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Papers for Tuesday, Oct 11 2022

Papers with local authors

Yuanqi Liu, Ran Wang, Emmanuel Momjian, Yingkang Zhang, Tao An, Xiaolong Yang, Jeff Wagg, Eduardo Banados, Alain Omont

6 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJL

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2210.03764
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2210.03764

High-resolution imaging is crucial for exploring the origin and mechanism of radio emission in quasars, especially at high redshifts. We present 1.5 GHz Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) images of the radio continuum emission from the radio-intermediate quasar (RIQ) J2242+0334 at $z = 5.9$. This object was previously detected at both 1.5 GHz and 3 GHz with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) as a point source. However, there is no clear detection in the VLBA images at both the full resolution of 10.7 milliarcsecond (mas) $\times$ 4.5 mas (61.7 pc $\times$ 26.0 pc) and a tapered resolution of 26 mas $\times$ 21 mas (150 pc $\times$ 121 pc). This suggests that the radio emission from the quasar is diffuse on mas scales with surface brightness fainter than the $3\sigma$ detection limit of 40.5 $\mu \rm Jy \ beam^{-1}$ in the full resolution image. The radio emission in the RIQ J2242+0334 is likely to be wind-like (i.e., diffuse) rather than in the form of collimated jets. This is different from the previous radio detections of the most luminous quasars at $z \sim$6 which are usually dominated by compact, high brightness temperature radio sources. Meanwhile, compared with RIQs at low redshifts, the case of J2242+0334 suggests that not all RIQs are beamed radio-quiet quasars. This optically faint RIQ provides an important and unique example to investigate the radio activity in the less powerful active galactic nuclei at the earliest cosmic epoch.

Ezequiel Zubieta, Ryan Missel, Valentina Sosa Fiscella, Carlos O. Lousto, Santiago del Palacio, Federico G. López Armengol, Federico García, Jorge A. Combi, Linwei Wang, Luciano Combi, Guillermo Gancio, Carolina Negrelli, Eduardo M. Gutiérrez

13 pages, 13 figures, 13 tables

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Paper 10 — arXiv:2210.03770
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Paper 10 — arXiv:2210.03770

We report here on the first results of a systematic monitoring of southern glitching pulsars at the Argentine Institute of Radio astronomy started on the year 2019. We detected a major glitch in the Vela pulsar (PSR J0835$-$4510) and two mini-glitches in PSR J1048$-$5832. For each glitch, we present the measurement of glitch parameters by fitting timing residuals. We then make an individual pulses study of Vela in observations previous and after the glitch. We selected 6 days of observations around the major glitch on July 22nd 2021 and study their statistical properties with machine learning techniques. We use Variational AutoEncoder (VAE) reconstruction of the pulses to separate them clearly from the noise. We perform a study with Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) clustering techniques and find an unusual behavior of the clusters two days prior to the glitch. This behavior is only visible in the the higher amplitude pulse clusters and if intrinsic to the pulsar could be interpreted as a precursor of the glitch.

Peifeng Peng, Hongyi Xiong, He Li, Felix Li, Tianqi Wang

24 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables

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Paper 34 — arXiv:2210.04162
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Paper 34 — arXiv:2210.04162

The ultra-short-period (USP) planets are exoplanets with very short orbital periods ($\textit{P} < 1$ day), and TOI-1807b is one such planet recently discovered by the TESS mission where it orbits in the TOI-1807 system that is still little known nowadays. In this paper, we re-analyzed the transit light curves of TOI-1807 using the latest TESS data from Sector 49, combined with previous data from Sector 22 and 23. By running the MCMC simulation through all three sectors, we found that our transit model fits the data from Sector 49 the best, and we deduced that TOI-1807b is a Super-Earth with a mass of $2.27^{+0.49}_{-0.58}\, M_\oplus$, a radius of $1.37^{+0.10}_{-0.09}\, R_\oplus$, a density of $0.875^{+0.264}_{-0.285}\, \rho_\oplus$, and a surface temperature of $1499^{+82}_{-129}\, \mathrm{K}$. We confirmed that TOI-1807b orbits at approximately $0.0135^{+0.0013}_{-0.0022}\, \mathrm{AU}$ with a period of $0.54929^{+0.00012}_{-0.00005}\, \mathrm{days}$, which raises the possibility of the planet being tidally locked due to spin-orbit synchronization. In addition, we renewed an estimate for the conjunction time as $2651.98224^{+0.00112}_{-0.00064}\, \mathrm{BTJD}$. We suggest that TOI-1807b might slowly undergo its orbital decay process, and we further identify that TOI-1807b is in a circular, synchronous orbit and permanently deformed due to tides, leading to $\sim$4\% correction in density. Since TOI-1807 is such a young star with an age of only $300 \pm 80\, \mathrm{Myr}$, we also imply that the radiation emitted from active TOI-1807 could be so intense that it might have destroyed most of the atmosphere over the surface of TOI-1807b.

He Jia, Hong-Ming Zhu, Ue-Li Pen

13+4 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables, to be submitted to ApJ

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Paper 35 — arXiv:2210.04168
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2210.04168

The angular momentum of galaxies (galaxy spin) contains rich information about the initial condition of the Universe, yet it is challenging to efficiently measure the spin direction for the tremendous amount of galaxies that are being mapped by the ongoing and forthcoming cosmological surveys. We present a machine learning based classifier for the Z-wise vs S-wise spirals, which can help to break the degeneracy in the galaxy spin direction measurement. The proposed Chirality Equivariant Residual Network (CE-ResNet) is manifestly equivariant under a reflection of the input image, which guarantees that there is no inherent asymmetry between the Z-wise and S-wise probability estimators. We train the model with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images, with the training labels given by the Galaxy Zoo 1 (GZ1) project. A combination of data augmentation tricks are used during the training, making the model more robust to be applied to other surveys. We find a $\sim\!30\%$ increase of both types of spirals when Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) images are used for classification, due to the better imaging quality of DESI. We verify that the $\sim\!7\sigma$ difference between the numbers of Z-wise and S-wise spirals is due to human bias, since the discrepancy drops to $<\!1.8\sigma$ with our CE-ResNet classification results. We discuss the potential systematics that are relevant to the future cosmological applications.

Wenjie Zhang, Xinwen Shu, Jin-Hong Chen, Luming Sun, Rong-Feng Shen, Lian Tao, Chun Chen, Ning Jiang, LiMing Dou, Ying Qin, Xue-Guang Zhang, Liang Zhang, Jinlu Qu, Tinggui Wang

18 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

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Paper 36 — arXiv:2210.04190
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2210.04190

The fast blue optical transients (FBOTs) are a new population of extragalactic transients of unclear physical origin. A variety of mechanisms have been proposed including failed supernova explosion, shock interaction with a dense medium, young magnetar, accretion onto a compact object, and stellar tidal disruption event, but none is conclusive. Here we report the discovery of a possible X-ray quasi-periodicity signal with a period of $\sim$250 second (at a significance level of 99.76%) in the brightest FBOT AT2018cow through the analysis of XMM-Newton/PN data. The signal is independently detected at the same frequency in the average power density spectrum from data taken from the Swift telescope, with observations covering from 6 to 37 days after the optical discovery, though the significance level is lower (94.26%). This suggests that the QPO frequency may be stable over at least 1.1$\times$ 10$^{4}$ cycles. Assuming the $\sim$250 second QPO to be a scaled-down analogue of that typically seen in stellar mass black holes, a black hole mass of $\sim10^{3}-10^{5}$ solar masses could be inferred. The overall X-ray luminosity evolution could be modeled with the stellar tidal disruption by a black hole of $\sim10^4$ solar masses, providing a viable mechanism to produce AT2018cow. Our findings suggest that other bright FBOTs may also harbor intermediate-mass black holes.

D. Hernández-Lang, J. J. Mohr, M. Klein, S. Grandis, J.-B. Melin, P. Tarrío, M. Arnaud, G.W. Pratt, T. M. C. Abbott, M. Aguena, O. Alves, F. Andrade-Oliveira, D. Bacon, E. Bertin, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, M. Costanzi, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, B. Flaugher, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, G. Gutierrez, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, N. Kuropatkin, O. Lahav, C. Lidman, P. Melchior, J. Mena-Fernández, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, A. Palmese, F. Paz-Chinchón, A. Pieres, A. A. Plazas Malagón, M. Raveri, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, A. K. Romer, V. Scarpine, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, et al.

20 pages, 5 Appendices, 17 figures, submitted to MNRAS

0 votes
Paper 63 — arXiv:2210.04666
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Paper 63 — arXiv:2210.04666

We present the first systematic follow-up of Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE) selected candidates down to signal-to-noise (S/N) of 3 over the 5000 deg$^2$ covered by the Dark Energy Survey. Using the MCMF cluster confirmation algorithm, we identify optical counterparts, determine photometric redshifts and richnesses and assign a parameter, $f_{\rm cont}$, that reflects the probability that each SZE-optical pairing represents a real cluster rather than a random superposition of physically unassociated systems. The new MADPSZ cluster catalogue consists of 1092 MCMF confirmed clusters and has a purity of 85%. We present the properties of subsamples of the MADPSZ catalogue that have purities ranging from 90% to 97.5%, depending on the adopted $f_{\rm cont}$ threshold. $M_{500}$ halo mass estimates, redshifts, richnesses, and optical centers are presented for all MADPSZ clusters. The MADPSZ catalogue adds 828 previously unknown Planck identified clusters over the DES footprint and provides redshifts for an additional 50 previously published Planck selected clusters with S/N>4.5. Using the subsample with spectroscopic redshifts, we demonstrate excellent cluster photo-$z$ performance with an RMS scatter in $\Delta z/(1+z)$ of 0.47%. Our MCMF based analysis allows us to infer the contamination fraction of the initial S/N>3 Planck selected candidate list, which is 50%. We present a method of estimating the completeness of the MADPSZ cluster sample and $f_{\rm cont}$ selected subsamples. In comparison to the previously published Planck cluster catalogues. this new S/N $>$ 3 MCMF confirmed cluster catalogue populates the lower mass regime at all redshifts and includes clusters up to z$\sim$1.3.

All other papers

Minjung Park, Sirio Belli, Charlie Conroy, Sandro Tacchella, Joel Leja, Sam E. Cutler, Benjamin D. Johnson, Erica J. Nelson, Razieh Emami

Submitted to ApJ. Comments are welcome

The existence of massive quiescent galaxies at high redshift seems to require rapid quenching, but it is unclear whether all quiescent galaxies have gone through this phase and what physical mechanisms are involved. To study rapid quenching, we use rest-frame colors to select 12 young quiescent galaxies at $z \sim 1.5$. From spectral energy distribution fitting, we find that they all experienced intense starbursts prior to rapid quenching. We confirm this with deep Magellan/FIRE spectroscopic observations for a subset of seven galaxies. Broad emission lines are detected for two galaxies and are most likely caused by AGN activity. The other five galaxies do not show any emission features, suggesting that gas has already been removed or depleted. Most of the rapidly quenched galaxies are more compact than normal quiescent galaxies, providing evidence for a central starburst in the recent past. We estimate an average transition time of $300\,\rm Myr$ for the rapid quenching phase. Approximately $4\%$ of quiescent galaxies at $z=1.5$ have gone through rapid quenching; this fraction increases to $23\%$ at $z=2.2$. We identify analogs in the TNG100 simulation and find that rapid quenching for these galaxies is driven by AGN, and for half of the cases, gas-rich major mergers seem to trigger the starburst. We conclude that these massive quiescent galaxies are not just rapidly quenched but also rapidly formed through a major starburst. We speculate that mergers drive gas inflow towards the central regions and grow supermassive black holes, leading to rapid quenching by AGN feedback.

Ananthan Karunakaran, David J. Sand, Michael G. Jones, Kristine Spekkens, Paul Bennet, Denija Crnojević, Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil, Dennis Zaritsky

13 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, 1 appendix with 2 additional figures. Main results in Figure 3-6. Submitted to MNRAS and comments welcome!

We study the relative fractions of quenched and star-forming satellite galaxies in the Satellites Around Galactic Analogs (SAGA) survey and Exploration of Local VolumE Satellites (ELVES) program, two nearby and complementary samples of Milky Way-like galaxies that take different approaches to identify faint satellite galaxy populations. We cross-check and validate sample cuts and selection criteria, as well as explore the effects of different star-formation definitions when determining the quenched satellite fraction of Milky Way analogs. We find the mean ELVES quenched fraction ($\langle QF\rangle$), derived using a specific star formation rate (sSFR) threshold, decreases from $\sim$50% to $\sim$27% after applying a cut in absolute magnitude to match that of the SAGA survey ($\langle QF\rangle_{SAGA}\sim$9%). We show these results are consistent for alternative star-formation definitions. Furthermore, these quenched fractions remain virtually unchanged after applying an additional cut in surface brightness. Using a consistently-derived sSFR and absolute magnitude limit for both samples, we show that the quenched fraction and the cumulative number of satellites in the ELVES and SAGA samples broadly agree. We briefly explore radial trends in the ELVES and SAGA samples, finding general agreement in the number of star-forming satellites per host as a function of radius. Despite the broad agreement between the ELVES and SAGA samples, some tension remains with these quenched fractions in comparison to the Local Group and simulations of Milky Way analogs.

Melanie Kaasinen, Joshiwa van Marrewijk, Gergö Popping, Michele Ginolfi, Luca Di Mascolo, Tony Mroczkowski, Alice Concas, Claudia Di Cesare, Meghana Killi, Ivanna Langan

Submitted to A&A, 9 pages, 6 figures,

``When did the first galaxies form?'' is still one of the greatest unanswered questions in astronomy. Theory and current stellar population models imply that the first galaxies formed at least at z=14-15. Yet, the highest redshift galaxy to have been securely confirmed remains GN-z11, at z$\sim$11. The galaxy ``HD1'' was recently proposed to be a z=13.27 galaxy based on its potential Lyman break and tentative [O III] 88 {\mu}m detection with ALMA. We hereby aim to test this scenario with new ALMA Band 4, DDT observations of what would be the [C II] 158 {\mu}m emission, if HD1 is at z$\sim$13.27. We carefully analyse the new ALMA Band 4 observations as well as re-analysing the existing ALMA Band 6 data on the source to determine the proposed redshift. We find a tentative $4\sigma$ feature in the Band 4 data that is spatially offset by 1.7" and spectrally offset by 190 km s-1 from the previously-reported $3.8\sigma$ ``[O III] 88 {\mu}m'' feature. Through various statistical tests, we demonstrate that these tentative features are fully consistent with being random noise features. The chances of finding a noise peak of the same significance as the tentative [C II] and [O III] features are 50\% and 100\%, respectively. Given the noise properties of the ALMA data, we recover at least a 50\% chance of finding two, matched $\geq3.8\sigma$ noise peaks that are spatially and spectrally offset by $\leq$10 kpc and 1000 km s-1. We conclude that we are more likely to be recovering noise features than both [O III] and [C II] emission from a source at $z\sim 13.27$. Although we find no evidence of a $z\sim 13.27$ galaxy, we cannot entirely rule out this scenario. Non-detections are also possible for a $z\sim 13$ source with a low interstellar gas-phase metallicity and density. Determining where and exactly what type of galaxy HD1 is, will now likely require JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy.

