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Papers for Thursday, Nov 17 2022

Papers with local authors

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Paper 42 — arXiv:2211.09008
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Paper 42 — arXiv:2211.09008

We propose parameterizing the population distribution of the gravitational wave population modeling framework (Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis) with a normalizing flow. We first demonstrate the merit of this method on illustrative experiments and then analyze four parameters of the latest LIGO data release: primary mass, secondary mass, redshift, and effective spin. Our results show that despite the small and notoriously noisy dataset, the posterior predictive distributions (assuming a prior over the parameters of the flow) of the observed gravitational wave population recover structure that agrees with robust previous phenomenological modeling results while being less susceptible to biases introduced by less-flexible distribution models. Therefore, the method forms a promising flexible, reliable replacement for population inference distributions, even when data is highly noisy.

Vikram Ravi, Morgan Catha, Ge Chen, Liam Connor, Jakob T. Faber, James W. Lamb, Gregg Hallinan, Charlie Harnach, Greg Hellbourg, Rick Hobbs, David Hodge, Mark Hodges, Casey Law, Paul Rasmussen, Kritti Sharma, Myles B. Sherman, Jun Shi, Dana Simard, Reynier Squillace, Sander Weinreb, David P. Woody, Nitika Yadlapalli, Tomas Ahumada, Dillon Dong, Christoffer Fremling, Yuping Huang, Viraj Karambelkar, Jessie M. Miller

10 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, submitted to AAS Journals

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Paper 44 — arXiv:2211.09049
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Paper 44 — arXiv:2211.09049

We report the detection and interferometric localization of the repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 20220912A during commissioning observations with the Deep Synoptic Array (DSA-110). Two bursts were detected from FRB 20220912A, one each on 2022 October 18 and 2022 October 25. The best-fit position is (R.A. J2000, decl. J2000) = (23:09:04.9, +48:42:25.4), with a 90% confidence error ellipse of $\pm2$ arcsec and $\pm1$ arcsec in right ascension and declination respectively. The two bursts have disparate polarization properties and temporal profiles. We find a Faraday rotation measure that is consistent with the low value of $+0.6$ rad m$^{-2}$ reported by CHIME/FRB. The DSA-110 localization overlaps with the galaxy PSO J347.2702+48.7066 at a redshift $z=0.0771$, which we identify as the likely host. PSO J347.2702$+$48.7066 has a stellar mass of approximately $10^{10}M_{\odot}$, modest internal dust extinction, and a star-formation rate likely in excess of $0.1\,M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$. The host-galaxy contribution to the dispersion measure is likely $\lesssim50$ pc cm$^{-3}$. The FRB 20220912A source is therefore likely viewed along a tenuous plasma column through the host galaxy.

High-eccentricity migration is a likely formation mechanism for many observed hot Jupiters, particularly those with a large misalignment between the stellar spin axis and orbital angular momentum axis of the planet. In one version of high-eccentricity migration, an inclined stellar companion excites von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai (ZLK) eccentricity oscillations of a cold Jupiter, and tidal dissipation causes the planet's orbit to shrink and circularize. Throughout this process, the stellar spin can evolve chaotically, resulting in highly misaligned hot Jupiters. Previous population studies of this migration mechanism have assumed that the stellar spin is aligned with the planetary orbital angular momentum when the companion begins to induce ZLK oscillations. However, in the presence of a binary companion, the star's obliquity may be significantly excited during the dissipation of its protoplanetary disk. We calculate the stellar obliquities produced in the protoplanetary disk phase and use these to perform an updated population synthesis of ZLK-driven high-eccentricity migration. We find that the resulting obliquity distribution of HJ systems is predominantly retrograde with a broad peak near 90$^\circ$. The distribution we obtain has intriguing similarities to the recently-observed preponderance of perpendicular planets close to their host stars.

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Mudit Jain, Mustafa A. Amin

18 pages, 3 figures, 4 appendices. A python code based on our algorithm in provided at, this https URL . Animations of the numerical simulation results can be found at, this https URL

We provide an algorithm and a publicly available code to numerically evolve multicomponent Schr\"{o}dinger-Poisson (SP) systems, including attractive or repulsive self-interactions in addition to gravity. Focusing on the case where the SP system represents the non-relativistic limit of a massive vector field, non-gravitational self-interactions (in particular, spin-spin type interactions) introduce new challenges related to mass and spin conservation which are not present in purely gravitational systems. We address these challenges with an analytical solution for the non-trivial `kick' step in the algorithm. Equipped with this analytical solution, the full field evolution is second order accurate, preserves spin and mass to machine precision, and is reversible. Our algorithm allows for: general $n$-component fields with SO$(n)$ symmetry, an expanding universe relevant for cosmology, and the inclusion of external potentials relevant for laboratory settings.

Robert J. J. Grand, Rüdiger Pakmor, Francesca Fragkoudi, Facundo A. Gómez, Wilma Trick, Christine M. Simpson, Freeke van de Voort, Rebekka Bieri

submitted to mnras. 12 pages, 10 figures. For a high-cadence animated version of figure 1, see this https URL

We perform a cosmological magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a Milky Way-like galaxy with $\gtrsim10^8$ star particles to study the formation of out-of-equilibrium stellar disc structures in a full cosmological setting. In the plane defined by the coordinate and velocity perpendicular to the mid-plane (vertical phase space, $\{Z,V_Z\}$), stars in Solar-like volumes at late times exhibit clear spirals similar in shape and amplitude of the Gaia "Snail shell" phase spiral. We show that the phase spiral forms at a look back time of $\sim 6$ Gyr during the pericentric passage of a $\sim10^{10}$ $\rm M_{\odot}$ satellite which stimulates the formation of a resonant wake in the dark matter halo. The magnitude of the wake-induced gravitational torque at the Solar radius at this time is $\sim 8$ times that from the satellite, and leads to the formation of a disc warp that wraps up into a vertical phase spiral over time. This link between dark matter wakes and the formation of the phase spiral is first explicitly established here, and contrasts with earlier studies favouring direct torques from a Sgr dwarf galaxy or buckled bar origin. Furthermore, the feature is ever-present during the epoch of disc evolution: the initial disc is never featureless and unperturbed as is ubiquitously assumed in non-cosmological models. Our results demonstrate the highly complex and substantial role of the dark halo and its population of satellites on the dynamical history of the Milky Way's disc.

S. G. Parsons, M. S. Hernandez, O. Toloza, M. Zorotovic, M. R. Schreiber, B. T. Gänsicke, F. Lagos, R. Raddi, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, J. J. Ren, D. Koester

13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Virtually all binaries consisting of a white dwarf with a non-degenerate companion can be classified as either close post-interaction systems (with orbital periods of a few days or less), or wide systems (with periods longer than decades), in which both components have effectively evolved as single stars. Binaries with periods between these two extremes can help constrain common envelope efficiency, or highlight alternative pathways towards the creation of compact binaries. To date such binaries have remained mostly elusive. Here we present three white dwarfs in binaries with evolved subgiant stars with orbital periods of 41, 52 and 461 d. Using Hubble Space Telescope spectroscopy we find that all three systems contain low mass white dwarfs ($\leq$0.4 M$_{\odot}$). One system, TYC 8394$-$1331$-$1, is the inner binary of a hierarchical triple, where the white dwarf plus subgiant binary is orbited by a more distant companion star. These binaries were likely formed from a phase of stable but non-conservative mass transfer, as opposed to common envelope evolution. All three systems will undergo a common envelope phase in the future, but the two shorter period systems are expected to merge during this event, while the longest period system is likely to survive and create a close binary with two low mass white dwarfs.

Josh Borrow, Matthieu Schaller, Yannick M. Bahe, Joop Schaye, Aaron D. Ludlow, Sylvia Ploeckinger, Folkert S.J. Nobels, Edoardo Altamura

Submitted to MNRAS

All modern galaxy formation models employ stochastic elements in their sub-grid prescriptions to discretise continuous equations across the time domain. In this paper, we investigate how the stochastic nature of these models, notably star formation, black hole accretion, and their associated feedback, that act on small ($<$ kpc) scales, can back-react on macroscopic galaxy properties (e.g. stellar mass and size) across long ($>$ Gyr) timescales. We find that the scatter in scaling relations predicted by the EAGLE model implemented in the SWIFT code can be significantly impacted by random variability between re-simulations of the same object, even when galaxies are resolved by tens of thousands of particles. We then illustrate how re-simulations of the same object can be used to better understand the underlying model, by showing how correlations between galaxy stellar mass and black hole mass disappear at the highest black hole masses ($M_{\rm BH} > 10^8$ M$_\odot$), indicating that the feedback cycle may be interrupted by external processes. We find that although properties that are collected cumulatively over many objects are relatively robust against random variability (e.g. the median of a scaling relation), the properties of individual galaxies (such as galaxy stellar mass) can vary by up to 25\%, even far into the well-resolved regime, driven by bursty physics (black hole feedback) and mergers between galaxies. We suggest that studies of individual objects within cosmological simulations be treated with caution, and that any studies aiming to closely investigate such objects must account for random variability within their results.

S. Scaringi (1), M. Monguio (2, 3, 4), C. Knigge (5), M. Fratta (1), B. Gaensicke (6), P.J. Groot (7, 8, 9), A. Rebassa-Mansergas (10, 4), O. Toloza (11) ((1) Durham University, (2) Barcelona-ICCUB, (3) Barcelona-FQA, (4) Barcelona-IEEC, (5) University of Southampton, (6) University of Warwick, (7) Radboud University, (8) SAAO, (9) University of Cape Town, (10) Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, (11) Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 9 pages, 7 figures. Appendix with column description included. The full XGAPS catalogue will be available on VizieR, and is temporarily hosted on this https URL

We present a sub-arcsecond cross-match of Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) against the INT Galactic Plane Surveys (IGAPS) and the United Kingdom Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The resulting cross-match of Galactic Plane Surveys (XGAPS) provides additional precise photometry ($U_{RGO}$, $g$, $r$, $i$, H$\alpha$, $J$, $H$ and $K$) to the Gaia photometry. In building the catalogue, proper motions given in Gaia DR3 are wound back to match the epochs of the IGAPS constituent surveys (INT Photometric \ha Survey of the Northern Galactic Plane, IPHAS, and the UV-Excess Survey of the northern Galactic plane, UVEX) and UKIDSS, ensuring high proper motion objects are appropriately cross-matched. The catalogue contains 33,987,180 sources. The requirement of $>3\sigma$ parallax detection for every included source means that distances out to 1--1.5 kpc are well covered. In producing XGAPS we have also trained a Random Forest classifier to discern targets with problematic astrometric solutions. Selection cuts based on the classifier results can be used to clean colour-magnitude and colour-colour diagrams in a controlled and justified manner, as well as producing subsets of astrometrically reliable targets. We provide XGAPS as a 111 column table. Uses of the catalogue include the selection of Galactic targets for multi-object spectroscopic surveys as well as identification of specific Galactic populations.

