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Papers for Wednesday, Nov 23 2022

Papers with local authors

Goni Halevi, Belinda Wu, Philipp Moesta, Ore Gottlieb, Alexander Tchekhovskoy, David R. Aguilera-Dena

9 pages, 4 figures+1 table, submitted to ApJL, comments welcome

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2211.11781
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2211.11781

Long-duration gamma-ray bursts (lGRBs) originate in relativistic collimated outflows -- jets -- that drill their way out of collapsing massive stars. Accurately modeling this process requires realistic stellar profiles for the jets to propagate through and break out of. Most previous studies have used simple power laws or pre-collapse models for massive stars. However, the relevant stellar profile for lGRB models is in fact that of a star after its core has collapsed to form a compact object. To self-consistently compute such a stellar profile, we use the open-source code GR1D to simulate the core-collapse process for a suite of low-metallicity, rotating, massive stellar progenitors that have undergone chemically homogeneous evolution. Our models span a range of zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) masses: $M_\mathrm{ZAMS} = 13, 18, 21, 25, 35, 40$, and $45 M_\odot$. All of these models, at the onset of core-collapse, feature steep density profiles, $\rho \propto r^{-\alpha}$ with $\alpha\approx 2.5$, which would result in jets that are inconsistent with lGRB observables. We follow the collapse of four out of our seven models until they form BHs and the other three proto-neutron stars (PNSs). We find, across all models, that the density profile outside of the newly-formed BH or PNS is well-represented by a flatter power law with $\alpha \approx 1.35{-}1.55$. Such flat density profiles are conducive to successful formation and breakout of BH-powered jets and, in fact, required to reproduce observable properties of lGRBs. Future models of lGRBs should be initialized with shallower \textit{post-collapse} stellar profiles like those presented here instead of the much steeper pre-collapse profiles that are typically used.

Madison Brady, Jacob Bean, Andreas Seifahrt, David Kasper, Rafael Luque, Ansgar Reiners, Björn Benneke, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Julian Stürmer

18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to AJ

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Paper 15 — arXiv:2211.11841
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2211.11841

A star's obliquity with respect to its planetary system can provide us with insight into the system's formation and evolution, as well as hinting at the presence of additional objects in the system. However, M dwarfs, which are the most promising targets for atmospheric follow-up, are underrepresented in terms of obliquity characterization surveys due to the challenges associated with making precise measurements. In this paper, we use the extreme-precision radial velocity spectrograph MAROON-X to measure the obliquity of the late M dwarf TRAPPIST-1. With the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, we measure a system obliquity of $-2^{+17}_{-19}$ degrees and a stellar rotational velocity of 2.1 $\pm$ 0.3 km s$^{-1}$. We were unable to detect stellar surface differential rotation, and we found that a model in which all planets share the same obliquity was favored by our current data. We were unable to make a detection of the signatures of the planets using Doppler tomography, which is likely a result of the both the slow rotation of the star and the low SNR of the data. Overall, TRAPPIST-1 appears to have a low obliquity, which could imply that the system has a low primordial obliquity. It also appears to be a slow rotator, which is consistent with past characterizations of the system and estimates of the star's rotation period. The MAROON-X data allow for a precise measurement of the stellar obliquity through the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, highlighting the capabilities of MAROON-X and its ability to make high-precision RV measurements around late, dim stars.

Shaobo Zhang, Wenwu Tian, Mengfei Zhang, Hui Zhu, Xiaohong Cui
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Paper 56 — arXiv:2211.12426
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Paper 56 — arXiv:2211.12426

The youngest Galactic supernova remnant G1.9+0.3 shows a discrete feature between its radio and X-ray morphologies. The observed radio morphology features a single maximum in the north, while the X-ray observation shows two opposite 'ears' on the east and west sides. Using 3D magneto hydrodynamical simulations, we investigate the formation of the discrete feature of the remnant. We have tested different parameters for better simulation and reproduced similar discrete features under an environment with density gradient and an environment with clump, which provides a possible explanation of the observation.

All other papers

A search for laser light from the directions of Alpha Centauri A and B was performed by examining 15362 optical, high-resolution spectra obtained between 2004 and 2018. None of the spectra exhibit laser emission lines. The threshold was 10% of the continuum intensity of the spectra of both stars at all wavelengths between 3850 and 6900 {\AA}. This search would have revealed optical laser light from the directions of Alpha Cen B if the laser had a power at least 1.4 to 5.4 MW (depending on wavelength) and was positioned within the 1 arcsecond field of view (projecting to 1.3 AU), for a benchmark 10-meter laser launcher. For Alpha Cen A, the laser power must be 3 times greater for detection. Lasers of smaller aperture would also have been detected but would require more power. Considering all optical surveys, a growing desert is emerging in the search for extraterrestrial technology.

Sung Hak Lim, Kailash A. Raman, Matthew R. Buckley, David Shih

17 pages, 11 figures

Cosmological N-body simulations of galaxies operate at the level of "star particles" with a mass resolution on the scale of thousands of solar masses. Turning these simulations into stellar mock catalogs requires "upsampling" the star particles into individual stars following the same phase-space density. In this paper, we demonstrate that normalizing flows provide a viable upsampling method that greatly improves on conventionally-used kernel smoothing algorithms such as EnBiD. We demonstrate our flow-based upsampling technique, dubbed GalaxyFlow, on a neighborhood of the Solar location in two simulated galaxies: Auriga 6 and h277. By eye, GalaxyFlow produces stellar distributions that are smoother than EnBiD-based methods and more closely match the Gaia DR3 catalog. For a quantitative comparison of generative model performance, we introduce a novel multi-model classifier test. Using this classifier test, we show that GalaxyFlow more accurately estimates the density of the underlying star particles than previous methods.

N. Engler, J. Milli, R. Gratton, S. Ulmer-Moll, A. Vigan, H.M. Schmid, S. Messina, V. Squicciarini, A.-M. Lagrange, A. Grandjean, J. Olofsson, P. Thébault, R. van Holstein, M. Janson, F. Ménard, J. P. Marshall, G. Chauvin, T. Bhowmik, A. Boccaletti, M. Bonnefoy, C. del Burgo, E. Choquet, S. Desidera, M. Feldt, T. Fusco, J. Girard, D. Gisler, J. Hagelberg, M. Langlois, A.-L. Maire, D. Mesa, M.R. Meyer, P. Rabou, L. Rodet, T. Schmidt, A. Zurlo

27 pages

We present new optical and near-IR images of debris disk around the F-type star HD 114082. We obtained direct imaging observations and analysed the TESS photometric time series data of this target with a goal to search for planetary companions and to characterise the morphology of the debris disk and the scattering properties of dust particles. HD 114082 was observed with the VLT/SPHERE instrument: the IRDIS camera in the K band together with the IFS in the Y, J and H band using the ADI technique as well as IRDIS in the H band and ZIMPOL in the I_PRIME band using the PDI technique. The scattered light images were fitted with a 3D model for single scattering in an optically thin dust disk. We performed aperture photometry in order to derive the scattering and polarized phase functions, polarization fraction and spectral scattering albedo for the dust particles in the disk. This method was also used to obtain the reflectance spectrum of the disk to retrieve the disk color and study the dust reflectivity in comparison to the debris disk HD 117214. We also performed the modeling of the HD 114082 light curve measured by TESS using the models for planet transit and stellar activity to put constraints on radius of the detected planet and its orbit. The debris disk appears as an axisymmetric debris belt with a radius of ~0.37$''$ (35 au), inclination of ~83$^\circ$ and a wide inner cavity. Dust particles in HD 114082 have a maximum polarization fraction of ~17% and a high reflectivity which results in a spectral scattering albedo of 0.65. The analysis of TESS photometric data reveals a transiting planetary companion to HD 114082 with a radius of $\sim$1~$\rm R_{J}$ on an orbit with a semi-major axis of $0.7 \pm 0.4$ au. In the IRDIS K band images, we reach deep sensitivity limits in terms of companion masses, down to ~5$M_{\rm Jup}$ at 50 au, and ~11 $M_{\rm Jup}$ at 20 au from the central star.

Daniel P. Thorngren, Eve J. Lee, Eric D. Lopez

10 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters

The hot Saturn population exhibits a boundary in mass-radius space, such that no planets are observed at a density less than $\sim$0.1 g cm$^{-3}$. Yet, planet interior structure models can readily construct such objects as the natural result of radius inflation. Here, we investigate the role XUV-driven mass-loss plays in sculpting the density boundary by constructing interior structure models that include radius inflation, photoevaporative mass loss and a simple prescription of Roche lobe overflow. We demonstrate that planets puffier than $\sim$0.1 g cm$^{-3}$ experience a runaway mass loss caused by adiabatic radius expansion as the gas layer is stripped away, providing a good explanation of the observed edge in mass-radius space. The process is also visible in the radius-period and mass-period spaces, though smaller, high-bulk-metallicity planets can still survive at short periods, preserving a partial record of the population distribution at formation.

Rainer Weinberger, Kung-Yi Su, Kristian Ehlert, Christoph Pfrommer, Lars Hernquist, Greg L. Bryan, Volker Springel, Yuan Li, Blakesley Burkhart, Ena Choi, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère

21 pages, 20 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

Feedback driven by jets from active galactic nuclei is believed to be responsible for reducing cooling flows in cool-core galaxy clusters. We use simulations to model feedback from hydrodynamic jets in isolated halos. While the jet propagation converges only after the diameter of the jet is well resolved, reliable predictions about the effects these jets have on the cooling time distribution function only require resolutions sufficient to keep the jet-inflated cavities stable. Comparing different model variations, as well as an independent jet model using a different hydrodynamics code, we show that the dominant uncertainties are the choices of jet properties within a given model. Independent of implementation, we find that light, thermal jets with low momentum flux tend to delay the onset of a cooling flow more efficiently on a $50$ Myr timescale than heavy, kinetic jets. The delay of the cooling flow originates from a displacement and boost in entropy of the central gas. If the jet luminosity depends on accretion rate, collimated, light, hydrodynamic jets are able to reduce cooling flows in halos, without a need for jet precession or wide opening angles. Comparing the jet feedback with a `kinetic wind' implementation shows that equal amounts of star formation rate reduction can be achieved by different interactions with the halo gas: the jet has a larger effect on the hot halo gas while leaving the denser, star forming phase in place, while the wind acts more locally on the star forming phase, which manifests itself in different time-variability properties.