William M. Baker, Roberto Maiolino, Francesco Belfiore, Mirko Curti, Asa F. L. Bluck, Lihwai Lin, Sara L. Ellison, Mallory Thorp, Hsi-An Pan

22 pages, resubmitted to MNRAS following first referee report

We study the scaling relations between gas-phase metallicity, stellar mass surface density ($\Sigma _*$), star formation rate surface density ($\Sigma _{SFR}$), and molecular gas surface density ($\Sigma_{H_2}$) in local star-forming galaxies on scales of a kpc. We employ optical integral field spectroscopy from the MaNGA survey, and ALMA data for a subset of MaNGA galaxies. We use Partial Correlation Coefficients and Random Forest regression to determine the relative importance of local and global galactic properties in setting the gas-phase metallicity. We find that the local metallicity depends primarily on $\Sigma _*$ (the resolved mass-metallicity relation, rMZR), and has a secondary anti-correlation with $\Sigma _{SFR}$ (i.e. a spatially-resolved version of the `Fundamental Metallicity Relation', rFMR). We find that $\Sigma_{H_2}$ has little effect in determining the local metallicity. This result indicates that gas accretion, resulting in local metallicity dilution and local boosting of star formation, cannot be the primary origin of the rFMR. Star-formation driven, metal-loaded winds may contribute to the anti-correlation between metallicity and SFR. The local metallicity depends also on the global properties of galaxies. We find a strong dependence on the total stellar mass ($M_*$) and a weaker (inverse) dependence on the total SFR. The global metallicity scaling relations, therefore, do not simply stem out of their resolved counterparts; global properties and processes, such as the global gravitational potential well, galaxy-scale winds and global redistribution/mixing of metals, likely contribute to the local metallicity, in addition to local production and retention.

Victor Branco Valera, Mauricio Bustamante, Christian Glaser

31 pages, 22 figures, 3 tables, plus appendix and references

Ultra-high-energy (UHE) neutrinos, with EeV-scale energies, carry with them unique insight into fundamental open questions in astrophysics and particle physics. For fifty years, they have evaded discovery, but maybe not for much longer, thanks to new UHE neutrino telescopes, presently under development. We capitalize on this upcoming opportunity by producing state-of-the-art forecasts of the discovery of a diffuse flux of UHE neutrinos in the next 10-20 years. By design, our forecasts are anchored in often-overlooked nuance from theory and experiment; we gear them to the radio array of the planned IceCube-Gen2 detector. We find encouraging prospects: even under conservative analysis choices, most benchmark UHE neutrino flux models available in the literature may be discovered within 10 years of detector exposure -- many sooner -- and may be distinguished from each other. Our results validate the transformative potential of next-generation UHE neutrino telescopes.

Ersilia Guarini, Irene Tamborra, Ore Gottlieb

28 pages, including 16 figures and 2 appendices

Mounting evidence suggests that the launching of collapsar jets is magnetically driven. Recent general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of collapsars reveal that the jet is continuously loaded with baryons, owing to strong mixing with the cocoon. This results in a high photosphere at $\gtrsim 10^{12}$ cm. Consequently, collisionless internal shocks below the photosphere are disfavored, and the neutrino production in the deepest jet regions is prevented, in contrast to what has been naively assumed in the literature. We find that subphotospheric neutrino production could only take place in the presence of collisionless sub-shocks or magnetic reconnection. Efficient particle acceleration is not possible in the cocoon, at the cocoon-counter cocoon shock interface, or at the shock driven by the cocoon in the event of a jet halted in an extended envelope. These subphotospheric neutrinos have energy $E_\nu \lesssim 10^5$ GeV for initial jet magnetizations $\sigma_0=15$-$2000$. More than one neutrino and antineutrino event is expected to be observed in Hyper-Kamiokande and IceCube DeepCore for sources located at $z \lesssim \mathcal{O}(0.1)$ only; considering the collapsar rate, this implies that the detection chances are poor. Because of their energy, these neutrinos do not contribute to the diffuse flux detected by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Our findings have implications on neutrino searches ranging from gamma-ray bursts to luminous fast blue optical transients.

Lauren Laufman, Claudia Scarlata, Matthew Hayes, Evan Skillman

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

Green pea galaxies are starbursting, low-mass galaxies that are good analogues to star-forming galaxies in the early universe. We perform a survey of 23 Green Peas using the MUSE Integral Field Unit spectrograph on the VLT to search for companion galaxies. The survey reaches an average point-source depth of $\sim 10^{-18}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ for emission lines. The MUSE field of view allows us to probe a 1$\times$1 arcmin$^2$ field around these galaxies and to search their surroundings for faint companions that could have interacted with them and induced their starburst episodes. We search for companions using a variety of methods including template matching to emission and absorption line spectra. When restricting the search to the same physical area (R = 78 kpc) for all galaxies, we find that the fraction of green pea galaxies with companions is $0.11_{-0.05}^{+0.07}$. We define a control sample of star-forming galaxies with the same stellar masses and redshifts as the green peas, but consistent with the star-formation main sequence. We find that green pea galaxies are as likely to have companions as the control sample; for which the fraction of objects with companions is $0.08_{-0.03}^{+0.05}$. Given that we do not find statistical evidence for an elevated companion fraction in the green peas in this study, we argue that the ``companions" are likely unrelated to the bursts in these galaxies.

Erika Hamden, Michael H. New, D.E. (Betsy) Pugel, Michael Liemohn, Randii Wessen, Richard Quinn, Paul Propster, Kirsten Petree, Ellen M. Gertsen, Paula Evans, Nicole Cabrera Salazar

7 Pages, 2 Figure, Accepted to Frontiers

The PI Launchpad attempts to provide an entry level explanation of the process of space mission development for new Principal Investigators (PIs). In particular, PI launchpad has a focus on building teams, making partnerships, and science concept maturity for a space mission concept, not necessarily technical or engineering practices. Here we briefly summarize the goals of the PI Launchpad workshops and present some results from the workshops held in 2019 and 2021. The workshop attempts to describe the current process of space mission development (i.e. space-based telescopes and instrument platforms, planetary missions of all types, etc.), covering a wide range of topics that a new PI may need to successfully develop a team and write a proposal. It is not designed to replace real experience but to provide an easily accessible resource for potential PIs who seek to learn more about what it takes to submit a space mission proposal, and what the first steps to take can be. The PI Launchpad was created in response to the high barrier to entry for early career or any scientist who is unfamiliar with mission design. These barriers have been outlined in several recent papers and reports, and are called out in recent space science Decadal reports.

Jashwanth S (1), Sudeep Ghosh (2), Neha Shah (1), Kavitha Yogaraj (2), Ankhi Roy (3), ((1) Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Bihar, India., (2) IBM Quantum, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, (2) Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India.)

24 pages with 6 figures

In this paper we have introduced a novel method for gamma hadron separation in Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) using Quantum Machine Learning. IACTs captures images of Extensive Air Showers (EAS) produced from very high energy gamma rays. We have used the QML Algorithms, Quantum Support Vector Classifier (QSVC) and Variational Quantum Classifier (VQC) for binary classification of the events into signals (Gamma) and background(hadron) using the image parameters. MAGIC Gamma Telescope dataset is used for this study which was generated from Monte Carlo Software Coriska. These quantum algorithms achieve performance comparable to standard multivariate classification techniques and can be used to solve variety of real-world problems. The classification accuracy is improved by hyper parameter tuning. We propose a new architecture for using QSVC efficiently on large datasets and found that clustering enhance the overall performance.

Chiara Animali, Vincent Vennin

25 pages without appendix ( 36 pages in total ), 13 figures

If the inflaton gets trapped in a local minimum of its potential shortly before the end of inflation, it escapes by building up quantum fluctuations in a process known as stochastic tunnelling. In this work we study cosmological fluctuations produced in such a scenario, and how likely they are to form Primordial Black Holes (PBHs). This is done by using the stochastic-$\delta N$ formalism, which allows us to reconstruct the highly non-Gaussian tails of the distribution function of the number of $e$-folds spent in the false-vacuum state. We explore two different toy models, both analytically and numerically, in order to identify which properties do or do not depend on the details of the false-vacuum profile. We find that when the potential barrier is small enough compared to its width, $\Delta V/V < \Delta\phi^2/M_{\text{Pl}}^2$, the potential can be approximated as being flat between its two local extrema, so results previously obtained in a "flat quantum well'' apply. Otherwise, when $\Delta V/V < V/M_{\text{Pl}}^4$, the PBH abundance depends exponentially on the height of the potential barrier, and when $\Delta V/V > V/M_{\text{Pl}}^4$ it depends super-exponentially ( i.e. as the exponential of an exponential) on the barrier height. In that later case PBHs are massively produced. This allows us to quantify how much flat inflection points need to be fine-tuned. In a deep false vacuum, we also find that slow-roll violations are typically encountered unless the potential is close to linear. This motivates further investigations to generalise our approach to non-slow-roll setups.

Lauren Schatz, Johanan Codona, Joseph D. Long, Jared R. Males, Weslin Pullen, Jennifer Lumbres, Kyle Van Gorkom, Vincent Chambouleyron, Laird M. Close, Carlos Correia, Olivier Fauvarque, Thierry Fusco, Olivier Guyon, Michael Hart, Pierre Janin-Potiron, Robert Johnson, Nemanja Jovanovic, Mala Mateen, Jean-Francois Sauvage, Benoit Neichel

28 Pages, 15 Figures, and 4 Tables

The next generation of giant ground and space telescopes will have the light-collecting power to detect and characterize potentially habitable terrestrial exoplanets using high-contrast imaging for the first time. This will only be achievable if the performance of Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes (GSMTs) extreme adaptive optics (ExAO) systems are optimized to their full potential. A key component of an ExAO system is the wavefront sensor (WFS), which measures aberrations from atmospheric turbulence. A common choice in current and next-generation instruments is the pyramid wavefront sensor (PWFS). ExAO systems require high spatial and temporal sampling of wavefronts to optimize performance, and as a result, require large detectors for the WFS. We present a closed-loop testbed demonstration of a three-sided pyramid wavefront sensor (3PWFS) as an alternative to the conventional four-sided pyramid wavefront (4PWFS) sensor for GSMT-ExAO applications on the new Comprehensive Adaptive Optics and Coronagraph Test Instrument (CACTI). The 3PWFS is less sensitive to read noise than the 4PWFS because it uses fewer detector pixels. The 3PWFS has further benefits: a high-quality three-sided pyramid optic is easier to manufacture than a four-sided pyramid. We detail the design of the two components of the CACTI system, the adaptive optics simulator and the PWFS testbed that includes both a 3PWFS and 4PWFS. A preliminary experiment was performed on CACTI to study the performance of the 3PWFS to the 4PWFS in varying strengths of turbulence using both the Raw Intensity and Slopes Map signal processing methods. This experiment was repeated for a modulation radius of 1.6 lambda/D and 3.25 lambda/D. We found that the performance of the two wavefront sensors is comparable if modal loop gains are tuned.

Palo Maksyutenko, Rafael Martin-Domenech, Elettra Piacentino, Karin I. Oberg, Mahesh Rajappan

Benzonitrile (c-C6H5CN) has been recently detected in cold and dense regions of the interstellar medium (ISM), where it has been used as a signpost of a rich aromatic organic chemistry that might lead to the production of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). One possible origin of this benzonitrile is interstellar ice chemistry involving benzene (c-C6H6) and nitrile molecules (organic molecules containing the -CN group). We have addressed the plausibility of this c-C6H5CN formation pathway through laboratory experiments using our new setup SPACE TIGER. The SPACE TIGER experimental setup is designed to explore the physics and chemistry of interstellar ice mantles using laser-based ice processing and product detection methods. We have found that c-C6H5CN is formed upon irradiation of c-C6H6$:CH3CN binary ice mixtures with 2 keV electrons and Lyman-alpha photons at low temperatures (4-10 K). Formation of c-C6H5CN was also observed when c-C6H6 and CH3CN were embedded in a CO ice matrix, but it was efficiently quenched in a H2O ice matrix. The results presented in this work imply that interstellar ice chemistry involving benzene and nitrile molecules could contribute to the formation of the observed benzonitrile only if these species are present on top of the ice mantles or embedded in the CO-rich ice layer, instead of being mixed into the H2O-rich ice layer.

Charity Woodrum, Christina C. Williams, Marcia Rieke, Joel Leja, Benjamin D. Johnson, Rachel Bezanson, Robert Kennicutt, Justin Spilker, Sandro Tacchella

We explore how the presence of detectable molecular gas depends on the inferred star formation histories (SFHs) in 8 massive, quiescent galaxies at $\mathrm{z\sim0.7}$. Half of the sample have clear detections of molecular gas, traced by CO(2-1). We find that the molecular gas content is unrelated to the rate of star formation decline prior to the most recent 1 Gyr, suggesting that the gas reservoirs are not leftover from their primary star formation epoch. However, the recent SFHs of CO-detected galaxies demonstrate evidence for secondary bursts of star formation in their last Gyr. The fraction of stellar mass formed in these secondary bursts ranges from $\mathrm{f_{burst}\approx0.3-6\%}$, and ended between $\mathrm{t_{end\mbox{-}burst}\approx0-330~Myr}$ ago. The CO-detected galaxies form a higher fraction of mass in the last Gyr ($\mathrm{f_{M_{1Gyr}}=2.6\pm1.8\%}$) compared to the CO-undetected galaxies ($\mathrm{f_{M_{1Gyr}}=0.2\pm0.1\%}$). The galaxies with gas reservoirs have enhanced late-time star formation, highlighting this as a contributing factor to the observed heterogeneity in the gas reservoirs in high-redshift quiescent galaxies. We find that the amount of gas and star formation driven by these secondary bursts are inconsistent with that expected from dry minor mergers, and instead are likely driven by recently-accreted gas i.e., gas-rich minor mergers. This conclusion would not have been made based on $\mathrm{SFR_{UV+IR}}$ measurements alone, highlighting the power of detailed SFH modeling in the interpretation of gas reservoirs. Larger samples are needed to understand the frequency of low-level rejuvenation among quiescent galaxies at intermediate redshifts, and to what extent this drives the diversity of molecular gas reservoirs.

Sijie Yu, James S. Bullock, Alexander B. Gurvich, Zachary Hafen, Jonathan Stern, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Andrew Wetzel, Philip F. Hopkins, Jorge Moreno

16 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We investigate the formation of Milky-Way-mass galaxies using FIRE-2 LCDM cosmological zoom-in simulations by studying the orbital evolution of stars formed in the main progenitor of the galaxy, from birth to the present day. We classify in situ stars as isotropic spheroid, thick-disc, and thin-disc according to their orbital circularities and show that these components are assembled in a time-ordered sequence from early to late times, respectively. All simulated galaxies experience an early phase of bursty star formation that transitions to a late-time steady phase. This transition coincides with the time that the inner CGM virializes. During the early bursty phase, galaxies have irregular morphologies and new stars are born on radial orbits; these stars evolve into an isotropic spheroidal population today. The bulk of thick-disc stars form at intermediate times, during a clumpy-disc ``spin-up'' phase, slightly later than the peak of spheroid formation. At late times, once the CGM virializes and star formation ``cools down," stars are born on circular orbits within a narrow plane. Those stars mostly inhabit thin discs today. Broadly speaking, stars with disc-like or spheroid-like orbits today were born that way. Mergers onto discs and secular processes do affect kinematics in our simulations, but play only secondary roles in populating thick-disc and in situ spheroid populations at z=0. The age distributions of spheroid, thick disc, and thin disc populations scale self-similarly with the steady-phase transition time, which suggests that morphological age dating can be linked to the CGM virialization time in galaxies.