R. A. Main, A. Parthasarathy, S. Johnston, A. Karastergiou, A. Basu, A. D. Cameron, M. J. Keith, L. S. Oswald, B. Posselt, D. J. Reardon, X. Song, P. Weltevrede

12 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Accepted in MNRAS

We present the detection of 107 pulsars with interstellar scintillation arcs at 856--1712\,MHz, observed with the MeerKAT Thousand Pulsar Array Programme. Scintillation arcs appear to be ubiquitous in clean, high S/N observations, their detection mainly limited by short observing durations and coarse frequency channel resolution. This led the survey to be sensitive to nearby, lightly scattered pulsars with high effective velocity -- from a large proper motion, a screen nearby the pulsar, or a screen near the Earth. We measure the arc curvatures in all of our sources, which can be used to give an estimate of screen distances in pulsars with known proper motion, or an estimate of the proper motion. The short scintillation timescale in J1731$-$4744 implies a scattering screen within 12\,pc of the source, strongly suggesting the association between this pulsar and the supernova remnant RCW 114. We measure multiple parabolic arcs of 5 pulsars, all of which are weakly scintillating with high proper motion. Additionally, several sources show hints of inverted arclets suggesting scattering from anisotropic screens. Building on this work, further targeted MeerKAT observations of many of these pulsars will improve understanding of our local scattering environment and the origins of scintillation; annual scintillation curves would lead to robust screen distance measurements, and the evolution of arclets in time and frequency can constrain models of scintillation.

Juan Martínez Sykora, Jaime de la Cruz Rodríguez, Milan Gošić, Alberto Sainz Dalda, Viggo H. Hansteen, Bart De Pontieu

submitted to ApJL, 3 figures

The heating of the chromosphere in internetwork regions remains one of the foremost open questions in solar physics. In the present study we tackle this old problem by using a very high spatial-resolution simulation of quiet-Sun conditions performed with radiative MHD numerical models and IRIS observations. We have expanded a previously existing 3D radiative MHD numerical model of the solar atmosphere, which included self-consistently locally driven magnetic amplification in the chromosphere, by adding ambipolar diffusion and time-dependent non-equilibrium hydrogen ionization to the model. The energy of the magnetic field is dissipated in the upper chromosphere, providing a large temperature increase due to ambipolar diffusion and the non-equilibrium ionization (NEQI). At the same time, we find that adding the ambipolar diffusion and NEQI in the simulation has a minor impact on the local growth of the magnetic field in the lower chromosphere and its dynamics. Our comparison between synthesized Mg II profiles from these high spatial resolution models, with and without ambipolar diffusion and NEQI, and quiet Sun and coronal hole observations from IRIS now reveal a better correspondence. The intensity of profiles is increased and the line cores are slightly broader when ambipolar diffusion and NEQI effects are included. Therefore, the Mg II profiles are closer to those observed than in previous models, but some differences still remain.

Francesco Belfiore, Adam K. Leroy, Jiayi Sun, Ashley T. Barnes, Médéric Boquien, Yixian Cao, Enrico Congiu, Daniel A. Dale, Oleg V. Egorov, Cosima Eibensteiner, Simon C. O. Glover, Kathryn Grasha, Brent Groves, Ralf S. Klessen, Kathryn Kreckel, Lukas Neumann, Miguel Querejeta, Patricia Sanchez-Blazquez, Eva Schinnerer, Thomas G. Williams

accepted in A&A

Mapping star-formation rates (SFR) within galaxies is key to unveiling their assembly and evolution. Calibrations exist for computing SFR from a combination of ultraviolet and infrared bands for galaxies as integrated systems, but their applicability to sub-galactic (kpc) scales remains largely untested. Here we use integral field spectroscopy of 19 nearby ($D <$ 20 Mpc) galaxies obtained by PHANGS-MUSE to derive accurate Balmer decrements (H$\alpha$/H$\beta$) and attenuation-corrected H$\alpha$ maps. We combine this information with mid-infrared maps from WISE at 22 $\rm \mu m$, and ultraviolet maps from GALEX in the far-UV band, to derive SFR surface densities in nearby galaxies on resolved (kpc) scales. Using the H$\alpha$ attenuation-corrected SFR as a reference, we find that hybrid recipes from the literature overestimate the SFR in regions of low SFR surface density, low specific star-formation rate (sSFR), low attenuation and old stellar ages. We attribute these trends to heating of the dust by old stellar populations (IR cirrus). We calibrate this effect by proposing functional forms for the coefficients in front of the IR term which depend on band ratios sensitive to the sSFR. These calibrations prove reliable as a function of physical scale. In particular, they agree within 10% with the attenuation corrections computed from the Balmer decrement on 100 pc scales. Despite small quantitative differences, our calibrations are also applicable to integrated galaxy scales probed by the MaNGA survey, albeit with a larger scatter (up to 0.22 dex). Observations with JWST open up the possibility to calibrate these relations in nearby galaxies with cloud-scale ($\sim$100 pc) resolution mid-IR imaging.

Daizhong Liu, N. M. Förster Schreiber, R. Genzel, D. Lutz, S. H. Price, L. L. Lee, Andrew J. Baker, A. Burkert, R. T. Coogan, R. I. Davies, R. L. Davies, R. Herrera-Camus, Tadayuki Kodama, Minju M. Lee, A. Nestor, C. Pulsoni, A. Renzini, Chelsea E. Sharon, T. T. Shimizu, L. J. Tacconi, Ken-ichi Tadaki, H. Übler

29 pages and 21 figures in total (14 pages and 10 figures in main text and the rest in appendix). Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present a high-resolution kinematic study of the massive main-sequence star-forming galaxy (SFG) SDSS J090122.37+181432.3 (J0901) at z=2.259, using 0.36 arcsec ALMA CO(3-2) and 0.1-0.5 arcsec SINFONI/VLT H-alpha observations. J0901 is a rare, strongly-lensed but otherwise normal massive (log(M_star/M_sun)~11) main sequence SFG, offering a unique opportunity to study a typical massive SFG under the microscope of lensing. Through forward dynamical modeling incorporating lensing deflection, we fit the CO and H-alpha kinematics in the image plane out to about one disk effective radius (R_e ~ 4 kpc) at a ~600pc delensed physical resolution along the kinematic major axis. Our results show high intrinsic dispersions of the cold molecular and warm ionized gas (sig0_mol ~ 40 km/s and sig0_ion ~ 66 km/s) that remain constant out to R_e; a moderately low dark matter fraction (f_DM(R_e) ~ 0.3-0.4) within R_e; and a centrally-peaked Toomre Q-parameter -- agreeing well with the previously established sig0 vs. z, f_DM vs. Sig_baryon, and Q's radial trends using large-sample non-lensed main sequence SFGs. Our data further reveal a high stellar mass concentration within ~1-2 kpc with little molecular gas, and a clumpy molecular gas ring-like structure at R ~ 2-4 kpc, in line with the inside-out quenching scenario. Our further analysis indicates that J0901 had assembled half of its stellar mass only ~400 Myrs before its observed cosmic time, and cold gas ring and dense central stellar component are consistent with signposts of a recent wet compaction event of a highly turbulent disk found in recent simulations.

Christian Magliano, Giovanni Covone, Richa Dobal, Luca Cacciapuoti, Luca Tonietti, Steven Giacalone, Jose I.Vines, Laura Inno, James S. Jenkins, Jack J. Lissauer, Allyson Bieryla, Fabrizio Oliva, Isabella Pagano, Veselin Kostov, Carl Ziegler, David R. Ciardi, Erica J. Gonzales, Courtney D. Dressing, Lars A. Buchhave, Steve B. Howell, Rachel A. Matson, Elisabeth Matthews, Alessandra Rotundi, Douglas Alves, Stefano Fiscale, Riccardo M.Ienco, Pablo Pena, Francesco Gallo, Maria T.Muscari Tomajoli

24 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRAS

We statistically validated a sample of hot Neptune candidates applying a two-step vetting technique using DAVE and TRICERATOPS. We performed a systematic validation of 250 transit-like events in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) archive in the parameter region defined by $P\leq 4$ d and $3R_\oplus\leq R\leq 5R_\oplus$. Through our analysis, we identified 18 hot Neptune-sized candidates, with a false positive probability $<50\%$. Nine of these planet candidates still need to be confirmed. For each of the nine targets we retrieved the stellar parameters using ARIADNE and derived constraints on the planetary parameters by fitting the lightcurves with the juliet package. Within this sample of nine candidates, we statistically validated (i.e, with false positive probability < $0.3\%$) two systems (TOI-277 b and TOI-1288 b) by re-processing the candidates with TRICERATOPS along with follow-up observations. These new validated exoplanets expand the known hot Neptunes population and are high-priority targets for future radial velocities follow-up.