Giuliano Iorio, Guglielmo Costa, Michela Mapelli, Mario Spera, Gastón J. Escobar, Cecilia Sgalletta, Alessandro A. Trani, Erika Korb, Filippo Santoliquido, Marco Dall'Amico, Nicola Gaspari, Alessandro Bressan

Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome! The SEVN code is available at this https URL All the data underlying this article are available in Zenodo at the link this https URL All the Jupyter notebooks used to produce the plots in the paper are available in the gitlab repository this https URL

Population-synthesis codes are an unique tool to explore the parameter space of massive binary star evolution and binary compact object (BCO) formation. Most population-synthesis codes are based on the same stellar evolution model, limiting our ability to explore the main uncertainties. Our code SEVN overcomes this issue by interpolating the main stellar properties from a set of pre-computed evolutionary tracks. With SEVN, we evolved $1.2\times10^9$ binaries in the metallicity range $0.0001\leq Z \leq 0.03$, exploring a number of models for electron-capture, core-collapse and pair-instability supernovae, different assumptions for common envelope, stability of mass transfer, quasi-homogeneous evolution and stellar tides. We find that stellar evolution has a dramatic impact on the formation of single and binary compact objects. Just by slightly changing the overshooting parameter ($\lambda_{\rm ov}=0.4,0.5$) and the pair-instability model, the maximum mass of a black hole can vary from $\approx{60}$ to $\approx{100}\ \mathrm{M}_\odot$. Furthermore, the formation channels of BCOs and the merger efficiency we obtain with SEVN show significant differences with respect to the results of other population-synthesis codes, even when the same binary-evolution parameters are used. For example, the main traditional formation channel of BCOs is strongly suppressed in our models: at high metallicity ($Z\gtrsim{0.01}$) only $<20$% of the merging binary black holes and binary neutron stars form via this channel, while other authors found fractions $>70$%. The local BCO merger rate density of our fiducial models is consistent with the most recent estimates by the LIGO--Virgo--KAGRA collaboration.

Laura Scholz-Diaz, Ignacio Martin-Navarro, Jesus Falcon-Barroso

Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 13 pages, 9 Figures

Nearby galaxies are the end result of their cosmological evolution, which is predicted to be influenced by the growth of their host dark matter halos. This co-evolution potentially leaves signatures in present-day observed galaxy properties, which might be essential to further understand how the growth and properties of galaxies are connected to those of their host halos. In this work, we study the evolutionary histories of nearby galaxies both in terms of their host halos and the scatter of the star-forming main sequence by investigating their time-resolved stellar populations using absorption optical spectra drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We find that galaxy star formation histories depend on the masses of their host halos, and hence they shape the evolution of the star-forming main sequence over cosmic time. Additionally, we also find that the scatter around the z=0 star-forming main sequence is not (entirely) stochastic, as galaxies with currently different star formation rates have experienced, on average, different star formation histories. Our findings suggest that dark matter halos might play a key role in modulating the evolution of star formation in galaxies, and thus of the main sequence, and further demonstrate that galaxies at different evolutionary stages contribute to the observed scatter of this relation.

Felix Pat (1 and 2), Stéphanie Juneau (2), Vanessa Böhm (3), Ragadeepika Pucha (1), A. G. Kim (3), A. S. Bolton (2), Cleo Lepart (3), Dylan Green (4), Adam D. Myers (5) ((1) University of Arizona, (2) NSF's NOIRLab, (3) Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics, University of California, (4) University of California, Irvine, (5) University of Wyoming)

ASP Conference Series, Compendium of Undergraduate Research in Astronomy and Space Science (accepted), 24 pages, 14 figures

Optical spectra of galaxies and quasars from large cosmological surveys are used to measure redshifts and infer distances. They are also rich with information on the intrinsic properties of these astronomical objects. However, their physical interpretation can be challenging due to the substantial number of degrees of freedom, various sources of noise, and degeneracies between physical parameters that cause similar spectral characteristics. To gain deeper insights into these degeneracies, we apply two unsupervised machine learning frameworks to a sample from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 16 (SDSS DR16). The first framework is a Probabilistic Auto-Encoder (PAE), a two-stage deep learning framework consisting of a data compression stage from 1000 elements to 10 parameters and a density estimation stage. The second framework is a Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP), which we apply to both the uncompressed and compressed data. Exploring across regions on the compressed data UMAP, we construct sequences of stacked spectra which show a gradual transition from star-forming galaxies with narrow emission lines and blue spectra to passive galaxies with absorption lines and red spectra. Focusing on galaxies with broad emission lines produced by quasars, we find a sequence with varying levels of obscuration caused by cosmic dust. The experiments we present here inform future applications of neural networks and dimensionality reduction algorithms for large astronomical spectroscopic surveys.

Zechang Sun, Yuan-Sen Ting, Zheng Cai

Main body is 23 pages with 14 figures. Much more detailed exposition of the method originally presented in the short conference workshop paper arXiv:2207.02788 . All source codes are made publicly available at this https URL . Submitted to ApJS. Comments are welcome!

Since their first discovery, quasars have been essential probes of the distant Universe. However, due to our limited knowledge of its nature, predicting the intrinsic quasar continua has bottlenecked their usage. Existing methods of quasar continuum recovery often rely on a limited number of high-quality quasar spectra, which might not capture the full diversity of the quasar population. In this study, we propose an unsupervised probabilistic model, \textit{Quasar Factor Analysis} (QFA), which combines factor analysis (FA) with physical priors of the intergalactic medium (IGM) to overcome these limitations. QFA captures the posterior distribution of quasar continua through generatively modeling quasar spectra. We demonstrate that QFA can achieve the state-of-the-art performance, $\sim 2\%$ relative error, for continuum prediction in the Ly$\alpha$ forest region compared to previous methods. We further fit 90,678 $2<\mathrm{z}<3.5$, SNR$>2$ quasar spectra from Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16 and found that for $\sim 30\%$ quasar spectra where the continua were ill-determined with previous methods, QFA yields visually more plausible continua. QFA also attains $\lesssim 1\%$ error in the 1D Ly$\alpha$ power spectrum measurements at $\mathrm{z}\sim 3$ and $\sim 4\%$ in $\mathrm{z}\sim 2.4$. In addition, QFA determines latent factors representing more physically motivated than PCA. We investigate the evolution of the latent factors and report no significant redshift or luminosity dependency except for the Baldwin effect. The generative nature of QFA also enables outlier detection robustly; we showed that QFA is effective in selecting outlying quasar spectra, including damped Ly$\alpha$ systems and potential Type II quasar spectra.

Shihong Liao, Peter H. Johansson, Matias Mannerkoski, Dimitrios Irodotou, Francesco Paolo Rizzuto, Stuart McAlpine, Antti Rantala, Alexander Rawlings, Till Sawala

28 pages, 13 main + 6 appendix figures, submitted to MNRAS

We introduce a new model for the accretion and feedback of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries to the KETJU code, which enables us to resolve the evolution of SMBH binaries down to separations of tens of Schwarzschild radii in gas-rich galaxy mergers. Our subgrid binary accretion model extends the widely used Bondi--Hoyle--Lyttleton accretion into the binary phase and incorporates preferential mass accretion onto the secondary SMBH, which is motivated by results from small-scale hydrodynamical circumbinary disc simulations. We perform idealised gas-rich disc galaxy merger simulations using pure thermal or pure kinetic active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback. Our binary accretion model provides more physically motivated SMBH mass ratios, which are one of the key parameters for computing gravitational wave (GW) induced recoil velocities. The merger time-scales of our simulated SMBH binaries are in the range $t_{\rm merge}{\sim} 10$--$400$ Myr. Prograde in-plane equal-mass galaxy mergers lead to the shortest merger time-scales, as they experience the strongest starbursts, with the ensuing high stellar density resulting in a rapid SMBH coalescence. Compared to the thermal AGN feedback, the kinetic AGN feedback predicts longer merger time-scales and results in more core-like stellar profiles, as it is more effective in removing gas from the galaxy centre and quenching star formation. This suggests that the AGN feedback implementation plays a critical role in modelling SMBH coalescences. Our model will be useful for improving the modelling of SMBH mergers in gas-rich galaxies, the prime targets for the upcoming LISA GW observatory.

Regina Sarmiento, Marc Huertas-Company, Johan H. Knapen, Héctor Ibarra-Medel, Annalisa Pillepich, Sebastián F. Sánchez, Alina Boecker

Submitted to A&A, 21 pages, 17 figures, 1 table

Modern astronomical observations give unprecedented access to the physical properties of nearby galaxies, including spatially resolved stellar populations. However, observations can only give a present-day view of the Universe, whereas cosmological simulations give access to the past record of the processes that galaxies have experienced in their evolution. To connect the events that happened in the past with galactic properties as seen today, simulations must be taken to a common ground before being compared to observations. We emulate data from the MaNGA survey, which is the largest integral field spectroscopic galaxy survey to date with its 10,000 nearby galaxies of all types. For this, we use the cosmological simulations TNG50 to generate MaNGIA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies with IllustrisTNG Astrophysics), a mock MaNGA sample of similar size that emulates observations of galaxies for stellar population analysis. We choose TNG galaxies to match the MaNGA sample selection to limit the impact of selection effects. We produce MaNGA-like datacubes from all simulated galaxies, and process these with the pyPipe3D analysis code. This allows us to extract spatially resolved stellar maps. This first paper presents the approach to generate the mock sample and provides an initial exploration of its properties. We show that the stellar populations and kinematics of the simulated MaNGIA galaxies are overall in good agreement with observations. Specific discrepancies, especially in the age and metallicity gradients in low- to intermediate-mass regimes and in massive galaxies' kinematics, require further investigation. We compare our results to other attempts to mock similar observations, all of smaller data sets. Our final dataset will be released with the publication, consisting of >10,000 post-processed data-cubes analysed with pyPipe3D, along with the codes developed to create it.

M. Siudek, K. Lisiecki, M. Mezcua, K. Małek, A. Pollo, J. Krywult, A. Karska, Junais

Accepted for publication in the ML4ASTRO (ICML 2022) proceeding book

While we already seem to have a general scenario of the evolution of different types of galaxies, a complete and satisfactory understanding of the processes that led to the formation of all the variety of today's galaxy types is still beyond our reach. To solve this problem, we need both large datasets reaching high redshifts and novel methodologies for dealing with them. The VIPERS survey statistical power, which observed $\sim90,000$ galaxies at $z > 0.5$, and the application of an unsupervised clustering algorithm allowed us to distinguish 12 galaxy classes. Studies of their environmental dependence indicate that this classification may actually reflect different galaxy evolutionary paths. For instance, a class of the most passive red galaxies gathers galaxies $\sim20\%$ smaller than other red galaxies of a similar stellar mass, revealing the first sample of red nuggets at intermediate redshift. On the other end, a class of blue dwarf galaxies is composed mainly of AGN, challenging commonly used mid-infrared AGN selections.

Pierre-Alexis Roy, Björn Benneke, Caroline Piaulet, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Laura Kreidberg, Diana Dragomir, Drake Deming, Michael W. Werner, Vivien Parmentier, Jessie L. Christiansen, Courtney D. Dressing, Stephen R. Kane, Farisa Y. Morales

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 14 pages, 5 figures

The Kepler and TESS missions revealed a remarkable abundance of sub-Neptune exoplanets. Despite this abundance, our understanding of the nature and compositional diversity of sub-Neptunes remains limited, to a large part because atmospheric studies via transmission spectroscopy almost exclusively aimed for low-density sub-Neptunes and even those were often affected by high-altitude clouds. The recent TESS discovery of the hot, dense TOI-824b ($2.93\,R_\oplus$ and $18.47\,M_\oplus$) opens a new window into sub-Neptune science by enabling the study of a dense sub-Neptune via secondary eclipses. Here, we present the detection of TOI-824b's hot day side via Spitzer secondary eclipse observations in the $3.6$ and $4.5\,\mathrm{\mu m}$ channels, combined with a reanalysis of its interior composition. The measured eclipse depths (142$^{+57}_{-52}$ and 245$^{+75}_{-77}$ ppm) and brightness temperatures (1463$^{+183}_{-196}$ and 1484$^{+180}_{-202}$ K) indicate a poor heat redistribution ($f>$ 0.49) and a low Bond albedo (A$_{B}<$ 0.26). We conclude that TOI-824b could be an "exposed Neptune mantle": a planet with a Neptune-like water-rich interior that never accreted a hydrogen envelope or that subsequently lost it. The hot day-side temperature is then naturally explained by a high-metallicity envelope re-emitting the bulk of the incoming radiation from the day side. TOI-824b's density is also consistent with a massive rocky core that accreted up to 1% of hydrogen, but the observed eclipse depths favor our high-metallicity GCM simulation to a solar-metallicity GCM simulation with a likelihood ratio of 7:1. The new insights into TOI-824b's nature suggest that the sub-Neptune population may be more diverse than previously thought, with some of the dense hot sub-Neptunes potentially not hosting a hydrogen-rich envelope as generally assumed for sub-Neptunes.