M.G.Dainotti, D.Levine, D.Warren, N.Fraija, S.Sourav

18 pages , 6 figures

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are extremely high-energy events that can be observed at very high redshift. In addition to gamma rays, they can emit in X-ray, optical, and sometimes radio wavelengths. Here, following the approach in Srinivasaragavan et al. (2020); Dainotti et al. (2021b,c), and Dainotti et al (2022, submitted), we consider 82 GRBs from Dainotti et al. (2022a) that have been observed in optical wavelengths and fitted with a broken power law (BPL). We consider the relations between the spectral and temporal indices (closure relations; CRs) according to the synchrotron forward-shock model evolving in the constant-density interstellar medium (ISM; k = 0) and the stellar Wind environment (k = 2) in both slow- and fast-cooling regimes, where the density profile is defined as n is proportional to r to the power minus k. We find the nu > max nuc, nu m regime is most favored, where nu c and nu m are the cooling and characteristic frequencies, respectively. Finally, we test the 2D Dainotti correlation between the rest-frame end time of the plateau and the luminosity at that time on GRBs that fulfill the most-favored CRs. When we compare the intrinsic scatter sigma int of those 2D correlations to the scatter presented in Dainotti et al. (2020b, 2022a), we see the scatters of our correlations generally agree with the previous values within 1sigma, both before and after correction for selection bias. This new information has helped us to pinpoint subsamples of GRBs with features that could drive the GRB emission mechanism, and eventually allow for GRBs to be used as standard candles

Hodari-Sadiki Hubbard-James (1, 2, 4), D. Xavier Lesley (2, 3), Todd J. Henry (2, 4), Leonardo A. Paredes (1, 2, 4), Azmain H. Nisak (1, 4)

Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal. this https URL

As part of a comprehensive effort to characterize the nearest stars, the CHIRON echelle spectrograph on the CTIO/SMARTS 1.5m telescope is being used to acquire high resolution (R = 80000) spectra of K dwarfs within 50 parsecs. This paper provides spectral details about 35 K dwarfs from five benchmark sets with estimated ages spanning 20 Myr -- 5.7 Gyr. Four spectral age and activity indicators are tested, three of which aligned with the estimated ages of the benchmark groups -- the Na I doublet (5889.95 $\r{A}$ and 5895.92 $\r{A}$), the H$\alpha$ line (6562.8 $\r{A}$), and the Li I resonance line (6707.8 $\r{A}$). The benchmark stars are then used to evaluate seven field K dwarfs exhibiting variable radial velocities for which initial CHIRON data did not show obvious companions. Two of these stars are estimated to be younger than 700 Myr, while one exhibits stellar activity unusual for older K dwarf field stars and is possibly young. The four remaining stars turn out to be spectroscopic binaries, two of which are being reported here for the first time with orbital periods found using CHIRON data. Spectral analysis of the combined sample of 42 benchmark and variable radial velocity stars indicates temperatures ranging from 3900--5300 K and metallicities from $-$0.4 $<$ [Fe/H] $<$ $+$0.2. We also determine $log g$ = 4.5--4.7 for main sequence K dwarfs. Ultimately, this study will target several thousand of the nearest K dwarfs, and provide results that will serve present and future studies of stellar astrophysics and exoplanet habitability.

Yu-Mei Wu, Zu-Cheng Chen, Qing-Guo Huang, Xingjiang Zhu, N. D. Ramesh Bhat, Yi Feng, George Hobbs, Richard N. Manchester, Christopher J. Russell, R. M. Shannon

9 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication as a Letter in Phys. Rev. D

Composed of ultralight bosons, fuzzy dark matter provides an intriguing solution to challenges that the standard cold dark matter model encounters on sub-galactic scales. The ultralight dark matter with mass $m\sim10^{-23} \rm{eV}$ will induce a periodic oscillation in gravitational potentials with a frequency in the nanohertz band, leading to observable effects in the arrival times of radio pulses from pulsars. Unlike scalar dark matter, pulsar timing signals induced by the vector dark matter are dependent on the oscillation direction of the vector fields. In this work, we search for ultralight vector dark matter in the mass range of $[2\times 10^{-24}, 2\times 10^{-22}]{\rm{eV}}$ through its gravitational effect in the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA) second data release. Since no statistically significant detection is made, we place $95\%$ upper limits on the local dark matter density as $\rho_{\rm{\tiny{VF}}} \lesssim 5{\rm{GeV/cm^{3}}}$ for $m\lesssim 10^{-23}{\rm{eV}}$. As no preferred direction is found for the vector dark matter, these constraints are comparable to those given by the scalar dark matter search with an earlier 12-year data set of PPTA.

Jin-Nan Wei, Zi-Ke Liu, Jun-Jie Wei, Bin-Bin Zhang, Xue-Feng Wu

17 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. Published by Universe. Constribution to the Special Issue "Advances in Astrophysics and Cosmology-in Memory of Prof. Tan Lu"

The observed spectral lags of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been widely used to explore possible violations of Lorentz invariance. However, these studies were generally performed by concentrating on the rough time lag of a single highest-energy photon and ignoring the intrinsic time lag at the source. A new way to test nonbirefringent Lorentz-violating effects has been proposed by analyzing the multi-photon spectral-lag behavior of a GRB that displays a positive-to-negative transition. This method gives both a plausible description of the intrinsic energy-dependent time lag and comparatively robust constraints on Lorentz-violating effects. In this work, we conduct a systematic search for Lorentz-violating photon dispersion from the spectral-lag transition features of 32 GRBs. By fitting the spectral-lag data of these 32 GRBs, we place constraints on a variety of isotropic and anisotropic Lorentz-violating coefficients with mass dimension $d=6$ and $8$. While our dispersion constraints are not competitive with existing bounds, they have the promise to complement the full coefficient space.

J. Wang, D. W. Xu, J. Y. Bai, T. G. Brink, C. Gao, W. K. Zheng, A. V. Filippenko

25 pages, 10 figures and 1 table, accepted by Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The widely accepted active galactic nucleus (AGN) paradigm has been recently challenged by the discovery of the so-called ``changing-look'' (CL) phenomenon characterized by spectral-type transitions. By comparing the SDSS-V and SDSS DR16 spectroscopic datasets, here we report the identification of 14 new CL-AGNs (redshift $z<0.5$) exhibiting spectral-type changes on a timescale of $\sim 10$yr. Follow-up spectroscopy was conducted with the Lick Shane 3m and Keck 10m telescopes for three of the objects. Detailed analysis of these spectra enables us to arrive at the following two main results. (1) By compiling a sample of 65 CL-AGNs with good measurements, we reinforce the previous claim that CL-AGNs tend to be biased against both a high Eddington ratio ($\lesssim 0.1$) and a high bolometric luminosity ($\lesssim 10^{46}\,\mathrm{erg\,s^{-1}}$). This bias suggests that the disk-wind broad-line-region model is a plausible explanation of the CL phenomenon. (2) The host galaxies of CL-AGNs tend to be dominated by intermediate stellar populations, which motivates us to propose that CL-AGNs are probably particular AGNs at a special evolutionary stage, such as a transition stage from ``feast'' to ``famine'' fueling of the supermassive black hole. In addition, with our spectra, we identify SDSS J025951.22+003744.2 as a new repeat CL narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxy with a rapid ``turn-on'' timescale of $\sim 1$yr.

Magnetohydrodynamics simulation of active region NOAA 11515 is performed to examine the initiation of the M5.6 flaring event that starts around 10:43 UT on 2012 July 2. The simulation is conducted using an extrapolated non-force-free magnetic field generated from the photospheric vector magnetogram of the active region as the initial magnetic field. The magnetic field shows the presence of a three-dimensional (3D) magnetic null with the corresponding dome overlying a filament and a low-lying magnetic flux rope, observed in 304~\AA~ and 131~\AA~ respectively. The simulated dynamics, triggered by the initial Lorentz force, lead to the bifurcations of the flux rope, which is similar to the observed bifurcation in the 131 \AA~ brightenings. Additionally, the rope exhibits a rise and reconnects at the 3D null. These reconnections convert field lines of the rope into the anchored outer spine of the 3D null -- explaining the occurrence of a nearby confined C-class flare. Further, the results show that the field lines of the flux rope reach the vicinity of the filament and become non-parallel to the field lines of the filament. This initiates the reconnections between the rope and the field lines of the filament -- activating the filament for the eruption. This interesting interaction of the flux rope and filament seems to contribute to the onset of the M-class flare.

Umang Malik, Rob Sharp, A. Penton, Z. Yu, P. Martini, C. Lidman, B. E. Tucker, T. M. Davis, G. F. Lewis, M. Aguena, S. Allam, O. Alves, F. Andrade-Oliveira, J. Asorey, D. Bacon, E. Bertin, S. Bocquet, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, D. Carollo, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, M. Costanzi, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, D. W. Gerdes, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, J. Gschwend, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, J. L. Marshall, J. Mena-Fernández, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, R. L. C. Ogando, A. Palmese, F. Paz-Chinchón, A. Pieres, A. A. Plazas Malagón, M. Raveri, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, A. K. Romer, E. Sanchez, V. Scarpine, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, et al. (9 additional authors not shown)

Submitted to MNRAS

Reverberation mapping measurements have been used to constrain the relationship between the size of the broad-line region and luminosity of active galactic nuclei (AGN). This $R-L$ relation is used to estimate single-epoch virial black hole masses, and has been proposed for use to standardise AGN to determine cosmological distances. We present reverberation measurements made with H$\beta$ from the six-year Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) Reverberation Mapping Program. We successfully recover reverberation lags for eight AGN at $0.12<z< 0.71$, probing higher redshifts than the bulk of H$\beta$ measurements made to date. Our fit to the $R-L$ relation has a slope of $\alpha=0.41\pm0.03$ and an intrinsic scatter of $\sigma=0.23\pm0.02$ dex. The results from our multi-object spectroscopic survey are consistent with previous measurements made by dedicated source-by-source campaigns, and with the observed dependence on accretion rate. Future surveys, including LSST, TiDES and SDSS-V, which will be revisiting some of our observed fields, will be able to build on the results of our first-generation multi-object reverberation mapping survey.

M. Kretlow

6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Outer main belt asteroid (223) Rosa is a possible flyby target of opportunity for ESA's (European Space Agency) JUpiter ICy moons Explorer (JUICE) mission when passing the asteroid belt on the way to Jupiter. The very low albedo and the featureless red spectra indicate a P-type asteroid in the Tholen taxonomy, though the yet known bulk density did not match very well this classification. Aim of this work was to derive new estimates for the mass and for the bulk density for (223) Rosa. The mass of Rosa was derived by analyzing the gravitational deflection of small `test' asteroids which had a close encounter with Rosa in the past. To find such events suitable for the mass determination, an encounter search with about 900,000 asteroids over the time span $1980-2030$ was performed. Three encounters were identified from which two independent mass estimates for Rosa were derived: $M = (5.32 \pm 2.17) \times 10^{17}$ kg and $M = (3.15 \pm 1.14) \times 10^{17}$ kg, respectively. The weighted mean is $M = (3.62 \pm 1.25) \times 10^{17}$ kg. This yields to a bulk density of $\rho = 1.2 \pm 0.5 \mathrm{\,g\,cm^{-3}}$, when adopting an effective diameter of $D = 83 \pm 8$ km. This bulk density estimate is consistent with typical densities for Tholen taxonomy P-type asteroids.

Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) have the potential to detect Nanohertz gravitational waves (GWs) that are usually generated by the individual inspiraling supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) in the galactic centers. The GW signals as cosmological standard sirens can provide the absolute cosmic distances, thereby can be used to constrain the cosmological parameters. In this paper, we analyze the ability of future SKA-era PTAs to detect the existing SMBHBs candidates assuming the root mean square of timing noise $\sigma_t=20\ {\rm ns}$, and use the simulated PTA data to constrain the interacting dark energy (IDE) models with energy transfer rate $Q = \beta H\rho_c$. We find that, the future SKA-era PTAs will play an important role in constraining the IDE cosmology. Using only the mock PTA data consisting of 100 pulsars, we obtain $\sigma(H_0)=0.239\ {\rm km} \ {\rm s}^{-1} {\rm Mpc}^{-1}$ and $\sigma(\Omega_m)=0.0103$ in the I$\Lambda$CDM model, which are much better than the results from the Planck TT, TE, EE+lowE. However, the PTA data cannot provide a tight constraint on the coupling parameter $\beta$ compared with Planck, but the data combination of Planck+PTA can provide a rather tight constraint, i.e., $\sigma(\beta)=0.00232$, since the PTA data could break the parameter degeneracies inherent in CMB. In the I$w$CDM model, we obtain $\sigma(\beta)=0.00137$ and $\sigma(w)=0.0492$ from the Planck+PTA data combination. In addition, we also find that with the increase of the number of pulsars in PTA, the constraint results from the Planck+PTA will be further improved to some extent. We show that the observations of Nanohertz GWs with future SKA-era PTAs will provide a powerful tool for exploring the nature of dark energy and measuring the coupling between dark energy and dark matter.

Agnieszka Kuźmicz, Arti Goyal, Stanisław Zola, Marek Jamrozy, Marek Dróżdż, Waldemar Ogłoza, Michał Siwak, Daniel E. Reichart, Vladimir V. Kouprianov, Daniel B. Caton

Accepted for publication in ApJS; 17 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables

We characterize the optical variability properties of eight lobe-dominated radio quasars (QSOs): B2 0709$+$37, FBQS J095206.3$+$235245, PG 1004$+$130, [HB89] 1156$+$631, [HB89] 1425$+$267, [HB89] 1503$+$691, [HB89] 1721$+$343, 4C $+$74.26, systematically monitored for a duration of 13 years since 2009. The quasars are radio-loud objects with extended radio lobes that indicate their orientation close to the sky plane. Five of the eight QSOs are classified as giant radio quasars. All quasars showed variability during our monitoring, with magnitude variations between 0.3 and 1 mag for the least variable and the most variable QSO, respectively. We performed both structure function (SF) analysis and power spectrum density (PSD) analysis for the variability characterization and search for characteristic timescales and periodicities. As a result of our analysis, we obtained relatively steep SF slopes ($\alpha$ ranging from 0.49 to 0.75) that are consistent with the derived PSD slopes ($\sim$2--3). All the PSDs show a good fit to single power law forms, indicating a red-noise character of variability between $\sim$13 years and weeks timescales. We did not measure reliable characteristic timescales of variability from the SF analysis which indicates that the duration of the gathered data is too short to reveal them. The absence of bends in the PSDs (change of slope from $\geq$1 to $\sim$0) on longer timescales indicates that optical variations are most likely caused by thermal instabilities in the accretion disk.