Roland Bacon, Jarle Brinchmann, Simon Conseil, Michael Maseda, Themiya Nanayakkara, Martin Wendt, Raphael Bacher, David Mary, Peter M. Weilbacher, Davor Krajnovic, Leindert Boogaard, Nicolas Bouche, Thierry Contini, Benoit Epinat, Anna Feltre, Yucheng Guo, Christian Herenz, Wolfram Kollatschny, Haruka Kusabe, Floriane Leclercq, Leo Michel-Dansac, Roser Pello, Johan Richard, Martin Roth, Gregory Salvignol, Joop Schaye, Matthias Steinmetz, Laurence Tresse, Tanya Urrutia, Anne Verhamme, Eloise Vitte, Lutz Wisotzki, Sebastiaan L. Zoutendijk

46 pages, 48 figures

We present the second data release of the MUSE Hubble UDF surveys, which includes the deepest spectroscopic survey ever performed. The MUSE data, with their 3D content, amazing depth, wide spectral range, and excellent spatial and medium spectral resolution, are rich in information. This update of the first release incorporates a new 141-hour adaptive-optics-assisted MXDF field (1' diameter FoV) in addition to the reprocessed 10-hour mosaic (3'x3') and the single 31-hour deep field (1'x1'). We have securely identified and measured the redshift of 2221 sources, an increase of 41% compared to the first release. With the exception of 8 stars, the collected sample consists of 25 nearby galaxies (z < 0.25), 677 OII emitters (z=0.25-1.5), 201 galaxies in the MUSE redshift desert range (z=1.5-2.8), and 1308 LAEs (z=2.8-6.7). This represents an order of magnitude more redshifts than the collection of all spectroscopic redshifts obtained before MUSE in the Hubble UDF area (2221 vs 292). At z > 3, the difference is even more striking, with a factor of 65 increase (1308 vs 20). We compared the measured redshifts against three published photometric redshift catalogs and find the photo-z accuracy to be lower than the constraints provided by photo-z fitting codes. 80% of the galaxies have an HST counterpart. They are on average faint, with a median magnitude of 25.7 and 28.7 for the OII and Ly-alpha emitters, respectively. SED fits show that these galaxies tend to be low-mass star-forming galaxies, with a median stellar mass of 6.2 10**8 M and a median SFR of 0.4 M/yr. 20% of our catalog, or 424 galaxies, have no HST counterpart. The vast majority of these new sources are high EQW z>2.8 LAEs that are detected by MUSE thanks to their bright and asymmetric broad Ly-alpha line. We release advanced data products, specific software, and a web interface to select and download data sets.

Emmanuel Gianuzzi, Cristian A. Giuppone, Nicolás Cuello

13 pages, 10 figures, A\&A accepted

Most of the planetary systems discovered around binary stars are located at approximately three semi-major axes from the barycentre of their system, curiously close to low-order mean-motion resonances (MMRs). The formation mechanism of these circumbinary planets is not yet fully understood. In situ formation is extremely challenging because of the strong interaction with the binary. One possible explanation is that, after their formation, the interactions between these planets and the surrounding protoplanetary disc cause them to migrate at velocities dependent on the nature of the disc and the mass of the exoplanet. Although extensive data can be obtained with direct hydrodynamical simulations, their computational cost remains too high. On the other hand, the direct n-body simulations approach allows us to model a large variety of parameters at much lower cost. We analyse the planetary migration around a wide variety of binary stars using Stokes-like forces that mimic planetary migration at a constant rate. Our goal is to identify the main parameters responsible for the ejection of planets at different resonances with the inner binary. We performed 4200 n-body simulations with Stokes-like forces and analysed their evolution and outcome as a function of the properties of each system. For each simulated exoplanet, we applied an ensemble learning method for classification in order to clarify the relationship between the inspected parameters and the process of MMR capture. We identify the capture probability for different N/1 MMRs, 4/1 being the most prone to capture exoplanets, with 37% probability, followed by MMR 5/1 with $\sim$ 23% of probability. The eccentricity of the binary is found to be the most important parameter in determining the MMR capture of each circumbinary exoplanet, followed by the mass ratio of the binary and the initial eccentricity of the planet.

Souvik Bose, Bart De Pontieu, Viggo Hansteen, Alberto Sainz Dalda, Sabrina Savage, Amy Winebarger

It remains unclear which physical processes are responsible for the dramatic increase with height of the temperature in stellar atmospheres, known as the chromospheric ($\sim$10,000 K) and coronal (several million K) heating problems. Statistical studies of sun-like stars reveal that chromospheric and coronal emissions are correlated on a global scale, constraining, in principle, theoretical models of potential heating mechanisms. However, so far, spatially resolved observations of the Sun have surprisingly failed to show a similar correlation on small spatial scales, leaving models poorly constrained. Here we use unique coordinated high-resolution observations of the chromosphere (from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph or IRIS satellite) and low corona (from the Hi-C 2.1 sounding rocket), and machine-learning based inversion techniques to show a strong correlation on spatial scales of a few hundred km between heating in the chromosphere and low corona for regions with strong magnetic field ("plage"). These results are compatible with recent advanced 3D radiative magnetohydrodynamic simulations in which dissipation of current sheets formed due to the braiding of the magnetic field lines deep in the atmosphere is responsible for heating the plasma simultaneously to chromospheric and coronal temperatures. Our results provide deep insight into the nature of the heating mechanism in solar active regions.

Maurício Hippert, Emily Dillingham, Hung Tan, David Curtin, Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler, Nicolás Yunes

22 pages, 16 figures

The mirror twin Higgs model is a candidate for (strongly-interacting) complex dark matter, which mirrors SM interactions with heavier quark masses. A consequence of this model are mirror neutron stars -- exotic stars made entirely of mirror matter, which are significantly smaller than neutron stars and electromagnetically dark. This makes mergers of two mirror neutron stars detectable and distinguishable in gravitational wave observations, but can we observationally distinguish between regular neutron stars and those that may contain some mirror matter? This is the question we study in this paper, focusing on two possible realizations of mirror matter coupled to standard model matter within a compact object: (i) mirror matter captured by a neutron star and (ii) mirror neutron star-neutron star coalescences. Regarding (i), we find that (non-rotating) mirror-matter-admixed neutron stars no longer have a single mass-radius sequence, but rather exist in a two-dimensional mass-radius plane. Regarding (ii), we find that binary systems with mirror neutron stars would span a much wider range of chirp masses and completely different binary Love relations, allowing merger remnants to be very light black holes. The implications of this are that gravitational wave observations with advanced LIGO and Virgo, and X-ray observations with NICER, could detect or constrain the existence of mirror matter through searches with wider model and parameter priors.

Arun Kumar Awasthi, Rui Liu, Tingyu Gou

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, Animation files - 4 (Refer to the published version)

Supra-arcade downflows (SADs) are dark voids descending through plasma above the post-flare arcade. Although they are generally viewed as byproducts of flare reconnections in the corona, the nature of SADs is under debate. Here we investigated six distinct episodes of SADs observed in the post-maximum phase of an M-class flare of April 11, 2013. Differential emission measure analysis revealed that SAD cases occurring close to the flare maximum contain an enhanced hot plasma component at 5--7~MK whereas those occurring later exhibited a depression in hot plasma at 7--12~MK compared to the ambient supra-arcade plasma. On-disk location of the flare enabled us to examine in detail the interaction of SADs with the post-flare arcade, whose effects include 1) transverse oscillations of period $\sim\,$160~s in the supra-arcade rays in the wake of voids, 2) footpoint brightening in 1700{~\AA} whose peak is delayed by 22-46~s with respect to the SAD's arrival at the top of the arcade, and 3) EUV intensity perturbations expanding and propagating with a speed $\sim\,$400 km~s$^{-1}$. On the other hand, due to line-of-sight confusion in the optically thin corona, the ribbon enhancement following the interaction produces an illusion of plasma rebound at the top of the arcade, where the interaction fails to yield significant plasma heating. These effects indicate that the interaction mainly generates MHD waves propagating toward the surface, which may further produce quasi-periodic brightening at flare ribbons, therefore contributing to quasi-periodic flare gradual phase emission in EUV.

Xuezheng Wang, Wu Jiang, Zhiqiang Shen, Lei Huang, Kazuhiro Hada, Yuzhu Cui, Ru-Sen Lu

9 pages, 5 figures, accepted by the ApJ

Observational studies of inner-most regions of the edge-on jets in nearby active galactic nuclei (AGN) are crucial to understand their kinematics and morphology. For the inner jet of the nearby low luminosity AGN in M 84, we present new high-sensitivity observations with very long baseline interferometry since 2019, as well as archival Very Long Baseline Array observations in 2014. We find that the compact core in M 84 has an inverted-to-flat spectrum from 1.5 to 88 GHz. Based on the turnover frequency of $4.2\pm 0.2$ GHz in the spectrum, we estimated a magnetic field strength of 1-10mG and an electron number density of $\sim 10^5 cm^{-3}$ in the core region. Three inner jet components within $\sim 3$ mas from the core are identified and traced in the images at 22 GHz, whose apparent speeds are 0.11 c, 0.27 c, and 0.32 c, respectively. We calculate the viewing angle of $\sim58$ degree for the inner jet based on the proper motion and the flux ratio of jet-to-counterjet. A propagating sinusoidal model with a wavelength of $\sim 3.4$ mas is used to fit the helical morphology of the jet extended to 20 mas ($\sim 2.2\times 10^4$ Schwarzschild Radii).

Michael S. Fusco, Benjamin L. Davis, Julia Kennefick, Daniel Kennefick, Marc S. Seigar

39 pages, 17 figures, to be published in Universe

We present an analysis of the pitch angle distribution function (PADF) for nearby galaxies and its resulting black hole mass function (BHMF) via the well-known relationship between pitch angle and black hole mass. Our sample consists of a subset of 74 spiral galaxies from the Carnegie-Irvine Galaxy Survey with absolute $B$-band magnitude $\mathfrak{M}_{B}>-19.12$ mag and luminosity distance $D_{\mathrm{L}} \leq 25.4$ Mpc, which is an extension of a complementary set of 140 more luminous ($\mathfrak{M}_{B}\leq-19.12$ mag) late-type galaxies. We find the PADFs of the two samples are, somewhat surprisingly, not strongly dissimilar; a result that may hold important implications for spiral formation theories. Our data show a distinct bimodal population manifest in the pitch angles of the Sa-Sc types and separately the Scd-Sm types, with Sa-Sc types having tighter spiral arms on average. Importantly, we uncover a distinct bifurcation of the BHMF, such that the Sa-Sc galaxies typically host so-called "supermassive" black holes ($M_{\bullet}\gtrsim10^6\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$), whereas Scd-Sm galaxies accordingly harbor black holes that are "less-than-supermassive" ($M_{\bullet}\lesssim10^6\,\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$). It is amongst this latter population of galaxies where we expect fruitful bounties of elusive intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs), through which a better understanding will help form more precise benchmarks for future generations of gravitational wave detectors.