B. Posselt, A. Karastergiou, S. Johnston, A. Parthasarathy, L. S. Oswald, R.A. Main, A. Basu, M.J. Keith, X. Song, P. Weltevrede, C. Tiburzi, M. Bailes, S. Buchner, M. Geyer, M. Kramer, R. Spiewak, V. Venkatraman Krishnan

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 21 pages, 25 figures, 6 Tables

We present the largest single survey to date of average profiles of radio pulsars, observed and processed using the same telescope and data reduction software. Specifically, we present measurements for 1170 pulsars, observed by the Thousand Pulsar Array (TPA) programme at the 64-dish SARAO MeerKAT radio telescope, in a frequency band from 856 to 1712 MHz. We provide rotation measures (RM), dispersion measures, flux densities and polarization properties. The catalogue includes 254 new RMs that substantially increase the total number of known pulsar RMs. Our integration times typically span over 1000 individual rotations per source. We show that the radio (pseudo)luminosity has a strong, shallow dependence on the spin-down energy, proportional to $\dot{E}^{0.15\pm0.04}$, that contradicts some previous proposals of population synthesis studies. In addition, we find a significant correlation between the steepness of the observed flux density spectra and $\dot{E}$, and correlations of the fractional linear polarization with $\dot{E}$, the spectral index, and the pulse width, which we discuss in the context of what is known about pulsar radio emission and how pulsars evolve with time. On the whole, we do not see significant correlations with the estimated surface magnetic field strength, and the correlations with $\dot{E}$ are much stronger than those with the characteristic age. This finding lends support to the suggestion that magnetic dipole braking may not be the dominant factor for the evolution of pulsar rotation over the lifetimes of pulsars. A public data release of the high-fidelity time-averaged pulse profiles in full polarization accompanies our catalogue.

Miguel F. Morales, Jonathan Pober, Bryna J. Hazelton

Submitted to MNRAS

Through a very careful analysis Kolopanis et al. (2022) identified a negative power spectrum (PS) systematic. The 21 cm cosmology community has assumed that any observational systematics would add power, as negative PS are non-physical. In addition to the mystery of their origin, negative PS systematics raise the spectre of artificially lowering upper limits on the 21 cm PS. It appears that the source of the negative PS systematics is a subtle interaction between choices in how the PS estimate is calculated and baseline-dependent systematic power. In this paper we present a statistical model of baseline dependent systematics to explore how negative PS systematics can appear and their statistical characteristics. This leads us to recommendations on when and how to consider negative PS systematics when reporting observational 21 cm cosmology upper limit.

Michael Reefe, Remington O. Sexton, Sara M. Doan, Shobita Satyapal, Nathan J. Secrest, Jenna M. Cann

27 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables

Coronal lines are a powerful, yet poorly understood, tool to identify and characterize Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). There have been few large scale surveys of coronal lines in the general galaxy population in the literature so far. Using a novel pre-selection technique with a flux-to-RMS ratio $F$, followed by Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) fitting, we searched for the full suite of 20 coronal lines in the optical spectra of almost 1 million galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 8. We present a catalog of the emission line parameters for the resulting 258 galaxies with detections. The Coronal Line Activity Spectroscopic Survey (CLASS) includes line properties, host galaxy properties, and selection criteria for all galaxies in which at least one line is detected. This comprehensive study reveals that a significant fraction of coronal line activity is missed in past surveys based on a more limited set of coronal lines; $\sim$60% of our sample do not display the more widely surveyed [Fe X] $\lambda$6374. In addition, we discover a strong correlation between coronal line and WISE W2 luminosities, suggesting that the mid-infrared flux can be used to predict coronal line fluxes. For each line we also provide a confidence level that the line is present, generated by a novel neural network, trained on fully simulated data. We find that after training the network to detect individual lines using 100,000 simulated spectra, we achieve an overall true positive rate of 75.49% and a false positive rate of only 3.96%.

Maureen Cohen, Massimo A. Bollasina, Denis E. Sergeev, Paul I. Palmer, Nathan J. Mayne

21 pages, 11 figures

Cloud cover at the planetary limb of water-rich Earth-like planets is likely to weaken chemical signatures in transmission spectra, impeding attempts to characterize these atmospheres. However, based on observations of Earth and solar system worlds, exoplanets with atmospheres should have both short-term weather and long-term climate variability, implying that cloud cover may be less during some observing periods. We identify and describe a mechanism driving periodic clear sky events at the terminators in simulations of tidally locked Earth-like planets. A feedback between dayside cloud radiative effects, incoming stellar radiation and heating, and the dynamical state of the atmosphere, especially the zonal wavenumber-1 Rossby wave identified in past work on tidally locked planets, leads to oscillations in Rossby wave phase speeds and in the position of Rossby gyres and results in advection of clouds to or away from the planet's eastern terminator. We study this oscillation in simulations of Proxima Centauri b, TRAPPIST 1-e, and rapidly rotating versions of these worlds located at the extreme inner edge of their stars' habitable zones. We simulate time series of the transit depths of the 1.4 {\mu}m water feature and 2.7 {\mu}m carbon dioxide feature. The impact of atmospheric variability on the transmission spectra is sensitive to the structure of the dayside cloud cover and the location of the Rossby gyres, but none of our simulations have variability significant enough to be detectable with current methods.

J. Tian, G. E. Anderson, P. J. Hancock, J. C. A. Miller-Jones, M. Sokolowski, C. W. James, N. D. R. Bhat, N. A. Swainston, D. Ung, B. W. Meyers

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a targeted search for low-frequency (144--215\,MHz) FRB emission from five repeating FRBs using 23.3\,hr of archival data taken with the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Voltage Capture System (VCS) between 2014 September and 2020 May. This is the first time that the MWA VCS has been used to search for FRB signals from known repeaters, which enables much more sensitive FRB searches than previously performed with the standard MWA correlator mode. We performed a standard single pulse search with a temporal and spectral resolution of $400\,\mu$s and 10\,kHz, respectively, over a $100\,\text{pc}\,\text{cm}^{-3}$ dispersion measure (DM) range centred at the known DM of each studied repeating FRB. No FRBs exceeding a $6\sigma$ threshold were detected. The fluence upper limits in the range of 32--1175\,Jy\,ms and 36--488\,Jy\,ms derived from 10 observations of FRB 20190711A and four observations of FRB 20201124A respectively, allow us to constrain the spectral indices of their bursts to $\gtrsim-1$ if these two repeaters were active during the MWA observations. If free-free absorption is responsible for our non-detection, we can constrain the size of the absorbing medium in terms of the electron temperature $T$ to $<1.00\times(T/10^4\text{K})^{-1.35}\,\text{pc}$, $<0.92\times(T/10^4\text{K})^{-1.35}\,\text{pc}$ and $<[0.22\text{--}2.50]\times(T/10^4\text{K})^{-1.35}\,\text{pc}$ for FRB 20190117A, 20190711A, and 20201124A, respectively. However, given that the activities of these repeaters are not well characterised, our non-detections could also suggest they were inactive during the MWA observations.

The primordial perturbations will inevitably generate higher order perturbations. We study the second order scalar perturbations generated by the primordial curvature and tensor perturbations in the radiation-dominated era. After presenting all the possible second-order source terms, we obtain the explicit expressions of the kernel functions and the power spectra of the second order scalar perturbations. The contributions from the initial second-order perturbations are considered. We calculate the power spectra of second order scalar perturbations for different tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$.

Pu Du, Shuo Zhai, Jian-Min Wang

28 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Reverberation mapping (RM) is a widely-used method for probing the physics of broad-line regions (BLRs) in active galactic nuclei (AGNs). There are increasing preliminary evidences that the RM behaviors of broad emission lines are influenced by BLR densities, however, the influences have not been investigated systematically from theoretical perspective. In the present paper, we adopt locally optimally emitting cloud model and use CLOUDY to obtain the one-dimensional transfer functions of the prominent UV and optical emission lines for different BLR densities. We find that the influences of BLR densities to RM behaviors have mainly three aspects. First, rarefied BLRs (with low gas densities) may show anomalous responses in RM observations. Their emission-line light curves inversely response the variations of continuum light curves, which may have been observed in some UV RM campaigns. Second, the different BLR densities in AGNs may result in correlations between the time lags and equivalent widths of emission lines, and may contribute to the scatters of the radius-luminosity relationships. Third, the variations of BLR densities may explain the changes of time lags in individual objects in different years. Some weak emission-line quasars (WLQs) are probably extreme cases of rarefied BLRs. We predict that their RM observations may show the anomalous responses.

Rhythm Shimakawa, Nobuhiro Okabe, Masato Shirasaki, Masayuki Tanaka

5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

This paper reports our discovery of the most massive supercluster, termed the King Ghidorah Supercluster (KGSc), at $z=0.50-0.64$ in the Third Public Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP PDR3) over 690 deg$^2$, as well as an initial result for a galaxy and dark matter mapping. The primary structure of the KGSc comprises triple broad weak-lensing (WL) peaks over 70 comoving Mpc. Such extensive WL detection at $z>0.5$ can only currently be achieved using the wide-field high-quality images produced by the HSC-SSP. The structure is also contiguous with multiple large-scale structures across a $\sim400$ comoving Mpc scale. The entire field has a notable overdensity ($\delta=14.7\pm4.5$) of red-sequence clusters. Additionally, large-scale underdensities can be found in the foreground along the line of sight. We confirmed the overdensities in stellar mass and dark matter distributions to be tightly coupled and estimated the total mass of the main structure to be $1\times10^{16}$ solar masses, according to the mock data analyses based on large-volume cosmological simulations. Further, upcoming wide-field multi-object spectrographs such as the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph may aid in providing additional insights into distant superclusters beyond the 100 Mpc scale.

The growing evidence of gravitational waves from binary black hole mergers has renewed the interest in study of primordial black holes (PBH). Here we study a mechanism for the formation of PBH from collapse of pseudo-topological domain walls which form out of equilibrium during inflation and then collapse post inflation. We apply the study to domain wall formation due to $D$-parity embedded in a supersymmetric grand unified theory (GUT) based on $SO(10)$ and compare the abundance of resulting PBH with the existing constraints. Thus the macroscopic relics can then be used to constrain or rule out a GUT, or demand a refinement of the theory of PBH formation in this class of GUTs.