Qile Zhang, Fan Guo, William Daughton, Hui Li, Ari Le, Tai Phan, Mihir Desai

9 pages, 5 figures

Magnetic reconnection drives explosive particle acceleration in a wide range of space and astrophysical applications. The energized particles often include multiple species (electrons, protons, heavy ions), but the underlying acceleration mechanism is poorly understood. In-situ observations of these minority heavy ions offer a more stringent test of acceleration mechanisms, but the multi-scale nature of reconnection hinders studies on heavy-ion acceleration. Here we employ hybrid simulations (fluid electron, kinetic ions) to capture 3D reconnection over an unprecedented range of scales. For the first time, our simulations demonstrate nonthermal acceleration of all available ion species into power-law spectra. The reconnection layers consist of fragmented kinking flux ropes as part of the reconnection-driven turbulence, which produces field-line chaos critical for accelerating all species. The upstream ion velocities influence the first Fermi reflection for injection. Then lower charge/mass species initiate Fermi acceleration at later times as they interact with growing flux ropes. The resulting spectra have similar power-law indices $(p\sim4.5)$, but different maximum energy/nucleon $\propto($charge/mass$)^\alpha$, with $\alpha\sim0.6$ for low plasma $\beta$, and with $p$ and $\alpha$ increasing as $\beta$ approaches unity. These findings are consistent with observations at heliospheric current sheets and the magnetotail, and provide strong evidence suggesting Fermi acceleration as the dominant ion-acceleration mechanism.

Xian-Mao Cao, Shan-Qin Wang, Wen-Pei Gan, Jing-Yao Li

13 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, submitted to ApJ

This paper investigates eleven (UV-)optical-infrared (IR) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of six tidal disruption events (TDEs), which are ASASSN-14li, ASASSN-15lh, ASASSN-18ul, ASASSN-18zj, PS18kh, and ZTF18acaqdaa. We find that all the SEDs show evident IR excesses. We invoke the blackbody plus dust emission model to fit the SEDs, and find that the model can account for the SEDs. The derived masses of the dust surrounding ASASSN-14li, ASASSN-15lh, ASASSN-18ul, ASASSN-18zj, PS18kh, and ZTF18acaqdaa are respectively $\sim0.7-1.0\,(1.5-2.2)\times10^{-4}\,M_\odot$, $\sim0.6-3.1\,(1.4-6.3)\times10^{-2}\,M_\odot$, $\sim1.0\,(2.8)\times10^{-4}\,M_\odot$, $\sim0.1-1.6\,(0.3-3.3)\times10^{-3}\,M_\odot$, $\sim1.0\,(2.0)\times10^{-3}\,M_\odot$, and $\sim 1.1\,(2.9)\times10^{-3}\,M_\odot$, if the dust is graphite (silicate). The temperature of the graphite (silicate) dust of the six TDEs are respectively $\sim1140-1430\,(1210-1520)$\,K, $\sim1030-1380\,(1100-1460)$\,K, $\sim1530\,(1540)$\,K, $\sim960-1380\,(1020-1420)$\,K, $\sim900\,(950)$\,K, and $\sim1600\,(1610)$\,K. By comparing the derived temperatures to the vaporization temperature of graphite ($\sim 1900$\,K) and silicate ($\sim 1100-1500$\,K), we suggest that the IR excesses of PS18kh can be explained by both the graphite and silicate dust, the rest five TDEs favor the graphite dust while the silicate dust model cannot be excluded. Moreover, we demonstrate the lower limits of the radii of the dust shells surrounding the six TDEs are significantly larger than those of the radii of the photospheres at the first epochs of SEDs, indicating that the dust might exist before the the TDEs occurred.

B. Westbrook, P. A. R. Ade, M. Aguilar, Y. Akiba, K. Arnold, C. Baccigalupi, D. Barron, D. Beck, S. Beckman, A. N. Bender, F. Bianchini, D. Boettger, J. Borrill, S. Chapman, Y. Chinone, G. Coppi, K. Crowley, A. Cukierman, T. de, R. Dünner, M. Dobbs, T. Elleflot, J. Errard, G. Fabbian, S. M. Feeney, C. Feng, G. Fuller, N. Galitzki, A. Gilbert, N. Goeckner-Wald, J. Groh, N. W. Halverson, T. Hamada, M. Hasegawa, M. Hazumi, C. A. Hill, W. Holzapfel, L. Howe, Y. Inoue, G. Jaehnig, A. Jaffe, O. Jeong, D. Kaneko, N. Katayama, B. Keating, R. Keskitalo, T. Kisner, N. Krachmalnicoff, A. Kusaka, M. Le, A. T. Lee, D. Leon, E. Linder, L. Lowry, A. Madurowicz, D. Mak, F. Matsuda, A. May, N. J. Miller, Y. Minami, J. Montgomery, M. Navaroli, H. Nishino, J. Peloton, A. Pham, L. Piccirillo, D. Plambeck, et al. (26 additional authors not shown)

We present on the status of POLARBEAR-2 A (PB2-A) focal plane fabrication. The PB2-A is the first of three telescopes in the Simon Array (SA), which is an array of three cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization sensitive telescopes located at the POLARBEAR (PB) site in Northern Chile. As the successor to the PB experiment, each telescope and receiver combination is named as PB2-A, PB2-B, and PB2-C. PB2-A and -B will have nearly identical receivers operating at 90 and 150 GHz while PB2-C will house a receiver operating at 220 and 270 GHz. Each receiver contains a focal plane consisting of seven close-hex packed lenslet coupled sinuous antenna transition edge sensor bolometer arrays. Each array contains 271 di-chroic optical pixels each of which have four TES bolometers for a total of 7588 detectors per receiver. We have produced a set of two types of candidate arrays for PB2-A. The first we call Version 11 (V11) and uses a silicon oxide (SiOx) for the transmission lines and cross-over process for orthogonal polarizations. The second we call Version 13 (V13) and uses silicon nitride (SiNx) for the transmission lines and cross-under process for orthogonal polarizations. We have produced enough of each type of array to fully populate the focal plane of the PB2-A receiver. The average wirebond yield for V11 and V13 arrays is 93.2% and 95.6% respectively. The V11 arrays had a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of 452 +/- 15 mK, a normal resistance (Rn) of 1.25 +/- 0.20 Ohms, and saturations powers of 5.2 +/- 1.0 pW and 13 +/- 1.2 pW for the 90 and 150 GHz bands respectively. The V13 arrays had a superconducting transition temperature (Tc) of 456 +/-6 mK, a normal resistance (Rn) of 1.1 +/- 0.2 Ohms, and saturations powers of 10.8 +/- 1.8 pW and 22.9 +/- 2.6 pW for the 90 and 150 GHz bands respectively.

Tao Wang, Shan-Qin Wang, Wen-Pei Gan

9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

Supernovae (SNe), kilonovae (KNe), tidal disruption events (TDEs), optical afterglows of gamma ray bursts (GRBs), and many other optical transients are important phenomena in time-domain astronomy. Fitting the multi-band light curves (LCs) or the synthesized (pseudo-)bolometric LCs can be used to constrain the physical properties of optical transients. The (UV absorbed) blackbody module is one of the most important modules used to fit the multi-band LCs of optical transients having (UV absorbed) blackbody spectral energy distributions (SEDs). We find, however, that the SEDs of some SNe show UV excesses, which cannot be fitted by the model including a (UV absorbed) blackbody module. We construct the bolometric LCs and employ the (cooling plus) \Ni model to fit the constructed bolometric LCs, obtaining decent fits. Our results demonstrate that the optical transients showing UV excesses cannot be fitted by the multi-band models that include (UV-absorbed) blackbody module, but can be well modeled by constructing and fitting their bolometric LCs.

Haodi Jiang, Qin Li, Yan Xu, Wynne Hsu, Kwangsu Ahn, Wenda Cao, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

16 pages, 8 figures

Obtaining high-quality magnetic and velocity fields through Stokes inversion is crucial in solar physics. In this paper, we present a new deep learning method, named Stacked Deep Neural Networks (SDNN), for inferring line-of-sight (LOS) velocities and Doppler widths from Stokes profiles collected by the Near InfraRed Imaging Spectropolarimeter (NIRIS) on the 1.6 m Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO). The training data of SDNN is prepared by a Milne-Eddington (ME) inversion code used by BBSO. We quantitatively assess SDNN, comparing its inversion results with those obtained by the ME inversion code and related machine learning (ML) algorithms such as multiple support vector regression, multilayer perceptrons and a pixel-level convolutional neural network. Major findings from our experimental study are summarized as follows. First, the SDNN-inferred LOS velocities are highly correlated to the ME-calculated ones with the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient being close to 0.9 on average. Second, SDNN is faster, while producing smoother and cleaner LOS velocity and Doppler width maps, than the ME inversion code. Third, the maps produced by SDNN are closer to ME's maps than those from the related ML algorithms, demonstrating the better learning capability of SDNN than the ML algorithms. Finally, comparison between the inversion results of ME and SDNN based on GST/NIRIS and those from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory in flare-prolific active region NOAA 12673 is presented. We also discuss extensions of SDNN for inferring vector magnetic fields with empirical evaluation.

Kuan-Wei Huang, Geoff Chih-Fan Chen, Po-Wen Chang, Sheng-Chieh Lin, Chia-Jung Hsu, Vishal Thengane, Joshua Yao-Yu Lin

Accepted by ECCV 2022 AI for Space Workshop

Quantifying the parameters and corresponding uncertainties of hundreds of strongly lensed quasar systems holds the key to resolving one of the most important scientific questions: the Hubble constant ($H_{0}$) tension. The commonly used Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method has been too time-consuming to achieve this goal, yet recent work has shown that convolution neural networks (CNNs) can be an alternative with seven orders of magnitude improvement in speed. With 31,200 simulated strongly lensed quasar images, we explore the usage of Vision Transformer (ViT) for simulated strong gravitational lensing for the first time. We show that ViT could reach competitive results compared with CNNs, and is specifically good at some lensing parameters, including the most important mass-related parameters such as the center of lens $\theta_{1}$ and $\theta_{2}$, the ellipticities $e_1$ and $e_2$, and the radial power-law slope $\gamma'$. With this promising preliminary result, we believe the ViT (or attention-based) network architecture can be an important tool for strong lensing science for the next generation of surveys. The open source of our code and data is in \url{https://github.com/kuanweih/strong_lensing_vit_resnet}.

Pei Wang (1, 2), Yu Chen Tang (1, 2), Lei Zu (1, 2), Yuan Yuan Chen (3, 4, 5), Lei Feng (1, 6) ((1) Key Laboratory of Dark Matter and Space Astronomy, Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China (2) School of Astronomy and Space Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China (3) Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China (4) Key Laboratory of Planetary Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, China (5) CAS Center for Excellence in Comparative Planetology, Hefei, Anhui, China (6) Joint Center for Particle, Nuclear Physics and Cosmology, Nanjing University Purple Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China)

A series of dynamical anomalies in the orbits of distant trans-Neptunian objects points to a new celestial body (usually named Planet Nine) in the solar system. In this draft, we point out that a mirror planet captured from the outer solar system or formed in the solar system is also a possible candidate. The introduction of the mirror matter model is due to an unbroken parity symmetry and is a potential explanation for dark matter. This mirror planet has null or fainter electromagnetic counterparts with a smaller optical radius and might be explored through gravitational effects.

Ming-Jie Sheng, Hao-Ran Yu, Sijia Li, Shihong Liao, Min Du, Yunchong Wang, Peng Wang, Kun Xu, Shy Genel, Dimitrios Irodotou

7 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, comments welcome

Recent studies illustrate the correlation between the angular momenta of cosmic structures and their Lagrangian properties. However, only baryons are observable and it is unclear whether they reliably trace the cosmic angular momenta. We study the Lagrangian mass distribution, spin correlation and predictability of dark matter, gas, and stellar components of galaxy-halo systems using IllustrisTNG, and show that the primordial segregations between components are typically small. Their proto-shapes are also similar in terms of the statistics of moment of inertia tensors. Under the common gravitational potential they are expected to be exerted the same tidal torque and the strong spin correlations are not destroyed by the nonlinear evolution and complicated baryonic effects, as confirmed by the high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations. We further show that their late time angular momenta traced by total gas, stars, or the central galaxies, can be reliably reconstructed by the initial perturbations. These results suggest that baryonic angular momenta can potentially be used in reconstructing the parameters and models related to the initial perturbations.

B0943+10 is known to switch between two distinct, hours-long modes of radio emission, Bright (B) and Quiet (Q). Up to now the switches in both directions were believed to occur instantly (on the scale of a spin period). We have found a transitive process around the Q-to-B-mode switch, which consists of two additional short-lived modes, each with distinct average profiles and subpulse drift rates. Based on observations at low radio frequencies, we examine the properties of these transitive modes and discuss their implications in the framework of the traditional carousel model of drifting subpulses.

Li Tang, Hai-Nan Lin, Liang Liu

11 pages,4 figures

The cosmic distance duality relation (DDR) is constrained from the combination of type-Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) and strong gravitational lensing (SGL) systems using deep learning method. To make use of the full SGL data, we reconstruct the luminosity distance from SNe Ia up to the highest redshift of SGL using deep learning, then it is compared with the angular diameter distance obtained from SGL. Considering the influence of lens mass profile, we constrain the possible violation of DDR in three lens mass models. Results show that in the SIS model and EPL model, DDR is violated at high confidence level, with the violation parameter $\eta_0=-0.193^{+0.021}_{-0.019}$ and $\eta_0=-0.247^{+0.014}_{-0.013}$, respectively. In the PL model, however, DDR is verified within 1$\sigma$ confidence level, with the violation parameter $\eta_0=-0.014^{+0.053}_{-0.045}$. Our results demonstrate that the constraints on DDR strongly depend on the lens mass models. Given a specific lens mass model, DDR can be constrained at a precision of $\textit{O}(10^{-2})$ using deep learning.

I.M. Chertok

10 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

In addition to several recent articles devoted to the rare event of ground-level enhancement of the solar relativistic proton flux observed on 2021 October 28 (GLE73), we study the 10-100 MeV solar energetic particle (SEP) component of this event. Based on the GOES satellite data for 26 GLEs recorded since 1986, we have formed a scatter plot displaying the ratio of the peak fluxes of the >10 MeV (J10) and >100 MeV (J100) protons and their energy spectra. Two extreme characteristics of the prompt component of the SEP-GLE73 event were revealed: (1) very small J10 and J100 proton fluxes and (2) a very hard energetic spectrum in the 10-100 MeV range. There are only two events with these characteristics similar to SEP-GLE73 namely, GLE40 (1989 July 25) and GLE46 (1989 November 15). A correspondence was demonstrated between the hard frequency spectrum of microwave radio bursts of initiating flares and the hard SEP energy spectrum of these two and other GLEs. These results suggest that the flare magnetic reconnection both in the impulsive and post-eruption phases plays an important role in the acceleration of the SEP-GLE protons.

David Sweeney, Peter Tuthill, Sanjib Sharma, Ryosuke Hirai

9 pages, 11 figures

We chart the expected Galactic distribution of neutron stars and black holes. These compact remnants of dead stars -- the Galactic underworld -- are found to exhibit a fundamentally different distribution and structure to the visible Galaxy. Compared to the visible Galaxy, concentration into a thin flattened disk structure is much less evident with the scale height more than tripling to 1260 +- 30 pc. This difference arises from two primary causes. Firstly, the distribution is in part inherited from the integration over the evolving structure of the Galaxy itself (and hence the changing distribution of the parent stars). Secondly, an even larger effect arises from the natal kick received by the remnant at the event of its supernova birth. Due to this kick we find 30% of remnants have sufficient kinetic energy to entirely escape the Galactic potential (40% of neutron stars and 2% of black holes) leading to a Galactic mass loss integrated to the present day of ~ 0.4% of the stellar mass of the Galaxy. The black hole -- neutron star fraction increases near the Galactic centre: a consequence of smaller kick velocities in the former (the assumption made is that kick velocity is inversely proportional to mass). Our simulated remnant distribution yields probable distances of 19 pc and 21 pc to the nearest neutron star and black hole respectively, while our nearest probable magnetar lies at 4.2 kpc. Although the underworld only contains of order ~ 1% of the Galaxy's mass, observational signatures and physical traces of its population, such as microlensing, will become increasingly present in data ranging from gravitational wave detectors to high precision surveys from space missions such as Gaia.