M. P. Roriz, C. B. Pereira, S. Junqueira, M. Lugaro, N. A. Drake, C. Sneden

33 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present detailed chemical compositions of four stars on the first-ascent red giant branch that are classified as chemically peculiar, but lack comprehensive analyses at high spectral resolution. For BD+03{\deg}2688, HE 0457-1805, HE 1255-2324, and HE 2207-1746, we derived metallicities [Fe/H] $=-1.21$, $-0.19$, $-0.31$, and $-0.55$, respectively, indicating a range in Galactic population membership. In addition to atmospheric parameters, we extracted elemental abundances for 28 elements, including the evolutionary-sensitive CNO group and $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C ratios. Novel results are also presented for the heavy elements tungsten and thallium. All four stars have very large enhancements of neutron-capture elements, with high [La/Eu] ratios indicating enrichments from the slow neutron capture ($s$-process). To interpret these abundances, all indicative of [$s$/Fe] $> 1.0$, we compared our results with data from literature, as well as with predictions from the Monash and FRUITY $s$-process nucleosynthesis models. BD+03{\deg}2688, HE 1255-2324, and HE 2207-1746 show C/O $>1$, while HE 0457-1805 has C/O $<1$. Since HE 0457-1805 and HE 1255-2324 are binary stars, their peculiarities are attributable to mass transfer. We identified HE 0457-1805 as a new barium giant star, and HE 1255-2324 as a new CH star, in fact a higher metallicity analogue CEMP-$r/s$ star; the single object reported in literature so far with similar characteristics is the barium star HD 100503 ([Fe/H] $= -0.72$). A systematic monitoring is needed to confirm the binary nature of BD+03{\deg}2688 and HE 2207-1746, which are probably CH stars.

Jianping Xiong, Chao Liu, Jiao Li, Jiadong Li, Bo Zhang, Xiaodian Chen, Changqing Luo, Zihuang Cao, Yongheng Zhao

High-precision stellar mass and radius measured directly from binaries can effectively calibrate the stellar models. However, such a database containing full spectral types and large range of metallicity is still not fully established. A continuous effort of data collecting and analysis are requested to complete the database. In this work, we provide a catalog containing 184 binaries with independent atmospheric parameters and accurate masses and radii as the benchmark of stellar mass and radius. The catalog contains 56 new detached binaries from LAMOST Medium-resolution spectroscopic (MRS) survey and 128 detached eclipsing binaries compiled from previous studies. We obtain the orbital solutions of the new detached binaries with uncertainties of masses and radii smaller than 5%. These new samples densify the distribution of metallicity of the high-precision stellar mass library and add 9 hot stars with Teff>8000 K. Comparisons show that these samples well agree with the PARSEC isochrones in Teff-logg-mass-radius-luminosity space. We compare mass and radius estimates from isochrone and SED fitting, respectively, with those from the binary orbital solution. We find that the precision of the stellar-model dependent mass estimates is >10% and the precision of the radius estimates based on atmospheric parameters is >15%. These give a general view of the uncertainty of the usual approaches to estimate stellar mass and radius.

Bo Peng, Qian-Chen Hu, Qiang Li, Lei Qian, Xiao-Bo Dong, Shi-Lin Peng, Ze-Lin Wang

We present a method by using the phase characteristics of radio observation data for pulsar search and candidate identification. The phase characteristics are relations between the pulsar signal and the phase correction in the frequency-domain, and we regard it as a new search diagnostic characteristic. Based on the phase characteristics, a search method is presented: calculating DM (dispersion measure) -- frequency data to select candidate frequencies, and then confirming of candidates by using the broadband characteristics of pulsar signals. Based on this method, we performed a search test on short observation data of M15 and M71, which were observed by Five-hundred-meter Aperture spherical radio Telescope (FAST), and some of the Galactic Plane Pulsar Snapshot survey (GPPS) data. Results show that it can get similar search results to PRESTO (PulsaR Exploration and Search TOolkit) while having a faster processing speed.

Recent observations revealed loop-like structures at very small scales visible in observables that sample transition region (TR) and coronal temperatures. Their formation remains unclear. We study an example of a bipolar system in realistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations and forward synthesis of spectral lines to investigate how these features occur. Computations are done using the MURaM code to generate model atmospheres. The synthetic H$\alpha$ and Si IV spectra are calculated at two angles ($\mu = 1$, $\mu = 0.66$) using the Multi3D code. Magnetic field lines are traced in the model and the evolution of the underlying field topology is examined. The synthetic H$\alpha$ dopplergrams reveal loops that evolve dramatically within a few minutes. The synthetic H$\alpha$ line profiles show observed asymmetries and doppler shifts in the line core. They, however, also show strong emission peaks in the line wings, even at the slated view. The synthetic Si IV emission features partly coincide with structures visible in H$\alpha$ dopplergrams and partly follow separate magnetic field threads. Some are even visible in the emission measure maps for the lg$(T /K)= [5.0, 5.5]$ temperature interval. The emission areas trace out the magnetic field lines rooted in opposite polarities in a bipolar region. We find that our results largely reproduce the observed features and their characteristics. A bipolar system with footpoints undergoing rapid movement and shuffling can produce many small-scale recurrent events heated to high temperatures. The morphology and evolution of the resulting observable features can vary depending on the viewing angle.

Jonathan Mackey

12 pages, 5 figures, invited review at IAUS370: Winds from stars and exoplanets (Eds. Aline Vidotto, Luca Fossati and Jorick Vink)

Massive stars drive strong winds that impact the surrounding interstellar medium, producing parsec-scale bubbles for isolated stars and superbubbles around young clusters. These bubbles can be observed across the electromagnetic spectrum, both the wind itself and the swept up interstellar gas. Runaway massive stars produce bow shocks that strongly compresses interstellar gas, producing bright infrared, optical and radio nebulae. With the detection of non-thermal radio emission from bow shocks, particle acceleration can now also be investigated. I review research on wind bubbles and bow shocks around massive stars, highlighting recent advances in infrared, radio and X-ray observations, and progress in multidimensional simulations of these nebulae. These advances enable quantitative comparisons between theory and observations and allow to test the importance of some physical processes such as thermal conduction and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in shaping nebulae and in constraining the energetics of stellar-wind feedback to the interstellar medium.

Samayra M. Straal, Joseph D. Gelfand, Jordan L. Eagle

Accepted for publication in ApJ. 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables

We report the detection of gamma-ray emission from PWN Kes 75 and PSR J1846-0258. Through modeling the spectral energy distribution incorporating the new Fermi-LAT data, we find the the observed gamma-ray emission is likely a combination of both the PWN and pulsar magnetosphere. The spectral shape of this magnetospheric emission is similar to the gamma-ray spectrum of rotation powered pulsars detected by Fermi-LAT and the results from our best-fit model suggest the pulsar's magnetospheric emission accounts for 1% of the current spin-down luminosity. Prior works attempted to characterize the properties of this system and found a low supernova explosion energy and low SN ejecta mass. We re-analyze the broadband emission incorporating the new Fermi emission and compare the implications of our results to prior reports. The best-fit gamma-ray emission model suggests a second very hot photon field possibly generated by the stellar wind of a Wolf-Rayet star embedded within the nebula, which supports the low ejecta mass found for the progenitor in prior reports and here in the scenario of binary mass transfer.

F. M. Jiménez-Esteban, S. Torres, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, P. Cruz, R. Murillo-Ojeda, E. Solano, C. Rodrigo, M. E. Camisassa

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The third data release of Gaia has provided low resolution spectra for ~100,000 white dwarfs (WDs) that, together with the excellent photometry and astrometry, represent an unrivalled benchmark for the study of this population. In this work, we first built a highly-complete volume-limited sample consisting in 12,718 WDs within 100 pc from the Sun. The use of VOSA tool allowed us to perform an automated fitting of their spectral energy distributions to different atmospheric models. In particular, the use of spectrally derived J-PAS photometry from Gaia spectra led to the classification of DA and non-DA WDs with an accuracy >90%, tested in already spectroscopically labelled objects. The excellent performance achieved was extended to practically the whole population of WDs with effective temperatures above 5500 K. Our results show that, while the A branch of the Gaia WD Hertzsprung-Russell diagram is practically populated by DA WDs, the B branch is largely formed by non-DAs (65%). The remaining 35% of DAs within the B branch implies a second peak at ~0.8 Mo in the DA-mass distribution. Additionally, the Q branch and its extension to lower temperatures can be observed for both DA and non-DA objects due to core crystallisation. Finally, we derived a detailed spectral evolution function, which confirms a slow increase of the fraction of non-DAs as the effective temperature decreases down to 10,500 K, where it reaches a maximum of 36% and then decreases for lower temperatures down to ~31%.

Yurovsky V.O., Peryatinskaya A. I., Kudryashov I.A

The paper numerically investigates the propagation of galactic cosmic rays in a model magnetic field, which is a composition of an isotropic turbulent field with the Kolmogorov turbulence spectrum and a regular constant field. The dependence of the diffusion tensor components on the particle energy is studied. It is shown that the transport anisotropy increases with decreasing energy.

Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) is unwanted noise that swamps the desired astronomical signal. Radio astronomers have always had to deal with RFI detection and excision around telescope sites, but little has been done to understand the full scope, nature and evolution of RFI in a unified way. We undertake this for the MeerKAT array using a probabilistic multidimensional framework approach focussing on UHF-band and L-band data. In the UHF- band, RFI is dominated by the allocated Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications, flight Distance Measuring Equipment (DME), and UHF-TV bands. The L-band suffers from known RFI sources such as DMEs, GSM, and the Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. In the "clean" MeerKAT band, we noticed the RFI occupancy changing with time and direction for both the L-band and UHF band. For example, we saw a significant increase (300% increase) in the fraction of L-band flagged data in November 2018 compared to June 2018. This increase seems to correlate with construction activity on site. In the UHF-band, we found that the early morning is least impacted by RFI and other outliers. We also found a dramatic decrease in DME RFI during the hard lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The work presented here allows us to characterise the evolution of RFI at the MeerKAT site. Any observatory can adopt it to understand the behaviour of RFI within its surroundings.