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), with $\sim$20 $\mu$as high angular resolution, recently resolved the millimeter image of the suppermassive black hole in the Galaxy, Sagittarius A*. This opens a new window to study the plasma on horizon scales. The accreting disk probably contains a small fraction of nonthermal electrons and their emissions should contribute to the observed image. We study if such contributions are sufficient to cause structural differences detectable by current and future observational capabilities. We introduce nonthermal electrons in a semi-analytical accretion disk, which considers viscosity-leading heating processes, and adopt a continued hybrid electron energy distribution of thermal distribution and power-law tail. We generate the black hole images and extract the structural features as crescent parameters. We find the existence of nonthermal electron radiation makes the crescent much brighter, slightly larger, moderately thicker, and much more symmetric. When the nonthermal connecting Lorentz factor $\gamma_c=65$, which is equivalent to the nonthermal electrons accounting for $\sim1.5$% of the totals, nonthermal effects cause $\sim2$% size difference at 230 GHz. Comparing with the structural changes caused by other physical factors, including inclination between the system and the observer, black hole spin, and interstellar medium scattering effects, we find that although nonthermal electron radiation takes the most unimportant role at 230 GHz, it becomes more significant at 345 GHz.

Brian C. Alden, Jack O. Burns

4 Pages, 1 Figure, Submitted to Research Notes o

The first James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) image released was of galaxy cluster SMACSJ0723.3- 7327, a lensing cluster at z=0.39 showing detail only JWST can provide. While the majority of the focus has been on the brilliantly lensed galaxies at redshifts far beyond it, there is more to the story than it being just a lensing cluster. The Chandra X-ray temperature map tells a tale of a merging cluster with a significant subcluster leaving a wake in the intracluster medium (ICM). This paper presents a high fidelity temperature map of SMACSJ0723.3-7327 using adaptive circular binning, overlaid with the JWST image, showing clear signs of merger activity. As the ICM extends well past the boundaries of the JWST imagery, and no low-frequency radio observations are yet published, a fuller story of this cluster remains to be told. This new X-ray temperature map reveals new details of a moderately distant actively merging cluster.

Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, Mukul Bhattacharya

24 pages, 11 figures (23 pdf figures), 1 table; based on the invited (online) talk given by Banibrata Mukhopadhyay in "The Modern Physics of Compact Stars and Relativistic Gravity 2021" meeting held during September 27 - 30, 2021 at Yerevan, Armenia; invited review published in a special issue of Particles, edited by Armen Sedrakian; both authors have contributed equally to this work. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2110.15374

Over the past several years, there has been enormous interest in massive neutron stars and white dwarfs due to either their direct or indirect evidence. The recent detection of gravitational wave event GW190814 has confirmed the existence of compact stars with masses as high as $\sim2.5-2.67M_{\odot}$ within the so-called mass gap, indicating the existence of highly massive neutron stars. One of the primary goals to invoke massive compact objects was to explain the recent detections of over a dozen Type Ia supernovae, whose peculiarity lies with their unusual light curve, in particular the high luminosity and low ejecta velocity. In a series of recent papers, our group has proposed that highly magnetised white dwarfs with super-Chandrasekhar masses can be promising candidates for the progenitors of these peculiar supernovae. The mass-radius relations of these magnetised stars are significantly different from those of their non-magnetised counterparts, which leads to a revised super-Chandrasekhar mass-limit. These compact stars have wider ranging implications, including those for soft gamma-ray repeaters, anomalous X-ray pulsars, white dwarf pulsars and gravitational radiation. Here we review the development of the subject over the last decade or so, describing the overall state of the art of the subject as it stands now. We mainly touch upon the possible formation channels of these intriguing stars as well as the effectiveness of direct detection methods. These magnetised stars can have many interesting consequences, including reconsideration of them as possible standard candles.

SDSS J111215.82+111745.0 is the second pulsating extremely low-mass white dwarf discovered. Two short-period pulsations, 107.56 and 134.275 s, were detected on this star, which would be the first observed pressure mode ($p$-mode) pulsations observed on a white dwarf. While the two potential $p$-modes have yet to be confirmed, they make SDSS J111215.82+111745.0 an interesting object. In this work, we analyzed the whole set of seven periods observed on SDSS J111215.82+111745.0. We adopt three independent period-spacing tests to reveal a roughly 93.4 s mean period spacing of $\ell=1$ $g$-modes, which gives added credence to the $\ell=1$ identifications. Then we perform asteroseismic modeling for this star, in which the H chemical profile is taken as a variable. The stellar parameters $M=0.1650\pm0.0137$ $M_\odot$ and $T_\mathrm{eff}=9750\pm560$ K are determined from the best-fit model and the H/He chemical profiles are also defined. The two suspected $p$-modes are also well represented in the best-fit model, and both the stellar parameters and the pulsation frequencies are in good agreement with the values derived from spectroscopy.

Nurimangul Nurmamat, Yong-Feng Huang, Jin-Jun Geng, Abdusattar Kurban, Bing Li

5 pages, 1 figure, submitted for publication

FRB 180916 is an important repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source. Interestingly, the activity of FRB 180916 shows a well-regulated behavior, with a period of 16.35 days. The bursts are found to occur in a duty circle of about 5 days in each period. In this study, we suggest that the bursts of FRB 180916 are produced by a strange star interacting with its planet. The planet moves in a highly eccentric orbit around its compact host, with the periastron only slightly beyond the tidal disruption radius. As a result, the planet will be partially disrupted every time it passes through the periastron. The stripped material from the planet will be accreted by the strange star, falling to the polar cap region along the magnetic field lines and accumulated there. It will finally lead to a local collapse when the crust at the polar region is overloaded, triggering an FRB. The observed 16.35 day period corresponds to the orbital motion of the planet, and the 5 day duty circle is explained as the duration of the partial disruption near the periastron. The energy released in each local collapse event can be as high as $\sim 10^{42}~\rm {erg}$, which is large enough to account for typical FRBs even if the radiation efficiency is extremely low.

Varun Bhalerao, Disha Sawant, Archana Pai, Shriharsh Tendulkar, Santosh Vadawale, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Vikram Rana, Hitesh Kumar L. Adalja, G C Anupama, Suman Bala, Smaranika Banerjee, Judhajeet Basu, Hrishikesh Belatikar, Paz Beniamini, Mahesh Bhaganagare, Ankush Bhaskar, Soumyadeep Bhattacharjee, Sukanta Bose, Brad Cenko, Mehul Vijay Chanda, Gulab Dewangan, Vishal Dixit, Anirban Dutta, Priyanka Gawade, Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar, Shiv Kumar Goyal, Suresh Gunasekaran, P J Guruprasad, Manikantan Hemanth, Kenta Hotokezaka, Shabnam Iyyani, Mansi Kasliwal, Jayprakash G. Koyande, Salil Kulkarni, APK Kutty, Tinkal Ladiya, Deepak Marla, Sujay Mate, Advait Mehla, N. P. S. Mithun, Surhud More, Rakesh Mote, Dipanjan Mukherjee, Sanjoli Narang, Shyama Narendranath, Ayush Nema, Sudhanshu Nimbalkar, Samaya Nissanke, et al. (27 additional authors not shown)

19 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to ApJ. More details about the mission at this https URL

We present the science case for the proposed Daksha high energy transients mission. Daksha will comprise of two satellites covering the entire sky from 1~keV to $>1$~MeV. The primary objectives of the mission are to discover and characterize electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave source; and to study Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Daksha is a versatile all-sky monitor that can address a wide variety of science cases. With its broadband spectral response, high sensitivity, and continuous all-sky coverage, it will discover fainter and rarer sources than any other existing or proposed mission. Daksha can make key strides in GRB research with polarization studies, prompt soft spectroscopy, and fine time-resolved spectral studies. Daksha will provide continuous monitoring of X-ray pulsars. It will detect magnetar outbursts and high energy counterparts to Fast Radio Bursts. Using Earth occultation to measure source fluxes, the two satellites together will obtain daily flux measurements of bright hard X-ray sources including active galactic nuclei, X-ray binaries, and slow transients like Novae. Correlation studies between the two satellites can be used to probe primordial black holes through lensing. Daksha will have a set of detectors continuously pointing towards the Sun, providing excellent hard X-ray monitoring data. Closer to home, the high sensitivity and time resolution of Daksha can be leveraged for the characterization of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes.

Maxim V. Barkov, Evgeniy Kalinin, Maxim Lyutikov

11 pages, 13 figures

We performed fully 3D relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulation of "stellar wind"-"pulsar wind" interaction in massive binary system, taking into account various possible pulsar geometries ("Frisbees", "Cartwheels" and "Bullets" - a reference to the direction of the pulsar's spin, plane of the orbit and the direction of motion), and various wind trust ratios. The resulting intrinsic morphologies, and different lines of sight, lead to significantly different orbital-phase dependent flow shapes. For the case of companion-dominated wind in the "Bullets-Cartwheel" configuration, the tails length - region of unshocked pulsar wind - can change by an order of magnitude over quarter of the orbit.

Varun Bhalerao, Santosh Vadawale, Shriharsh Tendulkar, Dipankar Bhattacharya, Vikram Rana, Hitesh Kumar L. Adalja, Hrishikesh Belatikar, Mahesh Bhaganagare, Gulab Dewangan, Abhijeet Ghodgaonkar, Shiv Kumar Goyal, Suresh Gunasekaran, P J Guruprasad, Jayprakash G. Koyande, Salil Kulkarni, APK Kutty, Tinkal Ladiya, Deepak Marla, Sujay Mate, N.P.S. Mithun, Rakesh Mote, Sanjoli Narang, Ayush Nema, Sudhanshu Nimbalkar, Archana Pai, Sourav Palit, Arpit Patel, Jinaykumar Patel, Priya Pradeep, Prabhu Ramachandran, B.S. Bharath Saiguhan, Divita Saraogi, Disha Sawant, M. Shanmugam, Piyush Sharma, Amit Shetye, Shreeya Singh, Nishant Singh, Akshat Singhal, S. Sreekumar, Srividhya Sridhar, Rahul Srinivasan, Siddharth Tallur, Neeraj K. Tiwari, Amrutha Lakshmi Vadladi, C. S. Vaishnava, Sandeep Vishwakarma, et al. (1 additional author not shown)

9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Additional information about the mission is available at this https URL

We present Daksha, a proposed high energy transients mission for the study of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources, and gamma ray bursts. Daksha will comprise of two satellites in low earth equatorial orbits, on opposite sides of earth. Each satellite will carry three types of detectors to cover the entire sky in an energy range from 1 keV to >1 MeV. Any transients detected on-board will be announced publicly within minutes of discovery. All photon data will be downloaded in ground station passes to obtain source positions, spectra, and light curves. In addition, Daksha will address a wide range of science cases including monitoring X-ray pulsars, studies of magnetars, solar flares, searches for fast radio burst counterparts, routine monitoring of bright persistent high energy sources, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, and probing primordial black hole abundances through lensing. In this paper, we discuss the technical capabilities of Daksha, while the detailed science case is discussed in a separate paper.