Giulia Pagnini, Paola Di Matteo, Sergey Khoperskov, Alessandra Mastrobuono-Battisti, Misha Haywood, Florent Renaud, Françoise Combes

Submitted to A&A, 23 pages, 13 figures

Reconstructing how all the stellar components of the Galaxy formed and assembled over time, by studying the properties of the stars which make it, is the aim of Galactic archeology. In these last years, thanks to the launch of the ESA Gaia astrometric mission, and the development of many spectroscopic surveys, we are for the first time in the position to delve into the layers of the past of our galaxy. Globular clusters (GCs) play a fundamental role in this research field since they are among the oldest stellar systems in the Milky Way (MW) and so bear witness of its entire past. In the recent years, there have been several attempts to constrain the nature of clusters (accreted or formed in the MW itself) through the analysis of kinematic spaces and to reconstruct from this the properties of the accretions events experienced by the MW through time. This work aims to test a widely-used assumption about the clustering of the accreted populations of GCs in the integrals of motions space. We analyze a set of dissipation-less N-body simulations that reproduce the accretion of one or two satellites with their GC population on a MW-type galaxy. Our results demonstrate that a significant overlap between accreted and "kinematically-heated" in-situ GCs is expected in kinematic spaces, for mergers with mass ratios of 1:10. In contrast with standard assumptions made in the literature so far, we find that accreted GCs do not show dynamical coherence, that is they do not cluster in kinematic spaces. In addition, GCs can also be found in regions dominated by stars which have a different origin (i.e. different progenitor). This casts doubt on the association between GCs and field stars that is generally made in the literature to assign them to a common origin. Our findings severely question the recovered accretion history of the MW based on the phase-space clustering of the GC population.

Philip M. Winter, Christoph Burger, Sebastian Lehner, Johannes Kofler, Thomas I. Maindl, Christoph M. Schäfer

13 pages, 7 figures, 7 tables

Fast and accurate treatment of collisions in the context of modern N-body planet formation simulations remains a challenging task due to inherently complex collision processes. We aim to tackle this problem with machine learning (ML), in particular via residual neural networks. Our model is motivated by the underlying physical processes of the data-generating process and allows for flexible prediction of post-collision states. We demonstrate that our model outperforms commonly used collision handling methods such as perfect inelastic merging and feed-forward neural networks in both prediction accuracy and out-of-distribution generalization. Our model outperforms the current state of the art in 20/24 experiments. We provide a dataset that consists of 10164 Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of pairwise planetary collisions. The dataset is specifically suited for ML research to improve computational aspects for collision treatment and for studying planetary collisions in general. We formulate the ML task as a multi-task regression problem, allowing simple, yet efficient training of ML models for collision treatment in an end-to-end manner. Our models can be easily integrated into existing N-body frameworks and can be used within our chosen parameter space of initial conditions, i.e. where similar-sized collisions during late-stage terrestrial planet formation typically occur.

Antoine Grandjean, A.-M. Lagrange, N. Meunier, G. Chauvin, S. Borgniet, S. Desidera, F. Galland, F. Kiefer, S. Messina, B. Nicholson, B. Pantoja, P. Rubini, E. Sedaghati, M. Sterzik, N. Zicher

40 pages, 28 Figures, 7 Tables

The Scorpius-Centaurus (Sco-Cen) young and nearby massive star-forming region is particularly well suited for extrasolar planet searches with both direct imaging and radial velocity (RV) techniques. The RV search, however, is challenging, as the stars are faster rotators on average than their older stellar counterparts of similar spectral types. Moreover, the RV time series show strong signatures of stellar variability (spots and faculae) and/or stellar pulsations. Our aim is to search for giant planets (GPs) and brown dwarfs at short orbital distances around star members of the Sco-Cen association. We also aim at using these data together with others available on young stars to estimate the GP occurrence rate for young stars for periods of up to 1000 days. We used the HARPS spectrograph on the 3.6m telescope at the La Silla Observatory to monitor 88 A-F Sco-Cen stars. To improve our statistics and analysis, we combined this survey with two previous surveys that focused on young nearby stars (YNS) to compute companion occurrence rates from a sample of 176 young A-M stars. We report the discovery of a massive hot-Jupiter candidate around HD 145467, together with the discovery of one probable short-period (P < 10 days) brown dwarf around HD 149790. In addition, we confirm the binary nature of eight single-line binaries: HD 108857, HD 108904, HD 111102, HD 114319, HD 121176, HD 126488, HD 126838, and HD 133574. From our sample, we obtain a GP ($m_c\in[1;13] M_{Jup}$) occurrence rate of $0.7_{-0.2}^{+1.6} \ \%$ for periods between 1 and 1000 days and a brown dwarf ($m_c\in[13;80] M_{Jup}$) occurrence rate of $0.6_{-0.2}^{+1.4} \ \%$, in the same period range. In addition, we report a possible lack of close ($P\in[1;1000] days$) GPs around young F-K stars compared to their older counterparts, with a confidence level of 95%.

Antoine Pommerol, Nicolas Thomas, Miguel Almeida, Mattew Read, Patricio Becerra, Camila Cesar, Adomas Valantinas, Emanuele Simioni, Alfred S. McEwen, Jason Perry, Charlotte Marriner, Giovanni Munaretto, Maurizio Pajola, Livio L. Tornabene, Daniel Mège, Vania Da Deppo, Cristina Re, Gabriele Cremonese

The Colour and Stereo Surface Science Imaging System (CaSSIS) of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter returns on average twenty images per day of the Martian surface, most of them in 3 or 4 colours and some of them in stereo. CaSSIS uses a push-frame approach to acquire colour images, with four bandpass filters deposited directly above the sensor and an imaging cadence synchronized with the ground track velocity to cover the imaged area with tens of small, partially overlapping images. These "framelets" are later map-projected and mosaicked to build the final image. This approach offers both advantages and challenges in terms of radiometric calibration. While the collection of dark and flatfield frames is considerably enhanced by the frequent and fast acquisition of tens of successive images, mosaics assembled from the adjacent framelets highlight the straylight and changes in the bias of the detector. Both issues have been identified on CaSSIS images, with low intensities overall (up to a few percents), but sufficient to generate prominent artefacts on the final assembled colour images. We have therefore developed methods to correct these artefacts that are now included into the radiometric calibration pipeline. We detail here the different steps of the calibration procedure and the generation of the products used for calibration, and discuss the efficacy of the corrections. The relative uncertainties on the bias and flatfield frames are low, of the order of 0.2 and 0.1 percents, respectively. The uncertainty on the absolute radiometric calibration is of 3 percents, which is quite low for such an instrument. The straylight adds an estimated about 1 percent error to the absolute calibration. The residuals after corrections of the straylight and bias offsets are of the order of a few DNs to tens of DNs.

Enrique Mestre, Diego F. Torres, Emma de Oña Wilhelmi, Josep Martí

In press in MNRAS

The Cherenkov Telescope Array will provide the deepest survey of the Galactic Plane performed at very-high-energy gamma-rays. Consequently, this survey will unavoidably face the challenge of source confusion, i.e., the non-unique attribution of signal to a source due to multiple overlapping sources. Among the known populations of Galactic gamma-ray sources and given their extension and number, pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe, and PWN TeV halos) will be the most affected. We aim to probe source confusion of TeV PWNe in forthcoming CTA data. For this purpose, we performed and analyzed simulations of artificially confused PWNe with CTA. As a basis for our simulations, we applied our study to TeV data collected from the H.E.S.S. Galactic Plane Survey for ten extended and two point-like firmly identified PWNe, probing various configurations of source confusion involving different projected separations, relative orientations, flux levels, and extensions among sources. Source confusion, defined here to appear when the sum of the Gaussian width of two sources is larger than the separation between their centroids, occurred in $\sim$30% of the simulations. For this sample and 0.5$\deg$ of average separation between sources, we found that CTA can likely resolve up to 60% of those confused sources above 500 GeV. Finally, we also considered simulations of isolated extended sources to see how well they could be matched to a library of morphological templates. The outcome of the simulations indicates a remarkable capability (more than 95% of the cases studied) to match a simulation with the correct input template in its proper orientation.

Donatella Romano

83 pages, 19 figures. Invited review to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics Review

After hydrogen and helium, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen - hereinafter, the CNO elements - are the most abundant species in the universe. They are observed in all kinds of astrophysical environments, from the smallest to the largest scales, and are at the basis of all known forms of life, hence, the constituents of any biomarker. As such, their study proves crucial in several areas of contemporary astrophysics, extending to astrobiology. In this review, I will summarize current knowledge about CNO element evolution in galaxies, starting from our home, the Milky Way. After a brief recap of CNO synthesis in stars, I will present the comparison between chemical evolution model predictions and observations of CNO isotopic abundances and abundance ratios in stars and in gaseous matter. Such a comparison permits to constrain the modes and time scales of the assembly of galaxies and their stellar populations, as well as stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis theories. I will stress that chemical evolution models must be carefully calibrated against the wealth of abundance data available for the Milky Way before they can be applied to the interpretation of observational datasets for other systems. In this vein, I will also discuss the usefulness of some key CNO isotopic ratios as probes of the prevailing, galaxy-wide stellar initial mass function in galaxies where more direct estimates from starlight are unfeasible.

Wei-Yang Wang, Jin-Chen Jiang, Kejia Lee, Renxin Xu, Bing Zhang

11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Fast radio busts (FRBs) can exhibit a wide variety of polarisation properties, not only between sources but also from burst to burst for a same one. In this work, we revisit the polarisation characters of coherent curvature radiation from a bulk of charged bunches in the magnetosphere of a highly magnetized neutron star. FRBs have been observed to have a variety of polarisation features, such as high levels of circular polarisation or a sign change of circular polarisation. High linear polarisation would appear when the line of sight is inside the emission beam (the on-beam geometry), whereas high circular polarisation would be present when it is outside (the off-beam geometry). By considering two scenarios of the ``bulk shapes'' (thick vs. thin), we apply the model to explain the polarisation features of three repeating FRBs (FRB 20201124A, FRB 20190520B and FRB 20121102A). Most bursts are dominated by linear polarisation and negligible events have sign changes in circular polarisation, suggesting that such FRBs are most likely to be emitted by the ``thin'' bulks with large opening angles. The higher probability of ``thin'' bulks could be meaningful for understanding repeating FRB central engine, i.e., the sparking dynamics to produce different bulks of energetic bunches on a neutron star surface.

We propose a novel method to examine whether Galactic double neutron star binaries are formed in the LISA band. In our method, we assign an effective time fraction $\tau$ to each double neutron star binary detected by LISA. This fraction is given as a function of the observed orbital period and eccentricity and should be uniformly distributed in the absence of in-band binary formation. Applying statistical techniques such as the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test to the actual list of $\tau$, we can inspect the signature of the in-band binary formation. We discuss the prospects of this method, paying close attention to the available sample number of Galactic double neutron star binaries around 1mHz.

Courtney L. Crawford, Patrick Tisserand, Geoffrey C. Clayton, Jamie Soon, Mike Bessell, Peter Wood, D. A. Garcia-Hernandez

30 pages, 18 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Stellar spectral classification, and especially the Yerkes system, has been highly useful in the study of stars. While there is a currently accepted classification system for carbon stars, the subset of Hydrogen-deficient Carbon (HdC) stars has not been well described by such a system, due in part to their rarity and their variability. Here we present a new system for the classification of HdCs based on their spectra, which is made wholly on their observable appearance. We use a combination of dimensionality reduction and clustering algorithms with human classification to create such a system. We classify over half of the known sample of HdC stars using this, and roughly calibrate the temperatures of each class using their colors. Additionally, we express trends in the occurrence of certain spectral peculiarities such as the presence of Hydrogen and Lithium lines. We also present three previously unpublished spectra, and report the discovery of three new Galactic dustless HdC (dLHdC) stars and additionally discuss one especially unique star that appears to border between the hottest HdCs and the coolest Extreme Helium (EHe) stars.

L. Cardona-Torres, I. Aretxaga, A. Montaña, J. A. Zavala, S.M. Faber

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a demographic analysis of the physical and morphological properties of $450/850~\mu\rm m$-selected galaxies from the deep observations of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey in the Extended Groth Strip that are detected below the classical submillimeter-galaxy regime ($S_{850 \mu\rm m}\lesssim 6~\rm mJy$/beam) and compare them with a sample of optically-selected star-forming galaxies detected in the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey in the same field. We derive the evolution of the main sequence of star-forming galaxies, finding a steeper specific star formation rate versus stellar mass at $z>2.5$ than previous studies. Most faint submillimeter-galaxies fall within $3\sigma$ of the main sequence, but 40~per cent are classified as starbursts. Faint submillimeter galaxies have 50~per cent larger sizes at $2<z<3$ than optically-selected star-forming galaxies of the same mass range. This is also the redshift bin where we find the largest fraction of starbursts, and hence we could be witnessing merging processes, as confirmed by the preference for visual-morphology classifications of these systems as irregular disk galaxies and mergers. Both populations show an increment towards lower redshifts ($z<2$) of their concentration in $H$-band morphology, but faint submillimeter galaxies on average show larger concentration values at later times. These findings support the claim that faint submillimeter galaxies are mostly a population of massive dust-obscured disk-like galaxies that develop larger bulge components at later epochs. While the similarities are great, the median sizes, starburst numbers and $H$-band concentration of faint submillimeter galaxies differ from those of optically-selected star-forming galaxies of the same stellar mass.

Frederick A. Gent, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg, Nishant K. Singh

27 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables

Magnetic fields grow quickly, even at early cosmological times, suggesting the action of a small-scale dynamo (SSD) in the interstellar medium (ISM) of galaxies. Many studies have focused on idealized, isotropic, homogeneous, turbulent driving of the SSD. Here we analyze more realistic simulations of supernova-driven turbulence to understand how it drives an SSD. We find that SSD growth rates are intermittently variable as a result of the evolving multiphase ISM structure. Rapid growth in the magnetic field typically occurs in hot gas, with the highest overall growth rates occurring when the fractional volume of hot gas is large. SSD growth rates correlate most strongly with vorticity, which also correlates well with gas temperature. Rotational energy exceeds irrotational energy in all phases, but particularly in the hot phase while SSD growth is most rapid. Supernova (SN) rate does not significantly affect the ISM average kinetic energy density. Rather, higher temperatures associated with high SN rates tend to increase SSD growth rates. SSD saturates with total magnetic energy density around 5% of equipartition to kinetic energy density, increasing slightly with magnetic Prandtl number. While magnetic energy density in the hot gas can exceed that of the other phases when SSD grows most rapidly, it saturates below 5% of equipartition with kinetic energy in the hot gas, while in the cold gas it attains 100%. Fast, intermittent growth of the magnetic field appears to be a characteristic behavior of SN-driven, multiphase turbulence.