Suraj Dhiwar, Kanak Saha, Avishai Dekel, Abhishek Paswan, Divya Pandey, Arianna Cortesi, Mahadev Pandge

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We study the evolution of $L_{*}$ elliptical galaxies in the color-magnitude diagram in terms of their star-formation history and environment, in an attempt to learn about their quenching process. We have visually extracted 1109 $L_{*}$ galaxies from a sample of 36500 galaxies that were spectroscopically selected from Stripe82 of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. From this sample we have selected 51 ellipticals based on their surface-brightness profile being well-fitted by a single S$\acute{e}$rsic profile with S$\acute{e}$rsic indices $3<n<6$. Our sample consists of 12 blue-cloud $L_{*}$ ellipticals (BLE), 11 green-valley $L_{*}$ ellipticals (GLE), and 28 red-sequence $L_{*}$ ellipticals (RLE). We find that most of the RLEs and GLEs have been quenched only recently, or are still forming stars, based on their [{O\sc{iii}}] and H$\alpha$ emission, while the BLEs are forming stars vigorously. The star-formation in BLEs is found to be extended over the galaxy and not confined to their central region. In about 40\% of the $L_{*}$ ellipticals (ten BLEs, four GLEs and five RLEs), star-formation quenching seems to have started only recently, based on the lower [{O\sc{iii}}] emission compared to the [{O\sc{ii}}] and H$\alpha$ emission, at a given metallicity. We also find that the galaxy color is correlated with the cosmic-web environment, with the BLEs tending to reside in lower-density regions, the RLEs preferring denser, clustered regions, and the GLEs found in either. One possible scenario is that as the star-forming ellipticals migrate into the clusters, their star formation is suffocated by the hot intra-cluster medium.

Bing-Guang Chen, Tong Liu, Yan-Qing Qi, Bao-Quan Huang, Yun-Feng Wei, Tuan Yi, Wei-Min Gu, Li Xue

14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

In the coalescence events of binary neutron star (NS) or a black hole (BH) and an NS, a BH hyperaccretion disk might be eventually formed. At very high mass accretion rates, MeV neutrinos will be emitted from this disk, which is called a neutrino-dominated accretion flow (NDAF). Neutrino annihilation in the space out of the disk is energetic enough to launch ultrarelativistic jets to power gamma-ray bursts. Moreover, vertical advection might exist in NDAFs, which can generate the magnetic buoyancy bubbles to release gamma-ray photons. In this paper, we visit the effects of the vertical advection in NDAFs on the disk structure and gamma-ray and neutrino luminosities for different accretion rates. Then we study the anisotropic emission of kilonovae and the following gravitational waves (GWs) driven by the gamma-ray photons and neutrinos from NDAFs. Comparing NDAFs without vertical advection, the neutrino luminosity and GW strains slightly decrease for the case with vertical advection, and the kilonovae will be brightened by the injected gamma-ray photons. The future joint multimessenger observations might distinguish whether the vertical advection exists in NDAFs or not after compact binary coalescences.

Isaac Tutusaus, Jenny G. Sorce, Antonino Troja (on behalf of the Euclid Consortium)

6 pages, contribution to the ICHEP 2022 conference proceedings, accompanying the "Euclid in a nutshell" and "Euclid legacy science prospects" contributions

Euclid will observe 15 000 deg$^2$ of the darkest sky, in regions free of contamination by light from our Galaxy and our Solar System. Three "Euclid Deep Fields" surveys covering around 40 deg$^2$ in total will extend the scientific scope of the mission to the high-redshift Universe. The complete survey will be constituted by hundreds of thousands of images and several tens of petabytes of data. About 10 billion sources will be observed. With these images Euclid will probe the expansion history of the Universe and the evolution of cosmic structures. This will be achieved by measuring the effect on galaxy shapes due to dark matter gravitational lensing, and by reconstructing the three-dimensional distribution of cosmic structures from the measured spectroscopic redshifts of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. These proceedings present the implications for cosmology and cosmological constraints of this unprecedented data set. Of particular interest are the expected constraints on the nature of dark energy.

Rhorom Priyatikanto, Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni, Taufiq Hidayat, Muhamad Bayu Saputra, Mulya Diana Murti, Abdul Rachman, Clara Yono Yatini

11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

A new astronomical observatory in southeastern Indonesia is currently under construction. This Timau National Observatory will host a 3.8-metre telescope for optical and near-infrared observations. To support the operation and planning, the characterisation of the site needs to be appropriately performed. However, limited resources and access to the site hindered the deployment of instruments for comprehensive site testing. Fortunately, \emph{in-situ} sky brightness data from the Sky Quality Meter (SQM) have been available for almost two years. Based on the data acquired in 470 nights, we obtain a background sky brightness of $\mu_0=21.86\pm0.38$ magnitude/arcsec$^2$. Additionally, we evaluate the moonlit sky brightness to estimate the atmospheric extinction coefficient ($k$) and level of scattering on site. We find an alleviated value of $k=0.48\pm0.04$, associated with a high atmospheric aerosol content. It is considered regular for an equatorial area situated at a low altitude (${\sim}1300$ masl). By analysing the fluctuation of the sky brightness and infrared images from \emph{Himawari-8} satellite, we estimate the available observing time (AOT) of at least $5.3$ hours/night and the yearly average percentage of usable nights of $66\%$. The monthly average AOT from SQM and satellite data analysis correlate with $R=0.82$. In terms of the monthly percentage of usable nights, the correlation coefficient is $R=0.78$. During the wet season (November-April), the results from SQM and satellite data analysis deviate more significantly, mainly due to the limited capability of Himawari-8 in detecting fragmented low-altitude clouds. According to these results, we expect Timau to complement other observatories greatly.

Brajesh Kumar, Hitesh Kumar, Khushal Singh Dangwal, Himanshu Rawat, Kuntal Misra, Vibhore Negi, Mukesh Kumar Jaiswar, Naveen Dukiya, Bhavya Ailawadhi, Paul Hickson, Jean Surdej

Accepted for publication in the Journal of Astronomical Instrumentation, 10 pages, 8 figures

The 4m International Liquid Mirror Telescope (ILMT) is a zenith-pointing optical observing facility at ARIES Devasthal observatory (Uttarakhand, India). The first light preparatory activities of the ILMT were accomplished in April 2022 followed by on-sky tests that were carried out at the beginning of May 2022. This telescope will perform a multi-band optical (SDSS $g'$, $r'$ and $i'$) imaging of a narrow strip (~$22'$) of sky utilizing the time-delayed integration technique. Single-scan ILMT images have an integration time of 102 sec and consecutive-night images can be co-added to further improve the signal-to-noise ratio. An image subtraction technique will also be applied to the nightly recorded observations in order to detect transients, objects exhibiting variations in flux or position. Presently, the facility is in the commissioning phase and regular operation will commence in October 2022, after the monsoon. This paper presents a discussion of the main preparation activities before first light, along with preliminary results obtained.

Fabrizio Fiore, Andrea Ferrara, Manuela Bischetti, Chiara Feruglio, Andrea Travascio

Submitted to ApJ Letters

The JWST discovery of a number of super-early (redshift $z>10$), blue galaxies requires these systems to be essentially dust-free in spite of their large stellar masses. A possible explanation is that dust is evacuated by radiatively-driven outflows. We test this hypothesis by deriving the Eddington ratio, $\lambda_E$, for 134 galaxies at $6.5< z <16$. We find a strong anti-correlation between $\lambda_E$ and dust UV optical depth, $\tau_{1500} \propto \lambda_E^{-0.63}$; also, $\lambda_E$ increases with redshift. We confirm that galaxies exceeding a specific star formation rate ${\rm sSFR} > 13\, \rm Gyr^{-1}$ develop powerful outflows clearing the galaxy from its dust. This result is supported by ALMA dust continuum non-detections in three super-early systems

Yuhito Shibaike, Shoji Mori

13 pages, 12 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

It has been considered that large satellites around gas planets form in-situ circumplanetary discs (CPDs). However, dust particles supplied into CPDs drift toward the central planets before they grow into satellitesimals, building blocks of the satellites. We investigate the dust growth in laminar CPDs with magnetic wind-driven accretion. In such laminar discs, dust particles can settle onto the mid-plane and grow large by mutual collision more efficient than in classical turbulent CPDs. First, we carry out 3D local MHD simulations of a CPD including all the nonideal MHD effects (Ohmic resistivity, Hall effect and ambipolar diffusion). We investigate if the disk accretion can be governed by magnetic wind-driven accretion and how laminar the disc can be, in a situation where the magnetic disc wind can be launched from the disc. Second, we model 1D steady CPDs consistent with the results of the MHD simulations and calculate the steady radial distributions of the dust profiles in the modeled discs, taking account of the collisional growth, radial drift, fragmentation, and vertical stirring by the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability. We show that satellitesimals can form in such CPDs if the dust-to-gas mass ratio of the inflow to the discs is larger than 0.02, which is 50 times smaller than the critical value in turbulent CPDs. This condition can be satisfied when enough amount of dust piles up at the gas pressure bump created by the planets. This result shows that satellitesimals would form in laminar CPDs with magnetic wind-driven accretion.

Alexander A. Mushtukov, Simon Portegies Zwart

submitted to MNRAS, 8 pages, 6 figures, comments are welcome

Extreme accretion in X-ray pulsars (XRPs) results in radiation-driven outflows launched from the inner parts of the accretion disc. The outflows affect the apparent luminosity of the XRPs and their pulsations through the geometrical beaming. We model processes of geometrical beaming and pulse formation using Monte Carlo simulations. We confirm our earlier statement that strong amplification of luminosity due to the collimation of X-ray photons is inconsistent with a large pulsed fraction. Accounting for relativistic aberration due to possibly high outflow velocity ($\sim 0.2c$) does not affect this conclusion. We demonstrate that the beaming causes phase lags of pulsations. Within the opening angle of the accretion cavity formed by the outflows, phase lags tend to be sensitive to observers viewing angles. Variations in outflow geometry and corresponding changes of the phase lags might influence the detectability of pulsation in bright X-ray pulsars and ULXs. We speculate that the strong geometrical beaming is associated with large radiation pressure on the walls of accretion cavity due to multiple photons reflections. We expect that the mass loss rate limits geometrical beaming: strong beaming becomes possible only under sufficiently large fractional mass loss rate from the disc.