Asako Sato, Satoko Takahashi, Shun Ishii, Paul T.P. Ho, Masahiro N. Machida, John Carpenter, Luis A.Zapata, Paula Stella Teixeira, Sümeyye Suri

45 pages, 24 figures

We present a high angular resolution ($\sim1''$) and wide-field ($2'.9 \times 1'.9$) image of the 1.3-mm continuum, CO($J$ = 2--1) line, and SiO($J$ = 5--4) line emissions toward an embedded protocluster, FIR3, FIR4, and FIR5, in the Orion Molecular Cloud 2 obtained from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). We identify 51 continuum sources, 36 of which are newly identified in this study. Their dust masses, projected sizes, and $\mathrm{H_2}$ gas number densities are estimated to be $3.8 \times 10^{-5}$--$ 1.1 \times 10^{-2} \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$, 290--2000\,au, and $6.4 \times 10^{6}$--$3.3 \times 10^{8}\,\mathrm{cm^{-3}}$, respectively. The results of a Jeans analysis show that $\sim80\,\%$ of the protostellar sources and $\sim15\,\%$ of the prestellar sources are gravitationally bound. We identify 12 molecular outflows traced in the CO($J$ = 2--1) emission, six of which are newly detected. We spatially resolve shocked gas structures traced by the SiO($J$ = 5--4) emission in this region for the first time. We identify shocked gas originating from outflows and other shocked regions. These results provide direct evidence of an interaction between a dust condensation, FIR4, and an energetic outflow driven by HOPS-370 located within FIR3. A comparison of the outflow dynamical timescales, fragmentation timescales, and protostellar ages shows that the previously proposed triggered star-formation scenario in FIR4 is not strongly supported. We also discuss the spatial distribution of filaments identified in our continuum image by comparing it with a previously identified hub-fiber system in the $\mathrm{N_2H^+}$ line.

Dominik Scheck, Jeremy S. Sanders, Veronica Biffi, Klaus Dolag, Esra Bulbul, Ang Liu

To assume hydrostatic equilibrium between the intracluster medium and the gravitational potential of galaxy clusters is an extensively used method to investigate their total masses. We want to test hydrostatic masses obtained with an observational code in the context of the SRG/eROSITA survey. We use the hydrostatic modeling code MBProj2 to fit surface-brightness profiles to simulated clusters with idealized properties as well as to a sample of 93 clusters taken from the Magneticum Pathfinder simulations. We investigate the latter under the assumption of idealized observational conditions and also for realistic eROSITA data quality. The comparison of the fitted cumulative total mass profiles and the true mass profiles provided by the simulations allows to gain knowledge about the reliability of our approach. Furthermore, we use the true profiles for gas density and pressure to compute hydrostatic mass profiles based on theory for every cluster. For an idealized cluster that was simulated to fulfill perfect hydrostatic equilibrium, we find that the cumulative total mass at the true $r_{500}$ and $r_{200}$ can be reproduced with deviations of less than 7%. For the clusters from the Magneticum Pathfinder simulations under idealized observational conditions, the median values of the fitted cumulative total masses at the true $r_{500}$ and $r_{200}$ are in agreement with our expectations, taking into account the hydrostatic mass bias. Nevertheless, we find a tendency towards a too high steepness of the cumulative total mass profiles in the outskirts. For realistic eROSITA data quality, this steepness problem intensifies for clusters with high redshifts and thus leads to too high cumulative total masses at $r_{200}$. For the hydrostatic masses based on the true profiles known from the simulations, we find a good agreement with our expectations concerning the hydrostatic mass.

Varsha Ramachandran

Accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union for the IAU Symposium 370 "Winds of Stars and Exoplanets" (eds. A.A. Vidotto, L. Fossati, J.S. Vink)

Winds of massive stars are an important ingredient in determining their evolution, final remnant mass, and feedback to the surrounding interstellar medium. We compare empirical results for OB star winds at low metallicity with theoretical predictions. Observations suggest very weak winds at SMC metallicity, but there are exceptions. We identified promising candidates for rotationally enhanced mass-loss rates with two component wind and partially stripped stars hiding among OB stars with slow but dense wind in the SMC. A preliminary analysis of these systems, derived parameters, and their implications are discussed. Finally, we briefly discuss the interaction of OB winds near black holes in X-ray binaries.

Liang Li

39 pages, 9 figures, 12 tables. Submitted to ApJ Supplement. Comments are welcome

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) exhibit a diversity of spectra. Several spectral models (e.g., Band, cutoff power-law, and blackbody) and their hybrid versions (e.g., Band+blackbody) have been widely used to fit the observed GRB spectra. Here, we collect all the bursts detected by {\it Fermi}-GBM with known redshifts from July 2008 to May 2022, motivated to achieve a ``clean" model-based GRB spectral-energy correlation analysis. A nearly complete GRB sample was created, containing 153 such bursts. Using the sample and by performing detailed spectral analysis and model comparisons, we investigate the cosmological rest-frame peak energy ($E_{\rm p,z}$) of the $\nu F_\nu$ prompt emission spectrum correlated with (i) the isotropic-bolometric-equivalent emission energy $E_{\gamma, \rm iso}$ (the Amati relation), and (ii) the isotropic-bolometric-equivalent peak luminosity $L_{\rm p, iso}$ (the Yonetoku relation). From a linear regression analysis, a tight correlation between $E_{\rm p,z}$ and $E_{\gamma, \rm iso}$ (and $L_{\gamma,\rm iso}$) is found for both the Band-like and CPL-like bursts. The correlations take the form of $E_{\rm p,z} \propto E^{0.41\pm0.06}_{\gamma, \rm iso}$ for our Band-like bursts (sGRBs+lGRBs) and of $E_{\rm p,z} \propto E^{0.00\pm0.13}_{\gamma, \rm iso}$ for the CPL-like bursts (sGRBs+lGRBs) in the $E_{\rm p,z}$-$E_{\gamma,\rm iso}$ plane. Similar results are also found in the $E_{\rm p,z}$-$L_{\gamma,\rm iso}$ plane, which take the form of $E_{\rm p,z} \propto L^{0.41\pm0.09}_{\rm p, iso}$ for the whole Band-like bursts and $E_{\rm p,z} \propto L^{0.29\pm0.05}_{\rm p, iso}$ for the full CPL-like bursts. More interestingly, the CPL-like bursts do not fall on the Band-like burst Amati and Yonetoku correlations, suggesting distinct radiation processes, and pointing towards the fact that these spectral-energy correlations are tightly reliant on the model-wise properties.

The TAIGA experimental complex is a hybrid observatory for high-energy gamma-ray astronomy in the range from 10 TeV to several EeV. The complex consists of such installations as TAIGA- IACT, TAIGA-HiSCORE and a number of others. The TAIGA-HiSCORE facility is a set of wide-angle synchronized stations that detect Cherenkov radiation scattered over a large area. TAIGA-HiSCORE data provides an opportunity to reconstruct shower characteristics, such as shower energy, direction of arrival, and axis coordinates. The main idea of the work is to apply convolutional neural networks to analyze HiSCORE events, considering them as images. The distribution of registration times and amplitudes of events recorded by HiSCORE stations is used as input data. The paper presents the results of using convolutional neural networks to determine the characteristics of air showers. It is shown that even a simple model of convolutional neural network provides the accuracy of recovering EAS parameters comparable to the traditional method. Preliminary results of air shower parameters reconstruction obtained in a real experiment and their comparison with the results of traditional analysis are presented.

Frank M. Rieger

Compact invited review paper; Universe, Special Issue Black Holes and Relativistic Jets; 30 pages, 18 figures

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and their relativistic jets belong to the most promising class of ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) accelerators. This compact review summarises basic experimental findings by recent instruments, and discusses possible interpretations and astrophysical constraints on source energetics. Particular attention is given to potential sites and mechanisms of UHECR acceleration in AGNs, including gap-type particle acceleration close to the black hole, as well as first-order Fermi acceleration at trans-relativistic shocks and stochastic shear particle acceleration in large-scale jets. It is argued that the last two represent the most promising mechanisms given our current understanding, and that nearby FR~I type radio galaxies provide a suitable environment for UHECR acceleration.

Souvik Jana, Shasvath J. Kapadia, Tejaswi Venumadhav, Parameswaran Ajith

9 pages, 7 figures (including supplementary material)

Third generation gravitational wave (GW) detectors are expected to detect millions of binary black hole (BBH) mergers during their operation period. A small fraction of them ($\sim 1\%$) will be strongly lensed by intervening galaxies and clusters, producing multiple observable copies of the GW signals. The expected number of lensed events and the distribution of the time delay between lensed events depend on the cosmology. We develop a Bayesian analysis method for estimating cosmological parameters from the detected number of lensed events and their time delay distribution. The expected constraints are comparable to that obtained from other cosmological measurements, but probing a different redshift regime ($z \sim 10$) that is not explored by other probes.

Dmitrii Y. Kolotkov

Accepted for publication in Front. Astron. Space Sci

Slow magnetoacoustic waves represent an important tool for probing the solar coronal plasma. We quantitatively assess the applicability of the weak thermal conduction theory to coronal seismology by slow waves. We numerically model the linear standing slow wave in a 1D coronal loop, with field-aligned thermal conduction $\kappa_\parallel$ as a free parameter and no restrictions on its efficiency. The time variations of the perturbed plasma parameters, obtained numerically with full conductivity, are treated as potential observables and analysed with the standard data processing techniques. The slow wave oscillation period is found to increase with $\kappa_\parallel$ by about 30%, indicating the corresponding modification in the effective wave speed, which is missing from the weak conduction theory. Phase shifts between plasma temperature and density perturbations are found to be well consistent with the approximate weakly conductive solution for all considered values of $\kappa_\parallel$. In contrast, the comparison of the numerically obtained ratio of temperature and density perturbation amplitudes with the weak theory revealed relative errors up to 30-40%. We use these parameters to measure the effective adiabatic index of the coronal plasma directly as the ratio of the effective slow wave speed to the standard sound speed and in the polytropic assumption, which is found to be justified in a weakly conductive regime only, with relative errors up to 14% otherwise. The damping of the initial perturbation is found to be of a non-exponential form during the first cycle of oscillation, which could be considered as an indirect signature of entropy waves in the corona, also not described by weak conduction theory. The performed analysis and obtained results offer a more robust scheme of coronal seismology by slow waves, with reasonable simplifications and without the loss of accuracy.

Precious K. Sejake, Sarah V. White, Ian Heywood, Kshitij Thorat, Hertzog L. Bester, Sphesihle Makhathini, Bernie Fanaroff

20 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables. Accepted in MNRAS

We present the results from studying 140 radio sources in the GLEAM (GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky MWA [Murchison Widefield Array]) 4-Jy (G4Jy) Sample. These sources were followed-up with MeerKAT to assess their radio morphology and enable host-galaxy identification, as existing radio images of 25 to 45-arcsec resolution do not provide sufficient information. We refer to these sources as the MeerKAT-2019 subset. The aim is to identify the host galaxy of these sources by visually inspecting the overlays comprising radio data from four surveys (at 150, 200, 843/1400, and 1300 MHz). Our morphological classification and host-galaxy identification relies upon the ~7-arcsec resolution images from MeerKAT (1300 MHz). Through the visual inspection of the overlays, 14 radio sources in the MeerKAT-2019 subset have wide-angle tail (WAT) morphology, 10 are head-tail, and 5 have X-, S-/Z-shaped morphology. Most of the remaining sources have the radio morphology of typical symmetric lobes. Of 140 sources, we find host galaxies for 98 sources, leaving 42 with no identified host galaxy. These 42 sources still have ambiguous identification even with higher resolution images from MeerKAT.

