithm of {\Pi}. We find the following thermodynamic characteristics: (1) Temperature sky-maps and histograms shifted to their lowest values in 2012 and their highest in 2015; (2) Temperature negatively correlated with density, reflecting the subisothermal polytropic behavior; (3) Temperature positively correlated with kappa, revealing characteristics of the mechanism responsible for generating kappa distributions; (4) Processes in IHS are sub-isothermal tending toward isobaric, consistent with previously published results; (5) Linear relationship between kappa and polytropic indices, revealing characteristics of the particle potential energy; and (6) Entropy positively correlated with polytropic index, aligned with the underlying theory that entropy increases towards the isothermal state where the kappa distribution reduces to the Maxwell Boltzmann description.
50 pages, 11 figures (3 main text, 8 extended data). Published in Nature
Galaxy clusters magnify background objects through strong gravitational lensing. Typical magnifications for lensed galaxies are factors of a few but can also be as high as tens or hundreds, stretching galaxies into giant arcs. Individual stars can attain even higher magnifications given fortuitous alignment with the lensing cluster. Recently, several individual stars at redshift $z \sim 1 - 1.5$ have been discovered, magnified by factors of thousands, temporarily boosted by microlensing. Here we report observations of a more distant and persistent magnified star at redshift $z_{\rm phot} = 6.2 \pm 0.1$, 900 Myr after the Big Bang. This star is magnified by a factor of thousands by the foreground galaxy cluster lens WHL0137--08 ($z = 0.566$), as estimated by four independent lens models. Unlike previous lensed stars, the magnification and observed brightness (AB mag 27.2) have remained roughly constant over 3.5 years of imaging and follow-up. The delensed absolute UV magnitude $M_{UV} = -10 \pm 2$ is consistent with a star of mass $M > 50 M_{\odot}$. Confirmation and spectral classification are forthcoming from approved observations with the James Webb Space Telescope
16 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, submitted to AAS journals
16 pages, 4 figures
9 pages, 5 figures, under review for AAS Journals
6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication at the Proceedings of the IAUS361: Massive Stars Near and Far
Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome!
12 pages, 11 figures, accepted to MNRAS
submitted in A&A; 13 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables
Accepted for publication in ApJ
12 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to ApJL
submitted to The Astronomical Journal
27 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Comments are welcome!
9 pages, 8 figures
13 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal
9 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2022
10 pages (+references), 6 figures, to be submitted to PRD
20 pages, 7 figures, 13 tables; submitted to MNRAS; CSV tables available as ancillary files; posterior samples available from Zenodo at this https URL
Accepted for publication in A&A; 11 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables
12+2 pages, 5 figures
13 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Solar Physics
submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022, paper number 12185-311
Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 12 pages, 7 figures
AJ, submitted, 55 pages, 55 figures, 5 tables
19 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, submitted to MNRAS
7 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. CHASE data are available at this https URL
Accepted for publication in MNRAS
Submitted to MNRAS. 11 pages, 12 figures. Comments are welcome
22 pages, 4 figures. Published in Nature Astronomy ( this https URL )
A&A in press
25 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS; comments welcome
accepted for publication in New Astronomy; 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 table
submitted to the Astrophysical Journal
8 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables; comments are welcome
5 pages, 5 figures
Accepted for publication in ApJ, 19 pages, 13 figures, 7 tables
22 pages, 11 figures. This is a preprint of a 2nd revision submitted to MNRAS
34 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS
5 pages + appendix, 4 figures, 1 table
16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table
Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Abridged abstract
6 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, online data, resubmitted to MNRAS Letters after addressing referee's comments
19 pages
26 pages, 21 tables and 8 figures; comments are welcome
16 pages, 12 figures, Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics September 19, 2022
15 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022
18 pages, 13 figures; submitted to MNRAS
Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)
11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in AJ
46 pages, many plots
30 pages, 22 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ
9 pages, 7 figures, comments are welcome
20 pages, 17 figures
25 pages, 14 figures, 7 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ
7 pages, 5 figures; ARtiSANS code available at this https URL
7 pages, 1 figure, comments are welcome
21 pages, 6 figures
11 pages, 4 figures
Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science (2022)
Submission to SciPost Physics Proceedings: 14th International Conference on Identification of Dark Matter
10 pages, 7 figures
68 pages, many figures, review invited by Progress in Particle and Nuclear. Comments and suggestions are welcome
18 pages, 6 figures, comments welcome
15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Physics