Pranab J. Deka, Lukas Einkemmer, Ralf Kissmann, Stefan-Tiberiu Kis

in submission

The anisotropic diffusion equation is of crucial importance in understanding cosmic ray (CR) diffusion across the Galaxy and its interplay with the Galactic magnetic field. This diffusion term contributes to the highly stiff nature of the CR transport equation. In order to conduct numerical simulations of time-dependent cosmic ray transport, implicit integrators have been traditionally favoured over the CFL-bound explicit integrators in order to be able to take large step sizes. We propose exponential methods that directly compute the exponential of the matrix to solve the linear anisotropic diffusion equation. These methods allow us to take even larger step sizes; in certain cases, we are able to choose a step size as large as the simulation time, i.e., only one time step. This can substantially speed-up the simulations whilst generating highly accurate solutions (l2 error $\leq 10^{-10}$). Additionally, we test an approach based on extracting a constant coefficient from the anisotropic diffusion equation where the constant coefficient term is solved implicitly or exponentially and the remainder is treated using some explicit method. We find that this approach, for linear problems, is unable to improve on the exponential-based methods that directly evaluate the matrix exponential.

Petros Stefanou, Jose A. Pons, Pablo Cerdá-Durán

12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Magnetars exhibit a variety of transient high-energy phenomena in the form of bursts, outbursts, and giant flares. It is a common belief that these events originate in the sudden release of magnetic energy due to the rearrangement of a twisted magnetic field. We present global models of a 3D Force-Free (FF) non-linear twisted magnetar magnetosphere. We solve the FF equations following the Grad-Rubin approach in a compactified spherical domain. Appropriate boundary conditions are imposed at the surface of the star for the current distribution and the magnetic field. Our implementation is tested by reproducing various known analytical as well as axisymmetric numerical results. We then proceed to study general 3D models with non-axisymmetric current distributions, such as fields with localised twists that resemble hotspots at the surface of the star, and we examine characteristic quantities such as energy, helicity and twist. Finally, we discuss implications on the available energy budget, the surface temperature and the diffusion timescale, which can be associated with observations.

Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) of TAIGA astrophysical complex allow to observe high energy gamma radiation helping to study many astrophysical objects and processes. TAIGA-IACT enables us to select gamma quanta from the total cosmic radiation flux and recover their primary parameters, such as energy and direction of arrival. The traditional method of processing the resulting images is an image parameterization - so-called the Hillas parameters method. At the present time Machine Learning methods, in particular Deep Learning methods have become actively used for IACT image processing. This paper presents the analysis of simulated Monte Carlo images by several Deep Learning methods for a single telescope (mono-mode) and multiple IACT telescopes (stereo-mode). The estimation of the quality of energy reconstruction was carried out and their energy spectra were analyzed using several types of neural networks. Using the developed methods the obtained results were also compared with the results obtained by traditional methods based on the Hillas parameters.

This article reports the first observation of the Moon and the Sun shadows in the sky distribution of cosmic-ray induced muons measured by the KM3NeT/ORCA detector. The analysed data-taking period spans from February 2020 to November 2021, when the detector had 6 Detection Units deployed at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, each composed of 18 Digital Optical Modules. The shadows induced by the Moon and the Sun were detected with a statistical significance of 4.2{\sigma} and 6.2{\sigma}, respectively, at their nominal position. This early result confirms the effectiveness of the detector calibration, in time, position and orientation and the accuracy of the event direction reconstruction. This also demonstrates the performance and the competitiveness of the detector in terms of pointing accuracy and angular resolution.

Sakiko Fukaya, Hiroko Shinnaga, Ray S. Furuya, Kohji Tomisaka, Masahiro N. Machida, Naoto Harada

9 pages, 7 figures

Understanding the initial conditions of star formation requires both observational studies and theoretical works taking into account the magnetic field, which plays an important role in star formation processes. Herein, we study the young nearby dense cloud core L1521 F ($n$(H$_2$) $\sim 10^{4-6}$ cm$^{-3}$) in the Taurus Molecular Cloud. This dense core hosts a 0.2 $M_\odot$ protostar, categorized as a Very Low Luminosity Objects with complex velocity structures, particularly in the vicinity of the protostar. To trace the magnetic field within the dense core, we conducted high sensitivity submillimeter polarimetry of the dust continuum at $\lambda$= 850 $\mu$m and 450 $\mu$m using the POL-2 polarimeter situated in front of the SCUBA-2 submillimeter bolometer camera on James Clerk Maxwell Tetescope. This was compared with millimeter polarimetry taken at $\lambda$= 3.3 mm with ALMA. The magnetic field was detected at $\lambda$= 850 $\mu$m in the peripheral region, which is threaded in a north-south direction, while the central region traced at $\lambda$= 450 $\mu$m shows a magnetic field with an east-west direction, i.e., orthogonal to that of the peripheral region. Magnetic field strengths are estimated to be $\sim$70 $\mu$G and 200 $\mu$G in the peripheral- and central-regions, respectively, using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method. The resulting mass-to-flux ratio of 3 times larger than that of magnetically critical state for both regions indicates that L1521 F is magnetically supercritical, i.e., gravitational forces dominate over magnetic turbulence forces. Combining observational data with MHD simulations, detailed parameters of the morphological properties of this puzzling object are derived for the first time.

We present a new method which leverages conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) to reconstruct galaxy cluster convergence from lensed CMB temperature maps. Our model is constructed to emphasize structure and high-frequency correctness relative to the Residual U-Net approach presented by Caldeira, et. al. (2019). Ultimately, we demonstrate that while both models perform similarly in the no-noise regime (as well as after random off-centering of the cluster center), cGAN outperforms ResUNet when processing CMB maps noised with 5uK/arcmin white noise or astrophysical foregrounds (tSZ and kSZ); this out-performance is especially pronounced at high l, which is exactly the regime in which the ResUNet under-performs traditional methods.

E. Flaccomio, G. Micela, G. Peres, S. Sciortino, E. Salvaggio, L. Prisinzano, M. G. Guarcello, L. Venuti, R. Bonito, I. Pillitteri

24 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics

The processes that lead from molecular clouds to protostars, stellar associations, and the evolution of both, are active research topics. The target of this study, NGC2264, is a benchmark star-forming region (SFR) in which these issues can be profitably studied. We assembled a new extensive sample of NGC 2264 members. To this end we used new X-ray data obtained with the XMM-Newton telescope, GAIA eDR3 data, and an extensive collection of public and published catalogs. Following a previous suggestion that the SFR might extend significantly beyond the better studied areas, our search covers a wide 2.5x2.5 degrees region in the sky. Our catalog comprises more than 2200 candidate members, a ~100% increase over previous determinations. We analyze their spatial distribution and define new substructures. Using GAIA parallaxes we estimate a new average distance to NGC2264 of 722+/-2pc and suggest that the embedded Spokes subregion is ~20pc farther away within the molecular cloud. A complex dynamics is unveiled by the available proper motions and radial velocities: we observe signs of global expansion and rotation. At the same time, we observe the collapse and coalescence of two substructures in a region where active star formation is taking place. The fraction of stars with disks and of those undergoing circumstellar accretion varies significantly across the field, suggesting that star formation has been occurring for several million years. A particularly low disk fraction around the O VII star S Mon might be attributed to external disk photoevaporation or to an older age of the stars in the region. NGC2264 is not dynamically relaxed and its present configuration is the result of multiple dynamical processes. The cloud has been forming stars for several million years and we identify the process that is likely responsible for the ongoing formation activity.

Ellyn K. Baines, J. Thomas Armstrong, James H. Clark III, Jim Gorney, Donald J. Hutter, Anders M. Jorgensen, Casey Kyte, David Mozurkewich, Ishara Nisley, Jason Sanborn, Henrique R. Schmitt, Gerard T. van Belle

13 pages, 3 figures, 6 tables. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1712.08109

We measured the angular diameters of 44 stars with the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer, obtaining uncertainties on the limb darkened diameter of 2% or less for all but four stars. We then used our diameters with Gaia or Hipparcos parallaxes to calculate each star's physical radius. We gathered information from the literature to determine bolometric flux and luminosity, and combined that with our diameters to produce an effective temperature. Our sample consists of mostly giant stars, and spans a wide range of spectral classes from B to M.

Maria Zamyatina, Éric Hébrard, Benjamin Drummond, Nathan J. Mayne, James Manners, Duncan A. Christie, Pascal Tremblin, David K. Sing, Krisztian Kohary

accepted to MNRAS, 27 pages, 8+7 figures

Transport-induced quenching, i.e., the homogenisation of chemical abundances by atmospheric advection, is thought to occur in the atmospheres of hot gas giant exoplanets. While some numerical modelling of this process exists, the three-dimensional nature of transport-induced chemistry is underexplored. Here we present results of 3D cloud- and haze-free simulations of the atmospheres of HAT-P-11b, HD 189733b, HD 209458b, and WASP-17b including coupled hydrodynamics, radiative transfer and chemistry. Our simulations were performed with two chemical schemes: a chemical kinetics scheme, which is capable of capturing transport-induced quenching, and a simpler, more widely used chemical equilibrium scheme. We find that transport-induced quenching is predicted to occur in atmospheres of all planets in our sample; however, the extent to which it affects their synthetic spectra and phase curves varies from planet to planet. This implies that there is a "sweet spot" for the observability of signatures of transport-induced quenching, which is controlled by the interplay between the dynamics and chemistry.

Yayaati Chachan, Heather A. Knutson, Joshua Lothringer, Geoffrey A. Blake

resubmitted to ApJ after addressing referee's comments

Relating planet formation to atmospheric composition has been a long-standing goal of the planetary science community. So far, most modeling studies have focused on predicting the enrichment of heavy elements and the C/O ratio in giant planet atmospheres. Although this framework provides useful constraints on the potential formation locations of gas giant exoplanets, carbon and oxygen measurements alone are not enough to determine where a given gas giant planet originated. Here, we show that characterizing the abundances of refractory elements (e.g., silicon, iron) can break these degeneracies. Refractory elements are present in the solid phase throughout most of the disk and their atmospheric abundances therefore reflect the solid-to-gas accretion ratio during formation. We introduce a new framework that parameterizes the atmospheric abundances of gas giant exoplanets in the form of three ratios: Si/H, O/Si, and C/Si. Si/H traces the solid-to-gas accretion ratio of a planet and is loosely equivalent to earlier notions of 'metallicity'. For O/Si and C/Si, we present a global picture of their variation with distance and time based on what we know from the solar system meteorites and an updated understanding of the variations of thermal processing within protoplanetary disks. We show that ultra-hot Jupiters are ideal targets for atmospheric characterization studies using this framework, as we can measure the abundances of refractories, oxygen and carbon in the gas phase. Finally, we propose that hot Jupiters with silicate clouds and low water abundances might have accreted their envelopes between the soot line and the water snowline.