Isaac Alonso Asensio, Claudio Dalla Vecchia, Douglas Potter, Joachim Stadel

18 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS

We extend the state-of-the-art N-body code PKDGRAV3 with the inclusion of mesh-free gas hydrodynamics for cosmological simulations. Two new hydrodynamic solvers have been implemented, the mesh-less finite volume and mesh-less finite mass methods. The solvers manifestly conserve mass, momentum and energy, and have been validated with a wide range of standard test simulations, including cosmological simulations. We also describe improvements to PKDGRAV3 that have been implemented for performing hydrodynamic simulations. These changes have been made with efficiency and modularity in mind, and provide a solid base for the implementation of the required modules for galaxy formation and evolution physics and future porting to GPUs. The code is released in a public repository, together with the documentation and all the test simulations presented in this work.

ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics in 3D, Canberra, Australia, (9) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany, (10) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK)

The paper has already been accepted to MNRAS and we wait for proof of review from the publisher for final publication

We present the analysis of radio interferometric 2-s images from a MeerKAT observation of the repeating fast radio burst FRB121102 on September 2019, during which 11 distinct pulses have been previously detected using high time and frequency resolution data cubes. In this work, we detected 6 out of the 11 bursts in the image plane at 1.48 GHz with a minimum peak signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 5 {\sigma} and a fluence detection limit of 0.512 Jy ms. These constitute the first detections of a fast radio burst (FRB) or a radio transient using 2-s timescale images with MeerKAT data. Analysis of the fitted burst properties revealed a weighted average precision of 1 arcsec in the localization of the bursts. The accurate knowledge of FRB positions is essential for identifying their host galaxy and understanding their mysterious nature which is still unresolved to this day. We also produced 2-s images at 1.09 GHz but yielded no detection which we attributed to the spectral structure of the pulses that are mostly higher in strength in the upper frequencies. We also explore a new approach to difference imaging analysis (DIA) to search for transients and find that our technique has the potential to reduce the number of candidates and could be used to automate the detection of FRBs in the image plane for future MeerKAT observations.

There is a large variety in the models explaining blazar flares. Here, we study the flare profile induced by a moving and expanding blob with special emphasize on the gamma-gamma pair production. We first develop a simple semi-analytical model to study the evolution of the particle distribution in the expanding blob and show the influence of the pair production. In a second step, we produce a realistic simulation using the OneHaLe code based upon parameters of PKS 1510-089. The semi-analytical model shows that the pair production significantly influences the flare evolution, while the opening angle and the expansion can prolong flares considerably. The simulation based on PKS 1510-089 indicate that flares of a moving expanding blob result in strongly wavelength dependant light curves including delayed, secondary flares. A moving, expanding blob can cause significant flaring events with a large variety in light curve profiles. High-cadence multiwavelength observations are necessary to derive the details causing the flare. Extended observations beyond the initial burst may provide important information on the opening angle and the particle content due to delayed secondary flares in some energy bands.

K. Murawski, Z.E. Musielak, S. Poedts, A.K. Srivastava, L.H.S. Kadowaki

21 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science

\textbf{Purpose:} This paper addresses long-standing solar physics problems, namely, the heating of the solar chromosphere and the origin of the solar wind. Our aim is to reveal the related mechanisms behind chromospheric heating and plasma outflows in a quiet-Sun. \textbf{Methods:} The approach is based on a two-fluid numerical model that accounts for thermal non-equilibrium (ionization/recombination), non-adiabatic, and non-ideal dynamics of protons+electrons and hydrogen atoms. The model is applied to numerically simulate the propagation and dissipation of granulation-generated waves in the chromosphere and plasma flows inside a quiet region. \textbf{Results:} The obtained results demonstrate that collisions between protons+electrons and hydrogen atoms supplemented by plasma viscosity, magnetic resistivity, and recombination lead to thermal energy release, which compensates radiative and thermal losses in the chromosphere, and sustains the atmosphere with vertical profiles of averaged temperature and periods of generated waves that are consistent with recent observational data. \textbf{Conclusion:} Our model conjectures a most robust and global physical picture of granulation-generated wave motions, plasma flows, and subsequent heating, which form and dynamically couple the various layers of the solar atmosphere.

Bianca M. Poggianti, the GASP team

10 pages, 8 figures, proceedings of IAUS373: Resolving the rise and fall of star formation in galaxies, eds. W.-T. Kim & T. Wong - invited talk - after reviewer revisions

Integral field spectroscopic studies of galaxies in dense environments, such as clusters and groups of galaxies, have provided new insights for understanding how star formation proceeds, and quenches. I present the spatially resolved view of the star formation activity and its link with the multiphase gas in cluster galaxies based on MUSE and multi-wavelength data of the GASP survey. I discuss the link among the different scales (i.e. the link between the spatially resolved and the global star formation rate-stellar mass relation), the spatially resolved signatures and the quenching histories of jellyfish (progenitors) and post-starburst (descendants) galaxies in clusters. Finally, I discuss the multi-wavelength view of star-forming clumps both in galaxy disks and in the tails of stripped gas.

Nandrianina Randriamiarinarivo, Ed Elson, Andrew Baker

11 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

HI line observations of nearby galaxies often reveal the presence of extraplanar and/or kinematically anomalous gas that deviates from the general circular flow. In this work, we study the dependence of kinematically anomalous HI gas in galaxies taken from the Simba cosmological simulation on galaxy properties such as HI mass fraction, specific star formation rate, and local environmental density. To identify kinematically anomalous gas, we use a simple yet effective decomposition method to separate it from regularly-rotating gas in the galactic disk; this method is well-suited for application to observational datasets but has been validated here using the simulation. We find that at fixed atomic gas mass fraction, the anomalous gas fraction increases with the specific star formation rate. We also find that the anomalous gas fraction does not have a significant dependence on a galaxy's environment. Our decomposition method has the potential to yield useful insights from future HI surveys.

Dagmara Oszkiewicz, Hanna Klimczak, Benoit Carry, Antti Penttila, Marcel Popescu, Joahim Kruger, Marcelo Aron Keniger

Accepted to MNRAS

There is a great deal of scientific interest in characterizing the basaltic asteroids (spectrally classified as V-types), as they are the key to understanding planetesimal formation and evolution in the early Solar System. These have long been recognized as parts of the crusts of fully differentiated planetesimals. Thus, their multiplicity, distribution, and physical characteristics are crucial for providing context for and constraining the theoretical evolution models of the Solar System. In this work, we perform spectral analysis with an extended data set of spectral measurements from the ESA Gaia mission Data Release 3, thus increasing the sample size of the analyzed V-types by more than three times as compared to the literature. Using the data provided by Gaia we identified ~2000 possible V-type asteroids. About 350 of them successfully pass our data validation criteria. This sample includes 31 new V-type asteroids beyond 2.5 au and 6 in the Phocaea region. We confirm that the V-type asteroids in the middle and outer part of the main belt show distinct spectral properties compared to typical vestoids. In the inner main belt, we found a great diversity of spectral parameters among the V-types in all populations. Number of asteroids show band depths even greater than that of (1459) Magnya. Furthermore, some objects present 0.9~\textmu{}m band-centers more than one standard deviation away from the typical value for vestoids. However since the DR3 band centers are often overestimated, those findings are to be confirmed. Overall our results indicate that the inner main belt may contain remnants of multiple differentiated planetesimals, not just (4) Vesta.

Zhenxin Lei, Ruijie He, Peter Nemeth, Joris Vos, Xuan Zou, Ke Hu, Huaping Xiao, Huahui Yan, Jingkun Zhao

21 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

222 hot subdwarf stars were identified with LAMOST DR8 spectra, among which 131 stars show composite spectra and have been decomposed, while 91 stars present single-lined spectra. Atmospheric parameters of all sample stars were obtained by fitting Hydrogen (H) and Helium (He) line profiles with synthetic spectra. Two long-period composite sdB binaries were newly discovered by combining our sample with the non-single star data from Gaia DR3. One of the new systems presents the highest eccentricity (i.e., 0.5 +/- 0.09) among known wide sdB binaries, which is beyond model predictions. 15 composite sdB stars fall in the high probability binary region of RUWE-AEN plane, and deserve priority follow-up observations to further study their binary nature. A distinct gap is clearly presented among temperatures of cool companions for our composite-spectra sample. But we could not come to a conclusion whether this feature is connected to the formation history of hot subdwarf stars before their binary natures are confirmed.

Sotiris Anagnostidis, Arne Thomsen, Tomasz Kacprzak, Tilman Tröster, Luca Biggio, Alexandre Refregier, Thomas Hofmann

In recent years, deep learning approaches have achieved state-of-the-art results in the analysis of point cloud data. In cosmology, galaxy redshift surveys resemble such a permutation invariant collection of positions in space. These surveys have so far mostly been analysed with two-point statistics, such as power spectra and correlation functions. The usage of these summary statistics is best justified on large scales, where the density field is linear and Gaussian. However, in light of the increased precision expected from upcoming surveys, the analysis of -- intrinsically non-Gaussian -- small angular separations represents an appealing avenue to better constrain cosmological parameters. In this work, we aim to improve upon two-point statistics by employing a \textit{PointNet}-like neural network to regress the values of the cosmological parameters directly from point cloud data. Our implementation of PointNets can analyse inputs of $\mathcal{O}(10^4) - \mathcal{O}(10^5)$ galaxies at a time, which improves upon earlier work for this application by roughly two orders of magnitude. Additionally, we demonstrate the ability to analyse galaxy redshift survey data on the lightcone, as opposed to previously static simulation boxes at a given fixed redshift.

Evangelia Ntormousi, Fabio Del Sordo, Matteo Cantiello, Andrea Ferrara

Accepted for publication in A&A letters

Explaining the currently observed magnetic fields in galaxies requires relatively strong seeding in the early Universe. One theory proposes that magnetic fields of the order of $\mu$G were expelled by supernova (SN) explosions after primordial, nG or weaker fields were amplified in stellar interiors. In this work, we calculate the maximum magnetic energy that can be injected in the interstellar medium by a stellar cluster of mass $M_{cl}$ based on what is currently known about stellar magnetism. We consider early-type stars and adopt either a Salpeter or a top-heavy IMF. For their magnetic fields, we adopt either a Gaussian or a bimodal distribution. The Gaussian model assumes that all massive stars are magnetized with $10^3 < \langle B_* \rangle < 10^4$ G, while the bimodal, consistent with observations of Milky Way stars, assumes only 5-10 per cent of OB stars have $10^3 < \langle B_* \rangle < 10^4$ G, while the rest have $10 < \langle B_* \rangle < 10^2$ G. We find that the maximum magnetic energy that can be injected by a stellar population is between $10^{-10}-10^{-7}$ times the total SN energy. The highest end of these estimates is about five orders of magnitude lower than what is usually employed in cosmological simulations, where about $10^{-2}$ of the SN energy is injected as magnetic. Pure advection of the stellar magnetic field by SN explosions is a good candidate for seeding a dynamo, but not enough to magnetize galaxies. Assuming SNe as main mechanism for galactic magnetization, the magnetic field cannot exceed an intensity of $10^{-7}$ G in the best-case scenario for a population of $10^{5}$ solar masses in a superbubble of 300 pc radius, while more typical values are between $10^{-10}-10^{-9}$~G. Therefore, other scenarios for galactic magnetization at high redshift need to be explored.