J.Tian, J.Hong, Y.Li, M.D.Ding

16 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. A&A accepted

Context. Radiative losses are an indispensable part in the numerical simulation of flares. Detailed calculations could be computationally expensive, especially in the chromosphere. There have been some approximate recipes for chromospheric radiative losses in flares, yet their feasibility in flare simulations needs further evaluation. Aims. We aim to evaluate the performance of different recipes for chromospheric radiative losses in flare simulations. Methods. We compare the atmospheric structure and line profiles in beam-heated flares calculated with detailed radiative losses and the approximate recipes. Results. Both GF90 and HCD22 recipes provide acceptable total radiative losses compared with detailed one, but there are discrepancies in the different atmospheric layers during the different evolutionary phases, which leads to misestimations of temperature and line intensity. The recipe of GF90 overestimates the coolings in the upper chromosphere greatly when temperature exceeds 10^5 K, which also affects the flare evolution and line asymmetries. Radiative heating in the middle chromosphere only functions in the initial stage and could be safely neglected. However, radiative heating from Lyman continuum could dominate near the transition region.

Patrick Tamburo, Philip S. Muirhead, Allison M. McCarthy, Murdock Hart, Johanna M. Vos, Eric Agol, Christopher Theissen, David Gracia, Daniella C. Bardalez Gagliuffi, Jacqueline Faherty

23 pages, 15 figures, accepted to AJ

We describe a new transit detection algorithm designed to detect single transit events in discontinuous Perkins INfrared Exosatellite Survey (PINES) observations of L and T dwarfs. We use this algorithm to search for transits in 131 PINES light curves and identify two transit candidates: 2MASS J18212815+1414010 (2MASS J1821+1414) and 2MASS J08350622+1953050 (2MASS J0835+1953). We disfavor 2MASS J1821+1414 as a genuine transit candidate due to the known variability properties of the source. We cannot rule out the planetary nature of 2MASS J0835+1953's candidate event and perform follow-up observations in an attempt to recover a second transit. A repeat event has yet to be observed, but these observations suggest that target variability is an unlikely cause of the candidate transit. We perform a Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation of the light curve and estimate a planet radius ranging from $4.2^{+3.5}_{-1.6}R_\oplus$ to $5.8^{+4.8}_{-2.1}R_\oplus$, depending on the host's age. Finally, we perform an injection and recovery simulation on our light curve sample. We inject planets into our data using measured M dwarf planet occurrence rates and attempt to recover them using our transit search algorithm. Our detection rates suggest that, assuming M dwarf planet occurrence rates, we should have roughly a 1$\%$ chance of detecting a candidate that could cause the transit depth we observe for 2MASS J0835+1953. If 2MASS J0835+1953 b is confirmed, it would suggest an enhancement in the occurrence of short-period planets around L and T dwarfs in comparison to M dwarfs, which would challenge predictions from planet formation models.

Gemma González-Torà, Markus Wittkowski, Ben Davies, Bertrand Plez

6 pages, 5 figures, to appear at the Proceedings of the IAUS370: Winds of stars and exoplanets. Eds: A. Vidotto and M. Smith-Spanier. Based on a contributed talk on preliminary work from Gonz\'alez-Tor\`a et al., submitted to A&A

Red supergiants (RSGs) are evolved massive stars in a stage preceding core-collapse supernova. Understanding evolved-phases of these cool stars is key to understanding the cosmic matter cycle of our Universe, since they enrich the cosmos with newly formed elements. However, the physical processes that trigger mass loss in their atmospheres are still not fully understood, and remain one of the key questions in stellar astrophysics. We use a new method to study the extended atmospheres of these cold stars, exploring the effect of a stellar wind for both a simple radiative equilibrium model and a semi-empirical model that accounts for a chromospheric temperature structure. We then can compute the intensities, fluxes and visibilities matching the observations for the different instruments at the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). Specifically, when comparing with the atmospheric structure of HD 95687 based on published VLTI/AMBER data, we find that our model can accurately match these observations in the Kband, showing the enormous potential of this methodology to reproduce extended atmospheres of RSGs.

M. D. Gorski, S. Aalto, S. König, C. Wethers, C. Yang, S. Muller, S. Viti, J. H. Black, K. Onishi, M. Sato

17 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics

Compact Obscured Nuclei (CONs) account for a significant fraction of the population of luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs). These galaxy nuclei are compact, with radii of 10-100~pc, with large optical depths at submm and far-infrared wavelengths, and characterized by vibrationally excited HCN emission. It is not known what powers the large luminosities of the CON host galaxies because of the extreme optical depths towards their nuclei. CONs represent an extreme phase of nuclear growth, hiding either a rapidly accreting supermassive black hole or an abnormal mode of star formation. Here we apply principal component analysis (PCA) tomography to high-resolution (0.06$^{\prime\prime}$) ALMA observations at frequencies 245 to 265~GHz of the nearby CON (59~Mpc) IC~860. PCA is a technique to unveil correlation in the data parameter space, and we apply it to explore the morphological and chemical properties of species in our dataset. The leading principal components reveal morphological features in molecular emission that suggest a rotating, infalling disk or envelope, and an outflow analogous to those seen in Galactic protostars. One particular molecule of astrochemical interest is methanimine (CH$_2$NH), a precursor to glycine, three transitions of which have been detected towards IC 860. We estimate the average CH$_2$NH column density towards the nucleus of IC~860 to be $\sim10^{17}$cm$^{-2}$, with an abundance exceeding $10^{-8}$ relative to molecular hydrogen, using the rotation diagram method and non-LTE radiative transfer models. This CH$_2$NH abundance is consistent with those found in hot cores of molecular clouds in the Milky Way. Our analysis suggests that CONs are an important stage of chemical evolution in galaxies, that are chemically and morphologically similar to Milky Way hot cores.

Runa Briguglio, Marco Xompero, Armando Riccardi

50 pages. Final report released for the project "Development and test of a new CGH-based technique with automated calibration for future large format Adaptive-Optics Mirrors", funded under the INAF -TecnoPRIN 2010. Published by INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri. ISBN: 978-88-908876-1-1

Adaptive (or deformable) mirrors are widely used as wavefront correctors in adaptive optics systems. The optical calibration of an adaptive mirror is a fundamental step during its life-cycle: the process is in facts required to compute a set of known commands to operate the adaptive optics system, to compensate alignment and non common-path aberrations, to run chopped or field-stabilized acquisitions. In this work we present the sequence of operations for the optical calibration of adaptive mirrors, with a specific focus on large aperture systems such as the adaptive secondaries. Such systems will be one of the core components of the extremely large telescopes. Beyond presenting the optical procedures, we discuss in detail the actors, their functional requirements and the mutual interactions. A specific emphasys is put on automation, through a clear identification of inputs, outputs and quality indicators for each step: due to a high degrees-of-freedom count (thousands of actuators), an automated approach is preferable to constraint the cost and schedule. In the end we present some algorithms for the evaluation of the measurement noise; this point is particularly important since the calibration setup is typically a large facility in an industrial environment, where the noise level may be a major show-stopper.

F. R. Donnan, I. García-Bernete, D. Rigopoulou, M. Pereira-Santaella, A. Alonso-Herrero, P. F. Roche, A. Hernán-Caballero, H. W. W. Spoon

15 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We present a spectroscopic analysis of the heavily obscured nucleus and the surrounding environment of the eastern region of the nearby ($z = 0.02007$) interacting galaxy VV 114 with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI). We model the spectrum from 4.9 - 28 $\mu$m to extract Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission and the underlying obscured continuum. We find that the NE nucleus (A) is highly obscured where the low PAH equivalent width (EW) ratio, EW(12.7)/EW(11.3), reveals a dust enshrouded continuum source. This is confirmed by decomposing the continuum into nuclear and star-forming where the nuclear component is found to be typical of Compact Obscured Nuclei (CONs). The 11.3/6.2 PAH flux ratio is consistent with originating in star-forming regions rather than typical AGN. The second nucleus (B) is much less obscured, with PAH flux ratios also typical of star-forming regions. We do not detect any high ionisation lines such as [Ne V] or [Ne VI] which suggests that if an AGN is present it must be highly obscured. Additionally, we detect a shock front south of the secondary nucleus (B) in the [Fe II] (5.34 $\mu$m) line and in warm molecular hydrogen. The 6.2 PAH emission does not spatially coincide with the low-J transitions of H$_2$ but rather appears strong at the shock front which may suggest destruction of the ionised PAHs in the post-shock gas behind the shock front.

Hengxing Pan, Matt J. Jarvis, Mario G. Santos, Natasha Maddox, Bradley S. Frank, Anastasia A. Ponomareva, Isabella Prandoni, Sushma Kurapati, Maarten Baes, Pavel E. Mancera Piña, Giulia Rodighiero, Martin J. Meyer, Romeel Davé, Gauri Sharma, Sambatriniaina H. A. Rajohnson, Nathan J. Adams, Rebecca A. A. Bowler, Francesco Sinigaglia, Thijs van der Hulst, Peter W. Hatfield, Srikrishna Sekhar

14 pages, submitted to MNRAS

We measure the $M_{\rm HI}-M_{\star}$ relation over the last billion years down to $M_{\rm HI}\sim 10^7 M_{\odot}$ using the MIGHTEE Early Science data with a Bayesian technique. This technique is applied to the HI detections, without binning the datasets, while taking account of the intrinsic scatter in the $M_{\rm HI}-M_{\star}$ relation. We divide the full sample of 249 galaxies into 161 spirals, 64 irregulars, 15 mergers, and 9 elliptical galaxies to measure their $M_{\rm HI}-M_{\star}$ relations. We fit this relation with both linear and non-linear models, and find that the non-linear model is preferred over the linear one for the full HI-selected sample with a measured transition stellar mass of $\log_{10}(M_\star$/$M_{\odot})$ = $9.15^{+0.8}_{-0.95}$, beyond which the measured slope flattens. This finding supports the view that the lack of HI gas is ultimately responsible for the decreasing star formation rate observed in the massive main sequence galaxies. For the spiral galaxies alone, which are biased towards those galaxies with the highest stellar masses in our sample, the slope beyond the transition mass is shallower than for the full sample, indicative of distinct gas processes ongoing for the spirals/high-mass galaxies from other types of galaxies with lower stellar masses. We also observe a moderate evolution of the $M_{\rm HI}-M_{\star}$ relation when splitting our samples into two redshift bins over the last billion years, which can largely be attributed to the effect of sample selection and hence highlights the potential of the full MIGHTEE survey.

Baikal-GVD is a large ($\sim$ 1 km$^3$) underwater neutrino telescope installed in the fresh waters of Lake Baikal. The deep lake water environment is pervaded by background light, which produces detectable signals in the Baikal-GVD photosensors. We introduce a neural network for an efficient separation of these noise hits from the signal ones, stemming from the propagation of relativistic particles through the detector. The neural network has a U-net like architecture and employs temporal (causal) structure of events. On Monte-Carlo simulated data, it reaches 99% signal purity (precision) and 98% survival efficiency (recall). The benefits of using neural network for data analysis are discussed, and other possible architectures of neural networks, including graph based, are examined.

L. K. Dewangan, N. K. Bhadari, A. K. Maity, Rakesh Pandey, Saurabh Sharma, T. Baug, C. Eswaraiah

15 pages, 8 figures; Accepted for publication in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (JOAA)

To investigate the star formation process, we present a multi-wavelength study of a massive star-forming site RAFGL 5085, which has been associated with the molecular outflow, HII region, and near-infrared cluster. The continuum images at 12, 250, 350, and 500 $\mu$m show a central region (having M$_{\rm clump}$ $\sim$225 M$_{\odot}$) surrounded by five parsec-scale filaments, revealing a hub-filament system (HFS). In the {\it Herschel} column density ($N({{\rm{H}}}_{2})$) map, filaments are identified with higher aspect ratios (length/diameter) and lower $N({{\rm{H}}}_{2})$ values ($\sim$0.1--2.4 $\times$10$^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$), while the central hub is found with a lower aspect ratio and higher $N({{\rm{H}}}_{2})$ values ($\sim$3.5--7.0 $\times$10$^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$). The central hub displays a temperature range of [19, 22.5]~K in the {\it Herschel} temperature map, and is observed with signatures of star formation (including radio continuum emission). The JCMT $^{13}$CO(J= 3--2) line data confirm the presence of the HFS and its hub is traced with supersonic and non-thermal motions having higher Mach number and lower thermal to non-thermal pressure ratio. In the $^{13}$CO position-velocity diagrams, velocity gradients along the filaments toward the HFS appear to be observed, suggesting the gas flow in the RAFGL 5085 HFS and the applicability of the clump-fed scenario.

N. Sahakyan, D. Israyelyan, G. Harutyunyan, S. Gasparyan, V. Vardanyan, M. Khachatryan

Accepted for publication in MNRAS; doi.org/10.1093/mnras/stac2875

We present long-term multiwavelength observations of blazar CTA 102 ($z=1.037$). Detailed temporal and spectral analyses of $\gamma$-ray, X-ray and UV/optical data observed by {\it Fermi}-LAT, Swift XRT, NuSTAR and Swift-UVOT over a period of 14 years, between August 2008 and March 2022, was performed. We found strong variability of source emission in all the considered bands, especially in the $\gamma$-ray band it exhibited extreme outbursts when the flux crossed the level of $10^{-5}\:{\rm photon\:cm^{-2}\:s^{-1}}$. Using the Bayesian Blocks algorithm, we split the adaptively binned $\gamma$-ray light curve into 347 intervals of quiescent and flaring episodes and for each period built corresponding multiwavelength spectral energy distributions (SEDs), using the available data. Among the considered SEDs, 117 high-quality (quasi) contemporaneous SEDs which have sufficient multiwavelength data, were modeled using JetSeT framework within a one-zone leptonic synchrotron and inverse Compton emission scenario assuming the emitting region is within the broad-line-region and considering internal and external seed photons for the inverse Compton up-scattering. As a result of modeling, the characteristics of the relativistic electron distribution in the jet as well as jet properties are retrieved and their variation in time is investigated. The applied model can adequately explain the assembled SEDs and the modelling shows that the data in the bright flaring periods can be reproduced for high Doppler boosting and magnetic field. The obtained results are discussed in the context of particle cooling in the emitting region.

Stuart D.Ryder, Keith W. Bannister, S. Bhandari, A. T. Deller, R. D. Ekers, Marcin Glowacki, Alexa C. Gordon, Kelly Gourdji, C. W. James, Charles D. Kilpatrick, Wenbin Lu, Lachlan Marnoch, V. A. Moss, J. Xavier Prochaska, Hao Qiu, Elaine M. Sadler, Sunil Simha, Mawson W. Sammons, Danica R. Scott, Nicolas Tejos, R. M. Shannon

40 pages

Fast radio bursts are millisecond-duration pulses of radio emission that have been found to originate at extragalactic distances. The bursts show dispersion imparted by intervening plasma, with the bulk attributed to the intergalactic medium. Here we report the discovery of a burst, FRB20220610A, in a complex host galaxy system at a redshift of $z=1.016 \pm 0.002$. The relationship between its redshift and dispersion confirm that the bulk of the baryonic matter was ionized and in the intergalactic medium when the universe was almost half its present age. The burst shows evidence for passage through a significant additional column of turbulent and magnetized high-redshift plasma. It extends the maximum observed burst energy by a factor of four, confirming the presence of an energetic burst population at high redshift.