Binay Rai, Biswajit Paul, Mohammed Tobrej, Manoj Ghising, Ruchi Tamang, Bikash Chandra Paul

Accepted for publication in JOAA

We present an extended study of the Be/X-ray pulsar 2S 1553-542 during its Type II outbursts. We have incorporated \emph{NICER, Swift-XRT, RXTE-PCA, \emph{NuSTAR} and FERMI} observations to carry out the detailed phase and time resolved spectral analysis of the source. We have summarized the evidence of variability of the cyclotron feature observed in the X-ray continuum of the source with respect to the pulse phases of the pulsar by using the recent \emph{NuSTAR} observation of 2021 outburst of the source. The time resolved spectral analysis has been performed by considering \emph{RXTE} observations of the 2008 outburst of the pulsar. The hardness intensity diagram (HID) has been obtained using 2008 observations in which the intensity follows distinct branches with respect to the hardness ratio. Diagonal branch is observed in the high intensity state whereas the horizontal branch corresponds to the low intensity state. The transition from the diagonal to horizontal branch occurs at the luminosity of $(4.88\pm0.24)\;\times\;10^{37}\;erg\;s^{-1}$. The photon-index exhibits a weak positive correlation with flux along the diagonal branch and negative correlation along the horizontal branch. The existence of two different diagonal and horizontal branches further reflects the possibility of two different accretion states separated by the critical luminosity. The spin-up rate during the outburst phase is found to depend on the flux and is found to increase with an increase in flux.

Takahiro Morishita, Guido Roberts-Borsani, Tommaso Treu, Gabriel Brammer, Charlotte A. Mason, Michele Trenti, Benedetta Vulcani, Xin Wang, Ana Acebron, Yannick Bahé, Pietro Bergamini, Kristan Boyett, Marusa Bradac, Antonello Calabrò, Marco Castellano, Wenlei Chen, Gabriella De Lucia, Alexei V. Filippenko, Adriano Fontana, Karl Glazebrook, Claudio Grillo, Alaina Henry, Tucker Jones, Patrick L. Kelly, Anton M. Koekemoer, Nicha Leethochawalit, Ting-Yi Lu, Danilo Marchesini, Sara Mascia, Amata Mercurio, Emiliano Merlin, Benjamin Metha, Themiya Nanayakkara, Mario Nonino, Diego Paris, Laura Pentericci, Paola Santini, Victoria Strait, Eros Vanzella, Rogier A. Windhorst, Piero Rosati, Lizhi Xie

Submitted to ApJL. 11 pages. 4 figures. 2 tables

We present the spectroscopic confirmation of a protocluster at z = 7.89 behind the galaxy cluster Abell 2744. Using JWST NIRSpec, we find six galaxies within a projected distance of 60kpc, accounting for lensing magnification. We characterize the physical properties of the galaxies via SED fitting of deep HST+JWST imaging data covering 0.4-5.0$\mu$m. Although the galaxies reside in an overdensity around $\sim130$x greater than a random volume, they do not show strong Ly$\alpha$ emission. We place 2-$\sigma$ upper limits on the rest frame equivalent width $<$16-26AA. Based on the tight upper limits to the Ly$\alpha$ emission, we constrain the neutral fraction of hydrogen along this line of sight to be $x_\mathrm{HI} > 0.45$ (68 % CI). Using an empirical $M_\mathrm{UV}$-$M_\mathrm{halo}$ relation for individual galaxies, we estimate that the total halo mass of the system is $> 4$x$10^{11} M_\odot$. Likewise, the line of sight velocity dispersion is estimated to be $1200 \pm 300$ km/s. This is the highest redshift spectroscopically confirmed protocluster to date, demonstrating the power of JWST to investigate the connection between dark-matter halo assembly and galaxy formation at very early times with medium-deep observations at < 20 hrs total exposure time. Follow-up spectroscopy of the remaining photometric candidates of the overdensity will further refine the features of this system and help characterize the role of such overdensities in cosmic reionization.

Alberto Sainz Dalda, Aaryan Agrawal, Bart De Pontieu, M. Gosic

11 pages, 6 figures and 2 tables

Our knowledge of the low solar atmosphere, i.e., the photosphere and chromosphere, is based on the knowledge gained from the observations and the theoretical and numerical modeling of these layers. In this sense, the thermodynamical and magnetic semi-empirical models of the solar atmosphere have significantly contributed to the advance in the understanding of the physics of the Sun. In the past, many of these models have been used as a reference that helps us to, e.g., constrain the theoretical and numerical modeling, or to verify the goodness of physical parameters obtained from the inversion of the spectral lines. Nevertheless, semi-empirical models are quite limited by the assumptions that are inherent to the approach and do not necessarily provide an accurate view of the instantaneous and local thermodynamic conditions in the solar atmosphere. In this work, we provide an extensive collection of thermodynamic model atmospheres for active regions (ARs) obtained from the simultaneous inversion of 6 lines sensitive to changes in the thermodynamical conditions in the chromosphere, and another 6 lines sensitive to changes in the thermodynamical conditions in the photospere. These inversions were made using 320 representative profiles (RP) obtained by clustering the profiles in the umbra, penumbra, pore-like, plage, and surrounding quiet-sun in 126 active regions. Due to the simultaneous inversion of the selected lines, the resulting representative model atmosphere (RMA) samples the thermodynamics from the bottom of the photosphere to the top of the chromosphere. As a result, this database, named $IRIS^{2+}$ and formed by $40,320$ RP-RMA pairs, represents the most comprehensive collection of stratified-in-optical-depth thermodynamic models of the low solar atmosphere.

Milan Gošić, Bart De Pontieu, Alberto Sainz Dalda

7 pages, 3 figures, animations are available at this https URL

Small-scale, newly emerging internetwork (IN) magnetic fields are considered a viable source of energy and mass for the solar chromosphere and possibly the corona. Multiple studies show that single events of flux emergence can indeed locally heat the low solar atmosphere through interactions of the upward propagating magnetic loops and the preexisting ambient field lines. However, the global impact of the newly emerging IN fields on the solar atmosphere is still unknown. In this letter we study the spatio-temporal evolution of IN bipolar flux features and analyze their impact on the energetics and dynamics of the quiet Sun (QS) atmosphere. We use high resolution, multi-wavelength, coordinated observations obtained with the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), Hinode and the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) to identify emerging IN magnetic fields and follow their evolution. Our observational results suggest that only the largest IN bipoles are capable of heating locally the low solar atmosphere, while the global contribution of these bipoles appears to be marginal. However, the total number of bipoles detected and their impact estimated in this work is limited by the sensitivity level, spatial resolution, and duration of our observations. To detect smaller and weaker IN fields that would maintain the basal flux, and examine their contribution to the chromospheric heating, we will need higher resolution, higher sensitivity and longer time series obtained with current and next-generation ground- and space-based telescopes.

Incomplete sky analysis of cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization spectra induces a major problem of the leakage between $E$- and $B$-modes of CMB polarization. In this article, we present a machine learning approach to remove this $E$-to-$B$ leakage problem using a convolutional neural network (CNN). For $N_{side}=256$, we develop a CNN system to predict the full sky spectra with multipole range $2 \leq \ell \leq 384$ from the partial sky spectra with multipole range $2 \leq \ell \leq 512$ for both $E$- and $B$-modes simultaneously. In this analysis, we use the theoretical spectrum with tensor-to-scalar ratio $r=0.001$ to simulate the realization maps of CMB polarization. We train our CNN system using $10^5$ number of training samples of full sky spectra obtained from these realization maps and corresponding partial spectra obtained from the masked realization maps. The full sky $E$- and $B$-modes spectra predicted by our trained CNN system agree excellently with the corresponding target full sky spectra as well as the theoretical spectra of these CMB polarization modes. Interestingly, these predicted full sky spectra of these polarization modes also preserve the cosmic variances at each multipole. We note that the significance ratios of these predicted full sky spectra for each of these polarization modes are approximately within $3\sigma$. Moreover, our trained CNN system effectively remove the significant correlations appeared in the partial sky $E$- and $B$-modes spectra. Thus, the trained CNN system, developed by us, can predict the full sky $E$- and $B$-modes spectra from the corresponding partial sky spectra preserving the entire statistical properties and removing the problem of so-called $E$-to-$B$ leakage.

In order to invariantly characterise spacetimes resulting from cosmological simulations in numerical relativity, we present two different methodologies to compute the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor, $E_{\alpha\beta}$ and $B_{\alpha\beta}$, from which we construct scalar invariants and the Weyl scalars. The first method is geometrical, computing these tensors in full from the metric, and the second uses the 3+1 slicing formulation. We developed a code for each method and tested them on five analytic metrics, for which we derived $E_{\alpha\beta}$ and $B_{\alpha\beta}$ and the various scalars constructed from them with computer algebra software. We find excellent agreement between the analytic and numerical results. The slicing code outperforms the geometrical code for computational convenience and accuracy; on this basis we make it publicly available in github with the name EBWeyl [ https://github.com/robynlm/ebweyl ]. We emphasize that this post-processing code is applicable to numerical spacetimes in any gauge.

Thomas C. Gehrman, Barmak Shams Es Haghi, Kuver Sinha, Tao Xu

24 pages, 9 figures

Gravitational waves (GWs) in the MHz - GHz frequency range are motivated by a host of early Universe phenomena such as oscillons, preheating, and cosmic strings. We point out that baryogenesis too serves as a motivation to probe GWs in this frequency range. The connection is through primordial black holes (PBHs): on the one hand, PBHs induce baryogenesis by Hawking evaporating into a species that has baryon number and $CP$ violating decays; on the other, PBHs induce GWs through second order effects when the scalar fluctuations responsible for their formation re-enter the horizon. We describe the interplay of the parameters responsible for successful baryogenesis on the plane of the strain and frequency of the induced GWs, being careful to delineate regimes where PBH domination or washout effects occur. We provide semi-analytic scalings of the GW strain with the baryon number to entropy ratio and other parameters important for baryogenesis. Along the way, we sketch a solution to the dark matter-baryogenesis coincidence problem with two populations of PBHs, which leads to a double-peaked GW signal. Our results underscore the importance of probing the ultra high frequency GW frontier.