Biman B. Nath, Evgenii O. Vasiliev, Sergey A. Drozdov, Yuri A. Shchekinov

submitted to MNRAS Letters, 5 pages, 4 figures

One of the most distant galaxies GN-z11 was formed when the Universe was $\le$ 400 Myr old, and it displays a burst-like star formation rate $\sim 25~\msun$ yr$^{-1}$ with a metallicity $Z\sim 0.2\pm 0.1Z_\odot$. It resembles $z=2-3$ galaxies (at ``cosmic noon") except for the fact that the measured reddening $E(B-V)=0.01\pm 0.01$ indicates the presence of little or no dust. This marked absence of dust hints towards violent dynamical events that destroy or evacuate dust along with gas out of the galaxy on a relatively short time scale and make it transparent. We apply a 3D numerical model to infer possible physical characteristics of these events. We demonstrate that the energetics of the observed star formation rate is sufficient to tear apart the dusty veil on time scales of $20-25$ Myr. This can explain the apparent lack of evolution of UV luminosity function of galaxies between and $z\ge 10$ and $z\sim 7$, by compensating for the lower galaxy masses at higher redshift by the absence of dust. We show, however, that this is a temporary phenomenon and soon after the last of the supernovae explosions have taken place, the expanding shell shrinks and obscures the galaxy on time scales of $\approx 5-8$ Myr.

A. Y. Ibrahim, A. Borghese, N. Rea, F. Coti Zelati, E. Parent, T. D. Russell, S. Ascenzi, R. Sathyaprakash, D. Gotz, S. Mereghetti, M. Topinka, M. Rigoselli, V. Savchenko, S. Campana, G. L. Israel, A. Tiengo, R. Perna, R. Turolla, S. Zane, P. Esposito, G. A. Rodrıguez Castillo, V. Graber, A. Possenti, C. Dehman, M. Ronchi, S. Loru

19 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication on ApJ

Swift J1818.0-1607 is a radio-loud magnetar with a spin period of 1.36 s and a dipolar magnetic field strength of B~3E14 G, which is very young compared to the Galactic pulsar population. We report here on the long-term X-ray monitoring campaign of this young magnetar using XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and Swift from the activation of its first outburst in March 2020 until October 2021, as well as INTEGRAL upper limits on its hard X-ray emission. The 1-10 keV magnetar spectrum is well modeled by an absorbed blackbody with a temperature of kT_BB~1.1 keV, and apparent reduction in the radius of the emitting region from ~0.6 to ~0.2 km. We also confirm the bright diffuse X-ray emission around the source extending between ~50'' and ~110''. A timing analysis revealed large torque variability, with an average spin-down rate nudot~-2.3E-11 Hz^2 that appears to decrease in magnitude over time. We also observed Swift J1818.0-1607 with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) on 2021 March 22. We detected the radio counterpart to Swift J1818.0-1607 measuring a flux density of S_v = 4.38+/-0.05 mJy at 3 GHz, and a half ring-like structure of bright diffuse radio emission located at ~90'' to the west of the magnetar. We tentatively suggest that the diffuse X-ray emission is due to a dust scattering halo and that the radio structure may be associated with the supernova remnant of this young pulsar, based on its morphology.

Merlin Kole, Francesco Iacovelli, Michele Mancarella, Nicolas Produit

19 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

The last decade has seen the emergence of two new fields within astrophysics: gamma ray polarimetry and GW astronomy. The former, which aims to measure the polarization of gamma rays in the energy range of 10s to 100s of keV, from astrophysical sources, saw the launch of the first dedicated polarimeters such as GAP and POLAR. On the other hand, GW astronomy started with the detection of the first black hole mergers by LIGO in 2015, followed by the first multi messenger detection in 2017. While the potential of the two individual fields has been discussed in detail in the literature, the potential for joint observations has thus far been ignored. In this article, we aim to define how GW observations can best contribute to gamma ray polarimetry and study the scientific potential of joint analyses. In addition we aim to provide predictions on feasibility of such joint measurements in the near future. We study which GW observables can be combined with measurements from gamma ray polarimetry to improve the discriminating power regarding GRB emission models. We then provide forecasts for the joint detection capabilities of current and future GW detectors and polarimeters. Our results show that by adding GW data to polarimetry, a single precise joint detection would allow to rule out the majority of emission models. We show that in the coming years joint detections between GW and gamma ray polarimeters might already be possible. Although these would allow to constrain part of the model space, the probability of highly constraining joint detections will remain small in the near future. However, the scientific merit held by even a single such measurement makes it important to pursue such an endeavour. Furthermore, we show that using the next generation of GW detectors, such as the Einstein Telescope, joint detections for which GW data can better complement the polarization data become possible.

A. Evans (Keele University, UK), R. D. Gehrz (University of Minnesota, USA)

Chapter 10 of book "Presolar grains in extra-terrestrial materials", editor Sachiko Amari (Washington University). To be published by Elsevier. 50 A4 pages, including 15 pages of references. 15 figures, 2 tables

We review the properties of dust formed during classical nova eruptions and the Very Late Thermal Pulses (VLTPs) that occur during the later stages of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch evolution of low-mass stars. In both cases, carbon and hydrocarbon dust is produced. Novae may also produce silicate dust, contrary to the usual paradigm about the C:O ratio and dust composition. Despite the expectation that these dust sources are not expected to make significant contributions to the Galactic dust population, there is a significant body of evidence that grains from both stellar sources have been identified in recovered meteoritic and cometary material, and that certain infrared spectral signatures seen in comets are common to novae, VLTPs and pre-solar grains.

Anna J. G. O'Grady, Maria R. Drout, B. M. Gaensler, C. S. Kochanek, Kathryn F. Neugent, Carolyn L. Doherty, Joshua S. Speagle, B. J. Shappee, Michael Rauch, Ylva Götberg, Bethany Ludwig, Todd A. Thompson

32 pages, 10 figures, 7 tables, spectroscopic data available at this https URL , accepted to The Astrophysical Journal

In previous work we identified a population of 38 cool and luminous variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds and examined 11 in detail in order to classify them as either Thorne-\.Zytkow Objects (T\.ZOs, red supergiants with a neutron star cores) or super-AGB stars (the most massive stars that will not undergo core collapse). This population includes HV\,2112, a peculiar star previously considered in other works to be either a T\.ZO or high-mass AGB star. Here we continue this investigation, using the kinematic and radio environments and local star formation history of these stars to place constraints on the age of the progenitor systems and the presence of past supernovae. These stars are not associated with regions of recent star formation, and we find no evidence of past supernovae at their locations. Finally, we also assess the presence of heavy elements and lithium in their spectra compared to red supergiants. We find strong absorption in Li and s-process elements compared to RSGs in most of the sample, consistent with super-AGB nucleosynthesis, while HV\,2112 shows additional strong lines associated with T\.ZO nucleosynthesis. Coupled with our previous mass estimates, the results are consistent with the stars being massive (~4-6.5M$_{\odot}$) or super-AGB (~6.5-12M$_{\odot}$) stars in the thermally pulsing phase, providing crucial observations of the transition between low- and high-mass stellar populations. HV\,2112 is more ambiguous; it could either be a maximally massive sAGB star, or a T\.ZO if the minimum mass for stability extends down to <13 M$_\odot$.

Nayantara Mudur, Douglas P. Finkbeiner

8 pages, 3 figures, Accepted at the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop, NeurIPS 2022

Score-based generative models have emerged as alternatives to generative adversarial networks (GANs) and normalizing flows for tasks involving learning and sampling from complex image distributions. In this work we investigate the ability of these models to generate fields in two astrophysical contexts: dark matter mass density fields from cosmological simulations and images of interstellar dust. We examine the fidelity of the sampled cosmological fields relative to the true fields using three different metrics, and identify potential issues to address. We demonstrate a proof-of-concept application of the model trained on dust in denoising dust images. To our knowledge, this is the first application of this class of models to the interstellar medium.

J. Adamek, R. E. Angulo, C. Arnold, M. Baldi, M. Biagetti, B. Bose, C. Carbone, T. Castro, J. Dakin, K. Dolag, W. Elbers, C. Fidler, C. Giocoli, S. Hannestad, F. Hassani, C. Hernández-Aguayo, K. Koyama, B. Li, R. Mauland, P. Monaco, C. Moretti, D. F. Mota, C. Partmann, G. Parimbelli, D. Potter, A. Schneider, S. Schulz, R. E. Smith, V. Springel, J. Stadel, T. Tram, M. Viel, F. Villaescusa-Navarro, H. A. Winther, B. S. Wright, M. Zennaro, N. Aghanim, L. Amendola, N. Auricchio, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, V. F. Cardone, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, R. Cledassou, G. Congedo, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, A. Da Silva, H. Degaudenzi, M. Douspis, F. Dubath, C. A. J. Duncan, X. Dupac, S. Dusini, S. Farrens, S. Ferriol, P. Fosalba, et al. (72 additional authors not shown)

43 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables; published on behalf of the Euclid Consortium; data available at this https URL

The measurement of the absolute neutrino mass scale from cosmological large-scale clustering data is one of the key science goals of the Euclid mission. Such a measurement relies on precise modelling of the impact of neutrinos on structure formation, which can be studied with $N$-body simulations. Here we present the results from a major code comparison effort to establish the maturity and reliability of numerical methods for treating massive neutrinos. The comparison includes eleven full $N$-body implementations (not all of them independent), two $N$-body schemes with approximate time integration, and four additional codes that directly predict or emulate the matter power spectrum. Using a common set of initial data we quantify the relative agreement on the nonlinear power spectrum of cold dark matter and baryons and, for the $N$-body codes, also the relative agreement on the bispectrum, halo mass function, and halo bias. We find that the different numerical implementations produce fully consistent results. We can therefore be confident that we can model the impact of massive neutrinos at the sub-percent level in the most common summary statistics. We also provide a code validation pipeline for future reference.

A. C. Caligula do E. S. Pedreira, N. Fraija, A. Galvan-Gamez, B. Betancourt Kamenetskaia, S. Dichiara, M. G. Dainotti, R. L. Becerra, P. Veres

In submission. 18 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables

While the dominant radiation mechanism gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) remains a question of debate, synchrotron emission is one of the foremost candidates to describe the multi-wavelength afterglow observations. As such, it is expected that GRBs should present some degree of polarization across their evolution - presenting a feasible means of probing these bursts' energetic and angular properties. Although obtaining polarization data is difficult due to the inherent complexities regarding GRB observations, advances are being made, and theoretical modeling of synchrotron polarization is now more relevant than ever. In this manuscript, we present the polarization for a fiduciary model where the synchrotron forward-shock emission evolving in the radiative-adiabatic regime is described by a radially stratified off-axis outflow. This is parameterized with a power-law velocity distribution and decelerated in a constant-density and wind-like external environment. We apply this theoretical polarization model for selected bursts presenting evidence of off-axis afterglow emission, including the nearest orphan GRB candidates observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory and a few Gravitational Wave (GWs) events that could generate electromagnetic emission. In the case of GRB 170817A, we require the available polarimetric upper limits in radio wavelengths to constrain its magnetic field geometry.