Ling-Lin Zheng, Mouyuan Sun, Wei-Min Gu, Tuan Yi, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Pei Wang, Junfeng Wang, Jianfeng Wu, Song Wang, Jia Zhang, Chun-Qian Li, Jian-Rong Shi, Yong Shao, Xiang-Dong Li, Jin-Bo Fu, Fan Yang, Zhongrui Bai, Yu Bai, Haotong Zhang, Jifeng Liu

35 pages, 8 figures, to be submitted

Recent studies have revealed the global deposition on Earth of radioactive elements (e.g., $^{60}$Fe) resulting from the metal-enriched ejecta of nearby (within $\sim 100$ pc) supernova explosions. The majority of neutron stars in our Solar neighborhood remain to be discovered. Here we report the discovery of the nearest ($127.7 \pm 0.3$ pc) neutron star candidate in the single-lined spectroscopic binary LAMOST J235456.76+335625.7 (hereafter J2354). Utilizing the multi-epoch spectra and high-cadence periodic light curves, we measure the mass of the visible star ($M_{\rm vis}=0.70\pm 0.05\ M_{\odot}$) and determine the mass function of the invisible object $f(M)=0.525 \pm 0.004\ M_{\odot}$, i.e., the mass of the unseen compact object is $M_{\rm inv} \geq 1.26 \pm 0.03\ M_{\odot}$. The excess UV emission due to a hot supramassive white dwarf is absent. Hence, it is likely that J2354 harbors a neutron star. J2354 is X-ray dim (the $0.1$--$2.4$ keV luminosity $<10^{30}\ {\rm erg\ s^{-1}}$) since it is not detected in the ROSAT all-sky surveys in X-ray. One-hour exceptionally sensitive radio follow-up observations with FAST, the largest single-dish radio telescope, failed to reveal any radio pulsating signals (the potential pulse power at $1.4$ GHz is $<6.8\times 10^{23}\ {\rm erg\ s^{-1}}$). Hence, the neutron star candidate in J2354 can only be discovered via our time-resolved observations. The alternative scenario involving a nearby supramassive cold white dwarf cannot be fully excluded. Our discovery demonstrates a promising way to unveil the missing population of backyard inactive neutron stars or supramassive cold white dwarfs in binaries by exploring the optical time domain, thereby facilitating understanding of the supernovae explosion and metal-enrichment history in our Solar neighborhood.

The formation of the first stars and galaxies during 'Cosmic Dawn' is thought to have imparted a faint signal onto the 21-cm spin temperature from atomic Hydrogen gas in the early Universe. Observationally, an absorption feature should be measurable as a frequency-dependence in the sky-averaged (i.e. global) temperature at meter wavelengths. This signal should be separable from the smooth -- but orders of magnitude brighter -- foregrounds by jointly fitting a log-polynomial and absorption trough to radiometer spectra. A majority of approaches to measure the global 21-cm signal use radiometer systems on dipole-like antennas. Here, we argue that beamforming-based methods may allow radio arrays to measure the global 21-cm signal. We simulate an end-to-end drift-scan observation of the radio sky at 50--100 MHz using a zenith-phased array, and find that the complex sidelobe structure introduces a significant frequency-dependent systematic. However, the {\lambda}/D evolution of the beam width with frequency does not confound detection. We conclude that a beamformed array with a median sidelobe level around 50 dB below the main beam may offer an alternative method to measure the global 21-cm signal. This level is achievable by arrays with O(10^5) antennas.

Dominic Anstey, Eloy de Lera Acedo, Will Handley

19 pages, 19 figures

Global 21cm cosmology aims to investigate the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionisation by measuring the sky averaged HI absorption signal, which requires, accurate modelling of, or correction for, the bright radio foregrounds and distortions arising from chromaticity of the antenna beam. We investigate the effect of improving foreground modelling by fitting data sets from many observation times simultaneously in a single Bayesian analysis, fitting for the same parameter set by performing these fits on simulated data. We find that for a hexagonal dipole antenna, this simultaneous fitting produces a significant improvement in the accuracy of the recovered 21cm signal, relative to fitting a time average of the data. Furthermore, the recovered models of the foreground are also seen to become more accurate by up to a factor of $\sim$2-3 relative to time averaged fitting. For a less chromatic log spiral antenna, no significant improvement in signal recovery was found by this process. However, the modelling of the foregrounds was still significantly improved. We also investigate extending this technique to fit multiple data sets from different antennae simultaneously for the same parameters. This is also found to improve both 21cm signal and foreground modelling, to a higher degree than fitting data set from multiple times from the same antenna.

E. Franciosini, S. Randich, P. de Laverny, K. Biazzo, D.K. Feuillet, A. Frasca, K. Lind, L. Prisinzano, G. Tautvaišienė, A.C. Lanzafame, R. Smiljanic, A. Gonneau, L. Magrini, E. Pancino, G. Guiglion, G.G. Sacco, N. Sanna, G. Gilmore, P. Bonifacio, R.D. Jeffries, G. Micela, T. Prusti, E.J. Alfaro, T. Bensby, A. Bragaglia, P. François, A.J. Korn, S. Van Eck, A. Bayo, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, U. Heiter, A. Hourihane, P. Jofré, J. Lewis, C. Martayan, L. Monaco, L. Morbidelli, C.C. Worley, S. Zaggia

15 pages, 15 figures. Accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey that was carried out using the multi-object FLAMES spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope. The survey provides accurate radial velocities, stellar parameters, and elemental abundances for ~115,000 stars in all Milky Way components. In this paper we describe the method adopted in the final data release to derive lithium equivalent widths (EWs) and abundances. Lithium EWs were measured using two different approaches for FGK and M-type stars, to account for the intrinsic differences in the spectra. For FGK stars, we fitted the lithium line using Gaussian components, while direct integration over a predefined interval was adopted for M-type stars. Care was taken to ensure continuity between the two regimes. Abundances were derived using a new set of homogeneous curves of growth that were derived specifically for GES, and which were measured on a synthetic spectral grid consistently with the way the EWs were measured. The derived abundances were validated by comparison with those measured by other analysis groups using different methods. Lithium EWs were measured for ~40,000 stars, and abundances could be derived for ~38,000 of them. The vast majority of the measures (80%) have been obtained for stars in open cluster fields. The remaining objects are stars in globular clusters, or field stars in the Milky Way disc, bulge, and halo. The GES dataset of homogeneous lithium abundances described here will be valuable for our understanding of several processes, from stellar evolution and internal mixing in stars at different evolutionary stages to Galactic evolution.

Ph. André, P. Palmeirim, D. Arzoumanian

8 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters

Herschel studies suggest that nearby (d < 500 pc) molecular filaments have a typical half-power width ~0.1pc, but this finding has been questioned on the ground that the measured widths tend to increase with distance. Here we revisit the dependence of measured filament widths on distance or equivalently spatial resolution, in an effort to determine whether nearby molecular filaments have a characteristic half-power width or whether this is an artifact of the finite resolution of the Herschel data. We perform a convergence test on the B211/213 filament in Taurus, by degrading the resolution of the Herschel data several times and re-estimating the filament width from the resulting column density profiles. We also compare the widths measured for the Taurus filament and other filaments from the Herschel Gould Belt survey to those found for synthetic filaments with various types of simple, idealized column density profiles. We find that the measured filament widths do increase slightly as the spatial resolution worsens and/or the distance to the filaments increases. However, this trend is entirely consistent with what is expected from simple beam convolution for filaments with density profiles that are Plummer-like and have intrinsic half-power diameters ~0.08-0.1 pc and logarithmic slopes 1.5 < p < 2.5 at large radii, as observed in many cases including the Taurus filament. Due to the presence of background noise fluctuations, deconvolution of the measured widths from the telescope beam quickly becomes inaccurate. We conclude that the typical half-power filament width ~0.1 pc measured with Herschel in nearby clouds most likely reflects the presence of a true common scale in the filamentary structure of the cold interstellar medium, at least in the solar neighborhood. We suggest that this common scale may correspond to the magnetized turbulent correlation length in molecular clouds.

Ansgar Wehrhahn, Nikolai Piskunov, Tanja Ryabchikova

23 pages, 13 figures, code is available on this https URL

The characterization of exoplanet requires reliable determination of the fundamental parameters of their host stars. Spectral fitting plays an important role in this process. For the majority of stellar parameters matching synthetic spectra to the observations provides a robust and unique solution for fundamental parameters, such as effective temperature, surface gravity, abundances, radial and rotational velocities and others. Here we present a new software package for fitting high resolution stellar spectra that is easy to use, available for common platforms and free from commercial licenses. We call it PySME. It is based on the proven Spectroscopy Made Easy (later referred to as IDL SME or "original SME") package. The IDL part of the original SME code has been rewritten in Python, but we kept the efficient C++ and FORTRAN code responsible for molecular-ionization equilibrium, opacities and spectral synthesis. In the process we have updated some components of the optimization procedure offering more flexibility and better analysis of the convergence. The result is a more modern package with the same functionality of the original SME. We apply PySME to a few stars of different spectral types and compared the derived fundamental parameters with the results from IDL SME and other techniques. We show that PySME works at least as well as the original SME.

E. Carli, L. Levin, B. W. Stappers, E. D. Barr, R. P. Breton, S. Buchner, M. Burgay, M. Kramer, P. V. Padmanabh, A. Possenti, V. Venkatraman Krishnan, J. Behrend, D. J. Champion, W. Chen, Y. P. Men

7 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

The TRAPUM collaboration has used the MeerKAT telescope to conduct a search for pulsed radio emission from the young Small Magellanic Cloud pulsar J0058-7218 located in the supernova remnant IKT 16, following its discovery in X-rays with XMM-Newton. We report no significant detection of dispersed, pulsed radio emission from this source in three 2-hour L-band observations using the core dishes of MeerKAT, setting an upper limit of 7.0 {\mu}Jy on its mean flux density at 1284 MHz. This is nearly 7 times deeper than previous radio searches for this pulsar in Parkes L-band observations. This suggests that the radio emission of PSR J0058-7218 is not beamed towards Earth or that PSR J0058-7218 is similar to a handful of Pulsar Wind Nebulae systems that have a very low radio efficiency, such as PSR B0540-6919, the Large Magellanic Cloud Crab pulsar analogue. We have also searched for bright, dispersed, single radio pulses and found no candidates above a fluence of 93 mJy ms at 1284 MHz.

Genoveva Micheva, Martin M. Roth, Peter M. Weilbacher, Christophe Morisset, N. Castro, A. Monreal Ibero, Azlizan A. Soemitro, Michael V. Maseda, Matthias Steinmetz, Jarle Brinchmann

Accepted in A&A

There are known differences between the physical properties of HII and diffuse ionized gas (DIG), but most of the studied regions in the literature are relatively bright. We compiled a faint sample of 390 HII regions with median $\log_{10}H\alpha$=34.7 in the spiral galaxy NGC300, derived their physical properties in terms of metallicity, density, extinction, and kinematics, and performed a comparative analysis of the properties of the DIG. We used MUSE data of nine fields in NGC300, covering a galactocentric distance of zero to ~450 arcsec (~4 projected kpc), including spiral arm and inter-arm regions. We binned the data in dendrogram leaves and extracted all strong nebular emission lines. We identified HII and DIG regions and compared their electron densities, metallicity, extinction, and kinematic properties. We also tested the effectiveness of unsupervised machine-learning algorithms in distinguishing between the HII and DIG regions. The gas density in the HII and DIG regions is close to the low-density limit in all fields. The average velocity dispersion in the DIG is higher than in the HII regions, which can be explained by the DIG being 1.8 kK hotter than HII gas. The DIG manifests a lower ionization parameter than HII gas, and the DIG fractions vary between 15-77%, with strong evidence of a contribution by hot low-mass evolved stars and shocks to the DIG ionization. Most of the DIG is consistent with no extinction and an oxygen metallicity that is indistinguishable from that of the HII gas.We observe a flat metallicity profile in the central region, without a sign of a gradient. The differences between extremely faint HII and DIG regions follow the same trends and correlations as their much brighter cousins. HII and DIG are so heterogeneous, however, that the differences within each class are larger than the differences between the two classes.

Linda Blot, Pier Stefano Corasaniti, Fabian Schmidt

35 pages, 18 figures, submitted to JCAP

Upcoming large-scale-structure surveys can shed new light on the properties of dark energy. In particular, if dark energy is a dynamical component, it must have spatial perturbations. Their behaviour is regulated by the speed of sound parameter, which is currently unconstrained. In this work we present the numerical methods that will allow to perform cosmological simulations of inhomogeneous dark energy scenarios where the speed of sound is small and non-vanishing. We treat the dark energy component as an effective fluid and build upon established numerical methods for hydrodynamics to construct a numerical solution of the effective continuity and Euler equations. In particular, we develop conservative finite volume schemes that rely on the solution of the Riemann problem, which we provide here in both exact and approximate forms for the case of a dark energy fluid.

M. Biagetti, G. Franciolini, A. Riotto

10 pages, 4 figures

Several bright and massive galaxy candidates at high redshifts have been recently observed by the James Webb Space Telescope. Such early massive galaxies seem difficult to reconcile with standard $\Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter model predictions. We discuss under which circumstances such observed massive galaxy candidates can be explained by introducing primordial non-Gaussianity in the initial conditions of the cosmological perturbations.

Matthew Selwood, Giorgio Calderone, Sotiria Fotopoulou, Malcolm Bremer

19 pages, 19 figures, 2 appendices. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Driven by the imminent need to rapidly process and classify millions of AGN spectra drawn from next generation astronomical facilities, we present a spectral fitting routine for Type 2 AGN spectra optimised for high volume processing, using the Quasar Spectral Fitting library (QSFit). We analyse an optically selected sample of 813 luminous Type 2 AGN spectra at $z < 0.83$ from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) to qualify its performance. We report a median narrow line H$\alpha$/H$\beta$ Balmer decrement of 4.5$\pm$0.8, alluding to the presence of dust in the narrow line region (NLR). We publish a specialised QSFit fitting routine for high signal to noise ratio spectra and general fitting routine for double peaked Type 2 AGN spectra applied on a sub-sample of 45 spectra from our parent sample. We report a median red and blue peak velocity separation of 390$\pm$60kms$^{-1}$. No trend is found for red or blue peaks to exhibit systematically different luminosity or ionization properties. Emission line diagnostics show that the double peaks in all sources are illuminated by an AGN-powered ionizing continuum. Finally, we examine the morphology of host galaxies of our double peaked sample. We find double peaked Type 2 AGN reside in merging systems at a comparable frequency to single peaked AGN. This suggests that the double peaked AGN phenomenon is likely to have a bi-conical outflow origin in the majority of cases. We publicly release the code used for spectral analysis and produced catalogues used in this work.

G. Di Sciascio, INFN - Roma Tor Vergata (Italy)

Invited Talk to 21st International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2022

A shower array exploiting the full coverage approach with a high segmentation of the readout allow to image the front of atmospheric showers with unprecedented resolution and detail. The grid distance determines the energy threshold (small energy showers are lost in the gap between detectors) and the quality of the shower sampling. Therefore, this experimental solution is needed to detect showers with a threshold in the 100 GeV range. The full coverage approach has been exploited in the ARGO-YBJ experiment. In this contribution we will summarise the advantages of this technique and discuss possible applications in new wide field of view detectors.