Chiara Brandenstein, Stefan Stelzl, Erwin Gutsmiedl, Wolfgang Schott, Andreas Weiler, Peter Fierlinger

5 pages, 4 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics (SSP2022)

We describe a new table-top electrostatic storage ring concept for $30$ keV polarized ions at frozen spin condition. The device will ultimately be capable of measuring magnetic fields with a resolution of 10$^{-21}$ T with sub-mHz bandwidth. With the possibility to store different kinds of ions or ionic molecules and access to prepare and probe states of the systems using lasers and SQUIDs, it can be used to search for electric dipole moments (EDMs) of electrons and nucleons, as well as axion-like particle dark matter and dark photon dark matter. Its sensitivity potential stems from several hours of storage time, comparably long spin coherence times, and the possibility to trap up to 10$^9$ particles in bunches with possibly different state preparations for differential measurements. As a dark matter experiment, it is most sensitive in the mass range of 10$^{-10}$ to 10$^{-19}$ eV, where it can potentially probe couplings orders of magnitude below current and proposed laboratory experiments.

Siyao Xu, Alex Lazarian

16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The ubiquitous turbulence in astrophysical plasmas is important for both magnetic reconnection and reconnection acceleration. We study the particle acceleration during fast 3D turbulent reconnection with reconnection-driven turbulence. Particles bounce back and forth between the reconnection-driven inflows due to the mirror reflection and convergence of strong magnetic fields. Via successive head-on collisions, the kinetic energy of the inflows is converted into the accelerated particles. Turbulence not only regulates the inflow speed but also introduces various inflow obliquities with respect to the local turbulent magnetic fields. As both the energy gain and escape probability of particles depend on the inflow speed, the spectral index of particle energy spectrum is not universal. We find it in the range from $\approx 2.5$ to $4$, with the steepest spectrum expected at a strong guide field, i.e. a small angle between the total incoming magnetic field and the guide field. Without scattering diffusion needed for confining particles, the reconnection acceleration can be very efficient at a large inflow speed and a weak guide field.

Corentin van den Broek Dobrenan, Frederic Galliano, Jeremy Minton, Viktor Botev, Ronin Wu

Accepted for publication by Journal of Interdisciplinary Methodologies and Issues in Science (JIMIS)

The explosion of scientific publications overloads researchers with information. This is even more dramatic for interdisciplinary studies, where several fields need to be explored. A tool to help researchers overcome this is Natural Language Processing (NLP): a machine-learning (ML) technique that allows scientists to automatically synthesize information from many articles. As a practical example, we have used NLP to conduct an interdisciplinary search for compounds that could be carriers for Diffuse Interstellar Bands (DIBs), a long-standing open question in astrophysics. We have trained a NLP model on a corpus of 1.5 million cross-domain articles in open access, and fine-tuned this model with a corpus of astrophysical publications about DIBs. Our analysis points us toward several molecules, studied primarily in biology, having transitions at the wavelengths of several DIBs and composed of abundant interstellar atoms. Several of these molecules contain chromophores, small molecular groups responsible for the molecule's colour, that could be promising candidate carriers. Identifying viable carriers demonstrates the value of using NLP to tackle open scientific questions, in an interdisciplinary manner.

Patrick Huber, Kate Scholberg, Elizabeth Worcester, Jonathan Asaadi, A. Baha Balantekin, Nathaniel Bowden, Pilar Coloma, Peter B. Denton, André de Gouvêa, Laura Fields, Megan Friend, Steven Gardiner, Carlo Giunti, Julieta Gruszko, Benjamin J.P. Jones, Georgia Karagiorgi, Lisa Kaufman, Joshua R. Klein, Lisa W. Koerner, Yusuke Koshio, Jonathan M Link, Bryce R. Littlejohn, Ana A. Machado, Kendall Mahn, Alysia D. Marino, Mark D. Messier, Irina Mocioiu, Jason Newby, Erin O'Sullivan, Juan Pedro Ochoa-Ricoux, Gabriel D. Orebi Gann, Diana S. Parno, Saori Pastore, David W. Schmitz, Ian M. Shoemaker, Alexandre Sousa, Joshua Spitz, Raimund Strauss, Louis E. Strigari, Irene Tamborra, Wei Wang, Jaehoon Yu, K S Babu, Robert H Bernstein, Erin Conley, Albert De Roeck, Alexander I. Himmel, et al. (10 additional authors not shown)

49 pages, contribution to: 2021 Snowmass Summer Study

This report summarizes the current status of neutrino physics and the broad and exciting future prospects identified for the Neutrino Frontier as part of the 2021 Snowmass Process.

Magnetic clouds (MCs) are observed insitu by spacecraft. The rotation of their magnetic field is typically interpreted as the crossing of a twisted magnetic flux tube, or flux rope, which was launched from the solar corona. The detailed magnetic measurements across MCs permit us to infer the flux rope characteristics. Still, the precise spatial distribution of the magnetic twist is challenging, and thus is debated. In order to improve the robustness of the results, we performed a superposed epoch analysis (SEA) of a set of well observed MCs at 1 au. While previous work was done using the MC central time, we here used the result of a fitted flux rope model to select the time of the closest approach to the flux rope axis. This implies a precise separation of the in- and outbound regions to coherently phase the observed signals. We also searched for and minimised the possible biases such as magnetic asymmetry and a finite impact parameter. We applied the SEA to derive the median profiles both for the flux rope remaining when crossed by the spacecraft and to recover the one present before erosion. In particular, the median azimuthal B component is nearly a linear function of the radius. More generally, the results confirm our previous results realised without such a deep analysis. The twist profile is nearly uniform in the flux rope core, with a steep increase at the border of the flux rope and with similar profiles in the in- and outbound regions. The main difference with our previous study is a larger twist by $\sim 20\%$.

Jonas Wildberger, Maximilian Dax, Stephen R. Green, Jonathan Gair, Michael Pürrer, Jakob H. Macke, Alessandra Buonanno, Bernhard Schölkopf

Deep learning techniques for gravitational-wave parameter estimation have emerged as a fast alternative to standard samplers $\unicode{x2013}$ producing results of comparable accuracy. These approaches (e.g., DINGO) enable amortized inference by training a normalizing flow to represent the Bayesian posterior conditional on observed data. By conditioning also on the noise power spectral density (PSD) they can even account for changing detector characteristics. However, training such networks requires knowing in advance the distribution of PSDs expected to be observed, and therefore can only take place once all data to be analyzed have been gathered. Here, we develop a probabilistic model to forecast future PSDs, greatly increasing the temporal scope of DINGO networks. Using PSDs from the second LIGO-Virgo observing run (O2) $\unicode{x2013}$ plus just a single PSD from the beginning of the third (O3) $\unicode{x2013}$ we show that we can train a DINGO network to perform accurate inference throughout O3 (on 37 real events). We therefore expect this approach to be a key component to enable the use of deep learning techniques for low-latency analyses of gravitational waves.

Manuel Reichert, Zhi-Wei Wang

8 pages, 3 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the XVth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum conference at the University of Stavanger

We discuss the stochastic gravitational-wave spectrum from dark confinement and chiral phase transitions in the early Universe. Specifically, we look at pure Yang-Mills theory for an arbitrary number of colours as well as SU(3) with quarks in different representations. We utilise thermodynamic lattice data and map it to effective models, such as the Polyakov-loop and the PNJL model. This allows us to compute gravitational-wave parameters and the corresponding gravitational-wave signal. We compare the signal to future gravitational-wave observatories such as the Big Bang Observer and DECIGO.

Felipe Sulantay, Macarena Lagos, Máximo Bañados

11 pages, 1 figure

We study the parity-breaking higher-curvature gravity theory of Chern-Simons (CS), using the Palatini formulation in which the metric and connection are taken to be independent fields. We first show that Palatini CS gravity leads to first-order derivative equations of motion and thus avoid the typical instabilities of CS gravity in the metric formalism. As an initial application, we analyze the cosmological propagation of gravitational waves (GWs) in Palatini CS gravity. We show that, due to parity breaking, the polarizations of GWs suffer two effects during propagation: amplitude birefringence (which changes the polarization ellipticity) and velocity birefringence (which rotates the polarization plane). While amplitude birefringence is known to be present in CS gravity in the metric formalism, velocity birefringence is not present in metric CS gravity, but now appears in Palatini CS due to the fact that left-handed and right-handed GW polarizations have a different dispersion relation. In the approximation of small deviations from General Relativity (GR), we do find however that velocity birefringence appears at least quadratically in the CS coupling parameter $\alpha$, while amplitude birefringence appears linearly in $\alpha$. This means that amplitude birefringence will be the most relevant effect in Palatini CS and hence this model will behave similarly to metric CS. We confirm this by applying current constraints on amplitude and velocity birefringence to Palatini CS, and showing that those from amplitude birefringence give the tightest bounds.

José Antonio Nájera, Carlos Aráoz Alvarado

Accepted for publication in Physics of the Dark Universe

In this paper, we investigated the theoretical and cosmological effects of the matter Lagrangian degeneracy in an extension of the Symmetric Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity, denoted as $f (Q, T )$ gravity. This degeneracy comes from the fact that both $\mathcal{L}_m = p$ and $\mathcal{L}_m = -\rho$ can give rise to the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid. The $f(Q,T)$ equations depend on the form of the matter Lagrangian and hence they also have a degeneracy that has influence on the density evolution of dust matter and radiation, on the form of the generalized Friedmann equations and also shows changes in the cosmological parameters confidence regions when performing Monte Carlo Markov Chains analyses. Our results suggest that since changing the matter Lagrangian causes different theoretical and cosmological results, future studies in $f(Q,T)$ gravity should consider both forms of the matter Lagrangians to account for the different mathematical and observational results.