Kunal Deshmukh, Thomas Kupfer, Pasi Hakala, Evan B. Bauer, Andrei Berdyugin, Lars Bildsten, Thomas R. Marsh, Sandro Mereghetti, Vilppu Piirola

10 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We report the results from follow-up observations of two Roche-lobe filling hot subdwarf binaries with white dwarf companions predicted to have accretion disks. ZTF J213056.71+442046.5 (ZTF J2130) with a 39-minute period and ZTF J205515.98+465106.5 (ZTF J2055) with a 56-minute period were both discovered as subdwarf binaries with light curves that could only be explained well by including an accretion disk in their models. We performed a detailed high-resolution spectral analysis using Keck/ESI to search for possible accretion features for both objects. We also employed polarimetric analysis using the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) for ZTF J2130. We did not find any signatures of an accretion disk in either object, and placed upper limits on the flux contribution and variation in degree of polarisation due to the disk. Owing to the short 39-minute period and availability of photometric data over six years for ZTF J2130, we conducted an extensive $O - C$ timing analysis in an attempt to look for orbital decay due to gravitational wave radiation. No such decay was detected conclusively, and a few more years of data paired with precise and consistent timing measurements were deemed necessary to constrain $\dot P$ observationally.

Oleg Lebedev, Timofey Solomko, Jong-Hyun Yoon

18 pages, 7 figures

We study postinflationary scalar dark matter production via its non-minimal coupling to gravity. During the inflaton oscillation epoch, dark matter is produced resonantly for a sufficiently large non-minimal coupling $\xi\gtrsim 5$. We find that backreaction on the curvature and rescattering effects typically become important for the values of $\xi$ above $30$, which invalidate simple estimates of the production efficiency. At large couplings, the dark matter yield becomes almost independent of $\xi$, signifying approximate quasi-equilibrium in the inflaton-dark matter system. Although the analysis gets complicated by the presence of apparent negative energy in the Jordan frame, this behaviour can be regularized by introducing mild dark matter self-interaction. Using lattice simulations, we delineate parameter space leading to the correct dark matter relic abundance.

Henri Jukkala

PhD thesis (the compilation part); 103 pages, 7 figures. For the full thesis, see this https URL

We derive field-theoretic local quantum transport equations which can describe quantum coherence. Our methods are based on Kadanoff--Baym equations derived in the Schwinger--Keldysh closed time path formalism of non-equilibrium quantum field theory. We focus on spatially homogeneous and isotropic systems and mixing fermions with a time-dependent mass and a weak coupling to a thermal plasma. We introduce a new local approximation (LA) method and use it to derive quantum kinetic equations which can describe coherence and also include effects of the spectral width. The method is based on a local ansatz of the collision term. We also improve the earlier coherent quasiparticle approximation (cQPA) by giving a straightforward derivation of the spectral ansatz, a new way of organizing the gradient expansion, and a transparent way to derive the coherence-gradient resummed collision term. In both methods the transport equations can describe flavor coherence and particle--antiparticle coherence, and the related oscillations, of the mixing fermions. In addition to formulating the local equations we apply them to baryogenesis in the early universe. More specifically, we study the details of CP-asymmetry generation in resonant leptogenesis and the evolution of the axial vector current in electroweak baryogenesis (in a time-dependent analogue). We solve the equations numerically, and perform extensive analysis and compare the results to semiclassical (Boltzmann) equations. The results cover known semiclassical effects. We find that dynamical treatment of local quantum coherence is necessary for an accurate description of CP-asymmetry generation. When these details are known they can then be partially incorporated into simpler (e.g. semiclassical) approaches. However, coherent quantum kinetic equations are needed for accurate results across different scenarios or wide parameter ranges.

Davide Astesiano, Matteo Luca Ruggiero

7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication as a Letter in Physical Review D

We use the gravitoelectromagnetic approach to the solutions of Einstein's equations in the weak-field and slow-motion approximation to investigate the impact of General Relativity on galactic dynamics. In particular, we focus on a particular class of the solutions for the gravitomagnetic field, and show that, contrary to what is expected, they may introduce non negligible corrections to the Newtonian velocity profile. The origin and the interpretation of these corrections are discussed and explicit applications to some galactic models are provided. These are the homogeneous solutions (HS) for the gravitomagnetic field, i.e. solutions with vanishing matter currents.

We consider a massless, minimally coupled quantum scalar field theory with an asymmetric self interaction, $V (\phi) = \lambda\phi^4/4!+\beta\phi^3/3!$ ($\lambda >0$) in the inflationary de Sitter spacetime. This potential is bounded from below. While the $\beta=0$ case has been much well studied, the motivation behind taking such a hybrid potential corresponds to the fact that it might generate finite negative vacuum expectation values of $V(\phi)$ as well of $\phi$, leading to some dynamical screening of the inflationary cosmological constant, $\Lambda$, at late times, with the initial conditions, $\langle \phi \rangle=0=\langle V(\phi) \rangle $. In this work we first compute the vacuum expectation values of $\phi,\, \phi^2$ and $V(\phi)$, using the late time, non-perturbative stochastic formalism. The backreactions to the inflationary $\Lambda$ are estimated. We also compute the dynamically generated mass of the scalar field using $\langle \phi^2 \rangle$. We next compute $\langle\phi^2\rangle$ using quantum field theory with respect to the initial Bunch-Davies vacuum at one and two loop, using the Schwinger-Keldysh formalism. These results show non-perturbative secular logarithms, growing with the cosmological time. Using next a recently proposed renormalisation group inspired formalism, we attempt to find out a resummed $\langle\phi^2\rangle$. We have been able to resum some part of the same which contains contributions only from the local self energy. The corresponding dynamically generated mass is computed. Comparison of the stochastic and the quantum field theory results shows that they differ numerically, although they have similar qualitative behaviour. Possible reasons for such quantitative mismatch is discussed. The manifestation of strong non-classical effects in the results found via both the formalisms has been emphasised.

We consider a scenario of large-scale modification of gravity that does not invoke extra degrees of freedom but includes coupling between baryonic matter and dark matter in the Einstein frame. The total matter energy density follows the standard conservation, and evolution has the character of deceleration in this frame. The model exhibits interesting features in the Jordan frame realized by virtue of a disformal transformation where individual matter components adhere to standard conservation but gravity is modified. A generic parametrization of disformal transformation leaves thermal history intact. It gives rise to late time acceleration in the Jordan frame, which necessarily includes phantom crossing, which, in the standard framework, can be realized using at least two scalar fields. This scenario is embodied by two distinguishing features, namely, acceleration in the Jordan frame and deceleration in the Einstein frame, and the possibility of resolution of the Hubble tension thanks to the emergence of the phantom phase at late times.

We propose a new stellar structure of compact stars, the ``Cross stars" (CrSs) that consist of a hadronic matter core and a quark matter crust, with an inverted structure compared to the conventional hybrid stars. This distinct stellar structure naturally arises from the quark matter to hadronic matter transition associated with the chemical potential crossing, in the context of the quark matter hypothesis that either strange or up-down quark matter is the ground state of baryonic matter at low pressure. We find that the interplay between the hadronic matter and quark matter compositions of CrSs can help to reconcile the small radii constraints indicated by the LIGO/Virgo GW170817 event, the large radii constraints set for massive compact stars by recent NICER X-ray observations, and the recent observation of the most-massive pulsar PSR J0952-0607. This leaves more space open for the equation of states of both hadronic matter and quark matter.

Andjelka B. Kovacevic, Aleksandra Nina, Luka C. Popovic, Milan Radovanovic

published in Mathematics MDPI

Extraction of information in the form of oscillations from noisy data of natural phenomena such as sounds, earthquakes, ionospheric and brain activity, and various emissions from cosmic objects is extremely difficult. As a method for finding periodicity in such challenging data sets, the 2D Hybrid approach, which employs wavelets, is presented. Our technique produces a wavelet transform correlation intensity contour map for two (or one) time series on a period plane defined by two independent period axes. Notably, by spreading peaks across the second dimension, our method improves apparent resolution of detected oscillations in the period plane and identifies the direction of signal changes using correlation coefficients. We demonstrate the performance of the 2D Hybrid technique on a very low frequency (VLF) signal emitted in Italy and recorded in Serbia in time vicinity of the occurrence of an earthquake on November 3, 2010, near Kraljevo, Serbia. We identified a distinct signal in the range 120-130 s that appears only in association with the considered earthquake. Other wavelets, such as Superlets, which may detect fast transient oscillations, will be employed in the future analysis.

A peculiarity of the stellar CNO cycle caused by MeV alpha-particles and protons generated in exoergic nuclear processes is analyzed. The main parameters of these particles and suprathermal reactions induced by them in a stellar core are calculated. It is shown that these reactions can trigger an abnormal nuclear flow in the second branch of the stellar CNO cycle. A conjecture is made that the phenomenon is of a general nature and can manifest in various stars at non-exploding stages of their evolution. The influence of the abnormal flow on some CNO characteristics is demonstrated.

Milad Hajebrahimi, Hassan Manshouri, Mohammad Sharifian, Moslem Zarei

14 pages, 3 figures, submitted to EPJC

Quantum sensors based on the superposition of neutral atoms are promising for sensing the nature of dark matter (DM). This work uses the Stern-Gerlach (SG) interferometer configuration to seek a novel method to detect axion-like particles (ALPs). Using an SG interferometer, we create a spatial quantum superposition of neutral atoms such as $^{3}$He and $^{87}$Rb. It is shown that the interaction of ALPs with this superposition induces a relative phase between superposed quantum components. We use the quantum Boltzmann equation (QBE) to introduce a first principal analysis that describes the temporal evolution of the sensing system. QBE approach uses quantum field theory (QFT) to highlight the role of the quantum nature of the interactions with the quantum systems. The resulting exclusion area shows that our scheme allows for the exclusion of a range of ALPs mass between $m_{a}=10^{-10}-10^{2}\,\mathrm{eV}$ and ALPs-atom coupling constant between $g=10^{-13}-10^{0}\,\mathrm{eV}$.

Dynamos wherein magnetic field is produced from velocity fluctuations are fundamental to our understanding of several astrophysical and/or laboratory phenomena. Though fluid helicity is known to play a key role in the onset of dynamo action, its effect is yet to be fully understood. In this work, a fluid flow proposed recently [Yoshida et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 244501 (2017)] is invoked such that one may inject zero or finite fluid helicity using a control parameter, at the beginning of the simulation. Using a simple kinematic fast dynamo model, we demonstrate unambiguously the strong dependency of short scale dynamo on fluid helicity. In contrast to conventional understanding, it is shown that fluid helicity does strongly influence the physics of short scale dynamo. To corroborate our findings, late time magnetic field spectra for various values of injected fluid helicity is presented along with rigorous ``geometric'' signatures of the 3D magnetic field surfaces, which shows a transition from ``untwisted'' to ``twisted'' sheet to ``cigar'' like configurations. It is also shown that one of the most studied ABC dynamo model is not the ``fastest'' dynamo model for problems with lower magnetic Reynolds number. This work brings out, for the first time, the role of fluid helicity in moving from ``non-dynamo'' to ``dynamo'' regime systematically.