Stefano Torniamenti

6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 362 "The Predictive Power of Computational Astrophysics as a Discovery Tool", 2022

Most stars form in clumpy and sub-structured clusters. These properties also emerge in hydro-dynamical simulations of star-forming clouds, which provide a way to generate realistic initial conditions for $N-$body runs of young stellar clusters. However, producing large sets of initial conditions by hydro-dynamical simulations is prohibitively expensive in terms of computational time. We introduce a novel technique for generating new initial conditions from a given sample of hydro-dynamical simulations, at a tiny computational cost. In particular, we apply a hierarchical clustering algorithm to learn a tree representation of the spatial and kinematic relations between stars, where the leaves represent the single stars and the nodes describe the structure of the cluster at larger and larger scales. This procedure can be used as a basis for the random generation of new sets of stars, by simply modifying the global structure of the stellar cluster, while leaving the small-scale properties unaltered.

R. de la Fuente Marcos, C. de la Fuente Marcos

10 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Context. Most flybys in the Galactic disk are distant, beyond 10,000 AU, and have characteristic velocities of about 70 km/s. However, deep and fast encounters also take place, albeit with lower probability, particularly if one of the objects involved is a stellar remnant ejected during a supernova. WD 0810-353 might be a high velocity white dwarf, and it was recently identified as heading straight for the Solar System; however, the Gaia DR3 data that support its future deep and fast flyby are regarded as suspicious. Aims. Here, we reanalyze the Gaia DR3 data set associated with WD 0810-353 to confirm or reject the reality of its Solar System flyby and also to investigate its possible runaway status. Methods. We studied the evolution of WD 0810-353 forward in time using N-body simulations. We computed the distribution of distances of closest approach and their associated times of perihelion passage. We used a statistical analysis of the kinematics of this object to assess its possible hypervelocity. We compared its mean BP/RP spectrum to those of other well-studied white dwarfs. Results. We confirm that WD 0810-353 is headed for the Solar System, but the actual parameters of the encounter depend strongly on its radial velocity. The Gaia DR3 value of -373.74+/-8.18 km/s is strongly disfavored by our analyses. Its mean BP/RP spectrum suggests a value over ten times higher based on the position of its putative Halpha line. However, spectral matching using other white dwarfs with non-Gaia data indicate a radial velocity in the interval (-60, -70) km/s. Conclusions. These results confirm the future flyby of WD 0810-353 near the Solar System, although the relative velocity could be high enough or the minimum approach distance large enough to preclude any significant perturbation on the Oort cloud.

We present a new probe of purely gravitationally coupled sectors with large anisotropies. These anisotropies are damped via gravitational interactions with the baryon-photon fluid, which is heated up in the process. The injected heat causes measurable distortions of the cosmic microwave background spectrum. We give analytic estimates for the size of the distortions and outline how to calculate them from first principles. These methods are applied to anisotropies in the form of a domain wall/cosmic string network or caused by a first order phase transition or scalar field dynamics. We find that this method can potentially probe large regions of previously unconstrained parameter space and is very much complementary to up-coming searches of gravitational waves caused by such dark sectors.

We have proposed that galaxy formation is catalyzed by the collision of infalling and outstreaming particles from leaky, horizonless ``black'' holes. This gives an estimate of the local ($z \sim 0$) disk galaxy scale length as $ \ell \sim (\pi a_0^2 \rho_H)^{-1} \simeq 3.2\, {\rm kpc}$, where $a_0$ is the Bohr radius and $\rho_H$ is the density of atomic hydrogen in the proto-galactic region. This formula is in good agreement with observation, and suggests that the scale size of galaxies is fundamentally a property of atomic hydrogen. When scaled back to the early universe at redshift $z\simeq 11$, this formula predicts a very small disk galaxy scale length of $3200/(12^3) \sim 2\, pc$, which would correspond to galaxies seen as single pixels in the James Webb Space Telescope. With this prediction in mind, we suggest a possible method for estimating the diameter of sub-pixel sized galaxies by observing their transit between adjacent pixels.

Black holes play a pivotal role in the foundations of physics, but there is an alarming discrepancy between what is considered to be a black hole in observational astronomy and theoretical studies. Despite recent claims to the contrary, we argue that identifying the observed astrophysical black hole candidates as genuine black holes is not justified based on the currently available observational data, and elaborate on the necessary evidence required to support such a remarkable claim. In addition, we investigate whether the predictions of semiclassical gravity are equally compatible with competing theoretical models, and find that semiclassical arguments favor horizonless configurations.

Francesco D'Eramo

9 pages, 4 figures - Invited Plenary Talk at the 14th International Conference on the Identification of Dark Matter (IDM 2022), 18-22 July 2022, Vienna (Austria)

The Peccei-Quinn solution to the strong CP problem provides a motivated framework rich in cosmological consequence. Thermal axion production is unavoidable if there is a thermal bath at early times. Scattering and decay processes of bath particles can dump relativistic axions in the primordial plasma, and they can leave observable signatures in cosmological observables probing both the early and the late universe if produced with a significant abundance. We present recent and significant improvements for the calculation of the axion production rate for different scenarios and apply these results to predict the abundance of produced axions. Finally, we provide updated cosmological bounds on the QCD axion mass.

The paper is a sequel to our previous work (Zhang et al. Phys. Rev. D 103, 062001 (2021)). For proposed geocentric space-based gravitational wave detectors such as TianQin, gLISA, and GADFLI, the gravity-field disturbances, i.e., the so called ``orbital noise'', from the Earth-Moon system on the sensitive intersatellite laser interferometric measurements should be carefully evaluated and taken into account in the concept studies. Based on TianQin, we investigate how the effect, in terms of frequency spectra, varies with different choices of orbital orientations and radii through single-variable studies, and present the corresponding roll-off frequencies that may set the lower bounds of the targeted detection bands. The results, including the special cases of geostationary orbits (gLISA/GADFLI) and repeat orbits, can provide a useful input to orbit and constellation design for future geocentric missions.

Kalpesh Ghag, Anil Raghav, Zubair Shaikh, Georgios Nicolaou, Omkar Dhamane, Utsav Panchal

Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) and High Speed Streams (HSSs) are noteworthy drivers of disturbance of interplanetary space. Interaction between them can cause several phenomena, such as; generation of waves, enhanced geo-effectiveness, particle acceleration, etc. However, how does thermodynamic properties vary during the ICME-HSS interaction remain an open problem. In this study, we investigated the polytropic behavior of plasma during an ICME-HSS interaction observed by STEREO and Wind spacecraft. We find that the ICME observed by the STEREO-A has polytropic index $\alpha = 1.0$, i.e., exhibiting isothermal process. Moreover, Wind spacecraft observed the HSS region, non-interacting ICME, and ICME-HSS interaction region. During each regions we found $\alpha$=1.8, $\alpha$=0.7, and $\alpha$=2.5, respectively. It implies that the HSS region exhibits a nearly adiabatic behaviour, ICME region is closely isothermal, and the ICME-HSS interaction region exhibits super-adiabatic behaviour. The insufficient expansion of the ICME due to the interaction with HSS triggers the system for heating and cooling mechanisms which dependent on the degrees of freedom of plasma components.

Carlos A. Bertulani, Francis W. Hall, Benjami I. Santoyo

9 pages, 7 figures, to be published

The Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) model is a cornerstone for the understanding of the evolution of the early universe, making seminal predictions that are in outstanding agreement with the present observation of light element abundances in the universe. Perhaps, the only remaining issue to be solved by theory is the so-called "lithium abundance problem". Dedicated experimental efforts to measure the relevant nuclear cross sections used as input of the model have lead to an increased level of accuracy in the prediction of the light element primordial abundances. The rise of indirect experimental techniques during the preceding few decades has permitted the access of reaction information beyond the limitations of direct measurements. New theoretical developments have also opened a fertile ground for tests of physics beyond the standard model of atomic, nuclear, statistics, and particle physics. We review the latest contributions of our group for possible solutions of the lithium problem.

A precise and model-independent determination of the neutron distribution radius $R_{\rm n}$ and thus the neutron skin thickness $R_{\rm skin}$ of atomic nuclei is of fundamental importance in nuclear physics, particle physics and astrophysics but remains a big challenge in terrestrial labs. We argue that the nearby core-collapse supernova (CCSN) in our Galaxy may render a neutrino flux with unprecedentedly high luminosity, offering perfect opportunity to determine the $R_{\rm n}$ and $R_{\rm skin}$ through the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CE$\nu$NS). We evaluate the potential of determining the $R_{\rm n}$ of lead (Pb) via CE$\nu$NS with the nearby CCSN neutrinos in the RES-NOVA project which is designed to hunt CCSN neutrinos using an array of archaeological Pb based cryogenic detectors. We find that an ultimate precision of $\sim 0.1 \%$ for the $R_{\rm n}$ ($\sim 0.006$ fm for the $R_{\rm skin}$) of Pb can be achieved via RES-NOVA if the CCSN explosion were to occur at a distance of $\sim 1$ kpc from the Earth.

Gravitational wave bursts are transient signals distinct from compact binary mergers that arise from a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena. Because most of these phenomena are poorly modeled, the use of traditional search methods such as matched filtering is excluded. Bursts include short ($<$10 seconds) and long (from 10 to a few hundreds of seconds) duration signals for which the detection is constrained by environmental and instrumental transient noises called glitches. Glitches contaminate burst searches, reducing the amount of useful data and limiting the sensitivity of current algorithms. It is therefore of primordial importance to locate and distinguish them from potential burst signals. In this paper, we propose to train a convolutional neural network to detect glitches in the time-frequency space of the cross-correlated LIGO noise. We show that our network is retrieving more than 95$\%$ of the glitches while being trained only on a subset of the existing glitch classes highlighting the sensitivity of the network to completely new glitch classes.

Based on mathematically rigorous analysis of nonlinear differential equations studied in our companion article [1], we construct a model which describes the \textit{nonlinear} gravitational instability on a local portion of the universe characterized by the expanding Newtonian universe. In this portion, the perturbations are homogeneous and isotropic. This result, to some extent, can be viewed as a nonlinear version of the Jeans instability. The growth rate of the relative density due to the nonlinear effects is much faster (at least $\sim \exp(t^{\frac{2}{3}})$ or blowup at a finite time according to the data) than the one predicted by the classical linear version of the Jeans instability ($\sim t^{\frac{2}{3}}$), and it leads to a better, or potentially substantial impacts on, understanding of the formation of the nonlinear structures in the universe and stellar systems. This article associated with [1] provides a new window into the rigorously mathematical and robust method, instead of the most used approximations and numerical calculations, of the fully nonlinear analysis of the Jeans instability for general cases.

A. P. Dimmock, E. Yordanova, D. B. Graham, Yu. V. Khotyaintsev, X. Blanco-Cano, P. Kajdič, T. Karlsson, A. Fedorov, C. J. Owen, E. A. L. E. Werner, A. Johlander

Mirror modes are ubiquitous in space plasma and grow from pressure anisotropy. Together with other instabilities, they play a fundamental role in constraining the free energy contained in the plasma. This study focuses on mirror modes observed in the solar wind by Solar Orbiter for heliocentric distances between 0.5 and 1 AU. Typically, mirror modes have timescales from several to tens of seconds and are considered quasi-MHD structures. In the solar wind, they also generally appear as isolated structures. However, in certain conditions, prolonged and bursty trains of higher frequency mirror modes are measured, which have been labeled previously as mirror mode storms. At present, only a handful of existing studies have focused on mirror mode storms, meaning that many open questions remain. In this study, Solar Orbiter has been used to investigate several key aspects of mirror mode storms: their dependence on heliocentric distance, association with local plasma properties, temporal/spatial scale, amplitude, and connections with larger-scale solar wind transients. The main results are that mirror mode storms often approach local ion scales and can no longer be treated as quasi-MHD, thus breaking the commonly used long-wavelength assumption. They are typically observed close to current sheets and downstream of interplanetary shocks. The events were observed during slow solar wind speeds and there was a tendency for higher occurrence closer to the Sun. The occurrence is low, so they do not play a fundamental role in regulating ambient solar wind but may play a larger role inside transients.

Observations of gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences provide powerful tests of general relativity (GR), but systematic errors in data analysis could lead to incorrect scientific conclusions. This issue is especially serious in the third-generation GW detectors in which the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is high and the number of events is large. In this work, we investigate the impacts of overlapping signals and inaccurate waveform models on tests of general relativity. We simulate mock catalogs for Einstein Telescope and perform parametric tests of GR using waveform models with different levels of inaccuracy. We find the systematic error could accumulate towards false deviations of GR when combining results from multiple events, even though data from most events prefers GR. The waveform inaccuracies contribute most to the systematic errors, but a high merger rate could magnify the effects of systematics due to the incorrect removal of detected overlapping signals. We also point out that testing GR using selected events with high SNR is even more vulnerable to false deviations from GR. The problem of error accumulation is universal; we emphasize that it should be taken into consideration in future catalog-level data analysis, and further investigations, particularly in waveform accuracy, will be essential for third generation detectors.

Thomas Wocial, Konstantin D. Stefanov, William E. Martin, John R. Barnes, Hugh R.A. Jones

14 pages, 10 figures. Accepted to IEEE Sensors on 14/09/2022, available as a preprint as of 10/10/2022

We present a readout scheme for CMOS image sensors that can be used to achieve arbitrarily high dynamic range (HDR) in principle. The linear full well capacity (LFWC) in high signal regions was extended 50 times from 20 ke$^{-}$ to 984 ke$^{-}$ via an interlaced row-wise readout order, whilst the noise floor remained unchanged in low signal regions, resulting in a 34 dB increase in DR. The peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) is increased in a continuous fashion from 43 dB to 60 dB. This was achieved by summing user-selected rows which were read out multiple times. Centroiding uncertainties were lowered when template-fitting a projected pattern, compared to the standard readout scheme. Example applications are aimed at scientific imaging due to the linearity and PSNR increase.

Simon Opie (UCL/MSSL), Daniel Verscharen (UCL/MSSL), Christopher H. K. Chen (QMUL), Christopher J. Owen (UCL/MSSL), Philip A. Isenberg (UNH)

16 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

Using high-resolution data from Solar Orbiter, we investigate the plasma conditions necessary for the proton temperature anisotropy driven mirror-mode and oblique firehose instabilities to occur in the solar wind. We find that the unstable plasma exhibits dependencies on the angle between the direction of the magnetic field and the bulk solar wind velocity which cannot be explained by the double-adiabatic expansion of the solar wind alone. The angle dependencies suggest that perpendicular heating in Alfv\'enic wind may be responsible. We quantify the occurrence rate of the two instabilities as a function of the length of unstable intervals as they are convected over the spacecraft. This analysis indicates that mirror-mode and oblique firehose instabilities require a spatial interval of length greater than 2 to 3 unstable wavelengths in order to relax the plasma into a marginally stable state and thus closer to thermodynamic equilibrium in the solar wind. Our analysis suggests that the conditions for these instabilities to act effectively vary locally on scales much shorter than the correlation length of solar wind turbulence.